■ «■ *»«**y fc m **#?Ii* & ^T'f**1V >» i/jiz, \^ **& * , ."*■ r/.i 'X'. y "^agfe jog * 7/|i V Xi« 52^[??? V Ss I* '** IU*> <*?"<*{ *• A Htf'lff i*««>: 4 :n '58 % dfacftftiftie«tc wa*I fl *»•«* ^^Wtyw l& tyMfett&f* &pe tfjeifltt* fhctiolp let? $urU)atli of J oidMttb Jictbe feOttm&ttf t& rt pjolo«t tfte tinto,mabe up t$ewutteu&ef4tj)et **. . . ^L— *■ i*mwHV ■FR • * v-i;- 1 -A * ■ J* *■ "W T " i r "•■ ■r ,. ' • - \ • ■ r& %; •e < * ■V ■ -• :* -. 4- • • ;T \. * J fa * ' - t / ^ /' r > < f 25lafebp0)on g C5ilbctte 1 3sat|)ctJirspii b c ^insulcbplbop D paulebplbop t alppoUone t)icsf» if f ^>colafticat)itfiyn 5 ©up^afictjirffpn JC -V- €CC p l untie in pi fee b tlulfran bfibop XMi t Qlialcnttnniatt^ \)ti D -ffauftpncanD^otu'tc c 3w«ane Wrgpn f ^Dolicronbpaiop g ^>pmeon bpfoop ;', a S)abpiicniartp? b aWDjcOe ^jirgvn c * » « i*^ i •■ I 9 . * i Xti xm XMi X* XMOi TXiX ■ ss I * - -• '■•■•-*^Mb»- * V ft j)i« b .i ,t n. oavf ''Cte mcmt'.t jr jr. b %)autbbvQ)op e CftabOebpftjop ,', f &)artpne g 3Bb?iane b Mittoz attotaittpwn mc i it Hi iiii U W< iX X Xi XU XiU > * c ]&erpctucanD#flfctte ]Cb( D Dcpofict>on of Si clip \) t fourtpmattpicsS f 3fiapet)irgpn XiU fi tuition anbCaitbtbe ii M <5?effo?p b UftfoDo^euiatconc b 3CtJ ]C\)iu' c li^ratpanb^acoam Wi f ^atrpbe bpujiop g (gbujarDeftpngc yt) :i 3ofepb iiii b Cut&bertcabbote c 26enctabbote XU b i c ^beobo^cp^ce f SPgapitetnartpj tjc ■ g anuw't'Ot cn*.i » .*bi . 1 Cattojmartw 1W* b \jt c Do?otl)c\)irgpn b sitcto^pnc jcuii c jgnutrpne ifi f ^ocimcbplljop JtW XiX Xt XXi XXU 9 t> ■> JRC«« 0W JOT 3Ci hatb.w.t bapfkcii? mom tpt g ^Ijcoboitc^irgpn ^ ^arp esvpetan ',' b lapcbarbebvlbop c 3lmb;orebpf|)op n &)attitmt anu a)at* imanc c f €upl)empc 3t $ecpctuu# bpOjop c 25ntbia&0 jc b CCIK fotnte in fa ui« e 3uUna ]»« f )f(JC Dttl M Xiii a i ii Hi iiii \} "bi ix x xt XU m ^ :/i ^■•N I ■ *t . L . JajiU ' *' .il ..^^i_.. .„^"^1 *- ^i.-^ i _** ^: MM A-E*J * Ml •.jl^^^:.,^ aotJ>cr b HUtlfrpbebpRiop c fi)arfttruangcufl* b &apnctClttc c '3&naftafe f c #eferof 4l)plan 3 eruentoalbe > * > » ^ » > > PMH S ' AM jejeiti prig IRQ pi jrfc Dili b *it ii.UlJ.wri bap* #. fetJc mmitm - . b tMnHjj.inO "f amrtfapaftlrtf c atfyanaft bpCbop b jfjuifncioiiofflw vn»rtv f C5obatbc g 3obn before tbc latin pojtc 3 3oDnof25eucrip b appearing of $>fc)fclwcl c ^rantta.ofgD.jafcolaai D d5o;tDiananO<£punacI) g ^cruatfuslconfcflb? b 3nDojcmaetp$ c 25janbpnbplbop b 'CtanflaofaScrnarDe » » e 3>pofcoimartpj f 2)un(tanebpu)op a aSernaebpne -,\ l^elpnequene b 3nltane bfrgpn c ©efibcrp maetpj b 'Etanfla. of fl rauwcjS jtbii e aibetmebpt&op f aiuftapne S fl5ebep$ette ;t <0etmapne bpfoop b cojtonemartpj e ffelfr M . o ^cttofflflf btrgpn tt bi tfltf r\ i ph m *b jebt jebtii W XXi XJM ma mm PP* Mbit jejebtti mi fc 3hntc bath, wjc.uapejs.'ebc mom oati). wt#. tm] jebt AicoDeme martp? f 43>atceUpHeanD$e& 3 ®rafmttisi a Hi M b c Mellon arebbpflbop jtiii b 'Eranfla.ofUwlftane it t «$)e&atbeanbmou c 5Ll.25«»t jcbtii b ^aboMnbi?ebje Dtt e f C^btfiinnrinlto S 'Cranfla.of ^&ujttbM« a 'Cranfla.of €>rin«nDe b Stenclme bvnge e 3lrniJlpi)ebp(bop b muftpne attb 3nftpne z Wm&m cte bwgpn I pwebebirgpn t)ta it i m %iiii ybi< jcbttt jcije « Jdciitf Wbu Wbi« )CJ0C :;< i . )Ct3C mt ]Ciit it pi an %ii i iP t)t ffli Hi % W&Ps -OJAflLDalapne 3 3polinact]8bp^op b Cetftin birijpn Jfaft c lames* apoftie b atimcmotocr^c. e %ty fcucn ricpcrjS f ^>amfonbp(bop S 3c 3bbon anb ^mncus 1) ©crmapne bpfljop I it iit ftit \) bi bit bitt ft Xiii 3Cbi jrbti jebitt %it m m XXii ma tftitf srtp JCjtMtt ^ ^ '-* fi meiwilmbm f ^atrcfceanb^comp. Ybt P pm n JCtl iti| * i* bt JftJC biii fjatf),t^jrl.bapej*,'©lie mow.***: t lammatfDa^e b ^>tencneonfeu"o^ e anuencpon of ^>.ifi>tenen f jnftpnepjefte 3 /5Tcanffi3uca.of our lo?De b %efefteof3erti c Ctrpafte anb W felowcjJ b i&omapn e lanrencemattpj f 'Eibiirttntfmattp? S £>apnctcutre ■■*n PpoIiteanbUp^fcIotbcjJ b eufebtu* ifatt, c 3ffftimpcponofoueLaDp b CCbcfnnnetnbtrsvn e octaueof lanrence f 3flap i te ma ctp? S &;asmi$martp$ ^ lewpsibplbop b tSeenarbe c iDcta.alTump. D JMr e 3i5artbftmctoapo(t!c f ieUJpsittpnfle g ^ecpne 3 mnfemartp^ b 3Duftapne e beeola.3ohn b U cUjc anb 3£ubacte e. Cutbcrte birgpn September* Imtl).irw,Dflpfif.'CDe»noHeljath. ; ctiir. i» JCttt it f tiffpletfabbote g 3liitDipnpmarfp; If ^canfla.of CutlJbec c 26ertpnc abbote b eugentujos ,% f .flatitu.otourcllaop jcbtit g apottlc > > t it itt ill! bt bit Mtii tje Xiiii jebt ^btt Ybitt tip Xt tti tiiii Hi Pi tit 3 3nboc|jemartp^ b c Cpp^tane anb 3uff me b cotnte anb Damtane f <9tcbaelarebangcl S 3cromep?ette Ptiit mm nm jCjetaiif mt txt tut ti pMiii w ip Mi Kt JClttt Hi Pi tip, biif pMl » * ■iDctobee, W$PmMwfr%%* mone.jcej: 3 IRempgt bpftop b e b t 3poWnari0martft % tfaprfc i ^eiagr b e citron anb aitcto? b ificaftnaibpibop e toplfrvbe f ^ranua.ofebttarb * sanifran bpftop b CI D* fnnne tti fcojpioric e b Itt&c euange tiftt e ifrebert»pbet)ttgpti f ^uftrebcttebiegpne g Yt.<$.bfrgpn*0 ilon < > 4 3 49arpfalome b momapn bpflfcfpp c ^)agio^ebptboii b Crtfptaneanbcrt e bit 1t)ttl tj: Xiiii P* m jrb« ybtit m tt tPi fptnvtne wttf Wttti XX* txw Wbiif mt txt mt 5atD.JfWDare0. '^:be tnottc jtij. b ^lieffallofanfavnctetf jCttt e ^UfoulcHbavc tt f tDenefrebe btrgpne g atmantfu* t * letep^efte ,', b leonarbe jebiii c SJUilfrpbrarelpbpaiop e <&iieoDo?e yb f ^actpnecionfttTo? ttu g ^aetpnebpmop % |Satcenemarir* i 4 Mi MH W i it * ^ >* it-.iiLa AiJ^&A ■* id 'VV ^ */j||._* . TaV. V: »t, • • it pW Wi iU ti pit HJtlj W to a ®r c ^ranfla.of (grKcntw & C'(f!jf fumiciiifaoitf. c CDmtintJcarcbbrftop f Dcwbyqjop S octa.of&)artj>n a <£ly?abeH> ,*, b e m untie Up njjc c D CccplttrifffpM e f <5 Mogone mart?? g fiatpcppncWrsW l) aiffricolc c l^ufcmart^ b gbaturnync; jTau\ • Jttfl jciiti **J xm n xxl txiii ptitii xmi xxm ttit XXX $Dcctinbti% 5 liban '3 s>epofi.!dDfmmrt)e b a&arbara Dtrspn. « » » f c £ml>benbbote JCW(J & tfoncrurponofoitrej.abp t octa.or#nb?ct»c f fttrolajtfbpniop g Capjiaw abbote b samara' t plucft*r. C^l«t«tnac-licio^tl»m»> % t "'* * su f* ■!«■* ij *9.b.*l «?.b.*l« <9.D.tf.b.!« 4$).b.luf SMMua mb.it) «).B.l\)i 4Qb.lW< ^jeW«.4J)ar: )Ct>« 3IP?iU i]C.3Dp?m yjct).«)air. jC(iu.3p?ill t).3tP?lU ^.3Dp^U ti.3Cp?iU W<.35P^U jetfje.^ar, jcw«.aiipini «3p?m jrjct>.^ar^ XXX.&>M. xm.fom a Hi iiii \>i iX % Xii tiii XHii m XWli XiX 26 % St € to c 75 to c % <&• if Dit mi it % Xt Xii tiii XHH X* m tm xmt XiX XX XXi XXii ttm Xtiiii XtM XXMi tx\)U XXiX XXX XXXi V v*a ( I y^ f 1 •V'.p. , "jj * * ^f .* Cue fame to ty «ioma th picrjrrc 5*c aics to tl)e profile fatkifpt* Vc tball not bo ctierf» man tDftat tkZmJQmiZiiZL w- *** W t i ■+ A I J)p/mtbPHebmiDc,a.ibaremcmS < C'CCtie waw bnfcb.yii utonctfjc •tt.lilwt Iftr tf.anb one bni'f « 3nbf^tD •wibWJiourcjj. A v» ' t B 4 * ( ■ > V »'! •__"*! A_^ ■aaasmc. .: fi .a 4. aa. M< ii > " n "" p fi r I ••; ttje ^itttnan after W ottHpf "iffiaSm^^ of t&c beupll Wfotopmae fcaf cm / tortile t\)t fa »niotonrinm,n°t,bu«al^ t evittft) not all tfte w<>^ 1 ^"?5„ , StettSSWl)P «B better known, me Uroloe | tf m tm fvmic nnf * mi>l ? tc of we "" c f Shi»ft Kte foonioe tcBtmt t»tm from tDnc fnWeS'iSamentttiet^efs moot* mi* * - h fi .- * J C&Dtfatocpon anb fuccetTeofthe fcytt gc# of 3trtw anb 3etufatem,beelar pnge ttoijan « tuber tobat atmo** eucrp pjop&ct ipueb.ftnb tobat notable topngea fa* pcncbtnt&cp.ttpmefctranaattboutt of tpt Ipebjue. £ 3fftub rapueb otier Sftaeil tije. w. C. jtjtfr. pcre tfte entttpngc mto the lanoctobc^ M rbe.(m,C.pere of their paffpugc out from egppt,anb toe if.^.mgunbKb.lrrtoiu.pcrcaftettbecrcanonoftbet^ neb.tl.pcrtanbbegat Salomon. 3>alomonbupltc tbetemple. Inoin fr& oapejOonat&anJbbMW .__™getal>eatnrapgn^ 3nb after Ijpm f utapu m fount tapgneb. ill. pcre, anb 3bbo tba* tbemopnete ffa npis fonneraptfncD after flpm.jrtt.pci*.3(analm tljefouncof £>bab,tynnam tteEwM lemt ftefanneqffeanawj^ tu r fount of tpanant, ©bama,#cpa,3ebict tbe fonne m&timpdkb Wltasat w fount of / ivuvnv^uiutyvvtw^wuuntitutiuui: lynpiiiujpiui joajj: ono^tnauarapaucD 01 vcdrc ana t\)cy hvllcH bee.3n0 3o.^rarp;ne0.rl.perc. 3f tcr ijpm papguco bptf fonne Timixtatm afttrj^mrapsnettmjia^^i^ ^§(onu|3ottat|wnrar3nco after bpm,W4»trr.'C ¥! nio^miD^iatjuaub^icna ^oaaftOire0.^Orn|)wrmihc3ija0rargncDafterownii«; rfW.J«bl^Iea,e^r,3tmo]0{^ic^aaD^^ Mttnftfr^n.rjtfe.pcirr:^orca,Cfapr^moA^ttOaWw mwalTe MM. l\) ; pcrr,3oftcU, Bnlnim auoV^afeuek K?SS !;tmvnpgnco3mon!j!0tomu\u.vcrc,nnDIf)o?aitoa0p?opl,et^ neb after Opm.frri.pcrc/^De wop&rtctf twrr Mm 3c rempc «iud jkotto, jtcbom % fonne rapjjneD after J^^mmmiemiilmm^fi^mf^iMI^^MmiA^^ mmm met oim.jrt.pcre, jmmn mm Urn tocrc mmm %MMuvneof tSaSS» pMumamm ftynge of zSabpion tone hpm eapfpHe,attV?e bpS iffiZ u t ^2crtt(JlewanbaltlJcpuemtrjS,attbto6cfaptfuc.^ trvbr^\*d;e voerc all Dalpwmf men of toarrc. Ifttr l)ym rajSebKSnoSS t\)ic nunrttnj anb.jr.Hap«,3crcmpr RionOccpdtBC, anb j3abut%onc«r lipncreof ■ Satell fatl;er,tpc ■ r onnc of 3ofiai;u Upnge, toppcb rnpaneb.rt.pere, from ano «KcbicTmooiic. cpcnse/clK.-o.vere 0f|tjS rapgnc m bott of Abplon &4mnSS^uwmt& rt.perc of hijei mmk tyr eptte u»0 taftttt ca ptpue aub 3urpc Lfi "l met ft om Sufiff tl)W toatf tl)e.t3iiCc.anb.U!.pcre of tftep? cnterpng mto tl/lnnor -aXbe ttuS uf t • % pr^ffercaeionof^ yntpu toe muLftm of tot mnmmmam of lipnge 3rboebt?ii anb WaS^SSSSi J«i«rra|ipco.jtjcifi.pcaw^wot|jc^ftpmrt f on anb aftertbp bpeb in 2©abeU after tbc bea ^reoftbitbrftniccionoftbctempMnbt^c.l^.pcreoftbcbonutu jDarm^ebo rapgneb, tDcCljalbcctf afejpomcW beft ropeb anb ?erobabel afecnoe in n I iSlRlPm PM*W' ot€\)OM npnge of t\)z perfpanjj^ tli traf nmira c en i tSi pr»tbaj^^(^t|efottttrotlcjo^ w^SSSSSSffSSSSSf S r , ael r ut ^ WF«W ur bleffeb , belpuercb mSSSt&L of bpm anb alfo of toaman/cije.jrtjui.petc of tfte I! i_ i IS i &&cCmpcyon nnbinmabapeatbcttpngbomcoftftca^^ f Si ami tbvneeare anb Ucr& tl>e tbojtbe* of We men. %\&%m% $acebo Irpng of after bpmrapgncb 3tfaia anb 3a* * uauntoW Comic of Ketone capgncb,anb agapne after bpmcapgncb wronne filunnba*. Hbc. Cm. pcrc of the motnapneg tapgnetohpebe W.itu. C.jcl. pcrcof tbctemplebuplt top,5btbe.m\4g. to .Cltoiu.pccc from W cceacion of tbe toojlbe came tocrpafpan anb beftcopeb tbc temple , anb carpcb jftarlv manp of tbc ftocac of S>auib anb 3cbuba into fpapne. 1' u '•"•I .- ■ i €& prologue o? preface mabe bp tlje rocoft rencrenbe rather m (ffob, 'Sboma* 2!rebbprbop of Ganturl urp ^etcopolptananb^pmateofenglanbe. i©2 ttoo fontype fortes of people/it fe* metb mocbe necetTacp tbatibmt&pnge be fapbc in tbe entrpc of tbv$ booae, bp tfte wape of a preface 02 p? ologue : t»ber bp beraf tec it mape be botb £ bet = tec accepteb of tbem,t»b^ Wtbecto coulbe not well beare i t -.9 olfo tbe better , "tofeooftl)cm,i©TObectofoic5auempfurebrt.jfoittculp,fomctbcteacetbac be to aomcanb nebettottlK fpurceaomc otoecfemcto qupcacanb nebemo^e of tbe b^pbeil. ome walae to mocbe on tbc lefte banbe, fomc to mocbe on m tpgbt. 3n tbe fojmec fojte be all tbep tbat refute to reabe, 02 to beace cebbc tbe feci ptnre in tbep? toulgar tongea, mocb wojfe tbep tbat alfo let, 0? toifcoucagetbc btbecteom m reabpngeoj beacpngetbetof.3intbe lattec fojte be Hk&wM lmtbep?(no^matcceabpnff,"tonb{fcteterpeaBt»nff > contentioujEibrfputpng J o?otDectt)i'rc ) bp tbcpjbcencpouglpuinge, flattbecanbhpnbcctbe wo2beof(5ob, moofteofall otber, wberof tbep wolbefemetobegeeateft fttctbecec*. -fchefetwo fojtcgalbcfttbepbemooft faece ton* paetbeonetotbeotber, ?ettbepbotbbefcrueineft%telpBe repjocbe. iSeptbec cattjfwcil Ul t»l)ptbcc of ttjem 3 mapeiubge tbe mojeoffenber, (jpm tbat Dotb obftinateiptcfufe fo fi'owpe anb sooblp nnotDlebgc ■ 0? bpm tb*t fotongoblpanbfotongooblp botb abufetbc fame s 3nb aft touebpnge t])t former 3ttoolbemacuapIe mocbe tbatanp man Cbulbcbefo mabbe,a0 to cef wfe inoacclme^lpgbttinbongec , foobc:in colbe, fptt : fo; tbc wo?be of (Bon W li»gl)t:lncerna mmuti me W, toerbum tuum . it oobe : ifton in folo pane tomit bom 0, feb in ombitoeibobet.ifpec^gnemtoemmitfereniterram^tqurbtoolo.iiifitjtarbcat^tDolDe tnaruaple ( 3 fapeattppsJ ) faue tbat 3 confpber , bowe mocbe cuttome anb tofage mape bo. ftojtfyitpf tbecetMcce a people ajSfomet»?pte, becpmcr^^txibtcbttetierfatxjetbefunnc, bv rcafon tbattbcp be fitnateb farce tot»arbe tbe no^tb polcanb be enclofeb anb ouerOjabotticD vsith |jpiubmofltapnej{:(t(sicceOpbleanbWRepnougo,tbatpf,bp iJepotDccanb toili of Gob, tbt monntapnejai amlbefpnfte bowncanb gcue place, tbat t^t Ipgbt of «(je f untie mtgbt banc r^tcrannce to tbem.at tbef?;lt,fomc of t[jem tvolbebe offenbeb tie cunt!). % nb tlj e olbe pio = necwaffecmetb.tbataftcrtpllage of coitie tuaiS rpiftfounbe : manp belpteb mo?e to feabc of matte anb acoine&tttyecvoiib tbep bab ben accu&om eb>tben to eate b2eeb mabc of go on co?= ne . ®ocbc W tbe nature of enftome tbat it canfetb to^tobeaccalltbpngesstBellanb eafelpe, toJbecmitb toefeuebene accuftomc^anb to be offenbeb tuitb all tbpnge^tbermito contcacp. 3nb tbecfo2e,3 can wcUtbpnne tbcm tooitbp pacb on, tDbicb at tl)e compng abioabe of ftci- ptuce Oonbteb ano b?et»c bacUe. uSut fneb a0 vopll peefpft e ft pll in t\tm i»plfulncs(,3 nwftt nebc0(Mbge,notonelp.foolp(befcotoiacbeanb obftfnate j butalfopcupftbe , pecuccfc anb in- ornate (Unb pet.pf m matter fibulbe bctcpeb bp cnftomc,t»e mpg&t alfo allege cuftome top tbc reabpnge of tbe fcrtyture in toe toulgaretonge, anb p2efcrtbe tbemoie anncientenftomc.- 3tot it tinot mocbe about one bunmetbpeace agoo, ferns fcriptuce batb not bene accuftomea to Ac cebbe in tbe toulgac tonge within tW ccalme.anb manp bunojeb pcarc g bef 02c that,(t toajS tcahflateb 9 cebb m tbe ^feajconetf tonge,t»bicb a t tbat tvme was! once motberiS tonge. ttJberof tpece remapnetbpet biuecsicoppejS fonnbe latelp in olbe abbeW, of focb antique ma= nec^ of tpiitpnge anb fpeaaing, tbat feme men novae ben able to teabe mtb tonbecftatiDe the. m\o lobentbW language wawo olbe anb outof comen tofage.becaufe folbc Hmlbe notlacfte tbcftMteo|reabpng,ittxja£{ agapne tranflateb in tbe newer languao:e.tt>becof pet alfo mam> copied r emapne anb be baplp tounbe . 2Sut notwe to lett pafTe cuttome, anb to taepe as wpfc mencnec%lbe,tbetbpnginbP0at»nenatuce,letto!«berebmHffe.51Ubatitauaplctbfcri= oture to be bab anb rebbe of tbejap anb tonlgare pcople.anb to tW queftion 3 entenbe bece to fape notbfeig:but tbat wag fpouen anb wiptten bp t&e noble boctourc anb m ooft m oiall bf tunc fapntaobn .CbJtfottome.in ty$ tbpibe fecmon be la jaco:albe(t; 3 wplbc fomtbpngc tto2tec,anbgetbcc tbe matter into teatt>eri»02be$anb leiTe rottme WU doth tf/cretbecau- fe3tojolbeno|betebpoutf. ^ceyo2tetbtbecebpjSaubtencc,thateuerpmanajulbereabebp Dim felfe at bonie in tbe meanebapetf ano tpmc, bettoene fecmon anb fecmon 1 to tbe entente tbep mpgbt botb mo?e pjof oubelp r>jce in tbeir mpnbe^anb memoifetf tbat be m fapbe bc= fo?etoponfocbtme0,iobecnponbe|)abaliccabpep2eacbeb:aub fbew mpnbetf fttwott reabp anb better piepareo to recepue anb perceaue that tobtcb be ibnlbe fep frome thenfftatb in p$ fermoneitf, tops focbe ttxt eg,ai« be bab not vet beclaceb anb p2«cbtbtopon:^ejfp?efapt|)6et|itce;^pcomentofafle«togewepo^^ V , n * A_^ rf** ._, __j. 1 i &.; v • II- V» JTV '% A* I V 1 r ~\ i matter 3 itttcnbc after to cuttcatc \>pon, £ pou poure fclneg in tbe meane tape g mare actbebohetn hanbe, reabe, wepe , anb pcrccpue tbc famine and rlfrctoftUc nutttferrano iitarbe what barb bene Declared, and wbatremapnetb pet to be oceiatedjfoptbetbppoiirc tnpnde mape be tbc moic furnpujcb.tobcrc tbc reftc,tbat ftalbe fapbe * 3nb tbat 3 cjcWte pcucfoptbbOano eucetiaiiet wplletfwtc poiutpe ( notonipbere fntbccburcbOgcueearc totbat.tbat igfapdebptbe p?eacber:buttbatairo, wbenpc bent borne inpoutc boufcg, pe npplpc poure fclucgfeom tpme to tpine to (lie rcabp ng of tbe bolp tcrtptureg:WbfcD tbpng al* fo 3 ne tier I pane tobcatc into tbc carcg of tbcm that bene ntp rmnpltcrg.and witb wbom 3 bau£p^puatcaquApiitaunccanbcoii»rrrncpon.s,ettnoinanma!teerciire'anbfi , ;pe:(fapetu 0e)3 am butyed aboute mat tiers! of tbc cfimon wcitb , 3 bcare tbig office o? p, 3 am a craftcg man,3m«(rapplpempHcoccupacpon,3ba«eaujpfe,mpctjpib < icnmHftberc00e,mpbottre= boloc mnft 3 p?oupdc fo?. mtciflp3 am a man of tbc wo?ld,it ig not fo? me to reade the ftri* pfurcg, that bclSgctb to the that batbbedden tbc wo?lbfap?cw anbcontempiatpott^baebatbbcncb^ougtJtbp.anOcontpnuaUvitofpUeDmlearnpngeanb rcligpon. 'STo tbpganfwcrpng : wbat fapefttbou matte fapcf b fie) ig itnotfo?tbctottubpe «nd to reade the fcripturc.becaufetbou art cncob?eb andbiftracte with cures anb bufpneiW ^o in oc b tljc mote it iiSbcboiicfuU fo? tbc to banc Defence of fen ptu cEjJ,bo\x»e mocbc tbon art the mm otftrc (Ted in wo? iDlp oaungcrg. 'Cbcp that bene free anb farre from tronbleanb en* tremnd tbcrfo?c tbou baft mo?e nebetoba= uc tbp remebpeg anb medecpnegat bandci'fcbp wpfcp?ouoket b tbe to anget,tbp cbplbegp* netn tbc occafpon to take fojo we anb penlpuencg, tbpnc enempeg Ipetb in wapte fo? t fce,tb? frenbet, atfrpou ta deft bun; font tpme enupctb tbc, tbpncpgbbourempfrepo?tctbtbe> o?»pc« bctbmiarcigagapnfttbe,tbp mate o?partpnerWibcrmpnctb tbc tbplo?bciubge,o?foftpcc tb.ietntetb tbc pouertvcigpapiiefuU to tbe.tbeloffeoetbpDcarcanDUJcJbEloucDcauretb tbe to mmJimmtm cjcaltetb tbe, aducrfpt e bjpngctb tbe lowc . TBiefyc , f o biuetfe anD fo ma npr olfie occafpon* of carcg, tribulacpong anb temptactong befetf etb the anb befegerb tbe rounoeaboutc.ipbcrc canft tbou ljauc armonre oz f otferefle aaapnfttbpne affant t$o bene m boftetf of tbc p^ opbet c0, anD apoftflleiff, and a II bolpc tome in fptred bp tbe bolp ffboft J itiftrum en= fetfof oitre faltiacpon . UUberfo?e,Ict W not ftpcUc to bpe anb pjoupdc** tbe ^pbleibatW to rapctbc boobciS of bolp fcripture.38nd Ictt 1)0 tWHz tbat to be a bettce3uell inoutboufe tben eptber golde ojfplucr. ^o^lpbeajstbeuejefbene lotbe to atTaute an boufc , wbere tbev hnotrctobegoobannoureandartiUarp.fotobereroeticrtbefebolpanbgboftlpboobeiSbene occupicd.tbercnetbcr tbe deuell.no? none of bptfangellcjSdare icomeneare : 3nbtbeptbat occuppe t\)etn betictnmocbe rauegardcandbauengreate confolacpon , and bene tbe readpec tntp ail goobness, tbe flower to m eupll, anb pf tbcpbaue done aup tljing ample/anone eueti bv tbc fpgbt of tbe boobes* tWft conftiencctf bene admoniibed .find mv wajcenfojp 9 afba* med of tbc facte. ^arabuentnre,tbeptt)iUfapct)ntome:bottJcandpft»e^nderftanbenott tbat we reade, tbat ijf contepned in tbe bonc$.taUbat tben .^upjpofctbou t>nderftanbe note pe depc and p?ofoftde mifterpeii of fcripturetf, pet can it not be, but tbat mbebeftnte anb bolpne* muft come anb grotoe tanto tbe bp tjjc readiug:fo? if cannot be tbat tbou Omlbeft be tgno?aunteirtaUtbingcie{olplie.!ffo?tbebolpegboftbatbfoo?bccebanbattempcrebtbefm- pturc8f,tbatintbcmaftoellpublicane0, fpfujcrsf, andtbepberdej! mape fpndctbep?ebpRco- eion,a^greatedoctourej8tbep?erubitpon:fo?tbofcboobej«t»crenotmabetot)apneglo?pe. ipbea^ were tbe w?ptingcjs of tbe sent pie pbUopbofet«iandretbo?icpanjr,totbeementtbe «*'■'• %. -» t >■ f maberjeftbulde be badd in admiration fo?tbep? bpe ftplerfanb obfeure maner of w&- wberof notbpng can be wtderftande witbout a matter 0? an ejepoatourc. T&ut tbc apoft; . and p?opbcte0 w?ote tbcp? bobe^fo, tbattbep? fpcciall cntcutandpurpofe mtgbt be tondc» itanded and perceaued of eucrp reader, wbicb wa0 notbiug but tife edit icacpon and amende* meute oftbe ipfe of tbemtpat rcadctb 0? bcarctbit • Mbo i« tbat reading 0? bcaringreadc in the gofpell , 25leffed are t^tvt^ai bent mebe, H51eu"ed are tbcp tbat bene merepfull , ^olcfTed arc tbcp tbat bene of cleane bertc : and focb otber Ipbe places ,can pcrccpue notbing ejeccpte be imueamaftertoteacbebpmwbatitmeanctbi'libcwpfe.tbc ugnctfand mwaclcjs «)ttb ail otbcrbPfto?petf oftbe bopngejS of Cb?ift 0? bPJS apoftellsf, wbo ijs tber of fo umplc wittc and capacite.butbcmapebeablctoperceaueanbDnberftandc tbcm t 'ftberebebut erenfeaano clobejlfo? t\)t rapne , and UeucrpngejJ of tbep? awnepdell aoutbfulncsf, 3 canot tmbcrftande ft.Wllljatmaeuapllef'looweibuldeft tbou tinderftande.pf tbou \rplt not reade, noiloftetjpo it/' taltetbe boohcsiinto tbpne bandcjtf.rcadc tbc bole fto?pc,and tbat tbou \)ndcrftahdcft kepc it well in mcmo?pe:tbat tbou t)nderftandeft not , reade it agapne and agapne : pf tbou can netber fo come bp it, counfapllc witb fome otber tbat is better learned .GototW curate and p?cacber,ujewetbpfelfetobedcfirou0tobnoweandlcarnc. 3Cnd3doubtenot,butGoD ftpingetbP diligence and redpneffecpfno man elleiSteacbe tbe) wpllbpmfelfc wouebfaffe x& bp^bolp fp?cte to illuminate n>, and to open \jnto \%t tbat wbicb wag locked from tbc Remember tbe ©nnucbng of Candace quene of Ctbioppc, wbicb albeit b^ wag a man of a wplde and barbarous conntrpe, and one occupped witb wo?ldlp cureSand bufpnelles, pet rpding in bv& cbaret,be wagreadpnge tbe fcripture. &o wc confldcr ,pf t\m m an paffpng in bpfliojnep, wag fo Diligent ag to rcaDe t\)c fcripture, wbat tbinbeft tbou of like wag be wote to Do littpng at borne t JJgapncbc tbat lettcD not to readcaibcit bt dpd not \)ndcrftaudc, U)bat dpdbctben, trowefttbou , aftcrtbatwbcnbcbadlearncdandbaDgottenWiDerftan= ding.-' Jfo?tbattbou mape well bnowetbatbet)nOcrftodcnotwbatbcrcade:birbcniDbat ^bilippc tbcrefaptb Unto bpm .Underftandcft tbou wbat tbou rcadcuV 3nd Ijcnotbvnae aujamed to confelfc bpg igno?auncc,anfweretb:I^owe ftjulde 3 Wtdcrftandc baupng no bo= dp to liiewemc tbc wep i £0 wben be lacked one to fljewe bpm t\)t wepe and to ejepounde to bpm tbe fcripturcg, pet bpd be rcadc:and tbeef o?c C5od tbc ratber p?oupdcd fo? bpm a gpdc oftbewep,tbattaugbtbpmto\jnderfl;andett. C5oa pcrccpued bpg wpllutgeand towarde mpndemnd tbeef o?c l;c ftnt bvnx a tcacber bp and bp. -ijrberfojejct no man be negligf t about bpg awne health anb raiuation •. though tbow Untie not Philippe allwapeg when thou wol* bcft,tbc bolp gboft, wbicb t\)en moucb and ftcccd ijp ^btlippc, wilbercadp and not faile tbc pf tbou do top diligence acco?oinglp.31U tbcfe tbingeg bene written f 0? Dg to ourc edif pcatio and amendement, wbicb be bo?netowardeg tbc latter ende of tbc wo.iide . 'Ebc rcadpna of fcripturcg tgngreatc and ftrong bulwarkco?fo?tcrcircagainftfpnne, tbcigno?aunce oftbe fame ig the greater rupnc and deftruccpon of tbcm tbat will not kuowe icgrbat ig tbe tbina tbat b?ingctb in bercf peg, tbat ig it,tbat caufctb a II co?rupte and perucrfc .Ipuing, tbat it ig, p b?pngetb all tbingeg out of goobo?dcr.^etbcrto,all that 3 baucfapde,3 bane take and ga- thered out oftbe fo?fapdcfcrmon of tbtgbolpdoctourfapncc3obnCb?ifoftome.i5owcpf 3 ftjulde in lpke maner b?png f o?tb, what tbe fclf e fame doctour fpeakctb in other placcg , and what otber doctourcgandw?pttcrgfape,conccrningtbefamepurpofe,3mpgbtfemcto pou to vo^yte another 25pble,ratber then to make a p?erace to tbc 2U5ible.U)betf o?c in fea w wo?- deg to comp?cbenbc tbc largeneg and Wilptic of tbc fcripture , bo wc it contcpnetb frutefnll tnftmctionand eruditpon fo?cucrpman,pf anptbtngcg be neeeffnrpe to be Ieamcd:of the bo- Ipefcripture tDemapelcarncit.^f faI(bebOmilberep?oueb, fbcrof we mape gather wbcr- with all.gf anptbpngebctobccb?rcctcdandamended,pf tberenedcanpcjcbo?tationo? co« folatpon.of tbe fcripture wc mape wclllearnc.3ntbcfcrppturcg be tbc fattepafturcg of tbc fOulctbcrin in no Dcnpmoufc meatcno tmbolfome tbvn%e,tbcv be tbe \Jerp dapntie and pw» re fedpnge.i^c tljat igigno?annfe, (ball fpndc there wbat be iboldc learne.Ioetbatiga pcr« Hcrfcfpimcr,(balltbercfpndebigdamnatpontomabcbpmtotrcmblcfo?fcarci lf)etbatla= bonrctb to feme euoxcrH tUcrn fcluctf to goobnetf.cucr v tbpitae ^S^SS^SSfSBSSS 50 A D;bc " *!* ■«■* ■*■« ^Vpnff muJrfo SS 55 iJH ,ct ♦ 0an! pvtb.bti^qui biligttnt beam omma coopcrantur in bomim : cue n as out of rpon orniaitoncitnin tpmc of Dauger.tD&erfoicl wo be abutfc vott all , that comcrhto the Sffi&S? W« ! f W* bote . wWcb iS ffc «4S of c^ob tbc moofte wSSSSSSm S??S?S?ffli&^ SfW* SfflP »«*?■* PC Wni witb volt tfe f care ofS an? tnnr pc do it witl) an Due rcuerece.ano ure pourebnotolebac tbcrotlnot to \mvnt aUtveanh A ??iSSi S5? ? y f 9Pew« tljat in bi>0 tpme tberc were fame (a* 1 fearcmc , tot re bene anOtonSK nSuSSKSSf^fi&^Sf 1 !^ BRWP «»Plwtf«lI to contencpon anb impw* ^t^mi&X'ff^3^f mf P « ^ ^ C F bene tirbcmt nf e a lib crncftto rcafon tlje Stfffi ft bb JKtff SfiKfSS KV «?S^««J« to *° soob bebest. m fo? afinoebe aucrnccur^ Sf ^ cucr^ancinblep of meinen t& fvlleo 55E 1 SS 5L u, 2F- ,lor *2 n ff c W:bM * fl ^ fe t»cw a f opblftcpe o?a talftmra craftc 1 can no leflfe SmtaSS^JSS^£!£SS ? «!»»«?** 1" t«c«P aubicce mutfie Dircufe SSflSSSKhSRSS SSt^SR wl)5, f o popin,anb ba w farrc toe ougbt to enter into foch 'SSSSS&AS^SSSR B"! "•'S"? bc te P° rrt : m nt ««« wowc all otttwarbc n «?ST„hl D £ ? lf ! n,D **" *•* 0,,rc btabbcebe not cncomb2eb tuttb otber woJlbclvc he CSfi i ^2 n h.Sf rmp!ie . ft, 9 e J mi ? eee0 $ m m*W of ftrppture^ ; mnfte ta» f*!T f ^b^belje^bert.anbtowbafanbrcnce.ithn'crtnbamon : jtne, anbnotamongcfuchcnxi brtuepiearnreto rrpflc wmSmtmL^miih nVh,» ne^tqibe we tbcre witter Jearnpngc anb eloquence in ffeSSWl^S^ Dotoc farrc to We in fucbe ma 1 1 S o tiSRSSI^St% C fapetb be ) butajl etietp manuciS -atone cauarptie Wll feme hmanhSr^tSnnfnJhcl^l Wj«S#nw&«wone«nDeHenf^ 8«rttt talftpnK$ f aft tofietbtr in aramncnScvn.. rmSSSBSSS 8H S00D *WJU «M toe map tefe ♦hr tt^rtrt* Api*;.«..ei".*" , J *i Si!*: 1 " HHuuiteagec as tucp take it) but in bcry Dcao , ft is( ratber \ct\wto patte 3 recc ptcb tbe mprtoe •f before. 'Ebc fame autboue Cipctb ■% * M anotoenbe hcreatfitftbefeateof dfrob, tljereW.fapetljbe.the hcpmgeoftbecommauttbcinetitcsi.anDvobcrea^t^tbebeppttfioftbecdtnauttbemfte^tbcre iQi tDc cienrpnsc of tlje flcfOic, voDUD fleO^c 10 a clouoe before thefouleioi e pe, anb fiifferctb it uotpucrlpetorccthebcamcof pl)tm\lyUQ})t.\x>\)tteamt\)ttU\\^n^oUf)efki(he,mtz ifitbet'llutiuimtton of tbcbolp$[boft,tbcnbc of all ourcbcfwesi , anb tbe ibeep Ipgjjt xnhtthp tbc\>r rptic of fcripturetfitf fcenanb perccpucb.-srhte Wtbempnoeanbalmoft the mozntH of ^cgo.ue.ftatfanjcneboctourof thegrekecburebe of u>bomlaput3erome fapth , that Unto bpstpme.tbclatcn cburchebabnotxjjptcrablctobc comparcb.anbtoinahe an ettenmatcbe tDitblHm.^lJcrfo^ctoconclubetbijSlattcrpa^euerpmantbat commeth to tbe reabpiige of tlMbolPcboouc ought to bjpngeu>itb bpmfpjft anb fojmoftethpsifcare of almpgbtpe gobbr,anb then ncjrtca fpjmeanb ftablepurpofeto refojmebptf aume felfeaccojbpnge the* I)nto,anofotocoiitvnuep^ocebc,an0p^ofpercfrometpmetotpnie,(bcu>?'iijrebpmrelfeto beafobcranofcutcfuUbcccr anb Icincr.tDbicbPflJcboo.tjetballp^oneattbelejitb sellable t oteache, though not wttbbptf mouth, ftt toitb bvtf ipupuge anb goob example, wbicb ist (ucrfbnnoftlpuel^aiiDmoftecfttctconrcfo^neaiibniancroftcacbpna.^ctbatofberttJi'fe int crmcbcict b with this* booke.iet bpm be au"uceb,that ontf be (ball make accompte tberfoie, when he (ballhaue rapbetohpm atf it t* toiyttm in tbe #jopbetc 3Dauib,teeccatotf Wcit bcti0?cc.(!nnto thcbngoblp lapoe <5ob, robpboeft tbou pjeacpemp lat»e#, anb faheft mp tcftam cut m tty moutb: tObereas! tbou bateft to berefojmeD , anb baft caftc mp woibeff be* bpnbctbe.ttJhcnthou fatxiefta thefctbouconfentpbefl: tmto jjpm anb jjaft beue aartetaket TDitt)abuoufrrm(/$:bou baftiettthp month tyeakc wpekebnes: , anb xoith t\)v tonge tbou baft fetfojtb btfeepte. *£bou fatteftanb fpaheftagapnft tlv bjot&eranb baft fclaunbeeen tljf aronc mother* fonite.^befc tbpngctf baft tbou bone.fr 3 belbe mp tons anb $ thougtbeft ( u>pckc blp jtbat 3 am euen fcictjc a one ass tbp felfe . 35ut 3 topU repjoue tbe , anb fett befo*fr ttmtbetbpnged tbae tbou baft bone. UDcontVbet tbte , pethatfojget <0ofi left 3 pluck epou awap^anbtberbenonetobeUuecpou.ll)bofoon^cetbmetb$ke0anbp2apfeSenonoutetb mcanD to Jjprn tjjat o^cretbDPJSfonuerfation tpsbt : wpH3^etoetI)e foluatfon of gobbe. (gobfauet&ekpnge, Cw names of all tlje booker of tMpble <£?enefitf. "fchefpjftbokeoMBore* ewus. ^befeconbebokeof^ofetf HeuiticujS.'Cbe tbp^bc boooke of cfiofeji Burnett loe fourth bo okc of SGoreg j©eutcton.'Cbefpftbbookeof ^ofcis 'BCDcbooftcsioftbefeconbenatte. 3oftiai '5rbcbookcof3orua 3ubtcum ^beboobeofaubflc^ mutb. ^:be booke of mutb i.mcqum. 'Ebc fp^ft booke of tbc kpnge-g uHeflfi. ^befeconbe booke of the kpngerf W.megu. Hbe.Ui.bookeoftUckpnge0 fm,mega.^be4ttt.bookeofthekptige0 i.garaipp.'Cbe^ftoftheC^onpcIesr i^.^atalp. 'Ebe rccoube of tbe Chjonpclcji i.etb^asJ. ^befp^ft booke of eftw ii.i<)m, ^be feconbe booke of ettyaief i.eftber^ ^befpjtftbokeof eftber 3ob; / 3:bebookeof3ob 'Srbe booked of tlje thpibe parte pfalteriu.'Ebepfalter v #?ouecbui ^bep?ouerbesl of Salomon Ccclefiaft.tr Jjc booke of tfce tweacbet Cfttco^a, Canttca the Pallet of 2BaUetetf efa^ Tbenjophecpeofefape 3eremp 'Ebep^opbecpeofScrfmj* ejecbi'el JDanicI. €>fcajS. 3ocl. i^mogJ. 3bbp. 3ona^ 'Cbe lameu tacpongt of 3et e mp ^bep^opbeepe of rcajS ^bep?opbecpeof3oel ^ep^opbccpeofaimojS 5Dep?opbecpeof3bbpc svw u - ?P P^Pjccpc of 3ona ji Wchcatf. « c P^opbecpe of ©;tcbf asJ i?, a ^ m H- S? e P?°P^ cc P e °f Babum Sjbacuck. %\)t p^opbeepe of ^ibacuck ^opboup 'CbepjopDecreof&ophom. 3flgcutf. gjjepAOPbecpcofaggeuji jacbaclasi.'^be p^opbeepe of ?acbarp Aii;alacbt. jrbep?opbccpcof^)alac|n> -v -*r? lJ £SSS fte ? of ^ase fto^p t 2i6cU. ^bewaperofajanatreh. ^befp^ftbookeoftbe^aehabectf. -Ehe feconbe booke of tbe4J)achabee$. 3t»thc bookejiof the netue^caament arccontapncbinthetptletbcrof. ft twt jejtjeW mm Chapter^ mm m Hit mm WD x %iii % %\ii Chapters* cl mi III mm iii it t iiii m iii Hi Hi ii TiUi iii Cbapter^ tx m Xiiii XMi Mi ,f Mi i i i i jet* « } > c > » » » ma xxu w * MX leafe 3CJC« XXU Wmi mm Xtxx M tiX tKii icafe ft WJOWtf X jHif IM« ctiiU ejcti crjcf txxti emu tXW* CXX* tXXMt txxit tXXiX tXXXM leafe ft \>iii t ' t 9 1 V% tm pxm mx wrtrf Uttt iwt lb«i to : I f-. ^2! f* .JH*w _^> •i ■ ■'*. • * I •c» ;r i-r*. r ■ ,i :tye mutton >itD*w>?lOe. . y bf#tofe£/taHt&mtDe Detytte JSetefcDttD : and in tDelatym dftneffft ■ jrric.rtofiM j.im.tjf.r. Mi W <* ♦ i * *> F'V i' .• • a? i /< * ....... » 't A^J A_, ^De toft CDapf er. Sftetoc (Miirn anb eartb, tbe ivftMe ft matiifr, l Cunne , ttcmoom ucte ttacrc* , anb all beattw fouiw.ann Hflfre* in t&e ttj twee mace bp tbe twojfce ofi3ot>.an&bott>emanaifoh)a9ceeatcb. 3 ,- ,., ,0 t |j e bcgpnnvngc * <]]>od created Dcauen and eartbe. ^De cartD ttttg Uopde anD emptpe:anddarcBnc#toa* <* Upon tDe face of tDe depe: and tlje fpjeteof ood mo* ued »» Upon t|)c face of t\)t watery 3iio ^oD fapde:lct tDcre be mane JVgDt>and f Dcrc tea* ligbt ma be . 3 no c£ od farce tDe light tDat it toa* good . and d5oo made a diuifion bcttccne tie ligDt and dar= ftnefle. ataMM called tDe ligDt, dapc .- and tDe darUneffe calleO Dc, npgDt . Znh tDe cue - ,ip, 2F ffSftfWWWB ^a* made one dape. 3lno od called the dipclade SSSiffii5y?% r ^P togetherof tx>a= ffr? called be tbc fee* . 3dnD <2>od farce tDat it.rcaggood. ^ 3tnb<^oofapbe:lcttl)efarthb2mp:fottli »« J IS H! £ re ' WlDwig frutc after br0 hfntjf , tSSSSPti* f*** •• c ^rtb b^oiiflbt iffltffKft^ ' !!! aftp,1 § c f«be after ft* w!S«i n A? e T^»* ri,te ' a ^ ofc feed Sf5SftfS l !P*» ft * • ^iJeeiicnpngcal. !&Rte iffi&JBSflP 1 ^ 4 *»ettDercbemaDe * ;?. JJh?!? fte Jl 0, Reee«ce bctwene tbe oave ?hi# PrtSJEf? 111 ,l)e firmament of Ueanen, 3no (poii fet tfcm fit tbe firmament of K aer.yw^.f uen, tDat ttwpmfg&tseue ipgbtt)Pont|je eartu>anotaattl)evmifibtriileibcOef inereaccanOfvll tbc t»a= ter* of tbe fee : anD let fctDjcD foule* be mul» tiplVcD in m mm- 'STDe cueuvnge alfo and tbc morning tva* made tbc fpfr D oape. a 3tnD <5oD fapde: let t\)t eartb bzing f oit D Ivuing creature after D& kpnDccatell.tXJb^ me and bcaft of tbe cr'tD rtfter Dis kvndc- Mb fo it came to pafic. 3nd Cod made tbe bcaft of tbc eartb after M Iffltot , and cat cllaftcr tocirnpndc: and cucrptbpufle tbat crcpetb J)pon the eartb after m nvndc . 3nd 0od tiim tDat it toaa good* 3nd C5od favdc.-icttaf mane man-* In ** oure vmage after otirc lvcUue0,anO let tftem B Dane rule of tijcfpO) of tbe fee : and fouie of fbeapicandcateli , and all tDc eartb , and of cucrpcrcppug tbvng tbat crepctb\3pontbc ertbi-2Cndfo(5od created man «ttstcu)c^o£tbelo^ob nab not caufc b it to rapgttrtjpon tbe eartb, itc tbtr watf tDcrca man to tpll tbe gtounbe* ainb tbere went Up a mpfte rr8 of tbeeartp, aim watreb tbe wbale face of toe gtounbe. ^ ^t io?bc 0ob alfo * (bopematt , wen **, rt «?P *rbuft from of &B*g&!&}&X& iSffi?- * Wttf* na»rfl0tbcVS, o l%* ft ?!!?355 irotub-n.b ujafimabca lyuingfouicatibp lojbccop * t e'e- ft fe plantcb a gacocn caft watbe from ^rw, *' c '^ anb ttcrclfc putmawbobeftabmabe. ^)o : reoticr, out eftfceo^ounbe mabe tbe Lojbe Cobtogrowe,eucrptretbatwajSpleafitut to the fiabt.anb comobf on* fo? mcate.'ftbe *m.ito #tre of ipfc alfoanbtbctrc of anowlebgeof flpo.v.b ffi00D ano f cti^u n»ajsm tbempbbc* of we aatbcn.3nbontofeben,tm«ewentfoiiD» fiuer to water t&c gat ben. 36nb from twnce it teas bcupbcb, anb becameittto fourc bca- fcar* dcjs. Ifcbc name of one tit * fca* |Mfon ; «e teajftm* fume Wit tbat compaffetb tbe wbole lanbe of teaullab , wbcre tljere US golbe. Ira (rolbc of tbat lanbe it 500b . 'fcbetc ttfauo 3&beUtun,anbtbe onlje ftoncfcbe name of p fecoiib rpuer M, Ct&omtte feme ttWeom« saffctb tbe whole lanbe of etbiopf a . « name of the tllirb rpuec igtyibcteJ.ft tt gotj) f owarbe fteaftfebe of 3(utta . » £ four*!) rpucc(iS€upb?ate#. . _ ^ ^rbe lo?b cob alfo tofee3abam,anb put c ft m into tbe sarben of eben.tbat be mpgbt bicfle anb Uepe it 3ttb tbe lojbc Cob corn* triaubeb 3ba*. faptng:eatlng,P wait eatc of etterp tre of tbe garben. Butatf tottebpnge the ttt of BHotDlebge of goob anb cuell,tpoti Ibalt not rate of tt.GljMn t»bat bape f oeuee tbou eatett tbcrof,tbou ujalt bpc tbe beatg. 2fnbagapne,tbe &o*D<15oD[apb:&3\3t Ditto all catell, anb fotile of tbe n p?e , anb to ja cuerp beaft of tbe f fib e. anb f 0? man f ounbe r benotan belpc t^tmpgbtbe p?efent mitt), him . wit io?be d5ob alfo caufeb a (lombci{ to fall^pon :Sibam,anb be aept.3«bbe tone one ofMtfbue$,«clofebi)p?ae$be (balbe callcb W)oman,be- v# mot|jer,« Qialbc iopneb tsitb W$ v» pf c,ano tiep * Iball become one Heft : anb tbcp were * m tw botbnafteb,tl)emananbbW wtfe^ anb were mm* ttotaqjamcb. **** CCbe.iCj.Cbaptce. CK^c retpene Beccauctt) tbf toomau. adjcfttpriif, tlft tooman, anu tbe man are curtfti, anc fi;ruen cut of |»«c«oprc.£^£o;^(,& (ob mabc . 3nb be fapbe *** tmto tbe woman : pee , batb t^t lo?be (Sob fapbe.- pe mall not eat of euerptrcof tbe garbeu r' 3Jnb tbe woman fapbe wtto tbe ferpf t: we eate of t|)e frutc of tbe tre of tbe gnrbembut ajs fo; tl)e frutc of p tre wbicb 10 in tbe mibbeg of tbe garb?, 00b batb fapbe-.pe (ball not eate of tt.netlKeeaal pe touclje (t,lcft fcapplp pc ^7m*tWfr ^ . pent fapbe\jnto tj)e woman:pe CbaUnotbpe * w tbe beatb:but Cob botb fenowe,t|jat t\)t fa- me bape tbat pe eat tberof , pour epcsi&albe opcneb,f pe (balbe eug a* gobbefc Knowing goobanbettpll^nbfotbe^womaiKfepng,,,^, tbat tUe fame tre wasigoob to eate , anb lu- 35 ftp to tbe tpr& 9 mt m fatn< !tre wajjplca ». faunttogetwifbomejtoheoftbeftutetber« of,anbbpb enteranb gaue tmto Jer bufbano bepnge wltb bee , wblcU bpb eatc alfo . Into tbe epe0 of tUern botb were openeb:anb tbcp fcnewc tDat tbcp were nantb , « tbtP foweb fpggcleauesi togetljer , anb mabe W Rlueg apernsUnb tftep beatb f Dopce of tbe lo?b Cob walbpnge In t\)t garben (n tbe coole : of tbebape.3(lnb<^abam«b^W0ebpbtbe feluegfFotbep?ercnceofflom0Obameg tbe treesi of tbe garben. 2Hnb tue lo?be €f Ob ealleb 3bam,anb fapb \)nto Dpm: WDete art tuoni V thottAWcbwpbe:3lie/»beeftf*op«inebe Beb,ft bpb mp felfeAnb be [aj*e;tt>bo tolbe nie/tWttowaftnaftebi'lwiHbou notca= ten of tljefemem.eoncernpngejbe ml cemaunbebtDctbattbo^fbuibcftnottate ofit^nbabamfapb^ftewoman.wbom thottgauefttobewptl>me:,Cbefi^ue me or ^ tbt:tree,anb3bpbeate» , * 3ttbtbelTo?beCobfapbetjntotbe wo» man: U)bP Daft tbou bone tbi^acnb tbe wo- * man fapbe : ponbee ftepent begpleb me,anb tbeierpetjbecaufttboubaftbonetb^.tljott art curfleb aboue all catell, anb aboue euerp bcaftoftbefelbe.TOontbP bellp (balttbou . co,« buttCbalt tbou eate all? w**i WW fpfe.3 will alfo put enempttebetwene tm tbcwoman.betwcuctbpftbeanbbwfebe: &t- ^•^'SbefameibaUtreabcbownetJjpbc' !oWen,«^tbpMmallpcrtaw^^^^^ tbPbufbanbe.ftbeftallbaueebcruleoftbc. v - m fje fapbc:26ecaufe tboii baft. 5to fo be b?oue outman.tate&e eaft n>be ofthe Sarben of6ben ► . CCbculi^baptcr. ■ ^ fcji , Scadx no KpUb'a t<«t)tf out bjot?trabnJ. t alfo n(fpap;ftbMnbta mrrtb. tMt etnnmonot , tfnoc^: WtfmH I: *Hbal:!tainec!)idrt& JOB «n0*. • iDarn htiewe #cna bt0 wtfe: Wo co=^, ce aupnge,barcCain,faptnge<3 baue eowlgotten a man of tbe lojbe .2MB 1 Qje pzoceabpngefurtb, bwugbt fitrrb vP9wo» tfcer toabcl.aub Isabel wajJaaeper of ftepe. tftitcain wajs a tpller of tbe grounbe.3nb tit ijecoeof bapeji it came to paffe, (btttotiin b^ougbt of tbe rente of tDe gtounbe an obla* cpon wtto tbe iojbe.^abclalfo »?ougWof tbefp?ftlpnge^ofbps((bepe,ouboftbefat tberof,3nbtbeXo?bebab^rrefpectetonto ^f i mm* to b?* oblacpon.25uttmto Cain **'*' mm nnbtobptfoffrpngebe babno refpecte - # 0? the wbpcb caufe caitt wa* erccabpng w?o* tbe.anb DPtfcountenauKtceabateb. 3Pnb tbe lojbe fapbe DntoCatn:H)bparttbou wio= tbe,ft wbpWtbP countcnauce abate*? "*pr «« tbou bo well,(ball tbcrenot be a pjtomocipn. anbpftDouboftnotwcll.lpctbnottbpfpn netntbebo?c«.'' Cinto tbe alfo pertapnetb tbe lufttberof.anbtbou (bait baue bonutuo otter it.3Ettb Cam fpaUe Wtto Isabel bp^ b^o ^ tber^ottbBBofuttb.) -,* anbitfo?tuneb*wbantbep were tomSi*t&* felbcCatnrofe Wpagapnft ^abel W#m& yttw-y* . DceUeiteotjntotbe^opce.oftDpwpie.jbaft • eaten of tbe trce(cocernpnge tbe wbtcb3 to- maftbeb tbc.faptngeiirbottlbalt not eate of it) curfeb iji tbegroiwf(J?tDpfaBe.3nfo?o s we walttbou eate of it all tbe baveis or tw itm****** w vv»»» r»« *-'" wv A-ir«r«r« sarSfT*" mSS&miM *DJ»me ftjalUt caufeto mj^mmwg^^ growe WttotDe , ftbou u>altcatetDe berbe cain: rstom* Wei tbP Wjp t. wbpcb mo* oftbcfclbe.3"tbefweatoftbpface0jaltp """• J entetoeab.tpUtbou be turneb agapnetnto tbe grouHbcfojoutof it wajJtbou taften.in nft.OT«« afmttcb as( tbou* art bttftyftinto buftCbalt A tl;ou be turneb agapne. ^^ 3ttb 3EbS ealleb biJSwpucfiinamec<3*l{)e 3 © ua,bccaufe (be wasf m motber of all lpum= gc.finto t^t fame % bam alfo ft to bptf wpre • bpb tbe JLo^be cob maue letb^c.n garmcn= tefcft clotbeb tbcm.3lnb tDelpibe cob fap* be:2$eDolbe,ponberman batb benccucnatf oneof W, tbat De mpgDt Unowe goob anb eueU.3BnbitoweleftbapplpbePutfurtbbPS» bSbe.anbtabealfo of tbe tree of ipfcanb ca te.ftlvuefo?euer.3&nbtbelo?beCobfene tbemftictbftomtbegarbeofeben, MM Ce tDegroabc tbat Dc wasi f alien out of. $ m> impbjotbertf ceoftbpbjotbersibloube&crcrietlj lontomc -^ out of tbe grounbe.3tnb no we art tbou cur f* fcbfromoffbccrtb.wbpcbbatbppenebbPJ moutb,toreceauctbpb?otber0 blottbc from tljp banbe.3f tbou tpll tbe gtounbe, (be (ball not pioceabc to pelbe tonto tbe m fteengtb. 5fuct(tpue,anb \jagabounbc (bait tbou be intbecrtb^nbCalttfapbeWttotbe lortc: a)pne * intquite t js moje.ebeu pit mape be wwa fo«seu*.M)olbc Aon baft caft meone m bavc from tbe t)p^r face of tbe ertl), anb fro tlipfaccCbail 3 febpo^ugtepuealfo a nba DagabounDe% 3 «e tittle erg 1 . 3itb« (ball come to paffe s eueep one tbat fpnbctb me.iballflapemc.aBttbtbe lojbe (apbc m* tobim:^ atfbM not u o» pee, but wbofocttcr ^ flapetDCain,tta»lbeauengeB ftnen fplbe* %nb tbe lojbefetamark jpoti Cflin* c left anp mS fpnbpngc c bim. Otulbe ftpU wyn. 3nb Mn wente ontfrfi tDe Piefenw of tbe fojbe^bwelttntlKlWteoffeotteafttjarj - fr 5 ©bin -Cain alfo utw we 1X0 wtfc» wbl^b ceceaueb ft bare fcenocb: t bnVlWttge a cytc , becallebtbename oftbe Wf^fSfsSSZ name of W fottne^«fll^irto|j» i^enocb wajiboine %W* =JW* W| ^g- I s J: .11 > **1 »1 / ■ - •i T*- "V * • Wmtfte. 3D &r ♦Lpar.U. 315 tpufcbael begat iamecb. 3lnt» iamecb tokc tonto ppm two wpucg^be name of tpe one wag 2(tia,9 t&c name of tl)e oUier wag * went . 3 f Cain ipa Ibe aue ngeb ft tiff olbc, t r u= ip lamecD fewftpe tpmeganD fcuen tpmeg. 30am fen ewe p(g wife agapne,? foe bate afonne,anbcaUebpigname&etb::ffo;M£ob (fapbcfpe)batbappopntcb me anotper febe in ttcabe of Dabcl, wb5 Cain fie w. 3nb ton* to tpe fame £>ctb alfo tpere wag bojne a fon ne,$i)e callebhignnme <£nog . 1£bcn began t&ep^rto make fanocacpon in tUe name of tpelojbe. CIEpt.to.Cbaptcr.- CWf 8cnralogftofai>am«nB oft^eot^tc f atijcr* bnto .ftor. l!>ig fgtbebokeof tpegrneracpong of a&a/Jntftc anpetpat cj5Dbcrfa= tebma\intljc ipbncucof <£obma* bepcjim.*3)aicnnb female creates betbrm,&bleircb tpcm.anbcalleb fc*-tpcp$ name Z Da m in tbeoape of tbep* creacpon. 3 no 3 Bam Ipueb an bunbjetb 1 tppjtpe Pmg,$beo;at(aronnc;frtbpgownelpknef* te after tuef pmage, 9 calleb pig name jfoetb. 3ll*pe bapeg of 3&bnnunfter be&ab begot* ten*&etp)were epg&t tmnbjctppereg, & pe begat fonneg aim Daughter*. 3nb all tbe bapeg tpat# bam Ipueb, were iipne&uojetD flnft tppjttpe peateg, anb lie bpeb. &etp ipneo an fcutyeb $ fpue peateg, and begat <£nog . 3nb £>ctb Ipueb (after &ebe* gat Cnog ( cpgpt !mnb?etb peateg » fen? pe* r eg, u begat fonneg $ bawgbterg. 3 no all tbe bape* of£>etb wcre,npne t»unD|ct|)$ twel* ue peareg.3eno be bpeb. _ «noglpuebnpntpe peareg&begatftcns. 3nii®noglpne&(aftcr be begat ketuDcigbt t)fit»eth, an fpf tene pen r eg,$ begat fonneg 9 baugptecg.;inb all tbe bapeg of <£nog we= re npne&unbjetb 9 fpue pete* . 3|nb be bpeb. m Ifeenan Ipneo fenentpe peeeg,* begat <»)n- belact^nb fccnanlpucb(afterpc begat &)a= peJaeUepgptbfibjcrb peareganb fo?tpc pe= ee0,iinb begat fennel 9 Daugbter0.3nb alt tbe upta of kenan were npne fmnb?ctj) pea« regflnb ten pearr ief,anb be t>vctt. #)a&flort l^ueb ^tpe pearej^ $ fpue pea* 1 .~*"w' $W !»»? TF^ r esf,« begat 3areo. 3 no agapne , ^ajwlael lpneOCafterbebegati{are5)cpgbtbtmo?etb 9 tbirtpc pert jj, 9 begat tonnes^ oaugbterai. 3nbaIltbebapcjS of ^afttlael toeee epght DubmD«pnetpe^rpuepeatesi.3nbDeopco. 3areb Ipucb an btmbjeb fjptm ano two peareitf , 9 begat |)euocb . &nb JareblpueD ( after be begat fyenocb) epght bftbjetl) pra« tta,$ begat fonncjs aub baugoterss . 3Cnb all tbe baprsJol 3areb were npnc bnnb?et|)anb fpjctpt anb two pcatejs .3 no be bpeb. !/)cnocblpue0fp;ctie$ fpue pearcg, 9 to- c gat «)rt|)urela|j.3f «b ^enocb&ar * toalbcb ^ wptb (Sob after be begat *$)ctbufelab , tb?c * *^mi bubjtetbpercsi,? begat fomicgs baugbtertf, eibTt ** 3nb all tjjebapeifi of ^enocb were tme bun- bietb fwtie 9 Wit pewj8.3nb ^enocp*U)aI» ta5m rt! Bebtotttj ^oo> 5 be ( wag* n moje fenejf oj *U ot> tofte bpm awape. . <«»• »«» €^ct bufciab alfo ipueb an l)unb?e t& pea* ?etf ,» epglJtpe f feue~ p cr c0,» begat la meet). 3nb agapne ^)rtbufelat)lpueb(aftre^e be-= gat Iamecb, ) fetien bunbjetb pearctf, and epgl)tpe,$ two peicg.anb begatfonnepatU) baugbtertf . ^nb all tbe oape* of 4i)etbufe* lab were npnc Ijunbjrrb pcaresf anb fpjctpe 9 npnc pearcg.ainb be bpeb. lamerblpiicDanbimD.ictbpcreieffepglh^ tpcMwopcrctf / $bcsatafomle > $caIlcb"bi$* , namc^oab,(apcngc:1TI)HtframeftjjaUe5fo?« tc \>jQf a0 corcm pugc oure wo;fee 9 (01 we of oureltfbrtf.fro oft&ecrtD , wUicft(5obcHtf- feb.^nb Iamecb Ipucb (after Ije begat ^o« ab)fp»c biib?etb pcrctf 9 npnetp $ fpue pea- tc0,^ begat fount* ft baugbtersJ.SBnb all tUe bapetf of iamecb were feu? fcutyetl) pearetf, anb fcuentpe anb fcuen pearcjj.anb lie bpeb. BoabwaiSrpiiebiibjctbpeareolbc. 2j nll Boabbegat$)cm,l[>am,anb3apbetb. C^be.-btCbapter. «ptte caufc oeeije «outiM5oii hmrnrt^ jftoe cf the " ofttjravKe. ijftbitcomctopnnc.tbatmanbegan^ nc to be multipUebin tl)e topper face oftrjccttMnbtgwewcre baugotet* tioine tonto tbf .^!)c &^ fonne* of t lo?bc fapbc.a)p (p?ctetoall not allroapcftrpiic in ra (I , becaufe oe ijaf Re Qj.anb W bape js ©nlbe *anfiunb?etb $ twtntpepcarctf. 25uttliete *«.»«*.w.6 were gpauntejB in ttt crtt) in tliofc bopcjfcpee anb after tbattpcfonncjs of<5ob came tonto tit oaugbtcrg of men, anb tpep bab glbteD tontotbcm,tbe famebecame mpctptpe me of tpe wo;lt»e,anb men of ienowne? 25n t dfrod fawe tpat fpr molpceof man wa^greate in tpe crtp,anb all ttepmagina* cpfl of r|c tpougpttict of bpi8 * pert wag one> *0e n.t^.J |p cueli cue^p bape.3nb.«^« wag wag touepeb Witp fo^ow in pigparte. znt) p lo^be fapoe : 3 wpil( from tbe topper face of tbeeortb)bcftropeman,w|jom3bauecrea* tcb:botb man.catcl, woune,» foule of f ap- re,fo^itrepcntetpme^3 paucmabe tbem. ._ 25utiSoa|)founbe grace in tbe epeg of? „.„,. ,..J5 lo^bc^pefearcpgeneracpongoejaoob* ieic.rmo.b ^ oa0 ^^^ wft 5 jj f cfect m gg geueraciong, ««.i».c. anbt walfteb t5 d5ob. jaonb begat tb« fon= ncg;!&cm,1oatn,*3appctb.'Cbceactbauo wag co^rupte before d5ob, 9 t\)e fame eartbe wag f plleb vb crucltpe.3Dnb C5ob loheb topo tbe crtp.anbbcbolbe it wag corrupt: jfojal flclpe bao coimpt Dip o>ape topOn eaef b . 3nb c^obfapbe tonto Boa pi^pe enbe of all ftefljeig come bcfoic me ,f oi tbe eartbe ig fpUcb witb crueltpc from tbe face of tbem . 3ftnb bcbolbe,3 wpll beftcop tbem u>itb tlje rctlj, ^l)afte tpe an 3Drke bf ppne trccg. i^a= bitacpoug0[)alttboumabeintbe2trkc,anb " *lt pptcb it witfjinawttbout witb pptcb. «r 3lnbof tl)igfaulponq)ait|)maUcit. WW lengtbe of tbe 3tlie ifjalbc t\)tt bunb?etb cu- bptcg.'grbcb^ebtbofitfpftpecubitfg.ftbc tocpgtbofittbp^tpccnbpteg. 3 u>pnbou)c Ipalt tbou man e in tpe Mc, atib in a cubtte (bait tbon fpnpibcitnbonc , but tbcboje of t\)c 3rUcQja[tctbcufetintbcfpOetbrrof. WUitb tb^cioftegone nboucanotbcrujalte tboumaHcit. aino bebobe, 3,cuen 3,bo bnug a floube of watcegtopon tbe cawnc,tbat 3 mapcoe» ftropc alflefipe toberiu ig p b.zctb of Ipfc ton* ber ocnticn : 3lnb eurrptppuiTctpnt igin tbe rarrp.Qwil bpc. dillitbtbealfb wpll3 make ■?*nf.o\i>. mp*coucmiunt,fttbouQ)aItccomcintotbe ,rv "'^ 31rne: tbon 9 tb? founcg.tbp wife 9 tty f on» ** Hfg wpucgtiStpc. ^nbeuccpipuingtbinge, anb ofnllftcCbcapapjtcofeucrp oneibalt^ lijpugc into tbe 3trttr , to nepe trjem nlpuc t» tbCSrbcpflialbcmalesfemalcsIDffftbcreb foulegalfo after tbcpj ltyn\ie , 9 of cat ellaf* tcrtbep^pnbe,ofeucrpwo.nucoftbefart|) after bt g Upnbc ; two of euerp one (pall come tonto p t tbattboumnpfthcpetbemalpue. 3nb take tbon witb tbe of all me ate t bar ig eaten, anbtbou ftaltlapcit top witb p. tbat it mapc be meate f o«i tl)c 9 tbem B oab r ber « fo?e bpb acco^bpug tonto all tbat ^oDcom. maiuiD to pp in : cuen (0 b pb be. CSbe.toii.Cbaptcr. % C &h* cnCtaunce of jaQf , anu o e tijcui tw mere \n(t% rotoc all (bpngeo ftp pctpQf « «e- >, C- lf.Ff.8. 0b f lo2b fapb tonto 0oab:Come tbou anb al tpp l;oufc into p Itrhe fo? tbe baue 3fenc * rpgptuoug before me in tbpggeneracpon.flDf euerp *cl cane bcaftetbon ujaltc take wit§ tbe fcuen anb fcuen : %U male anb fjpgfe- malc:lSut.oftoncleanccatell,two,tpemale anbDig female . iDI foulegalfo of tpe ap;e, '* fencnanb retteft;? male 9 tit female, to« febe aliue topon tpe face of alt \)t w'jolc ee if 0^ vet nftcrfr uen bapeg 3 wpl rapne tbe ertb fo^tpe bapeg 9 fojtpc npgptcg. m nllfubftauncetbat3paueinabe, wpll i¥ ftropc from of tbe topper face of t pc eartp. 0oab tperfo^e bpb accojbpnge tonto all '& tbat oap wag *aj»f.m«J fprcbnnbjetb pcreg.fr ti;c*flpube of warcrg l' ttt , rrtlil , wagtopon p cartb.amb #oabcame(nnbptg *****! founcg.a pig wpfc.s big\onncg wiueg witb ppm ) tonto tbe acr'rtt , becaufe of tbe water* oftljcftoufte. <©f cleanecatcll.fr of tonclcane eateli,« of ffpengc fonlcg , anb of cucrp fuepe agcrepetb topon p ertb , tbf re came two anb two tonto jSoab into tbe ;tckc, tbe male ano tbe female , ag<5obbabc5mannbcb 0oab. 3tfo^tuneb alfo after fcuen bapeg, anb tlje wntcrg of tbefioube were topontpe cacti). 3n tl)t fprc puntyetbr pcre of jilocfi Ipfc intbcfcconbc ^onctb.fbc fcucntboapeof tpe monetp-3ntl)efame bapewcrc an tpe fouutapneg oftbc grcatrbr^e biokcn top, anb tbe wpnbo weg of bcaucn were opened. 3Snbtbc rapne wag topon tbe rartjjc foztrc bapcganbfo.ztpeupgbtcg.3n tlje ft Ire fame C bapecntrcbBoab, mm>mm*9 3apbetb, tbe fonncgofBoab.frBoabgwpfcanb tbe tl^ewinrgof bigfonnegwitb tbem into tbe 3Crke: ^:bcp,9f euerp bead after bpgkpubr, anb all catcll after tpep? kvnbe , pee 9 eucev wo?mc tpatcrepctb topon pcartbe after big ftpnbe.anbcucrpbp;beaftcrbigkpubc,ano eucrp ftirng 9 feifjereb foule . 3Bnb tpep came tonto Boab into tl)t TttUz t wo a nb two, of nil flcuj wfjerin ig tbe bjeth oflpfe. 3Enbttepentrpngin,comemaIcanD female of all flcOje , ng<£ob babcomamibcb ppm. 3lnb(i5obfbutbpmiurounbcaboutc. 3M0 t\it * floube came fojtpc bapeg touou *&mtp.iu tbccartb, 9 tpe waterg were iucreaccb, anb bare topp 3Crbc, wbicbe waglpfte topaboue tbe crtb.ljrbe wateigalfo p^cuapleb,* were incrcafeb cjcceabpuglp topon tbe eartpr, auo tl)e % rke went on tpe topper face of tbcwa* m tcrg.3 ! no m waterg p^cuaileb ccceabinglp m toponpeartb^altpebpebpllegtbatatcton* bee tbewbole bcaucn,werecoucreb,fftftcne cubptcg topwarbe bpbtpe watergp?euapic, fo tbat tpe mountapneg were coucrcb . 3nballfleu>cbpeotpatmoueb topon tbe eartbiinfoule,incatet,inbealt,anbi«euerp wo?mc tpat crepcrp topon tpe eartb: pee an d euerp manaifo.Wat foeuer wag(in wbofe noftreigtpebictp oflpfe bpb bjetpe.ail tbefe in tlit bjpcianbe bpeo.) 3finb * enerp t&png *s>aft.^ wag beftropeb, tbat r emapneb, 9 tbat wag in tbe topper parte oftbc grounbe( both man anb catcll , anb wo^me , anb foule of tpe ap. re) tpep were euen belf ropebftom off eartb. 3ttnb Boab onelp r cmapni ftalpue, anfr tbep tDatwcrewitUppmintDeSlrke, »ne. a»ij* 4s if* b. t -: :. -#jl9 ih * : :^^i- £ w*/ 'J fT tbanbtpftpeoapcis. .a M&e.Mj.Clwptcr. ItttttDe ftnbpnjstouttof (be taunt nnb tbctmut. . _6rojottb ftitb of tbt Sctic: anb offftttVfactifptc. X\n it *tut an cojewepsn of wans b. trtt . ! Ub tf>b,D rcmemtycD JftonU>anti cuerp ibf aftc , anD all $ caiell tbat wag wit© Stym in jarlte. anbgoDmaoea wind ionalfe Upon tbectirtb»anb *bc watcro 1 ccaf- ftD.^bcrotmtapnctf alfo oftbeDcpe anD tbe tmnbo wc« of bcaucn were ftoppcD, a nD the rapnefromDeaucuwajjrcftrapncD.anotbe water* from tbe crtl) were rcturncD.gopnp; anD commpngt agapne. anD af tcr tDe cube of tbefymtyctb anD tpftic tb bapc , f ware ttt weccabatcD. anbintbefcutntbmonctbin tbe fcucntetitb Dape oftbe monctb.tbe arte rcttcoUponp"mounfaincsiofanncnia.anD tbewatcrtftruclpwcrcgopngeauDbccrta* cpng Uutpl tbe tent!) litoitcffc tf oi in p tentb monetb>9 in tbe fWft bate of p" fame monetp wcrctDctoppctfoftbcmountapuciBfrne. 3S 3 nO after tbeenbe of tbcfoitictb oape.it happened tbat ftoabopencbtbc wpnbowe of roe aruc wbicb lie nab mabe.anb be fent fo?tba rauen, wbicbe went out gopngfoitd •» ■aandrctitrnpngcngapiie. Unrtflf water* were DipcD up Upon tyt eartb>3m> agapne be fent foitb a Doucfrom Dpm , f&empfl&te fc vf toe material were aba teb from p Upper face of the crromiOe^nO tbe Done founbe no reft fojp^olc of bctfotc,9fyercturneD Unto &pm agapne into tbe airkc : fojtbc waters were in fuppcr face of tbe wbole ertb. a»iD 1 fee, whan be habputfojtDhisbaDe.tottcbcr, anD pulled Der into bpm into tbe arne . anb beabobc pet otbrr feuen Dapco" , anD pioccaDpnge further, Dc fent f oitbe tbe Done out of toe 3&CBC. anb the bouc came to bpm inf cucntpOe.anD lo.in ber moutbe wajs an oltue leaf p (be DaD pluct , wbcrbp j&oab DiD fcnowe , tpt the waters were abated Upon tbe vm tb. anb be aboDe pet otber fcue" Daiefll ano fent fojtbetbcDoue, wbicbe pioccabed not to rctuene Untobpm anp moie. C anb tt came to pafle in tbe fpjcebnnbitetb f one pere, in t\)t m ft m on rtb, « in tbe fpift Dape of tbemonetf) , t!)c water js were D^peD Dpfromtt)eeart()e.^uD^oabremotieDtbe couerpng of tbe H rHe,? lobe D, wa0tbceartb D;peD. aiLnD d5oD fpake Unto 9i oabtapeng: Co foifli of tbe Strke, tbou $ tbp wpfe, t|)p fon« nefcs tbp fonnejs wpucjs t6 tbe.&nD b^pnee f o?tb witt) tbe,cu er p bea ft e tba t isl wito tbt.' ofa!lflefa)e(botbfoule0catcl,?euecpwo?» me tbat crepetb upon tbe eartbe ) tbat tbep mape senbae in f car tl), ^ b?png f o^tD ft ute, oc 1 anD*mfrcarcuponettD.3nDfo ©oa^came JjJJf; 1 * fojtbanDWfonncsf.towvfcibPtfron^ itej»wpue0witb Opm .(fiuerp Dealt alfo anD cucrp wo?mc, cuerp foule, anD wbatfoeuet crepetb Upon tbe ear tb ( after tbcp; Hpnocp ) went ont of tbe 3frlte. ,„ ^ 3nDiaoabbuplDeDanaltarcUntopIo?Dc, anD toftc of cuerp^clcauc beaft.anp of eucrp * aww«. cleanc foule, « offrcD facrifpccjSin p altare. 3lnD tbe loiDe fmcllcD fwetc (01 qupctc) fauouce . 38nD tbe io^De rappc in fytftttt: 3wpllnotp?oceaDe tocurfepgrounbe anp m o?e f 0? manner fabe> foil tbe * pmagpna* * ascn. *u rpon ofm^bertislcucUnenfrS bpsipoutb. gmf bec wpi3 aDDe to fnute anp mo^e c«c= cp topuge liupngca* 3 |jauc Done,pet tber» rojcQwUnotfowpngtpme.sbaruca.coloe anobeate, Corner 9 wpnter, Dape ijnpgbr> ccaue,ailtbcDapcS of m eartb. BT^ I WIWI II UM :0C =3»» 1. &mtti& C^lJc.ijc.CDapter. "A r*iS C«Sobblc(ro»j3tot9(W«roimc«.tocfo:bi)Biicrbtorti tpt blouo of brattMtf to ajco tmwnts biouoe.iCbc law pf tbe Ctottfct. l^c inaRttq * couennunt tqat Ut topH b t; fttppc tot toortbc nomo?t bp tontcr: 5 etutll) eljt ropn^ l»otofo;at('fctnfltibconCicinaeiouoftbtr9me.jao''« b;o«Utu.ftombncouetetobpm,anD0C!tt(!jbl8cutrc. _ ■ ;j!iD (25 oD* Wcflc.D jftoafe 5 ftiJS fonnesS, Sstnt .f..*J tanDfapDcUntotbem: b?pngepcfo?tli «u»,w«.«. .fruteanDmuUiplpe.anDreplenpftiep eartD- i£\)t feare of pou ano tbe DjcDe of pon walbe Upon cuerp bead of f ertb > anD Upon cucrpfouleoftbeap^e.inallfucbajSpeartD b^pngctb CtttO) anb in all tbe f p ibes< of p fee. Into pour ban^e arctbepDelpuertD. «put« fp tbpnge tbatmouetbit felfe , anD tbat lp= uctb } d)albcmeateto^pou:^iiena0pgrcne jjctbc bauc 3 gcuen pou all tbtngetf 25ut * Reffteintbc Jpfetberof , anD in ftcbtduDe . s . . .. tberof 0)all pe not eate. ew pour WouDe of JSSSSi pour Ipuej* wp ll 3 rcqup?c. it torn tbe DanDc of euerp beafte wpll 3 rcqup?c it , anD from tbcbauDeofman:5fromtbebanDcofmansl b;otbteu»PU3requp?c f Ipfe of man. tt>bo fo * QjeDDetb manned blouDe, bp man ujall * ojat.wi ipislbTouDebeibcDDe : #oj in tbe pmage of a*ot«.FW oD,DpD<^oDmaneman.^utb;pngcpou eoittb f rute, auD m mtiplpe: C5en0?c pc in tbe cartMnbmcreafetberin. ^ i tSob fpabe alfo Unto /aoab $ to W f on« ^ ! nejs witb bpm fapcng:BebolDe 3 fet upuw •couenaunt witbpou , 9 witb pour feDe af- ter pou, anD with euerp lining creature tbat » roe • , "'' i& witb pou, bo tp in foule anD in catell , anb in euerp beaft of tbe eartb wbicb ft* witb pou of all f go oute of tbe Urbe, acco?Diiig Unto eucrp Jtupng ttyns of tbe enrtfc. 25ut mp co- ucnafit wpl 3 maUe *6t>ou tbat* frombfee- - m fojtpnerp flefibebcnotrotcDout witb tbe ** watcrsfof a f louoe , neptber 0)allt|)erebca f loubc to Deftrope f eartb anp mojc . 3HnD c5oD fapDcUbiS isftlje toben of tbe couenaat wDicD 3 sent bet went me 9 ?ou , anb 59 any entry Ipupngectea tore t&atf at witbpou in to perpetuallgeneracpon^. 3 baue fet mp bo we tn t[jeclonDe,anb it qjalbe fo^a toften betwcneme9tbeertb38nDit iball come to paffe,tbatwban3 bjpngcaclouDcDpon tbe « creb,tbebowealfott)nllbefcnein tbe fame clouDe.anD 3 wpll tbpnfte Up6 mp couena= untwbpcbtobetwcnemc9pou,f eucrp lp= ***** come to paffe, tbat* watcesi mane a floube to Deftropeailf(eibe.2i6ut tbe bo we Ojalbe in tbe fame ciouDe.9 3 wpll lotte Upon it , tbat 3 mape t&pn&e Upon tbe cueriaftpnge eoue- naunt bet we ne €-oD anb euerp ipuinge crea ture.in aliftelb tbat its upon ertb . 3I!nD (5ob fapDeUntoiaoab-'SrbJ^W tbe toften of tbe eoucnaunt wbM)3 bauc mabe betweneme anb all Weflb tbat it upon ertbe. . JTbelbmietf of^oab gopnge fur tb of tbe atrhe, were:S)em,^am,anD 3apbct b- Tinn Ipam trulpitf t^t fatber of etronaan. 'Cbcf e are f tfot fonnetfof Boab,9 of tlje waig m wbolecrtb ouerfp^eD.Boabalfobegamie to beanbuibanDeman,anD plantcb a bpnep= arbc.3nD be D.ipnftpnge of tlyt wpne , watf D^onftcn,anD bncouereD wptbin bpiei tent. 3nb Ipamtbefatbrrof eOnmian f CF , lfiC tbe ^riialtcDiicfle of bp0 fiitber , toibebpjai two b«tteen wptbout.^nb &>cm anD 3a> pbctb.tbeptwo.tanpngea garment , lapeb it Upo tbett GmlDer&s comtnge banwarbe, couercD tbe itaftcDftcititpttf of tbeir fatber: namelp.tbep^faceg bepnge turneb awape, lettthepibulDe fetbep?fatber0 p^ewtiejai, . 3nD Boab.a wofte from bp# wpne.anb ftnewe wbatbisf ponger fonnebabDonc Un= tobpm.ainDDe fapDe:CtirffrD be Cbanaan, a fcruauntof reruaatesiajallbcbe Untobp* bj»tb?en.l^efapbe mo^eoucr : nSleffeD be tbe 10jiDe(l5oDof5Dem,9Cbanaan malbe bp* f cruafit.<0ob (ball enlarge 3apbctb, anbbc (ball Dwell in tbe tetcg ol^eni, 9 Cbai'iaan malbetpeirfernannt jBoab iptteb after tbe ftoupetteebuntwetbanD fpftpe pcaretf. anb ajl tbe Dapemof Boab were npne bmiDjctb 9 fpftpe ycare$.3nD be DwD. C5rbe.je.coapteej, JOCbe et neaioett of 3|apbttQ *ttt»:anb ftam. ^r^cfe are m generartfijs of tbe fon» r - iictfof.aoab»ifcetn.#amanb3a s pbetb: anDUntbtocm wcrccbpl 2 __ Djcn bo?ne after tbe floube. war** ^be ebplb^cn of * 3apbetb:C5omer anb ajagog, a nb #aDaf , anD 3a uamanD'&bu- bal^cfeeb anb^benur. Cbe cbplbjien of Corner: Ttttemf! anb Mbatb anb Cbo- garma . %ty cbplb^en of jfauan : eiifa anb TOrtfOutthrni,anb Dobanfm . Of tbefe were t (je 3Iejet of t&e C5?ti!etf benpbeb in tbe > tr lartDe0,cuerp man after bpjtf tonge,9 after bpjSfepntebjS tn tbeir nacpontf. . 'ClwcbiJo^of^amjCuftb^^ijraK'm, 5fo,rt«, X*C4AlV: ™™, anDBbnt ano Cbanaatt.55 nD tbe cbpibjen of Cufcb:S>ebaanoii)auilabanDcbebaanD©eDan.Cu(cbalfobe« * fiiU^iatmrob.^bcranicbegamietobemp^^., gljtpe in m er f b . St oj be wa« a mp^m ^"'^ biintcrbefoKtbe3Lo.2De.U)berfo?eitiSiap= be:eueti 1 a« jSimroD tttt mpgbrte bunter bc^ we tbe Ho^be.^bebegpnningofbWBpng*^.. _, t Dome watf * asabel anb erecoanb %tct&, *«"«**• anD (Same, in tbe lonbe of^inbar. Out of tbat lonbe came aeiTur.anD buploeD* Bini- * a«af.f.fc ueanbtbeftretej5oftbecitte9Caiab.mefen alfo betwenejainiue anb Ca lab • anb itiS a grcatecite.a;i^aiim begat luDpm,9e«a= num,9 lebab»m,aiiD iaepbtubim. iaatbm= S? ?£° - m ?i fluj, L m ' out of w&om came » itftitin anD Captbo^im. Cbanaanbegat?iDonbitffp2ftbo2ne fou= ^ iie,anD^etb,93ebufl,anb emoii,9 0irgo= ft. i^abiui alfoanb I9aarai anb l^affim , anD J>aaruaDi, anD fea?mari,anD ^aljcmatbt: ^nb aftc rwarbe were tbe ftpnrcb0 of p Ca> mm* fpjeDabJoDcanbe boibcr of tbe t» ftauitesj wag; from ?tDon,asf tbou cfimeft to C5crat Untmeajan,anbaiBi tbou gocft un^ to s>eDoma,anD v?omo2a,anD3 Dama.anD ?eboutti,cttcn Unto iefa.^befc aretbr cljph b2encfl9amintbrirapnrcb0,iu tlicp? eon* getf.couiitrecja! anb in tbep? nacponV mnto 5)5 alfo t))e fatber of all tHe cbilbien of ebcr(anb elder biotber of 3apbetb )tbere were eUpItoeir pmfM* pn of £>em : eiamanp3ffiir,:SrpbacbfaD,anbluDanD aram.'Ehecbilbwn of 3ram : man* mi, w f2PPS! B9m iSi ■*«»* begat feelab » 9€i>elabbegateber. ctnto eber alfo were * I,fe "" boiiic two nneiMriie name of tbe one wad }5clrg,fo2mbP*bape0' wag tbe ertb Dcup* beD3iibbPsibiotberu name HMWTfabetain jakctan begat 3£lmoDaD anb j&aleub fea= ^rmauetb anjlera}, anb ^oDoian 9 &l anDDicWa,Obalalfo9abimaelanD5Dcbe ba,anb Opbir.anb feautla, anD 30hab.au ^efe weretbecbPlbilof 3auetan^lnD f beu? bwcllmge was! from mm,** tbou goeit Unto jfeepbar a mount of tbe eaft. ^befe are tbecbilbienof^emaftertbeirftpnrebtf anb tongetf in tbeir lonpetfanD nacpontf . anbfo tbele are tiit bpmeDjf of tbecbplbien of &o- ab.after tbeir generaciong in tbeir peoples, anD of tbefe were tbe nacionjslDeupDtD in tht ertb after tbe ftoube. Crbe.yj.Cbaptce. fufponof KfnBfs.jrbfgciictacpon of gmntbt reir S SSfiE * tt * b;om:tol ' r • • wSnRJIHS itbe wbole errb waiatof onelan= 3 »«to Wte fpecbe. anb it bap neo wbantbep wf f e nietb fro t M , be ofifeirtljar^ tftere tbepabobe . anb tbep a m? iaJoS ^ei -i H"^W^!Wi"Tir 'Gintti& *-* . -^ fapb cucrp one to bttf uepgbbourc:Come,let U* pupate bjpcfte.9 wirne tbem in tbe f we. 3f nbtbep bab mpcftefo? ttone , 9 flpme bab tbep (n fteabc of mo?ter.3nb tbep npMni to,let Usf Implbe us a citic 9 a tower, wbofc toppe mape ecacb Unto beanen =9 let U# ma= feeu$aname,lcftbaplpwebe fcatreb ab?o« be into tbir Upper Face of tbe wbole ertb.a&ut &ar tbe loj&ter came bourne ,to fe tbe cpf ieanb tower wbpcbtbecbplbjen of menbuplbeb. Unbtbe lojbe fapbe : nBcbolbe, t|jc peo- pled oncanb t\)tv banc all one languages tbptf tbep begpnne to oo , tteptyer wpll it be tcttrapnebfr5tbcm, wbatfocuer tbep Dane «* pmagincb to bo.Comc on.let U# go bo wnc, 30 ant) confounbe tbm language , tbat etterp one per ceauc not ftp* nepgbbourtf fpeebc. 3nb fo tbe lojbe fcatreb tbem fr6 tbat pla= cc into tbe Upper face of all tbe ertb • 3tib tbep left of tobuplbctbc cptie.3nb tberfoje «(»«ie r b tetfee name of it calleb * 25abcl , becaufe * eonhi= tbe lojbe bvbtberc conf onnbe tbe language fpon. of all m ertb.ainb from thence bpbtbe ro- ne fcatcr tbem abjobe Upon tbe face of all tbe ertb* * 'fc'iwfe aretbe generacponjs of £oem:$em was an bunbietb ware olbc, anb begat 3r* pbaebfab two peare after t^z floube.aiub <§>cmlpucb(aftcrbe begat 3lrpbacbfab)fp= tie bunb?etb peare*, ano begat fonneg anb baugbtrr& . t ^ ^^airpbacbfablpueb fpueanbtbpjtpe pearefcs begat &clabHnb arpbacpfab lp= ueb(af tcr be begat r&elab ) foure bfibjetb 9 t^epcareis.anbijcgatfonncs!? baugbterjs. S>elablpucbtbpclablpueb(aftcrbcbcgat@uer)fou= rebunbjtetb anb tb?c pearctf , anb begat foil* tteganbbaugbtersi/ C ®0er Ipuebfonre anb tbP^tpe pearetf , anb bcgat^elcg , 3Bnb €bcrlpueb (after be be= gat j&eleg)foure bunbjctb anb tbP?tpcpca» rej8,9 begat fonnefianb baugbtcrsf. $elefllpuebtbp*tpepearetf,9begatl!Uu. ainb #eleglpueb(af tcr be begat IRcu) two bfibjetbaub npne pearcsi, anb begat fonncji anb oaugptee& - •l&euiptiebtwo anb tbptfpe peaec$,anb begat friws '. 3nfi men lpueb(after be be* gat &erusJtwo buntaetb ano feue" penrefc anbbegauonnctfanbbaugbtertf. SDctuglpucbtibpjtpepearetf^begfttj&a* bo^anb&ceUfflpucb (after be brgat |*«- boi ) t wo bfl^e tb peateiMnb begat fonnetf anb baugbterjf ■> _ ■ ^ ?Bmjiiiabo?lpuebnpne9ttwntpepearej6l,» anb begat ^erab . 3Bno j&abo? Ip«eb(after be begat ^crab )anbunb?etb anb npnetene pearc0,anb begat fonnejs auo tiaugbtersf. 'Cerab ipueb feucntpc pcarejJ, anb begat 3b^am,0abo^,anb^aran. 'fcbefearc tbe geneeacponsl of* ^ecab: *<•£«$ 'Eerab begat atb^am.iBabo? 9 ^aran . I?a« 3ior«.vn« ran bcgatXot/$nb l^aran bpeb in tbe P?e= fence of 'ScrabbPJSfatber.in tlitm* ofbP* natpttitpe.eue in mr of tbeCalbeej».3Jb?am anb #abo$tofcetbem tcpuetf: ^be name of 2tbm ttipfe wag d>avaf ,9 tbe name of $a= bo?0 «opfe tta$ Wca,tbe baugbter of lsa« ran tbe fatbee of ^)ilca 9 m fatber of liica. 2Snt^^>arai waiB baren,9 bab no cbplbe. * **m 3fnb ^erab tofte3b?am* bi^fonne , anb iggggg lot tbe fonneof ^aran,bV0 fontietf fonne.f $>arabp« baugbter in lame, bp0 fonne 31* bi50tx»pfe .3nu tbcpbepartcb togctberfro «nroftbeCaIuccjMbat tbepmpgbtgointo tbe lobe ofCljnnaau,9 tbcp came unto Cba« ran,abt»elttbcre.1|lnb tbcbapcjs of 'Serab U)crettt)obr»O?etb«nbfpucreare0,anb'Ce* rajj bpeb (nlaaran. - CEbc.rij.Cbapter. CJJb>8mteblc(Tei>i)f{£!oi»:(Bgottbtoptblotbnti> ^«l6ototct)aimflti,tt-i)prtj Oobpiomlfci) to fftue bnco bpm anb b<« ftbe.ab;am goctb .F«(j.c. pofreffp8,9 tbe &3-foule$$ tbat tbep babbe= -^s gotten in J^aran . %m ttyv beparteb^tbep mpgbt cometn to tU Idnbe of €b«naan,anb in to tbe Idbe of Cbanaau tbep came.3ftb;aui paffebtbojouje ttt lonbe Unto tbe place of i>icbem, 9 Unto tbe plapne of M) o;ep : anb tbeCanonite toasftbenintbelonbe. 3nb tbe tom apearpngeUnto 3Cb?amt fapbstttito tbp* febc wpllj geue fbWWt* ^ ettt , m . t . 3nb tberc buplbeb be an altare Unto tbe lo** vb,*,*™ m be,cuen wbere be bab appcarcb Unto to»«js; M . w ««» C 3nb remonpnge ttyw Untoamountapne tbat \xias eaft warDe f com betbel , be uitcbeb W tent , baupnge betbel on tbe melt tote, 9 tyat on f eaft. llntyt buplbpngean altare Unto tbe iojbe , W call on tbe name of m Xo^be.1lnb3b?am wente furtb goingeanb bepartpnge totxiarbe tbe foutb. H6nt tpere watf a bertb in tbat Ionbe, anb tbcrfo*e wente 3H b?a bow n e in to ^gppte, He mpgbt fotourne tbere, fo?tberewntf a fo?e bertb in tbe lonbe.^ub it bappencb Wb5 he was! come nere to entre in to egppte , be fapbe unto £>arai bvit vopfe s 2i$ebolbe , 3 fcnoweitbate bou art a tapje woman to lobe Upon. 'Cberfo^e (ball it come to palTef wbjl tbeegppepanstfe t be,tbepfbaurapetft)be is« bpjs wpfe . ainb tbep (ball Mime , but tbep JbaUfauetbealpue. 3nbfoitbappeneb,wbanabiamwa^ eomeintoegppte,tbe«3gpptian0bebeloep iooittS,fb| (be watf Uerp mp?e.1S:bep?piicejs alfo of ^barao fa we ber , anb commebeb ber before ©parao,anb tbe woman was! taben into l&baeaoa boufe.ainb be trulp intreatcb ab?am well fo^ ber f abe, anb be bab tbepe 9 orenanbbea(re0,menferuaunte0anbmav s befeewauntejs.aieaffejJ^camew. 3lnb tbe tojbe flnotejabarao anb by* boufe wttb greate plages becaufeof ^arai Zfmwi wpfe. 3nb ^barao calbnge Zm, fapbe (tt>bt> baft tbou bone tbP^nto me? XXfoV bpbbeft tbou not tell me , tbat (be was* tbp wpfe /- ji*owetberfo?e bebolbe, tpejetp tbp wpfe , taftr ber , ano go tbp wape : 3Wb ^baraogaue tbemen commaunbemet con* cernpnge bimanb tbep conuapebbtm furtb. anb W wpfe, anb all tbat be bab. C£be.JCiij.Cbaptec. *«se.FW» «rab?ant ain» lot nepattc out of tfgpptc . 3fl6 «B?3 Beupneb bpa lanbc 9 tattU tottb Jlot W« w i tbew (otttft . ffl»«e appnc (a pjompteb to ab?ant tbe lanbt of Canaan, 53bro3b?amgatbimUpout of€gp pte,be&bi* wpfe,f * aUfbatbebaD, 9 Lot wptbbpm , towarbetbe foutb. 3nb 3tb?am wag Uerp rpcbe,in catcll in fpl= tier 9 golbc.&nb be wente furtb onbpas iour* ttep from tbe foutb to warbe iSetbcl , Unto p place wbere ty* tent bab bene at tbe begpti; npnge,betwene25etbel9^ai^uenUnto^ *«swr.rt.c place of tbe* altare wbtcb bsbabmabetbe* tiame of tbejlo?b0. ■ ' lot allbwbpcb went witp 3Jbiam bab 1bm > cattell 9 tcntesJ : 9tbe.lanbe wag not able to receaue tbem tbat tbep mpgbt b well **.fftM4u togetber,fo?tbe * fnbOaiice of tbeir rpcbejS 25 wa$i greate , 9 tbep coulbe not bwell to ge= tber . 3nb tbcre fella ftrpfe bet wene p bcrb- men of 3b*am# catclU tbe betbntf of low catcll. «»ojeoucr tbe * CananplcuJ anb tbe #•«■"**• ' aaberef?tes( bwelleb at tbat tpme in tbe lart* be.Cben fapbe 3bobome. z5ut * tbe mm or *m-w& ^>obomewcrcwickeb,anbeiCceaDpn5erpn= nerg before tbe loibe. anb tbe loibe fapbe Unto 20mm, after tbat lot watf beparteb from btm . Ipfte up tbpuecpe0nowe,9lo!jefr6tbeplacc wbere part, no^tbwacbe, foutbwarbc, eftwarbct H weft warbe, fo? all * m lanbe wbpebe tbou J^;" %™ ;,; feefte wpll 3 gene Unto tbe anb to tbp feen a. fo?euer .ainb3 wpllmabetbpfceb, afitbe acUy , - buft of tbe ertb : fo tbnt pf a man can nomb:e tbe buft of tbe ertb, tban (ball t$y fceb alfo be nombjeb . actpfe anbwalhe about in Cbe ISbe-aftertbe lengtbofit9after tbe bjcbtb tperof , fo?3 Wpll geueit Unto tbe . 3nb 2b* bjamtaftpnge bowne $?& tente , came anb bwelleb in tbe ouegroue of ^amre , nameip in<£b?on,anbbupiDcb tbcre an alter Unto tbe lo?be. C^Tbe.ruii.Cbapter. Ctot fatafecn pjiContr.ffbt bp of 3b;am fo> tht ftooomPteo.iLot is Delpum:t) bp ab:*m, oatu cl)(fr6ecb offrctb gpftcs Onto 2b?ain. ab/1 papctl) f pf bee bato ft) elcbp frtccb . Eb;a bolb^b notbpns ^eoftheKpnge of giobomeaaoobcs. ^bitdjaunfeb in %%t bapesi of % 3tmrapbael ftpngeof gDpnbar. 36riocbftiugeof(£llanir,Bi*bo?= laomo?Upnge of Clam,9'@:bp- beall ftpnge of tbe nacionjs, anb tbep nrnbe warrc wptb iSera (tpngeof ^obome , 9 wptb ffiirfa hyn$c of 0omo?ra,anb with S)ineab ftpnge of 31 Da* ma, anb witb£>cmcabar fepnge of wboim, anb witb t\)t ftpnge of aScla. Cbe fame is* ?oar . am'fbefe were iopueb togctber in tbe Ualc of fry fiHbbim wbere p" fait (ec tjs. St 0? *&$ tweluc pearc were tbep fubiccte to ftpnge bcOo?laomo?,anbtntbc.]CiiJ.pfret'ebcllrb. USttt in tbe.jemj.pere came ftebo?!aomo? anb tbe fcpngea tbat were wptb bpih , anb (mote tbe(0paunte^ ttiatftarotb ftarnaim a u anb tbe * * ■ x* :_ u 'Ai *«»l ^_, A "■•'.-■ totl ■,:M >£& ftp, nnbtbe&nfpmtf inborn ,9tbcempm0ta tbe plapnc of aariatbtm.anb t jc teo*pm0 in mounte #>ar unto tj)c plapnc of ©Wan, wW cbc bojbjctb »pon rite wilbcrnclfc. anb e«r tbep irtnrnpnge, came to^ir $n Ojiftwt wWcfc t s Cabe0 , 9 fin orr nil # countre of the 3 malecbvtc0 , auo alto tUc atno?ttc0 that bwcltin wreon'Sbamac. 7& 3 nD t bcre went out t&c by use of ftobo* mc,9 ittJf hpnge of farfoiire apngc0 agapnftef pue. anb p Unle of &pbbpm wa0 full of Opine ppttc0. 3nD tbe Itpngc of Sjobomeanb^omoira flcb.anb f ell tbere.anb tbep tbat remapneb, flcb to tbe mountapne.ainb tbeptaapnae all the goobe0 of $>obome anb ©omoire anb all tbeir topraUc&utt fyefr wape.anb tbep Mtpcb awape tot alfo 3tyam* b:otbcr0 fonne anb bp0 goob (fo? be b wrllcbat ia>o= bome) 9 beparteb . anbtbrrc came oiic tbat ^ ... Wbeftapeb, anb tolbcatyam the toctaewe *a>tn.m% wbtebe owcllcbm tbe oftegroueof*a)amre amafco0, anb recoucrebail the soobctf , anb alfo bjougbt agapne bp0 5j r °wt lot.anb ty* jpobeMpe women alio anb tbe people. A. j^^W"*"^ agapne from the llauflbccr of ftebojlaomo? 9 of theftpnacc fl were with htm.cainetbc upnge of £>oDome mm to mete Ijtm in f plapnc ualepc, wbtcb i0^«ltpngc0Dale w 2nb * (ale" 3* SSXKfiK? ^ c . 40 OT® •** Bhww *&* .be. a . pjcfteofpmoft Upflbcft0o ftbleacbftvm fapinge: ttlcfreb beab^am u *o tbe bpgbe vFob uoffeffo? of beaucn anb ert 1 . 3nb ilef* reb bephpc <5ob mhith batb btlpuercb tbP* lie enemy* in to thv Danbe . » aibzam gancbimtptbe^ofall. ^ . ^,„? n ?L!^8P»fl«o^obom« fapbet>nto ^r- 3bwm.(^pue mttht&ar foum, anb taae ^ ESS* *f«. WWi anfSTreb *e>tt> lacbee , left etioti 0) nib eft fa ye , 3 tytue ma be abjamepcbe.^aue onlp tbat wbpcbetbe Vonge men banc eaten anb tbe partetf of tbe men xohith wH tuitbme.^nc^efcbol, anb ^amrc«)bicbft)alUalietbcitparte0, Cfc&e.jcto.eiwptefc CSDrMnoe of cannante prtapapne wom»r»fa > atjjain. ©oil p;ompf«J) Drm f«b . ©c barurtb «<« to,i;i)f wopbtcpeof fbe bonoaae toUw to the AHWnor Jifraciftiuibf bt bnott jabatno :onooe (gclr Dripucrancc from tbf famr. tf tee tbcfe tbpngctf were bone, tbe wojrtic of tbe Xo^be came \m* to 3b;aui in a tjprpon fapinge, jfeare not 3b?am, 3 am tbp be. 'fence, anb tbP rewarbe (ball be ejeeabpnae great, anb 35b?am fapbe : lo?- bt fob Wit tout tbou gene me totem 3 go cbPlblefTe.anb tbe &a> cbplbeof tbe ftewaro- fbipof mp tomtit* fbptf€IcajaeofU)ama» icotTt no 3 b^am fapbe : p Unto bea* ucn.aubteutbe^aarrejs.vftboubcableto nomb?e tbem.aino be fapbe Unto Mm* gut roOialUbpfeebbc. 3Bnb $ bjam * bcleueb tbi lo^be.anb that eounteb fit to hym fo^ rpgbtcujefnc0 . atnb agapne()c fapbe unto bpm: 3 am tbciozbe tbat b^ougbt tbe out of m of tbe CalbcejS roariteffte tbr$ lanbe.anb tbat tbou mpgb« teftpofrcffcit, rav ^ anb be fapbe: io?bc <5ob , wherbp (ball 3bnowctbat3(ball poffeffe it t fee anft»e« reb Untobpm : 'Cabe an bepfferof tbie pere pibe, anb a n> goate of tb?e pece olbe , anb a f|»e pere olbe ram, a turtpll boue alfo anb a WW Ptffcon. ipe tobe tberfoje all rljefe Un- to bim , 9 bcupbeb tbemm tbempbbciBi, anb lapbe eucrp pece.oneagapnftanotber . 23ut tbe fpulciS bcupbeb he not. a lib w&an f bvi, be0 fellon tbe carcafeji , 3fyamb?oue them atuape : ainb wben tbe funne wa0 bot»ue. »berfeHaaombcFUpoii3b?am . anbloo, a barbe anb great feare fell upon bpm. m 3nbbeTapbeUntoab^am: ftuowetbPJ* of a fuertje , tbat tbp* feeb (balbeaaraun* " ' batpertepnetb not Unto tSem. Mtfo 9 tbepqjall entreatetW mm * .mjmbttb pearesr . 26ut tbe nacpon wbom tbep (ban feme , tt>pll3fobge.3nb afterwarbe (ball tbep come out wttugreat fubftaunce. ainb teouujnltgoo Unto tppfa n **, 25 *bfctf.rrw| 0. 3|aco.t).6. JSaHMq.o, C tm.bfS.a. tffro.w.f. Jtibftb.b.b, «5«U. ainb it came to paffettJAfttbant&e tonne went bourne , etiere wntfa barn cloube s be= bolbe,eber wasia fmoning furneae,t a fpze fcr b^anbe ffof iigei^ betwene tbe fapbe pece*. 3n tbat mine bape tbetojbe mabeaco* mrrmt uennunte w abiam faptngetUnto thy* feeb baue 3 geuen tby$ lanbe , from tbe rpucr of ©gppt.eucn Unto tbe great rpuert&r rpuer of ettplwatetf, tbe uenptetf , the Btnpjltejaf, anb tbe Cabmonlte* , tbe tyetbttea , anb tbe ^bemite*, anb tbe gpaunte*, tbe amojtpc test alfo , 9 tbe Canaa in m , tbe ©ccgcf v»e J* anbtbe3ebuft>te*. 'Cbe.rUj.Cbapfer. *ara(gruct^3b;aifaiiito eahtagacljpj nutpbt to topft . agar oefppffb bpl mapftrrs : fo> mbpeh W MM rupll (lUttafcb of daraf :ant> tbrrfojr tQ; nrtb atoapj. Sbr anstii m«tpug« bp; : commauns tab bp; to eutnr agapnranb both p/ompribpt ft: b t.gttb namrtb bp> fc>a£bPlbt3Brmafi. 3rai 3b?ami8 wpfe bare l)pm no £bpib?cn.2i?ut Qje bab an baube mapbean^gppcpil, i^agarbpna- 'me.atib jtoarai fapbe unto 3n?am USebolbe tbe lo?be batbrefteapneb me, tbat 3 can not bere,3p?ape tbe go In unto mp mapbe, perauenturejniapc be ebtfpeb bp ber.38nbabJamobepeb tbt uopce of £>arat 3nb am bab b welleb.jr. pere in tbe lanbe of Canaan) anb gaueber tobp^ b»fba»be Mwn tobe ftp* wpfe. mhkl) wban be wentefn Unto 3lgar>(be conceaueb . anb wfcen (be fa we tbaf m bao e6cepucb,bP?maftreu"ewa0bcfppfeblnbpj 25 epe0.anbS>araiCipbeUnto abwm."a:bOtt boftmew;ongc:3bauegeuenmpmapbetti to tbp bofome.iubpcbfcvnac tbat (be batb conceaueb,3 am befypfebm lm epeftf to?- betubge betwene tbe anb me . aftii t abzam fapbe to SDaraiibebolbe.tbpmopoe 10 m tbp banbe, bo wltb bvt atf it plea fetb tbe. 3nb wban &»nrai far eb foule wptb &er, we Reb from tbe face of ber . anb the angell of tbe to^befounbe ber befpbeafountapue of water in the wplbcrne0 : euen bp tbe well tbat (0 in p wape to Smr.anb be fapbe: tyn* gar$>arai0 mapbe, wbeneecamefttbouanO wbctber wat tljou gooi'jfebe fapbe: 3 flee red tbe face of mp mnftrefle^arat . anb tbe angell of tbe Lojbc fapbe Unto ber : returue eo tbp maftreffe agatne, 9 fubmpttetbp felfe Uitberfjerbanbc0. «t anb agapne, tbe angell of t&elojbefap* be Unto ber ; 3n encreafinge 3 wpll encreafe tw feeb anb It (ball not be nomtyeb f otmuu tit ube . anb tbe &oibe0 angell fapbe unto ber, fe, tbou art witb ebplbe anb u)alt bete a fonne, anb Qjalt call bva name3nnael:be= eaure tbe loioe batb betbc tbp tribuiacpou. J^ealfo will be a wplDeman, anb bp* baube willbe agapnlleuerp man, anb eurryman* Danbe agapnftDun;anbUe(ljaUbWfUmtj)e <$mtti& ptetonu !of all W Um& %wb (be calieb tbe nameoftde to^betbatfpaaeunto ber;tbo« <2>ob loacft on me , fox ine fapbe : baue 3 noe fene bece tbe bathe parte0 of bpm tbat feetb me.'WUberfojc tbe well wa0 calieb , tbe well of bim tbat Ipuctb $ fcetb me . a nb It 10 bet* wenecabetf anb 26areb.anb^ajrar bare a b? am a fonne , and a b^ calieb D10 fonnetf name wbicb l^aflar bare unto btm . 3fmael anb a warn wa0. irrruj. pere oloe, wben msat bare bim 3fltiacl. CCbcjKWj.cbapter. jMm'' MB* iMjabam : anb feara< it nsnua jftata.rbeianQtBf Canaan it btrr£ fou«btpmf WompftB Cttcumdfpon 10 betf intiitutt . Jfabac l»p;ontpr«».ab;abampMpi'tb fo? JlCmarl. ]25?am wa0 npnetpe pere olbe % ^iXfftbe loibe apeareb to a' , ?ani9fapbcUntobpmj3nmf almpgbtle C5ob:wal(ie*befo?e *««»*•«•■ I me anb be tbou perfecte, a nb 3 * amm* Will * made mp bfibe betwene meanbtbe.anb wtllmultlplpc #crcebmoip. anbabwrnfell on bn face. anb 0ob ftb »eb wltb btm faptnge : 26ebolbe, 3 am, anb mp teftamenti0 wltb tbe , 9 tbou Cbait be a fatber of manp * nacpo0.i!5eptber (ball tbp * etwiu name anp mm be calieb ab.?am, but tW name ujaibe abiiabam : *fol C teftament.3nb<2fob fapbe tonto ab*atymu $>arat tbp wpfc (bait toon not call fcarat: nut &ara (bail few name be, 3Kno 3 tx>(U Ulcf- ft tier 9 baucgeneutbea fonneof bct,9 wpll blcfffbcr.pcoplcalfo.pcanbUpngcSofpco* plciball tbpnge of bcr . »t 3bjabam fell . 'upon biStaccnnb laugbeb, and fopbe m bpS jjattc : Oiailt a cUploc be bojnc tonto Dim tbat id an bfibicb pcre olbe , anb (ball £>ar a that IS npneticpcrcolDe,bcre.'3nba&bmbam top- ee tout a d5ob :£> (fiat 3fniocl mpgbtc ipuc mtbpfpgbte. aantowbomara tbP wpfc ♦ & tbou (bait call bi* name3faUac. 3nto3 wpll maftc mp era. rr«o. bonne wit b bim , f oj an * cuerlatt pnge bonw anb witb Oil* feed after bint . 3nba*conc 3nbbe leftof talnpnge witbbpm,9bc* pacteb top from Stojabam . 2lb?abam tofie 3fmacl bitf tonne anb all fttebe as were boz» ncmhiS boufe .anball tbat was bought to moncp as uianp a* were men cbplbje* wbicb were amonge tbe men of 3b.iabamS boufe, 9 ciccumcpfcbtbe fleffye of tbeir fojempnne, euen in tbat fclfe fame bape, as (5eD ijab fapbe tonto bim . 3biab& alfo bim fclfe wasl npnetpe pecc olbes npne , when tbe fleCtjc of W ftojcfftpnne teas circucpfcb . 3 fmaell bis fonne was. fltj.pere olbe wben be wasclr* cumepfeb in tbe ftefibe of bis f ojef ftpnnccbe felfe fame bape urns % b?abam circumcpfco, anb 3 f mael l bpa fonne . 3nb all tbe men of hpS boufc, bojne in W boufe o? bought witb mouep ( of ftraungertf) were circumcpfco tut Mm. •r£be.*toiij.ebapter. C t)m «pc»c tu ttyerotn tnt o awbom. a t»b« is pjomprt a to Ijpm «8«pi«:at tobpdj&ata latu «t>eB.anjEi)fttt;uccpB or tbe *obom(te« to bteus if a biito ab;ab»m.ab;«b»ni | >;»pt tb Co; tbem. i •: J V i'. \ ... . I ■; fete; ' b tbe lojb e apeareb tonto bPm theplapneofJ3?amreanbbefat inbitftentbojeintbe beateoftbc baj>e.3nbi)c Wfe »P Wi» cpes anb lookeb:? to, tb?c men ftobc b|>b(m.3Snb t»b? befawctbem.bt ran to mete tbem from tbe tentbo?e,anb fentotbegrounDe anb fapoe: loibe C 3 befeebe tbe) vl 3 feme founbtto* uoure in tbP fpgbt : soo not ( 3 P?ape tbe) f r8 tbP feruauntc . let a Iptle tuatec be tctt, anb tx>a(be vouceft te.anbrcfrefocpoure fel* ucs nnber m trce.36nb 3 wpU fett a * mo|= *»•»•>«*. fcllof^ceb,tocomfo^efourebartetft»itb= aU.ajnb tban (ball pc goo poure wapetf ,,foj cu en tber f o?e are pc come to poure f eruaute< Znn tbep fapbc : do euen Co as? (jaft fapde* 2jnb3ib?fibain tocnt a pafe in to bf# tent tot" to feara,* fapoe :maUcrebp attflcctt)?ei)ec- hes of fpne meale , bneabe it , 9 mane calico 3nb Hb;abam renupnge \jnto W be aftes, fett a calfe tenb^e anb goob, $ ga tie it bnto a ponge man , 9 be baftcb to male it rebp at= tonce.and He tobc butter 9 mplcbe 9 tbwai* f c wbpcb be bab u?eparcb, 9 fet it befoie tbe» anb ftobe bpm felfe bp tbem \mm tbe tree *wban tbep bpbeatc. . SSffl 1 a»ibtbcpfapbe\)ntol)im:U)bere ififba^ 55 ^ ra tbp ujpfcfbeaiifxDcrcb : bebolbe, (be Win ~* tbe lent. Hub be fapbc ^» in rcturnpnge , 3 ** mill come agapne Unto tbe, accojo pngc to . tpmeof Ipfe. 3lnbloo*ara tbP wpfelbafl &*«**• baue a f onnc&Dat bear oe $>ara>tn tbe tent booie ro!jtcbtDa0beb(nbebim(36b?ab3 anb 3>ara were botb olbe 9 well ftrpnen in age, ^(tccaCcb tobet»itb£)ara after tbe manes aditid wptbwemen) 'fcberfoje&ara lau* gbeb witpmbP^fflftCapiiige s /ftowe3am Ajfc- waceb olbe, (ball 3 ficue >"p fclfe to * lutt,$ **<*• mv lojibeolbe alfo.'ainbcsob fapbe tonto 3|b?abam : wberfojcbpb&aralaugbe fap« inge: u>all 3 of a fucrtpe bere a cbploe wbicft am olbc'iSanp tbpnge wonbertull to tiPobr' 3co?bpnge to tbe tpme*appopntebt»ill3 *w.tu . ceturne nntotbe.cu2aco?bpngetotbetpme «•»•««* of lpfe,9 ^)ara (ball baue a fonne.^b^ &>*" ra benpeb it Ripiiige : 3 laugbeb not, fo> (be wa0arrapbe.ainbbefiipbc:3t«notfo,but ^ tbou laugbeb(t.3nbpmenftonbinge top fro ^ tbence,lobcD townrbe ^>obome.3Bhb wa= bam went witb tbem to b^pngetbemontbe wape.3nb p lo?be fapbe: ^>baU3,bPbefrfi 3b?abam tijat tbpnge wb(tb3 bo t fepnge tbat3b?ab5 (ballbca * great anbanirab- JgS?^ tie people.anb all tbe nacpong ofpertblbal* * fnt,fW be bletfeb in bim? 3Rnowe tbislalfo , tbat tie willcommaunbe o(Scbplb?cn anb bPSbou^ (bolb after bim , tbat tbep ttepe tbe wape of p lo? be , anb bo after tpgljte anb confepence, tbattbelo^bemapeb^tngetoponaib^abam alltUatbebatbrpoaentontoljim. . ^ Mt 2Bnb tbe lojbe fapbe * 'Cbe ctJ^e of»a&o= w.r«* borne anb c&omojca 10 great , anb t^m fpnne (0 ercebpnge grcuous . 3 wpll go bowne no we anb fee wbetber tbep baue bone all togetbte acco?bpnge to tbat crpe x»Wb Wwme tonto me oj not , t|jat3 mm »nowe Eot nnowc.^nbtljemen beparteb fbence aun wf t to ffi> obome warbe. 7&n 1 3 b?aba ftobe ret before tDc lo^be , anb Sbjabam b^cwe Here >fap»C:«)p!t p alfo befttopc tbe rpgbt= weS witb f be wicitebi'parauentiire tbere be SD I. rpg|twe0 witbin tbe cptie , Wplt tbou be- (trope anb not fpare t])t place fo/tbe fade of Mpgbtwe* tbat are tbcrin t %ty\t be farre from tbe > tbat tbou ujuibeft bo after tbPtf f a yingc > 9 flep tU rpgbtwes witb ttexoit* neo, * tbat tbe rpsbtwciS u)ulbe be as p wic» fteb, tbat be taerelrS tbe.^>ball not tbe iubge of all tbe wo?lbebo acco 0D0* mel .rpgbtwes wptbin p cptie, 3 will fpare all tbe place f 0? tbeir fa m. 3nb3Jb^abam anfwftpiige:fapbe,25e= balbe> 3 baue taftcn topon me to fpeabe tonto nBwr.jj.il, t^e lojbe, * wbicb am but butt anba(ujes< perattenturetbcte&aU lacRe fpue of fpftpe Epgbteou0 ; ttkplt v befttope all tbe cptie fo» lacftc of fpucc^lnb be fapbe;pf 3 f pnbe tbere four tpe & fpue, 3 willnotbcftropetbe. 3nD be p^oceabebtofpeabe tonto bpm agapne > 9 fapbe,perabuentute tbere (balbe f ourtpe f 0? unbe tbere^eanfwereb j3 will not bo it fo? fojticsfahc.lije fapbc tonto bim agapne : © let not mp tojtb be augrpfbat 3 fpeafcc:pct« abufturctberc (balltbp^tpe be f ounce tbere. 3nb bt fapbe:3 will bo notbpnge pf 3 rpnbe tbirtpctberc.l9efapbe agapne: fe,3 baue taacntopoineto fpcabenowt alfo tonto mp loiibe : perabuf ture tber (bal be t wentpe f 0* nnbetbcrc.tye anfwereb:3 wpll not beftropc tbemfo,itwenfie0faBc.3inbbcfapbe;£)lct not mp io^bc be angrp,9 3 W Cpcanc pet but tbtS once. ^Derauenture tbere fljaH ten be founbefljctc. ifeeanftDcrcb : 3 wpll not be- (rropetbnn fo? tenSfaUc,3Bnbp lozbc went biS wape as (oone as be bab lef te com liinge witb 3 bjabam . %nti%bi&\)Mn alfo te tar* neb tonto b(0 Place. CIM4M obome.3HUbiot fringe tbtm,rofe top to mete tb^ . anb be '* bowebbim fclfe to tbe grcuoe tfi bis face. $tm # fapbe : mp io^bes , tnenc in 3 pjapeponinferroare feruautes bonfeij tar p all npg\itc ff watbcronre fete ^ pe (ball tpfttopearip togo onpoiite wapcS. ttobpcb ■« n ««« fiw rnapJbut we wpUbTbe in tbettreate* w-mm, aHnpgbte.anbbeinmancrbyb euen*com- pellctbetoioKtlp.^nbtbcpturnpiigeiHton* to bim entrcb in to |)i$J bonM be mabe tb? a rob.^.o. mfaiMA balteiwete^eb.fttbepbio^eate 3nbbcfo?e t|>ep wit to reft > |men of f cptie Bf.tfrtM, 5ro,bi/; ***• (cutix m ntfn of 53oo«jrrtc)tompaiTeb tU boufc rounbeaboute botb olbe | pongejall p pe pie from all quar fees. &nb tbep callpnge tobto tot, fapbc bnto bim: wbctearepmen wbicbcnmcintotbcfbpSrtpgbti' b;pnge W out tonto to s i we will lino we tbtm. 3tnD lot wft out at tbe booses tonto ftlJI anb (but tbe boje after bpm anb fapoe : nape f oz gobbes lafte b?ctb^, bo n ot fo wpcUeDlp* 25ebolbe3 baue two baugbfcrS wbwb baue Imowne no ma,tb? will 3 b^pnge out no we tonto pou : 9 bo witb tbem as itfemcf b goob in pour cpeS. ©nip tonto tbeft in? bo notbin* ge , f 0? tberfo^e taint tfytp m tonber f Qjabo» we of mp rofe.anb tbep Jhpbe: (tonbe baca^ 3CnbfbepfapDe:bccamcinasoncto fciours ai m,9 wpllbe benowea * iubger we wpilfU' IS wS, erlpbcaiewo?fewifbtbcfbanwitbtbeni. © 3nbf bepmeafeb fo?e tops tbe man , euen lot : 9 came to tyeafcc top tbe Doo^e , but t\)s men put fo$tb tbeir ba nbe 9 pulleb lot in to tbeboufetotbemanbfbuttotbebooie.^nb tbe men tljatwc teat tbe boo?c of the bou(f, 4&aD( , rir , tl)tp fmote witb blpubneiTc * botb finally 8338T grcate : fo tbat tbep favntcb anb coulbc not fpnbe tbeboo?e.3nb?"mcnRipbe tonto tot» 3ftljou baue pet bete anp fdnwe in la we 01 foimcs 0^ baugbtcrso? wbat fdeitcr f baS in tbe cptic,b?pnge it out of tbis place: fo? we mud' bcatope tbiS place , becaufe tin crpe of tbem isi great * before tbe face of aue tbp Ipfe, anb lohc not ** bebpnDc tbe .neptber tarp tbou in ail fbpS ta ptiCrleft fome mi fr 0^ time fall topon me a«b 3 bpe.a6cboloe,bi'rc is a cptie bp,touce ton* to.tjucn Pobbcr Iptle one : €>blet mt be faneb tbcrc.iS it n of a iptle one . anb mp foule (bail Ipn c ■( atnb be fapbc to bpm •• fe 1 banc recra- uebtbp rtgueft as concetnpnge tpw Vwm* s % 4 A^ i 1 m !? fiv- : f fttyatyatii #tnefis r i i »i » 1 i tbat 3 wvll not oucttbjowe tDpsl cptlt fo* toe wDfcb tbou Daft fyoten . $aft c t b c , wDen lot wast en* ttreOintojoar. : *«fw«-.B. , ■$;DantDclo?berapnebDpon*£>obomc SES& 9 &omo?ra,b?pmfton grfpjci^ fttftbe lo?= ft^twoutofbcanen.f oucrto?et»ctbofccptic0$ allf regpon , mid all tDat bwcllcb intDc cp» tics, anb tbat tbat grerocDpon tbe crtl).25ut lores* wpf eJokeb beDpnbc bee , turns* tttr=» ned in to a ppllar of faltc . 3b?abam rpfmgc ^ Dp car!P,got bim to tDe place wDcre be ttode * before f p?cfencc of dE» ob,s lo&pngc towarbe a>obome $ d5omo?ra $ to ward c all tbe Ion* be of tba t co n tec be I o neb : and bebolbe , tbe " (mote of tbe contrpe a tofe as* t&e fmote of a f ojnacc.anb it bappeneb tDat wben <5ob be* ftropebtbecptiess oftbaf regpon, be tpougbt muwm *pon aibiaftam , t fent lot * out from tbe £ap< cn.r.a. mpDb C# Of § Ollttt ^OtDEllflC, WDetl be OUCt * BRSffi tD?ewetDc cptictfwDere iotbwclleb. iuir ,t.b. anb lot beparteb out of joar $ bwellcb itttdc mowitapiws' rt Di04Daugbtcr*s,fo? be fcareb to tar? m $oar, but dujcIIc d in a cane, be sbitf. ij. baugotcrsf tanb tbe elbee fapbc Dm Sponger .-once fatber is* olde, anb tbere iS not a man intbeertb to come in Dnto Ds* - nftertbcmaneeofalltbeu>o?loe.Come,we will mate ouce fatber b? fitted witb wpnc,$ lp e tottb bim, tbat \» c ma pe fa ueff be of dure fatber.anb fo fbep rnabe t Dcir fatber b?onc= ben wptb wpne tbat npgbt . and tbe elder baugbtcrwcnt$iape unrbbec fatber .anb be percraueb it not, netber wDen we lapc bo* une,netbcrwbenwcrofcbp. (5 .anbontbemo?owcttbappcnebtDatfDe elber fapbe Dnto tbe pongee ; bebolbe, peftcr= npgDtlape 3 witb mp fatber . let Ds* mate DimbiScte witD wpne tDis* npgDt al fo, $ go tbou k Ipe WitD Dim , tbat we mape rapfe Dp feed of oure fatber. anb tbep mabe tbeir fa= tber b?octe witb wpne tbat npgbt alio. a nb ti) c poger arofe 9 lape toitb |)im. 3nb i)e per> ccaueb it not .netber wbcnCbelape bourne, netber vaUum (be ro fc tjp.'Cbnsf tocre botb t&e baugbterji of lot «5 cbplbe bp tbeir fatber. 2tub tbe elber bare a Tonne , anb callebbP* name &)oab . %$z fame ititbt fatber of tpe JIDoabptetffcntot&pjSOave. 3nb tbe ponger bareafonne alfo anb callcb bPS name Ben %mmi > HDbe lame in tbe fatber of tbe epp l- bftn of 36mmon Ditto tbitf Dape. C^bc^.Cbaptcr. «X3b;a1)am tocnta«'a(traungttur,anb fo= io^neb in c?erar . 3nb 3b^abam fapbc oeifearaftpjswvfe: fte«mp ^fpftej; Jg» 3Bnb^Wmrtec|> fcpnac ofc&etw m* tort***** ^nraawape. . . ■•.. TiSii t c5ob came to a Wmelccb in a b?eame in $ npgbt anb fapbe to Ijpm : <&e, tpou Jatt ope rty tbe womftjJ fate tx»bicb tbou baftta=« ftcna\Bnve,fo?fbct»am5iStx)pfc.:2&ntabi= melecbbab not pet comenpeber i ^befapbtJ lo?bc toplt tbou flcp rpfibtewejj people/ fapbe not De tonto me,(be (0 mp fpftcr y pee, « fapbe'notibebcrrclfc:beistmpb?otber/i»it9 apurebcrteanbiunocent bob fapbc fcnto Dim bp a became: 3\»otit well tpattDoubpbeftit tntbcpu* reneffe of tDPberte. 3 tepte ? alfo tbat tbou Qjulbeft not finneugnpnlt me,? tDer f 0$e (bf> f reb 3 tbe not to t oucb Dee . jSowe ttyt f o?e bclpucrtbemanbti8t»pfeafl:apne,fo?bei)E(a pjopbe tc.36 no De (ball wape fo? p. tbat tbou mapft ipne. i£ ut anb pf tbou belpuer bet not agapnr, be fiire timtbou ujalt bpetDe -Uew» botb tbou.nnb all tbat tbou baft, ^bcrfo^eabuuelecbrpfpnge^pbctpme* in tlye mo^ipngccaUcb mm fcruauntctf , % toibe alitbefc fiiptngctfintbcie rarest , anb p menwercfo^cafrapoe. 3tnb3JbimelecDcai= C led atynhaui $ fapbe Ditto bpm : W bat baft tbou bone Dttto \)p« tobatbane 3 offenbed tbetbat tbou baft bzougbt on mc anb on mp bpngbome fo great a fpnne t tDou Daft bone brbe0 Ditto me f» ottgbt not to be bone . 3nt» ^bimclecbfapoc Dnto3b?aDam : tolwtfa- toeft tDou tDat tDou baft bone tbKJ tDpngti* 3b,?abamanf«)ereb.5foit3fapbe:fiirelp tbe fease. of <5ob is not in tDptf place , $ tbcp (bail aepme f o,t mp wpfcjB fafte: pcttn tjctp OeocajeWmpfpfter , fo?£bc iiBtDebauaDter ofmpfatber:tbougbfbebcnottbebaugbter of mp motber .anb (be became mp wpfr.3nt> after, c5obcaufcbmc to toanb^e, out of mp fatbcriQ:boufe,3 fapbe Dntober:^:DPtfBPtib= ttrite wait tbou Q>eu)c Ditto me in a 11 plactf lubere toe come , tDat tbou fape of me > De i& my b^otDer. 'CDmttote^bimclecbftiepeanb otcn, *, men fer uaun ten a uiemenfcruaunte^ 9 gaue tbem Dnto 3ttb^aba,anb belptierebbpnt ifca= ra W wpfe agapne . 3nb 3Cbimc IccD fapbe: bebolbe , mp lanbe ipetD before tDe , Dwell wDwitpleafetD p beft . But Ditto ^ara De fapbe: £)e,3l Daue geuen top b^otDer a tDou* fanbe pece0 of fpiuer , bebolbe , it wall be a couerpnge of tbpne epe0 Ditto all tbat are id tl)e *» $tbu0 witb all toasi we rep^oueb. -. 3nb fo % biaDam pjape b Dnto dE^ob , anb , 0ob Dealeb:$bimelccD anb W wpf e anb DM mapbensi, ? tbep bare tbpib?? . if o? p lojbe Dao clofeb to ,all tDe matrpcesl of tDe Doufe of SibpmelecD'becatife of ^b?abamgi wpfe. < CDe.]t]t>.CD«pttr. "•SSL , . 'CDelojbe #tntft^ tfoML it 0(U U IS Umd.fr »b* IIlI.JIII.D. c l}C 1 ojbe Difpf eb S?ara ag De Dab fapbe anb bpb Dnto Der * acco;* bpngeajSDeDrtbp^ompfeb, Jfoj ^ara wa# wptD eDplbe anb bare abjtaDom a f onne in D»e olbe age, euen tDe fame feafon wbicb p lo?bc bad ap- popntcb Diui . nnn ZbtaW called W fonnetf name tDat wa0 bo/ne Dnto bpm wbicD ^oa= ra * barcbim»3fabacs» 3Sb?aD«*circumcp- feb 3faDac biJ* fonne wD^ be wad.Diii.bapetf olbe:a0(5ob comaunbeb bpm. anb 3b?nba" Doaji anbub^cb pere olbe:wb?DW fonne3fa= Dae wass bojne Dnto bpm.But ^feara fapbe •. d5ob barb mabe me a laugbpnge ftocte :fo tbat all tDatbcarc : wpll (angbatme. £>be fapoealfo:wbowolbeDauefapbDnto3lb?a= D5:tbat ^ara wulbeDaue geuen cDPltyf fu- ebcefo? 3 iiatte bo?neDim a fpnne inopsi olbe ageebe cbplbc gre we:anb toast weneb :anb 3b?abam mabe a great feaft: tbe famebape tbat3fabacwaiSwencb.&arafaweaifotDe fonne of Jaagar tbe £gppttan ( wDpcDe we Dabbo?ne Ditto aibjaDam ) tobeamocter, U)bcrfo?e we fapbe Dnto 3Hb?nbam ; * put awapc tDMonbemapbc ebpjt fonnc:fojtbe fonne of tDptf boubc womil wailnot be Dep^e witlt m p fonne 3fabac : 9 tDP^ fapinge wasi DcrpgreauoujSin3b?aDamjSfpgDtbecaufe of bv$ fonnc.3nb (5ob fapbe Dnto 3Eb?aba : let it not be greau oust (n flip fpgDt.becaufc of tbe labb anb of top bonbmapoe. 311 p S>ara batb lapbe Dnto tbe ,bcarc Dp? tjopce.fo? * in Ifabac (Dall tDp fceb be callcb.cba. 7tm tbe wai- ter wajS fpcntintbcbottcll.anb we caft § lab Dnber a bit we anb went anb fatt on tbe'otbcr fpec a grcatc wapc , a# it were a bowwote of :f o? Wcfapbc.-3 will not fc tDe beatb of tDe cbplbe. 3d nn we fpttpngc bonne on tDe otDer f Pbe.lpftc Dpbv? Dopceaub wepte. 3K ub (Bon bcrbc t})t Dopcc of tbe eDplbe-. 3nb tDe ang ell of d5ob calleb l^agar ottte of beauen anb (iipbe Dnto ber : wDatapletDtbe foagar t 5f care not , f oj C5oO batD Derbe tDe Dopce of tbe cbilbe wbcre be lpctb-3!rpfe,anb Ipftc Dp tbe labb.anb tabe bpm in tDP banbe, fo? 3 wpll mate of bpm a grcatepcoplc.anb d> ob opened bP? epctf : and we fa we a well of von ter. 3Cnb we went anb f pllcb tDe bottell witb water, anb gaue tbe bopebjpnte. 3£nb 0oo wajs wvtb tDe labb, anb be grewc anb bwelt in tDe wplbcrncffe , anb became an ar= f bcr.3nb be bwelt in f wplbernr lie of $ba* ran. 3ftnb Dp* motber gatt ^n^ wpfe out of tDelnuOeofCgppte. c^ 3ubitcDaacebtbefamefeafon,tDat3bi- melecDanb^Dtcollbpjscbefccaptapnefpate Dnto % bjabam fapinge: * ©ob in wptbtbe * &«.Mi>u in all tbat tbou bocft . 2Bub notue tberfo^e fwere Ditto me euen bcre bpc^ob, tljattDoti wpltnot burt meno^mpeDplbieii, no? m^ cbpl0?cnjscbplo?e\25uttbnt tbou waltdeale witbme anb tbe contre wbrre tbou baft bene a ftraungcr, accoibpnge Dnto t^t UpitbuelTe tDat3bauewewcbtI;e.anbTOabamfapb: 3 wpll fwere. Tin* 3ib?ab5^^tcbnteb 3bimclecb fo? aweiiofwater.wbicbabmtelccbsferuaun-^ te0babDiolentlptateawape.3nb3Ebime-- s, lecb fapbe : 3 wote not wDo batD bone tbpa tDinge.3Clfo tDou tolbeft me not.'itetDcr Derbe 3 of it , but w& bape. atnb Tfo&ftm toke wepeanb orf, anb gaue tDe Ditto 3ibimelccb< 2tnb tbcp made botb of tDem a bonbe toge* tber. anb abjabamfet.Dii.ewe lainbeg bp tbe feluc0.anbabtmclci:bfapb Dnto M&* Da:wDatmeanetDcfe.Dii,ewelambcsl wbicb tDou baft fet bp tDem fcliiejif l?eanfwcreb : 5f o? tbere. Dii. lambesi wait tbou rate of mp jtfbe.tbat tbtp mape be a wptneffe Dnto me, tDat3battcbpggebtDpflwrll.tt)berfoietDc place islcaHeb&^r25ccr^)eba, becaufc tDat tbcrctbcp fwarc botb of tbem. CDusS made tbep a bonbe f o getber at 26ccr &cba . anb abtmclccb $ wtol W cDcfe Captapne rofc Dp.anb turneb agapne Dnto tbe lanbe of tbe ^Dtliftmetf. anb ab?abam planted a \x>odd in j&m ml® > anbcalleb tDcre on t\}c name of tbe lozbe.tbe eucrlaftpng Gob:and fogc= ourneb in tbe WliftinS labc a louge feafon. CW- JtW CD*ptcr. Cr^*faptIJOfab,!aft4i5pjoue6 in olfcrpnfff'bpa Tonne jRCaljac . cijj'-pO oure faupouc is piomrfcn . ' Sto ffcntcacpon of f*tti)ot Sbtftm* b;otl>cr. 5ftcr tbcfc fapingeii ittyamm f a C5obbp'0 * p?ouc ab?aoamanb*T(iof.b.«.B fapbe D« to bpm m b?abam.ti)bpcb &*% W anfWfreb.bcreamX anb be fapbc * m ' tu *' fate tbPl^^onlp fonne 3fabac wbom tbou •=©* loueft, ? get tbe Dnto tbe lanbe 0otia, anb facrifpee bpmtbecefo?a facrifpccDpon one of tbe mountapns'.wbpcb 3 wpll wewe tbe: Hban ab?aljam rofc Dp earlp in tDe mo? * npng,&fablcbbitfaflc,anbfotetwoofnP!ef •pongc me wptDDpm ,anb 3fabac \m fonne : anb cloue wobbfo? tbe facrifpee, anb rofc Dp anb gottDpmto tDe place wDvcljc<5ob Dab appopnteb bpm. '&DetDP?bcbapeab?aDaimpfteDp DPS epesi.anb fawetbcplace a farreof anb ftpde Dnto Ditfpoitgcmen-.bpbc bcre witb tbe alTe. 3 anb tbe lab wpu coo ponber anbcp^" wo?» - T WPPPe»^comeagapneDntopou.anbab:a=i|s Dam tote tDe wobb of tDe facrifpee anb lapoe it Dpon3faDacDW fonne, but De Dim felfeto= Hefp?einDtf Danbe anbaanpfe. anb tbcp went botDof tDcm.togttDer. 'fcDan <■• -.- At - v % * 'if J J*'C* p ** 'i. ■ - SCbjaljani €mtti8, ■ i 'fcbantoaKe 3fabacOntoabjabambP0 fattier aim fapoe: t»)p fatberranb be an(We» rctciicrc am 3 mp fonne. i)e fapb: Sfcc bereitf f we and wodd.but t»l)crc 10 tt»c foe pc f 0? fa« crifpecabjabam anCwcrcd.mp fonne , ti!)Ob Wpll pjoupoe Win a qjepe fo* facrifpee. and To tUep ttJcntc hot}) togettier. 4 ! I 1 I I J" if 1 K and wben tljep came Onto p" place wbicb 0ott bad CbrujcD bpm , abmbam maoe an nultcrtbcre,sd2cffcdtbcwooo,andbotmtde * jtto. u.t. jfa&ac 1)10 fone,& * lapdc bint 011 t|)r aultcr, f.ag«».ii.r. aboucOpontbcwodd.and^bjabam ftccr* cbpngcrojtb bitfbandc. tone tbe unpfc to &a= ur Bylled bP0 fonnc. and tbe angcll of tyc lozbe calico Onto dim from draucu, raping : abjabam atyabamtano be fapbcibcream 3-3H1D be rapDeaape not thv banbe upon tt)e cbpldc.netbcrboanptbtngcatallOntobmt, fo,inow3mtotmbattboufeareft(<0Od,and $^» baft fo? mp fade not fparcd tbpnc fcy* onelp Cfonnc.and3btabalpftpugcOpbi0cpr0,lo» feed aboute: anobeljolde,fbere wa0aram caugbt bp the bo2ne0 fit a tbpeuette . and be went* folic tbe ram andoftrco bpm op fo? a facrifpee in the ftcaoe of bP0 fonne . and a tyatt calico p name of tbe place,tbe lo?Oe wpll fee .a* it ii fapoe tbr0 Oapc:tn f moutc wpll tbe 1 joe be fene. anb tbe 3no;eH of tbe lotbc crpcb Onto abjabam from bcaucn tbe fecobe tptne, anO j©rt?t.<.c wpde: tbpmpfelfe baue 3 ft»02nc(faptb tbe 3Lo2de )bccaufe tbou baft bonetbp0tbpnge and baft notfparcotbp onelp fonne :tbat in bleilpnge 3 mil blcfletbe.anb in multiplied fie 3 wpll multiplte tbp fceOag tbe ftarrc0 of beaue" 9 a0tbe fande wbicb 10 Opo the fee fp= v, Or.and tbp feed (ball poffefle the gate of br0 * fifltMU. fl . enemlc0.t and in tty fceb (ball all t(je nac(60 2&Si ° m ^ *8 be b,cff eb, becaufe tbou baft betoe ^ ' mp Oopce.g>otiirncoab20bam agapne On- tobp0pongemg,anotbcpeofc on and t»cnt together to nBect&cba. 3ndab2abSdwelt at 2i5ccrg>cba. audit cbauttfed after tbefe tbinae0,tbat one toibc atyaba" fapingc:?i3c-- bolbe, 4$uc$a, (bebatbalfo bo?ne cbplbjctt Onto tbp toother jBacbo;t . $utf M elbeft fonnc.ano 25110 bP0 b*otber ,a»d fcemuell tbe father of tbe£>p?ian0,ano ceafeb,g laa* fd,ano woa&fr 3eblapb,fr mSetbuel . 3no flSetbuel begat mebecca. -Ebefe epctbt bpb Wcba bere to Bacbci^b?abam0 bjotber * 3nbbp0 concubpne calleb i&buma (be bare alfo «?B:ebab,« d5abam,^baa0« 4^aacba. CCbe.WiiJCbapter. •E*ara urtt^ ano ff burp to (n tt r fcibet^at flb?«s 4am iioujrijt of eptijon t^t © ct^ttc. 33 ra UM0 an J)uO?eO anb. jejrtHt. ve« 31 re oloe(fo longelpuebflje ) »S>ara bpeb in kvnat 3tba. *gr be fame 10 lucb^on in tbe lanbe of Canaan. 3nb 3ib?abam came to monic ^ara , anfi to wepe fo? per. 3Bnb3b^abam ftobetp fre tbe fj>sbt of bp0 coo^fcano talBeotBptbtbe foimc0 of Ij)ctb fapinge : 3 am a ftraungcr $ a f o?pner amonge pou, geue men poffenpon toburpeinwptbjpoti,tbrtt3niapeburpmp coarfe out of mp fpgbt. 36nD tbe cbrlbjen of tyctbmtwmb 3Cb?abam, raping Vitro bint: $eare V0 1 02b e, tbou art a p*pn cc of (Sob a« monge V0. 3n tbe cbefeft of ottre fep«lcb^e0 bttrptbpbcao: Boueof \)0alfo(ball fo?bpo tbcbP0fepulcbte, but tbou mapeft burp top bcabtbcriu: aibjabamfto'bcVp anb bowed ^ btm felfcbcfo^etbepcoplcoftbeinnbcf cb«- tym of l9etb.3Enb be comoneD Wb W fap- inge:3f itbcpotirempnbctbat3fl)aU burp m p bead out of mp fpgbt,bearc me , and fpe= be f 0/ me to <&pb;ott tbe fonne of joar -. tjjat IjemapcgeucmctbcoubbvU cauc xoWh be batb.anbtbat t0 in tbe enbe of bP0felbe: but fo?a0 mocbetnomp > a0tti0 wo^tbtballbe Qtm it me in tbe pjcrcncc of pott, fo^ a poucf* fpottto burpe ftt.|Eo BetbrcbplbJcnoffyetb. 3HnbepbJ6 tbe loetbtteanftxjereb 3Cb?a* ba tn tbeauDicncc of tlje cbtio^ett of J^ctb and of alltbatwentin at tbcgate0of b>'0cptf, favingeiBotfomplLojoe.bearcmc.llEbcfeU be geue 3 tbcanb tbe cauc p tljcrin 10 geue 3 tbe alfo: and cumin tbe pjrfenceof tbcfon» nc0 of mp people geue 3 it f, burp tbp dead. 3ind attytabam bowed bpmfelfe before tbe _ people of tbe lanbe, ^fpalieVnto^pbzon in fcloe , 9 tbat wereiti all tbe bO2der0rounde aboute, wati made ftice Vttto 3b?abam foz a poffeffion,intbefpfibtoftbecb(ld?gofftetb* bcfo?c all tbatwentinattbegatetfoftbecp* te .^ftertbP0bpd3b?abS burpe &>arabptf - wpfe wpfeuit^t double caue of tbe felde f ipetb before a?amr e . %hz fame (0 $eb;on in t^z Itsnde of cbanaa u.and fo botb t^z felde and flie caue f (0 tberin, wa* made tmto % 02a* bamaftirepoflelTponto burpin, ofti)e fon* nt0ofi9eib. C^be-wniJCbapter. Cabjfltiam mattceD bP* rtruant Ctotrc Janb Cm; ftetbbpmtoCrtJatorfe fo;3}r«boc Ipps Count. tbat tbou ujaltnot tabz a wpfe Wtto mp fonne, of tbe nauq!t)tttfi of Cbanaan,a= inonffewbpcb3dweli.2i5Ht tftouQmit goo onto mp contrcp and tomp natpue londe, and tatte a wpfe Onto mp fonne jfobac. 20uttbeferuaunte fapdeOnto ^m: per- aduenture tbe woman wpll notagrec toco= tttewptbmcOntotbp0landc,a)ail3bnnge tbP fonne agapne Onto t^z m* wbpcb tbou cammeftoutof t ^o wbom 3bzabam an* fwered: beware, tbat tbou b. ue tbP0lande,be (ball fenbe W^ angel! toefo* retbe,andtbou ftalttabe a wpfe ontotnv fonne from tbence.iUeuertbeleffe pf tbe wo= man wpll not agree to foiowp *be,tb8 (bait tbou be wptbout daungerof fbp0mp ootb. ffl>nelpb*pngenotmpftnne t^vt^tt agav» w. 38nbtbe (eruauttt put WH battde Ondcr tbetbpgb of ^bzaham bi0mafter,and fwa= re to bpm a0 cottcernpnge tbat matter . 3Hnd tbeferuauttOBe.>;.camei0 of tbe camelc0 of DP0maftcranddeparted,andbad ofaii ma« net i goode0of })Vft matter wptb bpm , anb <«* SL ol,e ^.P^b went to ^)efopotampa, Onto « tbecptte of iUabo^t . and made bP0 cameW tolpe downc wptbout t^z cptie bp a wel0 fpde of water,ateuen; aboute tbe tpmetbat women come out to d?a we water, and be fapoe. JLo^de (Boh of mp matter Wwtoum fen= yemegoodfpedetbi0dapr, and ($mmtt* fPOntomp matter ^biabam.lo % ftonde VSffJSf ^^"pfpa^aitdltbedaugb* Wjf tbe men of tbpj tptpe come wt to ozawe mater rjaowlbedamfell to wbome ^pnefte, and 3 wpll geue tbp ca meI0 d^in= cfte:tbefame (0 (be that tbou baft o2depned m tty feruaunte31abac : pee, and tberbp ftall3unowet.bat tbou baft (bewed mercp on mp matter . 3!no(tcame topatte per be badIeftfpeabpnge,bebolde,1&ebec(acame out, m daughter of 2i6ctbuell ( fonne to ^il ca tifz wpfe of Babo;t ^!b;abam0 bjorber , mtd t>n pptcber Opon lm (boulder : ^he damfell wa0Oerpfap2e to lobe Opon, and pctamapdeandOnanowenofman , 3nd Oje went botxtite to tbe well, and f piled hn pptcber anb came Op. 3Cno t^z feruaute ren= npnge Onto bcr, fapoe : let me fuppe a iptle water of tbp pptcber.ano (be fa pdeidnncUe mp loide. ^ 3nd(be batted anb lettdowne bcr ppt= cber Opon lipz acme , and gaue Wm 02pnc= be. 3 nd wben Cbebndgpuenbvmb2pncae, Cbefapde.-3 wpll bjaate water foz tbpea* mel0alfo,OntpIltbepbaue d2ficbe pnougb- 3tnb (be powrcd out typi pptcber into t\)z trougb baftelp, anb ranne agapne Onto tbe well to fett watcr.and d?cwe foa all bP0ca= mel0.3f nd tbe man wott02edat ber:but bel* debt0 peace,to wctc wbetber tt)t Ho2bc bad made bp0 (oumep mofpcrou0 02 not . Znh it fortuned a0tbe camelled bad leftc ojpn- Bpitge.tbeman toltc a golben^j'earpngec*^ ptbalfe a fide wargbt,and twob2acellettc0 ' f02 hn bauoe0, of.t.fpclc0 wepgbt of golde, andftpde:U)bofedaugbtetarttl)ouftellme 3p2apetbe, i0 tbere rowme in tbvfotbcM bou fe f 02 00 to lodge ui.'$be anfwere d him : 3 am t\)z daughter of aSatbueltbe fonne of a)ilca wbicb (be bare onto iSabo^.andfap» demojteouerOntobpm; we baue litter and P2ouondcrpnougb,anoalfo rotomcto loo* ge in.\ 3lnd t\)z man bowed btm HMtMor* wot' « IbPPpedtbcHotdcand fapde : bleffcd be tl)ff Q l.o2bed5od of mp matter 3lb2abam , wbpcb ccafletb not to deale mcrcprttllp and truir wptb mp matter, and batb ittonebtme tbe wape to mpmafter0 b2otber0 boufe . 3En j tbe damfellrannc and toldetbem of her mo» tber0 boufe fbefetbpngc0.andiaebccca bad a b;otber called labam * J*** W l mm ont * nt0 ft* wan , etten to m well 1 fo2 a0 fotte a0 be bad fene thz earpnge0attdtbebtacciette0 in bp0fptter0 bande0(and beardc tbe wo2dc0 of i&ebec-- ca W fptter fapinge : tbm fiipde t\n man Onto mt) be we ut out Onto tbe man 4 anb Ioo,betode vovt^tDz canteW bp m tsz\l fpde. indbe fapde t come in tbonbletteb of the lo2be.lwberfo2e ttobeft tbou wptnourr 3 baue H^effeo tbe boufe, and made rowme mm canteW. attdtbantye mancamein to tbe boufe: and be Onb^ptileb t^z cam*" and ( laban ) bjongbt Iptter and par bcr fo? tbe can«l0, and water to w^ s> t^;*, *■-.-■■ m *•«*■ a. ^ M> f % to -M» _-^» am i n> fete anb tbe menneS fete tbat were tf bpm>u fet m catt before bpm to eatc . issue be fapbe: 3 wpiuiotcatctjntpll 3 baue fapbe mpnt atanoB.ano lie fapbcifapc on.flnb be fapb:3 *r am abjaba'S feruafi t,t aramp matters wplfc barebpm a fount , wben foe was olDe:anD tmto bpm lwt$begeuenalltbatbebatb.3nD mpma* (termabt me fwcre fapinge :ftyus u)alt not tab* a topfc to mv Tonne amoge tbt Daugb» tcrSofftfananites In wbofcraDe 3 Dwell: uButtbouflbaltgotmtomp fatberS boufes to mp ftp iireo, a no tafce a wife tmto mp fon* ne.3nb 3 fapbe tmto my matter: peranum* _ tare tbe wpfc wpll not f olOttt me / 3nD be • anfweteb mt.%t)t lojoe , before wbome 3 walBc.wplUenbebvSangeU wptb tbt.ano. pjofpet etbp iourncpanb tbou ttjalttafee a tx>vtefoimp fonne, of mpftpnreD anD ofmp fathers boufe . ^bemftalttboubeo^ltleue ofmp cuefe.wban tbou commett to mpfepn* reb 3nb pf tbep geue tbe not one, tbon (bait btgiltleffcofmpcutfe. % no fo 3 came ftp* bapc tmto t^t well anb fapbe : © lojbe » tbe d&oD of mp matter 3b?abam>i»f it be fonowe tbat tbou maacft mp iouenep wbpcb3 go.pjofpe r ouS : bebol» oe3 ttonbe bp tbps well of u>ater,anb wbe" a * pjgpn eometb fotfb to Djawe water , anb 3 fape to bet : geue me ( 3 PJape tbe) a Iptlt water of tbPPPtcbcr toD?incBe,anD u)e tape tome:DjpncBctbou,anD3wpll aifo Djawe f o j tbP camebfctbat fame i* t^t wpfc whom tbe lojbc batb pjepateD fo? mt matters fonne. 3 ji d before 3 bab mabe an enbe of f pea* BPnatin mpne barte.bebolbe l&ebecca ca» me fojtkanb bP? PPtcber on bPJifculbeMnD He went do wnetmtio tbe well $ bjewewa* ter.3nb31avbe\)tttober :seue me Dinette 3 wape tbe.anb tbe mabe 5att,$ toucbow* mm pitcher from of Dp?, anb farbe bjtpnc * Ite,anD3 wpllgeuetbpcamelSDjpnc&ealfo. 3nD3D^c&e,»0)e gauetbe camels Djpnc* bealfo. 3nb 3 afaeD bet , faunae : wbofe jtf Daugbter art t&ouf #>be anfweteb: t^t bau* *t5m.rmb flbrer of 25atbuel iftabojS fonne * wbom «?**««.«. 4&;ilcabarct>ntobpm.1lnD3pttttl)eeating tmonbpj fece, anb tbe bjacelettestipon bPJ blbes.anb3 boweD mv felfe,anb wo?$pp= a— pebtbe loj&e.fr teybleffeD t^t loibe il5ob •^Of mp matter 3b)al»m wbpebbab b?ouo;bt Bit tliie tvsbt wape.to taftc mp matteirs bjo« tbcrSbaugbter tmto bP^Conne. iftowealfo pf ft wpU Deale mercpfullp anb trulp wptb i?mafter,tellme:anD ft not, tell mealfo: \mm tutnemt to tDe&^rrpglit Danbe >tlefte. \ & 'SbananrWeitblaban anb 2B>atbueI, fapinscSbtSfapengeiSpJoeebebeuenout of tbe ioioe, we ean not tbetfoje fape \jnto tbc.etljcr gooD cjbab : bepolbe, Btvecca iS . before the, tafte ber anb goo, tbat Cbe mape be s> tbP matters fotmcS wpt^euenas <250b onth) fapDe.anb wben 3b?abams fttuaunt btar» be tbep* wo.iD cs, be wo?u)y ppet t})t lojbr, flatttipontbe ertb.3nbtpt fttuaunt toae fo?tbiewelleSof!pluetanbieweUeSoffiol" be anb tapment,anb gaut tbtm to 3&e becca* 3nb tmto bP) bjotber anb to Jm motber, beaauegpfteS. 3nb tjjepbpb eate 9 o?pnc» fee, bo tb be anb tbe men tbat were with bint, a^nDtarpcDaU npfibt • 3nDwbantbeprofe tip in tbe mo^npnge.^e fapbc;let me beparte tmto mp matter . mi biotber 9 bP^ mother anfweteb: lettbebamfell abpbe wptU tut a wbpie, anb it be but euen. % .bapeS, anb than ftnii u)e go.l^e fapbe tmto them: bpnbttme not,bebolbe , tbe lo?be batb p^oQieteb mp iournep.^>enDemeawapetberfo?c , tbfltj 'mape goo t)nto mpmaftet.anb tbcp fapbe: w we WpU call tbe DamfcII,anD&ar enqur reat bp?montb-3nb tbcp calleb fo?tb IRebecea^ , anb fapbe tmto bet: wplt tbou goo witb t\n& man^anb Ibe anfwcreb,3 wpll goo. $do tbcp let l&cbccca fym Ipftet go and betnojfe 9 3b^abams feruaute, 9 bPS men- 3nDtbept^*bleu*cb iaebecca,anb Ibpbe \m* to bet: ^rbou art cure fpfter , growe into J-* , tboufanDe tbouranbeS * anb tbP fceb pof «= *•""•' feflt tbe gate of tbep? enempes. 38nb Bebee- caarofeatibbWDamfels^nb fatt tbtm t)p tipon tbe camels, ano wet tbep? wape after tbe man.3nb tbe retuauttout Ecbecca.anb went bP.S wape. 2lnb 3fabac was a commpnge from the wapeoftl)cweUoftbe*lpuingeanbfepnge*jsf!ii,] me.fo? be Dwelt in tbe foutbedtceve , 9 3w* bac was gone ou ttod=^p?ape in toe felbe at nes tbe eui tpbe. 3nb b e ipft t)p pps epeS anb fa> we tbe camels commpng.fcnb laebecca Ipft t)p bp? epeS.anb wben (be fawe 3fabac , fte lpgbfeboftbecamell,anDfapDtmtotbcfer=» uaunt:WbatmSiStbpStbateommetb wal* Bpnge agapntt tJS in tbe felbe^nb tbe ferua tint Iapbe:tt in mp matter . ihetf o?e u)e to* Bebp?clofte,anbput (t about bev.3nb tbe fecuaunt tolbe 3fabac all tbpnacS tbat be baD Done .3nD3fabac b^ougbte ber in tobftf mother gardes t^te>anb toke ttebecca, anD Cbe became bPS wpf e . anb be loueb bet : anD fo 3'fabac t eceaueb confo^te after bps mo* tber C1He.)tjtt).C!wpteTi Cflbuliam (»SKb ki cttnt* to i»ps topfttsna be gt ttttf) manp f^pibjto . abia^tm tif ift Mb bk iittb»ll bP«B0D5wtff«Cal)ae.i:br grnraioopi of acmati.ibf bp;tb8Tjacob anb a tau.f8Caa Riutb ^ bpj^JPitt w» QijKTr of patagr* 3lb2a»" BjaMp^oceaDeb fiirtbtr anb to= feeWmawpfecautDftetura,wbp= tbe bare bptrtj!foimram,{mD3ccft= S5 _ 7nrr , fan^nb %Dan,aiib 40tbi t l,anD 3erbacUanD-feua().3ccltfan begnt ^>eb.peare,aiiDtljan fell fpcbeatiDDpcD wtmfr* ma*luftpeage(w^bebab IpneDpnough) &*> anb was $3* putt) 11 to bps people 36 nD ftps fonnes 3fabacanD3fmabci bitrpeb \w\\\ in tbe Double caue in tbe fcioc of epljion fonne of joarp feetbptc befpbe tbe plapnc of mU' re.ti)bpcbfeIbe3Ib?abamboiigbtoftberou= nes of ftctb^berc was 3b;abam biirpeD « ^arabvswpfe.3tfo?tiineDafier the Dcetb of afb?ab5tbat(25oDbleflcD 3fabachi0 fon= ne, anD 3rabacbwciieDbp tbe well of tbe ip upngcanDfepngeme. -» ItCOcrc arc tbt gcneracioS w bamSfonuc, wbpcb >agar t5c egppcpaii ^araSbanomapbebare taito 3b?ana'.3nD tMt are tbe mmta of tbe fonnes oOfmael, in tbeiriiamcsacco^binge to tbcp?ftpnreb= bes.^bc clbcft fonne of jlHiarl : Bcmoth, anDCeDar.anD 3Dbecl , and ^Kbfani ,anD ^(rma,5Duma,anb mata , 9 Jjabat,«tbc= ma^etur.BapbiS $tmum r'fcbcfcarcthc fonnes of 3unael4tbefe are, tbep? names, * sm.j:btj.c bp tbcp? towmti aim caftclS* .jtf i.pjmceS of m,w. tbeir bou(bol0cS.3Enb fbcreare tbe peaces of tbe Ipfc of 3fmaei, an bunbjeft anb. jcjrrmi. pcarc,anDbcfclifpclte^ DpeD , 5 was lapbe tmtobps people, mntm bwelleb frd &e* utlab t)nto ^>ur f-is bp tbe bojDcr of trian of a)cfopotanria ano Cpftcr to Eaban tbe^>iricn,^nD3fabac maoc intcc= rcffpoii^ntotbc loiDcfo? bpS wpfc: b«au= fc ujc was baren.-anb tbe to?De was intrea* . teb of bpm,anD mcbccca W wpfe coccaucD-' anD tbe thpfotf ffroue to getber wptbin ber. ^rbcrf o?e Qjc fapb:pf it ftmlbe goo fo to naf * 3ffoZ^ ft,wbat bcipctb it tbat 3 am wptb tbpW Jt»bcrfoje,jbcwenttoafBctbcXoiDe.3fnD tpe lojoe fapbe tjnto ber:tljcre are two ma= tiftof peopleintbp wombe ,« two nacpons 1 amibcoctipDeDonf of thv bowels, ano m onenacponujalbrmpabtpcrtbantbe otber, anb tbe * ciocc Ojalbe feruaunte tmto U ****** poiiger; hM.f Df l f ?W cl, t wc P mcw ^wmefobe be pucreD:bcbolDe,tbere were fwotwpnneS in lm wombe am be tbat came out fpj was rcbD,ano be was all ouee as it weten rougbgarmet,?tbepcaUcDbiSname(£fau; banbe bolbpnge Cfiiti bp m * bele. WbiS * »«*•*.« 8K ^"epw? 3acob. 3nb 3fabac was* It.pearcolbcwbentbepwerebo^ncranDtbu bopcsgreujcanoefau becamca tonnpnai; tnintn & a tpUet of the cttifMut Jacob was 2 l^ fert « ■nan,? Dwelico m ttft mtcfi . 3fa= bac loueb 1 gum , becaufc be DpDeatt of bPS tJcnpfon.but iicbcccaloticD3acob. *h 3acobfoppotagc,anD efau came from tpe fclDe anD wa0rapntie,aiiD<£fau f apo t0 3acob:feDcme3pw tDe mptb tbat reDDe potage,fo? 3 am favmic.Znn tberfo^c was bps name raUebfrar * <£Dom < 2tnD3acob T£ fapoe : fc I me tbps bape thv * famSiSk ?££ u '*- te .efau MrTEdS 3 am at SSft ^,, ' r, Ki p ii a r D Wiwtwofptt (ball tUpiS bpz^ to^pgbte bo mc.Oacob anftocrcD * (toe'ee *g«.rib* 9. tomctbcntbpSbape.anbbe fware tohpnt, £folDcbPSbp^b2p 5 btct)iito3acob.thaiJ jacoo gaue efau bieDe anD potagcof rrltc 3uDbcDpD rate and bjpneae aim rofc iiu * we"tbpswape.3lnDerauregarDeDnotbPS CUljc.wt)j.cbaptcr. •I ttbc tomtit of arabsctotoarbc Zbimtlt cb. Tbe S»S St. ? t '^'""U"* fo? calipnffe bP»topfc bra 1 i3 D tberc came a Dcrtbin tlje lar 31 .Dc.paflpnge tbe fpjftbcrtb tbat 1 Was in t\)t bapeS ofatoajjam, i2tnb3fobac Went tmto ?tbimc« .«-™-«-Jlecbhpnge of tbe »littp*Ss t)ii to doerar-^nb tbe lo?DeapeareDtjnto Urn, miD fapDc:(£»o not Downe into ©gpptc , but bpbcintbelanbe w^cb 3 Hwll (fcewe \,n- to tbe : f oioutne in tbps lanbe,anb3 wpll be wptbtbeaub wpll bIe(retbe.fo?t)nto tbe * &tn.nf. b anb tmto t^ fcbe3 wpll gcueall tbefe^con «n».r*>.». trepS.ainD3 wpllpcrfo^me fbe oof be Wbicb 3 Iwoje tmto 3b^ab« tbp fatber, anb wpir M *multiplpctbpfeebastbc|farecs of brant, SBJ 1 ** anD wpll gcuc tnfo tbp feeb all tbefc cou= ecdmU trcps.3uD intbpreebaiallall tbe nacpfisof t\)c ertb be bleffeb, beemife tbat Jtitjafit bar= BeneDtJUto mp bopecaub Kcpte mpne o^Di« naunccs.mp commaunbementeS,mp ftatu- teS,anD mp la wes. *& 3nb 3fabac DwenebiiK5erar .Tim m ** men ofi tbcjlacc affceb bpm of bvs wpfe, anb *#mm De fapDe : u> is mp ^ fpfter : m be f eareD ***** bit to -?i •»i ■ ;- ■». @tntti& » .»> . to fayHlDhe tit mt> wpfe, let! the men of the Slace Qjnlbc haue feyUcb htm becaufe of jRe« ccca wh vct> t»a g be w tpfuU to the eye. 3 nD tt Dappcncb after De hah bene there longe tp= mcithatabimclcchltyitgc of the pWURva^ lohcb out at a wynbowc, anb fawe Jfabac foojt ynge witD i&ebcccn hpg wpfe. anb f - Wmelcchcallcb ifabac ,anb raybc;fhc tg or a fuertpe thp wpfe, ft wbp fapbeft thou : £Dbc W mp fpftcr<"a:o whom 3fabac aiuwercb:3 thought that 3 myght perabuenturc paiic bycb lot hpj fahc.a bimclccD fayb: wDp Daft thou bone thyg unto t>g / one of the people mpgDt ipgbtely Dane l ync bp thP wpfe, and fo QiuIDcft thoii baucbiOugbt rvutie tipoii jr Ug.anbfo ablmelcch cbargeb allhygpco: ^ plcfayingc.he that tottcpctD tDtgma ojpyg wyfc.QjaU ope the bcatD- 3fahac fo web in that lanb e, anb f ounbe (n that fame yerc an.Cbuflpclg;* the tojbe bieffebhym^tbenumwaiccomyabtpe.anb wc~t forth anb grewe tpll be wag cjcccabtnge grcar,fojDchabpoffeu>onof(hcpe,ofoj:m anb a mygbtyc Douujolbc, anb t&erfpje the fihtlifttanghabenupatDptmfonbe milv* inegftoppeb »fplleb*p wptn crthnllthc weUeg whtcD W fathetg fcrttauteg opggcb in hpg father abjahamg t ymc.anb abimc* lech fapbe wita 3faDac:gct the from W,t op thou art mpghtpcr then we a great btale. S> Hherfojc 3wbacbcpartcb t|jf fe, anb abobc tnthctjallep of c5erar, anb b welt there, anb 3fabac rcturnyngc.btggeb agapne the wcl* leg of water wbych thep bpggcb in tDe bay* eg of atoahamhyg father, Which the VW* ftyanghab ttoppeb after the beth of ab*a= ham, anb gauc them the fame name* whpch hpg fatljcr gaue the\3fahacg feruautcg bpg= aeb in the Ualep, anb f oube a well of iputng watcr.anb the hetbmeu of iSerar byb ttrp= u e wytD 3fabacp herbmr n, fayinge: the wa* ♦contend, tcr 10 oureS.fhS wlleb he the weiuefctn, ebceaufethepttrouewptbhym. , anb thep bpggcb another null, anb ttto= tie f o? that alfo . anb he calleb the name of it * *n«mpttr. #$>itena.anbtbanhebeoarteb thcnfe,anb bpggcb another well f 02 the which tDep ftro *tatgcnc(rr tic not:therfo?e calleb he it *ffichobofh,fap= ingc.the lojbebath nowemabc fcgrowme, tbat we mape encreafe Upon the ertl) . 3nb he went\jpthence,tois5ecr ^eba.wllnb the loibeappearebtmto hpm the famf npgjjt, anb fapbe :3 am the <£>ob of ^h^tiam thp father,6earenot,foi 3 am wpth the , 9 wpll WeOethe.anbmulttoethP feeb fo? nip ftr- tiaunt ab?a^am}S fafte . anb h* buvlbeb an aulter there»anb calleb \jpon the name of the Xojbe,anb pptcheb hP * tf&Stt there 3fa= hacsifcruauntesJbyggebaweU. m 'EUancameahlmelechto hpm from d5e- $ rar.anb ahufath to* frenbe,anb $|)f colbgt chcfecaptavnc.anb3Jahac Uvot KntotW- wherfo?ecomcpc to me , fefnge f e hare me 9 ba tie put me a wape from p ou < Xo hpch an- fwereb:3n feingc, We fawe that the* lo$be *««»•»»* was* with the ,9 we taybertct there be nowe an oothe betwpjCte M etien betwijCte^anb thcanblct \)jlmahe ahonbe wpthfl)e,t|)at thou Onilheft bo tog no l)tirte,a0 we haue; nottoucljeb the, anb a we haue bone tonto thenothpngcbtitgoob,anbfent the awape in peaccfo^ thou art nowe the Weffeboftpe tojoe.anb hemabe them a feaft, ft thep bpb . cateftb?incfte.anbthcprofe DphptpmejSin themompngc, anbfwarc one to a notper. anb 3iahacftnt them awafe.anb tljerbe- _ Sarteb from hpm in peace, anb that fame ^ apeithappencb , that Jfaftac* feruauntejet camefttolbebpmofawell whpch thep hah byggebranb fapbe bnto hvm, we pauefoun be wattr.ano he cfiilcb it *^eha. anb the *ano e5. name of the cvtc i)S calleb* iSecr ^>eba ton« * € g^iu tothpjsbapc.efau was(.]r!.yeareoibcanbhe " w "* tohc a wpfc calleb 3»btth , the baughter of jiServonlocthpte.ft 25aflnaththe baugbier of(Cl6anfecthptcalfo, which were bifobe= btcnt tmto3fauacanb laehecca. C^hc.ltjctoij.Chapter. C3iaiobftcaIr{l)tiirblc(I^iiffe (torn tZtau bp&FS motbft«conccll.3ii'd»)ac3amnoweolbe,anbmiowe not the bape of mp beth : anb nowe therfo?e tanethp weapenji, thp qupucr anb thpbo« we,« getthetotlie felbcsCtpat thoumapeft tahemefome toenpfon , anb make memca= tefocheajS3lo«e,anb b^piige it mc, that 3 mape eate,anb tfeat my fottle mwg^ar biene 1^ f befo?cy3bye.26ut mebeccahearte when 3fahacfpafte to efau hy^fonnc.anb efau wente itito the f clue, to catche t enpfon, anb tohJpngcit?*anbmebeccafayb Moja cob np? fonne fay inge t lSSeholbe 3 haue her* bethpfather talftpnge wpt|) efau thp b|o= thcr anb fapf nge \ b^pnge me tjtnpfon anji maftc me meate.that 3 mape eate anb Meffc tUe hefo?e tDe lo?be,afo?e.my beatU- ffttm therro?e 25 tfttcfo^e mp fonne hears mp -faopce in that whpc&3cQmmaunbethe:getttbeto the8o= che, anb ujyngemc titht two goob hpbbrsl, that 3 inapemafte mcate of them fo? thp fa- tper»fochea0pelouetha»hthou (halt b«ipn ge it to thp father, that he mape eate ft that pe mape bleffe t|)e before hptf beth- a HCheit fapbe 3acob to ilebccca hptf mo-- ther:behoIbe,efau my brother iff a rough man,anb3am fmooth©)p father ftall pcr= abueture tele me.anb 3 Qjall feme tonto him a0tOougl)3wentabouteto hegple hpm , » f (ball he b^pngea curfe topon me,anb not a ,-. ulc(fpnge:anbhpiei mother fapbe tonto hpm: *^ ©p6 me be thPO^r cu rfc my fonne, onlp pea • remptoopccanbgoanbfctchmethcm.anb 3acob wet anb fctthcm,anb brought them to hpsimotDer.anbby^ mother mabe meate fucbasl^elinewehii«fatherloueb.anbme» becca fcttgoobly rapment of by? elbeft fon* -'ne* erau , whpch wag in the houfe wyth * hW>«putpttjp53acob|jp2pougeu N tonne, ft flhe put the f ftpnnest of gotptf top6 hpg han» beg anDtopon tftefmoothofhpgnecBe.anb fte put the mmte ft b?cbe whpch the hab p?e- pareb in thehnnbe of hp? fonne 3acob. Man he came to hp#fathrr,hefapbe: my father/' anb he anlWereb ; here am 3, who art thou my fonne i anb 3acob fapbe tmtohpjsfather:3am efauthp elbeft fon« ne, 3 haue bone acco?bpngc ag thou babbeft mc:\jpanb fpt anb eate of mp toenpfon, that thP foulemapeblefleme.anb 3fahacfaybe tonto hpgfonnc:howecommetD tt that thou Ijaftfounbcitfoqupcftlymp fonne/' $ean* (wcreb 1 'The loibe thy <5ob biottght it to mphanbe.'Ehanfapbe3fahac tonto 3acob, come ncre anb let me fele the mpfomtcwhe* thert|)ou be mp fonne efau o.juot . 'Qrhan went 3«cob to 3fabac hpg father, anb he felt hpm anb fapb:the toopce itf 3acobg tj op- ce,but the hanbeg aretfee&anbctf of efau* s> anb he Hnewchpmnot.bccaufchyghanbetf were rough atf hP0 b^otjer efaug hanbcjfc aubfohebiencbhpm. anb he ajceb l;pm : art thou mp fonne efau/'anb he fapbe,that3am.^han fapbe pc: wpnge mc ft let me eate of mp tonne* \>e« npfoii.that mp fouIemapcblcKethc . anb he fought hpm anb he eate. anb he b?onghC hpm wpnc alfcaub he b^ancne.anb hl'tf fo* Jher 3fal)ac fopbc m«o hpm.come ne Jacob, to? he *&% hath tonbcrmpncb me now t wo tpmcg.fpift be tpfeeawape my bp^tl^pght.anb fe.nowe # path he taften awape mp blcuynge alfo . anbhelaybe :baftpftcpt neuer a bleffpnge fo^me.-'. ifahacanfwcrcb anblaybc tontoefau: beholbe3hauemaochpmtbyloib,anball Dpg mothergchplb?enhaiie3 mabe hpgfcr= uaunteg.«)o.irouer wpthfr^come ft wpne- 5 ^ paue 3 Itablpffteb Dpm, what can 3 bo Pn* tothenowempfonne/anb efauihpbe ton» to hpgfather: haft thou but p one bleffynge mpfatherfbleffcmealfo leather : folyfteb top efau big Popceanb^Wepte.^Dan 3fa« * **<&& hac hpg tuher anfwereb » ihpbe Unto Dpm: behploe, tDp i) wellinge place Qiall be the fat- nelTcoftDccrrh, anb of the bewe of hcaueii fcomaboue. J* anb wpth thp fwcrbe Quit thou lyue,«inb (halt be «J b^otherg feruaut. anb it wyllcome to parte , that utoen thou (ba]t gett the maftrpe, thou QjbK lowfe hpg yochefromofthyneclie. u, JUP ?? tt ? H tcD 3acob, becaufe of tDe * a.w.u, all.a nb efau raphe in hig hartc: ^Dc bapeg of my fathcrg foiowe are at Danbc, anb 3 ^^"te^otDcrlfacobianbtDefe woi* beg of efau Dp^ elbeft fonne were tolbe to iaebeeca.anb0)cfcntanbcaueb3acobhpx yongeft fonne.anb fapbe Wito hpm: bcholbc tDp b^otfter efau tD^eatnetD to ftpll f : nowe therfOMmy fonne Dearemp\)opce,maKe the reoy.ftflccto labanmp brother at fearam ft taryewptDDimawbyle*PtityH thp tyO'* mtnttlL . thergfearfnegbefwageb,ft \mtyU tby m** mmm * tDerg w?atD turne a waye from tDe,« Defoi' tKtfhetDyiigegwDycDthouDaftftonetoDf. Wan wplia fenbe anb f et tDe awape from ; I) Hi thence ■ ■ 4 ■ -m ■ -/A \ ; * * 1 1 1 I i_i#-t_ L, ;f A • v & *£r.ftb$.«. \ I, ;l 1 tbencc.tt)hp a>ulbc3bcbefolatc ofpou bo^ tbemontbape <*• iftebecea tyabe to3mbac, aamwcrpofmplpfc,fo?feareofthcoaugb tttp of fcetb.3f Jacob tabe a wife o f £ oath ttbter* of l^etp ,Toct)c one a* tbefe arc, o? of tpe baugbter* ofttic lanbc, wbat goob (ball mylpftoomej' carbe.wtoi(j.cbaptcr. €T3!«objflftn(<[ito flQrfopotamiato lUban foj a uipf t.tffau mart trt) an Jifmanpte . Jacob b?ra; nun? 4 BfcMOf .Cbjpttt* pfompfcb.Jiacob raafeert) auoait.^ i&bfo3fahac calleb 3acob anb * blcflcb hym, & chargcb b y m, $ fopbc touto tjtm : ft tbou tabe not a wpfe of tt)cDn«flt3tcr0 ofCba naa\but ary ft 5 gctttbe to 4*)e* fop otamra to tbe bouft of 26ct buc 1 tbp mo* t&er* fatbertanb tpcre tabe tbe a wpfe of the tJmjjjtJfetsf of laban tbp motljcrsS b?otbf c a\tb <5ob aimpgbtpe bleffe tbe , $ mabe tbe to increnft,anb multyplyetbe tbatpmapft beanomb?e of people, anD gcucttje the ulefc fpngeof ab?abam : to tte anb to tbp feeb wptbtbMbat thou mayft poffeffe m lanbe (wljerin tbou art a ftraunge?)whpcbe <5ob gaue tonto ab?abam . 'SIjujs 3fabac fent f o?tb3acob.anbbe went to &>efopotamia tonto laban, fonne of 26ctbucl tbe&irien, ano ^ot&er to ftebecca 3acob anb ©feu* motber. -* U>ben@faufawe tbat3fabachab blef- **>m rt » fob 3acob,anb fentbim to* «)cfopotamta, ' tofcthtmampfctbcitce,anbthata#ljeblef= feb bpm be gatic Ijtm a charge, fapinge:tbou Cbalt not ta&c a wpfe of toe baugbter* of Chanaan : anb tljat 3acob ftab obepcb bPJS father anb mother, $wa* gone tonto 0e= f opotami ' a:f (Sfau fepnge alfo tbat tbe bau= fihtce*ofCbanaanplca?cbnot 3fabac bp* fatherrtbenwentbc tonto3ftnael, anb tobe "tonto tbe wpueg; wbpcb bepab , Cabala tbe baugbter of 3fmael ab2abam* fonne , tbe fyfter of j&abaiotb to be W wyfe.3acob De3 parteb from iScer £>eba,to come tonto i&a= van, anb came lonto a place bp cbaunce , anb tarpeb tbcre all npgbte, becaufe tbe fonne was! boome . anb tobea ftone of tbe place, anb put ft tonber t>y$ beabe , anb lapbe bpm botonc m tbe fame place a flepe,3no be b^ea meb:anb bebolbe > tpere (lobe a labbee topon rtbetttb«anbtbctoppofitreacbeb\jpto|)ea= uen.3nb fe, tbe angeld of d5ob voent tip anb bourne topon it, pee anb d?obfrobet)pon it, anbfapbe. 3 am t\)t &o?be d?ob of 3B bjabam tl)v fa t ber, anb tbe <2E>ob of 3fabac:^bc lilbe t»bP> che tbou flepeft t)pon vopll 3 sene tfyt anb tapfeeO.llnotbPfeebCballbe asf tbebtift of tbe ertb^anb tbou (bait fmeabe abiobc to tbe ttwft , to tf)e caft , to toe no?tb anb to tU foutb.3nb tbo?o use tbe anb in t h v feeb (ball . «Utbebpnrebc3oftbeertt)bebleaeb.3nb fe * f. 3am\»pt|)t|)e ) anb \jjplbctbp ftepee in all places! uobf tuerf jcocfl-.ttiib t»pll b^pnac tt»e aga pne in to tbpjrtanbe.netbcr topi! 3 icaue the tontpll 3 ftaue mabegooball tbat 3 Unue p^ompfrbtlJe. tDtyn 3acob twatf awabcb out of lipjf He* ,_ pc.bcfapbc.furelptbeio^otjstntb^place, m anb 3 \»ajs not amare. 3Snb be toast atrapeb 9 fapbc:bott)eftarfiilUs>nto t^e. CCbc.WJ.Cbaptce. CHarob comet)) (0 £abait anb ttvnttt) CeutRPrave fo; wabtl.lcfttoflff bjougbtto bpabeb fn tttbr of WabcI.I&t! marpetb tbcm botbc:ant>rn:uttb. pjt . b^, prsrc mo;cfo; wabti.^ea conccauctlj. ap^en 3acoblpftetjp ftp]8 ft* 3 te , » came in to tbe eaft coft- trep. anbasibe lobebabou= tc, bebolbe there waste t»el! intbefelbe,aub.i(j.flocbe^ (Ofu^epe lape tberbpCfoj at tbat toeli tuere t^e ftocbesf toatcreb ) anb tbere urn* a great ftone tjpon tbe veil moutb-3 nb tbPtbcr ttrre all tbe flo cbetf brought, anb tbep r oiled tbe ftone from tbett>ellc#moutb>anb watreb the Gbepe,? put the ftone agapne \)po tbe voclW moutp \)ntobPSfplace.3nb3acobnipb\)n(:otbcm: b?c tb?en tobence be ye 1 36 nb tbep fapbe : of tymnn are \»e.36nb be fapb tmto tbem: bno» wt pe labil tbe fonne of .feflftw&ljef fapb : ioe bnoxoebpm.36nb befapbe tmto tbem.ist be in goob bealtb^nb t\)tv fapbe,^y^be W "*• (ngoobbealtb, anb bebolbe, M baugbter Babel commetbtoitl) tbe (bcpe3nb hefapo W be,lo,itisfpetbutbP^bape,netberilslittpme tbattbeeatcllflbulbebe gatbereb togctber, mater pe^be ftjepe anb go anb febe the. 3Bnb tbep fSpbe,t»emape not , tjntpll all tbe fto« cbes(beb^ougbttogetber,anb tpll tbep roll tbe ftone from t\tt welled moutp , anb fo toe water oureffrepe. tDbple be pet talbcb topty t})tm , IRabcl tmewvtbbn fatber* ujepe, fo? uje beyte tbem . 313 foone as! 3acob tatoe mabel » the baugbter of laba* W m others brother , and tbe $epe of laban hp^ mother^ bjotber, be went i. Ue wet anb vowleb tbe ftone from the weiist C mouth, anb watereb tbe flocbe of laban bis( m otberst b?o tbcr. 3d nb 3acob bpfteb laabel, anb Ipf te tip bvn tiopce anb wepte ■. anb 3 a * cob toloe Eahel , f be watfbPJ fathers! b;o- tncr?mcbeccas( fonne. / &herfo;ei;anne$e anbtoioebP^fatbce. 3(nb it hoppeneb wben laban bearbe tell of~jtycobbt0vpftersf fonne, beranne to mete him ,U embjaceb him 9 bitttti tym,$ bjougbt ur bimtoh|0boufe.3Bnbbc tolbe labanocrau ttif matijer. Eo wbom laban fapbe .well, tpou art' nip bone 9 mpfletbe . 3Bnbbeabobe wptbbi'W epe fpace of a monetb . 3(nb labS iapoe Ontoiacob.^bougbtbou be mp b?o» tber , (bulbcft f tberfo;e feme me fo? nau* fbtcteUme 9 wbat(balltbpwagesibei'iabS ab.i).bliugbter0,tbe elbeftcallcb lea $ tbe _ pongeiriRabel. lea was* rtbe e epeb, butiaa w W was! be wtpf till 9 well fan o?eb . Ttnn 3a< eobloueb iaabel,anb fapbe.*3 wpllferue t^t *H|?eArefo» Bahel tbppongeft baugbter. laban anfwereb.it \$ better tljat3 geue bee t^e,thantoanotberman:bpbewptbme. rt.i». 3nb3acobferueb*Wj.pearetfl:oj l&abel anbtbep(emeb\)ntobimbutafewebapes(, fo? tbe louehehao to bee. 3Pnb 3acob fapbe imto iabfi:geue me mp wpfe , tbat 3 mape &3f» ipe witb WS o?0^-mp bapta are mlfillcb; © 'Cban laban gatbereb togctber all tbe men of tbat places mabe a feaft.2F.nb wben euen was! come,be tobe lea bpss baugbter $ mm* brought her tohpmranb be went * in tjnto bP^.^nb laban gaue tonto $v& baugbter lea.jilpba \>v& mapbe.to be typ feruaunte.- ^ »H(i;o to^O tob. S JRacob came in acco; bpngc to f tultomt.) anb wben tbe mo?nvnge wad come, bebol^ beit was lea. 'CbS fapbe be to labawber^ f o?e haft tbou plapeb tb ti si vbmtt byh not 3 f erue tbe f 0* mabcl*' wberf o?e tl)H baft tbou begpleb me t laban anf wercb : it is* not tbe matter of tbpsf place, to marpe the pogeft be= fo.it tbe elbeft.^afte out tbpsf wefte, anb tha* IbalUbpsialfo be geueu tbe fo? t^z ferupce it wbpcb tbou (halt fcrue me yet.tofi.pere* mo tt.7tnn Jacob bpb euen f , anb pafleo out t webe,anb ty& be gaue \)im IRabel by* hm* gbter to wpfe alto.3Gnb laban gaue to iaa bel hVH baugbter, uStlhabP* banbmaybe to be bpjferuaun te. g>o lape be bp mabel alfo, mrtif attb loueb IRabel m oje tW lea^ anb fcrueb bpm pet.tot|.peaeegimo?e. tDben tbe lo?bc fa we tbat lea wa*be« fpifeb.be mabeherfrutefuU.3nb Metre* mapneb barcn.3Hub lea conceaueb anb ba» re a fonne,anb calleb W name lauben > f 01 (be fapbe t tbe lo?be batb lobeb topon my 4$ tnbttlacpB. iaowetbcrfo?empbutbab wyfl loueme.3Bnb(be tonceaueb agapne anbba* re a fonne , anb faybe*t tbe lo?be batbbcrire tbat3ambelbpfeb,anb batb tberfoiegeu? me tbp* fonne alfo,anb (be calleb bp* name ^JWtff^ ^SDimeon.^ttbfbeeonceiuebpef , $ bare a *<4»«.f.i, fonne, anb fa pbe.no we t()p*once wpllmp bufbanbe bepe me company , becaufe j haut bo?neb?m.Ui.fonne*:anCitberro?ewa*bP* namecallebleui.ainbibecoceauebyetagay ne.anb bare a fonne , fapfitge 1 nowe wplljl piapfe tbe lo?be:tberfo?e (be calleb bP* na= mejuba.anb left bearpnge. C'&be.wr.Cbapter. • fEWabdatiD EeabtpnBEbnebcbatm attit tbep? mapbttw bnto tbtp; bufbabc:anb tbrp beaceopni tbriDjen.aacob bteeauttb llabanln tbr conctp; npiiBf of tbe Qiipe $ Kpbbia . Jacobs rrto arte top bpo fetupce. iXbel wbanlbefawe tbat (beba- % let 3acob no cbPlb?eu » ttoe tnnvtb DPMpfter, anb fapbe tonto3acobj ©cue m c chUb?? , 0? el* 3 am but 'oeeb.3lnb 3acob wa* w?ootb m mabel faplgam 3 in ® obb e* fteab, wbicb BepethfrStbetbefntte of tbyw6be/"£ben (be fayb:bere i* mp mapbe 25ilba , go in ton* tober.gt (be ftjall beare topon mp lappe f that 3mapebeencrea&b bp fjer .anb (be gaue bpm25abahp?hanbmapbetowpfe. anb 3acob went in tonto becanb 26119a concea- mtt 9 bare 3acob a fonne . 'fcban fapbe iRa- bel.<0ob batb geuen fentc*ee on mp (pbe.anb batb alfo hearbemytooyce, anb batb geuen me a fonne. 'Eberfo?e calleb (be bpm ijan, anb 26«biHaabel*mapbe conceaueb agay« ne y anbbare3acobanotberfonue.anbiaa s bel faybe:.-»wptbC5obipw?eftlynge* baue *» 3 w?eftleb wytbmyfyfter.anb baue gotte tbe topper banbe ; anb uje calleb by* name: jfteptbali. tttben lea fawe tbat (be bab left bea= ^ ringe.ibe tobe Sxipba bn may be,anb gaue betjacob to wpfe.anb^>t(uha lea* may» bebare3acobafonne . ISoan fapbe lea: <5oob lucbe : anb calleb ^pn name C5ab.a nb 4>ilpba lea* mapb bare 3acob anotberfon uccba* fapbe leajbapppam 3,fo? tbebau> gbter* wpll call me bleOeb.anb calleb- bp* name after. .. anb lauben wentout (ntbebape* of tbe wbet barueft anb founbe manb?ago?a* m tbe felbe*,anb b?ougbttbem tonto OP* mo* tber lea.'ST ban (apb laabel to lea^geue me of tbp tonne* ^m l tD?ago?a*. / £o wbo" lea -1^ an(wereb:3*it not ynougb tbat tbou baft tabenawayempbouft>a*Qc,btttwoi , beftta* beawayempfBne*mSb?ago?asiatro.'"^:b5C faybe laabel ■ welMet bpm flepe x6 tl)tt\ivfi nygbtcf 0? tbpfonne* manb?ago?a* . anb . 3a cob came from tbe felbe* at euf ,anb lea went out to mete l)vm> anb fapbe icome into me,fo?3baue bougbt tbe wptbmp fonne* manb?ago?a*. anb be ftept e wytbbcr tbfitnygbtf . anb ina. attb (25oq rcmembieb ftabcl, jjcarDc bee. »> anb mabe be c fruterulbfo tbat flic conceaueb 9 bare a f5ne,9 fopb:<£ob toatto taken awape mp rebuke . 3no (be talleb bptf name 30* fcpb»faptnae:Tbc lojoc gene inc pet ano- ther fonne.as (0 one ajs ttabel toab uojnc 30 fepto»3acob fapbctoi,abI:&e'be me awape tbat3mapegoDntompawneplaceanbe5<» tr ep, geue me mp wpue anb m p cbtlOjte" f ojt tob om 3 baue fecueb t b c, ano I c t m e 50 : f 0? tbou fenoweft wbat ferupec 3 baue bone tbe. "fto wbom labft anfwcrtb: j?f 3 baue Ifo&be fauoure in top fpsbt (f o?3 nwpofe tbat tbe 4©m.rr(F.a *o*b batb*blrirro me fo? tbp fake)appopn» WF rewbattbprewarbe(ballbe,anD3tt>pUge' ue it tbe.iSut be fapbe Dnto bpm ; tbou ttno* weft wbat ft rupee 3 baue bone tbc , anb in wbat takpnge tbp catcll baue bene Dnber me .$oiit was but Iptletpnt tbou baooeft before 3came,anOnoweitiS encreafeo into amuItitube,anbtbelo;be batb bleffeb tbe to; mv fake. 3©ut nowe wben (ball 3 make pjouffponfojmpneawne boufe alto/ 3nb & 9e fapbe: wtoat (ball 3 tben geue t\nf% tfo 3a v ' cobanfwercO:tboul&alt geue me notbpnge at all, vi t&ou wplt bo tfy>0 one tbpngefoj me:anb tben wpll 3 turne agapne , anb febe rtoP Qiepe anb kepe tbent. 3 WJpH go aboute all tbp (be pe tbPtf bap e, anb Teparate from ttoetn all ttoe (toepe tbat are fpotteb anb of Opuers coloured , anb all tolacbe u>epe amonge tbe lamtocS , 9 tbe pat= tpe,anDttoefpottebamongetbeBpbbe0:anD f tor tame (balbe mp rewarbe . j&o (bail mp j^« .^^r^gbtwefneSanfweeefojmcfrar-tomo *^ *^ rowe,anbltoallcomefo$mpr«rwarbebcfoje tbp face, anb euerp one tpati0 not (peck leo anb partpe amonge ttoe goate* anb tolacbe amonge tb«(bepe,pfame Qjalbe theft wptb mr.3mb iabanfapbe:d?o to , wolbe 00b it m pgbt be accojbpnge to tbp fapeng . ttotc* f o*e-pe t or e out t bat fame bate tbe too g a t eS tbat were partpe anb of bpuerfe coloured, - ano all tbe ttoe gooteS tbat were fpotteonnb partpe coloureb , anb all tbat bab wtopte in tbf.anbalUbeblacaeamongctbetbcpe.anb put tbem tntbebeppngc ofbPSJ tonnes, ^fet jttb?ebapcjj tournep betmp^tc \ivm ftlfe an* 3acob. 3nb fo 3acob feepte tpercft of 3U* bantftbtpe. 3aeobtoaerobbeiet of geenepopular, ba* fell^of cbeftnuttrccjs, gtpplleb stJ&pfe flea- aeemtbem ^maoctpe totopte apere mtbe robbe0,-H*ci5«i tin %*t tom^oWt : ttmtm* svmn '• ■ «no ctjue tttM tt matte a tiMtabie foloute . ) 3^ robbejs wtaKtotbebabpplteb ,cu8 bel... ,_ Ojtpcui ttoe guttcrtf 5 tnattpnge trougbes wbentbe ttoepc came to bjpneae : tbat fbep (bulbe conceaue toben tbep came to b^pncEe* 3nb tbe tbepe conceaueb before tbe robbei»,f bjougbtfojtb lambed ttcaueb , Qjotteb anb partpe.3nb 3acob par teb ttoe lambed 9 tar* d» neb tbe face* of ttoe (toepe tottarbe (tootteto tbpngciei, ano totoarbe all mancr of blatHe, ttoat waitfamonge tbe (toepe of labatftante* lPi pa ttpnge $?& atone flotaejS b r ' not pnttme tbem toptto lab^s- ^ Tr - . ,— _. ttfWtunpb pin cuerpr5mpngetpme$3rx»f ^* tbeftronger^epe, Jacob la vib ttoe robbtst before tbe w& of tbe (toepe in f gutter*: tra« meip.tbatbempgbtmabe tbem cficeaue be- fore ttoerobbeflt.nSut wbf tbe (toepe were re« ble.be put tpinotm.^ nb fo ttoe tebler toere labansUnb tbe ftronger 3acotojt,Hnbttoe man increaceb erceabpnglp.anb toab a great fiocae ,mapbe femaunti:je( anb man (entaun* te& came W anb afle$. • C^be.W]Ci.€toaptcr. * *1 fjattb« somimuiiBtmtnt of tffoe-iSSscobbrpftrte* from H aba it : « _ . M QUtbebeatDetbe u)o?btjSof iabaji3 fount* fapenge : 3aeob toatto taben awapeall tbat »ajJ onre fattoerjt, : anti of cure fatbetxs goobeS toatto toeofottenalltbt^ toonoure. 3nb jfacob be= toelbetbeeonntenannce of laban,$ bttoolbr. . tttba^not^^asipcacrbapeanb perpefttt«~ bape.3lnb tbe io?oc fapbe tonto 3acoto: tur* ne agapne in to tbe lanbe of ttoPiattoerlanft totbpapuwb,f3wpUbe t»ptb tbe. ^&er= fo?e Jacob fent anb calleb mabclanblea to ttit felbe Vinto top* ffocHc, ? rapbe^nto t^m: 3 fe poure fettoersi countenauce tbat it t * nor towarbemeaiEfpefterbape«ferpefterbape. 35u t tbe <5ob of mp fatber toatto bene w p t to me. 3tnb ve tonotoe toot»etbat 3 baue fecueb v oure fatber wi t b all mp mpgbt.25ut poure fatber batb Ulfceaueb tne.anb ebaungeb mp TOagcB.r.tpmeg i but y5ub fuff reb topm not to tourte me.lDben toe fapbe, ttoe fpotteb (ball lie ttop wagejx , tban all tbe (toepe bare foot* teto:3nbtotoantoefapbe:t^e ftraiteb ujallbe ttop rewarbe , tban bare all ttoe (toepe Crra* aeb ;ti)Wi toatto (25ob taben awape poure fa- 25 tbcrtfCbcpcano geuen tbent me . iftttinra* mpnge tpme it bappeneb, f 3 tpfteb \jp mp« ne cpe0 « fa toe in a D;eame,«bebolbe tbe ra^ mt» icapeD-tjpon tbe (toepe t were ftrafteb, fpotteo 9 partpe.3Pnb toeangell of <5 ob ftw» fteUntomeinaD?came,faping:3acob/'3tnD 3 anf toereb-toere am 3- 3tnb be (apbe : Ipf te t)p not»c ttopne epejs? (eallf r£me0 leapm* getopon t\}t fljepe ttoatareftrafteb, fpotteb .« partpe: fbj 3 pane fenealltbat labanbotp wnto ttoe,3 amttoeoD batb fapbe Dntotbe, tbat b 0. WS jfacob rore Dp, 9 fct W f onne* anD wpueja; Dp Dpon came IS , 9 caricb a wape all bpjs ftocactf 9 all tjpss fubttafice wljicb be bab mocureb , \m etcbcis ano pofCeiriotf wbtcb be bab gotte" in ift)cfopotamia, fo? to go to 3fa jac bPJS fatber Dnto tbc lanb of canaa.aeut pmm laban watf gone to^tbere $v$ (toepe, 9 Ba pari* « |j c j u aD ft j en D P? f^tijcrs pmage0.3nD Ja- cob ftaleawape tbc bcrte of lauan tbe &p» riS.m tbat be f oiocbpm not tbat be fir b. £>o fteb be 9 all tbat be bab, anb mabe bpm felfe reop,9paffcD oucr tbc rpuer , 9 fct bp$ face ftrepgbttowarbtbc mount <5tlcab. © (ape tbc t jjp^be bap after, was it tolb ta= b5 tbat 3acob flco. ^1)5 be t ouc l)iS b?c t b?8 Witb bpm anD f olo weo after btm.Dti.DapcjS ioumcp,9oucrtokcbpm at tbe moute<2>t* lrab3nb (5od came to 2,abantbe&p*tan in a became bp nigbt,9 fapb Dnto bpm: take bebc , tbat tbou fpeaftc not tq 3ncob ougbt faucgooo.^nb iabS ouertokc3«cob; anb 3acob Ijab pitcbtb bptf tcntc in tbe ntounte. 3D no laban witbbPI? bjetbJc n pitcbcD tbeir trittc alfo Dpon tbc moutc^ileab:31nb ia» balapbe,to3acob:(UllbPbafttboutbp0bo» ne to ftcale a wape mp bcrte , anb carpea* wape mp DougbtcriS as( rhougb tbep tyib bene taken captptte wptb f fwrrDc t H)ber« fojcwWefttbouawapcfccrctclpDnftnowen to me,9 bibeft not tell me.tbat 3 mpgbt ba= ne b^ougbt t\)t on tbe wape wptb mpjth, fpngpng, rpmrrl? barpe, ano baft not (UN freo me to hifSc mp cbpuven anb mp oaugl> \tm.ttit.t. tcts t 'Cbou waft *a fole now to bo it , fo?, »«w 3 am able to bo pou eupli ,i6ut t))t <2>ob of pour fatber fpake Dnto mcpcftcrbape,fapig take bebe tbat Uptake not to lacob ougbt fauegoob. 2(nb now tbougbtbou wenteft tbP wape,bccaufetboulongcft after tbp fa tberiS boufe, pet wberfo^c baft tbou ftoicu mp goboesfi' at 3acob anfwereb anb fapbe to laban be- caufe 3 wasiafrapcD , 9 tbougbt tbat tbou wolbeft baue taken awapetbp bougbtersi vi> f rfl JUClBUMK tob«f a» ma MtatWt to mp tbatgc wbP tto wbome focuer tbou fpnbeft tbP gob = best , let bpm ope , bete before onre b?ctb*cn. S>eketbat tbpnei0bp me , 9 take it to t\)t. 26u 1 3acoto wpft not tbat mabe 1 toab ftolcn tW.'oan went laban into 3acob$ tente, anb into leas rtfe,9fntottoe.ti. mapofsften teS:butfouuoe tbem not-^ban went be out of leas tente, ano entreo into labels tente. 3nb Babel bab taken tbe pmage0d put tb? in t\)c camels ftcawe, 9 fate bo wne Dpo tbe\ 5i no laban fercbebali t\tz tente: but founoe tbem not. 'Cban fapoe (be to bn fatber 1 m p Io?o,benotangrpp3 ca*not rpfe Dp befo?e tbe fo^pcuftome of womfiScomeDpo met ^ofcarcbebbebutfounbe not tbofe pools. % m 3acob was to? ootrj, anD cboOc witb iaba. Jacob alfoanfwcrcO a fapoe to bpm: wbatbauej trefpaceb 0? wbatbaur 3offen Deb, PtbOH folowcOcft fo after mer^bou baftfearcbcoallmpftnfff,9Wbatbafttt)ou founoe of all tbpboutbolOc ftuffcr put it bf re bcfo?ctbpb,tctb?ea mpurp t^mapc iub« gc bctwprre ujj botb . iScboloc ; ^bw. XK- perebauejbene wptbtbe,tbpfbepe9 1\)^ goates baue not bene barm , 9 tberames of tbp flocke baue 3 not eaten . U)batroeucr rf wa0to?ncofbcflftc03bjougbt itnot Dnto 3 * tbe.but mabeit gooomp felfe: oftnp hanbe bpbefttbou rcqnpjteit, euen aS it tbat was ftolltn bpoape o?nrgtt.26pbape tbe I etc cSfumebme, ano tbefroftbpnpgbt,anbmp flepcoeparttb frompneepe^. 'Cljusbaucj bene.rypcre in tljp boufe, 9 ferueO tbc . * riiii.percs fo? t))r>M. Oougb' +fi5f txif t tcrS,9W.vercsfo ( itbP(l)epe,at]i)tboubrtft cbaiigcb mprewarOe.rtpmeS. 3HnD ertcptc tbec5o0ofmpfatber,f(f>o0of3b2a0am t tU fearc of 3fabac bab bene wptb metflirelp tbou babbeft fent me a wape now all cm* pt(c.25ut (5ob bebelbe mp trpbulacpon, and tbclabourc of mp banbes , anb rebukeb tbe pefteroape. Laban anfwercb anb Hipbe Dnto Jacob: f befc Oaugbters are mp baugbters, ano tt)c* fe cbplo?cnare mv cbpiozcn, ano tbefe Qjepe aremptbcpcanball tbat tbou fepft,ismp« ne.3Jnbwbatcan3botbpsoapeDntotbcfe mp oaugbtcrS, 0? Dnto tbep? cbplbjfwbpcb tbepbaue bo^ne.^ jrlow tfjerfo^e come on 9 letD0mabeaboiti)e,39tbou,wbpcbmape be a witnefle betwenc tbe anb me.^ba tokc 3acob a (tone anb fct it Dp anenbe , 9 3a* cob fapoe Dnto bpS tyctbiemgatber ftoneS. ainbtbep toke ftoneS.nrio maoe an beape, 9 tbep bib catctbere DpS the beape.3SnoiLa. +s . bf ,,.,„, bancailcbit *3cgar ^ababutba, but 3a - ttS!B. COb CallCb It C5ilcaO.>^(ttbrt of tbem actojomgc to *o tb«P? opettpt of bp« a tour latrffatr.) ^ban fapbe laban:tbps beape iS * wpt* *wmm$ mm betwene tbe 9 me tbps oape : tberfo.ie ttttltlCMX '- iSitCaUcO<0lleaO^(tbatiB:abtapeof tokRftTe)9 *^l)i?apb:Jfo^be fapo^be lo?oe loftebe= JL . ftfff twenc me 9 tbe wben we arc bepartcb one S,f ™ l * frSanoftocr: 3fH'alt Dejccmp baugbters Sr 0? (bait take otber wpnes befibe mp oaugb* ^ terS.^crciSnoman witbDS:bebolbe,(25ob be witnefle bttwijrtetDeanbme.3lnbi.abS to D fapoe ■ l: ■ ■ * *»* ** V -rf" L. it- ^ w *a8oubttar inpc. fapbe mojeouer to 3acob:bcbolbc , fbp0bca tjeanbtbptfmarUe whpcb 3 toe fcc there, bctwirtcmeanb tbc:tbp0bcape be wptncf* if anb alto t^p^timrbc tbat 3 will not come ouccrbP0&capcto tbe , anb tbou Qjalt not conic oucr tbp0 bcapc anbtbptf marlietona to mr :to oo a up barme . % be €> ob of 3lbja» bam,the (5oD of #aboj,a tpe <5oD of tbcpj f atbertf be tubgc betwpjetc to0 . 3no 3acob (ware bp tbe feare of &PS* fa= tber 3fabac. -fcben 3«cob orb facrifpec topg pmounte.scallebbtoibjetbtfto catc bjceb. anb tbep bpo eate bjecb ftarpcb all npg&t in tf)t npll.^nb carlp in tbe mojnpngc la= ban rofe Up ano feplfeb fcptfctjilbjen ana bptf bang&tcro-.anD blcffeo tbcm.anb laban DC* partpngc,wcnt tonto bp£ place agapne. C^be.JcjCjcu.Cbapter. C: !Ct bf rioii of f anerllg. Jacob ftnftf (1> p;t rtnf rt bni jo b9«9 tbaungt b bloname ano cailro bpm jjfmu. 31 ma i cat 3acob went fojtb on big tonrncp. anb tbe Angels of ©ob came, 9 met bpw.and wl)eJacobfawetbe*>befaiO tyfH 10 <5obbc0booft:$ cab leD tbe name of f fame place *€fc)abanaftn.»'»ill pefpealie to mp ILojb e fau :tbP feruautc Jacob faptb tbu0 .- J ba= ucCogcojncb&liencaftraugcrwptbiabau tonto tl)p0tpmc anb baueorcn, affr0»Cpcpe 2» men feruautc* ano wemenferuauntetf, ano baucfenttofljcwettnipLojbr, tbatjmap fpnbe grace tn t\iy fp£bte. 3 nb tbe meffen- gcr0 came agapne to 3acob taping: roe ca= me \mto tbp wotljer €fau, ano &e commetb agnpnfttbc$batb-ftu.bunb#fbme'tdbpm^ 28ut Jacob watf greatlp afraped , anb rop ft not wbpcl) toape to turue mn fe Ife, anb be- npbebfbc people fbatwa0 wptb bpm $ tbe fhepe, 9 or en $ camel0,into.ti.companpe0:s fapD=3f ©fan come to tbe one parte? fmp* te ft, tbe otber mall faue it felfe. apnb 3aceb fapbe agapne : £)C5od ofmp fatber abjabS.frc^ob of mp fatbee 3fabac: *e>ta.xw-b lojbc wbpcb fapbf ft tonto mc*returne ton- £totbpcofitreanbtotbpl*pnteb,$/3wplloo nllwell wptbtbe.3am not Wtbp of tbe leafte of all t^t mercpc0anb trntbe wbpcb tbou baft f&ewcb tontot bP fernauntc . ff oj wptbmpftaf came 3 oucr tbp0 3o?bane, &iiowbaue3gotte".it.bjouc0. aulpuet me from tbe banbe0 ofmp bjotber <£fau : foj 3 feare bpm : left be wpll come anb ftnpf e tbe mother wptb tbe cbplbjcn . 'Cbou taytKtt: 3 wpU ( wrelp bo t^t goob , 9 mane tbp fe eb a0 tbe fanbe of tbe fee, uobtcb cannot benom b^ebfo? mwltptttbe. !Pto atou mmm * 1 JBitb be tarrcb tbe re tbat rame npgbf e , « a> toKcoftbatu>bpcbcamctQbfae,ap?ere»f, ton €fau bP0 b^otber. tr. bunbjeb fte goa« te0d.jcrbcgoatc0.«.bunb?cb(bepeanb.jc)c» rammed tbp^tpe mplcbcameW ttptb tbepi coltctf.rl ftpne,».r.bulle0.w. tbe alTeiei 9 ten foletf.anbbelpncreb tljcm into tbe banbe of bP0fcrtiauncjs,ciicrpbjoiieup tbem Ielne0, anb fapbe unto bP* fertiamitcjfcgofotfb be- fore me, anb put a fpace betvoprte, b^one, $ b? ae . anb be comaubeb f fo^m oft fa«f nge. Jf €fa u mp b;otbcr mete tbe anb a the tbe faptnge:UJbofcarttbou,anb tvbptbee goeft tbou:* wbofe arc tbefe tbat goo befwe iW tbou (bait (ape, tbep be tbp feruaunte 3a> cousUtiD it 10 a pjcfc * fcntt)nto mp Io?D ©fau , anbbebolbe.bebpmfelfe commetb after tMt&nbfo commaunbeb Ut])t feeon« be,anbt|jetbp?be, anb all tbat folovxjeb tto D?oue0fapingeoftbp0manerretbatperpe» abemito£fauwbcnpemctcbpm,anbrapt mo.ieoucr: tbp frruaunfe 3acob alfo com» metbaftec b0,fot be fapbe;3 wpll peafe W \»?atb uutb $ P,wlcnt tbat goctb before me, aubaftermarb Jiopli reebpm mp felfe, pf pcrabuenture bewpll receaue me to grace: ^>o went tbe pjefent befojebpm anb be ta« rpeb all tbat npgbtm tbe companp, anb ro= fe bp tbe fame nygfite, anb toae bP0 two V)?nt& anb ^n tu»o mapben0 , anb m ele- nen fomtc^.anb went oner tbefoojbe jaboll 3nbbe tobetb^ anb fent tbem ouer tbcrp- ner,anbfcntouertbatbebab,«nbtariebbe* binbebpm felfe alone. adnb tbere Jr to^aftleb a man wptb bpm tmtm Unto tbebjeaftpnge of tbebape. 3lnb wben # be fame tbat Ije coulbc not pjcuaple againft bpm, befmote bpm bnbertbe tbpe , anb t\)t Unowt of 3acob0 tbpe m^Ue, a0 be wjaft* leb top tb bpm- 3nb be fapbe: let me goo, f OJ tbeb«ptb?cahctb.CBDicbanf\x)crtb:3TOpU not let tbt goo, ercepte tbou blelfe me. 9nD befapbemitobpm:Wbit!0tbpname (Wt anftoereb: 3acob. I^c fapbe rttjou (bait be *,*, Krt , callcb 3acob nomo?e, but^Jfraell . ffo* »♦ ™' mMl a0a p^puce baft tbou ro^aftlebtoptbCob: anb wptb man.anb baft pjieuapleb. %nD Jacob afneb bpm fapinge: tell me tDv name. 3fnb be fapbewberfo^e boft tbou foafkeaftermp * name/'anobebleftcbbpm tsmm tbere.^nb Jacob callebtDe name of p place *$brniel, f 0^3 bane fene (0ob face to face, ***«fwi 9mplpfc(0p?efcrueb.anba0 be went ouee ieo0 * ^bcnrcl.t be fonne rofe tops bpm, anb be bah tcb topo bP0tbpc.3nb tberfo^e (0 it tbat tbe cbpio^of 3fracll rate not of tbefenotoj tbat m?atme 111 tbat place of t^zt^t, tonto tbp0 1 bape : becaufe tbat be toucbeo tbe place of 3acoo0 tbpe tn tbe fenow tbat ibJoncHe. CCbe.riCW« Cbapter. Ctf feu 1 »no ascotH »te «g«cb:ani> Jlacob cum* »«o|iltJim f . 3acob 3lcob Ipftpnge top b(0 epe0,lo(teb, anbbcbo(be,€nmcame,l)aupnge ttitbbtm.mj buntytn men . 3nb be bcupbcb m cbdb;cn tonto lea anb tonto t&abei anb tonto tbc.ij. mapben0.3nb })eputt^t mapben0anb tbeir cbplb^enfo?moft, anb lea anb typtcbvitym after , anb Babel anb Jofepb bpnbcrmoft. ♦0w.rtF.«. anbbe went before tbem anb * fell on tbe grownbe.toij.tpmc0 toiitill became tonto t»0 b^otbee. ,.*m& €fau * came to mete bpm anb cnbjaceb bpm anb fell on bp0 nccfec anb ItpfTeb t^ytn, anb tbep wepte . 3 nb be ipf t c top bp0 epc» $ (awe tbe wcmen.anb ^ cbplb?en,anb fapbe: /» o* >»wbence baft tbou tbefe/' *# ( ano 00 ebtr btiSBt ^5 b»to«be.)3!tnbbeanrwereb s tbepare tbecbpl* b?cn wbpcb *5ob batb S^cn tbv feruaunte. ^baneametbemapbentffoztb.ftbeiccbpb Wtn , anb bpb tbep? obepfauuee . lea alfo witbbftt cbplb?encame?opotbepr obepfa- imce.»nDlaftofallcamc3ofepb?ftalicl * bpb tbep; obeplaunce. 2Bub be fitpbc: wbati0ail f b?oue wbpcb 3 mctt 1 59c anfwereo : tbat 3 niape fpnbe sracetutbefpgbtcofmpioibe.^noerau fapbe.-J bane pnotiffb my bzotber, ftcpe tbat tbou baft tonto tbp felfe. ^0 wbom Jacob . aniWcreb.ob nap, but pf J Umc fouube gra= cetn tbp fpsbtc , receaue mp pjefent of mp «i8fr£b.ft banbe ; fo? 3 bauc fene thy face * a0 tboiigh ** 3bab fene m face of <5ob:^ 3nb tljou baft € baba goob wpll towarbeme . €)6ta«e mp bletrpugc tbat i0 Wougbt t&e , f 0; (0ob batb W» bab mewp On me.^CCciipnse mr ail fbpnaea.) ano 3 baue pnougb.3nb fo be compelleb bpm,auobetoliett.^nbbcfapbc:lctto0taue oure louwep anb goo , 3 wpll goo before tbe.3acobanfwercbb(m :mp lo?oe, ^rijou Rnowcft, tbat tbecbplb*enaeetcnb;e",? the ewe0|ftpne wptbponge tonbermpue ban* be , wntco pf men Q^lhe ouerwpne but cuen onebapeall tbe mepe wpll \}yc, €>b letmp 3lo;bc goo before bp0fernaunte, anb 3 wpll hmiz fapje anb foftlp, acco^bpnge a0 tl)c eatell tbat goetb before me anb tbe cbplb^cn be able to enbftre : tontpll 3 come to mp 1 01= toe tonto fbm, 3n;efaufapbc:lctmepetIeauefomeof mpfolftc witbtbr.a/ib be ahlwereb , wlmt &» UeabCtbttf^KJWjPffonctlipiiBconclpljautancBe of.) D letme fpnbe grace tn t\)t fpgbte ofmp &o?b. ^0 ©fau went bp0 wapc agapne tbat fame bapc tonto S>cie. annb3acob tofcebptf (our* ncptowarbc^ucotb.Sbbupltbpmanbou- fc.ab mabe bootbclfo; l)i0catcll. 3Snb tficr= \ m „, fo^f0it,tbattbcnameoftbeplacei0caileb , anb Jacob came to£>ale" a cptte of %,u cjein wbtcb turn tbe lanbe of Canaan , aftcc tbat be w«0 come from €)cfopotnmia, ano pptcheb before t^t cptte , anb bongbt a par* I. eeirofgrounbcCwerebcpptcbcbbP0tent)of tbe cbplbtf of tycmojt &iebcm0 fatber&=r fo* an bunb^eb ptccjjof moncp.^nb be mabe tbere an aitlrcr,$$7-callcb topon $ mvgbtie 0obofjfrael. r * MV C'SrDe.rrjru'ij.Cbapfcr. fjarbf rautf Ofpnqt ot £>pna jflacobe Baugbfet bp tbcmeof5>icbnn.aiiD6ft»;e8tcalbU)uotIbrtpn; Bt Done bp t\)t tonnes of Jacob. 3na iJoaugbfecof lea* wbtcb l** (be bare tonto 3acob, went out * to fe tlje bnugbter0 of tbe labe. ;U)bom wban^fcbem t\)c ion-- nc of laemo? tne feeuttc &o:oe of tbe countrcp fa we , be tobe per , anb lapc _ _. witb ber.anb foweb vlier.anb bp0 hartc lape v ' m tonto x>im t\)c Daugbtee of Jacob. 3Cnb be loucb tbat bam fell ano fpatte apnoip tonto ber.anb &t'cbem fpakc tonto bp0 fatber be- mo,tfap(ngc,gcttmetbp0mapben tonto mp wpfe.amb Jacob bcarbc tbat be bab berVlcU BinabptfDaugbtcr,bp0fonnc0bctngewtf[j tUn catcll in tl)c fclbe,aub be belbc b?0 pea» ce, tontpll tbep were come . aitiDftcmo* fa fatljcrof^yt'cbcmwcnt cut tonto Jacob, to eomcnwt'tb bpm.3tnbwban tbefonnegof 3acobcommpngeoutoftbefclbcbfi-0cit.it Sccucb tb? , 9 tbep were not a Iptle wzootb, ccaufe be bab w?ougbt folpc in Jfracl , in tbat be bab Ipeti wptb JacobO bnugbtcr, wbtcb tbtnge ougbt not to be bone. 71 nb fcc is mofcommcnebwJtbtbcmfaptngertbcfoulc ofmp fone^tcljclongctbfo.ipoiirc bangb* tcr.gcue ber bpm to wpfc, anb mabe mana> ge0witb to0:atiDgcticpourebaugbtcr0 ton* to to0,aub taltc oure baugbtcr0 tonto ron^ pe mall bwcll wptb to0 , anb m lanbe Qiaii bebcfo^epou.bwcllanbbopoiircbiiiVn^, anb bauc potire poffeiTpomS tbfre in . 3 nb <&icbem fapbe tontobp? fatber anb Up* bie* tbcmo?;anb Nebcin bt0fonne. Tft>C, ,m.c r ?tf •p. 4 ft ^? .? ;1 T bpg tonne. anbtbeponge man befetbenot fojtobotbe tbpnge, bccnufebcbabaluftto 3acobg bang^tcr: be wag alfo moft fettbp of all tbat were f n Mfttmtynift . ttmn locmoi 9 flopebem bpg tonne went Unto tbc gateof tbeir cptie, nnbcomcncbwttbtbeme of tbeir cptie , f apinge : tbefe men arc unfap* neb towarbcug > anbbwclllntbclanDranb Dotbcir occupacpon tbcrin. Antoinette lanbe ig rowmc pnougb foj fbem, we wplltake tbeir bn ugbtcrg to wpticg,anb geuc tb£ oure baug&tcrg:oul pberc in wpll tbcv cofent Un- to ug f o? to Dwell wptb ug 9 to be one pco* ule: vf all tbc men cbplbjc n tbat ate am onge ug be circucpfeb ag tDcp ate . £>ball not tbcie goobeg anb tbeir fubftanceanball tbewca» tell be owe*, onlppf wtcoTcnteUntotDetttf St o* tbep wpll b well ottbttL AnDUntotocmoiianD&icbcmbtffonne barkcneD all tpat went out at tbe gate of to ftpgcptie.ano alltbcmencbplDjenwcreclr- cumcifeb wbatfocuer went outat tbe gateg of Hist cptic.Anb it bappeneb tDe tbPjbe Dapc ( wljcn it wag papncfttll to tbcm) .ft. of tbc fonneg of Jacob S>vmcon anb Lcut&fnn* *tBt,wr.*. tyetb&tobcctbcr of tbembi* * fwcrbeanD 3iaM0.(F.s. utftintotbe cptie bololp, anb flewc all tbat ' wag male , anb He we alfo fecmoj anb £>i« cbcin bPS* fonne witb tbc ebgc of tbc fwcrbe, nno tone ©ina out of #>icbemg boufe, anb went tbeir wape. mm . . u AnD tbe fonneg of Jacob compngc Upon tbc beeb > fpoplcb tbc cptie , becaufe tbep bab Dcfplcb tbeir fpftct: frtoKetbcicfbcpc, ojcen, anb tbcit attcg anb wbatfocuer wag in tbc cptic anb alfo in f felDejs. Anb all tbcit goo= Deg9alltbcircbplbKn,anDtbcp;wpucgto= kc tbep captiue anb mabc bauouck of all tbat wag in tbe boufe. „ „ , aSut Jacob fapbe to Simeon anb Lcuf : pe ba«c ttoublcbme anb mabe me ftpneke before tbe inbabito tie* of tbclabe, before tbe eanaanptcanbtbe£bcrejite.AnbJbepn« gefewcin nomtye , tbep (ball gatbec tbem felueg together agapnft me 9 fief me, anbfo CtwlljanDmpboufebebettropcb.AnDtbep a nrweecb : f&ulbe tbep Deale witb oure rpttee agwitbanwbooje. Ctbe.WJCU.Cbnpter. ffiacob Boc(b top birto ffirttmi , anb bu pmages Im&cr an oKt.£>ebo/a bpt tb.jRacob it Mi lct> 3\(titU.Siit latm ot CanaatBpjompfebbfm. wacbtiorttlj (H labouce: ttubrn lapeVupftjtjptfa; tbcc0ob,wptcbbctbc me in tlie nape of mp trtbuiacpon, anb wajs wttD memtftewape wbicbjwent. 3nD tljcp caiic Unto Jacob all tbettrafc gr gobbed wbicb tbcpbablntbefe b5be,anb all tb«r ear ingesJ wlncb were in tbeir eares*, a Jacob bPb m unberan ooUewDpcliwaiBl bp &fcbem . 3k nb wlian tbep Depart eb , t|e fcareof d5ob fell Upon tbc cptie^ tjmtwere rounbeaboutctl)em.3lnbtbtpbpbnotfolo»= we after tbe tonnes* of Jacob . £>o camera* cob to tttss wbtcbisJtntbe lanbe of Canaan. y lop* nctf. %nn tbe lanbe wbpcD J gone ^bjwfjam anb Jfabac, will J gene Unto t\)t > anb Unto tbP ^ttt after tbe will J geue tbatla*De alfo.- 3nb fo C5ob beparceb up from bpm (n t&e place wbere be bab talkeb wptb t)m . Stub jacobfetupamarne int^e place wbete be talacb witb bpm: euenamarKeofftoneanb pow?eb &*" bjpnene offrpnge tberon , ? po» w?t D alfo ople tberon , anb Jacob callebtfte name of f place wbere c?ob f pa fee witb bpm ^ aSetbelli 3lnb tbep bepartcb from aiBetbel , anb wbe" be wag but a f elbe bjebtb f r 6 feare not , fo? tbpg fonne ig tbpne alfo . *ebew ag bP? torn wag*bepar« tpngejtbe * mutt bpe, (be calleb bigname. 56en ©ni."^» (tbe tonne of mp rojotor.) 25ut bP0 fatber calleb \fpta 25en Jamin . «• (»»e count or tbr rpsbt bsnat.) 3inb tbug Dpcbl^abet anb wag butpeb inthi wape toepb^atb, wbicb tg 2Setblebem . 3d no Jacob fett Up a ft one Up5b»graue . wbicbtfcallebl&abelggra* ueftonevnto tbpg bape.3nb Jfraelwent tbence.f pptcbeb Up bPJJ tent beponbetbe* *iwi= incon , leui , Juba , Jfacbae , anb ^abulon. tbc fonneg of iRarjel : Jofepb anb af en Ja= min . tbc fonneg of 2)Si!ba mabelg mapbc: r>an anD jJScptali . tbc fonneg of ?tlplja leaegmapDe, dEfabanb ^fcr.tbefc are tbe fonneg of Jacob wbpcb were bo^nc bpmin ^)efopotamia. anno fo Jacob came Unto Jfabac bpg f a= tbecto ^amreUnto fep v iiatb 3lfba wbicb ig I?eb?on : wbere TDbzabam 9 Jfabac fo(our= nebagftraungecg.anb tbe Dapcg of Jfabac were an bunb^eb anb. ijtjcje. percg: 9 jfabac fell fpefee anDDpcD , anb wag put Unto $?* people » bepnge olbc anb full of Dapcg . 3nb big fonneg© la u anb Jacob burpebbim. Ctbe.ewuj.©baptcr. C3tbe topuff of ffiCau. jflacob anb cfau are cfcljc. ttbe «« "f alo m of £fau . jgCau Dtuclictb tn tbc bpil£efc. . I^cfeare tbegencracpongof ©fau . ^t fame ig ©Dom. ©fau tofee big wpueg of tbe baugbtcrg of Canaan » 3Da tbeDaugbterof©lo»an%e= tbite,9 3Bbalibamap baugb terof 36na , tbe baugbtee of ■jibeon an l^enptcanb usafmatb Jfmaelg mm* * baugbtee* filter of #cbaiotb • 3nb 3ba bare Unto ©fan, ©Upbag : anb 25a fin a tb ba = re laeguel : 3nb3ftbalibama bare Jeug anb iaelananbfeo^ab. tbcfe are tbe fonneg of fan Wbpcb were bo^nebim in tbe lanbe of Canaan. Sanb ©fau tone big wpueganb bpg fon= neganbbangbterganb all tbc foulegof bpg bourc:bpggooDcganballbvgcattelianDail bpgfubftance wbpebbebabgott in ttylan* De of Canaan . anD went into a counter a= wape from tbc face of bpg bxotber Jacob:f 0? irn.F«f.8. tbeir* rpebeg wag mocbe, anb tbep coulDe not b well together , anb tbc lanbe wbere in 25 tbep were ftrauugerg , coulDe not rcceauc th^becaufc of tbeir podemon. t b«g bwclt ©fan in mountc £>e(r. tbe fame ©fau ig ©bom . t befc are tbe geueracpong of ©fau fatber of tbe ©bomitcg tn mounte&eir,anb km.t.c. tbcfe are tbe nameg of ©faug fonneg: *©li= pbag tbe fonne of 36 oa f wpfe of ©fau, anb iReguel t^t fonne of 26a front b tbc wpfe of ©fau . ainb tbc fonneg of ©Upbag were: t bentau, iDmar, jepbo , <5aetbont anb fee> nag . 3 no t bimna wag concubpne to ©it » pbag ©fang fonne > anb bare Unto ©lipbag Sdmalecb. 3nb tbefe be tbe fonneg of 3lba ©rang wpfe.3lnD tbefe nee tbe fonneg of ftc guel : Babatb, &>erab> $>amma anb HDifn, tbefe were tbe fonneg of 25aftnatb ©foug wpfe. 3lnb tbefe were tbe fonneg of UbaH* bama tbe baugbtee of tm baugbtee of jc= Won ©faug wpfe, anb (te bareUnto©fau: Jeug, lea lain anb ao?ab. tljere were Dnbcgottbefonnegof ©fau. © tbc cbplbjcn of * ©lipbag tbe fpjft fonne *«•»«».«.«. of ©fan, were tbcfe:Duketbcman , Dune ®* mar, Dufeoepbo, Diiacnenag, anDDuhcfeo- rab, Dime 0actb«1 anDbuae3tmale(b.tbe= feare tbc bubeg tbat came of ©lipbagmtbe lanbe of ©bom , anb tbefe were m fonneg ofaiDa . tberealfoarc tbe cbplb^cn of B<* gncl©faugfonne.'bnhe eabatb, bufee&e* rab , Dii&e&airona , Dnfec mta . tbefe are tbe Dukeg tbat came of Ueguel in tty lanbe of ©bom,* tbefe are ti^t fonneg of tfafinat b ©faug wpfe. tljele were tbe c&ylbmi of abalibama ©fang itipfc •. Duht Jeug," Me (5aelan , Dnfte feo:ab , tbefe buheg came of aibakbamapDaugbtceof 3tna©fang wp= f c. tbefe are t^e cbpl b?r n of © fau , anb tbefe arc tbebufeegof tbe : wbicb ©fan 10 ©Dom. tbefe are tbe cbplbjcn of ^>cir tbe l?onte, tbc inbabitourc of tbc lanbe : Lotbau , &o-- bal, jibeon , anb3Ena , anb^ifon, ©fir anb 2Dinm.tbcfealfoarctbcbukcsoftbebo?i s tegtbecbVlb?cnof^firin tbe lanbe of©bo. 2£nb tbccbplbj'en of Lotbau were: toojianb 2oeman . 3nb Lotbaug fpfterwag calico tbpmna. t beebvlbilrn of ^>obal were tbefe: 3 i= uan,^anabatl anb ©bal , £>epbo * Onl tbefe arc tbe wmien of ?tbeon.aiaaiiD 3na,tbP* wad tbat ana tbat founbe nm= leg in tbe wplbeineg,ag be febbpg fatber }U bcong affeg . tbc cbpib^en of Una were tlje= fe.^Dtfon anb 3baiibama tbe baugbtee of 3na.tbcfcarctbccbplb?en of 5>tfon, ^em= bananD©fban, jetbiananDCbeean . tbc cbplbjcn of©jerarctl)efc: agtlban, $>eauau anD3BUan.tbecbplD?cn ofBifan alfo ace tbefe : &l? anb 3!rau . tbefe are eljc DuUcg tbat came of loon .Duke totlwn, Duke £>o= bal , bulre ?ibeo« , Duke aina , Duke ©ifon, *D btike ©?cr, Dnkc Bifan. tbefe be tbc bu= keg p came of lr>o?p after tbeir bukebomeg in tbe lanbe of&eir . tbefe are tbc bpngcg tbat ecpgncD in tbc lanbe of ©bom before tbererapgncbanpkpngeUpon m cbplbjcn of Jfracl.lScla tbc fonne .if 2&eoj repgncDin ©Domca, 9 t\\c name of bpg cptie wag Tsyin* tWba.|finD wben 23cla DpcD , Jobab tljcfon^ neof sbttm out of i5o?ra , repnneb in bpg ttcabe.tt»ben Jobab alfo wag Dcnb , lonfam of tbc labe of t bemanp repgneb in bis ftea= bc.^nb after tbe bctb of fcufom , laabab the fonne of B6cDaD mljicb flc we tbc ^)aDianp- tcg 111 tbc felbe of tbe anl of tbe rpuer mebobotb eepgnco in \w$ fteabc . m\)en ^aul wag beao, i6aal ^anS p tone of 3Bcbbo^ repgneb in big v 'i 1 •♦ (I 1 ' 1 i * * 'hi ** #f». ^" *3 tu W fteabe.anb after tljc DetD of i&aal Da» nan tbe tonne ofllcbboj , tyabab repgneb in fyg ttcabe, anb p name of big cptic wag JDa = gti.anftw* wpftgnamc Uttcbctabccl tbe baugbteTOf$i)attcb,p0augbtcrof*ft)craab. 'Stiefeare the nameg of t&c buuc r&at cameof efau,inp.rij.Kpnrebcg , placeg ano namc0:buueffln>inma i buhcaiua, , buuc " iCtfcrti) > Unite HoaUbaiitit , buuc $la,bubc jinon , buuc fecuag, fitthc ^Ijeman , buue <»fb*ac,buac&)agbiel , DiiKe3ram.^|jc= ft be e be buftcg of ©Oomr a accojbpngt to tbew bubitacpong , in tbe lanbc of thepj poucflion0 . '£ty>0$(hu igtbctatlKt oftpe Cbomptcg. CEDwetoiJ.CIwptcr. C jflofepb acmfrtb tee b; ttb jtti.3 oft plj 6? camrtb »nn fetyrttb of epe bmb;cn ano is CoiDc to ttjc 3Hfnwrirfrt.3i«cobbrto»pirtb3|orrpb. m J ■ U ' acob b welt in fftc lanbewbere in bid fatbtrtDa0affraunp.tr, eucn intbclabc ofCbanaan.'cbcfeare *tbe geucracpongof3acob.wbcn 3ofept)wag.jr;toUj.perc olbc, i)e fteptclbcpe wptbbpgbjetbtcn,anb tbe lab wag xx»tcb tbe fonncg of asuba anb wttb tbe fonncg of jiipjja Digfat&ceg wpueg . anb&e wougbt tonto tbeir fatber aneitpU fapinge of tbem . 2Sut3frael loncb 3ofepb mo?e tban all bPi* cbplbten,bccaufe bebegatbim in bpg olbe age > anb be mabe fopm a coote of manp coloured. anb w&cnbpg ujetbjenrawe'tbat tbcp;t fatfcec loueb bim mojc tpan all big b?e ty;en , *««. »« fc tfjcp batcb Dpm $ coulbe not fpeuepeaceablp w '% tonto bpm .«#o?eoucr wban 3o(bb* SiO ** bjeamcb a b jeame, De tolbe it big wetbjen wbpcbiwteb bym pet tbe moje. ^ 3nb lie ftpbe tonto tbem* bear e 3 P*ape pome tbpg meamewbicb3baucb?eamcb:Bebolbcwe were bpnbinge Qmi c in tbe felbe : 9 lo , mp (beffeorofcanbftobe toprpgbt , anb poureg ftobe eounbe abouteanb tnabe obepfaunce to mpfoeffe. lowborn bpg tyetiften fapbe: (bait tbou beoure Itpnge in bebe <• o? fbaltp in bebe baue bominponouer tog? anb tbep batebbpm pet tbe mojte.bceaufe of bpgbzea-- me0,anb of bus wojbcg. C anbbebjeamebpetanotbcrbjearaeanb tol Ht it W bjet&en (apingc : beb old e , 3 &aue &aborieb?eamemo?e:m«tbougi)t tbe (buuc anb tbe moone «. #. ftarreg tnabe obepfuuee to mc.anb wben be bab tolbe it tonto big fa= tbcranb bpg bjctbj en, tyd fatber reoiiaeb bim? fapbe vntobim: unwtitf tbpj« became wbicl) tbou Ijaff o jeameb : (ball 3 f top mo= tber anb tbp b?ett>?£ come to fall on tpe aro- uube before tjje^nb bp0 btstW Datebbim, but bpjs father noteb tDcfapinae. 'fyptf be fapbe tonto m ' m bim:jsoo anb fee wbetljer itbewell witl) tbp b^etb?cn anb tbt (bepe, anb bjpnge me woi* be agapnr . 3nb f o be fent bim o u t of ttie Dale of ipetyon anb bctoeut to $)icbctn . 3nba eertapne man founbe bpui , anb bebolbe ye toass xcanb^pnge out of bPfi wape m tbe fcl^ be, anb tbe mS a f deb l)im: t»|m t ft aeft tboiti* it)t anfojereb : 3 fene mp b?ctb?en, tell me jj ^ pjape tbe tobere tb«P bepe (bepe;3lnb tbe nil w fapbe , t))ty arc bcpartcbbciiee>fo^3berbe tbem fapc : let \>st goo Vjnto Dotlwu . %M t»cnt3ofepD after tytftyctfyen, anb founbe ' tDeminiDotban. 3tnb WDbcn tbep fa we \)tm a farre of be= fo?c be eameat tjjem , tbep touecoiiceUaga* pnft pirn , fot to Hep \>ym . #o? one fapbe to Anotbrr:2Sei)olbe tbi0 * Reamer commetb: *««m comenoujc tberfo?canb let tisi flep bpm anb 8«? eaftbpm in to fomepptt,anbwci»pll fape a tppctseb beaft batb bcu our eb bym, anb toe fyallfeu>battiDpllcomcofbP0b?eame0. WW Bubttu|jearbctliat,|)e&^»epb[)(m out of their Danbe* anb fapbe , roe topll not Upll bpm . 3Cnb i&ubcn (avto mo? eotiet tonto tjem,ftebcnotl)W*bloiibe, but call ^(m in *««.t«j to tbPtf mtf t0 in tDe toplberne* , anb lape nobanbe i)ponbiui:^f"»p«b«r9pbt.) jgamelp, *~ tbatb^ mvsbtxvlfo bim out of tbeir banbejat ^belpncctjim to ftp0 fatber agapne. h 3lnb it bappeneb tbat utyan 3ofepb t»a0 € come tonto Dp0 b?et[)^,tbcp ft rppte pirn out of bi0 coot, bP0 par tp coloureb coote PvoaS ' topon bpm, anb tbep tobebpm anb call bpm into an etnptpe wtt-.Xtotytin t»a0 no water, anb ftep latt tbt bowne to eate b^ebe . am> a0 tbep lpftt)p tbeir cpes anblodeb aboute, tberecameaeompanpe of 3(inaelpte0 from <5ilcab,anb tljeir camels lab? mb fpfcerp, baulme^anb mpjre, aim were gopnge bo* umeto carp it into @gppte. anb 3uba (Ttpbe tutto $i# b?etb?cn.-mbaf # auaple tb it ft we Hep ourc b?o tber, anb nepe bp0bloube fecrett t come onanbiet Ujx * (ell *ac(.tw, bpm to tlje3rmaelpte0,anb let not ourel)«» cwr^j DebeUponbPnnfo? be i0 oure bjtotberanb oure fletbe . anb bp0 b?e^en were content 'Ebanatf t\yt a>abiamte0 marcbaunt m?n paffeb bp, tbep b?cwe anb lpft3orep)^ oue of tjeppttanbfblbf Dimtmto tfteaftnaeip* te0fo^ otepti mmzw &• bi««.e. jr.rrrlr.a ([.rtift.f. Itn.r.c te0foMrjt.pece0 of fpluee.atib tbep tyougfy t Jjlmintoegi'ptc. anb wpen IRuben came ngapnc wtto p pptt* fofibenot3ofepbt(jere,be *-j- rmt bi0 clootpe0 anb went agapne X> uto l)i0 bzctb^ fapinge;tl)elabi0notponber , anb wbetber (ball 3 goo ^ anb tbep toltc 3ofcpb0 coote anb kplieb a goote,$ bpppeb tbe coote tn t Ijc bloube i anb tbep fent tbat partpe coloureb coote , anb bjougljc it Unto tbeir fatber anb fapbe :^bP0 ftane we founbe : fe wbetber it betbp fonue0 coote o? no .anb i)eUncweit fapinge,it(0mpfonnc0coare,awpcKcbbC' allftatb * beuoureb tym , 3ofcpb »0 rent in pece0.anb 3acob rent M clootbe0,anb put facbe clotbeaboute bi0 lopne0, anb fo^oweb foj|)i0fonne0 longe fcafon.25utalI m fon- nc0 anb all |)p0 bougljtcr0 rofe top toconv» fo?tebim.. fo^tcb, but fapbe : 3 wpllgobowne into the ccauctonto mp f onncmourmngc.anb tb««0 PP0 fatfjer weptefojbpm. anb tbe Hj?abia= nptc0 * folbc Ijpm in ©gpptc tonto puti=- pbara lo?b of lDftarao0,ano W cbcfc^tc-- warbe. CEbe.jfWtoiij.Cbaptcr. H13itmtivi»Bto( "fluba.jJbftttfpiw of Ct ana d>nan , anb tl)t beni;raunct of 00b (hat came tbrc bpon.Jiuba lape toifb Ijib oausb,(cj; arb. ainac . Stye bp;tb of Idbarc; anb ?arab. i'Efoittuttebattljattpmc , tbat3u= batf went bowuc from ^ bjctt)?f , anb gatt bpm to a man calico l?ira of JDbollam , anb tl)cre be fa we ttic ttta.9.i oamgotcr of a man calleb * &>uaa Canaa= npife.-anbijctofteljer anb wet in to |jcr. anb (be eonceaueb^bareafoime anb calleb ^p0 name ©r .anb (be conceaueb agapne , anb bare a fonuc anb calleb bim vDnan. anbibc conceaueb agapne,$ bare pet a fonnc, wbom ** (be calleb £>cla:<* anb |je wa0 at Cbefpb wlicn u)e bare bim. anb3uba0 gauc€r b?0€lbcft fonnea . wpfe , wbofc name wa0 Ubamar . anb nan : goo into tbp b?otl)er0 wpfe anb marpe bcr , f tyou mapeft ftp^re top feeb tonto t&pbjbttjce.anb wben % ©nan pcrceaucb tbat tbe fecb(bulbc not be •^ (tf0»tfoerfojc wljcn Ijc wentintob«0 biotber0 wpfe,be(ppllebitou tbegrounbe, anbgaue not fceb tonto })\>fi b?otber .anb t\w rbpnge w|)pcbbebpb , bifplcafcb tbe io^bc , wber* fo?cbe llewc ftim alfo/Clwn fapbe 3uba0 to ^Dbamart)p0baugbterinlawe:rcmapnea wpboweattbp fatber0Doufe,tpU*)cla mp fonne be growne : f o? lie fapbe • Heft pcrab- uenture be bpe alfo , a0 b?0 b?etb?en hvti. anb 'Ebamar wente anb bwelt in bcr fa* t()cr0boufc. anb in pioceffe of tpmc , t(e baugl)ter of &m 3uba0 wpfe nn^> 'fr&en 3uba0 wben be bab left mourtipngc, went tonto W (bepe € (bcrer0to ^bpmnatb beanbbi0fcSbe^lra of Obollam. anb one tolbe Ufjamarfapin* gc : bcljolbe , t\)v fatber in lawegoetb top to tt&pmnatb , to ^ Hicre t)y» (bepe. anb (be put bvi Wpbow0garmcnte0of from bcr $ coucrcb|)crwptbacloohe,anbbifgprebbct: fclfe : anb latt bcr bowne in a com on place wbicb i0bp p bpe wape0 fpbc to ^bimnatb, foj bcraufe (be fawcp^rla wa0 growne, anb (be mag not gcttcn tonto l)im to wpfe. U)bcn3uba (hwebcr, betljougfjtitfjab s> bcncanwboo?c,bccaufeajebaOcouerebbpi face . anb be turncbtober tonto tbe wapc , 9 fapbc,comc3 p^apetlxlctmclpcwitb tbc» fo?bclmewe not tbat it wa0 lm bangbtee in lawe. anb ujcanfwereb:wbat wilt tbou gpuc me, foj to Ipe witb mc/tfta h fapbe be, 3wpllfenbctbea bpbbfrom f brflacbe.$>be fapbc,'Cbangcucmea|ilcbgcfplirbonfcn= bcit.l)efapbc,wbatplcbacajai{3gcuctbf.'' ^>be anfwercb : t\)f fpguctt, tbp bracelet, anb tbpftarTc tl;ati0 in tbv bauoc. anbbe 6 gauc it bcr anb lap bp bcr. anb foe mag wtrb cbplbcbp hvm . anb uje gatt bcrc top anb went anb put bcr mantrll from brr , anbpnt on \>vi wpoowcfi rapment. anb Jubas lent tljcbpbb bp I;p0 frenbe of 0bollam , foito rcceaue bP0 plcbgcagapnefrom tbewpfcg banbe . HSut be founbe bcr not , *Sban nfbcb ^e tbe men of tbe fame place fapinge , wberc igtbewboojetbat fattoyenlp bp tbe wape l'pbe.'"UI)epan(wcreb I 'C!)crc wag no w&oo* re bete. !9e came tberfojte to3uba agapne f fapbe tonto btm.-3 can not finbe Ijer.nnbnlfo tUemen of tbe place fiipbe,tbat tjere wag no ii»boo^c tbcre .anb 3«ba fapbe , let bcr rafcc it tobcr , left we be Qiainrb . 15rf)olbe3 rente tbe bybti anb tbou baft not founbe brr. anbitcamctopalfctbatafter.uj.monc* t\)ea , ouctolbejjiba fapinge : £bamar tl)y baugbtenn lawe jjatb plapcb tbe wnooie, anb wptb plapingc t\)t wpooie ig become great wttbcbplbc.anb3uba fapbe, bjpnge bee foitb.tbat Cbe mape be b^entc.2f nb wbcit tbcpbjougbt |)erfo?tb,(bc fent toiler fatbec in lawe fapinge : bp tbe man tonto wbotne tliefctijpnge0pcrtapne , am3 witj) cbplbe. anompbe alio, lobe wbofe arc tbpg fcale, bracelet, anbtl)pgftaffc.anb3uba ftnewe tbeanbfapbcaictatbbeucmozcrpgbtweg tban3 » becaufe 3 gauc bcr not to &cia mp fonnc.anbbc lape witb bcr nomo^c. 3tfo?tuncb wben tpmc wag come tljat & (bclbulbcbc brlpucrcb , bebolbe tbcre wag ii.twpn ucg in bpj wombe . anbttlfo;ttincb, tbatwban (betraneicb , tbe one put out |)pg ijanbeanb tbe mpbwpfc tobe anb bownbe areeb t^ebe aboutcit fapinge , tfoyg ig co? me outfp^ft .anb itebmmeeb, tb«tbepluc< neb l;v0 banbe bacbe agapne, anb bepoioe * n.fcf ft accurtD # t »Jl (n pjpfo n.tsoo tyW ro^s rr*bp9bebe camcalucitpcman,c6tmuyngetutbi:botirc of bigmnftertbc£gypttan. 3nb bWntaftcr fa wc tbat d5ob wag wftbbmi,9tbat<5ob mabc all that he nyt) to p.tofpee in biS banbe. 3nb 3ofepj) founbe grace in fey* matters fygbte,anb fcruebtym . anbinabe bym ru= laiofbpgboure,anbpiifalltbatbcbabtnbtg banbe . 3Gnb ft foituneb ft otn the tyme that be bab mabrhtm rtilac oucr bPg boufc anb otter all tbat be bab , tbc iojbe * blcfTeb tbc <£gyptyang boufe f oi 3ofcpb# faltc.anb the fair ffynge of the 8,o?bc wag \»pott all tbat be baftin toe bottfe.anb tn tbc Mbc . 3nb tber* 26 fotcbclcftnlltbatbcbabin3ofeybg banbe, nnb lokcb topon notbynge tbat wag to" bym, four only on tbc btcaO wbycl) be byb care. *f.ur.rbf.& 3Cnb 3otep w.tga * g40;)lpp;cfanc?a well fauotcb. 36 nb tt foituneb after tftyfttfrt b« maftccgwyfe caftbpt c peg topajofepb nnb (it vbc:come lye with me. )6ut be rcfufcb.ano laybc to byS mafterg wyfe: sfebolbe , my matter wotcf b not what be bath to the pot* fc with me,a nb batb comm yttcb all tbat be w* batb to my banbe. <*» Cgtti tg no man grea= term the boufe than 3 > fceytber batbbcue= pteany thynacfrSme, but only the , becattfe tbou art W wyfe.tyo we tban can 3 bo ting great wpckcbncg, anb fynne agapnftd&obf' 3Dnb after tbpg maner fpnkc Qjc to3ofepb baye bp payc:but be barltencb not \)nto bcr, to llcpc ncre ber,o? to be in bcr company. C ^nbitfoititncbonacertapnecomtenient bape,tbat3ofcpbentrcb tntotbe boufe , to bo by* ttufync j( : a nb there wag none of the bottOjolbcuy, tn the boufc .3D nb Qjecatifibt ^tm bptbcgartnentlaptnse.come fiepe votty me ..anbpe tiftttytl garment in bpj&anbe anb flcD , anb gott pym out . 25«b it cbann- ceb.H>bcn (be ratoe tbat be Ijab leftc W gar* v* ment tn by* fcanbe , anb wa<$ fleb out. «^«b - qjrnoect&artirto&bccaUeb bntotfjemen of bir bnufcanbtoloe thent, fayinge .- £>e, ^z\)^ btonpt to ati^ebjetxte »nto^ to bo \)S (fcame.f a; |je came in to me, f o? to banc flcp t wyrb me . 3Btib 3 begnne to crpe tuptb a lowDeboyce. ^nbtobcnhe ljearbe^3lpfte Dp my Doyce 9 cut cb; be left nptf garment vd me.anb fteb away e, anb got btmout, , v j anb tfelaycb top byie garment by bet, ^ tontyll ^y? lo^bc came oome . atnbfijt tolbe btm Wttb tbefc wo?be0 fapinge t Jtljysi ij'^« tyttcss fcruauute wbpcb tpon ball bjougb* tottto tog, came into mr to bo melbame. wut atf rooncng 3 Ipft bp my tooyce anb cryeb, be left \>v& garment wytb me anb fleb out* \t)bcnhbe tbc ftyngc of $gy« pte.^nb ^barao wag angrye agapnttb>^ twooffyccrg:aga^ y nft p cbcfe butler $ the cbcfe baker : anb put tl)em in warbetn bpg cbcfe ttcwarbeg boufe: etten in tl)t p?efon anb place where 3ofepb wag bounbe. 3£nb the cbcfe ^)tewacbe gaue jlofepb a cbarge with tbcm,$ be ferueb tb^ % no tbey contynneb a Teafon in warbe. 3nb tbey b^camcb pt ber of tbem in one nygbt:botbtbebuttelcranbtbebaker of tbe hpngeof 6gypte which were boun be in the pjcfonbottfcctbcr of tbem big became, anb eacbe manneg b?eamc of a fonbjtpe iuterp?e- tacpon . inben 3ofepb came in tonto tbem in 2$ tbemo?npnge,anb lokeb topon them: bebol* be , Vm were fabb . 3 nb be afftrb pbara og . ottpcerg tbat were with bym in bpg matter* warbe fay inge.-tfUberf o?e lobe ye fo fably to baye r Itycv anlwereb %ym •■ we bane b?ea= mcb a became, anb baueno man tobeclare it.ai nb 3o(rpb faybe tonto tbem: n>a not in* terpje tpngeg belonge to d5ob ■ ptt tell me/ 3tnb the cbefe butlar tolbe bWb^eame to3o- fepb,anb faybe tonto Wm:3n my bjeamemr . tbougbt tbcte ttobea toyne before me v anb in the toyne Were. iij. bjtauncbe* > anb it wa? ng though it bubbcb, mi\t bee bloffomg fbott f o? tb •• anb t be grapeg tbcte of wajcebrype* 3lnb w wfc- otf enjn/e in imp banbe, anb oPtbe tpuer fetien goobiy npm anb tott fief **■: '« - 4 v* € t iweganb wjongc tbrntinto * •n F #v anbbelptiereb ibaracg fbiyKbabe.attb Sofepb laVbe tott= to Vy in:tbP? in t be interp?etacion oht.^c tfyt b^umbe^ artb?e bapeg ; ' wpthtu tb>e bayegfibau ^baeao lyft top m he«l= -be-anbrettb?e tpe tonto tltfne offyce agay- flftanb tbou tbalt bcIPucr ^baraog cuppe It! to#gbanbe,aftcrti)colO maner wberm tbou watt warn to gene $w b^pnlte . asut vf tWOtUbybae on me Wytb t^ t wfanttyon att ing6obcafeiO)cwemercye( 3f PJape the) tontontcUttb matte mention of me to pba= raoiaftb b>yfto;eme out of fbyg boufe twH Wagttbliertoutoftbclanbeoftl)el9eb?ueg, nnb here alfob*me3bone notbpnge a tall, 'xbtetticfftttyp ujulbe ban e m in it fix to tby g bofiebn.Wben tberbefe baner fa we tbattbc intlrtoctaeyonwaggoob^ faybe tonto3o reppte ibongbt aifo m mf bjeairie , ifwo babi^wplierbafbettegbii my hcabe .mn mtbe toppermofr bafnet there wag of all irt(in^baRemeategfo^barao,3nbfbeby? beg m eate W out of tbc ba met t bat wag topdrtntybeab; • ,oo B> • 3Hbb 3ofepb anfwerebanb faybe: ftwW ' tbefnterp^etacyontberof.lEbcthie baf«et^ iegare tfoe baycg, fb? tbyg bape tbte bapeg . fball fcbaMo tabe t\yp beabe from t^z , anb a CbebjUnb febb in a mebo we ,« . toi^otber by ftberym fauo?eb anb leane fi efibcb , anb ttobe,by tbe tic came top after tbem out of tt^e ryuer,euel •i other h'yne topon the b; ynfte-of tbe ryuer . 3nb tbe eupufauoteb anb leane fiefu)eb by« nc npn Mitontlit feue weIlfitino?eb anb fatt bynetanb l&bnrao awobe . ^nb be ttepte agayne^anbi^eamebtbefeconbetpme.^nb bebolbe , fcuen eareg of co?ne grc we top6 one ftalbe.rancbe anb goobly.3tnbagapne, feue" tbpnnc eareg biatteo wytb tbeeatt wynbe, fpjange top after tbem :anb the feucn tbynne eareg beuow?eb the feucn rancbe anb full 2$ eareg. $nb iSbarao a waueb : anb fe,tt wag a b?eamt2tnb wbe* the mmnptm came, big Tpjete wagtroubleb.^nbbe fent anb calleb fo? all tbe fotbefaperg of ©gpyte, anb all tbc wyfe men tberof ,anb1&bntao tolbe t^t bpg bteame : bu t tbere wag non e of t%i that cou . -- be interp?etate it tonto ^barao . Ubait fya= be f be cpefc bntfelat tonw ^barao japinge.* 3 bo rememb?e my fa wtcg tl>yg-bayc.^ba- raobeyngcangrie wytb tip$ ferttauteg , put th warbe t the cbcfe jS)tcwatbeg boufe botb me f the cbefe baftcr . 3nb wc b?eameb botb of togin one nygbf> anb ccbe mattegb?camj ofa fonb?ye interpret acy on . ainbtbetc wag wytb tog ayoncceman, an eebitte bope , femaunte tonto the cbefe $alipgetheonatree,anbtbe by?bcg ibail • £>tewarbe.e WMbetb'cfe bttttclar re= ! :V vl: "•'.'.'.■ 'ttbc.]rtt.€bapter, . •• ;" Bcf$ma&eruicc0Ufcaue0lp(.©c!jAtt)(tuo ; • '-* t8imcistfl9anafl'c0*«Sp^«fm.a:^tict^bc;-. ■ -.■■ be beclareb oure otcameg-to tog acco?bynge to ether ofburebjeameg. 3dnbag be becla» te&tgt toittotog.euenfo it came topaffe . Hoi bercfto?eometompncolfyceagaync,? ba^ gebbym. '■' • • - ^baraoieitt tberfo.ieanb calleb 3ofepb. ^ f , ,„ „ %m tbey b?ottgbt bP«t baftely out of * p?e= *»'*««•» ton . :% nb be fha neb bpm felfe anb cbatmgcb byg rayment , anb came in to ^barao. Tato ^harad faybetonto 3ofcpb:-3 banc fene a., r b:came>anbno man can interp.ictatett , anb * Ibaue bearbe fay e of the, tbatag fooneag thCrttbearefta bjeame , tbou canft itttcrp?c= tateit.3ofepb anfwereb IDbarao , feyingc: jftot3>but (Sob ujail gene l^barao an ait* fwere offttace.^nb^barao faybe tonto 30= Yrpb:be,anbfbcrecameoutof tbe ryuer ftttcrt fattflef it i* but one b?eame.lpltcmpfe,£ .Dli. tbpnnc anb eucll fattojeb fepne tbat came out after tbc\are.Dti.pearc*:anb tlic\»rt . emptpe and blaftcb care* walbc iM peare* of bunger. a> 'fcbp* mbpcb3bobi*abotitcto do,and tycwetbit Dnto $barao. sSebolde tbere comc.Dii.ptarc of great plenteouCne* tfftougb out all tbe lanoe of egppte.3nb agapne there Cball arpfe after tfem.Dti.peare*ofbunj$cr.2&nbaUtbcplcn tcotifoe*fbalbc fo?gotfititbeUlbeof «gp= ptc : 7t no tbe bfiger mall cofu me the ISoc •• nc* rbermalltlje plcntcoufiie* be (momf in tbe lanbe.bp reaf on of tbat bunger tbat tyau c o ■- me af ter , f o? it tyalbe tfceabinge great. 3nd a* concernpnge tbat tbe became urn* d ou= bleb Dnto l&barao tbe fecfibc tpme, bebolbe, tbe tbpnge i*cectapnlp pjepaccb of <3>ob , 9 Cfrob uipll tyo?tlp b?pngc it to pau*e. .toomc tberro?e,lct#barao p?oupbe f o; a man of mtberttondpngennd mpfdome, anb frit bpm ouee tbe lanbe of &gppte.3nb let $b&eaobotbP*alfo,tbatbe malw offpeet* oner tbe iSde, and tabc bptbcfpfte parte of tbe lanbe of &gppte in tbe . bit . plentcou* peare*, anb let idem gatber all tbe foobe of tbere goob perc*tbat come, anb lap Dp co?« tie Dnder tbe banbe of $barao , tbat tbere mape be foobe in tbe c ytM , anb tbere let tbem Itepe it : tbat tbere mape be foooe in ftoo?ctn the lanbe , agapnft the feuen pea« re* of bunger wbpcb mall come in tbe lanbe of<£gppte,tbattbe lanbe perptye nottbo- romc bunger. € 3nbtbefapinge pieafeb '#barao anb all bp* (eruautc js.^ben fapbe j&barao Dn« tobp*fecuafre*:mberc(ballmc fpnbe focb a man as tbP* i*>in wbomt* tbe fpjeteof <0oo.' , anbpbaraoiapbe Ditto 3oicpb:fo? a*mocbea*<£obbatb (bemeDtbe ntttbp** tbere t* no man of Dnderftondpngc o? of *«.<■„. ran h wpfbome ipbe Dnto f. %han tbcrfo?e Omit SKbT bc*ouermpboufe, anb acco?bpnge totb i.fijactf.f. mo?be mall all mp people be ruled, oulpiui »anm*> bpngejs feate mil 3 be aboue tbe.^nb ffl)a raompbe agapne Ditto 3orepb:bebolbe , 3 bauefett tbe oucr all tbe Janoe of egppte. ^iid be toaeof bp0 rpnge from ftp* banbe, anb put it Dnon 3ofepfHMmnbe,anb arapeb bpm in cloth of rapnetf, anb put a golbeii cbepne abowtc b W necHe.anb fettbpm Dpon tbe belt cbarett tbat be bab , faue one . 3nft tbepcrpcb befoic bpm .- jSowe tbe bnec.anb ^brtrao mabc bpm ruler oucr all tbelanbe ofOfgppte. - ^ 4f Ijnb^barao fapbeDnto3orepb jjam 35 l^barao, toptbout tit mall no man Iprte Dp bpp bilbe o^fotc tn all tbe lanbe of egppte. ^iib be called 3ofcpbsi name <*$£»* 5apb"^>e ob ( f apb be) Uatbcaufebmetogrowc in tbe lanbe ofmp trouble. ^nb mben the feuen peare* of plenteous nc* tbat ma* in tbe lanbe of egppte were enbeb.tbencametbefeuen peare* of * bcttb *w.m accozbpng a*3ofepb bab fapbe.ainb p berto -urn* in all iaae*:but in alltbembe of ©gpp= tc ma* tbere pet foobe. 3nb mben tbe lanbe ofegpptalfo began to bunger , tbe people crpebto ^barao fo^ b?eao . 3nb ^barao fapbe Dnto all t^t eappepan^goo Dnto 3o fe^pb > anb mbat be laptb to pou ,tbat boo. 3 no the bertb ma* tbo?ow out all tbe I anb . anb3ofePboprneb all tbat ma* in tbecp= tte*,anb (olbe Ditto the egp pepan*. it o? tpe bunger majeeb fo^e in tbe lanbe of €wWi 3nb all cou trees came to &gppve to 3ofepb f o! to bpe come.becaufe tbat tbe buger ma* fo fo^e in all lanbe*. C-rbe.jrlu.Clwpter. C3lorcp|)«bmW«tcofflei'n(flfigppte(» bpe cojne.ano br bnutottb (bem atrn (epetb tbtm. 0!>niton it put In p; p ron: tb t o tbft trt o;nc to f b m Mhtt to fctcbe bw 3iamdi . ftp* tm ebrrfeiotbrfo let bpm go > but at tijciatt b« ffratintetott. MM* » «-.-, ^nb^acob 0,t> 3acob fepnge f tbere ma^ co^ne in €gppt,?apbc Dnto bp* fonne*:mbpgape prone Dpou anotber^nb be fapb : bebolbe, _ _ __''3b^uebc«fbetbnttbtrei* co^= tie in (igppte. * d^etepoubomne tbptbcr$ bpe D*co^ne from tbencc, tbat me mape lp= uc $ not bpe.$>o went tofepbs ten b^ctbjen bowne to upe come of tbe #gppcpn n*. $6 u t 26en3«min jofepb* b^otber wolbe not Ja- cobfenbemitbbi* otljec b;etb&fo;be fapb: left fome mpuo^tune bnppcn bpm< 3Bnb tbe fonnc* of 3frael came to bpe co?» neamonge otber tbat came , fo? tbere wa* bertb in tbe lanbe of Canaan . 3tnb 3ofepb ma* gouerncr in tbe lanbe, anb folbe to all tbepcopleoftbelanbc.3flnbbP*bben 3ofcpb fame M b^ctbun , be hue* me tbem-.anb mabc bpm felfe ftraunge Dn« to tbem, anb fpakerougblp Dntotbem , fap= inge:tDbence come pe<"5Tbep nnfwereb: out «f tbe lanbe of Canaan.to bpe optaplc.auiD 3ofepb ftnewebPJ5b^ctb?cn,but the? ftnewe ... notbpm. mmn* 3nb3ofepbtcm?b?eb bi**b?eame*mbicb be b?cameboftbem,ano fapb Dnto tbem: pc are fple*,anb to fe mbcre tbe la nbcf a wcaae t*poure compnge.anb tbcpfapb Dnto bint: napmpl.o?be:buttobpeDitaplctbPferua= nnte* are come.tte are all one md0 ioimc*, anbmeanctrulp,anbtbP feruauntc* are no fppc*2lnb be fapb Dnto tbem agapne, nap. but eucn to fe mbere tl)e lanoe ijs wcaUc , tsS pourccompnge.2lnbtbepfapbe: mc Win* uauntc*arc.)cii.bjetb?en , tbe fonnc* of one C man in tbe lanbe of Canaan . 26 nb bcboioc, tbepongcfti*tbp*bape wptb ourc fatber, anb one, no man motetb wberc be ia . 3no 3ofepb fapbc Dnto tbcm,^ i* it tbat 3 rpaac Dntopou.fapinge: peace fppe* . iDcre bp pe fljall be p?oncb . a&ptbe Ipfe of pljarao , pe (ball not goo bence, ejeepte poure pongeft b^otber come h?thtt . $>cnbe out one of pou mbpeb mape fett poure bf offer , 9 peujalbc nepte in p^efone, tbat poure mo?bc* mape be .puebi wbetbtr tbere be anp tr uctb in pou : o?elj5bptbelpfeoflBbarao,pcarebutfpic*. 3tnb be puttbem in warbetb?e bape*. ^nb 3ofcpb Capbc Dnto tbem tbe tbJPbe bapc:ta:bv*booauDlpuc,fo?3 feare (Sob. ._ 3f pe meant no burte , let one ot poure b?c= ^tb^en be bounbein tbcboufe of poure pjc* fon, anb goo pe b^pngctbe neceffarpe foooe Dnto poure ftouf&oioc* , but b^puge poure pongeft bmtber Ditto me: tbat pour mo^be* mapebetrpcb,anbtbatpebpenot3nbtbep bpbfo. 3nb one fapbe to anotber:we baue De» relp (pnncb agapnft oure tyotber , in tbat me fame tbe angnpm of bP* foull mben be befougbtD&s we wolbe natbeare Wmrand tberfoje (* tM t roubpll come Dpon Drf / ^inb Uuoenanfweredtbem fapinge.-fapae 3notDntopou tbat pemulbe not * fpn= ± ai _,_ . neagapnfttbclabMnbpewolbe notbeare* g *' mw ** 31nDfcc,bP0bloubci*o^-i!equp?eb. 'Cjep - were not aware tbat 3ofepj Dnberftobe e tbcm,fo;t be fpaue Dnto tbem bp an tntet* p?ctcr.36nb be tiirncbfrom tbems wepte * S?W» anb turned to tDetn agapne, anb comeneb " Witbtbem,*tol$coutjDpmeonfromamon* getnevand bownbc bpm before tytyi epeff, anb3ofcpb comaunbebto r>ll tbep?facbc* wptbcome>anb fopitt euerp man* monep inbp* facHe.anti to gcue tbem tjptaplc to fpenbe bp the mape . 3Enb tbtt* Hvh he Dn* to tbe\ainb rbep labcb tbcp? afle* mptb tht cojmcanbbcparteb tbence . ^nba* one of tbem opened Dp* facbe , fo? to gene hV» au"e mauenbrr in the 3nne,be typed hVfS moncps fo?itma*inbP*faclic*moutb.aCnbbefap» be Dnto hv^ batmen: mp monep i* rctto* reb me agapne : flo? lo , it t* euen in mp fac hc.^ndtbep^bartc fapleb them , anb tbcp were aftonped , and fapbe one fo anotb'cr .• wbp batb <5oo Dealt thnU mptb D*r ^nD^P ther> came Dnto 3acob tbcp? ratber Mnto the lanoe of canaan.andtoidebpm all tbat bad iKippened tbem, (apinge:'5Cbe man , eucn tbe io?oe of tbe lanbe tyane rougblp to u*, and tofeeD* fo?fppc* of tbe courrr.^nd wctapD Dntobim;wc meane truelp ^are no fppe*. U)ebe.x:ii. b?ctli?cn , fonnc* of ourc fatber, one i*awapc,ano tbe pongeft i* thy* bape mptb ourc fatber in toe lanoe of Canaan, asndtbelojde oftbecountre fapbc agapne Dnto to*:bcre bp mall 3 ftnome pf pe meane trulp:leaue one of poure b?ctb?en bcre wttb mcanbtafec foodc neceuarp fo? poure bou* fbolbe* and get ynu awape,$ bzpnge poure pongeft b?otber Dnto me, tbat jmaprbno- me timtpc arena fppe* , but meane truelp: ^>o wpll 3 dclpitt-r pou poure b?otbcr , ? pc (ball occimpr in tbe lanbe. 3 nb it fo?tuucb a*tbepemptpedtbrp2 fac be*,bcbolbe:cuccp man* bunbcll of monep ma* in bi*fackc Tim mbf botbtbep $ tbeir & fatber Oiwc tbe bubcll*ofmoncp>tbep were afrapbe. 3nb Jacob t\m fatber fapbe Dnto them i ®)e baue pe robbed of mp cbpld?cn :3ofcpb i* amapcand £>pmeon i* amapcand pe ta he 25en 3amin amape . 3U tbcfe tbpngc* arc agapnft me.iRuben fapoe Dnto pp* fa=> tbcr:^lee mp two fonnc*,pf 3 b?pngc bpm not to tbe agapne."a)elpucr bpm tomp ban- be.anb 3 wpll b?pngc bpm to tbe agapne: % nd be (apb e : mjf fonne mail not go bowne wptbpou.flo?bP* b?otber i* bead , $bc i* left alone. 3f fome mpffo? tunc bappen Dn- to bim bptbc wayewhtch fe go,pe^r-tyall-i^ * b?pngempgrap bead with fo?ome Dnto nm.nttu.9 tbegraue, c i» the .*••*! jt. _*•'* 1 .V *#cn. *©t Cfcbe.tfulCbapto. «niMitn»en3Mmtatow bjouflbt:tbn> rrtojr nrtiortb w»tw: *Wit5 Uftrtponrt out c*p?p ron aofcpb Bo«b atf&r ••* totptfb • JfW «»« togrtbtr, #b tfje ncrtD was gr cafe Jn tljc launch nD <| f o^timeD wftf tftcp tonbratf Up? cojne wDpeptDep bjouflntoutofplSbe of mm — »~>— Jtfow father fapbe Unto tbem : gooagapnc.sbp usalptle toa.3u*aan* (wercbbpm,anbfapbe:tbfmanbpbtcttifpe m A UntoUS.Tapwgc: * ioJ^XfJh 25 "8 facccirccpte poure b?otbcr be wptb pou . 3t thou wpft fence oure bjotpcr *5 U&we : wpll nobowncanbbpetbefoobe , a&utpfttym i»pltnotfcnbeppm>wcwpUnotgQobow; netfo? tbe ma fapbe Wo usaote tbat pe fee not mpface,eicccpte pourc bjotpn be wptb pou.anb3f**el fapbe : wberfo?e WW pe fo crueilp wptb me , a* to tell tbe man that pe 25 two pet a tyotberf 'fcbepanftoetep^lie ma alfecb US ftroptlp of ourcUpnreb fepmge, IS pourefatperpetalptuYpauepe not anotoec b?otber.' anbwetolbebpmaeco?bpngeto there wo?beS,Cowlb we bnowcp be woibe fape :b?pngc pout b?otber bo wnc wjtb pou ( •fcban fapbe 3uba Unto iftael W fatber: Swibetbef bewttbtne-.tpatwemape rpfe «goo,$tpat we mape Ipue tnotbpe tbotp we,tpou $ alfo oute cbilb?cn . 3 wplje «»«= tpefoibpm,ofmpba"be*(&alttboui!cqnp?e bpm.3f 3 b?pnge bpm not to the agapne , $ n«« . B Dim before tfrne e pes, * tban let me bete ^«.b * blame f , eucp.^r tilp ejecept wc Dab mabe tbPUtarpenge : bptbpS, wepab benetbete twpfe anb come agapne. ff anbtbep^tDee3ftartfapbeWotl^3f tt ttmuftnebiSbefo nowc:tbanbotbuS. ^a-- He of tbe beft fcutcjS of tbe labe tn pome Uef* f tllefcanb b?png e tbe man a p?efent , a cut* tefrtbawlmcanba cuttefpe of top, top* ccS anb mp?re,nottS$ almonbeS . anb take Double monep to poutepanbe. anb tbe mo« ncp tpat was b?ougpt agapne to poure fac* fee&tabelt agapne wptppou,lettpctabuen tureitwasfomeouerlpgbte. ^aBeairoi>oureb?otbcr wptb pou anb, arpfe anb goo agapne to toe man. ml i o oD aimpgbtpegeuepoumercpetotbefpgbteof tbe man»p be mape belpuer pou poute ot bet bjotber,* tbiS 26en3amto , anb 3^ toalbe &?* robbeb of mp cpplDe.aS 3baue bene. 'arpuStoue tpep tbe pacfent anb twpfe f o mocbmo?cmoncptotbep?ban0cwitb26en ^.3amin.3nb cofe Up,wentbo wnc toGgpp* ^te.anb ttobe befo?e3ofepi). tt)&cn3pfepb fa- we )i6en3amtnt»ptbtbem,be topbe to tbe tulat of bptfboufe : b?pnge tbefe men borne, anb Hep anb mate tebpe .• f o? tbefe men qjall Dpnetfmeatnoone/3nbtDem&bpbaS3o fepbbab,$b?ougpttb*toto3ofep.bSDaufc. tt&rn tbe men wctetyongW M ? 3o» fepW boufe,tbep voere afrapbe , anb fopbe: becaufe of tbe ntoncp f catnetnourefecueff moutbcjJattbcfp^ft tpme.ate t»e toougpt to , f D* mape ppeke a qoarett «5 ttf, 9 to lape , fometbpngctoourecbarge, anb to Jtopmie t)jjto bonbageanb oure afletf alfo. %Ww* re came tbep to tbe man tbat t»aj$ tbt eul«P our r 3ofcptwi boufe ,9 cfiineneb ttHtp ppm at tbe boo^e of tbe boufe, anb fapbe; ^ ^b^V?,wetamc bourne bvftce at tbe « fpifttpmetobpefoobesf ajai wecame to an tnne , it bappencb f t»c openeb oute umtw . anbbeDolbe,eiutpmannes(*monepiwa0w^c; m .rtm hptffacftc wptbfull wcpgbte.-3nb wepaue ' biougbttt agapne to oute banbe,anb otter monp pane toe Ibjougbt alfo to oure banbejJ, to ope f oobe , but toe cannot tell woo put oute money to oure fatten. 3Hw be law fcorpeace be "totito pou,f rate not:poure 0oo • anbtDc^obolpoure fatbec batpgeuJpou tbat tccafute in pojire facuctf , 3 bab poute monep .3Mrope b?ougbt ^imcoout to tbe, nnb ttje man leb tbem into 3ofrPb* tove, anb gnuetbem toater towaQjetbep? retc.s gauetbep^afTetfp^auenber s 38nbtbcp mabe rebve tbep? P?cfcntagapnft3oftPb came at none , fo? mv Ptrbc rape tbat mv towloe &s-cate b?cb tbcre .U)be3o(epb camebotne, ^ tbep b?ougbt m p?c rent into tbe poure to W, $ whpcbwatfiutbcltbanticsi^feuaatontbe groubcbefo^ebpm.^nbbewelcomebtDem courtcouttp fapmgc:« pour e fatber tbat piD man tttMpe tolbc me of , ingoob bcaltbi 1 anbijiljepetalpuei'tDcpan(\»cTcb:tOPfetua unte oure fatber ijs ntgoobtealtMb ma alpue . 3nb t^tp botocb bourne tbep? Dea» Oejs.aubmabeobapfaunce. ^ tt ,^. ttt 3Jnbbe lpf«nge\)pbt0 epe&bebclbeM* biotbec isenjamm bis< motpectf fonne , anb fapbe:*t0tbWpourep6ger b?otper olwW mepe fapbe tmtomef3tibDe&pbc:fobbe™ CT, ' wt mercpfull t)nto tl)e mp fonne. anb3ofepb niabebaft(fo?*bP^bettbpbmeltt)ponbiJ*«cn.Ti«( b?otber )« fougbt wbere to t»epc,5b entrep •»«* into w cbfib?e,^ toepte tbere . 3tnb be vaaU fythW wee $ came out anb refrapneb ppm felfe,anbfapbe:fetb?eabontbetable. 3lnb tbep mepateb f 0? bptn bp bmv f eifc, - anbfo^tDemoptbSfeluetf^fo^tteegPP'^ cianfi t»ble|) nvti cate toitl) ptm bp tDem feu ne0, becaufe tbe Cgppciantf mape notejte b?eaot»itptbei9eb?tteiE( > fo?tbati»(anabho- mpnacpon\)ntotbe€gppcpansi,anbnjep fattbefo;te|)pm:tbeelbeft accojbpnge \>nto ljV^age,^ tbepongeS acco?Dj»nge 'bntobpfl poutb.anbtwmcnmeruelebamongetpem fcluetf.anbtbep bjougbte rewarbesl Mo tbffco. before Dpm : but 25en3kimtmt natte iwajsfpue turn* fomocb a# anpof Wm bp0 b;otljet or tbe ff .3luo« br= commetb Curetp to? I3cn3iam(». a nraie^simb be commaunbeb tbe ruler of W boufe fapinge:fpll tbe mta fitc* Itesi t& fo obe,as mod) asi tDep can 16-^-— carpcanbptitcuc-rpmanftmonep tnW0lacbtmontb>anb putmp fplucrcup= to tbe fackefimoutb of tbepongelt ,anobp» come mouep alfo . anb be W accoibinse to tbe wo?oe tbat 3ofepb bab fapbe .anb in ttemo;npngeaftoonen0itwa0lpgbte,tpe men tocrc let goo, tbep anb tbeir auess • anb tt»t)entbep wece out uf tbe cptie anb not pet facrea\oape,3ofepb fapbe unto tbe rueiar of by* boufe :\jp nnb folowenftcctbc men, anbwban tpon boft oucrtaftc tbem, tpou ftinltfapewitotl)cm:i»berfo?e pane pe re= wai'beb cuell fo? goob^js tbat not tbe cuppe ,be alfo will be mp lo?oeg bonb= men.a nb De fapbe^owe a Ifo let it be acco?= bpngeuntoponrc toooibco : be mitp whom it ii ifounbcQialbe mp feruautc.anb pe lpal= teparmclcde. u . at anbnttoncceuerpmantoUcbownebP» * fache to tbe grounbe , anb cucrp man ope- neb bv# fache . anb be fcrcbeb , anb began at tbe elbeft anb left at tbe pongeft . a no tbe cuppe waie< founbe to H5en3amin0 Int. tomw Ubentbcp * rent tbeir clotW, anb labcb cuerpmanb^affe, anb went agapne Unto tbccptie.anb3uba anbbPJS b?etb?cn came to3ofepbtf boufefo?be wa0 pet tbere, anb tbep fell bcfo?epim on tbe grounbe.anb3p- fcpb fapb unto t\)h wbat mt isi tbta mbtcb pcbaucbonci'wotc penot tpatfoebe a man ^ben ft pbc 3uba : wbat (pall wc fapcUtt tomplojbc.'wbatfloiUlwe fpeaftco? wbat ejccufecauwcmakc^ob liatb Wg&tjp 3© tht wphebneffe of tbP fcruauutctf.iiBebolbe, botbwc5bewitbwbomtbccuppcifi!foun= be,are mp lo?beji fcniautctf.anbbeanfwe m&tito f o?bpb tpat 3 tbalbe bo fo > but tbe man witf) WbS tpe cuppe it founbe, be gal* be mp fcrununte . anb go pe to peace Unto poure fatber. . fc r ^^ H . < Cten3nb8 wcntumoDpm anbfapbe: oDmp lo?be,lettDp fcruaute fpeafce a wq?« bcm*» ere the grap bebbc of tbP fcruauut our fatber with fo?owc Unto tbe graue.tfo? 3 tbp fcr= natint became fucrtpc fo? tbe lab before mp fatber anb fapbe: *pf 3 b?togc ptm not Uiu*6m.mitb to tbe agapne , 3 wpll bere tpe blame Unto mp fatber allmplpfeloiige.&owetbcrfo?e let me tppfcruaunt bpbc pcre fo?tbe lab.anb be mp lo?bcS bonbman: anb let tpe lab goo Up vb piS b?ctp?cn . it 0? bowe can 3 goo up to mp fatber , pf tbe lab be not witb me * mu Ulfe 3 wolbc fee tpe w?etcbcbnes tpat ipall come on mp fatber. C&be.JClU.CDaptcr. €T3lortpb maRrtb bpm fcife ftnotom bnto br* b;rtb;en:anft ffiinttb obbpb fenb mc befojc you * cnif.j.0. to (hue lyfe. * ffo.itbPtfitftbc fcconbeycarc of Dcrtlnu tbe lanbe , anb fpue moo are bc= by nbc, in robycbtbercu>il I netber be earyn* genojberueft. Ui D r r f o a* <5o D fent me before po u to ma ucMomfyon.tbatpempffbtccStpnucintbe crt b, anb to f auc voure lyucfl by a grcatc be* ly uerfluce.&onottic it uia0notpc tbat fent mc bytbcr.but <25ob:t»bicb batb mabe me a fatber Unto pbarao $ 1 ojbc of all bPtf bou= fc,srulcrtbo;iou)coutalltbel$bcof<£gyp= tcloaft you , anb goo Up to my fatrbcr anb C tell bim.TO0 fayctbtljy fonne3ofcpb:
  • ob batb mabe me Hojbc of all <£gyptc . Come bourne tbcrfojc Unto mc , tarpe not . ?tnb p Gjalt bujcll in tbe lanbe of dpofan atib be by mc : tbou anb tby cbplbjcn , anb tby cbpl* b:en0 cbplbjen : tby ujepc , anb tbp becfte*, 9 all tbat tbou baft.3Lnb tbere u>y II 3 mabe pjouifpon fo? tbe, fojtberc rcmapne yet. U. ycarc0ofbcrtb>leittbou?tbpboufyolb anb all tbat tbou baftcometopoucrtpe. 3nbucbolDc,yourecpe0bou\gftbccpe0 alfo of mpbjotbcr Bcn3amin , tbatmyuc atone moutt) fpcauctb to you . lEbcrfojc tell t> my fatbec of allmp bonourcin »£gypt anb ofalltbatyebaue fene, anb make baft anb Utyneemp fatbec bPtbcr.^nb befell on bp0 b,iotbcr2i5cn3ainin0nccRcanbu>cptc J anb 25en3amin ujcpte on by* nccBC.&)ojcoucr be apffeo all bPJS bjetbjcn anb toepte Upon tbem . Znb after tbat , by# bjctbjcn talUcb uoptbbpm . Stnb tbe tybpngesi came Unto Bbaraotfboufc.fotbattbey faybe : 3ofepbss bietbicnarccomc>$itpleafeb $barao toctl anballbp0fcruanntc0. pllgcucyou tbe goob of tbe lanbe of <£gpptc,anb ye (ball cate tbe fatt of tbe I5be.3inb tbou alio (bait commaunbctbem.'3rbytfboyc:tattccbaret* tc0 wptb pott out of tbe lanbe of Cgypte.fo? poure cbplbjten anb fot poure u>puc0: anb typngepourfatber.anbcomc.fllto.rcgai'be imtyoure (ruffe.fojtbegoob of all tbe lanbe of<£gppti0yourc0. / if >.3nbtbecbplbo fcntbcbytfbjctbjcu aumye to beparte: 3inb l)c faybc unto tljcm : fe t{at ye fall not outbytijewape. 'Cbey bcpartebtbcrfo?c from 6gypt anb be bcleiicb tbem not. n nb f Dep tolbe &ym all tbct»o?bc8iof 3ofepb , uobpcb be bab faybe Unto tbem.^nb x»bcn be fawc tbecjjarettcjS u»bpcb 3ofcpb bab fent to carpc ^vm > tbe fp^ctcof3acobtl)rp,i fatber rcupueb.3nb3f raclfapbc:3I)aue pnougb tbat 3ofcpb my tonne is* yet alyuc:3 wpllgoo, anb fe bym, ycrt|jat3bpe. C^&c.jclUi.CDaptcr. C.H acob twptb alt bru boulJolbc bo ttt) to 3]oftpl> = nc tuitb tbe into Cgppt.O tBillalfo b?(nge tbe agaync,anb3ofepb (ball put by$banbe Upon t&pneepesi,3nb3acob rofeUpfcom HScer S>eba . 3Cnb f fonuciS of 3ftacl carpeb 3acob tbepzfatber.anb tbeir cbplb^ 9 tbcp? tJjyuejSintpecbarcttexsuJbpcb l^barao bab fent to carpc bint. 3tnb tbcp tofte t$m catell anb tbe goobejs wljicb tljey bab gotten in tbe lanbe ofCanaan , 5 came in to egpptc:botb 3acobfallbygfcebU)itbbym,bpsronncjS^ byjs fonncsi tonnes! witb opm, m baugbtcrsi anbbPiei fomic0 baugbtcr^anb all IjyjS fccD tyongbtbctwtbbym in to (Sgppte. ^befc are tbe nomctfof tbccbplb^cof 3f= 25 racl tubpeb came in to ^gypte,botb3acob a- bijs fonne0:*iaub5,3acobja!firft fonuc^be *^.u cbylb?cn of mube^anoclwnb ^nllu,^c?= *g&%\ ron 9 Cbarmi.'Cbc cbylb|S of £>pmcon:3e= t,m***\ muel^amitti €>bab,3acbin,9?obar 9 j&aul tl)t fonne of a CananitiQ) noomS. 'Cbe cbyl- b;enof^Jtcui.-(^erfon,S(al)at|)anb ^crar<. * i.i&ar.ti- tiepu wumis € l.par.bi/.f i5ca.f».i. io.i)iii. a. ,p«r.i«.<> 'fc&e djyibien of* 3"oa : $r,f ©nan^be= la.anb^barejanb jerab , 23ut ©rs €)nan bpeb in ttyUinbe ofCanaan , Cbe cbylo^cn of |&barejalfou)crelf)c?ro!igi loainul . ^rbe cbplb^en of Ifacbar : -Cola , hia> job ano ^imron^becliplb^eu of ?abulon ; S)creb, €lou*3abeleleel. 'Cbcfc be tbe cbylbKiiof Hea wbycbfte bare UiitO 3acob in &)cfopo» tamia uiitbbitfbaugbtcr tDina. 3111 t\)c fou* Ictf of bypfonncsiano oaugbtcrg imht.xm. anb.iij. Hljc cljylbien of (5ab:5ipb(on , 9 fyiggf, ^uni.anb 6?bon,€ri,» 3Drobi, anb 3trcli. 'SLbccbPlbjen of*3tu*cr:3emna,anb 3efua, lefui , anb H6?pa anb A)erab tljcpi fpfter. 3nb t(je cbylb?en of jejpartyeber anb d\)aU c\)itl . IJrlJefe arc tbe cbplb^cn of &upba , wl)om laban gnuc to lea by^bangbtcr. 3Bnb tbcfc u)c bare Unto 3acob cucn. jcUi . fonlejJ. ^becbplb^en of Babel 3acobx< wpfc: 3orcpbanb26en3amm. %nH unto3ofcpb tn tbe lanbe of <£gppte uicrr borne; &)anaf= rcpanb^pbmim tubycb* 3fnatb tbcbau= gbrer of ©utipbar p?ea(t of C>n bare unto bpm. ^:bccbplO?euof * 25cn3anUn:2Scla, aificcbcc^fbcl.^erajiaaeman, €bi? IaojJ, ^upim.^uoim anb 3trb.'&bcfc arc tbe cljil b/cn of laabcl.wbpcblbe bare unto 3acob, yiiu.roulcjSalltogctbfr. / ttrbecbplb?c of ©a: !9ufim.'£be cbilWen of Bcpl)tali:3abc?cel, <£unf,3e*cr anbS>illem.^:bcfcare tbe fon« ncslof 2i5llba,u>bpcb labangauc unto Ua= |jclbyiEibaugbtcr,anb(bc bare tbcfc unto $a cob,alltogc!ber.Uit.foulc03nbrotl)c*fou= IcjJtbat came vb 3acob in to €gpptc, wbvcb came out of ftyjS lopnel befi'bc Jacobs ( lones lupfcsOUJere all togftbcr.ira11D.ui . louirtf. anbtbc tonnes of3ofepl),rab(cl)\x»crc bnine bim in (ggppte.ujere.ij.foulcs.-^c tbat all p tonics! of tbeboufeof 3acobtt)Dycl) camem to<£gyptc,are.ljcr. 3Cnb fie fent 3«oa br foze bpm Unto 30- fcp.Mo birecte bP^facc unto (5ofan , 9 tbcv came in to tbe lanbe of (5oran. 3nb lofepb mabe rebye bp6 cbarrtt,anb wet Up to mete 3fraclbP0fiubcrUnto dfrofan.anb p,icfcn= tcbbpmfclfe unto bpm, anb fell onbyiS nee* nc.anb weptc Upon bytf necUc a goob xoby = le.3finb3fraciraybeunto3ofcpb:Boweam 3 cotcnt to bpcin fomoeb a^3 banc fene tl;c anb becaufc tbou art pet alpue. 2finb3ofcpbnipbcUntobPtfb v iefb?en, anbUntobps(fatber0boufc:3 wpU goo Up nub fbcujc iDfiarao 9 tell bpm: tt)y b«ictb?cu anb mpfatbciiSboufc t»btcb wcrcintbelan=» be ofCanaan , are come unto me , anb tbey are foepberbe* (foj tbeptucre mi of catcllj* tbey bauc b?ougbt tbey? Qjepe anb tbey? oye anballtbattbeybaue.3Bnbyfitcbaucetbat l^batao call you,anbafre you , tx»bat youre occHpacponi^yeftallanfi»eft;tbyfcruau» jFOJJP. tottit.r.b. B tcjSbaue bene mtn occnppcb aboute catell, from our cbplbbobc Unto tby* tpmr,t»c ano ourefatbcrtf.tbatyemapebtBellintbcl^be of (5onm. if oj eucry qjepe neper ij» abbomi* nacpon unto tbe e^ypepansf. CCbe.jclUiJ Cbapter. (TJiacob comrtb b(fo;ridbarao!anb (into bpm la 8f ucu tbe unbe of «5ofan.©rttiahctb bps femir tottuerefe/bpsburpall. ^ i lOfepb came tljcrfojc anb tolbe * ^hafao anb fapbc:my fatber anb mybKtb.tMb* PJCfcepe anb tbeir ojtcn anb all tbat tbey bauc, are come out of tbe lanbe ofCanaan, ano bcboloctncparetn tbe lanbe of <5ofan. % nb 3ofcpb tone of tbe bpnm oft of by l»?e* tljien:eucnfpnc mcn.anbpjcfcntcb tbcm Uit to l^barao. 3 no pbarao UvUt unto bys b?e= tbicmwljat i0 pome occupacpon 1 3nb t^tp onfujcreb pbarao :(bcpbcrbc0 are t\)p fcr» uaunte0.botb t»e 9 alfo oure fatbcr0 . ilfcy fapbe mo^eouer Unto ^baraorfoi to* fogc= ***nw* ome in tbe lanbe are ujc come,fo? tbp fcrua 3 untc0baucnopaftiircfo?tbcpi fbepe, foto= rri0 tbe famcamientm t\)e l&iic ofCanaan. jSoxoctbcrfojc let tbp fcruauntc0 buocll tn tl;e lanbe of €>ofau. anb^Dbarao fapbc Ui .o3ofcpb: tbpfa^ 23 fber anb tby b.'ctbicn arc come unto t))e. 'iCbc lab of 6gyptc 10 before tbe : 3n tbe beft place of tbe laubcmahebotb tbp fatber anb tbybictbicnbtt)cll:cuenin tbe lanbe of 00= fan let tbembwrll. 4i)o?coucryf tbou nno^ tbcauy men ofactmitcamongctbcin, mahe tbcmruclar0 oucr mp catell . Tint 3ofcpb btousbt in 3acob bp0 fatber , anb fctt bpm bcfoic idbarao.3nb3acob^-'bleffebpba= ^a rao. 3fnb pbarao (avbe Unto 3acob.bou>c olbcarttbou.'' 3acob faybe Unto l&b«*ao: &-r tbe bay c0 of my ptlgremage ace an \m\u bjebanb.rrjcycarc0.5fcuje pencil banc t\)t bapc0ofmplpfcbcnc,aubbaue not attap=> neb unto tbe pcarc0 of tbe Ipfe of my fatbcr0 in tbe bapc0 of tbcp? pilgrcmagctf . 3nb 3a* cob^3-ble(Tcb l&barao,anb xocnt out from bpm.3tnb3ofcpb pjepareb btDCUpngc0 foi bp0 fatber anb bp0bKtb.*cn,anbgaue tbem poucffpon0 in t\)c lanb of egppte.m t^t beft of tbclaubcieucn in tbe lanbe of Eamefc0, a0 pbarao bab commaunbeb.3nb 3ofepb> mabe pjomfyon fo? Xfpa fatbcr,by0 b?etb?en 9 allbtffatbcrgbouujiolbe \»ytb b2eab,euen a0 y onge cbpio^e n are febb. 'Cbere wa0 no b?cab in all t^t lanbe,foj -*. tbcbcrtb wa0 cuccabpngc fo?e : to tbat tbe * lanbe of 6gyptc anbtbe lanbe ofCanaan, were fametycb by t\^t rcaton of tbe tttti) 4 3ub 3ofcpli b«tougbt togetber all tbe mo» ney tbat t»a0 founbe tntbe lanbe of ^gyp a teanbofcanaan.fo? tbe co;nie ttrfjycb t^sv bougbte : anb be laybe Up tbe money in ?&ba rao0 boufe.U)benmonc y fayleb in tbe lanbe cttii of T.:9 ^fil. .1 wuiura of €gypte 9 of Cannan.nlltbe 6gppcpang came "bnto 3ofcpb anb raphe •. geue Dg ufffe wbcrfoic ftiffrcCr tbouDg to bye befoje tl»c 5) wjjan ourcmoncyiglbciuv'Cbcu fapbe 3o s fcpb:b2piigcyourccauU>$3 wyllgcuc vow foi pour catcllvf yc be wttnout moncy.^nb they bzougbt fgrp? catdl »nto 3ofc pb.^nb 3ol"cpbganctbcm bicab foilRifcg « Hicpr, ano orcn.aub altcg.anb febthe" wytb bjcao foj all tbcpjcatcll that pcarc. ftutwben tbatpcarc wag c nbcb, tl)f p ca me Dntobpm the nejetepcare , 9 fapbe unto hfni:wc will not bpocit from mpiojb bow f ourc money igfpcnt.my loib niro bab out: eatell ? benfreg , ncpf her ig there ought left in tbcfpfiDt of mp loibc , but citcn ourc bo* Umm our labcg.ttwfojc letteft tboubg byebefojt tbpne cpeg > & tbc lanbe to goo to itoufltnWb? m& ourUiOctf ftybjfoiw both we aub oure lanbcg will be bobc to $barao. 4Dnelp geue Dg fecb, flat we mape ipue aub not bpc,s that the lanbe goo nat to watt. e 3nb fo jofepb bonfibtc all the 15b of <£gp= ptc foz $barao.5r*oj piggypcinug folbe cue* rp man fipjs lanbe becaufc tDe berth wag fojc Dpon tDe:f fo tDe labc bccamc^cr* JBbaraog. Shift be appopnteb the people Ditto peptieg, fro one fpbeof egpptcDiitotbe other * only the lanbe of tbc pjefteg bought be not . $o\ tbepzefregbaban oibinauncc of J&barao, tbey ujulbe eatc tDat which wag appopnteb Dnto tb* winch pbarao bab gene the" wbcr= f oic tbcp foioc not tbeyj lanbcg. 1£bc 3ofcpb fapbe tonto tr)c folae.bcbolbc 3 naucbougbteyoutbygbapc 9 pourclSbe f 02 iDbnrao.'CaUctbere bieab 9 febc 9 fowe -ff tbcmb3nb of the encreafe.yc wall geue tbe fyfteparte Ditto Pbarao.* .in), partetftibal* bepourcawitc,fo*fecboftbefclb:$fojyou, anb tbcm ofpourcboufbolbrg, anb foipotire cbplbicn,to eatc.3nb tbey nufwcrcbt'Ebou Ijalte faucb ourc ly ucg . let Dg fpnbe grace in tbc fysbte of mp lojb,* we wpll belbba= raogfertiafitcg.:3&nb3ofepb mabeita lawe oucrtbe lanbe of <£gypte Ditto tbyg bape: tbflt $barao fbulbe baue the f yf te partc,ejc* ceptctbc lanbe of tbc pjcafteg only, wbpcb wagnotj&baraog. 3Snb 3frael bweltin<£appte: ciicti in the coutre of <5ofan.30nb tbepbnb tym poflef* f pong tber in, 9 grc we anb ntultiplicb ejrcea= bpmjlp.*ft)02eouer,3acob lyucb in tbc lanbe ofegpptejctolj.pcarcg.ro that tbc bole age of Jacob wag an bnnbttbanb.rlDtj.peare. <5 l»bcntbctpmeb2ewcnpc,£3fraclmuft bpe.lje fent fo? W fonne 3ofepb,a fapbe Dn= to bpm :3f3 banc foube grace in tbpfpgbte, ob,puttbp banbe nowe Dnbetmy tbpc, anb beale mercpfully anb truclpto* me,tj)at tbou burpcmenotine(SPPte:bitt3 will Ipe witb my fathers*, anb tbou Cbnlt carpe me out of ^jjypte.frburpemeintbepjburpaOnbbe anrwcrcb:3 wyu bo ag tbou baft fayb.3lnb be fapbe* fwerc Ditto mc.^ub be fwarcDn* * ««m tobym3nb3fracl, fc* wo*(bPPpeb tow= arOctbebcbbcgbcab. C^bc^iDtti.cbapftr. naffw fo;l)p«fonnf0:aiii» butttOt mm. J* 5f tee tljefe beat) c $ it bappeneb,f a 31 mctiaugcrfaybe Ditto 3ofcpb:tpy father tg Cyche. 3BnD be tone to bint bitf-h'.f 01111C& ^anaiTcg 9 €p%W im.^ben wag it fapb Ditto 3acob.bebolbe, tbp fonne3ofcpb cometl) Ditto tbc « 36nb3f s rncl folic bigftrcjjtb Ditto bpm,» fattDp on tbebcbb,$3acob faybe Ditto 3ofcpb s (Sob allmpgbticapcareb Ditto meat* lug in tbe * *«m lanbe ofCanaan,$ blettebme, 9 fapbe Dnto mc:bcbolbe,3 wpll maftc tbc grower wyll tnulttplpc tbc,^ wpll mafte a great * nom= **■« bjc of pcoolc of the ,anb wpll geue tbpglano Dnto tbp fecb after the Ditto an euerlaftyng poffeu"yo.3nti now tby.ii.fonneg •Q)anaiTc0 » (gpljjaim wbicb were boine Ditto tbe tn§ lanbe of egppte , before 3 came to tbc in to <£gypte,arcmpnc:eue'a0 iRubens ^>ymeo arcmpne.3nbtbccbilb2en wbicb tbou baft fottcn after tb^lbalbetbyne awne: ?fbal» e calleb after tbe nam eg of tbcv? b?ctb?S in ^ tbtpt enberitaunce.^nb wban 3 came from ft, m 4«cfopotam(a, lRabcl*byeb Dpon mp ba"b in tbc lanbe of Canaan >bp tbewaye : when tbec wag but a fclbcg bzebe to come Dnto ®pb;at.3nb3 buryebbcr there inp wape to (gphjat.^lje fame ig 2SB ctblebcm, 3inb Ifracl beljelbe 3ofeph0 fouueganb faybCiWhatarctbefe^ofepbraybDntobig fatber.tbep are mp fomteg which ^ob hatbe gcu?tne bere.3!nbbefapbc:ob,b2ynge them tome,(iletineble(fetb5.3tiD tbc epeg ofjr* rael were bpmmefoz age, fop be coulbenot well fee 3 nb be b2 ougbte them to bpm, anb be ttyfTcbtbcmanbembJatcbtbem .3nb3f= racl fapbe Dnto3ofcph:3 bab not thought to , r bane fene tbp face.fib pet loo, v5ob bath die* ^ web it me anb alfo thv fecb. 3tnb 3 ofcpb to= be them awaye from big lapped wojfbyp» peb on the grounbe before bpm. % ban tobe 3ofcph thrm bof b: €pb?aim with big rpfibte banbe townr be 3fraclg left b»lDf, 9 «;ana fleg «5 bpg left Ijtlbe, to war be 3ftaelg ifraelg rpgbte banbe, 9 b^ongbt f hem Dnto ipm.3nb 3frael ftrctcbeb out bpg rvghtc fo- mnjm ^rlnpbeirDpon epbMimg hcaoc Wbicb wag the ponger, 9 bptf Ipf tc babe Duo JDanajrcghccb, gpbingc m banbe* wpfe= Jp,fo? €l)anaffeg wag the eiber. 2(!nb be hie f= Jeb 3ofcpb 9 lapbe : v5ob, before wbomc nip filtberg IHmn 9 3iabacbyb wnlne.^ob wbycbbatb fcbbmcailmplpfelongc Dnto f bpg bape,3inb tbe angell wbpcbbatl) Dclp- uerebme from all cupll, bleffc there labbcg. s let mv name be nameb in theni , 9 the name ofmpfatberg36bMbas3fabac, gftbattbtp mape growe intoamultitiiDc in tlic mpb= begoftoecrtb. ttttjcn3ofepbfawetbathygfatherlapbe b^gepejhteb8bcDponj5beobc ofiSpbiaim, it bifpleafcb bim.anb he ipftc Dpbigfatbcrg banbe, to baue remouebit from €pb2ninig beabe Dnto ^analTeg hcabe,« 3ofepb raphe a> Ditto hpgfather : jaotfo mp father, fozthpg (g tbc elbeft.l&utthprpgbt banbe Dpon lipg beabe.36nb bpg father wolbe not, but fa pbc : 3 ftnowe it well mv fonne,3 nnowc it well, ioe ibalbe alfo a people ^(balbe great. 26ut bpgyongcr brother fbalbe gceattcr than be, anb byg fecb (ball be full of people . 3nb be bleffeb them that bapc anb ftpcr .• 311 tbc let 3frael bleffe 9 fape : 0ob malic p ag epb?a= im anb ag &)ana(reg.3nbrettepD?atm bc= fo?e«i)anaffcg. TttiD 3feael fapbe Dnto 3ofeph : beholbe, 3bpe.3Bnb<2>oblbalbewythyoiiaiibb2yn» AC pon agayne Dnto f labc of youre fathers tni,n an , ®>W°"™ 3 banc geucn Dnto the , a poicyo ** of * lanbe abouc thy bictbit'it, wbicbS gatt out of tbebSbe of the 9 moiftc in mvfwerDe anb in mp bo we. C^be.^lijr.ciJaptcr. Z C3lncol) biclTctb alifijo atone roiinee ann mtortb m vubne ia to come ,£>t apopntctb tobece Uc toipihc hucpca:.inm>s>?(b. PW.r. 0* MrtHUA Bb3acob calleb fo? hyg fatmeg anb fapbe:coinctogctbcr,tbat3mapetci! poti what (ball happen pott in tbciaft bay eg . €>atbee poti together , anb brave pc fonuegof 3acob, beraenbnto3fracl pourc muben * mpneclbcft fonne, thou art mp inpghtcanbthe begituipngc of mp ftrcngth, ^tbciioblcnclTe of bignptc,anb the noble* neWe of power . ftinftabie ag water . ttbon (halt notbc the cbcfcft.becaufc tbou wentcft Dp to thy fatberg bcb.ettcn then Hybbttt thou bef pie & their fearfiieg , fo,i ft wagcrnell . 3 wyll be-- iiS uibetbcniin3«icob ) sfrafcrtbcm in llraci; Q m J!l ou , m be, Who tbp b?rf bicn Qiall Pfayfc.t2:bPb«mbcajalbciii the* necHeof*<-*ara.t..b tbpnc enpmieg , tbp fatberg cbplD?en Hjall . ttpttpebcfo2cfhc.3tibaion * Ipongwbrlpr, *««p- 1 »* Jfrontthpfpople mp fonne thou art come an bve . 0c lapbe Wm bo wne anb coucbeb hvm Ufa m a Ipon£nba0a*Uoiic ffe.m'bo wpll wmmu* were bpm Dp <"5Dbc(^fceptre «?all notbc= ^^? parte fr53uba,anba lawgetier fro betwene bygfete, Dntpll.^'j&piocome. 3nb Dnto -d» bpm ujall the gafhcrpiige of the people be. W fljall OpJibc b«0 folc Ditto f Dpne,anO hpa affegcolt Dnto tbc biauncbc. toe waibeb hyg r garment in wpne, anb bpg mantell in the bloube or gtapeg . ftygcpcgarcrcDbcrtban Wyne,? big teeth wbpttfrtbcuniyiuc. of the fee ano npc tbe hcaueu of Qmm. J;ig boiberfijalbcDitto^yboi!. 3fncbar a arongc ?,Sc eonrbpngc bpm bownc betwene. ij. boiOcng ,aub fawerl.it rctt wag goob , 9 the lanbe that it was plea* faut,anb boweb hyoibii iber to bearr,aiib be« came a Te numntc Dure tribute. * ?>in 0-4(1 * T mm. &^'tuogcbpg people? tbctrpbcsof 'Mvml ro*»«**.rM. S)an (balbc a ftrpct 111 tbe wape, an cooenn rb " rtal ' tbcparij.by tinge rl;e Ijc/fc belts anb bys r r-- berfcUbacwarDcraUcrtbpfaluacpoiibauc 3lodcb;olo?be.) 0ab,anbooftofmcufhaIloucrconiebint, Znn be (ball oucrcomc at the laft. flDf nffcr: higbieab Ojnlbec father were ftrongcr t\)ent))t blcffi'iigcg of my elbcrg, Ditto the Dtmoft of thebylleg of § woiloe , ano tbeplbalbc on the beabe of 30= fcpb , aub on the toppc of the beabe of bpm p wag fcparat from big bietiucn. Bcn3aimitiDaiiraue(beaga««rrwolfe; 0£sA 3n p monipiige be (ball beuoure the piape, anb at npgbtc be (ball oettybe the fpople. ail there arc thctir-tribcg of 3frael, anb tbyg their father rpalic Dnto tbcm anb bicr> ub tbcm , euccp one of them bleffcb be wy tb (D a feucrali - ?* > ^ tmm Rrv jfRurs *«5t.|Tl>.fl !.. a feucrall blcffpiiffc . Sinb ^ccDftrjjeU Mem, Dim ncco?byng nub fapbe unto tbem : ilUbau3mnlbc ga* -tmiiwHi tbcrcbuntomy * people , Uiirpcmc wpto my fatUrrtf, in tlic cauc tbat Win tlic fclbc of epbjontbctyctbytc.mtbc Double cauctbat mm the fclbebp the countrc of Wamrc in thciaribc of eauaaiUUbycbfclbc albjabam bougbtc of eptoou tbe tyetDptefo* a pof= fcttyon to bnrpe m , where ad mere burycb 3Cbzat)am anb £>ara byd voy f e . HMD u>bcrc a0 were burpcb 3fabac 9 Rebecca tyjtfwpfe. 3nb tberc3 burycb tea . %he ftlbe anb tbc cauc tbat id rberin , wag bought of the tw- bjcnof fcctb. %tib mben 3acobbab commaunbeb all thatljc wolbcUntobPd ronnetf.be plucfccb up bid fete unto tbcbcbDanDDycD.anb was *a*»«A * put untobydpcoplc.3nb3ofepbfcUUpa m>d father* face, nnowepte upon Dpm , aub k'yffeo 6pm. CSbcLCbaptcr. C3l»wb «> bucptb 3]ofcpb fnjgrcuctb bP« bjrtbtf tbc ntfurp tbat tbcp opo to b.pm.ano be opctb. #b Jofcph commaunbeb Dyd (crumuitcd tbc JDbtricyond , to ctnbau me Dyd father . ntiDtbe pbificy end embawmcO 3ftael ««ia&-w» jcl.UavcjSloiige, fo;fol5sc both tbc emuawmpngelaft ,anDtbcegyptiand bcmaplcbbynvlrjcbaycd. anb tobenthe bayed of mepyngc mere cnbcb ,3orepbfpa!tcU:itotbehoufe of W*~- mo fapingc: 3f 3 bane romme fauonre m poure f fed , fucaUc in the cared of l&barao raym 3c : my fatbermabe me tmetef uipoe: .nw.». loo , 3 bye , * burpemem my (nw wbycb £3 3 banc mibe me in t\)t lanbe ofCbanaan. iftowc tbcrfou let me goo anb burpempw* tber.aub tha i»>»U 1 come agaimr. Soft $ba tao fapbc , goo anb bueyc tbP fSttytt » accoj » DynfccadDcmabctbefujcre. , ^ _ 3nb lofcp!) xocnt bp tobntpe by** fa= tber, anb with bpm went all tbc Cctuaunted of feDarao tba t mere tbc elbctd of hit borne, anbaUtbcelDerdof the lanbe ofegypte,* all tbe bonfc of 3oftpb, anb bid b?ctxi?en any fiyd father d hoiifc, only they* cbylbjcnano tbeie(bepcaBbtbc ofan3nb tbece went with bimalfoCbarettcd anb bowmen; fit was? an ejereabynge great companyc. 3nb they came to the come ftooje of 3tao mbpeb id bcyonbe3o?bane,ano tberc tbcp mnbe a great anb ejcccabpngc fo?c (amenta* * eta.m.b cyon.3Inbhe * moutneb fo$p0 fonnctf byb Unto *et .vvw^e-^cajSljcDabcommaunbebtbf^^ t . St oj bvS vonnesi catyco bpm * in tot&e J*»* lanbe of Canaan.anb buryeb bim in tbe bou« c ' "' B * blc cane of tbc f clbc- wbicb caue * Wmm J m . m boufibte , anbtDcfclbc alio , to be a place to burycin,ofepb?oni5 Dctbite before a)am> re. a no lofepu returncb in to egyptc agap- nc.bc anb by0 bmtluJ ( anb all tDat went Up witbbim to bnrpe tjpjx father,) affoneafl&e babburpebbpm. ' 3{nbwl)en3ofcpbsib?ctu?cnrame tbat tbeir fatber waoi bcab , tbey faybe : Softtft mygbtc f oitunc to bateUtff *eeparbeU0 * ie .jmw agapne all tbe well wbicb wc byb Unto Dim. ' ^nbtbey byb a commaunocment unto 30* feph f ayingc , tw fotber cbargeb Utf before . hyimctbfayinget'CDyawyiemall ye fayc Unto3ofepb,fo?geue C3p?ayetbO tbetref* pace of tby b?ctD?e, aub tbey? fy nne: foj tDcp re warbeb f cncii.anb nomc ( m pjtayetbe) foigeuctbctrefpaccof tDe fcruauntetf of tDp fatberg (0ob.3lnb 3ofcpD mepte,u?DcntDep V jf 0? W bjctl^cncame Unto Dpm, ffell 1© flat Define byi^face layinge.: bebolbe, tue be thy rcrnautci3.lS:o\»b63orepb fapbe *fcare**wtt not . 3m 3 (E-ob < ye tljougbt cuell agaynft mc:but <5ob turneb it Unto goob , to bjynge topaffe,afifiti0fby0bayc,anbtofauemocb people alpne . $ rare not tberfo?c , ^aouje, 3 TOiilnojylbcyou.anbyoutecbylbjcn.anDbe tomfoiteb tbem, 9 fpnhe ftynbly Untotljem. 3ofepD btxjeit m egypte be anb by js f a= AM t)oufc,anb3ofcpb lyueb an Dunb^eb anb.]C. ycre . 3Cnb3ofcpbiawc * <£pD?aimtf #1Cob . tl ebylbien , enen Unto tbe tby?be meneracyon. |w %nli Unto &)acbie m fonne ot «>anaflc* »»•«' iBercebplb?en borne, on 3ofepb fences!. 3nb 3ofepD faybe Unto by* b?ctb?cn : 3 nvt , ainb C5ob tuyll fuerlye 0^r uy fttt you 9 biynffc you out of tbiss lanDe,Unto tbe lan= be wbpch be froarc Unto 2Cb?aUm , 3faae anb 3acob . 3lnb 3ofepD tone an ootb of tbe cbplbien of 3fracl , (ayingc : (0ob tupU not fayle but Uyfett y ou:anb ye (ball cary e my * boonesi bcnce.^inb fo cl>emotb:3()nb in tijc latin erobiifr ^cfp^ftCIjaptcr* fCSfet cl)pib;f n of jncob are nombttb.-&)t rutof SSSfV °WH«ofampowffe \l, Xl>l) v i^VUIIU vUtlt Ml to tbe Women of tin @Diucj3 anb fe in the bpjttb torn tbat itisf a Dope , ye (ball Upu it. ?d Butyftt bca Daughter, it (baiupuc.aot UntQirotmpnge tbc mpbtuiuetf feareb (5oD anbDpbnotaiS tbc lipnge of egyptc coma* uiiDcD tbcm:Dut faneo tlje men cbplbjcn. 3no t()e Upnge of egyptc callcD foi tbe mpbUMtte^anb fnyDc Unto tljem.- wDpnane ycDelt on t\>v* manee , anb bane fatieD the mencbplbwnf a no tlje myotome* anfiucreD ^Darao, tbat tbci)cb2ue0 memen are not ajJtbe memen of egj>ptc:frutbeyare ftiirbie toomeu.anbarc belpuerebper tl;cmtDtt)p= nesfcomcattljc. 3tnD(5obtbcrfo?c Dcltuorll t»itb t\)t mibmpuc0 . 3f nb tbcpecplemulti- plyeDanD^oarcDUfipmpgbtpc.3tnbttfo2= tuncb becaufe tbc miDu)yue» feareb C5ob f ^f*i)emaDetIjemboufc0. ^^ 3nD 0Darno cbargeD all hpg people, fapinge:3lll tbcmrncbplbien t(wtarcboi= 11c , can into tbe rpuep , anb Umt tbc maybe* cl)ylD?cnalpiic. :a . 3 N0tjlfei.b, pra.cmj.c. 25 * • 3ofepb bycb , t»Dcn De tuajs nnbububs.jc.yereolbe. 2dnD tbey enbaw= meb Dpm tuptb fpices< , put = tynge Dim Vi in a cacft in €gy = pte. €Cl)e tm of tDe fy^ft bobcofa)£ bys Don* (|)0lDe:iauDc,S>tme6, Icui, anb3ubn,3racbae jabulon, anb 2i5cniam(n , san', j!5e= pDfali , CF»ab anb arer. % II tbe fouled f came out of tbe loynedof3acob were. lee. ffiut 30 fepD tDasi in egppte allrcbie . 3no 3ofepO bpcb anballbwfinetbien anb all tbat gene* racyon , anb tbc * cDylo;cn of 3fraci gretoe, encrcarcb.multtpiyeb.abiuarfberccabingc 'mpgDfpcranOtftelanbe was full of tbem. sSuttbcreroleUpa iiemcbpngein OEgy= pte tubpeb ftncujc not 3ofe pD . 3nb be fapbe Uiitobitffollte.bebolbe, tbe people off cDpl= Dig of Jfrael arc greater aiiDmygbf per thdn wc.Comcott, IctUtf plapeiuifelp wpfbtbf, left tbcp multiplpe, 9 left it Dappr n, that ( y f tbcre cbauncc any marre; tbcp iopne tbf fcl-- uciSUntooure encmyest anb fpgbtc agaynft Ujai,aub fo getetljcm out of the lanbe. ^licrfoiic byb tbcp fcttc tatitmaftrr* once tbcm,to ftepe tbem Uubcr xf> biittlicniS . 3Bnb tbcp bpltc UntoJDbaraotrcafurccltic0:pbi= ton anD Eamcfcd.2U5ut the inoft tbcp Ucreo the , tbcmoaretbepmulfiplpebanbgrev»e, fotbat tbey abboueb tbc ebptojen ofjftaei. 3nb tbc egy ptutsj Dclbc tbccbplb.icu of 3f= racl in bonbagc mitbout merepe . 'Cbecfoie toatf tbeir ly f c bpttcr Unto t&c" in tbat cruell bonbafre.tnclapes bjiyclte, anb all manee of wojtttel f felbctf. St 0? all tbeir bSbage t»Dich tucpferueb tbem, ukiai full of tpjamipe, 3D nb tbe by uge of egppre OipbeUnto tbe mybttiBued of tbc Ipcbmclwomcn, of mbicb tpe onctfname wad^epjjojaanb tljeotljer CCbcfecoiibeCljapfcr. f/Q?'' 3 ,* bc:m ai,D Mft tttta "»« fi«ff»M.e>r n taKc up cf »l)ar,ica b.'.icjbf t r.for Kplirtlj f CerP- tmum fivct'j anb marpecb a topft . Che 7 fcaclrv tr3rrrf Unto tbc £o:ce. Obthcrwufamacif^tljcbou^ feof Lent . |np toftr a baugftter S.mU pficui.anbtl)c\»yfeconccaueb anb bare afonue.3Citb mben a.c faiuctDatitt»a0apiopcrcbplbe *(bcbpbbpmt|)zemonctbed.anb\Dl)cnn-.c*3r-. t „T. f . eoulbenolongerbpbcbun, ujetoheabafket •* fcr ** of bulrufujc* anb bambeb it toitb Byrne anb pptcbcanb lapbe tbccbplDctbcrin/niiD put SffltF fl ,?sgc0bp toe rpucrsi bipnbe , %nD bidfiucrftobeafarreof,toujetc wbattooib come of it. *3tnb tbe oaugbfer of pimrao * ,., (l , c eamcbounc * totuainr berrelfein tberpuce, SaliSaS. anDpp;mapbeu0iuaUtrb alongeup tbery= ^-w^wr.* nerd fyoc . 3nD voben iDe fa u?e tlje baf acta* mongcpftaggcjt,aiefentbp?mapoctofctcb lt.^nbuibentncliab openebit, ibcfavoe it mm cbpibc i anb bcDolbc , tDebabe uiepte. Snbfbcbabcompaffpononit, anb fiipbc: it « 9 o»c of the Helmut cbplb^en. tCDen fapbc Dps fpftcr unto ^baraoiS Daughter ? amil 1 go anb call Unto tbca nurfc oftbe liebiued jjjrnicn.to nurfe ff)c,fbccbplDe.^pftaraod ;augDteeanftDerebDer.\«5o'o.anbtfccmai^ be vannc anb caiiebtbc cbylbedmotber . 'to imam PbaraojSOaugbtcr fayDe-ITaHc thvH cbplbca voape.anb nurfe it fo? me, 3 wyli re* tbaroe tbe. TCiid tbe woman tolte tbc cbplbe> aiiDmirrcb it Up. M '^bccbplDegrcme,^ 0?e b^ougbf it Unto fmWtonm&& i$ ujadmabe bPKoue. 9 wecalidi the name of it tcr0 wbicb came anb b?cwe water , anbfpi* leb tbctrougbco , fo? to water tpeit fotber* ftjepe . anb tbe u>cparbe0 came 9 b?oue them a wave : but ^pofcsJ ftooc bp anb bclpeb ipe. anb watcrcb tpctr u)cpC;anb wben t&cp ea= me to IRagucl tbeir father, he fapbe : bowc bappenetbitp peace comefofooiic to bapce anbtbepanfWcrcb : amanof<£gpptebelp= ucreb b0 ft o ttje banbe of tbe Qjcparbe0 , anb fobjewebg watery watered toe (bepe . loe fapbe bnto hptf baugbter* . anb wber ifi W WOP bane pe fo leftetbe ntanrcaUbprntbat _ bemape eatc b?cab. anb a)ofc0 wa0 cotent ■ fD tobwcIlwitbtbeman.anDbegaue&)orc0 jcubojnbptfbaughtcr.whicbwbanftjeuarc -.-„ n.<« . afonne.*calleb bimeccfon: fo? he fapbe : 3 WM * 1 bane bene a ftraungee in a ftraungc lance. r » o#(3nb Ibc bate ret anotber Tonne, tobomljt eallrtffltK * ftt,fap(nBt:tJ)CJSo6ofmt>fatl)tci8mpnfbtlp«,an6batft tpttineout of (bebanbes of i9b«"o.) anb it cbaunceb in pjoceflc of tym*, tbat tbe apngc of egppte opcb, anb tbe cbp!0?cn of 3(rael (pgbcobp the reafonof bonbagc, anb crpeb^nb tbeir eoplnpnt came b p bnto (5od from tbe b80(ige:anb (Son bcaroc tbeir mone « anb cpe.<5oi> appetetbbneo bpm in 'a bu(b,s fenbetb bpm to tbe cbplbj m of 3|Crael, anb (0 }i>barao cijat tpjauut. ,©fcjJbcptctbe Oiepeof *3etbjp ***« bptffatbertn lawc , pieettof 4»f= *. bia.anbbcbjoue theftocne to tbe bacftcfpbc oitbebefert, anb came to the monntapne of d5ob^o?eb. * 3nb tbe angcll of tbe lo?be appeaee b ^n» *mm tom (m Mm of fp?e out of tbe mpbbrti of *«***• a bttlb. %nr> be loucb.s bcbolbe , f bu J bur- neb xb f pic, anb tbebuty wajS not conftimeb. tbcrfow forest fapbe : 3 wpU goo no we, anb fee tbPJSgrcatefvgbt.boweftcometbP the butbe buruetb not. 3CnO wben tbe lo?br fawctbatbeenmefo? to fee, <25obcauebbn- to mm out of tbe mym* of the bnlbe , anb fapbe:49ofco\ #o(it0.^e anlWereb:beee am ^ l.ainb 6c fapbe: *come not bptber , put thv *a»ft».w Oioocjbc of tbpftte : fo?? place wbereon tbou ttonbcftob of Jfabac, anb tbe <25ob of 3acobapefe£i anfwereb anb fapbe r &c, tbcp wpllnot bcicuc me no? bcr= ben bnto mp bopce: but will fape tbe Ho?be batb not apcareb bnto tbe>3lubp to?be fapbe bnto I;im: wba t isf p whveh 10 tn tbpue banbe ( be anf- wereb a robb.SEnb be fapbe -. caft it on p gro» unne . nnbht catt it on tbe grounbe , anb tt became a feruent , aino &)om fteb from tbe fpgbt of it . ^inb tbe Lo?be fiipbe bnto mo- rn ; put fo?tb tbpnc banbe anb tnne it bp tbe f aple.anb tbcrfo?c be put fo?tb hv$ banbe 9 eaugbtit, anbitbccnmcarobbinbijs banbe. 5f o?tbP0tbtnfie(fapctbbe)(ball tbfp bcicuc Miy tbe.tbat tht lo?be 00b of tbeir fatbcr0, tbe 26. Cob of3ib?abam,tbe<0ob of3fabacatbe Cobof3acobbatbapcarebbutotbe. %m the lo?be fapbe f o?tbermo?e bnto bpm : tb?uft tbpne banbe into tbpbofome. 3|nbbetb?uft hv$ banbe into \>V* bofome. mo wb3 be tone if outagapncbebolbe^tf banbe wast leperous? euen a0 fitowe. Zno be fapbe « put t bpne banbe in totpp bofome n= flapne. anb peput hV$Wot into W bofome agapne , anb piucaeb it out of bp0 bofome,^ I bcbolbe,it watfturneb agapne a* b?0 other flcfibc. ^berfo?epftbcp wpll not belcue the nether bcore the bopce of thefpjtr toncn,pct Wplltbep beleuc fo? the bopce of the feconbe toften . 25ttt anb pf thev wpll not beleuethe „ two figncxs.netbcrberUen bnto thp bopce, ® tbou (bait tabe of the water of tbe rpner , % po w?c it bpon tbebipelanbe . 3nb p water wbicb tbou taftcftottt off rpner, (ball tunic to bloube bpon the oipe lanbe. o?wbo batb mabe tbe bommeo? thebenff, the fepugc 0? tht blpnber bane not 3 tlje toi» bc.'12;bcrfo?e * 3 will be witbtbp mouth, 9 ***•&- tcacbe tbe wbat tbou (bait fape. toe fapbe.-ob mp lo?be,fcnbe3 piape the (^w bp tbeh<1be "&* of bim wbom tbou wilt Grate anb j5 1 oibe wa^anarpc with ^ft)ofctf, 9 fapbe : bo not 3 bnowe aaron tbpbiotber tlje leupte , tbat becanfpeake/' jfo?lo, becommctb furtbto mete tht, 9 wben befeptb tbe, be wplbe slab in hisihcrte. ^bcrfo?etbon rjbalt fpeaac bn-- to bpm.anbput theft Wo?bc0fnbpsmoutb, anb 3 wplbc wit!; tbp moutb nno wptb W0 moutb . nub wpll tcacbe pou wbat pe ougbf to bo .ano be (bnibe tftp fponefmnn bnto tht people : 0=r* be alfo (ball be tbpmoutb 3 *rjb tbou lbait be Dps (5ob : anb tbou (bait tafee ' thi0robbintbPbanbe,wberwitbtbouibaic bomp?aclc0. '5Dbfrfo?e^)ofe0wentanbreturncbi?o 3ctb?obpS fatber in lawc agapne, a fapbe bnto bmi.-3 wpll go nowc, anb tunic agap= at nc bnto mp b?etb?cnwbpcbarc(n (ggppte, anb fe wbetbcctbep be pet alpue.aub3e= tbiofapbetoQ)ofc0, goompeace,a»b tbe ;to?bc fapbe bnto &)ofe0 in€)ibisn :goo, auDrcturneatrapue in to (ggppte * fo?tbcp *<**.*.*. % are oeno wbicb wftaboute to Ispll tbe . 3nb €)ore0to&ebP0wpfe,anbb(tffonnc0,&pnt tbf on an affc, anb went agapne to Capote, 9 SJ)ofc0 tobc tbe robb of C5ob in bi0 banbe. , anb tbe ito?bc fapbe bnto &)oHi wben tbou art entrebscome into Cgpptc agap= lie, fe tbat tbou booail tbe wonb?c0 befo?c Ibbarao whicb3bauc putintbp banbe: but 3 wrilbolbe*bPJ«bertc,anbbe (bail not let Jp»*«- tbc people goo . anb tbou (halt fape bnto ** ^barao ,tbu0 fapctb the lo?be 1 31rael 10 mpne elbeft fonne , anb 3 baue fapbe bnto tht that tbou (bulbeft let mp fonne goo, that be mape feme me . anb tbou wolbeft not let bpm goo:beholbr, 3 wpll * Oectppnc elbeft *&<>&.,. tonne, anbitcbaunccb bp tbewapewtbepnnc tpat tbe loibc mctt ppm , anb wolbe baue nplleo 1 «•; -A LmS J_ 11 1 \ fcr bpllcD Dim. attD ?cpDo*a tobe a ftonc , &=r$ cut a wape tDe fo*eflipiie of \m fonc, & ftll at W f ete,f fapDe: a blouDpbnfbanDe act tjou unto me.CDcnbe ictt Dimgoo.auD Hie tap* &2r fte£**a blouDp pufbnnoc , becnufc of epe cic= cumcyfioit.CbcnfapDetDe iojDcUnto aa= <5 ron:fcawte&)ofeS in tbc wilDcrnctfe. anD pc xomt owent»)olc0fraaronanDga= tDcreDalltDe clDer0 of tDecpplDjf of 3frael. anD aaron toioc all tDewotDi'S wbpeDtbe &o*bc DaD fpoben unto a)ofc0, anD D vD toe mpjaclc S in tDc fpgljt of tltc people , anD tDe people DclcucD. SnDwDe* tDev Dcrbc tDattDe io*bcDaD UifiteD tDe cDplD*cn of 3fcaclanD pablobcD Upon tDeir tribulacpon , tbcp 00= weDtDcu*DcaD>aitD wo*lppppcD. CCDcU-CDaptcr* fcS $ aaron went in after war* Dcanb toioe $Darao, tDttP r«ipctjj tDe Lo*De$ (tinctte in p epc0 of IdDarao 9 in tDe cpc0 of Dt0 feruaute0 ,ana haue put a fwerDe in tDeir DanDc to (Ice t)0. &)Qfc0 rcturncD DntotDe to?De^fapDe: lo^De woerfo^e Daft tDou Deattc cruellpid tb!0^eople:anDwDerfo?cDafttf)oufentme.'' ^fo? fence 3 came to ptyarao to fpeaac in tD? name , Dc DatD farcD f oulc wptlj tbp0 folbe, anD vet tbou Daft not DclpucrcD top people atall.^Den tDc lo^De fapDetjnto «)ofc0: %t at. \&n <&oh fpabe Ditto ®)ofe0,anD « fapDe Unto Dim: 3 am tpe Lo?De> 3appcareD t)ntoab?aDam3fa- Dae anD 3acob a0 an allmpgbtpe I0OD : anDin mv name 3eDouab . ^-wa0 3 not bnowne t)nto tDcm.«?ojeo* *&La uer ^3 maDe an appopntment witDtDem to ww geue t\)l tDe lanDe or€anaatt:f lanDe of tDeir pilgreinage where tn tDp were ftraungcr0. 3nD3 Daue alfo DerDe tpe gronpngc of tDe cDplD^en of 3ftatl, w&5 tpe egpptian0 aep« inbonbage. in bonDage, anODauc rememb^eD mpconc= natint. . U)Derfoic rape unto tDe c&plDjcit of 3t- rari: 3 am tpe t o?Ue, 3 wpll b^pnge pou ou t fcom P burDeit0 of tDc egpptian«, anD wpll cpbDpouout of their bonDage, 9 wpll bely* ncr pou in a ftcetcDeb out arme anD in great mDgementc0 . %nn 3 wpll take pou f 0? mp „ peoples wpll be to pou a i0oD. 3nDpeiDall 25 Snowed 3 am tDe Lo^Dc poure DaD,anD 3acDim^oDar, So &>m\ tDefonncofa€ananptciDwpfc:tDcrearetI)e »«.w.a. upnreDDe0 of Simeon. CDcfe alfo * arc tljc Mts namtn of tDe cbPlD^cn of leui in tDeir gene* racponjs : C5crfon, anD aaDatDaiiD ^erari, leui ipucD anDunDfcD 9 . jewuif. pere . CDe fonne0of (©crfon: ttbni a nD «Demc i bp tDeir bpnreDDe0.CDecDplD^ofaaDatD.^mram, anD 3cfear, wbian anD mm . 3nD nabatp lpucDanDunD?cDanD.r)C]riii.pcrc.CDecDpl= Dzcnof#erarf:^)aDelpanD^ufi:tDefeave tpe RpnrcDDc0 of leui bp tpcir gc iterations. ••«•«• * aimram tofte *3ocpebcD Dp0 nece to ** wpfc anDujcbarc Dpin3daron anD #ofe0. ^^(anaogatiam.) ^no 3Entram IpueD an Dutt= 5D DjeD anD. jcjcjcUif. pere . CDe djplDjcn of 3c* ?ear,lto?aD, M eppc g anD ^icb?i : CDe cDpl= D?lofiluel:a)ifacl,ei?apDananD^>tth?i. SBitD 3Barou tobeeli^aba DaugDtcr of 3lminaDab anD fpfter of jaabafon, to wpfe: wDpcD bare Dpm Baoab, anD aibibu , eica=» ?ar anD 3tDamar . CDe cDplDjen of bo^aD: 3twr> atiD€lbana anD 36biaffapb : tDcfeare tbe UpnrcbbeS of tDe hojaDiteS . €Iea?ar Karons fonnctohc Dim one of tDe DaugDtcrS of iSntucl to wife, wDieD Dare Dim jaincba : »»< 3 anDtDefe be tDep^pnrfpallfatDerS of tDe lc- uitcs tDo?owe mit tDeir bpnrcDDc0. ^ CDi0i0tDat3EaronnnD^ofe0towD5 tDc impc CtpDe: carpc tDe cbplDjen of 3fracl ont of toe lanbe of ©gppte , accojDpnge to tDep* armpeS . CDefc arc p 4J)ofe0anD3la- ronwDicD fpabeto ^Oarao bpnge ofegp* ptc, toa t tDep mpgbte b^pnge tbc cDplo^en of Jfracl out of (ffigppte.^nb in tDe Dape wDen tbc JLo?Dcfpabe Unto &)ofe0 in tDe lanDe of egppte.Dc fpabe Unto Dpm , fapinge •• 3 am tbc Hojbc.fpeabe tbou Untoiaparao i binge of €gppte all tDat 3 fape Unto f . 3nD ®)o-- fes fapoc before tDe to*De: 25eoolbe, 3 am of* UncircumcifcD Ipppcs, anDDoweQjall **t**m. pDaraogeuememiDieuce? CCDe.Uii.CDapter, V.&tt toftene to bnotoe £3ob. jfcfte rofcM otmoi tn i* eojnrt to a CtrpK.^bt fo;c«taw to men tb< raiiw.rbc toatcca art tounito into ulduot. iliD tDe Lo Dc refufecp to let tDe people r** fa _* lmi_ U, l •».:« i i 3 ■i •V I! i * <\ I I r \ ! 1 r . oplegoo . tSeM&e Wo fc&atao Crtf mo?* npit3cno,t5tmvUcome'tottot^t» ( «wjanO tboi t (bait ft onbc topon tbecf tier S l)^nftc .•ijapnfcftc conic , anb tbe tobb wbpcbetur* ne J to a fctpSt c, (batttboa talte in thy nc D** be .&nbtbou flialt rapc.tonto&pnMljc- to fit <5ob of tbe tyetyucsbatlj nmtc -wife W* *H*» *cro.'jitf.a. foptngc * icemy people goo. tbat the vmape feme me tit t&c wilbcenes 4 #nb bcboibe.w* tbceto tljou wolbeft not Iwarc . -acpiiS (ay tb © tyc&Mfte: 3« tuptf enou ujaitUnowetbat3 am tbe lAtbc.ifiebolbe,3 wpll imptc ( with tbeftaffc f> is m mpnc Danur ) the water that iSinfbctpner.attbiff&alltiienctobloiibe. . • 3&nb the fpnjetbat (0 in tUc tpucefljaU bpc, anb the r per (ball ftpiine: MUX tlpl gccUc the egppttang to bjpttcltc of the water of the rpner. •' ' 1 %m\)ilofii fpane tonro«»ofeS,fapc tontoanromtaitc tbp MmmmtM out • . Ifpe tmnbe on cr f waters of <£gft>tc, duct t4*tr tttcames, otic* tbclrcpuers anb pbtibcs aiwattpoolctfofwattryttt^tljtlje^ljarte;^ tbrp mapebc blottbcattb tbattberemape tie bloub tbojo woe out all tbe lanbe of <£ gpptc- both in tocftcis of wobb anbalfo of ftoiic. 3nb &)ofeS anb 2faron r>pb euen as tbe Home commaunbeb . 3lnb be ipfte top the ftafrc anb f mote tbe waters that Were in the tpuee in tbe fyfftyt of i&barao anb in f fpgb- te of hps ftruauntes , anb all tbe water that was tn tbe rpuer , tnuiicb into blotto . 3fnb *tfra.im„t} flmfffefa& was MfbtiffttiE *yto # : anb am,&,t, tlje rpuer ftanne ianbtljc&sppttanScoulbe not b jpneae of tbe waters or the ettier . 3nb there waSbloubetbojowtout all fbelartbe ofigffppfe; . •:■■'- ■•:■'■ •' ? - '"• • 3nb tbe-encljaiiutersof t»te bpb lp= he wpfc wptb their fo?ccr(eS , anb be barbe= t tico iDbaraos bert i ncptbce DPD be barken *ero.«#.b. ^jnto tbem * as the iojbcbab tapbe . 3nb auft.nv.a. ^^q cucJieD&pm fcifcanb wentagapne tit i:o ftps bouffe, anoCct not bpSbette there tonto .3i 11b tbe €gpptians opggeb eortnae abotttc tbe rpuer foj water to bjpnfee ,fo? tftcp coulbc not tiwniie of tbe water of tbe rpacr/3Hiibitcontinaebaweac«ftertbnttbe woe bao fmpten tbe tpuer* C^beiiiJtCbapter. " trrhcplflgcof ftoM^iWorcspjapctl) fo; ®to . rao.JEbcpiaacofftpcff. • ■• , * - % *£ro.1>q'.f. ir.,„r.a. ■^^5S l^e ; 3l-o?be f pnfte tiiito ^0* #£:<£> 00 tjiito^bataof tell btmitbttsfapcib t\)t lojbc: * left my people goo , tbat tbcp wapc feme me. 3f tftoti wplt not let tbem 500 • bc= Dolbe ;3'wpllfmpteau tbP bojbcrn5fro8Jjes.afiibtberpneiaiailfcraU wptb ftogacs , wbpcb tball 50 topniib com e into tbpitc boufe anb'in to tbv P?enp ebam= b^c wDere thon nepett^ anb vpon m btbb, •-*«■ anb into tbt bouftr of tbp ter uaunteK;s topott tbp ucople.anbinto tnpne ouens . anbDbon tbp meatesf.anb tbe frogs ts qwu 4omt*p5 tbe anb on tj)i? people anb t)pon all t&pfer* uaunteS. • ^ v *3nbtbc lo?bc(V)afte\)nfo4J)ofeS:fape ^nto ^Caroii: frrctebe wb tbpnebanbe witb tbprobb oner t\it ft rem est , oner tbe rpners, anb oner trjc poiibeSitjiat^otimape(rbn>n« nc \)p fr 053CS -town f -lanbe of«ftppte.3inb Jaron ftrctcdeb w banbc oner tpe waters of 05ppte>anb tbefrosges came top, $coue» rebtbe lanbe of(Kgppte,3lnb tty fo^cererjs bpb Ipftewpfe «5 tbep^e fojeer p,ano b?ouflf)t frosgeS top topontbc lanbe of egppte. %ben {biwnto calico foj forest Haron anb fapbe*p?aye petonto tbe io^be , tjwt be mape takca wape t()e froages from 'nw from wv people, anb3wpinettl)e peoitle cibb, tb'Vf tbcp mape bo racrifpee tonto t|je i02be . 3 rib $)ofeS fapbe tonto ^barao : i^»c^ teiopfretbou otter me , anb appopnte wlieti 3 (ball pjapc f 0? tbe anb fo? tbv ferita= tuitVs , anb foi tbp people , tobmie awapt tbe frocjscs fr5 tbc.anb tbp bonfeS.anb f bat tbcp map c remapne bit t in tbe rpfier onlp.fct fapbc:tomoiowe.3nbbcfapbe:encnastbott baft 5 favbc, tbat tbou mapeft tthowe tbat there is none ipltc tonto tbe %*0 onre C5ob« 3nb fo tbe froggcS tyall beparte ftom tbe anb from tbp Doufes , from tbp fetnaunteS anb from tbP people , anb Iball remapne in tbe rpucr onlp. tfpotes anb Karon went out from &&a= rao , anb iSQbfcS ctpto tonto tbe iojbe topoti f apopntment of f rogges, \»WW bab ma= be tonto^bartfo . 3lnb tbe lojbe bpb accoi» bpnge fo toe fiipin^e of «)ofeS. 3nbp frog= geS bpcb out oe# pottles > out of tbe courtcS anb fclbcs.3Bnb tbcp gatfecb tbem togetber to pon bcape0,f tlje lanbe Ratine of tbem. 25ttt Wben^barao fawe tbat be bab reft gcnenbim>bebavbcnebbPSberteanbbcrnc= MOttottotttotrjem.aStbeXOjt&e -bab fapbe. 3fnb tije iojtb fapoc tonto ^DofeSvfape tonto ^aron :ftretcbeoiittbP robb anb finpt tljc bnftof tbclanoe.tbat itmave tilfciteto Ipfe tjjojowc out all tbe lanbe of €gppte.3nb tbepbpb fo.iffo,t3Earo ftrctt&eb owt b^Wbe 9 wito btSrobb be fmote t\)t bttft tff the cr tb» wbicb turneb to Ipfe tit ma anb beeft, fo that all tbe bttft of tbe lanbe turneb tofpfe,tJpo* rowe out all tbe lanbe of €gppte.*'- ^nn tbe citcbaunterS auapbelphewpfe With tlieit ciicbauntinenteS.to b&mg* fo?tb l prc,btit tDcp cottlbc not . 3nb tbe we were botb topon men anb becftes. ^ben fapbe tbe eticbauntcrS tonto p&atatoittisw&*fm' greof ci?ob . 3nb pbaraoSDart remap neb obfttnatc , anb be qarRentb not tonto tptm'i wen * as t\)z Lojbe bab fti'pbe; ' • » : --.ft 3tt0 tljc %oW fapbe tonto <9bfc**iJpfe top ear ip ofes €tobtt«, f! •it *tww r. IB *«r.»i r.t. flrt.Kfil C TS> e top earlp in the mo?npng, anb ftanbe befo^ e a¶o, fo?be wpll come fo* * V^TV '1 -E* *ur«. «M( T^e lo^be fapbtonto a)ofeS:go in tonto pbaraoanb tbou (bait tell bint: tbttSfaptb tbe lo?be cstib of tbe<£u;ueS:*lett mp people go, p %%. tbcp mape feme me . 3f tbou wile not let tncin go , anb wplt ijolbc tbem ftpll, bcbolbe.tbe banbc of tbe lorbe is topon tbp fiocke wljicD (S in tlje felbe:f 0? topon bo?fcS, a(TeS,camelS, oten anb ftepe, tDere (balbe a migbtpg^eat mo?apne.38nb the nojbe ftjall bo wonberfullp betwene tfc beaftes of 3f= rati anb tbe beaftes of egppt : fo tbat tbere (ball notbpnge nve of all fpertapnetb to tljc cbilb?cn of 3&ael.31nb tDe lo^be appointeb n tpme,fnpinff.to mojoro tbe to^be Qjali ft* npajthiswojbeintbeianbc. 2»nb m to?be bpb it on tbe mojow, anb all tbe catell of <£gipt bpcb : but of t\it cateil of tbe cbplb?en of 3frael byeb not one . 3nb #harao fent.anb bebolbe, tber was not one of tbe catell of p 3fraelites beeb . ^nb f bert of £barao was barbeneb tbat be wolbc not let tbe people go. 3Enb t^t io?be fapbe tonto a>oleS anb ^3 3aron:taftepourebanbesftiilofaf(besout of tbe fo^nace , anb ^)ofes ujaH fp?pnbleit top into tlje ap?e,in tbe fpgbt of J3hatao, anb it ujalltunte to Duft m all tt^z labe of egtpt: : tbat tber mape be fwcllpng fotcS witb blap= nesbotb onman anbbeaftetbo^owoutall^ lanbcof<£sipte.3lnbi:beptoUeafibeSoute of tbe fo.mace.anb ftob c before ^barao.anb ajofeS fp?pnaleb it top into tlje npje . 3Cnb there were fo?eS witb blapnes botb in men anb tnbcafteS:atib tbe fojcercrScotilbc not ft5bebcfojtea)ofeSbecaure off blatneS:fot tber were botches topo p encbafttt rs 9 topon all tbe«£p;ipcians.3:iib f to^b barbeneb tftc bert of $barao , 9 be herb encb not tonto tbe, *a$t))c lo?bebab fapb tonto ta^ofeS. * ero.^.e 3no the lojbe fapDe tonto a)ofcS : rpfc , topearlptntbcmo?npngc , anb ftanbe bcfo> C re ^barao, a tbou ftjalf tell bpm -.tljus faptb tbclo^bC5oboftbc€b?ueS:*tetmppco- Artro hin _ pleffo,tbattbepmapefcrueme:ojelS3 will * WB,M '* at tbiS tpmc fenbe all m p plages topon thine bcrte, anb topon tbPferuaunteS anb ont\ip people, that tbou mapeft knowc, tbat tDere iSnonclphcmeinalltbeearrb.#ojnowe3 wpll ftr etch out mv babe, tbat 3 mape fmp = tc tbe anb tbp people witb pcftilcnce:anb tbou ujaltperpuj from the eartb3nb in toe rpbebe* fo?tbiScattfcbauc3hcptetbc,fo.i 4ttnMtl ir , . tofl)cwetbcmppowcr:anb tbattbep might mTvlm.?. Declare mp name tbojowout all tbe wo,tlb. Set tbou eyaltefttbp ftlfe agapnfte mp People, tbat tbou wplt not let tbem go : be- fjolbc , to mojowc twtymc 3 wpll fenbe *> bownc a mpgbtp greate baple : euen fochca one as was not in <£gipt, fens it wasgroit* beb tonto tljpstpme.&enbe tberfojenowe,- anlHjatber tW beaftes, anb all that tljott haft in tbefelbe; ffojtopottall the men anb m beaftes wbicb arc l ottttbc in tbe fclbe, anb not b^ottgbt borne, (ball the baplc fall, ano tbep (ball bpe. ainbasmanpasfcarcb t\^t worbe of tbe lojbc among the fee uaun= m of pharao , made their feruauntcs anb their beaftes flee in to the boufcS.-btit be that regarbeb not tbe wo?bc of tbe io;bc, left his b fcrttnun* is*-' — "L Voces' CjcObliS $lofe# $(ejpau>otter; tmm, rfftwb/, i I * ifto.tip.b 3 I I; I fcrtmuitectf anb b(0bcaftc0 ititfjc felDe. e 3 no t|)e IojDc fa to tmto a;o ft 0:ttre tell ffijtb thpnc banDe bnto bcaueii , that thete mape be haplcin all tlje lanbe of <£gipt:bp5 mnnanb upon bca(tc0anD bpotian tbebcc" be0 of f Dc fc JDp, tboj owou t f Ifibc of €g(pt. 3uD &)ofc S ftrc tchcD out h<# tob bnto bea* urnrtinD tbc Lo?D tbonojeb anD bapleb.anb *prai.irrMu tbc fprr ran a longcbpon tbe gcofibe. * 3B«b r.«a.A.e tt,c l0 j 0C f |)avlcD in tbc lanoc of €gppt,£ there bjaflhaplc anD f per mcnglcD with fde baplcfo grcuou&anb lucb atftljccc wa0 110= he tbozottJout all thelnnbe of (ggtptc, fc nee ~ people inhabttcD it. 3&iiDpbaplefmotet&o* 3C roujoutalltbclrtnbcofegivt.alltljatwatf inthcfrlDcbotbma'an&bcnu\3nbtbebap« le fmorc a II t be bcr bc0 f tbc f clhc , anD 020= be all tbc tree* of tbc fclDC:onclp in tbc labc cf0o*an,tobcretbcchtiDtfof3(raclb)erc, - tDttjStocrc no Daple. 3Uib #barao fent $cal* leD fc? &)ofc0anD 3aron,onDfapDcbnto the" =3 baue novoe f pnncD: tbe io?Dc i$ rpgb* ^, tcou0.aiiD 3 anD mp people arcecrbngoD= gjn, Ip.*&tapepcbnfothc iojDe.fo?iti0moeb that there ibulDc be tbonbcr0 of (Sobs hap* le . 3 voill let pott go, anD pe (ball f atp no 16* ger.€*)ofc0fapDe bnto him : aflbnea03am out of tbc ci tpe, 3 will fpjcDc nbjoDe mp b& s ■ Des bit to tbc 1 0? be , $ the tboDcr (ball ccaf e. nether (ballthcrc be cttpmojehaple.f thou .mapftKitoujcboujcptbcertbi0thelo?Dc0. But 3 bitowe thattbouaiiD tbp feruafttejS *,,„ yet feare not thefr^r face of tbc iojDc <2>oD. Vr tK 3(nDfo tbe flaye anD tbc barlp were fmptem v fo? tbc barlv mi (bot bp , a"b theftatc watf botilleD : but the wbetc anD the rpc were not fmptfenifoj tbep were late fobone. 3Cnb $;ofc0 went out of the cltpc from pharaoanb fpicbeabiobe b(0 ban Dc0 bnto tbc Lo;De:anDtbetbonDcranb hapleceafcb itetbec rapncDitbponthe cattb.&uD wben pharao farce that the rapnc anbtbc haplc anD tbonber uocrc ceafeD, be fpntteD agapne: anD bar ot neb W bcrte.be anD W fetuaun* tc0. 2CnD the bcrt of teharao wa0 barbcneD: nether wolDe be let tbcchilDjte it of 3frarl go, -_ a0tbclo?DebaD fapDc bp$^the banDe of &* 4ft)ofC0. CUbc.jC-Cbaptep. C8$« fcrrt of i»|>a»o it barbemo of tsoo.jt&e owfiy optrir.afte e bt tfec oatckenra* iF5bt!je!L02t)c favDcbnto&)o* fc0:goinbtitopwrao:foj*3 baue barDctuDb<0bcrtcnnD the tcrtcotbP0fcruauntc0,tbnt3 mfgbt put tbcfc mp (pgnc0 n- mageft tbetmanb tbat thou tell in tbeauDfencc ot tbp fonne, anbof tbpfon- ne^fonne , tobat trjtngc0 3 fiaut Done in oD of mebwsi ■ botoc lotige (ball it be 0? |) utplt (libmitte tbp fclf e Dntome i" * let mp people go, f tbep mape feme me. C^ ew, «♦ (pwou do «rm: ) aitb toplt notUtmppeoplego,beboID,tomo?oixnD(Il 3 bJittg grc(bouper0 into tbp coattetf^ t^ qftuicouer tbe face of tbc enttb, that it ca*iioe be feue:anb tbep (ball cate tbc reRDue ujbicb remapnetb bnto pou , anD (0 efcapeb fro tbe baple:« tbcpfbalteate eucrp greue tree tbat bcaretbpouftuteintbe felbe, anDtbeptball fpll tbphoureft , anb all t^)? feruatmtes bou- f eat, on b the boufe* of all tbc ea(pcpS0 arret foebe a matter a0 nctber tbp fatber0,no^ tbp fatber0fatber0 baue fene, fe»0 tbc time tbep tnere bpon tlit eartb buto thi0bapc3nb be tuntc D Dim felfeaboute ; anD went out from ^barao, 3tnb iDharao0 fcruafitcs (apD bnto btm: 3>)OU)clonge(ballhe be a flattnDer bntob0^ iettbcmego,tbattbepmapeferue f Lojdc tbcird5oD: unotoefttljou not pet p ©giptttf beftroieb.''3Cnba)ofe0$ 3BarSwere b?ougbC agapne bnto pbarao , anb be fapDe bnto tbcm : 45o , anbferuc tbe to^De police <5od. CUboare mn^t (ball $oi 3JnD ^)ofeai attfujereD:t»ett)illgo voity ourepongc anb urttb our olDe:pce,anD xoitb our fonnctfanD tDitboureDaugbtcr0,auDU)(tboure(bepe, anD v& oure ojc-eii went uft go . if oj wemuft bolbe a feafte bnto tbe to^De. % nD be fat'Oe bnto tbcm .-let it be fo.^Tbe lo«iDe be with pou. Wfym 3 (et pou go,anb pour cbilDtf alfo taUe beDe, f oi pe haue fome nu fcljcfc in baiibc. l^ape, not Fo:but go t^tv tbat are men , anD fcrue the LojDe : fo/ tbat t»a0pour Dcfp^e. 3nD t^zy tb^ufttbem out ofl&baeaa0ptcfenee i 3nD tbe totD fapD bnto a)ofe0.^Dfretcb out thpne banDe ouer tbe lanbe of €gtpt f op grcf(boppcr0 , tbat t\tev mape come bpo the lanDe ot(Kgipt, anDeafealltbebetbctf of f lanDe,$all tbat tbebaple leftbebpube. 3nb ©lofertftrctcbcD fo?tbbi0toD ouer the UKDe ol^g(pt:9 ttft lo^De b^ougbtan ea(t BoitiDe bpon tpe lanbe , all tbat bape , anb all tbat npgbt.^nD in tbc moaning, tbe eafttbpnbc * o?ouflbt tbc grc(bopper0 , anD tbe gre* (bopper0Wentbp ouer all the lanbe of <£» gipt:anD rcmnpucD in all quarter0 of 6g(pt berp greuouflp . 76 ti o^c t^tm were tber no focb greujoppcr0 > netber after them (balbc: fojtbcpcouereb alltlje face of toe eartb i: fo tbattbe lanD toa0 Darbe3nD tbep DpD cate all tbe bcebc0 of t^t lanbe, a no all the frutej* of tbc trcc0 , anb t»batfceuer tbc baplehab lefte : tbere tua0 no grene tbingc lefte in t\it tree0auD ljerbc0 of tbc fclDc tbo^otoe all tbe lanbe of egfpf e. % b er fo?e pbarao callcD f 0? 49ofc0 $ 3ta= r S in bafte, $ fapDe =3 baue fpnneD agapnft p lojbe *«»,Wi, anD,oD,that be mape ta* ._, be awapc from me osrtbt0 Deetb onlp. 3fnD ™ 4ft)ofe# went out from ^barao,anbp?apcb Dnt tbe Lo^De : 9 tbe to^De turneb a mfgb- tpe (trong weft voinbe ,anb it to lie awape p grefboppcMlaiiDcrtftthem into tbe rebb fee: fo tbat tbere wa0 not one grefbopper in all fo.itn.f t be coaftc of 6g(pt;3nb tbe Ho^be * harDe» ateD^barao0berte,fo tbat bewolbe not lett tbecb(lb?cnof3fraelgo. „ _ 3liib tbe lojDefopo bnt($a)ofe0:ftrcteb 3f out tbp banbe bnto beaucn, tbat tbere mape bebpon tbe lanbe of (ggiptDarclutc0,t»b(cb mape be felt. Sinb «)o(e0 ttretcbeD f o^tb W banDe bnto beauen , ano tbere tva0a tbtcbe ao to«.« *barchnc0 bpon allthelanDe of peauc tbou tbcrfo^cin w eare0 of tbc people, tbat euerpma bo^otoe of ht0nepgb 3 bour, anb euerp tsjoma" of ber ncpgbbourc0 |i«ob.flf. ff . * itxmW of ft>luer anb imm of golDe. 3lnD •*« tbe Lo?D (ball gpue tbe people fauour in tbe l««ie rib a ft»gbt of tbc @gipcu*0. a)o?couer, *«)O(C0 tmuB berpgreat in tbc lanbe of <£gtpt,iit t))c 25 fpgbt of iabaeao0fcruautc0anD intbefigbt of tbe people. 3ino a)ofe0 fapbc:tbu0 faptb tl)t lojbe: tto.ru. *3Ptmpbiutjbt t»pU3gooutinto tbcmib= be0 of egipte, anb all tbe f p?ft e b ojne in tlje lanbe ot ©nipt (ball bpe,etien from tbe fp?(t frr bo?ue of pparao $ §qt fpttetb on W feate, bnto tbe fpiOeofegipt,fucb a0tbereb3a0itcucrnonelpbe 1 Jto^ibalbe. «r HSutamonge tbcebplDo» >%, ,fc0anD $aeoit tn tbe lanbe of * v €gipt, fapinge:'CbP0 monctbc (balbc bnto vou tjje beginning of monetbe0 : anb tt)c fpjft mo* ' uctb of tl;e peare (ball tt be bn= to pou.&pcabc pe bnto all tbc eongregacpo of3fracl,faping:3ntbe.r.bapeoftbp0mo» nctb.eucrp man taftc bnto bim^*a lambc, ^ & acco?Dtng to tbc boufc of tbe fatljer0, a la be tbo?ou)ottt eucrp boufc. gf tbeboutbolbebe to Iptle ^f 3 fo? t\it lambe, let bpm tahc W <%% nepgbboure wbicb Wncjrtebtitobw boufc, accojDingtotbcnomb^e of tbe foulc0:cucrp oncofpott,accoJDiitgtobi0cating,malma= be pour coutttc %o% a lambe. % nD let f lambe of pour0 be n&ottt blempQi , a male of a peare olbc , wbt'cb pe (ball tauc out from amongc the fbcpe.oj from omonge tbe goate0. %m pe (ball Hcpc \iim in bntpll tbe *.ttfif. **?e.j«>.t Dapc of tbe fame monctb3»b eucrp man of tbc multittiDe of 3ftael (ball Upll btm about cuf.StiD t^tp (ball tabe of the blottD,? (tribe itontbe.ii.fpDepofte0f oitf bppctDo^cpoft rue in the boufc0, tbberc t$c\> ftall cate bpm. 3Cnb tbepujall eatc tbefteCi tbc famentgbt: rod tf» fper 9 x& bttleue*Deu bteaD, 9 x& fot»?e bcrbe0 tbep (ball cate if.^)c tbat peeate not tbcrof rauoc iter foDcnfn twatcr , but rotte xf> fter:tbcbeaD,fcte,frpurtenaacetbcrof.3>itD pe (ball let notbpng of itrcmapne bnto tbc 35 moping. ISTbat wbtcbcemapnctb of it bii B tpll tbe mojowcujall pe bumc witbf per. Of t\ii» ma net (ball pe me it.- with pone b it lopnctf -tL -*■?_ •% •^V ^tjepaffcottct ttttow V v I, ■ L« J I f -* i:' J 1 * I IB F I I I Jopnctf gpiQco, uno vour Otoe* on pour fete, anfi your ft a ue* in your b$bc*.3lnb pc Cball tare it in liaftcifojttlo'tbe lo*bc*palteo» iicr: 1« fAi3wyUpaflctbo20i&ctbclanbe- of 6g(ut tljfo famenpgbt,anb wpUmiptte all t be fir ft bojne in toe la no of ©gtpt, botb of mananb.bcaftc, anb D pott all tbegoo&c* of tfgipt will 3tbcl4>2bboejrecution.:a!nb tl)c blouoe (balbe Ditto pon atone" inp Dou- fc* wbcrin ye arr.3lnB mtrn 3 fe tbc blonb, 3 tuUl paffc oner you, anb tbe plage foal not be lopoii you to beftropepou, tt)|)en3 flnpte tbclauOcofegipfe. 3nbtbt*baycfyalbcDntopouarrmcm bounce : attbpc (ball nepett boly Ditto tbc ioibf, cucntbojottJOUtpouregencrafpon* nm u pc Hcpe it boly Date, tbat itben cuftcmc &y ttttftzrtun, *gDettcu bape* Cballpe cat Du* '" V putawapelcucnoutof yourc boufe*-. jfo* toUofocncr eat ctb Icucnbcbbjcab from tbc fpjft bape Dnttlltbcfcticntb bape, tbntfou« ««ti.ff«M Icflialbc plttcftcb outfro3(rael.*^rjc fpjfte fw.rfbinx oayc fbalbc an boly conuocatton,attb tbe Ik ttentb oayc fyalbc an bolp conuocation Ditto you. 'STbcrcibalbcnomancr of WJOjcUcbone in tbcm, fouc about tbat onelytsbicb eucry man until catctbatonelymaycpc bo . 3Uto ye wall obferue t3nlcncnUcDb?cnii.^Iojt tbt* iatnebapebauc3b2ougbtpourarmyi*out of tbc lanbe of (Egppte, tberfojc pr ftall ob= feme tbi* bayc.s all pour cbtlo?e" after poii, b y ucuftomcfojcucr. * 1£befy2ft monctb *r cuerpbouujolbeof pouaqjepcanb nyll it fo2 paffeouer . anb tafee a buuebe of yfope,$ byp it in tbc bloube tbat i* m tbc bafen, and ttrplte tbe Dppcrpofte nnbtbettoo fpbe po» ftc*tmtbtbebloubtbati*intbcbafeii,anb none of pou go out at tbc bojeof bp* boufe, Dntyll tbc mojnyng. jf 02 tbe lo?be will go about to fmptc tbe <£gipcf on*. 3nb \»be be f ectb t\it bloube \jpon tbe \)pper b02e potte % on tbe t u»o fibe poftcjfcbe will paffe ouer t^z oojcanb t»ill not fuffcr f beftroper to come tntopourboufetoplagcpon.'^betfo^elijaU pc obferue tW tbing, tbatit bean 02binatt» eebotb to the anb tW fonnep f 02 euer. Zno xobepe become into tbc la no tBljicb tbc 3L02be tjjpil geuc pou , aecozbpnge a* be batbp2ompfeb, pctball ftepetDpjSfernpce. *3nb wben y once tbplbien aftte pou voW. * m tnancr of ferupce tit tw pe bo , pe Qiall faye . itmte faerifyce of tbc iLoj&c* paffeouer, ttbiebpaffeb oucrtbeboufc^of tbccbilbjen of 3fracl inegiptc, asi^cfmote t^e «gyp- ciawMno faueb oure l)oufejel . % no riiepeo^ §le bowebtbem feluesf, anb too2u>pppcb: inbtbe cbplbjcn of 3frael \»lt,anb n^ ass tbe io2be bab commaunbeb ^ofc^anb %~. aron.<8ncnfobpbtbep. ?nbat*mpbnigbt,tI)elo2befmoteall(£ , tbe fy2ft b02nc in tbc lanbc of Ggtpte , from * end trje fp2ft b02iie of ^barao tbat fatte on bpi« %™;V f cat e, tmto m fyjft bo?ne of m captpuc f * mi D(jajSinp2efon :anbnlltbefp2ftegenb2eb of catcll . 3nb i9bnrao ar ofe in t^t npgbte, be anb all W fcruauntcjianbolltbe €gipci^p: ^anbtberewaitfagrcate crpinaeinCgtpt-. *» f 02 tberc was no pou ft xoijere tljerc twaisf not one becb, 3nb tc ealleb tmto 4$ore0 anb 3Caron bp nygbt faping : ryfc Dp, anb get pou outc from amoge mp pcople.botb pe anb alfo t\ft cbilbtf of 3fracl,anb go anb ferue tbc io?bc na ye baue faybe. Znn taltc youre Cbepe anb your bjouejs wit\) pou asJ pebaue fapbe,anb bepatte anb^**bleu*e rne.^nb t^e 6gyp= *m cianjj! were fierce topon fbepeople.tbattbep * «w mpgbtfenbetbemontof tbelanbe inftafte: fo2tbcpfapbe;t»ebycall. inbtbe people toftetbeirbowgb before itmift romco , ann t$m tjitaylejff bonnbe tnciocbfj8»poiitbw mvmm . 3nb tbc cbtlb2cn of Ifrarl bpb acco2bpngtotbcfap= ing oWoftjei : anb tbcp bo2otocb of tt)t& if giucpa-8-*ictt>ellca of filnrr, mib icroclle* of * fmm golDe>anbraymcnt. inbtbe Jlo?be«aue rbe people fati oure in tyt fpgbt of t|)e CBgip= pciamfcfotbattbcy grautco focljtbin«e0as{ tbcp rcquireb. 3nb tbcp robbcb the 4«w~- cian0\3n&tbc*cbilb2enof3fraeltoBe tbeir *««..rm» io2nepc from mamefejei to &ucbotb *toxt*s*m bunb2cb tboufanbe men of fote.befybe Ml* b2cn . ainb moclj comon people went alfo x& tpem , anb iiicpe , anb oyen , an ejreeabynge great flocBC.3nb tbcp baheof\uetccahe^ of V bo wgb twbicb t^tv b20ugbt out of <£gipt, fp2 (tv>a* not foi»2cb. $ 02 ttbcntbcp were tb2uftoutc by tbe egipepan* , tbep couibe jot taric to prepare mm fcluejs aupp^oui-- fpon of mcate: «; bixicuingc of tbecbilb2en of 3fracl, , pbicb tbey bwclleb in egipte , t»a** .tifl! **««.** j)unj2cb mfo.m.Wtcfi: anb wbentbeiiij. Wft fifSSSS! ^.peare*tt,crcetp(reb, men BS tbc fclfe fame bape bepneteb all tbe booftejS <5 of tbe Xo2be out of tbelanbe of €muit & « W&1 to be obferueb to tbe lojbe/mt&e wbecb be b2pugbt tbcm outc of tbe lanbe of egPgte. %bv» it tbat npgbte of tbe iX wbwB aiubf? ebpib2c n of Jrracl mKepc tbo20wouti|jep2generat?on^ v 3nb tml btpmttl) tmm imc imr.Uiif.c 5M1.0 inbtbe to2be fapbc Ditto $?ore0 anb aiaron^bW iff tbc lawc of paffeouer : tljere u)aUuoftrauffcreatctberor.25uteuerpfer- uaunt tbat feftouabr f02 monep (after tbat tbou|jaftcircumcirebbim;njaiicatctberof; % ftratingeranb a bperb fer uaunt ujnll not eatetberof . 3noneboufe ujallit be eaten. 'Cbou ftalte ear pe none of tbc fieuje outeat m tbe Doufc. *fiw\m fljall pe b2ea«e a * bone m ' 9 tperof.311 tbc multitube 0>all obferue it. 3f a ff raungcr alf btoell amonge pou ,9 tuill boloe paffeouer onto tbe lo?be, let bint circumepfe allf-bat be male*: anb tben lett Dim come anb obferue it, anbbcu)all bea* one tyatift bo^ne in tbc lanbe. $ 02 no Uncir* ciimcifeb perfone Qiall eate tberof. j©nema= f^ ner of latwe ujalbe tjnto bim tbat f tf^bo?* r^ tie in tDe lanbe, anb Ditto tbeftraungcrtbat Dioelletbamoi!gcpou.3lnballtbccbylb2Cit of3fraclbyba0tbclO2bccomaunbeb«ft)o» ft* anb Mton. euen fo bpb t&epanb f ftif fame bape n^ tyt 1102b c b ( ung t^t cbpJb2en of 3ftael out of tbc JSbe of egiptt»itp tbetr armpesf. CEbcrtii-Cbaptcr. C2Cl)C fp?a beffctten mult bt ranetifytD bnto (be JLo;b.2;bf mtmo;inll of tbcp? OcKuccauiicc. M>bP tbfP were orprt fbo;owt tbe toilbcrne*. tt)t bo; iie« of aorcpb.a^tppucr of tbe cioubc. i$btbe 3Lo2befpauc Ditto «)ore*, fa * ping: *£>a"ctifp Ditto mean tt>t firft boinc , tbat open all matter matrices* amonge t^ cbilb; en of 31Vael afutell of ms a* of tcafte:f 02 ititfntyue.^nb ^ofejaifapb Ditto p people :tbpnRe 011 tbi* bape in wwi} yeenmeoutof(£gipt,outoftbeboiifcofbo» bage:fo2 tbo?ott) a migbtye battbc tbc JL02b b2ougbt you out from tbettcc . Ubcrcffcall uoixt. tto*Uucnbcb b2eabbe eaten . < 5Tbiobapcco= to. me pc out in tbe monctb &$* tuben co2ttc be« *^ gitmetbtorype. fro.rrr«.c * HJLlbcn tbe 3l02bc batb b20ttgbt t\)t into Jm» tlje lanbe of tbe Canattite*,|fjetbitci8,31mo= tnf.Vb.o. rite*,^cuite*$3cbufitc*: * wrjicb befv»a» •««•« re Ditto tby fatberjstbat be ttjolb gcue tbe a lanbe wbcrin mylcue 9 bony flotttetb", tbou Qialt bepe tbi* fcrtiice in tbP* fame monctb: «K ^>euen bay c* tbou fbalte cate ftxtete b?eab: mtAA. unb in tbe* fenf tb UWM i* tbe fcafte of tbe I02b.s>t»efe b2eabft)albc eaten fcttSbaie*: anb tber mail no leuenbeo b2eab be fcne.no? pet leuenutitb tbe in all tbP Quarter*. 3Bnb tbou u)alt (be toe t^p fonne in f baic fapinge 1 tW 1* bone, bceaufc of tbat wjbiclj the 3102b bpb Ditto me, wtyn 3 came out of €$iptc.% nb it Ojalbc a figne Ditto tbe Dpou tbync Ijanbc , anb f 02 a rcmemb2aunce be » twene tbpne eye*, ^tbelo2bc*lau>emayc rctHii h betntbpmoutb. jfo2*inaftrongebanbtbe ' wn,D * loibc b2ougbt tbe out of egipt.ft epc tber* f 02c tbi* 02 bpnaunce in W ceafon fro pcare to yearc . 3Dttb it will eome to paffc , that ti)t 102b Qjall b? t ng tbc into tbc l^be of tbc € a- 5fo,rtbfr janitc*, tbWcobe * fmareDntotbe anb to ♦cenr.rb.b. thp fatber*.anb Otall geue it t^t ■ %nn tbetr tbou ujaltappointe Dnto t\)t lo2bealltbat openctj) tXftmnttUt. frr-Znb eucry caftc f& tbjng, M b otb ope tbe ma trice of a beaft C tDbicbtboubaft.-yftbepbemalc&tbcpfoall be tbe i,02bc*.3nb eucrp fp2ft ggb?cb of an affctbouflbaltrcbemctoitballbe: pf tbou tcbetnc bim not, tbou ftjalt bieaae W nccU. 311 tbc fp/ft bome amonge ttty cbplD2en al» fo,ujalt tbou bpe out. #nb wben tby fonne afftetbf o^to mo» *o* rowe, fapinge wbati* tbt*, tbou (bait Cape Dnto mmmitba migbtpe banbetbe lozoe bzougDt D* out of egipt, out of tbc boufc of _ bonbage.^nb^ruoben jabarao t»a*lootb ^* to let D*go, tbt Lo2bc flcoje all t\)t firft bo?= tic in m lanbe of egipte : afmell me f p^fte bo2iteofmaun*ofbeafte.'^betfo2e3facrir ce Dnto tbe lo2be nlltbe male* tbat ope tbc matrice,anballtbcfy2abo2neofmpc[)ilD2e 3 rebeme . 'Ebi* Oiaibc a 'often Dpon tbpne tjaiibe.nnb a rcmembMunce bctwenc tbpne cyc*,ptbclo2beb2ougbtD*out of egipte tbo2ou)c a migbtpe ba nbci 3t came to paffe , tljnt txtban $barao *> bab lett tbc people go, d5ob carpcb tbcm not tb020toc tbewaye anb lanbe of tbz ^btli= ftine*,t»bicbU)astbcmo!enycto.ipe. a5ut <£obfapbe:left tbc people bapplprepct w\)a tbcp fe D3arre:« fo turne agapnc to sggiptc. 23ut<5oD leb tbe people abouttbo2otoc tbc tpape of tl;e UJilberue* of tlje rebb fee . 3nD tbccbiiD2cnof3rraclU)entDpbarncffcbout of tbe lanbe of egipte. 3nb a) re* t ok ctDe bone* of 3ofcpb uutb bim : f02 be mafic tbe , „ , cftilojen of 3fraclfu)cre,fayittg* Cob will £f™. ■* furclpDtrctpoH.anbyribaUtaRcmyboitcs '" atoaye ben* toitb you.*3BnD tbcp tone tbeir tsi%wu.b. tozneye from ^ucotb: anb abobc fit etbam ^ a in tbccbgc of tbe utilbcrnc*. *3lnb § ioiDc f.S>-:lT c ' tocntcbefo2e tt)zmb}>ti cloubct icabe tbcm tbe ntaprmno bp npgbt in a py llcr of fper to gcue tbtm Ipgb Uf tbep mtgbtgobotbbpbapeaitbnpgbr. * Zbt * J ** f ** pyller of tbecloube beparteb notbp bape, no? tbc ppller of fper by mgbt out of f urn of tbc people. ^ M ca:bc.i««i.ciJ8pter. Cl^bncaoa b«t 10 baromcoano foiowctb ffirJIfCflfif; tea »»itb au bis booft ano captapiirs , aim 10 D;otoncD. 3Cbc JiftaeiftM gtuoffc.arbep «o tbo;oiue eb« rco fee. \$t>tbz iLo^be f pane Dnto a?o= ^ fc*, faying: Uptake to tbc cljil * b2ettof3rracl, tbattbevturne {anbrcmapttc bcf02e^t|i)irotb betujcne &)igbol anb tbc fee, oucragapnft*26aal?epb8:anb* nu ' ;r ' :Wb bcf02etbat Otailtbep pitebbp tbe fee . j?02 #tiarao txtyll fape of tbe cbilb2en of ifrael : tbzv are tangleb in tbe lanbe ,tbc voilDer n t * batb (but tbfin.attnb 3 voill barbc JDbarao* Dctt , tbat pe Qjall f oloutc after you s anb 3 D ii) DJpll 'JM2- $be.tttD fee (CtODtW? $lofe«fonge* i* 1 ! i i - I? will get mc ponourc \>pott pparao anb Up5 all bis booft, tbe €gipciff*alfo (ball ftnowc tbat 3 am tUc tojbc . 3nbtbcp bpbeuenfo* 23 3&nbit was* toloe the King of egipf tbat tbcpcopicaeb.3nbtbcbci*oW«t'aoanD of bl» fevuaunte* turncb agapntt tbe people anb Cbcr favbc:wbp Dane wc tUlflt Done tbat top (Mac let 1 frael go out of out feruicc ranD lie mabe reabp bi*cbarcttc* : anatolte pptf people with btiri anb tofte tyre bunbjeb cbo« fen cbarcttc* anb all tbe cbarctrc* of @gtpt ano captapnc* Upon cuerv one ortQf . 3nD the toio harbemb tbc bert of £parao ftpng of «Cgipt,anD pefolowrD after tbc tbplbjcn of jtftacl . 2&uttbecbUD?en of 3frael wente ♦pr.rrrtu.b out witb *an ppc banbc:anb tbc <£gtpcian* folawcD after tptni , anball tbc bo?fe*anb cnarcttca of pparao ano foisfftojiemen anb pi* booft oiicr to lie tbem abpbmgbp the fee, gr bcfpbc ®i frirotb before 36aal jeppon. 3nD * wticu pbarao bjewcnic,tbccbilb?enof JU racllpftuptbcircpc*anbbcpolbc,p<£gip= ciansfoloweb after tbcm,anbtbepwcrcfo= ♦jor.FFWbteatrapbe^anbtbccbtlb^ettoOfraelcrpeb out unto tbc lojbe. 25iit tbcp fapbe Unto $$ofc*:bccaufc tljcre were ho grauc* in #gipt> baft tbou tptrfo* re b?ougbt**awape fojtobpein tbc wpl* bernc*.<'Wberfoje paftpfcriieb U* tbtitf, fo? to carpc U* out of <£rjiptc ls>pb not wc tell the tbi*inegipt>faymg:lctu*bein reft, p" wrtnapefcrue tbc egipciansV tfoi it bab bene better fo?U*topaue ferucbtbe <£gtp« eiauc then foj to bpc in tbc wiloccneffc. 3nD *u.is»r.ff.c ^ofcofapbeunto tbc people: *fcarcpc not ftanbcftpll,* bcpolDcpowetpe Loibeftall faucvou thus Daicjfojtpetbat baue fcnctlje (Kgipcian* this bapc, (pall fc tbem nomojc foj cticr.'Qrpe iojbeiballfpgbt fo£poti,atib pc (ball bolbe pour peace. £> $ nb tbc ft oibc fapbcUnto ja)ofe*:Wbce= f ore crpeft tbou Unto meffpcaue Unto£ clnl= bmtof3u*aeltbattbcpgo fojtwarbe . H6ut . Ipftc tbou Up t\yp robD,anD ftretcbe otitc tbp babe ourr m fecanb omioe tta fonD?c,anb let tbc cbilbjen of 3(racl go on bj pc gr ounbe tbo*owetpemiDbcftoftpefce.3Gubbebolb, 3 willbatbcn tbc pert of tbe egipcian* tbat toe p mapc folowc tbem. 3Rnb 3 tx»vll get me b onoure Upon jdparaoanD Up6 all pi* boft, anb Upon bi*cbaretce*anb U po bi£ bo?f me". » n b tpe egipcia n* ujall an owe tba t 3 am tpe J/Ojbe wpen 3 baue gotten mc bonourc Upon pbnrao.Upon bi*cparctfe*anb Upon bi0bo?fmcu. ^ -3 nb t!;c angcll of <25ob wbicb t»ent be fo= ^ tetbcbooftof3fraelremoucb,aubbegannc togobeljpnbetbem.3fnbtbcclou)benptller that t»a0 before t^t face of tbem beganne to ftonbebeljpnbetbfm.anbcamcbctnjenetbc booft of tbe (CBtpcianji anb tbc Ijboac of 3 f- C^J 1 1 a el . 3t IB a js &^ alfo a barcUe clou)b e , a n b gaue Ipgbt b? npgb torn all tbe npgbt long tbc one came not at t\)e otber. 3nb a)ofcjj ftrctcbcb fo^tb bPtf banbe oner tU fcc:anb tbc lo^b carpeb a una ye tbe , fceb)ta\)ctpcftrongc cafte wpnbcall tbat npgbt , anb mabc tbc fecbjpe lanbe, anb tbe water** toere beu pbcb . 3 nb tty cbilb?en of Iftael went into tbe mpbbcft of tbefcct)p6 « tbc b?pe gronnbe . anb tbe water tf were a wallc Dnto tbem , ontbe ir rpgbt banbc.anb ontbeuflcfte banbe . 3tnbtbc €gipcian»!fo- loweb anb went in after tbem to tbc mpb= beft of tbefee, cucnall ^bwao0bo?rcs{, M ebarctte0anbbi0bo?rcn)cn. ^ 3rd in tbe moaning watcb, tbe lo?be*lofeeb \ntto tbe * ^ booft of tbt <£gf pctansi out of t^e fperp anb elowbpppllcF : anbtroubleb tbc booft of tbe egipciansi.anb tobc of bPS< cbaret wbclejs $ carpcbtbcmawnpeWoientlp. pon biff cbarcttejs anb tjpou bipbojfemen. 3nb a^orctfftrefebebfo^tbbP^ banbe ^ ouer tbe fce.anb it came agapne to bWcourfe ra'rlp in t\tc mo?npngc , anb tbc egtpcianjS ficbbagapnftit.3nbtbe*Lo?bc oucrtb^cw *&m\ tty dggipciansf in tbc mybbeft of tljcfcc-.anb tbc water rcturncb anb coucreb tbc cbaret- t c3 anb tbe t)o^ f me" : a nb all tbe booft of $pa* rao tbat came into tbc fee after tbem, f o tljat tljere remapneb not one of tbc.25ut t^z cbpl* men of 3frael waiHcb t)po b?pelanbe*tbo» * *m rowc tbemybbeft of t^z fee,anb tbe water* were a walle Unto tbem on tbe tpgbt banbe oftbf*anD on tht left. *HDbu0 tbc Jlojbebe* + {m0 Ipucreb 3fraeltbc fclfc fame bapc out of tbe banbe of tbc (Sgipcias! .anb 3frael fa we tbe iiggipaanfl! beeb upon tbe fee fpbc . 3nb 3f= rati fawcp" mifibtpc power wbicb tpetojD ibeweb upon tbe (Sgipcian*: *anb tbc peo« pie feareb tbc 3lo^bc, anb beleucb tbe lo^De anb W fcruaunt W oft & . C^bocU.Cbapter. tCmtoUomnttn people tofci) t\>t toemen tpnge at ttep^pecof dgore?:tl)cbi'fefc toatet0 tottcRPtte. fflob mutt b c beato ,st)cp come to ffiifm. I9en moien 9 the cbplb?en of 3f= rael fange tbi* fonge \)tito f lo?D * , anbfapbe; |< ^3wpUfpngUn=*«2r».rw| jtotbc to?be:fo?bc batbtrifipbeD gl o^ionflp.'tbc Ijo?ft anb bim tbat robe Upon bimba tb be pucrtbjowne tn f fee. •fcUpc to?o 10 mpftrcngtbanbp?apfe,anb „ l;e i* become mip Ciluacion. ' Zgfa li)eiOmv(25ob,anb3wpUglojifpbpm: m p fatber* (2>ob, 53 wpll e ralte bpm. %te io<{be 10a man of want . ^be lo?be ijsbptf name.^barao0cbarettc0anbbi0 booft batb be cafte mto tbe fee. I^cbolcncaptapnesf alfo *1&ral. aUooreb;oWiiebint!;crcbfec,tbc bepe wa- ter* banc coucreb t^tm : thtp foncfte to f bo= tome a* a ftone. 'KbP tpgbt banbe loiDM* bccomeglo^iou* in powct:tbp rpg jjt banbe lojbe batb all to baujeb tbe tmmv . 3nb in tbpgrcatc gio^p tbou baft ouertfoowne M tbat rofc Up agapnft the : tbou fe nteft fo?tb PMSS^ W W C ^ wnfumeo tbe" euen a* fto> bcll.'CbojowctbewinbeoftbpnaftreWtbe water gatbereb togctbee , tbe ft oube*ftobe ftplla* an bcape y anb tbc bepe water conge* r*: leb togctber in tbe^bert of tbe fee. - wenempe fapD:3 wpll foloweontbe: 3 will oucrtalie tpg, 3 will betipbc the fpop« le,3 wpU fatiffpc mp luft Upon W , 3 wpll Djawc mp fwcarb, mpne Dm Cpail Dcftrope tbem . ^bou blcwbcft «5 1^ wpnbe, tbe fee coucreb W>t\w fancne a* lecb in the migb s tpc water*. *Dbo i* IpUe Unto tbe, lo?be, A _ among gobbe*f wbo i* iphe tbefo glo?tou* pa* inbolpnc*. s^fcarf ull in p?apfe*, jewing wonber* t ^bou ftrctcbebeftout tbpcpgbt Wbe.tpc retbfwaiowcb mm. 'Cbouintbp tnercpe baft carpeb tWH People wbicb tbou beliuerebft;* baft b^ougbt tbe in m ftrCgtb UntotbP bolp babitatpo. %be natio*bcarb anb were afrapeb, fojowc came Upo f ®bi* liftine*. ^znttte bufte*of tbeebomite* were amarcb.anb tbc migbtpeft of tbe ^»o = abite*,tremblpngccamc Upon tbem: all tbe ,* inbabiter* of Canaa* wareb fapnte barteb.' ^icttfearcanbb^cabe fall upon tbem in tbe grcatnc*of tbpnearme , let tbem be a* ftpll a*aftone,tpntbppcoplepau"ctbowwe,0 io?bc , wbple tljp* people paffe tljoiowc, wbicb tfjou baft goteu. ^boii ujalte b^pnge tbem in , anb plant c tbem in the mountapne oftbpnccnberitaucctbe place, to^b, wbicb tboubaft mabe foj to bwell in , tlz fanctua- a^ rp, jLozbc, wbicb tbp banbe* baue p?epa= ^ rcb.'STbe io^betballraignc&^cuerauball mm&w ^barao* bo?fc w?t in xb W clja= rettc* anb po?femen into tbc fee , 9 tbc JlojD tyougbt tbe water* of tbe fee Upon tbem. But tbe cbilbjcn of 3frael went on b.tpe m in tbempbbcft of tbe fee . ainbflDic 3am a mopbetpftc tbc fpfter of 3aron tofee a tpm= biell in bcr banbegt all tbe wemen came out &«„, r h . !M|ra* tpmb?cl* 5 bauncc* . 3nb ^ie |tfro .Tb.« 3 a , n frtn fi cbefo?ctbC":*^pngcpc Unto tbe D?' i !tJe: . fo?9eftat P C|r,unt PfteDglo?iouflp:tbe ^bojfej bi* rpber batb be oucrtb?ownc tn the fee . 3nb f ^)ofc* b.iougbe 3ftacl from tpe rebb fee,|tbep went out into tbe wilbcrnc* of &ur. 3nbtbep wf t me bapc* longc in f wilbcrnc*,anDfounbenowater*.3nbwba" tbep came to ^ara, mp coulbe not D^incuc ot tbe water* of 0ara : fojtpcp were bpt» k JS : |fierfo?e tbe name of tbc place wa* cat* ■■ leb, «>ara ( ^» (tb«e it to rape bp«ernf».) 3!nb tbc *uM.t..b pepplemutmureD agapnft 4*)ofc*,fnpingc: wfbHuwbatipali we Datncae."^3nbbecrieb unto crobW tpe loibctaub ^ m low Cbewcb bpm a *&% tree, wbicb wpen be bab ca ft into tbe water, m water* were mabe fwete, 'Sberebemabetbemanojbinaunccanba lawcanb tljere be pjoueb bim,5 fapbe : 3f p wplt bcraen * Unto tbe Uopce of tbe lojbe * m . mil .t tbP u <5ob,anbwpItbo^wbicbi*rigl)tinbf* figbt.anb wplt gcue eare Unto b(* comaun= oementc*, $ftcpealIbp*o?binauncc* : tben to SyiR tt( nm of tbefebifeafc*upon tbe t»bicb3bwugbtUpontbf€gipcian*:foO amtbeno^betbatbcalctbtbe. «- ~u ^^be.ruj.Cbaptcr. ^ C*beiirrae»feacomemto(beDercrtof«>in . Tit tdpuctl) quapllcs anb Kjanna.Sbep grubgc. fee t cbtlbden of 3frael came to ^ * miim where wcre.jcii. wclle* of fimmm water anb .Ijcjc. palmc tree*, anb tbepabobc tljere bp tbc water*. __ l3Enb tljcptoftc tbeir io?ucp from glim:? all t\yz bole copanp of m cpilbicn of 3fraelcamctotbcwtlDcme* of £>w, wbicb (*betwcnceiimanbS>pnai.tbe.j;u.bapoe tbc.i|.monctb after tbeir bepartpng out of £ i*!?h.S f fM^ f ^ m ^oolemultituoc of tbc + „ u ti _ cbilbtf of 3frael * murmurcb agapnft #)o* ^ • fe* anb 3iaro in tbc wplbcrnc*.anb tbc cbtu Djcn of 3frael fapbe Untotbe: wolDc to 00b we bab biebbp tpe paube of tbe Loibcintbc lanDc of egpptc, wben wc fat bp tbc ac£be= potte*,anb wben wc npo eatc bjcab our bc= 8H2?t** vt % m ^ougbtu* out into tbt* wplbcrnc^to ftpll m% bole multitubc wttbbongcr. fc «i5l^ BP* tpc ^ 0<{Dc 5 ,tf0 **> of e* : bc= _ bolb,3 wpllrapitc*b^cabfr6bcauctopoii, S,„, n.-« bp jape tbat 3 map pjoue m, wbif her tbcp awm-w*. will wallte in mp la we o* no . fete. *i. bapc tbepftai prepare foj tbC fe»ue*f wbicb tbcp wpll b?png in, anb let it be t wife afmocb a5 JUe|ffatbermDaplp.3nD^ofc*»3aroii fapbe Untoall tbecbilb?cn of 3frael:at cucn pcfbali ano wc tpat it mm Horn, wbicb tyoiigbt pou out of m lanbc of egppt:ann in tbcmo^ninff,peibalifct>^ tbc glo2pofj5-e=a ILojbc.becaufe be batb bcart pour griibgin-- gc*agapnfttpe lo?bc.3nb wbatarc we , , to eate, anb inept mojnpng b?cab pnougb- ***"****- * mi fo^tpc ^M_ fot tlK Ho jt>c tjatl) hcaruc |>o«r nturnuit jn= gc0 wbub ye lmmmir agaynft hi* o? what rtrcwcn'onrmurmtuttuj^areHOtagalnft; U0,butagapnfttbc£,o?bc. anb Jotafpalw unto anr8 : &aye »i - toalltlw company of tl)ecbilb#n of Jpcl, come fojth bef o?c £ Ho?bc : fo? be batb bcarb pour grubgpngc 0.3nn ftffMllpfteUfti to the bole multptubc of tDc c&Plbjcn of 3l= racWb'cy lolttb towarbc tbcwtlbernc0:nnb bcbolbc.tbc glom of tbc lwbcawenrebui tbccloubc. h anb ?S,o?bfpaftc Unto &)o» fc 0, fa ping: 3 bane lie arbc tbc mur mnrpnge of tDc cftylbjen of Jfrael ,tcll tbcmrtKjfpfc aim (ayc:at etien yc ttiallcatcftcfb, ftubutf mu2mngpcwalbcfpllcbwitbb?ceb,anbpc (ball fenowe that 3 «n tbc io?b rout eob. t> anb at eucn tbc *quaplc0 came anb coticrcb , jwmj&f the fftounbe where tljcp lapc.anbiup mo?- Mnac,tbcbcwelayeroubc about tbcbooftC; a nb when f bcwcwn0fallc:btholbc it laye Upon tbcgrounbefn tbc wylbcrnc0,imall« rounb anbthpn a* tbc bo?c froft on the gto= unbca nb mm tbc cbplbjcn of 3fracl fawe ^ tt, tbey fapbe cucrp one to by0 nepgbboure: Jl It ttf n&r&t&M. if o? t$o> wift not what ^ tt wa0.anb #>ofc0 t'aybe Unto tbfctbW «s* y biccbwbicb tbc £o?bbatbgcuc" yon to rate. 'S'bifiiotbc wotoc whirl) tbc lo?bchafbcc* mafibcb:gathcr of tt cucrp mS f o?him fclf to catc:agomfrfuUfo?amanacco?bingtothc uomb2cofpou,anbtaBccuccymSfo?thcm wbicnareinbtftcnte. a nb tbc cftyKHcn of 3ftae! W "ten fo , % gatbereb fomc mo?e , fome leffe , anb unpen *«.»:.»«* t&c¥bybmctcitwitbagomct,*Untobym t{at bab gatbereb moch, rcmapncbnotbmff oucr, ab Unto hmt f Bab gatbereb litle, watf there no lacftc:cuecp man gatbereb fufftctcut _ fo?bt0catpng.anb*9orc0fapbcUntothc: ® £>c that no man let ought rcmaync of ittpll tbc mo?nyng . 0otwifhftonbpng tbey bar* fecneb not Unto tttofeftbut fome of tbc leftc of it Untyll tbc mo2ttyng , anb it wnreb full of wo?mc0 anb ftScftc, anb &) oicss wa0 an* grp wttb tbem. anbtbcygatbcrebttallmo?nfngc0,cue= ry man fo? hp0eatyngc. anb aCooneajS tbe Ucatcofthefunnecamc, (tmoulte. anb the fittc UvMtv satjereb twifc fomocb b?eeb two gomcr* fo? one man:? all tbc rulet0 of tbc niultttubc came,* tqibc ffioft&lft Japb unto m i tht0i0tbat ttftfeftni lo?be hath fapbc:tomo?ow i0the reft of tbc boly fb&» bathUnto the Lo?b:baKe tbat whfch ye will -■-••-- jbtcu anb fcibc . &yjcc bapctf y c (ball ptbet (t, anb in tbc fcuetH bapc wbicl) W tbc $foabbatb,ti)crc tbalbc none. jaotwUbftonbyng, tberc went out fomc of tbe people in tbe fimitp Mm m to gatbf r,5 tbey founbe none.anb tbc iLo?b fay be unto ®) ofctf : bo wc longe ref lire y c to fccncmycommauiibmcntcisaiibmylawcyj' «)c , tbc Ho.ibe batb geuenyou a ^abbatb, tbccfo^cftcgcuctbyoutbc fyrtebapc b?cab f 6} two baycjJ, jSpbc tberf o?c cucrp man at borne slctt no man go out of ftpgplncctuc i ettftt) baye.3 no p people rcftcb tbc feucntu bayc.3tnb ^ boufc of 3fracl callcb it wma. * ^mtm 3Ctij?o, rrbbus: '■; l M baUcanb fctb tbat pc raill fctb, anb p mub & tcmaynctb.lapc UptpUtbcmo?npnge.3Ent tbcplaybcit\)p-tpIltbcmo?nyitfiC,assa)o» fc0 ba D:anb tt ilanbc not, netber bjecb tbcre nnp UJOjtme tbcrin. 3Wtb ^)ofe0fapbc s tbat catctby^bape :fo? ttt0tbc$>abbatb Unto tbe lo?be:tobape yclball not f ynbe it in w * 3Dttb it\»a0 lyUcUnto co?ianbcc feebc. UDftyte .ant) tbc tafte of it toajS bite Unto wa» ftt0mabcurttbpony.3tnb^ofcjsfoyb:tbitf i0tbatwbicbtbcHofbccommaunbctb,tyU a gomcr of ft ,t0|fttJ mayc be Ucpt fo? poure cbtlbzcn after pott:tbat tbcp mapc fc p mm t»bcrtt>itb3 baucfebb poutn wylbrrticue, mi 3 biongbt you out of p p lanbe of (ffgtpt . 3tnb ^orc0fpaac Unto 3arou:take a crufe anb put a*gomcr full of ttfn tbcrin, anb mib{ lape it Up before tbc to?bc to be ftcptc fo? yo cbilbien after you.atftbc lo?becommaun» beb 4»ofc0 . 3>o ataron laybc it up bef 02c t tcftimonyctobcRcpt.*3[lnbtbccbPlb?fnot*o.i2r6.ft.tt 3(racl bpb catc Wanna fourtpcycare , un= SfijJS'J tpll tbcp came Unto a lanbe inbabiteb . 3t no J1 fo tbey W cate 4»ana eucnUntpll tbcp ca> me Unto tbc b02bcrtf of tbe lanb of Canaan- 3 gomcr tftbc tcntb part of an eppa. CCl)c.jr;Uij.« afcaeittro rome (n(o KapWoim. Hfttv genu; Bf.\K>oCt r ie gcum tW otit'of eijf rocRc . CBjores Dot; Dctlj bp \>is \mtv.9 tljfp outrcomt tyt <&mt\tcWte. 0n all tbc company of tbe cbplb?cn of *^ 3fraeltbO2OtDouftbciratmic0\»cnt from tbe txjplbcrneoof $>tn after tbe commaunbement of tbe Ho?be,anbpptcbeO in*Xiapbtoim:U3bcrcujasinotDatcrfo?t^e m ..», people to b?incne.3nb tbc people ebobewitb •" ^)ofc0,anbrapbe ; gcucU0tJoater tob?inc* bc . a)ofe0 faybc Unto tbem t ttw)? cbybc pe t»itb mec wberf o?e bo ye temptc tbe iojbcti 'Cbetc tbc people tbtcft cb f 0? watcr,anb tbc | people murmurcb agaynft 4J)ofc0 , 9 fapbe: *wberfo?ebaft tbou tbu0 b?ougbt U0 oute +jaumt #.i of Cgipte:tobpllU0anbourecbPlb?enanb j$ catclli»ttbtbp?ftei' 31 nb fflpofesi crpcb Unto p lo?be,faping : tt>bat (ball 3 bo unto tbptfpcoplct'tbcpbe allmooft reabp to ftone mc , Tim tbc io?be (aybc Unto ®;ofcg:gobcfo2c tbc peoplc.anb tafte to tbe of tbe clbettfof 3frael,?tby rob tDberttJttbffmotcfttbcryuer.taUciutbync banbeanb go. U5ebolbc,*3ftonbcbcfo?c? *pr.wwW befybc a rocue tbat isi in Io»o2cb : 9 tbou (bait jggf* ♦voitariow. of tbc place v ^)a(Ta anb t {ftcrfba . becaufe t&tttft. of tbccbtbpugcofti)ccbtIb2cnof3ri'ac(,anh becaufe tbcp temptcb tbc Io2be,faytngc:t0f io?bc amongc U0 0? not.' 'ftbencame 3malecbanbfougbt toitb 3fradin iiiapbibim. Stub ift)ofe0 raybe Un» to 3ofua:cbofc U0 oute mcn.anb goo fpgbte t»itb3lmalecb.3inbtomo?oix)3tt'tliaot»be ontbetoppeoftbcbyU,anDtbcrobbofC5ob Qjalbc in my ftanbejofuabib a0 4i)ofc0 ba- a> be bpm.^fougbte vjjitb Bmalccb- 3lnb et)o= fe0,aub3aron,?lr)tirn)ent Up to tbe toppc * 31UD1. anb tbcr= f o?e tbcp to(tc a ftone anb putit UiiDcc hym, anb be fatt bourne tbece on. 3Bnb^aron anb 39ur ftaycb Upbt0 banOc0,tbc one on tbc one fpbe anb t\)t other on tbe other fpbc l&xia i)y& banbe0 remapneb ftcbyc Untpii tbegopnge bo»ne of tbe fonnc.^nb 3ofua bifcomf ctcb aemalecb anb bv& people , wity tbc cbgcof tbe ftocrDe. 3nb tbc Ho?bc fapbe Unto &)ofc0 .- w?if- tc tbp0 fo? a rcmcmb2auncc tna bolte,anb co fUSSHS!? m( tctt Unto tbc earc0 ofjofua.foi * J will "***** Utterly put out tbc rememtaaunce of 3ma= lecbfromUnbcrbcaucn. anb^)ofc0maoc _ an alter anb callebtrjc name of tt.^^r^bc ^ Ho?bciG betbatujo?l«tb myiaclctf fo? me. ^r it 0? be faybcjtbc Ijabe W on tbc fcatc of 00b * t\)c JLo?bc topll banc warre wttb ^malccb from gcucracpon to generacpon. CS:be..tuut.(£:baptcr: C3ifU*;o» amttu fsrcccauco of cqorca. fmyte tbc rocftc, anb tberc fball come water out tbcrof.tba t tbc people mayc b?y ncfte. . * 36nb S)ofc0 qvo tut fobefo?etbeeyejJ *^umf.jr*l of tDeelbcc0 of 3ftacl.3fnb be callcb f name c of tbe 3 ffe^rsrgai^t^ tbc p?eft of ^)ibiam &)o= l fc0fatbfrinlawcbet;bc of all tbat !<5obbabboncfO2 4Wore0anb fo? 3fraell bptfpcoplc, anb tbat t\)c Ho?b babb?ougbtc3fracl out of SSSW**' ®tSfptl * / 5Tbcrfo?cbctoltc?tpbo?a^)ofc0 M "' ,f - Wpfc,C3(ifterbcbabfentebcr Oaclic)anbbp? two fonnc0 , of wbicb tbc one wa0 callcb *«a*t. *C5crfon, fo?ficfapb:3baucbcncanaUcnt tna ftraunge lahbe. 'Cbc name of tbe otber wa0€ltefat:f 0? tbc ^|>ob of mp father C fay = Ht])e ) wa0 mpnc bclpc , anb bclpucreb me fra the fwerbe of pharao. %nn 3etj»o ^?o» fc0fatbef in lawecamcw(tbbi0twofonneS 9 1)153 wyfc Unto a)ofc0 into the wtlbcrncffc: wbecebcabobcbp tbe mount of (Job. 3 no be fapbe Unto ift)ofe0: 3thp fatbrrtnlawc 3ctb?o am come to tljc.anb tbp wpfcalfoiiD - bp?twofonnc0Wttbber.2CnbiiWofc0 went to oute to mete bp0 father in lawc anb bpb 0= bepffaunceanbftpacbbpm aubcacbe afitcb otber of hy0 bealtb , anb tbcp came into tbc tcnt.Ktnb J3)ofc0toioe bpg fatber tn lawc all tbat tbe Lo?be bab bone Unto 0ljarao anb totlye egppttan0 fo?3rra*c!0 fatte.anb all tbc trauaplc tbat bab bappeneb tbem by tbc wape , anb bo we tbc to2bc bclpucreb tbem. Stub 3ctIuorctopfrb oucr all tbegoobheffe wbpebe tbeLo?bebao bone tojrracll, anb becaufe be bab bclpucreb tbem out of tbc U= bc of tbc Egyptian*, zm 3etb2o fapbe : blctTcbbethc ilo2bc wbicbcbatb bclynercb you oute of tbehanbe of tbcegpptianb tbcp (ball bete tufty tbc. 3* tbou (bait do fM tbingc,(nnb <2>ob cbatge tbc uuitb all ) ttjou (bait be able to enbute , anb pet tbc people (ball come to tDep? place anb (o motet obepeb tDe Uopce of DPS* father in la we , sift bib all tbatbe Dab fapbe, anbcbofeactpiic men otite of all 31 ran ano mabc tbem atfbccbcg oucr tDcpcoulemames lP,captapncj$oucrtboufanbcMuccbun02c= bc&ouerfpftp anbouerten. anbtbcpmb| Scb t])t people at all reafonsf, but tyoug&tc f uftc caufctf Unto &)ofc* : anb inbcceb all rmall matter^ tbemfcluetf. anb &)ofe$ let Dp* fatljer in lam beparte , anb be went m to b V0 atone lanbe. CBMfr CDaptcr. C2Tl)t cbplbjtn of 3inr«d come to tbe moOf f g>trtap. ■Xbt pcopir of fioti arc bolp j a ropall p?e(fb°&c-w* tbat toutbrfb tbc bill orrtb.iBoD apprrrtbbnto ego; r« bpon tbc mountf in tbonscc * ipgbtenpnsc. BtbctbPibcmonetfctoba'tDc cDil- ibien of 3fracl uotre gone oute of p* lanbtof egipMDc lame bape ca* — metbcpintotDettJplberncffeof £>» */*u.rrriu.c nap * * #02 tDcp were bepartcb from fta= pbibtm , anb were come to tbe bererte of m>\-- ■na v.anb bab pttcbcb tlje^ rente* in tbe wil* bcrncfle. anbtbcrelfraclabobebefoje tbe * «o nMu monntc. * tfut &)ofe0tt)entUp UntodSob, untapne , fapmgertDujJCbalt tboufape Unto tbe Doufc of 3acob , anb tell tDe Mm i of 3frael : pe baue fene tuDat 3 bpb Unto m <£gpptton* , anb tone pou Up Upon gegletf wAtgeft f bane bjougbt pou Unto mpvelfe; Bowe tbetfojc * pf pe u>p U Deare mp Uopce tn bebe , anb Uepempne appopntement : pe Cbaii be mpne arane , aboue all nacpontf, m all tDecrtb itf mpne. gefballbe Unto mealfo * i.m.u. b. a fepnabomc of * pjeaftejs anb an Dolp peo= ple:anbtbefeare0 tt>o2beau>D*cDtbou wait u fape Unto tDe cDplbjen of 3feael. I) #)ofe$ came anb cnUcbfojtDeelbertf of I tlje people , anb lapbe before tDepj face* all *£>tutrro. flil.O. tDcfetuoibe*tt)Dicti f^SSSSBSSf nvm.anb tbc people anftucrebnll to getDet, toe wpllboo. anb *ft)ofcg biougDt tbc u»02= m , mi J; be* of tbe people Unto tDe lo toe ■. %xto toe 102be fapbe tjnto^ofc* : lo , 3 comejnto tDe inatbpcftecloiib,^ tbe people wape bea- teme talfepnge t»ltb tbc ,anbbeleuetjic fo? encr. ^pofesi iberocb t^ t»02bc* of tpe pco= totljepcople,anb^-fanctifpetbemtobape'^ anbtomo20t»c,flnblcttbcmt»a(bfDep?clo s tbe*:5be rcbpagapnfttbetbWtoe bape. jtoj tbctbPJbc oape tbc Jio*be wpiuomcootsjne tn tbe fpgtJt of all tbe people Upon monntc mm3m tfton ibait fct mtomnp* « 3 bontc tbc people anb fape-.betjjare^jat pe go not \)p into tbe monntc, 02 tonclje tbe WW of it- (flJbofocucr tonebctb tbc * monnte, *B»rt.r«,». (ball fnrclp bpe . 'Ebcre ujall not an banbe Sc • Wtijer it be bcaft 0? man , ftiftal twl lpnr:t»bcn tbetrompcblotoctD longe , tban mapctbfpcomc^ptntotbcmountapnc. ^ c anb ^)ofcx< went bourne from tbe mou- te Unto tbe pcople,anb fanctif peb tbcm , anb SepV4cwBep?clotl)e*:3nbbcfflpb ^ to tbepeoplcT: be rebpe agapnft tDe tljpjbe bape , anb ^ come not at poure wpuetf. -E58 anb tbc tbP?oc bape in tbc mo2npnfictbcre m* tbunbcr anb I pgbtcnpngc.anb a tbjc be cloS.bc Upon tbc monntc , aabtbe Uop c of tDe tcompc erccabpnge lowbc, fatjgtall tbc pcovletbattt.a*intl)eDoftetX)a0afrapcD. SubOJofetf b2ougbt tbe people ^outc of tbe tented to mctc witb C5ob , anb tbcp * ftobc *&cu.«.a, ^"anSuntc S>inap txmtf all to getjet on a fmobe : becauft tbe lo?bc bcfccnbcD boujne upon it in ffce . 3inb tbe f mofec W* rof afccnbebUp, a* tbcfmobt of aftele, anb all ti)c mount \»a* erccabpng imm .% b tohan tbe Uopce of tbc trompe blewje am ttmrcbloTOOeranblowber WpJPaSy m Sobanracrcbbibp auopec; anb tbc &*.» became bowne Uponmounte *i«JP» «««« (ntbetoppe of tbe W\, »«*3 J6U {P calico a)ofe* Up into tbe toppe of tDe bpll. m 1$fiX*0W fapbe Unto «Dofe* : go bourne : cftarac M pei^le , ttwtjegwgrife not Up 1 fe tbe Jiojbc, anb f manp of tbcm pcrim anb let m pjeftegalfo tobpeb come to be ^2be fancSfpe tbcm felue* , left tbe Lo2bebeftropetljcm.anb^ofe*fapbcun« totbc ioitbe: tDe people cannot come Up in to tbe mounte WW , f"» ft» « U« faping t fet marUcsi abonte tbebpU .ano fanctif ie tt; anb tbe lo?bc f apbc Unto Mm : awape.anbget tbe mm 1 JffJS "?^ come Up , tfton anb aaron witD **"*£ ^ &ruer.b,s * acuf. ^2tcepte0, not tbe ^2e(le*anbtbe people pjefumefoi to come Up unto tbe Lo?oe: left be bcltrope it$. . anb fo ob fpaacall tljefo voojolh anb fapbe ; 3 am tDe l02be tbp t5ob,u»bicbliaHe *b2o«gDt tDe out of tbe lanbe of <£gfpte,oute « of tDe Doure of bonbage. ^:bou Ojalt baue none otbcrgobbessinmpfpflbc. *mmu *12:Douu)altmaUe tbenogranen pmage , SStffl c c ' netberanp fpmilitubctbnt tsCtti Deaucnabo=> "*" * iie.etDcrmtDecrtj) bcnctljc,02in tbe watcrsl *mum.t.a. ^nbertbc e«D.*'CDou(baltnotU)02aipppe Jtpo.wmf.b, tbem, netbcrfccnctbem:f023tDcL02betbP 02r &^* djob.ama^'geloitfed^ob.anb^yUpfetf fpnnc of tbc fatber* Upon tbc cbplb^cu Unto t^t tDpjbe anb four tD generacpon of tbe* tbat bate mc:anb them merepe Unto tDoufanbess in tbem tbat lone me anb Rcpcmpcomnwuu= ir v bementesf. * Mri»t3! '^t)° tt **W not * taae tbe name of tbc mmHUh Jlo^be tbp d5ob in Uapne.f 02 tbe L02OC ujpll not bolbc Dim gpltleffe tbat taactDDi* name *aro.mu in uapne. * mcmcmb2c tbe^abbatb bape gSr*** tbattboufancttfpeit.j&iicebapefliibalt tbou SS0 labourc anb bo a II tbat tljoti baft to bo : but tljcfeuentb bapeitftDc^Dabbatb of tljc Ho?* bctbpdoob, in it tbou (baitbo no mancr of tooiIt?,tDou anb tDp fonnc , anb tbp baugD* tcr, t[}pinanfcruaunteanbtl;pmapbe m* iiaunte , thy tatcll ano tbc ftraunger tbat i$ lvitljui fbpgatcfii.jfo? in fprcbapc0 tbc 3Lo2= be mabebcauen anb crtb.tljc feeanball tbat *6fnt.«.a.'i in tbem i^aub*!^ rcfteb t\)t fcucntb bape: v^ mbcrfojc p jloibe blcllcb tbe S>abbatb bape *nw rrh , aubbalotoeDit.^^ur^ honour tbp fatber mSSm 9 tbp motUcctfiat tbp bapesi mapc be longe Ocr= in tbclabcuiDicb f Ho2b top Gobgcuctb tDe. C fCbouDbalt not Bpll tl5?5{.fet +'€bouflialtnotb;caRetucbIocKC. fSSsESSSr fWoudialtnotftfalc. mm.ruu: t %])on n?altnot br refalfe ujitnelTc agf tt tbpneygbbonre. * uom.bn.b ^bou ftaitnct couct * tbp ntpgDDottrjBi Doufe: nctbcrujaltpcouettbp nepgbbourjl .UJpfe. 02 DPJS man fcruauntc, 02 bPSimapbc, o2bWorc,o? Di$au~e,o2tJDbatrocuertbptiep= DourcDatD. anb all tbcpeoplefaujc tbe tbunbcr anb *Dc IpgDfcnpngcar.btbe nopfcoftbc from* pcanotbemountapnefinolipnge.anbu)^ ■ *© tbc people ftttijc it.tbe premoncb anb ftobra *&ni7b(iu faneof ,onbfapbeuntoa)ore0:* talUetbou utbjcnuc u)(tbU0,anbtt'eujpllbcarf:bntletnotcS:ob talfte ujitbu^leftuje bpc.anb 4V;ofcjB; rapoc Unto tbe pcbple:frarc not, fo2 (0ob iitfeome to P20ucpou,anbtDatb^fearemapcbc^r-in ^ar* ponre facctDat pe fpiine not. erobttjs rjfo ^ t anb tbc people ftobe a farrc of.anb ®)o* U8 ment into tbc tDpclte clouibe wbere 00b toas<.aHbtbe}Lo2befapbcUntoa)ofe!0[:tbns* tbou Ojalt fape Unto tbe cbplb2en bf3fracl. 7>t Daucfenc tljatj banc talhcb untb pou from oute of bcauen.Pc fljallnot mabetber- fo2e witbmegobbegof fpluee neptber frail pema&epougobbcgofgoiDc. ^ an alter * w. n w.* of ertb tbou Q?alt maue Unto me.anb tbcron ^^mm.u offer f Dp bunitoffcrpnijea anb tbP peace of s ,, « ae *« ,, w ferpngejs, tbpfbcpeanotbpneoren. in all places: wbcre 3H)pl! come Unto tbeanbbtctrctbc.^nbpftbouujpltmaaeme an alter of ftone , fctbou mabc it not of be-- wen ftone.eijaf pf tboulpftc UptbPtolc Upo it,tboubaftpoiutebit. fimw aialttbou goo Up bp ftcppctf Unto mpne altcctljat tijp *pltbpneu*c be not ujctueD tbcre on. C^Dc.m'.drDapter. CJCnnpo;a!ianbcpu<:r ojarnauncci. i9cfc are tbc la toes xxfyytty % tbonajaltrctbcfo2et'iem.3f tboubpeafemannte tbat i& an locbjucfpjrc pens* be tfoa! Tcruc, anb in tbe fcuehtb be ujaUgoooutfrepapin^cno^ J tbpngc.3f be came alone, be Chall goo out al one.anb pf be came marieb, DpJJU)pfe(baIlgooouteu)(tbDpm; anb pf tiVH matter bauegcuen bpmaujpfc anb ftic Daucbo2neDpmfonne#o2 baugljterg .tben tbc vopfe anb bp2 cbtlbzcn ujalbe bir matter d anb be (bail goo oute alone, anb pf tbe fee* uaunte fape : 3 lone mp matter, mv ujpfe anbmpcl;plb2cn , 3 tx>pll notgooonte fre. Ir)p0maftcr (ball b2pngcbpm Unto tl;e tnb= gcjJ,anbfcttbpmtofhcboo2co2tbcbo2rpoft anb bpsi matter (ball bojc bpS care tboiouic lnitba natDlc , anb \)t ujalbc Dp* fcruauntc fo2 cuer. anb pf a man fell Dptf bangbter to be a feruaunte.Qjc (ballnot goo oute afi tbe men (Vrnanntctf boo. 3f flic alfo .plcafc uotbpi matter , anbbegcnctbberto nomantotbp- fe.tbeu awllbc let Dp2 go frc : to fell Der Unto 33 aftraimgcnacpoufliall be baue nopovjoer , feinge bebefupfeb bcr. 3f be baucpaomp- febber UntobpgironnctoiBpfcbc amllbeale ivttb brrajSmcn bo voitb tbep2 bangljteriS. anbpf bctabcDpm another iopfe, prtbP* fobc,Dp2rapmcntanbbutieofmariagefljal benotrnpniuje. anbpfbebonot tbefctmc Unto Der , tbenfl;aliajrgoo ontfrcaub pape nomonep.*l9etbatfmptetb amantbat be * nt.vvmu. bye, ujalbe(lapnefo2it.3fa man lave not a* J 3 - Um - ™** i»apccbHt<5obbclpucr bpm int bptf lmn= mtl> *' c ' be , tben 3 mpll popnte tbe a place wbctber Deiballf le. 3f a man come p2cfumptcouu> Upon DpjS nepgDbour e to ftce Dim ttntbgple, tDon ftjalt fabe Dim fro mpne * alter tm De * «'.««/•§ bpc, «£'. 1* -i_ ^A. it rz pp aa?tttpttsi (gjCODUSf bye ; WWtetftfW- scatter 02 by* mo tUcr ,lcr Uptn be flapnc f o? attB *all ^yc f02 bpSbcalpngc. € 3nb pf a man fmpte nysS fcrunnnte 02 W* maybe witb a robb , anb tbep bye unber by* banbeit Owlbc aucngcb(nbeDe.3nbyf tljcy continue a bare 02 two, it (bnllnot be aur n= gcb,fo2U}cy arc l>j>sf in oncy.gf men (revue $ burtc a woman witb cbPlbc.fo tbat ftp* ftti* tcbeparte from bee , anb pet no imf fortune folowetbrtbcnfbaubcbcmcrftb.accojbpn- etc as tbc womanS bnf banb wpll laye to M etiarge , anb be (ball paye as tbc bay cS men *£w.rriiq.f appoyntchpni. * 3nbyt anymiffojtunefo* ?&%£ loujc.tijenftnllbcpapelpfefoMpfc+cyc foz f otc, burning f 02 burnlngcwoube f 02 wou= befteypefojftrppc. m m 4 ._ 3nb yf a man fmpte bytf fcruaunte 02 bu3 maybe in tbc eye tbat it peepji u befall lett tl)eaoofcefo2tljecyc!8faRe.3CIfopfbefmpte outc Dvjs fcruauntctfoi DySmaybcStotb M Qjalllettbcmgooutifce fojthc totbeSiato. 3f anorcgojea man 02 a woman tbattbep #ecne.fM oyc , tbcntbc*orcQ)albeftoucb,anbbyS fleftic (bail not Ue eaten: bnt tbc owner of tbc oreujallgoquytc. M . , -a If tbcorcwcrewonttopuflbcintyme patt.anb it batbbcnctolb t)PJS mafter-.anb be batbnotfeeptbpm.buttbatbebatbHpllcba man 02 a woman-.tben tbe oreujalbe itonco &« anb by* otoncr (bail Hv« aifo&s- 3f ' tbere *^ be (ett to b?m a fumme of money , tbenbe (ball gcue f 02 tbc bclyucraunce of bytf ly fc. wbntfocucr is put into by m . ftnbwne* tbec be batb fl02eb a fonnc 02 burtc a baugb* tcr , be fbalbc fcrucb after tbe fame moner. 23ut pf it be a fern aunt 02 a maybe tbat w ore batb gojcb, then be (ball gene unto tbep* &3~ maftcr.jrrr. c^ fpcleS,anbtbcojcefballbe ftoncb. ^ ^ If a man open a well 02 bpsfie a pptt anb couer it not, anb an ore 02 anaue falltberin, the owner of tbc pyt (ball matoi'tgoob, anb gcueinoiicpUntotbeyjmafter,anbtbebeab beaft (balbe hps. , _ __; 3f one man soice burtc anotbcrtfiatbe bye:tbeu tbep (ball fell tbe lyucojce anb be- npbctbe money , anb tbc beeb ore alfotbey (ball bcupbe.sDipfit be anowc tbat tbc ore batb Web toputtbe in tpmctf paft , anb W matter batbttotUeptebim.befballpayc ore f 02 ojre>anb ttc beeb Qjalbc W awne. ^tceptes, n v i 1 1 c * Saman * ftealc anorc oiftepe % ■ anbBPlleito^feUeit, be (bait *.**»** ftow fyue own f 02 an ow , anb * f our e u)epe f 01 a u)epe.3f a we- * «. wm febefounbe bjealiyngeypanb be r«»»- fmytten tbat bebpe.tbecetbaUno 1 Urate ; be Qjcbfo2bvm :but pf tbe fonne be \m wben be : « f ounbe , tben tDcr c fbalbe bloube (bebe ^^rfleteUniaftenflKfti^on: 3£S!£;- ue not wberwttb4je u>Uw folb^ te. 3f tbe tbcftc be f ounbe in W **$" jg£ uef wbct|)er « be ojcc.affe 01 (bepc be Ml rcfto2eboublc.3fnmanbo|)urtefe»bco2\)(- neyarbcanb put mm btatt to febe in ano= tljcrmai^fclbetoftbebeftofbiiSowttefelbr, anb of ibebeft of byjSawne\)incyarbe,ujaU be matter cttftucion. a**!.*. «t 3f fy?c bicaUe out anb catcDe in tbc tbo** 25 ncjMnbtbcftacBe0oeco2ue,o2tbcftpnbyn; Se comic, 02 f elbe be confumeb tber witb-btf' y n Web tbc f p2e (ball malie r cftitucion. 3f a man belyuer W ncygbboure mo- ney 02 (tuff c to ncpe , anb it be ftolcn jut of W boufe. 3ftDe tbefc be founbe , let ^m papc bouble^llnb pf tbe tbefc be not founbe , tbcutbcgoobmSof tbc ftoufeftalbcbiojaobt _ iintotbembgejS. 5*(anu«aiinxicre.) <5flbctnee«« ljct)auc putDp^janbe WoW neysDbou» rC0 ^SnbinaUmancroftrefpace,wbctberit be fo? oren,a(Te,Q)epc, tapment 02 any ma- iler of loft tbynge wbicbonotber cbalengetb to be bPJMpc caure of botb party ejfffiaUco- mebefo^etbe iiibge^. 3nb wboni Jbeiub- gc0conbcnmc:lctbympapeboublet)utobt^ ticygbboure. , „ , .. 3f amanbelpuerDntoby^neygbboure tofeepcattcorc, (bepeojwbatroeuerbeaft it be , anb it m ozbe&urte ojtaaen awaye (anb no man fe ttOtbentball ^s-anotbe of »&$ , tbeto2bebcbctwenetbcm,tbatbcbatbnot c I put bysf banbe mito byJ^ nepgbboursl goob , anbtbeownerof if (balltatte tbeotbc » .ayn tbc otber (ball not make it goob.3nb yf it be ft ollen from bPm , tben be (ball ma toe eftitu- cpon t)nto tbe owner tber of ■. 3f it be t02ne witb wplbe beaftc ^,tben let bym b?pnge te* co?be of tbc tear y ngc ; anb be (ball not mafce it goob.acnb y fa man bo?o we ougbte of nys neygbbourip.anbitbe burtc 02cWbyc, anb J owner tbcrof be not bp.be ftalmato it goob 2&ut yf tbe owner tbcrof be by, betbail not mabeitgoob:namely,yfitbcanby?cbtbin- ge,anbcamefo2by^by?c. , yj ±^^«»m B * 3f a man entyfc a maybe tbat « not ****** bctroutbeb , anb Ipc w(tbb«r, be f&allenbo- te bcr, anb ta fte bcr to bpsf wyf e» 3W g W * /4RC8UH1 jfbilUa, fatbet rcfufcto geuefter trato J)$m , tjt am jhw money acco2bynge to tlje bow2te of virgentf. ^ mm (bait not fuftrca * M3itct} to Ipue. Jt)0ofoeucr ipetb voit\ta beeft , (balbc Oapnc fo2it. if)c tbat offretb tmtoanpgoDbctftaue \jnto tbe t02b onclp,lct bim be Mtttilp rotcb ttmWHt out. *&crenota ftraunger.nctbcr oppzef- fc bym : fo2 ye were ttraungcrtf in tbc lanbe *j«H*«-c ofall trouble tbem', anb tbep erpe Unto me , 3 wpu furely beare tbcp* erpe:, anb tben wpu mp wjntb ware boote,anb3wyllbyllpou witb tbc fwcrbe, anb youre wyuc#(ball be webo we^.s poure cl)ylb2enfatbcrlc(Tc. ,w SKSfif* * Jftftou lenbemoncp toany of mpueo« ScSitt Vlt tbat ifi poo2c by m, fbon (bait not beatf D a twaunt unto bym , nctbrrfyalt tboti op= *mmu pwbpm witbufurye. *3f tboutabr tbp nepsliboursfraymSttoplcbdctbouOialtbe- Ipucr it Unto bym ngapne bp tbat tbc fonnc goobounc.tfojtbatffSbptfcoucringconclp: cuen tt}e rnpmcntfozby* fltpimc , wberin be uepctb.ainb wbau be crictfi Unto me,l will beare bpm, f 02 3 am mcrcpl ull. i*«.jscS *^0ou0ialtnot(«5r-rayiet)potbeffob» &f wm, bctftnetberblafpbcme?ruclaroftby people. !tactw«u cuen bayesfit ftjall be witb tbe bammr, anb tbc epgljt Hayc tbou Qjaltgeue it me. Pe Qjalbc bolye people unto me, neitber (ball vc catc any ficQj tbat ttf tooine of beaftejai in the felbc.z5iit u>all caft it to boggejj. C2Tbe]rriii. Cbaptcr; C©c«31 Cctno fomc , becaufc JiUiointalimm fouiDt ttibe tlje cljapter tl>o;otuc ciu'c, ano the ttoo tbat arc ncrtt btfo;t alto. |lj>oii (lialt not accept a uay * I 'ne falc.ncrbcr (bait put tbp= 1 lie banbe witb t\it wpneb to bean wirygbteou* wttner* fe.'Cbon (bait not folowca |multitubetobocuell:nctbcr 4 . A A anfweee in a matter of pice tbat tbou wolbe ft f to folowemany ) turne •* arpbefrom ttft tmctb , =>♦ netbee fljalt tbou papntcapooicmnwscaufc. *«««*. * pf rbou mete ebpne euemiejl ojre 02 aile goynae nftrape , tbou aiait bzpngc tbcm to i«wu.» bym ngapne. * 3f tbou fc t bync enemies aire fpiiftc Unber bitf burtbcn.tbcuajaltnot paf= «Vl' a«b let bym alone: but (bait bclpe bym toiyftcbyinUpagayne. «ftoii Oiait not bynber tbc eygftte of tby Aur. n a f 002c, in they? fute. mJfW* ^cferrcfroma falfc mater, * anb fjnnocent m rygbteotns f c tbou fley not , fo? fcj.t r . b. a will not wftifpe tbe wy keb. * % (jon ujalt tmu& , * Jfo take no tfmto g pfte^ blpiibc tbe fepnae, anbpernerte tbc mim of tbe cpg&rcous «bou (bait notom)2efle a ftranngee , fin yeknowc tbe bate ofaftraunger, &mn wereftraungcramtbe lonbeof egpntc « * §prc yerrtftbou Ojnlt (owe tbp lanbeJb *zm «t « aatbee fa ttc tnmtte* ■■ anb tbc rrSiciirS ycfetbougialtlcttfreftaublpcftiii.tbat "be poo2e of top people mapeeatf;f wbattbep caue.tbc bcalles of tbc felb mali eat '.3J S ftemanertbou fbalt Do alfowiflj tbp ulnep, arbcanbtbpneolpiiftrectf. F nnb m tbe fenentbbayc tbou fbalt reft mi thvnc ore ano tbpue aft mane reft , Snb tie fonneof tby tnapbeatiD tbe ftramigcr map? gwfKmeb.3n8lltbyngr0tlKit3BaucfaK Kr,n V nW cc,rcumf P" tc • 3nb rnabeno reberrall of tbe namm of ftraunge goDDc^ *nctberl?titbebearbeontoftbPmontn pit fmm tbou iSRS in * mts ^ t v S^S^l mitfu ^ t ^^^tiftme'*e w . n .c te b2cnb,tbat rbou rate tinlrurnbbjeab feuc a " Q - rrnilt ^ mm logc as 3 coinaunbeb tbr.m'tbct pme £%SSSS flS" coinc bfffinnetb to ripe. fo.i in tbat monetb yecameoutc of earner • *nnDrctbatnomanappearcbcfo2cmprm'* ^ iTapcftpfp2ftfriiteSoftbpIabourcS, wbub e tbou baft fowne in tbe ft!De.ainb tbe fta ft of ISP^S™?' 8** • ta fbecnDc of tbe pcrc mpSZiSSPl' f P n,f ?'2* wreflbauaii tby -* mrncbpl02eu appcarebef o;e tbe tojo Gob ?&« r « < S?HP? fe UponlciifOeb b2eab.iietl)cr Qui !k wiwbh tbefatt of my fcaft remapne bntPll the moi-- lanbe tbou qjnlt bipnge into tbe boufe of the ^b"* Jo2btbp©od ^tboiiOjaitalfo^-notfcrb «^ 2bebqlbe,3 fence an Jngcii befoje tbe.to «w*ww- «» tope be in tbc pap^aiatoUySrmto tbc place wbicb 3bauepicpareb. Beware SS? p ?i S"^?." m r ™W> m wry ft by m not : fo? be wyll not fpare ponrr mpfbebea s pnmtjmtalittiwfce, $ boalitbat3fpca= fte,3 wplbe an encmyc bntotbyneeneiiipcs. aiibanabuerfarycUntotbpncaDuerfarpcS 5f02inyne*3lngell(baUgobefoie tbcS **ttot,u. *tPP ttein\mto tbe amoves, ant Se- ****** SS£rRS? trt » an PO)allbeftrope Sem. '©pou ibalt not wo20jpppe tbepz * SobbVi * « £9S*? cuc . tUcm • « «S« bo a¥er tie tSoii jb G " MWb - 9 RJ5 SfiRW of tbein.3i'.bpc (ball fernc tbe * lo^be poure ©ob , anb he Sail * t^.. bleff e tby bjeab « tbp water, anb 3 will rake * *'"• all fyckneflc awaye from tbe mybbes of tbc Cieee *l h .A ft - 4 i? Ll; 11 •W,b a -*_lml J_ ^ B * $lottd etouud ft ti)i :Che tabernacle turns * Siwcasypnft mm ; P tlcm xWUJ »*g$W 3f nfin MH9& ujiUDivuetlicm outcbcfofctbc, Wiw} Jy° tftdtobojet totti come totHtm. 3jnj W^ h, , nf rMfc ft * cnhcrct the lanbc .3nb 3 wpu *2 K mm anb from the befcrte "S°SS on mounte £> nap , antjthe a***.. frouQaU mm W •«S2K^*dw *S be acpon of the glotfe wWthe Wpe batbmnbe J5ffi^5oB^mi»«»«^ttJo;*jg Kpou t)ponaUth;fet»o^. Jg &&&tto*of »«»enfoftaUpemafte cr ¥mwntmM^^SxSP irSthev(baUmafeean*atkeoeTetmm*^^ 1 golbe, within anb without (bait thou oticr* lep it, anb (bait made au bpe \>pe it a crow* tie of golbe rounbe aboute. 2CnD tbou (halt raft fourc rpitscjet of golb fojit.aub put tbem 16 in the fourc cojncrfl tberof; (t. rpngeg Cbalbc tn tlje one fpDc of tt.anD.tt . inthc other. 3nb tbou (bait malte barrcja of kt\)im xooob, anb cotter tbcmwithsoiDc, anb put the barred intbcrinffctfatouscbptbcfpDcfiof thcarfte, tobfrc(tU)(thall Jdnbtbe barretf (ball be in tbc rptiffeg! of t(jcarfte,anb (ball not be taben atoapcfcomtt.^nDtbou (bnltputnnDcnt= iie.tbe urt tneffe \xWfy 3 (ball (jeue the. 36 nb tbou (baltmalte a mercpfcatc of pu= rcsolDe. if. cubprctfanb anhaifc longeanba cubite $ a balfc b;obe.3UiD tbou (baitmahe ii.cbcrub;n0 of golbe:€uen of a wbolc titty* he (bait tbou malte f bem m tbc two ciibcg of tbc mc rcpfcatc:aub the one cberub (bait thou make on tbeone cnbe, anb the other on the otber enbc..n v)pon the arlje.anb in tbc atbe rbou (bait put the witnelfe wbicb3 wvllgctictbc. (*^ 3nbfcomthcnce&cr3wpllteflifpetonto tbc anb wpllcomon witb tbc from upon t\yz mercpfcatc : from betwene tbc two rarnh btnfl! wljtcbare Dpon tbc arhc of wttneffe, of all tbpnge wbfcb3 wpllflcuc the tncomaun» Dement bnto thccbpltycn of 3frael. C *'Cbouajaltairomaheatableoffethim \mjtww wobb of two cubpteg longe.anb one cubptt btobe , anb a cubptt anb an balfc bve . 3nb thou (halt coucr it wit b pure ffoibe, anb ma* he tbcrctoacrownc of ffoiocrounbc aboute. 3nD malic t)ntotIiat an wbope of fourefpn- gcrsi b.zoDcrounbc abontc.3ub malte a gol* bcncrowucalfoto the whopcrounoc abou« te.3fcnbmahcfo.zitfourerpncic0ofcj:olb,anb imttberpnp;c0in tbe corners tba tare on the roure fete tbcrof:cucoucrnsain(r tbc wbope (liall tbc rpngesibe.to put tn barresi, to bcrc tbe tabic witij all. anDtDoti (bait ma he the barred of tbttyim wobb, anb ouetlapctbcm with solb, that the table mapc be bo?nc with tbcm.3lnb tbou (bait mahcbptfbifibctf,anb fponctf , flatpeccd , anb potted topowre outc withall:eucn of fpncgolbeaja It thou matte tmn . anb tbou malt fete Kjpou the table , fa- ^*u>cwb,{ceb before meal wape. ■mux * 3fcnb tbou uja^t malte a canbclfipclte of purcgolbe cucn ofn wbolc wo?lte (ball the JDcnnbcin:pcltebcmnbewttbb(dibaft > b?aun= Cbc0,bolicd,ltnoppc!e!anbflourcdp^occabitt-- getbcrcout.&pirc b?auncbcdalfoqmll pio« «be out of the fpbed of it : tbje b?auncbcd of $o * / t\)t canbcllfpcfteoutof theonefpbeanb ttyt out of the otber. Wccuppes! ipftebnto ab monbefi witbltnopped ^floured in one b/a= umhe.anbth^e cupped IpkealmSbcd in tbc otber biauncjje, wttl) (mopped anb floured. 3nDeuen fotbo^oweout tbc fpjee beauncbed tbatp^occbeoutof tbe canbclftpcbe :anb in the eanbclftyclte feife fourc cupped Ipae buto almonbed wttb tbep^j itnoppcd anb floured; nnbtbcreCballbeahnoppcbiibereuerptwo launched. **(mwtto\mnst.)®f thefpee that «- p^ocfbeoutoftbec«tbelftpch.3ubtoeltitop= pedanb tbe bjnuncbed 0?albe of it. %m it (halbe one wo?(t^ cucn of pure jjolbe. 3nDtboua>iltmnKetijefeueulnmpedof (t.*anb the feue lamped tbcrof.qialt thou put an \^vt there on , togeuelpgbte Vmto'^ otber fpbetbat id oiicragatnltit.'Ebe togged anb fnofferdtheroffhalbeofpuregolDc. sDfan bunb.zeb pounbe weptfbre of f pne golDc (halt tbou malte it xomnw tt)c apparell. * tone * Bcb Wl , T tbcrfo^c that tbou malte tbem after tljc facpo actc». mi tbat wad fljeweb tbc in tbc mounte. €^hc.rc\)i.CDaptcr. CZWn cbaptcraifo Dercrpbetb tbe fbpngw pcr<.in; jipngctotbeboii'piaec. ssmto tabernacle ujalt tbou mahe u5 ,~ « j ten curtapned of wbpte tM)vr.tn * v^ifpllte : pelowe fpmc purple anb fcarlct . anb in tbcm tbou (bait mahc pictured of bioberb wojbc* .i t i ■A vi &3 in !• i^ASa i 12:belegtbofonecurtapne(balbcepghtanD twit? cubpted ,f tbe b|eDth of one curtapnc fourc c»bvted> anb euerp one of the curtap* nedfljallbaueonemeafurc: fpue curtapned fijalbe eouplcD togetber one to another : anD fpue curtapned Qjalbc couplcb together one toanotber. ^nbtbouCbaltmaheiowpedofpclowfpl^ 23 Re, a lofff bp the ebgc of p one cmtapit2 wbich idmtbc fclucgc of the couplpnge cotirtapne. 3iid ipitcwpfe (bait tbou mahc m tbeebgc of tbe btmoit curtapnc that id to be coupico tljerwttb on tbc otber fpbe.' tf pftpelowped ibalt tbou mahc in tbe onccurtap»e,anb fpf= tie lo wpedlbalt thou make in t j)c ebgc of tbe curtapnetbat id to becouppicb therwitb on tljc other fpbe : tbattbclowpcd mapc talte bolDeonc of another. 3nbtbou Qjalt malte fpftpc buttond of jjolbe.anb couple tj)c tttr= japned togetber with the buttod:aub it aml= bconcbabitacpon. * 3nb tbou (bait make. jti. curtapned of fmm** gotedbcerctobe acoueringcUpon tbCCa» bcmacle . -^fje length of a curtapnc fl?albe Wr.cHbptcdanbtbc Webeth fourc anb the? qmibe au.jrt.of one meafurc. 3nb thou (bait * ceuple.Ucurtapncdbp them felucd , anb tbc ^ fire bv 'tbem felued.anbQjalt bonble thefpjrt inthc fo^cfrontof the tabernacle, ainb thou fbaltmafte fpftpc lowped in tbe ebgc of the tttmsft curtapnc on tbc one fpbcjciicu in the coge of ■ t i j,* t i ^ -H ^" .4 ( :- I : .:. ;i lowpetf , nub couple m coucrpnge * »««• ranSS i the length of the cwfi flggE ftthp nf titf ivtbttac von to conceit witnaii. V 3iWb»on tO ' tabcrnadetbou ChiUt MM- hen oiKrvnacoframgfBvnnc0 *W ££* 2^Zffia*oucmioftn^0f«f * ! anfirtottftait matebojbc* MM* © bt won of c ?t,n wob to ftonbe ttpg* 2n cubpte* lonsc Oiall eticrv $°#J° Vi?85 Mn&toM tbe v ajalbcfcpncateonc alltbebojbrsl of the tabernacle. 5S two SttSwct one bojbe ,fo*J>p* * be fo? ! S two fctc.3" W ""J™. 1 ? MS $bc of tlic babitacpon tl|W%lte4W.bog rirc tnTi rl fQcucttc0offpluer-.twoiocKeccc» ., 8m" one KESo two toctettc* MWft " ot ^Sc welt cube of tbebabttacyon, niait thottmaftcrmboiocjs , anb two bp*« b t acv on 3 tbc mcty ngc tOMtJWjgjgttW fvbc0 W they ffiallbc conplcD w Decbr nrfhanhlvBCWpfeabotie toarpnge. «no tR coiner*. 3nb tbc? Uirrtuc cygbt MM* • up ttt^thattbcccmapc be two fotett(0 bn* M m anb tW Walt mate barrc* of fefMn 5? ttobbSwefoJtDebojbesJ of the'Cab tnacle Kcfpbe anb Vw barrel ***$%&** ft f Te¥abVrnaclcintbe otherfpbc , .anbff SBSRBSeW* ^ tbc^abeenacle rrncialono:etDo?owctl)cmvobc0of W bo? « ffiettmoitves «&oMts, !fo,itntii(, HHHi sum ?5Sofb?aKefonbcm. otljcc u;uamtncc«. * #b Hon wait mate »***; &«*«. tare of fetblm wobb:fpuecubP' wi»> be SSaUbc foueefquare, IHM- ■NM smgH Mbtracpon accufvvnut »»••£» r:r a« it wa* foeweb the tn tbc mount. * M "£555 8W«e a baplc of tclowc fvlacTof Vurpull,fcarlet, ano wbpte twyneb tio?tbfpbc there ibalbepnaPHB^ f»»gj twentpe wctettcs [of bjaflWjb tbehnopp g anbthewbope*of fyluct. Sinbthe bjeww «r of t&e court which Wenftwnrbe , (hall baue fpftyr cubptt&lpangrnfit* of fpftenc cubp* te0 Htf one fpbe : anbtftfir})mcrsiw«DtD{«! th?e CocUcetese •• anb ipftewyfe on tbe other (pbefealbcbSajinflca of ftftcne cubitcjS witU tbetr th;e ptllersi anbtb^e focUettc^. 3nbtnthegatcoftbeeourtajalbeat)ap= |eoftwcut?>ecubttc0ofvcloweflUt,uurple, ant) f(tarlce$ wbptctwincb nine, w^onsDt wtb neblc wo^bc-9 f oure mUertf witb their fourc focBettcjl .311 theuaiersirounb about tljecourt Ojalbc wljopcb witb fpluer, 9 tbe(r bnoupejS walbeof fyltier, anbtbetr focBet= tesl or Ujaffe . ^:he lenflth oft!;c court ftaibe ** anbunbdcb cuWtcsl , anDthebjeabth fpftpe w 9 tbe hcifftb fpuc. %\\H thefiansingcsKhalbc of wjjptet wtneb fplu^anb ehctr focftcttctf of b^affc . 311 tbc tjcu*cllc0 of tbe habitation in nllniancr Ccruiccanb the ppnncg f bcrof :ycc, anb all the ppimejsalfoof the courte fljalbe ofb^afTe. . „ i%m t r « •* ^«o thou (halt commaunbe the cbttb?f m " of 3Tfrael , that thevgeue the pure ople olpue beaten f 0? the Ipsht.t pow^e allwape into the lampc-0 . 3n the tabernacle of wttneffe without the bavlc which W before the wtt= «cj5,d'aU a or anb hi* fonncs b?cflc it both « ntemng anb mo?np ng be fojethe Ho2Paron thP brother, that tbep mnpc be Vinto slo?p anb bewtpe . 2Mb thou (bait fpeabe \jnto all that arc Wife bat* tcb.anb wbomfocucr 3 hauc filleb with the fp2cteofwplbomc.tIjatthcvmaUe3laron5 rayment to conffcratcfrm with, p bemape mmpfter bnto me. ^:befe arc tbe KtnnM wbiebthepthall mahe.a b?ettlap,(iphob,a tunpcle.a ftraptc cote,a mttcr anb a spjtbcU . Wft holv sar» mentcjs (hall tDep mate fo? 3Baron tijp M* ther anb W fomtejf, that thep mate mimltce ««; bntome. 3nblcttthcmtabegoloe, pelowc m ftlb,mitple,fUarlct anb wbpte twpneb ftlb. " 'ShcpCballmaltetbeCpbobofciOlD, pclow lplBc,pnrple,fbarletanbwl)ptetwpuebfth fee witpbjobcrb wojte. %ty two fpbejS (hal come together , anb be clofeb bn in tbe two fbge0thcrof.3nbtbegp?bcUoftbe€phob rhalhc of the fame wo?mna nflhip, anb of the famiiftuffe, euen ofgoiccpclow fyllte,pm> plcluatlet anb wbpte twpneb fplHe. %nb thou Cbalt tab e two out; ft one js, a nb - » ;rauc intljem tlenametfof thccbplbicnof Jfrael:fpjte namejJ of tbem in the one ftone, anb t[)c ottjtt fyjee in the otbee ftone •. awoi* bpngeto 0* (t\> t mn 00 thctt bp^tth. 3fter t(je ^ woJljofaftoncgrnuer,anbof|jimthntgra^ ueth fignettcss wait thou graue the two ft 0= nc0 with the name* of the chtlb,?e of 3frael, anb (halt mate them to be fct in jjolbe . 3nb thou (halt put tbe two ftones b ipon the two OjoulDcrj* of the (Kphob , tl>i t they mnpc be tfoncfl of remembzaunce bnto rpecbplb^ of 3fratl . 3Cnb 3faron (hall beare their names* before the loibe bpon ftp* two (houlberjS c fo? a remem b^au ncc . 5tno thou (halt mate botes! of golhe $ two cbepncg of fync golbc: U'nUwo?Be anb wjcthcb.anb fallen the w.«= thcbcbcpnctftothcboBcj*. 3£nDthouChnltmaUethcbiicftlapofiub= gcmcntwtthhiiobcrbwo^BCjCucnaftcrthe wo^Ue of thc€pbob (rait thou mate it. na= mclp of golbcpclow fylte, purple, faarlct, anb whytc twpneb filhc.fhalttbou mate it. if ourefquare it ujalbeanb Double, an hanbe b?ebelonge,anbanhanbb?cbch?oabe.2tnb thou (halt fill it witb fourc r oweg of ftonc0. 3n tbe fir ft rowe Oialbe a ^arbton^a ^0= jm0,anb£>maragbus3:inthcfeconbrowc,a muby.^aphiranb^Diamonb-.mthethy^e ]iygurios(,an ZtW,9 3Emattft : in ^ fourth a TOcatf, ©nijcanb j[afp(0. Zntt they (hall be fct in golDe in their mclofcr0.Knb the fto= m0(halbc grauen a0 fpgncttc0 be graucn »5 the names of the cbilb^cu of 3fracl,cnc with t welnc namc0, eucrp one with hi0 name ac> co.ibpug to the f wclue tribe*. 71 110 thou ihalt mate bpon the tycffiapp n two faftenpng chepnc0of pure golhc^ wzc= w then woi .1 jCttcmotrpe* tfrobttt Utttmonns Crobtts i 1 i M 1:2 1 * r I- a- * i ment Upon Hid bert , wben be goetb into {be bjolp place fot a remcmb?nttncc before tbc KbcaUwayc. 3nb tf)ou qjaltc put (n tbe *•£*» bjtcftlappc of iubgement* &cr- fcttunanb 'fcbnnun : anb tbcp fbnlbcctumUpon aa= vontf bcrt, Wb5 be gocrtnn bef o?c tpeJLojb; anb aaron qwllbcarc tbc ittbgcmcnrof W cbtlbjcn of 3ftacl \iponUiSS bertcbefojetbe tfpbob altogether of pclowfplke. anbtber tbalbcanbolcfo? tbcbccbtntbc mpbbe* of 4battyroia bonne of woucnwo?he rounbe about tbc coin- of it ( ajS it were tfce cpller of a partiet )tbat tt vent not . 3trt> bcnctbUpon - tbcbcm , thou (halt malic pomgrnnatcgof J* pclo w fplbc anb of purple anb f narlct.tottb about tbc bcm.ano belie* of golbc betwene tbcm rounbe about : anblctttbcre be cuer a erolocu bell anb a pomgrnnate,a golbcn bell anb a pomgranntc , rounbe about tott tbc *«mmim bem of tbc tunpclc. .*3nb aaron (baUJWK it Upon biin , when be nuntirrctb.anb tpcfo « imbc ibalbe bearbe , wben be goetb into tbc boly place bef o?c tbc &o?bc, * wben be com* mctbottt.anbljc (ball not bye. .Tub tbou (bait malic a plate of pure golb, anb grauc $et on , ass fypette* arc graucn. 'Che holpncffe of tbc lo?be , anb put it on a pelow fvlUc lace to be Upon tbc mptre, eucti u uon tbe f ozefront of it. anb it (bolbe Upon aaron0fotcbccbc:tbatanronmayebearc *~ fccrtbc fprinc of tbebolptbyngc* wblcbtbe ^ ibplbwii of 3fvacl bnlowe tn all tbcp? bolpe ,^ gyftc'o.anb it (lialbc allwapcgupon bttfo* rcbccb,fo? tbe rcconcplyngeof tbcmbcfo?c the Loibe. anbtbou Cbaltmakealynncncotc, anb tbou ©alt make a mytre of IfnUf anb a git- bcllofncblcwojbe. 3Cnb tbou fbalt make fo? aaron* loimcss alfocotc0 ( gy2bcllc0anbboncttc0,glo?iou0 anb be wtpt'uil :anb tbou (bait put tbcm Upo aaron tby b?otbcr, anb on hy*fonuca Witb bar him : anb ujalt anopntc tl;cm , ttft&r fpll ^ their banbcMnbfauctifyctbem, that tbey miave mintftrc Unto me.anb tbou (bait ma* fee them Ipnncn b?ecbctfto cotter tbeir p?eiu= tmJttm tbclopne* Unto f tbtes* (ball tbcp teach- 3no tbey (balbe Upon aaron anb m * , t „•,« Jonncsf, tube tbcp come into tbe : * tabcrnac e * ««»K* of t»itnt0,o; wbentbep come Unto tbc aul- tare to mtniftcr in bolpne (te, tbat tbcp beare no finnc.anb fo bpc.3Cnb it (balbe a lat»e m cuer unto 3aron anb ttti feco after &im. CvEbe.Wijc.Cbaptcr. CC^f coiifcccatpon of aaron ano ftps ronnw. =3P!9i0 tbpng alfo (bait tbou oojm* Who tbcm ,\X3bcn tbou^balowett m to be mp p?eftejS. irbou (bait tafec a calfe, cuen a ^onge ojee , anb two rame* tbat are Witfume Wcmtq?, 3t anb Utrteuewcb b?cabe , anb mM of ttocte bicab tempcreb wttb ovle»« uw ftrt of (wet Uicab anopntcb txntb ople( of wbcteti flourc (bait tbou make tW $ put tbem in a mattbc, anb b?pngc tbf in tbc maunbe t»itb tbc calfe anb tbc two rammed 3Hnb bipnge 3aron anbbW fonncsiunto tbe boo?c of tbc tabernacle of wptneffe, anb wal&e tbem witb water , anb take tbc gar* mente&nnb put Up53taron:tbc ftrapte cote tbe tnnpcle of tbe €pbob, r tbc epbob, anb tbc bzeftlappc •■ anb gp?b tbcm to Witt ww tbe biobcceb gp^bcll wbicb tf in tbc ©pbob. Sftnb put tbe mptrc upon bW Jtafcfttit «{ bolpcrowncUpontbemptrc. Cbcntbalt tbou take tjje anopnting oplc , anb pow?c tt 26 Uponbb5beeb,anb anopntebvm.Klnb b?ing hpsi fonnrt , anb put. nlbcgupon tbcm , anb frp?btbcmw(tbgp?bfW,afwell^aron,ag m f onnc0 . 3nb put tbc mptct* on tb5, anb tbep?eaftesJ office (balbe tbcirflifo? apctpe- " 3inb tbou (bait fpll tbc banbetf of 3iatow anb of bis* fonncsf =anb b?png tbc calfcbcfoje tbc tabernacle of witness. tffen»3tt on anb *W" btsi fonncsKball put tbeir banbesi Upon tbc Bceb of tbe calf e,anb tbou (bait kpll bpm be- fore tbc ILoibc , bp tbc bo?e of tbe.tabernnclc of witucs(.3nbtakc of tbcbloub of tbeealfc anb put tt upo tbcbo?nejs of tbcaultcr witb tW tpnger:anb pow?e all tbc bloube bervbe tbc botome of tbe auitecanb take all tbe fat tbat coucrcf b ^inwarbetf > anb tbc kail tbat isSontbelpucr.anbtbetwofoibncpaanbtbe fat tbat itf Upon tbcm:anb butne tbem Upo tbc aultcr. afettt tbcflcib of t^t calfe anb bptf (Upnnc^biiSbongeftjnlttbou burned fper c wltbouttbc Ijooft. 3tb2ia fpnoffcrpng. Cbou ujalt alfo take oncram,anb3HarS anb bPJS Comic* ujalt put tbeir banbcsiupon tbc bcab of tbe ram, $ wben tbou baft flapne tbc rammc, tbou (bait take bptf bloube, ano fpnmftleft rounbe about Upotbe aulter , f cut tbe ram in pecess, anbwaaictbe imam* beg of bim Wj& leggejs, anb put tbf Unto tbc pcccjsanb Untobt* beeb : anb then butne tlie bole ram upon tbe aultcr fo? a burntof* feting Unto tbe iojibe, $ fo? a fwete fauouc anb a facrifpee unto tbe to?be. * Mtffi take tbe otber ram , anb 3aron 9 #wm bp* fonncjJflmll put tbeir banbcgUponbptf becb.'Cbcn (bait tbou kpll bpm, anb take of hy& bloubc,anb put it Upon tbe tpppe of tbc rpgbt rare of aiaron anb of \)vfi ronne&anb Upon tbe tbombe of tbeir rpgbt banbesi,anb Upo the great to of tbeir rpgbt fete* f»«pn- «fc tbe bloube Up6 t)^t aulter rounbe abouti 2Cnb tljou (bait take of tbc bloube tbat ( Upontbeaultcr,anboftbcanopntpngople, anbfp?pnkcllitUpon3nronanb bW WW- 3D tncntejs , anb Upon W fonneft anbUpon tbeir garmf tesi tf \)W . 3nb be (balbe baloweb 9 btfclotbei* W clotbciei anb W fonmtfanb tbep? ( lotbejs witb bpm. * fltuf wff.c *^ no e ^ ow (bait take tlicfatt of tbe ram * m m anb W compe, anb tbe fat tbat coueretb the ih warb eg, anb t^e kail of t^t Ipuer, anb tbe two UpbncpsJ anb tbe fat tbat lijs Upon tbem anb the tpgbte (bottlbet.:fo?ibat ram ttfa f ulloffervnge : attb a fpmncll of b?eab, anb a cake of of le b;eab , anb a wafer out of tbc bafkette of fwete bjcabe tbat tt before tU io?be, anb putt all upon tbe banbetf of 2{a= ron , anb on tbc bnnbess of bp?J fonnejs : anb wane tbem f 0? a waueotferpnge before t^z 5,o?be. 3nb agapnc.tbou (bait take it from of tbeir banbejS , anb butne it Upon tbc aul- ter fo?a burntoffcringe , to be a fauoure of fwetnetfbefoje t^t lo?be.^o?iti0afaerif(= ©ce Unto tbc lojtbe. *.Ecu<.DW.f *%nn tbou fbalttaketbcbjcft of tbe ram of 3aronsiconfccracpon , anb watte ttfoja wattcoflecing before t\)t t o^be.anb it (balbe tbP parte . 3tnb tbou (bait fanctifpc t|)e b?e ft of tbewaueoffering:anbtbe(bouloerof tbc bcttcofferpng wbicb tt waueb anb bcttcb Up of tberam ot tbc cofccracpon fo? 3Baron ano fo?bttfouncj3i.3no(tlbnlbc3arotttanbbtt f onnetf bp a ftatttte fo? eucr. of tbe cbplb?c of 3fracl:f 0? it ttf an bcucofferittg.ettcn an bc= tteoffcrpng of tbc cbplb?cn of Staff, anb of tbeir pcaceoffcr (tig ejs. ^beir bctteolferin ge tf tt tbc 3io?bc0 . anb tbe bolpgamte ntejsof . 3aron (balbe btt fonne^aftcr bim,to be an- il opntcbtbcrtn, anb to fpll tbeir banbejjtbet* in. 3!nbtbatfonnctbati0p?cnftin bttft cab after bim,u>all put tlje on fcucn bapcjS: wben becontmetb into tbc tabernacle of witnes to mtnpftet in tbc boip place. #Mum* * 3nb tbou (bait take tbe ram of t[jccon= fecracpon.anbfetbbttfteujittan bolpplace. anb aaron anb btt tonnes! (ball catc i> fic(b of m tarn , anb tbcb?cab tbat 10 (n tbc bar- bctseuS bp tbe bo?c of tbe tabernacle of wit* 3f ue0.anbtbep(ballcatetbem,bccaufetbc at- onementwajS mnbctberwitb, to fpll thvi fi banbc0,ftoconfecratctlje:btit^3?aftraun= v? get (balnot entctbcrof.bccaitfctbcparebo* lp. anb pfottgbt of tbeflctb of tbc confecta- cpon 0? of tl;e b?cab remnpne Unto t\)c tno?= tipnge , tbou fbaltbttrnc it witb fper , anb it (ball notbeeatcn.becaufcitttbolp. -$bcr» fo?e (bait tbou bo Unto aaron anb bttfon« nc0,enen fo, acco?b(ngtoall tljingexi wbicb 3 baue commnttubeb tbe:fetten bape0ft)altc tbou fpll tbeir banbetf , anb offer cuerpbapc a calfe fo? a fpnncofferpngc , f 0? to reconcple witball:tbat tbou mayeft clenCe tbc attltarc Wben tbou reconcpieft Upo it.anb tbou (bait anopnteit,to(anctifpit.$)cucn bape^tbou gjait reconcple Upon tbe aultcr , anb fanct (* fpctt.anbtt (balbe a0 an aulter mooft bo- Ipe . encrp one tbat touebctb tbe a inter , ictt. bpmbebolp. ilo :.a, ^'©btttttbatwbtcbtboufbalt offer Upo (5 tm aulteretten two UEbest of onepeare oliie. *m,wt oape bp bape continuallp.tbe one tbou ft^alt offer ffttbemo?npng,nnbtbeotberatcuen.' anb wttb the one labe a tentb bealc of flour mpngieb witb tbe fourtb parte of anbpn of beaten ople, anb tbc fourtb part of an bin of wpiie,fo?ab?pnckofferpnge.anbtbeotbct: lambetbou(baltofferateiien,anb(baitbo tbetfoncco?bpitge totbe meatoffcrpnganb b?pnckofferpnge in the mo?npnge , to be an oboure of a fwete fauoure anb a fofcifpce Unto tlje Lo?be. anb let tbtt be a continual! butntoffctpngc amonge poure ebplbzen af - terpou , befo?c tbe bo?e of tbe tabernacle ot" wttnefle before tbe lo?bc, wberc * 3 wvll * t«*.u mctcpou.torpeakctbeteuntotbf.'eberi l jsmswm wpjl mnc witb tl)c cbplb?ctt of 3fraci , a rtb wpllbeRinctifpcbtnmpncbonoitrc . anb 3 wpll fancfifpe t\)e tabernacle of wit nea anb tbc aulter. anb 3 wpll ranctirpe alfoboti; aaronanbbp0fonnc0tobcmpp2crtfte0. anb 3 wpli+bwell amonge m cbpltaeu of 3frael.ano wtllbctbcir 0oD.3iib tbep (ball SSf'fff* fenowetbat3amtbc io?be tbeir 00b, tbat "**"*** brought tbcm outc of tbelaubcof egpptc. fo? to b well amongetbem : eucn 3 tDc io?b tbcp? 00b. CSTbcrjcccbapter. «T mtwattc of ruccnrc.ar.jc b;afm Uuct. arijcaiiopmpiiBcopie. I &ti tbou qjait make an alter to ~ Iburneiucenfe: of fctbim wobbe * (bait tbou make it, a cubite log ;anbacubiteb?oabe:euenfoutc filttarc (ball it beanb two cubi- te0bpc.tbebo?ne0tberofiball p?occbcoutoftt, anb tbou foalt ottcrlapett witb fpncgolbe.botb tbe roffeanb the wal- le0rounbabout 1 aitbbP0bo?ne0airo,tKbait make Unto tta ceo wnc of golbe rouo about anb two golbcn rpngetf on eptber fPbc: ettcu Unber tbe crowne, tbat tbcp map be a0 pia- cc0fo?tbebarre0tobcarcitwituall.anbp (bait make tlje barrel of fctbim wobb , anb cotter tbem witbgolbe- anb tbouataitptttt tt bcfo?c tbe Uaple,£tt bp tbe arcke of wtt= neffe, bcfo?c the mcrtp fcate tbat tt Upon tbe witnc0, wberc 3 wpll mete the. anb aaron (ball bttrttc tbcron fwete fa* cenreeuccpmo?npitge, wbcnbeb?elTctbtbe 25 Iampc0,cuen then ajall be bttnte it:attb tpke wpfeat cttcn, wben be fettctb Up tbc lampcjS bcibaUburnctnccnfc: anb tbps: incenfpugc ibalbcpcrpctuallpbefo?c tbc to?bc tbo:ow out poure generacpottt. ^cQjallputtno* * rta(rit llraimgc (neenfe tbcron , burnt facrtfpec ot ****** meatcoffctpnge,ncptbcrpow?canpbriuck> off eringe tbcron. anb aaron (ball reconcile Upon tbc bo?* netfofttonccinapcarc-.tritbcbloubcoftbe iynncoffcrynge of reconcplpnge : eucn onc& c ij in th? £etemon?c# txtmsi .tag: * r f tbou Htt the wn»«w * gJSSi otcn of mmmt their «owJjMMg«« bjC.rtU.B tpngopletmtome,tbo2owout$o WW** tarpon* . »pon mam* flcOjcOjaUititot be X2cb:ncpVfcac^lvhcmocb:a"Dmaftcoftnem Ovete fmcllpng inccnfcaftcrtftc craft of the apotiwtvc.mvnsUDtoficttJtyurcanW' ip. 3nb bcotc tt to nowbjc aim put rtftjj- foe the witnrti in the tabernacle of wttnetf, wberc 3 W« me* t* . 3t0>albc tmto job mfohoVaubfttb^ma^m^ thentakyng MW> 3^ w WfiSHft I Ipfoi tbe loibe. tftt&ofoenct waUmake like too tbat%o mtef tber to^allperpO) from amongchpss people. CSbe-WJCi-Cbaptet. €?omts, tfojtfb; c 1 * CJO.TI.^. : t 1 1 r ■! I * t c,^nfK JSUjii fpelc itf twentye halfpence .an Jam vat *" no flialbe the hcucofferpnge of tbe 1020c . *u tnatamimWco fromtwentpc peart olbe Sc . mallflencanjeneoftoig **J the *«**. ^bcrycbefeaiim «£****> poojc fltml not 50 Wee balfc **<}*£"$* frail gene an hcucoffcrmge Wtto f£M& that be tnapc banc mtrcp npon pour bull*. StbonftalttaBcttoteeomjpmjm^ of the c'hiUuen of Sfcacl, «" S^Ptf Jft 1 1 J e 4 of toe tabernacle of wtne»»tjaj itiwcbcamemo^ialUntotbe cbilb?enof •jfrrtci Won tbe toibe , tbat bemope baue ,,,f fflbS tag : * tbou malt make a Urate of toaflr ,anb Dig fore alfo of bzaflc to wathc witbal 1, ,* no Salt putt it betwene tbe tabernacle : f wit- m0,ani)tbcanltcr:anbputaatcrtbern. 5fo aaeonanblrtnfonne^maliwfttjgj hniiD(Sanbtbcpjfetctl)erin:cucntx)b^tbcp go mo to tabernacle of witneffe, o> wfteti tbepgo into tbcanltcr tommyttce anbto SSfni im* offering tbep ftmll waft tbcm fclucjs uiitb watct.left tbepbpe . anb It fcalbe an oaMnouncc Mfttfrm f M = ener , iotb^ntobimanobiisfctbtbojowouttbcie SCn anMb?lo?bcfpakc\)nto mtt, fay tag : «ate bnto tbe PAnt^SK e i : 52K moil pure mpjrc fpue bubicb Helen", of fWctc cpnamon Half c fo mocbc enen two bttnbjcb ano fpfttefpclc0:of ftwetc calamu^ two bu- Weoanbfpftpe.fl)fcaffia,ewobttnDjeoanD fpfew,afteetmDolpfl^.anoofo^lpfc . fc . ah anbin.*3nbtboumaltmafeeoftl)coplean * * mMU holy opntmit, enen an oyntment eompjuje after tbe erafte of tbe ^^"^E'Bff?" wait nopnte the tabctnacle of witnes thct» KSSnjeaecttof Witney aipttejibte, anoaUbWappaecll:anbtbeeanbemtcn,anj a I m awaecllranb tbe nnltee ftMMM tbe aStei -of bnrntfacrifice MA all W*g fela ,* tbe laucr anb W f ote. anb tbou ftalt fancttfpetbcm , tbattbepmapc bemoftboj lp:fo tb.it no man toucbe tbcm.but tmtW lk baloweb. anb tbou (bait anopnte aaton anb bi» fonnes(,ano confecratc tbcm , V eP«P mape mpniftre wito me. SSon malt fneabe\)ntotpe cbtlmett S5,of3reael,faptafie:WjJmalbeanDolpopn- ma ' Vbs *abbat^ it rommauitMft. I»)t(abl»a of Done • are gcuen m o f ». i$J ' favtagesbebolbe, * 3 bane % f onne of TO, tlje fonne offeue oftbetepbeof^nM-anjaJa. uefpllebbpmm Q)?eteo!^ 00 > *« mMk ta*wn»ome%bfSa«nri^,tel^ uoge Itaallnianer wo?be, to^outfotlc fratei «to wo2Ueingolbe,rpluer5b?awc : •2 ta tb c ceafte 1 ^0 fett ttones , anb to car ne fSb?e.anbtowwtetaaUmanerwph- inanmw SS Wlbe,3 bane gene n bpm S be btt efiStrion abaliab tbe (onne of ai;i fSmatl f ri % Wbt of Dan , anb in tbe bcr; S all that arc wpfe baeeeb , 3 Dauc putt wpK&eaitbai^e^nmnn,^ ncD tbe.tbe tabernac e of witnesl, tbe arcft of » . 5iS a ib tbe mercv Kate tbatitftbceupfi: the table anb W ojnamentrt Is anb tbe pu « !Kl«tk«irtaU^appattU,anbtbeaul- tee of incen0:antJ tbe nutter oftonentoftetn- nctf an? all W ^ Bttel, anb tbe tenet wub Efote.^eWtentomtmftrcta^ tbcbolpepementen f« aaron tbe weatte, anbWgaemente^ofbWtoinuj^m^ in.ano tbeanopntpng ople: jubfwttccenfe f 02 tbe fanctuarp.accozbmg to all tbat 3 ba= uc commannbeb tbe mall tbep bo« 3nb tbe loibc (pake Unto %)ofc0 » »P* taat,*begancbim two tabled ofwitncci: ^^ men tables of {tone , W2ptten witbO^" tbe fpngeeofd^ob. C'&Dc.MJjrii.Ctwptcr. (LSfic solDcn ealfe.iSofca p;apct|> fo? tt)f.&eb;ra; Hc(l)tb.ffablc8fo>aiigct. J&t cb.po«b Oaton . X$t pbolattCB ate Oapne. 0D wben tbe people fawc, tba^ pt wajsi longc 02 «)ores( came bowne out of m monntapne, tbep gatbjcbtbem fcluesitoge= tber tjnto 2taeon,anb fapb bit- tobpm: *tip,manebtf gobDesi togobefo2e\3Sf:fo2oftbW a?ofe0 c^felowe tbat b2 ought bjs out of tbclanoc of egppt) we wotcnot wbat W become; mm*w l«b aaton fapbe Wito them : * plitcltc of tbe golben carpngejS wbicb ace ta tbe ca- rcgbfpottrwpuc&vourfonnesUnoofyour naugbtcrs(:anbb2png tbem^ntome. anb all tbe people pluckeb of tbe golben caryn- gesi, wbicb tbep bab i tbepjtcare*,? bjougbt *orai cb« c tbcm bnto aaron. anb &e*receancb tbem P oftbeirbanbcs.anbraffponcbitwitbagra-- uee.anb mabc of ita calf e of molten metal!. *HM*if4 a no tbep fapbe: * Ibefe be tbp gobbed O 3fracl, wbicb bjougbt the onte of tbe lanbc ofegipt. . . «, anb wbenaaton fawc tbat,bc mabean 25 aultare bcfojcit.anb aaron crpeb,rapingc : to mo2ou)ets( tbe bolp bape of pito2bc. anb tljcp rofe \jp in tbe moinpng,* offrcb buent» offceingcjS.anb b2ougbt pcaccoffcringesial= fo.*aubtl)cpcoplcfattbembownctoeatc anb bipncfcr.anb rofe t)p agapne to plape. ■MM** anb^Ho2befapbbntoa)ofc^:*go, teft out of tbelanbeofCgipt, banc marrcb all, tbep are turncoat once out of tbe wape, mta cm c » ^ 3 commaubcbtljem : ^fo? tbep Jane ue wotlbpppeb it , anb haue offerebtbercto, fapingc : Ubefe be tbP gobbejs, flD3ftacl, wbicb twtbb20ugbt tbe outeof tbe lanbc of £g(pt3nb tbe tojbc fapbe fapb bnto a)o- w tjffi»i%% bane fenetDijSpcoplc:anbbcholbc,it * i.coj.T.b Waftpffnecbebpeople^nbnowefuffeemr, tbat mp W2atb map ware bote agapuft toe", anb confumetbem : anb3 wpllmaUe of tbe a migbtpe people. anb 4Qofe0 be fought t\)t H02O b<# lo2be ^wbp boetbtbP wiatb ware botcagapnft tbppeople, wbicb tbou baft b2ougbt outeof tbe lanbc of (ggiptctf geeate powceanb witb a migbtpe hunbe.' *mberfo2emulbetbe€gipcpSS fpeakc anb *mmi.*. fape: St 02 a mpfchefe ^ be b?png them out enen fo2 to flep tbem in t\^t moiitapncg, anb to confumetbem from tbe face of the earth.'' 'EurnefromtbP fearce W2atb , anb» tuenc ^ feomtbpnetielU beupfeb ) agapuft tbppco^ d pie. Iacm5b2eab2al;am , 3faac anb 3(rael tbpferuaunte0,to wbomtbou fmareftebp tbpneowne felfe.anbfapbeftcbnto tbem: * 3 wpll multiplpe pour fcebe as t\)c ftarrejs JJSS £ ofbeue!i,anballtlji0lanbetbat3baucfpo> ben of, wpll 3 geue Wito pour fecb:anb tljcp mall enbetet it for cuer. Znh p 102b refcap* nco bim felfe fro that euell i* wbicb be fapb be wolbebo tinto bp^pcople. anb a?orctfturueDhp!$backc, anb went bowne from t\n\)vll, anb tbe * two tabled * en-m* of ujitneffe were in ty$ banbe: anb tbe fame tabled were written on botb the leaned, a no were tbe wo2cbe of 0oo,anb t^t wiptpngc wag the wiptpng of (5ob granen in tbe ta = blejai. anb wben 3 of ua bear be tbe nopfcof tb£ people, ajs tbep mowteb, be fapbe Dnto &)ofe#: tljcre i0 a nopfe of uwrre in tbe boft. Snb be anfwereb : ttfsl not tU crpe of tbcm ■ tbat banc fbe maftrp, no2 of them tbat bane tbe woife : but 3 bobearethenopejs of tbcm thatfyngc. anbttfo2tuneb , afTooneniB! be came npc « Wito t\)t hooftc ,|jefawe t^t calfe anb tbe < ~ baunfpngc, anb a)ofej3w2atbwareb bote, nub be caft tbe tablifi out of \)i& banbtMnb btakethem benetbtbebpll. *anbbetokc tbe calfe wbicb t\)tv bab mabc , anb bnrucb it in tbe f per, anbftamptcitbnto powber, anb ftravoebit tn the water , anb mabc tbe cbylb2cn of 3fracl bjtynckc of it.anb ^ofesl fapbe bnto aaron: wljat bpb thpsi people \3ntotbe.tbattboubaftb2ougbtfogreatea fpnnebpontbcm.'' anb aaron anfwereb: let not tbe w:ath ofmyLo2bc ware fearce, tbou ftnoweft ti;c people tbat tbep arc enen fett on mpfebefc.- # 02 tbep fapbe \jnto me : make bjs gobbed to go bcfo2cbsJ, f 02 we wote not what i& be comeof&)ofetf,tbcfclowcthatbionghtM out of tbe lanbc of egiptc . anb 3 fapb bn= to tlje.O^ 4 let tJ)cm tbat bauegoloc pluck it *&% of , anb b2tng it in e: a n b 3 caft it into tbe ficr : anb tbcrof ca:mc out tbptf calfe. ■^ofeiaitberf 02c fawc tbat tbe people were # nakeb('anbtbataaronbabmabetbcmna= Uebnnto tliepimame»»ctitMt\e -^»!_ CfrC qolfttft v tfttoM Calft jEetemo'nfejg; €robttj, rfo.rvrbj; cncmpeiS) anbbeweutamj ftotoem tbe gate tomotbc to?bc,ict bimcome tome.anbnU tbe fonncgof lcul oatDcriWjcw W«f£t0 3 tljcm: iCtMisS fait-ft tbe um W onilrafl: put entry man bigfwearb bpbig n»t>e , J go in anb out.from gate to itftc tbo?owouttbc boofteuwb Qcpe car rv MHMMMI bltfpf MID enwp man bpg companpon , any i em* pman iilvta *»0ftS bob fapbe. atibt&ctc fell oftbcproplctbclamcbapcabput.u^.mf. anb **)ofrg fapbc : fy ll pour banbeg tonto p lo?bc tbig bape.cucrpman topon bygfonne an6 topon Disfb;citDcr.oim tbattbermayebe piten yott a bletung tbig oape. €> anb on tbcmo?owcitfo?tuncb £«)o* fr "ouittl9o?eb. ano AoflnH toUe tbe tabctnacle,atib mt- 20 cbcb it txritboute tbe booftc a f arte of from tbe&oofcanbcallcb (t tbe tabernacle of Wfa next . 3nb fo it came to paffc , tbat euerp one wbicbwolbe pwpc«ntotbelo?be, wente outtontotbetabcrnacleofujptnelte.wWcD t»atfu»ltbouttbc boofte . ano it fojtuncb, tbatwbcn a)ofeid went out tonto tfyerautr* nacle.all tlje people rofe top: ano ftobe eiietp man at W tentebo^e : ano lobcb after a)o- fcjs, tontpll be WMl gone info tbe tabernacle 3nb aiTooneaiS tftWetf watf cntreb info tbe tabcrnacie.tbe clo'tobp pdlcr befccnbeb.anb ftobe at tbeboojeof tbe tabernacle, anb be talkeb txjttb^oleid.^nb all tbe people fatxi tbe clowbpppUcr ftanbeat tbe tabernacled bo?e,anb tbep rofe top.anb wo^ftjippcb eue= rpmantnpisitenteboie. 3nbHo?bfpalie tonto »a?ofc8i*^arfa= T*i tctoface, a^amiirpeaBetbtontobWfrfnbe: *fimm anb be turncb agapnc into £booft.$2p ^ttD «&$ tbe cpplbe 3oma bpia feruauntc tbe fonne of ^ mm , bepartebnotouteof tbe tabernacle: * 3 no a)ofc!3 fapbc tonto tlje lo?oe .• fe, tbou faptft tonto me : leabetbtf people fo?tb,anb tbou baft not tbctojeb me wbom tbou VMplfe • fenbe UJttb me.3nb tbou baft lapbe tnojeo= ucr:3ftnou)c tbe bpname.anb tbou baft al a fo f ounbe grace in mp fpgbt.jaowe tberfoje pf 3 baucrounbefauourr intbp fpgDf.tben ftctocmetbPUJape, tbat3»»apcltno\x)ep, anb tbat 3 may e f pnbe grace in tbp fpgbf e- 2enbconfpbcralfo,tbattbPSfnacponijstbV people ; 3Cnb be fapbc:mp p?cfencc (ball go tiutb tbe:anb 3 wpl gene tlie reft . I?e fapbc tonto bPin -. t>f tbp p?cfence go not tottb me, carpe too not bc"ce:f oj Ijotooc fliall it be Unotoe licre , tbat 3 anb tbp people Ijaue f ounbe fa= uoure in tbp fpgbf, but in tbat tbou goeft to totf Pf tbou go txu tb to*, (hall not 3 anb tbp people bauepicempnencc before all tbe pco« pie tbat a*e topon tbe face of tbe cartb i 3tnb tl;e mm fapbc tonto ^ofe&3 Wffl W W alfo tbat tbou baft lapte.fo? tbou baftfo- unbe grace in mp fpgbte, anbSUnowetpe bpname. %\\W fiipbe:3bcfccbtbe,fbctt)cmetbP !© glojpe . anb be fapbc: 3 wpllmakc allmp goob go before t^s ', anb 3 topll be callcb in tbuinameof tbe lojbc before tbe *anb will xmm& (fiewcmcrcptoto)bont*3to3pU(bet»euur= +woma ,(, < . cpe, ano tupii bane compaffpon on wbom 3 tBpllbauccompairion.3nobefapbfurtbcr^ mo?e:jJmapft not femp face :fo?*^rtDcre -^* (hall no man feme, aim Ipue. Wi,, 2Hnb tbe Lojbe fapbe : bebolbc , tberc ilia JJJjjSt placebp mc,$ t,bou(balt ftonbetoponarocft: 3io^n.».c anb tabplemp glojp goctb fo?t|),3 will J)ut tU in a clpft of tbe roritumb v>v\l put mpne bonbe Itfbe topotbe,t»l)ple 3pa(Te bp»anb 3 tapll tabe awape mpnejwnbe,? tbou (bait fe mp baca parcejstbut mp face tyftll notjbe fene. Ctbe.WjciiJ.Cbopter. fLWlttdbUe ate ttnMQ.S^cmniy of ©00.2:0 ija;. ue reIota)tbp.pp \t>iti) tbe <5cnipies it fo; bpnoeii : anb . (bep;pbolflttreairo,d)[tbcp;fcalte0. * a Dtutc.r-a. $b tyt io^befapbe tonto«)o- m ■. * be we t^c two tabled of ft one Ipfte tonto tbe fpjtt,anb<3 will wjite topon tbem tbe wo? - beg tbat wer c in tbe f ir ft tabled wbicb tl)ou tyafteft.anb be rca-. t^ in tbe mo?npnge, tbat tbou mapeft come top eurlp tonto tbe mount;of$>tuoi:anoftc?D tbcre witb me in' ( tbe top of tbe mout. *3Tbere ©all no man come top xb tty> ncptljcr let anp man be fene tbo?owou t all t^z mount, nep* tber let u>epe no? o^en f ebe before tbe ty\\. anb #offtl beweb twotablcjs of (tone ipat tonto tbe fp?ft, ano rofe top earlp in tbe mojnpnge, anb went top tonto tbe mount of ' £b(naf ,a£f be lo?bebab commaunbebbpm: anb touc in W ^nnt tbe two tabic** of fto« ne . anb tbe Hojbe befcenbeb in tbe clo wbe, anb ftobe witl) jjpm tberc: anbbecalleb topo tbe name of tbe lo?be. anb wben t\)t Ho? b wal»ebbcfo?cbim,becrpeb,l,o?be*l,o?bc m.vmu (5obimercpfuU anb gracpouxs.logCufferiug, ^abountiautingoobneiSftructb.^Reppng merepe in fto?e fo?tbou(anbejs, fojgcupngc wtUcbnejS, tongoblpnc0$ tymt#»*&rm& & f^» leaupngeoiic innocent, toifptpngctbewpc* Ucbnes( of tbe fatberg topon tbe cbilb?en anb topon cbilb2engcbilb?cii,eueri tonto tbe t^UXi anb f ourtb generacpon. anb Wofciei boweb iim f elf c totbe cattbcinpchlp,anb^wo?Cb(p« peb , anb fapbc s 3f 3 bauef ounbe grace in tbp fpgbt C a) tojioc) tbenlctfrmp lo?be go td tog :-io?it i)3a ftubbucne people, anb tbou Cbalt baue mercp topon ourc wpcurbncg anb uce fpnne, anb foolttafectoisfojt&pne en* becitauncc. |)e fapbe: bcbolbe, 3 mane an appopntmf t 36 before alltOppeopie.anb 3 willbo^ymar- $3- implies*: foci) a# ijauenot bene b one tn all tbe wo?lbe,ncptbtr in alinaeponsi. anb all tbe people amonge wbiel) tbou art , (ball fe tbt t9b>Ke of t|)e lo?be :&r fo? it it a terrpble O^y tDpuje tDat3 wpUbo tortj) t&e :i«pe tDofe jttcrHn.o • # ' tbingejE(tl)at3commaunbctbetbpgbape; 2U5ebolb,3ca(t outbefo?e tDt t\)t amo?iteg, Canaanitesi, fyetbitea, J&()ere?(tcg, lf)cup» te0anb3ebufitesf.* , a:aRebebetotbpfclfe, * £>tu.u babitetgof tbe lanbe, anb tbep goo a wbo* ring after t\)m gobbca, anb bo (acrificc ton- to tpep?gobbe0, t^tv call tbe, anb tbou cate oftbepMacriftce:$tboutaUeoftbetrbaugb ; tcrgtontotbp fonncg , anb tbep? baugbtcrg go a wbo?ingc after tbep? gobbctf, anb ma* Ue t))v f onnejs go a tobo?(ng after tbeir gob= beg alfo. r 1S:boti (bait maae tbe nogobbeg of me= % t0 nf b tall, ^bc^fcafte of IWcteb?eab (bait tbou ano.rtitj.b bepe.^eucn bapeg tbou (bait eatc tonleueit= Itt) bjcab , ag 3 commaunbeb t\)t in t\^t tp= me of t\)t monetb, wben co?ne bcgpnnetb to rppe . # 0? in the monetb wben co?nc begpn= netbto ripctbou cameft out of (figtpt. *ail * : ^ r r ° r ^'h '*' tbat b?eaaetb too tbematcpee igmpnc:anb Sm-Vbio-c alltbatbzeaBetDtbemaetpceamogetbyca: tell, pf it be male: wbetber it be ojee 0? Ojepe. 28ut tbe tp?ft of tbe afff tbou ftalt bye out io alambe.anbpftbourebemebpmnot.tbou (bait b?caljc bpg necit.ail tbe fp?ftbo?iic of tbpfonneg (bait tbou rebeme. *'4nb fe tl)at n ..... h no man appcare befo?e me emptp. c-?:ie.'rrrb:a * $)PJtre bapeg tbou (bait wo?ttc,anb in f ¥f* K - m *' feuentb bW tbou Qjnlt reft , botlje from ea* * tvOrr0 - rpng anb reaping. ^'Sbou (bait obferue tl;c * cr.ruu.c. fcaftofwcBcgwttbtbpfp?(rft:utcgofwbct bcr ucft, anb tbe fcaft of ingatberpnge a t tlje peareg enbe.^l^yfc in a penre (ball all pour mcngcrjtlb?cn appcare befo?etbelo!be3e= boua<5obof3frael; ttaban3caftouttuc naciong befo?e tbcanb enlarge tbp coaftcg: fo. tbat no man (ball bcrp?c t^ lanbe , tbou ujaltgo top to appcare befo?e tlje to?bc tljp (£ob,tbrpieintbcpcarc. ^, ^^bouftjaltnot offrc tbe bloubc of m\^ JJ ro mi c facn'f pec topon leuen , neptber fljall ougbt of vm.mu'. tbefacrif pee of tbe feafte of iBalfcouer be left tonto tbe mo?npng. *^Tbefp?ftrppc ftutcg *ero.n(u.c of tbp laiibc tbou (bait b?png tonto tlje boufc oftbc lo?btbp0ob.anb i)ujaitnot*fctbe *cco.r.r,«.c a kvito in bpgmot berg mplftc. 3ub t\it Jlo?be fapbc tonto 4t)ofcg: wzptc tbefc wo?bcg : fo? after tbe teuourc of tbcfc wo?bcg3bauemabea coucnaunt witb tbe anb witb Jfrael. * anbbewagtljerewptb *wwflw* tbe JLo?bcfourtpc bapeg anb fourtpenpgb= tcg,anb nyn neptber cate b?eab net b?pnc!te water. * anb ^e w?otc topon tlje tableg tbe *»«,,, r . wo?bcgoftljecoHenaimf,eucntcntoerfcg. * * eiil) anbit it u I p t t J J. ^1 .1 Cettmonvc0 etotms p t ^ \ a ni) it f opuneft, wbW arcs* came J ow = nt fro mount &inai, tbc two tablcfl of wtt- M0wcrcin&)ofc0baXwbf became bow* iic from tlje mount. ftm WflW t»pft not that tbc fhpnnc of tHtffflccfoonc in mancr of an Oojnc , wbvlc be tnlUcD B)§in. 3 no 3aronanD all the epojen of 31rael logj topott &?ofc0:anb ucbolbc, tbe fftpnne «P* r>crfacct^rmone,«tbcPWcrcnfrapcDtocome W btai. 3E» D witf WW* wllc0 W » ^ ac6 * n 11 tDc cftcft ffott were (u the company came \mtb &im ,nno ttjofc* talkcD witb tfttm. 3tuDnften»ar0.aH tDccWWciioflftjc! came npc,* be comaunbeb tbcm all ran toe ioiD bab fapbc "unto ljptn in mount mm. ann whan ii^ofco bab mabe an enbe of co -■ ii.coj.ua ittcMitfi witl) t&c\ *hcputacoucrpntj\)poii m fate. 3nbagapnc,wban &)ofc0 wtnttii < 11.C1M.W.C jjf foir p* Lojd to fpcalic u> Dim, *qc tone tpc coumngof\mtMljecamcout.Sinbbccamc onMttD fpaUc \mt0thccbiltj2cn tf 3frac ip iDbichI)ewfl8!c6mntui0c0.3notUccbiMveit of tfracl fowc tDc face of agoB , flat tbe f.ioriJJpnt t accoutring "upon Dig faccngapnc,Vntulbc went in. to comen witb him. Cl£hc.;c-jn;U€baptcr. CSV &abbatb.*bt fp>« ftuttt ate iw»tt rccpnw of tbc people to offer. Sealed anb abaliab ate pjarCco of eaoto.aub fet to toojKe. si #b a)ofc0 gatbereb all tbc co^ panp of tbc ci)i ■xcio.jhb \\ \ gctljcr.anb fap ^ntoW-.trjcfc nre tbe wo?bc0 Which ttjc Lojb hath comaunbcD that pc miilbc Do tficm: * Sfcttc Ocivcst vc 0)all llWbt :bntti)cfcucntbMVC Cfcnlbettiro vou the bolpc &abbatb of tlje lozbetf rcftr: robot'ocucrbotbianpwojuethcrin.t&allbic. Pc (baliwole no fiec tljoiowoutall ponce tiaWtaeionutipontbe &abbatb&ape. 2tnb a)otc0fpaket)ntonlUhemultitube .»,«.«. «* . of tl)c ct)ilD?cn of 3fracl faping: *tf>itf isf tljc *ero.r*.. wi j jgjj^^, lwWC fiinaunlieD, toying: ^,iUcfromamongpouanbeucoffcnug^u=> tat toibe.CJllboroeucr is( of a wiluughcrt, lc t Otm birnfi it f o* the heucoftrpnge of the ioiDc. Bamclv golb,fplucr onbbi mongpou.comc anbmauenll that tbe fo?b natbeommaunbebstbehabitacpon witb the tenttberof anb htfcoucrpng, uhp0i:pngc0, nnblji0 bojbc*. hi0bnrre0, mtftexfM m0fochette0:the arcbanbtbe aaucjstpcrot, witb tbe merevfeate anb t&tUa vie tbat co- ncretb it-.tbt table mtoW barrel ano all tyfi *beu"cW:anb t|jc Cbcwcbjeb-.tljc canbclff ick of Ipgbt anb W appar ell anb bit lampcjS witb m oplc fo^ tbe ligbt:tbc tm* aultar anb W barrcjX:tbeanoj>ntinff ople $ tbefwetecensi: anb tbc banjjpua of tfjc bo;e at tbe cntrvns In of tbc tabernacle s tbe aultar of burnt fa= crif pee witb bts bjjafen flrebiten, m mms, anb all W tocfleltf: £ laucr anD W f ote.- ano tbcbanavngttf oftpc court witb bWpyUcttf anb t\)tit rocbettest , anb tbe bangvnfl «» tbe bo*e of tbccourt:tbc ppunesi of tbc baoitacto anb tbc M of tbc court n5 tbeir coarbcj: tbc minpftrina mmiM to minpOre in tbe Ijolp placc:anb tbc bolp \)cfttm5tcs{ mmto tbe pieaft.anb tbe DcftimctejS of bWfonnctf, tbattbepmayctmnpftrebim. 3nbnlltb«ompanpe of tbc d) Wen of c 3fracl bepartcb fratbe pretence of anD caringc^,rin= ffcsanbcbapuctf.wljicbicweiswrreallof golbe:«all f men bjousbtnwaueofferpng of golbeMntotbc io^f »0 cuerpna,witb wbomwajSfounbevelowfplU,purple,fcar- let, wbpte fplb, anb goategljearrcaub ecbp fftpnntsf of ramjJ 9 taicu* fapnnesJ , b^iougbt tbcm . ail tbat bpb bene tyJ an oblac m 1 of golbe anb bzaffe , anbb^ongbtan bcucotfe- rtngVjntotbc Lo^c3nb ail men witb wbo txjii^ founo fctbim wob foz anp mane* wo?« he of tbe minl(lcacpon,b?ongbt it. u flub all tbe womttttbat were wpfebec mm rppnnc wttbtbcv^notft anobjo* ugbt tbefpoiine wo?bc botb of pelow fplue, purple, rcarlctaiiibwbvtefplB. Sfinballtr.. wemen wbom tbeir awnc bcrt moueo, ^ . goatcBbearrewifclp.Klnbp Lo?beb?ongbt * onijc a-oncis , 5 ftoncsJ to be fet in tbe epbob, anb in tbe b.icttiappr.anb fppce ano ople fo? iVfibt anb foj tbe anopntiug ople anb fo? m ftBctcccnsl.^nb?cbilD?cnof3ftaelb?ougbt awillpngoffcrpngtmtotbeiLo?be,botbme anb wemen: asi manp as( bab willing bertetf tob^vngc-fOMll mancr wojBCtfwbicb tbc lo^be bab commaunbeb to be mabe , bp tlje Daubed of ajofcsJ. 3tnb a)ofcjS fapbc \)nto tbc cfy>ltycnof 3fracl : bcbolbe , *tbc Lo«ibebatbcallebbv * ^.m- name s&c^alccltbe tonne of (uritbc fonne of iBur of tbc trpbc of jtiba, fj batb fpllcb bpm witb tbe fp^etc of (0ob,inwinjome anb \)n= bcrft5bing,tn hnowlebge, anb in allmanec wo^ncto fpnbc out curious* wo?«e^ wbicb arc mabe in golbe, fplucr anb bjaOe . 311 tbc crafte of ftones8tofettbem:anbin carupngc . of wobb to maa c anp ma tier of f tie wo?ke . 3nbbc Clie tabernacle, €jtob«0» 3a !*w.Frri.* &r 3Bnbbe batbputtn buatbartefrtHbat be map teacbe; botlilje anb 3Bbo«ab tbe Tonne of atbi 3 famacb of tbe trpbc of SDnn . %tym batb be fpllcb witbwpibomeofbertctowodne all tnaner of grnuen,ano fotle,anb neble wojlte in pelo we fplbe, anb purple , in fcaclct , anb wbpfcfpllte, nnb in weupnge.^nb to bo all mancr of wo?He anb fotle featetf. Cw*IVW Cbaptcr. . Cff!) e tljpiigea tbat isrraleet aim ab as Jab mabr. 0b *?6c?aleel w^ouccbt, 9 a&oifab anb all wpfe barteb nil, to wbom tbc lo?be gaucwpfbomeanb\)nbcr(f{l= bpncje,toRnowebowctowo?CBe all mancr wojiae f 0; t\K ferupce of tbc &anctuarp,ano all tbat tbe Lo^oc bao commaunbeb; T^nt) ^)ofcgcalIebi6c?aleeI, aboliabanb all tbc wpfe i)ttttt> men anb foctje as tbe lo^be bab geuenwpfDometonto.nn&atfmanpntftbep^ ar tcsi co^agcb to come Wtto tbat wojcfte to wojefteit . ainotbjprcceaueb of ffl)ofejsal! tie mttm, wbpclje tljccijpio^ciior 3fraell Cab bzougijt f 0} tty woKbe of tbe ferupce of tbc &>anctunrp,to mane it. 5dnb bcfpbe tbat tbcp b^ougbt gifted \jnto it cuerp Dapc in tl;c moiupngc. 3nb alltbc wpfe men tbat w^ougbt all tlje bolpc wojcUe.camc cucrp man from W wojene wbpcbctljep mabe , onbfpaRCbnto &)ofctf, faptngc.tbc people b^pngc to mocbe atib mo|e tben pnongb fo* tbc lernpce nnb woiclie wbpcbctbc Ho^b batbeommaunbeb to be mabe . 2dnb tben ilttofcss gatie a com* matmbement , anb tbcpcaufcbtt tobepjo- clapmeb tboiow; out tbe boftc fapingc . fc f'uetljscman nop woman prepare anp moas ecwoKkefonije parent of tocS>anctuarp • nnb fo tbe people were foibpbbcn tobnuge : foi tbe (ruffe tbcp bab , wa* Micpent to* all tl)t wojcne.to mauctt,anbtomocbc. mat* * ^lltbcwpfcbartcbmcntbcrfo«,anb tljcp tbat w?ougbtc fo? tbebabitacpon, ma» 25 be ten curtapucss of wbptc twpneb fpllte, pe= <» lowe fplacpurplcanofcarlcf: >»• wirbpicfn= restof b2obcrbwo«5clic mabe be tbcm. %\yz lengtbofouecurtavncwasvcDiu.ciilij'tcp, anb tbc bjcabtli f oure anb tbe curtapnetf itie re all of onefpfc. 3nbbccoulplcb fpuc cur^ tapufibptbcmfclucjS.anbotbcr fpuc bytbS fclucsf. 3d no be mabe lowpce of ipclo we fpl- lte alonge bp tbe ebge of one enrtapne , euen tn tile ftlucge of tbc couplpnge courtapne. 3Bnb Ipncwpfe be mabe on tbc fpbc of f cow* Vlpnge curtapneon tbc otljcr fpbe. dlpftpc lo wpesi mabe be in tbe onecurtapnc? fpftpe in tbecbgcof tbe couplpnge curtapne on tbe otber fpbe : anb tbclowpcfl! belbc one ctirtap^ netoanotber. . anbbemnbefpl'tpcrpngetfofgolbc, anb eoupleb tbe enrtapnesi one toanotber wptb tbcrpiigejjsanbrowajSitmabeoncbwcilvi^ jjc places Jfo.trrbt>; # 3Bnb be mabe. xi. etirtapnetf of mffl* c F0 beere, to bea tent oucc tbc tabernacle . 'ftbc lengtb of a curtapne, baDwcubpfctfaub wa0fourecubttefl!b^obe,anbtbepaUeleuen of one fpre. 3nbbccouplcbfpue curtapne^ bv tbem feluc0,f fp*c bp tl)tm fclucsf ,anb be mabefpftpe lowpeisalougcbp tbeboibcrof tbe^tmoftcouplpngecurtapne , anbfpftpe in tbe cbge of tlje otljcr couplpnge curtap* tie»>* (S^Uae t bep mpgbt be (apnea eoaetbet. ) % \\b be i^. mabe fpftpe rpngcssof bzaffe to couple tbc tcnttogetbcr.tbatitmpgiitbconc. Ttno i)c,r mabea couecpngc topontije tetit,of rammes fttpnncsircbb.anDpetaiiotber of tapis fain* nc0 nbouetfiat. # 3tno be mabe ttonbpngc Do2be0( fo: f f;c * ero tabernacle) of S>etbmi wobb.^be lengtb of abo?Dcwagtcncnbpteg,tbeb2eabtbouecu=» bptcanbabalfe. tiDncbozbc bab two fete, wbecbp tbep were iopneb one to auotber. ainb tb'utf mabe be f 0? all tbcbo^oesJ of tlje *Cabcrnacle. 3Snbbcmabe. VK- uotDc0fo} tbefoutbrpor of tijebatiifacpou , anb.jci. foc=> ktttesi of fplncrtmbrrtbe.rr. boozocfltwo focbettesft)nbfroncbooibe,fo^b^rwofctf, ^ftobttetbt fotRttttaof tbe^oetenbetntbe matn, > ^ anbfojttbcotbec fpbc of tbe bwcllmgwbicb igtowarbe tbe no^tb,bc mabe twetpebooz- bcJ{,*tbep2fourtpefoclicttc0of fplucr, two focRettciS tinberonc booibc. Stub to watbc tbe weft cube of tbe tabernacles (mmv to K5 Capf.it tbat enbeof tbetabetnauctoljicii encii'nctb totoaroc tbtfce.)l)e mabe fpre booked, anb two otbec boabesmabebctntbe tojncrstof tbebabtta* cpon foieptbcr fpoc, anb tbcp wcrctopitco f loffc bcuetb anb abouc witb a clampc , anb tbu0 tbcp Dpo to botb tiic corners 3t»D etjc= re wereepflbtboo^betfafpxtfiie fochetteg, offplucr, \niber cucrp bo2bc two focltcttctf. 3nO be mabebarretfof &>ctfyim wobb ^ fpuc foi tbe boibetf of tbe Uaberuacle in clje one fpbc : anb fpue f 02 tbe bo2bc0 of tbe 12:a= bernnelc in tbc other fpbc ,anb fpuc barred fo2tl;c boo2Oc0 of tbe ijabitacpontntbc weft CnbC . =* ( 2:otoarbe tbc ree . ) 3fnb ftC mabC CljC fti mpbbeft barrc to Ctjotc tbo2o wc tbc bo?bc .• cucn'from tbe one cube to the otber, anb o< uerlapbctbc boo2br0 wptb golbe, anb mabe rpngcjSof golbe totb2ufttbcbarrc0tbo2o» we,anbcoucrebtbcbarrc0wptbgolbc.^nD Ijr ma be an bangpng of pelow f plftc, purple, . ftarlet anb wbytc twpneb fplfte , cucn witb ppcturc0mabc be it of tyobrrO wozebe. 2tnb mabetberm»tofourepillcr0of^ctt,fwobb, anb oucrlapbe tb5 witb golbe. ^fccpj Rnop= pc0wcreairoof golbe , aabbe caftfo2 tbcm fou2cfocRctte0 of fplucr. 3 ub be mabe an bangpnge f 02 t^t tabernacle bo2c:of pel owe fplftc, purple, fcarlct anb wljptctwpneb foU he of neble wo2che.3finb tbc tpueppler0 or it witbtbcp2Rnoppe0,$ oucrlapbe tbeftnop. pe0 of tbcm 9 tbe wbopeft wptb golbe. € brir 6 t» fpUC .ffti.b "bf c v -C_ I .^1 p ■* T * Cctemonprs ttttov® *, - 0>t tabernacle; tptibm* jfo.nMh i i ' i i 4 t | i : {anb a Dalf e taobt,anb ncubtte lanCaKlfcbPCtanboujrtarCe r ounce aboute , anb caft ^« Ji"J "BJ». of etolbcfot tbefotire cotners ^SRJE* niSfai 3? one few* anb two f o? tpe ntbte, mif f ubptc anb a rmlfctbe bjcabtb : I he ma« two cubes of the mcmTcate.Cm c CbgnJ. on the onccnCcattonnotDcr Cbcrub on pi Jttg tnbe • eucnof the mctcyfeate WW* Ug the ebcrubpneS fp.tcc outt flWJSESSfiE bout an h(c anc tonereb the no^SSS : cucii it o the mercy fcatc warbc.wcrc the tact? bptcthcb?cabth,ahjafttbgeanl>^^ bcygtbof it. ^nbheouctiapcett TOP fiOlSe/ano Mr tljcrto a crown; : of golCe to* 5S aboute , anc mane thcrto an wbopc of Sn nanne bz abctounbe aboute ancmaCe *pon t& wbopc a cr owne of goicc rounCe a= boute .anbrottfojttfouretpnge* of goicc, anC put the tpngcS f* tUc fouje «W«*JjJ Sere tn the route fete thet of .«ncn i Darce M bar** of $ttbiw wobb SSSsSvne them with gj»»S&2 thcholpauovutinseovle.anctherwetepurc mcensaftcrt&capotecarpescrafte. *ero C'STbe. ^)c\)iii. Chapter. bromine oftDat tbe people oBteH. ^b^eniabeebebttentoft^^^i' 5 ^ethtm , wohh ftmc tubptesl WJ j * *»' »"" i^^tLS&eSb f pue cnbvtrt f She mace bnto itho?nesl tntbc wnrecg* !^®fc.anb>in«be«UJt^WgJ H^itprthccaulCi6^»lbouel)3!,bafvn»,ttem» ^SKffilll the teflel* tberof wofc^«ntott»altfe,tonnwab^awe iencth^nto the mpbbcjs of the altaee , 9 :Cjw <«t" rtjttffccj of bianc f o? the. im. enbejJ of the SI of SStfn wooc ^JSHfjMg wSb^ttfanbpntlWgetrt^t^ffiJ trc^tn tiicfouccco^netJJ of thcaltace, towee Sknnbmabelljef fJSJMJjf tf i the bo?he^.3nh be wane t^ m f ^ffSt ^^ anc foe f ote of it alfo o\ , bjaffe * Igr m n g ^^ fpahteofthcmthatcvcwatcbattljebojeot the tabccnaclc of witnetfe. . _^ anc he mace tlje eontte on the Bottt jmg » the lSAmst of tbe courte wc« of WOTf e 'EhewpplerjJ weectwentve ^^fi^SS ' icttf .« Cteft wbopcB were of fpluce. awn og chettes of bjafe. «ut. MM « If SalSSS .jansmsssiage n» pp!lcei«ftbew.]C.rocftcffetf.»»f* f ««•»•> 26ut the ftnoppefi? t(je whopesfof the pillcrtf were offyluer.flnhtoWMCJthceaftfpoe.wcrchil gpngetf of.l.cubptcjS:the hanafnscjJ of v one fVCc of the sate were fpftenc cubvteg louse, with thjeppUersMnO thrc focRcttejS.^nb of tit otJKc free of tpe court gate wrrc ba"sv« * -r sctfnlfoof.;eto.cubprcsJlonge,wlt!)tbje ppl= ^ fersianCthjefocRette^. ml tDe hnngynsetf of the courtcrounCeaboutcwcreof whpte t wyneh fplke.but t\)t f ochcttejS of t&e ppllerxl \»ereofbjnfre:anhthcknoppcslanCthewho= peef of the ppllcrsi were of fpuicr, anD thcco=- ncrvnsc ofthc bccCesJ was of fplute , anD all tDe pylim* of tuc courte were whopcD ah out with fpluer.ainb the bangpnse oftlje gate of tbccoiirtfWiitfncClewojKe.ofpclQwe.frlKe ptirple , fcarlct anb whptc twpneb fplUe. xx> cubpteS longe , anb fpue in the bjcbth , out e agapnft the paiiflpnscs; of the coucte. &nb twp ppllerigwerefoureancthep^foure fo- eUettciBiof b^ault.anctljehnoppcooffpluer; anD the heeDetf oucrlapec wpto (plucr , anb whopeC aboute with fy!ucr,anD alltheppn- netf of tljctabcrnacle^of the courte rounCe aboute were of biafle. ^bpsliiS thefumme of tljc habiracpon of witncue.asl it wast coQteb acco^Cpnge to tlje r5matinDemtntof4{)ofetffo? the office of the ilciiptrsl bp tDe Dance of 3thamas fonneto 'Jaron thep;eaft.3lnb I6c?nlccl tDe fount of dirt f fount of &ue ofthc trpbe of 3uba,tna= he all fhjetfie Hojice commauuccc tyoUt , anb with Dim was aiholiab fount of ^i)ifa= maclj of tDe trpbe of Ban.aconmngc graucr- anb a worker of neDlc wozke in pclowefplu , purple fcatler anc wDvtc twpnch fplke. 3UtDesolDcthatwa0occuppebfo^aU the wojeucor the Dolp place , was the goice of tDe waucoffcrpnsc.cuen: xtiK .fninhjcb wevsDt.anDfeuenDiiJiCieoancjrr.fpclctf, acco/cingc to tDe fpclc ofthc ^actuarp.aino tDcfummeof fplurr that came of the inuiti« tube, wa0.b.ftoiie DuC^cb &&&,* a tljoth fanocreucnDunO^cCft, IjrjcV) . frclftf after tDe 3>pcle of the SDanctuary. jf ojeuerp man an palfe wciff ht.eucn Dalfca fvclc after tDe fpcle of the ^>anrtuarp, f o| all t hem that went to be nombicb from, ye pearc olbe anc about , uicnfof.bi.Duo?cOtDoufaiiCcanDtD^crDoH= fance nuC.\3.Dun02cc anc.i.men. 3nb of tbe.b.fto?e DuCjcC wcpsDt fflyU urr.WfrecafttDefochcttcS of thc^anctua« rp.anc tDe focUettcji of the bnplesan htiuDieb focUetteS of ti)c fynt fco;ebunD;cD wcpgDt, anhub?cb wepaht tocucrp focUettc. 3CnD of tDe tboufanbe feuen Duncitb«.l0.fpticjS, he maCe bnoppeiS to the ppllcrs , anc oucrlapec «>» tDe DceCctf anb whopch tjjem . *acw* mm*) 3DnD the bjafle of the waueofferingc wrnS \xv .tonnweb wepghf , anc two tboufanbe, 8.i(ii.Dunc^Dfpclesi.^nCtDcrwitD he mace r> tD; fo;fttteed totlji bv.co r ; tfc Vabxmtk of witneu*e,anD tDe bMfenarfarcanD the b?a fejigteDpiien fo? it, witDnll tDe bcffclsf ofthc alter , ano the fockettcs of tlje courte rounCe aboute»» tDe foclicttctffo^ tDe courte gate, wojc&c , anblphc tDe wojclte of tDe epDob : ^ cnenofsolbe.pclowcfplKc.purplclcarlct,*. twpncDwhpfe(plftc.3twas.tui.rquare,anb tDcp mace tpe bjeaft lappc Double , an Dance bJcaCctDlongcanbaiiDanCcbicaDetDbioDe. 3nD tDepfpllcC it wtth.uii roi»cS of ftoneS. UDefp^ft rowc: a&arDto&a'Copas anb *maragDuS:tDcfcconDerowe,a i tiubpc * r; «i e nr. aS>apDiranCaS)tainonce:iuthf.ui. cowe , 5 a ""- ,.„., Higurios, an Zfat , anD m Sinafift : in tlje *! " fourtDrowe:af!rtieca0 l anb£DiHr,anba3a» fptS.3nDtbtp wcrcclofeDiu ouchcS of golbe int^m incloferS.^nC tDe. yu.ft ones tocrc Btaucn as fvgnettes with tDe natntS of the cDpl^enof 3frarl:cucrpftonc^DpSname . accotcpngc to tDe.jti.trvbcS. ^nCtDepmaccvpothcbjeaftlappe.twot) faftcnpngecDepneSof wtcthen wotchc anb pure golCC; 3nbtbep maCe twohohcSof golce,« two goicc rpngcS , anb put the two rpngcStn the two cotncrS ofthc btcaftlappc 3nb tDcp put tDe two chaincs of golDc in tDe tworiugcS, in tDe cottiers of tDe btettlappc ; Stub tDe two cnccSof tbetwocbapnestbe? faftcncC in tDe two Dolus, anb put them on the Omlbcrs of tDe epDob bpon tDe fo?e front of it. 3CUD 1 ! h vi 1 1 i- ! t i' r: li # 1 I. .4 9* %\\t tabtmatlt €]CObtt$ Cecemonpes totttctts Ira n it * tl n tf-1 3nb tDc v mrtOC tu, ° WW* °/ 5 0l ? c > a, J? put ebcmon the two S*?^?j&%i% iaup c Dpon t He ctJfie Of it wbpcfc .ma on ijbe iurpbebptbeepbob. »nb iDcrmobetwo ScJof tbc epbob, bencthou the f te^' ofit S 16 oner agapufthPtfrUowc « J^SX? the 5)2 mmb of the 6rtoo, MM9 '& J«P- hen the b cartlappc Dp WW/«?- n r ft *J rpngcfl of thc£pf>ob, wptbalacc of pelowc fv SB 3 m it mpgbt*c dpou V^VHt of tbc epftoMnU tl»f toe », wafttepw Omg notuclowfcDfrSoftDcepDoojafltDclojbe commaunbeb &)ofc0. *„„*.*»» C 3nb be mat) c tbc tunpele Unto tpc -gphob of woueit uooaihcnil togctt)cc of vclowc gn- fcc ,aub there wa0 aubolc uiitbcmpbbeft of tbctunpclc.a^tbccolcrofapactlct^tba bonbe rounbe atonic tbccolcr.thattt flmloe tiotrctuxsenbinthctunpclctbcpmabcbetm* with pogranatc0, tf !*!%^S& fcarlet,anbwbprctwpncb fplue. Mm mabc lptlc bcllc0 of pure goIDcatiD put them atnongctbrp6granate0 rounbe aboutc Dpo tbc cbgc of the tunpclc-. a bell anb a pomgra= natc.a bell anb a pomgranate rounbe about tbc bemmc0 of the tunpele tompmftrein,a0 the l,oibc commaunbeb Sl)ofc0. 3Cnb tbcp mabc cote? of fpnc whpte of woucn 'mute fo? aaron anbDP* fontte* , $ amvtrc of fpncwbptc, aubgooblpbonct= tcsioffpnc\»bvte,anOlpnenb.«cbeSofti»p^ neb wbpte, anb a gpjbc « <* tppnch Wtc, vclowe fplkcpurplcanbfcarlet: cue of neb* ^ kuwctic.aotijeLojbcommaunbeb&Wetf. 3 aiubtbepmabetbcplatcfojtbebolpctounc of fpnc golbe,nnbw?otc Dpon it wptb fira= ucn wojche , tt)c bolpne0of tbc Lozbc :anb tpeb Dnto it a lace of pelowc ulhc to fatten tt„ an bpe Dpon tbc mptre , asf the loibe com* maunbeb &)ofc0. tim wag ailrbc wokuc of tbebabtta* cpon anb of the tabernacle of wltneue fp* ivpfujeb.^nb tbc cbPlbie of 3fraclbpbacco?= bpngctoalltbatthe Loibcbab commaubcb &)orc0:eucnlobpbtbep.3nbtbep brought the babitacpon Dnto#ofc0;tDe tent anb all hi0 apparcll,;buttonc0,boo?bc0,barrc0, ptl= Ice* ? locKette0.tbecouerpngof ramtfflron- nc0tebb, anb the couecpngeof tomwn* k wit , anb tbc bangpngc Daple , thearcue of ° wttn cfle anb the barre0 tberof anb the mer= cpfcate : tbc table anb all tbc Dc(ftl0 tberof, a the t&ewbjcb-.tbepure canbclttpche , with tbclampc* tberof: euenwitbtbe lamped to be pjepaecb anb all the Dc (Fel0 tberof , anb the owe foi lpflDte:tbe golben altare ., anb toe a= nopntpnge ople, anb the rwcte MM anb tbc banapnge of tbe 'Cabcrnacle booje, anb tbe l»afcnaiter \opt\) bp^grcbpicn of b^Oe^tt barrel anb all hp^ Defe, tbe laucr anb m fcite : tDe banspnscjs of the coneteDjptb Dptf «m& *m f othettejS: tDc WWW tj^c anbaUtbcDclTtU oftbjfetupce of W sWj- tacpon f oj tbc ^abeeiiacletj| witneffe •. tbe Kacc.anb tbe bolp *PS"&3&S the uwafo « MHomieg ra?wente$ to mpni* K?SSojStoBlto WWW WMtgg all be W*S#* MW i^HlgK rt a tbe ioibe commaunbeb mm fo Dab tftep bone,anba)ofc0bleflebtDem. tDcbo2betftbcrof,anbputmttiebarcc0pflt grttThp fh\>ltl^ finfef of anbreateb^P bptf ppilersi.anbfp?cbeab^ fL xpl|v ilj K p6,anbtDe Aernacleof witneffe, anbput tfSiin tbe irchc of witneffcanb couer tbe a * aiSSlit accojopnsc to tbe jtoi- ro ' m tbou (bait bjpnfie *&gggt ckc anbWafetWlampejJ. awbfctt new Kp&^ arche of wMcjk, anb put ftebangpuse at Of MM ;ffWf fo« tbcboie of the ftabitacponanb ijabcr- the scabernaclc of wltneffe anb tbc alter anb Sbonte , anbhanseDp HMNltf ^ C0W f |Sb%ou ©alt taue tbe ^opntpnae * imp nt>ieanbanopntthebabttacpon,aub«iUtbat !I thcrS anb Wm tt with all the DegeW to See^^Kpe beljolpe^nbthoulbalt Knt%ealta4»%SSS Smenoi mib fanctifpc tbe altare , that jt auopntc alfo tbc lauer anb bp* f ote^nb wn« C " f anbtnou Chalt bjpnge 3aeon anb m mmmtZm milt ttj, Jjjgf* 5 iuitneffcanb watbe tbem witb water v m Sou Qiaitput Dpon^aeon tbe WJW" tDatDc mape mpnlfteeDnto ^.gg Salt bjingc W fonneA «"^ l0 JS e A cm ,S oett anopnt tbepz f atbectbat tbep mape mt- npft?e Dnto me^o? tbep? wajfflSJSS rotwe outthep^cneracpon^ 3nWKff *^. W acco?bpnaetoalltt)at the iojbe com- tbefptft wMjMMM«a£ bepcrc. ab»MNta^J« 4Qg£ uacle anb fafteneb HiMtW , «f ^jg anb rearcbDp bitf ppllersi.anb fp?cbeab^o C^j- be tlje tent oner tbc oa Wtaclon, t put fcrffc concr pnge of tbe lent an Upe a bouc it : aj5 the loibe commaunbeb 4£)ofe0. act 2lnb be tofte (*?> tl)c teftimonpe, anb put ft in the areata fct tbc barrcjsto tbc arche, 9 put the mer cpfcate an bpc Dpon tbc atcUe , 9 mouflDt tDc nrclic into tlje Dabitacpon, a D5 * mb DptDcbaple,(jtcoucrcbtbearcfte of \»it« neffcoptbc no?be commaunbeb *K)ofciS. 3lnb beput tbc table in tbe tabernacle of toif ncu*c m the no^tb fpbc of the babitacpon, (but Without tDc Daple)anbfet tDeb^caD in ojbje bcfojctDc lo?bc > eucnaj3(tDc io^b Dao commaunbeb &)oft0. 3nb be put tbc conbflftickc in the tabee-- nacle of toitneffe oucragapnft y table tow- arbc ti)c foutbfpbe of the Dabitacpon>anbfet Dp tbc lamped before the tofomt the loi= be commaunbeb &)o&#.3nb be put tbe spi= ben alter in the tabernacle of raitneffe befo> retbeDaple,anbb2cntfU)ctecen0tbcron,oj{ the lo2bc commaunbeb ^)ofc?s.31nbDe Da= aeb Dp the bangpmjc at tbc bote of tbc babi- tacvou,anb fet the bncntoffcrpnge alter bp tbeentrpiiflein of tDcbabitacp6ofrl)e tabcr= imcle of wttucffcaiib onreb butntoffctprnjc* anb meatcoffcrpngesj tDer on , ajS the Lo.zbc commaunbeb tyokfr -& # 3Hnb be fct the lauer betwenc the tabcr« eioB.w.e nacleoftnitueffe anbtbealtcr, anb poureb water tbcrm.to waQj witball. 3nb a)ofesJ ^taronfDt^fonncsSwafibcbtDeirhanbesl.ab their fete tbcrat: when thep went into the ia* bcinacie of witncffe.f when tbcp wentto the alter tDcpwafiDcb tbem fcluejs as tbe Jlo.ibe commaubcb Wfa, 3Rno he rcareb Dp the couctc rounbe aboutc tbc babitacpon anb tbc alter,? fet Dp auhaugpngc at the couctc ga- tetanb fo a;ofeg f pnpfajcb the woichc. ifiume n c * 3nbtbc clowbc coucrcb tbc tabernacle of witnefTe, anb tbe glon'c of tbe io.zbe fpt« leb tbc babitacpon. 3nb ^)ofedconlbcnot cntrc into the tabernacle of witneu"e,btcaufe the clowbc abobc tbeeott,anb the gloi)|e of p e» iLoibc f plleb the Dabitacpon . >» < fw $* «o«nc Iiaticoucrftiall.) 2> nb when the clowbc watf taftcn \)p from oftDebabitacp'on.tbccDplbien of 3fracl to^ fee thcp2io2iicp0tho?owc outthep^armpetf. 3nbwDan the clowbe wasinot fatten Dp, tbcp to?nepcbnot tpll it wag taben Dp : foj tbe clowbe of t])t JLoibc wajs Dpon tbc babi= tacpon bpbape.anbfp^cbpnpgbt-. in tbc fp= ghte of alitbcDonfeof 3fracltoo2ow out all tDepjaempejS. CCDcenbeof tbcfecSbeboUc of 4l)o= fe0,callcb in tbe I9cb?ue5flcllefcbe= mothe, anb tit the tatpn etobug. a)ofcji calico tn the lj)cb?uc aariaD: ' anbintDc2.atpn.icmt(cu?. C^bcfp.ift Chapter. of the bioue befo2ctbe Lojb.36nb tbc pjeftes 36ar ou0 f onnetf, (ball hi pnge the bloube, anb fpipnculeit rounbe aboutc Dpon the altare, f'i0bpthcbott^ipxjfctbcr0,anbcafttbembcrpbetljc alter on the caftc parte in tbc place of afmw. 3 no be (ball fee he tbc ttJpttgctf of it,but plu- eke tljcm not afiiiibfe. atffl) tbc p?cafte (ball burncitUpontbc alter, euen Upon tbe wood tbat ig upon tbefp?c,tljatit mapc be a burnt facrif pec fo? a fwetc (a nourc Wo tbc lo?b. C^be.ti.CDapter. Cffl)CO?i)ctof mcatcoffcrprnrc*. m foulctbat wyll offer a mcatcof* fcrpugc UntotljciLo?bc, tbc fame offcrpngcflialbcoffpncflourcanb . Ibc (ball pourc oylc,Uponit,anb put francftenccn* tbcron,anD mallb?y ngc it Un= to SarontfConnejS tbc roeaftc*. a»b be mall takctbcroutbmbaiibfulloftbcflonrc.anDof tbc ople wprb all tbc franckeuccug , anbtbe pzcaD;cQjall burncit fo? nmcmo?iall of bpm upon tbc altcr:to be an offcrpngc f o? a facte fauottrc unto tbc Lome 3nD tbc rcmnaunt of tbc mcateoffer y ngc malbe Sarong anb w fonneiS, a tbpngc molt bolp of tbc f aerify ee$ oftbcLomc:3ftboub?ingcalfoamcatoffe= 75 rpugcp^o'bakcnmtbcoucn.lctitbca fwetc cake of f ync f lourc mpnglcO witb ople, o? an Unlcueneb wafer anoyntcba&oylc. 3f top mcatcoffcryngc be batten in tbc fepenge pan, itfljalbe of fwetc flourcmpnglcb witb oylc; 3d no tbon tbalt mpnee it fmall, ? pow?e ople tbcron,tbatitmapebca mcatcoffcryngc, SnbpftbP meateoffcrynge bentbpnge biopleb Upon tbc greDp?en,lct it be of f loure mpnglcb wttb ople. 3tnb tbou ibalt torae tbcmcateoffcrpngc(£l!$mabcoftijcfctljpn= ge0)UntotbclLo?bc,aub(baUbclpucritUn= totbep?ca(te,tbatbemaycoffrc it Upon tbe alter, anbtbep?eafte (ball take of tbc mcate = offerpngcamcmo?iall,anO(bal burncit U»6 ' oct of pcaccotfttpngw. m yfDitffamfpccbea peace* ^ offcrynoc , ano be taftcitfrom >ionget^cO?ouesl,CWbctbcc ''it be male o? female ) be mall ; typnge focbatf isi witbout blc= "Bj-^i-^^BJ^pCbe , befo?etbc Lo?be:^put bis(l)anbc UpontOcheeb of W offcringe,ano Itpll it at tbc bo?c of f tabernacle of wttnefle. 3nO 3faros(fonnc0tbe ^?eafte0(ba llfpjin* cle tljc blotiDc Up6 tbc alter rounOc aboute. 3tnb be Oiall offiefomwUat of m penccottc* tvngc tobc a f aerify cc Unto tbe lojbc = euen tbc*fatttbatcoucretbtbe(nU)arOe^anbal!*ffro* tbcfatttt)atixJaboutetbciu\»arbc^anotl)c^5 two kpbneps , 5 tbe f att tbat itf on tljem anb \jpon tbe loync&anb tbc abunoauncc tbat ttf on tbelpucr (ball l)c take aujayc pptb tbe UpDneycxJ3nb Jtarosi (onucsS foal burnc tbe on tbc alter Upon t\)t burntracrifyce tubycljc ijs Upo tbc txjooo f i$ on tbc f pie to be a burnt faenfpee fo? a fujete fauoure unto p JLo?be. 3f bcb?pngea peaccofferpnge Unto tbc lo?De from of tbc f lochc, let bymoffrc male oz female:but witbout blcmyMsfpf be of- frc a (bepe fo? m facrif pee , Ue (ball b?ynge it befo?c tbc io?be,anbput W ijanbe upon m offcrpngcsi becb , anb ttyll tt bcfo?e tbc ooo?c of tbc tabernacle of VBitnclTe, anb 2Ba= ron0 fonuetf (ball fp?ynRlctUcbloube tDerof • rotmoc aboute tljc alter, anb of tbc peaccofferpnge, let bpmb?pug c a facrifpccUnto tbc Ho?oe: tbe fatt tbcrof, $ tbc rompe all togetber , wbictje tbep (ball ta= fee off.barbc bp tbe bacUebone : anbtbe tatt tbat couerctb t^t inwaroesi, anb all tbc fate tbat (& Upo tbc intuarbc^, anbtbe two fcy> ney eg, anb tbc fatt tbat (0 Upo tbems. Upon tbe lopnetf, anbtbeabunbounce tbat itf upo tbe lyuerujall be take amape ttntb tbe W* nepck^nbtbep?eafte(baUburnctbcmUp5 m alter , to be tbc f oobe of a facryf pee Unto tbetozbe. , M „, . 3f \m offerpnge be a goate^e (ball b?(n« feeemonpesf, £emtictt& H> ge it bef o?c tbc ILojbe, « put W banbe Upon tbc bcabc of it,n nb ft pll it befojetbe -?Taber= naclc of tbc coucnaut , anb tbc f onnetf of ^a= ron (ball fp?inftlc tbc bloubc tljerof Upon tbe alter rounDeabout.^inD be (ball btpugtber* of, W offcting,cu? a facrifpec Unto tbc lLo?» be: tbc fa 1 1 tbatcoueretb tbc in BJarDctf, anb all tbc fatt tbatist Upo tbc inmarDetf.ano tbc two hponcpetf , ^ tbe fatt tbat i& Upon tbem anb Upon tbc lopnetf,* tbc abunoauncc Upo tbelpucr mall be taue amapeioitbtbcHpb= iiepcfli.3lnb tbc picafte mall burnc tjjein Upo tljc alter fo? tbc fooo of tbc facrtfpce.tbat all p fat mapc bea froetr fouourc Unto f tome, i-ctitbea perpctuallftatutcf 02 pourc gene- i , acponi8tbo?oujc outc pourc bmcllyngejj , f yc eatenctberfattuoz * blouoc. CCbciiii. Cbaptcr. <£&)t offcrpngc maor i ot tpimce Bone of (gnojauticr . 0t> tbc lo?bc ftakc Unto ^7ofe0 fay= ingc .- fpcahc Unto tbc cbplb?cnof 3f= racl,anbfapc:Pfafoulc fpnnc tbo?o= vbc ignomuncc , anbbatb bone any of tljofe tbpngcjS w])Ytl)t tljc Jlo?Dc batb fo?bybocn in bptf commauiiDcmentcxJ to be Done.3CS pf •* t\)e $?cafrfbati£(anopntct)bo fpnnc, ^* (ac= co?Dpnrjc to tbe fpnnc of tbc people ) Ictljpm bipnge fo?bpi8fpnuc vobpebe bcbotbfpnneb n yongc ojue witboutblcmplbc bnto j5 no?bc fo? a fpuneoffcrpnge.3lnb be fliallb?ynsc tbc pongc ore unto taction of tbc tabernacle of tmtneffe befo?c tbc to?be, anb (ball put \iv& banoe Upon tbc pongc ore bcabe,anb lull tbc 51* pongc ore bef o?e tljc iLo.ibc.3fnOtbc^?caftc icuiJr.cT tbat itf anopntcb * mall talicof tljc pongc ovcblouOe.anu bipngc itintotbc tabernacle of witne(ie,auOtbe.p?caftc mall Opppc bptf fpugcrin tljc blouOc auO fp?pnUlc tbcrof fc= ucntymcObefo?ctbc &o?bc: euen bef o?c tbe Ijangpnge oftbeljoly placc.^nbljcmall put fomc of tljc bloubc bef o?c tljc to?Oe,Upo tljc bo?nci3 of tljc alter offxxjetc cenjx, mbtcbt0 m tbc tabernacle of witneffe, anu mall poto?« all tljc blouoc of tbc pongc ore Unto tbc bo* tome of tbcaltcr of burntoffcrpngc.tDbycljc itfnt tljc bo?c of tljctabcciiaclcofwitiicfrc. ^nDbcmalltaftcamaycaiitbcfatoftbcorc tbat icfotfpnne, tbc fatt tbat couerctb tbe t'uvoarbcfit, anb all tbc fatt tbat io" aboute tbe tuioacoejj , anb tljc two UyOncpcoi , anb tbe fatt tljatiOUpontbeni.ano upon tbelopnetf, nub tbc abunbauncc of tljc ipucr (ball be take awapc uutbtbcKpbncpcB'.-asf itmatf taken amapc in tbc ore of tljc pcaccoffcrpngciMno «r let tljc pica(tc;bumctljcm Upon tljc altarc of \*mtr!c. burntoffcrpug. * iSuttbcfltpncoftbcyong ore , aim all bpiS fleftje , \oitb bvis bceb , aim bPJS IcsgejS , wptljbytf in mar OciS,anDbps( boiigc.ujull be bcare outc aim caryc tljc pong ore altogctljcr outc of tJje boltc Untoa dene place: euen ujijere tljc al'ujeS arc pox^co out, mm burnc bpmtbcre on wobb in tbe fp?e:enc jfo.jrt, bp tljc place toberc tbe afujcS arc raft outc, mall be be b?cnt. 3f tbe bole consregaepoit of3fraclfpnnctbo?ou)cigno?aunce,anbtl)c tbpngc be bpo from tftepj epctf , fo tljat f bey IjaiiccommittcDanpoftbofctbyngetfuilucb tljcjf.o?Dcbat!jfozbpDOen tobc Done inijp^ comatmDemcnrcMiibbaucoffcnDcD.Umaii tljc fpnuc wljiclj tbep banc fymicb tn.is (mo ■■ tx>nc,tbccongrcgacpontoallb?pngeaponge orcfo?tbc fpnncano lup'igcbpm befoie tbe tabernacle of uxtiicffc, aim tljcclbcrO of tbc multptuticaiallput tbep? Ijanbcsupon tlje beco of tljc ponge ore bef o?e tljc I o:Dc. 3 nb tljc pongcoremalbeflapneDefOic tljc Lome. Anbtbe p?ealtrljati£apc.3.nb tbe picafte mall burnc it bpon tbe alter, tbat it mapc be the lojbcg burntfacrtfpec , anb tbe picaftciball maUc an attoncmente m bpgfpuue,tbatbcbatbcomittcb,anbit(bal= bcfojgcucn&im. C».UCbaptcr. «- Of oofhcs.arbcflfanrpnge ofbpm tbattouftctb buciMiic tbwaw.Ibc pursacpon of an otb» .ana or tpnnc font bp «gno;auitcf. 5f a fouie fpmic Sbbcarc tbe \)op= cc of fwcrpngcano iga witneue : wbctbtt be batb Cene 0? knowne ofit.pf bebauenotWtctebtt.be ©all bcrc bpg fpnne . Ctber pf % 1 1 1 ! f ^ 6-r-a foulc toncbc anv bnclcne t&pnge: wbe 1 tber it be tbe car pon of an undent beeft, 0? of tticlcnccatcll,o?bnclencwo?mf,anbignot inarc of it:bcbolbc,bcig WKlencanbbatb of* fcrtfcft. etber pf be toucbe anp ^clenneffe of man ( toBatfocucr Wiclcncllcit be tbat a mm wont to be befileb wt&aU)anbWnot ware of it , anb commctb to tbe hnowlebgc ^5 of it,bebatb trcfpnftb.etber pf a \tmfW* areanbmonouncctb wltbbPJSlVPPcgto 00 cncll 0? to bo goob ( wbatfocuer it be tbat a mantifethtomonouncewit&anotbt ) anb tbetbpngc bebPb frombpm.nnb commetb totbcBnowlcbgcof it, anb batb offenbebm one of tbefc. 3tnb it mall come to paw tbat wben be batb fpnncb in one of J&efe Mf> heffiaiuonfette tbatbe batb fpnueb m tbat tbpnae. 'Cberfoje quUlbeb?pnge mmf* pace M Unto m tojbe, f 0? W fpnne wbicbe be Datb fpnneb. 3 female from tbe f locke.n lambe 0? a (be goatcf 0? a fpnnc of- fcrpngc. amb tbe pjcafte (ball make an at* ' w ,„ tonrmcntfo?bPmconcernpugebP*ipmu\ Jftf** *Af« Debenot able to bullae focDc a meijc.be (bnUbtpugc fojWgtrclpacewpicb ^ongeppgeongbnto tbe ItMW • ftf m offtrpnge, anbtbeotbec loia tajjjtjttr- rvngc. %nbbc(ballb?pngctjiem \>ntot|c Sift anb mwt tbe necttc a mnb?c of it,but ff tbcblonbc oftDe »^^W^K (Vbeof tbcalter, anbtbcrcfte^eblonbe mallbcpow?ebptbebotomeoftbcalter:fw t S aVnncofferpngc. *»* ^ W« feconbe foj a burntofferpngc gjWjg* mwt f 0? bpm ( foil tbe M wgeMctog fpnncb /anb it Qalbe f orgene (Jpm3nb pf Je benotablctobjvnsc two tuctpUbouejJoj two poWbc ppgeon^tbenbe tbat WW* neb (ball b?pnge f o| bp* offcrpnge : tbe tciUb Satte otanfepba of fpnef lonrcfo? a [vnom> anp francufnccnce tbcron ,fo? $iiafpm* offer pngcawb ^t tbe wcafte pffrc it, , anb tbe mcafte mall ta»c W banbfuU of t.foj a re-- membiance tbcrof ,anb bncnett Upo 1 tpe al- neoffcrpnse.3Dnb tbe^cafte mall make an attSicme&fMtoma0tottcbpBeWfr«g tbat be batb fp««eb m one of 9S!9fSf f mum M m remnaute ftalbc tbe &** W* fouictrcfp«icc anb fpnnc tbojowe tano= rattnee m thpngtjS tbat arc conCeccatebUnto m Se . I mm mm m m trefpace tTnto tbe lojbca ram witbont Wempfbe out of tbe flocbei , iialncjbmmottepatt wojj clctf after tbe * fpclc of tbe fanctuarp, tbatit mmn ri marSSf««twWo»rtti«.1lttbb^ ! malic amebess f 0? tbe Marine ftatbe batb bj= ein tbe bolp tbing.anb Ictftim put tbe I Wre Sattc mcSe tWto.anb gc ue it MlM 3inb tbclBieattc (balimahe an attornment f ozbim wltb tbe ram tbat ttf f 0? t^e trefpace. nno it (balbc fo?gcncnbpm. Bf a fouiefpnne.anbcommpt anp of tjt; fr tfensesi wbpebeare fojbpbben to be bone bp • tS comSttSmttttei of tbe mm 1 anb Spft itnot,anbDatb ontnbeb.DeCball .bgg hpS fpnncanb mall MM ram witboute blempfye out of tbe ftocUe tbat i* ettcmeb to be w&c a trefpace oWM.Mt * ■ Wg* fte . 3nb tbe ^eafte matt make an attom- mentfoj kpm ctmccrnpnge bP0 igno^aunce, wberiubecrreb anb wag not ware ««p« ^atri^teiS Eeutewtts. f cringe , »♦ wbpeDe De offrcb tmto tDe ftttM «• fo?ttjetceu>acc; C^De.t)i.Cljapter. fa^c oefctpngeBforfpnnce tobtcb «" 00 "!. to ij'; lpnBt.«;bc ifltoe of tbt butntoffwnsw. *W HW mull a ftw tuttino?e bpon tbe auKW.aUr offecpn. ot s of aaton anb brt fonnw, _. . ^ Bo tbe tojbe fpake bnto ^ofejsfaptng:ptafoule fpn ne anb trefpace agapnft tbe jLo?bc,anb benpe bntobps nepgbboure tbat wbicb wag taken bpm to kepe , 0; tbat wag put into byx baubc , 01 botbbiolcntrobbcrp 0^ wjonge \mto bv* nepgbboure, o?pf be banc foube tbat wbpcb watfloftcanbbenpetbit ,anb (Wtretb Ml* felp , Ijponwbatrocuertbpngcit be Hainan botb^fpnnctbtbertn.Pfbe bauc fo fpnncb o me.anb mall abbe tbe f pftb parte m oar c t be -- tcto, anb ncue it bnto bpm to tobome 1 1 per » tapnetbp famebape tbatbeoffercrb fo?l)ig trefpace,anbletbpmbitpngcfoMjpgtrcfpa= cc\)ntotbc Lojb.a Kant toptbout blrnuQie out of tbe flocke (^ig eftcmcO wo;tb a trcf= 25 pace offrpngO tmtotfte mcaffc.^nb tbcp^e« aft (ball make an attonemStfo! bpm, before tbe lojbe^itibnll be fo^gcucn bpm, wbat« locuer tbpnge it be tbat be batb bow 9 trcf= paccb tbcrm. anbt()e to^bc fpake bnto ^)ofeg,fap* tnge : Commatinbe ainron anb bpg fonncg fapinge:tbig ig tbe la we of tbe bucntoffrtng. mmt*t *W burntofripngc ©all be \jpo tbe bar tb of tbcalter all npgbtbnto tbe mo^npngc, 9 tbe tw (ball be kpnblcb on tbe alter . 3 nb $ «n» vw p^caftc (ball put on bpg * Ipacn albe , anb ppglpncntyecbcgbpon bpgffcfbc , anb take awapc tbe armeg bpon tbe wbpcb tbe fpic cfifumcb tbe burnt facrifpeemtbe altccanb be (ball put tbem bcfpbc tbe alter, anb put of b(grapmcnt,anbputonot»ce,nnbcar>'ctbc nrtbeg out wptbout tbe Ijoft Unto a clcnc place. ttDetyft \)pontbealtcrlball burnc ftpll. anbnenerbepntont . TSuttbep^eaftc ibail lapc wobb on it cuerp bapc in tbe molacc:cuenfntj)ecourte of tbe tabernacle of 5fo,rl;; fflinlja witneffe tbepCbail catc (t.3t mall not be ba BcnwptblcuenJbauc geucnit bnto tbem fo?tbcp?po?cioofmp(acrifpccg.3t ig moft boipcag ig tDt fpnnc oifftpnge anb trcfpacc= offrpngc.3CU tbe malfgamongc t^t cbplbie* of ^taron maUcateof(t:3tHjalbca ftatute fo? enertn pourc generacpong conccrnpngc tbe facrtf pecg of t\}t lo jbc:$ar let cuerp one --^ tbattoncbctbit.be bolp. ^^ 3f» tbe Lo,ibc fpakc bnto CDofcg Taping: tbig ig tbe offringc of Ttaron anb of bpg fcn= ncg wbicb tbcp (ball offer bnto t^z lo^bc in t\)t bapc wben be ig auopnteb.tbc tenth par* te ofanCpba of ffourc , fo?a mcatoffrpnge perpctuall:balfc in tbe mo^npngcanb balfe at npgbte:3n t\)c frpenge pan it Qjalbc mabe mptb ople.Hnb wben it is frpcb, tbou (bait bjpngc it in.anb tbe baken offrpngcg of tbig oblacponmpnfebfmall.Qialt tbou offer foia fT»cte fauoure bnto t^e lo^be . anb tbat giicaft of big fonneg tbat icanopntcbin bpg ftcabc, (ball offer it =3t is the io^beg butpe fo? eticr: it (ball be burnt all togctber . jfoi t) cuerp meatcofrrpnge tbat ig mabe fo? tbe ^eaftcQjalbe burnt all togctber , anb (ball not be eatcn.3 nb tbe Lojbe fpakc Wito Q)o feg.fapmge.fpcakc bnto Haron, anb \n\to bpg fonncg aim fapc : Ijrbpg te tbe la \ac of ^ fpnnc oRring.lntbc place wbcre tbe burnt* offepnge ig kpllcb.ajall tbe fpnnc offepng be kplleb before tbe Lojbc, foi ttig (o-mooft t-* bolp.^bc ^caft tbat offrctb it, (ball eatc * oftun-s it.-3n tbe bolp place (ball it be eaten 1 cuen in tljecourteoftljc tabernacle of wptncflc.^o man toucbe tbe flclbe tbcrof , faue be tbat tg balowcb.^nb mbo fo fpjehletb of t\)c blou - betberoftjponanpgarinnit.^crtbouujalt _,- toatbc it in tbe bolp place, tfrcrcag Htitmi* "^ klebbpou.^iiSuttbccrtbcnpottbntitigfo^r..., r „ h ben in, iballbe biokcn3lnb pf it be fobben in w * ww * abiafenpot, it (balbc fcovozeb, anb rpnfcb in tbe watcr.3 11 tljc malegamSge tbe p?ca= ftcgiballcatctberof,fo?itigmoftbolp.auD tiofpnncoffipngcwbofe bloubc ig b?ougbt into tbe tabernacle of tuptnefle to rcconcvle wptb aiiin tbe bolp place, (ball be eaten; but Qjaibcbucntm tbe rp?c. C&bcutj.cbaptet. C?rtfPac«offtpH8c«.#>pnnro{ftpnBtB,ana ^tactotftpngw.lbctattanbtbcbiouoc inapcnoe bttatm. -. l^pgigtbelawcof tbe tref=^ pa ccoffrpngc : it ig m oft bo= lp. 3n tbe place toberctbep kpll tbe bur ntoffrtnge, (ball t\w kpll tbe trefpaccoffring alfomnbbpg bloubc Qjallbc . . Ipjpnklc roube aboute bpo tbcalter . m tbe fat tbcroffltjall tbcp offer: tbe roumpc anb tbe fat tbcrof tjwt coueretb tbe in warbeg , anb tbe.ii. kpbncpg , anb tbe fatt tbat ig on tbem anb\)p5tbelopncg:anb tUeabonnbaunce tDat ig on tbe Ipucc (bait f t|)OU 1 J "|: l\ i ! t 1 1 H -L .* '9— .._. Ceremony e# fcmftfttt* mwm umtum ftieaft Qrallburnc ami W^JK rate tbtrof in tbctoolp J*?^JSSSS Ip.a* tbe fvnitt offrpugc «fe J° '? *& tr i f K> (hail be the p^attctftlwe wficvltttit^rw. auto the ttwaftc f offered anp mantf burnt* fcr oftlgc7<$fill Ue tfte fttpimc off burnt* X&iWcO be baft offreb.an; all $ mg £ offrpngctnattf baUcmntbt oiku, anb that ? TbTeRoii i tbe grebp ten ,a to AM pan',0)albctbc^eaacjtl;ato(!rctbi^iD n.erVnu'ateofferMi5etb»«Wm'P»sUbt»i^ ople anb tbat i* twcftall pcrtapne gn o all the fontw* of aaron , anb one Ml paut aj by he offer it to 5«l«^ hc ^Sffirt tame dps tmimvm » *»*? ftaUffi tbXplc^ fpnc fiourc frl^^flWrtAgwfe^ rpngc \)pon aaUcg of leuenbeb bjcab fo{ W P faerificc be (ball offer one f o? an bcueofamge tbaffinckleb tbe bloubc oftipcaccoftm c % . %rt tbe flcCbc of the tbanRofrpngc m M peaccoffrpngc* Qjalbc eaten tbe lame notbpngcof ftDntPll tDc IWWJK JJ be offrc ftlMm bP rcafon ot aim l»eg» of m alncfeewplMt (ball be eaten tbtfaj m : Jape tbat be offectb bptf famf pcc.anb pf ougbt temapne *ntpll tbe mojpwe, it mape tic caWbui ! a* moebe of tbe offereb flefoc a* temapnetb Vntn tbe ttptt *JP 'Jfcgs burnt WbfPW • mit W of thefljfe of DPJ3 pcaccoffrpngc* be eaten to tbe tppjbe ape! ben (ball be tbat offectb it,obtape no Her Smrc^netbceffiallitbe relientl Monro r hpm : bu t (halbe an abbompnacpon . JJff- ast ro?ctDc fonle tbat catctb of if , jjr (hail ft* °C reDpsJ fpnnr.3nb ittiM f ^"PSSfiS? Dnclcane tbpnge (ball not be rati , but bur n t ttjpth tm ■ anb all tbat be cleane iMf*t{ the nefo25utpf anp fonle eate of tbe new of tbepcaceofttpnsetbatpertapnetb \jnto tbe ioM baupngebPSbnclennc(fc\)pon Ijpm: tbe fame foule (hall pctpfbe fro amonacjjp* people. &)ojcoucr, the foule tbat both tou= cbcanpmKlenetbPnge,tbati0 of tbe mrtt* nefte of man o? of anp tmclcne bcaftojanp abbompnacpon tbat «tmclene:anbtbcnca* tc off (fed) of the peaceoffrpngc Mm ft* tapnetb^ntotbc lo?bc, tbat fonle ajaUpc" r ?Rb tT SSSe fpalie t)nto mfeA M«! fpeaae^ntotbecbplo?enof3fraeianbfape. m Own catc no manet fatt ofot en of ^ »«h ii)eueanbofgoateg:nciKrtl)clatertbrfatto| thebeaftc tbat bpetb alone : , awb^br fatt of tbat wbpeb i^ tojnr toptb twplbe bcattc0> (ball be occupicbinanpinancr ofmbntpe (ball in no wife eate of it. # o? wbofoeucr ea* tctb tbe fa tt of tbe bea lie of »W men Jjfe to bipnejc an offrpncjeDnto tbe Jto?br ,J m% fonletbatcatctl)it,ibaUpcrpn)frombW5peo pic . ^o^coucr.pc * (ball catc nomnnci ; or * mt(Ui bloubc , wbttbtr it be of foule oj of beaft^ jciwc. ... *.. . . ^ Uihatfocuee foule (tbe tbat catetb anp fgtfgS, iter of bloube.tbc fame foule (ball pcritbefcO <.wt B . ^Inb&ojbetallwb tMMM , fltftoBC: 3 fpcabe tmto tbe cbplbjen of jfrarl ana mm lojbe , let bvm mm ^SSSSSSsl loibeofbp^peaccoffrpngeactbwawneba bejJ biwiar m offrpngeflof tbe lo?be: enrn rbe fatt wptb tbe bjeft (ball be bjpnflt: tbat the tacit may'c be vonnrb fojt a ttancNuUtSt befo/e tbe 1 o?br.«nb «t ^Wfflf tbefattvpon tDc alter , anb tbe butt mm aaroiwi 9 m mnaam tbe JPfibt QJ0ul= bcr (ball pc sent \>nt o tbe ^.itaftc, fojjn U* ueonTpitae.ofpourcpcoccolfrpucr^.'Cbcfa me tbat oifictb the bloubc of tbe peaccoffrjn* gee anb tbe fatt , amongc the torn goJ38* r6,ujallbaue tbe rp5htlboulberfo?bWgJ- te.fo? tbe* wauebjett anb «bc bencaioulber * ^. m baue 3 taacn of tbe c&plbtf of 3fracl, enen of tbeirpcaecoffrtncjejX.anbbautccijenitDnto Staron a »nto Dpjs fonnrtf ; bpa ftatutc foj rurr of tbctbylWrnof3ft«l. ^bpiststbcauopntpngcof^aronanotw onopntpugc of bis fonncshn tbe ftcrtfteig of tbe JLojOc,mt!)cbapc\X)bcnbe offeree tbe to be ®mM mito tbe Lojbc. 2tnb tbeie bj tbefaccifvcejswbitbtbelo^conimaunbeo to begcucn tbcnKtntbc bape oftbcp?anppn tpugc j of tbe cbplbjcn of 3ftael ; ,bv a ftatiite fo?euertntbcv> gmeracponsl.TO^ JJtw lawe of tbe buwtoftrynge anb of tbe meat* offrpngc , anb of t^e facctf pee f oi fpnnc ana trefpaccfo? confecraepon 5fo?tl;e Ptatcpf* frpnge:Wbtcbtbelo?bccommau»(beb«)o= feslin tbe mount of ^pnat.wbcn becomma unbeb tbe tbPlbwn of airaelto onti ; toeij JJ ertfpec* \)iitotbe lojbc to tbewplberncftc ofgbpnni. ... C5rbe.Wij€ba?tcr. C: §>»)c anopntpnBC of Saton nntt 1)P« connw. Mb m I am rpnUc\3iito m* - M<$ raptogc:tafee* aiarona bPtf »f onnetl tmtbbim >anb tbe* eftu« #rcs(5tbcanopntpnse *V}*>*™ uwatS'a pons* oxt m fPf^SSSi hleMnb a baflict wptb f wte b?ccb?anb «• tber fbon all tbe consregacpon togetbf^ Iff to tbe bo*e of tbe tabernacle of WJWg. 2tnbet)ofc0bpba^tbe io^becommaunbeb I rm« tipm.anb tbe people were gatbereb togetber Dnto tbe bo^e of toe tabernacle of wptnefle. 3nb a)ofeiel fapbe \)«totbecongregacpou: wHttW tbpnge wMtfjc 3Lo?becommau- bebtobebone. 3ttnb ^ofejS brought aarou $ bpjs fon» nc^attbwafibebtbemwitbujater.anbnut \jponbpmtbcalbe^gp^bebbimi6 agirble, "* 9 PllttJpfibpm tt)C tUlipClC^fofpaiotoefpmcj anb put tbe dfcpbob tbcron, wbtcb be gpjbcb topto tDt b?obcrb gpjbcll tbat m* in m €pbob,anb bounbeit tonto bvm tbertnptb. anb be Put t\ft b? eftlapue tb cr on, a no put in the b?eftlappe aarim a tbumim . a nb be pu t tpe mpter lopon \)?$ bceb, anb put \jpon tbe mptcrC men topon t\)t forefront of W face) tbcsolbeplateo?tbcbolpcronne,ajstbelo# 25 becommnunbeb^flofesi. mm** *anba)orcs(t6betbeanopntpngc ople, anbanopntcb tbe tabernacle , anb all tbat u>a0rbcrto,anb fanctinebtbem, anb fp;pn= Men tperof Vpon tbe alter feuen tpme^anb anopntcb tbe aiter,ano all \m *effe w,tbe la ner»bi^fotf,tofanct(fpetbc^mpio wwu.) anb be pott),teb of t))c anopntpnge oplc tip5 aar ons( bceb,anb anopntcb bpm , to fancti= fpebpm.anb ^ofc^bjougbtaarontf fon« nnt«9 put olbejei Upo Cbem, anb gpjbcb tbem t»itbnp?bcid,aput boncttejs t)po tbetrbec* -- Mm tbe lo?becommaunbc0 4$ofe& lei)pm ,atouc of the bloube.wbicpbeput^pontbebo^uesioftbe <-, alter rounbeabout xb W f pngcr , a 0^*ptt= r rifpcbit,anbpot»^btbcbiouoe\)utotbcbo f ^tomcoftbealtcr,afanctifpcbit,anbc<5-rc» v cScplebit.anbbetokcautbc fatt tbat watf t)pon t\)t tntoarbe^anb t^e abu nbaunce of tbe Ipucr anb tbe tt»o kpbnepetf , anb tbep^ fatt,a a) ofejs bur neb it »pon t\)t alter. 25 ut the ponge ojceanbbptf bPbcbtfflcm anbbiJS bogc.be burnt wptbfpjcwitbouttbcbofte* a0 tbe lo?DecommauuoeD ®)aM. "B anb Ije biougbt tbe ram foj tbe burntof= ftpnge,anbaaron anbDptf fonne $ put ttyvi banbe8!\)potttbcbecboftberam,\xibicba)o fej«ftpiicb,anb fp?pnhlcb tbe blonbe topStbe alterrounbe aJ>out,anb ^Dofe^cut tljcram mpecc^anb burnt t\)e becb , tbe pecctfanb § fatte.anb waftbeb tbe inwarbctf a tU ieg« gefliin water, anb forest burnt tbe ram cue . rp tobpt Up6 tlft alter, f o? a burntfacrrtpce, tbat it mpgbt be a (toetc fauoure, anb an of > trpnge bnto m lom>a& t^c lojbe comma lmttr iinbeba)ofe^. 2 Afc * a,,D ftc b ?°«Sbt tbe ocbee ram.namelp ^ tne ram of confecraepon *» c»e«f m«ti»3 aaa«> r on anb bisi fonneg put tfym baube0 te>5 1 be bceboftbera:wbicpa>ofe0nettje,anbtoftc «>f tbe bloube of it,anb put it topon tlje tpppe 5fo t*w.n*. of ataroutf rpgbte eare, « topoit tbe tbombr ofbpairpgbtbauDe.atjpatbegrcttooofhttf rpg bt fote. anb 4pofcg b^ougbtaarW fon-- ® nc0,aputoftbcbloube^*cofebct3; on p tpppe *^ of the rpgbteeareof tbfif M m tbombetf of tbcp^ rpgbte banbeaf.antbpontbeareate tooe0oftbep^rigbtefete,anba)ofe0fp^ uleb tm bloubc \)pon t\)t alter r oube aboute; * 3£ no be toftc m fatt e anb tbe roumpe, * « F0 anb all tbe fat tbat toag tipo t^e towarbefc anb tbcabounbaunce of tbelpuer,anb tbcti ftpbnepeiS «5 tten fatt , a tbe rpgbte fboul- ber.anb out of tbe bafbet of ftoetebzeab f i»a0bcfoictbe to?be,beto&eone fwetrca- Heofoplebb^eb,aonetxJafer,aput tbem on tbe fatt a ijpon tbe rpgbte (boulber.* put al= togetber t>po aar60banbe0,a Dpa bp^ f on* neobanbesf, awauebita t»aueoffrpnaebc= fo?e tbelo?be.3Enb ^oresl roue tbem from ^ of tbeir banbe&a burnt tbem \jpo tU alter, ** cuen \)po tbe burntofftpnge alter :f o^ it mm tbe facrifpee of confecraepon, fo^aTajete fa=> uoureaafacrifpcctjntotbcto.ibe. * 3nD* tftfl mom toftc twbmte anb wauebit foia toauconrpngc before tbe Lo?D,f o? tt ma of tbe ram oftbeconfecratio, anb ttiwajf Q)o= fejjparte.aiaitbetoiibecomaunbeb^ofe^ anb ^ofetffoBeoftbcanopntpnge ople, anb of tbe bloube tobpeb toajj Upo m alter, anb fpjpnklcb it bpon aaron anb ^pon by* t)eaimente0, Upon bptf fonnejSa on bPJX fou= ne* tjcaimcntctf toptb bim,anb fanctpfpeb aarg.bW *cfture0 a \)V& fonnejef , a bptf I on= ne* tjeffurctf wptb bpm j anb Wo fa fapbe tonto 3P ar on anb bPJ5 fonneifrbopie tm flelbe in tbe bojc of tbe tabernacle of t»itneu"e, anb tbere * catettwptb the tyrabt&at Wn tbe bafftctof confecraepon, as 3 commaunbeb, *i fopmge.aaron anb bpjs fonneiS Qjall catc it: a tbat ujbpcbrcmapnctb of tbe bjcab , (bail pe burnc wptb fp^e. m anb pc (hall not beparte from tbe boo?e oftbetabcrnacleof\Bptneu"e.\)i).bapco > bn- tpll tbe bapeiJ of poure conrecracpon be a t ail enbe.^o^.biJ.bape0(baUberp»pourcbanbe a0 be bpo t bp0 bape: eucn fo tm lotbe batb commaunbeb to bo , to rcconcple pou wptb all.^berro^e (ball pc abibe in tm bojc of tbe tabernacle ofttptneffc bape anb npgbt fcu$ bape0 longe:a bepe tm watebe of tbe io?b, anb pe (ball not bpc .- fo*fi>3am contmann- bcb.anbfoaar8ab$fonnc0 opD aEtbpn* pje0 wbpcb tm torn comaunbeoo^ bp tbe ^a banbe of ^ofctf. ^ ca:bc^.cbaptcr. C*be fpjftofftpngw of a«on,aaton blftTctb fbcpropK tbt atom of tbe lo;n« t$ qittotb. fjftb it fotf uneb tbat in tm^itiU bape, x a)oft0calkb aaron anb %$ fonne^, "* ianb tm elbcr* of 3frael : anb fapbe tm toaaron:taheti)eacalte,ap6ge one out of rbeb;oue>&3*fo; fpnne,a a r5 to? a burntof => f ty frpngc: J I * ■ ft: n«4 ; J: ' if I •5: J : -■ i tntfiti < ro.r;::,-.', :i • if iii * i ri: :■ f I A $abab f &btl)M Cettttttufi! ftpngc :botl) turnout Mcmtfb , anb bjpngc Son bcf m W io.tbc.3nb W t\)c MM oqttacl tftow Walt fyraae , foPjuwt ttfon* Sole two bfa pear c olbcwptbont m mpiu fotaburntfacrtfpcc .anban op anb a mm foi pcaceoffrpnseS.to offer bef o?c tbe Void, anb a nicate otfrvncjnnvnstc^ut ) ovlf ,f oj #tobapctbciojbwiUappcrc*iifopou.:»nD tDep b?ot gDttbatCwbicb pon tbe alt cr , anb bpb waHbe tbe inwarbes anb tbc legacy, anb bujnt tbem topon tbc burntoffrpngc m * Snb Sen Dc tyougptc tbc peoplrt oftyng, eabinge tbc gootc flitto W^&&§* facrltpce of fpnnc.anb Oeweitanb offereb it foVf/nncas (he W 0* Mk • MM the burntoffrpngc, anb offcrcb it asl the ma= ***4 ». neewasi * anb bought the mentoferpnge, anb fpHeb DP* hanDe tbcrof ,anb burnt JjM pon tbe alter ,befpbc the burntfaenftee of tDc m0 | eflewe alfo tDc ojee * tDc M M ?ca ccoffrpngctbat tbc people Dab fttttn [«; ueS:anb Batons fonnejs bjougbt tmto opm tfic bloubc, wbpebbe (MM » tjpon tbc al* terrounbcaboutanbtoUetDcfattoftDeore anb of tlje mam.tbe roupcanb tbc fatt toat coucretb tbe Cnwarbc^anb tDc hpbucpc0$ the abunbauce of tbc Ipucr: anb t&ep : put M fatt "topon tbe b?eftcj«, anb be burnt tbe fatt Upon tbe alter :but tbe bjettetf anD tbc rpght (bonioer 3aro waueb f 0? a waucoffrpiujc ©befo?etbelo?De,a^tbe to?b commaunbeb tt)ore!8 3Bnb3laronlpftct)pWDrtnbcoiiep tbc people.anb blcffeb tDcm.anb cameboune from mm of tbc fpnneoffrmgc butntof- f dgc^P>a«offrpnge8!.3nb *\)o(m 3ar6 went m to tbc tabernacle of witncffe^ came out,anbblcafDtbepeople,anbtbcglo?PCOE @fmt*tt8 ILmititM. MM* 1 9 confumcb upon tbc alter tbe bucntowpng I tbe fatt.Wbpcb wban all tbe W&Pgb tbc v gaue tbanfcejJ,an3» felle on thepj face?. CCbe.JcCftaiJtcf. _ . «r riaiiab 9 abi^u otcnsr«c..Tlrtacimoum«9fo? tbcm.EDc |9jcaac0atc(D;bi>6OniVutnc, 1 fib* fiabnb anb 38bi&u tbe fon 3d , waofaarontobrrtbcr.oftbcmjg^nf 1 liWcffo? l »putfWf|lKnn,»jittt lnrt ' JIU vWcensitbee *m& offrcb ftraugc , *mBBs£sfW before tDc Hojb* wbvcbj pe * ,2 F o.pM SSmSm^bfbemjj^ffJbecew^a^ ' out from tbe toibcc^anbconfumebtlic,? *^ ?W^Scfo?ctbclLo^^n4©oft^ be bnto 5tnron : thpfi ®it Me lo?b rggfcf foviiwctf wvUbcfanctifvcbmtbctntbatco me pe nicanbbcfo?ealltbcpeoplc3 wjlbe So fpet "W aacoiibcibe Wgatt.aip lt)ofcfl i calicb«EMfacl anbeifapfc tbe fon- SrSaf&ci *c ^ncleof 2iaron,anbfavbe *ntot$come on. carve f b^f^gj" x* frotbcbolpbiace outof tbe boae.anbtbcp went totbem.anb carpcb tb* tatbew albc^ out of tbe Dotte.a* W&tfffl tovbe. ^ 3nbaVe«^vbct3nto36aronanbUnto© eie^r^b3tb«WbWfope^^H?^ ? m)tpourebeebe^netbcrrcntvonreclotbe0, left vt bpe.anb left w?atb eonie MM all be J)eop7c:^utlctvoureb?ctb?gtbebolebouffc of jftael bewepetbe buenvnge wbpcb tbe. lo?bbatl)Upnblcb.2lnbgonotpc out ftmn tWW of tDc tabernacle wptncffe,lc ft m bpe : fonbeanopntpngcovl( t* f ObiSJVpfi pou.3ubtberbpbaj^)oft0rapbc. 3rnbtDclo?bcfpabe\)nto^arott,rap> tnfl:^DouftaltnotbwncUewpneouanbtbpronn;0tbataw^ the :wben pc go into tbc tabernacle ofwpt- ScVlcft pe bpc.let it be a la we teener tho rowe out pourt seneracponswnb p pe map ^ ( Jaue Knototmtf » >put bi tfergcc betwene bolp «^ s tmbolp,bctwene wicleane 9 clcane,{ PJJ maptcachtDecDUb?eof3lfraeiaUfft«ttte0 !i: fti.i. wbpeD tfje lo^be batb fpoaen bnto them bp tDepanbeofa)ofesi. (£ 3Bnb €)oies(fapbe bnto 3Caronanb wi to ($leaj;ar anb 3tbamar bps Tonnes* tljat were lefte stafte tDe meatoffrpnge tDat rc^ tnapnctb of tDe facrifpce0 of tlje iozbe , anb catc it wptboutleuen betpbe tDe alter ,fo; it is( moft bolp : pe ujall eate it in tbc bolp pia» cc, becaufe it W tbp butpc anb tbp fonueiB bu= tn of tDe facrifpcciQi of tDe to^&c.-f 01 l"o 3 am commaunbeb. Knb t\)t waucb^cft anb bcue= Qj oulbcr (ball pe cate in a cleane place : t bou anbtDpfonnejJanbtbpbaugbtcrswitDtDe. jf 0? tDep be ifyy bntpe anb top fonucjSbutpe gcuen out of the pcaccoffrpngeiBi of tDecDpl- b^'onfrael^DeDeucfboulbfranb tDe wa= uetyeft iballtDep b?pnge in wptD tDe facrp= fpeetf of tDe fatt, to wane it before tDc top be,anbit(balbetDpneanbtDp fonnesiwptb tDe.bpalawefo?cuee,as;tDe lo?bebatDco= maunbeb. 55 atnb a)ofejs fotigbt tDe goatc tbat watf offrebfojfpunc.aubTc.itwag burnt.36ub be wa# angrpe witb ©lea?ar anb 3tDama r tbe fonnesl of 3nron , wDvcDc were lefte alpue, fapinge:wDcrfo?e baue pe not eaten tDe fpn» nc orferpngc in tDe bolp place , fcpnge it is! tnooft Dolpc.-anb (Boo DatD geucn it pou , to bcretbcfpuneoftbecongrcgacpon,tomnne agrcment f 0? tbem before the Hojtb { i6ebol= be,tbeblouDofitwa0notb?oiigbtin witb= in tbe bolp placc.ge Cbulbe Daue catc it in tbe bolp place, a S3 commaunbeb. 3pnb Uaron fapbebnto Wfesl.bebOlbe , tDPtfbapebauc tDepoffcrcb tDepz fpnueonrpugc aub tbep? O^burntoffrpngc before tDe to v zbe, 0^ anb it t'jscbaunccb mc after tljptf matter .3ttb pf 3 Dab eaten tDe facrif pec tobapc, (bulbe it ha= ue bene acccpteb in tl;c fpgbt of tDe lojbe/ 1 3nb wben^ofeUDcarbctDatjbc wag con* tent. CCDc.rt.CDaptcr, COf branc8,tob,pcft be cicanc,attD\Dl)rfl> biKlcaoc* fob tbc io?b fpaftebnto m fe^aub^aronanbfapbetu to tDcm:fpeatse wito tbe cbil ibicn of 3frael,$ fapc * tbc» fcare tbe beaftcj* wDfcD pe (ball cate.amongcall tDe ca tell tDat arc on tDe cartD : wDatfocuer parte tbtbc Doofe.anb bcttpbetb ott^it not into two clawcs.ncr chawetb cnb.fncbe arcbnclcnc vntopou : cuerpone? toucDctDtDcm.tbalbc bncleane. aBubwbatfocncrgoctbfcpon bpSDan= beSamagcaiimaucr bcafteS tbat goo on all fottre fete, fucb are bnclcne tjnto pou : ? wDo fo botD tottcDc tDcp^carbaffe* fijalbe bndc= ±r mi b - ncWttpll tbc cucn.^nb be tbat beamb tbe zw.icT carhau"coftbem,(ballwafibebPSclothcS,i? be wiclcancbntpll tDceue.fo; focDeare bn» cleane wttopott. 3HnblettDcfc alfo be bncleane to pou, a monge tt}t tDpngcS tlja t crepe Dpo tDc crtb, tlje weafell.anbtbc moufc , fj tDe toabe, af= tcr tbcpj bpnbctbc bcbgeboggctDc ftellio, tDc laccrtctbr fnaplcanb tbe molle.tbefe are Wtcieane to pott amoge all tbat crepe : wbo=« f ocuer botD toucDe tbem wben tDep be bcab, f iii tbalbe em jCetcntonpca £ettfttttts ^ (name uroicane utitpu tiw «"« • XffSSS foruer anp oftbc bcab carlwffcsf of tw botb fall Upon.ujaibc undcanc-.whctbcr it be m fell of wobb,ojrapmcttt»oi fupnnc , op bag* fle.ojwbat focucr ucffcll it be w wo?Ue & Id 2 oughtc m.Sub it muft be pliiflfb m the t»ater,!*itmallbcUndcane Dntplltbc cut, nnbfotyallitbcclcnlcb. amm tf llmaner of erthcnUclTcU «W aw of them f allctlMbalbc unclroiir , Jf Y * truit.w.t>. rbcr'tnitf :anb*it (ballot tyoben. 411 mancr m,0 't*. rotate alfo that i0 Ufcb tobc catcit^Pf a np ieucttbclatcr,pettbefountapuc0 anb wcl» If I collection of water* Owlbc cleane : ft 1< 3ni> wbofo t outlet* Km cmfcafle, (ball be *" Iffi 'bcab carUaffc of aw f ocbe fall Upo anpffebUCebtofowcitCbaUpet be cleane ftpU:butanbpfanp water bepowjeb upon tbcfteb,*«becbearfcellcfal»l»ron,itlbalbe Undeanc Utttowm. If anp bcaft of wbpcbpc mave catc, bpc anb anp man toucbe tbe bcab car Uaffc thee* of ,be ( balbc Undeanc Unt pi ,tUc eue.tor tbat catctb of the bcab cacUaffc of it, (baUwafl&e mtUm anbuc UndcaneUtttpU tlw rtnr. fnb he alfo that bcarctb ttic carliafle of it, fbail wafibebiflclotbc&ano be undeanc Un ~ tP Tct euerp ercpingc tbpnge tbat crepctb Upon tbc ertb be anabbomtnacpon anbnot be eaten. W)atfoeucr goctbUpon tbtbiett, anbwhatfoeuer goctbUpon route , 01 tbat barb moo fete amongcall creppuge tbpngej that crcpcUpotbe crtb.of that fe pe rate not f oi tbep are abhompnable. £e Qjallnot ; ma= He pourc foulosabbominable wptb notbinj tl)atcrcpctb,nctbtrmaftepourfelne^nclca nc wptb tbe:tbat pe fbulbe be befplcbtber* bp.5foz3amtbelojbepoHrebe (ball toucbe no balo« 25 web tbpngc , no? come into t^z fanctuarp, \wtrll tbe tpme of bpj purifpenae be out.3r flicbcrca mapbecbplbe, (be (balbc Unclenc two wetu0, an wben (be bntb bvi Mpf rallbpfcare . 3nb(bc(baUcontpnueintbc bioubcof \m pwrtfpenaetfee fwiratib^i bape0. *3inb wben tbc bapesl of bp?pur(fpcnse $ arc out: wbetber it be fo? a fonnc 0? fo? a *mt.u bausbtcr ,fibc (ball bzpnge a lilbc of one pca» re olbe foi a burntotfiingcanbapounae pi» gfon 0? a tiutpll boite fo? fpnnc Unto t^z boieofthc tabernacle of wptiuffc anb Unto tbc flbjeaftc : wbpcb fljall offer tbcm bcfo?e tbc lo?be , anbmaUcanattoncmentfo? bcr, ^j nno (be (balbc uourgeb of tbc pffuc of bP? Woube. * 3nD tbPJS iS tbc lawc f 0? bcr tbat t %m , u l)atbbo2ttc a male 0? female . HBut anb pf (be be not able tobzpngc a lambe , (be (ball bipiuje ^twoturtpl0o2twopoungcpvgc= E onjjitbc one f 01 tbc burntoftringc, anb tbc 0= *™ m tber foi fpnne . 3Bnb tbc ftieatte (ball tnabe an attonctnent foibcc ,anb(belbalbcclene, C^be.JCiijCbaptcr. H%\)t J&;tattca mutt (uOBtto^o ate Jlcpttff. 01} tlje lo?be fpnUe Unto49o« 5- m anti 3aron fapingctwben^ itbtreappcaretba rplVngcian^ I'mantf flcCbcctUera fcabbc, oja -^BBaoBjglpftrpnge wbpte:anb tb| Pla= aeofTemofpc be in tbe fUpnne of bpjflemc, Ccballbebiouflbt unto aar6tbe j&yaftc. ojUnto one of bP*fonncatbe ^icaftctf: anb tbe ^eafte (ball loUe on tbc fojc in tbc flipn* tie of \)v* fietbe . 3nb wban tbe beerc m tbe fo2ei0turnebUntpwbPtc >anbtbeft« aiTo feme to be lower tben tbe fltpnnc of M* ftety, it wpll be a plage of Icpjofpc.anb tbc pea- Ire (ball lobe on hpm » «»b tabs* bP«» un* clcuc If there be but a wbpte plcckc in the lj|«- ne of bpsJ fle(b.anb feme not to be lo wet : tbe tbe dtFBnc.no> tbe becre tber of g turncb *n to wbptctbe ^eaftc (ball (but btm Up f eu^ bai«S:anbt^eafte^HUAeUpoiiJjm agapnctbefeuetbbapc^nbpfpplageftme to bim to abpbe (till, « f plase arowe not m tferemott^ts Eemtitus. i£omu Hf tbe f apnne tytifrttw (tjall (butt Ijim Up pet t)(i.bapejS moo.ltnb the l^ieaft (ball lofte on hpm agapnc tbebij-bapc^ben pf tbe plage be barcttee^ not gr wen in tbc f apnne , the a&2eatt(balltubgebpm dene, fo; it t$ but a ffipirVaitttb be (ballwaQjc W dotbeu,* beclc ne,2But5Pf tbe fcabbe growetn tbc fUpnnc after tbat beitf feneofthc^catt , f tubucb elenebe (balbc fene of tbe picft agapne . 3f tbcpjcaftfcf the fcabbc be growen abiobe 0^" intbefltpnne,e^-tbep?cft(baU maaebpm \jndenc:foMtWalcp2ofpe. 7& UJbcn tbcplagc of lemofpeitf in a man beflbaUbebiougbt Unto tpe p2eaft, anb tbe ©it aft (ball fe bpnt . % m pf tbc rpfpnge be wbitc in tbe fHpnncanb bane mabe tbe bea= t e wbpte.anb tberc be ra we Oetbe in tbe foie itwplbeanolbclep2o(peintbcfl$pnneofbij< flc(b3nb tbc p2eaft Iballmaltc bpmuncle= nr.anb (bail not ibutte bpmUp fcpngebcisf Unclene. . . . m jjf a lep?ofpe b2cauc out ab2obc in tbc rapit ne,f eouer all tbe fapnuc, from bpg becbto bpg footewberfouer tbc p2caftloketb , anb tbcp2caftloKeUp6btm.:anbpfthclcp2orpc bauecoucrcballbpjSfteO) ,be (ball tubge tbe plage to be dene becaufc it 10 all turncb into wbptnciTct be flinlbecleane.iSut ab pf tber be r a we fleme on bi wbt be is re nc, be Q)albc gr \)nclcane3nbf picaftfballfcprawe left, ^ anb bcclarc bim to be Unclene. jf 02 tbc ra m fle(b W Unclene fepnge it t0 a lepzofpc.^D? pf tberawc ftclbbepartc agapne 5 cbafige Uu* to wbptebe (ball come to t\}t picfte , anb tbe p2calt (ball fe bim 9 bebolbc : 3f tbc Coo2e be ehaiigCbUntO WbPtC o»(anbrou« tijetoljouman) ** tbc l&Jcaft (ball iubgc tbe ulage cleaner be fijalbecleane^bc fteO) alfo m wbofefliinne tbcreissa bplegt isfbcaleb , 5 in tlje place of p bple tberc appeare a wbpte rpfpnge , etber a ftpnpngcwbptcfrfomwhatrebbi(b,it(baIl be fene of m $2calr3rt) pf wbe thcj&jeaft fcptbbpm,it appeare lower tb5 tbc (apnnr, ^tbcbcarctberofbecbaungeb Unto wbpte, tbe l&?ca(t (ball iubge bpm tncleane : foj it ij5aplageoflepjofpe,b20ftenoutoftbebple. T> HBtit^pf tbe ld2eaft Iokc on it anb tberc be no wbpte beared tbcrin,«pf it be not lower tben tbe Chpmtc, but be barcber , tbc j&jeaft (ball (butt bvtn Up.Uij.bapcjS.3nb pf it fp?e t^ be ab2obein tbe ftcCb.^^tbe pieft (ball ma- lic Wm \)iicieane,fcpngc it i0 tbc plage. 26ut anb pf tbc fpot (lobe ftpll.s growc not , it i& t()cp2pnreofan bote bple, anb tbcrfwe tbe S left (ball beclarc bpmtobecleane.p there eanpftc(b,(ttWbofcf Upnne tberc 10 a bote burnpnge .anb tbe ftclb tbat burnetb baue a toibptcfpott.fomwbatrebbpaioiiwbPtcp pieft (ball loac Upon it . 3Hib pf tbc bearein tbat bipgbtlpot be cbaungebto wbpte, anb it appeare lower tben tbc mpnne,it isi a lew ^etooacii outof the burnpnge , »nb tt)er- fo^ethc^zeade Cbnil m$t fym Undcatiev fepnge it 10 tbe plage of lepzofpe. iSutpf tbe pzeait lode on it $ toere be no wbpte bcare in tbcb2pgbtefpott,anb be no lower then the otber fdpnne, but be barcUer, tbe pjea ft (ball tbat \)i\n Up feue bape^.SCnb tht pjeaft (ball lobe on ))\>m tty feuentb bapc :2Mb pfit be grotneab?oabintbcfftpnne,tbcp2caft(balI in bgc \)^m Wicicancfepngc it 10 toe plage of lepzofpe.^nbpftbe fpotftonbe ftpll(nit,gi growc not in tbe rBpnne,buti0barcfte,tti0O rpfpnge of tbc burnpnge , 9 tbz l&2caft (ball tberfoze Declare bpm cleane , fepnge it 10 ti)e p^pntc of tbe burnpnge. £f man 02 woman barb a fo2e UpontpetS bceb 02 tbe bearb, tbc p2caft (ball fcit . 3nb pfit appeare lower than tbe fdpnne, s thcr be in it a pal owe hearc : 5 tbpnne^cnun^m it teas toont to br ;fl)C $KW (ball iuDge bim Urt clcanc, fepnge tbat ttit famefrctpnge 10 a to « hen of lepjtofpe bpon tbc beeb 02 bcrbe . 2£nb pf tbe pzcaft lobe on tbe fine of tbe p2pnt,5b it feme not lower tben tbe fbpnne, anb tbat tbe bearc 10 not blacke, t&r tbe #icaft (ball ^* (but bp tbe f r ettpngc foie feuen bapejS . 3nb in tbc (cuf tb baye tbc pzcfte (ball lode on the foic:anb pf tbc io2e be notgrowcn,anb tbtre be in it no palowe bapje , anb tbc foie feme not lower tben tbe fUpnncbetbalbcfbauen. but tbe place of tbc fo2c (ball be not (baue, ? tbc p2cft (ball fbut bp tbc fo2c feuen bapc0 moo.3Enb ui tbe feuentb bape the p?cfte f ball lone on tbe fo2e: 3tnb if tbe f oze be not growf in tbe fdpuncnerfeme lower tbtn tbe otber f bpnnctbe piefte (ball denf e bpm, ? be (ball waUje bp0dotbe0,anbbe dene. iSutpf tbe fo2e growc in the fleOie after bptfclcnfpnge, tbe pjcfte ajali loftc on bpm . llnb pf the fo.2e be gr owne in p fkpnnctbe piefte (ball not fe be to* pclovDcbcarcfoi be 10 Unclene. 2out if 5! be fe tbe pipnte ftonoe ftpll, anb that tberc 10 blacac bcare grownc Up therin ,the foici0 bealcb.anb be (balbc cleane, anb t\)t picft ©all Declare \)?m to be dearie . VI tberc be wbpte fpottc0 i\\ tbc fbpnne of tl)c ftcQje of man o.i woman, tbe p2caft(ball lobe bpo if.JBnbpf tbc fpotte0intbe flipnne of tym flcCbc be fom wljat barebe $ wbpte wpthall, W(ilt mape be Cute , tb.at itie no Ifpiiofp(}iti0 a fTC- §Q bell gro wpnge in tbe ftelbe j 'fcberf o^c ifi he clcanc. %n* ti)t man( wfjofc heabe (0 beftif nf 6 of bearc, wherbp be (0 mabe balbc) 10 tfea* ne.3nb be tbat batb W fttare out in bi* fo^ rebccbe,i0 f02ebeebbal.be anb clcanc . if tbc re be in tbe baulbe herb 02baulbe fo^cnecb a wbpte rebbpfb fozc fcabbc , there WtaMofre fpitonge Up in bp^i baulbe Ut^ 0? baulbe fo* r ebeebc.3tnb tbe pzcaCt (ball lobe Upon btm, anb pf tbe rpfpnge oft be far be wbpte reb* bpib in bpd baulbe beeb 09 balbc fb?cbecib after tpemaner of a lepjofpc which Wn tbe c> t \\i\ fhpmie i I £tp?otye Imititm flif nwc oft^c ftcfbc ,tbcnhe W a Icpetmtf nf ii&'WlMW Mm the picafte Ml mate ijym mmm , fo? the plage therof 10 in »y0 uccb/tfbc leper in wbomc the plaflc 10, thai; tome D^clotirjest rcnt.aub by? bceb bare anb (hall put a coucrpngc Dpon M ipppc.anb Oialbc cattcb Dnclcifc anb bcfylcb . anb as lonse a0 tue byfeafe mtm torn* waibc bcfplebanb \mclcanc : l)C (ball Dwell * .02 any thpnge *b at i* m ty °t »»r» Ii'c,wbcrcintbeplagci0,fo2 be (ball ret it out of the clotb, 01 out oftbcfttyn* ncojontof the warpe 02 out of the woofe. anb pf it appeare anp moare tap clotb ( e= tberinthe ward 02 in the woofe Qpn anp tbpnge mabe of fUpnne)tt«a watfngc pla* gefchou (halt burnc the plage that wt in it. &)oicoucr the cloth , ctber warpe 02 woofe 02 wbatfocucr tbyngc of fbpnnc it be wbycb tbou haft wafdpcb.pf the plage be bepartcb there from , it (halbc wafujeboncc agapne: anb then (ball it be cleane® bp0 10 tbe law of the plage of lepjofyc in a clotb whether it bewollcn 02lpnncn:epthcrin tbe warpe oj tpoofe. 0? in anp thpngc of f kpnne0,tomahe re r leane 01 tnicleanr. 4 * CtDe.jtiu'i.Cljapter. tiSK c:a^tcifi»tp«Bfi)f^cifpit)8noo anb wope. ' aubthepicaftc (baiicommaunbe tbatone of the b?2br0 be Itpllcb in an ertDen tjeffcllf •bponrennpngeU)atcr.3nbhe(halltahetbe Ipupnge btffte witb tbe ccbar wobb,the pur plcanbthepfopc, anb (ballbpppctbcmanD tbe Ifnpnn bp^bc in the bloube of tbe flapne bp2be, \jpon tbe rennpnge wat cr,anb town* mn)ponhpnictbatmu(tbeclrnfebofbp0le= p?ofpc ) fcwcit tpmc0,anb elenfe bvm, anb Uiall let tljc ipuynge by2be goo frr into tpr f DC ^nbhetbnti0clcnfeb,a)aUt»aC(bcl)y0 ffi ciothc0,aitba»aue ofaUbp0beere,anb waO) w livm fclfc in water , that be mape be cleane. 3;nb after tljat (bail be come into tbe hoftcf (hall tarpc voptbout bP0 tent fcue bapej.bue iu the feuentb baye be (ball (faaue of aUhytf hrcre,namelp,hpp beab , bp* bcrbc anbbPj Jj2otDfi0:eucn all hp0 hcere (halbe (Jauen ot. 2&nb be (ball toafibc bP0clotijc0 9 W tleQjc in water anb be (balbc cleane. 3ntbecvgljtbape he (ball taUe two lrtmbe0wpthout blemyfbcanb anpcwep be of a ycarc olbe witbout blcmytb.anb twe tcntbbcalc0 of fpne flourc foza * mcatof • *««"»»■ fcpnge mpuglcb wvtb oyle anb t&r a logge ^^ ofoyle.3inb the ^?eafte that manetj)hpm cleane , (ball b^pngc tljc man that Wto.be mabe cleane anb tbofe tl)ynge0 , bcfoie t\)t H02bc, euen bcfoie tbcbo?e of ebe taberna* tie of wptneffe . 3nb tbe ^jeaftc (ball talte one lambe.anb offer hym#^ to* trefpacc,f *& tbelogge of oplc,anbt»aue tbembefo?e tbe H02be.3Cnb he (ball (lec tbe lambe (nthepla* ce where tbe rpnneofttpnge anb the burnt* ontpnge are flapne 1 euen in t^s bolp place. 5fo2a0tbeCpnncoffryngi0,cue fo ixftbetre- f pace offr pnge the pi cafte0 :f ey ng tt t0 mooft 26nb tbe picaftc (hall taUe of the bloube of the trcrpaceoffrynge,* put it \>pon the typpe of tbe rpgbt care of bpm tbat t0 to be clen= feb,* upon tbe tbombe of by0 rpgbt banbe, nnb mm the great too of bp0 rpght| foote. Ubepieafte (ballta&e of tbelogge of oyle,* pow2( it into tbe palmc ofby0 l^tebanje, anb opppc bv* rpgbt fpnger in the pple tjat WinhyelcftDanbe.anblpipnWe of tbe op* le wpth hy0 fpnger feucn trme0 Wfpietpe ttwfyt Eettitutt* lo.ibe.^nb oetUerettof p oplctnatiji (n bp0 banbe , (ball tbe $?ca ft e put hpou tbe tpppc of the epghte eare of bpm that (0 f 02 to be den feb , anb tipott tbe tbombe of bp# rpgbte baubc.anb topon tl^c great too of Op0 rpgbte fote:euen "bpon tljc blouoe of tbe trefpace of= frpngc.3ftnb tbe temnauute of tbeopie tbat Win the pieaft c0 banbe.be (ball po wk bpo tbe beeb of hpm tbat 10 f 02 to be clenfcb : anb tbt ^caftc (ball maltc an attonemctfojhym befoiethetozbc. • 31nb the ^caftc (ball offer t\)t fpnne of= frynge , nnb mabe an attornment fo,2 ^m that is to be elenfeb » M tyz bnclcnncftc. %wn then (hall he hyll p burntoffrpuge , anb tbe pjeatte (ball offec tbe burutoffrpnge anb tbe meatoftrpnge \>pon tbe alter:? tbe p2cfte (ball mabe an attoncment fo2 t>vm , atib be itt'mw.b, (balbccleane . * 3f be be pooic , anb can not gcttromoche,hc(ballta(tc one lambe foza trefpace offTpnge to wauc it f 02 hp0 clenfpn« ge, anb a tenth bcale of fpne flourc mpuglcb wpth oyle foia mcatoffepnge , nnb a logge of ople,anb two turtyll bouc0 0? two yoiigc ^ pigeon0,fuchca0he(0ablc to gett , wljetof & t\)t onethalbe fo? fpnne , anb foe other foz a bucnto(frpngc.3nb bcujaUbipngetbem tbe Wii bapcfo2bP0clcnfpnge^itothc pjeafte before tbe 002c of the tabernacle of witneftc bcfojctbcto^be. at nb the pmfti (hall talte the lambe that (0 f 02 the trefpaccaub tbe logge of oyle,ano wane them befote tbe lotbe.^nb be (ball bpl! t\)t lambe fo2 tbctrefpa:c,anbthc 02ca^ ftelballtaUcof tbe bloube of tbe trcfpaceof« frynge , anb put it upon tbe typpe of hya rpgbte eare that (0tobe eleiifeb , anb bpon tbe tbombe of bp0 rpgbtcbanbe , anb bpon tljc grcate too of Ijp0 rpgbt fotc. atn& f pic«i. ftcujall powicof tljc oplc into bp0 rpgbte banbe, anb tbe pjcftc (ball wptbhpg fpnger fptpnble of tbe oyle tbat 10 in \)ys leftc pbe, fciicntpme0 bcfoie the ioibc. ainb tl)t l&jcafte mail put of tbe oplc that 10 in ljp0 banbe bpon the tpppc of m rpgbte care of hpm that i0 to be elenfeb , anb Upon tbe tbombe of hp0 rpgbte banbe , anb upon tbe great too of bP0 rpgbte fofe • cue tun the place wberc tbe bloube of tljc tccrpaccof = fringe wa0put.auibtljercftc of the oplc tbat (0 in the pj s eft r banbe, be (ball put hpon tljc . bceb of bpm tlwt 10 to bccie"fcb:tbatbcmapc mabe onattoiiement tofijtm bcfoie tbe toi- be.ainb hclball offer one of tbe turtyll boue0 Oiofthcyongcpigcon0,fochen0hecangett: t\)e one m a fpnneoffcrpnge anb t\^ other f 01 a burnt offr ynge wptb p meatoffcrynge . aino tbcpieafte fliall mabe an nttonemem: f 01 bpm tljat 10 to be elenfeb before tbe lw« be.HTby0 10 the la we of bym in wljom 10 tljc plage of lepiofye,aub whofe banbe 10 not Able to (sett that whpch pcrtaynetb to ty$ ^orlb clcnfpnge. ambtbetoibe fpaftchnto^ofc0 anb 6 ataron fapingc : when ye be come bnto t\)c laitDc of Canaan wbpcb ^gcuepou m pof- fcffpou.3nbpf3putthcplage of lepiolpe in a boufc of tljc lattbe of youre poffeffyon , be tlja 1 wctlj tbe boufc (ball come, anb tell tbe p^caftc , faymgc : methpnbe tbat tberci0a0 it were a lepiofp in tbe boufc . 3nb t})c piea= fte (ball comaunbe them to emptic toe boufe, bcfoie tf)c pKaftc goo into it to fc tbe plage: tljat all tljat 10 in tbe boufe be not maoe bn=> cleane, anb tbtnmu ft the $?eafte ao in to f< t])t boufe. t 3ftbe^2eaftcairofe that the plage 10 in the wailc0 of tbe boufe,anb that there be bo* loweftraae0 paleo2rebe wbycb feme to be lower tljcn tbe wailitfclfctbeia/caftcajaU [0 out at t\): boufc boir0 , anb (hut bp the joufc (euen bayc0. anb tljc l&ieaftc (ball co= meagapne tbe feuentb bapr,anb pf be fc tbat tljc plage be mcreafeb in fyt wallc0 of tbe IjoufctbelDieafteJballcommaunbetbcmto take nwayc t\)t ftonc0tn whicb the plage id, 5f 5 let them caft tljem into a foiile place with* outtljecptie ,anb be (ball commaunOc tbe boufc to be ferapeb wptbyn rounbeabourr, anb poW2c out tljc buft( tljat ttitp fcrape of j wptljout tbe cptie into a foule place . anb tljep Qjall taht other ftone0, nnb but them in the placc0 of tl;ofc&onc0, nnb otficr m oner, to piaftcrp boufc wpthall . anbyf tbeplage come agayuc anb bjea&c out in tbe boufe, aftcrtbatbebatbtnlienawave tl)t ftoneof ftrapeb y walle0 of the boufe , anb after tbat be Ijath plapftcreb the houfe ane we : f pica* fte Oiall come anb fe it. anb pf be perccaue that the plage hatb growne further in tbe boafe,it i0afretpngc Icpiofpe in tbe boufe, 3t i« tljerfoic bneleanc . Jtntt Ijc (ball bieake bownetbeljoufc.anbtbe(tonc0 of itlsthz tpmbictherof.snllthcmoitrrQfthcboufc, (ball be carye out of the cptpctonton foule place. Wo.iconerhcthatgoctb into the bon> fe all tbe wbplc that itt0 (but bp,ujalbet)i^ cleane tontpll the euen: fce that ilepctb in t\)t boulc,lball waftbe bP0 clothed be lyhcwpfe tbat catetb in tbe boufe , ujall wafQje M clothe0. 3nbpftbeiBieaftecome anb fc, tbat the <% plage hath fpiebe no further in the boufe (after that it 10 newe plaftcrcb)? picftc (ball in 05 e that boufe cleane , becaufc tbe plage itf healcb .ainb let hymtahe toclenfetbe boufc wpthnll ; two bp2bc0 , ccbar wobb , purple clotljeaub pfope.ainb be (ball bpll one of the bp,ibc0 in an ertbe beffcll anb Vpo runnpnge water: stahc tbe cebar wobb , % tbepfopes tbe purple ri tbe Ipupnge bp2bc,^bpppetbe in tbe bloube of tbe flapne bpjbc , anb sn tbe runnpnge water , anb fp^pnble the boufc fe=> uentpme0,$clen(ctbeboufcwitbtbcblouO f t) of tbe ' 1 *?_ * Ceremonies Hmftfot* Ceremonies Imititm fuU of mwm anbWtfb tberunnpnflc water, witt) the ipiunsr bp2be, Witb ff jg«2 ?S: anb the plomaab tpc purple clotDc. JBtttBe OiaUictt tbc lpupngr W fl« °" te °. { tb « townc into tbc bjobc fclbc* , any fo mafcc m attonrmentf 02 the boufc , nub ttOialbe clca« nc.'$:bp*i*tbclawcfo2all manes plage of lepiofpcanb tycakpnge out, anb of tbc ic- pzoCpc of clothe anb boufc: foja Itortlpnge Foial'cabbc.anbfoiawhpteblpttcr/Eotca-- cbc whan it muft be mabc Uncleane anb mfo HC.^b^tftbelawcoflcpjofpc. Cffbe.irU.ebaptcr. C rbc meow of putgpngf ((I iwrttnnt a boUje of men anb toemen. ftb tbc lotbc f pake Unto <9oftf anbaaronfaptugc.&pcatte ton* to tbc chplbtf of jfracl, anb law tjnto tbem j tt>bolocucr bath ft runnpngeplTuc out of Up*ne (be, it uncleane up ccafon of that pirnc. Zm tbi* Qiallbc tbc token of W unclenncffe inwjt yKuc:wbenbci*Unclcanc.3fbP*ft^(bi!ru: «t, 02 pf W ftcCbccongclcbp thcrcafonof Dps plTue, then is; it Unclcancflc j Cuerpcou- the wbcron'bc Ipctb that bath tbc pffuc, i* Unclcanc.anbcucrptbpngc wbcron he (pt= tctlu* uncleane: Wbofocuer toucbetb iiscou cbcmall watbe bi*clotbc* , « batb frm Rife in water ,« be Uncleane untpii tbc cuen. 3 .trt W that rprtctb on anp tbpngc wbe= ron he fiwttjwt batb tbrpffue , (ball waibc bp*clotbc*,anb batbc bvm fclfc m water ,$ be^nclcanetontpll^eucupngc^ctbattou' cbetbtbcttc(beofhimtbatlvuhpplTue Oiall waKbc hptf clothe* , anb batbc \)Vm fclfc in watcr,anb be Uncleane Unto the eucn . 3f be alfo tbat batb tbc pffuc , f ppt Upon bpm that i*clcanc,bciballwan)Cb'*clotbe*,$ batbc torn Tclfc in water , anb be Uncleane Untpll 3& euen . 3nb what boife bacnett z focuer beep* bitb topon tbat batb tbepffuc,(balbe\)nclca= tie. 3nt> wbofoeuec toucbetbanp tbingc tbat wa* Unbcc bpm , (balbe uncleane Unto tbc cuen.3Httb he that bcaretb anp Cocbe tbinge*. fttall watbehp* clothe*, anb bathe hpmfelfe til water, anb be uncleane Unto peucn. %nn wboroeucchctoucberbtbatbatbtbcpluie(& bane not f p?ft waffocb br* b&bc* w water) (ball wafoebptf clothe*, 9 bathe hpin fclfc in watcr,anbbeUncleaneUntotheeuiJ.*;£be ■ M Ucfl'cllof crtb that be toucbetb, whpcb batb tbc fine , (balbe uioken : anb all ueOcl* of wooo (balbe rpnfeb in water. U)bcn be alfo tbat batb an pKUc , it eleti- feb of Wt ?nue , be (ball nombje. toij. Jape* fo2bp*clcnfpnge,anbwaubehp* clothe*, s bathe bV* flefbe inrunnpngc water, anb to ttaUhebecleane.anbthc. Uiif.bapebe Chnll take to him two enrtpll boue0 o? two pomt* freppjreonji.anb come before tbc lojbe isnto the bo?e of tbe tabernacle of witnelM jeue w # tbem \mto the f^ttOf . 3 nb f tejeafte flbatt offertbem:tbconc[o?afpnneofttpnBe,anb tbe otber foj a burnceffrpnfic: anbtbe p^eaft Cball mabc an attonemft fo? bpm before t^t lo^bcajSconccrnpnfiebPSFnne* If anp mans! f eebc beparte from bpm tit bptfllcpe,bcaiallwafibebiiSRe*K« water, anbbe\)ticlcancWitplleHen.28nballtbe.elo=? tbtjJanballtbcfurrcjSwbcriniU fucbe fteje ofacpe,(balbcwafajebwitbwater,anbb£ wulcane wito tbe eucn. 3nbpfbetnat|)atb fuebeanpmicoffcbc.bolpewptbawoman, tbcp (ball botb waCibe tbem ftlueji wttb wa tcr.anbbeWicleanebntpUeucn. M a woman* naturall contfe of Wonbe C bo rtinne , 0)t (balbe put apartc. Dfl. Oape0: wbof ocucr toucbetb ber.lbalbe tonclcane wt to tbe cuen.3lnb all tbat (be Ipetb bpa , in ty tpmc of bp 02 pf it ruunc beponbe bW naturallcourle.let all tbc oape* off fffue be iubflcbUncleaue, euen a* p" bape* of hpi naturall bifcafe,3&nD tbe (balbe Uneleane,3tll her eoncbetjwberoit (bclpetb(a*l6sea*bcepff«clafteth)(balbe a* ber couchc wpen (be batb b V? natural! op- ieafe.^nb wbatfocucr (be fpttetb *m ml* be Unclcanc, a* i& Ijcr unclf neffe wben (be nj put a parte. 3Bnb wbofocuer toucbetb anp of tbefe,Cbalbe uncleane , anb (ball waKbe w* tlotbej(,anb batbe b pm fclfe in water anb be Uncleane Unto euen. .. ... - 3nbaftertbat(bcWcleanfebofbVpi naturall bireafe; ttf put a parte , anb of wbofocuer batb a run = iipngcpaue, wbctberit bcmanoi woman, anb of bpm tbat Ipctb wptb ber wbpcb i* Uncleane. CCbe.jcbi.Cbaptcr. offcrcb before tbc £02= be , anb bpeb : ZnD be Hipbe Unto #ofe#: fpcabcUnto^arotbP bxotber, tbat be come not at all tpmeg into tljcljolp place wptbin tbe Uaple before p mcrcpfeate, wbpcb it fcpo tbearfte.tbat be bpcnot.5f 02 3 willappeare I wttMM in tbe * clowbc Upon tbc mcrcpfeate. H5utwitbthp0tbpnfle(ball3taroncome fcs* (ntotbebolpplace:eucn»5abullocmrjfo2 fpimcanb wptb a ram fo2aburntoffcrpu= ge.t^c (ball put tDz holplpnenalbcbpohim, anb Qjail bane a ipnen b2ecbeUpo bpie flcibc, anb (ball be gp?bcb wpthalpnen gpibell, f put tbe Ipnen mptre Upon bp» \i(t^ -. "Cbefc arebolpsarmcnte* : tberfoicfballbe wauje bWflefbein water, whan bebotb put tbe on.- 35nb be (ball tane of tljc multittibe off cbpi= b2cn of 3fraeI,two be goat c* fo2 fpimcanb a ramfoia burntofferpnge. 25 amo enroll (bail offer hp0 bulloclt fo v t *E)tb.»F.b. fpnnc , * Ocsranb maite an at tonement fo^ ^^ bpm , anb foi bvsf bonfe . SHUib be (ball tahc tfjetwogoatc0,anbp2cfent tbem before tbe loibeat tbc bo2eof tbc tabernacle of wpt> neuc.1Enb3aron (ball call lottctf oner the ij.g oateifc one lottc (balbe foe tbe ioibcaiib tbe otber fo2 tbe feapegoatc. 3 nb^arotball Uipngc tbc goote Upon wbpcb tbc Wtot lotte fell , anb offer bpm fo? fpnnc . 2$nttbc §oate on wbpcb tbc lotte fell to fcapc , ©all e fctt alpue before tbc Lo2bc , to rcconcple wptb.anbtolctbpmgoo (a* a fcapc goate) fre , into tbc wplbcrncflc . Tlno 3iaron (ball b2pngcbpie(bullocU foitVnnc, anb rcconcple fo2ljtinfclfc,aubfo2bp*boufe,anbujallhpll bptfbullocufo? fpnnc. C %nn be (ball taltc a cenfer full of but* npngccolc0outoffbcaltcrbcfo2ctbcto2b, anb (ball fpll bp* banbfull of fwetc censs, beaten ftnall, anb bipttge tbem wptbpn tbc UapicanbputtbccciKlUpoiitbc fp2cbcfo2c tbc to2bc:that tbc cioube of tbc ecu* inape eouertbemercpfeatctbat titfUpon tbe wpt= neffcanb tbat be nyt not«*aino be (ball taltc of tbc bloubc of tbc buiioch , anb Itopnftle it WptbbP* fpngcr Upon the mcrcpfeate eaft^ warbc : aub before tbc mcrcpfeate (ball be lp2pimicof tbe bloube wptb bP#fpngcrfc= nen tpme*, Mo,vM ;l ♦Beb.tr.o. [Wfc.r.a. St JCben (ball befcpll t^t goate tbat i« the people* fpnnc offrpnge,? bipnge bvn bloube wptbin the Uaplc , 9 boo wptb tbat bloube, a* be bpb vb tbe bloube of p bullocu, fp2pnU= Ipnge it Upon tfjc mercpfcare,anb before the mcrcpfeate . 3£nb be (ball reconcplc t^e bolp place from tbc Unclcnneffc* of tbc cbpl02f of Sfrael, anb from fbeirtrcfpace*inall mvi fpnnes.atnb fo (ball be boo f 02 tbc tabcrna* »> ele of witncfTc tbat i* fet amonge tbem.euen amongc tbeir Unclcnneffe*. *3nblcttbcrcbc nobobpein tbetaber- * £u< -*' nacle of wptneffe, wben be goccb in to mabc an attoncmcut in the bolp place, Untpil ije eomeout.3iibletbpmntabeaiiaetotiement fo2bpmfelfcanbfo2bp0bou(bolbc ,anb fot all tbe mttlfitubeof3frael.acnDbc(baUa6 out Unto tbc alter tbat i* bcfo?e the 3lo2Dc, i reconcplc Upon it,anb (ball tane of tbc blou= bt of tbcbullocb.anb of the bloube of p goa* te , anb put it Upon tbc bozne* of tbc altate ronnbe aboutc, anb fpipntfcie of tbebten* be Upon it witb bt* fpngcr f cuen tpmc*, anb clenft it, anbbalowcitfrom tbeunclciiefe* of tbecbplbien of Ifracl. 2lnb wben be batb mobe anenbeof re= e eoncplinge tbcbolpplace.anb tbe taberna= clcofwptncffe,nnbtbca!tcr,hctballb2ynge tbc Ipnc goate: anb 3aron (bail put botb bp* hanbraupon tljc beco of tbc ipue goate, anbeonfeffe ouer bpm all tbc mpfocabcaof tbccbPlD2cnof3fracll,anball their trefpa= tc$,i\i all tbeir f puue*: vuttvm tbem upon tbebeeb of tljcgoatc , anb feube bpm a wapc ( bp tt)t banbe of a conuenient man; into tbc wplbcmcITc . 3nb tbc goate ujall here upon bpm all tbep2 mpfbcabe*Unto tbcwplber* neffe , anb be (ball let tbe goate goo fre into tbc wplbcrncflc. anbSaronfball come info flic 1Tabcr= naele of wptnefl'e , anb put of tbc Ipnen clo= fhe8Wbpcbbcputon;wbeiihcwcntininto tljc bolp place; anb leaue ti)t tbcre . % no lett bpm wafthe bp* flefbe Witb water in tbc bo= lpplace,anbputonbpsowncrapmcnr,anb f ben come out , anb offer bp* burntoffrpnge anbtbe bnmtoffrpnge of t{)cpcople,nnbnia= bean attornment fo: turn fclfe anb fo: the pcopicnnbtbcfattof the fpn offer pngeiball ft be burnc Upon tbc alter . 3nb betbatcarpeb foitljtbcgoatctoo^awcll, aiallwafibe ^a l)Vt clotbc* , anb batbc bp* fteujc m water, a nb then come into tbe bode. anbtbe bullock wbpcb it foi fpnnc, anb tbc goate tbat it fo? fpnnc ,< wbofc bloubc was bioiigbt tn,fo clcfe tbc bolp placeman one carpc out wptbout tbc bode to be burnt infl)cfptf,wptbthrp2fUpiinciMbcirflclbc& tbcirbongcanb be tbat burnetii thnn.QiaH waftbe l)p* clothe* , anb batbc bp*fleibem water , anb tben come into tbc boodc.aub tbp* (balbcan 02binauec foj euev unto pom that f 1 - a ■ I Cctemomes Itttftfota ommatutfcemmtes MllltUUS tbat in tbc tent) bapt of tbe flnwHl mouctb, <^r « c &*~ WU* ponre tiMW » ano bono wojkc at nil •. vuDctDcr it be one of poure fclucs 02 a ftrnungcr tbntfoiournetb amonge pou » to* that bapc flmll ttjc pieft make an attonemtt for pou to elenfe pou , anb tbat pentapc be clcane from all poure fpnncS bef 02c tbc 102= <5bc.lctitbca&abbotb of reft Unto vou.anp pc mall bumble poure foulcjat , by an 0201= nmtt nm m pjcaftc that iS anopntcb , anb umofc hanbe was confccratcb(to mpniftre innpSfatberS ftcaooibail matte tbc atto= ncmciiMnb Cball put on tbe lpncn (loflKg f nolp ucftimcteS , anbreeottcplctbc &oip ran- ctttnrp a nb m tabernacle of wptttelMnb ©all elenft tbc altcr.aub mahcan attoncmf t then f oi tbc pjeaftcsanb fo? all tbc people of UntohpS fonncsanb Unto all thccbplbjtcn of 3frad anb rape waeias^^J^nto them: -fchps ttl tbe tbpnge which tbc ioibbatbcbargcb.fapinge: wbat tnanfoence of tbc bottfe onfracl kpllethan otc,o2lambcoigoatctnfho(re,02thatkpl- ictb it out of tbc bottc , aub bjpngetb it not Unto thcboic of tbc tabernacle ofwptncnc, to offer an offcrpngc Unto the Lozbe befoje tbc bwcllpngc place of tbc 1020c, bloube (balbe im putco Unto ti)at man ,aS tbougb be hao (beb bloube, anb tbit man (ball be rotco out from amonge his people. l»herf 02c WPtt the ebpttnen of 3frael bipnge tbctr offeringeS,tbattbcp offer in the topDc fclbc, thep (bulbc bjpnse tbem Unto p 15 loibetcuen Unto tbc booje ofthe tabernacle of wptneffe to tbe pieatte , to offer tbem foj peaecoffcrpngeSUntotbeLo2b.2Gnbpp2ea= fee muff fpjpnkle t^t bloube Upo tbe alter of tbe Lozbe whpcbtS before fhcb02e oftbeta* bernacle of wptneffe, anb bume t\)t fattfo? afwetefauourcUntotbclo2bc.:?llnbletttbc' no m oarc offer tbcit offcrtngcS "onto bcuplS, after whom tbep banc gone a wboipngc. WtyS tftalbc an o^bpnaunce fo? cttcr ^)nto tbem in tbctr gencracpontf. atttb tbon ft)alt fape tmto tbcm:\X)batfoe= ucr man it be of tbe boufc of 3frael ojof tbe ttrannger $ wtyth foiourne amoge pou tljat offerftbabnrntofferpngeo?facriFpce,fbipii getpit not totito t^t Oo^c of tbe tabernacle of txjptneOe to offer it tjntotbe lo?be , tbatmit ipall perpu)e from amongepptf people « 3Cnb wbatfoeucrmanftbeof tbe bonfe of 3ftael o/of tbe ftraungcr^tbat foiourne ainonge C vou,tbateatctbanpmancrofbloubeJttiiU fcttmpface agapnft tbat fotilc tbat catetb bloubcanb will beftropebpm from amonge m people s M tbc Ipfc of tbe fleuje tsi in tlje blouoc, nub 3 baue gcucn it unto pon Upon tbc alter , to make an at tenement fo? poure foulcjj.foibiouoc QinllmaUc an attonement f 02 tbc f onlc . 3nb tberfoic 3 WJ *nto W cbpiwcn of3frael I: let no f onto *m*g jj> blouoc . jScytber let onp ftraunflcr tpat fo= » iournctpainpngcpou.cnteblouoe. %t«i tobatioeuce man it be of tm cbP>- cicn of 3feacl 0? of tbe ftrannger Jlf foionrnc amonge vou , tobveb Hutttetp aub catcbc.tij anv beeft 01 fotilc tljnt mapc be eatcn.lct btm uomc out tbc bloube tber of, 9 cotter it t»ptb ertbef 02 tbe ipfc of all ffcujei Jintpeblonbe of it , tDcrf 02c 3 fapbc unto tbe cbplbjcn of ifracl * pc mall eate tpc bloube of nomanec *atm*w ofW,fo2 tbc ipfc of allflejewtbc bloube ygg* tbcrof : wbofocuer eatctb it , (ball perpftje. *"»'* ambcucrp foule tbat eatctb it wbpc&bpeb aloncoitbat wfticb roatftoMic wptbwpl&e bcafteS-.VDbetbcritbcoucofpourcfelnejfoi a ftranngcr.bc n>ail wafibe bP«» clotbc^, anb batbc bvm fclfe in water, anb bcUncleane Unto tbc cttcn.anb tljett Qiall be bccltanc ,n h C TOaftbe tnem not.no? batpe ppjs ftefu)e,pc CpallbearebPSifvnnc. CSTbc.jCUitj.Cbaptcr. ^ C^>l)at bcccces f kpnttft map matpf togf tprr. m tbe ioibe fpnfte Unto t$)ofcfc * fapinge : f pea he untotljccbplbjcn of 3fracl , anb fape Unto tbem : 3 *™ the to2be poure <5ob. % fter f bopnges of tbe lanbc of Cgppte wpcrin pe bvoclt, Oiallpc not boo : anb after tbe bopn= gc* of tbc lanbe of Canaan, nMterJ WPH b2pnge pou, (ball pe not boo , nctber wallie in tbctr 02binnuncc& but bo after mp iubge- meutcsUnbBepcmpcercmonpeMOttwfte tber in: 3 am tbe io2be poure d5ob s ge Cball Ucpetbcrfo2c mpne ojbinnunccjS , $mp.mb» gemcnte!3i*t»bicbepfa man boo, peO;alllp= *g"gp ueintl)em.3amthc.!L02be. ' ^ fSSt $>c tbat none go to w npgbcft ftpnreb, f 02 to Uncouee tbctr fccrcttejS.3 am p loibe. ^be fecrcttejS of tbp fatber,anb tbe recrct* *&*»'$* teji of tbp mother , (bait thou not Uncouee: eit - mu f 02 (be isl t^v motber , tberf 02c (bait tbou not bifcoucr ber fecrcttetf . * 'ftbc frcrcttejS of *tmm t\)V father js wpfe (bait thou not bifcottee,f 02 « j^y- it tjs tbp fathers fccrettctf.t'fhoutbaltnpt tSti.^ DtfcouerthepietuteofthVfpftcc.tbcbaugb^inf 11 " tcr of tbp fatber 02 of tbp motber : VWW » fbebebo2neat home oitnitbout.'CbouCbalt not Uncouee f fecrettejSof tpp ffinejS batifih. ter 02 tbp baugbtersl baugbtee , f 02 tbat ifi thpne awne p2cupte. ^bon (bait not Un» couce tDe fecrettejs of tpp fatpc rjJ wpjeJ* baughtcr Mmun-t- ♦tw.rr.b, Ifl.Ucg.fU ♦Lcu.FF.a Dangbtce, \»b(cb nwtf begottg of thp father, ano wJtbp I^ftce : tbou (bait not bifcoucr her *iwi.rr.c fecrcttcief . * 'Cbott (bait not Uncouee the ft* creffetf of tbp father** fp(tcr,f 02 fljeitf thp fa- thecs! nfltte Bpnftooma . Cbon Qjait uot bif^ couce ctjc fccrcttctf of tljp mothers fpflxr,f 02 «je (0 top motbertf ncjete ftpnfioomau. TOm Qjait not Uncouer the fecrcttcB of tbp fathers bzatljer J fit , tbou (bait not go pfc:tbcrf oie t1talttbotinotuitcouecheerccrctteo:.*^:hou (bait not unbea le pfecrertc0 of top bioetjrrs wpfe,fo?tl)atiiflitl)pb l jotbcr0p2enttie.'a:hou qjaltnot bifcoucr the menptietf of tbc topfc anbbeebaugbtee, nctljec Ojait tbou take pec fonnejs baugbtee 02 berbaughtersfbaugbtcr, to uncouee tbctr facetted : jf 02 tljcpare bee ♦0fli.wir.fc nejctefcpn, anb (ttocre vopaibncfle . * 'Cbou (bait not taheaujpfc ano hcrfptrernlfo , to Ucjte ber , tbat tbou ttJolbcit Uncoiicr her fc= crctteo.aSlongcaSChclpttctb^'^bounjalt alfo not go unto a tuoma to Uncottcr bet ptc= uptte , as longe asujc is put a parte fo2 her UnclennefTe . * ^J?o2eouer tbou (bait not Ipc tottb tbp ncpgbbourS tupfc , 1 bef pic her 1$ fcbc.1£bou (bait alfo not gene of^3*tbP fecb to offer it Unto* Q)oloch:ncptl;ec (halt tbou befple t^t name of thp (Sob.3 am tfjc Lozbe. mm*u. •iJhou (bait not ipcujpcb ma nbpnbc as id \S'm,c woinanhpnbcfoz ttiSabomtihicpo.+'S'bou ^ (bait ipe ujptb no maner of beafte to befple thy felfc therttJtth , nctDct (ball anp woman ftonbe befoica bcaft.to ipe bonne tbcrto,fo2 ittSabbomiuacpou. Ve (ball not ocfplepoure Celtics in anp of tbcfc f bpngetf , wheritt all p itacpoasare be= fplcb tt>hpcbc3caa out bef02c pou : U>bce=« tboiotDe tbe lanbe t'Sbcfpleb.anb 3 U)illUp= fet t the uiphebncITc tbcrof upon tt, pea 9 tbc lanbc it fclfe barb caft out her iubabitcrS. * ^cQiallltcpe thcrfoKmpne oibiuaunccS.s mptuDgementeS,rtnDcommptnoncoftbcfe abhomtnacponS : netbeeanp of pou 1102 anp tleaunsee tpat foioiienetb amonge pou cfo? alltbctcabbomtnacionshauctljemeuofthc lanbc bone ujbpcbe t»crc there befo2c pou , $ tbe lanbc is bcfplcb. )g>hail not tbc labc fpc- t»e pou out alfocpf pe Ocfplc ttjas it fpcwrb out the people tbat tBcre before pou i St 0? t»bofoeuer Qjall commpttanp of tbcfc abljo= mtnacponS, the fame foulcS that commpt thcm,(hollperp£bc from amonge their peo» pic. ^bcrf ote (ball pe Ucpemp watcbe, tbat peeommitt not one of tbcfc abbominablecth (tomes wbpcb were commptttb bef o*e pou: nnbtbatpcbefplenotpourefelucstbcrin . 3 «»m tbc lo2bcpoure 0ob. M C^pe.eiie.Chaptee. C*tfp«icponof latofffptrtapai'ngetofbe.r. c3: . maunnrmr iitr? . 3 courpucracpon fot tbc poo:?. toptctoaft it fo;b(nm. !*Enj,n\t>. *»» ■pbifflt Loibc fpahcunto HX)o % fcS fapinge .fpcafic unto all tbe mulcitube of tl;c chplbicn of jf= rati, ano fitpc titiro tbem : * gc ¥&&&*' '(balbeholp, fo2 3 the Lozoc pou-- m * re 00b am bolpc. l>cti;all fcarc eiierp man bps fatber $ hps motber , anb uepe mp fk& botbcS,3 am the Loibe poure C5ob. Pe (ball not tunic UntopbolIcsno2maKcpciiC>G0= bes of mctall:3 am t\)t loibe poure (5ob. Pf pc oftrc a peaceoffcrphfje Unto the io2= be, pc (ball offer it that pe mapc be acrepteb. *3t(balbe eaten the fame bapepe offer it? *£«*»«* on thcmoiotrc . anbpf ougbteema^ncUn* tpUptbpJbcbapcitibaibeburntinthefpjf. , ^nbpfttbeeaten the t&p*b cbape, it is uti» clcane, anbnot acccptcb. iie tbat cntetbtt, fijallbercbtS fpnnc , becaufehchath bcfvlco f baloweb tljpnge of the toioc, * that foule Cball perpmcrrom amonge Ins people. *U)hen ycrcapeboune the eppe cojne of SniS^i poure lanbc , pe (ball not repe bonne the Ut* molt boiber of poure fclbcncthcrflmltthou gather f> \x> hpch is lef tc Ddmnc in tip bac» ueft . HTbou malt uot pluclie mall thp Upnc* paebeclencnctbergatbee in tbe grapes that areouerfcapeb. 25ut tbou q-olt Icauc them foi the poic ano ftraungrc • 3am the i.o2bc poure 0ob. }* r »i«*[?e(ballnotffcaIc,nctberlpr,ncfhceir'-Db*frtr beale falfelp one with another. * re frail not w5*.*m1£ fujerc bpmpnamciuUapncj neptbcrajaltp i^ fl i¥- bcfplctbe name oftbp0ob.3«m the Lo:be. ffi.i. Won wall not oo ttyp nepghboure iruonge. nether robbe hpm Uiolrntip * nether frail *?"»'«« tt »w.ft fotctbeblpnbc: but malt fcare tbPC'ob .3 nmtl)clo2De.Veq)allboonoUnrpghtecul'= „ . ntS in iubgement. * tin tpalt not ta-- mi m uotiec the pooic 1102 honoiire thempghtpe, i,«o.a.\>. but tn rpghtcoufncS u)alt tbou iubgc tp\) nepghboure. 'ChouajaItnotgooup«bouncaSapze«^> lip acenfer amonge tbp people, netber malt tbou ftonbe agapnft p bloube of thp nepgb* bourc:3amtbc lo.ibc.^'Qrbou (bait not bcu ¥$!*•*•*' tc thpb20chcrtntbpncbart,bntmnietnanp g txjpfc * rcbuUc thp nepobboite : that tbou SSSfW* here not fpuuc fo? bps lake. * Won (bait *SS;I; not .»■ Jtetp tmtmts" * f . i - * Hot aufge tt)v ftlfc no? be in pnbf till of w»5= *tt«Mtf.t gc agapnft tbe cbpltycnof mp people * W tSSSmx ftalt louetto nmttbowc cucnasttDp fclfc. c«i*.*.c 3 ain the lo?bc. ** _^ >«MA. "" prtynUfccpempnetybinatincejtf.'Sboii (bait not let catcll gcnb?c wptb a contrarp Hpnbc.nctbcrfowctbpfclbc wpt^ mpnglco fceb , nether (bait tbou put on anp garment oflpncnanbwollcn. e Utyorocurrlpctbanbmcblcrb witb a wo= man tbat i0a bonbmapbcncucrtbelctf ap= popntcDtoabufbanbc,butnotrcbcmeb,mr rrcbomcgcucnber.tyclbalbcfcourgebwptb a lefbwn wbpppe.anb tbep (ball not bpebe* caufcQie was not fre . 3nbbc (ball b?pnge foj Difi trefpace unto tlje io?be : befo?e tlje bo?e of tbe tabernacle of wptnefle, aram to? atrcfpaceoffrpnge.3MibF'$?cafteujaUma* be an a ttoiicment f o? bim to" el>e ram wbptb isffoitbe trefpace before tbe lojbe, turn* npngcbi0 fpnne wbicbbcbatbbonc:« jnpn« nt wbiebbe batb bone (balbefo?gcucn bpm. tDben pe come to tbelanbe , 9 baue plan* teballmaner of tree* tonuenient to be eaten ^y» of^pelballputawapcthe f o?cfttpnnc of cucrp one witb the frurctbetofccuetbitpcrt (ball t!bep be unrtrcumcifeb bntopou,* Ojall not bccafcnof.nSutfntbefourtbpere all the frnte of tbem (balbebolpanbcommcnbable to tbe totbc.Jn tbefpftb perc (ball pc eate of tbe frnte oftbem , and pc mapegctber in tbe : _ incrcarc of tbenulamthc ~to?be poure <5ob. s£i rr**h **=fV.* wall not eate upon bloube»neptbtr * L S Win ufc wptcbetaftc,^|-tto?obrcructp= * tcuf.Sl mcfif.J>c * mall not r ounbe P locae0 of poure tfjc.«iitj.{. hccbe0,uctbcr (halt tbou marre tbe tuftetfof tbp becrbe . !>c (ball not rent poure fletftc *~* $crfo? anp f ouletf fakc.no? p?intcanp mar* ■^ Ue0 upon pou :3 am tbe lo?oe.13:hou (bait not matte tbp baugbter commen , tbat floti wolbeft caufe bee to be an wboo?c: left tbe lanbe alfo fall to wbo?cbomc, anb be full of wpuebnefle. pe (ball bepe mp rabbathc0. anb fcare mp fanctuarp:3 am tbe Lo?be.£e (ball not regarbc tbem tbat wo?ae witb fp?pte0, *t« trtW.a * nttberfehe after forbfapcrtfto be befpleb <3bptbcm,3amtbcio?bepoure<12>oD. ♦ccfi.biti.a. #i£bou (bait rpfebpbcfozc the boiebeb, usimo.\>.a. ftnll rcuC rc ncc tbe face of tbe olbe man , anb b?eab tW <£>ob.3 am tbe lo?be.3f a ftraun= i ger foiourne witb tffc in poure labe , pe (ball *m>M.t. notbcjcb»m.*26utf ftraungcrtbatbwel» Ictb t»Ptb pou , (ball be a0 one of poure fcl= uc*,ano tbou (bait loue bpm aa tbp fclfc, f 0? ye were ftraungcrtf in tbe lanbe of©gppt. 3 am tht io?bc poure d5ob. )H (ball bo no unrpgbteoufitctf in iubgc= ment , inmcteperbc , in wepgbt 0? in mea* tor (tare. ^ruebalauncc&true wepgbtc0.$3r3' true epba 9 a true tytn fball peTjaue .3 am tbe Lo?be poure t^oD wbpcb b?oughte pou out of tbe lanbe of egppt. '"Eberfojc (ball pe \t obfcrncaumpojblnattncea anbaU nu> (ub« gemcntc0,anbbo tbem3am tbe lojbe. C®be.W.Cbaptcr. A(tt , iTttbtj' tba( unit ottbeic Cttne to cqoiocb QMI opttbtreo>f.fl)tbctBOOttH»UU»w. iftb tbe loibc fpaUe Dnto.49oft«i fap= % inge.lTbp^lbaU tbonfapetotbecbpl «_ men of 3lVael , t»bofoeueebebeof tbe cbplbjcn of 3frael 0? of tbe ftrajtnget0 tbat b well in 3fracl, tbat geuetb of W fm bntp. * tmm *a)oiocb,letbimbc aapnc:tbe people oftbe lanbe (ball ft one bpm .3tnb3wpU WJ >«P face agapnft tbat man , anb wpll beftrope bpmfromamogebWpeoplc:becattfebebat9 geuen of m f«b bnto a)olocb,fo?tobefple mp fanctuarp, anb to polute mp bolp name. 3nb tbougb tbat tbe people of tbe lanbebp- be tbeie cpe0 from tbe man tbat geuetb or m feeo buto &)olocb,anD bpllbpm not: ^3" 3 wpll put mp face agapnft tbat man, anb agapnft bv* apnteb , anb t»pUbeftrope bpm.anb all tbat goo a t»bow«ge after Urn to commpt \»bo?oomc txntlj ^olocb , trom amongetbeir people. 3f a foule rurne bpm felfc after facbaj* tooibetoptb fp?etcjs , anb after fotbfaperjf, to goo a TOliozpngc after tfitm , 3 t»PU put mp faceajapnft tbat foule , ? wpll beftrope bpm from amount bP* people .^ancttfpe poure felueg toerf o?e * anb be bolpe,fo?3 *»*« am tbe lo^bcpburc (2>ob,bepc pc mpne o:bt« nauncesi.nnb boo tbem-3 am p lojbe wpicb botbfanctifpepou. m __, «r * MUbofocuer be be, tbat cttrfetS \W fj' * tf irt x tber 0? bP JS motber , let bpm bpe : fo? be batb i»7our.r .-. curfebbpisfatberanb motber, bPtfbloubebe «fo«w«. \jpon bim. * 3nb tbe man £ b?caftetb t»cb« ^t>wmd loclte toitb anotber man t3Dpfe:euen be tbat ptb woman bpnbctbcpbauebotb commptteban abbp-= minacpon : let t])tm ope . 'ftbelr blotibe be t>pon tbem . 3nb 3f a man tabe a wpft anb bcr motber alfo , it it wpftebnefle . 'Ebep (ball be burnt ujptb tw botb be anbflie, tbat tbere be no wpbebneffe amonge pou. mm nk*m amanlpe tnptba bcaft,lctbpm Jf^" bpe.anb pc (ball flee tbe btaft alfo . 3* « t»o= mango tontoanpbeaft.elpeboume tbctto: tbou (bait ftpll tbe rooms anb tbe beaft alfo» IcttbcmcpctbdrblouDcbebpontbem^f a man taftebptf i:pfter.bptffatber0 baugbtec o?bislmotbcr0baugbter,anbfeberfettettetf ano (be W f ec mteiM t ifta (bamef ulltbtnge. Mtommaunbtmentts Etuifutt^ *Kii.r'J«|.c Imif-fi'i-a- ■Jm.fbftJ.o 3© .JKn.Fb^.B •Dcu.ir.a. ITbep (ball perpuj in tbe fpgbf e of tbeir peo» j)le,bebatbbncouerebbpo fpftcra (ccrctrctf, ♦£cu.rb«j.c 5ciballbearebijSfpnne.*3faman Ipetwiti) a womil baupngeber naturall bpfeafc , anb bucouer berfecrettciel.flf openber fountapne, ano (be alfo open tbe foutapne of bee bloube tbeplballbotb perplbe from antonge tbep? pcoplc.*'2rbou (bait not tmcoucr tbe ft crrt= rejJof tbpniotber* fpftcc * no? of tbp fi> tbertf fpttcr , fo?be tbat botb fo , batb nnco* uerebb^nejCte bpn.-tljep (ball beare tbm mpfoopnge. . 3famanlpe witbbvtfbnclc^tDpfe, anb tmcoucr W bnclca fecrcttctf: tbcp (ball beare tbeir fpnne.ano (ball ope cbpioie (Te. 3fa man tabe bi0b?otbec0 wpfe, it ts: an bncleane tbpngc.be batb bncouecco m b?o= tberjsfecrettcis.tbepfbiilbecbplbleffe. *^e (ball nepctbcrfo?e all m pne oiDina^ unccaan&allmpiubgcmentctf.andbborbc": tbat p lanbe wbetbet 3 bjpngc pou to bwtii tberirt.fpcttje pou not out.£e ibnll not toaluc in tbe maucrfi of tbpsfnacpon twbpcbc lead outcbefo?epou:5fo?tbcp:ompttcballtbefc tbvngejJ, * 9 f berfo?c 3 abbojreb tbem. T&m 3 banc fapbe bnto pou: pc (ball en= iopc tbeir Ianbc.anb 3 njillgene it unto pou to polfcffc tt.eiicu a lanbe tba t ft* otuetb voitb mplde 9 bonpe. 3 am t\)t mo?bc poure <55od, tobpebebaue feparateb pou fromotberna^ cpon& * anb tbccfo?e (ball pe put Difference bettocne cleaue beafteiS 9 bncleane, betwene Dncleancfoulcjsanb eleane .^e (ball not Dc» f k>le poure foulest in bcaftc* anb fotiletf, anb in all maner creppnge tbpuge.G p tbe groun-- bc bjpngctbfurtb, tDbpcb 3 banc feparateb from pou atfnnclcane.'&berfojc mall pebe bolpbntome , fo?3 tbe "to?bcauibolp,anb bauefeuereb pou from otbernacpou0: tbat peujulbebcmpne. t *3f tbere be a man 0? woman tbatwoj* ftetb wptba fpjptc, 0? tbat ifin fotbfapcr, let tbem ope . wen (ball ftonctbc" wptb fto* ne^tbeir bloube be bpon tbem. Ct:be.icjci.cbapter. caiato(;fo?tbcp;«ac». !if5btbelo?be fapbe bnto^o« Itt&i (peabebnto tbe^eaftep? fonncjef of ^aron.anbfape bnfo tbem. ^r let none be befpleb vpona foule amonge bptf peo» pie, bijt "opon bPtfBpnfinan, tbat ta npc bu« to bfrnibponbltf fa tber, 9 bitf motber, bpon f oiute anb baugbtcr , a n D W b?otbcr, anb on W fpfter a mnpbe p tit npe bn to bim , tobom no man batb bnowen >. bpou bee (ball be be befpleb. But be (ball notbebetplcb bp5bim tbat batb auctojptc amonge bFSf people, to polute bim felfc fo? bim. , ]Let tbemnotmabe * balbncftcWtbcir beeb,. no j qjaue of tbe lochejs of tbeir bearbe, 5fo,]ribiij, -^ iteuf.rf.a. icu.fiuj.a. Uru.tbfff.b. ,Uf.Frb(().a MlTif.f. nojmnftcanp marbeflfm tbeir flcfbt .'Jrbep (balbe bolpbnto tbeir (Boh, anb not polute tbe name of tbeir <2>ob , f 0? t\)c facrifpeej* of tJ.cilo?OcU)bicbarea0pb?eabof tbeir 000 tl;e p bo offer :tbcrfo?c tt)ev (ball be bolp. * let tbem not taueac*bauenol)eerc <« on b(0 cpeb?owc0,o? bauca webbc 02 orber blcmilbe m Uua epe, 0? be mawnge, 0? fbaul» be, o?batb bP0 ftoncs bioben. £ oman tbat batbablcmptyr, aubtsloe t^e fceb of 3Caron tbe p?cafte , (ball come npc to offer tbe faciifpcco of tbe ioibe. Uiban be batbabefo?mpte,letbim not p?eaceto offer t\)z b?cab of bp0 <5ob. net Wn eate tbe bjcao of bP0 0ob: cucn of tbemoft bolp anb of tbe boly rsDnt Ip let bim not goo in unto $ baple, no?comcnpetbealttr,wbenbct0bcto?mcb, that be polute not mp fanctuarp , f 0? 3 am t\)z to?betbat fanctifpe tbem . 3nb «>ofcfli tolbt it bnto 3Caron anb to bp0 (mint* > ano unto all tbe cbplb?cn of 3fracl. C%bcje3^.Cbaptir. C*Bbo ougbeto abttapn«ffemta(pn8etbcJl)P«; «« tbattotrc offtto. ©objr.tohat.ano mm on mmtbtotttvto. anbtbe t> .* Ccccmonpcs Etmtfotts *.tcui.T*>.»- ♦ffro. m the lojbc fpabe unto J»o» itoJapingci&pcalicDntoaara aiibrjp* fomicctUattUep befc paratcb front tljc j*r bolp tbpn= ac0 of tbccbplbjcn of 3u*art,anp tnatehcp poltitcnotmy Ijolpuame in rpofe tnpnEetfUJbPCOtorpualoujc\jntomc:3nm rile tam • *NH* ¥«W tUcm : w&ofocucr be fceofaliyourcfcebamongeponrcgcneracp: on* after pou, that B««»J»« to i??lL?S2 s gc0 wbpcb tljcebplbjc of 3fracl balomc Dn= totbc lo2bc,baupngcbV««™« c * ttn ppnv.tbat foulc Ojallpcrvitjc from out of mp Cpgbt3amthcl02be. _ * ^ mtm * Umat man focucr of toe fecD of aaron i0atimccoibatbarmmpngc pmtcbe mall notcatcof^olptl)v«\c0\)ntpUJcbcclea= tic anbwbofotoucfotbanpmatbat WDn-- clcane oner tb,c foulc of tbe beep, 02 a man wliofc fecb riinnrtH from Dim in UPSSUcpc, 02 toDofocncr touchctft nnp wotme, wrjerbpue mapc be mabc Dnclcanc.o^a man.of t»rjom Dc mapc tahc Dnctennefle ( mbatfocuer Dn= flennePrcHcbatl))ffamcfonletl)at9atbton- ctjcD anp focbcujalbe Dnclcane Dntpll cucn, anbu>illnotcatcoftheholptbmgc0,wil behaue warden few ftefipe witbujater.anb 26 when tbefonnei0boune,fce tfcalbccleanc , $ wall aftcrmarbc catc of t|»c bolp CWmm m-t. armochca0iti0hp0fobe. * £>f nbcaft that tit tb alone , 02 « rent roptb wplbc bcnfte0 f xoticr bp ljc mapc be bef pleb )Ijc ajall not ca= to ■. i am the lojbc . Let tfccm Ucpe tferf oie . mpuc oibpnaimcclcfttljcp fo? the famelabe fvnnc DpontbenMnObpc fojit , pftbepbe- fpieit.3 the LoiOcfanctifpc them. 'Cberc Cball no ftraungcr catc of the bpH> tbpnge.netbeca geft oftDe picaftc*, neptbec (ball an bP*eb fcruafttc cite of p bolp tbtnge. ttlt pf the p waftc bpc anp foulc \»ptb mo s ncp.De fljall catc of it.lpaca* be that i0 borne mijp0bourc,walltbcpcatcofbp0b2cab3t the *&2eaftc0baugbtcr alto bemacpeb Dnto attrau^cc,(bemapcnotcateoftbcbalopcb hcueoffcpno;e0 . #otmptl)ltanbpnge pf the BtcaM Da tighter be a ujebotoe 02 benojfeb frljaucnochplbc,buti0retucnebDnto&ctra* tbec0 boute agapuc , tyc (ball catc of her fa= tbcr0 b2cab,a0tt>rlla0 (fee bpb in berpoutb. T&ut there Ihall no ftraungcr catc tbcrof . 3* a man eatc of the bolp tbpngc Dnmittinglp, l)cu>iU put tbcfpftbc parte ther Dnto, aim ten ge lie it Dnto tbe pjcaftc £3* t»ptb tbe iwlo* ^ mb tbpngc .anb tbe p2eafte0 malluotbe= f Pic tljc bolp thpnge0 of tbe chplbjcn of 3i s raclC t»bicb tbep offer Dnto tbe £.020 ) to Iaoc tucmfclucS mmpfoopngefrtrcfoace t»bplc tljcp eatc tjjeir Dolp tl)pngc0,fo?3 tDc lojoc DoDalot»etl)cm. r ^ r , -r Qtnn tU 3lo?Dc fpafte tmto ^pIW fapin» * flc:'fpcafte tmtoaiaronanb&p* fonne^and »nto ail tDc chpiotf of 3frael, anb fape Vttto W : wljatfoeucr^bc off ooutc onfraclo? foiaUbt0t)ou)c0 , anbfo2 allhptf wcwplh offcringctfmhKbtbepwmo^ntoplojb f 02 a burntorfcrpngc, pc a)allo»t( tc 1 wcon= epic pome Cclucss ;a male t»iti)out Wempjbe of r be oiccn , of P (bepc, 0^ of tlxgoatc0.)i5ut tcbatfocucr batbablemvaje ,ftm ^ not offrcfoiYcnmllgcttnofauonretljcrroitb. 3nb t»Dofocuer bjengctb, a peace offtinge \jutotbe iojbe (aceo2bpngca0|)ei0apopn« tcb)02 a^owco^afrewpll offennge,ino?e o2mepe,tbati0tDjtboutbcfo2mpte,tie©aU bcacccpteb.'Cberc malbcalfono Wcmpilie tbcrm:blinbc ,02 b2oUe, ojt woubeb, oiDauc a wen, 02bemat»ngc,02 fcabbcb.gc OiaUnot offrc foc!jc tmto f tojbe, no^ put an offtrpn* ac of anv focbe\Jp6tbe alter *nto f loije. 3n ore 02a Qjepetbat batbanp tnembie ^ out of mopo2rion,map(ttt)ou offerfoiaft^ lmllomrpngc: bntfoja toosjcitCballnotbc acceptco. ^emallnot offer tJntotbe loibep ix>bicbrtb2oorcb,o2b2ohcn , 02 plucbcb out. 02 cutavoape , nether amllpemakcanp focU inpourclauDe.nctbcrofaaraungcrjSbanbc MIX ve offer biteabnutopourc eob of anp fochc . -Jiftecaufe their co2rupcpon ttfinthem, nnbtljcp hnuebcf 02imtc in tbcm fclurtf , aim tbcrf02e i^allthep not be ncceptcb f 0^ pom 3nb tljc lojbc fpalic ^)nto a)ofe0 fapmge: TajManojce,o2aQ)cpe,o2agoatci0b2onget fo2tb, it fbalbe feucn bapc0 \mbcr f bamme; 3nb i rotbc.Mj. bapc foitl) , it Qmlbeacccp= tcb , f 02 a facrtfice \)itto the Lo2be.anb i»De» tber it be ojee 02 Qiepe, pc ujall not mil it ano ftcrpongcbotbinoucDapc. ^ BBbctt yt tcpll off cc a tbanfeomrpngc tn= to the l02De , ortreit tbat pemapc be accept m , 3nb tbe fame bapeit muft be/aten t)p, f tbat pc leauc none of it tmtpll p mo2otx)c. 3 am the to2De . 'Srjcrf 02c Owllpc hrpc mp commaunbemcnte0 anb bo them, 3am tDe io2bc .iaeptberOjall ptpolutempholpna= me.but 3 tDillbcbalotBcbamonge tbe cbpl* own of 3fracl.3 am the L02D tuDicbbiiJow pou,anb that brought poti out of the labc of egpptc.tobe poure(Sob:3amt&c lojbe. CCbe.f)ciiJCl)aptcr. C*f t^c l>olp Oapee.tljat tt)c r fliultie K»pf. abtl)cto2b fpake^ntoWfeA % i*apingc:fpeahc mitotic ebplb2en t of 3fracl,^fapc \)ntotbcm:^[:hefe ! atcmpfcaftc0,eucntl)cfcatte0 of the lo2be , i»t)pcb vt Ojallcall l)olpconiio= cacpong. ^^prcbapt^peajaUttJoihe^but *am tbe feucntb bape i tbe £>abbotb of reatt,an holp conuocaepon:fothat peboono worn tljerin,it i0tl)e<&abbotl)of tDelotbe inall pourebweUpngctf /«befearetl)e feaftegot tbe Lo2De , cuen bolp comtocacpon* , whp= cbe pc ajall p^oclapmc in their ceafon0 . 3« the .^iiii, bape of the fwfrmonctb ftteuen iptpc ^eremonpts *« to.m.e. (0 tbe Io2tic0 if pa(fcouce.?( no in tbe fpftc* j8u.r.rwi>.c Hct^oapeoftljefamcmouctb i0 the fcaftof J f wcte b;cab Unto t\)z io2bc : feucn Dnpra pc Ljjyo.rfl.b. m tiftcate\)nleuenbebb2cab.A-. 3ntbefnft „* bape peiijallbauc an holp conuoracpou : vt m iballDonolabo2iou0 woHietbciin.^utpc fball offer fticrifpcc0 Unto the io2Dcti)ojo\\) outtljofe feuenbaye0,nno in tbe feuf tb bape t0anh.olpconuoeacpon:pcfl)all Donolabo> riou0wo2ue therm. 4< anb the Lojbc fpalic Unto a)ofc0 fapehgcjfpcalic t)ittotlje cljplbien oflfracl §m&* $ fapc wnto tbem ^roljcn pc be comcinto the lanbcCUJbpche 3 gene Dnto v^w ) * repe bou» tie the harucft tbcrof , pc mall b.jpngc a flicfc oftbefp2ftfrute0ofpourcbniucft\)utotbc p2caft,tt)bpcb mall wane the fljcfe bcfo2ctbc i,o2bcto be acecptcb fo.i pou:? cucu tljc mo-- ro\»c after the &>abbotl) the puattc fhnll wane tt.anDpeQjall offer tl>itD«ipcuJbeyc ttjaiie tDc mefe.an he Wbe wptljoiit blenml) of a peare olbc,fo2 a burntoffrpngc v»uo the 1 02be:anb the meatoffcrpngc the r f , OmI'jc maoeoftmotcntbbcalc0offpncftourcmc^ gleb with ople.t be a faenfpec Dnto the ioi tc foi a fujetc fauourc:anb tbe b2pniioffi ing thcrof lualbe of \»v«ie, eucntlje foiutlibcale C of an lopn . 3no pc Ci.ali eatc nether bJcab, uojpaiebcb coinc.no.' furmentpc, 1102 ucvoc co2«c, \>nt j'll tljc fclfc fame bape thatpcl)a= iicb2OU2btanoffrpngc\)ntopourc0cb.ict tl)Vfi be a lawc f 02 cucr mpourc gcncracion0 anbinaUpoiircDmcllpn'jr0. p ?!,)ib pc fliall countc from fl)c moiovbc after the ^abotb-cnf from tbeb.ipc thatpc brought the Inefc of the UMticoffcpngc. Vij. ._ ^cr^abbarrc0complctc:c(ic\)nto tbemo= 1 rowc after the fcucnth £>mgc,anljolp coimoca= cpou.vcQjall bo no labo2iou0tt)O2uc therm, but offer facrifpec Dnto tljc Loibc. >^anb tljc Lome fpahc Dnto &)ofc0, 6 fapingc : tbe * tmtljbapealfo of the fclfc fc= *mi.m.t, iicntbmonctbii0abapcofrccdcilpiige.tber« fo?c ajall tt be an bolp conuocacio Dnto poti, (.-ctmiid yc Qjall ljunible pour Coulc0,anb of : **& fcr facrifpec Dnto the iorbc. PeQiallbouo woikctljc fame tmvt , fbz It isfa oapc of rc= concplpngcto maftc an atonement fc? pou befoie the 102bc pour Gob . 5f 02 U)ljatfoc= ucr foulc it be that Ijumblctb not hpm fclfc that oape.lje malbc beftropebfrom amonorc \)psi people . anb mhatfocuer foulc 00 any mancrD302liethat Dapr.tbc fame foulc mill 3 beftropefrom amongc h«0 people. re (ball bonomancr wmlu thcrfojc: Ictir bca la* UKfo2cucnnpourcgcncracponsanb in all pour OiocllpngcG. I ct it be Dnto pou a £>ab botbof rette, anb pc (ball bumble pour fou- lc0mthenpnth bape of the moucthatfiieu: from men to cucu (ball pc red m pour ^>ab» both. J< anb the 102b fpafte Dnto &)orfSf,iyr*g: # (pcaftc Dnto the cljplOKii of 3fracl,anb fapc: * the fpftcnthbapcof the (lime fcucnth mo= *m.mt,t; nctlj 10 the feaft of taberuaclco , (men bapc0 J, ^^;'; Dnto p L02b.^ljcfp2ft bape i0au bolpcou= q • R ' 4C, '• , • c • uocacpon.-pcniauoduo Iabo2pou0 tsatftc. pencil Oapc0 pc Uiall offer facrpfpec Dnto tlje Lo.2b,anb in the cpght bape malbc an ho Ipcommcaepou Dutopou , ano pc (hall offer facrpfpccO Dnto the Lo2bc.3ti0tbf:*^cob " c ^ Iecepon.anbpc ujall bono labouou0«jomc therm. Chcfe arc the fcaffctfof the io2b,ioh(cbc remallcall holt' conuocacpon0 , foi to offcu facrifpec Dnto p iom.burntoff rpngemeat^ offrpugcpcaccoffrpngc, abbotbc0 of tljc toioc,** bcfpbe pourc jJ pfte0,bcfpbcall pourD6ujc0,anb all pour reu)pUoffrpngc0,U)hpcljepegcuc Dnto tljc loibc. ►H tt)oieoucr in the fpff entlj bape of the fcucntlj moncfb rohanpe bauc gathercbin tljc frutc of the lanbc.pc mall ftcyr bolp bape Dnto the itoibc feuenbapc0. ^hc fpift bape^-r (ball bca0n $>abbofb:lpneu)ifc in tljc cpgljt bape ma l be the reft of the ^.abbotlj . anb yc mall taacpou nb tbou ttinlt fct tbc fcsr* in two rowcefpjee on a rotocUpo tbcocr-pu retablebcfozctbe Lozbc.anbput pure frau= nencen* Upon the rowc*,tbattbrp mapc be bzeab of rcmcmbzauncc, anb an offepnge to tbel,ozbc.€ucrpg>abbotb be (ball put tbc 25 in rowes before tbc &oiDc cuermoarc:of tbc cbplDzeuof3frael (ball tbep be offeebfoj an fJSSrSff eucrlaftpngc coucnauntc. * Znb tljcptyall tnu. f»hm be % mm # ano bp*tbnnc*, wbpcb (ball cute tbcminfbcbolpplace.tfoztbeparemottba Ipuntobpmoftbcoffcrpngc* of tbe JLoiDe bp a pcrpctuallftatutc. 3Dno tbc f onne of aiOfraclitiCb wife wbo= fc father \»a* an 6sppcian,ttje't out nmon* gc tbc cbplozen of 3!frael.3nb thv* fonne of tlje3fraclititbwpfcframanof3rracl,fteo= uc together in the botte.3nbtbe 3rrnclttiil) ♦ero-rr.b. txHMiiSS(bnnc*blafphemeOtbc name of the lozbe.anb *curfcb,anb tbep bzougbtc bpm i£cm.u.a. ^ ntQ ia) f e g.|9p£( mother* name wa* £>a* lomptb, wbpcb wa* tbc baugbtcr of SDibzp, * Bum.*™ of tbe trpbc of "man : anb tbep * put bpm ttt ToarbctbattbcmpnDeofttie &ozbe mpgbt belbewebtbem. yw. c<.^3Gnb tbe iotfupalte Unto #)orc* fop* (jringejbz-pngetbccwJfebfpeahettDptbout tbe boftcanb left all that heatbc bpm.pu t tbep* banbe* Upon bp]5 beeb,anb let all tbe mtilrt* tube (tone bpm. 3nb tbou (bait fpeane Unto tbccbplbienof 3(rael fapinge :■ BObofoeuet curlctbbptf © ob, (ball bere bis ft> nneanb be tbat blaipbcmetb tbe name of tbe H02bc, let bpm be napnc, anb all tbe multitube m\\ (to ncbpmtobectb. . tDbctber be be bojtnc in tbe lonbe o? a a> ftraungc^ttbftbebiarpbcmctbtbc name of t\tt lo^bclct bpm beflapne . 3nb * be tbat * *w«a bpllctb anp man, let bpm bpe tbe beatb.3nl> be tbat bpilctb a bead , let bpm mafte bym goob,ec» foulefojfouMnDpfa m« map=-E5& me bptf nepgbbour e, ft* be ba tb bone, f o (ba II it be bone to bpm rb^oftc foji tyoltc * epe fo? ^-w cpcanbtotbfojtotb.-cucit ajsbe batbmap- fmm meb a man, folball be be mapmeb agapne« 3Bnb be tbat UpUctb a beaft.lctbim pape fo? it :aub be tbat (tpllctb a man,lctbrm bpe.Pe timllbauc one matter of la we : euen fo; tbe (Iraunger ast txiclla* f o? one of poure fclues?, fo? 3 am tbc tojbe poure ©ob. 3nb fiiJofcsstolbctbc cbplb^en of3fracI, anb tbep b^ougbt bpnu'tbat babturfeb) out oftbf boftc , aub ftoncb bpm txiptb (foiled 3inb tbe cbplbjcn of 3fracl bpb a?3 tbe ilojb commauubcb a)otci3. C'Sbe-Wb. Chapter. CtCbc Smbotb of (hc.bil.pfarca.airt of (be penre of lubtlic.otbmuptj calUD tbc fpftptl) ptatc. SiBtfe^MoclVaRc tmto tnai fapinge:** fpcahe\3Utotbecbplb?en of3f= racl,anb (ape unto them : wben pcbecomeintotbclanbetDbpeu 3 gctic pou.tbc lanbc (ball reft,? Hepe ^>ab» both \mtotbc io?be.* fi>p]cepcarc0 pibalt +,5;^^ fot»etbpfelbc,anbCpjecycarctbou (bait cut tbp ^inparbe.anb getber in tbc frute tbcrof . *Suttbe*rcucntbpcarr (ball be a £>abbotb **>* lli -^ ofrcft^ntotbelabe.^bcHo^bcjS^abbotb itfbalbc r^ftjaltnctbcr fowe tbpfelbe , no* cut tbp \jpncparbC5rbat T»bicu groxwe tb of tbeomne accoabctbou (bait not ecape,ne= tber gather fgrapciS tbat tbou baft Icftbc- bpnbe,fo?itis(apcareofreft \jnto thel5be* Tbtit) tbe reft of tbe ISbcftjalbe meat to? pou: euen fo? tbe , foj tW feruauntc , anb f 0? tbp mapbe.foj ttytyizb feruaunte , anb fo? tbc ftraungcr tbat logcournctb wvtfy tty : anO ioi t\>v catell , anb &u t\)c beaftcss tbat are in tf)p lanbe , (ball all t\)e encrcafe tbcrof be meat . 3nb tbou (bait nombje feuen 25 Cwr&abbatbcg of pcarcjS Wito tbc,cucn fc= ^9 ticntpmcflifcuenpearc :anb tbe fpace of tbc fcucn&abbatbesi of pcarejat raiUbe^ntotbe fliic.pcnre.anbtbentbou (bait maUc a trfi-- pe blo\»e : in tbe tcntb bape of tbe fcuentb monetb>euen in the bape of attoncmSt (ball pemahctbetrompeblottje,tboiio\»c outall poure Utbe.anb tbou (bait balowe tbat pca» re:eu0 tbc fpftptb peare , spjoclapinclpber* tpe eceptes tpe tbojowe out tbe lanbe \jnto all t^z tuba= &r Wtee0tbceof,foMtlftaibeapeareofo^ in* belpe tonto pou^nb pe (ball retourne : cuerp man mito bptf pofleupon, anb cuerp man "un tobP^Hpnicbagapne . 2dpeareofiubelpc (ball tbat fiftietb peare be Unto pou. Pe (ball not force netber repe tbat tobicb gr oujctb of tt felfe , no? getber tbe grapes; tbat are left, jfo? tbat peare of iiibciie (balbe boip \)tito you: but pe (ball catc of tbe encrcafe tbcrof x out of tbe felbe.3n tbe peare of tbp* iubclpc pe (ball retourne euerp man Vmto b?# poftef fponagapne. attbonfcllcft ougbte\jnto tbpnepgb 3 boure , 0? bpeft of tbp ncpgbbouresi banbe, ye (ball not bifceaue one anotber : but acco^ bpnge to tbe noinhjc of peare* after tbe (ube ipe peare tbou (bait bpe of tl)v nepgbboure, anb acco?bpnge \mto tbc nombje of peare* j C of pfrute*,be (ball fell tinto tbc.?Ccco?0inge Vnto tbe multitube of pcarc*,beil)allencrca fe t\)t pjpfc tbcrof anb accojbpng to tbc fe«)= neffe of peare* , be (bail minptbc tbc ptpce of it:fo?tbcnomb?coffrutc*botb be fclUmto wbtf.w.1* tbe.*Difceaucnotpetl)crfo?c cuerp mab'* nepgbhourcbut tbou (bait fcarc thv ob. jt o? 3 am tbe tojbe poure 00b : wbcrfo.zc pe (ball bo after mpne o^bmauccjg anb Uepe mpiaT»e*,anbbotbcm,anbpe (ball Dwell in tbe lanbc in(afetpe.3nb tbe lanbc (ball gc ne bcr f rutcanb pe (ball catc poure f pil,anb Dwell tbcrin in fafctpe. 36ub pf pe ftall fape : wbattball weeate tbefenentbpcaee,fo? we (ball not fowenoji getber in ourc eucrcafc.^ will fenbe mp blef= Ipnge "topo pou in tbc fpjt peare , anb it (ball bipnge fo?tb frute f oj tbit peare*.- 9 pe ftall fowe tbecpgbt peare, anb catc pet of olbc co?ne\)utplltbe.it.pcarc:cncn\jntpllbcrfru te*come,pe(ballcateof olbcftoarc . Hbc fc J*> lanbe (ball not be folbe to be waft :foi* the j»pft.rr«tj.« w nbci*mpne,anbpebut ftraugcr* anbfo= tourncr* witb me . 3« all tbc lanbc of poure ^_ po(Teu*pon,£Qrpe (ball graunt a rcbcmpcion ^^fo? tbc lanbe. : uu(b,.«.a * WW b^otber be waycb poo;c , anb iw.w«.b. batbfolbc awape of W pofleffpon \ anbpf anp of bi* Hpn come to rebeme tt.let bim bpe ,_ outtbatwbVcbcbP*C<^h?otbcrfolbc.3(inb ^^ pf be hauc no man to rebeme it, let W^ Danbc getafmucb a* mapc be fuffpepent to bpe it outeagapncanblctbpmcouutc bowc logc it batb benef olbc, ^belpucr tbc reft Vmtotlje man to wbome be foloe it , tbat be mape re= tourne to Wsi polfcupou agapuc.25ut anb pf bp* banbe cannot gctt fuffpeient torefto^e to tbe otber agapnc , then tbat wbpebe t* f olbe (ball remapne in tbc banbe of bpm tba t Datbbougbteit,\mtpll tbepeare of iubclpc: anbintbe3ubclpeitfbaU come out, anb be (ball retourne *nto bP* poffeffpon agapnc. 2Cnb pf a man fell a boufe 0? a b weiipuge JWfU 1 ",i.a wptbiu t])e wallc* of a cptie , be mapc bpe it out agapne wptbiu a wljole peare aftcrit ififolbcieue" anp bape of tbe peare (ball here-- beme it agapne. 2i5ut anb pt l)c bpe it not out <2 agapne wptbiu tbc fpace of a full pcarctben t b; boufe tbat 10 in p wallcb citic, (balbe fta= blifibcb,anbbcbi*oTOnctbat bougbte (t,ao W fucccffourc* after bim , anb (ball not go out in tbc mbclic . 25ut tbc boufe* of toplla* gc* wbicb bauc no wallc* coube aboute the, are countcb a* tbe f elbc of tbc coutrc , 9 1 bcr * f o?e t\)cv mapc be bougbte out agapne , anb (baUrcturncintbeiubclpe. jliotwitbftanbinge tl;c cptie* of tbe leup* tc*,anb tbc boufe* of tbc cptie* of their pof= fcffion.mape f leuite* rebeme at all ceafou*. ■%nt> pf a ma purcbafe ought of the leuite*, the boufe tbat wa* folbe.anb the cite of their poffemon (ball go out in tbe peare of iubclic ; { oi tty boufe* of tbe cptie* of the lculte*,are their pofftffcon amoge tbe cbplbtfof3frncl. 25uttbcfcIbeof tbe fuburbe that i* bcfpbc their cptie* , mape not be folbc •• butt* tbep? pcrpctuallpoffcuion. 3f tbp brother be wajren pooze. anb fallen jf in becape witb tbc, tbou (bait rcicuc bf , both theftraugcranb foiourner.tbatbe mapclp= uewitbtbe.^anbthouibalttaljenonc^fU'*'?" rpe of bim.oz \jantage.i5ut thou (bait fcarc 2{g! J tbPC^ob, tbat tbp bzotber mape Ipue with the . 'Chou (bait not geuc bpm thpmoncp topontofurpc , f>3*no? lenbe him thp coznc ,_,* fo?mcrcace . 3 am tbe Lo.zbc poure Gob, ^ wbicbhzougbtpou out of the lanbe ofCgp s ptcto gcucyoutbe lanbe of Canaan,? to be poure c5ob. * >Mf tty bzotber thatbwelletb hp tljc, * m , tru bcwarcnpooicanbbcfolbc^nto the, thou s>cu.tb.r. (bait not compcll him to the bonbagc of fct' uauntc*.buta* an bpicb feruaunte anb as a foiournerbc ibalbc witbtbc.nnb fliallfcr- uc the unto tbc peare of iubclic, 5 tbcu (ball bcbepartcfrointbeihotbheanb bi* chilbicu voiti) bim, aub (ball retourne unto hi*a\xiuc nptireb agapnc, anb Wtto tbc poflcftio of hi* fathcr*:fo?tbcparemp feruaunte*, wbpcb 3 bzougbt out of the lanbc of Cgpptcanb iballnottberfo2cbefolbca*bonbm?.^:hou (bait not rapgne oucc bpm crucllp, but (bait f earc tW Gob.'EbP boubferuaunte, anb thp bonbmapbe whieb tbou (bait haue, (balbe of the bepthen that are roubc aboute pou : of them (ball pc purchace feruaunte* anb map- be*, anb of tbc cbpiojcu of the ftraungcr* that arc foiourner* amouge pou , $ of trjrpt generacpon* that arc wpth pou, wbicb tbep begate in poure lanbc. 'iS'hefc (balbe poure poftcflvon.anbpelballtattc them a* inberU tauncc f 01 poure cbplb?cn after pou , topof= feftetbcm , tbcptbalhc poure bonbmen foj eucr . 25ut oucr poure bie tb?cn tbe chplDicn of 3fracl,pe (ball not rapgne one oucr ano= S i) thee ■t W :'\l W ) tljcr crucUp. <5 t>f a toirncro?(traungi?rwajre ryc&c l)ytbr,anbtbyb?otbcrrbatbweUctbbymut ware pooic.anb fell bym fclfc Wito tbe lira* linger of fogcournerbytbco? toany of tm ftrnugcrSkymaffcrtbatnciSfolbc.bcmayc ^bcrcbemcbngayncroncofbiSbjctbJC^w ^wic. x etljcrlnswiclcoilHS\mclcsfottncmay bye Driii oiit:o^ anp tftnt itf tire of kymtcwv to bym of hi* kynrcb, wave rcbcmc bym •• e* t W Vf K« hanbc w« set fo mocb.be mm be loofeb .3nbbcwall reken wytb I>pm tbat feougbtc bym , front tjjc pcarc t&at to was folbcw.Wito tbe yeare of iubclpe 9 tbc W s cc of &ys byenge qwlbc uilticb acco?byngc imtotht nomb?eofycarcS . 3Snby?cbfcr= uaunte ftwll be be wy tb &y m.3f tbcre be yet many year cSbcbynbe,neco?bynge\)nto tbe letbymgcue agayncfo? DyS belpueraunce, of p* m oney tbat be was bougbt f 0$. 2 f tbcre rcmayncbutfcweyearestmto tbe pcarc of tubclyclct bpmcountc wytb fcunagayne, anbaccozbyngc tttto W vcarcs gcuc bpni ajjaync foi bPSrebcmpcyon , nub be ftalbe witb bpm yeare bp veare as an by?eb fcctia= unte $ tbe other Wall not raygnc cruelly our r bun in t bp rigt)rc.3f l)c be notcebemcb fbuS, ijc (ball 500 out in tbe pcarc of iu belie , botb bcauDbiGcbplojcn tuittj bym .fo?tbccbyl^ Dzcn ofjfraclare my fcruauntcs , wbycb 3 biouabh out of tbe lanDc of egyptc . 3 am tl)eio?De youre <50b. C'C&c.jritbj.Cljaptct. C irhcr a« 131c fftt t|>at Kept ttjofr tbrnffce (ljat ©OD brl&ctt). ~ *^^^wit.t>7 ^vW^sraucn ymagc , nctber reare you ^hjpanpymageofftoneinyourlab -"to wo?wippeit:fo?3 am m &o?o f onrc<5ob:yeainllkcpe my $>abbotbeS, $ fearemp (anctuary:fo?3amtbc lo?be. ►J«3f ye wnlkcinmync o?bmaunccSanb bfpc m commaunbcmcntcs , anb bo tbcm, 3 wyllfcnbc pouraync in tbcrygljt ceafon anb tbe labc (ballyelbe bcr encreaCe , anb tbe trees olJtbefclbe Wallgeuc tbey? frute . 3tnD tbe tb»'ffl)yngc (ball reach tonto wync bar- tied , anb tbe wyncbarucft (ball rcacb tonto fowyngc tyme,anb ye mall catc your b?cab in plentcoufncs.anbbwcll in youre labc pea fnbly.TO 3 wyllfcnbe peace in tbe lanbe.s pc Cfcjmir. flepc witbout any man to make pou . afraybc. 3nb 3 wyll rpbb cuell beattcS out of ttje laube.anb tbcre (ball no fwerbe gootbo?ow out youre lanbe.36nb ye Cball cbafc y oure enc mycS.anb tbep mall fallbefo?e you topon tbe * mt-tfiU fwerbe . * 3nb fyue of you (ball cbace an bu= b2Cb,$ an &unb?cb of you ftall put ten t\}ou= fanbe to ftpsbte , anb Votirc encmyctf Oiall IS fall before ybuVjpon tbe ftocrbe. it of 3\utU !jnuc refpect \»nto you.aub maUe you encrea fcanbmultiplycyou , anb fctt top my coue- nanttt witl) you.^nb ye Ibaileate olbr ftoa^ re, anb carye out olbc f 0? tl)c ne we . * 3Mib 3 ?g.itoM,i, ti xx>v\\ malic my bujclly 115c place amogc you, 9 my foule wall not lotbe you.3 WW waifce amonne you,anb wylbeyoute 0ob,anbye (balbc my people. |<3amt!)c lojbeyoure dffob.up&ycUcbjougbteyou out of tbe lanbe of (Kgppte.tbat pc Cbulbe not be tbep? bobe= mcn,anb 3 bauc broken tjjcc&cynca of youc yoUcanomabcyouaotjurygbre. ^ fc * 23ut anb yf ye wpll not Darften tmto *JiK?! k me.nof wyil bo all tbcfc my commaunbc- ,a9,M4C • , • , ' tncntci6:3lnb y f ye (ball befpife mvne ojbi = naunccjtf , etber yf yourc foule abbo?re m^ farces* , fo tbat ye toyll not bo all my com* maunocmcntc&but b?ca«cmyue appoynt- ment, 3 alfo will bo tbyS tonto you . if 0^3 willbitng \jpon you fearfulueffcfwellyngt ofboby.anbtDcburuyngeagewctoconfu* me yourc cyctf.ij genO^cfo^owe of bcrt. 3&nb yeujallfoweyourefecbintoapncfojyoute encmyesaialleatcit 1 ^nb3 wpllfet my fa« cc agentf c you.anb yc mail fall before youre tt enemyesu tbep tbat bate you,il)all rayatte oucryou^anbyc ujallftcc,wbennomanfo= 3!^ lowetbyou. ... 3nb yf ye will not yet foMll tliisi IjcrUctt tiito me , tben will 3 P»my(b pou feuen ty= mc5Smo?c fo? yourc fpnnetf , anb wyll bjtea* fectbepjpoe of yourc ftubbumctlc. anb 3 wyll maHc yourc bcaucn as y?on,anb youre crtb as b?affc.2Cnb pourc labourc tbalbe fpft in\jaync.Jfo?pourc lan&c wall not geuebP? encrcarcnetbcrujall tl)c trees oftl)C lanbe ScuctbepjfrutcS. w I % lib yf pc waihe contrary wtto me.anb wyll not bcrbcn\3titomc,3 wyU b?v«se.&> ucti tymcS moo plages topon you , acco?bm«= gc to youre fpnncs.3 will alfo fenbeinwU* bebcaftcs toponyou.wbicb wallrobbc you of youre cbilb?en,unbbeftroye youre catell. | anb malic you fewe in nomb?c , anb cauie yourc bye wayes to growe »nto a wylber* neffe. , _ 3nb y f ye mayc not bercfoutmcb bvW' to fetbynges but Wall wallic contrarye tonto ** me,tDcnwpll3aU'o walfte contrarye tonto you, anb wyll puniw you vtt feuen tpmes f 0? yourefynnes3nb 3 wyll fcttbe a fwee= bctiponyou.tbatwall auengemy tcttamet 2tnb w|)en ye are jjatljereb togc tber wy t put yourecytics, 3wylircnbe tbe peCilencc a» mange you.anb yi; walbc belyuercb into tbe banbe of tbe enemye.3(inbwSen3l)aueb?o= fecn^tbc (fnffc of yourc b?cab : ten wyues .^ ftjall babe youre b^eab in one oucn.anb tbey ^ v Jballbclpuer you youre b^cab agaync by te>ut .mt- weygbt*ycfballeate,anbnotbcfatilfyeb.oi)«ct,«.^ 2(!nb 3hb yf yc wpll not vet fo? all tw Ijer b? tontome,butu)allwalReagayn(tme,3wiil walke contrarye tonto you alfo in inbigna cyon, anb wyll cljafticc you feuen tpmes fo: i«.t»iff youre fynncS.*3Bnb ye wall cate toefleWof yourc fonneS anb tbe flewe of youre baugb= ters wallycbcuonre.3 wyll bctteoye yourc ,** sap ^ bycplaccs,aubrootcoutyourc^rpma ^ p6 tbcm tljat arc left alpuc of pou, 3 wyll fenbea fayntnefTc into tbcy^bcrtes in tbe lanbe of tbey? cncmycS:? tbe foube of a wanpng leef .(ball ct)ace tbe , anb wba" tbey flee tbefwerbctljey wall fall: no man folo* winge bpon tbcm.'Cbcp wall fall one topon anotoer.asit were before a fwcrbe.euen no man folowpnge \)p6 tbcm, anb ye wall pa- uc no power to ftanbe before your encmyeS: 3Cnb ye Wall pcriW amongr tbe betben,* tbe lanbe of yourc encmyes wall rate you Dp. 2tno tbey tbat arc left of pou, Wall pyne awaye in tbeic tjnrygbteoufneS.cue in tbcfc encmyes ISbc.anb iu tbe myfbcabeS of tbctr fatbcrSiliall tliey confume.3lnbtbcy Wall confcirctbcirmifocabcs anb tbe mvfbcabcs of tbeir fathers fo? tbeir trefpace, wbicb tbey bane trefpaccb agayuft mc,anbfo?tbatal= f that tbey baue walkcb cotraryc Wtto me. - i^herfoic3aUowyll walke contracy Unto tbem,anb wyllbiyngc tbcm into tbe lanbe of tbeir cncmyeS.^nb tben at tbe Iccftwaye tbeir \)ncircumcyfcb bcrtcsmall be tameb, anb tbey wall make an attornment f 0? tbeir myfbcabeS. l>6mt.(»(j.f. Tin* ^3 will tcmembic my coucnauut witb3acob,anbmy bobc witb3fabac, aub myue appointment witl) 36b?aba , anb will tDynkcoutbelnnbc^rbelanbe Wall bclefte of tjjem , anb wall enioye Der ^>abbotbeS, wbplc 4)c I vctl) waft witbout tb2.3nb tbey (ball, make an attornment fo? tbeir mifoca* bcS,becaufc tbey bcfpifcbmylawcS,anbbc= caufc tbeir foule refufeb mync oibinaunceS: 3tnbyetfo?alltDatw^tl;ey Win tDel^be ■ft» ofrljcircncmpcS, * 3^(11 not call tfjem a**a>»ne. wayc.ncpibcr willabbo?rc tbt.to beftrope tbcm utterly , anb to b2eakc mync appoynt^ met witb tbe:foi3amtbe tozbe tbeir (25ob. 3 wyll f ot tbeir fakes r cm t hi c tbe couenaut mabc \mtotbcir fatbcrS , wboin 3 b?ougbt out of tbe lanbe of ©gyptc in tbe fygbteof tbcbctben,tbat3mygbtbctI)circi5ob:3am tl;c to?be. lEljcic arc tbe ozbinauiiccS.anb iubgemg* tcs.anb lawes , wbicb tbe Lo2be mabe bct= wene bun anb tbe cbilb?en of 3fracl in mout $>inai,by tbchanbeof «)ofcs. CW.Httij.Cbaptcr. COf WucttcB bototsr.anb oftptljfe »e. i^btbe Lo?bfuaket)nto^)o* % fe s (ayinge .• ipeake Wito tbe ;cbilb2enof3fracl,anb fapetou ftotbem :3f anpmSwillgcue I'afyngulcrboweWitoy lozb „_J'acco?bpngc to tbe toalue of tbe foule"s',tbe halite of tlje male from twentpc yeare olbc tmrofijttye walbe fpftie * fpclcS *^ um « of filucr,aftcrtbewcpgbtof tbe fanctuary. 3ub yf it be a fcinalc.tbctoaluc Walbe tbp?= tpcficlcS,3PnbfromfpuepcarcSto twentpc, tbe male Walbe fet at twentpc ficlcs.anb the femalcattcn(VeIcS.?f.ntfromamouetb\)u-- tofyucycarctbenmlcWalbc fct atfyuc fv= clesoffpIucr.aiiDtbcfcmalcattbJc.^nbbc tbat is fyrtic yeare olbc, anb abouc , walbe Dalucbatfiftcnc ficlcs.anb x^t woman at 13 ten.l5ut3fbebctopoo2cfotobcfct,bewau p?cfent Ijimfclfc befo?c tto p?caft : % ti)c p?c-- aft Wallbalue bim.acco?btngeaStbc banbe ofbtm^owcbisablctogctt.eucn fo tyall tl)ey?eftbalue!)im. 3fitbcabcaftcofwbicbmenb?inscan offryngc Wito tbe to?be:all tbat anp ma gc= uctboffoebe tontotbc Lo?bc,^cr walbc co> ^§ untcb bolv.l'je Wall not alter it no? cbaungc tf;a go ob f oi a bao.oi a bab fo2 a goob . 31 no yf be cbaungc bcaft f 0? bcaft ,thcn botb t])t fa me bea ft anb it alfo wbcrwitbitwas cbauu gebWaIbcboly.3fitbcanymanerof bnclc- ncbeaft.of wbicb men bo not offer a faenfp* cc Wito tbe toib ,bc Wall fct tbe bcaft bef o?c tbe p?caft,anb tbe picaft Wall kiltie it, wljc= tber it be goob 0? bab . 3tnb as y pjcaft fct= tctbit,foWallitbc.2Sutyfbe will bye ita* gayne,l;e wall gcuc tbe fpft parte moarca= bout tbat it was fet at. 3f any man bebicate biSboufc , tobebo* ,£ lp\)ntotbclo?b,tbep?eaftWallfctit,wbc= tbfritbegoobo?bab:nnbaS tbe p?eaftbatb fftit,foWalltbc\)alucbe.3lnbwuanbctbat O^liwctifpcbit wpll rcbemebyS boufc.lctt «&* bpm gcue tt)t fyft parte of tlic moncp t'aat it was mbgcb at tbcrto.anb it Walbe bPS; 3f a maCM*balowca pece of W cn^c» ^i^ tcteb laubcWito tbe Hojbc , ttu)albc fet ac* co?byngeto { febe tfcerof. 3f it bearc ik^ an "d$ a tti l)omcr m.t «.<■■ : • -.*•■ I homer of batlpe,it OwHJcfctatf^Wc fpctctf of Mmr. "At be balowc W fclbe tmmcDtat « lppitinKveaitofiubclK.it (balbc wottb acco?l»iigc a*it W cftcmcb.sSutanb pf Dc ha lowcbvsfclbe after the 3»bclpc , the p?caft flball rccfecu the monep acco?bingc t o the ito- btc of tfocpcarc0" that rcmapnctmto the pea* re of 3ubclp folowpngcs there after tt (ball be lower fctt. 3f&etbatconrccratcbtbcfcU>c,wpUrc; heme it agaync,lct tomi put tlje fpft parte of tbewpccthattt wasifctat tljcrc buto, anb it (balbc bps*. 3 nb pf be wpll not rebcinc the fcibcbutfcUctbtDcfclbctoanothcrmatnhc r* mm Dohic6)mapf rebeme it nomo?c . 2Sut when the fob* goctb out in the p care of mbc lpc.it Cbalue mabc bolp but o the lo?b;eucn agafelbctbatislbttcrlpputawapc, anb it (ball be the p?ca&e»" poffeflpou. 3f a man fanctpfpe tmto the io?b a felbc, wbpch he bath bougbte, anb i* not of W en* hcritauncctbe p?caftqjallrc&en unto bpm whatitltf wo?tb\mto the pcarc of iubclpe, ahefljallgcuethcp?vcc that it ts! fet at, the fame bapc, asf a tbpnge confecratcb Wtto the io?oe,3nb in the vcare of iubclpc, the felbc (ball r»:turue \)ntolnof whomc he bougbte it,cucfomm,wbofe etthcritaace oflabit is*. %\\t\ ail fcttpngc (balbc acco?bpngc to the *«ro.w.t>. fpclc*ofchtfanctuacp.£>nc fpclc cowprotb f toe nvc lialf pen$. *iSut tbc<*^fp?(tbo?nct«f tye beafte* t* that ifl appoputcb wtto the Lo?'oe, mapc no *i*«w* inanrancrifpc:wbctbcritbcojcco?(btpc,fo| it is the fco?bcs! ailrcbp.3f it be an tonclcane bcaft.he (ball rebeme iMSUti* fctt at, atrt> gene the fpfrb parte moat ctberto: 4ty,pflt , benotrcbcmcb ,it (balbc folDc , accojbpnge to the baiuc. jaotwttbff anbpngcuofcr bdncb tnpn= gc tbatamauputtctb from bvm anb bebp* catcth tonto the Lo?bc, of all W goob( wbe= thcr it be mil o? bcaft o? lanbc of bptfenberita uncennape be fold o? rcbcmcb:fo$eucrptbni geCoputawapr.igtnoft holpWtto the Lo?= be.ictnobamnebthpnge thata m&fepara teth»hercbemeb,butbpethebeath. @ucrptptMtbelanbcwbPchWofthe . fcbeoftbeiaube,ojoftherrute of the tree*, mht wm> anb tffauctifieb bnto p lo?b.- 3Bnb pf a man wpll rebeme ought of tip* tp=» theg. let him abDc the fifth parte tberto.SBnb euerptptb of ore anb of ujepe anb of cnerp bceft that goctb tmbcr tbc robb^cucn euc -^ r p tenth (balbc bolp \mto the t o?b. $e Ojall not lobe pf it be goob o;t bab.ncr cbatmge it. @l*,pf be change it,botbrt,anbtb«tit was* cDaungcbwtthall.Qialbchalowebtjntothe lo?be,anb mapc not he rebemeb. 'STbcCc arc the commauubcmc"tes!, wbpnj the lojtic commaunhcb bp &)ofc0 unto the • chplDjcn of 3fracl tn mount S>mai. flhenomtyeoftlje ntiiipc of 3frael. *-^ »— h #4 CUtfje fourth hohe of 4l)ofl$ calleb in the $eb;ue> tiaiebab- ber,anb in the iatpn humeri. C£hefpjft Chapter. (T9II (bat are apte f o; bnf f ll.n tt nomb?ct>.a$f t rpbe p(jLru( mutt inpitfffrr in t\)t tabctnacic. ^foJi ^um.rrlii.ft CC^c tnbt of trje tljp?be bout of J*lo f c!5 callcb in the tycbjuc Ciaiccra,aub in the latpn. J.euittctt& i/* IS f IE < 1* 4 'lib the lojbe fpake t>nfo ^ofcjiin the wilbernrfle of $>tnap,inthe tabernacle of t»ptneffe,thefp?ftbapc of ? feconbemoncthinthcfccolic peare after thep turre come out of the Ianbe of €gppte, fapingc: * take pc the fummc of all themui= titubeof thcchPlhebeur.of &imco, S>e« lumicltljc fonne of Sauri ^>abai : of 3uba, #ahefTon? fonne of 3lminabab.of 3fachar, Bathanac! the fonne of ?uar : of ?abuion , dBliab the fonne of ^clou.3lmonge the chvl- b^of3ofeph:ofd5pb?aim,aKlifamathefon= ne of amihub.of a;ana u"e,<£amalicl p f on- neof #cba?ur: of nBcn3amm, 3f.bibanthe fonneof c^cbeoni: of ©an, 3hie?er the fen* tie ol'3mmi ^abairof JCfer, ^>ag(clthefon= ne of £)cran : of <0ab , ^Ufapl) the fonne of ajcguel : of Bephthali , Wta the fonne of €imn. 'SThefc tbcre of grcatc fame (n the congre= gacpo, 3lo?bei5 of the trpbejs of their fathers anb heabctf oner thouranbesl in 3jfrael . 3dnb «)ofejaianb^arotokethcfe mcu(t»hich arc crpjeffebbp thep? names:) anb gethereb all therongregacpon together, the twit t>m of the feconbe tnonctb , anb the v were r cftenc b thojotoe out their bmrebeji jbouftiS of their fathers! bp name from.**, peare anb aboue, mo bp Ijecb.^js the Ho?bee0maunbeb f the chplbicn of Simeon thojoroe out thep? generacponjs anb thep? ftpnrebesfanb houfc0 of thep? fathersl, the fumme of the in the nob?e of namc&beeb bv he? b,all the ma> Ie0from.]C)C.peares! anb aboue, tbhofoeucr mpghtgofo?thtothe t»arre:thcfummc of them that were of the trpbc of ^imcon. U*.- thoufanheanb.iij.himbicb. 4Df the chplD?cn of C5aD tftojowe out thtir C ;encracponj5 anb thep? fepnrebes! anb houf= lolbes! of tbepj fathers! , the nomb^e of the names! ftom.w.pearc 9 abouc.all that t»ctc f o?th to the roorre :the uombie of them that were of the tribe of (Sab^ai&'.jclb.thoufau-- be.fpre hunb2eb anb f pftpe. £>f the chpto?e of 3uba thoiowe out their gencracpons anb their apnrcbcs! anb hottfcji of their fathcrs!,thcnomb:c of nameg from. W.pcarc anb abouc.all that were able to go furtbtotbetX)arre:'3Dbe nomb?cof the that were of thetribe of3uba,was!l)c*iiijthou= fanbcanbfvitchunbieD. C>fthe chVlb?enof3fachar tho?owe out 55 thtp?gencracion05 thep? apnrebcg anb hou fes!of thep? fathers!: the nob?e of names! fro. jc*.pearc anb aboue winch went all f urth to warre,then6b?cofthiJpwcreofthetrtbcof 3fachar,was!.liiij.thoiifanbe^.uii.hanb?cb. CfthcchplbKnofiabulon:tho?owcout thep? gcueracponiSanbthcp? kpnrcbcsi.ano houftg of their fatbcrs!,thc nomb?c of najnciS ft om. *]C.pearc 9 aboue, wh vch wer e a U able to go furth tn the boouMnie nomb?e of them that were oftbetrpbe of ?abulon, wasUbij, thoufanbe anb f oure hunbieb. €>fthecbplb?enof3ofepb:.&amclp,oft&e chplhjcn of OEphiaim tho?owc out thep? gc= ucracpos!anbtbcp?BpnrcOC0'anb houfes: of thcp?fathets!,thcnomb?c of names* frorr* pearcs! 9 aboue, all $ wcut out to the warrc; thenomb?c of them that were ofthc tribe of Cph?afmwas!.rl.thonfani)e,«fpuchub?cb. tiDf^chpIb?cofa)anau"etho?owouttheiF generation thep? ftpnrcbce.anb houfes of & their fathcrs!,tl)cnob?c of names! frotwftpe v peare olbe»aboue,allfwftouttopwarre: ^henob?e ofthc >*' were ofthe tribe of a)a= nalTe, was!,imithouranbc 9 two!nmo?cb, i!DfthechplD?cnofz5cn3an»intho?owe out their gcnerncpoMnb thep? fepnrebes! 9 boufes! ofthep? fathers!, the nobic of namest ftfitwentpe peaces aboue, all p wctcfttrtD to the warre.- 'STljenombjc ofth? that were g iii) oftlj? f: .4 imi J_ ii *£!. 1 'tecmonyes Burnett i i ;;■ I I + ■ • r of tbc trpbc of jBOamf n watf . JCWft. thou* fnubc,anb.uubuumcb. -ff £>f the cbplbjc of Daw t&ojowc out tneij gcncracpono^ib tbeir Itpnrebcsi anb homes: of thcpifatlicrifctnc nomine of names! from t wentyc ptiwc olbc anb abouc , all tbat wet furth to tbc warrc : '£hc nomine of tbft&at mere of tlje trpbc of s>a wafcicii-tljoufanbc nnb.uu.hunb.ieb. m0mm ^ ,,, .„ tiDf l:t>e mmi of 3 fee tljojo wc out their- generacpous' anb their kpnrcbetf anb uoitfttf ofthcpi. father, thenobje of the name* fro rr.pcarcoanb abouc, all that mutt out to warrc: fchc nombic of the that were of the trpbc of 3fer was" . jrli . thoufanbe anb . u. " £>f tbccbplbicn of Bcpbthalistbojowc outtbcpjgcncracpons'anbjbcpjftpnrebesj bonfc * of Urn* fathers, the nobjc of mgm fro. rr.pcarcs anb abouc , all tbat Wfg£f» furth to tbe warrc : 'ftbenombjc of the M>at were of tbc trpbc of #epbtbali,wa!5 t&cab fpftpe thoufanbe nnb.liii.bunbjcb. 'Cbefe are the famine* wbpet) WftJS I aparon ttomtyeb aubtbe punccssof 3fracl: thofc tweluc me* > which were cuerp one once the houfe of thepj fatbersl . 3mballtljcnom= tors" of thccbpiojen of 3frarl , thojowe out the houfess of tbc v? fathers', fro t wentic pea* re 9 aboucnll tbat went furth to the mm ra.f. m3frael,bKWcnlluntotberummeof*fpj:e " ' ljubicb tboufanbe anb tbic thoufanbe, fpuc imniwbanb fpftyc.liSutthc tcuttcS after tbc trpbc of thepj fathers* were not nombub amongc them, m r , Snbtbe io?bcfpaucuuto tf)ou% faying: ^bouujaltnot nombic the trpbc of Lew, nether tahctlje fomtnc of them from amogc tbe cftplbjen of 3ff aeLBut thou ujalt mp* pute tijc leuites oner the babptacpon of wtt^ neffe.unboueralltheueffcls^berof.anboucc all tbpnges' that arc in tt .£ ca tbep (ball bca= re the tabernacle anb all W ueffe 10 thcrof,$ thep fUjnli miniftrcinit,*(ballbwellrounDe aboute the tabetnaclc.^nb when toe tabec- naclcgoetbfojtkpMeuiteSftjalltaUeitbow nc : anb when the tabernacle to" to be pit* cbcb,thcpmallfettitup:anbpfnnpftraun; gcrcmnenpc.heftjallbpe.lEnb the chplbtfof 3fracl (ball pptcb tbep* rentes', eucrp man tn bptfowne company c,anbeuerpman unbec Diet awnc ftabcrb tljo.iowc out tbepi ljoftc& l&ut tbc leuttetf (ball pptebe rounbe aboufe the tabernacle of wptnette, that there be no wjatb upon thecongregacpon of thccljpUMe of 3fcacl,anD the Icuttc^qja 11 hepe p warcb of the tabernacle of witneffe.^nb tbc cljitlb?c of3fcaclbpbacco?bpngetoalltbatthej.otb commaunbeb a)ofe^eucn fobpb ti;ep. CBC&e.tj.Chaptcr. CXlir o)Btt of Oft tmtta.Xi)tl)<*W of l^tljpn; (towofjEfracU xi *tP§ :m the lo?bcfpahc unto 4$o* 3 mnnn ?carou fapingc- eucrp manof f dnlMof 3rrael0)ail pyt ebunbec W ownc ftanbero K^nm-s&^^unDcr thcacmctf of tbev^fa* thertf boufcsi.on f other IpOc 9 roubc aboutt the tabernacle of wptncltc (ball tbcp pptcb- ' €>n tbc caftfvbe to war be tbc rpfpnsc uf the fonne.aialltbep of pltaberb oftbehoKe of luba pptcb tbo?owc out tbcp? armpctf: 3d( iaaDcffon the tonne pf 3minobab wa* captavnc of the fonnciSof 3uba.3nbb#bo- m awn tbe n ombjc of thc.lwiut. tboufanbe - ui.hunb?cb.jae]ctunto btm^ftaU tbfP be of tlje trpbc of 3$achar pptebe : $ iftat^a nteltbcfonue of ^uarwajs captapnc of tbe cbplbwnof 3?acbar:bPtfDnRc $ tljefummc oftheuomb?ethcrof.luii.tl)oufanbctfourc 2Cnb then the trpbe of ?abulo : anb €|iab tbc fonne of Delo ,captapue oucr the cbpp?f of ?abulon,$ W bottc » the nomb?e of tW luu.tboufanbcanb.uti. bunb2Cb : ft i that tbe whole uob;tc of tbc whole bofte of 3«ba arc nn buiiDjcb tbonfanbc.iyjocui.tboufanbe , J uu.b»nbKbtho2owcoutthep?armpe^:anD thcfefliall cjo before. kAfl *i, A iK iDnthefoutbrpbcaiall tDc ftanberb of tl)c» boftc of laubcn Ucpc tbojowc tljcp? conip npeU:f tbccaptapne oucr tbe fomutfof 3i\u= bcn,wa0eit?nrtbe fomtc of ^cDctir.Jtnb hpss boftc anb tbeuomb?c of tbc.jciui.tboU; fanOe,aub.u.l)unb?cb.^nhfaftbvhpmO)aU the trpbc of &>pmcon pptcbe.anD the captap ne oucr tbc Tonnes of Simeon , wag ^alu» Intel tbe fonne of juri $>abai , anb &t» I) o ft c anb the nombic of tbcm.lijc. tboufanbe Qf.«f* bunbKb.^inb tbc trpbc of C5ab alfo :anbtbc captapnc ouectbcf6nc^of(lpab,wao'eHa= fapb the fonne of iDcgueianbhijihofteanb tljcnomb?coftbem.Klu.thoufonbc^i.buu= bicb anb.l.2Cll tbat were nomb?cb wptb the trpbe of uubeiuan ])immii tbouianbe.li. thoufanbc.iiii.bubjcb 9 .l.tbo?owc out tbeir armpe&anb tbep iball go in tbe fccohc place. 3fiub tlje tabernacle of wptnclTc (ballgo $ wptbthcbofte of m leiutca, in tbcmpbbejS of tbebofteganbagtheytpc tn tbctr tcteg, cueu fo (ball theppjtocebc in tbc tourncp,cue rpmaninbpJSbcfirce.anbunberthep^ownc ^beweftfpbe (ball tbc ftanbarb of tljcho fteof €ph(iatm Hcpc wptb thep* armve0,# the captapnc oucr tbc foiim* of epb?atm, wasseuamiathc fonne of2Cnuhub:ilDP$ho fteanbtbenob^c of tbem.yl. tboufanbe ajrt) f m m* faftbp bpm,u>lbc tbc trpbc of 8)a naffcanb tbe captapnc oucr the fonne* I of «)anafte wag (J5amalccl the fonne pf ^cba- • Wr.ttp0l)oftennb the nombic oftljg.^u- tl)oufanOcanb.«.bunb?cD. 3nb the trpbc of C^e offset f ti 0t\mtti $(*Mi> ^5cn3aminalfo : anb thecaprapne oucrtfje fonne8ioP26ciuaminwa0,3lbtDan the fonne of (H>ebeoiU.if)ps{()oftcanD tic nomb;cof t\)i jcrjcb. thoufanbeanb- iiuj. biinbie . 7t ll tljdt were appopntcb with the bofte o6<£pl)iaun , were an hunbjcb tbonlanoe. uu). tljoufanDe anb an bunbjeb , tJjozowc out their nrmpcjs f tljep (ball goo in tbctbp^be place. 'Cheftanberbof the bofte of Dan (ball hepe the no? tbfpbe witl; tbeir arittpw; $tbc captapneouervchiib?cnofiDan,wasi3Dic= ?erthefonneof3mmi^)abai.l!)isihoftcanD tbe nombic of tbcm.ltjCi).thoufanbeanD.U). bunbjeb . SBnbfaft bp bpm (ha lit be trpbc of B aifcrpttche : anb the captapnc oucr tbc fon= ticjDt ot^lfer watf laaglcltlje fonne of €)cran. ^pfifhofteanb tl)enomb?c of ti)cm ily thou> fauDc 9.% huuh^cb. HnM t\>c trpbc of B tpb= tbalialfo.anD tbc captnpne oucr the cbpltuc" of Bepbtbalii wag abtra f fonne ofenait. I9pg bofteanh tbenomb?c of theni.tiij. thou-- iiinbe anb. uij. bunhzco . %\i tlicp tl;at were appopntcb wptb tbe boftc of Ban , was an uintyeb tboufanDe. lutj. tboufanbe a no. uj. lunozeb i3nb tbep (ball go hpmnoft roptij their ftanberbetf. Cbefcarc tbe fummejl of the chplb?enof 3fracl tho?o we out f Donfcg of their fathr rg: cueu all tbc nomb^ctf p pptchcD thoiowc out tbeir hoftrtf.ui.hunbj cb thoufanbciii. tboti:= fanbe.u.bub.ieb anbfpftic . iSutthc Hcuiteji were notuombjeb amongc tbc ci)vlb?cn ok* 3frael,a« the lo?betomtttatm&cb$)ore& 3nbtbe cl)plb?en ofjfrael bpb acco^bpngc to all that the to.tbe commaunbeb ^ofeft, f o.j fo tbcp pptcheb u)tth tl)tiv ftaOcrbesi, ^ fo tbep toarncpD tpo^o we out their ftpnrebc&$ tI)o?owcout $ houCholbest of their fatberg, C^he.iii.Cljaptcr. C[ Sl)C ttuitta yo not to batcll, but inrriiftrr in (be fanctuarp.Sbtp pptebe tb«r tciKta no 'tt to fl)cb'ib«C'«Pon. % em-**,****** jtj crc arc thc fi c, 1f racponsi of ii aiatS anb $)ofc0 , in f bapc that the lo^b fpaftc to j»)o= fes in mount ^»pnat, 9 tlje ft arc the names; of tbe tonnes' = of 3Baron : i^ab.ibthe elbeft «■•■*»•«• (onc,3bfhu,(KIea?ar anb 3ttjamae.*'Chefe arc tlje names; of tbcfonnesf of ainron wbicb i'«jrtflF,i. «Wtt*^caftcsJ anoputcb , # wljofc Ijanbc wasf confccratcb to minptttc. * %wfo J3abab **w* anb 3f: bibu hven bcfojc tt)e ILoihe whan the p offreb ftraunge fpit before the iojDe in tlje wplDernefteof^pnai.anbfjabnocbplOicn. 3[nbeica?aranb3tljamarmpniftrebinthe fpgnt of 3taron tijetr father. :i\\D tlje to2befpakeuntoa)ofee{,fap(n= 73 gcbtpngcthe trpbc of Lcui,anbfetthembe= toic Ttato tbc $ttca(r * that tbep mape ferue *£"$**• bun anb waptcUpon bpm anb Upon all the ano - ?D " M ' multitubc,bcfo2ethetabernaclcofwifne(rc, to bo tlje ferupec of ? habitacpo . 'Chcp ftjal! hcpc all p apparcll of the tabernacle of wpt» ncfrc,ano way tc up5 the cbylbzcn of 3 fracl, tobothefcrupee of thebabitacion.3tnDtljou (baltgeue tlje Lciutcs unto3f aron. anb hysJ tonuese , fojtljep aregeufanb bciynercb un- to htm of tlje cljpIb?cnof 3frael.3fnbtljoii (bait appopnte 3ear6ynai fapingc : f*»omb:cthe cbplbJcn of Cent after the houfesof tbctr fa* tbcrsJ in tbeir fcynrcbeg. 311 that arc male*, from a inonetbolbc anb abotte (halt? mm* bjc^nb^ofconombjcbthem.accozbytige to t\)t comaunbement of the totb, anb a» he hab comaunbeb.* 3nb theft were the cln'l- **"p M * b|cn of leuiintljeirname.«: (5frfon , 9 <£crfon in theirhviueDet-. Hibni anb jfcemrt. ^bc fonncg; of Cahath tn their hpnrcbco't 3mram, 3c?eljar, Ijebzon % ^tel .3nD the tonnco" of ^Jerari in tijcic hpnrcbco" 4*t)abclt anb 0)uff . -fchcfc are the bpnrcbrs of the icm'tcl, acrojopnge totbf bou feel of their father*. sDf ocrfon cnniethchpiircbof tlje \xh\M-. w. tctfanb tlje kpnrrb oftljc^cmeitcji.'Eiierc ** arctlje Itpnrcbeg of tbc 0crfomtcs(. 30nbfijc fumnte of the (after tlje nobicof allthcma^ less from » mouetlj olbe anb about) watf.Uii . tboufanbe anb fpuc huubjeb^nb thcbpn=» rcbesi of tlje erf onptc* (ball pitcbe be bpnbe tlje habitacpon weftwarbcarhc captapnc 9 moftauncictofthchoufcofthccrfoiutc0, waseiiafaph the fonne of Lael. ^nbUnber tlje heppnge of tljechplMen of i^erfonin the tabernacle of witnefle waso^thebabita^ cpon anb the fentcthe couerpngc thcrof , anb the hangpngc of the dojc of the tabernacle of g u wptncftc -t_ JL Cbcoffpcts J^tmeri *#u wwncffe , anb tbe bangpngc* of tbecoutte, aiiD tbc curtapc of tbtboie of tbc courte: wbicb i* r ounbeabout tbe 'CabernaclcanD tbcaltee , anbtbccojbc* of it foj all tbc fcr= npcctbcrof.3nbofeabatbcamelbcUpnrcb of tbe ameamitc* > anbf upnreb of tt)e 3e« ?ebarlte*:tbe Upnreb oft^c tyebjomte&anb tbc Upnreb of w £>#cWe* « Wfc ace tDe ttpiircbc*oftbeCft&atbitc*.«tnb tbc now* bic of all tbe male*froma monetb olbc anD abouc, watf.Mi.tbouranbc anb Mi bubjeb : anbtbefe (ball Hew tbe tbpnge* tbat are to be Ucptc in tbe bolp place. 3nb tbc Upnreb of tbc cbplbjcn of Cabatb (ball ppf cbe on tlic f outbipbe of tbc tabernacle. 'W captapuc anb mod auncicnt of tbc boufe of t)yz twice D of tbeCabatbite*, wa*<£lifapban tbefon* tie of £>ricl , anb bnber tbcic fccpvngc wa* tbearcUc, tbc table , tbe canbelftpcft.anbtbe alters!, anb all tbetocflel* of tbe fanctuarp f' tbcp mpntftrc in.nnb tbc toaplcanb robot* focuer bclongcb to tbe mpnf ftracpon tber of. 3nb eiea*ar tbc fonne or aiaro tt)t pjcafte, wa* captapne oner all tbe captapne* of tbc leuite* , anbbabtbeouerfpgbteof t^ tbat tjjaptebbpon tbe fanctuarp. (» 31 no of &)crarl came tbc ftprntb of tbc &)abclite*. anb tbe Upnreb of toe &>uftte*: Ubcfc arc tbe Upnrcbe* of Jiflcrarf.&nb tbe futntnc of tbcm accojbpnge to tbc nombw of all tbcmalc&fromamonctbolbeanb abouc wa*.bj tboufanbe anb.ij. bunbjcb . -Ebe ca= ptavne anb tbe m oft auncicnt of tbeir boufe that vprrc of tbe Upnreb of &)crari , wa* *u« riel tbc Tonne of abtbacl-.anb tbcfc (ball Pit» cbe on the nojtb fpbc oft|)c tabernacle . 3no tmbcr tbc cuftobp of t\iz fonne* of&)crart Cbalbc tbe bojbe* of tbcbwellpuge, anbtbe barre*, ppller* anb focUette* tberof, all tlye Ucffell tberof , anD all tbat feructb tbcrto : 9 tbe ppller* of tbc courtc rounbe aboutc witb their focUette*, tbeir ppnne*& tbeir cojbe*; iSutontbe forefront of tbc babitacpon bc= fojctbc tabernacle of wptne Ce eattwarbe, (ball ®) ofe si 9 3aron anb W tonne* pptcbe, anb waptc to Ucpc tbc fanctuarp, anb to Ucpe tbe ebpltyen of Jleacl. 3Cnbf ftraunger tbat commctl)npe,(ballbe Oapne.SMiD tbe bole if fumme of? leuite* wbpcb$)ofe*nnba!a= ronnomb2xb>attbecommaunbementoftbe lojbc ejwowc out tbeir Upnrebe* (eucnall tbe males; from a monctb olbc anb abouc) ftm.« ojajs^&srjcjciMboufanbc. 0^ 3nb tbe lo?bc fapbe onto m\) after ^ cbargc.n5ut let tbem notgo in, to fe wben f tbc bolp tbpnge* are folocn\)pjcft tbcp b^e. ?jnb tbe tojbe franc onto «ft)ofe*fapin^ ge .ia:akcalfotbe fumme of ebccbvltyen of <5erfon, tbo^oweonttbc boufe* of tbctrfa= tbcrii.anbtbozowc out tbeir bpnrebe*:from jet r.perc anb abouc, \jntplll. (bait tbouuo« b^e tbc m .all tbat arc able to goo f ojtb to t^z warre f 0.2 to bo ferupec in tbc tabernacle of wptneffe.ainb tbitf i* t^z ferupec of tbc tow- no of tbe <2>erfonite* , toferucanb to beare. i£\)zp Cpall bcare tbe cttrtapnc* of tbe bwel« Ipngc , ano tbe touffe of tbc tabernacle of wptneife.bp* couerpnge,^ tbe couerpnge of tacu*fftpnnc*,tbatisanbpcabouct>p6if, anb tbebangpngeof tbcbojtc wbicb 1* in tbc tabernacle of mptueflc : 9 tbe bangpngc* of tbecourte, 9t\,\z bangpngc tbat t*m tbe eu= trpnge in of tbc gate of p courtc roube about tbebwellpnge^ tbe altare.witb tbe coibc*, 9 all tbe (nftrumentc* tbat feme onto tbem, . anb all tbat i* mabc f 02 to feme tbcm ,%% tbe moutbof3aronanbbp*fonne*,fbaUallfbe ferupce of tbe iW>iz\\ of tbc d!5crronpte0be bone,ln all tbeir cbarge* anb in all tbeir tit* &r upcc,anb pe ^ (ball nombje onto tbcm all tbeir burtbentf to neoe . Unb tbp* (* m fer- upec of tbc ftpnreb of tbc cWlOfzn of <5erfort in tbe tabernacle of wpt nclTc , 9 tbeir wat> cbe (balbe bnbec t\iz banbe oQtbamac t))i fonne of 21 aeon tbe jDjeaftc. Sub tboii (bait nombie tfyi fonne* of Q)c- rari after tbeir ftpiircocs, 9 after tbe boufe* of tbeir fatbcr*:from.]rrjr.pcrc*t abouc ton* fo.l (bait tbou nombie tbcm, euerp one tbat (gable to go foitb to tbc warre, to bo tbc fee* imt off '£aocniacIeofwptncfle.3Enbtbp* i0 tbe cbargc tbat tbcp mutt wa pre opo,ae« cojbvnge to all tbeir ferupce mtbetaberna* cleofwptncfte.'EbcboiibetfcffbwcUpnae, Witbtbc barre*, ppHcr0,?focbcttc*tbcrof B anb tbe ppllcr*tijat are rounbe aboutc tbc courte , n5 tbeir focftctte* , ppnneo? cozbc*, a witballtljc inftrttmente* orit, fo; ail tbeir uruvce.3linbbpnaniepelballrelicnf tbpn-- geaprbcpinuftwaptetoponto bcare. 'Cljia^ i* tbc feruice of tbe Upnrcbe* of tbc fonne* of &)erariacco2bpnge toall tbeir offpec in tbe tabernacle of wptneffc Onber tbc banbe of 3tbamar tbe fonne of Saron tbc pteafte. 3nbtt)ofc*$3raron?t$rropncc0of tbc multi tube nobzebf fonne* off Cabatbitc* , after tbeir npnrebr* anb boufe* of tbeir fa* tber* from. rry.rere^ abouc onto fpftie, all tbat were able to go f 02 tb to tbe warrcto bo ferupce (11 tbe tabernacle of wptneffe . 3Bnb f n6b2esoftbemtbo2otoe out tbeir Upnrcbe* were two tboufanbcfcuenbuOicbf.l.'^bi* i* tbc nobzc of tbc hpnrebc* of Cabatb : ua= melp.all tbat mpgbt bo ferupec in tbc tabrr* nacle of wptneffe, wbpcb &?ofc* anb Saron bpb nomb2e,acco2bpnge to tbe conunaubc* ment of tbe lo2bc bp the banbe of «a)ofe*. / (E:bcfearefn0b2e*oftbcfonnc0of(5cr=> fon tbo v 20wc out tbeir bpnrebe*^ bonfes of tbeir fatber*,from.]rrjr.Pcre \)p \jnto f pftic all fwercabictogofo2tb to tbe want , foj to bo ferupec m tbc tabernacle of witucffc. 3C nb p nobic* of tbc tboiowe out their hpii" rcbe*.anb boufe* of tbeir fatber*. were two tb 011 Hi nbe.^j.bub«bf.rrr.ifbF*i* tbe nfia bze of tbc Kpnrebc* of tbc fonne* of C5crfon, of all £bpb ferupce in tbe tabernacle of wpt* neffe, wbicb 4l)ofc*f ?(ar6bvbnob2eacco2= hx>n%ztott)t commaunbement of tbc loibe. ?lnbtbefcnrepn6b v 2e*oftbeHpnrcbc'*of p fonne* of 4l)crari tboiowe out tbetchpiu rcoc* 9 boufe* of tbeir fatbcr*,fr6.rr]C.verc buOntofpfttc:aUfwcntcfo2tbtofwarre : 9 ferupb in tbc tabernacle of wptneffe. % no pn5b^c* of tbcm after tbeir Upnrcbe* were, t b?c tboufSbc 9 two bub2eb. 'Cbt* i* p fum* mc of tbc Upnrcbe* of tbc fonne* of mcrari, wbicbc^ofcfi^^arouobicbaccojbpngcto tbc wo2bc off Loibc, bp f banbe of #ofe*. ^ ub fo all the nombie* of tbc leuite* wbicb ift)ofe*,3aron,anb tbc Lo2be* of 3f» racll u5b2cb ,after tbeir Upnzebc* anb hou» (bolbc* f II 1; 1 t*m£- I *©ffctyngcs $ttmeri jCercmonyes 0umtti * § jfCetii.rto.B. f ■ ' l • I I ♦Icuf.fc.s. (polot * of tpeir fatpcr* , from .m. ycrc Dp Dnto. l.cucry one tpat came to Do ttvtf otrpec nnbfcruyce anb to Pcarc pptf Purtpen tnrDe tabernacle of wytneffe » were ( wpntt tpcy wcrcnombtcb. N Ditj. tpoufanbe , fyuc pun* * ojcPanP. few.** 3cco?byngc to tpe wo?be of the to?bcbyb ( Mttm) nomb?c tftctn by tpenantte of #ofc* , cucry one acco?bynge to tbeir feruyccanD charge, anbaceojbyngc to their offyce* : a* t()c to?be commaunbcb Cffpe.D.Cpaptcr. frrbfKnotolt?pn«fofrpniic. ffberlfaMfpngtofftiu nc 2"bc Utoc of tbt fpjft fvutr«,attt of stlourpr. m tltc Lo?be fpakc Ditto &)o= (e*,fayiitgc:tomiununbctpccbil* b?cu of 3frael tpat tbey * put £3* out of tbc bofte , cucry leper ant) ctictr one tbat patp an yltue, &*• anb wbofocucr i* (o* bef ylcb Dponafouic. 35otb male a female (pall ye put onfceue" out oftpcpooftqwll yeputtpem, tpat f pep Dc= fylcitottpctentc* nmongc Whicp3 otttcll* 3nbtbccbylb?cn of3frael0yO fo , anb put them out of the hoftc.cuea* tpe loioc rpahc Ditto a)oftf>foOyP tpe epplojen of 3lracl. 3no tpe io?bc fpaUc Ditto &)ofc*,faytit= fffcfpcabc Ditto tpecpylb?cn ofjfracjt rope* tpec it be * man o? woman. £f tpey Dane co- myttebanytynnctpatamnnboctb>anbpa« tic trefpaeeb agayuft tpe Lo?be , that foule patp Done amiflc^Pcrfctfc tpcy mall kno- wieDgctbcirfynncwhychcthey banc bone, and let bv m rcfto?c agaptte tpe puree tpat pc patp Done in tpepolc , anb put tpe fyft parte of tt moarc thereto, a gcuc it Ditto pym wpo „ he patb trefpaeeb agcnfte.i5ut anb yf tpere 23 be not a man to rcfto *c the purte Dnto, iter a kynrntauofpy&letftrcfpaccbcmabegoob Dnto tbc Hoibc, aiibtta>ilbetbe#?eafte*, 6^ berybcthc mmforof tbeattonement wper* by an attornment (palbc maoc fo? ptm.3nft cucry pcttcofferingc that i* mabc of tbc boly tbyngc* of tbc cpyib?e of 3fraci wpyep tpe? b?yngc Ditto tbc ftp altf , (pall be py* i anb cucry man* haloweb tbingc* (palbe pi*.anb wbatfocuct any matt gcuctptbeld?eafte, it %m tbeloibefpabc Ditto a?ofc*,fayin= gc:&pcakeDtttotpccpylbHMtof3fracl,anb U?t Ditto tbcm.-3f any man* wyfe goo a fybcanbtrefpace agaynft pym,fo thatano= tber man lye wy tp bcr ftclpcly, anb tt be byb from tbe eye* of ber puf banbe , anb i* not co* me tolygbte tpatlpe t* oefylcb anb tpen* no wytneacagaynftpee, neytpcrtpe taken with tbemanec, anb the fp?ete of gcloufye cometbDponbym , fotbatbt «flcUmfe oner tiv* t»yfc t»bycbi*bef pleb:o* yftbcfpjetc of gcloufye come Dpon bym , fo tbat new gc= loufe oner bt* t»pfe robpet) t*yct pnbefyleb: (Den let t&e man b?y ngc W wpf e Dnto tbc i&icaftcnnb btyngcuoyt^ Itct an offerpnae fe bet : $ ttntjc parte of an epba of barlye mcalc.but let bimpottJ^c none oylcDpon tt, no? putfraimcnccn* tttccott; f o? it (sei ati offe- rynge of gcloufye, anofterynge fo^arcntf" b:auce,caufyngc y fyimc to be tbouflbt Dpo. 2lnb tbe ^caftc wall bjtyngc iter anb fet bcr befojte tbe to^bc.anb let bim * far taw -^ holy water titan ertbeitDelfell, aof tbc butt *&m mum tbc noo^e of tbc babitacpon.anb « put it into tbe watcr.anb let tbc ^caftcfet tbc woman before t^t lo^be , anbDttcoucc tbe womantfbcab , anb put tbc memo wall of tbc otjcryngctn bcr banbe* wbycbctj tbe gcloufye offeryngcanb P ^eattcflbaunaue yttcr anb curfpb water in bptf banbe , 9 tbe. p?eft (ball cbarge ber.anb rape Dnto tbc wo- mau.3f no man bauelyen wytb t^t , netber liaftc goncafybc to Dnclcimette witbouttpp bufbanbe , tben bmte tbou no acme of t&y* bytter.anb curfpb water*. ndutanbyf tbou baft gonenfpbe bebpn- be tbpnc buf babe, anb art betplcb , anbfomc other man hatb lyen witb t\it betybe tbpne b it foanbc.(» tbt pzcafte (ball cbarge tbc wo = man Witban Joiwlc curfe , a tbc pjcfte (ball fayc Dnto tbe woman) tbc lojbe mafte tbe to bean abbomenacyonanoa curfelamongc tby people : wbentbe tozbc botb mafte tty thyerotte, anb tby bely fwclh'CbefecurfyD water* goo into tbe bowel* of tbe tbat tbcp may c nmftc tDy bcly fwcli , a top tbyc rotte, anb let tbe woman^~r fapcaiinen ^mcn. -^ Stub let tbc pjrafte w?y te tbcfc curfe*: anb wban tbey be clcnfc b, let bint caft tbcm $ in to byttcr watct*,a gcuc tbc woman tttofc byttcr a cuefeb water* to b^inchc. tbattbofe ettefeb 9 byttcr water* mayeentrc into per, 3nbtben tbe ^&tcaftc (ball take tbe gcloufy offcy ngc out of tbe woman* banbe, a wauc it before tbc Lo.zb> a b^yngeit Ditto tbealtcc a tbe piette (ball take an banbeftill of tbc of= feryngc fo? a mcmo?yall, a burneitDpo tbc altera tben make tbc woman bjynke p wa> tcc;awbcn be batbntabc tbe woman bnnke tbcwatcr*(yfa)ebebcfylcbabauetrefpa= ceb agaynft bcr bufoSbeO tljcnfball tl)tcur= fyb a byttcr water* goo into bcr , a pee bcly (hall fwelU ber tbyc (pall rottca t woman (batbea curfe amonge ber peoplc^nb yf tpe woman be not bcfileb but i* clcanc, (be (ball bauc no barme.but (pall conccauc anb bcaee. lTby*t*tbelaweofgclonfpe > wb?awvfe goctb a fybe bebynbe by? putbanbe > anb i* bcfylcb.o? wben tbr fp?ytc of gcloul^c com^ mctb Dpona man, a be bepnge gcloufc ouce M wyfe ,botb b?pngcber bcfo?etbclo?be, 3nb t\)z p?eaftc(pall 00 acco?byngeDnto all tbi* la wcranb tbc man (balbe gyltlcue>a tbe woman (ball bcare bcr ftmne. C^:bc.t)J. 3nb a* lottgc a* be Dowctb,anb 1* fcpa^ ratcb , tbertflball no rafurecome apon ttvfi pecb : But Dntyll \ypn bayc* be out , in tbe wbicbbcfeparatetb \)ini fclfeDnto tpe to?= be , be Oialbe boly , anb lpall let tbc loeke* of py* becreflrowc.3*longea* be confccra» tet^ bym felfc Ditto t\\z to?bc, pc (pall come at no beeb bobye.be (pall not make pym fclfc Dnclcaiteattbebeatbofbp*fatbcr,motpcf, bzotbee 0? fyftcr:becau(c tbat tbe Dowe of tbc abftinence of bP* (5ob i* bpou py* pea* Pc.3Eiitpcbayc*ofpy*abftiuenccpc i*poly Ditto tpctojbe. 36nb yfitfottuitctpataiiyman bycba= tmcebye fobcnly befo?c pym.tbc brcb of py* tebiff.B. abftinence ibalbcbefylcb.anb be ftall * u^a= tie W^ M tbe baye of by* elenfynge : eucn tbc fcucntp baye be (pall Qjauc it. 3fnb tpe cyglit baye be (pall b?yuge tvoo turtel* 0? two yongc pigeon* to tpe 0?cafte, befo?c tbebo?e or tbe tabernacle of wytnelTc.^nD tbc fttcaftc (pall offer tbc oncfozfyniteanb tbeotbcrfo?a buentoffer ynge, anb make an attornment fo? bym,a*conccrnynge tbat pc fynncb Dnon a foule , anb (pall baiowe py* pecb tbc fame baye, anb pr lpall confecrate hvm fclfeDnto tpe tojoeff tymc of py*ab= ftincncyc)anb rtiall b?yttgea lambc of ayere (WW Pi* abtttnf ce of) anb tpe Wttam (pall-^aoftf (htmofi)pm,ant>; mam thi *m tefwm torn . Znb tpefe Poly tpyngca % f (1I be tpe p?cftc*, wytp tpe wauebiettanP petieajoulber : anb tpen tpe abftcyncr mave biyuke wpne . tpya t* tpelawc of tU ati- ftepnrr wpychpatp Dowcbpi* offrynge \)ii, to tpe 10? be fo? pi* conftcracyon : 25efp be* «or tbofetppngcBtpat ppspanbe eaugctt, ^ ft acco?bynge to tpe Dowc wbyep pc bou)cb ^ cucn fo pe muft bo after tpe la wc of pys ab» ftmenre. f * nbtpe loibc fpaltc Dnt o(3)ofc*, faptn= 0C:fpcakc Dnto 3Caron anb fciBfonnesfann^ 5Ji° r f ^? tf ?Pft ycOjall bleffetpccpylbtcn of3fracl,anbfaycDntotbcm. ' ^pc io?bc blcttc tbc, ano kepc tbe. «J?Rr °- oc ^*«W8f byofacc QiPitcDpo -&* tpe,aubbcmcrcyfiiUDntotbc. *i t- ^i ]| ' 0?DC ? l J !ftf ^PrountenaimccDa5<+ tbe, anb geue tpe peace. 31 no r m aiall put t C-fcpc.Dfj.Sftapfcr. Deofftpnseofcbcjioit.tjjbertDMofJirrjcil. i3bitfo?tuncbiin'bat'f,U)[)cn 3 * ^ft)ofc* pab full fctt \i p tbc ba *em.t\ a^^M\^& ,tac V o naancytttcbit?fakth ^^^^fpcbtt.aall^apparcll thereof, „ — tpe alter alfo anb all the DelTelo tbcrcofanDpaOaueintcbtpcmafanctifncD eftcm.tbcn fpcp?mcc* of Jfradl Pccbeo ouce tpepoute* of tpeir father* whyep were the JLo?bc*of tpe trybe*, ftonbyugciu their of^ gee*, offercb a b?ougpt tpeir faenftccg before p lo?bc : fyrecoucreb cparct tc* % x\\. oteit: oiiccparctfQ?tWQfco?bc* > *fo?onMnorc > a tpcy b?ougbtc them bcfo?c tbc babitacy on. *.•?!?? l°* Dc **tonwa HWoreufapingc take it of tbem , tpat tpcy maye be to bo the ferutccof the tabernacle of wytneffe , a tpoii Uialt gcuc tbem Dnto tbe teuitc* , to cucry ?£? nftw ^" to w* offpec . %\to mo* SJfJJK^ ec ^5 w . f J9««wn,aaauetheni Banc Ditto tpe foiutr* of c5crfon acco?bynge Dnto tpeir office.^nb. iitj. charette* 9 cygPt oucn pe gauc Dnto tpe fonne* of ^)erari( ac=» co?byitgeDnto their office*) Dubrrtbcpabc ^^ ar % ft «ncof3arotitbe|&icaftc. * 2i5ut Ditto tpe fonnc*of Capatp ft gauc * mm none- .b, .ft. I #ff£tpges none , iccanfc flwfcaoWMi ffpg9f. 2fi£ cc of boip tbpngcs,w!>pc& ttjcp W beate \juon moulders. _ _ A . „«*..... 25 $ndtbc p?pncc0 offered fo? tbe dcdpca:; tpngc of tbc alter (l« the Daw flat it wa0 nnopntcb) andbiougpt ^y'^toccifpccgUc* fb»cttie alter .3nD f UfK ftrte W^ a cS , eucrp bape one police , foj tbcbcdvca; tpnac of tbe alter. . , „. c»»f«n«; r *3ndfoontncfpiftoapc »!*•■ #***& thefonne of 3minadab of tl)e trpbc or jih ** da offrc to* facrif pec : 3 «b bP* offeree was a fplucr cbargcr, of an bunbjcl* anj mMuM fewer boule of. Irr. fpclcsaftcc the wcpgbt of tbc jmttuatwW tbcp t»c- re botb full of fpne wbetenftoure , mrnaleo with oplc f oz a mcatofferpngc:a fpone often fprlcsof goldcfull of ccuS: abullocMram, a lambc of a pert oioe foi aburntoffcrpngc: an be spate fO? a fpnoffcrpnge : and ( fg a pcaccoffcrpngOtwo ojcen.fpuc rameS , fpne 5c ioatea- .anb fe» lambe* of aw olbc: tw was $f SPf te of tfabedon tbc fonne of cb'c o«wn; 'K feconde bape 0atbanacl , m f o«nc fcof^tua: of ar wp ( lt p n c oner Jfacbar bpo offr* wtu 3nb be offrro f o? bP0 «» = «/V u ; er *ar. p-rr of an bundico andtbprtpe Ipclf* : J u>l; uerbonlc of fencntve fpclcs afrcrtbefrm of the fanetuarp: botbfullof fpne flourempn» alcb wptb oplc fo.iamcatoffccpnge:agol* Sen tiionebC ten Wclwr,fullof cenfta OuUw*, a ram, a lambc of apcre old; f o:a burntojp- tvnaf. and an be goatc f oi fpnne : anb( foja pcaccoffcrpngOtwoojecn. UrammcS , fpue fie goatcS , fpne lambc* of one yece olbe. ^bV0 was tbc offcrpngc ofBatbanacl tbc sDtBffirpn; 'Sbc tbp?bcbapc, eiiab tbe fonne of ^c« st of cm. , on JSfam of tbccbplbicn of *abulon bvo offce . %W W BPf te JHMj j «Wf * »J of an bunbrcb anb tbp?tpe fpclc* : a fplucr bonic of bum fpcics fyMWg** tomtom > »«b botrj were full of fpne nonce mvnalcd wptb ot>le foiameatoffcrpnge : a ^ troiDcn fponc of ten IVcleS full of cens : a bul» * rorfi l aram,attbcofai»ereolM fl»a burnt, offcrpnge : an be goatc foi fpnne ; anb ( EM a pcaceofferpnge) two own, fpncrainefcryue ?c goatc* , fpne lambc* , of one pcre olbe. &bp* wa*tbc offcrpnge of eiiabtbe fonne offeelon. . _ c jnjtorfctpn- ^btfonrtb bape , eu?nr tbe fpnne of geoc enjut. Ajebenr cautapne of tlje cbpH»cn of Uubcn, bpb offre.^nb mww *>**'•* ffl«e"bor* acr of an bunbjeb a nn tbP Jtpe M»M fp uer Sonie of Teuent^c f^clcsf , aftcc tbe$>pc eof tbe ^anttuarp, anbtbep were , botb nil! of fpne aoure mpnglcb wptb ople f ota orator* ffepnge : a golben fpone of ten rpcletf full of cens<:abullocft,a ram , a lamb* of a pcrtolot humeri foiaburntoffrpnge , an be goatefo|fpnnt: atib( f o? a peace offcriugc )tm *m**W& mtlt puc be troatetf.anj fpne lambeMf ow Ve owe .«p* wasp; offerpngt ofeitjur Sfvf« bavc, $>elum(el tbe fonne of iae«>ab, of = «*»m. fcrcb M ; g ft te WW&a fplucr cbargcr of an ftunbieoanb tbirtpefpclc0,a fplucr bonleof fti eiitpe flclrtrfifrrr tbe fpclr of $ fauctuarp, botbfullof fpne ftourc mpnglcb t»ptb oplc foia mcatoffcrpnge : a golden fpone of ten j fpcice full of ceiwJ: abniloctt, a ram, a 1 lambe of a vcrc olbc f oi a bumtorTcringcan be goa- tc m fpnne ^'nb fc^apeaceoffcrpnge two occu.fpuc tmmttmt begoatp, ^ue 15- ES of one per c olbc. %W watf tbe ofiermgt ofdEUafapbtbtfonncofDegue!. 'The feuentb am-, ^ufama tbe fonne ontownft of aimtub captapne of tbe cbvlb?* of €pb?a» «m«m> im * offcreb .^inbbptf faenfpee m% : afpl- tier cbargcr of an \)im\ntD anb tbtrtpe fp» cic0 1 a fpiuer boule of ftuentpe ftjlr J : after the ivcic of tbe £>mtum » botb full of fpne fl oure mpnglcb tx)ttb oplc, f 0? a mcatofem- ac.a golben fpone often fpclc0,full of ctnfca bullocft , a mm , a lambc ofavereolbe fo?a bumtoffcrpnge :anbe goatc foi fpnneranp foi a pcaceoffccpngc two ofen , fpue rsmej, « fpue he aoatc0,fpue lambc0ofapere olbe. m Tto* ww < tbe oferpngc of eiifama tbe fonne of atminb. -.*«*«.! #!«. 'She cpgbt bape, offcreb Gamaliel tor &,to*m flmne of fctbajnt , tfe eaptapneoftbc W* «"©«"""* Sell of 4»anafo.3nb W offcrpnge watf: a fplucr charger of an bunbrcb anb tpirtpe fpcWafptoer^aleoffeuentw^teMgJ tbc fvcle of tbe jfeanctBarp.botb fall mm$ notice mpnglcb wptb ople XiBK ttnac.a golbf fpone often fpclc^.fitllofcentf: abnllociaram, a lambc ofaperc olbe foja burntofferpnge : anbcgoate foifpnnetana f o? a pcaccoffcrvnge two oren , f pue m f pue be goatee , fpue lambed of a pere olbe. WgmSSi offerpnsr of Gamaliel tbe fecemottpetf Humeri fonne of ©eba?ur. trhcnpntbbapc,3btbatbefonncof(I5e> ^m ^^a#i/f|pr cWbiloWw^gg « m * offcreb.3nb bPJ^SPfte wa0a fplucr cbargcr of an bundjeb amtmtycima fplucr boule of.irr.fpcle0,aftertbefpcleof tbc fauctuarp, botb full of fpne floure mpnglcb wirb oplc foiamcntoffcrpnge.agolbcnTponc often fp= clc0,fuUofcen0:abuaocft,aram,a lambc of oncvcreolbcfo?aburntoffrpngc:anbcgoorc f o; fpnne.anb foj a peace offcrpngc two ojrf , f pur rammea, fpue l)cgonre0\ fpue lambed of one pere olbe. ^^ wa0 tlje offcrvugc of 3 biban f be fonne of ©cbeoni. tovmnv . ^betentbbapc: ^btejcr tbc fonncof 36m= rtaftirjcr. , m ^obaf, captapne of tlje tWtym of -®m <* offcreb.ainb lji'0 offcrpngc wao.-a fplucr cbar- gcr of an bunb^eo anb tbprtpe fpcletf ; a lp> ucr boule of feucntperpcictf after tbc fpcle of tlje fanetuarp , boti) full of fpne ftourc mm Biro wptb ople foia mcatoffcrpnge : a gol- ben fpone often rpclea full of centf: a bnlloea, a ram.a lambe of a pcre olbe foz a burntoffc • rpnge:anbe fioatefoifpnnc.-anbfoia pea- ceoffcrpngetwo oren.fpue rammctf.f pur be soatctf.fpuc I5bc0 of a pece oioe.^rbpe was! tbeoffepnge of ^bicjcr tlje fonne of 3tmmt S>aba(. offtpno; ^(jc clcuentb bitpe.^agi'cl tbc fonne of ©cran captapne oftljccbplbicn of ^ifcr , of= fcreb.3nb bpjel offcrpngc watfra fplucr cbar« gcr of an bubjeb anb tljwtpc fpclecf : a fplucr boule of feuentpe fpclca after tbe fpclc of tbe fauctuarp , botbfullof fpne ftourc mpnglcb wpcboplcfajamcatoffcrpngciagolbe* fpone often fpclc&fuii of ecus*.- a bullocft, a ram, a lambe of one perc olbc foj a burntofferpnge: an be goatc f oj fpnne.anb f oj a pcaccoffcrpu* ge:t wo orcn.f pur rantmro, fpue be goatee, fpue lambrxJofonc perc olticsrbpfl was tbc offcrpngc of pagiel tbc fonne of £)cran. tTbetujcluctb bapcltbira tbc fonne of <£nan,captapnc of tbe cbiio.icn of ftepbrba = U offcreb . $no bP0 oftcrpnge was ;a fplucc cbargcr of an bunttw anb.rjcr. fpclctf •. a fpl= ucr boule of. Ijcr. fpclctf after tbc fpclc of tbe ianctuarp, botbfullof fpne douce mpnglcb wptb oplc foi a meatofferpngeui golben fpo= lie often fpclcS.full of cen0:a bnllocM ram, a lambc of one pcre olbc foi a bur at offer pu-- gc:a«» be goatc foi fpnuc:aub fo? a pcaccoffc= cpngc, two orcn,fviicrammc0, fpne iicecoa- tc0,f puc lambc0 of one pcre oioe. '<2rbi0 wa0 tbe offcrpngc of 3bira,tbe fonne of enau. 5 'STbPS wa0 tbc bcbicacpon ol tbc alter in t^t bape wbcntt wasauopntcb: Unto tbc Wbpcbe wa0biougbt of tbc p?pncc0of 3C= racl.nj.cbargcr0olfplucr.]cii. fplucr bouletf jclJfponcS of golbc-cucrp cbargcr eontap* npngeanbubicb $ rrr.fpclc0offplucr,euc rp boule. iwcainb all tbc fplucr beffell eon tepnebtwo tboufanbeanb. ilij. bunbicb fp« clc0after tbe fpclc of tbc fanetuarp . 3nb tbc BOlbcn rpoiic0 were t wclnc full of ccn0,con= tapirpitfic ten Cpcle^apcce after t^t fpclc of tfoJty; TT h offrpng Ull'M. tbe fanctuaif.fotbaf all tljcgolbc of tlje fpo-- ne0,wa0an buub2cbanb.wfpcle0. ^Utbcbiillocljc0foitbeburiitoffrpngc were t weluc , tbc rauunc0 1 weluc , tbc lam* be* of a pcre olbe t wclue, wit b tt)c mcatcof- frrpngc • anb tlje be goat c0 fo? fpnne , tmU uc.3Cnball tijeorcu foi tbc peaccofferpngc wercrriu). tberammes fprtpe , tbc (je aw* tc0.li-. tbc lam bc0 of a pcre oloc firtpcCbpd wa0tljc bcbicacpon of tbe alter, after tbat it wa0anopntcb. Z nb wbeu 4l?ofc0 wa0gone into tbeta* bcmaclcof wptnefrctofpchc wptb bym , be bacoe tbc tjopec of one fpcaUpngc wito bpm from of the mcrcpfeate , tb-it was ijpon tbe arfeeofwptneffebctwencptwocbcrubvns, onbbtfalftrbwrtbbpm. C1T&e,nu|.€l»aptcr. fsSSl&fSS 1 - *eU»l«W».«fc* fo;mc of thcrani Atiarcft.sijeciufpnac ttotesmt of tt>f imtt*. fib tbc loidc fpafee vnto 0?o^3 rc0,rapingc:fpea(tc tmto ^aron, anbfape^atobpmr* wbentbou **wr b >*- putteft on tbe iampefi, tbc fame icuf iampes fljailgcue Ipgbtto^ warbc tbe foiefrot of tbe canbcldrchc . a nb Won Dpi) cuenfo, anblpfil;rtcO f Idpcoto- warbc tbc forefront of tbe candcldyclir.aB p Ho^bccommauiibcb$i)ofc0, anb the W02he of tbc cauocldicuc waB^-ofdpffe (tilte, - botb tbe uja ft a no tbc ftourrtf tbcrof :accoi* * binge bnf f »ifpo wbldjc tbc im* hat) &c* Web ©Me0 ruenfo be mabe tbc caticitticUc. 31it& tbe ioibe fpafce wito i^ofco, b^tn* ge : fnhc tbe JLeuitc0from amonoe tbc ztovb b2cnof3(racl,anbcleanfetbcm.i3i:ttlHi«- malt tbou bo wit tljcm , wben tbon clean* fed tbf •• wncftle water of purifpengr V)pon v-- tncm.anblettbem maftea'rafurc to nmnc *~ nlongc\)ponnU flirflcttic of tbrm ,nno let fbcm wau)ttbeirclotbc0, and fo make tbrm femes cieanc. trijen let them tabc a buUocfec witb bt'S mcatoffrpngc-.ciie" fpne ftourc m vn« glcD wptb oplc: anb anotbtr buUocbc 0>alt tbou taacfoi fpnne. ptib wbau tbou nor a bipnge tbc itutf etf before tbc tabernacle of wptneffe, tbon malt gcfbcrtbcbolc multitubeof tbccbplbicn of 3dael togctber, anb bipngc tbe leuifco be- foietbeloibc > anbfcbvlOienof3fr,icinjaU puttbcirbanbc0\)pontbe icuitc0.,1iiD 3a= router Qjall waucf lctiite0 befoie tbc ioi= be.fo? a waueofferpnge of tbc cbpibjf of jf-- rafUbattbcpmavrcjrccntctbrmmpdracpo oftbcfcrupccoftbelo^bc. . MtHfc J.cupfc0ujallput tbcirbaubcs ]jpo« tbe- becoetf of tbc buttoebctf , and tbou malt otter tbc one foi fpnne , and tbe otber fpi a burntofferpnge tonto tbc jLoide, tliat tpoumaped mnHcaiiattommftfo?p Lcm- -£$ a :«i_ I •1 ■I; Ceremonies 0mmi r - f ' ;| tctf 3 lift ttiott Omit fett f If nitejs bcf otc %& Mm befote tbc iotbc . amo timtf toon Salt ftparotc tbc tottt* from mmv{ cl yioicu of JfiMd . nnUthc leuite* Owll be myuc: after that, mail flic immst bo in .to t)otlKicrurcfoftbftabctn«KlcoE\X)Ftncffc. Snbthou ibaltclcaufc OcmMimrcg* € fot they arc genen anD bciytu-rcbunto . mc as own cum' wombc-cne tot the fpjlt borne 3 all tS! R oa.f» acl banc 3 tancn tt)c ** *% au tbc fwftboiitt of tiK mm onfcaclarcmyucbotbmauanObccltren0 the Uapc tUiit 3 Cmotc ciicrp fp ! ft bojnc inf lanoc of es vptc , 3 fauctif ycb tbcm fot W to ft borne of tftecppHK* of 3lracl, auDbaue Mticnttolcuite* asagyftc TPSSS9 fivtf founts from amongc tbc cDrlpJcuofJCj ran , to bo tbc fcr u ycc of tbccbyltncn of 2x» raclintbc tabernacle of v»Vtnc(rc,toinaUc an attoncment fot m cbylDtcn of 3fracl, that there bt no plage anionsc tbc cb»en mmu ?f tbccbyVnof aftaelcomc itpe unto the holy tbyngest. n SnbkoWanilfnrou «MB ft ton* the LtnvttS.acco^pp Unto all t&at the iWcommaunDcD &)ofc0 cocernyugctbc Leuwc* :cucnDDyDtbc cbylbtcnof Jtrael Uut6thcm.3nbtbc Leuttc* wapuafyeb, n-iB XD.ifi^rD tDcir clot i)cof . 3no Saronwa* neb them befotc tbc lo:b:, aubmabeauat* roitcmontfoitiicm.anDclcanfcDthcm.aftec that went tijc LcuytrO m to Do tbert toupee in tbc tabernacle of wytmffe , before 3**on nnDbP0fonne0:a0tbcLO2Dci>mcommaun* DcD a)o!c6co few tm m» *m * $ om in ^^uiwtbawtnat tpt'CaJba^ nja«rearcD^p ,a * clouDecouercDtbeb»b»= mm S?yon wbycV wa0 nj a tabernacle of tbe wm Wtnetfc: onb at cucn tberc wa^ \jpo tbe Jj- bttacpS. a0 it were tbc fimilituDe ot fpj t Wn ty II t{t mo?nyngc . £>o it wassalwaye , tbt clouDc coucrcD it by Day e,anD (be fmuUtuje of f w bf mftftitt wben !«w ttong wag tabeUpfroof tbc tabctuaclctbcntbe cDVl mfof 3 tracl iouvneycD : anD wber c tbc clou= Sc aboDctoerc tbc -eft*** of mmW> . tbcw tcnte0.3Bttbc^mout!)COf h : lojjc ** tl c cbylD2eu of 3fwcUioutncycD, anbatthe mouth of the !L02Detbcy pptcbcb.31uDa^l5« S f bcclouDc nboDcipon tbf baWtatyon tbey lay c ftp M • anb wben t!;c clouDe taryep a> M Won tbc babitacyon longe : tyme^bt cl)piD2en of 3fracll Ucptc t^jc watcDeottt)t 3Lo2Df,anDiourneyeDnot. ^ ^nDitcbaunceD/' wlntt&e do WDcabo&e a few Dnyesi \jpon tpe babitacyo, tbey abobe in tbeir ten tctf , ace o^D tug to tbe commafiDe = mtnt of tbc loitDcrano tocy iojnepeD alfo at tbe comaunDmcnt of tbe lojDe.anD it bap^ neneD tbat wban t\tt cioubc abobe topon m jjabitacion frfi encn tento t^t mo?nyng,anD woiei tab? topin tbat moaning, tben tbey io^- ney CD . UUbetbcr it was by D aye oj by nigbt tbat fbt clouDe wa0 tabs Vip, tbey ionieyeD. ®l yf tbeclouD taryeD two Dayc0o?amo« netb, o?n longe ccafon \jpotbc babitacyon, auDcemayneDtberon,t|)cctylD ( icnof3iracl aboDe ftyll,anD iomcyeD not. 3nD nffoneatf tift cloube wa0 taken \>p,tbey ioincycb . % 1 tbcmoutb of tbe LojtDe.tbeyrefteDin tbc fe= te!tf,anDattbecommaunDmcntoftl;cLo2D, tbePio?neyeD,Ucpmgy watcbe of tbe Jlo^o, at tbe commaunbeme n t of tbc &o;De bv tbe banDcof4yofcsf. Cfcbe.y.C&apttr. Cffbc (tompcttca of cpiutr.a;i)c XUatUtn orpatfe from ftlnal. Xbc cnptapiue of the boft ate nomb;co. Bobcib tcfuCc(t) (0 00 toltb ffi] a rc». iabtlje JL02DC fpaftc \)itto 8)0 • ftflt, faying :alt tbon maUctbf.y tbou mayft tjie tl;em to call tbc cougrcgacyon tog etber, anD wben tbe booft mall io^ncpe . 'STbctfoic tball tbey blowc with ttf , tbat alltbe mul= tituDe mayc rcfojtc to t|)t before tic Doje of tbc tabernacle of wttnc0.3tnDyf tbcp blowe but one trompet, tben tbc princess whicb arc i)ce0ctf oucr p tbonfanDcid of 3frncl pjall co= meDntotbe.iSutyfyctrompctbeboftesp lycontbcean:partc0fljallgofo ( iwatD.3(inD yetrompc tbe fccouD tymt,t\it booft f> Ipctb on tbe fou tb fyDe mall UUt tbctr loincyc: foj tbcyiball tcompc wben tbey tnhc tbeirioj* ttcye^. 25ut wben tbe cougregacion 10 to be gatbieD togetber. tbcyiball blowc onlp,anD not trope. 3CnD tlje fonnetfof 3acon}5p?eart Ibal blowc xb tbeir tropcttesl,^ vt mallbaue tb? atf a lawe fot cucr in pour generations' . 2$ 9tm pf pc go to warre i\\ your iSDe againft your enemyc* tbat Mete you.yc (ball blowe witty tbe tr onipe ttc0 ; anb ye ibnlbe re mem -- bjeD bcfo2ctbc !LotDcponr(5oD,tobefaneD from your encmictf. 3f Ifo in tU Dayc of your glabne&anO in your fcaftc Dapctf.anD in tbc fgynmngofyoiirmonctbctf.yc (ball blow tbc tr ompcttctf oucr your burnt faceiE p cc# $ ljcaceoffrmgetf, trjattl)cymayc bearemem* b?aimcc fot you before y ourc <5oD.3 am t|jc XotDeyoureCob. 3nb it came to paffe tbc t wf ty tb Dayc of tfje fcconD monetf) in tbe feconD ycarc,t6at f clouDcwadtanen Dp from of tbe babitacion of wytneffe. 3nD tbc cbylDtcn of 3fracl tone t&eit iotney out of m Defect of £>inai , 9 the douDe refteD in me wylDerncfTe of pparan. 5fo,ibt/ Etf 3BnD ttjir fytft tobe tbeir iotnepat t\^z moutu of tljclotDe.bp tbe banDeof«)ofe0.3u tbe firft place went tbe ftanbart of tbe boofte of 3iiDa,accotDtng to tbeir arotietf, wjofecap* taync was Bafiaffontbe fonneof imina=» bab.36nbouer tbe booft oftbe tribe of fcbrl* Dtcnof3(acbac > wa0Batbancltbefonneof ?uar.3fuD oucr tbeljooftc of tbe tepbe of tbe cbilD.ten of jabulon , xom Cliabtbe tonne of ^elon . 3BnD t\)c babitacyon was tabe do w= ne:anD tbe fonneS of (5crfouf ^eranweut fottb bearpng tbe babitacyon. 3InD tbc booft of unben went fottb witl) tg tbeir ftanDart anD armyeS, wbofecaptapue waflKgltjitr tbe fonneof S>cbcur. 3dnD oucr tbeboofteoftbctrybeoftbc cbylDtcn of &t« meowatffealamicltbcfencofSxiri&aOs bal.2tnb ouer tbc booft of tbe trpbc of y djU= D.tcnofx5aDwaS€liafapbti)efonncofS)e= guel. 'EOeCabatbitetfairo w:nt foicwaroc anD bare tbe fanctuarpe , 0^r anD tbc otijer bybfcttoptljcbabitacifiagaynft tbey came. 3InD tbe ftanbart of the booft of tbc cbilotcn of ephiaim went fottb accotDpuge to tbey* nrmpca , wbofe capt'aync wag eitfama tbe fonne of 3Hmtn0- 3d nb oucctbeboofte of tbe tribe oftbcfoime* of ©anaffe.wag^ania* ltd tbe (one of pcba^uc.3tnb oner tbc ijooft of tbc trpbc of tbe fonnt0 23cn3amm wa0 abiban tbcfotmc of 0ebeoni. 3nD tbc ftanbart of tbe booft of tbe cbPl* Dte of Ban came fottbf bamug all tl>' boftc0 together; tbotowout their armpr*: wbofe cauraync wa0 %\)i£$tvt])c foune of :cmmi Sabbat. %m ouer tbe boofte of tbe trpbc of the cbylDtf of 31 fer, wa0 pagiel the founc of Ocbtam.^nb oucr tbc booft of the trt'Uc of the cbpiotcn of jaepbf ali, m& 7H bira f font of€ni. 'Cbefe are tbc iotneyco of tbc cbpl* Dtc of 3fracl tbotowout tbcptarmye0:auD tbu0 the booftce rcmoucD. anb|J)ofc0 fayDe Dnto^r-^otiab the r ^ fonneof Uaguel tbe a)aDianitc:wbicbwa0 JL ■ ^)ofc0 fatber in la we: wego unto t\>c place of wbicb tbe lotDc fayD:3 wpllgcuc it you. Comctbou tberfote with M , 9 we wpll Do ibegooD.fottbc lotDcbatbptompfeD gooo Unto 3lracl.3l 11b beanfwereD bpm : 3 wyll not go: but will Dcparte to myncawne lanb anD to my ftpnrcb. If>c fapDe: Ob uapclcauc \)0 not:fot tbou Unoweft oure manfyontfm tbc wplDcrncffe-.nnDtboutwft bene to Uoiu fteaDcofo^cpeg.^nDyftbougowitbXi^ ^ lolic wbat goobnelTc tlie lo.tbc tbc wctb bn» ~^ to UMbc fame wyll wc (be we Unto tic. 3fliiD tbey DcparteD from tl;c mount of the XotDc, tbte Dayc0 iotneyc : anD tbe arche of tbetcftamentof tbe lotfi went befote tbent in t\yt tW Dayc0 iotneyc, to fercbe outc a rc= ftyng place fot tftetn.^nb t\)e Lotbe mabe a OjaDowefottbetbotowetbccloiiDcbyDay, Wben t^ went out of tbe tent c*. j) 3no zZ ^"- .1. t£l)e people 3$ttmm tttttttttttr, it %m is leftott*; J^ttmen; tfoJtritf, sat it fojtttiticti.tlmt wlia W* J»cne * i3r.»M«.B f C 2tl), Jl» lofco: fapDc s * IRpIc \>p IffM, ««» let thpnc cnanpcS »' feat crcb : anD let thcni that hate tUe.flvebcfwc tbc . »jft*«& arch rcftcD.hc raphe : mcturncO lojoc wt» to tl>c many tboufnnbc S of jiracl. Celicitcnnptcr. «r*-hf people miinnurrtb. «brr MWe Mm . WW iodic numcSkf n»uapno ; f «rU> of *•£•£* £° » tmirtrib ri.e burwn of wofrs to fcunitpeof tb« aim, iTcntc*\.uit>tl!CVP?ophtrrc- 3!ttat'«ctbquarU«. Sbc f ir ib raKCii:ur« arc punrflitt. g*«»B2S fcbtt fo?ttntct>,f» wbatt* *tbe ** X w^^ij^iicoplcBvOWVheWrc.itvxjojsa * *ro.rti.». I^^^ljoyfplcafurc in tbc cares of the BEoBra! ^o^D.3t«D Wbc t|)C JlojD bcarD C'j° M.pf^JlJit.fv^iijijscoutcuaucc vonsi p?o* *~w 3w -i U0 | Jf t0 W2 atl),5 the ficr of tDc &otb burnt amona tbf.fr eouuneb the f wc« re t'bc Uttcmoft off boftc.anb p pcoplccrieb unto t$)ofrti. anb wba *ft)ofcsmabc inter* ccffto\>ntopLoJD,f ficrquccbcb. anb pna* mc of p" place was calico C£F"£babcrab,bc= fcs* cau [ C f> ficr oftijc Loth burnt among tbcm. 3tnD the rattaH people f bat was amongc tbcm, fell a luftpng, anD turncb tbcm reluct anD weptc (turn as? DpD alfo tbc cb plbjen of 3rraci;anDfapbe:wboftallgcueUSfltQ}to catc i we remembje the fpdic which we Dpo rate in <£gipt foi nauejbf M tbe encumbers, anD melons , IckcS , onponS* gartcne. TBut nowe ourr fouleiSDipcDawapc, foj pecan fc notbpmj cis,faue&)anna. 'the manna waSas*co2ianDctfccD,anD ftoiYto;iimr23cbcili6.anD the people wet about nub gat brrcbit, anDgrouDc it in mil* Icfi, 02 bet it in mo2tcrs,anbbaRcb it in pan* nrs.anbmabr Italics ofit.anb the taift of it was line 'unto tbc taift of an oplc fcahcanb wbantbc 6HW fell DowncUpon tbc Doofte Id *!?ro.;toi.g. c UirI)cnpciJ)r,tiic4»iinnafell\)poiitt; anDi»l-ana)dfcjJl)crlict|jcpcopIt ;■ t Ii' ....v «,.,.... v v- people wepe tbo?owout tbep? bonmelbf S> cucrpmaiup i^r boicof bis tent, fo- f face of tbc tojDwa* ntottOkcD \)iito wjatb cmabtnglp: 5 it grc= neb a)ofcsalfo.anb &)ofcsfapbc tontotbc jLo2b:Wbcrfoic baft tbou bcaltccticllp with tbpfcrua fitr ano wberfoe bauc 3 notf ouD rattour intbP fpsht, fcpngthat tbou puttctt the wcpgbtofalltbiSpcoplc Upon mc.'bauc % conccaucD all tops pcopuvO? baue3 be* gottc tbf:.4>it?ii)ulDcft rape Unto me? carte tocmintbp bofoincf as a nurfc bearctbtbe it&ra c5 rta c ; »nto tbc lanDe.tobicb tbou fuo.ircft \»ito tljfic fatbers f'tubcrcftulDcj bauc acibc , to gcuc Ditto all tbv& people, wbtcb teepe bcfo?c mc,faying:gcuc \JSflcaj tbattDcmapc cater' 3amnotablcto bearc all tbvspcoplc alone, (cping it is to ftcup m mc. 3f tbou Dcalc tbuS rotti) me, Upll me, 3 _ pzavc tbcpf 3 banc founDc fauour mtbV »P C *<»*fJh gbt.tlwt3rcnotmrttJ2ecbcDncS. rbcr unto mc.Wjc.ml of toe clDerS of 3frael, \»bic\) tbou Uuowcft , tbat tbeparc f elDtrs of tbc people anD officers oner tbfcanp tpoti (bait mm W W» rt ' e tabernacle Of Wit- neffe, tbat tbeymape ftanDt tUete wtU tbc; anbO^rlwiUcomeDowne.anDtalHCTOitp-^ tbc rjKciWr ttto otm fpKtc mbicb iS «&, upon tbe, anD pnt fcpo tbcm , anD t jjej (ball bearc tbc burtben of tbc people t»if I) tlje.Uft tbou be conftrapncD to bearc it alone. %m fapc tbou \mtotl;c * people ? Mj« # Cro . Pbl ,, lowcDaaavnfttomojouJcanDvemaueate ftcftnfo? pour tobpnin^ iS in tbc cares oftbe Se;ffingpcfavD:WboamUgeueUSfle(q to catc i m were ftappre m f Bipt : tfteef m tbc Loibcwpll gcuc pouflctb , anD pe Qiall rate. J>c mall not eatc one Dapcnoi tu>o,uo? fvue DapcS,ncptbcr tcn.no? twcutpcbapeS: but eucn amonetblongc.-bntplltt come out at tbc naftrclS of pomnnD matte pou to par- biaHCbccautctljatpeftauccafttbciloiDca- "Tpbc'wbicb W amongc pou .- anD ba we wepte bef ozc bpm,Oi pmg-.wbP came m tbuS outc ° f € & %ttei fapDc: * fprcbtmDicDtljou- f amt fanbe f otmen arc tberc of tbc pcoplcam ong which 3 am.anb tbou baft fapb:3 wpU gc* uctbcm flet^ , tbat tbepmapc catc a moncib lose. Mali tbc Cbepc? tbe ore be flapni m tbem, to f pnDc tbcm i etber, (ball all the f pOl of tbc fee begatbereb together fo? tbe to fee* «cthcm.anDtbelo3ibef«pbc«ntojgores{: Mali * m LoibcS banbc be wa.rcD fl>Mtt( *SJ2 *5T boa (bait fc nowe wbitber mp wojD u^all come to palfc Unto the, o? not. 3tnD jft)of cjJ went out.anb toibc tbc peo- ple tbc faping of tbc 3Lo?Dc, anDgatbiebtbe iW.elDtrS oftbe pcoplc.anD fet tbcm rounbe aboute tbc tabernacle, anbthe loiDccamc DowncinaclouD,anDfpaUcUntobpm,anD tolscof tbe fpieterbat waSUponbpm, anD $ rcaue ft unto tbc.lw.clbciS.anDit foituncD that when tlK fp?ete rcfteb Upon tbcm , the? i)phccteD ,« DiD not ccaffc^ut there mm* neb two of tbc menintbebooft:thc name of the one waseibab, anD the name of p other *ft>ehab. anbtbcfpictcrcftcb Upon them, anD tbep were of them tbat were wzpttcn , anD went not out Unto the tabernacle , but ptopbccicDintbcbooft.anDtbcrcrannpoa man,anDtoibc^)ofcSanDfapb:(£lDaDanD a)cDaDDop2opbce?eintbcboottc.aiib3o* fua the fonnc of Bun the fcruatmt of ajofesJ «»♦ one of bPS vongc men, anlWcrcb 9 fapDc: «* matter 4ft)ofc A *l»bpb tbcm .pmmM *f *** Cipoc Unto \)vm : enupeft thou f 0? nip fabe i f rotlM . *wolDe jDBjirSlam f« lltfcften toifb it p?ofp,anb tj"l*b at BD *^)ir 3am anD aar6 fpa« kc agapnft ^ofcSjbccaufe of p woman of 3nDe which he haD tatscit: toi hchaD taben to wpfe one of 3udc . anD thep fapDc: Ijatbthc lojDcm DeDefpoben onlpthoiow iSJofcS^atbhe not fpobe"alfo bp US.^anD the io.zbe hearhe it.n6ut ofeS: If her father haD «4 fra* fjjpt in her wee , (fculDe (he not be a(ba= *&$ meD reuen Dapes.'' let her btQ)utteom of tl)e hooftfeuen Dopes, anbafterthat , letherbe receaueD inagapnc . anb ^?(r 3am was (hut outoftbebooftfeueDapeS.-anDtbcpeo* pie rcmoueD not , tpll (he was brought m a « gapn.*anDafterwarDtbepeoplercmoueD * i*»«ww from l;ajeroth , anDpitcheDin the wplOer= lies of ph* tan- C^hcjciij.Chaptcr. CCttfapncmcn arc rent (0 reatcbctbrlanbtof Canaan. ^ .m the L02DC fpaue Unto «)ofeS *J ( f (aping-.*^)cnDemeouttofearchc * ' ' the lanbc of Canaan, which 3 ge» ueUntothechplb^cnof3fracl: of euerp trpbe of their fathers (ball pe fenbea man , anb let tbem all be fuebe as arc rularS among them, anb tljofe* at the ccmmaun= Dement of the !oibe fent fozth out of tbc wplbcrncS of pbaran fuche men as were all heabes of the cbplbjcn of 3frael .• 'Cbeic na= meSarcthcfe. sDf the trpbe of ftuben , $>ammua the f onne of jacur . Of the trpbe of &?mcon, §>aphat the fonne of l?o?i • Of the trpbe of 3uDa, Caleb tbc fonnc of 3ephune. Of the trpbe of 3fachar. 3geal the fonne of 3ofepb. Of the tribe ofiKpbjalm.^Ofca the foil; tie of Bun. Of f trpbe of 25en 3amin, pal= tbi the fonne of Eaphu . Of the trpbe of ?a= bulou.eabielthe fonne of £>obi.Of the tri- be of 3ofeph, namelpe of the trpbe of Q)a= naffe.^aDDi tbc fonnc of £mfi. Oftbe trp 13 be of Dan, amiel tbe fonne of <5emali . Of thcttpbe of afcr ,^ethur the fonnc of ift)i= chad. Oftbe tipbe of acpbtali, Baljcbt the fonnc ofiiiapbft. Oftbe trpbe of C5aD,<3ucl the fonne of ^l)achi. 'ST&efc are the names of the men , Which thep Dwell in, wbptber it be gooD 02 bab.-nnb whatmaner of eptieS tbep be , v thep bwcll in, whptherthep Dwell tntenteS 0? wallcD townes : anD what maner of laDe it iS: whether it be fat 0? leane, a no wbeth cr there be trees therm 0? not. 26c of a gooD co= rage , anD bipnge of the frute of the lanbe; anb it wasaboutt&etpmctbatgrapcsarc fp?ft tppe. anb fo tbep went tip, 9 fearcbeD out tbc ^r lanDefrom tbewilDcmcffe of ?inUnfolRe= h ob, as men come to ^cmath,* thep a ft en* beb Unto tbcfoutbi anb camcunto§cb?ou, wberc ahima was a^Dcfaia^balmani, h tj tbe foutteS ■fea ■ I- iij. f f ill t'l. ■ 1 1 ill •;l : i Ml Cl)c people ^ttmett mutmm\ k&e people murmur, humeri tlic tonnes of enacb, . lpcb?on wag buylt ft» <^r uen yerc bcfoicfcy^oauln 6gipt. 3no tljcp came Unto f ryucr of <£fcol , anb cut bourne there a btauncb t»ttb one clouftrc of grapes anb twapnc barcitUponaftaffc:anb tbep btouslit alto of the pomgranatcs anb of tl)c fpggcst • $tf) five place was callcbthcrpucc eicol.bccaufc of p clouftreof grapes wbicb the ciiilb ten of 3fracl cut bo wnc thence. D Sino tbey tnriwn bactt agaync from fcat= cbP"ScofehelaiibcaftcrfourtpbapcS3»nb tbey ment titiD came to Ja.)ofcSaubS!arou, anb Unto all rbe multitnbrof tbccbplbicu of3fracl,in the wilbcrncS of pbaran; wbicb is CabcS.anb b?ougbt tbem wo?bc. anb al= fo Unto all t\ic cogrcgaciou , anb (be web tbc thefcuteof the lanbe. 3nb tbep tolbcbym. anb fay be: we came unto tbc lanbe whether tbou fenbcbftUS.aubfurclyitftowctb with tnylbc anb bonpc : anb here is of the frute of it . .flcucrtbelcflc.tbc people beftrongcthat b rue It in t be lanbe, anb the cit pes ar c wallcb niibcrecabpngcgrcafc:anbmo?coucr,we fo we tbc cbllb?c* of Qnaclt there. 'STbc 3tma- Iccaeobwell in tbc. fontb contrcp,anb the Ipctbitcs, 3cbufifcS, 9 tbc3mo?itcS Dwell in the monntapr.es ,$ the cananites bwcll Op tbc fee, anb by tbccoaftc of 3o?ban. : * 2|nb Caleb ftpllcb the ** nwrmm tbat t»a« ta«(» up.)of the people before ^ofeS.faymg: we wpll go Up , anb conqucrrc it-foi wc be able to oucrcomc it. 26ut the men that went up xoitb bvm , fapbc : Cfllc be notable to go Upagamfffpeoplc:fo? tbep are ftrflgcrtba" wc. 3lnb tbcj> brought Upan eticll rcpo?tc of tfoclanbc which tbeybabfearcbcbXaying Unto tbc cbHb?en ofj(rhcl:'$bt lanb wbtcb wciiaucgonetbo?owctofeorcbcitout,isa lanbe tbatfc:rcatctbUp the inhabitcrStber= of:anb the people that wc (awe in it.arc me of a grcate filature . 3Cnb there wc fa wc alfo gyauntcs,thccbylb?cn of CnncK, wbicb co* me of tbc gpauutcs . 21 nb we femebin oute fpgbf as it were grcujoppcrs.anb fo we bib inthcp?fpgbt. CSrbc.jetij.Cbapter. C 7b* propir murmur agapnft 1B0D, aim Uioi&c Jj.i; «c ttontb Caleb * jofue. rbe re ateliers of tbc lanoe upf.amaieeli fcpltctb tbc afraelitce. Bb all tbc tuu it i tube of ppco* plecrpeb out, anb wrptc tbo= rowoutfhatnygbt.niiballtbc cbylb?cn of 3ftacl mnrmurcb agapnft ^ofcjs anb $aron. ano tl)t wbole congregncpon fapbc Unto tbcm : wolbc <£>ob tbat we babb bpcb in tljc lanbe of egpptc, epthec tbat wc bab byeb in tbptf tsjtlDcrncsf. WUbecfo^c batb the iojbc biougbt U0Unto thpjai lanbe to fall Upon t be fwcarbc.anb tbat our wpucjs, anb ourcchilDjcnOwlbcbca p?ayemicreit not better, t\)at we retotirneUnto €gppfe 'v"-* agapne.^nb tbcp fapbe one to anotber.-the wpllmnhea captayncanb rctournc Unto (ggiutogapne. U5ut anb fourtb generacyon : be mcrcpfull 3 bc« fecbe t^t Unto the fynnc of tbPS people , ac= co^byuge Unto tbp grcate m crepe, as tbou . baft fojgcuen tins people from egipt.encn Untyllnowe. 3nbthe lo?be fapbe;3! liaue fojtgeucu S&rit &3* if,acco?bingto t^ rcqueft. 26ut£^aS tru- &v lpas3 ipuc, all the ertbtyalbc^fpHcbtft" tbcfllom of the Ho?bc . 26ut all tbore men Wbicb baue fene mp glojp anb mp miracles wbicb3bpb megipt auoiutbewilbernes anbbauetcmptebmcnowetbpS.y.tpmcS, anb will not bcrue" Unto mp uopcciball not fc tbc lanbe wbicb 3 fware Unto tbeir fa. tberS : netber (ball a up of tbem tbat pjoun* i,ji>ru.r«>.b beb me feit.26utmp (eruaunt*Caleb:Witb wbo there wasnnotbcrniaucr of fmeteianb becaufc be batb folo web me Unto p Utmoft, pVtn will 3 bjtyngc into the lanbe wbtebe be batb walheb in,anb bis feeb (ball inberet it, anb alfo p 3Cmalebitcs$ Cananites wbicbe ^ bwcll in the plapnc contrepe . torn ojo we tumepou,aubgetpouintotbewilberneu"c: cucn by the wape of tbc rebb fee* SBnbtbe Ho^oc fpabe Unto &)ofcSs 2ea- ron,faping:bowc longe botbtbiSeucilmul titubemurmuragapnftmc.^hauebearbf mucmuringeSoftbecbplb?cof3frnclwitU tbc wbicb t^zv murmur agapnft me . "Cell tbcm tberfoje:ais trnlp as 3 Ipuef faptb the io?be;3 will bo Unto pou, euenas yc baue rpoRenfnmpnecarcS.2ourccarhaueS(ba(l Ipe in tW wilbcrneS.aGnb all pou tbat we- re tolbctbojowout your nomb?eS,from.i;r. peace anb aboue( wbicb baue mutmureb a- gainftmejujall not come into tbc Ianb,ouec 0^ whicb ^ 3 Iyf teb Up mpnebanbe, torna^ St be you bwcll tberin, fauc Caleb the fonne of 3cpbmie,anb3ofua tbc fonne of,#un. Butpour cbtibcu.«. Up Unto m place of wbicb the lojbe f apoc UntoUS.fo^webauefpmieb s 3tnba;ofc0 Jaybe : whcrfo?e wpll pc go on tbPS mancr, beponbe tbe wozpe of tty tozbe-it will not come well to paffe : go not Up tfjerfoze : (fo? rbe io?bc is not amonge pou;tbat ye be not flapnebefo^yoiircncmpeS.Jfo?tbc3ma« IccHptcS anb tbe cananites are tbcrebcfo?c you.anbpewillfaliupontbcfwcarb.^be^* caureyeare turncb awayefrotlje ILozb.aub anb tbe lojbe will not be witb pou. ' 25ut tbep >*p^efumeb obftinatly to goUp i« into tbc bpll top. Bcucrt hclater.tije arch of tbc teftament of the l,o?be , anb «)ofcs dc-- parteb not out of tbc booft.'Cben tbe a ma = lecKiteSanbtbc Cananites wbicb bwcltiu tbat byll, came bowne , anb fmotc the , anb be web tbem euen Unto Iwma. ^ u CSbe.ru.Cbaptcr. ■•F *be OipHcHoffcriiigfB of tbcm fbaf enf rr into the lanoc . Slie punpftcment o f ^pm C^at f pnnctb of at: rogancpeo?F?poe. \M tbc lojbc (UakeUnto ^;o* fes, rayinge : fpeafte Unto the „ cbilbmiof3fraelanbfapcUn= * to tbcm : * wbenpebe come m to tbe lanbe of pour babitacios, * itu.tvm Wbicb33cuc Unto you, twpU offer an offcrpnge Unto the to*be.Bamc* ip.a burntoffering o? a fpeciall lacrifrcc.cy- tber of a Uowc o^ of a wpllinge mynbe.anb wnpourepjincypail fcaftcs.to made a «&* mm Jiu pure Unto tbc t o,:be, of tbe otcn oi of tbe ftocue. 'Sben * left bpm tbatoffcretb by^offc» rpngUntotbcilo?bc,b?ingalCoamcatoffC'-ki:«>i.iTa rmgeof atcntb&calcof ftoure, mpngicbt^ ant,btb - tbe fourtb parte of an bin of ople,$£ fourth part of an bm of wpne fo? a b^yncboffering, anb offer witb p burnt offeryng o? aup other offerpng: when it i& a la mbe. Czyfitbea ram , tbou (bait offer fo? a meate offcrpnge, two tenth bealeS of floure,mpngleo with p thy^b part of an bin of ople : anb To? a buiiu- offcrpnge , tbou ujalt offer the tbp?be parte of an Dvn of wpne fo?|a fwete fauourc Unto the &o?&c. i .. ?»S, w ^«^n ofercfta biilloebc fo?a burntoffring o?fo?a fpeciall Uowc o? peace js offering Unto tbe lLo?be, letbim b?ing witb a bullocb a meateoffcrtng of.iij.tentbbcalcs of floure inpngleb witb balfc an bin of oyle. 3Cnb tbou (bait b?pug fo? a b?incuofferpnge c iien balfc an bin of wyne, f o? an offering of a fwete fauoure Unto t^t Lo?be.3lfter tbys maner,(ball(tbebonc fo?ati ojee, o?fo?a ram, o? f o? a Sbc o?a ftpb.lobe what noni* b?e thou mnheft m tbcfc , f ucba nob?e(balt f mane in tbealfo. 76nD acco?b(ng to tbc M* b?coffucbeoftcringeS, tbou (bait encreafe p meaeoffety ngesanb the b?yncbofferiiigcs. is. Cl)c man ftomD $umcti to Death ^CU mat nrcof pourfclut* foaUDotbcfc t binge* after tbi* mm*tomt an ojr» miff? of f we tc fauouc Unto t&c iojbe . Mm yf a ftraungcr fogcojnc witbyou.oj wbofo eurr be am onge pou in p one gcncracto*,anD will offer an offering of nfwetc fauouc un- to the Lojoc : cucn a* pe bo, To He qjnll Do. sDne ojDinaunce (ijalUcUotp hi vouof the con&rcgaciou.anD alfo fojthc ftraungcr. jf flialbc an oititiauitcc fo? cttcr in your gene* t'hef onjef ,bo|U »iito i»ou onH to me (tratingcr before the Lojbe. ipne la we anD onemancc (hall feme , botb fo? pou anD fo? tlje ftraun- ger that fogcojincm witb pou. at 3n0 the Lo?De fpaUc Unto ^ofctf , fap« ^ tiKrc:fpeahe Unto the cbilDjcn of 3f rati, an? wot***-* fare Untothcm:* Wlhen ye become into the laiibc to thewhieb 3 b?mg pou .then Vttf* will eatc of ttje bjeaD of the lanDe , pc ©all take Up an bcucofferinw vtitotDr iojbc ,£e niall taac Up acanc of me fpjft of your Dow *&m,MU foianhcueoffering, *a*yeDothebcueoffej ringof chcbarne,cucnroycqmUhcueit.siPf the f pift of pone Dowc pe C&all gene Vinto me fcoiOeanbcucoffcringinyourgcncracion*. 3nD pf pc oncrfc pour feluejS , ano obfcr= tie not all thefc commaunocincnte* , wntcn the loibc Ham fpoftcn Unto tft)ofe*:cucn all that me 3lo?oc hathcommaunDcD you by tbebanDcof&)ofc*,frommcfpjft&aietbat tbe LotDc conimaunDcb&)ofc*,anb pence foiwaf Dc amonge y ourc generation* . £f it happen mat ought is commytteD fffnpwnt* lye of die congregation, all the inuttituDe mall offer a bullocue fo* a btirntoffcryng.to be a fwetc fauoure Unto tbe Lojbc, with tpe meatoffering anb typncltoffcring thftto,ac= oyngc to the mancr.anDanbcgoate fo? ipu* nc.3nothep;teaftmaUmaKeanatoncment f oi all tlje multituDe of me chUD?cn of 3f» rael.ano it (nalbc foigeue" tbcm : f o? it t* iff » nojaunce . 3 nD tbep Cballbjtynge they? offe« rvng fo?a fatrifyce Unto tbe UttfttsJ trap* fpuoffcrpnge bcfoic tbe tojbc fo? tbeic iff* noMunce . anD it fhalbc f ojffcuen Unto all tbe multitubc of tbe chtftyen of M anD Unto tbe ftraungcr tbat DwcUctb among! potufcinscaUfbepcoplewcreiiifgnojaucc. * £to(.«a.f. * 3f anp one route fpnne tbojow icnojaun* 2> ce,be ftiallb.iPHcjf a (be goatc of a peace oioe foi fpnne. anD tbe pjcaftc mall mane an atonemft foime foule tbatrynneDignoia* unrip , witb tbe fpnneoffcrpnge before tbe ' ftozDetorcconcplebymianDthatitmapebe foiociien bpm . 36 no botb tDou tbat art boj* ne of tbeclnlbKn of jfraelano the ftrann« gcr mat bwelletb amonge pou , mall nawc botb one lawc, whofo Doeth tpnne tho^owc tgnoiatmce. . _ _ xSutthe fonle that bocth ought Wefiim- ptuoullpc , wljptbec he bean 3 frac It t c o?a flcaungcr , the fame biarphemeth the i,o?Oe. *tfjro.rott *ifiii.r.t«ti.» ainb that foule a?albe rotcb out from amog hiSpcopfc.becnufchcbrttDbcfuprcb^wojo of tfie io?oc ,anbhathb?ofteimp0c6maun= bemcnt.mat foule thccfo?cqjallperim»auo W* fpnne (haibe Upon him. ^no wbplc the cbplbzcn of 3rcac! were in the wplbccneuc , tljcp tounbe a man that ftarffamereo ftpclic* upon tbe * S>abbo*h liape.^nb tbep tbat founoe him gatljerpnge ftpclie*. fought bpm unto i&}oTctfanoaa= ron anD Unto all the eongrr gacpon •. * anD thepputhiminwarbe, fepngit wa*notbc= clarcD wpat OjuiDe be Done unto him . StltD theLo?bc fapDcUnto^ore* .• iettheman Die-.anDlctall the multttuDe (tone \)im with ftone* without me hoott.?GnD all tbe mm* tube brought \)im without tbeljooft, ,9 fto« ii eD him witb ft one* , anD he DpeD a* p lo?D commaunDeD ^)ofe*. Mm the %om fpaue Unto &)ofe$l , rap- ing: fpcalie Unto me cbilbjcn of 3fracl anD bpbtbem: tbat thep * maBcthcmgarDetf + zxuHW In the nuacttr* of tljcp? garmente* tbo?ow out t^eir generacion*, anD put Upo the gar * Dc of mequartenfa rpbanb of pclow fplue/ 36nDtl)c garbc malDe Unto pou tololteUpo tt , that pc mapc rememb^c all the commaiV Denicnte* of the loiDe , anD Do them : anD *> tjjat pe f the not a ftcr pourc a wnc hert o? yourc a wnecpe*: after the which peUfe to B o a whotf nff:but pe Qjall remembre rather anb ooallmpc5maunbcmcntc*, anDbeho= Iv Unto pourc <5oD :3 am tbe iojDepoure <5ob, which b^ouffbtc pou oute of the lanDe of€gppte,fo«itol)cpoure(15oD . 3 am me io?bc pourc <2>oD. C£hc.*Uj.Chaptec. Cz^t tcbiUU'oii of £o;atljaii .inn Sbprain. batlja $ aba* •m \&to * Cejafi me tonne of 3c?c* ~ I bar tbe fonne of CahathmefS' f mt ,w ne of lent, anb tDatban % 3m* |ram mefonneof Cliab.anD ©n tbe fonne of pclcm.thefonncof IRuben : r ofe Up before lft)ofci5, witl) otljer me" of thechilb^en of 3fracl,two huO^cD anb fiftpe, wbicb were captapne* of memultituDegreatanDfamou*men(nthe congrcgacton :« thep gath?eD them feluctf to gcthcr affapnft ^ofcganDaiaroni 9 fapbc Unto tftemrpe mane mochc to Do, fepnge an memUltitubeareholpcuccponeofthf.anD the Lome igamongethent; UUhpbeauepe pour felue* Up aboue the comjreffacpon of thcto?Def 3 no when anol'ejot faearD it , be fell Upon hi* face, an o fpaue Unto Co?ah anDUnto all W companp, fapintr : to mojowe the lojiDe will (be we who are bi*, who i* bolp, 9 who ought to appjocb npe unto htm, anD whom he bath cbofen to come to bini .1Ehi* Do th er - fo?e, take pou fperpanne*,bomco?ah anb all hi* companp anDDo fper therin , anD put ccn* i 1 1 them before the tome to mono we. 3no me man whom the io^DcDoth cbdfe, the fame (balbe bolp . ge mafte much to Do, pc cbplD jen of leui. . 213 36itD &)ofc* fapDe Unto Co;ab : * heare yatbaanD 2Cb(ram the fonne* of eiiab , which fapbe: wewpllnotcomeUp.3*itafmallthpngc, tbat mou haft biought U*oute of a lanbc tbat flowetb with mplhenuD bonp , to UpU u* in the wilberuc*. anD to rapgne ouer u* alfo { Ipaft tbou brought U* Unto a lanDe f flowcth With mplbe anb bonp , anb geuen ^r U*inbcritaunccof felDc*anDUpneparbc*.'' Mt tljou pull out the epc* of thefe men.'' we wpU not come Up. ailnD 49ofc* warcD Uerpangrp, 9 raphe Unto the 3lo?bc.^:urnc not ihou Unto ttjepj offer pug . 3 ftauenottaben fomucljca*an altc from tbcm , ntptber haue3 hurtcanp of them. 3nD ^?ofc* fapbe Unto Cojab : m tbou anb all mp companp before tbt LozDc hoththou,thep,anD3aroutomo?owe.3(nD taue eucrp man l)i*cenfer , anb put cen*in mem , that pc mapc offrc bcfo?e the loibc; eucrp man of the two hunbjcb anb fpttpe tahe bi*ccnfoure,thou alfo 3Earo, that eue= rpone mapehauehi*ccnfer . 3nD tpeptoue eucrpmanhp*cenfer,anDputfpcrmthem, anD lapeb cen*thcron , anb ftoDcin the Doje of the tabernacle of witneffe witj) atban anb 3tbir3 , anb tbe elber* of jf 3> raelfoloweb him. Mm be f pane Unto Icon* gregaclon, Taping : bcprirtc from the tente* of there wicheb men,anti touche nothing of tbcir*:lcftpepcrpCbtnaiitbcirfpnne*.2tnD fo thep gate them from tljcbwcUpng of Co= ran, pa than anD Mbiii on eucrp fpbe. 36nD toatban ano 3Ebiram came outanbftobe in mpm of their rentes witb their wpue*, their fonnc*anD their Iptle c\wi\nm- 3nb &.)ofe*fapD:!9crbppc (ball unowe melo^bebamfcnttnctobooiithefewo^ ie*. anD tbat 3 haue not bone them of mine a wne minbe. 3f tbefc men ope $ comen beth pfaUmcmo^pfmepbe^yUifpteDaftcrtbe^ft Uifitacpon of all mm , then tttt iojbe hatb « notrentme . 26utanbpf tbelotfemauca * lie wc tbpng , anb tbe earth open bcr mouth anb fwalowe them Up x& all that thep haue: anb tbepgoDownequpcbc into hell:tbcnpe mall Unbcrftanbe.tbat thefemen haue p?o= uohcDthclome. 36nDit fo^tuncD f au*oiKa*hchaDmabe anenbeof fpeahpngaiitbefe wo^De*. * tbe * Bwef „■ , grounbe cloue number tbat wa*Unbcr the.- nmtmut 9 tbeertlj opentbher moutf), anbfmaloweD » f *»- rt< - e tbcm Up , anD their houfe* , anD all toe men tbat were withCojabanDall their goobc*. Mm tbepanb all that thep bab, wf t Downe alpue Unto hell, anD the eartb clofeDUpon them : anotbep pcrpCbeDfrom amonge the congrrgacion.^nb all ifraci f wcreaboute tDcm flcbb at the crpe oftbe\ Mm thep fapb: left thcearthe fwalowe u* Up alfo. Mm there came oute a fper from the iome, anD confumebthc twohunD^eDanD fpftpemen that offrcD ccn*. 3nD f lo^be fpafte Unto «)ofe*. faping; $>pcahc Unto eica jar me fonne of 2Baron the mcaftc , thatbe tafte Up the cenfer* oute of tbeburnpnge, anb fftatterthc fper here anb there , foj tUtfrar cenfer* of thefe fpn^ «er*arc balowrbin thep? Dcathc*: anD let tbemma B eofthemthinnebearcnplatc*foj acoucrpngoftbeaultare. 5fo?thepofttrcD them before the 1#D, anD tbcrfo?c thep are haiowrD , anDfhepftjalbea fpgncUnto tbe cbplD?cnof3fracl. anD eicajartbepjeaft toftcmchjafen cfnfcr*wbtcb tbep tbat wereburnt baD of« fcrcj , anD bcate tbcm tmnt fo? a coucrmg of tpe aultare , to be a rememb?aunce Unto I) iiti tbe Li \- ^1. .1 ** ftaton* coW) $ttmcti the cbylb.:en of 3frart » tDat no ftrauugcc Which itfnot oftncfccbof anrott.comcnerc to offer cctuJ Ucf 6?c tUc to*D, tlwt if Dajwcn not tonto topinlpfee a* tonto cojnbanbbytf companyc,n0tbelwbcfaybcofhimhytbe hanbcof»ft;ofc0. t ,,.,..*. „, iSut on the mo.iowe all the muttttttbe or the cHltycttaf 3ffrtfl murmurcb igM 4ttofc0 nub a aron, favi»fle:pc^auc Rpllej tl)cjJcoplcoftt»ciLo,jD.3fnDttfo?tuiKDtUaj when the multitubc toaiEt gatb.icb affapmt Wofctf aim aaron , tbey lokeb towarbc the tabernacle ofwltnc0.anbbebolbe,*K (Matt ^* tbrr Men ciuccb into it )thc cloube coucrcb tt,nnb the glo?y of the lojbe nppearcb . anb &?o* ftiSaitb aaro came bef o.ic the tabernacle of witness . 3no the Lo?bc (pake tonto *»ofc0, raying:(3etyoitfromamougctby0congrc* gacion, that 3 maycconfumcthcmqufcklp. aiib they fell topon their faces*. a no 0 fpaUe tonto the cbylbjcn of 3fracl , anb all the p*yncc0 gone hpm euerp pittnee oucr their fathctaihoufcsf, a rob.eucn CtweluecobOc0:anbtberobbofaaronwa0 nttiongtbcrobbc0.aitb49ore0puttucFob" ocjs before the nojbc in the tabernacle ot 2? * &mu a witnetf » 3MCU on the mojowc, H*)ofe0 went into the tabernacle of witncjS: anb btholbe, * the robb of aaron foj the houfe of ttui wa# bubbcb,anb bare blollomeC anb aim 6- bcjS.3Enb Ueeuerp man htf robb. 3nb the Lo?b fapbe \mto Qtofflk biing ^ 3Bar mii rob agapne before thewituejitobe w Kcptc fo? a toBcn of the chtlb^etw! rcbellpon, anb that their murmuring may c ceafe from me, anb that they bpe not « $nb Wofctfopo as the ioibe cdmaubeb him.euen To bpb he. %\\D the chtlb?eit of 3frael fpaUe hnto 41) o > fciedayingibcholOr^carewaftebawapef coufumeb : we all come to naught: whofoe- ucr commcth npe the bwcllpng of the lo?b, bpt th-^haii tee to ttctiy cotUumeawapc' tf,^he.)Ctoiif.Chapter. anb let no ftraun- gcr come nye tonto you. ^Ehcrf o?e (hall ye hepe the holy place anb the aulter, that thfr fall nomo?ewiiathtop5 tbecbylo ( tenof3fracl:bebolDe>3hauetaHe' your bjctl) jen the icuitejs ft om amongc the f ctylUit of 3frael, which a0a gyft of your tf are geuen tonto the iojbe , to bo the fetnpee of the tabernacle of WitneC . ^herfo^c (bait thou anb thy fonnefi with the take hebe ton= tc pour pmM ofTpce f o? all thpngejs f per- tcync tonto the aulter.ano Co? all f are wtth in the toaple . 3nb fe that ye fcruc:fo?3 haue gene your p^eftctf office tonto you atfa gpf t: anb tbcrfojc the ftraunger that cBmeth npe, muftbeflaync. 3!nb the io^be fpafcc tonto 3!ar6:bcboIb, -* 3 haue geuen the the neppiige frs- of mpne * c> a heueofferpnges of allthehaiowcb thyngejS "^ of the chplb^en of3fracl . euen tonto the, 3 haue geuen them fo?theanopntinge, anb to thp fonnc0,fo^a butpe fo? euer. 'fcbpatoai! be tbpne flit tebb Kotoc, humeri jfo.lt?. ^£(U(.b((.0 c be thyne of mod holP from thefpf e of the al-= tare.3DUthey2(tobca butpefoJ euer anb all that are cleauc in thp houfe, (hall eate ofit.all the fatt of the oyie,anb all tbefatt of thewyneanboftbccojne,wbpchetbcyf!inll offre tonto the Eo^b f o v i f pjft frutctf , the fame haue 3 geuen tonto tbc.3inb whatfoeucr 10 fy?ft rppctnthcy.ilanbcwhpchthcy b^ynge tonto the loib.Ojalbe tbyac anb all that are cleaneinthpnehoufcfhallcateofit. 3DU bebicatc thtnge0 in 3fracl, Qjalbe thy-- ne.^U that b?ealieth the matricc in all fleuje that men b^y ngc tonto the Lo^be, whether it bcofmcno.ibcoftc0,u>ilbetbync..facucrtbc= later the Iwftbojnc of man ojalt thou rcbc= ine , anb the fpdltboine of tonclcanc bca(te0 Qialt thourcbemc IpUewyfe. 'Ebofe that arc tobcrebcmeb,a)altthourebcmcfr6 the age of amoneth.f oi the toalue of the money , iw> melp foi fpne fycle0 after the fpcle of the fan* ctnari.afpcIemaUcthtweiityrhalfpl!0.25ut the fyjftbomcof ovci^ftirpcanD goaf f0 faalt thou not reorme. jTo? thep arc holy, thrrfoje thou fljalt fpipnltlc t\)tn Woube topon the al= tcr.atiD (halt burnc thcy.i fatt topon f!)e facn= fyce foz a fwet e fan owe tonto the Jl oibe. anb the flcflj of the t0 thync * a0 the wa- ucb^eftaub thcrygbtujoalDcr. ^hefe arc tl)yne.ailtheholpheueot??iyngc0whpchp chplb^ of 3fiael offrc tonto the iio?be , haue 3 geuen the anb thy foune0 anb thy baugb* tcr0 wpth tljc.to be a imtyt f oj euer : let it be £y ^j"afaltcb coucnauntcfOji euer, bcfoie the Ho?be, both tonto the f to thy fceb with the. l*Bm.rbrti.« 3«b the tojbe fr a he tonto aaio * pfhalt ; «ttit..ciig.f. haue none cnhcrttanncc in their lnnbe,nether Ujaltthouhaiic any parte amongc them . 3 amthp parte anbthyenherytauuee amongc the cbplbicn of 3fiael.i5eholbe,3 haue ge^ uen thechylb^ of 1 entail the tenth in 3fracl to enhcryte.fo^ the ferupec vuhichc they ferue in the tabernacle of witneffc. Neither muft the chylb?cn of Jfracl henceforth come nyc the tabernacle of witnfffe.lrft they beare fyu neanbbye.7i5ut theleuifc0ihallbothc fer= &3* nice in the tabernacle of witucu"c$ ^.^bcare 3Dthey^fpmie,3tfljalbealawcfoicuertyourc gcncracyou0 , that amongc the cbylbjcn of jfrncl they poffeffe none cnljeritaunce. HSut thetpthe0 of the chplbjen of 3feael whpchc theppayea0anhcueoffcryngctontothe]lo^ be , 3 haue geui the Hmitt$ to enhcret. aiib ♦ jlEui.bii'.u. fbcrfoic3hanefayeb tonto thcm.amongcf rhplDJcn of 3fraelycQ)allpou"cfrc none en* hcritauncc. anb the ioibe fpalte tonto a)ofe0 faping: fpealtc tonto the ieuitcsaubfapc tonto tljrm when pe talic of the chplbzeu of 3fracl the tp= tbe0 which 3 haue geuen pou of the foi ponrc enheritauuee , ye fl;alltalicanhcucoffcryn= ge of thatfamc fo?thc Lo?be:cucnthc tenth parte of thattprhe.aubihyo yourc hcucolfc= ring fhalbcrckcncb tonto you, cucao though it were of the come of the bame, oj out of the fuluedc of the wync p?cu*e. ©fthps matter pefha II thcrfpiffeparatc anhcueoffccyugc tonto the LoiDf, of all you» re tythc0 which ycrcccaue of the chpiozcnof 3fracl,anb ye itoallgcuctherof tonto y Loio an hcueoffcrynge , whpchc ajail bclongeto aaronthe pieafte. Of all yourcgpftcfi.pc thai take out all thcLotbcs hnieoffcrpngc0 (^ euen the fart of tbcyj halowcb thynges- 'xr-^j 'Chctfo.iethcufhaltfapctontothem.whe pc haiie talunawaye the fatt of it from tt.it Uiaibccoutcb tontotb-' 1^11^0^10)^^ were the encreafe of the cozttc floote , o,t )' increafc offhewynepicfrc. anbyenjallcatcittn all places! , botbycanbpotircl)ouwoiDc0 , f t it is yourercwarbe fo? yourc fcruycem the ta^ bcrnaclcof wituellc. anbyc Qiallbcareno fvttnc by the rcafon of it, when ye haue take from it the fatt of it:ttethcrQ»all ye tonhalo* wc the holp thpngc0 of thcchilb2cn of Jfr.ul left yr bye. CChc.rtr.Chaptcr. irof tlje tcao R8\vc. r be u\uc ot br:n tb.it brrf D (11 tlje tabernacle ,unti ov'b'in alCc «bat tcmbctb aup biictrane tbl'iiS' • Lf)bthc T.otbcfpaltf tonto i})o- a fc0anb % at on tiipfitprfhisis p otbtnauuee of the lawc whpchc [the ioibchath comattubeb fay* ingcrfpeanr tonto the chplbtcn of 3uv.cl,tbat they biyngcthc a rebb kowc without fpot,anb whenn 10 no blcimfb.anb topon which ncuer came ycrkc . anb ye (hall geuchf c tonto (Slca?ar the picafrc.yrjc mapc b^yngc^ her without the hofte , ^caurchcr *©fb?.ri«i.e to be flaync before hv0facc. anblcteieajari5p.tca(ttafteofhcrblou= be with hP0fyngcr , anb fp^pnkle it befojey" tabernacle of witncffcfeucntpmc0.anbcati fethe kowc to be burnt jut ht0 fpghteiO* hy? * tmidm,e, fkytmcftcfhcanbbloube.anbthcbouttgeof liv; (hall hcburneairo. anb let the p,teaft ta= kcCebarwobb,anb3fopeanb purple cloth, anb call it topon the kowc a0fhe burueth. Uhen let the pjeaft wafh hy0 clothc0, anb he Ojall bathe hy? ficuj in water,anb then come intotbcbotte.nnbthepjcaftujalbctoiitlcaite tonto the euen. a.nbhcfbumethher,(hallwaf(lihi0clo* the0 tu water,anb bathe $10 f Icfteiu water, h to anb be H 1 Cftetoatetrofttrpffe* fjmxtt mt fyafen tttpmt: jgttmern rfaJtif, i I! si anbbcUnclcanc untiUeucn.anba maitttwit i0 clcanc , (ball tattc nptfcc aflbctfof the bo* wc,anb putty* wttyouttbcboftctnacleane place .3 nb it (ball be Ucpte fo; tbe multltube *^um.u<.b ftl)cclipl^cnof3ftflel*foja(p?c«Wwge watcrnnbfojanaronemcntoffpnnc.ltficr* fojebe tbat gatbereb tbe afford of tycftowr, (ball waflic &ptf clotbcd.s remapne Uncle anc Untpllciicn. anbtbp0walbcunfotyecbpl* bjen of 3fracl anb \mto tbe (traunger tbat bwcllctb amongc tbcm.n ftatutc fo; cue r. * *u.irri.f. * $e tljat touebctb tbe occo bobp oranp S« uf? 1 * man > Wl« Unclcane feucn bnped. anb be (ball punfpcbpm fclfc witb typ0 water tbe ar tbpjbcbapcanbtbc ictietljbapcanbijcQjah be clean* . z8ut pf be purifpc notbpm fclfe the tljpibc bapc aim tbe fcucntb HW& foal not be cicanr.ttJbofocucr toutyetbtyc coar= fc of an p man tbat i0bccb , anD fptpnlilctb not bpm fcl : c,befvlctlj tbe bwcllpngc of m lozbc:nnb tbat foulc ftialbc roteo out of 3f* racl, bccaule tbf tym Itlptiff water wad not fpun bleb D pon bpm. If)c Qinl be tberfo?c \)n« clcanc ,anb bp0 UnclcuelTelbaU rcmapne Up* pon bpm. irijpdtdtljelaweof tbe man tbat bpetbta a tct:«ill tbat come into tbe trnt,anb all tbat t0intbetcnt,ftialbeunclcancfeucnbapc0. anb all tbe Ucffcld tbat be open wbpcb t)aue no IpbnoiconctpngeUpontbcm.CiwlbeUii* t> clcanc. 3 nbwbofoeucrtoucbctb one tljat id flapnewitljafwcrbein t&efclbcd, o;a beeb pcrfoncoj a bone of a beeb man,o;a grant s (ball be Unclcancfcucn baped. 'ftherfojr, fo; anUncleanepcrronc tbcp ftalltahcof tbe burnt aftbed of tbe fpnoffc* rpngc, 5 rui*"pngc water ujall be put tycrto -Bcaiiib tnaUeffcll. anblcta clcanc pcrfone * tabe 3fopc anb bpppe it in tbe water, * fpipnWe tt Upon tbe tcnt.anb upo all tlje Ucu"el0 , anb on tbe fouled f were tljcrc in, anb upon bpm tljat toucbeb a bone, 0.1 a ftapne pcrfone, 0? a bceb bobp,o; a gratie. a nb tbe cleanc pcrfo» nc (ball fpjpnUle upon tyc Uiiclcone tbe tbir= be bapcanb tbe fcucntb bapc.a nb tbe fcuSrfi bapcbcmallpurifpcbtmfclfe, a- wnfuje W clothed,* baffle bim felfc in watccanb qjal* be clcanc at cucn. 26nt tbe man tbat ig Unclcane,anb fp;pn= Met!) not l)im fclfe, tljcfame foulelbalbe be* ttropcb from amonge tbe congregation: be= caufe be batb bcfple b tyc bolp place of p lo?- be.anb tbe fpjpnulpngc water batbnot bene fp;pnBlcbUponbim.tyccfo;c(&allbcrcmap- ne Uncleane. anbtbpjd foalbea pcrpctuall lawe Unto tbcm.anb be tbat fp;pnWctb tl)e fp^pnUlpngc t»atcr,CbaUt»albcbii8 clotbetf . 3Cnb be tW toucpetb tbe fp^pnblpng t»a« ter. Qmlbe uncleanc Untpll eucn. 3nb tobat foetier tht Uncleane pcrf one toucbe tb, ftalbe unclcane.adnb p fonlc tbat touc&etD it, Qjal- be micieanc UntpU tjjc euen. e.tty.%t. chapter. _ _ ClWftaam oprtU.ttf people mumut. «»» mm to nice wwoute of tbttcfSf. UBUDtnpefb (br jd xatliltB pMtsm (tofBtmbP.* K«imr.*bel»wn» of aatort \m of pogranatcjj.nctpcc ijJ tlicrc anp water to typnker* m _ , 3nb ajoreiBt anb 3iaron went from tlje cQ« arcgacpon Unto tbe bo?e of tbe tabernacle of » witneffennb fell Upo tbep; faced, ^canotbrp Cipro tnto tbf Jlo;6canttr«pbf,a>JLojb«5eb,bfateroectlf ^ of tbp» propu ,«ub open tbem (bp ttcaiure.euen « fofitapne of tpupnactoatcr.ebatebep mape be fattffpeb.anb tbat tbep; uiurmurpnge mapc ccaitr . )% III) t\)Z QlO?P Of P 10J» bcapperebUntotbcm. 2Bnbt|)c lo?be fpabe Unto ^)ofcdfiipmge:tabetl)erobb, anb ge» tljcr t|)oii anb tl)p bjot&er Baron tlje congee* gacpon togctber, anb fpcaftc Unto tbe roclte before t$m c peiat. anna (ball gene f otf\> W water . 3 nb tbon (bait bjpnge tljem watte out ot tbe rocle,to gcuctbccompanp b$pn* cftc.anb tbm beaftcSalfo. * 3nb &)ofc# tone tbe robb from before tbe lojbc.ad bccomaunbcbbpm.anb fyo-- *«r«w»w fEjs 5 aarou g etbereb t^z congregacpo toge* tber befoje tbe roclte : anb ^ofed fapbe Un» to tbem : beare pc r ebell pons , muft we f ett You water outc of tljpd rocne' anb &)ofe0 Ipftc Up W banbe, anb wit]) M * robb be * ■*»*) fmote tberocne twotpmed , anb tlje water came outc abotmbantlp, anb tlicmuUttube blanche anbtljep^berftedalfo. anbtbclo^befpaftcuuto^orejjl * aa* c ton : becaufe pc beleucb me not , to fanctifpe me in tbe cpe* oftjje c&plbjen of 3frael,tber- foje pc (ball not b,tpngetbpd congrcgacpon info tl)c lanbe wbpcbc3 natie gcucnthem* ^bpdidtbc water of ftrpffe.bccaufe pcbpl 3 t|l of 3frael ftroue witlitbe lojbCft^ftc ^» wasifanctifpeb t'n tbem. Jh anb #>oretf * fentmeuengerdftom Ca= * mv& hesi Unto tije npngeof ebom. 'Cbnd fapctl) tbP b^otber 3frael: / E|)ou uno weft all? tea* ueil tbat batb bappenebUd, €>ure fatberd went boune into (Kgp te,anb we |)aue bwelt in anb tbe €gppc( and uejeeb usx $ onrc fat peed.anb wlft we crpco Unto Unto tftclLo;bc,l)ebctbe outc uopce.anbfcnt an nngcll.aub j)at|) fctt \)d Up out of €gppt. anb bebolbe, we arc in Cabcd, m in tpc ut« termoft cptc of clip bo?bcr.3- gatbereb Unto bpd peo- ple, f ot ilje aiall not come into trje labe wopcl) 3 baucgct)icnUntotbecl)pIb.zeof3rracl: be- caufe pcDilobcpcbmpmoutbat tbe water of ftcpffe/Cane aaronanbtgleajar W fonnc , anb bjpnge tbem Up into mount I90;, anb tbou (bait ftrppe a aron out of %v$ Ueftime* ted, anb put tbem Upon <£lca?ar bp0 fonne, anb aaron Uialbe gat|jcrcb Unto bptf people ano tball bpefberc. ano a)ofe0 bpb asl tlje 3lo;bc commaun- Deb:anb tocp wf t Up into mount i^o; in tbe fpgbte of all ti)t multitube.anb CJ)ofc0 tone of ;iaron0 clotbe0,anb put tbem upo «£lca. [*&eutc.r.b. ?ac bp0 fonnc * anb aaron bpcb tljcre in tbe j«nMTnf.ff. toppeof tbe mount. anb 4ft)ofe0anb 6Iea« ?ar came bonne outc of tbe mount. u>fia n all tbemnltptubefawc tbat aaron wadbeco , tbcv>mourncbfo; aaron tbpitpebape0,ti)o= ro wc outc all tlje boufbolbcsf of 3fracl. CCM^t Chapter. •J3irMelbftnnufr(5ftbfcpnge flrab.lbcfpjpe fee: pent jo ftiugr t\)tm.%\)e Spiiges.Sebon anb £>s art oucrcomciuuafcll. (ftb wbcnltpngc * arab tty Canan(» tewbpcbcbwelt towarbc tbcfoutb, barbctcll p3fraelcame bptbc wapc tbat tDe fpved bab fouubc outc , be fougbtc agapnft 3fracl , anb tobe fomc of tbem p;c= foncrd.anb 3fracl Uowcb a Uowc Unto tbe Ho?bc , anb tapbe:3f tbou wpltbclpuertbta people into my b5bc,3 wpll Uttcrlp beftrope tbepi tvtitfi. anb tbe lojbe bcrbe t|jc Uopce of3fcael,anbbcl(ucrcbtbcmtbcCnnamtc0. anb tl;cp beftropeb tbrm anb tbcp; cp«c0, $ a callebtljc name of tbe* place * ^oima. 1 mwm . * anb tbep beparteb from mount !»>o j bp * S2'" «? t?)c wape of tberebb fcc-.tocompaffc tbclaub J5 * of €bom.anb tbe foule of tbe people fapn= teb bp t\te wnpe.a nb p people PpaUe agapnft <2>ob 9 agapnft 4l)ofc0 * wbf rfo« baft tbou * mmt.m biougbt U0outc of 6gppte,fo;to bpcin tl)z wtlberiieu*c.''fo; bereis uctljcr bieab noi wa» ter,^ ourc foule lotbstb tDpss Ipgbte b;eabc. *d£ll;erfoic tU io;be rent fpcm fcrptn« JS'I-, 3 : te0amongctbepeople,wbpcbftonge tbem: anb mocbc people of 3(raclbpcb. Cbcrfoze tbe people came to tittofes anb fapbe : we b«i= tie fpnncb , fo; we banc fponen agapnft tbe (c io;be^ agapnft tbe,* make tnterccftpon to * *»,&«.«. ti)t io;be,tl)at be take awape tbe ferpented " l ;p f «- n »; fc fromU0. anba)ofc0 mabeinte'reeftpon fo; 3at *- r " M > tbe people, anb tlje Lo;bc(apbc Unto &)o= fc0:y^-** mane t()e a fpjic ferpent^ fct it up ** "^ fo;a fpgnc,^a0manpa0 arc bpttc, mapc lo= ftc Upon it, ilpue. * anb ^)ofc0mabca (cr* *Toir.: mx pent of bzaffe.anb fet it Up'fo^a fpgue.anb ^w^ 5 '""- wbcntbc fcrpcnte0bab bpttcii anp man, be bcbelbctbcfcrpentofbiau"c,anbwa0bcalcb. * anb tbe cbplbien of 3frael beparteb *s&&m* tbencr.aubpptcbcbin iDbotb. ano tbep be= partebft'60botb,anbpitcbcbat tlje beapeg of abartut : eucn in tbe wplberncfte wbpebe id bp tbe plapne of Aii)oab on tlje caft fpbe. anbtijcpremoucbtbcnccanbpptcbcbupon tljcrpucrof ?arab.anb tljcp beparteb then- ce , |anb pptcbcb on tbe other fpbe of anion, wincb t0iutbc wplbcrncae,anbc6mctb oute of tbe coftc0 of tlje amo;tte0 : fo? anion 10 tbcbo!bccof&)oab,bctwcnea)oabanbtbc amo2itc0.U)l)crfo;c it i0fpoUeu in fry tbc-ir^ bolic of tbe warrc of f Ijc lo;b, wbat tljpngc £> be bpbiin tberebb fee, » tn tbe rpuerd ofar= nou.anbtbebeabeoftberpucr0,tbat:goetb bowneto tbebwellpng of ar,anb ftrctcbctb Uiitu tbe bojibcr of 4» oab : from tbf cc it tur- nctb Unto iBccr. 'S: be fame it 25cer, 0; well wfjerof tbe &o;be fpaUc Unto WrttH : gc» tber tbe people togctljcc , anb 3 wpll gene tbem watccCbcn Jfraclfangc tbpdfonge : arpfe Up wcll,ftnge pc Unto bim.'Clje p;tn» ecu bpggcb tbp0 well , tbe capfapuc0 of tbe people bpggebit, witDtbc tcacbcr.anb wit(j tljcp; ftauc0. a nb from tlje wplbcrncffc tjjcp went to e Parana, «: J_ 1 #alac €tttttett Balaam ■1 £>cucc and I! It \ I * i f I &)atana,ano from *ft)ntauato $aDalicl , $ from aalmlicl to Bamotb> auo from Ba< motD to p* Dniap tDat l*in tDc f elbc of ft)oab buto tbe top of tbe hplltbat appcacetb bcfo< re 3cfimciti.anb3iraclfcnt meKcncccr*Dit* to <&eDou,kpnge of tbcamo?ttc*Japingc : .Rumr.rc.r * 3 Wpll 80 tbOJOWC H)P lailDC: WC WPll MOt mtc.t..c tournc into tl)v fclDcjS o? Dpne parte* .nctbe* mhb ' btpnkc of tt>c i»atcrjS of f t»cU:Out wcwp 20 a longe bp tbe kpttgc* Dpc wape., Dtttpll *t»tu.tnr.b wcbcparttbpcountrc. *^wtg«Do wolje gene Jfraelno licence to paffctbo?owc M countrcbut ffCtDcrco all DP* people WMtt anb went outcagapnft3fraelintotbc wpl* bcrtirffe.anbbe cameto3aDe?aanb foujjljtc agavnftjlracl. * »««*.(. •. * Mi 3fracl ftnotc Dim m tDe cDflej of tije an6.rrri.a. fu)crbe,anb conquereb bp* lanbcfro anion 3ofti.rpMM| ^ nt0 jafcob :anD\jntotDe cbpltyrnof am» 3r mow J o?tbcbo?bctof tbccDPlo?cnof am* onit.fl.li, montnaft *ftr6gc.anD3fcaeltokcalltbcic cttic* anbbwcltinnll tlje cptic* of tbcamo* rite* : in $eft>on anb in all tbe towitt* tbat longc tbcrto. 5fo? loefbon wasf tUe cpttc of abenon tbe kpnge of tbe amoiitc* , wbpclje fouabt before agapnft tbe kpnge of f wMI* bites, ant) folic all in* lanbe out of bp* babe, eucn unto anion, ttftctfojc ttjcp fapc in tbe iwoucrbe : come to tyefbon, anb let tbe cptpc of &>W be bplt 5 tepap?cb:f o? tbeee i* a fp* re gone out of tyefbon, anbafiammc ftfi tDe cvtic of £>cbon, anb batb confmncbat in *¥Voab,anb tbe inDcritour* of tbe Dve place* in anion . too bcto tDc$)oab : o people of t<& ^r-c&amo*, pc are Dnooneje batb put m fonnc* to ftpgbte.anb Dp* baugbtcr* to cnp= tiupte Ditto &cbon kpnge of toe 3mo?tte*. %kn empire i* loft feomfceflton Dnto "&U (5 bomanowemabeawplbcrncffe cuenDnto ftopba, wbvcb teacbetl) Dnto &)ebiba ano tbu* 3l'raelbtBeltintbe lanbe of t&eMo* rite* . anb &)ofe* fentto fercbe outc 3ae* «r,anbtbeptoketownc*bcIongpngctbcr= to , anb rootcb oute tbe amo?ttc* tbat were f hpr r (ft * sku. iff. «. * 3BtiH tjjep toutneo anb went Dp tow= a* bus* nrbeBafon. anb Cg tbe kpnge of Baton came out agapnft tbcm, be anb alibi* people to fpobt at abiei.anb tbe lozbe fapbe \>nto 4»ofe*, fearcbtmnot, fo?3 ijauebelpuereO Dim in t&p Danbc,anb all bi*people,anbb?* laoc.anb tbou wait botobim a* tbou bpbeft Dnto £>ebo tbe kpng of tbe amo?ttf * wDicb bTOtltattocfbon.'Cbevfmotebl'mtbetfoje, nnb bis fonnc*,ano all W peop!e,\mttll trjeu iDa^notbingcieftcbim.anbtbepconqnereb bp* lanbe: asse* ti*! me in Cl)f ©cb;uc w to?i«eil J&ilcam ) ©alaama •J tDc cDplMf of 3rracl bepar- % itcbanopptcbebtn tbe fclbeiof |a)oab,ontbc ottjctfvoe of &fr banc, oner againft 3ctifJ)o.3nb gM^BMha * flBalnc f f onne of ?ipp? fawe *m.wm alltWoiraclijab boncto tbc3amo?ttctftanb tbe iBmm were fo?c afrapeb of tbe peo- ule becaufe tbcp were manp, anb *> ft ope in <« feare ol % %W« oOfracl. IttM fapbc\)nto tb e elber * of a)abian : now (ball tbk cdpanpe ipeke «H ^p all tbat are rounbe flboutc%*, a* an m ttcaetb Wbe oralTc of tl)efelbe.anb26alactberonneof5ipbojwa* ttpngeoftbcWoabitctfattbattpme. 55 Sefentmetrengcrja!tperfo?e ttnto J Tba-- **wm* laam tbe tonne of uSeoj tn ^cttjo? ( tamm MhM« bp tbe tpuct tn tbe lanbe of tDc cbplb?5 of pis* foiaOto callbim,fapin5C:bebo be, tbcre >m people come outc of egt>ptc , abtploe, tpej coucr f face of m ertb,^ Dwell onct agapnO: me.Come nowe tDcrf o?e s'tucfe ttMm fo2mpfaftc.jfoitDcparetompgbttcfo?mc, pf fo pcrauenturc3 mvgbt be able tofmpte tbcm 9 to ^ync tbcm oute of tte lonftr. m 3 wot e tbat be wDome tljou bleireft.i* bier* fcb,anbwbomctboncuefeftijScurveb t anb tbe elber* of #)oab anb tDe clber* of Fabian bepacteb, baiipnge tbej rcwarbe of tbe f otbfapingc in tbep? banbc.anb tbep ca- me \mto I5alaam,anb tolbe Dim tbe wogwf of 25alac.l9e anf wcreb tbem-.tarp Dece w& upgbt.anb 3 WVU bjpnge fM wojjc , eucn a* the Jiotb (ball fape unto mc.^nb tDc to?* be* ofa)'oababobewitb Balaam. anb (Sob came \)nto Balaam anO fapbe, c tj)I)atmcnaretbefewptbtbei ; anb|5alaam fapbe tonto (]5ob:25alactbefonne of ?tpbo? fepngeofa)oabbatbIcnt\)ntome,fapinge: bcbolbe,tDctei*a people come out of <£gppt anb coiitrctb tbe face of tbe ertb: cometiowe tDwfo?c , anb curfc tbcm fo?mp fake ,pffo pcrabuentutc 3 mape be able to oucrcomc tbcminbatcll,anbtob?puctbcmoute.aub <5ob fapbe Ditto 26alaam:(i5o not tnon w«n tbcm, netbeccurre tDe people, fo? tbep are blcffeb. anb 28aiaam rofe Duin tbe mo?npnge$ favbeDntotbc to?beiSof 25alac:getpou Dit- to point lanbe : fo? tbe iotbe wpll not fttrfrc me togo wpfbpou. anb p 3to?be*of 4t)oau rofe Dp,$ went Ditto 25alacanb fapbe :HBa- laam wolbe not come wptDD*. anb 25alac fentagapne agreatteecompanpeof lo?bc* anomo?cbono?able tbcntbep:wbpcDe came to Balaam,anb tolb Dim^DnS famw lac tbe tonne of?ipbo?:ob,letnotppngclet?, but come Ditto me , fo?3 wpllgteatlp mo- motctbc Ditto grcate bonoute , anb wpll 00 tobatfoeuerjJfapeaDntome, come 3P?ape tbe, curfetbp* people fo?mp rake ; anb Balaam anfwereb anb fapbe Dnto p ^> fcruaunte* of aaalac : *- 2t »niac wolbe *jw«'»- geue me jBalaamsi Mt gcueme bp* Donfcfull of fpluer anb golbc,3 Citnotgo bcponbctrjcwo^bc ofttjc io?bmp <3Efob,tobo lefleo?moare.0owetbcrfo^eta-- rpepcbcrctbp*npgbtc.tbat3mapewete, wbat tbe lo?oc wpll fapc Dnto memoare. anb d?ob came Dnto ^Balaam bv npgbte, $ fapbe Dnto bim:3f tbemen come to call tbe , rpfcDpanbgo witbtbem:butlokcwDat3 fapc Ditto tbe, tbat Qjalt tboubo. anb J6alaam rofe Dpearlp.anD fabelb Dp*alTe,f went witD tbe to?bc* of a}oab. ©^ anb tDecountenaunce of 00b wa* cbcrfo?c baft f pott finpten tbpnc aftctbtc tpmc*:bcbolbe, 3 ca» me out a*anabuerfarp, becaufe tboutnaftcft ' x\^ wape cotrarp Dnto me,anb tU aflfe fawe mc.anb went backc fro me tb?ctpmc*:o? cl* °» rf Cbcbab not turncb fro me ^»fffciipngc pia« eo mc tDat ftooe in tlje Vunpe .)% bab fticrlp flapitC f be , anb faucbbcralpuc. Balaam fapb Ditto tbe angell of tbe Lo?b:3 Dane fpuneb:fo?3 wift not tbat tbou ftobeft in t$c wape agapnft me jftowc tberfo?epf ttbirplcarctbc3 wpll ' tnrne Dome agapncCDc angell fapbe Dnto humeri ifo 26alaant:ao witD tDetnen:but,t»Dat3 rape Dntotbe.tuatft)alttboufpeake.anb(bBa= laam went wttb tbe lojbe*of Balac. auo wiien Balacberbe tbat zSalaa" wa* G come, be went out to mete bpm Dnto a cptic of #oab,wDwDe «*mtbe bo?bcrof arnon . eucnnttbc Dtmoftcoaft. anbi5alac(apbe Dnto Balaa .• bpb3 not fenbe foi tbe to call tberanbwberfaiccamefttbounotDntome? becaufe 3 am notable to promote tbe Dnto Donouretanb Balaam mabcanfojere Ditto Balac: too,3 am come Dnto tbe.anb can 3 11 owe rape anp tbingc at all.^bc wozbc tbat <5ob * puttetbinnipmoutbc,tbata)nll3*^..trau fpeake. anb Balaam went wrtb Balac, anb tbep came »* Ditto a cptic of ftrctc*. t « anb Balac offcreb open anb ftiepc, anb lent t*CKUjat6f 3 )fo? Balaam anb foj tbe loibco f «.- were wttb bpm. anb on tbe mo?ou)c Balac tone Balaam, anb tyougbtppniDp into tbe bpe placcofBaal.tbatfbcccbcmpgbtfctbc Dtmoft parte of tbe people. Cebe.rrtu.Cljapfcr. COJlaamblcTctl) cbr people. ;#q Balaam fapb IntoBi % lac:bplOemcljcrereue alter* [;anb prepare me bcre fcticti 0- yen anb Tcuen rammes. anb ■ Balac bpb a* Bala«l fapbe. anb Balac anb Balaaoffc- a ram .aft Balaam rapb Dnto Balac : ft*1= be bp tbe facnfpce.anb 3 wpll goo pfbappip Jbc Jioibc wpll mctcmc:aitb wbatfoeuer ijc ujc wctlj 1 me, 3 Will tell tbe, anb be wet foul) olOJte.ButGobmctBaiaam.anb Balaam S5 2l\° torn-. 3 Dane p?epareb rcticu au ter*,atibbflucoftertbDponct.terpaltcr , an S !S?S2 m ' a J? Dftf ^^oeputa raptnge S ^'"ttftnott^ »anb rapbe:goagapnto Balac anb fapeon tbp* wpre.aub wbm be wentasapne Dnto Imn.loo, be ftobcbp lip* kpngc of mm batb Ictt mc from a;cfopo» tamta out of p mou tapne* of p eaft( lapfoe- ) Jfael.j)o\oca)all3curfel)t,u)ljo(5obbatb SSPW, \!\ ot aefpcbf from tbe toppe of tbe 5JSB3 ft Dvm , anb from tbe Dpi e* 3 be' fclfcanb ftiall not be rehrtico among the i£ ffi^lI? n 5 ,r ' fiBa ?3«ob%nDt!r nobjeof tbe fourtb parte of 3fiaelf 2mm C5ob,tbatmpfoulcmayebpctbcbcatbof be B&S3& ^Dntmplaftciibemapc I'clpke DV* 3 no Balac fapbe Dnto Balaam : tibat Daft tbou bone Dnto me t 3f f tttbe to curie Sffi. w 9 n ^ an6 Worn , tbou bait bk [eDtbcm.l9ea!tra3erebanbfapbe:muft3not kepe tbat | fpeakc it , wbpcb tbe U$tB& putm J Lml_ i A. ".us #alac 0\\mti Balaam. ft I [i * I r 5 i ■ :t * ^»<* i * t k L ±* 'P. >:- put in mp motive f 3nbtf5alac fapbc Dnto town : Conic 1 piape the with me bnto ano- ther place , whence thou mapeft Cc «K«n,jnD tBottOHtttftttit tOc Dtmoftnarte o them , aiib malt not re them all: cur fe tbem out Qt p hot ( where men mpgbt ft fatre an euen to tl)ctopyiofan|)PU,anl>bvltfcuCaUcej*jano ororeb an axt anb a ram on cunt alter. 3B«p he fapb Wtfl ssalactftanbcheri jby tbP tocrl. wee wbPle3aoponbcr.3nbtbeLo;tb met* fapb:goagapncDnto^lac,anbtbu$fape. ainn when he came tohymrtcholpe , he ttobe by W famfpee, * the Uftt* **£Mft£2 p. 35tiD JSalac fapbc Dnto bun: what bath toe toibc fapDe,' 3nbhetokeDn hi* parables /mfwercb : ryfe Dp usalac anb bearcanb berke^nto me .tcc;in.f.b thou fonne of jipboj.* (Sob i* not a ma that **•'• be mulbclpc, nether the fonne of a man that he tbuiuc rcpcHt;Cb«lOc Dc fafcnnu uot Doo. 02 (bulbc he fpeake ,anb not make it gooh beboiocl haue taken Dponme to bletfe , to* B he hath bl c (Tco , alio tt i0 not in mp pottJec to <+ alter ft.* ^cbcbelOenotjanptein3acob, m*fawe ttauapll in 3Jwcl. ^lieJLMjeW * 000 i* x£ Dini.anbH. the pufence of the npng UMiflU tfamongctbcni. *J»*H&ftHH? ofegppte.bcbatbfttengtbasanDnicoiiie. fcfcre S no f ojecry in 3acob, no? MA pmg <* m3fraci.*3t flatowetolbc bnio J*m9 3fnKl,u)bat0obhatht»2ouflht.®cholhc, the pe opKc fflal rpfe Dp tf «iP°neg,M«jue tjpbvm^fcagalpon.^elbaUnotlp Dow» ijc.Dnttlibecatcoftbcpjaye.anbbnmkctbe bioube of them that arc aapne. anb iSalac favbe Ditto Balaam s nether cur re them no j bleffe them.llSut J5alaa anC> t3jcrehanotaphcDnto25alac:tolhenot3the fapmcce:all that the J,02befpcaketb, th«3 muftbooanbiSalac fapbc bnto Balaam: come 3 pjtapc tbe.anb 3 w*P fcpnge the pet Sitoanotber placc.-pf perabuentureit&aU i)lcafeCi?oh,thatthou maptt thence gpAtg fSnw Ifahe . Snh uSalac b^ougbte Balaam Dntotoetoppeofiaco2,thatbomcthtoi«ach tb wSewefle oF3cfpmm5 . 3nb ttW faphe Wo u&alac : make me hece fcucn al» tcrs.anh pzepare me here feuen otcn,anb re* mnSmml 3no»alae W«**KWm babtapbe, anboffercb anojeeanh aram on tmV m %W.tMi> Chapter. C ttalaampjopbefirtb of f " c *en««>? mt of |*«L l SSSSSmSSSa »« ti» a««uwt»» , »nt or Shmhen salaam rame that i! jJlea* fchthe lozhetpathe mulhe bletteTJt- ifimarael, hewentnota^hehphtmpre be« fo?e to fett fothfapinacbui : fettW ftgjj warfte the mplberneuYanb 26alad ipfte Dp «Ww@SS Stymie*. i itftmeti ifo came Dpon him. * ^n he toke toM «» */m.w«iu ble anhWhe:i6alaa the fonne of f eo? hath heBfaPhc,whVcheheareththewo?hgof SohanhfcvththeWon^ofthealmpahtie, anb fcUletbbouucmitb open epe0. Sowe fiooWv are th? tcntejJ o 3acob, anb thpnc^bTtacpUoSW' ^fljeDj; epetfaretbeplapebabiooc, anb ^8«J«g bp the ttm tWMm tented mhpche the Schathprteheb,anba^ Wf Wgbg She thewatet0.>*'Che water b^oppethout J^ ofhiiSboukcc ) anohP0feeb^^^ SS&W ftmfierhalbchpcrthe aijgg. *"»•*» anbbP0 kpiigbomc (balbe cralttb. * 0»imm 8ouSebJmoutofeB^:»ijrtfJK n S? Kdi pco?neWheDntoWm.l9c ^all eat; Senacy Wbv* enempc^, anbfiuawe thew SonS * p"r« tb* thoiome with W aromej. * feccouchebhvmfclfe . SP*TlESttS SS** 1 ^alpon,anbasialponcffc, who (ball fterre np« bpnt Dp: blcffebtfbe thatbleffeththc I cur- anh fmote hpj haube^ »«*V#iKSSfe fapoe Dnto Balaam 1 3 W&StiS&vSf mpne cnetnpeis , anb beholbe, thoubaft Met; f eb fHi thW th" tpme*. ttrfuc iiowe «tt c tbe aupcklpDntothPPlace.3thouflhtthat * 1 wolbe promote the Dnto honourc , but lo, the loitbc hath aept the hacke MwjlW Salaam anfwereb Dnto uSalac. tolbe 3 not thP mcu-enscr* which thou fenteft Dnto me, m m fapingc:*3e^alacwolbe2euemeht^hou» ftftillof fpluer anb golbe, 3 cannot palfe the woibe of the iLoiOc, to bo ether floob abaft of mpneawnempnbe?25utwbat theloibe (apeth,thatam3compellcbtofpeake. 36nb ■ 55S ri)choibe , 3 so ^mjs^sz tbcrfoic.anb 3 wpllabuertife thewhat W ?finb be tobc Dp M^arflHf anb faphe : ffia* aainWc fonne of Veo^hath fapbc , the man whofe W « open.hath to Jftf. ^e hath fjpbe thatheareththe wo^^of «5ob, anb hath? bnowlebgc of themofthpe, anb i bcbolb tft the Dlfvon of the almpghtictfnb that fal etb Tftal Tbebolbe M,bnt not npe.* 'BChere (hall * M «o^ comeattarre of 3acob , anb rpfe a fecptre of 5DnbermpitcaUthectelb^?SMJ?S**^ ebommalbcpoireffeb,anb^eirma«fa«tOb«w. the noOeflyon of thep? cnempejf , anb awael Safibo^n^trf^eo^a^ he that (hal haue botmntS.anb (baUbettrope theremnanutofthecptie. fcAAAb- 3nbwbanhelobebon3malcck,betoke ^ Dn D<0 parable ,« fepbe-.^malcckiJS the g?tt * «w^ ofthe nacpno^ * bnthPtf latter enbeftalU^" pcrplb btf crlp.anbhe lokeb on the ftcnpf c$ niibtofccDphpJ*parable,anbrapDe:ftronge 10 thv bwcflpngc place.anb thou putteft thp neftina rocke, eeuertheleffe the kenpte (bal- be roteb out.Dntpll 36ffuc take the ne&ncr: 2lnb he toke Dp hisparahlc anb fapb : MM, U)ho ftall ipuc when (5obboeth ttoi"t:hc IbPPpcd alio (ball come out of the coft e of 3- t alp,anb rnbbnc W»t , $ fubOue ebcr , anb be hpm felfe (hall pertOie at the laft.^nb 25a lnamrofe Dp,oubwentanbrctuKnebto W place : a no 26alac alfo went hP tf mape, CSTbc. r^D.Chapter. Cffftc people eommpttcto f o;n plcb him fclfc Dnto C^° Banl fstty. KM the tnbignacpon of the tozbe wag Monolteb a« gapnft3fracl,aijb the toibc fapbc Dnto K)e fesi: take all the hcabest of the peoples hangc 10* the Dp hcfoic the toibc ocragflpnft the foil- ne.thatthcw^athofthe Lojbefi countcHati« 25ccmapebctourucbawapcfrom3frael,3nb »► eo2, anb in the canfeof thcpi fpftcr Co^bt tf)c Daughter of a Lo2bcoftl)e ^)aDianitc6, which was flapnc in the bape of the plage fo? |Dcoi fake. Cfchc.rrbf.Cbapfcc- C2^ccbp»;cnof jrCraelartiiombico. Obitfo.ituncb.thataftcrtheplage,^ i!Lo2bcfp.ibc Dnto tDofoSifbnto^- I lea jar tpc fonne of 3arouthep.2cfte, fapinge : ^takethencmberof alltrjcmnltp= *flamc.». a , rube of tijc rbplDicn of 3fracl from. jrjr. veare anb aboue thoiowcout thepi fathers hou- fejf.all that arc able to goo to warre in 3fra -■ claim Ci)ofcsanb€Icajar the picaft fpake »ntotheminthefclbt8ot'a:oab l bp3o2ba- ncoucragapnft3ettcho.frcm.tr.peareaitb aboue, astheloibe commaunbcb^)ofe0$ the cbplbzen of 3fracl l whan thep were come ante of iggppte. * lilubcn the elbeft fonne of 3fracl. *&$( *Gta.tiM* cbplb2cnof Ettbcn:loanocb,ofwbome com= »p»».i».a, meththckpnrebofthcDanochitrgranblDaitt of whom commeth the kpnreb of the palm* test. Of Ipcfron , commeth the kpnreb of the itocfeomtcjfcof Carmt , coinmctbtbe kpnreb ofthcCnrmiteiS.'iirhefearethckpnrrDc.cof? tiubcmtcjci.anb tbep wcretnnombze .vluu tboufanbe fcncnmmb?eb9thp2tpr.^nb the fonneSoflOaltt:(£liab.3Cn8pfoncpiof(i:Uab ^cmucl.Bathauaub ?fbtram. flips' 10 that "Datha anb Jtbiram, which 15 were famous m tDccongrcgacyo.s * ftroue + mm . ma agapnft^)ofe0anb 3Earonintbe copanpc of Comb, when thep ftroue agapnft tbe Lojbe. #3fnb the crthopciifb her mouth, anb fwa= *am&u Iowrb rhrm Dp.€o2ah alfo was in the bra t|J of that tmiitttubc , what tnm the fp?e con= fumcb two hunbjcb anb fpf tp mcn.ano thep became a fpgnc:#otwitbftonbmg,tbccbpl= b2cnof€o2ahbpebnot. 3Cnb ti)i chplb2cn of S>pmcon after thep? npnrebctfwrre:.&cmucl,of whom commeth f kpnreb of the .ficmueliteS:3amin, of wbfl commeth tbe kpnreb of the 3aminptes : 3a= cbiii,ofwb6commeththc kpnreb of the 3ft* chintt r 0:o'f ?areh.commeth the kpnreb of the jatehtte0.3anb of ^aul, commeth the Itpn* rcboftlje^aulitcS.'Chcfeare the kpnrebest of ^>imcon:cue.i;rii.thonfaiibeff.ii. |mnb2Cb c 'Che chplb2e of unt of wbom commetb f hpnreb of W of tl>c 3ProDt= tctf.CDf 3lrirl commetb hpnreb of t|)e3ric=» litetf /<3:t)cfc arc tbc hpnrebctf of ti)e cDvlojtctt of (5abacco.:bingto their nombzetf.jrl. t|>ou=» fanbe anb fpuc bimozcb. *i?nu.rrr. 'Cbccbilbzeuof 3uba:@ranb £>nan*$ t.m.«. g r anlJ £>nanbpcbm tUc lanoe of Canaan. 2l5ut die cbplbzcn of 3«oa after tbep? hpn* rebctf, wcre:g>cla,of whom commetb phpn« reb of tbc &clamtrtf:lDbarctf,of wbom com* me tb I Ije hpnreb of tbc pimrcfttftf i jareb, of wbom commetb the hpnreb of tbe jarcbite & ^nbtbccbplbmiofpbarctfwcrc^cfron.of wbom commetb tbe hpnreb of tUe Ipefroni* trtf.l?amtiI,of who commetb t\)t hpnreb of tin- l>imulttctf . 3:bc(c ace phpnrcbctf of 3ti« ba.aftcrtbepznombzctf.iwttt tboufanb anb fpue bunbzeb. Ubccbylbjenof 3facbar after tljcpz hpu* rebctf , werei'Cbola, of wbom commetb tbc itvnrco of tbe irbolattctf : IDbuua , of wbom comctb the hpnreb of tUc pmiuaitttfiof 3a- fub commetb tDc hpnreb oftlic 3afubptctf ,of g>pmron, rommctb tbc hpnreb of tbc &>un- romtrtf . 'fcbefcarc the hpnrcbittf of 3focbar a:teribep?nombicjS.Iruu.fl)o;ufante , ano tuacbunbjeb. t) t be cbplbii en of *abuIon after tbcp? fepn* rebctf were : ^i>crcD , of wbom commetb t|)c hpiireboftbcjaDcrcbttctf^loti.ofwbomto- nutb tbc hpnreb oftbc<£lonitctf:3abeUcl, of wbom cemmctb f be hpnreb of tbc 3abclcli- tetf. Chcfe arc tbc hpnrcbetf of tbc ?abulo= nitctf after t\)m nombjetf : tljzcfcoje cljou* fanbennbf rue bunbzeb. 'frbccbplbjen of3ofepbtbo2ow outebcic bjmreoetf werc:a)anau*c $tmfbitetf :anb lacpber , of wbom commetb * -sar.nxu ^Uprtreb of tbc &epberitetf.36nb*$elapbcab tbe fonnc of tyeprjet bab no fonnctf but ban- gbtcrtf . 36nb tbc name* of t^z baugbtettf of ?elapbcabwerc:^abcIa,Boa,1i)asla,^)iIo cba anb ^bir ja . 'Cbcfe arc tbc Upnrcbcji of &)anau*c,anb tbc nombje of t&em.uf . tbout fahbc aubrctieubnnbjcb. 'CDcfc arc tfte cijpib?cn of epb?a im after tbcp?UP"wbcjJ; ^utbclaH, of w&om com- metb tbcBpnrcbof tbe^ntbclabitcja!: 25c* cber , of ujbom commetb tbc Rpitreb of tbc •aSecbcrtteS^babcn.of \))bom commct!) tuc 6 hpnreb of tbc^:bal)cnttes(;3nb tDcfc are t&e cbptbtitbelab:€ran,of wbom com- metb tbc hpnreb of tbc Cranttcjai. ^befc arc tbc hpnreb ess of tbecbylbjcn of €pb?aCm af- ter tbep? nomb^e^rricit.tljoufitnbeanbfvuc bunb^cb. 3lnb tbcfcaretbccbplb^cnof3o= fcpb after tbcp? hpnrebejS. % befc arc tbc cbplb?cn of 2i$cn3f«nui af * f cr tbeir hpnrebej8:ii5ela, of u>bom commetb tbc hpnreb of tbc 25claitrtf: 3Bfbc! , of wbom commetb tbc hpnreb of m ?CfbeUtei«:^bi= ram , of wbom commetb tbc hpnreb of tbc 3biraimtcs(:&mpbam, of wbom commetb tbchvnreb of tbc ^uubanutetf^upDam, of U)bom commetb tbc hpnreb ofwi9«PU*i* mite tf . 3nb tl)c t\)Wm of 25cia werc^rb anb/aaamau , f r out wbence commetb tbe hpnreb of tbc 3Erbite)S , anb of #aamantbe hpnreb of tbc aaanutctf^^efearetljccbp^ b:c of 2$cn3amiu after Cbcpjthpnrcbesl.anb after tbcpjnombjctf.jflUtbouraubeanbfpjce ljunbifeb. . . WW* arc tbc cbplbjen of Ban after tbefc hpnrcbe0:S>ubam,of u>bom cSmctb tbe hpu reb of tbc S)nbamitcsi.'ebcrite2f: i\)a\= cbiel.of wbom came tbc hpnreb of tbc*ft)al« cbieUtc0.2dnb tbe baugbtcr of 71 fer mfta!« Kb ^>arab. ^brfe a re tbc hpnrebetf of 3Bftr after tbcirnomb.icxSUn.tboufanbe anb fonrc l)tmb;cb. 'Ebccbplbjeu of Bcpbtbatf, after tbcp^ hpnrebesl were 1 3abe?iel of wbom ea* me tbc hpnreb of tbc Jabcjtclttttf : Cunt , of tnbom came tljc hpnreb of tfjc c^unttctf : 3c= jtr , of wbom came tbc hpnreb of tbc 3c?c= riteifr&rlemjOf wbficame tbc hpnreb of tbc #»clcmitetf. 'SrbefearctbcbpnrebejSof &c* PbtbaUaccoibtngtotbcp^boHUjolbesl.wbO' fcnombzet0.)cl^.tbourabeanbfourct)ub?cb ^.befc arctbe nomb?c!8 of tbccbplbien of 3f= rael:rprcbub2cbtboufanbc,anbatboufanb, fcucn bunb^cb anb tbv?tpc. 3flnb tbc Lojbe fpahe \3nt0 a;ofeiS,fat>fS: Mto tbcfe tbc lanbe (balbe bcupbeb to cube* rct.accojbpngtotbc nombieof namcsl.^'Co *m^ maup tbou fbaltaeuc tbc moarc enberttaun- ftjj^ cc.anb tofewe tbclclte : to eucrp tcpbeCball Jl tbccntKrttaunccbc gcuenacco^bpngcto tbc tiomb^ct|)ei:pfjaotwitl)aanopngc,tl)eiabc ftjalbe (balbe beupbeb bp lot , anb accojbins to tbc name* of tbc trpbes of tbeir fatbertf , tbep (ball 1 nberet , acco?b pnge to tbc lott (ball tbe pofleffion tbcrof be b.eupbcb bet wene manp anb feawe. € *^bcfc are tbcnomb?ctfof t$e leuttcU, itim.it>>* a f (er t |j C , r htnt ebei«:(15crf on, of wbom came tbc hpnreb of tbc (Scrfomtcs : cabatb , of wbom came tbc hpnreb of t^t Caba tbptcs.- ^errart , of wbom came tbc hpnreb of ttt a)crrarite0 . 'fcbcfe arethehpurebc* of tbe ieuttcsl.tbc hpnreb of f Libnttctf , tbc hint e D of tbc laebjoffltcifctbcm'nreb of tbc a)abclt* tesi:tDc hpnreb of tbe*lflufttca :tbc hmreb of flBtarabitcjl Cabatb begat 3mram,$36m= ,mM* cfitf wpfc watf callcb * 3ocbcbeba tmu&fc ter of leut , w^tcb watf borne tonto ieui in dBgipte.anb ujc bare tmto 3mram^aron, a)ofes!,anb a?tr3am tbeir fpfter . 2Cnb Mn-- to 3aron were bojne liabab anb 3lbibu, iftum «.a. ©leawe anb 3t!)amar . * 3flnb Babab anb 3Cbibu bpeb, wijen tbep offcrebftraemgeftcr befo?e tbc lojbc . 3nb after tbep? nombjc*, ■.fm\.w. tbep were ■¥ fourcanb twentpe tboufanbe, nllmalciEJ from a monctb olbe anb about. jfo^tbcp were not nomb?eb amongc tbe cbflb?cn of 3fmcl, becaufc there was no en* beritauuee geuen tbemamonge tbc cbtlbien of jifracl. ClJtfe are tbc nob?e0, wben ^)o=> fetf anb <£lea jar t\it p?eaft nomb^cb tbc cbil-- vim of 3fraelintbc plapneof 4i2oab , faft bplo^ban.oucragainftiJcricbo.^nbamog tbcTe t|)frcwaslnotamanof tbcm , wbom ^)ofe2i anb aiaronombjeb, wben trjeptolbc tbc cbplbjcn of 3rrael in tbe wplberneiTc of £tfnai . Ifo.itbc Lo?bc fapbeor tbcm :tbcp (ball nvc in tbc wtlbcmefi : anb tber watfnot left a man of tljem , fauc Caleb tbc fonnc bf 3epbune,anb3ofna tbc fonnc of &m CdJCMbij.ClJaptee. CSCbc later of tbebcrptngc or t\>c fiaugljftrflof \v. lapljcao . Si)t lantic of p;omro is fijetoco Unto csjo; Ur.in toljofc ftcabc ie Appopn(et) Siolua. ilib p* baugrjtcrtfof * jelapbeab tbc fonnc of ipeber tbe fonnc of d5ilcabtbc fone of a?acb(r tbc fonnc of 4»auau*c,of tbc hinrcb of a)anaitetbc f0neof 3ofcpb (Wbofe namciaiwcre a^abcla, lioba, Itjagla, fcjclcba anb ^tirja ; came, anb (tobc befo?c ajofesi anb' eicajar tbe p^eft, anb before tbc lo?br&anball tl;c mul* tttnbcbptbc bo?eof the tabernacle of wit- ncsi.faping : onrcfatberbpebintbe wplber- neiei.-anb^watfnotintbccompanpcoftbem tbatgatbereb tbcm felaejs togctber againft -ja tbc lojtbc in tbe congregacpon of Comb- JZ 25nt^" bpebinbvtf awncfpnne,anbbabb v nofonneiEf.tDberfo;ctben(iDitbcnameofour fatbertftahen awape from amonge W htn- *flu.^Ma reb, becaufc befcatb no tmmtt *0t«tVttto !*HW.rr1)E.6 Sotu.pbt).* ♦fiu.jbr.e t)ieitberfo^ca poflefltott among tbeb^ctb^cn of ourc fattier. 2Bnb mott& b^ougbt tbcp^caufe before tbeloiibc. ajnbtbc lo^bc fpahc^)ittoCJ)o- fcg, (apinge : ^bebaugbtertfof jclapbeab fijeabc rpgbt : tbou ftjaltgcue tbcm a poflcf* (Von to enberet amonge tbcp^ fatber* b.2C» tbtcn.f (bait turne tbe enberf taunce of tfjetc father >mto tbcm. % nb tbou ujalt fpeabe >jn totbecbpl0 ( 5cnof3fcacl l fap(ngc:3faman bpeauboaucnofonncpetballturnebiScn* bcritaiincetwtobPtf baugbtcr. 3fbcbaut nobaugbtcr, vt (ball geue bitf enbentaunce Dnf bV0 b^etbien • 3f Dc bauc alfo no bic- tYfitn,Vt (ball geue bus cnberttaucctontobia fatbcr!ib^ttb?cn.3dnb pf W fatbee banc no bitetbJcn.pcfbaUgeuc W cnbcritaunce\jn« tobtmtbatwncjcttobimofbuShinreb.aiiD bcftallpoffcffcit. 3D nbtbpfi -balbe tjnto tbc c cbilbjcn of 3frael^cr a lawc of mbgement, ^^ atftbc lo«ibcbatbcommaunbeb &)ofc£f. ^nbtbclo?bc fapbcmito^ofcjSr^gft *D:m-T.» tbc tip into tbitf mount 3fbarim, anbbebolb >r*w"v-*> tbf lanbc wbicb 3 baue geuen tmto tbc cbil a b?cnof3fracl.a:nbwbcntboubaftfcncu-, ^f- tbou (bait bcgatbcrcbmito tbppcopic ^.^ alfo , atf 3aron tbr biotbcr watf gatber e 0. 5fotpc were btfobebpcntwtto mpmoutDc in tbc beferte of $>in,in tbe ftrpfe of tbc con* grcgacpon . ifteptbec bpb pc fancttf pr me in tbc watcrtf before tbeir cpctf.*12"bnt ttftbc *eio.rwt.: water of frcpfe inCabctf in tbc wiiorr.ictfc of^in. 3Cnb4i)ofetffpahel3ntotbc tojbe fapingc : let t^c lojbc (5ob of tl)c fp.irte.tf of all ftcujc fettaman ouertbc congregacpon, wbicb mapc^y go out anb in before tbcm, ^ anb leabet&cm out anb in : tbat tbe congrc gacpon of tbc lozbebenot acujepc vobtcb baticnotamcpbcroc . 3nbtbe to^befapbe t)itto €t)ofetf .- tahc 3ofua tbc fonnc of ami, y. in wljom itf $<3* tbc fpwtcanb putt tbpne z* !)anbctf ty)onbpm,5fctbpm bcfo.zcbicb arc ntabcfo? a (tot tc fououre , OwH yc obfeme in tlje w Due * «*«***-• fcafon.3f.no y" (bait fopc Unto tfirm>*€bl0 (0 tbc offering wbicb yc Qjflil offer unto tbe lojo .ij. lambed of a perc olbc witboutfpot bapc bp Day c > f 0.1 a cotinuall bur ntoffcr ing. sOne lainbc (bait tbou offer in tbc mowing, * «um tit a WW the otberat cucit.^nbtbertothe tcntb * F part of an cpha of flourc foja mcatofferyng mpngleb with beaten ople contcyninge tbe fourtb part of an bin. 3t id a baplp bnmtof* fcrtng.fucbad was! ojbepneb in toe tnonntc £>inai f oi a fwetc fanonrc a facrifpee unto tl)c LoiDc.3f.no let t6)c bnnefcoffcrpng of the fame be tbc fourtb part of an bin to? one l£= bc,an0 in tfyc bolp place (bait tbou comaum Oc tbc wpnc to be powtcb unto tbc tojDc. 25 asnb tbc otber l&bc tbou (bait offer at cue after fbc mancr oftbc mcatoffcryng anD tbc Djinchoffcrtng of fm owning :afacrincc (bait tbou offrc fo^ a ftoctc fauourc Unto f iojDe. 2|nO on tbc ft.ibbot b Dapc two lambed of a y ere olbc a pece, anD witbout fpot, anb two tet b Dealt* of flour fo? a meatoffering myn* Slcb i>3 oyle, anbtbcbjiucKoffetyngc tijerto. ^be burntoffcring of tbe &abuotbmtift be Done i n tbc fclfc &abbotb, befpbe tbe baylp burntoffc ring anb bid Djincuoffcring. 3nbintbc beginnyngeof youremonc* tbcd.yc (ball offer a burntoff cringe Unto the iojD-.t wo pongc bullocacd, anb a ram.ano Uij.lambcs of a ycrc olDe witbout fpot: anb tij.fciifbbcalrd of ftoure fo.t a meatoffering inpnglco witb oyle fo? onebulloeBcanD.tj. tctb Dcalcd of flourc fo? a meatoffering min* glcD witb oyle fo? one ram.3fcnD a tcmbbea* 1c of floure mynglcb witb oyle f o? a meat c= offering Unto one lambc , f oi a burntoffring anb a facte fauourc anb a fienfice Unto tbe loibc. 3CnDtbcp?b?mcBoffcryngcd(balbe C balfc an bin of wpnc unto one bullocacauD tbc tbitD pact of an bin of wpncUnto a ram, anb tbc fourtb part of an bin Unto a lambc. i^bysiistbe bumtofferyngc of tbcmonctb §=r §^in byd monetb , tbojowout tbc monc* tbed of tbcycrc-.anb one begoatefoj a fynof* feeing Unto tbe tojD ujalbc offrcD, after tbe DaylpburntoffcrpnganDbpdD;uncUoffring. * uro m c * Slnft tbe fourtentb baye of t^e f pift mo= itm.vm.i nctb.idthc paffcoucr of tbc JLojtDc. 3 no in p" ^»»c? b,a -fyft5tbbapcDftbcfamemonctbWtbcfcaft: anb fcucn Daped longe (ball UnleucncD bjeD * * faenfyce fo^ a fwete fauourc Unto t\)t JlojD. 3nb(t(balbc boncbefyoc tbc bay ly burnt- offering anb W b?iueKoffctyng. m* in tbc fcuciub bapc pc (ball banc an boly conuoca* cio,anb yc (ball Do no temple wo,ilic. Cbet» f o?c in tbc Dapc of your fiift fruf oS.UJben pe biyng a ncWc meatoffering Unto tbe iojbe (aceo?Dyng to your \x>clicp)yc (ball banc an bolyc6uocac(6,osyc(ballDonofcruilc\X)OiiUe in it : but offer a burntoffcrpnge fo? a fwcte fauourc Unto tijeLoioc tmoyongc bulloc= Uctf.a ram, * anb .Uij. lambcxJ of a perc olbc ««*wi| apecc, UJitb tbeirmcateoffcrpngc0of fioiire mpnglcDtoitb oyle , tlwc tcntb Dealer Unto a bullocu, two tltl) Dcalcfl.to a ram,anb one tcntb bcaleUntoa lambc tijo^owouttbc fc= uen lambcjBE , anD an begoatc to make an at= onement f o? you.UbiiiSye (ball Do &&> befp* ^p> DcS tbe contynuall burntofferpngcanb M meatoffcrpng:? tbcplbalbc unto you t»itl> out fpot , with tljeir bjyncftoffcryngc*. C^be.Wijc.Cbaptcr. iriEHJat mult bf offftto tlje rpsbC fvKttafta of(l)f rciicntbrnonttb. Minffnft*WC of p" .Uij'.mo= 3 nctbyc (ball banc an boly c6no» cacion: *pc iballbo tben no fcr= * v.mm\ nyle wo?li c. Jf 0? it i$ a D aye of 03- -blowingUnto pou.26ut y c -cs fbaii offce a burntoffcring f 0? a fwcte fauourc Unto tbc io?b:onepongbul* locUc,oncram,anD.Uii.labexlofaycreolDe a pecctbat arepmfc.2lnD tbeir meatoffering Ibalbe maDc or ftoure tningleb tBitboyle.iij. tcntbDealcjS Untotbe buUocUc, anb .ij. Unto tbe ram : anb one tctb beale Unto onclambe tbo?owoutfbf.Uij.lambc)5.?tnbanbcgoatc f o;t fynnc to makcaii atonemft fojpou.befp; be f baylpc burntoffcring of f monetb « W meatoffering, 5 befpbe tbc Daply burntoffe^ ryngu W mratofferyng.anD tbc D?yncUof=» f cringes oftbc famc.wbicbmuft be Doneac- cobbing Unto ttit mancr of tbe foja fauoure of fwetneoof tfje facrifyce oftbc iLojbc: *3f:nb yc ftmllbaue tbc tcntb baye of tbat Jg' famefeucntb monetb anbolpconuocacpoii: e -% anb ycfc^lbail bumble pourefoulesl,^ (batl bo no mancr wo^he tbcrm . Butpe (ball of * frc a burntoffcrpnge Unto tbe io^be fo? a fujetefauoure:oncbulloclic,aram,aiib.Ui^ labedofayereolbcapece , wbtcblbalbeUitr to pou, wttbout fautcEbepj mcatofferina tyalbe Cetemonpe^ J^ttmert 4 \> 5foJrbtV *lcai.f0\ Cbnlbe of flouremfngleb Wft^ ople.iii; tentb Dcalc # to a bull ocli , anD. i| to a ram, 9 a tStb beale Unto a l&bt , tbojowout tbe .Uij. iam« betf.Sfin begoatc fo^ fpnne, befybe tbc fpnof- feeing of a toneme"t anb baplp burntoffring, anb tucmeate anb brtncltofferingcie: y longe tftnMtfr.t to tbe fame. *3nb in tbe fpftetboapc of tbe &r UtMnonctbfcr pc (ballbaue an bolp conuo- cacpon, anb bo tben no feruylewo^cae, anb ve (ball ftcpe a feaft Unto $ JLo^bcUij-baieiS longe. 3Gnb pc (ball offer a burntoffcring f 0? a facrifice of a fwetc fauoure unto tbe lo^b tbfetene buUoclu%tworamjMnD fourtene lambed of a pcre olbe:Wbitb (balbe witbout blemplb.3Ciibtbeirmeatofferyngc(balbeof ftoure myngleb \ft oyle .iij. tentb bealesf Un« to cucrp one of pjiii.buliockcg.uj.tentb bca- led to etber of tbe ramd, anb one tentb beale Untoecbcof ^.jciiiM'tbesl . Unbone begoate foj fpnne , befybe tbc baylp burntoffcrpnge witb bid mcate anb bjincaofferpng. C 3 nD tbc feconD Dapc pc (ball offrc t welue pongc bulloc&eg.ij.ramtf.jciuj.yerlyng lam» be* witbout fpot:aiiD let tbeir meatoffering anD DjpncucoffcrpngciS Unto tbe bullocHes, ramsaiiDlambcpbe acco?bingto tbenom> b?c oftbcmauD after tbc mancr. liiban be* goate fo? fpnncbcfpDc tbc baplp burntoffc* tinge anbbidmcateanbb?yncuofftrmgcsJ. 3nb tbc tbirbe bapc ye (ball offrc .jrt.bi.lloc Bcie.ii.ramjs.anb.niijipcrltnglambefiiwitb out ipot:anb let tljeir mcate anbbjjincROfie* tinged Unto tlje bullocUcsf, ramsf.atiD l.tbesi be ae'tcr t^t nombje of tbem anb acco^Dy age to tbc mancr. 3Cnb tbece ujalbc offreD an be= goate foi fpnne , Defy DC tbc Daylp burntoffc- ring anD bid mcate anD Djinchofferyngc 3n tbc fourtb Daycyc (ball offrc ten bul= locitesi.tworamd.anDfourtenelambcsyer- ly ngc0 anD purc-.lct tbeir mcate anD Dunclt= offcrtngedunto tbc bnllocncd, ramd 9 lam* bed bc.accojDing to tbc nomb?c of tbem anD after tbe mancr . 3tnO an begoatc f 0? fynne, bcfyDe tbc Dayly bumtofferyngc , aim byd mcate anD DjtncR offering . 3" tbc fyftb oaye pe (ball offrc npnc bullochcd.two ramd anb tbir tene lambc* of one pcre olDc a pece witb out f pot.amD let tbeir mcate anD Drinckoffc* ringes untotbe bullocltcd, ramd anb lam* be* be accojbmg tr :be nomb^c of tljcm.anD after tbc mancr. 3&nb an begoatc f 0^ fpnne, bcfibetlic Daylp burntoffenngauD bid meat jEDanDDztncUoffcryngc3nDintbcfy>;tbDape, ye (ball offrc cigbt bullocUed.two ramd anD fourtcuepcrlinglambed witbout fpot. 3tno let tbeir meat anD Djincuofferiuged Unto tbe bulloclf cd, ramdanD lambed be acco^opnge totbemancr.7CnDanbcgoatefo?fpnne,be" fyDe t\)t Daylp biirntoffering,anD bid meate anb DiincRoffcrpngcd . 3n tbe fcucntb bape, pelbal offrc feticnbuUocued, two ramd anb tbirtenlambcdtbatarepcrlmgedaiibpurc. 28 nb let tbcu* meate anb b^pneaeofferpnged Unto the bullofBcd,ramdanblambe0beac* co^bpngtotbcit* nomb^e, anb after tbc ma= nee . 3tnb an begoate fo? fpnne, befybe t^ baylpe burntoffcrpnge, anu bPdtneateanb b^incKoneringe. 3n tbe eigbt bape,pe (ball baue a ^fcoI* leccpon of t^t feaftc Unto pou , anb ye (ball bo no feruile wo?cue tberin.iSut ye (ball of » frea burntofferinge , afacrifycefoj a fwete fauourc Unto t\iz iojb:one bullocu, one ram anb fcucn perelpnge lambed witbout fpot. let theyj meat ano bjyncboffcryngcd Unto tbe bull ocue, ram anD lambed be accojtbyng to tbe nomb?e, anD accoiDpng to tbe mancr. 3nD an begoate foi fpnncbcfpDc tbc baplp burntoffcrpnge anD bPd mcate anD ojpncu* offcrynged. 'TOfe tbt'nged pe (ball Do Unto tbc lo?De in pourc fraftcd : befpDc youre Uoxoed anD frewploffcrpngcd, in youre burntoffcryn= qz8, meateoffcrpnged , Dipncfteoffcrpnged., anD peaccoffcrpngcs . 2fcnD ^)ofedtolDe tbe cbylo^cu of 3fraclalltljat tbe lo^Dc com- maunbcDbim. C^bc.txr.Cbaptcr. COf tiotots toben tht p ctjaibc hept ,auD tob, en nof . j3D&)ofcdfpauc Unto tbc bea» ^ Dcd of t^t tribed of tbe cbilb?en ^* 'of 3fracl,faying: tbid 10 ftbig wljicbtbc !lo?Debatbcomaun'' dcd .*3f amanUowcaUowc Untotbe to?D,o?fajercanotb • to bynDc W foulc:bc Qiall not go bach witb bid w o.iDc: but (ball fulfyll all tbat idpjoce* DcDoutofbidmoutlj. 3f a ujoman alfo Uo wc a Uowe Unto t\)t lojDc , anD bynbebcr fclfc bcyngc in ber fa= tber0 boufc in tbc tpmc of ber yontb.nnb bee fatber brareljcr Uowe anD bonDe wbicbfbc batbmabc upoberfoulc.anDbolDe bid pca*^ cc t fjer to: tben all ber Uot»e0 5 b6Dc0 tobicb ^ fbc batb maDe Uponljcr foulc (ball ftanoc in effect, MmtanO yf btr fatber fo^byD ber tbe lannDaic $ bcbcarctl)it,noneofberUowcd no? bonDcd wbicb (be bath maDe Upon bee foulefbnlbc ofUalue : anD? LojDciballfoj-' gene ber, becaufe ber fatber fojbaDe ber. 3f fbc baD an bufbanDe wben fbc Uo web oj p.tonoftceD ougbt out of ber lipped, wber- witbiUc bouDcberfoule, anDbcrbufbanDe bcarDcitaubbelDe bidpeace tbereattbefa= me Day e be bcarD it, tjjen ber Uo wed anb bee bonbed wberwitb Ib^ bounbe ber roulc,(ball ftanbe in effecte . 2Mb pf ber bufbanbe f 0?= babe ber tbe fame baye tbat be bcarbe tt.ano mabc ber Uowe wbicb fbe batb Upon ber of none cffrctcaiib relcafeb tbe openpng of ber Ippped, wberwitb fbe bounbe ber foulc, tbe iojDciballfojgeucher. 26 u t euery Uowe of a web owe anD of ber C i H tbat 1 ■1 i I ' 'I : '.J • i FF^.O 1 ■1 ■[ '•i t, v * 1 1 j if 5 p. I ^A * I ^" ipepiatriamtc* $umm arebcfttopea jflatrtan oefttoptD burner! #o,ljrUt/, € tbat i* oc uoiccuc f tbcp banc bofibcte^tb* « &£« route wttbaiosjall {tanbein effocttf tbcm; 3f qjc uoweb in bcr buf banbe* botife , 0? burnt bcr foule witb an otb. anb bcr buf banbe bcarbc it,anbbelbc hi* pcaccanb roj» bab Dcr not, then all bet Doweaanb bonoc* wberwitb we bonnbe her foule, (ball ftanbe. 2Sut yf bcr bufbanbc bf fannullcb tbem tpc fame bnpc tbat be bcarb tbcm.tbcnnotbmg f' pioccabctb out of her Uppe*iut)0wc* anb l»ohoc*( wbcrwttb foe boube bet foule )Cball ftanbe in cffcctc:fo.i bee buf banbe batb low* fcOtbnn.3nbtbcto?bcmallto?gcucbcr< r> 3iH UOWt* anb otbc* that binbe to bum* bletbe foule, mnyeber bufbanbe ftablp&oj b2eaUeButpfl;erbufbanbel;olbcbisspca- ecfrom one Dapcurito anotbee , tbcnhc fta» blubctb all bcr Uowc* anb bo^c* wbicbtbe bab Upon bcr , bccaufcbcliclDcbi* peace tpc fame tope tbat be bcarbc tbcm s 2i6ut ft be frs- tocakctbe, Rafter tbat be batbbcarb tbe, hcniallbcareljerfvnnebimfelfe. Cftcfe aee f be oj&pnaiwce* whtcbe tbe £oidc commaunbeb tt)ofe*,bctwenc a ma anb hy* wpfc :anbbctwcne tbefatljcr anb l)t0 baugbtctvbc vngt pet a bamfcllinbtr fa* rhcraboufc. C5Tbe..t^.Cbapter. c iBcquaupebcui'&cb . ap;crcnt gcum of Start, 3 */iu.j:rb.l» I I Bb tbe iojbe fpakc Unto &)o* ff*,fnymgc: *nucngctbechpi* bun of 3ftacl of t^t *#abtant* tcjs, anbaftcrwnrbe fibalt tbou be gatbereb Unto tby people. anb&)ofc*fpakeUntop"folke faunae, foamctte tome of pan Unto warre, anb let tbcm go Upon tbe a)abfanitc* , anb nuencce tbe tojbr of tbe oinuite*,n* tbe lojbc cfimaunbeb 4l)ofc*, at flue automate* . 3Cnb tbev flue tbe binge* of $)abf an omonge otUcr tbat were flevnc: darnel v€ui, anb mcbcm,?Hr anb J9«fa«b fteua-.tpue kinged of ^abian tf 25alaff tbe fount of J5eo?,\»b6tlJcv due «5 tbe fwcarb: Zm tbe chplbjcn of 3frael tokcall the wc= men of &)nbfon p?cfoner0,5 tbeir cMbjett: anb fpotleb alltbelt catell.anb all tbclt ftoc^ is bedaub all tbeir goobetf. 3Bnbtbcp burnt al tbeir citpeiS t»Derin tm buoc »,atrt> all tbeir caftcw witbfier. 3Hnb tbcp tobe all f fpople anb all tbat tbcp coulbeeatcb botb of me anb beaftca. 21 nb thep b^ougDt tbe captiuctfanb tbat wbicb tj)fp Dab tafie anb tbe fpoilc Un- to 41)ole0 anb c'lca?ae tbe pjeaftc, anb Un« totD'e company of tbe cbtlbtf of 3fracl,cucn Unto tbe boolt f mere in tbe fclbcjj of &)oao bylo^Dau,oueraga?nft3crtcbo. 3 m «i)ofc0 anb <£ le a?at tbe pjenft\anb all tbe lo?oc0 of tbe congregation went out of tbe booft againft t|jcm.3lnb a?ofe0 was angrpcwttbtbeofficcrtfoftljebooft.witbp capraynetf ouer tljoufajibetfanb ouer bun* bicbetf , wftwb cime fro t\)t warreaub bat» tapllranb «tt)ofc0fapbe untotDem: tyauepc ~ faurb all tbe wemen alpuc / bebolbe, * tbcic ^ m , mA came b rbccDtlbicnof 3fraeltljo?ow^f tbe ^» counccll of ¥ Balaam , to commpt ttefpace * a. mm againfttljc JLozbe, in tl)cbufpne0 of pco*,$ tjere foloweb aplagc among tbe congrega* cion of tbe Lojbc. jaowe tljcrfo^e, *flepe all *m*nm* tbe men cbilb?en,onb tbe wemen p baue lien witl) tncnftcfblP.H5ut all tlje wemen cbtlb^ tbat baue not lycn witb men,Uepe alpuc f op pour felue& 3tno pcujall rcmapne witpout tl;c booft f eucnbapc0 , oil pUauc Upllcb any pctfone : * 9 oil tbat baue toucbcbanpbecb^um.r«.b bobp, anb pur ifp botb your f clue* anb pour pzefoner0 ) f;he.it).oapc(ftbe.Uij.3tubfp^pn- b leall pour rapmente* anb all tW iKtnrae of f (iinnc0,anb al wo?ftc of goa te0 l)ccr, anb alltbmge0mabci[)fwobb. 2Hnb €lea?ar tbe p?cafte fapbt Unto tbe to me of warre, wbfotJeamc from tbcbattapll: thi0 i0 m o?binaunce of tbe la we wbicbtbe 1 o?b c commaunbeb ofe0 : (2?olbe,fplucr, bdaffe, anbp^on. tpnanbleab>anbaUtbat ^r-mape abpbe tbe fier, pefballmabettgo _^ tbojowctbcticr.anbitlbalbccleaue. ^e= uertbcleftc , itftja^be fp?pukeb witbfP?P»m« ling water . 3ttU all tbat (uffrctb not tbe f tec pe fiballmafte go itljo^owe tbe water . 3no watbepoure clotbc0tbe feucntbbape , anb pe Omlbe clcane. 3nbafterwatbe come into tbe booft e. 2tnb ^ lo?be f pake Unto #ofc*»faf tm takctlje fumme of tbe p?apc tbat wa0 taW botb of tbe wemen nub of catell, tbou 9 eie= n?ar t^t pjeattcanb tbe auueient fafbcr0 of of tbe cougregacpon . 2tnb beupbc it into two two parte*, betwene tbem ptoae tbe warre upontbcm,nnbwc*touttobattapll:am>all tbecongregacion. ainb take a pompon Unta tbe Ho^be of tbe men of warre , wbicb went &r out to battapll : Qar one foule of fpue tyrn* bjeb, botb of tbe wemen anb of tbe ojcen.anb of tbe alfe0, ano of tbe (bepe.anb pe (ball ta^ _ kc it of tbep j balf c , anb geue it Unto €elca= © jattbcp#aft,a0niibeueofferingof f lo^d. Tim of tbebalfcof tbecbplb?en of 3frael,| (bait take one pojeion of fpftp, of tbe weme, of tbeoicen, oftbealfe0anb of tbe Qjcpe,aub of ail mancr of beafte0:anb geue tbem Unto tbe lcuitc0, wbicb wapte Upon tbcbabita= cponoftbeHojbc. 3Bnb vtt a0 tbe lo?becommaunbcb«)ofe0.3Cnb tbe botpcanbtbep?ape wbicb tbemen of warre fcab caugbt. wa0 fpjtfbunbjeb tboufanbe, anb.ljcru. tboufanbe iljcpe : anb.ljcjcii. tbou= fanbe oxen .irj. tboufanbe aiTc0 : anb . xn\\- tboufanbe foule* of wemen, tbat bab Ipen Up no man. %m tbe balfe wbicb wa* tbe parte of tbe tbat went out to warre, wa0 tb?e tyitibirt tboufanbe anb fcuen anb tbirtpe tboufanbe anb.U.bubjeb (bepe.anb tbe Lo^be0 part of tbe Uicpe wa0 fpjec bunb^eb anb.ljcjU. 3B nb tbeorcnwerc.jcjcrui.tbouninocof wbicb? ILo^bc* parte wa0.ljcjcii. 3Bnb tbe aftc0 were XXX- tboufanbe anb fpue bunb^eb, of wbtcb tbe JLo?be0 parte wa0 . Itf . 3nbtbc foule* of wemen were .jcUi. tboufanbe , of wbpebe ? tojbc* parte wa*.wnj.fouic*.^nb 4^o= fc* gauc tbat fumme wbicb wa* t\)t Jloj- be* bcueoffervng,Unfoibo, 3a jcr ana ^cmrab3>efbonanb€lealeb,^>abamanb Bebo anb Bcon : wbicb contrepe tbe Lo?bc fmote before tbe cougregacpon of 3frael : i* a lanbe mete foi a catell, anb we t\\v fcruail^ te* baue catell: wbcrfo?cffapbetbep)pf we baue founbegrace in tbp_fpgbt)let tbi* lanb be geucn Unto tbp fcrtiaute* to po(Teu"e , ano bjpng u* not ouer 3o,ioan. 3nb a) ore* fapbe Unto the cbilbtf of C5ab K anb of Huben : (pall p oure b?etbien goo to *° warre, anb pe Qmll fpe bere i 8Bberfo?e bif= co^age petbe bcrt of tljc cbplbjten of 3frael, tbat tbep fbulbc not goo ouer into tbe lanbe, wbicb tbe lo^bebatbgcuen tbem.'' ^bu* bpb pour father*, when 3 fent tbem fro Cft* * m be* 26arne to fc p labe. Jf o? wben tbep wet Up cucn Unto tlic riucr of efcol , anb fa wc p* lanbc.tbepbifco^ageb tbe bertof tbecbilbr? of 3frael , tbat tbep flpulbc not go into tbe lanbe, wbicbtbe Hotoe batb geuentbem. anb m Horn wa* WjotO t\te fame tp* me anb f ware,faping: * jaone of tbe men i> € came out of @giptc from twentpeperc olbe *- QU - nub aboue , fltall fe t^t lanbe wbicb 3 fware \mto 3Cb?abam , Jlaacanb 3acob , becaufe tbcp baue not wbolp foloweb me : fauc da- leb t))c tonne of 3epb»netbc Stenefite , anb 3ofun tbe fonnc of iftun : f o? tbep baue fo- loweb tbe lojbc . anb tbe llojbc wa* an* grp witb 3frael, anb mabe tbem wanb^ein t))t wilber ne* f ourtp pcre, Vntpll all t^e gc= ncracpon tbat bab bone euell in tbe fpgbtof t^t tojbe were confumeb. 3Dnb bebolbe , pc are rpfen Up in pour f a« tber* fteabe , a* an encrrafc of vpnfull men, i Hi to r- ■it - * t M t i F \ . .rrt.ft fiiU \ - i ' * M! SL .1 Cljetotmteycs humeri nf^fcael to augmcntc the fcarcc wjatb of .tbe Mfo to 3lracl warbc.tf oj pf pcturneawape fro aftcrbym,hcwiUpetagapnelcauethcpeo« plciuthc wylbcrucKc , anbpcfljaUbcftropc nil cDrsSf olhc.3nb tW went nere bim.ana fapbc : wc will buplbc ujcpcfolbetf here tot c* ourc flicpc anb fo* ourc cntrU.anb^ttuauco) cityc* fo2 our tbtibjtn . «Mit wc our fcluctf UDill goo re aby am b before tDc cbpitycn of Ifrar l , *ntpU wc banc brought them totto *> tbeir place. «tnb our rt)ttbjcn«*< atiMubatrocuct =* lurmnrt baaoffinll bWClltttthC fCIICCD CitpC0 , becaufc of tbc inhabited of the lanDc . Me wyllnot rcttiruc totto otirc ftoitfctf , WitplI tbc rjHfftjen of 3fraclbat -cnbcrctcb, euerp manbi0cnbcritauncc.#cpthcrwMwccu< |)erct With tbnn on ponber fybc 3o?ban fo?* warbc , ttccaiife oitrc enberitannce 10 fallen to Usf on thto fpbc 3o?ban caftwarbc; 3nb mom raphe Unto tbcm.pf ye will botbtfthihgc.nnbgoohatneKebbcfojcthe Loibc to war re , anb wpll go all of pou m harneffe oner 3o?ban before tbc Loabc, toi* tpllhchaiiccaftouthi0cncnuc0bcfo;ichim: anbtoirpll tbclanbc be mbbucb before the Loibe, then pc (ball returueanb be without fpiine befojethe Lojb'nnb bcfojtc3fracl,onb tl)JO lanDc ibaibe poure poflrffpon before the lo2bc. i5utanbpfpewyllnotbofo,bc» bolbcpe hauc fpnneb agap nft the Lotfranb be fare, vourcrpnne wpll fynbe pou out. ft owe thcrf 02c , buplbe citpeg foz- pourc « chvioien , anb folDc isfoi yourtbepe , anb bo that pchatic fpoVen . 'Checbilbjcn of C5a0 anb tnccbilbuu of Kubcnfpafte»ntoa)o» fc$,(apinge ;fhpfcruatttttci8 wpllboassmp loibc commaunbet b- Cur chpib Jen, out wp* uctf, ourc (be pc anb our catcll (ball rcmapne * xt&uMM herein ptitpesJ of c5Ueab.:6ut *tbpfcruau- tc0 wpll goo all barneflcb fo? the warre, anb Ditto battapll before the Lojbc , as nip lozbefnyth, * Ztw foz thepj fanes , &>o(W commaun* J orb eicnjar the pjcaft,anb3ofua the tonne of #un,anb the auueient fatbertf of the trp= bc0 of tbc cbplbjen of 3(rael: anb &)ofc0 faibetottotbcm:3ftbechilb;M:nof(l5abanb the cbiibtf of laubtn wpll so with pou out* lo2b'a\nllp2cparcbtQ fpgbtbcfoje p"Lo;ib, then wben thclnnbei^ruobucbbcfoje pou, re (ball gene them the labc of <5t!eab to pof= feffe : but anb pf fhey wpll not go oucr with pou in barneffe , tbcp (ball haue tbeir poKcf- lions am ongc you in the lanbe of Canaam. 2tnbtjje chtttHcn of (5ab anb the chplbjcn of fttibcn nnfwtrcb.fapingc: 30tbc Lo?be batb raphe toitothpreruauntc0,fo wpll we *™, rrfi a bo- *& lc willgohamefleb befozc the Lube *3cm.rw.a (ntot | )clnnt , c f canaan, thattbepoOemon of ourc euhcritauncc tnapc be on thpjsfpbe 3o?ban. gift a)orei« gaue Ditto the chpibjen of (5ab anb to the chilbjen of mubcn,nnb \)nto hrtlfe the trpbe of a)anaffcthe tonne of lo« f tph , tUe ftingbonic of ^feehon li vngc ofthe 9mofMi«iO tUe Wngbomc of JDs bins of 26afan>tbe ISbe td tljecitpe $ tbcrofin p coa* ftc0 anb citpcS of tbe cofitrcp r ounbe about* ^ 3nb tbc cbUbtf of d>ab buplt JDibon f 3ta« rotb,$ 3Broce, anb31trotl;,^)oi)han3aefer, ^^rgabea.HBetbiittnra^^etbaran.feiucb citios.gf tbcp buplt folDefli fot tbe aiepe. 3§nb thcchiibtf of iRuben buplt l9cfbon,€lcale, ^& »itiathaim > iaeuo,l»aa! > ocotb. 2tnb tljcp bepartcb fro *£>ocoth>mib pit- 5i5 cbebthcp^tentei«inetban, which Win the **wm ebgeofpwilbcrnciTe.^Jibtbepremoucbfro (£tban,anbtiirnebagaincUnto#^(19iroth#*wt« which 10 hcfo?c 26aal ?cph 5 -.anb pitcbeb be- fore ^igbol . M thep bcpartcbfr8pplap= neof!i)(iotb:anb^wenttbo2owethempb' +tfro , rirt , begoftbereeintbcwilbernejJ.anbwentiii. bapeg iojnep in the wilbernejs of tn. *iaeo.m 2Inb thep tobe tbeir io?nepe out of the wpl» btrneffc of &ftt ,aitb fetupthep? ten tcjs in Daphba. .» 2>apbba.3inb t\)tp bepart ebftom t>nMa t anb lape in 35 \w. 3B«b tfyp remouebfrrm *«j»j*m 3Uuj5,anb Inpeat*3aapbebjm , where was - no water fo? tbe people to b^pnhe.3Cnbtbep * bepartcb from Bapbcbim, anb pitcbeb in *«. nt a the * wilberncjK of &imi, *«».w. ^nbtbep rcmoucb fromtbebefertof $>i* *jBum».r<.« nni , anb pitcbeb at the * grauc# of luft . gnb tbcp bepartcb fr 5 the u?pu!cb?e0 of luff, tjunfjcg anb tape at * it)a?crotb.3f nbtbep bepartcb froD;a?crotb.anbpitcbfbiniaitbma. 3Enb bepartcb from a&ithma ,anbpitcljebat1iit= mon^are?.ainbtbepbcportcbrrom1Rtm5 fKtre|,anb pitcbeb in ubna.$ftbtbepremo* web from Libna.anb pitcbeb at mira. 3tib *> {heptotttnejeb from 1Rifa, anb pitcbeb in Be "'helatba. anb tbep went fromiacbelatba, anb pitcbeb in mount $>nphcr. 3mb tbcp re= moucb from mout £>apber,anb lape in |f?a« raba.gnbtbep rcmoucb ft om &araba, anb pitcbeb m«)aftehcioth. 3Bnb tbcp rem oueb from €$)altebelotb, anb lapeat^abatb. anb tbep bepartcb fro 'Cabatb.auo pitcbeb at-Cbaratb. 3 nb tbcp remoneb from ^haratb,^ pitcbeb in *»)itb- ca . atnb tbcp went from ttyithca , anbpit- cbeb in $aftnona . 3nb tDtp bepartcb from ^nfmona.anb lape at ojt, wbicbe t0in tbc ebgc olf *is«mr. w .» SJi?!!Sf < of . €0om - *3"b3aron tbe wraft »tu.ffrt.» went tip into mount \)o} at tbc commann* pentent of tbc Lo^be.anb bycb tbcre,cucuin; tljc fourtytb pere , after tl)c cbplbjcn of 3f= rael were come out of tbclanbc of <2Bgyptf, anbinthefyittbaycof^fpfthmoncthanb 3aron wag an hunbjcb anb .rritf. ycrc olbe wbm be bicb in mount $o;.3ltib bing Crab tbcCauaamtcwhichbwcltcintbcfoutbof tbclanbc otCanaan,bearbe of tbc comuiing oftbecbplb;cnof3frael. 3nb tbep beparteb from * mottnte Mo;, anb pitcbeb in ?almona . 3nb tbcp bepartcb &om?atmonn,anbi»tchcbm0bunu».3nb tbey beparteb from ^bnmin, anb pitcbeb in sDbotb. 3d nb tbcp bepartcb fro iDboth, anb 4P J^hebin 3cbabanm,anbtowarbctbebo?. *»w.w7c 22 of <9°«b • atnb tbep beparteb fro*3e» wt babarim,mibpifchebinjDibon(5ab. m* tw remoneb from Dibon d?ab,anb lape in 3f}moDiblat|)aini.3CnDtticprcmotifbfr(im -almoniDiblatbaim ,anbpitcbebin fmcfi- tapneu of 3barim before iaabo ♦ 3nb tbcp ^ttmert 50o,ljebtti *jaum.m.6 bepartcbfromtbemountapneeof3tbarim, anb pitt^ttin the fcI0e,*ohl)oab . fnftby 3o?banoucragainft3crtcbo. 3nb tbcp pit-= cbeb bp3o?ban. from 16etb$aie^motb**• ,lu • wb • , • tnito t\)t plapne of tbittim in tbc fclbcgof ^)oab. ^nb tbe Lo2bcfpafteUnfo^ofej3 in tbe felbesof flDoab byjloiban oneragaintt3e» ricbo, Giplng.-fpcnBetonto f becbilbaen of 3f <5 fcrf rac{,anb fop tonto them:* wbe'n pe are come* oaifc ***' 4 oucr3o2ban toentrc into tbc lanbe of Ca» naa^ycu^illozyue out all the inhabited of tbelanbcbefojepou.anbbcftcoyeall^tl.cir^ pictured anb b?cabr afunbtr all tljeir y?na- gcgof mcfall, anbplucbc bo wne all tbcp? aultcra.^nb poiTcffe t\)c lanbe ft bwell tbcr ; in.foj 3 bane gcucn pou tbe lanbe to enioye it. 3tnbpeO)allbcupbetbecnbcritaunceof tbelanbbyiotamogepourUpnreocg, *a\ti> *pu. r mt geuetotbcmotbemotccnbecitauccanbto tlje fewer tbe lette cnbentaunce. 3 .nb poure enberitannec Qialbe in tbe trpbeg of pour f a- tbera, cucrp matte; enberitaunce in tbe place Wbcrcbi0lotfalctb. *H5ut anb pf pe wpll not mm oute tbe * mtu < e ( inbabitcrfiof tbc lanbe bcfoKPou.thdtbofe an0 «- ' " * wbicb pe let rcmapne of tbe .ibalbc^ p^ic= _. fer0inpo!irccpc0,anbbartrsin your fpbc0, *°* anb (ball tore pou in tbe lanbe wbcrmpc bwclLTO/roner, it will come topaae,tbat 3 (ban bo toito pou,as3 tbouabtfo bo bn« to them. Cehe.rmitj.ehaptcr. C Cbf coafttc anb botttte offbr lanot of pjnnu'ffr . Ctcfapnc men arc affrgncb to bnipor tbt lanoc. !/ib the LoJbcfyabe totto mo°y rc0,raring:r6mafjnbeti)crbj l- b;cu of Ifrael, anb (apt bnto fhtm:wljenpecomc into fiabc , of Canaan, fbppijB «• c lanbe? (ball fall toitoyonr cnhcritaiV ce.tbe lanbe of iCanaawitbhcrcoaftc0.3nb * pour rout bquartrr lhalbc fro p wilbirnco *jiorj..n..j. ^in alonce bptbe coafteof p0 i nii (babe >.;: IK t 1 !! 1 r *:• (; 1 ■ ; 1 il H H 1 1 U T 1 li •i J_ > m ^amtttarvts turned fo? refuge I,: r 1 a Ojaibc poBrnojebftttarfet * ano peOjall compaffcyour fnfNtunrtet from$a?arcnanto £>epb*V anb tpccomf (ball go bownc from £>epbam to l&ibla on C tbc eaft fybc of am « anb tbc fame bo?ber tyalt bcfccnbc anb 50 out at tDe fybc of t|ie fee of Crncretb eaft warbe . anb tben so bowne alogc by 3o?banc, 9 Icauc at t|jc wit fcc.anb tbptf ftnibc your Kibe witbtbc coa= ftetftlKrof rounbe about?.- ano &)ofcscommaunbcb tbccbyl&?en of 3ftacl fayenge : tbytf ttf tbc lance wbyebe ycmnllcnbcritbylot,anb wbicb thelo?bc commaunbeb to geue Unto npne trpbrst aim * bcn anb the l,o?br (bake to &?oretf,fapttgfc ^hcfcacc tbc name0 of tbc mm, wbicb wail bcuybr t\)t lanDc bnto pou .- ©leajar the *b™ iff b P?caflc, anb 3ofua the fonne of *ji*uri.anb SSEpuu pc aiall take alto a Lo?bc of etictp trybe, wbenpc beupbe tbelanbe . Rename* of tbcmenarcthcfe:£>fthctribcolf3ubn,€a* lebtbc fonne of3cpbutu\£)ftbe trybe of the cbplbjcn of Simeon, Lemuel tbc fomic or amtub . Of tbc tepbe of H5cn 3amm,@U* Dab tbcfomtc of Ciflon . £)f tbetrybe of trje cbplb?en of Ta>an,tbelo?be 25ucbt,tbe fonne of lagtt. flromamongctbecbilb?cnof 3o« fepti f o? tbc trpbeof tbc cbylb?en of 4i)anaf= ft/be lotbcbanicl.tbefonne of epbob . €>t the trpbc of the cbylb?en of <2pb?aim , tfte ioibeeamucltbe fonne of $tpbtan . JDf tbe tribe oftbefonnes of 5abulon,tbclo?bc#aU japbantbe fonne of ^barnacb- m tbctcy* be of tbe cbylb?en of 3facbac, tbe lo?bc eii= tbicl tbe fonne of afan . £>f the trybe of tUe fonne* of 3tfer , the lo?be 3tbtb«H tbe fonne of£>alomi. Qf tbe trpbc oftbccbtlb?cnof #ephtali, tbc lo2bc$eba€l> the fonne of %mmil)uti. 'frbcfe arc they wbomtbe- Lo?b commaunbeb to beuybe'tbe enberitauce un- to tbe cbplb?en of 3&*aet in tbe lanbe of Canaan. CCbcjcJCjetj.Cbaptcr. C'anto ttje firutte* art «cnen cpttet anb fub= biubw. Sbe cptitf of refuge . Sbe later of ta inqutllpn«. fot oat tnatu rattan (ball no man be conormpneo. 5!5b tbe lo?bc fpaaeVnto 4$o= U* in tbe felbejs of «}oab bp 3o?ban, oucragapntt3encbo, tnpingctcommaunbctbc cbpl= ^enof3ftacl,tbattbepgcue tonto tbe Hewtte0 of tbe cn&etf* tauncc of Wm poffelTion, *cptiesi to btaell t aor . in* ^nbpe(baUgciiealfo\)ntotbecptic}Sof f " tbc leuitejj , fttbttrucjel bar© bptbcp? citpcjtf rounbe about tbcm . HCbc^ptiejEiajaUtbc? bauc to Dwell in , anb tbc utburbctf f o? tbcp? catcll, anb fo? tbep? poffcflionanballmaner of bcaftcfli of tbepjtf * anb tbc flibutbeiDi of tbc cptiesit»l)icbpe Ojali gcuetinfo tljele^ witcjs ,:qjall rcacbe from tbe wall of tbe eyrie outwarbe, atboufanbe cubptc^rounbea^ bout . TUibpeOjallmeafurc witbouttbecp- tic of tbc caftfybc , two thotifanoe cubptetf ; anb of tbc foutbfybc , two tpoufanoc cubp> tesf. 3nb of tbe weftfybe.two tboufanbe en* bytcjs.anb of tbe nofibfybc.twotboufaube cubites* alf o=anb t\)t cptic flsalbc in tbe mpO* bc0. 3tnbtDefeujalbetbcfuburbejSoftbe¥* cpticsl. 2lnb fromamongetbccptiejswbpcbcpe (ball gcue Wito tbe UttfUfi, *tbere fball wmm be fpjee cpticsi f o? refuse , wb«b pe Oiall ap= potntc to tbat intent, tbat be wbicb ftpllctu. mape ftpe tbptber .2f no to tl;em ft u)al abbe jciu.cyttejs mo : fotbotaiitbecpticu wbptbe „ ye ujall geue tbt leuitctf , mape tefflwi, » witbfbep^fubutbejjanb tbefecitiexJ wbicb ye ftall geue,u)allbe out of tbepoffeluon of tbe cbylb^en of jUatlM bey tljat bane ma* ny,u>all geue manp.HSut of tjem tbatbaue fewc.yeQjalltakefewe ; euctponcftall gcueofbPi^ cities! \mto tbc tmittt , acco?« byngcto p enberitaflce wbicb be enhcritctk 3nb tbe lo?be fpaUe \)nto 4gofc0 , fay» cnge-fpcaHc tjnto tbecl)ylb?eu ottlfracl anD faye\)ntotbem:*wbayebecomeouce3o^*5 , "'.rtt.i, baneintotbelanbc of Canaan , vcmallap- 3,onww popnte you cpttcslto be cptiejS of refuge fo? pou:tbat be wbycb fleetb/^a foulc totitoa- rci8, mayeflyctbytbce, anb tbc cptic Ojal« be to f lye from tbc oucngcr of blouDe , tbat be wby cbc UpUetb ^ not, tjntpll be ftanbe bcfo?c tbc congregation in iuogement. anb of tbefc fp^cfrccptiess wbycbeyefballgeue ycftall gpuetb?e on tbyjs fybe3o?ban, anD tbic in toclanbc of Canaan . anb tbefc frjee fee cyttcsKbalbc a refuge botb foMbecbpl= men of jjfrael , anb fo? tbe araungcr , anb f o? by m tbat b wcllctb am onge pou : tbat all tbey wbicb toll any pecrone vnwace&maye flye tbptber. * anb pf any m<1 fmytc anotbf t witban **&*» inftrument of y?on tbat be bye , tben i$ be a murtbcrcr,anbQ)aIlbyefo?tt . 3f be fmpre bym wptb a tl# owpngc ftonc tbat a man mapebpewtth.anbyfbebpe.bctbatfmote bpmt0amurtbcrcr , let tbe fame murtbercr ' beflaynetbcrfo?e. tben yf be bye , be ttf a murtberer : let tbc murtrjc?er be flapnc tbcrfo?c. 'SEbc i n ft ice of bl oube (ball flapc tljc mur> tbecer: anttuatyes Burnett tfa\m iBW.lrfF-f' ijOblt.JT.fc K> f>sr >'5w rbii.a D.nr.Q &* tbeeer.wbanbemcfetb f)Pm,l)t mayeaape bym. 25utyftbctb?nftatbpm * of bate, op bourleatbimwitblapingcofujaytctbatbe bye , o? fmptc hvm witb t)V8 banbe of cnupc tbat be bpc , be tljat fmote Dim (ball ovz , f oj bcisia murtberer. Ubciuftice of bloubc (ball itape f murrijurce.ag! fooneajf be tmhttW- T&ut anb pf be puf 0)e0 bpm bp cbaunce anb not of bate, o*caft at bwnwitbanp maner of tbpuge anb not of lapingc of waytc: o?:caft any maner of (tone at bun ( tbat a man mape bycwitl))anbfawebymuot. anb becaft it TaponbymanbbeopcanbwatfnotbPtfenc* myc , nec&er fougbt bim any barme.lTbS tbe congrcgacyon aialliubge betwene tbe flayer nub tbc crecutcr of bloubc in focbe cafcjl. anb tbc congregacpS (ball bclyucr tbc flayer out of tbc banbe of tbc ancger of bloube.anb m congregacpon (ball relhuehpmagapne DntotbecptieofbyfiiccfugcwbctbcrbewajS ftebb.anbbc (ball bpbe tberc* %nto ( tbe bco- tbe of tbe bpe pjeattc, wbicb wajs anopntcD witbbolpople. HSnt $ pf tbe naper come witbout tbc bo?* brr0of bidp^euilegcb cptic wbether be tunsJ f irbb.pf tbeauJgcr of bloub fynbe bim witb ontc tbe bojbcr js of Jws frc to wne, anb flay e tbc murtberer, be Cbal begyltleflc.bccaufe be Ojtilbe baucbybben in bp0 fre towne^ntyll tbcbectboftbebpcp?eaftc,anbafterfbcctb of tbc bye weaftc to retournc agayne 'onto tbc lanbc of biS poffcIfion.'Cbcfecommaun^ bcmcntesi Ibalbc a la we \jnto you,foj yourc generaetonsi in all yourc b welly ngctf. ^Uborocncr feyll(tb(^~- a foulc, y fame f maflayer muft be flayne bim felfc* tbo?o we Wttnete jHictbcr Hiall one witnefle anfwc* re to put u man to beatb.^Rjcoucr, ye ftall take none amenbesl fo? tbe lyfe of tbe mar* tbcrer wbicb ice worthy to nyt : 2i5ut be fliall be puttobcatbaifopcujalltakcno money ofbpmtbatftfftebtoafrecytic,tbatbeCbuU bccomcaccapne,auDbwcUiutbclabc,bcfo= re tbc beatu of tbc hpe mcaftc.aub fc tbat pc polute not tbe lanbc wbicb pe ujall b well in: f o? bloub ^a- bef plctb tbe lanbe.anb t\)t lab can none otber wpfebe elenfeb of thcbloube tbat isJ fljcb tberln,but by tbe bloube of bym tbat (beb bloube."5)cfplc not tberfojc tbc lan- bc wbicb ye (ball mbabytc , f oj 3 am tn tlje mybbc0 rbrrof :euen 3 tbc to?b bwcllamog tbccbplb?enof3frael. CCbe.]C]C]Cbi.Cbaptcr. CSit e;btt to; cbc matra«c of (be baaabtcraof ?ciapheab . one of tbc trpbc* mape notmarpc toptb anotbrr. 00 tbeaunctent fatbertf of tbe 3,cbtlbjen of (25ileab tbe fonne of &)acbir tbc fonne oftt)anau~e of tbc byurcb of tbc cbpib?? of 3ofepb>camr fo?tb? fpakebe* Fo?e 4ii)ofeti anb tbe tafnttH, anbaunepent fatbertfof rbecbplottnof 3f= rael.anbfaybc- ^'Cbc to^be commaunbeb mp to?b, to geue the labc to cnberet bp lottc * jau.rrb«.f. to t\\z cbylbjen of 3Aucl.&nbinp toibeco •= inannbeb in goba bcbalfe, to geue tbc cnberi= tauncc of * jrlapbeab oure biotbcr 'onto r)y0*jau.rib».a baugbtcr0.U)bomyfanpoftbefonuc0oftbe otber trpbesi of 3fracl take to wyuctf , tben (ball tbey? enber itaunce be take from the cn% K becitauueeof oure fathers, anbftall be ptit 1 ^ tjnto t})t enberitauce of tbc trybe wbicb tbey acereceaucbinto.-anbfbalbetakenfromtbe lotte of oure enberitauce. a»tb wben tbc yete of iubclye of tbccbpUuen of 3fraclcommetb tben (ball tbey? enberitauce! be put Xmto tbe cnberitaunce of tbc trpbe wbcrin to tbey are teccaueftanbfoftalltbcp? enberitauce beta* ben awaye from tbc enberitaunce of tbc trp= be of oure fathers. anb 8)ofesScommaunbeb t^z cbilbicn of 3frael accojbyugc to tbe W02be of tbe Lotbe f apincjc : tbc cbplbzcn of tbc trpbc of 3ofcpb banc fayb weii.irb^tbcrfoKOoctb tbc tu- rn commnuiibe tbe onugbters of jelapbeau fayingc * let tbcm be wpuro to wbom tljcy k fjfc <• ** tbcfclfetbpnckbEft,onclytotbckpnrfbanb 4nDb9if ' trpbc of tbey? father (balUbcpmarpc ,fo foal nottbc enljeritaunce of t\)i cbylbJe of 3fracl remouc from trpbe to trpbc , Whan tbe cbyl» bJenof3fraelabybecucrpman tit tbecnbc« ritauncc of tbe trybe of m faebcrtf .anb ene« ry baugbtcr tbatpofleflctbanp cnbcnfauu= ccmanytrybcoftbccbtlb ( ienof3rraei,a)aN be wpfe bnto one wbicb ttf of tbe kynrcb of tbc trpbc of bcr father , tbat the ebylbieii of 3fraei mape eniore cucrp man tbe euberi^ tauncc of bP0 father: fieytber ought tbe cn- beritaunce togo from one trybe to another : butcucry one of tbc trybes of the cbylbieti of 3fracl , muftabybeinbrtf awue cnbeei- tauncc . anb as the lotbc commaunbeb $&(&&** eucnfo oyo the bangbtcrsl of ^elapbcab.anb ti&abeM&n* . ^agia, a)tlcba anb&oa were marprb \jnto tbey? fathers bJotbcrS fonncS. wbiclj were of tbekynreb oftbcchyl* b?cn of ttjanaffc* the fonne of 3ofcpb ■ anb fo tbey? cnberitaunce retnapneb in tbetry= be of tbckpnrcb of tbeyz father. ^bcfcarctbccommaubementeSflawesi wbicb tbc to?becommaunbcb bp rlje banbe of 5>oi& Unto Cabe* bar- nc.by mntint &rtr.3nb ttfoijuncD ftefftB bape of f rlnirntb monctb in P fojttctbycrr, that Sttofcs fpafcc Unto the Cbylbtf Oflirae] ncco2DingcUntoalltbattbcLo?bc bab geue him in r oniaunbcmct Unto tbe.aftcr that be * Aum.ni.c bab fmytte* * Mion tbc ttpnfff of the 3[mo^ ofBaia^bicbDwcltnt3ttarotbtoeb?ai. 0n the otbrr rpbc 3o?banin tbe lanbe of &)oab, beganc &)ofc0 to hectare tby0 law fn'pmgc : tbe lo?be oure d5ob fpake Unto u J in teowb faying.-ge banc bwelt I6gc ynougb infbiSmount.Dcpartctbcrfo?c«taueyoiirc lonrnrp.anb goUntotbcbyllof tpzT^mon- tcs anb unto all placcsnycthete Unto :botb Uttto tbe ylapne.anb bpilcsanb bategto tbe foutb.totberecsrpbe.totbeianbeofCanaa, anbvnto iibanonrcuen Unto the grtate ry* © tier «^ipb*atc0.:&ebolbe,3 baue let the lanb * (scnt.rb.i.. befoze you : goo to anb * pofleffe tb| nK *m. pma. uohpcb the tLojbc f ware Unto poute fathers 3BbMb8 . IfaacanbSacob.togeue Unto the anb tbcp?fccbcaftet them. 2tnb 3fpaueUnto pou the fame ceafon faptngc:3otnnotabletobcatepou mp felfe alone, ffo? tbt lo?bc poute (0ob b«b multi* plpcb you : anb bcbolbe , pe are tbPjbapeas tbe ftatrc0 of bcaucn iunombjc c cor lo?be <5ob of potirr fathers mafeeyou a tboufanbe tpmes fo manpmoo asye are ,anb blent you ♦tfto.rtw.e asue batb p?omyfcb pou) bowe tan * jmj m m fclfcalonc,bcaretbccomb?aunce,cbargeanD ftrpfc tbati0amongcyou?b?ynge (. froma« mongepoujmcnofwpfbomeanbofUnber- ttanbynge.anb cjrpertr,aeco2bynge to pourc n.i trybeMnb 3 wpll malte tbem rttclto* ouer you . 3nbye flinfwcreb me anb fapbe : that iobpebe tbou baft fponcn tS goop fo? us to bo/2lnboutof pourc trpbcS 3 tofte tbe cap- tayuctf , ( men of wyfbome anb that wtre ejeperte ) anb mabe tbem rurlarS oner pou : captapneS ouer tboufanbeS » ouer bubjebeS ouer tpftpe anb ouer tcn.anb oft?ccr0am6ge poute tepbcS. 3nb 3 cpargeby oure 3«bgcS tbat Rime c rpme faying : Ijcarc tbe caufr of pour b?ctb*f anb * iubge rygbtcouftybctwcnceucry ma *mm anb W bjtotber , anb the ftraunger that it with bpm.jtoctbat pe hnoweno ^r-facc fitin -e=* lubgcmet: * butbcaretberoiaiiatf mil a* mount, tbearcate,anbbenfrapcbofnommi,fo*tbc ,9 ' ou w'i l . iubaementisl dSobtf.ainbtbc caufetbatwto * barbcfo?pou,b?pnp;etntome,anb3 will ^tmm hcarc it.26nb3commaunbebpoutbc fame ccafon,aUtbctbpno;es(i»bpcbepeaulbebo. 3Bnb robenttJc ocparteb fro I?oiitb,ttJe t»ent tbojoroe all that gteate anb terrible wplber- neu"c,a0vebaue(cncalon5ebptbetoapeof ths m\ of tbe amojite* » aptbe lo?be oure <5ob commaunbeb M& , anb came to Cabe* 25arnc.3nb3fapbc \)iuopou:^e arc come Dnto tbe bpU of tbe 3lino«tc0, ttbicb P lo?b © owe ©ob \Bpll geuc DntoDst. Tfiebolbe , the lo;br tbp dffob hatbfettbe lanbe before tbe * goo DpanD conqucrc it,a0 tbe to?be d5ob of tnpfatbtt0batpfapbc\jntotbe^ fcarcnot, *t>t^t, nether be wfconrageb.sBnt p: came Mnto me t nery one anb fopbe ^ ujc wpll fenbeme be* *&m.m f o^e b0 , to iearebe »0 outc tbe lanbe , anb to bipnge \J0 tnojbe agapne, wpt wapewe muft go up bp , t Unto uobat eptit si t»e foali come!3nbtbe fapinge pleafcb me well , anb 3 tofee tboeluemC of pou , of cucrp ttpbe one. U)bPcbbtparteb ,anb wentbp into tbe bpe cotrep, anb came \mtotbe rputrefcoU , anb fercbeb it out,? to&e of tbe frute of tbe lanbe v*(to DtelaM t\)t pltntcuufntae tbetor)tn tbCP? WW* *° ft biougbt it bnto'P0,anb bought »0 tooh Seagapne,»fapbc:iti0agoob lanbe, wbPcB tbe to?bt oure (0ob botb geue Vsf. 0otu)itbftanbpnse pe \»olbe not confen- tetogoo^Pibutxoere btfobebtent Unto tbe mouth of tbe lojbpoure d5ob,anbmurmu= reb in poure tentenf,« fapoe-.becaufe tbe io?= toebatetbW , tberfojc batb be brought M out of the lanbe of egppte , to belpuer M in totbe t&nt of tbe :?tmo?tte$,anb tobettrope tj0.teot»e(baltt)e gooUpciDurcb?ttb^ ba^ £ ue bifcoiagcb oure hette.fapingc: * tbe peo= hj^p* pie i0 greater * taller then we, anb baue cp- tie^greate anb walleb euen Up to beauen , « mojeouertioe baue fenetbefonnctfof tbe©* nakunC there. , 3nb 3 fapbe \j nto pomtyeabe not.noi be afrapeb of the.'cjbc io?bc poute 00b TObtco coetD before pou.be (hall fpgbte f 0^ you, ac* co;bpngetoaUFbeb?bUntoyouin egppte tlje latoe fcournepes reptteb IStutetonomium ilfoto before pourc epc0. 3n tbe toplberner ffe alfo tbou baa ft lie boujc tbat tbt nojbc tbp<5ob bate the, euen a# a man both b? arc Ijptf fon^- ne , in all m wape tPbPcbeye baue gone bp, bntpUpc came Unto tbP0 place. 31nbyet»i tljt0 tbpngpebpb not beleue tbe to?bepou» re ©ob. fyc went in tbe UJape befo^epou , to fcrcbepou out a place to pptcbeyouretentc0 w.w> to, * tofyjc bp npgbt , pye mpgbte fe what t»apetogo,anD tnacloubc bp bape. 3nbtbe 3lo?be bcarbe the uopec of youre wjo?bc0,anb wast w?otb , f ft»ace,fapingc ; na.r«ff.t». ^ there (ball not one of tbefemen anb of tbt0 mw% fropporoegeneracponfepgoob lanbcwbtcb 3C 3ft»aretogeue Untopoure fatbcrtf.faueca MfeifiM Kb tbe fomie of 3cpbune , be (ball frit * anb * to bpm wpii 3 gc ue p laHc that be batb troo^ Den Upon.auD to htfcfyylb??, becaufe be batb "* fOlOUJebtbC lLOJb°*(tooniiccfuin»a«tl|a((m)(giinj fimt.XU cpon agapn U)e peupic.fcpnse tW) * the HO^OCtDajS owug.c jwgcycpoytbme ipkeroprefo? pourc fabc0, faying:? alfo ibalt not goto tbttber.But 30= fua tbe tonne of gm wbiebftanbetb bcfo?t tbe.be Oiall go in tljitbcr. 26oihen bpm tbcr= fo^c.fo? be Chal caufc3ftacl to inberet f Ian- emm be. *4«o?eoueryourecbplb^,pbicbPc[aP' be mulbc be a p^apc.anb pourc tonnes! which in that bape bab no ituowlege bettxicue goob anb eurU.tbey (ball goo in tbitbf r.anb Unto tbem will 3 gene it. anb tbcp (ball cniopcit. 25ut a0 fo? pou, turnc poute face , anb tahe pourc iournepe into the \»tll)crtic(fc:cttcnbp the wape of the reabc fcCCbcn pe anfwercD w-ws « fapbe Unto mes* We baue fpnticb agapnfi; r< the 'no?bc:tuc wpll go Up anb fpgbtc.acco?' c bpiigetoall tbat the Ho?b oure (5obcomau= beb U0.3itib when pe bab gv?bc on eucrp ma m wepotf of warrc, bcholDc , pe were rcahp to goo up into the bpll-3nb the 3lo?bc fapbe Uiitomc:fapc Unto tbe.tbat tbcpgo not Up, anh tbattbep fpgbte not.fo? 3 am not amdg you:lc(tpcfnllbcfo?cpoia , ccnempc03toltic pou tbet fojc.anb pe wolbe not bear e, but bu fobepcb tbe mouth of the Lo?be,ft wentp?c= fumptuouflpUpintotbcbplt . , 3Cnb the 3mo?ite0 wbpchbweltim that bpll ,came outagapnftpou, onbebaffbyou (a0 hce0 Ufc to bo)» flnotc pou in ^>cir,euen Unto li>o?ma.3inbpecameagayne, » wepte befo« the lo?bc ; but the %oW wolbenot bear'c pourc u opec , no? geuc pou auoience. ^umc.n.a * ^„^ f O p e ai)obec^ y 'inCabc0alongccca= '"■^ fon.accoibtngunto tbe tpme tbatpercmay= neb in otpcr places*. CCbc.ii. Chapter. C%\)at lu^pclj toaoODiic fcoindjctpnie etjep DC = pnrfco (com caoca barnc , tmto (l;e batcii aaaputt t|jtftpngr«fd^o»flnD£)ff, wum n?! Eg ■^il l!)cn we * tonrnr b oure face , « to= s mw » ^■Ttjjcotujctou^ejjinto^wylDcrneire euen by the wapc of tbercabfee a0 tpeILo?.oe fpabeUntome. 3tnb wc compatteb mount £>ei'r a longe tpme. %nb tbeJLO?bfpaUcuntomc,fay(nge:pebaucc6= paffebthvsmountapnclongepnougb.toura ncpouuo?tbwarb.&nbt»arnetboutbcpeo^ pic fapinge.- Pe (ball go tbo?owe tbe con ft of pourc b?ctb?cn tbe cbplh?en of 6fauwbpche braell in ^»eir,ft tbep (balbe afrayeb of pou ; ^:abc pegoob i)ehe unto y our fcluc0 thctfo re.jPe(ballnotp?ouortetbcm,fo?3.wpUuot geuc pou of their lanbe.no not fo mocbeas a foteb?ebtb * becaule 3 baue gcucn mounte * w.muA ^eirUnto€fautopoffeu"epeibaUbpcincat ««*A4 . of the fo? money to eate.ano pe (ball piocurc water of tbem fo? money to o?ynuc. jt'oi tljc lo?b thPC5ob bath bleRcb the mall the ww is bc0oftbpbanbe.^ebnewethp cntrynrc m to tW gteatc wpiocrncfft tb(0ri.pereo . ana tbe lo;DetbPC5ob batb bene with f,fo that tpou baft lacitebnotbpngc. 3Bnb when wc were bepattco front oure b?etb?cn the cbplD?en of e fan wijpcb Dwelt in ^ctr.tbcpiapuc wapc from eir bcfo?e tyme, whofepofteffpon the chplD?cnof €fau occtt- ppeb,anbbeftropfDtl)ebcfo?ctbcm,»DtocltC in their ftcab:a03fracl bpb Unto thelabc of ht0 poffclTto, which p Jlo?hcgauctbc.< : lowe rpfcUp(fapb3)f getpou ouer the rpitcrM- r eh : ? wc wet ouer the r y tier jareb .^:he f pa ■■■ cc in wbpcb we came from eaten barnc Un« tpllwc were come ouer the rpuer^arcb, watf jrjcjcuni.pere0:Untpllall the genera cpon of ^ men of warrc were waftcb out froamongc the hoft,a0 the i-o?Dc fware Unto tbf .* #02 * sw.rm.t. in Dcbcthchanbcof the to?bc was agapnft «*s*«* . tbcm.to beftrope tbem from amogc the l;oft, tplltbcywercconfume'o. 3nb fo it came topafle, tbat all the me of "D wartc were confumeb anb heth from amon- gc the peopIe.3nb the 1 o?bc fpafte Unto me, laptnge^bou Qjaltgo tbo?ouj3ir thecoaft of a?oab tups bape ; anti whan thou comeft nyc Unto tbecbplb?en o£3tmmon,tbou (bait not lapc fege Unto tbem, iter moue warrc a* gapnfttbg.tf 0? 3 wpll not geuc the off labc of the cbylbjen of Simmon a pofi"c(Tpoii , but 3 baue gc ncn it Unto the cby Ibicn of Jtoth to pofteffcSrhatolfo (0tahefo?a Janb of giau= tcS.anb gtauntctf bwelt thertn to olhe tpme, whom tbe Ammonites call jajumims. * % * mm rr( f people that was grcat,manp, * talle, as the ' (gnalums. I t I li li ■/. i r ! li',- totjat b uto?ics £etttttonomfttm ^fraeUjab f ■ ) *i I cir, $ tbe &)oabite0 tobpeb bwcllin 2c , Dpb to; tbme)totpH3 be conic once Joibnn, intop lanbc wbicb tbe tom oure (Fobgeuerb to. lSut £>cliontbckpngcof ^efbon wolbc not let to paffe bp bnn,f o? tbe to?D tbp Gtob bacDcneO bi0 fp?crc,* mabc W rjcrte tougb, becaufe be woibc Delpucr tym into tty babe, a* it is come to paffc tbp0 bape. 3 nb tbe I,o?bc fapbc toto me:bcbolbe , 3 baucbegonneto fct£>cbbnnbbi0 lanbc be* fo?etbc:gotoanbconqucrc,anDpou"ctteDi0 * m.nu. lanbc.* *Ebcnbot|)£Dcbon& alt bp0 people Dcwcffi^b C ameoutagapnftto'tofpgbtat3a?a. 3nb ® tbe *lo?be ftt btm before to, 9 we (mote Dim anb IjpjS fonne0anb all \>v* people. 3 nb we toke all DM cpttea £ fame eeafon , anb flue tbe men , wemenanb cbPlb?en of all tbe cptte0,anb let notbpngercmapnc, faue p catcll onelp we caugbt toto oure felue0,anb the fpoplc of tbe cpticxJ wbicl) we tone, from 3Jroer wbicb i0 bp tbe b?tnke of tbe rpuec of 3rno,?fro tbe cptie tDat M in the rpner, toto C5ileab:tberetoa0notone cptie to ttrogefoj to.^be 3lo?bc oucc€»obbelpucccball toto to:onclpbnto?lanoe of tbe cbilb?cn of aim* mon rbou earned not, no? toto euerp place of tbe cpuec 3abocU , no? toto tbecptiejS in tbe moutapnejs.no? tototxJbatfocuec tj)c io?be oucc<5obfo?babeto. C£be.m\ebaptcc. ra^pn»wtbattbaunfcB from toe Mctotlt of the rraoKpnjrwAtboii anafi)g imto tJ>e3lniHtucpon of.?,orutmCS5oC{«[lfat!C. Iijcnujc tutnebi* wetto tbetwape % to JSafan. * 3imb €)g tbe npiigc of * B um. % jBnfancame outagapnft^iecbeanb ***m all fm people to battel at eb?ni. ?l\\v tlje io?b fapbe totome:feace bimnot , f o? 3 u>pll belpuec bpm, 9 alibis people anb bpjSlanbeintotbPbonbc, anb tbou (bait bo toto bim.asitboubpbbcft toto jbebon bin- ge oftbeftmo?itc0,wbtcbb\»cltattycn>on. ainbfotbelLo?be oure<2?ob bclpuereb into oure banbetf, ©galfo'tbe Upngeof 25afan anballbpjsfolhe.^nb ujefmotcbim, totpll nonebpajsicftebpmalpuc. ainotx)ctoRcallbt0cptieieitbefamccearott Cnctber t»ajs tberc a cptie wbicb we toke not fromtbem)euctb?cfco?ecvtietf tbo?ow out all tbe rcgio of 3Drgob,tbe Upngbomc of €>g in a5afan.ail tbcfe cpticjes alfo were mabc ftcongc vuitb bPe walltti, gates! anb barrel befpDc towallcbtoumetfa grcatemeanpe. 3nb txie \)ttcrlp beftropcb tbem , asitoc opb toto $ebon Upngc of feefbon, b?ingpng to nougbtalUbccptiejS.totbmcn.txicmenanb cbplb?en.25ut all tbe catcll anb tbe fpople of tbe cptictf, toe caugbtc f 0? oure fclucjk 3nb tfttttf U3c tobe t\)c fame ccnfon.out of 215 tbebanbe of two ft pngesJ of tl)e 3mo?itctf, tbe lanbe tbat t»aiei on tbe otbec fpbe3o?ban, from tbe rpuer of 31 mon toto mount fcer* mon ( wbpcb Sermon tbe ^>ibonss callS)P* rion,aubtbe3mo?(te!S call it £>cnp?)alltbe cvttcjs tbat lapcm tbe plapncanb all d5tlcab anb all 26a fan toto&alecba anb(£b?ai > ci- tvt# of tbe (tpngbomc of >itfMm. tf 0? onelp €)g ftyngc of flSafan remapneb of tbe cemnannt of tbe gpnuntctf , txibofe beb twajs a beb of won . 3nb i0 it not vtt at EabaD a* mouse tbe cbplb?en of 3dmmonf (y. cubpfess botb tbe lengtbtberof contepne ,anb foure cubptejs ttit b?eabtb of it.aftec tbe cubiteof a mau^nb fo we conquercb tW lanb e tbe fa= mctpme.from 36roccwbpcbi0bptbe rpuec oiacnon, toto |alft mount <5ttcab»* g, gaue3 bnto t^t halfetcpbe of *»anau"e t enenall tbe rpgpon ofacgebwitbaU26afan:WbicbWcaUcbtbe lanbc of gpauntejSJaic tbe tonne of spanaf* ft toitc all tbe region of 3rgob toto tbe coa- ftegof (Eferurianb ^aac^at^anbcallcb tije c after W www name : UBafan toauotb 3aic tototbps^bape. 3Bnb3Srtue(15ileab toto *a)acbte.ainb toto tbe miibcmte^anb <2>ab= bitcisf 3 gaue Uolfc €>ileab toto tbe cpuec of 3cnon,balfetb<.' t)alcp s beponbe, euen toto tlje rpuec 3abocb,wbicbijStbc bo?bec of tbe cbplb?en of amnion : tbeplapnealtoanb 3o?b5anb tbe coatt tl)erpf,frS Cenecotb euen onto tbe fee wbPcb i^ wtUe ' piapne , euen tUc fait fee tobec tDc tjpngetf oftbeDpll.taawacbc. , _. * 3no elamerepeteb *+ * -» tfo UUMUDfM laifcfff «•» * 3nb 3 commaunbeb pou tljc nunc tytm faylngc :tbc Jlo?bc ponce c!5ob batb geucit f ou tbPS^ lanbe to eniope it:pc fliall go bac= nelfeb bef o?e poucc b?ctb?cn tijc cbplb?cn of 3fracl,all tbat are metcfo? tbe watre.|>oiire topuejaionelp,pourccbplb?cn,anb ponce ca* tell ( f 0? 3 wotc tbat pe boue mocbe catcll ) Cballabpbc in potire cptie0 wbicb 3 banc ge* uen pou, totill tbe to?bebnuegcugrrato= topourcb?efb?cna0TOcU aft toto pou , anb totpil tbep alfo baue conquereb trjc lanbe , wbpebe tbe to?b poure 00b tw tb geug them beponbe 3o?ban:anbtben (ballpc re turnc a* apne, euerp man toto bP0po(teu"ionx»bicb bauegeuenpou. * 2lnb 3 wameb 3ofua the fame t pme fap(nge:tbpne cpejs bane fene all f tbe &o?be pottrc (Boh batb bone onto tbcfctmo m'ngerf cue fo IbaH be bo toto all kpngbomeiD! tobp= tber tljou gocft. ^c mall not tcarc tbcm , fo? tbe &o?b poucc (Sob.bc (ball fi^gbtc fo2 pou. 3Bn03 betougbte the io?bc tbe fame tp^ me fapinge:^) Lo?be (^ob.tbou baft begon* nc to (rjewe tbp fcruaunte tbp gccatncffc anb tl)\> inpgbtpe banbe , fo? eW ujbece ts tl;ecc a (Sfobitibcou?o?incrtb,tbatconboaftcrtbp tooibcjS anb after tbppowcrtlf t me go oiicr anb fc tlje goob lanbe tl)at iss beponbe 3o?brnc epefl! wcir\\)arOe,no?cbwarOc,foutb\xiarDe , anb cnftcwacbc , anb bcbolbe it toptb tbpnc epcitf.fo? ebon (bait notgooncctbptfloiba. 25trtcbacge3onia;anb courage btm, ^ bolbc m,m> bim.* jfoibcaial go bcfoietbitf people, aim ' be (ball beupbe toto tbem tlje lanbc wbpebe tbou malt fe. 3 nb fo we abobc in tl)c tolpe ouec agapnft tbcljoufc of JDco?. e.'&fye.itii, Cbnptcc. C 3n «rl)o;M r i>oti to gciif cntgciit bcoc i>nto the uit)c.J|m«B«« i««pt not bnnnoc to Ujo;i^ppue.^l)e tlj;ccpc fee of refuge. nnnoxo bcrbc Jfvatl toto tbe 0?= binauncetf anb lawesi wbic[)3ccacbe pou.fo? tobo tb5,tbatfopcmapf ipue 9 go in anb cbquccc tlje lanbc, wbicl) f lo?b [tw.rff.b. (i5ob of poucc fat&ntf gcuctb pou. * Pclbnll 5H* put notbinge toto tbe wo?be vfflbjtim* W,B maunbcpou.netbec bo ougbt tbetfrom,tbat pemape Hepct&ccommaunbcmcutctf of tbe 3Lo?b poure (5obt»btcb3coinmautibepoH. £oureepcg taue fene wbat tbe S,e?bc ovo mm,* g nt0 iBaal ^co? * fo? all tbe men tbat folo= ' m,c ' web i$m\ jBco?,tbe lo?bc poure d5ob mi) bcftropcbfromam6gcvou/26utpetbatclc= lie tototbc Lo?ocpoure ci>ob,are alpne tut' cp one of pou tbto bape. igcbolb 3 baue tau= got pou o?bmnuucc$s anb Uw& , foci) as tl;c %M lo?bc mp d?ob commaunbeb me, that pc fitmloc bo euen to in tbe lanbc, wljctljcr pc g topoffeffcit. ftepc tbem tberfo?eanbbotbem,fo? tbat (gpoure topfbomeu toberffanbpngcfntbc fpgbte of tbe iiacponj5:tbmt,\ri.n ttC0Qtbpfonnc0foimc0:£>pccmllptbrbayc tbat tbou ftoOeft befo?c tlje to?b tbp Gob in ||o?eb,wben the lo?bfapcb totome:gctbec mc tbe people together, anb 3 wpll malic tlje bcarcmpn3ozbc0, p tbep mapc lecne to fcarc mcall tbe bape0 tbat tbcpfliall ipue tootbe crtb* anb tbat tbep mapc teacbetbcicebpl=*epi,f m« bicnrpe came* anb ftobe alfo tobec tbe bpU, t er6h ' ar ' anb tbe bpll burnt Wifb fp?c : cucn toto tbe mpbOesof beauen, $ tberc mas barcmicfTc, clomOc0? mpft. 3£nb tbe Lo?Defpa he toto pou out of tbempbbes of tbefp^e, nyc Jjerbe tbe topee of the uuo?bc0 * but (a w no pma= * uroo.rr. ... gc,faue beebe a topee onelp. u&tksuut Stub be bcclarcb toto pou W cotienaunt t»bicb be comaunbeb pou f Do , c lien. r. \)cr= fe0, volncbbewiotetoontujo tables of fto* ne.^nbtbe ilo?bc commaunbeb mc tbat (a* :meccaron ) tbat3auiIbctcarb pou oibinau^ C ce0 anbiaiocs, wlncbpc ougbt to bo in tbe lanbe wbctber pc go to poffeffctt. (<^ 'Cnftc tbeef ft goob heoe bnto poure ^a fclucs as pertapnpngc toto poure fbulcs , fo? pc fame no mancc of pmagc in tbe bape tbat the Ho?befpaUetotopoutu Igoieb out of tbe mymsi of tbe fp?f: left pc ntaccc poure fcluc0anb malic pou a graufpmagea nb pic= turcofcnpinanccoffpgure:t|)clphcne(rcof man 0? woman, tbclpcEtncOc of anp mancc of beaft thatisi on tbe entb.o? the I pneneffc of anp manerfeatbcrebfoule tbatflpcfbm tbe apic, or p Iplineffe of anp mancr woiiiie tbat crepctb on the ertb,o?tbeUhiielTc of anp ma- ncc fptbc tbat i0 in tbe waters benctb £crtb. * V.e anb leftc tbou ipf t e to tbpnc cpes toto * t>m.m.» tictirn anb wben p fcpft tbefounc, tbe moonc f ^.mu ano the ftarresixutbaUtbcboofl: ofbeauen, J|DD,WC ' (bull)cftbebefccaueb,anbfliulDcft\»oiCbippc anbfccuctbetbpngcs, uibtcbtbc io?be tbp *^ob batb mabc to feme all nacpon* vh" *«we.i.t, bcrtljcwbolcbeauen. But tbe 3lo?be batb taken pou^b?ougbt pott cut t: *i '1 !■■• •5 •1 V '<> 11 ! R I % T ■*- *V jHofcstepctctl) l^tutcronomtttttt U p on out of tile won f o? nacc : en en out of 6gP ptcto be bnto Dim a people anb ctiHcritniin« cc.asi pc be tbttbnpr . jf urtbermoare,? io?= bcwatfangrpewltoim^pourcfnlictf.anb f warc.tbat 3 (bulbc not go ouer 3o?ba",and tbat 3 ibulbc not go in bnto that goob lanb, which the Lo?bc tbpGobgcuctb tbe to en- * tofotm • bentaunce. * Jfiut j muft Dye in tbp* lanb, mm. b. an0 jj w u not g ucr 3o?oan . HSuf pe ©all go ouer ,anD conqucrc tbat goob lanbc* S> ^ancbcbcwito poure fcluetf.tbatpr fo?« geff nottbcappopntcme'toftbcio?bc pour Gob wbpebc be made witb pou, anb tbat pe snake pounograuenpmagc,o?anp ppcturc, that tbf 1 o?bc tbr Gob batbfo?bpbdcn tbe. j © t h ? f r« t * *<>? tbe lo?dc tbp Gob itf a MSmtm fp?c,auba geloufcGob. 3f tbou doft beget cnvlbtf ? cbild?c"0 cbtl* d?en,9 wban |>c banc Dwelt in tbe labc,pe Do * T«r tw f wiUeblp^mahcanprnancr of graue**pma« **gr,andwo?RccueUmtl;erpgbtcoftbclo2d tez* &:-rtbP Gob,top?ouoUe bun to nngcr,3 call beauen anb ertb to rcco?oc agapnft pou tbp* oarctbat re (ball ujotfclppcrim from of tbe lanbc, whether pe go ouer 3o?ban to poffeffe it -. pc iball not p?olonge poure dapeg tbcrin, pit OiallWtcrlpbebcftroped 3ndtbe lo?d (ball fuater von amonge the nacpon&and pc ftalbr lef te fc we m nomb?c amonge tbepco= pic, whether tbe Lo?bc a all bwnge pom and there pe (ball feme gobbctf, wbvebe are tbe wo?be of maws babe, wood and ftonc.wDicD © netber fe , no?beare , no? eatc , no? fmell. *s>furrr.a. * %m tberc thou tyaltfebe the Lo?bet|)P mtmW't ^oo^ aialtfpnbcbpm.pftboufcltebrm w all tbpucberte, anb witb all tbp foule. wbati tbou are intribulacpon, anb wbcnallfljcre tbpngf $( tbat bebcre fpobi of)are come bpa tbe cue" In tbe later bape* , tbou (bait be obe= Went Unto W bopce. ft o?tbe £o?b flmGod i0amtrcvfullGob:bewilluotfo?raUef,nc= *icu^butbcrbcftropcp**Mio?fo?gctpappopntcmeut of tbP fatberjs, which be (ware Witotbcm. jf o? arbc of tbe bape* tbat are patt, wbtcb were befo?c tbefence tbe bare i> Gob createD man upon tbe crtb.anb ( atttofrom the one fpbe of beauenbnto the other, pf cucr tbete came to paffe Cocbagtcatetbing,o? wbetbec anp focbe iv&e tbpngc batb bene betbe. Dpb cuera nacponbeare tbe \jopce of d5obfpca= ftpngt out of tbe mpbbejg of a fp?e, agi tbou baft berbc.ano pet ipuebr'ctber wbetber pott ertbbe fte web tbe bP* Stcate f vm foou Uearbeft bW t»o?= ticjJoutoftbempbtie8(oftbefp^e.3nbbceau- fe be loueb tbP fatber0,be cbofc tbep? fecb af* tcr tbcm.anb b^ougbte tbe out ^w m mfa »& abt,t ttJi- Icabof tbetrpbeof v©ab,anb<0olanin ftft- fanoftl>ctrpbcofa)anaffe. 3 no f tbPJSisS tbe la we wbtcb ^)ore0 fet befoic tbecljPlo?en of jftaeh ^Tbcfe aretlje wttneffr.ftatutejS.nnb o?binaunce0, tM a)ofcptolbctbecbplb?fof3fraelaftertbep came out of egpptc , on tbe other fpbe 3o?' ban, in tbe toalcpouer agapnfttbeboufeof l3eo?,in tbe lanbc of £>ebon (tpitge of tm%* moiltetf wbub b welt at !.)ef 1)6 : wbom a)o» feci anb tbe cbplbjcn of litatl * fmote, after * $ m tbcp were come out of <£gppte,&conqucrcD M 'lanbc ,? tbe lanbc of £>g fepnge jiSafan t wo UpngesJ of m ^fmoaitejs, wbpcb were on tbe otber fpbc3o?ban to warbe tbe fonne rifpnge:from 30rocr wbvcb »5S bp tbe bancfte . of tl;c rpucr 3tnon ) w.tfopon ^% wbrcbtsi^crmon.anbnutbe plapncon tbe otber fpbe 3o?oa n ea ft warbe : euen bnto tbe fee, wbtcb tsf m tbe plapne tntbec tbe fp?3f- , racl t^t o?bmauncejs 9 lawe^ mm 3 fpeafte in poure carcst tbi!B! bape , tbatpe mape lerne Ti , __._ ^Jthem.anb fullf ill tbem tnbeb e %ht !Co?bc oure^obmabtanapopntment witbt)0in1ijoiteb.«^:be lo?bemabenot fflt* bonbewitbouret>»tber0,butwttbt)si:eueti wit5bj5,wbicbareaUberealpuet|)p0bape« &?> %\)t io?be falftcb witb pou ^y face to face in tbe mount, on tc of tlje mpbbctf of tlje f#e. ee.3nb3ftobe betwenc tbcliodbeanbpou tbe fame t pmcnnb ujeweb pou t\i^ wojbc of m Jlo?be.jfo?pe wercafrapebat tbefpgbt , of t[)c fp?e,anb went not bp into tbe mount, L»D.tf.i». * be fovcb * 3 am tbe fcojbc tbP C5ob, wbicb 1 b?ougotetbeoutcoftbelanbcof€gpptcfro tbeboufeof bonbage.'Cbouibaltljaue none . otber gobbed in mp pjcfcucc. to/mm** * €bou (bait malic tbe no gran en pmage 1 ofanpmanfroflpftcncire^ijsmbeaueaboue nnb tbat (Sin ertb benctb, anb tbat isf in tbe watcndbcnctlje tbe ttt^.^axi (bait netber bowe tbp felfe bnto tbcm , no? fcruc tbe , fo? 3 tbe lo?be tbp c!5ob,am a gcloufe <5ob, MU fvttngctbcwpchebncu*eoftbefiuber0 tpon tbe cbplb?en, men in tbe tbpjbe 9 fourtb ge» iicracpon.ainongc tljctljatbatcmc : 9 Cbewe mcrcpcVpontljoiifanbejs, amfigetbem tbat Iouemc,anbUcpemTcommaunbementc0. ... t *12:bou(baItnottaKctbenameof^ no?b ^ tbPC5obfn\)apne:fo?^.tbe lloibe wpllnot liolbf btm gpltleu'e ) ^t«iHetbbts! name f trap* ne. fcepe tbe S>abbotb bape, tbat tbou fan= 13 cttfrcit.aieitbe to?bc tbp 00b batb comaun= jw.rrt«.a Deb tbe* j&pjcebapcsl tbou (bait labonrcanD efo.rm.b. 00 all tbat tbou bftft to bo, buttbe+fcuentb bapcwtbeg&abbotb of tbcio?bc tbp(5ob : tbou (bait not bo anp wojuc, tbou anb tbp fonne , fbPbaugbtcctbpfcruauntc anb tbp tnapbe , tupnc ore anbtbpne a(fe,anb all tbp ca;dl , anb the (tranngec tbat ijswitbin tl)^ gates, tbat tbp feruaunf r 9 tbp mapbe mape rcftatf well an tbou. iteinrmbjr, tbat tbou wait a fecuaunte in tbe lanbc of (Egppt, anb bo we tbat tbe Jloebe tbp <5ob b?ougbt tbe ItomiA out tbence tbo?owe * a mpgbtpe banbcaiib a ftrctcbcb out arme. # 0? wbpebe caufe tbe 3Lo?btbp(5obcommaunbebtbe,toHepetbc «i>abbotbbape. k ! rr b - *IaonouretbPfatbcrattb tbp m otber, asi p w !*« tbe ioibc tl)f (Fob batb commaunbeb tbe : p mumu tbPbapesSmapebe p?olongeb,5tbatitmapc go wciiwitb fin tbe lanbc, wbicptlic ito?b tl)p(25obgcuctbtbe. wb.b.r. * ^bou (bait nol flapc* t 'Cpon (bait not bjeaac weblocftc; fCbou (bait not ftcalc. t^bou (baltnot bcacefairewttncfTc a» gapnft tbp nepgbboure. mut* t^bou (bait not luftc after tbp nepgbou res( wpfe :i*tlmlt not court tbp ncygbbouttf bonfe, bpjs tclbcbpjs ft r uaunte, 0? M map= be , bptf ojee , bP^affe, 0? ougbt tbat tbp ncp= fibbourcbatb.l:bcfewo?bcjxtbeilo?bcfpa^ lie wito all pour multitube intbe mount out of rbempbbctf of tl)cfp?e ,cloube anb barcft« mm, witb agrcate fcopce, attheri nomojc tberto.aub w ?otc tbcm in two tabic* of fto= nc.aubbiipucrcbtbcmlonto me. C aim itfo?tuneD,tbatwbanrcbcrbetbc ifo \ I'wbitj.J. bopec out of tbe mpDbcsf of tljc barclincfre, 1 fawefl)atthebillbrbbtirncwitDfp?e,vcca^ mc bnto me witb t\)c captapnc* of poure f ri- beganb poure clbcn&anb pe iayne •. bebolbc , tbeftojboureCVoDbafDlbewebWbttfSlO' rpcanbblJf grcatnefle,?* wrbauc berbe jitt* c».hf. &. bopccoutoftbempbbc0oftbcfpic:wcbauc fene t\yp% bape , tbat (5ob botb talfte vo)-ti\ a maii,anbbcpetlpHctb..Bowefbfrfo«,wbp fbulDcwc bpc,tliattbv0grca(cfne (bulbc confumc Hat Jt we bcacc tbcbopceoftbc io?bourcC>obanpmo(jre,we(bfilbve.jroi $ tbou mp= gbfeft * fcarc tbe Io?be tbp Gob , anb ftepe *w*»w> niibp0o2binauncc0anbbp0c6maunbemeu= teswbpcb leommaunbe (be: tbou nnb tbp j onnc,anbtbpfonne0 fonne all oapctf of thp tyfe .tbat tav bapetf mape be p? ottoft l^care tberfo?e.€>3rracl,anbtahcbebc, tbat tbou bo tberaf tcr, tbat it mape go well wttb the , anb tbatpemape encreafe mpgbtelp, cue* ass tbe io?be Gob of tbp fatberjj batb p?omp» Iffe 1 tbe a lanbc, tbat flowctb wptlj mplche a no ponp: *:focare i • I ^ I': '* > r- : !t ■*. ji'Jc p flfloCesttpttctt) Hwteitottomfom H5 * *tm* j2> 3MMM< °ffifS^S t n«k.«f .c lotfe onlp.anb * tbonujalt ^Wffi * cqac.rrii.o *•— ■ — ^mS/a-ii *H%Mi#hrtr»fr. <* with All tDP tbttatw Peutetonomltm 5f wmj W V ,* : :,i * *>» c *5** t\w ' (Sob witb all tbpue D^tttt, $ wf wall to? ten*.** bc0 wbt cb 3 comaunbe tbe JHJJSJgiHK in tHinc bcete.anb tbou OialC toew t!£ Unto tbPcbplD:c«.at^ajalttalKeoft5cm\»yenp fceft bp f be wave anb wben tbou Ivcft bou* livnoc W f 02 a f^ffttc Upon tbtne banbe.ano tbc intotbt lanbe, wbpebbe torn* Wgflf fatbcrtf.abjab* 3fabacanb 3acob, at p ge= uetl) tbc great? 9 Booblp cyttcst «HA fjg; DcDft wotTbouf c0 f all of an inaner of fijjbcg wbub tbon fvllcbft not , WWriWVn^ wbicbtboubvsffcbcftnot,tnncvarbcft$pU- uc IbcAm t5 on plantcbft noMnb wbjn tbou baft eaten »art*iU:f ben beware , left tboufo?fiettbeto?be,t»brebebjoiiflbtetbe ' c outeof tlclanbcofegpptfroni i tbjb onft of tftmff tt bonbage. * 'fcbou (bait fcare tbe io?be tbP iSSEbSS: STfcrue bf m, anb «. j^atbmb a0p J- Opb>fr totbettmacpon. *«tbcg tje * c ommaunbcmetc0of tbc Xogc jowj^ffi \t anb bp* witneffctfanbbi* o?b(naScc0 wbtcb be bob commaunbcb tbc , anb tbou ©alt bo tbat wbtcb W «8bt anb goob in tbe MM tbcio?bc:tbattboumap^p?ofpere,anbtbat tbou mapft go tn.anb coquerc tbat gooblabe tDDveDe tbe tojbe fwarcUnto Uyfoflwt j, tocaftottte all tbpneencmpc0befo?ctbe a0 cure (Sob batb comaunbeb pou.' Iben tbou (bait rave Unto tbp fonne-ttc were ffiparaoj bonbmen lit €sVPtc,anb m \ o?be taougbt U0outofeQtptewttbampgbttebaty.3nb tbc tozbe (be web ftgne0$ wonb?c0g*cate 5 euell upo(£gppte,Upottl&barao $ Upon all bp0boutboloe,befojeoureepc0,butb?ougbt U0 oute from tbcncetfo b?pnge U0ob * robPfb jjp ftcpetbpopntmftanbmercpbnto tbem tbat " no,fF louebpmsbepebtfcommaunbemcmc&eue tboiotxie outa fboufanbegeneracpons 1 anb tewaebetbtbe' tbat tatefim^ befoze M -e* f ace.fo tbat be bit ugetb tbem to naugbt,anb botbnotbefcrreftpmcbutrewarbctDbtm tbatbatctbbpm.befojeb^face.lrtcpeft^ f o« tbf commaunbementetf , anb o?bmauce« anb lame*, wbicb3 comaunbe tbe tW bapc tbat tbou bo tbem. m mm , ■ #2tH bcrften bnto tbefe laweAanb ob* *m feme 9 bo tbem, tbe Lo?b t\)v ^ob alfo (ball bepe Unto tbc p* po pntement , anb the mercj wbicb be fware Unto tb? fatbertf. =tee wp lone tbe,* ble(Te tbe,? multiplpe tbe:be ttg nlfo bleffe tbe fruteof tb?wombe,anbtbe ikfffcto* wDm.rr.a. hoCiic. M9>* nero.rrirt-o |ofti.jffi'H(.c »f.M«.r«. frnte of tbPlonbe.tbP co?ne , tbP wpne anb tbpneople ,s tbe ftute of tb(ne ore", 9 tbc floe* a BC)B(oftbpfbepe(n tbe lanbe, vobicb befuja» re bntotbP fatbcrjJ to geue tbe . «ou fbalt be blefleb aboucallnacponsi'.tberefbalbc ne* tbetmanito? woman unfratcfull nmonge pou, no? anp tWng Unfrutcf nil am6ge pour catell.^)o?eoncr $ ILoibc will* take awnpe from tbe allmaner(nnrmttpc0,anb\»tu put none of tbe euell b(feafc0^ of egpptcf wi)i' cbctbou ftnobjcft^bp'ontbe , but tx>pll fenbe i\tem Upon all tbem tbat bate tbe. •flTbou Cbalt cdftime all t^t nactonsf t»bicb tbe lo?btbP (©ob (ball belfoer tbe.tbvuccpe (ball baueno pptie Upon tbem , net bee Cbalt tbou feme tbep?gobbc0,fo? tbat Cbalbe tW bccape.3f tboufapeintbpne bcrt : tbefe na= cpontf arc moo tban 3, bo we can3 caft tbem ont/^Cbou (baltnot fcare tbem, but rente" bzcuJbat tbe JLo?be t\)y (5ob W Unto )5ba rao anb Unto all <£gppte. tbe greate tempta cpontfwbpcbtbptteepctf fawc, anb tbc fp= gnetf.anb ix>onb2e0,anb tbc mpgbtpe banbe anbftrctcbcboutarine,\»berc tbo?o\»c tbc j,o?be tbp (Boh b?ougbt tbe out : cm fo (ball tbc 3Lo?be thv <£> ob bo unto all tbc nacpo n0, of wbom tbou artafrapeb. *4t>o?coucr tije JLo?btbp(5ob\x>iUfcnbc boincttetfamonge tbem Untpll tbep tbat arc lefte, anb bvbc tbem fclue^from tbc , be be* ftropeb.^bott (bait not feare tbem , fo? tbe lo?b tbp (5ob 10 amog vott,a mpgbttc (Sob anb a terrible. 5fo? tbc Lo?be tbp (Sobwpll putouttberenacpon0bcfo?etbc bpa Iptlef a Iptlc* tbou mapft notcfifumc tbem at on= eclcfttbe bcaftc0of tbefeloe encreafe Upon tbe.7i5uttbc toibetbpv5ob(ball gene tbem otter befo?etbe,anb(ballbcftropctbc\»itba mpgbttc tcmpeft^Untill be batte biougbt tbc to nattgbt. * % no be (ball bclpuer tbep? Upu= gc0 in to tbpttc ba"be,anb tbou (bait beftr ope tbcfc name from Unberbcauctt . 'SCberc (ball no man be able to ftanbe bcfo?etbe,Untpll p baucbeftropebtbcm.'5rbcgraue pmagc0 of tbep?gobbr0Ojalt tbou burne t»ptbfp?c,& * court not tbe golbcanbfplucr tbat 10 on tbfino;tafteit unto tbe , left tbou be fnarcb tber (n. St 0? tt (0 an abbonunnc? before tbc lo?be thv d5ob.25?pngc not tberf o?c abbo= mtnacpOintotbpnclioufe.lcfttboube^'a C<^ bamncb tbpnge ,a0 it i0 : but Utterlpe bef pe it anb ibb'ojre it, f 0? it i0 a bamncb tbpnge. C'CbcUiii.Cbaptcr. COS ofw put trtb tlje 3irraeHtw tit tcititms bounce WW ©ooftatb none to ttjem tn ti>c topiDcriiclft. 1 11 tbc commaunbmf tea wbpcb 3 commauttbe tbe i^H bape , u)all pe kepc f 0? to bo tDe: , tbat pemape ipueanbmttltiplte anb ur-^^wJ go (n,attb poflefle tbe ISbe U)bP s «be tbelo?befware unto pour f&tbcta.ainb |*3or.b!],n. tbou (bait tbpuae ott all tbet»ape>vobfcb the ILozbe tbP<5oblebb tbetbp0.]rl.pearc(n t^z UJilbcrneffe,fo2 to buble tbe , $top?ouefbe, 9 towttetubat uja0tntbpnebcrte,t»bctbfe tbouwolbcft Ucpe bP0commaunbmete0o? mft e*bumbleb tbe.anb fuffrebtbetobon-- ***>&*. gre,anbfcbbtbct»ttb^)5na,tDbPcbnctbcr jaumt ^- b « tbou no? tbpfatbcr0 (tneujc of, to make tbc ^ at ,,„ . ftnoDoctbat+anmnootbnotlpuebp bieab * mM,m,,§ * onlptbut bp cuerp'-^f >»o;dc) tbat .peebctb out *m oftbcmoutljoftbe lo?bc,botb aman Ipuc. j& *1l\)V rapniStu}ai;cb not olbeUpo tbe, «es**i*n*ai tber byb tttv f ote fujcll tbcfc.iCl.pearc0. 'Ebp0alfo(balttbouconfpbcrtntbpne berte , tbat a0 a man nourteretb bP0 f onnr , eucnfo tbe to?bctbP0ob nourteretb tbc. 'ftberfi^c (bait tbou ucpe tbe c&maunbcm?* tc0oftbc3io?betbP0ob,tbattbouu)alBeitt bi0wape0,anbfearebpm.jfo?tbelo?btbp (5ob b?pngetbtl;e into a gooblanbe,a lanbe in tbe UJbPcb are rpucr0 of water, anb f ottn* tapn0attbfp?pngc0 tbatfp?(nge out of ua» lepc0 anb bpllc0:a lanbe UJbertni0 tubcatf barlp,Upneparbe0,fpgtree0 anb pSgeana- te0.a lanbe txJbcrtn is oplc olpne anb bonic.-a lanbe, T»bcr in tbou fbalt eate b?eab voptb* outfuarccnetrcneitbccfbalttboulacltcaupc tbpngeialabe^wbofcftoncsarcpzon.^out,,,!, r X u a . of robofc bPUc0? (bait bpggc btaffe . tt>bcn tbou baft eaten tl)crfo?c anb fpllcb tbp fclfe, tbou (bait bicfle tbc t o^b t\)v <5ob in f goob lanbe.tobpcb be batb g_f uen tbe. I6e ware, tbat tbouro?gctt nottljc lotbc tbpd5ob,tbattboui»olbcftnotfecpebp0c6C maunbmcntr0,bp0lau)e0fbi0o?btnarice0 wbpcb 3 commaunbe tbe t^ bape * pee 9 tg^Y*' wben tbou baft eaten,anb fpllcb tl)? fclfe,* hr ' l)aH bpit gooblp bottfe0 9 bt»clt tbertn , anb wben tbp beaftc0. anb tbp tbepc are boar eb manpc ) anbtbpfpluet?golbci0tnttlttplicb, anb all tbat? baft isencrcafeb, tben beware, Itft tbpne bcrtc rpfc 9 tbou f otgett tbe totbe t\)v (Sob, wbpcb biougbt tbc out of tbe l&bc of i^gppte, anb from tbcboufe ofbonbagr,f tobpeb wa0 tbp gpbc in tbc greate anb trrri* blc wplbcrnc(Tc( wber in were )fp;pc fcrpcn= te0,fco?pion0,anbb}outbwttboutanproa* ter.26tttbc b?ougbt out water fo? tbc , men outoftbcrocUcofftvnt:befcbbfintbewtl= berneffe wptb <&)atma , wbpcb tbp fatbertf ft ne we not,eucn fo? to buble tbc, anb to p?o= tie tbc anb tbat be mpgbt fobo tbe goobat tbp later cube. left tbou Omlbcft ntpcintbpnc bcrtc *mp *!• "«•«•»• power* tbe mtgbtofmpncawne babe batb *° P?epflrebmcfbp0abuttbauncc:25utrcmem b?c tbc ILo.tbc tbp <5ob,\)o we fit i0 be wljtcb gcuetb tbc power to get fubftauccfo? to ma ftcgoootbcp?omeu"c wbpebbe fwarc unto tbpfatbcr0,a0tbp0bapcbotbwptne(fe. 3nb pf tbou fo?get tlje &o?bc tbp (Sob, anb walltc after ftrauge *gobbe0,anb ferue **«m* t ft tbem 1. t. II 1* .1 $?ecepte* Jleitterottomfttm anb lames 4M"Utt»,y«t r t tl)cm,?wo?u>mtbcm,3tcftifpct)ntopou tbtsj bapc, tbat pe (ball furclppcrpm3*tbc uactoittf wbpcb tljc lo?bc Dcftrovctl) below pon,cuc"fopcibaUpcrp{pc,bccaurcpc wolbe notbcobcbicnttontotpcoopce oft|)c lAfW pourc 000. £Y|K .fcdMpftr* CSWaft Cojbpnotn to (rultin Hep; alone Bnuigtli. OBarc «D Iftael , ppnCTcft oucc 302ban tl)p0bapc,togoin,ano conquerc nacpon* greater mp= gntict tpen tbp fclfc: cptic* area fffliiMttdiica toptopeaucn.a * people grcate anO tall , cum tljc cpplO?cnof the euaMm*, wppcb tbou femranft of , ano of wbo tbou baft l)crDc fapc. wbo wpll ftaoe l)cfo?r tbc cbplb?e n of enacft ( ftinbecftanbe tbcrfo2ctbp*bapc,tbattbe &o?be tbpd&oO i*cucnpcwppcbgoetb oucr bcfoie tbc a* a ^ vtdinwdnmc ano)a confumpngc fp?c , be iooll beftrope them anb pe (ball b?pnge tbc bow* ne bcfo?c tbp face. ^emallcalt tbcm out,* luwiffc tbcm to nougbtquicl$lp,a* tbc lo?0 patbiapebtontotpc. . , S>pcakc not thou in tbpnepcrtcaftertpat tbc JLtyO tbP ©ob patb caft tbcm out bcfo?e trtc)rapiiige:fo?inprpgbtcoufnc*tpcio20c jjatpbiougptme in.to pofleffe tbv* lanbe. f*ap,butfo?tpc wpckcbncflc of tbcfc nacp= 0110 tbe toibe batb caft tbcm outbefo?c tbc. 3t »0 not foi tbv rigbteoufnc* fafec o? f o? tbp rpgbtpcrt,tbattpougocft to uoffeffe fpep? labc. * iSut f oi tbc wycacbncuc of tbc f c na= cion*,tbc Lo2bc tbP C5ob botb call tbcm out bcfoictpe.cuctopcrfamictbcwojbc.wpicb tbc iozbc tbp <3ob fware Ontotpp fatbee*, 3b;abam>3fabacanb3acob. m , B anbcrftanbc tperfo2e tbat it i* not fo? tl;p rpgbtcoufnc*iakc,tbattbe lo?be tbv6oO botpgeue tpe tbP*goob lanbcto pofleffe it fepngc tbott art a ftiffcnccUcb people, i&cmt bic? fo2getuot>bowetboup?ouoBrbcft tbc lo?bctpp iSobtntbc wplbcrncffe, fence tbe oapef tboubpbbcftbcparte out of t^e ISbc of egppte Ontpllpe came Unto tbP0 place, * rt^bn.b -», c bane tcbclleb agapnft tpe lo?0.* 3Hft in ^oicbpcangrebtpc to?be,fo tpat tbc &o?D wa* wxotl) wptb pou, cue" to pane beftropeb pou,wpan3 wa*gonctopinto tbc mount, to rcccaue tbe tab!c0of (tone, tbe tabic* of appopntment, wppcb tbc Hojbcmabe witb pou.3!nD 3abobcm tbc ppll.rl.bapc* $.%l. npgbte*, wban 3 nctber ty* cate b?cab no? 02ankewatcr.*2tnbtbcilo?bbclpucrebmc * -w 11 * ti»o tabic* of ftouAW2ptcn witb tbc fpngcr of <5ob,fr in tbcm xoa0 acco?bpngc to all tbe wo?be«wbicptpeio?befapeb tmto pou in tbe mofit out of tbc mpbbe0 of tpefp?e in tpe Oape.oftbegatperpngetogetbcc- 3nb wpetbc.jcl.bape^.tf.npgptc* were enbco, tpe &o?oe gaue me tin two table* of *£ra{.rM". mt.ptfiftt. ftonc, tbe tabic* of tbe couenaunt,anb toe loibc fapoc^nto me.# 9Lip,$gcttbe ooune *mom\ quicftelpfcBbcnce.fojtbppcopletDbicblDou Daft bzougbtc out of egppte , baue marreO all. wparctumcb attoccout of tbe wape, iBbicbe3coniniauOcotbem,anbbanemaOe tbfamoltenpmasc.jfuitbcrmo^ctbeio^O fpalic \)iito me fapingc:3 baue fene tOP*peo C plcanbbcbolDe ,iti0a (IprTeucckeo people, let me alone,tbat 3 mape Oeftrope tljf , anO put out tbc name of tbcm fro Wee beanen, an03 Wjfik make of tbe a mpgbtie nacpon,t greater tbantbep be. 3Bnb 3 turaeb me, anb came Ooune from tbc W C e ncn from tbc bpll that burnt voptt) fpje)anb tbc two tabic* of tbc appopntmet were in mpbauOe*.3uo 3 loueo, $ bebolOe, Vt bab fpimeb agapnft tbe io?oe pour do'oo, 9babmabcpouamoltcncaifc,anObabtur* neb attocc out of tbe wape wbpebe tbe lo?0 ^ „ babcommaubeopou.*anb3toKe tbettoo *«^mm tabic0 anO caft tbcm o'ut of mp two banoe*, anb b^anc tbcm before pourc epe*. * 3n03 J,g°ffl» fell bowneffnt before tbc i.o?bc:euenn*at ' tbc f p?ft tpmcanb.icl.bape* f .jcl. npgbte* 3 bpb nc tbcrcatcbjicab no? b?incluwatcr,be» caufe of all pourc Ipnnc* , wbpcb pc fpnneO, in bopngc wpckcblp in tbc fpgbt of tbe ioj ii« tbe moutb of tbe io*be poure oO , anb ne* tDfrbcIcucDbim.nozbcrftciicDluntolHJJtoop ce.^e baue bene Otfobcbicnt Wito tbc ioibe, fence ttt oapetpat 3 unewe pou. 3nb 3 fcllOownc flat before tbe i,020.;t1* bapc*,anb.]t:l.npgbtc* wbicbe 3 We tpcre, fo? tbe JLojtbe fapbe , tbat be wolbe beftrope pou. 3 maoe intcrcctTpon tljcrf 02 e tmto tbe 3Lo?be,anb nipe0:*j© t02bc v5ob , beftrope *«erc tf& not t\)v people 9 tbpnc citbcritauncc , wbpcb °' tbou baft Oclpucreb tljo?ow tbP grcatnc(fe> anb wbicb tbou baft tyougbt out of egppte tbo?owea mpgbtte banb . Uem2b2c tbp Un* uaunte* 3b?abam,3fabac anb 3acob , anO lode not onto t^e ftobutnefte of tljispeoplc, net to tbcp? wiebconeffe^ fpnne:left tpelabe wbeurt Ueutewnommm % wbettcetboub^ougftteftta^fape^beloi. be i* no* able to bjpnge tpem in to t^t tfbr, wbPcbpep?ompfebtbem:aiib bccatifebc ba- ttn tbem,tbeefo?c batl; be carpeb tbcm out, toflapetpem in tbc wplberncffc . 25cbolbc, tpcparctpppeoplc.aiibtppneenberitaucc, wbpcpetboub2ougblcft out in tbp mpgbttc power anb in tbp ftrctcbcb outarme. CCbc.iC.Cbaptcr. Jt^ettnurnge of tit (ablcar.au tftottat ion togeuelieoetottjciatoe. iatbcfainccrarontbcH020 fapbcwitomc^bcweftwo table* of ftone Ipttewitotbc fp?ft,aiib comevp witome in to tbc mount, smaue tpe aii30rcucofwoob,$3wlll *. ^ , , W2pte in tbe table*, tbc wo? mt wereintbe fp?ft tabic* wbicb tbou b2a fteft,? tbou qialt put tbem in tpe arclie. 3Cnb 3mabeanarcftcofrfti)tinwoob,aiiobcwcO *c».«rt/.e two tm *P offtonc*lil$e onto tije f p*fr,ano went top in to tbe mountapnc, baupimc tije two table* in mpnebanbe. tmtMi* 2tnO be w?ote in tbe table** acco2bpnge to m fpjft . w?ttpngc( tbc ten tocifc* wbicbe toe Jtojbefpaltc onto pou in tljc mount out of tbcmpbbe*of fpcfp?c,intbcbapc of tbe gatperpngc togctbcr)anbtbcLojb gaue tbe" **.„ r,t, f y^ommm 3bcpartcb, aiibca'mc bowne ****** from tbe bpll.anb^puttbc table* in tbe ar= cue wb«cb 3 pab mabc: anb tberc tbep be,a* ft tl;clo?becommaunbcbme. m *3lnbtbccbplb?en of 3(Yacl tolietbepi tourncpfi'oni26crotb oftbc cbplb2cn of 3a= ♦flumw.t.. nan to encn3*at tprfp?ftfimc.ri.bape*aii0.jcl.npgptc*,anO m Lo?bc bcrlicneb onto me at tpat tvmt al» [o,t tbe &o?bc wolbe not beftrope tbe. 3no «jeio?bcfapbconfomc:top,nnogofo2tpiii tbciourncp*befo?c tbepeople , ^tbepmapc go tn,anb conqucre tbc lanbe wpicb3 fware tonto tbcp? ftitbcr*. to gcue Onto tbem. h*« M ^» Dnowc 3/w^tt , batootbtpcio?otbp ponj.bi.il. (goo rcqnier of tije * but to feare tbe lo?Oe »6ew b< h W *&.* ano t0 wnlBC in «M bp* wape* , to mmi *i°»e opm.anO to feme tbe io?oe tbp d£oO MMMM wtfljalltbpne bcrte $ witb all tppfonle:€a melp,t!wftDoH nepettie eommaanomeiitc* 5To tmrrriit* of tbe to?be,anb bP*otbina'unce* wppcb 3f cfimaunoctijc tbp*bape,fo?tpp weltb. 23c= bolbe.beaucnanbtbe pcaucn ofbeauen*i* the to?oe*tbpc5ob,anb tbe crtb wptb all|» toerin (*:i9otwptbftonbpnge,ibc lo?bbab oiiiftontotbpfatber*tolouetb5,anbcbofe tpep? feeo after tbem, cuen pou,abouc all na= cpon*,a* tt)6u feeft tlwsi bapc; * Circumcpfe tperf o?e tbe fo2clfcpnne of "& pourc barte,anb be nomo?eftiftnccucb: 5fo? **>tu.m.i. tbcHo?bepourC5ob,i*alanbctbatflo« *a>w.t>«.«». njcttJ wptb mplch c anb fconpe.* if 02 tbc la- ce wbttbcrtbou gocft to pottcffcit.i* not a* the lanbe otCfltptftctPc came out of, where t^oii fowcbtt top fecbanb o^- watcrcoft it wptbtbv fcte a*agarDcn of hetbcg: but W lanbe wjipthce vegooticrto uoffcffc it,i*a lanbe tbat hatbbPlle*anb ualci'c*,anb otfn IsctO water of tDcr apne of bcaue. ifchptf Utbc both the :tojbe tbp ©on caw f 02 , « tbc epe* of tbe lojbetbptSobarc alwape* upon it, from the begpnnpngc of the pcare, Unto the enbe of the pcare. 3f pou (ball bcrRcnthcrfoje Unto mpc8* maunbemente*, wbpcb 3 commaunbe pou tbp*bapc,tbatpc lone the lojocponre d5ob $ feme him wptb all pourc hertc.ij wptb all v .„«*«W*etonl* * 3 alfo wpll geue rapne Unto JjSaS* pourclabcinbueccafomthetpiia rapneanb g'moB.»g.b. tbc latccthat tbou mapeft gather m thpcoj nc, tbp wpne $ thpne oplc. Hub 3 wtllfcnbe grafic in tbP f elbe* f ot thp catell : tbat tb on mapeftcate.nnbfpUtbp felfe, JCttt beware that poure bettebcecauc ponnot $pc turne arpbc,anbfccuc ftcattge d&oobe*, anD wo?* (hpp tbem,anb tben tfce 1,02b bepnge W2otD * M¥ agapnfr pou, * (butt Up tbe beaucn , # there in *tw«.« benorapnc,anbtbat?oure lanbe peine not flmce.utj.b.i her frutc,anblett?e|ieep(h quicttlp from of tbegoobia.be,wbpcbtbcL020egcuctl)pou. «r 'fc&crfoje (ball pe put Up tljcfc nip wojbc* *^ra.w.ir in * pourcb«te aim in pourc foulc,$bpnbc p,-9uw.ttj.8. the foj a fpgnc Upon pourc banbe , tbat the? mape be a*a warmngc betwene pour cpe*, ui . anb pe (ball *teacb them pourccbiib2cn that »™E?«u tbepmapctalheoftbcm, when tboufpttcft ***** uubpnc ijoufcanb whS tpou warned bp tbc waperwben tbou ipettbownc,* wben tbou rpfeftUp:peeanb tbou (bait wipte theuuo tbeboje potted of tbpne honfe.ano Upon top 5 ate*, tbat pour bape* mape be m ultiplieb, 5 0>c bape* of pour e cbflb&in f lanb whpcb tbc iotfje fware unto pouce fatter* eo geue tbcm , ass longe a* tbe bape* of beauen laft upon tbe ertb . #02 * pf pe fcepe all tbefe commaunbme"tc*, wbtcb3 commaunb pou fothat?cbotbem:4aamclp,thatpelouetbe 1020 pouce ©ob, 9 walne in all ym xnapejl, anbcleaue Unto bun, itbenuipll tbe lojbe cattoutalltDeftnacpon0befo?epou,anbpc Cbalbetbebepwjs of great nanoiwianb of tbe *3ioruM.«. tbat are mpgbtpct tben pourc felue*.* m ftimtrcabcfoalbepoure&euenfrotbeMM* teenefCt anb from libanno ,gtfeo tbe rpuct eupbiatetf.eue Unto tbe Uttemoft fee , mil pouce c oafte be . HTbere flball no man be able to ftabir bef o?e pou:f o? t^z iojoc poure €»ob fljailcafttbeftare »b?eabc of pou Unon all tbciaoe tbat pe Cbailtreabe Upon>a0pe b«itb fiipbe unto pou. h *^5ebolbe,3 fct befoie pou ttpsmape , a s> Weffpnge^acuefc+a blclfpufftcpfpe «W!J*»t tt)e comaunbinfttjs of tUe lo?be poute €ob wcw ww«« t»bpcb 3 commaunbe pout|)p$lbape.3nb a curie : pipe topllnot obepe tfie commaunb= ingtos of tbe tojtbc poure ©oD.but turne out of tbc t»ape,t»OPCb 3 commaunbe pou tbp* bapc ,to go after ftraungc gobbej3,u»l)pcb pe jauc not utiowen. A Wcntbcio^etDpdUob tberfow barb bjougbt tbe In to tbe lanbe , wtyrfer pgoeft topoffeffett.tDouOjaltputtbe * Dlcdfttse * oc "ffWf.i» Upon mount <25aci jt m ,* tbe cur fe Upo moat ebal,tt)bpcb(mountavncsi)are on tbeotDee fpbe3o?banon tbebacue fpbe of tbe wape totonroetbegopnge oounc of tbefonue,tnp lanbe of tbc cauanite? vftvty btxicl in tbe piapneoueragapnadSiigalbcfpbetbegro* tie of «)o?cb.3to? pe fiballpafle oner 3o?ba= tte.to go ln,nnbpoffeu*e tbe lanbe, t»blcbtt)e t o?bc pour (Sob gcuetlj pou,anb pe ftall co querctt.f biDcutbcrln.'Srabe ^tht tbcrfwe tbat pe bo all tbe commaubcmcntejsanb la* tocjs,\»l)vcb 3 fctt before pou tbpj? bape. CCbc-JCit.Cbaptcr. C:ai»oi8trPf mun tbc 31fratlft« Mtttop t ano rice f com. ttyep mutt onclp oo tyat ttyntt tobies i5o» commamtbetb. I lacfc arc tbe o^blnannceji attbia 3 UjfjXttJbtcbpcujnU obferue anb bo in tbe lanbe,t»bpcb tl)t lo?b ©ob of t\>v fatberjs genetb tbe r I to pontile it.ajeflongeaiBipe Ipue Upontbecrtb-*£* ftallbeftrope all place* *»w.wi,t wberc in tbc nacfoml wfjicb pe (ball conque* re fcrueb tbeir d5obbcjS, Upon bpc m ountap= nejs.onbpllejs , anb unber euerp tbPcU tree. ^Ducrtb?otBctbcp.tnltcr0,anb b?cafte ttyn uiler*. anb burne tbeir groucjswitbfp^e anb 5ev»c bourne tbc smite" pmagcis of tbe ©ob= be* that tbcp baucanb b?inge tbe name* of tbem to noiigbtc out of p place. *s- ge qjall *&* tiotbofo Unto tbc JLoibe poure d&ob, but pe (hall fefte tbc place , wbpcb tbc M&e poure (J5ob(ballbaue cboftn out of all poure trp= «e*, to put W name tber e, « tbcre to ©well. 3&nb * tbptber tbou (bait come.ano t\)vw* *■*& ma pe (hall bipngc poure burnt faccifpee*, pour m.tm offrpnge*,pourc tptbc* , anb foeueoffrpngc* of poure WDf, poure to owe*, pour freunUof= ferpnge*anbtbe fpjft gcnb?ebof pourc m anb of pour (tjepf.3nb tberc pcChnll cate bc= fojctljelojDcpouretSoD^pe ujall rciopre In all tbat peput pourc banoe unto botbpe anbpoure bou(bolbe*,U)fter(ntbe iojbtbP <5obbatbblcRebtbc. , . . tt ,^ £c (ball not bo after all the tbpnge/p t»e as bobere tbp* bape , euerp man what lemetp hpm goob in M awnc cpe* . If o»:pe are not pctcometoceft.s totl)eetibcntaunce,t»b|cb ■ tbe lo?Oe poure C5ob geuetljpou.TiSut wna te go ouer3o?ban , aubbwell in the lanbe ♦Dcu.r.b. ins.flmt.a wbpcb tbe iojbcpour dEToD batb g enen pou to cubcret,aub ujoan X^t batb geucn pou red froali poure cnempe*rouoe aboutcfotbat pcowelinfofetpctben Unto? place wbvcb tbc Lo^be pourc C5ob batb cbofeu, toputlji* nametbercpeitjall b^pngc all tbat 3coiu= maunbe pou:0amclp, pourc burntliicrifp- cc*. pourc otlerpngc* , poure tpt\x&,tl)c be = ucofff ringc of pourc banbe , $ all poure fpc» eiall toott)c*,H)b(cl)pc u owe Unto t\)t io?b. 3nbpe(ballrciopfe befoje tlic to2be pourc <5ob,pcanb pourc fonnc*,? poure bough* tcr*, poure fcruauntc*anb pourc mapbe*, anb tbc teuite tbat t* wpthtn poure gntca *fozafmocba*bcbatljno parte no; cnljer(» tatinccwptbpou. ^Tahcbcbe tbat tbou offer not t\)p burnt* orfcrpngc* in euerp place f thou feed; bnt in tbc place wbpcb tt)t loibi (halt banc cljoreti in one of t\)y> tepbe*, tberc tljou Cbalt oScr top burntofft ringc*,anb tbcre tbou Ujalt bo allrhat3 commaunbe tbe. Botwptblran« bpngetbottmnpft hpll anb rate ffcOjctn all tbpcpftc0,wbatfocucr tbp foulcluftctb af= tc r,acco2bpngcto tbc blcffinge of the iloibe tntat,f\>.t>. tbp C5o5,\»b»cbbc batb geucn thc*botbtbe UnclcanennbtbeclcancmapeattHcrof,cug n* tbc roo, o: tbe bert:onlp pe(|>nll not cate the bloub, hilt powjetttopo the crtl) a*wa-- tccChoumapftnot eatewptbin tbpgatc* tlje t(tbcoftbpco2itc,of tbp wpiicanb of tbp ople.anb tbe fp2ftgenb2cb of tbiucorcn.aiib (jroftbpajepe,nctbcranpofthpuowc*wbpcb tbou'Uowcfl: ) uo2tbPfrcwilofTringc*02be« ueoffcrpnge of tbpne banbe .- but tbou muft eatc tbem bef 02c tbe t02bc tbp c5ob , tntbe place wbicb tbc Lo2bc tbp C5oo bath cbolcm tbou, anb tbPfonuc.nnD thp baughtcr , tbp fcruauntcanbtbpmapbc,9ftbc Ictutc tbat t*wptlnn tbp gatc*:anD tbou (halt reioptc t*wiccanbbcrcfrer(bco;bef02CtbC JL02be tbp<5o0, nutMt* f« all tbat tbou putted tbpne b5be to. * iSc- ware , tbat tbou f oifahc not tbe leuitea* longi?a*tboulpue(r upon the ertb- 3f ( wben tbc lojoc tbP y5'obbathcnlar= gcbtj)pboabera*bchatb p2omifcb pvtbott ftipc:3VDpllcatcflcfaj,bceaufetbpfoulelou getbto cateftcajc.? mapcftcairflctfic wbat focticr t^ Toule luftcth . 3f tbc place wbpcb t\it JLo?bc tbp ci5ot» harhebofen to putlji* na metbfre,betofarrcfromtbc,tb? tbou lhalt hpll of tbp oxen $ of tbp ujepe wfticb p I02D batb geucn the,a*3 bane commaunbeb t))e, 9 tbou (halt cate in thine awne cptie, what jstu.jb.1,. cocttcr thy foule luftetb . * 3Bn'0 a* tbc 100 9 ti;e hertc t*eaten,euc to tbou Qialt cate t^t: botb tbccleaneanb tbc UncleancQiall cate of wnmut thcm.)But be ftr5gc*tbat tbou eatc not tbe blbube .# o*thcbloubc,thati* tbelpfc ,aiib tbou mapft not cm tbe Ipfe tnytb tbc lle(he: tbou (bait not eateit,butpow2cir Upon tbc crtb a* water . fbt tbou cate it not, tbat it 3fo,lrrh; mape go well wptb the, anb wptb tbv chp|» b^aftcr tbe: jRnt tbou (haltoo tbat,wmch (* rpgbt in m fpgbte of the lozbe. 7&tifrs~tift bolpc tbiftgc* whicbtbou ^> bad,anbtbpuowc**tbou(S s *K f L"- t; feu, anb tbou (halt offer tbp bucntolfringctf, botb flelhcanobloube upon tbe alter of tbe iLo2DetbpC5oO,anb the blottbe of thpne of- fcringc0Cbalbcpow2cboutUpo the alter of the I02D tbp (S'oo,* tbou (hale eate tbe fleftj. 'CaUel)cbe,?beareall tbefe W02be* wbpcb 3 cOmaunbe the,tbat it mape go well wptb tbe.atib wptb tbP cbplbtf after the fo2 eucr, pftbouboefttbat wbpcb (ogoob anbrpgbt in tbe fpghte of tbe to2bc t^ <5ob. U)ben tbe loibe tbp (5ob batb beftropcb tbe nacpon* before the , wbctber tbougotft to cottquecc them , $ tbou fucccbeft in tbepi inbcritaunce.anb bweUcft in thep2 lanbe': 2i5ewarc, tbat tbou be not tauntma fnare after tbcm^ after tbat (bepbe ccftropeb bc» f 02c tl)e , ano that thou aCne not after tbeva \Sohbcfif, Giptnge : bowe Dpb thefc ltacpon* fcrue tbeir <5obbe0." 3 wpll Oofo lyhc wtl'c. *jaap,tbou(haltnotboroUnto tbc iotbc AbMtbMi tI)p(5ob:f02all abbomiuacton*,«)' wbpcb *** mu tbe 2,02b batetb.tbe fame banc tjcp bone Uu to tbep2 <5obDc*.jff 02 tljepburnc botb fbepi f onne* anb t^m banghtcr* wptb fP2c be f 0'^ rcthep2Gobbc*.'i tbc Eojboanb * put tbou nought tbcrto , 1102 * J«t*u 1 .t, tafcc ought tbcrfrom. **£<£?&- _. wom.m * Cfchc.tfij.fthapfct. Cffibc falfc p^opbete mud be put to bcatb.Cob p;ou«b outc faptb bp falfc inpiacic*. #thcrearpfcamagcpoua*p2o= % pbetc 02 a bicamer of Dicame*, * ant.itn.c. ano geue tbc a fpgnc , 02 a won* l^^-g^^lbcr , anb that fpgnc ot wonber wbpcb be batb lcipbecoinctopau"e,aiibcbeii fapc:lct U*goafter ftraugcC5oobe* whucb tbou baft not kuowcn,anb let U* feme tlje": bctftcn not tbou Unto tbe W02DC* of chat mophete 02 bicamer of bjcame*. * rf oVthc tw-tw.* I02befbp(5obp2ouetbpou,to wefc , wbc* tber pe lottc t^e l02bc poure <£>ob \opth all poure berteano with all pour foule/^e (hall walfccaffcrtbe to2bcpoure c5ob,anbfcare bim, feepc hi* commaunbmente* , anb herhg Unto hp*Uopce, feme bim, anb cleaue unto hpm.* 3nbpp?opbetco2 bicamer of tgcft« & mm* me* (hall Opcuecaufe bebatb fiyohen to fur* fi'i^-?- nepouawapefeom tbc I02bc pourc C5ob, g** 1 ** (vofjit^ b2ougbt pou out of tbc lanbe of @= ** crpptcanbbclpucrebpouDutoftbcboufcof 66bage)totb2udtbeoutoiftbewape,whtcb tbelo^betbp^obeemaunbeb tbc to walVr iuranb tberfo2e tbou (bait put p cuellawapc from tbe. ni^ urn fe 5/ i.vi : * -c-l meatt& I t i ; St *._H af t^p b? otfter,t^e fotiue oe tbp mother, o? mm aume fonne, o? thy baugbtcr,*)? t pe Wtettwtlyctbintpybofpme^jtbyfeenbe whicbiSns tppne a wnc foule otitofltotnti* cc y Cccretly,faymct:lct *)S go 9 feme ttraun* ge tf ob&W,wppcot'po»Mt not- know* ho? fcttpyfathcrs,3nDfucpbcoftpc<0oDDcS of toe people sM arc rounbe aboutc pott, ■wpetber tocy be npc *nto tbe o? farrc of fro the, from tbe one cube of the crtpWito tbe o* tW> Utom (halt not confente tonto pirn, n o? porttetrnfopiimtbiuc eye (hall not pitic pirn ne the r (bait P bauecSpa w5 ouptm,no?kepe * otu.ri>«).b htm fcerct*outcaufc bim to be flayne. UPP* _ ne banbc(hnlbefy?ft>)ponhiinto uyllpym: C 9 tbe n tiic hanbes of all the ueopfe.3no tpou Qjaltttone bim wptb ftoneStbat bcbye,bc= caufc Math gone aboutc to tp?utt pawayc from tpilojbc tby 9fpallnotbcbyltagayne.*3nb tpcrcttjall «S!mSu cleauc naught of tpc bamnebtppngc in tht* *' m ,F ' ncpaXt&nttDe loibemapeturne from tbe f careeneffe of bys w?atb»anb me we the met cpe^nbhanecompalTponon tbe»anbmul» ttplyctbc, aShepatbtoo?ne tmto thy fa* jcjro.iir.a. tbcrS. =v 'Qr^etf ojeftialt trjoutjecbS tinto trjc UoyceoftbeLo?bctby<£oo,tokepeall m commannbmentes, wbpcb 3 comamtbetpe thisbaycy thoubo it,whicbiS rpgptintbe eyes of the Lojtbe t|>p ciTob: CCDeoCiiij.Chaptcr. Glftrmanmof tbe gentpics mapenotbefo* lototO.lflDljat brsltcff accticant Co be tat rn.anft tobatnot. '© are the cpilb?c" of the I,o?by one ,<5ob.*2>eCpall not cut yotrrcfcl- ucS , no? make you any balbueS Ibetwene youre eyes fo? any becb 'man.* tfo? thou art mi holy peo» pie ijnfo the J,o?bc thy ©oo , anb the 3U;tbc * £eu(.f.b. * £>tu.bu'.a. ■ ■Tru pathebofenthctobca feucrall people *mto hym relfe > abotie all the nacyoS tljat are t)p5 the crtb. 'EDou (bair^rateno mancr ofabpomfoa* „„. rt . icte.ia: hefc arc the bcaftcjS tobich pe Choll eate ** W( '» I * Of oyen,(hcpe anbfioatctf , beet , too nnbbu- lillerioUDrgoatc^uicomc.wplDeorcnjCa* imeliOnb all bcaftctf that cleaue tpe poffe. ,anD flytteit into two clawcjS, anb chewe y tub.tpcitt ye (ball eate. .^cucrthelcfre.trjcfcpeftiallttot eate of them that cbe we cub a ub of them that bmv* be anb elratie the boric : the camcll , the pare anb the conyc: whycb che we cub, but beuybe jiottrjehoffc.-tbcrfojiearctbep onclcanc \m= to you:anb alio the f wincthough be beuibe t^e poffe,pct he cheweth npt cub , therfoje i)S be\jnclca!ic\)ntoyou:yc(ballnoteateofthc fled) of foche, no? toucijctpe beab carfecfle of tpctn. J , *^nefepc(pon eate of all that arc tn the *mm waterS^Uthathaue fpnness 9 fcolefl fball ye eate t3nfc whatfocucr hathnotfynncjS^ fcaleS, of that ye maye not earc,but it W\>u= cleancVntoyou. m m «» 0f all cleane by?bcS yc fliall catcrbut tpe^ » ITcare they of wbpep pc iljall not eate: the €glc,tpe goftaultc.anb the co^mcrant , the 3jCion,tpcoultnr,trjekptc after her aynbe, anb all hpnbc of ranemMpe€ttritcb,the ny- Chtceowe , tl)c Uucuowe , anb the fparowe hawk after her hpnbe.the ly tie oulc, y great oule.tbcbacB.thc bitture.tpe pye.tpe fto?fte, the Dcron.tfte 3ay in W Itynbe.t he lap win* ge,tl)e fwaloue . 3tnb let all crepingc foulest be\)ncleane\)ntoyou,anbnot be eaten of: but of all cleane foulr Spc maye catc.gc ttjall ^ eat of uotppnge tpat bycrp alone: 25ut tpou *&$ tbaltgeucit^nto^crthc ftraungcr thattjB in tpp cptie y tbat be eate it, 0? thou marCfel it tinto an aiiant. Jf 01 thou art an bolp peo= plc\)itto tbe lo?be tljy C5ob.1S:bou^alt not *fctljcaRpbin hps' mothers mplcae. +m*.m\ 1l)ou ("bait tytbc all t^t encreafe of trjy aim. mm feeb , that tlicfcibc l^yngetb fiirtp ycarcby yeare:3fnb tpou ibalt eate before tbe loibc thpd5ob,(in the place * wbpep lie patpepo* ** w - n '* fen,anb where he batl) put W name )t&etp= tbeoftbpcoznc.ofthpwpncfoftppneoyle, anb the fp?lt gcnbjeb of thpne oxen 9 of thp 0)cpe,f t&ou mapft learnc to fearc the lojbe tbyC5oballwayc; #3f t&e way c be to Ioge f 0? tpc 4 that f *»r«.jiu. artnot able to carycft.tpf the place be favre fro tbe, wbicfttbe 3Lo?b thy ca>oD hatbehofen tofetbiS namctherc(anb the 3Lo?b thp 00b batbbIcu*ebthe)tbeua)altpmaBeitittmo= ncy , 9 take f money in tppne banbc,9 go \jn= to the place whycb the Lojbe tbP " R: * tethou(baltbolphewife.?Cnbletit not gre= "° uc thpnc eye, wha thou letteft him go out frc frothc,fo?hchathbcncwo2tha boublc hy- reb fecuaute to the in hys ferutce f pre yercs, 3Cnbtbe lo?be tbptfob ihall blclfc tbe m all tpat tbou bocft. *3EUtbefp?ff gebieb tbat come of thpnc , £oi rrb6B oren, anb of tbp irjepc that arc males, tpou (halt halowc tmto the toib thy (5ob.^iiou fpalt bo 110 woike with the fp?ft genbub of thyncoren.itermcrethc fy?(fgenb2cb of tbp Qiepc^bou (bait eate it befoze the Lo:b thy (5obyearc by ycare , in tbe place wbpch the JLozbc hath chofcn.botbthou anb tbynebou lholbe.3f there be anp befo?myte thcrin,as yf it be lame, o?blpnbe, 0? Ijaue any other cuellfauoiebneffe.thou (bait not offer it \m to tht to?b tby <5ob:jBut (halt eate it with-- inthyneawnc.^r*gateS ) tbeWicleancanb'^ Ji tbe cleane (nbiffcrcntlp,aS tbe roo 9 tpc pert. * Dcu,rtt - b ' CiUy eate not the bloubc therof , but ponce it upon the grounbe as water. Cfcpc.toj.Cpapter. C ©f Carter .UibPtfontpoe.ano tbe featt o^ f abcr - iucle9.w>bat offpeete eugbt to be o;Depncb. 25fcrue tbe * monetb of newe J. eo?nc , tbat tbou mayeft offer * cro ^* (J tpafrcoiier tmto tbe llo:bc tby 1 *n>&.nu. C5ob. 5! 0? in tbe monetl) whan Jco?ne beginnetb to rpye.tpe lo? be thy (5oo b?ought the out of egypte by nygbt . ^hou (halt tbcrfoie offer pattcouce tjnto tbe io?bc thy eobfaiib (hepe anb ore ) in the place whycb the Ho?bc mall chofcto put his name thcrcftbou (palt eate no leue* neb b?eabwith it: but fcuen bayes (bait thou eate onleueneb b?eb thcrwitb: cue tin b?cab oftrpbiilacyon(fo?tbou cameft out of the laubcof €gyptc in hade } tbat tbou mayft rcmcmbie tbe baye, whethou earned out of the lanbc of (ggypte , allbaycS of tpylyfc; 3 no there (hall be no Icueneb b?cab fene in all tby coaftes feuen bapes longc, neytpce fliall there remaync any tbyugeof tbe flelpc Which tbou offreft tbe rp?ft baye ateucn, 011= tpllthcmo?nynge. k iiii Upon f it J 11 M M ->"?- !(3 ;5ffeaffBapts Heuteronomftmt 3foolattve i # . H 4 1 1 »' US ^rnou mapft not offer tMifbotitt wptbf n anp of tbp gate*, wbpcb tbc ILojthc thpciSob *J>tu.rtifl.crrcUCt^tl)C:Out*intl)eplnCCtOWtOClLO?D ant. FM.b. g, p ^oD Qmllcbofcto fct Wtfname in, there tbou wait offer patffcoucr at cue , aboute tDc gopngcbowncoftbcfonne,cuctt in tut cea* foil £ toon cameft out of egpptc . BtiD thou qwttfetbcanb catcit.intbepiacc wbicbtbc lojbc tbp v5ob batb cbofcn,anb Of parte on the moiowc* gctr tbc wito tbp tiltc. &m bapesi tbou wait cat rwetc bicab, anb the n> ucntbbapci0agatbcrpngc together befote tbe L 020c tbP<£ob: tbou malt bono wotltc x tcu rrio t tbcriri.*&euenwettc0 Omit tbou n6bjc*n« ftiu. f r «. tQ ^ nm beS p nn j t0 ttomb^c tbcfcucit wc= Hc0>wt>intboubcgpmicfttoputtbcfpi:&cU *actf 3 .tj.a. totb*cojne,**Bcpctbe feaft of wclte0 Vw= to tbe lcuctt bape0 tyalt tbou ttepe boip * ***•**» oapc «nto tbc Lo?be tbP C5ot» , in tbe place wbpcb tbc Jlo?bc (ball cbofc-.f ojtbe Lotb tbP (3obtyallbieirc the mall tb?frute0,anb tit aU tbe wozbc0 of tbpnebabc0,tbcrfo*cQ)aU **«, ma c tbou be glab.^bjetpmesStiitbe pcrc Ml ******** all tbp male* appeare before tbeloibetbP ©ob, tw t^e place wbicb be (ball cbofc.-3n tbe ^fcaft of (Wetc b*eab,in tbe feaft of wettest , 9 ^tutbcfeaftoftabcrnaclc^^notbeptbaUnot if.tiio.m.\> *appearebefo*etbcLo2beemptpe but cue* rp man nccojbpnge to the gpf te of bp* babe, *acco**piigc;to tbe bleffpnge of tbe&ojbe tbp^obwopebbebatbgeuentbe. , , 3ubge0nnb offpccr0(halt tbou matte tbc t'nautbpcptios , wbpcb tbe lojtbe tbp<5otj geuctbtbc tbozowc outtbptrpbe0:anb tbcji **m w r t ftalliubgetbepeople rpgbteouftp . * xgm mimm. no tfl)otttbctawe, no? ftnowe anp pcrfone, *ero.rrH..a wijtt taftc anprcwarbc:*foz gpfte0 blpnbe *uu.rr.>. tbewprc^pcructtctbewoJbesoftbcrpgb- tcoujS. 'Cijat wbpcb i0 tuft anb rpgbt , ftjalt tboufolowe,tbattbon mapftlpue ,nnb en= tope tbe lanbe, wbtcb tbe Jlojbe tbP v!5obge= uctbtbe. ^bon (bait piantc no grouc of wbatfo ciicrtrecsfitbcnpcwitopaicarcottpelo^ be tbp <0ob, wbicb tbou omit mahep/Qftoti (bait fet tbe Hpno* ptIcr,wbicbctbeio?be*/ig» tbP^obbatctl). C®bc.]C\)ii.Cbaptcr. C"»1Jf ptmpftjtmeiit fo; 3i60lnttpMCl)t pimple; incite of a tebfi!.£t)f Jimtuticpon of a Kpwge. pDouibatt offer Wtto tbe lojbe tftp 3 "(SJobnooice no? Cbepe * wbere »»WlK». l= _™blcmpq) 0? anp befojmite : to* tbat B,,ut •* t, • ,, • (0 an abbontpnacpon tjnto tbe lojbe tpp (5ob.*- it ,. 3f there be founbe amonge pou wptb m anp of tbPSate*. wbpcb tbe Hojbctbp ltea0alul)€ nacpon0tbatareabouteme:^:hcthoiiftMlc Mia&ebpmttpngeouertbcwbomtbc iojbc tbp<0obujnuchofc:€uciioncpcomamonae tbp bmw (bait thou malic Itpnge oner the, m anb tbou mapft not fetaftraugcr oucrthe, Uum*. wbpcb tsfttot oftbpbjctb a.0 M otbcebieth^tbc J.cuo in ti:e fpght of the torbc tbp c5ob. jf 02 1 hefe nacj'0110 whj'chthou Ottitcouqucrc, tieracti »iitochofcrsoutco'fbapc0 ) aub\)iitofo2cc= rcr0: gut t\)t lor b tbp (5ob I;atb not fuffrcb ti;c fo to bo. fte tojbc tljptjob wpii * m tnitm* ***««■ to thca p2ophctc amonge pou : cncii of tlw mMU - mmmi , mt wrto me * unto bpm pe (hall * «MM*«ii beriie.acco^bpngetoaH tbat thou befprebeft of tbc Lotbe flip 0obtnl)o2cb, in fbebape or the eathcryngerogetbrr, whan thou fa v= ftefti* Lrtinc beare tbe TDopre of mpLo2bc* et o » ? 00b no mobofokyllcthhy0 ncygbbourc tgno?antly , anb batch bpnt not mtpmcpau"cb:3nbu>hctiamangoctbUuto the woDD w& Insf ncpflt)botirc tobcujeujoob, <■* ^.rbpiiKpn«cnobarmt.)auOn0lU6t)5DC fctcfyttl) a ftroke ujptb tbc arc bo rut bourne tbc tre, rftc bcciDr (Ipppetb ftom tbebcluc , anbfmp* tethbp0ncpgbbourc tbat tje bpctl): tbc fame (ball flpc unto one of the fame cptie* $lyur. Left the cr center of blonoc folouie after tbc flaw vobpie hp0bcrtci0t»botc,anb oner* take bpm , becaufe toe tuapcjS t0 loitfft , anO C flapc bym, anb yet there i0 no cattfc ttio?tbP of Deatb in bpm ,in a* mochc a0 be batch bun tiotintymcpau*cb.ttibcrfo?c3commaunbc tbe,fayinge:tbott Qjaltappopntc out.iij. cp= tie0fo?thc. 3no pf the lo?be t\^ (5ob c Marge thp coaftc0(a0bcbatbtoo?ncuntotbpfathcr0) nub geue the all the l«mbcu)bpcb be fapbebe idoID gene Unto tbp fatbcr0, tbou (bait hepc all tbefe c6mattnbmcntc0to bo them, uihpcb 3 commaunbe tbc thp0 bape , tbat tbou lone the haMt tbp Cob.anb walkc tit bid roayca cucr.ahb abbc.itj.cptte0 mo fo? p unto tbofc iij.tba t innocent bloubc be not it eb in tbv Ub be , tftljpcli the itozoe tt}v Cob gcuctb tbc to &3p enberet, ahb fo £<^- blonbr come Upon tbc. */5um.rrr.c * 2$utanbpfanpm nocent bloubc from 3fracl , tbat it mape go *j,ob. mm ujen xoptt) tbc * 'Cbou (halt not rem one top nepgbbour0macke , tuhycbtbep of olbctp= me bancfcttintbpncenbcritaQcc, tbat tbou (bait enberet in tbc lanbc , urfjpcb tbc lo?be tip Cob gcuctb tbc to cniopc it. ♦jjB.OTb.tt *€>nc uiytncffeujallnot rpfe agapnfta man fo? any matter trefpace , o? fo? any ma« nee fpnne, o?fo?nny mancr faute, that be * &c«.rb«.a offenbetbtn . * IS nt at tbemontbe of ttoo ««t.ib»i.c. t»ptncu*c0o? of.tii.t»ptneu"c0 ujalltljcmat- KcSlteibeftaWpW . „ r4t i.ximo.\>.c. *;3tfanUnrpgbtcou0iuptncflcrpreUpa= KitLw « gapnftamantoaccttfebimof trcfpace:thcn botb tbc men rohpeb ftcpnc togctljee , (Ball ftrtttbc before tbe to?bc,befo?ctbc©?eaftc0 anb the iubge&txjhicb ftalbem toote bapes, aubtbetubge0 Cball mafee bpligcnt tnqmft* cpon. 3nb pf tbc \»itttc(Te be fotibc falfc, anb toatbcbatbgeu^falfcwptneffcagapnftbys b?otl;er tben (ball pe bo \jnto bpm, a0 be bab tDougbt to bo unto&pa bjotber, anb pHwlt putcucll at»ape from tbc -2lnb otbee CbnU Bearc, ^ fcarc, anb 0)nil bcncefo?t!)c5mytno - mojc any focfjc topclicbneffc amonge yon. 3nb t^pnc eye Hw 11 baue no compitffpon.but * ter foulc f o? fotile , eye f o? cpe , totDfo? -e^ totb.banbe fo? banbefote fo?fotc. WlW- C'Cbcw.cbaptcr. 88886,1 Ciftbo oiiebr to bo to battnr. %i>t latot otar; Wat.b.f, nitfl.SbtCanaaiii'ttomutttbtphPU. H)t\\ tbou goelt out to battel aga= 3 pnfttbpnc ciirmycff , nnbfceltbo?* fcitf anbebarette0 , anbpeoplemo r&en tbou.be not * afrayeb of x\H , * *>m*. fo?tbc Lo?oe tbp (5ob Hi wptbtbe , wftpetie b?ougbtc tbc out of tbeltlbe of Cgpute, 3no vM yc arc come npc twto battel!, p ^a?eaftc (ball come fo?tb to fpeabe t)nto£neople,anb ftallfayc\jHtotpcm: !t)carc €>3iirael,peaee come\)ntobattcll agapnlteponrc enempciEt *lctnotyourc barter fay ntc , netber feare, * m *uto> no? beamafeb no? ab?cab of tbem . JTo? tbe ^ lo?byourc (5obgoctb^you,tofig|)tefo? **>mm pott agaynltc yotire enemped, 9 to fauc pon. *- 3tnoiettbe ofrpcrrgfpcaKetouto tbe peo= y& pie , faputgc : 3f any matt batte bpltaneroe boufc ,anb batte not beOicatett, let bpm go $ rcturne to fjpj boufc , left be bye in p battell, anb anotber mfi oebtcatc it . 3Cnb pf anp m5 kaue plantcba uyneparbc^ bane not mabe ^tfOIH^(anolato(uil To? tutrpinito eatt of;lct htm *^ go^rctttrncagaync \)ttto bP0 boufc , left lie Dpe in tbe batcll , anb anotber maUe it come. ih#ii Ma * anb pf nnp ma* be betrautbeb Unto a \»y= * D(U -" l{ « fcanbbauenottalteubcr.lrtbnngoanbre^ turne agapne\)ttto byo boufc , left t^tHytin tbe battcll.anbanotbcc man take ber. 3nblettbeo{fpccr0 fpcalte fur tber Unto tbcpcoplc.anbfapc: * 3r any man feare anb #a«MW* be fay ntc bcrtcb, let bym go anb returne Un= to by? boufc, left be maUe bP0 u?otbcr0bcrt c fayntc atf t»ell aa W . 3Cnb tnpen tbc offp- ccr0 batte mabe anb cube of fpeanynge Unto tbe people , tbep (ball make eaptapned of warrcoucrtbem.- tDben p comelt npc Unto a cytt'e to f ygpt agaynfttt^onre tbc peace. 3Bnbpftbepauf= *»««.«a mere tbc agayne peafablp, anb open Unto f , tben let all tbe people tbatidfounbe tberin, be mbutarpess Unto tbe , anb feme the . 3nti pf tbep toyll mabe no peace x& tbe , but mabe xoarre agapnfte f , tbou (bait befege it . 3Bnb tuben t\)t lo?be t^v Cob batb bcipucreb it iutotbpne l)anbe0 , tbou (bait fmpic all tbe male0 tbcrof t»ytb tbc eoge of tbe fwerbe: 26ttttbe toemeunnbtbc cbylb?cn, * anb tbe ♦aow-w catcll, anb all tba ti0 in tbc cptie, anb ail tbe fpople ther of, (bait tbou take Unto tbp ftlfe, anb eate tbe fpople of tbpne enemy est, DDbicb tttt Lo?be tbp Cob batb geuen tbe . % bu0 , lbalt tbou bo unto all tpe cptictfwbpcb are tier a grcatcwape of fro the , anb not of tbt *?$ cptiejJ of tbefe uacponjj. 25ut jofu il».MW D 25utaf tbecptfttf of tbefe nactonjs, tx»bicb . tbe lo?be tbp Cob (ball geue tbe to enberet, tbOttCbaltniuealpuenotbniffetbatbiethctl). m*®** *26ntu5alt0eftrope them tottbout rebeu-- «fu.D«.c. cpon ( namc , fhe Cthitc ^ * 2fftto^itejBT,tbe Cananitesf.tbe ^bcre?ite0,tbc lncutte0, anb tbc 3ebnfitci0,a0tbe lo?Dc tbp Cob batb co- maunbeb tbe, tbat tbep tcacbe ytiu not to bo after all tbeir abbominacpon0 J abpcbtbcp baueboneUnto tbeir goobe0, ^fope ifeulbe fpnne agapnfttbe io?oe ponreCob. U)bentbou haft befegeb a cptie longetp* me , anb wtabe warre agapnft it to take it, beftuoyenotthetrec0tberof, tljatfhou ujoI» beft tb?nft an ajce Uttto tbem : H6ut eate of tbem ,anb cut tbem not bourne, jfot tty tr eeitf of tbc felbc0areno men, to come agapnft fj)e anb fobefegetbe . flDnelp tbofc trcc0 tobpeb tWu buoweft tbat tbey arc not feutefull. 0* o*(»ut toplttr.antt fptt fot othn bft»)tbofC Qialt tbotl beftropeanbcuttbou)ne,fmakcbuiu)o?hc0 agapnft tbe cptieth.it maketb warreujptlj tbe, Untpll tbou fubbuett. C1£be.jcjcj.totmcntfot t^pl0;tn tbat b?fobepe fatbet aab motbet. 5f one be foftbe flapne in tU lame, ttobycb tbe to?be t^ C5ob genet*) thetopoffefteit,anblyetbmthefel= bcranb it i0 not knoumc txibo bath Utym bym: -iJbeii tf)vm elber0anbtbr rob ■ ge0[hallcome fo?tb, anb mete Unto the cp* tie0tbatarcrounbeaboutetbe ftapne. 3pnb let tbc elbcr0 of tbat cptie u>bpcb i0 ncrt Un> to tbe ftapne mm, take out of the bioue , an bepffer tbat 10 not fabourcb t»pfb ,'no?batb b?au>enmthc yockcanblet ^elber0of tbat cptie b?yngc tbc bepffer Unto a barbe ualepe, uobpcb (0 netber carcb no? foujen, anb ftrtkc of tbc bcyftcr0 ncckctherein tbe Uaicp. 3*.nbtbc *B?eafte0^ fonne0 of lent (t»I)5 ;»8fu.rb . th0l|haft Delpttcreb * anb lape no innocenf blonbeUnto tbp people of 3frael0 charge : 9 the bfoube (halbc f o?gcugtbem . 3*nb fo (half tpou put innocent blontjc f rS the, toben tbou 0)alt bam bone tbatnibpcl) 10 rpgbttnthc W&t of tbe io?b«. U)ben tbougoeft wtoatrragapnft tbpne enemye0 , anb toeiojbe tbp Cob batb help- ncrebttorntotbpneUaiibc0 ) anbtbottbaft taken them eaptpue, anb feett amongc tlic captpne0d bew t if uU woman, an D Daft a be-. t>- fwcUntoher , tbat tboutoolbcftbauehf rto fOP wyfe , Cbon lbalt b?pngc bf r borne to C f bpne boufc , a no let bcr mm tjcr bca be $ let bernay!e0gro-a>c,anbput her rapment tljat ty i»a0 taken in from bcr , anb let bcr re= tnapne in tbiuc boufc. anb bcuDcpc her father a no her mother a moneth I5ge,anbaftcr tbat (halt tbou go in Unto bcr, anb marpeher, • fbca)ailbctbpttnfe.^.ubpftboub,iuenofa= uourcUnto i)tc,t\ttn letbergo U)betber(be luftctb.anb fell bent otfo?moncp, no? make cbcucfauceofbcr,becaufetboubaft&crbum"^ bleb bcr. * 3f a man batte ttuo mpuerf, one * ©""•'tf;. louebaitb anotber batch, jtbep bane borne mUn " btm cUylb?en,botb tbe lottcb anb alfo tbe ha* tto. Jf tbc fp?ft bo?nc be the fonur of the ba- tch : tben when the tyme eommeth that be beaietbbp0goobc0,amongcbp0cbpiD?eu, be mape not make the f onnc of the beloueo fp?ftbo?ne,befo?e p tonne of tljeijateb tobp s cbe i0inbeabc tbefp?(rbow : &m be Oiall kuoroe tbc fonncof tbc batch fo? the fpifh bo?ne , anb geue hpm oouuble pmptm of all Wct&tb 51*0? be t0 the fp?ft of bis ftrcngtb, anb to bpm belougctb tbe rpgbtof ti)cfp?ft bo?ne. * jofanp man &a nc a fonne tbat (St (io-- * an. u J>ntncanbbifobebtcnt,tbatbeu)pllnotber» ken unto the Uopcc of bPfl father anOUo^ce ofbt0motbcr,anb tbep baue cbafteneb htm, t» anb he wpibenot bcrltctt Unto them : Zbm (ball Wf father anb bp0 mother take hpm , * b/ynge Ijym out Unto tbe elbrrs of that cy- tle.anbUuto the gate of tbat famephtcc , 9 faye Unto tbe elber0 of the cyttr : Zimmtt fonne itfftobwrneanbbifbbeopent.iinD rorl! not herken Unto oure Uopce, bci'Barroter ? aD?onckarbe.3nball fijemetj of rbarcvtic (ball ftonebnn tnt'tb ftone0 unto oeatMnh 3fracll (ball bearcanb feare. *jf a man h\ = tie eommitteb a trefpace wjoitbp of heath, -t put to Dtatb fo? tt, ? tbou baugefr b?m on tree : hy0bobpQiallnotremaynenUin-gl;te Uponfbctree^uttbonmaltbnrprhymthc SSRHP *!? * % 5 urft of (5oD l>s on 5tm * c**i*.w^ that 10 hangeb . mtyU not tbou thy lanbc, mm tbe Jlo?tre thy <5oo gcuctb the to en- beret. •imbae tbou outfit to bo tobc tbou frnoeff tbp SS alt b?ynge thgngapneunto tftpb:o= . . - t Ucr.2Inbpft(ipb?otberbcnot weuntof,o?pft|joulno»e!)pmnot,fbeH b?pngr (. . '.;■ I] B r 11 i k .4 si. ^ctepttsi t» Beuteconomtum * labw i \ .t « J ( %£tfl. ?{?,$« I ,-S bipngc »t Unto tbpnc atone boufe , 9 it frill rrmapnc wptb tbe > ton tpllt&pbiotbcr ante after tbcm, anbt|)cnbelpucrbi.nrbc" agay« nc.3ulp8cmanct (bait tbcm Do wit!) bttf afle anb f malt tboubo witb bP0 rayment : anb uutballloft tbynctctf of tbp brother wbicb be natbloft 8 # baft t ounbe, frilt thou bo lvUe= wife.anb p mapft not wttljojawc tbv feifc. ttStSS* ^bou (bait not fctbp bjotbc rsaffc o? Sufau. ore fallc bounc op tbe wape , $ w ptbbia roc tbp fclfe from tbcm: but frilt bclpc hpnito jjeue tbcm top agapuc. ^bc woman Pjall not wearc that wbiebe per tapnetb tonto itbe man , nether mall a ma" put on woman* tapmct • St 0? all tbat bo fo, are abbominacyon tonto tbe Lojbc tbp C5ob. 3f tbou chauncetopon a bpioesucft bp tbe wapc.in wbatfocucrtrecttbco* on tbcgro= nnbc,w&ctijcrthi!pbcyoungcojcggc0,anb tbe bammc fy ttynge topo tbe poungc op topo * the eggctf^bou (bait not tabctbe Damme witb tbe youngc.aSutfrilt in any wpfc let tbebamme go.ainbtauc tljepotmge to tbe, tbat tbou uiayftpjofpcrc anbpjolougetby bapc*. 25 labcntbou'byibcftanewcbourc, tbou (halt matte abatement on tbe rotiffc , tbat tbou labc not bloubc topon tbpnc ijoufc , yf anpmanfaUthcrof. * 'fcbou (bait not rotoe t\)$ topneparbc witb bpuc rfe f cchc0:lcft tbe frntr of tbe fee be wr.tsb tbou baft fDwen, anb the frute of thp topneparbc be bcfplcb- lEbou friltircot plotor witty m ores an affe together. 'Sthou (bait not wcarc agar* mcutmabc of wall anb flare together. *^bou frilt make Pgacbctf^onnemro.) "* topon tlK.tuj.quartcr0 of tbp toetture, where Wifbtnoucoucccft tbp fclfe. Sfamantaaeawpfc, anb wben bebatb Jycn wptbber, hatcher, anb lapeitoamcfull tbpngc* tonto bci; cbarge, anb bipngc top au cucll name toponber , ano fapc : 3 tour ti)\>& wpfe,anb when, 3 came tobcr,3founbe bcr not a mapbe : 1£hcn (ball tbe fatber of tbe bamfell anb tbe motber btpngc fojtb tbe to* ucn0 of ttyt bamlel* toirgim'te , to uto tU tb a^ be r0 of tbe cptte (n &3* tbe aatc.Hnb p oam= fciafatbee (ball fape tonto toe elberaf: j gaue (rmpbaugbtectoMothttfmantowpfe.anbhe batctb ber.anb lo.be lapctb frimcfnll tbpn= gc* tonto ber cbarge , faptngc : 3founbc not thy oaugbtcra mapbe . 3nD pettbefe ar tbe toae* ofmp Daughter* totrginyre. 3nb tbcp (ball fpjebe tbe tocfturc before tbe clbcr* of tbe cpttc . %nb tbeelber* of tbat cptte (ball ta Ere tbat man anb chaft pee btoMUtb mearce bpm tnanbunbub fpcleeof fplucr»anbgcue tDtm tonto ttyt faiber of tbe bamfell, becaufe be batb brought top an euell name topon a mapbe of 31rael. 36 nb (be (balbcftpjal wpfe, 9 be mape not put: ftrr aroape all |>pjj bapejai. j&umt. vb.ft. H5nt anb pf tbe tbpngcbcofafucrepctljat tbe bamfell be not foube a toirgen,tbep(ball biyngetbe oamfclli^-totbebo?eof Dec fa- 1% thcrd boufe, anb tbe men of tbat cptte (ball (tone bet wptb ftoncjS to bcatb , becottfc (be batb rojougbt f olpc in 3fracl , to plapc t^t \v\)o)c in bf r fatberis boufc . 3nb fo plbalt put cucll aioapc from tbe. *3f a man be f ounbe ipenge ropf b a «jo= **<*»*. maiubatbatba rocbDebowfl^bctbepfbaU «> nyt ctber otber of tbcm : botb tbe man plape with tbe wpfe , $ alfo t\>t wpfc : mo fo t&ou (halt put awape cucll from 3fracl« jf a maybe be banbfaftebtonto anftur* banbe , aitb t ben a man f ynbe bet in p towne anblycwitbber , pediallbityngctbembotO out "onto tbe gates of tbe fame cy tic , ?frtll (tone tbcm w i tb ft one* to beatb : Hbe bam- fell.bccaufc (be crpcb not bepnge in the cptit: 3nD tbe man , becaufe be batb bumbleb bP^ ncpgbbotir0w(fe,aubtbou(baltputawapc cucll from the. iStit Pf a man f pnbe a bctrautbeb bam« fell in the felDc , anb f ojee bee , anb Ipc wptb bcr .'SCben tbetnan tbat lapc toptbberOjaU bpcaloucbuttontothebamfelltbouCbaltbo ' no barmc: becaufe tberetiet in t\x bamfell no caufe of ocatH . 5foj am tpben a man rpfctb agapnfte W liepgbbourc 8 fiepetb l)im,cucn fo it tbpjs matter. Stop be founbe her in fitU bes , anb tbe betroutbeb bamfell crpcb : anb there wag no man ito fucftour e bcr. *3f a ma * * f "-rrt * fpnbca mapbe tbatijj not bctrautbeb , anb tal»c hcr.anb lye with bcr, anb tbcp bt foun* be : 'Chen tbe man tbat lape wptb bcr, (ball gcuc tonto tbe banufcW fatbccLfyclctf of fpl= tier . 3Jnb (lie (ball be W& wpfe , becaufe he batb bumbleb ber , anb be mape not put her awapcallbPS'bapejS. *|ao man (ball taueljpsl fathcrjS wpfe, *m>m noj tonpelc bPJSfatbcrS coucrpngc. CCbcrrtij-Cbaptcr. CC^Mjat maucr of men m.ii' not be abinptteb into tbedjutcbe.taoHutponotbfttlJapPfnin^ciiPSW* I €>ne * tbat it gelbcb 0^ ijot!) Up0 % , t p?cupe mebje0 cutt of , (ball come JgJJ" into p cougrcgacpon of tbe lo?De. 3B 3ib be f (0 borne of a comen wo= ' ma n , (ball not come into p congee* gacpo of tbe lojbe , no not in p tentb gene= racpon be (ball not entre into ttyz congrega* cpon of t])t lojbc . * ^be 3mmonite0 anb #uk0 ^rtbe a;oab(te0 frail not come into tbe ^^ eongregacpon of ttyt i,o?be , no not in the tentb generacpon , no? tbep (ball neucccome Into w eongregacpon of tpc tojbe, becaufe tbcp met pou not wptb b?eab anb water in ttyt wape, when pc came out of (Egypt , anb becaufe thep bPJcb agapnfttbe. * iSalaam *&«•#*, tbe fonne of 26eo; of fcetiw, of ^cfopota* mta , to curfe tt)e«^euert()eleu*e tbe lo?be tbp(5ob wo! ( be not beruen tonto Balaam, 3Sttt Beutcronomium rfin.JW.ft ptl c ^ \M,tfo>t. ■irr.ft. !«lt.t).a. Bwic.bl.t but t^t ILofbt t\yp (Boo turneb ttye curfe to a blefljmge tonto tbcbccaufe p lo?bctbp<0ob louebtbe .'fthou (bait not felte tbe p?ofpc- rpte 0? wcltb of ttjem all tby bayc0 f 0? cu cr. * 'Cbou (bait not abbojrc nnebomite, fo? bci0tbP b?otber t netber (bait tbou abbo^cc an ^gipciait, becaufe tbou waft a ftraungcr tubP0lanbe.^i:becbylb«n that are begotten of tbem (ball come into tbe cougrcgacpon of tbeitojtbe in tbe.iij.generacy on. U)ben tbou goeft out wptb the bolt nga= Snft tbpneenempc0 , fcepcthe from all wic= cbnefle^ftberebeamongepouanp man f it toncleane, bp tlje rcafon of tonclenctre that cbauncetb town bp npgbt , let hymgo out of pboft,anb not cometnagapne, into fbooft, but at cuenlet 1)vm maube \jvm felfe wptb water, $ tben wben p fonne i0 b ounc, let him cometntotbcboftagapnc.^bouOialtbaue a place alfo witljout ttyc boft , wbetber tbou (bait refojte to , «h» (to? tbp mmnn mamt) anb tbou (bait baue a flbarpe poyntc topon tbp wepon : anb wben tbou wplt cafe tby fclfc, bpggetberwitb, ftturncanb coucr^wbycb t0 oepartcb from toe . 5f op ttyt 3Lo?b ttyy ? b^otber by tow* rpof moncp, ncc bptorurp of come , ncrbp j^tofuryofanp tbpngc fbemape be burt witball . fllinto a ^-ftraungcr tbou mapft lenbe topo tofurpe , but not tonto tbp bjotber, tbattbe ilojbc tbp(15obmay bleffetbtin all tbat tbou fettcftthyne banbe to ,tn the lanbc wnetber tbou gocft to conqucrc it. *lDben tbou baft toowebatoowctonto tt)t lojbc tby ©ob , tbou (bait not (lacnc to papc tt . tf 0? ttyz to?be tbp ® ott wpll Turclp rcquy^c it of tbe , anb it Ibalbe fynnc in tbe. 3f P (bait leue to owpnge , it (balbe no fpnne in tpe; but tbat wljicb i0 once gone out of tby lyppefc tboumuft uepeanbbo , accojbpnge ass thou baft tooweb tontof loibe tbp<0ob of a f rewpll , anb a0 thou haft fpoaen wptl) tDpmoutb. ttJDen thou cfimeft into thp ncygljbourji 5fo,lrrt>* toyneparbc, tbou mapft rate grapc0 tjjp btU Ip full at tbineawncpieafurc: but tbou (bait put none in tbybcflcll . euen fo wban tbou commeft into tbp nepgbbour0come. *tbou *&**•&•*> mayft pluclte t jjc cares witb ttypnt bffbcbnt tbou lljalt not mouc a fpcle tonto tbp nepgb- bo«r0cojne. C^be.rriiti.Cbapfer. C!5>cuojctiHfiie (9 pccmpttr&.ide H>at (e netolp mugtb Ojill not dc comptllco to go to toarre . l^enaman batb taac* awp- 3 fcaubmariebbcr.pfujefm-- benofauoucmhi0epcs,bc= j came &e fyatbrpiebfotnc ton« clennefle in bcr. •v-'Cbcn let SSf',1' Dim W2-i'tc berabplic of be^ SSSlt J uoucment, ano put it in ber Sjan&e, anb fenbe bcr out of bPJ3 boufe . 3nD wben (be i0beparteb out ofhys boufe, let bir go , anb be another man? wy fc . 2tnb pf ti;c feconbe hufbanbe bate bcclet l)im w?ptc bcr alfo a letter of beuo2ct met, anb put it in ber banbe ano fenbebcroufcof bp0 bou fc- 02 pf the fccaoemanopcwbpcb fohchcr towpfc, bcrfytft man wbycb fent her awayc , mape not tabe bcragaync to be hyS twpfc , after f mcisbcfplcb.^Fojtbatisabbommacvomn tbefpgbt of tl;c iothe . 3nb thou ftalt not caufe tbe labcto fpnuc, wbpcb the Lozbc tbp 0ob (ball geuc tbe to eubcrct. *tt)benamantaaethaucwc wpfc , he *F fHr >**' (ball not go a warrcfarcnctbcrftalbcchar ■■= "° gcb wptb anp bufpnefTcbut ibalbe frc at l)o= me oncyerc^reioyfc withbp0 wpfc wbycb be batb tahen. * .aoman Ojall ta&c pne'tber *ew.rr«* op tbe topper mylft one to pic Dge , f 02 tben he frill burt a man* ipfe . ^ 3f any man be fo- *-»'° ,l, - , »'-' unocftcalpngeanpofhi0b2eth2cnp"cbplD2c of 3frael,anb abufcthbim , 02 fciicth hun.the tbcfe amii bpc . zm p frilt put cucu awape from the . 'Cahchcaoe to tby felfe aocouccr- nyngc p plage of lcp2ofpe, tbat thou obferue biltgentlp.3fnbpcQ)allboacco?bpugctoaU that ttfi beaded tbe Lcuptee Qiali tcachc pott:(£ucn a*3 cOmaunbcD them, fo ye (ball obferue tobo .l^cmcmb2c what the lo2be tby (ioob bpb tonto * *ft)ir 3am bp p wape, tm.iv* after that pc were conic out of ©gppf c; tDbantbou oocft lenbe tbp brother anp tbutgcpfriltnotgointobicboiifetofctche . r aplcbgefrotbence:butft)altfti1bcwitbout, w anb the man p oopo web it off , frill bjpnge tbe plcbge out tonto the . jf 02tbermo?e,pf it be a po?c bobp ,tbou frtlt not ftcpe wttb bV8 plebgc, but bclyuerbym tbe plebgeagaync whan p fonne gotb bonne tbat be mape flcpe in biSa wne rapment, anb blcfte the. 3tnbit frilberygbtcoiifnes tonto tbe,bc* fojctbe to?o.tby(i&'ob* ^bou (bait not be= JSftJP* fraubean bP?eb fcruaunte tbat i0 neOpt anb cS?;i fc r * pooic, wbetber be be of tbp bzctben.o? of tbe ftramigcr0 tbat arc intbp lanbe witb in t\)v i j *'- fll * ^ettptts IBcutctonommm itttm Igeuteronomtum :", i : ( i . » cui.vtr.b. 1 1 i ?- < i I. *im,m>(. B ntcgl. *u?nt{balll gcuebun tsisf^pcc p fame bayc.anb letf notice fonncgo bounctberom jTag tiritfucD|»c,aiiD tbcrwitb fattcpnetbbti* Ipf c ,left be crpc agaynft the Unto tbc lojbc, *am*nt* awn (tbe fimnc untotbr.*'Cbc fathers* moll 5X88? not bye f o.i tDe cbylbjeii , nm tDc cliplbjtc it f o? tbc fatlicrss •• but entry man mall Dpe top ty?& awnr fpmte. •Cfiott (bait not bynber tbc rygb* of tbc ftraunger no? of tbc tattjcrlcfTe , no? take a wcbowctirapmmt to plcbgc . nftutrcmcui* bic that tbou waft a fcrunuutc tu€gyptc , nitb bowe tbc lo:bc tby Gob Or lyuercb the tbcncc:3nb tberf ojc 3 commaunbe tbc to Do *- t!)p0 tbpngc. J? *tt>h?thonciJtrcft&onnetbpne berurftc fnthvfciDc .onbbaft fojgotteatticfe in tbc fcloc,i>flwltnotgoagaynctofcttit.2Sutit fhalbc fo? tbc ftraunger, tbefatbcrlcflefr tbc wcoowr,tbatti!ielQ?btbyGobmapeblcu"c tbcinaHtbcwoj&csl of tljync banbe. UMjcn tnoubcatcftbounctbpnc olpuctrcc, pQwlt not turnc agaync to ga tbc r bp y tbou leftett »cto»nbcthc ;uutft(balbc fo? tbc ftraunger, tbc fatbcricffcanb tbc webo wc . Mm tboti jjetbereft tby Uiucparbe, tbou (bait notge* tbcrtbcgrapcgclcaticaftrrthc^utlcauetbe" foi tbc ftra ungrr, tbc fatbcrlcflcanb tbe we- boTDC.anDrcmanbif tbattboa alio watt a frruauntc in tbclanbcof€gtpte:anbtbtt= fo?c 3 commaanbe tbc to bo tbP* tbpnge. CW.flcU.Cbaptcr. C'EbcpuJvtbfimuf ofoffnibfrs. S'he fatoc of vapfpngc rcsbtotbrb;otbcr tbat »3 beta, epuafutre anb torrebfea. $ there be ftryfe bctwtnc ml, tbcp (ball came Unto tbc lawc,anb let tbc iufcgc0 gctic (entente brtweue tbcm,anbfiifttfyctbcrygbtcou£,$ conbemnctbebwgobly . ainbyfany man be Ungobly ,anb wojtby of ftrypc&tbcn let tl;c iubgc caulc totancbym bounc, anb to bcate bymbcfoiebptfrace accojbynge robpsfftrcf: *fixo?.ri.t. pacebntoaccctayncnomb?e * xitixyptftp mallgeticbymanbnotpaffe:lcftyfbemuIbe cjtccabe anb beai:c bpm a b ouc tbat with ma= _ ny ftryycjs , tby bjofbrr Qjuioe appcre Un= 25 goobly bef ojetbpnccpcj*. isSS ? t *%bon malt not morel! f ore tbat t«a» ' U bctb out tbc cojne. «*«« n>t i»nw.> ♦ffiar.rg.b. * pfbjetb*enbwelltogctbcr,nnb one of uutb.i»«.b. tbem bye anb (wuc no cbvlbc.tbcwyfc of tbe bceb (ball not mary without Untoa ftraun» gerrbut bpsf bjot her mall go in Unto bcr.anb tabebcrtowyfe , anb occupyetberowmeof Ins ftpnfman • % no tbe elbctt fonue wbicb me bcaretb,(b«U fuccebe in tbc name of &y$ bm= tber wbycb in bceb, tbat W name be not put ontoQftael. 3Bnb ft tbe man tuyll not f ahc fjpjef b?o= tbcrtf wy f e, tben le t bee go t)g to gate Upto tbe elber&anb fa m ®)y bnibanocjsi b?otbcc ecfufctbto aerreUpUntobPtf b?otbwana» • mein3ft , arl,nctlicrwillbemapyeine.'5rbcK tbe elbcre of bPU eytic njall callbym,anb co» nun tuitb bym.^nb yf be ftanbe anb fay c : 3 wyllnot taw bcr,tbenlballbVi8UynrwomI come t)nto him in tbc p^cfence of tbe elbcrtf, 9loofe hysi Oiowcof bV* fote ,f fpytinbytf facc.anb ann»cre»« raye:^>o (ballitbe bone Unto that man,tljat botb notb bylbeUp bt* biotbcrtfboufc.3nb byname (ball be calkb iii jfracl, tbe Unmobboufe. 3f toben men ftryue togctbee , one t»ftb c anotbec, tbc wyfcot tbeoneeonneto, fo?to ryb bee Ijufbanbe out of tbe banbesJ of by m tbat fmy tctb bym.anb put f o«b bee banbe.fr tak c bim by tbe fecrctte* r'Oou $alt cut of bcrbanbe,anblettnottbyneei»epytteber. Mia .^ t Cbon Qwlt not bane in tby bagge * two %&' matter of wcigbtciM greate anb a Onall-.ne- tbcramlt tboubaue in tbpnc boufe bpnerfe m cafur ejs , a great t a fmall . 26ut tbou (bait bauearigbt.anbuiftVDCigbt.anbaperfrct, hnb a tuft mcafucc awl t tboubaue : tbat tby bapctf mayc be icng tbeb in tbc lanbcwbycfc tbc to?be tbyd>obgcuctbtbe.5fo?all tbat bo foebe tbyngctf anb all tbat ooUnrygbt, arc abbomiuacf onUnto tbc lojbe tby <5ob: * IRcmctnbic mbnt ^malccb bybbnto |je**wwi bptbcxDayctobanycuJcrecomeoutof^gi- pte.bo w bemtttbe by tbe t»aye, fj (mote tbe bynbmoft of you , all tbat tuccefeble^ came bebynbe , txjbcn tbou waft faynteb anb me» rye,anb bcfcarcbnott2>ob . 'Srberfo^e toben tbc lojtbc tby <5ob batb gene tbc rcaft from all tby ne cnemyriet rottnbeaboute, in f lanbe ujbycb tbe lo?bc tby C5on geuetb ttfe to cn« beret anb poftcfTe i fe tbat tbou put outc tbe fcmemb?aunccof^malccbfromUnbcrijca--» uen anb forget not. C^be.jcitbi.Cbaptc^ r Tt¥ fPfft Scutes ;iiib tptbes (o e&f Ktuitte, f atbertctrc,tocbovufai,8(ib attatietve. J9cn * tbou art come into t^t la"bc % tubpebtbe to?bc tby C5ob geuetb p toenbcrct,anb baft eniovtu it anb bwcllcft tljectn: * tabe of tbe fy^ft of wo.m all tbe frutc of tbe ertbe, anb b?pngc it out of <£» tby lanbe tbat tbe l-o?b tbp (!5ob geuetb tbe, ^ ou '" |{ ' anb put it in a maube,anb go Unto tbc place t»bycbtbe*o?bc tby oD mail cbofe tofett biiei namein it.3fnb tbou malt come Unto tbc #?cafte,tDat(balbeintbofcbaye& nub rave Unto bym:3 ftn otolcbge tby JS bay c Unto tbe 3Lo?bc t^v um) baft geiicn me * ainoFmait let it befo^etbe l,oitoe tljy d5ob,$ wo^ibippe before tbe lojbe tby c^oo, anb rctoyfein all tbegoobtbyngeja[,wb(cbtbc lo^betby d>ob batb geuenUnto tbeaubUnto tbpnc boufe, tbou anb tbe ILenite, anbtbe ftraungcr tbat ijtfamongeyoit. tjM tbou baft mabe an cube of tptbingc all t\)e tptjest of tbyne eticreale tbc tlmoc yere,wbicbttfpycreoftptbpnge:tbouibalt geuet unto the Leitite, tbe ftraungcr*, tbc fatbcclcfleanb y wcboweiei , tbat tbey tnaye g r 19ff bm tbpgntc0,anb fpl! tbctn fclnctf . i, w.k WW &t* ft cfo?c tbc to^bc tbp«t.b.», mm bcrte ,ano all tl)v f oulc . * utfton baft ?iJ? p r Wio>bc tbpjtfbayetobe t'byc5ob, anb to warn e in lm wayc^.anb to hepe hyi St: JS w ^K°Jf^^«tob«Uopa.^^ JSr2« p W^ nto ^ m ^^vatbwo« JSSSSffil°? , S e *! bycaboucali na= !».« . 2f!Jff M bebatbmaboin p^iyfc in na* Eft!: 2, e ffi l,onOMre : * ano *&* f bou mayeft be 5fo C€be.yjeb(j.€baptcn jraibf p bHmtatiMttt.me bf trfbnge« in fbc bp|| (Barrj * *>tam.r, bourtfmarftc,fjaU?pcoplemallfaye3nKU. ^CurfebbcbeymaBetbpblynbegootit *iw.KF.f. of bisi wave, gi ally people mall rape aimen. *C«rfcb be be tbat bpnb?ctb the rpgbt of *«,„,. nm , t tbettraimgcr,fatbcrleflcanb webowe , anb alltbe J' X_ .1 ... I .^^> r t i j&icffpngcs ISettteconomium ♦Ecu *lfu 3 * £fU.frlH.« it ■ •j I ! i ?1 I i i alitor ticouicfltiall tevc ^men. ■ • tw* * &mm be be p l perl) ivptb fypfl mtl>crj» wrfcautj t3itt»ctilctl) IjttffatDcrjo! tottcrvagt, anb nil tbe people (frill Rive- 31 men. * £cu.ru«j.c * curfrD be be tbat ipctrj tfttbanptna* tier of bead ,9 all f people (hall tape, 3tncn. ♦tcu.ruitj.b * CurfcD be be tbat ipctl) witlj bpg lifter 5) tnc battgbtcr of bpsfntber , 0* f tiaugHrcr of biss motftcr,* all tbc people (ball fapc, atiuc. .j-wtj.b ^ curfeb be be , p Ipctb u>itbbP#motbcc in lauic , anb all tbc people (ball fapc, $mcn. * cco.m.b. *nf o fbcm tbat rcgatoc fbc coinmuuiiDnntutts: anbttif cutffcffto tbc ronftarpr. tf * t&on malt bcrken biligcntlp , Ditto tlje Dopce of trjc lo*oe tbp «»c. rr.a. out.ttnD blcflcb toben tljou comeft in. * ^Tl)e loibc (ball gene oner tbpne cncmpcS tbat rprcngapnft tnc , tbat tbep mapc fall before t j)p face . 'Ebep foall come out agapnft tbe one i»apc, anb ace before t^t (turn toapes. » LotDc (tall pnt t^t blcftpnge Dpon tbe in t^v ft oie boufesf , d in all tbat tbou retted tbpncbanbeto.s will blcffe tbc in tbc lanbc tDbid) tbc tojitje t\)V <5oo gcuetb tbe. ^bc iojbe (ball make tbe an bolpe peo« pie Dnto npml'elfcatfbebatb rt»ojcit Ditto tbc : pf trjou (bait feepc tbc commaunbemen* tesJ of tbe Hom tDp (25 ob , anb ronlae in IjpjS wape0. m m , 3tnb all nacponsi of ti)e ertb ujall fe , tbat tbc name of trjc 3lo?bc,tfi!calleb^pon once- tbe, anb tbep ujalbe afcrbe,of tbe. 3^nb p ioi= be (ball mnbe tbe plenteous* in gooties , in tbe frute of ti)v bobp , in tbe ftute of tbP ca= tell, anb intfa to»w <* w srounoe, in tbc lanbewbpcb tbel,o?be furore Ditto tbP fa= tijettf.tosencibc. ^Oc i,o?be (ball open unto tbc jjtfgoob *Dcwri.b. trcarnrcciicntDclicaue^toseuc rapncDn* *a>««.«,b4 totbPlanbeinbuecenfon, anbtobletfc all? laboured of tbpne |)anbc. * 31nb tbon^alt **«*&& lcubcDntomanpnacpon0,butCbaltiiotbo« roujc tbp fclfc.^nb tbc JLo?b (frill fet t!)ebe= 25 fo^eanb not bebpnbe , $ tbou (bait bcaboue onlp.anb not benetb : Pf P tbou berften Unto tlje comaunbcmcntcjS of tbe JLo^betllpdUob, wbtcb 3 commaunbe tiie tljpsf bape, toftepe ai:btobotbem.anbfctbattbou*bowcnot *»«.(«. a fpbc from anp of tljefc wojbciel, t»|)(c^ 3 c8= anb f bo.br maunbe tbe t&p0 bape, ctljcrjfo tDe rpgftt ba"= be o,2 to tbe leftcrbat tbou t»olbeft gooaftec ftraunjte Qobbctf to feructbem. * Butanbpftljou wpltnotb«Beti \)ii= +a ,„ m( . totbcDopceoftbc io^be tbp C5ob, toftepef to bo all bp$ commaunbemenre0an$fr'#oi« bumuceiEi,xx)bicb 3 cd maunbe tbe tW bape: ^ all tbcfc curfesf (ball come t)pon tfjc , anb J» n a » oueitaBetbeiCurrebftalt pbeinflietotuiie, t,u anb curfcD in )5 fclbc:curfeb (frill tbp bafuett be,? tD? (ro.ze.Ctufcb ifrill be t^t frut c ofeUp boop,anbtbcfnife of t^planbe, anbpfrutc of tbpne ojen , anb tl)t flocltetf of tbPQjcpc. Ciirfcbu)alttboubeiDbcntbougoe(tin,attD cutfeb w ben tbou goc ft out.'&be Jlo?Dc MI fcnDc Dpon tbe , curfpnae, beftruccpon , anb rebuue in all tljat tbou fcttcft tbpne bade to, anb tbat tbou bocft : Dntpll be beftropetbe, anb b^pnsc tbc to nouribtqupcftelp, becaufe of tbc tDpchcbnefle of tbpne tmieitcpons* , anb becaufe tljou baft foifaUen me.^belo/be (ball malie tbc peftile" ce cleauc \)nto t&e, i)ii= tpll Ijcfriuc c6fumebtl;cftomof tbe lanbc, wljctbcetbon ccocft to enioyc it.* / 5TtJc 3U|* *atu.tjwi oc ifrill fmptc tbe untb fujcllpiiffc , toptbft= ucr0,bcet,uurnpnse , anb wptl) tlje fwcrbc, tuttb wctl)crpncie,anb u»itbblaftpnffc.3nb tl;cp (ball folowjc tbe Dntpll tbou perpfl&c. *^nbtbebcaucntbati0ouertbp bcab *iw-m\ ftalbc bjaflc.anb tbe ertbc tbat ifi Dnbcr tht, a>wcc,FI * p^on.'Ebe lo?bc (ball tunic tbe rapne of tbc * lanbc Dnto powber anb nnft ■. euenf c5|)e au§ * (ball tbep come boune topon tbe, Vmtpil tbou beb^ougbt tonougbt « 25 nb tbe lo^be (ball plagetbebcfo?etbpnecncmpciE(: tbon (bait come out one t»apeagapnfttb5, anb flee fe= uen wape0 before tbem, anb (ball be fcatereb amogc all tbe (tpngbome* of t\}t ertbe . 3D nb tW car fteffe (balbc meate vnto all mancr foil les of tbe ap^e, anb Ditto tbe bcafrcjg of tbe er= tbc,anb no man (ball f rape tbem aioape. * 1Tbc HOjtb \jjpll fmptc tbe xb tty botcbe *m*& of<&gppte,anbtbccmatobc0,fcnl!c,?matt- gcneire , f tbou mapeft not be bcalcb tberof. 3Cnb tbc &o;tb (ball fmpte f \» anbtbouibalt not catc tberof .%tynt affc fbalbeDiolcntlp taucatuape cnJ before tbp 1 . face, anb (ball not be refto,ieb to tbe agapne. UTbp(bcpc ftjalbe gcuS Ditto tbine enempeg, anb noman (ball refcue tbcm.'CbP fonncat n nb t^v baugbt crtf (ball be geuen Ditto a no = ttyt itacpon.anb tbpne cpcs( (ball fe its bafc Dpon tbem all tbc bape longcanb tbcre ibal = benompgbtcin tbpne banbe . 'Cbe frute of tbp lanbc anb all tbP laboured (ball a nation t»bPcbtbou ftnomeft not, catc >$ tbou (bait coMimtallpfuffire Diolenceonclp,anbbeop* p^ftcbaiixjapcjfo tbat tbou (bait beeleane befpbetbPfclfcfonbc fpgbte of tbpne epejJ wbpcb tbou (bait ft: 'Ebe l.o|be (ball fmptc tbc (n tbe fences* anb legge&DJptb a inpfcbeiioug botcbe tbat can not be bcalcb :cticn from tbc (ole of tbp f otc Dnto t^t toppe of tbp bcab. Umiift •«• *ia:be lojtbe (ball b?pngc tbe anb tbp feffi Rpngcf t»bicb tbou (bait fet oner tbe) Dnto ESS* anacpon.tbbicbnctbcrtbouno? tbpfatbftJS bauc linoumctbat tbcre tbou mapeft feme ftrnungc (J5obbc0:cu£ t»obb anb (tone. 36nb tbou (bait be t»onb?co atJpohcn of, $ icftcb atamoitgeallnacpoufi,tx)betbcr t\ic torn (ball car pc t\)e. 'fcbou Oialt carpe in oebe fc eb out (it to tbc fclbcanbOtaitoctbcr but ivtle iii:fo^grclboppcwiball belrropc it. ^oott Oialt plantca Dpnepacbe anb oiefte it , but ©alt uetber b^pneae of tbe wpne , netber ge« tljcr tbe grapes, fo? tbe wojmejs (ball catc it.'Ebou (bait baue oiiue trees; tbojotoc out ailtbpcoafte0,but(baltnotanopntctbpfcl fe wptbtbc oplcfojtbpne olpuetrccsiibalbc rotcb out ; %\m (bait beget fount* , anb baugljtcr jS.bttt (bait not baue tbem: f 0^ tbep (balue carpcb attwpc captpuc . 3 11 tltp trees anb frute of tbP lanbc (balbc marreb voptb blaftpnge. 'CbcTtraunger tbat ($ amonge poti,(frtll rfi clpmeaboue tbc Dp on bpc.attb tbou (bait co me boune benetb alouw.Ioe (ball lenbe tbc>$ thou (bait not lenbe b pm :bc (baibe before,? tbou bebpnbe. a) jeouer , all tbcfc citrfcjS (ball come Dpon tbc, anb (ballfolouie tbe anb oitcrta= be tbc, tpll tbou bcbeftropeb:beeaufetboii beruenebft not Dnto tbc Dopcc of tbc lo?« be tbp (500 , tobepe b'ps* comma unb em en* tcitf, anbbPJ* ojbinauncetf , t»fjpc|i be com= tnaunbeb tbc, anb tbep (balbc Dpon tbcatf &cf> ^■mp^tclcg anb tnonbcrjJ , anb Dpon tbp reeb former , becaufe tbou fcruebft not tbc lo?be tbP 0obujptbiopfulneu*eanb t»ptb a goob fierce , toban tbou babbeft aboun = baunce of alUbpngeji, tbcrfoje tbou (bait feme tbpne enempe , tDbPcb tbc tojbe (ball fenbe Dpon tiie . in bunger anb tbpbpcb arc not 1 wjyttcii »«■■ _L 'J- a, Ctttfes jBttttcrottomtmn ijeteptt* , ! 5 [■■ * ; * * I*:. M l! I' - . ;* 1 M I 1 : l I .It: * i I > .i i »' I a- . t j totpttcn intlje bohc of tbptf lawc , wplltbt toibc bipngc bpon rbc.Dutpll |>e b^tigc tpc to nougbtc.anb pc ftjalbc Icfrc fe we in nam* * »cut».r.». tor , tDljcrc bcfojcpc wcrcatf tbc * ftarrctf of bcaucn itimttitytubc :bccoufc tbou woh DcftnotbcrRctnmtotbc voycc of tbe tojbe tbp<5ob. <5 *3 no it (ball come to paflfcf atftbelofl) *jctc.m«.c rciopfeb otter pou,ro bo yougoott,^ to mul* tiplpc yott.enen fo be wyll rciopfc otict you, tobcftroycpou,9 to bipngc pott fo nought. 3nft pc (balbe waftcbfrom of tbel<1b , wbe* tbcrtbougocfttocniopcit. 3ubtbcLo2bc fi^all fcater tbe am onge all naciontf.f r om tbc fintenbcoft&twoilbc Dnto tbc otbcr,anb t!)f re P (bait feme ftrautigc gobbed wljycb tjjon no? tbp fatlicrsf baue ftnoi»nc:cu{ wood anb (tone. 36nbamongi> tbefenacyons'pi&altfpnbe tto eafc.ncptbcr (ball tbe fole of tbpfootc ba= ttc re 8.56ut tbe L02be (ball gcue tbc tbrre on *nquyctbcrtMiiu)Dafyngcpe!Mnbro;towe of mpnoe.3 nb itbp Ipff (ball b&gc bcfoie tDc anb tbou malt Crate botb bape , anb nygbtc, 9 Qi alt banc nomtftintby lyfe. 3»tbc ntoj* ttynge tbou (bait fape, wolbetfob it were npgbt^nbattiiygbttbonfbaltfayc: wolbe (0oO it were mojnpngc : fo? feace , of tbpne fttrte wbpcb tb ou (ball fence 9 f 0? t"be fygbtc of tbpne cpc&wbpcb tbou 0)alt fe< %nb t\)t io?bc (ball bjpnge tbc into €gipt agapne wptbftipppc0,bp tbe wape wbicb 3 * eft>.m.* bab tbc, tbattbouft)ulbcft*fc it no moarc. 3nbtbercpe tbalbefolot ttntoporot enemi* esi.f 02 bonbmen attb bono w cmc n 1 9 no man (ball bpc you. eXty. Jtjcfr. Cbaptcr. ' CS^fPfoplcatc frtcutcb to obfttucCbc commas unbrmKto.tobpcb, pf tl>cp bjcafcc, tbd> arc HtfMK J^- .tKotobcplagcb. *«.ro.jrf>.a fi^s^^^^^ilijefcare trjeTX)o,it3e£f of tlie^ appopntmet, wbicb tbe loi ; becommaunbeb ®)oU#, to maae wytb tbe cbplbien of 3fracl in tbe ufbe of «)oab, ucfpbcp appopntmet wbicb bemabc wptb tbcm in^o» rcb,anb&)ofcs! calico all 3frael , anb fapbe Unto tbcm' : gebaucfene all tbat tbe lozbe hyb before pott re epc0 in tbelatioe of ^gtpt, tinto pbarao find fcnto all $y$ feruauntc^, anb^jntoaUbPiSlanoc.tbeflreatetcmptac^ on0 tubtcb tbpne epeg bau c fenc, tbofe create tnpzaclcst anb tsonocre : anb pet tlje loibe jjat b not gc ue pott an berte to pcrccauc , anb epeg to fe , anb earea to bcarc tjnto tljrtf bape. 3nb 3 ban Heb pou.rlpeare in tbc t»pl^ *s>ro.wff.a6ct ne(Te:anbpoure * clotbctfnre not wajceb olbe\}ponpou,anbtbp (bome (0 not tnajceb oibettpon tbp fote.gc baneeatenno bieab, ttozb^oncbe topne 02 ftf onge bipncke , tbat pe mpgbte ItnottJcDottJc tWl ant tDcio^b TourcC5oO. ^ , «a; *3jnbpe came tmtotfttf p!acc,f feejMJM ♦Jm ra . Wt tbehpnge of Iijefbon.onb C»ff ftvnsc of l5a= Jan came out ogaynftM tinto battcll ,anb t»cftnotctbem,aubtohetbcp2ianbc^gaue itfo2an(nbcritauucettntotbemubcnitcs($ <5abttctf , anb to tbe balf c ttpbe of Igaitaffe* . * Uepc tbcrfoie tbc ttoibetf of tb^appopnt* + z> em . mentanbbotbem,tbatpcmapettnberft^b5 all f bat ye ongbt to bo. it ftanbe tW bape cucry one of pott bef o?e tbc lojbe pour €>ob: pourccaptapncU,pourcttvbc0,pourelbccsf, potire offperr , anb all tbc men of 3fraeU yourecbplb2enalfo,pourctt»puc)S5tbe(tra= unger tbat in in tbpne bofte * fro t})( bewer +31orw , ifill oftbpixjobb,\)nfoJbcb2attjeroftbPtt>attr: tbat tbcuftmlbcftp into tfte nppoyntment of tbe t02btbPl'Ob,?intobi5Xotbc*ttibicb *mm tbe 1 02b tbP <5ob maftetb Wtb P tW bape. ^02 tomaUe tbe a people tonto b»m felfe.anb tljat be mape be bnto tbe a €?od , a0 be batb lapbe\)ntotbc,antiasfbcbatb ftwojtne bnto tljpfatbcrjs^biabam.lfabacanbjacob. 3 maae not tbptf bonbe 5 tiJbS otbe wptb c pou onlp:butbotbttiptb bpm ttat ftanbctb bcre uiytbM ttyti bape bcfoic tbc 102b oure (Sob ,anb alfo wptb bym tbat (0 not bcre toitb Mtbtfbapc.ff 02 ye ftnot»e, ftowe we bane btorlt in tbc llibe of (g ippte , anb bow weeametbojowe fbemybbesi of tbe tiacifi^ wbpcbpepaffcbbp.^nb pcpj't ftnetbcp? abbominacponsiatiD tbcp? pboilctf •• ( wob 9 Cone ,f plttcr anb golbe) wbpcb were .'amoge tbcm. Heft tbcrebcamoncfc you man 02 wo= man,Uynrcb 02 trybe, wuofc bert turnctb a= wayctbiJJ bape from tbc JLO2beotirc<0ob, to go anb feme tbc goboejs of tbcfe nacyonjj : * le ft tbere be amoge pou tome r oote tbat bca rctbgall?wo?mwob,fo rbatwbcnbe bca= mbtbc wo2be0of tbysJoofb ,bc bieffe bpm fclfctnbpslbfrt.raptngc;* 3(ballbauepca= ***** ce . 3 wpll walkc ttt tbe mcanpugc of tnyne owuebert.^f^bouputtbc^-bjonbcnto^^ tbe tbyjftye. mm fo tbe lojbc wpll not co= <* fenttobtmcrcpfullljnto bym, bnttbcntbe W2atboftbc loibc anb $v# seloufjpe (ball fmobe agapnft tbat ma,? all tbc curies itbat are W2yte in tW bone (ball Ipgbt t>po \>vm t anb tff loibe (ball bo out bps* name ft 5 m* ocr bcaucn,anb (be loibc (ball fcparate bim Mwto cuell out ofallf ttW of 3trael,accoj bpiiff ^nto all tbc curfejJ of tbc aupoyntmet/ tbat arc w?pttcn in tbe bofte of tbptf la wc. ^)0 tbat tbc genrracyon to come of poure w, cbplb2g,tbat (ballrpfe tjpafter pou, anb tbe (trattngcr tbat (ball come from a farre Janbe Cball fape , wbentbep fe tbe plagetf of tbat lanbe,anbtbebircnfe0wbcrwttb tbc to2be batbfmpttentt, bowealltbc lanbeisf burnt Dp witb b2ym(tone 9 Gilt ,9 tjjat it ijJ netbeu fowcti fowennojbeawtli.no^tip grnffe growetb tl)eriu,lpltea{l in tU place of tbe ottertb2o< Itftttffl't wpnfleof*^)obome,d5omo2, maxm&w* botm : wbpcbtbe lo?be oucrtb2cwc in bptf w^tbartbanatci^ucn tben (ball ail nnciojs .jwcrrff.b fftpe':* WljCCfOiC batb tlje t02bC DOtlCOt tW l^utetonommm. Sotmiu r a tg.if.b facpon \jnto tbptf lanoc t ^Dbowe fearleisi tbpUSteatW2atb^nbmS(baltlapc.bccau= ft tbcp lefte tbe teftament of tbe lotbec^ob oftdewfatljctftwbpcbbcmabewttbtbcm, wl)cnbeb2oitgbt tbcm out of tbe Iffbeof € 3 gppt. jfo?tbepwcnt,anb ferttcb ftratmge gobbes,? wo^u)ippcb tbem: <5 obDoJ wbpcb t!$p ftnewenot.anb wbpcb bab geucntbem nonffbt.^nbtbe w?atl; of tbc lo2bc wareb w^oteagapnfttbp^ laube , to b2pmjc Dpon ftallthe ciit'fesl tbat arc wjitfe* in tbWbohe. 3nb tfiz iojtbe caft tbcm out of tbcp,t Iffbe iit angte,w?atb»anbgreate (nbtguacpon , anb call tbcm into a ftraungclanbe,aistbi0bape bcaretb wptneffe.^bcTccrcttcg of ti;ie lo2be urn* 01m (Btio mn opencb \jnto \tf, am to oure cbplbjen f oit euer,f wc mapc bo all tbc W02* . betfoft&ps'lawe. eftty.m> Chapter. C%^t\oo0(otfSob i« at tjant f . !9cn all tbe fe wojbetf are come Dpontbc, tbc bleffyngeanbtbc cur fe wbicbj Ijaue fct ueltyc tbe, tbou (bait turnc^uto tbinebcrt, amongc all tbe nacpSjJ wbetber tbe lo2betbP 60b batb tb2u(te tbe , nnbco* me agapne wito tbe loibe tbp 6ob,anb bet ben bttto W bopce in all tljcfc tbpnffejl tbat 3commaunbctbctbPSibapc:tbou(Hbpcbyl b?en wptball tbpnc fjcrte anballtbpfotilc: 35 nb tbc Lo2btbP<® ob wpll turnctbp capti nfte^anb bane compaffpon Vpon tbe, 9 wpll tumennb fet tbc agapne fro all tbc nations', amongelwbpcb tbe lo2betbP<5ob iballba* nefcatcrcbtbc^lJougbtbou waft caftttn- totbeertreme parted of beaucn: cucn from tbencc wplltbc JLoibetbP <5ob getber tbc, 9 fr6 tbence wpll be f ett tbe,« t^t lotbe tW Cob wpllb2pnffe tlje into t^t lafflrc wbpcb tbpfatbcriEfpoMeb , 9 tbou (bait ciuopctt. 3nb be wpU (bewe tlje lipubnclfc, anb mul* snt.r.6. tipWctbeabouctbpfatbct!5.*^nbtI)cio2be J5 t^v 00b wpll circttmcy fe tbpne bert, anb tbe bcrtoftbpfceb,tbatpmapcft lottc tbc 102b th\> (Bob wytball tbyne bcrt,anb all t\^y fou Ic^tboumayft Ipue.^nb tbc iojb itbp <2>ob wpll put all tijefc cur resl tjpon tbpne cucmy= es!,anb on t\\tm f Utt tty, 9 P pcrfccutc tbe. 26ttt tbou (bait turne.anb tytbt lonto tlje tjopec of tbe JLo^bcanb bo allbptf commau- betnf tcsi, wbicb 3i commaube t|je tb Pi^bape. 3lnbtbeio2btl)P <5ob wpll mane tbe plen* reondin alltjc wojae* of ttm banbein tie feitte of tbpbobpe.anb^n tbe fruf e of tbp tttmt catell,anb(ntbc frttte of tty lanbc fo2 tbP weltb.*if02tDel02bt wyU turnc agapne anb reiopfc oucctbe ta bo tlje goob, a«ljc te^ topfeboucrtbpfatber0;3f tboubccftg onel^ •tonto t\^z tiopce of t\)e loib tbp (Bob, to aepe Ijijltommatinbcmentcsiaub W O2btnauce0 mbPCbarcw2pttcnint'f)ei[)OReoftbt0lawe, anb pf tbou turtle \}itto tbe loibe tbp <5oO wptball tbpne bert nub all tbp foule. * it 02 t\)t commaunoement wbicl»3 cfl« f rtl(H ,. „ », matinberbctbiJJ Dape.wtvotfepatateb Km**"* 4 * tbe.nctbf rfarte of.3t tiimtin beatten , tbat tbou neabeft toNKcompupiw v (apt t wbo (ball ^ go bp f 02 \J0 to beau5,anb fet it W, tbat we ■ mape bearc (t.anb bo ttr Betbcr jg a bepfibe t))z (cctbat tbou (bulbed fape : Wbo (ball so oucc t\)t fee fo2tJ0,nnb fct it Vig , y we mape bearetr.anbbo ttf JSuttbt wo;toe ijs xierp npetjntotbe.-euftn tbp moutbanb intljpne bert,tbattbouboit. ^ f . *M;olbe3 baue fet befoje ttytW bape * **#* Ipfeattb goob.beatb anb euell: jtojtwbcre a03commaunDetbetbp»bapc,to loue tbe 3102DC tl)v (5ob,to walfce inbps" wape^.anb to hepc bpjs commaunbe mentcss, bt js o)bina« uncc0,anb bP^ la wee 1 (pf tbou fo bo) f (bale Ipttc anb multf pfre.anb t^t I02be t^ <5ob (ball blctfc t\)t in f lanbc, wbetber tbou goeft topo(Tc(rctt. jfijHt anb pf tbpne|jei:tc tttrne a wave, ro S> tbatpwpltnotbMrc:btat(baltgooaftrape, anb wo2(bpppe ftratmge goDDejl , ano feme tbem,3 pronounce bnto pou alfo tbitf bape, tl;atye(ballfurelpperp^, anb tbat pe (ball not piolongt poure oapeiei tjpon tbc laube wbetber tbou pafleftotti:t3o?ban,to go anb polfeftc it. *3callbcauen9crtbtoreco2bcfbt0Dape <[&ra m 6 agapnftyon,tbat3bautfetbefo?t pott Ipfc auD Occnb.blelfyngc? cttrfpnge .- 'Cbcrfo.w; cbofc Ipfc, tbat botb tbottanb t\iv fceb mapc lptte,tbatpmayeft lottetbc lo2be cbP C5ob, anbbeobcbt'cnttobps't)opce,9 cleaue tmto btm.jfo2be(0tbplpfc,anbtbclengtboftbp bayc0.tbattbottmayft bwelltjpon tbecrtb wbpcb tbe io2bc fwnrc Ditto t\iv fatber*} 2fb?abam,3fabacanb3acob,togcnctbenu Ctfeffftf. Cbaptet. Ca)orwbtpiiffcrraDpftoorf8>Dtt{fb.3(oflittB tuicfb;p«cn anb lupbl.in tbi tabemarfc bti Cptit tbt afche.tfbc Jlruitcs ati etjarsflr to tcabc Utot\)tptoplt. \fib &)ofc0wcntanbfpane tbefeS wo2bc0Dnto all 3frarl,anb fayb Dnto tbcm:3 am anbunb?eTi anb 1 fjC-pearc olbc t\wt bape , anb can !nomo2cgootttanb(n . 3Jlfotbc lo2bc batb faybc Ditto me * tbou (bait not *««*,-* goo oucrtbpfii3o2b5.'Cbt lo?bc pour <2>ob ^^^ nc wy (I go otter before tbe , anb &e wpll bc» ft rope tbefc nacpontf bef oie tbe > 9 tbou (bait conqttcrctbcm.*3nb3oruabe(baUgobe , » . , fo2c tbc.asi tbe lojbc hatlj fapbe .3nb tfyt ******* lo2befljall Do VntottK^siOtb-pDto^^con * mm.rr* I ii anb 1 ft 1 ! n n ti\ ; 1 •M Jh;; t * 1 !] v. 1 Ji 9 •<- I .1 . > 11 H k ,fS '1 * i ; i i 1 ■ j a? It « i ■ in j- * • I j" t / • .-I i i i : i 4. i * » ! ! , ii. '■:■ I / 1 'I f 1 1 y;ii ■ ('• L. i' •1 i I' lift: 1 1 ! gjoftta .ofett ^tttteronommm* m flflofts fteatoT poffes fott^e & * Iii and £>a Upitffcjs oftDc amoiiteS , and tmto tbctonbeof tbcm.wbom be dcftropcd . 3nd tbc lojdefoaUgnie tbem once bcfojcponre facc,tbatpcmapcbowitotbem,acco.idlnge 25 ^nto all tae eommaundcmcntcS wbfcb 3 ba ueconimaunbcb pou.pluclie top poure bar* teStbctfoje.onO be ftrongc , OicaDe not, no* be nferde of tbcm.-foj tbc iojotbp <5odb HOJfojfaUctbe. 3nb 4» ofecj ciillen Unto 3 ofiiff , anH fopdc *3!omt.Ml tmto ijpm in the rpgbte of uil3u-'acl: * J5c i.).wf 3 ..).a. ftroiiffcqfbolbclfojtbottmuft gowit|rtl)pS people tonto the landc, wljiclj tbc Hojdc bat b iwojnc tonto tbeir fathers, to jjeuc Item,* t^oit fi^alt acne if: tfjem toenberct. 3ndtbc iojdc be dotbgo before f :& flntfl not faple tbc.nepfber foifeBctbc : feare not tberfoje, no j be bifcomf wted. %m Ui)ofeS wjote tWS lawcanddelpiurcdit tmto tbe pjeafteStbe ♦fium.iu.o.foiinejSoficutfwbpcb^bawtbearcHeoftbc <£ teftamentoftbe low; and tmtoalltbeel* OerS of 3fraeU &)ofcScommaundco tbem, *.w«.«. fapi!ige:*3&ttbeP0pntof.t>ij.pcareSin tbc f olempnpte of tl)c fee pe are, men in tbefeaft of tabernacles, wben all 3frael is come to a peatc bef o*e t&* lojd tbp ©od, in tbc place t»bpcbbcbatocl3ofe»:tbo» (bait reade tbPS lawebefojeaU3iraeUnt&eweare*. tbat ti)c¥ mape bcarc , and leme and feare tbe low pour 6od,and Bcpcand ob= feme all the woideS of tljps la we , and tljat tbticcbpldiewbPCbBnowcnotbpngc.mapc bcnte.ano iccne to feare tbc Lo.id pourtSod, asiougeaspclpuein the lande, whether pc go oner 3 o j can to pou"cu*e it. _ %m tbc low fapdetonto WeS : use* bolde tbpdapeflare come, # tbou muftdpe. Call3omatbeil:'o?c,an0ffan0epc in tbc ta= bernaclcofwptneu"e,tbat3mapcgeuebpm a cbargc.Snb a)ofe0and 3ofua went , and Code in tbc tabernacle of tuptneffe s 3|nd tbc tojdeapeared in tbe tabernacle: euenin tbc ppllcroftbecloude.3£ttbtbe * ppllcroftpc ^^•w^^clonbcftobcoiurtbcbo^cof tbc tabernacle. 36nd tbc lojtoe iapde tonto mattfii b^bolde, tbou ibalt flepe roptb tbP fatbersi , and tt>v& people W)pU rpfc \)p,and go a wbo?pnge af * ttt acanngcgoDbciB of tbc lanbe ( wbctber- tbcp go)and will fojfalw mcand b^eabe tbe appointment, t»bpcb 3 banc made wptb tbem.and tb^ mp t»,iatb xopll tea re tui)otc agapnft tbcm.iind 3 t»pll fo?fiibctbcm,and tupll bPbemp face from t{mn,$ tbcp Qjalbc - confumed.?tnd mocb abnerfpte and tribute* Cqwutf (ball com etopotbcm.iotbattbcntbcp ttpllfape^renottbcfetroiibleiscometopon ine ) bccaufeC5odiJJnottt)ptbme.''36nb3al= lo uopll furelp b:pdc awape mp face in tbat dnpcfoialltbe «utW fafte twbpcb tbcpujall bauet»?ougbt,tn tbat tbep are turned Dnto ftraunaeodDciEl. ,ao\» tbcrfojc wjitc vttW$ fogefo^pou, and teaebe it tbe cbpibjen of 3frael , andput it in tbepji mout jjcsi, tbat tbvtf fonae mave be mp roptntfle agapuft tDc cbpld?en of 3«aei, Sto^J \»pU b?png tltf into tbc lande,(t»bicb 3 (ware Ditto tbcpj fatbertf)t bat ftowctb tfi mplUcand bonpc , 9 tbe P fball eate, andfpll tliem fclucsi.and ware fatt , and turne \jnto ftraungcgoddcsf.and feme tbem, nnd<*bla= +> fuljejiic ine,nndb^eahemv coucnaunt.^nd ^ tnen wben mocb mpfcbcfe and tribulacpoit income topontbc.tbpU fouge (ball mtfwere tbrm>asia wptneffe. flojit (ball not befo?= gotten out of tbcmoutbejSoftbep»fteb:fo?3 bnowrtbcp^imagiuacpon,wbpeu tbep goo aboutcue~nowr,bcfo;te3baueb;otigbtetbe' into tdel(ldewbicb3 iware. ►J<&)ou# tbcr« foK wiotctbpjn fongctbc fame ceafon,and taugbtit tljecbild^enof 3frael.3fnd begaue 3ofua tbc fonne of .fliun a cbarge , and m\a *bebolDc,$ ttroacfojttbou ibalt b?png tbe $**;$ twmm of 3fracl into tl)t landed wbpcb Z£ lU 3 fware wito tbcm.aud 3 wpll be witb tlje. ^"* 3 nd when li^ofcS bad made an ende of w^ptpnge out of tbe wo;dcs( of tbtf lawc in a bobc tonto tbeendc of tbem , a)ofe0coma= unded tbc leiiitejl, wbpc'h bare tbc arbc of p teftamentoftbe to^oc, faptuge : take ye tbe bone of ftps' la we., * and put it in tljc fpde of * *>«w* tbc arcUc of tbe teftament of tbe tojdc pout ^od,^ it mapc be there fo? a witueflcagaitt tbe:5f 0? 3 ftnowc tbp ftubumclTc * and tbp mmm ftpffe necUc:wbpln3 am pcta Ipue witb pon »»i«.w*. tbis dapc, vc baue bene difobedtcnt tonto t\)t © 2, o;d.-and bo we mocb mo? e after mp bcatb*' ©ntber^nto mcall tbc clderjS of pour e tipbetf^pourco(rpcerj(,tbat3mapcfpcaHe tbcf f w ojtdes in tyzw earc&nnd call bcaucu, and ec tb to reco^dc agopnft tb cm . jf 0? 3 am furctbataftermpdeatb. pewpll Dtterlp be to jr npt c, and turne from tl)t wape wbpcb 3 bauecfimaunded pou.and tnbulacpon wpll comctipon vontn tbe later dapes , becaufe pe (ball baue wiougbt wpebednefle in tbe fpgbt of tbe tojoe.topjouonebpm tboaow tbe wo?bcS of pour bade*. 3nb 4i)ofc S iba=> foe in tlft cares of all tl;e congrcgacion of 3f= rael t^e wo?,dcsof fbP0fonge,t>ntpll bcb«d ended tbem, C^ljc.^jci j.Clw pter. il.%\)t CDiige efjjjj oft g. no l€are toy e beaucnS,^ * 3 Wl * ® miu fpeaae,and let ti)t ertb bcarc tbe * lw * wotdes of mp moutb.* W do* mmm ctnhc^ibaUdjoppc asdoctb^§ I thgravne.ftmt) fpeacbtballfto= weasdotbetbedewcastbe (bower t)pon tbeberbc&f as tU d?oppej5t)pon tbe graf« fc.il 0*3 wpll call on tbe name of tbe io?de? aifcrpbe pc bonoure Dnto oure <5od. L #^trftcte iiJtllC.f.6, Mi*< *i5crfecte iS tbe wo?fte of fmoft mpgl> mm* tpcdlfod.fo^allbpSwapcSare (udgement, 39cioa^odoftrtictb,witbotitwii:BednelFc.' tpgbteouiMndiuftWbe. ^ o*Jf rowardlphauetbcp doncagainft \)im tbo?owe tbeir dcfo?mit(eS:not bis owne cbil d,mi,bntawpcbed?frowardEgcueracpon. Do pc fo re warde t\)e tow, to foolpuje na= cpon u Vjnwpie«'*3Snotbe tbp fatljct 9 tijp- ne owneri'+batbbenotmadctbcand oidcp= , ned tbc/ Bememb?e tbe dapes of tbc wo^lDe tbatiSpaft :cofpb?etbepcrcs rromtpmc to «0b.t«.t». tpme.^^fnetbpfatber, andljc wpllibewc tht:tW elders,9 t\)tv wpll tell t\)t. mhtn t\)t moftbigbeft,deupdedtbenacp6S,andwbaii befeparatedtbe fonncsof 3bam, be put tbe bojOerSoftbcnacpons.faftbptbemultituoe oftljecbpld?cnof3fracl. 5S5 fl 0? t\\c lojtdeS parte iS hvH f olUe, and 3acob is tbe pompon of bpSenberitaunce. *\> fter ncft and rtotc= rctb oner bcr pouge,? (trctclictb out bir win= gcS , fodotbbctaUetbcm Vp, rrbearctb tije* on btS (boulders- HMjc t ow alone was WH gupoc,$ tbere was no ftraungc God xd bim. Ipccaried bim topt oanbpe landc, tbat be mmi-c. mpgbtentetbccncrcafeoftbeffldcs,* 3tnd be f end bim wptb bonpe out of tbc rocne, and witb ople out of tbe mod barOc (tone. U)ptb butter of kpnc ,f mplefte of tbcQjepc , wptb fat of tbelambesand of fat rammeSandbe Csoatf0,witbpfatofmo(tpictcouswbeatc: %st> and tbat tbou mpgbfctt d-jpnlte frs* tbc mod; pure blonde of tbe grape. a5«t be tbat (buldc banc bcnrljptpgbt, Wbanbc wared fatt.fpunied witb bis bclc. 'Ebon art well f edd , p art gro wen tbicb : tbou art euen laden witb fatneffe. 3Hnd be fo^folie (5oD bis maltcr,? regarded iiottbccSodofbiSfaluacpo^rbepp^otioBcd bpm to angrc witb ftrannge goddeS : eue" u f i mmu. abbominacpons P?.ouol$edtbcplnm*'Cbep offered bnto dcucis,and not to <^od, cuen to floddcSwbotbcpHnewenot:tonewcgod= gestbatcame newlp bp , wbo their fathers feared not. Of tbc rochc tbat begat tbe, tbou arte wnnpndcfuil, and baft Iroj gotten (Son tl;at made tbe . ^bc JLo?de tbcrfo^c faweit, and wasangrpe, becaufe of tbepjouokvngc of bps FonneSand of bpSdangbf ers« mh bc(apde;3 u>fl\ bpde mp face from tbcm,$willfewbattbeir ende (ball be. #0$ tbep are a tierp fro warde generaciS, tbpld^ in wbom ifi no faptb. 'Ebep banc angrcb me wptb tbat wbpcb iS no 0od , andpjouoncd mmm me wptb tbeir iianpties. * 3nd 3 alfo wpll ^Pjouobe tbem witb tbofe^xobpcb arena people ,3 wpll anger tbem wptb a folpuje letttetottommm Mmm ^ nation . * ffoiPpm'SKpndlcdinmp w?acb> t> 9 burnctb bntb t^t botome of bell. 3lnd batb *»»»»* cofumed tbc car tb witb bcr encreafcand fctt a fp?c tjje bof omg of tbe mouritapneS.3 will bcapcmifcbcuc0\)pontbcm,$wylldcu;cope tbem wptb mpucacowes. 'Cbcpfbalbc burnt witb hunger, and co* fumed tfbeate, and with bpttcr deftruccion: * 3 wpll alfo feudc tbe teeth of beafteS topo *vm&s* tbem, witbtbefurtonfnesofferpentesin tbe 3:ort,W4 du(r.i»itbotitfo|tb,(^«HffwetderobbetJ? of their cl)pID v 2en:and within in the chamber, fcare:botbpoungemenandpoungcwcmeni and tbe fuchclpnges wptb the men of grap beadcS.3 baue fapdc.3 will f ftatcr tbem ab* robe.andmattc tljc remcinb^auce of tbem to cealTc from amongc men. ti)ere it not that 3 feared the wwtb of the enempclctttljcir ad- uerfarieS tyulde btter ip wptbd?a wc t\)l W ucS.and left tbep ujuldu faperoure hpe bandr batb doneali tbps,and not the toide. jfo?itiSanacp6witIjoutl;o2ccaft,nctbei; i« there anp tonderfti&pngc ut tbem: to tbat tbep were wpfc.and Dnhciftohc fljps , tbat tbep wolDc confpdcr tbeir later ende. t)owcft)uldconecbaccntboufande,anD two put ten tboufanoe to ftpabtc: crccptc tbeir maltcr bad foldc tbem , and ejrccpte the lojde bad mutt them tip.' „ Hoi tbeir <5od isnotaSonre6'od:\-- omc f t ...„_ „ b enempes alfotbcmfeliiesarc nidges. ' K " ' Jfoitbfirtopneitfcftbe\jinpardcof^DOs domc,and of the fcldcs of (5omoira: ^bcvi grapcsarcgrapcSofgall,anDtbctr clutters be bpttcr. ^bcirwpnciSfbcpopfouofd^ggouS.f ttt crucll gall of afpcS . 30 not tbpjJ lapdc in ftoie witb me, 5 fcalcdUpamonge mv tm* fures.^cicngcauceismpue, andJwpUrc- *eom.tp, ozbJougbc to naught and fo^ fa It en. ^ aindbc (ball fapc * wher are their god= *3s*k.«.»« dcS. / tbeir Godwin whom tbep truftcdr W fat of wbofe fact if pees tljcp dpd rate and bjfickc tljc wpnc of their depneke offrtn* ges^lettbcm rpfe \jp and belpe pon , and be poure p|oteccpou»»('" Mctwe.) k gDeuowe.bowe P3* 3aioncmnC?od,f % m mt there is none but 31* 3 fcpii, and wpll mane waSSr 8lpue:3ttounde,anD3wpllbeale:#nftberu., 11 L rh iStbcrcanp^candelpucroutofmpbande. ii 00 wpll ipftc topmpne bandc to bca^ nen.and wpll fapc:3 ipue eucr. 3t"3 wbett tlje edge of mp Cwerde,5 mp ne |jandc tabe bolde to do iuftice , 3 w ?U t^ I i(j (ompenct 111 1 1 if 'J Ml Ml ■i ■1 .!!»■ U i is : ri *' >i ■ j i »<>; - V :a Htutttonomtii tf$tofcs I t I i ! 1 comucncc locttffMtince on mpneencmpetf , $ wplltcwarbctbcm tbat bate me. 31 will mnftc nrpnc aro wctf tijtoncUe With blouDc, anb my fwcrbc Qjall cate flctye , 9 £ foj tbe blottbc of Hit ftnpnc^ f 0? tbeir capti= ^utte.fcnstbcfcs-bcgynnpugc of tbe wjatti oftbeencmpc. *Ko«.jt.b. #$;apfe yetyGtyittytfpt opIc.foiDctmll aucngc tbe blouse oftjpjs fe ruaun tes, $ wpil ntteugcbpmof biti nbttcrfaricS, nub wylbc mercpfuil Dnto biS lanbe,anb to bpS people. <5 3nb&)ofc0camcanbfpaReall tbe wo?* ntt of tbys fottge in tbe earctfof tijc people, be anb3oma tbe Coimcof#un.3nbJa)ofcS: (pane alllbefc tx>c»|Dc0\)iito tj)c cmdc toall t()c people of 3frat I , anb farbe Ditto ttym: *»wt.w.b. *S&tttpoiiw|crtc Dntoall p wojbcs wljicl) «**<* j| ^ tcftpfpr Dnto you tbytf bape : anb pe • (ball cominauDct&cm Dnto pourc cbplbjcn, tbattbepmape obfemeanb bo all tbe t»oj= bec of tbys la we . anb let it not be a Dspne t»02bc Ditto pou: to: it (0 poutc ipfe.anb tbo» rowc tbyS wojdc ye (ball pjolonge poure bayesin tbe lanbcwbetbcryrgooucejoj* Dan\tocoiiqucretit. 3nb tbe tojbc fpnac Dnf &)ofcS p fclfc fame bape ,faytng;c:gct tbe Dp in to tbitf mo« »* nntaync abarim .^» c*w i« to rape « pango Dnto mount Bcbo, wbpcb IS in tbe lanbe of &)onb once agaynft3ertcbo.3nb bebolbe tbclaudcofC«naan,wbifb3cjeueDntotbe cbylbzen of 3fraclltopoflcu*e: m* bye in tbe mount wbycb tbou gocft Dp Dnto.anbt&ou ♦uum m> wait lic CatDcrcH Ditto tbp people. * 3S *.jwq.t. ' aarontbpbjottorbpcbinniotmteftoj.anb was gctbercb Dnto ^r0 people : becnttfeye trefpafeb agaynttmenmonge tbe cbylbjcn ♦Auw.jT.il. f3ftacl *at t^t waters! of (trvffe.at CabeS in tbe wplberncftY of *in:fo$ ye fanctifpeb me not amonge tbe cbplbjenof 3frncl. 'fcbou Qjalt titer fo?.c fe tbe liibc befote tbe.anb (ball not 500 tbpt&er Ditto? lanbe wbpcb 3fl«ie tj)tcpplb$enof3frart* Cfrbe.JtWuj.C&aptct. Cfflores opiiiBC bicOttt) all tbe trpbre of Jlftift lays (0 tbe blcflpnge wbeewptl) &)orestbeman of(5ob bleffebtbe cbylbjenof 3fraell before i)pjS bu» ,J atb,anbfaybe ; * 'Cbe Lojbecame tcpo.w.a. fc° m &"w »»b (be web byS beanie** from $ef r Ditto tbent , anb apeaceb from mount $baran , anb be came wytb tboufanbes of fcy» SeKayntcS.anb (11 biSrygbtc banbea la we 4&a V ui).B. offpjefojrbe-3nbbelottcbtbcpcoplc.* 311 bpS faynteS olfo are In tbp pnbcsl. 'Ebep ^wcrefmpttetogoaftettbyfcte.anbtorcs eeatteoftbpwo;iticS.&)ofeSgaucD0alawe to bean enberttaunee of tbe cogrcgacyon of 3acob.anbbewnsui3frael8pngewbe" t^z lienor* of tbe people , anb f tepbesf of jfrael tocregatberebtogetber. let % uben lytie>anb not b y c:anb be fewe *tfro.(f.a. m nombje/fc&wJ fame alfo tjapnen if Wm t 36nbbc faybc ; beare Lojbe tbe Doyce watt* ba , anb bjpugc bpmDiitobpsl people ifptf banbest iDalbc goob ynougb fo? binn>pf t^on I)tlpe|)ymagapnftby^enempe0. ^ 3tnb Ditto Hetubcfaybe:^r , ^uni(m« ® Mlim ilialbe witb tbe,? Km eucry one tfykt ^^ is( goblp 111 tbesbou bpbbeftp^otteljtmalfo in tbe tcntacvou $ ftrmerjft voytb bpmatttie toatcrtf of ftryfe . tyt tbat batb fapbcDnto bus fatljer anb to bij( motl)ce:3^aue not fene . bim, oorsiiib lie tbat bnewe not|)W b^etjj^ , ^» net Hue we hist a wnc cbylbjcn, tboft are tbep tbat baue obferueb t by vo o^be.anb iball bene tbp touenatmt.'Ebf P Iball teacbt 3acobtpp (ubgcmenteiei , anb jfrael tbp lame . ■£ &ep (baflputcenis before tbp noic.anb tbe burnt facrttyce Dpon tbyuc altarc.Bleffe lo?b W fp^ft tarn anb accept tbe tuojtte of W Uan- besl: finpte tbe 1 p tics oftljf tbat cy re agapuft ljim,anboftt)5tl)at|jatcl)mi,tij«ttl)cyi:yfc notagayne. % nb of zBcn 3amtn be fa pbcfc&e lo?betf bcrlpngc mall Dwell In faffetpe Dpon bym 9 tbe to?bc mail couct bim all tbe bape longe, aiib he Qall bwr II betwene bis3 (boulbcrjS. tf 3inb of 3ofepb be l'apbe:bicaeb of Ho?b l!t taijis lanbe fo v i tbtftttte* of beauc , tbojowc be we anb fpjpugcjJ tbat ipe benetb, anb fo;tbctt»ctcfrutcdof tbe encreafeof pfon^ nc.anb eppe frutc* of tbemone : fo?tljefyiift frutesi of tbe p?tucipall mofitay net, anb fop tfje fritted f tljc bpllc£i bjyngc f wr tD fo? euec, anb fo? tbe fctitcsc of tljccctb.anD fulneltc tbcrof:anb f 0? tbe goob wy ll of Ijpm $ bwelt in tbe * buu>c,(ball t\}t blcffpngc come Dpon . ffrn .. , tbebeabeof 3ofepb, »Dpontbe topptoftDc ***°' m ' beabc of btm i> was fcpnratcb fr 5 amfige W b?ctb?cn^r ty$ firftbo^ne ojre liatljbe wtie, -c ano l;is( bojnctf are ajf t^t bojnctfof anDny* eoine3nbwytbtbembe(balltroublefna* cpon« togctbec , cttcn Dnto tbe enbetf of tbe wortbe. 'Cbefcarc alfof manp tbonfanbctf of€pb?aim, ^tbctboufnnbcsiof 4l?anau*ciEl. 3nbDnto?abuionbefayoe :iaeiopfe?a* © bulon in tbp goynge out , anb ttioti 3facbac in tby tcntesJ >%tyv (ball call tbe people Dn« to t^t bpll » anb tbere tbey (ball offer offcrpn= gess of rpgbtcoufneg . it o?tbep Qjallfuc&e of tbe abunbance of tt)e fee, anb of trcafurc &pD iutbefanbe. . . • 3nb Dnto #ab lie fapbt : bleffeb be f row» meinaRer0ab:bebwelletl)a0aipon,t|)at catcbetb t\)t arme wptb t&e beabe . I^e fawe tberfojc bus begpnnlnge.anb tbat ttere wa* a p o^cpon tbere to bpbe tlje la wgeuer, anb pe came witl) tDe ftcabeiS of tbepeople,anb ejce« cut eb tbe r pgbf eoumeg of tbe lo?be anb W (itbgemetiteiBiTOitb3frael. % nb Dnto Ba n jf e fa pb e 1 Dan (0 a lyo n % Wbelpf.beiballflowefromJBafan. 3nDDntoiftepDtl)alilielaybe,Bepl)tbaU batt) aofesurt Bettteronomtum Mlmiiti ?i?k SffJWS 50 W«S J^pwfiww W lanbe of 3iioa:eiien Dnto tfje Df moft rce.aiib fpllcbW(tbtb«pngeottbcW^^^ tbcroutb,anbfberfgtonoftbepl«ipneohe" ^^S^ifW^&J^WS' rtt&o?cpt(tofiianlmctrcr«,ciicnDntojMe.iiS J l |PJ^ r « WR c:3fecflialbcble(Tfb 3ii0 f Ijc JLoebcf.ipoc Dutotipm . * HE\)vm ^>.». witbcbPlb^cn:be ibalbe acceptable Dnto Ditf % lanbe wbydj 3 fw.irc into Zbtaiam, m ■* *fi5rnr.ft).b b^ctb^tn^iballbpppebts fotctn opie : ^by bwellpngc bcy^onanb bjaffcanbtbpncagc be ajstbp pottt^. ■Cberc ft none Ipbc Dnto f <5ob of 3frael: w!)icb tljougb be fit Dpon tlje bcaneao Dpon a bojfe , pet ijf be tbp bclpcr , wbofc glojy iJJ in tbe celcftiall placed . t:be cternall Gob is$ tbp rcfuge,$DnOcctbearme0 of tbe (£ucrla= ft ynge (Uob.Cbalt tbou Ipue.iijc (ball caft out tbe enempe before tbe,anbfnpe,be(frope.3f« racltbcntball b well in lafetpe, * alone. 3nb tbe eye of 3acob (balbe Dpon a lanbe of come anb wy ne.anb ty* beauens (ball Woppe tbe oc we.loappye art tbou o3frael, wbo 10 lyuc Dnto tljcf €> peopled art faucb in tbe ioibe, wbicliitf tfteCbplbeof tby|)clpc , anbfwcrbc of tbpglo.tpe.'^bync enemies baue loft tbcic 9 cy 'ftrcngtbtotj)ewarbe,anb^ibaltC'^trcabc Dpon tbe bcygtb of tbem. C^be.ywui.cbaptcr. CflB|orfBopttb..3irracH toepctlj. jfiorun fucccDctb incEjofcscoumc. Bb * a)ofe0 wentfro the plapne ofWoabDpinto mout rtebo'aito Dnto tbe toppc of * tbe jjyll tljat iSouer agay lift 3cr(cIjo. 3! nb tbe *fiu.rbe.t. *Ctu(.«8.o. toibedjeweb bpmall tbe lanbe ofG'ileab, eucu Dnto Ban, anb all #epbtbali anb tbe WUttto of^ep^aimf a)aiiau"e, 6?all t\\c 3ial>ic anb Jacob faptnge: jfwpil gene it Dnto tby fccD . 3 banc caui'cb tt)z alfo to fc it wptb mm cpc.3 , * buttDou ujalt not goo jdwwkja oucrtbytber. S>3^DfeStbe fcrtiauufc of tbe iozbe bpeb tbere in tbe lanbe of &)oab accoibpnge totbe woibcof)? no:b?. ?t nb be burpcb 6un ina Dalepmtbclabc of #3ab oner agapnft tbe boule of pcoi , but no man Imowerb of W fcptilcbic Dnto tbi'a bape. ^)ofrB was an at bunb.icb ano t wctpc ycrr olDe when be brcO: bpsepe was not bpmme, noibvs naturall colonic abatcb. anb ^ cbylbzen of 3fraell * tnmtt* wepte foi &%. :sm £ plapne of «)oaU tbW' tyeDapesanb^bapcsofweppiigcamour-- nyngefoz #WcS were cnbcD. ^nb3orua the fonnc of fltin was full of tocfp.ipteof wytbomc:* fo2a)ofccliabput *««.«*** bpsbanbes Dpon bfin . anb tbe cbplbmi of ® 3fwel were obcbient Dnto brm, anb br-bnS tlje tozbc commaunbeb Q)oH . anb there aroft notapiopbet fence in 3frael I vftc Ditto ii)ofcS, wbom tbe Lojbc line we face to face, accoibpngc Ditto all tbe mpwclesaub won* bcrs wbtcb t\)t to.'be fenr bun to 00 m f labc of egypte,Dnto pbarao % alibis fcruautcs *bffojtall[)i«labe:-TaccoJbpngc toall tbat mygbtit banbe.S all y greate Diftons.wbHh a)ofeS (beweb in tlje ipgbt of all 3fraell CClie enbe of tlje fyftl) bohe of HQofeS.callcb in f be Dcluae^llc J)abbcbartin,anbmtbe Latin. ^cmeronomtum* r ■ 1 :m -** •:< i n i - * J O *i » 1 1 E« : i ftp* I E ■ in Ilsi , 1 v. ^. I- > ) •■ \ '•■■ t ti.'Cljefccottftt prtltc of f !jc :* ju i>ir -ccm= tavnpujjt^cTc bu.:)l|CT}, ^bcbooftcoftMubijctf. C[)c f irft booltc of Samuel - llic.ui.boolic of tlje bpngrs'. "Che "iTAiKjticetfijfhMcjii. 'Cfjct.booUe of f fljionpdctf. ^])cffcttboofecof£'ftya,tf. CIjc boolic of fetter. «?•! i* i a >fV//;i Lit BitfK S* ^>:; U"** *-v. - r p_...X/ ) | \ , P VV ■' 2^£ < i K •% \\>. ■•:1 " 1 i l i I * 112 l!4 fiM i r-I I 1 \ v t i < v * *» v I t. : 1 I 1 i , 'i ii i /;■■ * ..Vli fi. I m 111 a m if 01'. 'fo&om t&c fyebjuctf call 3cbofua C^fjcfpjftCjiaptcc. * *-J - /- tfterpbcathof^ofcat&e fcrttautof£i.o;tbc,itbap= pciicu alfo tbat tjje t02bc fpaftc Dnto 3oftta p ibnnc of mm #)ofe$ mtniffcr ttf bccb. $otb tbcrfo?e Dp $ goo otter 302= nan : rtjott $ all tin* pcoplcDnto the lanbc the toftwo gcttc Dnto tbc chtlbjcn of 3f^ «ww.c. racl.*5M tjieplacctf tbat £ foolc* ofvotirc fete Oialltrcabc Duon,battc 3 gcucitpott, ntf 3 fapbc Ditto mpbbco: ottbe boftc, 9 comanbe tDe peoplcfaptng: pjepavt pon DttaplcjJ : fo^ a&cr t&c bape0 pc Qjall patTc ouct w 3o^ban,to goo k$ cniopc f lanbc tbbfcfj i%t lo?b ponrc ©Ob gcttctl)pou,topo(Teu"cit. ^ • im Ditto ^> lanbenitesf^abite^i half f trpbc of ^)anau"e)S fpaae 3ofua faptng: * Ecntcmbct: ^..tbctbo?be,tbboti= re toptic0, ponce cbilbzcn, anb ponce catell Qtall vcmaptte in f ifaeto&ich tyoba gaue pott on ti)t0fpoe 3o;iban:25ittpeu)aUgo before pottcc bottom awnpb, all ^ 'jc men of ttarve, anb belt)Ctbem Dnttll t^t tozbe banc gcue poucc bictbWtt rcaft^tfbc batbc pou,ab DnttU ^cp alfo battcobtapneb t^t lanbctDbtcbtbc Loibe pottrc Cobgettctb tbem. 3J«b tjjcjnQjall yt rctottrnc Dnto tbc lanbc of pottrc poffeffion =t cniopc tt, tol;tcl) labejpofes; p Lozbcafcruafttgaucpoit on tbt)S tpbc3otba totoarbc f fonne rpfpitgc. Mtycv anftocrcb 3oftta fapmgc : *Ju *©««.** tbat p baft comatutbeb D0, toe votli bo, anb J c "'- '"•'• &bctbcrfocitcrtbottfcbcftD0,toc\i)pllgo. 3Kccoibmg ajs tuc obepeb ^ofes in all tit gefc fotopll tbc obcpctbconlpcthc toibc m C5oo be tottb tbc m be teas nut!) #)o* fc0 . 3lnb tbbofocttcr he be tbat Doth bvf o - bcyc tbp inotttb, anb toll not bcrHcn toro tbptootbc0 tn all tbat thou commaimbcfl; pint, let Itim bpc : Onlpc be ftrong anb of goob courage. CCbf-U-Cjjaptcr. rjoruirmBcH)rppcffto;j!cnct)o.tohui) hicrctjj'Dofuatjib. l^bJofuatbcfonncofBttnfcntout ^ ofgictttmttbo men to fppc ferret- ,r JtyityFP : ff° * * f M * he labe anb alfo3crtcbo.3nb tbcp tont,anb fame into a barlotcs bottfc, natneb ftabab, * lobgr b there. Mb it toast tolbc the Itpitge of 3crt tbo,anb fapb : iScbolbc, there came men m bptber to npgbt, of the cbtlbtcn of 3frael, tofppcottt the cottntrcp . 3nb the Upncr of 3crtcbofent Ditto Uabab faptng : btpttgc fo^tb tbc men tbat arc come to tbc,.*itolHcb arc cntrcb into thpnc hottfe .- fot thep be co -. mc to fcarche out all tbc lanbc.' 3Bnbtl)c\toontantoltc^ttoimcn * ? htb *m*u. tbem. Itnb fapbe tbtijj : m bebe there came J«w* men Ditto mc, but 3 toft not toicitcc tbcp tocrc. 3nb abottte the tpmc of the Qjuttpit .-■ gc of tbc gate tojen tt tot? barcucthc men — , pf t ottt^betber tbc men tout 3 tbbt not: » folotovc after tbem qttpclUpe,? pc (hall otter take tbem. 2Sut 0)t b?ottgijt tbem Dp totberooftc of thcboufc,anb * bpbbtbcm *3iofw.w.n to tbc ftalcltc* of f larctol;icb 0)c ban lpttt= gcabjoabcDpon^rooffc . 3tubtbcmcnof tbc cptpc pttrfucb after tbem, tbc totpc to 3ocptyutttDegatc. 31 U 3nb o* '4 ■ i !{ H :vi * '-- : 4 *t Ii i r :* : i i 4 * ii; s i ■n* i ; i i 1! mm Toftta, t 1 ■ ■ ft *nb.g. *» i X. [ I If N I I ■t % (l ? i r : ' i h- 1 I * I, • I. ■ '••< aitiD oj cttct* tbey tocrc a flepc, fbe came Dp Ditto tljcm Dpon $ r ooffr, g faybc trnto the mmil ftnotocp t|jc loibc batbcgcucn *t)mt(ro. p' ou tijc laDf * f oi the fc arc of you iS fallen SS&* DponDS,? tljc enbabiters of tl>c lanb faynt at the pjtcfnicc of you. jf 02 toe Dane heart), ♦ ero.rim.f botb £ lo?br*totrb Dp £ tbatcr of the rebb fee bcToic pou toftrn pou came out of €gy •= ptc, * to&a'tyou opo Dnto £ tu>0 ftyitffe* of the 3imoiite.fi;, that were on the other fibc * /%ot.rri.f. 3o2ban*<§>cbon,? Qg,tobomyc Drtetlyc beftroyeb. Ifab as' fone astuc hah bearD thefc tbyiujcs MKiwt»c« rose immjjtmtt bee tcs oyt faitc. 3titU there remaynebno mo -■ are courage many man at the pjcfcncc of you. fl oi the Loib youre Goh,l)e is £ Cob in heaueit about,* on the erth brnethe. fiov> tbcrfoic; 3 piay you;fYbcarc unto onif.v.B. me * by the ioiocyas 3 banc OjcvdcD you *■ mcrcic,pctl)aUaIfoujctocmcmcDnto my fathers houfc,? gcucinca true toltcn.Sno that ye (ball fane alyucbotbc my father, ? my mothcrany bictbicn,? my fpftcrs,anb all thai: they banc. 3tnb that ye (ball ocly ■= s , uer v.. ourc fottlco from heath. ;inb the men anf\Dcrcb her: ourc liucSfoj y onto bye, yfycDttcr not this ourcbufi lies, jafctttlfl! f t02Dl)atbegeuen\)S the +jcru.i)i.t. lab,* tticioillDeale mercifully? truly tbitl) the. 3nb tbcuftjc left them Dou>nc by aco-= laS\ '■' a ' r ' atlif * thoio'O) a vdiudoydc : tf ot her houfc. ' uiastiyrbctotonctoall. 3nbtbcbtDcltby the to'coue wall . 3nb flic fayb Ditto them: ' gett you into the mounraync, left the pur* fliers mete yon, * bybc youre fclues there tbicbaycS,Dntill the purfiiars be rctumeb anb then iball ye goo youre atone voaye. 3tnb the men faybc Dnto her :\3dc Mil be blanuicfl'c of tlnstby otbc,D)bicb tljou haft mabcDSftocarc . iScbolbctbbcn toe come into y labcj) ftjalt bpnbe tins purple coar ■ be in the toiDott>,Ybtncb $ latteft DS bobwe byc3.nO tl)ou (halt bang thy fathers thy mother , thy bictb.ien , anb all thy fathers' £> boutbolb, cuen into thy houfc . 3nb then \)>hofocucr both go out at the Doics of thy *?. boufc, into the Herat, **. his" bloiibc thai be Dpon his atone bcab,?tocDHibcgtltlcu*c. 3.nDtbbofocucc u)albc toitb the i tl)c hou = fchps 1 bloubc (ball be on ourc beabcyf auy mannes babe touche fyim: 2Cnb yf thou \)t- tec tbefc ourc ttooiQc&toc toilbc quytc of thy otbetobieb thou haft mafic ts ttueare. %m fbc faybe:accojbigc tmto youre too^= bcS,fo be it:anb ftc fenttbem atoayc to Dc~- parte. 2SnU u)c bounbe tljc purple coarbc tit the tdinboto. 3tnb they beparteb,anb came into ^ moil -. tayne, anb tbere aboabe tb^e bayes, teitill tbe purfuarg tocrc rctumeb . 36nb ttjc pur-- fuars fought them ttjojiotoc out all f toayc but t'ounbe tjjem not. 4lnb t|je wo men re- tunteb, (j befffcebfromt|)cmofitayne,anb putreboucr>anb came to3iofua t|je fonnc of I9un,anb tolbe hym all tbat liab cljauti^ ceb flxin. 3!nb fljey fayb \>\\to 3ofna : tbe Xo^btruly bathe belyuercb into ourc ban^ bcsall $ labcanball tbe tnbabitcrs of tlie coiurey faynte at tl)c p^cfence of \)0. CCDc.tii.Cbaptcr. C3loruc\iitt!)Ujfpco|)lc|)a(rfOucr3lopi«rt. j iilb Jofua rofc erlyc.anb tljey temo *» 3mm 1 3 0? bancs pne.anb It ^ '- >» ^ ■ft nebfrom S>cttun,? came to 3o;b5, be anb all the cbilbjcn of 3fracl,anb lobgeb thcre,bcfo,ic tljcy \Dcnt oucr . 3nb after th^c bayejs itfo^tuneb, that the offi^ ccrtftttft thoiioto out the hoftennb tfmatU uo tbe people fayingc : \bbcn ye fc p arcltc of t\)c teftament of tbe l0|b youre o yet tbat tbere fbflll be a fpacc^s bcttbenc you $ it, aboutc a tvoo tboufanbe cubites by mcafmrc . 3inbycujal not come nyc tmto it,tbat ye maye knovoc tljc toayc, by tdhicb ye mutt go : fo,tyc bauc not gone this tioay c in tymes pa ft ^ (* t»cbwc.ti>at re up; pjorbf not npr bnto fttmUt) 3i!lb ^OflUl filVb \)U- to tbe people: *(uu 3 be toitb the. 7m tbou inalt commaunbe the picaftcs that bcarc the archc of the co= ucnaimt fayiiig : \bhen yc arc come to the cbgc of tbe Mtcrsn of 3o^bau,ycu)aUfta= bcftiUmit. 3lnb3ofua faybc \jnto ^ chilb?ctiof 3f* racl :comc hither,? hearc the too tbctf of the Ho;byourcC5ob. 4inb3ofua faybe,iper= bye yc ujall Unotoc that the Uuyng €?obixi C among you, ? tbat hctoill toythout fayle caft out before you J Cananites,* the Ipe- thitcsJ iijcuites, f jDhercfitf S,^ <5crgcfi= tcs,j; amoiitcs, i f 3cbufitcS . iScbolbe, the arcltc of $ apoiutmct of f Lojb of all p too^lbc goeth before you in to 3o?ba\ B oto thcrfo,ic take from nmoge you tioclucmg out of f tribes of Jfracl, out of cucry tribe a man. 3Knb as fone as f foolcS of f fete of f P m atPa ve I bepar . r tcb into t|)efalt fec,anb the people * toent rygbtouer agaynft 3ericbo,»nb tbe pica^ n«i y bare t))t arcfte of the appointemfc of tlje ioibe,ftoobe biyetbitl)tn3o^anerca Dp ipjeparcb,f all tbc3fraclites tocnt ouee tbo?otDtbcb^ye,t)ntill all the people there gone cleane ouer tboj oto 3jo^an, CC&e.tm.CDaprct. C3)cruarf«e(b bp ttoelucttontefa3io;ftait. M ttfottuncb , tbattobantfjepeo* ple.tt)creallgone^oucr3orban,thc Jto?befpaftewito3ofua,fapinac: 'BTafte you ttoeluemcnoutof tljc people, out of euery trybc a man . 3nb commaun^ be you tbcm,fayinge:tafte youbence out of tbe mybbes of 3o^ban(euenout of tbe pla^ kj cc toberc tljep^caftcs Hoobe in a rcbyncs) ttDClUC o» (offbcmoabarttlt) ftoitCS , tbhlCl) V^ (ball taftcatoayetotthyou,anbleauc them H. 9J 3oiba*anb tafte tjp cucry man of you a «. ttone tjpon W fbulber,acco v tbing \)uto m nomMc of the trybeS of the cbUDzcn of 3f * Wltw this maye be a ligneamoncr, you. 'Cbat tbljg youre cfjilbie afftc tbicr fathers? m tymc to come,f ayigc:tol)at »"canc tbcfc ftoncs toitb you f ge maye anCtoeee t jicm ijoto tbat f toatcrs of 3oiban beuybeb at tbcpjcfcnce of tbe arcfte of the appoyutc= ment of the 1t.oibe.5f 01 tojwt it toent oucr ffi WWfc'ttersofjojbanbcuibeb: 3Bnb "> tpcicftoueS are become a mcmoiiall tonto tbecbilbjenof3fraclfouuer. ^ mtmu, Jy® t} )* c|>at>^cu of 3fracl nyn cuen fo as '• loiua commaunbeb, anb toftc ijpntocluc ;oncS out of the mybbes of 3o v iban,as the . 4 , , — ^e cDilbzcn of jfaacl, « carycb tbematoayetoitbtbetn tmto the placctbbere tbey lobojeb,? laycb tbe boune there . Hm 3ofua fct tjp ttbelue ftoncs al * 10 (ntDe mybbes of 3ojban,m tj)e place loftta M Mm m fete of tie pjeaftcStoljfcbbare the arcfte of tbe tcftament,ftobe. - r %n\) tbcre baue tbey cottnucb Dnto^ tl;iS *» . bayc . it 02 tl;c pzeaftes tobicb bare $ arcfte ftobe in tbe mybbes of 3o,2ban,t)ntill all toas finifQjcb tbat J:lje loibe comaunbeo 3ofua to faye ^jnto tbe people, accoibig to all tbat #?ofes cbargeb 3ofua.3nb y peo^ pie baftcb,anb toet ouer. 3t foztuncb alto, tbat toha" all the peopletoerc cleane ouer,^ € arfteof $ lozbtbent oucr alfo,? § pjeaftes befoze the pcople.*3:nb t^t cbtlbieof Eu= *WMti4 h ^ ^ e JL&iKwn of C5ab,? balfe the tribe of minafles tbent bcfoie tbe cbilbacn of 3fraclarmeb,as^ofcscbar!icD W'. ^uS f ourty tboufanbe pic pareb f oj voarre, toct befo?e tbe lozbcDnto battcll, tboioto the playne of 3encbo. * %W baye the ioibe * jm ,„ b magmfieb 3ofua m tjje fig^t of all 3frael, mm( *< anb tbey fearcb c *brm,as tpey fcareb4»o= ■<* fcsallbapesofbtsiyfc. ' f nb tbe to?b fpafte Mo 3ofua,faying : comaube tbe picaftes that beare tbe arcke of tbitueffcto come *p out of 3o2ban. 30 * watbctfozecomaunbeD^p^aftc^faying: S> Come yc Dp out of 302ban, 3fnb Vbbcn tbe Picaftes y bare tbe arcke of the apoy ntmf t of the lozbe tbcre come Dp out ot the myb * besof 3o2ban,anbasfoneaS tbe foalcsof ti)e picaftcs fete there fct on t&c o«iyc lah, b ibaterS of 3o2ban rcrourncb agaync trnto tbctr place? toent ouer all their bauckes, as tbey ovo bcfo.ic.^nb the people came Dp out of 3oiban the tenth bayc of the fprft monctb,anbpitcbcb in Nilgai , cuen in the eaftboiberot'tbecyte3eticbo. acnb the ttoeluc (tones voljicb t^cy tokc out of 302ban,bib 3ofua pitebe m Gilga' Jinb be fpafte Ditto the clnlbien of 3frac. faytno;: *J>f youre cbilbien affte thcic fa, *«fio.r„,^ tbersmtymcto come,? faye: tobatmcauc tljcfc 501^0.^ f&aiqjcxbc youre crjUDzc , ? fayejifrael came oucr tliis 3oiban onbiic lab.jtoitbe JL010 youre Gob tyycb Dp the loater of 3oiban bcfoie you,Dntill yc \Dcre gone oucr,aS p loibcyourc C5ob byb C rctt fee * tDljicl) be biycb Dp bcfoie DS,ty U Vat M ^^u. tocrc gone ouer : tbat all tbe people of the * crc - rj,(t < tooilbc mayc ftnotoe t (jabe of $ Lo:b,bou3 mygbttc it is , anb tbat y c migbt fcarc thz ioiD youre <5obf oi run:. Cfcbc.D.Cbaptc*. iftbitfojtuncbf tb^all^ ftfgcs * of £2&moiltes Djhicharc beyonb 3 ozban toeft tcarbe,? all f ufgerf ~^ of tbe «tanamtcs tobicb tocrc by tbefcctjearbcbotb tbe loibe bab biyeb Dp bcrtcs faintcb toi fcarc. 3Enb tbertbasno fpKtein tbem anpmoare,f02tpepiefen^ jg ccoftl)ec|)ilb2cnof3fracl. ** % Hi ^Daf ; 4 1 i 1 '4* ■ • I \ ft I 1 * I 1 I i I 1 5atI)o miu igbefttoyeb &mnte ttoneo ~^ f L K i * , r r 13 I I %\\i\t fame tpmf p Lottie faybe Unto 3o -■ * « roui.-.f. f ua : *> &)\\\i the ibarpe UnpiiflSC of ironc) * croo to agavnc an& cucumcifc the clnlD.icn of Str«d ffcconbc tymc.anO 3ofiiamabc bun mar pc Unpuctf •: of (tone ) | cittimcifcO thccmlomiof Ifvaclintbc plate calico j> Utile of p f oicC Uyimc0. SnMftf tf pcaufc itonv lofua orcueifco all tbc people £ came out olwprc: Gamely fuel; ajStDcrc ma- le js becaufc £ all the men of toarrc , OicO in the toiiocmctf by $ toapc , after tbey came out of egyptc . tfo? all tbc people f> came out tbc re ctrciicifcO . But all f people that m if bonie m the toilOcmcffc uytbetoaye niter tuey came out of egyptc ,lfl>crc not circuciicD.tfoj tbc clulOjcn of ImaM* iu-0 f ouvty yercs in the totlDcrncuctyll all i> people of tDe men of toarrc $ came out of fegiptc tocrc confumco , oceanic they bat* benco not unto the \joycc of the io?oc. Ulijcvf oie the Lo?bc ftoarctbat be toolbc * «fi r „i f not itartK them tbclanb * tobicb tbc Lojo ** to,W ' (Sarc unto thcyr fathers*, tbat bctooioc .UU...I...B. ffcuc us , etien a lanoc* tbat f lotoctb toyjb C liullic i bonyc . anb tbeir cbiltycn tobo be fctt up m their ftcaortyc lofua circueifco: foi rnep tocrc uncircumctfco , becaufc tbey r trcnmctCco tbcm not by tbc torn* ano tohen ttjcyliao ttrcumcifcO all tbc people, they abobc ftpll together m toe boftc till they toete tohole.anO tbc LotDc fayoe \m* to 3 ofua: tbta oapc 3 baue taken atoayc p njamcof£gtptctroyou:tobcrfojctbcna* me of tbc fame place i* calico (frugal Unto tow Oayc . 3»o £ cbilbicn of 3fcacl iabobe in <3ilgall*anb ncioc tbc fcaft of paf torn thcfoiittcncbapc of £ monctb at euihutbe plapnc of ictico.ano tbey bio cat of y coj= nc of v lano on tbc mojotoc after paffeoucc T) ftocte caucg * parcbeO come in £ lelfc fame *ert>.nw oayc . M tbc * «)anna ccafcO on tbc mo* r otocaf tec tbey bab begone to cat of p coy> nc of tbc lanoc , netber oao the clnlDjcn o : Ifracl S)nnna any fnoarc , butbyb cat oc tm come of tbc lanoc of Canaan ti;at ycrc. %m itfoitunco fyumprnjoimmit nyeto 3ctwbb.yclyfte»pDwiepc]ai $ lolwO: ana bcbolo,tbcVc ftoDeamanasamft him» ftanyns a f 'Oocrbe o?atbm in W (jaoe. 4no lofuaojet Unto btm,anOfayOe unto tynu arte thou on ourctybe °? °» outc min3 fane*. 3 no be fayoe, iaaycbttt : a* a cap. taync of tbc boftc of tbc lo?o am 3 noto co? miUnb 3ofua fell on W face to tDe m J, ano oyb ccucrcnce,? faybe unto bym,jubat fay tb my io?bc unto W* ftc "? un i (2? ' captayne of tDe lo?bc0 boftc faybe Unto jiofua:*oo tby ftooof thy tmm Jwgi; * *re.<«.b. cetoftcron tbou ftaocft,i}3 boly.^no 3ofua act.w«.o. ^£ CCbt.W-Cbaptcr. tCro.ri.a. , aoicricbb toatf (but Up , f locftco 3 becaufc of? cbuo^ of Jfcacltirtpej .—J mygbt any c man go out onn .JM» tbc ioiowyounto3ofua : 0cbpl0e,3p ue ffcucn into tbync HMjptfa «nO Dec Uyngeano tbc ftroiig men of ttoarrc. . km yc (ball cfipal tbc cy tje,all ye tUat be men of Mnt,f go rouOc aboutc it once ano f o (ball you Oo fyic oaycjJ . » icueti mM*A bearc before tlje 4rUc> fcucn , tropcttcs* oftftw* bo?ncjS ««« tiMcototiw «« stub «o.3no tbc feucntb oaye ,yc ftial com^ Saffc tbc cytic fcucn tymejs , ano tbc Pica* ctf (hall blotbc toitb tbc ttompettcMWtt U>bcn tbry maUenlongc blatte toytb toe rammed bojnc,^ yc bcarc t|je founbe of tb; Domcall tbc people u)alu)otote id a great: &btttc.3ittirWawU tbc toall^off citie^ fall bouueano tbc pcoplcfball afecnoe up, cucry man Itrcigbt before bim.^no 3ofu j the fonnc of 0M , calico MpM , autt faybc unto tbcm : tanc Up tbc arcue of tbe appointcment, 9 left f cum pjcatteslbcare fcuentrompcttejJ of rSmesJ bojneg before tbearckeof tbelojocltnobc We Unto tncpcoplc,go ano comuafle tbe cytie : ano left him f ijs barncu*eb,go before tbc arcke of tbc lojbc.Slno tt>beu lofuajao fpoken Unto the pcoplctbcieucnpjeaftcjS bare tpe fcuen trompettctf of rammed Do?nej5 , ano tocttt f or tb bef o?c tbc at cUc of tbc lO|or,f ^5 blcuoc toitb tbc trompcttcitf, ano tbc arcue of tbc coucnaut of tbe Lo^Oc f olotteo tbe. 2lno all the men of armejs tocnt befoje tbc picaftc0>that blctDc U)itbtbctropcttc0, alio tbc commen people came after tbe ac- ne : ano tbep?cftc$stbattt>cnt blctoettHtp tropcttcjj.^no 3ofuac6maunocD tbe peo- ple fayingc: gc (ball not Q)oXDtc, net make any noyfc t6 yourc Uoyccncitbcr Ojal any tooiDe pioccoc out of yourc moutbc,untili fnhvt 1 bio you ujovote, thcnQjallyeao* fete. 3nO fo f nrcuc of tbc lo;tO compafeO tbc cyticanoxoent aboutc it onceuinbtbc? rctourneO into tbc bottcano loDgcO tbcre. 3n& 3ofuarofecrly in tbc mojnpnff ,ano tUc"ta?cattcsi tolteup f arcke of tbc £o?oe, ano fcucn frieaftc* bare fcucn trompcttcjai of rammc0 b02ncj5,« Ujcnt before tbe accke of tbc lojoc , ano bletutoitD tbc trompet* tcjs. 3iiO alltOc mai of armejs tbcntbcf o*e tbcm, but tbe comen people came aftcfetbe . • arcke of t&e Lojbe, Wt\)Mt before Ufa the blotting of tbc trompetitcsl.^nb tbele* conOe Oayc tbey compafeO tbc cytie once , $ . vetoumco agaync into tjjc Jiofte , $ fo tpep byOfttebaycU. ' _, , 4notto|jentDe feucntb Oaye camc,thep.ro« fe crlye:cuentoitb tbeOatDninge of f Oaye> ano compafeO tbc cytie after tpe fame ma« tier fcuen tymea : only tbat oayc t Jcy tm*. $afco tbc cytic fcucn W&fc 4 *©rt.r*.r. 3BnO at tbc fcucutl) tymc, ibban f mafttit Wetwetfi tbe tropcttcji, loftia fay&Unto 6 C ncople.Ojotbt, m f lo?bcbatbgcncnyou «a. f cytie.ainD tlje cytie ttjalbeOJlneO-^bOtbe it ano alltbat are t\)nin , Unto the loibe: onlye ftababtbe Harlot tyM lyuc,ano all tbat arc toitbhet in t\)t boufe, becaufe (be «!orw,«.». *htOO tpe mcucngcr# tbat toe fent. 3no in awtwifc be yc toarc of tbe crcommumcatc tbfttgeftlcft yc make youre fclucjs e rcomu= wicate,* take of tbe cECfimuntcate tbingefc anomakef i^ofte of 3frael cjccomumcate nnp trouble it.® ut all f filucr>goloe, ucC^ fellejSof b?affe,? y?6u)albe confccratc Un= to tbe lojiocf u)al come ito W treaf uric. 28nO tbe people (bototeo^no blcttoc toy ti trompette* 2ino tohen t^c people bearo • 4ft ft, n r f ofioe of x ¥ m W > W (botbtcb k5 a great mm " (hotoff tbe*toallfcllbotwie,fof tbcpeo= tile tof t Up into f cptie,cuery man ftreygbt befojebim,? tokc f citie.^nb tbey Utterly OcfttoycO all f toajj in tbc cy ticbothe man anb tooman,youuge ano oloe, ore , ffiepc * affctoitb tbc cOgc of tbc f tocroe. - 'fcben 3ofua fayoc Unto tbc ttoo me tbat .. Jab fpycO out f coiitreye: *goo into ^ bar= 3D lotteis boufe, ano b^tnge out tbmfe tty bjo = man,anO all tbat u)cbatb ) *a0 yc ftoarc to *3Bfuf.«.c her, InO tbeyounge men tbat tocrc fpye^, DBcnt in, ano b?ongbt out Habab , ano bee fatber ano mother ano bet tyctbje\ ano all f u)e bao.^no t\it^ brought out all ber ki= «0,$ puttbem toitbout tbe bolle of 3fracl 3no tfyev burnt t\it cytic xoit^ f icr > ano all that toatf tberin. €>uly tbc filucr ano § golbctbe Ucffcljs of b?affc ano won , they put Unto f trcafure of tbc boufe of p fcojo *&*;.tf.r. *3n03oiuafaueoiaabab tbc bariott,^ hcrfatpersi bou(holOe>anoall tbatfbc bao, ^CbeOtoclt m 3fracl , cuen Unto tyiti oaye becaufc CbcbiOO tbc mcflcngcr&tobicb 3o> fua fent to fpyc out 3ericbo. 3nO 3ofua itoare a t tbat ty me, fay inge: curfeo be tbc man before tbc lojOctbat ri- *«« « fctb Um btlOctb W citic3cricbo.be (ball *w,:f.^ Iff jnp e t jj e fonnbacion* tnbiiel-^ elbeft fon= **■ ne^ ano inhiitf youngeft fount fl>al \)t fctt Up tbc gateg ot it. 3(no f tbc J, o?o toas t& 3ofua, ano bijs fame toajs noy fcO tbo^otoe outalllanoc^. CChc.Uit'.Cfjaptcr. IRfeKuSatyctf cbftO^cn of 3fracl tof* t Mv&H P aftD m tl)c * ercommuntcatc *& w t f bJ B-Plfj tbyngcsl : ^nb * a can tbc fonne mnu. ' ' . ElggJ of Canny,tbc fonnc of ?abDi,ti)e BSJR' Tonne of ?areb of tbe tribe of 3u* **iw oa^oftc of tW crcommimicat tbingeg. Tint} the to;atb of tbc lotoe t&areo tobofe agaynft tbc cbrtOjcn of 3fr acl. attojofuafcntin^from 3cricbo to $ai> * ■ 5fo tob^eb WbcfyOe )Betbattert,on t\)t eattfyoe of 26etbel,^ fpake totto them, Cayfge:gctt »ou Um *etoc the countrey. Ino tbe men toent up , 9 fppeO out #ai. 3no rctournco to 3ofua, ano fay Oc Unto l^im , lett not all tbe people go Up, but let a* it toereattoo 0; tp?e tljoufanoe men goo Up , ano Imp te ityat ano make not all t$t people to labou* re tbrtber,foj tbey are but fetoe. 3nOfotbcrc tocntUp tbctber of £ people, aboute a t^e tboufanOe men , $ tbey flcOO before the men of ^ai.^nO tbe men of feat fmote of tbcm Up5 a tby tdbcrfo^c baft ? brought tbyjs people oucr ^*o?Oan , to Oiliuer U0 into tbe banoc of the !mo^ttejf,anO to Dettroie UifrtoolO to CoO toe bao^benc content,? Otoelt on tbe other *» fybe 3o?oan.©b lo^oc tobat (ball 3fape, tohen 3ftael turnctb tbeir backer bcfoie tbeir cncmycxj.^uccly tbe Cananitcg,anD all f enbabiter* of f lanoc (ball bcare of iu 9 (ball confpirc agaynft Usi , $ OcCtcoyc tbc name of Ujs out of tbc too?lDe.ano tohat toilt tbou Oo Unto t^v mygbtic name/ ano t))t io?Oe faybe Unto 3offla , gett & Up,tobcrfo?e lycft tbou tbu0 Upo tby face/ 3fracl batb fynncb,? tbey baue tiaiifgrc^ feO myne appointement,tobf cb 3 cdmaun* beo them : fo becaufe ami be hat j I *<-! % !«; V.VA i f k I •: ' ;; A .1 :S T *?. 4 I il m 4 f (1 ft It $$ti¥tft r I j ••'.; .ii • i » ... ■ i i ; > :, i ; , r !i- Watpttanrgrctfcb flic coucnaunt of tpn 1 oiD nun tojougpt folpc In 3fractt. anb fo 3ofua rofc top crip in the mo?nf « anbb > iougpt3fraell bptpcirtribc* : anbj tribe of 3uba toa* caugbt.anb be biongpt tpcKpnrcbc*onuba>anbtoRcfpc&piitecb of tf jatcpitc* . 3wtt> he b jougpt tpe npntco of tpe ?arepitc*,man,bp man>$ ^abDittoa* caugpt. Ittbjie bought pi* pouipolbcmff bp man,anb Scan tpe fonnc of CarmM be fonnc of jabbi,tbc fonne ofjarctpmtijc tribe of 3uba toast caught* M _ t> anb jjofua fapbe tmto acatwtp Tfinc^ 1 e* hefeepe ^tpe^euc gl'otieto J lojbC&ob of ifracil , $ gc lie pi PJaile, * ipctocmc tobnt thou baft bone, ppbeitnotfrom me, anb acananftocrcb 3ofua,s fapbe* of atrutpe 3 baue fpmtcb agapnft tpe lojbe <&on of 3ftaeU,$ tpu* 9 tpu* paue 3 bonc.3 fatoe anions tbc fpoplc a gooblpc loabpionifhe garment,? ttoohunbicbf(ctc*of fatter 4 a tonne of golbc of fpfttcftelc* tocpgptcanb 3 mem tpem,? tofee tpcm.anb rbcpolbc* tpep ipe ppbbc m tpe ertpe in mp tcnte anb fhefttuert*tpcrtonbcr. anb Co 3ofua fent mcfff gcr*: tobicp tol# thep ranne tonto pi* tctbepolbc, tpep toere jjib in bt* tent,anbtpc fplttrr there tonber. ^berf otf thep touc the out of the mpbbcft of pi* i:mt,anb bjougpt tbem tonto loftta, anb tonto all the epilog of 3fraell , 9 lapcb them out before tpclojtbe. anbjlofuato&e acan tbe fonne of ?arep, anb the filucr ,? the garment , an* tbc toge of golbc , nno big fonnc* $ pi* baugptcr*. m orcn, j pi* a(Tc*,pi*u)cpe,$ hi* tent, $ all that pe pab-.anb all 3ftaell toptp ppm toiought tpem tonto the toalcpe of ml* anb3ofuafapbe: 3na*mocpe a* tpou toaftc troublcb to*,tpe lojb (ball trouble f tpt* bapc.anb all 3fracll ftoneb pint Uoitl) ftonc*,anb bumcb tpe toitp fire, anb ouct* •topelmeb them toitp ftonc* . anb tpep caff: ■topo him a great peape of (tone* \jnto tW bape . '3tnb fo the lojbe turneb from the t»?a the of W • inbigna cion . Mb tbe name of the place l* calico f toalcpe of 3cof M\\= «be.\)«i.Chapeei;. Clbe tftsianfitopnnpngof Ra( W>t HpnR cttcroC is blgt ft.31 fu a frttrt'g bp an aKMt.B t felta't tl) !^r pioplf , \&ntty %oibt fapbe tmto 30* ;rua:*fearenot, nether betbou fapnthtwteb . "Calne all ^mni of tbatrc tbpth the anb tp,anb __ M Jgetttheto i|)ai,)l5cholbe,3 ha ueffeucn into thp Oanbe , the fym of l£>ai/ mtb m people,bP0 cptic anb hp* lanbe. a^nb thou (halt bo to fyat 9 ber fepng , as* **>*.**. tjjott bpbeft totto *3«icbo anb l)er ftjmff, *»»t».m« j§eueiftl;elcu"e^fpopic anb * catelltherot, Of* ihaUpctaRC\jrttopottte feitied : anfetew attoatcD tmto tbe totow , on t|>e bacafpoe 3&rtbto3ofuaatofc,attb all the men of tbarre,to ceo t»p agapnft Ipai . inb 3ofua thofc outc thpitie thonfanbe ftrSgeinen of $mw ftnt W awe to mtt . 3nb be cemaunbcbthemvfaptnscibebolbcpeaall Ipe atoapte \mto ^ totonc on the bacacfpbe tberof . <& not Veep farre from f tyttomt be all reabpe . 3nb 3 anb all # people fare toitb me,\toillapp?ocbe^nto tbe cptie3nb« tohentbcp come out ajtapnft W,aj< thep bib at the fir ft tpme the tbill tbc flee before thf. jf oj thep toill come oute after W $ toe ttillbtfns tbem out of the cptte . Jf 0* tbep toill fape : thep flee before W,a0 at f ftrfc tpme:* Doe Mlflce before tp5.3n themea=i tie tpme ftallpcrpfc top fr5 Initio; atoapte, ^beftrope^cptie : $wf *,ojbcpoure 9 tW tocnt to ipe ataaptc, 9 abobe bettbene 25e» tbel anb waf , on the toeft fpbe of the cite oe |)at.25ttt 3ofualobacb that npo;bt amoge tbc pcople.36ub 3ottia rofe top ertpe in tbe moinpngc > anb nomb^eb the people^ mt \)p,he 9 tbe elbct s( of 3frael before tbe peo* pie agapntt foai.3nb all themenof toarre mtvm toitb bim , Mt \>$ anb bzuenpe, anb came agapnft thecptie,anb pitcijeb on tbcnojtbfpoeof tyai# there toajsatoalcpe-. bettbene tbemanb miJm he totte topb a *' fpKc tboufanbe mm , anb put tbem to Ipe iitoaptc,bcttoene 25etbel t ItMt, on P tbe(r-« fpbe of f mkJtoto tbep put p people ( cue all tbe note that toecc on the nojtbtpbc) agapnft the cpticanb thelpccjJ atoapteon the tocft . atnb 3ofua Mlheb f famenpgbc inthempbbcjjoftbetoalcpc. ' 3nb it f oitnneb , fftHw the ftpng of l?ai fatoe it tbep jjaftcb anb rofc top carlpe,anD tlje men of the cptic ttent outc agapnft 3f* racll to battcU,lje 9 all W people, at a tp* me apopnteb,cuen before the plapne,anb toift not that there ton* Ipettf atoapte ott tbe bacftfpbc of tbc cptic. 3Knb 3ofiia 9 all 3fraelfapneb tbem tth ttcjj to be put to the toojffe before tb^fleb totbarbc the toilbemeflc . anb all pieople off totonetoere callcb together, tofolotoc a after tbem.anb tbep folotoeb after 3ofua w ? bjerc b^atoe a txiapc from tbe cptte : 3nb there boa0 not anion left in ^aijin 7&e* tbel,!' toft not out after 3fraell.anb thep left the cptic open,? f olotocb after 3(raell, anb m tom fapbe touto 3ofua: ftretcd out f fpere f i& in thine b^b, totoarbe fyai , f oj i toill geue it into tbp bab 3no 3ofua ftretcbeo to ♦^> ftrctcheb out the f jperc f he hab in W h5oc, the I9?eaft^, f there ieuitcjJ, tbhicp bare totoarbc tlje cttie. 76m p IperjS atoaptc rofe tpe archc of tpc apopntemet of tpe lojbct totoarbc tijc citie. anb f IperjJ atoaptc rofe quichlpe outc of their place? ranne aflbne asl 3ofua bab ftrctcpcb outc b# panbe>anb tl)ep cntreb into the citic anb folic it, 9 ha* tteb,f fett the cite out* ire.anb topen $ men of J?ailobebbacfteaftertpcm,tpep fatoc " fmoltc of tpe citie aflenbe top to bcaue. an . tljcp pab no lepfttre to flee etper tpp# toape oi V » * rhc people f flebb to f toplbcrnette, UittKb bacueagapnc topon tpefolotocrjf. e anb topcn3ofua? all ifrael fatoe tpat the lper# atoaptc pab tahe tpe citic , ? tpat tpe fmokc of it afccbcb^pcp turneb agapnc anb lapebon tpe men of fyai.anb tpe otper ptfucb oute of tpe citic agapnft tbem . anb fo tocrc tpep in pmibbejj of Jfraclfo? tpefe toere on tpe one fpbe of tpem , ? tpe reitc on «oft».w-< tpe other fpbe.*anb tpep lapcb topo tpem, • fo^ tpep lett none of tpe ifeapcno? remap* ne.anb tpe Hpng of i?ai tpep tohc alpue,? bjtougpt ppm to 3ofua. anb topen3iracll Ijab mabc an mtt of (lap mg all tpe en pabt tens of Joai in the fclbc of tpe toplbcrncffc, toperc tpep epafeb tpem, 9 topen tpep tocrc allfallcnon tpecbgeof tbc ftocrbc, tontpll tpep toere toaftcb, all tpe 3fraeUte0 retire* neb tonto lijai , 1 fmotc tt m tpe ebgc of tpe ftocrbc,anb all tpat fell tpatbapcbotp of men ? tocmcn,tocrc ttoclue tpoufanbecuen alltbcmcnoffyii. if 0^ 3ofna plucheb not pp# panb bache agapnc, topicp be ftrctcpcb outc Vpoifpc- rctontpll pc pab totterlpc DcKr opcb all fen "t| tpcfpopleof f citie,3fracltottcbntotpem *** fclucjMcco?bing tonto tpe too v ibe ofp iau be,toptcbpc commaunbeb jofiia. anb 30* fuafctt li)ai on r>« 3 anb mabc it an heape f 0? eucr,anb a toplbcme(fe,eum tonto tppji bape . anb f ftpug of tyat pe pageb on tree, tontpll cucn . anb affone m tpe fonnc toajf *&«f.nu> botonc,3ofua commaunbeb*^ tbcpfpuibc tahe tpe carta* bonne of tpe tree,anb caftc it at tbe entcrig of tpe gate of tpe citicanb *jottt.w(.D * lapc thcton a great pcapc of Itone *, that remapnetp tonto tpt* bape. mmu* ^(n jofua * bplt aualtarc tonto the 3to jbe <5ob of 3fcacll , in mount eball, nt 4ft>ofcss tpe fcruaunt of the tojbc contaun- m tpe cpilbje of 3fraeli,anb a* it i* torit= mmuA ten in tpe * bone of tpe Jatoc of ^ofe* s an 'tcm r^- ^iwrc of topole ftonetf, hotter topic!) no- I;FM ' manhatplpft anptolcofp^on. Znt)t\)cp faenfpeeb tperonbumtfacrtfpcco tonto tpe *o?be,anb ofteteb peace offrpngesi.anb pe Mote there topfi tpe ftohe*, a repearfall of tpe latoe of a}ofe*,anb toiotc it in tpe pie- fence of tpe cpplb?cn of 3ftacll. © ^"hal^lfracUanbtpeclbcrtftpcrofjanb tpetr officicrsi $3ubgejS ftobepar tc on tpijs fpbe tpe arche, a parte on tpat fpbe, bef o?c tpearcaeof tpcapopntemet of tpe to^bci aiei tocll tpe ftraungcM* tpep * toere bo^ne amonge tpe: palfcontpem on «o?efronte of tpe monnte ©an>im,anb palfe of tpem oft tpe fojeftate of mount €ball : a* fyo-- fe* tpe fcruaunt of tpe I wbe pab cfimatm= m before, tpat tpepOmlbe pleu"e f people 3fraell . af tertoarb pe reb all tpe toojbe* of tpe latoe , the blelfinge* anb curfpngefi, aecojbmg to all tpa t to tojptte" in tpe bote of the latoe : anb tbere tea* not one too^be of all tpat fl?ofe# commaunbeb,topicp 30* fuarcabnot bcfojeall tpecogregacpon of 3fraell: 'Cpc toemen anbcpplb^ ( anb tpe Granger* tpat toere come ; ftobpngamon-- ge tpem. CEhe.ijc.Cpaptcr. C2^ciSft)(onp((ffob(apn;prarrof||orut. lBb it f ojtuneb tpat tope all tpe nvn--^ ge* tpat btoci l on tpp* fpbe 3oiban intpcpille*anb toalep*,ano albngc bp all tbe coafte* of tpe great fcc,ouctaga* pnft i(banon( ftamelp tpe fyetpitc*,i U* mo^tc*,tpc Cananitc* , tpe ppcrcutc*, tpe i{)euitc*,anbtpe3ebufptc* ; perb tpe* rof, tpep gatpercb tpem feluc* togctpcr,to fpgpt agapnft 3oftta anb agapnft 3fraell toitponeaccojbe. *anbtpccnpabitoure* of <5tbconpcar0 *«-««.rrf« topat 3ofua pab bone tonto 3ccicpo,anb to J?ai: anb tpep bib too?he toplpipct tocnt, anb mabc tpem feluc* ambafnooucc*, anb t0UCc*«btmbitai>lc9,aa0j0lbCfackctf Vipo tbctr au*c*,anbtoPUcbottcllc*olbc,anbretanb toomc, anb oloc cloutcb flioc* topo tpere fc- tcanb tpeir rapmcttoa* oloc,aub all tpctr pjoupftonof bzcabtoa* bpzcb top, anb bo= 25 rcb,anb tpev camc^nto 3ofna into tpe'po ftc,to (5ilgall,anb fapbe tonto pirn anb tou-- toalltpcmcnof3fraell:toebccomcfroma farre contrepcano noto mabc pc agrcment toitpto*. anb tpemen of 3fracllfapbc ton= to tpe fycmtc: parabucnturctpoubtocllcft amogc to*,anb tpen potoc can 1 mabc pca= cc toptp tpe/ anb tpep fapbe tonto 3ofua : toe arc tpp fcrnanniT*.anb 3ofua fapbe tonto tbem a* gapne: tobat are pe ( auo mence come pc? 'Cpcp a'tftocrcb pirn: jfro a tocrpc farre con trpc tpp fcruaumc* are comcfojtpc name of tpe ioitbe tpp ■!- jmunt of peace tbttU MRq0 ouwf oobc of bjeaOiW toUcttntbDa oute of oute boufca tDpottc,tbcOavemOepartrOtocomcDnto po».3no notb oepolO,tt ijS PpjcP Dp,ano bo wo. 3»P tbcfc hottellctf of foyiw Mtt fttlcb,D>ctcnc\De: anofctpep ucrcnt. ano tbcfc oureganncntctf anP (pot* m tMBpc fo v t oltittt flw t|)c reafon of m crccaPpng ^loncrjourncpe. ... £ 3np tpc men toftc of their Ditapletf, ano _ co&ccUP not Jritft-tjc moutpc of tpc lo?o. rp " 9 3no lofua maoc peace tuptb tpcm, ano* maPcacouaiautftitbthMpattljcpujulPc be fnfttep to ipuc : | tDc lojoc* of tDc con* gcegacponftbatc Dnto them. aino it f ojtu- neo, j ti»e bapeg after tbep pao maoc peace toptp tpe, tpep bcarpc tpat tbep tbcfc thcic nepbourefc s p tbep PVbcltc amongc tbem. 3n0 tpecbpiojc' of 3frael tone their loiir» ncp , ano came Dnto tbcit cptiejs IfyttimU Daw c ano tpeir cptlciai tocre Cfribeon, | Ca* pbira^ccrotb ano Uariat3at4m.3fcnptpc cptio?^ of IftacUflctbc tbem not,becaufe £ lotto* of? congtegacpon pao f ojojuc ton* to njcmbp the loibc 0op of jfracll . Ml alltbemultttuocmutmurcpagainft $ lo? Pctf. ftnt all tpc lojocsi fapbc Into all tbe congrcgacpon.DjepaucCt&ojnc tent o the" bp t> f loib CoP of 3fracl, | tberfojctoc mapc notpucte t$ . flSuttpitftbetopllPo to tpc: ISictmUlctt tbcmlpuc,left1tyatlj bcDpon twf , becaufe of tpc otpc topicp toe fvoatc Dn» to 4>eni.$nb tpc lojbcfi (app Ditto tbem a rjtrb gapnc:lcttpcm lpuc,*anPpeP)CU)O00>a"o toatoetpatct Dnto all tbe c6gtcgacion,auP tpepbioatf tbe loiPcg fapoe Dnto tbem. 3no 3ofua Cent f o? tbem,? tallica tbpt b tpem,anp fapPe.tPbetfoie pawc pc begpuo D&fapcng : me btbcll f arrcfrom pou,n>b& >cotPcll amogeDgr anPnotoare pou curf-- eP,5 tberc (pall not ccafc to be of pou,bonO men ano peidecjs of tooPP gs P?ap)cc0 of toa- m f o? tpc poufc of mp <15op. 3no tpep aunftwrcO 3ofua nnP fappc:it toajstolpe tpp (cniaute&potfctpat^ lop tpv ©op pap comaunoeft W fcttiatmt tyo fcjs to jjeueyoit all tpc iapc,aitD to ocftropc all tpc cnpabptoutcsl tpecof oute ofjpoute fpgpt,? tpeef oje toe toctc cjcccappug (oit a* c *frai'CO>»(*DpBP»oopiif)fo^ outc IpiieiB at y yit ■ fence of pou , f pane pone tpijj tpinse^ oc= Ijolpc toe arc i tptnc paPcajS it fcmctpjjooO cbir fym of 6glon,fapttist:Come Mv \>nto mc& pCiUpe mc,^ ttoe mapimptc €» iocon: f oj tpep patic .25 maoc peace toitp 3onia ano toptl) $ epilog of3fracll.'Cperfo?cf^.fepnscs!ot^mo 5 titcss,tpc ftpng of jcrufalcm^ ftpng of |j?e b v ion,tbc fepnee of 3armutp,tpc Hpng of la cpi&l npuff of^glon gcatpercPtljcfclucsi to geatbectpep toitpall tpcir poftejJ,$ befe geP d5ibeon,anP maoe tbarrc agapnft it. 3nft tpc men of ©ibcon tent »«to 3ofua 9 to f Jjoltc to (2>ilgal,fapingc:P)itpP?aPje not tpp panoe fro tpp fcruauntc&come \)p to W,to tmc M, ^ to pelpc \j0 : Si oj al tpe bigctf of p 3moitpppmDntolibna,f?fottgpt befoje it,oj af tee iU tpat tljc .lojoe pcarb f againft libna.3dnp the Ipjoc oelpucreP tt tjopce of a man . if oj tl;e iojOc f ought foi anp tpe ftpnge tpcrof into tpc panb of 3f-. Ifoty Jfraell ft aino 3oftw teturneP anp all 3ftaell tbitlj rjpm ) Vntotl)e poftc to Cilgall: but tpc fp=< tic Upngcsi ftcPPcanP tocre ppp in a caue at ^ancoa . 3Cnp (t t&a# toioc 3ofua of one faping>tpefpuc Upngcisi arc fouubc piPin a cauetolHcp i.tf at a?aucPa.3Biio jofua fapo , rptolc great ftoncjx Dpon tlje moutPe of tpe eaue , ano fet men bp it , f o teP tDem into pourc l;aPe.?EnP it fcjtuncb, toljen 3ofua anp tpc cpplo?c of 3fraell paP maPean enPc pf flaping tpcmtoptp an c,c» cePingc great daughter tp ll tPcp tocrctoat ftcpjtpcrcft tpat rcmapncP of trjcm,ciurcp into tPalleP cptietf. 3JnP all tpc people tctnrncP to tlje I)ofte, to 3ofua at a)aUcba m peace, neither PpD anp man mone j)po" tong agapuft tpc cl)pl= tyen of 3fracl.€pcn fapbe Jofuaioprn tpe tnoutp of tpc cauc,anp P^png outc tpefc.D: bpngeg! Dnto me outc of tpc cauc.3:n0 tljep PpPlo, ano tyougpt tpofefpue Itpnge j5 \m-- to ppm^oute of tpc cauc, cucn tpc Upiigc of 3evufalcm , tl;c Upng of tocb^on, tpc upncj of 3annutp , tpc upng of lacpiji , anP tbe -. Upngc of <£glon. » 3dno it f 0itnueP,tl)at topcu tljep biougpt outc tpofc apngcgi t)nto 3ofua: Jodia cal= IcP fo? all tpc men of 3fracll,anP fapbc fen* to t|jc ei;cfe of tpc me of toarrctopicp \pctc Ipitp pvm: come ncrc, 9 put pourc fete topij tpencite Pf tljcfc tipugcsi . 3CnP tljep cam nearc : ano put tpcir fete \)po tl)c nccUc.s of tljcm. 3fnP 3ofna fapbc \jnto tpc •• t>c ujall notfearence be fapnt IjartcP.tSnt be ftrog anp pluclie \jp poure pcrtes , foi tpujs (pa 1 1 the iojPc Po to all pourc eucmpcis agapuft topompcfpgljt. 3nP then Jofua fmotc tbcm , ano flctoc tptm^ IjangcD tlje on f puc trcctf.3in0 tpep DageP (till Duo p tccetf Dntill the euening. 2Bnp at 9 goig Pounc of f fonuc it f ojtuncD *» nft . w , , W 3°"'^ 5*mc comatmpement , anp tpep *ioru.bw t ttmc ^| 00imc0 f f * tttcsao caft m into p:cauc, (PoPcte in tpep pap bene ppp), 9 la* pep great ftoucg on p cauc;s!moutbc,fyhict) temapnc Ditto tjutfoape. •3InP that fame Papc 3ofua toftc ^aHc= Pa,anp fmotc it tpptb fcPcjc of thcftocrPe, and. tlje Hpngc t|jeror alio * PeftropeP pe Dtterlp,?Dptp all tlje foulc* tpattPcrc tpc= tiw , anp let nouglit rcmaptw . 3&nb pc Ppp *jom,b(j». to tpc npnge of ^ aHePa * a# pc Ppp to tpc fepngc of 3cr.tcpo, . *t>m.tt.\t. Je- well , ano pc fmotc it topth tpc ePge of the ftbcrPc, 5P all the foulep tpat Xottt tberin. lac let nottgpt remapne in it, but Ppp Pnto tbe Upng tpcrof a* pc PpP Dnto tpe upngc ofjericpo. 3uP3ofua PcpartcP from libna , ano all 3&aell tbptp ppm,Dnto lacpi^^P bc= fegep it,anP affaultcP it.^nb tpc I01O Pc- IpuereP lacpiuinto tpcpanOe pf 3fraell. IPpicp toue it tpe fecobe Papc, anP fmotc it tottp tpc cPgc pf the ftpcrbe,^ all tpc loulctf tpat tbcre tpcri, Poing accoippng to aU,ag! Ijc pab Pone to the cite of lite. 'Cpcn tyojam Upngc of C5cfer came Dp to lielpc lacpte: 3tup 3ofua fmotc bpm d pia! pcoplcDnttll naugpt rcmapncP of bpm. 3nP from lachw 3ofua PepartcP,Dnto €glon,ano all 3traell toitD l)pm,anP tpep befegco it, anP affiiultcP it, anp toUc it tpc fame Pape, ab fmotc ittoitp the ebgc of the f\PcrPc,ano all the foulcjs that Xbcre tpcrm bcDtterlpcPeftropcbtbcfamcPapc,accoj« Ping to all tpat pebao oonc to lacljis. % ^, 3tnP 3ofuaPcpartcP Dp from ©glonanb G all 3fracl toitp pim,Dnto Jjcbio.3tnP tpep fougDtagapnltit^inPiPDan tpep hap take it, tpep fmotc ittbitp the ebgc of p CvdcvDc, anP ^ upngtpcrof,ano all ttjc to\Pne9 tpat. pcrtapneb to it, aP all tpc foulcs tljat Vbere tl)crm,anl!ipclcftcuougI)trcmapnm3:but PiPacco?Oigtoall,a0pcpao Pone toO^glo, anP Pcftropco it Dttcrlpc ,aPall tijc fouled tbattberctljcrin. 3CnP 3ofua rcturncP,anPalI. 3fracll Sbitfr tjimto a>abir,anpfougpt agapuft it. ano ippan he pab taken it, anP tpc Upng tpcrof, ano all tpc totbnes tpat pcrtapuco tpcrto. tljep fmotc tbcmpjitptpecPgc of j5fo;croc, AP Dttcrlpc PcftropeP all tbe foulcs fxocic tberitunctljcr let be ougpt remapne. ®um atf be PpP to tocb.io^o be PpP to Babir ano f Upng tbcrofos be IjaPPonc alfo to Itbna anPIjcr Upngc. 3ofua tpcrfojic fmotc all tbehill con- trepjSjanP tpc foutbccontreps,anPtbc Da= lcpcjS,anP tlje Ijillfppctf,* all tpcir Upngetf , t Icttnougbtvcmapncof the, but Dttcrlp PcltropcPall tbat*bieatbcP,astbe 1020c C5oPofc'3fracllcommaunocO. 3n03oiua *r>ttw. 6 . fmotc tpem from CaPes Panic Dnto 3fap> anP all tbe contrcp of t5ofan,euc Dnto (3u bcon. 3ill tbofc Upngesi anp tijeir lauocPpo 3ofuataUc at one tpmc:Pccaufc tbe iojoc C5oP of 3ftacllfougbt fo? 3fracll.^np 30 fua ano all 3frael rcturnco, Dnto tbe boite that pjatf in C5ilgall. IL'Cpc.]ci.Cbaptm ■ • ..CJrtuba/ttUo.fJiofuaHjrtljiiEHWftfngw. 3np p1 I!; m i 4'.. ** r i, >i j ■ * 1 15 irl i'i ■% !i lill ^Ije kyngcs Uiljom mtml mimikmtti y I >it r ™ ■ ".I 1* I 1 ' u V i . I * ! r ■ l (i 4 j I P T fl f :1 J I <1 1 ■! § Buffi? •i *4 ; i#bitf0ittmcb,tljattbljcn3a= bin kpng of tya jqj bab hcarbc tbofc tbtgc0 : be Cent to jobab kvngc bf4i)abo,$ to tbc kpnj _ or<&>imri>,anbtotbcRpngcol cPSph attu \into tfjc upngcfl tljat arc bp iiojtbt inf moiltapnc* , 9 plapncsftotunto tbc foutbcfpbc of Ccncrotb, ftb in tbc low c6unrrep0.$ Itt £ bojber0 of DojtbcfttoarD anb wo tbc Cananpt c0 bot Ijc bp ©aire $ tocftcf Unto tbc 3inojitctf,#ctbir«i,lD&e f cutc0,unb 3cbufitc0 tit tbc moutapnc0: $ Unto tbc Ifjcttitca tljattdcrc Unbcr pernio in tbc mm of a)t?pa:3nbtbcp came out ab all fjjsn boftcjl untlj tbem, a mttltptubc of f olkceueh ajS tbc fanbetljat 10 on tijc fee fljotc in a greatc nStyc ttntb ijo^ttejs $ cba* rcttcsf crccoing maupc. 3nb allti)cfehpn= gc0 mctt togctbet , anb came, anb pptcrjcb together at tbc tbatcr0 of heroin, foi to ftffftt agapnlt 3Craelt. Hmo tbc lojbc fapbc Unto 3ofiW: bcuot afrapbc at tbc pjcfcncc of tbem : fot torn* rotoe aboutctljig trmctbill 3 oeipucr tben all flapnr before JlVacll: tl)ou ujalt bottgb f beirboju*c0 , 1 burnc tbeir cbarcttes toitt) 36 fire, #nb fo Jofua came anb all tlje men of toarre Untb bpm agapnft the m bp tlje toa* tct0 of &)erom,$fobcnlpe fell Upon tbem. 3nb tbc Lotbebelpucrcbtbem into £rja"be of 3fracll:anb tljep fmote mm t am cljafcb tbem unto great £j>tbou,$ Unto tlje tuljott tbatcr$, 5b unto $ Ualep c of tt)i)pa totuclj <0 «Saftia>arbe:anb fmote tbemuntpllt'bcp nab none rcmapnpng of tbem . 3nt> jofua bpb Unto tbem, a0 tbc to:bcbab bpm : be fjougijeb t&ctr bo?u"c0,anb burnt tljctr cfja-- rctte0XtutJjfpcr. 3«B 3oma at trjat tpmc turneb bacftc,* toke i^ajoi , 9 fmote tpc npng tOerof Vbitl) tbe ftoevbe. 36nb feajo? before tpmc M J iicab of all tbofe Utgbomc0.4nb tl)rp fmo= tc all tDefoulctf^Ujcretbcnttjitl) tbccbge of tbc CtocrDe, Utterlpc beitropmg au:$ no tljtng tl)at b?catl)cD,tua0 letrcmapne.^nb l)c burnt fyaw x6 fpee . 3tnD all ^ cptfejS of tbofe Hwigesf , anu all tbc Upnge0 of mm, cyb 3 oiua taae, anb fmote ttjem top to tljc C cbge of t jje CvuetDe , anb Utterlpc benropeb f^^'J^^cm^^^o^tljefcruauntofthcloioe KSS* commaunbeb. -a" 2Sut 3ftacllburnt none of $ cptf est £ fto-. be ttpil tit tbeir M gtl) ^,fauc n olpe tbat3oCua bimit,amballt!)cCpoplc of tbc fapbc cpticst ab tbc catell,tl)c ttyltyl of 3C 3 tael caugrjt Unto tbem felucsf.25ut tbc men onlpe tfcep fmote tott|)t|)e cbgeof^fojcrbe Untillttiep Dab beftropeb tDem nctjjetlefr- tbep ougbt tbat Dab tyeatft . M tbc lojbe comnwtiitbcb # ofejl hp0 fouaunt, fo bpii SJ?ofe0 commaube 3o(ua,anb mm f bpO * &wee.r.e. 3ofua * fo tDat jje mpnpfljje&nQ t»o?be, of all trjat tlje lo^be commaunbeb ^ofcs(. ?Cubfo3ofuatoUcaUtl)elaubc,tl)ebp^ led anb all tbc foutbc coittrcpc , anb all tlje limbcof<2?ofan,anbtl)cloU)ccontrei>,anbj jrtapne , anb tbc mountapnc of 3fcacll, •*> -^ ^ tbc 1 foe couutrc p of the fame, cuen from - tl)c mountc of par tpn&p gotlje Up to &cfc Unto Hjc plapnc of €ab in tl)c Ualepe of It banon,Unbcr mountc i>cnnou.26nb all tbe Itpngcs of tbe fame i)c tohc , $ fmote t&cm, anb uetoc trjem. 3ofua mabctbtwc lono;ctpmet)5t|jOfe u> Bpu5e£»:netbcrtbas!tl)ercanpecittcfmabc peace iutt|) f cDtlb^en of 3fraell> fattc tbofc tpctl)te eff tyat cttljabttcb d5ibcon 5 anb toet a fottoicr> ^ barbent^epj partes; , toat tljep A)»lbc come agapnft 3f=. racll m battcll-.? t&at tl)ep ftulbe beftrope tbem Utterlpc , anb CrjeUoe tbem no mercp, but to b jpng tbem to naugijt,^ tlje 3to?o commaunbeb &)ofc#. ^nb tbat fame ccafon came 3ofua, antt beftropcb tDe€nakftej3 out of tlje monib tapned : iaamelp , out of fyebjon , Dabir, 3nab, anb out of all tlje moutapnexi of 3« ba,anb out of all tlje mountapnc^ of3f« raell . 3nb 3ofua beftropcb tbem utterlpc XDttbtlJeirctttciei.^bcecUjasnotoncena* feite leaftc in tbc lanbc of tbe cbplb^e" of 3f» tacll 5 oulp in $fab*ei)eci)j!bjcnof3ifrMH hf Urt, totycl) \Btvtianomb}t.ml< ,^efc arctic fepngetf of t&c lanbc ttoljpct) tDc cbplb^of 3fracll fmo te,anb polTcaeb ttjcp? lanb on tbc otljer fpbe Jojtban caftumrbe,ft:5 ti)e rpucr 3mon,Unto mounte ermon, anb all tlje plapnc cfttoarbc t * . >eJ)on fepnge of tijc 31montc0,tl)atbtbclt in bef bon,anbrulcb from 3(rocr, tijjjpcj) tg{ bcfpbe t^tt^nn of3rnon,anb from the mtbbcll of tlje rpuer 5 anb from Ijalfedoileatt Unto tlje rpuer 3aboc» , ttypcj) tji t|je \x>i* bcr of tlje cDplbf cit of Simmon -. 3!nb from tije plapne Unto tlje fee of Cpnnerot|j eaft* Kbaro, anb Unto tDe fee tn tie plapne : enen tbc fait fee eafttbaebe,tt)etbape toiSetb 3cfpmotD , anb from t jje foutUe Unb« tbc fengcjSoftljcbiU. tb W tbaia! of tbe renannt of tbe dfrpaatctf, anb btbclt at aftbarot^anb ©biat: « vav* gneb tnmount tyetmonjanb in »alcab:& mall oeafan, Unto tjjcbojbec of tbc <5eftt- titc^anb *j&tm 1 ♦JfitdtttJtU xitcsi .boiber0 of g>ci)5 bpnge of J>rf ^um.r.n.f foon. *.u.a |» n g f f Jj^n ttlitiCl) 10 bCfpbC 25ctl)Cl: OltC »jof.um.a. % ijcMtpnge ofjci'iifalcm:onc.'S:ijc Itpngc ofnjcbio:oncci ; ckpngcofjaanutij:onc. ICIjc Upngc of Larljp0:onc . '€t)c upngc of egion:onc.'(2:ijcltpngofC'ae?er:onc.'Cl)c Itpngc of Bcluriouctbc Upngc of C5cbcr: ID onc.'Cbe Itpngc of tjojma .one. ^i)c Itpngc of ,Trab:onc/mtMi,b eucn a* 4flofc0 tbc fcruatlt of tlje Lojo ga = tic tbem : from 3rocr tbat Ipctb on b bivm of tlje rpner 3rnon,ab from tlje cttic i> is m tbc ntpDbc0 of tbe rpucr.;tnb all the plapn of acbeba Unto 5)tbon, -t all tlje cptieo of $)cbc kpngc of tlje ^moutc0,Vbbicb rapg neb in tyefbon, eucn Unto tlje boibcc of rbc cDplb^cn of 3unmon:atiboilcab,f rlje boj bcr of Ccfurtanb a)acbati,anb all mount lJermo,U)ttljalli3TtfanUnto&alccaij:cuc all tlje kpngbom of Qg in I5afan,tt>hprbe rapgnebuUftbarotbab ebiat,tbbtcl) fa ' nc ^Wbpettoftljcrcftoftl)cC>iaiin- wxmmjawastotptt* m& m om •pcucrtbclcfletbc cljplb,icn of ifraelre pellet 1 not tbc Gcfiiritcs * tbc tt)arbat In • tmmt f Uce->cfurtte0 anb tbc aJaebathi ■= te0 btoell amongc tbc 3fraehtC0 cue v.urn tm bapcOnlp unto tlje trpbc of lent, be gaue none enbcritaimcc: * Z5ut f offrpuffc . mumc of tbe LotbcGob of 3frael 10 then cnWn taunccatf be fapbc unto tbem. &?ofc0 gaue Unto tlje trpbc of tbc cljpl C bitn of Uubcn cnljcritaunec accoibpncr to tljep.i kpnrcbc0. 3Ehb tbcp? coaft \bao f coin arocrtbat Ipctb on f bancltcof thrrpurr 1mm,rrc bultco of Helton Djucllpng tn tlje cotrcp.^nb idalaain alio tbc fonc of i$coj tlje fotljcfaper, tyXt 6 eljil ; b^c of Jftacl flapc nntlj tbc f bjcvbcaniong otber of tlje tljat tocrc flapucanb tbc boi* bcr of tljecbplbicn of jKnkn Wat Ionian U)ttb tljccontrep f Ipetlj tlicron/Cluo 1 u>atf tlje enbcritaimcc of tlje cljplb.ten of ilubcn after 1 '- 1 i i \ \ r ft.j u • ** :'. I § m I ' r , i I! ft 6*1*1 Ckbcttyuon Koftta ®fttolatfo i- A • ■ f Si- \ ii it i after the ix Rpnrcbc&cptW $ Utttofftf per tapnpngctberto. 2Bno«Dofirtf gaue citljcrttaficc \mtto tlic trpbc of Gab,cucuUnto £ cbplbjcn of Gab he gauebp theyj Kpnrcbctf . 3JnbtheM co- ftctftocrc3a?c r ^ all t\)c cpttcsf of Oilcan, anb half c ttjr I abc of $ c&plbjf of 31 mm on, Dnto3trocr f'lpctbbcfote ftabba.^hhfro l)cf lion unto Eamotb,&?a Jphalj,aBcto* aitm:miti fro &)abatiaimUuto p boibertf or liDbir.^nb in f Uatepe tbrp bab S&ctharil 2£rtbnimra,&ocotb, aim japhonj re ft of the ft'pngbomeof £>f bon Upng of J)cfbon, Untojojbananb tljc cottcjs tbntlpctljcro, enmmtro the ebgc of tbe fee of Ccncrotb* on the other 'fpbe 3o?ba cafttoarb. %W «* the enhcritaimce of the ebtthje* of Gab after- their ttpnrcbc&tbcwttctf aim UUlageiB. 3 ; nbtt)ofcggauc cnbcrttaiicc Unto the halfe trpbc of &)anam% 3nb tljitf Ml j> poffemon of £ Dalfc trpbc of «J)anau*ctf bp t¥rpt ltpnrcbc0.'€bcp? code toatf fro 4#a* hanainuucnll J5afan,» all f Itpngbom of Do: kpngc of JSafan , aito all £ totoiic* of latriobic&lpeml&afan,fttWcfHojccp= tie 0,? halfc Gilcab>?fcftaroth,$ €$ai, n ,a •' tics of § hpngbomc of *Dg in 2Safan*tDhi= cbe pert apnc unto tbe cbplbjc of &}achw * fonnc of a)anau"cjs,euc £ balfc nomon of the chvimen of J3)achtr bp tbcp* met**. %\)tU'm the tbuigcs; tobicb J&jofciSbib biftcibtitr m the fclDcs of &}oab,oii p other fyoc3oitiaoucragatuft3ericbo cafttoarb. * jor.rt.i.: b 4 ^nt \)nto the trpbc of Lcui, &)ofctf gaue n one cnbcntaucc,f o: the &oibc Gob of 31 = *p.u.x\)m.c racll to then cnherttaunce,*aj5 be fapbUiu tothem. Cfchc.riiii.Chaptcr. CCaleb re qup;crb U)f ljftrtage tljat toao p?ompt tin bpm,ant> ©eb;on teas gcucn bpm. 05 tbcfc are tbe contrcpctftohtcb i tl)c chplbicn of 3 fr acll enbercteb m f lanbe of Canaan,*tohtch @= , lea jee the pwaftc , anb 3ofua the t unite of Bun anb the aunctent hcabe* of £ • trpbc* of tbe chylbje* of 3ft-acll,btftributeb *PM.nbu. to thcm.*i5plattcthcprcceaueb their pof *HD. f nws. f C jric.ntf a* the lozbc comaunbeb bp fym of 6)olcsf, togcue Unto tbe npnctrpbc&$ Unto f balfc trpbc . j? o*#?ofcjS !jab geucn cnhcrrtauceUntottoo trpbes anbanljalfe on $ other fpbe jojbf JSttt Unto f Lcnitctf ♦ct.ribirt.c t)Cfia»'.fnoncenberitauceam6p;c tb^.* jfo^ tbe tntlbze of 3ofepbUJcrettbo tribejl.^a nafliwl v €pb?aitn.3nbtbetfojctbcp ijane no parte Unto tbe lewte* in tt>c lanb : ,fane cpties( to btbelltn xoitb tbe fnbnrbe* of the *Bu.FFrb.a fj| m e,f02 theip bcaftes anb cattell.*^ a tljc Hozbc i:bmmaunbeb^ofcjS:cucnfo f cUU b?eh of jfrael bib tube tbcp betubcb p l.abe. IK 3tnb tbe chilhzf of 3nba came Unto 3o= Mumt flia in 0rtflall. *3W0 Caleb tljefonneof % ♦nu.rrriiiiD 3ephunc f Ucnefpf c fapbc Unto bpm : thou toottcft U)bat the Lojbc fapb Unto ^> ofctf tbe ma" of C5ob,abont mp matter dhtbpne in CabciS ffiarnc.* St onrtp ware olbc Xon$ *mm 2 tub? ^ofess tbe fctuafit ottbcHo^bcfcnt me fro Cabctf TiSante to fpie out t\)t lanbe. 3nb 3 b^onsbt bpm tuo^bc agapnc cu? ass it Vm i mpne bcrtc.iacitcrtbclcitc mp b?e- ttecn tbat tuent Up toptb me, bpfconragcb tbcbertcofthcpcoplc.3nb3folott)ebthe %om Gob. 3Hnb ^)ofes{ftoaref fame bapefaping: c * the lanbe tuhetott thp fete banc troaben, *mm\ tbalbctbpnccnhcritauccanbtbP ehvltyftf s>fUtt,w f 0} cner , becanfc $ baft folovocb tbe iojbe Gob.3nbbcbolbc,tbe to^bebatb Kept me alpnc (ajS he fapbc) *thi$j f onrtpe anb fptie **"'•"«* vcarcis, enc fence tlje io^b fpalte thtftoojO unto a)ofci« 5 tobpletbccbptb?cn of 3fraell tdanberpb in t^t toplbcrncffc. 3inb novo lo, 3 amtbtf bapefottrcClto?c5fpucpercolb: $ pet am a* ftronije at tb W tpmc,a03 tuatf \3ot)cn H^ofcss fcitt me:looUcboto team 3 toajs thf 5 fo ftrong am 3 novo tohcthec | go to toarrc,o^ come agapnc. Boto tbcrfo?c geue mctbp^motmtapnc * toberof tbe io^bc fpahc intbatbape, foi^J bcrbeft in tbatbapeboto tbe €naaimfl! arc tl)crc,anb tbe cities great 9 toallcb.$crab= ticntnrcthc Jto?bc Mbc Vbithme,f 3 foall be able mwu tt>c ontM tbe Jlojbe fapb. 3tnb3ofna bleffeb btm,? gaue Unto Caleb the fonnc of 3cpbttnc,*a.tyeb$6 to enberet. t* 3tnb fecbjto tberf o?e became f enheritaunce of Caleb tbe fonnc of 3ephnne tbe Uciiefitc, Unto thpj3!bapc:bccanfc befolotocb^ io^b imam Gobof3fracll.?litibtbenamcof*J)cb?on toasf ealleb in olbc tpine,Hariatharbc. jf op tbe fame MS a great ma amqgc tbe ©na^ nun* .3tnb tl;c «a.lanbe ecafeb from toarrc. c * CChe.jcti.Cbapter. f[fftt!o«coftb,ccbpib?ciiof jf!iiba(ttb,f names of tbe rpefee hub bpl'aecs of (be famr. I liigtoaja! tbe lottc of tbe trpbc of tbe % J coplbtc of 3nba bp tbcp? kpnrcbegi: . ffll^amelp, totoarbc the bobber of € s bom in tbe toplbcrncCfc of $tih fonthtoarbe, etien from tbe Utmooft parte of tbe fouthe coftc. * 3liib thew fontb coftc toajs from tbe *«r.m«ft b?pnltc of the faltfccfromaeoclt thatlca= nctb fotithtoarb. %tfo it toet out to f fouth fphc totoarb t\}t gopngc Up to atcrabim, $ toent a longc to ?nma , anb afcenbeb Up on the fouth fpbe Unto CabctfBavne, fjtuent a longc to fyc jron , anb tocnt Un to 3f bar, anb f ctte a compafe to ftarca . 5rrom tb^ce tocnt it a longe to 3d?mon,anb reacheb Un= to tbe rpucr of <£gppt : anb tbe enbe of tbat coft VoajS on t^t toeft fpbe.ldno tW i}S tbep j fouth coftc. 'Ebctrcnft coftc tfthefaltfcc,cucit Unto J5 the ebgc of Jojban.ainb their bojber in the noztpe if tfie lanbe • noitj quarter tbatf fro the rocue of m fee nnbfra tbe ebgc of 3ojba». 3nb the fame bo?bcr tocnt Up toi5ctbb'igla,ano toenta long bp tbe no^tbfpDc of Bctbarabab,anb Upfront tbece to tbe ftonc of 25obcn hon- nc of mubcn.ainb ajjapne, tbcntme botber rocnt Up to JDabir fro tiit Ualcpc of #coi, anb fo no?tbtoarbc,turnpng totoarbc Gil = gall, that lictl) before j; gopngup to lbo= nun, Vobpcj) ifi of tbe routfte fpbe of tbe xv- utx.linh tlje fame bobber toft Up to ji m • tcris(oftbcfouiitapncoftbc^one,auben^ \wmm btf) attbe^tocllot IKogcll.^lnb tljen tocnt Up to the Ualcpe of t\\c fonnc of Ii)cnn6,ctie" Unto tbe fouthe fpbe of Jcbufi: tbe fame tf icrufitlemaubtljcntbcntUptotbctoLpe of thehiUc tljatlpctb befoictlie Ualepe of ^cimon^cfttDarDcanb bp tijc ebgc of tbe Ualcpc of tbe (Sirnnm notthtoarbc : 3tnb tbciutcompafetbfro tlje toppeof tbe bill Unto tbe fountapne of tlje toater of j3epli- tjoah, anb gotije out at tbe cities of m out epl^oipaiib b^atoctl) to teaala,to>&icbe is Ktrtatb»«irtm^S5(rbaHs,.icpfieof iBobbM.; anb turn it compafcth from tfalab toefttoaroe «- unto mout tom& tbcti goetb a longe Un ■ to the fpbe of mout3armi J (tobicb toCbc, faloioon puo?tb fpbe, 3Enb comctb botone to 5Brtbwmetf,anb gotheto Chamnabjab gothe out appne Unto the fpbe of citato nottbtoarbcanb then bjatoetb toS)ccron anb gotbea longc tomounte iSalab , anb goetb out at3abnel:$ tlje cubes! of the coa= m leaue at tbe tucft fec.^nb m tocft boi-- bcr toa.tf the gaeat fee , anb tl)c fame c oa fte uiatf t\)t mm of tbe chplbje of 3uba roiloc about in thep? lipurcbctf. 3lnb Unto Caleb the fonnc ofjcphime Dvo Jofua gene a parte among tlje chilbtS mttm ? - { l m ' wy&PiW to ty moutbe of tlje to^be , men * Htriatbarbc of tbe father of vuocfc tobiclje cptpe is! ifjeb^o. Mb Caleb btouc tljence tlje th>e tonne* of Cnacft^c = iai»anb 3tbman,Sb^haimai,thbtch toere, tlje foniicsf of CnacR.^nb be tuft Up tbece, to tbe rnhabitourcj* of Warn Mo tyt na = inc of Dabir in t^c olbc tpme toajs kartatli n* fcpljar. toafteg of €bom toutijtoarbe, toere:Jiab?el , eber % 3agur:Uiuab , JDitnonah , anb Jtmate* 1&&B& m 3rtbnan: jiph , Sclent anb ^lptb,too;,0abatbah,ftariotb,i?cfr3 (tubirbt0tja?o,i)eman,S)ami,anD&o^ labaftrtoajargabab , toafmon * Z3cthphc^ 23aalab,3im»anb3l?en:eitbolab,CcciU, anb }?oim«i:jiftclaff,^cbcmenabf &m ■■ ftnab: labaotb,c !eam>a>tjpa,anb Jekthecl.iachifi, 36ai eatb anb eglon : Cabon, laljainam , anb CethltCGabcrotb^rtbbagon.^aamait atio *t?aacbah: g»petcnc eptieo tottb their Utllagcfl. lebnah,ether,anb^fati:3epbthah^f nab,anb &mb-. heilab , UahC5ip anb'U)a it refabmpne epties toptb tbepi Upllage 9. 2 iron tbtth bee totones % Uillagcs. if rotii 4:Hro ^t from ptoeft , all tbat Ivctb aboute HifbobtfitbeirUtllageo. afbobtbithher- totonctf * Uillagec.^wb toirh ber totoncei tj Uillagcceucn unto the rpucr of £avm and tbe great fee toas their coafte. 4iib m the moiltapnes,tbep hab &mn Jathicanb ^>oeob,©anab:anb liana!) fr iwtb,volwch is S>abir : 3nab,eftftcmoh,* 3mm,Go}cn, Uolou, * Gtloh.a icucit cp ticsi tottb tbcir uiiiagcg . 3rab,s>umab,f efeau:3anun,2octbtl)apbuah ^ Xpbcab, l)umatab,? UartatharbcitDbichio loebjo O' anb ?iot:upne cptieo xo?t\) their Uillagetf. ^aon,a - x rabba:ttoo cptirs tinth tbcir Uillagcs. 3n the toilberucffc tbcp iuio iSethara ■■ bab,^)cbbin j iDacaeab^cbfou^bf cptie offalt,anb©ugabbi:^)pre cptieo ivpth their Uillagcg.Bcucrtbcles,tbc if bufitel that tocrc f cnbabiterjs of3erufaiem,coul--- oc not p cbilbtcii of 3uba tn^t out. Jont tbe 3cbuftteo' btocll toitb tljccbilbtcn oflii- baUntotijii«bapc. Cttllf.rUf. Chapter. CCl>c toCfco; pjruof epb:aw,- '■:, .' * ■ (; ■ ■ < ' 4 * ■ *t 1 y-i' \ ** ' t \ IT : .t 1 \k\ Si i 'Clieucuvfion fofita I'! i i P 1 *_■ 1 i i I t t I* ' ii; t ■ ' ■! i S H: *CW I- iM titti Mi ft"' if i] frbti. *JFM o.anb a. mm the lorn of f cintbjcn of 30 ^fcpbfcllc frojojba bp Jericho, unto tbctuatcr Df3cticbo@ft'- tuarh , anti to f toilbcrnrflc that goeth up from 3cnrbotno?oU) out mount JScthcl.- t got to out from nSrtncl to Lutf, 5 ruimrtn nlogcunto the botbrrsi of 3t«t- mat atoth: f goctb bourne agapnc wcftarb v . mm to tnc coafte of 3«#Afftt , anh unto ~ the cortftc of iSct hboton the net becanb to tfafowmb rljc nmcjs of tbctr coolrcss leauc at the tocft fee . 3no fo the cmlbjcn of Jo fcplj 4t)anau*r0 $ € pbtaim tofec their en -- heritauncc; 3nS the hotter of p cbilbtc" of £pb,taim ftftcE bv their Uinrcb&/cr out \ucftiuaro to C tt)achmatbabon£#otrbfiDC ,auh return ncth <£ftu>arb unto 'Cbaanarb £»ilo, ano part ft 011 the €ftfibc unto Janoai), 5 utft ooumr from Janoab to .Htharoti) $ 0M rartv,i came to Jericho , -j voct out at Jot = mi «! no tiietr bother tuet fro ^baplman &c ftUMrsr unto the rvurr Uaualj , ano the rnoco focre the melt fee. '<£i)tt> 10 tl)e cnl)c £> rirauce of * trpbe of p rimbtc of <£pb?aim bp their npnrebrd. 3tnh the feparatc cpftesS fo: the ciultiicn of Cpbtaim ,u>cream6gc rite cuitrtttaucc of the chilhten of 4l?atul= i>o:cafot :b»it the Canamtc* muell amogc m e$bmt&%ut9 ti;>i.eUrc,i ; nb ferue Unhcr wbtttf. C£ae.tUii.Cbaprcr> f'^hfi;ojtforpofffOHoftIrttaiffifibteli».r RsTts.£l)jCsn.umtf5 become ttibutacic3 tc tlic j fraw.fl9.iiufft8 * epframtw.T.M'casrMt; tir iwirppii of Jjccitagr. <* T ftf%8$ *)«* um* the lottc of P tribe of &)a J* S|Sr;.ancg,vohichtoa3the * eibcftfon Ull ~ JfflSBnc of Jofcui). 3tnb a)acijir the iU hint of foicl: the cljUhzcu of $&U$m> t\)c fbt t);cCc tocrc ^ mate chilhic of OpMfttTtjt the tonne ofjofeph bp their Hiwchetf. rrw.b *xSut?clapheahv Comic of i;cpljcr,v Con- «• «» ne of <5Ucao,$ f onnc of VSfatyatffc tonne ,a ' ^ of 4»atta(fc& Uah no fonc^buthaugUtcrja! stoDoftnatncsi atcthcfc:#?af)cla,#oajJ?a-- ■la^elcha f 'dnrjaithhieh camebrfoie JlCfttat ^ p?caftc,« before jotua the f on- nc of j?lun,f befo^ef toihcjj! fapinjr: * the. • &: lo^'occomauhch 0ofc)5 to acuc US an en-- •"• '• hentaunce amfije ouec b^etp. 3nh tftcr* foje accotting to tDe comaunhemet of tije it loih, be sane flje an enhetrtaimce amoac f bicrtvcn of their father- . Ztfb there fellc . fen pojcyois to a)anaffcsi,befvhc the burnt of0tlcah(j^5afan,tuhich^ on toeothec fvhc joibambccaufc f Mat&btiM #m nalTctf tiyh enberett amongc hptf fonncj*. 2Enh ajjeho toifh tl)c totbriejl off fame, men 1 tiff cotrcps(.l?et the chilhten of $)anafle£ couloe not oucrcomc thofc cpticsi.iSut the €artanitc0 picfumch to htuel in the fame ianO,ftcucrti)cle(Tc, affonc ajS f ityffltyrit of Tfracl Ujercthajcch ftrfio;, tiiep put p Cana 111 n $ Unhce tributcbu t ecpellch them not. Inh the cbpl'ojcn of 3bfeph fpaKc Unto t -> lofua fapingrXohp haft thou gcucnme but one lotte anh one potcpon to ctu)cvct,ftm£ 3 am a great peoples fot aci moche ass the 3tothc hath blcffch inc hitljertor'anhSofua anfUicrch them.pf |) be moche people, then gett the Up to the \uohhc cotrepc, anh pte pare f ojt thP fclffc there inthelanhc of the phcrcfitctf $ of thc6iauntej3!,pf mounte ephtaimbc tonavo&e fo? tl)c.^nh f ci>i I n$ of 7Dty)) U/f^Bjn ijutt i$ ns>t ^»oi>g J> fotUsi •• 1 ail the Cannmtess that Mtoclro ^ lotoc contrcpe haue charcttetf ofpjon, $ fo iiauc thep thatcnhabitc25c«)fcau,auh the totDitcjf of the fame, % tljcp alfo that hojel in the ualepe of Jejrccl ainh Jofna faphe Unto the houfc of 3ofcph>^Ph?atm^ #u nau*ciS:pe be moche people, anh Ijaue great potucr, 9 mall not thereof haue one lotte. foberfo.tc $ IjiUfljalbcpoure^ pclbaUctit hotonc the U)Ohh f ijs in it: a the enocjS of it fbalbe pourefl!, pf pc caft out f Cananitcjs Wt\) Iwuepjo eXjarettc^fjareUcrp ttrose. CI) e htttifio tt fofua. 50o, anh toalftc tho?oxoe the lanhe anh bitttibutc ft acco?hinp;to the en* Jjcritaunce therof,anh come ajapne to me. 3no let them heuphe it Unto them in to feuen partejOnb 3fnha 0)al abphc in their coafte on jJfouth , anh the houfe of 3ofcph thall ftanhc in their eoaftcjs on the nottoe. Defcrpbepe the lanhe therfote into feuen partesi , anh b?png the hefcripcton hethee tome,anh3ujall call lotted to? pou here before the to?h oure 0oh . I6ut * the lc= utte0 haue no parte among pou, fot the ptcafthohe of tbelotocitf their etptitautt- ce. * ano ©oh , anh Eubcn , anh halfe the tribh of &)anau"ctf haue receauch their en* heritauncc beponhc Jothan eafttuarhe, tohich ^ofciai tlje fcruauut of ti;e lothc gauethem. 3nb the men arofe,* toent their toa pc. 3fnh 3ofua chargch the thatvoct to heferi -. be the lanhc,fapmp;:hcpartc,?ffo tho?oti)c the lanhc,auh hefcribe it,? come agapnc to mt»t 3 ma V c ^ crc caft l ottc # f0 * P° u befo ■■ re f lo?hc in ^ilo.^nh the men hepartch, i toallich t!)o?otuc the lanhc , 9 hefcribch it bp cptiesl into feuen parrcsUn a booUe,anh rctournch to 3ofua into the hofte at S)ilo. ^tuh 3 ofua caft lotted fo? t\)l infyilo bc^ fote the lo?he , anh there Jofua heuphch f laiih Unto the chilh?cn of 3tracU,to echc their po?cion . 35tth the lotte of the tribe of the chtlh?cn of 25eniamincameUp acco?* big to their fcpntcbcst.anb p eoaftt of their lotte mm owtuctujcuc p cbiihtctt of 3«iw am thecbttotf of 3ofcph . 3uo tljcivnoity coafte toajS from jothan, anh ttrst Up to the fphc of 3f ricl)o m\ f no?thfphv , 9 ^tnt Up thototue tl)e mountapnesj tocfttharh, $ thep cnbcb at the tutlhcrncffc of iSctbaufc anh toent from thence to the fouthfphc of tnmUmeifi 25etijel) ^hefceoeh agapne to ^trothahar,Unto f hplle that Ipetbon the foitthc fphc of f nether 3fictbbo?6.3nD the coafte tutrtttD thence , $ compafcth the co?ncrof ^fcefouthi»arhe 3 euen from the PHf tptifr befo?e 25et^o?on fontlJUiar* he,» goetjj out at niriatbbaal tof)Cc|i tjs Rt= rt'ath 3arim,a cptie of the chilh?gof Juha: thus iSJ the tbeft quarter: ? the fonth coafte « . gocth from the ehge of Btriathianm,anh • gothe out tbeftttarhe , anh th?ce tt turneth to the tdatcrtdcU of iacphthoajj, $ cometh hotone agapnc to^ chge of the hill , f Ipeth bcfo?e f ualepe of f fonne of pennon, eucn « in the Ualepe of the ^iauntcjs no?thtoarhe anhhefcenheth into ^Ualepe of pennon be fphe3cbufp fouthtoarhcanh gotjjebotone tothetoell of mogell,anh compafcth fr5 the notth > anh goeth fo?tj) to the tocll off fomicanhhepartcth from thence to f pla= ccgofC^elilothjtbhtcbaretoujarO^gopng Up Unto 3bomim:$ goeth hotonp to p fto= ne of Bohan^fonnc-of ftuben : $ then go* cthalongc toiuarbctbefpbe of theplapne, no?thtbarhe.anh goeth hotbne into the fcU hcj5:anh goeth alos to the fphe of 25ethha-- glah no?thh)arhe,? enheth at the pointc of the fait fee no?th thcrfr5,eucn at the fouth enhc of 3o?han.^hi0 tf the fouthe coafte. 3Cnh 3o?han acpeth in tht* coaft on the caftfphCianh tftttf tsttheenheritauce of the chilh?c of iSfiammbp their coafte0 roaoe aboutc thototo out tpcir ftpnrehes . 'Chefe Ujcrcthecpticsl of tbetrpbcjJ of the chilhre of HSmiamm thototo out theire apitrcheg » 3ettcbo,25ctbhaglab,* p plapnc of kyiy. 25ctbarabab,?amarim, f 25ct'hcl : 3tutm, |Dharah,anh uDphtah : Chepar ammoua, siDphni,? <5abai , ttoclue cytiti xoitt; their UiUagc0.0ibc6,iaamah,*)Seroth:^?a^ Phah,Caphairah,anh #ojalj; t&ffl 9 jfa* rephcUanh^harelahjjcU^eicph, anh jc^ bufi,U)hieh is 3erufalcm,eibcath,auh lit- riath^fouttme cptieo tbitb tl;cir Uillagejs. %W i^ the en heritauncc of the chilhten of a&eniamintbototue out their kpnreoco, CCljc.rir.Chapter. tXtMtceot partes of jnbulon,3irac|»« , 3f«, ja,tpbtb.»U»S>an)aiil) J)ofua. i!ih the feconhe lotte came out fot^ trpbe of the chilhten of &tmcon bp ~ their bpnrehc03nh their enhentafh * cctoassinthcmphhefliofthe enheritauce of thccbllbte of Juha.^uh thep hahiuthqu cuhcritauce^ccfabc^iibc , < ttydmm, tyamfy®y®MM ^^cmseitcioiao>Bc'- touU J9o?mah,jikdag, 25ethmarcahotlj 9 fea?etfnfah,l5f thltbaoth,anh £>arubrn thittenccpticsiujith their UiHagfjB. Mtu l^cmou,ethcr^ 2Katt,foute cpticss topth their Uillagctf.? therto all ^Ulllagcjg that lucre rounhe about thefc cpticjf, cuen Unto ^alaatb»*l5eo?,&Eamath,foutbt»)arbe. %W io" P enhcritaunce of f tribe of p ctyU own of ®imcontho?oU) out their turcbcsl. a)ut of p lotte of the chilh?c of 3uha, came 2$ the cupcr itaunce 1 >* 1 ft is. j i- : ! ' 1.1 . I 1 * I '* j f u ii! hi 4 \ - ■Hi i V # I « :.f\ 111 u I "Hi if m ClKDCUtftOtt 31outa, jBftljclattt!, #* Hi > I? ii < h h li i. ■ * ■ 1: : T _ ■ * • ^ •i tnc ctrtjcri tanner of tbc cut Ukm of ftftttcO. tf o* the parte of t\)t cbUbjcn of 3uba toa* to in of be f oj tbemumb tberf oje the tbiltyc" of $>tmcon bab their cnbccltauncc m tbc rnbcrttatinccoftbcnu 3Hnb tbc tbp jbc lottc atofc f oj the cbufctf of jabttlo tbototo out tljcir fcjmrcbcHSffli tbc coafte* of their cnbcritauncc wine to 2S &mm ronit ^Jn toclttdatoc, anb to fya--. rialab,anb reacheb to ©abafct b,anb came thence to p rpner tbat Ipcth before 3oltnc^ uen:» turnebfro $Dartbcafttoarbc totoar^ Ur f f fine rpfpng Ditto p botOcr of Clnf loth «t£baboj!ano then gocflj out to ©abcrctb, & pjorfb Dp to 3apb(a:anb from tbence go^ etb a longe cafttoarbc, to <5ctbab>3epber, 3tbab , ? 3a«tt , $ goctb to Ucmon , &)c* tbbar-,t „0eob . Xnb compafctb it on £ no*- thefpbc to$atban,$ enbctb intbe Dalcpc of3epbtbabel.3nb3atatb,iaabalol,$)c- ron,3cbalab>aitb 25etblcbe : ttoclue cptte* foptbtbclr Dillagc*.'£bi* i* tbc enbert* taimccoftbccbprtycnofjabuloitfbo.iotoe out tbeir ltpnrcbc*,anb tpcfc arc tbc cptic* ftttbtnctrDtllagc*. 3.nD p fourth lott came out foj § cWitn of 3facae bp tbcp? Btrcbc*.3Inb tbeir coaft Usui Jcfraclab, Cautlotb,$ $tmem . lya-. pbarabtti) feifton,ahb 2t\xs: Eamctb.Cn^arom,©n= toabab,* iSctbpw? • 3nb hi* coafte teas cbfti)to / Cbabo?,f $ftba?imab$ ifictb' famc*,anb enbctb at 3o?ban,&>prtcnc ep= tm ttitb tbf re MttamMW i* f enberf * tauncc of the trpbe of ^cbilbjcn of3facar bp tbeir kpnrcbc*,3nb thefc ate tbe cptic* ttotnctrDtllagc*. fg. 3nb tbc f if tc lottc cam out foi the trpbe c of tbccbtlbjcnof flfcrbp t&cir Upurcbc*. 3nb tbeir coafte toa*:$clKatb,fyali,&et£ $ ^cbtap:3lamelccb>3maabanb QMeat: $ came to Carmcl tocfttoatbc , 9 to m$t}$ iabanatb,anbturnetb totoarbe tbc fomic rpfpng to z&ctbbagon } aitb commctb to $a --■■ Inilon* to the Dalcpc of 3cpbtbabcll,toto = arbc ^nottbfpbc of Wttycmtk $ £cgel , « [oetb out on $ lif tc fpbe of Cabul.f to Uf)c-- ^on,mo^ob, laarnon,* uanab , eucn Duto Stcat £>ibo.3inb tbentbc coalt tutnetb to i&amab anb to tbe ftconj cptic of ?o* , anb tumetb to l)o?ab,$ enbctb at the fee , bp § poffcffio of 3cb?tbab:3mab alio $ Zptftk anb iaobob:^tocntpc anb tttoo cities toitb tbett MlaQtp.%^10 is< ^> enbetitaunce of j> coUbicnofll fee bp tbeir fepnrcbetf ; %\)ttc are tbc cptie0 totti) tbeir wllapretf, 3nb tbe ^>irtc lottc cam out foi tt)t t\)iU lien of iaepbtbali bp tbeir upntebesf. 3fnb tbeir coafte tea* from l?clcpb % fro eiom to ?aananim3bami,jaeBcb anb 3abneel turn to &afeum,aub bo tb go out at 3 o?oa\ %mtym tije toaft tumetb tbefttiparbc to 36 fanotb ^babo? < anb tlif croctb totthm tbnice to touUoliafcanb teacjetbto jabulfi on i foutbc fete* ffoetj) to ^fcr on p t»cft {pbcaub to 3«ba Dpon 3o?bau tottoarbc p fonuerpfpngc.^nb tbeir frronojc cpttcjtf are 5ibin,«r, ^amab , macatb anb Cctteretb, % bamab,fycrmab f toa jo^Rcpeia!, f^. anbenba^orJerom^affbclcl.-^o^^C; tbanab $ 25ctbfamcj< : npnetcne cptic* ti tbeir Dtllasc^.'Cbisi i* tbe cnbcritatmcc of tbc trpbe of tbe cbilbjcn of .0epbtbaUbp tbciv upnre bcjJ : tbefe alfo arc tbc epticjat $ tbripDtiiast*. m 3iid tbc ftucntb lottc came out f 0^ trp- m be of tbe ct»lb^ of t>anbp tbctr Upnrebc^. 3no tbe coafte of tbeir cmjcritauncc tua0: jaraab,eabaol.*3rfamti»,jfeaeUrt)in,2l* JkWtofc(( . talfi 3etl)lab:eslon $ ^b^natbab 9 3fta* SS85SS vo.eitbcbeb,(l5tbetbon $2Saalatb:1eb«b JJ »* * »« OiSaucbaraU $ d5atbermon,a)eicricon anb m 36arco,t6 tbc bobber tbatlpctb before 3** pbo.3Hnb f coafte* of $ cbilbjc" of ©an Mt outfro tbem.36nD tbccbiiojcn of Dantoe"t Dp to fpsbtagapnfl; iefen,anb tobc it,anb fmote it xoitb f cose of tbe ftoctbc, anb co= * m mL quercbit,*btDClttbcrin,$caUcb it*fl>an t? after tbe name of ©an tbeir fatber. 'Ebi* 1* tbc cuberitauncc of tt^t trpbe of f cbilb^cn of ©an i tbeir Upnrebc*:tbefcal^ f arc tbc cptic* tbitb tbctr Dillagc*, dlb^ tbcp bab mabc an cube of bcupbpno: f Idbc bpbcrcoaftc*,tbccbilb?cnof jfraellgauc an cnbcntauccDnto 3ofua f tonne of Bun amogc tbem , accojbingto tbe toojbc of ( ioibc t))£Y sauc bun tbc cptic tdljtch be af -. _. Ucb,cuc*^baiwtb fcrab mmouteeph^at ? w 3tnb be bpltc f cptic ? btoclt tbcrtn.^'CbC 5 tJB*w««. fc avctbccnberitaftcc*tobicb Cleajar tbc * pzeaft anb 3ofua the fonnc of Bun,anb tpc aunctent father* ot tbe trpbe* of tbe cbiU bic of 3fracl beuibcb bp lottc in Snlob be= f ojc tbe H02DC , in tbe bojc of t\it tabcrna-- ele of DHtnctTcanb fo tbep mabe an eube of bcutbing tbe contrcpe. CCbe.rrCbapter, il Jr)c lo^be alfo fpafte Ditto 3oftia * Tapigc: &>pcaRC to ^ cbilb?cn of 3f* Itacl, anb tape : * Slppointe otttlrfi *j%«.mM amongepou cptic* of refuge, tobcrof .1 »»«•«* fuaftc Ditto pott bp tbebab of^ofc*, that tbeflcar that Uillcttb anppccfonDntoarc* anb Dntoittinglpcmapcflce tbetber. 3BnD tbofc cptic* ujalbe poure refuge from t^t mtatgcrofbtoub.3itbbetbatbotbflccDn= to one of tbofc cptie*,u)all ftabeat tbe en* trpng of tbe gate of tbe cptic.anb (ball (be* tbe bp* cattle in tbe care* oftbeelbcr*of tbecptie. 2lnb tbcp (ball take tym into tbe cprie Dn« to ttytn$ geue bPW a place,tbat be ntape ^ebeuifiott lofua» bXbcllamottgc tbem. 35 2(inb pf tbc a ttcngcr of bloube folotDe af- ter bim>tbcp fljallnotbclittertbe Clear into hi* baube.-bccaufe he fmotc bi*fr^be igno^ rantlpcanb batch mm not before tpme. M be than bthell in tbc fapbe cptie Dn* * 3 - till 1 ^bcltabc before ^cogregattS in 3ub* *flu.w*'C sfement, * anbDntili t^t bcatb of tbe \y^z Swaftc thatujalbc in tbofc bapc*: fo^then jail tbc Clear retotttneanb come Ditto W ^ atbnc cpticanbDnto bt* atone boufe , anb Dnto tbc cptic fro ttobcnr c be flch.3lno tbcp •a. fancttfieb^hebe* t (SaltlcinmoQt fiepb* ttiali , anb ^icbemin mout @pbjaim,anb |jiviatbarbc(D)bicb i* l9cb^ou)tu tbe mou* taiuc of 3«ba.^nb on tbc otber fpbe 3o^b5 otter agapnft 3cricbo cfttbarbe,tbcpap^ pointcb 26o?oz in^Mbctncfle Upon tbe ilapiicout of p tribe of Euben:$ Eamot^ © tn d5ilcab out of tbe trpbe of (15ab: anb C5o= fan in 25afan out of $ trpbe of ^anaffe*. 'Cbcfetoerc tbe cptic* appopnteb fo^all cbtlbicnof 3fraclt,attbfoj tbe ftraunger rotoutnebamonge tl)cin,tbat tbbofoettec billeb anp perfo tgno^tlpe, f fame might flee tbetber,^ (bttlbc not biebp tbc banb of the attenger of bloubcDnttll be ftobc bef 0- 5^ re t\)t congtegacion>»«o nccutt warn.) C^bc.rjct.Cbaptcr* C S$c Mite Bf ucn (0 t^e 3Ltuptc«,(n nomb?f .flWU PiHttJ then came the pjinrfpall father* of the !cuitr*Dnto €\t^atfmta -ftcanb Ditto loftta tbcConc of Bun, anb Ditto f attncie"t rather* that tocre otter the trpbe* of the cbtlbicn of3fracl 5 ?fpa= ne Ditto them at £>ilo in the lanbe of &a* m rttt, a «aan,faping:* the Hotbc commaunbebb] j»fu.j M .' ^ofc*,to gcttcD* cptie* to btocll in, tbtti the fttbttrbc* tberof ,fo; ottre catcll. Tint) i cbilb^ of 3fraell gattc Dnto j icttitc* out of tbeirenberitauce at f \iibbin$ of $ to^bc tbefe cptic* folotbingtf their ^uottrbc*. 3inb the lotte cam otttfoj the kpnrcb of the Cabatbite* : anb the cbtlbje of 3tarou tbeptcaftctbb^btDereof the lettttc*, bab geuen them bp lott,ottt of the trpbe of 3u= ba,ottt of the trpbe of £>imco», anb out of f trpbe of 25entamtn:tbietcnc cptic*. 3Snb tbcrcaft of tbechilb?cn of Cabatb ^\n bp lotte,out of tbc npnrebc* of $ trpbe of ubur -- be* : jltbnatoitb per ^>uburbc* : $ 3atbic tbitbbcr 5>uburbc*, f ©fttmoa toitb her uburbc* , ©a^ btr tottb her &uburbc*:3&inD)ttb bcr £>iu burbc*:3«tab tbttb bcr ^uburbe*:26etb= fame* Dritb bcr ^)uburbc*:itpne citic* out of tbofc ttoo trpbe* . 3nb out of the trpbe of 25cniamm,tbep gaue 0ibeon tbttb her gjuburbe* : d5aba S bcr gDUbttrbc* : Ma totbtbitb her g>uburbc*:3!,inon tottb bcr C £wburbc*:fourc cptic*.^ll tbefe cptte* of f cbilbi^of ^aronmcaft e* , tocre tbtmne cptic* tottb tbepr s>ubutbe* . SCnb^upn* rebe* of tbc cbiltyen of Calwtb that tocre lcttitc*:tbat i* to Cape the other cbilbtc of Cabatb,bab citic* geue the foj tbeir lottc, outoftbctrpbeofaKttoitbber£&ubHrbcs> aitbfeab?aimtoitbber^uburbc*:fi5ctb- I;won toith bcr gDuburbc*:foutc cptte*. ^nb out of the trpbe of ©an : eitbcltc t5 ftcr ^Mtburbcg^tbtbontoitb bcr ffafime* be*:anb3ialontoitbbct&ubtirbc*,<5atb rcmontoitbbcr $)uburbe* : fourc cptte*. 3Gnb out of tbcbalfe trpbe of Aa;attau"c*, ICbanacb toitb her fuburbe*:anb (Satinc- mon XoiV) her £>uburbc* ; ttoo tvtic& .'Ml the cptic* fo;t the other ttpntcbe* of f cI;tU- ojen of Cabatp, there tentbitb their ^ub^ urbc*. 3nb Dnto tbccbtlb?en of (25erfontbbtcb there of the ftpnrebe* of the ictttte* , tljep gaue out of f other halfe trpbe of 4§anav - ic* J tbc cptic of refuge f 0^ the Clear: (J5olau in Bafan toitb her imbttrbe*: ^ 25ccftbc^ wb tottb bcr &ubttrbc*:ttoo cptte* . 3lnb out of tbc trpbe of 3Cacar, BiCion tottb hcu £>ttbutbe*:anb ©aberab tbitb her ^)ttbui; be*: $ 3arimotbtJ)ttj;i her ^)uburbe*: en: flatumflrttDDcc ^uburbe*: fourc cptic*. 7S> ii 3ub f .1. U t ■ hi 1^ 1 r. i!-- 1: t "■V ill It '.I: L 'A 1+ l 1' U i i ■ i r'!-.- il ' t \ ■I 1 • * I , • > ■ i * ;t • If* illfflltt Bill ! U,, I &ubw anb 6ab ami out of tbe tr*bc of arcr, mtm um bet (Mrimi»b v mt-tv bcrsntbittbcft tyaianatj) unto tn fbmmfti* mm Untti tjcr &ubuructf:fOtttc cpe-ictf. 3tnb out of tbe urn of i&cpbfbatt, the cpticfo* the Ocactof Ipc imtttt&M inuburbc#:tbtc cities Mt\)c cittctfof tbe CScrfomtetf too- tovoe out tbeir b rntebetf, tberc tfrfrf enc cv * ttctftbitbtbcir&ubutbrfl. 3nb Unto the otber fepnrebctf oftlje cl)tl= j) tyf of til?erart,tbcrc(tof tbe tcuttcjS, tljcp gauc out of tue trpbc of jalmlon t 3ccnam ttitb bcr Sntlmrbetf : $ Cartbab bjptb Dec j&uburbcjfr&amna tuith bcr gjnburbcfl,* #abalal toitb bet SbtibtiebMi.-fourc cptictf, 3nb out of tbe trpbc of ftriMtopt tbith iter gouburbrtf :anb 3abelab t&tfb fjcr fub * iirbc0:ncbmotburttb bet £>uburbc#,anb 4Qapbaatb ttritb bcr &uburbc$ : fourc cp-- ttcOno out of tlje trpbc of <5ab > tbcp ga* utf cpricfot Wear toflpcUnto.- ftamotb in tfilcab tottbber&uburbe;Mtb&?aba= naim ttitb b« fubttr besf , tyctbon bntb bee ittburbcifcf 3afcc Bw'tb bet fuuurbcjfcf oiire cptic » in all,Co tbat all tbe cptieg of p cjfl* b?cu of 4#crari tb020tb out tbctr kpnrcDcg (tttftft tocrc tbeteft of tbe Upnrcbc* of tbe fccuttcgjiDcrc bp ttjcfr lot,ttt>eluc cpttcg. 3noaii tbe cpttcg £tl)c letutcs bab amita tbe pou"cu"ton of£ cnilDtcnof jfrart tocrc jelUtttfbitb tbeir fuburbctf . 3nb tbefe cp* tic$ lapc cucrp one fcttcrallp,baupng tbctr fuburbcgrouwicaUoute tbcm tbojotto out all tl;c fapbe cptic#.3nbjS iojoc gattcUn- tmmm* t0 IftaeiaUtbe lanbetobicb * beware to gcue Unto tbctr f atbettf.'^nb tljep conqttc= rcb tt 3 anb btoclt tberin.3nb tile tozbe p» uctbenuefttounbe aboutc , a'cco^png to all f i)c frj«w:e\)ntotbettfatberjD!:anbtbcre ftobe not a manofaUtbetecnnempcjs bc= fotc tftmMty lo?be alfo bclpucwb all f 3ioru.jT«j t tbep? enempeg into tl^cit baubejf. * 'Cbwe fbapeb-^notbino; of all tbe soob tbpngc& idbicb t\)t lo?b bab fapbe \mto t^t boufe of 3feacll,l5ut all came to pattc. C'Cbc-Wii.Cfjapter. CK«*brit,f3aMn6tl»el>aiff« tepbe of Obmattt* •ttl'cutappntto tljeit poffffftojw.s^fpbupict an nJtare fo; a mcino;lall. :^en3ofua callcHtmto kt mubenf* M > tbe Cabbitcjs anb to tbe balfe -ttpbeof «9anaflc&anb CapOc\jnto «auntoftbeto?bccommaunbebpou,anb jane obepeb mv toopce dt all tbat 3 c6ma« unbeb pou-. pe baue not lef te pou^e bjctbtf of a long ccafon \)nto tb# bape , but fout ttept tbe commaunbement ot tbe lojbe yourcoob. 3nbnotbtijattDelo?bcijat5 nmtnS *'i 3(ofua» iuplbe an altajt tiben anb #ab yote 5fo,irt /iiimcrriij Jofii.biii.r Unto pouec tyetyitn att l)c p<{ ompfeb tbcin, tbftfo^e tctourne pe, anb go tmto _pourc tmttM tmto tbelaube ofpotuc pofleffta, VetyM) a)ofe0tbcfcruautof tbe io^bega^ lie pou on tbe otber fpbe Jojban. iSutinanp tbifetaUcbiligent bebcanb bo tbe eonunaunbcincnt anb latuc , bibpe b ^ofcjitbcfctuamiitoftbe Ho^Oc cbargcb pou:* tbatpclouctbe lo.ibe poure 0ob, *&„„,,,,. anb ftalkc in all ijpst tbapcjs, anb bepe i)ptf ' A commaunDcmcntcsunb rtcanc t)tito b«n> anb feme btuUbitb all poute bcttejj , s all poure foulest. 3tiD l.'o Jofua blcffcb - «»tbcin ■** anb lent tbetn atoape . ^nb tjjcp Mt imto 25 t|)cpr tented imto tbe one Ijalfcoftljetrpbeof^ai naffetf ift)ofcs< gaue poffeCTion iniSafau : ^5 Unto tbe otbet balfe tbceof gauejofua fa mange tbcie bwtSucB on this fpDc jo^bait ttcftttjarDc. 3nb3ofua lent tijem aMpc alfo Unto tbeie tetes(,anb blelfed tbcm,anb fapbUnto tbetn : rctotitne tottb mocbeep* cbctf Unto pouvc tcntetf , anb tbitb a great multitube of catell, toitb.fplucr anb golbc, tottl) b?affc,a«b won , anb tottb mocb rap* ment anb * Detitoe tDc fpoplc of poure cite mmwtfy poure tiwm c *. 3nb tl;c cDUDjcn of muben,tbe cbflbien wim&' of (5aD,aub balfe f trpbc of ^anaucg, re= "* ttuncb , anb bepartcb from tyc cbilbicn of ^ 3fwel out of j^ilo(tbDici)i]Ei in tbe lanbc of Canaanjto go Unto tbe eotrcpe of <5iltab» to tbe lanbc of tbeic pofleffion, tbbic!) tbep bab optcpncb,acco itta to tbe too jbc of the lojbc bp tl;c banbe o«l)ofciat. 3tnb tojicii tbcp came Unto f place of cbilb?eof 3fracll gatOereb tU together to S>il , to mane batcll agapnlp tymtfm m cbilbjeof 3ftacllfcnt Unto t\)t c&iltycnof Uubcn , anb to tl)c c\)i\oim of 0ab,anb to $ balfe trpbc of #anam into tbe lanbc of ® tleab^bincbc* tlje fon- nc of eieatar tlje p trtbcsiof 3fracll > tubtcbU>cre icabcs! of tbeir fathcrsi bouujolbesl among j tboiifanbctf of 3iracl. Tim tbcp toft Un- to i#mm of mubcn,anb to tbe clnUum of tm& to tww»m of m mm urn of ^atwlTe^Unto tl;c lanbc of ©ileab,aub tbcp thep fpafte tbici) tbem,faping. . s> 'Chug fapc tbe bole cougregaci5 of t(je Lidw.ii. loibfcnuhatteanigrcMontgtlM tbatpc iiaue tcanfgrclTcb agapnft tlje (5ob of 3C- caelUto tnctte attoapc vtffi bapefrfi f lo^b in tbat fe bane bplbcb pou analtarc,fo^ to , . rcbcllc tW bapc againft tbe M## 3si tbe hfistf)** * tuicUcb bcabe ofpeo^ to Ipttell f oi Ujs, tubecoftocarenot petcleanfcb Unto tbpa bapcanbf 0? tbetbbicb tbere ton* in J con- grcgacion of tbe people aplage of p llo^bj* f>c alfo arc turncb atoape tbptf bape from tbe io^bc.Klnb fcpngepe rebclle to bapc a^ gapnft tbe lozbeit \uil come to paffctbat tomo?oto be iball bc\u?otbtx'i all tbe con= grcgacion of 3ftart. iftotttttbftanbpng pf sa pe tb(nbc, ,6 »tbattftc lanbc of poure poffef= fionW UncleanctbcncomcoucrUnto tbe lanbc of tl;e polTcffton off torn, toiiere m f Lo^bejS tabernacle btDcllctb, 9 tauc pof= feffion amonge UiS. 25uttranCgreu*enot a= gapnft f lwbr,no? pjouorcUjS, to bttplbc pou anpe otber attltcr , faue f attltcr or tbe 4T«r« Mi . W bucc 0ob.*XDpb not 4can tbe fon* ♦I0W.WU nc fy m( .|) trefpafe t f cccomunicate tbtg, 9 \uiatb fell on all f cogtegacion of 3ff acl, Uibtcb nottoitbltanbtngc tbat be tuag but one man, pet be alone periffl&eb notf 0$ ty$ tuickcbncuc!' e %W § cbflbicn of ftuben 5 tbe cbilbtcn of<5«b,anb balfe tbe trpbc of IQmm auf \ucrcb,anb fapbe unto tlje bcabcsl ottrc tbe tbouutnbcjS of 3fracl-.'Cbc C5ob of gob = bcji,tbe JLo,ibc,C5ob of gobbe&cttcn f lo^ib be UnotDctb, 9 3fracl alfo Ujall Unotuc. 3f itbctorcbcllco^to teanfgreffe agapnftp lotbc , tben tbou loibe tauc us not t bptf bape. ®i cllexJ if Mot battc bplt Utf an attltcr to tutnefto folotoing tbe lo.ibc , ot to of - fer thcron burnt offrpng 0^ mcatoffrtgc,o v t to offer peace offrtngcg tbcronact p loibc require tt. e* (hmhh Uttb pf voc battc not ratber bone it of a carefulncsf 9 of a fure oc= caft5,fapcnac: 3« tpmc to come pour cl)il= b^ennugbt tape Unto mstfld&t battc pe to bo ttntb f &o;tbe 00b of jficMf *Atoc batb ntabe 3o>iba a bo?bcr bcttocuc usi anb pott( pe cbtlbjcn of Eubcn anb of C5ab) pe ijattc no parte tbcrfojc in tbe lojbe:anb (0 (ball poure rtuibjcn make ottrc epbjen ce= au*e from fcaringc tbe to^be. mi %\)ttfO}t tDCc*aol«ebtt(ecaDu ob,tljat ig before W tabernacle. Mo tuben ^bi«ebciEi tbe ^reaftc, anb tbe ©. io^bcjS of f congregaciou anb beabeu otter tbetboutanbe* of jwaeU tubiebvocretuitt) btm,bearbe tbefe toojbesi tbat tbe cbtlbzen of Ettbcn,anb tbe cbtlbim of C5ab anb tbe cbtlbee tUCf ttbarbe^f ano Hjc« temapnc ntt manp nr.rloira. )* 3nb tbe io^be poure <5obibaU erpclltb^ before pou,anb caff tbe from out ot poure f igbt,anb pe (ball conquere tbeir lanbc, atf tbe lo^be poure 0ob batb faibe Unto pou. «r m to tberf o^e* ajj fttonglp ajj pe mapc, £> t(l , m ^ wi tjjat pe I c* I' I ■ V '.Il >I ■v > t s ( runt antongc tbefc that arc lef t totth vow )pe mane mention ot itocarc bp tUc names' of tbeir gooociS : anb that pe nctfter fcrtic them , noz botoc pourc irluco : Unto them . z&ut thatpc fttrhc fait at J ,,t0 P^°. , ' | f PottrcGob,atfpcbauc none C UMothttfbapc.&oujall £ iortc caft out (jcwjc ywmcat Mwm awbrnpantpr, atf *bm» ««* !!? ! Ufln * w *& i>f «e able to ftanbr befojepou *»«a*m» Nrtao. * dPnr man of pon mil £Si ttJoufanuc:fo.^ lojbcpourc Gobi)c'figb= tcty m mm be batb pjomifeb pou.€a= itcgoob bebe tbcrfo^e unto pourc fcluctf , p" re lour the lojbc pourc Gob. ei&pr'vcgobackcauoclcauc Unto tbc reft or tbf fe nation* frrtnapttc toytl) pou, anb Qjall maUc mariapjS tuitD tbcm , a so in unto tbcm , anb tijep to pou:bc pe fare, tbat p laibc pourc Cob iwUiiomoieeaft out all tbefc nation* frd bcfoic pou. * z$ut *m,tmu tbcpfbalbcfnarc.Q'anb trapped unto pou; anb ftowgejs in pourc fpbcp , aub tnoinctf tn pourc cpc&Untpll pe perpuje fro of tbps: 500b lanbc, tobpcbtije tojbc pourc God garb gcucn pou. & ZnJj oebolD,tbW bapc,bo 3 entre in to t\)c toavcofallthc UMMlbcapcftnotoc in all Tof«.j.r».b. pour bcrtcjx % tn all point l'onlcs,tl;at*no- thpng batb faplcb of all the goob thpngcg tohicu tbc Lojb pourc Gob pjompfco pou: put all arc come to paffc, a ho tbpng bath faplcb tbcvof.'Cbcrfo^ajj all gooo tptar* arc come Upon pou,tomcb the torbepoure Cob p,2 ompfeb pou,fo qjall § iiojbc bng Upo pou all cucll, Uutpll be Ijaue bcttfopro pou fro of t\)y$ goob lance , tobpeb £ to** be pourc Gob batb gcucu pou, tol;c pe i;aue tratifgrc&cbtbcappomtmetof tbc ioibe pourc Gob,tobtcb be cemaunbeb pou s anb yam gone anb fcrucb ftraunge g oobcfcanb ; Uotoco pourc fclucjj to the . 'Chen upalltbe 1 toratb of tbc toibc toajec tobotc tjpo pou, a pe Qjall perplhc qtucklpc fro of tbc goob lanbc,tohicbbchntbgeucnpou, ' C£$e.jcjciui.C&aptcr. Sofna i ■' :}■ * f 3 fT3]o'iiw tt^oftttl) tlft |if opic (o tljt Ucpiuiff of t\){ latoc. (OcDpctb . Zi)t bonce ofjjofcpl? ate butpcB.Cicajatbprt. ,. j3b3ofua gcatbeecball tbc trpbctf ' of 3fraell to ^)icbcm , anb calico foj p elbcrjs of 3fracU,anbfot tbcpz hcnbcjS,3ubgc0 anb officer* , anb th'cp p?e« fenteb tbem tcluc* before Gob.36nb joftia fapbc \jtito all tbc people : tbu* faptb t^t mm ti h l0 ^° m * of Jftaell: *pourcfatberic< DM* r,P0, it on the otheefpoeof tbefloubmolbetp. mc: cuen 'Chareb tlje fatbec of ^b^nbam $ of $achofcnnb ferucb ftraunge gopbc#. 7m 3 f oRepoure fatbet fttyabam from tljc other rpbe of tbc f loubc, a b^ougbt butt tpojoto out all tbc lanbc of Canaan.a mul pgu&W fccb,anb k gauc btm 3fabac. *««mt Jmi mm'mttmtmamoH mm, SSL *3nblgauc\)ntoefau mount ^>ctr,to ro * poiTelTc it . issue 3acob anb I;t* cbilbie toct bourne into Cgpute. 3 Cent #ofejj alfo 9 3laron.^nb 3 *pla^ **mw geb egputc:a ^ban3 bab fo bone among **«** tbcm , 3 b^ougbt pou out, anb 3 biongbt pomt f atDer* out of egppte. M* an tlcp came tmto tljc feccftc €gvyctatt*folo\tocb after pourc fartjcrief ttttji cbatettcmi a four* «r men , wo tbc rebb fee. * 3nb ttfym tljep *J M ««,,. enco tmto tbc lo?b , tbc 1 ojb put batch* { wife bettor nc pou anb tbc ^gppciau*,ano fought tl;c lec Upon tbcm , anb coucrco tbf. 3nb pourc epej* hauc fene tobat 3 ha •. tic Done to ti;c €gppaanie(.ainb pc btoclt in tbc totlbrrnclTe a loitgc ccafott. ^nb^b^ougbtpoutntotbelanbeoftbe^uffi^ ^moutctf ,tobtcbbtoclt on tbeotbcrfpbc m 302ban. 35nb tbcp fougbt toitb pou : anb 3 gatte tbcm into pour b,iD,tbat \>c tnpaht conqucrc tbeir coutrc.^ub J DcRropcb the from out of pourc fpgbt. **€m mm w mm of MatMw *m.w.t, of^oabarofestoarrcbagapuft 3fracU, & < l, - tl «''- a fent a callt b Balaam tbc i'onnc of 26cot to? to enrffc pou. 25ut 3 toolbc not berHch »nto 0alaam,a tbcrfojchc ratber blefleb pou anb fo 3bcliucrcbpou out of rite ban* bc.3nb yc toct oucr 3oiba, unn caihe unto 3cricho , anb tbc men of 3enrho fought a= gapntt poiirtbc 3tmoute«t,|Dfccecftte0,€a« itaantte^^etbtteftC^irgoltte^^eiUtetf,* 3cbnftteftanb3 bcltueteb tbcm in to pou* re banbe. 3tnb3fcnt*ljo?nctfes{befo^po!i,tbbpcp R, ti .. caff tbcm out of pourc ugbtcucnthc ttoo * D,uf,hw binges! of tbc 3mo v utc#:but not toitb pomp oumc ftocrbc,o v t toitbpourc otone botoe. 3inD 3 bauc genen pou a lanbcm tbjjfcb pc bpb no laboure , ano cpticje tobtcb pou bilt n ot,anb ttotjtcb pe btoell iit : Utneparbca al-- fo,anD iDlpuctrccjJtobicbpcplantcb not, anbtobevofpebocatc. *Boto ttefaf f care tte loibe , 9 feme * , lm w him tn pcrfcctnclfc anb trutbc: % nn put a -- tr m toape tpc goDbc^tobpcb pourc fatberti ku ****** ucb on ttje otber fpbe of the f loubc , anb tit <£gpptc>anbfcrucpethe lojbc. ainbpf it feme cucll Unto pou to fcrtic m 1 o*Dc,tbe~ cbofepoutbtebapctobompou totli turn ttjhctbettbe goDDctf tobicb pourc father^ fcrucb ( that tocre on tbeotbcrfpbc of tbc floubc)cther tbc Gobbet of tbc 3moutc& •© in tohofc lanb pc btocll . 3Hs fo? mt aiib mp fcotofctoe totll fcruc tbc ioibc. r ^bc people anftocrcb anb vapbc:(H>ob foz^ |bpb,that hoc t^nlbe fotfalte tl;e lo?bc , ano fcruc tijepeopitlioftta b^etlj loftta. Su\l x* fcrne ftraftge gobbetf . itoi tty Hoibe oure €ob,be it w tbat toougbt U0 anb ourc fa* tbertf out of tbc lanbc of €gppte,anb from tbe botbfc of bonbagcanb Wic\) tyb tbofc S teat miracle* in oure fpgbt,ap?efcrucb t in all tbc toape tbat toe tocnt, a amogc a 11 1 be nact80 W)ic)) toe came tbo?oto.3nb tbc ito^bc hvb caft out before Us( all tbc na- ctonjS,fpeciallp tbc 3gmo?itcs(,tobicb btoelt fit t\)t lanbe.2Hnb tberfozc totll toe alfo fcr= & ue the lofQcfoj be H o«cc (©"ob. ^ %\& 3ofna fapb Unto tbcpeoplc,£e can notferuetbe !o,tbe:f o> be in anbolpeGob, anb a geloutf cM,anb cannot beare poute iniquitcanb fpnnc.Sf pe f oifaue t^z lo?be *| B r.rt gobbed tobicb arc am5» ge pott,anb botoepoutcbertetf Unto f 1 oi= Uc Cob of 3fracll.'Cbe people fitpbe Unto 3ofua:tbe topn ourc Gob totll toe fcruc, - anb bfjaiUopcc totll toe obcpe,3lnb fo lofua *iiu*) J *«wbeacoucnanttoitbthe people tpc fa* mts ' me oapcanb fet an-« oibtnauncc anb latoe . to. before tbcm in 3>icbem. 7m 3ofua to^otc tbefe toojbetf in tbe bo* *f.6c.b«j». fee of tbe latoe of <&>ob , anb * tone a great ftone,anb pttcbeb it on cnbe in f fapbc pla^ cecum Unoer an ofeetbat toais in tbe fane* tuarpe of tbe to c tbc. 7m 3oftta fapbc M\u #» to all f people:bebolbe, * tW ftone ujalbe * «? '•»« 7 atoitnclTe Unto U&fo? it batb bcatbe all § J10,4 ' w " £ - too^bejiof tbc lo,tDe tobicb be fpa&e toptn U!«,3t Cbalbe tberfojea tottneffe Unto pou, left peDmpe*(ani>barctb,tobtcb ist in moftt epb^atm, on tbe no jtbfpbc of tbe bill of Gaatf. 7m 3ftael fecttcb tbe iozb * allf bapctf *«.®w*, of 3ofua,a all tbe bapejs of tbc clbersf tbat r;m « oucrlpucb 3ofua,anb tobpeb bao hnotone allptoojcltosoftbetoibetbatbcbaDDo- mfoijkacl . 3InD m * bones of 3ofcph* t -.. M , „ tobicb tbe cbttb^f of 3ftaellbjottq;bt oittofc?o;i7i.o Cgpptcburpebtbep in$>\cl)cm* ma par cellofgrounDctobpcb Jacob bougut of | vsmms fonneK of tyemo* tbe father of g&ic&em.fo* anbunb?ctb peaces of fpluct,anb it bt* came ti^z mberitaunce of the cbtlbien of 3ofcpb . MH eicajat t\)t fonne of Baron bpcb , tohom tbepbu-- rpeb in a bill tbat pertapucb to ^bthebes W fonne , toto( bill) tbasl ge ucn pith in mount Cpbjtaim. 'Cbembe of tbe bofee of lofua, tohomthctyrbmetfcall 3cbofua. 'I' : \ •J J .1 1 k ■ \ I: ■ ' * 13 j i I lit r r 1 hi I I !! at 1 - 'fi • 1 . -« - .1 t 1. 1 [I ■'! * » I' !> I mm »»r \'V gfttUa - 3tobge& C %\W bolte of litu gc&cnllcb m fbc foctoue S)opljtim - anb in tDe latin 3ubicum. C'CDcfpzO;. Cljaptcr. 3.o;oc on{r;cljratmrc. I' J i tl' tf tcr tbc bcatD of 3oftta it ca^ mctopaflTctbattbe cbtlb2e~of 3fracl afacbp lozbcfaping: te 1; o fl. a II go ty) f oi "toss agatnft tbeCauamtc0,aribtbDo OjaU ftrftfigbt agapnft tbem. 3CnbtIjc lozbc fapbcijnba '^ tball go "Up* bcljolbc 3 Da= *jor.mS tie bclpucrcb tljc lanbe m to Dps DanbcS. ' sa. 3nb 3»o« fapbe bnto gnmcon ■>=» Dps bio ti)cr:comc \)p toitD me tnmp lottctDat toe mapcftgbt agapnft tbc Cananitc0:3nD 3 IpRctopietDpllgotDitDtDeinto tljp lotte. anb fo g>pmcontbcnt »>tt|> Dftn. 2nb3ubatbcntbp,anb tijelozbc bclp^ ucreb f CananiteS j #berciitc0 ito tljcpt banbc*. $nbtbcp flebjc of tDcm in 2l3c?cft ten tljoufanb men.^no tbcp founbe 3Doni bc^elwn 25c?efc.3no tijep fougDtngaitt him, anb flrtbc Cananitcs anb ^ljcrcft= tcs.iBut 3bombe?eftflcb , 9 tljcpfolotocb after bpm , anb caught Dpm, anb cut of fyi$ 75 tbobes anb bis great toes . H no 3Jbombc= 5c& fapbe : tl;ic fko.ie^ ten kpngos: tjawinff tljeir tDombcs anb great toes cut of , gea= Sffi?" 1 * thcrcbtbctrmcatebnbctmp table: *a^3 3&nb tDcp brought Dim to 3ctufalem, ano there Deopcb. ♦Drafe.rr.c 'Cbeebilbzcnof 3uba fought agapnft 3e p rufalem,anb tofte it * an*o fmotc it toptb $ ebgc of the ftberbcanb fct tDe cptic on fire, 3£ftcr toarbe tDe cbilbixn of 3uba tbent to fight againft the Cananitc&tbatbtbclt w tbcmoutapne,anb totoarbc tljefoutD> 9 in thelotfcecouttepc. 3flnb 3ubat&entagamft tpe Cananitcs tDat Dtbclt in fyebzb,tbbtcb before Unit tbas called aariatb 3tbc.4lno •, fleto &efat3Diman$ 'Chalmat . Sdnbfco tjjence tbcp tbent to t|jc inDabitettf of ©a* mr,tbbofenamc tolbetpmetoas called ha* riat#epbcr .**«&<* *• «««cof t««reu.> 3nb Caleb fapbe* bctbat(Vnpterb&a= J riatbftpDcr^ tauetD it,to Dim Ml 3 gene ax^c ^cfahmpbatiffbtcrtotbvfe.SlinbMo^ nicl m f onnc of ftene j Calcbtf y ouact b?o= ther tone it: to toljom |)e gatie^lcTalUjrtf Uangljter to toyf c , anb asi tbep tooent , at eouncelcb torn to af fee of ftct father a fclbc. 3nb t\)tn tyc Ipgbteb of l)et- aflcranb Caleb fapbc \)nto ijcnHlljat apletD tDc.^lje anC toetcb \mto to>m : geue me a blcupngc : t oj tbou Daft geue me a ^outDttoatb ( o^tufe) ibegeue me alfo fp^ngcsi of toatct. 3nDi Calr b gauc Dcr fpjtngcg! botb aboueqtbc* nctbe. 3inb rftc cbtlb^cn of tDe^ ftenite -*» ^Dofejs fattjer in latoe tbent \jp * out of **mu i cptic of * palme txmxoitl) ty e^ilb?e of ?0r '^ aw Tjubainto t\)t tbplDcmcu"c of 3»l»* 7 tljat hetb in tl)c S>outae of atrab, anb tjjep toft anb btbclt amongc tDe people. 3nb 3uba Vbcnt Mro fi)itneon DdS b?o-- a> tlx r,anb tljcp f leto tDe Canauitcg tbaten= babteb ^epbatb^anb \)ttetlpebe(lropcb it, *anbcailebtbcnameoftDe cptie i?o?ma. *ja«.m.« 3nb at m laft 3uba tofte 2U?ab tDPtb tDe coaftesi tberof,anb %l ualon tbptD tpt coa= ftcis tberof , anb 3baron toitb tbe coaftejs tDcrof,3tnb tbelo?betbasi toptb 3uoa> anb be conquercb the mountapncsJ , but coulbe not bmtc out f enDabtter^ of tDe tjalepcial becaufe tDep D«b cDarctte^ of p?on . 3nb 4 ,, M ., v ,. k tDcp gaue%b?onMtito Caleb,as5 ^)ofe0 *ww» fapbe^ubDec.rpcllebtDtnce tDetD?efdn= ^uffi.ti«e ne0of*^nacD. *3iofu.ni,9 *31nb tDe cbilbicn of JScniaminbpb not _ call out tDe 3cbufites , tbat cnbabitcb 3c = • rufalcm , but tbe 3ebufite0 btbell toptD tbc cbplb^cnof i3en3amin in Jctufalcm ■** "touto ' <* tl)is$ Uape. *3tnb in iphe manertbepftberc of tbc boufc of 3ofcpbtbe"t1op toBetDelf ^lotb toag ttoptb tbe,? f boufe of 3oCepb feccDcb out BetbcUtbbicb bef oie tvmc t&atf callcb iujS.KnbtDefppc^fatbcaman come out of tDe cptie,anbtDepfa?be tmto Dvm:(bett) tjg tbe tbape into tbe cptie, * anb tue topll Hjetbc tDe mcrcp.^nb tbDan De Dab fbetueb tDcm tbe xoape into tbe cptie, tDcpfmo te it tbptD tDe cbge of tDe ftoctb,but let tDe man anbaUDp0DouCbolDcaoofi:ee.3nb£man tocnt into tDe lanbe of tDe l?ctDtte0 , anb bpltacpticanbcallebf name tDcrof lujS tuDicDW tDe name tDcroftjntotDijSbape. - ^iftctDetbpb^anaffe^eKpcllc TSctDfcil *% m ^ M tbitD W totonetf , ^DaanacD toptb Dct to^ ttonctf ,tDccnDabitoure# of 5do? toitb Der totoneftp enbabitourcitf of 3cblaamtDptb ber tobmc&netDet f enDabitoutcg of a)a-- gebo toptD Dcr totbnejf, but tbe Cananitetf tteee bolbe to btbell in tDe lanbe. ZSut it ea= metopaflc^aief fonea0 3ftaell tta^toa^ zeb mvMUt, t\)t? put tDe Cananitctf to tribute anb erpellcb tDcm not. Tuba 1 fftaeU wm Kubgtjs?, * jRofu.yb.a *j]oru.«.{ # *aom.fw«> * ittlpue maner epD^atm erpellcb not tDe Cananptcjs tljatbtbelt in ©W , but tl;c Cannnptcg btoelt ftille in <5am amon gctbem. .HctDct bvn jabulon erpellc tDecnDabp^ touted of kctron, netljcr tbe cnbabptoiiros of .aaijaloi: 26ut f Cananptcsi btbclt amo gc tDein,anb became tepbutaeiesi. # iftctbeu bpb 30 fee caft out tbe cnbabptou rcjs of 3tcDo,uetbcr tDe cnbabptourcs of *i-. bo^ipf^Dalab^cjib^^albaD^pDeU, ne? of EoDob, but tDe 3frritcgf btbeltamo ge tDe Cananitesi tDe cnDabptourc0 of tDe lanbcfonUepmigDtnotb.ipuc tDcm out. jftctDcr bpbiH>epDtDalmtbipue out tbe enDabptourcs of 3i6ctDfamc& not tl;c cniia bptouretf of 2BetDanatb , but btbclt amon- flea tbe Cananptctf tl;c enbabptoureg of ^ onbe . Bcucttbclcttc tDe cnbabptourcji of 25etDfamesl$of)i6etDan(itD became trpbu taricsibntotDem. ainb tDe ^inojitexitroublcb tDe cto>lbze of atantn t\)t moutapneanb foffc rcb them not to come botonc to tl;e Mn lepe . ZnD tDe JmoititcjJ tucee content to btbell in mount ^ ^erej*>*nul)pclj n bp m nwce.ici>on:n toptiic (TpuBe; in gallon anb tn £>ala bim . 3nb tbe ba nb of lofcpD p?euaplcb,fo tbat tDcp became m* butanctf : 9 tl;c coafte of p 3emoiptctf tbatf from tDe goprtgtjp to 3iceabim , anb from tbc roclic \jpttiarbe. C^Dc.ti.CDaptcr. Crijcangc!lrc!tuUctI)fl)c|ii;opir,b«auCe(^c|'lj«6 nwDf p«i« \\>ft\) tljc Canaiiice3.3iQoIatrter.ti" pu; niloeti. Bb^.tbcangcll ofthelottic cmc \jptfro ©ilgaU to m. SSocDim,* fap = DC: 3 mabe pou to come out of €ffp = ptc , anb liauc brought pou \)uro tDe lanbe Mm, tbbicb3fHbarebntopourcfatbcr0. * ;mb ment f 3 mabe tontb pou.3ttuo pc alio fliall maueno coucnanttoptD tDe cnbabptourctf of tDi0 lanbe, but (ball bjeaucbotone tDcir aultarcsl : Beuertbelcgipe bane not Derke= neb bnto mp boicctoDp bane pc tDitf bone' TOcrf o?e,3 Daue lpftc\bpfc betcrmpneb, ^ 3tbplluotcafl;tDeoutbcfoicpou:buttDcp b all tDcbapcjof 3ofua,anb all tDcbapetf of tDe elbersi tbat out lpucb3ofua,anbDabfcnc all tDe great Xoq&c$ of ti;c lo k ib tlja t l;c m 5fo i-i':i,i f 0^ 3frael: anb 3ofua tDe fonne of Bun the fcruaimtof tDe toibe* bpeb,tbDmbett)a0 *$<>&* u an DuuD^cb f ten pcrcjj olbe: Tbbom tbcp bu rpcbtn tiit coftcs of Dp0enDerttatmce:cucn in s^.'EDamnatD Darcg inmoutepDwim "i$ 0:1 tbc noitbfibe of tlje DpUOaasf . Mb cucn loalltbatgcncracpontbcreputbntotDcir fatDcr0,anb tiitve arofc anotDer generacpo after tljcm tbbpcb netber unetde tDe hoi* be, noz pet tDe tuozcUcjj toDpcD Dc Dab bone foi3frael. Mb tDen f ctylbzcn of 3frael*bpb tope- *i«t Ucblpe in tDe fpgbt of tbe loibe , anb ferucb Baalim "^, anb fozfofee tbe Lo?be0obof *ty tbeirfatbcr0,tbDpcD bzougbt tbemoutof tDe lanb of egppte , anb f olotDcb ftraunge goObcg, cucn of tbe gobbes of tDe nacpemd tbat toere rounb aboutc tbem,anb botbeb tl)cm feluexJ bnto tDcm anb angrcb the lot- bCCbepfozfobctDc lozb,anb fcrueb 25aal € anb atltbarotb ^.anb tDe tbiatb of the loi- -t$ U boarcb bote agapnft 3frael,anb be bclp- ucreb tbem into tbc UW ofraucncis ,tba t f}»opleb tbc\anb folbe tbem into t\)c banbetf of tbeir enempetf vounbe aboute tbem, fo p tbcp Dabno potberaup longer to (rabc befo re tljcir enempetf. :3uttbbctberfoeucr tbcp tttent out,tDe hanb of tDe lozo ibao agapnfc tbemlDitDeucU lucRceucn as tbcloib mo -. mpfeb tbem,* as? be ffoare mto tbem. Sub be punptbeb tbem foze. BeucrtDelelfe tbclotberapfeb \jvjwb- gejS,tbi.)icb DClpucrcb them out of tbe babed of tbeir opp.mfcrMnb pctfo: all tfritmy toolb not barken "onto tbetrjubgt o: I3ut ratber Vbcura ibbotpng after Irraiige gob = bc0,anbbotoebtl)cmfelUi'pburofbnn,ani) turnebqmcftlpe out of jhbavctbbicb thru- fathers voa I Iteb in, obepmg tljc coinauiibe mentes of the Lozb.Z3ut tncp Oyb not fo. 3mbtt)ben tDcloibvapfcothnu\)p3ub gesi, Dc\»a0 ttttlj the 3uDge,anb beUntereb tbem out of tljc babes of ttjeir mmm all tbe bapes of tbc 3ubge*foz tbcioiDf hab *i- :cn ., , cOtnpaupon oucr tljcir foioojmgcs , lbhi'ih tbcp Dab, bp tbc rcafon of tbem p oppjclTcb tDem^\)ercbtbcm:pctfojali^agimii as *t:iuu,. b. tljc iubgcttas beab,tljcp tmncbanb brb D toozucp tljeirfatbcrs,tnfoloibmge(trau ■. ge gobbes,anb inferupng tljcm, anb caitlro not from their oumcinuciicpons, 1102 from tljcir malpcpoufetbape. Mb tbeujzatb of tbe lozbevbastnoueb agapnftjfracl, j be fapbc:bccaufcthts pco pic batb tranfgrciTcb mpnc appointcmeut ^Ijicl) 3 commaunbeb tbcirfachers^ bane not herheneb buto mp bopce, 3 \\>pll hence tum not caft out before t»e one man of ti)c nacponS,tobicb 3ofua leaf t Xbhm he bvcb4* mmm tDcm 3 mape^p.jouc 3frael,\bljc - * tmau tber tbcp topll Ucpc tDe \bapc of tbe to Jbe, 9 ibalHc tljcvin, as tDcir fatljcrsbpb mm 't i !.!. i' 1 1 11 il I II 1 I \ (; i *o iV • i - 1 ■ r : 1 r /; L •( • 1 ** t > ; ;! .1 « m i i •*. w f. jSthomcll gfabges aiimj ii i h i!, , 1* «3U !, )■ - :! , 4 3nt» fo tty loiblcaft rbofcnacUito oioue ttym tiot out ymmcbyatlycnctbctbelyuc* rcbtDcminto tbcD««bc of 3ofua. CCDc.ui.eDaptcr. catboomtortpucrrti) arrsti.aijun Kpiirt&ttpngf CBlon.framnar fcpiiftb rljc l&Wiflttnw. itocfc arc $ tincpotf \tol)ich ^ lo.iD left, Matty mygbt mouc3irart by tty: kucna^uauycoOfracllatfbabnot ftnotoen all tty mm$ of Canaam: Mm foi (5 Icrnyng of £ gencracyon of tty cDilbjc of mart* ty alto my gty tcacl) ttym toar ^ re, in afmucD atfftyyytDcrc bcfoic ttym, (Krbnc\J)ttothin8ttyrof,iDftl)ofctDhoty left, tberctocrc fyuc loibcjS of tbc ptyuttt* ncs\s all tty Cananitcfct tty gjobomteo', anb tty tycintca tDat btoclt in mout itba* nontcttf ntirom mount *5aal IpermonUnto tormatb. 'Cbofcrcmayncb to pioue Ifracl by,anb to toctc, tbbetber ttyp tfcolb tyrttcn Unto tty commaunbcmcntcg of tty lojoc, tbtycD Be commauoco ttyir fattyrtf by tty banb of^ofctf. 3ino tty ctylbtc of Ifracl btoclt amonge ttyCaiwnite&lpetbitcOmoitte&pbcrc *»nw.wf.« fite&$ttiitr0, alio jcbufy tco", * 9 touc tty baugtycwl of ttym to be ttytr toynxoVf ga» ue ttyir otwtc oaugtyersj to ttytr f onnctf, $ fcrucu ttytr Cobbesf, anb the clHlojc" of 31 racll DiO totcheblye in the fygbt of tty lo*b, 23 anbfoigatc tty lotb ttytr ®w , anb ferucb Baalim? 3tfcrotfe. 'tbcrfojcttyUubtoaS angry c ttitb 3fracl. * belyucrcb tty into y ijaoc* of Cjjufan ttifatbatm tarns of ®t« topotamta, ano tty cbtlbicn of 3lracll Ccr= uco Cfjnfaw laifatbaim.Uiii.yccco'. SnDtbhfntbccbMtte of Ifracl crycbUn- s-. to tty lojbctbelozoc ftercD Up aa a fatter, to £ ctylbrfof 3fracU faucbtb&onc OtijO met ttyfonne of Bcncg.Calcbtfpotujcr bzo= t ber.attb tty fpicte of tty loibc came Upon tym. ano be iubgcb 3fracl, ano tact out to luarrc . 3NM loibc belyucrcb Cbufan flu* fatjjaf hyng of fljcfopotamiamto W Dan He, * W Danbc picuay leb agaynft Cbufan ±u nut it d BtfatDaim.ano £ lanbe Dab* reft f outtyc * p ycrcs\ ano tbonicl f tonne of bene* Oieo. 3nb tty cDiUncn of ifracl t&et to affajpne^ conuttcb tbicuebneue in tty fiaty of f lo*0. ano tty lojo ftrcngtDeb@glon tty Uyng of tty &)oamtco\ agaynft tty c&ttotf of 3f rael,becaufe ttyy l)ao comtttco toicaebnev^ f e bcfoie f lot0.3BnO tty)SC<£slo)p;cattyreO tjnto bpm tty ctylb^en of Simmon , anb tlje 3maleRttesJ,anOtbentanbfmote3frael^ coquctcb tty citpe of Banlme trce0. 3Mi fo the ctylDie" of 3irael ferueb ealon tty feino; of nto tbc lo^oe, tty lo;iOe ftereb tU tip a fa* oa&tHD tty tonne of C5cea tty fone of 3e=> mini, a man ttyt coulOe bonottynp; tionb* f omlpe frf ti) |)i^ rpsty Danbe. 3no \>v Di»» fl» W^cn of 3fraclfent a C p:efent\)nto©glonttyhinffof4l)oab:but Stout) maoe tym a oajaer tuitfj tttoo cbgctf, of a cubvtc Icngtl), 9 ty oyb s woe v t ^nto nisi raymcnttipontytfrlsbt tl)ygl),anb ca= n»cb tty meftnt \jnto€glon the feyngc of i)oab: im efflonltoaj8a»crpfatteinan. ano it f ttuncb fljat W ty tyo PKfcnteO tty pwfent , ty Cent tty people ttyt bare it tmSt&ut ty Dim fclfe tumeo agay ne(WS $ place of grauf ymaffcsl, ttyttba0bv d&tl= ^ gal ^ )ano faybc:3 tiauc a fecret errao tm« ^ totty/i>Uynff.{La3l)icl)faybe:ftepefrlcncc. 3no all ttyt ttobe before Dym,toent out: fromtymi. , . .. ano a bub came Unto oym , anb m a 10= incrparlcr,totycbtyl)aO,fattytyfelfealo= ncanb aimb f aybc* 3 bauc a nuOaoe \m= J**** to S fro d5oo.ano ty arofc ontof M feate. *^ anb aijuo put fo^tlj tyfi lefte ftanoe, | to= he p bagger fro bi^ rygty tbpgty , 9 tjmift it into ty>* bclycanb tty Daft xm\ m after the blaoc. ano tl)c fattc 3 clofcb tty Daft,fo § he mygDtnotbjatbc tDcbagger out of m My cbut tty by^t came out. atoojat mni out at a poftctnc oo?e>anb fibut tDc Oo^ctf of the patlcr about tym,ano locucb ttym. Ifllben ty toast gone ont,opji feruauntcjJ came , ano IWjan ttyy favoe that the oo^ca of tty parte tocre locUeb , ttyp faybc : m* abuetureo-De coucretD m * etc toWf*'- *t0 tner cDabcr.ano thc|> tartcb tyll thep tocce oaiamcb,anb bcDolbe: fcyng Dc openeb not ttyooics of tty pacler:ttyy tolie a Ueycab openeb ttym.anb bcDolbcttytr lo^b Mg fallen ootonebcao onttyrttty . anb aouo cfUapcb(tDDyletDey taryebjanbtoas gone Oeyonbcto tDc place of tbc gtaucymagcfc ano cfkapcb into 5>ciratb. itA . anb ttoty he ttaxJ come* Dc blctoe a tront ♦jaumr* ette inmoutepDjaim.anb tDc chpiu?e of jfrael urftboiomc toy tp D?m from tDc ftyll anb \)t toent before ttym. anb De wmm* to ttym,folotoc me: fo> tl)e tojb hath bcly uercb y ourc enemyeg , tDc 4^oaby tco mto v ourc nanbe.anb tDcy bcfccnbcb after Dim, anb toHe the paffagc* of 3 o^ban , totoarbe ^)oab,anb tofferebnotamato paue oucr. ano tDcy aeto of the flMftBrf y fame ty = me \jpon a tat tDoufanbc men, WcD t»ere allfatte? men of tbacee,^ there f Uapeb not a ntf, * fo 4£>oab toag fubbueb tDat bayc, * t>m Dnocr the Danbe of 3fracl:anb tDe lanb Dab rcft.lrrr.pcreo'. ^ , - after Dpnt oiajl ^>amgar ttyfonne of anatD 3DpcDfletoe of tDe WUftmej.))t. tymb^cb men toitD an ore goabe , anb mp nereb Jfrael alto. CCDe.iiit.CDaptcr. !.; ttpi(rbo£3iAcl, anb tDc m tDe cDilb?en Of 3rracl becrattne a = flayne to bo tuicltebly m tDcfygDt of ttDe lozb, m ^D«b toa^beab. ano tDe io,iO •«* tolbc ttym into tDc D5be of 3a ft3r bin Uyng of Canaan, ^raygncb in toa*oi, tbbofc captaync of toarre ma calleb £>i& tfr ra,totycb otoelt in fearofetD of^ gftrtejj. •«=» anb tDe cDilb?cnof3frael cryeb\)ntotDe i.o^be: fo? ty DabnyncDunbrcb cDarrettcji of vm$ tMtit ycretf De ttoubleb tDe ctyU tyenof3fraclocryfojc. anb a>ebo?a a ^ophctp flc, tDe tbyfe of iapibotD3ubgeb jfracl tDc fame tyme,f f fame IDeboja btoelt onber a paulme tree bettucne mamatD anb HBettylk m mounte €pD?aim. anb tDe cbilb^cn of Jjfrael came Up to ber *»m. w. f 0} tubgement.anb (be fent 9 calleb * 25a* ran f tonne of abinoa\out of aebejjjScpD* tDalim,anb faybe Unto Dim. l^atD not tDc I4ffl>j 000 of Jfracl comaunbeb tbc,to lea* oetifatre tbo^beflimen tomoute 't&AQf, anb talie tottD tDc ten tDoufanbc me» of tDc ctylbtf of/aeptybalimf of j cDtlb^cnofja I mnw* bulon/anb 3 t&iii b^ytw unto the to tDe * 25 ryuer ftyton,^ifara,^ Captaync of toarte Unto 3abin, xb Dte cDarcttc^, $ ty& people, anb toill bclyucr Dim ito tbyne D^bexf. anb 25arau faybc Unto Der : yf tDou ttylt go t& me,3 toill go.-25ut % yf ti;ou tdtlt not come jbitDme,3 toUlnot goo^ty faybc:3 toill fuerlye go Wt& f , but tW iourney f tDou taucft , qjall not be f o* t^nc hononre, fo* tDc to?b (ball fell *>itora into tDc Dabe of a tdoman.iDebo v ia toft toitb aSarak to ae= wanb XBarali calleb ?abulo$ jBcpDtba* lim to aebc&$ leb after pym ten tDoufanbc wcn:anb 2Dcbo? a tocnt Up tootth tym. 2i5ut Jpabcr tty Bciritr(fctyci) ttoa0 of tDc ■OMB.W. cDyimcn of* ^obab ttyfattyrm latbeof 4l)ofei3!jrcmoucbfrom the other ftcnytt && py tcDeb Dy* t Uc Untyll tDe playne of jaa* natm,tbDycDiS3ibyftcbciS. anbthcya)ctDcb5)ifara^BarafttDe tonne of abmoam tuajsgone up to mount 'Wo*, anbj&tfara gatl;ercb together all M cDarrttc^, cue. ip. bfib*eD cbarettejs of yzon,j all tDc people f tbcre xo pun from of oarofetb of tDe gcntyle^Unto tDc ry ucr C of hyfon.anb Dcboja taybe Unto USaralt: Up, to* thtjai i$ tDe bayc m tohich tDe loibc DatD bcly ucrcb fi)ifara into tbyne 9(10e:3tf not tDe Jiozbcgone out before tDc i anb to paraft tt)5tbovbnc from mount ^babo2,« ten tDoufanbc men after Dim. JjV ^ c l °W oc ^oy tD mm anb all WjUmttfiy 5 all Diss botte BoitD tDe ebge of tty ftoerbe, betoic Baran : fo f j&ifara on DyjS fete. 35ut Carafe f olotoco after toe rofetb of tDc genty U* . anb all tbc oofte of Mm &itata tell Up5 (tye'Oge of tbeftberbcano ttyre toao not a m& leafte. fyotb be it feifa rafleb atoaye on tyjsfete to tDe tent of3acl tDettoyfe of Jpaber tpe Uenitc.fo* ttyre toatf peace bctttjeneiabm tty km of tyatoi, 1 tDcboutbolbcofloabertDcUmite. anb 3acltoent out to men £>f fara>ano faybe Unto Dim:turne in my lozb, turne in-- to me,feare not. anb Cdhafje Dab turoeb in Unto Der mto tyr tct,ibe couercb Dym totth a matell^.anb De fayb Unto tyrfgeue me +« a ly ttel tuatcr to Oiynft,fo* 3 am ttyr ft>c. ™ anbJeopcneO*aboi:tcllofmylac,?gaue3. llllMjl) jpmbijmeM couercb tym.3nWapne he I) faybc Unto Der iftabein tDe bozc oftty ilL anbtoban any manbotb come anb ertqucre w tty,toDetDer there be any man Dcrc,ti)ou {bait faye:naye. mm 3ael 0aber0 toyfe tone a nayle of tty tenter an Dammcr in Der Dana, « toent f oftlye Unto by m,anb fmote tDe nay le into tDe tcmpictfof Diss Dcab,anbfaftencb it into £De grouitb,foz De flombcrcb toie, anb teas! :toeery:anbtoDebyeb. anb Molbc , ag 25araa folotbcb after |&tfara, 3acl came out to mcecty, $ fayDc Sfi te2"R| 3 tbyil ujeto tty tty ma\ toDom Mchcft. anbtbhen Dc came into tier r&c:BeDolbc 3 &ifaralayebecb, * $ mvlc m# in W «plc0.;ano to ©ob biougty U ben tty jtyng of Canaa mto fnbicccyo tliat litl m M % C W of 3fracl . i nb tty Danbe of tDc cbUDicn of 3fracl ptofpereb^ picuayleb agaynft 3aben tDe kyng of Ca, uaa,UntUl tDcy Dab bwngty Dl to naught* CCDe.U.CDapter. C^frongfanDdjanchwtrcupngofbcio.'aan* JB»tan8«n:^tb: ■ i\ sit ■* 1 * 1* i 1 [ *t * -\ i i 1 1 4 f*> i 1 '1 1 1 T- t. $Bebo?a %\\W8 Jetton ^ 1 •■> " i i r I i !» ;« I M ■ ( 1! ■ i < (ante of JfttiL „ ******* mp Dart louctl) ft SMRKHl tf »* Ann them tbatarc toilliug amongc ft pco plc.iDpMpfcpcftloibc. &pcafcc re p ep&e onf ap?c atuto, 9 p "tc toupcJmott i uibgem&f toalne IpfWfg it m crvctifl of ft arcbcrjJ W tbe tnatoti! oftoaVftrc &all ttJep ipcaftc g£ 8Wttonfoe*offtUft^W$£ tcMcuc inft tmfeneeb placed of Jftacl: tSffiV People of ft lojb so MB t $23ESa tm,get me *pm im « jg w«mm« n?*an»fc56arac, anblcabeftcaptwpte Wbentballtbcptbatrcmapnc,bauebo* J» pi US of ft woplf ( of 3a- SnO W iofoc 0»allfo ? mp fake Dane bo* **mm S Sa*ftrc aroteof ftm agapnft ** ' E Kano after ft,tf miammamfigc SSSSSu . ©at of «)ac&te came rulers out of Jatort on ftp tbat gouctne ft pome S tS ! S c into toe tflU&ftftt I" tUe tg parUnga^avc of Inbf ftrc toctcgecate tSepa«t?t* felfe atoape w greate men m |ueao!XtoOeberonOe3oiOanc:anl) tfSr Ipue enen tmto ft Oe MW Ml mo Sepfflwm in ft bpe placed of ft feioe. fc wfcwwt* eame f f owfliWften fought tnekSof 'Canaan ttttfttt > *t *» SltreaOe(ftpm)t>ot)Dticmiff0tclp., bcr bp f mcame* of toe pjauftngcj* £ftir sen of f t D^cntoe ft *mmt sg 1 ftbccaufctbcp tame not tobclpe fLoft, M £ ftftft ft Iloft toitbtbempgbtte. 3ael tpe toif e of tyibet ft tanjtr ft albe bUu"cbaWieoftttocmen,blcffcOu;aUu> be aboue oft e toemcnln ft tent. if-lBl %eafncUater^O)egaueotmmpU&» *s*f«u u-fonjht furtbbwttmnaWlpbittbc. tuMMi* * Sfebe put mr Danoe to ft naplc, anb me 4B^ * fc " * * ftammct (mote ft &tfcra , anb (mote Dp j* beabctooubeb Dim, $ pear fro Dto temple*. toe botocb ftwn bourne at Die fete , te fell botonc & lape ft ill: ^t bU fete be botoeb Ddn aotonc^ fell . 3itm tityepe Dab f oncac Ooto« ne,bc lape ftiUbef ola tc. 'Cbc motbee of &iCcta lobeb out at a * fopnbotoe, $ crieb tbo?Oto f lattefle t WW WW cftarret f o long a compng/ TO>p ta^ mfttbljclcgofbisicartcjS.'' ail the tbpfc labpesi ajiftocecb Dcr,pe anil for atone \t>ofie& aniitoerco Die felfe. &utclp tbcp banef ounbe,tbep mvitt w { uoploS : euerp ma" batb a OSfell o j tvoo : $) t fcrabatb a pjape of Oiuerfe coulourej gar* Mftc$,euc"apjapcoftapmetDpcbto)f5bjpc colourcsJ,? t arcmabe of neblet»ozac:raj>= ment of biuerlejs coloured? of neblctoqme totocb 1st mete f 0} &lm f fc cbcfe ittbiftribu* tigc of i fpople*. $>o pcriu)e all tbtnc m* mpesi: to ?b:but tljtp Moue HAt ft be a* ft Tonne toban be rpvctb mpmigot, 3nb tbe lanbe bab reft f ourtpe pejcjJ. CCDe.-bi.HDapter. ' raiftartl (e oppjtfWi of «>c «aii<»nttwi£5rtfotitt fnUoeiSontobctljtirbripucKc. ; m tbe cbplb^e of 3fraell * c5mitteb * Spcltem& m tbe ftgDt of ft iojb. **•* „ ! %m i iojbbclpuercbftmitttoft baocu of a)abia feucn wretf.%0 ft Dan= be of Wman weuaplco agapnft Jfrael, s becaufc of p mntotitfofk dPW of 3& taelmabeftmbemiejJlntbemoutapnetfi cauc^ ano ft r onge DolDcssf . mw JfracJ habfotoe, ft «)aOianttC!8, 1 3Hnalect>ttesl a tbcp of § eaft contrepe came \jp togetljej againft ftm : s pptftb ftir tltejagamtt tbcm,« bcftropcD tl;e encreafe of tbe crft» mm till i> come tmto a jab*. I lef te no fuftu ftinauce m 3ftacll,netber timm g Jf fc= foi tbcp tbent tjp, ftp anb tbetr cattcll, a came to their tfte^ am a multitude of gre* {hopcr0:fo f boftftp | alfo tbeir cameW -. Scrctfi out n6b?e.3tnb tbep e"treb into f U- * be tobeftrope tt.3llnbfot»aU3ftaeleweOi» elp impouerelbeb in ^ f igbt of p jvamant* te£« crpeb tmto * lo^bjnb ijDen f M* me of 3ftael crpcODnto f lo^b becanle of ft WMum > f tm tent wo ftmj mopbet^bieb Capo tmto ft: 'Wwgtepttt flo?0gobof3ftacl:3fettepouft5egppe a b^ougbt pou oute of $ boufe of bonpage, ftlrpbVpou outof ft>nbeoftbeegp« vffl,* out of $ banb of allf oppjeftebpou ftcaftft outb%e pou,ftgauepouftic lanb. I nb 3 tap} wtojonj KNRftUg t(WiWW be poutc 6ob,*feare not tbe gobbed of tpe r w& Mm** w tbDofe lanbe pou WWII . moM« Sut pou baue not obepeb mp t)opce .Jtnb the atwell of tbe to?be came,ft fate\)nbce puteji Ditf fonne Cebeo^cfleb onttbDete out of p caresi in a pjefle,to tyto it from tDc #abia nitcfli: j t\)c angcll of tbe iojb apcarco bn= € to Dpm,ftfapbc:ftHojbt0toptl,)ft,tDou miptie mft of tbarre.anb 0ebeouanCtoe« rebl)im:0bmp Ho«ib,pf tlje JLoib be topth WMV to all fttf come tjpon \atyt $ tobe= re be all bPJS mpjaclctf toOicb ourc fatberrf tolbcbjK or,anb fapbc'JDib not p lo^b b?ing %$ out of egpptc.-'aBntnom p lo/be batb fo?fattmb)S^ bclpucrcb\JXJ into tbe bilbeis of tbe ^abiauitc0. anb lojb lobeb bpi5 tym,$ fapb: Cobfce in tbtf tbpmigkanD thou (bait belpuer Jfrael out of p mm of ft C»abianitcj2(:l!)auenot3 fent tfte/anb be amweeeb Mm: Cb lo^b, tohertbttD ftall 3 faue 3fraelf n$cholbe,mp Uinrcb to poo^c in ^anaffciaf.anb 3 am iptlc in my fatbcrjS boufc/Cbe tojbfapbcbnto tiim:3Mlbc toitb ft:ann tbou qwltfmptc tlje ^aoia= nite0,ajJ tbcp tberc but one ma.anb be auk toereb pfm:v|Mpf | bauefoube grace I tljp fpgbt,tbe Oictbe me a fpgne,ftt it to tbou ftt talfceft «5 me . a>epartc not i)cuce,\m= till 3 come agapnc 1mto tbe 3 anb till 3 bzig mpne oftrpug,? baue fctt it before ft. * jd anb be topbe: 3 topuearpruntplltljon come agapnc. ^InU 0ebcon tocnt i\i# mabc rebpc attpbb, anb fmctc UakejJ of an epl;a Mfa&& put it to tbe fleibc m abaf Het,i iut p bjotl) t a potter bjougljt it out \>nto sipm bnber t))t HDHe,ft p^efenteb it.anb ft angcll of d5ob Capb tmto Dim:talte ft ftcib ft f ftocte hake0,ft lapc tbe bpo ty$ rockr, spotty outft b^otl;. anb be bpb MM ft angell of ft io^b putf o v U[) ft enbe of tbe ftatfe f be bclbc in b to banbe , ft tottftb mptm tbeflclbe anb ft fujete Iwucef.anb * tbcre nrore \jp f we out of p r ockc, ft cofumcb ft arfb$ tbe vojcte kakcjS.HiSutp angcll of the iojb baniCbeb out of bto fpgbtJnbtbbcn km tr«« h ? c ? on Pwccaucb ftt it MMfi w angcll of iw«rt t ^ e io?b,befapb:aia0, © ioib ©oD,*ba= ne| tt)erfo L iefenc an angcll of ft lo*D face to face,f 3 Umlbe bpeanb tbe ioib fapoc e t)ntob«n-.pcacebe\mto tbe,fearcnot,tbon ibalt not tytXtyt ©cbeo mabc an aultarc tbere tmto tbe lo;o,« callcb it : %\)c loi= be of pcacc.anb tmto tj)P0 bape it i& pet in €pb,tatb> t pertapnetb bnto ft fatpcr of m efeiitcjs . anb it fojetmcb tbat p nunc npgDt tbe lojb fapbc bnto bfiu: take apog buuockoutof tDpfaftrtfbjouc,* motm . of .t)ti. pcrcs i olbe, ft beftropc tbe aultarc of 35aal t m f atljer batb , ft cuttc bo tone tlje groue f \* bp it , smalte an aultarc tmto p %m tpp d>ob tjpoj toppe of thto rockc m a couenicnt niace.anb take tbe fecooc bub locR,ft oner burnt facrificetjpon p toooo of pgrouctobicb JOjaltcut botonccije d5c= beo toke ten me of bto fernantcftft m *$ P lo^b bab bim.a&ut becaufc De burft not bo $o.rb t» t:ft it by bapefiu feare atW^m ftbutyolo ? of tDc me" of ft cptic, (jc ^n it bp npgfje. anb n>l)tn tbe me of tbe cptie toerc t)p er= _ Ipc in ft moaning :25cljol&c,ft aultarc of # 25aal toas b^okcn,ft tlje gcouc cut botonc ^ toaO bp its ftfecoDc bullock offcreb tjpon tbe aulter fttt toajJ mabe.anb tbep fapbe one to anoftr:tol)o jjatp bone tbijs thing:* toba" tbcp enqucrcb » afkeb,ftp fapbe:©'c* bcon f fonne of 3oa0(jatb bone tl)i0 tiling. •Ebcn tbe me of ft cptie fapbe tmto 3oas: butigcout tbpfonne, ti)atl)cmayt\iv<:?bc-. cattle be \)m\) beftropeb p aulter of wm\# cut botonc p grottcf toaK bp it . ano jjoa* fapbe bntoallf' ftooc bp (jtm:toill pe icabc 25aaljB!caufe.''o^toill pc be bto befebcrgr he p batb mebleb agapnft Duplet bun bpc oi the mompngejf he be a (2>ob,lct bun be a'= ucngeb ot bim 3 that caH botonc t)p£i aulter. 3nb from p bape toast (5ebeon callcb.- jjcro baal ■** , becaufc Dto father bab fapbe: ict 2i5aal beaucngeb of bpm,t&at batb biokcu botonc bto aulter. autbc^abian(tcs{tljetfo«,?ftama G leWtestf ftp of ftcatt\tocrc ^geaftrcb to gcathcr,fttoet,^ ^itc^ in ^ tjalepc of 3*f* racl:butprpreteoftbelorbcamet)p60c « beo. * anb be hlctoc a tropcttc,^ callcb* ab SS*, ic?crtofolotohi,$fcntmcu"engerfiithoi-oto ' " out allfc)analfctf,« callcb cbem,tojiieb alfo tyb folotoc bim. anb Dc fen t nicfTcgcrc t» = to afcr,?abulo anb iiicphtbalim, anb the p came to mete bpm. anb ©cbeon fapb tjnto Gob:toilt fi faue 3frael in mp l;abc,a0 J) baft fapbe: Zochoh be,3 topll put a flecc of toolic m the tineaf - fljpng place, anb pf p Hcxoc conic on p flcce ompe,« it bebzve tjpon all the erth bcfpbc, then (ball 3 be fare J p toilt faue 3ftacl by tnpMbe,asfgfapbeft.anbiteamcfotopaC fc.5foiberoTct)pcrlpeonftmojotoc s anO ft lift the flccc togcatber , anb tozongc the bctoctljeroutjSfpllcbabotolcoftoarcr:'* ©bebeo fapb agapnc tjnto <5ob: be not an -- em to mc,f * 3 fpeakc once moarc.tfot 3' * m xm fc topll p^oue once agapnc bp ft ftcce. Jlctit ' bi; nm onlpe tjpon ft flcccaub be toe tjpo all tbegtounbc.anb C5ob bib fo that nunc npgbt: St opit toajs b v zpc tjpon the flccc one -- lM there toasl bcto on all the grounbe. CChc.t)U.Chaptcr. C©eDrontom.).iil^unD;cl»mcnoiifrfomrtb(hc I IB) aCianlCts.iD ;eb «tnD ; tb at; Ctairic. ff ^«*3erobaall (otbertopfc ml * A >ub blit . R leb djcbeon ) anb all tbe people w m,m t tbattocrctoptbbpm,rofctjpcar lip, anb pptchcbhefpbe the tocll or $arao , to that ft boftc of ft 4)abia= fittest tocre on tbe no^tbfpbe of ft rock tbatbotoetD totoarbc the tiallep ■. anb m 1-o^bc fapbe tmto 0cbeon: tlje people that mt to itD i > are to manp fo^ me to gene ft #aWanife^ ii 1. I- * ■ i )■ \i X H if \i !i ■ I I t. * i 4 ^ f K * I 1 - J • <;• •,i ,■• 1 I,- r r . i I? I; ..i 6 "9 I - i i .1 ' i; ■ tl)tS fball no t go topth tbctbc fame ujall not go.£> o |)c biongbt bourne the people Unto ttje toa- tcr,'anO tf tozb fapbe unto Gcbeomas ma* npaSlappc tbctoatcctoptb tbepuonges, as a boggc ootfctnem put op ttjem feltie^ fo oo tjtmf knelt ootoncupon their knees to buncke. anb the nStyt ot them that put there fianbeS to their moutbes ano lappcb, toere.ui.bunbjcb incn.25ut all f ttmnaunt of $ people fenelco botonc upon their knees to onmckc toatcr.anb the lo?bc fapbe tm* ff to Gcbcon: H5p tl)cfc tine bub?eb men that * lappcb toatct, topll 3 fane pou : anb help* ucr the ^abianitc* into thpne banbc.anb let all the other people go cucrp man tmto his place. 'Ebcp tbctf o jc of the people tone Uitailetf toith ttienw their trompcttcsanb he fent all i reft of 3ftacl,cucrpmaUnto Diss tent, anb conf o?tcb thofc tb?c Iffityb toith him. anbtbebott of Fabian toas benctbebpm in a Ualcpc . anb it f ojtuncb that the fame npght the lojbe fapo Unto bim:arpfc,gct the ootone Unto f hofte, f o? 3 haue mm* reo it into thpne banbc.H5ut 9 pf thou f care to 50 otoncthcnjjo $ $ #hatal) typ labbe Uotonc tothehooC? thou (halt bcrke tobat thep fape, $ Co ©all thpne banbes be ftcbg, to ceo ootone Unto the rjofte. %j>en tocnthe ootone anh^hwaD W laOOe,cucttharOiJ\jntofmenotarmc}Sthat tocrc in the hotte.3no the ^abianite^the amalcktte&ano allt^ep of the^aft,lapa longc in $ Dalepe, Ipke a multituOe of ate* C&opctjs , anotheitcamellesi toeretoithout nomb; c,euen ajs thefanoe bp the fee fpoc in multituoe . 3tn0tohen(i5e0eontoajScome: 2> ^5eholOe,therc toajj amathattolOeabjea* me tuto W nephsboure^ fapbe:)i5eholD, jj Djcameo aojeame, ano me thought that aloflle of barlep b?cab ,tombleliinto f ho» ftc of : #abian, ano came tm to a tente, ano Cmote it that it f elle, $ ouerturneOit , that the tente lape a lonae. ano W f elotoe tmU toetli ano fapOe : tw i0 n thing elle& faue tie t toetOe of C5e0eon the fonne of 3oajS a manotjfraeUifojmtop^Dabert^ob oeipuceeo ^aoianianb all the botte. - laihen dPebeon hearbe the tellpnge of the bieamcano th« ftittrftetacfan of the ^fa* ?* me,he toorifepppeb , ano ecturncb t)nto the boftc of 3teaef;anbfapbe: \)p, fo? the Up oeftatDeoelpuerebintopourehanOethehoe fte of IQaCDfS: ano hebenpoco the th?c bun b«o meninto th?e companies, # gaue euc= rp man a trompet tnhiU hanbe,toptb an emptpc ppteher, ano lamped tjjetf 3 anb fap Detmto them ; loke ontne, ano bo ipketop^ fe : that tohen 3 tome to the fpbe ot the ho= ftt,enen ajS3oo,fobopou : wn3blotoe topth a trompet anb allthataeetopthme, blotoe pe toitb ttSpctteii alf on enetp fpbe ofthehofte,?fape:hcre«t|)eftoeebeoftDc lojbeanoof(0eoeon. anb fo <2>ebeon 9 the th?e bunbjeb men > tocre toith ()(m,tamt tmto toe if He of the joft m ^ bcgpnntg of the mpbbell toatebe, s repfeotjp p toatchc men.ano thep bletoe toitb^cietropette^^b^akethe ppteher* a f tocre in ttyn U$bt0.anb all f tp?e copa* * npcjs bletoe to trompettcjs 9 bjake theppt* cherjS,? helbe the lampejs in their leftc pan* be* 3 anb the ttompettctf in their tpffl)t , to blotoe topthall.anb thep cricb: tbcTtoctbe of the tojb ano of ©ebeon. anb thep ftobe (till , cuctp man inW Place rounbe about the hoftc.anb thep topthin the hotce, ranc, 5 crpco 5 fleb.anb the th?c hunb?eth bletoe topth tcompcttefcs the tojbc Tett * euerp Jgg| mancsiftoerbe\)ponhPS(nepghbourc,tho= r oto out all the bofte . anb the hoftcfleb to 25etbtttab>to ?crerat^, 9 to the cbgc of the <$ Vlapnc of &)ct)olab*nto 'Cabaih.anb the men of 3frocl bepngegeathcreb together out of $ trpbc of iaephthalim,of 3ifcr, 9 ot all «»analfe$folotocO after the fljabtanl* m . anb <5cbcon fetit mctfcngcris unto all mout ^pbiaitrnfaptg: come Ootone agailt $ a)aOianitetf , 9 take before th^ $ toatera untoBethbarath?to3ojba. €|jmallf men of &pb?aim geather co together, 9 to « fee the toatera tmto I5ctbbatatb>? to %oy- ban. ano thep tokcttoo captapnetfottbe «)abianitC5!i,€>?ebanO?cb,ano Ueto €)?cb tjpon the tocke O^eb, anb jeb at the pjcue «b,« f olotocb after #abiananb b?ougl;t the heaoesi of iDjebanb ?eb , to 0ebton on the other fpOe3o?ban. CChe.t)iii.Chaptec. Cj2pl)?a(mmaHeH)in>one m ;nbhefapbet)ntothem:Mhat bebe tjaue3bonelpket?ntopoure* itM jobetott ^pmWoltnee.) *« ~*4 not a clutter of0ph?aim better, then the tt»pnchetueftofabie?cr/'C5obhathbclpuc* r cb into pourc hanbejf the Ho?bei« of 4&a= bian, d?eb anb ^cb.anb tohat toajs 3 able to bo ipke asi pou baue boner anb the their fpiritetf abatebfro of ho* coth:gcuc3p?aj , epoukake^cfb?ecbtinto the people that tolotoc mt:fo> thep be fapn tic , that 1 mapc folotoe after jcbath, anb ?almona kpngcjS of 4Qab(an.anbtbe hot* W of S)ocoth fapbe : are the banbe* of jtr bath* jalmona notoe in thpne h^bctf, that toe ujulbe gcue b,teeb tjnto thpne armptf <5cbcon fapbe, thcrfo^ctohe" the lojb hath bclpncrcO jcbathanb jalmona intompnc ijanbe, 3 topll tcare the nefbe of pou toith the tbbmciS of the toilbcrneis ano 16 bjeersf. anb hetoenf:t)p thence to ^hanucU 5 fpa^ ke vnto themlpkctopfe. anb the men of Channel anftoercb hpm, aitf HyH the men of soocotb.anb he tapbcalfo tmto themen of phanuel: tohen 3 come agapne tn peace, 3 g topll b;eakebotoneth<0 toto^e.jebathano jalmona tocre in Carkar , ano their boftetf toith them.tipon a.rtj.thoufanb mC" 3 tohich toercall thattocrelefte ofalltbcboftegof them of the 6afte:jf 0? there tocre ttapnc a i)imbteb anb ttocntpe thoufimbe men , that ^D anb CjJcocon tocnttho?otoe them that Otocll in'Cabcrnatlejji onthecaftc fpbe of .€obah anb 3ebahah, anb fmotctbe boftc: fo; the boftc hit} caft no pertclletf .anb toha . ?cbap anb ?almoua flebbebe folotocb after tbcm,anb toftc the txoo Upngcsf of a)aOia, jebatb Mb jalmona , anb Oifcomfoitcb all the hofte. anb ©ebcon the fonne of 3oa# rctur- neb from battcll,afo?e the fonne toa js boto* nc , anb caught a labbc of the men of ^10= cotbrS enciucrrb of him. anb he to^otc hpm offlo^c0$eiocr8!ofS)ocoth.l,r,rbii.me". anb he came tmto themen of &ocotb, anb fapbc:H5cholbc,herc3hauc?cbathanb?al mona, xb tohich pe m ca ft mc in the tcthc, fapmgc : arc the banbetf of jcbath anb ?al^ monaallrcbpcinthpnehabe,thattoeQ)ulo [cucb?ccb Unto thp f aintpe meVanb be to= tc the clDcrjs of the cities thomesi off tott- bemeffe * b;ecrxJ,$ mabe the me of £>ocot b tofcle the* . ano Dcbjakcbotonctbetotojc mmt, of* $hatmel,9 ftctoc tl;c men of the cptie. anb the fapb he tmto jcbath * jalmona, tohatmaner of mi tocre theptohompc fleto <£ at'^haboi t anb thep anftoercb : the lpkc= neu"e ot the anb them i# all onccue" after tbc faffponof thechplb?en of akpnge. anbhc fapoc: tl;cp tocremp bjctbwuenmpmo* ^o.tbr ,: t* f» tljcrtf chplb^en. Hi tru!lpea^tbcl02bclp^ ucth -, pf pe hab iaueb their Ipnetf , 3 toolbe not flepc vou.Tlnti he fapbe unto 3ether Hi elbeft fonne :Up anb Htyz them:l5utthclab tyuc not hpJJftocrOcfo? hefcareb *^,becau fchetoajs petpong. ^hen jcbath9?almo-- na fapbe Epic thou,? falle upon U0:fo? atf the man ijef,io ijs biff ftrcngtb. ano (Sebcon arofc anb fletoe jebath ano jalmona,? tokc atoape the omamentcjaf, that tocre on their CciirtrljBC necked 'Chen the men of 3ftacl fapbe Unto Ge» bc6:»apgne thou oucr UB,bothe thou, thp fonne $ ti;p fonnejai fonne , foi thou haft Oe- ipuercb U0 out of the banb of €Qabi$ . mn ©cbeo fapb Unto them : 3 topll not rapgne oucr pou.ncthcr iball mp cbilbtrapgne ou^ cr pou,but the to^b Iball rapguc oner pou. anb agapne Gcbcon fapbe Unto tbcimj it toolbcbefp^c a ccrtapncrcqueft ofpou,cue f»poutoolbcgcuemceucrpeman^*carpn=*w.rmu ge,8of his P«iape. Jto? thep hab golbecarpn gcjE(, becaufc thep tocre 3fmaeUtci8 : % thep anf ojereb : Wlc topll gcue them . TIM thep f p?ecb a mantell , % bpb caft there in cucrp nun p earpngc0 of bp* wapj % the toepght of the golbcn carpngeg ^ he requircb , toatf a tboufanb % fcucn hunbicb fpcles of golbe, befpoc chepnes, pommaunber^anb purple rapment L « that toas on the kpngcg of 4Qa bwn,$ bcfpbc the cbcpnc&t&at toe,te about their camels neeke«.anb 0ebconmabc an epboo therof ^j* put it i W citie eph:ab -c» ano all 3fracll toent a*toho;pngaftcr it, *r^ t .mih in the fame place, tobpeb thpnge became a mar*, rupuc Unto (5cbco anb to btf houfc . %tya toasa)abian brought lotocbcfojc £cbpl= tilt of3fracl.ro f thep Ipftc Up f heir heaoetf uomoarc.auopconfrcpetortsmqutctuejs fomtpe pcres in the bapejs of Gcbcon. ano jcrobaall the fonne of 3oa* toent, ^ anb btoclte in b«i atone ftonfc.anb Gcbcon hao*.lrr.fonncs! oflnsboopcbcgottcn.fo^ *tuutu.t\ hchabmanptopuexjanbihigcocubincthat toatf in^icbCbare him a fonne alfo.tobofc name he calico a bimelcch. TIM Gcbco the fonne of 3oa0Dprb,m a goob agcanb toarf burpcb m the fcpulch^c of 3oa# W father, cut 5 in ©ph?ah,that per tapneb unto the fa « thcroftbeCjritcjl. a5«t it fo^tuncb,tbat a# fonc as OtDton toas bceb,J> cbilb^ of 3fraci tumeo atoape (j toent a tobojing after Baalim,? mabe a coucnautr525aaltobetheir0oo,$^chil= tyc* of 3frael thought not on f loibe t^ctr goo,tohtch hab bclpucrcb the" out of f h^beS of all thctr cJicmpcS on cucrp fpbe. jftethcr ibetoeb thep mercp on f houic of 3crobaal» other topfe calleo Gebca,accojbing to all f goobneflctohich he hab ibctocbUnto3fracl, C^hc.ir.^hapter. C*&P mtlicl) icbc in ; unto bis mothers ifyc* itfttcw , anb romuucb toitb tbcm anb ; toitb all biS mothers f*itl>cu0 tttrcb,fnying fay c 3 mn VM M tbr car «l of all tttc en * UabyrourcS of $>ycbcm : tobctber is bet* tctfoi vou,tl)at all flic fonncS of 3crobaal (toWcb arc.lrc.pcrfoncs Wgnc oner you, et&cr that one Mp oner you .' Ecmcm= bet, that 3 am of yourc bone , anb of y owe flclbc • 3nb W motbert b.tctbjen fpaltr or hytn in the aubirocc of tbc men of jfcicbcm nil tftcfc tooJbcs,anbtbclrbartcS tocrr mo ticbtofoiotoc 3bunclccb. jfottbeyfaybe: jiciS ourc brother. 3nb tbey gauc hinUrr. peecs of lylucr out of tbc tewe of HeaaUoc ritb> tobcrc toptbSbtmclecb InncbUaync . nno lygbt pcnonncS tobicb toft \bit\) bim. 3tnb b c tte nt unto bys f atbers boufc at <£ ■- mwmu pbwb * anb flctoc all biSbjcthjciubcfoU' ** ncs of 3crobaal,cnUcrpcrfonncs^ toitb oite ftonc. &ottoifnftanbyngc,yct3oa-> tjjara tbe poimgcft fonnc of jcrobaal cfua • peb , f ot be byb bym felfc . 2Hnb all tbc men of $icftrm gat bereft together > ano all tbc boufc of ®t ello , ? came ano mate Mime* ' feeb fcyntf "t tbe playne, tobcrc f great fto * netoas by $trbcm. 3tno toncn tbey tolbe ft to Joatbam , be tocnt-anb ftobc in tbc toppc of mount <5ar< sinuanft lyftc up to>s uoyce, anb cricb, ano w favbcUnto tbcm: fyeruc Unto me you men niicefto? Of £oicbcm,$ (Soft mapcberuS Unto pou.* 'St be trccjef toe t f o itb to anopnt a fctttjj oucr tbcm, ano faybc Unto f olync tree: rayguc t jou oucr us.23ut tbc olync tree fayb Unto tbcm-. ujttloc 3 icanc my fattencflc, tobycb botb gobbcS ano men pjayfc in me, ano go to be p?omotcft oucr y* trcWMD tbc trees wyfte to tbc fyggc tree : come tbou, ano be bmg oucr US-ltbcfiggc tree anftocrcO tbc: (bulb 3 fozfaac my ftoetncS, ano my goob f rutc,aft go to be pjomotcO oucr tbe tutjM Cftcnfayftc tbc trees: Unto tbc Uync: come tbou ano be Uyng oucr Us,1S;bc Uyne faybc Unto tbcm:fyulQ 3 Icaucmy toync tobcrby 3 cbearc botbr gobbes ano men , anb go to be pjomoteb oucr tbe trees.' %\fc faybc all tl)c trees Unto t\)t fyjre buu)c:come tbou,? raygnc ouer US. 3nft tbe fwtc buu)c faybc unto f trees : yf it be true y ye Ml anoynt me bynge oucr you, tl;cn come, 9 put yourc truft unber my ibabotoc.^f no,tpc fy 1 c co = me out of the f irrc buflbe, anb ttaftc t jjc Cc Octrees of tibanon. jr Botb tberf o^c,yfyc 00 truly e anb Unco?- ruptlpc,to maftc mttmlcty ftyng : anoyf t pane bealte toell toitb 3crobaal ano W voufc, $ baue bone Unto ^m aeco^byug to t^t beferuynjj of W banbcs,tnbgeyc. jto^t c'ttcn befmy tatbcr;fougbtfo? pou,anO aO= ueriturcb Wtyfb anbrybbe y ou out of tbe tiii.b N (ante of 4#ab(art. ^nbycare ryfcnUp a tfay nft my fatberS tioufc tW bay e,anb ba^ uc uapuenytf cbyl0jcn,cucn.l]cjc jerfotmerf tuith one {tone , anb baue tnaoc ^bimelecb tbc fonnc of W maybe ferttaut, Hyna oner tbc men of tcbe.3nb f fitejcnsl of $>iw raylcb Upon aurimelec J, 9 toiffbeb f tip toichebncS bone to fXtfM* no* of Jcrobaal mygbt come on btm,anbj gob toolbc lape tbe oloute of tbem Unto % mclecbtbeir bjiotbcrtbbtcb fletDetbf,anO Upo t))t other men of &f cbcm tbb«b aybcfe btm in the Uylling of W b?etb?f .3nb f cy=» tc*cnsf ot§)icb5 let men to laye atbaytcfoj bpm in t^t toppe of tbc moutapnesi, Wen Jltf o»fh)bp!f cbcptarfrt m ljrt commpng) robbfb all *» that came a longc tbc.tbaye by tbcm . 3nb tttbasitolbe^bimelecb. 3nb M tbc fonnc of 3beb came toy tb 5© his b^ctb.tcn, anb tbey ga t tbc to $>ic\)tm. 3GnO t^c men of ^)icbf put tbeir conf ibence fnbim.?Cnb tbey toent outinto tbefclbcs,? geatbereb t tbeir grapes,anb rroaoe tbcm, nnb mabc mery .anb toent into t^t honfe of ti^nt gobbes.anObyO eatc anbbiynhc, anb curffeb ^Ibimclccb . 3Wo (5aal tbc fonnc of abeb faybe:tobat is WMaufoty anb tobat is ^icbe^ tbat toe Cbulte fenic bimr 3S ^t not tbc fonnc of 3croboal.-'anb jcbul ts W officer.-' Gertie foebe as come of *^cmOf# ^„ mi fatber of £otcbe\ fo^ tobatrcafonis it tbat toe tbtilbc feruc himi'toolb <5ob tbtS people toere Uiibcr mt> b5be 5 tbf toolbc 3 tane Tlbi mclccb out of p^apc.^nb be fpancagamtt 21bimclccb:maBetbyne bolte greater,? go out. 3too toben jcbiiil tbe ruler of t\)t cptic learbe tbc toojbcS of d5aal f ffinc of 3lbeb, ietoasto?otb,anb fentmeffengers Unto tbtmclccb pnuely ,fay ing: )i6ebolb,C5aal tbe fonnc of 3Hbeb anb W wcttof be come to 4>tcbcm:$ bcbolbc, tbey fett t\)t cy tie a* galtt f. Botoe tberfo^e Up by trpgbt, tbou anb all tbepcople f is toytb tty, anb lye in toay tc in $ relbc.3nb ry ve erly c in t^t mm nyngeasione as tbc fonneiSUp, anb fall Up5 m citte. 3nb yf be anb tbe people tbat fjs toitb Dym,come out agaynft J,bo to mm tobat e tobat tbine babes fljalte able. 3lnb ^birnc leeb roafe Up,? all m people y" toere to |nm by ntgbt.ano tbty layb atoay teagaift fbt-- t\$ in tourc copanyes . 3nO b? eijirtewouw«rtfi)ouwf«8uci».) ?<0aall auCtoercb agayne,? fayb:fe,tbere come f olcae botone Uy f myObell off 150,? another cfipanp co^ m a log by f playne of y ebarmars. %\\m fayb jebttlunto bt:tbbere iSnoto tbi mou tb f fayb-.tobat felo to (S 3bimelccb , tbat toe ibttlbfc*ue]n73Snoc tbis| people *# batt befpyfeb/' 000 outnoto s fygbt unto tbe. m 0» anb <15aall toent out before t^z cy tijf s of S)icb'C 3 ?fougbt x6 3lbimelecb.2lno Kbimi lecb cljofeO bim,t be f lebb betoje imc ^Ht wowW»to««» «*eep«e)? many toere ouerttoo* toen ? toofibeb,eue" Unto p entering of y ga* tc3«b 3lbimelecb btoelt at #rnmab. 3inb ?cbul tb^uft out €aal ? W b?etb?en 3 f ttyi - (bulbenot btoell in ftictfc* (* mom^rmnoe v* towtpecfto)3inbon#mo^oto, (tbappeneo ^ tbe people to^t out into f felbe.^nb t\)tp tolbe ftbtmclcc&.3nb i)c tone t^e people,? beuibebtbem intotb^e cSpanies , ano layb atoayte in tbc feloes,ano loneb, ? bejjolbe, tlje people toere come out of tbe cy tie, anb be ranne Upon tbem,anb fmote t^m. Znti ^Lbimelecb, ? tbe copanies f toere td tym , reacbebfwtbcr,? ftobc in tbeentn'ge of tbe gate of f cy tie.3Binb t^t ttoo otber co panics ranne up5 all t\)t people f toere in tbefelbeS,? flue tbe\3nb toben ^bimelech fiabfougljtagalft f cvtit all tbat baye , be tone tt,? f leto y people £ toaS t|)crm , ? be= ftropeb f cy tie ? fotocb talt tbo^oto ttZnn tube ail f mf of # toto je of $>icb5 bcaro *, tbey entereb into a ftrong bolbc of tbe j)ou> fe of tbeir (Sob H5aall Z5eritH(^»cDr P mcoe a bonsc toittj Ijiin: ? t^ccof epn t\)t plan tafic tlje name toWrt) place tti a« eFceaHmjrntonff) <8nb it toaS tolbe Slibimclecb , tbat all tjje me of tbe totoer of &fc(em toere geatbereb togctbcr,?3bi* melech gat bim to mount jetmon, botbe be *all tbe people f toere to jim, ? tofte arcs tt bim anb cut botone botoes of trees,? to* be tbem ? bare t^tm on W ftulber,? fay be nwMu Unto tbc folcfee^ toere toitb %pm*ito$atve baue fene me bo,(i>ebe youre felnes, anb bo ® lyaetoyfeas Mm bone . 3nb all t men y toere ameg tbepeople,cut botone botoes, anbfolotoeb 3bimelccb , anb put tk into tbe bolbcanb fett tbe bolbe a tier by tbem: f tpatW*(to«D fmohr ano fpjf ;all fte tltCIt Of tte «* totoer of ^»icb^ toere fiayne , Upona tbau* fanbemenanbtoemen. ** f*> %})tn to?t3bimelecbto ^bebe?,anb be* fegeb it, anb tone it. mt tbere toas aftrog t otoie toitb in t\>t cy tie , anb tbitber ranne all.tbe men anb toemen,anb all m cbefe^ toere in tbe cyticanb (but tt to tbem, anb gOttbem Up melecb toas beeb,tbey beparteb,euery man Unto bis atone boufe.3nb tbus * tbe tope* * , uhf (c - nebneffeof ^bimelecbtobycbbe m t)nto ***** W fatbecin fleynge biS leuentye bzettoe" anb tberto all t\)t toyefeebneffe of tbe me of ^icbem,bpb Q5ob tying Upon their bem& 3nb upon tbem came tbe curfle of 3oatb5 tbefonneofjerobaal. v C^be.jr.Cbapter. Clftola antt aait art 3im»gt«f ofjftari. ifter^bimelccbtberc arofe,to be* a S5i 3f E ae i^ onc VtoW tbt fonne m ^M 8 ^^,- 1 * Uncles f6ne,am$ pf 3faBar,tobicbbtocltin'S)amir inmout Cpb?al.3tnb be iubgeo 3fr4ell. jejeiii. yere anbbyeb,anb toas burycb in^oamir . 3no after mm atofe3aira mieanitt , anb in*-. geb3frael.wit.yere. atnb be bab toyitic Tonnes tbat * robe on tWtit 3ffe coltes « *3f tttt -w>» ^^noy cbtio^enofjfweltotouffbtlbve. ««««imc of poiuc trfbulacton. S> 3&no the rptiojcn of 3frael fapde Dnto the lojde: ttllc hauc fincO:Oo p Ditto Dsf topat= f ocuer plcale fto/tym D» onelp tpitf nape. 3fcnd tl)ci put atoap the ftraung goddcg Fr8 tpCTO , ano fcruco tpe lo.ttie.3ino ppg foule pad pptie on t|»c mtfrrie of Jfracl. f:pctt the cpfiojc" of 3mm5 jreatberep to geatbcr,$ pitched in Gilcad.3ttd f cpildJe" of Mm I geatnered them togcatber, 9 pit* eped i #}t?pa.3nd£ lo?0$of <£>tlca0fapd cchc to other: topof ocner toill begtuc tf bat tell agapnft the child?? of 3inmo,tpc fame (palbc 1)cd once all £ mljaWtetg of <£ilead. C^bc.ct.Cbaptcr. OffWM Of iPiicrctb jewel from «k immtmltt*. ' m there toast; one jepptpnpa 0tlca ~ -«JWW ftrott ff tnan,; (onnc of an bar* 31 igPlotc.and e>ticad begat 3cpptpap. Ztib Gilcado' topfc bare pern fonncfttopicp topcu tpep tocrc come to affc,ttouff out 3cpptpap,ano fopd Dnto pirn : f fpait not enperet ftt oure fathers* ponfc , f 0? fl art the Tonne of a ftraung tooman. 'fcpen lepntab fledd feS W b?ctb?cn , 9 Otoclt in the 150 of *Cob.3no there gear peceo vtjk*»(9tmm men to 3rpbtbap,and toct out ti5 htm.3nd it cbaunced m pioceffc of pei tbecbild?e" of Annum made toarre agapnft 3ftacl. 3n0topant&c cpapicn ot 3mmon foitorbt thug agapnft 3frael , the elder* of (Sileao toct to fctt 3epbtpap out of tpc ISO of 'Cob <*(( i>cipc(tfm;ano fapd Dnto l)im: come s be oure eantapne,! t3oe mape fpgfjt to t^c chii= o?en ot ftmrnO . 3MI anftotrco ft* tcrjat of 0ilcao:hio notpe patentee crpcll me out of \np fatpersl poufe ( poto pappc^ neth it the" \f pon come t>nto me noo? t tpme 03 of poure mbulacfon.'2&nD tl)e elberirj of €U leap faphc t)nto Jcpptpah : ^pcif ote toe tnrrte agapne to tpc notb, f$ mapeft go tfi tjj(,? fight agapnft the cpilojen ot Anmon anh be oure pecP oucr all tpe tnpabfteitf of €»ileaP.2BnP lepptpaDfapocPnto f&teqt of <5ileah :3f pc b?pngcme|jome agapn,to figt)t pjit^i the cpilojcn of #mmott 3 tbcn pf tpe lo?h ocliucr them before me,fpall 1 be pour peeP^nO f elhergf of (5ileao Tapoe to lcpptpaD:# lo?hc be toitneffe bettoene PjS toe ho not acco?0igtotpptpo?0cjs . ^U epptDaptoenttPpth t^e elhersi of e'ileab. Jnh the people 'maPeDpm heeh anb ruler oner tpf . 3tio 3ept)t^ap repearfeo all pp$ «» t* irepljtM tl)a uopl 1 - ^ * fpotffo* before the 10c|)on cfifftchnottojfrael,* pe tpulhe go tpojoto ppjj coaft:but gathe= rep allhiiei people togcatper,(|pitchep i 3a^ ap,« fought xb limiMm p u^ <& oo of jfraelPclpuerch J&epSf allpiaifolKeito tf paheiai of IftaclJttO fo Ifracl fmote tpe i coqucreh all f IttP of tiJeUmoiitcft tpe en^ pablterg of tpe fappe e5trep.^nP thep con* qucrch all tpe coaftcjs of the 3mojftfsl ,fro 3rno Dnto 3aPoft,» frfi thetoilPerncOe Pn to i 3oM.^do noto,iepng the lojhe C5op of Iftaelijatp caft out toe %mi®M befote W people 3frael 3 (pulPcft tpou pofleOe the anh/'iiapebut toljat people , Camotf tbp <^oP Ojipuetp out,that land pofTeOe ^.©ue fo topatfoeuer nation tpe to?Pe oure d5op erpellctpjtpatlanhe oug[jttoeto emope. * ainp art tpou better tpen iSalacn tpe fo= nc of «ppw Ring of ^oab^Dpo tie ftriue tfi T ne Sot* ? ff 8 nft * » aU * •** frael Ptoclt m J>ef bon ano per totoneft in Irotr* iter tollmen in all tpe cptietff be a ifige bv tpc coattesi of 2Hrnon,tltte pupiep tied agapnft rfte. tfnt tpon Pocft me tor on, ge, tommymm me. €pe lo^he titer* agftttttf a 3uPgcbe3uogetpp0 pape bettoene the efilPjen otlfracU ano tbe cpiibjen of imtnon . l?otobeit tie ftpnge oftne t« C *JEWmj.ffj 5) a>cut.ff«u e oftoeepplP^of3IImm5,l)arbenePnotPnto tfyewo?Oe0of3epbtbab,wbtcbi?efentbfm. 'Ettcn tlte (pitete of tlte Horhe came ppon 3ep^thalj< Sinopepafleo ouertb tcrsl of 3frael came pcrc bp perc to lamet tpe daugptcr of 3ep()ti)al) tlte <25pleadtte , f oure oapcoinupcre/. C5Tlte..rif.Cljapter< C 'Khc batMpll of ncpljtlwl) flgaruft £p6iahn . flftct tbe occtij of 3cpt)tpito fucccbetu jfilen JUtcr jfSlouauDS. Bdthetnen of 6ph?aimgeatpcred them fclucs: together, 9 wet nojt> toarde , and fa pdc Dnto 3rphthah; ^WWUperfo?e toentcft thouto fvght toitp tpe children of 3mmon, and dpdeft not call w to go wiiD mm toill f Serf o?e Pttr» * JuMHj.'a ne thine houre Dp6 p fpcr.3nd 3epptpap faid Dnto the: 3 9 mp people tocreatgreat ftrpfe to tbecppldjen of 3mmon.3no when 3 caU led p ou,pc delpuered me not out of their pfc deft 3nd tohe* 3 Hi toe f pedcliucred mc not, *3fcrmwlyh in mp h^deft? volt Dpo £%*&* thecpild?en of 3mmon. 3ndthc to?ddclp= SSr'' ncred them into mp handed. EJUpcrfojetpen are pe come Dpon me noto,to fpght timet , 3cp!)tbab tberfojtc gathered together all the men of (SilenO, 9 fought vb f (gpjnaitcsf 23 3nh the mt" of CUilead frn ote the ©ppwitc0, becauft thep fapd: V.z (5ileaditcjJare but ru ■ neagatcgof epbjaim amoge the eph?aitr s 9tpe^aimu"(tcs(4l)oKouer,thcmenofC5i= lead tohetpe paflagcg of 3o.20an befoic the eph?aitcft3nd toljen thofc eppjaitefttpat , r toereefcaped,fapdc: IcttDiSgooucr.tftenthc ^ mm of 0tleap fapd Dnto them: 3rt thou an Cph?aite/'thep fapde.nape.^hcn fapde thep Dnto hi ; then fapc.- ^-^chibboleth^ ; wm ^ (s bp (iifctpjcfacpott , an tare of ro;itr; % up Jjp f,j«oe : *° ^Dibboleth : fo? pe coulde not fo pronounce', ^ndthcntheptoftchim.andfletoehpmat^ paffagejs of 3o?dan . 3nd there tocrcouer= th?otoenatthattpmcofthc€phwiteS.]tltt. a.).3nd3cpbtbabiudgcd3fracI.Dj.pcare 1 * opcd.and toa^burped iuoncofthccptiesof r> 0ilead . 3fter tpptf man,tndged 3fracll one 3Pejan of 23ethlchcm^ fte paP-WT-fonnctf imo.m. daughter^, tohomhefentout, ano toRe.rtr.otljcrin,fo?btj!ifoimes(.3ndtohcn 3be?an had judged 3frael.Dij.pcre,hcdpcd, and toaS burped at Bethlehem. 3fterhi,€lon a ?abnlontteiudged3frael tcnpcrc,9(eiontltcMbulomtcdpcd,$toas burped in 3ialon,inthecountre of ?«ibulon. 3fterhpm,3bdonthcfonneof locllela ^harathoniteiudged3ftael.3ndhchadrl. fonneftandtbirtpneueuftthatrodeon.lrr. an*c coltejef. 3nd topen 3bdon the fonne of l^cllcl the parathonitc had iudged3fracll evght pcarc ,he dpcd,9 toasf burped in phar= thonmthelandcofephtaiin,iitfhcmount oftl)c3malcHitcft CS:lte.rii).C[)apter. CJfratlbcpng an pColatcrrtoppjctTcoof tbc tohfkSfi n;e.XI)c byjtl; of a>amron.Zl;t facr?l|cc of ^amlbiiB fdtber. Bdtpccltpld?cnof 3lraell began % agapne to commpttc topcKedueiei fn the fight of the JLo?d. * 3nd the _ io?d delpuered tpem into tpcM= *Q&»9* ocsf of tlte pitiliftincfii fourtp perc . 3nd f her wa* a man tit?araah of thcnpiired of Ban, named . I if? ft" :■)■ < 1 9 h •if I fil • •; n*w i i i' l 1- s til •n ■ i tijtng : fojfe, tljou tfcalt conccancanb bente a *f.Kf«.i.i» fonne.3nbtbcrcmayno:mfojttmconf)p0 #*««*«■ bccb. :nX*tbelabba>lbcaii*nbftapnerDtt= <* toob,cucn frdfy^toftnrwftattpiubpjty. attbbeujall berime to bclyucr3fracll out ofti)cIianHcp!oftbc^Dv«ftutc.d. ^bnttbcwpfccamc^tolbeljcrlmninnb fawrnge : a man of ©on came Ditto me.stjje famoofbmtwatfry&ctbcfamonofanains gcllof(5ob,crccbyngfcarfuU.But3afucb imf m bvsnamr,btit(apb Dntome:*bcbolbc,tbou ifcalt be wit D ftyUff bcerc a fonncanb now osmetic no wjpnc no? fttronfl Dwncke, netber catc any Ditclcattctbpng: fojtfjclabbOjalbc *» anabftayitcrto 0ob,cucnfeoml£#*«"fencp jut. from t>mtytfb t t(i t\)t bapc of bpjotbeatb. 1£bcn&)anoabmaoctttterceffpon to tbe "£o?Ot,anbfay&c;3 wnyetjjc m? lonbe.Ictt i he man of C5ob wbpcb tljou fenbeft, come mm moare Dnto Dtf , 5b tenebe Dsi wfiat we Utai Do Dnto tbc labb, wben tic tfbojne.ainb <5obbcarbcfbeDopccof&;)anoab,anbtbe nngcll of d5ob came agapm' Dnto tbc wyfe as (be fat in tbc felbe. mt SJanoab bcr buf= I>nnD toast not toif I) ijer. 3ub tbe wyfemabe baft, anb ramtr, anb OtcwcO be* buft>anbc,$ ftpbc Ditto bproj iDcboibr, tbemanapcareb Dnto mc, tbat came Ditto me to bayc. 3nba.)anoabarofc,atibwcttt after tyt wpf e, anb came to tbc man , anb fapbe Ditto btm:arttboutbemantbatfuakeft Ditto mp wpfe/ ^nbbc fapbe .• 3 am. #)anoab fapbe.- € now wben t\>p fatencj tfecnte to paffc; wljat aialijet|)cmancroftbccbilbc,<1bt»batftjaU be bo^itb tbc an* ell of tbc 1 o?oc fapb Dnto ifyineab : flip wpfe muftabftcync from all m t J fapbe Dnto bcr t qjc mape fate of no* tbymj peomefi) of tbc Dyne tree, net bjpnefee wpneo? ftrog b?pncKc,noj cateanp Dncica- ttetbpnse: 23ut mutt obferuc all t&an bab bcr . &)anoab fapbeDnto tbeaungcll'of m *rc*.x«.o Lo?b:wewylRcpcfbeflpll, Dntyfi*wefi« uc mace rcbye a Byob.anb bane fett it before * ^"bfo^MnoaiitOttcanpbbetfamcafe otfcnitgcanb offerco it Dpon a roclte Ditto £ Mm • %n% m mtgcll bpo wonberouftyc. &>anoab«mbbv0wyfcloftpngeDpon.3nb wben tljc^ flame came Dp to warb bcauen f r5 tbe aultare, tbc angcll of t|ie m* afcenbeb Dp in tbc flame of tbc aultarc^nb Wanoaft anb M wpf e loneb Dpon it, anb fell flat on tbet r fncejtf Dnto tbe grounbe . mit tbc angel of tbe io2bebpb nomoareapcareDitto4i)a=« noapanb pi* wifc.flnb then &)anonb uucw tbat it wa# an angel of tbe lojbe, anb fapbe Ditto Dp* wpfe * we q?ail fuerlpe bye , bc= #*.«,* ca»re>*u)ebaHcrcne fbatVbab taHcit tbc bonpe cute of tbc carkalTe of tbc ipon. #nbfol#$ fatber came Dnto r be woma*. c anb anb $nmfon mabc there a feaft e,f o? fo D fco oh i>» tbcpongemcntobo.3nb»f.wbentbepo«(ti)e cptttpneot t&atpia«)fnwc |)afotttf wpfe wepte before bprn^ctom* iiupueoattb fapbcigmrely tbou bateftme anb lottcftme not : fo? tbou baft put fojtba ryb= oic Dttto t^z cbplb.tcn of mp folcftc , anb baft nottolbcttmc. 3Cnbbc fitpbe Dnto bcr : 25e-- bol be , 3 bauc not tolbe it mp fatber anb my motber,anbtball3tcllittbe.'' Mb ^amfoniS wpfe wepte before bpm tij.bape& wbplctbe fcaft laftcb.^no f .Dit. bapc Ije tolbcljcr .becattfe Qtc lape fo foje Dpo DimanblbetolbcittDccbilb^ofOerfolBc. 3dnbtbemen of tbecptic fayb Dnto lyym tbe feuetb bape , befo^etbc fomtc went bowne. mhat ifi fwcter tben bonye.f wbat is (tro » ger tben a Ipon.'' '5rbett faybe be Ditto tbc* : 3f tamfons(wyte wassgeuen to one of bytf companpon^tbat be Ijab taken Dnto bpm. CSbcjcD.Cbapter. Cfenmau tprtlj fvwftjauDf » to jfote t*vlt*. ttiftO ttie 31 m e bone of nn iiflc be hPllctb a tfioiiCiitfi mtu.dut of a mat fotftc (« tbc 3utoc atiMb bpm tbdtte. Silt it cjjaunceD witbin a wbple af * ter.cucnintbctpme of wl;etcbcr= w . ,__ ucft,tbat^a*fonDtfitcb bpiK wyfe &aam witbanybbe, fayenge :3 wyllgo into mpwpfe into t^t cbaumbcr : but bcr m= tber wolbe notfuffrebpm to go in . 3nb bcr fatber fapb:3 tbougbt tbat tbou babbeft ba- f eb bcr , anb tberf o?c gaue 3 bcr Dnto one of t&p cOpaniontf. 30notbcryongfr fyfterfap- tertbcnOjc^abe bcrinfteabcof tbeotber feamfon fhyb Dnto tbem : iftow am 3 mo^e biameleu"ctbcnt&e^(jtt(ftiuc^anbtDcrfo^ ^ubges Mxip wpll 3 bo tbem bifpleafure. anb&amfon wcntout,anbcaugbttb?e buub^eb foreU,anb toni? f p mmt ronne abjav , tbijM) tocnt ftmntwatlp) «o jntotMaoingco?ncoftbe*0l)iliftinc0,anb bttritt Dp both tbe repi b co^ne nnbalfo the «c |?no»«g» Jgflip Dpnieparbe^anD olyuei. * Jbentbc^btUftine0f(tyDe:Wbot)atbbonc tM * ainb it watf tolbe tbem tbat S>amfon tbefonneinlaweoftbe^bammtcbecattfe bebabtaaenl)psiwpfe,anbgfuenbertobP)S copanpon.3tnbtbe^biliftinc£(cameDpanb burnt Iter anb ber fatber xolth f pee. anb £>amfbn fapbe Dnto fljem^bouaft ycltaueDouetbi^PEtwiiabcaouengebof pou,anbf5en3wpllccafi;.^anbbefmote^ tbem leggeattbfbpgb Witb ampgittpe pla^ ge.^nbtDenDewentanbbwcltitttljecauc of tbe roclte mm. . JTbentbe Wliftine^cameDp, ^pitcbeb ill 3uba,anb layein^»(a puu >tm u>ae afttra>««)t *i taltto) J,cbi>*(tliat (s a jatoe bonctoScr tijtpj imtltoaa «o itatccco ab»6c.) 3MD tbc me of 3uba fapoc, wbP areye come Dp Ditto DjS/"«H:DeyonfwereD;to btnbc£>amloitareweeomeDp,anbtobofo byma^bebatbbouctoDiei.^bcnt^etbou--^ fimbemenof 3uba went bowne to tbc caue^ of tbe rocfeectam ,8110 fapbe to feamfom wottefttbounottbattbel&biliftinegareni lersi oner D0 ( ULlberfo^e tben baft tbou bone tbu0 Dttto DjS/' fee anfwereb tbem * a# tljcp*i« bpbDntoinc,fobaue3boneDittotbcm. ^ HBl 3nb tbcp fayb Dnto bym agaync: wc are comebowne to bpnoe tbe, anb to bclpncr tbe intotbcbaitboftbe^biliftiuesi.anD&am^ ion fapb Dnto tbem :fwcre Dnto mc^anopw^ »«« motbat pe iball not fal Dpon mc pour fel= UESt.^bcyanfwcrcbbpm.faycngc : j2o, but wc wy II bpnbc tbc anb bclpttrr f Dnto their ban0cjg:2i5HtwewyllnotUpitbc.3lttbtbfP bottbe bim witb two new cotbc&s bzougbt ijpm from tbc roclte . 3nb wben t)c came to ILebi, tlte *pI)tltftincieiaiowtcbagayiift bim. 3nbtbefpjcteoftbclo?ocamcDpoitbym, a»o tbc co?oejS tbat were Dpon byjs armetf, became agflare tbat wag burnt ^ fpcr,fo* tljebanbe^lowfebfromofbyiJbanbetf.ainD befounbearottcn3awcboneofanafle, anb putfoithbrtfbanbe, anbcaug|jtit, anbflur atboufanbementberwitb. 3nb feamfon fapbe : witb tbe 3a we of ^> anaflc , banc 3 mabcbeape*of tbem : witb tbe3awcofanaffebaue3flaincatbottfanb mcn.3nbwJ)enbcbaoieftfpeabyng,becaft a wape tbc 3awc bone out of fy« banb, anb calleb tbc placcr^rmamatl) Hebi. «* OTbatiA !^ bp ttittmctaepon tbt tpftpugc bp of tbc 3att£boiic.)3nb* a be t»atf ftje a tbwft, atto calico on f lo?Oe,« farbtt 12:i)oii baft gcuen tbttfgrcat Dicto?p, C itj in tbc n ■ * I! •la r •"Sli : t ill i!f 'r* » 1 ; 1 * !l f . r it* . it. i • i" f ^t rf &amfon irttbcjcs amfon 7ttbges UP callco<5a)a. | B h \ i (I c toa» or* cmuc d bp ftwliln '. 2» pullctb bototic «0c toj>ufc vpon tOc ^DiUnuice.aiiD bpctb tbitb tUciw. ntocnwcntc&amfonto 3?atD, *anb i;fawctDcranDarlot,anowcnttnton= iJtobcr .SnbttwaStolbctDc 3?atl)t= tcs, fape ng :£>fifon isi comebitber .3Pnb tbep wcntaboute,$lapbcawaptcfojbrmtbcre, all nptiljt in ttjegate ofy cpttcanU ujc re ftill nil the npgbt.faping: intbcmo;mpng wDan it io'bayc,wc ftrnll kpUbpm .3nb £>amfon tone bis reft tpll mpbnpgbt , » arofe at mpb= 11 vslJf , anb tone tbe bo?f S of tbe gate of tbe cptc,anb tbe two fpbe poftcS, anb rent tDcm o f, txittt) tlje barrc anb all, anb put tDcm topo bisaiotilDerS.anbcarpcbtbcmtoptotbctcp bfannpIUbatiSbefojelijcbjon. Snbaftcr tDp*. it fojtuucb, tDntbp tlie rpucr of gwek, bcloucba woman, calleb „ rmlila .- tout b wbcm camctbc Lojbcs of tbe 2© pbUiftincS, anb fapbe tonto ber :pccfwabe hpm ,anb fc wberm W great ftrcngt I) lietb, ano b v wbat mcanc we mapc oncrcome Ijim tbn f we may e bpnbe Mm , to b? yng W«i W Dcr.nnb cucrponc of toS ftjal gcuc tDe alcnen iniirozcbfvlucrlpngcS. anb fcaltla fapbe to $amf on ; ©D, Cell . me\vbcrctbpgrcatftrcngtbItctb>ai!bbow tDou mpgDtcft be bounbc , anb b?ougDt ton-- bcr . gjamfon anfwereb Wo Dcr : 3f tbep bpnbc me wttb fcuen grcne wttbcsf'Wifre ncuceb?pcb,3u>ilbewcakcasotbcrmcn. 3nbtbcn£ lojbctfof^btUftinesi fyoug!)t bee fcuen wpt&eS tljat were pet grene anb ncuer bjtpcb , anb Q)t boimbe Dpm tbcrwi tb- jSotwitbftanbpngc (be bab men iptngc in waptcwitbberintbecbaub?c.3nblbefapb tonto bpm : t\}t #Diliftincs be topo tDc&am= f on . 7t nb tmmcbiatlp be bja fee tbe cojbe* as t - a (trpngc of towe=*(«Mt ">«w6)bjcaaetb, wben it f ealetD fier.^nb f o W ttr^gtl) was notUnowen. 3no Balila la^>be tmto S>amfon : S>e, ^ C t)aft mocacD me 9 toIDc me IpeS • ^io w tber= f o?e tel me, w|)cr witb ^ mig bteft be bonnbe. l^e anfwereb ber : pf tbep bpnbe me wptb new ropes tljatneuer were occnppeb,3f&al be wcaae.anbas another man.a>alila ther« foje tone new ropes, anb bonnbe &pmt|jer* witb,anb fapbetnto bim:t()e#biWlWncSbe "bponfbc&amfon.anbt&erewerelpersof * - waptein tbe chamber ,"# be bjafte tbcm front ofl)pSarmeS,astDepbabbenebntatb?cbe. ; , 3nbDalila fapbctmto ^amfon: Ijptbcrto tljon (jaft bcgplcb mc.anb tolbc me IpcS : vet tcllme, Dow tbonmpgljtcft be bonnbe .li)c fapbe tmto bcr :3f ftow pla ttcbcfl: tbe. Wj Jo* beS of mpbeab witb an bearc lace, ^dnb (be faftciicbtbcin witDa naple, anb fapbe »nto |)pm:t!)e^l)amf on . Zrfo be a woUc out of bis ncpc.fr fapb: 3 wil go out now as at otljer rpmes before, 5 ujabemp fclfe, ff l;c wift not f tDe !Lo?0c was bepatteb fro bim. ^ 25uttbe^biliftincStokcbpm,anbputoutc W cpcS,gE bjougbtbpm bownc to *3C?atb, * om; anb bounbebpm wttb two fetters of tyaflc. 2tnb^3r»bebpbgrpnbc mt^e p?efon Ijoufc, «^ tiowbcit t\)c bcare of ^ l)eab beganne to growe agapne after tbat be was flmuen. 'Cbcutbc Io?bcsof f jBl)ilifttncSgatbe= reb tbcm togetbrr , f oj to offer a folempne offrpngetmtoDagontbcp^ob, anbtorc^ ~ topfe: fo? tljcp fapbe, cure Cob batb bclpue= >* rcb^amfott oureenemptnto oureljanOeS. 3nb wben t^t people fawe \ypm, tljep p^ap* f eb $m ©ob.fo^ tbep fapbe : our cob batb belpucrebintoourebaubeSoureenemp > anb beftroperofourccountrepe,w|)pcDfluema* npe of t)S . 3nb wten tljcp? bcrtes were merpe , it fo# uneb , tdat tDep fapbe : fenbe fo? iDamfon , tljat be ntape maRe\)Slaug|). % no t bep fette ^amfon oute of t^e p?efon boufe , anb lie piapeb before tbcm , anb tbep fet bpmbetwene tbeppllerS. 3nb^)amfon (& fapbe fapbtmtotWa&bt&atlccbWmbptbebSb: 26etblcbOuba,togobweiwI;erebcconiDe fettmetUat 3 mapetouebe tbeppllerS ,tbat fpnbeacouentetpiace. %nn l)e tbe boufe ftanbe upon, anb tb lo^bc c^ob.tDpneftetmonme.anD fl:rcngt|)cnmc,attb¥Stpmeonipe,€)Cob, tUjnt3 mapebe abuengeb of tDe^biliftincs to? mp two epeS . 3Dnb ^Damfon caugbt tbe two mtbbelpillerS on wljicb tbe boufe ftobe, anb on wbicl) it was bo?ne t)p, tDe one t bps rpgbt Da"bc , anb tbe otber in bps lefte , anb fapbe : mp f oulc (bail nv^ witb tDe #Diltftt= neS, anb boweb tbem witD all 1)^ mpgDte. 3Jnb tlje boufe fell tmon tDe lojtbcSanb ijpon all tbe people tbat were tDerin . 3Knb fotl;e becbwDicbDeneweatbpSbcctD.weremoo t\m\ tbcpwbpcl) beflewe in bps ipfc. 3nb tben bVJ* b?ctb?en anb al t\tc boufe of Dps fa= tljercamebownc^tokcbtmtjp, 9 bjtougbt bpm , anbburpcbbpm betwene pafo anb Cftaljol, in tbe burptnge place of a;anoab bPSfatber- ^nbbciubgcb 3fracll twentpe scares. C3Tbc.]c\)(j.Cb'ipter« C€)f finical) tobofc inotDct m.\Dc Ijpm an* 3Doll of fyiiicf. l^crc was a man in mofit €pbMt nameb a)icaij,anb De fapbe tonto Wsi motber : tbe Icuen l)unb?etb fplucrlpngcStbnt were taken fr5 tlje, aboute w|)icb tbon curfebft,? fpaheft it in mpneeareS.25cbolb, tbe fplucr is witb me , 3 tokc it a wapc . 3 nb bps mo = tber fapbe: bielfeb be pmpfonnc, in ? Ho?be. ano wbcnbcDnb rcfto?eb tbe leuen bub?cb fvlucrlvngestoDismotDcragapncbtsmO' tljee fapbe; 3 *oweb tlje fvluer Wo ^ JLozb ofmpne bmibefo?tDempfonnc :tbatPflml= beftmakeagrauenpmngcanbaupmageof 5 met all. #0 w tber f o?c, 3 wpll gcuc it tbe a= gapne . % nb wben Ijc refto?cb tbe monepe a= gainc Wo bismotbcr.Dismotbcr tokc two bunbdetb fpluerlpngcs ,anbgaue tbcm to a golbfmptb, wbtcb mabc tberof a grauf ima= gc,anbapmagcofmctall,anbitwaSintDc boufe of a)icab . 3anb tbe man ^icnb Dab a temple of gobbes , anb mabc an €pbob anb M» 'CDerapbim 1 "* ( SlJJt is to fapc , a gatmttit fo> tlic (j weftc , sl iD 36019.) anb fpllcb tbe banbe of one of g»wtoi.« ^ ronncs wDicD became bps pzeafte . * 3n W,D t))ofe bapeS tDerc was no bpng 1 3fracl, but euerp matt bpb tDat wDicD was goob in Dps nwnecpcS. anb tDerc wasia pongemil out of 25etD= leDcm 3uba , of tbe kpnreb of 3«ba : wbicb pongemanwaSa icuite, % foiournebtDcr- 3flno tDe manbepartcb oute of tDe cpttc of ►1 M . d ... . unctomout epb^tm, to tbe boufe of a)icdbasDeiour- nepeb.3nb4J)icabfapbe\jntobpm.wbcncc commeft tbou? %)&z leutte anfwereb b pin .3 *» am of JSetDleD^ 3"ba, jgo to bwcii wberc & 3mape fpnbe a iflmmm mm 3 mapc tvr« « ^ to be foi mp piofpto 3nb! Wicab fapb agapne iw = foDim:bwcllwttDmc, anbbe\)ntomca fa- tber anb a pjefte . 3Bnb3 wpll gcuc tbe ten fpluerlpngcs bppcarc,twoflarmcntcs,.i no tDpmeateanbbjpnckc. Znttfyz Leutte waScontent tobwell tb tlje man , anb was ton to bpm as one of bps a wne founts. 3nb49icabcofccrntcbfbaDe of tbe leutte, anb tbe pongc man became In s pzeftc, anb waSl tbe boufe of a?tcab . ^i;cn ftpbea)icab: now 3 am fure, tbat t|)e j^b wpll be goob Wo me , fepnge : 3 bauca ic» uptetomppiefte. C'^bc.rtoitj.Cbapter. CZIjc djptoif 11 of ran taut tfic goeoc a anb the picde of rtfiicab atoaptl.Sbcp D«nropc ^aio , * aftct bribe it agapnc. #tborebapcs*fbercwasnoktg % m3fraell.3tnbin tbofebapestbc JW tribe of Dan fougbt tbenan enbe= ritauncc to Dwell in * fai Wo i> *3Wuiw tpmc^tberc fcl none eiiDcritatV ^ ceWo tbcm amongc tX^z trpbc of lUacll- %m tbe cbil0?cn of ©an fent of tDcir kmrcb fpucactpue meninfeatesof warrc oute of t$m coaftcS, euen out of *araab anb €fta-- Dol.to Ucwc tUt lanbe anb fcarcbe it out,anb fapbe Wo tbe: go, anb fcarcDc out the Kibe; TOicb wban tbep came to mouteplizaim enen to tbe boufe ofa)icab,tbeplobg'eb tber 3Hnb wbe'tljep wcrctn m boufe of a)icab, tbep kne we tbe tJopcc of f pongc m«l tbe le ' ttite : anb wben tDcp tunteb in tbptlicr, tbev fapbe Wo Dvm : wljo b?ougbt m totm* wbat makeft tbou m tbps place * anb wbat baft tbou bcre.^nb be anfwereb tbcm: tliuS anb tints bcalcb &)icab wttb me , anb batb >~ Dircb mc.anb 3 am become Dps ptcftc . 3£nb m fiiPbc wo \)vp agapue:^3f f be cotV .^ ecu now of Cob.p we mapc knowe, wb^^* tber t^t wape wbvcb we go , mibt piofuc* rouS,o?no.3nbtbep?eftcfapbc bnto tbcm: go in peace, fo?tDc io^begpbctl; pour wape wlucbpc go. * €bentbcfpuemebcpartcb,anb camcto ptS,anbfawc tlie people tljat were tDcrtn, Dow tDcp b welt carries, after tDe maner of £ £tpbons, ftpll, anb witDoutcaftpngcof na= rcllcs.anb tbat no man mabc anp trouble in tbe lanb, ot torurpcb anp bompnto , but were farrc from tDc^ibonS, anbDnb no buftncS wttbotbcrmen.anbtDcpcameWotbevi b/etDp,to5araaD5CftaDol3nbtDetrb^ tl^enfavbWotDcm^batbauepebone* 3nb tDcpanfwcrcoarpfc.tDat we mapc C Cittj go top ft % 1 fc - 1 ■ 1 1 j : 1. i 1 t .- ! 1 ■i\ "I! ill ■ I ; 4 LB gittoges, WUvmj anO ms OJP te ! I: r f ':» ! : ■ * 1 1 I - i .:-.] I! ::| : tHMgoUpagapnft tjcrn, *fojwcbaucfciictbe lanOc.wtclyaUcrygoobonc.3nbooyefptt Cttlf'bc not floutbf ul toocpartc: JSuteomc to rt» COUQttcrC t|)C lfmDC^-» f it «m»«* tto Uboucr. ) l>f pC wyll go,ycflmllcome Unto a people trjat civ. ftetbnoparellco' , ^titfaucrplargccciutrc: wbicl) <5oO batb gcucn into pour fytnt)c0.3t <# alfo a place, urijicb ootl; lacke notbpngc $ tfintbcwojlbc. 3lnD tUere Ocparfco tbenceof tbckpnrco of (lie iDaimitctf ,cucn out of jaraab ano @ft= baol, fprc bunOjicO men appopntco witb tn= ftrunictcs' of warrc.3!nOtbep wcutup, anO pitebcDtnkariatl) larimwbicbitf mjEuoa. ^ cJLlbcrfo.Ktljcp calico tbe place , tbe booft of w £>an,UntotbP!eoapc:anOiti$):ontbc back* fpbc of kariatb3arim . 3notbcy wcnttbc*cc Unto mount €pl)?aim,frcnmc tot|)c boufe of &)ican.'£bcnanfwcrco tbefpuc men tbat went to fppc out tfte countre of taist,* faybe Unto tbctr bjctbjen : wot ye not f> tberc igiti tbcfc fyoufcjaf an <£pboO , £3* 'Srijcrapljtm , a graucnymagcfranymagcofmctallfiSow tDerfojcconfpojc wbat re bauc to Oo. 3 no t l)f v turneO tbitberwaroe and came to tbe boufe of p pong man tbe leutr c,cncn Unto tlje bonfe of &)icaj) , ano falntcObpm peafablp.3n0 tbe fprcbunDjcOmcngyjcicO toitfj weapon* of watrr, wbicb were of tlje cl)pl&2cn of 5Dnn, flooe bv f entcrpng of t6c gntc.3n0tbcfji!cnicjirl:atu:crtolppcout t\)t 1a not , ujctit in itytw ant toUc t be feet* uc03'inagc,anDtl)cCpi)oD,'ftbcrapbtm,aO ^ tbeyinagcof mctall. aiiotbcpjcftcftooctn tlje ctucrpngc of tbe gate uitti) tDc rpjce&un* djcd men f we rcarmeo Unto bata pi, wbvlc tbe otljcr wente into ®)itW ijoufc, ano f ct rtjc kcrucO pmagctbc cgpnoo, 'E&crapbtm, ano t&cpmagcof mcrall.'ijrrjcn fapo f pjcftc Unto tbe; wbat Do per ^l)cp anfwerco bpm : i^ Ijoioe eby peace, fcs* lapc t jpc baubc Upon tl)p mouth, aim come witb Utf,to be ourc fa* tber? mcfte. 3# it better foj tlje to be a pjcftc Unto toe {rone of one man, tijen to be a pjeft Unto a trpbe oj a fcpnrcotii 3fraeilr ainb tbe pjeftc wag glao ano toketbc <£pbcb,ano %wtytym, ano tlje graucn ymage,? went witb tl)e pcople.3!nb tljcp turneO ano oepar * teO.anOputtbccbplojcn.tbecatellanotbcii; otljcr fubftauncc bcfoic tftem. if 3!nO wljen tbey toerea gooO tuapc from tlje Ijoufc of 49icafr , tlje men tbatwere in § Wm ano in &)ica(j01)ourc,maocanoute crpe,anO folouaco after tljccovlojien of amn, anb called ^nto tbem.3inO toep turneO t6ctr faceif , ano fapoe \)nto^icao :W[jat aplcth tt)c,p tliou maaeftanoutcrpcf3inO|)efapO: peDaue taftcn awapc mp gobbed wbpcjja maoe, ano alfo t()e pan fapoe t)ntoDpm;lct not t^p tjopcebcljeatOc amonge \)iS , left angrpe U* lowejs rfute \jpon tlje, ano tfjou loofc tDy lyfe Witt) tbe ipucji of all tljpnc ijouujoioe . 3lno fotljccbplDiienof ©an wente tljcp? wapcjU. 31nO uifien 4l)icab fawc tljnt tljcp were to (tronge f o?. Dym ,|jc turnco a no Went IJnche t)ntopys(tioufeagapnc. 3nO trjc p toke tpc ttjyngeo wljicl) ityttfy Ijaomaoe, dtljcp^cftcwIjicljDeljaD , $camc ^ irnto laiitf,cuen\)ntoapcopictl)atU)crent teaft $ tottljout miftruft.i fmote tljcm \»itb tbcc0gcoftljefujcr0,9burnttt)ecyticwit6 fp^c . Sno tljcre wajs no ma to tielpc, becaufc iatjsujajifarrc from ^jioon , $ tbcprjaouo mcoclyng toitb anp otrjer man.3!no tbc cytc ftoocintljctjalcp t&atlpctjjbp nBct^rbob. 3Cno tljcy bplt t\$ ttjere a cptie,? bwelt tljcr* tn.^3no calico it Dan.aftcr p name of Mi * Mm tIjeirfatberwIjicljtDajSbojHc t>itto 3fracll. l)ou)bcit, in\)crpOcOctbcnamcof tljccptic was iLaiBattbcbcffpnningc. 3nO trjc cljpiojtcn of ©an fcttrjem \jp tfjc gt-aucn ymaac . 3Bnb 3fonatljan tlje fonnc of (5erfon,tijc (onne of €*)anaflcjl ano \)H fon* nctf were tljcpjcftctf in? trpbe of ©an* m- mmm tplltljcp were caryeOawaycout of tljclano captpuc.3nOthcyfett tljcm \jpt!)e IcrucO pmage w|)icDa)icaUmaOe, all tlje wljyrcp tlje Ijoufc of (2>oo wag in gulo. CElJeyijr.ClJapfer. CsDf tftf 'flcuj-tc , tbJjoft topfc o>as tipll.ntotinp lipilro in CBiHw. ^ cljamicco in tljofctapcjj, wben ^ tljeic wajj no ftpng in Jirar I , riiat * ncrrtapn leuyte fogecurtirngecn e the fpoc of mount eptjiiaim , tobc towpfcaconcubpneoutof2Set|)lctfm3u= Oa:anobr0concubpncplapeotbcw|jo?ebp W'm, ano wentawape frombym, Mmo^tt fatl)crsiooufetoii8etl)IcI)cm3iHia,anOtl)cre continuco fourcmonctjjejSJnO Ijer ljufbate nrofcano weutafter ijer, to fpcalicfreiiOcly \jnto rjer.ano to b?ing ber rjomeagapne, f\a= upngebpitf Iaoowttlj ijpm ,anOa couple of a(Tc}J.3inO Qje bjougDt |jim tjnto Der fatbcriS Ijoufc , ano wljcn toe fattjer of tl;c oamofclt fa we torn , Ijc retopfeo of ftpj* comyng . 3inD Ij^fatocrmlawe t&e oamofeljl father ucpt Uim.^notlje ieuyteaboaoe witDJjym to papc^,anO fo tljcp opo rate anO O?incue,ano loOceotoere. tpcfourtrj oaycwljantljeyarofc crip in ^ tnemojmyngctljeman ftooe \jp, to Ocparte, » 3lno tlje OamofellejJ father fayo \)nto hijs fo» nem lawe.tonfmtt&yne bert wittja mo?fell *of b?eaO,ao trjen go pour wape. 3inOtl)ep *nto l)ts maftet : romc 3 P^ipe tbe nnO let t)tf turne in.into tbisi cy tic of tlje 3e= bufitcsf anO loOgcall ntgUt t&ere.tytf matter anfwercb|jim:we will not turne ito a draft* 3D gc cptic tbat arc not of tbe cbplOtf of 3frael: we wpll go f o,itlj to <5ibca.3UtO Ijc li\yO 1m* tol)yj5la00,gofojwar0e,auowcftjallcome to one of tljcfc placed to loDgcallnigljtctfjcc in (5ibeao? in ftama; 3lnO tljcp went fo^= warbc\)pontl;cy?wave,anl)tlje fonnc wet Oowncwjoii tljcm, wljentljep were fail by (5ibca wljicbbclongctbtotbcm of 2i5en3a* min . 3nO tljcy turneO tljitljer waroe to go tn,anOloOgcallnygljtiinl5ibea. ^Cno wben Ijecame , Ijcfat bim Oownc in a ftreat of tbe cyticfojtbcrcwagnomantbat tolic tljcm to IoOg(nge.3nbbcboHi,tberccamc an olOc man from btf wo?kc, out of tl;e fclDc at cue, wbicbwa0alfoofmount€pb£aim,$owcIt ajsa ftraunger in c!5ibca. H6ut t^t men of tlje place were tbccbiiojenof 3cmim.3lnO wlje ijebablyfte tjpbttf epetf, befawe a wayefa- (25 ring man in tbe ftreatc of tbe cptie. 3inOtbc oioeman niybc.wbetbergoefttbou.'' 3no wbence comeft tboat l^e antwerco bim : we come from Bctblcljcm 3uba towaroe t\)t fybe of mount €pbiiaim:from tbenceam jf, ano 3 \f)U to i'Scblebcm 3uba, ano go now to tbe boufc of tbe Ho^b. 3!nb tbere i# no ma tbattcccauetb me to boufe.txje bauc ftrawc ano pmucnocr f 0? oure 3lu"etf , anO b^ cao a D wynefo?meanO tljp banomayoe, ano fo v t tbe laoo tbat i0 witlj tby fernaunt, ano we lacltenotbynge. _ ^beolOcmanfapOipcaccbewitbtbMU Jr tbattboulaclteftlbalttljou fpnbewitb mts onelpcabpOe not tn tlfc ftceate all npgbMno fo be b^ougbtbim into Ijitf ijoufc, aubgaue fooocr tmto W Mt$ . 31nb t\)ty waHlJcb tbeir fctcano Dpo eatc ano jyitcu. 3Ino ns tbcpweKmattpngctbcicbeetteiSmcrpcbc^ liolOe , tbe men of tbe cy tic wbtcl; were wic= neo,fcttbebouferoutieaboute ) aubtbuiftat ttbges tbe oo?e , ano u>t«c to t\)t man of t\)t boufe, tbe olbe man, fayingc:b^pngefo?tb tbe man tbat came into tbpne boufe , tbatwemaye Imowebym. 3lnO* tbemanoftbcboufctbeoioeman *<3cne..m.b Went out.anb fapoe \jnto t^i, €>b, uaye my b?etb?f,bonotfowickeDIyf,fcpng tbattbijS manig comeinto mpnc boufe : 00 not fo \jn= metcatbing.25cboloe,bcre[jaimp0augbtcc a mayOen.anO tW mannctf concubinctbcm 3Wfllb^ingeoutiiow\)ntoyou,auobuble t\)tm , ano Oo witb tbem wbat femctb pou gooO:butt)ntotbi0man,Oonotfonbbom(= nable a tbingc.28uttbe men wolDcnotbcr= lm\ to bim.3lno t^t man tofee big concubine, ano b^ougbt be r out Dnto t\)l> wbicl; tme we bcr,anO abufeb ber.all t\)t nygbt,cuen muo tbe momynge.3no wl;cn t^t oape begannc tofpipnge,tbeyletbcrgo. 3lnOtben came tbe womanin tbe Oaw= iiimiEoi tlje iemtes vurfc toljicb UjaehplUD. X)enalltbccbylb v icof3fraclwcnt3t out : ano tbe congrcgacpou watf gatbcrebtogcatljcc ntU &ao bene but one man , cuenfrom Ban to Berfcba ano Unto tbe lanoc of e»ilcao , Unto tbe lo?oc^r in $Jftpa, ano ^?o tbert ftobc tolke out of alquartergano of all tbetrpbefl!of3fraell,in tbe congrcgacpou of tbe people of (35oO ,foure buno?eO tboufan= tcfotcmentbatO?cwcfwerOc0.aBnowban tU cbpJOjenof )6cn3amin bearoe tbat tbe cbylo?cn of 3fracll weregonc Up to iip, anobao fayOc.sJDyecbylo^en of 3fraell,tell U0 bow tbitf wickebneite bappenco. 3no tbe teuitctbe womanjj buf bSOe tbat wag flay* nc, anfwereo anO fayoe,3 came into Upbeat tba t i& in Benjamin witb my concubpnc to C U looge 11 I I V 9 h L i H I : i , I 1 h & !i-l I fttmn \ i i ' 1 I; : i it/ * i l il . i f ; ; ;i : ■ I I I lobgcall nygbt . 3nti tbemcnof 4SOm to* fc agaynft me , anbfct tbe Ijoufc routine a • botitc Upon mc by nygbt , ant) tbougbt to Ijaue ftaync utc : nnb my conenbyne bauc tbep fo fotccb , tbat ftic t^occo . 3nb 3 to* hcmvconcubj'ur.atta ctttt Ijcr itipeectf, nnO fent l)cr rijo^tou) out nil rlje latiDc? of tbe m* bcrpfaunccof 3fracll. #02 tbey tomtom* tnvttco abbonunacyonanb folly in 3lracll. ^cboIbc.ycareallcbylbicnoOfracll.JDon* oietbv* matter, nnb geue yourc nbupfc in tbe care. 3!nb all tbe people arofcag it bab ben one man/aying,fl)crc(ball iiotn man of Utf go *3 tobitftenc.nctbcrturucinto btoboufe.2Sut "* rlno Qialbe if tbat we wyll bo to <5ibca :\x>t will go Up by lot 1 1 cagaynft it.Znn wc will taltc ten mm of tbe biutbjcb tbojowc outall tljf frybctf of 3(rac!l, ano an btinojrD of tlje tboiiranbcanb a tboufanbe out of tcntbon* fanbe , to frttuitaylcfo2 tbe people to mane that tbey may c go agaynft C5tbca T&mln* jum.bccattfcofall tbe abbominacyon , mt tbcp paiic to^ottsot in 3fracl!.3lno f o all f |>e men of3fracll gatbercbto geotber agaynft t!;c cprtc, tovtc to patter, atf it bab ben but one man.3nb tbe trybeg of 3fracII fent men rboiowalitbctrybcof 3Scn3nmin fayinge *3oru.trri.D * wbat wycltebnclFcHl tbfo tbat is yam* neb amonge yon.'^owtbcrf 02c orlpucr x># tbcmcn.tftofccbyUucnof jSclialwljicb arc in Gibca, that toe maye Hey tbem ,anb put awayccucllrrom3fracll. &m rt'oclatcr tbe cbylbicn of Benjamin wolbc not bcrkc" Unto the Uoycc of tljctc b2c* tb.Jf n rtircbylb2cn of jfottU ; bntgeatbereb tijem fcLtir s to scatDer out of fbccytictf Un* f o (5ibea,to come out anb ftgbt agaynft tbe fbylbicn of3fracll.3Cub f«ecbylb2f of 25en= 3ammwcrcnomb2tbattbattymc,outof f cyticG.rcUj.tboufanbmcntbatbjcwcfwcr* betf, befybe tbe enbabitcrtf of (5ibca, wincb were nombieb fcuen bunb icb cbofen men. Ziib amonge all tbcfc folkc were fcuen buu= bieb leftbabeb men, wbicb curry one couibe flvng ttoncsi at anbeare tycabctlMnbnot myffc . 3Gnb tlje cbylbicn of 3fcacll bcrybe OSenlamm , were nomtycb foure buntytti H tboufanbe men tbat b?cw Imtimt, 30 were oilmen of warre. 3nbtbecbplb2cnof3fracllarofc,5Wcnt Upto 26etbel,$afbeb counceli of 0ob, wbo njulbebcgymte tbe battcll agaynft tbe cbyl= men of xScnJamin^nb tbe to2b fayb*3u= bau>illbcgynnc.3nbtbecbylb2enof3rracl ftobe uperlycanb befegeb ©ibea . 3nbtbe men of 3fracll uicnt out to battel! agaynft 2Scn3amin,anb tbe men of 3frael put tbem felttW in arayc to f pgbt agaynft tbe , befybe tftbea. 3|nb tbe cbplbjen of 25cn3nminca= me out of etbca , anb beftroyeb of tbe jjf- raclitcja: tljat bayc.wij.tbouranbcmen^inb nbgts ijs beftroyeb b^ougbttbemtotbecetb. %mm follieof tbe cbpio^cnof 3feaeli plucheb Uptbefr bcirteS. anb volt to agaync, db mabe bntrll in tbe fame place wbcre tbev bybtbc fy^ftbayr. 3Hnbtbeebylb?enof jf= rati went Up. anb wept befoje tw &o?b \nv- ^ to cuen,anb nfltcb of tbe lo2b,faying, (ball ujc go agaync to batfril agaynft tbe cbylbtf of 25en3ominoureb?etb«ni J 3nbtbc £o?b faybe:go\jpagaynfttlif.3nb tlje ejyibjc* of 3fracl came out agaynft tbecbtib^cn of 26e= 3nmin tbe feconbe baye.^nb tbccbylbzcn of 26cn3aminwentagaynft tbem out of C5i» bca, tbe feconbe ba ye, anb beftroyeb to tbe ertb of tbccbylbjcn of 3fraell onccagaynci ybuitboufanbemf njatb;uw(wcrbc0 m* ry man of tbem. tben tbe cbylbicn of 3ftacll anb nil tb* people went Up ano cant UntosBctbcll, anb wepteanb fattberc bcfo?e tbe lojb.anb fa- Hcb tbe faiftc bape Unto euf , $ offercb burnt- offcrpngco anb peaccofferyngeiBi before tlte io?bc3nb tbe cbylbicn of 3fracl afbcb tbt lo2b.fo^ tberc watf tljcarcUc of tbe apoynt- met of <£ob,in trjofc bapeie(.3inb ^r a&bine« ^, DcjJfbcfonncof (Klea?ar,tbcfotmcof3Caron ^ waytpngeUponitnttbactyme,fapbe:fball 3 gctmc Up to go out anymoarc to bntcll agaynft tbe cbplbien of benjamin my bae» tlucn.oj ujall3 c caaVftbc ilojbefapbc : go, & f o; to mo?owc3 will belyucr tbt" into poure b.ibcsi.^nb 3fracllfett layers awayte rofibc about (£)ibea.3Cnb tljccbplbtfof 3fracl w^c Upagaynft tbe cbplb?en of 26cn3amin tbt tbpibc tpntc, anb put tbem fctac* in araye agaynft C5tbea,ajStwpfc before. %m tbe cbylbicn of 2&en3atmn came out agapnft f people , anb were biawcn awayc from tbe cy tic.annb tbey beganne to fmy te of tbe pe o - pic oeeoCajs twifc bcfoicby twobpe wape0 of wbicb one gotbe Up to 26etbell 5b f otner to tfibea tbo? owe tbe felbc) Upon a tnyitye mcnof3ftoell.3fnbtbecbylb2enof2i6eit3a- tmnfaybC2rbcp are fallen before U0 . ai at tbe f pjft. 26nt tbe c&yibjcn of 3fraell fapbe : let UjJf Ipc anb plucbe tbem awapt from tbt cptie 5 Untotbet)pewape!$. nm all m men of 3fraell rofe Up out of tbeir place, anb put tbem fellies* in arayc at ^aal^bamar.^nblyUe wyfe tbe laycro" in wayt e of 3fracl came fo^tlj out of tbe it pla* cc0,ctitn out of tbe mebowesif were aboute fibea^fameagaytiftdvibea.tcntbonfanbe cbofen men out of alljfrael.anb tbcre watf a foic battell.25ut tbe otberwift not tbatfo great eupll wan fo tipe tbem.^nb tbe lo?be plagcb 26en3aminbefo?c3fracl,$ tbecbyl 3 bjcnof 3feaelbeftropeb of tbe 25eniamitctf # tbcramcbaycwu.tboufanbeanb a|ifib2eb men, tbatb?ue iwerbc* cucrpe one of tbem.- ainb wbantbe cbplb^ of 2Ben3amin fawe tbat tbey were put to tbe wo?ftc , tjemen of aaaei 3fabe# ^tleab i!fort 3(rael gaue row me to tbz 25eniamite0 , be^ canfe tbey ttuftcb Unto tbe lapersi in wapte xtibW WW boo lapbe befpbe anbouerranne tbem to C3ibea on tbe eaft fybc : anb tberc were f layne of 25en 3amtn.jcUi(j.tbouranbe , wbicb wereallmf of warre. 3ttbtbep turneb anb flebb to tbe wylberneffe warbc , anb Unto tbe rocuc of Iftymmon . 3nb tbt otber flue by tbe wayc •of tbereft of tbciti,fpuctbou(anbemcn,anb ftycUcb Unto tbem , Untpll tbey cam to - tie$, botbe man anb beaft anb all tbat came to btin^e , anb fett on fper alltbecytiesS tbat ,. tbey couibe come b$. CClJc.jCjcj.ClJitptcr. C2CDcc«!;aWtoutcsofatrWt«rlp6c(!roprt. $b ettery man of Ifrael fWarc in tytem , faymge : tbcreftjall none of Utf geue bv& baugljtee Unto any of 250omin to wy = fe3nb tbe people came to 7&t= tbell^abobctbere tyll eueii befo/e lo?be oo of 3ftwl, wbP tf tbv$ cbaurtcebin3feoe!,tbattberefbuibcbctbp0 baye one trybelacbynge in 3fraell.' 3fnbon tbe mo20 w tbe people rofe Up by tpme , anb mabetbere an altare,anb offer eb burntoftc 3 ringed anb peaceofferynged. Ino tbecbylb?cnof jfraellafaeb , wbo ate tbev amonge all tbe t tibetof 3fracl, tbat came not Up witbtbecongregacpon Unto ? %o#xt foztbep bob mabe agrcateotbc co= cernpngebimtbatcamenotup to tljelo^b to€)i?pa,fayinge:beftiallfuerlpebpc.3nb tbecbPlbien of 3fraell bab pytie on 25en3a= mm tbep? bzetb^en , anb faybc : tberc 10 one trpbe cut of from 3fcacll tbP0 baye ; wbat fljallwebo Unto tbe rcmnauntoftbem.tljat thepmayebauewpue&'wcbaucfwoaneby^ tbcto2be,tbatwcwillnotgeuetb^ ofourc baugbtetjs to wyuetf. 3tnb tbey faybc : 3S tbeceany of tbe trpbexfof 3fcacl,tbat came not Up to 4S)i?pa to tbe loibc' 3nb be- Dolbctbetcame none of tbt enbabitonres of -3abetf (5ileobUnto tbe booft anb congre= gncpon. St 02 tbe people wereUewcb:anb be- rjolbe , tbcre were none of tbecubabitrrs of 3abe* oilcab tbcre.3nb tbey fent tbctlier a multitube, cueti.tij. tboufanbe men of tbe ftrongeft of tbem ,anbcommaunbtb them , fayinge:go anb fmytctbc enbabiter0 of 3«* bcsi©'ileab witb tbe cbge of j5fwetbc,betb wemenanb cbplb2en.*3fnbtbistcit tbat ye (ball bo : Utterlpe beftroye all tbe males ano ail tbeWemcn tbatbauclycn by men. 3nb tbey founbeamoge f in babitcrc of 3a-- bctf Gilcab foure bunotcb bamofclletf ■. Uir^ gincjS , tbat b<^ lino wen no man , by lyeng witb any male. 3nb tbep biongbt tbem Unto t be boft to &ilo,wbicb ii$ in tbe lanOe of Canaan. % nb tbe bole congrcgaeio fent anb fpakc witb tbe cbplbicn of 25en3amin tbat were in tbe ftocue of Eymmon,anb calleb pccca= Wye Unto tbcnt:anb 2Scn3amitt came agay = nc at tbat tymcanbtbey gaue tbem wy uetf, wbicb tbey bobfaueb alyue of tbe wemen of 3obesl <5ilenb . 25ut tbey tuff yfc b tbem siot • 3Rnb tbe peoulc bab cotnpaftyon on 26en3amtn,bceaufc tbat (I5o D ijao mabe a gappc in tbe trpbcfi of 3frael. 3Mb tben tbz clocrcs of tbe congregacyon , faybc s wbat . n)all we bo to tbe remnaunt of tbem , to get tbem wyues, fcingealltbewpucsiof 25cn» 3amin are beftroyeb 1 3nbtbey faybc: tbcre muftbeanenbcritauccfo2tbemtbatbcefca» peb of 25en3am(n , tbat a trybebenot be= ftroycb out of 3ftacll :bowbeit, wc mayc not geue tbem wyuctfof oure bangbtcrs. ft 02 tbe cbylbicn of 3fraellbabfwo2nc,fay^ ingc : curftcb be be , tbat geuetb a wyfte to 2il5en3amtn. WD tbep faybc: bcbolbe , tbereitfafcatt of tbe 1 02b yearly in ^plo,xobicb IS on tbe :uo2tbl'pbeof 25ctoeUnb on tbe eaft fybcof tbewape f I r 1. -i 4 ill '\* I I* ->.:r,u crri.c. f i rfi it i ;i (Htmeleth *3u& rtftb JllD.rtajr.<1* ., I. i' , h ■ f hi' sir* :fl ( I < : 1 li: tbcwayc fbatgoetbfrom mfbcUo&it\)cn anbfoutbrrom l4UAnon/&tyrfo?ctbep cfi* maunbcDtbccbplb?c*of2i5cii3amin,foping: go atili Ipc in waptc in tlje toynparbcS. 3 no wfefift ft tjwttbcbaugbtersof Mocome mittooaunceiuarowe,tbeiuomcycoutof tUe VPiicparbeS , a no eatcb pou cuerpc man a wpfe of tlie baugptcrSof n5cn3amm.a8nD wbau tbcy? fatljcrS o? b?ctbjcn come tmto tiStocomplapnc, we wpllfapettnto them : banc pvtic on t>s f o? tbep? faBcS.bccaufe we refer ucb not f o eclje man IjiS tupfc in tpme of anb Dwelt in tbcm. 3nb tbe cbyUnc" of 3fracll bepartcb trjf cc attbattpmc,anbweteucrymanfobystrp=> be , ano to bys uynrcb , ano went ont from ttjence cucrpman to byscnlje* rf taunee. * 3n tljofc bayes there > was no hyngc in ItoatWmt rucrpcmSbpb^wbici) fcmcbrpgbtin&is atone epess. C£bccnbcof fbebobcof 3ub-. gcs.callcbintljclpetyue £>opbtim. Cftyc bout of &utlj, C$l)efp?ft£&aptrr. CSIftndcc gotta ttfth h?8 fibi>ec atw cftplojen intottjc lanoc of /Tloab, % fo?tnnco,t!jaf>»(fittDtJiam of a m*m toWi) wbe" tbe 3 nb = ScSiubgeb,t&crcfellabartl) m tbe laube,anb a cetten ma" of TBttWbtm 3uDa went fo? to foionme in tbe con= trepe of &)oab: be anb byS wyfe.anb tipjai two tonnes .-ftbe name of tbe man was eilmclccanb tbe name of IjpS wpfe , Baomi : ano tbe names of i)pjJ two fonncs were, gabion ano CDilion, ano tbe y were &pb?aitcS, out of 26etljlcbcm3uba. ano wbe" tbcp caineinto tbe (anb of $$oab, tbcy contpnueb tbere. 3MD eiimtlcc #ao= rotes buf bano byeb, auD Cbe rcmapneO witb ber two fonucS , wbicb tobc tbem wyucs of the nacfons of tbe#)oabitcS:tbc ones name was £>?plja,anb tbe otbtrS3aut&.2Gnbtbcy o welleb tljere about a ten fm&tto #»P Bntft *» $aomi ano cbilioit Opeb alto enen botb of tbcm, ano tbe woman was lefte oefolate of bee two fonneSnnb of ber bufbanoe. ^ben (to-- us be qjeUp witDDcrbaufiDtersl in lawe, anb returncbfromt|)ecou!itrcpofa)oab:fo?me "»D brarbefape in tbecountrcp of 4l?oab , .low tbat t|;e to?Oe bab tjpiytcb ty# peo * pie , anbffcucn tj)cm b^cb. toljcrf o?e ibebe= parteb out of tbe place wbece (be wa^anb 5cr two Dattsftcr* witb ber. %\\b tjjep went ontbepmape to returne tjnto tlje lanbeof 3uba.33no Baomi fapbc \)iito bcr two ban- UbtetiSinlawerp anb returne ecrje of pou Dntopourmotljcirsi boufe.-anbtbc to^Obca- le a J hpnblpe wit!) pow , atf pe bone bealt witl)t|)ebteb,anbwittime. %m tit lojbe geuc pou,tDnt pom mape fpnbe reft, etDer of pouintbclioufcofOerbufbanbe.anbwban (be upffeb trjem, tl)ep Ipft tip tljepj toopceJD wepte>anb fapOetonto ber: we wpll pro with tDctmtotbpfolKt! . 3nb jUaomt faybc:tur= ne agapne mp baugljtcriat: fo? wiat caufe wpll pou go witb mc.are tber anp mo cbpl= b?en tin mp wombc , to be your Jufbanbc^.'' ^nrneagn pne mp baufiljtcrjs, anb go:fo? 3 am to oloe to baue an buf banbe . anb pf 3 tapbe,3baucbopc / pf3toKcamanalfotbi0C npgDtrpceano tpougW iJao «U rrabyc bo?= mmmti wolbe yctarpe after tbcm , tpll t))tv were of age/09 wolbepc fo? tbe fo long refrayne fromtaltpngeof bufbaiuW i^ot fo mpbausDteriElif 0? it greuctb me moco f 0? tourc faacft tbat tlje Iwnbc of t^c lo?be ijs goncoutagapnftme. ainbtfjcp ipft bptNc t)opctsl,itb weptc agapne, s jD?pba upffeb ijer mother tn lawe, butiautbaboaoeftpilbpbcr. %tto Baomi favbc:re,tbpfpfterinlawe(ii gone bacne a- gapue tNttD l)cr people anb tmto ber aobbcjS: rctumetbouaftcrbcranbiautljanfwcrcb: cutrcatemc not to leauc tjje, anb torcturnc fro after tbc.f 0? wbetoer toon gocft , 3 toil! go allo.f* wljere tljou b welleft ,t|jere 3 wpll bwcll : tbp people ftalbcmppeople/anbtiiv d5oD mp ©00, tt)bcre tbou opeft, tbere wpll 3 bpe, anb tbere will 3 be burieb.'C&e lo?b bofo.aO fo tome,yf ouglJtbutbeatjonelpc bepart e tbe anb me afontoe* tXJljen 0)e fa we f (be watf ftebfaftlp mpn« d beb to go witl) |)er , (be lefte fpeafcpngc wito i)cr. ano fo tbep went botb, tmtpHtbepca* me to 25etblebem. 36nb Wben tljep were co= me to 25etblcbcm.it wa0 nopfeb of ttf tbo= row all tbe cpf te.anb tj)c wemen fapba* not tW momit 3nb (be anfwerebtb^ : call me not iaaomit^(tjjat(Btorapt,tittbtpruU)butcaUme *« &m&*9*#**BAN*4 fo?f aumpgbtpe * a batbmabemct)erpebptter.3wentoutfu!l: anb p lo?bebatbb?ougbtme borne agapne cmptic.U)bPtbencallpemciaaom(;fepnge m io?0 hat!) bublcb me.anb tbeallmigitie l)atf) b?ougljt me tonto abuerrpte.'' 3nb fo Baotrif m® Baomt wttlj l&utb tbe ^oabitede ber oa u= gbter in lawe retumeb out of tlje countrepe of ^oab.anb came to 25etble|)em>m tlje be= gpntungeofbarlepbaruefte. ICEDe.ij.CDapter. €[ Wutft «at ijttcH) tome m tfle fciete o( jfiooj. " "^^ilibBaomiiEllJumJlb ijabauinf^ man of Crengtb , anb mpgbt, (wbicb was of tbe hpnrebb or €Iimclec j nameo 25oo? . 3nb , „^Eutf)tI)e^oabite(refapbbn= toBaomisletmegototjefelbe, 3b geatijer & CaccjS Of CO^te^dbtD as M»cwapiC9Uauc;aftcranp mauitt wbofe fpgbt, 3 fpnbe grace. 3nb (be fapbe tmtoberrgo mp baugbter. 3dnb me went, anb came to tbe felbe , anb geatbereb after tbereapcrS.anb ber cijaunce was, tbat tbe fame fclbepcrtapnebtjnto 21600*, wbicb wagoftbeBpnrebofeiimclec.anbbebolD, 2500? came from 26etblebem,anbfapb Mn* to tbe reaper^: tbe !lo?be be witb you . 3ttnb tbepanfwercbbim:t[je3lo?beblc(tctbe,'S:be fapb Boo? witobtSpoungeman tbat ftobe bptl)e reapcrs.tDl)ofebamofcllijj tljis^nb WvoMwnmn tbat (lobe bp tbe reapers, IS anfwerco , anb faybc : it is tbe a)oab(tpibe bamofcU,tbat came witb Baomi out of th countrepof a;oab, anbfbc fapbe VntobS: Ob , let me leafc ugcatjjcr after tbereapcrS, tbe cares tbat rcmapne:anbfoftic came, anb batb continucb cucu from tbe m ompng \m * tonow,fauctftat(betaricbalitlcinfboure. %ty\\ faybe 2600? Unto ttu tb : jjearcft $ mp baugbter: go to no notber felbe to gea= tbeenctber go from l)cncc:but ftbpbc here bp mp maybens. ict tbinccpes be on tbe felbe tbat tbep reape, anb go tbou after tbe nurp* bens. JoaucJ notebneacb tbe 'young men, t|jat tjjep flial bo f no \)i\Wi\) o,teoucc wljen tbouarta tby?ft,go \jnto t!;e t3e(Tcls,ano bnnclt of tbat wbicl) t\)t labbes baue b?a wf . w.ttrw.alSrpen me fell on Ijer face anb * boweb ber felfcto f grounbe.anb fapb \jnto Ijiimbow (Sit tbat 3 baue founbe grace in tbine eyes, abtbatt|)oulbmbcftlmoweme,feing3atn analiaunt/ il 3nb2i5oo?;anfwercbanbfapbeDnto!)cr: all is tolbe 3d (beweb me, tbat tbou baft bo* nc\)ittotbymotbcrinlawc,fenccpbcatl)of tbpncUufbanbe, bow tljou baft lefte tljp fa« tbcranbtl)j>motbci',anb£lanDcw!)eretbou waft bo?ne,abart come mta a tiacio wjicb tbouknewcftnotintpmcpaftcb.'^be to?D ciuptc t|)p wo,2c!$e,anb a fullrcwarbe bcge= nen tbe of tbe lojbc <0ob of 3fracll , tuber wbofewpnges tbou art come to abybcaibe" (be fapbc.lct me fpnbe fauouremtby fpgbtc mpto?be,t(joutl)atbaftconfo?tebmc,anD fpoucu bartcly \jntotby maybe, wbicb pet amnotliftc ljnto one of tby mayDenS.^Soo? fapbe tinto bcragayne:intpme of refcccyoi'i cometDou Ijitjcisanb catc of tlje bjceo , anb %uth MwW Dppptbyfojppeintbctjinegre.^nbujeOtte bownc by p reapers, ?bercacbcbber *par= *mmm a. cJjebco^ne^ftbewijicDibebybeatc.^bwaS ' fumfeb,anblcfteparte. ^nbwijen Hiewas epfen bptogatl)er,2i5ooj commaunbeb bps poungm5,faying:lctbci:gatbcreucamonge ftbcbeapes.anbfo^bybbepecnot. %m ieaue ber fomc of ttit (beues fo? tbenonce, anb let it Iye,y uje maye gatbertt tyswmtw a>amf ; * a anb rcbuue ber not. 3Sno fo flje gcatljcreb in tbefelbe,\)ntplieuen,anbtb?eflbcD tbat (be ijabgeatbeteb.anbitwaSinmeafiiretopoji an nbmcaroicupbefo;ie one cotilDe ftnowc another. 36 no be fapDe:let nomanftnowctbattbcrcenmcany woman •D info the barnc.^nb be faybe agaync:b?inge tby mafcll tbat tbou baft Upon tbc , nnbbol= DcitUp.:3MiDWbanwebeIDeitup,bcmctte infircntcafiirc0of BarlcycSD bfftt it on Drr.^nD Uicgattbcnnfotbccytie:anb wba foe came in to bet motber in lawc, mcfnybc: bowi0itwirljy"mpDaugbttr.'3nbtbetolDc bcr all t bat tbc man bab bone to fjcr . 3nD fapbcalfortnefcftrc meanirctf of barlye ga* ticbcmc,anbrayb:tbou(baltnotcomccmp=i tic Unto fljp motber in lawc.^lxnfapoajc, my Dmigbtcr , fpt ftill , Untill y fmotoc bow tbc matter will cbauncc. 5fo? tbc manwpll not be tnrcaft, Untill bebauefpnyfujebtbe t!)ingct|)iiEf fame bay. C&be.iuj.Cbapfcr. «I55dd5 tihcti) JSutt) to reproof tt&om&ebegct* $cn went Boo? Unto tbegnte 5d fatt bim bownetberc:ab bcboKbe, tbc bynfma" of wbicb Boo? fpa Be, cnmby.?iintowbom,bcfaybe:co= me anbfyttcbowneljcre.anb tal= • leb bim bp W name. 3Cnb be tur neb in , anb fatebowne.^nbbetobetenmeof tbe cibcr0 bftbccitie,anbfapb:fytpebownef)cre.^nD tbeyfatbowne.^nbl)efayDewJtotbcftpnf= mamjSaomf tbatigcome agapnc out of tbe ™cotreye of anDcnllcDit,s2DbeD.'ftbe famcWtbcfatberof 3faf, tbe fatber of Ba= uiD.^befearetbegeneraciontfof^aabare^^K * K barc?bcgnt^e?ron:^ron begatmam, " am begat attmnnbab , 3Bminaoab begat Babfon.Babfon begat Salmon , Salmon begat Boo?. Boo? begat iDbeD , €>beD be» gat^faijfai begat jEmuiD. t\UU Samuel Mniiii C€ber>?(f book of ffffl'S of botteie?, pftfjdu roytt lofec on tbe trouble Samuel calico tbefyjttbooUe Ctbcfy^tt Cbaptet. C«l'w«''«l)«^'i''.ta>f.e CEbe cnoe of tbe bo&e ofmutb. . Ctk amilofo- nc«*oftbe two Ea = matbsi ( of ^ ItinrcD of jopbtm, of mount ®* pl^at ) na= mcD * fH* kana £*on ne of jero ba^ fonnc of €Ubu, tbe fonnc of %U% , tbe fonne of ?upb« an €pb,iatbitc: XoX^t^ bab two tbp* ucjS^ one callcb ^ana,$ tbc otbcr1&bcnen= na.4inD p^enetw bab cbilbicn,but l^anna tm^il paDnonc.*3DnD tbefapo nut tb« up out of ! W citye euety fcaftfull Daye, to p^ay c 9 to fltfet. WitoJ io*D of bofte^ in ^tlo,Wbcre i Were tbc two fomtctf of eii( if)opbnt 9 l»f * nebejS)^ lo?Dc0 p^efteig . 3Bnb it fell onafo= lempne baye, f 6lUana offereb, ab gauc to ^benntna b«J wife $ to all bcr fonnctf anb «* Daugbter0 po^cyfisl.Buto* wtto tyanna be lauc a potion x* a bcuye cbercfo^ bcloucD #anna,aub tl;c Ho^b bab maDc bcr batten. MU \m cncmyc(pbcnenna;\)CjcrD ijer fo^e cotynually,to moue bcr,bccaufe f io^D bab mabc ber barte" . ^nb fo m C&e yere by y ere a« of tc atf i^e tbft t)p to tbc boufc of § lo?b. •5 3nb So cbafeb lier, tobicb weptc, 5D bib not m eatcCbS faybe eikana ber (juf bab to bcr: ^anna,Wby ^epeft tbou^anD wi)y eatcft ^ not f 1 anD Wby isi tbync bertc troubleDi' am not 3 better to tbe>tbe ten fonncur &o ^a= na rove t)p afterj tbey \)i\o eaten 9 DjoncUe m feylo . 3inD eii t\)t pj^cattc fate Upon a ftole by one of tbcfyDc poftca of tbc temple of tbe LojDe . Zwn m wa^ troublcb iu bcr inynDcanb p^aycb wito tbe JtojD^ Wepte vo^e,anD \>o wo a t)otoe,anD CayD: O Ho#> anDnot f oiget tijine banbmapbe,but gene Unto tt)i ne PDmayDe am^cbylbe: 3 topu geue bim wito y io^D all p Daye$ ofbfe lyfe,*f tbe* *?•»•»»* re (ball no rafer come u»5 bt0 b«D.3itD as! Mmt > *** fte cotinucD playing before f lojD,itfottu» neD,f 6U marucD bcr moutb. Jfo? Joanna fpabe 1 bet better bet lyppe^DiD but moue onely ,but bcr uoyce was not bearb: $ tfyer« f o,tc €\i tbougbt fbe bab bene bjiocBen, anD eii fayD Unto bet : I90W log Wylt ? be tofa Ueit t put aluape from tbe, t\z toyne t tbou ' ftaft.lpanna anfWeteD ano fayDemot fo my 1ojiD,3 am a Woman of a foiotof ull birttc: 3 baue Djoncue nctbet Wync no? fttongc & D?pncb,butbaue* poiureD-^outmy I'oulc yp*®* before f l,o*b. Count not t^rnc banoway- ^^ tc to be ly he a baugbtcr of 2Selial , f oi ou t of tbe abonnDancc of my bcuynejS $ greafc : baue 3 fpoben b^betto. djli anfvuereb bet agayne: $ faybe go in peacciy* ©ob of 3fraellgraunttbe tby pcti cyon,t tbou baft afUcb of bym.S>be faybe: let tbync bab maybe fynbe grace 1 tby figl) t 3nb 10 y woman toent ber waye,f ttyi m y 9 loaeb no mo?e fo fabbe.3nb tbey rofe Up 2> carlye, $ too? wppeD before f lo?D>f t$ rc= ttttneo, 9 came to tbey? boufe to laamatb- 3nb Wba<£iaana bnew^ana bustoyfe, f ioib raneb?cb ber : foi in p?oceu*c of rymc it came to pafle,£ u;e coccaucb, $ bare a fen ne,? callcb \)i& name ^emuel(fayeng:)be- caufe 3 baue avfecb btm of p io?b.Hlno 0U nana? all biff boufe toent Up to offer Unto tbe lo?o»tbc offcryngc Due f oj yfraft, $ al* fo bis uowe «*:Beucrtbclr& mm toer not -tu Up,but faybe unto bet bufbdbc:3 toy ll ta-- tyc Untill f labbc be tomcD * f tben J wpll b?ing bim p be may e apearc before ytojb, 9 there abibe f 0? euet.&lbana ber pufbanb anftoereDbet:Dotobae femitbpbeft: tint at bome , Untill f baft tocneb bi, $ 3 befeeb y !lo?b,tomabcgoob bij5fapeg.3Lnbfo tbe toomaabobe,^gaueberfonncTucbc,UitttU (be toeticb bim.^nb tobe ftjc Jiab toencD bim Cbc tobe ))vm Witb bet,tottb tb?e builocKcj* fanepbaoffloure^abotteloftopucatiD b?ougbt bim Unto $ boufe of y* t o?b in Sh* 1 , $ tbc cpilb toast y et but tchev of age. ;iud tbey flue a bnllocbe, $ tyougbt in p labb to €U,anD Ojc fayD:aDb my lo?D:nj3 truly as! tbyfoulclyuetbmy lotD,3am tbetooma f (tobe before tbc bcre,p?aycng Unto f io? De.if 0? tbtelaobc 3 mayeD, anb tbc io w jbe batl; geue me my Dcfirt , ^yc\) 3 af bed of bim : anb tbcrfojc 3 baue gcuen bpm unto tbe LOtb , 00 long 00 be ipmtte f 0? tbc lo?» Dc.3iub tbey too?ibippcb tbc lto?oc tbcte. CCbe-H-Cbopter. rtttu, f ■ j UJ .•;t *: !: f.$amuel, \: i; i-U"ji il i i m : jFtb tynnna mnneb anb fa^ue i mpne Dc rtc reiopfctD in f io jb , anb mpne watttN ejeaitcb in m iioibc.«?i» montD is ttopDc open ouermpnc cnenupcff, f o k i 3 rctopfe in w falnacpfi . 'SDDere tjs no- ne f o Dolpc as tbe 1 oib,f o jt without tiic, is nothing;. ft e ther is tDere anp of foe n gi $ as tS oure 0oo.'Cnlhe not to mocDe pjowblpe IctolDf tDpngctf Depart out of pour mon* _ tDeS , f o? m fojbc is a ob of nnowlebne, ©x anb Diss purpofes come to paflfe.'CDe *xbo* we witD tlje migDtpe men are Soften anb tDep tDat Were wcanc, Daue girbeb tDe" fcU Mcjcf to ftrcngtD • %ty p tDat Were full, Daue bireb ottt tpem fclues f 02 b2ccb>$ tbep tDat Were Dongtpcccaffe fo to be, tpll tipe oaten 25 DatD borne mitm tyc f ijao manp cDplbje", ♦«"J" tswarebfcblc.*'$De l02DnplletD,anbma ^ bctbalpuc:b2pngetD botone^totDegraue ano fctcDctDbp agapne. *$De3U*bc ma* lictD poo2c,$ maBctDrpctebiingetDlowe, •mwmw* anO Ijcucti) bp on Dpe. * ©erepietD to tDe pooje out of tljebuft, anb IpftetDbp fbeg* g ce from tDe bong Dplltfo fett tpem amfige pttnecs, anb to enpetett tbe* WitD tbe feate of gl ojpe. $oi tDe pillers of tDe crtD ate t^e lo/bftf, anb De DatD fett tDe rounbe Wqilbe Dp on tDe" • §e ttopll ttepe tDe fete of Dps fapn «». ^« „ tcs , ano toe topclieb (Dall bepe fplence in ^'"•"^batfBitfffe^-^ittbtsiatbnempg^tfbaUno ma" be ftrSffCCUc lojbcs abuerTaries CDall be beftcopeb of Dpm: anb out of Dcaue" (ball D e tDubcr bpon euetp one of tDe". %$t loibe (ball iubge tbe enbes of tDe toojlbe , 9 (ball A gpuc mpgbt bnto fjtja: npnge,anb eralte tbe € Dome or DiS.anopnteb.anb einana Wet to B amatl) to W poufe, $ tl)e labb bpb mp* ntftrc Dnto t&e lo?be before ©U t^e pjeafte. 93. OBut the fonnesl of €U itoet e cJjplD^en ■«• of 26clial,anb Unettoe not the lo?b. %m t^e B^caftcjl inabe alatoefoj f people^ tbben* focuct anpman offeeebanpofKtpnge,tbe ^?caft ejs labD came,ttoD«e tDe aeflje xoa0 in fetbing , $ a flcu)one ttoptj) tfoe tet j>e in fjijs |janb,anb tlj.mtt it into the pane:netle,cal=- b^en, o; potte . 3nbalUpat tjje Seqje ijoae biougtje bp, that t|ye^eafte tone atoape. 2nb to eljep bib tmto all f 3feaelitcjf, that came tDptbctto&ilo. K« ^tljetto,befo?e tbep burnt f f atte , tbe #^eaftcj3 labO came anb fapO to t&eman that o(feeeD:geueflett) tfjat 3 inape b^eOe it to^ t&e ^?eatte,f 0? ^c tbpll not baue f obOS 8eft»e of tDe, but ratoe. 2> Unbpf anp manfapbe\)nto Dpm: Ictt&em burne t^efatt acco/bing to tDe bape,$ tDen tane ai« mocDe ajj tDineSeete befpretD-^De labb tbolb anftbete Dtm,pee , f (Salt geue it me notb.anD pf thou topitnot,3 t»pll tafte it toitD loiolence.Hnb tDe fpnne of f poung* mmtm Detpgceat before the tojbe.tftt men abDoiteb W offerpng oftbe lojbe. m. 7mm *tt ^amuerminiftreb •» be* fo^etDe lo^be , gitbeb about tbptD a Ipnen CpDob-t* • ^Oifcouet , W mother ntdbe Dim a Iptle coatee tyoug b t it to bim from pete to pere,tbDf u)e came bu toitb Der Dut= banbe to oner tDe offermge in tDe folempne fcaftejs :anti€li blelfeb eibana $ W tof>ft> anb fapbc:cDc lo^be geue tDe fecbe of tkvti tboma, f 02 tDe pctiepo tDat CDeaffteD of i u lo?be . Tim tDep tbent bnto tDeir atone Do= me. anb tDclo?be bifiteb ^5na, fo tDat He conceaiieb (j bate tD?e fonneitf $ tlbo baugL tct0.3nD tDe cbpioe ^>amnclgretoebeto« tDelo^be. eutoasi tjerp oloe, 9 Detbe all tDat W fonneiS bpb tonto all 3ftael , anb Drib tDe? tape tbito tDe tbemenp toapteb ateDe bo it of tD« tabernacle oftbptneffe,^Df Carte tmtotbem:toDpbopefocDetDpngcjli' *o? of all tbefe people 3 Deare euell repojtefJ of pou.©D,napcmpfomte0:fojiti£nogoob repose tDat 3 Deare,Dotb that pe mabe tDe lo^oesi people to trcfpafle.jf onemifpnnc agap nft anotDer,»»bap(emen mape be iub * gctf : but pf a man fpnne agapnft tDelozbe tt>Do bjilioe DWbapreman^ l5ottbptDftan« bpnjg , tDep DerHeneb not bnto tDeWee of tpetr I atDer , beeauf e tDe lo;be tbolbe fl ape tbem. %$t cDploe Samuel pjtofptcb* anb §retb,anbtba0intauourebotD lbitD#loz= e,anbalfotbitDmen. r 3no tDere earn a man of Cob tmto Cli, 9 fapb Mo Dim; tDu3 fapetD tbeio?be:Dpb not 3 apeare bnto tDe Doufe of tDp father, tDD0 tDep t»ere in ©gipte fubiect tm to $tyi r a osf Doufe ( Xm 3 cDote tDp father out of all ftrpbetf of 3frael to be mp fteaffe, fo p to oner bpon mpne aultare , $ to burne in* cenfe, * anb to ware an ephoo befoie me. »nb 3 gauetmto £ Doufe of tDp father all tDe burnt offrpngetfof tDecDplb^en of 3f» raell.MlDerfo?e treabe pe bobme mf fair i« ftce anb mpne ofterpng,tbDicD 3 commaun ntn to be mabe in tpe tabernacle , 9 Dono= red tDp eDplb?en aboue me, to mane p our e fcluetftatt of tDe firft ftutesl of all the offe^ rpnge* ofjfrael mp peopleOTberti w tDe lojoe (5ob of 3ftaell fapetD : 3 WQt> tDat tDp Doufe anb tDe Doufe oftDpfatperfDulb ttjalue before me foj euer.26ut notb tDe lo? feature*. •n « y»0* tDcv? lie multiplped in tD^ne Doufe, * ujau bpe, pf tDep be men. ftnbrty* (Dalbcafignc bnto tDe .tDat (ball ,*«« • comcbpontDptb)ofouncsi*l)opDnp? jdlji^ i,H«.u,t. || C D Ci a(:eiicni» one bapetDep (ball Ovebotlj. 3»0 3 wpll ftere me bp a faptljf nil p^irc,^ OMllboacco^bpngetompDcrte anb mpnDc: and 3 will bitpibe Dim a Cure Doufe. a no Dc iball ujalftc befojc mpne anopntcb fo? cuer. anb tDep fate left in tbpne Doufe , mall co- me,anbcroucbtoDimfo?alvtlcpecc of fpi> ucr$acaaeotbjcaD,$a>iUfapc:putmc(l . p?ape tDe)in one off pee op otljcr amongc t!}e p?clrc&tDat3mapecatcamojfcUofo#no. C^De.nj.CDaptcr. tT^cllo;bc called #>.imn« tfyc (pm«. Bo tDecDploc Samuel mpniftreb bntotDe tom before eii: gsoarf 5fo,rrb bo^oftDt Doufe of tDe lorn, ano Samuel fcareb to Oicweeii f Dc bi= fyoii.'CDenClicaHebj&cimiirt^fapDe.-^a-: initrlmpfoniic.aiioDeaittocrc&bcrciam.- J)cfapoe.-t»bat wtDattbc ioibebatD fapbc bntotDcfJpmpctDc.fctDouDpDcttnotfro „,,,,. me.*aobbofo,«*fototDe,pf tbouDpbe anp *•*•" tbpng from me, of all tDat Dc fapbc unto tDe. anb g>.imuel tolbeDpm cuerp SDlwttc , anb ^ DPbb no tDpngc from Dpm.a nb Dc fapb: it is *" tDe 1 o?bc, let Dim bo t»Dat femctb tfm befr, a no Samuel grcirc,? t^c ioibe wa fl wptl) Dim,? left none of jjpg ujojbco bnper= tozmeb.a nb alljftael feom Ban to JScrfa= be t»pft tDat faptbfiill fbtmmcl was mabe tlje io;be0piopDetc.aubtbc L02b appereb agapitcin g>ilo : foz tl;c iozbc openeb hv« iclfc to Samuel in S)iio,tDwott)tDctt)02bc V » Ut } P 1 U)02be of tDe L02DC i»as( piecioutf tf Hjc toibe. intDofe bapejj , netDer toast tljtrc ' C^Dc.iiii.CDaptcr. % *3Ufcf.tf.t J5 <5 be fapetD ' tbat be farce from me : foitDem tDat tboifbine me, 3 tbill too ifDipe, § tDe f beippfc me, Oiall come to (Dame. 2SeD ol= Dep be,tDe bapest come, f 3 tbill cut of tDpne or me,$ tDe arme of tDpfatDenJ Doufe,* tDere (Dal no t be an elber I tbine Doufe-anb t Dott ibalt le tbpne twinf( in tDe tabetnacle of f loibe , s m all that tteltbe toDlcD <5ob Qjal giue 3ff aelU tDere (ball not be an elber in tDpne boufe f oi euer^enertDelefle,3 topll not beftr ope all tDe males tDat come of tDe fro mpne anltare.aSut to mabe tDpne eperi , bale, 1 to mane tDpne Derunelte #' anb all . rr tDep . anp open btfpon. anb itcDaufeb at p tpme, msm.t tDat eiilapcinDiSplaccanb Dps* epesbe- ganne to ware bpnunc tDat be coulbc not f c. anbpcctDelitpcoftSobwcutouf.&aniucl lapbcDpmbownctoncpc in tl)t tcplcof the 3L0Jb,wDcrc tbe arcne of a= mueil niteuic not pet tl)c l02b,nctber was ^ wo2bc of p no2b pet openeb buto Dvm.aub tlje lotot wi)ttii& callcb Samuel |5 tbp?b tpmc.a nb-Dc arofe^ went to £ \i, sfapbc=3 am bcre,fo? p* Daft calleb me.anb mi percea neb p tDe Ho2bc Dab callcb tDe clipibCCTbcc- w#,6KfiipbetoUto&nimicl{gb,&lpcbow= ne:f pf Dc call tlje agapne,tDcn fapc , fpcahe oimo2bc,fo2tDpfcruauntDcarctD.$)oS>a= mud went,* lapcb'Dpm bourne in Dps place. anb tDe Jlojb came,* ftobe.f callcb as bcfo= re, Samuel £>a in ucl. Samuel anftoereb : fpeahe on.fo2 tDp fcruaunt bearctb. anb tbe lo.ibfavbetoilo, 9 fct fro tbeno the archc of tDcappopiitmft of tbcioib of hoo« fteo.wbicDbwellcthbctwenetDecbcriibins, anb tDere were tlje two founts of en , ho-- pbui,»l?)DineDcswttbtbearclicoftbcap'po- pntment of aob.anb it foituneb, f woe* tbe arcltc of the appopntment of the loibe came intotDeDooit,all3fraelmowtcbampghttc u)o wte, fo that tbe erf be ranggeagarne. anb wba tbephiliftines Dcrbc tbe nopfc of tDc(bowte,tDevfapb:whatmranfth^foube offbiSmigbtplbowtin^ljoftofpebiucsY anbtDcpbnberlrobe.bowetbatthearcfteof tbe 3j,02bc wascomnnto the Dooft : anb tlje pDili Wnes were afrapcb,anb fapbc: <5ob is conic mtotljc hoolr.aubtbcp fapb agapnc UVO »ntobS,f 01 it was neucr fo bef 02c tDiS: jDobntobs,wDoiball belpuer bS but off banbe of tbefe migbtvGobbcSrfDcrc arc tbe 0obbes tDat fmotc tbe egppcians witD foor manp plagcsintbcwpiocrncs. 25c ftrougc anb quite pourefclucSlp«cmcn,i!Dpcpbi= HtlpncS , tDat pc be no fcruauntcs bnto tbe B 6b2ncS g.Oit.& 1 it if li "8 it •t 1 IS :li Bagon i,£§>amtul Clie unk i. i It ' !i I 1 . i a t i ,;. I I! i i '. ; \ flfi •i *^u6.«i.». ebiues, *as tbephauc bene fo row. 25c of a manlp co* as c tUcrfo^te $ f pgbt.ai no OfpP* liftincs fought ,» 3 fracl was put to p wojfc $ftcddcucrpmmomStc*tc.and thee was an cjtceaDing great (laughter ,foj there were ouwtlfcowf o5 3fracU]W.$)'f otimetUluli the arckc of <5oD was taken,? flic two foil* *i ttrg a o «* of eli ' * l9opnni,$ pbfncbr Swc rebecb. ' ^ndtbctcranama^ni&cn3aimuoutofibc nrapcand came to &ilo the fame bapc with bis clothes rent 9 earth Upon bpS DccD. 3fnD when he came , <£u fat e Upon a Hole , and lo< rcD toward the wapc:fo2 blSbett feared fo? tbearcBeoftfob.^nb when the ma" came in tbtbecptie,anbtotbcit,aUtbecptieccpcb. 36nb when (glibcrbctbcnopfc oftbecrpeg fccrapb:tt)batmcanrtbtbiSnopfc of trjeru mo;r 3nb f macameinbaftclp, $ toioc £U, *■ Rofli , €Uwa&ircUiij.pcarcolOe,8nD*l)p*fl^ * um * Ma fapiebhtm f-bccoiilb not fc.BnbtbcmS fapd Unto €11:3 am be £ came out of the arape, $ ftcb tW hape out of the booft. arid be itipoe: ~ what thing is fojtuneb mp Comic.' ^be mcf= w (enact anfwerebs fopbluwl is fleb before the WMat$A there is a grcate flaughtcc cbaun(cb amongctbc people, ? cop two fon» neS.tyopbni $ pbincbcS arc beed, $ tbearcke ofOoDiStafcen.anbitfojtuncbtbatwbaii IjemaoemcrtttS of tbearcke of <3ob,©ii fell from ofbpsftolc back warbc upon the tb*e= (nolbeof the gatcanbbPSneckc tyafcc, anb bedpcd:fo2iic wasan oioe man ano hcupe, and fudged 3frael fourtpe peace*. 3Cud In S Daughter in la we launches wife wasricbiloef npetbebpjthc. atnb witfUic bearbetbc tpbingcS >'' the arctic of C5od was taken,? £ her father m la we , 5 her bufbabc were bced.uje bo web hec fclf , anb traucleb, fo* bcr papnes came Upon per. %nn about p t pine or her bcctb.thcwcmenf frobe abotite tjcr.faph Unto bec:fearc not, f 0? p haft bojnc a fonne:butlbcanfwcrcbnot , not regarded *2Dc«io:pt it 3nti (he named tbccbildc*3cbabob,faps ingc:^bcgl02piSbepartedfr63fcael.li5e= caufe tbcarckeof <3ob wastakcn.s becaufc ofberfatherinlawcanbbetb»fbanbe.38nd ftcfapdcagapne^bcglojipiSgoncftOf 5 ra el,foj t&earcke of <5odlS taken, CChc^Chaptcc. C &agon Hie ffi oQ o f H)f I91>«ag6,an0 fctt it bp*e>ag6.2tno when thep of 3iooh were tip in the nejcr c trapeltt the inojnpngcbeholhe.^agon lape tpon the er th before the atcne of the lo^uc. 2lnD t&cp tofeea>agon,9 fet him in bp* place agapne. 3no whenthep were t>p crip in the ncjetc mo?npng,bebolbc,l>aa5 lape topo the ta gonr. ;r otioc before the archc of the t o^bc, anb W jeeb.?hWtwohanDC!((cutoft)pontheth?c* Qjolhe.f^ronlpthetgapcofafPiftwasdcft^^ onhpm . 3nD tDcrfo?c ijJit,ffTOefte0of ^ Bag8( nether anpm«tbatc6mctbinto*Da= jg iwt hon(e )txtm wot on the fffffttitttflC U)ago»m ^fooU, Utito tljpjsf Dapc . 25nt the bflbc of the lo,;bc waShfiiP^panthEof 26f= DoD,9 he belt rope D tW , 9 fmotc tjf ri eme= robe* , bothc 31 toob 9 in all f tonM th cr of - N((7t>rbpila0(«aiCo <»t!)cfclDw»e0Oft>»foQ; «obof 3ftaeI/"5TbepanfDi)ereb:let f arcfee of f <5oO of 3frocl be catpeD aboutc "onto ©atb . 2{no thep carpcbthearclte of the <0ob of 3icaela= Uontanb tt fojtuncb, tbatwh^ thepbab ca« cpeb it abouuhm was! bp the fcanbe of t|)t l02be a mpgbtpc grcate nopfe in the cptie,$ be (mote the men of thecptic both (mm anb , grcate : 9 thephab fecrete bifcafcjS, «*canb«r w tSttiUtt* tohc councrll.smabt tljtm fcluea pjeupe Ccatvf of thpnnwJ'Srbrtf o?c t hep fent tljc orcttc of C5ob toabaron.^nbalfoncajgthearcRt of<5ob, ^ cameto36karon,(he maronitefl cmb out v fapingrthep hauc biought the arcae of pi0ob of iftael to bjJ,to tlcc \)$s anb oure people: 3tnb fothep fcnt,anb gathcreb together alUhclo^besiofthc pbtuftincsJfrfapbr: f cn o awapctDearcftcofthe0obof3frael, to go agapne to bis* a wnc place.that it flee M not anb oure peoole.tfoj there wax< greatelame tacpon oner toe beabc tljozowout all the cp= tit, 9 the ba"be of <3ob wa* cfccabpnge fo?e there. 3nb them5 that bpeb not, were WW* ten wpthtbe ^mcrobciK : anbthecrpcoftbf cpticwcnt\)ptoheaucn. CSbe.tJj. chapter. C He Upnc b?pnat bomt Uje atrtt topt^ Hi* tcmnte, ftearcueoftheloiibwa^intbecoii % trcpofthe Wbftine* (cuen mow* thc0:onbthc ipMnncsl callebfo? the p?cftcjs^p fothrapcr0,rapinge: what (ball we bo wptb thearcftc of the lo?« bcftellt)^ where with we Dhall feubeitho c me agapnc.^bcp fapbe:gf pou fenbe toe ar= clie of the 00b odfracl homeagapne, fenbe itnotcmptpc.25utrcwarbe ittua trefpauc offcrpngcranbtbcnpc ftjalbc whole, anb it ujalbe knowen to pou, whP bV# v^be bepac« tcth not from pou. „. 'Chcnfapbethepr^lnb what (balbetbe tttfpa (feoffor ingc.wbpcb we (ball rewavbe hpm «&i"S:hepanfwcreb: fpnegolb6n arffetf anb anb.^.golDenmpccacco^bingtothenombje of the IfiJMof the ^hiliftinejs.^o? it ijx one maner of plage on pou all, 9 on pour lo?bcj5. wwmt pe (bal make pmagcjj like to pour arfleMWb pmagejS ipbe to pour mm p to*-- rupt the lanoe, aub pe (pall gcue gloip \)nto the (2>ob of Jfraelrtbat he mape fake W Mb from of pou.anb frSof pour gobbe0,anbfco of.pourelanbe. 15 TOerfojie bo pe barben pout bcrtetf a $ ? (Kgipcianjl aub^harao harbeneb thcirhcr= mmxm when be toke on agapnfl; tt)t, oyo tW not let the people go, 5 thep Departed i gU/m thcrfo?e,mnke a ncwe carte, anb take two meiebe Itpne : on wbofc ueckc there liatb come no pocb.3nb tvt the hpnt to the carte, ano tying the caluetfbomefcotbcm3nb ta- ke the arck of the Hoib, aub lape it fopon the carte.anb put tijcieweWof goioccwhicbpc rcwarpc him withfo? a fpuoffcring)ina to- ftc bp the fibe tbcrof:anb fcuD it a wave, f it mape go.^nDpfpefc^bc go bpbp? wave of 510 awne coaftc to 26cthfameji itmitm .bepbpbbtfthiggreateupii.i)fuo,wc(baU kitowe then, that it i$ not h(0hanbc p (mote ttf:biit it wa0a cbaunce thathappcucb xa. 3nb the me DpD eucn f : ano toke two ftpne C elwt gauc inpikcanb tpeD them to the ram, ano kept the calutf at home, aub tljcp lapbe the arck of the lo?bc tjpou the carte anb the cofer «5 the mpce of golD, anb to" the pmages of their ar(Tc0.3BuD the kpuc toke fftrepght wapc to n&ct blame* , 5 went on f ftrepght wape:$aclthepwct,lowcD,?tucuebuethcr to the right ha" Dc ner to the left. -tub the lo u bcjJof the Phili(tinej5 weutafter them , x»n= W tljc uojocrs of sSefUfamctf. Ttnb thep of ioctljfamejswcrcrcaupuge tlKirwhearc bcrucft mthc tjalcp.^nDthcv lift\)pthcirepei5,auDfpicDthcarck.^ubrc= (opfeb whe tljcp fawe it. %m the carte came iutothcfelDcof oiicjcbofua a 2i5cthfamite, anDftoDcdiUthcrcEhercwajSalfoagrcnt flonc . 3CnD thep claue the woD of the carte $ offrcb the kpnc a burntoffring Unto § IlojD. 3nD the IcuttcJl toke Dowue thearck of the 3lo?Dc 9 tlje coffer tijat wag with it, whcriu the tc wcljs of goihc were : ano put them on the great ftoncflnb the men of Setbfanicss facrlficcb burntfacrificcanb offcrcb offerin= cesif fame Dapcbuto the no^be. %m when t)tbcfpuclo?bes(ofthcPhikftincsJhaDfcncit, thcprcturncbto^karothefamcoape.rcub thefc arc the golocn nede* which the MM* ftmcsigauc toamebcflifoiiatrcfpaceoffpiug, m m 1° t 8?jLo;Dc:fo^ 3(bob onc:fo; *0aja one: foj 3Efftal6 one: fo^ csatb one : aub fo he jlageD the men of aBttftfiunttf, becaufc tbep babfenet/jearckeoftbciio^e. $no he flue among? the pe opie f iftpe thoufanbe anb ttoe Wennbtenmen. 3nb the other people la= me teb,bccaufe the lojbe bab (lapne the peo-- ple with fagceat a Oangbtcc. Merfoie the men of 26ethCimejai (apoewbo tt able to ftanbe before the toab roholpa0ob.auDto whom Chan he go famiai 3CuDthcp fent me(renger0tofhecnbab(tcr0offeariath3a= riin,faping:^hc|0htMt"cflbaue bought agapne tljc ar lie of the l«02bc;comc pc bo w« m tl;erfo2e,aiib fe t it bp to pou. C^he. wj.Chaptcr. 0farckc ib b;oug^( to j&atfatl)fartm. #Dfo the men ofiiariathiarim ^ camcanbfettjptljcarckofthc L02D: anb^tycugbf itintotbe *u.msM.i houfcofaminababiuGibca.Hf „„„C ii Un= f I r ■ l* -ii •if 1 • r i tt i£l)c people (7 Dwtyll tbc place tha t tf Unto* nsctbcat t&amttel temtyje a Rynge and bauceOnd Dc (ball tafte f belt of votire $aul M&pttng 3ndt&cn&amnel*toltcaftoiie,atiOptt» fcldc0,*andofyoiircuynfparoe0,andof*««^c. w I ■> i t if- if si I if: r 11! i /] t> '4notDcii2)atiuiei*rouca *3ior.m»«f died it bctwcncJft)ijpaatibtbc marltof tOc *usw fix i rbcMnd called the name tbcrof, p*ftone of *' ' ljctpc,faptiiff:It)ttUcrtol)atDtl)clo^Dclpcli Uj*. ftiffl fo the pbtltftinc0 were thought Uti decs they came noinojc into tbc coaftc0of 3fracl;fr the hand of thcilojo wa0agapnft pplnUftincjSallftiaVftfof^aiimcl/Cijcr- to, tljc rifirjo! which the f p&tltftuictf bad ta= hf«fr63frafl , wcrercftojed apyncfo 31* racl.eucn fro ftcaron to <3atb,u'i the coaftc0 of the turnip 3fmel pinched them out of tfce iMttbc* of the pbiliftf nc* * % nD there wag peace bet wene Jfracl fr tDc 3mo?ttetf. #* mucluidacO3u-aclalUbcdapf0ofbi0lpfc, auo wet about perebpperc to jgctbci , <2>tu gal, and <3)ispa, fr tudgcd3fracl in all tbofe placed, frraincagayitcto ttanta :fo?tj)cre wag biahoufcfr tbcrbc iudgcd3fraelalfo,$ there lie buplt an aulrce Unto tbc lofbe. 'fthc.Uftj.Chapfcr. CTirftc people rc tinted tbcrygbt. ■Eftcii nil tbecldcr0ot3f= rndgctthcrcbthctogctbcr.andcamcto^^ mucl \>nto ttama.fr fayd Unto bitmbebold, tbon art olde , and flip fomicg walHc not in t$5'%ft tt tiiv wap«M*ow thcrfcwe* malw U0a few* oS.V geto tudgcU0,agall otljer nations bauc. a.t.v.THi.ft. r5, lf jj! eijpiig difplcafed ^amuel, robe* *bcp. ^ fapde :gcticU0 a nuig to fudge U0.3ltib&A" mucl praped Unto tt)clojde.:3l!ndtj)cJlo;tdc fapde Unto Samuel: Scare tbc Uopce of tbc people in all that tbcpfapeUnto£.;Jf oi thep banc not tail p awape.but me.tbat3 Amide notraygnccucrtrjc. 3nda0tbcpbauccttcc tone ( fence 3 brought them out of ©gyptc i>nto tbp0dayc, andl)aucfo?fahenme,and fe rued other goddc0 ) cucn fo do tfjep unto the . #o we t IjcrfojchcrBcn Unto tbeir Uoy cc.^otobcit.pcttcftifpcuntotbfanddjctoc *^tutbti t the*theaucH)o?ttcoff King that (ball rav c **™ * "gut otter the\3nd&aumcl told aU the Woj= dc0 oftlje iojdc Unto the pcoplctbat afftcd ^ ahpng of htm.and befapde : tbp0 Q)albe tbc ^ attcthoiitc of the Ityng tjjnt (hal rapgne otter *iii.m\hh pou; *be wpll taBc pout fomtesand putthi tobp0cbarettc0,andmaheljp0btufcmenof t\)i>to cuniie befbic bitfebare t.and will ma- ll c Slim of f hcm.captapneg oucr tljoufanbcs and ouctfiftpe0,andtt)pllfct tljemto care bi0 groude,aiid to gatoet in bt0 §ccucft,and tomabcinftrnmente^of roarce, andappa* rrii fo^ I)i0ebarcttc03nd be u>pll taue pouc Mizittufr ^maKef{)Sapoticatictf , coofcetf vow olpuc tm&, and geue them tol)p0fee=i uauntci3!,3udbe(l()aUtalietbetcnt|)ofpoiic fecd.andofpouruynevarde^andgcueitto Up0cbambctIapuc0,atidtol)p0fcruaitntc{(. 3lnd be (ball tab the beft of pout msrenia(i= tc0andmapdreruauutc0audpongmen,and ofpournflc0,and putthftoljitf woibe.^nd S? lie (hall tahc the tenth of poure (Ucpe.and ve malbe l)(0 fcruafite0.3Bnd pe (Uall trie out nt that t pine Upon your upnge , twDich ye (ball Untie cDofcn pou, ^ the lojdc will not Ijcnec youattbatdapc; ^cuertbL , Ic0 ) tlie people wolde not beare tbeUopccof^amueLbtitdpdfapjiiaycnot fo.iSttt tljerc fbalut a (tins otter UjJ.tljat we tnape be lykc otljct nacpon0,and tljatottrc HpngmapehidgcU0 ) aitdgootttbefo l tcU0 J and fpghr our battaylle0.i>» (fo? b 9 .) 'Cbcrf o» & re, when Samuel licardc alitl;c wojdc0 of j? people, Ijc rebrarfed tbem in tbc carc0of tlic i.ojDc3tiotbc3LotDfai'Dcto^>nmticl:l)cc* licnUntotljey^UopccattdinalictljcaBmo;; 3 nd Samuel fapdc Unto tDc men of^fracl: goetterpmanUntobi0cttye. C5rl)e.i]C.ci)aptfr. C5>a«itftcroiiiic of jets ie c^ortHkpngf. ^crwajHamanof26c3amtnna- % meo* Ct0 the fonnc of 3btcl, tDe *\m fonneofjero?, theKncof jSecbo- um ' ratb,thefoime of 3pbtal), f fonne of a man that wa0 a 3cm(m'te, a man of ftregtb and migijtrand the fame had a fonne called &atil,n goodlp pong md and nfapje : fo that amonge the chyld.tcn of 31= rati there wa0 none goodlper tfjcti lie . jf o? from tbc (boulders* upwardc , he wa0 hper thenall f other people. alifa: but thepfounde them not. 'Chen tljep went tho?owe the lade of £>altm,ntni there they were no t.fcEbe* thep wSt alfo tbo* r wc the la"dc of 3emtnt,they f oftde the" not. 3fi t the laft , when thep were come to the land of5uph,g)aulfatdctoht!5lad^wa0t5htm: come, let U0 returne, left my father leatic ca= ring fojthc a(fc0, 9 talte thought foj U0. I^e fapo untohim:bcbold,there t0 in fbt'0eitpca maoff5od,ffhct0awo^ihipfullma':allpljc fapth,comcfhfuerlytopaffe.iaowctljenlet U0go tbpfhcr.'pcraducturche (halftjcwe UsJ whatwapewcmapcgo.lirhenfapd^aul toht0,lad:yfwcwtllgo,wbat(hallweb^tci t&emaVff oj our b?cad i0 all fpe"t out of oure Ueu"cl0, 9 there 10 no nother p^cfent to tyinp; _ tl)e man of ^"od: what Ijatte we^nd the lad » nnfwcred S)aulagapne, and fayde .• 3 haue f ounde about me the fourth parte of a tVcle, that WKA tha t will 3 geue tDc man of €on , to tell u# oure wape. Mop tvmt in Jftael wfjen a man we" t to fcKcananlwercofd5oO,thu0wifehcfnaBe, fcar come,andletU0gotothcr-»"fear . jtoibe that t0 now called a pwphet, wa0 in the olde tpme called a fear-Uhen fayde ^>aul to hp0 lad: well fapde of tbc:comc,lct U0 go.^nd fo thep went Unto the cytic where the man of C5o0 wa0.3!ndn0they wcregoingc Upinto the cptie, they mettwythdamofellc0f' came out to dja we water and fayd unto t jem: t0 there here a feat.' % nd the mapbcmJ anfwe^ ^ redth2»pee,«^chcre/0on»)beholde, he 10 before pou.0nRebaftnowe,fo?becamthy0dape ten* to tbc cptcfo#crthcrei0anofferyngeof t(je people tW da ye in the bill.TBljcupe become into tbe cptt'c , yeqjnli! fpndc hpmftrapght waye.pcr he go Up to the hpu to catc: f 0? the people wpll not eate Untyll he come,becaufc $^ ^csHbe doth blcffcthe offcrtitg.and then eate thep f be bpdden to the feaft. owe tbcrfoje getrouUp J fo?thi0dapeqiallye fpndc bpm, . 3Bnd tbey went Up into the cptte .Hud when & the? wcrecoute into the mpddc0ofthe cttie: bcholde, j&amuel came out agaynft , f o;t :»iBcw*.i togoUptothehtll.*28tttf tojdchadtolde Samuel in ht0eare( a dape before gDaul ca^ me)fapenge:tomo^owetbp0 tpme 3wyll fende the a man out of the lande of Sen 3a* mtn,hpmlUaIttbouanopntctobccaptayNc oucr mp pcople3fracI,that he mayc faue mp people out of the h^oe of the l&hlliftinc0:fcij 3haucloftcdUpomypcoplc,and thep* crye l0couneUnto me.tohe" §>amuel thcrfoic faw £oaul,the iozdaufwcredhpm:fe / thi0 1^ the ml, who 3 fpalte to the of. %\)W fame ftalt rapgnc oucr mp people. 'Eden went §>aui to £>amucl in t Ijc myd* die ofthc gatc.^r fayde : tell me 3p;ayetlje, Where the fcar0 hott fc 10. Samuel anfwered S>aul,and fapde:3am the fcar>go Up before me Unto the bi!l,fo? \k QiaU eate wptl) me to dapc.^ndtomojoweSwpUlctthcgo.attd wpll tell the all that 10 in thpne licrt. 3nd a0 fo^thpnca(Tc0^ were loft th^e dape0 agoo, care not fo? them, foz thep arc fouudc. 36nd mo?couer ( whoffiUallthebewtifullthtnge0 )D of 3ftacl bcbclonge thep not to the.and Un to all thp fathcr0boufc t n5ut ^>aul anfwe= red and fapde: am not 3 the fonne of a 3emt= nite ofthefmallcft trybeof 3frael/'and m^ (tpnrcd t0 tbc leaft of all the bpurede0 of the trpbeof BOfinun . VPhcrfojetljenfpcalteft tboufotome^ Xud Samuel toltc &aul andhitf lad.and fought them into the parler , and made the fytt in the chefeft place amonge them p were bpddemwbich were upaathlrtye perronc0; 3Cnd Samuel fapde Unto the coorc: b?yngc f o«tth the pompon whpch 3 gatte the , and of ttl>tci>3 fayd Unto tbe:nepe it wttbthc.TGnb 5Fo.jrrb^ the coolte toftc Up the Cbotilder, 9 that whpch wa0 Upon it, 9 (nit l»fo|e#aul.aind && mucl fapd:bebolde,£ which 13 left: put it be* mt the 9 eate, f 01 hitherto hath it bene Kept $01 the, of purpore.wbcM 3 called the people. 3ln& fo S>auldpd eat with £>amuel p dape. 3iidwhen they were come downe from the Imlliuto the cytie,^amuel comuned wptS ^anl (aul Up5p toppe Of thchoufe,faycngc:Up , t% mape fende toe a wape.3Cud fijaul arofe. and tjiep wet out at the do;e0both , he 9 Samuel. 3End when thep were come altnoft out of the townc> i&amttel fapd tog>aui:bpd the lad go befoie U0(and he wet before) but ftaude thou ftyii a whyic,that3uiayc(fji;wc the wbatood tayetb. CChe.r.Chapter. CT^aaifg «nopnte& lij^tcano p.Miplje Cpcil), 1 >i 1 * &bt\\l Samuel tofee a Ueffell of 3 ople.fr powjed ttUpo hp^hccd,$ *Bpfled him,? fapde: bath notthe * adt!)oui6aitDcir: «cvljp5pfopitou(ofnjtl)8n8e8 ofCJjrpi rnrmrw , to^ptl) *" arc rouiioc 4bou(f tljg.atiti (ijpe (oRtn (^alf (l)0Ul)5UC,tljat tlK tojocbatlj ancpntco the (o b« pipncr.) UDbcil p art departed fro me tbi0 dape, j} (halt fpndc two 4{2tn nrt( me bp* ftnbcl0 fcpulrrc m the bozder of 2i3c 3amin,eucnat5alc?ab.3ndthep will fapc Unto thc:fau"c0 which? Wimteft to frBc, arc fofidf.^ndlo.tby father hath left tbc care of thcafTc0.fr fozowetlj fo^you.fayciurc: what (ball3 do foi my fonitcr'^hf (halt pgo fojtl) fro tb^cc , fr Oialtcome to theplapne of 'Cha^ bo?.3ind thete (ball mete thetbK mi gomge Up,0^todc wyll come Up6 tl)calfo,frp u)alt p?ophefyc, a> Kj wytU Samuel amuei tbcfcfigncioi are cbau= '^"'•"•ccbtbe.Dorobat t£ou bafttobo M®tfoi& .wptbtlic.anbp (fcaltgo bcrbjeme to0il* pl.an&3 alfo ropll come borone tonto tlje, to feoff ye bnrntfacrifycctf ,anb to offer pea* +i Mrs riub eeoffcrpngei8* , fcnrpfojmf fcuf oapc&tpll 3comctotbe,anbitocrotbe,robattbou(balt bo.anbnflbneasi bebab tunica bptftyouU ocr togofra Samuel, C5oDgauci)pm aao- fbcnnancrofbcrtc,fralltbofi: toHcitjst came to pafli: that fame bape.anb rottf tbcp came tothenill:bcbolbe,tbc companpeof pjopbc* *i.ufe.rt.b.tcjSmet|)pm ) anO * tbcfpjctcof (Sobcam \)ponbpmnlfo,frbcp?opbcfpe&am6gtbcm. anb all tbat nncroc bpm before , roben tbe p faroc tbat be pjopbcfpco amdeu tbe pjopttc* -. tcp.tDcpfapbccbeto otbcfcropatistoijf p tsS *, i.« ri & bappencb tontotbe turn tfCWV* 3*£atil *i.uff.wo fll f oninongct f, c pjopbetctf.'Smj oneof tlje fame place anfrocreb ? fapbc:robo irftbcirfa tbcr/anb tbetof camctbe pjoucrbc:robat,is i^r ^§- £>aui alfo amongc tbe pjopbeteg < ano xotjcn be bao mabe a n enbe of pi opbefp f g , be camtotbebiUanb&aHlcflfatljcrabjotbec fapbe tonto bvm aub to \w$ lab:roljctbcr roe"t re/ toe fapberto felie tbeaflctf.* tube roc faro tbat tbep roere no robcre , roc came to &a* mucl.anb &aul*toncle fapbc:tcll me wbat &amucKapbe tonto ftmi &aul anfwereb lntf tonrtefle tolbe Dfi ulanelp , tbat tbe arTcsJ inert founbe.flSut of toe Itpugbomc robcrof Samuel fpafte.toioc he bpm not. aub £>a* mtiel calico tbepcopletogetljcr ton to $ ioj* Octo &)t?pa,atU)fa= ^muclbftbbiougbtaUtbetribeiUof3ftael,tbc tribe of 25c3amuiroa0caugbt • W bebab brought tbe tribe of 2U$*3anunbptbefc npn= rcbc&rbe hpnrcb of a)atriroaj$ cauabftftib nttbelatt&niilp fount of atftttf caught. 3EnbrobatbcpfonBbtbVtti, bccouioe not be founbe .^TbcrfoietbcpafHcO tbe loibc fur* tber.pftbeinanibuioecome tbitbrr.3nb fbc HotOcanfrotreO:beboloe , be batb bpbO bpnt fclfc amonge tbe ftu(fe.3£ffl> tljcp ramie 9 ft* bim tb^ce^nbroljcnlir ftobeamogetbcpco plc.be roatfbper ebenanpoftbe pcoplcfro ? CfjoulOerfi(\)proarOc.3:nb gwnuclfapbo to all tbe pe ople.&e pe not Win, robo tlje lo;tbe batbcbofrn,$boroc tbere W none Ipltc bpm amonge all tbr people * 3fnb all tbe people :W.i«gr.f.»). q^orof tb % fapbc;^ cpob into tbe «pnge Ipfe. am Wttjjel % ben Samuel t olbe ebc people* fra* ibi *^ butpc of tbe hpiiffbomM ro^oteitinabo!ie» #mim ano lapbe it top before tl;c io;o c, anb Tent all tbe people aroapc , cuerp man tobPJSbonfe« ano ifeaul alfo went borne to <£ibea . 3nD tbcrc» foloroeb bim (trong men, wliofe ber* <• tefi <£ob bab toucbeb.^ut tbe ebplb^f otl&t liai fapocboroc (ball be faue totf/ * anb tbep *3»m.«i* befpireb bim.anb b?ougbt Himno pjrfriwrp, anbbebclbeWtonge. C^beXj.Cbapecr. C t\>t ptopic rciuif t^ t!jc hpiiuboine of *«ul. i^ba js tbe ammonite came, $0 be* <* fegcb 3abctf m<5ileab.anballtbe^ men ooabejs fapbe tonto BabaU: mahe a couenaunt roptb tojj , anu roe roplbc tbP fcruamitc^ : ano £abag tbe ammonite anfroereb tbem : 3n tbPJS roill 3 maftc a couenaunt roptb pou * Pf 3mape tb?uft out all poure rpgbe epe0, anb b?pngetbat(bametoponall3frael.'^orob6 tbcclDcrtfof3abctffapb:geueto!&feuebape!8 refpitc:tbatrocmnpr fenbe mclTcngcrsI ton* toaUtbecoaftcgofSfracianotbenpfrbfrc benomantoljclpetoJJ.rocropU come out to tbccbencamctbemcftcngcrjsto dftbeaton 26 toibaul.anbtoioetbptf tpOpngoSintbe ea* retfof tbe peopie.anballtbc people Ipftc top tbcpjtoopcctfauDrocpt.anbbebolbe,gDaul came foloropngc tlje catell out of tbe felbe,f ifeauinip0e:roljat aplctb tbPJ8 people , tbat tbcp roepe ." a>ib tbcp tolbe ppm tjje tpbpn» gejJoftbemcnof 3abcs!.anb tbe fp^etc of v5obcamrtopon^aul,robenbebearbtboft tpbingrjeE,onD be roatf creebpng angrpe,anb toltca pochc of ojcen.anDbcroco tbem inpe« criEUfcnttbcm tboioroc out all tl)e coaitejal of3fraclbptbeb'5bei«ofmefrengcr0,fapffl: robofocuer c5metb not f city after j&anl anb after Samuel, fo mall bP# ojcen be fetueb. anb^rtbcfcareoftbciojbcfellontbcpeo ^ plcaubtbcpcamoutajiit bao bene but one r man.anbrobenbc * nombieb tbem im&t* twtm jeUitbccbplb^enofSfraelroerctb^ebunb^b tboufanbcinen.anotbcmenofSubatblrtpc tboufanbe.3nbtbepliipOe\)nto tDe meiEm- flen8fcam:rofapetoutotbemcnof3abfsliii (5ilcab:tomo?orobpfbattpmctbeTonncbe bote .pelbal banc bclpe.a no tbe mcu"cngertf cam 9 (be web tbe men of 3iibctf,roblcb roere ffttftAftftftpt t^t men of 3abctf fapbe : to=> mojoroe roe ropll come out tonto pou , aub pc mall bo roptb tojet all tbat pleafctb poiii anbontljcmo?oroeltfo2tunco,tbat£Daul put t])t people titf !>.partejS. a nb tljcp cam in topontbeboft in tbe mompng roatebe,* flue tbe ammoiutcjtf.tontplltbe beat of tbebapc. anb tljcp tbat remapiwo, were fuattcrcb s To f two of tbem roere not left together . anb tbe people fapbe tonto Samuel :ttfritijti be tbat barrc fape:(ball jfeaul rapgne oner tostf mtigt tbofe mcn,tbae roe mape flape tbem. anb anb 5D8UI fapoe: tbere (ba II no mif bpc tbpis bape.fojtobape f Lo?bbatbefaueb 3frael. %tyn fapbe $amucl tonto t^t people : co ^ &3» me,tbat we mapego to Nilgai, aub^r re= ncroetbeltpngoometbere.anb alltbepeo* pic xol t to d£»ll ml,f mabe ^Daul ftpng tbere, befo?etbeio^ein(5ilgal. anb tbere tW offcrcb peaeeolferpnge0 before tbe lom . a no toere ^aul anb all t^ me" of 3frael rr* lopfebejccebpnglp; CCbe.jTii.Cbapfer. Cftatnueiorciami) Mm frtfr Co braa innocent Sutige. lamucl fapb tontoall 3fraei: bebnl= [Dc ,3 bane bernencb tonto pour toop lecinalltbatpe fapbe tontome, ?ba siue mabe pou a upnge . iftoroc tber- fo?e,poure npnge walUctb before pou. anb 3ainolbeanbg;rapcbeabcb:anbbcbolb,mp fonncisare roitbpou.anb 3 banc roaraeb br« f oie pou fr emp cbflbebobe tonto t\)v* bapr. 25cbolbe,bcre3am:bearcrccojbeofmcbc SftR 1 "' foie tbe lo^Oe anb before bp^anopntcbj * ww * tt>bofc we baue3 ttimm wbofe affe baue <* 3 raftf/wW) bauc 3 bone w?6g to.'^ttbom baue3 burtc^of wbofebanbe baue 3 rc« ccaueb anp bipbe, to blpnbe mpue epctf tbcr» roptb^SropllreftojcitpouaffapncQCbep fapbe:tboubaftbonetos(noro?oge,no?burt toS , netber baft tbou takt ougbt of anp man* nejsbanbe.loe fapbe tonto tbem agapne : tlje 3Lo?biJS roitnclfc agapnftpou,? bP^anopn* tcbigroptncIfeebpiBibape , f pebaucfonnbe naugbt in mpbffbetf.anb tbe panfrocr cD: be *5 ts roptneflc.anb^Damucl fapo tonto tbepeo ^ plc:it W>*tbc lo?be,f mabe a)ofcs( 9 aaro, 9^b k Jougbtpourcfatber0outoftbeWDeof <£gpptc..faoroetberfo?e ftabeftill,p3 mape rrafon ro pou bcfojetbeiojDc ,acco?bpng to O^alltbe^rpgbtoufiieflc0oftDeio^b,robtcb , . be (beroeb botb pou anb poure fattier*. yam* *after^3acobroa^comeinto egppte, ? cro.itj'.b anb poure fatbersJcrpeb tonto t\K lofte* tty io?befcnt &)ofe$5 aaron, robtcb bjougbt pour fatbcriS out of«8gtpt,5 mabe tbtbroell nMiu in tbtjj place. * anbroM tbcp fojgat tbe lo?b .t ^rHfa^eirCBiob.bcbelpuerebtbStnto tbe banbof um SJifaca captaine of tlje booft ttiimw ««b • wm&. tuto tbe banbe of tbe ^biUftpnciBi , anb * into tbe banbe of tbe ttpnge of &)oab , anb tbcp fougbtagapnfttbem.anbtbepcrpebtonto ti;e io?br .(jffapbc.-roc bauefpnneb , becaufc roc baucfojwucn tbe iojbcanobauefenieo n5aalimanbaftbarotb.iiioroetbcrfo?cbe= C Ipuertojxoutoftbc banbcjSof oureenempcsl mwf* anb roe ropll fenietbe, anb tbe lojbefcnt i%m rt I ^^erobaal^jBoban+Jcpbtbab^^^a 1 ' SS »«icl,anb belpuercbpou out of tbe banbe* of poure enempefil oneucrp fpbe » anb pe broel= leo fafe.anbfo? all tbat, robS pou faroe tbat i!irtba*tbchpng of tftc tbflbjen of ammon mmm cam agapnft pou.pefapbe tonto me:* not fo but a bpng (ball raiff ne ouer w>w\# pet tbe tm iojbe poure (5ob roa* poure ftpnge . #oroe jberfo^e, beholbe, tbe liinge robo pe baue cbo- fen,anbro{)ompe baue befp^eb.-lo, tlje lo^b batb feta upnge ouer pou . Pf pe ropll fcare tbe lozoe | ferue bpm.anb beare t>v8 \jopce, ^notbifobcpctberoo.zbeoftbeto^bcjbotb pe 9 tbe apnge tbatrapgnetb ouer pou, (ball f oloroe tbe lo?De poure ti5ob;£fpe ropll not bet uen tonto tbe toopce of tbe to?b, but oifo* bepe tbe loibciai moutb-tben (ball tbe f)m\oc oft&e lo^bebetopon pou anb on poure fit* tbcrsi.Boroe alfo ttanbe, anb fe t&pU great tDpnge.robPcbtbeloibroillbobefoiepour epcs(:wiitnotnororobcatberuclr.''3roiJlcall0 tonto tfjelo^bconb^ be (ball fcnbctljun^c^ bcr anb rapne:tbat pe mape pcrceauc aub fr, boroe tbat poure roicuebnc0i0grcat J ujbicb pe baue bonein m fpgbt of t(je loiOcin hu upnge pou a bpnge.anbfo , feamucl calico tontotbe lojbe.anb tlje Lo^befent tbunbec aub rapne tbe fame oape.anb all tlje people feareb tbe lo?be anb Sbamucl ecccaopngip. anb all tbe people fapbe tonto S>amite» : piapefo.itbpferuauntcg tonto t\)c loibtbP CdoO, tbat roe bpc not.fo? roe banc f pnncb tn afupuge toga upnge, befpbc all tbe fpuiiec p euec roc bpb. anb Samuel fapbe tonto tbcpcople: fcare not.gcbauein bebe bone all tljps ropeftco* neCTcpetbepartc not from foloropngc of tftc lo^be . J5ut feme bpm men roptij all poure beetctf. j&ctbcr turne pe after \japne tWnge« robPcbarenot able to p.iofpt pou , fouhep arebuttoanitpe.jfo^tbe* lope ropll not?* foKanebPJSpeople.becaufeof m great na^ ?J me£(faBe:bccaufe»itbatbpleafebtbe Hojd, ** tomaaepoubtepeople.&)o.icoucr<5oDroi: bpbbe,tbat3lbulbefpnneagapn(ftbcLoJ= Dcanb ceaffep^a peng f oj pou , but totbt roc pou t\it goob * rygljt roape. ^Tberfozc ff arc pou tlje lo?be,anorerue bpm in tbe trtictl), anbroptballpourebertcjai:?confpb?e,boroc great ttyngc0bebdt&Donefo?poti.26u>auD pf pebo ropcaeblpe , tben (ball p* pcrpuje y iiotbpe anb poure fepnge. CCbe.jciij.Cbaptee. CSfte Mi'UlNnfi«ri CntpMtnof ftial ins *o« n*(08«ibea)iBen 3am(n.anb tbe reft of tbe people befent, eue rp man to m aronc bonfeagdpne.anb3o= natbaiBl f mote tbe botoc ottfi wuimmS* t mm ttwbrn.ant) u tamtmumnm' tic* tare* . anb ^aulble we x^z trope t fbo* t> ml rowtf i I ( rrr* ;.* ; ! i i ) u n vi ■ i J i m i\ V\ amuel, i \: ! i :? j ft* - ■I i i- ■ 1 ! I 11:- I A rowe out all tbe la'bcfapc'gcM tbe Qtytietf hrnrcftft all Jfcael bcarbc fa pe, do we tbat j&auUjabbcftcopcbanliolbe oft'Jjc pnilp* O^ftiuciei.wberfo.ic 0^3uwUtanclir before p pbflpfttnrsi . 3no the people gaffec rcb togc= thcr after Stoaul to (Silgal. ©t f be pbili(rinc0 alfo geatbereb riirm fcl uc0togratt)cr tofpght ttiptU Jfracl, tbirtpc tl> onfiinb cl)arct te jdc a hD fprctboulaub foojfe *cf.ir(.r.f.men, , oJltl)ot^rr people irhe the A-fauDbvtOc fcc0fpbcinmulfitubc,anbcamctop,aubpit; cbebin ift)icbma0 caftwarbc from x>ctba* uciUlnb wben the me* of 3fiacl fa we tt, tlicp were in a (rraptc,? fcarc came topo tl;c pco* ple.anb tbep bpbb them femes in cauc&anb tnpjeupbolc0,anbmrocBc0,anbtn bpr pla ce0,? in ptttc0.3lnb fomc of tbe <£bmc0 \»€tt ouer 3o?ban to go tonto the lanbebf(5ab ? C5Ucab.3nb §»aul was pet in <5ilgal , ? all tlje people that f oloweb bim were aftonpeb. 3nb be tarpcb fciif bape 0,eucn tonto f tpnu: ♦ i Kfs.r.D. f« jfoamncl *bat) appopnteb . Wttt &aruucl came not to <3ilgal , $ tbe people wax tber - foicttiafcreb fro bim.3irtj &aul fapb:tying a burntlacrifpce to me ? peaceoffr ingc0. ?Enb tic offeree burnt facricfyce.3nb as fone as; be |jao malic an enbe of offerpnge p burutfacri ; fpccbcbolbc.&amuclcanUtnb &aul wet ^agapnftbtm,toc<^bleircm'm3nb Samuel fapDe. what baft tbou Done' &>aul fa.pbc:br» caufc 3 la w that t|ie people [isatercb fro me, anb f'peameft not tfrnttbe baves apopnteb, anb p tbe Phihftincs geatberrb the I'e lues to gcatberto&)icbmao:tbcrfo!cfap0 3:£l&bi lilrincsfljallcomc bowncnowe topon me to C tfilgaUSbaucuotmaDcfupplicacio Unto f/sr tbe i02b.atnD&^tDba3batioucrcome mp fdfc.attbe laft3 offcrcba burntoffcrpnge. JftSrff 3»& Samuel fapbe to £>aul*p art become "+ - m - c - a f oletboubaft not kept tbe comaftbment of tbe lojb tbp <5ob, which be eomaunbcb tbe. Si o? at tW tpme wolb p lo?b bane ftablpf* • + ..ut5.rtt.c fbcb t^ Btngbomc ^)p53fracl fop euer, 2$ut fcr> nowc.tbp Rpngbomcftallnot eStincwc.* t:bc lojbe bntoc^" fought bint a man after ins atone Dncf,» tbe io?o batb commaubcb rum to be captapnc oner biS people : becaufc tbou bail not kept p wbpcb fte lojbe com'- mafiocotbc.^nD Samuel arofe 9 gat bpm v% y^ from Gilgal to (Sibea i8^3amtn.^» ( ™* t\)t rtmnatint of fljrfolEttoenC bp after S«ui,eo mttttbc Pcopicto^i'cl) f ouirtf agapnd (I)em,n9 cljcp to etc commpng from iStlgaUo Cabaain tljr bpu of ©enjTiflmiti.) 3(ntl E) feaul nobjeo tbe people tbat acre fonnoc ^ bun,? tl)tv t»ereaboutafprebunD?eDmcn. %m S>auianb3onatbai8 W fonne ano tbe people tbat were fonnbe \nvt\t tbf , b«ib tym abpDpngcm t))z %vl\ of 2Br*3amm . i&ut the labtliftmctfpitcbcb in a;icbmas( . 3(nD tber e came out afj5bo(rof p jabiliftiucjs tb?ccopa mc0,toi)earo|>e:onecompanpeturncb\)nto tbe wape f leaoctb to iDpb^n ton to tbe lanoc Konatk il of ^aul^nba notljcr companpc turneo tbe wape to Bcfbojon. 3ln!Jtbetwpbcc0pan|> turnebtotbe wapcofpeoft fin fenc aboue tbe toalepc of jcboim touoaroe t\H t»pltjc^ itefle.^berc was! no fmptbfounbe f bozouic outalltbfl»^cof3fracl.TOtbe}abt«ftmeiE{ fapbe: left bupplp tbe €b«ic« make tbrm l\ucf oetf 01 fpercsi.2But all f 3(raditeitf xoU bownc to tbe pbiUftpne- - to menbe eucrpe man W *are, bitf mat tocB,bi$ W 9 W w* ce ffarp tolcst: 3 nn ttyn tbe ebgc0 of tbe Ifea- resi,mnttoclJcg,b6gffojlic]Ei,anba^c!«t»ere blunt , anb alfo t^t fojBcg were to be fet in. 3110 fo in tpmeof battell tberc m# netber l\»erbcno?fpcrefounbcintbe bSDc^ ofanp of tbe people tbt)P«l) 1 mi*rrt bt»«r putecth t^r ^mttinf e to f irffbj. ©f taar tb ttjf b.o»rc. jRb it fo^funcb tbe fame tpme,f ^ 3 onatljafli tbe fonne of ftatil fapo tonto bp0 poungc man tbat bare Ibptfbarnc.C: conic, anb let Wgo ouer to t\\t j()biUftiuciS watcbe tbat are j»ofi= ber on tU otljct (pte,m\ti be tolbr not btf fa tber.36nb$>aul tarpcb in tbe Wtmoft parte of (Sibea tmber mtmmon , wbpcb is! in m* gron.f tl)c people tbat were wptb jwm were topona fprebub^ebmen t %M>WatWo\i< ucof«Tbitob3cl)abobjJb?ofber,tbefonneof tfbincbe&f be fonne of m, wa0 tbe lores' p^caitc in 5Diio,gr ware an Cpliob . 3«b tbe people wpft nottl;at Jonatbas i wajsgone. t ^InbintbeinpbDe^oftbc pnfTage(bp wbicJ)3onatbatf fougijt to go ouer wito tbe pbUtftinejS watcb)»eretbere two Qjarpe r ocrciei r uen one on tbe one fpbe , | t^t otbet on tbe otber fpbe:tbe one calleb 260 je?, $ tbe 'otbet fcene.'Sbc forefront of tbe one.leaneb no?tbwarbetowarbc mtifymttiS m otUt waslfoutbwarbctowarbedDibea.'SCnbao^^ mtW fapb to tbe rouge man tbat bare W Ijameffe : come anb let M$ go oner Unto the wafcb ; oftbcfetnctrcumcifcb,parabuenture tbe loibc will wojrc t5 twS:ro| it is< no barb* neuct»piojb*tofaucctbcr tn manpeojiu fewe.^nb bijs barnefberar fapbf mtofc : bo *" p» all f tS in tbpne bert: 60 wberc it pica re tb f : J5euoID,3ami6 f .ajstbine bcrtluftetb.^be fapbejonatbasi .• bcbolbc , we go ouer tonto tbefemf,?Qjauftcwourefelue0tintotbf : pf tbepfapcontb^wifetotjtf.tarpe^imilwc come to pou.tbe* wc will ttlbe Oil in 6placc, 9 not go top tonto tl^.zBut f pf tbep fape: co« me top tonto toj3t,tbcwc wtllgotop, fo^* tbe * < . 1h *m>w lo?be batb bclpucrcbtbcm into oure babess p\H t\w# Qiiilbca fpgne tonto to*. »tbcp botbeftewebtb^felucjitontotbewatcboff IDbHiftmcp. .riilf.t «Uftfucjl.&nb f J&baifrine0fapbe .• re.tbe Junes' come out of p boieitf where ttyybnD faM t\)i fclUciK in.3nb f men of tbe watcbe anfwereb 3onntbfl0 anb W barnefbearcr,* ftpbe.eoine top to toEUnbwc will Chew pou afbinge.?8nb3ouatba0(apbctoutobiJ5ba^ nef bearcr.come top after me, foj f t o?b fatl) bflpucreb tljem into tljebabe of JIVael.apnb 3onatlm0clame top topo banbc0» fete,? tyt H»baruefberer after b«m.3lnb'» (fo tutjantbtp ban fft.« /loiiatb^facotbepfcU bcfo^c3onatbobwdiil 9 3o«a«M0. Cnb all y men of 3fraelaifo, wbicl; babbibb them fclue0 in mount ©pfcaim , a0 fonea0 tbep bcarbe bowe tbat t^t piHli(rine0 were -r, fleob.tbep f oloweb after tbcmiu m battell " JCnb fo (5ob bolpe 3frael tbat bape.3n& t\)c battell conrinueb tonto 26ethauen. Tim wbple the men of 3frael were Hept e bownewptbbongcrtbatbapc, ^aul cbar= geb tbe people witb an ootl) ftpmgerCirrfcb be tbe man p catctb anp f oobc tontpllnpgbt, tpll 3 be p abuegcb of mpne enempe0:7fnb fo, none of p people tafteb anp fultiuaunce.3nb all tbe iubamtei-0 of tbe labe came to a woob Wberc bonpe lapctopon tbe grou be. 3Bnb tbe people came into tlit woob : 36nb bcbolbe, toeI)onpebjoppeb,aubnomanmoucbbP0 banbe to bi0montb,foi tbe people feareb tbe ootp.25nt 3onatlja0 bearbenot wbC bP0 fo? ItwtpieC 5fo ,i tber c!;argeb tbe people Witb tbe ootb.wbcr^ fo,iebeputfojtljpenbcoftberobbtbatwa0 in bi0bbiltftme0 p bape,fromQ)icl;ma0to 3talo. Jnb tbe people were erccbingp fapntie- 35nb f people gat tbe to t\)e fpople,* take ajepe,oyen,ftcalue0 > 5Q«ctbeontbcgroriOe,*tcu.bijj. ?ppcoplebvbcaterbe*rftbeblonbe.«rbeu*^ f ' mcntolbe^aul.fapinge^eboioctbcpeo^ pie fprtneagapna tbe to?b,in tbat tbereate Witb pbloube.3nbbefapbc: pebauetrefya* ceb.lvowleagtcatftonctontomctbiebave, aiib^auifapbeagapne.eoa^oabeamocTC t))f people? byob tbfm b,2pngeme eucrp m$ bi0orc?furr?maubi0ujfue,anoaavcrbcm bere,anbfpnnenotagapnfttbelo?bnnea« tpugeTi5tbebloubf3nbfbcpcoiIcbioi!(Tbt eucrp man bp0.oye in bis banbe, op tipQl-.t.t fine tfjem trjete . 3ttno fi>a»l ma?>c an n'lrate toifto t\)c io^oe.^Rb that wa0 ? fp^ft altare p be maoc tonto tlje iojbc. T^ntt aui fa voe: lett to0 go bowne after tbe pbiliftmca bp npgbt anb fpople tbe\tontpll it be bavc in the moinpnge,? lett to0 not leaue one ma cf the. 3nD tbep fapb;Do wbatfoe uer tbou rbtnkcfi: bed. 'fcben fapbe tbe p^caft : let t too come hi-- 1t tljcr tonto <5oo . 38nb S>aul afseb of e cii: Qmll32obowncaftcrtbelShiliftineS;\D;lt tbou belpuer tljem into tbe b5oc0 of 3(rat It JSutbcanfwercbbimnotattbattpmc.aiii ^>aul fapbe: let tbeueoplc come bptber out of all quarters, anb Hnowe ? fe bp tobo tby0 fpnnei0cbaunccbtbi0bape:fo?a0trulpa0p lo^beipuftbwbicbfauetblfraclthougbit be iti3ouatba0mp fonne.be (ball bpetlicbc^ atb. But tberc wa0 no man amongc all tbe people tbat anfwereb him. ^bf n be fapbe tonto all 3frael : be pe on one fpbc,aiib3?3bnntba0mp fount wilbe on tbe other fpbc.3 nb the people fapoe tonto S>aul; what tbou tbpnaeft be»iT,f bo . 'Cher* fojc&aul fapbe tonto thelo.ibt(i5obof JU rael ; gene a perfect lott^ (Eeibc«oc ^ lubgnnent.6»ohitbapprn«n) it.tbatrbdUBtuftttbp rrtuatic no ant tot re to bapt? J< tbio tpnnt bf in mt o ; in jonaCba* inp C6nr,flS»cXt)« tt,o? p( tbi« infquttt bf (n thp people. ) ^jjq ^>aul?3onatba0werecaugbt,buttbcpeo< plcftmpebfree.3ub S>aulfapbe, ca(tlottr0 betwene mc ? JonatbaS mp fonne. % no 30* IS) to natba0 4 ■t ! i U I .1 I til T, I amnel *ttut$4,f< \ i. 1. V : i It * 1 .ft I -I ! IT if >*• H ^ •'.T aui fapbe to 3onatba$:tellmewbattboubaftbone.airo 3onatNtolbcbim,&fapbc.3eaftebalytlc Sonpc witb tbe ciiDc of tile robbtbat wast in mpncoanbe:anb:io,3mnftbpe. SDnuIanfwereb:*aul :tyall 3onntbasi bpc,wbfcbbatbfompgbrclvebelpcb3fraW <5ob foibpb * aatrulp ass the torn ipucth ♦o.ttf.rirt.c *tbcreu)allnotoncbccreofbp0 beebfallto tbe grounbe: f 02 |)e batb wjougbt witb tfob tbvtf bnpc . anb fo tbe people bclpuerrb 3o* M tW Mt be opeo not .anb tben &aulbe» tarteb Up frfi folowinge ? pfybltftte* . anb J pbiliftmesi went to tbeir a tone piacc.anb fo £>aul bclbe tlje bpngbome ower 3 frael , 9 f ougbt agapnft all W cue uipcfi on euerp f?« De : agapnft *$oab : agapnft tbecbtfbjen of 3mmon: agapnftfcbom: agapnft f ftpngcg of *oba , ano agapnft tbepjiuftinc* . anb wbetber fo f net be turneb Dim fclfie, tbere be *K>« m t wSne:an& be gatbercb btfboft togetbee.anb * ' (more tbe * amalecbitca , &rpbb3(racl out of tpcba'beo' of tbem tbatfpoplebtbcm.'fcbc fonnetf of $aui were : 3onatpasJ, Jcfui.anb &)elcbifua . 3 iid bP0 two Darter* were tbufl nameb : p elbcr wa* calicb a?crob,anb tbe younger &)icbol. anb? name of ajauM wife, wa* a&moa f baugbtet of abimna*. -.< -.„,,. anbpnameof bP0cbcfccaptapncwa0ab* VvXS'Stt m f f0rtnc of Bcr , fcanlf unclean* *ttt '* ' was: S>aul0 fatbec .ano #er tbefatberof abner wa0 tbe fount of abt'el. anD tbtre wag roje warrcagapntttbc pfritfttnrtf, all tbe bapetf of &aul. anb wbomfocucrjfcaul fawetobcaftrfigcmMnbmetefojtfwarre be tone bim Unto bun. A Cffbe.iCU.Cbaprcr. C»aul 10 commaunofD to tlift Umaiecfc.fcr if •ifobuDftnt to t|?t tiopcr of Co&.&amutl mour. nctt) I 'o; Saul. 3 I ^^>~^y II amnelfapbe Unto&aul: ** */,««. fr.c ,^,fwSB 102b fent me to anopnttf,to bebpngeoucrbi0people3f< tacl.jaowetberfojefierbcn tbon unto t^t Uopce of tbe wo2be0of tbe lojbe/Cbu* , t faptb tbe loibe of bofteg; 3 *ero m t w ff emb *[V M amalccb bpb to3ftael aa tbep came out of Gffppte. #owc tberfo^e SO , 9 finpte amalecb , an D etttope pe all p pettapnetb Unto tbem , 9 fe tb6u baue no co= */au.rr«(f.n paupO On tbC*"* C*«urtt notljpngetqat tbtp^aue) !• Oape botb man 9 womS,f nfant 9 fncklpnae. ojce,anb qjepccamell ano affe. anblDauisatbereb tbe people tosctbcr> h«w>* $ * nomb?eb tbem (n^eiaim, two bunb^cb tboufanbe foote men, anb ten tboufahbe mf mx of Juba.anb <&anl wmeuntoacptieof a- m malccB,»retwatcbeinf Ualepe.anb$ Dcpaete , f sett am p on bo wne from am onge tbe amalccluf e& led 3 belt r ope pou witb tbem : f oi pe Ujc web mcrcp to all tbe dnlbjcn of 3fracll, WW tbep came out ofdBgppt. anb (0 tbeftenltejel oe- parteb from am onge tbe amnleckttejs. anb^aul fmote tpc amalecmtejJ from hernia, njs tbou commeft to^ur , tbat Ivetb before ©sppt, aub tolte agag p binge of tbe atnalccBttejS alpue , 9 Utterlpe beftr opcb all tbe people wltb f cbge of t\)t Iwerbe. * 28nt *&wi\ jbsul anb tbe people fpareb 3! gas , ano t\it bettcrftepe, 9 tJjt fatter ojccn.f tbe lambexf, anballtbat wa^soob,? wolbe notbeftropc tbem. uBut all f wa$ foule $ naugb t wo?t p, tbat tbep beftropeb utterlpe.^bencame % wo^beof p lojbe unto j&mmh fapmseul c *repentctbme, p 3 baue mabe gDaulbpnse. * zmxu fo} be tf turneb from me, anb batb not par = fourmeb mp cSinaunbemetcsl.anb Samuel was euell apapeb, anb crteb Unto tbe lojtbe all npgbt.anb wbau Samuel rofe erlpe,to mete Jfeaul in p mo^npnge, it wa0 tolbeife«« muel, tljat £>aul uias( come to Carmel,* bt-- bolbc, be &ar batb mabe bim tbcre a place, % **& Wturneb.anb beparteb, anbgonebowneto d^ilgall. anb Samuel came to£>m\ t $<*(e>*i*oti ^ (ttn burnt fasrifpcf bnto «1)cI!o;dc of aul fapbe Untobimj25leu*cO be ebon in tbe lojbe. 3bauefulfpllebtbccQ= maunbemStofp ioib.&amucl fapbe .*wbat ^ mcanetb tbtn t\)t blcatpng of tbe ibepe in ™ mpne earesi.anb tfy nopfe of tbe ojeen wjjicb 3 beare^aul aufwereb: tbep baue b^ougbt tbem from t\ic a malecbitc0 . jt oi tbepeople fpareb tbe beft of tbe toe anb of tbe ojeen, tofacrifpec tbem Unto toelo^be tbp (Sou. anbpremnauntbauewebcftropebUtterlp.- Samuel fapbe to jbml - lett me tell tie wbat t^t lofot batb fapbe to me tW npgbf . anb be fapbe Unto bpm : Tape on . Samuel fapbe *wbenp waft^s-iptietn tbpneawne ^£ fpgbt , waft f not mabctfjebeeb of tbe trp« **«*•* m of 3frael t anb tbe io*» muel ^aul • muel fapbc:b«tb tbe t o?be a« area t pleafure in b urn t ftertfpeejs « offeeinse?, atf wban ttjc Uopce off lojib it obepcb.''2iSebolb,to obepe it better tben facr if j»ee,« to fterbnt, i0 be ttcr 1 * Md rrfi « tben t\)t fatt of rainmcitf.^o? rebellpon it at JK/rfifo tbe fpnnc of * witebcrafte , anb ftobur ncOe ' itnttty wicbebneucof3bolatrte . iBecaufe tbou bafteaftawapefwo^be of tbe lo^be, tbcrfo?ebatb t\it lojbe caft a wape tbe alfo , frombepngebpnge* * anb5DaulfapbeUnto^amucl:3baue -"' fpnneb,foj3bauesoncfartbcr tbentbe fap= inge of tbe tom anb tbp wojocfl, becaufe 3 feaceb p people,! obepeb tbeir Uopce. j^o we tbeefojetabeawapemp fpnne, anb turnea= oapnewitbme,^3mapewoiia)pptbelo^o anb Samuel fapbe Unto i&aul .« 3 wpllnot h turne witb tbe : fop tbou baft caft a wape t mom of tbe lo?be, anb tbe lo?be batb caft |wapetbc,tbattbouaialtnotbebpngeoucr 3fracl. anb ast Samuel turneb bpm fclfc to go awape, be caugbt tbe lappe of bpidcoate, $ it rent, anb Samuel fapbe unto bpm t tije lo^be batb rent tbe bpngbome of jlfrael fro # tbetb&bape, gfbatbgeue ittoa nepgbboure ^ ot'tbpne , tbat Abetter tben tbou. oc^^be fteengtb of 3ftael wpll not begple no| repit: fo; be it not a man , tbat can repent. I^e fapbe: 3 baue fpnueb. Mm nowe bo= nouremebefo?etbeelberieiofmppeople,anD befo?e3ftael,^turneagapnewitbme,tbat ^. 3 mape wo?Qjippe ?lo?bc tbp 0ob. anb fo o Samuel turneb asapnr.anb folo web^aul. anb fijaul wo^Cbtppcb p lo^be. ZDm rapbe Samuel: iSiipngepe bitber tome, agag tbe hpngc of tbeamalecaiteiei. anb agag came tap. Unto Wm &sp belpcatelp. anb agag fapbe: trulptbe bptter bectbcomctbon.anb&a= muel fapbe:axl tbpfwerbc batb mabe wemf ebplbeleffe.f OjalUbP motber be cbplbelelfc aboue otber wemen.aub Samuel be web « ». u. ^^ag in peccxf bef o?e t^c Horn in Nilgai. ?*** anb tben* fi>amucl beparteb to %tmti anb &)M\ I went borne to \)it Ijoufe to <5ibea pAiH. anb Samuel came nomojc to fe ®anl untill tbe bape of bi^beetb^euertbc= Icffc Samuel mour neb fo; S>aul, $ t\)t loft &*• i)ap repentcb, tbat be bab mabe ftaul upuge ouerju^ael. CCbe.]cUi.cbapte^ Gbmio i9 (tmiopnteo *wt*Q» wtU fpjfte com; mrthbpon gam. Dcto^be fapbe Unto Samuel: i)owe longc wplt tbon mourne f 0; $ aui , fepnge 3 baue caft bpm awape from rapgnpnge ourr3£ m\i 5f pll tbpne bojne witb opnt= m?t,anb come, tbat 3 mapc fenbe tbe to 3 fai tbe nsctble bennte , f 0} 3 baue ue onibeb me a bpnge amonge bps fonnetf. anb Samuel fapb.bo we can Jjjoof Jf 0? pf ®aul beare it, be will bpllmc. w to^beanfwereb *t*te ^pngeff Mm m bcifer u5 tbe.anb fape: 3 am come to offer to m lojbe. anb call 3fai to t beoffcrpnge, anb3 wpll Cbcwetbc , wbat Pftjaltbo: anb tbou innltanopnt \}ym wbom 3 name Unto t\)t . anb fo $>amucl nyo at tbt 102be bab bim, anb came to Betljiebem , anb t\it elbcrjS of tbe to wne were aft on nieb at btf compng< anb Gipbc :* Commeft tbou peaceablp.-' fee *m.tntv.if.e anfwerib : ^ec , 3 am come to offer Unto th 23 lozbe.o^^^anctifpepoure felue«,$come •&» witb me to t^t offerpuge . anb be fanctif peb SfS»A* 3faif Wfonntt&miM totbe offerpnge. 55?%!!; * ' anb wb^ tbep wcrccome,belobcboneitab, 5 fapbe :^*-^>urclp tbe Io2be0anoputeb it *o% before bpm . mm t\)t lo2bc fapbe Unto ^a= mueMobc not on |)i0 fa (Upon, 01 on f t epgbt of bPtfftafurc , becaufc3 baue refufeo ijpnt: fo?©ob feptb uotntf man feptb • if 02 man loaetb on tbe out warbe apperaficc btit Gob bcbolbctb tbe barte.'E ben 3 fat caiicbabi- nabab.anbmabebtmconicbcfoze Samuel; a nb be fapbe : netber batb tbe lozbe chofcit tbpjf.'SbcnSfai mabc^amma comr.anb ije fapbe.-netber pet batb tbe io?be crjofen bim. agapne,3faunabcfcncoff?isf6ne0toconic befoic gbamnel .3itD Samuel fapbe Unto 3fai:tbc toibe batbebofeu none of tl)f fe. anb Samuel fapbe Unto 31'at: arc brrc € ailtbpcbplbieiiflociiipbfrtbmtsiprtalptle one bebpnbe, tbat hepctb tbe toc.anb %& muel fapb Unto 3fau fenbe anb tette bim, f 0; we will not n>ttc bowne, tpll be be come bp- tber .anb be fent, 3 biougbt mm tn.anb be wagbiowne, anb of an ejccelleebewtyc,*?*«'^ r 6 wellfauoicb in fpgbt. anb tbe lozbc fapbe: arpfcanbanopntbim.foitb^iobe.^licr^ foie&amuci to&etbebotnewptb tljeovnt- ment,* anopnteb bim in tbe mpbbejs of ln>tf bzctbicn.anbtlje fp^iete of tbeloibv came UpoBauib.fromtbatbapc fotwarbc . %nb 5>anmcl rofe Up.anb went to uama. 25uttljc fp:eteof tbe loibe beparteb fro £>nul, anb an euell fpietefent of tbe toibc Ucjcb bim.anbS>aulflifcruaatc0 fapbe uu* to bim: i6ebolbe,an euell fpjete fent of oob Uejceb tbe, lett owe loibtbet-foie coinaunbe bt0fcruauute0(tbatarebefo2eti)e)tofel5ea man,t i0a connpnge plaper wptb an b^irpe: tbat wbeu tbe euell fpzete fent of c> ob com* metb Upon tbebemape plape witb W Woe anb tbou (bait be cafcb.4>aul fapbe unto b«0 feruaunte0 : piouibemc a man tbcutljnt can plape well, anb b.tinge ^im to me. Uben an> fwcreb one of W feruauntcs anb fapbc:Bc- bolbc , 3 baue fene a fonnc of 3fai tbe 25ctb* lebcmite, tbat can plape Upon inftrumetc0, anb it an actiue felowe , anb a man of ware e anb piubft in Oopnge of featcsu well mabe anb tbe Lojbc it witb bf in.lWjctfoie&aul fent ineffengcrsi Unto3fai , anb fapbe : fenbe me Dauib top fonne, wbicb itwyfyf u)cpc. anb3(ai tolwanafte laben witb bjeeb, anb a fiaebe e f 1 I 1 \ 1 I r In I B / ■ ■ » V }* <1 n I! ■ s -'. M il ml . \ iScttttt) i&utml * - a flacaet of wwie, anb a bp& , ana fcnt tDcm ftp Dauib W foniie Dnto &attl. :311b ipauib came to &aul,fr (lobe before Dim, 9 to loucD ium Deep well.aiibbewaamabfDtsl Darner* beatct.Snb &aul fcnt to 3fti. fopinge : left ftauib it ma pite witb me, foj be bate rouiibe fauouein mptyg&t.3nb roitfottuneb, tbat wDctttDe cucllfptctc fcut of <5obcame Dpon $auI,U)QU!D toltenn Darpc , 5 plapeb wptD DiS ban'oe,? fo £>mtl was rcfreqjcb, &bpb a* mcttDcano tDe eueil fpiet e Depart eft frfi&im. C^De.ittij.CDaptcr. CS5«u(6ou«commc(l)BtC»HSolf(»rt. I Gritty 3Rbi ! L^ 1?$ r 1 I 1! |- M ! I I tyc WKWiie* gcatDerebtDcir Do- ftc to battel.anb came togctber to £>ocotb wbicb it in 3 uDa , anb pit cbeft betwene £>ococb $ ajeltafc in y coaft of ©ammin.^nb s>aul anb tDe me" of 3ftaelcame togctber, anb pit* cijcD in tbe C»ke Dalle v > aab pat t bem fclucjJ in arape , to fpgbt agapnft tbc ptliftmeS. 3lnb tbe£D«lifttne# ttobcon anftpll on ti)C onerpoe.anbjfraclftobconaii bpll on the otberfpocanbtbere wasfa Dalcpe betwene tbem ; $nb there came a man betwene ti)tm boil), out of toe tentcfc ofttje i&DrtiftineS, na« «Miom.fi.b tncbaul , aubcameto age amonst men. 311 no tpe ttae elbeft f onnc0 of3rait»ent,anbfolotoebS)auUotjiebAt* tell .attotye namejJ ofUpjitfoefoniiejS tint went to battcll, v»eee.€Uab m elb eft, s t|)e ncr t; it btnaba b.anb tljc tflp^be £>3ma "anb ©a nib was ? leaft. 3nb t Ije f b?e elbeft went after $>a ul . Dauio alfo went anb bepartcb fro^feauitofcbc b« fatbcrjJ CrjepeatiSetb= lebem. ^ nb tbe Pl)il! (tine came fo^tU mtjc mojnpngeanbciicnpiifie.aiib^rcoitttntteb-e* fourtpebape*. 2lnn 3(atfavbe tmtosaa nib flt'0 fount tabe f 0? tljp bjettofan epDa of t DW patcDt bco^ne anb tbefe tenloaiietf, anb b^ngeitDnto tj)e tiofteto thv hmM • 3HtH carpe tjjefctcnfre* fte cbefcjJ \)nto pcaptapne, 5 loaebot»e tbp bwtfecn fare , anb #3* feet outtyrir pltbore< %nb ^baulanb tljcp.anball tbe ml of Iftael were in tjjc obctialicp.fiffUfinficwit jp£W« Uftine^3nbBautbrorc\)perlpeint|iemo^ tipnjje.anb left e p ibepe with a beper , $ toae anb\XJentaj3i3fail)abcominaubcbi)im,anD came witb inf compaffc of tftc M,Znnthe ftofte went out tnorape, anb OjotjJtcbmtjjc battell : fo?3fratIf m pNfffMf Dab put « tbSfeluetfin arape , tfjeoncaffapnlt Jotfler* 3nb ©auib tohebotone tlje gear from Dim, anbputtbem tmberttie banbetf of tDe bepec oftDCoencW^tanneintofbolrcanbcame, an bfalutcb bis b.zccbien. 3inb a,s be talaebtt tbem,a5ebolbc:tberc (lobe a niilintbcmpb- bcsi(CDOliatb p WOUtfat bp name)of mm out of tt)c arape of tbe pijii t ftincsi , % fpafte oft|)cmantraboncrc!)errcb,tl)atDatiibj)e^ arbeit^nb alltjjemen of3ftael, wjen tit? fatbttbemaiuranncatoapefromDpm.anD tucre fo?e afrapeb.3Bnb cuerpman of 3frae! fapbe:&att}e?eti)p# man come foitD t cuett toreupIe3fraelij3( become. *3ttab ito iwt *****$ bcatetD Dpm , ujpll tbe Upngc geue great rp= cDe0, anb will geuc |j«n W Daughter tDerto: pee? ma be fyttfarbtrtftumfe trciulirael. vfinbtDambfpahctotDementpatftobc bp.anb (apbe 1 tobatOialbc bone to tbe man tbat beat etljtbfc pbibirine,^ tabctb a usape tbeCbamefro irrael.^no t»batrttl)ps(Dn= ciccumcireb^biliftinc , tljat&c u>ulbe reuple tbebofteoftbelpiiiugei^ob/'^nbtDeptoplc ; anfixjcrcb Dim(af ter tflisimancr, )rapingt:fo (ball it be Done to tbe ma , tbat bcatctt) bpm. -m ^noeiinbbi0cfbeab?otbecbearDewbeDt fpabe wito tbfnen , anb eiiab wn# angrpe »S Hwuib , anb fapbe : Xoto earned f bb\»ne hitaetfanb wftbro&om baft tboulefte t^oft few ibepe in p wilbcrneOci 1 3 know tjjppjy. be, anb t|jc malyce of tflpne Derte , f tljouart comcbownetofepbatteuanb5D8ii(b(apb: aim ■A 3Jub wDat Dauc3nowebonef ttft&ere nota wojtbe i 3Lnb Debcpatteb from i)pm into rfjc pretence of anottjcr.anb fpabe of p fame m«« ner , anb tl)e people anfwereb jjy m agapne , n.tf before; aino tbep tbat bcarbe tl)t wo?be0 wbpcb jpauib fpake,rcl)earfcbtl)cm bcfo^e^aul, i»j)icbcaufeb bim to befett.^nbMiib fayb to ^aul .- Het no manned bert fa pie \ivm bc= cauffof bim.^bP fcrnaunt wpll go,$ fpgb^ witb ponber JBItfUftinc. 3nb ^aul Htpbe to jDaiiib agapne : Part notable to go agapnft ponber p»iUfiKw,to f PfiDt tf bim. 5f 0? tbou art but n cDplbcbut l)e (0 a mil of warre cue freijijspoutb.Dauib anfwereb %nto&ml %\>V feruaunt fteptDiiSfatbcrslibcpe^ tberc mm& wnw * a ipon anb ipbcwtlea iScare, % tobe fe«* a flicpe out oftl)cftocHe.3inb3 went mnt> ter bim,anb (mote f)pm,anb tobe it out of W moult) 1 ^nbwDcnfje arofeagapnftme,3 rit caugbtbim bp tbe bcarbe,anb fmote bpm , $ c line Dpm.&nb fo t|)P feruaunt flue toe Upon 9 f beare(alfo)DatbtDpfetuaut flapnc.3flnb" trulp tl)ptf wicircucifcb pjiuftuie cbalbe as p» Olieof tljC^C^oto.topllllgo,* (nftc atoapctljctrtuftc of tftc people , fo; tutat w tJjpa biiclrcumcpfrt |c»l)iiittfnr? ) fepngeDeiatDraplcbontDeljoitcof spuing C50D.21 nb 2>auib fpabe mojeoucr:tbe Ho,ibe tflat bcliucrcb me out of t&cDanbe of $ Lpon 9 out of tlje Danbe of p bcarc.be (ball bciyuer mcalfo outoft&eDanbeof (biBpljiliitine; 3nfi &su& fapoc Ditto ©auib:p,anb t\}t Ho Jbe (ball be witlj tbe . TtnH £>aul put bpsi rapmcat\)poii©auid,aub put an belmet of biaflc Dpon bptf beeb , j pnta coat c of maple bpobim.anb gpjbcb tDamb witbftpti awne fwerbebpon ijiixrapmcnt ^inbbcaflapcbto go. 3 nb becaufe be ncuer pjoucb it , Damb fapbeDnto £jaul:3 cannot go witl) t be fe.f 0? 3baucnot \jreb mpfeifctbcrtomnbBanib pu t tbe m of bpm » anb to be bpjs (taffe in l)ysi banbe.anb cliofe bim fpuc fmotb ftoncis oute of a bjouc, anbputtbema ibeperbetf baggc wljicb be i)ab, ? in a flpnge pobe:^ W flpuge wa i m Ijtss bao ce be went to tlie. pijllittmc. 3tnb tlje pijiltftine came anb toira ncrc a« gapnft ©auib,anb tbe man ^ bare tlje fliiloc _ went before Ijym. 3«bwbcntDc WUftinc # lobebab oute, anb iaweDauib.be bifbapneb WmM be watf but v6gc,anb wcllcolonreb, anb gooblpe toiofte Dpon3nb tbe tebiUftt-- w faib witoDauibiam 3 abogge.tbat tbou coined to me witb a ftatfefanb tbe piliftine curfcbDauib in filename ofl)i2Sgobbej<.36iib tbe ftbiliftine fapbe toDauib: come to me ,$ 3 wpll geuc tbp flctbe Dnto t&c foulest of tbe wm to tDe bcafte xi of tlje felbe.'fcfoen fapbe ^)amb to tbe $inl(ftmc:tl)ou comeft tome wptDafwerbe,afpcareanbaCl)vlbe:But3 come to tDe in tlje name of tDe &o?b of Uoffctf, tbe d5obof tDebofteof Jfrael, wDomtDou DaitrapiebDpon. ^D^ba^ujalltljelojbe tfwti. hi belpuer tbe into mpDanbe.anb 3 (tjailfmpte tbe^tabetDincDcebfromtOc.anbwpllgcuc f fca'wafcsi of tbe bofte of tbe l&ljiliftincfi tljpji bape tmto tbe Ponlea of tbe ap^c , anb to tbe beaftejloftDeertb.tbatall tDcp wbpcb be m tbewoilbe,mapeltnowc,tbattbcrcisa{5ob mSftael . 3 nb all tbptfeongrcgacpon (ball ttuowc,tDattDeio?bftuetbnotwitbfwerb anb fpeare. $ 0? f battel), is tbe iojbc&anb be (ball geuc you into on w Danbrtf. SlnbWDI tbe ^bibftinearofctocomeanb b/.awenieDntoDauib.^)auibba(tcb,!{raue into tDe battapll cuett agapnft tbe Wlt&U ne3nb5DauibputbiiEf Danbc utbps baggc, anbtobe outaftone, anb flange it, tbe ftone foun^ cue into bigfojbeeb * anbDcfellegrouelpnge *e«.m9,* totDcertD.^nbfoBautboucrcametDepDi 3 liftine witD a flpnganb a ftone, anb fmote tDe pbiliftinc.anb flue Dpm , cucn wDan^amb Dabnornjerbembptfbanbe.iSutSDauibca- ^. ne.anb (lobe Dpon tDe $btlittine,f toae Ijpjs^ fwerbe.nnb b?ue it out of Dp0 Cbetb.attb flue Dpm.j cuttc of bv& DccD tDcrwitb.2Cnb wljcti tbe $DiUftinc0fawc , tDat tbep-t cDamppon wa*Deeb * tbep fteb.^C lib tbe men of 3frael *3 i m.w.t, niibof3ubaarofc,anbujowtcb,$foioweb after m pbili&inctf, Dntpll t^ camcto tX^z Dalepe, anb Dnto tDe gates! of 7t Iwrott . $ nb tbe pfifiKH fell bowne wounoebbp tbe wapcto^aaraiim.cucn Dnto<£?atD«i Ma* ron.atnb tDe cDpIb?cn of 3frael returhcb fra cbafpngc after tDe ^biliftinejs , anb fpoplcb tbep? tcntcj(.3Enb a>auib toKc t])t fjccD of tbe IDbiUftine.anb btougbt it to 3erufaie : 23ut \}c put btef armourein bps( tcnte. lDljcn goaul fawc^auib go f 02 tbagavnft tl^e PDiUft toc.be fapbc Dnto * aibuer p cap* * mmvt, tapneofbi5SDofte:3bncr,wbofcfoitneigitbtsl n, "-3' pong man^bncranlWerebia^ trulp afitbv roulelpuetb(©bpnge)3canottfll.^n&tl)c ftpngc fapbc:€uciucre tbou, wbofc fonnc tlje poungclpngc itf. 3nb wben ©auib was re--^ tumeb from tDe flaugDtcr of tbe PDiliff ine > 3bnertobcDpm , anb bjouojt bpm before ^aul, wptD tDe Dccb of tDe |DDiliftine in Dpei Danbe.?OnbS)aul fapbe to Dpm: wbofc foime art tDou.tboupongemanriDauro anfwereb: 3 am tbe fonnc of tbp feruaunt 3 fat tDe iSc* tijleDcmitc. CEDt-JMu-CDaptcr. ITtriic bonne betteene Oauib anb Jionafbaf. dauijoefb aboufefo fieeDaurt. liabwDenDeDabmabeaitenbex of rpcabpnge Ditto $>attl. tDe ' fonle of 3onatbaj5 wag ftnyt |wptD tDcfouleof ^auib, anb J3ottatba^ loueb Dpm as DP5S .— _, Jyawne foule . ^nb^aitlfoac b?m that bape.anb wolbc let Dim go nomoie Dome to DPSifatbcrSboufe. 3nb3onatDatf mabe a coucnauttt wptD ©auib , bt caufe be loueb ; t I 1 7 t : t *i 1 p ■ r I I I 1 r ^ .\ ■ ■; 7 I H ii * i * I !: I i . ■ i l\ ill * t .1 1 1. ■ I; I: 1 1 I i loueb Jmn ad b# awn? fottie . & ttb 3onatba tf put of W a von c coatc t Ija c von # two it bim ,$ sane it5Dauauibwcnt cute wbe tbct for tier $>aul ftiit |»piti J anb be- iMUfU Dim fclfc tttyft Iv. anb $>mil fctt l)pm oner bp# men of warre ,anb be watf accept cb in tbc IVffbt of all tbc people, anbintbt fpglrt of&anigferuauntcj*. 25 anbitbappctiebntftbepwcnt,wl)cnli)a nib win rrrttrneo fromtbeflaugbter of tbc JBMiftfne, £ wemen came oat of all cpttctf of 3rracl l^ngf itsc » Daunl^ttg.affapttft Iipngc £batil,anfi wptb tpmbjc lie*, wptb iopc,an& witb inftrumented of muficB.anb tl;e weme anfwcrrb one Anorfye r m f bepj plape ,$ fapbe ♦ .•.wfflom.^^aulbatliflapncIXCtlJoufflnDe.anD^a- amhihb uibbptftenfbonfanbc.anb&aulwatfcjccc- Dpng wattl tohc tbe tauclpng,? fapbc:3 wpllnaplc Da' mbto tbe wall wttytt.anb toambauopbeft outcofbptfp/cfcncctwotpmco'; anb&aul was afearbcof2)atttb,becaufe $ Ho^ti watf witb bpm.s was bepartcb fro mnlfym* fo?c$>anlput bim from bpm.anbmabe bim £cr neaptapne oner a tbottfanb.unbi^rbc went out* in before p peopic.a nb Bauib bebaucb bim felfc wpfclp in all bus wapca ,» t()c io*b *> was witb bitn.H)ljcrfo;tc wjen £>aul faw f> be wasfo ejecebpnge wpfeje waaafrapb of bim.Butall 3rraclanb Sofia lotted ©attib , becnufe be went out aub tn before f j)em.3nb £>attl fapDc to ©amb. iScboloe , mp elDcft baugbtcr a>erob,bcr 3 wpll gette p to wpfc jDnlp plape t))t man witb me, anb fygljt t|jc Hojbctf battUea. tfo? gwultbotigbt : mpnc hanbeflballnot bctopon bpm,but tbebann of p1Mjittttinc0.3nb3>auibanfwereb&aul: * Mat am 3**anb wbat xsf mp Ipfc ojtbe itpn* *" rcb of mp fatber in 3frael , tbnt 3 ftwlbe be f onne in la we to tbc fcpngc t Ipowbeit wben tbe tpme roatfeome t mm S>auljs battflb^ tcrQ)ulbeI)auebencgeii^toS)amb,a)c\»a!2l flcuen Unto 3b^iel a ^)ebolotbttc , to topfe. I90«3beit , ft)tcbol ^anw baugbtcr loueb ^>autb.3nb tbep ibcwcb ^aul-.f tbetbpnae tiifpleafcbbimnot.anb&aulfapbc: 3 topil Keue bvmber^ujemape be a fnare to npm^ tbattbe banbe of tbe ^Diliftmesi mapebc n- sapna bim. lwbcrfo?e $aul fapbe to 5Da= utbrtboufbalttbijjbapebempfonnctnlaujc inti)eotbcrbau25terano^>aulcommnnn» l^autb #auti) hi bebl)pjSferttauntc^,focomg wptlj &aulb f e , crctl ye » to fape: 26cbolbc t\it Upug batb a fa- ttottretotbe.anballbWfcruauntcfli lone tbc, benoujc tbcrfo?ct5c ftpujicgfonnc in lauje. 3Inb &auW fcruattntexi n;anc tbofc txjo^ _ betf tn tbc earetf of ^a«ib.?imb l>auib fapbe-. " femetbittopoualp5l)ttbpngeto be a !tpn» Acs fonnciulaujc .^amapoo^emananbof tnml[ereputacid3nbtbcrcrtiaatcieib;ougDt $)aui u)o?0c affapue,fapinj5e:of tbiiel maner fpaae Dauib.^iub $iaul fapb: tijtsi wife M pc fape to *3)auib:tbc hpngc caret j) fojno no* tbcrbowjpcbutfojan fjub^eb fozcfkptmesl of tbc }Bblli llinctf, to be ab ticngeD of t\)t npn* grtf cncmpejS.iBut^aul tbottgbt toma^e Batttb fall into tu babctf of the ^bntftuici* . 3nbU)I)cn|)psxferuaute£i tolbe^anib tljefc iMo?beiei,itplcarebt!>aiiib well to be tbe bpn= ijejs f onne in umjc.acnb^o^ bapesi were -^& t nwcb,:a>autb arofc ujitbbi^mcn,anb wet atjlgauebpma)icboU,u, MOI bptf baugbtcr to wpfc. 3no S>aul faw'c anb «* *nbcrftobc,bowc tbat tbe ioidc voa# witb 5>attib,anb tbat ^)icbolbij{ oaugbtcr loueb bpm , anb be wa# tbe moare afrapeb of a>a= mb ,anb $)aul became al wape JDauibtf eue- mie.^bclo^bcsiof ^bilifttuc0\jfcb^3^to «^ 2ofitrtD.3nbttfo?tuneb^ w|)antbep went furtb,5Dauib bebaucb bpm felfc wpfclicr tbc" all tbe fcruatinteiE( of grnul .• f tbat W name wa0mocbefctbp,- l£€bc.^ic. Cljapter. C&atil commatin6c(lj to rice S>autb.cqaul mp fatber goetb aboutc to flapc tbc. jao wc tberf oje fab e Ijcbe to tljp fcl- fe \mtpll tbctno?npngc, anb abpbe tnfome fecret place,anb bpoc tbp fclfc. 3nb 3 wpll gooutcanbftaubebpntpfatber in tbe felbe wbcre tbottart.anb wj>ll comen wptb mp fatber of tDe , anb wbatfocttec 3 re, 3 wpll tell tbc. Stub 3onntbag fpalte goob of joauib tm= to^aulbP!Sfatber,anbfapbe\)ittolJpm;let not tbc bpnge fpnne agapnft bPtf fcruauttt S)auib , fo^bebatlmot fpmtcb agapnft tbe, nnbbv0wo?bej5bauebenetotl)ewarbtjcrv goob. # oj be bpb * ^pttt fcptf ipfe in W ^ l-t i ljanbe,anbfluetbeiabiUmue,anbtbe lo,Jbe tgS bzougbt to pau~e a greate bcaltbfo?aU3f« racl. ^boufawefttt.anbtpow reiopfebeft, wOcrfoietDenwilttboufpnncagainftittno* ce"tbloube , anb flapc &auib witljotita cau= fej' anb^aulljarbcneb lonto tbe Dopce of 75 3onaW, lonat^a^anb tmttM ttulp ajl t&e io^be (?actb.bcftaUnotbpe.2lnb3onatbag(callcb Dauib,anb Qj c web wm all tbof e wo?beg , 9 bjottgbt ®auib to ^>au!3nb be wasi (tt W wcfensfajJtntpmejJpaft. 3nb tlje warrc began agapne, anb DatKb Went out anb fottgdt wptb ri>e)d|)iitttinc0, aub flue tbem witb a great flaugbter , u tbcp 8ebbe f r 5 tym t %m tbe eu ell fmete fent of tbe &o?betta0\)p5$aul,a0beSattn fyti boufe lauinge a 3auelinge tti m bSDe, anb toauto piapeD Wit b W WMft.%m £>au( etttenbeb to naple^aiitb ito t\)t wane witb m 3auc= Ipngeaul fent meflengergtofctcbc&autb , melapbe, beitf fpiUc.anb^aul fent tbc meflcngerj* agapne to fe^)auib,fapittge:b^inge bini to me ,beb 9 aU,t3 "tape flape Dimanb w^en ?meflen= gertf were come tn : 25cI)olbe , tljere lapean pmage in tbc beb, witb a ppllowe of goatee bearctonber tbebeebof it .^nb^>aul fapbe tmto ^icbol : wljpbaft tbott mocbeb me fo, anbfcntawapempnecncmpfbatbeijJefca^ peb t mit\)o\ anfwereb ^aul . # o* be fapbe tmto mc y let me go , oj cllcfi 3 wpll hpll tbc 3nbfo Dauib rlcbbc,anb efcapeb, $ came to &amucltomama,rolbcbpmaiitbat$uuii bnbbonctobim3nbbcaub^)amuclwent, tyr anb bwclt in c<^"i!5aiotb. % 3ub onetolbc ^aul,fapfngc :25cbolbe, ©auib id ataaiotb in llama. aenb S>aui fent meu"cngenS.to fctt Batttb. aub wjjett v* tbcp fiiwc a contpaupeo^ofp^opbcteiES pio-- pbefpenge , $ Samuel flabpngc fa ft bp the, tbcfpjctc of (5ob fell two tbe mellcngcrg of ^auUaitb tbcpp,topbcfpcbto. %nn wbentt wagtolbe^»aul ( bcfentotbermeflcugrrtf,f tbcp p?opbcfpcb Iplxcwpfe.ainb^aulfent me.uengerjspctagapnctl)ctbp^bctpme,anb t\)tv p/op|)cfpcbalfo.'Cbcn wft be bpm fclfc ftoiaama , $ came to a great well mt Mn S>eebu,5 be afar b anb wpbt: wbcre are ^a= muclanb Bwutb/'anb one fapbe : 25cbolbe, tbepbcat.aaiotbtu mama , gs be went tbp* tbcr.cug to.aatotbin Eama, anbtbefp?ete of«5obcame\)ponbHnalfo,^bcwentp?o- , P&efpingc, tmtpll&c came to jftaiotb in ma* **• ma.anb lir^sr ffripfc of Ijigclot beg , 9 p?o-- Pbewbefoje&aroucl inlpfcemancr, anb t^pnge0; Mmti: 1 - 15* &cr feimaftcbautljatbapcotautbaf npgfct. _ . * ^nb tberof it W , tbat tbcp fape s Wmu} **>ut alfo amonge tfit p^opbetcgi C5Tbe.]Cje.Cbapter. C.Daufftcompinpnctt) onto Jiottatjjiae* iSb^Dauib fleb ftom &mty% w|>Jcbi0inmama,eame,5(ap* bcbefo?e3onatba0.H)batbaue 1 3 bone i wbcrin am3 faultier J wbat i% tbe fpnne tbat 3 foaue committebbefo^etljpfatbec, tbatbe fefcet mplpfc'fte fapbe \)uto bim : 0ob fo^bpb , c Qtaltnotbpe.Woibe.mp fatber wtllbono= tbpngc etber great o.t (mall, but tbat be will ftewc it ine.anb bowe (bnlbemp fatber bp* betbP* tl)pngefrom me * l^e wpll notbott. 3ttnb Bamb fwarc agatnc ,anb fapbe , t^y fa« tber ftuo wetb tbat 3 baue fottnbe 1^ girnce ^$ ftttbpncepe0,anbtberfo2ebe fawtb .'3cma= tba^lbaUnotUnOwett.leftebebefo^pe.^iib in Ucrp bebe , euen ajj trulp aie( tbe tojbe lp= ttetb.anbasJ trulpa^tbP foulclvuetb , tbetc isbutafteppebctwencmeanbbeetb.^bcn fapbe 3onatbaS tjnfo 2)aiitb: wbatioenee tbp foulc befp?etbtbat3wpll bo\jnfo tbe. anbBatttb rapbcVjnto 3onatbatf:i5cbolDe tomo2owetj3tbebegpntipnge&~7oftbcmo* nctlL anb 3 Omlbc fptt vb tbc Itpnge at mm* te.225utletmcgo,tbat3mapebPbcmpfclfe ^ fntbcfclbc$<\)nto tbctbp,tbc bapcateucn.lf ** tf)pfat|)crf»eaae of me,tl)tnfave, Dambaf= fecbleancorme,ti)at be mpg|)tgoto I5cttj* leljem to W awtte cptte.f oi tbcre 10 Ijolben a perclpfcaft fo? all ?hpnrcb. attbpf be fape: ttijS well bone .tbentbpfcruanflt (ball bane peace.^5utanbpf bebe angrvc , then be ititf tljat wpcbebnefte ijS tJttcrlpe totttllubfO of bpm. anb t\\m tbott ujaltujewe mcrcpe Mtu to tbp fcrttaunt * foi tboubaft mabe wrtb Si mctbpreruaunt a bonbe tn tbe Home. Bot* wtfbflanbpngcpftbcrcbein meaitp trefpa- cc,tfcenflepcmcfDpfelfe,anbbjpngcmenot to tnp fatber, aub 3onatl)as(aufwereb,(5ob Uepe tbat from p^»(«i{peticr fwerecruellpr anb 3onatl)asi fapb tonto 'mn nib,comeanb,lcftUc:gooiitinto|5fclbc.anB tbcp went out bof b of tljem into t\)t fclbe. anbjotiatljagfupbcfcntoDautbr ^5 e $ ILojbeCilfobof 3fracllobc ontt,wben3 baue grouebmpfatbertfmpnbe, one tpme 0? otbee witljin tW tbre bape0,f it ftanbe well witb toauiD,3r* 3 tben fenbe not b nto tbc 9 tbe we it tbe, tbe iojb bo fo a nb fo unto 3onatba#. 25ut pf mp fatber baue any plcafure to bo f f ucll , 3 wpll Q« we tbe alfo , anb fenbe tbe a wape tbat tbou may 0; go in peace.anb tbe 1 o;bc be wptb tbe, ajs be batb bene witb mp fatber, tftft 1 t i! t! ri r'ottj riti.e 4, I ■ * i : ,1 ,t i. i: s •I Li 1 V.i>'t 3fonart)as i I. i I ■1 i ?. 4 1) Id fatbcr. 3flnb ttytt mattpcrf o;tmc unto me tl)c mcrcp of tbc to.ibc , not onclp wbple 3 Ipite but cum wtic 3 am bccb»anb plucUe not tbp {r piralt, •no sctttfb of torn tbf fljtfwbjrattf (0 Ca«C»t W Ijongcr. 3ff rr >».irof be flpcttj to kpuffc Zchie, ano ttjerr Cipnctb bpm fclfc to be mat. lt)cn came twm'b fa 0tfcto m> ^ melccbtbcp^caft:3!nb^bimelccb wa0 aftoupcb at tbc fobapne co- mpngcofSKimb.albpbbiitobim: -^ . w i»bpart tbon alone , 5 no man tf ranb t>amb fapbe to 3bfmele clj f p^caftc: tbe ftpnge batb commaimbeb me to bo a cer= f cpn tbpnge,nnb batb fapbe mito me, let no man two we where aboutc 3 fenbe tbe , anb wbat 3 banc commaimbeb tbc to bo . #nb 3 baucappopnteb mp fcruautctf , to focbe anb focbe places Bowetbcrfo^c pf p baft ought \)itbcc thpnc banbe* geuemefyuclouc0 of *''*S^ bjteabc, 0^ wbatcomctb to banbe. 3>mM 3Cnbtbep^caftanfwcreblDaiub,anbfa! or:tbcrct0iio comcnb?fob Wtbcr mvnebi bc,butberet0baloweb bjenb, pftbepounge men bane bepte tbcm fcluc0 from \jnclea» nc tbpitge0efpeciaupc wcmcn.a>auib an» iWcrcb tbe Jtycaftc , anb fapbe »nto Ijpm: 25 ofa toul a»b l^otg C^pngt^ 5fo.t)erm s of a ttutbWemcn bath bene loclteb t>p from \30 about a ttye bapc0. tbljen 3 came out, $ $%• tbc IwhWIwf** of tbe pomtg men tocrc bo= itr Ip.^oW be it tbitf ^ tbapc 10 wtpurc , anb hoWmucb mo?e fljal tbere be bolpne0 in \wmm* tbeDcfl"cll.*3nbfo tbcp^caftgaue \)i ba= fittom* iowcbb?cb,fo^ tbere wa0itouotbcr b,tcb tbeee,fnue^efbeWeb?ebiEi,tbat Were take" from before tbe lo^bctoput frcftje bzeb tbccctbe bape tbatttwa0 taken atoape. anb tber wa0 tbere tbc fame bape a cctte~ man of tbe fentatmtc0 of $>aul abpbpnjj befote tbc Lo^be,namcb H>ocg an ©bomi= tctljc cbefeft of pattl0 bcarbe men. 2tnbBautb fapb Ditto ^bimclccl): is not C bcrc tjnbcr tbpne babe otber fpcare 01 fwee beifo>3 bauc netljcr b^ougbt mp fwcrbe no^ mp barncttc Witb mcbccaufc t^t \vpn- :c buunc0 rcquircb bafte. 3fnb t\^z pzcaft ;apb:tbcfwcrbe of Cooltatb tbc WUftiuc Wbometbou flucft in f «Dcltct)nUcp,bcboU bc,tt t0 bcrc Wiapt in a clotb bebpnb tbe €pbob.3ftbouwtlttabetbat.taUcit,fo^ tbere i0 no notber fattc tbat bcre.^nb *®a-- nib fapb:tbcre 10 none to tbat,geuc it me. 3Cttb3>auib arofe anbflebtr>c fame b*?t from tbc p?cfcncc of gDaul , (? Wet to aicl;i0 tbt bpng of (!5ctb . %nb tbc fcruauntcp of aicbis fapb of bim:i0 not tbi0 a>auib tbc fcpng of t&cianbcrbpb t\)tv not fpng Ditto .. , w „ k P»,tn baunfe0 faptng * 5>aul batb f lap* Sffi «c W tboufanb^ Dattib W ten tboufab.'' 2Hnb Dauib put trjofc wo^bc0 into bt0 be- ar t,$Wa0foiic afrapcb of 3!cbt0 tbc Hvng of ocfJ bettaprtft E>aHaul fatt in (Stbea Dnbct a tree tn Kama , baupng \yys fpcare in bt0 banb, % all W men ftobe about bpm „ 3Cnb ^>aul fapbe wtto W feruauutc0 tbat & ftobe about bt. it)eare3 pwpe pou $r pou "to fonnc0 of 3cm(nt: will tbc fonc of 3rat gc- uc cnerp one of pou fclbc0 anb Dtncarbc0, ; i makepou allcaptapnc0 oucr tbouf«ibc0 ^ ouer bunb?ebc0r tbat pe batte alfo cofptrcb agapnft mc,anb tbere 10 none tbat tcllctb it me in mpne eare.*3nb Wbcre as mp foil nc batb mabeabonbctitbefonncoflfai, r.w c ?.rb..(a tber 10 none of pou tbat mournctb foi me, «**»« 0? fbctoetb it tn mpne carc:bcbolbc, mp fo = ue batb ftercb Dp mp feruaftt to Ipc awap= tc agapnft me tbptf fame bape. 'Ebcn anfwereb Doeg tbc ©oomite Wtb alio ftobe bp x^t fcruauntc0 of £>aul , anb fa^be:3law tbc fonne of 3 fat , tobe be cam to j3ob,to ^bmtelccbtbe fonne of^tljitob, Wbicbaffecb councell of tbe toibefoi i)fm 9 gauc bpmDttaplc0 , 9 tbe fwerbc of Co-- Uatb tbc J^biltftme alfo . '€ben tbe itpngc fent 9 calico foz ^bimrlecb y picaft y f on = m of ^bitob , $ all bi0 fatljrrc fjoufe •• tbat t0 to fapctbc p^eaftc0 tbat were in Bob. ^ Znb tbcp cam all to tbc kpng . 3£nb fetil ^~ fapbe-bearc now f fonne of 3;bttob. ipc an= fwereb: bcrc 3 am , mp lotbc. 3nb ^>aul fapbe Dnto bpm:Wi)p nauc ye confpircb a= gapnft me , j) » tbc fonne of 3fat , tn y tbou baft geucn btm Dttatle,^ a f wcrb? 5 anb ba ft af Ueb councell of (5obfoibt , tbat bctbulb arpfe agapnft me,!j Ipc awaptc fo> me tbttf bapc.^btmelccb anfwereb tbc king 1 fapb Wbo is fo fattbfull amog all tbp fcruautcis a0 Dauib,? tberto tbc kinge0fdne in law, $ goctb at tbp bpbbing,* 10 bab tn bouoit-- rc in thpnc boufe/'bauc 3 tW bape begone firft to af be coftccll of <$ob foe l;i. 'Chat be farre fro mc:pf 3 bab Unowcn it,lett not £ Hpnff put focb a thpngDnto bi0 fcruautau all p bottfe of mpfatber.jf oj t^y fcruaunt Unewnotbigof alltbi0,ctberlette oimoa= n re. Ubc king fapbe: tbou (bait farclpcbpe 3bimclecb,tboti anb all tbp fatbew boufc 2Cnb tbe kutg fapbe Dnto tbefote men tbat ftobe about f»m :turuc,$flcp tlje pjcnttetf of tbc Loib,botb becaufe ttjefr pb 10 Wttb Dauib,$ becaufe tbcp mtewe Wben Dauto f leeb,$ QjeWeb it not to me. 26nt f fcruau= e tc0of 1 A .'-' A I it : ii 1 J3amu i&wm& \ •' '/:: . test of the Upng fbolbenot tnonc tftcirDan* ge&to fall \ipim the pjeaftesi of the Lojbe. aim tbc fcpng fapocto Boca: funic tDou, anb fall »pon tbe pjenftctf . anb fcwg tftc eoomice turuco,ano ramie Vpout|»c Mfr ftcMtm Hue that fame oapc route Ctto^tc $ fpue perfone fcf byb tbcarca Ipmtf ®phob> anb jSobtDe cptte of tbc pjcaftctf (mote Dc tbptl) the e bgc of the rxt>crbe,both men $ tticiwn,chilb;cnanb rucltlpngcfc orcnanb auctfmibtDepc. m Mm one of tDc f onnetf of aijtmclccD the fonnc of Wm( namcb abtat&ar) cfca= pe&fflcb to ©auib.anb abtathat tbctt'CD r>auib,Doto that $aul bab flapnc tpclo*= Ut pjeafte&atm 'QMiib raphe tmto Mm that: 3 tbitt it tljc Tame oaye , Mjan ©orcr tiic fcbomitc toast there, that he tboloc teU &anl.aub 3amcaufc of tljcbcctbof all mm of t|»v fathers boufc . abib'e tbou t mcanbfcarcnottfoj pf anpe mafeftemp roulcticftiallfcltc thpnc alvo, to inctljou foalt be m raticgarb. CCDe.jrjtf&€DapteV. CDauic flcctb into (bctoilDctttts of jipb. Baujb fecit thep tolb s>aut'bfapig: 28ehoIb tbc $DiUftinc0 figbt agapnft ttcilah, aimfpoplctbc-barncfif. 'fcDerfoic sDawbafucb tljc lojbg abnp* fc,faping:awU3 goo aim fmpte there $bt: UBtmtft aim tije ioibe - anCtoereft Ijttto ■SDamfrgo anb fmptc tbc ^Inltftinetf , aim fattc Ucilab.anb SDauibtf men ptocrctbitl) Dim,fapD1)ntoDim:fe>tocbc afrapcb here in 3uha : boft nuicb mm tbenpf toe come toftcila agapnft tbeboft of the |£>^iliftp= nciai.'"5DDfn H>auib arficbj* ioibc agapne. anb the lojfi anfibercb Dim ahD fapbe: 3* rpfc,? go bottom to Ucila , foj 3 Ml bclp= ucr tDc $Diliff inc0 in to thpnc hanbe. anbfo Bautb anbDijStncttttocttttofecflji, aim fought tbitb tl;c #J)iltftpncsi , $ biouc atbape tljtir catcll,anb fmotc them tbitb a great flatigbter. anbfo ftautb fancb tbc cnbailiiteess of lieila.anb itcljaunccb,tbbm 25 abia that tDc fonnc of abimclccb f leb to *©auibtoaeila>tbat.bc brought an 6pljob Xbttbbmimbt* hanbe. anb it tbaa; tolbe &aul,tbat SDaufb tbatf come to neila. aim $aul raphe: <25ob DatD m bclpnetcb Dt mto mm pSDu dffo^ Dc ijS (Du t in notb ^ be i& come into a tottmc tbat batb gatejS ? liar tcsf >3inb ^>aul calico all £pco= ule togctbec to Hmcrc , fo^ to 50 bourne to Htila,anb to befege xbmiib $ W men. Z)\h ~m\\i\i bauig kno\tolcgc tl;at $aul image- neb mpfcljcf agatft Dim,fapb,to 3biati)ar f p^caft: * TiSjpng tbc epbob.'CDf « fapbc w „ ,. feauib: ^D 1 01b ©ob of 3ftacl,tljt fcruaut F DatbDcarb',^a«l isiabout to comcagaf ft ttctla tobeftrope f cpticfo^ my faftc:@upll tljc men of Ucpla oclpncrmc into DpjS dan* be' 3!nb Ml ^>anl come botbne, atf thp fee uaimt batD Dcarb rape© Jlotb C5ob of 3f rael,tcil ffcjp fernant. 3nbtDc lo^befap = be:Dctbillcomcbotbnc.'CbcnntpbDauib: foill tljc nun of keilabclpiicc me mtff men tDatarc VbitD mc into tbc banb of $>wV $ tl;c iotbfapbcitpepVbill beteapepou. ^bfnbaiub f Dijsmcn tolitci)tt>crc Upon a fpjccDutycfcarofc $ bepartcb out of Ucila t toft vobetDcc tDcp coulb.^nb tttoass tolb sfeattl,tDat BatUb m$ f leb from ncila , $ Dc let tDeionmep alonc.BamD abobe i the toilbcrnclTc in ftrog bolbciei , 9 temapneb in a moutapncintlje voilberncffc of ?ipD.3nb £>aul fought i)t cneep bapebnt (Bon bclp= c nereb Dim not itoDiJi D^b.^nb Baitibfato 1^ ^>attl toajs come out,to fcUe fyift Ufc.%m Bauibtoaslin tljc foplbcrncOc of^ipDina tljtcltctt . ittb 3onatIjaj3! &m\& f one aw-- fc, 9 toent to Bauib in to tljc tljicUct , « co foitcb W banb &&&# fapbc tmto bpm.- fcarcnot ,fo? tbc banb of ^aul mp fatDcn ujall not fpnb tljc,i? t Don (bait be ktg oucc 2&MU9 3 muft be ncjet »nto tije^no that botlj &anl mp father ftnoto.^nb thep ma= *, ., thlil . be abonbe both of them togcathcr before £S5 M the io^be. %m BatEib tarpcb ttpU in the tijicUctt,anb Jonathan tbent to \)i& honk. % hen came $ jiphitcg: to $aul , to mhm, fapmg : Both not Danib ijpbc hi fclfc M bp^0 in ftrfig ;holbc&itta tljpcUctt that i* bp f hP» of ^achrta,on the rpgljt fpbc of f tbiiomicffci'.eoto therfo.ie Itpng J mapeft come botone acco^bing to all tlje litlt of tim votilc : come bounte , f oure parte ujalbc to belpncr hpm into the ftpngejs hanbe . litb &m\ fapbe.xBlcircb arc pc in the toibtfoj pehanecopa(ranl t%$n%w, fbffittti £ I the r-'PflDt Danb of 3 cf im on. ^aulalfo anb DuS menttoente to fclte:anb tijep tolbe *Da= uib. WXMw he tbent tonto a mocfae, anb abobe in the Vbilbetncffc of ^ao .Mo Wt ^aulhcarbethc:t,hefolottieb aftec Bauib tn the MbcrnclTe of ^;aon. %no £>aul$ "itis men tbent on the one fpbe of the moun- UfM , $ WMito 9 W men on the otDer fp= be . 3nb Dauib tone tDougDt,boflo to get fed fmi St 01 giaul 9 Dtft' me copafeb 3>a=> nib $ t>i0 men,rounbe about,to tafte tbem. H5ut there cam a mcfTegee to S>aul,iaptg l^afl: the,$ come,fo? t^e wUftine^ are co- me into the lab . yuijcrf je,&aul returneb f r om per f editing Dauib,$ tbent agapnft tDe ^DttiftinciEf . Mo therf je mt,f thep ealleb the place :%%t rocfe of reparation. 3no Dauib tbent thence^ btbelt m ftrong Dolbcsf at engabi. CCDt-Ww^-CDaptcr* S*S>iuito fleet 5 fnto UnffaDl ana t^tre Fjport^ pm(nftcaue.S)am commttl) ttfo^ Ituneb,tpat there toete ,-tttycfc tolb W faptngibeholbe , Dauib tjet in p tbilbernct^ e of engabt . 'CDen^auitoHe thjethourab chorcnmenoutofaUlfraeljanb tbent to feite Dauib anb W me in the Ddffth of the aaocUc^ttoticte toUbc gootesi remapne. 3nbDt cam to the f lockcsi of (bepe in the to* tbape.^nb ^aultbentitttoacauei^i-to couer DijS f c te . Mb Bauib anb Dps* me r e * mapnebintDemtbaeb Partes; of tDe cane. 3nb tftemen of Dautbfapbtmto Wm:fe, f bapeijJ comcof tbDich the S,o^be fapbe tm= totbe:)i5eholbe : 3 toillbclpuec thpncenc= mpesl into thpne Dab,^ p (Dalt bo to him atf ttftaUfeme800b(nthpfpffDt.5DcnDa= utb arofcattb cutt of a lappc of pmW gar ft*, ment p^iuelpc .anb immebiatlp (fer m> ^^ Most hert fmote hpm becaufe he hab cutt of «R a lapp of Ml garment, anb be raphe w Mto MtfmenrtDeXojbe aeuemcfeoboing thatthigtjnto mp matter $loM anopn= teb,to lape mine Danbe tipoDpm, ftpng he i$ the anopnteb of the i-o^bc . c*c>fo? as ttuip Ufa ao;o ipueto , CFccpte tt)t %om fmpte ^aul loheb bebpnbe bwn . awtrtb ftotbpeb to the er th» anb botbeb D bepolb , 9 fe pet tDe lapp of tDp garment inmp hanb ; in at moch aj8 3 ftplleb the no t,tbDtn 3 cutt of ^ lapp of thp garment.Biitberftanbe therf 0* re $ fe, f tbere it nether euell no^ tbicfeeb-- nelTein ine , anb that 3 Dane not fpnncba= gapnfttDe.anbpettbou Dunteft after mp foule to tafte It.'Che ioib be tubge bettbe= ne the anb me,anb the toio abuenge me of the.25ut mpne Danb be not tipon the . ac= compntf ajj the olbe wouerbe fapcth: tbpc^ nebneflep^occabethtrom the tbpcbeb:J5ut mpne Danbe benot tipon the . after tbhom it the ftpng of 3fraeUomc out.'' aftertoho ^* bottthoumoueperfecucioj'after^abeeb ^* Bogg,anb af ter a flee .%ty loibe be iubge, anb iubge bettbene the anb me,? fe 9 pleatc mp caufe,anbatie"ge me of thpnc hanbe. _ Elben Sbaulb Dab mabr an cube of f pea ftig *>„„., tberetbo?be^ to fi»aul,^aul raphe* it tw thp tiopce mp rsne Dauib^anb ^>aul Ipf te \>p Di*t!opce,anb toeptcanb fapbe to m* nib:tbou art rpghteoui'er then l » fo? thou Daft rebiarbeb me tbith ffoob , fehere ass 3 Dane retoarbeb the tbptD cuell. anb thou Dafttbetbcb thpfii bapc, ijotb that tj»o» haft bealt lottpnglpe topth me,foz at mochc at tohethe lomehaOlocftebmein thpne ba= btti$ fepllcbft menot.tfoj tbho ujall ftnbe Dt.3 cnempc,? lett Dim Depart tntoagooo toape ( TOerfo^e tDe 10 xb rctbarb ^ ibitf) goob,foi that thou baft bone tmto mc thit bape.anb notn bchblbc , 3 toote tocll that tbou Chalt bekpng,anb that the ftingbom of 3ftael0)albe ftablpfujeb in thpnc babe. £>tbctenotb therf oie tmto me bp the lorn that tbou iDalt not belt rope mp fcabc after mc,f that thou u)a It not put mp name out ^, of mp father t honfeanb DauibiKHtbare ** tmto $>aul,anb ^anlMt home. HBnt 5ua nib anb W men gatt ttyt tip tmto an ho id . CfcDe.tjtUCDaptcr. CftamutlftpK^tDflufDfieecb into tbetopmerneffe ofldbatan. iiI5b*|bamuclbpeb,attballthe3r= % raelitcjSgeatDcreb togeatDer anb la *i.n.mm. mentcb Dpm,anb burpeb Dpm in W "• otnne Doufe at mama. anbDauibarofcanbgatDpm to ^tbil* berttcfle of ^D«an . anb there toatf a man in ^aon t»Dofe polfeftKon tbaji in CarotcU anb tDe man "bat ercebpng mpgDtfe,anb tab tb?e though (Depe $ a tboumb gootcs . anb be tbasl qjcrpng W Chepc in Carmcll. %$t name of tbemantbajSiftabalanb tDenameof DW tbpfetbaitf abigail, anb (be Mt a tboman of a fingttlertbifbome anb rt? it lutHttiful! i I: ' . * 1 r : k "A if il I 'J •! t I- \: !■: hi 1 •'•J "i * #£ ! ; r ■ bctotifull.&nt the man toas cburlpfbr, tin of flnetobr conbicionsunb toas of the Upn* rcb of Calcb.Ztnb Dautbbcatb in rue toils Ocroeffcf Babal bpb flierc hptf foe pe- 3no Damb fent out ten poung men , anh faphe 25 Unto them: get von Up to Carmcl , anh 130 to j^abaUnb gvcte hpm m mp name.3no thug foal ye fapc:pcacc he to j>, peace he to tjjpncboufc,? peace he unto all that t&ou fcaft. iScbolbc , 3 bauc hcarh (ape, j> 9 haft fhcrers.#oto,tbp flttcpcrDcjei tocre toith US ^ c*«n HjctoillifrnctroanO U)C OpO t\)t 110 fpptC, nether toaS there ought<*(o"iic fiocuompfc ring unto them,all the toljplc t&ep tocre in Carmcl:affte ft)v labbes , $ the? toill Qjcto the 5fllhetfo:c let thefe pontiff men fpnbc fauojc m thine cpeStfoi toe come in a goob . ccaCon)aub* gene 3 pjapc the tobatfocurc tr ff.m.a commcttj to thpnc banbcUnto thp reman* tc&anb to thp tonne t>anib. 3nb toban DanibB* pougmen tmt&ft tolDe Banal all tbofc tooiocs in f name of Dauib,$ tbcbclbc tlicpnJcace.3.nbBabal anftombDamosfcruauteS,$rapbc:tobat ts Dumb.'? tohat is the (one of Jtiait there tS plcmpe of fetuauntesnoto a bapc&tbat bicaHcatoapc euctp man from ins matter . S>bal 3 the take mp bjccb,mp toatcr $ mp f lel'uje,f» 3 Ijauc hpllcb fo v i mp tfectcts,$ gc uc it Unto me tobo 3 tootc not toltfcc tljcp € n: j 1 Xnb f o Dauibs fcr uauntcs turneb their toapcano toent agapne,anb came anbtolb Ijim all thofc fapigc0.3nb Dauih faph Un= to bps men : gpjbe cuecp man hPS CujcrDc aboute bim.lnb t&ep gpjibeb cucrp ma hitf ftocrbe aboute him, *Dauio toas ffpjbcb toitb his f oocrbc.3nb there folotoeb Dauih Upon a f ourc bunbicb men, anh ttoo tym* Met) about by the ftuffe.JSut one of the lab bcS tolbc Abigail #abals topfe , (aping: 2!5cbolhc, Dauih fent mclflfacrs Unto our c matter out of the toilbcrncuc to (alute tyim $ he rapleb on tbe.36nb pet the men arc Uc* rp gooo Unto US, $ hph US no Difpleafure, netner miftcb toe anp thing , as long as toe toere conue rfanttoith tbe>toben toe toerein the fclhes.'Chcp tocre a toall of Defence Un= to Us boti; bp npght 9 oape , all the tohplc toe toere Xoity toe neping fyepe.#oto tjcr= fo.ie>tabc hehcanhre tohat f haft to ho,foi there is an occafion of cuell geucn agapuft oure matter anh all l)tS hou(holhc,fcpng: he ^ i0 as a f onne of bcltall Ungracious to rpea -• v fee to/8:hcn Abigail mahe haft,? tofte ttoo huh^ch loues,$ ttoo bottclles of toine , anh tpueCbepc wabpc hjcffch,nnh fpue meafu :i res of parcbeb co?ne , anh an huntycb frap= lesofceafpngs, anh ttoo fcunDjcb topnet= tes of (pggcs,anh laheh tyi on afles, ? (ap= he Unto her poung me": go pe before mc.25e liolhe^ come af tee pou . aSutifcctolDchcc hufbaD jSaball nothing the?of.^nh as ujc «>3 m robe on fice afle (he came pjenelp hotonc f (phe of tl)e l)pU, ? hcholhe, Dauih anh [)ps me* came hotone agapnft her, ? ifce met w* ^Cnh Dauth fapbe:in uapne liaue 3 ucut all that thiSfeloto hath in f totlbcrnefleao thatnougljt toas mpffeh of all f pertapneb Unto hpm . atnb he hath quite me cuell f oj gooh.S)o anh (o ho C5oh unto tDe enempes ofhauih,pf3leaueofallti)at pertapnc to htm,bp the hatonpng of the hape, anp thJo; il^thatpitrcthagapnftthctoaUe. %n 3Bnhtohcn Abigail fatoiDauth,aichafteh ^ $ Ipghtch of her au"c,anh fell before Dauih on her faccanb botoeh her (elf to f grounh anh fell at his fctcanb faphe: let tbtf Un=> happie heahe be counteh mpne , mp tb^he, $ let thine hanhmaphe(peane in thine au= hit nccanh hea re the too^heS of thp ijanhe- maphe.lct not mp lo?hec*(ti>chpag)regarb thtSUttth?iftpema jliaball : fo? as |jis na= me is^fo is hcitrriiiabal is&is name, ^ fol= *£« lie i^i x6 Iji.26ut 3 thine fcilbmapb fato not •* f poung men of mp iojhe toho^fenhehft. iaoto therf o v ;e mp i,o?ce,as fure as f lotfi lpucth,$ as thp foule lpuetb,£ lo^he hat^ toithholhentheftocomingto ftehe hlouh, ? tottl;h?ato $ thine baubfr6 blouhe fteahe 5iioto,3 p v tapcd5oD,t thine enempes $ thep ■^ entenhc to ho mp to?he cucl , map be as #abal.3inbnoto tW tf tDc ua- bleUpng «^ tobieb rhpne bah mapbc hath brought Un-- ^* romp &o?b:$lettitbe geucn UntOppoiig: mai,thatfolotomp io?he. 5fo?geucthe trefpace of thine hauhmaphe , foz the lo?U toillmahemp tojbcafutc houic,becaufe mplo^hfpghteth^ bataples ofo tofhe, anh there coulhe none cucl be f ounce in the in all thp hapes . 3flnbpf anpmanrpfe to perfecnte the,? to fene thp foule, f foulc of mp iLo^hc Qjall be boinnh as ddr in f bShell of f ipuing ti f lojh thp C5oh. 3no f (ou= "to les ot thp cncmpcsihal C5oh caft out, eucn as out of the nrpblc ol: a ttpng.3InD toheti § Ho?b(hall hauehone to mp JLoih allege gooh f he hatl; pjomireb f,$ (hall haue ma he t&c ruler ouet 3frael : then lhall it he no hecape Unto tDe 3 ncthif courage of Ijcrtc Un to mp lo^he $ thou |jaft net Chehhe bloub eaufelcffe,ner ahucngeh thp (elfe, 2Sut tohen the to?h fhall haue healt tocli toith mp iLojbctDe" t|ipncu on t!)pne hanh= # mat»he.3tnhS)auih(aphto3ib(gail:bleu*eh J be the JLo^he d5oh of Jftael, to JjtcD fent the this hape to mete me. 28leu"eh in thp fapeg, ? blefleh art tftou,tohiIch haft neptme thpS hapefrom coming to Ifcebe blouh,anh from ahuengpnginp (elf toith mpne atone &anb. $ op in ucrp heahe , as lure as p toiD ©oh of 3feacUpuet(j,toDicDDath feeptmc bacfte from hur tpng tl)e,ejccepte tbou hahheft ba= ftch anh met me, thinncft p , there hah bc» ne left Unto iaabalbp the hatonpng of the hape,a bapca pilTcr agapnft tl;c toallr'^nh (o tod uihreceauch ofijrr hah , ttwt toljicD ftjehah b^oug[)t him $ faph to pee : go Up m peace to thpnc houfe. Beljolhe, 1 haue berbe thp Uopccanh haue acceptcbthp perfone. ^nh SUbigiTil cameto iftabal : anffbeholh, De Dclh a feaft in his houfe,lp«e t&e fceft of a Itpng , f Babals (jerte toas tnerp toitl)(n |)i,fo v t l;e toas Ueeph^oncUe. ©llljcrf o^c ibe tolbe himno$ing,nctbct Iptle no^ moarc, Untill f mo^oto hape . 25utin f mo^npng, • ' tohe the toine toas gone out of jaaball,bp0 w tuife tolhe him theft toojhes, anh his berte hpeh toitljin him,anh l)c became as a (tone 9 Upon a tenhapes after , the Lojbe (mote $abal,£ he hpeh . 3nh tohen Dauth bcaeb that|iabaltoashceD,heiaphc:2i5leu"chbe tp ILozhc tljat batl) tuhgch t^e caufe of mp rebnne of the hah of iaahal,anh ijatf) uepe ftiSfcrnanntfromeuell,anh hatl) recopen^ fehtl)etoichehncu"eofBabal Up6 |jisato= tie J)cch. 3HtthH>auih fent to comen t6 ZbU gail:totbpntet totanc hertOi)istotfe.ienD tohen the fcruauntes of Bauih tocre come to Abigail to CarmeUhep (pafce Unto bee (aping: Dauih fent US Unto the, to tahc f to his toife.atnb 0;e arofc,? botoeh her (et on her face tothe erth»anh faphe : 25el)olD; let thp IjanDmaphe be a fetuaunt,to toaihe tljcfetc of t&c fetuanntcs of mp ioih.^inD Abigail haftch , anh aro(e , anh gat her U Uponanaiire, t6 fpuchamofcUcs ot : hcrs^ toentat herfete, anhfhe toent alter ^mcc= (engcrS of Dauih , anh became l)ps toif :. a>auih alfo tofte %$nwm of3e^tal)cl,(j tljcp toere both W toiues.2H3ut ^oaul gaue *wsw.i«c * 4)ichol W haughter Damns toptc to plbalti pfonc of LaiStohichtoas of<5alli. CChe-reUi. Chapter. fTgmuincapetl) in ]>i3 tent :aub OnufD (af<((!) Atoare b(s fpcarcantia cruCc of toacc;,ci)a( (tcioc at bis ijtrt. >e?ipDitciS came Unto £>aul to _. -«-«, iKVWI Jibca,faping.Doth not Dauih « MM K^ihphehpm (eif in thehtllof hym chila toDich iS before Mimonf k^banl arofe , anh toent htone to t|je toplhetneffe of jipD^aupng tlw tiiou* fanhc thofen mf of 3frael toith hpm , foj to (efte Dauih in tDe toilhemcire of jipb. 'Mb ^>aul pitebch in the hPll of fyacbila tohich Ipetl) before 3efimon,bp f toapc fthc. 2i5ut Dauih htoeltin £toilDctneu*c. inh he fato ttiat^aul cam after hpm into l)e toilhee> nefle.Damh tjjerf o;te fent out fppes , 9 \nu Derftohe,tl)at 5>aul toas come 1 uerphehc. %no Dauih arofe anh came to the places tohere^mUhah pitcbeh ,9 Dauih herein the place,to{)ere ^aut lape, anh 3ibner tije (one ofiRtcr toljicD toas w cMt cap tapne gsaul lape toitbin,? tDe people {t the t)oofte tounhe about ^im. r Chen anCtoereo Dauih anh (paite to ;&i)imelecb the Igiethtte, 9 to fo.rtrb Jbifaitheronncof jatuia anh bzotber to 3oab,fapmg: toho toill go hotone toith me to ^>aul to the hofte.^nh 3bifai faihe : 3 tbill go hotone toith the. 2$ aJnb fo Dauih anh afbifat came hotone to ■ people bp npgbt.atoo bcholDr>£>aul lape .epingtoithinthehooft^hiSiTpcarcftacHe in m ffrounh at tns heeh.But % bner ^ t jje people lape tounb about ijpm. lEhcn fapoe Jbifai to Dauih: (5oh hath heliuerchthp= ttc enempc into thpne hahe this hape.^oto therfo?e,lettmcfmptchpm once toith mp Ipeare to the crt|),$ 3 topll not fmp tc hpm thefecobctpine.^nb Dauih faphe toabt= fu.heftrope him not.ffoj toho can lape bis Mbe on the lo^hcs anopnteh,? be gpltlcC* ic.anh Dauih faphe furthermore: as fure aStbeioibc Ipueth.the iozhe (hall fmp te hi « his hape ihall com? to opa , ox be ajail hefcaihe into battell,? there peritrje . % he loin aepe mefrom laping mpne hahe Upo the Lo^hes anopnteh:S5ut tahe thou nolo the (p;are that is at his heeh , ? the ccctofe of toatcr,? let US so.3Enh fo Dauih tone tf fpearc?thccreto(e of toater from &auis heeh , anh thep gatt them atoapc ,auh no jnan fato it oj maruch pt 01 atoa&ch . $01 thep toere all a flepebrtaufc the iojbc had lent a heahe fleapc Upon t\)iM hen Dauih toent oner to tjjcorljec fphcano ftohc on the toppc of an hpllafarrc of( a great fpa= ecbepugbcttocncthcm ;auhDauio crpeh to the people , anh to ^uner the fonnc of $ec,fnvmg:tycarefl; thou not 3ibncrr3lb= ncr anftoerch , anh faphe : Jiaihatart thou tljat^crpeft to the kfg t anh Dauih faph •&) to^bncriart not thou a manumo tobo his Ipne the in 3fraclr i&hcrfo.ie t\)i halt thou not Kept thp \opo the ftpngr jfToi there cr * mconcoftbcfolBcnuo&citrop the Uvncr thplo^h.3tiSnotgoohthat i>haft bone; as trulp as tljelojhe lpueth,^pe arc tooi^ thp tohpe,bccaufepchane notneptc poure * uu ^- t matter, the tojhcs anopnteh.^nh notoe fe tohcretDekpngesfpeareisanh the crctofe oftoatcr,that toas at his heeh. 3nh $)aul uneto DauihS Uopcc* * mvhc • W this thp Uopcemp fone Damh/s Da> * ( « mm a tub faph: it is mp Uopcemp Jloih, mvna m 3nhhefaphe:tohcrfo^bothmpiotbthuS perfecute bis fcruaun Mo} tohat haiie 3 ho m^tobatcuelUSinmpnehah^otothee a fojcletrnplo^hthcltpng hearei>tooihes ofhisfcruaut.3fpj,o,ihchaueftcrehfuu agapnft me,let hi fmell the fauoure ofa fa crifice.)6ut ? pf thep be $ chilh^cn of men, curfeh are tbepbefojc f loih #01 thep haue caft me out tbtShapefro aliibpmr i /rnbe* iCtaucc of tDe iojb,fapmg:he"ce, % go fcrue other gohsi.i3oto {Oerfo^e let not mp blouo fall to the ccth before the fewe of tjje lo?be. $0} the Ring of jfracll is come out to im i e«t a flee. I \ 1 • f t : 1 < 1 .1- Vr ij" "it 1 ■ \y '}• I t f I- I, 1: n **'. t I % m ri :\ a 'i ii w I ■ i * i •n ^auib i,^>atmtel '\ -1 awl I Pautb :':1 0* *» I r u I '3.' ,1. I ■ I * I :'!' 1 sfl a flcciist toban oncbotbtmut a pattrcgc in tie moutapnctf.^bcn fapUc ftnul: 3 (mi* fpnucb,comc agaph mp (fine Dautt) ,fot 31 voill Do p no moarc barmc,becaufe ntv (on* Icwntfptecfoufeintfypne cpc0 tbptf nape. j5cbolbe,3 baue plapcb tbc firte,f Dane cc- rcb crccbpnglp . 3iib 3>imf D anNoercb anto fapb: L5cl)olD,^ Upttga fpcaec, Ictt one of f poiing men come oner,| fctt it.'&be lojbe retoarb cuerp mauaccotbpng to big rpgbt wcfhrflewapr&rfoj f lojbbc bclpucreb tlje into mp banb tbpjsbape , but 3 toolbc tiotlapc mm foanbtyon J loibetianopn* tcD .3nb bnjolbclpue ad tbplpfc wag mo* cbe Cot bpc tt)tsf bapc in mpnc epc0:rouc mp Ipfc fct bp in tl)c epest of tbc Jloibc, tbat be Dclpuerme out or all tribulation. %$tn $>aul fapb to Dauib ilSlcffcb act tl)ou mp Tonne DauiD,fot>r.tbou tyalt be a boer anb pmiaplc. «tnbfo sDanib tbentlntftbapc, aiiD $anl turncb to W place agapuc. CCbe.rrlni.Cbaptcr. £b DawU fapbe in W "fleet : 3 (ball pcrtfuje one bapc o* otber bp tl>c banb of $nul. 'Cberf oje i0 tberc nothing better foi me, then to flee anb fauc mp fclfc in tbe lanb of tbc ^>l>itiftinc^antj &auiqiall ccafe % felte me nomote m all tlje coafte0 of fcael , i To (ball 3 cfcape out of !)t0 twnb. tub Dauro arofc, 9 be * p fp.ee bubjeb me f» lucre to bun ttocnt tmto 4icbt0> £ fonnc of $?aocb,frija of C5etb • 3nb DaniD bb>cltt& 3cbi0atOfpvb,botb be 9 b#men,cuerpma x6 b*0 bouujolbc , $ Dauib x6 bp0 ttoo toi* ties': Wuoa f Jejrabelitc , 9 Abigail $a* _ bal0 toifc of Caemell . 3tob it Wag tolbe 25 S&tmUf Dauib toagflceb to d5etb>anbbe foitgbtnomoarefojbim.amb Dauib fapb tonto 3c^ijS:3f 3 baue noto founb grace in tt)inc cpcsMctt tbcgcucmc a place in Come totonc t ffclWif 3mapebtocll t&crc.flo* tobp ujutoe tbp icruaut btoell i f fytcn cptie of £ atnabome xb p."€\)m ZcW gauc t)vm bibles p fame bape , foj tobicb cauCe jiUlcj pertametb ttitt tbefipnges of 3ttba Unto tljpsfbape.^nb ^ tpmc tbat Dauibbttielf C y cotrepe of t\)t 0biliftinc8t,tbajs four e m 0= (^ net|)c0,anb certapne bapejs . 3lnb 2)auib $ i;i0 men ttft \jp,anb eanne \jpo tlje tfeOnsf* tc0,tfle d5er?itcjs« ^malcaitc0:5fo?tbo s fenacions tocrefcotbe bespnnpno; tbecn» |jabiter0 of tbe lanbe, a0 men go to Sdup, Unto tbe ISbe of ©gppte.^nb H)auib fmo» te tbe lan»,anb left netbec man tier tooman alpue,anoo?oucaXDapetbeibepe,tbcoren, tbe au"e0',camelle0,anb clott)e0,anbretoue» neb,anb came to 110$. 3tnb 3ei»0 iapoe: » toflece (Jane ye beuearouigtt)t0 bape.^nb a>auib anf toereb : 'EotoatD Moutb of 3u* Ha,$ to^arbe ^ foutD of t|)e jeitape Iftcjjf, * totbarbe edc (butlj of tUe^ftent'tetf.^nb -ta Dauib fatten netl;er ma no^ tboman alpue iter Cuffccb tljcm to come to $feffc f 0^ fearc (fapetb !)e)lc(te tbep fbulb telle mW fafj fo bpb H>auib 5 To toplbc Ijtjet matter all the tobtle be-b\toellctl) in tbc cfitrepe of tbe#t UBtoutJkto TkW bcleueb Dauib (apinj 3f)e abbo.trctl) tntf people of 3fracl , $ tljce* fo^c i;e (balbe mp (eruaunt f 0^ ctter. CCl)e.rr)»ii.Cl)aptcr. C"Shfl9!)aul bat put f toem? tbat bab routed of mopbcfpe,$ ^otl)faper0 out of tbc Idb. 3tnb t\)t i&biliftinc0 geatbereb togctflcr , $ canter pttcheb m $>unetn.3lnb^aulga« tbercbailjitaeltogcatber, gstl;ep pitcoeo in ©iboa : 26nn Mm. S)aul fato t^e jottc of tfle 1&!)ilift ittc0,lte toas afrapeb , $ j)ig Ijcrt toa0 f otc aftonpeb.^nb tbhatt ©aul aCkco councell of tbc &ojbe , tbe 3Lo?be anftocreb ^, l)i not,nctbec bP b,ieamc0,tioii(idrbp U$im ** nozpctbpp?opbctc0. 'Cbe fapb £>aultm= * Eftl {tritf to bi0 feruauntc0 * felte me a \Doman tbat batl) a fmete of ptopbefpe, j>3 mapego to Jet I af ae of l)cr. 3ttb bp0 fcruauntes fap 3 be to l)imt25el)olbc,tbcrc 10 a tooman t|jat |jatb a fpjetc of p^opbefpe at €nbo?, 3nb fijaul cbaungcb Ijimfelf , anb put ott otDeecaptncnt^tocn tbentfle^ttoo men toitb bpm,anb tUv came to tbe tooman bp npgbt3nb flc fapbe : n^opflefpe totto me 25 bp p fp?ete , $ bjig me pirn Dp tbbo 3 iball tame ijnto tbe.3tnb tbe toomd fapbe Unto bpm : iScbolbe tbou nnotbeft to^at ^>aul 5at^bone,botb be batb beftropeb f tocmen tbat (jab pjopbefpig fwete0 , « tl)c &>ojce* , rar0 out ot tbclfcbe . Hibctfo^ then fclicft tl;ou an occafion agapnft mv foulcttjat fle tnape npllme.'' ^nb jfeaulftoatc to ber bp tlje tojbefapig: 30 fuerlp a0 f Lojbe lp= uctb,tbcrefbaUnpl)arme cljafice^ foz tW tlipng.'Cb^fapb $ tuoma: tbbo frail 3fct« cbe \jp\)nto tbe^catifajcrebrliSdigine^p $>amuel.$W f tooman f ato £>amucl,$e crpeb xb a lotobe toopecanb fpaae to <&aul laping : tobp flaft tfiou bifecaueb me t fo^ ^ art £>aul. Snb § Upng fapbe tonto ber , be not afcapbe:£jlltjatfectr tbou < 'Cbetooml fapb Vnto ^>aul:->» 3 fe gobbed afcebig tip « out of ^totpm.mtavibt tJitto Dee agapne: tf -tD^»tfamfli0bcof.' ; S)Deanftoeted:theteco« tor S^lP an mt mn $ « matieell tjpfi fym. *" anb S>aul pereeaueb f it toao (&r Samuel itpnge« 5iro,mbf w^tWo^ofthe^ijfliih'neftttftafart .WlWffl p ioq. I Mo^W^ei^ra' g?S^^ ♦ <•«« web bpm fclfc.SJnb ^feamueltapb to fbuni wbPlwfttbou bnquieteb me,to maftemc be b?ougt)t\)p^aulanft»cceb: 3am fo« en* combjeb. jf o?tbe J&bUpftpne0 maae toatrc agapntt me,* 00b 10 bepatteb from me anb antoeretpme no more, nether bp4Jpbete0, nether bpb?eamc0.3no t|jcrfo?e3 baue cal= ItO ege,ftOou ntapeflf tell me , wm 3 flwu bo.'Eflen fapb ^amuci:t»berfot e boett P a f* fteoeme.tDbplef io?bei0gone from the,f i0 become tbpnc cncmpe/"5Crulp f to?b batb iKTe bonefo^bpm fclfc , euen a0 be rpaae^cr- bp " rM mpbab.*ifo?tbelo.tbebatbrenttbeftaul, anb wtuc tDnttit toa0 fo?e troublcb, ano fapoe tintobpm.^>f,tbpnebS0ittapbbatbobcpeb ft^. m t)opcc.* *qcj- baue put mp foulcinmp ♦juM.riw. P"bc,anbbauc()arBeneb bntot^pmotbe0, ffiSJt P 1 ^^ fo° u ^^^ **& «w. 0ot»c tbecfote mum*, j, arfcf|| t jj OU airo ^ nW ^ ^^ oft jjp llc ^, tnapD.anb let me fctta mo^fell of bioto be* wctbctbattfjoumapcfteatc anb gctt t^e utengtl),* t[)cn go ott tbp iotinicpe. §e refu* feo.nnb fapbc-3 tupu noteatc.25ut bp0fer= mum 9 m toomS togeat bec copelleb bim. anb be beatbeneb t)nto tbepi tjopce . 3nb To be ar ofc from tbc crtb.aub fat bf m on a bebb. « womanbabafatcalfe in tbcboufc>anb tte&a&eb 9 aplleb it , anb tone fto\oje 9 hne* Jcb tt,anb bpbbalte fmetecab?0 tliccof, anb bjougjjt t\}i before 5&atil anb before W fer* tiannte0.3nbu)^tbcpbabcate*, tbep ftobe i)p,anb went avoapc t\)t fame npg&f. ^^ , CCbcttfrCljapter. , gS>a"v«(nS *«ul. I^e^btlifline0 txjere geatljeccb togcatbettfi all tljetr armpc0bn to3p|>ee.anDy 3fraclitc0pit= wmn% td tbe bub?eb0.« tboufanbe0. 'But Dauib 9 b^ ni0 came betiibe td ^cj)i0. %'Uen 3t)«iucfoimpenofaulttnbpm/mce Webb il tbcl5bmftine0t»cre w^otl) t»wb bpm and fapbet)ntobpm^aaetl)i0feioibeeKe! tooubaftappopntebbpm.'aitb lethtmt not go bowne niptb Wo battell ,lctt in tbe bat= tell ue be anabuerlhrpeto to. 5foi v>hn* wpft eouijje be better obtapne tl)e fauoure mew J0not tbP0 Dauib.to ts^o tbep fltnge inoaimfe0:*^>attl auebp0 tbouianbe , anb * W&* Damo bp0 ten tboufanbe" ttben %W «!= "*•"** m Dauib.anb fapbe \)nto bpm j 350fure a tDe lojbe ipuetb.tDott Daft tone fjoneft , anb goob m mp fpght.tuban tbou ttr ntcft out * in mptb me m tbchooft: nept&ee mat 3 fo* ««? Jj; f «^tbtbe,fencetbou eameft tomt TBSSSff *5P® m ?* W& tbe lo;be of fWmm fauoure tlje noMDtofotr ttoto * HfKS. 8° fiPRttS ^°" wrpleaft not £ {.^ Wjoof tbc N)mttpnc0. anbDaum W J?nto 3Ccbt0 : 3Eitb tohat baue 3 bone/ ttbat Ijaft tbou founbe in t(p fc ruafit,a0 m a03lJauebcnen)pf[)tbet)nto t|)p0 bapr.p 3 niape notgo fpgftt againft tlje emnt /c0 of mpio;be tbe npnge/' gattbouartgooo,9artin mpfpgbt,a0dn SSffl? $!?;S ot wPtbffanbtttge tbeloi be0 of tpt WMm* baue fapbe 1 let bpm not go Mptbmo battel!. U>berf«c none rprebpeatlpeinfmo?upnff lift matter* feriiatinte0tt)atarecome tot[je janb t»bw pebetipearipca0fonea0t)cl)auelpgbt)bc- patte.af nb fo Dauib anftfomf rofifrp ear* Wkmt went tu to Jc jracll. C / 5rbe.ttit.Cbapter < ?FtS Kt$. urnpnB * ftom ** nw Wte fp * t< * i5attPljauDauib 9bp0 men were M come tojiWcg tltc f |)irbe ttttvtM 3HmalecHite0 babrufu>eb in tpon thefoutb.anbtjpon ?iWeg, 9baD -•.... w»Ptttn>iWeg,9btttiiffttfr>ie, 9 bab taken tbcujcmfr f mcretljerin) p;cfo s ncr0,botbfmall9gf eat.but flewnot ami- rauecatpebtljem»st|)f,9U)ft tlxp? mm, s>o Dauib anb bptf men came to tbe cptie »§ bcboioe,itroa0 burnt tvttb fp^e>9 tbeie mp>« ue0,tUep;ronne0anbtbeir baugbter0 mere caepebawape.'fclHii Dauib anb ttic people tjae t»a0 wprljtjpm.lpfte Vp tljeir bopce0^ ujcpt,\mtpllt|jfpcott!bt»epenomo^e.^nO aft Dauib0 two wiu(0 were tab! p?efoncr0 al« e iui fo; - 'I 1 9 1 f :i At r 1 s *' \:i : \ h S I 1 :. I ■ ■ I 1 1 I !l it »« A 11 ■1 (o.?|lt)inoatntbr3e^A|)rUte>antial)lsautDe wyfcof anbaltbeCatmclitc . ftnb vmin wag in a ftSjcwtoe comb?aucc:fo?tlje people . cntcnbeO toftonebpm,bccaufetbcberffi8 of nil tlic people werctocjccbfojtbepj tonne* $ tbcpji bangbter*. , Bufroauibtoke a goob courage to bpm *f.«.m«.bJntl)etoiiiel)P!S(!5oO»*fa?Oeto3bm^ai: tbcp*efte3bo Bauib anb tbe fpjee bubieb men tbat * were wltbbpm, wc~t % cam to tbe riuer T&t* foj.wbtrea pait of tbem auone jStttwrtb anb fourc $uhD;et> men foloweb : jlty two bunbicft abobe bcbinbc,brpngeto werpeto go ouct tbe irpuec2£cfoj.3Bnb tbep foubean egppcianintbcfeltcanb tyougtyfcpm to * »jo.m>.c. 5Danw *anb gjjuebpm bj eabto eate , & wa* tcrto Ojpncacsgnucbpma fewe f vff flc» * two clouftcro" of reafingtf.3nbt»&cn »W» * eatcn,bps fp?ctc cam agapne to bpm : fo? be Ijao eaten,no bjcab noj bjonckc wo water m Ww bnpetf ? tb.ic nw&tiji. SlnH Dauib fapb tonto binuto wbombelfigeft DmtfV w&eiwe art tpitf&e fapb:3 am a pSgema" of itfgppt -> nub fcrununttoan 3malectttfe:anb mpma= ** (ter left mebebpnbc, becaufc it i* t&c bape* * agoncpl fell fpeke: we came a roupngtopo t&c foutb of c$|eft«Mwbagainft 3noa,affl> towarbc tbe foutb of Caleb. Tim we burnt jiftlcg wptbfpjc.flnbiDautb fapbe tobpnt: cauft tbou bjpngemetotbitfcompanp.'anD be fapbe Mm tonto me bp <5ob , tbat tbon wplt net hce fcpll memo? Oelpue r me into tbe banbe$ofmpmafter,ari03 will b?pnge tbe to ti)ecompanpe. anb robe be bab bjougbt bpm tbPtbce,be|jolbe,ti)ep lape ffeatereb a= tojoabc top8tbecrtb,eatpnge« bjtnckpnge, Sbaunfpiifie.becaufeoftbe pleceou* a great map, f tbep bab carteb a wa pe out of pianb ofrlje foljtottineiM owt'of t&elifte of 3tiba< ; 3noS>aniblapb topontbefrom t\}t enen, . 6witiiltbetwtlpabtontbemo?ow:fottbere cfcapcDnotamattoftbem,faue fourc bim= bun pomtff men wbicb eobe awape tjpo ca= melejs,rtttiifti v bb.3Jnb*E)auib rccoiiereb all? . tbe3ma.leeKite0 bab carteb swim ^amb wfcueb'bpjfrwo wpueft fo tbattbee wag no perron of tbem lacking, fmall o? great; fonne oioatt5btee,o^oftbefpople of all tbattbev bab tafce awape , Bairtb recouercb tbemall agapne.^nb Damotohe all tbe (bene , $ t))c , bjcen.3nbtbepb?auetbetn before bWcatell 9fapb:tbf0tt&aufb0p?n?3lnb %>autbca« . me to tbe tw o bunb?eb m>*t were to wer pe w>to foloweDautb > wbom tbepbabmabe alfotoabpbeattbe rpuee ifielb^ .^nb tijep 1 cam to mete m\\i\t> t f peoplef were wptb btm,3lnb wbe* ©atub cam to ppeople,hefa= « luttfcr&i.'&ftn anlWercballtoc wwtteb$ t|ie \)ntb?lf Mi of the men f went witbiDa» nib )» fapbe:becaufe tbep went not wttb W> tberfo;e will wegeue tljcmnone of pp?ape, tbat we bane tcconcreb, But let euerp man take Ijpsi wpfe anb ftpjs crimen : % Dofc letc t bem carp awape,anb be waiUpngc. ^•btnraPbcDattib:petbaUnotooroCmp b?etb?en)w tbat wblcbtbe lo.tb batbscuen t)je(,$natb p?efcruebt)si,8 belpuere b tbe com vanpe f came aaapntt W.into ourebanbesl, tf o? wbo ibulb bcrW tonto pou in tbPJS mat- m(*Mm$MpNMi$ Ffloetb bownc^*3iac«.m.j fpcbtetb,fo (ball W parte be, tbat tarpetb bp tbe ftuffe,f> it mapc be parteo alph c . 3nb fo from v bapefo^warbe : was tbat maoe a ftatute a la we in 3«*acl , witpll tbPJS bape< Wbm Baitfb tbctf o?e cam to $iklcs ; be Cent *okm of tbe p?ape wito tbe elbers of 3nba ^ anbtob^ftcnbc0fapnig:fr,tbrreijf a blef=aul , tbe arcbcrjJ witb bo Wetf f ounbe })vm, » be wogro?eafrapebof tbearcberjS.'Eben^ (apD^baul wttobftf barnerbcret*b?aw out f fiff tbP fwerbe,$ tbnift me tbo?owe tberwptb, ' left tbefe wtcircacifeb come $ tluuft me tbo= towe anb make a mockpnge ftockc of me, 26utbPS bamefberer wolbenot.fo? be wa0 foie afrapeb.ainb fb&u\ toke a fwcrbe, anU fcll\)ponit.3Bnb wbe" W bamefberer fawe tbat$)aul was! beeb.be fell Ipkewpfe topon btf fwerbc.fr bpco wptbbpm. 3mo fo S>aul bvtt},$ W tb?e fomtcB.anb fy& bamefberer, anb all bptftnen tbat fame bape togcatber. 3nb wljcnthe men of 3frael tbat were on fotbetfpbc of ^baiepcgstbep of f otber rpbc C 3o?ban,bearb,tbattbc men of 3fcael were put tofligbMub tbat ^>aul anb \wfi fonn est wcrebeeb,tbep left tbe cpticsU rSne awape anb tbe ^bH»ft»'ci3 cam>anb Dwelt m tjjem. *C>ntbe \ b«.r.f. *#n tljemojowe wben p ^jjiliftineg were .tome to Xpople tbem tbat were Uapne , t^ev fomiDe $aul anb )$$ tb*e fonnctflpenge in mount aul, anb tbe bobpejS of bp* fonnetf frS tbe wall of 2Setb« a^ fan , anb came to 3nbeg , anb * far burnt Hwwitf tbem tbcreanD toke tbeir bonesiauoburpeb tbem tonber a tree at 3abejai,anb fafteb fetten bapesi. • ! CCbe enbe of tbe fpjft boke of Samuel, otberwpfccaU lebtbefp?ftoftbe bpngej* CClie fetonbe iSoke of Samuel otber w pfe calico tbe fc= conbebokeoftbekpuge^. CXfyz iMitnUtton o f £>auiO fo; g>aul $3|oim(^a9» 3 St ter tl;e bectb of ^anl wbent>auibwajsrctur* neb from tbe * aaugbter of t^z 3malekttc0 , anb babbcnctwobapcxJin^ kieg:26cbolbe,tbcrccame a ma tbe tbp^be bape out of tbe bofte from ^>aul, witi>|jisi clotbesi rent anb ertbwponbptf beeb.3lnb wben be came to Bauib,bcftlltotbeettbanbbpbobepfauce. 5Dauib fapbe ton to biiu : wbencc comeft tbou t Joe fapbe tonto btm j.iiDut of tbe bofte of 3f= racl amjefcapeb. ^nb^DnutD fapbe tonto |jim.3"nbwbati£(cbauccb^eUme^cfaptic: tbe people tf fteb from t ()e battell; anb manp oftbtptopleareonertbjowen.anbbecbianb ^>aul $ 3onatbai8 W fonne are bceb alfo. 2$ 3nD Damb fapbe tonto fbepounge man tbat toioe bim tbefe tbpnge0:Iaow kn oweft tbou tbat $jaulanD3onatba0bp£( fonne be OceOr"Ebepoungc man tbat toibe bim , anf> wereD:3camcbpcbauncctomount(5ilboa3 2tfll) beljolbe, S>aul Icaucb topon W fbeare* jf o^ tbe cbarcttc0 anb companpe0ofbo?fe» men foloweb fcarDc after bim. 3nb wljanbe lokeD backebe (awe me, anb called me. 3EnO 3 anfwercb : bcrc am 3 . 3lnb be fapbe tonto me-, wbat art tbou 1 3 anfwercb bpm : 3 am an2Cmalekite .fce fapw tonto me agapne: ^tonbctopame.anMleemcsjto^angupf^e income topon me , tbougbmp Ipfebe pet all in me3no fo 3 ftobe tops bpm.ano aue bim-. fo? 3 wag fare t becouioc not Ipuc, *o aft cr ^§ tbat be bab fallen . %m 3 toke tU cr o wnc f wasl topon tytl bceb , anb tbe JS.tafelct tbat wa0on bptfarmc, anb bane b.zougbt tbem i)pt^er tonto nip iozbe. 'Cbcn SJauib toke bolbeon lyp* clofW *anbrenttbem,anbfobpoallibeincn tbat *t««f wcrctfibim 3BnD tbep mournco.anDwepte, ant, ^ ,l »- r - nub fafteb tontpll cuen, foz ^atil anb 3ona= tba0bWfonne,$fo? tbe people of tbe LojOc, anb fo^ tbe boufe of Ifitttl, becaufc tbep wc-- re ouertb?owcn witb tbe IWcrbc. 3nbs»auiDfapoe tonto tljc poungc man c tbat biougbt bim tberetpbingc0.*a)ljcccart tbou^nbbeanfwereb^am tbe fonne of analpanntanamalekite.anbtDauibwvbe tonto btm : $owc it it $ tbou waft not area* peb.to lapetbpnebanbe on tlic 3tojtt»c$s ano= pnfeb , to beftrope bpm tftto Bamb calico one of W pounge men anb fapbe: c5o to.anb nmnc topon bnn 3nb be fmote bpm .- tl-at be bpeb:tben fapbesauib tonto bim:tbP bloube be topon tbpne a wnc \)ccU. * St 02 tbpnc a wnc ffKfty moutbbatbtcftpftcbagapnfttijefapmgc:3 L " Ijaueflapnc tbe lojoesanopnteb. % nbuautb mourncb witb tbptflamen* tacpon ouer^aulanb ouerjonatbas bptf fonne, anb bab tcacbe the cbplbjen of 3frael tbc^ tofc of tbe bo we . 3uo 26ebolbe , it tss ^& Wipttcn in tbe boke of the rpgbt we#.-»( a« " i)crapiic:ffoiirp6cT,iD3irraci,U)cCctbflt 6f errtiaia towiu nt&&ponN)pi)rc!)piiw.)&s* €) noble 3fracll , tbe «-.* woubcb arc flapne top6 tbpbillc0.^b home ' arctbempgbtic oucrr^itowcn.#f dipt not * mim> in <5atb»noi publiuje it iiif fticatco of % Urn lon.lefttbebaugbtertf of tljcpiuliftinejs re= iopfc, nub left tbe oaugbtcrtf of tbe toncircii: S) cpfcbtrimnybc.t>e mountapneg of ebangb= tmfof 3frael , wcpe otter &aul , wblchclo* tbcb pou in purple witb pleafure0, anb ban* gcb ojuamcntr0 of goioc Upon pour aupa= tell, fcowc met tDc mpgntpc flapne in bat. ttUYjonatba* 10 DccD on £ bpc bpiie . U)oo ? m , c f 5 l i & *Cmpbjotbcr3onatba0) Utm ftpnoc Daft tbou bene unto me . 'fcbploucto ^mcwatfwonDcrfull.pcifTpngeploucofwc* mett."-»(3« « morftte louctl) |»p; oacip ct>ptt>r,ew n ro Dps 3i louche) bowcarc elje i»pg|)ta» tub went thif bee witb w two wpuc0, W-- noamp3efrabclitc,a3b(gailBabal0wpfe tbe Carmelite . 3nb the men that were wptb bun , DpD mmo carpc up alfo , cttcrp man toitb b« boutyolbc . 3nb tbep bwelt in tbe townc0of$)eb < ion.3nDtbemcnof3ubaca. mc , anb there tljcp anopntcbDaufb upngr, oucrfhcboufcof3uba.2nDtbcptolDe , Da* w.m.Fpu „tt, favuigc: 3t is * m men of 3abc in tfi= & Icab > s burvcb &aul,3 ub&auib rent mcOen= Hereunto tbemcnof3aue0iii<£tleab, anb fapbe Unto tbem:blcflcbarcpc Untothe io;« bc,that pcbaiieujewebfocbeBpnbncfreUn* topourcLojDc&auUnOhauebucpebbim/ Znb nowc tbe to?De (bewe mercpcgttru* tbcUntopou.$nb3wpllDopoualfofocbe apnoueffe a0pc baucbonc in flm0tbpnge. TOrfojenowcletpourebaitDesbcfrrongf, anb piapcpe tbe mfcjfo? pour matter $aul . i0Dccb.3nDtbepthatarcQfthehourcof3u= ba,baueanopntcbmeHpngeoucrthem.25ut atbncrthe fonnc offlcr that was captapnc € pf £>aul0 boft , tone 3fbofe tb tlje fonnc of &aul,anbtyougbtbim to&)ahanann, cnb mabebpm Itpngc otter <5ilcab , anb otter tbt 2 IP'tfte*, $ oucr3cfrabcI , epljjatm, 25en &* 3«\mm,anb (**- otter ail 31'racl . lift 3fbo= ft to S)aulrf fonnc t»n0 fottrtpe pcrc olbe, V)l)cn be began to rapgne ouer 3irael , anb tapgitcb ttoo perc. 25nt ty bouft of 3uba *tf.w».i».«. foloujcb %autb.*3Bnb tbe tpmc U)Wcbioa» morapgneo in ^cb^ 6 ouer tbe bouft ofju* ba , t»ag. Wj. ptrc anbfpjccmonetbc0 .JnH 3btur the fonne of Becanb tbe fenuranre* of jfbofctb tbe fonne of&aul went out of ^abauaim>to (^tbeonanbjoabt^e (bimc ,. „-.. .aubtbeotbee otu y . M , v ^ tirw „ 3nb^buccfapbeto3oab;lettbepofigetnen arpfc , anbp-ptape bcfojtcM. 3nb3oab ~± fapbclcttbcmarprc . -fcben tbcreawfeanb S* went ouer .tweme of 28cn3amin bpnom= l)M , ttJbicbpertapneb to 3f bofetfa tbe fonttt of £mul \ £ anb ttocluc of rbe feruauntc0 of Dauib . 3nb euecp one cnugbt ifti fdotjpe ( tbat came agapnft bpm ) bp t|)e ^tn , anb mm b?0 ftuerbc in bf fpbe , anb fo ttep telle borane togctber . Ufyttftoe m place watfcalteb : ^befclDcoftbcmpp;Dtpe.3lnb it pin <5tbeon. 35nb tbcre beganne an crcc a- btngc cruell bar tell tbat tome bape. Sf 01 3b= ner anb m men of 3fracl fell befowtbe ftr= Mawtte0ofDatub. .u ? ,,l, 1 t tettJfrctb?efoimc0ofMrurab tbere:3oab,^bifaianb3fiibcl.3nb^fabci wjmj ipgbt of fotc as a ujpibc !Roo , anb 1 Jfiibrlfoloujcb nftcr^bnec , anb * furwb +m,nm\ «^totberpffl)tbanbnoxtotbc U(t2,m mml a&biiec. 'Cljcu Obiter lobcb bti}vmt I)pm. mibliipberartthou^fabel^eaitftxjcieb-pee fbat 3 am.3bncr rapbe s fume tbcctbcrtotf * rpgbtbanb 0? to fvmtm cattbe'oneof m Ppungemeiianbtahctbebi0U)eapo0.255t 3f fabel wolbe not Depart fro bpm . 3CnD 2b- yf^eagapneto Jfabel beparte fro me. UUberfo?e(fiulbe3fmptc fbeto tlje jroube, jnb not beable to bolbc \)u mpfacc to3oab tbP Mtbcr^ottibctt Avbiut be ujolbein no wpft ; beparte, mm witb tbchpnberenbe it SfMN f be fpearc cam out bebpnbe bpm: f> befell botone in flame place, anb opeb to 2r? l ffi?? nWn ? ,Wcamt0 ti» Place wberc alfo 1 25bifaifolotx)cb atbner. 3nb the fonnc went boumcujben tbep were come to pftpll 3!ma tbatlpctb before ©tab bp tikvwU goctb tbo;ou»c tbr MorrnrOe of <5ibeon. 3nb m cbPlb?enof25cn3amtngeatbercb ttiemfelttegtogetbeconabeapctoaibHcr^ Icbto3oab , anb fapbe .- (bail tbe fwerbe be> noure ftpll fo? em cc linouictt tbou not , tbat it wp be pes- bttternclTcin tbe latter enbci'-c« bpwelonge (ballitbcpcr tbou bpbbcf peo« ' anb 3oab Cipbc :a0 truelp a0c?ob Ipnetb fcs*?f tbou babbeft not fpoben in tbe mot* ~* npngc, tbepeoplcbab bene beparteb , eucrp 55 SB" Pf rrecntpnge bp0 b^otber . 3nb fo »$£$£ fwcatcompet.anbnii t be people *m» spaa' aU25etbbo^ntpllfEepcamto UnS 3no ner 3titb |o«o tefumebfra petfecuting % b* nct.3lnb wba be bab gcatbercb all (J people togctbee>t!)«tt lacfteb of 5Dauib0 fttuaute0 npntenc mcn,$ aifa bel . n&nt tbe feruautctf of Dautb bnbflapnc of25eniamin,anbof 3Jbnet0 mtnjfyt Wtyei) $ tfye f fto^e men. ainb tbep tofce Mp ^fabel,anb bttcpeb bpm in tijc fepulcb?c of W fatbet i Betblebem. 3nb3oabanbbi0mciitbentallnpgbt 5 \)n'- tpll tjjcbattonpng of tbe bape, anb came to CEDc.ift.Cl)apter. Cabntc comme «j to toaufe «nft bjpngcth hpm hpff ta>pfcffltttjai.3loabRpn«l)abncr. r,l9eretoa0 longetoarrc bcttbene tbe Motofe of^auXanbf botoft of «Da- ^Jttfb. ffiut Dauibtoatcb ftrongctanb ft congee , 1 tDe bouft of ^>aul Wajteb toea- |l(,f irJ«.c bee anb Weaker. . * 3Bnb Vnto Dautb Were f» mmcmvw borne in tycoon : bi0clbett fonne alfo wa03mmon, of SBbmoam rue 2mm\mm fetibc €fckatotf abtoatl tljcwpftofjRabaltbcCarmeltte-.tbetbpi-- be3Hbfalo,tbc fonnc of ^aacbah § baugl> tec of 'fctoalmai, tbe kpnge of 0eu"tte : toe f ourtb , 3bonia , tl;c fonnc of feagitb : tt;e tpftc^epbatia t\)t fonnc of3fibital.p ftrte 3ietb?cabpeglaBautb0tbpfc.^bcfttDerc Soiwto a>auioin locb^o. anbftfouuncb, tbat Wbpletbere toagwarrebcttocne flic Jjoufc of $>anlanb tbe bouft of XDauto,^b= iter bclttc up m bouft of Statu. 7tm fbml babaconcubpnenamcbiai?pa,tbeDauab= % tec of Ufa . mo 3fbofttb (nvOe to 3tbmx: ttcr WmfW Daft tbouitr gone tntomp fa= tbev0 ; cone ubpnc 1 1: ben watf Gutter tierp W^otb f o,i Voe wojbc* of 3fbofttb, 9 fapbc: m®M 3 J" 3 no t a . * bogged beeb, Wbicb agapnft IttbaboJcWcmcccpc tbp0 bape mtto m ^°5 f £ of ?!? ul 8? *&** t0 w* torn* anbfeeubc0,anb banc not bclpucceb tbe tn= totijc banDcofS)attib:anb tbou fpnoefl: a ! ««iJ.c fault in inetbi0bwefo^tbttttoom4?*So anb To bo C5ob to 2tbncc. jfojatftje lo^be toatl; fwo^nc to SDatttb, fo Wpll 3 be on nptf fpbe,tob?png the Rpngbontfrom tbe bouft of &aul,tbat tbe throne of Datttbmapc be ftablpftbeb otter 3fracl, anb ouer 3uba cue C ftomDantoBerfabc. %m be cottibc gcue 3bnct ncuecaWoo^bc toanCwec, becauft ^cfeaceb bpm. m r ^^^"^fcntmcfTcngertftoiDauib^ ^ ftcretel^fapmg.mboCe Mi p laubefSDaltc toptb tbe,to b#ug all iftael Unto tbe . toe th f 3 l * ff00ll,t ^ t 3 wafec abobc Witb 9SSk fc i n S m ? tace 3 ecccpt tboufpift bVng S^ 01 ^^ oa «S h «r,wben tbou co* melt to ft me. 3nb a>auib fent mtfiengettf to 3f bofet^ 5fo.tttbttt 1 1 iffy ( tii illl 'J £> aul0 fonncfap^+belpu et me mp Wife *!*«'£*•« ^icboUtobteb 3 macpeb Witb* an bab^eb * u,FWu « fo^fbpnne0of ^ pbtUftme0.^nb3fijofetb ftnt,anb toftc bet from bee b«f babe *i§al» *«.*e.n*.« tiel tbe fonne of lai0.3nb bcr buf bab went Witbbecab cam Wcppngbcbpnbcbcr, tpll tbep cam to 25abuttm. 'tbcnfapbe Sbiit* Unto bpm,go anb retume. 31nb be ccturneb 3nb aibnec bab cfimunicacpon witb the el=> bec0 of 3ftael,fapeng:pefougbt fo?i©auib in tpmc0 paft,tbat be mtgbt be pout ftpng. $ow t^en bo it:foi m tojbc batb fapb of Dauib ; T&v tyc bab of mp fecuaat Bautb, 3 Will faue mp people 3fcael, out of f jjan* be0 of tbe pbiUftmetf, an& out of tt)t nattbc of all tbeir enemvesi. Zno 3ibnec f pa ue in I eatc0 of 25cntamtn , anb Went to tell in the tarc0 of ©auib in focb?on , all tbat 3fraell wa0 content Wptb , anb Vot Wbole bouft of ©cntamin. 2tnbfo^bncc cametoBautb to toeb.zon, baupng twentpe mentfi tom,f £> Dauib mabe btm 3 tbe men tbat were toitjj . htm a fcaft.2£nb ^bnee fapbe Unto ©auto : 3 wpll Up, anb go geatbec all3fvacll unto mp lojbc t^t bpng, that t^tv mm mabe an appopntment wptb tbe, anb tbat tbou tnapft commatmbcall, a0tnpne hartbefp^ cetb . 3nb wban Dauiib bab lett 3tbttec be* partcbe Went in peace. 2tnb bcbolbctbc fn:uauntc0 of^autt),^ loab came from cbafpng tbe robber^ anb b^ougbt a great pjape Witb tbem.23ttt 3tb net wa0 not Witb Bauib in tocbtoit: (0% be bab ftutbimaWapc to Depart fpeace.CilbS Soabanb all t\)e boft tbat Wag Witb bpm, Were come, mcntolbejoabfaptng : Ibnet tbe fonne of i^er came to tt)c ftpng , anb be batb ftnt bpm awapcf be 10 gone ttt peace. 'Chen 3oab came to the Upngc , anb vapbe: Wbat baft tbou boner JScbolbc, ^bner cam Unto tbe? wbp baft tbou fenthpm aWape, tbat be fbulDcfttaue qupte.^bou hnoweft auib>bc ftnt mcf vcnger0 after 3bner,Wbicbb?ougbtbima= gapne from tbe well offDita, Uttknewyng to ©auib . mo Wbcn 3lbncr Wa0 come a* gapnc to tocbjo,3oab totte bpm a fpbe in ^ ;ate*to fpcafee Wttb btm ftcretlp, $ fmott **»w.«u „ im UnbCT f fbojt rpbbe0 f be Dpeb, tar f 01 "*• tbe blottb ot 3Cfabel W b^otber. UnO wbeti of tec warbeit cam toDautbtf eavebe fapb. -, 3 anb mp bpngbom ace giltleiTc before tbe 3C lojDefo? eucr cocempng tbeblottDe of Zb ncrj? fonne of iftec.lcttbebloube ccmapne on p beeb of 3oab | on all bi0fatbcr0boufe $} bouft of 3oab beneuccWptbout oncoj otbet tbat batb runpng iffue0 0^ lepecanb t leanctb on a ftatf,anb tbat Doth fal on tbe fWccbe,f lacttctb b?eeb 4nb tbe cauft Wbp 3oab 11 ! SfbofctD anmcl, 1 ■•8! '['? » ■ < My = i 1 : i ■ fi • if. * 1 1 : ill's* ill: r t- t. 3 0rtb fln * 3B»ftMte« Obiter twitf, f %hmt *"•*** hntj^flaync tbeir ujotDcr 3fabel at «&'tbe5 *»' m«.i b mbatfctl.ainba>auib fapu to3oab,anb to irawiM, a ut^«couletljrttttoctctoitDDpm.* Went potttc clotw , anb put on fachc cloth , anb moutnc befoje 3Hmer.2to& Hiff Dauib bint fclffolotoeb tl)e co^fc . ^iibfoDcntDcpbu* titn 3imce in tycb2on,tDc hpiiglifte *p bijS "toopec , s toptc bcfpbc tDe fcpulcfrtc otIb= ncr,anb fo OpO all toe pcoplc.ainb tl)c tamer ($=■ lamcnccb ouer 3bner, anb fapbe :G3"bicb 3bncr atfa foolcbictD.' tDp D&bc$i tocre not bounbe, net tDp fete tyoujj&t into cJjcpnesf: but atf a man falletb before voickcb cjjtloje", f o fcllcft tDou . 3nb all tjiep tDat were of p pcoplctocptpetmoare oner Dpm. 3nD tbDen all £ people cam to cate mcate Xoit D s>anf&,u>Dilc it tuafl ret bapcDatub ftoarc faying : £>o $ fo bo <£ob to me , pf 31 tad bjeeb oj otigot cUc* , tpll tDe fotute be botonc 3n& tDe people \toift it , anb it pica* f cD them . 3&nb ttoDat f ocuct tDe bpng bpb,tt plcafcb all $e people, tfoj all tlje people $ all Jfracl toibcrftobctDat bap4)ototDat it ttoass not tDe kpngeg Debc, $ 3Mmet tjjc ton* nc of Bet toa$flapne.3nb tbe kpng fapbe tmtoDttffisuautC!&:hnotopenot,boo>tbat t|)ctc itf a lojbc anb a great man fallen tDti bapc in 3ftacl.' , ainb 3 am tftijs nape tenbec, ano anopntcb king, mn tjjcfe nun tDe fon* itcss of jaruia be to barb foj me/Cljc Lojbe temm tDeboct oreucl,accojbpnge to hit ttjpkcbncfl'e. C^Dc.tiii.Cl)aptcr. CBaana^ ann Hecljab nfp actio rctft t^if romie o fdaur. " '■« S>aiu$ fonne Dearb that biter toa* beeb in feebjon, k$ Danbeja toerc feble, $ all tDe 3fc raeliteia! toete afrapeb:$ mmlft fonne Dab ttao men £toetecaii= tapnetf ouet tDe fouoiar&£ one calleb ma naD>anbtDc otDetl&ecDab,tDe tonnes! of aaimmon a25ctotDitc, of tDe chplbwn of Wmmwi 0^ 26etotD tbajStc&cncb to 25cn « iamin. 3tnbtl)efe26etotl)itesiaebto0it= * « *c<5 gatttMmH foioutneb tDetc Mntill tDefame Kc • ,,: • t, • tpme.*^nb 3onatt)a^ £>aul* fomie Ijab a fonne t&at toaitf lame on tyst feete .ZttoU Stoa£fpuepeteplbe,tbljcntt)etpbingc0cani Jf jMHi 3onatfta* out of 3eftabel. 3Jnb tjijsnoutre toHe Dim \>p, s flcb afoape. 3nb a^^emabeljafttoflectijecDtlbefelUbe^ cane to Dalkanb&ptf mmm$ ^fiipbibo^ fetD^nbttjefonnesofmimmontbefeeo tbit^iaecbabanBaanaDtu^anb cam in m tot orj bapc to tlje Doufe of 3f oofctfe to^tcl) flept on a beb at none^ono ti»r toomat* tWmwmteWt>Uht*iitt , ano clwfrtt^ to^eatt, tea* anepo Unb thep cam into tljempbbesi of tbe tEttSH&B ^tbolbDattefetcbeb t»Dete,anb ftec&abSD25aanaDp$bjotpee is Um mi •♦ i WB fmotc pt toibee toe fto^t tpbbcj« anb fteb. C Jf 0? ttoban tbep cam into t|jc Doufe, |)e flept. on W beb in l)pxi rcftins cj)nmbct 3 anb tbep fmote bpmano flue Dim, ab bcljcbbcbbpm. anb toite ijptf |jceb , 9 sat tDem atbape tbo- eoto Jplaine all^nisbtanb tljepbzottffbt tbeDccbof3fbofetoi)ntoX0iatUO ) toi9cMo > anb fapbe to tDe ftpnjj .beoolbe, tbercitftbe |)eebpf3fbofcth5Daulsi«nc,tl)incencmpe JbDtcl) fousotaftce tDp Ipfc.^nb t|je loibe ijatD abuentjeb mp lo?b tl;e npnp: tbijj bape of^aulanbofDijSfccbe. 3nb smuib anftocrcb Bcchab anb 25aai na jrttftyotDer, tOefoimcsi of mimmontbe 2i5ctotbitc,anbfapbe\)ntotDcm:*a0rute s * t. mm Ip m the lo?b lvuetD,tbl)icD DatD Mvmtto *»*««. mpfouleoutofaUabuctfite0:J!iai)anone**«. tt .. t£ folbeme 9 fapb tbat ^aultoaitf beeb, thin-- m apngto Daue b^ousDtffoobtpbpnffCiS, I mm Dpm,anb flue fern in j&lea&cS toouffht tiiat 3 toolbc four scuenSpm a te ttoatbe f 0? bPtf tpbpngetf bjtpnginjr • ^otto moct) m o v tc tt>Da" xopcueb men Dane flapne pok: w * 39encam allt&e trpbcitf of 3fracl* -* to ^auib,mtto I»ebi5 anb fopb,Be mm* Jholbe,tbc are of ti;p bone, anb of thp fleCrje.Hnb tn tpmepaft tojj^aultoatf m rekpn3c,tUou lebbeft3frael in anb oute. %xto fyt to^be Mfapb to tlje: tftou (halt f ebe mp people 3fraell , anb tJjouOwlt be a captapne oucr 3fwel.3(nb fo all the elbctf Jf 3f wel came to t&e * Km* to I{)cb?on. *u.vm 3fnb lipiw ©amtrmabc a coucnaunetbptb them in f cb^on before tbe Itozb. 3nb thep annopnteb fcauib ftpna ouer ifraell. m* utb toajs ttjirtpe pcre olbe , tbDen ije began to rapemcanb fjerapgneb f ourtpe pere.ln ^ebxonljerappeb oucr3nbafeuen pcre, anb fp)cc monetto : %tib in3crufalem he ■ rappicb tpirtpc anb tl)?eperc0 ouceall3f* %be ftpng alfo mtoW mm tbent to 3e- tufalem,tmtothe3ebufiteiE{ ) tl)ecnDabite^ of f lanb.*Wci) fpane tjnto a>auib fapfe : u5 Q^rejeceptt^ou tane atbapetlieblpnbe anb Si the lamcthou iltjalt not come i mix. foi toep fapb ;lKi)ou art not able to come in hU tDer . jEcuertbcleflc Ban (b tone tDe ftronct Dolbe of i&ion.'CDefame tetDccitie of a>a wio.^no mmn fapb tDe fame bapc :&UDo - focucc foeuee fmptetD tDe %tim#M& ffettetD^P to tDe suttee of tDe Doufcjf, » fmptetD tDe . u3= lame $ tDe blpnb f Date ikt tMAjl foule/ tftawfw. *HllDerfo?e: tDep fapb, the bllpnb iib tDe la= me (Dall not come into f Doufie.3Knb fo a>a= uib btoelt in tDe totojc, 9 calleb it tDe citpe of tDauib , 9 buplt rounb about it fro #)tl= lo tntoarbc. .3tnb SDatub mo J pereb * are to, anb tDe Jlojb (2>ob of boftej&toatftbitD Dim anb 0iram ftpng of 'Eirefent mclTcngeri* to Dautb,anb Ccbar tree0, anb carpenterjS 9 Won* fo^ toallesl: anb tDep btiilte a>a= C nit) an Doufe. 3lnbis>auib pccceaucb,tDat* loib Dab ftablifflDeb Dpm hpngc ouer 3v= hkMi tDat be Dah eralteb \)it Utngbom T02 W proplc 3fea cljs fa be.^nb5Do tub toHc Dt moconcubpuetf anbtDpttejS out of 3et»fS« lent, after De toajs come from feetyou, 9 mo fonnci«,t bauffhtcw toere vet bojine to as>a= t$ttm tt****nb tDefe be tDe names! of tDe fonnetf ^t»crebo?nct)ntoDpmiii3erufalem:^)S= mua,^)obab,iliatDait, 9 ^alomo, 3ibDar alfo anb eiifua^epDcjj^ 3apDia, eiila* ma ®liaba,anb ©ItapDelet. 26ut tuDcn tDe 1&Dtltft utetf Dearb> f tDep ^ab anopntcb Dauib fttg oner jjfwcl, tDep cam all *p to fekc mmm . ^nb ajj fone ass ^auibhearb ofit,Degat DpmtoanDolbc. 3dnb tioDan tDe mwanm cam, tDep lapt e txtmi* tD^ a long in f Malm of IRapDatm. * 3Jnb miuu «©auib,afkcb councell of tDe iozbe fapencr: ^ (Dall Iffo \jp to tDe JSDtltftinejaiV»)il.t f beli & uer tDem into mp baU&Xm f loib anftoe reb \)nto Bauib.-go \)p, fo?3 tbill boutleffc bclpuer f $Wi&mm into tDp &anbetf.3n& pauib cam to tDe plapne ofperajim , anb fmote tDem tDerc,anb fapb.tDe ILozbe hath bcuibebmpue enempesfafonbtc befoicme, au toaterg! be tjmvm afonb je. Zm therf « rc,pnameoftDeplacctbas;calleb^plapne of peta?im:3JnbtDeretDcp left tDcir jma* §KlS!S^ * W* mctt tobc *N« ^P- 3lnb tpe^hiltlJinejS cam pet acrapnc , anb lapb Jhemf eltiej m tDe tialepe oMepDaim.^lnb o» \DDa H>amb af aeb at tDe lo?b;p* c Man a g« up agapntt ^ idt)iiiiHnes .' fe tout tljou oclpuct tfttm into mp 5ant.«)i9cattftbcrcb:^:Dowu)aUnotcfO\)p: but compaffc tDem on tDe bacRf Pbe, 9 come totton tDe ouer agapnft the ^eretreesi. 3nb . mm p Dearcft tDe nopfe ofatDing going mtDetoppe of tDe^ctctrec&tbcntemouc. jrojtD^iDaUtDeto^bgooutbefoietDcto fmpte tDe Dofte of tDe WWfom* • 3nb m uib bib an tlje to jb ftao commaunbeb Dpm, f fmote tDe mmm* from ©cba^ntpll tjjou come to ©ajer. C^De.W.CDaptcr. Ct*f«rteto b;ouBi?i fo;(t) of^ctjoureof flbrnai MiMMm rttttpcRen * op ertj,©au«j Daunmb bK w;t«,#totba"fo;tocrpprtDofpp«topfj^ tbcmpbbctfof t|)c tabernacle £;B>aMb bab mtcbcb foj tt.Sinb Dauib offcren burnt of -- teringcjs 9 . peace off cringco" before toe lojb. 3hD a.6 fonc a s ipauib bab mabc an ettbe of offcrpng burnt offcrpngctf 9 peace offerpn-- ecss,$c blcfleb tbc people in toe name of tbe lojo of fyoftcs, 9 gaue am5g all tbc f olnc, cum amonge tbc Jjolc multitubc of Jfracl, a?* tot u to tbetocmen as mcn,to cucrpc one a€ahc of \)wt)>$ a pece of ftcu>,9 a flaf net of bjincne . 3nb fo all tbe people fceparteb currp one to bis boufe. G3» 'SDben Dauio cctutncO to $& blefle to* IjotUbolOc: 50 *l)tcboU Oaugbtcr of &aul came out to mctcTDauio,9 fa?fc:iD imtoglo riouStoas f Itig of 3ftacl tbitf bapctotocb toas imcouctcb to bape,in f eve* of f map= bens of ptS fcruauntcs , ajipf <: i)ab bene a lpgbttyapncbfclototoicoucrci>. , 'ainbS>a= nib fa^o tmto &?tcbol. 3 tjjougbt to bailee bef ozc tbc lo.ib, tobicb cbofc me ratber M cbpfatbcr,9 all bte upnncanb comaunbpb me to be ?ulcc ouer all tbc people of p to*D cue ouer 3fracl. 3nb tberf ic tbili 3 uiape bef :c t^t lo jbc. Utto toilbc* pet moze topic tpen 10,9 toilbc mefec in mpnc atone fpght: 9 u of tbciocrp fame mapbeicruafitcs tobicb tbou baft fpobe of :flral3 be bab in bonoure 'Cberfoje wtWf baughtrr of £>aulhab no cbpioc,\mto tbe oape of bee beetb- CCbe.tJti.Cbaptct. O>aurttDOiObup!60oDa^ourc:btit(tfo;bpD; \% fo?tuneb, tbat a* tbe apngfatt in Ousboufccaftecf tbe lozbftabffcuen Ibpmrcft toube about fro all bfiene* mpes ) be fapoc tmto Batban tbe pjopnet: bcbolD,3btoellnoto in an boufe of Ccbac ^ trees , but (KHbe Recite oN5ob btoelletn ^ ftjttbin tbc curtapne.ainb jaatban fapb tot to tbc Itpng : go 9 00 all tbat $ in thine beet fo?tbcio;tOi«toitbtbe. J 3liip « ; fortune* tbe fame wgbt tbat m tooo^oftbelomametmto$atb£fapeg: go auto tell my feruaunt <©auib,tbus fapth tbe io joe.- Cbalt tbou bplbe me an boufe to bttoelle m/ floj 3 bauenotbttoeltianp bou= fe,fmce tbe tpme f 3 brought tyecfylty* of 3fjac out of egipt } \)ntotbigbapc:butba we toalfteb,in a tent anb tabernacle . 3nall tbe place* tobece in 3 baue tbalueb tritft al tbe eb«b?cn of 3ftacl, fpane 3 one toorti \& -a.. anpoftbetribej3iof3frael(rrfenjS3com^ 03 maunoeb tbeiubge$ to febemp people 3C= Hffit j» tiplDc pe not trie an f oufe A : _. _._, „„,£. ^ MW tbetfo^e,fo Cape t)nto mp feruaunt a>auib: tju0 faptb tbe loibe SSSOT 1 ^W^nieltbattbou mpgbted beculec ouee-mp people3fcael, '' ri %m 3 tbasf tbith tbe in all tbat tbou txjen* teitto, 9 baue beutopeb all tbpne cnetnpcjt otttoftbPfPBbMnbbaufmabetbeuffteat namc,lpke\jnto tbename of tbeareatmcu tbat ace in tbe toojlbc.anb ticrSic,3 tbill nppopnt a place f oi m? people iftaei, anb topllplant it ,f tbep mapebtoetl in aplace o?tbeiraunic,anbmouenomoate,netbec (ball topcUpb people trouble W anpmoic, ajS tbep m at the begtunpng : fence the tp« me %t 3 fett jubgeu oner mp people 3fr wel.^03toilTgeuetberettfromafttbme enempesf . 3lnb tbc to?o, tellcth tbc,t bat be tbpllmauetbcanbotbfe. • 3nb tbbm tbp bapeu be f ulfilleb, # (bait ^Ttar xmMv f atber^ , anb 3 tbpU fet \)P thp fccDe after tbe, tbtycftlbau p/oceab 1 outof tbpbobpc,«tbiUftablp(bebWHpng= Mmcj* ipefbaU bplbe an boufe foimpna= SSBS me,? 3 topllftablplbe tbe teate of foftpng fftffl 1 WW tm: * 3 toplbe hW fatber, ano be ggBfi Cbalbemp romie.*pf befpnne,3t»pllcba= S™ ' ftcnbpmiDdrttovtbfocbe arobbea/menbe c chaftencb t6,« ti rocbe plagcjs a* the ebilbig of ml be plageo t5.i!5utmp mercie Cbal not uepart atuaw fro bU0 3 toue it fro ftaul, jtobomjputbotonebefo^etbe.ainbtbpne boufe a b tbf upngbome ftall mmvt tJout enbe after toe,* anb tbp feate (balbe ftablp **«« Cbebfo^eucr.3!cco v ibingtoaUtbe(cti)oibea anbaccozbpngtoalltbpjl\jirpon,bpb 0a. c baipeafte tmto Dauib.'CbetttbmtDauib *tbitf « w tsi ^ t)fe of ma, no lo^D 3 topli bplDe m an boufe JtiO tbctfojcbamtbpferuatitfouno itihitf fo^cnoto Jlo^b 45ob,tbQuurtano thp toojjbciat muft be true, tbou tbat baft tolbe tW goobneffc Dnto tl;p fcnuult. 5tnb noto go to,anb blcife tbc bouffc of tl)v fecuaunt* tbat itmapc contpneto foi cucc before t\)t. f 0^ 2 lo?b ©00 ljaft fpoite it,ano toitb t^y beftpng flrall tbc boufe of tbp femaunt be blcffcb fo,e cucc. CCbe.Wii.Cbaptec. 3 ?3hH1 Jf tcr tbi0 tt f o^tuhcb p W&tm fmotc tbc WUftinciBf, anofubbucb cfccm,* , tobc tlje b,ipDcUofboDagc out of the ' Ji ^oabitc0|ad-meafi!ccbtlimt'toit])aip= «w ne^cafttbebotoiictotbcgrofibe.^eucu toptb ttoolpnctf mcafuccobe fbemtobom be 0uc,anb tbe Icngtb of one ipnc iauco be a ipue. ^tnb fo becam tbc fyame* mum wruautttc^9papcbtcpbutc.3Dau«i fmotc alfo, foabacc jee t\)c fonnc of Bcbob ft pngc of ?oba (10 be tocnt to rccoucr Iu0 botber at tberpuccjDhecat.^nbS)auiD tohca thoii^ fanb 9 fcum buttb?cb boifcmc of W booft, anbttoenmc tboufauofotc mm, anb cut of tbc bofe of all W cbarcfte botfinr.crftr^ M mmtismit of a>amafcon came to fiiccoin SS?teSLSS!^ <«*•* *«i«i flue of tbe ffomawt ttoo anb rtocntpc tboufan-= yiafcon. Jub )) ^tciamet became fee uaurc& jo^w^Papcg tcibutcSnbtbujJ^ I02D £S?i lu ?W u ** i» tog f \)nto3iib J4 utt 1 tobr ^ (bUbetf of golb tbat bclongco to the fcruauutc^ of^aoarejee, 9 b^ougbt IS L tt !? 3«5(ajlcm.*ib out of Ata 9 Be ^fo *«Ub^boiftpngof 3eamatbbearbboto C a>aiUD babfmpttcn all the bofte of 0aDa= * »•»«• «w re?cr, be fent Jo^am bto fonnc "onto upnere muib j to falutc bpm toitb peace, tfrfo "tt bleae l)vtn, becaufe be bab fougbt agapnft i5>ao«icejcc,ano beaten bpm: foi^ijop bab Sreate toacrc tO lpabarejcc,tol)tchrioiam j |ougbt toitb bWcffcllc* of ftluec, tjcftcltf yfgoibe,anot)cu*cl0ofb^u"c:Cilbicb^airp ftpng 2>auib bpb bebicat^nto tbeL02btd tbe mm anbgolDe tbat be bab cofecrateo of all nacponsi,tobpcb be fubbuebsof S>ina of tbe ^oabitcs, 9 of t^z cbplozcn of 3lm* •« mon,oftbcpbiliftfnc0,9of0amalcft,anb 5> !i i . of t\)t fuople of loaOarcjcr fonnc of Uebob ftpug of ?oba.lnb Bauio gat bpm aname after tbat bcretumco * hao fmpttcn of tbc pitimn in tty tjalcpc of &alt. rtriit.tbou - fanb tncn.*3nb be putlicpcrjl ih©bo,eum *mwu tbo^oto out al <£bo put bcvoubpoucejar/i all thep of Coom becam tuatito fccuauntesf, 7m tbc JloiDc kept BauiD tobatfocuc r be tone m banb. 3Lnb BauiO capgncb oucc all 3fracl, anb crecutcb rpgbt, t iufticc \jnto all b«s pcoplc.3mD*3oab tbc fonnc of-uu- *&m*m uiab toa« oucc theboft, aim 3cbofapbat f> foncof^btluOtoas(rcco^cr-3;nb^)abocD tbc fonnc of 3£bttob, ? 3bimclceh tht fon= He of ^biatbac tocrctbejDicattc&ano jfea raia toasl t\}t £>crpbc . Tim >* iSanaiabu *» p fonnc of 3el)oiaba ttatf oner (ia j tl)e Crc^ t^ t bite* anb tbc ^ijelctbitcj* : $ mnm ton ; ncjJtocrccbcfctttlariB* C€!)C;ic.Cbaptcc. (p"t>a«i6 rc(to?ftl) .iltlhf fciats of §«u!,C5 iPip'ji; l'oft(l) tljcfouiif of jonatlus. nBbBaiuontpi):^ there pet anp ^t ma left of j5 houfe of ^aulrffoi 3 toill Cbeto bpm incrcpe f ot 3 nat ba» faftc.3nb there toag of y IbouQiolb ofS>aul a fcruaut toho rename toac^iba : $ tobantbep baocallco Upmtotto iDauih.tbehpng fapoUnto bun: art tbou jiba r i)c fapb: tbp feruauut is he. 3tnb p ftpng fapbc:rcinapnct ft tbf r pet mv man of p boufe of $aul, tobo 3 mape (licto tbcmcrcpcofCob\jp6 f jibaauftocrcbtbe r npngc;* Jonathan ftatb pcta fonnctoluch * 16 lame on his fete. 't be big fapb \)nto bun tobcrc 18 ber ?iba fapb \mto the itpngc: be = b olb,bc is in tbe boufe of #)acl)ir p fonnc of aimicl of Hobcber.'Ebm Upug Bamb fent* «fett bpm out of tbcbouicof4t)acbic the fonnc of aiintcUoutoflobcbcr.Bototobcn «)ipbibofct|) tbe fonnc of Jonatbagifon-- ite of ^aul toas come *nto ©aiub , he fell on bis faccanb m rcucrccc . Tim tfy hvng fapoc. -^ipbibofctb^e anftocrcO:i$cbolo tbp fccuaunt.toautD fapoc t>nto bumfeare ec notifo? 3 totll rurelp ftjeto tbf ftinoncOcfot 3onatbaKi!tbpfatbcrsraHeA>toillrefto^ej» i 15 11. ItMt'ljJi I! !i M : 1 I Bauft 0.&amtteU !.| 1 I 'J ht. i i i . % ii; all tuc frtUctf of &anl tnp father , 5 i* droit rate tyro onmpneattmc table cotinuallp. 3&nb he botocb fop in fclf ,anb fapbc : W&at itf tiw fcruaur, that thonuwibcft twiKgrafc to lone Vpon focbe a beebbogg a0 3 ami' %\ym the kpng calico vnto rtiajfeauttf vounamant fapwnto l)tm:3 oauc geuen unto tty matter*' f onncall that pertapneb to £>aut anb to all htfhoufc.&e ttysfioget tnou,« thp CotincjeJ anb tlip fcruatnntc0 tpll *«w«. tf)clanbc,anbtypngin,tbat * tft> matter* tonne maw banc fobc t&t*ttJ8*tmfiw* bofctfi thp matters fonnc fljnl rate tycb all* S> wapc upon mp tabic . jf oj ?iba baa flftcuc ftmn& ano twentpc fcrnaiitca. 'Chen fapb *iba unto tiw kyng.- 3ccotbmgto allprop ioibtbe apnghatli commaunbeb bitf fee? uaum\i'o tyall tte fcruaut bo.fc&MUfapb p kpng ) aiHpbibofctlj ftwill catc Upon mp ta=> blcasi one of the ftpngr0foimc0.#lphaM* fetb to a fonnc that was* poungc , namcb ■&)icba,Mib all that btbcllcb tn the houfc of siba were fcruaunte0 Wito&)tphiborcth. Zm &?ipbibofcrb OWclt in 3cruialcm,foj *«.Mf.H«.b bcbpbcatccuerattbckpngcstable,* anb Wa0 lame on both btf fete. C3r:hc.r.ehapter. ^rbcrnrfffBgrtsoflDfluitiarcbpllaiiounrrnttn/ ^ imppmeb after tt)i0, $ tl)e kig of tbe cbiltycn of Simmon bieb, $ toanon l>tsf fount rapgncbinhi0 ^—^J ftcabCChen fapb DanfD: 3 toll incw upiibneffctrnto tyanon $ fonnc of Ba had , ast &p0 father (beweb kpnbnciTc Wo mclnb ©auibfcttttoconfojthpmbp the nana of bt)3lfcTuauteiSoucro»(ei)ciicatboo bp0 father. 3nb Batub* fcruauntc0 came into tbe lante of ttjechrttye of Bmmon, ano the ioibca ofthe ehiltycn of Simmon fapb \m to toanon their &o?b: tbpnbeft ftyMif m* uto bothe tjonoutc tbp father, tbat be bath feat cof ojtourcjs to tbe.'fyathnot ©auto ra ttjer fcnthi0fcruautc0 wito #, tofcatche p cptie,$ tofppett out, ano to oucrtbjiow it.'' SSJbctfojctyanontohe 3>autb0 fcruaun= teg, $ u)aueb of tbe onetwlfc of cuerpc man ncsl bcrb anb cut of their garmcnte0 in the mvbMccuen harbc to tbe buttockeg of tbe, s fcut them atbapc. Olben tbep tolbe it x>\% toK>auib,bcfenttomctet^(fo?theptocre men erccbinglp a fbameb)* the npng fapb: taric at 3cricDo \mti\l pour beerbes! be gro 25 toen,anb then returnc. 26nb tbDen tlje chpl^ bitn of atmntOM to that tbep ftancke in p fight of BautD^tbep ftnt anb ^ittn the ^>p nansf of the houfeof %ehob,9 tbe ^birianji of?oba.jCjc.ti)ouCanbfotemen,anbofkpno; *fiaacj)a a thoufanb ml, 5 of 3ftob ttbclne thoufano men. ainb toben a>auto hearbe of ft,bcfettt3oabfcaUtbebottofttromjmcn. Zrto the cpD)cn of #mmon came out,anb eK- toajjeb battcll attDe entring in off gate,« the fbimnt of ^obai),of l&chobjiftobanb ^)aacal) tbcte bp tljem fcluctf inthefelbe. WlDen3oab fatbttbe front ofthe bate tell u>a$ agapnft ftpm before anb after, he chofc of all the frcih poung men of 3fracU, $ put them in ar ape agapnft the &p;»antf. 3 no the reft of the people he bclpuereb into the Dftb of awfap hp0 blotter, f hempaht put t\)t in arapc am p ctjtlb^cn of 4tm= mon.^nb be fapb,pf the ^irfanstbe ftron- get then 3,tbon (halt helpe me. 2Sut pf the chplb?en of J mrnon be to ftrono; fo ? the, 3 - Sbill come abfuccoure the. 'Cherfo^e qupte C the ipk e a man, $ let W (tonbe fttff f 0? otire people,? fo^ the cittctf of ourc<5ob.3lnbthc £ :b bo f bol)ich t)3 goob in htf otone epos. 3Cnb3oabp?occbebfo?ttJ,?fpcoplcttoajS toitO npm,to ftgljt tbith tUe ^iriansf.HSnt tbep fteb before him3nb tohen the chilbjen of 3inmou IVito that the $)iria0 there neb, tl)c fteb tljep alfo before 36bifap, anbentreb into the dtvc . 3tnb fo 3 oab returnee front $ ebilbje" of 3lmmon,« came to 3erufalem. 3nbtbben the ^irtajs fatb t|jat thep there put to p tbojffc before 3frael, thep geathe* rcb them to gcathcr.3nb feabarejer fcnt>$ " Ittoupr out t^e &mam$ p toere bepounbe thcrpuer.^nb thep came toith their aimpe anb Ipobah the captapnc of tpe Soft of l^a^ barejer tbent bcfo?e them. 3nbtDbcn it ttmxi ihctoeb soauibjjc gea= jd tljetcb all 3frael togeathcr , ab paueb ouer 3o?ban,j cam to tyclam^nb tue^triau^ fct them felucs in arape agapnft DauiD, $ fought tbith him:anb the «btrian$ flcb bef re 3frael.?tno ©auib beftropeb fcuen hun= meb cbarettcgof the ^)irianj5, anbfourtpe ti)oufanb|joiifcmcn,anbfmotcS)oba|)the captapnc of their hoft,tbbich alfo bpcbtbc= rc.^nbthben all thekinaes<(thatttoerefcr= uaun tctf to Ijjabar c?cr ) fato that thep toere put to tijc tbo^fc bcto?e 3ftacll , thep mate peace tbith them,? ferucb them.^lnb fo tte £>lriantftcareb to helpe f chilbjenof 3fm» mon anp moare. CChe.riCljaptcr. <[t;hf aauoutti'cof ©aiua Mt\) ®aWabt *5c top: ROftBjfa*. WtfiS'l iSetljfahe I l i tt&mt& MtlU \- tffd.tt.8. $b it came to pafle p (after the pea> re roa* (jcpp^eb ) in the tpme when ftpnflen^bfc to go f onh to battel!, frauiD feat 3on b anb hV0 fee uaunte0 tbpth tp»ff.«« hpm,anball3frael , t»hpch * beftropeb tlje chplb^tn of summon t anb befegeb Hiaba. H6ut Dauib tatpeb ft yli at 3eruTalem.36nb ttchaftceb in an cuenpngctbat Dautbarofe outofljptfbeb.anbtoalfeeb \jpon the route of tl)cfepnge0palace,anb from the roufe ^e fawe a woman *t»afthpnge her felfe:anb thewomS urn* \)erp bctotpf uli to lobe bpd. 3nb hefent f enqup^e u>bat txioma" it ftjulb bc ; favenge;i0tt not Bethfabe thebaughttr ofeiiam.anbwpfe to «airia0 tbe fcethite.' 3nb tmuib fent meu"engcr0 , anb tett l)tt. ambiux anb u)e came in bnto hpm * 9 he lape ujptU »* ber.3!nb>»«n'n , eMae[p)Q)e t»a0^rparifpeD ea* from her miclcnncfle , a\\h returneb "unto _» her houfc.iCnb the woman conceaueb, | fent ® anb tolbe ®auib,5 fapb:3 am wpthchplbe. 3JnbDauibfentto3oab , (fapenge : ) fenbe me (Elria0 the hethite.3 nb 3oab lent Clriao toDauib.3Bnb wh^ Slria0waS come Vnto bpm.%>aufb bemaunbeb of him: howc 3oab . bpb, anb howetlje people fareb, anbhowe tf)tm?ofwarrcp?ofpcreb.3!nb2)auibfapo to Ciria0.gobowuctotbpnchoufe, anb wn- (hethpfete.3nb 2ilria0 beparteboutof tbe ftpngc0 palace,anb there f olo web ijpm a fee upcefromtbemugc0table.2i5utanaj3ncpt at the D0?e ofthe apngc0 palace wpthail tUc feruaunte0of hP0 lo^bcanb wftnot bow* netobP0houfe. IDhich wl)c thep bab tolbe ^>au(b( fap^ge: %\tia& wet notbowne into ftptfhoufej oa= tub raphe tmtoHria0;Camcft thou not fro thPiomep i whp bpbbeft thounotgo bow-- nc then bnto.thpnc honfe i VXii^ anfwer e „ 2>aiiib. 'Cbearcue % 3ftacl anb Juoa bwell inpauplpon0:anbmp Loidc 3oabanb tbe feruauntc0ofmi>Lo?be ipe bpon tbe ftatt ertlje.-anb ftjall 3 then go into mpne houiV, M „ , ha toeate , anb to bjpnclie , anb Ipe wptlj mp ™t***Wjtof# 9ar*2i8ptbplpfcanbbp thclpfrof 1 thpfoule,3 wpllnotbo thP0 thpufie. ^nb *WM.rir.c^>auibfapbe \)ntoeiria0: * tarpc heretic bape alfo, anb f omo^o we 3 wpll left the be* pattella fo airia0abobe in 3erufalem that oape,aubt^e mo^owe.3SnD whiliDauibbab caUebhpm,he ty* catc anbb;vnclte before «r hpm.anbhemabc bpm ojonchc. 3nb ateue* he went out tolpc on W couche wpth t&e fe«iaunte0 of hi0 Hojb.but went not bow* netohp0bourc.©npmo?ow:©anib wjote a letter to 3oab,anb fent itbp,thchanbc of ©ria0.3llnbhcw?otcthu0in p leticr.fap^g; puto whan 3oab befegeb ithe eptie, he aupgncD Wia$ hnto a place, where he wpft that fttbge men were, 3nb tfieme* of thecptit cam ont.anb fought wpti)3oab.2Dnbei)ere werecerte* outttlP' wen ofthe people, nub of t&e feturtunleg at 2>auiD,anb Qiria« the lijethitc tipcti alfo. Ithcn 3oab fent,anb tolbe ©auib ail the thpngc0conectnpnge tbewarre,anb Char- geb the melTenger.iapcngeiWhen thou ball mabe an cube of tcllpnge the matter0 of the warrebntotheapngepfbe begpnnc to fu= me.anb fapebnto tpe: wherfo?eappzocbeb pe fo npe Vnto the cptie, whan pe W fpght. / *, wpft pc not that thep wolbcburle anbfiotc w from t5e wall.'wbo ftnote ^bimrlech fonnc - . of fro* 3crebofeth.''* W not a woman caft TZLuu t a pece of a mplftone Vpon hpm from of the wall.anb he bpcb in , Ctjebt0.''whP Went pe npe the wall .'then fapefhou.' tty feruaunt Ciria0 tte fyttytt i0 M at fo. 4>o themeflcngec went,anb camcanb fheweb a>auib all that jtoab hab fent hpm fo?,anb the meffannger fapb wito B>amb: p mi picuaplcb agapnft to&anb cam outVn^ to V0 into tl;e felbe,$ wc>»(torti>Moun«oftac« ^ kc bnto thcm.cuen bnto tbe enccrpttg ofthe gate.anbtbeQiotcr0(hotte from the wal< Ie0 , Vpon thv fernanntf , anb fomf of the hingcg feru.iuteo be beeb.anb thp feruaunt Qlrta0 tfje^etfjite i0 OeebaUb.anbSautb raphe bnto the meflcnge r ; thu0 Wt ? Cipe bnto3oab;lctnot that %nge troublethe. jfO^ftliccIj.wnetofluactffafipuctrcaim.pftBcrbe bcuoureth one as well a0 anotDcrmiake thp ** battell mo?e ftrougc agapnft the cptpe to oiicrtftio wcit,* fe that tbou courage 3oak %m when the wpfc of &ria0l)carb that her hufbanbcwa0Oceb i (be mourneb foi hpm^ 3nb whan the mounipnge watfjaft , r>a= nib fent anb fctt her to hP0 houfe , anb fl)e became hP0 wpfe , anb bare hpm a fonne. ^i$u t thi0 ehpnge that ©auio bpb, bifplea fett tbe loibc, Cfche.riiCbAprcr. «r D ami) it t rp; oaeb fo; tl>c Ciauglj tn otitis* ti)tOimtana»a(tt ia tawmttet 6v#b. nuts ((.(•dtlomoitbojnr. [jftb the lotfe fent jSathanlm* % jto &a ui b.3inb he came bnto fit anb tolbe hpm :thete were two men in one eprtc.the one tp cje, :anb the other pooje . -grbe rpche jab cjreeb pnge manp ftrcue anb oten. i5uttbcpoo«iebabnothpnge uitte one jptu? Chepe,wr3pch he hab bought, anb no.jpuleb ^p.anbitgrewe bp wptr) hpmanbwpf|i l)p0cr)pl^cnalfoyaubbpb cafe oft)p0awne mca tMnb bmncke of hP0 awnectiupe,antr flcptinhp0bofome,anb wa0 Vnto npm atf hP0 baughter . 3tnbtherecamaftraunger Dnro the epche ma. ^nb he coulbe not fpnbe in hp0 hear t to take of hP0 awne flhepe , anb of hP0 awne ojten y fo b#(fe tot the irrann* ger that wn# come bntohpm.z5t(ttoke the poo?cm$ne0ftjcpe,anb b^Oeb if fo? pmatt f - at: > - I m I! • r ' ; fi 4: H' f'.!j 4 25 rtiat watfcome to Dfm^nb^auf b watf er= ceopiis worn id roc tnan,atiii fapoe ro iBtt- * mm „ .tbariaafureipafiityc lojacipuctb, tbcmaii * hW g! rliat Dart) Done tbi rDpng *i0cnntb: tboti OfttDMRroMGlrtl) tDe Jlojbc <5ob xcMttfc-.ru.e of 3fracl,*3anopntcb pe tag* oucr3f= rael.anb rpbbc t^c out of rDe babe of $aut, &ar 3 gain? tDc tDp matters' boufc , anb ^- tl)p mafter0wpnc0into rbpbofomc, anb gauc toe ,tDe.boufc of 3(raclanb of 3uba,$ nugbt (pftDatDabbcnctolptlc)baucgeucn tDe fo mocDe moarc.ttDcrfoac tDcn baft tbou bcrpi fcbtDccommaunbemcnt of tDc iojbctobo wpckcbneffcmbpa foflbt.'tDou Daft kvlbc Ctttaa tbc Irjctljitc wit D tDc fwcrbc ,attfi Daft rani l)is( wtfetotDp wpfcaDaft flapncDpm wjiti) tDc fwcrbc of tDc cbpltyen of terom $ #o we tDc rfojctbe fcocroc iball ttcttrr be* •part from tDpncbotifcbccnufc thou haft be= fppfcbmcanb tafcen tftewvfc of Wt& the fcf rDfrcto be tDp wifc.ti>Dcrfo?c tbu* Gtytjj rDeto!bc:bcDblbc,3wrll ftercty) nicUa* gapnfl tbc, men out of rfonr atone Doufc.f Dm. nwi.c ^Pll * tam ttyy wpntiS before tijpnc cpc0, ano gcuc tDcm tmto tbp ncpgDbourcanb Dc S&- (ball IpewptD tDp wpuc0^ fntbcfpgbtof tDc fonnc.ff oj tDou Opbcft it fecretlp, 26ut 3 wpll Do tbp0 tbpngc before all 3ftacl,nnb m tDc open fonne h>gDt. B 3nD 3>auib tapbebnto ftatba* 3 banc *e«wttH).c fpnncbagapnft tDc Lojoe.ainb&nrDa' fayb tontoDautfrthr lotbenlfobatDput awape tDp fpmtc, tDou ibalt not ope . tyowbeif , be* caufe in bopng tbp* bcabc , tbou Daft gcucn tDc cncmpc0 of tDc ILojib a caufe to raplc, tDe cbplbe tDat t0bojnc\)nto tDe .(ball furclpe bpc.3tnb jftatDan beparteb bnto Dp0 Doufe. 3t nb tDe Lojbe ftcoke tDc cbplbe tljat &\vtn$ wpfc bare *nto 3>autb,anb it ftckeneb foje. S>auibtDetfo?e befougDt (Bon foi f cDplbe, r anofaftebano txjenttn , ano lave atlnpgDt Upon tDe eetDe.3Snb tDe c!ber0 ofDp0 Doufe arofcanb went to Dpm,to taue Dim Mp from f ectD.23ut De \»oIbc not.netDet ovn De eatc mcatioptDtDem. Tinn it Dappeneb tDc feu? t\) bape , tDat p - cDplbe mn . m tDe rccuaunte0 of SDauiD ^ bur ft n ot tell Dim ,tDat tDe cbplbe t»ag becb. 5fo^tDepfapb:beDoIbe,\»DiletDecDplbti)a0 vet alpue.we fpane \jntoDpm,anb De wolbe not Dri-bcn \?nto ourc t»opcc . feotoe wpll be tDen Mm Dpm fclf«,pf m tell Dpm.tDat tDc cDplbtiflbecbfifiHtDaiiiD fepnjc DP^fcr- uaimtesltDDpfperpnsc, pcrceaucb , tDat tDc cDplbe toag tetDtf DaniD Tapb tnto Dps* fer «auntc0:i0tDecDplbebecb.'"S:Dcpfapbc:vcc. Ttmmuto acore fratDe crtD , ana wafibeo anbanopnteo himfelfe.anb cDafigeb Di^np- jjarelUcameinto tDe Doufe of tfe &o;bc>$ too jftipppcb , ff a f tcevoarb cam to Dp0 atuiw Doufe ano Mb f tDep ftmlbe Ht&& bnt be= *** tw Dym,anb Dc m eatc. ^Epcit fapb W fer uauntc0 \juro Dpm : utytt tDpnge i0 tDp0, « tDat tljou baft boijcf^poubpbbcftfafteanb iDcocfonDecDplbctoDpIc it watfa lvuc,« a0fonea0itu»a0beeb,tooubibbcfti:pre\)p, nnb rate mcatc . l)cftipbc : vuDple tDc cbplbe t»a0yeta Ipuc»3 faftebanbioepte»5f oujjitf 3tDougDt5toDocan tcllwDetDcr d5ob'tx>pll Daue mcixpc on me,tDat tDc cDplbe mape lp= ue.*i5utnov»e,fcpngciti0bceb,tJJDeefo?e ra,, w^ fliulb c 3 faft ('can 3 bjpngc Dim adapne an p moarc^Qjallgoro Dvm,ratDer tD5 Derail come agapnr to me . Mo "mauio confoneb ( 25etDfabe W wfc, anb went in \mto Dee, nnb lape tuptD Der.anblbe bare a fonne, anb calleb Di0namc**.&alomon,anbtDcloitbc tig*/* loitcD Dpm.2Bnb De rent bp tDe Danbc of jj$a= tg$& tDantDe wopDctc.anb calleb Dtennme* 3e= ^ , tim, of tDe lo.Jbe0 bcDalfe. gjjp 3oab fougDtagapnft maba tDc mit of ® tDc cDplbzcn of 3!mmoii,anD tokc ftf$sf on *s& tpoftDcUpngOomc.31n03oabfcntmeu*en« ger0to DaiuD,fapcng:3Daneinabc affa\»t to lixaba.anDDatictaucn^-'tDccptictDptD ««# i»arer0.Botx»e tDcrfo^e geatDer f reft of tlje people togctljer , anb befege tDe cptie , tDat tDonmapcfttaucit:lcft3ta{teit, anb call it after mp name . 3Bnb Daiub gea tDtrcb all f people togctDccanb went agapnft Baba,9 bcfegebit,anb gate it. * 3BnbDe tone tDep? *<.**ftt fepnge0croiincfrom of Dp0Dceb,tt»DtcD t»a= peb an Dunb^cb wapgDtof goibe, anb in it werep?ccpou0ftonc03nb^ tf wag f e t on *bt jEDamb0Dceb.3nbDc b?ougDtout tDefpop= le of tDe cptie in ercebpngc great abounban= cc .3nb.Dc carpeb out tDe people tDatwatf tDcrin,anb^*ptittDem tjpon fawc0 ana«p> t)ponp?onDarowc0,anb\)po aye0 of p^o,^ tDiuft tDcm into tDc tplckell. 'CDt^bpb De ' witDall tDc cptic0 of tDecDtlb?enof Tttmb 3nb f o Dauib anball tDe people rctttr nro V» ro3ernfaIcm. C5TDe.]»:ti>.CDapter, C!2m«on S)8«»D8 fonne 6e fpletlj ljp« (pact Wbm wot.abfftiomtftrtfoiir ftpuetb aranon. ^tettDi5i it cDaunceb tDat 35 b=^ fa lorn tDc fonne of Darnb Dab a fap^e lifter , nameb % Damap, wDom 3mnon tDe fonne of tea uibioueb. 3mbDewa0fofo;e Mmo , tDat Derclllpcne foj tDe loue of Dp0 tpacr wfrmfflmm wa0 a Wt gpn»anbDetDonsDt itDatbc wDpm toDn» ncD^PMrpofeofDrv . UBnr tenon Dab a frcnbe,caiieb 3onabab , f fonne of £>uncaD a wmibti tootber .• anb ^' 3onababwa0 a * B * ljcrp wvfc m j|.3nb De fapbc unto War. Dow cometDit.tDattboubepng tDe mngc0 fonne, art tDu0 confumeb eutepbape Yl&plt tDon not tell me^mnon anfwcrebDpm : 3 lour HDamac U.itvnges, GtemtWhlttv'tt Hbfoim fpffer . 3o= nabab fayot Unto bim-.la pe p oo w ne on thy bebbe,$ maae tDp fetfe (ictte . tno wDen w farfjer ttfeome to fe tDe , rape tjnto Dpm i €)D let mp fpftcr ^Damat come .anbgeue me meate.f b^effeitin mp fpgDt , tDar3 mape fe it anb eare it of Dec Danbe. 25 3nbfo2lmnonlapebownc,9mabeDpm felfe fpc ue3nb wD^ tDe apnge wa come to fe Dim^mnofapbe tmtoptm: C»D let ^Da= mar mp fitter come , a make me a couple of ftpttet0 in mp fpgDt, tDat 3 mape ea te of Dec Danbe. 'EDen iDfmib fent Dome to % Da mar , fape£!gom)WtorDpb?otDer3lmn50Doiire, anbbiefleDimmeate.^o^Damarwenteto Dec b?otDer3mno0 Doufe, anb Dewaglapeb : oownc^inb (be toke ft ou re, anb mnbe pafte, anb D^eOeD frp ttcr0 in Dt0 fpgDt, % bpb bane tDem.anb toke aplatter,$ pow;eD tDem our before Dim ,but De wolbe not eate. %\\b te* non fapbe:^aue out all men from me . 3D nb tDep went all out fcomDpm . ainb amnon fapor Dnto W Damar :b?pngc tDe mme into tDe cDamtye, tDat 3 mape eate of tftpite Dab. . 3inb tCDamar toke tDc ftpttew , wbpcDlDe DabmaDe,?b?otigDt tDeminto tDe cDamb^e to38mnonDer b?otber.3Jnb wDitftjc Dab fct fD€ before Dim.to eatebctoke becanofapb tjntoDet j come lytxb me mp fpftcr. 36 nb foe C anfojccebDtm:nap mp bzotber , bo not fo^ce me.fo? tbece DatD no fuel) tbinge bene bore in 3frael:bonottDoutDt0abDominacion.Jfw wDitDcrCDall 3Deablc to go xbmv (Dame' atnb tDou ftialt be a0one of tDe fole0 inlf= cael ^D fpeake w» to tDe kpnge , anb De (Dall ^- not benpeme ;tmto tDe. If) o wbcit De wolbe nor Drrkcn wito Dcr ffi'ffl 8 ^pcebuttokcDer,$*fo?cebDcc,anblapeid '" ' Dec3anbtDi52lmnonDatebDcreyccbpnglpe: io tDatppate wDee wptD DeDatcb Dec, wad (t eater tpen f loue, v5 w!)icD De before loueb ier.3inb tenon fapbe witoDcr : \>p,$getp jfce.^DeanCwccebbt^Dou Daft no caufe. W0 euellf P putted me awape i0 greater tben|[otDertDat?bpbbcftt)ntome.iaeuer= tDelefte De wolbe not Deare Der,but calleb W bope tDat fcrueoDmi,afapb:put awape tDf st woman frfime,? bolt pbo?e after Dee. % no fteDab a kirtell of biuerfc coloured topo \\ty. ^fo?«5fbcDe wercpapnged baugDter0 ( tDat s> were t)irgine0)apuarelcb . % \)l W fcrua ut b?ouobt Dec once, ablocbeb p oo%z after Der. MO ^Damar tokc $ put aftDe^ on Der Decb, ftrnt Det gave fep?tell f wa0 on Dec , a lapeb ier Danbe onDcr Dceb , 5 fo wf t # ^ fee w^t, crpeb.3Tnb abfalom Dcr b^otDcr fom ^nto Der:DatD tenon tDp^otDcc Dene witD tDc. ^ #0 wpet be ft(U mp fpfter :De i0 tDp b^otDer. letuot rtytel tDpuge greue r Dine Deri 3Enb fo ITDamar rcmapneb befolafe in Dec bjotDcc 3&bfalom0 Doufe. t&nt wDan apngeioauto Dearb of alUDcte WwUM wa0 \?erp wjotD. ^o,titr IM i* 1 it ii ' p fec= uaunfeebe hiria anfwerea aebfalom. 1 nape mv fonne. o« will nor go all, iter be cDargca blebnto tDe . 3ftb 3Jb(aiom l^e foje^pon Dpm.Dowbeit DewolDe net go, but blclteb vmMten fiipb Mmamm tdou wpit not come,rDen let mpbiorDer ^mnon go is MS* MO tDe apnge antwereb Dpm; WDar neber D it.tDatDegowprDtDe^Sut^bfalommabe f ocDe inftifce rDar Dc let %mnto$ all f apn* gc0cDplb,ieugowitDDpin* BoweDab3ib(aIomciJmaubeD WVO&M mcn,fapcugc:inarkcwDcn2Jmnon0Derti0 merp wptD wpnc a wDen 3 bpb pou firtptc 3mnon,tDcn kpll Dpm : anb feare not.bauc not 3 bpbben poii/be boibe tDcrfo^c, n plapc « tDcmen.a&nbtDepoung(!menof3*bfal6bpb# tjnto tenon cucna03ebfalom Dab comafi' beb.3Bnb all tDc apugc0 fonne0 atofe, 9 cue* rp mangat Dpm \)u,\jpon hp0 a>nlc , a ftcb 1 3fliibitfojtuncb,toatwDple tljcp were pet in tbc wape,tpbpngc0camto mnio fapeg: 2abfal6D<«DftapneaU t!)ekpngc0 fonne&t tDcre i0nonelcftalpue/CDeu s>auibarofCi a* tareDi0gaemenfe0,anb lape along on p *u.mM, ertD:a all Dt0 fcrnauntc0 ftobe b> witDfDepz an6 -"^ clotDc0 rcnt.3Rub 3onabab rot tonne of ^i= meaD5Dauib0b?ofDcr,anfwercb,anbfapbcj let n ot mp lojbc fuppofe f rDep Daue ftapnc alt rDe potmge men tDc hpngcjlfonnetf f fa tie tenon oulp ifi bceb. ff 0^ tDat DatD bene be= terminebm3lbfalom0mvube, fence Dc f«= ceb&p wec&bamaciaowc rbcrfoic , i^t normp lo?bc rDe apnge take the tDpngc fo greuouftpe,rorDincBerDarallfftirtgt0Ton= ne0are beeb, wue3lmnononlp tfibttb. t 25ur^bfalomfleo.ainbrDepoungcmart *. tDarkeprrDewatcDe,lpftetn)Dp^cpe0,ai«) <3 lokeb tZnb bebolbe,tDec cam mocDe people bp a wape ,alonge bp rDe Dpnbcc parte ort anbPHc0fpbe.3nb3onababrapbebntotbtf Bpuge:beDoloe,tDekpnge0fonncSCome;^x» tDvfcruaunr fammw. Mrs an foncas fit Dab Icf fe vpcakpnge r beboibe < the InwariS fonuc0 came,anb Ipf te tip rDcpi t)opce0, anu wepre-UCDe ftpngc aifo anoafi Dp0 fcnrauii» tc0 wepre etceapnglp^urafafalom eTca= leb^anbwfrrotDalmairDefonfte of^mi- Aittontatimw, Unb m\to tnomntH wDptfioiiue enerp myt. 3Snb fa3bfaront ifcapebanb wmtte6tf»r,jinbtoa0 tDcrr ■i i ; I 1 I .'i it 1 i f* tj.$ftnmcl i tb?e peart jS^ttH ftpngc &auib bcfp?cb to go fo?tbunto abfaiom: # o?wDerca0 amtum wa0bceb,&e wa0comfo?tcb oticr Dym. Cft|)c.]rfifj.ebaptcr. SOP (be topreomr of tbt tooutau of SAtttoa mom i« calif o aoapnr. flofalom tfjtpges* SlojMi. m \ h ■ i i u *< £)ab tbe fonne of jarufa pcrcea* u co, tbat tlje ftrngcsf bcrt watf f o» warbc 3bfato , i be rent to 'Crjc* boa , ant) fetttiirnce a t»pfc wo-- man,anbfapbcUntober:fapnc t})y fclfeto bcamonrncr.anbpnt onmoutnpnge appa= rcll.3nt» anopMtnottbp Telf u>ttf) oplc . but bca0a womantDatbab longctpmc mour= itcbfo?iomebccbbobpe. 3nb come to tDe ftpngc.nnb fpeabe of tby0 mance Unto bpm. 3nb f Q.3oab taugbt Dcr wbnt fbcttjulb fnpe 3nD wben tbe woman of ^pf boa bab Fallen on bet face to tbe grounbe , anb bone 25 obcpfannccujc fapbe unto tbe hpngc .bclpc me £> kpngc. Ube bpnge fapbe Unto bcr.- wbat apletb tDc.'&bc anfwere b:3 ama wc« bow^auDmpneDwfbanDc is! bccb.3t]nbfDp l)anbmnybebabtwofoimc0, nnbtbcp ti»o fougbt together (it tbe f elbe , ) wDere was" no man to gobctwcnetbcm)buttDc one fmote tDc otDcranb tlewc Dpm. 3Cub bebolbctije wbole ayweb 10 rpfen ngapnft t(jp banb = Dcu.r^c. mapb^anbtbepfapD: *bclpucr U0 bimtbat ter fmote bPtfb?otDer:tJ)at we mape bpM hym ^rfo} pfoule of Di0 bjotDct wDomefce Hue. tye will befttope tbe &cp?e alfo. 3nb fo tbep CballqucncDe mp fparalc wbPcb W left, ejiat i)c (ball ftcre Up(to mp fjuf ufac ) netDer n* mcncHttueUpSpertb.amDtbcupngefaybc «r Unto tDc woman : go borne to tDync boufe, 3 wpll geue a cbarge fo? tDe . Slab tbe wo= man of wftoa fapOc unto tlje fcpngc : 8?p &oibc apnge,tDp0 trefpace be on me aim on mp fatber0boufe,anb tbe bpnge anb bP0 fcate be giltlcffc.^nbtbe bpnge fapb: pf anp man fare ong[)t Untotjjt ,b?png mm to me, anb be iballDnrte tbe no moatcC jjen fapbe fr 3 * (be:^4ctt tDe, apnge remember &p0lo2bc 0ob,tDat tjjeauengerof tbe bloubegcatbce not onbeape* togetbcrtobclrropc,nnbtbat ti)cpflapenotmpfonne.3ni) be nnftoercb: ttxm « MJuirea* tbe lo?be ipuetb * tbere fyallitot ' **"** oncbeere ottXtg fonne fall totbc ertbe. m 'CDcwomanfapbeacttDpnc Danbmapbe fpeabe one wolbe tnoareUntomp io?be£ upnge.ainb be fapbe •. iavt on . %ty woman fapbc:wMietf)ei)att{ibetcrnuitebfucN tlipiiffagapnft p people of (000.^0; p* apng bot|)lpeahe t|H0 tppimeajj one wbfeb (0fan tpe,tbiitbeft)ulbenotfiettbomcagapnctpjS bnncfaKd.^o^iocmuftncbejSDpe^per^ ast water fpplton tbegrounbe, vobicl) ciwot be geatbereb tip agapne : &?> ilicttber bot^ ^ (15 oD fpaceanp fouie. tettbe npngc tberfo?c fpnbcpmcancji, J ft>0 banpfOjcbbetiotW* tcrlp ocpcllcb fraimu.iaowe tberfo?e am 3 conic , to fpcaltc of tfyit tljiug Unto tfye bpnge mp lo^Dc: :if ojn)ep f beoftfje people, w«e fcareb mc3nb t|)p babmapbe fapbe : liotue wpllJfpcalicUntopBmig.parauenturetbc Itpnge will perfourme f t eqiicft of tji^hanD^ ^ mapbe.36nbttc hinge lball jjeare |jt«3 janb^ ittopbe.tobclpucr bee out of tbe banbe of tbe man ,tba t wolbe baue beitropeb tne ann alfo mp fonne out of f enberitaunce of <5ob.3nb tfypne banbinapbe faybc : tbe wo?oe of mp l,o;Dett)cbpngc(ballnowe be confo^ tables $op mp lojbf tbe bpnge in an an 3lngel of (Sob,m bcoepng ofgoob anb babb:t|)erfo^ . tlje lojbc tl)p 00b be witl; t[)e. 'Srbentbekpngcanfwercb,? fapbe Unto? woman:bPbc not from me ( 3 pjapc tbejtbe tbpngetUat3 lbaUafactbc;3nb tDcwomil fapbc.lctmp loiibe tbe Upng nowe fape on. 3nb tbcftpngcfapiDC:3ie( not tbc^- bsoe of _ 3oab wptb tbe in all tbija! matter.'' 'fcbe wo= "^* man anvwcreb,onb fapbe: *a0fure a^tbP*^ „„«» foulc iptictl) mp io?bc hpnge,tbcrc in els no *' wm man on tbe rpgbtbanOe no? on t^t Icaftjbut as( mp lojbc tbe bpnge batb Qjohen , tbP fee na tint 3pab be bab me , anb be put all tuefc wo?tic0mtbemoutt)coetbpneI)anDmapOe. jfo? to tl)e intent tbat 3 ibulbe alter mpc3 e municacpd l ^atbt|iyfcruaut3oabbonetbi0 tbinge-^nbrnp lo?b tf wifc,eu?a0 aw%ti* gcllof d5oD,toUnbcrftanb all tbpngesi tbat areinii^eertl}e.?Jnbtl)e bpnge tapbe Unto 3oabbe|)olbe,3amcont5t to bo tw tiling. 0o,anbfett borne tbecbplbc 3bfalo agap= ne.28nb3oabfelltotl)egrounbeonDii8face, «. anbbowcbbpmfelfe^^blelfcbtbeHpngc^.. 38nb3oab fapbemowe tty fcruaunt hnow= ^ cti) , tbat 3 l)aue founbegrace intbp (pgbt (mp io^beflDbpngOm tbat tbe Upngcyatd fnlfplleb the requcft of ijpjj feruaunt. 3tnb fo 3oab arofe.anb we"tto<£?cfur,nnb b^ougljt 3Hbfalomto3erufalcm.3lnbtbcttpiigfapD: Ictl)imturneto|)pjj!awnei)oufc, anb not fe mpface.3flnbfo3lbfalom rcturneb to|)P!Eia» wne i)oufe,anb fawe not tlje hpngesiface. liButinairjfracltljcrcwaiElnotTogoobipe a ma as( 3bfaio. fo? be wa0Ucrp bewtifulM fo mcc^e f fro? fole of W fotetof topceof bi^becb, tfjere was no blcmctbein dim. 3nO wbe iJe Ibane b ty# becb ( f o? a t cucr p pearetf enb^etbaueb tt,bccaufe p l)ccr wajipeuteon f» Dpmanbmuftnebe0^aneit)tbcI)ecreof!H0 ^bceb wapeb two|)unb?eb cycles* after m ® ftpngejS wepgDt . 5fnbtDti« 3bfal5 Dab tie fonness bo?ne|)im anb one baugijter, uamcb Cl)amar,wbpcbc wa0afap,ie womato lo* he UpS.^o Bbfalom wclttwo pcre in 3c« rufafem,^ Ciwe not tbe Itpngesf face . ^i)cr« foie ^bfalo fent fo? 3oau,to baue fent bpm to tbe ftinge.?But be wolbenot come to Dim. ^nbwbanljefentagapncbc wolbe notco^ me.'ft&erfoje be fapbe unto ty$ fcruauntcjj: bcljolbc, 3oab Ijatb a parcell of lanbc faft op mp place,anb be batb baclpc trjerin. d5o,anb fctitonftre.^nb 2tbfalom0 fcruauntc0fett lt0nfp?C.'^*C3iH)3l09b'j fmwunets tamttoptly t\)tf>t garmWee tt nt,ann fapiiciaiifolomfl CctuamitCB ijaue burnt tbcpcrconanbetoirfljfpK. % bct» 3oab arofc % came to 3bfol5 Unto l)ij$ boufc.fr fapbe unto Dim s wberf o?c baue tbP feruauntc0 burnt mp fclbe wptb fp?c. 3nb 3BbfiUom anfwereo 3oab : bcboloc, 3 fentfoz tbe , befptfnge t\)t to come , becaufe 3 wolDc baue fent tDc to p Utngcf o? to fapc- wDcrfo?cam3comcfrom(5cfiir . 3tl)ab bfncbettcrfo?me,to bcc£)au(i) i« fapuc to (itt fo? fcatc of brm. $tttt\)i#itfoUMH%>t\MZb* jiralom gatt torn cl;arcttc0 anb bo2flc0,a«bfyfticmcnto ruunc ftefo?c DimJnbbcioafcUt) cr- __SlVCtntDcmo?mngc}J,anb Itooc in tijeplacc of tbe entringin ol tbegate.Jnb cucrp man tbat bab anpe matter anb came to tbebynge fo? iub«cment,bim byb3-bfaio call unto Ijym.anb fapbe : of wDat cyticart tDouftoc anfwereb : tbp fcruaunt i0 of one cftjjettpbc0of 3fiael.^nb Stbtalom fapbe Untobpm:fe,tbpmattcri0 goob anb rpgb' tcou0 , but tbere i0 no man beputcb of tDc fcpngeto beare tbe . Walofaybcmo?coucr: iDb.tDnt 3 were mabe inbge i\\ tyc lanbe, tbat euerp man wbicb batD anpe pleyc anb matter in t&e lawcmpgbt come to me , anb tbat3 mpgbt bobimiufticec 3ub wb5anp man came npe tobpm,anb byb bii" obepfa= ; tmcc,De put fo?tb W banbe anb tolie Dym to Ijpm.anbbpffebDP'n • ?(nbontbi0mance H5bpb^bfalomtoaU3fcaeltbat came to tbe fc^kpngc fo?3ubgcmcnt .anb^^be wale tbe ^k«e0oftbe men of 3fiael.2(mDf^ after fourtpe pcre0ttfo?tuneb tbat 3bfalo fapbe a^ Unto tbe ftpnge:letmegonowe^*to fye* bion,anbpapempuowcwb«D 3 b»»e^o- weo,Untotf)eto?be:fo?tt)pfcruaatUowcO aM , rt . a uowe *fwDcn3 wn0in<5efuirintbel3be *"-"***•* of ^iria)fayfg:yf tbe io?b Ojalll b?mgeme agapneto 3mm\t3 will^rfctue p lo?b. *&& 3D»o tDc Itpnge fayOe Unto bpm.-go in peace. ^ nb f o be arofc.anb went to tyefyion. 25ut^br«ilom fent fppe0tbo? owe out all V tn'ue0 of jffrciet fayege.a0 fonc a0 pc Dearc tbe UopccoftDctcopetuIowe, pe (ball fapc: C 3tbfal6raignetb bpngc in tecbifi.^lnbwitb abfalom went two hab?eo men out of 3e= rufalem,tbat were calleb.3Enb tbcp went xd purebcrte0 , not Unowtngc of anp tbpnge. 3nD3bfalomfentalfo f o? 3f bitbopbd tDe G'ilonitexnautb0 counfellcr , tbat be ujulbe comeoutofbP0cptic<5il(i,wDyle be off c teU famfycc0.3inb tDcre was wwugbt ffr onge trcafon.5fo?tbc people went anb tncreafcD «&3!blalomfnmultitube. 3fnb tljcrccama men*cngerto©au(b«Cipb:tbebcrfc0oftl)e men of 3u-aclarctucncbafter aibfalo . ^nb 3imuib fapbe Unto all Digfecuaimtes f were u'ibimat3crufale: Up,f> we mape be gone, foi wc (ball notelfc efcape from ^bfalont: ^aUcfpcbctobcpartCilcaebfcomefoDclie, anbcatcbeu^ibimgcfome myfebeffe Upfi usunbrmytetDccytic witDtDc cbgc of tlje fwrrbr.^ub p byti3c0 fernnutcsf.ipbe Unto lnm:bcbolbf ,tby fcruo»nte0 nrcrcbye,tobo wDatfoeuermy lo?bphpngQ]nll apopntc. 3notDcfjpnge? all bi0 boufyolDc bcpar= t) tcba fote . 3nb be left bebinbe bpm * ten **-t<«.M* *v-noncubtnc0,to aepe t\)e bonte . 3fno fo p" a, !!5 4, bpngcfralltbepeoplcwcntoutafote.Tf fa- ^ 9 rycbinaplacetbatwa0farrcof,aDubaUbi0 fcruautcfl! w?t about bim.^nb all tbe iCcrc^ tbitc0anballtbc£bclcfbife0 anbali p <3'e= tDltC0>*Cmpgh(icmmoCU3artf)(CUCn.Ui.bimb2Cb *°. .... men wbycb were come a fote from c5cth) £ " ,WMMtt wentbefo?c tDc bynge.^Dcn fayDc f bpnge ' to* 3tbairbc (Sctytc, wDcrfo?c commctt tDouwytbU0rtf\ctiirucanD abibewttb toe Upngc,fo? tbouarta(rraunger,anb art re- mouebfrotbpneawne place . t:Dou cameft butpcfterbapf 1 anba!ulbe3UtiquycttDcto bape to go xb U0.'3 wpllgo wljetbcr 3 can. ^berfo?e retHrnetDou , ^ carpe agapne tW b?etb?^.^)crcpeanb trutbe5*((baiuijt ao;u tbrta uneo tbc.)3nb3tbaianfwcrirbfDe bpnge anb f apb:a0 trulpc a0 dBtob Ipuetb ^ a0 mp to: o tDe binge lpuetb,iu wDa t pHacc mp 1 o?b tlje byngeaialbe,wbetberinCicetbo?lpfc,cucn tbere alfo wpH t\)t> feruaut be. 3nb 5>auib p fcyitgefapDcto3tDJH:comctben.anbgofoj= watbc.3fnb3fDai m etwtt went fori),? allbp0men,5rall tDe cDylb^en tbat wcrettf lipm.^lnb all tbe couutrcpe weptc toptba loube Uopcc.fr fo bpb all tbe ncople that wet fo?tb.€bc bpnge alfo 6pm felfc palfeboucr ^ tbe b?obeftpb?on . 3DubaIl tljt people went fowarbe tDe wape p* leabctbto tbe wptbet* • «effe.^nb|DabocB anbali^ J.cuifc0wcre $ai wpt|» : : !f • * * i i '" i * L t * ♦C 1* L ft i 1 f> 1 fo Hi jBttutr I. I, i i: ! 1 li ii :fff K i; Rl !! wptWiMitb barcttjcarcke of t&capopnr* .^ mint of ©ob.ftnb tberc tDc y fct bownetfce ™ 3wfcc of <0ob.3no3blatl)ar o-r wenttip, tjnttUCDc people were nil come otter , out of tl)cc?tic.3nbj>kyngcfoybcWito£>nbock. Carpc the flrckc of (5ob agapnc iutotljc cv= ffcjf .Jlballftmbcfanourr in tlic epejet of? loibe.be will bjincjc me ngapne,anb fticwc mc both it,$ ttic tabernacle tlicrof . But anO yftbc loibefbtiSfapc:3battcno luftWtto t&c,brbolbc,ljercam 3.lcti)im bo wptljmc, w&af femetb gooo in ijtScpcS. # ^be kyngc faybcalfo tonto &mbocktbc *i.wc5.*r.b. picaitc :3rtnot pn * £>car < ftcrnrnc into tbccttieinpcace.flnbtakcpourtwofonncS wptb pou : ^Dfmaa? tbp fonne , anb3onn* tW w fonne of 3&biat barrel) oidc,3 will tarpeintljefelDeSoft&e wplbernclfe, \mtpU flier e come tome to o?be from you to be tolbc mr. ^abocktrjcrfoic anb^bfatbarcarpcb tbeSfircke of 00b agapnc to 3er ufalcm.anb tbcp tarpcb tberc . 3M) SDattiOwcnt top on mount olpnct , anb weptc as be went , anb babbiS Ijccb coucreb, $ went barefotc.3f UD all t^t people tbat was wptbbpm, bab cue* rpmanbpSbeebcoucreb,aubaS tj)ep went tjp.tbcp weptc alfo . 36nD one tolbe SDauiD fayengc:3bttbopbcl iss one of tbcm tljat &a= lie confpircb wptf) 3bfalom . Zno fcwuiD *> fapbe.;© lo?bf,tttrnetl)ccouccUof3!)itl)o= ptjelincofolplfccneS. Wen Ba tub wa S come to tlje toppc of Cauto,(tbourlcti) fto ilw at bpm. abfalomf bp tbc counceil of abitbopbcljli'; rtl) topttj fir j fatbecs concubines. 0t wiien SDauib was! alptle pad tbe toppe of tbe bpll : beljolbe $M fbefcruauutof a.Hpbibofctb carnc tomctebpm wttbaeoupleof^iresJ fabcleb,anb\3pontbem two twnnicn lotted anb one l)imb?eb boncl;ej3 of Bcfpnjje^ , anb amutl ^etttti an inmbjebfrapletfo? b^peb rVffficjS, anb a bot tell of wpne3 nb tl)c Mm fapb tonto jt- ba:wbatmrane(f tbou wptfy tbele^ub^* bafavbc.i:l)cpbc ^fffoaifta-fo^tjjckpnflejs _. |)ou(b8lbtorpbcon,anbb ( ieabanbfrutc fo^ ^^ tbe pounge men to eate,anb wpne.-tbatfueb ajjbe fapnttntbc wplbernene^tapeb^pnh. 3tibt!)ehpit2cfapbc:wbcrc i# ttipmaiterjji fonncr?iba anfujereb \jnto f Itpnfle.bebolbe, be f arpetl) ftpll at 3erufalcm . Jf oj be fapbe: ttyil bape (ball tbc boufc of 3lra el reftoje me tbe kpngbomc of mpfatber.UTbcn fapbc tfie kpns to 5tba,bcbolbc,tl)pnearc alltbatper= tapne o wito * #)fpbibofctb. 3dnb jiba rap= tamta bc:3bobomarjctotbc.3bcfccbe tpe tljat 3 mapefpnbe grace in t\)v fpfil)t,mpio?be, jlDkyncjc, 3 no wben kpnge 5Datito came to lSalm« 15 rim .• bcliolbc , tbencc cam out a man of tjie kpnrcboftije&oufcof&atiijiameb * jJM**fimm mti tfc fonne of <5rra , anb \it cam out cur- fpngc^iibbecaft ftone* at 5i>auib , anb at alltbcfcruautcia: ofhpagc JDauib: ^nball? pco pie alfo anb all tljc men of warrc were on bP^ rpflbt banbe ,anb on Iipjs lef tc^nb tbuiS fapbe*^>cmetwbanbccurffb:comefo?tbe,*c.w.wi.», conic fo?tb tbou blfwbcOjcbcr.anb tbou man of iBclvall.'Sbe loibc bath taouabt tjpon tbe all p bloube off boufc of ^attl.tn wbofe ttcabe tDou Daft rapgneb,aitb f !)e lo^b Datlj belpucreb tlje kpnjjbo into tbt hanbe of %h- falom tbp fonne. 3inb bcboice pmt come to tljp mifebf ffe.bccaurc f art a blou&eUiebcr. iffben fapbe 3Ebiiai tbc fonne of carina iMrto tte kpnge : wbp botb tbpji bceb bogg cnrltemp io^bctljckpngerletmcgonowe, £)r anbtakcof tbebeeb of bpm.3finbtbe kpngc * fnpbe:wbat baue 3 to bo wptb pou^fon^ netfofymu'a :lct fjpm curftc i fo* tf)t £o?bc batbbpbbcnbpm curffe Bauib", U)bo bare tben fape:tobcrfo?c baft tbou bone w 26nb E>a tub fapbc to ^btfat.anb to all W fertta* untcjJ,bebolbe,mp fonne wbpcb cam of my* ne awne bobpe,fckctb mp lyfc.l^ow mocfic mo?ctl)enmayctbP0 fonne of 3ctntui bo it.'' *„, m(({ ^uffrc|)tmtocttrfle*foHbcio?bbatbbpb= ' bcnbtm:l)aplpc tl)e Wewylllohconmp weppngepe^$Wietcbcbne(Tc,g[bomegoob fo?bp0curu"yngetl)tsibape. 3«tb as(S)amb anbDlsf men went bp tDc wape,S)emei wc"t alfigeontljcljplleiElfpDcouefagapnft^pm,^ eurucb ajJlje xol t,anb tb.icwe ftonctf at Uim, anbeaflbuft. ^notbc kpngcanb all f were wttblJtmcam wcrycanb rcfr«f(bcb tbe fel 3 . ttf£(^/**tberc. * . n Mm abfalom anb all tDcpeoplc of tty mmm men of 3fraelcameto 3crttfalem ,anb 3f;tji* tljopbel wajs wptb IjiitUS nb a a fonc a jj ^u» Ciitbe 3Cracbtte waffcomewito Klbfal5,be fapbc bnto bpnt:<0ob (auc tbc Itpnge , <5ob fattep kpng. 3dtt0 3(lbfolom taybc agapneto tytifaM tiiijsf kpnbnell'e tj)ou oweft to tbp frenbe t W$WW tJ,&Ptt0t& * aiiti.ff.'i frenbe f'HJ^UJcnf eft rijoit not wptbtjpm.'' I9ufiuanfwereb Wtto3tb(alo : nape not fo, but w&om tlie io?be anb tW people anb all tbe men of 3fracIcbofc,bpi8wtll3bc, anb witfjljpm wpl.13 bwcll . i,.b cucnatf a * i5earcrobbeb of ber wbclpetfm ' tbcfelbccbpfatbcrisiaman alfo pjactiftb in warrc,? maketb no tartencjc witb ?peo= ilc.ii8cbolbcbelnrkctl)nowtnfomccauc,ot in fome otl)er fttoffc placc.3nb tbousb f omc of W men be ouertbjowe* at tbe fpjft bjunt, pet tbcp tbat beare it will fape : 'Cbc people tbat folowetb3dbfaIo,bc put to tbc wojuc. Jdnbtbe bed men tbou baft wbofe berttctf areasiU wc come Mno tym in one place m otljcr, wberc we Qjall f pnbe ])vm , s wcwillfall^ponbmt^ucnastbickeastbe ocwcfallctbontbegroubc.anbofallpmcn tbat arc wptbbym, wc fljaiinot Icattc bm oue.a)o2coucr,vfbcbc gotteintoa towne, tbcnn)allnlltbcmcuof3fraclb2ingcropctf to tbat cpttcaub wc wpll tyawc it into tbc rpitcr.XmtpU tbcre be not one (tone founbe tbcrc.^nbWalomanb all tbe men of 3f^ ran fapoc: tbc counceil of l)ttfat tbe 3ra= cintc io better, tben tljc counceil of 3tbttl)o- pljcll. * if 02 it was euen tljc Lozbcfl ocitet^ L cr '' - nu - minacpon to beftroye tlje goob counceil of D 2tbttljopbrl: tbat tbc iozocmpgbt bipnae cucll \jpon Wfiftm . Elicit tom* iotifat * mew* mto gjaboek anb ^tbiatljar tbc picaftesf: of tbisaimtbat mancr bpb 3 bttbopbel anb tbcelbcrsof 3 fracl counceil 3bfalom . 3tnb thuSaubibusb.vjfjcoitncelcb.^owetbcr- fo!cfenbquicklpc,anbrncwct>«iuib faying: tarpc not all npgbt ut tljc fclocs of tbc wpl = bcrnclTe, but gctt tbc oner, left tljc kpngebe bcuourcb anb all tbc people tbat arc xb ffpm. Bowc3onatbaoanb ^ljtmaa?abobebp p well Uogcih.'foitbey mpsbttiot befeue to coincintot!)ecpttc.;^noawccbc went anb tolbe tbcin.^nbtljcp went, $ujcwebktMtgc SMwib. (^ & cticrtljcleffe a lab fa wc tbcm, anb tolbc it to aibfaiom.26uttljcpwentbotlj oftlicm awapcqityckipcaubcamtoamdueja'ljoulc in sBaburtm , wljiclj Ijab a well in ljts parbc , into tljc wbpcb tljcp went Ooujuc . 3nba woman toltc anb fpicbca couerlrt oucr the wcllcsfmoutb.anb ftrawcbfpjtnentic come tbcron.3Cnbtbetbpngc wajSnbt fppcb.^nb wben Ttbfom feruauntcs! camctotlic wyfc to pboufe.tbcpfaybe.UHjcrc is ^ibtJnaa^ $ lonatljaOr'Cbc woman anfwereb tijc:tbcp be gone oucr tljc iptellbzokeofw.Ttcc . 3ud wljcn tbcp Ijab fourjbttljcm anb coulbc not fynoc tbcm, tljcp retumcb to 3crufalcm; ^.nb as fonc as tbcp were bepartcb , f otber came out of tlje well, anb went anb tolbc kpngc Dauib.ano fapbc Wifobym^p.aub get pott qnpefelp oucr tljc water f'oi foebe co= tmcelljatb^btcijopbcl gctten , agayuftpott, 'CbcntDauibatorc^ all ^people tljat were ttbpm.anbtlJcpwcrccomeoucrSojban be Jf tbat it was bapctfo f tljcrc lacbeb not one of tbc.p was not come otter 3o2ba.3nb wben 3bttbopbcl fawcf' bis counceil was not fo* Jowcb , be faocllcb lj(S Mt,$ aroft , ? gate bpm ijome to Ijps awne ljoufe , anb to bps ft titj awne I ■'• ? - A I- :t! i« ! 3't' isawb ft&ahmel I i I I i 1 ' i -i 1 :i- I* : .J ii . nwnc cvlrtttli put ftpsftouftiolbc in oilier, anb bangcb turn fclfe,anb bpcb,anb was ftu rpcb in tftc fepulcbjcof ftpsfatljcr. Wn Dauto came to Htyibcnaim. 38ft 3bfalontpa(fcDoucr3ojDflii, be nub all tbe men of 3frael witft bim . 3nb 3bfalo inane 3 mafacaptayncof fboftciitftcbe of 3onb, w i»ftpcn3mnfa wajsamaiincrffounc namen ^ 3ctb*aan 3fraftclitc, tbat went into 26 hi- guiltricuaugbtcrof iftaftas fpftee to jcrtiia loaftflmofftcr. &o 3ffaclanb 3bfaloppt= cftcftintftc lanftpof (5Ucan.3nb wbepamb *..• ,«,* r . . was come to *»)aftanaim , &obi tbe fonnc *ti.«f B .ji.» f istalkttf one of* aRabbA the cittc offljccftil btcn of 3mmon,fr tft)acftir tbe fonnc of 3 m* &*£&$& niicl out of Lobcbcr,anb*3i5cr?rlat tfte ®l- a» lUbaiiOaUtftcpcoplcrtjacwcrcwitftlnm.to rate, ff oj tftfpfapftiW people iSbongrpc, wccrpe,anbtl)pjftpefntftcwplbcencuTc. f abralom is ouncomt in battcll. Bt Ijatisctlj tip tl>c beerc in an jDKc.Dc te Itplleb iput ma bptrti:. Satiib i* fo rofotofull to; tbe Deettyof abfaiom tbatljetocpctt). #b Datu'O nombKb tbe people tbnt were wptft tjpm , anb fctl: eaptuyncs of tftoufanbejs anb Kw ftunbjcbcfl oucr tbcm . 3nft of tbe people tonber tbe ftanbe of 3oab , anb mtorftcr parte tonber tbebanbe of 3btfi» tfte fonnc of ?crttia3oabS tyotftcr , anb tbeo* tftcr tbwbc parte Ma tftcbanbe oOW the Getljtte. 3nb tbe Upnge fapbc tonto tfte people: - ! wpll go witbpoualfo.3nb tbe pco pic anfwercb; 'ftbou ujalt not go fojtft: foi pf we flc , ourcabitctfartcS will not care foj toSwtftcr (ball tftey rcgarb tos.tftotigft balf e toS were flapne: \a\t part wojtb ten tljou= fanoe of W : tybetfojeit is better , f tbou fuccouretoSout oftbecptie .3«b tbe Upnge faybctontotfteimwftatfcmctftyoubcft.tftat wpH3bn« 13 2tnbfbcUyngcftobcbptftcgatcrpbc,onb all tbe people came outbp ftunOjcbcSanb bp t&onfanbctf.3nn £ Upnge c6maunbcb3oab m*iw> * 3UifaU*3tftailapeng: intrcatc \ 'portgc man abfaiom gentlp fo*mpfahe.3nnalJ tbe people ftearbctftat tfte Upnge gaue all p captay ucscftargc concerupnge <\bfalo.3nft fo tbe people t»6t out into tt)c fclOe agapnft ifiael.anb tbe battel wag in tbe woobc of enfttaun : \t)berc tbe people of 3fracl wn c nut to tbe tjuoifle bcfoic tbe fccuauntwi of fcanib , 9tifmw$ a great flaugbtcctDat bapccuenoftttjeutpctboufanbcmciiijfo^p felbc roaa f ougbt tbere in bpiierfe :placej8,nU C^ ab^oabe bpon tbe crtbc3no^P UJobbbe-- uourcb moo people tjjatbayc , tljan W tljc Ii 'I f\j)crbe.3Htili Abfaiom came befoje tbe fee nanntcjtf of Dautb rpbpttge bpon a a)ule, i»bpeb(arpeb bvm Vnbcc p tbtebe bowcji of a great £>hc.3inb $3rty$ bceO wajS causftt of tbe Cftcanb be wajSItftcVjp bett»enepe= ucu9crtbc:5^l)uletbatwatf tmDer fypm, WHW wapc.a no one f raw tt tolbc 3oab, fapcng;bcbolDe,3 fawc3ibfal6 ijangcUian iDcKC:anb 3oab fapbc bnto tbe manp tolDc bim.gf tbou bpbeft fc bpm,i»bp bpbeftnot tboutljcrc frnptcbim totbcgroflb,^3tDolb Ijauc gcucntljc ten ficlctf of filncr,? ag(rble/ ^He manfapbc \>uto 3oab:tljougbtbou toolbcft lapc a rftoufanbe fpcless of (pluer in mpl>mbe,pct \»olbe 3 not ftrctebe outmp= neijanbe agapnft tbe bpngcsi fonnc. jf ox toe bearbc toith ourc carc$ wbc tbe Itpnge cpar => gcDtbc,anb3btrataiio3tbai,fapcngc:iBe=' warc,fnonctoHcbfl)cpougcma3oiftl««< 4ft)o?coucr , pf 3 bab bone it , 3 Qjulbc bane bone agapnft mpnc oumc lifc.fo? tberc i$ no matter bpbfcom tbe Utngc;peeanb tboutbp felfcvoolDcft bane bene agapnft me.UCbeu fapbc 3oab:j( map not ftanbe tbujei tarpeng wptbtbe. ^fitblje folic tbic fycarctftn W banbe,ei tb;u(rt!)cmtbo^o\»c3(.bfal6, uj|nlc bcwajel y'ctalpucontbebobpcof tljc trcc.3nft ten fcruauntetf tbat bare 3onbjStt)cpo0 ) turncb, aiio fin o tc 3bfn loin anb fine rjtin. 3 nb t»be 3oabblctDetbctrompct, tbe people rctur* itcbfromfolou)pngc3feacl:foz3oabfpareb tbe pcoplc3nb tbcp toltc 3bfalom,ano caw hpm into a great pptt in tbe tooob , 9 lapcb ampgbtte great bcapc of ftoncss t)t)onftvm. 3fnball3fraelftcbtotbcirtcntes(.^nbtbPtf 3EbfalompctinbV0lPfc tpmc * folic coun- tm feareb top a pillcr, wbpcDc is! in apngej* balc.:lf o?be fapb-3 bauc no fonne.^nb tbcc s fojetobepe mp name in rcmembjaunce bo 3 it.% mm calleb m pplicr after fepsf awnie namc.3inbit^caUc0bntotl)piE{bape:3tbfa lomgpplicr. WOtn fapbc 3Cbimaa? tbe fonnc of t fapbe3oabtoCbufi:goanbteU tbe bynge, wbat tl)ou baft fcnc:?t nbCbufi boweb l)im fclfe\)nto3oab,anbrannc.'3Cbe»R»Pft3ft< a maa j tbe Tonne of Smooch agay ne to 3oab: come txiljat come wpll, let me alfo rune after Cbuft.3nb 3oabfapb: tDbcrfo«ic\»ilt tbou runne mp fonnciTcing tbat fo? t&etpbpngeg tbou(baltbauenore\»arbc:t»eU(fapbc|)e) cometJojjattBilMet merunne.loe faybtonto JHta:tannc.W3Wmnni rSnebpf plapne wapennb came before Cyufi. 3«ft ^bWoiiiibatttb »C8 € %> * f.KltfH e iiMmps $t*M \ % # janb Bau(b fat bctwenc tbe two gatesi. 3ub tbe watcljeman went top to tl)t rouffc oucr t|)e gate tonto tbe toallc, $ ipfte top bye epetf, anb fawc : | beboioe, tberc cam a man ruunpngealonc.3nftp v»atcbemaiicrpcb, 5 toiue f fcpnge.3nb tbe ftvngc faybe : pf be be alone , tberc to goob tpbinjjcg in ifiHtmwtb jlliiDbc came,? b^cwcnpe.^nbptoatcljcina fawc anotber man rtumpngc , anb be calleb \)iito tlje poster anb fapbe : bebolbe,tf)erec6* mctb anotljer man runnyngc alone. 3nft t\)t Upnge fapbc : be isalfoa tyoingcfl biynger. 3nb tbe watcbemanfapbe.mc tbpnuctbtbe runnpnge of tbe fo?moft i$ Iplic p runnpngc of 3bimaaj tbe fonnc of &aboca tie bpnge fayoe-.be is a goob man , anb eommetb t»itb goob tpbingc0.3nb3bimaajcallcb,(f fapbc unto tl;e Upnge : goob tpbiiigciei , auo be fell Downe ftatttotJjecrtbtoponbte face before tbclipnge,anbfapbeiblcffebbctbcLo?betbP ^f (5ob , wbtcb batb ^^ ftmtt top t\)t men tbat lyfttoptbcir baubefi agapnft mp io?bctljc 6 Upnge. 3nft the Upnge faybe : is tljc younge imt abralomfafc^bimaajanrwcrcb: W)bc 3oab fcntCCbuW tjc UpngeS fcrtiaunt , anb me thy feruaunt,3 fawc mucl) a boo.iSut 3 wljotte not wbat it watf.3nb p upnge fapbe tonto bini:turnc,nnb ftanbe bcrc.^nb Ijc tw> ncb,anbftobcftyll. anbbcbolbe.Cbiifi came alfo.anb fapbe: <5'oobtpblngcj3my i02bctl)c Upnge, -fi oiy lojbe batbcpiytte ttyttyti baycout of tbe ftanbe of all tljcm frofc agapnft rbe.3nbtl)c Upnge fapbc tonto Cftuft. 30 tbe younge ma 2ftbfalo fafcfCbuftanfwereb: %mcmnw& of mp Jiojb tl)c Upngcanb all tljat rpfe aga= ynft f , tobo tbcburt.bc actbat younge man iff. Inb tbe Upnge wajsmoucb, anb went top to a ebambic oucr the gate , anb wept . 3fib ni8bcwcnt,tbutf be fapbc : nip fonnc 3ft< falom.my fonue.mp fonnc 3bfiUom,woibe C5oo3 babbpeb fo?tl)C:03tbfiilo mp fon- ne,mp fonnc. C5Tbc.|:it.Cbapter. CDauiB fswil'ojc'o to biaHpngboinc.aiii) brought aBapnetojflccuralfm. 3 0b it was folbc3oab:bcbolbc, p Upnge wcpetl) anb mournctb f o> % bfalom. 31nb tlje toicto?ic of tbat bape waSturncb into mournpngc tonto all f people, jfo? tbe people ftcatbc fapc tbat bape , l)owc tljc Upnge fo?oweb fo? Dps fonnc .3nb tbe people ftale a wapc tftntbapc ftom gopngc into tbe cPtic,ao people confo= mtbeb fteleawapc, wljentbepftcc in battel. aiSnttbc UyngcbpbbiSface, anberpeb witlj a loubctoopce. JDmp(5nc3bfiUom, *D3tb= falon mp fonne.mp fonnc. 3'.nb3onbcameinto tljc ftojffc toy Upnge, anb fapbc:tbou baft fbamebtljfSbayc tbe fa= ccsofalltljp fcruautcS, wbiclj tw ftapefta. uc fallen tbP Ipfe, anb tftc Ipuetf of tljp fonncjS anb of tbp baugbterS, $ tljc IpueS of t)y? xnU ucS.nnb of tljp concubpnes , in tbat tbou lo= tied tbpnc enempes, a no ftateft tbP f renbes. if ox tbou baft oeclareb $w bape , tftat tftou rrgarbeft netftce tljp Lo^bes no? feruaunteS. 25 3 nb tbiS bape 3 b o pcrceauc , tftat pf 3bfa* lorn Ijab ipucb , 9 all we ftab opeb tbis bape, tftat Jab pleafcb f wcll.iaowetftcrfo^c top, anb come out , anbfpcaUeUpnbelptontotDp fcruauntcSfifoOfwere bp tbe loibe , e]c= ccpt tftou come out, tberc will not tarpe one man witljtfte tftw'npgftt'.3nb tbat wilbe wozfte tonto tljc.tftcn all tftc cuell tftat fell on tbe from tftp pontft tonto tftps ftoure . 12:bcn tbe Upnge acofcanb fatt bowuc in tftc 0ate. % nbtfteytoioc tonto all tbe people, faptngc: 23ebolDc,tftcUpngcbotbfpttinf0atc.3CnD all tbe people came bcfoic f ftc ftingc. J$iit 3f- iael fteb.cuery man to ftps tent. % n b it foit uncb v all tbe people were at ftryffctbojowc one all tftctrpbeSof3frael, fayutgcitljcUpngfauebtoSoutoftftcbabcof ourccnfntpcs,bebelpucrcbtos out off ftabe of f pftiliftincs , anb no we be is fleeo out of tl)clanbcfoi3bfalom.2$ut3bfal6wb6wc ahoynteboiicrtos, isbccbiu batteU.'Cber* fo^c, wftp arc pc fo ftpll.tftat pc bzpngc not p Uimgc agapner 3nb bvng £>amb fcntto$>a € bbcfeanb3biatftar^pieaftej5,fapingc;fpca* Uc tonto tfte clbcrS of labaf fapc : wbp are pcbcbpnbe,tob?pngcpUyngcagapnctolnS ftonfe, fcpngctbatlocfttpbingcsis come fro aUjrraeltontotbeUpngccuentoftpSftotifCi' vxCfoi tbe Upnge bab Capbc: Cbusfljallpe fapt Unto tbe #«<» people of mbaopc arc mp bjctftjciuny boneSu mp flcujc j wljcrfo?c tftcnare pc tbe laft tftat bnngc tbe Upnge ftomc agapner 3nb(apc pc t o3ma'fa :art tftou not of mp bone =i of mp flcmcr(3obbofoanbfotontc,pftl)oubcuo"t captaync of f ftoftto mefouuer inpronme cf3oab.^nbftcbowcbtbc ftertcs of all tbe menof3tiba,cucn,astljcljcrtofoncmau:fo f» tftcp rent tbiS wo^bc to tftc Upng: Eeturnc tftou witft all tbp fcruauuteS . §>o tftc Upnge returncb,9camcto3ojban.3nb3ubncamc to 0ilgal,f 0? to go bo wnc to mete p Upnge, &toc6ttcpcfttniouct3o?ba\3nb&imci* P *».Uf.fW.n fonnc of iSfcra , tftc fonnc of 3emim , wftycb was of n3afturim,ftnffcft,anb came witb tbe men of 3uba to mete Uing &auf ft, anb tftere were a tftoiifanbe men of aSemantin to ftpm, 9 * ?(ba tbe fcruaunt of tfte boufc of $»aul *tmm*, anbftiS.Kto.fomicSanbtwcntpefcruauntcS Witftfttm.^nb tftcp wentquytUlpoucr3ot» ban bcfoic tbe ftpngc.3nb tberc went oucr a bontc tftat carpeb oucrpUyngeS bonujolbe anb tftcp bpo ftim plcafure. 3nb&>imci tftc fonnc of (5era fell before 5 tftc Upnge (as be was come otter 3o?ba) anb fapbe tonto ftfclct not mp iojbc impute wtc« Ucbneftc tonto incner remember tftetbingcS (tftat tftcp fcruaunt byb wicbebip wften mp $ to iojbc j; !! )' t I Ki 1 ( ptpljmofctl) u,g>amittl i i *i).l~r.i (i ] ; i t lo?br the Uyng UcparfcU out of 3crufalcm) that the km ifiiilDc raltc it to hcrte.tfo; thy fciuaunthorh ttnowc ,bowcf'3baue none nmyffe .3iid tor rfoje bcbolbc,3 ain tlje fy?ft O^* fbitf bapc^of ailtlirboufr of 3'ofcph, that am come to go bownc.tomctcmp iojbc the upngcsSuf Sibifai f fonne of jcniia Mm* rcb.anbfapbcimallnor&cinci bpc fotthitf, becaufc be cur feb the Lo.iboanopnrcO ( 3nQ r>aiub fapbc : what matter t$i betwencpou anbmcpcfonnctf of tcruta t jfo.i tbptf bayc pe beabnerfarpctf Unto mc.&baHtbcrcanp in! bye tbitfbapct JfraclriDouot:? linowc, that 3 am tyi# Dave lipngc otirr Jfraelr^ino thcrfotrtbe Itvucjc f>Dc Unto ^>cntct : thou malt not &ye,$ the liyngc fwarc Unto him. 6 3f nD ftHpllibofctb the foittic of g&attlffl* mcalfo to mere the Bpnffe.frbao nether waf« ihcb \u fetcner (lumen bitfbccrbc, tier waf= aieo m clothes from the tpmc tbcKpngc bc= parteb.Untpll be came agapnc in pcaee.^nb ttfo.mmebfbafwbcnbcwa0'comcto3cru= fair m, ano inert the lipngc , the lipngc fapbe Unto him.- wbcrfojc wenteft hottliou wptb mc &)ipbibofctb r 1 lie anfwercb .- mp Home, Q (tpugemp fcruamitbeccaucb mr*M thy fcruaunt fapbc3 wolDe hauc nunc Mt fab* leb to r pbc t$crou,foi to go to the Bpnge, be* caufc tbp feruaut is iamc.3liib *iba bath fab frlprcpoitcb of tbp feruaut Untomp iozbc thckvnge.^nomptoiriftiJCRpnge^asan angel of(5ob:botbcrfoic what femctbgoob in thine cpctf.jfo* all mpfatbm* boufe were but Oreo mc bcfo?cmp &otbc t\)t Bpngc:anb Wbpocft tbou put tbp feruaut amongc the f'bpb cafcattbpncawnctablc.tybatrpgbt rbcrfojc banc 3 pet,to erpcanp mote Unto p HpngerStiiD tbc Bpngc Oipbc Unto him: tt)bP >* fpcaltcft thou pet in t bpneawne caufcr' ** m «s Dm-rmiwvuao 3 jjauc faybc : fljouiiitD ?iba DcuiDe the lanbc* bet wene pou.3p nb i 3 will febe the with me m 3c'nifalem . 2nb b "-3 * iScrfelat faybc Unto the ltpngc:3 am tbnsi oiocanb bo we am 3 able to go Up with the hpngcUnto3erunilcr3nmthi3bapefourc fttojc pcrc olbc:anD^3 can3tiecernc Uct= v^ weiicfioobanbcucUrl)atbt|)pferuauiitanp taft in that Ijccatctj) o? D.iincBctlj^Canbc Jjcarc anp moje tlje Uopcc of fpngtngc men $ women:' U)(terfo?c then mnlDc % feeuauut be pet a bnrtbcu Unto my um tl)c Hpngej' sSerfelat ^:bV rcruaut will go a tptlc wapc oner 3o^ ban witbtbe (tvnge:anD wbp wpll f (tpngc recourpcuceitmewitbfocljarcwaroe^€)ict tljp feruaut turnebacliagapne, tbat3mape DvetiimpiicawiiccpticanbCbcburpcb)!!!^ graueof mp father anb of mpmotber .i&t= holbe,bcrcttfthp!cruaunt>^Cbimcam.let^ him go with my JLo tbc the lipngc , anb Do to limt, what mall picafctbc: ^iitD the kpnge aufwcreD:Cbimeam mall go with me. 3!nb 3 will bo to bint f frit tbou timlt be content with- 3»b wljatfoeiiei: tbou flialt requpje of mc , that fame will3 bo foj the. 3nb all the people went otter 3ojbnm ^nbwbethc lipngc wapcomc oucr3ojba", bclipireb2i6erfclat,aitb^^blcfrcbbtm ( »bc «^ ft w^t bacne agapne Unto W a wnc placc.3tnb ^ then tbc It v'tgc went to (Filgal, anb ehlmea wet with him , ? fo m all the people of 3tt^ wr, ano brought ouer tl;c Itvngc , anb tljcrc were but halfc the men of 3ftacl 3nb bcbolbcall the men of 3fracl came to the lipngc, aiib fapbc Unto him,wbp bauc ourc b^ctlwcn p me of 3nba ftolen tbc a wapc anb banc brought the Itpiif 9 bitf bouOjolbc, anb alliDauibjJmeit wttbbim oucr3o?ban! ; 3utbnlltj)cmcn of3uba anfwercb the men of Jfeacl : tbc lipngc ttfncrr of apmictoUief; wberfo^c be pcanprpc fo^ £ matter ( tbpnhc pe that we catc of p iipngesf colt > 01 tljat we talicUtfaupgpftce ^nbtljc men of3fracl anfwercb p men of 3110a anb fapbc: we banc ten uarte0 in the lipngc ,% bauctbertontoje rpght toDauib t\)tn pc. tiUhp then DpDpe berppfcU0,^ourcabutfcamlbe notbe fp teitiiSDamO.ncitbct'bauewe enberitauncc in the fonne of 3fai,let the men ofjfracl bepartc Unto tyw teutctf. 3nb fo ettcrp euerpntaa of 3frael went from !8)auiD, aim f olo weo ^beba the f omtc of mm. mt the men of Juoaclaue fatt untothetr Npngcfro 3o^Dattto 3erufalcm. 3nb Bauibcame tohusboure to 3erufa' ♦K.nwb.6. lent, * anbtoke tbc ten women biflcoiicubh w »,tw.». ncS { ( t j) (1 t y >t ijau left bebpnbe bint to Itcpe the ■ i)oitfc,anb puttbem (n warbe, anb febb t&c": but lape no moarc wpth tljem . 2Ctibfo tty? were cnclofcb unto the Dapc of tljcir Dcetl), «,. Ipupngein webowbobc. » ^benfapbetbelipitgeto3imafa:caUmc tOcmett of 3ttba togeatberagapnfttbctbir= bebape.anb be t&ou 0«caifo.3inb fo ima fa went to gather the men of 3uba to geatljcr: Imt tarieo I5ger, then the tpmc which he ban appopnt eb Dtm.3lnbDautb fapbc to ^btlat: tJoweQjall^ebatberonneofBichMboU^ mojeljarme.tben bpb ^rjfalom. ^:alte rfou Oct tljerfoje^ thp tojbesU'etuafitctf, 9 folowc after bim.lcft begett htm walleb cpf icsf , anb cfcape Utf . ainb there went out after liym 3oab0mcn,onbtbc€retbitc)E(anbthe|0hc= lctbite£i,anbaUthempghtiefl:mc.3f:nothcp beparteb out of jerufaicm to folowc after g>cbatbe fonncof 26icb^i.2tnb when thep wereat the great ftonc in C5ibeon,3ma fa went before tbcm3nu 3oabBigarmf t ( that * hc&ftDabouthim)wa#gpo 3oab anb ^bifai bi^b^othcr folowcd U) after ^cba the fonne of Bicbji . 3ttnb one of Asr ^oabjs men^T- ftobe bp him,aiib Hipbc : fyc p bearcth anp fauourc to 3oab, 0? goob will to'toaufb.letbtmgoaftcOoabrauiD^ma* nuapewalowebmblouDe.intjic mpbbcslof i«* « the wapc. 3£iiD there wag a man, which t»U **»«•«* hefawc that* all the people ftobe ftpll, be rowleo3!mafaoutoftj)ewapctiito the fel= tie, 9 caft a clott) Upon l)(m , becaufc he fa we that cttecp one that came, ftobe ftpll bp hpm. 3nD ti$ foneaiShc wasi tombeleb out of the wapc, all tljepeople wentaftcr 3oab, to f 0- _ lowc after &eba the fonne of ffltW- ® 3nbhe wenttho^oweall the trpbejSof 3feael Unto 3tbel , anb to aSethmaacha aim a ll the place* of 25arim. 3nt» thep gcathercb together , anb went after him. 3nb thep ca» me,^ befegeb him in 36bcl 9 in H5ethmaacba 3Bnb tbcp caft Up a battcne agapnft the cytic thatftobeintjjruallepe.^iuijepcoplethat wa^ wttj)3oab , ttonft att|)e wall to oucr= :fo,rlt»V ,.vJ If thtoweit.'fheHetpetiawprewomanoutof tbccptic,bcarcbcare,bpD3oabcomebtfber, that3mapc fpralie with hpm . U)|)rn3oa wag come unto ber,tbe woman fapbe: art c 3oabdr»c anfwercb :3 am be.&ljc fnyoe Un-- j? to hintihcarc tlje wo^besi of thp banbmapbei' 3nb hcnmwcreb:3 bo hcnre.26nb Che fapbe agapur:^'5rhepfpaBciutheolDetpme,fap= «* inge.ro menmuft aflie peace firft.howmo ^a chc rather ftmlbe thep foboto3tbeUcifo?fo banc thep contynucb hptherto : 3 am oneof mm that arc peaceable anb faptbfui! in 3f= rael.^nb thou gocft about to beftroye a title anbamothcr in3frael . liahy wilt tjjoube= tiourcthc enheritaunceof the iotf>e.' 5lnD3oabanlwcreb,anDfapbc:eba f fonne of »bubp name) hathO^r Ipftc UpljiElhabc *z$ agapnft the ltpnge,enenagamftS)amb.S)c= Ipucr US him onlp , anb 3 wtll beparte from the cptieanb the woman faybc Unto 3oab: (5 £3cbolbc,ht0 heeb malbe thiowJ to thcouer the wall. % ltd the 11 the woman went Unto all ppcoplcc-o* with her wtfoome.^ubthcp ^ fntote of the heeb of S>cba f foue of iStchii, anb caft it out toioab . * anb he blewca «*«W4* trompct,auDthcp f.tatereb from tDc tptic, cucrp man to hid tcnt.anb 3oab retumeb to 3crufalem,Unto the Hpn^e. fcua wad fcribe . 3nb S>aboclt $ ^biathar were _ a the p;tcafte0.3nb3ra tl)e 3«inte^ was ^* S)amb0p?caft. CCbc.jxj.CJiaptcr. CSbJcbfatcpcsM .rbcbmgiaunceof t\)t Cpn: nco of §>aul lpabtetl) on bps tcatn foniirs , vubirlj arebjgc&.f once vet at batcllc»,h)t)pch £>amb bab «Bspntt(bcpl)tl«(WnM. ll)en there fell andongrc in the bapctf ^ of 5>autb, thte perctf together. *tnb S>auib cuquircb of the io.ioc.TO the Hoibcaufwcreb:rttc{fo^fe>aul, anb ^boufe of bloube, becaufc he flue the * c5ibaomtctf . *ua. jt«.o. 3nb the Upngc callcb tlje ^ibaoniteiS,? fap* bcUntothcuKBowetheeibaomtejSwcre, , „ not ofthc * chvlb^cn of3frael,butaremna' *W"*w- tintof the ammouteiMnD the chylb?cn of 3fraclfware Unto them ::anb^)aul fought to flcp thcm,fo? a ?cie that he hab to the cuil= b^cn of 3fraclanD of3tiha.) UJherfoicSDa* nib foybc untotbe" , whatftjall 3 bofo^ pou, anb wher with ujall 3 malic the attonemet, that pe mape^c^blcfle tbe enherttauncc of^a the lozbci' ^* ^hc (5ibaonitc0anra)erehKtrt:we wyll hauc no fyliierncr golb , of &aul ner of h?tf Doufe : nether i$it ourc mpnoe , f thou Qmi a fiett i ; .1 ■ •1 **■ * t > 1 * 1 Pi p : M u) g>anMonnc* it^amttcl *• ' t » H5 bcft bpU an p wan in JM. l^c fapbc : w&at fapc pc then £3 wall Do f oz von < 'fcbepanf* wcrcb the liingc:t&c man that c6fumebUff,& pmngcuc'o to bjpngc U* to nought inm will we bcftropc , that nought of Dim contincwe m aim of fbccoaftc * otjfrael.lctfcucn men of hiss fon netf be Del p ticrcb Unto US , anb we will iHitige them Up Unto the lojbc , in iBU heal) of g>aul , whom the io m opo cbofc. 3no the Upngc fapbc-3 will gcuc them pou. sSuttbc Upngc bab copaffpon on tt)ipl)t» bofctb the fonnc of3onatba*, the fonnc of &aul f bccaufcoftbciojb*otbefwa*bc= t wene them: cue bet wene ©antO anb 30m* t])i\#t\)t fonnc of Swiliftuf he tofte the two fonnc* of Bi?pa the baughter of 3iia(wh6 we hare t>itto £>aul) men Irtnoni anb a)i= <^ pbtbofcnx«&^ tbc fpttc fonnc* ofauib went, 9 to!ictbebonc*of&aulanbof3onatha*hi* foune,frotncmenof3abc*inaul mfloilboa.) #nb bebiougbtt&encc the bone* of&aul, anbpbonesi of 3011a tha* hi* Tonne, ?tyep robe up tbe bone* of them that were ba*geb. 3nb the bone* of$>aul anb3onan)a* pp* fonnc burpcb thep intbc contrepof28enia= mm , in ?ela , tn trjc fcpulcbje of Ci* bPtf fa= ther . 36no when thep babperfowub all that the Upngc commaunbeb . <5ob wa* then at one with the ianbe. 3tfommeb,tbattbe#biUftmc*babpct warrcagapnewitb3fracl.20nb:E)auibwcr bowne 9 W fcruauntc* wit bbpm, $ fought agapnft the PiKlifttnc* . 3nb Dauib wajteb fa pntie, anb 3cfbp of .aob one of the fonnc* of the gpauntc* (the pwitt of wtjore fpcare &r wapeb^t^eijub^bfpclc*, anb^ebepnge •& ap^bebwitbanewefwerbc) thougj)ttoha= *auib. * 26ut 3bifai the fonne of partita fiiccoueebbpm , anbfmote the^b»li= ftinr,anb liiHebhim.^hcnthe fcriiauntc* of S>auibfwarc\)ntohim > fapmge:'Chonft)alt Bono moarc out with W to uattell , tym§ m\mw qn encb not fc*» tlic lpgl)f of pad . ainb m •©* after tfyft there wajsi a battell witlj Wmi* liftines(at.0ob,anb tj)cn^ibbec|)aiti)e tyn* fathitc flewe ^>apb which watf one of tjje fonnesiofthegiauntcjJ. 3 no there watf pet another battell in , (u * Hob witl) the pbiliftinc* , w^crc eilja= * ,,Wl #« nam the fonnc of 3acicsIDjgmi,n VMOtiml* tc One one Goliath a (5ethitc : tlje ftaffe of whofc fpcare wajo; a* great ajei a weucrtf clotl) beanie. 3nb there wa jl pet another battell Wtty wberc watfa man of a great ffiature , frhab on encrphanb. % fpngcrtfanb on euerp fote loj.toe*. FjctuMnall .3nb wa0bo;mcnlfoof toe Hpnreb of the giautejSin^ctl). 3nb w[jS |je nctpctt jfracfl , 3onathajS the fonne of $>imea the brother of ?>auib flewe bpm 'Ebefe f tire giauntes werebo?ncin«u(D fot Iji'c ficlpuftauutt from tpa fiinnpra. 0b SDauib fpabc the wojbc* of % thpUfonge wito the Lo?be, what tpmc the lozbc hab bclpuercbhtm out of thcMbc of all |)ij5enempejE(, , anb outoftlKhanhcof^aul. 3Jnb|jefapbethe to?be ijS^r mprocbe, ^ anb mp calr el.anb mp bclpucrce . <5obt$f mp ftrcngtb>(n!)imwiU3tcnll^ei5(mpWbe, anb thehoine of mp faluacpommp wo^Oipp anb mp refuge : mp fauiour , thou C&olr fane mcfromw.ionge. * 3 will call on p lo?be which tt p?npfc *mm. w ojtbv , anb fo Chall 3 be faueb from mpnc a • enempejS.jf o?the cojirupcponxs ofbecthclo= feo me aboutttbe ftoubco of uSelinl put me in firtre . ^he fo?otocsi of bell compaucb mea> bout :the fnare sf of beet h ouertobe me.3n mp tribulacpon will 3 call \jpon the io?be,anb crpetomp(l5ob.3linb be (jjallljearcmp tjopce out of W temple,anb mp crpc fball enter in= toI)i$earc#.'£be crtbtrimblcbanbmiakcb: ^, &r tlje founbacpons* of heucn moncD anb ^* (nobewhanhc was augrpe. S>mofte went tyrinbft* wjatjj , anb con= fumpngcfp^coutofhp^moutb.eolejswere ltenblcbtI)erof.3Bnbbe bowebbeu^ anb ca= me bowne.anb there wajS barckneu"c Unber bftf fcte.3Bnb hefatt Upon Cherub $ h^fiV^ 25 be^cp watt re nc carpebUpon thewpngesi of ^^ the wpnbc. Ii)e mabe bar cftneffc a tabernacle tounbenboutftpm, with water* gentijetcb togeatljcr iiitlJpcftccloubcjS. ^Ijo^oWctbe b^pglJtneffe of t)i« pfefeiiee were tDe fp?e co« lejjftpnbteb. C5ob tfjunb^cb from t)cuen,anb lie tfwti* tnott jjpe.botbputoiithi* Uopce . w ibotte aroweAanbfBatcrcbt^m :|»c|)wrlcD Ipgft? tenpnge, tmW&i wo oucrt^e we tDem ; 'Toeflow^ i\W& f the fee appereb , anb tf>e founba= c point of tlie wo^lbe were f ene.bp the reafon of the rebuWnge of the iojbc , anb thoio we tOeblaapngeofthcb^cetbof|)p0noltrelle0. l^eChall fenbe from heaiicn , anb fett me , he (ball plucfte me out of maiip water*. . . fecHiallbelpucrmefrommpmpg|)tpc nbiierfarpe.anb fro mpnecnempefcfoj thep are toltroge fo?mc. tt)hentl)epbab oucrta^ hen me in toebape of mp calamptpe f iojbe ftapebmeUp. 5Fo?he fought me out into rowmti) : ne belpuereb me , becaufe he bab a ^loueWitome. \mm,u. rt'fc&clo.ibwiUrewarbcmeaccojbfnge to mp rpghtwpfncffet acco^bpnge to t&e pu» renew ofmp hanbe* will fee rccompenfe me. ifoOtiaue ftepttbe wapc*of the io^he, s Hone no wpcnebncu"e agapnft mp c5ob. jf 01 all M la we* are in mp TpgtJt , $ W ftatute* wpll not 3 put a wape fro me . 3u bi* fpgh t &* alfo hauc3 bene Unbefylcb^^^haueltcptc me fro mpnc awnciniquite. 3inb the io?be bpb to mcagapne, aceoi- bpiigc to mp tpgbt wefue*,cueaf tcr mp 011= reneu*einDi*epefpght.tDpththegoOlpthou fbaltbegoblp.anb rt the man that 1* uncoi= rupt.tbou wait be Unco^rupf Mt\) the pure gou mt be pma with thefirowarbr thou (baltbefrowarbe.36nbtbepo?epcoiile^arc inabuerrptejmalthclpc.3nbonpp,ioube nwlt thou cad ttjine epes.^bou art in p light ffl) iojbc: p twbcOjall ipgljtmp bar line (Te. foj ! WitbthPhelpc3 wuirunnethoiowc ^am9oftcofmcn ( anbino^-mp0obwV!l3 fcr fi^pnge oucra wallc.^r 6obi* Uncojeupt in hi* wape:the wo«i0e of the Hoibc is tr peb in thefpjc:bci*tbcbcfenbcr of all them that fruft in him. iHmpgbtic,raucourc0:ob.''(5ob Rreimeri f^ me with power, anb **» rpoopth the wape in battell cleare before me . i^e maUcthmp fctelpbeftarte* fete , ^fettetl; me fail Upon wp&pc&olbe. w *l)eifcai:het!)mp!)anbc*tofpgbt, ftui abowcoffteleiotoweabcfo^mpneacnic*. •fbouba&geuenmctbcOHlboftbpfal:: Duacp5,anbwitbtbplOHingcmeUciictrctbou boftmultiplicmcirhouqjaltmafeemefpa- cetowal!iein ) anbmplegge*aiallnotfaplc me.3wpllfolowcUponmynceticmpc*anb , beftropechem, anb tunic not agapnc Untpll 3l)aucconfumebtbem. ' 3[tt)ill waftcthemanb fmpte tljem, that thepamHnotbcablctoar^re:pce,tbcpujaU fall Unbermp fete. ^boKhaftgp^bcbmeaboutwiithmpgbt t° 8S9* &W* • Wl t ^ wt w*ft agapnft m e» tafttfjouftibbuebUnberme. #l ,?nb thou mabeft mpnc enempc*(^ them *p«hateb me; to turne ifteir bacne* tonic, ^pn«^ MtMi :^ *Mi.««tf. Jl)at3mpgl)tbc(ltopcf|)em.^5eplobcfo* iKipe.but there 1* none tofauc them : pee, nien Unto the l,o^bebotbepcrpt',buthebca= rcth them not. , 3wilibeatctbema*fmallea*tljebiifrof the Ctrl) .- 3 will ftampe t^tm a* the bp?t e of the itrcte.anb will fp?caben)cm abzoabe. ^hou (bait belpuer me from the bf (Ten* cpon ofmp people: thou (boltbepemc to be - an heeb oner nacpon* ; t£e people Wbpcbl bnewcnot.Challfcrueme. t ^trarigecDtl^cnbtfrcmblewitljmc:^^ tpehearpugeoftheearethepobepeme. pmm cbplb^e" will mnmc&eawape, anb thep fbalbc fmptten witl) feaice in their wcupc chamber. C2>obi* a Ipue, anb blcfTeb be mp maker : magnifpeb be Coob , mp moft ftrongcfaluacion.3ti*(5obthatabucngctb me, anb b.ipngetj) bowne ttie people Unbrc me . !9c belpucrethmc fro mpne enempc* , ? alfo (bait Ipf te me Upon &pc from them that rpfcajjapnftmcthoulbaltbclpucrmcfrom thewickcbmcu. :^nb tbcrfo^e 3 will pwpfc p f O ioibe) amonge the nacpon* , anb wpll fpnge Unto thp name. Ulthpch a)e weth fireatc faluacpo fo^ IjitfUpngc, anbbcalcth mcrcpfullp with ht*auopntcb : cucn wptl;Bauib, anb wptp intffcbefojeucrmoze. Ce!)e.wiij.C^apter. rrijc M(t c ommunicarrou of S)auio, ano tty &k rrrrpcpoH ofcijc mpgijir men to Ijpm briongpngc. H)cfcbe^thelaftfapinge*oft)a» ^ titb.SDautb the fonnc of 3fap fapbe. i- XiU tlu ma f wbichwa* mabe, tfa ^ anopntcb of the (5oo.of 3ocob,ano the noble jafalmift of 3fracl)raphc : § fpKte Qt the lojoe foaue bpme , {ttyfi xoom was wmptoiiffc. iroe@oo oflfi-aelfpafte^^of ^ £ ; mc.cucn pinoft mpghtie of 3fracl, fapbc: be V bearethrule oner me" , on^bf to rule iuftlpc w v fcarc of 0ob.3inO a* f mojnpnge Ipgbt when the fonne i* Up, a mompnge in whpcU arenocloubctftolctttbcb^ghtneffcanba* rbegrafleof the crth i* bpiljeUcctue of the 52? e ' ST^iWW not mp ho u fe be f w" (0OW *r% *3t 0? he hath mabe with me an euerlaft inge *»• «c. eonenaunt.pcrfectc anb furcinall popntc*:j Wi*tmlpallmpl)caltl)jalimpbefire>'it growebutnota*gran"e.ii5utfuugoblpnia of aSeltai mall be a* a thomeclcancpiuclit Up, which can not be tabcimS hanbe* : i5ut the man that mall touebcthem ,muft houe pion.ojalongchcluc.* O^clfimufttijepbe *t- mt burnt with fpje in the rameplace. ". 'Cbcfc be the name* of tbc mpgbtpe mm » wbom Dauib hab: &r one f fatt iii p feat of Wif0ome,beigec|)efeftam6geth?e,pleafaut wa* he anb ftrongc:bc f\ut epght bunbnb at onetpme.^fterbim wa*obi tDc fount of a&Doln , one of tDe th?c • • 1 t A * ftff.fr 1 liVi rt*. v. \] *r 7 Bawibg ti,&atmtti <.is«».ra.t>- ' 1 I ' J Mi Stiff it flitted tbat were tpcrc geatbeecb tout tbrc to battcll wb& tbe men of 3«ael were gone top.tyearofc &lapeb on tbe plHUftmcg , ton* ti>Ubpgbanbe wag wcrpc , anb clauc tonto tbcfwcrbe.anbtbclojbcgaucgccattoicto* ** rpe the famebayc.anbtbc ucoplc^cwrft tNU>ncb>rcturneb,anbwcntnttcrbimtorun= ne to tbe fpople.af t c t bim wag lamina t be fonnr of age ttic tyararite : anb tt)e $$Ufti» ticjs geatljtrcb togctber befpoe a townc. ( tDbcre wagaparccll of lattDc full of ipee) anb tbe people fteb from tbcpbmftincg.ifiut be (robe in tbe mpbbeg of tbe grounbe > anb b cfrnbcb it , anb (In e the WW ineg .anb tbe tbe Iomega ue great toictojtpc. * 'STbefc tbje( wbicb were of tbe tbirtpe chef c captay nest ) w ent bowne to ia>auib in p bar weft tpme Unto tbe caue abullam , 9 tbe C booft of tbe i&bibftm eg abobe in tbctoalcpe of ecauntcg . anb 3>autb was! tben in an bolbc. anb tbe gDoubiourcg of t&e $Wli(tt' neS were in iSctblebem.anb aauift longeb anb fapbe. 9Mst 3 bab of tbe water tbat Win the well bp tbe gate of 25ctblebcm , fo£ robHucfte.anbtbctbjempgbticbjaBetbo* rowc tbe li)o(r of tbe ^biUuincg , 9 fett wa* tcr out of tbe well of aSctblebcin tljat wag bp tbe gate, aiiDtoacanb b20ugljtitt03>a- mb:#cumbclefoi)ewolbcnotbjipncBet&ci; of.butoflfccebittontotbclojtbe, anb fapbe: the tozbe f ojbpb tbat 3 Wfot bo fo. 3* not tbtfltb'c bloube of tbe men tbat wente infeo* parbpe of tbcirlpucsli'anb tbcrfoje be wolbe iiotbjpnc&clt.anb tbefc tijingcg bpb tljcfc a.vm.M». tbjcmpgbtte men. * 3lbtCht tbe bjotbet of 3oab, f Fonne of $aruiab, wag cbcfc amoge tljc tbjte , anb be Ipfte top bpg (peace agapnft tbje bunbjeb ,« Que tbem , anb bab tbt name amonge f be tfee . jf 0? be wa* nobler man tben m t\w anb wag tbeircaprapne.^o w» 1* beitbeatitapnebnot tonto*c*N tfftgfcpt, 3lnb25anaialjntbefonneof3elJotaba(? fonne ofampgbtieman) toalpant in acted, ofUabwelfluetwofteongclyfig.euenlpojS of^oab.^e wentbowne auo>$ fluealpou in a ppt in tpme of fnowe.anb be flue an 6* gpucpan.a gooblp bpgge man , wbicb&ab a 1 peare in big banbe . 2S11 1 be went bo wne to bim witba ttaffe.anb plucfcebtijcfpeaie out r> f tbe €gppciang Ijanbe, anb flue bim td |>pg awne fpeare. 'fcbefc tbpngegbtblSanaiabu tbe (one of3eboiaba, ? bab tbe nameamoge tbe tb?ewo;ttbieg.toe wag bonozable amoge tbirtpe, but be attapneb not tofCftrft) ttoc. . 3Bnb 3>auibmabe bim of bpg counccll- afa= bel the bjtotber of 3oab alfo was one of tbe f birtpe.'&Den eijjana" tbe fonne of Bobo of ^Sctblebemi : £>ama tlje bar out te : eitca tbe *>arobtte:foele*tbe£altite:3ratbefonneof afccg t be ^HDekotte : abte?er of anatbotb: ajeobnai tije fyufat&f teijelmon an.aijolntc; Captapns a)abarat ttje jfi c t opbaf tte : Deleft tbe fonne of Ji5aanabanBetopbatite:3fbai tbe fonne of Elba l out of an bill of tbe cbplbtf of 25cn- iamin:2ii3atMiabutbc]&biratonite:feebaf,of tbe rpner of <5aa^ : abialbon tbe atrbatltfte: afinauctba i3arbumite : ©libaba a ^>aal= bonite .anotbe fonncjj of 3afen , 3onat^a0. lamina tbe ^ararite.abiam tbe fonne of $>arat an fyara;ite ; €Upbelet tbe fonne of aafbai tbe fonne of a ©laacbatbite : eiiam t be fonne of aitbopbel tbe UBi lont te : ^e?rai tbe Carmelite :paarai tbe arbitc : 3gai tbe Tonne of iftatban of ?oba-. 26ani t be^amte: ?elec an 3momte : iDabarai a 25erotbpte, wbicb wag tbe barnefbercr of 3oab f fonne of?arnla.3ratbc3ftb?»te:G5areb?3etb»te aula tbe if>etbite, ttJirtpc a fetien in all. Cfcbe.yjciilJ Cbaptcr. C"©au(b caufedj ttjc people to br nombriB' , tub . (brtro;e(0 3ircarl piaorttoitb pcftUracc : fo Ct;at iu tbje baprs tljrct bpct>. ijt- t tjctirdnfit . „ jib agapnc, tDe io?b wart w?oft * agapnft3fracl,anb^y»bcmoueb "^ Dauibagapntt tb? , in? be fapbe: ^„ _. * go anb n6toe3feael anb3uba. ** FC,W ' Jf 0; tbe bpnge fapbe to3oab t^t captapne of tyti M ;go tpou abioabe no we, tbo^ow out all tbe trpbes of jfeael > euen from ©an to j 23rcr£>eba,&nomtyepc tbe people, tbat 3 mape nnowe tbe nombje of tjjcm.anb 3oab fapbe Wito tbe npngc >. 3 befecbep lojtbe fbp <5ob,tomaRevpeopleaielmanpmooaj(tbcp be^canbanbubjebtpmcsifomanpmo^nb tftattlKepcfli of mp ioibetbebpngemapefe tbem. anb wbat iis tbecaufe ? mp lojbetbe fcpngebatbaluatotbiiBtbinge^otwitfta- opngetbe upngesi wojbe pjcuaplcb aaapntt 3oabanbagapnft tbecaptapnetfofpbofte: anbjoab anbtbetaptapnetf of tbeljoft went out from tbe pj efencc of t^t bpnge , to nombje tbe people of 3frael . anb t(jep pafr feb ouer3o^ban,anbpitebebinaroerontf)e x pgb t fpbe of tbe cp tie tbat Ipetb in t]>t mpb- Xicft of tbctoalepe of <^ab , oneragapnft 3a= ?ee.anb tben tbep came to^ileab.anb to t^t netber lanbe>wbere wag a nc we babitaepg, 9 from tbece t^ty came to 5E>a n 3aan about to jfeibon.^ came to tbe ftrdge bol&c of %?-- re.anbtoautbecptietfoftbe tyeuitetfanbof tbc€ananiteii,f tben went out to f $outb of 3toHMOf to Beerfcba.anb f 0, wU? tDep bab bene abjoabe tbo?owe out nil tbe lanbe, tbep returneb to 3erufall agapne , after tbe ^ enbeofnpnc monctbeg anb twentpebapeg. m anb 3oabbelpUereb top tbe nob?e anbfum- me of tbe people tonto tbe upmxe . anb tbete were in3 wacl epgbte bub?eb tpoufanbe men ofmpgbt ^b?cwcfwcrDcg .anbtbt menof lubawcrefpuc&unbjebtjjoufanbemen. anoDauibit bert fmote Dpm,aftertDat be bab n5 b?eo tbe people . anb ttauib fapbe tonto tDe lo?oe ; 3 Daue fpnneb eycebpnglp in tpat pautts int|jat3 $we bone, anb nowelotbe tabe awape m rrefpace of tljp fcruaut:fo?3baue Done toerpfolpujelp.anbwbcn^nuib wag topinamoininge.tbe wo?bc of tbe lo^bca- me tonto tbe pjopbet Cab ©aiitog fear,fap* inge: go anb fape tonto Damo, mm raptb f W-3ottwtbetb?etbpnseg,ebofe ? wbicb oftbem3Wlbotontotl)e. |DO0abcameto5Dauib,anbQ)cwebbim, 0^; 9 fflPbe tonto Urn. lout tbou baue^r fcucn C peregbungertocomeintbp lanbe , 0? wilt? flee.ii|.monetbe0bcfo?etbpneencmicg,tbep f olowinge tbe,o? tbat tbcre be mt oape* pe ftilencein tbp lanbe/' Bowetberfoie abupfe M,9 fe, wbat anf were 3 (ball gene to bim p ftnt me.anb a>auib fapbe tonto vt^ of tbe people from Dan to aSeerfebafenc'tptboufanbe men. anb when tbe angell ttretcbeb out big Mte topon 3eru falem to beftropeit, t\)t io?bebab copaffion to bo tbat euell.anb fapoe to tbe angclUbat beflropebppeopIe.it is no we firtBrtent:bo'ibc tbpnepanbe.anbp angell wag bp tbe tbwf= mm place of arefna m Jtbn fite.anb ©a uibfpaHe tonto m lo?bc( wUen be fa we tbe angclltbatflnotei^epcople)anonn'bc:loo, itw3tbatbaue fpnneD»anb3Pbaiie bone wpcftcDlp . 25ut tbefetbepe, wbat baue t|)cp bone/'lctttbpnebanbe(3p^pet()e) beaga= pnft me anb agapnft mp fatberg boufe. anb (5ab came tht lame bape to mm% anb fapoc tonto bim :jio top ano reare an auN tare tonto tbe Lojbintbe tbiefibingeftowic ofarefna tbc3ebufite. anb sDauiD(accoi= binge to ttit fapingc of cao; wet top , agtbc S)io^bccommaimDcb.anbarefnalofteb,anb fawc tbe kpngcaub big fcruamitcgconunae towarbe bim . anb arefna wetout,anbbo> webbim felfe before tlie apnge flat on big fa* ce topon tbe groflbe.anb arefna fopbe- wber= • fo^eig mp lo^be tbe bpnge come to big fer= uaunt i'Dauib anfwereb : to bn tbe tljicf* aipngeflow^eoftbe,anbtomnkeanaulta= re tonto tbe 1 om, tljat tlje plage mape ccafc from tbe people. anb arefna fapbe tonto muto: let m io?b m upiige fabc anb offer wfett fetnptu bim goobin big mfi .• 25cbolbe,f)cre be ojren fojburnt facrifpce,anbflcabeganb rbeotber SBSSESSSB* oxcn f 0? www tw« Jbpngegbpb arefna geue tonto the bpnge, « totte mo^couer tonto tbe bpngc:f JLo?bc tto ©ob accept tbe. anb tljchpnge fapbe tonto ■22? 8m J tfo i l l «rt32PHl>pett0f'tDe8W P^ee.anbwpll not offer facrifpee tonto tbe SSSMf? ^* botbeottmeno-- tpinge. anb fo a>auib bougbt f t foefCbpnge jfcrlbitt flo wie, (j tOe o^en far f oj fpftie fpcleg offt>t= uer. anb Dautbbuplttbereanaultare tonto p io?be, 9 offcrcb burnt facrifpceganb peace ofleringeg . anb fo t^z io^be wag intrcateb ro^ tbe labe. anb tbt plage ceafeb fr63frael. C^be enbe of f feconb bobe of $3= muel:otberwpfecallebtbe feconbe of tbe Bpngeg. C1E:i)ttl)irbebokeof tbe Bpngcgaftertberebonpnge of tbe iatpntflcg: wbicb tbirbe boueanb tbe fourtb alfo, ig but one witbtbei9eb?ueg. Ctbefp?ft€bapter. ttWt pounge bttgin Zbltaq ftepttij s>auio tofjfa erttcmeagc. abonfa ocaipittbtbetcalmcbntoitj tpiiBc to l)i« fatbtt . dalomS la annopnttu hpngc, ana fo ationla gcttctlj l)imatoapc. i^b bpnge a bambwng olbefrftrr- ftcinperrif: fo f whan tbep coue= reb bpm xb elotbfg.bt caugbr no heat, wfcee fo^c bic fr r uaittrs Tap be tonto bi: fougbt J02 mp im J bpnge a pouWinV beiuofloiiDc before p Bpnge anb to cberpine bt.anblctberlpcintbpbofome^mptoibe tbebuigcinapcgctbcntc.anorotlierfought fo;afawcbamofelltbo?owoutanfcoaflcg ol-Jfr.iel.ftfouDconeabifaga^iinamitf^ biougbtber to tbe bpnge .anb the bamofcll wag erccbLtige tang* &Mm f fcpnge, s nuiuflrcb tobi.But f Upug (tuewe ber not Mm felfe, faptgc-3 willbc Upng.anD be gatt WiWtmm bojfmcn.anb fpftie men to rtmne btim bim . anb big fatljer woloe not bifplearcbimatanrctpmcnoKapbfomocb to bim ag, wbp boefl tbou fo t anb be waga gooblpc ma , 9 big motbee barcbim nert af * ter abialom .anbljc fobe conn tell atjoab mmm * » 1 \ 1 1 1 ' i . T i H * 1 if * . t *; i!i 7 SBauft ■* i fl * • I : ' ; # IV. tWonnc ocarina,? at 3b(atbar£pitcaft. 3nD tbcp bclpcD 3D on to . Jfcu t g>ao o c k eye weaft.&anatabuf fonnc of 3cbotnDa» fta« tba* tbepjopbct, Fernet anDttct.auD all the IB men ofmpgbtwbicb were untbBauiO ,fa* uouccb not3Dontn. 3nD3DoniafacrifpcfD rocpeauDorcn.anDfattcatcll.bptlicftoncof **■»■*** jobclctb, tx>bui)(0fa(t * bp t be well of fto« trell , anDcallcD all btff tyctbjen t&e kpng eg fonncjJ, anD t&c men of 3aDa tbe kpngc0 fee* uauntr0.2i8ut.ftnfbantbcp2opbetanDi3ns nataiw>anDtbroti)mupgbticmcn,anD£)a lomon bi0b2otbcr,bc calico not. UWcrfojc, #at ban fpakc Unto TiSctbfabc tbcmotberof&alomon,fapingc:nafti>not DrarDe&o wc tbat 3Donia f fonnc of fyagffy botb rayne, anD BautD oure iojd knorocth i'tuoti\aou)etbcrfo2ccomc,a3u>tllgcucp coftccll , bovoc to fattc tbpneatone Ipfc, 9 W Ipfc of tbpfoimc&alomon. 6oauD get tbe 1 11 unto kvngcBauiD , a nD lape Vuto jjim:Di» Deft not p (mp lojDe 0lpgc) itocre Unto thp baomapuc, fapingc t S&aloma tbp fonnc (ball rapgnc after mr,9 be ftall fptt Upo nif> frnte.'wbpWt&cn 3Donia Itpiigcr^ScpoIDr. t»byle tbou vet talked tbece witbf hFN|, 3 mil come tn after p,$ cofirmc tbp roojDc0. *■ 3nD 25etbfabe went in tin to tljc kpnge ui- * to tlje cbab2e.3nD tbe (tinge \»a0 ucrp olDe, anD 3 bifag the Smnamite miniftrel) unto f ktng.3nD ^ctbfabcftotopeb.* maDc obep= fauncc Unto fy: kpnge .3nDp kpnge fapDe: tDljati^tbpmatter.''S»bcajifttJercDb(m:a)p ZoM , tftoti fvoarcft Dp tbe L02DC tbP c3bD Unto tppnc banDmapDc: £>alom6 tbp fonne fyall rapgnc after me , $ be flail fptt upiiinp fcatc.3nDbeboIDe,nowci03Donia kpnge, *mpto2D tbe kpnge xoottctbnotoftt.3nD bebatboffercDojcni.fatcatclUmanpl&cpe, anD batb callcD all the fonne* of tbe kpnge, $ 3btatbat the pieaft.anD 3oabtbceaptapne of tbt bottc . wm Salomon m fcruaimt fcatb be not bpDDe".3nDnou>emp i.ojDe( sD kpnge, ) the em of all jfcacl wapte on tbe, p tbou OjulDeft tell tbcm, wbo ougbt to fptte on tbe rente of mp lLo^t> tbekpngcartcrbtm. if oj cllc0 tuben mp lojDe tl)c kpnge foall ncapc ttjtrb W fatbcr0, 3 anD mp fonne £>a lomon ujalbe &ar^fpiimrjf. 3nD robple foe pet talkeD wrtf b f be kpnge, .flat ba p pjopbet camcalfo . 3nD tbcp tolDe t\)t kpnge fapinge:bcbolDc,bcrccometb 0a* tftan tbe pjopbetc . 3 nD tube be tons come in to the kpnge, be maDc obepfannce before tbe kpnge uponfr* face ontbcgrounD.^atba" fapDe:4*)pi,o2De(iDkpngc)bafttboufavD, 3Doma (ball rapgnenftcrme, 9 befball fptt 3E) Upon ntp featc /• fl 0^ be 10 gone Downe tbtf Dapc, »batbfl»ipne manpojten, ^fatlUepe, anD batb calleDall the kpnge0 fonne^ , a tbe eaptapiic0oft|jebo(t,93btatbartbep2eaft. 3 nD bebolDe , ttftf eate anD D?pnckc before %mm &nim «rr w* l)tm,anD fapcid^oD fane kpnge 3Doma.25ut me tbp feruaut.anD ^>aDock tbe pjeaft, and ffianntabn tbe fonne of jUboiaDa ,$tty fej. tiaunt Salomon batb be not colleD.30 tbp0 tbpngc Done ofmplo^De tbe kpnge.fr ffjnft not tbcmcD it unto tbp (crunftt, wboOmlDe fptcou^fcntcofmpioJDpkpngafterWm/ H ben kpng DaiUD anfmcrcD $ fapoe: rail afomom «|,^pnges, $tft$ty* me Betbfabe. 3nD uje came Into tbe kpnge* p.icfrncc,nnD ftoDc before btm. 3nD p kpnge iu)arefapmgc.30trulpa0tbelo?DclpMet|| ( Hiatbtpbb my fonleoiitof all aoucrfptc) cuen a0 3 (Uoarc Unto tbe bp t\)t lo;De €>oD of 3fracl,fapfnge:£)alo!n on tbp fonne (ball capgnc after me^ be (ball fyt Upon mp feate i oi me, fo u»u 1 Do tW Dape.Cbcn 26ctbfa^ be Doujcd on bee face to t\)t crtb,$ DpD reue* rente Unto tbe kpng.^ rapDe. 3 pjape alom6 alfo/fmakeb^feategrcater^bentbefeatc of mp lo?De kpnge 3>aniD0bat b bene. 3nD fo ^aoock tbep^eaft, anD Oathan tbe P?opbct,fr 26anaa* Dock tbe p^eaft tokeanbomcof opie ontof ft tbt tabernncMnD anopntcD£)a!om6.3nD all tbep of t))c pe opie bleue trompcttc&anD fapDe : 0oD fa tie kpnge &a lorn 6-3 «D all tbe peoplecam Up after bim- pppfog urttb pipe0 anD tetopfpnge grentlpc .foftpc crtb range txrttbfbcfounDeoffbem. 3nD3DoniaanD ail t^e geftctff^ebaD calico unto bun , bearoe ft, cncna0 tbipbab inaDeanenDe of eatpnge . 3nD tDben 3oab *iearDetbc founDe of tbetrompct , befapDe.- joiBebappcnetbit^tbercWfocbeanopfem tbe cptieanD as be pet fpakerbtboloe,3ona tba0pfonneof3biatbarfp;eaftcame.3nd 3 Don (a fapDe Unto bim •- come m , foiparta Ualeafit man, anD b?pngeft a 00D tpDpngrt. 3nD 3oncitba0 anfwer eD 1 fapo to 3 Doma : f t i* L 1^ tierelp onre lo$Dekpnge3DauiD&at&mabe «>momonkpng.3nDtbekpngebatbfenti6 ffin,^aDocktbcmeafte,«iaatbantbep?o a ibet,anb H6ana(a|)u tlje fonne oOebofaba, anD tbe€retb(f e0, anD tbe ^beletbitetf, anD tbep bauefetb(m Upon ^kpnge0mule.3nD 3>abock m p^eaft.auD Batbantbep^opbet fiatieanopnfcD bym kpng to \5ibfi.3nD tbep m came UpagapncanD reiopfcD, tbat tbe cptte DpD founDe agapne. 3nDtbat(0tbenopfe, tbatpebaue beacbe . 3nD Salomon fpttetb on tbe feate of tbe WngDome.3nDmo?eouer tbe kpnge0 fecuauntetf came to blette ouce io^Dekingcs)aiuD,faptngc:tbp(!5oDmakc tbe name of Salomon mo?ebono?able tben tbp name , anD make \)y# featc greater tben tbp feate . 3nD tbe kpnge botoeD bpm felfe \) pon tbe bcDD. 3nDtbu0fapDc tbe kpnge: «(TcD be tbe to?DeC5oD of 3fraell 1 robici) batbmabc one to fpt onmp feate tbP^Dapc, mym cpe fepnge it. 3nD all tbe geftejltbat were t»(tb 3Do* nta tuere afcapeD.anD rofe Up.anD tocnt eut rpmanbPS!wape.3nD3Doniafcarvngtbe p^cfence of g>alomon,arofe,anD went^ m t* toeijc tabmiacicofti)ciio?DC)anDcaugbt bolbe on tl)t bojnctf of tbe nultare.3nD one tolDe g>a-- lomon,fapinge:bebolDe, 3Donia Dotbfeare Uro.m.b kpnge&alomomfojbebatb* caugbtboloe ontbcbo^nctfof tbcaultare.faptng: letkmg Salomon fuicreUnfo metbP^Dnpctbatbe lopll not flcp W fernaut \»itb tbe fojearDe. 3nD&alomorifapDe:pfbett)pUbencbplDc of Uertuctbeee fballuotan beer of bpm fall to tbe cartbJSut anD pfujickcDne0 be fouDc in bim,be fliall Dpe.3 nD fo kpnge fi)alomo» fent, anD tbcp b?ougbt bpm fro tbe aultare, 3nD be came.anD DpD obepfouce Unto kpng $)alomon.3nD Salomon fapDe Unto bpm: getttbetofbpnebonfe. C^bc.ij.Cbapfer. Cfi>nuft) brcrt.aooiUa wqnp;cfb to bane abffagr (Qbpscoiicubpne.aiiDtbccfoic dalontoii com; tnatm&cfl) , *W* berte0,anb witb all tbeir.foulejJ, *tben I* MuiU.b. •im.riiii.b. ■Cwt.jrjrpf.e (balttbounotbetoUboutamau on tbe feat of3frael!< *a)o?eouer , tbout»ottcftbotoe3oabp *,7.i«ff.<.i.e fonnc of ?arnia ferueD me , anD tonat be DpD »'«rr.c to tbat troo captapne0 of tbe boofteaof 3r- raell : Unto 3bnec t^t fonne of #er, anD tat* to 3mafa tbe fonne of 3etber-. wbom be Rue anDujeD blonDc in tpmc of peace ( cuen a# it baDbene in U)arre)^*anD put tbeblouDe of "^^ twarrc Upon bp0 gp?Dletbatr»a0 about bp0 lopne0,anD (nbp0(boe0tbat were on \$y% fcte.DcaletxJttbbpm tberfo^cacco?Dpngc to tljp wpfDomc , anD b^pngc not bp0 boo?e 25 (jeeD Dotone to tbe gratie in peace. * But * t,rc2:rfr - f Hietue kpnDnc0 Unto tbe fonnc0of iScrfelat tU C5ileaDite,tbattbcpmapc eate at tbP ta- ble, -if 0? tbep came to me, toben3flcD from 3bfalontbpbiotber. *3nDbebolDe,tbou bafttwitb tbc^>c= wj»j** met tbe fonne of <5cra,tbe fonnc of (5cmuu, of 26aburim, tobicbcurfeDmetoitban bo?- tpblecurfe, in tbe Dapc wba 3 went to &fy* banablm. Butbc came to mete mcat^oi= Dan, anD3fwareto bpm bp ti)t Lo2Dr, r«n»- inge .-3U)pllnotfleptbc toitbtbc f\»car5c: aSut tbou (bait not countc bim a0 Ungplttc. SI 0} tbou art a man of topfoomc , anD kno« tXJcft UJbat tbou ougbteft to Do Unto bpm. 3i)i0 boo.2c beeD ftjait tbou b2pnge tot bcgra= uctcitbblouDe. 3nD fo * BauiD fleptc witb W fatber0, . ,.. M .. , anD t»a0 burpcD in tbe cptie of DauiD . 3nD * 4CCC5,C tbe Dape0 \»btcb BauiD rapgneDUpon 3f^ racl,\»crcfourtpepeare0:feucnpearc0rap= gneD be in Ii)eb2on:anD tbtrtpe anDtl^c pea- «r rc0rapgneDbein3ftufalc.*'a- +1 .pa:.mr.e lomon Upon tbe featc of BauiD ftitf father,? bi0kpngDo,metoa0ftablifa)cDmigl)tflp. 3uD 3Donta the fonnc of l^agicb came to 26ctbfabc tbe motber of Salomon. 3nD (befapDc:*€ommcfttboupeaccablp r3nD * , - vf ^ ,J, • t, j)cfapDe:peaceablp.l)efapDcmo2eoticr:3 banc fontUJbatto tape Unto tbe.^bc fapDe; fape on.3uD be fapDc:tbou knorocft tbat the kpngDome wa0 nipnc , anD tbat all jfrae'U fettbeir face0onme, tbat 3ftulDcrapgne l botobeit,pkingDomei0turneDatoape,anD gcuc to mp biotber : fo^it i0 appopnteb btm of tbe Lo2De : anDnouje 3 afkea pctftion of tbc:Denpcmenott.3nD(befapDeUntobtm: g)apeon.3nDbcfapDe:fpcake,3p2apctl!e, Unto Salomon tbe ktnge , foj be u»ill not fiipc tbe nape.tbatbe geuc me3bifag tbe gmnaiMte to \xipfc . 3nDii6ethfabe fapDe: well, 3 t&ttlfpcake fo? the Unto tbe lunge. Betbfabe tbetf 02c went Unto tbe ktnge Salomon, to fpeake Unto bun fo2 3Dona. 3nD tbe k(nge rofc Up to mete hcr,anD boi»^ b cD bim felfe unto ber, anDnittljtmDoUJneon Ui0feate. 3nDtbercwa0a featcfett f02tbe feingc0 motber , anD (be fat on bt ngbt fpDe. €bcn(be fapDe:3 Defp^e a Iptell pcticion of (5 ty & ,1 ! !: J i* i \ fc*' 2.H : afomon. fPtm^' 5foll kpnge tape us to : mi mmv motber , 3fnnsfDt Miismfte beaenen to 30ott(fi m ujother to wpfc . fluo (tinge Salomon jiifty crcd «itp fapbc toto bis mother i wbP bocft Hjou nfoc JMjtfflfl rlje &uuamitcfo? JlDomrtfiiKif fo; lititt tbckyitgbomcalfo:fo? Ijntf rnpnc ciDer b^otljcr , auD Dntl) foMJVm 3 bwttaff tiic mcafrcanb 3oab tbc fomic of |anmi. ^nc n ftyng Salomon froarc bp tbe loJbc.lapinge^obbofo.anbfotomc.pf gjonia banc not fpoken tljtjef i»o?b agapnft JHOau)nc!}'fc..fiowctl)frfoitc,asltnjlpeatf t lie juibc Ipuctb , ttttty Ijatb ojbepttcb me, anb let me on tbc feate of mnib m fatber, ^•mipoa-maDemennboufe.asncp^onurco, e Mowmmif Dretbptf Dape. &itb kpng&a= lomon fent bp tlje fc«i&c of 25anaial)ti tbc tonne ol' 3cbotaba , anb be fmote ftm , that ijc Dprb. 3Mib totomifbarfbcp?cftc,rapbcfbc KyiiSC:iicttbetoJ;nafotbtotofbpncawne felbcs.lo? rliou arte wo?tbp of bcctl) : but 1 ESfiRE if f ! USJ W W tbc, bceaufc tbou barcftthcarckcof £io?be0ob bcfoiefca* Sffi?* *%?' anl) bcca,,fc *&°« hfl ft tofteo wit imp fatljcrtn all ftp* affliccpoS. Slnb fo $ulom on pu t au>apc SWatbar from being ^totofbcto?bc:tbatbcmpgbt fulfill f unuofbcB ortiie io?b wbiebbefpake ouer tbc Joule or eu ,,, 4,„ 0t ^r^cts tWS cn= m. SJ2& tt 3oab:foi3oabbabturncD after *ponm>*rbougbbcturnebnotaftcc:aufa- pin. ^nbjoabftcb toto tbc tabernacle of roe JLo?oc,nnoeaugbtbolbe on tbcbomcsof tbe auitarc . Zm it mm tolbc upngc Mo* clc of tbc £o?Dc,anb (lobe up tbe anltare. gijeii Salomon fent JSanaiabu tbe fonnc '?l f ?a [ al,t ?'f a ^ n ff C: ffoanDfaHV)pon|)betbcr.^o^ be tljou Hire , tbat tbc bapc tbat f bou q oeft out , anb jpaircftouertberpuerofccb^ointbouiljauc ape p Oape,anbtbP bloubeilialbe toon tbi« ncaumei bcabe.^ub Fernet fapbc feifo the Hpnge. fylm p a goob tyinffc** mp Um Sf S2S# 8 *^ fn ^ c : f0 Wl ftP« ftruaunt JS? 9 %?? Dwc,t ,n 3««»Km mauva japc.|tubttcbaunccb after tljupcrc5i,tbat tintojcbus, fonnc of aaaclja kino; of d?efll ^nbtbeptobe^einei.fapiug^bcbolbe.tbv JSa'i SWW?^ a,,D « at Km to ©ctlj to 3 cljitf, to rckc Ijpxf rerun unte*, anb rctur= SmSSh ^ W fcr,mm,tcs! a fi fl P ,,c aJSJES^^! S«lomon,bou»efbat « pcme( batbe gone from 3erufalem to gctfi, anb caileb kernel, anb lapb \jnto hm&ri 22JSI SSJ ttt0 W'lK fure, tba S^^VWbctber.tbouiJjaltbpc^bcctb^ not cpt tbc ot be otm urn, anb tbe com* ma ""J«yc"tfbat3cbarsebtljetDitballt JWm BPtific fapbe mo^couer to £>emet: *tbourcmeb^ft ail tbc U)pckebnc(Tct»bicb 2ES •? fcwo\»ee|i , anb tljat tbou npUDeff *** toBamj 1 mpfatbcK, ^bcioibcalfo mil &H&K ?Wfce?neireipon Vne «SS sf £? of i>«"tf ftablpfUjeb before $ io?b ,,K^?r°/ ,JC h PSl commaunbeb 25a= SnSSS SK of 3cbomba : wb an *fmotebpm fbatbc bytb; 3nb tbe C^bcuicbitpter. "13 lom'on mabe affi'mtc Wftb p)lKr= ^b jtaoUpngcofeffPpt,$toue5ija s * raotf baufibtcr.anb b?ouarjtner m to f-j" tbc cptte of SDanib , Dnt^H ^s^ bebabmaoeaneuoc ofbupibtnge f.tbfi. bi^awieboufcj tbe boufc of tbc ILo^D, anb tbc wall of 3cru(alcmrounbe about. sDnelp tbcpeoplefaccifi'cebfnaultatjSmabconljpl= Ie0, becaufe tljcrc wajs no bou re buplte tonto tbenameofp3Lo?b,t)ntnittjofeba'pc}5.anb Salomon loucb p" iojtDe,anO toaUteb fn tbc ojbpnauncetf of s>aulb \)y$ fatber, fane one= Ip tbat i^t facrtficeb anb offereb tnceufc toon aultareielinbpUcji. ttitetfi ^3pnbtbckpngtt)cnttO(lDibcon ) tooffer v^ tljcrc : f oi &&< tljat t»a0 a f pcclall orlcrpnge place.au tfjoufanb burntofferinge* bpb £>a* iomon offre toon tbat aultare.anb in (Ftbeo tbc 10£be apcareb to Salomon m a became by nygbt . 3Bnb C5ob faybe : aCke wbat tbou wplt,tbat3mapcgcueittbe3nb&alomo fa y b e ; tbou ba ft c fyetoeb toto tby feruauut Bauib mp fatber great mcrcp,t»bcn be wal Ucb before tbc iu truetb > in rpgbtcttJcfnc&« (it plapncfle of bcrt twitb t^t. Mb tbou baft keptc fo? bym tbi Watemcrcp.tbatp'ban; gcucn bpm a fonnc.to fptt on bptf fcatcrajJ it *«i9aw.(.b iie(comctopau"etbP«{bape«*3lnbnowe, O lo^b mp c£> ob,it i£i tbou f baft mabe tbp fer= 23 uaunt kpnge in ftcabc of Dauib mp fatber, *^pt.ir.fl *3mo3ambutpongc ) anbwotcnotbouje %&• toc^^fio out anb in .2Hnb tbp feruauut ijJin tbc mpbbes( of tW people, tobtcb tbou baftc cbofen.^nb\)crelp,tbcpeoplearefomanpe, tbat tbcp canot be tolbc no? notycb fo? mul= titube. * <0eue tberf o?e toto t\)y f eruaut an tobcrftanbpngc bcrt, to iubgc tby people,? 3 mape beceme bcttt)cnc goob anb bab. jf 0? djIjo itf able to iubgc tW> tbp fo mpgbtpe a peopled Sinbtbytf picafebtbe Eo?bctocii, f&a* lomon bab bcfpjcb tbps( tbpngc . 3nbd5ob fopbc toto bim:becaufc tbou baftafkcbtbiJS tbyngcanb baft not afkcb Iongc ipfcnctbct ftcr baftafkcbrycbc^no^ftcrtbcfouleof tbpnc encmpc^,butbaftafkcbtobcrftabyngcanb bifcrccpon in iubgement. i5cl)oibe,3baucboneacco?bpngctofby pcticpon . ;ffo?3baucgcucntbc awpfcaiib an tobcrftanbpngc berte.fo tbat tbercwaiei none like tbc befojc tbe, netbet after tbc Qml enp ary f c Ipkc toto tbe. 3nb 3 twite a If gc- ,£ ucntbc, tbat wbifbtbou baft notafkeb, cue • rpcbcftc anb bonotirc, fo tbat tljcrc fttalbc no kyngc Ipkc vntotbcall tby bapejs . 3nbpf p 1 toylt ujalkcitt my ujapcsi, to kepe mpnc 0?= *ftf.Bj.i*.« binaunccsiaitbmpcommaunbinentciEi, *a0 tby fatber Bauib Dyb walkc, 3 will Icgtbcn tbpbapcjS.loben&alornonauiokc.bcbolb, I Hl&nm itU)axiab?camc.^3nbbccameto3crulalc anb ftobe before tbc arck of tbeteftament of t^t io?be, anb offereb burntofferpngeganb ^eaccoffcrpngcsi, anb mabe a fcaftc to all biitf feruaimtctf. ih "^bcu came tberc two wemen, tbat were barlottcs , toto tbc kpnge. anb ftobe before bym3trt> tbc one woman faybe : €>b *$api.(r,8 m^ io?bc , 3 ano tbpsl woman bwell in one boufe.3lnb3waj3belpuerebofacbylbwitb ftcrintbc boufc. 3nb tbc tbp?be bapc after Mat 3 wa0 belyuereb , uje toag belpucrcb alfo : anb we were together , anb no ftraun- gee witb Wntlit boufe,faue we two. %nb tbptf wpue0cbpbc bpcb in tbc npgbt, fo? Qjc fmofbcrcbit.^nbft)erofcatmpbnpgbt,anD toke my fonnc from mpfpbc, tobplctbync banbemapbc flepte, anb lapbc it in tyt bo= fomc , anb putt Iter bteb cbylbc in my bofo= me . 3d nb wben 3 rofe to to geuc mp cbplb c fuckc:bebolbe,it was becb. But wba 3 bao lokeb toon it in tbe mo?npnge , bcbolbc , it tttf not mp fonnc, wbicb 3 ^ bcarc. %\)t otber woman faybe.it i& not fo: but mp fonne Ipuctlj.anb t^y fonne isf Dceo.?f no T> ibcfapbeagapnc.Bo.buttbp fonne isbeeb, anb mp fonne itfalpuc 3C no tbu0 tbcp plea* f cb befo?c the kpnge. 'STbcn fapbc t^e hyng: tbc oucfaptb,tbt0tbati£(alpuci£(mp fonnc: anb ttie beeb is( tbpnei % n% tbc otber invt^c, nape.- but tbp fonnc is t\)t mt), * tbc lyumgc cbplbci]E(mpne,3Snb tbc kpnge faybc:b?vng mcaftDcarbc.3nbtbepb?otu3btoutafwc= arbcbefo?e tbe kpngc.3tnb tbc kpnge fitpbe. . Beupbe tljclpuingccbylbeintwo.anbgcuc t])t one balfe to tbc one , anb tbc otber to tbc otber. 'fcben fpake tbc woman, wbofc tbc ly= upngc cbploe wag , toto tbc kyngc , foi bcr bowellcjsyernebtoonbcrronncanbnVpbc: 3 befcebe tbc my ]lo?be..geue bcr tbc Ipuyng cbplbcanbinttowpfcftepctt.Buttbcotbcc ft pb: let it be nctrjec myneno? tbpne, but bc^ upbeit.^bcntbc kpnge anfwereb anb favb: *geuebcrtbc lputngct)plbc, anb flepttnot: *w fo? ftjcitf tbc motber tbcrof . SCnball tbcp of 3ftacl bcarbeof tbc iubgement, wbtcbf be kyngc batbiubgcb,anbfearebtbekpnge:fo? tbcp faioc tbat r be ujyf borne of <3ob was in bpm,toboiuftice. }i C^bc.iiij-Cbnptcr; C?1)f p?pntf0 anb tultva bnber Salomon. rb.e uururrauncc fo; tjiubitarlcs.rljc nomb;c of bis l)o;fc9 anb of tips parable*. iib fo kyngc Salomon was 31 ktngcouerall 3ftacl.3nbtbcfc [were bv& Io?dcjS . 3?ariabu tbc fonnc of ^abock tbc P?cft . eii-- lbo?epbanb SMWahtbc fonnca of Mfa,fcrpbc». 3cbofapbatbtbc fonnc of 31= bilub , tbercco?bcr. ffianaiabu tbe fonnc of jfeboiaba was ouer tbc booftc . 3nb &&* bock anb3!biatbar were tbc mcaftes . 3 11b 3?uriabu tbe fonnc of jHatpan was ouer ^rtbe olficierS.^nb?abubtbc fonne of fin "^ tbanwasa p?cfte, tUcftpngesi company on. atnD 31bifac ftcwarbe of boitftioloc . ^nb *3boniramtbc fonne of 3Gbba was otter *«* tbctrpbttteS. inb Salomon bab t wclttcofficicrs ouer 1| nll3fracl v;1 1 1 • * a ' J! 1 bti.c 11 i Y i! i- f.b.o. I * \ all 3fcacl , which pwbcb Wrayle f o? flic ny ngc anb hi s boufbolbc : ccbc man bpS mo « tictljuinmrcjnmncpjomftoufojmcctrarp rbingcOnb tbcfc ace thep? namcS:tbc foil- nc of tyur in mount igphjaim : the fottne of Debar fiutinlta?, anbin gbaalbtttttfctn* faincsf,ceioiinntj Bcthbana.- f* fonnc of fyc« feu in 3rubotb, to whom pertcyncb £>ocbo 25 anballtbcianbof toepberrthefonneof 3ui= nababin all p region of Do?, which hab ^a pljetlj p Daughter of &alom8to wyfc: >6n-= ana the fonnc of SCbilub was once Cbanach 5€l?«ifit60o,f ouecall Sctbfou, which is bp ?artbana benctb J&tMM Bctbfan'to the |)la pc of &)ehola ,cuc wito the place ttyitt* pncrapvwft 3ccI;mciWi: tbefonne of caber nab ftamotb Gilcab,? Iiijs tocrc tftc tovoncsf of 3aic : the fonnc of tf?ana(rc, which arc in Ctlcab,* Wibcr him was the region of 3r= Sob winch iSiniSafau fineffwe grcatccp=> tics with wallcS anb barrcSof bjaflc. ^hinabab the fonnc of })ibbo bab&/a* benaim. 3bimaa?wasinBcpbtbalim,anb be tone I5aunatb the Daughter of &alomo to-wpfc.i5aana f fonnc of fcttla(wa$fn3= fees in vCIotD. 3cbofapbattbc fonnc of pat nab was m 3'fachar. mm\U f fonnc of €ui was in 23cianun.0aber^ fonc of cupwas in the coutrcy of Oilcab,tbc lanbe of £bcbon km of f he Zmwtm,% of m ma otmu fan.anb was officer alone in the lanbc .3 nb C 3«oa anb "; G»a?a, M ili! '.. f« II lemtittt. tbcPbtltftinc.e.-ene wito f bobber of (ggppt, anb thep bought pjcfcntcs.aub femeb &a= lomon all the bapc0 of hpS Ipfc. 3Cnb Salomons btccb fbj oncbape was rtxquartecsof machctflourc, anb rhJcffeo= re quarters of nicalct en ftalleb otf.anb.n:. out of the pafturcs , anb a bunbicb (hepebe-- ^fybcbmcs,bucltc0,anbwiIbegoatcs>faiib ca Jons . if 02 he rulc'o in all the region on the otjcefihceuphhitcji.fco^htphlahto^ai^ ?a , oucr all tlKUyngcS on tl;c other fpbc the ryticr . anb he hab peace with all hps fcr= M\MW on entry fpbc.^nb 3nbaan03f= rati Dwelt without fcarc, eucrp man Wtbec bpS torn anb mm bPS f PSff trcfrom Dan to 25cccfcba,ail the bayes of Salomon. ^ ZM &alomohab*;cl.tt).ftallc0 of hot- *scu.*im.> fcsf(W charrcttcS,anb.#j.mhoifmcn. ino the officers? p?oupbeb liy tayle fo? Upng &a* loruonanb fo? all that came out of anp place to fcpnge Salomons table, cucrpmanbyS mo ncti) ,fo tha t there lacneb notbpng. 2l5ar-- ipeaifoanb ftrawfonhc hoifcjSanbmulciEi, fought thep \mtothc place where the offp= cer0 wcrccucrp man in bptf offpec. tetcrmix *3nb0obgauc^alom6wpfi)omeanb Dnbcrttanbrngc cjccabpngc moch^ . nnoa D fr*iargc hcrt,cucn n# the fanb that i$ on the -ca fee u}oje: anb^alomomi wploomc c«cUeb thewpfbome of allthc chplb?cu of the caft contrcp,anb all the wpf borne of egipt. #o? he wasi wpfcr then all mcn,pec then, 6thau thce?rahitc,ano^eman,chalcol,tjDar 3 ba the fonnejj of ^aljol.3P.nb Iji0 name watf fpohenoftho^oweoutaUnaepon^oneucrp fpbe.^lnb ^alomo fpaftefcr-thic thouranb ^t* p^oucrbejai.ainbhitf fongejs wcfea thonfanb anb fpnc.Sflnb hefpaftc of trccjx, cuenfro the Cebartrcthatgrowcthin JLibanon, t)nto § 3fopc that Jb^ngctl) out of the wall. Jnc fpancalfo of bcalhtf, of fouled, of wo?mc0, anb offpffyeiOnb there came of all nacyojs to hearc the wploomc of ^jalomo.aub from all ftpngess of the earth , which hab heatbe of hv^wpfbomc. C5Tht.\).€hapfcr. IT &f"B BJr.nu reubctl) ccuat rpmhet to t\)t biiplJins of tt)t tcmpir.sijc or fcriprpon of «k UJo;ckf6. ^cr*"»ll jiwwrcfoimeoiicrtlnrfmfnhtpneonlc.'ainb mnftchnmb 5fo,li, *lii.Kiiift'.a iBb lijira (migc of 'Circ fent W 3? fcruauntctf mito ^)alomon,fo? he hab bcarb,f> thep hab anopn- \tt\i hpm Bpngcm the cowme of ...... — I l)v$ father . * $ 0? i)iram wa# * *•»» M cuer a louer of Dauib. * 3Cnb Salomon fent * ***** to Jpiram, faping.-t hou Imowcft* how that *'p w Daiubmpfathercoulbcnotbmlbcauhoufc \juto the name of the lozbehpsi (5ob,fo? the warrctf which wercaboutc hi on eucrp fibc, Dntpu the 3Lo^bc putt them mibcr the folctf of hPJSfctc. 2i5utnowc the Hojbc my Cdod hath gcuc me reft on eucrp fybc, fo that there itfnctbcrabucrforpc.nojanyecupllplage. 3.11b bcholb, * 3am bctermiucb to buylbau *ft'.«r.w.i houfc 'onto the name of tljcjlojbc myesob, ajjithciojbc fpaftcwito Daiub mp father fapinge.thp fonnc whom 3 wyll fet Ijpo thp featc fo* p,he (hall buplbean houfc wito my % name . #0 wc tbctfojc, commmbc thou that fhcyhcwcmcccbartrcctfoutofiubanon. Stub mpfccuauntCiS ujalbc withthpnc , anb Duto tyc, wyll 3 gcuc ^ hy^cfo? thy fcruaiV m> accoibyngctoallfochc thpngcioiajsthou lh«iltappopntc M fhoulmowelt that ther nrcnot amongc^js, that canfftpllto hewe tpmbeclpftc wito thc^iboncsi. vBLlha ii)icam hcarb the wojbcg of ^alo^ mo, he rciopfcbgrcatlp.j fopo . ^sieffcb be § 3Lo^btjji)3bapcwhicl)hathgeuevntobamO awpft a wpre fonne oner tW mpshtp pe oplc. ?Cnb Joiramfentto$>alom6,fapmg:3hauccon= fpb/eb the thpngcjf which thou fent eft to me tffo?:? will acc5plyuj all thp bcfyjc,c5ccrning * tpmb^eofCcbartreejJ abfyirc^pferuafi" tesi mail bjyng them fr6 libanon f the fee. flub 3 will conuep them by (hip Wtto p pla= ce that thou (halt mewe me: | wpllcaufe the to be bifchargeb there, ^b thou (halt rcccauc th5.3inb thou (halt bo me a plcafurc agapne yf thou mmpftrc f obr fo? mpne houfe . 3nb fofyiram gaue ^alomoucebnr trecid? fitrc trcc0,acco?bpngtoallhpi8befy?e.3l!nb$)a* lomon gauc li)ira.rr4l).quartcriel of whete foe fobe to bitfboufyolbc , anb twentyc but* m of pure oplc . 'Cbutf mud; gaue £>alomo to lairam yearcby ycare. © 3nbtbcJU>?bc gaue Salomon wifoomc njihcpdomifcbhim.anbthcrwajjpeaccbcs twene l9ira anb Salomon:? thep two were c6fcbcrebtogethcr3Bnb bing Salomon rcy- »♦ fcb>*a fomc out of all3fcael.3&nbtbe fome wasfthirtpe thoufanbe men , whom he lent to &iban6.;i:.*ft).a moncth bp courffc, fo that when thep hab bene one moncth in Hibano, tljcp abobc two moncthejSat home. 3tub*3ibonira wajS oucr the fome . 3nb Salomon habth?cfeo?canbten thoufanbe that bare burtbetf, anb fourc fco?c thoufanb mafonieE in the mountayne&bcfpbcjJ the lo?= bctf, who &alomS appoyntcb to our r fc the wojkc, eucnth?cthonianb ?m thjehiiDJcb, « which rulebthcpcopIc^c/.«b tijcm^Vto* ought in the wojue . ainbtbc hpngc commaunbeb them to bjy ng great (tones, wcightp ft ones* anb he web ftouetf to? the foimbacion of the houfe. ;T.nb^alomonsimafon!Sianbthema» foiiSof li)iuim bpbhewe them, vt> the wojtt* 211c of thccoiiicrS.^nb fo tljep pjcpareobotb tpmb k n: $ ftoncd fo: the builbpng of $ houfe. C^hcuj.Chapter. COo\uc,ai:b Vubcii ti>c temple tow bnpiDco. *m .Ob it came to palfc f tn the.iiij. IC.anb.lyrc.yere (after the chiU r * MP* m of 3frael were come out of Wljtbc innb of €sipt)nnD*tDf.nij. __ liSycrc of the rapgue of Salomon ^WO'Vacl-anbinthemonethv^^^ff.which mtsM.t isthc.ij.moiieth, * hebegannetobuylbcthc houfcof the Lojb.3lnb thehottfe which £>a= lomon buplt fo^ the to?bc, wajj.lricubytcjj longcanb .%p. cubytep bjoabc, anb.m'.cu^ bitctfhye.'anb^hcmabeapoKhc before tljc boby of the temple, which watf..tr. cnbptcsJ longaffcr the b?cbth of the houfe, anb.r.cu= I)ite0b?oabe,cucninthcfo.icfr6tofthcl)ou« fc . 36 no in the houfe he mabe wynbowesS b^oabc without.anb narowc within. 71 notn the wall ofthc houfc, he mabe ch«^ bcrss r ounbe about, ( euc; in the wall ctf of the houff)rounbcaboutthetcmpleathefiucer: anb mabe fpbejSroimbeabout. Che netljcr= *ii.i5ar.(ii ,i m V ««f».ti(,b •w.b.e IP molt chamber was fyticcubpttcbzoab.anb the mybble was fprc cubpteji btoabc , « the thy,ibwa0fcu?cubite0b2oab.Jfoi without in the wall of p houfe he laycb benmes roub about.tljatthe beamed of thechabcrsfljulb not be fatrcneb in ? wallcc of the houfe.?lnb the houfe wag bnyltof ftonc, mabe per feetc ailrcaby before it watf brought thythcr, fo that there WO0 neither hilmer, ncrare, ether any tole of pzon bearb in the houfc, wjjyle it wa0inbuplbmgc. Uhcboze of thempbblcch.Tlne wa0iu f rpghtfpbcbfthehoufeiaubmcnwc'.it^puj winbpng frapjcointo ihc mpbble cijambze, anboutof theinpbble,intothctbp2bc.3[.!ib f he buylf c the houfc anb f pnyf.ticb it , anb count it with bcamc0 of Ccoar ( imbcr. Tim then he buylt chabcc0 to allthc tfple.of fpuc cubptc0hcygth,aub they were lopiieb to the houfc with beamc0 of Cebar. 3!nb the wozbe of the iojbc came to £>a • lomon, faping:conccrnpngc the houfe which thou arte 111 buylbyngc.yf thou wpltwalbc in myne o,ibiiiaucc0,unb erccurc my laweo, anbacpempcommaunbcmentcs,towalltc inthc:thcnwpU3maBcgooo\)Mtothcmy p ionics', * which 3 pjompfeb r>iimD tjjy fa- * ujox.ma ther. *3(:nb3wyllbwellamongctl.icciiPb i * e ro m b rubinsofolyuetrcctencubytcshye. jfpuc ev iij cubp» j.crc f ciicubitirsf. 3nb f Ijc otbf r ci)f rub wa0fcn cnWfftf I)pc alio, I o f borb f be Cberubctf were of one tticcirurc j one fpOvff o? the heigtb of the one w free: nnb eptljerboje with two fol= bins Icnuciaf, be grauebtbcroCbcrubtfpal* inctrccs.nti&fiourfran&CQucrcDtbcmwirb go!Dc,wbicbwa0layeb thymic topo the car* ucb wozac. anbljc buylt the pnner court tf tnic rowe0 of bcujcb (tone, anbone rowe of Cebarwobbc. 3ntb;fourthpcrewa0tbefounbacionof tbeboiucoftbcio2l)clapcb:cueninthcmo« £sr nctbjirr. anbintbeeleucntbyere$3Hntbc monctb Bull, which mty cygbt moneth, vomm boufefuii fpnifmcb tbojowoutall m partes tbcrof , anb accojbyngc f allfbe Mtbyonofit . anbfowa0hereucnycrem buplbpngc it. C£be.toij.Cb3ptcr. «i a-bc tupi&pnef of (be boufe of Salomon . ihc boure of Pbaraoo Daughter . srbc fojmc of tljt ppu leroof biatrc.Df fijf bjafen rce ^c. {Sit Salomon wa0uuylbpngbf0 atone boufe tbirteuc pere,^ fmyr= Ojcb it an. anb be bnplt the houfc />™ u«~r£5-sa*£^mtbcwobDof libanon, an v bunojeb cnbptcslonge , anbfpftpe cubptcjs b*onb,?.OTcubpfe0bpc.anbttftobetopon fourc rowe0 of Ccbnr pyllar0, anbCcbat beamed were la yeb topon the pyller*. anb p rouffe wn0 Ccbar abouc \>pon tbe bcamc0, fDiitlapcontDcppncrjfccuenfpucanbfour- Z ->{. f pe be amr tf to fpff enc ro weO nb there u>e< re wpnbo we a in f b,tc ro wetf : anb tm mm bouicjs were one aaapnft another tlucfolbc- ' 3nb tbe bo;ejS with tbe fpbepoftcsl, anb the V)ppe rpofte were fourcfquare.aitb bab win- bowejxoucasapuftanotbcrtb?cfolbe. ^nbbemabeapo?cbbptbcpillarjs,tbat , bareDptuebonfc.lcubLfcsifonse, anb.rrr; cub(tc0 b^oab:? that po^cb waebefo^c thofc 9 m other pillfrj8.jfonbere waiEi^a fNcfcta tree fet before f bem. ^bf n be mabca po?che ' tofptalubsfto,fplebwitbCebar^fho.^ ^ .^ rowoutautbcpaucmcntetf.^nbbp^awiic bonfe(fbatbchfptrcftbf(ctn:« tjjat was m nnofbercourfcwttbontppo^ch)wac(niabe of that fame wojclie . 3nb then Salomon tnabe an bonfe foj pbaraojS baugbter * who ®> mm fallen to wpfe,lp«e\)nrorbefafujion *'"'"» ofthatpjche.flnbalUhcfcwereoftbcbcft ftones(,beweD after a meafure.aiib fa wcd uj fa wesi within anb without, from the foun* bacion wito the beanies* that lape abouc,af« fer the meafure, $ euen fo on the outfpbc to« warbe the sreat court . 3nb tljc f ounbacvon wasilapcb Vpon rpch ftoncjs^f tjcrporeat potted: wherof fomc were.ic.cubite0,«j f ome Tpiif.cuuitf-tf . 3nb abouc wcrcsoobftonetf iquareb after a cerfa pn rule,? couereb ii €e« bar.3!nbtlje great court roub about was tf tb v 2e ro we0 ofhe web ftone,$ one rowe of €c ^fPJJcbc/.afterfmantFofthepnner court of t be bonfe of the iojbc,? of the pojcb of the temple. *3DiiD hpng Salomon fent anb fctt * mm one Jfwamout of %ixt> a webowej* fonnc oftbctribcof^euhfalim.biiSfathccbevnga manof'S'ire.yahicbl^ramwasacraftejJ manm^afre^fuUofwpfbome.^nberftaii^^^, bpugc anb connpngc : to wo^heall manec pfw_o v «lici^aire.3nbbecmnctoliing&a= Iomo,gfw^ushtallbi0wo^chc.jfo2becaft ^ t wo piflcrsf of bjaffc of XMixubim \)yc a * 7n , m pcce,5 a ftnnse ofcrij. cubit eg Uvu comnaffe («*«« ether tbcniabouf.3nbhcmabeaj.heebpecc^! 1 r ,urjrt! of molten tynffecafter the fafftno of a cro w= a nOtofeftpntbe topped of theppllcriK. ppueriei wajaia wo^lic of rofcitf, anb 10 was £ wo.thmanCbppofthcppHerjSfinpajeb. Mb be mabe a molten lauatorp , ten cu* bpteid wpbc fro b ihoucllf0anb Imffns.Jtnb all thefe tocircl0 which Ipira mabe f c apng $>fc Jomofonhchoufeoffiiodb.wercofbiight bjaffe.^n the plapnc of 3oaban m the lung calf them : cucu in the thpche clapcbctwene >. §)ococbanb ?art!>in.anb Salomon leftair-' thetoclTels tonwapcb.bccaiuc thepweicio crceabpng manp, neptber founbe thep out:c thcwcpghtofthcbwffe. Znn fo S>alom6 mabe all the toeffciathat pertapneb tout the houfc of the HozDe : the golbcnaulferanbfbcgolbcn tabic, wbrrbu the CbewcbJcab was. anb fpue canbclftpco hcs.foi the rpght fpbr,an& fpue fo? the leffe bcfoie the queer of pure golbc:Wifi)ftourc0, IampeS.anbfnofffrsofgolbc.iiboulccflat pcfcs.bafons.fponcsano m.ifomccof pure golbc:anb ljinbgc0mabeheof golbcfoi the boKSofthcqucer.theplaccmooaholv.'anb fo? thebojesof the temple alfo. ^Cubfo wa0cnbeballf wo v 2kethat lipng ^alomonmaDc fo.uhc houl'cof the Lortc. ^nbrv^aiomo hioughtin ^thingc0 which £>autb hi0 father hab bcbicatcb.eucu f he kl- * ucr,goioe,?tocu"el0:anblapebfhetopamoge thcfrcafurc0offhchoufeofthcnoiiic. C^he.toiij.Chapter. t \ i ■f * * m ? i t ■ I. .. I V ■ i : \ I*! : i i.!:. "ft I w m I! the pjcaftcs f ohclip tfjc drcft.'Sriir v lia re e|)c arch of rlir iojotntotlictabfriiaclcofwif « itcS,anball rlicfjolp VJcMtf tbat tiicre itiibc tabernacle :f bofc Dro the pirfretfaito the He* ttttcSbearr 3nb Hyng £>alomonanb all tlic congrcganon of 3frarl ftj.it lorrcnflrniblrD Mixta bym, aim went wyrlj bym before the arcltr, orD offer u>pcatiDot'cn,fbatcoulbc not be f olbe not nontbzrb foj multtf ubr. 2N5 fo fhcptclTcS bJoughtthr arcltcof |5 appoj'utciut'j of Ho;De\jiitolUj3 place: cue into the queer of tftc temple $ place molt bo* ly.tonbcr the wiugcS oftbccbcrttbS.tfojtbc eiifriibolfri'tehcD out tlictrwingcS otter the plate of tlje arch, * coiiereb boirj) it a alto tbe Itaursrbcrofabictoponit.Siiibtbrybtcwc out the ftattcs,}'' the cubes of t|)cmygtitu.p= pcare out of the holy place within the queer: 15 but they were not fenc v&out. ainb there tlicp fu« banc bene wttotnis bayc^-anb tbrr tontf *t>fu.y.a uorbyng in the arctic, * faue tftc ram tables ot ftouc, which &>ofcSput tljcrc at $o*cb , in the which tables! p io?b mabc an apoyn- fement wit|) the cbylbien ofjfrael wljcn be tyought them out o:tbc lanbc of Cgypt. 3.nb tt fozf imeb f 1 when tlje pjeftes were come out of ffcc rjoly place, tbcclottbefyileb the boufeof the £o;De, f'tbepjcafrcfScoulbe tioifiabcanbmimftcr.bccaul'coftberloube: foitlje fiio.iyoftbc loibhab fyilcb Mmft 4 . . of tie LiuDc. ^ i;en fpnhe Salomon :tl)c Hnii.rtu.io,'DafayDc:) , !ieu)olDe Dwell tntljcbarcu dotior.3 iMue built flic an bottfe to bwciim C»jran habiracio fo? tbc.toabybc in fo2 euer. 3tnDtl)clu : urrtiir:ielj()t0facc,ant)bIe(rebaU toe rongrcgaiyon tf Jfrael ; anb all tfcecon* fircgariono:3reacllrobeftyll3m)befayb: ©If ffc o be the 1.020c Gob of jfracl , which ,^ tpahe w hys mouth wit o •Damn my father, * utmM, * »Wba^i .<>-«& l)lfl hanbe fulfyllcD itMp j.jsjm.Vi.4 iiuj:£>ci«5tbcbayr£3 bjougbt my people 3 (racl out of£gtpt,3cbofc no cyttccfally m.m.p».* tt-ybco of 3fracl , to buyibe an boufc , fmy tiamrmygbtbcfbcrin. 2?ttt3baue ebofen £>amb to be tiilcr oiicc my people 3frael. 3.iib tt was in tlje Oerte of ftamo my fa, f bcr to biitlOean Ijoufe fo.2 f name of tf loib Gobor'3frael.3nbtbcl,02bfityb»nto£)a- mo my fatbcr.Ciilberc as it wastbyne jjerte to buylbc an boufc wito my namc.tbon bio* heft vonif f&on wacio mynbcb.0currtbc= I rite y malt not buylbc p boufc, but thy tone that ijnll come out of thpne toy nctf , be-all bnylo tbe boufc Ditto mv name, ^nbf Jtozb Ijatoimaoegoob M$ wozbc Jbcfpafte .3lno 3 am rylcn op t;t tijerowmc of Mi my fatbtr , anb fytton tJjcfcatcof jfimimbe £ Lcibr pzonufeD anb \)mt buplt an boufc foz tpename of tbe io2be(5'obof3frael. Stttb 3 pic p2cparc0 t(jt rin a place top tlje arcftc wbenn mm coucnaut or ti;c iojbc , wM Ijemabcwitboucfatl)cr0,w|)eiii)cb2ou2ijt i <^' rtur a nicm out of f bdatibe of e aypte , Salomon ftobc befoictbc aultarcof tlje JLoTbc in Z ly{jbtofalltbccongceffacyoiiof3frael,aub ftectcUcb out Ijyjj banbejS towarbc beauci' i Goblibctbctii l)cautiiabouc,oimtbeearth bcnctlubou tbat fcrpcfltcontnaiint anb mer- ry f m tDy fcruauntcs tbat walltc befoic the with all tber bcrt. tbou tbat baft bept w m f OV fcruaunt Datubmy fatber , f tbou pio myfeoeft bym, ^bou fpaheft afro m& moutb,anb baft fulfuieb it u'» tbyneWc S lo?bc ^ob of Jft-arl tepc with tby feruaftt faying: ^fbouajoltnotbr att ont aina i *„ ffittK^i'^^^feofiraS^at*^ K ft 59" ^ cilc f ,° m *>w,mtm tt % c mc n ^ l ) m * tt "alto* «' »ny SjSf , I 3 I ,r,l ? wc > J 2>c= ?,rS2S e,I ? M . c . lwf » 8n0 ,Jcm,fng 0f "W* s«*« S^? 8 m"? ftj«ftto«»f(wfj Dane W Jeb^ati c |l tberfoze refpect Unfa f be player ^n itt*"! 'J" 8 t0 J J ^ rnppuratron , sD loibe my Gob , to beare tlje \joycc ano mm bef oic tfjc t bis bayc : tDa f tDy nc eyc^ may c be open towarbc fltf* boufc ,«« anb paitraybe:*ii^y ttamcaialbctberc. ^hat il *»«w mayeft berbrn \)tito f paayer wbicb tby ft r= uautpiaictbin mpUt&m rcgarbc ? V fnpplicaciooftbyfefuafit^cftbypcoplcjf raei,wbetbcypjayctntbiSplace.^.nbbcarc tpou bcarcft bauc mercy. #gf any man trcf= pace aaauift bis neygbbonr,anb tberc ao a u *«.»** oto betwene fbcm , anb tbe one eopelleb tbe tcr SVhw£ om r e °WW(F W"W few anl- ffiSHJPfe*" t»«nen tljoii m bcauc, anb woiHc anb tubgc tby leruauntcS, tbat fnttta tbe Vngobly tob^yng EftS ^ponbisbcab.anbiuft.fyefbcrUtcouSto S^rPh 1 " ^^^^ '-)PSrygbteoufueirc. ^ * CJ be ) tby people jftacl beput to?t»02fe 5« ni ^ c t'K enemye, becaufc tbcp bauc fpnncb jgaynft tbe : anb af tcrwavbe turne arrayne tuBl' a, P lu ' ott,,c offe tmto tby name, anb H ano tnanc intcrcclTio bnto t\ic intM liwtft ■ : tbrn bcare tbou in branen, to be mcr= cyfuJlbutotbcfynncof tbe pcople3fraeI,ff toyngc tbeni agayne into tlje laiibe , wb ft tbougaucft\mtotbeirfatbcrs. became tljcplhiue Cymiebagaynft'-' t jjoliir.rii.c ;i*,bii).c. tby fewatirctf anb of tby people Jfracl, tbat tbou tliewctbcm agoob wayc to walltc in, an D uf tie raync topon tbP lobe tbat tbou buft ffeneti tjnto tby people to enberct. jff there be in tl)t lanbc berth, oj pcftil?ce, b2outb>blaftynge,grcftjoppero2catfrpiller, o^yftbey? enemyc beta them in tljclanbe oftbcy2cytics,o?n)batrocuerplagco2fycb= ncffc cbauucc: * then wljat players $ fnppU* cacyon focucr be ntabe of any man of all thy people 3fcaeI,wbtcbujallltnowlebgccuery man tlje plage of bisawnc beet, anb ftrettlje fo?tb bysbaubcS towarbc tbys boufe.beare tbou then in bcaucn , euen in tby b welly ngc place,anbbemercyfnll,anbwo2lte,anbgeue entry man accojbinge to all bys wayeSC cue as tbou tljat only Unoweft bis bcrt,f 02 tbou onely unoweft tbebcrtes of allthecbplD2en of men:) tbat tbeymayefearc the aSlogeaS tbey lyue m tbe late, wbtclj tbou gaueft toils toourefatberS.^nblyhewyfe, yf a ftraun=» ger thatiS not of tl)y people 3frael * come outofafarrccontcey^tbynamcSfahc,^ tljcy ftjall bcare of tby greateiiame, 9 of tby mygbtic babe anb of tby ftrctebeb outarme 8 (ball come anb pjayc m tliys bottfe. 'Sbcr^ f02e,bearetbouitibL'au?tby bwelltmgc pla= ce,anbboalltbat tbe ftrafiger caiictbto the f o v t:tl)at all nacions of the citlj maye lino wc tby name anb f care tbc.as 00 tby people 3f* racl:anbtDattl)ey maye bnowe that tby na* me iScallcb topon in thpS boufc wbycb 3 Da= lie buylfc. t>f tby people go out to uafellagaynlr their enemyc, whether focucr tbou flialt fenor tt\t s«it.M.e anb ftalDtayc \jnto the,( Lb20)*towar» be the wayc of tbe eyrie wb'-'cbc than baft ebofen ,anb towarbc tbe boufc that 3 bauc buyltc f oi tl)y name : bcare tbou in bcaucn tbep^piayrranb fuppUcacto, anbiubge tbeir caufc. f I tbey fynne aganft the * ( foi there is nomanthatfynnctbnot)anDtboubcangrie wttbthcm.anbbclyuer tbemtnto tbclianbe of they? cncmyeS: fo that tbey carye them a - wayep2yfoncrSDntotbclaubeoftbcy2ene= myeS, whether farre 0; neare , yet yf tbey turne agayne tmto rbcyjbcrtcsintbe lanbc ( to the why cb tbey be caryeb a maye capty* tte, )anb rcturnc anb p?ayc tout tfte in tDc la - be oftbey? encmyes, faying: we bane fynneb, we bauc bone wycbeblye.anb bauc commit* tth \)ngoblyne(re,anb fo turne agayne Wito the with all tlje yjberte , anb all tbey? foule in the lanbc of their enemies, which leb them a wayc captyucanb wayc Wi to the towarb the waye of tbeyj lanbc , wbycb tljou gaueft t)iito tbcyjfatberS , anbtowarbe the cytie , Which tbou baft ebofen , 5 towarbc the bottfe tohitb 3 bane buylt fo? thy name stfjen bcare thou they?* mayer anbfnpyltcacyoninbea» |Ni., M uentby bweUynge places inbge tm caufc: (.'■?ot)c,i.b anb be mercy full fentotftp people, tbatlianc fyuuebagaynftthe , anb wttoall thcy2int^ quytws, wherby tbey bauc bone wycfttbly ogapnatbc, anb gcttl)outbemtbcfauourc oftbofewbichlcbtiiemawapccaptpucthat tbey maye bane compaffyon on them * jf 02 -ff they be tW pcoplc.nno tbync cnberytannce , which thou b-tousjhteft out of egpptc, cuctt from the mybbes of the foznace of yion.3£ 11b let tbync eyes be open Wito the piaycr of tby frruaunt, anbtontothcpiaycroftbypcople 3'fracl * to berhentonto the, mall that tbey *eaM* call fo? \mto?.5fo2thoitbybbeftfcpcrattl;c, from amonge all the nacyous of tbe crt n, to bcthync owuc cnl)f ritaunce;as tbou faybeft bpthchanbeof ^ofestbyfcruaunt.wbeu t&oubjougbtcftourcfatijers ^outcoftPgu *emx£ ptcOLoibcGob. * 3!nbwbeu£>alom6babmabe ancnbc*».i3i.«'. ofpmymgc alltbysipjayeranb fupplifacyo tonto tbe Lojtbe.be arofcfrombcfoictbcaul" tare of the JL02be,anb from Unclynge on ijvs bnecSjanbfrom ftretcbyuge ofbisbabrs \jp tobcaHen,auftobcanbbleu"eballtbccou5re= gartou of 3fracl with a loubc \30ycc, faying, ©leftcb be thc£o2bc, that bath genen rcftc 1)ntobpSpcople3fracl,acco2byngtoalltbat lje.pmtfeb, * tberc bath not fayleo our wo2b mitanai. ofallthcgoobp2omyfc,wbycl)bc pjomyfco »* bythehanbcot CJ)ofcS hys feruautit. IT be Ho2bc ourc Gob be with \)S,aS IjewdS with oure fathcrS.anb f otfake bs not , nether lea * uc bS:but tbat he may boweoitrebcrtco\)tt= foht.thatwcmaycwalclietnallbtswai'cs aubhepebyscommaunbemenfes bys ftatu-* tcs anb bys la weS, whyebe he commaunbeb oure fathers. 3nb f hefc my W02beS whyd) <» 3 banc pjaycb befo:e the to?be, be nyc vnto thcio2beonreGobbapcattbuygl)t,thatbc befcnbetbccattfcofhii fcruaut.anbtbc cau= fc of bys people 3fraeir wnattbyngc foener cbaunccatany tyme;thatall nacyonS of the crtl) maye Unowcthatthe tozb iSGob.an'o none but he. Ictyourc bertctljc rfoje be per* feetc with the to2b oureGob.thatyc walltc in bysftatutcs, anbhcpebyscommaunbc= mentcS.aS tbys bayc. _?CnbthcHyitgcanb alI3fraelwifh bym, offercb offcryugeS brfojr the lozbe. *'Zift + X) . mM) . Salomon oftcrcbafacrtfycc of peace offering gcs>Jntotbc 3Lo?be , anb he offercb bntothc iozbe. XKU ■ thoufattbc oren anb an hutytbt twenty tbonlanbeOiepe.^tibfo the liynge-j all tbe cbylb?en of 3frarlbrbicatrbtbcboufe of the JLo2bc.^rhc fame bayc bybthc ftyngc halo we the mybbclof ffjreourte JhatwaS befoir the boufeof fl)c ioibc:fo2 there he of^ fercb burntofferynges.mcatc offeryngesanb the fatofy peace offertngcs-.bccattfe f biafeti aultare that waSbefoie y lo?b,wasfo lytle toreecaue y bumf ofrmngcS, meatcofferyn = flc^anbtljcfatroftjjcpcaccofferyngcs. G \i 2Gtib - 1 * i \ 1 1 1 4 ! alomon t / / :>:v anb Salomon ncloc tbat fame tpmcan im fcnft * all 3ftacl witbbP"»,a \)crp great rougrrgacyon.cucn from tbc cntryngc in Of Dcmatb toiiro tbcryuer of tggyptbcrojc W ♦ Scu.rln.c. L02dC0nrC<50D, * fCUfUDrtpC0$ fCUCbayCS mcn.piit.i»rtt»cfif. 3 no flic cpgtit Dapc tic fent the people awapc.anb tUcp blcffcb tbc kpng am went \mto tbey? tcntcStoyouS aub with glad hcrf c, tetanfe of nil tlje ffooDnc fff that p toibc badboncfoi'Damb N fcruaunt, anb fojjfracl byS people. Cftbc tr. Clwptei'. C Tbe i:o:6f apprarrfb tbt ftci-noc tpmc to grfllPs man . Salomon gctictb Cottmrs to twain. 21) e caiiamtrt become (tPbutarpM. Or faibcfb §>brP- pc« fo: goiof.Oc luiyloctb raanp rpeico. *k,&; \ 1- I A- * . v 4 :t. M j fJ h ml* nil tbat be bad mbps inynbc, anb was apoj»ntcD to mane : the tome appercd Unto bpm agapnc, asbenppcrcbtohpm at <3ibcon. and tbclo2bcfaybc\mtobym:3 tow btarbctby pjayct «Jft tby intcrccCfvon, that thou baft mabebef 02c mr. 5foi3baue imlowcbtbtSboufcCwbicbtboubaftbuylte) toputmpuamctbcrcfo.icucr.andmynecycS aim mpnc bcrtc tyalbc tberc pcrpctuallye . anbyftbouwpUwalckcberojcmc(asiDa= m'b thy father voalcbcD )m pur encfle of bcrtc anb in rpgbrcoufncfTe ) to Do all that 3 JWW comma unbeb the, and wplt kepemp ftatn* tts , <*my laweS. tbcnwpU3 ftablpfmetbc fcate of tby nyngbomcDpon 3fracl fo2 cucr, ** as 3 pzompfcDtot>amotl)p fatber fapmge. *». Kceua * / 5Thou 0»alt not be voitDbut a man \)po tt>c ' fcareof jffracl. lout a no yf pc anbyonrc cbyltyrn tunic awapc frommcand wpllnot kepemp com* mauimcmcntcsauompftatufcs(wbvcbc3 banc fetbef 02c you ) but go aub fcrueotrjci- CobdcS.andwojmypycthcm :then t»yU3 webe 3frarl owe of tbc lanbe, whpcb 3 banc gcucn fbem. anb tbps boufe wbpcb 3 bane * mi. m efi • paloweb *fojnnyuamc,wyll3 caftoutcof '••'•j- myfyg$t.anb3fracl(halbcap?oucrbcanD •/;re n. Dij.b. fl f(ll)jc nmol , 3C aiinacponS.and thps boufc mnlbe taken awapc : fotbatcucry onctbat pafletb bp it, (baibc aftonycb,mm mall t)^c, *^r„ men and they (ball fapc : * toty hatb the JlOjtDC rjtcxini.b torn thus \mtorbpS lanbe anb totbpsf bou- a " 1,c ' fcranbthcp(ballanfwerc:bccaufc tbcp fo2= folic tbc JLo?betbcp20oD, wbyebe tyougbt tbcp* fatbcrS outof tbc lauoc of (ggppt, aim bane taken bolbc tipon other GoddeS , and banc \J3o?ujippeD tbcm,anb fctucb tbe\ tljcr= foie batb tije lojbc btongbt upon tbcmall ♦li.iDs.Muf.a tbP0 cucll. * 3Cnbit fo?tuncb , tbat^^at yj tbc cube of tttjentpcpcretf, Salomon fpmf= flKbtbcbuplbpnge of tbetrooboufeg, tbat irf to ivete, tbe&oufe of tbe!lo?Oc anbtbc Upnacjs palace. $nb 1?p?am t^c npnse of lain: alomon c ■ 5 CS ^O) «: Cnw brought Salomon tpmb?c of Ccbar, anbfv:rctrfctf,ffoIbc,anb«ubatrocncrbebc- fpjeb. 3inD Salomon agapnc gauc warn rrcpcicjJtutotbclaDcof Baltic. 3lnb* Jap *.im, ?i ram came oiKe fronfEp^c to fe tljc cptlejx tobpebe £>al cm on bab gcucn bpm, a nb tbcp plcafcbbpm not.^nbljcfapbc; wbatcptictf arc tbefctubicbtbou baft gcucn mc,mpbjo= tbetftittbbeeattebtbem tbc lanbe of OisrCa* bull Dnto tbpjs bapc. 3nb Mam fent the upugc fpjee fBO v te bunb^cb wapgbt of g olbe. ainb tb pi* W t be fumme, wbtcb nyngc Salo- mon tavfeb fo^a trpbutc wfym be buylbcD ^ Iio'ufc of tbc JLo^Ocanb byoawnc boufc , aim O^'^iHb, anbtbc wall of jcrufalcm , aim J ; )asocr > anD^cgcD&o,aim bvwelt (n tbc cptie.anb gauc it fo,i a pjefcntUiito bpjj baugbtcr , $>alo inonaiU)pfc.3nb Salomon bupltC5a?ceatm iSetbiDo^ontbe netber : aub TiBaalatb aim f>^» a ^tbamar in tbc toylbcrnclfc aim in tbc lanbe :anb alltbctrcnfurccpticg tbat^jaio= III 011 bab» I *( 8n, » tofte bnUulUb:tborebf iiwbc arougc; aub cytiejs f oi \)H cbatettc* $ cptictf fo? bpS bojfcmJ, aim all tbat Salomon bcfp?coauo ixjoIoc buylbcin :|crufalcm,m tibanon^anb in all tlje lanbe ot'bPtfbommyon. 2CnbalUl)e people tbat were leftc of tbc 3!montcs{,l?etbitc0,pbercatctf,li)cuttctfaD lcbiifttest,( wbyclj t»crc not of tbc cbpibjm of 3fracl)tbcp?cbpl0?ctbat xocrc Icftc after tbcm in tbc laime, wbom tbc cbplbjen of j if rati alto were not able to beftroye . Ubofc DvbS>alomoncompcllto b;yng tribute \»\- to tbPjS oapc . But of tbc cbyibjcn of 3flart Dpb wam fent by (by ppe nlfo ofbVJ* fcruauntc0,tbflt were fljpmncn, anbbabknowlcbgeoftbtfcc , wptbtbc fer^ uaunteg of Salomon. 2Cnb tbepcamc to ®>p])V} anb f et from tbence one anb t wentr e totj.f.f.fl. * truiq 3D :|je qwene «j fkoje bnubjiebwcpgbtof golbe,$ b^oujtbt it to kpngc Salomon. Cftbe.jc.Cbaptcc. fff be queiie of dsbacommctb eobcacetfjeltipf; brimc- of ^aiomS.mbofe copaupe (0 bece d e ccuben. Bbtbc * snuene of^ababta rpnge tbc fame of Salomon cconcernpngetbenamc of tH io?be)cametop?oucbt toitb barbcqutftyonsi^nb fbeca* «^^^^«. Jmcto3crufalcmwitb a\3trp great trapne: wttbCamellexl tbat bare fwete oDoure0,anDgolbccjt;ceabpngcmocbe,anD p?ccioufeftouc0.2&nblbecameto Salomon anb comonebwitb Urn of all tbat wajs in bcr bcrt. 3nb Salomon beclareb tmto bcr all bee qucftiod , fo tbat tbere wa s n o t one tbtu= gebpbbfrointbeKpnge,wbicbbcejcpounbcb not VmtoDcr.- 3B«b tbc quenc of <$>aba cofpb?cb all ^>a= lomonS wyfoomc, anb tbe boufe tbat be bab fepbuplbcb.anbtbcmeateofbWtablcfi^rtbe fyttpngc of bp0 feruauntetf, tbc ojber of byss mpiufterxJ^anbtbepMpparell.by^bzynckc, anbbW burnt famficetftbatbe offerebtn t\it boufeoftbelo^bcaimfljcwasiaftomticb. 3EnD ibe Oipbc Dnto tbc kpiige.3t wa$ a true wot0etbat3bear0c mmyueawnrlanoc of Up fapingcMim of tby tByfbome.^owbcit 3 bclcucb it not.tpll 3 came, $ fawc it wptb mpitc epetf. anb bebolbc, tbe one balte wad not tolDcmcifo? tby wyfbomc aim p?ofptri= 25 tccitccaoctb tbc fame wbpcb 3 bcarOc of rbc. Jjappy are tbp men: anb bappyc arc tbefc tbp fcruauute0,wbicb ftabc cucr befoic tbe , anb Draw tby wpfoome. teum be tbc ioio tijp gob , wbtcb loucri tlit, to ret tbc on tbc Teat o f 3frael,bccaufc $ llojD lotted 3fracl fo? cucr, mm made tbc kpngc, to Do equytc aub rpgb» tcwprnelTe: anb Oie gauc tht ftyngefyre fftoje bun* fytn weigbt of fiolbe , anb of i wctc oDotirrtf ewopngcmocb,aimpjccioufeftone0.12;ncrc comic tiottto^c Cocbc Aboiinbaimce of fwete o« bourc0,a0 tbc queue of £>aba gauc to kyngc wt.e^aiomon.'Cbcnaupcairoof tbc * (bpppc0 of fywami tbatcarpcb golDc from €>pbpz ) fc?- fought Ipkcwpfe greatc plenty of fc**'$U mugctrcaim p^ccioufc ftonc0. anb f kpngc niabcof tlje aimuge trcc0,pillcr0 fo? p boufe of tbc io?bc anb f o? tbe kpngc0 palace , anb inabc barpee anb pfaltcrpcu f o* fpugertf. 'Cbcrccame no moarc fucbeaimugctreeiel, nonticrcanpe moarc fcneVnto thptfoayc. a im kyng Salomon gaue tonto tbe ®iwm ofs>abaacco?bpngctoall berbcfy;c robat* focuecujcafkcb :bcfpbc0tbnt bcrjiaueberoe « frc wpll witbbW atwie banbe. anb fo (be returncb unto bcr awne countrcp : botb Cbc, «nb better iiau iitc*. ff 'Cbcwcpfibt of golbe tbat came to^a= lomonm one peart , was fpje b«nb?cb tb?c ^ynges jfo fco?e aim fpre talent e0 of golbcbefybetf tbat be bab of cbapmen anb of marcDauntcsanb of^otycarpe0,aimofalltbekpngcs(ofara« bpe,anboftbelLo2Dc0oftbccountrcpe.anb kpngc Salomon mabc two bmm«b buck» lews of beatf golb, fyre buoteb fpeleji of golb went ton buckler.anb be ma\)c tine buozed lbylbc0of beaten golbc, tb^e ponnbe of golbe went to one (bribe , anb t\)t kyngc put tbcm in tbc v boufe of tbe woob of tibanon. * m.vtM* 3nb tbe kpngc mabe a great fcate of put- rpconbcoucreDitwttbtbebeftgolDc. and tbe fcate bad fpjre tteppca. anb tbe toppc of t\K fcate wagrounDcbchpuDcstbcre were pomcllcs on ctljer fyDe on tt\c place of f fcate anbtwo tyonsftobc bcfybetbepomclleg. a nb tberc ftoDc.ni. 35,p80 on the fteppc». \)i. on a fpde.'Cbcr was none lpkc( wozke ) fene in any kyngbome. *anball kpngcS>alo= *dw.iw».b moms bipnekpnge \3cu"cllc0 were of golde, 9 lykewpfc al tbc \3cu"clle0 of tbc boufe of tbe woob of jltbanon were of pure golb.anbasi foj fplucr, it wasf nothing wo.ab in fbaycjS of^alomO.jfozpkingeSnauyeofi^pppciei WU on tbc fcco^tonto 'Ebarfi* x& tt)t name oftyyjamjgtyippc&euc'onccin tbcyerc wet t# tbe nauyc to ^barfi0,$bjougbt golde atm £> fylnerc<^eicpbantc0 tctb. apcjSanb peco= -c* ke0. * and To kpnge Salomon etccabcball * « «. lr . t\>% Hpngc0oftbecrtbbotbmricbelTeif wyf= * n,9 ^ u bome.anballtbcwo2lbeiefo2tebto^alo= nton.to bearc W wpfdome, wbicb Cod baa mt in bV0 bertc.anb biougbt m cucrpina ji0 P2e(cnt,tjcffel0of fplucr anb \)e(Tcl0of golbc,ravmcnt,barne(fc, anb fwete obourctf anb boiftesanb a)ulc0, pcreby ycre . and ©alomon gatbereo togctber rbarettejf anb boifmcn . and be bad a tboufandcand foure bunD2cDcbarctte0,»twclnctbonfandebo2« fcmcii, wbom be befto wcD m t\)z cbarettc cp= t(c0,anbwitbtbckpugcat3cruralem. *aimtbekyngemabefyluerin3crufa^ miM ib Icmatfplenteou0a0(ronc0,?(!rfdara0pleu= teoufca0tbe wpldefpggc trees tbat gro wc ttbounbauntlyintbcfflbC]e!.(^one^B bo2(rcfo2anbunb2ebanbfpftyc.anbeucn fo fo f 02 all t\\c ktnges of tbc ftctbitbctf and f oi tbekpngeSofS)y2ia,byDtbcyb2pngctbciii outctbo2owctbep2banbes. ^Tbcjti.Cbaptcr. CS>mom5bafbreiiciJbimb?eb(iuene* am tfcnMfe b;eb coucubpuc* , tobicb bjpngc bpm to TtsouttHC. ©iaabucrfatpcBtebfllaffapnttbpm.Bebpfeb. pit kpngc * Salomon loucbmanp a loutclandiftjc wemen : and tbc bau= * tmtM.» __ Jgbtcr of iDbarao : anb wemen of tbc ^oabitftf, ammomrcS,ebomitcs, ?ido- mtcs, I ■ ■ ■c* i V. I ! M ■m MA Salomon (0jfomgr& ^>alontoii i I: <■.',. i ID I 1 I 4* li . li Mi'tftfaiiD tyctbitctf ; lDlicrr asiyct (conccr* npnge tbcfc nacyontf )tbc tojbc fapDc l)ii« $a* tothcchyl&jcn of 3(Vacil: * (iconic not ye * «?ron.m: jif fl)cm,uoi let the m come atpOU:CllC0 VJJpll "" the v tunic pourc bertctfaftcr they? gobbetf, .ftcucrtbclcflc , £>alom6 claue touto tbcm in »»tu.Frwc.b lone. * 3nbbchabfciirnbunbjcbiauene0, aiibfbicbunb;icbc6cubtnc0 ) anbbi0wyuc0. tiirncb a wape I)U htrf.if oj it came to paflr , when Salomon wa*olbe,l)p0wpue0tur«' neb ht£ (Jtrtc after otlicr (5ooO:auD !u0 tyctff u»atf not perfect c toitl) the lojb&t$0o& M waotlicbcrte of Dauibbitf father: fo?£>a= lomonfolowcb^ftarotb the <3bb of the ?i= Done, ano tt)ileoiii,fhcabbottituaciotiof the 3 mnionitetf. 3nb j&aioino wrought wye ftcbnctfcm the fight of the Lo2bc,sfoloweh 25 not the to:bc pcrfcctlv , atf ovt) Bauito fopa &r father, tfoi than bib £>alotnd buplbc^ran hycplacefoi UThamostbc nbominacyon of y)oab,ui the bvll tliatts before 3erufalcm,9 tonto &)olocb the abhomiuacpon of the cbyl* bjen of 3mmon.3 nblpftcwifc opU liefo? all lutf out labile WpueS, which burnt inccnfe ittiH offcrcD tonto tbcp* gob0. 3nD the Lojbc U) wbtch the lo^Dc commafi- bcbbim.wbcrfoictbe Loib faybc touto <£>a* lomon-.f o? agmbel) ass tbitf 10 bone of tbc.anb tboubaftnotftcptcmpneappoyntmct.anb nip ftatutcsr mDirlj 3 conunaunbebtbe) 3 rorU wit the Upngoome from the. a no wi'H fit nc it to thy ft ruannt . ft otwif bftanbpngc in thy oayc0 3 will not bo it becaufe of &&* r nib thp father but will talic it fro the babe of ** thp fonne. l)owbcit,3 willnottaftcawapc all jSftPngbomc: but will gcuc&^ one trpbe ^r to top fonne, becaufe of £>auibmp fcruaunt, aub becaufe of jlcrulalc" which 3 baue ctjofen. Z no the Loibcfrcrcbtopanabucrfarpc tonto £>alom6:cucn one !i)ababau<£bonute of thcKpiigc0fcbe,whicbwa0in <£bo. jfo? wljc ©atitD wasiti <£bom,an03oabtl)c ea« ptapnc of tbcboftc wa0gone top to buryc the that were fiayne, bcfmotealltbcmcncbP^ turn in 6oonj.jf oj fvjee moncthegf bpb 3oab temapne there anb all 3frael, tyll he hah bc= l.Tropcballtfjemcncbylb;tcn inebom. 3nb tbP0l)ababfleb anbeerten other eboinitctf of W fatbcr0fcruauntc0 with bim.to come £> into £giptc:l)abab bepng pet a lytle cbylbe. Stub tbcp arofc out of Fabian, anbeamcto IDaran.anbtoftem? TOitj tljem out of para anb came to egppte tonto ph*irao ftpnge of €gtpte, which gauc him an boufc.s appopn- teD l5im toitapie^anb gauebimlanbe. Zsfo !>iDab (rat greate fauoure in p fpght of piiarno, fo tijathegaue hpm to t»pfc the fyltcrof hi0 awneuipfc , eucn the fpfterof '?hal)peiiC!3'fheiiuene.3nO?riftfrof'S:hal> penejs bare him <5eiiubatbbi0fonnc , ujIjohi 'Cbnbpenc Wiffiifbi phflwojsboufe. %m <5enubath t»ntf of pharaotf houfcholbe a- mougethefoiineslof $barao.3liiD when lna* babhearbelniegppte, thntDaniO wad lap* be to flepe wpthhp^ father^, anb that 3oab the captayncof f ftoft waiSbccDalCb, hcHipo to pharao : let me Oepartc , that 3mape go to mpnc awuc contrcpc.pdarao faybc Wito hpm:What haft thou laclieb here with nie , f thou wolDcft thujJ go to thine awnecotreyc' J>canf\»ercb.0othtug.lf)owbeit,lctmego 3!nb Gob ftereD him top an otherabuerfarp, one Ee?on the fonne of (Kliaba, wbychc f leb from W io?bc lpobabc?cr Upngc of jobn. ^tiib he gathcreb men touto hpm.anb became raptapnc oucr the companyc , when £>auio flewethem.?tnbthepwcnttotDamafco,anb bwelt thtre.anb raigneb in Damarco^bcr * fo?c Waal he an abucrliirpc to 3fraclallthe baycjiofifealomo.^nbthi.cwajsympfchefe, inthatl}ababbpoabhonc3fracl,anbrapg» neb oner £>y.iia 3fnb 3fi , ohoam the fonncof Bcbatan e Cph^athitcof^arcba ( whofe mother wao calleb jeniah, which wajS a wpbo we, anb he £>alomonsl feruaunt)^Hpfte tophi^hanbe ^ a gaynlff he kpnge. But this( wag the eatile, that he lyfte top his hanbe agapnft the hyng. Salomon bnylte4>)t'llo,?mcnbeb the tyoue placesiofthc cpticof^auibhiJJ father. 3nb fhi0fclowc3croboamwa0amanofwarrc. 3Enb Salomon fawethcyouiigeman , thai hcwa^ablc tobothewoine, he mabcbyui ruler ouccall^ tribute of phoufe of 3'ofcpb. ^ubitchauucebatthatccaion , tlwtlerc- boam went out: of3.ccufale,anbthcpalomon,anb „ wpllgeiictcn tiibcstothe * anbhciljallha^ *"' p ' ueone.fonnyferuatintcBauibJlfalicanbfoJ 3ci:ufalem the cytie whpchc 3 nauc cijofeu outofallthctrphfjJof 3frael: becaufe tbcp haue fo?Mwuiic,aiibbfUic wo?(hpppcb ton* to 3fthalo* moil hath commptteb; toe^c tl;c feebe of ©a*, uib.uut not fojeucr. Salomon fought thcrfo^e to ftp!! 3cro- hoam , anb 3croboam arofe , anb f leb into (ggyptetonto&irau ftyngcof egppte, anb c otinueb there in <£gppf c tontpll the beeth of ^alomon.'crhe reft of the wo?bc0 that con- cernc ^Dalomon,anball that he bpb, anb hy0 wpfoomc: are they notwipttemn fhebohc of the wo?bc0of Salomon t^rhc tymetbat. £>nlomonrapgncOin3cru(alc" topon all iff* racl,wa0fourtpe.pere.3nbS)flloinou{lcptc anb he to:ybc him with hP0 father^ anb watf btirpcb in the cptic of ©auib hi0 father , anb Uehohoam Iji0 fonne rapgncb in hp0 fl;cabc. •carjje.jeft'. Chapter. f ClK MiiBaomc is 6ciip6rii,KcIjobo1),im Mrmtffh mifr.i'i .trpbw, aim jfrroboa oucr.r.aDUfam in So- ricb.J;CVobciamm,»HcUj goibcn tallies. $b * HUhoboam went to £>icbcm : fo?all3fraclwerecometo^tchein,co maftc ijim ftpnge. 3!tib 3eroboam tljc fonne of .ftabatc which watfpetin €gppte ) mm H rDccf if* fo ?bcncbtoegpptcfronuiic pjcrcncc of (tpng ^aloinon^ b welt in €gy^ pte.^oithcpfciitanb calleb hvm .anb 3ceo: boamaiiiballthccoiigregacydn of3frael ca - mcanblpaftetoiito Kehoboam.fapenge thp tfs- father niaoc ourcO^poclic grcuoufe, now? tberfoje , moftc thou the greuoufi: fcrnice of thp father aub hp0 fo?cyocfte which he putt toppnto0,lyghfter^wewyllfcructhe/4nb he faybc tonto them : bepartc yet f o i the fpace ofth?cliape0,aubthcncomeagaynctome. ^.ub the people benartcb. . 3Cnb ftpnge ^choboam tofte couccll with the olbemcn that ftobe before Salomon by0 father, while he yet Ipueb, anb faybc: what JB couccll gcuc ye, that 3 maye haue matter to mmmmp people ^nothey myoc tonto nym : 3f thou be a fcruaunt tonto tby0 pco* pic tm bayc.anb folowe thep? mvnbcc anb aiifwcrc them, anb fpe aftc ftpnbe wo?be0 to thcm:fhey wplUic thy fcriiauutc0 fo? cucr. Itywrea ifoJb - =r~>2 25tithc fozfoftethc counccll that thcolbcmc habgciicnhim,anb calleb tonto hp0 counccll yoiigcincn,thatwcrcgrowcn top with hm?, anb waytcb on hpm. 3Uibbc faybc tonto them -.what counccll 0cuc pe, that we niape auf were thv0 people.-' to? thep haue commoncb with me, fayemrc: malic the pocfte which thp father bpb piitt topoiitosjpghttciY^nbthcyouugcmcnthat wcrcgcowcn top with hpm. rpaftc tonto hym fapengc^huSUjalt thoufpeafte touto tbytf peoplc( that haue faybc tonto the : thy fa tl;ec mabcourc pocfte hetiyc, butt malic thon it to0lyghttcr;eucnthu0a)altthcufapc'tonto tpem;>f> S*)p lytic fpnger ihalbc loayghncr, •»« the mp father was in the lopnctf.ftnb uowe ~ whcrca^inyfathcrbiblaDcyoutputagrc^- uoufc yocftctopon you , 3 wpll mafte it he^- uprr . &)v fathcralfoco^iectcb pou t6 fcour= fiesf, but 3 wpll chaftyfeyou wifljfcf Uoi-- * picm0. anb fo3croboam anb alithc people came to Uehohoam the tfynbe Uyc , ao the ftpnge habapopnteb,faPciigc:iomc to me a= gayne the thpzbc bayc.anb the ftpngaiilWe- rcbthe people churlyQjlp , i\\\Q lefte the oldc mcn0 councellf that thep gauc hym } $ fpaftc to them after the counccll of the youngeme, t> fapengc. iU)p father mabcyotire pocfte grc^ uoufe,anb3willmaftcitgrcuoufcr.a)i> fa- ther alfocbaftifeb you with whpppc0, butl wyllchaftifc pou with fcoippons. Znh the Upngc herftcneb not tonto the people . fo* it wactheoibinamiccof Gob, thathc myght * pcrfoiine hys fapengc, u>bicb j5 toibc fua -■ lie by 3!biabp£>iloiUte touto 3croboam the tonne of. fi chat. 3nb fo, when all 3fr&*.. „ , uib, but3ubaonclv. * 3ub when ucho= ^ ar,y a boam wao come to 3crufalcm, he gather reb all the houfc of 3uba , with the trpbc of 2i5eii3amin an hmibjcbfr foureflioic thou= fanbe of chofen mt ( which were goob roar* ryonrc.0 ) to fygbt agapnft the houfc of 3f* rati, ■4 .■ * * i - *ui.Uv-vi'.f * I r ■ . ■ 1 * \ F U: F E filJ s f * I gfctoboam M%mm, i uV ;* ii racl.anbto bipngc the upngbomcagapncto ttcDolJoam toe fonnc of Salomon. 3 ubt lie woiocaf^ob came Unto £dc^ mat a the man of oD, fapcngc: (peak c Unto Ucboboam the fonnc of Salomon kpngc of # 3uba,anbUntoalltbcboufeof3uba$ z&cn* 3amiu .anbto tbcremnauntof the people, fapcnge^nutf faptb tl)c Lojbc.gc liiall not go\)p,no v tvctfPfi9tasavnrtvonrcbjetl)?cn tnccfjplbjrnofjrrae!, returnceucrpman to Wtf noufe, f o* tW r&mgc 10 mp bolng.W V herkcncOtlicrfoietotbcwojbcoftbciojOc, ana returned toocpartcaccojbpngeto the woibc of the tojbc. %$m 3croboam buplt g>ichcm inmonnt epbjatm,gf bwelttbcrin * 3roDi.bJt1.ft % jib went from tUcncc, # $ buplt pcnucl. 3nb3croboam thought in bitfbeetnowe (hall the kpmrbomc rcturnc to the ftoufe of Bauib.tfojpf tbP0 people go Up anb bo fa* crifpectu tbcboufc of tl)c Hoi l»c at 3crufalg , then fliallf ncrtofrbttf people tunic agape Unto torn toibc Uc boboa" kpngc of 3uba : iftt fo mall tbcp kpll me , anb go agapnc to * nmb.r. ,i. ucboboa kpngc of JttM. * tohcrupon tlje cvoBnTo a B ^^W toftc coujkcU , anb mabe two cnluesS '" of golbe , aiio fapbc Unto Hem. jttjtmncfte * cro. rrrtu fo* poll to go \)p to l)f erttfaltm.* 25ebolbc, C» JfraclrtbrTc arc tbp cjoddcjs , which ujoim <5 fl&t pou out of ftlanbc of egpptc3nb be fet tbe one m bethel, anb tbe other fet be fnistan, Club tW tbpiigc turncb to fpnne.fo;t the pco plcwcnt(bccaufcoftbconc)a0farrca0;5Da. ♦^uinc.io.a ;tnbbcmalicani)ouffeofbillaultarcj<1,* anb m.m.nu.9 imtit p ?f(1 {i e g f the loweft of tbe people, which were notof tlic fonnctf of ieui, 3tnb Jeroboam mabe a fcaftc tbe. tu. bapc of tbe eyghtmoncfb,lpkcUntotbcfcattetl)ati0iu 2m i anboffcrcbontbcaultarc.3f.nbfo bib he In i5etbel ,to offer unto tbe caluc0 tljat be bab matc.Sna be put in xSctbel tbe $jea« ftes of t&r&pIlaiiJtnretf , winch be bab mabe. 3fnD be offered burnt offcringc0 Upon tbe al= tec , winch l)c bab mabe in Bethel , thc.jcU. tape of tbcepgbt monetfreuein tbemonetb which he bab pmageneb of ov& a wue bcrtc : nub mabe a folcmpnefcaft Unto the cbpltyc of 3fracl , ano offrcb topon tlje aultarc , anb burnt incenfe. CTbc.rit'j.Cbaptcr. C31ccoboam Doinijc Cactifpcc bnto the eamte,w re; p;ct)cnbco of tbe Pjopbcfc. fcpebanoc Bjprtljbp, tobplc be puttctb it outagapntt tbe Pyop^cec . Sbe \dt opbetc is bpi[cb,anb burpeo. #b bcbolbe , there came fcs* a man of©oboutof3uba(bptbc wojbeof the &ojbJUnto26ctbel, *3etoboam ftobe bp the aultet toput inceTc.auio he critb agapnfttbcaultareintbewo?beofcbelo?b aTapbe. 4Daultate,aultare, tbn&ifopt&tbe lo*b:3i5ebolbe,acbplbcfballbe bojne Unto tbehonfcof©auib,(3ouabpname)$1i)pon the Cball he offer n> p^eafteiB of the !)iUaufta= rc0 tjjatbutne incenfe »pon the , <* mcniic^ makttj) talfes bonesiihalbe^ent \>pon tlje. ^dtto Oe gatie a rotten the famctpme,fnpcngc:thp0 W the to» ften, that the to?bchath fpoKentt.^cholbe, the a ulter wall rent , anb the afujetf tlia *ar e Dponit^allfallout. Mb when the Itpnge hearbctlje fapengc m of the ma of (0ob (which babcrpebagapnft tf * oulter in BethcUfjeftrctcheb out hptf (janbe from the aultarc, fapcuge:holb him. 3nb hiss ijanbe which Dc put f o^tlj agapnfl: him, b^pcb \)p>$hecoulbcnotpullitiuagapncto hpm : the aultcr alfo clauc afunber , anb the afibctf fell out from the aulrer,acco;binc,fe to tbe to =. ben which the man of (Boo bab smtn bp tU wo?bc of the nojoc ; 3nb the npngeam"u)c= reb, anb fapbc tmtotheman of d5ob. * ©h **nmi p,2ave\)ntotheio^bcthP(!5ob,anbmaftciu^"! n A m! i terccfTpon fo^me, thatrnphSbcmapcberc^ " M ftoieb meagapne. 3nb the man of ^obbc- fought the Hojbcanb thenpngetf habc waci "tefto^cb agapne.gf became asi it wasi afo?c. 2Hnb the Upngc fapbc Unto the ma* of .anb the % ftc (lobe tljerbp , anb the tpouftocebpthccoarfcalfo. 3nb men that paiicb bp, fa wc tlje carftaffc caft in thewapcanbthclpon ftanbpngc thctbp : j tlicp camcauo tolbe it in the towne where Phctc tDat brought him baruc agapnefrbm tljcwap^hcarbcthcrofJjcfapbCMtfethcmct of Gob: Idc waitf bifobebient unto the woabe oftheLo^c,anbitherfoictt)cioibehathbc= ljiiianbnapnchim,accoibmgctothewo^c »:anbfotl)cpbpb.^nbhewcnc,aiibforitic <~ SfiiSytf*?' tm *» ^ bo&pe of the manotCoob,anbiapcbituuonthca:(rc aim ^oughtitagapnc:aubthcolbcSK mcfothecptictolamcntf,anbtobi.nibvm. 2SRfe*5 ^ Dc DV0 bobpc in his a wnc graue, Jt tpiamctf 0I1Erijlltt , ( ^ ln0n fp b2O ; !iL ; ?" D y5 c, ^^ l > 1DmufcD ^» l .hefpaae toNfonuc^nipiug. whe 3 am bceb.fc that S XL? m fowl®* tuhcrm the man « * SSP isiburpcb.lape mp bones befvbc bp^ ^fe,^^ frt ^»3cwh«chhc«pe« SHPlfft »WI the houfefi of hpll fhte^^'/^^^^^roboamconuer. nrff e £85 ft ^^J^ 13 Wa W : Dllt tumcb oflcBc, anb mabe of the oweft of the Drank HJSfifJrfi! w i "*** ^»° « (too S5tt£ J""' V ,,t0 t!)c ¥ lfc of 3croboam 2 ,'1 5S? tf rop l ton , muTto b0WPfc: Up ( 3 PMPe the ) anb bifgnpfc t Up -- — , [elfc, that thou be not Uuowett to be the wpfeof 3eroboam, nnbget tbe to ^tlo. Jfojtbcr iftZffatte p^opljcte xv\)ic\) tolbcme * tbat'3ftulDrbc Upngeoiier thpfl *flMw*fc* people.:nnbtaftc with the ten loue0,aub cra« ckncllea ,anb a crufc of jjonpe, an d go to him • that he mape tell the what mail become of the chilbc.^nb Jeroboams: wpfebpbfo-anD aroie.aub wet to &ilo,anb came to tbe hw fc of 3Dia. 25nt3thia coulbc not fe, fot M irpctfwcrewarcnbpmmcfoiage. v ' 3f:nb the io^bc fapbc Unto 3tbia:bcholbe, •2 C P? fc ?f Jeroboacomctb.to afkca tbuicre iDfthefo.ihcrfonnc,fo2hciofvchc.ii3[itthii0 qjait thou lape Unto hrr.atnb when ftie came -* 111, (he fcpneb her felfe to to a notljer woman. s 2bttt when ^hia hcarbc the founbe of her fete a0 (lie came mat the bo;e , Ijc fapbc : come in tljon wpfc of Jeroboam , whp fepneft thou ;hp felfc fo,to be anothcrrjam fent to the to lhcwetheheupthmgc0. 00, tclljcroboanntim^raptljtljc iotbe 00b of 3fracl.it rcpcntcthmcf o,i ao" mochc n» * 3 craltcb the from antonge the people , * «r.Kt. m anb mabe the met oner mp people 3fracl. jbpb rent the fcpngbomc a wapc from the home of mm anb gaueittbc; jHcuetthc- lc0, thou haftuotbenea0mp fcruauntDa= tub, which Bcptc mp eomniaunbcmcntc0 l anb foiowcb me wpthallhp0l)crte , to bo p wypchi0 rpght inmpneepetf rbutlwftbonc c »Vll , abouc all that were befoae the : f oz thou haft gone , anb mabe the other gobbc0, finbmoltcnpmegc0,top < fouokcmp,anbhaft cafi;mebehpnbcthpbacBe:therfo;cbcholbe, 3j»pU typnge cucll Upon tbchoufc of 3e« roboam, anb wpll rote out from 3eroboam C anb torn that (0 tn p?cfon anb fo?fa hcii in 3/5J e L» an / , WtoKeai»apct|»remitaunt of the houfe of Jeroboam , a0 a man taaetli awape bonjge,tpiiDc fratD carpeb out all. U)bofocuct ■ 1 t i IV i i Jeroboam ixtf&mw* m* & it: ■ ; i ■i 1 • «:■ l l:i ; i : it la- 1 1 . Matwut * ttftofociietcof Jeroboams* Doitfe ) bpein tnetowne.bpmamll tbc boggctfcatc^bep btetb in tbc fclDc, wall ftc fowletf of ftca vit eatcifoj ftc loftc jjaft fapbcfUilp ftcrf op aim sett ftc to flume boufc.Molbc , wban ri)v fore entcretb into fte cytir, p cfcylbe ftnll X) byc.ambfill ftt v of3frncl ami! mouruc foj iHm.nnbbttrpcbtmifoj.beoncIpofJcroboa", (ball come to fte fcpulcbP , becaufein fcym I hcifW f ounce goobneffe towarbe fte ioftc 0oo of 3fracl in tbc boufe of 3croboam. JQtotWicr i ftc toftcujallftcrcbpm t)p a KMige oner Jfrael, wbift mall beftrope ftc 0^ bou fc of 3croboam in ftat bape . (*?» H6ut wbatig it now? tfopbelopicftallfmpte 3fraeU,a$ wban a rcbe ifi ujakii in tbc water airtfte ftall webe 3fracl out of ftytfgoob lanbe ( wlucbbcgauctoftcpjfiUbrrtf, )anb 0^ $ar> mall fkartcr ftem beyonbe ftc rptttr , Sctttuft tbcp banc mabc fte" 3bolctf groncjj , anb augrc^ tbc tojbe. 3nb be (fcall geuc 3f = racltop.bccaufc of ftc fpnncfl of Jeroboam, wjjtft bvb fynnc.onb mabc 3frael to fpnne. & 3 nb Jeroboams' wpfcarofcanbbcpar* ecb,anbeameto1£b"'?ab,anb wbanflje ca- me to fte ftpftolbcofftcbop, tbecbplbe waslbccb . 3nb all Jfrael bmycbUym ,anb lamentcbbim.aceoftpngetoftcwoftc of p loibe wbicb be f pah e bp tbc babe of bpsf fee* flaunt Biua ftc i&jop&ctcainb fte reft of fte woibeS ftit concccnc Jeroboam , frowe be warrcb, anb & owe lie r aygttcb . jSftolbc ftcy arc w*y ttl in tbe bokc of tbc Crotttelc* of ftc kpngca" of Jfrael. 38ntofte bapeg wftfft Jc= roboam rapgneb, were.jctfi.pcrc.3Enb wban be wa* laycb aflcpe wift bytf fatDcrjaf , $a« oab httf fonnc rapgneb in b# ftcabe. # Iftcboboam tbc fonnc of Salomon rap= gneb in jttba.anb Eeboboam wa0.jli.Ycre olbe wfjcii be beganne to raygnc.anb be rap* gncb.,r\jij.perc in Jcmralcmc fte cyttc wbicb toe Lcubcbyb ftoi'c out of all tbc trybctf of 3frat!,toput|)isinamcftere.)ii)ii3!moftcr0 name waff 0aama anaimmonite. 3inb3« 3 ta wwttgljt wtckebneffe in ftc fpgbt of ftc i,o?be,onb angrebfjim in moo fttngesi tben fteiefaftccj$bpb,tnfteirfpnnctf,wmcbftcy (bebWfaftcrsiinftecptie of ©a* nin . l)n moftersi name watf Baama an 2Emmonite.3tno 3biam Ijpufonne rapgneb tnDpjSfteabe. C?Tl)e.]c\).C!)apter. it 'ttDtcKcD 3b«Mpjrnef^ oucr 3|uhs , dtpg^fetow ara Cucftttttli fn Ijpecottimc. %\*t bntccil brttocne arn it Baafn.a.'ljornpbaf fucccDctbafa.jaaDab Cues Cf&ttl>.3jctob0ain.J3aafa kpllttlj jaaoab. fte jMij.pcrc of ftynge * 3cro= bojm tbe foime of ftmt , ray= gneb^dbiaouerjubai ttzepcre rapgneb be injetufalem. anb bytf motbertfnamewas^aacbaftcbaugbtcrof 3btfalom. 3inbbcwnmcbin allftefynncjS of Jjislfafbce , wbiebbebab bone befop 6pm anb \y& bcrt wajs not perfect wift ftc lo?o W C5ob * atf tlje Dert of WM \)i# fafter. &t uert belcffc foj DauiDS faac Hp\) fte toft bP# (5obgcuc Jjpma lygljt m jerufalem, ftat bcfctt\3p^ a b^ f onne after bpm, anb to (rabhfibc Jcrufalcm : bccaufeSDauibbpb ftat w|)icb wag rygl)t in t\)t fpgbt of f lo?« be , anb tucneb from noftinge ftat fte com- maunbeb bym all fte bapnei of (jpitflyfe * fa= tic onclp in fte matter of ftlriassftc locftite; 3nbtbcrcwaiEi warre betweneEcboboam anb Jeroboam a* loge asibelpucb. ^be reft of fte woftesl ftat concerne Zbittm , anb all ftat be bpb.are tbcp not wjytten in tbc bokc of fteCroniclctf of fte bpnges^f Juba^nb fter wax* warre betwne Sfttamanb 3cro* boatn.ainb 3Cbiamfteptc wift bygfaftcrtfi anbftep burpebljpnun fte cytieof Dauib. 3nb % fa W fonnc rapgneb in W fteabe. * Jn fte.jcjc.per e of Jeroboam bpnge of 3frael,raygneb 3f fa ouer 3uba.j;lt.pererap» gncbbcinlptcruralem, $bPtf mofterjsttame wasi a)aacl;a , ftc baugbter of 3dbtfalom. 3nb 3d fa by b ftat femeb rpgbt in fte epos of fte tofte .ajSbpb Dauibbfa fafter. *atnb be toke awapcftewljopbcpcrsi out of tbe lanbe, anb put awapc all fte abominable 3bol0ftatlji0fafterjElbabmabe3nb|)cput oownc * CflaacDa^Dpgmofterfrom bc= rpngerule.becaufeCbeljabmabeymagejS in moucjOnb^fabeftroyebberymageiMiib burnt ftem by tU bpaeCeb?on. ©artBttt f tiillaultertf were not put bowne. iReuerfte= leffc ^faejfterfe wajSperfecte wift fte ioft all tftpiWW* JD \Mtt* urn e ♦ffl.un M * tt.W-i 23 it p» •rtd.a lU.b. *«, *«l.«.Bl| C (!5 all 1)^ bapesl.lDe b?ottgl)t in fte boly Mett of DijBEIaft cr , ( 9 f be Oab bebicat) wtto pbou feof fte 3Lo?oe : golbe sfpluce , 9 JeWeUejOi. Unb tbere wad warre betwene 3fa $ J5aa a fi» ftpnge of JfraeUall ftcpjftapetf. mnn mm kpnge or Jftaei , went ^)p (tsapnftjuba,^ buylt aaama.fo f !je wolbe let nonego out o,t in, to 3dfa kpnge of Juba. ^fjen Ma toae all tbe fplucr$ golbe, ftat wasilcfteinftctrcafuecsfoffte boufe of tbe 3lofte,«ftetreafure8! of fte upnge* boufe, anbbelpuercbtbemtontofte ftanbeiff of by* feruaunte#,$ ma I'cnttbemt o* 25enbabab ftefonneof ^ab?imontbe tonne of toon Byngeof&fela,( ftat b welt at SDamaico, ) fapenge:ftereii8abonbe betwene me 9 fte, betwenemp fafter anb ftp fafter , Ulna be = |jolbe,3baue fentDnto fte a wefent of fpi. uer « golbe ^tbou come 9 bpaae fte bonbe ^ tbou baft x& Wmk bynge of Jfraell.ftat Dc mapebepartcfromme.^)02i6enbababber=» keneb\mtobpng3Efa, anb fentftecaptap- neioi of fte |tofteiei( wbtcljbe bab )agaynft fte cpttc£iof3feacl > 9fmotel9ion I 9a>il,93bel, S5cfta)acab,9all fte region of Ceneroft witb all ftc lanbe of .ftepbftali . 3nb tuljen ^aafabcarbtbcrof ( I)clcftebuplbin5fofiaa ma9bwelti'Ebtr?a.'Ebenbyng^famai)e appclamacyoftojowoutali 3»oa , * ■ none u)ulbbeeycufeb.ainbfoftcptoBcftc no tea ofmamab9ftctpmbet;(wbcrwttbBaafa fjabbaylbeb, )$ftpng3rabuplt wift ftem fte M of 26en3anun anb #iwa. 'Eberemnauntofallftewoftegitbatcon ccrne afa.anb all bptf mygbtanb all ftat be byb,9 fte eptiei* wbpcb be buylbcb, arc tbcp notWjtptteiiinfte boucof fte ftionfclc*of ftenpngejsof %mt .aeucrftclcire in bytf olbe age fjewatfbifcafcb in bpjj fete. 3nb aura lleutc wyft IjpjS faftcMUwatfburycb befpbe W fafter^ in fte cptie of Dautb \>y# faftcr.ainb * 3cbofapbat W fonc rapgneb inljitf fteabe.3dnb 0abab ftc f onne of 3cro= boam beganne to raygnc \jpon3frael fte fe= conbe pere of 3fa kpnge of Juba , anb rap* gneb t>p53fraei two yere. %m be bpb cucll in fte torn of ftc loftc , walkynsc in tbe wave : of bpst fafter anb in bpsi fpnne wl)cr= wtftbemabe 3fracifpmte.3lnb 25aafafte fonnc of 3Hbia ( wbvcb wag of tbe boufe of 3lacbar)cofptrcbagapnftbpm, anb 25aafa fmote bimat defibbetbon wbicb id a cptie of fte 0biliftinetf :fo? iaabab 9 all 3fracl lapcb wage to ©ibbeftott . €ucn in tbc ftirbc yerc of 3ifa kpnge of Juba.bpb uSaaraflapc bun, anbeapgnebinbW ftcabe.*3Bnbit fopuneo ftatwljanbewasibyng,befmotall^boufc of3croboS,anblcftcbtmnaugt)tt|)atbpa= ftcb.Witpllbebabput bym cleanc out , ac= coftpng lonto fte lapeng of fte lo?b, wbicb be fpakebp|)tslferuauntaDbia tbe ^elontte: becaufe of fte fpnnefl of Jeroboa wl)erwyft iiifkynzw MW a fWJf ty fynneb anb tnabe Jfrael fpnne, wljan fje wptb wj wouocacpon angrcb ftc jlofte ©ob of jfrael. ^bereft offtcwofte^ftif concerne m> Urib.anD all ftat be oyo.are ftep not Wipttf in fte bokc of ftccfeomclcjefof ftc ftpngetfof 3ftnelf3inbftcre was warre betwene 3Jfo anb Baafa kynge of Jfraclall fteyj bapetf. ^oiufteftp^epercof^fakpnge of3u ba,bcgan7i5aafafte foimeof 2ftfa to m* S«r o«crall Jfraell in mtW-Mib Peare.- 36nbbebybfwbtcbi£fcttelIinftefygbtof^ Iofte,wal{tpngetnftcwapcof3crobo5,t in l;(0 fpnne, wbtcb mabc Jfracltttfynne, % CEbe.icHCbapter.*- JTlMMingMhQj agapntt Baafa .to^om CUfuc: mmjlmxt bplfctb Ijps martct tfla.anb Ocftropnb t fiouft !0f laaafa.flbab Cucccbctb, amtf.anb Cabrtb to topfftopcfttojiKabrt. l)enftewofteoffte ioftcca» 31 mctojebuftefouneof 0ana= niagapuftiSaafa.faycgifo^as mocbca^Jeraltcbfteoutof^ bttft,9 mabe fte captapnc otter mp people Jfracl, anb tbou baft walkcb in fte wape of Jeroboam , anb baft mabe my people Jfrael to fpnne.toangre me xb ftcy? f pnne&l6cbolbe, J wpll roote out ftr pofte rifeofJSaafa.anbftepoftcritc of byjS bou= fe.anb wpll make bptf boufe lybe fte boufe of Jeroboam ftc fonnc of/iebat. * W&tmnm* m(inof28aalaw5pcbbpetbtnfteevtie,bim* B, »-^*« (ball ftc boggess cate:anb ftat man of bym wbpcb bpeft in tbe felbc^.Qjall tDe foulctf of fte app cafe. 1S:bcreftof fwoftcjS pcoccrne 25aala,9 JS wbat he byb,f btc! po wer,are ftep not wjft ten in f bokc off ciuonfclc* of ftc kynges of jrracl^nbfo23aa(aflcpfc xbtyt faftcru, 9 was5bitrtebm , Ebtr?a.3ub6la big fonne rapgneb in Ins fteabe.ainb bp fte bttbc of fte ptopbetc Jcijup tonne of Danani, came tbe wofte of ftc Iloftc agapnft iSaafa, anba- gapnft bifi bottfe,9rtgapnft all tbe wycacb^ nefteftatbebpbin fte fpgbt of ftc loftecin angringebtm t6t|je wofte of bijsatunebau* be0)ftatl)c ujulbe be ipke fte boufe of Jcro= boam.s^&ybccanfclje kpllebbpm.>* nw is to fapc jflclju tbe Tonne of ©anani elje pjop^ctc. 'STbe.r r ^)i .ycre of 3 fa kpnge of Juba be* ganne$tn f fonnc of 26aaw to rapgnc oucr Jfraelin^birja,twoyere3nbbi0feruafit *imri(wbicbwasicaptayncofbalfebi!eicba= rcttcsDconrpircb agapnft bym,a0 be wagitu ^birjab^pnekpngcanb wajs bpneben in f boufe of 3Er?a ftuarb of bpsi boufe in TOr* ja.^nbjimrieamcanb fmote bim,anbliyl s leb bym itt fte JGflrfi.pcrc of 3fa kpnge ofjn ^ ba,anb rapgneb in ()yi8fteabc.3nb it fopu^ neb ftat wban be wag kpnge ^ mtolfammSSEF bytf fcatcbe flue all fte boufe of iSaafa, not leaupngc tberof,oneto mlleagaynft a wall: gce,l)elltie i)y# kpnfcolhcg anb f r^bcg, alto, $ 3nD l r ;r 1 t * ■ I : fc: w I * * E It M i. - P-,1 & ( r U I 1 I i ' t f f ■ PI ' ill &Ufo immw tu 1 1 ill] i I'; 7t nb ttatf upti jiiwibeftrope all tbe b onf c of $aafa,accojbpngeto tbc wojbc of tbe loj-- Dc, ujljycl) be fpakcagapnft i5aafa bp tbe banbeof 3cbu tbcpiopbct.foi ailtbc fpnnc$ of iSaafa ? fynnc jtf of (Sid M fonne.wbpcb tbcy fpnticb.anb mabe 3fracl to finite , aim angrctbe ioib0ob of 3frnclwitbtbcirDa mtietf/£bcrcftofpwo2bci$^onccrnc«gla, $ all be bpb.acc tDer not w v 2ptte in tbc liolip of tbcCbJoniclcsi of tbc itpngetf of 3 fraett 3n tbc. %XMi\. ycrc of flfa kpnge of 3*iM, opo jimri rapgnc.Dtj.bayegin TOna, anb tbc people wasstben in tbc booft befegmtge 0cbctliioutuittcof?pbiUftinc^nOppfo pic in tbc booft bearb one (ape-.jimri batb co fptrcb , ? flapne £ kyugc: XttbcrfojcaU tbcy oOfractlmabe ^nmitbccaptapne of tbc booft) kyngoucr3fracl tbat fame bapc.cnc" in f booft . 3nb 3 mri bepartcb Dp fr6C5ib* bctbon,attbaU3frael Witbbpm, 9 tbcpbe* fcgcb % btoa.3tnb w|Kti Jftntf fawe f tbc ci* tic nmft nebetf be takcit,bc went into tbc pa = iapfcoftbekyngctfboufc.anD burnt bim fcl fc anb tbc kpngcsi boufc to" f p2c,anb fo b ycb, f o,J btsf fpnitcs wbpcb be rptmcb.itt boynge p wbicb istcucll in tbc Cpgbt of tbc JLojoc , nub in walkpngc in tbc tun vc of Jeroboam anb in bvti fynmti wbpebbe byb, anb in tbat be mabe 3frm kpnge : 5 tl)c otbec balfc ffi=» lowcb3inri.2Suttbc people tbat folowcb 3m»>ptcuaplcbagapnft tbc people tbatfo- IovdcU tbibni tbc tonne of 6inatb.3nb fo 'Srijtbm bpcb,anb amrtrapgncb. 3nv.tt:jct.pcrcof3fakyngcof 3nba.be* gaimc3&nmtoraygneoucr3fracl.jeu.pere. Jbfttfnt rapgncb be in f|Me bougbt „ tbe bpU>*&>oboiuron of one &cbemar fo^ twotalcntcg of fpiucr.ano buplt in tbe btll> anb callcb t^c name of tbc cptic wbycb be buplt, after tbc name of MRffltt ttM nab bene owner of tbe byU&cbomron.liSut Jtmri wjougbt tbat wbtcb itf cuell in p epejS xe of tbc Lo2bc,anb bpb to ojflctben all f were J before bpin. ft o? be walkcb in allp wave of 3ec bboam tbe fonnc of IJcuat ,? in totf fyn^ nc&£mabe3fraclfpnnc, to anger p ioibc (5ob of 3fracl to" tbeir Danptictf . W reft of tbc woibeg ? cocernc 2Emri,? all ^be Hyti ,'* bi)3! ftccnstlj ? be Cbctt)cb,arc tbcp not i»2it= tenintbe boke of tbe cb?onicles< of p kpngctf of 3rrael.anb fo3Bmri ttepte vb Ur0 fatbcrjS anb toa^ burpeb in $>cbemaron,anb 3b«b bt0 fonnc rapgneb in bpsdlcabe. 3n p.jcjrroiij.rcrc oftjft npnge of Juba, bfaannc^babtlJcfoimcof^mri to rapgne a .v. oucr 3 frael, anb tbc fame 3I)ab tf)t fonnc of 3mn rapgncb oner 3fcaell t S)ama«a: jejei j pcre.3nb Tlltffo t\\t fonnc of 3mr( tyb cuell m tbc fpgbt of tbc ioib.aboucall tbattocie ibon(= tesl to wpfcanb * wentanb fcrucb 2t5aal,$ , m M ti)o.ii1}pppcb bpm. 3Jnb be reareb Dp an aul= * mm> tare fo? 7i5aal m tlic temple of I5aat, toftpcb bcbabbupioebin^cbomron . 35nb^bab mabc grouetf , anb pzoccbcb furtber in ang= ryngetbc Lo?bc d5obof 3ftacl tben alltpe kpngesi of 3fraeltbat were bcfo?cbpm. <*3itlutf bapejS hyh Mt\ of 2l5etbelbuplbe ^ icricboanb it * cofte butt 3biril bi0dbcft *w m fonnc robe" l^e lapbe p fouubacion,$ \yi$ voii= geftfomte^egub.DJbg be fcttDp tbc gatcsl, occojbtng Ditto tbcicooibcof pJLojb*UJbic!) *W\am be fpakc bp 3ofua tbc fonnc otBttn. C^bcrDij.Cbnptcr. f f 3 mape b?pn(lic.:2lnbajj(be waj^gopngto *%m.m fettit,becrpcbafterbcr,nnbfavb:b?pngmc 3 pjnpe tbc,a moifell of bicab alfo in tbpne Wito&¥ fapb:3!0ttuelva^tbe ioib tto (5oblpuctb,3 bane 110 b^abreabpc.biiteuc an banbfuli of mcletita barell , anb a ipttlc oplctna crufe.3nb bcljolbjam gatbecing two (ticket fo? to go in,? b?cn*e it fo? me anb mpfonnc,tbatwemapecateit,anbbpe. ^Cnb eiia {ouMfapbe:but maftemctberof C aiyttlecafte mtt of all, 9 bjinge it Dnto me: anb after war be make f 0? tbe anb tW fonne. ' $ 0? tW ihptb tbe lo;tbe c^ob of 3fracl:tbe meale in tbe barell (ball not be wafteb ne* tber ©all tbe oplc in ttyt crufe be mpnffibeb, Dntplltbel02bebaue fent rapne Dpon t\)e ertbc.3lnb(bc wcnt,anb bpb aiEi^liafapbe. 3nb fyi$ty$ bet boufe ^ cate a goob fpa -- ce,anb tbc meale wafteb not out of tbc ba? rell.nctbcr wajs tbe oplefpent out of p crufe - acco^bpngto tbe wo?be of tbe fto?be,wbicb ^befpakci^bptbebanbcofeiia. ^ )fr%m after tbcfe tbpngesi.it bappeneb, . tbat tbe fonnc of tbe wpfc of tbc boufe fell fpckcatiib W fpeknefle wa0 fo fo?c, f tberc wasi no b?eatb left in tym.% nb (be faybe Dn to e«a: wbat bauc 3 to bo wttb tbe, tbott man of c^ob/'arttbou come Dnto mc, to call mpfpnnc acrapnc torem5b?auncc, 9 to flapc mp fonnc /19c fapbe Dnto bengeuc mctbp * fonnc.3lnO be tofte bim out of ber lappe.anD w carpeb bim Dp into a lofte wber be abobe,$ lapbebint Dpo W a wnebcbb,$ callcb Dnto tbc JLo^bcanbfapbc:© lo^bcmpc^ob.bait tbou punpf Otcb alfo t\>i# web we( ti wbom 3bwcUatfaftr(lgcr)$ baft flaync Ijcrfon- jiutu Wj > ^ 3b, 10 beftrctcbeo bvm felfc Dpon tbc mat. c ^ IDc t jj ?c tmtfii $ W1 | C0 ^, rt0 t |j C tQili i t anbfapb:!© Ho.ibcmp(5ob,lct tW cbilbcsf foule come into bint agayne.^nb tbe Lojoc bearbc tbe Dopce of eita, anb tbe foitlc of tbc cbplbc came into bpm agapnc, ? be rcupueb. 3nb€Uatoke tbc boye , anb bjougbtbpm bowncout of tbc cbamb2e into tbc boufc, 9 bclpuerebbym Dnto bP^ motber ,anb 6Ua nipbc:bcbolbc,tbP fonnc lpuctb-3(tno tbe wo man fapbe Ditto Clianowe 3 knowe , tbat tbou acta man of (5ob , anb tbat t\ie wojbe of tbc Jlojbcintbp moutb,tftrue. b iC^bc^Ditj.Cb'iPtcr. 2bt)is)I)l'Dctt) nu.t)Qb;cb ppiittctt. ffilis hpiictl) ml j&aals p;opl)f(ca:{Baftfch)arDc obtapuctb rapne. ^pnges 5fo,lb WWIA.C, iftcrp?occire of many bapeji $ wo2be of tbe 102b came to eif a 'in tbc tbP«tbe y earc, faptttgc : go tyewetbP fclfe Dnto 3bab , aim *3wpUfcnbcrayne Dpon tbc ertb. % nb ©lia went to Cbcwe b^mreifeDnto^ljab^ tberwa^agrcatfa^ mpibcmentin &cbomrort.2lnb 3bab callcb pbabia , wbycb wajtf tbe gouerner of hp* bonier iDbabtafearebdoobgreatlpe ; jfo? wben 3e?abcllDe(troyeD tbe p2opbe tea off lojb.bctokeanbaDjcDpjopbcte* nnb hv^ W, fiftteme"iuone cauejfpfttcinanotber, s p20upbcb b?eb f Water fo? tt}t 36no zkb fapbe Dnto €)babia:0ointo t^z nlbc, Dnto all fountaptteiS of water,? Dnto all baokejs, pfbapplpcwcmapefpnbegralTctofauetbc bo2fc0ab tbemulcji,? tl)titm beftrope not fomc of tbebcafte^.^nb fotbcpDeupbcD tU labcbctwcnc tbe*, to walkctbo?owit.?tbab wentone wapc biphym felfe,anb€>baoia went anotber wape bp bpm felfc. 3nb it cbaunceb tbat as ©babia was? in 25 tbc wape,eiia mctt bt.3tnb ©babia knewe bpm,? fell on bytf face,? fitpbe.artnoti'my lojbeiia.^nbbeanfwcrcbbPm:!; am be. (5oanbtclltbpio2be.bebolDe,'®iiaiSbccf. Dc Gipbc : wbat bauc 3 fpmtcb , tbatp wol= beft belpucr t\)v fcruaut into.? ijaD of 3tba», toneyme.astrulicaatbe l02btbp Gobly uctb J tbcreistionacyono2kyiigr)ome ! wbc= tt)criitpto.2Dcbatbnorfent,tofekctbc.^Hb wlKn tbcp Ctpbc.be W not tberc, be tookc an otbeof tbcbpiigbomc?nacyo ) wjjait befo* unbe fl)c not.3t nb no wc tljo we fapett :qoo ? tclltbPlo2bc,tbatei(ai«berr.^ubasfo= nc asf 3 am 5011c from tbc , tljc fpicte of tbe 3Lo?b (ball cane tbc into fornc place tbat 3 Do notknowc.anb fo wbciOicome anb tell 7i- ^ bab,? be cannc not fmbe tbebe fball flepmc. c 2U5ut 3 tbp fcruaut fearc tbc to2be from my poittb bp.ttwsf it not tolbempiLoibe, wbat 3byD,wbc!t3c5aucIlfiuctnepjopbeteiSof£ Io?0cbowc3bpbticanbunb2cbmenoftbc Ho?Dc0 p.2opbctcjf ,f yftie mc in one caue anb fpftic tit anotber, a nb pzoupoeb tU of b2eco anb ware r.^nb nowc tbou fapeft.goo tbou nowe anb Ibewe tbp lojoc . 25cliolbc , eiia ijSbere.tbatbemaycnepme^ 56nb eita faybc:aj5 trulp atf tbc J,o?bc of B)oftes: lpuctb,bcfo2e wb&3 ftanoc , 3 wtfl IbewmpfelfeDnto bim tbi#oape.£>o iDba bia went to mete 3bab,anb tolbcbvmaiiD 3Ebab wenttomctceiia.3nb ttfojtuncb ? wbanatbabfowc eiia.be fapbe Dnto Wm*. art tbou be tbat troublcrtOfrael.' ipeanfwc reb:tti0not3tbatbauctroublcb3fracl / but tbou,anb tbp fatbertf boufc , in tbat pc bauc fojfakcn t\a commaunocmentes of tbc io?= bcanb tbou baft f oloweb 25aal.^owe tber fo?c fettbe anb geatber tome all 3fracl Dnto momttCarmeUanb tbc p/opbctcioi of JSaal *foiircbunbicb anb fpftic, anb t\it pzopbe* *&•**.&* tctf of tbe 3boltf grouch fonrebfibitb, wbicb ^ cate of 3c?abel]et tableau Zm fent Dnto^ all tbc cbplb?eu of 3frael, ?gatbcrcb f w pbetc jJ togeatber Duto m ottut Carmcl. 36nb eiia came Ditto all m people , anu faybcrpowc Wgc baltc pc bet wene t wo opp= ty ij tUon^ ■ / * 111 €ita tint) i I ■ I * 4 I 4.n i r >i !t*i H S ill n(on0.<3f the loib be (Sob.folowcbpm: but Vf i&oal be lie * tUcn go after bpm . 3>imtbe people anfwereb bpm not one woibc . 'ftljcn inpbc(£liAtontotbepcQplcagapnc.3onelp rrmapue a piopbetc of y toibc : but J3ual0 i)jopbctc0arc fourc Imnbjcb anb fyfttc . let them tberfojc gene tog two ojrtM let tbem cbofe tbe o«e,| ctttbpm «» pcccjff.gt lapc bpm on wobb.anb put nofpj? tonber: aub 3 will bicffctbe other ojce.fr laprbim on wobD.aub will put no fm tonber .?cnb call pc on the na me of yourc C5ob,fr 3 wvllcail on tlje name of tbe 31 ojbc: anb tbeu the <5ob tbat anfwc* rrtl) bv five,Ictl)iml)c (5oD. * , WM J? * 38 no all tbe people anfwereb fr fapbc.pt * l WJW ' 1, i0 well fpoftcn/aMtbeiiafayb tonto tbe p*o= »bc trt of Baalcbofcpou an ojee , anD D^clTc bpmfpzfUfo? ye arc manp)anb call on tbe nam e of your gobbc0, but put no f p?c tostbrr. anbtbcytoltetbconc ojc tbatbc Oj>0 gcuc *m.*u. tbcm.fr they b*eu*cbtt*frcaUcb on tfieuame of sM from mojnynge tonoonc:fnpc"g: jD :2£5Aalbearcto0.}5urtberewa0notooycenoj one to anf were. 3&ub tbcyleptctopo' tJjttmU tcr tbat t bep bab mabc.36ub at none it tfojcn ncb.tlwt <£U'a mocfteb tbcm ,anD fapbe : crye tyr lowoe,fo?(<^be Wa ©ob ; pcrabuenturcbe isftalHinge o? occupyeb(fnfolowinge topon bi0cncmyc0jo;»0tobi0iourncyc,oibAppe^ IV Ik flcpcrb.frmuftbeawaftcb wttbepoure cryc.Snbtbeycrycblowbcnnb cut tbe* fcl* uc0, ajstlirtr maner wa0 , xb ltnyur0fr la(j= cerjj, tpll tbe blonbc f oibwcb on fljem . 3nb it cbauufeb , £ wbcn mpbbave wa0 paflcb :#?wmte> anb walfteb in tbe ftrengtb of tbat meatc # fo 11 1 = tyt bapctf 9 f ourtpe nygbtc0,euen tonto too= ccbtbemoiitof(ll?ob. >«U)banbc cametbc tljer into a caue,be lobgeb tberc ima u npgbt. ^ubbcbolbctbewo^bcoftbetozbecame to blm^fapbe tonto bym; what boeft^berc CUa^nb be anfwercb.3 tjntie bene gclou0 fo^tbclo?bc(5obofl!)ofte0 faftc. jfojtljc cl;ylb^ of3fraelbauefo.tfakf tbp coucna't, *bioftcn bowne tbpue aulter0 anb (layitc tbp p?opbctc0 with tbe rWe rbcanb 3 onlye amlefte , anbtbep felicmp Ipfctotnlic tta- toape.3iubbcfaybe:comeout?ftanbetopon tbe mount, before tbe Hojb.^nb bebolbe*^ lojbc went bp><* a mpgbtic ftrongc wpnbc tbat rent tbe moutapnc0^biaUe tbe rocbc0 before trje LojbciiButtbc lo?be wa0 nottn tbe wy nbc3ub after tbe wibe came an crtb quaUc,25uttbc lojbe wa0 notm t\)t crtbe qualtc.^nb after tbe ertljt quahe, came ftre: but tbe lojbwa0 not in tbe fpje.3nb after tbe f y?c,came a fmall ftpll toopce.^nb wl;en Clin bcarbeit,bccouercb W face witb by0 mai)tlc,fr went out fr ft obe m tbe entr tugc m of tbe cauc.?(!nb bebolbe, tbece came a toopce tonto btm,$ fapb.wbatbocft tboubercCBlta^ M be anfwrrrb.3 banc bene geloufc fo,t p lo?bc Ipfc to tabc it a wapc. 31 not be lotbc fapbe tonto bim:go j turuc thv wayc to tbe wilbcracfTe tonto ©tmafco.tbat tbou maycftanuopifte*l0AjacU$pnge oucr $>t= ria.^iub ^\)\\ f fonnc of j^imft , (bait tljoti annoyntc Uyng oner 3frael . 3nb ©IpHi tlje fonnc of £>apljat of 3dbel a)ebolob ujalti* aunopntcto bcpiopbcteiutby rowme.^.nb it wall come to pane tbat wbofo cfcapctbf fwerbc of tya$ac!,&pm fliall 3cbu flaye:anb yf any manfcapctlje fwerbc of 3ebu,bym fbalieufaputtobeatb.^nbtbcrto*3bauc lefte me fcucn tboufanbein3fracl,of wbycb neuer man boweb b# ftnce0 tonto 26aalittoj Kpffcb bim wytb bP0 motttbe. §>o be beuar tcb tbece, •$ f ounbe €lifa tlje ffiue of aniarta \uaebc rrgco of jaciidaftaDhpngcof §p;(a. bym.aitbbozfed anb cbarcttc0: went top aub befeoeb ^ama= ria^w.irrcbagapnftit.^nbbeTentmeffcns gr r0 to 3bab ftyngc ofjrmcl into t\)t cytte, anb fapbc tonto ljtm:tbu0 fapctb XScbabab. ^bP fplucranbtbpgoibc is mpnc , aub t\)c fay.Kft of tbp wyucs.anb of tbp cbpUnenbe . mync.?tnb t\)c kpng of 3ftael anfwereb anb fapbe.^)y tozoc Upngc acco2bpngc to tW fapcng,3am fbpneanball tbat 3 bane. 3nb wban tbe me(renger0 came agapne, tbey fapb:tbii0 fapctb 2ocbabab. Si oz a0 mo cDca03bauc fent tonto tbe, faputge: tbou amlt belpuer me t\w fpluer fr tbp golbe , nub tbp wpuc0.fr tbp cbplbjcn , 3 wyll tbcrfoie fcube mp fcruautc0 tonto p to mojow tbt0 tp me:fr t\)(^ mall ferebe tbyne noufc.fr tbe bou^ 215 Ce0 of tbp fcruatifcOno wbatfocuer i0plca nmut(ntbpnecpr0,tl)ey(balltalicttintbcir I) l iOc0 ) anbb v ungcttawapc.'€:bfntl)cUyng of 3frael fent f 0? all the r lOers of the lanbe.fr fat>Dc:tahc bebc 3 p.iaycyon 3 fc.bowc tby0 fclowgottbabotitmvfchrafe.jfothefctton^ to me.foi mp wyues.foj ntp cbylbJe.foi my fyluctfrfo.nnp golbe :fr 3benpcb bpm not. 3nbaUtbcelbcr0fralltbc people faybc;ber- {ten not tonto bpm, it o: coufent. Umcrfojcbc (ni?t)t tonto the mcffeitgcrS of26cnl)abab:trllmy JiczDc t\fc ftpnge.all that tbou Xiymit itm f oz to t\iy fcruaunt at tDefpzft tymc,tbar3 wpll bo.bttt tbt0 thing 3maptnotba .^nb tbe mefrengers bepar= teb.anb bzougbtanfwcr agamic. ?Enb iScu^ baDab fent tonto bymagapnc.aub fapb: anb tbu0 bo t\ic C5oO0 mtto mi.',pf ^ buft of S>a= martabepnougbfoiail tlje people tbat fo« loweme,totaUccuecpmauaubabfull.3!nb t\)t ftyngc of 3ftacl anfwirrcb , fr fapbc : tell bpm : let not bun tljat puttetb on bi0 bamcf= feboftc bpmfclfc ,a0 be tbat putteth it of. 3nbit foJtuncb.tbat wbi: i5el>ibab bcarbe tbattpbynge0 a0bc wa0u5f itpngc0btpu= ftpng witb m toe paupllpon0, he faybc tonto m fcruauntc0.put on yo l)arneu*e.3inb tyt? fcttbcmfclucginarapcaQiaynftfbccptie. 3nb bebolbe tljere came a pzopbet tonto <£ 3bab ftpngc of 3frael. Ciyutge :tbu0 faytb tbe iojbc.ioaft tbou fene aUtjtg greatmul« tttuber bebolbe , 3 wyll be ipucr it into tbpne banbctbi0 bape.aub tbou (bait ftnowe.tnat 3 am tbe iojbc.3;nb :achab fapb .- z5p wbo.-' befapbc:tbu0fapibtbc Loiberenea by tbe rcruafttc0 of pgoticniourc0 of tbeflicrc0.l)e faybengayne:U)bo(ba!l oiw tbe batapll;' 3ubbeanfwercb.tbou.'5rben be nombzcD tbeferununtc0 of tU goucrncrtf of tbe ftp- rc0 ; anb tbep were two bunb?ebanb.OTj. ty itj 3ub ■ I A ill 1 It V • \ Y.iyi \ «s El \ ■iSenljabab ffijtynge& 3nb after them alfo.he nombjcb nil the pco? pic ,alltbc cbplbjc" of 3fracl,cucnfcncn ttjou= fatibc.3lnb they went ont at uonrbutzte ftaoabbpb DjyncUc tpll Ue was; bjoncltcn in flic paupllpons both he anb p BpngcS: men. jerrij.uyngcs.thatholpc bym .3ifo the fee- nautcSof tbegoucruoursofthe lhyjcswc"t outfyjfl:. 3nb Bcnhabab fent out,anb they Ojewcb hym,fapcng : there arc me come out of ^a= maria. tyc raphe . tulictibcc thep lie come out fojpeacc.takctbcmalyuc: 01 whether thep become out to fpgbt , tattc tlmnpct a lytic. 3nb fo tbofcyoungc men of the goucrnourS of tbcfopjeS came out of the cptic, aub the Doll after them.anb thep flue entry one ftps encmyc that came fit bis wayc.flnb the &i- ricnsfleb,nnb they of 3fracl foloweb after them. 3 no Bcnhabab tbc fcpac of&pjia feapeb on a bojfle.wythhtshojfcmcn . anb tbekpugcof3fracl went ottt.anb fmote toe hotflcss-cbarcttcs^wptlja great flaugh* tcr nuebe tl)C 3Cnb there came a l&jopbcte tothe kynge of 3fracl,anb fopbc Unto bym .• gofojtb anb playctbnnan.bcwpfcanb false bebewbat tbou bocft-.fo.iwhcn tbc perc is gone about, tbekpnge of pinn twpll come up agapnft the. SEnbthcfcruauntrs of thchpngof&i« ria raphe Unto rjym.'Che 0obS of flic htlieS ace tljcpr 0000, anb tbcrfojc they bab the better ofUS: butler Usfpgbtngaynftthem \w the plaync, anb foj what pe will, toe (ball Ijauc the better of tbcm . 3ub tbiSbo:take $ fefflgcS aware eucrp man out of hts place, abputbukcSintbcirrowmeS.Snbbothou iiombzctbcannoPxlyketbc holt that tbou haftloftcfocbehojfcss foch crjarcctcss , anb wc will f pgbt agapnft them in the playne.f* tbou ©alt ft US gctt the better of tbcm . 3nb W bcrkeneb Unto their Mom,* tyo eucn fo. 3nbitfo?tuneb,thntaftct the perc was gouenboutc,Benhababnomb?cbtl)c£>pji= £ auS.anb we"t Up to % pbek to fpgbt agapnft 3fracll.:f ubthccbilbjc'of 3fracl were nom= bub,? with they? whole nombjte went the? ngapnfttticm.aubthcchplb^ofSfrnclpit^ cljcb befote them , lykc two Iptlc ftockcsof kybbcs.buttbc&trias fptieb the coutrepc. %m there camea ma" of 00b, anb fapbe Un= tfltbeapwrof 3frael:tbusfaytb the Jlo^bc: aSecaufc the Syrians bane fapeb:thc io?oe t0 but 00b of the hpllc 0,anb not 00b of the Ualey&tbcrfoie will 3 bcliucr all this great multitube into tbmcbiibe,$pcft»allknowc, that 3 am the no?bc.3tib they pitchebone mter ngayntt the othcr.Utj.bayes, ^ it came topau*e,f' in the feucnthbayep" batayle was i opucb.ainb p chplb^ of irrael Que of? &i= nWanhubKb tboufanbtote mi i one bnpe. 25ut the ntt fieb to 3phcU into f cptie . ^inh therefellawaUet)poii.jcjc\ji).^oufanbi)fj jStnljabab mcii^wcrcicftc^nbaBifbababfleb.fcamc into the cptic.from cl)am0^tocbamb«« 3Bnbhi0fcruautc0 fapbe unto hpm.a&e* holbe.wehauchcarbcfapcthatfKpnffcsoe the hoiife pf3fraelarcmcrcpfuiinitiffc0.H)e , will thcr f jc put facltc cloth about lopnes nnbropcsnboutourcncclwMgooHttothe Jtpugof3fracl:pf happipchc wpU faiiethp lyfe.^nbfothepapibebracaeclotheabottte thep^ loynes^jput ropes nboutc thepj hce^ bes, 9 came to f upng of 3reacl,? faybe.'fcbp fcruaimtzBcnhaoabfnpiU, 3p?aycf letme -. lyue.tye fapbe.i0heyetalT'ue.''heiSmpbjio= * tber.^nb tljep tone f wo?bcfo? gooblnclic ^haljelpcaughtitoutofhismoutb^fapbc: yec thp hiotDer isehabab.loc fapb:0O,b?ing bpm hyther.ainb 2Senhabab came out Unto npm,$becaufeb|Hm tocomc upinto ?cha= rctt.^nb he lapb tmto him :thecy tics whpcb my father tone fro ttiy fatfjer, 3 \fiy\\ refto?c agapne.3fmbfhou*altmalie ftreatcs fo2J m?Damafco,a0mpfathfrbybinS>amana. fr^3lnb3 ppllmalicanapopntmcnt voit]) -t^ thc.f rrnb the a wape.?Enb fo ijemabean ap» poyfitmcntwitbbim,aiib fenthpm awape. m ja*. nb there was a tmm man of p" chilb^ pfPWppheteS, which raphe UntohtiK ntpgh-- bourcinthewo2Dcofthcio,ibc:fmytcme3 vmt the.35 nb the ma woib not fmytc him: ^•hen faybe he Unto him. 26rcanfe thou Daft not hecacneb Unto f Uoyce of the lo?bc : be- polbensfooneas^art bepnrtcb from me.a lpo(haUflaT'ecl)e.3fnbitcamctopau"e,f'nS fooneashewasbepartebfrohim,* alyon * m , m fpunbchim,f flucbim.'irhcn befounbenno^ ther man tc raybe:fmptc mc3 p?apc the.^lnb the man [mote him ,fo that in fmytingcljc woubeb hpm . £>o p P^ophete went fojth.s w«meb fo^ the bpng b y the wape,? put him fclfc out of nnowicoge ta& afibes, which he iapcbUponbpS face.3Cnb whe the ftpngea-- mejjp.be crpeb Unto f Upng,^ fapb: thy ft r= uautwentoutin^mpbbcsofpbattelianb behoioe,therc wetawayeaman, wh5auo= thee man brought Unto mcanb fapbe : uepe f hwtmnn.3Bnb pf |jc be mvflcb ojloft,thplp= feQjail go fo^ his.-o; elfe.thou flholt pape a ta lent of fplucr.ainb aSfhP reruaut habbcrc$ thereto bo,he wasgoneanb the uvng of3C cael fapbe unto bymtcnen fo (hall thf wbge= ment be,as thou haft befvneb it thp felfe. 3&nbbebafteb,$tokcf attbes awoyefro his face:* the apug of 3fracl ftne we jim,v he i^tcrthcfcthpngcs,it chart. "ccb^Babotljthelicrtahc- Itte hah a Upneparbciu ~it$ rjihel,harbcbpi5 palace of Mil^yivng of fcamarfa. , iKta Mft iBLL^t. J Lc^l? n g?t)abTpflbeUnto i^a« Upncparbc,v3mapemauc meagarben of bethrnttisio^atherpfitpleafcthe^wm getic the,? Wo^thc of it in money. 3rif jfo both fapbe to ^Shab : the lo^bc f oibpb y f r 6 me , that 3 ilmlbe gene the enber itauncc of mp fa ther Unto the. mn 3lhab camciiito hpS honfeheupc- »fCUcUauapbc,bccaufcofthetbozbc Which jaabotj) the 3fc?raj)clttc Ijab fpob en to htm, m he hah fapbe Qtoy ll not gene the the en= hentauncc of mp fathers.^nb he lapbc him bowncupon hisbeb } anbtumebawapehis • f< X ce ' ( i on,cu,4 " )auo Wolbceate no bicab. ^3e?abellhpswpfc came to him , anb fapbe Unto hpm : whp is thp f p^etc fo wap = Warbc , that tljou eateft no tycabc.' 3£nb lie fapbe Unto her : ^o?3fpaucUntoBabotu the3e?racltte, anb fiipbc Unto hpm : gene mcthp Uyncparbe fo? moncp : op elfc pf ifc Plearej>,3 wpl gene the another Upncparbe f ojtt.THnb he anfwereb: 3 xopl notgeue the mp Upncparbe. C 3lnb3c?abeiih^wpfc fapbe Unto Dpm: Dolt thou thus gouerne the npngebom of Jfracl^up, 9 eatc bjeab,anbfcttbpnc hert at rcft,3 toll geue the,?Upncparbc of Ba- both the 3cjraei:itc.3nb fo ihe w^ote a lct« ter in ^habsnamcanbfcalcb it Wpth hPS feale anb fent the lettrc Unto the elbcrs anb to thenobles that Were in hp$ cptyc bWcl? lingc Wptl; Baboth^nb the W?otc in f let* tcr,fapcnge:pjoclapmcafaft 5 anbfctBa* both on hpe amongc the people,aub fct two & UnthjtfteS before uitmto bcarco»cfairf ) wit^ g^ncuc agapnft hinijfapcngeid^rt^oubpbcft blafpfcme 00b anb tl;e Kpng.Sittb then ca^ rpe hpm out,anb ftone bpm to bceth- -® 3nb the men of his cpte.tljat in to fape, WhichbWcltinhiScptie,bibas3e?abcl^ab fent Unto thcm,anb as it Was Wjitte in the letter Wljpch ffce hab fent Unto them. 'Ebep P,toclamcbfaftpng»anbfetiHabothamono; tlje chef e of the people , $ tftcrc came in txo mciKthcchilb^enotliSeliaDanbfatc before him .3Hnb the two Unth?if tic pcrfoneS Wpt= Ipnges 5foJjc was of? piophctcs . 3Bnb he toyo* ^nto hi thus myth P lo?be:bccaufc thou haft lett go , a mmmt^v is in mp curfle, thp lyfc flball ** go foi bis lpfe.anb thppcopleifo? jiiS people. 31 nb v king of 3frael wmo hi Wife, way* warbe,$iblfpleafure,$ came to Samaria.- 11 'ftbe.m.ebaptcr. C .Hfjabel commaunbrtb utt\tZ\)i\),mBlttt9tnUtb 3Jfttc mw nencbagaynftiaabothanthe pjefence of, pcoplcliiy eg : |5abot6 bpbblafptjemc 0ol '.f«.B itnbthc feyng,*3nb thep carfeb hpm out of f cpticaub ftoncb hpm wpth ftones that he bvcb.^nb t|cn thepfenttoiejabcUfayege: jliaboth is ftoncb to bcthe.lnb it f jtuucb when 3e?abel hcarb that jfcaboth was fto- ncb to bectlj:tt;e fapbe to|ihab;Up , 5b tafcc pottcfrion of the Upncparbe of ftabotl) , tUc 6 3e^ahclite,Which he bcmcbtogcucthc foz moncp , fo^abothtsnotaUue, butbecb. 3Hnb When 3thab hearbe tjjat j*Iaboth was bccb,he ftobcUptogoboumctotljc Upncp^ arbcof Baboth the 3cwihelite 5 anb to tal$c poffeffionofit. 3fnbthe wo^bcof the JLozbe came Unto ©Itathe^hcfhitcfapeg.Upanb go oowue to mete 3Hbab Uyngc of Jfrael , Which is in g>amarta.# 0? lo,hc is gone 00 Wnc to ? ui* neparbc of Babotlj: to tafee pofTcffion of it. %M tbctfojc (halt thou fapcUnto htm tints faytlj 1 the Jlo?bc:haft thou Itpllcb ,* gottnt poffeirion.^nb thou ujalt fpcaftc Unto him * fayeng: thus faptb the Hoiuc * inthcplacc iui^mi t Where bogges IpcUcb tlje blottb of m both, (hall boggcS Itcfte etten thpbloub alfo.2tuo 3hab fapbe to eiia : haft thou founbe mr, othoumpnccnempc'fecanfwcreb .• 1 tiaue founbe the:fo? ? art eitei^ folbe to Worcuc -^n Wicbcbncffctnthefpghtofthetozbe. 75c-. holbe,3ttnU b^tng euell Upon the; anb will maue cleaner ibbancc of thp poftcutcswtt *beftropcfro ^hab, cue him y maftethwa, * Uii rc (r b . tec- agapnft p wall,? him y isi thut Up * lef t bchpnbcin3frael^WtllmaRethpnel)oufc, Jpke the houfe of 3eroboa the fomtc of Bc= bat , * ipke the houfe of XSaafa tlje fonnc of %m,m the piottocaciou,whcrWith haft ^ottoljc^anbmabe^fracttofpnne. ^nbof3mhclfpakctbeLojbcfaycno: ^ ^boggcsftinllcatc3t?abcll,tnthcpou-cffi6 *P I ?.V;Jv one? i-ahcl.Mnb he tbatbpeth of Shah m iSSlgffiJ • y townc,htmu)al bogges eatc : * lie p bpcf I) ^•^■^'■^ m tbcfelbcs,him iUal the fouled of the apzc cate.lSut there Wasnonc Ipkc 3Ehab which bybctten fell hpm felfe, to wozcUcWpcftcb ■ nelTcinthcfpghtof the Lojtbc, anbthatbc • cattfe 3c?abel hpS wpfc p,:pcltcb l^m i : oz= Warbc. Joebpbc.rccabyngcabhoimnab!pr, infolowpugfoule3bolcs,accoibing to all thpngcS,as bib the 3mmotirrs* whom the ♦/»«.«*! ^bca ft out before thcchtlbzen of 3fracl. 3nb it f02tuncb,thatwhcti 3! hab hcarbc thofeWo?bcs,*hrretithysclothes,aub:put* 5f rr , ()1/ a facHcclothabouthiSfleQ),anbfaftrb , aub * 5f ' rnb " ,tf lapc infacaanb Wcnt»»barcfote . 3tnb the *. Woiibcofthe3Lo,ibecamctoeiia,thciEhcr: Jptc , fapengc : fceft thou how 3 ba b bum ^ '•> mctl) hpm felfe before mcr beeaufc he f f nb * i myttethhymfclfeUcfo^cmclwplnotbU: i! gc that euell in his bapcS:bttt in his tonne* I ' baycs,wpll 3 b^inge cttellUpon bps houfe. 3tnb thep eonttmicbthicy ere Without Wat* re bctwene^>iriaanb ifracl. CEhc.wii.Chapter. Ctf out* J>untJ?rtti faifc p?0|il)r({« Do coanttu gijab Mb dDrtotaphateotoarrc agapnft. Uamofh : oncli> fX)it\)ti JS^op^cfpftfj f trufbc.foji tubicbbclBftnpt; ttiiRfiBpiitiii PKfou.fl)f ab»jla otbertoifc caiua £>1§0U*B, V. mm %nt) tin TT7, u < t i r" 1 I*' I r>R oucrl r i>fttc(\uitf)l)ijlfvfftcmm)tDl)itI)cajnc to pftit,9 bcboioc, be rate on tljc toppe of an hpU.3htobc f pane tonto npm: 'STbou man of <5ob,tbe kpng batbfapb:comc Dottme.©lfo nnfvorreb anb fapb to m captapnc oucr tbc C fpftie : Vf 3 be a man of ob,anb conftt mcbbmtanbbiSfpftte. 3lnbtbcbpngtticnt agapnc ; .$fcntto b«m auotnercaptaine oner fpffiet&ptbbpsftftic.:ambl)eanftbcrcban& fapbe littto bpm : iP man of <£>ob,tbus fcttj) the Up its fapbunahc baft,anb come ooumc. €lia anntocrcb anb.favb tonto tbcm : pf 3 toe nmanof&'ob,fpjecome bourne from ben* nen,anbconfumetlje $ tbvfpftie.3tobtbcrc came fpje of Cob Dotbnc from bcaucn 5 $ con fume- b bpm anb bptf fpftie. 3tnb tbc lipna went agapne anb rent tbc tlnrbe captapnc oucr f^tietdtoi'S fpftie mc*. Snb tbc tb jib eaptapne oner fpftie went top anb came $ fell on hist fenced before €\ia ab befougbt bim,anbiapbc tonto bpm: dD man of C5oD , let mp Ipfe anb tbe Ipfe of tljcfcf pf = tie tW fcruauntcsbc wcciouiem tbpfpgbt. 25cboloe } tberc came tire boxonefrS rjeauen, anb burnt top tbe tt&ofoje captapnes oucr fpftie \x>it$ tpcir f pf ties: tberf oje let mp Ipfe no to be roecfottfe in tbpfpgbt. 3iro Mltn* gell of the £o*bc fapb tonto <£lia : go ootone xb bnn,5 be not afrapb of bint .Ttm be arofe, anb vocutbotjjncvxjptb bpm tonto tljc ftpnjj. 3nb be fapb tonto \)i, thttsJ faptb p lojb s f oz as mocbas tbou baft fentmeffengctS to nfnc councell ata&ccljcbub jtjcgannc to rapgnc in ijts tteabe , in tbe feconbe peare of 3ebo2am tbc fonne of Jcljouipljat bpngof3uba,bccaufc : i;c bab no fonnccije reft of tbe toojbes fynt conceme 2»t»a?ia, robat tbpnges be bpb,arc tbepnot to>?ttte in tbc bofee of tbc cbjomclctf of ti;c fepnges of xtmlU CCbe.it.Cbapter. C«?l»* btuibctb. f toatcr8ta>ttbbiemaii(cll.lftcfo uctb, 3 will notleane p. 2*nb tiiep came bo* ttnc to mw> anb tj)e cfjii^en of tbe ^o- ■■ "" | c% T.b.r. «*% Pbetcs^ibercatSctbcUameouttoeUfa, fapbe tonto bpm:fenotbcft tbou uot,bow> i> to^b toill takatbapc tbp mailer ^ fr8 1& %v ijeao tljpjS bape.^cfapb:3 fcnotu it alf o bolbepepourc peace. ^nbetia fapb tonto bim:eiifa,tarp brrc m 3 »*£& fo? tbe io?b Ddt|) fent meto 3c ricbo%fapb:as{niretpastbeloiiblpuetb, anb as fucctp as tW forrtc tptietb,! unl not leauctbe,not|jepcameto3crieho.^nbtbc cbvibjm of tbc p/ophetes <» were at 3eticbo came to ©Ufa $ fapfrtonto hpm : fenotbeft i» not,tbat tbc loibtoHU tafte awapc tbp mi ftcr f rom tbpbeab tDps **ptt i^e anftoereb: ifenovb tt alto, bolbepepoutpeace . 3nb JW ^fi^S * ta ^ p 3 P?apc ^ bere 3 foi tbc fo?bbatbfentmeto3oM#cfapb:ai furclp as tbe lo?belpnetb, anbas tbpWe lpuetb,3»xJilnotlcauetbe.^nbfotbepttbo ijjcnttogcatber . 3no fpftiemen of tbe fon« ncsof tbep^opbetes cameanbftobc on tbc otber fpbc afarrc of, anb tljep ttbo ftobc bt» jo?ban. c %M eifa tofee b(S mm.m wiaptc it t ogctb«,*fmotc tbe toaters,anb tljep toere not be.3tib it f o?tuneb,f as tbrp tucnt Sal feptiff anb taUtpng :bebo r lbe, tUtc appearc& tfioipto tbc tbbozlctombe into beaucn. 3!nb ® ufa 2[ fln, , c »* ct P^ : ^nipfatbcr,©mpfa, J8^> jDecbatet of aftadi ant I tbe A •SSSS ( SSW» • f ent *■ " l ttbo peccs. Jfeetofeetop alfotbemantcU ofeiiatbat feUfrom bpm,?tomtbacaeaffapnc« ffi fel?? 1 !?!!^ *%• toftc tUc mantcll of Ilia (tDat fell from (nm, ) anbfmotc tDe Wets t^(aiib tbtppatttb notarnnbtr,)rtnb ftcfawh- Ihfwtv u •' 3«bwlien(ie bab fmpten tfje tbaters 3 tbcp partcb !u*n<* ""■/' '/"> +*" '' "'" *" "*y' % • ,/ / m v | \i /■/i i.&l / ra ct be a-- ill fo wtM* Qieb tbe cbarct in $ pole of Samaria * anb tU bogges Ipcltcb top W blouDc (anb bnr= lottcS waftbeb bptbe pole fpbc) acctabinge tonto tbe wozbe of tbe Loibvobicb be fpaHc. UTbe reft of tbe tt>o?bcSf concetnc 3tbab fatttjat6ebpb,ftbc3no^boufcu>bicbbc mabcanb all tbc cytics tljat be buplbcb.ar c tbep not written in tbc bofee of tbe cbjom* clcsof tbc ftpnges otJfmtUMm fo^bnb flcptc U)itb W tatbers,anb Zfytya biS fon* ncrapgiicbinbisftcabe. u m fftC * 3ofapbat tbc fonne of 3Efa licganne to rapgnc topon 3uba in f fonetb pcrc of aiwli fepngof 3rrael,anb 3ebo(apbae was. rrt'to. pcrc olbc \»be» be beganue to rapgnc,^ rap= gncb. rrto. fere injernfalem . J)is motberS name waS^?ubatl)c baugbtcr of ^ilbi. 2fnb be walbeb in all tbc toapcS of % fa bptf father anb bo\»eb not tbcrfro : but bpb tDat tobicb was rpgbtin t\)t epcS of tbc toibc. ^cucrtbclcS, tbc byllaulterS uierc nottafeen out of tbc wapc: fot p people offcrcb 9 burnt mcciiCc pet.iu tl;c bpllaultarcs.^p nb 3cliofa* 6 pbatmabepcacc witbtbefepng of 3fracl. MMscrb.f. ^ 'Cbcrcft of tbe woibcs that coucccitc 3cboftpbae,anb f mpgbt tbatbe tofeb, anb bowebe toarrcb,are tbep not wjpttcn in tbc bofee oftbecbioniclcS of ^fepngcS of %mmt %nb tbe rem n aunt of tbe ftues of tbe males, Wbtcb remaynco intbcbapcSof biSfatber, beputcleancoutofflanbc^bci'ctiijastbcn noftpngemabe indbont. 3Hno 3ebofiipbat ftg, mabcteu ftjippcS in tbc fc , to coined tljo« ** cowe'CbarftSto iiDpbir foigolbc , but tbep ttentnot.foj tl)t mpppes bjtaltc at ojion 0a beCCben fapbe 3ba?ia tbefonne of#bab tonto 3ebofapba t: let mp fcruautcs go witl) tbpferuaunteS intbefbippe s . Stt*3eboIa> Pbat\uoltJcnot.3nb3ebofapbat byo flepc ttJitbbW fatbcrS, anb waSburyebioitbbyS fatber in tbc cy tie of Dauioins father : lEnb 3cbo;ambiS fonne ray gncb inbiS itcabr. ^bajiatbe fonne of?Cbab beganne to wpgne oner 3fracl in Samaria , tbe fcucn* tentbycarcof3eborapbathpngcof3nba,^ repgneb two peares oucr 3fracl.i6ut be bib euellm tbe fpgbt of tbe lojocanb walbcb m WoM i ■dS tbtmvc ofbiSfatber,$infbct»aye of W motbcM in tbc wapeofleroboamp fonne of iacbat,ttobicb*nabe3nacl to fpmtc . if o? I;c fcruco 33aal,«tx>oifbpppeDbim,antjp ( io= iiofeeb tbc ioibc <2?ob of 3frael tonto ttizatb- acewbynge to all tbatbtffatbctbabbone. CC'bccnDc of pttyibc bofee of tbe feyngcS> after tbe rcconpngc of tbe latinyftcS wljicl) tbc ftebmes call, tbe fp?ft bofee of tbc fepngcS. C^njefouttl) bofee of tJjcRpngctf,afffrtl)clatfn4llc^w|)ic[> Uoftca t\)t t DyiDc togctl)cc,t0 but onc^irujit!) ti)cl)etyuc& |"2n)ffiiptarn«goufCfpf((ctoUlj Heir Tounfats arc burnt \v\th fp:c from bcauen , bp tbc p;apcr of TM\u . 2ha\u is rcp:o«eb of fcei/a , anb Dprct) , f .Tc1)0?am \}\s b;otljct Cucccttftl) ^im» ^*bibwic=.«« fectolyap* vnft Jfrael after p bc^ ctli of % - bab.anb* ^ t . £? tbud batb tbe Bpng faponnaltc baft, anb come bowne. <£lia amVrcO anb.favb Unto tbcm iftjto a man of Goo ,fp|f come bourne from hca* ucn,anbconfumctbc $ tlmfpf tfe.3nbtuctc came fp v ic of (5ob bourne froml)cancn,$ con f nine bpm arm lipis fpf tic. 3m flic kpng went agnpne anb fenttbc thirbc captapnc oucrfpftiev5I)idfpfticmc\ 3inbtbct|mbcaptapneouerfpfticwentUp ano came $ fell on bid ftneetf before €lia ao bef ougbt bJm,anb fapbc Unto bpm: 4D man of Goo , let mp ipfc and tDc ipfe of tljcfc fpf* tie tbP feruaimtcjS be wccioufein thp fpgbt. 25cbolbe,tberc came tire bowne fro pcaucii, anu burnt Up tbe twofojc captapned once t> f pf tie toitl) tbeir fpf titft-.twf oje Ictmp Ipfe now be wcctotife in t^v fpffbt. 3ltm tbe %n* cell of toe i,o?oc fapo unto ©lia : go botone x&bim,? tenet afrapbof bim.Unbbcnrore, ano went bowne wptbbpm Unto tbe kpng. &no be fapo unto % tljud faptb £ 1 o?b : f oi as mocbad toon baft tent meffengced to nfkc coimccll at 25ccl?cbub f ©00 of ©kco adtbougbtberebabbcneno<0obin3rracU wbofctooitetboumigbteftfekcaftet.tbcr* fojetbou ujaltnot comebottme of tbe Oebb on wbicb tbou attpneU»,but u)alt ope tbe bcatb-^nb fo be bpco accojbpng toj toojbe of tbe JLoib Wbicb ©Ua babfpoke. InO 3e* w \)oim>*i w» t»?ot»«;beganne to rapgnc in ijtss tteabe , in tbe feconbe peace of Jef 02am tbe ronne oHeljofapbat kpngof3tiba,becaufc : be baono fomtCCljc reft of tbe too?bedtbat concemc M*W> wbattbpngcd bebpb,are tbcp not tttfttf in tyc bone of tbe chronicle?* 0ftbckpngcdQf3ftaeUf' . C^be.ii.Cbaptcc. CUIuBtuftct^f toatcwtoltl)l)i*martfell.&rfefahnj bp into IjcuJ.Sbt bpttcr ? bencmoufc toatcte atcftea; ico. ri>e cbpioicii tftatmoffte tflifciw (otb«Uj(Ct wis icb i2lifa;arcrcntiiipercff. g 'gffl Bti it cbatmcco , tbat toben tbe • ■: 1 * r ♦tseiicr.D.f. ^SS?9S* 3to?bctuoHietaftet>pfctafti ffllto bcauco^r bp atobo^letbinD, iF*o9^ ^ Un &ct toitb ©Ufa fromCDil- BSlSl BaUWJ €lia fapo tnto eiifa tarp beet 3 pjap tbe,f 0? tbe loibe batbfene m xi rma mm 25ctbcl.€lifafapb \jnto bim:*ajsftt^ 0. celp ad tbe lojOlpuetb>anoa# t\)ip fonle lp> uetb, 3 will not leane p. 35nD t^tp came bo* mt to a&tbel, ano tyt cbilbjen of tb? i^?o« Pbcterf fapo) boioct 9n0.dta fapo tmto bim:^Wfa,tarpbere « 3 p^ape the, f 1 tbe loin W$ fent me to 3e tU\)oM fapb:ajS fnrelp as( tbe lojo Ipuctb, ano atf furelp atf tbp foulc lpnetb,3 mil not leane tbe^votbcpcametojicricbo.^nb tbe cbplbjcn of tbe piopljetos^ were at3ericbo came to eiifa ? m^tr^nto bpm 1 unotoeft p not,tbat tbe lojbttJUUafte awape tbpma- ftcrfromtbPbeaOtbPd baper" ^e anfttjereb: 3 Unoto it alto, bolbepeponepeace . 3nb eiia fapOUnto bf: tarpe3 P?ape § bcrc>foi tbe lo?o batbfent mr to 3oMl9cfapO:a$ furelp asJ tbe it o?Oe Ipuctb, ami asl tbp f oulc lpuetp,3 wilnot leaue tbe.aino fo ty? ttoo went togeatber . 3iro fpf tie men of tbe fon« ncieiof tbep?opbetes( came anb ftobe on tbe otber fpoe afarre of, anb t^ ttoo ftobe bp 3ojpan. %m eiia tone b^ mltelt anb wzapte it togctber,* fmotc tbe toatcr^anb tljcp tuere bcuibeb,parte tbe one toapc s parte § otber, fo tbattbcp ttoo tuent oucr tbojoto the bzpc I anoe . 2Hno it f ojtuncb, tlja t atf fone m tbcp toere ouer,eiia Capo \mtoeiifa.-af fee tobat 3 (ball oofpy be,per 3 be ta fee" afoapc from Jbe.^e^jtapl^apettei^ct^ tD fptctc bcbotoblc \)po meJnb be fapb: tbou baft ajftco an ba r b tbingc . Beuecthelcuc 3 pf tbou fe me toban 3 am fatten awapc f r tbe tbouu^}tbaueitro:pffbottbonot,itiball not be.3nb itfo?twncb } f» as; tbcp went toal^ ftpng anb talnpng rbebolbe, tbcec appearcb a cbaret tftm anb bo^ffcoi of to, anb pat-- c tebtbcmbotbaionb?c.*3Inb(EUatbcntt)p*«c.riDiii' tbozoft tbe tobo^letotnbe into beancit. 3nb eufa^fattJCf crpeb: €)mp fatbet,© mp fa= thee , tbe cbaret of attaell anb tiit b oxtmen tbceof,$ be fatoc \)vm nomoarcanbljc toftc M atone clotbetf, 9 tent tbcm in ttoo pecetf. ^etoftetjp alfotbemantellofeiiatbat fell from bpm , $ tocait ba cfee agapnc » ftobe bp aoumui fpbe,? tohe tbe mantcll of eiia (tbat tell from bim, ) anb fmote tbe wateejS p*cait&tj)eppattci>nourBiiiw,)anb befapb: toftere m gtbe MfHi eiia,anb be bprnfelfe/' ^nbwbwbe baofmptentije xmm, tbcp parteo 3 BO a certen man b?et»c a bowe famst* ivc anO>» en? cftaunce; fmote p upnge of 3flracl betwenc tbe eibbc0,anb W wm&t. Xtytt - foie be fapoe unto p bipucr of H& cljaccttctf: turtle tbp bS be, anb carpc me out of tbe boft, -foiaam^cftiofvcfte.anDtbcbatteUeitceca f eb v bape,» tbe hpng ftobc (till injjisi cljarct agapnft tbe^DwianjJ,? bpebatcue . anotbc blottbceamic out of tbe wounbe into pmpb- DcjS of tlje cbarctt . 3tnb tbere xocnt a p/ocla* macpo tbo^owe out tbebofteaboute tbe go = -ff pngebotone of tbe fonne,favingc;cucrpman to W cptic,« to bijaiamne countrepc . ano fo p Itpug of 3frael bpcb.anb tbep came to £>a = maria, anb burpeb bim tbere . 3nb oitewar ■•■ mm (l»eb tbe cbaret mf pole of Samaria * anb tbe boggefi ipcltcO tip W bloubc (anb bar= lotted waftbeo bp tbe polefpbe) acco^biuge \)iito tbetwoibe of tbe iojb wbicb be fpaae. ^Tbe reft of tbe too?bcdf>concecnc3tbab ^aUtbatbeDpO,ftbe3ttb?wbonftu>bicbbe mabc.anb all tbe cytiesi tbat be buplbcb, arc mv nottmittcn in tbe boke of tbe d»om= cicdof tbe Itpugcd of 3^ael / Ma fo3bab acpte t»itb W fatberd.aub 3tba?ia l)i$ ton* iicrapgncbinbitfftcabc. B« cr c * 3ofopbat tbe fonnc of 3fa beganneto rapgnc t)pon3nba in ffourtbpcrc of ^tbab UpngoOfrael.aub acpofapbat urn*, m^ perc olbc t»ben be beganne to rapgue,? rap* gneb. t]C\j. pete iujerufalcm . J)t0 mothers* name wad 3t?ttba tbe Oaugbter of ^tlbt. %m be vxmlkcb in all tbe waped of 2fft byd father anb boweb not tbeefrS : but bpo tbat tobicb wad rpgbtiu tbe eped of tbe iojoe. jlicucrtbclcd,tbc Dvllaultcrd were not f aftcn out of tbe wape: foi p people offcrcb | burnt incenfe pet.in tbe bpllaultarcd. 3C uO jebofa* 6 pbatmabepeacc wttb tbe hpng of Juael. mwx- * 'Cbcceft of tlje wotocd that concemc aebofapbat.anb f mpgbt tbat be tifeb, anb bowe be warrcb,are tbcp not wipttcn in the botteoftbccbJoniclcdof f Upngcd of iMOas' %\to tbe remtiaunt of tbe fintfi of tbe malcd, wbicb cemapneb iutbebaped of hid fatber, bcputcleanc out of f lanbc/SCbcrc toad then noftpngemabc in<£bom.3nb atbolapbat ftg, mabcten foipped in tbe fc , to come £r tbo^ ^ eowe'CbarfidtoCJpbicfoigolbc, but tbcp wentnot:fo? tbe flipppcd wake at o?ion e>a beCCbcn rapOe3ba?ta tbe fonnc of3M tmto 3cbofapbat: let mp feniautcd go toitb tbp feruaunted tntbclbipped . i6utjcbora* Pbatwolbcnot.1Cnb3cbofapbat nv^ flepe xx>it\)W fatberd, anb wad burpcb witb W fatber in tbe cptte ofDanibbtd father .- 411O 3cbo?am bid fonnc rapgncb in bid ftcabe. atbajiatbe fonnc of 3bab begauue to tapgne ouerjfeaclin Samaria , tbe fctien* tentbpearc of 3cbofapbatUvngc of 3nba, 9 tepo:ncbtwopearedouee3n'acl.25ntbcbib eucfl in tbe fpgbt of tbe 10 jocanb walltcb m x% tbe wape of b«f«tber,* fit tbe wape.of W motbee,* in tbe wape of Tceoboamp fonne of acbnt, w!;icb mate jiracl to fpnnc . jf o? be fcrueb a5aal, t woifbpppeb bim, anb pj;o= iiorcO tbe iotOe <^ob of 3frael bnto wwtb- accwopnge to all tbat bid fatbetbab bone. CfcncenOc of f tbp?bc boke of tbe kpnged, after tbe rcconpngc of t\\t latinpftcd wbicbtbc tyebjued call tbe fp?ft bokeoftbekpnged. C ^\)t fouttb boke of t^t Kpngcd.af tcr tbe tatimftcd. wbicb boke,? tbe tbpzbc togctbcr.id but one fccrwit'b tbe l)cb?ucd. C5rbefp?ftoD. tlje ftj»iiff harl) CtpDrcome Oowitc. o?li A amwereb ano fapbctotbccaptapnc otirrfdc € fpftic ; vfJ bea man of (job , fpjecome Oo^ wnc from lientieti , anb edfume fbes tbp fpf= tune .«-.«.. f , c . * 3.nD there came f \n c of <5ob , anb com , met) bun and Ijio fpftic. 3tnb tbc Uvucjc went agapnc.frrcuttobiuinuotbcrcnpfapncouct fpmcwifbbiSfpftic.^bbcanfwcrebaub iam Unto bun . man of tfoD , fUtttf batb tlie ftpiig (apb -make baft, aiiDcomc bownc. <£lta aniwereb anb raphe unto tljcimpf 3 be amanof <5oD , fpje come bownc from l)ca» ticn ,anD coiifnmc tbc $ tbp fpftic. %i\D there c mt mt of ;oflKr; beganncto mm in bis ftcabe , in tbe feconbe pcarc of 3cbozamtbc fonnc of Jc&ofapbat kpng of 3 nba , becanf c be U^ no tonne, ^be reft of? wotbea that conccrne3ba?ia, u?battbpn= ges be bpo.are mr> not UJtptten in tbc bobc oftbecbiOiiiclcfioftbcHpngcjlofJfracl.'' Ct:be.ii.(£bapter. CCClia ocitiDcti) tbe toafcrs \uitb bis mantcll . Of 13 (alien bp in to bcucn . rbf bptecr i benemoufc luatcwarebfajca . sbecbpisini ebatmochc fiii; Ccusfotbcctopfc calleb «iifa;are rent in peces. Bbitcbannceb.tbat «ob5 tbc^Ho^bc wolbt take tip eita in to beang^^bp a uHwieumib.enn wntmtb em from 0iigal . 3nb eiia fapbe ljnto <£liw *. m rrwn ta ^^f c 3wapetbe,fo?tbc imfaWmt *' • "mctoBctbel.eitfa fapbe tontabim^&fii- rclp as tbe lo^be Uuetb.anb astbp fonle ty- nctb,3u)iHnotieaHetbe.3littbtbepcamebo- UjnctoaSetbel^nbtbrcDr^enoftbe^o^ pljetcsp wercat Hl5etbcl ( camc out to€Wfa, 9 fapbeUnto Dim •• hnouiclrtbon not , bowe tbattbc lo.ibcttJilltabeauiave tfyy matter 6^ fro tbp bcab tljiSbapef' l?e fa^bt :3 ano= ^ uieitalfobolbevcponrepeacc. m %m eiiarapbe unto !jim.@ufa,tatpbcre m 3 P^apc tbe, f 0^ t&e lo?bc ba tb fent me to 3e ricbo.l9c fapbe:ajl fnrclp as tie lo?b Ipneth anb as ftirch> as tljv fonle ipnetb , 3 una not leane tw,$ fo tbepcame to 3ericljo. 3Bnb tlje cljplbien of tbc p?opbetcs?U)ere at3cricbo came to eiifa anb fapbe Unto bim: Knotted tboniiot.tljattbcto^bunlltaftcauiavetb matter from tbp beab tbpS bapc' Jt)eanfu)e= reb : 3 nnoujc it alfo , bolbc pc ponr peace; 3 no (£ [in fapbe Unto bim: tarpe 3 piapc tbc bcrc , foKbelLo^bc batb fentmc to Slogan. 3?e fapbc.as furelpas tbe tojbclpnctb, anb as tj)v fonle Ipnctb , 3 toill not Icanc? . 3fnb fotbeptujotocnttogeatberanbrpfticmen of the fonncSof pp.topbctcs camcanb (tobe onpotbcrfpbcatarrcof.anbtbeptujoftobe bp 3ojban. 3Enb <£im tone biS mantcll anb mjapte it togetber,^ fmotctbc ujatcrS.anbtbcyujcw beinbeb, parte tljc one ujapc 9 parte ? other, 10 tbat tbcp two ujent oner tbojowe km lanoe . 3lno it f ojtimcb , tbat as (one as tbep were oucr,€lia fapb unto eiifii; antcujftat 3 Hfeali bo fo«i tbe, per 3 be take" aumpe from tbc.^Inb eiifa fapbe: 3 p^apc tbcfr^lcttlip «f^ fpwte be bouiblc Upo me.ainb Wwte. tbou Daft afftcb an barb tbpnge . #ciiertbclen"c,pf tbou fc meuibanlamtakenatoape frotne tbou u)alt banc it fo : pf tbon bo not , it qjall not be.3tnb it f ojtnncb, ? as t^tv went wal= Upng anbtalkpnge:bcbolbc, tbereappeareb a cbarct of fp^e an D bo^flcS of f pje , anb uar= or tcbtbembotbafo»itye.*3nbeua went \jp *«c\.w tbo^ottJetbeu)bo^eu)inbcintobcang.3inb €lifa,fau)c,«crpeb:€>mpfatber,flDmvfa= tber, tbc cbarct o\l 3fraclanb tljeDoKemen tljcrof , anb be fauie Dim nomoare :$to tone W atone clotbcS, t rent tbcm in two peces. ^ctoke \)p alfo tbc mantell of @lfa tbat feu from Dim , 9 uicnt backe agapne sftobe ( tbat fell from Dim, ) anb fmote tDe uiaterii ■>Kan6 tbcp pa«eb not arunDtoanb be fapb: where ^ is tbe %om <^ob of min , ano be him felfef Ttnn wbenDc D«0 fmptcntDe waters > tbcp partcb pattcb tW t»ape « tUt ttjape,? ©Ufa went ouer.3dnti wbantbecbplb^cuof tbep^opbe^ teH wDlcD wcreat3cricbo fa we bpm from a farrctbep rapbe: m tywto of eiia botbrcft onClifajanbtljepcametometcbim.anbfcil to tbe groabc bcfbjc Dim , 9 fovte unto Dim . £)e:tDcte be witb tbp fcru«iutcs fpf tic (Icogc A3- men u&* let tbem go $ (eke tbp mailer : Dap= pipe t\y fym* of tbc loibc batb taken bpm up, anb caftbpm Upon fomc monntapncoi in to fome Ualcpcanb be fapbe. Vc iDall fen* be none . 3nb wDan t^tv lapc upon bim tpll De was aiDamcb.befapDe.^cnb.^bcp fent tberfo^e fpftpe men , wbicb fought bim tl^c bfipcSanbtb 36nb tbe men of tbe cptie fapbe Unto ® It fa bcbolbe, %>n> tbebwellpnge oftbiScptiet'S prcafauntas tbou tbpfelfcfccft:but tbc wa» teriS naugbt $ t\)t groubebaren. toe fapbe. 25?pnge me a newer n fcanbput fait tber in. ^nbtbcpb^onflbtittobtm.2Cnbbew?tUits to tbe fpungc of tbe waterS.anb calf tbe fal t intl)ttbcr,$fapbc:tbnsraptb?.io*bc.3ba= m bealcb tbts water, tber !Dall not come W cef ojtbc etber becrb 0; barcimcffc.&o p wa» tcrs were bealcb Unto tijis bapc,aceo^btngc totDcfapingeofenfcnS.wbtcbbcfpalic. 3nb be went up fro ttimcc unto 26ctbel. 3tnbas be was goinge Up tbc wapc , tbrrc came Iptle cbplb^f out of tbeevtic, 9 mockcb bim,$fapountobim.<5oUptbOHbalDbccb, gouptboubalbbeeb .^nbbe tnrncb backe, nnblookcb on tbcm, anb curfeb tbcm in tbe name of tbe torn . 3nb tbcrccamc two Uic 25carcsoutoftbat woobb,* tare.ciii .ftvb bten of tbcm . 3Bnb \)c went from tbeucc to inountcarmel, anb from tbcnccbc turncb agapnc to Samaria. C€be.iij Chapter. /'■ C^'tWW 9 ofjfrael.juDa anutfUom laeke waf et.tDb'cb tbcp obtapnc tbiongbe tbc p;apct o f CHfeus ,-x^c Hpnge of «)oab fiabtctb ajatnu Jlccaei. ■ 6bo?am tbc fonnc of 3 bab be* ganne to rapgnc Upon 3frael in S>amaria tbc. jCUCif. pcre of 3 crjo= fapbat kpngc of 3uba , anb rap= giicb twelue perc ji anb be wrought cuell tit tbefpgbtoftbe io?bcbut notlpkc DWfa* tDcranblpkebiSmotbc^fotbcputawapc^ pmages of zSaal , tbat bis rather bnomabe. $r iacucrtbelenc , be <^r cleaueb Unto tbe fpn= ncs of 3eroboamtbc fonnc of achat ( winch mabc 3fwel tofpnne) anb bepartcb not tber from. m 3ttnba)cfaUpngcof4J)oab waSatom or me pe, anb renbereb Unto the kpngc of Jf* tatUnDunb^cbtDonfanbelam'ics^anhun* bteotbouiranbe rammes witb?wollc .iSut wban^Dab wasbccb,tt fo^tuneb , tytittU ^pnges 5fo kpngc of ^oahrcbellcDagapnft the ftpnge of 3frael. 3no kpngc 3ebo?am went out of gamarta tbefameccafon , nnbnombzcball 3frarll,$tti«, Hent to 3cbofapbat?{{pngc orjuoa, fapiiige .• tbc kpngc of^)oabhatb offciiDebagapnftme, wilt tbon come time agapnft ny oab to battell t foe anfwereb 1 3 wpll come up , fo2as3 am ,"foartjF*ranb *cfc no mp people bc.fo arc tbp people,^ tbp boi-- frsasmpnc.aubbefapbe. what wapetbalt we go Up.'3iw be mfimeliMty wapc tbo- ro we tbe wilOerneu"cof(£Dom. 3Enb fo tbc kpngc of 3fracl tohsWout* 25 nepcanb the ftpnge ofjnba , 9 the ftpnge of €bom.3nb when tbrp bab copaffebpwape fcueit bapes , tbcp bab no wafer fo* the hooft anbfo^ the cattcll mt folowcbtbcm Jnb pkpngcof 3fraelfapbc.3!las, Hoibc batb cnljeb tbcfc tlJIC kpnges together, Co bclpucr tbcoucrtntotbebanDcofa)oab.s5ut3ebo= rapbat fapbe: * is there not here a piopbet nUm. urn* tDelojDe.tbatwcmapcenqimcotftoJbe bp bim.anb one of the kpngc of 3frarl6 tn^ uauutcsanaoerebanbfapoe:hrreiS(£Iifa? fonnc of fapbat, which i*3r powicb water ""&& ontbcbabesofeita.3lnb3cbofapbatfapDC 3Siiot the wo,tbe of the 3Lozbc rt hpm r Zm foirbe kpngc of 3fracl^3eboftpbatanlLtbc kpngc of Shout went bourne to bint. 4!nb Clifa fapbe unto tbekpnge of 3fracl. • what banc 3 to bo with the c5ettbc,totr)c p.Kii3bcteSoftbpfatber.anbtothcpiopbetcS of tbp motbcr.anb the ftpnge of jfracl fapbe ^"^""iC^^Dnape,^ tbc to?bc hatb-c^. eallfbtbefe thickpngcstogirtbcrto beltuiee fbemto thebSbcof a)oab.3lnbeitni fapbf: as fnrc ns p 102b of loofrcsipurtb.'tn wbofc n'gbtSftanb.anbitwerenot.firegarbep picfence of 3cbo(apbcitfbc kpngc of 3uba,3 wolbe not lokc to warbc tbc, noj pet fc tbe, 26utnowcbJingcmcampnat;cIi,anbwhif tbcmpnftrelipiapcb.thebanbcof tfruibe « cnmeUp6bim.^nbbefapbc.^:busfapcthp lo.2be.^)abctbiSplapnegrounbcfullofbi- ches.tfojt thus faptb the lo;bc:pc (ball fc ne- ther wpnbc no? rapne, $ pet tbc biokc Qjalbc fpllcbwwatcr,tbatpcmapebtpnckc,both pc.anb poure bcafrcS, anb poitr'c catell . 3n5 tbtSiS pet but a fmall tbpnge in the fpght of tbc Lo?bc, fo? afmocb as be will geue oner § 4»oabitcS alfointo poure banbes.3inb vc mallfmptectterpftrongctowncanbeucrp sooblpccptie, ano ujail fell cucrppicaCuint tree , anb ftoppe cuerp well of water , anb marre euerp goob platfe of groube with »o= ncs. ^nbintbemouunge, wbantbemcate* offerpngc was onreb.it foituneb, that there came water bp the wapc fromebom , anb the coutrepe was f plleb with water. 3f.nb when all the 4»oa bites Dearbc f the ftpngcS were come Up to fpght agapuft tM. tbepgatbercbaHtoffcatDcrifrafroungett ftat 1 i •• * 1 •1 , "r A I . » :! l if i I)' Cl)e gMmamttc iiij$£mm. eiifa em i '• 1 ! ill I r - It that VMtf able to put onlKinteKe ant) fo top* warbcanbftobcmtbcboibcr of the lanbc. 3Cnb thep were top early m the moiiungc anb the fonnc ftionc topon the watcr,tbattbc &)oabitcs fawc tbc watcrafarrc of asreb as blonde , aim they faybc . €b# tf f bloubc of (laughter : tbc uynges arc flame aim one hht!) fiupttf mtorlicr. .ftowctbcrfo?c &)oab gctt the to tbc fpoplc.3Cnb wbc" tbci> came to !DTbc Dofte of 3lracl , tbc Jfraelytr ftobc top anb fmotetnc WonbitcS , fo that tlicp ftebb befoje them , but thep folowcb topon tbenn »fniotc&)oab.3nbfbcpoucrfb?cwctbccy-- ticS,*oncucrygoobparccllofi3bc,cuftcuc= rpmalnsftonc.anbfyllcbit.anbtbcpftoptc all tbc wcllcs of watcrS.anb fciocall p goob ^ trees. Oncli\V-r m tbc cytic of b?tcu left thep * tbc ftoncstbrrof.bowbcit they wcntaboiitc itwithflynges.nnbfmotcif. ?hibwhcntbekpngeof&)onbfawc,tbat tbc battcll wasfoic agapnft Ijim, he tone tf bun feu en br:if:uj;hit)omthtmtc\i!lc(l> Cli: l j Pbt.ii'iirtl) of 0.1&4 rliPloc fo; bps boftrCTc: Indict) opKl) aim is aftrr rap feb to ipfc.Br maHrch f tOuif rbc po ug;:.iim mu:«ip:ic(l) the toaf.-s. »cb a certen woman •tic* of fbcpiopbctcS itfifO&toiito €ltfa , fapmge : tbp fcruaunt i^ss^mpbufbaoc i0becD, anb thou lino* weft.tbat tbp fcruaunt Dpbfearctbc Loibc. 3ubtbc crcbito? is come, to fctt my two fonucs.to be biSbonbenicn.<£ufa fapbc ton= to her. 'Cell mc wbatfball 3 bo fo? f * UMwt baft tbouin tbync bottfc i*sfoi fajpc . tbync riaubmaybc batbnotbtngcatall in pboufc, fauc a pitcher with oplc. lac faybc tonto bcr: Cobcanfwctcb ^"3 *w? Dwell amonge mpneawne people, anb be fapoc agapuc, what ttfto be bone foz bcr.'<5c bc?i aniwcrcD . acrelp mc batb no cbplbc , 9 her bufbanbe isi olbc. 3nb be faybc : call bcr- %\\b wljan be hab ealleb her , the ftobein tbc bojc-3.no i;e fai'bc * by foci) a tpmc , anbatf *«*•* folic as tbc frwtc can littct&ou (bait embrace mm9, a fonnc. ^f nb a)c faybc; €>|) nay c my tojbc,? inaof^ob.ooiiotlycbntotbuiebaDmayb. Znb the wyfc conccaueb,anb bare a fonnc p fame cc a ion tbat €lifcusibab faybc tontoijer as fonc as the frutc coulbc banc Ipfc. 2CnbwticntbccbrlOcwaSgrowne,ttfcll on a bapctbat be wet out to W father , anb to the reapers' . 3nb he fapbc tonto ty* fa= tbcr,mybccb,mpbccb.3tnbl)cfaybtoalab. Carye him to his mother. 2tnb wban be hab t> taheh him anb brought him to Ins mother, jjefatconbciftiiecstpilnoncnnbtbeiiDycb. 21 nb fbc went top , anb lapbc him on the beb oftbcmanofC5oo,anDftmttbe boje about "urn, anb went out, anbcallcb touto her buf* lanbc anb fay bc:fenbc wit^ mc (3 wayc f ) one of tbeyoungemes one oftljeTOS, jTo? 3wyllrunnc to the man of <5ob, anb come agapne . ^nbhe fapbe : whcrfo?e wplt thou go to him fcingc that to bapc in ttctber newe moncno^aboth bnyc.&Dc anlwcrcb: jf 0? Ijcalth.'Ehtn fbe rabcllcbaii3fCrc,^ faybc to hie (cruaunt:lcabe a wayc the affc,anb maUe her not to go ftowlp(bccaufe3rpbc topou hcr)hutwhan3bybtbc »i« ^Cub fo ujc went 9 came tonto tbc man of 0ob,to mount Carmcl . 3nb itfo?tuncb: that when the ina" of v5ob fawc jet farrc of, be faybc to vftcbcji W fcruaut.H5cbolbc,p6= bcr is the ^uimmitc.iafinc tberfojc to mete hcr.anb fare touto her : 30 all well witbtlic anb withtbP jntfb&bc>9 with the labb^no the anfwcrcb3U 10 wcll^nb wDf Qje came to the totbcmanof<5obtop to the bpU, (be caught him bp the fete. 2i3ut dtfehcjt went to her , to ,-, th^uft hcrawaye. ^nbpmauof c^oblaybc: let htr alone, fobeto ^chc^i: *gp?bc top r&P . ^ loyiies.anb taiic my ftaffe in tbync hdbcaub *rt»fr S tbpwa^*ifptneccai»yeiii|^ial«te ««w.r.«. fjimnot^iibyfanyfalutcthcaulwcrehiui not agapne . ainb layc mp ftatfc topi) the face ofthcchPlbc.3nbthc mother of the chylbc Un.nM' fitpbc:^asmrcasthc ioj0cipueth,^asthp * foHlcliucth.3to3illnotleaue^.anbhearofe anb folo web be r . d?ehc)i went before them, 9 lapcb the ftaffe topon t&e face of thcchplbe. 25ut there was net &f r tooyce no? anp fcling. toljecfo^c he went agapne to mete him.ano tolochim,fap!iigc:tljcc{)ilbci0notawaftcb. 3ttt> when eiifa was" come into f |)oufc: 23cholbc,the cbplbc was beeb anb lapbc topo his bcb.l)e went in tbcrfojc ,9 Chut the bojc fp to the labb anb him ,aub pzaycb touto plot-- Umtm be.*3lnb wenttop? lapctoufi thclabb,s put r"' w bW mouth 011 his mouth , 9 w eyes topo W cpcs^hishanbestoponhishabes.anb wha _, be To layc topon thcchplbe , tbc flci'me of the v chylbc wa*cb warme.^nb^^c wctagay -■ nc,$ wailtcb once top anbbownc in Pboufe, anb then went top, anb lapeb him fclfc topou him agapnc.atnb then ^chylbcgafpcb feucu timesaiiD opeucb Inscyed. aiib lie callcb 0c mi,$ faybc:Callfo? tbisg>unahuce.3>o lie callcb her: which wbeihc was conic uito:ifo him,befapbc touto her: italic thy fonc. '£!;ce foicflje wentiu,anb fellaf \)i$ fete, 9 boweb her felfc to thegrounbeanb tokc tophcr fou* 11c ,aub went out. \* ma* came agapuc to <5iigal, anbthcrewasabcrth mthclaube, ; ~ anbthechpibic of the pzophetcdb welt with u bim.26nbbe fapbc touto his fcruaunt. &cta great pot on the fpje , anb malic pottage fo? tbccpplbjcn of the p?ophctcs. Unbone went out into the fclbe, to gather her brS, 9 f ounbe ***•<*»« tocroa wilbetoyue.aub gatDcreb tht-- tof wplbccoloqnpntybas his lappcfull , 9 earner (h?cbtheiu into thepotte of potagc: fo? fijcy Uncwc it not.&o they po without fo?tJje men to tute . ?finb itfo?tuncb, p when _ thep tafteb of the pottage , they crycb out, v J anbfaybe: COthou man ofcobCxS" there is beefhinthcnotuinbthcpcoulbcnoteatethc^ rof. put he iapbc:b?puge ineale. mt he caft it into p pot,5 faybc-fyll fo? the people, that thep mape catc, anb there was no mo*ebac= mc in the pot. _ '©here came a man from 2i5aal s>alini,« b?ougbttbcmanof C5ob b?eab of ?fp?ftfru* tes.eiig.w.loafcsof barlycanb newc coiite v»lwc|jwas!yctmDi0bagge0.^nbDcfapDc: Mytms ti rfo * * 1 ik ■\4 lLuSr.b.c. Gene touto the people , that tfcww eatc. 3Cnb his mymfter aiifwcrcb.vobp.ibain fee this befo?c an hunb?cb mz\\< ftc fapbe agap» lie : gcue it tour the neoplc that thei> mave catc. $01 thus fay to the Hozbe * th'cp Chall *m^M. catcaiibtbcrajalhe left oner, ^nbfotje feft it before them,? they m cate.anb left oucr, accoibyngcfo the wo?be of the to?be. CChcto.Chaptcr.^ CjfiMm?n Vrtt §.ichn istiultVoflmlimotvt. ©rijru 1 j ltrp:'.ici toitlj .\ irpiofpj.tjcauff he Coke inoitcp aim rapment of n umaa. 1% man, captapneof the i^ofte of 38 :!,tbc Hyngc of^Jtria , waaa greate rJ man, anb IjonoMble m the fyght ij of his matter: becaufc f bp Dim the . £o?oc hab gene ^Ijealth touto §>t*< na. i)c wasalfoa mpghticman,aubcrpcrte inwarre,buthcwasaieper.^nbthc^pri= anshaqgoncoutbpcopanieS,?ha0hiought out of fheconfreye of 3frac! a lytic maybe, ? {hcwaswithBaam«1swyfc.;i!nD[hcfavcc tonto tjer labw : 3 wolb to 0ob mp Lo:bc were toith the piophet that is m^amand: fo?ijcwolbcbcl!'iicrhimofhislcpjoftc.a.':b i rebbe the letter, he rei.t lu» clo^ tljcS.anb faybc : * am 3 Cob , thai 1 aiuioe ***• r m flayer malic alpuerjfo? he both fciibc tonic tliat3fhulbebclyneramanfr6hi5lfp:ofie. UiberfoiecofpbcrQ p?apcyou;ant fe howc Iicrcliethaquarcllagapuftmc.whuinpi'iu eiifa the man of Cob hab hearbe, ho we that the&yngcof 3fraelhab rent Insclotlrs , he fentto f Kyngcfariitgc.lDbcrfojc haft rhoti rcntthpclothcSrlethimcomcnowctomt % & |)camll(tnow,f'therciSap2ophetin3fracI. 3nb foj3aaman came n') his h^ifteS anb witb his charcttcS,ab ftobe at the boie of the bouffc of OElira . 3tnb (gltfa fenta mcircngr r tonto lum,fayingc:go anb waibc p iu3oibit feucu tpmes . 9 thy flefbe Oiall eouve agapne tothc^thou Chalt heclcanfcb. 25ut aaannf wasw?oth^wgfawape^fapbe.l5ehoibe 3 thought » mp fclfc : he wolbe fureln come out.anb ftanDefccall on tic name off toibc W Cob, anb putbitfbanoe on the place that be mape Urate the leprotic . % re not 36bann 9 mm$m » tpntrxl of Damafto .better thcii all tbc waters of 31Vacl f £f 3 wa4)c mc alf incjjcni - r, J * s* .f- M ■ilii i , 1 E * 1 it I I I ! ] s $aaman tifc$p»ge& tm i t 4 I' t I (n them, (ball 3 notbe clcnfcbr 3nb folic tue ncDlHm,anDDcparteDwitbdifpleafuri:.3nD bis fcrnauntcS came, gcomoneD with bpm, anbfapbc: tfatber, pf tbc pzopbetc baD bpbb 5D tbc bo fomc great tbingc, ouflbtcft tbon not tohancboncifs'$)owmocbrntbcrtben,wba be faptb to t be: wafibe.anb be clcanc ^"Ijcu went be Downey waftbcD bim fclfe fcue" t\>* mcSiiOozDS.accozDpngctotbcfapingeofp man of G5bD,« W ftcfibc cbatigcD, lifte Unto ♦tufctAfl.r. $rWi&cofalytlccbyIDe,* &bc wascleafcD. 38 nD be turncD a gapnc to tbc man of <5od , lie and all bis copanic , ano Kobe before Dim, anb fapbc: 26cboldc, 3 miowcnowc^ there itf no <3ob in all tbc wozlbcbutin 3fracl. b *«itoptt , but a ,3, beet cbf (bf.) ;!)nu tftcrc notbe gene" to tbp p fcruaiif aSmocb of tbiSertbcas tuiio mules ma vc bearer jf oz to? frrtiatlt Will tircc fo;tl) offer nether burnt faenfpec no: orrcringc un= toanporbcr0oD,fanc Unto tbc LoiDc. 25ut- bcrin tbeiozbebe mcrcpfulltotbpfcriiauf, tljat when mp matter goct b into tm bonfe of imm on ,f both wo * fiipppc tbere.ij leanctb on my hanbe , and3 alfo woziUpppc in tbc bonfe of fttmmon.(C£iban 3 Do wozujpppe 3 fapc;iiitbcbotifcof Eimmo, tbc Hozbcbe m :rcpfuU Unto tbp fernaiint becanfe of tl;ips ~ tbingc.CWto who bcfapDc:gompeacc3nD * when be was DcpartcD from \)im as it we e a furlonge ofgcomidc , (5cbc*itlicferuaunt ofeiifa tbc man of (3od,fapdc: bcboldc,mp matter bath fparcDBaaman tbps&y.nan, tbat be wolDc not rcceanc of bps banbe tbofc tfai&att be offered. 3s t'orclp as tbc toibe Ipuctb, 3 wpll rtinnc after him, stake fomc wbatof biin .?tndfo<3cbc?i folowed £aa= man.3nbwbe0aamafawc Ijimnmninge after bim , bclpgbt Downc from tbe chare t, *w tt m d to mere bim, ano fapde:*iS all wellf^canfr wcrcd:2£lliSwcll.26cboldc,mp matter barb fent mc,fapingc:fe, tirjerc become to mc (mix nowc fro mount @pbzaim two pongemen - oftbccbpldzcnof tbe pzopljetcs :genetbem 3 pzapc tbe, one talct of f plncr and two cfja- nngcof gacme"tcS.4"inbBaama" (apbe.- tDitb a goob will . 'Cafte two talcntctf .- ^ be com= pclleb bim to bpnbc two talented of fplncr in two baggcjai, witb two cbaunge of garment tc0, anblapeb tbemtipontwojofbitf fcrua* nntcfli.to bcarc tbern befoze Um . 3nb wban became in to a fceretcplaccbc toUc tUm fr5 fbeirbanDc^beftowebitintbeboufc^tbe men were let go,anb tbcp bepartcb. 25u t be went m,anb ftobe befoze W ma« fter^nbeitfa fapbc tonto btm:w|)encc com= meft $ (Stytfr Jpcfapbe : tbP fernatmt went no wljctbcr . tfti't be fiipbe Unto bpm j went notmpnc bert witbtbe , wbentpe manful neb agapnc from w rWW* ^0 wctc tbe^tf ** 1 1 n we a tpme to receane monepe, to recta* hc garmentctf.olptictrcc&topneparDetf, (be= pe a nb or en, men ftniaimtcfS $ mapDe ferna= tintcst i ^be lep^ofpc tberfo^c of iUaaman fball elcane wito tbe , anb Unto tbv fcebfo? cner. * 3l«l) be Went out fcomW p^cfencc fflffi aleper,a5iwbpteax{fnowc. * m CUbe.Uj.Cbapter. tr«\itimi mahrtbpjon to riupmint about tbrtea ' ttc.^be (tittuti bttem JlCrari , Co tbat (too tor: men agree togcatb.ee (o catc tb. civ atone cbpibj en. |l9ecbplb?Sof tbep^opljetejl fapbt * ]1mto eiifa : nScbolbe, tbe place wbcre we Dwell witb P,iUto Iptle t oz \)S( . U)c wpll tbecfozc 50 Unto 3ozoane , anb tabe tbetice enerp ma a bcame, anb bnplDe Ust a place* to Dwell iii-3nD be anfwereb :goo, 3nD one iKpbe:be content.! pzape tbe , anb come witb tpp fec- iiafttcftjliib be ana\)ercb:3 wpll come, anb fo be went witb tljem. 3nD wbrn tbcv camcto3ozban,tbcp cntt bownc wood . Ji5ntit foztnneD , tbat asf one wasifcilingcbowncof atrctbeajccbecDfeU » into tbc water. 3nD be ccpcD, $ fapbc : 31ajS ma (fee, it wa0 lent mc3nD tbe man »f (5oD fapbe. »?bere fell it i 36nb be fteweb bim tbc place, anb be cntbowne a ftpcltc , $ caft it in tlntbcwmmebiatlytbcpzoDpDfwpmme. tbecfozc fapbe be 1 take it Up . #nD be ifrct= cl;cD out \)i$ banDcanDtolicitUp. 25nt tbe npnge of Mtto warreD agapmt 3fraci, 9 tofteconnccll witbbi0fernaunte0, anb fapOc:3n ponDccfccretcplacelbalbe mp remapninge.3llnbtbe man of 00b fent Unto tbe Upnficof 3frael, fapingc : 25eware, tbat thou go not oner to foci) a place, f oz there tbe ^Mriaitjsfarc lurltpngc . 'Chcefozc the ttpnge of 3fr ate moo t^tn tbep tbat be wptb tUm .Znu eiifapjapeb anb fapoc- loibc (3 befeebe $ ) openfotf epc0,tbatbcmapefe.v«nb tbe ioz- DeoptneD tbccpctf of tbe pongc man.^nD bcljolDe , t\^t moimtapnc wag tall of bozfetf, anbctjatcttcKof fpze rouuDc aboute €lifa. 3nD when tbep cameDowneto bpm , ebfa pjiapcb Unto tbc tozbe, anb fapbc- S>mptc Jffift tbP0people(3pama« ria.^inD tbe bpnge of 3fraei lapbc Unto €li^ fa, when be fa we them : 4Wp father , iball 3 fmpte tbern: 3GnD hc anfinrrcD : "ftfoon fliait nottotctbem . aiStit fmpte thofe tbattbou iMfttancn witbtbpnc awncfwcrbcanDiti tbF»e a wne bowc. S5ut rather fct b?eaD anb water befoze tbern, that tljcp mape catc anD DzincUe,aub goto tbcie inaftcr . 3&11D be pzc = pared a great rcfeccpon fo.z them. 21 nb when thep bad eaten anD bzocuebe fenttbea wapc anbtbepwent to their matter. 3nd fo tbc ^fottdponrctf of &>pzia oceanic nomozc in-- totljiclanDcofJfrael. jf Hfter tbpjS it cbaunccD , that sSetiljadad Upngc of &iria gathcrcDall bitf fyoitc tj io?t Up.and befegcb ^>amaria.^5nt there watfa . gecate berth tnS)amaria:anDbcholDe, tljcp bcfcgcD it, Untpll an 3tTc£( becb( was - folbc ) foz fonre faozc fplncr pens*, and the fourth $3* pact of frar-af.ab of bones' Dongc foz fpuc nclcS. 3nD as p bpngc of 3fracl waSgomge Upo tbe wall.tberccrpcD a wonul Unto bim fapingc:hclpe,mp JlozDc OlipngclDcfapD: pf p HozDDonotfucconrctbe: wbecwitbean ^ 3 bclpc the : £3r x& tbc bamc, oz u5 tbe wpnc pzeffcaiiiD the bpngc fapbc Unto her 1 what xoilt vr&bt anfwereb .• ponber woma fapbc Unto mc : bzpngc tbp fonne, f we mape catc ljim to bape . anb we wpll mc mpne to mo* SJf eowe. ^alnb fo wc bzeffeb mp fonne anbbpb '•m. ' catc bim. ^nb 3 favbetober tbc other bapc: <3 bzpnge tbp fonne ^ wemapc catc bpm , and Oje bath bpb ber fonne • 3»b it came to paffc, that when tbc bpnge beatbe f wozbes of the woman,bcrcnt bis" clothcs.anb went Up on the wall. 3mb tbc people loneb : anb bcboldc iVrtr Jfbabafncftclotb UnDcraUponbPS" flefuje. ' WM 'Ebcnbefapbc:*(l5oDDofo^fotomc l pf the becd ofeiifa p fonne of ^>aphat iball ft^dc on bim tbts Dape,ai5uteufa fattut bisf bonfe Ipnges, jfo 1 anD the elders fott bp Urn , 9 m u page fent a man befoze him.But per the melVengcr ca* mc to bim,bc fapbe to the elders banc pe not f:ne,bowctbato^ , tbefonncoftbiSmurtbe=«=B« rap bath fent , to take auaapc mpnc beeb t be circnmfpcct when the mcaengcr commctb, and ibnttbe doze, and bolde \)im at the doze: is not the founde of bPSmafters fete bebnide lnmrU)bplc he pet talked ujitbi he: 2-?cbolde p meffcngci- came downc Unto bim , * fapde bcDoiOe,am.»m.3;bc§.ft!i.iin tunnc ntoapedc : I3cl)oior, thou (Iraltfeit u5 thpnr ept s.but fliait not t,itc tlicrof. • 3nd there were f on re icpcrous men at p rntrmgem of p gate . ftnb the v fapbc one to another, whpfptt we hcrc.UntillwcdPtvPf rocfape.wcwillcntrcmtothcnttc.bcholdc: the drrthism tbccptie,anb wc mall Dpcthe-- rm . ?fnd pf wefptt ftpll here , wc bpc alfo. Bowethcrfozecomcanblctbsfail'opot'nc boffc ofthe^irianS:3f tbep faiicoiirelptiesi wcOiall ipnc :l>f thep Itpll US, then arewe dceD.^ndio^hcparofcinthenpght.tofioro the boft e of p Lilians. 3£nb when thep were come to the uttmoff parte of the hoftc of ;£?t = riarbeboioe, there was no man there. jr oz tbc iozde bad made the hoft e of the •» ^ $)iri5S * to bearca nopfc of charettesanb a *m nopfcofbozffes, ^ the uopfcofa great boffc. c ' u 3nfomocbf , tbep fapbc onetoanothcr.lo, ? Upngc of 3fracl bath bpzcOagapnft us f kpn geS of the toctbifcs,nnd the kpnges of the <£gppcpans,to come Upo US.ir>bcrfozc thep ar ofc and fted in p npgbt, anb left their tetcs their bojffcs , and their McS , and the felde which tbep bad pptcned cue as it was , » flcb foz their Ipucft 3nb when tbcfc Uppers came to the edge of tbe boft, tbep wf t into a tcnt^ bpd rate ,9 dz pneke,^ carped thence fplncr, 9 gold and rapmc"t , and wentand hpoo it s ca- meagapneanbcntrebtntoanotbertent.anb carped thence alfo,anb went and hiddit. 'Cbcn fapbe one to another : Uu bo not well thps dapc, fozofmoch as it ts adapt to bzinge gooD tpdingcS,? wc bolde onre peace V.I wctarpctpll^ Dapc Ipgbt.fomemifcbcffc wyll 'i Cf.btj.l) .irbii.b.4 Mil. 3. hi 1 % 1 1 '» Mi ;.!l 1 = 1 ewca t 1 I * 1 \v 1 t u I 1 L wpll come Upon Utf .#owc tbctfojc come, tbat we map goo , and tell tbc kpngetf bou-- C fltjoioc. flub Co fbcy came , $ called Unto tbc potter of tbecptic.anotoldc tbem fapmjie: we came to tbc pauiliontf of tbe $p|tan0 : $ fe , tbere wasf no man tbere , nctber uopec of man.bnt bojifctfand a irc0tpcb,auo tlje ten* tcjS were, euen as tbcp were wont to be. 3 no Co tnc man called Unto the pojtcrtf.f tbcp tolde tbc kpngcfl hoiifc wf tfim.$iro tlje hpngearofc in thenpgbf .anbiapbc Unto W titmmmjk wpu (bewepou uowc , wbat tDc S^tano hauc Done Unto M/fcjcp ftno» wctljat wcbclnmgrpe, frtbcrfo?c arc tbcp gone out of H)c pauplton tf, to bpdc tbem fcl= ucd in tbc fcldcfopingc: wU tbepcome out of tbc cptic , wc mall catcb tbem alpne , anb gcttntotbecptic.^nboncofbitffcriiaunteg anfwcircO.anbfapdc.iLctmcntaftcQwapc pou;fpueoffH)oj(Tc0thatrcmapue , anb arc f

    ugc.3nb tbe people wentouf, $fpop= leo tbc tcirtcsi of the %>?$ mtfflb fo it came to paflc.tbata bufrtjcl of fpnc flowie was* fold fo?a fpcicaudtwo bufibcllcsiof barlep wilumu foiafpclc *accoidpagcto tbc woiDeof tbc Xojoc.aindtbe ftpngc a poputcdf' iojoe(oti wl)ofcb'»ndbeleancd)tobeatfbcgate.3ud p people trode Upon bim in tbegate , and be dycb.accojdpngc to tbc woidcof tbc man of God wbicb be fapbe, wben p ftpngc came bo= wne to bim.^no fo came tbc tbpnge to paffe f tbe man of God bad fpoftcn to p ftpngc,fa= pngc:twobnf(bcllc£(ofbarlcpfo?afpcle,»a *nii.rf.bn.a bufifecu of fpnc floure foznnotbcr , Qalbe * tomojowc tW tpmeiutbegatc of jbama* ria.ttJbcrUnto tm Hojbcanrwercd the ma" of Goo,ano fapde.t>cc,andpf § ioidc made wpnbowctfin bcaue mpgbt it come to pa mY 3tnd l;e fayde: aschoioe, tpon (bait fc it witb tl)pnecpc0,5lb(iltnotcatctbcrof.3ndenen fochaunccdituutohim:fojtbcpcopictroad Upon bim in tbe gate, anb be dpeb. C3rbc.uttj.Cbapter. f tsiitii picipljcCicCb »n«o tlje §>unamttc f brrtl) of.btf. pac.Ztttt t ft-ctl) of BHja&abrapgnttli vwMUin&H ria. 3if oo;a f romic of Jicljorapfiaewpgnttl) in 3itiDa. CBom falirtb frompiuoa.iDljojia^ fucr tottt) 3|ei>o;3. *«•• «?r^rsg^cn fpaae '* eiifa Unto tbe womil *tf«.w.««.a wm wm fwbofefonnebebab refto?edtolp 3 fcagapne)rapinge:Upnnb go.tbou aandtl)pnetjoure,?foioMme wbere* %m*i Lp' foeuer trjoti canl! , f 0? RX o^bc tiatft called f 01 adertb, and tbe fame mall come Ujifip land feucii pcrctf.ftnb tbe woman aroft, anbbpb after tbe fapinge of p man of GoD,affl»twnt botb irjcanbbcr bou(bolb,$ foiourneblntk lanbc of tbc pm'Uftmc* fenen pcre. 5Cndat f fcucn per c0 cube , it fojttmed , tljat tbe Wo^ man came agapne out oftbc lanbc of? W* liftmctf , and went out toenllUpStbeltpiige fo2brrbonfeanofo?ber!and3ndtbelipngc tnineb witbtiocbr ?itbc fcninunt of tbetnnn of Gob , fapinge j tell me 3 p^apetbe allttje ^ greatdeabe^tbatClifabatrjbone ; loetolbe® p ftp ng e , b we be bad r eft o;cd a Hctt bodpe tolpfeagapne:butintt)e mcanc tpmef wo- man( wnpfe tonne be Iwb rapfeb Up agapne ) rr peb to p ftpnge fo 1 bcr bonfe 9 f 0; ber ISdet 3nb Gctjc?t fapbe.-4»p lo^bc €> ftpng.tbptf it$ tbc woman , anb tbptfisi bcr fonne wbom €Ufa rapfeb up agapne.38nbwbanfftpngc aracbtbcwoman.fbctoldebpm.^nbfotbe (ipngc belpncrcb bcr a cbSbjcla pne, fapinge: rcftoj c tbon Unto ber all tljat are berji , anb all tbe frutcJJ of tbe feldc , rencctbcbapctbcit c (bclefttbclanbcuntotb^tpmc. 3nb * 6ltfa came to Bamafcon, a J8tn= *mt baoad tbe Upngc of^irta wasi fpcfte.3nb one tolbc bim fa pi ngcUT be m "* be lofted afpbcanb waidaflbameb , and p *» manofGob wepte.31nb toaelfapbe: wbp wepetbmp to?b.' ; l!)e anfwcrcd.fo? 3 ftnow tbc eupll tbingejs tliat tbon Q)ait bo Unto tU cljplbjen of 3Trael:fo? tbeir (tronge cpttess (bait thou fctt on tm, anb tbeir pofigcmcn (bait tbou Oep witb f fwerde $ ibalt bafuje out tbe bjwpnctf of cbeir fticftpngc cbplb?en, $ all to tearetbetr wemen witbcbPlbe. 7&ut loa?ttC in water, anb &ar fp^cb it on W fact, anb be ^s ^tV^m ^a jad capgncb in w ttwbe. .0 # * i t '?bcfpftepcareof3cbo?amtbcfonneof %mmm 0? 3frael , 3cboCipbat be pnge alfo ft nge of 3nba, 3e W t be fonne of 3e» bofnpbat ftpnge of 3uba, begone to rapgne. m«m Wrtfcww oibcwaxfije, wbenbe beganne to rapgne ,anbbcrapgneb epgbt perein 3e= trtfa lem . 3Hnb be walked in tbe wapetf of tbe ftingcg of 3fracl, atf tbcp tbat were of § ftott» ft of attain : fo^ tbe baugbtcr of 3bab wa« DW wpfe.and be bpbeucll in tbe fpgbt of tbe xojde.atnb y to^de wolde not deftcope 3u= ba,anbtbatbecanfeofi©auiDbP0ferHaunt, *ii.«5.t>«.c MWWMwm bpm to geuc bpm all wape 6 « IWtjrammiffe bptf m^m mtMu *3n tbofe oapc^ <£b6 bpb wicbeblp wbe wu. be was* Under tbc banbe of 3«ba. Jfoubep r* ,TfM ' madetbemabpngcoftbep^awne. ^>o3e= bojam went to jair.be anb all btf cbarette$ witb bpm . 3Cnb be rofc bp npgbt,anb fmote t|c €bomites(, wbicb copaacd bpm in, witb m captapnessiof bp0ebaretteiBi, ^ tbe people flcdd mto tbcp? tented 23ut(Kbom rebelled, fo tbat be wold not be Under tbc ba"de of 3m da unto itbptf dape.aindfben Jtobnabbegan to be difobedient men tbat fame tpme. 'STbe reft of tbc woidctf tbat coccmc 30* ramanballtbatbebpMretbcpnotwrptte" in tbc boftc of tbc cbjoniclefl of tbe ftpngesi of 3nbaf Tim 3omm reftcd witb bp;S (atberjf, andw8s(bnrpedbcfpdcbi0wtbcr£rrciDf 30= * ram tbe fonne of SBbabftpngcof Jfrael.dpb Jdb'ijiabu t\)t fonne of seftqtf Uinge of 3u= da begpnne to rapgne. % wo $ twentpe perc olde urn* aibfttfabu wben be brgSneto rap^ fine. and berapgncd onepere in 3erufalcm, and bptfmotbcttf name wasOtbaliabu m da ngbtcr of sDmri ftpngc of 3frael . 26ut be mam (ntlje wape of tbe bonfc of 3bab, anb dpd cuell in tfc figbt of tbc ioi= na.in Bamotb Giicad.f tbc^!riamiwou= * w,c bed 3o^am. aiud * ftpngc 3o^am went bacft agapne to be bcalcb in 3efrabel of tbc wou= bctfwbicbtbe^iriilitfbabgcug bpmat ma= motb, wben be f ougbt agapnft |i?a?acl ftmg of &tr(a . 3nd ^ba?iabu tbc fonne of 3ebo-- ram ftpngeof 3uda went do wne to fc^o^S tbe fonne of aibnbiu 3ea , ael,becaufc be wajS fpcftc tbcrc. C5Tbe.ijr.cbapter. C3IHu<8maoeRpuB:of3irtaei,anoUpiirtb3I«I)o;iI tbt RPitg ^ecof.aiiD a^ajialju.otljcrlupfc mm jDchojfae, m fcpugc of mu alto, auo caurct!) mabtu to be caftc Poten t out of a \upnDotoc,anD tbc boggeer catr ber. $d eitfa t%t wopbete called one of t^t cbplb^cn of tbe wopbetejs,? fapb Unto bim:*gpiibe Up t^v Iop= nesf , anb taftc tjjpjK bojee of oplcin 5fo,lrb tbpnebanbe,anbgeftbctoiaamotbinGi= lean, an^ wben i tbon commeft tbptber, lofte ffi? P ^ e S" P**"»f« 3'bompbat, m torn ? of Bimft,and go to bim, andtnaftc bim ar pfe Up from amonge bp0 b.zct^en ,<* ca rpe bpmtoafecretcbambite.^bentalietbebore SEW* *P ? ow * e if °« bP» been , and fape: tbutf faptb tbe lo^dc .- 3 banc anopntcd the tobe ftpngeouer3frael. 3ud tben open tbe pur ann flee Witboutanptarpmgc. Snofo tbcferuauntoftbe wopbete gatijim to m* motbGucab.andwbenbccamcin.bcholDc, tm captapnes* of tbe boo(f wcrcfpttpngeto= gptber.^nb be fapbe:3 banc an errand to fc ,W8P«c.3ind3cbufapde:Untowbicbof an us( f 1 19c fapde:to tbe, captapne. 3and be arofe.ann went into tbe bonfe. ft J!^^S J ^P c J [ >PlconWbeeb,anb v . fapdc unto hpnt: tfjus; faptbe tbe ioide God to of3fracl: * 3 baue anopntcd tbc to be hinge* „w, oner tbe people of tbe iojde , euen oner £ m ' m ' m wimon (bait fmptc $ bonfe of 3 ba b ftp mattcr,tbat3 mapeaduege tljc bloud of mv wrnannte«( tbe p^opbetcu, and tbc Uloune of alltbcfcruauntcg of m to v 2dr, of tbe banbe pfjejabel.fo^tbewbolcboufcof^babujal- l£h m J ?P m ? mm % water agapnft m wall,andbimtbati0p^foneboudfojfakcn £?/%,? »?l«W«*i tUenonlcof> bablpftetbeboufcof 3eroboam tbc fonne of i|cbJJ»anblpfte tbe bonfe of aSaafa f fonne *1??** JWfy 3c ^ bcl * tbedogged Qia eafeberintbcfcldcof3e?rael,andtbi'r ^^m.e owe and ftco°d l,UrPC ^ ' Zm * ope,lcD tl)c t& !fi5 ?F m| !? c w,t0 h« 1 W all well/' r TOcrfo/c came tlj^jef mabd felowc to thii c 3nd be fapdc . Unto tbf.- pc h no wewbat ma ^ ! -!J ro i mill L rt *?^nbwbatbPi»c6mttn!cacp5 fo, mm. IjjcfapDc : thu0andtbu0fpaftcbe tome,fapingc:Urbu0faptbtbelo2dc:3Ija= nc anopntcd tilt to be ftpngc oner ifracl. yben tbcp »f befpdc m foologpe baited, *, and tokc cuerp man bp#ganucnt,anb put it Unberbpm,anbblcwewitbtrompcttc0,fa= &S39S ?#; ^ f0 >3cbu tbc fon= ne of 3cbofepbat tbc fonne of $ imft c onf pp - r iv ff J p L lft 3°^>«:3^am keptc laamotii Gilcad,bcanbail3fracl became of feajael ftpngc of Mm : anb*ftpnge3oram trior* *uu « u(.« wbicbtbcS.iriansJbabgcuenbim,wljcnbe fougbt witb 39«?ael ftpngc of $f ria. ,. ^J.3cbnfapbe:3fitbepourcmpndetf, tyen let no man bepartcanb fcape out of tbc «« citpe,togo -« telliu 3e?rabcl.^o3chu gate * Up into a cbarette,andwente to3c«abcl, wberc 30pm lape ,f 3ba?iabu ftpng of 3u« bawaii*comebownctbitbcrtofc3oiil.3nd 3 t\>e .1 ■s «'tyl I ■.. fi rM': I i '-f 1 S h : f r 1 ? : ; i 3fdj0?aw $Mtttt0 Thibet tlic wntcfeman tfeat ftouc onf towjc itt3e? a racl, tmti tfee companp of 3cfeu as fee came, anb raphe : 3fe a companpe . anb3efeo?.nni fsftemt anfeojnnfi, attn fenbc to mctctfef, tljiit |jc mayc alkc wDttiict ft bcpcace . 2llnb fo there went one on feojfbacbcto mete feim, anb Gtpbc:tbuS faptfe tljc ftp ngc : iss it peace* 1 nnb3cfeu raphe :wfeat feafttfeou to bo witfe peace turuc the bcI)i>iiDc inc. anb the wntfe= man foloc , faptngc :tfec metfenger came to tbcm.mitfeccommctfenotagapne. Uljen be rent out another on bojfbacbc, <£ which came to them, anb iapbc:tfeusiaptfec tbcupngcaSitpcaccOEefeunnlwereb-.wfeat haft thou to Do with peace-time the bcfeinb iuc.aub tfee watchman tolbe,faptngc:hecn= me to them alfo , anb commeth not agape, anb the bjropjje i$ irkc the bjuiptiffe of 3e= Dti the tonne ofBimfiifo.zfecbjiucth tbccba» ret a s fee were mabb. anb 3cboznm fapbe: makcrcabpianb^cfearrtwasmabercabp. anb 3cfco?am binge of 3fracl,anb abasia* tm bpnge of 3uba went out ether of them tii tips cbaret agapnft 3ehu, anb met fepm in p f urlonge of .Babotfe f 3e?tacWc.anb it foj* tuiieb , that wfecn 3efeo2am fawc 3efeu , fee fapbe.iSit pence 3efeu * Ik anfwcreb:5JUfeat peace Qmlbc there bc,fo logc as! p wfeojbomS of tbp mother 3e?abcl,anb fecr witcfecraftc* are fo great.' a nb 3cboja turned fets feSbcS, anbflebbianblapbctoafeajiafeuitfeccisral 3 fl;cb,o2l)a?tafeu.anb3efeutokcabowcm bpsbanbes , anb fmotc3cfeo?abctwcnctfec armed, s the aro we went tfeozowc fepSfeert. # 2lnt) he fell bowne aatt in bp$ cfearct. %\)t* fapbc3cfeutoBibkaracaptapnc:tahcfetm, 5 caft him in the plate of the grounbe of £a* both the 3e jraelitc . fl oi 3 remebje £ wfean 3 anb proabc together in a cfearct after a* feab his father, p itojbe lapcb tfeiSfeeup but* the upo fepm.3 feaue fene peftcrbnpe p blonb of#abotfe,?tbebloubcofbiSfonneS,fapbe the JLojb:«3 wiliquptc ft the in tfeiS sroiiD, faptfe ifeelloJbe.flowctfeerfoic take felm,$ caft fepm in the plat of grounb,ncco?bpng to the wojbc of the loibc.But wfee" afeajiafett tfec bpnge of 3«ba fawe tfets,fec flebb bp tfee w ape of tfee garbc" fe o nfc.lttib 3cfeu f oloweb after fepm,$ iapbcfmptc fetmalfo in tfee cfea= r* Wt:©» (anb tbcp rniotcfo-nr) tnfepScfeatCt.at £gO=> rngeUptoGurbp3ible<1,$fecflecbtoJS;a= gibbo,* tfecc t>vtt>. f nb fets fcruaiite s caricb fe?mmacbaretto3crufalcm,*burpebfepm there infeisfcpulcfeJe,xi&fei$fntfecrS,inf title ofimauib.aiibintfee.]Cf.pereof3o2apfonne ofafeab,bcganncafea?iafeutorapgncouer 3uba. anb wfee" 3efeu wag come to 3ejitafeel tor 3c?Abcll)earbeofif, (rfr^ftatcfecb j)ee face, 3 tircb feet feeeb , slobeb outat a wtnoowe. anb aS3efeu entreb at f gate,we fapbc-feab tfmtt peace wfeicfe flue fepjs matter tttfo fee ipftupfei^epe^to tfee Uiinbowe, anbfapbe: wfeo(siofmvfpfee,t»1)0j , anbtfecrloltebout to fepm two o? tfejc cfeamberiapnejJ . anb fee fapbc : tfe.zowc fecr bowne . £>otbep tfe?ewe fecr bowne,anb fjee blotibe bafifeeb towarbe tfee wall, « towarb tfee feojfcMnbfee teoabc fecrunberfote. 3nb wfecn fee was! come in, fee bpb eatc 9 bjincHe,? fnpbc:go?Upfet3 mapc pou pon- bcr curfeb crcature.anb btiric fecr: *f 0^ (fee is( a BpngejSbaugfeter .anb fo wfecn tfeep came mmw * to burpc feer, tfecp f ounbe nomo^e of fecr tfeen fhefftuUcaiibtfeefete.anbtfecpalmcsofher anbetf.taihcrfojc tfeep come ngapnc,? tolb v pm .anbfecfavbe:tfepsf ietfec wo^bcof tfee |,o.*be,wfeic!) fee fpaltc bp tfee fe&bc of feisi fcr- uauntClia tfee 'Cfeef bite , fapinge : * intfee *'««»"« fclbe of 3cjrafeel flball boggejs eatc tfee flcf in of jjejabel 3nb f f carftad of 3c?abel was eucn as bongc Upon tfee cartfe , m tfee fclbe of 3c?rafeel:fo tfeat no man mpgfetfapc : ^feps wajei3e?abel. ca:fee.r.Cfeapfer; C3Rt^a caiiCrtt (ftf .in^ormca of a^ab to be Hapiir ntU)aftttf.>:if).oftr8b?ctt)?cn.©cfrnBctbamcai«c alto (ohril all tljcpjffttsofiaaal. aftrc^sbectb., to?e Comic tapanctb in 1)P« ttcabe. ilijab fenb*.lr]C.f6nejSin5Damacia. a 3tnb3efeu w?ote letters, anb fent xmm* Jto ^iflmarfa Unto ^tulcrsfof 3e? a i!racl,to tfee elbcriel.anb to tfecm tfeat b?ougfetUp afeabS cfeilb^en , fapingc:nowc WfeantfepS letter commetfe to pou,pe£feauc with pou t'ourmaftcrs loncs, pe feaue with von botfe cfearettcs anb feo;tfcS: a ftrong citpe feaue pealfo:anbfearnc& lokc wfeicfe of pour matters! fonts id beft anb molt mete, anb fet fepm on feps fatfeerS fcate.ec^ anb fpgfet fo? r^§ pourc iwbeSfeonfe. Wat tfeep were ercca-- btnglpafcavbcf fapbe:fe,two hinges were notabletottanbebcto?efepm,feowcballwc tfecn be able to ftanbe 1 3nb fee tfeat was go* uerncrofafeabSboure.anb fee tfeat ruleb tfee citpcfclbersaUo^ftutoursfcnttoSefeH. fttteng: we arc tfep feruautcs,? willbo allpif (fealt bpb US: we wyll make no man Upngc tfeerfozcbo^wfeatfcmctfegoobitfeinecves- t:fecn fee w^oteanotfecr letter to tfef, fa^ % f ingc : 3fpe bcmpne.anb wpllfeeekenUnto mv Uopce, tfecn take the fecbes of tfee me tfeat are poure matters forineMnb come tome to 3c?rofeelbptomo?owetfepstpme'.anbtfec kpnges fonnes were.ljcic.perfoncs, anb tfeep were witfe tfee great men of tfee citpe, wfeicfe tyougfettfecm up.anb when tfeclcttetcame to tfeem,tfeep tofce tfee ftpngciei cfeplbjen, anb nueitfeem,cucn.licjr.perfonncS,5 lapcb tfeep? feecbcSin baruet^es, anb fenttfeem to feim to Je^rafeel . anbtferre cameameffenger , anb tolbe fepm , fapinge : tfeep feaue Uiongfet tfee fecebeSoftfecHpngcsfonneS.anbfeefapbe: lettfeemlapetfeemou twofeeapegin tfeecu= terpngeinoftfeegate,UntpUtfecmo?npngc. anb %ttyx iWMyn&Bl 5fo,ltbu 1 \ s V I pi ijr anb wfeittt wasibape, feewentout,anb ttobe,9fapbetoall^folbe:peberpghtcous. 25efeolbe, 3 corpirebngainttmp matter, anb flue feim.7i5ut wfeo flue all tfeeie^crne feere, f tfecr tfeall fall unto tfee ertfe notfepng of tfee wotbe of p Ho?be, wfeicfefeelpake cocerning the feonfc of afeab. it 0? § lojo feath b; ought fes- to paffe tfee tfeinges ? fee H>aftcM^ bp p hilbc ww.w of few fernaut*(filia . anb fo 3efeu flue all f remapneboftfeefeoure of afeab, in3e«afeel: anb all p Were great »5 feim, ? his fepnffolbcs anbfeiSp?cftcs,fo^feeletnotfeingoffeimre'. mapne. anbfecarofe,?beparteb,*cameto gbamaria . anb wfe5 3efeu was in tfee wapc to tfee feoufe wfecrc tfee (fecpfeerbeS bpo ujerc their foepr.feemctu&thcbzettnen of afea#a= fetikingof3nba,^fapbe:whatarepe.'"5!:fecp an(wcrcb:tfeeb2cth?cnofafea5iafeuacewe, anb go bowne to falute § cfeilb^cn of p kinge anb ofp queue, anb fee fapbe:taketfeealpue. Mfeowfeen tfeep feab taken tfeemalpue.tfeep fluetfeem at tfee well wfeicfe waSbefpbctfee feoufe wfeere tfee (fecpeare Chosen , eucn two anb f on r f pe men, nctfeer left fee anp of them . S> an?; when fee was beparteb tfecnce.fec met * •jtt.wb.a vb 3cfeonabab f fonnc of* Eecfeab compnge pa* agapnft feim.anb^?i)eblcttcb feim,^ Cipbe to fepm.is tfepne fecr t rpgfet, as mpnc feert iS true tf tfemc.'' anb 3cfeonabab anfwcreb.pea „ t^atit iS,^»(pf itM raptb botfecn gcue me tfepne feanbc.anb wfeafecfenbgcuenfeimfeiSfeanb, fee toke feim Up to feim into f cfearct, $ fapbe: come xb me , 9 fe tfee jeale tfeat3 feaue fo?the lo?b:» fo tbcp mabe feim rpbc in hps cfearct. anb when fee came to &amaria,fee flue all f remapnebUnto afeab in &amnria, tpll he ^nh wppte feim out.accojbpng to tU foping of tfee to?bc wijicb fee fpakc to€lta. a nb 3efen gatfeercbail f people togcf feet Mrntm anb fapb unto tfee:*afeab fcrueb 26aal a lp= tie . m5ut 3efeu tfeall feme hpm mo^c. iliowe tfeertoiie call unto me all ppjopfecteS of 26a= al allfocfeaSferucfeim,5 allfeisip^ftcs.anb ^ lctnoncbclackpng,jfo?3feauca gtcatefa= crifpeetoboto 26aal:i tfecrfo|c,whoforucr tSmpu"cb,feeffeallttotlpue. 26ut3ehubpb it fojtalurteltpe, totfeeintfttfeatfecmigfetbe^ ftrope f feruautcsi of ffiaal.anb 3efeu lapbe: ^ocliapmean feolpconuocacpon fo?26aal, anb 3lcfeu fent untoall 3frael. anb all f fee* uauutes of 2i5aalcame,ptfeer was notama leftebefepnbe tfeat came not . anb tfeep came into tfee feoufe of Baal , 9 tfee feoufe of Baal was full from one enbe to another. anb fee fapbe Unto fepm tfeat was tfee kc= per of tfee Ueftcpe,b?ingc fojtb garmetcs fo? all tfee fcruauntes of 25aal . anb fee tyougfet them out garmentes. anb wfeen 3efeu went witfe 3efeonaoab tfee Tonne of iftecbab into f feouft of Baal, be fapbe Unto tfee fe manures of BaaUfcarcfee, anb lobe, tfeat tfeetebefeerc $ pou none of tfee feruauntetf of tfee um, but tfee feruatintes of Baal onlp.anb wfecn tfeep w5t in to offer facrifice? burntoffrmgc: 3efeu appopnteb.lrw.mcn without,? fapb: 3f anp of tfee ml wfeom3feaucb ( !ougfet \m~- ber pourc feanbes,efcape,fee tfeat lettetfe him go.fhallbpcfojbpm. - anbitfonuneb.^affoneasfeefeabmabc^ nnenbeofoffertngthcburntfaccifpce,3ehu fapbe to the men of warre. anb to the captai= ncS:goin,aubflepetfecm,lctnonecomcout. anb thepfmote tbcm With thecbgeof the f wcarbe. anb tfee men of warre anb tfee cap* tapnescatt tfeem out , anb went unto tfecci* tpe of theteple of Baal, anb fet the pmagcS out oftfee temple ofBaal.anbbtirnt tfeem. anb tfecpbjabe tfee pmage of Baal, vow* ke the houfc of Baal,? mabe a biaft houfc of it Unto thps bapc . anb fo *?cfeu bettropeb Baal outof 3fracl . Butfco $ n;nncsof 3c= f oboa the fonc of Bcbat, which maDc 3frad to fpnne:3ehu beparteb not,nitfecr from fo- lowing of tferm^n«bcrfo;roncb^>#. tljc rroiof <*-a ealues tfeat were in Bethel anb in t>an. •« anb the to^be fapbe unto 3ciju:bfcaufc tfeou feaft bone rpgfet well, in bzpncjpnge to pafTetfee tfepngc tfeat is rpgfet in mpnc e pes, anb feaft bone fcuto the feoufe of 31 feab nccoz= bingeto all thingesparcin mpnc hert,tfecr = fojc Ifeall * ffep chilb^cn unto tfee fourth oc= mu neracpon fpt on the fence of 3fracl . But jc = feu mtb not f 0? this, to walkc in tfee la we of tfee Jlo.zb (5ob of 3frael with all bio hcrt.f oi he beparteb not from tfee ftniics of 3croboa, wfeicl) mabe ifracl to fpnue. »♦ 3=i thou bape s the tozbc began to cut ° 3fracia;o;t:*anbl?a^iflfmotc ti c mall f *° , coaftesof3fracl ) fto3o2baneaftwarbr: cue" all tbclanb of (5ilcab,thc C5aottcs,tfec Uu= bemtcs,anb tfee p were of a)auaffcs,fro a« roerWito tfecr puec of arnomeucu Gtlcab 5 Bafau/2:bcrcftoffhewo;tbcs}''c6ccrnc3c-- feu , 9 all i> fee bpb, anb all. has power, arc tfeep not wnttcn in the bokc of the £fe*onpclcs of tfee kpngcsof 3fracl^ anb3efeu flcpt ^ifepS fathers,? tfeep burpeb feint in S>.miaria,anb 3cfeoafea5 W fonue rapgncb in feps Hcaht. anb tfee tpmetfeat 3cfe« rapgncb Uponj[f= rael in Samaria, is wbtij.percs. CS:fec.rj.€l]apter. CSIfballa puttctb to ocrtb all (bf ftpngcu fonnw WfcptjHcboaj f fonnt of jOboual)>bichishiD: ben anb after bcr bectb is mabe fcpnBf. iabatfealin tl;.c mottcrof aiajia^ x feu, wfecnifee (hwe tfeat feerfo'u 11 e wasbccb,ifecarofc,anbbeflropcb all tfee kingesfcebc. K ut 3ehofaba tfeebaugfeter of bpnge3o?am , anb fpflcrof afea?iafen,toke3oaStfec fonnc of afea?ia= feu, anb ftalefepm from amonge tfee bpimcS fonncstfeatwcrcflapnc, flbfeisnource witfe ftpm,outofaflcppngecfeab?c , anbfepb fepm from atfeal(n,tfeatfec was* notflapne . anb fee was witfe fecr fepb in tfee feoufe of $m be 3 ij % • r - « r?.r ( j.c. ?.\JU).C 1 3$el)omba, Vj.pcre . 3tnl> Stbalia t»U rat'gne ouct J (fit. 3 nu tbe.Uiipcrc 3f boiaba fcnt anD fet p rule rtf oner bub jcbe st.vb tbe captapnc tf ,8- the" of the gnrbe , anb toke them to bpm into the bourcoftbe&ojoc.anomabcabonbeti&tbe", anotohc an otbe of them ttifbc boufe of the tojDc , anD flic web them the kpngciS fonne. Jf.no lie comaiibeb t|)P,favi»ff: w* & tt p pc tniift DO:one thpjh parte of pou, wbofc bew^ tpisU to conic oup &abbotbbape,Cballkcpc the ivatd) of tbe kpngctf Doufc .3 no anotbec Cbpjor parte fliall hrpc the gate of £>ur:anb another tbpJb parte Cball hept £gatc,uibicb ■* isbchpnhctbcm of the garbcuiub fo<*qmil 13 pc kepctbe wntcbcoftbe boufe of a)eu"ab,$ two partes* of you,tbat t0,all that go out on the £>abboth have , (halt kepe tbe watebe of the boufe of the Lo?be about the kpngc.aub pe fliall copaffe the b v nge rounhc about, anh r tier v mcti.ri>ii.D uclpucrcbbpnt*^ tbe witneflc, anD mabe f'- 7 " htm kpng,$ anopnteh bpm. 3mb thep claptc their banocjJ,aubfapbc.<3 oh fauctjjekpng: ntj.$tpngt& Walfo • * i P. :, .' 'ft I l! ,1 i H fi A *:(.pa.Hi«i» *2flnb wbcn3fctbaliabearb tbenopfe off mnpngcoftbcpeoplc.Qie came to tbe people into tbe tfple or t^ iozbe. 3tnh when fye lo* kcb.bebolb.tbe kpng ftobe bpa pillcr,a0tbe matter wasuno the fpngcrwbe trSpettctf bp the kpnge , anh nil t))t people of tbelanbc reiopreh,an0blet»e«5tropettesj.3Inh3Ptba= lia rent lyr clotbetfanberpeb : treafon, trea= fon . 26ut3eboiaDatljepjeftecommaunDeb m captapnea of tx^t bunhjeht? tbae j)ah t()c rule of tbchooft,nnh fapbtmto tW :baueher out without the tf pie , f (be mape be within the rangctf.anh pf anp folovoe her, ftpli hpm utith the ftucarhe : fo? the ptefte hah faph ihc m npc not be (la pne in the boufc of tljc JLo^D. 3nh tbep laphcbahexi on bcr tpll ihccameiu to the wa pe, bp thcuihtch the bojfctf went in to thehiugetf palace:? there watfOicflapne. jj> * 3! no 3fboiaoa mnbe a bonhc betwene mmm* t\)t t ojfcc anh the (unge,anh the people, that tljep Mb be tbf lo^hetf people, anh alfo bc- twctie the upngcanb the people. 3Cnh all the people of tljc hlhc wet into p Ijoiife of 2i5aal, anhDeftropehit,htdaultarsiairo.?btJJpma= gefl h^nltc thep bourne luftelp, anh flue ^)a= than rhe p^cafte of T&nai before the aultarsl. 3ub tl;c p^cftcfet a watcb oucc t\)t boufe of the ilLojDcanbrottc tbcrularie!ouerhunhte= hctf, the captapnegs them of the garhe, anh all the people of rfor lanhe.3Cnh thep brought the ftpnge from the boulc of t\)e Hojoe i anh camebptlje toape oftbegate of them of ti)t sarbetothcRpngejSpalncc.^nbhefatbpm bourne on the fcatc of the ftpngcal ; % nh all the people of the lanbe reiopfeb , anh t%t cp^ tpcuwuqupet . 3fnhthcpflue 3ttbaliaii5 the fujcarbcbefpbctbe HlngcxJpalace.^>eue peare olbeu)aKJ!3eboa!ci > UJben he beganncto rapgne. t C'Sbf.tti.cbaptcc. C3lei)ow mattttl) p;otiifpon fo; tljc xt p«p>ingr ot thcffpit^ciaRpiini bp thio of Ijps fctuauiitcfl.ano ainajwbu tapgncfb in bp« ftcabf. J9b he begmmc fo rapgnc in the ^ l|\nj. peare of 3cDtt.xl.pcarc rap= * Igncb ljc in 3erufalcm:$ big mo^ tficrsx name tuajs Kbiab of H8e* !trfcba.^nhbebib^U)bicbU)ad Siooh in tbe fpflht of p Ho^Or, as* longe ad 3e c hoiftoa tljcptcftc enfonmteb hpui . 25nt the hplaultars were not takcawape , f oj f peo^ pie offcreb 9 burnt incenfepet tipon tbe Dpi 3 anltac£i.3nb3eboaBi fapbc to the piteftcjfcall the fpluer of hehicat thmgcsi f be brought to the honfe of the fto.zbc in cmratmtmonepe,^ is to fapc, the monep that cnerp man ^irf *e# fetat.nnbaiifhcmonep^cuccpmnuujitba unlit ng beet geucth 9 biingeth into the bou= fc of the to2hr,let t^t p?cl!tsitaRc itto tyt, etierp ma of bi!8Niquapntaace,torepapjctbc bzohcnplaccfliofthehoufcuJhcreroeneranp becape ts f oube. 3nb fo it came to paffe, that \)ntotbe.Mi^pfrcoftting3eboa0,£p?c(rc0 IWb menbeh notbtng, tbatwajs beta peb in? tcmplc5rhcn hpng 3cbontf calleb fo?3cbo= 25 taha the bpfibop , anh the pjcfte&anb fiiphc Unto thf : u% rcyap^e pc not the b?oU5 pla= ce0 of the temple f iftouje thcrf o?e,fe that vz receauenomojc monepof pouraquapntau= ce, ercept pe belpuer it to repapjctbetcmple witball.^nbthep^eftesiconfentebtowcea* ue nomoje monep of the peoplc.-cjrcept to re« pap^e m becapeb placed of tbe temple. mt ^ttm in] $itt3e&ofaoatbep;u?a&totteacbcu\inb bo?eb an boalc in tbe Ipb of it , 9 fet it befpoe tbe altare on tbe FPffbtfpbe,asf eucrp ma co^ metb into the temple of the iojoc.^notbe p;caftejj!plieptetbebeffei0!,puttheemauthe monep f' was brought into the boufe of the lojbe.ainb it foztuneb, that ujhen t hep faut m .xwu there umjJmocbcmoucpm tbecheft, xf Upu <£ gctffmbcnnbtbc hpe p^aftccamc , Up , anD tolbe the monep that urn f oube in tbe boufe of tbe JtojDMiib put it in to a baag. 31 nh t^ty gaue tbe monep feaTch into tbe bahejBofthethat ejcccutcb the wo^cke, anD that bah the onctfpgbt of the boufe of the jtotoe: anh thep brought it out to t^t car* pcritersfanbbuplhrrsictbat U)a0 btought into tbe boufe of the Lo^bcuSut thep gaue tbattotbcujo^cfiemen^anb repapzeo tpcc= U)pththeboufcoftbcloib.ia)o ( ieouer,thep tettoneb not wptb the mcn,in'to whofe han= betftbepbclpucreb tbat monep to he brfto* web on ujo^ckeniicn.'fo? t\)tv DpD tbeit bufp* {c» mcatbanb 3ebo?abab'tbefonne of bonier bptffcruaunte&fmotc hpm, ?he bpeb ,3nb thep burpeb Dym wptb hi« father^ in peptie of Dauih.3(inD 3tma?tahu M fonne rapg= MD(nbP*ftcaoe. C'Cbe.X'jfj.Chapffn C3Irtoabaj tbf fomic of jfldju it oeipiirtrt fnf 6 tbt banbfo of Uje fl>P!a= marm jFlc ithcr hph be leaue of the people to 3cboa l>i?,butfpftpeho.2femc ten char cttesf, f^tenthoufanhefotcmen * foithe kpnereof *««.. fc „i fc feirra Deftropeo them , anh mabe them ipkc ***** tbicflbeb huft . 1tt)t reft of the woibcfl that conce me 3cboaba?,anb all tbat be hph , anb fiWWM» mv not wzpttHn the bo&e of the Cb2onpcle0 of the kpngefi of 3frarli« 3nb 3eboaha?flepte tuptb bP^fatber0,ano thepburpcbbpmin$>amarta > anb3oasl]i53 fonne rapgneh in tya fteabe.3n tijc . rrruij. peare of 3oa0 kpnge of 3uba , beganne 3e= |ort0tbefonneof 3cboaba? to rapgneoucr 3fracl tn Samaria fp^tcne peare , anh hpb that wbpcb iiSeueH in the Tpght of the lo^D, anb hepartrD not from all the fpnne0 of 3e= roboamtbcfonneof^ebat,(fbat maDe3fc rael fpnne)fo^ be waifteb tbcrin. €beremnauntaftbewo^be0thatc6ccrnec 3oas( ? all f be bpD,$ hptf power wber wpch befoughtagapnft3majiahukpnflof3uba are thep not wwte m the ch^onpcle boke of the kpngcfl of 3fraeianb 3oa* fte pte with bitffatbertf,anb3eroboa*fatUponfofcatc, 3nb3oasl wa£ burieb in^amaria amon« tbe hpngetf of 3frael; WheneiifawasfallenfpckPofbP^fpck- «eire(wbfrofbebpcb)3oa0thekingeof3f a raeUamebowneUntobpm,gf weptc befo?r^ rf0ltli lt)im,f fapb:*€)mp fatber^npfatber^be *Z n 2aretof3ft>acl > 2tbebo?femcnoftbefame. s J H eitva fapbeuntobpmrtakebouiefjacowejs. 38nb betoke Uttto bim bowe^aroWcsl; 3nO Ijcfapbctothekpng of 3frael.-pu«bine m Up5tbebou)e,?bepntpb3beUp0it.3BnO (glilit put b<* Mbes; Upof he ftinge* mte# fapbe:opcna wtnboweeaftwarb: « wWhe baDopembif,eiifafavbe;u;ote,(jheaotte, .1 Hi ^ttO> r ■: i 1; I, ■] #ma?iatnt Sil- f I a no be Capti. tbe arowe of bcltb of t^ lojfci: anb ttic arowe of beltbagapnft £>iria, foj p 0;altfmytc£>iriam3pbek , tpU tDoubaiie inabrancnbcoftbcm. 3 no lie faj»D:tnltf parotxjfjff.^ be tokc tbe*; anb be f apb *onto the kpna of jfrael s fmyle tbcgroubc.t be fmotc rbjife aubceafeb.anb the man of <3ob wad angrle id bun,* fayb; V ^ : . flmtbe&bauc fmptc fpue o? fyf c tpmc$M wi rojcntrmio) 5 then tboit babbeftfinpttcn&f* rm tyllt bon nabbc ft maDcan cube of them-* wljcrc nowef foalt fmptc ^>trU but Miff . anb fo 6 Ufa bpc anb tbep buryco bpm, 9 i> foubinrriKof rbc &)oabite0 came into? la"b, ,» *-- tbe fame pcare. atibttcbaunccbasffomc of tbcm were buricnge a tnan.anb fopcb t\)c f oubpar0,tbcp caft toe ma" info f be fcpulcfce _ 0f€Hfa.anb wba" cbema watf rblleb bow- * *#*«•* ncanu toHcbco tbe boby of eufa * be leu?* ueb.anb ftobt *opon bpfl fete. iiJutlwactfcrreo 3fracl,alltbe bapetfof 3eboaba?.$nbp Lo?bbab merepcon tbcm 9 intttbtijc^ljabrcfpcctctmto ttjf , becaufe or bis appointmet mabe vt> abjaijia , 3fabac $ 3acob ,anb wolbe not beftroye tt)i , netber caft be the from bym asyct.&otoacl tbe Uyngc of &uiabpcb anb !3fbababbi0f on* nerapgnebinbi0ileabc.anb3cboa0ffon= ncof3cboaba*ioetagaync,anbi:Qkeoutof tbe mm cf sBenbabab § tonne of l&a jael.tlje cyttcfl wbicb be bab twmamvt out of tbe lianbc of ieboaba? bp0 fatbcr.tn warrc : f 01 rbw tpmc0 bpb3oa0bcatc bun,anb ccftozcb tb'f cptntf twto 3frael agaync. Cfcbejttfii.Cbaptrr. f; JtnujtJbu t\)t lirrtge of inDa puttflh to oertb iflje raanquetlrra cf qta father, ano after fmptrt b eDom.JicasoFttbsJcrobra bps Tonne fucctflJ pttl? (nbpstotome-? after bpm tapBnrtlj jafta: ffalj.ama'fa ie ftrlM In Eacbis.anb a? acta top; gnctbfnbpfl fleabe. psipefceonbepcre of 3oa«r fonne of m w BfKl3ci)oaba? npnge cf 3fracl rap. ' ^gnebamajrabn tbe fonnc of 3oasi "«« Ipnge of 3nb« : # be toa&gjft. pcare olbewbcn be began rorap< am^dfm 3 *fi.p».rrb.» til: it , 1 tit ft l ■ 1 1 .- gne.anbratgncb.icjcijr.pcarcu^emfalem.qt t)psmotbcr0 nnmeD3aS3ebonDan, of 3cru faic.anDbcbpOf»iobicbt0goobmifbcfpgbt of tbe l,o20c,pcf not IpfteDauib W Wfe 23 but Dpbaccoibpiigetoall t&pngcjs 803M * wf.twrt.ii (3^0 f,itj)er bpb-Betbee tuerc tbebpllaulteriEf taucna\»ape.ifoia0pettbe people Dpofa^ ttifiee 5 burnt mc«c on t^c bpUaultcrfl. 3£n0 au"one a^ bpngbome t»a0fcttekD in bP3 $anbe*it came to paffe.tljat be flue bptf fee • uauutest tobicb bab hplleb t^t bpng;e ^si fa= tber . 2l5ut tt)t cbplbjen of tbofc murtbe rar0 |je due not,acco?bpnge tjnto it t&at t0 \mittt *Bfo.nrt«.b m t^t bolte of tlje Iau>e of ftjofetf : oibcre i« *?»£«?' & lojbecommaunbf b , fapinge : * let not cJc"/tti«.V. tbe fatljer0 bpcfo^tbeebpimcn, noj let tlje cbplbjcnbcflapnc fo? tbe fatbcr0:2i8ut let «jff?p ma be put iti) beat!) fo; 510 auwe fume. *)e flue of (Sborit in tbe fait twlepe* ten *(tp», Wl ,, tbotinmbe,anb toue tbe ca ffc II on tbe rocb m tbe fame bat tciu callcD tbcimme of it3oU» tbeeltjutotbisibape. Cbeit^maitabufent meircngeriB to3e= l)oa0 1\}( fonne of 3eboaba? f onnc of 3ebu Upngfof3rrael,favin2C:cornc ) {o'let\)0fe^* eebcotbcr.^nb 3eooa0 tbe llipnge of 3fracl«- fe lit to 3mo?ialm ftyngc of 3uba , fapinge: *tyb not a tbvff Ie f t0 in ltbanon,ftnbe to a *$mti €tbie tre f bat 10 in iibanon , fapinge t gcuc ^ttm\ tbvbnugbtcrtoinpfonucto t»vfc:3Bnb tfje toplbc beaftc tbat watfin Libanon.ruSt anb troaocbownetbctbtftfll.^boiibaftfmyttc eD6,tbyncbartbatbmabci:bep?oube:©n= topetbP0glo ( ip,fjtoiTeat borne. H)by bolt tbou mououc to mifebeue,^ tbou ftulbcft be oucrtbJotoen,anb 3uDa wptbtber 1 25ut3ma?iabu VBo!Denotbcarc3nb 3e!)oa0Bpngcof3fratltoftl)p,anbbcanb ^ma-nabulipngcof 3ubafau)c etber otljee at3s5ctbnimc0robPfbi0m3uoa.2£nb3ubaB voa0put to tbe i»o?fc before 3fracl,anb tl)ep fleb cuery man to tbcpj tcnte0. 3Cnb 3f boatf hinge of 3fraclt otic ^majraljulung of jti= ba,tbc fonne of3ei;oa0tbe fonne of ?tbajia= bu.at Bctbrame0,anbcame to Jcrufalem 9 b^aUe botonctbcroallof 3emfalrmfrom tbe gate of (Epbmtm to p cojner gate , f owe bunb?ebcubytf0.3fnbbc to Be all tljegolbe attbfplueranballtbc\)effclle0ti;rttwcrefo- unbcintbcboufeofrl)elo?De,f}tn tbe trea-- fitcmt of tbe kyuge0 boufe ,anD t\^c ebylb^ett toRebetobebPStfiarDc0rjretunicbtoS>n^ maria agapne. 1£$c reQ; of tbeacte0 of 3eboa? tBbicb be bpb,« bv& pott)er,anb bowe be f ougbt witb SEtnajiaftu lipng of3uba,aretbtp not U)?it= tenintbe Cbumpcle boHe of tbe Upnge0of 3frael('anb 3eboa0flcpte witl) Diss Uwtft, Mft roa0 burpebat Samaria , nmongc tbe hyngc0of 3fracl:anb3croboam l)p0 fonne rapguebmbp0ftcabc. 3ma jiabw tbe fonnc of 3oa^ BP«S* of 3uba,lpucb after tbe im\) of 3cboatf fonne c kyngesiof 3u* W%5ut tbfpeoulbirebtreafou agapnftbun in 3trufalf :anb w& be fteb to UtW , tty? ftnt after bim to lacbuJ,auD line bpm tbcre. 30 nb tbey b?ougbt bpm on botfetf, 9 be t»agi burpebatjerufolc" toptb byssfarbcrs(intbc*iipft#i* cptie of 2>amb. *3«b all tbe people of 3nba toftc 3t?nria,UJbPcb wa&tvLvm olbe,aub mabebpm kpngc f 0? \)y# fatber 3ma jiabu. ... w j l9ebuplt*€latb,anb tyougbt it atjapneto5 ,,,w 3uba,aftcrtbattbclipngeu)a0lapbctotew-'* tt)ptbbP)Sfatbcr0. 3n tbe.]C\J.pcarc of 3Cma?iaf)u t^e fonne of 3oa0 mm of 3Mba,T»a03erobo»p (one of 3ca0 &mte 0mrufA cfci.c 3 oatf mabe hpnge outr 3frael in $amarf a, anb raygncb.tlt.yercanb tjj?ougbt^t»bicb mtitmllto p fpgbtof ^ lo^be. Better tne» 11 eb be auiaye from all tbe finned of 3erobo= nmtbeioneofiBcbatwbicbmabeSfraelto fynnci^e reftojebtbe eoafte of 3fraelfr6 tbe entcrpnge of fycmatb tjnto tbe fee off wiU bernc0,aecozbing to tbe txjo?De of tbe to^be i^jr d)Ob of 3fracl , n^ebfte fpabc &?* b? tbe *iomv.u banbe of 510 fcruaunt*3ona t^t fonne of 3£° mitbai tjje p?opl)ctf , t»bic|) voafi of »5eti) Ije^ pljcr . 1i 1 t\)z itybeftim bo we tbat tbe af- npecpon of 3frael t»a0 e % ceabpnge bytter ,in fomocbe tbat tbe pjefoneb anb tbe foifauen were at an enbe. 3nb tber toad none to bcl« pe3frael . 3nb thz Ho?bc fapbe not, tbat be tDolbe putt out tbe name of 3frae I from ton= bet beauen, but be bclpeb tbe bptDefoanbeof 3croboam tbe fonnc of 3oa0. 'S.'be reft of tbe H>ojbe0pconcerne3ero* boam,anball tbat be Hv^» anb ^ ftrengtb, tobtcb beejcccutcb intbct»arrej5,anbbottJe |jc reUo?cb Damafc , anb ^ematb to 3uba in 3Irael,are not t\)t^ t»?itten in tbe bobe of tbecbjonyclc0 of tbe upnge0 of 3fracl^3lnb 3eroboam fleptcwitb bP0 fatberjJ, euenti tbe Hpnge0 of 3fracl, anb jaclinriat}t0 fonne rapgnebinbp0ftcabe. C5Tl)e.j:\).Cljapter. C9javia tilt hpngc of 3iuoa btcoinmeth a If per. Of^tha^allum.CQenabtm.fctlubfa.attab, 3)otbam,anb abaj. jatbe.^*bij.yercof3croboi!Ringc of 3fracl : begannc 3E?aria fonnc of toajiaftpttgeof 3ubatorapgne. jbwttm pcare olbc toa0 be wben be toa0 tnabe king, anb be rapgneb ttoo anb fpftpc peare in 3erufalem , anb %v$ motfieriS namet»a03ecbolciabuof 3crufalcm. anb be WH tbat wljieb t»a0 rpgbt in tbe fpgbt of tbeiojbcaccojbpngctoalltbpngeaatfbpb bP0 fatber ^ma?iabu:faueftbebPlaultar0. tocrenotputatoape : fo? tbe people offereb, anb burneb incenfc ftpll on tbe bplaultar0. % 3Enb tbe io^befmotetbe bynge.nnb be wa0 MMwtti a leper Unto f oaye of W bectb, *anb btxielt W* in a fcucrall boufcatlibertye, aub3otb«1 tbe ftpngetf fonne gotterneb tbe palace, anb iub= geb t()c people of tbe lanbe . ^t relic of tbe wo?bc0f» conccrnea^aria anb all f be opb, arc ti;ep not written in tt\t bone of f cb?ont= clc0 of tbe ftpngejs of 3«ba t anb fo a^aria fleptc toitb W fatber0, anb t{)cvl>urpetJ bim witb \)V^ fatbertf in tbe city e of Dauib , anb 3otbam ^ fonnc rapgneb in bP0 fteabc. 3n tbe .txpWi. me of a^aria ftpngc of 3uba bpb ttcbaria t\tc fonnc of Jeroboa rai» gnet)pon3fraelin^)amaria.^.monetf)e0: anb mmwtf ttbtc-D watf eneil in f fpgbt of tbe JLoJbc, a0 Xtyti rjp0 fatbcwfcanb turneb notatoayc from tbe fpnnesiof 3croboiSt|)e fonnc cf .0cbot,ixibitb »nabc jfrael to fume. 2$ub Galium tlje fonne of 3a bca couf ppjcb Bynges 5fo,lrbiu a ^j.pa.rrb.d againtt tym,* fmotc bpm in tbe fpgbt of tbe people,? apUebbim,9 rapgneb in lji0ftcabe. 'fc&erelrof tbe wo ( fbe0t|)atconccrnc^a^ C cbaria,bebolbe,tbcparcix)i{ptfcnintbcbolic of tbe Cb?onycle0 of tbe ftpngeaiof 3frael. ilfyvM alfo t\)t t»o?be of tbe tozbc.ujbicb be fpahe \mto3ebu , fapinge: *tbpfonne0 (bail fy t on tbe fcate of 3ftael in f> fourth gc* neracion after tbc.anb itcamc fo to paltc. Vallum tbe fonne of 3abc0 begannc to rapgneintrje.rJW'r.percofaiarfaapngcof 3uba:$ be rapgneb a monctbtn imam. Jf oz ®)tm$ tty fonne of Gabt went \jp fro TO»a , ? came to Samaria, * fmotc i>al= lumtbe fonne of 3abe0in Samaria, 1 flue bim, $ rapgneb tnbi0fteabe. ^bereft of tbe «oo.2bcjstbatconcernc&aUnni,*tbetrcafo!i Wbicb be cofpiceb, beljolbc, tbepare w ipttcn m tbebokc of tbec^omclcS of tbe Itpngetf of 3fracI.t:beramctpmc^T)enabemDc(troicD 'Cbipbfab; 9 all f were tberm, ^ tbe coaftcs tberof f ro €uer Mljcanb : becaufe tfc? ope ■■ neb notto bpm;bcfmote it.anb rpptc ^p all » tbeinuemcnwitbcbplbe. „ 'dTlJe.jcjcjcijc.perc of a wria lung of *{uba began ®)cnaiji tbe fonnc of «3abt to ravgnc Upon 3fracl ten peare in £>amaria . auobc byb cucll in tbe fpgbt of t\)c torbc,* turneb notawapeall|)i0 oaye0frotbefpmicof 3c- roboa tU fonnc of Bebat, wbicl)mabc3f> rael to fpnne.anb pbultlje ftinge of a tuna came tpo? labc. anb ajenabegauc pbul a a), taictesfof fplucr,tbatbt0banb migbt be wttb bim anb ftablpCbc tbe kpngboine til bi0 banbe. anb tymtom mabe a pjoclamacio fo,ubcmonepin3frael,tbatallmenoffub^ ftaunccibnlbe gene t^t fcpngc of a ttm f pf» tpe fpcleg of fplucr a pece.anb fo t\^c npng of affiria turneb back agapnc, anb tarpcb not tljerc in t\)t lanbe . ^bc reft of t^t wozDcs f fC conccrne ^enabcm.anb all tbat be byb, arc fe tbep not w?yttc in tijc boke of tbe cftiomclcct of tl)ekingc0of Sfraclranb &)ena'be fleptc witb bt0 fatbcrjjj idekabia W fonne byb m bi0 ft eabe fuccebe bim in tbe kyngebome. 3ntbc fpftptb peace of Shanakynge of 3uba,beganne^cKabia tbe fonnc of &itm s pent to rnpgne oucr3frael in§)amaria two pere.f JtvMUt wbicb wa0 cucll in tbe fight of tbe io?be : anblefte not of frfi tbe fynnc0 of 3eroboS tbe fonne of Bebat, whtebmabe 3fraelfynne . 26utpckab tbefonne of fte-- tnaliabu,wl)icbwajSacaptapncofbi0,con 3 fpireb agaynft bpm , anb rmof e bpm in £>a= maria,cucn in tbe palace of tbe kpngcjs boti= fc witb 3Ergob anb aria: anb witb bim wc= re fpf tpe men of tbe (Sitcabitctf: anb be kPl- lebbpm , anb rapgneb inbptfrowmc . ^:tjc -. reft of tbe wo?be0 tbat conccrne J&ekaljia, ^ anb all tbat &e bpb, bt'tjolbc, tbcp arc wzpttc in tbe boke of tUecb?ouiclc0 of tbe kpngejS of 3fracl. 3ii:j 3ntbe ♦ iui.recr.r.f '•> H h -J w< &te ttijjtyngfff* &\W. 1 o I 3ntbc.lfj pcre of 3?arfaftpugeof SWIM ucganne pckah the fonnc of Ecmaliabu, to rapgiicouer3frnelin&amnrin.;cj;.ycare,# bpb ciicll in tbe Cpffttf of tbe lojbc , and tur* ncDnotawapc frotljc fpnnesof Jeroboam the fonnc of .ftcbat.t bat made 3u"aclfp»me , 3« tlic dapes of iDchab hpng of 3frncl,cnmc ^higlarb pclcfar hpiigc of Mria , anb to* he 3ion, 3bcl, ^Sctbmnaclja, 3anoab,13tc-= oes,l?a?oj,0iicaD,0aliie,andailtbclanDc of#cpbtbaii,frrarpcbtbcawapetoMirla. 3nd IJQten £ fonnc of igiacofpiredtrca* foil agapnft pchab tbe fonnc of ittmaliab, anb fmof c Dim , anb flue I)i tn: anD rapgncb in ijps ftcabc in tljr.rr. verc of 3otbam toe fon= $cy ne of Q-'j ' CI jialju . Ijhc reft of tbe wojDcs p conccmc pcttahaitD ailtljat be bpd, heboid. tncy are wipttc in tbe bohc of tbe cljtonvclcrf oftncbpngcsofjfracl. tbe feconbe vearc of pcbalj tbe fonnc of lUmali.ibn hinge of Jfrael, bcgannc3otb£ tbe fonnc of U?ubuhpngeof3uDatorapg= nc.tfpueanb tujcntpcycrcolbc wasbe wb5 be began torapgnc .- anb be rapgncb fpytcne ycrctujcrufalcm. ijpsmotbersnamewas 3crnfa ibe baugbtcr of jaboh. 3Cub be bpd f' wbiclj isrpgbt tn tbe fpgbt of tbe !ojDc:cue ncco.iDyngc to all as Dpd bis fatber Cljialju, fo bpD be. £ut tbe bplaultcrs were nott put a wapcrfoj tbe people offcrcb 5b burnt imh f c ftpll in tbe bplaulters :i)c buplt tbe bpgbr t bojc of t beboufc of tbe Lojb. ^t reft ortbc toozDc js tijn t conccrnc 3otbam , and all tbat be bpb, arc tbep not wiitte" in tbe bohc of tbe cMonyclesof tbe hpngcsf of 3uba . 311 tbore dapes tbe lojdc begannefo fcnbcinto3u= ba,ttc3intbcbpngcf&iria,nnd#ebabtbe tonne of iftcmalialjn . 3nd3otbamflcptctf bii8fiitbcr0,anb\x>agfburtcbn5bi0fatbfr)Siii tbe ci tpe of iDauiD tipjs fatljcr, and 3lja? m fonnc rapgncb in bts ft cabe. CCbcjctyCljapfer. caija) • ltpnge of 3iuHa confefwfetb bpe tonne tn fper, anD ba(l) manp battarilce agapntt tbe Upiige of .Hftatl. 3|H tbe fteaoe of abaj cargnetb J-Kjettfa bpo fonnc. 1 i A. P . » ! f . f| I! t %m r * % ♦ii.Jdarnlip. l?e.jcuij.pcareof}Dcbabp" fonnc of Utmaliabu hpnge of 3frael,3ba? tbe tonne of 3orfcam hpnge of 3u= ba, begaiinetorapgne. nrntt* Womcwas^wtJenijewasmaDchyngc; anb rapgncb fvjcf ctic |>cre in 3f c rufalcm.nnti DpD not tbat wbicb was rpgbt in tbe cpes of tbe to joe \)y& God, iphc <©auid ftwS fatljcr: nftut walhcb in tbe wnpc of tbe hpngcsof 3fracl,ycc,andmadc *bp# tonne to go tbo= *mm% rowe tbe fper , after tbe abbominocpons of """am., tbefyepfben, wljomtbc Lojbccoft outbefo= tctbccbplbjcnof 3(rncl. ^nbbcofPcrcbanb burnt ittcffcintbcbilaultcrjf anbontbebpl^ leief.aiib^nbercuerptbiclttrce. *^Tbeniiu= *e&.WM fill bpnge of ^>iria anb JDchab fonnc of Uc= ® maliabu hpnge of 3fracl came \jp to 3crih nilemtofpgbt-3!nbtbepfougbtagavnft3- ba?,but coulb not oucrcome bpm.^it tbe Ta^ metpmc iRcjin hpnge of #>iria b?ougbt <%■ latljagapnc to £>ina , anb rpbbtbc rieiwcs; tbcucc. 3Bnbtbc^>irinn)J*caincto€latb, *!!h m anb btorll tberin \jnto t\)v$ bape. $>o 3ba? fent ineffcngcrtf to ^biglatb l&clcfer hpnge of ?f.ffiria, fapingc : 3 am tbp fcruauntanb tbp fonnc , conic \)p anbbcliucr mc out of tbebanbe of tbe hpnge of &iria,$ outoftbebanbeoftbchmgofjfrael.wbicb rpfc\)uagavnftme.^no^ba?tohctbcfpl- ucr anb trjc golbc tbat uiatffounbe in p hoti- ft of tbe JLojJbcnnb in tbe treafurcsi of f Wn« gcoboufc.anl) lent a rewarbe to tbe hpng of . „ r , , v mm. * ;f.nb tbe hpnge of^Ciririn confcib * mm t cb Unto Ijym $ 0^ tbe hpnge of fflivia wet \jp agapnft mama fco. 5tnb wbeti be bab ta= W it$c carpeb tl)e people a wape to lip?, anb ftuc iRcjin. 3f nb hpnge BfKtt went to ^Damafco , to mctcHbiglatb pelefcr hmg of 3t(Tiria.3tnb U)l)cn hpnge 2f ba? faweanaultcr tbat wajS £ ntawmafco, De fent to turn tbe pjeftctbe pate r nc of t be aulter,^ tbe faftpon of it, ano all tbe wojchmantbpp tty rof.lnb liria tbe pjeftemabe anaultcrinall popnteslphe to tbepatccn tobtcb binge Ufjaj bab fent from iDamafco : eurn fo Dpb garta tbe p?cftc mahe tt.agapnft hing 3tljaj came from 2>amafco. 26nb fo, U)bcn tbe hpng was* come from 5>a- mafco.be fawc tlje aultcr.anb tbe hpng wet to it,$ offcrcb tbero3nb be burnt W burnt' 1 offciinge.anb bpa mentolfcringe, anb pov»= reb bye bjpnchofferpngc;anbfp;tpnchleb tbe bloubc of blWaceoffcepiigea bcfpbc f anh tcr,^ v»a# bp p biafcn aulter wjlncb wag bc« fojtc tbe Loib.auD let it «5out tbe temple be* troenetlje aimer aiibtbctemnle of tbe Jto^b: ano put it on tbe no?tbfpbe ot tbe aulf are. 3nb hpnge i? commaunDcb5Hria tbe pieftcanbfapbcitipontbegreate aulter fct on fper in tbe m o^npng t\)t bumtoffcrmgcf in t\^t cucn tbe meatoffering , anb tbe hingcrf bumtfacrifpec $W meatofferinge, witbtbc bnmcoffcrpng of all tbe people of tbe lanbe, anb tbeir meatofferinge, 9 tocirb^pnehoffe^ rlngc0 .« pouj^ctberbp, all tljc blouDe of tbe 2« facrifpee offcmgcgiSut p b^afen aulter will 3 come anb fc. 2bnb curia tbe pjcftcBpoac* cojbinge 3|ofea til © cojbpugctoau t&pngctfatf hpnge. 3ba5 co-- m tM* maubcb bpm. * 38nn hpnge 3Bba? biaftc tbe fpbciS of tw botomcfi, anb tohc t\)e lauec fro oftbem.anbtohcbomnetbc iauato,ipe fro of tbe b^afen orcn tbat were \inbcrit , 1 put it \>pon a paucmct of (tones 1 . %nb tbe Ucpie fo.ztbc^abbotbC tbat tbep bab mabetn tbe boufc ) ^ tbe bpngcjSentrpc Witljout turncb bcto tbe boufc of tbe iojbc, fo?f fcarc of ;tl)c hpnge of aiTpjia. ^bercfte of tbe wo^beg f eonccrue ^llba? , wbatbe hpD , arc tbep not Wittenintbe bohc of tbeCbioniclcsof tbe hpngcgof 3uba:3dnb3tba? fteptc witbbPS fatbertf .anbwatfburpeb Witbbpja; fafbcrjS intbecptieof sDauiO:anbl!)eKuta bts fonne rapgncb in hv& ftcabc. in'Cbe.ymi.Cbapfcr. C: ©ofea Upnsc of Tirwel 19 tahe n.ano be and all Ijpo rcalme b;oii[rbt eo tbe itffpj lainr. $ M&Tm & tbe.yii.pearc of 3ba?hpngc of 3uba, beganne i>ofcatbe fonnc of <£la to ratgnc tu^amacia Upo 3fracl.ije.pcare,mibDpD pwbicb wag cucll in tijc fpgbt of tbe loz* be ,but not asi tljc hpngcjS of 3fcacl tbat were before bim.^nb&almanafar hpng of Mv* riacamc Vpagapuftbtm.anb^ofca became bp.cfcruaunt.anbgaucbpmp^cfcntctf.^inti tbe hpnge of ^ffp^iafounbe trcafon in Do= fca:fo^bcl)ab fcntmeffcngcrsto &o, hpnge ofdBgpptc, anbb.iougbtnopicfentc unto? hpnge of 3! (Tpjia , from pcarc to pearc : attb fbcrfozctbc hpnge of ,1!u*^ia tohc ^vm i anb put bpm in p.ipfon. * ^nbtben tbehpnge of Mvm came Up tbo.to wont all the lanbc , i gatUpagatuft Samaria ,anObjt*egcDittI)je .«»;. pearc. 3npnputbpcare of Ipofca.tye * ht'ii- gcof aftp^ia tohc^amaria,anbcarpcb3f» « rael awapeUnto ^ITp^ia.anbputtbcm m 3i)aia, in ftaboj bp t\)c rpucr of <2toa, anb in tl)ccpties(oftbce tbe cbplDicuoe^fraci,? in tbe ccrcmonicxs volucbtbc hpngcsof 3fracl bad maoc.3!iiD tbccbUD.ien ofjrrael went about tobpbc tbofc tlimges tbat were not wcll,fr6 tbe ILo^Octbep^ c5ob. JCnbtbcy buplttbcm lopllaultcrs in all tbep; cptica.botbf in tl)c towieo; w!)erc tbep kept watcb, anbnlfom tbcftrogetowncs.^nb tbcpmabetbc yina* ges anb groucp in euerp bpc byll , anb wiber euerptbpch trc.28itD tbcre tbep burnt inceiife tn all tbe WMtw&M byb f bctben ( wbd tbe Lojbc carpeb awape before tbem ( anb W^ongbt wpchcb tbpngejS to angrc p io?be Witball:j]fonbeyftnieDmoftDpie3Qoic0» wpcrof tljc lom Dab iiiybcmito tljem. ivynges jfo *t |i»iiJ.RfBil. mti, n,t, * iii.re.rii.b * gefoall bo no focbe tbpnge. * &cu m t 3Bnb tbe tojde tcftifpcD tn 3fracl,anb in 3uba bpall tbe piopbeteganb bpali p fears, fapinge. * UurnefrOpourewpchco wapetf *3m4i** ano hepempcommaunbetnftcsano mv fta= tutc£f,acco?otnge to all tbe laxue tobicb 1 co-- maiHibcb poure fatber0,anb which 3 fent to youbympfctuauntctffIjcpiophctc0 .j^ot= c witbftanopnge t\)(v wolOc not beare * but * scu.rrrf.s ratber baroenco tbepz ncchc0,lphc to f ftub- ^ ala -" lb - burncftc of tbct'r fatljerctljntDPbnot Deictic in the Lojbe tbeir Gob . fl oi tt)'cv refufeb bps ftatutcs.anbbpsappopntinct tbat be mace wttb f bepz fathers , ■? ti)c witneffes ( wljcr-- wttb be witneftco unto tbe ; * tbep folo web Umpte , anb became uapnc , anb went after tbebctbentbat weecrounbe aboutctbc:con-- ccrnpngcttbom,thc LoiDcbaOcb.irgcD thf , tbat tbep ftjulo not Do IpUe tbe.l3ut tbep left tl;c comaunDcmentcs of tbe £020 tbepz Gob anb mabc tl)cm3magcs of mctall * cucn *m,uu.m.t twocalucSianbmaDeSbolcgroucC^wo^ fbyppcD nlltbcl)ofteof beau en , and fcrucD 25aall . * anbtbepfacrtfpccD tb:p2 fonnes^ t^cu.^m.b ti)cVi baugbters in fp«ic,anb UfcD witclicraft anD encbauutemeutcs >* cucn fcllvngc tbem *., ftlues to wo^hc wpcheDnciJc in tljcfvgbt of tbe Lo?Dc,anD to angrc \)^m. 3Cubfbe Lo.ibc waserccaDingc wiotbi>5 3fwel anb put tljcm out of ftp* fyglu * tbat tberc was leftc but tbe frpbc of jfuba ouclv. .acucrt belcS,3uba alfo kept net ttecomaiV bemctes of tbe toibc tbcyi Gob.but walhcb in tbe ceremonies of 3fiael, wbicbtbcp maDc T3 2Cnbtbe LoiDccaft Up all tbe fceb of 3frael, anb bercb tbcm.anD Dclpuereb tbem mto the bauDesof fpoplcrs , UntPllbcbaDcaftthcm out of ftps fpgbt. St oi 3frael beupbcD tbem fclucsfrom tbe boufc of tDauiD,? mabethem a autgc,cucn3croboam tbe fonnc of flcbaf. ?Cnb3eroboam>*bicwe3fraclawape:tbat^ tbep Oiulbe not folo we tbe Loibe auDmaoe ** tbcmfpiincagrcatefpnue:5foitl)ccbyiD2cof 3fracl walchcD in all tbe fpnncS of 3croboa wbicbric Dpb, anD Dc parted not tbcrfro.Uti' rpll tbe toiDc put 3frael awape out of hps fpgbt.acbcbab (apbcbpallbpo fcruauntes tbepiopljetcs. ^iiD fowaS3iraclearpcDa^ wapcoutoftbcpjawnelaDc to^lTpua cue Vutotbpsbape. Ttnti tyc hpnge of 3lTpiia b,iougbt men from loabplon.fromtjrurba, from fiia,r>S JDanatb.anb from ^cpbciruaim.auD put the in tbe cptif j3 of &amaria,tn ftcabc of?' cbPl= bieof3fracl. 3JnbtbeppolTciTcD Samaria, not i t '»: 1 V s \l •IB H n l^cnia ttnJtpngeiS I not tbc H we of t&c od of tbe lanoc, ttjcrf o* re toe batb ftnc ivotijs topon tbcm:nno bebolde tl)cp (tape tyem,l)ccaufe tDcp anowe not tbe matter oi: worlbppppng of ?€>od of tbc Uwe* ^Dcntftc kpnge of attpiiacommaunDco fapvngc j carve tUetUcc one oj twapnc of tbe pzenftc d , whom pe bjouojt thence , and let trjem go.attd dwell there > and teaebe tbem p faffpon bo wc to fcrtic tbc amarltand bad inabccucrpnaciointbcircpticdwbcrintbcp &s* Owclt.'fcbcmc of Joabilomaocfcr'&ocofb zScnotb : and tbc men of Ctitb made j3er=• (al:anbtncmcnof tyamatljmadeaifima; Hie Suited made flibba? , and ^barrbafc. 3uD tDe £>cpbaruif ed burnt tbcp? cbplbztn tn fptefoi Sbiamclecb anD 3nnmrlecb , the <5ob'd of &cpbarttaiin. 3nD fotbey feared tbc l oibc , and made tbem #icaftcd of tDe I<)pUaulfcrd, wbicb facrtfpeed fo* tbem in tUc Ijonre S of tbc lapllaultcrd . Ifndfotbep fca* redtbe ilotdcandfcrued tbcp: nwnccb tbcnwi ' 3tnd tonto tbf S oape ttjcp Do after the oioe manrr:anDnctbcrftareci)OD,netbrr bo after O^r c^tbcp^dinaucedandcuftomed, ano af = tcr tbc la wc ano commaundement wbicb the Hoide commaunDcdtbc cbpldjcn of Jacob, , m rrrii.r * who becallcd 3fracl.3tno the lojtbc made o an appopntcment wptb tbem, ano charged - vaM m h tbem, fapenge : * feare none otber ©odded, JiwS iiojbowepourefclucdtotbcm.nojfccuctbe" nojtfacrtfpccto tbfcbutfcarctbe lozdwbtcb b2 ought you out of the ISbe of €gppte wttb rotate power anba ftrctcbed out arme ; bpm feare, and to !)pm bo we , ano to bpm bo fa* crifpee . Z be ft a f utcd, ojdinaunccd, lawc anD commaundement wbicb be W?otc f oj pou , ft tbat pc be diiigen tto Do fo? eticrmozca- fcare not anp otber godbed.^nd tbe appopntcmct tbat 3 Ijauc maDc with pou , fepe fojgctnot ano feare none otber gobbed :btit tbc Lojoe pourc C50d pe (ball feare ,anb be (ball Ocliur p pou out of fbcban&egofalipflurcfnfnipfn. IpoiDbcit.tbepOpbnotbfrkw.bntbpbaftei; tbepi oIDe cuftome. 3nb fo tbefe nacion!3fca= rebtbelo^OcanbfcrueOtbep^pmagcjSairo: lpne at opb tbep? cbpID^en ano t$m cbPl 5 o;cnj5cl)plo?cn.eucnasibpO tbep^ fatbers* , foootbep^ntotbpjsoape. WBfttWH sCOaptcr: CEWltialspngt of 3ju6a auttctb ootont tit. bMffii fa-pmt.aut) bciltopcto tljr ■poliee.gxii; man.} fat Ii;pngrt^ JJracl to tt)C atrpjiaiie.^e biaCpt)»np of stimacijftib o; dattycrib. »« J&pttto f H tbe tbPJDe pere of ^ofea fonnc of in €la lipnge of 3fracl itcamcto paf= fe.tljat^ejclua tljefonncof 3Bba? Kpngof3uDabpbrapgne.* 'Ewe' *«.»««. W anofpue pcrcolbcwasibe, wbenbe be* rm> flnnuetorapgnc , anbrapgneb. Wic.percin 3erufalem.If>ixJinotberjSnameaifowaj5^W tbebaugbter of ?acbarta,anDbcDpo f wbtcb W rpgbt in t^t fpgbt of tbe lojDe acco^Opng to ail ad bpODauibbPd fatljcr. * I9e puta- * mm wapctbe bpllaulterjunb b v 2akc t\)t pmagctf ftp* anD cut bourne t\^c grouesi , anD all to tyatte tbe * bjtaftn frrpenttbat€)ofc0baD mabc; * mam $0} \jnto tbore bapesf tbc cbplb^en of Jfracl 25 opbburncfacrificetoit^becalleDit^'.fie-^ ijnftan. it>c trufteO in tbe lojDe.<25oD of 3f« raelifo tl;at after })vm was* none Ipne bim a=« mongeall tbc kjmqetf of jjuna , netjjr r were tbcre anpc foebe molt bpm,flo?be claueto tbe lo v J0e,a«ODepattcDnot from bpm .but Rcpte bpg commaunbementesf > wbicb tbc loioe commaubcD ^)ofc0. %w tbc lojbe wajSwitbbpm:fo ^bep?ofpereb tnalUbpw* geo" wbicb be toncmbanbe. 3lnb be rebelled agapnlf tbe npnge of 3ffftfa,afti) fcrueb bim not. ?oe fmote tbe ^biliftmejseuen tttttolja anbpcoaftc0tbcrof,0iir botbcaftelie(wi)crc t% tbcp Ueptc watcbesDanbftronge cptiejl. * 3tnb in tbc fourtb pearc of npnge it>e= * mm ?eWa, ( wbicb wad tbe fcucntb pearc of 190= g«* fca fonnc of eia npnge of 3fraell ) it fotf u* * neb , tbat^jalmanajarftpngof 3ffp?taca= mc Vp agapnft Samaria , 9 befegeb it. 3&n0 after tb^epcresitbep tone it eucn in tbe fpjete pcre ofl?e?eBia:tbatisitofape,f npntb ycre of l)ofea Itpnge of 3fracl. 3Bnb Samaria tx)aiE(t»onne.3[inbtbe npngeof 3ft*p?ia, Opb caryeawayc jfeael^nto 3fiffp?ia, nnbpnt tbemin^alabanb mfyabo^bptberpuer of d5o?an,aniiintbe cpticjsof tbe«;eoeiei : be= caufe tbep wolbe not betken \jnto tbc \jopce of t^t lo#e tljep? ennncbcribftpnp;eof 3(Tp?ia & come \)p agapnft all tbe fteonge cptpetf of mm^ 3uba , anb toke tbtm* 3nb !f)e?ekia ftpnge of 3uoa fent to tbe Hpngc of 3(rpjla to 3La= cbtd, faping :^r-3 baue offenbeb:Departefro ^§ me,anO mc.ano all i> tbou putted on me, tbat turn 3 beaw. Unbtbc kpnge of 31 %ta appoptitcb Ditto KjejeWa kpnge of Juba tbie l)\\ntycti talented of fpluer,^tb(ttpe talented of gold. u*« rti.n. *^nb^e?ekia gaue bim all tbe frlucrtnat mm wad fofibe in tbe boufe of tbc iojtDe.a in tbc ©treafuted of tbe bpnged boufc.attbe fame ^yceafonOpD^s^^cjcita rent of tbe boicdof * the temple of tbe ILotbc 9 tbe pillerd ( wbpcb tbe fapbe^ekia (tpngcofjuDababcoue* rcD ouer)$ gaue tb5 to tbc kpuge of 31 Wa. anbtpeBpngcof^trp^afcntirbartban anD EabfandanD EabfakC from tacbidto kpnge I^ejekia witba great tyo&e agapuft 3erulalem. 3Hnbtbep.wcnt\jp, anb came to 3crufalem, $ gat tbem \>p ,$ Kobe bp tbc co= Dupte of tbc topper pole wbicbid inpwape of tbe fullerdfelbc.3lnDwban tbcp baocal- tt . leb to tbe bpnge, tberc came out to tbem, ^aub. ^eiiakimffonneofeikia wbicb wadftu= arDc of bonQj olDe , ano &obna tbe fenbe ,* 3oabtbc fonne of 3fapb,tbe recover . 3 no mabiakefapbetontotbem : Hc\\ pc lochia 3piapepou:tbudfaptbtbegrcatkpnge ) eue tbe kpnge ofMwla: traat coftbcncc id tbtd f tbou baft (towttem fpeake focbcalpghc wozDein0eDef'25pcoacellanbpowcr3wiU rfgbcreabptonukewacre.ilDnwbotbenboett ^ tbou truft, tbat tbourebelleft agapnft mt \mrm *Dofttbouttuftetotbcftaffcof tbidbzokeu ISmii tebeCgppte.on to?|»cb pf am5 leane.tt wpll go into bid banoc , ano pcarce it . €ucn fo itf Wtaokpnge of (ggppte tonto all tljattcuft \*m-m«- onbim.* jf pefape tonto me, we truft in f be u lo.tDeoiire(5ob :3d not tbat be wbore bil» aulters(anDbitfotberaulterd,!i)eKRiabatb put Do wne, anb batb Tapbe to 3 uba 9 3er u« falem.peujaiiiDojlbpppe before tbidaulter bcrein3crufalem. iBpwctberfoK bclpuer warded torn? Wep kpnge of 3£%ia, tbat pc rebel! not, a- 3 wpll bclpuer tbz t wo tboufanbebo?fcd, pftbou be able to fett epderd topon tbe": M)v tbpnkctttboufcozneattbcpjcfcuceofoncof tbelecft^Dukcdofmpmafterdferuauntcd,? ttufteft to^gpptefo? cbarcttedanb boifmej' #>ojeoucr,am 3 come now without f bpo= binge of tbe lo^bc to tW place, to be (trope ttfm Iwbe fapde to me.go top to tbtd labe, $ and deftrope tt. %m eifakim tbc fonne of fjwwf ®obiw , $ 3o«b fapde tonto Eab- fake:fpcafte(3pisape t&ejto ejjp fcruautcdin *~fi* S>P^andlanguagc, fojwc tondecftaube 5^'it^o and tlitd cpttc (ball not be geucn oucc into pfootG oftlie kpnge of % ffpjta. i^erken not tonto l^e ?ckia,foi t bud faptb tbe kpnge of 3;u"pzia. f>2f»2>ealekpndelp witbmc , ? come out «c§ to mc.ano tbcncatccucrp man of bidawne topne,and of Indawnc fpgge tree , $ Ojpncke eucrp mS of tbc water of tndawne well.tpll 3comc,andfettpoutoadgoodalandead poured id:a lanbe of come ano wpnea lanbe ofbiicabandtopncpardcd.alanbeofople.of olpuetreed.andofboup: tbatpeinape Ipue, and not dpe . 3&nb berken not tonto i)c*eftta, fo?bebcgpIctbpou,fapinge:tbelo2dclball bclpuer tod. * i)ath cucrp one of ujc Codd *«&•«■&. oftbenacpondbcliuereb bid lanbe.out of tbe banbeof tbc kpnge of Mniaf wberc is tbe t5ob of foamatb,*of3rpbaD rand where hJ tbc C5od of Sdcpbaraaim, l^ena 5 3ua t duo tbepdelpuer Samaria out of mpncbande.f wi;at(5od(ditamongcalltbcgoDbedoftbc nacpond , tbat batb beipucrcb bid lanbe out ofmpnebanbc,&>balltbciojoeDcUucr3c* rufakm out of input bander" 23ut tbcpj' were of tbe people hcldt tbcic pcacc.ano anfwereo not Ijtm a woidc : hi £ kpnge bad comauDed.fapingctaurwcre him tmtMm Cliaftlm wbicb wadthc ftuarb of bouibolde , and £>obnab f fcribe , and 3oalj t^t fonne of 3fapb tbc rccoider.came to i-)e= jekiaco^witb tbeir clothed rent, anb tolde *^ bimtbewoidedofiaabfakc. cs:bc.rt]r.€baptcf. ffCde atigcil of i lom bpuett) an ijttowb footc tBo;c ano fpuc (Jjoofanac mm of tbc JCTpKans, & mnacb, frib in fepiicb of ljte atont f ounrsj. tiDitcamctopalTr, f when kpnge % locjckia beardc it , be rent Dps clo* tbed , and put on fackc , anb came into tbe * poufc of tbc loibc, anb "W5«-w*M TenteUakim which vuadfftuard of boul&olDc, and£>obna tbe &cribc ,& tbe elberd off p?eafted clothed in facfte , to 3fap tl)t propqete tlje fonnc of $mot . W tbcp fapde tonto bim, tbud faptb ^c jelna t*ri\Mt "^ bape id adape of titbulacpouanb of rebuke andbiafphcmp.jfo^thc cbpldien arc come totbcbpjtb , and there id no ftrcgtb to be de= Ipuercd.lDaraduenture ibe Iojdc tl)pC5od wpUbearealltbcu)otbcdofEabfake,whd the kpnge of affpiiabidmafter batb rent, to raplc on the lpupngcd5oD , and to rebuke Um with UDOJdcd, which tbe lojoc t\)y <5oo batb beardc : 3ndlpftc tbon top tbp p^apcr t® foi the remnant tbat arc lefrc.&o the fcrua* uutcd of kpnge loc ?ekia came tojfap ;7tno 3fap , . * 1 ? :l V. f 3|c?eftift titjjt?nge& I - 1 * r HI s, u 3fatc mpD tonto tbem : 5>o qjrtll pc iW to poorc mnftcr : •STbutf faptb f he lojbc : be not afravDe of P u>o?t)cs( wbic& tbou baft bearb, with wbicbtbcpoungc men of die kpngeof 3u"wia bauc raplcb on mc. Bcbolbc, 3ioilI VuthiminanothcnnpnbCjanbbcftiallbcarc tpbingctf.anbforcfurnctobptfnwuclanbc: «&..ww) * 3 no 3 will Oblige ro |)fatrutbclo2be,tbekingcSof3Gu> rtabane bcftropcbnncpSS anb their lanbeS, anb bauc fcttfpieon tbctr0obtf . #02 tbcp wereno0ob0,buttbcwo2ckcoftbcbanbc8: of man ; enen of woob ? ft one . 3nb tljep bc= . ftropcbtl)cin.#owctbcrfo2c,£>to2beoure *> 0ob ,:i bcfccbctbc fanctbon toS ont of bpg ba"bc,£aIltbckpngbomc0oftbecnrtbmape imoiDc, tJ.at tbouonclpart tbe iojbc 0ob. QMX) 3fap tbe tonne of 3mo? fent to i)c5e= feia.fapinge.fbuS faptb tbc Lo2b0ob of 3f» tael:£ wbicb tbou baft p2apcb me, coccrnpn- gc&emiacbcrib kpnge of Tbttviia , 3 banc bearbe it . W0 ig trjee fo?c tl)t ujo^Dc tDm f 0^" 1,02b bath fapbe of \)m-. &r 'Ebe toirjjin en I tbe baugoter of &>ion batbbcfppftbtbe,nnb lm^\\cti tty to rcoMic ( o P Ijpnge of 3C dp?ia ) t^t bausbtct of 3ctnfalcm Ijatblbaften ber t+tffl* ft ,1D m & • * yx^om baft tbou raplcb on, $ m$SH wbom baft tbor4 blafpbemco.'' ^sapnft t»bo &m baft tbon cyalteb tbptjopccanb Ipftcb top tbpnccpcjsfobye . enenasnpnft tbebolpof 3frael $sr 25p tbc banbe of tljp mcftengcctf -e« t ijonb'ift raplcb on tbe loibcanb fapbe :td tbemultitnbcofiiipcbarctfcsijamcometop to tbe^rtoppcjs of tbc mountapnejDi , euett «=£* nlonge bp tbc (pbciS of Hibanon , anb 3 urpll $ eat boujnc tbe bpcCcbar trccjtf anb tlje Inftie f pirc trcc0 tberof .anb 3 Will so into tbe lob= fling of W0 ncft,$ into p woob of W plaync. 3 banc biggeb^bionciic ftrannge waters, anbu'itbc fteppc ofmp gopnge will^biye all tbc water poles* tbat are bcicageb. fyaft tbon not bearbe^ljowe 3 banc o*bey= neb focba tbingca great wbplca goo,? ba= tic p?c parco it fro p begynninge^nb (ball 3 not no we bjingc it fojtb, f it mape beftrope, anb to bipnge ftrongc tyticQ into waft bea- pctf of ftoncj*r3G no p cnbabitenef of tty ftinlbe of iptle power,? fapnt bertcb , anb conf owi* beb.anb * Qwlbe ipkr the grade of tbe fclbe, mm\ oz grenc berbc, oi ao p bepe on tbe toppejJ of tbebonfcg : 02 ac^cojiief'ig ton ripe,? fmpt= i ten ri blaftingc.3 lino wc tljp b wellmgc, w contmpngc ont,anb tbp gopnge iii.v^fanu tip >3M niapo? tbp farve agapnft me . ^finb becanfe p jf ragcftagapnftmc, anb tbpncltcft tbp felfefo blciftb:tbi0ij3comctop tonto mpne eartitf,? 3 will pntmp boltc m tbp naftrcW , anbmp bptt U\ tbplpppci3,anD will b2ingc tbc baclte agapne.tbc fame wapc tbon cameft. 3nbti)i^0)albea fpgnctonto tbef £>fyc= jcbmjpe Qiall eatc tbW pcre of focb tbpngeja: asgro wc of tbem fellies , anb f&c neyt peare focb 80 come top of tbofc tbat ^n g^owe of tbeirawneacco2bc.^nbtbctbirbcpcrcfowc pe anb reape , pla"t topneparbcannb eatc tbe fr tttess tberof, 3lnb it tljat i0 efcapcb? lefte, ofpbaiigbtcrof3aba,(ballpctagapnctaue rottnge bowne warbc miti bcarc frnte top= warbc. if 02 out of JernfalcttiaU go a rem- G naitnfc, anbanombie tbat fball elcape out of mountS)ion:tbcjelcoftbcto2bcofJ)?ofte,3 (ball b^pnge tl)v# tbpnge topafle. tt)berfo2e,tbnx{raptb f io2be,cfircrningc t\^i lunge of ^(Tpitaibc ftiallnot come to tbtf cptie, 1102 mote an aro wc into it, no2comc befo2citwttbfljilbc,no2caftbancttcagapna tt:but ftjall go bacltc agapne tbe wape be ea= me,? Cballnotcbmcinto fbitf cptie fitpctb tbe lo^be.ifoOttJnibcfcnbctbi^cptie.tofaae it, f02:npiie awne (afte ,anbfo2*iDaaib tnp ferua antes fake. % nb fo it came topatfc tljat tl)t wife Tame npgbt p angell of tbc tojbc wf t out ? fmotc in m $o(te of tbe 3 u"y2ia# an bub2eb f oure fnoieanD fpuetboufanbe3nb wben j5rcm= naunt were top erlpe in tbemojnpnge: ibtp fa we, tbep were all b e eb coarueiS, * 3Bnb(o *jroM.«> ^ennacberib npnge of 3u>2iaauopbcb anb bcparteb,anb went agapne , ? bwelt at0t* iuuc.^nbitf02tnneb,f'*3bewai5inateplr W02Q;pppinge »♦ $ 'icmiti.c Ml !ff.rH)«i. c hfffki f wo2lbppppnge jlilfrocl) ty$ ob, mwm- lccb?®atefarbifl!awnc foancsf fmotc bvut witb tbe fwerbe. 3(lnbtbepefcapcb into the lanbc of Armenia, anb 3Cfarbabbon bi;3 foils iicrappebiii&itffteabe. Ctbe.jcic.ciJaptcr. St mam KiMtiw o£Bcnotiacu,fliib f«ccp;ehf.i6cD of jflw bfcauff bfOjctucb brrn tbc tmmt " 4 o P ! 5 qiibctiaiitttrcl ) hpo foimc tnpjuctij ia tjpa ffcaoe. jSouttbat ewnc*waiK hum fpchc tontop bectb.^nb tbc P20= Pbete3fap p fomic of Sltno? ca= me tobim.anb fapbe tontobpm. . ■ . A . ^ fMftpip p Ho2be;^put tbP» tie bonibolbc in an 0202c , fo2 tbou i^altc bie, anb not Iptte.^nb l)ejcbia turncb bi^facc to tbc wall,? p2apebtonto tbe Jlo2be, fapenge : 3 befecbe tbe nowc, C> Ho2be,remcb2cbowc 3 bauc walucb before tbe in trtietb anb wttb apcrfcctebcrte,nnbbanebonetbatwbtcbi0 goob in tbpfpgbt,anb ^cltia wepte fo2c. 3Cnbit fo2tuueb tbat>i.afo2e3faf> waxJ gone out into fljempbbleof tbe courte, tbc wo2beofp!o2bccametobim,fapinrrc-.tut-- ne agapne, anb tell !oc?cliia tbc captapnc of mppeoplc:pu0rapt b £ lojbc 00b of Ba= 111b m fatber.-3 bane bcrbc tbpp2aper, anb fene tbptcare0^nbbcbolbc,3 wvll bcale p, fo tbat on tbe thvm bapc tbou ftjait go top into tbe boufc of the io2be.3Cnb3 wpllabbc toiitotbpbapctfpctfpffcnepere.aitbwillbe- pucr tbc anb tW cm out of the b»(nctljccwtl)av$ ar^. mojpcanballtbat waji founbctubps trea* Hiref-tDcrc wa0 notbingc in bpS boufe, ? in nu pi^ realmctDat J)cjci$ia^ewcb tbc not. Istpngcs fo 3nb3Ktp tbep:opbcteMme tonto !»!»ngc jd I9e?clua,anb fapbe tonto bpiit . Wm fapco tltefe men.anb Irom wbece came tfjep to tbc^ 3nb loe^ehia fapbe: tbepbcconu from a far* rccountcec.cucnfromBabilon.^nbbcfav* beagapne:wbatbauctbepfcnctiitl)Pbciifci ^)e?ehiaanritiercb:autt'c thpuges that arc t'n mpbotife bauc tbcp fcnctbcrc IS notbpnge amoge mptreafurco,fbat;{ bane not (beweb tbem . anbjfapfapne tonto lochia-, bcarc tbc W02DC of tbe Lojbc; iScljolOe. tbc baped come,tbatalltbati^ in thpboufc, anbwbat focucrrbp fatbrrihanelapoc topinftozcton^ totbp3Dapc*ajalbccarpebiitto 26auvlou / *mt.LtcgQ. abb notbpnge Gialbclcft^faptb tbc Lojoc. *£*£ , 3nb of thy fonnrsf f that flMll p2cccabc outc jOSl: of tbc, anb wbtcb thou inalt begctte ) iball tbep take a wapc, anb tbcpmalbc chamb2c= lapmstn tbcpalapcc of titc king of i5abiiou. 3 no locjchta fapbe tonto 3fa p: wcllcomc be tbe wo20c of tbc io,2bc which tbou haft fuo •-- fecn: 3Cnb be fapberfoall tber not be peace anb trutljcinmpbapes.' 15T be rcmnaunt of tbc woibes tljat cou^ ccrnc itcje kia.anb all bpo power, ano bo wc be mabc a poicanb a conbiiftc , anb bjotialit water into tbe cpticarctbep not wuttciini tbc bob c of fbccb.zouiclcsof tbc lipngefi of 3uba : ' * % nb toncl; ia flcptc n> i)ts fathers;, * < f . $ m , * anb ^anaffc [)pj5 fonuc ravgneb m hpo ««»•'• ftcabC. tO-Mtlj.i.a. C^rbc.rn.Cbaptcr. CWrrtito «J.»n.itTfl) tcan:«b a?nrnc fbf 3)Do|{f» aiiDa(tfrDpftb,i«ni|)Ofcrtc.iaf ainObpafpniicfticfc-. bftt),Uibicl)J3UpUfbcf brsawnc rrnuuntcc . a:tcr lipin r.;p8iif tb faptbfull Jofia , U>bcm tuc bfc to tall 3lofia3,os.7lofMbu. ^iialTc * watf tweluc pcrc olbc, ^. ■uben he bcciinnc to rapgnc anb f i{ «,„. rapgneb fpftp j fpuc pcrc m 3cru-- miiul ' Tale : bvfi motbecs; name nlfo wad litcpb^ba.^nbhebybcncllinthc rygbtoftbcIo2bc,cuenaftcrtbcabbonima^ nacpons of tbc Dctltcti whom the * U?bc * DfU rW « b caft out before tbe chplD2cu of Tftacl. 1?o: he went anb buplt top tbcbpllaulrcrs, * wijicb * IIf , ,. f , n i-)CKkia b'ps father m brftrovcb . %\® he mlli. reatcb topaulterofo? i3aal,anb mabc 3bo'll grouch ajffbpb^bnb kpngc of Jfrael, } anb wo2uipppcbalUbc l^oftc ofbcaucn,anbffr» ucb tbem . 3nb be buplt atiltctS in tbc boufc of tbc 102be,of Which tbe JLojbc fapbe : ^ in +„ m ,,,,. . 3crufalcwpll3putmpnamc.^nbhc buplt SSSSS attltcrs fo? alltbc Jicft of bcaucn.cuc in two courted of tl)t boufc of tl* I oibc . * ',1nb * M ,-,-. B . be offcrcb bptf fonncg; in f pie , anb gauc bebe *«'• «»w*. tonto witchcraft anb foiccrp.anb mapntcneb Uli -& e ' m - * workers' with fmcfetf , anb tellers of fortu- nes: anb b2ougbtmocbc wyckcbncffc in tbc fpgbt of t be iozbc to angrc bym. ^nbbcpiitanpmagcofagrouectbathc^ bab mabc ) eticn in tbc temple, of wbicbtbc Hojbc bab Htybe to ^am ano to Salomon Disfonne,^ tntbpsf boufeanb in 3crttfalrm * w . t , f ( , „. (wbicb f: U F-* M ■ i jWanalfc tui&yngta Sofia •li i i is i * i- li h ■ i k <; ^i ft ; : i P# Kit ? l m ( voliicb H bauc cnofcn out of nil trybc0 of 3rtacDMJVU3putmv namcfo?cucr. .0e^ tDcr will 3 malic the fete of 3fraelmouc any moat* outofthc lanhc, which 3gauc they? fathcr0:fo that tbey wyll obfcrucanD Do all that 3 banc commauiiDcO them , auo accoi* D ma to all the lawc that my feruaunt &)o= fc0 commauuhcD them. T&nt the ybcrUcncD not-.anb Wauaffc lehD them out of the wave to .ho moic wycucDlyc tbcuhyD the ftetflfn people, whom the lo?D DcftropcD licfo^c the cbplo?cn of 3fracl. 3 nbtbc Lo?hcfpaUcby hi0 fcruauntcop p? ophctcjaf, fnpnigc rbccmifc &;anaffc Upnge of liioa hath hone foehcabbomiiMcio0 > auo Iiath wrought mo?c wychcDlyc tljrn all that the ;YmoJitc0v which were bcfo?cbym)DpD : 9 hath mate jnba fvuuc alto with by£ 3bo= led . 'SbcrfOK tlwtf faytb the LoiDe G'oD of ♦ jfrr.nr.n. jfatri* J5cholDc,3 wyilb?pngcfocbceucll € Won "fcrufalem anD 3uDa,that who fo ftca* rctliotNtbothln0carc0u>mtynglc.3nD3 tainar;a , auhthc plommctbof the houfc or" 3ibab.3nD3 wyll wypc out Jtm* falcni.atfainawppctliaotfuXanD when he Iiath wppcDtt , turncthit \jpfpDc Oowitc. 3nD3 wyll Icaue the remuauut of mync en* hrrttauuce.auo Dclyucr them into tbchanDc bftbcyuncmic0,anDthcyi'nnlbcrobbcDanD fpoyirh of all tl)cunDucrrtiric0:cueu becaufc rbcpbauc hone euell in my fpg!u\$ haue an* pen me , fence the tpmc tbcp? fathers* came but of egyptc tHtto tbi0 Dayc. 3uoa)anau"c£bcDD umoccut blouDe cr« ceVoyngcmochc.tyllhciTpIfmfCbrt^ernfa- If in from coiner to cozner , befyhc by0 fynnc wher wtth he mahc 3uba to fynnc, anD toDo euell m thcfycjbt of the Ho?Dc. flHbe reft of the woihetf £ conccrnc ffi* iiaric.anD ail that be oyb,anDby0 fynnc that £>hcfyimco,arctbeynotwnttcnmtbeboUcof the chtonfcf le of the Uyngc0 of 3uoa? 3nb flpinaffcflcptc witbbyo father, an* wag buryc D in W awne fconfccuf uutjegarbc of a?a:j3moht0fo"ncraygncDinhy0{tcabc. * 3£tnon wa0.rrit.yearc otticwhche be* gaimctorapgne.anhhc rayaneD two ycarc m Jerusalem. iop0motbct0namealfowa0 $t)i fit icmeth the Daughter of fyarum of 3ot -■ ba,3nh he DtD euell in the fpght of the &o?Dc ( as his father ajannffc DpD, )ano walUcD in all m wape p" W father walftei) ta$ fctueD the pholc0 p" w father ferucD.fr wo?qjyppcD ttf.ftnD he fo?fouc the Ho?Dc C5ch of hy0 fa= tWA,^ walftcD not in the wape of the JLo^Dc. 3no ti)c feruanntejBtof Simon conrpp?cD agaynft Dpm,anD flue t!)e bpng in W awne l)oufe.3£nD the people of the lanhe flue all the thatijaDconfpy?fDngaynftUynge3mon,9 the pt ople maoe 3oua hptf fonne aynge , in Jjpi&aeaDc/SlJCKft of the wo?Dei« tpat con- cerne3limon,w5atthy»getfheDyD, arc tijcp not w?ptten in the bone of the cbjonicif g of thchpngcjs of 3aba? ^nhtljeyburpcD hpm inh^fepulchK.tnthcgarhcn of 3U?a:$ 3o= fia hytf f oimc rapgncD in hptf fteahe. C^be.jcy it. Chapter. C after jmif! anDfo ( i to bpc tymbje auo fre (tone to repays the temple. Dowbctt, let no reuonyngebemaoc with the of the moncpctbatisiDclyucrcD into their hSDc.fo^ their \)fc igto Dealt faithfully. * 3uD i)ellua the Dye picftc fayD \3nt0 &a > t u. nv, phan the fcribc : $3* 3 haue foutihc the bofce Jlim( ' of thclawemththouffc of the io^Dcanh "^ l^cllu'agaiicthfbolifto^Daphan.aiiDhcifO nut. 3iiiD S>aphau the ferpbe ramc totlic Upngcanh brought him wo?Deagapnf,auD fayoc:thpfcruaunfc0hauc beftowch^ mo= nep(tljat wad founhein tf)c temple Mum DclpucrcD it\)titothcmthatDothe wojnc.s ^ that haue thcouerlyght of the hoafc of the \oibt. 3>nDa-- phan,anD3chbo? the fonne of d^ichaia,anD ^apljitn the ferpbe, anD 3'fahtua feruaunt ofttjc Bpiigc0,faycngf : * go yc anD enqup^e *3i«f# of the Jlo^Dcfo? meanhfo? the people, anD fojialQuDa.coceriipngethe wo?De0of t()y0 boftcthatW founDc. Jfojigrcati0 thcw?ath of t[)e JLo^De that i0 UeiiDleD agapnft W, be= cuafe 3(ofta caufcouee fathcrtf Ijaue not JjerltcncD wito the wojDftf of thp0bouc , to Do accojhlurre Unto all tlwt Which 16 written thcrin fo^ \S, ^o^elhiathcbycp^aftcanh^mRnm > ^chbw.anD ^aphan,auD 3fahia went \m^ tolijulDathe mouhetiu"cthewyfc of feulia the fonne of thiuua the fonne of toarham kepcrqf the warD?opc : whyclje p^ophttirjc $op Dwelt m3erufaie m theo^boufc of the ho= ctrine.anDthcycommoneD with her. %Mb ^nymimmt\)i:m.mimvt\)t\)tto^(Bo\i of 3fracl.flrcll the man that tent pou to mc : thutffayththc lo^DMiolhe, 3 wyllb^nge cue II Wpoiv thp0 placc.anD on the inhabiter* therof.(cueaiuoewo^he0of tDebohc wlncb theHpngcof3uDahati)rcD)becaufethcpha^ iicfojiukenmMiiDhaue burnt incenfe l)iito other <£oD#, toangremc withail the wo*= hc0 of thepj DanDc0 : % wjath alfo ihalbc ftyinjicDagapnftthytfplaccanDQjaUnotbe qucncljcD . mm the Itptigc of 3uoa ( which f cut youto nfdccotmccll of the 3lo?Dc, )fo foall yc fayc:thu0 fapth the Ho?Dcci>oD of 3fracl k touchyngc the wo^De0 which n bauc hearh: Becaufc thpuc hertc DyDmelt, anD becaufe thou haft bublcb thy f cifc befoic mc the ui - he, when {JhcarDcft what 3fpaUc agaynft thyj place, ano agapnft the rnhabitcrs of the fame( howc that they HjuIDc be DcftroycD auh acurfcD : ) auo halt rent tby clothes ano weptcbefo.:emc:ofthatalfohaue3hcarDc, fapth the lo^ Dc. JScholhc therfoic,! wyll ■ rrccaiictheUntotl»yfatber0,anbtbou malt be put into thpgrauc in peace ,anD thpnc cyc0 fl!alluotfeallthccufH ) which3wyllbiiurcc Upon this placc.anD thep brought the to mr wojbeagapne. * C^fae.Wii.cijaptcr. C'Jlotla Kaortb £>cuffronompc bffo« (be ucouff ©t puttctb botDncfbc colics ,nftcrbcbrt6 P to|lrt rl)Ep;ca!tca Knot, ©c ucpctb p.ifTcouer.©c tt-as HP ItD n (Sgagcooo , mi6 hpa foimc 3Kboab.u r.ir'.': nftbdi bpattcrttir. aftcrbctuastaHcn.brs foanc 3c, torthuntoaffmabcKpiiirc. »»»*ji»- m then * tl)c Upngc font , anD there gatljcreD wito ijpm all the clhcr0 of 3J!DaanDof3eruliiic.3nDtl!cUpng wcnttjpintothchoufcofthcJlo^Df.withali the men of 3uDa anD all the enhabitourcC of 3crufalcm , witbthe pzcaftc0 , anD mopl)c= te0anDnUthcpcoplcbothfmallanh gicatc. ♦wn..buu Zm hcrcDin thecarctfef thcm^allthc wo?- pctfottocboUeoffhccouenaunt, which watf founDe in the houfe of the Hojoc. 3nD the Jof.m.e.f Uyngc ftohe by a pylec * ano mahc a coucna* unt befojc the Ho«iDe,thatthcp thulhc walkc after the &ojD,anb licpc W comaunomctc 0, W wptnelTc0 ,? I)p0 ftatute0 witl) all they? hcetc,anDaUtheyj foulcauDmaUcgooD the wo?Dc0ofthefapDcappopntmentthatwerc wipttc"fn the fo?fayhe boke.31 no all the peo= Pie confe nt eD totl;eappoyntmcnt. ^ynges ifo !lplii.f. 3nD the im^c commaunheD tDclMa the hpe p^cafte , anD tlje infenoure p^caftcs anD the Uepcr0 of the o.mamentes, tohJpngc out *5 of the temple of the torbcall the Mciie0 i> Were mahe foz 26nal, fo? the 3Dole grouc0 h fo?allthei)oftcof hcaucn.3CnD tt burnt the without 3crufolem m tlje fclDc0 of CcDion, auh carpco thcafttic0of tljcmiuto 26ethel. 3nh he put Downey j5mimftcr0ofz3aal«^ whom the Upngc0 of 3uDa (jaD founheh to bucncinccnfcinthe * hyllaultcrtfanD cptic0 * tm. m -r. of 3uha , that were ronnDc aboute Icrufa- nam * lem, auh alfo them that burnt tnccnTc wito 26aal,to the fonne, to the moucto the plane- te0,anDtoalltl)e Doftcof Ijcaucn.' Zmhe brought out thegrouc from the temple of v IlotDc without 3erufalcwito the bioUcee= Dzou^nDburntitthcrcatthebioUcfcDio, onh ftamptc it to poulo^c , anD ;o • ca'ft the -r- a ouftetI)eroftyonti)egrauc0of tljcchplozcn "'" of the pcoplc.3f.nl) he bralic Do wnr the celles of the male ftuc0 that were by the houfc of p ^oiDc , where the wemen wouc hanay ngc0 top the3Dolcgroue. Tino he bzoughtall the pzca(tc0 out of the cyttc0of3uDa , auDDefyicDthc bpllaultcrs, where the p?caftc0 hah burnt incefc : cuen fro qeba 1 25ecrfeba,anD Dcftroich the aulter0 of the v5ate0 , that were in jJcnteryugc in of the gate of 3oOia the gouernoure of the cttic whichwcrc(a0amangoethin )on thelcftc hanhc of thegate of thecyttc. Bcucrtbcletrc thcpjeafte0ofthe hyllaultare0 came not \)u to theaulter of the iozoc m 3erufalem, folic onlycthcy DyD catc of y fwctebicaDc among thcyr bmnjeu. ^ ^fnh he DefplcD fc-r- * ^rophctl), which (0 -r-ft in the \jaleyc of the chylhicn of Dinuoin , bc= * a^ *• cattfc no man (nulDc offer hp0iomieoi ftytf Daughter in f pic to tf)olccb :bc put hownc i<^ the ho?fc0 that the Uyngcjj onfrae I hah *c3 gcurn to the fonne at the cutryngc in of the houfe of the tojDcupthc chabu of 0athan= mclech the chamhcrlainc winch woe ruler of fhcfuburbc&anD burnt the rharcttcs of the fonuc with fpje. tnh the aultero' that were mi the toppc of the par lourc of 3 ha ? C which y Uyngc0 of 3uha hah mahc )anh the * ant* * mt. m tct$ which a>anafTc hah mahc in f two cour m ' At tc0 of the houfc of the tojDc , DpD the Uyngc mcaUfhowncnuDranncthcnccauD call the Duft ofthcmintotncbioltcCcDJon. 3CnDthchyllaultcr0fh,itwcrcbcfo2c3c« rufalf on the ryght hanhc of the mountc Af> jictc * ( which Salomon the Uyngc of 3fracl * mm hah buylhcD fo? 3Pttaroththc iDoil of the «= ou0,nnDfo? Chamo0thclholl of the IVo- abitf , anD fo? a)Uc|jom the abhomynablc 3hollofpchilD?eof3mmonjtbofethcUiugc ^3^ DcfPlcD : anD b?aUc the pmageg , ano cut ^ A Do wnc y 3holl grouc0,nnD f plIcD they? pla= ^ cc0w;tbtbebonc0ofmen, ift)o?eouce .,> b. t B I 1 w gfofia uin$tynge& I i. * «u strga . fttojemter* tbc aultcr tljatwna at Be* ■*»••• rim , tlic by llanltrr mnbc by 3et oboam tbe fonncef ftabat ( wbicbmabe3frartrynnc) botbetbc aultcr and alfo tbc wl,to bjafce d o wnr and burnt the byll alter and ftampte £>if topowOcr,andburnt£3bolc groitc. 3tnD a#3ofia turned bym fclfe.be fpycb tbc gra= tics that were in tbc mount.aud Cent and fett the bones out of the grancsl, ano burnt tljcm \jpon tbc aultcr, to polutc tt.acco.ibyngc to p wofiR of tbc tojb that tbc man of<25oO pjo* rtul* * f8Q * ttaPWb * ujbicbtoibc tbc fame wojdetf. HUfii be faydc:Wbatgrauc ftonc itfyoii* bf r that 3 re.' 3f.nd tbc men of the cpt ic tolDc bym .ttitftbc fcpulcbjcof tbemanof <5od, wbycb came from 3uba , anD tolbe the fclfe fame tbyngctf that tbou baft bone to tbc aul* ter of i$&m&xfo be f ayd let bym be* tbat no man moucbVP boii rfi. 3>nd fobygbonctf were fancd with p boncjs of a pi o pljcte tljat came out of Samaria. 3nd all tbc bottffsf of t\^c byllaulfctfin tbc cytictf of Samaria voljiclj tbchyngctf of «* 3frarl hab mabc , to augrc ^ m mm witb allit bofc 3ofia put out of tbc wave , anb orb to tbcm according to all the actc.tf that be bab bone in Bethel. XnD Ik (acrifyccbally pjca= (tea of tbc bylaulterof'wcretbcrcucnbpon thcaulters , anb burnt inclines bonctf Wpon tljcm ,a nb re turueb to 3cru(alcm. C ainb the \\vw commannbeb all tfjc pco= * h. para. plc,(aycng: * feepe tbefcaft of paffcouer tm* 8 r cnV i a to tbc io,rticyourc(5od*ag it is wjyttcn in jDru.rji.a. tbcbortcoftbyscoucuaunt. * UTbercwas * •**«** jjo ipn dcoucr boldcn ipftc that, from y onpess •of toe iubges tbat tuDgco 3fracl , anb in all tbe bayes of the ftpnges of 3fracl anb of t&c kyngesof Jtida.jfiitbe.jrbiti.pcreof ityngc 3ofia ttJ.ijs trjijs paffouer ijolOcn to tlje Jloj= bein3cc«falcm. 3tnb tljcrto too.jltcrtftxjitb fp?cte^6f fotb= fapers.pmagcs.ydolcs, anb all tbc abbonu= nacyons that were rpycb in tljelande ofju* ba anD in 3erufaIcm,tbofeOid3ofia put out of tbe wayctopcrfourmetbe wojdcS of tbe lawe, which were wjytten in the bone, that loclhia tbc pjcaftc founbe in tbc boufc of the 3lojdc:lykc »nto him was ttjerc no hyng be* foje bym , that turncb to tbc lojdc with all l)ps l)mc , wttb all W foulc 3 all byjs mpgljt accoidpnge to all tr)c lawe of &?ofcS, nether- after bym arofc tberc any focbe as be. jf 0otwitbftanbingetbc io^bc turncb not frotbffcarceucfleofbySgreatw ( mtb(wbcr° with be wasangricagapnfl; 3uba ) becaufe ofall tbe pjouocacifijj that ^)anafte bab p?o« uokcbbpm witbali. %nn tbe torn faybe: «&"** * 3 wpil put3ubaalfo , out of my fygbt.a* mmA 3 \)mc boneawape3fraeI,anb wyll caft of tbpacptte 3erufalem wbicb3baue c&ofcn, anb tbeboufeof wbpcl)e3foybe:mp name tyalbe tb etc. -STljc reft of tty wojbcs tbatconcerne 30- fia anb all tbat be byb,arc tbcp not uuptten in tbc bolteof tbeCD^onycleidoftDebpugc^ of 3»ba t m *3»bytfbapctfjOljarao(^iiiccboUyng *«.»«. of egypte xnlt \)pagaynft tbc ftynge of %f* bu ' fy 3eboaba? tbc ^ f onnc of 3o«a,a«o anoyntcb opm,aub mabe j)pm bvnge in lw& fatbersi fteabc. 3cboaba?wa$.mii.yerc olbewlicn be beganne to raygnc, anb raygncb tb?c monc« t))t& in 3crufalcm. lw$ motberio! name alfo wagloainielybaugbtcrof 3crcmiaof lib- iia.a&nb bebyb cuell intbefygbt of f torn, G acco,ibiitffc to all tbyngctf as W fatDcrs; bab bonc.3Bnb iSbarrtoBecboput Ijymin bon- besiat mtWa in tDclanDcof l9amatb,that he n)ulocnotraygnciu3crufalcm ) anb put the laiibetoatrybutcof anbunbiieb taleutejf of fylucr anb a talent of jjolbe. ^nblDbarao iaccbomabe from amongc tlje fbvUm> out of m &)oabitcfli , anb from tbe cbplbjcn of Jfimmon-.anb rent tbem ngapnft iuba, to belrrope it , acco?bynge to tbc fayinge of m IjMU , xx>m be Inabe bp m feruanntejS t\)z p^o pijctcief. £>m\p,ntm bpbdpnge of tbe SAM Jjappeneb it f to 3uba , to piit t|jcm out of m frsDt , f o,t tjje fyinc* of ^anaffc , acco^bynge lotia liehucljab I Si 1 in'. i. a *'6rtW ncco^bpnge toall tbat lie ttv^-. and foj tbe U\- nocei!thloudctl)atbc(bcd,andfplIeb3cru= falcmwttb tnnocentbloube:nndtbe lo?oe wolbenotbcreconcpleb. 56 'Cbereft of tlje wo^dcief tbat concernc 3c= |joa{um,falltbatbcbpb,aretbepnottx)?it. ten in tbe boue of tlje cbjonpclcsf of tbc hyn= m of SmeMifo fo 3cboafiim flcpte xfi bVJS MM-**, tatbertf .- anb * 3f boacbin typti fonue ray= ifK.w"f unco in byiEifteade.ainb tbe bynge of Cgipt camcnomo^coutofbi)Jlanbc:fo?tbehynge of 26abylo bad taftcn fro t(jetyucr of egipt \)ntotbcryuerof€upbiiateiS,all^pertay= neb to tlje byuge of egiptc . 3cboac[)in wajs jfbiij.ycre olbe, $ raygneb in 3crufalem tb^e moncfbctf.ipitfmofbfrtfnamcalfowa* Mt= bufta,ybaua!)fcrofematb5of3f«>fnicm. 3!nb l)c byt) y wljicb wag curllin tlje fight of the HojOc, according to all atfbytf father bad doue.*3n that tyme fame tbe fcruaunteg of #abucbadnc?arKyngof:£auil6bpogam(t 3crufalc y 9 t\)e cityc wa0 bclcged3no &te bucbadncjartbcbmgof26abylocamcaga= r pnft the ci tpe :? hi^ fcruauntcs nvn befegc it. h *3iiD3cboacbin£liyngof 3udacame out totbebyngeof L«abylo, be anb bvs* mother, l)V$ fcruauntc0,bP0Ioibe0, anbbptfcbaucr= Iapne0.3nbtbcbyngof26abnontohcbim, in tbe cyght ycrc of bytf raypc^ iiiiiKf tr c *^ n0 tJecarpcb out t&ence all tpe trcafu- £5bi rcjoiof m Doufe of tbc Jlojbc, 1 thctreafure of the byiigegboufcanb tyaltc all tbcbeffcf,0 of golbc , which Salomon byngc of 3fracl bad made in the temple of the Ho?be,aj$ the lojDclMD rayDe. ^ndhcrarycdawaycail 3crufiilc,andall the lo,2be0,anball the (frog jncuofwarrf,cucn.i:.^).mfocaptiu(tc:aub allcraftC]0imcna«Jdhcpcritf,noncrcmaymug fane the pooje commen people of the landc. t> 3Cnd be carped a wapc lehoachm to 7Sa* vSmul dPlon,and fbclipngcs'mo~tbcr, anb t\)ckyn= 1 m fici«wyucitf,bWchambcriayns(,anbthe*that were myflbty in tlje lanbe:tborccaryebbca' wayc into captiuytc fro 3crufaie" to i5abi!o. ^nballtbeactiucmcofwarre,euen.\)tj.a} anb craftefmen , andponcriei.a). tUf were ftrongc and aptc fo^ warrc,dyd the hinge of w l J blb ^biioub^yngtoBabiloncaptyuc. *3nb mmw.* tijebyuge of Babylon made ^atbanta bysi fatljcrjs pother, bpnge in ty$ fte ade, $ cliau^ gcbljyslnamctojcbebia. *3!fw.w.a. * jfDcbia wasi!.jc]C|.ycre olbe wljcnbe bc= gannc to raygnc, and be raygncb eleue yere in3crufalcm. lijysfmotberg name alfo wajS fyamital tbebaujbteeof 3crcmta of libna. 3nb be bpd cuell in the fpgbt of tbc tozb.ac^ cmbpngcto allas(3cboacbin bad done, flo? the wiatb of tbe lo^be watf moucb agapnft 3ccttfalcmanD3"ba, \jntpllhc caft m out of bv$ lygljt . MH jedebia rcbcllcb ngaynft tfjehpngeofjigabyloii. 5fo.lt]iiti f^ CEbe.M.Cbapter. CTjficrufalfi is btfegcQ of Babtic^cDonRut.otljct'. topl'r fallto.Bcbuchaonnft.ano It anb tbt f nnplc ate botbr butnt . £l)c fonncsof jtueftu arc finrnr btfoje Ijpe cpt t , anb afttt arc b.ps atone epes pu« out.juba (3 b;ougbt to Sabplon.ano after tv jit: i)oaci)U\ craitcb. i!5bitfo?riincb,*fl;ntintbfnyntb ytrc of \>w raygnc , the tenth dape of tbetentb monetb: Bcbnchadne- 2 1 £f? M ?ar«yngcof28abtloneamc,bcand ' allhiJ(hooftagaynft3erufalcm:andpitfhcd agaynftit, andmadcengyncEiagaynftit 011 eucrp fpde. Z nd the citye wag hefegeb \jnto the cleuentb yere of uinge jedebia. * 2nd the # vt.M.*, nynrbdaycfx^of tljemonetl) , there was fo Wb f- A greatc hoiijjrc in the cltyctbat there wag no u>} ^^b^ccbroi the people of the landc. 3nd thecitye was bJolie bp : and all the men of armeg ftedd bp nyght, by a wayc tho-- rowc a gate which \% betwene two wallet, bp the Hynge0 garben : tl)e Cbaldce0 lyinge about the citye. 3Cndtbc byngc wentthewaye towarde tlje plaync . 2Bnd the foudycrg of p Chaldccs & f olo wed after the nyngcand tobc him in the nlayne of 3cricbo, anb all bpsarmyewcrc ftatcrcb awaye from bym,--*(a.iDieftchpm.; „. $>o they tobc the byngc , and brought \tvm to flebuchadiiejar the bynge of Babylon to Eibla , where c boufc of the JLo^d.andthefockcttcsj.nudtbc * fe '«* biafenlauato.iy that wagin t\)c boufc of tbc ?S$ io.ibedydthcCbaldccslbjcabc, anb caryeb all the b^aftc of tbcm to Babylon. 3nb the pottffli,ujouellciE{,biicu"pngcbupucfl!,fponee(, anball tbc befTclsl of b^affctbat they miny* ftreb in.tobc t[jey a wape.^ud the fycr pan- ned and bafeniei.anb CocI) thingetfatf were of golden of MucMbe' tobc tbccbcfc captaync awnyc;encntwopylletMnclauato?y,anb IR the s H Si r 3feoa f "4 i :- i hH It El :/ tbc foKf tteul Wpfcb Salomon bab moor foi the boiifc of tbe lojo. 'Cpc binlfc of nil tpcfc •bcflcllcjs waff wttbout waigpt.^bc bcpgtb oftpconcpplIcrwa«.tViiMubptctf,anbtpc hf co tptro watf bjaffc, anb tbje cubpteff ope anb Upon tl)f beeb wnff tljcre a wjetpc" woj- keanbpomcgranatctfrounbcaboutcallof ujalTc . 3>it> of tbe fame f alTpoii waff f be fe« eonbe ppllcr, wit& a wictbeu wo;(tc. (i? 3nb tbc cbrfc captapneof p ma of wan* w t oke 3>araia t|»c epefe pjeftc,anb ttpponiajj tbe bpeftpjeacfaueone, anbtpetfee Rcpcrtf of tbc b ol v f bpngeff . 3»o out of t be citrr be to&e a cpnmbcrlayne, tbat bab tfjc oiirrfigljt of tpe men of warrcanb.Umenof tltf tbat were tner in p bpnscjet mefrnce, Wpicb were founbe in tbc tptic: anb trim t bat tonsfftrpbc to tpe captapnc oftftc booff, wptcp bjougbt put tbc people of tpe la*bc to warre, anb efoe fRojcnicnoftbcpcopleoffpelanbe.pwett. fonnbetn tbc citpc. 3nb£eburarabantbe cpefc captapnc of tbe me" of warre toRctpefe, anDb,*ougbttpcmrotpeRpngeof26abylon to Etbla.anb tbeupngeof Babplon fmote tpcm.anbfluetpcm at iaiblafn tpe panbe of goutft . 3nb fo 3[uba waffcarpebawnpc outoftpcpilanbe. : it fyowcbeit, tberercmnpncb people (ntfie lanbc of Juba , wpom jSebucpnbncjnr Rpmj of 25abplon leftc ,? mabe © ebalia tj)e fount of abfltam tbt fonnc of $aofym ruler oner tbc. 3m all tbc captapnc* ot tpe foulbperff. anb otbet men bearbcp tbe bpnge of zgabi* Ion bab mabe v2>cbaliagoucrncr:nnb t^ere came to<5ebaIta to *»)ajppab:3foiael tbe fonnc of Bctpania , 3obannan tbe fonnc of 3*arca,$araia tpe fonnc of tMiim #ctopbaWc,anb 3a?aa««* tpe fonnc of ittaacpati.s tbep? mcn.3tnb<£cbalia fware totpemanbto tpe m* wpom tpeppabwitjj fpcm.anb fapbc witotpe" :fcare not pe becau* fe peace tpe fcruaunteff of tpe calbceff, bwcll intpelanbe^nbfeructpeRingeofzBalnlon, anb pcujalbc well. <3 26nt it cpaunccb intpefcucntpmonetb, tpat3fmael tpefonneof Betpamatpe fon= ncof eiifama, of tpe bpngeff bloube,came, anb ten men witp bpm, anb (mote (ftebalta, rpatpe bpeb :anbfobpbpc tbc 3ewcffanbp CpalbcefftpatwetewitpppmntaKjpa. 3nb all tlje people , botbe (mall anb create, anb tbt captapneff of warte ar ofc, anb came toegiptcjfojttbepujercaftapboft&cctml' bccff.jHtotwttbttanbpngpftintpcfcuennnb tbP^tpepcre after 3cpoact)w bpngeof 3u- ba waffcarpeb awapetbe feucnanb twen= tpe bapc of t|)c twcluctb monetb , <£uttme- robacbupnge of 25abplS,tpe famepeare f pe &^ bcjnlnctorapgne,bp& &^lpfte»ptpcpcabe of jcboacbiu npngc of juba out of tbe pjtc* fon, anb fpaBeupnbclpfoppm , anbfetppff feate about tpe fcate of tfy upnacsl Wt Cl)*ottptM Satob were witbftpm in flSabplou : anbdjawnatb bpsfp^ronflarmentctf.^nb be W tucr rate b^ecb before ftpiti , all tbe bapesJ of jjpsl ipfe , ^P0 pompon wnsJ a con tpnuall po;* cpon tbat m\$ alTigueb l)pm of tie Kpns,eucry bape a certapnt, aieilonseajsKiJtlpiicb, IC5Dfit tube of tbe fouttbbOHf oftlieRpnge^ CClje fp?ft bofee of tDc e&jtonp cejof, calleb in latin, totr* babiecum : ozafter ttow&M, J&arnUpomcnon.-ujbicu tbt l^cb?uesicnU5)ib?e^aia= mim.anbreRcnbotf) tjjebookessbut fo; one. CfcUcfpjftC&apfcr. C 8 Mtt t trtttfau of nil (fe t gcntalow t of Sttam. anb f o fom bnto tlje fonnw of «rau anb aatob. IHDam^i&ct^CnoiEi.ftaia, * 4J)aljalebel,3areb>l9cnocl) , * mt,u a)et|)iirala|), lametj, ^o^ aD,S>cm,l9am ) 53apl)ett ^'EDefomicjlof 3ap|)f^, mmtl 3auan , anb Wnbai , ^)e« ftcfi , anb Ww . % be fonnetf of Corner, 36fcbcnaj, Dipbatbanb'Qrbosarnia. 3Cnb tbefonnegof 3auan , mm , anD'Ctjatttfa, CitunonbxDooanim. 'S&e fonnrtf of 1mm , CbusJ , anb 4i)i?' raim.pljucanb cbanaam. %ty fonmss of CM , MMiffi ^auila, ela^, anb S>clab begatebcr . M Dnto€ber were bo^ne two fdne0:tl)enamt of tDc one waji^elefl, becaufc tDat in Dpi* bapttf tbe lanoe watf beupbeb.3tnb ftps* b?o» tbc rxJ name waa 3olitan. 3ofttan begat %h mobab.nnb &alcpb, Ipajcrmanet b anu 3c 9 rab, !9abo?am alio anb l\W , anb feihla, €bal anb atbinutcl, anb^eba, anb €>pl)tr, Jttba $auilaanb3ob«b. 3U L«nr rt.b. 3B" tW* were ? fl>!»W of 30Utan. *M, r"* 3rpDacfab,^cla!),eber ) ^elcg,mcbu,&c- tug , 0al)o^ , Z\\m\) , 36b?am otDcr wpfe calleb 36b^abam . ^Ije tonne* of 3b?a - Itfrnflt* jwm,3(ao*c anb 3Hnael . 3nb tljefc are tljep? gcncracponjJ: * tljeclbcft fonnc of 3f= mael watf^abaiotl) , tjjen jftebar , aibbcci, anb^ibfam.aMfma.anbSDumab.^alba . loaoab , anb 'C^ema , 3etnr , iaapbi0, anb C Rebma.'&befcarettjefonciSoOfmael. %\)t cbplb^cn of feetura3lli^abam0 concubpne- (be bare ?miram, 3oR(an, ^cban.&Jibian, 3ifboft,ano ^ua[).'Cbcct)plb?en of 3onfan: £>eba,anb DeDa n .^-ctie m^™ of acbamami* e» r'2Cbccbplb i lCnof Q)U :«fot.nb.«. bian, (£pba , »€p()ar , tyenocb , 3bibn anb eibaa.^3tUt|)efearecl)pib?cnofftetura. 3B nJi f o MwW begat Sra&acC&e ffincid of3fabac,efauonb3fracl. 'Ctjefonnegof \itm&* €fa« : * eiipba^lRebuel, 3el)ti!« ) 3aelam, anbfeo^ab.13:becbplb?en of eiipba? : -Cbe^ ma", flDmecjepbi.^^atbil.ftenajJ, no,; 3maleft. HCbe cDiimen of i&cljuri: jaa-- *^mM.bbatb,|crab,ft)amma,anba)i?a.^^:befon* neiaiof^eiriiotau.^obal^ibcS.anbaina, Dtfon,€?er,anb jDifaw.^ftt cDplb^of lo* tan:^oii,anb Ionian : 9 fbimna wagi 10=- tan* frfttt . «Ene cl)plb?cn of $obal:$lfan, ftonmM&btljbtWMii Onam . f!» f onnejBli of ?ibeon 1 3 taj ?fina .ainb tUefon- nej2ior3na:Diron .^Dc fonejiof i3)iTon:l9a» ran,efban,3itftjan,anbci)fran.'5;fttftii a nejJofe|er.'i3ilbau,?aeuau,anb?a!ja.ia:be Ibnnetf of Difan:ti?,anb3ran. 1 «» n- rh< . *, " f ^WJ a I f ,,JE h P n 3e!0! t^t rapgncb in immut tty lanbcof o loabab bpeb , anb Manila of a)afrcba rapgnebint)p0fteabc . ainb fijamlabpcb, anb ^>aul of lRcj)obota bv tbc rpuer fpbe, rapgncb in optfftcaot3nb u»baS>anl ma mn , HBaalbanantlje fonnc of 3Gcbbo?rap= gncbin opitf fteabc . 3nb25aaUjanan bw, anb mm tapgncbin W fteabe, 9 tbc name of opg cifpe toajs $abi , anb bv$ wpuc^nn^ mtt»atfa)e|jetabeel tpe baugbtet of ^)a= treb fte baugbtcr of «;erabab. fcabab bicb alfa»anb tbtrc werebufeesiin &&S&L ^Wwn« , mheMab , anb 5«»e 3trbctb , Dttne apFoIibama , fenhc £!«*> Dune $iitott , »Duftc ftenai, Duhe %wmm, a>ulie^ib?ac, ©«Ue#)agbiel, Clj?ottpcles; 5fo,lmM anb feube 3ram * ^Ijefe are t|je mW of Cbom. CfcM.e&apta € I5f Bcnraiogir of .Huba birto ,Hfa«be fwCbfcofOaurt. l^cfe arc tbe fennel of 3fracll: % IRubcn, Simeon, leut,3uba, 3facbar, anb jabnlon, ©an, 3ofep&,26cniamfo, BtpljtaU, 1 C5ab , anb 3B(Tcr. * %bt fonnesf *wfbw a of3uba.(£r, Onan,anb^>ela. 'Cbcfc tw tocrc boinc^ntobpmof jlSatb, feua tbc Cananptctfe. %nb et tbcclbeft fonnc of 3ubawa*cucllm tbc fpgbtof tbe iorbe , anb be flue bVm . Znb * tiTijamac * ajatb.M. W* bauffbtcr in iatoc bare bpm fdusteii anb jara.anb fo all tlje fonnexf of 3uba were fpuc. * Wonncg of Wm&wm anb Da= + ttu( „ m „ inul. ^befonncsof 5aralj:?imri,Ctban, *"■*•*■ fteman , ClwlcDol , anb ©ara : wbicb were fpuc mall. troubleb3fracl,tranfgre(rvngcintl)ctbmg, tbat wass bamneb . Zl)t fonnc? of etban: 3?aria . t:be fonnesalft of fetjton| were bo?nc witobftttfcrpamtfl, Eamanb€ljc= lubat. * 3!nb Hambcgatatminababranb *m*tu* 3nmmbab begot^at)fona lo«ib of tlje cDil« © b^cn of 3uba . 2fnb Babfon begat $>alma: anb s>alma begat 25oa? : 25oa? begat £u bcb.anb ©bebbegat 3fai: * 3nb3raibc ; m a . nLb gat tottlM fonnc enab : anb aimnabab * UI **»* tDcfcconDcanb^imaatbctbp^bc^atba- trot] t[jc fonrtb,anb nmm tbc J'pfte , tent tpe R»m,«nD 3)auio tpe feuenti). ts^bofe fpr ftrttf were jetwaano Abigail. fOktiam of «ruia: 3bifet,3oab,» 3t?anfl,tl)?c . anb Abigail bare 3ma?a : * tbefatberof wbicb *«.re. r b«. c 3ma?a wa?3ctl)cr nn3rmaclttc. 3 nb Caleb tbc fonnc of tycoon begat C afiiba, of bptfwpfc 3tfuba, anbjcnbotb, wbofe ionncjs arc tbcfe : 3efcr, <&obab, anb f rbon . Mb wDcn 3fuba was bceb, Caleb tour e-pbjata, wljicb bare bpm i>tit. * 3no * i?F.mff.a |aurbcffatmri,anoaribeffat26c«lcfl. 36 ftcrwaro came Dtjton to tbc bangpter of«)acl)trtl)cfatDcrof(!5Ueab,anbtoBcher wljcn ije wast tine fho^c pcare olbc . % nb ujc bare bpm peaub: anb #>cgub begat 3air, tooidj bab t&jc anb twimtpc citpeff m tbc lanbc of mm . 3111b De ouercame ^efltir anof ram , tpe towncjs of 3airfrom tbem wptcb bwcll in tpcm : anb l&cnatp anb tbc towne0tbcrof:eucn tpje ruo.ic townctf . 3U tbcfe were tbe fonnttfof a)acpirtpe fa- twr of mim, . 3inb after tbat l^cjroji wa0 beeo atcaiebi^p^ata , mi* CfrStf Wife, bare! bim *3 four tbc fat bet of Cocftoa. *«««•*. 311© tpe fomic0 of 3c rpamccl tpe elbeft 3[) fonnc of J9e?ron were: man tbc elbeft, Bu= U ii na, »1 1 ■ 3«&a Mi 1 \. ••»: '■(-' iw, dD?m, £>jett , anb^bia.ainb 3f rljmc cl liiio pet anotlw wpfe iimnrD Starawjjicb wa* tbe mother of ©nam . 3nb tbe fonne* of i&am tbe elbeft fonne of 3crbamcei were: $i)aa?,3amin,nnbeftar. UDc fonnctfof &mm wcre:&>amaf,an& 3aba. Kbc fonne* of £>ammai: j^iiftab ami 3Wfitr.3itofbewpfeof3Wttieba*calleD 3bibM!,ajibairbarcbpmaiibannnb«:>o* lib. 'Ebc fonne* of #abab;&clcbanb3p* pamt.3nng>clcbbpcbwitboHfcbplbiett. e "STbc fonne of 3ppnfm:3cref .3notbcfon= nt of 3cfei .- ^efati . 3nfttbefonne* of &e= ranablai. 3notnefonnc0of 3nbatbcb*o= tj)crof&amat:3ctbcranb3onatbam.ainb 3ctDcrb prb without cbplbtc n. <£bc fonne* of3onnrbam:pclctbnnb jaja.'fcbefc were tl)c fonnrse of Jcr&ainecl.j&cfiiii iwo no fon* ncfi : but baugbrcr*. 3nb$efanbaDa fcr- itamrt that wa* an egipciau names 3arba: to wbom be gauc bt* batigbtc r to wpfe:onb (be bare bpm^tbai. 3nb3itbai begat fca= tban.3nDj3afbanbcgat*abaD.3ttotaba& begat 3pbta!.3nD ftpnial begat iDbeb. £>= beb begat 3ciw. 3nb3ebu begat a^arta. a ?nria begat 3taIc^3noi)aic? begat <£la- fa.-eiafa begat jbtitoMttm Stfamaibe* gat Galium .- s>aUani begat jeeamia : 3c= camia begat eitfamaft. ■>* 'STbefoimc* of Caleb tbe btotber of 3«« mm ' tUefa Op* elbeft fonne , wbttU wa* * i.rf.rr.ii.D tiic ratber of * ?tph . $sfi the tonne* of «)a» tela tbe fatber of ijKbjo. 'Ebe fonne* of l)c= mon.cptab,? 'fcapuab.Bcftcm $ &ama. amua begot maijam tbe fatber of 3etfioa*. Z -lib ftthem begat $>ammai.'Ebc fonne of aamtnai wa* $)aon . 3ito $)aott wa* tbe fatber of ascitic. 3«b epba a concubine of Calebs? bare ftarait,aito ^o(a,aito <5a#Mi>aean begat Cam, "£ be fonne* of 3abbai were :1&cgc\ 3otban 0cfa»,pcHet , epba.anb £>aap&. •2nb a)aacba wa* Calebs coneubpne , of ~ wbpm be begat £>emcr anb WrbanaanD * m bare alfo $aapb fl)c fatbci: of &)abmfa M*m&tMtte fatberof tt)acbbena atto *3!oru.tb.b JbcfatBcr ofGibea , * 3nb3!cbfawa*Ca-- yum.c Ifbsfbaupjec?. ^Tijcfc were tbe fonc* of Ca = leb? fonne of. four tbe elbeft fonne of 6pb* rata :&obalibc fatber of ftiriat&3caruii, galma m fatberof 26ctblebf , anb foarrpb tbe fatber of aScfboabcr, m & baltbc faflw £H«rfatb3ca«tn bab (bnneMito Ije mmtjam of t becoiit rev of tbe million*. %te apnbjcbc* of ftfriatb 3carim are tbefe : mimm , tbe foap&tbtte* , f I c 3aattumatbitc*,anb tDc MMe^ ! 28ito 5 t i%S c ?i n,c ^ e ?«> wf Wft0 $ tbe eaiiaui^ tefl Mmommwf filo^of tbeDoufe * nonfat tbe?araite^. tbe Wnb^ben of tDc CtoonycJea Batttb y vttftwt bwelt at 3Abc0;tbc "5Cfeatbftctf,tbc ^inicatbitc0,tbf ^>ucbatbitc0,*t»bicbarc * w. tbeftcnitc^tbatwmcoflaematbtbffiitljce ' oftbeboufeofmccbab. CSbe.iti.Cljaptcr. ilT He iBf ntalogfcof Dauift in J&fbJOll, flnnniJicrurninn. Ipefc t»erc tbe foiu»e0 of iDatttD ' wbicbtDcrc bo^nc^nto bymfii Debjon* tbe elbcft,2Cmmon of *«,&&, Wnoam t!jc3fraelitcffe . 'STbc feconbe Daniel of Abigail tbe CarmcUtcffc. ^bctbp^bc^lb^ fiilo t^t fonne of $)aacba baugbtcr of ^cbal> mat hinge of (5efur.^T!)f fonrab 3Sbonia tbe fonne oni)aggitb.^:bc fpft gdcpbatia of %- UtblMfyt ivXtt 3ctb*ca* bp egla bV0 vovfCi 'fcbefc.toi.twrc .bo^ne Vnto bim in € b?on»f tbereberavgncb.\jtt.|'earc^fpyemonetbe0. 3nbin3crufalem bctnpgneb.miij.vearc. n *3 tto tbefe were borne tonto bpm in 3c= * im* rufalcm:^tmcfa,$>obab,iSatban 9 Salo- mon .tiij. of iSatbfiia tbe baugbtct of %m= miel , 3bbaealf05€Ufama, ©lipaict, jHo- ga,Bcpbcg»» 3apbia, (glifatna, eiiaba,rtb €Upbclet:nvncmnombcr.irbcfcarcalltbc fonncis of 5)auib, bcfpbe tlit fonncjer of tbe co^ cubpnrMtto'EbamartDatftbttfyftcv. Salomons fonne t»a01iiel)oboii, toljofe Tonne wag^bta.anb 2t(atuatf hytf fonne, anb 3cbofapbat biiS fonncirobofe fonne wag c 3oian.anbnp0fonnctt)a0aba^ia:anb3o- 00 was bp0 fonne . Mmmin bP* fonne, %&-■ riab bP0 fonne , anb Jmm m fonne . S* ba? U)a0 bp0 fonne, tyc5clual)y0 fonne , anb itf anaflc bp0 fonne ; anb 3lmon mutytl foime , anb 3ofia \»a0 br0 fonne . 3tnb tbe fonne»iof 3ofiab were s ^clbcft fonne 3oba ■■• nan ) tbcfcconbe3eboalum, tbe tljpzbcjcbc- bia, anb t\)t four tb Vallum . ^be fonne0 of 3cboakim were, 3cconiab W fonncanb ?c= bcbiabbP0fonne. %\)t fonne of 3eeonfo : 3ffir, anb ^)Clje= altbiel bpjf fonne. ^)alcl)iramalfo anb pbe* _ bate, ^cnajer, 3ecamta, %ofama anb ^e= » babta . ^bc fonnetf of IDcbaia were : ?uro= babel anb S)imebi . 'Ebe fonnetf of ?uro = babel , ^efulam, Manama, anb 3>clunutb tbeirfpftcr,anbl2arubab,i©bcl,26crecbia, l9afabia,anb 3nfabbcfeb,fpue in nomb?e. ^Ijci fonne0 of Manama : gelatin , anb 3efiua, wbofe fonne wa0 mepfeab.anb W fonne $rnan , anb l)va fonne wn0 iDbabia, anb bp0 fonuc0 &ecbanf a . ^:be fonnefte- cbantab wa0$5cma(al) . 3nb tbe fonnc0of ^Dcmaiawerci)atu0,3gcal,25ariab,jaan^ riab anb £>apbnr, anb gjcfa, fpjee . 3tnD tl;c fonne* of ^aariab were CUoenai , te^ ?ia, anb Solemn , tb« . 3Cnb t\ft fonne of €liocunt were fyobatab, eiiaftb , ®tyM*> ^iinb,3oijanam,S)calatn,?3iiani,feuen. C$bc Sub C€be.i»|C!japfcr. C|)?onptle0 3fo.l^b ♦gf.flTbfO 3 aiio.vlbi-li |[Kl)C BCiwaioBi'c of tTje ronoee of 3luoa onDdi'tncon. lac fonetfof 3uba:* ^barej,^= ron,Cncmi,ii)utanbS>obnl.3|!nb fflenfa tbe fonne of 6obnl begat 3abatb. 3nb Jabatb begat "4m mat anb Labafcaito tbefe are tbe binrebc0 of tbe ?o;eatbttc0.3fi nb of tljcf e came tbe fatber of etbam, 3e?«wl, 3tfmaaiib3tbba0,anb tbe name of tbcptbntel anb ^ara(a.$nb tl;c fflnejs ofiiDtbmclwerel?atl)atb. 3nb ^)eonotbt begat £>pb;an.^nb St- rata begat 3oab tl)t fatber of the \ialrpe of craftcomen ( fo callcb ) becanfe tbcp were crafte0men. 3nbtbcfonnc0 of Caleb tbe fonne of 3cpbune were ; Jm&to anb Baa. ^ubtbclonncof (eiawa0ftcna0.3Bnbtbc fonnc0of 3cbaielel were ?tpb> anb ?ipbab, Wefaanb ^favcl. Tint tbe fonnc0 of €?ra: were : 3etl)cr , anb ft}crcb , €pbcr , 3alon, ^babar, anb Miriam , anb lamina i , anb 3tfbab tbe fatber of cttbemoa . 3nb bP0 wpfe 3cb«bia bare 3ercb tbe fatber of d5c= boi,aito lacber tljc fatber of S>ocbo,anb 3e ; rutbiel tbe fatber of ?anoab. 3Mto tbefe are tbe fonne* of Sitbiab tbe battgbtcr of pba* rao , wbpcb 4l)crcD tobe . %\)t fonne* of tbe 5) wpfe of ir)obi« fb? fpftcr ofiaaban tbe fa= tberofi!icilabwcrc:26arnu,anb(£ftbemca. m aacbaf bite . *®bc fount* of $>pmon wcrc:3B mmon.ano lRimna,25eubanan anb ^bilon . aiito t\)t fonne* of 3t(fi were :?o» bttb»anbBcnwbetb. tomm ^<5tbe fonne* of ^elab t^t fonne of 3»= bawere:€r tbe fatberof Jtecba , anb laa* batije fatber otMjwfn > anotbe ftpnrebe* of the bonlbolbe* of tbem tbat w?ougf;t lin- nen in tbe boufe of 3fbea. 2Bnb3oftimaito m men of Cbojebab, anb3oa0,anb §>a= rapb , wbpcb bab tU Umwyan in mm, anb 3afuW tehtm. Ubcfc alfo are wo^be* of olbe.^bcfe were potter0,anb b welt tberc amongetrec0?bcbgc0,npebnto tbe bpnge: becaufcofbp*wo?be. 'Cbe fonne* of Simeon were : Lemuel, e 3amtn,3atib, jerabaito^ant; wbofe fon* ne wa* Vallum : anb tbe fonne of bpm was «)ibfani , anb ^ fonne wa0«)ifma.3£ito m fonne of fmcbtbabfprtcncfonnc0* fpfebaugbter*. 23utbP0b?etbKnbab note manpccbplbjcn, neptber wa* all tbe ton* rcbof tbcmlphe to tbe cbplbzenot 3ubam mnltptiibe . %no tbcp bweltat23cerfeba, ^olaba, anb at laajar filial, atZoilba, at £K»n,anDnt ISTbolab atioetbuel, at ino*-- ma,anbat jiftlag, atiSetbmarcabotb, m= W £>itmn, at 25ct bbirci, anb at ^>aaraim. ^Tbcfc were tbe yz titvtsi »nto tbe rapgne of SauiO . Zno rbepj topllagc* were: etau, anbSm.Utmmon.'grocticnnnbSfnn.fpue townc* : anb all tbcpz\jpilagc0tbat were roiiitoeabontc tbe fame cptpc0Unto Baal, -tf Qtyss 10 tbe babitacpon of tbem , anb tlicpz J genealogtc. 4i)ofobabanb 3amlecb, anb 3ofa f fon« neof ^mafia .• anb 3oclanb3ebu tbe fonne of jofibia,tbc fonne of^araia, tbe fount of 3flcl:aito(EU'ocnai,anb3aaftoba,3fobaia anb 3lfatab,3Mel, 3f»"telanb 25enaia.aQ fm tin fonne of $)cbibbi , tbe fonne of 311= Ion, tbe fonne of 3eoata, tbe fonne of «tmt tbe foime of^emaia. "STbcfc arc famohfe ca -- ptapne* in tbeir ftpnrebe*, fctting x»p great- Iptbcboufc of tbcpz fatber*. 3 no tbep went to the cut rpug in of Ge= boi.cucnwit the caff fpbe of tbe oalepe, to fcftc paljurc fot tber ujepe .ICnb tbcp founbe & fatt paftnre anb goob, atto a wpbclanbe, qupct anb frtitefull : fo.t t\)tv of faam bab bwclttberbcfote.^nbtbcfcuowafoicw2it- tenbpname, cantein tljc bayc0of i?c?cbia hpngc of 3uba,anb fmotc tbe tf re* of mm, anb tljc babttacton* tbat were foiibctticre, nubbeftropeb tbem bttcrlp \jnto i;bt0 bapc, 5bweltintbcpzrowme*:becaufctbercwa* pnfturctbcrefoitbcpjmepc. %no fome of tbe cbplbjcn of &pmcoit went to mount &m » cucn fpnc bunDzeb men , banpngc foi tbepj captapne*, pbela» fbia, jSearia .i^apbata anbd?iel tbt: fonne* of 3fi •. anb fmote tb'crefte of tbe 3B malebitc* tbat were efcapeb,anbtbepbwelt tberctjutotbp* bapc. CC&e.Mbnptcr. i ! saubeiu j,:£l#onyricd f * 0rti«rHr„i .llutiun'ur.A. i ■ \ i J I * • t. a i> balii,tye?roiiauD Cnarmi. 'Cbr fonncd of Joel : &amaiab:byd foii-- nr , Goabpd fount , anb S>cmbi byd fonnc, <¥)trbccnbabiti:DWitotbc cn- *° t rvngc in of tbc ipM, from tbcryuce igaytftittfli : f oz tbey fyto moclje catrtl in tbc lanbe of Gilcnb. %m in flic baj»c tf of sbanl , tbep warrcb witbrbc iaagarircd , wbtcb were oucrt&o* tucri infotbei'z banbe. Jtnbtbcybwcltcin thtyi tented t&ozowontall tbe ca ft lanbe of Gilgal. 7i nb the cbylbzcn of Gab bwettc oner a* gaiuit tbcnuii tbc lanbe of 25afan,cucn fon* toS>nl(ba.a.noini3afan,3oelD?a0^cbe- fcft.anb&apbam tbcnei'te,tbcu 3anaiaiiD &apbat . 3tnb tbcp? bzetbzcn of tbc bonf « boldc of tbcpz fatnertf, were g$icbacl,&)eo* fuefam , §>eba , jmA , 3abcan, ?ia, ©bcr, pencil . 'cTIicfcarc tbc cbplbzcn of 3bn>iil tbc fonnc of ifjnrt , tbc fonnc of 3croab > tbc fonnc of Gilcab , tbc fonnc of &)icbacl , tbc fonnc of 3cfifai , tbc fonnc of 3abbo, tljc fonnc of Buj. 3Cbi( tbc Comic of 3Ebbiel,tbc fonnc of 0tuu ) wad a captapnc of tbc bout= bolbc of tbc^ fatberd . 3Cnbtbcpbwcltin Gilcab , in Malm , anb in t}cr toi»nc0 , anb (nail tbc fubutbeg of ^aron,anb in tljcpj bo?ber0. M tbcfc tocrc rcboncb bp UpnrcbcjS in C tbc oapcjj of 3otbam hynsc oOuba, anb in W Mfiti of 3croboam apng atJMtl/Qftt fonnc^of i^ubcn ,anb of Gab, anb of balfe tbe trpbc of {^aitaffc, tocrc f vsbtpnsc men, nnbablctobcareQjrlbcanbftocarbcanbto rnotc witb botuc, cjcccrcpfcb in warn, turn fourcanb fourth tboufanbe, fenenbunb^eb jUanaHc anb f bwfKo^c , tl)at twente out to tit mm. 3fnb tl>cp f ouflbt wttb tbc Ipacjarite $(, \uitb 3crur, $ei)bttfanbjSobab. 3ubtbcpiucrc ijelpcbof ttjc to^ocacjainfttbc.anb tbc ipn= ga rit eg were bcliucrrb into tbeir banbe, anb lo were all tbat tocrc \»itb tbcm . ifoi tbep crpcb to Gob in tbe battayll , anb be bcarbc tbcm , occanfc tbcppnt tbep^tmft inhym. ^nbtbcp tone of tbep^t catell anb of tbcyj camclsf.fpftpc tboufanbe, anbtu)obunb?cb anb fyffpc tboufanbe Hiepc, anb two Hjoii* fanbcaircd.anb of tbe foulec of mcmanboih b(tcb tboufanbe : nnbtberc fell manv wonn- bcb.bceaufcp marrcwasof Gob . KM tbep bwclt in tbtw ftcabeo,\jntpllf be tymc that tbep were carpebawape. ^nbtbccbplbjcn of Jftalfc tribe of 4Wa- r> nalTc Dwelt in tbc lanbe , from Bafan tjnto Ii5aal lDcrmou,anb*)cnur, anb t)ntomofit pennon : fo? tfcv were cjrownc to a greatc multitubc.^ub tbcfc were tljcbccbcsi of tbc bouilioloefl!oftbep v ifatbfrjS:(epbcr ) anb3c= fi,€bel anb 3?rtel, 3ercmta anb Ipobauia, anb 3aoljbiel , ftroncjc men anb tjaleatmt, famoufe memanbbccbcfl oftbc!)ouCbolbc,« oftbep^fatberfl!. 3Bnbtbcp tramKrcfrebagapnftc tbc Gob of tbep? fatbertf, ano went a wbo^p'ncjc af ■■■■ tcr tbc sobbed of tbc people of tbe Ianb,wlj6 Gobbeftropcb befoze tbcm : anb Gobftcrcb ^ptbefp^cteof pbulkpngeof 2tlfina ,anD tbc fp^ctc of Wslarft JDilnefcr Upng;c of 3uKria , anb caryeb tljcm awapc : mm tbe iy»bcnvtcEi,tbc Gabbitc&anbp" balfe trybc of ^)anan*c, anb tyousbt tbcm tjnto ly<\ lab, Dabo?, JaararanbtotbcrpuerGown, t)ntotbpdbave. CEbcbl-Cbapter. CEljc gcncaiogpc nf t\)t founts of £cuf. Ixfonucdcf LcuiiGcrfoiuCabatb ^ anb &)crari. * -Cbc fonncjs of Ca* 3 batb:3mram,3?abar,Jt)cb ( sonanb*' 3cnrl,,lb &jk\. Ubecbplb^cn of 3!mra:3Ca= ton, ^;ofe0anb Miriam . &b fonnoSalfo of 3aron : .aabnb, 3bibu, (£lcajar (?3tba= mar. 0mm begat iDbincbcd. pbinebcd begat 3bifiia, 3bifua begat 26ow':*6out begat 5H jt • %X ?i begat ^arabta . jarabia be- gat 4«craiotb . 4B)eraiotb begat 3maria, anb Miliaria begat 3bttob ■ ^bitob begat ?aboc,anb ?aboc begat 2Cbintaa$. 3bimaa$ begat 36?aria, anb ^?aria begat 3obanam. 3obanam begat ^jaria , wbtfb minvftreb in the temple tbat Salomon bupltc m3c= rufiilem. * 36?aria begat 3maria , 3maria begat . ., B1 rt ,. i( 2rjbitob.3bitob begat ?aboc,anb?abocbc= p " ' ;at Galium . Galium bcgat*li)eUua , anb *i,i ( . t c.r^ clbta begat 3?aria . 3^an'a begat £>a«ig rata, anb * S>araia begat 3el)o ?ebecb . % nb %mxt.m 3ebo?cbecb bcparteb,wbe tbe Ho^bccarpcb aware m ilttytmytH* j*tffo.W.e. 15 awape 3uba anb Jccttfidem bp tbc banbe of ^iebucbabnejar. ♦'ttbr fonnetf of tmu Gcrfom, (tnhttl) artb^)erari.3Bnbtbefcbc tbc names of tbc foimc0 of Gcrfom: itbm anb £>ttnbf .3iio tbe lonne0 of Cabatb were : Entrant ,3ia* bar.^eb^onanbeiinel.^rbe fonnco of ai)e= rari:Wabli*tft)ufi,aiib tbcfc arc tbc Uv» s rebbe0 of icui.conccrnpngc thcyi fatberd. t\)t fonnc of Gcrfom wad iobni,wbofc fonnc wa03abatb,anb bp0 fonnc jemma, anb bv0 fonne 3oab , anb br0 fonne 3bbo, ano bid fonnc ^rrab.ano bisf fonnc 3catb?ai. »Ebc fonned of Cabatb: 3tminaDabaub bvd fonnc jRoiafj , anb bp0 fonnc ^ffp?,anb bvd fonne <£lcama,anb bpd fonnc (Sbiafapb, anb bp0fonne3u"p ( i,$'S:babatbwa0bi0fonne, anb^iricl bid fonncanbCijia bid fonne, a"D i^aul wad bvd fonne. %\)c fonncdof Clcana : 3ma(af,* 7tU-- motbj(lElcana/S:bEfonucdof€lcana,?o= pbat.wbofe fonnc wad Babatb, i hysi tin* iica* lomon bab buplttbc bouffe of tbc iozoetu 3cruf(ilcin.3(nbtbciitbcp wapteb on theyp offrccd.accojbpngctotbcoiocr of tbcm. ^befc arc tbep tbat wapteb wifb tbtyi clni* bjcn,oftbefonncdofCabatb:l?cmanafpn= gcr, wbicb xaasitbc fonnc of locJl,tbc fonnc uiwua. of ^ftnucl,tbc fonucof ^ Clcana , tbc ton* nc of 3crobam , tbe fonnc of eiichtbc fonnc of 'ftboab , the fotutc of >upb , tbe fonnc of 6lcana,tbc fonne of Jl«ai;atb , tbc fonne of 3lmafai , t\ie fonnc of eieana , tbc fonnc of 3pcl,tbc fonnc of 3rana,tbc fonttc of jt* pbania , tbc fonnc of ^babatb tbc fonnc of %tivi , tbc fonnc of ebiafapb , tbc fonne of ilo^ab , tbc fonnc of 3?abar , tbe fonnc of Cabatb » tl)t fonne of iem , the fonnc of 3fracl. 3nb \M bj of bcr % fapb (robe on hi<$ tpg&f banbe.anb 3fapb wad tbc fonne of 26nra* cbta , the fonnc of &imbn , tbc fonne of m* cbael,tbc fonnc of iSaaiaia, f fonnc of £)el> tbui, tbe fonnc of 3B tbam ,tbe fonnc of jarab, tbc fonncof 3baia,tl;c fonnc of €tban , tbc fonnc of ?ima,tbe fonnc of &nnbf ,tlic fonnc of 3abatbi tbc fonnc of Gcrfom , the fonnc of lem. . 3nb t\>m tyctftett tt)e fonnesof l\)t< MltM ii i rariftobcoutbclcftcbanbc.cucrt Zthantht jd fonne of ftyfi.tbe fonnc of Mhi , tbc fonne oOTalneb , tbc fonnc of $a labia , tbe fon= nc ot3ma?uburbcd,25etbfemcdanbbtr^)uburbed. anb out of tbe trpbc of JMjmto , Gcba anbber^uburbed, ^ictnetbanbber &>u- burbed, 3natbotbanb ber ^uburbed , all tbewcytycdtboiowc outtljcy; npnrebbed were.yui. 3no tint tbc fonncd ofCabat?) tbe rcm= naut of tbc lipnnc of tbe trpbc , were cytted gcueuouf of tbc balfe trybc of €«anau*c by lotte: eni ten cy tied. Ti. nb tbe fonncd of Gcr* font t botowe out thm bynrebbed , bab out of the frybe of 3facar , out of tbc trpbc of 3Bu"er,anb out of tbc trybc of ^cpbtbafranb out of the trybc of ^anatte in 25alan,tbP?* tcttccyfi'cd.3nbt)iifo tbc fonncd of Wcrari -; wcrcgciieubp lot tbojowc out tbep; nyn* JC vchm out of tbe trybc of ixubrn.nnb out of tbc trybc of, Gab, anb out of tlje trybc of *a* bulon,tweluecptied. 3lirt> tbecbplb2enof3fraeIgauttbc ie= uy ted cy tycd wy tb cbey; $>ubuebed A tbat by lott,outof tbe frybe of tbe cbplbjcn of 3ubfi,anboutoftbetrybroftbecbvlb;cnof ^>yme0,aub out of tbe trybc of tbe cbiityrti Jsiiii of '1 1 I 1 ; - 4 3 S JSenJamm ai!H, 7 1: : 1 ! i li *M -J; i m\ ." of j&cttfamtu tljcfc cpfies w&(cb tjjep called bp titty* names. 3nd they £ were of flic fcpnwds of flic fon» ties of Cabatb, hab crtirsai and flier? c'oaftcs *»&&* out of the trpbc of Cpbiaim. * jnb tbey gaue Wit o ftjem cptlcs of refuge: finc&cm m mount epbjaim anb ber £>uburbcS , C5nfcr andbcr£>uburbcS,3ocinciimandbcrg>ub* ttrbcsf, 2Sctbbojon and her &uburbcs>aia= iouani)hcrg>uburbeS,0ctb itUmmon and |)cc^ubtirbcsf.3nD out of tbc halfc trpbc of 4*)anaflc, 3 tic r and her £>uburbcS,anb t&v leant «inD tier £>uburbcs foi t be Upnb jed off remnaunt of the fonnes of CabatI). and Wito the fonnes of <5er ton were gc= urn out of the npudjedoftbe halfc trpbc of &)aualTc:<5olonuifl5afau and ber &ubur> bcs.aubaftbarotbanbbcr&tiburbrS.sDut of t ije trpbc of 3facar,fecdeS * ber <£>ubur= bcS3ab*atb aub ber gwburbes , l&amotb nlfo aiiD her &uburbcs,ancm anb bet #>u= biirbeS.and out of $ffer,uburbeS > gammon andbcr&uburbcS.ftiriatbaijm ?her $u* burbrs. anbtmtotbcrcftoftbe cbpldjcnof We* ran were gcucn out of the trpbc of *atoilon. ijUmmonand bct&uburbcS • lE&abo? anb ber gDuburbcS. and on tjjc otrjer fpbc 3ojba bp 3t ncbo, cucn on tbc eaft fpdc of jjoidan. mtt&m tl)tm out of tbctrpbc of Eubeu: I3c*cr in the wplbemeflc wptb ber £>ubur* bcS:jfaJ)5abt»itbbfrS>uburbe0:ftcbemotb mm ber ftMdmrdt* . &)cpbatb wptbbet £>u burbes. \\t of tbctrpbc of <2>ab , l&a* motb in uburbeS, nndjcjcr Wftfi her $ub* urbcS. Cftde.wicbaptcr; ftS''? e,I, i , W r cofaf«ttt.i5rajiamfti,j»ifH; ^.i«,a)anaaf,ep1);anii,diiDaa , fr. 3 Pisssgss** ijjc fonncg of 3facar « 'fcbola , mm, 3«fub , Simeon , fotire, and the fonnes of 'Cbola.- ©& mepbaia,3cricl,3amat > 3cb= fam anb S>ebmuel , wbycrj were tytmiw the bouu>Ides of tbcptfatbecS of **.te.m««'3Cbola,mcnof mvflbtc tbepj upnrcbbcS:* wbofcnombjcwastntbcdapcs of &amb, twoaudtwentpe tboufanbe anb Mcbm> dicd.'CbefomicSof CLi5(:3?cahia .'Cjje ton* neS of Arabia: &)icljacl>£)badia,3ocl,anb 3criab>fpucmcn l allcaptapncs.1Bnbwpt& tb£iutbcpjgencracponsaftcrtbcbouu}olde of tbeir fa tber si, were few anb t^ntn t\)tm> fanbe ronbperja; atib\)alcaunt men or warw: 5f o^tbcpDab manptDpucgaib fonnc0.3nb t\)m b?ctl)?cn amonfle all t^c IipnrcbboS 0)ltmnlt& vYi of 3fiicar were tialcafit men of warrereho=ffi neb m all.fourc flto^c aub feutii tboufanbe. ttbc ronnesi of 25cn3amin.- ific!a:2i6e« fber ano 3cbtcl .- tine . i&\)e fonnetf of Bcto: C?Uoii,5ajt,ci?W,3ertmotb anb 3rt l fptie Iiccucib; of tljf honaiolbc of tbtp? fatbcr0, me ofmpflbte.anb tocrc reboncbbp^scnealo- Siej5.jcjcij.t|)oufanbcanb.i:jcjcuii. a . / 3rbcfomiei8of2ii5ecbcr:jcmtra,3oaxf, (8Uc?er,(£Uocnai,:ilDmriJcremotb,^bia, ^nathotbanb^lamatb . 311 tDcfcare tbc cnplb?rnof2!5ccbrr,aub tl;c nomb^c of them,-, after tbep? genealcispcanb scncracpos(,anb * captapnesioftbebonaiolbejsoftbcirfatbcrtf men of mpaftt.twntpe tlioufanbcnnb two bunb^b.^bcfonncfliofScbjeijiSiibau.tbe fonncsfof uSilban: 3«wt,28cn3annii , ehi^ anbCanaana, jctban , Vftrfitf anb min* mM\ tljcfcarc tbcfonuejs of jcbicl , aim- ctent t)cttit& ano men of roarrc. jc\j(i . tbou* fanbe anb two bnnbicb that went out mt* ne(Tebtobattell.3iib 5>uppmiaiib toupim were tbecbpIOien of 3r.3nb f tytiktnm tDcebplo?cn of Oilier. ^befoiwof/^pljtlmlijabiiel.^um,..,,,. 3c?cranb^)alum,tbcebplb2enof * jBrt*™* 1 "* ba.^be fonnca of #anaffc : 3?rfcl wbom CbPSfujpfc) bare 'onto bprn : 2Snt 5Cramiab bv0cocubmcbacciit)ac(»rtDcratber of <$u lcab.3Bnba)acbir robe wpucfifo^umms fi>upim^»(i)p»foiu.c6.) 3nb ttiename of bp0 * fplter was a;aaca. Xnb tbc name of another fonnewatfjrlopbabab * ?tnb?clopbabaD*jiu.mf.. bab Daughters . %ito 3' t biefi!ranba)abciab.ainbtbc fwmw&mifoK ujcrc.-^btam, ^ccbent, iibcbtanb^niham. q)Cc5^ ceaneb anb bare torn a fonncanb be called i name of it S5erm,becaufc tt w5t cuell wptb bpS hpuajol0c.3Cnb bW baugbter was ^ce» ta.wbpcbbuplt Betbojontbenctbcr talfo rbetjpper,anb m$tm ^>ccra . %m ftapbad Was bPS fonnc : wl) ofc fonnc was mhv\)> anbpclal), w()ofe fonne was^DaDa.and Wfoniw Eaban,aiib ty& fonnc aniibub, and Jemllenjamm anbhtSfonneeiifama, aitbljps tonneta anb bis fonnc 3cborua. ^bctrpolfcffiouSii babt facia was in 25e= tljcl.anb the f o wues that longed tber to.and Unto thcecft of ffatm , $ on the weft fpdc of <5a*crwith the townesthcrof , ^balicifl aiibtbctowiiestherof.^daia^tbetowncs the rof.ano a longc bp the bobbers of the cliil> b,2gof4»aua(rc, ^ctbfeanandbcrtownes, jc ^haanachandbcrtowncS, 4i)agiodo?hcc towncS.anblDo^ano her tow ncs .3n thofc dwelt the cbvlOjeu of 3ofepl) tljc fonnc of 3f*acl. 'Chcfonucsof JCfer: ^mna, tcfua, 3f= uai^25eria,$S)crab tbeir fpfter . 'ft be fon^ ties of 26r«a: 3cberand €i)ckhiei , tuijtcD «S the father of 25irfaitb . 3£nd tycpjjcr t, egnt ^apblet, Corner, l)otham,5^ua was their fpfter/^bcfomieSof3apblet:pafiib,2i5tin= balanb 3fuab.'Cbefe arc the cbildien of 3a= pblct. 'CbcfonueS of Renter : W , EoliSa, jcbubbaaub Ttxam . 3Jnd the founcsof hrS biofbcrtoeleni : jophah, 3tmna, g)cicsand <5^ina.^hcfo"iics?opbah.^uab ) l9arncphcr ^ual,26m,anb3imrab,26c?fr,lDod,S)d= »na,&iira ) 3ctb?anand26ecra.'^!)cfoiiiieS of 3ctber,3ephtmc, pifpa,5 3tra . ^rbc fon^ iicsofslDlaaeeb,l9anicl^me?ia.3llfhcfc wcrctbecbpld i {eof«1En"cr,anb[)ecdfSoffhfir fathers l)oufeS> noble men , anb mpgbtpc bcadcaptapne S."5rbenomb?ctbo?owc out £ gcuealogp of them f wcrcaptc to the warrc anbbatfcUwas.rii:bj.tboufimbemcn. CCbc.biiiCbaptcr. iLOf ffjr ronncs of emiamto. •eninmiii begat 23cla hprf ddeft jlonuc , 3fbcl fix feconde , $ 3ija= jcah fhethude , Bobal.) the fourth . Ja»d maphah the fpfte . and tbc Jomtcsoribclawerea'dar.^era^bihud, -Jbifna , Baaman , and 3boba , ecra, S>c= KftB«« fcuran ; 2Snd tbefc arc tbc fott* ncs of ebubanb thefc are auncient IjecdcS amonge el)c inljabiters of C5cba : and they farpe0theiuto^anahath:Baanian,3bia f (5era , which <5cra catfet) the a wapc and tefiPttttttaWmb. ^nbbebegat^aha^ raun tn the fe ibeof i\)oab , after be bad rent tOem a wapc.|)uriin alfo 9 JSaarab were Jns wpucs.^nbhcbcgatofi90dcsbiswife,3o^ m S>acljia 9 #rma. ^befc were Uis fon-- nf^anbaHncJcntfathcrS. 25 m J l S?k 0f i? nDm ^ c W* 3WWb anb m* paal^bc ffinesof eipaal were : ebcr,a)t-- wham,and Earned, which built iDno, idd, a ?JM° P TO »^^^ were auncient fatbersamonge tbc inbabiters of 28% B* ty$ ^auc a wapc f enljabiterS badia,3ircb,anb3ibar,^ic!)afl,anb3iTpa, £\namtlt8 Mltmt u anb 3oha,? fonncsof 23cria,«babia, ^)c> Uill«im,l9CKbi,andif)cbcc,3mieraiaIfoauD jeiiiab , 9 Jobab the fonnes of <£ipaal . 3a» bim,and?icri > »&abdi,eiienai ) ?tithat,and ei^l.adaia.ftiocroia^jimrcfbtheronneS of&unbi^ifpan.ebcr.audeiiei.^bbon ano «cri,and li)anan,!i)anaiiia ( e!am 9 3tn* thothia , 3cphbeia and I5bcnuel£ fonnes of palac.^nd^anifcraij^chanaand^tba* «beaat3cboiada.3nd3eboiada'bcgaC aicinetb,afmaiietbanb?tmii.^inribcfrat wmjQty begat I3inea,wb6rcf6nc was mapba , andbps fonnc was^afa , and dps fonnc a?ci,aiid a?elDadfprc fonts, wbofc namcsarctbcfc:CQ'icam, 260dm, 3fmaci, mam, ©badia, 9 Saturn. 311 tbefc were the fonnes of a?cl . and the fonnes of eff ft blSbiot!)cr,were : dllambis eldcft, 3chuS v ® feconde ^Uphclct the thirbc.audthc fon= ncs of aiaro were mpgbf ic mm 9 ftr6gc ar= chcrs , jbowcmeit, and bad man v fonnes ft founcsfomieS,auhund?eb5fpftie;aiUl)elc are of the fonnes of 25ciuamin. -r^... C^bc.ir.Cbapter. Cot tt>t p;taac8,£raitt8,anD of f^rpj offpew. fid fo all 3frae! numbed bp kpn = % reddes : bcbolde, tiitvutt mm ten tn tbc bone of the Hpnge s of 3fracl — anb of3uda, and were carped a= wave toiiBabplon fo? tbeir tranforcfTvon: €u?thcoidcenbabiters,ibat dwelt in their a wne pofleluonss epticS, t&c 3fraclif cs, the p^caftes, leuttes 9 Bctln-nci .and in3crii» liUem bwclt oftbccbiid^ of 3nda,ofi5cbp!^ djcu of Beniamin.d: of pcbilb^of epmairo 9 miuaffc.dUhai the fonnc of atnihtib , flje fonnc of u>mritbc fonnc of 3mri , the fonne of 26em,*of thcchpld % jen of jDbacc*. p fonne *i>&wu pf 3uba.anb of ^tloni,3faiatbc elbcftanb bis fonnes. a nb off fonnes of ?crah,3fbue I $tbcirb?cth.ten.\3j.hund v icb(j!npnctpc. and 1 of the fonnes of a&niamiii :S>alu p us fonnc of ^cfuUam f fonnc of Uiodauia, the fonnc of ^cnua : 9 3ibnha the fonne of 3c= robam . anb Cla the fonnc of to flic fonnc of a,)icbii.ano Wcfulla m the fonnc of S>c- PDatia f fonnc of Kernel,? fonne of 3ibnia. to V ^nd 1 tnxi j,Cl)?omtle& £>aul iamb t- '■ I i • . . I y 4:-! H HI ft: Ms* i j ,i* n 3nb ttoietycttecnaccojbingcto tbclr upn= rebe*,npnefanDjcofpftican*tylce;3Utbcfc tocrc roincwaU men , anD aunacnt to p fyon» moiocst of Wir fatljcrsf. 3nn of tbc pjcaftc*: 3cba' tbc fonnc of Ttwtib tt)e chef eft in tbcboufe of(Sob.3nb3l!baiabtbc fonnc of 3crobam tbc fonnc of pbatyttc , tbe fonnc of ralatfc&ft <3)aau tbc fonnc of aotcl.tbc fonnc of 3chc?rab , tbc fonnc of HBcfullnm, tbc tonne of &)cfillomitb , tbc fonnc of 3m-- mor.3¬bcir tyctbicnwbtcbwccc bcebc* oftbcatmcicntbouatolbc* of their fatbcr*,a tboufanbefcuen buiibtcOfthJC faojcactiue me\f ojtDc wojcltc of tbc fcruicc oftDc boufc of(5ob- 3nboftbclcuptc*:£>emciatbefonnc C of 3afub,thc fonnc of Sfrtcam , tbefomv of feafabaia bfp* fonnc* of ja)erari.3P.nb aSac* bafcars l}cre*ano Gtolal. aiiiD e>atbanta tbcfonncof&)icab,tbcfonncof$icri,pfoune o'fXfau|).3tnbiDbabtatbc fonnc of ^cmeia tbc fonneof(5alal,p tonne of 3butbun.3Bnb 23crecbia tljc fonnc of 3C?a tbc fonnc of<8U mm tbat b welt in tbc tillage* of tbc Bcto- *a pcb- ttt rtbcpojttettJwrrc&allttm.flcub^al* *"' c "" mon t Wmn anb tyut ujotber , Kalinin w.i* tl>ccl>cfc . jf ottbep watcbeb bptberto, cucu tnto tbc apngc* gate eaftowrbc , tbo* rowe out tbc tcnte* of t^t c&ploten of Lcup. 3nbt&allnm tbc fonnc ofCojab tbc fonnc N of Sbtaftpbtbc fonnc of Coiab,a«bbWbK» tb«n tbc cojabttcs: of tbc boufc of tbetr fa* tbcrJbabtbcic bufpnetfe anO off pee to feepe p nojtcbc* of tbc tabernacle t anbtbete fatbec* *, tbe lioftc of tbe iojbe , ncptc tbe entcrpnge. 3&nDpbmce*thc fonnc of &lca$ar wa* tbcic fojegpOcnnb f iojbc wa* wttb Dim . 3nb jacbacia tbe fonnc of ^cfclcmia ncpte tbc watcbe before tbc bote of tbc tabernacle of witnefic.3Mtbcrewerecl)ofenme\toliepep tbKU)olbe*,cuen two bunbJcD 9 t welucanb tb'ojowc out all ^gcncalogp were tbcp nit* tycb tn tbcic tillage *. 3nb tbcm opb &atitD 9 &amitcltbc feat tuftitutcbccaufc of tbcic fibclite.&o tbeps tbcic cbiUne" bab tbc oner* fpgbt of tbe gate* of tbc boufc of tbc Lojoc cucnof'tbrtabcrnaclctoBcpctbcnt. * 3n foitrc quarter* bpb tbcp Itcpctbc 2 watcbc:towarbe f caft\wrir,no#b,fr Umt&. "* 2Gnbtbcie bictbiicnrcmapiicbin tbc couture anb came after fc ncn bapc* fro tpmttotvme wttbtbem. St o?tbe leuiteSC which bab tbe oncrfpgbt of tbc tcftrpcS 9 trcafureiS of tbc boufc of <£ob)T»ere tuber p cuftobpoffourc notable po^tcrg : $ f bev lapc roubc aboutc p boufc of b»cbbOJclt infcparatccbab.w*: ^wercfrc , fo^tbcpbnb to bo in f tcplc botbc bapc anb npgbt.Ubcfc wcrcauncient fatbcir*of tbc lctutc*tn tbctr gcncracion*,»bwcltat3frufalcm. 3nb in (5ibcoubU)clt 3D bi (5ibcon^3c« bicl.vobore wife was callcb a* Sbbon, tben ?ur, €ift, is5aal f^cranb BaDab:^bo.2,3fJ;io,?acbariaanb $ 48ttM£nD &) inlotb begat flMmcS . 3nD tbcpalfo bwclt riitbcirb.ictb^cn otjernfa* lent, ml batbc bp tbcm. % nb #cr begat Cisf , «i*€i*bc5atS)aul.3itbS)aulbcgat3cl)o= mm** natban,Q)alci)ifiia r ^binababnno0fbaal, homhw 3nbtbc fonnc of 3cl[jonatban , wa* tt)crtb= baal.3nba)eribbaalbcgata)tcab,anbtbc fonnc* of <0>icobtDcrf f pitbon, ^clccbano ^(jabtea.2Jnb3lbn5bcgat3a|»a.3ab?abc gat 3lnmetb,3unauctl)>5unri. ?imrt begat til)05a.^?o?abcgai: jsmca lobofc foncuia* t^epbata,^ bi* fonnc u«0Clafa , 9bi*fon= nc 3t?el . ;tnb 3?el bbai7ta anD tyauan. 'Cbef c arc tbc fonnc* of 3!?el. C5Cbc.]C.€baptcr. CKlje b*tteu of ft.iui agapiift thr idtyfKlHiica: in toopcb tjc Dpj(l),an3 tji's fomite alfo. ♦/lutr.iii.D. $t> tbc iab»li(tinc*fongbtaga' % pnft3&ael.#3nbt|»tmt of3f' Mm** fracl flcb before tbcl&bilifti"c*, ••*■•• frUMtB oucrf ntoiorn f tupfibeb ^ |tna)flimfc(5ilboa.3Enbj> IBbi^ ItftntcsfoloweO.j toccc fcarcc after jfeattl 9 W fonnc* > 9 tbc W lift inc* fm ot c 3 « bona- tban f 36 binabab 9 ift)alcbifua f be fonnc* of ^a»t : 3»b tbc batten went (o?e agarnft ^aul,«tl;carcl)ee*founbcl)pm,anbbe«ja* «joftbebofajotcr*.^:bcnfapbc^aulcobfe{ , 5utti.fr.ff. ujcp6 bearer *0^nujctbp fujrrbe.anb tluuft »i.ff>jj{ mctboiotXJtbfrtuitb.tbattbcfc »ncitcficifeD *° come not anb bo mc Ibamc. 2i5ut I;p* toepon bearer wolbc not, foo £>anl caugbt a f tor rbe.anb fell bpon it. ainbU)benbi*barncfOcarcrlatx)ctbatS.aul t»a*beeD,bcfcUona ftocrbealfo anbbpeb. ^nbtbu*S>aul anb bt*tb*c fonnc*, anb all tbcp of bp* boufc bpcb togctljer.3tnb rabc all tbemen of 3frael tbat were tit tbe talcpe, fawebowc tbcpf lcb,anb tbat mnl anb bt* foime*\»creDccb, tbcpfo^fohc tbcpz cptic* anbrarinca\»apc,anbtbclDbiltfttnc*camc, anbbYDcltintbcut. C * 3no it fojf mteb tbat on t\)t mmm »w f * wbcntbc Pb«»ftinc*camctoftripetbc becb bobic*)tljcp foubc fmal % bps fonnc* oner* tbJottKn in mount 0ilboc. ^nbtobentbcp Dabftriptbpm,tbep toltcbp*bceb , anb bp* barneuc, anb fent tbe in into tbe lanbe of tbc pbiliffmr* ronnbe aboutc to (bctxjc tbc tit- totbepObol&'.anbtotbcpeople, 3nbtbcp put bt*barneu*e in tbc boufc of tot (job, 1 fet bp bp* bcabc in tin temple of ©agon. ' 5d 3Cnb\»bcn all tbcp of 3abe*tnGilenb bearbe all tbat tlje pbtltfttiir* bab bone to $)aul:tbcpafofc (alltbcftrongcft of tbcm ) anb fc t autapc tbc bobp of iDanl.aitb tbc bo-- bpc*of!u*iomic*,anbbJoughttbcmto3a= bcs.anb bnrpeb tU boj:c*of tbcm tuber an oltc in 3abe*anb fafteb fencn bapc*. &o&>a«l bpeb fo:bps trefpace tbatbc ti'cfpaccbagapijftrbcLD2bc,tU)''!)cUcprnot tbcujotbc of tbc totbeanbturijatbefougbt nub afkcbcotinccll of a wonta that t»:ougbt txjt'tb a rpjetcanbaflicb not of p toibc. ?tiib tl)cifo?e be flncbrm.anb turncbtijcUvngbO" me tnto XDauib tljc fonnc of 3fai. CCbcriCbnptcr. raf(ft(bcofc(b of &«uiic£>au{b aniioi'nfrb tit ftf-- l>:ou zijcTicbiifiew rebel! flffapuft t>autb, fro M)icb, b,e taP.cti)Ujc2;otojcoffi>pon,t?»P3incnawii5b;cb. tym all 3fracl gatlicrcb tbcm fcluc* to %>nnib tnto l^cb^on * fapenge : IScijolb, we be tt)V bone* anb t\)\> fief* Ibc. 3Enb mojeoner in tpmc paft , euenvoben &aulnja*Bpngc,tbon Icbbcftjfraelunt 9 in . 3ttb tbc loibc tbpc5ob fapbc turo tbc: tbou (bait febemp people 3fracl, anb thou mU be captapnc oucr mp people 3 fracl . 'Cberfo^c came all tbc elber* pf jfracl to tbc npngctolocbion , anbBautbntabca cone* nauittwitbtbeminlf)eb^on,bcfotctbc io?- be. 36 nb tbcpamtopnteb «r»auibhpngc oucr %± 3 frn cl, * acco v tbpng to ebr uio^bc of tbc JLoi" v 3 * be 03rijp tbc banbe of Samuel. 36nb Dauib anb all 3'fcacl went to 3ertt« falcm,wbicbi*3cbtt*:tobcrcn*wercp3c= bufptesi.tijc cnbabitewof tbclanbc.3inb tbc cnl)abiter* of 3cbn* (apbc to2)auib •. tbow Clj^ntcles 'foJfythtft te«.ti.a c6mcftnotbcre.Bfiicrtbelcu"c,t)autbwannc tbc caftcllof^>pon,wbicbi* callcb tbc cpttc 23 of jDauib . 3tnbjDattib ; -x fapbc, wbofocucc * turns* 1 fmptctbtbc3cbufvtcsfp:ft ) fijalbctbcpun= cipall captapnc anb a Lo^bc. &o, 3oab rl;e fonnc of jaruia went fpjft tp.anb wag mabe tbc cbcfe captapnc. anb s>auib b writ in tbc caftcil&pon,anbtbcrfo,tc tbcv cailcbit tljc cpticofBantb.3tnblje bupltj? cpttc on cue- rpfpbccufnfrom a.)iliorotmbe about, anb 3oabrcpatcbprcft of tbe cptie.atnbBamb pzofpcrcb,anbwarcbatcatc,anotbc JLozoc of fortes was wttbbput. * 'Sbcfc arctbcptiucipallmen of nowcr ^ , . wbomtDautbbnb.anDtbutcianetolivnnn^;;^ 5 "- bV*ftpngbometDitbaH3frael,tomaliehpin ftpnge,acco.2Dpngctotbcworbcoftbetbtbc tnto 3fracl. Znb thtsis tbcnombicof the mpgbtpemen wbomt>autb bab: 3ofobcam tbc fonnc of Iwcbmont tljc cbcfe amogc tl;ic= tpc:bclpftctp bP*fpcreagapiift;tbtc bwn« b.teb,anb wounbeb tbcm at one tpmc 38ffcr bun wa*eicajar his tnclco font an 3otbttc,wbicbwaaonc of tbetbu- m\>gi> tpcft.lpc was witbDautb at pafoammtn,* tberc t\)c Pbiliftinc* were gatlicrcb together to batten. 3tnb tberc was there a parfellof gcounbe full of barlepc , anb tbc people flcb befotctbe Pbtlifttuc*.3Enbc^tbcp,tbc tittc •*.» afo^efapbcfteptfottbuitothcnubbcfloftlic fclbc.anbfaueb it from bitrnpngcattbfluc the pbiliftinc*. 3tnb tbc lo^be gauc a great tictozpe. 3tnbtbetb?c oftbctbpttvc cbefc capfap* t) tie* wenttonrockcto bfliub,iiitotbceauc SEbullam. %m tljc Doftc of ti;c ;OlHUntnco abobctn tbc tatcp of ivttjliattn. %m whan r>atub wa* in the bolbc, p pbtliflhmcs watch wa*an5ctblcbemf , famctime.wtnb'Dauib longeb, i fapbc- * Oh tbat one wolbc gene * ci*mm. me bipnckc ofth: water of the well that is at mut - tbc gate at25ctblcbc.3£nb the thicbiaftctho- rowethc^oftofthcphihffmcs.anbbtewc water out of the well.tliat was by the gate at JSctblebc^toliett.aublJJougbt it to "m* tui).O.ciicrtljciffrc,t)auibwolbcnotbtTukc of icbnt tatbee offcreb tt tothe ioibe ".auo faybcmtpeobfozbpbitmcthatlflHilbcbo tbp* f bpngc&hall 3 bzpuche tbe bloti be of there men, that banc put thepi Ipiic* in 3co* parbpe:\fot \sit\)tl)t Jcoparbpc of tbcp? lp« tie* tbcp brought it } tbcrfoicbc wolbc not b.ttncltctt.^nbtbtsbibthefcthtcmpghfpcft. 3nb 3btnutbcb2otbcfof 3oab:healfo e wa* captapnc nmonget&ic rfojbclpfte tp l)P*fpcreagaynfttl).zcbunbtcb,awouubcb tbem,anbbabanamcnmongcthctb:c : Pec antongc tfoi& wa*ino?cbondwble then f two ( fo,2hcWit*tbeir captapnc t)owbrit,bc attapneb not tnto tbec-»(fr?it}thtc. Janata the fonnc of 3chotabar tbc fon nc of a t crp ftrongc man;bpb greater acte* tljot ;l 1 n JSaitid t*0)2orocle& l&attfo :iv I" {-11 I i, t fhwcabiccWoibc flue two ttrong ipoms of fittoab ,aht) went Dowm\anb flue a Lpon in a pptmtimc of fnowe. ftftft due an£gip» clan, wboftftaturcwaS cuenfpuc cubptcjS longc ,* m the egppciauS ha"dc wa0 a fpeare Iplte a wcaiicr0bcame.3inb the other went. do wnc to hpm with a waftccanb plucneb p fpeare out of the egppcians haudc, and flue him tf> bioawnc fpeare. &ocbethP»io:c0 dpd iBanafa tbefone of lehoiaba , a bad p name amdgctbctbicmpgbtpclt.frwashonoiablc anion tliirtic:biitattapiied not toitofcfirft) tint, anh^amh mahehimof hPtfcounccll. Che other me of armes were tbcfe: 31 fa bel f brother of 3oab,€lbananbvS ; buclc9fon* itc of Bethlehem. ^ammotbtbctynroOifc, ftcleuhc Pclonitc:3ra the tonne of 3cucSp ^bcRoitc.JCbicfcrtbc Snatotbttc: fetbacai the !i>ufathite,3laitl)c Sbolnte: #)aharatg OcthopliatWtc,l?cirb the tonne of 26aana p ftrthopbatitc . 3that the tonne of fttbaf of 0ibcathatpcrtapnetbtotbcchilb2cnof» ianiin 1 Senate the ptfrathonitt : l)nrai of the timer? of uaas, 2Ebiel the Srfaatfte • 0^.jmeiucththci3al)arumitc , igu'habathc &aalliouitc.^bcfoimc0ofl)affcm the Ot- jomte Jonathan the tonne of g>agc,an $a» raitt.&btani the tonne of &acar the fyami* tc.eupnalthctonncof Clr.Dcpherthc 4*)e= ehcratljitc^hiathepelont'te-.ipejrop^at' mclice , Gaart p* tonne of 6?bai : jotl p 020* rbrr of fcathan : UBibhar the fount of Joan : «lega the 3mmoriite,#aharai a liScrotbtte the bearer of the Darncffc of 3oabthc tonne of jeruiaOra thejithn'te,? <3arch a 3rJtyl" te.Uria the tocf hitc , anh jahad the fount of athlai U%Jnm the fonnc of §>i$a a iRuhcnfte. a captapnc of the laubenitetf, anh thWttt vb htm.laanan the fonnc of &)aacah,and 3 ofa» phat a amhamtc: a?ia an 3ftbcrarbitc: jbam anh 3ehfcltjje fonnc* of tyotljanan 3trocritc:3cbtclthcfonncoi : ?mm,anh3oha IjpS biother an lrmebi?itc.eiicl a ep lucre t\)nt torn \nit\) Dauto to!;cn befltooc from Saul. fccfc arc thep that came to Bauid tostMag, wbvlcbcpetttcpr bpm fclrcclofe , becaure of &aul p ton. nc of C# : anh thep were \)crp ftrongc helpers in battcll. 'Chcp wtre tocapench with bowcM coulDc huclle (tone* with the rpgb t ha"dc anh with the ipft anh fljot e ato wejs onte of a bo we,« were of £mul0 tyctfoen, ettfof 25cniamtn.'$;be cbe= feft were <$biejcr,anb 3oaa£tonne0 of&t» maaa 0ibeonftc , anh 3c?felant> #elct the fonneS of 3fmanetb. 2Bcracahanb3ehu of 3iiathoth.:SGud3fmaiaagilbcoiuteamigh' 3 tit manamongc ttiwti'c , and moic tbent&e thv^fe.3eremiah,jehojirl,3olrannn,f 30^ fabnh of ^eho?. eicufai , 3crimoth iScalia $)cinaria,anh gwapbatia , the iDaraphrtetf. Clcana, 3cfia, Israel , 3oe jet , 3orebcam Ioaiio,iiin.3oclaanh?cbahiahthctoimej3!of 3croamof(5ehuh.* 3tnh of the 6ahitcsJ there feparatch thrnt m felue^, tome Ditto ipauih into the holhe of f wplhemefle, men of mpffhtc> anh menaptc fojwarrr , 1 $ couihe hShletopIheanh fpca= re, whofe facei* were ipne the faccjs of ttmtf , anh thep were aj$ n»pf te atf the laooctf in the mountapnejS:<£?er the fp s ift,iDbb(a the fees = ht ,f €ltab the thp^he, WaHnana the fourth, 3eremia the fpfte. 3ttl;ai the fpjcte,CIiel the fcucnth , 3ohanan thecpfiht, 6lf«bath the npufh,3crcmia the tenth* ano ^achbaonai the eicuenth. % heft were of f tonne* of auih.3f nh "on uih wet out to mete them anh anfwereh, anD faphc1)iitothe', 3f pcbccomepcafablpe witomr.tohelpemcmpnehertfljalbehnptt \)?itopou. iSutanhpfponcometo betrapc me to mpnc nhuctfarpegf fcpngcthcrtsf no wpcBcbucS in mpnc hanbeti )the 600 of oure fathers lobe theronanbrebnbe it; 2Mb the fjnrptc came \)pon 5£mafai which wajs the chefc amonge thv^tpe , anbhe fophr , thP 3 ik are we Dauih.anbonthpfphethoufoi^ ne of 3c fai: * ^eace, peace be Wtto the , anh t m peace be to thpnc helper^ , fo? thP to tunic thehpugheme of&aul Hattib m fflW of «aani toh?m,acco^pttgc to the wo*bi; of the l,o«ui,tb?e thouranbe. %m a greatc parte of them opb ( bnto tbattpute ) folowcthchonreof^au!.' tm of the chilbjcn of €ph.mim.^.thou= fanhcijcpghthtinb.ich mtgbtpe men of war* «i»°/i m o»? f "cuintbehouq)olbeof their $ fathcro-^nbofthchalfc frpbeof aanaffch ybiu.thoufanbe, which wcreappoputcb by nametocomcaiibmaae Dauto kpngc.^nb of the cbplbwi of 3facar, whif h were men f hah wiherftaiibpuge in thcrpght tpmc , to :•» imOWe ««C botof to c8mauiihc;U)hat JflMCl Ollgbt to ho.^Che hecbejl of them were two bubleo aiibaUtheirbmhicwcrcattDcirwpll.anb of jaftulothat went out to the battapUanb ptocchcbfojthtothc warre, n'» ailmanrr of in(trumentcjJofwarre,fpftpethoufanbrhat were \wwcb to the warre , without aupc buWeneife of hart ^Inbof Bcpbthalta thou- fanhccaptapne^niibwiththc'm(withOivlD »Ii)eare;jcjcjcWi.fhourattbe.2Jnbof©aniJ2c- parcbtotattel.w\)iii.thoufanbc5:fp,vebuu= WMtoto of % fler that went out to the war- re.f fcepte the forefront of the bat ell, fonrtpc thoiiranh.3inb off other fpheof3i)anfofcuiff.ain& there thep were with tr>auib:th?cbapc0,catpngc niibWtljeftmg:fo?thwbiicflMfnijabn^pa- rcb fo? them . &)ojronet thep that were npe them,vntpll3facar, |abiil6anb aephtaU , brought b^cahe on 3t fre* , QEamefe, multft . J ojcivano meate:floure,fpgacj5, rmfpnatf. wpne anb oplc,o,ren,anb aiepc ahounhiltlic. Jfo? there wa^iope iiOfrael. C^TIjr. xiii. Chapter: 3 MMj^d SDatiib councclcb with the Icapitapncjsof thoufanbejs anb Oimbjebc^a with all f to^hetf , lanb Tapb Witoallthccongrega- cponof3fratl:3fitfcmcpou titeMdi* $Q.ltm goob, aim to be of the nojoe oure uburbe0, togather tbf toge- ther bnto W,Zm we wpll Uipnjcagapne p 3rcltc of the Lojbcto W. fowz rcgarbeo it not in the bapestofSjaul.anball thccsgrc 3 gacio vam cotentthat he ftjulbc bo fo.foz the thpng mm goob m § epc0 of all the people. 5D0 a>autO gathcreb all jrrari together ^3 fcomc ofthntpIacc:prctpngofc:ua\)ntotHi0bapc ainbiDauib wasafrapbeof 00b that hape fapingrbowelball 3 bn'nge thearcftc of 00b Dome tome? Jlnft to Baiub brought not the arclicljomctohpmto^cptieofiD.imb:23ut caricb it into the ljottfc of €)beb60om a 0c * twee. 3nbthe arctic of 00b remapneb with tDbcbi^bom, cucnin hpS houfe, thtcinone* thc0.3!nbhchlclTcDthchouf;oriDhcDeDout anb all that he bad. €.% he. riiti. Chapter. C Bl'snm fctrtctb tooibe mh Woscftmrii (o 2)aui0 tohicl) bad) tloo Utcto;icsroc the fcljiiiftincs. jiD lopram the bvngc of Cpie fent 3 meftengcrS to t>amb$ tpmb« of ' Cedar trcc0, with mafonsanb car-- pentcr0,tobupldehpman houfe. 3ubt>autb pcrccaur d , that the to^oc Dab confirmcdhpm bpnge \jp0n3rrael, and that hpsiBpngDomc wasipfte bp on hpe , becaih ft of bptf people 3frac l. %nn JDauid tolic pet mo wpuc0at3crufale,and becrat mo tonnes anb baughtcrS. 'Brhefr arcthenametfof hps chplbien, which were bo2ncWito him at ic= rufalem:S)aimia , S>obab,Batnananb^Da lomon : 3ibhar , eitfita anb €lipalrt, m-> ga,.iacphegand3 ; nphia.eiifama,iDccliada anb feauib wasanopntchupnfictopoiialijifraci.authc PhiUftmcjS I: Battib fc*Dte«wle& ! ' i i* ■ it ■ " / I ,1 Wnftint ji went \>p to (cfte *>au(b . 3&nb ion UtO bCflf-OC of it, anb Wft OUtC flSflVHft tljCIH. 3nDtlje$iH , ltlttnc0camfta,$pjaiinfebr&o* rowci.bc\)alcpoflRepbaim.3Jnbl>ambar* h cd coiicellat C5oD fapingrlball 3 so agafnft C tl)c piliftincs ,anD wplttbou bclpucrtbem mtonipnc&anbe.'ainbt&elojDCfapoe^nto bvm:KObp,fo23wvllbclyucrtbe" into thine babe.3nb fo t Sep came \jp to 26aal pcrajim $ ©a tub f mote tbem tDrrr.^DtiH Bauib fa vb: ^oD batl) Of uibcb mpnc encmic0 witb mpne banbe,a0amanwolbe bcupbc water. 3flnb tbcrfoie tljcy calico t\)t name of tbat place ao* $^2l5aal#cra?im.3inbwba'tbep bablcftc tbcpigobtftberc-GDauibgauea commaum> mcnt.anbtbcvwcreburntwitbfpjc. r> 3 no tbefEtyiUltmc* came togctpcr aoap* nc t r ufibcb into p* foaUcp. 3nb uauio arkeb agavnc at C5ob. 3nb <£>ob fapbc tobpm : go not \ro after tbe , Out tutnc a wave from tbe, tbat tbou tnapeft come Upon tbem oucr a =» gapnft tty pccrefre0.3InD wl)cn tbou bearrft a founbgo in tlje toppesj of tbe perctreeA W go onttobatfcll:fo? baij tbe cbcfe, anb of UpjS b?etb!ien an bun= OicoonOtwelue. 23 3BnO ^>auio calico jabocn anb % biatbae tbtp?eaaei«,anbtbc lenitctf , W$tt\ » ^laia 3oeI, S>cmaia,€lielanb 3tmfiiiabab:f fapbe »nto tbem-.^e that ace tbe pjinc ppall t'otbertf of tbe icnite!i,fetbatpcbeboIi? witl) poure BautD btetb;tcn>tbat ytmptWw (ntbe^rcne of t^z tojtDe€oo of 3feael,\juto tbe place tbat 3bauep,{epareb f o^ it. tfojfca* becaufe pc *** were nottoereatitbefwft, f lo?b oure d!>ob M mabe a rent amorige lojsi, fo; tbat we fougbt bpm notajj tbe fal'wpon ougbt to be.ifeotbe p«teaftexJ anb t^c icutte* fanctifpeb tbem fel» ucjef.to fctt tbe atcfte of tbe io?D <0ob ofjjf- racl .3nb tbe cbUl^cn of tbe ieuiteja: bare tbe ^rcac of Wnnt, eiiab,25enatnbu,^)anriab,a)atbatbiabu, Clipbalcbu^pimuabu.ObcbebO.Oairl, po.ttcrsi.$>o DcmMfapb $ €tbantbe fpn= ml mabe a CouniDe wttlj tpmbalcxf of b^aflc 3Knb jacbaria.^jtel, ^emiramotb , 3ebicl, Cinni , eiiab , a?aafatabu anb Banaiabu plapeb witb pfaUcried on t>or an aiamotb- °c§ 4ft)atbatiabu,eiipbalebu,^iBniabu,Obeb ebonn,3ctel,anb 3tmia% plapeb Upon bar* petfanepgbtaboucwitbcourngr.^nbC&C' naniabu tbe cbef e of tbe icuftc&watfmaftcr oftbcronge,fo?bctaugl)totbertofpnge,be* caufc be wa# a man of Unbcrfranbynge. ^eerecia anb Alcana hepte tbebo?e of tJ)t jj 3rcuc.3nb&ccaufabu3cborapbat,#ctba* nael,3mafai,5ac!)ariabu,iii5anaiabu$(£lic= ?eer tbe p?raftc£(bpb bio we witb trompcttejS bcfozcti)e^rcheiDf0ob.3JnbObeb€bom anb 3f bia were Uepcrui of f boje of tbe archc. * ainb s>auib anb tbe elbcro of 3ftacl +<< „„,« anb tbe capttapnetf oucr tboufanbejS, went to ' fet tbe aitcae of tbeappopntmentof tbe loj= be out of tbe boufe of Obcb$bom witb glab = ncsa no wben tpnge,anbblowpngoftbeu)awme anbtrS- ' petted : manpnge a nople witb fpmbalcjjt, Pfalterpe0,anbbiiitpe0. 31 no a * tbe aircae of tbe appopntment of tbe io?be came itiito tbecptie of uantb, fl#« cl)ol mm *mWmi&M t lohpngc outat a Clwomto jfo.lm wpnbowe.mwc apnaioattib bauufpng nnb plapinge, anotyc befppreb bpm in btr bectc. -rw> C'Ebe.rtJi.Cbaptcrj SrB Wlf«ttb arapb anb Jjpb 6;«o;m , to I O mv tyougbt in f arcne of (5ob [an b fct it in tbe m?m* of tbe tent tbat s>auib pptcbeb fo; it . 2Rnb tbep offtreb burnt facrtfpeesi anb peace offcrpngcg befwe Cob. 3nb wbcniDmUDbabinabcancnbeofofferpnae jbcburntofferpngeflianbpcaceoffirrpngesilc b effeb m people in tbe name of m lo:be . ^nbbebealtto all 3frael ( botb tnantwo- ■JM i cracancll of b?cabc, anba goob uecc offlcfOjcanbaflacRctofwpnc. ant i be appopntcb ccrten of the ImM to tmniftre before t\it to?bc,f to repec c, s to 3nb3C(apb was! tbe cbefe,^nc« to bpm ja- Bu«.M.b. cbana,3cicl,^cmiramofD, 3cWel,©)atba- tbia,«bab,x5enata, * Obebebomi 3cicl id ttb pfalfcric^ barpejs. 25nt 3 faub mabe a tonnbe wit!)fpmbale0.2Banaiabu5 3aba= ?irlp;eaftc0blcwcti5tr6pcttcitfcontinimllpc arm tU aircae of tbe coucnaunt of <5ob. anb tbat fame tvmcJDamb bib a pporntc b tl «? SSS2 tot ^»«ctbe Io?be,bp3fapb»bt0 Ba* fete * Ogcnctnabesbnto tbe loibe, CcillbponbpjXnamcmaljcbp^actcsJlmowe- 1 amongc tbe people. S>pngc \)nt o bjm 9 plapc tmf bim .taluc praUbP0WonOertuiibcbc0.Eeiopcc(nbP0 bolp name .- let tbe bertctf of W tbat feke tbe ^^^^•^^^elo^eanbftpjjftr^ mt'Atfte bP0 pwfencc allwape. mcincmb;ebt0marucllc0 wbicb ^em, anb ty$ wonbersi, $ the iubgcmcntc0 of bPJJ fJfflltftM 3frael arcbp* tam- J^;tbeebpllwcn of 3acobare bP0 cftofen.fec ifi tbe to;bc oure 0ob: mail lantw arc W nibgcmcntc0.Cbvnlic on bp0 appopntment to? cucr , ( anb on tbe wojbc wbtcb be com- niatmbcb to a tboufanbcgcncracio0. )U)l)icb b(:»nabewitb3bzabam,anb ofbp0 otbeto 3liibac-.wbicbbc fee before Jacob fo^a be= tree , anb to Jfraelf 0? an cucrlaftpngc couc « Sf *>$mW*o tbe wpll 3 gcue tbe lanbc or CanaiUobetbepojepon of pouvc cnbcw* T>J !i taunce.aDben jfonwere ftweanDftnalic in nombjc . anb fogcourners tbcrin. 3 no tfccp voalhch from uacpou to nacpon , anb fro one upngbomctoaitotber people. l)e fuffcrebno man tobo tbem w*ongc:bue rebulteo , cucn Uyngc0 foz tbcp? fades. 'Eoucije not mpne a* nopntcb , anb bo mp p?op!;etca no barmc. ^ ^^pugebuto t\)c Hoibcalltbe eetbc-anb * *m fbewefcom bape to bare Dps ^niuacpon. TOpfbv0glO2peain6gctbenrttbcn:&i0 wonbcrfull bebe0amonge all nac'poiis. , Jfo? g rente i0 tbe toibcanb woitftpto bcpzapleb eweabpnglp:bei0tobe fcareba= none all 0000. 1 5f 0? all tbe <5ob0 of fix people arc of no t)anie:25nttbelo2bcmabebe«uicn. pzapfc anb bonoure arc in bps mefence : irrengtb anb glabne0 are w. hptf place. ^^l hc V nf0 f, ^ c t°.^f Vc «pnrebe0 of people, Sflerpbe to tbe Lo*De,glo2peanb bo= tnpnionailcrpbe bnto tbe io2br,tbe gloipe rmt Wo M name : b?pnge faeeffreel , anb come bef 02c bpm, anb wo20jpppe the loiUt Witb bolp bonoure. «JK temtteimftmimu an though tbe compafe of frrfbbc fo ftablpffoeb tbatit cannot be moneb:lct tbebcauJ0reiot>fe, anb lettbccrtbbeglao.anblcttinen tell among tbe : nacpon0, tbat m to?be 10 Itvngr. , M e i je ,? c ® mn mti ®t f ulncftc tbcrof IctmefeibcSrciopfe.anbalitJjatistlicrin. Jben (ball tbe trcc0 of tbe woob rriopfe at tbep?cfcncc of tbe Hojbe, bernufc lie com- metbtombgetbeertb. Ogcue tMUcs Wito tpc JLo2bc,fo?bc i0goob,fo t 2 bp0 mercpe cn- buretb cucrmnb fapc vc \ fane W( tfob ) of oiircfaluanon,geatbcrb0togctbcr.anb'bc= ipner b0 rroamonge tlje bctbe, tbat we ma vc gcuctbanae0to my bolp name, Steffi poem tbcpiapfc of tbe.jSlcuYb be tbe lozbeob of jfrarl f 0? cucr $ eucr , anb let all people fapc ^mcn.anopjapfetbe lojbc. 3no fo.be leftc tberc befoze tbe arcftc of p 3Lo2be0couenamit,afapb9bj>0'b?ctb2cit,to nuniftre before tbe3rckcc6«nnnUp,tnfocb tbpugc0 a0 were to be bone Dope bp bapc , p»(ani>ftatbptbcp;tturr».)3nbObcb (gtlOIHS «< ^b2etb«n,rb2eft02eanbcp5l)t,anb Obcb eboin tbe fonncof 3ebitbuu,nnb l^ofa were apoyntcbto bcpo2tcr0.3nb?abocK f mm anbbP0b2etb2cntbcp v 2cafte0,wcrrbc?o2e? tobcrnaclcofp Hozbe.tn tbe bpc plaeef wa* at c5ibeo, to offer burntofferpngc0 bnto tbe 3to2be,\jp6 tbe burntonxrtnganltareperp'e- tuailpcin tbemo?npnganb cnenpngjccoi* bpng to all p wbtcb i0 written in tbe la we of tbe JLo2be,wbicbbecomaunbeb3rracl. %m wttb tbem were $einnnt3eDur&un,90tbrc tbat were cbofe"Cwbofennme0 were c]tp?cf= ffb)togcuctbanlic0tofbeJLo?be^bi0mcr=» cyclaftctb eucr. 3nb wttb tbem hvn fccman anb 3ebutbnn,fpnge witb tbe trompettc0» fpmbnle0, .rrt.a ID \ 1 I'll I ? lb .1 \ * IBmttti t £toottfcle& IBattft amU ■Cfoonft rpmualcjs manpngc a Cwcte meiobp toitii fa* ftrumcntcS of <&)nfveUc anD goblp fortflcft 3ud the Conned of 3cDutbun were pmm& 3nDailtbe people bepartcb, enctp man to 0^ brS houfc : anD DauiD retumcDtooc^iiUCTc j)pS t)OUCC C^I)c.*Wt.Cl)aptcr. oD came to ; fta tljan, fapiugc : ceo a no tell DatttD mp feruatmt , tljus faptb toe Lowr.tbontyaltnotuupiDcmcan&oufcto D wr 11 in. St oi 3 ftauc Dwelt in no fyouf c fence the am tlwt 3biougbt out tbc cbplomtof 3fracl wito tbPS Dope : but bane gone from tfiittotent.ano from one Ijitbitacpou to ano- ther. Ttvto wbcrt'ocucr3bauc walucb wptb ail 3rracl,f pake 3 cucr one wojDe to anpc of tl)ciuOge!3cf3frarll(tx>l}om3rommaunDeD to ft Dc in p people. /ftyiuge: wl)p ftauc ve not Uuyit mean Ijoufc of CcDactrcerBowe ti)cr* « f oictbu tf (bait $ faye Wito m y feruatit Da= ** uiO : ibuS faptbtbc Ho?be of looftcS ; 3 tobc the out of the paftureS wban tbou wenteft after ftjepe , tpt tbouflwlocft btcaptapnc oucrmppeoplc 3frael, 3Bnb3baucbcnc tf tlje wbttber foeucr tbou baft watUcb.s bane tocbeb out all tbpnc enempesout of tbpfgbt *»* banc maDc pa name, Ipfccp name «*(«* one) of tlje grcatcft men that arc in tbccrtbc.^nb 3 Daue oiDepncD a place fotmppcoplc 3fracl anD maDc it fafte , fo tbat nowe tljcp mapc bwclUiul)cp?piace,anDmouenomoze.#^ tl;cr (ball tbc ci>plb?cn of wpebebnefle Mm tbem anpmoarrasat the begpnnpnge*3nb fcnfetbctpnictbat3commaunbebiuDgcSto be ouctmp people 3uacl,3 baue fubDucDall tbpnc encmtcS,anD 3 tolDc tbe>tbat tbc Ho?= Dc wolDc buplDe tbc an boufc. «r fcW olfoujallcomc topaffe : wben tbp * bapes be ejpircD,^ tbou mnftp WitotbP m tbctS,3 wpll rapfc top t\)y fcab after p wbicb ftjalbcof tbpfoimcS,nnb3 wpll prepare fo? bpmthe Upugoomc. l)c (ball buplDeme an boufcanD 3 wpll itablifOje bisi fcatc fo? cucr 3 wplbe bpjaf fatbcr,anb be malbe mp fonne , anDilwvllnottaKcmpmcrcp awape from &PIM0 3 toue it from Ijpm tljat waisf before tbe.^Sut 3 wpll fett bptn in mpne boufe anD in mp up wjoome f o? euer^anD bv& fcatc (fcal» be(Urefo?euermo;e 3d«o?Dinp; to all tbefc wojbetf, anD nccoj- Dpng to all tbpjJ wfpo.DpD Bat j)^ tell Rincc BrtniD . %m tDatiiD tlje Itpttfje came 9 fa t be, f ojc tf)c 3Lo?Dc,f I'apDe: wbat am 3( iE> 1 ojd (2>oD, )anb wbat in mpitcboumolD.t&at tbou baft p^omotcD me tDujS farre ( %m pet tbpjj ftmcD ipttcUntbpue cpesj, UD^oD:i5utti)ou baft aifofpoUcn of tbp fcruauntejai boufefo? agreatc wbplctoeome:anDbaftlolicD \)pou mcatftjpon a man of i)pc Degree ( iDio^Dc 60D. ) U)brttlbaUDauiDDefp?e mote of the fo? tl)c bouourc of tbp fcruaut.''5f o?tl)ou Daft Biiowcn tbpfcruaunt : UD Jlojbcfo? tbp l*cr= «auntciB!falie,cu? acco?bpnsc to tbpnc a wuc bert baft tbou Done all thptf mapir pcence.to . (bewc all great tl^ngcsi.3Lo?Dc,tbcre isi none ® lplietl)c,netbct W tDcrc anpe Cl>oD faue tljou, acco^Dtnge toalliiljat we banc l)earDc xb ure carcji.^o^coucr.wbatnacion ontbe cetljij* lyne tbp people Jfrael, towbom ©oD batb t)oucbfafcD to come anD reDemc tU to be bptf awnc pcople.anD to mabe tftc a name of cjcccl lencpcaiiDtemblcncftcwitbcaftvngoutna: cponxJ from before tbp people, w&a tpou taft DclpuercDoutof€flPpte? ^bPPcopleof3rraelDpDDefttboumalte tbpnc awnc people fo? cucr , anD tbou beca » meft tljep? (5oD . Ubcrfo^c nowe lo?De , let tbc tbvngc tbat tljou baftfpoben coccrnpngc tbp feriiauntaiib Dp? boufebe trucfo? cucr, tDattDouDoajJtl)oul)flftfapDe:Ictitcometo pafte,t!)at tl)p name mapc be magiiifpcD fo? cucctfjat it mapc be fapbctljc Lo?Dc of J;o» ftcjJ is 1 tbc C00O of 3fracl( cue tbec2>oD of 3f= m\)9 the boufe of DauiD tbp reruaut cnoti* rcth liable before tbc.5f 0? tbou( mp €?oD) baft tolbctbprcruauntcf' tbou wpltbuplbf bimanl)onfc.3nDtl)crforctl)p feruaut batb founbe inbpjsbctt to p?apc befo?c t\)t. 3nD uowc lo?D,tbon art <5oD,anb baft p?oniifcb tbP^ffooi)ncflc\jntotbp fcruauntc. ^owc tljcrfo?p, letitbctbpplcafurctoblcftef bou fc of tbp frrttaunf , tbat it mapc contpnue be fo?c tDe fo? cucr.ilf 0? whom tljou bleffeft ( O 3lo?Dc)tljc fame i $ bleftcbfo? cucr. CCftctDfttCftaptee. ffgft t lawtcllts oif 2>aurt agapnrttljt WitiOinta, .ED after tbi0 it f o?tuneD,^ Da *% uiD Tmote tbc phi liftiuefl , 0110 fubbcwcDtl;cm ,$tobe d5ctb$ tbc towucji f* lonacD tberto, *«.«« out of t])c IjanDc of tbc ^biiifti- nc03!nDbcfinotca)oab,anDtbea)oabitc0 became iDautM ireruauntctf.anDpapDe bpm tr (bute.anD SDaniD I'mote l)aDare?er bpnge of ?oba Unto foanatb.aglje went to ftablii* Cbc W Dominion bptljerpuer6upb?ates«, 3JnD BauiD toue from bpm a tboufanbecba= rettc&? feuen tbiDUfaiiDcbo^fcmen.gstwgtpc tboufanDfotcmen,5lameDall f cbarett bo?= fesf,f refcrucb of rbem an bunD?cD cbarcttctf. 55nD wlje" tl)c5Dp?icnsiof ^>amafcocamcto telpc l))aDaDc?erUpngc of ?oba, DauiD flue of tbe mtaiftffitf. tDoufanoc, an&DaniD ^ fttbDUCD TubDucD ifep?ia Damafco^nD ti)c* ®*. W&A tbe\>cffcllcs( of U?affc. m \ flnbWjjen'CouaHpnffeoftycmatfcDcarb "10W DauiD bab beaten all the ftrengtb of _9aDarcjer Upnge of ?oba> be fcitt toabntau W fonne to Upnge DauiD,to mane peace ti l)pm 9 to blcflc l)pm,bccauf e l;c ljaD f ougljt agapnft Ii?aDarc?cr,!j bcatenpm(fo?Cow Dab warretf feaDare?ce)f DauiD b?bugbt, all mancr of 3cwcllctf of golDc, fplucr anD bjalfc xb bpm. 3inD ftpngc DauiD DcDicatcD tpem mtto tbc Lo?De, Witb P (pluer at 30ID $ be b^ougbt from all nacpo& from eoom, trout Jft)oab,from tbecljplD?en of IBmmon, from tbe pbUiltinesu from 3imalcc. 3InD ^tbtfai p fonne of «ruia flue of tbe ©Donu * tc0intbcfaltc\jalepe.jct)iii.tboufanDc,anD put &ouDiar$J in €Dom,anD all tbe (EDomt tctf became DauiDjJfcruauntetf. %\)M tjjc Ho?dc Ucptc DauiD in all f be touc in babe. £) 3tnD DauiD rapgncDoucr all Ifracl,? cre= cutcD iuDgcm^t anb rpgbteoulnejl amongc alll)i0pcoplc.31nD3oabKoimeof?aruta was otter tlje tjoftcanD 3cbofapbat tbc fow ne of at btluD recover, anD ?aDock tbe fonne of 3l)itttb anD aibiinelccbp fonne of 3bia= tbat Were f p?eafte$UnD mmfa Was fcri^ be, anD Banawlju tbc fonne of 3e^otaDii was ouer tbe CrctbitcS,anD t\it ^bclctl)i= tcs,9 tbe clbcft fonnes of DauiD Were ncrte \>nto tbc nphge. C^Dc.tfje.Cljapter. JrGianoiiHpnijrof^tfonnwofammon^ort cfntciniucpf to t))t rcruauncwof Oamo. if tcr tDtS, it cbaunceD tljat * iBaljaS tbe fepnae of tbe cbplb?en of Amnion ^^ibpcD, 9 bis fonne rapgncb in Dis ftea= be . Zm DauiD fopDc, 3tbvll ftjewc kpnD^ nciTe Wtto i^anon p fonne otBabas 5 bccau= \t bps fatljcr Dealt HpnDelpe tout) me : Tim 5)auiDfentmelTengcrStoc6fo?tebpmoucr tbebcetb of bps fatber.3inD thefcruaunted of DautDxame into ^ lanDe or t^t cbplDien of 3Cnitnon to tyanon, tocofo?teDpm.iSut the 3to?Dcs of tbe cbplb?cn of ^mmon fap= Jc to i^anon : tbpnbcft tbou pDauto Doth bonoure tl)p fatber intljpft>gbt,^bel)atb fent confo?terS Witotbe/' 3Brcnotl)psfcr« ttautcs come to fcarcb,e } tolob,c 5 anD tofppc outttjclanocf' ■ * . ,W¥tfW ^anon tone Dam'Dsl feruatm^ « tes<^(aiiopo».p^m>anDu)atteD tbem,anD cue $*Xm\ oftbc/rcootcSl)atDebptl)cirbuttoaeS 3 aftft fent tbem awape.^nD tfjere Went certapnc anD t plDc DatuD, boWc p mm Were ferueb. 3tnD p Upnge fent to mete tbem (fo? $ men were crceabpnglpc albameD) anD t Upnge fapoc : tarpe at 3cricDo,Dntpll poure bear= DCS be groWen,anD tben returne, .u ^"PH™ P ebplbien of 3emmon fa We tDattDcpftanUeti^fpgbtofDaiuD. ha* rton ? the cbplDien of gmmon fent a tbou^ faubc talctcs of fplucr to tyic tbem cbaret* tcs jthojfemci^out of a?cfopotanua,anb out of §>p?ta **Macba* out of joba. %m tyv bP?cD,wi.tl)oufauDc charcttcs.aiio tl)c Upnge of ^aacba $ w people, whicli catuMUD pptcbcb bcfo?c %oba Inb the cbplDzcn of 31mmongatbercD tbem felucs ^°Kfe , ; f ^ t, - ,c L c ptlc ^l wmetobattel.C SP. Wu 1 J^S^wo of *> be fent 3oab auDallpbofteofftrongemenanDthcchpi Dicnof 3lmmon came out,anb put tbem fel tics m arapc to battel bcfo?e the gate of the cp tie. 3liiD ; Kjmgcs tbat Were comejept % them bp tbem felucs bacUe in tbc fel be. 1 JPIKM?* aWbfoWetlwtifefite of the battel] was agapnft ^im brf ie * bebpnoe, Decljofc ontofaU the cl)ofen men of llrael, ano put tbem n arape agapnft f, *$**&- 3Jnb f reft of tbc people be belpuereo \jnto tbcljanDe oftbifai l)iSb?otber^tl)epput tbem felucs m arape agapnft f cbplbien of Jmmon.3nDterapbe:3ftbea>ttt3«ueto ftrogfo?me,iJO)altfuceourcmc^pf^cbpl mm of 3lmmon pzeuaplc agapnft 1 ,3 will. i>elpc f tthtcfte \)p tbme hert,? let U plapc thcmcn 3 fo?ourcpeopleSfaUc$foi^cptic^ of ourc t>pM tbc io^be (ball bo ^tobicb 108 gpoD tn btSawncfpgbt.£>o3oab? tlje peo plc^Wercwbi'n^menpebefoief^pztaS Wtto mttmxthn fleD before %im.%m _ Wbcn p cbplD?cu of Amnion fa We I tbc ^p ** ftens were fleD,tljepranneaWapelvfcc wife bcfo?e 3dbinu 1X3 biotl)cr,anb gat tOcm in • M cpttc.^np joab came to 3crufalem. 3ttb Wben p $f ne* rawc ^ tbcp Were put to tbe Wo?fe bef o?c 3Jraci,tbcp fcttt uteflen • gers 9 fet out p $>tries p Were beponb ^ rv^ uer,$ ^opbacb ^capitapne of § feottof »,? DaDcjer Wft bef ote tbem. 3IitD it was tolbc Dautb, 9 be gcatlKr eb alt 3frael, 9 xott to- gcatber ouer 3o?Dan,$ came, anD fet Wjoiv them . $nb Wban Dauio bab put him mfe |»» ?®^?I¥ W«» ttiep fougbt WttDbmt.HSut^trtesfleDbcfoihfraei 3wb DauiD DcftropcD of tbc^irieus feuen thoitfaDccbarcttcs^,rl.tboumD foremen, anDHplleDfP : opbacD£captapncof p bofte. JnD When f feruaft tes of i)aDarc jer, faWe, that tbev Were put to $ Wo?fe bef o?e M of 3fracl,tbcp mabe peace to DautD,$ became Nts fcruauntcs. #etbet wolbe the Attend! iclpc v *bplD?en of jfinmon anp mop. lamtft itlm\\UU& : '.' IT 3 i 1; f ! I I * I J I ■ J :] i . C^bcfcCbaptcr. C" irbc tb;c mow ttutojpoure btttclicf of fratub. #bttcamctopaffc,tbataftcrtbcpc re ivatf c.rpp?cb ( * aboutc.'f ljc tpmc f jkpngctf 5° out otbarrefarc. ) 3oab *»/.ut«..v,*. carpebottt tbcarmpc of rljcboftCianb * bc^ ftropcb tbe contrepe of tU cbplbje n of 3m* inon,* came, $ befegeb ftabba, $ beftropeb ft :J0Bf Bauib tarpcb at 3crufalem vobple *«.wf.tM.(r. joabfinotc Uabbnanbbrftroprbit:*3nb Bauib toUc tbe cr ounc of tljcir bpngc.fr om of bPtf beeb, a f ounbe rljat it ljab § voavslit 13 of a talent of golbcano tucrcttocrc uirciou* fe (tones initanb ittoajs ozbcpncbfozBa • uibtf hecb. Stab be brought alfo crccabpngc m ocljc fpoplc oat of f tpf ic.3nb be b?ouglji: out the people tbattojcrc in it, anb toztnen > tcb tljent Vbttl) fawesf anb barotuctf of pzott, anb t&ith otber ftiarpe inftcutncntcftanb fo _ bcaltcBautOtoHtb alltbccpticgof f cljpl* .. , f baettof Smmon, 3nb Bauib $ all tncpco* ♦ ti.lu.rs i.&, ^ f mm a p.; nc fo 1ftxnfo\m,*ffiW tlH0 tt fo:tuucb,tbat tljcrc arofc warn atO'a* iirwitbvPliiltlfinejS.^tvobtelitrtnc^o^ bocat. tbe fcmfatbtt e Kite £>ippal>tbat matf *t.vit.r.tiu of$cbplb2cnof* l\cpbaim,attbtljcpto)crc ftibDcVDcb . 3 »b tljcrc foatf battell agapnc tottb tbe piiiiifttueg, anb eujanani'> fonne of 3a ir flue labemt tljc b?otbcr of eoliacl) B tbe Cctlntc, toljofc fpeare \»a0 ipkc a ttrca* tiers bcante. 3tnb tberc ebaunccb pet agap* nc mm at Gctlj,\tobcrc atfibatf a man ot a great ftaturcti. tttiit.fpngcr0,$toc0.toi. on currp banbcanb.m.oncticrp fotc,i voatf tbe fonne of ttapljalj. iSttt txujan be befpeb 3frael,3cbonatljan $ Comic of <£>imca Ba* ittb0b?btljcr flue bpm. '€befcmerebo?nc tonto ftapnab at 0ctl),stocrc ouertb?ot»cit in tbe banbe of Bauib,? in tbe banbe of W fcruauntrtf. C^I;c.,rjei.Cljapter.' r &auio eauft tt) tbepcopie (o be ttomb;ct> : and I'ljcre ni'c.lFr.tJjoufiiiiGc men of t^e pcftilciKc. Bb &>atau ftobe topagatmtt 3fracl, $ ptouokcb Bauib to nob?c 3fract 1 3Gnb Bauib fapbc to 3oab attb to tbe rulcta of f people . d5o pe anb n6b?e Jftacl fromiSeer ^>cba toBan,anbb«tpno:e it to me tljat 3 ntapc uno\» tbe nomtyc of tbcm. 3Enb 3'oab anfwereb : tlje lo;tbe make bp# people an l)unb?cb tpmcj* fo manpc moan tlicpbe.^utmplo^be 53D Utg^are tljcpnot all mp i,o?bc0 feruatmtejS.'tdjjp tliett botl) mp l^oibe requp^e tbpg thpngcj'tdhptopU mp l^ojbe be a cattfc of trefpace to Jvmu BeucrtbclelTctbc ftpngcis ttoojbe pzcuap^ lebagapnft^oab. 3Hnbjoab bepartcbanb toailtcb tbo^ottoc out all of 3Craci 3 anb came to Jcrufalem agapnc $ gaue t&e itotti b?c of t|>e countc of tbe people mtto Bautb. %\\n all ti;cp of 3fwci ijocre a tDoufanb # I h tboufaitbc(jan!)ti^ebtrjouranbcment|)at bw fxoerbc : anb 3uba voaitf . cecc.ljrjc.tijou^ fanbe men that b?ne fxoerb. H5ttt f lemtea anb 7&cn 3amin c ottnteb be not amoge tbf , jToj fHvngejS m0c toajs abhominablc to 3oab . 3nbtDc to.tbctoas; bifplcafebtbifl) tby$ tljpngcanb rntotc 3fracl. 3Cnb 2Mb f apbc Vnto d>ob ; 3 batte fpmtcb erccaDptt- gip inbopngc tbtjX tbpngc3nbno\be(3 be: fcebe tljc) boatonpc tijexopcUebneffeof t^jp feruaunt,fo?3 Ijauc boncucrpfolpujlpc. 3Cnb tbe to.tbc fpabc \)nto C5ab tomtitf f> fear,fapingc : goo anb tell Bauib^apittge: %$W laptt) ftoMi'S geuc tbetlje cl;opfc of tb?c tl)pngctf : irbofcttje one of tbem,tbnt 3 ntapc bo \>nto tbc.3inb dPftb came to 3Da= itib 3 aitbfapbc\jtitto Jtpm. 'CbujSfaptbtbc Ho.ibc . Cbofe t&cctbcr tb?c pearcxJ famp* Qtcmcnt, oj tb?e monctbejs to be belt ropcb before tljpnc abttetfa tw, anb mat j imv* be ottjnmc enempeji mapc oucrtahe tl;c : o,t clfc tl;c ftdcrbe ciftljc JLofic anb pefttlcttcc in tbe lanbc ttoe Dapcs(,anb f 3ngell of tbe Hozbcbcltropmgtbo?otDcoutallfcoaftcjS of 3frael. 9nb novue abuifc tljp fclfctoijat tbozbc 3 mall bjpngc agapnc to l)pm tbat fent me.3£nb Bauib fapbc mtto Cab.3 ant in an ejeccabpnge ftrattcILct mc fall nowc into tbe banbe of tbe Lo?be,fo2paffpngc great nrcijptf mcrcpciS, but let mc not fall tuto tbe banb of mien. £>of i-ozbc fentpefliIcncc\jpou3frae?, anb mere tucrc ouettl^oiDcn of3frael.l^r. tboufaubc mcn.^ttb C5ob fent tbe 3C ngcl in to 3crufitlc to bcftwcinit.3inb asfbc xoajs about to beftropu, f iotb bcljclbe, anb Dab compaffpon on tic cupll,anb fapbc to tbe 3ngcll ^'bcftropcbiit ijS pnouglMetttob) C t bpnc Dattbc ccaffe . 3itb tl)e 3ngcll of tbe i ozbc ftobe bp f tb,icfil)pngc ftou\w of UD?» nan tbe 3ebulptc. Snb Bauib Ipf tc top iiprf epetf, anb favee f Sftttgell of tbe Jioib ftanbe bettocne ^ crtl) anb bcaucn, baupngc a b?a » UKttCtocrbc in l)pjs|janbc, ftrctcbcb out to- tojarbe 3crufalctit . %\)n\ Bauib$ f clbcrsS of3fracl toljpcbmcrc clotbcbm fepc bo^ iter let tljpnc ba"Dc ( €> JLoman t^e 3c bufptc.^inbBautbti)cnt\)paccozbpngeto tbe fapingc of d)ab,\tobicb befpabe in tbe name of § lLoibc .3nb O^nanturttebabou s tcanb fattoetbe ^ngell, gs fyyft fouee fonnes; toeee itoitl; bpm, wto bPb tbem felnos : But iJ>ma» lauib jlDmant»ajs(tb?e%ngtDbeat.^nba0 Ba- uib eamc to flDmfi, ©?n5 token $ fame Ba= uib,anbwentoutoftbe tbjefOtpngc floure, anb bomeb bpm felfeto Bauib wptij bte fa= ce to tbe grounbe. 3fub Bauib fapbc to iDmamgcucmc tbe place of tbe tbjefimntgflot»;c, tbat 3 mapc buplbaitatiltcetbcrin bntotbc lozb. ^bott ujaltgcucitme fo^admocbemoncpagit is; txjo^tbetbat tbe plage mapc ccafefrom tbe pcople.3Inb €)znan fapbc \mtoBauib:takc _ it to ttit, gtletmp lozb ^ kpng bo tbat wbicb » femctb goob in btsf cpcO:loo,3 geuc tljc ojceit alfo foj burntfacrifpcc^.fi p tbzeftbpng flea* bctffo* t»obbc,«\»bcafc foz mcatofferpng: 3 gene it all3nb kpnge Bauib fapb to £>j= nan : not fo , but 3 wjU bpe it fo,t a* mocbc monepe n0 it itf \b oztl). St oj 3 mpll not take tbat wbpcb iff tbpnc fo? tbe iozbc , nee offer bucntoffrpngctf mptbout coaft. 3tnb fo Bautb gaue to O^na fo? tbat pla* ccfpclrtf ofgoib.m.bub.tcb bpuwigbt- nwa Bauib buplt tljcrc an aultcr tmto t%c lozb, anb offceeb butntofferpitgcg <$ pcaccoffryn^ jc0,anb callcb topon tbe 3Lo?b , anb be bearo jpm from bcaucn in fp?e topon tljc aultcr of burntojfering.31nb wbantbc iojb babTpo^ ken to p Sitgcll,bc put top W ft»crb agapnc itttopujctljeof ttattijattpmc toljc Bauib faroe.tbattbc Lozbc Ijabbcarbc Ijpm tntljc tbicfmvngc flow?e of Oman tbe 3ebufptc: bctofebtooffcrtlicrc. jfoz tljc tabernacle of t]\t tozb mbicb a)ofc0 niabe in tlje wtlbcr= neffcanD tbe aultcr of bttrntoffcrpngc mere attljatceafon in tljc bt>ll at *«fii luillcf I) bra fount Salomon fo bui'lbc fbeccmplcof thc'iiozbcMubpcl) ctP«9f t)f bpni fclfc Unia f oibi'Dbcit to Do. 0bBautb litpbc:tbP0i0f bott^ ITcoftbc 3lo?be ^ob , anb tljp0 10 tbe aultare foi t\it burntollc rpngeof3fracL _ j 3nb Bauib commnubebfo aeatbeetogetbcctbc ltraungcr0 tbat mere tit tbe lanbc of3ftacl,anbbc fctt mafon0 to ijemefre ftonc,foautb fapbe.&alomonmp fonne i0pougc anote-- bcr.anb tfy bottfe tljat i0 to be buplt foz tbe iozbc,muftcjceabcingrcatnelTe,f'itutapc bcrpokettofaitbpmvfebiitalllabc0. 3 topll tbcrfoze make o?btnauncc ft? ft. 3nb fo Ba= utbp?cparcb manptbingeitJbcfo?c bi0bcetln 3snb9ecalleb^)alomon|)Wfomif,?cbar= f,Clj?onitle$ ^oJmif, • geo Ijim to bupib an boufc fo? the to?b 0ob of 3frael .3liib Bamb fapbc to Salomon. x my fonne , 3 fbougbt ( ttfit U)a0 in myne * o w.tq.b bfrr;tobupiDcau Ijcufc tonto tbenameof^ " llxt ^,*, lozbc mp (3ob.i3ut tlje too?bc of tt)t lozbe came to me. faptng.f baft iJbeb mocb bloubc, anb baft ma Dc create battellc0.tljou ftalt tlicrfozc net buplb an boufc tonto my name, to? vbalr i\nb morlj bloubc topon tbe ertb in »iprvsDt.i5cI)oiDc,afonnct0boittetoti)e,f Ijc ujaibc a man of rclte.foj: 3 ropll gene i)im reft from all ijpoencmpco icotttib about, io? Iji0 name toco g>alomoiranb3 itopll fenbe 9 be ftt onge,b?eab not.noz be btfcouragcb . *Se ^ bolDe^umpncaDucrrptebaiie 3 alfo pzepa^ rcb foz pljoufc of tljc iozb.an ijubzcb tljou^ ^ faitbctalcntc0 of croibc,=iatboufaitbetbou= *> faubc t alcnt c0 of iplucr, ^ as foz bzaffc a yi 6 tt canot be itobzcb, f oz 1 1 i0 tocrp mocbc 3uO 3 banc pzepaeeb tpmb?canb ftoncanb tljoti mapcft,puibe mozc tbcrto.ta)ozcoucr,tbou baftu)02kcmcn\»ptljtbepnomc,fmafontf Am carpen ter0 to mo?ke U\ ftone $ tpntbzr, anb manp men f be acttue foz e ucrp toozitc. 3nbofgolbc,fplucr,bzaffe anb p?on ,tijcrc ictto nombzccip tbcrfozc,mtb be bopngc, $ tljc lo?beu>iU)cu>ptb tbe. 3Cnb Bautb comaiibeb all f lo?bc0 of 3P racyobcjpe&alomobiefoune.fapiug^tf notpio?bpo 0ob vb poiir? Ijatljbc not ge- ne pou reft on cucrp fpocfo? be batb gcucn p cnbabitourc0ofplanbcintompljanbe,?tbc tint idfttbbueb befo?e the lo?b$ bcfo?e m people. #ott>ctDcrfo?c f c t pourebertc0*po fouic0,tofekc tbe torn pourc (5ob, Glp.anb buplbe pc tljc temple of the lo?b* 00b , to bipngtbc ^trckc of tbe couritatmt of § tozb anb tijc Ijolp tocu"clie0 of 0ob,into tljc boufc f buplt foz tbe name of tlje lo?bc. Cirbe.rruj.cbaptcr. CTDauib bepng oibc,o;btpiifto Salomon ftpngc . V>t catift tb the Eruitrs to be nBbjeo, {.' ait\'gnctb ^bcmtotb.rpio«fpre9. £*to!jrnBauib ma0olbe anb full ^ of bapctf,* bemabe Salomon ftp0 * l **«««. fonne kpnge otter 3frael. 3nb tljen -^be geatbereb togeatbee allpio?- bc0 of 3frael wptb tbe pjcaftc0 amb tbe le= 1 ij nite0i ! 1; SSatub ti .1 ':: S .!■ 1; a 4 1 ** mtcOnbtljcicuitctf were ffomfta from tlwngcof.jcjrc.vcarcanbaboue.anb tfec no* bifiinD fitmme of tljctn umtf. irjrjrtjuj.tljou* fentic mmM wWfb.miii.tlimtow were let to further the wowke of tbc boufc of the io.2Dc.3nU ft»jrc tlibufattDc tocicoflrvccrjs* 3ubgcg.:JFourc tboufanbe were posters anb f oucc tboufanbe y.iapfeu £ iojbc with foclie *&* inCtrunicittc^ as was i<3* maty: to tunpfc ^ upturn. 3nb fo $>auib putan ojtye antfia flic bc= utDitiffc the in pnrtcsf. Of pcbilbicn of lem? cinri wcrc3abatb, *ma,3cu0 I ffif ria:f iiefc foure were t&cfon= ncs of &emei . $bb JaiatS was tbe c^cfc, ?inatbc feconoe . 35ut 3en« aim fficria into notmanpfounc&tberfoje tbcp were in 011c rcunipngcnccojbpng to tbcpj father* bou* ujolbcrchencbfoioncauncicntboufnolbc. ^ Wc fonnc0ofCabatb-.3mram, 3?aDar, .*££*/•'• .^WonanoCljtcl, foure. * 'Cbc fonncs of u»«.wa 3mram: 3f aron 9 0)ofcs . 3nb TUamwai fcparateb.to bauc tbc rule of tfjebolp tbpu= gcjs in tt)e place moort Uolvc , Dc ano Dpji'fon«= ncs.foi cucruinb to buwc incenfe befojettJt lo2be,nnb to mpniftre Dnto Mm, % to blcflc i» W name fo* eticr. gtyofc0 aifo tbc man of <5ob,anb bis cbplOKii.wcrcnamcb wptb? fiw of Lcm.'Ebe fonncs of ttyofcS : <3cr= fonanoeitHcr . Of the foimcs of Gcrjom mbml was tbe cbcfc . IT be fonncs of €lic= WMtWrn tbe cbcfc . 3nb <£lie?crbabno* nc other fonncs: 23 utt )c fonncs of ttebabia weretocrp manpc . % je tonne* of 3?abar: WlfflfflM cbcfc. ^bc fonncs of wetoo: 3eriabu tbc fpzft , 3maria tbc ftconbe,3a= ftwcltbetbijb^anb Jsstunsm tbe fourth. myt fonncs of crarf ^ tt)nbIi:anb#;ufi-'£bcfonnc*of *»ai)lie= lca5acanbCi*3nbanbbab uofonnc0,butbaugbter0,anb tbeir bJctlp tbcfonuc0of Ctttobf tdem . 'Srbcfonnc* of a)uu:a)abli,©bcr,(i 3mmot&,troc. 'fcbe* fe arc tDecljplbjen of inn after tbe ijoutyoia oftbep?fatbcr*,cucntbcauncicnt oftlje fa= tberSaccojbiugtotbcw offpectf, anb after p «omb?e anb fommc of p Mima of tbem that opbtbcttjoacbrintbefcruicc of tbcijoufe of tl)elio2b,fromtbcageoft\x)cntpepcarcsif abouc.3uba)ambfapbe;tl)c io^be Cob of 3fracl batbseuen reft tonto bis* people , that mv mm bwell in 3crufaIgfo2 etier . ttt tbe Jicutf e^alfo (hum mm nomoze bcarc f tabernacle 9 all tj;e tjeircllctf fo^.tbe ferupec S)tberof:fo2acco^bpiifle to tijelaft mfrtfti mm%tte Ituikfi were nomftco fro mfc C^oniclts tvt vffc aub abouc.anb tfjeir oft>cc toast \»\ per tbc battbc olf tbe Conncjac of SJaron, foi tht fcruice of tbc b»ufe of tbc iojbc ,intbc cour, M$ fellcftanii in tbe purifpinge of all bo= Ipct&pnjjf sun&tn tbc ujojcbc oftlje fcruice of tbc boufc of q ob. 311 tbc (fcewebjetb in tf rpncftow)?c,i»i ipmcatcofferinsc, in tbe tt)a= fcrtf of facte b^ccb , in tbc frptygc pannc.in tbc sr^bp^on^mb in all ma net of incafurctf anbcpfcanbtoftabecucrpbapeiutljcmo^ "Vnse.to tbankc anb piapfe t^t io^be , ano fo ipacwvfe atcuen. atnn to ofttr all burnt= liunfvcc0tjntotbc iozbe.in f ^abboticft in tbcnetocmoone0 > tontye fcftfullbapeiS b^nomb^eanocuftome cotinuallp(a0 thev werecommaunbeb) befo^etbe io?bc.ainb twwtfbnm wapte 011 ti)c tabernacle of pftmbi nnbontbe holp place.anb on tbe fomicjof 3aro:n tbeir b;ct^cn,tntDe ferui= ceoftl)ei)ouftoftbeio2be. C5Tl)c.w: mar tjjcreaccojtbmjito tbepi on~pcc0intbet>? mimftracp6.3nDti)erctDcrcmoauuciittnS founbe amogc f f orinctf of €lca5ar , tben tbe fonncs of 3tpmaf.3nb tbutfUJcrc tljcp 0^ bub together:?! mongc^l'onnctf of Clca^ic there were ff]rtencruUr0,acco2bvngc to tbe bouCboIbc of tbeir fatberp:? cvabtamog t\)t fonnejJof3tbamaracco2btng top boutbolb oftbev?fatbcr0,3fnbtbu0 were tl;ev putm ozber bp lott, j one foitc from tbc otber,^ f were t&crc mlcttfin f» ^anctuarpe 5 Lojbctf iefo2e C5oo,a0 well of p finmen of 3tbama r ajJoff fomjc0ofeicajar.3nbg)tmciatbe tonne of |5atl)anetl the <&crtbc , of tbc npn- rcboftbe JLcmti:0W2otctb2bcfo?etDeBpncr anb t\)z to?bc0 , 3 before ?abocn t\\t picaft IS anb3bimelccm:befonnc of 3biathar , anb bcfo2cf|)e annciijtfatbcr^, before p pzeaftctf ^tbclenitc^.otiep^inctpallljoumolbbcpns refcrucb fo? (gleajar anb one fo?3f!w»<™ anbtbc fp^ft lotfclito3eboiarib,^t|)cfe= conbcfo3ebaia.'Cbetbirbcto^aiim,«tbe fourth to mftt,| ^bc fpftcfoa)clcbta : .f tbc fpjete to ^famin.'Sr he feuf tb tbAaKoU, a tbc cpflbtto*3bt«.^enpntbe tojeiua, *»nw* $ptentbto^ccamaf)n.'3Cbelenrtl)to©no«C ftb,» tbetweinetl) to Jahim.'Ctietbirtentp toIoupa,9ftbefourtetbto3cfcbcab.'Cbcftf s tenth to 2Sifga,tf f fvjttcntn to immtt&fr fcuf tentO to Mf , $ § cpflljtcllj to img* Mm $mto iMnanitks. tffle tipnettnto to patbabia,anb the t wen * tietl) to 3ebefHel.1S:be twf tictb » one to 3a ■- tW anb p.jcjccj.to €»amul.^:be.Witj.to ^>c -- laiabu, anb tbe.^iiij. to mu fin fin. 'Cbrte arc tbe O2binauncc0 of t be in their office*, wban tbcp came into tbc boufc of tbc iojbe.nccojbpngto tbeir mancr totoct :7ka-. routbcubacl,3cbebiabu.i!Dftbefonnc0of ._iacbabia,ffp«tftjef«a.€)fibc3e?nbaritc0 > -^^clomotb'ilDf pfonnc0alfo of jfeclotnotb, 3abatb^i0fonnc03criabupfirft3mana= l)u p (ccobc,3aba?icltbe tbirbe, 9 3eaamca t\)C fourth . €»f tbcfonnc0 of Ctficl, ftbcfonnc0alfo of3iUa?ccbariabu.'?:befonnc0 of a)crari, wcrc^)abli^a)ufi.'5rbefonnc0of3aa?ia= bu,2Bcno.'Ebcfonnc0of^craribp:anibanb t|)c caj)tapnc0ofp hoftcappoyntcb out to bo ferupec , § ifonnc0 of 3Cfapb Iceman anb 3cbu= tbun, whan tbcp ^yh pjopbcfpc wptb bar= pc0,pniltcrie0anbnmba!c0.3nb there wa0 amultitubc of the men that were nppopn= tttt to the ferupecanb mpniftracpon. Of tbc fonnc0of ^fapb:?accur,3ofepb , Batbama anb ?Cfcrcla that wapfeb on 3faplj , wljpcl) p^opbcfpcbbpthcnpngc. Of3cbutbnn:tbcfonnc0of3cbuthun: <5ebelt'ahu,?eri, 3efaiabu , Ifjafabiahu , anb a)atbithiahufpj;e,mibcrtbcbabe0ofthcpi father 3cbutbuu, whpcb pjopbcfpcb wptb a Irorpc.foitogcuctbaKctffr p?apfc0 Vntothc lojb.iJDf ixma^foi^of i)cma: sSuIuabu, ^)atbantahu,ilLl?icI,?cbucI,3crimotb, fca* naniB,li)anaiH,€liatba,(5ebaItbi , Hoina» ' tbi,€?cr,3of0c(iafa,mnlotbi.li)6tlHr,?^)a ba;iotl).3Ufbcfewerc tfjc fonnc0of l)«n«1 t woieb wa0 f hpngc? &car in tbc wo.2bc0 of v% d&ob^-to Ipfte \jp f borne of? rcgall bigui 25tie.3nb(5obgauctoHi)cnulrmi.fomic0nnb tb2ebaugbtcr0.3H thefc alfo were at § \ym of tbeir father fpnging in f Ijoufc of f lo>be x& fimbalcj2i,pfaltcric0 $ l)arpe0, wp ^fapl) Mlmiii, w« 3ebutbunanblicman executed tJKfcrupcc intbc boufc of Gob.attbcfimgeghitbc.^nb fbciimlntiibcoftbc wytbtljcir b2ctb2ftbat wn-cmftnictctntbcfo]igc0ofthcio2b:cue all )'» lor re conpng, wcrr two bunb2Cb foure f;to2c -1 cpgbt.?: nb tbcp * caft £ottc0am6fl *£?ou.rbu> tbc" fcluco jjowcrbcpQmiDc wapte;a0 well fo* the Onall as fo* the grcatc, fo; t&efcolcc ao wcllao fo2 the fliolc maftcr. Z nb t(jc f pzft lot m (^ 3fap|) fell to 30^ «-» fcpb.1Tbcfccaocto(3cbc!iabu{wpth rji^bic c ri)2cnanbfonnc0jwbpcbmcn were ewclue. 1irhcthtrbcfcUto?accur roptb bP0 fonncs * bactbic.bcpngtwclucpcrloncs.^bc fourth to 3*rt with Dm f onncsanb b2eth2cn , t weK uepcrfonncs. 'Cbc f pftc to Bathaniahu with his fornix nnbb2cth2en,twc!uc pcrfonnc0. ^be fprtc to iSubiahu with hvs fonncsanb bicthicn, twcluepcrfonnco.^be feucntb to 3cfarcl twclucperfonnc0.'<2:bcnpntb to #>atbama&ii with bps fonncs anb bzctbic, t wcluc pcrionnccCbc tf th to &imci with hi3fonnc0anbO2ctb2cn,tv6clucpcrfoiincs. ^rhccicucnthto 3?aracl wptb bps fonncs anbbzctlnctbtwclucpcrronncs.^hc tweb jp uctlj to I.>afabiawptl) bps fonncs anb bic- tb,2cn,twcluc pcrfonncs.liTbctbpitcnrb to &iibaclwptbbpsfonncs*b2cfb2ciitwclue pcrfouncS.^hcfourtcntb to a^a'tlMtpialm tu bps fonncs sb2cth2cn tweluc pcrfonucS: 'The fpftcrh to 3ercmorb u'» hi0 fonncs * bu tl)2e, t wcluc pcrfonucs. 'She fprtcthto l)k> namalm wptb hiSfonucSanb b2cth2c.twcl= ucpcrfonncs.-5rhc.,r\ju.to3orbcliaft'wptb his fonncs , aub bictb.Jcn tweluc pcrfonncf* Wbt epghteth to lijanani with bps fonncs * b2ctb2c, tweluc perfonncS.^nenpnctctb to ^alotln with bps fonncs? b2cth2cn, tweh m pcrfonucS. Ubc twentpctb toieuathath with bV0 fonncs anb bictb^n , t wcluc pcr= fonncS.'Ehc.m.folDothir with bps fonncs $b2cfh2ctwcluepcrfoune0.'€:hc.mi.to <5i= baltbiwitbhi0fonnc0anbb2ctb2cn, tweluc pcrfonucS. ^Tbcjcrui. to a)aba?ioth tfi M fonncSanbb2ctb2f, tweluc perfonncS . 'fchc xxiui.ta ^omnnthi 3:?erwith hp0 fonuce* b2ctb2cn,tweluepcrfonnes. CShe.rvm. Chapter. tbni,littpbaci , Qbcbanb tfcUabao & lips bjethjen tor re ftrongc mcn.eiibu anD $ainaDial)u.3HHKft!vc!e of the cl»UD^eu of HDbcD GDom.tbcy aiiDtbcit c-DWDtcn, anD their bjcthjcn,nctmc men aiiD of tticngtb to Do fcrtiicc .cucn.lrii.of ©bcD ©bo.^nb U*)c* lcmab&aofonncganDb.whicn.ar titic mm ® jcujii. ffbefonncs of ijofa of tbccbpibzcnof &)crari:£)imritbc cbcfe.fr though be was not toe elDt ft, vet bw f atber fett turn in fl cbc* felt placcfyeibiabu the feconbe, tebalteftu tbctbirbe^nbjccbariabutbcfouitb: all tpe founts* anD bmlucn of $ofa wcrc.jciit. Amonge tbcfc was DcupbcD the offpec of fhepomrtypppctbattbepf&ulbcbcaunctft mcn.to waptc wptb tbcpjbmb«n, whan tbepmpmfrrcbintbcboufcoftbctoib3nb thep caft Jott cs, bet wene the great anD final l after the bouftolb of their fathcr£f,foi cuctp ate .;lnb the lot on Ipc caft fpbe fell Upon Delcrnciabu.3nbfo;i?acbariabubps fonne ( w&tcb was a wif e counccller )!$cp caft Hoc* tea,* tips lot tamt outtowarbc t^e ftoitfc 3uo ObcD eoomsiot fell to p £>ourb.3ttD foibPSfonncSfcll the bonfrst of $fiipntai. jf o;&upbimaiib fcofa towarbc the weft, miti; the gate tbat ftonDctb towarb the Jjpcc wave .one watch bcpugcoucragapnft ano a tl;er. t 3fn the raft were rprc LeulteS:? towarbe tpe .Boith. tiii.a ba pc:towarb p &outb. Hit. - a bape,* towarbe 3fupptin,two anb of the trtaCure cfthcbebicatthpngcS. 3Sronccrnpncrpfoone0oflaaba"whpcb wcrepcbp!DjeWtbeG'crlomtcS.52Dflnaba* came aimcietfatbcrs,euen of laaba" there came ©ccfuni 9 Jehicli . € be fonnes of 3c= tncli:ictban«3oci bysbjotber, which were oucr tbctrcafureS ofthc houfc ofthc ioibe; Of the 3mranutes alfo $ 3*aharitcs, foe* tomtit** mtmta, wa0 smbnei? fonne of0crfon the fonne of&)ofes,arulcr oueu the treafute0.3nb ofbi0b?et^enthcfonnc0 oeeiw«i: . wa0 mababiabu , whofc fonne was 3faiabu,wbofe tonne was^oja, who* Te fonne wnsjiclni. wbofc fonne was&clo= mith, whpch ^clonuth anD Wabimim torn oner all the treafurt0of tljeo^Dcbp^ tate tl)pngc0, wl)ti:n muit ebe n^ige, ft the mincicnttather0,tbccapitapnc0 ouee tpon= fanbt0 $ DuntytDt* r f tjc captapne0 of the holte,habbebicati:Dontoftljefpoplc0w6ne in battel : thep ovD Debicatt m to tnaftev* *» nc tlicijonfeof tljclo^De:^ all that Samuel tljcfear.anb^onllthcfonncofCiS.anD^D* tier the fonne of Bur, anD loab the fonne of ?arniahab bcbicaeeb , % woofociice Dab Dc« Dfcateanpctbpngr, it wa0\jnDettl)C^anDe of S>rlomith ano of hp0 b,ictD?en. €)f pjMijanteitf wa0 Cbenaninhu 9 $m fom^.nppopntcbtothcbtiftncRcwitDont" foith oner 3frael:fo? thtv t»f« officcr0anD 3nbge0.^nboftDic Deb^onitc0 loafabiafnt 9 Di0D?ctDwinc» of actinite a thoufanbefr fcnebunb?eb,weri:officfr0amongcthemof 3fraclbcponb3o^)an weftwarb,in all bit* fpneOe bcl6 ing tenpob , anD fenitcc of the bpnjxe.3megc p ficb^onitoS wa0 3cbia the tbefelr.cnennp^inccamongthetocbiomtcjs 9 fathers of hp0 HpnreD. KinD in the tourtve ware ofthc Bynqtiomeof BaniD, tljef were fonghtfo^.^nDtbcrr were fonnb atnogttK tnenofactimtcat3a«riii(i5iIeab.3nDhp0 tytttyl were men of actinite, eue* twothon» fanb?fcncnhnnb;eb,anncient fathers, whfi RpngeDaniDmatierulcr0 ouei;tl)e Bnbcni- te0,c5abbitc0,ai:iD oner the halfc trpbt of 4»ana(Te, fo? enerp matter pcttapnpnge to ©oDjanDfonhclipngcsbiiivncfrc. CS:he^Uii.€hapfcr. COnijc peaces- ano eulars t\)at mpn(ffrcb tint* I ^t cfyib?cn of 3lrat 1 : after the ^ ^ncmb^eofthe.theanncient Dec-- 3 (JDC09 captapnes of thoufanbeS anb tiub^beio',9 their offpecrsp _ fmietithchpngbpbincrreconr= fc0 which came in * wet ont.moneth hp mo^ iietb,tbojowontaillpmonctbc0of the pert. anDtn enerp courfe were.jcriiii.thonfanbe. jDnctpfp?(r courlie fo !©uerthehpngcstrcafurcswas Ttimfc ncth the fonne of 3bicl .3nb ouee the trea- fu^s.ofthefeibcs^nthccpttes^^illages^ caftcllcS,waS3ehonntha, p fonne of dl?ia= Ini.^nD oucr the wo?cUmg in the felbcS that tpllcb the grounb, was d£?ri f fonnc of €be» inb.3Bnb the oucrfpght of f Vincparocs Dab Smnci p Eamatljite. Oucr the increaec alfo ofthetnncparbcs.gf oucr pwtnefcllerS was S>abbitbc1f)9fiphunite.3Ciiboucrthcx)iiuc= trccs^niulbcrptrccsf were in the UalcpcS, was 25aall)an5 tfcc C5eDeritc . $m oner p MltMii treafurcof oplc.was 3oas : Oucr the or en fhatfebin^acon , wasS)ctart theS)aro- nitc. 7b 11D oucr the orcn that were in the toa* lepes wa0S)aphat y fonne of aiblai . ©tier the camclles, 0bil the 3fmaclpte. 3nb ouec the aires was 3obaDiabu the ^)cconothi= tc, Oner the (bepe, waS3ajis the foagcritc. 3611 tbcfc were the rulers ofthc fubftancc of ftpngc s>aiiib.$nD 3chonatha Dant'DS Hm» de.aman ofconucellanb of »nbcrltonDpng wasafcrpbe,anb3chiel thefonneof l)acb- moni^r- waswpthtljc fepnges fonneseu= Rructingcthcm.3Cnb3Ihitophcl waSofthe ec ^ ftpnges counfclianb l)ufat^ 3rachitewas thcHpngcscompanpon3nbncrtto3tl)ito= pbclwas3eboiaDa the fonne of isanaiabu, saibtatbacainb the capptapne ofthc bpiv geswarre,waS3oab. C^hcrnoiiiChaptcr. fTBccaurcDauiotoaBfoibpHDinto buplDt t\ie f cmp!f ,be erI>o;tctb. Salomon alio th,c ilccpicfo prcfoimctt. Wsl^ift* ^> n "i'hgeathcrebtogeathec « m all the Hojbcs of 3frarl 1 p Loz^ DCS ofthc trpbcS.thc lozbcsbf ncS oner the thoufanbes ? oucr the himDic* bcS,^ the ioibestbatbaD p oucrlpght oucr nUtUcfubftaunccanbpotTeu"ponof:DamO, bPfi>fonnc4.wvthtbccbamb;tlapiieS:alltbt tnpqDtpcanbtyileauntanb hll actinc men. Uuto3fnifalc.^nDl;pnge S)ainD ftoDeVip Dponhpflfctcanbfavbc. Ir>carcmcmpl»cfhun$mp people. * 3 *nxtm* liabinrnpnehcrtfobuplbcan houfc of reft f 01 the 3trcfce ofthc couenaunt ofthc lo2b,<* foj^rfotcftoicofourcc5ob,?haomaD s e ^») rcbpe ) fo:tbcbuplbmg ; j$ut<3obfnpb\)nto mc:*{Jinaltuotbuvlbcanhoufefo.imp ua= m m „ „ mcbecaufcphnftbeneamauofwarrc, anD ».p«s..rre.i. Daft (rjeb bloub.^)c?couer,thc toib cob of 3frael*cj}ofe me before all p houfc of mp fa= Zfr**** thcr.tobe ttfgc oucr 3fracl fo? cucr.foi in3n m Da wolb he chofc a captapnc:* ofp houinoioc of jm i$ the houfc of mp father,^ amonge the founts of myfatbet hchnb a Iuftto me, to made me King oucrall3fraell. tm of all mpfonncs(foip tojb hath gene me mnnpc fonueS)he hathchofen Salomon mp fonnc, to fptt \)po the feat of p kpngbom of f %efr in 3frael.3nb he fapbc tjnf mt: * ^alom5 *i>m>ttot.t thpfoune ) hcujaubuplbmennhoufc^cour=''' p * ra - bl,lr * td , 3 hnucchofen hpm to be mp fonnc j 3 wilbe bis fatbcr.3 will ftaWp^c his" Rigboe foteucr^fhewillbcftrogtoOompefimniV Dmcntes.amplaweS.asitgocththiSbape. .aowthcrfojc.inthe fpght of all 3ftael thecogregacpool^lbiDr,^ in the auDicnce of ourc(S>ob:ftcpc 9feUe foi all the comaun* bmcnfcSofthcJE.o^bp6(!!>ob,f pcmapccn- iopcagoob laiib,? lcaucinhecitaunccfo»p5 chUbjcn after pou fo.i cuer.^nD p Salomon X itii mp m ?9aufr ; *■ my tonne, knowe eiioit p* <3ob of tbpfatber, * mi,*u, ? n * fw,e ^ m **9 n ? ttW ' ,crt ' anl) W& " $«tty i » <*. 1 i il it:! ; t * ; i *1 ■ ■ :! i 1 fwctc courage. *5?02 the iojbc fcrcbctball |)crtc0 > anb\mberftanbctballtbcpmagiiuV' cyonSof tbougbtcs.Snbpftbou (eke bpm, !)C WplbC fOlUlOC Of t!)C:l5llt yf tbou foiCiftc nym .be wt» U call tbe of f 02 cucr. %$ kc bebe howe .foz $ lozDcbiirtuljofcn tbc.to buplbc bpm an youfc of a £>attctuart c . 13c ft rouge tnerfo2c,anb plapctbc man. C SnotMutogaur $>alomoti W fonne the ^ patcrncofflJcpo:cDC'^K(of^ffcmpif airo; » of^ lioufcSfbatlonftcbtbcrto.of the ftoicpou* fcS.ijppcrcbamlucS.ynncr parlourcst » flt of tbc borne of toe mcrcycfcate :* tbc trample of all tl)dt be ban iiiby0mynt)c,fo2tbe courted of the houfe of the iojbc , ftfojall tbe ccllcS rounbe obout,fo2tbc treafurc0 of tbe hotifc ofSoo.anbfojtbcfrcafiu^oftbcbcDpcatc t!)i>ngr*,?fo2rl)c biutfpon0 of tbc pjcafteS auD LcuitcStbatwaytcbby coutfe,$fo2all tbc wo2kcmanu>p,tbat (fculbe fcrue f 02 the \ymic of tbc Lo.20c,5 fojall tbctocfrcllcS tbat ibuloc icrue in tlie houfe of tbe Lo2bc . JF02 rcoiDc* foi tl>c vunvffln of golDc,foz all Dcf- fcllcSoftonb2ycnumftracio0:fo2 all mancc of \Kffcllcs of fplucr tu weygbf ,? foiall Ucf fcllcS.wbatfocucrwirporctbepferucbUnto. oTlie waygbt of golbe foj toe canbclftpc= kcs.anb tbc goibc f 02 their lampcs, with tbe wapght fo2 curry cabrlftyckcs fez tbc lam= pf3thcrof.3LnD f 02 ti)c canbclftychcs offpl» ufrbpwaygl)t,botbfo2tbc cabclftpckc ana alft f 02 Ijc c la*pcSacco2Dmgctotbc biucrfitc r> of y ore of euerp cabciftpck.3nb bp wavgbc *® c»:ijtcriut)cjoibefo2rljetablc6 of (licwc biecb, e ueu f 1 euerp tablc:anb ipkc wyfc fplucr fo? tbc tables of fplucr.3nb golbe fo2ftcQieho= Uco,cuppcSanbb2ynckpngpofccfi:3nbpu= re golbe in wapgbt f 02 bafcns.cue fo2 euerp la fen. 3 nb Ipkewpfc fplucr bp wapgbt , fo* rucrpbafen of fplucr. 3Cnb fo2tbe aultcrof inccnle,puregolbebp wapgbt.Snb golb fo* tbepnti:rneoftl)ecbarcttoftbc€bcrubf]Bp ftretcbcb outtbctrwyngcS,anbcoucrcb toe arc!Kof?coucnauntoftoeio20.3fll(fapbc •Daiub)was geucn mcbp wjyrpnge of tlje IjanDc oftbc Lo2be,wbpcbmabc me Wibcr* iranbeailtbewo2kmanu;ypoftbepatcrnc; ftnb'Dauibfapbeto Salomon by0fon= nciiScftronge.anbbomanfullp.ffarcnof, not be fayntbartcb.tfoirbe Lo2bc<3ob,euc mp<3ob,i0wptbtl;c,ano be q>nll not fnplc tljc ,1102 fozfahe toe , MMl tbou baft f v npf^ ibco all tbc t»02(tf tbat muft fcrue fo2fnou= feof tbe Loib.iSeljolbe.thepjcaltcjSanb ic^ mrc0acc bcutbcbiu companpes, fo? all ma* nccof fcrupce tbat pcrtapuetb to tl)c tjoufc ofc5oD:tbcp arc \uptb tlje fo2 allmaner of iDoikmanlhpp, anbfoatc all eoatcirccll In TDpfeCiome fojanpmatur of fcrupce . 'Cnou baft alio the £o2be£ ano all tl)e people fot eticirp tppngc tljat tr)ou ftaft iicbc of. m ftfcwit, Cftaptt r. VZ\)t offfrpnBM of Ofluio 9 of tljt pjpnrcafo? (btbupltiriiBtofilbffcmplc.SiauiDCPrtlj.jfta; lomon Ijpb roiiue tapeuttb in bpo (tcaDf . [jabBauibtljc (tpngc fapbctju a to all tlje congrcgacpoii:* <5oD * m.u iu batbl'pcciallpecoofen ^alonio •nip fonne \»bycb i$ pet pounge . „ ^tfOcr.^tljcujOKUetjSgrcate, fo? tbcooufc (ball not be f 02 nut , but fo2tne lo2be(5ob.ia)o2coucr , 3 banc pjcparebtj allmp mpgbtcfoji tbc Ijoufc of ttpob: golbe fo2UctTcl0of goioir, fplucr fc2 tbc of fplucr, tyaffe f 0; tbpngc of tyaiTc , p2on f 02 tbpn- gcjs of p2on , 5 ujooU f 02 thpngefl of toooo: anoonij ftoncjUnb ftoned to be fctt, glp= ftrtngcftonc0ani)ofD(ucrfecolourr,anball mancrofp2ecloufi: ftonejJ.anbtnarble fto« nc0ingreatabouribajicc.35nbbecaufclba= m lull to f houfe of mp C5ob : 3 banc oFmp* nc ov»ne O2op2e goob, of golbe nnD fplucr wbpcbjbaucfcurrallpgfuctotbeboufcof my (5oo,befyDcallp3 ijauc pzepareb fo?f 23 bolpboufc ; cucn tb2e tljoufanbe talcntf0of golbe of Cpbir.anbfcuentboufaiioe talked of trpcb fplucr :to ouerlopc tbc vwallcs of tbc boufc0UHtball:p (jolbc fo2tbyngc0 of goIDe fplucr fo,2thcm of fplucr , 9 fo? all tnancr of W02clie bp f Ijanbee ot arttfyecrtf. % nb tobo focucr 10 tDillmg, mayc tbifi bapc confccrace l)pj6 Unttoe Unto ttic toioc 3nb fo tbe aunctcnt fatberc anb t\)t lot-- besfof tl)etrpbc0of 3frael,tbe captapnefi of tboufanDcj* anb bunb2cDcc,\X)Ub tbe Io2bc0 tbat were rulers oner tbc uyngctf \»o?Hc , wcretopllpngc anb gaue fo2 tbe fcrupce of tbeboufe of 0ob ; ,fyuc tboufanbe talentes of nto tbe loibr. 3nb Dautb the kpnge rciopfeb toytb great rclabnefrc.3fnbS>mub bleiTeb tbe lo?bebe- fo:e all tbe congrcflacpon.anb fapbc : 25lcf= feb be tbou to2bC5ooof3fraelourc inttyt, from cucr anb fo2 cucr. Ubpnc ( sD loibe; i0grcatncffc,anbpotDcr,glo2ie,1)KtO2ieauo p2apfc:fo?ali tbat (0 in heauen anb in crtb 10 tbpne.ff tbpne 10 tbe upngbom( flD Hoibc; anb tbou r^ccllcft abouc all, cucn a0 tbc Uccd of all . 3Cnb rpcbifffc anb bonourc come of t\)t , anb tbou rapgueft oner all, anb in top* ne banbe 10 pot»er anb ftrcngtb, anb in top* nchaiibiti0tomalicgrcat$ togcuc ftregtft untoall. 3nO Cl^onvtle^ Qrt.itc Salomon 11 ^inb nowe ottre (2>ob, xm tbaiiuc tbc, anb H> p2apfctbpgloiioufcname. 23»ti»boam3.'' anbtx>batf0 mp people .•'tbat we imilbe en- force oure fcluc0 togcue tljefc tbigc0fo roil* linglp t But all tbpngce come of tbc : anb of tbat UJljicb VDcrcccaucb of tbpne banbe toe « ff ffiw(b- bauegcuentbe.* #01 i»ebcbtit ftraungcr0 Bfji-rrtitc. ucfo2ctbe, anbfoiourncr0, a0ttjereallourc """ fathers. €)urcbayc0ontbccrtbalfoarebut a0a^tnabo\Dc,anbtbcrei0noncabpbtngc. €> Hozbc oure (5ob,all tbi0 ftuffe f m banc p2cparebtobuplbc tbcanboufe fo2tbp boly namccamctb of tbpne banbt , «* i0alltbyne. (3 tuotealfo mpc5ob) tbat tbou trpeft tbc pcrtc0 , anb baft plcafurein\)nfapncbncftc « %\\\) in tbe wifaynebncfte of mync becte . 3 baucwilUnglpcoffreballtbcfctbtngc0.3inD noujc baue 3 fcue tby people robicb are f oilbc Dm » to offer t)nto tbct»tllyngly anb t»ptb SlabuclTf . jJD tom «5ob of 3b2ab5,3fabac, 9 of3fraclourcfatbcr0,Ucpc tbt0fo2 cucr, a0tbe begpnnpnge of tbc tfjougbtc0of tbc e btttc of tby people, anb prepare tbeir her tcs mto tbe.3nb gcuc Unto&aloino mp fonne, a perfecte hcrf c,f Itcpc f Ijp commaunbemc- tc&tl)? i:eftpmonic0 anb t\)v ftatutcS.anb to bo all , $ to buylbc tbc boufc fo? tbc wbicl; 3 bauem(ibcp2ouifionfo2. 3finb "Damb fapbc to all tbe cogrcgacpon: v^ fcrHQW blcffc tbe io2bepoure 6ob.3f.nb all tbc cogrcgacion blcffcb tbc ioibc Gob of tbeirfatber0,anbboujcbbo«)netbctrbcabe0 anb \D02tbyppcb tbe Lo2bcanb tbc ftpngc. 3inbtbcp offcrcbottcrpngc0\jntotbc io2bc. 3EMDontbcmo2o\xicafter^fapocOapr,tbcp offercb burntoffcr pages Unto tbc t0.2be.eue a tboufanbe pougcoccn, a tbouranberamcS 3f $ a tboufanbe fbepe, tDitbtbcirbipncHcorTc^ tynge0 . autb upnge tbefeconbe tpmcanbannopntcb bi'« P2t>ncc before tbc 11020c , anb ?abock to be tb'c'bpe *n.»c.alomonfatcontl)e fcate of tbcio?lK,anb\»a0kynginftcabcof£>auib 1)10 fatber,? p2ofpc rcb.anb all tbey of 3frac( obepebbun. Stub alltbc Io.2bc0 anbincnof power , anb all tbcfonne0 of kpnge a>autb wbnuttcb tb cm felucS , 9 were \mbcr kpnge *ni.?f.«H.6. s>alomon.*3!nbthe *Lo2brmag*uftcb&a* lomon in bigititye, in tbc fpgbt of all them of 3frael,anbgattc|)im fo glo2ioufcakpngbo- mca0no kpnge bab bcfo2cJ;im in 3frael. (5 %n* fo iDauiD tbe fonne of 3fay raygneb oucrall 3ftacl . 2Snb p fpacc tbat be raygucb oucr 3frael , was fourtpc ycrc .- fcucn pearc raygnebbe in licb26,^.wi:uj.pcrc raygucb be in 3cruliiie.3Cn0 be bpebt a gooDagc:fnll of bape0,rpcbe0 anb bonourc.aEnb ^>alomo 5(0 fonne rapgncb in W ft cabeft be actc0 of £>au(b p kpnjif f pjft ano laftc, bebolbc,tl;cp 5fo,lrrrb arc tD2(tten fn the bokc of Samuel tbe fear, ano in tl)t boke of Matbanj5p2opbcte,anb in p boke of 0ab tbc fear , tf all bi0 kpngbome anb power 8 tpme0,?ti)2t oucr bim anb oucr all 3frael, ? oucr all p kpngbome0 of p crtb. ft^bc tmc of tbe fp2(f bokc of tbcCb2onp* clcs , otbcrujpfc callcb § f y?ft boke ofparaltpomcuou. CCbefecobcbokeof tbc€bionycle0 wind) in t^ l^t bjuc i0onewitljthefpift< C^bcfyiftCbapter. «ranjeotf«Tnffc of Salomon In tbc bplauitrtaf f3ibjfl,totjetf be tttuunii an Jttoer of (5oo,tobae topfoome (5ui6c be geucn bftmhiptb t\) ( nomb:» of hi* cbattttes ano bojirunsn. mo p fonc of £>autb wareDftro gc in \}y$i kingbomc *?*toi» bebiSobo was with biat,5tna- gtuTpcb bf inpbigni" tyc- 3:110 . _ „ 4 Salomon fpakeijhtoaU3fracI, to tbc captapnes oucr tboufanbc0,topeaptapiiesoticrbiinb2ebc0, top inbgeS anb to cuerp offpeer in all 3fracl, anb to t^t awnctft fatbcr03nb fo ^alomo 9 all the congrcgacpon witb ftitn * went to tbe hpe place that wa0 at 0ibeon:fo2*tberc wa0 tbc tabernacle of tbc witneffe of nto <5ob : thou baft- ilicwcD great mcrcyc JiWhr* ^ ,,t0 "° amt) i«Vfathcr,nnD * baft mabe mc " toraygncmbtSftcabc . * .tf owe fhcrfojc to2bci5ob,lctrby Piomyfc wind) thou ma* *tf,«*.fff.a Deft witotwuib my father, betcuc.jfoj* p" baft mabeme nyngc oner a people- which is tyKc the Unit of the earth in multitubr.U%t f^ fojcgcucmcnowcwpfbomcfr Knowledge, * - that ;< mupc he a We to^r go out aim m be« ^ fo:cthiS people : foj who cl0"*ot.o;t!)tip) can *ut r-a « ft u,l, sc t bis people that is fo grcatr *3ubC5oDlaybcto£)alomon,beraufc this was in t hyiic bcrt,anb hecaufr thou baft not aflicb trcafurc , ano r pcrjclTc, ? bonoure, .viothclpucS of tbync cncim>c0 , nether yet loqr lyfe : but haft afueb wyfDomcanb liiio= ivlreiffcfojtbyfrlfc/oiu&se mp people, oucr- which 3 bane mabe the fcpngr/ wpldomcand ft.i :» wlcbrjc is grati ted \mrc'i the, and 3 wtll gene tbc frcafurc,andrycbc;fc,andgloipe:fo fiiaramongctbcKyngc0tb tlK tabernacle of witncffcanbraygucdoucr * i;i.:;:.r.n. juiicl.Snd * Salomon geatbered cbarct* tcsanDboiCcmcn : aubbc badatboufoudc, aubf ourc Ihmdicoclnrettcs , a.ani. tnou= fanocbotfemcn.wbobcbrftoWfOiutijceha* rctcytic^anDvottbtbebviHeatJivtufalcm. *" UC2 - r - B, 3tnb + thelJimgcmaDel*)'liier and goloe at 3rrufalcm,a0plcntcousaSftoncS:and£c-- dartrccSmadcbcaSplcuricasrhcmiilbcrp trees that growc in tbc balcpcs Sub fi)02= feS which Salomon bad, were b jougbt him out of ©gppt bp f be UyngcS maicbauntcs p" were together, which bepnge of one copunp, tofce t$ out at a pjyce . <& hey came alio and £3- brought out of <£gpprc$3r a cbarctftufpre bundled pcccS of fplucr : cucn an bojfc foi an bubKD $ fyftie. 3ndfob20iigbt tbcp bojfcS foulltbc uvngcgof tbe tyctbttcs , »fojtbe apngcSofguria bp their awnc banbe. Cftbcfccoubc Chapter. Osalomoii fcubrtb to ©pram t be Kpn&c of TCpia fo; luoob anb too/rttincn. |0b3>alomo determined fo bupl* be an boufc f 02 the name of § Hoi* bc.andanboufefozbisayngdome auo Salomon tolDe out tb2cfUo2c and ten tboulandc men to bcarc burbe0,and f otite fliojc tboufanbe men to bewe (tones tit tbcmountnynr, anotb2ctboulatidcan& fp^c bunD2i!btooucrfetbem. * .i..rcg.b.a. *3fnb Jiauc fent a wy fc man , anb a man of \mbcr= ftanhyngc(whommyfatbcrl!)ur5bybtJfc) *tbc fonuc of aujomanoftbcbaugbtcrjs of *ttijttm $>nn,anD bijSfathcr watf a ma office , anh be can (liyllcto wojbcin goib anb fplucr , in b2au*eanb pion.in ftonc anb tpmbjic, in pur= picanb pclowc fpllie.infyne wtytt anberc^ mofiti: anb can grauefonb2ic maner of gra= uingesi , anb to tpubc out bpuctfc mancc of fotlc wo? be that fhalbc fctt before bim, mb tty connpngc mcn,9 voitl) the connynge men ofmp io v 2hcDauii)thP fatfjer. iaowc tber» fo?c, p wbcatcanb barlcyc , oyle anb u>?ne whiconipio2bcbathfpob5of,lctbim fenbe \}?if bijs feruauntr03nb we will cut wood in itba no, ns' mod) a0 tljou (bait nrbe , anb will b2ing it to ?,ui (bippeiS by fee to 3aobo» from €\nonydw MlnM % fromwbence thou mapftcarpctbem fo3c rufalem. ^i'b Salomon nobjeo all the ftra- uugcrid tbat were in tbclahcof 3rrael,aftcr tbc nombje of them whom bis father £>amb jab nomb2eb.3ub tbcp were f ounbe an hii= btcbanb.liij.tboufanDe anb fp^c bunb2cb. 3inbbefet. ire. tboufanbe of them to bcarc burtbensUno. lejjc. tboufanbe to he we do- nexi inf mountapne.anb thic thounmbc anb fpjee biib2cb officer0,to fct ^people a wqjkc. / CSbe-iij.Cbaptcc. Salomon begnnne to buplbetbc pufcof p lo2beat3erufaie in mout W»oiia * wbcrc( the lo2be)appcarcb \)nto Dauio ty# father .cucn in the place that X)auib pjepatcb in tbctb?efibpngc ftoute of mm.t. £>2nanoebufpte.ainb* be began to buph m M be m tbe reconbe bapc of the feconhe monetb JtJ.Hf.W.8. % t ty f 0Utt Jj p Cflte f ^0 ra y s , 1C § % , l0 t |j c f c arc tbe patcruec wherbp Salomon wafl in= ftructc to buylbc f boufc of (Sob.'Cbclcngtb wa$itb2c fHojc cubptcjs after thcolbc nmv furcanb tbe b2ehthe. re. cubptctf . ?r he pot-- the,y wa0inb2eothafil(irgcas the temple, «g bSb.rr.enbptcs(:anDthcbcpgfbwa0anhtm A 'b2cb^.rr.cubytce!.^nDlieoucrlaycDttou? Timer (pbc with pure golde. 3£nb tlie greater boufc be fylcb witb f y2tc tree, wbtcb be oucclaybc witb tbc be ft goib, anbgrauchthcrto palmctrc;c( auD cbcynctf. 2Cnbbeouerlaycb tbc boufc with p2ecyoufc (tone bcwtpfullp.^uD the golbcwaxigome of paruaim . 'The boufc (3 faye) p beamed, uoftep, wallcs* anbbo2c0therof, oucrlaych bcwifbgolD,aiibmabegrauenwo2(ic\)pou tljcwallesf. 3nbbcmaDcy"houfcmooftbotyc,wborc length wag. rr.cubytc0lyltc to the h2cbthc of tbe boufc , aub the b2cbtbc tberof toa0 nlfo.re.cubyte0. ^nbbe oucrlapbctt wptb soobgolbe, cucn witb.Vjj.bunbjeb talented 3&nbthcwaigbtoftbcnaplc0'ofgolDwa0 fyftie fycictf.^lnb l;e oucrlayDc f^ppcr cba« (jb^witbgolDe. *cfo.jrb.b. *3>nbtu£boufemoftbolp,bcmabctwo Cberubpn^ of pmagc wo,2lic,lyltecb)'l02cn, anb oucrlayhc tbcm witl;golb3nb f wyn= ge0ofthcchcruh0werc.rr.cuhytc0longe. 'Cbc one wpngc wa0 f puc cubitctf, reaching to tbc wall of tbc houfcanb tbe other wpngc was* lpbe wpfe fyuccuby tetf.rcacbpnge f § wpnge of tbe other Chcrub.^nb cuen fo the one wyngc of the other Cherub watf f yuc cuhyte0,rcacbyugc to the wall of the boufc, anb tbe other wynge wa0 f yuc cubttctf alfo, anb reacbeb to tbe wynge of the other Cbe= tub . £>o tbat t\3t wyngctf of the fayfc Cbc= eub0 were ftretcbeb out. rr. cubytctf . 3iiD Jbey ftobe ontbeie fetc,anb lofteb in warbetf. ma be maben fo?e bangyns of yclo w f ylUc '-<&$ purple.crcmofyne.anbfpn? wbife, anbeau^ 10 febthe ptcturcei ofdbcrubc to beb2O0creb thcron . Znti hemabe hcfo2c the boufc , two ppilcrtf of. rrrb. cubytc0 bpe . Z no the hecb that was abonc on the toppc of cucrye one of the wao fyue cnbytctf anb be mabe chay -- nc0 of Wiethe wo^ucfo;' tbequcerc , anb put them on the iicccecoftiljcpyilm^mnbcan lmn02cbponifgranatec,ani)puttl)cmonti:e chepneg . 3nb i;c reareb Vp tbcppllcrs before the temple : one on tbc ryght hanbe , anh the other on the lefte.ano called £ rpgbt^ -la- cbm,aub tljc lef tc (<*• 2i$oa?, CEhc.iitj CDaptcr. C H)f auifft of b:a(Tf ,ti)i llauaeo jpc.fbc bf (Tclirt «o toatttK untlj.tbc caiitit!Qr cfeea.tc. tofflM be mabe an aulter of b2afte.tr.. „ ¥§m ^VfeClongc.anD.xr.cubytcs bzoabc, '^-^aiiD ten cubptC0 hpc * 3tnt» be raft a *m.i«.trt, b2afeu Lnuato2yc of ten cnbptt0 from bivm tob2ym,rounbcincompafc , anb fyue cubp- tc0ijyc:anb a lyne of thpitpc cubytcs by b co> pafeitrounbcahoutc.?tnb\)nbcritwaBthe fafibyfi of oren which ty* compafc it rouDe aboutc : with ten cubptcsbph thcycompafe the tauat02y roubcaboutcanbtbere were, two rowes of occn which were caft of lyftc molten W02Hc. ^nb it ftooe alfo fcpon tmb uco?en:tb2elokcbtowarDctl)c aozth, V&it towarbc tlje wcft.thJc to warDc tbc 'S>ourb. anb tljfc towarbc tbr£cft,anb tbelaiui- t02y was fct bpo them , anh all their backctf wcretowarhethc iauato2y. Xnbtbcthpc= beft of it wa0an hauDb2ecbc,aubtheb:ym lyftc the b2ym of a cuppc, with flonrc0 of Ip* lycs.3!nD itreeeaueb anb bclDctb2e tbou= fanDebatc0. * 3luD bemabc ten lauers.anb put fpuc on tberyg ht hanhc , anb fyue on the lef te, to waaicaiioclcfc in them, focbthingc0aj3 they offrrb f02aburntofferyngc.26ut tl;e great 3LauatO2ywa0fo2tbep,2cafte0towaU)ein. 3nb be mabctcncanoclftycue0ofgolbc'ac 3 cozbingc to the paternc f wa0 gene of them ) anb put tbcm in tbe templc;fpuc on the ryght banbeano fpuc on 1* leftc . 3&nb he mabe alfo ten tables, anb put them in f be temple : fyue 011 the rpgbtfpoe.anb fpuc on the leftc. 3 no alomo inthc boufc of (Bob.'fcbe two pyllcrs , the coucryngc0 0? two hcebetf on the toppc0 of the pyllrrS ; 9 m two W2e= tbcS to coucr tbc two fcal pes n beebc0 that were on tbe toppc* of tb e pplU r0 : aub foure .9 *iu,tt.itn.o • 4 Salomon ffjt&?onyrfe& i t ' .} i i. ■ ■. * • t * •anateSontbctwowjctnctf, two emoof of pomegranates on our wic » the , tocoucr the two toyprsot 01 bccbcS tlint were on tbc ppllcrS . 3tub lie mabe two bot* tomes, auDlnucrscmaUc he ^pontile botto me 6 : the great I mint oiy , anb twcluc orcn \mbcrit.pottcSnlfo anb diotir Uctf , define hOBtJMno nil tpcfc \)e(tf llec bpd iwa chps father JittaRc to kpngc Salomon fo> f notifc £> of tbf lo:bc,of bzpgntujaflc. 3ntnc plApnc of3o.Jbanbpbfbc fcpnge call tbcm.cucnm tncclaycgrounbrhatts , bctwcuc$>oeotbs )arrbarha.3n&&nlom5iiiaDcalltucfct)cf= idles m grcatcabouubaunce,fo? the weight of biaflc coulbc not be rekencb. 3 nb Salomon mabe all f be \>cu"cllcS that were foj tbcboufc of Gob-, the golbcu aulter alfostfte tabled to fetttbc ftie which \jpou &i)t>! eoucr , tlic cSbclfttckcS wit b their lam = pes ( to bitrnr after the maner before tlic que' re' anb that of picciouSgoIbcuinbtbeftou* rrsanbtbelnmpcs.anbtbcfnoffcrsmaochc ofgolbr^nbfbatprrfcctcgSlbc: anb pbm'= flyngc knpues , bafens , fponcS anb center :i n» ofpiircsoIDe.^nb^*(«jfm«Df)tbc bojco rijc temple, anb the pnncr bojes within the place mooftbolvcanbtbcHnicrbojcsof tbctcni:= pie, were gpitcb. 3nbfo wasallrbe Wonkc v Salomon mabe fo.ul)c!)oufc of the to^bc fpnw%b. G^nf.t).€fcapt>r. ii rbf itclu is b.*(iuffl)t into the rrinplr.mbicb i j fpllco with f b: g.ozrc of tbr £.o:oc. -x Wti&fib f° aM r « f uici2llf that Salomon Mlninbrin tbc houfc of the Lojbe was * in rr Ml a **WN«flW> » ailD * Salomon O.JOUCjbt • ' ,B "inalUI)etl)t'ng:eothcit^ l imbi)ic(fati)crh«ib bebpeatcb, \wfbrbcfplucr anb golbe anb all the 3ei»elics, anb put them amonjjc prrca* riirrsoftbchoiifcofoob. m.tt.biii-» Wit Salomon * gafbereb r&c clbcrS of 3fracltogeatbcran& all tbc becbes of the trybcs.anbauncicntfatbccsoftbccnpibjcn of3fcacl,Wato3ctHfalcin:tobMttgcp*3rckc of the couenaunt oftbc Lojbc out of tbc tp* cic of •JDautb which is «on . U)&etf oze all the men of Jfracl refoueb \mto the kyngc m the fcaft c.cuen in the fcuctl) monech. 3fiB all the clbcraof 3fracl came, anb trjc Hctittcs tofte 25 Vptlw Sltrfte . 3ni» tl;c weaftcSanD the te- uite0 bought awapctbc:trckc anbtbera= brrnacle of wytneffe , anb all the bolp TocfTcl= les that were in p tabernacle , anb they bare •thcm.SiiDttpmje Salomon anbnlltbccoii* grcgacpon of 3ftwl p were aflcmbleb Imto him hefojcthe arckc.offcrcb Qiepeanb o^en, fo mattyc, that tbcpcottlbc not bctolbcnoj nombicbfozmultitubc. anb the pmma bJOUQhtthe^rcBcof? nppopntcment of tl;c lo^betjntohts place, men into the querc of the temple within the place moftDolpe, anb fct Mnbcr tljewpn- sctf of the encrubti , that the Cherub** ftret= rlicbont tiheir wpngciSoucr tbc place of the 3'rcucfrf he ChernbS coucrebbothf arcke c anb her barrcS aboiic on hvc.^Inb the barrel of the ^rcBr.merc fo loitcjc , t^at the beabttf of the bar res were fene without thc^rcltc within ^qucrcbut not without. 3nb t|)crc f 7i rcHc reinapnrb Dnt o tW bapc.26ut there was nothvnscmtl)c38rclic , * fnucthctwo tables which 4l)i)rcS put therin at lao^eb, when the Lo;bc mabe a couenaunt with the chrlbicu of 3frael, after thev were come out of €sppt . Itnti ii fo^tuneb , that when tit P?caaeS were come out of the holp place the faitctuarpc was fipllcb with fmotte , fo? all p picaftesthntwenr pjefent, were fanctifycb anb bvo not then waptebpeourfc, that both a the icultcsnnb tllje fvngcrS , Wi&ct 3faph, iocman anb^cbuthun, were appoputeb to fonbjpcofrVccS With their chplh^cn anbu?e= thien i were arapeb in fpnc w^ptc, Ijaupnge ^)ptnbalcS,^faMerieS,anb fyarncs, 5 ftooe at the <£cft cub of the aulter.anb up them an bub tcb anb. w.pn:afteSblowingc with trS= pettrs . anb the irrompettc blowers anb the fpnqerSfo agrecb , f'itfemeb buConc \)opct in p?.avftnse anbthanlipngcthc lLojbc.3inb w\w\ tljep Ip'tc Mp their \jopce with? from- pitm, fpmbales anb other inftrumentcS of mufyctt , anb whan thep pwpfeb t|)c lo?be, ^(jiiocirDofjowc that he is goon, anb tljat HA hiSmrrcpelaitcthnicr,?houfcof(5obwnS fpUcbw3acloube.ro that the pjeaftes coulbc notcnbnrc to mpmfterbp the rcafonof the clouoc.^onhemtiicftpof the to^bc f»bfpl< lcbthcijoufcofCDOb. C'ChiN^J.Chaptcr. f ' %bc luetics of gmlomoii to tbt ptopir, «nt) tit p;aprrcbiit bcmstii UiKOiSoti. loen Salomon fapbe : * the io?bc Ijath f policu, ho we $ he wpll b well in the clonbc. ainb 3 hnuc buplt an habitacponfo? t! c, anb a place fo? rhpowcllpnge fo^cucr. 3£nb tijeupnge tur* neb |jis face , anbibicflcb the hole congrefia^ cpon of 3frael , amb all the congrcgacyon of Jfraelftobe^nb he rapbe;blcflebbc p lo?bc (5obof3fraeiwhichhntDwithl)iShnnbcS, fnlfpllcb it,that he fpaltc with N moutl)to m^ father Bautb, fapinge : * fence thebaye that 3 brought mp people out of tlje lanbc of 6gppt , 3 chofc no cytie amonge all f trpbcS ofjuacl to buplbeauhoufein,^myname myghtue there, nether chofejanyman to bcaruleroucr mp people 3frael t fanyngc ^ * 3 Iwuc chofen ](erufalem , thatinp name tuyght be there, anb banc c|)ofenDauib to be oucr my people 3fl:ncl. * 3! ltd whan it was in the iierte of s>a= uibmp father to burlbe an boufefo?^ name of piojbcsobofjitacl.-p iojbfapbtoS)a= jr mD mp fatl)cr:fo?iiS mochas it was in thpnc *HxtMit. Mm® *iff,f».MKJ *i|'.W|.M-«-. tii, Kf.WW *t»". par.fcii.* lli.Wf.lim.' Oettcto buylbean houfc foi mp nmc , thou bybeft well that thou To thoughtcft in thyne , hert.iaotroithftanbpngc, f 0)alt not buplbc thchoufe, but thyfonne which is p^occabeb out of thp lopneS,he (ball builbe an houfc f 01 mpname . %\yz jto.jDe therfoze , hath mabe goobhiSfapingethathe hath fpoken, anb3 nmryfen ijpinthc rowmeofS)auibmy fa-- ther,anbamfctontljefcateof3fracl,astl)c =Lo?Op?omyfeb,aubhauebupltau houfe foi the name of the low c5ob of Jfracl. 7i nb in ttbnuc3putthe3trcke, whcrinistbc coue= nnunt of the jloibc that he mabe with $ cbf h b?en of 3frael. ainb the Upnge ftobc before f aulter of the Hozbe in thepzcfiitcc of all the cogregacyonofSfrnel.anblrrctcbrb out his bnnbes. tf 0? no we Salomon hab mabe a bjafeu pulpptof fpuc cubptcs longed fyuc cubpteSb?oab,anb th«ic of hcyghc , ? hab fet it in thcmpbbcsof thegrcatcourte , * tipoit it,brftobeaubttnelcbbowuc,\)p&hiSHiiceS before all the cogregacponof3frael? ftrch w CchcbouthiSbSbestoujarbeheauen.jfaybc: nut.mx % c» io?be d5ob of 3fracl, there tsnoOob !plict|)einhcauenanbui crtb, which Itcpcft couenaunt anb ^e weft merepe wito thy icr- uauntcS that walitc befoze the wuhaii rhcjr hertifS.^hou which h.ift Ucpt vb thp fcruaut 2Dauibmyfarl)crthrthpngesthatthoup20= mifcbcO; hnn :thou fapbeft ttuithyiuouth, anbljafl: fulfpllcb it with tiiyne DanbcS , as itiStofcthtSbayc. •?Cnbnowe Lo?De 0ob of 3'lracl , Itepe tfi thp feruauntsDauib mp father, thethpnges *«.»fji.a. thatthou pjomyfcDcftbim, iaytngc.- ^ thou mi m o fi)itlt inm ? 0'S!)tnot be without a nut , th.it ' ' ©all fyt te Dpat he featc of 3frael:fo that thp cbtlbjcn take hebe to their maycs.to walclw in my lawcastbcuihtiftwalUcbbrfoicmc. Tlwo nowe Ho.tb e>ob of 3frael,lctt tlip fop* ingc be true which rfjou f pakeft mto thp fer^ munt Dauib . %\\b ujpll Gob in torp bebe, '&u c> * ml1 *&& mc » °» erthc^cholbc ^ hcaucn aif,W.f." ' nnbheaucn aboueall heauens bo not con« tapnethe.-howe moch IciTc tlje houfe whicb 3haucbuylbcb.' J Hetituetbpplcarurc thcr^ fo?e to turuc to the pjaper of thp fcruauntc anb to his fuppltcacponc £> 10 tbc mp Gob ) to herltcn Wito the tjopce nft their enemyes , by the waf e that thou (bait fenbe rue ,anb tliep paape to the, in the wape *towarbetbiScytic which tljou haft chofen. *&«it,t.f J cucn to wavbc t[)c Douft w|)icb 3 fymt buplt " ' m I fo v t thp name : tben Ocarc tljou reom iicauctt tbiirlupimeacyonanbpjayer,anbljclpct!)e" Gin they* ryght. no man but lit botb fpniif , ano rUott be an* rerye wit I) rljcm , anb bclyucr tbem oner be* fojc their encm ycd , mm tbey tauc Hjcni aim leauc tbem a way c Unto a laDc ferre oj Heart, pctyf tbey repent tntljcir Ijcrt in the lanbe wljcrc tw l»c in captyuttc , ana turnc , anb roape Unto tljc m tbc labc of tbeircaptiuite, wttomtmt baucfyHiicb, wc baucbonc cuell «• wrcHcblyc.aimturncogayncto tSc.wyfh all their ftrrtr anb all tfttfr fonlr, i»tJ)elanDt v of tljcircaptyuitc, wljcrc tljcykcpc tbem in bondage, anbfop.iaye towarbctbep? lanbe wbirJj rbon sancft Unto tljeir fat bcrd , etiett towarbc the eytic &Mj tbon baft cbofen, aim towarbc the boufc wljicb3ljauc buplt fo* rnpnamc.fl'ijcnljcarc tljou from tjcaucri earn horn top b wcllingc place, tbeir fuppli= tarioaubtbcirpwycMnbiubgetbcireaufc, anb be mcrcpfuli Unto tl)p people, Wfjjcj) ha* ucfrimcbagaynfttnc. ft owe mp Gob, let fljynccycdbc open, ana fbyuc cared atfent Unto tljc mayer that * sra.cv.rui. wmmmtto* placc.#owc Up * sD loibe Goo into tljp rcftpngc place : tljou aim 'tljc Srclicoftljyftrcgfbc.iD iomcGob , lettljy wcaftrd bcclorbcb with bealtb, anblcttljp iaynctcd mopfc in goobneffe. jE> Lojb Gob, furiicnotawapcfbcfaccoftbyncanoyutco. Hcmfbic the mercped, which tljou baft pzo^ mpfcbtoSwiiDthpfccuamifc. Cebc.WKljaptcr. C ?!k fPU roftfiimctb fbf fam'Iprf . rijt £o;bc ajspr-ttt'cb to Salomon (Or frronor tpu. Ulntmytlts ^alontot alomou • » J 1 1 - 8' ; > if : ^ ?S3# fi * U5,,ni &*&»«* ten mabc an *Ki.a ?&&tm from bcauen ,5 confmncb tbc * jiurnte offcryngc anb the faenfyecd. zm tbc lion re wad fplleb with £ glojie of tljc tome, 9 ttjc pieaftc coulbc not go into tbe fcoufe of tljc Lome, becaufc tbc glojye of tljc ioibc nab fyiicb tljc iiojbcd boufc . 3na wljan all tb? tftflmn ofjfrael lime Ijowe tbe fwc, anb tljc glojyc of tljc iojbc came bourne upon the Ijoufe, tljcpfcll bownc aat Upon tacit faced to tlje ertl) Upon tljc paucment, aim ujo^mvppeb anb conf cffebUnto f lojb, f [jar be uSffraeioHiBf, anbtljatljitf merepcia* (tcttjeiict. 23 aciib tbc it? ncjc anb all tljc people olfcreb farnfpecs befoir tbc lozDcflinb bpusc^>a= lomon offercb a facnf pec of.m'i.tbonfanbc orcn, anbaiibun^cb^tttJcutpe tboufanbe Curpe. a nb fo tbc upncjc anb all itljc people ■£'■»■ bcbicatcb ti;c Ijoufe of Gob. Znb j/pzca= fte^iMaptcbon tljeir offpeed , anb tlje3lem= retf ban tl)t inftrmncntctf of muQrcbe of tbc I#ft4 ^ft'cb fcpnge mitt tea mube toco= frflr \wrotdc Ho?be, rtetHttm crepe laftetjj e^ If I cuer, plapcgc a pfiilmc of Dautb toftl) tytit Ijaubc. 3nbtl)c p?i?aftcj8blett)c\j)iti from* pcttctf befojr tbe:anb all t(jep of 3Iracl ftobe. k}) o ic otter , Salomon bal otoeb tijc mpbble of tbccourtctbatvoatf befojetlje 3to?be; fo? t Iicrcfjc offercb bnrnfofTcrincjcganb t|je fatt of tbc pcaccorTcrpngcici , becaufc tlje bjafcii aulter wljicb Salomon bab mabc, wad not abletorcfcauc tbc bunitoffcrpncjctf anb tje mcateoffcrvnciesianb tbe fattc. S)oattbe fame tpme Salomon beptca c x feaft offcucn bapca, anballf^eyoofracl *<.m«% Witt) bim,an cjcccabpuge cjreat cocjregacpo, encu from tbc cntcingc in of Ifjamatb, tmta tbcrpuer of egppl -3ub in t^c eppt bat>e tljcp mabcacratberincic , Jf o^tUcyaeptetpe bcbicacyott of tbc -smltcc feucn baped, anb ^■tbc fcaft fcuen baped.3 nb tbe.jcjriii.bape -^ of tbc fencntl) moneto , De let tbe people be= parte into time tented ejlab anb merye in ber t, fojf tljc fioobneffe tbat $ tom tmb u^c* web to t)amb,anb to Salomon, anb to 3f- raclbfdjjeoylc.*3;imro Solomon finifujeb *<«.km;* tbe boufc ottbe to,ibc , anb f Urngcd Uotifc: anb all tbat came in bidbcrt to make in tbc boufc of tbc Jlojbe „ anb in bpd a wne boufc, went pjofucrouflpir fo«iwarbc. ^nbtl;c to?be apereb to Salomon by npfflJt , anb fapbe to mm . 3 Ijaue bearbe tiv peticpo, anb *&auecbofen tljid place fo?mp *wm felfe,to be an Ijoufe of facrifpec. ^f 3 (but Up Ijcaucn.tbattljcrebeno rapnc: o^yfjj com= maunbctbclocuftedtobeuourctUelanbco? pf 3 fenbe pe (lilcnci amonge mp people: anb pf tDcp tljat arc of mp people , amoge wi)om mynameidcallebUpo, bofjumbletljcm fel* ued, anb matte intciccffpon,anbfctte my p#* fence , anb turnc from tljeir wyclieb waped, t\)tn win 3 bcare from bcaucn , anb bemcr= cpfull to tljcit fpnncgi wyll bealctbeirlanbe. %> 3nb fr5 ^encc tottb mpne c^ed (baibe open, anb my nc cared attent Unto tlje pjayer wt ldmabct'ntljidplace.ailnb t|)crfo?e«owe*3 ****** bauccijofenarro fanctifpeb tljtd boufc , fmv name maye be t(jcrc f o* cucr :anb mpne eped aubmynebeactft)al[betbcrcpcrpetiiallye. 3dnb yf trjou wplt walbe bcfojse me, ad :©auib tljy fatber waiaeb , to bo all f 3(jaue commaunbeb tbe, anb mall obferue mp ffa« tittcsi anbmp lawed •• tljen wpll3 ftabtpftie tbc feat of tbp li piigcbome, acco^bpngc ad 3 mabetljecoucnaunif witb Damb tbpfarljcc fapingc : *?Ojalt not be witjjoutn man, to *«•««•»•« be ruler in 3frael. tfmt loc6 after tyat t ijt IjOitrc at 15011 to ,ib fpuptyco. 5ab*Ufo>tnncb,t!)ataftrr.););.yearc, Wben§5alomon babbnplt tbc boufc . : of tljc JL o?bc anbbyd axone Ijoufe ; be biipltr tl)tcvtie0 tbat l?iramgauc l^imM put ot tbc cbylb?cn of 3fracllvnthcm. 3Enb Salomon went toi))amatb joba,anb.ftreg ; tbcbit.^nbbcbuplt 'Cljabmo^ tutljcfopl-- bcrneffc, anb rcpap^cb all tbc ftojecpticd wbicb iberc iiilbamatft.3nb be buyit liScttj- bo.iontbc Upper anb25ctbbo2ontbcnetbcr, ftrongc cptied.baupngc Walled , gated abb barrcd.3Hnb26aalaI)aimall tlje Itoarc cy=- tied tbot ^>alomo tjrtb,anb al tbc cljarct cp= tied.ab tbe cytird of tljc boalomon ijab luft to buplbe injcrufalem anb libanon,onb tljo= rotocoutail tbc lanbc of bid bommion. 3inb all tlje people tljat were lefteof tbc 'ijctljitcd^mo.utcd^Ijcicfytcd^cuitcdt 3cbuutcd,wljtcb were not of tljc cbilojcn of 3rract:butwcrc tljecbilbicn of tbcm,toljtcb were leffe after tljcm in tijclanbc, anb were not confmncb of t\)c c&tltycn of 3fracl,tbcm bpb Salomon mahe to payc trpbutcUnto tljid bapc.ilSuf of tljc cbilbjcn of 3frael ryyti Salomon mane no bonbmcfoj bid woiUc: but tbep Were men of warrc anb rulerd anb :rcat lobbed witlj by m,abcaptapncdoucr td cljarctcd anb ijozfe men aim lipng ^a = lomoudoflpccrd tljat ouetfawc anbrulcb tljcpcoplcwcrc two ljunbjeb anb fpftpe. Qtnt) Salomon bjougbt tlje baugljtcrof ¥)ljarao out of tljc cyttc of Dauib , into tljc boufe tljat ijc Ijab buplbcb fo? Ijcr. Jf oz ijc wpb:tnp wpfc fljall not bwel in tlje Ijoufe of toauib Uyng of 3fracl,fo? it isi ljoly,becaufc tljattlje 4iribeoftljclo^bcidcomc Unto it. %\)t\\ Salomon offercb burnt offcringed Unto tbe io^be , on ttjc aultcj: of tljc jUjbc WljiclJlje Ijab buplt before tbe pojcljcboyng cuery tljyngc in W one tymc anb offcrpnge accojbyngc to tlje commaunbement of Ayo* fcd,m tbc fabbotljcd^iewmooncd^inb fo lempne f called, * tljjc tpmed in tlicpeare, that ifi to faycin tljc feaft of fwetc tycab,m toe f eaft of weaUed , anb in ttjc fcaft of ta= bcmaclcd. 3«b Salomon fet ti)c footed of p k :eaftcj8 «-. .1 to tbetr off pced,ad "Btiwin bidfatljctbab o^ beeeb tb^onb tbe twitch in tbcyi watcbed fo^to piayfe? mimftrc bcfoic tbc pzeaftcd bapc bp baye , anb tlje ponced by courfc at euery gate,* jfo t j fo bab Bauib tbc man of *j*>w>- Gob commaunbeb. 3Cnbtbcyomyttcbnot ** t\)e commaunbement of tjje Upngc Un to tlje ^caftcd anb tbc icuytcd.conccrnpngc euy mancr of tbpngcanb concemyngetbc trca^ furcd if 0,1 Salomon mabc pjjouifio fo2 tbe cbarged , from tlje fpzftbape tbat tljefbun-- bacion of tljc Ijoufe of tbe tozbe wad lapbc: tpllit wad fpntOjcb, tbat tbe ijoufe of tbc io^bc Wad petfectCCbm ^mt lipng ^a^ lomontoejionGaber 3 anbtoeiotbatebc c*f tccb^fccfpbein tbe lanbe of ©born, linl) tyiramfent ijim bp tbe m^e of bid fcruauu ted,Cbppped ao fmiaunted t^at^xJi ano w-- Icbge of tbc fce.anb tljcp came witlj t\)c fee -- uauntcd of Salomon to 0>pbir,anbcarpcD tbcnccfourebunbKb anb fpftpe talented of golbe,anb b.iougljtit to fepngc Salomon. C5rbe.tt.Cbaptcr. C a^lf commuiucacponof Salomon Wrtbtbc qunic of §aba,anb tbc apfttatbattbf oiic s'm; tb: otbff. iTbc ocetb of Salomon , after Uibom fucccabctb Ufboboam. &b* wba f be qunic of &aba bcarbc of tljcfamc of £>al omon,u>c c«ime to ipiouc Ijpm in batbc qucfttoiuj at 3e * rufalcm,Witlj a Ucrp great company, witlj camelled tbat bare iptccd ? plmtye of golbc anbprecpoufe (toned. 3nb When factor comcto§)alom6 3 Q)ccommonebtotibbym of all tbatfnc bab in bcr Ijerte. vfaibfi>alo^ mon f oylcb bcr, all ijcr qucfttond, anb tljerc wad not one wojbe ^ f«»» Salomon, WUfcbbctolbcbcmot. %nu Wbcn tbc queue of &aba bab fe nc tbc Wpfbomc of S>alom6anb tbc boufc mat be hab buylte , anb tbe meatc of bpu tablctbc fyttyngc of lndfcruauted,anb tljel'taubmg ofljidwaytcrd^tljeyz apparell, byd bum* lard,tljcy.2 apparell, Ijpdgoyngcup , bp the Wljycb be went into t^c boufc of tbc '! o:be, tljcr Wad nomo^e fp?ctcm Ijcr. anb ujc fapbe to tbc kpngc : tbc fapenge Wtjtclj 3 Ijcarb in mpne awnc labcof thync acted,ab of t^y wp f oomctd true . 3 bclcueb not y Woibed of tbe,Untyll 'jcamc, 5 mpne ma ijab fene it.Sitm beljolbc , t\)t one toiifc of t^ toyfUomc Wad not tolbc me. foe thou erccabcft^famcfljat3l)carbci?appyc'are tby mcn,anb Ijappy are tbefc tljy feruau ted Wljtclj ftanbe before tbe alwayc,? bcare tby wyfebome. 2i6lc(rcbbetljcilojibctl>y Gob, wtjielj Ijab lull to tbcto fet tbc Uyngc on l)td fcat,tbat tljou mygbtcftbc ltyng,oibrynco bp tbc &o?be tljy Gob.z5ceaiife roy'Gob lo^ tictlj 3fracU,anb ljatb bcly te to mabc tljrm contynue cucr, tljcrfojc mabc ^e tbc fcynge oner ttjem to bo rygbt anb equy te, Mm £i Salomon «onvclcB i! I L. " < I- i \ 1 ■ i ! ! i * K' i ■ *; . I L i Hi" Vj ' li IF C flnoflic gatictbc npngan bmtbjco f .jr. talcntcs ofgolbcattb offppcc0ctcc«VDp«sr great abimbauncc anb pjccioufc Itonf&tur: tbcrtoas there anp mojefocljcfppccas tlie queue of &attagaticbpngftalomon. 2BnD tbc fcruauittcS of Strain duo tbc fcruat'ttcs of Salomon \toi)icl> t? ouglit golDir front iD-- 53* pbtr,tyougbtalfoin a 3Ugumctoi:iobab me cioufcftonctf.^nbthckpngmabeoftbc^ pine v»oob,ftcpjcstn tbc noufc of tftc toy- be anb m the kpugcspalaccaiib Ij.trpcS anD ufaltrrtcsf fo;tfpngcrS. 3nbtbcrctoasno tocbtooob fene before in tbclanbc of 3uda. 3nb kpngc Salomon gattc to tyequrne of £>aba cuccp plcafannt tbtug tljat Ojc afltcb but not fo mocljc as! fttcbtougbt tonto tbc ttpng.^nbfowcturncoanbtocntatoapcto l)cr atone lanbc toitb t)cr fcrtiautttcs. H> ^bctocpgbtofgolbetbatcamcto&alo: mon in one pcrc,toas tyre buntycb.lttoi.ta . lcnrcsofgolbe,bcfpbcstbattobicbcbamnc anDmarctMimtcSb;toiigbt:anbalitbeupii ges of Arabia attbrulcrs of tbat countrcp, ujougl)t golo attbfplucr to Salomon. 3no kpngc Salomon maoc ttoo bunbjcb buek« Icrs of beaten golbcanb.tot. buttbicb CpclcjS of beaten golbtocrcfpcnttopo one bttcklar* anb tiijc i)imD2cD ujplbes maDc ijc of beaten golb,anb oncttjplbe coft tine bunbtcb peces of golbe,ano tbe Hutg put tbemtn ti)c fjoufc that toast m thefoteft of libation. 3nb tbckpngcmabeagrcatfcat of Jjm* rie,?oucrlapbcittottbpurcgolbc.p«)onic tbat 0ob l;ab put in ty& bertc :3Cnb tt>ty Mouglit emxv man DtjS p^efmt: tocffcUcjl of fpluer, anb ^eaclleji of golbcmpmcntAar* nc% i ppceg , bo^fc0 anb mulcftanfc vfafr 4 (iirnvm. fo if WS? ( begottOKpcaw bppearc. I....D. * |ti.D Salomon babfoure tboufanbcftal Icstf o<5 ljo?fcfi( anb cljarettcsl^ tlbcluc tbou^ fanbe !wfcincn,to9om$e beftotoeb in tl;c charct r YtU&9 foinctbcre tbt'tb tbc Upng at 3erufalf . TdM) be rapgncb otter all tie hmu gejj that were fro tffupnjarctf \jttto the labc of tbe PbtUfttueitf,aD to tbe bobber of %ipt. * Ml tbe Hpngc tuabc fpluer m 3crntaicm **mtu a si plenteous timet, anb Ccbar trecjj as "**3F plcnteoujs.asitbc mulberp trees tbatgroujc m p toallcpcs'.^nbtbcpb.tougbttonto^rt, lomobo v tfeS out olf €gppt,$ out of al labcg. *fDcrcftoftDeactejBtofUpngft)alomoti * ,w *'^ fp?ftanblaft,arci;hcpnottd?ttteinttjcf(tp: cngcjo/liatfianf c^opfictc, anb in tbc 9®mteg$\m tbc^.aomtc,anD in ttic mm of 3ebo tlie fear of Viftontf ,agapuO; 3crobonmtl)cfonncofiaabat.anb^)alO: utonrapgnebtn3erufaletut)ponall3frael fourtpepearejOnDSMlomonfleptcwptli D^fat^er^anbtljepbttrpebDptntntbecp: tie of SDautb bis!t'atbcr,anb iiehoboam )m fonnc rapgncb in W ftcabc. ^ CCUe.]c.CDapter. eippercalHif. jBb * Bchoboam toettt to gn'cbeni: % fo^toS)icbemxocrcall3fracU come ***««* togctbcr,to maltcftpmltpugc^im •" * toben 3croboam tDc fonnc of fit ba t( \bbicb *tba0flcDinto«gpptefeom t&c defence of mm* ^alotnou tlje Itpngobcarbc it, l)c tchmm one of egppt.^ttiD tDev fcttt ab callcb tow. 7mm 3eroboa aiitballtbcpof 3lraelcamc any cotnoiico tbpiib Ucljoboam ; , tapeugc . %bV fatljcr lapcb a grcuoufc pocltc Won tfttotoc tbcrfo.tc rempttc tljoti fotncwSat of tbc grcu ottfe fentpce of tl;p fatbtt anb of big beupe pockc tbat be put topon totf, anb toctDplifcructbc.^nbbcfapbetotbe:comc agapnetonto me after t^coapcjji. 3Jnb the people bepar ten. Tim Hpngc ftcljouoam counraplebtbptb S tbe elbers tbat bab fltanbe before Salomon M f a tber,tobple tie pet lpucb 3 anb be fapbc: wDat couitccll gettepe me , to anftbere m& W^agapncanb f bep tolbc Dtm,faptttg: 3f thou be kpnbe to tbpsi people , anb Otevuc tbp fclfc lotoclp to tb«,anb fpeakc loupnae tbo^betf to tbe,tbcp ibpll be tbp fcruauntctf f p? cttcr. 26utbc lew tbc couitccll tfcpiche ti\z elbersgatte bint.abtokc couitccll ttopth the poungcmcn 3 tbat focrc grotoc Dp tbttb wn anb tbat ftobe in DC* pjcfcwe.^nb lie fapbe Unto tb^tobatabutfc gene pe>t hat toe map anftocrc tbps! people, to|)tchhauec5moitco toVtb tne, fapingc: 3batc f omc wljat of the pockewbtcb t|)pf lopnei*. * Jfo«t toltcrcmp fittltcr put a beupc pockc Upon pott, 3 topll put mote to pour pock : mp father cljaftpfeb pott ti tohpppcsf, buti topll cbaltpccpou v»ttlj fcozptons. 2tTnb fo 3croboattt u all p people came to l&eboboam tl;e tl)p 3ttb toben all tbep of 3fracl fatoc tbat p kpngc toolbc not agree i)ttto tl)cm,]5 people anftocreb p kpngc fapingc : tobat parte ba= tie toe 16 JDatttb, o^ cnljcrttaficc t6 tlje fonne of Jfotflct eiteep man of Ifrael go to p$ mfatM M& - * 3to° n °to 5>attib, fc to tbpnc avxme ^ottfe . 3Hnb fo all Jfvacl gat tljcm to tbeir tctcs,fo pftcboboamrapgncD oner no moo of ^cbplbjten of 3fracl,tbcnbtoclt in tbccp= tics of 3uba. 'Cbcn kpngc Ecboboamalfo fctttc Jf)abttram f toas ruler otter p tribute, nnbf cltplb^cn of Ifrael ftoncb bpmt6lto= ites v be bpcb . 2i$ut Upng 3Rcboboam mabc fpebe to get btm top to bis cbarret, to &v* to jjcrttfalein . 3nbtbcpof 3frael rcbcllcba» gapttit ^ijtoui'c of Da nib tonto tbPSbapc* CCDc.w.Cljaptcr. CKrtJOlioam w fo?bpwtn to fpgljf affapnrtjiftoboam. ©cftn(b.^(rt.»upute, nnb.lr.concwbiiiw, ai»5 bf t\)tm j.-j. - l)ii<.rimtife,aiiD.i>".on!i8ljtcrs. $*tttm> pmut M t»b^ iRcboboam toas come to3e ruralcm,*bc gatltcrcb of tttc Ijottfc of '3uba^H5eniaintn,npne fco?c tl)ou= fanbe cbofeit men of toarre to figbtagapnft 3fracl, 9 to bipngc p kpngbome agapnc to 3ftcl)oboam. %\\o tbctoo^o of tbe lojbe ca» me to ^cmciabu tbc man of (0ob, faping: fpcafee tonto Weboboamtbe fonnc of s>alo= mon kpngc of 3nba, ? to all tbcm of 3fracl tbat arc in 3tiba ^ ^cniamtn, ? fape : tbuS fapctb^ lo^be.Seu)aUnot gotopno^fig^t agapnit pour b^ct^en : rctttrnc ettcrp man to W Doufcf o^ tbps tbpnge is bone of me. 2&M) tbep obepeb p toojbes of p lo^bc, ano retumcbfrogopttgcagapufl;3eroboam. Ma 3tno Beboboam btoclt iit3criifalcm,anb * bttplt ftroge epticS m 3nbti. toe bttplbeb top 25et6leem, anb Ctbam, anb'Cfjcko^etb* ?ur, S>ocI)o nnDHDullam : (0atb, anb ^?a» refa :anb?ip|j3lburabamD anb Salomon. anb Ueboboam tokc \}pm m*toim p & baughter of 3crimoi:b tlje fonne ofDamo totopfcanb^bibatltbcbaugbtcrofeiiab tbc fonnc of 3fai, tobicb bare bpm cbpio i cu 3eus,&amaria,anb ?alw.3nd after bei- he toke*^i?aacapbaugbtcr ofelonutl;. 3tnb iacboboam lotteb ^l)aacab tbc oatign • tcrof3lbfalonaboucallbiStt)pucs^coucu bpncs,fOi be tokc evs^tene topucs anb th ic fkojcconcubpncs,attbbegat.*jctoiii.fQnuc2 anb. l^ . baugbtcrs . 3b Ucljoboam mabc aibtabtbc fonnc of 4i)aacab tbccl;efc ruler amongc ijis bjietl^cn,anb to bane tbe otter- fpgbt of t\te kpngbome.^itb tjc plapcb top- fclp,anbfcatercb all l;is ttymen tbojotoc out all tbc countrcpes of 3uba anb Ben 3«t mm tonto cucrp ftrongc cpttc . 3tnb be gauc tbcm nbounbattnee of tottaplc } anb obtap ■■. neb manp topucs. cu CCljc^it.Cbapter. C"§>craU Kpngc of Ugpptf robbctb tbc tfple of tbc £o)br. Wcbobortin oprtb, ^ abii« foe fonnc fticccaoctbljpm. !iao it came to palTctbat toben lacho ^ jboam bab ftablpfujcb the kpnabome, &$ anb became mpgntpcJjc foiftketbe latoc of tDc lojbe,anb all Ifrael tottf) htm. ^ ^3inb clioboam w c* :Mtfff, i ■ I I i £ «/< .41 , r i P l m 1 1 i i * 3 no it fott unco, tlwt in the fpft epcarc of upngc 1;U hoboam,gpcfac the Upng of tfHoutnoml)?r,tDat ca- me witt) bpm out of £gpptc fcnbim,efac. l&ihcrupou the Io2hc0 of 3fracl ano tbe UpngcbumblcD them if luc0, ano fapOc, the lojoc i0 rpgl> tcouxj . 3hi& whan the to 20c fawc tbat thep f ubnuttcO them fcluc0, the wojoe of f> loj* Dc cam to £>rmcia,fapiiige:'Cbcpfubmitte them ffluc0,tbcrfo2c 3 wpll not Ocftrope them . s$ut 3 wpll Dclpurr them forowbat, ano nip uuatb (ball not burne loponlerufa Inn bp £ baocof &cfac.Bcuertbele(fe,tbep fyalbc tjp0 reruaute&tottnowc Wbatbiffc* rence isbcfwc'nempfcruice,anOtbcfcruice of the ltpngOomc0of the wojlbe. C Ztfi fo &cfac Upnge of egppte came to 3crufalcm,anO tokcawape the trcafuretf of tl)cl)oufc of the Lo20e,anOtI)ctrcafurcjS of p Kpngci* t)oufe:l)e toke euen all . » tie * fii.iTc?.r.i, carpco awapc tt)cu>ioe0 of golOMtbbicj) Salomon maoe.3nfteaOe of whick&pnge licboboam maoc fyplOeg of biaffe, ano co= mpttco tt)cm to tbe baoegof tbecaptapneg which bao ^oucrfpgbt of the fotemen,ano that kept tjjccntrauncc off kpngctfboufc. 3nO it came to paffe, that tbben tfje kpnge cntrco into tbe boufe of tfjc UflfOyt. be garOe came $ fet tl)cm, ano tyougbt tbem agapne "Unto tbegaebe cbamb?c3notS)l)ent)e |jum bleOhpmfelfctljewitatljof tty lo-iOc tuc= neb from Opm, t^at Oe toolOe not Octtropc all tog£ tljcr.^no in 3u0a all tbau Ml Z\m fo ftpng mehoboam wajceOmpgljtp 9 tapgneb in 3e«»wlem . 2tn0 Eeljoboam wasi.xli.perc olOe,vube be began to eapgne, 5 betaygncD.rtti.peeejS in 3etufakm,tbe cptie«D|)tcD t|je lojoe ^ao cfoftnontof alt the ttpbcjsi of 3foael to put ^ttnamet^ere. 2tuo DpiEi motDe^ name t»ajs iaaamaan 3Cmmoniteu"e. * 3nO l)e OpO eupll, becaufe tie pzepareo not bptf Oert tofene t^e iotfir. %ty actejialfo of iaeljoboam,fp?ftano Iaft,arctl)ep not to^ptten in Jfapniffeaiof ^>cmcia tbe pjopDete, ano of 300o tbefear ftijict) n otco t()c genealogies' ano t&ere toajS tbatce altbapc bcttoene BeDoboam $ 3cro boam.^nDEchoboamQepttft^fatjjersf, ano ttmsfbutpco in tljecptie of H>auiD,atlD ^bia Di0 fonne rapgneo in W itcaoe. jC^onpclcs » t> of Jlbianffapntt3lcwbo«m. $t>]iWiym of ftpnge3ecobOit*be^ 3 _gan 3luta to tapgnc ouec 3uOa, $ lie *n/.u» ifb , _3rapgncO t^c pcrc i JctwAl W mo t[)cr0uamcalfow4l)icbaia!)uti)eoaugh tee ofaitiel of^tbea.^nB tbcee tbatftoatre bcttoene 3Bbia $ Jeroboam. 3nO 3tbia ma= Ocp^ouifpon fo^tbarre,l)aupno:t)aleafit 5 erpcrt men of Wiirre, cucn.iiii.C.^.cbos fcnmen.3!no3erol)oa fet !)im felfe in arapc to fpgfjt agapnft |pm,tfi.t)m.C4^,pictc mcnujpicl) mtc ftrongc ?mcn of armetf. 3BnO 3Rbia ft oOe «p \)p5 jemaraim an |)il! tblncb tjef i« mounit eporaim,^ fapO : ijearc me ^Jeroboam ano all 3fra«:l. Do not pon fenotoe,l)otDcttl)<; &o$0c d5oo of 3fracl ga nc f hpngoomcouertjem ot'3fracl 5 toDa uiO fop cuer,euen to tyin ano to Dp* fonne $ C^-witf) a falteo cnueuaut.''3n03eroboam til tiie fonne of /Sebat f feruaunt of Salomon the fonne of DauiO ijjrpfcnljp^ Ijatl) rebel 26 let agapnft fn# lo ( tOc.3no t&er gatbereo to J)pm letoOc men p thpio?^ of Tfieliai, $ pjc* uapleo agapnft iai. ( |)ol)oam# fonne of 5>a-. lomon:t»ben 1&et)oboamtba0 pong $ teocr ^earteO,$coulOenotftanOe before them. 35nO notoe pefape,^ pe be ablcto pjenap* leagapnft f bpngciomc of tije lo?Oe>tbl)icb tsiinf Danoe of tbcfonneid of 2DauiD,$pcbe ngreate multituOir, ? Ijaue tliegolOen cal^ ucfl* tbljiclj 3eroboam maOe pou fo? goO0. m.mm 2EnO"* Ijaue penot caft out tDe p^eftesi of tlje * ilWit u %o$bt tljefonnes! of 3Jaron,anO tlie lenitcjs, ano Dauc maOe pou p^efteiS after t jjc maneu of tlje naciogi of otljec laOesl/To that tobofoc^ uer commetj), $ confeeratctl) W POe tbitD apfigeore $ feuen ramme&tije famemapc be a weftc of tfjem that are no gobtf. H6ut toe belongs tmto t!;e lo?o our (Bob tbtomwebauenot fo^faani, ano gpjettetf are 9 fonnejs of aiai:on,\bbfcl) mtmfrre\)nto or the tojOe, ano $ Ictiitctf toapte tjpon tljepj officCCOep burne Miito f iojoe euerp moj npiwe $ cuenpnge,bur tit facrif pcesl 5 f ojete incite : f tihewe b^eeeO fet tfyep in o^o^e \)po» a|wre table:f metiare p^anoclfticfc of goto icb the 1%}S of p fame to burne euer at euat. 3no trulp we aepc the watche of the lo^oe oure^oD:butpchimefojfaUehim.^nObc^ Dolt), 0oo bpm fellk isJ oiir captapne, 9 ty$ ^eftejsblotoet&tlic * tropette&$ crpe aia^ +mw* rum agapnft pou. OpechplOjen of jfrael, fpghtnot agapnft the lo^o 000 of pour fa tper0.-f oi it wpU not mofp ere tbith pou. j2S5utfo? allf ,3eroboa cSuapeOm«ip?e= uetp about,to come beljpnoe them: 9 fo the? toerc befoie3uOa,a( f laperi« in wapte were be&pnoe the. Slnoiwjen tbep of 3uoa lofeeD about, be hoio tbe tuattapil toajetbef 01c $ be> hpnoe,^ tbep crpeo »nto f io?b 9 fp&fttfl butbe v5 f t r Ope tes^ f men of 3juoa gaue a tt)0tt»te 3 ♦fi[.»t.j;ti.» © ibo wf e.^ttO a0 tljc men of 3«oa fhowteo, it came to pafle, that c5oD finotc 3eroboa ano alljfrael before Witt ano 3ttOa.3nb p tW 0?enof3fraelflcO before 3uOa,ano 0000c* IpucccO tljcm into tbem i;anOc .3nb1l bia $ bp0 people (Itica great naughtcr of t$i(jm fcllOowncwoimocoof3fcacl.\).C.«).cho- fen men . 3tnO fo the cbplb^en of 3fracl were fought Dnocr.at that tpme,anothechplO?e of3uDap?euaplcO:bccaufe^epleaneO\)nto the llojOc (5oO of thep; fatftert . ZnoTtbia fotowcOaftcr3crobOitanDtoRecitie0ftom [jpm, bethel u5 tl;e toume* bclongpngthcc= to, 3cfana with the to vonciet that logco ther -~ to.ano €ph;on with her tonmc&ano 3cro= boil recouercO no ftrcngth agapnein ^Oaie0 of^bia.^nOpto^hepIagcOhim.jIieOpcO. 7i5ut 3tbia wayco might pc, ano marpeO jtuij.wpuctf.anObegaf.wtj.fonne^ano.r^. Oaughtcr^.lthercftofthcactetfof^bia.hiC cuftome0 ano hP0 fapinge^are w^pttcn in the ftoj pe of the pzophcte 300o. CCbc.jiiij.Cbflprer. • COf afahpiiffofJitiDa. 9 7t bia flepf e vd W fat hertf, ano thep burpco hpm in p"cpt ic of r>a= ,uiO,anO* &fa hp0 fonne rapgneo [til hV0ftcahc .311 whofeOapcgtlje IanOcwa0iuqupetnc0tenpcre. 3nO*^faOpothatwasgooO?rightiu thcepe0oftl)c lo^Oebpsf(l300:fo?hctoHc a* wape ftrauitgc aultartfanO the (jpilaultarft ano b^anc Oowne the pmagcMno cut Oow= lie the grouc0 5 aiiO commaimoco 3uha to fe^ Hcthc io.iOecToOoftheirfather0,anOto bo acco^pngctothclawcanOcomaunOcmcnt. ^tiO he put a wave out all tbe cptic0of3uoa the bplaultartfano the pmagc0:anO p lipug » Oomcwa0quvctbcfo?chpm.3nohcbiiplte itcoitgccitic0iii3uoa:bccaufcthclanowa0 mccit.aiiD hchao no warre in thofc pcarctf. 3t 0? tljc Lo^Oe hao gcuen hvm reft. l£hcrfojc!)e(apDcto 3uOa:lctt)0buplO 20 thclccitpcg.anomakeabout tbcttiwauctf, tow^c0, gates ano barrc0,fo? thcl.iocitfpet inrcft before ^bceaufc we banc fought the JoiOc ourcdJoO: we haue fought hpm, ano he hathgeucn W reft on euerp fiOe -.$ fo thep buplt ano it pjofpcreO with them .^nb^la Rao an armpe of men that bare fbplDcjsanO fpearc0, out of 3uoa,th?c hunojeD thou fano : ano out f 26eiuamin that bare ujplOe0 and Oiue bo wcsm wo hfiO?eo $ fourc fuo^c tljou » ranocall there were balcaunt mm. i C *i. ?" w ^ ere mm mt ng«vnft them jarah *%^^ e ^ c tvmp^an*withanbooftoftcttjon- 1 o?eO tboufanOernnO f bj e hoO^eO charrettetf, ano cameatf fane a0 o the to^oe fiiiote the blacuc mo?e3 bc^ t) fo,2c 3 ra ano 3uOa , 1 the blaclie mozco flco. ?CnO ?Cfa ano the people that wac with him, folowcO after tljcm Xmto Gcrar. anotiic blaclie mo?c0booft w.30ouecthiowen, that there wa0 none of them lefte , but were 6c= ftropcO befoicthe toahc ano befoze IjtGhGft. 3!nO thepcarpeo awapc a mpghrpc greafe piavc.?CnOthcpfinofcallthccvttt0voujiDc about Gcrar. jf 02 tljcfcarcofHo^ccainc ^ponthem. ^nO thep fpopleD all thccpttcc ano there waecrccaOjmgemochc fpoplr in them . 'frbcp fmotc aim the rentes ctcatcll. \ carpeO awapc plcntpcof tbcpc ano camel 0, anOrcturncOto3ertifalem. C^he.rvj.ci^ptcr. ' fr&l'ntjcara tTtbcmoiiprponcf cljcp.'ophftf Wtv- ru fnrtifpfrtb to cljf JlojO.^c Df|i; ; uctlj bis mcthrr otljtrtompiipoii. ^i^0thefp2ctc ofGoOcame on 3 %a % «*4fte the fonne of ODcO. Znb he n • c U£wm cut t0 mete 3tfa,^ fapbe \)iu'o him : ^-— 'bcarc me 3fn , anhall 3noa , a; fj 'Jbcntamin . Cp to?Oe is with pou , wiii ic pc he with hvm , anO when vt fcke hpm ,'iic wpllbc fonnoe ofpou.ano agapne, when re f oifakc hpm, be alfo wpll f ozfakc pou . a no trulp, foi a lougc fcafon in3fracl no nu fo^ light the true GoO.no man rcgarbeo f picfl c that taught them, no ma carco fo; the lawe. anO whenanp man in hp0 trouble Dvo fur= nc\)ntothcH020GoOof3rracl,anot'oiiTht bim,hcwa0founOeof tljcm- 3nOin tlmtu me there wa0 no peace to hpm.that Op'd goo outano m.butgreatc feOicponwaG there amongcall the inhabited of the earth . 3 no nacponwa0OeftropcOofnacpou,anOcptic ofcptic.fo.iGoooi'OmoueallaOiierfurea- mongctheni,piapcpetherfo2ffl)emen',anO letnotpourchauOc0nachc,foipbiircwoiiic ujalbcrcwarorO. 3tnb when^ra hearOcthofe woiOc0,anh S3 the p.iophefpe of <^aria the fonne of iDOe u $ pjophef c, he f oliecoutagc , s put a wape the abhouuuablcpOol0out of an planocofiii: Oa ano Bcniamm, * out of tljc titns which be wane inmounto fhepaffembleo at 3eruralcm the tbpdhe tnoncthe,thefpftcnth pcarc of the rapanc of 3fa.3no thep offcreO\mto the I020 pfamc tpmcof tbe fpopic which fljepbao brought l3ij.€.oTctt,atiO.\)ij.tDoufattOc niepc. mn 3 no 1 V- &fo. * Ju&.iif.fc 3nti tbcpmaoc a roticnaiitit to tchc tljc Xo2bcd5ob oH\)cyif to at ft hyngc of 3uba.; 5 tnb3fafctoutgolbcanbfj'luer,out ol: tljc trrnfurrs of f boufc of tbc Lo;be , 9 of tl;ic liyngcs boufc, 9 fentto 25enljabab uyng tarintfcc,anbfapb: TOrc t'0a conf cbcracton bctvoene mc it the, bet wcuc my fatber 9 tbinc.25cboIbc,3 l;nuc lent the fylucr anb golbe,tbat thou wpltco^ we anb bjcafce thpnc appoyntment vb 25aa= . fa bynge of 3fracl, tbat be mapebeparte fro M mc. 3nb25cnbnbab grnuntcblmtoiiiyngc % (a, anb fent to tljc captaync0 of byp mm toti)ccityc0of3frncl.^!ibtl)cpfmofc3iou, ©a, anb 3t bclmaiit,aiib tbc ftrongcytietf of Bcpljtbali. 3nb wbcnaSaafa bcarbctiH0.be left buyiopngc of i&ania,ano let W wojcfce ccafc.inbtbcn^fatlJcbpngtoftealUuba, anb carpebawape tljc ftone0anb tpmbzeof Bamn,wbcrwirb^aafawa0abuylbvug, anb be bupit tbcrwltb <5cba anb mm- c zt tbat fame tpmc, fynnani ti)c fear came to 3Cfa Upng of 3uba, 9 faybc tjnto Ijym:bc= caufetbou baft trufteb m toe ayng of &>iria, anbnotratbcrputtbptruftmtbclojbctftp <5ob,tbecfo**t0tbeboftoftbeBpngcof£n± *u.v*.w.t im efcapcb out of tftpncMbt. * i9ab ttottbe Oar- blacue mo?c0aitb^3-iubim an crccabtnge great tioott wity many c|jarirtte0 anb Do?ft= * •1 men f 3-iiti pet bccfliufc tljou f ruftcbe ft in tbc loJbe , Ijc bclpucrcb tljcm into tbpne Ijanbe. $m t&c cpc0 of p lo^bcbcbolbc all tljc crtti, to ftrengtlj tljcm tbat arc of pttfeetc Ijcrt to- wrtcbc Sm.*#trtntftot»Jaftbonefoipniip, .,.,,..,„ , anb tbcrfoze frombenff o^tlj tljou (bait banc uSS? ujarrc .3nb^fawa0U)2otbtMttljtljc fear, _ 9 put Wm into a p?rfon boufc, fo? \)t wast M- ** plcafeb \Ditb !)ym becaufc of ti)ptf tbyngc. ^nb3tfaocftroycbccctapncof tljc people tljc fame cca fort. anbbcljolbctljcfebcbftfofaiii.fyjft,'! laft.arc mzyttcn in tbc boue of tljclungc0of 3uba anb 3frart.3i.nb 3fo in tljc.jcjrjciy.pcrc of by0 raygnc fell fyebcin ljy0 fctcanb tbat by0bifeafecontynticb\jerpionge.^nb *m * tf mtm, hy0fycBnc0ljcfougbtnottIjcio?b ) butpIjt ttct on $.% ub 3fa fltpt witlj lji0 fatbcr0 ( anb bycbintl)c.tli.pcrci)f|)y0raygnc,^nbtl)ep burpeb \npm in m aumc fcpulclwctoljicl) Ijc l)ab mabe fo^ bpm fclfc in the cptpe of S>a > tub , anb laycb bpm in tbc beb toljicb be tyit* fpllcb with byucrfc ftynbc0 of fptcc0$ facte Obour0,mabcbyttccraftoft!jcpotecaryc0. Ttno tl)cp burnt tocry mocljfpycc about jtm. C3:be.ji:\)ij.Cbapter. •X3!cl)Ofapbatcaufctl)fbcfwrcoffl)clo}lictobt rcnucD amongr (lie people. "Mb*3cbi)fapbnf big fonc rapgncb -» - 2 tnbp0ftcabc , 9p?euaplebagaynft J fflattfS 3 fra r l . :*nb be put foulbycr0 in nil * * m the ftrorifi;e cityc0 of 3«oa,anb fctt rulcr0tntbclanbt of 3uba anbintljccitpc0 ofeplnai.wbttb^falj'^fatberbabUJonc. 5fnb tljc 3lo2beuja0 \x>itlj 3ebofapbat, bc= caufc lit wnlBcb in t|>c olbc toapctf of fcis fa- tljcr'oautb.anbirougbtnotlSaalim . i3ut fougbttlje Ho?bc d>ob oe byjSfatbcr,* tunl* heb in l)y0 commmmbmcutcfl: anb not after tbc boyngc0 of 3ftacl.3inb tljc 3Lo2b ftablif- mcbjl)cltyngbomcinljt0l)anbc,anballtljcp tbattoere in3uba ,b?ougijtbymp2cfcnte0, rg fotbatbebababounbanceof ricbc0anbljo- noure.^nb be Ipft ttp ljt'0 bcrtmito f wayetf oftbcloibc,anbl)cputtbotx)ncyctmo?cof tljc bylaultar0anb grout0 out of 3uba. 3n tbc tDy ?be ycreof I)p0 raygnc &e fent to ljp0 Io2be0,cuen to 26enbatl,iDbabia,?8- cbaria, Bctbancl anb to &)icbaalm , ^tbey OiulDc tracl) in tbc i:ityc0 of 3uba , anb toitlj tljcmDefcntleuitc0:cucn^)cmciabu,Bctlj= nniaftt^ababiaDth^faljcl^cmiramotlj,^ ^ubabonia , anb witljt(jcnn8Hfamab anb 3cbo*amp:cfte0.3nbtbeptaugbtm3ubn, anb Dab tljc bohc of tbc la we off5ob xb \W, anb went about tbo?otDout all tbc citpc0 of 3uba,anbtaugbti^be people. 3nbtbe fence of tbc loibc fell Upon all? «. Uyngbomc0of tbc la#ibc0 tbat were rounbe * about 3uba , » tbey f oiujbt notagapnft 3c« Ijorhpbat.3nbfomicoffpbiliftmc0b?ougbt 3cbofapbatgyf tcje:,anb tribute fpluer; anb tbctto m* tt,Clj2onyclc0, tfo.rci Wst.nii.a twtotty 3frabfait0 biougljt l)im catciiicug tjii.ift).anb.Uij.C.rammc0,nnb.V)iU«.nnb tjii. C . Ijcgoatc0 . %no fo 3cbolapbnt piof- pcrcb?t gruc \)p on \)n . Mb tie bupit in 3u# ba,cnftcl0 anb ftrongccitpc0:^ be Ijab great fubftauncc in f ljccitic0 of 3uba, but t\)e mm ofnnnc0?ftrogcltfoubier0ujcrci3erufalc. 3inb tbcfc nrc tljc o(fpcc0 of t$ in tl)t bou= © fc0 of tljcir fntbcr0,tbe cnptninc0 oner tbou= fanbc0 in 3uba . ^bna tbc captnpnc, 9 U)itb bi)moffigljtyngcmen.iii.C.^)3nbncj:tto \w& banbe txm0 3ebobnnana captapnc, anb UJitlj bvm.ii.C.anb.ljcrjc.a>.3tnb ncctc \)im was 3ma?ia tbc fonc of ^clj«Ji,\i)bicb of bi0 n\xmc goob \»il offrcb Ijim fclfc mito p Loib, nub v!> bpm 4€<4S>> mygbty men of wnrrc. ^nb of tljc cbplb?cn of 26cniamin,eiiabaa man of my gljt.anb bab raitb bpm armcb mc wttbbo\Mc^ujplbc.ij.C.^J.3Cnbncrtcljpm toa0 Jcljofabab , anb toitb bpm an .€. anb Irtr . '&). tbat were pzepareb f 02 tbc twarrc. 'Slicfc ujaptcb on tbc Upngc , bcfybc0tljofc toIhcIj tljc lunge put m tbc ftrogc citpc0tbo- roujoutall3uba. C«H:bc.rbu|.€bnptcr. C3ftcr ai).ib bao aflicD rouncril of ttjc f ourc bun^ D;rop!opl)«ca,bcptU OOicIjm III W»o2bc of tljc lo ( ^c , tbP0famc baye . 15:bcrfo2Ctbc *5 byngof3fmclgntbcrcb togctber ofp?opljr= tc0.uij.€.mcn,nnb t'aybe Dnto tljf : iball voc go to Uamotb m c>ilcab to fygijt , 02.aiulbc 3ceafc : ^nbtbcyfaybc t go\jp, ?C5obujaiI brlpucr it into tljc liinge0ljabcBut3c!)ofa- pbat faybc:i0 tljcrc yet bcrc ncucr a pjopbetc moic of tbe Lo2bc0,f' ujc migijtafac of ijtm.< / % nb tljc hinge of 3fracl faybc Diito 3cljo!iu phat:tbcre i0pct one man, by wbo vuc mayc afbc tljc lo2bc.2i3ut 3 bate ijimnfo* Ijc ncucr p2opljccictljmcgoob,butal\»ayceucll,nnb the fnmci0 a)tcljcatbc fonuc of 3imla.:inb 3cbofapljat fa pb:lct not tbc ftpnp fayc f 0. 3nb tbc binge of 3fracll calleb one of ljttf elji\bcrlapnc0,anbfapbc:fctcbbetberquycHs lp&)icbeatlje fonnc of 3»nla.3inb y uyngc of3ftaelanb3ebofnpIjatRyngof3u&afafc ctber of tlj5 onljW fcatc in tljeic appnrclUn n tbacffbingftourcbcfiDc? gate of Samaria, anballtbcp?opbcfc0p2opl)crycbbcfo2etbc. 3nb one jebcltia tbc fonnc of Cljanana bab mabe bym boznc0 of pzon^ fay b:t!ju0 favtb tbcio^oe:U)itb tbcfc Qjallti)oucrtljo2ou)c .,. ^biria , l)iitpll tl)c\> be liJongbt to naught . ^ 3nballtbcp,2opbctcsip2opbci>cbcu^fo,i'a» yingc .- C> otjp to ttamoi'b w OUrab , anb it Cballp2ofpcrett)itbtljc:to2tbc toiblball bc= lyuer itinto tljc Ijanbe of tbc uyngc. 36nb the mefTeugcr y met to call tf )icbcn, foauc to ljim,faying:bcljolbc, the tootbes of the piopijctc0 fpeaUe goob to tbc nyng v»itb onealTcnt,lctttbyioo2bc0tljcrfo2c be lytic one of tljcir0, tljattbou fpeabe tbat toljicbia plcafaunt.^nb ajicben (iiybras truly as tljc to2bcliuctb:cucu ttJljatmy Oab ftptlulyic topll 3 fpeabe. 3tnb \x>b^ be wan cc ntc to t lie upnge > tbeHyugcfnr>be\}ntobpm : ^tcjitii* mulDWccjotoUnmothinGdcabtoa^ljt, 02 lenue ot'r 3tnb be fapbc:go \)p,? all i-jalbc tocll:^ tbep fbalbc bclpucrcb into your babe. 3nbtbcbpngfapbctoljuu:^0'jfoi!iayrj»- mc0bo3 charge tbci'tbou fapr nor upngc t) but)5tructhtomc,intbcnaincoftbcLo:bc. tel be faybc- 3 ovt^ fcall tljc of rtirncl fcattreb iutljcmountayrics, aflfljepc pbane no HjcpljcrDc^nb the toib iapoc:tbcfc banc nomnftcr,lcttljcnrcturuecucrpmatbcrfo:.c to b^0 boufc in peace . TWo the upngc of 3 f- raclfapbto3cbofapbat:0pb3notrcllthc ) i' bc\Bolbnot,ppbccygoob\)ntomc:butciicU- I3ut befapbeagapne: thcrfo2cbMrr V-" P worbc of tbc i02be. *3 fatuc tljc Lo.2bc 1 y c Upon W fcatc,^ all tbc company of beam:. 1 ftobconhp0rpgbtbanbcctoubpGlfftf<"'.;!'o f Lo20cfayDe:\iiIjoa)allbcccnuc^bal) lung of Jiracl, p be mayc go \)p * be oner tbi vacu at Unmotb in Cilcab i 3tnb hclnpDc .• on: C5 faptbtbts.anotbertljat.^nbtbcrcrninccut a ipjctc.i ftobcbcfoictbc toibr,? Crpbc .- 3 wpll bcccauc him. 3tnb tljc t oibc fapbc »n* tobim:U.)ljcrtnr3.nbbcfayb:3 will go out, gsbcalyingcfp2ctcmymoutbofallhiop.20' pbctc0. 3EnD tbc loibc fapbc :p ibalt bcccauc In m, anb ujait pzcuaplc: go out.anb bo cucu fo.vtnbnowtljcrfozcbcljolbc,*!? 1 02b bath + iUt( put a Ipingc fp2cf c in the moutl)c0 of al I tbcfc j. thyp,2opbftc0,9tbc Io2bcl)atbfpobcncucU '-' fl - 1 agaynft the . ^nb ■ jcbcltta tbc fonnc of € ha: nanawentto ,?fmote ^)icbra\)ponf chc- be.$ faybe:bp wbat wapc went the fpictc of tljcio^bcfromctofpcahcMjtber^.nb^)^ cljca fapbc: tljou malt fc thebayc when **,ci n)altgoinfromchab2ctochab2C,fo2 ;ob\be Jl thyfclfc.3nbtbcliingcof3fracl0-.)'ictala' yc aJicljca, anb b2yngeljpm to ? mm f go= ucriicr of tbecitye,? tojoatftljc itntgrs fou= «c,(jycftjallfayc:tbu0faptbtlv . ftyiigf .piitt tby0 fcl owe in tbe pjcfonbouf; , ? fair bpm to bzeeb of off lictio 5 water of 1 re 1 lie Vr f ill 3 comcagaync in peacc.:a*nb i Hicbca fa vbc- yf p l come agapnc m peace , tbe \ batlj not tbc &) it) jLo?oe w.-i.Ul. .1 vni.o li.c »• : I »• *i i I I 1 Srijofapfiat 4 . ; 41 lo2bcfpokcntome.3no|)efapbf:rjcrkcnto, ycpcoplecticr&pneofyou.^nbfotDckingc of Ifrael Atto jchofnpoat the hinge of 3uD« txicnfUptoEamofDinoilcab.anbfkpncx ol r 3fracl fapbe tonto 3ebofopDnt: 3 muff chaungf mc, wl.icu3 go to tyeuaratpll: but fc that thou bauc thpnc a wnc apparcll topon ~ tbc.3nbtbckyngc of jfrnel cDattngcb fy>m V1 fr Ifc.ii no t bep ciime to mm H.HBt«t f kyng ot £>tria Im b commnunbeb tlje captapnetf ot the cb>*f rcttctftbat were witbhfm,fnyingc: fc that pe f igbt notagaynft fmall 0? gceatc, faucagaynft the kpngc of 3fracl onelp. 3nD when thecaptapnc0 of tl)c cDatettetf Iaujc 3r hofaphat,tljcp fapbc:it itftljc kpngc of3'frncl,anbtbcrfo,2ctbepcompaircbnbout bpmtofpght.25ut3cDorapbatcrpcbout,$ the Lotbcbelpcb bint, anb 0obcDafebtl)cnt a ware from pym . fl 0? it came to paffc that wDcntuccaptapnc0Qftbccb«rrctc0pcrcca= Hcbthatifwa0nottbckpngof3fracl,t!)ey turitcb backc agapnc fro rjtm . 3nb a ccrtay 11 ma bjewc a bowc witball Dvtf mpght, anb fmote fbckpngof 3frncl betweucf topntctf of bis|)abergpu.3tnohcfapb to Dp0cbnrrct= man : tnrne thpnc ftmocf thon mapeft carp me outof tyebooft.foO am wounocb. 26nb the bartapllecaftb that bape.laowbcittljc Ring: of 3fracl caufeb Dtfcbarct to ftottb ftiU agapnft tlic ^triasi Wttpll encn. 3nb about the f pmc of the funne going bowne,De bpeb. CCllcriir.CDaptcr. C MUt 3!cl)ofapl)at tea* rebuttcb bp tbr pjopbrt Ichii.brcallcBasapiic (be people to cbttjotioti: rpngr oftbr £ojBf©ob. "^Bb 3cbofapbnttDe kpngr of 3uba came home agapnc in pence to 3e= rufnlc\3nD3ebut!)cfonne of fa* w r nani t|ie fear toft out to mete Dpm, nub fapbe to kpngc 3cborapbat : yilolbcft jJ bclpctbcfcngobip, nub lotte them f Date the lo2ber^bcrfo2ci0W2athcomcbownet)p5 the.jro before tt)c Lojbc. ftettcrtbcle&tDcre acnoinegoobactc0founbe in the , in f iljou mft^t bewen bourne the grouctfottt of tjje am, anb baft picparcb thpnc berte to feke © C5ob.,\nb fo3c!)ofaphatbweitat3cruralf: ft turneb ft went out to the people fro 26cer= feba to mout epDJatm, 9 b2ougDttDe again *ntopio2b0obofrbeirfatDcr0.:anbDefct lubgedin tDcl«ibetho?owoutall theftrong citpcxf of 3uba, cttpc bp citpc : ft fapbe to tbe mbgeg : takcijebe what pe bo, fo? pe cjcecutc «ottDciubgmcfe0ofma,butof0ob,wDic!) i0t»pouintDcfubgement.&nbcrfo2enowc, Jettbefearcoff.lLo?bcbct>p6pou,anbtabc bcbc.ff be bopng the thpngc^plcafetl) l)pm. C $Ww i*no ^mwwmmst idtbe 1.02b # «om.i.«.b oure c5ob: * f Ijeibulbt baucanprefpecteof rEi C b PWfoncfcojta&erctoarbetf. cojiof.tM.i) ^T)o«icouer, iu3erufallbpb 3e|)ofa|rf)at fctoftljeleuite^anboftUcp^ftctfanboftbe auncient fotijcrjai ouer 3frae!,in j iubgement C^onpclts Sel)ofapf)iit % tr 9 caufc off io.ib.3JnU tljeprctiinicb agapnc to3erufaiem.^nb be ehargebtijem raping; 'CbuiSlliallpebo im the fearc oftht ILoibc.^i ■ tl)c tructb 9 a pure berte : iUUbat enure mm comctopouotpourb.ietb,icnf'bi»eatnt!)eit: cpticsi,bctt»enebloub^bloub,bettt)cnelnu> anbedmauDment, betwene ifatutc0$ o^bp- tmucc&pcamUwantctbcm s f'tbcptrcfpacc 53) not aga pnft the tQiHt*9 fo \x»^athcome \jpo pott $on pourc bicfhicn.^ljujJbo^pciljnii not offf nbe.?f.nb brbolb,3fimaria f bpc pjeft tjsamongcpouinallmatferjtjof the io?b, $ wbabia tt)c fonnc of 3fmacl , a ruler of the ijotifc of 3uba , ^c is otier foch bufpncltejJntf cor erne the Upng : there be offpeersf of the lc= uiteifi alfo befoze f on . 'Ealtc courage f pott fherfotc , anb be bopngc manfuUp : anb t!;e loibc(haU»e\Mith focbcaitfbcgoob. CEhc.r,r.cbapter. C£bftncturicure1)Ktoi| , tbMtbi:£ojbgaiir3ir; bornpbaf Upnoc of .Hubrtflffnpiifttbc ttjoabitcu, Mtt t\)t c|)pib;cu or ammoii.aub tljem of jg>nr. n^ffttbp&'nlfo ,ttfo2ttmcbf>tbechpl: \ ,b2en of 4i)oab anb the cbyltye* of %m* mon.anbtfi them other of the JCmmo: Mtc& came agapnfl: 3chofapljat to battapu. Ttnn thcrecamcfoincthattolbc3e|)ofaphnt fapingc: there cometh a grcatc mnltituDra* Bftvnlr tl)c fro the other fpbc of tlje fee , 9 out of feiria . 3'tib bctiolbe , tljep be tn l^afafott ^hamar , which i!3€ngnbt . ^nb3ehofa- ppat fearcb, anb fct htm fclfeto feke p 102b, anb p^oclapmeb faftpng tljo^oiDont all 3tt- ba.^nbthep^toerciujuba.gntljcrcbthcni- fclucjS torjcthcr.to af be counccll of the &02b. aubthcpcnmeoutofaHthccitpe0of3uba, to make intcrcctTponto tbe ilozbc . 3nb 3c^ ftofapDatfiobc betbocne tljecougregacion of >* 3ubaanb3crurali:intl)choufeofthcio2bc K> before the ncujc cowte.nnb fapbe: torn (5ob of our fathers art not thou G5ob in Ije = licit , anb rapgneil not tl)ou on all the Upitg • bomejiofthe^cthEn.^iibtnthpnchnnbcijJ power anb mpght, anb there 10 no man that Ml able to toitbftambc the. 3rt not thou oure C5ob, txjljtch bpbefl: caft out the inljabiteriei of tl;p0 lanbe befoje i %v people 3fracl, anb ga- ucft it to the feebe of 3tb2nham thp loner fo; cueranb tljcp mm tljerin.anb Dane btiplt the a «ple therin fin tfo name,favinge:*^f + ,-, w , w cuell come t)pon tjsi.as the fwerbc of ittbge= p rnent, pefttlence u hongre.then, pf m ftanb befo?e tl)t0l)oufc in thp piefence, fo? t Dp m met* in tt)pj8 Ijonr^anb crpe tonto tbe in our tnbulacpon.hearc thou, anb helpc. Sanbnotocbeholb.thcchplb^of^mmg, anb ^onb,^ mou t £>cir, bp whfi $ wolbefl; MttoM of 3fraeIgo, wfjen tjiep came out C of the lanbc of <£gipte:butthcp bepar teb fro them, « beftropeb tyi not . $)c,hottJc thtv re* warbc W , to come fojco caft^outof tty poReffvon , wijicl) ? t aft gcttcn x>$ to inberet. ^Dourqi5ob,tK)pU tjounot iubgctifrfojuie jane Jtijofapliat tt,C!)?ottpcle^ 5fo,jrctn Ijatic no mpght agnpnft tljpjs great copanpe tljateommetbagapnft^.jacthcrttjotewc \»[)attobo:butourcepc0bel)ntothc. 3nb all 3ttba (lobe before the toibe «5 tljcir poiigconcjJ, thepi wpueiS 5 tym chpl= b2cu.it tljcr tx)a03cl;nficlthcfonne of$ncha= na the fonnc of 26anata f foune of 3eicl the fonnc of 4#n tljania, a leuitc of the fonnesf of 3Cfapl), anb \jpon Ijpm came the fpjetc of the lojOcctie' in tlje mpbbcjs of tjjccogcegacion. %nb be fapbe:herUcnall3ttba, anbpeeuha^ bitcrjS of3f rufaif, $ tljou king 3chofaphat: ^hujs fapth p iodb tmto pott; be notafravb nor fayar* bettcb bpreafonof thpsigrcate multitube:fo? p battapllitf not pour est : but ,©(5ob#.'€omoJotDgopcboroiteagapnftthc: foi tl)c p come Up at $, 9 pc Hiall rinbe tljcm at the enbe of the b^okc before tbe ujilbcrncji of 3f«icl . Vc aiall notncbctofpgbtiu tty8 battapll.butftcppcfo2th»ftabc,5bc|)olbc^ Jjclpe of the io k 2be tuljich i0 with pou : feare not, no?let pourc hertc0fnplcpott,iDpe of 3ubn anb of 3cru(aicm. , <2;o mojowego out agnpnft t^cifo? tfjc Hotbe wplbc tbiti) pou. 3Hnb 3chofaphat bowebbp^facc to the crth,anball3ubaanbthecnhabitcr}Sof 3c= . imfalcm fell befojethe Ho?be wo,2a)ipppngc the 3Lo?bc.3nbtDelcuitcsiof thecl)plb?en of the CaljathiteiEi anbofthccbilb2eof tbe€o= rahitesiftoOc\)p ) top2apfetheiLo2bc(5obof Jtml wtl) a loubc Wc on Ijpe . 3nb w!)a theparofc earlpe in the mojnpitge , thep gat • them out \)ttto the wplberuclfc of Hhckoa. ^ ^ nb a0 thep wet out, 3cbofaphat ft obc.ano ^ fapbe: hcarc me, i!D3uba^ pc en|)abitcr0 of 3cruralcm. put pour truft in fl)c io2b pour 0ob,tl)at pe mape be fofibc fnptDfull. c^cuc crcbcuce to hptf Piiophctctf,? fo (ball pe ptof-- pere.^nbDcgaue the people counccll,anb fct route to fpng \mto the Lo2b,$ to p2apfe Ijtm in the bewtpe of Ijolpnetf , 9 to go out be f 02c the arntfMtf thep tDcnt.anb to fapcip^apfc f iL02bc f 0,2 \)?fS ntcrcp lafteth cuer. 3nb what tpmm thep beganc to lanbc? p^tapfc , tljcn the llojbe ftereb \)p certapneof thecbplb2cn of Amnion ano^)oab, which lapcb wapte fo? tlje tljat were of moftt ^cir:Whtcl) were come agapuft 3uba . 3nb tljcp were otter^ tiwowen with (rrokctfamongc them Celtics $ 02 the chplbicn of Amnion anb ^ 3chofaphat kpng of 3uba t'opnchimfclfctfi?Bl)a?iahukingebf3fracl 1 whofcmvnbewn0to 00 wpckcblp.JK con-- plcb |)pm fclfc witl) &pm, to make nuppco to go totharfi0,36nb thep mabcthcOiypprtftu e?ion Gaber.^.nb eucfer f fonnc of Boba: iinOcf£)arcfap2ophcfpcbngnpnft3ciiofn- i)bat,fnpinge:bccaufcthott haft iopneb tin' fclfc with ^hajiahu, the ioibc bath broken thv wo?kc0. 3f.nb the fljippes were b?.okcn,p tljcp were not able to go to ^harU0. C^be.iiJj.Chaptcr. C^ebofapbat bpecb. nno JfboMmrufffabe(!!j hpm, iubii'b putt ctb (0 Dcitb bio b;rtb.*f n.anb ts opp;clTfh of tl)cj31)iiiftincij,anD opctb of t\)t f iprc. |:€horaphatalfo*flepfeti bp0fa= 3 tbcrtf.anb wa0burpbwith MU= * w-m-u.s rhcf0intbcciticof3nauib,fj ; 3;elio= ram b(0 fottc rapgneb in 1)10 ftcabc: anb he fribble whici) wcrcthefonnc0of 3chofaphat i^faria, 3e Did «charia,3fa-- rta,a)ichacl,ft^cphatiahu . ^lltbcfe were f fonnc0of 3ehofaphat kpnge of 3uba.3:nb tljeir fatjjer gaue the manpgrcatc gpfte^of gblbc.ano u>luer,anb other rpeciall tubftaft= cc , x& ftrOngc citpe0 in 3uba : but the kpng=> bomegaueheto 3eho?am,fo? Ijc vm the fl* beft.3nb 3cho?am rofc \jp agapnft f kpug^ borne of ht0 father, anb p^cuaplcb.anb* flue *3iub.iM all Di0b v ietD?cn witD the fwerbc,? bmerfe of ®) itti tbe %$tnm •wr Cbzonyrted ■ r i - 4 ■ 1 \ . ! •'■ i * '■'i a -I r- 1! t mt*m* tbcloibcd of3feael. * 3e(o?am wnd.mcrif. ~ R ycecolbcwhabcbrgamictornpgnc,nnDbe *° raygncbcigbtyerc in3crufalc".:ainb be wU neb m tbc wave oftlje kinged of 3u-acl,lykc ad o y b the b wife of S^ab , foj be bab tbc ba * tighter of vthab to wpf c, $ (jc wougbt cuell in rlic eye* of the iojbc . tyowbirlt.tbc I02D wolbe nott beftroye tbc boufe of Dauio , be- lmnT u f fl "fr °f flK * coticimunt tbat be bab mabe iOmt'»Mx \w\ymim, adbc roomyfeo to ggne a its^t ain.tiii.tt to hym ano to hyd tonnes; fo? eucr. .«'!» f ;«V V , * ;3n ^ toWtbe@bomitcdrebcllcb, X.5KS WlJa tbey were Wtbcr the oominvonof 3tt« Oil, ano mabe the* fclucdn Wngciim leboja we t f o.ul) to mss lojnc 0, ano ail bpjef cbarettejl pert u' hyimfr bcrofrtjpbp nygbt.g fmotc yebotmtcs,whicbc6pafcbhiii.iin,srbcca= nta p ncjB of p charctt cd . 25ttt gbom rebel leb trUl, iofthep wolbenot be mitiertbebnnoc of 3nba onrotbtdbayr.Ubat fame time al» «• fo bpb ttbna beparte from bepng wtiDcc bid hanbr ,bccaufc 3cbo2a' bab fojftiBcn f 3l02be Gob of Disf fatDcrd.&)o2coucr,l;c mabebyl* atiitcrdtn the cyticd of 3noa, anbeauftb if be cnljabtterd of 3ernfalem to comptfcnnyca* cyon,anbp2ouohcb3ubato3bolntrye. 3nb tljcreeame a wjitvngc to him from Clia i> pjopbetcfaying^bud faytb p to?0 0ob of Bauib tl;y fatber : beeanfe ? baft not walkebtn tbe waycdof3cbofaphauhy fa* therein the waped of Slfakyngc of 3uba, but walkcbft in the wayed ot tbc Hptiseji of 3feacl,5baftmabe3nbafjtbebwrUcrfiiof 3cruialem to go a wbojing,lykc ito p* wbo?= pome of tbc boufe of 3bab,» baft flapne t|)? tycthtcn, cue thpfatberd boufe, wbtcb were better tbentbou : bcholbcrtiagreatcplagc wpil tbf toiDi? fmptc tt)v folke,thy chub*!, tbp wyued.anb tljp goobed.3mb tbott Ojalt fuffregreatpapnc:cuc"abyfeafeofthybow= cllcd.Vmtyll thy gutted fall out by rcafon of thrfyckned.bayebybaye. ^ 3Lno fo tbc Hojibe ftercb op agayntt 3c= ** botf the fpjetc of the Wuftined,? tne 3tta= bians f were berpbe tbc blache mojed . 3nb tbcpcamctyintoSuba.anbwaftebit.anb carpcb a wape all tbc fubttafiee f wasl foono tn w (tvngejSboufe,oubhpj3fonnejS,anbiXjS wpuefi: fo tbat tberc was ncucr a fonne let tc Dftnfnue 3c bolwija j whicb wajS t))t pongeft amosc hp\omm,Zm after all tbefc tbpn- ejcs.tljelojbefmotebim in W bo welled t& an incurable bifcafc.^nbitcamc to paired tnp^oeeffe of tpme , ctienaftcr f tmt of two ycrcd.hpdguttegfellontmhtflfpcuucslianb fo be bpeb of Mttv eueli btreafesi . 38nb tbey &r mabe no^y burnpngefo? bim Iphctftebur= ttpng of m fatbcrd-tDlje be begone to ray- mm muxiiwm olbe, anb rapgncbtn 3crufal?.\j«j.pcrf,flp«ebw?etc|»Dlp:Dow btitt\)tp burpeb bpm tn tbccttpc of toautb.- but not amonjj p fepulcfeejs of t&c ftpngejf. ^ij^tafiu !■ C£&c.j:jrt|-£lMptcr. CSljfl j(al)« tspguc ttj in tbf ro\«mc. of jgcljojam.ar : 6ii Hpugit of jirrac l ftpiirtfc aijajfalju . aefealm put: ' «'? to Dcctl) ail f UIQC0 ipnagr ,onip aoas tfcaptfb. m * ttc enbabiterioi of 3ctnralcm ^ mabe 3t|!a?ial;u |)pj{ yonge fonne ' hinge in \m fteabc. Jf o? tbc men of w"J ,tt «- ^ _ warre*ubatwme with the hoft of tl)c 3trabione , bai) flapnenllbyj* clbcft ron* *" par f* ncjS.ano fo atyt?ui!)u the fonne of 3chowm Bpngc of 3ubii, wadmabc If pnge.o^-'S: wo -c* ano lourtpepc re olbe waghc, wba be began to rapnttc , anb bcirnpgncb onepcretn3etu- fblcm. 9pjbi ntotUei-'jEiE name wad SEtbaliahu p" baugbtcrof3mrt,3fnbbcwa!ltebalfotnthe wavcdoftbcboufifof3bab,fojbydmorj)cr ( by m counccIDeitTtpfeb him to bo wpclte^ ^ ip.UJhcrfoje be bpbthat wbich wad encllin m tpefpahtoftlje lo?be,adbpbthtp that we- re of pljoufc of ailjab: fo^ tljep were hpd cotV celcrdafter the tmfy of bid rartKt. to bid bc^ ttruccpon.3Cnbbt walbeb after they? co un» celUnb went wtt|)3cbomm fonne of 3Hbab Uing of 3frael,to fight agapnft Hwart (ting of atria at mamotb in 0tlcnb:anb tbe £>t= nidfmote 3o?a . 2inH be rctttrncb to be Ijea- lebtn 3me I, of tbt: wo ubed wbtcb were ge* tten bim af Uama, when be fought tf loa ja* rlbpng of £>iria. 3nb 3Bha?iaDn the fonc of 3e!30jtam Ityngeof 3«ba went Downe to fc c 3choja tbc fonne of ^babat3c?rel,becaufe be wadbifeafeb.^inb it cam of 0ob,f'#ha= ?ia|m (fcuibebe bcifpyfcb fo? Ijyd commpnge to 3c!)oja:foj wbii be wad come.ljc wf t out with 3ebo?»t agap lift 3f U tbc fonne of m~- mfi, * wbom tm io?bc haoanopntcbto be= * mum ftropc tbe boufe of 3dl)ab. 3nb fo it came to paffc f wty 3cbtt wad eirecutyntfc iufticc tjpon tbc boufe of 3 Dab,? itab fouOe tbe Io^b rd of 3uba anb the forme* of tbc bjcthjten ofttbajiahu tbat waptcb on W&MuMmm, *35nbhefougbt3tba^ m.mM iiabu , anb tbey caught (jym wtjerc he wad ;pbin S>amaria,anbbiiougl)tfttmto 3ehu. 9nD wfjen t^ty gab ftaync bym.tbep bnrieb bpm : beeanfe ( faybc tl;ep) be in the fonne of *> JcDofapha t, wbicl fought tljc to?b with all \)V^m. 3fnb tbe boufe of #&a?fai»t l;ao no power to hepeftylltljcftpngbomc. *25ut when 3thal(abu tbe mother Of+aftwwJ 3l)a jialju fawc p bet fonne wad becb,lhe a- tofe anb beftroyeb allfhehyngedfeeb tn tDc ftpnrcb of p houft ; ofjuba . 3nb3ehofabeth tbc baugbter of f singe tone 3oad t^t fonne of aiha?iahu,$ ftaje bpm fro amongc ^ftpn« ged fonncd p were flapnennb putt bym ano bpd no urce in a pMipc cbamb?e. 3&nb fo 3e= bofabeatb tljc ba u gbtet of ainge 3cDo?a" tb e wyfc of 3eboiaoa tbe p?cft , anb tbe fpftcr of 3Waou hyohprnfromStthaliahuthathe wad not flapne. % nb ro be wad «5 tbem bpb in the houfe of (J5ob fyrc pere . 3MD 3it|jalia* l)tteaygneoouctthcianbe« CfK C5T!jc. jW'n.ClMptcr; C^dmcle$, ■ Jfcrcti! *m$ | Bo* in the feuenfhyerc3cbo« tababepngcbolbe,toUctbccftp= tapncdofhmio?cbcd,^?atiabu |fbe fonne of 3crobam , ano 3r* — — ^mael the fonne of 3ebobamim. 3?artahu the fonne of £>bcb, Aariahii the fonne of ^brtiabu , anb eiifapbat tbc fonne of ?tcb?i,aubmabc a bonbejwttb tbem. ano they wentaboutcin3uba J ano gatbercb the %mm jut of all the cptie'd of 3 uba nnb § auncpentfatberd of 3frael:anb tpcy came to 3crttfalem. 33nbaHtbccongrcgacpou mabe « u S^ttl)tbebyngcmtbei)oufeof(5oD. 3nbbcfapbmitot!jein:f;icl)olbc,tbeliynffed icwte feR»%*? * lojbehath fay= U t.fr.b. beoftbccbplb?cnof5)anib. SKS£ ^KfWg *»* mallbo :Hhe 25 tl)p?0e parte of pou Cboll ( on tbc £>abbat&) come to thep?caftcd, Icutted , anSi ucperd of the nM4M another thp^c parte Qjnlbe bp ? ipngcd houfc.anbanotbcr thp?bcpar« BJSP 1 ae MP? oE tt)c founbacyon , ano ♦(TD^.b all tbc people Ojalbctutbc* courted of tbc ^^^oftDe^be.fmicthcpzcafted J thep tbat mtniftre tmto m imm. ^bcy SjSSSi"' fo yOcpareboip.but ail tbepco= plca}ailkepethrwatchoftheto2b.3nbtbe Jlcuited mil copafc tb? kpngcTotmblabou anbettcry man qjallbauc bpd wepon m byd UteaitD what otber man focuer botb come into tbeboufe of tbe Jlo t 2bc,bc (ball be flapuc- mctbm.anowbaubegoctbout. 4iubtbc!Leuttedanbainubabyb'acco2. ^abcomaunbeo.ftoheeucrpmaubydmcn * 0,t jg^f uo ! b o«Pf:nctbcrbib ichotoba^ C OT ftlc ^f opened bcparte.^nb3elS baf pjeaft beliuercb to thee nptapnrdof 1 .1 S^^^^^^'^VlDe^.anoCotiLlnrSt IB n mm b to liynge ^amb , aim w c tn fOoufeof^oD.3nD|iefctalUljeticoX5e" H» teW 1 '^ 6 ,n Wlwnoe fro tbe tj gbt fpbe orrhc tcpic , to tbc left fybc of tbc Jempi M ongc by tbe aulter anb th tempi? , i «"J cau o»tftncitpngc.3nbtbepb2ongbt A J tt "fe «fW fonncanoput tmoii bim tbe I *Bm.ji,,u jau^pm tolwe banttt^br latoc CDnC to M to be kf ptc) attD ■ * ^^"\5P. l, ffc.^nb3cDoiaD«« bWfonncia am, »tfo&»»,*faybe:(ioobfauetbehynge. J^»W(«|ttjttiir^tiopfeoftt5 SSK2 MWto f e * W«ngi the hyngc , (be ^otDeteompcttedwcrebpthc ayugejail tbc people of the lauoe rctopff b , blawmn v6 trompcttcd^bpbplapewttbinftrumcnted ofmufpcRe^taugbttofpngc fipiapfc. jjfa Jttbnliahu reiitbcr clotl;ed, anb favch .- trca= fon trc«iifon.a£n03eijoiaba mwtifc went out to the captapnedof micm tbat were & flouerncrdoftbebofte^fapDctintotbc'rjaue bcr out wttbout tbe bo;e of tbe temple am wbofo f oio wetb bcr, let hym be flapn w,th tbc fwcrbc.^ pp.Kaftc faybc p tljep fl,,,|rje tot ftep bet in tbc boufe off io^be. aTno tftcv lapbebanbedonber,tpllftjewadcomcfotbc cntryngc of the Donate befpbe mtom* Doufe anb tberetbcp flue bcr. • Htt ™^ * amo 3fboiaba mabe a bonbe bctwenc * .« m^ they Cbuioe be tDc Lobbed people, ano all the people wft to tbc boufeof Baal, » bcitroycb Sl^lW ftf0f 23aaIbcfolc the atilt crd. anb 3eboiaba pu t tbc offpees foz the boufe of the Lo?b ondct tiiehaoe of tbe Sea- fyngeanbfyngyngcaditwad oibeyncD by piutb.^nbbefctpo^tcrdbyiJgatedof the l)oufcoftbelo?oe,tbatnonrwhicbwadon» clcanc in any tbpngelbtilbcentrc in. ^^fi^^^^W^wofbunb^ebcsi 5aiitDenobIed,anbtbcgoucrnonrcdof tbe pcople^alltbefolucoftbclanbe.anbcaufcD m upnge to come Downe out of t\)t boufe of tbc Lojo.aiiD t^y came thozowc tfichvc m> te into tbe ftynged boufe , anb fet the npngc t)pon tbc fcatc of tbc Kpngbomc.^iio all the people ofplanbcrciopicb.anb tbe cptie wad Italju with tbe fwerbe. rT C^bcrriiiiCbaptcr. S.?ift^ i'ffirhl' ,pff of JirtoMa.fef Ptfft fbf later , JWJflBB aftftbt-mrargiictl) amafiabu. I ©ad was fcttcn pere olbe wben be -» jbegannetorapgnc, *»bcrapgncl> Sl«.». w .b i|fourtyycrciu3erufalem Dyd mo= ■ ■ r ■ • '- eberd name alfo wad ?ibia of iBccr ^cba3lnb3oadbpbtbatwbicbwadrpght tutbc fygbt of the Jlo^call t\)c bayed of %? botaDatbcp2eafte.3tnb3cboiabatohchpm two wyiicd.anbbc begat fonncd anbDatt= gbterd > mynbcb.torencwc tbe boufe of tbc loiD ano IM Sr"^ 05f u t|,fc 'JweaftcdfrF* ieui= tcd,anbfapbtotbcm:go out unto tbe cpticd £9? tt il^ a 9 w ?f«H31nicUmonep 1 tote-- t pap2c tbe boufe of yourc (5ob from pere to 23 pcrcanb fe tbat pe baft tbe thpitgc : ho wbeit ^^f^UJercaache.Bnbtbehpngcallcb jcbotaba tbat wad tbc cbefeft anb fayo onto 4*) o bym II Soa ti,£lj?onidc& t ■ < - M. , K \1 I' ■ 1 I hym. XtifyV required fliou not of tbc If ttitco* *i?roi>.m.f> tobtpngctn.out of ?iiDa 9 3er tifattm, * tbc collection of money accorbpngc to tbc com* maunbement of ^ofesstljc fcruattut of tbc 1 jdc anil the fongrrcjacioit of 3fracl ujuloe oft%ttfo?rne tabernacle of wpfneflc. flo? wpcftcb jtl)altabuaubbcrcbplb?cb?nftc t>p tbc lioiifc of Gob , anb rill tbe tfati&t that ujcrcbcbtcatfot tbc boufc of the lojbc byD tbcpbeftovoefo?25ealtm. * i.u.tc.ni,, Znm tbcftingcocoinminDcmcnt,* fbcv mabe a cneft.s fctit without at tbc sate of p boufc of the 1 otbc.anb mabe pioclainacpon thojotoe juba and 3crufaltm,to owns into *eroo.rjT.b the Lojbc * thctaracionof moncp,y&)ofetf tk fcruaunt of cob fct Upon 3fracl in tbc wplbcrneu*e.3nbtbelo2brsanbaUtbcpeo C pic rciopfco.anobtoiigbttn.anbcaft into the r heir, anttll it wag full 2tnb it fo?f uncb,tbat at the fame twite they btottgbt in p cbcft( oih to them which tor re in the ftpngcg bufpneffe) bt> the hanbe of the IcuttcS.^nD when tbep fawc <> there was ntoebc money, the ftyngctf ftrpbcranbonrappopntcbbptuebvcpjcaft) came, anb cmpticb rhecheft, anb tolicit , anb earpcb it to bio place agapne « rbutf they hv^ Dapc op bave.anogatbcrcbmocbc money. 3nD the ftpngc Ocboiabagauctt to toch as bi'b the labonreanb wothe in tltc bonfc of the Lotbc.anb IjpieD mafonsnnb carpenters to rcpapK t!)e boufc of the lotbc , anb fo bpb tbep artificers tn yion anb biaffcta mfftc the iioufc of the L02DC. anbfo the workmen bMougftt, anb the wotcftcmcnbcb tbojowe thep: babcs.anb tbep mabe tlje boufc of v5ob as it ought to be , anb ftrcngljtljcb it. Jtno vo\)t tbep babfinifmcb it.tbcp b?ought p reft of the monepe befozc tbc hpng anb 3chotaba, onbtber witb were mabe \)cffclSfo?p boufc of the io2bc : cucn \}e(Ttlse to miniftrcwitb all , alio to feme f 02 burnt offcrpngcS itim* gcrs anb f poncd , UerTclS ofgolbcanbfplucr. 3tnb f hep offereb burntofferpngcSin tbc both feof the Lo?bc eoitttniiallpcalltbc bapeS of e3cbotaba. z5ut3cbotaba waiccb olbc , anb bpeb full of bapcfi.jf or an hnnb?cbftljp?tpe ycrc olbc was be when be DpcD.ainDtbep bit* tpebbpnt in tbc cp tic of :oauiDamottgc tbc ftpngeS, becattfe he Dealt well witb 3?rael, anb witb c5ob anb witb bi#bouu\3 no after tbe bectb of 3ebofaba,camc t^z Lo?beS of 3ti Da, anb mabe obepfattnee to tbe ftpngc. 3Cnb the ftpngeberftenebuntotbcm.3!nDfo thep lef te the Dottfc of tlje Jlo?be (Sob of tbep? fa* tberS. * fcrneb groueS anb ybolctf. 3Cnb then came tbc oj^atb of<2?oDopou3uDaanb 3e= rafalcm , f 0? tW tbep? trefpacee fabe.ftnb be fcntpzopbeteiEltotbem.tob^pnfitbcmagap- «e ttntti t\)t torn- 3nbtbcpteftifpcb tmto tbcm:26ttt tbep wolbe not beare. # senb tbc fpp?ite of d5ob came tjpon ?a» cljacia $ Tonne of 3ehofob* tlje pieaft, wtyt\i ftobe bp tbc people,? fapbetott tftcm.'isrijtitf faptb^ob:U)bptranfsrcirc petbc c6manu bementejS of tbc JLOitbcf' pc cannot pjofpc; rcr'jifo?bccaiircpcbaucfo ( }falicnt|)clLo2b > be alfo batbfotfitUcn pou. *3P no tbep confpp= tR ,, (b . h reDaffapnftljim,atibftoitcDbtmttJitbftonc2! "'..V B ' at the comma unbement of tbe itpng c: cucn in tbe courte of tlje boufc of tbc lojdc. Tthn fo 3oas( tbc apace remembjeo not tbc ttpnbncamafco to a imall copa« ape of men,? tbc ti).2D bcliuerebn tjeep great boftc into tbeir babebecaufc tbep baa fo2fa-- ae p ioib©oDofll)ep?fathccs!.3inbino20 3 uer tbep fcrucD 3oas(aceo2Dinfr, to bus bebctf; 3!ab wbaatbcp lucre beparteb from bim, tbep left bint in great btrcafeg.^ * bptf atone *««.n^» feraafi test cofpp,icD agapnft bim fo? f bloube of tbecbplojcn of 3cbotaba tbc p?caftc , anb fluebpntonbptf bel), nnbbcbpcD,* tbcpba» rpeb bim in tbc cptte of S)auib:but not in tlje fcpulcbjc* of tlje apnged. Sab thefc are tbep that confptrcbaaapnft bint : jcbab the foaite of ^Mmcath an Ammonite , anb 3|iofalmD tbefonne of ^)imn!tba^oabite. ^nbbpjS fomte&',anb tbc fiuntnc of tlit tm that watf rapl'cbinbp.stptncanbtberepap^tnseofthe boufc of ©ob.bcbolbe, tljcpari tu^itten inp fto?icof tbebone of thchpngesi. 3nb2tma^ ?ialm lipe I onnc rapgneb in bv# ftcabe. eftbc.WVj.Cbaptcr. Cainajiabu oucrcoitictl) tbc ffOomitC3. aim Jjoa« hpnffc of Jftact oucveomctb amn?iab«. i ^)""' 8 ' bpb that wbtcbi^ rpsbt in tbc fpgbf of tbc I02DC : but not will) a pcrfectebcet. SUnb ajS foneae betuatf fettieb in tbc Upng borne, t)c flue ty& feruattntcsi,tbat bab npllcb tbc b tng bps;fatbec-3i5t}tbe Ruenot tbeir chilb?en,bc- caufeitts U)?ltten tbu^ in tbe lain 9 bobe of ^ofc#,t»bcretbeLo2dccfimaitnbcb,faplng: *tbe fathers: Ojall not Dpefo? tbccbilb?cn, **mw aether (nail tbc cljplo?cn bpc f 0? tbe fatber?, JSfJg buteuecpmaitfl)alIbpcfo?bPi8au)ncfpnne, fatim 3cno 3fma jiabu gatbereb 3uba together , 3 anb mabe t&em canitapnejS oner tboiifanbeiS anb ott 1 1 biibiebc tf ,ncco?Dpnge to tbc boufc 3 of tljcp? fatberjs , f bo?o\»c out all juba anb 26cniamin.a no be uomb?cb tbim from troc= tpcpcreolbcattDabouc.anb founbe nmonge them , tb?c fituiD?cb tboufanbecbofen mea, able togoto battel!, anDtbatcoulbe bauble fneate ^ma^taljis T ^a?ialm 1g** rt»o Ojpibe. tot ft^cb alfo aa bunb?eb tjjoufanbe ftronge fpgbtpngc men out onr-- racl,fo?anbunD?eDtalcnte0offpluer. C , 5»° w" nmcama,,of ^btobini,anb ** fapbe : Oapngcictnottbcarmpe of mm come WJijib tbc: fo? tbc to?be i0 not tottb ir* rati , actber witlj all tbc boufc of ephzatm . 25ut Pf tbouppltncbetfbefaptblcue,comc on,anbtaftctbcbatcnmb5bc,ano©obmau tnahetbcfalbefo?cpeitcmiciFoz(i5obbath pptwrtobelpc,? tocaft boutne. 3tnb 2Ema= ?iabufapbctotbcnuUf(5ob:0)batq)aiitt)c Dotbcn,fo?tbcbub2ebtalcnte£{,tx)lHcb3ba- ucficuenfo?tbcboftcof3fraci : ^bemanof (5ot 1 anfujcreb.tbe j,o?Dctf able to gcuc tbc mocbemo?ctbcnthepbc. ' mi 3fima?iabu fcucrcb tbem to tbc armt'e tbatOjagcoiHetobimoutof«£pb?aim,togo borne agapne. U%rfo?e tbep were crcea" bpngcu)?otbt»ttb3uba,anbrctucnebhome ingrcatcangre. h «J£?f ma ^ ttto ««toaabcaepeooir« by0pcople,anb voeutto tbc fait aallep , anb tmmn. *fmotcoftbeebplb2fof ^etrten tboufaa- of 3ubatakcalptie,anbcarpebtbcm lonto £ S?S±S? e ' T c, l ft *&« oowne from the toppc of the roenc , tbat t^v all to burft .- . but tlje fouiopcrcof the mteiffiSS* bisi people to battell, fell \jp6 1 becpttee of 3 1 ba, from ^amaria \jnto 26etbbo?6 , 9 f mot tb?ctboufanbcoftbem^toltcmochcrpoplc fmtt cbauaecb,after fVmtMm mi come from tbc daughter of the Cbomi teOe bjoagbf m®mot the cbpib?e n of &ti% SSte ^i! 0c N soaiMriD botolb m fclfcbtfo?c bC:ano burneb encc7emitoS vototim tbc io?bc toafi uj?otb toitb 3na lap} *ntobpm:t»bpbaftprongbt theSS of tl;e iteoplctDljici) ^erc not atle to Dclruer they? a ixmc people out of tbpnc baubr.' 3 n b v bym the ftpngc fapbe imobm •• baue men wpie tbou be beatcMCnb tbc piopbetc ccafeb ffkW ? m fur r c ^ u « 35BS3S bcftropctbcbecaufctboubalrboncfbid.auD agreeftnoti]ntompcounccl! " MU ^' ano i«flQ. *^ben3ma5tabuUpnaeof3HDatflhe ba? tbc tonne of 3ebu kpng of3frael,«K ftpngc of 3fracl fent to ^ma.?tabii ftpngc of jftfr-f. Jg t] ^ daughter to nip (bane to ipft. anb * fiSfffifflSGW: **" ft Wft * tbou baft S? rctt ^ Don »t^ » ««b thPitc bcrt mafteth £hmitlt& Mnnii mib. rebpbeatbomc:tBbpbofttboup2ottofte\3ii>: mt aentajta&ii toolbenoe berltc to htm: BtR^K of GoD » c,,c " t0 Mi»cr them into V babe of tbep? encmpcsbccaufc thep fotmlif counccllattbeGobsofebomanl tfiS the ftpngc of Jfrael came by .- anb tbcyS etber otger, both be anb Zmn mfta Ke of 3uba at Betbfam;s ah.ch is m™S8$£ ( ~ 3«'b«i 1 wa» put to pwaitt befoaejlcacl, a b ° tbep f Ic ) cucrp ma to bis feat.2tno loas the tMtfati3etbiamcs:aitbb2oiiabtbPmto'Tr c * SfiJSSS 1 ^ 1 * 1118 °f 3erufalem :fro:n the gate of 6pb?atm on to tbc gate tlwt maS oueragapnft.tfourchunb?cbcubptc3.aub ^ f° ! f; Wai all the goioc atfofpitter , j; D r aW {5l3c\oeilrttbat toece founbe. u the [ures of the ftpnges boufc, $ the pongc war * DcS.anbrcfumcb to Samaria. ftF ^S ,n !? l # ,, % fi, ««Pof3oaSftPttge n H»ja ipaeb after tbe bettb of 3oas founc of3choahajftingof3fraelfiftenepere.'5:iic reftoftbcacteSof3ma5iabufp2ftanblaft, arctbepnot\i}?tttenintbe boltcof the ftiui^ 5f' D I3«°a au&3fracl:-$iiD after the tpm tbat3Cma«abii bpb tunic avoapc from the to?be*rbcyconrpft'cbtrcafoit«igaynftbnn* f '»-wea; »n3miralem: anb ujiwn he voasficb to U- mu " cbi«epfenttoiacbisaftcr bpm.aub line bpmtbcre:anb b?ougbtb Pm V pveit [; | ]0 2r- fcS.aub burpcb hpm untl) fy& fatljcrs in * $ cptic of juoa. *.«, „ c ^^rr\3t.chaptcr: Ca«CT tbc Bfrtb of am.vt.ibu rapgiiftli aualm Up:t.ai)0 joatljam npsnttb In ln'src^-mc. Sct^IKW? ?? F°P lc of 3uba folic 3: '??-] if?'- 4?^ ' yfafymu* fyrteneycre * m.m& mi H&tMxiMtommt bpm ftyngc in tbc rb - a - .rZ ~ ?!! D ! l c toivlt #lotb , anb biouffbt t agapne to 3tiba, after that the ftpngc & l« po to flepe voitb M fathcrs.^prteuc pcrc olbc toatf iv ? u\ , ojben be began to rapgne , SSISS2!f ft 'S , - w * tn 3crufaiPm; %i nothcrc ( nantc alfo teas 3cchoUa of W(a= £?)I°i tl, i lo ^' atf0 ^VnfletoaH,a6byo bP0fatbcr3itta?iabu^nbitcametopairc, tmpui which mapntcneb the fcarc of 0oO;« bpm ?S!?: ,#tbtl ^ 0Ofi m ^ . ^2'b % went to bare!! agaynft the tarn, tbc wall of 3abnc , anb the wall of 3Efbob'« Mt ept.es about 3fboo 9 ornon; the W* ^■"^•^"b^obboipcbiutagatnft y &- ftatc^anbagapnftthc^rabiensp buJelt i\\ eurbaal 25 (Si 1'4 i m>ta lOpnicles Jotljant n i 1 | I- /' ,t -I . * ' * - * 1 i M *- *' tfurbaal anbX)ammcbunun. anMtoflm* momtctf sane tribute to a Ma , anb In* name fpitUDc ab?oabc cue" to p entcMinof W* vtc.foi ftc plapcb flic man rjtceumtiglr. m* rcoucrfcuia buplt tomptfn 3crufalcmby flic coiner gatf,ftbvtbc^alcvcflatc,anbat the turningc of tbc wall.anb niabc Of ftron-- gc.Snb lie btiplt"roi»?cj8 intbe wplbcrncuc, nnb btggcb maiiv wclIcjS: 5*02 be too mocbc tatcll , in the mm «* Pl«P"c»s , plowmen nnO\>yneoicu*c«itntbc mountaynetf anbm (!T[jarmcl,fo^clottcbijurbnirt)?w: 3 nb Cl «a nab an bolt of fffltrm » IC « tbat went'eutto warrcin tbcnrmpc acco;-- tj'nsc to tbc nomb.zc of tbe>V office \jnDcr tbc tenor of 3«icUftcftrpbf^aau#fJCTH= icr, -timber tbc banbe of ^ananiamt mim wk one off' ftphsctf loibctf. 3ub the boatc ttomtyc of tbc auncient fatbertf, $ of tbc men of mpcebt were two tboufanbeanb few bun= mcb^nbcrtbcbniibcoftbcmwaftbcjir* mvc of tbc men of warrceucntbjchunbjeb C anb fenen tbonfanbf ,? f puc bimb^cb y mabc warrc witb tljcpowcr of anarmpchclpyug tbc bpnstasafnft f enemies* »» tubcotbcmtboiowcoutallthehoft.milbcj*, fpcarcMclmcttcsMjabcrginnc&bowctfnnb upngca f 02 to caft ft ottctf. 3 no he mabc fotle cngvnnceitn3eninilcm,tiJbtcb6ctnucntcb$ lay cb on f to wictf anb coiner* , to (bote _ary= wefl anb gtcatc (tones! WtU all.flnb rana i » tnc fpic'Ob farrc abjoab.becaufc be W/tol* peb to crccllctlp, fo p be became \)crp mi&m mt in W ftrrngtb.ntf bert atofc tobp.tf bcftrucfion:tfo2hc tranfgreffeb agapnft tfie ioibc nps'Gob, f went into tbc temple of j> idibcto burnc ccnfetipon tbc alter of incc= fc . ' Z\\b gfatfeftu tbc pjeatte went in after binuno witbbimfourcrtiOicpjcaftc* of tbc ioiOc tbat were toalcafit mcn.ftnb tbcp it o= be by l\m tbc uyngc , anb lapbc tonto mm mm«.* * « pertapnetbnot topil^tato btit jncinccfc ^ntotbclLoibe.bitttotbcpzcaftcjStbccb^ b:en of 3nron>thatarccofccratcfo2 to ottrc iiiccnfccomc tbcrfoic out of tbc fanctuarye -& fonbou baft trcfpaccb.anbtttjsno wojlhpp totbcbefo?etbelo;tbc<5ob. . ajnb titefo was wjotb . 9 bab mcenfe m w banbetobtirncit:?towbplebebabmmana:: mm** cpou agapnft tbc pjcaftcj, * w teW fpzangc in Ditf f ojcfeeO before tbc pjeattc* tit tb'cboufcoftbciL02be ) cucbcft>bctbe t mcenfc nuitcr. 3f.nb2Cfartabutbccbefcmeaftc with all tbc otber picalrctf loucb \jpo bttmanp be= hoioc.be wajs become a leper in W fozebeeb, fitbep^ejcebbimtbecc.^nb bcwatffapnc to So out, becaufc m lojb'c&ao fmtttcn torn, anb mi* tbe nyngc contpnucb a lepje mo tlje bare ofbp0 bcetb , anb bwclt rcucrall m anboufebeyitficalcpcranblbuttcoutpfrbc boufc of tbe io2bc. %\ft 3otbam bp0 lomie bab ti)c sonernauncc of tbe mS0 !»•»» anb iubceeb tDc people of tl;c lanbc. %fo rctt of tbcactc0 of ai?ta fp2ft 9 laft, bvb3fat v p?opbcte tlfjc fonne of $mojM»#>= tt ^imfoajia OcpteuntbbPtffiubcc0, anb tbepburpcbbimwitl!)bi!Sfatl)ers{ in tbe fcioe of tfctamtill wbicb wa?s bcfvbc tbe ftpui- cbicxs of tbc lunscji.^02 tljcp faybe:bc l#a le- jpcr*3tto3otDam|Htf fonne rapgncbtti bpjS ftcabc. , „ , C^rbc.)ejc , bii.Cb«iptcr. If 3lo(I)«mtni'anc(l) nuft oticr rtmtH »t)f ammoji: tc« . abMin'sromimrtfiKti) oftccftpm. jiDtljam wao f put anb twentp vcre « olbe, wben be * begannc to tappc, ;L „ r . . anb rapgncbfpjtcncpercm 3crn- |M falcm , |jpsi motljcrjs name alfo was Jc rnfa tbebamsbtei' of ?aboc. 3Jnb lie opb tbat wliicb wajs rpfibt in tbc fpfibt of tbc lo2bcinall povntoSajs bpb bVJSfatl;cri!il?ia f auct&at 0^" be came not into tbc temple of ^ tbc io2bc,anb tbc people bvb^ctwpcitcblv.^5 Dc buplt tbc bpc sate of tbc topic of tbc lo2* De, anb on tbc wa Uc ( wberc tbc bonfeof 02^ btuaunce wa0 )bcbupltc mocbe.^02couer Ijcbupltcptiexiin tbe mountapnciei of Juoa, anbintbe woobcouatrepe bcbuplt caftellcsJ anbtow2ejx. J)c fonfibt witb tbe ftpnjjt of tbc cbplbJcn of 3tmmoii,anb p2cuaplcb asaynft tbe.^nO tbe cbplbicn of Amnion gauebvmtbc fame € pcrcan bunb2eb talentcss of fpluer, anb ten tboufanbctiuarterjjofwbcntc^tcntboufab ofbarlepc.^)omocbcbpbtbccbplD2eof^m- tnon mm bpm tbe f econbe pcreano tbc tlji^D alfo.§)o3otbit became mrojbtte, becaufc be bircctcb bpfif wapc before p iio2be ty# 00b. €bc reft of tbc actcjs of 3otbam 9 all bpjS t> warre&s \)t# couctfacpon.lo.tbev ore W2it= tciun tbebokeof tbc UpnacsJ of 3fraelanb 3uba.X)cwn0.jcjc^rercolbcwljcnbc began* neto rapgnc.ijrapgncbfpjctcneperciii 3e* rufalc. %m 3otbam ftcptc witb b& fatbers;, anb tbcpburpcb bpm in tbecpticofDamb:^ 3 ba? bpfl Tonne ravgncb in bp# ftcabc. C^ber^uiCbaptcr. CZ\)t Wi'cUcDiicffc cf aija? Uiuiffc of jiiuDa. 3f(« 1)pm rargiictl) ©c?elu'a. l^a? was * twetp pcre olb wlj^ ?f. bcbcgSnc to rapgnc, 9 rapgneb *nW fprtcne vcrc in 3crufalcm , anb be ^ »ot I'M wbtcljitf rpgbt „ . in tbc Cpgbt of tbc Ho2be,a j5 m bifitatbcrBauib:fo2bewalbebinpwapejS of jSkyngctf of 3ttacl,f mabcmoltenvma= SC0fo226nalim.i?coft'crcbfnccnfeiutbe Ma= lr pc of tbc fonne of Dinnom , anb * burnt *J{Jg£ bvgcbplbjen in fp?e after tbc abommacionjS ' of tbe^citben, wibo tbc 3Lo2b caft out bcfo?c tbc cbplb2f n of 3ft acl . Ipe offercb alfo , anb burnt inrffe in bilaultcrjS anb on moimtavw* nnbljubereiierpgrcnctrc. * tDbcrfo2ctbc io2bebW (25obbcIpucrcb *mg* Dim into tbc babe of tbe npngc of tbc ^irieo 1 : c W,U,,J , i»b«cb M}tUd wblcbbctbim, ? carlcb awapca grcatmuh titubcof bp^captiue, anb biougbttbeinto spamafcon. 3d nb be wag belpncrcb into tbc bSpe of tbeupngc of 3fracl,wbicb fmotc Iniji witb a grcatc flaugbter.jf 02 jOcUab tbc fon, ncof mcmaliabuftuctn 3uDa an bunoicb s twentpc tboufanocinonc bapc , wbicb were nil f psbtingc mcn.anb tbat becaufc tbcp bao fo2faU5tbc £o2bcd>obof tbep2 fatbero 1 , Jfinb liclnta uugbtpc ma of epb.iaini flnc mm* 2* nabutbeltvngctf tonne,* 3Efrtcatbc goucr^ uouroftbeooufcanoeicana i>wm ncrtto tbcltpngc.3nbtbecbilo l 2eof3fraeltolicp2i= foncrjai of tbm b2ctb2cn,two bnnb2eb tbou -■ fanbe wcmciuomictf,* oaugbtcrtf, oD of ponrc fatbersfis; w^otbt63uba , be batb bclpuercbtljeminto pourc b«1Dc.^nbpebauc flapnctbcmwitbcruclncfle,f'rcacbetbbpta bcaucn.3nb nowcpcpurpofctohcpc bnbtr tbecbvlb2cu of3ubaanb3crufalcm, and to mauetbem bonbmenaubbonbwcmrn.^nb bo pc not lab c pourc fellies! witb fpnnc in tbc Mg of p 3io2bcpourc Oobr^owc bcarc me tbcrfp2c , auo bclpucr tbc capfpucg agapnc W 5U? $P m mm of ? 0,, « ^«b.2cn . foi e Wall p great w^atb of Gob be fcpo pou. C u ^ erf ^i'« l, Wcoftbcbecbcj5oftbc cbplD2cn of €pb?aim,atf ^faria tbc fonne of 3cbobana, 2i3crccbiabu tbc fonne of Senile* motl),anb3cbe?luabutbefonneof Vallum, anb atuafa tbc fonne of tyablai, ftobc\jpa^ gapuft tbcm tbat came from tbe warrc, anb lapbc mito tOrnt : b2ingenct in tbe capttuejs bpt bcr. jf 02 wbcic as webauc offenbeb to- warbc(5obaUitabpe,pcciufbetoat)bcmo= re to onr fpnncis^ trefpacc. jf 02 our trefpnee Wareatailrcabp ; anb tbcrct^afcarce W2atb agapnft 3fracl. Sinb \3p0n tbat, tbc men of aunciSlcftetbcfaptiucjsanbfbcfpoplcbffo- re tbe ILo.2beoianb all f be congrcgacpon. S'nb tbc me tbat were nowc rebearfeb bp iiamcKofcbp.auOfoUrtbcp^roncrO,^ witb tberpoplc clotbeb all f wercnabebamonae tbcm.anbarapebtbfn^^ibocbtbem^ Fane tbcmtocatcanbtobunUf^nnopntebtbcm, anb carpeb all l tbat werefebicof tbcm bpon alTetf ,5 b2ougbt t\)tm to Jcncljo ( tliccptic of ^aulmctrccj)tofbcp2^ftbicn ; ttbcntIjcp returm b to Samaria agapne. mm,b * m mt fame tpme ^\) Upng Mm fenb ^ntopBpngcgof^lTur^obauebclpcoftbe. 3Hnb tbc (ffibomtt cjx came agapnc , anb ftuc jomcof 3uba , anb carpeb a wapc captpucsf, a&nb tbc ^biliftincjSinuaOcb tbccitietf in tbc lowe countrcp, anb to warbe the (outh of lu= bW tone ;Hi5cfl)famc&$ ^lalon, anb (23ebc» tfytmitlts jfQ.Xti) rotb.anb&ocijo W!tbtb2towiicg longynffc t berto,ano ^Ijimna witbtbc towueo of tlje fame : cTimro , anb m townctf tljcrof , atio bwelt tbcre. jfo2 tbc H02O b2ougI;t 3uba Io - wcbccaurc of Mm bpngc of 3110a, wlucb niaDe3uDana{icD, ^tr.lfgccffci) foicagainft tbcLoeDc^nb^biigatbiJiInercrlipngcof? ^tipnanoicamcbponbiu^anDtroubicDbim ratbertbeu ftrcngtbcb bvm. tf o2;^baUoUc awapeapo2ciooutoftbcboufcoftbciLoirif, anboutoftbebpugcoboufc^outofp io2 ^ bcoi mm,n gatic vnto tbc hpngc of tbc $t> rp2tans:anb petit bclpcd bim net. 3 no in tlic berptpmc of hv$ tribulacio Dyb uvm 3 \m trefpacc pet moare agapnft tl)s I oiD.jioi be offcreb bnto tbc Gooo of tbcm of Damalcb, wbjcbbctfebpm^ be fapbibccanfc tbc Got.s of tbebpugcoof S.p2ta bcalpe cije , t!;crfo2c WPH 3 offer to t\)l , tbat tbcp mapc bclpc me alto.tout tbcp were lji3 bcO ruccpon , anb tbc bcftruccioiiofall3frael.^nDai)a?gafl)crcD togctbcetbc^cftclsoftbeboufeofGoD.anb He % W > mt * ^"^P tiJe 002CS of tbc * tf. mn. pourc of tbe tozb.anDmabebimiaultcrsiu F* . cucrpco?nerof3crufa!cm3nbinaUtl)Cfi: i,M ^^^^ mot Jubabc inaoc bvllaultcrfi.to burnc S""'^ J ,lt ? °t 1 J cr ®om,H angrcD tbc iczbc Gob of m fatbertf .'Cbc reft of Ijpc actco anb W W02licfifp2ft anb laft : beboioc , tbc pare written in the boke of tbe Urtigctf of Juba * 3frncl.^ib3ba? U cptc witbbvsfatbcro x tbcp burpcD bpmintbe cptieof 3cruialrm : butb20ugbtbpmnot Unto tbc fcpuldncsof rapgneb m hptffteabe. CEbcjrrir.Chapfcr. JS'«* ^'"P'c of tl.cLo.-oc a I (H SJ« f bat ijaD not {ftuc rtgarbto of l,ps p;cbcr:!rctirrc lochia begannc to rapgu e , wl;c ,1 Ibcwaofpue? twentp m'colDc, * »*. Ktn j|rap^;ncDnpncfffWcntpprrcm ^l " I; •' , • jfriifale.^nbbta'motbcroiiatnc ,7.-^r^F7^ n l? A Wil v 0<1l, SDtcr of tacba^ rabuanb be bpb tbat wbicb wag rpght in m MM of tbe io,20c , in all popntro ajS W mm bPJ tatber.^i: .^opeuebtbc Dozetf * -.mm, oftbc boufc of tbc 102 be( in tbc fp2ftycrc anb w«*, 8?? W9 °,niptf rapgnc j anb rrpapjcft t ljcm ; l 19 ^ bm $ l)t m ft* Pimftco anb p iciute^ anbgatbereb tbcm togctber in to the ceft ftrctc:anb fapbc bntotbem. Joearcmepclcuifcitf^nowbeniuctifpeb nub balowc tbe boufc of the to2be Gob of pourc ratbertf, bipufic fplthincffcout of tlje bolppiacc.Jto2ouretatbcrs!bauctrcfpaceb, nnb bone eucll in tbcepcfi of t\\n io2bc onrc Gob;anbbaucfo2fa(jebim,5turucbawape tbeju faccss from tbc babitacio of t he Lo20r, anbturnebtbcp^bacUctfon it.^nbbcfpbe p tbcp bane (but top t^t bo^tesf of tbc poicbc anb qu^cbeb tj)clampe&$ bauenctDct burnt in- cenfe, $t?tbta iijCtj?onicic& ^efoi t0d \ : \- - :*. I f w H ft it i ccnfc,nozoffcrcb burnt orfrringctf mtbc boly plKC WttOfbCtfOb of Jlratl. UHk rfozc tbe wzatb of f be Lotbc fell on 3uoa aim iernfaieni : * be batb bzought tl)C to trouble, to be wonbzcb on.nnb t o be Dtl.TeD nt.cunitfyefcwitbyourcepctf.ffoj.lo.oure fatbertf were oucrtnzowcnwitb the fwcrbc, auD oure fonnfOVonre oau«l)tcrtf 9 ourc wy- uetf were t aryco a wayc capt inc f 0; tlje f«ii«i c canrc. 3no nowcitiSmmybcrt, to make a coutnannt witbtbc Lo?dc 000 of 3frac;i : y be niayc tunic aware Itttf beuyc tn&tgnacy on from \itf. ftowctberfoze my fonnctf ,ue not * .au.tuiii.a ncclygcntrfoz tlic tozoc* liatb cbolcn you to ftaOc befoze linn, ano fo? tonumffrc anD fee* tic bym.anb to bni'iic incenfe. € t hen the Lcnitctf arofc:tt)ahatb £ foitttc of %mM, 9 Totlfftr fount of aifartalmof the cfcylbzcn of the Cnnatblt c tf . tmci.3nD of f foittir^ of 3thuthfi ^nnataauDC^iclSuDtbcygatbcrcbtbcie bzctmtn,? purifycDrbcmfcluc&frtamcac* cozoyngc to tbe comaunbement of tbc kynge anb the wo?bu$of tbc Hotbc, fojtoclenfc tbc boufe of tbe &o?bc. %\Mw ptrafffft went into toe ynner parted of tbeboufcof tbe Lozb toclcrifc it , nnbbzongbt out all tbcUnclcn- itefletbat they fount In the teplc of tlic io?Qc into tbt court of tbc boufe of tbc JLoioe. % nD tbc I'cmtcstohc tt,to carycit out into tbe luokr Crtwon. ftbcybcgannetbc fy?ftbayc of tbc f rift moneti) to purifyc, anD tbc cygljt oayc of f inonct be came tbey to the pojctie of £> tbe loioczanft purgeb tbe boufe of tbe L*#e tn cyqbt baye&anb m tbc f yjtenc bay c of tbc fyzft in onctb tbey mabc an cube. 3Cno tbey went into Ifwckia tbe tpQTI ftybfrwcbaucclctcb all tbc boufe of y io?b, tbcauitcrofburnfoffcrmgc,withaUbtB\)cf* frl*,* tbc ftjcwujccO table wifb all bttfappa* ceiunballtbcucffcijswbichkyng^lwbib cafta fyoc when be raygncb $ tranfgrcucD , tbcm we banc pjepareb anD fanctifyco -.anD ' irtjoloMbcy nrcbcfojc? aultcrof tbc fco?d. ^ 2tno Dnckia tbc kynge rofe car lye, Hptfe v ccD tbc iozDctf of tbc cyticanb went tip to y boufe of tljt Itozoc. %\)o tbey b?ougbt fimcu Ojccn.fcucnra'mcoSfcucn ujepe, ano fcuen l)c= goatcg, to be a fynnc offcryng fo? tbc kyng* oomc, f 0? tbc faiictuarf e,f f 0? 3uDa . % tib be commaunbcDtbepicnftcjStbc fonncstof 3Ca* ton,to offer tbem on tbc an! tec of tbc JUijoe. %m ttyv lluctbeorcn,^ tbcp2caftcfirc= ccaucb $ blouoM fpiinWeb it ontbeauftec : lyaeaiyfc, wbantbey ijao flapni: tbc rarticjsi, tbf V ftm'nulcb p bl oubc \jpon tbc aultcr :tbcy flue aifo tbe ftjcpe, $ tbey rmmttlett tbc blotiD »p8 tbc aulter.3 lib then mp biougbtfo^tb tlic begoatctf foi tbc fynnc offer yngc before f fcyiiffeano tlje cotiigrcgacyon^ put tljcpz ba= bcg\ipoutbcm.?cubtlicp v teaftc0 flue tbcm, anD wttb tbc blotibc of tbcm tbey clcnfeb tbc aultcr.to make fatiffacctoufoi all 3fracl:fot tbe Uy age romauitOeb.f' tbc burnt offcryngc ano tbe pint offering fliuioc be maOc fo> all jfrael. ?Eno fct tbc Lcuitetf in tbc boufe of p 3LO.J0C witb fymlialcS.pfaitecicsJanb barpctf ~ * accozbyngc to tbc comma tmbemeut of ©a 5 lUtt . ttib ano of 0aU tbc ftyngetf fear, anb jSatba m \ tbcpjopbetc.jfoifoioasftliecommaunbmft ofthcLoibetbojowetbcbabeofbiismopbe* eaL3fto tbc Lctiitctfftooe.ljauyugcyinitru^ mentro: of tDnuio , anb fbepzeaffcjsbclbc tlje trompcttetf. ^in'o li)c^ckiacommaunbebto offer tbc burntoffirryngctyio tbc nultcr.^nn toben tbeburntolfcriugbeganctbcfongc of flic &o*De bcgatmealfo ,9 tbctrompcttcguj the mftrumtntttf tbat were ojbeyncb by tbc IjanbeofiDauibliiyngeof 3fracl.?fnDaH tbe congregation uwtyyppcb.fyngingcn long, anb blowingc witb tbc trompetd, $ alltbyss contmucD, Witpll t^t burnt offcrynge wajS fynyfair b . Z nb toben tbey bab mabc an cube of offe •■ ryngctbc kyngc anb all tbat were pzefcut u5 Ijym.bouifb tbcm rclucK,^ woiiliyppcb.^nD laejekia tbc kyno;e 9 tbc Lo^tocjs fpakc to tlje Heuitesfto pzayfr tbc tozbe witl)p wo^OciS oftDamb,5 of ?(,rapbtbelear.3r.btl)e toil' tcsfangepzayfcsS witliglabneffe.aim $ otljcr bo\»tbtl)cmfcIuc0 ( anbwozQiyppeb. ^nb E)ejckia anfujcrci) ,$ faybenowe yc tauccoufccratcyourebanbcgltotbcLo.zb^o to tbcrfoze.s bzmgein tbc facrificcjS $ t bank- offcryngc0 into HI e boufe of fIjclo2bf.3Cnb tbc congregacyon bjougbt in tl)t facrir^cc? 9 tbankeoffrryngega^urutoffertngcjMtfma* ny as were of a fire Ubcrall bact.^nb f noni^ bzc of tbc bnrntoffcringetf wbt'cb tbc congee* gaci on bzougbf , wajS.ljtjt . ojcen , an bunbicb rammesi,? two l;iimb«iebil)epc : wbtcb were , all foj tbc burnt off cringe of tbc Hojbc.3nD G^tbrr were bcbicatcbfyjcc bunbJCb ojecu, <&> aubtbicfboufaribcnicpc. 3nb tbc Piealf C0 were to fc wt,to flcyc all t^t burnt offcringed :but tbeir b?ctb?cn f It* tutcsj bybbflpc tiKni.ttll tbcp bab enbcb tbe wozkcano^ntptltbe pjeafteg were fancti* fyeb. Jf 0? t\)t fteuttctf were purer bcrtcb to befancttfyeb y fbuitbcpzcaats(.3Cnbtbcrtof burnt orTetyngciK were many witb tt)t fattc of y peace omrmgcjs 5 thebiiiike offeryngetf I be ionge to tht burnt offcryngc. 3Bnb fo tbc ferutcc pectayuinge to tbc boufe of tbc JLoM wa0fynilOKD.3inD lacjekiarcioyfcb^all f people, tbat o tbc pofteiswentc witb letter^ of tbc Ijanbc of tbc uyng,$ of bid toibejs tboiowc out all 3fracll anb 3uba : * at tbc commas Dement of tbc kyngc tbey fayb:I>c cbtlbjc of 3fracl,turuc agaync \mto the iozb Cob of 3b^abam J 3fabac$3fracl,ab let eucry one rcturne to tbcrfnaunt tbat areefcapeb yon: outof t^t babe of tbenyngctf of Muv.MD be not ye ly fee your fat&cr&$ your b?c tb«n tbbtcbtrcrpaceb agaynfttbe tofiit&tto of 25 tbey? fa tber&wbicb gaue tbcm *p to be to* fttoyeb,asf yc fe.HUtD noWcbcnot v^ fftffc= ncckcbaykcajSWercyourfatbcr^^utyclDc your fcluciS Unto tbe Jlo^bc, 9 entrc into \)\# Ijoly placctobtcbbe batb fantttficb foz cuct anb fcruc tbc lozbc your d5ob,* tbc fenrce= neffeof W w^atb dial turneawayefroyou. Jf 0? yf yc turne agaync Unto tbc io^tben Cliall your tyetbjcn anb your cbtlb?cu f ynoc companion in tbep^efence of tbcm tbat to=. ttctljgcaptyuc, anb tbey tfcall come agaync »; tmtotbi0lab:*fo^ um y our C5ob « gra «m.t f'oujjif mcrcyfull anb toil not tnrnc atbayt ,iwt(.<:bisifaccfromyou,yfycconucrtet)ntobym. mh fo tbc poffc^ wentfrom cy tie to cv* tic mtbc laiibc of Cpbjaim « 4l?anaiTc, cu5 Unto jabulo.)6uttbcy laugbcbtbgtofko^ tt ?O 0C 5£? ffi>8*mwfa yet byuerrc of mmfym&ttt anb of jabnlo fubmyttco tbcm feluc0,abcamcto3erufalcm.3lnb tbe Janbe of (J5ob was: in 3uba,fo tbat be gaue tnem one bert,to do tbc commannbementof tjiCRyngauboftbcrulcriiS,accoibyngtotbe too?bc of tbc to?bc.3EnD t bcrc aflcmblcb to jctufalem mocb pcoplcanb tljetc wasf pie> rent a niygbtye great congrcgncio,to boloe *. tbefcaft of fwetc bjcnb in yfcconb moncth. mm A 3Mb tftV «vorc , $ rcmoncb tbc *aulters{ m* tbat were in3ctufalcm3nD all tbc UeffeljS oUwcnfc by b tljcy a waycanb cait t^je m in-. to f bzokeCc^o.^nbtljcyflueBaffcouer tbcfourtentbbayeof^fcconbmonctb.3tnD tbc pzeaftetf anb JLeuitejs. (k3"tobicb were a- -tn aiamcDXanctifycbtbemfelucftab^ougbt mtbc burnt offcry nge0 into tbc boufe ofthc lozbe.^nbtbey ffobe m tbey? offyce after tbcyz maner, anb accozbyngc to tbc latbc of ^ofca; tbe man of c5ob < inbtbc 'vmttcx fmmklcb tbc bloubc,wbicb tbey rcceauco of tbc babe of tbe temtegf. St ox tbere were ma- ny ni tbc cogregacio,£ were not facttfycD: t tbe Icmtcgoyoney^aiTcouerfozal /were mm ot t\)t iozbe. if 02 many of tf peo mil and to mairput of epbzaim,^ana(rc 3fakacanb?abulo Werenot cieanfcb ? m teb.taiberf02CJ)e ? cktap.zayeDfoztbc,anu toM* goob Xoiot be mctcpfai-tonto tbf: $am fct bf^bolcbetcto fcke ml& gS^ ofrjisf fatber0:b(lt all the £&&%£$ i cco l^ n S to Way neo bo - lyncffc.^nbtbeiozbebearDcIScjckia^aiiD ^f^P^l^3lnbtfjttby53^|S ffiSSwJKFS 3en,falcm,ncloc the fcaft ot fwetc bum fcuen bayes w th great S SSPf? tl)t lt i m * «» D m pica ttctf mayfeo,anb magmfycb tbc powrr of the io l l°?VC by bapcupon rnit rtimentca. winter tijat bab Unbcrftanbyng anb were of a goob mynbe toWarb § um. Inb t lie v byb eatc thozowc out tbat fcaff , feuc oa pctf affcmblc tokc councell , to bo fo tner fc tint bayc^anbtbcybelbctbofcfeuebaycswith glabneiTc. jf 0? J)c?ekia km S z of |uba tokc out(from am ongc bijx mcl)(oi the coiigrr * gacto,a tboufanbeyoge ore, anb fcue" thou = fanbefbepe^nbtbe Lmim out Stbc congregation a tboufanbe y ongc orcn, mS oftbepieaff^wcrefanctifycb. 5Hnb all tbe congrcgacyou of 3uba Wytlj m mm* $ umms ai m mm mi tbatcameoutof3rracl J aubtbearaungcr^ SSW^^^^ton^eofJfrart^tiwt oweltm 3uba,tcioyfcb : $ tbere Was great SlabnclTc in 3erufalc.if 02 fence tbc ty mc of Salomon tbc fonnc of 3>auib kynge of 3r. rati Itbcrc Wa^nofocljc ioye in 3crufalcm. ■ 3[nbtbcp^caaejtfanb m Unites* arofe,ao Wcfleb tbc pcoplcanb tbey? Uoycc wa« be» aroc of tbe io*b,anb tbey? p?aycr came up Unto be aiicnjjijs boly bwellyngc place. «^y^wf-CI»Ptwf tMitDtoboml)ccomiii8un6eD(ogfuttr^w. fab tbben all tbcfc tby ngcjs were ry* -» nyfOjeMU they of3frael tbat Were * pjtfcnt m tyecptfepof ante, tocnt '•A effete HWMMtytiM* *u*l>* WW*. rt«* f!UI, i ■ f J! + 1 ■ 4 '■ . V •W a Otlt HtlH bjaBCtbCpmagC0,anb*CtltbOWltC tl)c3Dolcjs gronc&i al to bjafcc thcbpc pla « cc0,anb*auiter0 J tbojoW out all 3'uba aim iScmamtiun tmmm alfo aim c Intoe of 23 the LojDc.3!nDbcba0cfpcopIctbatbWelt * m3cutfalc\gcttc the parte to t\$pmM$ Icmtc&ttKit tlicp tntsl)t fubfta tmctallp ap plpctbc" felue^ to tbclawc of the 3lo?o.^uD ass feme a0 tlje fepngest comaunbnncnt came atyoab^bc chilbjc of 3fracl bjougbt abou= trounce of firttfrufc0, Dfeojw>ttttw, ople, ijonpcj of allmamr of frutcjs of tl)e fetter the tptbc0 of all mancr of tljpngcjS btonsttfi tljcp in plcntcouflp.3nb tf cbplbjc of 3fracl aim 3uba that btttflt in toe cptic0 of 3uba, tbep alfo bj ought in the tptljctf of oreiianD OicpcauD other Ijolp tptW which there co= f cerate Ditto the tojbc thep J €»ob>tbep opo offrcanbtaougDt tbeaUbpDcapc0. In tbc tbp*b monct I) t\)ty beganne to lape tlie bca* pe0(tnmaucr of a fottnbaciotoanb fmifujcb them in tbc fcucntbmonctb. 3Cnb toben ^cjckuiano the lo|bcja' came anb fatoc tbc tjcancsl, tDep blelTcb f lojbe $ i)t0 people 3frael. 3dnb pjeBta questioned with tbe pjcaftc0 9 tbc &cuite0conccrnpmj tbc bcapc0.3dnb 3?ar(a t&ecjefe pjcaftc of tbcboufc of jaboeMnftoeceb hint, $fapbe: fenfe tbe people beganne to tapttg tbe beauc offerpngeflinto t|je Doitfe of the fcoittftoeai* r To baue bah pnougb to eate,tl)ere temapneb fo mocb=f o? f JLopM batb blefleb M# people anothft bcapeitf lef t.36nb Imma bab p?e= pare tljccbatnbjctf intbe boufe of tbe Jlo^o. 3nb tbep hv^ pjcparctDem,^ carpebin tbe f irafuutc0,tbc tptbc0,anb tDcbebicatt&pn ge0,faptbfullp. ©uer tbbtcb Cbonaniafm tbe ieuiterjab tbc rulc,ab ^cmei W bjtotbetnert to Ijim . 2Knb3le|)erc m tbefel Dctf 9 fuburbe0 of tljcir cptic0, cptie bp cptic tbc me (tbbofcnautcjs tbcre ejep? c(Teb afo^c) mm geuc po?c(cm0, cucn toall the malctf amouge tbe meaftefeaim to allt|)c JLcuiteg aecofbpngc to tbep? nomb^e. 3nbof t!;p0 mancr bpb Incjclw'a tbozotbc out all 3nba,gt to? ought it tl)at i0goob,anb rpgljt anb true , before tbe 3lo?be Ijp0 mm. SStm m all tbc too ( ic!tc0 f be beganne f oi t be femtceof tl)cl)oufe of cn« nacberibt3oa0come,^tbatbc tba0 purpofed to fpgbt agapnft 3tinfalem, be tone coucel ft>itbbi0 Co?bc0 : ,anb men of mpgbt to ftop ' tbe ttoater of tbc fountapne0tbttbout tbe cp t(c:f tbep bpb bclpebmi.ifoftlieegatbereD manp of t|je people togcti;er^ (topte al tbe Ujeilejl,anbi:l)eb?olictl)atratmetbo?otj) m mm c of tide lanbe, fapcnge:t»Dp 0)al l tlje Bpngc0 of Mm come , anbf pnbe mocb voa= terclnb^e?cu(a went to luftelpe.anb built tip all tbe txial twbere it t»a0 b?0Ben,« mabe ! ^ ommatmcc \jpon tbe toto?e0anb to p other ! » wall without , anb rcpap^eb fl^pllo in tlje I icptie of Dauib, anb mabe manp mm anb ifljplbe0. I 3nb be fctt caprapnc0of warre oucctlje people , anb gatbereb tljem together to Dpm t 111 the large ftrctc of ti)e gate oftlje cpticanb I f pahe ieutclp to them, faping: ^lucfee ty po ljcttc0,anb uc ftrog: 2i5c not afraieb nctbif^ couragcb foi tDc upng of 2C (fur ,anb top all p ln«i«t.w.t , m at ititbe that \)t batl) witl) Dim: *foi there be moo with *0 then toitb him.U)itb Wm 15s tt«MW/.b an* armc of fteai.n5ut with Wttftit 3Lo?bc oure 0ob,fo? to belpe \)0,anb to fpgbt oure bataple0 • 3lim p people t olie a courage tbo» rowtl)ewoitbc0 of tycjclualtpng of 3uba. *3CftcrtbP0bvb$)ennacbcribUpngeof 3(Turfcnbof bPB!feruauntc0to 3crufalcm, (but be (Jpm felfe remapneb bcfpbc iacbi0: baitvngall W power with Ijim)t)nto t lijc?e- itia Itpng of 3»ba anb tjntoall 3"ba p were cr at3cru(alcm,(apenge s 'CbnS fapetb^cn= mm. nacbcriblivngof^mir-^wbertbopctruft, IW « jO pc that bwell in 3crufalcm t»b«cl) i0 be= fegcbi' SDOtbnoti^cjcBiacntpcepouto gc= ueoucrpourcfclue0Mtobcctl),bQnfirc,an& tfcirft.fapeng : tlje lo,ibe our <5ob (ball ribb \)0 outeof t&cbanbc of tlje Upngc of Mw( ioatbnottbc famcloe^clna put bownc br^ ljpeplacc0anbbv#aultcr0,anbcommaubcd 3uba anb 3crufalcm,fapinge:^c(ball\xJ0^ mpppe befojc one aulter , anb burnt incem'c Vpontbennne.'' Snow pc not,wbat 3 anb nip fatljccjs ba ucbonc Ditto the people of all lanbe0 r were tfte<5ob0of tbc people of otl)crlaubc0 able ojmigDcptofauctbcirlfibc0outofmpbSb<' which of all tbe <5ob0 of tbofcnacio0 (pmp fatbcrtfbeftropcbjcoulbebclpucrbpsi people outofmpncbanb.^nb(ljallpoc5obbeable tobclpucrpououtofmynebSbcrUJbcrfoje, nowc Icttnot lDC?clua beccauepou, ncrpcr= fiiabepou of tlji0 faciou, nop pet belcue yim. 5f o?n0no(5>ob among all naci60 anb lung* *> bomc0 , wa0ablctorpbbebvs { Pfopltoiitof mp banbe anb out the banbe of my fatber0: l^ow mocl) lefle (ball pour gobbc0 be able to Bcpeyououtofmpnebanbf^nbpctmotbt* gc0 bpb bi0feruafitc0fjjealie agamftp nopn (Hob.anb agapnft bt0 (eniaut i9c?clua.3fnb (SDcnnacbcrtb) alfo wjote a letter , to raplc on tbe to^b (5ob of 3fraell,f fpanc agapnft bim,fapingc:a0tbcv5ob0oftbenacpon0of other Iantc0 bauc not bene able to belpuer tbeir people out of mpne banbe.€uen To foal not tfie <5ob of |ae?eltia belpuer bP0 people out of mpue ijanb. 3nb t5cp crpcb xt> a loube Dopcc in tbe 3tt»t0fpcacbDnto t[jc people of 3erufal^ were on tlje wall.to fearc them anb to mase them fapntbartcb , stljattljcp might fo tabc f cpte.3tnb tbep fpaac agamft tbe<5obof3erufalem,a0againfttbcGob0 oftf)enacpou0of tbceartb. which were tlje wojcbc0 of tbe banbc0 of men. ^ 26ut loc^cBia the kpnge, anb tbepiop&ct » 3(iti the fonne of 3pmo? p2apeb agapnft that blafpbcmp.anb crpcb Dp to bcaucn.3nb tlje Horn fent an angclli which ticftropcb all the men ofwarre anb tbc JLo^bc0 anb captapnc0 of tfje booft of t\)t Bpng of 3fTur,f' be turncb b(0 face agapne n5 ftjamc towarb bp0ai»Hc (anb. * Ttno wljcn l)e wa0 comeinto p Ijoufc ■kwmt m of l)i0 00b, tbep that came of bP0awncbo^ bp.fluebpm there with thefwearb.^tnb fop lojb faucb Ipc jekia anb the inhabit cr0 of 3 e tufalem out of tlje banb of Sennacherib tug of3Cffur,anbfromtbcbanbofallothcr,anD , mapnfencb tijemoncucrpfpbe . JCnbinanp brought offcrpngc0Dntotbc loib to 3ctu^ falcm ,anb p?cfcntc0 to lac^cBta mng of 3«- ba:fo that be watfmagmfpeb in the fpgljt of all naeion0from thence foitb. m *3ntl)ofebape0l)c^biawa0fpcltcDn= i,,,^ tta totbebcatb,?piapebDntotheloib, which i&urwm* anfwereb htm, 9 ftjeweb bpm a wonbeifall miracle. 3Biit l)eKBta Tiyb not agapne Ditto (Sobacojbing to tt } r, be bab Qicwcb bpm.fo: bi0hcrtarofe: 5 there came wiath Dpott lum anb Dpon 3»ba a 3eru(iilcm . BotwitbuM= bingti)CKm'a fubtnttteb bpm fclf(aftcr tljat bp0hertwa0rpfcnDp)be,?tbeinhabvtef0 of 3erufalcm.anb the wjatb of the lopo ca = me not Dpon tljem in tlje bapc0 of l)e?cma. ^nblhejekia bab crccabpnge mocberp= cl)e0 anb honour. 3CHbljcgat bpm trcafurc0 offpluccanbgolbcp^cciouoftonc^anbrpi^ ce0,aiplbc0, anb of allmanctpleafafit3»cl= r . Ic0 : anb mabc fto.« l)oufe0 f op tbc f rutesf of ° co?ne, fop wpne anb pic : anb ftallc0 foj all mancr of bcaftc0, anb f olbc0 f op Qjepe. %\\b l)e mabe Dim cptic0,anb Dab of (bepe anb ore great abounbance. fl op ©ob bab gcuett him ftibftauuce ejrccabingcmocb-^b^ fame lie- jclua ftoppeb t\)c Dpucr water fp2pnge0 of <5ilj6 , anb brought tnem bownc to the weft fybe of the cptc of SDauib.^nb 19c ^cBiapjo- fpereb in all bP0 woichc0. SCnbwbcn the mpnce0 of 2i5abplon icntDnto him 3£mbaf* iatonrc0,to cnqup?e of the wonb?e £cbaun* ccb in tDc lanbe, d5ob left Dpm ^totrpebym, ^^^ m n anb tljatalltbat wa0tnbP0bcrt, mpgbtbc Bnowuc. ^bereftoftbebebe0of?9c?eri(a,anbbv0 p;ooUnesf, bebolb, tbep arc wjptcn in tlje bp* Iponof3fa(tbcp?opbctctbefonncof3[lmo? in the bohe of tbe Btge0 of 3uba anb 3fraell. % no Ii)c?cli(aflcptc with bitffatbcr0,gr tbep burpcb bpm in the moft wo?tbP place of the fepuIcD?c0 of tDe fonnc0of s>atiib:anbail ^ 3»b» I 0iMt 3 •iiit.lni.t i }' '■ I I I. *■ j if > 3uba anb tfoc cnliabtfcrjg of 3cntfalcm bp& nym voojffopppc at foitf nmtli . 3nft &)atiau*e tips f otitic rapgncb »>» WS ftcabr . C'Tfoc.jcjr;rfil.Cfoapfcr.. mid iofi.18 brorotinc mrfiiituj m u>« frcaoc. 3naffc\»a0.r^pearcolbc*U)focn focbeganne to rapgitc ,frfoerapg= ucb.lU.pcarcin Jcrufalf :Hgtit DvD tcuellmtfocfpgfotoftfocto;tb,lpbe Unto tfoc abfoomiiiacioiis of £ foca* tfocu.uibo tlje £o2bc caft out befoje tfoc cm> b?cn of 3fracl.j? o? foe went to,anb bttplt the *Hj«.jwn.a nplatilter,*\»l;tcl)lf)c)CBia hpS father foab toolunboumc. 3nbbcrcrcbUpaultersfo? # 25aaltm , anb maDc grottcS , anD VDojffopp* peb all tfoe foooft of focaucn.nnb fcrucD tf cm. ^nblKbupltaaltcrsStn^boufcoftbclo^: v.ff.Hf.w.b wfocrc as tfoc Jlozbc pet foab fapb; *tn3cru= • * falc mail tup name befojeucr. 3nbfocbuyl= beb aultcrofoj all tbc foooft of focaticn,tn tlje two courts of tfoc fooufe of tbc Hojbc. 3tno be burnt bp0cfoplb2en tit fv,zf,tti tbe ualep of tbc fonttc of Iptmio. lac ujasa foicc rcr.be cc= garbcb tbc crpenge of bpabc0, vfeb tucbaun* tcmrntes, anbmapntciicbuiojto unpzc* tco.anb fears of fo,Hiiitc0:abU)2Ougfotmocfo cucll in tfoc fpgfot of tfjc iozbeto angrc Dim umball. .»* 3nbfocputtfoeBcrucbpmagc$an3boIc ^ tufoicl) be bab mabc.tntlic bottle of Gob . tDf wfotcfo fooufe Cob foab fapb to ©amb anb to Salomon fofsfoniicutttfotsbotifennbin 3c- rufalr m wfopcfo 3 foaue cfoofen afojc all tbc * if.tM.NM, trybf of 3fraell, *U)pll3 put mp name fft^t i.'i K(?.vni.ii cner,anbt»tllnotno2eb^pno;tbcfcatcof3f= SEc 01 "- 1 well ft om of tbc lanbc tabicb 3 foaue o;bep= neb fo* pout fatbcrj5.3t" fo be tbat tfocp tx>pll be biltgcntanb bo all tbat 3 fonuccommaun* bcbtfocininaltfocla\Dc,anDftatute0,anbo2= btnauuees bp tbc banbe of &)ofcS . 3nb fo #)anaffemabe 3»bannb tfoccnfoabltccsof 3ct ulalem to crre , anb to bo rooife tben tfoe beat foen , U)bom tfoe &o*be beftropcb before tbc cfoplbien of 3fracll. ainb tfoe Lojbc fpahc to#)anau"e$ to fops people, but tfocvwolbe notregarbe. <&foerf oze, tfoc lo?b bzougfot Upo tfoc" tt)e captapnc^ of t&e Ijoft of tbc npnrj of r&e 3tu"t= «r mm, wbvel) roue &)anau*e in bolbc , anb boitnbc bpm rattb cfjapncsi , anb cacpeb bpm to25abplon.2Cnbtx)bcnbett)a0tntt;pbula= cton,bc bcfotisbtt&e Jlo?bbPJS(5ob,«bum= bleb bpinfelfc ctceabpnerlp before tbe c5ob of 010 fntl;c t0, anb mabetntcrccflionto |)pm anb0obtt»aflentccateb of ijpin.nnb benrbc m pMper, anb bjougbt bpm acrapnc to 3c= rufalcm into W npngbome. 3 no tljeu m** tta(TclUKtt)c,tl)attl)cllo?bet3pa0C5ob, * itCI)?on^cles. 3oC* ofta 3DftcrtDt0Ufliutlta\»ai\»itI)outtDccp= tit of TO«b on ttic weft fpbc of d5ibo In tlje ■ballcpatftbepcoincto tbcfiQ)ptc, ^ronttb about^"€)pbfl; l anbb^ou2|)ttt\)pofa\)e^^ rptjrcat licpsti), ilbputcaptapnetf of watrc in all tlje ftr ons cpti e0 of 3«ba . 3nb l)e toftc ntoape ftraungc «3?ob0 9 pmafletf out of itlje Ijoufe of c5ob , anb * alltlicaultcrg tbat be *'<»««j|,ii jjab bttplt fit tlje mount of tiit Uoufe of ob, amsm aitbin 3erttfalem , anb caft tbcm otttc of tbc cpttc.^nbbcpitcparcbtbcaultarof^iojb, anb facrtfpccD tljcron peace offerpngctf , anb tbattboffrpnac]ei ( anbc|)arscb3nbn,toferuc tbc io.ib (2>ob of 3fracl. .acucrtbcles, f peo- ple r>vti offer ftpll i:u t\)t bplaultertf , bouibett Unto t\it J,o,tbc tbctr d>ob oncl p. ^ be reft oMr actesf of Watintrcanb ljt0 . Wapcr\3ntobt0(5ob,onb tlje wojbctf of tbe • fear^anb of them tbat fyanctobpm tntbc imme.of tbc Ho?bc <3ob of 3fracll , bcljolbe, tbeparc to^ttcit tit tl)cfapco;c0 of tbc ItpngcS of 3frael. ^nb bifip^apcr.anb botwc tbat foe wafil)earbe,anb all bt0 fvnne0,anb W trcf-- pafte, anb tbc places toljcrc foe mabe foplauh ter0,anb fet \)p5roue0,anbpmagc0( before be U)n0mcbeneb)bcbolbe ) tljcparc\»iiptteit amon5tbefapctt5c0oftbefcar03nba)a naftc flcpte toitfo bp0 fat foer0 , anb tfocp fcu- rt'eb hpnt in fop* atone fooufe: anb '^titon W foitncraiciucbtnbt0rott)mc.3ttn6txia0ttt)o nnb twentp pearc olbe, tofoen foe bcffattne to rappc.anb rapjjnrb two pcare injcrufalf . 2i3ut foe oio cucll in rfocfpgbt of tfoc Ho^b, lp- fte a0 qv^ Mffojrtfttfie uxm pic, in tbixth 18 fouuoc tlje bohc of the htec.&c ftn; tttt) to 2;ulOn tDc PWpDctiffc fo) couikcII, Ofia wag epefot pearc olbctiofoan ^ foe began to rapgne, *anb foerapg= %m nebinjcrufalcm tfopdtpcanb one perc . 3 nb foe ttpn tfoat t»foicfo wa0 rpgfottn tfoc fpgfot of tfoe io?be,anb wallub m tbe wapc0 of aiDatttb fot0fatfocr,a"b botoeb «ctfoctfo^rpgfoitfoabnerto^left.3nfljt^ pcreoffop0rapgiic(t»foefoctxja0petatfoilbc) focbeganne tolcilte after tfoe Cob of ^>antb fop0tatfocr3nb(ntfoe twclttetfo pcare foebe< pnnctopourge3ubaanb3ernfalemfrom fopIaulterS^rciieS.BeruebpmaficS.anbp- mage0 of tnetall . anb tfot p b?aue bownc tbe aulter0 auttcr0 of 25aaltm cucninfop0p?erencf : anb otfoer vmaac0 tfoat were fit greater foonourc 2(5 tben wv,ve cauleb to be beftropcb . 36 nb tfoe groue0 , fterueb pmagc0 , anb pmagc0 ohncfall foe bjalte anbmabebuftof tfoem, anbftraujebft\jp6tfoe graue0of tfjem tfoat foab offereb to tfoem.3Dnb foe burnt tfoc bonc0 oftbepjtcaftc0\)pdtbeaultrc0oftfoem,anb clenfeb 3«ba anb Jrrufticm. 3tnbcucn fo opb foeintfoecptic0 of a)anafle , epfo^atm, ^tmeott tmto.0cpfotfoait. 9nbfntfoeu)pl* Dernc(fc0of tfocin rounbe about , foe pluckeb a fonb?c tfoe attlter0anb tfoc grouc0,anb D^n beatc tfoem anb flampte tfoem to povobie , 9 bca tcboujtte all tfoc pmage0tboiot»otit all tfoe lanbe of 3fmcl:nnbrcturncb to 3crttfa= lem agapne. 3n tbe epgfotettcpere of bf0 rapgne vxifocn pam* he foab purgeb tfoe lanbc anb tbe temple * be fcut^>apfoau tfoe fonnc of 3tma?ia|)u,anb 4ft)aafial) tfoe goucrnoure of riie cptie 9 3oafo t\)t fonnc of 3oafoa^tfoc recotber, to repap^e tbeboufeoftfoir io?bcbp0 Gob.^nbujfocn tfoep came to ipclltrnfo tfoc bpe pzeaft, f foep be= Ipitcrcb tfoem tfoe moncp tbat WA btougfot in to tfoc fooufe of 00b, tofopefo tfoc tcuitc0 t&atlxcptc tfocctttrpc0 foab gcatfocrcb of tbe foanbcof&)aitau*caubepfomim,anb of all tfoat pet remapneb itOfracl , anb of all 3u* baanb25cn3amin,anb oftbccnfoabiters of 3crufalem . 3lnb tfocp put in tfoc foatibc* of tfoc ujOKbcmen, tfoat foab tfoe oucrfpgfot of tlje fooufe of the 'to?be ; anb tbcp gauc it to tfoe laboured tfoat w;ottgfottn tfoe fooufe of the Lojbc, torepap,tcanb menbe tfoe fooufe. C ©ticnto mafoii0 anb carpenters gatte tfocp it, to get ftoiic anb tpmbje > f 02 couples anb f ojbcamcSof tbc foottfe0,ujl)icfo tfoe upnges of3uba foabbcftrcpcb:?tub tfoc tucnbpb tfoe too^cKcfaptbfullp. 3nbtfoeoucrfcar0 of tfoem to courage tfoc f ojwarfctocrc 3afoatbaitb iDbabiafott leut Hi of tfoe cfoplbJcn of il«crart : 9 &>ccfoaria 9 «)efulIain,oftbecfoplbieoftbcCaDatfoitc0, anb otfoer of tfoc Hcttpte0 wfopcfo all coulbe fBpUcoftnftrumcntc0ofta)ufic(tc.3tnboucr tfoc bearer0 of burtfo?0anb oner all pH>20ti= Bfot,fn uifoatfoetter t»02cUcmaa)pppc tt we* re, were tfocrc S>crpbc0, off iccr0 anb po?tcr0 of tfoe JlctuteS. t 3nb UJfoan tfocp biottgfot ottttfoemoncp tfoat uiasbjoufibt into tfoc fooufe of tfoe loib, JwiwiiA^elHiatbcpicafte^ foitnbc tbc Bone of tfoe Iawe of tfoe Ho^D gctte" bp «)ofc0. %nt> l)cl= ma anfvxiereb anb fapbe to ^apfoan tfoc fcr u oe.ifoauefotinbc tfoc Bolte of tfoc lato, in tfoc pome of tfoe 102be,anb tycluia gauctfoc bo^ D Be to ^npfoan.3 nb ^aphan carpcb tfoc bo* BCtotfoCBpn&anbbjougbttfocBpiigujojbe ^flapne, fapenge : all tfoat was commptteb to tfop ferttauntes , tfoat botbep. 3finb tbep foaucgatfoctcbtogctfocr tfoc moncp tfoat i»a0 t|.Cfo?onpclcs, 5fo.]ccbny. fottnb f n tfoe fooufe of tfoe lojb , anb foaue be- Ipttcrcb ft tit to tbe foabesof tfoe otter fea rs of tbc u> o.tBe, anb to tfoe banbes of the txjo;cke= menaub tfocn ^bapfos tfoe fcribc tfoetjjeb tfoe Bpng, fapittg : loelkia tfoe pjcaft foatfo geucn me a bolte,? &apfoa" rebb in tt before f mng. 3nbitfo«ttuncb,tfoattofocntfockpngfoab foearb tfoe wo^bes of tfoe latocfoe tare fots do tfocS:anb tfoe itpng commaunbeb ^clbta anb aifot&am tfoe fonnc of ^>apfoatt , anb 3bibon tfoc fonnc of a)tcafo,anb ^anfoan tfocfcrpbe, anb 3tfata a fcrttauntof tfoc ftpnges, fapmg: m enquire of tfoc iojbc fo? me anb fo: tfoe* jate left in 3fracl anb3uba,conccrning tfoe t0o,t0es of tfoc bobc tfoat is fottnb. $ot great fS tfoe tfJjatfooftfoeiojtbetbattS fallen Dp6 US.bccaufcourefatfoers foaue not Hcptc tbc wojbe of p Lo^b.to bo after all tfoat isi»?pt tcnintfoisboBc. ?tnblf)clbia anb tfocp tfoat tfoc bpngcfoab appovnteb.tDcnttoloulbaapzopbcttflctbe'Z? wpfc of Galium tfoc fonne ot^oltfoatfo tfoc fonnc oflnafraBcpcr of p \»arb*opc:fojlfoc baclt in 3crur«ilcm tut tfo in tbc fecob ©all ) anb fo tfocp comuiiebtuitbber.&foc anfw rcbtfocm:tfottSfaptfoHoJbcGobof3frael: tell pc p man tfoat fent pott to mc . (Que tbuS fapufotfoeto^b:25cfoolb,3u)pUbzpngcucll "upon tbiSplacc,? upon tbc enfoabtters tfoer^ off cum all tfoe curffeS tfoat arc XDiptre" 111 tfoe boKetDincfo tfoep foaue reabcbtfoie tfoc BPng of 3nba )becaufc tfocp foaue f ozfaken mcanb foaue offereb Unto otfoer <3obS , to angrc mc to" all mancr ujozcbcS of tfocp? foanbes , tfoer« fo,2Ci0mpu)2atfo fet on fp v ?c agaptift tfop0 place anb ffoall not be qttencfocb. 3nb as foz tfoc Itfitg of 3uba tufo^'cb fent pott to enquire of tbc to.ibc, foO>iUpefapc Untofotm-.tfouSfaptfotfoc toibC5ob of3fraci conccrnpugtfocvDOibcS toliicfofbaft bearb. ^•ccaufctbpnc foertbpb melt , 5 f foott bpbeft mckc t\)v fclf befote 6'ob, tofo? tfoou foearbeft foisujoibcsagapnfttfotsplace^agapnittfoe enfoabtters tfocrof.$foumblcbeft tfop felfc bc^ j| f oje mc , anb tarcft t\)V clotfocS, anb tocptcft bcfo:emc,tfoatfoauc 3 bcirbealfofaptfotfoe lo2b.25cfoolb,3wplltabcf totfop fatfoerS, aitbtfoouOjaltbcputintfop grattein peace, anbtfopnecpcSftallnot ie all tbe mpftfoefe tbat 3 t»pll b?png Upon tfops place , 9 Upon tfoe cnfoabptcrS of j5famc.3nb tfoep tyougfot tfoc fepngc tt»o?bc agapne. * ^:foen tfoe ftpngc -m-tinm fent , anb gatfocrcb to gcufocr all tfoc elbcrS •• of 3uba anb 3crufalcm.3lnb tfoe npng went Up into tfoe fooufe of tfoe lojbc , anb all the men of 3nba,anbtbccnbabftcrSof 3crufa» Icm.i tfoe jjzeaftesa- tcuim* anb all the peo- ple great ab finally tfoe fcpug nvh reabe all tfoe tooibes of f bofte of tfoe couenaunt tfoat pas f ounb in tfocfoouft of tfoc loibe . %nh f Bpng ftobe at fops ftanbpng , f mabe a couc* naunt before tfoc io&to fol otoc tfoe lo?oc, £ ti anb to t ■ tl &pnge UM)wwlt& :>t • anb to ke ue fritf cointtmuti oc mitts, W wpt MfcMnbbPtfftatutetf,wptballbPtfbcrt$ wvt&all W fouler to ftilfptl the wojDetf of tbcappopntmc't wjpmu in tbe fopbcboUe. • 3nD be fct in tbcpi r o wmc all tpem tbat tdcrefouubc in 3crufnlcni anb Benjamin, aiib tbe enbabitertf of 3crufalcm Dpo accoj= opngtotbccoucttaunt of tbe lojbc <0ob of t\)m EttmKi 3tnD Jofia put aumvc all ma* nerofabliominacponjs out ofalliandcjj that pcrtapncb to t|ic chplbjcn of 3fraell , anb Inougnt m all tbat were fount) in 3fracl , to wonbpp,anbto feme tbe iiozbctbcpj<2>ob. Snbtbep turncb not a fpoe from after ttje lo.joc(5oDoftl)cpjfatpcr$M0 longeafl k Ipucb. CSbf-WMbaptcr. .... % ^iiii.rr.rrriic K)thr»gcofjfi«ppe > affDCpct^.3TI?cpcoL>lcbci: i & ill i i ■'I! * - iV jftb 3ofla Ijeloc the*fcaft of pnf feoucrVnto the iojb injerufa icm.s tbep flue imircouer in the fourtene Dave off fir ft nioneth. 3nbbefcttbe pjcaftf0in ttepf offYcclUnb apbcb tbem in tbc fcruicc of t$c l)oufc oftije lojbe . 3tnb l>e fapbe Wito t$e JLcuptcsiCf bat taught all 3frael ,anD were ianctifpeb tmtotbe ioibjpntthc bolparcuc in tbc&oufc wbpcb Salomon tbc fonnc of rjauiofepngofJfrrtcl.bvDbuplD.tUctcUinU no otber burtben be lapb troon poure tyoul* ber0:25utnow feme the Lojbc pourc<2>ob aiiD bp0 people 3(rael.3nb'p.teparc pourifel tied bppoureauncicntboutbolbc0anb com* pamrMccoibpngc to tbc wiptpngc of ©a« uiDftpns of 3fcacl,anut[jc\»;ptpnff of Sa- lomon l)Wfonnc.3nD ftanDe in m bolppia* ecnccojbpngetothe&euifpou of tbc aimcict IjouCIjoIDcjs of poure bjctljmi tbe cbpibien of tbc people , $ after tU bemfpon of tpcaun= ' cient bouCbolbc0 of the ienitel, upll pafleo= iicr,* fanctifpe anb p?eparc poure bieetoen, tbat tbep map bo acco?opng to tbe wort) of tbe lojbc bp tbc banbe of 49ofc0. 3no Jofia gauc to tbe people flockc0 of Oiepcairb Bpbbe0, all foj pnffcoucc ano foj m* alltOattxiecep^fc!it,t|)p?tictl)ouranb bpta w lc,anbtluetboulanbeojcen,an& thefe were cuen of tbc Bpnge0 fubttauce . 3nb bpjS Lo?= m»$mt willpnglpebotb tmto t^z people 9 to tbc pjeafte0, 9 "tonto tbc lenprc* . tyclltia alfo,$acbariaanD3cbieUulcr0ofthcboufc of 6ob, gauetonto f pjeaftc0fo;ipau*couec Offecpnge0twotboulanbanb fpjte bunb.jcb fyepe.anb tb?e bubieb oven . conam'a a &c=- meiafmanb Betbanel \)i& bmfctcn,anb tea* fabinljuanbjaiclablofabab, rule** of tbc i,euite0, gaue Unto w Heultc0 paffcoucr. offerpngc0 > euen fpuetboufano ujepe, 9 fpue bunbicbojren. %M fo tpe feruicc watfpjepareb, ano t[)c pjcaltetf ftobc in ft Dtp? placesUnb tbe lt«i» tejaf in t&cpjbiftlnctccfipanictf at tpe nmejK cominaunbmcnt . 3no tljep flue pidTrourr, a lib tbc p?caftcg i'pnncltlr tbc blonde Witb t\)m banbe ,9 tbc IcuitcBi pulleb of tbe fapn nctfoftfle beaftf9.3inbtbepfctt atuapctbe burntoncrlngeo'.ito gene tbcm Unto tbepco* pletbat were bcupoebbpauiicicntboufe0,$ tljat tbep Omlbc offer »nto f JLojbc, ipketajs t ~ u , ititfw^pttgitbcliolteof a)ofe0.3iib fobpb ''* tbep toptb tbc ojcimalfo.aind * tbep b^eflcb Mm* tljciOaucouerujptbfp^asJtbc maneruia^ C 3nbtbe otber bc&pcat bcaftcsl:fobbe tbep in potfe0,cauioernfl % panucMnDbeupbcbtbc' amog all tbc people.3dnb af terioarbe , tbep mabcrcabpc foj tljcm feluctf ^fo? tbe prea- ftcjS.fo? tbecbplojcnof 3daront»crc bufycD in otferpngof bunitoffcrpngcsf anbttjefatt Dntpllnpgbtitberfo^e tbc leuitesl pjeparcb foztbemuiueisanbfo^bep^aftcsl tbe fon= nejtfofSBaron. 3nDtbefpnfl:crtf,tbccbpltycnof3lfapb (robeintbep^ftanbpngc* acco^bpng to tl;c + (Bxrrm commaiinbcuicniofDauibanb^nipl), tyt-- mSSr man JeDutbum t|)e upngctf fear:anb tbc po,i teris waptcd at eticrp gate , ant) mpfibt not beptirte from tbep* fcruicc : f 0? tbcp^ bjetbtf tbc Hcuite0 0=^ p?eparcbfo?tbcm.?BnOfo ^ alltbcrerniceof tbe JLoibewaxJ p.ieparebtbc famebope, to offer #au"couer , aim to offer burntoffrpngfMpontljenultecoftlje Loin acco.zbpngetotljeifommaunbcmentofBpng 3ofia. 3EHiH fo tbe cbplbzcn of Ifrar I tbat were uiefent, oflcreb ^affcouer tbe fame tpmc , ab kepte tbe fcaft of fixjetc^eabc feiien bapcjJ. ^nbtber wa0no l&aflcoucrlvlie to^ ftepte m 3frael fro t&ebnpetf of Samuel § ^plicte: nctoer bpb all f npngesi of 3frael t)oio focb a $au"eouer feaft as h^h 3ofia anb tbe p^ea aes(anb3Leuitc0anball3iiba, anb 3f«wi£ were pielent,anb tbe enbabitcnei ofjerwfn lem.TO0 ©aflcouer wag bolbe in t!;e epgb- tcue perc of tbe rapgnc of 3ofia. *after all tbp0» wben 3ofia |jab pjcpa* wbtfjetcmplc^ecboltpng of €gppt came toptofpgbt agapuft Carcamisi bcfpbe€u-- PWate0,anb3ofm went out agapnft 1mm wbpcbrcntmeffcngcrxi to jjpm,$ fapb.wbat Jauejtobowpt^ tbc tboulipngc of3uba> 26c not tbou agapnft tbp felf tbiU bape: j? 0? mv warre itf agapnft another bouft , $ od iwbpcb i& wptlvmc, leaft be beftropetbe.Bciicrtbeleffe,3ofiawolbenot turnebPiS face from bpm , but ratbep totte aoupfctofpgbtwftb&im.anbberBenebnot Unto tlje wo^bc0 of #ecbo out of t&c moutb ofc&'ob.nnDcanu: to fpgljtintic Ualepe of Wa«eoo>$t()eftjoter0{&ott barter at lipng 3ofw.ainb-tt)eBpug fapD to W fcruaunteiK: carpc me awape,fi^3 ant fo« woubeb.19^ feruanntetf Ifoft* €\)mnits $0 ?hfr m ff ,ft J ,e J°?c3cMmia the pzopnetc at fcrnauntctftjjerfo^ljabijtmoutoftbatcfta- " «t> jnb put \m*» ( » ■ ..ic ) in ano tbe,- cha = rctptbepbab.^ub wbantbepbaobiouffht thpmnnth 'kfis^'is. '-z *"~ * v * wwnnm men anb fpngingc wemen wnuSSSlR fia in An lament aciontf, to tftp^ bape, anb mabe the fame InmpntnriMttZZ^VlrA™ .. 1 L v *v u >i>r"'vyv>vv.2ioiiti c was; if if- p^oD of 3rracll. *toS£% tSttl ? mttoWfttts tDepcop fr trefia n l0 c wmwfM oftljeftpnge0of3fcaelanb3uba. CCDc.mw.C&aptcr. jffaft«3|oB4Mj»(Hicti)3ifftoaii«, after VcbmMi 3S3BP aft " • bp * m 5«SSS§ menracion0.^bereftoftoeace0of3ofaff S^K^I^WPifnilalem ^ptinffintbelawe,anbbt0fapenT0firft S/H m ^W p0mf ? e,l 2«^"fpnflUpbptp,^ J(Cftrt oftDeftpnge0of3fraclanb3uba P ° 8e Kffi^^^^W^^t feb 010 wojoe*, anb mpffc Ufeb bps mouht- ofCnlbcpe, wljicbfluetbeicpongmen witfi »o fjjf people of m lanb tofae 3ebo- S3!SS!S^ ix mv tcni P |f » nno r P™& fll;n^lje*lomieof3ofta ) anbmibr?i K h ffi5i m ^^^w. "cr 3EiiDnll tbc tefleWof tbc bourc of Gob hr°hiE t /i lD fmnI1; m,b W "wi fori Xf tbc boiifc of p lo^bcanb tbe f reafurf of t lie foiDablo..fnbtbepburnttbcl)onfcof0ob niibbzahcbownc tbe wall of $nS£m S burnt all tbe place tberof with fv ■ j „I £ : Icm . $m jeftoaftaj wa0 r£c a. b twen 1 ware olbc, wbenbcbrffannctoraV ff nrS mm of (Egpptpnt bim bS at j?rn= talentc0 of fplncr.anb a talen t of g b . § in tber Ring Vjponjuoa anb 3frufalnn?rur- roegtpt.3cboaftim wa0fpucanbtWEnt» h7w "^TkIsT-'V V. M ^' "wrwnwrommmio © Pcareoibcwhenbebcgant^ KSfie KSjffi^JPW^^f^tWOafift ftropcoantbrgooDIp3cwlc0thc7of , anoV reft tbat bab cfcapcb tfe fwearo Kcb ftc to «M«IkS ^«w* wiu uounoe npm With ««• SfeS«?2KS^ r # m t0 ^ wott. eft 2) " ^mo^oS!K»« bab Ijer pleafurcof ber (bUoSSFffS 25 iei0ot tnc boiiic of tbe lo^bc to 2Sabiloit » &E£! l Si£2Z?22*22y i Ul ur f 1 - 11, toioc * t"po= tcftof fbcactc0of3cboaBim l anbEbhS- SSfffi »?9?P^*^rofCpaMi ftW tmnacion0w»J)1bib;aXaS^^^^ 2JS5ffi5fiflSK e,l,l ? f 8 W«^"«on tfiE flat were lapbc to fy* cbarge,bcholKficS S£! rtSWj fi Ji mte ' 8no «« bp Wii= nee whiten in f|je booftc of tnc ft wwreS nV W ff "? f ' fn .V n 5 : ^ «»* *Wb Cp/uo Itpna of «0ano^i« \&?£$& m t° «"W« ""'t h tbe goobip Jeffel0oftbeboufeoftbcio2b,imbmabc?c PtreuQerttfalcm. ^nbbebpbcucll in tbc iftoig c^gebme^bi, ibe Inlan EShR falem, tljat i0 in 3nba.dflJbcrfo"e, who" focufri0amongcpouofaUbp0 people tbc tojocbi0(5ob be witb!)pm,anblettl)pni ^^UcenbeoftijereconbbooBe 1 Iftnfr it. Cttf&t fwtt ftoofee of CU&cftttt Clwptcr. C ffr>«8 CmQctb agflpitc rt c people tftrt »«"««?' tvuprcano rcftojcD tbcm tljepj Urtf *«Trt««.ai» * ahbbaehcommaunbcb mctobupuie bpm 25 an Dowfc at 3crnfaW wbtclj i# to 3uba. U)ljo ioeticr now anions ron W of Dispeople, tbe lAtteitt 0oObc wttbbpm, aim let l>im 50 ti»to3Wttlalcmitt3uoa,?btnloetl)e!)ottft of tDe Lotoc 000 of 3fraeU.lnc iS the 00b p is at 3er itfalcm. ZnH wbofoucr rcmapnctlj mm enpmaner of placet wbere IjeiS a ftra= ungcr ) ic t t&c men of tbat place Ijclpc taw vb fplucr and golbc, witb goob $ catcll, bcfpbe tijat wljtclj tijep wpllyngly offer, f 0? p boufc of 000 tijat 155 at3crnfalem. $$e« gat \jptije principal fatbctSof 3u oaanO26cmamui,$tlKP?cftc0?lcttttc&flO all tfcep wljofe facte 0ob bad rapfebtogo C t)p,i to buyldctlje boufc of tjje iLo?U, wbicb toatimifalS. 3ttMf fee? f were about tl)g ftrcngtbcbtbcitbanb, tf^etTelSof fyluet,$ golde^witlj good and cateil, f 3etocI)5:info i mocb £ cucrp one ujewed bpm felfe Uberall, \ 3nb byngeymSbjougbt fojtbtbe "tacflcljs i *<, 9a nthu ot tie boufc of tbe 10.20, # w&fcb jftabHcbo-- [ gf.KcB.iFtu oonofoibaotaUSout of 3erufalcm, anObab i| ***** putintljeboufeofbiS0ob.'€bofcbpOCy^ ib tbcayngot' 0erfiabjpngfojtbbp£bandc of » fe 49tfw Dates tlje treafurer.and nombjed tlje" "Onto $icfba?attbcp2tnce of 3uba.3tndtlitS •B is tlje twbjc of tbe".jrw;.cbargerS of floHMft). Cfcl)ci).C!!)aptcr.- €2l)t neml»c of fycm tbat tttutnto from tljecaptruptr. Dcfe arc tlje cljy ttnen of tbe lanpe * tbat went t)p oute of tbe captymtc (wbom .^abticbobonofo^tbc King ! of Babylon bao carpeb mm tcm* to USaiiylou) ano canw agavne^nto 3eru= falcm ,ianDinto3uOa , euerp one Mow* cptic. 'Ebep tbat came t»itb ?o?obabeli are thcfe.3efua,*.aebcmiab,^arata, maclata «•• ^arbocliat, 3Bilfan, €t)ifpar,H5iguai, lRc= bum.JBaaim.'olbVS^tbcnombJcoftbcme oftbcpeopleof3frael.'S:becbilb?enof^ba- reS, tiDotboufaiiD, anbub2eb, anbtwoanb feticiitpe:tbecbvlb?cnof$)apbatia,tb?ebn= 02cb , anb two anb fewentp : t%z clpltycn of Jli'atb,fcuciibunO?eO,nnOrpueanOfenentp: tbccbplO?enoftbecap;tafneofa)oabanios tbc cbplbzcnof 3efiiaanD3oab, ttwotqoii* fanbe, epgbt^unO?ebanO ttoelue : tbc cbpU 02enofeiain,atboufanOe ( twobttO?cb,anO fourc anb fpftpc : tbe cbplbJcnof musm bunDicO, ano f puc atrti f ourtpc : tbc coplOicn wccat,feiicnbun02eo,anbtb?cfco?e:tbccbii s Of en of 'mm , fpice bunbjcb , anb two ano f ourtp; tbe cbplbien of aSebaf, fpjfebnnbteb and tb?c anb twentpe : t\)t cbplbjen of 3f : gab,a tboufano.two I)un02e0, anb twoanO twcntp:tbc cbplbien of 3bonicam,fpjc bun= OitcO.anofyreattOtpjtitptfbc cbplbien of 7&z= giiai.twotboufanoe.anD fpje anb fpftv : tbc Cl)pl02cnof3bin,forircbonb2e0an0 fourc $ fpftp:tbccbplb?cn of 3ter of 4)e^eHta,evgbt anb upntpeitbc cbplbjicn of 26e?ai,tb?e pun* m bzeo, anotb?cano twcntpe:tbccl)plO?enof » 3o?a,anbun02eb anOtwclue: tbe cl)plb?cn of ionium, two bunbjcb,ano tb?e anb t wen- tpc.tbccbvlbicn of ]Cbunb2eb,anboncanbtwentp:t|)e men of a)tcbmas,an bunb?cb,anb two anb twentpe : tbc men of HBctbcll anb feat , two bunb?cb,anb tl)?e anb twenty: tl)cci)Ub2g of jacbo,two anb fpft p:tbccbplb?en of ^ag 3 bfS.an bfiOjcb, anb rpjee anb fpftpe:tbe cbtl* b?cn of tbe otber Clam, a tboufanbe , 9 two imttD?eo,anb fourc anbfyftv i tlic c&pibjc* of Joartm,. I^arpm, tbe bunbjeo a\to twtntvc : tbe cljpl O^cn of JLoDbabfb anb Cno , fcucii btmbicti, nnb fpue anb twentpe .• tbc c|)plbicn of 3cr(* cbo,tp?eDttnb2cb,anb fpue anb fourtpc:t&e cbilbien of ^>c!taa,tt)2c tboufanb,fp^e bun* brcbaubtbpJtpc. ^bepieftcS of tl;ccbplb?en of 3cbaia of tbcljoufcof 3efua, npnebunb2cb, anbtb?e$ feucntpe:tbecbtlb^en of 3mmer, atboufanb anb twoanbfpftp:tbccbilbzen of j&^tjjur, a tboufanbe , two tymbnD . anb veucn anb fourtpc.tbccbilbienoflDartm.atlJoufanbe, anb fcucntcnc. 'CbcleutteS.'5rbecbilb2cnof3efua,anb Cabmicl of tbe cbUD2cn of feobauia,foure$ fcuentpe.'<2:bcfpngcrS,tbccbtlb2cof3llfapb, an bun02cb,anb cpgbt 9 twentpe. Qbt miU b2cn of t|)c bo2c fteper. %\yz cbilb.jcn of ^>al= C lum, tbecbilb2cnof3l!tcr,tbccbilo2g of ^:al* mon,tbecl)iib2enof3BBub,tl)ccbilD2eoflt)a= ttta, tbc cbilbJcn of ^obai: all togcatbec an bunbzeo.anD nvnc anb timivt. ^beilietbmtmS.tliecbilbicnof jtba, t^t cbilbicn of Ifjafuplja , pcbtlbieof ^aUaotlj, fb8cbilD2enofceros,tljccHHD2cnof$)tcba, tbccuilbicuoflijabon,tbecbplb2enoflcbn= naa,tbccbtlb2eof 3j)agabb, tbecbplb2cof 3= Bub J tbecbJ'lb2fnot l^agab, tbc cbplb2enof $)amlat,tbecj)plb2cn of ii)anan,tbccl)ilb2en of<15tbbcl , tbc cl)plb?cttof eabar.tbccbpl-- 02cn of Eeaia , tbc cbylb2cn of i^a^in , tbe cbplb2euof$ccoba,tbccbpl02cnofi5aram, tbc cl;piD2cn of Clfa,tbccbpbzen of ^affcalr. tbc cbpib/cnof 26cflat, tljccbplb^cn of Zl na , tbe cbplbicn of4¥)cljtituiii , tlje cbplUicn of BepbulTiin , tbc cbplbjten of iSatbuc , tbc i;bplb2C of ^acuba,tbe cbplbicn of tyarbur, rbccbplD2cnof2i6ajlutb,tbecbtlb2cnofa)e= i);ra , tlje cbpiD2cn of li?arfa , tbc cbplbicuof :25arccm , tbc cbplbicn of gnfara , t^t cbpl- Dzcnof 'ftbamab, tbe cbplDzcn of iac?iab, ^ ebylb2cnofJ)atip|)a. "fcbc cbplb.ieu of Salomons fcrttauntcs, (be cbpltycn of ^>otai , tbc cbplb2cn of ^>o= pbcretI),tbccbvlb2cuofpcruba,tbecl)plb2c Of3aaia,tbecbilb2cnof5)arcou,tbecbplb2c of (5tbbcl , tbc cbplb2en of ^cpbatialj , tlje cbilbmi of ipatttl.tbc cbilD2en of potberctb i9a?baim,tbccbplb2enof 3mt . Stlltbc j^c= tbiiums anb tbe cbplb2cno?^>alomcnsfcr= iiaunteS,wercalltogctbcr,tb2cbub2cbanb twoanbnputpc, 3nb tbcfe went tip from.urbclinclab.ab from'Cbcl.barfa, Cberub, 3!bbouanb 3m= tner . But tbey couioe not btfecrne tbep? fetljcrs boufcaubtljcpi febe, wbetber tbcp wercof3frael .^bccbilbicnofDelata , tbc cbPlbjen of 'Cobia, tbccbplb2cn of #ccoba, fvre bunb^cb anb two ano fpftp . %nb of tbc cbvlbictt of tbe pieftcS.'Cbe cbplb2f n of M = baia, tbecbplbien of l;anoj ,tbeci)pib2en of i) 25er jtlai , wljic!) tofee one of tl;c baugbf ers ttttm jfo,c, i of *25erjtlai p mutibit c to wpfc , anb was called after ttyn name .- tbcfe fougbt tbep? cuibence amongetbemtbatbab tbcregiftec ofbpitl),anbwereuotforibctbertn ) tbcrfo2e were tbepnut fro tbe pieftbob . 2tiib£v tbtrfatba fapb \mto w , tbat tbeplbulb not cate of p moft bolp,till tber rofc \jp a *p2ctte towcare^ratrimanb'S:buimm. 'Cbcwbolecongregactontogctber.waS iClt].tboumnb,tb2ebub2cbanbtb2cfco2c • be= fpbc tbeir feruaunteSanb mapbcns, of wbo tbere were fcttentboufanb, tb2cbuD2cb, anb fcucn anb tbp?tpe . 3tnb tberc were amongc tbem twobub2e'o fpngpngc men anb wetne. ^betrbo2fcSWcre rtucnbub2cb anb fprc* tbtrtp. Ubeir miileS,twobunD2cb,anb fpue anbfourtpc:anbtbctrcamcls,fourel)mro2fD anb fpue anb tbirtp.'Cbcp^atofpretbou-- fanbefcuen bunbJcbanb twentpe . 3Cnb ccr= tapne of tbc cljefe fatbers , wbentbcp came becaufcof theboufeof tbc 3lo2Dcat3crufa^ km, tbepofferebtbe'felucSWpllpngefo2 tbc boufc of 00b , tofettm bps place, anb gauc solo after tbeir tiabiltte tjnto tbc treaftuc of tbc W02CKC, tut one anb tb2Cfco2c tboufanbe peecs, anb fpue tboufanbe pounbe of Iplurr, anb an bunbzcb p2elteSgarm entcS . & c tbc pjeftcsanb tbe IcuitcS, anba ecrtapne of flic pcopleanb tbcfpngcrs,anb tbc po2tcrs,anb tbe fi ctbmtmS bwclt in tljcir cpttc'S , anb al I 3fraellmtbep2cpticS. C^be.iiiCbapter. Caftcc tlje foiiiiDatron of flic temple oitcc ccmicD : «Ocp faccpfj'tc V-Hto tt;c 'flo'M, i/i5b wben^r* tbe fcucntb tit onctb came,anbtbccbilb^of3fiaclwc= re nowe in tbcpj cpttcS , tbc people catnctogcatber(cttenasoneman; vntto 3cnifalcm.3tub tberc ftobc \jp3erua ^ fonncof3ofebecanbbi!Sb2ctb2etbep2cacs, anb ?o?obabci t\)t fonne of £>alatlncl $ bv& b2etb2en, anb bttplbeb tbc aultar of tbc 0ob of 3frael, to offre burntoffrpngrStbcron, as it tsw2ircitbclawc of ^)ofcsfmaofGob anb tbc aultar fettbep \)po bpS rocUctcsi foi tber was a fearf nines amonge tbe becaufcof tbc nactons anb lanocs}tberfo2ctbcp offered burtttoffrtngestberon \jnto tl)t io2d*tn tbc morning ? at euen. aind tbep bclbe tbe fcaftc oftabcruaclcS*aSittSw;tte^otTerelsburitt facrificeSbaplp, aco2btngtof nob2c$ cufto= roc , bapebpbapc . 3ftcrwarbctbey offrcb baplpburntoffringeSalfo,$tn^newmontS anb in all tbc f call bapes tbat were cofecrate \mtotbc Lo2be, anbfoialltbctnwbpcbbpD (oftbeirawnefrewpll)offrc\3ntotbclo2b. Jfromtbcftrftbapeoftbcfeuctbmonctb begannetbepto offre burntfacrpfpccS Vnto t\^t ioaoc:cuen wbantbefounoacponof tlje temple oftbeJLo2b was notpctlapcd.'&bcv gauc moncp alfo ^3ttto f mafonS anb ear pen, tcrS, anbmcateanb02pncRcanb oyietjnto Jiiiiii t|)cm alarbicll,$ Jefttn tljcfonnc of 3orcbcc, aiib the tfnatint of tbcpjbjctbjc tbc pjeftes anb knit co', anb all thep that were come out of flic capt (tiff c tonto 3ctu(alcm, a nppopn- tcb fiic lenpfcs from twenty c pc arc oibcanb a bone , toff, tbat the wojefteof tl:ict)oufc of the lojoc went fonvarbc. 3nD jcftia Robe with ins fonncSanMictb*cn, anb Cabnucll witbbis fonucS, anb t&e cbplbtf of 3uba,to f ottljcr tbc woicftcmcn of tbc boufc of Gob, client bcebflbje of Dcnabab.wttbtljcir cljil, bKnanbtncirbjetbientbelcmtcs. 3 tib whan the bhilberS lapB tbc fottnba= cpon of the temple of tl)c Hojbc, the pjeaites (robe in Hjcpt arapc, wit ft fropctcs. 3Eni) tbc le tilted tin- cbpibicn of 3faplj witlj cpmua» *r.»...r.i\.i.uics! ,t o piapfc tbc IojDc * after the mancr of 'on hid ftpng of 3fracll. 3 nb tljcp tang toge- ther, whan tbcp sane pjapfc? fljanftcs tonto tlic L n; o, bccanfe lie is graeioufif. nub bccau= fcijiSineicpcn0urctbfo*cucrtopon3Tracll. ^luD all v people OioutcD loubc inpiapfpng the LoUi.bccaufc tljc foiibacion of tljc ftanfc of the Lofrt w&Utfte § &)anpalfo of tbc pieafejs anb icnitcsanb atmcicnt fathers, toluelj Dab fenctbc fir ft IjonfeC whe tjjc fonn= bacton of tbpsbonfc was lapcbbefcuc t&ep? rpcs;weptewitIjaloubetoot>cc.3iibmanp Cionte'o with iopcfo that the nopfcgaiica grcatc founbe, m to moclj f tlje people coulbc iiot bifecnic tljc tovfitl founbe nub glnOncS, front tbc no pre of tbeweppnge amongetbc peoplefo* tbc people ujontcD wytba loube crp,anb tbc nopfc was bcrbc farrc of. C^bc.tiij.Cbaptcr. _•„ «I £be buptDms of tljc temple to ftrnotKb, «nt> Jet. *«w6ft*«gSB0* * fbcobucrfarpesof Jtioaanb M 26cninmin bcarbctijat tbc tfjHb?cn lj m X of tbc enptiuite bnplbcb tbc temple ™moii tonto tljc l oft a oo of 3 frail, 3 no tbc? came to 50?obabclanbto tbc principal! fatbcrS.nnb fapbe tonto tbe: mi wi 11 btulbc witb Pott : f op we reft ctlje Hojbc poure Gob Iplteaspcbo. %mm banc bone faenfpee >jnto:b?m,fcncctbc tpmc of aiftufrabon tbc ■A5tf;.w*wj.i»ftpnp;c of ZfXnt* vo\)ic\) bzongbt DS top ftp-- tbec . Znn ?o^obabcl ab 3cfua anb t\)c otbec auncicntfatbersof 3fraclfapbctonto tftctn.- It canoi: be, tljat pon anb t»e togetbec C&tilD iiylbt t\)c boufc tonto our (Sob : fo? we outc felucS wpllbttvlDc alone tonto the iozbotir MM4A c5oo of 3(racl, *as€p ! ms tbc lung of ^cc= fia hatljcommaunbeo toS- %\\o it came to paffctijat tljefolUc of tbc land bpnbercb tbc people of 3uba,anb t wit* bleb tbem as tbcp were buplbp:igc , anb ftp« rcb councclcrsagainlt tbem, to bpiibcr thctc tciipccaSlongc as CpjuS tbc hpnff of #er* fia ipncb, tontpll tbc t apgnc of sarins Uing of pcrfia 3nbiu tbc ravecne of ^bafuerns, ( turn tap begpimpitg or piScapgne )v»?otc tbcp tonto bim a com plapntc agapnft tbc in* IjabitourS of 3»ba anb 3erufalcm. 3nbmtl)cbavcsof3!rtba)i'erfcS,w?ote ^)itb?tbatb^abeclanb tbc otber of bpSco* uncell, tonto Tbt bajee rfcS tbc Itfttg of perfia wi tb fapje t»o?bcS. 3nb tljc ftripttirc of tbc Icttet was wjiten in tljc Lilians fpcacb, ab intcrpjetatcb in tbc language of tbc ^iritis iHUbnm tbe reco^bec anb feamfattbefcribc wzote a letter from 3erufalcm to 3lrtbajcct= feSfbckpng.aSttfolouictb. ^ ben IHemmt tbc rcco?bcr,s S)amnti tbc fcribcanbotbcroftljcircompanpcofUDiHrt, of a>rpbafatb, of 'Carpla, of ^Dcrfia , of 7h rael), of 25abpion,of ^uran.of TDeba.of <£= Ian A other of tbc people * wftu tbc grcatc $ * mm noble 3tfnapar^ongbtouer, anbfettmt|)c cvteS of Samaria,? otl)cr,tljatarcno\XJ on tbtS fpbc tbc water. m)V& tf tbc coppc of tbc letter that tbcpfcnttontoupngairtajrcrfcS. %^V fernaiintcs,^ tbc men tftat are now on tbrs fpbc tbc water. 285c it ftnownc tonto tbc Ring, tbattbe3cwcs wbicb came top frfi tftetotoS, arc come tontojerufalcm cacptic C febicyous anb fcowarbc) anbbuplbc tljc fa= me , anb fett top tbe wallcstbcrof , ana tape tljc'f onnoacios. WJc it Itnowne now alfo ton= totbekpnge , tbatpf tWcvtit be buplbeb, anotlic.wallestbcrofmabctopagapnctbcn fliall not tbcp gcue, folic, tribute, anb cufto* mcanb tbc ftpngesp^ofpteujallincurreba^ mage. 3Gnb now in tbc meanc feafon we jja * ucoeltropeb tbe temple, anb wolbc no Ion* gee fc tbe ftpnges MCbononrc- ^Ijcrf on fent wc out alfo, anb eertifpeb tU ftpnge : t jut it mapebefottgbtin tbebobeof p Cl^onpclcS oftbPP^ogcnitourS.anbfolbalttboufpnbe tntbcbooUcoftbee!Monpclcs,nnbpcrccauc tftat twtPUi iSfcbiciouS anb nopfometon* to Itpngcs anb lanbes ,anb mtt^ canfc otberalfoamongtbi?mtorcbcllofolbc,6ffoi m fame canfc wai* ttyft cptic beftropeb." % bcrfo?e bo wc ccrtpfpe ttjeapnge tDat pf tbiScptc be bnplbcb agapneanb tbc wallcS tberofmnbe top, tljou (bait bcrnfter banc no potion on this fpbe tbc water. HCften fent t^t u?ng a anfwerc tonto me- bum tbe rcco?ber,^amaria, ?t tonto titjc otber <> were beponbe tbcwater.in^clilanbCbcbctb.irbelettcrB wbtcb vt fent tonto toS, batb bene opelp rebb befo?cmc,anb3bauccommaubebtomaftc feared it is f ounbe,^ tbtS cptic of olbe bath mabc infuueccionaaapnft ItpiiflcS, anb t bat rebellion loftljtttmpltj ^ijetempic 3 il.£f.W,it. :MUD rebellion anb febtcion batb bene commptteb ftUtoMm bane bene mpgbtic ImtgcSah foat3ceufaia,w!)icbbaue rapgitcboiicc all conntreeS beponbe tbe watcr.anb tone, trp- butc.1t eulfome was gcucn tonto ti;^ : mme penowtbcrfoiccommaunbemcitt , tbattljc fame men be foibpbbcn.nnb tbat tbe cptic be not bupioebagapne.tpiijbancgeticn ano= tbcrcomaunbcment.'^raltebcbenow tl)iu pc bcuotncgligcnttobotbW-fo^wbpfbulbei' apiigc banc ijarme tberc tbo^owe: jftow wben tbc coppe of Upitgc 3rta^er« fcS letter was rco before meftum anb#tm= fnit\)t Scribe anbtbeircompanpons, tbep went top in all tbc baftc to 3enifalcm tonto tljc 3c wes , anb fojbab tbem witb toiolcncc anb power, ^ben ccadco tbc wo K K(te of the boufc of 0ob at lerulalcm , anb coutinucb fotontotljc feconbe pcrc of t?arius bpngc of prrfta.-. CSTbcto.Cbapfcr. temple Ouploi j agamic. it)cp.eopbcfcS,^ggcuSanb^ ebarp tljc fonnc of 3bbo,pio^ pijecicb tonto tljc 3cwcs tbat were in 3nba anb 3cmfalcm , m tljc name of tlje(3ob of 3r= racl. * ^Tbengattop ?oiobabcl tbe fonnc of g>alatbtcl,anb3cftm tlje fonnc of 3ofcbce, anbbcgannctobuplbe tbc honfe cf 0obat 3ernlalcm,anbwitbtljcm were tbc p^opljc-- m of (5ob, which bclpcbtljcm. Zt tljc lame tpme came to tlje 'CaMjnai wljicb was cap. tapnc on tljpS fpbc tljc water , anb £>tar = ba^nai, anbtijeir companpons, anb fapbe tljns tonto tbem. UM)o bath comaunbeb ran to bttylbc f bps boafc , anb to mahc top tljefc wallcSr ^ijcntolbc wctljcm tl\c names of tljc men. tbat mabc tbps buplbpugc. But the eve of tljeir-Gob was topon tljc elbers of tljc 3e wes , tljat tbcp coulbc not caufc tbem 23 tocealfctpll tlje matter wasbjougbt to H>a ^ riiis.anbtbciuo-tbepanfwcrcb bp letters ^ fljcr tonto/. 'ijrbi.s^fcoppcofflcffectbat'tatbnat (Wljicljwaseaptapnc onthpSfpbethc wa= tcrjanb ^>tarba?nai , anb tijc connccllcrs of 3pbarfalj( wbicljwcre ontbiSfpbcthe wa= tcr)fcnt tonto Itpng^arius.^nb tbe matter tbat tljepfcnt tonto Ijmt , was written tljuS within tlje Icttrc : uluto "Darius tU bpnge, all peace. 25c it Itnowne tonto tljc Upng, that wc went into tbelanbc of 3cw:p to p bonfc of p great ob,wbicl)iS bnplbcb ^migbtp grcatc ftoncs,anbbeamcSarelapeb in tlje wallcs,anb tlje woddtc goetbfaft fo?tb,anb C P^ofpcrctbintbcir banbcs.^ljen afhebwe tbc €lbcrs,f fapbe tonto tljc as it foloweth: U^bo commaunbebpouto bnpibctljis both fc,^tomaltctoptbcwallcStbcrofrU)caflteb tljeirnamcSalfo,tljatwcmigl)tccrtifictbe, (SfbMS 5fo raiu.l.crU. anb wipte tlje names of t&e mm that were tljcpuulfrs. 2Sut tbep anrwereb tos witlj f fjcfc wo*= bcS.anbrapbe.lDearetbcfcruaiintcsofljiru tbat not 0ob ofbcaueuaitb cactfj.anb buplDc tbc boufc tljat was buplbco inanp pcrcs a goo* which a grcatc ftpnge of ifraclbnpl- *«.«e.n.i DcD,rtiiDfet'Up.2i;3iitaftcr^oitrc'*fiUDrfci)iO "»■*--»•.<• piouolteD thc0obof beauen tonto wjatft, * begauc mm oner info tbc banbe of m bucbobonojertbebingof i3abiioii,? of the CalOecS.wljicbbzaftcbowiictbishoufc.aiib cacicbppeopleawapecaptiiic tonto isabiio. # J3uttn tljcfpift pcrc of cpms the ftwig * \.m**. of Babplon.tljcnimc ftpnge vms gaucco «3 maiinbcinctconccrnpngtbpsi)oiifcof''?ob, that it ujuioc be builbcb agapnc.3no $ tocf- m } e i°l *? m , * ® lm of * Nife of Gob, wbtcb .ft abneijobonow tolte out of tljetcm = plctb«itwasat3cmfalcm,?b?ougbttbcm into the temple at 25abilou, tljofebvb '^v^ ruS tbc ftpnge taftcont of tbc temple at 23.V bilon, * anb tbep were belpuercb tonto one Vr./Sf&-. j.o. ^atoarbpuamewbobemabecaptapne, anb fapbe tontoljim.'traftctljcfctoeiTcls.anb gotbpwape, anb feet tbem in tbe tc'ulc that isat 3 emralcni,anb Ictt tbc Ijonfc ofGoo be biiplbfbinijps place. -Eben cametbefamc ^afbawr.anb lapbctbcfoimoacpon of the bonfc of 0ob wbfeb is at Jcrufaiem. fbtm V tpmc alfo tontpii now bath it bene in bit H-- bpngc , anb pctisit not fpniujf b. Pi it \±a, fc the ftpnge now tbcrfo;c , letttljcic be fc« arebe mabc in tljcUpngcsiibiarpc which is there at 23abplo, wbctljcr it banc bene (q'ner CpjuS commaiinDcmcnt, tbat thps temple of0oDat3crnralemnjulbcbcbnplDcD-anb ictbpmrciibctoothc Upngcsmpnbe couccr iipngctbcOtmcmattcr. CCbc.toj.cijaptcr. C.lttliefoiiiiiMfiocmfiitof ©.trliiokviigr of I?ctf'j, rt"ttti3ctempleU3.ioburlDco.ujDOfDic.itc.n)eeiii'l6:cH of jfr.icimpctuc fctftof Mtu&m &&. lljcncomniaunDcbftvngc "DaruiS, « anbtljepmabcfearcbinthclibhirp, ^ , cucnintljc place wbrrc tbcp iat»bc mi.m u £ ^toptbetrcafureatBabilon.>f^nb ^ there was foiibc in a coffer: in tljc place that tsintbc lanbc of tljc a;ebeS) a toolinncranb tljcrtn was tttljus w^pttcu,anb foclje a mc^ mo^ial ;3ntbc ^ftpeareof ftungcpjuo', gauc tljc fame ftpnge CpuiS cominannbc • incut conccmpngc tlje bonfc of Gob at 3e« rnfalem.tljat the fame ijoufcibulbf be bnph beb m p place where tijepoffrc the facnficcS, o+aubrotopuc the wallcs together of tine- to mm eubpfesbepgfb, anb tl^cffto^c cubp= tcs b.iebtb. t b,K ro wes of rougljc ftoncS, anb one roweof tpmber.anb the ejrpcncis Ibalbe gcue" of tlje Itpnges Ijoufc.^nb let the golbcanbfylucr toeflfcll of tbcljonfc of Gob ( wbicb^abucl;obono?o^ toftc out of tljc tc= & to pleat ^yngc ! i' V t r f i » »* I pleat 3crufatcm, aitb biougljt Ditto aiSabp - Ion ) bcrcftoKti , anbbjotigljtngapne Dnto m tcimplc at 3cr ufalcm to their place in the ijoule of0ob. 25 e»'ct pou farrc from t|jcm tberfojc , tljoti 'Srijaijnat capta ptic beyonbe the water , anb &tI>u , bu/anat,aubpourccoueelcr.tf$;*pbcr fccljci , wljicljarcbcyonbctbc water, get pe awaycfcomtijc. let tlje woickcof goitre of tbttf 0ob alone , tljat the eaptapnc of the 3cwc.tf anb f heir (ElDcrtf mapc bupibc f boil Cc of 0ob tn Ijttf place. 3 bauc commaunbeb wljat[ba[bcbonetotbc boufc of ooOtobtcbttfat3crufiilcm.3Banu0bauc commaunbeb, tbattbtf bebone wttljfpr&c. '5Tl)cn'El]atbnaitbecaptatncoftl)ecouu= trepbeyonbe tlje water, anb £>tbatbo?nat iWbtljcyjcouucclcrtfCfowljomkpngcBa* ring l)aDfcnt)biOtbcirbiU2cncca nb f £U bcrtfoftMewcgbuUbcb.atibtbcppjtofpe: rcb tljoto w tbcpiopbPCtcngc ofarrscusitrjc piopljet anb jncbary tbc fonne of 3Dbo: anb ttjey bniibcb, anblapeb top tbc founbacion , nccottiiug to tbecomaunbement of tbe 0oo of 3u , acil,nnb after the cominaunOcmciit of ^»^»°J^"»tf * aWttttfa* kpngctf of iDcrfia. 3nb tbc boufc watf fymfOjcb tbc tDpiticDapcoftbeinonctb^bar,eucnintl)e Wepcrc of tljcrapgneof kynge>iriu0. * a***!* * 31 nb the ctyltyen of 3fracll, £ pjeaftefc thclcmtc^antitbcotbcrcbiiDicnof^cca^ ptiultcbclbctljebebicacton of tW boufc of <3ob\Mitbtope,anDoffetcbattl)cbebtcncion of tbi&'bonfeof 0ob,anBbub2eb ojeen, two bunbjcb ramniej3!,fourebunb2eD troatcitf : do fo? tbe reconctlingeof nll3fracl twelne he goatesi.accojbpnge to tbc nonibje of tbc tri* m of 3f racl, a i fet tbc pjeaftea in Wt foil* mtmb&Bite icuitejmbcirbiucrfe offt= ccgtotmmffcr Dnto0ob nt3eru(alem , aa it itf wjittot m m bobc of «)of^. C0ttft& Darius Cfte temple gnb tlje chtlbjicn of tt)e captdiite bcioc ^ IDaffconer \ipon the fourtcntb bnpc of p fpift monetlj : foj tbc pienftcjs anb leuptesx were purtfieb , fo that tbcp were all clcanetoac* tDf r.niio Upllcb 0a(Teouci: f o? all tlje c])\m oftbecaptiuite,anb foitbclrb^ctbie jpiea- ftetf,anbfo?tbcmireluej5.^nbtbccbilb2cuof 3fracl wbiclj were come appue out of cap= ttuite , anb ail fotlje aid Dab fcparateb tljcm mm* Ditto tUctit from tl;e fplfbpneffc of tbe lor ptljcti of tlje laubc: to fcltc t\)e io^ljc cIdoD of3fracl,btbcntc l aubl;clbctJ)efeaftofbti* leuenebbieabfcuenbapeE(wttbiove:fo2tIjc loibc liao mabc t bem slab , anb turncb tlje bertof pbviiflof SJlTurWito tbem, toftr^ mn tljctr banbctfiin tl;c woichc of tl)c ^oufe of OoD.cuentbecnjoDof 3frael. CCijiMjtj.CUaptcr. Clip tut wmiiwuiibfiitcutof «l«I),uctfeB, &t*w jrtcmljcfcactetf , tljcrc wa^'n t % r arenc of 3frtbaj"erfc0 upng of : f crfia, one €tow t\)t ronnc of mem £>arfiiiab> tlje fonne of aifarta. thefouncof loelln'a, tbc fonc of £>allum, tlje foiitie of jaboctlje fone of mu tob, tbc fonne of Miliaria, tlje tonne of 3 to* rta, the fonneof €)r raiotb , tlje fonne of ^ rata, tbc fonne of 5.1 jl, tbe fonne of 26uel«J fonneof abinia.tljefonneofpljtncbe^fbc fonne oNBIea?ar,i:Ije fonne of TMumfMt ma&&to#Gtomobof3fraclbtb^ £ «'»''' Gctte.^nb tbchpiiffaaucbtmalltbntbe re* qnpieb , becaufctljcbmibeof tljcHoibe ]m 0ob watf tjpon bim.3D nb tbere went Dp nt* tapncoftljecljtlbiirnof 3fracl, of tlje p?ca. m. ,ieutte0,fpnQ;ti%po2tcrj< > fib of the fit* tljtmms Ditto 3eaifalem,m tbcfcuentl) vr re ofc Upucjc 3Crtl)njccrfcjor. 3Cnbfecamcto Se* rufalcmtntljc fpfilj monctb, cucnlntbefc- ucittb pcrc of tbc It piifie. # o^ Dpon t\)e fV2lf bapc of tbc fp2ft monctb, beganne be toao Dp from 25abtlon : 9 on tbc fp2ft bapc of m fpftb monctb camj be to 3cruralcm , becaufe tbc go ob banbe of 00b watf Dpon bun, jf 0^ mm pjepareb W Ijcrt to fehe tl)e lawc of tlje 3io2bc, anb to iDo it,anb to teach tbe P2c ceptanbtubgemcntin3fraeL »tbt0jjftbceoppeoftbeletfer,^piig ^ wmxcmwit bntoeoiia^ tfowm * ferpbe , wljtcb ttwtf a wmet of the wo2be^ anbcommaunbemcntcsi of tlje Jloibcattb of Wtfftatutc0oncr3fracl.airtbajrerfesialttng of JWWifMntoefiitmtoviMt ferpbe of tbe la we of tlje 000 of Deancn, peace ano falutactoji.3 (jauecomaunbcb.tbat all mv of tjjc people of 3feacl , anb of the pieaftcj* nnb IMMinmtmmu wDicDarcmpn» titD of tljcir a wne %mtt wpll to go Dp to 3c= rufalem; rufalem)gowttljtije:anb tjjerfo^e art tfjou fentof tbeftpnganb of bWfeucn coucelcrof, to Dpfet 3 »ba anb 3eruf aleni, acco2binge to tUelawcof tljp0ob ( wl)icbtsftntl)p fjanbe.- 3nb tljattjjon tbttlbcfttafte wttbtlje fpiuer anbgolbe,wb(cbtljcltpngc anb w cottnce= IcrjJ otTre of tbctr nwnc goob wpll Ditto tbe 00b of 3fracll( wbofcljabltacvontjsat jfc riifalcm)anb all tlje fpiuer anb golbef- tljon cntift fpnbe in all tbe countrc of 26abplon, »5 tttljat t\)t people olfee of ttyn a wne goob wpll anb tlje p2eaftc ji gcucfo,* tbe Dome of tbcp? 00b wbiclj ttf at Jerufalem. C 'Sake tljoti t^e fame , anb bpe btltgentlp wltbtljcfamcmonc^orenrammcjsi.anbli^ bc^wttljtbcirtncatcoffcrtitjjcslanbb^tnck' offerpuffc0,nnbtbon ujaltoffettbem Dpon tfje^tltarc of tbe boufc ofpourc0ob wotcb im 3erufalcm,^nb lobe wbatttlpketb tlje anb tbvb2ctlj2cn to bo wttbtlje remttaitt of tlje moitep , that bo after tlje wpll of vourc 0ob.3nbtbe DcfTclsi that arc geucn tbe fo? tlje nunlftracto in tlje boufe of tbP 0ob, tb ofe beUuertboubcfo2c0obat3erufalcm. 3nb wbatfocttcr tljpng mo2c fball bene* bcfull f 02 tbc boufc of tbV 00b, wbicb lis nc» ceflarpfoz tl)c tofpcnbe/fljouujaltreceauc tlje cljargeiS out of f kpngcg trcafttre fcoufr. 3bV»53(irtbarcrfe!2!bntte commaunbeb all tbc trcafurcief bcponbetljc water , that Ioke wUatfocuer <$ fti2asi tlje ptenac anb (crybe in tbe lawc of tbe 00b of bcattcu , cequiretbof pou.tbat ye fttlfyll tlje fame fpebcly , Dntpll anljtmb^eb'talentejSoffpIucr.Dntyllanbu* bicbquartersi of wbcatcanbtyllnn bub2cb wRtijMitt, 26attljcji of wync , 9 tyll an ljftb2eb * i&'at-- * tljcjSof opIe,gf fait wltljout.mcafure. tt)!jat* i oeuer alfo bclottgctb to tlje lawc of tlje 00b of beatif ,lct the wine bebone witljout anpc bclape foj tbc fjottfc of tbc 00b of IjeaueVljat be be not wjtotb agayuft frcalmcgs agapnft tljcltpngcanb IjpjScbplbicn; aittb weccrttfycpou,tljatpeljanc noau= ct02ttcforcqup2cta^ngcanbcuftome,anb pearly rented Dpon any of tbcp2caftejS,lLc= uitc!S,u>ngcr^po2tccs/,iaeti)immg{abmtnt- ft erjs in tbc boufc of b#0ob . 3ub tljon <&f* biajs ( after tbe wpf borne of tby 0ob , tbnt t$in tDp DanbOfctt tubgesi anb arbiters ( bp mp ancto2ite ) to iubge all tbe people tljat itf bcyonbetbewater.eucnallfocljntfkitowej la we of tW0o\)'M W tW knowe it not, tljofcfctljatyeteafl). Mb wiofoeucrwyil not fulfylltljclawcof tbP0oo, 5b tlje ftyn= gejS la wc, let btm bauc W iubgement with- out belapc, whether it be Dnto beatb, 0? to be rootcb out, o.i to be conbemneb in goober 02 to be put in mefon. , * 25lcltcb bct|jc lo?be 0ob of ourcfit= toerjJ, which fo Ijatbinfpircb f upngctf hert, to gampO) tfjcljoufc of the tojbc, tljati-oiat 3frufalcm:anbDatUcnclpncbl)i!0!mcrci>Dn= ttom 5fo tomtin tbepicfeucc of ffjckyng,sl)i«couii= celcr£f ) anbbefo2ealltJjckynge0byccfta?cg. ^I!nb3 wa0confo2teb(eucna0tbc Ijanoe of tbc fcojbe mp 00b wa0 Dpon me ) t fo gea * tbereb 3 tbe Ijeabc0of 3fmcUtogctbcr > tljat tljey mygljtc go Dp wttlj me. CCbc.Dtij.Cbaptcr. CZ\)t iiombic oftDcintljattcdtciico to X( cuf.il :m aitlj/fclowB. ■* l^^^^ljcfc are the pmict'pall fathers of ^ M W, tbe.attbtbW^tbctrrcgtftcr tljat m ; : |pwcntcDpwttbmcfrom2i3abil6, iff: ® m ^ % -m wljattyme ta kpngc mt>nm _ ., . ^ feg capsneo £j f tfiCCl)pl02Ctt Of ^butcbcji^ccfomiof tljccbpiojcu of 3tija mar,Bantel;of tbc cbplbicn of bnuib , toa= tug:of tlje chplbjc' of ^cania amongc tlje cbtl D2eof pbaco^^acbarp^nuD with Dim were nobieb an bimb2eb anbfpfttc men. Of tlje cbyibicn of the captapne of &)oab,£Uoeuai the fonneof jeraljfa.attbwitlj bimtwobun= bicb men. Cf tbe cljtlb2cn of Schauta the fonne of 3abauel,anb with bun tb2c \)\mit\i men. Of tbc cljf lb2cn of 3btit 3fbcb tlje fon- ne of 3onatban,anb with Um fyfttc mc.cf tbc cbtlb2c of (£lam,3fiii tlje fonne of 3Etha * lia.anb with btmfcueticmeu. Of tljccljtimc of&apbatia,Kbabtatljcfotmcofa)icl)acl, anb wttljljpmfourefcoicmeu. Of tbc cbtlbtc of 3oab, Obabta tlje ronnc of 3cf)tel,anbwit!jljym twoljimbicb anb 1 -5 epgbtenc men, Of tbe cbtlDjcn of g)clonutb tlje fonne of 3ofcpbta , anb with l)im am- bu> 02eb anb tb2c fco2c men. Of tbccljtlb2cn of I5rbat',?acbary thcfoit= ne of 23ebai,anb witljlmn e'pghtanb twen ■ ttemen.Oftbccbtlb2citofin$ waKrbiitwcfapDUntotbeBpngc^hebfc . bcofourc<5obt0Uponalltbc'tbatfcBebpm e* in goobnefl, anb*(i>» 9mmm)M Uiolc ircc anD W2atbi0agapnft alltbem tbnt fojfa&e e mm. £>o wc faftcb,anb be fougbtc ourc <5ob fo2rht0 ( anbl)cbcarbcU0. gtiftj tone out twclueof tbeebefc pica* tw.&arabia anb }>alabia, anb tm of riirir tyctlncn witb tbcm , anb wepcb tbcm j5 fvi= iirr jjib rrolDc^cflcWtbat u?err appopntcD S5&* !? °u 0, i re 01 ? » »W W npnge ai id Oi0 coiinccllcrsf ano to* toim , ano all Jfrarti t&af wcretljcrcatbaubcbaD acuta together. a "p 3 wepeb unto tbetr baDc fire 5ii»b/fb»fpfWf taiftciof ty\mm mm ywcIanbu^cbtalfffftfinffolDcanhubicD tali maumm haftnii of Joidc of itmu fanbepece* , nnbtwo coftlpoinamcnrrj* of flood bjaffcaicicarr a0golDe : anb 3 fhvDe Unto wm&tm ttotam Uuto the itozDc, Wja* f UcOebJarc bolp alfo.anb tjje golDc 4.?^OT?y«lS«»^ofagooDiorll Unto tbc * H?J? oD ^nrefatbcti.Hjatcl) vc, anb «M fotom Owll ujepcit Do wnc before the cbcfepicafteiBianbleuitctf.anDauncic'nt^ 9£ °i 3frar 1 at 3erttfale tn t\)c f rr aftmrtf of ton boufc of tbe io?b. efen toHc § pica* 2SHftW l W* , f w P fD frlnerdD golbc anb UcffeUobjtngc it to 3crufalcm, Unto y pourc of oure <5oD.3nb Weinke Up , from toe pater of 3batta on tbe twcluetbbapc of !SjM , »S ,r *^ffoUnto3?fru(aJcm-anD M a l?^ ou, ^ D wajE{tmonlJi,a*bbe* * l "? «** f p om t be DaiiDc of tbc enctmrtf, 5b of rocD 00 lapDe wapte f qj U0 bp tbe wape 3nbtDccamcto3crufalcm,anDaboDctbcrc tfccbnpjMuf ontbefonrrb oapewa* the rplucr«1DflolDcanDUcireln»epebaitl)cbo« 3 <5 LttSi f S?W ^f e « ^ercmotb t»n0 eieagr tbe Tonne of i&blncbc0,$ With mm wa0 lofabab tbe foniie of icftm X Boaoiia tbe fonneof useitot tbc bmtk SUccoibingto tbeuombdcanbtoepffbt of cue- %*.J"? e ft tWyro of tbe captrm'tc, tubtcb wcrecomeoutof p^efon, mm buimm tfom rvnsctfUnfotljic0obof3frael:tttJclucbui MMilto all Uracil, (ft® ®!b npnrtpr n S". ■»ri , rtnenanbfcuf ntic lambed tttclS SMMftfC ftMftiftae, all totbeb n ; offerpuflc of tbc lo^be.^nb ttop tolpurrrb tmmmcommtmm unto tbc WiSSZ pieanbtbeboufeofd^ob. C&be.ir.ebaptcr. BSSRr 1 " abnomtiwcioiwibaucmabeit full of unclca- jbmM*ttdk oft eucrp fpbe.*^:berfo?c wall penot acne yoiire bauabtcrtf Unto tbeir fonne0, aD rljcir baugbterg njall pe not tahe Unto pour Itm&jm fcltc tbctr peace 9 wcltl; fo? cure, tW pemave l-eftrortji,*cntopctoegoobtu tbeiano, We&poiirecbplojen mape bane tljccnDcrttaunccofttfoiteuermo^e. 3»b after tbatall tbefctbingee arc come UpoU0CbecaufcofourccucUDcDe0* gecate fr^ trerpacci ;e boti ourc God baft sar thwft bo= wnc ourc wtckcbncu*c0, 9 baft gcuc U0 a be= ^»lpUCraUHCC,"»(«itj6fomctopaiict0iB6,ipc.) 3iro pf wc tumc baebe agapnc , to Ictg tbpcommaunDcmentc0,anDmabccontracte witb tbc people of tbefcabbominacto0, wilt tbou nottben be WjotbatMf not Witbont caurotpl we be Uttcrlpcofumcb , fo tbat no= tbpngremapnc, anDtpiitbcrcbcno Delpuc= raunce 1 ioib ^ob of Jfracl, $ art rpgb^ trowMB} we remapnc pet efcapcb, at it i0 to fetbitf Dape.nBeSiollmKo, tn tbppiefencc are wcin oure trefpace^,? becaufe ot it mape we notftanbe before tbc. _ €€ be- r. Chapter. 1 1 wben * efb?a0pjaveb after tbis mancr, « buowiegcb, weptc, 9 lape before p boufc of €on, tberc ccfojtcD Untobtm outof jrraclia „ . »crpgreatecongrcgacpoiiofmcn'anbwc= mcn,anb cbplbwu •. 9 tbcpeoplc weptc Uerp row .l«b ^ecbania tbc fonnc of jicbiel one" of pcbUDicn off lam , anfajewo, anD fapbe Unto wtopt . \\)c jjauc trefpaeeb agapnft onrc (5oo , anb bane taltcn ftraunge wpucgl Oftbcpcopicoftbelanb.Bowtbcrei0bope pet tn 3fcatl coccrning tbitf tbpng.^foi now wewpllmaBcacouenattntwitbotirc'cDob, anb put awapeall tbc wpm (anb foci) atf arcbojiieoftljcnuaccoibtngctotbccounccll •of tbc ILoid, anb wc wplbcin tbc fcarc of tbc commattnDcmcntca of ourc (5ob , tbat wc mapcboacco^Dpngtotbclawc.^cttbcUp, to? tbp0 matter beiougctb Unto tbc. we alro wpll be wptb t\)t , be of goob confojtc t!jcu= *«««. fotoanbboif. %'«. ? 9* BMSWMBi tone an otb of » tbecbefe p?eaftc0 anb Jtcuite0,anb of all 3f- weu.tbattbepibulbebortcco^bvngctotbptf t»ojbc :-9 tUep f ware . flnb eftijajs ft obc up 1 ffb?a^ 5fo from before the ftonfeof fcpffl«IbfieatbeFtbffeluc0togcatbcrUnto .icruralcm . anb tbat wbofoeuer came not wptbtutb2cDape0acco2bpng to the Deupce of tberulcwanbteibfrsi, allbpsi fubftaunce ftjtilDc be fozfctt.anD l;e 0)ulOe be put out fro tljc congr c gacpon of tbc captpj ic. 'Sbcn alltbcmcwof 3ubaanb23cnla* mill cjcatbcrcD mm fciucs tojcatbtt Unto 3crttialem wptbm tb?c Daycs, eucn $ twc= ttc Dapc of tbc npcntb monetb:anb all 9 pro-- plcfatcintbcftretc before tbc boufc ofGob. ano tccmblcb becaufe of msmatttv. , 1 fo?. tbcrapncanberoja* tbepteafte ftoDc up, anb fapbc unto them. * t>e patte trafgreffeb , Igf&fc - 1 anDbauctancnftraunge wpiictf , toinaftep 3 "" trcCpace oOfrael vtt moic .-cOfriTc now tber^ f02e Unto tbcLo2Dc(5ob of pottrc fatberft anb Do bpcpleafurc , anbfeparate pourc frl* uc0 from m people of tbe lanbr, 1 from the ftraunge wpucs . Zm all tbc congre gacpon anrwcrcD , anbfapnwitbaloubc Uovce : 3t ibalbcfo^nbwewtliDoastnoubaftfapDc. ©ut tbe people are matip, aim it warapme wctbcr,anD tbc people arc to fapnt to tarve wttbout in p ftrcte , netber ts tbtsa wozene ofonebnpco2two,fo2wehaueoffcnDibuc^ rpfo2eintbi0 fbpng. let ourc tulm ftanD tbcrfoicftialltbecongreflacpoii.anbicttall. tbcmwbpcbbauetafecn ftraunge wpueotn C oure cptic0 come at tb«' tpme appovnteb , anb let tbe€lbffBof ctierpcptpcanbtbcpi 3 jibgc0 be witb CWw»epU tbcp bane turned tbe W2ath of oure (mawape from U0 con= ccrnpngtbi0 matter. { • 'Ehen were appb|web 3onatbau m flume of a^fabcl, anb iabafia m fonnc of ITbebtta ouet m& matter -.Znn ^DofuHam anb ©abatba m Uroptetf bclpeb tbcm * 3iibtbccbplb2enoftbc captpuitc Dpbeuctt fo.^noefD2a0tbemeaft,anbtbeauncteuc beabci tbojow tbe boufc of tbcp? fatbcr0, allmcnofgreatfame,fcparateb i\)t Uuw, anb fat tbcm bownc on tl)t fpift bape of tbe tentbmonctb,tociramentbcmattcr^ttbuii tplltbe fp?ft bapc of the fp2ft moneth tliep were f pminpngtbe bufpnei wptb all fmm tbat babtaltcn ftraunge wpuc0. 3nbnmongctbecbvlD2cnoftbeia2ea^ ftc0 tberc were men fonubrfbatbab taliert Kraungc wvuc0 , ttamelp mnbugc tljc cfty|« torn of jefua the fonnc of 3ofcDcc anb of bV0 Wctbien , ^aftab , anb(£ltejcr, iatib? anb <5ebalia,anb tbcp gattc tbep? bStDctf tberc ■\ * . :! I ; i i ■v. fi .■.?■' i'i fc ft a |J1 ft". of yaftstaift Utfcftilam tbe rontte of 26cfo bia.tbcp lapbetbcbcamcs tberof,anbfet on tbe bo?cS,locRc0 anb barrctfof it. jacirfc Un» totJ)cm,l)UplDcU &)alatte&of dfflbcon , anb 3«Don of &)crano , men of dffibeon , anb of Wpn.wbcrebetljatwascaptapneottljis fpoetbcwaterbabamanflon. /ftejrte Unto lum buplbeb Gtficl tbe tonne of $)arbaiab£ golorunptb..&cjctc Unto bim alfo bmlbe b loa naniabtljc tonne of tynraBabim,anbtljcpre« € pap?eb 3crufal£ Unto tbe b?obc wall.&crtc \jnto f bcm buplbeb Iftapbaiab tbe tonne of tym , tbc ruler of tbe balfe parte of 3crufa* le . j$ci;tc Unto bpm buplbeb 3cbata tbe foil* nc of tyarumap&oucragapnftljiSboufciab tic]i*f c Ditto Ijitii bti vIDcD i^ntuss ttie Tonne of ^afabma.sSnt Untplitbe otljcr fpbc oucr agapnft tljc fcptn> cb?cs of aautb , anbtot be pole rjjat was tc= pap?cb,anbUntetbeboufeoftbcmpgbtie. Sifter bim buplbeb tlje ieuiteS, i^cljum tbe fotinc of H5ani:anbnejt tcUnto bim bupl* beb tyafabia tfje ruler of ti)c balfe parte of ftcilafci in ty# quarter. 3fftcr bpm buplbeb tbcp?b?etb?en.^auaitbcfonneoftyenabab tbeculcr of tbe balfe parte of fteilab:anbaf= terbpm buplbeb €?cr tbe tonne of 3efua tit v ruler of Htyfpa tbe otbet pece, barbc oucr a= gapnft tbe gopnge fcptotbehoufeof o?bi* nauncetbat wa0m tbe corner. 3!gapnc, af* tcrbpm b.2a»efo?tb 26acucbtbe tonne of ?a=< cbaiol: tnbtanacpon, anb tcpapjeb tlje otber pece from toe turnpna corner Dnto tt)e boje of tbe bonfe of (gliafib tbe |)pe p?eft^ lifter bpm alfo buplbeb a)crimotb tit fonne of ftria t De fonne of fcacosi tbe otrjee pece, from tbe bojtou«tit atfatlatljc fonne of 4V)aafia tbefonncofamaniancctc Unto tyfi boufe, 3ftcr bpmalfo buplOcbuSenuitbe tonne of J^anabab tlje otberpecc, from t])t boufe of 3farta unto tlje turnpnge of tt)c wall , anb \intotIje corner. 3ftcrbpmbuplbcb^iala^fonncofiitfai oucraccapnfttijccontcr anb tbe Ijpc totocr, i»bicb Ipcib out otiier from tlft ftvngeio! ljou* fctbatvoajs befpDutbecourtcof tbe p^cfon. 3flf tcr bpm ^>btbaia tbe fonnc of pjjarljotf (a«( fo^piftctbinimutbep bujeltin tlje ftrop; bolbcuntotbeujaiterflatctoujarbctbeeaft, ano to tbe tower tlt)atlpetb out. )3Bffer bpm (T buplbeb tbepofEbcKiia tbe otberpecc oucr * agapnft tbe grcate tower , tbat ipetb out warbc,\)nto tbe wall of tlje firongc bolDe. J5u t from a bouit tlje Ifjcjfsratc fo?tb, bupl« beb tbe pjcaftc&euctp one oucr affapnft: Ijig boufe.3Enb after tlje buplbeb ?abolt tbe fon« neof 3mmcroufragapiiftt)W boufe. 3Gfrcc bpm buplbeb alfo i&cmcia tbefonne of £>z* cbama the neper of tlje Caftaate. 3Cfter ljtm buplbebtyananiai:bcfonncof&i!lemfa,anb J?amm tpe fonnc of jalapb t^t fpjete , tbe otl}crpcace.3Knb after bim buplbeb a)efnlft tbefonne of 26aracbia oueragapnftbiJS fto= rcboufc. 3Cfterbtm buplbeb 4J)alacbiatbc: Solbfmptbe^ tonne, bntpll f bou fc of 0tty* nim^anb of tljcnicrcbaunteooucr agapnft tbeffateofaJcpbHab.alibtofbeparfcriutbe conne be put out! tbp p^cfcnce:f 0? tbep {wne p?ouoUeb f b«plbcr0. 36no to buplbeb wc tbe wall , « ft wag iop> neb wbole toge tbe r, Unto f balf bepg tb tbec of. % nb tbe people were mpnbeb to labourer . ^nb jiiMt.f *gi ^nb it fojtrmteb, v wljcu^anabalat, anb fyobia\)>$ tbe 3rabia0,^mmon(tec^ 3dfo ; obttcst ljcarb,f tlje wallcsf of 3erufalJ were mab bp.anb ptljcdappejsbcgiinetobe ftop= ppb.tbep were tocep w^otb, 5 cfifpircb all to* Sjctljce to corner fpabt asamft 3eruraic,ab to made tbe people an bpnberaunce tljcrin. ^cuertljelcsi, we mabe our maper Unto our

  • oO,$ fct watebmen bp tlje, wbicb buplbeb cape 9 itPfibt oucr agapnft tbcm.^nb 3uba fapb.tljearcngtbof tbe beareri«i0 to fcblc, 9 there itf pet mocb mo?c mooter , $ we arc not able to buplb on tbe wall.3Inb ourabucrfa^ ricsf ntpb;tbep iball not nnowc nctljer fc.tpll m come in tlje imbbctfamoac tb^, anb flapc tW ,««b Ijinbcr tlje wo^cde. 26ut it fo?tuncb V wben tlje ^eweg ( wbtcb bwelt bcfpbc tW came, tijcptolbcb]S!ajSHdobajStcntpmc0, p in all placed w bcrc pc go Unto , tbep arc ap= C pointcb to fal bpo US. 'Srijrrfo^c fc 1 3 f peo- ple after tljcir UlrebeS tf tbeir fwcrbc0,fpra= res $ bowes benctb in f lo we places beljpnb tlje wal.fr 3 loltr u,f gat me Up,$ fapb Unto tljccljcfc me, to p rulas, 9 tof otljcr people, JP** be not ^t afrapeb of f lie , * but tlJincBc catrjer Upo tlje areatc llojb, wbpcb ouflljt to bcfca= reb.sfisljtfojpour bzctlj.tcn.pour foncs^o bausljterS.pour wiucs.^ pour IjonlcS. fit-- ucrtljclcS, it cbauccb tijat wben our enemies Ijearbe,tbat \xsc bab gotten wo^bc ofit.^ob bjougbt tbein:ouccl to nans l)t, 9 wc turnrb all ajatnc to p wal.cuerp oncUntoljisiab6. 3nb fro tr.at time fojtb it enmc to rallc f tbe Ijalf parte of (be pong men M tbe labourer tijc otljcr ijalf parte of the bclbctljc Scares, Q)plbcS,bowcS,aiiD bjcftplafctf:$ tljerulcrS ftobc bcljpnoc all tbe boufe of 3uba , wlncb buplbeb on tlje wall , anb bare burtljcns fr6 tbofc p labcb t|)c\ Untb one banbe tiyn cucrp one wo?ckc, 9 ufi f Ije otljcr belbc Ijc IjpS wea ■- 2) pc".3Hnb euerponc p buplbcD.ljab IjiSfwcrb, spibc bp DPS tljpglj.aD to buplbeb tycv.Zitt tlje trompct blcwc befpbemc. 3n9 3 Rtpb Unto tlje principal mcn.to tbe iulcrs,anb to tlje otljcr people: tlje wo*ne is fireat anb larger we arc fcparatcbUpbn tlje wail one farrc from anotljcr . Loftc in wljat placctberfo?cpebearctbenopfcoftIjctrom teiotau pct,rcfo^tc pc tbpf ber Unto US, *fr our <5ob ibal figbt fo^ us, 9 wc will be labourpng in t^t wojcbc.3! nb t\it Ijalfc part of tbe belbc jS fpearcS fro p mojupng fmpng , tpll tlje ftar* rcscame fo?tb 3nb attljc fame tpmc finb 3 Unto tbe people : tmtv one abpbc witlj IjpS Teruauntat 3erufalc,tljat in tlje nigljt feafe wemape watcb, anb labour on tlje bapc tV' me. 30 fo? me anb mp bjctbjcn, mp fcruau= tes.anb tbe m? of tlje watcljr wljiclj were bc= ppnbeme) weputneucr of ourcdotbes, no- mo^e t\)tn tbt otber tyn tfrw barnclTc , faue onelpbeeaufe of tbe water. €fb?a0 5fo,tb M ir.^bc.U.Cbapfcr. i . % J If f, 1 s m j [i ! • » me.bab be necbnrgeablc tonto tbc people, (in babtakcuof tbcmbjcabanb wpnc, anb .rl. fpcletfof fpiucr.pce, anD t&cir fcruautcflljab opp*c ffr o tbc people. i$ut f o bpb not 3, nttD tiwt became of tlje fearc of <5ob . 25ut J la* bourco alfo in tlje wojeke topon t(jc waf,anD bougbt no !anbe.3nbail mp fcrtianntejer ea= me tbprUcr togcrbcr tonto tlje wojkc. 4$;io*e fitter,! Dere were at mp table an .€ anb . I. of tbc 3rwctf anb ruler*, wtjicb came tonto me from mn ong tlje beatben, tbat are about totf. Znu tljcr was* p*r parcD fop me baplp an ore anD.to^cbofcniijcp.anDbpJDciMcueronce tu.r.bapctfa grrate famine of wpnc. gctre* cj"P/c&uot3tbclpupmgeofacaptapne,fo£ tjje bonDage wag grcuousi tonto tnc people. i&S** **W* W«w » v «on tonto ? beft , nc* coding to all p 3 Ijauc bone fo* tyyt people. „ $mm Cbaptcr. Cfeljcburlopiig is pet agapiic |>piit);cb ant> left. j.ftb wbc&anabaiat, -ftobiab, f gfr icm tlje Arabian, a itDtbcotbcr of our j cncmpcjs bcarb tbat 3 bab buplbcD p wall:anDtbatt&crwcrenomo gappctf tbec to( bowueit at tbc fame tpmc Dab 3 not ban* no i the Do^css topon tbcgatctfj&auabalat ? or rem fcnttonlomcfapcnge.tbat we mape mete and take counccll together in tU toilla» !jcs tljatare in tbc plapncof tlje cptic £>no. gcucrtljclcfle, tljep tbougbt t0 bo me ciiell. Zm 3 fent mcffcngertf tonto tfjnn , fopengc: J banc a great bufpneg to Do , anD 3 cannot come Do wnc. ®\)c wojeke OmiDe ftanbe art, Pf3wercncclvgcf,anDcamcDownctovou. ^oojbeit, toe p fenttonto me ajSgooD ajS fonre timctf after tlje fame maner.^nti 3 gaue M tbcfamcaufwcrc.^bcnfct&anabalatbpa icruamit agapne tonto me tlje fpftb f pine, uS a n open letter in &pa Ijanb, wljerin wa tf W2t* ten : it ifltolt? tlje ljcatbcn , ano 0cfcm batb WtoiMiit rbou ano tlje 3cwc!a: tbtneke to 03 rebe l.foitbewbicljcaufc tbou Iwplocfttbe wall, tDattbou maptfl.be tbcirlivnfltiii tbcfe mattcrt, anbbaft ojbcynctoftc wophctcato Picaclj of tbe at 3crufiilcm,anb to fapc:&c to aiiibnowflEiaU tftp^comcto ffr? apngctf f atctf : come now t&crfoje.ab let Mmht our counccll together. 3nb3fcnttonto|)pm,fa-- ymgc:|:!jcre i0no foci; tOpnge^ Done agtljoti jap.it:foztl)oufapncft tbc ontof tbpneaume bcrte.if o^ tljep were all mpnbcb to ma&e \jjS nfrnpcji, fapinge.tbepiball tt)itbD,ifltt»c t&ei t mm from tlje u>o?cne , tbat it aall not be fpmfaiebj)otBbeit,3arcngtbcbmpbanbe m mo?e.3nD 3 came \mto tbebonfc of £>c= maia tbe fonne of Delaia tjefonnc of a)ebe= tabcci.anDbcbaDibwtbpmfeifixJlfb^anD lapbe: lirt bsfcomctogctber into tbe boufe of uob.cucn tontotbempbbctfof tbeti-ple, and Ojut te tbe Dojeg of tbe temple : foin$, Suhi tUv eomc to put t be to beat!) . 36nb 3 fapbc: or Oiulbe anp focb man atf 3 flpef TOo ft that. bcvnga03am,tfjati»ilgointotbctempic J tofaucbiss Ipfef3t»pllnot;goin. _ 3l«b 3 pcrceatico , tbatcob bab not fent bpm. Pn fpahc be p?opfjer p topon mencucrr. tbeleut , Cobiab anb®anabalatbabbp?eb mm fo^ money. % berfoje toke be tje m one? tbat tbjougb rcarc 3 Omlbe fo bo,anb fpnne: tbat my miflbt batie an cuell rcpojtc of me, to blafpbemc mc.^pdfroiubinae tbon tjpo 'Cobiab anb £>anabalat acco^bpnge \jnto tbefetbcp^t»o^Kc«(,anboftbep?opbetBoa» bio , anb of m otUer pjopbetctf, tpat wollie Iwucputmcinfcaire. anb tlje wall wajai fpnpfawb on tlje rpne ^ anbtnjgtpebapeoftbemonctbeiul.mtwo^ anofpftpbapc0.3nbtx)benallourcnempfs{ bcarbe tljer of ,all t:l)c beatbe ttjat were about »ft tocreafrapeb, anbtbepi courage mpleb tbemanbtbepperceaueb.tbattbp^wo^cRc came of our 0ob.^lnb at Mjc fame tpme wc= re tUer manp of m cijeft of 3uba, wbofelet* tersnocnte bnto 3:obiab, anb agapne from 'Kobmb tntotbcm c fo?tbere were manp m 3uDa, tbat were fwo^nc bntobf: foibc waii tbc fonne in la we of jfeccbaiiia , t\yt fonne ot 2frab,$ W fonncJeljonatl)il bab tbebauglr tcr of 40cfullam,tbe fonne ofBaracljia^D tbep fpane goob of bpm before me.anb toiDe bpm mp wo?beig ) anb^obiab fent letters toputmctnfeore. _, CCbe. biicbapecr. Cflff« tbt Uwll diKt buplbco, ye tbc ttatcJi m jsgwwbenifbewau wasibuplbeb, 3 3t Mm L on tbc bojetf alfo , anb tbe po?= . ^ ^^'^"Sf'^^lfuitetfwereappopn- tcb.3Bnb 3 commaiimbcD mp bzotljcr bana* nf,nnb Manama tbc ruler of tlje caftel at 3c= rufalem:fo?be wajsa faitbfullma" , anb fca= reDGobmo^c tljem&po manpotber,anb3 fapbe \jnto tlj^let not tbe gate* of 3erufal? beopeneb , \)iitpllii[)e fonne be wbote. 3Cnb wbrle tbep were irabingc in tbe watcb,tbep ujutt tlje bowaianci bacreb tbe . ^nb weap= popnteDccrtapnecpteftn^of3crnfalem,ap« • popnte b to be watebmen , encrp one to nepe bpf watcb, ano cuccp one to be ouer aflauift bus boufe . M foj p cite.it was* large of row* me,anbgreat,buttbepeoplewcrefewetber tn.anb tU boufejBi were not buplbeb. anb mp d5oo game meinmpbert,tbat3 gatbereb togeatbci: m ptfncipnll men,? tbe omc^crfli.anb tbe people, to nombjtetbcm, aD 3 foubci regtftcr of tbenebje of tbe^wbicb mm came top before out of tbe captiupte:« founbe twptentberimtbefearetbe fonneiafof ? lanb tljat wente top from tlje captiupte of tbe ca* rpmge awape ( wljom i^abucbobonofo? tbe lung of 26abplon bab b?ougbtawaw)» ca- me agapne to 3 cru falnn 9 %m , cucrp one touto tontobi^cptie.'Srbep wbicb camctf ^ozoba= bciaretbefc^cfua.acbemia.^^riab.ma- amiaji5a!)amam',^arbocbee,25elfa , ^)c- fprratb.Beguai, jaabum anb TiSaanalj. -ftbitftf tljenombuof tbc men of tljcpco* plcofJfraefCbecbplb^enoflDbarojswerc twotboufauD, an Ijunb^eb * two? fcuetpe: tlje cbPltye* of ^japljattab, tlwcbunmcb anb two? feucntpertbe cbilbie of Slsrab, fpre t>fc D v n;b anb t wo anb fpftpe .• the cbpibKU of tbc captapncof^oabam6gctljccbplo^of3;e= afom,tb?e l>\\miti> anb epgbt? twentpe:tbecbplb?cn of i6e?ai,tlj?e bimb^eb anb foureanb twentpe; tbe cljiibien af l9aripb>anbub?eb ? tweluc :tljecbplDiieit of^ibeon.npnttpejfpueitbcmcnofzBetb' lebcm?jactbopbab,anbttnD^ebfourefKo^ anbcpgbt.tbemenofainatbotb.anbunbjcb ?epgbt?tw?tie.pmcnof 26ctb ^rmanctb, twoanbfourtpc:tbemc"of ftariatlj 3arun, Ccpbirab 9 25eerotb,feuen bunbzcb 9 tn?e 9 f ojtpe:tbc m of Eamab anb tfcba.n^e biV b^eD?one?twentpc:tbe mm of Wicljmatf, an bunb?eb ano two ano t wcutpe .- tbe men of Bct&el anb %i , an bunbieD anb tljjc anb twentpc:tbe men of $cbo , an bunb^eb anD two anb fpftie.tbe cljplDicn oftbc otber €la, atljoufiinbctwobnbicDanb foure anD fpf-- m tpe:tbecbplD?en of !F>arim:tb?ebHmueb anb w twgtpe:tbe t\)yli\it of 3ericbo: tb?c bub^eD 9 fpuc anb fojtpc: tbe cbplD^en of iobbaDib . ©no.feucnbunb.iebanDoneanD twcntpc: t cljplD^en of £>anaa,tb?e tboufanbe, npne bu b^ebaubtljp^tpe. %\)t p v icaftefi!.^Ije cbplb^ of 3ebaiab of tbcboufeof3crua,npnebiutfuebanbtb*ea"D fcuentpe:tbccbplD?c of 3mmcr , a tboufanbe anbtwo? fpftpe:tbecbplD?en of pbaOmr.a tboufanb, t wo bunD?eD ? feuen 5 foitpe : t^t cbplb^cn of i^arim.a tboufanbe 9 ffucntenc. 'Qrrje leuptess . -^becbpIDjen of3efuaof Cabmiel anb of t\)t cbplbjcn of l^obuab , foure? feuentpe.'S'be fpngcrtf.'Ebc tWtym ^ of 3fapb.au bunbjeb anD cpgljt anD foitpe. f befiojteriEf^becDplDjcn of^allum, tbe cbplbjen of 3ter,tbc cbplbjcn of Salmon, »l)ecl)plb^nof3llcub, tbecbplb^eof i^atita, tbccbPlb?euof&obat , all together anbun= DicDanD cpgbtanbtljpupc. ^be^etbtmmg.^lic cbPlDifitof jilja, tbccbPlb^cnofloarupbiT.tbc cbpiDie of^re= babotl) , tbc cbpI0«n of Ccros , f be cbpl s b^en of &>ia,tm cljplbmi of ^baoou , t^z cbplDzcn of Lcbanalj, tbe cljplb2cn of 0a=> gaba.tbc cbPlD^nof fyflwd , tDe cbPlbJcn of l^anan , tbc cbPlDjcn of cjiDel , tlje cbpl = ' bicn of <5abcr, tbe cbplbzcn of lima , tbe cbplb?cnofliU5iu ) pcIjpIb2cnofniccoDa,tj)c cOpIDien of ealam , tlje cbplDtcn of Ufa . tbecbplDicnofjDljarcalj.tljcclitlDwn of Z2c= fai , tDecbplDieu of ajcunim , thccbplDzcu of .acpbumm , tbccbplb2cn of 23acljuc , tl)t ct)plD2cn of ii)acupl)a , the cbplD2cu of l^ar- bur,tbecbPlD2en'of 25a5litij,tbc cljplbicn of a)cDiba,tljecbplb2cn ofljarfa.tbe cbpl02cii of 25arco0,tbecbplD2cn of SMffcra.tijc ctjpl= bien of ^ijamab.tbe cbplb2e ofjFlejtai) , ti;c cbplb2enofltjatipba. ^bccbplb2en of &alomonie( fcruauntcsf: tbecbplb2en of &otai , tlje cljplb2en of &>o-- Pberetb.tbe cbplD2en of ^Deriba , tbc djpl^ b2en of 3aala , tbc cbplb2cn of ©arcon , tlje jCbPlD2enof(5iDDcI,tbecljplD2cnof^)apna^ tiab,tbecbplD2cnof^atil, tlje djplD2cti of "locberctbofyibatni.tbc cbplbrcof ^mon. ill tbcfe Betbinimganb tbe ctjtlDzcn of £>a lorn 0110 feruauntejJ, wcretb2c bub2cb^ np^= netteanDttoo. 3Cnb tbcfe wente top alfo of ^rfjcl a)cla, if 'CDcltyarfo ) Cbcrub,3EbonanD3mmci ; :bHt tbep coulbc not ftewc tljepji fatbers boufe no2tbep2fcbc,anDtbattDepwercof3fracl. ^c cbplbjcn of ©alatalj, tbc cbplb^cn of Uobia anb tbe cb pib.icn of ftccoba , fprc bu -- bicDanbtwo anb fo2tpc . 3HnD of tlje p2ca- ftesi, tbccbPlD2en of ^abaiab-tbe cbPlbicn of ioacosi, tbe cbplbjcn of iScrfilai , wbpcb toke one of t\)t Daughters: of iSerfilai tlje (5ilcabitc to wpfc , anD t»as( uamcD after tbeir namcCbefe fougbte tljep* W2ttpng m p regtftcr of tbep* generation, biit tbep were nottounbe,tbert02ctbep were put from tlje p2eftboDc3nD foatbirfata fapb tonto tbcm, tbat tbep Omlbc noteateof tbc mooft bolp, tplltberecame topa $2eafte wbptb ftulDe were 5tlrim anb ^bmnin. 3nb fo f wbolc cogregacpo toget ber wa jS two? fojtpe tboufanbe, tb.2ebub2cb, 9 tb?e fko2e.bcfpbe tbeir fcruautctf anb mapDensi, ofwbom tberewcre feuen tboufanDc , tb:e Imnmv anb fcuf anb tbirtpe. 3nb tljep bab two bunD2eDanD fcueanD fojtpe tyngpnge mcnanDwemen. 12Tbeirbo2fe0, feuel)iiD2eD & anD fprc ? tbirtpe,? tbeir 1 1 create ! n% *'l 'J M III I trccldirc: rt tljonfiitm jjccctf of golb .fpftic ua= fcn^fpucbunD.teb $ tlnrtpe p?cftc0 garntf- tc$. aititi fome of tbc cDcf c fatbc rtf gauc ton* totbc treafure of tbe wo?ke, twcntie tbou* fanbcpwejlofgolb.ftwo tboufanbc grtwo bunbjiclipoube of fplwr.Tflnb tbc other pco= pic gattt twentpc tfiotifaiibepcccsj ofgolbc, anotwothoufaMjcpouubc offpiucrSb ttoe fko?c anb mien picaftctf garmented . flub v* p?eaftc $ jUnitctf , f be $o?tcr0,ano tbe ipn= gcr0,5frbf other oftbepcoplc.fatbcjactbi- mitt*,$ all 3frael,bwclt in tbeir cptic0.3tib tbc ftwf ntljmonccb came, ano the cMDic" of 3faKlwcrcintbcp?cvttc0. CCDe.\)ifj.ciJapteF. Ct«.'\6c«b #b ►?< all *tbc people geatbc* rcb tljem ftiuc* together as one man in tyc ftrete tbat watfbc* fo?c tbc Watergate , ano tbep fapbc tonto @fb?n0 tbc fcrpbr, *&w.rcti.ttbatbcQmU>c fctcb*tbcboke of tbe law of tmxa**, 4ii)orc0, wbpcb tbc loibc cSmaunocD to 30* raciauio etoiasl tDe p?caft b?ougbt p" la we before p congregation both of men ano we» mcn.atiatlfcoulbe tonberftanbe bpbbeckcn tonto it, topon tbe fMft bapc of tbc feuenfb tuouctb,aub tie reb tbcrin in tbc ftrete f watf bcfo?c tbe Watergate ( from tbc mojnyugc tontplltbcnoonebape)befo?c menanb wc- men tbatbpb bcrken to it :anD tbe caretfof all tt>c people were inclpncb tonto tbebooke of tDc la we . 3nD efo?a0 tbc feepbe ftobc topo an bpc pulpit of woob, wbpcb tbep bab mabc f 01 tijc p?eacbtnge,& bcfpbe bpm ftobc 43)atbatbia , $cma , Quanta , Gtnab, foci* Uia,a:!0 Sl>aafeia,onbp0rpgbtc banbc:anb on Dps leftc banbe ftobc $coafa , awart, erabiab>3amf,3cub, £>e» batbai.i^abaia, ^)aana,eclita, 36?arfo, 30 ?aban, l^ana, ^claia:anb tbe JLcuiteg caufeb tbc people to gcue tftttt liitto t\)t la we , 9 t\)t Seoplcftobe in tbeir place . 3flnb tbcp reb in f olie olftbe lawr of c?ob oiftmctlp 5 plapn= Ip.fo^men twberftobe tbetbinge that wa« reb.3nbjliebemwbCWbicbi0 39atbtrfatba) 9 eftya* tbep^caa* fcrpbe.anb tbc tenttetf tbat canfeb tbc people to ta lie bebe, fapb ^n * to all tbc people : top^ bape isf Ijolp Wito tbe lo?bcpoHre @oo ; benotpe fo^p, anb wepc €fb?as ./ / not.Jfojall tbe people weptc, wljcn tjjcv bcrbe the wo^bes! of tbclawc. 3nb be fapb wito tbent:* go ponre wape. anb catc tbc fat,# bjsinclic tbc f wctc , (j fenbe parte \mto tbem alib that banc not picparcb tbemfclnc0.fo?tbpjSbapc is! tioip \>nco ottre &ojbc,bcnotpe "foj-v tbcrfo^c : fo? tbc tope oftl)c3Lojbet0potn:cftrengtb. J^ atnfttye icnit cj5 ftpllcb all tbc pcoplcanb fapb^olbe ponre peace , f 0? tbe bapc i0 bolp , tjejee not pcpourcfelncsf.^nl) all p people wctc tljcp? wapc to cate ano ty tncbcanb to fenbe parte \mtootbcr,anbtomalic grcatc mpjtb>be= canfc tbepbab Wiberftanbtbe wo^bejx tbnt were bcclarcb wito tbem. 3Cnb on f nejrtc iDape wercgeatbereb to- getber tbe caefcfatljcrjsamongeall tbepco- tile anb the pjcnftcfl anb Hewte* , Wito €f= bffli tty fcrpbe, that tbcp mpgbt\)nbcrft5D tbe wo*be# of p lawe^nb t^vp * oube w^pt= ten in m la we * { wbtcb tbe lojbc bab com= mannbeb bp €)ofeui)tbat tbe cbilb^en of 3f a racl Qmlbc b well in botbc*? in tbe fcaft of tbc feuentb monetb^ Y tbep ftnlbc canfe it to be beclarcb anb pjoclamcb in all tbep? cpticsl, 9 tbowwotit3cntfalcm,fayc"gc:gofojtbWi* to tljc mount, anb ifctcb iH>lpnc bjaimcbetf, ^Dpnc b^anncbcsi , fohcti)crj OtaunQetbpurs, /SrouBcceptctljttjcltciivfpttBofflBoDviiintOEfFimcs oft ic people B tbe fowrestwetpe bapc oUW monctb enmetbe cbilb?{ of 3ftael togetberagapnewptb* faftingc «„ .anb facb clotbefl, anb crtb tipon tbcm.anb tbep tbat were of tbc febe of 3ira» el were fepacateb fi;om all tbe ftraunge cljfl b?5,«ftobegtknowicgebtbcpiifpnnejJ,?tbe wpeRcbneffcS of tbep? fatbersli ftobc Wjin tbep? place, 9 rcb in the bone of p la wc of tbe lo?b tbeir C5ob f ourc t pmcsl on P bape , anb tbepftnowlegeb,$ wo?tbippeb ploib tbeir €ob fonrctpmes on tbc bapc 3Jnbp leup= tc0 ftobeonbpe,namelp3erua,2&anf, €ab» tniel, S> % •uisni.uri*. m(cl,^abamab,?iDuni,g>arebiab,}i6ani,(t Cbanani,t crpcb loubc wito tbc to?rj tbep? <5ob.3Knbtl;c JLcuitetf , 3cftia anbCabmicl 2i3auianb]f)afabiiia,&crcbia«i()obia,^c» bania,anb^batbaljia,fapbc:ftanbcwj,anb mapfctbc 3Lo?bpo(5obfo? ener: slcttban* Iteflibcgciicn witotbc uamcoftbpgio?pc, wbicb fJ-'ccHctlj all tbaftefgeupnge 9 p?apfc. CbouartlLo?balonc.'5rbonbaftmabcbca= i\t,$m beauen of all bcaiica, witbaiitbep? $5 booft.tbccartb^ail Wn$c#f arc tbcriiuDc rcegEallptftberitt^tbou p?ffcrnrft W all, anbtbcbooftofbeanewo?H)ippctb^'Cbou arttbe l.o?b(i5ob , tbatbaft ebofen atbiam, rtut.**> fbJougbteftljpmontof * Sir in Cbaibea, ^tnc.fwi.a * anb callebft t)un 3Hb?ab3,anbfonnbcft bpjs ^tnf.yv.D. bcrtfaptbfttllbcfo?ctbc * anb mabeft a co- nenarttwptbbim,togeuewitobpsf febctbe lanbe of tbe Qrammitetf, tyttbitui, 3mo?i= teiel, Pbcrclifexl,3ebufttc)Sanb (2>crfitc0,anD baft mabc goob tl)v wo?bcs!: fo? § art rpgh= H8N» tconsf * anb baft confpbcreb tbc mpfcrp of onrc fatberfiin egpptcanD bcaroc tbeir cft- plapntc bp tt)t reebfecanb tbe web toHcnsi gs wonbertfwpon^barao.anb onall bp0 fee- uauntc^.anb on all tbc people of t>v$ lanbc: fo? tbon kite weft , tbat tbep were p2cfnmp= tnoniBianbcmcUagapiift tbc,anb fo mabeft tbon tbca name, as it ttf tbptf bapc.2tnb tbc tccb fee opbeft tbottbcupbc in ftumer before tbem.fotpattbep went tbojow tbc mpoocjs of tbe feeb?pefbobc; anb tbcp? pcrfccutcrjs tb?ewefttbonintotbcbcpc(a0a ftonc) in ? mpgbtie water0,(j lebbeft tbem on tbc bape tpme in a clonbpppllcr, pontile npgbtcfca* fontn appllcroffp?c,toft)cwctbclpgljtein r tbe wape tbat tbcp wentc. mtif* ^ *^S w w|5cftoowncalfo\jponmounf ^inai.tfpaRcftWitotbcinfromhcanc.anD gancft tbem rigbt inbgmcntctf, trnelawcS gooo comannocmctciefanb ftatntcftanb oc= clarebft Wito tbem tbp bolp £>abotb ( anb co mannbeft tbem p?eccptcS,o?btnauiiccS, anb I lawes.bp tbcbanb of awctf tbp femaunf »(SS1S1S« * fl,1l L cft ^""IWbfrombenucn wben %mM.b, tbep were bongrpc,? * b?oughtcft fo?tb wa= tcr fo? tbem out of tbccocn wbcntljcpwc-- • re tbp?ftpe:anb p?ompfcbft tbem , tbat tbcp foulb go rn,anb take poffeffpon of tDt lanb, ouer wbpcb tbou babbeft ipfte top tbpne ba"b* fo?togeuetbcm. iguttbcpij ourcfatbers werep?oubc anb jjarbncckcb, to p tbep f oloweb not p comauu ocmcntcs.anowolbcnofobcpc.nctberwcrc mpnbefnllof tbe wonbers tbat tbon bpobeft fo? tbem : but became obftpnate anb licabp, in fomocbc,tbattbev tunica backc to tbcp? bonbagc fo?tbcp? bifobebpence . 3nb tbou tnp (^ob f o?gaucft,anb waft gracpou^mcr U) cpfiili.pacpcut.anb of grcatc goobneffcanb *%w.* fo?fobefttbemnot*2Bnbtbongbtbep mabe a moulte calf c( 9 Cipbc: %%v& i$ tbp gobbed ttttm Mttii, tbat b?ougljt tbc out of f be lanb of egppt t) ano W grcatc blafp!;cmpc0 , m foMeft tljoutbcmnotintbewplrjcrncs.accoJDpng totljpgrcntemcrcp.*3tnbtbcclouOpppncr x&o m . pepartcb not from tljcm ontbebapctpmc to *»»•««« caDr tbem the wapc, netber p"ppllcr of fp?c ,A " M * in tbcnpgbtfcaron,toQ)cwctbcm Ipglite tn tbewapctbattbepwente. |tnbtbou gaucft tbem tbp goob fpicfc, to enfourmc them, *5b witbbelbf ft not tbp * £l ° ' tw - 6 4t)anna from tbcp?moutb, * anb gaucft tijc Z 1210 ^ , !- b - water wbe tbep were tbp?ftpc. 5fo2tpcpca« 0m,u, - f,b - resioge mabeft tbou pioiufponfo? tbem in tbe wplbrrncffc , fo MeplacHcb norbpngc, , ^ *tbctt :clotbc£ wareb not olbc , «1b tbeir fete ffiSSJ* fwclUbnot.ainbtljou gaucft tbem kpngc- ;omc0anbnacpo!i0. 9 pacfrbft tbern accoz- opngcto ti)cit po?ciou0,fo £ tbcp pcTclTcb * the lanbc of^cbonkpng of Ifjcfcboi, ano xammx. tbelanbeof ©g tbe kpngc of 23afan . ^tnD tljeir cbplb?en multtplpebft tbou as tbc ftar= resof beauen, ano b?ougbtcft tbem into tbe Ianbcwbcrofp babbeft fpoken tonto tljep? fafW.^attbep ujuibc go into tt,anb banc it in po(Te{Tpon. 3inb tbc cbplb?cn went in , anb poffeffeb „ ^ tbe lanb, * anb tbou fubbuebft bcfoie thtm* MmM tbcinliabpterof tbc lanbe , cuen t\)i Cans* mttcanbgaueft tbem tntotbcpiMbc, with tbeir kpngesanb tbc people of tbc labc.tbat tbcpnugbtbo wttbtbcm wbat tbep wolbc. 3nbtbcp waunt tbcp? ftrongc cpties, anb a o3 fatlanbcanDtokcpoffelTponofhoufcotbat were full of all mancr of goobes, wellcs big geboiit.toineparbc^oplegarbcs.anbinanp trutefulltrccs.anb tbcp bpb catc, 9 were fpi leb.anb became fat.anb Ipucbin wcltb tbo= rowtbpgreatcgooDneS. Bcucrtbeleff tbep wercbirobebiet^ rebcllcbagapnft tbe , anb caft tbp lawe bebpnbe tbcirbackes.anD^ftc * Ui( "«*- wc tbp p?opbetc0f wbicb erbo?tcb tbem cac= neftlp.tbat tbep mpgbt bung tbem agapne tonto tbe)$bpb grcatc blafpbcmpe0.^:bcr^ fo?c,p gaucft thtm oner into tbc bab of tbnc tncmpc0,tbattoej:cbtbcm. Znoinftvmi i of tbeir trouble wbantbep tvvco tonto tty$ barbeft tbem from bcaucn • ^tbo?ow tbp grcatc mercp tbou gaucft tlie ^fauiour0,wbpcbbclpebtbcm out of tbc ^ janbe of tbeir cncmpc0.25ut wbe ti;cp came tore ft, tbcpturucb back agapne ,to bocucll 5efo?etbc:tberfo?c leftcft tbou tbem in tbc banbe of tbcp?cncmpc0,fo tbat tbcp ^\o tbc pominpon ouer tbem. 3;nb wba tbcp ccuer- tcb,anb crpcb tonto tbe, tbou berbefttbem from bcaucn,^ manptpme0 baft tboubclp= jE ucrcOfbcmacco?bpngtotbpgrcatcmcrcp^ tcftpfprDfttontofbcm,tbattboutnpglittft b?png t\\m agapne tonto tbp lawe. i3otwitbftanbpng,tbcpwcrcp2oube,f M-mmn nerkeneb not tonto top comaunbcmctc&imt !*<»»** *- fpnnebmtbplawc0* (wbpcb pf a man DoSSffJb. $>iii bcujall A- &€ftga£ 4: ft iSib.l ifro.rr.il. diiD.miu i i ■ •- I . s A be Qiau lytic in them, }anb tucneb the ujorn^ her awayc.anb were ftpftnccbcb.aubwolDc uotbearc. 3uhmauppcarc0 D^DDcft tboti f ofbeare tbeuw tcftifpebft tort o the" tbo jow tbp fput ceticit bp the &anoc of thy p*opb> tcss,atm vet ujoioctljcp uotDcarc. ^ijafoitc gaucft thou them into the bSbc of tbcnacio0 in the l&be0.9nb ttytby great mcrcpc0 fake thou baft not utterly confumcb tbcm,netDer fo.ifakentbcm: fojtbou nrt rtsrrtcvoujS nnb mc rcpfull <5oo. * *# ow tbcrfojc otirc <5oo, thou greate ,,„, 0oD,mpghtyc anbterrtblctbon that kepeft coucita fit tj mercy, rcgarhc not alp tic all the trauaplc that hath happcncD Mnto Dftftifb f ourc kinged oure pnncctf, our weafteiMHW P2ophete0,t ourfatDcr&anoali tw people, fence the tymc of the kyngctf of Mm fcnto tbptfbayc . $nh truly , thou art iuftin all J thou haft bjougbtc \jpon t»0:fo.t thou haft a one r pgbt.3! foj \3Sf,\»c hauc bene wigoh* lp,$ oure kyugc0,a ottre puncc0 , ourc p?ca= ftc0,a ourefatbcr0 hauc not hone after t\)V lawenot regarhrb thpcommaunbemcte0,$ thv earned e.rboztacyon0 , wbcrwitb ? haft erho.itchthem.f thep hauc not fcrucb rgeut their kyngoomc.a in tbp greate goooc0 that thou gaueft tbcm.anbintbc large anh plcn= tcouslanDc which thou gmicft befojr tbe*>$ hauc not cornier tcD fro their wpckeb wom> Hce.23cijoiDc,wcarein oouDagc tiji0 nape: a foi* the lanhc that J gaueft Vmfo ourc ra= thcrsf, tociuopc the frutess $ gooocsf therof, urholoc,tbcrc arc we bonbmcn.3ub greate iathcmcrcafc of it Unto the kpngcfi.wbom P haft let oucr M.bccaufc of ourc fpnnctf , # tbcybauchomynion oucr ourc bohpe0 anh catclK cue as they will themfclucs, ; anh we are m great trouble. 2Gnh 1 all this* make we a fure coucnatmt, $ wjptc it , anh ourc pnn= ccs, Lcititctf 9 pjcaftctffealc "Unto it, C<£be.JC.Chaptcr. CTbcuamceof thtmtftatfMlcntVt toiiciiaunHJti tcbcuc C5ot)&b3crcinp>$ba(nur, 3inana,$)alchia,i)iitu&$»e* bamnh,tt)allucb , tyartm , &)crimotb, anh ObaD?.a,:s>anicl,3cntbon,a iSaruch, ®)c- fnlam,:Xbia,anbtt)iainin,a)aaua,ii5c«jai anb £>cmcia,tbcfc were pjtcaftetf . %l)t ic= uptc0 were. ^cftm the tonne of ^anta , 26c= nut amongc the Mp of Ipenaoab anh Cahmicl.atnh their h?eth^:$>echania,l30s hia,€cltta l ^elaia > l)anan,^)icha,liUhoh, anh i)afabtab,£>flcbur, g&erebia , gatito? nta.tyoof a,28antfif wnixm. 'Che heahejs of the people were :Mmi , the captapne of &)oab,<£lam,?atDu,anh aSani, isoni, %{■> pjab>2$ebai,$bonfa , iSegoaf , 3Jbin,3ter, TB *|of.ti(aii 'l.»«M,|fc|, c Dcjcftia^fur.Dohiia^afum , l6c?ai , i)a rip,3ittathoth,f #ehai,«t>aflphia!Bt, msUi lam,1t)cKr,4Wcfcfabcl^ahoc,3ahhua,pha latia,!Daiiai!,ainat«,!Oofto, toauania, w fub,l)aIofteft1Dhalth«»S>ohcft,lRchu » ty(i* febna, «Baafta,^hta,loaiu»n, a IMl , #u\- luch,i)arimai8aaiia. 1m f other pcopi;c,thcp.tcaftc0, leuitctf, po?tcr0,fvngcr0, 13 ethimmtf ,$ all thep that hahfcparatcDtWfclucsSfrfi p people in pl&= hejaitjnto f lawc of <2>oo,tf their wiuesl, their fomic0,anh their immafijto a0 manp 00 coulhc \)nherftonhc,a thep? Io^dcjS that hah rule of thcm,rcccauch it foil thep? bjcthicn. *3Citti thep came to fwcarc, anbto bpnoc them fflue0 with am ooth 1 walbc in <®m iawc,whpch wa0 «encnbp®)oR0 the kv* uauntofvisoh.ahtiwttbcp wolhc obfcr«c$ hoacco^hpngctntoall t|)c commaunhentS* tc0,tuhgcmcntc0$ ftatutc0of the 10.10 our G>oh: * anh that we wolhc not gcue oure ^wwm haughtcr0\jnto the people in the lonbe , m* thcrto take their hmighter0 fo^otir fonuc0. # 3luhpf the people of the lanhc bjoughte mmm ware on the fabotlM all mancr of \)itaple0 tofell.thatwcwolDcnottaUcitofthcmon the fabotbt onthcholp hapc0. * ah that we wolhelct^ feucnthpeare be frcconccrnpngc alhrninctofcharge. 3inO wcoccrcco a ftatute t)pon oure ftb ticeto gene vearlp the mm parte of a rprle to the m yniftracion in f houfc of ourc t& of § Ieuite0,fothattheleuiteje!a)allb^nsenp thetpthesof thCMftthe0 unto the houfc of ourc(0oh.totheH;o?c houfc0anoto thctrea= fure boufc0.fl ozthcchplhicn of 3lracia the chplDjcn of icui (hall btyngc fcp the hciicof- fcrpnge0oftheco^nc,wpneonhoplewito? fto?choiife0,thcrea0arcthctjeu>l0offfan« ctuarp,uubtbcpjeaftc0tljatmimftcr,atbe po^tertf anh fyngcr0 , that we fotfauc not § houfe of oure 0oh. CChc.rj.chaptcr. Ctbijo Dttjclltb i'i 1 tttu&letn after it u>ae Oupleco am Worn tUccj>nc6of juoa. m& the rulers: of tljc people hwclt at 3crufalcm . 'She other people aifo catt iotte0,that amongc ten, - , , one parte (hulhc goto 3erufalcm into theholpcptie to hwell,anh npnc parte0 to be in the cptierf. atnh the people thanbeh all themcn.that were wpllpnge to hwcllat 3crufalem. ^ mm are the hcahc0 of the lanhc, that hwelttn 3erufalem anh in thccptie0 of 3u= ha,euerponeinto>0poflcffyon, anh in thep? fPt«0:they of 3ftacll , the p?caftc0, Hcup* te0,thc jScthtnim0,anhthechPlh?cn of £n* lomonn rertmute0.9no ar 3cnitolcm Dwelt cercaync of the chylh?cn of Juha anh of m* 3amm. €)f the chpio?en of 3HBSs9Wa the fon= ne mmmm fonne of ^acharp, the fonnc oe mm » the fonne of ^aphatia , the fonnc ofaahalalccll,of^chplh^of^harc0.3tnh §}aafla tljc (onnc of Sarnch , the fonne of Chall)ofc,thc fonne of i^afata , the fonnc of aoavw yinct in the houfc ofc5oh: anh hP0bieth?en wfourmehtbcwotnc in the temple. Mi: prntM. .go* thaw the fonne of 3cro= ham,the fonnc of )blalaliel, ; fonne of aim?i, the fonne ofjachaw, the fonnc of i&baujne the fonne of ^alchtoanh hi0 t$mm chefc mum t he father0:two hnnojeth anh two #o,cbiir anhfo?tpc.3nhaiman«thc fonnc of3farcl the fonnc of 3lhafai,KonneofAa;ofclcmoth, the fonnc of 3mmcr.- anh bps-' bjetjwcn were 'oaliautmcu,anhunhicthanhcpght?twcs tpe.3inhthey^ oucrfcar wa0 jabhicl a fonnc ofoneofthegreatmen. ^€)fthclcuptc0.^emeiathe fonne of Mt»m.tA tyafubrbe fonnc of ^feribam , the fonne of C Dafiibia the fonne of iBuni .- anh ^abathai anD3ofababofthcchefcoftheJLeiutc0,haO thcoucrrightofthc outwarhc bufync0 ofp houfc of 00b . anh a)athama the fonne of a.)icha,p fonnc of jabbi, f fonnc of 3tfaph, wa0thepnncipallto begynne the thanbef= gcupngcanDpzapcr.3tnh baUbuma thefe= conhe amongc hpieJ tyttbtm , anh ftbtm the fonnc of S)ammua , the fonnc of Galal , the fonne of 3ehuthun . 7tl\§ Umtta mtheho= Ipcptic were two hunhicth fourc fbo« anh fourc. ^3nh the po^tcr03icub anh CalmS, 4, „»,.... 9 the?? b?eth?cn that Hcptf the po;itc0, were * '* an hunh^eth anh two anh fcucntye . 30 foz tberefyDueof3fracl,tbcpjcaftc0anbicuf= tc0,tljep werctnallthccptic0of 3uha , cue rp one in hP0 inherptaunce. 3nhthe Hcthtnnn0 owelt in Ophcl.anh ?iba anh ©ifpa wa0fetouer p Bcthinlm0. 'Ehc oucrfcar of the Icmtc0 at3crudilcm, wa0«nftthe fonnc of Baani , the fonnc of tyafabin, the fonnc of &)arbaniMh* fonnc oWtcha. sSDf thechplhjcn of ffapb there were fpn- --, gcc0aboutethcbufyne0m f houfe of C5oD: fo?itwa0thc ftpngc0 commaunhemeteou* cernpngthcm.thatthc fpngcr0 ftjuiDchcalc fapthfullpcucrphayca0wa0accojDpngc. %m i&athaia the fonnc of #;rfebabcJ of the chplh^en of jcrah the fonnc of 311113 nejttetbeftpngcin all matter0 conccrnyngc the people , anh tltm Vpllagetf , anh lau= oc0. 3nhfomc ofthcchplh^cnof 3uha that wcrewptbOHtmtbetownc0of they? lanhe hwclt at ftariath 3rbc,anh in the \>plla= gc0 therof , at XDihon , anh in the fcplla ■ ffc0therof:anhat3ccab?cel,anhinthe\jyl- lage0 therof: at Sfiia , #olahah , Beth 3 Phalet in the townc of $tial : 28cerrcba, anh in they? t)pllagc0,ait S)ibclag anh mo conah.auh in thep^ \)pllage0: 36nh at Cure- mon,?arah,3ertmn4jonoa,iDhouamaiih inthcp^pllage0atlai:hi0,anhiu the fcl= he0therof:31ta&feba,?inthcliiUagc0ther= of : anh thep hwclt front a&erfabc \mtothc Dalle? of $innon. ^ijechplhiicnalfoof :©en3amin of 0c* ba , hwclt a &)acpma0 , zm , zScthcl anh in thep? \jpllagc0. 3f nh at ^natljoth , $ ob, ftnamab, loa^o? , laamah , (5ethaim , fya= hih,?cboim,iftabalath > ioh , anh mo, the carpcnter0 \mty . 3fnh the lenptc0 bah poffeifyon both m 3«ha anh in 23en* 3amin. C> iiij €fi» ( J" 1 !: ••aft * ' t t i i ■ . • '«i ■•'ft: fir j I p. r*M i J i i C^bctfj.Cbaptcr. Mttya& C" lITbc puaftce anc i! cu v t c o tour rt> cam tor tl) ?«i n* Wild tojtruEM am u6b»cD,* iuc n>all lentopcatc. ilncfc arc tbe pjeaftetf and Icuitctf tpt wcntc top wttb jojobabc! tbc tonne of g>alatbtcl 9 witb3cfua: 'ria, Valued , Ipatu* , £>ccbania , mclmm,&)crimotb,3ddo,(5cntboi , 3bta, &)iaunn,&)aaria,i6clsa, &cmaia, 301a* rib,3adaia,£>iilu,amok, tycHtia , and 3«= daia.'Ebcfe were ttjc be AM amog tbc pjca* ftefcanbejiep? tycttoett, in tbe dape* of 3c= fiia.'ftbe leupte* wcrctbefc; 3ciua,3Scn= nui,Caomil,£>arnbia ,3nda aiiD U^atta* nia wliicb watf ouer tbc offpec of tbankcfgc= upngc.be and np* bjcttecu : xSacbiikt'a anD liimnt and tbcpj IIWwCB aboute tUein th (be watc&e*. 3efua begat 3oa&im.3o«kfm alfo begat ©liafib.fr <£ltafib begat 3oiada .3omtia be* gat 3c | natbatt,and3onatbftn begat labna. 3n tbc dape* of 3oakim were tbcfe tbe cljicfc fatbertfamoge tbepjteftr*: tonder &ararta, &)araia .- tonder 3crcmp , Manama .• tonder (Sfo?ai-«,a)cfulam : tonder amaria, 3cboa* itan:touder&)tlico,3onatljan:tondccg>cba* nia, 3ofcpb-.tonder tyarim adna:tondei: ift)a raiotb,$clca : tonder 3bbo , ?acbarp:tonder <3't ntb'o* iiJcfullam: tonder abia,?tcb?t: ton* bet :$)imam(nnnti tftloaoia , pitai : tonder iSclga, Mantua ; tonder £>emcia , 3ct)oim- tl)an:tottdcr3oiarib,&;atbcnai , tonder 3a= data, attendee &>elai,*julai;tondcc amok, Cbcr.- tonder tyclcbia , l^aHtbia : tonder 3a= daia,0arbanael. 25 and in ffjrtpme ofdBliaftb: 3oiada,3o* totnau ? 3adua, were p c&cfe fatberd amoge tbe ic uttc* and tlje pteaftc*. w litre n tonder tbe rapgnc of Darin* tbc *J*Krfian/£bc efryl die of jlcm',p"p,uncipallfrttber* were wtft- 8 ten in tbc €010 niclc*,tonttll tbc tpmc of 30= nathan tbc Tonne of (KUafib. and tbcfe were tbtcbefc among tlje Lcuitc&tyafabta , &c= rebia and 3cfua tbe fonnc of Caotmel , and ft $ tftif to *, aceoidpngc aSMrtd tbe nta of 00dftodojdepncbVt, mw*t$imt aga-- pnft another. fljat&ama, uSalbu^a , ®ba* dta,^)ef(aia,'Cal(KOKaud3tbubUjeccpo?= tec* i the watcb at tbc tbtcQtolde* of tbe ga= tc0. Uljcfe were in tlje uaMj of 3oiakim the fonneof 3cuia tbc fonne of 3ofedec,and »n? htytt of ftebcmta the captavne, and of t&e pjcaaeeibza^tbefcrfbc and in tDe dedpeacpon of tlje wall at 3t a ntfalcm.tbep fongl;ttj)e leuitcsi ont of all ttiew placed, tbat tbcp inpgbte be b^ongbt to3ernfalem,to Itepe tbe dedicaeton ?glad= «e(rc,\i)ptb.tbanRcfgeupngejS,andfmgtnge tnvtb cpmbale* , paitm^ , and fjaepejf, and tie cjjvldjcn of t&e f vngw? gcatbf ceo tficm fclucjstojjctltiit fcom euetp fpde ont oi; tbcplavne cotintw aboutc 3ctnfalcm , and from tl)c tallage ja of .tetrjo pljatDi , from tbebonfeof (iBilgal.and ont of tbcconntrcctf of Gcbaandafniattetb.foKbc fpngrttf bad buplbcb tbcm topllagr a ronnde aboutc 3eru faletn.and tlje pmM and lenity were pttrif ped, and c!cnfrdt!)c people, and tl)cgn= tejs and tbe wall. 3nd 3 b^ong|)t tbc pjinccsS of 3nda top and befede tbc wcllgatctljcp wente top ouee agapufttljcnitopontbcfteppeg of tjjc cytvc ofDantdattbegoiPiigctopof tbc wall bep= ondctbeboufeof 2Dantd,tonto tbc U)atetga tcenftwardc. ^t otljcr queer of tl)em tljat gatic tl)an= ttcst , went oucr aga vnft tbem , and 3 af tec tbcm.andtbcbalfcpartcoft&epcoplctopon tbc wall, beponde tbc fo?nacegate , tontpll tift b^ode wall, aitdbcpon&c tDe po?tc of &$mim& bcponbet&e €)ldgate , beponde the fpfogate , and tbc towce of Ipananccl, and tbc tower of €)ea , tontpll tbc jfcljepe* gate, and tbep ft olie ftpll in tbc utcfongate , *> and fo (lode the two queer* ( or tbem tbat gauetbaiiBtf ; in tbe boufc of 00b , and 3 and tbc balfe of tbc ruler* wptb me , and tbc 1&.ieaftc$ , nawtclp ©lialttm, a)aafta, 4ft)tmamin, ^)icbaia , euocnai , jacbarp Tm » ^emeia}), euafar > ®,rtu |Mttn> &Wtbinh ©lam and S>er. and tbe fpnatrsJ lahge londe , Daupnge 3eftabia§ fo^ tlm oueefcee. and tlje fame dapc.tljcp offred greatc fa crifpeetfand reiopfedrfo^ <5od bad gcuen tb^ greategladneu"c,fotbatbotb tlje wpuc* fid coplbjett were topfuU.aud tbe tup? trj of 3e* rufalcm watf berde farre of. at tlje fame tpmc were tljcre menap= popnted oucr tl)e tteafttrc bottfc* ( wberin were tlje i^cuc offer pngesf, tbc rpjftlpngc* 9 tbc tytt)c$) tbat tkv ibulde geatber tbcm out of tbc fclbctf aboutc tbc eprpejs , to de= ftributetbem tonto f pnuibafafapb,wcrc tbe cljcfe fpngcrjs fofided,* pfongc* of p^ap^ fc$ tbankcfgcupng tottto <5ob. 3n tbc tpme of ?ojobabcl? .acljcmia , Dpdalltbcp ot3f= racl,gcuepo?cion* tonto ti)efpngcrjxabpo2= rec#,cucrpOapebp0po2CJon, and tbcp gatic tptljcjoi tonto p aeuitc* .- and p &euitc& gaue tptbcj9!agapne,tontotbecbildjenofaaron, e^lje.riifdr&apter. Cffi.Dc !,iU)ciBccan,t fciicn iijcp JwitljcatDfl, tutp ri;|)od , becaufe tbep mett not pcbflty? of 3frael vb b?eab fid water, ^ but bpjcb 26ala & agapnft tbem , f be tbuld curfc tbcm:and oure(5ol) turned tbc cur fc into a blelfing . jaow wben tbep bcrbe tbc lawcit fojtuncd , f tbep feparated from 3fraell euerponc tbat bad mpjttebpmfelfe tberinandbefow tbi* bad^p^caftCliafib p ouer fpgbt of p trcafurp of f boufc of oure (Bottom wa* fcpnfman tonto 'Cobia: $ bad made bim a great cbambje , 9 tbcre bad tbep afojc tpme laped f offcringe* , f ranfteneefc, toeuell, $ tbe tptbe* of co^nc, andwpneand oplc(acco?dpngtotbe comaundement geuc to tbe leuitcsMpngcttfaud poster*) and tbc beucofferpnge* of tbc p?caftes(: 25ut in ail tbi*tpmewa* not 3 at 3crtt= fale:fo?inptwo 9 tbpjfiepcarc of atta^er^ fe* upng of 26abplo,came3 tonto tbc ftpng, and after certapnedape* optapned3lpccce of tbe ftpng to come to 3cmrale* . and 3 gat nnowlcge of f euell tbat eitafibdpd tonto •^obia , in pl)c bad midcbim a cbab^e intye court of tbc boufc of dDOd , and it greuedme fotc^ 3 caftf o;tball the tocflel* of tbc bonfe ded e^cttt to ctf Cc (lie cijatubK* . %m tWktt b«o«gl)e3«gap«ctbetocffeWof«jeboufecf <5od> witlj tlje mcacofftti ng,attd tbc tuccttfe. and 3 pcrctaned , tbattbcpo v Jri6]e of tbc ieuitetf were not gcu^ tbsm, and tbat euerp one fled to W land, euen p tcuttes! andfpu^ ger* f executed pwojke.'Cbe'rcpjoucd 3 f rulcrjs,^ fapd/ wbp i* p boufc of ^od f ojfa= Uej'atid3gatbcrcdtbe togetber , 9 f|t tbe in tpetrplaccCbcnb^ougbtall^idaptpfbe* of co % tne, ^ wpnc and oplc tonto the trcafurc. and 3 madctrcafurcr* ouer ptreafttrc , tni $)clcmiabtbcp?caft,fr?adoctbcfcrpbe , and of tbc Lcuitcis, jbbadaia, fr tondertbetrband wajSIijanau tbc fonneof ?acur tbc fonneof ^atbania : fo? tbep were counted fa ptbf nil, tfom Mtft and tbeir office wa* to diftrtbutc tbc porno* tonto tbcfcbjetbttu.^bpncRetopou me £> ^^^ mv (2>od bcre tn.and wipe not out mvmctcp tbat3bane(bewcd on tbeboureofmp0ody andontbcofftceiBitberof. at the fame tpmetum 3 f omc tredpnge wpnc p?cOc0 on tbe 3>abotb, $ b?p»gpng i\\ ft)ffe0,?nlTc£(Iadenu5wpne,grapc0,figgcjS a bzpngtng all matter of btirrbciis tonto Je~ rufa!e,topotbc^abaotbdapc.and3rebu= kcdtbeearneftlp? famedapetijat thev fold tbc toitaplc^'Cberc dwelt me of -£p?e alfoC tbcrin, wbicbb?ougbtfpaj and all matter of ware,? foldc on tbe&abotb tonto f cbtld?en of3nDain3crufalcm.12:bcnrcp2oucd3tbc rulcrji in 3nda,? fapdc tonto tbe*: wbat euell ttyn$Mhist ^pedo,«bKake tbe&abotb baperlDpdnotpourc fatbc^enetbuS,? our C5odb?ougbt all tbp* plage topontos ^topo thi& cpticf and pc make tbe wtatb moze pet topon3frael, in that ye b^eakc tbc&abotb. and it fortuned, pwbc the poites of 3e= rufalcm beganne to be darke in the cucnyng bcfotetbc^)abotb,3commaundedtoa)utt tbc gatciEl.adcbarged.tbattbcp (buld notbe openeb tpll after tbc £>abotb • f tome of nip feruauntc0fct3attbcgatc0 1 £tbcrcfouldc no burtbe* be b^ouabt in on f ^abot b dape. ^benremapnedpebapmen $ marcbauntcS ottceo^twpce oucr npgbt wttboutjlerufaif wptball matter of ware*. 'Cbcnrcpjouco 3 tbcmftnc, and fapde tonto tbc : wbptarppc all npgbt abouttbe wallr 3f pc do tt once a= capne, 3 tbpll Iapc bandeg topon pott, jf r om Y tpmc rojtb came they nomotc on the ^a * botb.and.3fapdc tonto tbc ieuites^' tbep ibuldcclenfc tb^fclucis , and tbat tW ftwiDc come and kepc tbc gate*,tobalowc tbe 3>a- _ botb dape . 'cbpitkc topon me ( O my C5od) ^ couccrnpngtbi0alfo,fr fpareme, accotdrttg to tbp great mercp. and at tbc fame tpmc fawc 3 3c wctf ,tbat martcd wpuc* of afdod, of ammon and of &)oab, 9 tbeir cbtld?c fpakc balfein f fpeacb ofafdod,aconldenotfpeake in thciernc* {attg««gc,Cttt6j«t0ttongmvs^a»taptr= «aue tmm people . ^tnjtt^mtMm, $ cucfed tljcttt , $ fmocc ccttapnenwn of t hi, gs made thi bare , and tokc an ootb of tU dp (Sod.^c ibalnotgcuc pour dauoOjter* tonto 5 tbeirf6ne*,netbera)aapetakctbeirdangb= terg tonto pottre fonnc* , 0? f oj pourc febic*. *a>pd not S>alomo tbe kpng of 3u*acl fpnne f o^focb.-'and pet among manptyeptben to?a* tbcre no kpnge ipltc ^im , wbpcb wa* dearc tonto hi#<&oh, 9 (Uodniadebim kpnge ouer aU3fracUpctneucrtbcletf,outlaitdpa)Wc* mencaufed 9! to fpnnc^ball we tben obepe tonto pou, to do all tbttf great e uell, 9 to trSf= greflcagapnlr oure <5od,andtnitrpc ftrafigc wpncjJf' and one of tbe cijilD?cn of 3cbdtada tbc iD to fonnc [f €u%r a- !* I I ■ i: :> ■ '•■■ 4 1. : ¥ ■ :i; Pli lit: & i if r l! J I . > M 1 4 fonneof Gitalin tjje bpc p?caft , i^an made a tfitraite witb feanabalat tljc $o?omtc : but 3 cDaced Dim worn me.CO im» c&ob ) tbpnkc toou 'oyon tUem tlwt Dcf pic tuc pjcftljobc , s tlje coucnmmt of tbe rocftbobcfc oftljc s,cuf* tcflf. ^busclcnfcd 2m from nil foci) off we- re ontlanbf $ , ant) appopnted tDe courfes of £ pjcattes $ Icultes, eucrp one in Jul office, 9 to offcefDc wodnt tpmesappopnted , aim tljc fpjft ft utcs . qftinbe tljou tyion mc ( €> mp *od)foj tDe Deft, am C8;DccndeoftDcrccondcboReof(S& oja&otbcrwpff calleb tDe boke of#cbemfa. C['&DtbORCof€ftljer ^DcfpjttCDapter. 9 tDe glo^iou^ wojibtppe of bps greatnefle , manp dapes itottac , euen ^ an bundjtetb and foure icoje dapes. 30 $nd tx>Den tDere dapes were ejeppjeb , tDe ftpng made afeaft tonto ail f peopled were in gimfantDe cDefeeptie, botb Wtowmtto fmall, feucn bapejs long in tDe court of $mu Den bp tDe ftpages palace: wbere tDere Daged wDtte.grene frpalowclotDeS, fattened wttD coardeS of fpiiefyHte* purple tomm&fr gefctopon pplets of garble ftonc. %\)t ucncbeji alto were of goldc sfplucr made\)ponnpaui:mcntofgrcue,wDfte,po= low anb black ^.irblc . and tbep djnnke in twflirtj* of golbe, 9 cljaugcdtoflcll after tocr= feil.3ndfDekpnpswpnewaSmocb,acco;t* bpng to tDcpowee of tDe kpng.a nb ? tyfnke vm To apopnted f n one ibulde compell a npe man, fo^o tDe kpng Dad cemaundedbp tbe omcerSofDiSDotifc, f cnccponc ujulD boa* ft lifteb Dim. 3nb f queue Haiti mabc a feaft alfofo? tDe wemen iu tDe palace of 3CDafuc= rutf.aunb on tDe fciicutD bapc wDcn tDe fcpng wan mcrpafter p wpnc, De comaunbeb ms- Duman,26ijtDa, Imvbomi, uSigtDa, Kibaa- tDan , ^ctDar $ caircDatf , tDe feuen cDamber» lavmi(f bpb rem ice in tDe pjefence of npng 3HDafuerujS) tofetcD tDe quene 5aafti witDp S> crowne regal into tDe RpugcieipiiefencetDat DempgDt Ibewetijjc people anb p?tncej8Der fairneffe,fo?CDe ram bewtifua.iBut faum* daaftDittolbenot comcat?Kinffejs wo^b bp D<0cDambcrlapne)S. %tyn wajspitpng »crp W20tD,«DWinbigitaeion apnblcbin Dim. 3nbtbcBpngfpattctotbeu)pfcmcn,tDat Dab tinberftanbiiisc in tDe o?b(naunce0 of tDe lanb, f 0? tDe ftpnpi matters muft be Dabteb befo?eaHfocDawueRuou)lcgcoftDelattie anbiubgcment:ajibtDe^»(fl»fftaiii)) ncrtmtto & bt were, car rena,&ctDai-, ^bmata, t&u* M, ®&&m>$QQtfm# &>amucan , tDcfenc PIM& of pecfia , anb #ebia, wDpcDfawe tDe (ipngctfface, $ fatabouc in tDe kpngdom U)Dat lawc(faietDP Ring) ujulb be executed tipon tDe queue 5Lia(tD» > becatifc Ojc ttvli not accojdpngtotDe wo?oe of tDcapngaDafti- erus(, wDpcD De comaunbeb bp W cljambcr= iapncjs^nb^cmucananfwereb before tbe ftpnganbtDe pjinceWDequeneMf Ijibatlj 6 not onelp bone euell agapnft tDe bpnge , but alfoagapnft atltDep^inceiS anb agapnftau tlje people pare in all flanbesl oftpngaMw* fuer u0: f 0? tDiitf beb c of tDe queue (ball conic ab?obe t)nto all weme",f f tDepiball befpi= fedtDeieDufbabe^befo^etDciecpe^anbibal fope.tDe bpng 3Dafuerusi comaubcb aaa&Di f qiims to be b^ougbt in before Dpm , but Qic wolb not come3md fo mall tDe pjincelTitf in perria5b4i?cdiairapeliUewpret)iitoalltDe upngejs p^incciS, wDctDep Deare of tDf tf bebe of tDequene, tDus< ilball tDere arpfe to mocD bcfpitefulnesi^ w?atb . 3f itplcafetDcupng tDecfo^c , lettDete goacommaunbmftftom mm,9 let ft be w?itteacco?bing to tbe Iawesi of tDe }Sernan0anb^)ebianjS(anb notto be tranfgreu"cb) fmitty come nomojc bcfo?e Rpng3EDafueruj2i,giiet?ftinggcueDcrtting= borne \mto anotljeMDat ft better tDenfbe. 3nb wben tbiiefconmiaundement of tDe bpng C wDicD malbe made) 10 publiifceb tbo= rowoutallDtecmpirefwbpcDi0greate)ail wemen (ballbolb tljcic DufbabejS tn Donoure botD a mong great anb fmall. AMI tmtt %th ^ •MxmiiiU Jfcf.tnuii.1.. IB H W pleated tDe bpng 9 tljc pipneeft ano tDe bpng bpb acco^otug to tbewo?b of4})c mucan. jfo^Dcfcntlettersi fojtb in to alltljc bpngcsiljlbcsi.intoeucrplanb.acco^bpngto tDcWiptiugtDcrof ,»to cucrp people after tDeirliSgtiage.^cuapmanfluilbcbclo^iit DWawiicDoufc.3nbtDi0caurcdbetobcfpo= Ren after tbe language of W people. cmci, tljc fonncofCiSa maof3emtiu,wlj!cbwa0carpedawapefc6 3erufalem, * vm jelionia tljc bpng of 3u= da was led awapc , ( wljom j,^abucDobono= ?o?tljc kpng of jSabilohcaepeb tbcncc(t be mwtfljed l>ibaffa : tljat is eftber ) DtS Ancles baugDtcr : f ot flje bad nether fatber noj mo = tljcr, anbujc wasaf.jpic^bcutpfull dafell: wljo JiWardocDcuS (wljcljec fatljcr gsmotljer was bceojccceaued Mi DiSawue baugDtcr. $0 ft fortuned tljat wDcn tDe Itpngcsl commaundcmctuconumonwaspiiblimeb, and manp damofclS were bjougljt togctber in tbe cite of ^itfan fcndcc t\)t Ijaudc of l^a= gci.€ftbcr wasbiougljtalfo mito tlje hyn= ges ljoitfc Wilder tbe Dano of fyagei tbe Ucpcr of tbe women, 9 tljc damfell plcafed Dim . and ujc foundefauoure inDiSfpgDt. 3nd.Dccau= fed omamcntcS to be gcucn ljcr 5 focb tbpn= gesas belongcbto bee, anb appopnteb Dcr ffiicncolpcdamfcIS outoftDcUpngcS Ijoufc, (jfauourcd botbDceandljcr gcntpUwemcu fingularlp in tDe Doufc of tljc, wemen . 3iSiit I 1 1 h i, *i ■ jf tcrtbefe actcj* bpb f bpnge 3E lin = fucru0 promote fyaman tbc foiiite of 3inabatlja p aigagit c, $ ft t ty m , &pe, fcfctbptf feat about all p pjfn* cc0 tbat be bab witbbim. llnb ail tHe ftvii^ gmwMt&Slfttt wmin tbc bpngc0gate, owebtbeitbnee sf.ntib wojibpppcb laanta": rtytbcbpitgbab fo eommaunbeb coccrnpng binuSut&Jarbocljcutf boweb not tbc fence, auD wojfyPPPcb btm not. 1£bcn tlje fepngctf fcruatmtctf uibpcb were in the bpnge* gate, fapbe Unto &?arbocbcu0: wbptranfgrefleft: tO on tbc Bpnjjc.d commaimbmcnt<3nb wb£ tbcpfpabetbu0baplicwttoljim,bcfoloweb t pern not , anb tljcv f oibcfyamnn > tbattbcp mpgljtfcjjow HDarbocbcttf matter^ wolbc enburc : m be bab tolb ttjem , tbat be wa0a ** 3ewc.3Cnb wben Hainan fame, tbat 4$av> ^ bocbcu0 boweb not tbe fence tmto btm , no? wojiwppebbim.ljcwatffuilofinbignacio, anb tbougbtit to Ipttcllto lapc banbetfone* Iv on tt?arftoc&eti0:fo? tbcp bab tbe web tym p naclfi of ^arboebcutf, wberfo.tcbe fougbt to befrrope all t\)t 3c wr 0, tbat were tbo? w out tljc wbolc emppje of 3bafueru0 , anb tbat were of tbc nation of &)arbocbcu0< 3ntbt fpjftmonetbC tbat i0 t\)t tnouctb Bfflaftto tbctwclucrb pcarc MmaZte* fuerufl fbepcaftl&bur(tbati0alott) before Damon from bape to bape , anb from mo= netbtomonctlj.tQtljctwclnctljmonctbtbat istwmmttyWmt- 3nb tyaman fapbe ton* to bpnge afoafncnisf: 'fcijcrcwijcrr a people Ccatercbabzobcanb btfpcrrcbamog ailpeo= C pleiualltbclanbc0 of tljpnccmppte , atbcp bauctbcirlawc0concrarpfrom all people,* bonot after tbc hpngc0 lawrtf, nctijer 10 it tljebpngcg pa= man tlje fonnc of 2&mibatba tlj2 % gagite t&e 3ewe0enempc.a;nbtljc bpnge fapbe tmto Ijaman.- Ut t\)t fpluer be geucn tbc , anb bo witlj tbat people a0 it plcai'etbtlje. X> . m were tbc kpngc0fcrpbc0 talleb on **nuQf ptbtrtcntlj bape of p fpiftmotK$K'**mm anb tberc wast rojftteucnecoj&fttff aa foama" eommaunbeb; Witoall tlje bpngc0 officcr0 ? to tbe captapm* tbat were in all tbc lan* DcjS , anb to tl)t cnlar0 of eucrp people in tbe countrepesl on cuerp fpbe , accozbpng: to t\yz txuptins of eucrp nation, anb after tpeir vU fltiage, in tbc name of ftpnj 3bametud m& it wmtm anb fealeb witl) t()€ tynm rpn= gc . Tfmtte ttuptpnses; were fent bp poftea into all tbc Hpikcs lanbeitf , to rote out , to bp» , anb to octtrope all3cweie(, botbpontr 9 oite, E Ijplb^en 9 mmm in one bape(name= eftlitr ^atbotljtws ip vpontbc tbitfentb bape of tbc tttclnetb monctb, tobpebisi tbc monctb * 3Ibar; a to *««*»«. (poplctbcirffoobctf. 7l WW wajs tlje fummc of tbc w^ptina , f tberc ftmlbc be a comaunbement ccnen in oil lanbcjji.ano publifiljcb \>nto all people , that t))ip ujulbc be teai3p agapnfttbc fame bape. 3lub tbc poftctfuwnttn nUf baft,atco^bpii(t to tbe UpnaoS coni;maunbcmcnt.3nb in ^u fantbccbefccPticuiaflitbccommaunbcment beuifcb.anb? ftpiisfrlpaman fatejb^ltlte: wban in tbc mean t tpmc tl;c cptic of ©nfnn wagbifquietcb. CEbciiii-Cbaptcr. bat it were, wberfo^e lie bpb f 0. £>o teatbat wet fojtb to a.)arDocbcu0 vmto ti)t ftrctc of $ ep=. m, 3Wk w««l before tbe KpngeiS gate. Slnb ^arboebi:ujtf tolbc bint of all p ban t)apueneb MilnMft of tbe fummeof fpi= mtjmmwto mmm to wepc bourne mtop npngeis trea;furp , becaufe of £3cwetf pf be wolbe beftt-ope W(%ty gane l;pm tbc coppe oftbeapnactfcommaunbcmciif , tbat waSbcupfcbat'Ssuran.tobcnropctbe.tbat ijermgbtfljcwcitl'iutoCftbcOaotofpealte to bcr.anb cbargc Ijcr, tbat ujc Qjulb go in to m Bpng,anbmakcbcr p^apcranb fuppnca= ttontjntobim foxier people. Zn\) wbj Iwtbatb came tn,bc tolb eftber l(r tlje woibe^ of 4iMrbocben0 . 3flnb ac^apnc, c Cftbcr fpakc \wto mmtU eommaunbeb bimto fape t)ntoS)arbocbeusi: all tbe ltpn= gefi! feruauntc^ , 9 m people in tbc lanbetf Aft tbe ftpnge, ftuo we tbat wbofocuer commetb Witbm tbc court t)iito tbc ftpng,wbctbrr it beman 0? woman, wbpcb«Snotcallcbico=" maunbment net, p t be Cime (ball m > cjrcepte tbe €ftljer. 5lo tbe lipngc bolbe out tbc goIbenfceptcPlDnto v» Jtm ^*'»» ' o'« c » or gedtwunico; f oz ti)cn be (ball Ipue. ^0fo,inie,3f)auc not bene callcb to come into tbe lipng noit) ttyti fbp^tic bapeji. 3lnb t\)tv cr rtifpcb ufan,anbfa(rpeforme, tl;at pecaf not anb bjpnftc notin tb?e bapctf, netberbape no?npfibt.3anbmp bamofelss will faft Ipbewifc , anb 10 will3gointo tbc k^ng,wbtcbtl)iugpet,i0tontrarptotbcco= maunbment:anb pf 3 pecifoej perilbc.^o ^arboebcus! wcutbt^ wape , % opb all tjjat < Cftbcrbabcommanubcb btm. C^bctJ.Cbnpter, C (£fH)cecnttoi) htctljrhjmg anOl^BBrtljft^tw nut) '-fomw to a fcaft.Staman pjepareibagnb louftfojfW ibMDtue. l!.0b on tbe tbp?be bape it foituneb, tbat €ftber put on bcr ropail appa- IrclU ftobe in tbc court of tlje Bpngcg palace wit bin, ouer agapnft p Bpngciel tjojjfc. 3nbflje Itpng fatctopon bttf copall fcatc in tbckpngc0 palace ouer agapnft tlje gate of tlje |)oufc . mn wben tbc Bpng fa we eftljcr tbccmcnc ftanbpngiit tht court, tbc founb grace in bptf fpgbt • 3nb t^t bpng bdbe out tbcgolbtm fecptertbatwassiu bwbanbeto^ waroc €ft!jcr . £>o eftljct fteptc fo^tb , anb toucbeb tbctoppe of tbe fecpter . 'Cljcii fapbe tbe apnge ^nto bcr : tDljac ujplt tboti quenc 13 ©ftbec-'anb wbat rcqup^cft tintf afBceucn tbcbnlfe of tbe empire , anb it ujall be gcucn tbc . ^nbeftbcraufWcicb . 3f it plcafc tlje Upng.lcttbcKpngslnamancometbttfbavt \>nto tbc bancltct , fljat 3 banc pdepareb fo? Ijpm .inb tbc ftpng fapbe : caufe toamanto malic baft , tbat be mape bo ajSCftbcc batb fapbe. Sjo tftc Bpng 9 Hainan came to tbc ban= Uct p €ftbcc tjab picpareb, 9 tbe Bpng fapbe \)ntor* Itt no man come m witbtbebpngVntotljcbantbcttbataiebaD p^cpareb.c.i'ccitc me, 9 tomojow am 3 bib* ben Dnto bcr alfo w.tb tljebpug . 26ut in all tbt0am3nottattffpcD,a0l6gca83fe^ai: bocljeu0 tbc Jcwc fpttpngc at tbe Bpngc0 gate . ^m fapb ?arc0 ^ w^'fc anb alt M fr§be0 tjnto btm : ILettbcmmabeagalowfc of fpftpe cubitc0 ^z , anb tomujouo fit afee tbou lonto p bpng , tbat a)arboebcu0 ma pe be bangeb tbcron , 9 go tljoit in merelp wprb tbe bpnge unto tbc banehct. %nb toamatt wad wci content wltb altf caufeb tbcgalo- we0tobemabc. C5riJc\3{.Cfjaptcr. CabChvngtutucti) ouer t.'ic ClwmwlcB * frnWib t-)C fisritc oEA!a«io(l)fufl,4W3cJjc«8 to be lldD'tlljOSWUCC, tyeiamc npgbtcouio nottbe fttng flc= % pc , anb be eommaunbeb to bjpng tbc < !tiuonicle0anb ftoipes: wbpcbwbcn tbcp were rcb before tbc bpngrbcp bappc* neb ontbculaccwbcrcitwas v»iptttn,uow * ®)arbocoen0 bab tolb tbat TSigtbtina anb *^«n»«-a* %toa& p bpnge0 two cbabeclapnep C wind) bept tlje tb?clbolbc0 ) fougljt, to (ape bbo i0 in m courte/ ( foj ^5 laaman t»a0 gone into t^t court wptbout before p btnge0 bonre, tbat be mpgbt fpcabe Tontotbe bpngeto bangc&)airbocbcu0on)? tre (tbat be bab pjepar eb fo> bpm . ) % lib tbe bpngc0 fcritauntcjJ fapbe l)ntobpm : bcbol- be, laaman ftanbetb wttljout in tty cowu 3nb p bpng fapt»:Ictt)im come in.^nb wljcn l^amancame m, tbc bpng fapb twtobrm: wbatCballbcbonc\)ntotbcmau,wbomtlje p Bpnge \jolbefapnc btpngctmto wo?Oiipa pef^amantbongbtin bt0bcrtat)bom bcfp= rctb tlje bpng to b.zpng tonto wojiijippc m o-- rc tben mc^3B nb Xiantan anfwereb tlje bpng C let m man wbo tbc bpng pleafetb to tying Ditto wo?ujtppr,bebiougbtbptljer, tbat be mape be arapcb witl) tbc ropail gannentcj* wbicb tbe bpng \jfctbto wearc: 9 t^bo^fc p tbe bpng rpbetp Dpon , anb fiat tbe crotxme ropail 3|aman »,' ft . i 1- I Mi,* I 1.' d <- ■ II tin** F a I; H..t ■ i * * ™ i . H 1: 1 i ; r opail mare be fet Wj5 bWecb. 3nb let ti>t'se tapmtint anb |)D?fc be bclpucreb toibcr tbe &anb of one of tbc ftpnges p;f net * ,tbat tbep mapeacaperbeman wltball ( wbo tbebpng tSbtfaofcb to b?pngto bonoure) g carp (jpm W t|ie bo?fe tbo?ow toe ftrete of tbe cptic, a"b p?0clapmcbcfo?e Dim: tbuSCbaltitbc bo* ne to itye man, Whom tbe bpngc plcafctbto typngtofeonoure. 3&nb tbe fepng fapbemtafee baft, anbfahe astbonbaftfarbc, tbcrapmentftbc bo?fc: anb Doent fo totto &)arbocbr itttttyjmtd frttetb before tbe ferngeSgatc, $ lee nothing faplc of all tbat tbou baft fpohcn.'Cbcntohe ftaman tberapment $ tbcoo?fc, anb arapcb •a CQarbocbru*, Sb u? ought bim onbo?fbacbe tbo?ow tpe ftrete or f cptic, anb p?oclapmeb befojebim : eucntbuSfljall it be DoneWito p man wbo the fepng iSbifpofcb to bonouee. anbtfBarbocbcua camcagapnetotbc fepn= ;e$J gate , but $aman gat ppm bomefo all ? laft in our np nge bare beaocb , Sb tolbe ?a r cS ii0 wpfe anb all tyfl f retiDcjet , eucrp tbmg £ |)ab &a ppeneb bim.'Cbcn fitrb bis tor fe men anb jaceS bis wpfc bntobumjt rf be aman,*bcbP* hangcttontbc gailoufc, tt>t)pt!>(;c bJPjJitpwtcfojrtJniDWbtiiB. #btbc bpng atro^aman came in to tbe bancbet tbat quenc$ftbec nab p?cparcb , anb tbc bpng f«rb tonto @ftber on the feconbe oavc at t\)c bancbet of wpnc: what istbp petfeion (quene<£ftbrr;tbatit marc be geuen tW 3nbwbatrcqup?cft tbourgee, afheeuc"balf oftbcirmpp?c,$itlbailbebone.3nb€ftbcr t^t queue anfwercb.G fapb;3f 3 baucfounb grace in tbr fpgbtC £> bpng; anb pf it plcafe tbebpng.tbcngranntme mrlrfeat mvto* fp?caribmppcoplc,fo?mppet(clonSfabe:fo? we are foI0c,3$ mp people, tobebeftroreb, to be (larnc 9 to periflje . 3CnU ujolb <5oH we wcce (blbc to be bonOmcn anb bonb wemen, 2o tben xoolD 3 boiu inr tonge:5f 0? tbeencmre ponbictbaottbebrnse^bacmc^beUrnge 3bafuerujsanft»creb,anbfar'oe^nto queue €ftber:tt>boWber3nbU)bere(jE(be,^barre fttefttme (n ty& mpnbe , to bo after f mancri 1 3nb&ftberforb:tbcenempcanDaDUcrrarp ijStbi'Jfwicacb^aman. !9 tber coucccb i>ainantf ^& face . ainb parboil a one of tbc cbSbetlapnrtf tbat ftobe before tbc ftr ng » farbe .- Bebolbe, tljcre ftanbetbagalowesi inlrjamantf bojifc frfticcubptcjS \)n , \»bpcb be bab mabefo* ^arbocbcutf.tbatfpaHegoobfonbefepng. ^beapugfapbc-.fiang \)m\ fberon. ^>o t^ bangcb l^aman on t\)c galotoctf, tbat be bab mabc fo? a)arbocbeuj3E . -CbCtt t»as( tbc ftp- gesi^atbpacificb. CCbe.Wti.Cbnpfcr. CaftcrtbcfiectboI&mnanlemirBcKlKiiorr.iItcb, •no tbennrctijfc comfo?t.ib!c letters fciitbntotije l^efamc bapc bpb Rpng3lbafue= 3 rujfgeue tlje boufe of fyaman itbe 3ctX)C£< imempc , bnto queue <£ft= ber. 3nb &«= «<. bp tt)ii0D«Iacctiittokcit oi'ijtartoufiKflO %ty\\ tofe (£ft- 26 ber,anbftobebefo?cfbc apnge, anb farb : rf jt pleafe tbe brng, j pf 3 bauc founb grace in w frgbt , anb pi it be acceptable before t\\t bpnge, tben let it be t»?pt« , tbat t¥ letter** of tbebeupceof Barnaul tbefonncof^ama- batha tbe^tgagite, mape be calleb agapne: wbreb lettersi be iw^otc , to beftropc tbe 3e= pc&tt>bicb arc in all t\)t tmmtUMfkm botu can 3 fuffre anb fe tbc eucll , tbat mall C bappen bnto mp peoples O?bou) can 3 lobe . tjpon tbe beftruccion of tup bpnrcbf 3Hnb pbpngabafucrusffapb Mnto queue €ftber,^to#ar&ocbcug?3e\sje : HBebolb, 3 bauc geuen €ft|)crj5 boufe of (rjmna", \»bo tbcpbaue baiigeb tjpoa tre, becaufe be lapcb I)anb \jpon tbe 3ei»eitf. Xtowc pc alfo fo? tbe 3* wtf, a-ef it ipfteitb pou I tbc bpngcjf name, 5 feale it witbtbc itpngcflrpng (fo? t\tt twt= tpngc» tbat were wttcn in tbc bpngesi na» mcanbfealcbtioitbtbebpngctfrrnge, bucft & no man brfanulij^benwcre tbe bpngetf fcribc0 calleb at § lame tpme , cue" in f tbirbe tnonetb km monctb,tb people after tbcp? fpeebe, 8 to tlje 3et»csf ac= co^Dpngc to tbcpjiwfingcauD language: 3finb be w?ottc in $ binge 3Hbafucru« na- jncaubrcalcbitujttijtbcbpngcjKrmgc.^nb bp poftcfli tbatrobe bpon borfc&anb fropftc pong amicfli.fcnt be tbc \»?ptingcsf,\Mber in t\)z bpnggrauteb tbc3et»e«tf m wbat c'ptioi focuer tbep were ) to gatber tbcm felurtf to^ gctbcr.anbtoftanbcfoifbciripfcauDfouo rotcout,to(lape,(jtobcftropcalltljepovr)cr of tbc people aub lanb tbat wolD tcou blc m. uoitb cbplb?en anb wem^ano to fpoyle tbctr goob Upon one bapc in all tbc l5Dc$ of femur 3bafucnwi,nameip\jpo tbe tbr?tcntb bape of tbe twcluctb monctb, wljicb i# tlje mo= m fomc of tl)c w?pf pngc wasi , bow tberc (bulbc be a conunaunbmcnt'geue" in a 11 lanbctfanbpubliflbcbamogall people , anb tbat tbc 3cwc£( ujulbc be rcabp agapnft tbat bapcanb toauenge tbcm feluctf on their m* mpesi. Tint* fo tlje poitctf tbatrobe town tbc fojiftboifctf anb ^)ulcjf,mabcbaft with all fpeficto ejcccutc f binges wo?bc:$ f coniaiV bnneut was ocuifco in iSufan J5 cljcfe cptic. 4$nb 4l/arbocbeuiEl went out ^(Aomtucpa; m flimj from tbc bpngcinropall apparell of pclow anb wbptc.ano witba great crownc ofgolbcbcpngarapcbwitbagarmctoffpu beano purplcanb tbc cptie of &ufan ttiap febanb watf glab.-anb bnto tbe 3ewci3 tberc ?» was(comc>»(«»rt»)lpgbtanb glabne(Tc,tope anb wo?ujippc.3»alllanbc05 cpticiei, into wb(Uplacc0foencrtbcbpngejJwoibcabco= maunbemct rccbeb.tbcrc wajX iopcf mpitb, pjofperite ^ goob bapetf among tbc 3cwejS : in fomocb,tbat manp of tbc people tit tbc la- be became of tbe3cwcs( bciefe, anb tbc f care of tbe3ewcji! came >jpon tbcm, Ube ,i% Cbapter. C>Xt tJ)CMm:intmt)cm:utof tl;e\- iittn .KCfMiittcD.EOcjcnjco UcpcafcattD.tpc mecs memDMiiiKc of t ■ tbereb fltmi fogetber in tbeir tptM vov -■ tbinallplanbe0ofbpngc3tbarucr9,tolapc bauboitfocba$wolbcbotbcmeiicll,an&iio man coulbe witbltanb tbcm.-fo? tbe fearc of tbcmwntfcomeouerall people. 3nb all thc rtilers in tbc lanbeg.anbp^iuccs 1 t)tbins, J offtccr0 of tbe bpng.piomotcb tbe 3cwes, to? tbc Rare of 4par oocbcu© came bpo tbc. Joyft)arbocbeuai was gecatem tbchpngetf bonfe.anb tbe re yoitc of bim was nopfeo in alUaiibesl,howoeincreafcbaubgrcwe. !mm p3cwesfmotc all tljep? cnempetf ^ wttbafoacflaugbtcr.anbncwc^bearoyeb, anbbpb after tbeir wpllbnto fochcastocrc tbeirabucrfaric0.2lnbat^)uCinf cljcfe cp^ tie flew tbc leweS, anb beftropcb fpue bun= bietfi nmm flcwe |Dbarf 3lrtrm.3tribai,aDCiawatba, t\)t ten mm of ham* tbc fonne of l)ama= bataebcencmpeoff3cwc0!butonbisgoo= bestbep lapcb no baubeo.attbcf.unc tpme wa* tbe Bpmrccrtpfitb of tljcnotec of tljo- r fctbatwercflapnempcptcof &uf«m. 3tnb c U)c bpng fapbc totto queue £ ftficr. t be 3e -- wes banc flapne nb beftropeb finie bunDicf n men in tlje cpttc of &ufan ,* tbc ten foiuies, of toaman.tt)bat bane tbep bone thpnbe ft v in tbc other lanb cs of tbc bpngcr anb what tS tbp peficion.tbat itmarc be geuen tber oi what requircft tbon mow to be Oone.'igft her anf\i)creb:3f it plcafe p bpngc, let bim fuffrc tlicjcwcs tomo?owairotobo accoioptiffc BntotbiSbapeScommaubfment.thattbfp mapcbangl)amanstcn fonneS topfitbe tre. 3nb tbe bpngccbargcbtobofo.ab tbe com* maunDcuicntwasbeuifcbat&uran.ttbcp hansel) Ramans ten fonncs.jfo? the 3cwcs tbat were in .^ufangatbereb tbe frlucs to= getbcr.tjpontbc foiirtcntbbapc of the mo- tictb 3bar,^ flew tbzc moiety me tt&uti, but on tbeir goobes tbep lapcb no banbes. 3ESfo? tbc other 3cwcs that were in tbe bpnges lanbcs.tbcpcamc toget Uer.ab ftobe to? tbeir IpucS, ft\)tp mpgbt bauc reft from tbeir enemies : $ flew of tbeir enempes fpue nnbfcucntpctboulanb, howbeit, tbep lapcb nobabcsontbcirgoobes.^bisthep bpb 011 *-, tbe tbtrtentb bapc of tbc monctb^bar, anb ° on tbc f ourtcntb bapc of tbe fame mom tb rc= ftebtbep,wbicbbapctbcpbclbe t6 feafttngc abglabncflc.iSut tbc 3cwes p were at m* fan.caine together both on tbc thpJtcth bapc anb on tbc four tenth, anb on tbc fpftcuth bape of the fame thep rcftcb , anb bribe that bapc with feaftpug aub glabncs.^nb ther* fo?c t\)t 3cwcs tbat b welt in f milages anb Wiwallcb towncs.bclbc tbc four tenth bapc of the moneth 3Ebnr,wttbglabnctf anb fca- ftpngc , anb beptc bolp bapc, anb cucrp one fentgpftcsbnto another. $nt a)arbocbeus w?ofctbefcactes,anb fent tbe '»-7f ■ ^atbodjros lob r v 1 I" I •' S'iii { .* li i *■ ' *I* ft 1 j ft nt the w*it yngcs Dnto all the JeweS that w:re mall tbclanbcSo? Ryiuxc athafuerus, both nye* tun that f I)ev Mb matte a law among them fc littjff boloc the fouctctttl) So fiftftbdayc of themoneth 3bae , asp oapcS ^ wlKrin the lewcS came to reft €c6 their cue= w mpeS , anbaSa moncr I) wherfn their paync wastucncbtoioyc,9tbcirfo;ioweintoaDo* ly bayc, $ tlmttn tnofc ha yes the** flmlo ma* RcfcaftcSanbgladncS,* one to ienbcgpftcS \»ito another,? to biftributc "onto the poo2e< 31m) tfic 3c wcS were cStcnt with it p tftep Imd begonne to bo,anb p &>arboche> wjote \)iitotl)cm:lio\»tl)ati)amS the fonnc of i^a* fnaoatfia all rftc 3cwcs enemy, haoDcuifcb apinft £ 3c wcs.how he might beftroye the" abcaufcbtocaft0hnr(thatiSaiot)fo2to put them in four,? to bipng the to naughts nowtyefter wcnt,andfuaRctotbc hpngc, £ rftojo we Icffcref Ijttf wicftcb dcu pcc( which Dc pmaginebagapnftp3cweS) myghtbc tur= neb \)po lusawnc heed, $ how hec g ijtjes foil' lies wercbangeb on the tre. #02 the which can fc they calico this baye plmrim • uwanfc of the name of thclott, Sb oceanic of all the woibcs of f biS w Jiting:* what I hep the" f el* ucobabfcnc,*wbatbabl>ippcncblontotbc. -ff ftnbtbc3cwcSfctttty),andtoliiCit\)p6 tbciinanb their fcde.ad Upon all tis$i$tttt* neb them felticShntothcm.tliatthcy woloc uotnuffebutobferuethefetwo bayrjS yetc* ly.accojbyngc as they were wjy ttcu anh ap popn tch, how that thefc bapesarenotto be f 02 gotten, but to be Hepte of cbilbcrs cljtlbic amengallKPnrcbcSinalllilbcsandcpricS. Chey arrthe DapcS of phurim , whichaic not to be ourrflipf e among the 3f wrS, & the mcmouall of them ought nottopetiflbcf to f ftn'r fche. 2fnb queue £fthcr the ha lighter of 2tbi= hail anh €fc)arbochcu* the 3cw w?otc to* all aucto2tte( to confirmcthiOfeconDew^f tiitff of ^h»nm;auh Cent the letters *nf o all the 3cweSintbchnnb2cth« fciien anbtwentpc lanbeS of the empyze of ffljjftftotutf , n& fre> Ip anofapthfull wojdcS, to conftrmefhrfc bayes of ^hurim, in their tpme appoyntco, . acco2dpugeaS€tfardochcusthe3ew ?<2ft= her the quene hah appoynteh t\)tm.?tnot\)ty bounb their foule anh their fche to fading, $ pjaycr. Zno Cfthcr ttabliflhed the W02bcS w of ithffclotfcs,aSltiS written mtOcboftc. acnhtheftpnge^hafuerusiayeOtrpbute "bpon the lanhe.anb l)ponthe3lcSoftbefce. ainbflll that ftchphbphirf power anh aucto* ntr,« the great wo?(hippe of &)atbochcuS, which the tag gauehim.be they not wilt* tenin theCbJonpcleSof theupnges! of tip* htaanh^erfia<'jfo^<{)arhocheusthe3ewe was the fetonoeneict tmtp Kpng3HhafueruS antigreateamongthejewes, anh accepteh among themultifuhe of |)iSb?cth?e\as one p fchcth the wel^i of his people , nno Tp eafteth tljcbcltltyaUhpsfcbe. / CUhecnhe of the boHe of either/ f C€fiehokeof3loh» CSob<0p!^cttOfMHStom whence come ft thon^atjjan anfwereh the l,02h,anhfayhf : *3S«te go- **«•] ne about the lanhe.anh walcneh thozow it. aino tjic lo;thc faphe t)nto^athS:haftp not con no ere Dmpfcruafit3ob,howf there now Upon hym^fa ipao anh touch all that M he hath,anh he (hal curfe the to thy face.atnb thelMhe faybcnnto&atan : lo,alithat he mwtefn thp power : onely Upon bpm fclf c fethaitthoiilapenotthynehanhe.3inh^Da= tan went foath fra the pzcfcncc of the io*be. . |nhl)poacertapnhayeitfoztuweh,that * htffqiinesanb haughterS were eatpnganh DnneWng wpne in their elheftbiothershou- fe,anh there cameameffcngernnto3ob,ah faphc:U)hylctheorenwereaplowytig,anh the aflcs g oynge in the pafture befphe them, tbe£>abccscamc in upolentlp , anh toftc thS awape.'pce,they pane flaynethpferuauntes with i' l he ehgc of tlje fwca rh, anh 3 oncly'ra -- ne.my wape,to tell the. Wbpiw was pet fpcaftyng, there came another,anhfaphc.^hcfp ( JcoF<5ohiSfal!e fromheauen.anhhathbicntnpallthylhEpc anh fertianteS,anDconrumeD them: 9 lone* ip ramie mp wapcto tell the. 3no wjylche wasyetfpeamnge 3 therecameanother,anD fayhei^heCalhccSmabethzearmyeS.anh ^ fell m \jpo the camels, anh banc earych them ** awaye,yce, anh flay ncthpfcruaunteS*with the fwcarhc:anh 3 onely am gotten a wave, to tell thcatnb wljplc he was vet fpcahyng, there came another, anbfayhc ^hpfonncs anh thy haughters were eatpngc anh hzpnc^ Itpnge wpne in thcyiclhcft brothers honfe, anh ueholhe, there camea mpghtyc greate wynhc out of the fouth, anh fmotc the f ourc corners of thehoufc: which fell bpo thpchtl^ h^cn , anh thep arc hech , anh 3 am gotten a waye alone to tell the. ^hen3ob ft obc \)p,anb rcnthiS clothes, . anh (banco hpsheahc , fell hownc Upon the K flto"»rt , e,woi(hippch,anhraph:*i!iianchca, w ' B mc3outofmymothccSwombc ; anhnaUeh than 3 tmm thytheragaync. ^hc to?D ga= p» ne, anh the J,o?hc hath rafeen awaye--»; ecu at ft U'tto plenffO tlje Xomc ,tomt »mc to pairo blcffch |«»4c hcthenamcofthel.o?b.^3nallthefcthyu= • gcShph3ohnotontnDe,uermurmureOfoo. lylhU>agapnft©ob. CThe.il.Chapter. mocHcO of Opb «jpff,Z>p»frcno« topfpic 0rm7"uauc conipaRpon of Upnr vt * * mw mmmtimtif ©oh came anh ftohc bcf02c the Jto?Dc , anh £>a* tan came alfo amongc them , anh ___^ ftohirbcfozt the um . 3nh the 3L02hfayDcJnUo^»ata:jfrom whence com= ittcft.ehou.^atan anfwereh the iojbc, aim faphe:3hnuegoneaboiitthel5h,aiihwalc= Rchtho^owie. 3uot|ieJto?hefayheUnto^)afan:haftiJ notconfyhcrch nipfcruannt 3ob t fo* there $m% iSnonelphc him in the lanh . ifoz he is a per- fect anh iuft man.foch a one asfcarcf h©oh, ano etchncth eiiell,^ contpnueth ftyll in bys goblyneffc . ainh thou moueheft me agaynft „» him,y3fbulhepunpa)himfo2naugl)t.Anh^ ^atan anfwereh the 102b, 5 fayhc : ^Itytt foz fftpmie t pee , a man wyll gcuc all that eucrhehath,f02hiSlpfe.26utlapethynchaD now npon him, anh touch once his bone anh flew, anh he (hall curfe the to thy face. 3nbp lozhe faphe wito ^atan:lo, there ha ft tl;ou hym in thp power, but fparc hPS Ipfc. &owcntS>aranfo«hfromtbep2Cfcncc of the i02b,anb fmotc 30b with maruclouS fo?e byles.from thr fole of hys fote Dnto hPS crowuc : fo that he fat \jpon the grouh in the afmes, anhferapchof tljcfplthof hysfozes Withapotaierhe. ' . r 'SThcn fayhe hyS wyfc \jnto hym: * r>oft iv ob thou contpmic ptin thpperfcctucflcr curfe j*m ©oh * hpc.23ut 30b fiiphc nnto her : ^hou fpeaucftlpRcafolya) woman, ghhal wc rc^ ccauep2ofpcriteatthchaJihofaoD,anDnot rcceaucahHerftter *3»aUtl)cfcthmgcs,biD . Yrthl notlobfpnncwithhiSlpppeS. * J b j3ow whcn3obs frcnhcS'beaihcof all the trouble, that bappeneb \jnto hym , there came tii2c of them , euerp one from hps a wnc placc:namcly,eiiphasthe^:hcmanire,i5il hah thc^nhitcf jophahtheBaamatlHte. Stnhthcp were agreed together to come, n roujewe their compaffion npon him, anh to comfo2tchpm.&o when thep lyftc npthcpi epesa farrc of, they bite we mm not. Chen f hep crpch.anh wepte : % eiictp one of themretc hiSclotheS.anh fpipnckleDhuft Kpon tyept hrahrs in t))c nyie . fhr p f.ic flic" hownc bybymaUo\3ponthectroiinhc feucn haycSaith feweunpgliteS. pettier was tberc anp of them that ipakc one woihe unto hym -.f 02 they f awe, that hys paync was \) c - rp greate. CEhe.iij Chapter. COcttwoMofJob, tbljmn be Ofrhtrrrft tbat thpe incfcut ipfc ps inpfcMMt - anb Hut tbr Bfctbof tijc rpgijtcttcoro lopouft'aub fo: ; tiittablc. ^Fter this opened lob his mouth % anh^r curfehhpShapc . Mo %* 3ob anfwereh , anh fayhc •• loft ^* be that hape, when" 3 was bo2= — ^_J ne, ano the npght , in the which it was faphe : there isa man chylhe coucca= ueh- ftje lame hape be turneo to harcltcncS, anhnotrcgardchof©ohfromabouf,nrtl)cr lett hym ftjyne \jpon it with lpght,but let it be ftapnch with barcaueffcanb the ftiahowc of heath, tet the hpmmc clout --e tall lipon it, anh lett it be lappch in with fo2owc on the hape tymc . £ct the harchc ftojmc onercomc that npght , anh lett it not be iopneh Unto $ the .n.U .b .0 Si f: i .1 i 1 i m 1 ' * v ' ! I * l» », r If, - 1 #ymj$M tbc]wciSoftbcpcflrc,ttcecountcbmtbemo ttctbcs.£>f folate be tbatnigbMno without tiabnefle, Ictttbcm that curfe the bapc, aim that be reabpja rapfc bp mounting >geuc it alfo their curfe. let the itarretf of that night bebwnmctbo2owbarckitcffcofit.ictitIo» 2 ftc r f °* l Vfi*t» b»t left it fc none , nether * tbe 2o r pjr iiflc up oftHe fa we moiupnge : becaufe mm »ot bu r|jp wombr that Dare me . $ oi then fyulDc tljcfc fojowes haue bene bpb era mpne eyes. 3las,*wbpbpcb3notin£bpitb<'tt>bP bpo not ipcrpib , nSfoncnS3 came ontcof mp mothers wombc r Klbyfcttbeptne bpo their ft nee*.' aibpgane thep me fuck with mm IgtejH fben (btilbc 3 now haue lyen ml 3ibulbcbaucfleptc,anbbcnc atrcfte, Ipkcastbc kyngcS aiiD Io^DcjbE oE tbccartbc, which ha«c uuplDcb them fclttes fpecial pia* ccs .Gi as t bcpipnccs that Daue hah grcatc fubftauncc ofgolDc, anh thep* boufes f ull of mm, &i wbp was 3 not bpb,asa tbpnge bojncoutof tpme, ether aSpongecbpii&jcn, i<^ which tinier fa we the lights Sbctc mud C the mfato cealTe from tbcp? mmw , anh tberfocbaSarcoucrlaboiirebbeatrcft:tbcc mtmu left out frc, which banc hciic in mem , 10 that thep heart nomoicfbc \iopce 1 the oppicflbtirc. -ft here are fmall 9 swat, anh tje fcruaunt is frc from bpS matter. ulherfo^ctiBithelPghtgeuentohpmthat S m mpfcrp .'anh Ipfe bnto them, that feme bcuy bcrtcsf i (inhpeh longc f 0? heath ( anh $sj-thoiiflhttcomcnot)^s»wolhchpjtffttoufc 3D of hph places which alfo wolDcbccrccDpttg fllao anorciopce, pf tbcp coulhc fpnhc thep* graticanpwhcrc.'fcbatujiilbbctopctotbat $cr mob thep pcri^anh 4l with the b?cth of m naftreis are thep con* fumchawapc.^:heroarpnciofthelpon,auh the\)opccoethel;!»on^theteethofthelvontf whelpcsare pull eh out.the Ipon pcriniheth fo.i]ackc of ifttft, anh the ipoS Whclpcs arc fcaterehahfiohc. 3nh wito me came the wo^hc fecretlp , $ twite earc hath nrceaucth a iptellthcrof ! , in the thonghtes anh bi frfij* of the nisht ( A C ucpe commeth on men )! care camebponme, f »° i^fhc , which mahe all mp hones to Oja- be. ^he wpnhcpaflch hp, before mmkto ce.anhmahethchearesofmpfleibtoftanhe W if)e ftohc thcre,nnh 3 knew not hps face, aiipmafietherwaSbcfojcmpnecpes,anhin the ftplneffc hcarhe 3 a \jopce. * ^^ ^>hall -b« man bemojeiufttban atth*in^e hpsnunojeis thcr wasfolp. ^owmochmo= *a® ( M rcmthcmthathwcllinhoufc-sof clape, anh * 58" I f °»»5«cpcin ifi but ouft: which OKiIbf I confumch astt were wiiha mm t thep ! inaioeimittcn from the mojnpncrctjnto the i cucnpnff^pecthcpihallperpibfoKuer.whJ uomanthtnckcththeron.3Snottheirropal 3 tpefloncawapewiththe:thep(balhpetcu= lpe,anhnottnwpfhome, ' rw * rMW | CUhf.b.Chapter. ff r c pW£the)pfhaplpe^ there he anp that wpll anfWetc the , ana lohe thou \)pon enp of the holp m en,3S f o? the foolpu) [man, hifpienfme kpllcth bpm, SEEKS? ** wcre fla ?" ,c » mmSm i frft^!l 0n i )l " m,to ^^««thf.*Whar= «nw«H "2 ?a ca ten bp of the hunfirp, a the w i ' RSSSSlP^ 'V nD f Wurftpe SS- S^ffiSffi: 3t . * wife «w fir SHfi afifSWK • »tetherc5metbfo= % ,2ffS rc!)£ m i ^ ' marueil© wpemthatbeoflowe hep;re,ahthattbofe im>,,x which ; w^ebare(jt JetipneOe map come lo pxoQie» rite.©e;efttopeththeheupceSofthefotpU, fothjttheirhanhesarenotabletoperfo^ne # i,tfw.w.'flnpftehtofttbing.*i9econtpafetbtbewpfc mtheirawnecraftpne^.anbouertteowetb the counccll of the wpckeh . 3n fomoche that . cweprtttwieotr '" J ~ 1 w,s ware whehehatbgraOe/'^ whenhehathfoherpnoiigh.' ^vm, w ,,u Vl » Waucrp,(baltitbeeatenw(thoutfaltc,o2 that <5oh wold bcapmie anh fmpte me : that he wolhe let hps hanhc p, anotakemecleanea wape. *%wn fbulbe us Jhatie fome eomfoife : pec, 3 wolhe hcfpie »pm in mp papne , that he fbulbe not fpare, M3 WW not beagapnft the woibes of the holp one. ^&J*totpmtti)an3to enhure Mm what is mpne enhe, that mp foulc mpcrfct be pacient i 3Smp ftrensththe ftrenath of fto= m#f®h tSmpfiecb ntabeof bpafot 3s it potfopthere iSinmenohclpe:anhtliat mp {uhftattnee iStakenfromme. fee that is in tribulacpon ought to be comfoitcb of hpfcC nepflhbour:but the feare of the loih is clca^ m awape . ^pne a wne bicthieu pade oner bpmeas the water biooke.anhasthc rputc of water,ho haftelp go awape . z5ut thep thatfearcthc.l)02eltoft,fhcfnowc(baUfaU vponthem. WUhen thepitpme commeth, thep Ojalbc heftropeh anh perpuje : when tbep be felt on we-thepujalbe remouch out of thepj place, Wpathesthatthepgoin.arccrokeh : thep haffeaftcrbapnethpnges.anhiballpctpm. ^hep tnrne them to the pattcsof «rma», anh to tbe wape* of &>aba , wherin thep ba> m ue put their truft.donfounhch arcthepthnt puteiipconfphenceinthem.irojwhnnthcp come to obtapne the thpnges that thep loke w.thepare bioughtto confnfton. euenfoarjpeairocome>jntome:butitow thatpe fe mp miferp, pe areafrapeb . BpD 3 oefpie pou, to bzpng bnto me. 01 to gene me enp of potirefubftauccfCobclpucrmcfrom the enetnpeSbaiiDcono tone me from the tranpeof tpjitiintrft 1 ^eachemcano 3 wpll OoiDcmptoiige:anhwhan3bocrrc,QirtDc me whertn . loo w ftehfaft are the wozbes of treuthanhwhichofpoucanrebulicanbrc-- piouethcm^o pe take bcltbcracpo to check mens fapinges,anh iubgc a po«ic wo ibc fuo= keninbapnc.'gcfallbponthcfatbcrlcsanD goabout to oucrthiowc pour awnc frt nbe. 3nhtherfo2ebccontcnt,anblokcnow\)pon me, anh 3 wpll not Ipe before ponre face, yurne (3P?apepou) beinhiffcrentinhscs, fume fttrn*\tot* Ai^ Mft n,,%iir...^,.-i„^ D 1 .- turneagapne, anh pciball fe mpne wigpiti* ::Whetherthercbccnp\)nrightcounieae nelte: mmptong, wbapne woiocsinmp mouth. C5Tbe.\rti.(tbapter. fgjff** •■ "»* W* i6 "«t a batapllt oj 3Cthman>*anpcerfapntvmc\)po^ eartber * Slrenotbps bapcsalfor^r «**.* Ipkc f bapes of an hpieh feruaut.^ p w * JfoMpkeasa bonhc fcruaunt he* mm tbe (bahowe , anh as an ^ ij bP^elpnge job 3100 3fo,crb, -. V * job.fr .c < i , ■II II ■ 1 \i it ■ h 8 ' •' : I*! - ■Vfc' n topjclpnge Wolbe fapnebauc an cube of Jjvjs wokrc ©tic" fo bane 3 laboureb wbolc mo= tictocsi longe ( but fit Uapnc) anb ma \\y a ca= «om«iw«.g rcfiiH night bauc 3 tolbc. * tiUtyn 3 lave mc JJ0VD11C ItO flGpc,3Kipf : ® WWfMjiti&i 3&snpne,3 longcb foje f o? tbc npgbt.3 "D in t^c meanc tpmc am 3 full of fo?o wetf ton* 25 tpll tbe t wpipgDt . ^ v flcHi t'jat clotlicD txittl) womicganbbuftoftbccartl):mpfBynnci$ witbcrc b, anb become hojtybic, *mp bapesi paltcouennoje fpebelp , tben a writer can weeue outbto webbe- anb arc gone o? 3 am aware . tiDrcmcmbjc , that mpipfe is* but a wynbe , anb tbat mync epc (ball nomoje fe plcafurr0tbrrof,vee,$tj)atnone other meitf epc mail fe mc cup m ok . fl oi y f tbou fatten tbync epc Upon mc, 3 conic to naught ,#(je cloubc tjs confumcb anbUanpffbcb awapc, ciKiifo he that goctb bourne to tbc graue, So* eerflwll comenomoje up,ncrturncagapne into hr^ Iioiife ncti)CF Qjail bP# place knowe bptncnpmojc. C 1T(ici;fo.ze»3 twill notfparcmpmoutb> but wpll fpeake in tbe trouble of myfpjetc ,anb mnfc in tbebptternefle of mpmpnbc. 3m 3 a fee ot a wbalfpm.tbat tbou kepeft mc fo in wcfotif TOcn 3fapc:mp bebb mall com* forte mc . 3 ujall bane fomctcfrcfmpngc bp * s»ai«,(M talcums to my fcifc upo mp couebe ^fjen tr oiiblfH tbou mc unto tmmntH , 5b makeft me fo afrapcb tbo2ow Uifion&tbat mp lou» IcwtufoctbratbcrtopcrifbanbDpc.tbenmp bones to remapne. t) 3canfcnorcmebf , 3malllvucnomo l K: O mm mc tbcn.fojmp bapess arc but Dap* ne.ivijattsfman.tliattljouijaftbpminfoclj rcputacpon,* fertcftfomoebby ftpmrtftoo Utfyteii npm carlp , anb cucrp bapcfobrnly ^Gci!.trii.rtboffttl[iou*trpcbpm. SKHviiM Xttyppcft tbou not fro mc.ncrlcttcttmc aloncf^- fo longe tpllj mapefwalow bo= v^ wncmy fpcflc 1 3 banc offenocb , aim wbat maU3boUntofbc,£>tDoup?efcruerofme7 UJ&Pbaft pmabc metoftanbelntbp wape, anb am fo bcup a bnrben Unt omp fclf .'tt)DP boeft thou not fojgcuc mc my fpmicrU)Der= fo?c taucfttljou not awapc mp wpekebnetf.' 2ScDolbc,nowmuft3flepcintDebuft,abyf tbou fekeft mc to mo?o w in tl)e moinpncr. 3 Cbalbcgone. rr *' 1 fiftfctti) Cljapter; «E3fob fs reptcftcnbcb anb ttofrb to baue ©tfeturt I)v»b papuc . 21 D ctrti pfpon of ppoctpfpe. li)en antarrcb 26albab f&mtytc, anb fapbe : looto longe unit tbou talbc of focbrjjpngejai; bot» longe mall tty moutb fpcalte fo p^oube UJo,ibe0f jBDotb ©ob perucrte the IHm t\M i% \MU\m DotD tDe almpgft- tpebeftwpctjjetDpngetliatprpgljtc $ii fcpngtljattDpfomt^ fpimeb agapnft D?m, bpbnotde pimpftjtbem foi ttcfi u>pctt>b = ne (fc/3ft!)ou u)olbi>ftnot»rcio?t Unto <5ob bp tpmctf , anbmalUe tftpnc bumble p?apev to tbe altnpgljtp: Vl' tlion UJOlbcft Ipuea pu= teanb a goblp ipfe : ujuibe be not n wauc up Untotl)eimmcb(atlp,anbgcuctl)e,t|)cbeuj= tpc of rpgrjtewcfiicffc agapne.^nfo moclje, tbat U)|)erc in fOcncr tbou babbeftlptlcafo= re,tbou(bulbcfltnoU) ijaue greate aboun= baunce . fttimmti 3 piw tbc)of tljem tbat (ant bcncbcro?c tjf , * anb fearclj biligcntlp amonge tljcp? fatljc rtf . Jf o? we ate but of ycftcrbapcanb con(Vb?c not,£ *oure bapc?i Upon wtl) are but a Uerp tyabotoc , &bau nottbcpaieu)etrje,anbteUtl)e,tec,a*bglab= ipconfcfTctljcfamc/' ^)avcarpfftcljicgtene toitljout mopft- ticlfe r 1 mmwtfa graffe grouse without wautf&o : butCo? cuec it be Qjot f oitihs o? euer it be gatbercb ) it UJitJercb , before enp otljcrljcrbc.euentogoetljitUJitftaUttlcm, tljat fo?getdoob:amb cucn tfm^aUb Qjall t!)e ppocritco" Dope come to mum . lopji conf y= bcnccOjalbc beftropeb , anbl)P0truft fbalbe afptbcrji ujcbbc. fee (ball leane\)p5btsi ljoft= fc>but it mall not ftanbe : Demallljolberjpm faft bp it,pct ajall it not cnbure. 3t ij( cue atf a grene tree bcfo?c ityc fonne.gt ibotetb f o/tb tDe tyatimDr* in rjp kx garben . 3t f akct^ ma= up rotegbp a well j pbe , in fo tnocb tijat it ixl Iphcanljoufcofftoncja!. iButpfitbctaBenoutofljpsJplacceucrp man benpetb it , fapengc : 3 fenoujc tlic not lo.tDug ig it toitl) lt)im,tl)at reioyfetl) in \0 aujnc bopngcji:anb a0 fo? ot&cr, t^cp grouie outoftbeeartl). 23cboib,(5obu>illnotcaftattJat>caUcr= tuoujSman.nctber wpll be bclpc tt)c Ungob= lp. 'CDp moutb mall be fpll witb laiigDing, anb tt)p ipppejs witDglabncffe . ^Dcp alfo f liatc tDe , maibeconfounbeb , anb t[)ebujel= imge of tDe tjngoblip mall come to naugljt. CCDe-tt.CDaptet. fl?i)b bctinctfij me bciiffptts of (Sob, ant) (bat maitncB rpsbtttocfiicfl la notbruse, i Cbaiifu3creb,gsfapbe:3 nnoti) lit itffo of a*treut|)c: jfo? Douj mape a man ( compareb Unto ©obj^bciuftifpeb.^eiJewm largiieuJitDljtm, ficirjaunotbe able to anfujet e fjpm t nto one amongea tboiifanbe . ConrernpngefocbajJ be ujpTe of Uerte , m mpgljtpe inTtrengtn, U)l;o cucr p^ofpercb , that tone part agalntt bpm/ toe tranflatetbtDc moiinfapnejS , oi euer tOcp bcamare ; 3t im tfjat oucrttao* ujctD them m ^ $at!) . fe r mbu th De i eartfje oute of Ijee place, ftat tyw* bcti)t|jefonne,anbitrifttNot:|ieclorctDup tDe 15 jfiob. Bfti * C S) 31 3|ob.iiii.MM niii.ttb.i ftoniJ.lil.c tMatte$, it were Unbeea (Vpeft. ?f)e him fclf alone fpjebctD out tbc Ijeauenjl.anb goetj tjpon tDe uiauesi of trje fee.loe mabetb Adp tlje wapncjSof Ijeauen^R tt)e ©?ion * tl)e tuition fciicn ftarresf, anb tDe fecrete place* of tije Court . ^ebotDsreatetrjvngejs,focl)ajiare UnfcarcDcable , pec , anb xuonbetfi witDoute itombu. ^ 3Lo , uoljanlje goetfj ouet bp me, 3 W\ * not fe l)pni . ^nb uj^an be bepartett), bpme, 3 ftall not loke trnon Dpm . 3 ftall not per=- ceaue Dpm.3f Dc be Daftp to tabe mv tDpnge aujapc, UJbo U)pll mafte |)im refto?e it agap» ±£tdtwiA ne.'dDj ^J w ? 11 m ? c ^ ,,Co tom*ratyit bo= SSr** eft tbou ( t |)e i* c5ob, wbofe us^atb no man mapcU3itbuabc:buttl)cp?onoeftofaUmua: ftoupeUnbcr bpm. I90U) ibulbe3tl)enan= fwcre Dprn.'siDj u?l>it ujo?be* ftnilbc 3 fV»= be outc agapnftDpm f £ec , tljougb 3 t»erc tpgljtcoujj , pet mpgrjt 3 not gcue rjpm one U)o,iOeagapne,but mebelp fubniptremp fclf toljpmagmpiubge. gf 3 Dab callcb Upon $ar Dpm.anb De Dab anfujercb mc: jar pet toolb 3 not bcleue,tl;at Dc Derb mp Uopcc:De trou* bletb me fo witb tDe tcmpeR, anb ujounbctb mc out of mcafure u>itljout a caufc. i)c uopll not lett mp fpjete be in reft, but fpllef I; me n5 bpftcrneu"c. 3f men wpll fpealic of ttrengtD , lo , Dc is (frongei'pf mm u»pll fpcalte of rpgbtcouf> ncsl.ttJDobarrcbc mp rcco?bc . 3f 3 uipll iu= 1 (^ ftifpc mp felfc, O'^mvaumc moutD fliall conbempneme : pf 3 topll put fo^tDmp fclf e f 0? a pcrfectc man , De mall pjouc mc a ujpc^ ueb boet . Jfai tDougD 3 be an innocent.anb (£ mp conference clcarc , pet am 3 weerp of mp Ipfe/. sDnc tbpng it isJanb tberf ojc 3 rapcb.l^e beftropetb botb tbc rigbf corn* anb Ungoblp. 3nbtoougbDcflapefooeulpu3itD tljeTcotit- ge^ct wpll be lau jbat tbc punpiDcmcnt of tbcinnoccut . 30 fo^tbc uwlbc , it id gcucn oiicrintotDcbanboftbcujickcb.anbbcmal cotter tbcfacejji of tbeiubgcjstbcrof.30itnot forUJbcreijStbcrecnp.butbeigifocbonc.'' *^)p bapctf arc mojc f wpf f e tljcn a run* ncr :t bepare gone $ banc feuc no goob thing. 'ftbep arc palfcb auwpe.agtbc mpppesi tbat be goob Unbcr faple.anb asi tbc acgle f flictD to t\)t p^ape. U)Den3 am purport b to forget mpcomplapmng, fo icaue of rrompuj^atb, anb to com f o^f c mp felfctljen am 3 afrapcb of all m^ towes", fo? 3 Imouw , tbat tbou U)plt not utbgeme innocent. 3f 3betbcna UJicucb boer, u>bP labourc3 m \japnc.' / 3f 3 Sj> ma(Dc mp fclfe toitb fnowc water, anb ma= <^ be mpne bSbejSneuer fo cleaner at tbc wel, pet malt tbou bpppe mc in tbe mpcr : anb fey ^c^mpne atone clotbetf mallbefplemc. -ffo? be tbat 3 muft gcuc anfwerc Unto , 3b witb wbom 3 go to la we , iii not a man a* 3 am. lietDtt i$ tDere enp oapefman to lape Jn# *3*Ma Danbebetweneu0.lettbpmtaUebp0roba wape fro me, pee, lett Dim maUc mc nomozc nfcapeb of bmt, anb tben mall 3 anfwere bf witboutenp fcare. 3to?ajJl6geajJitt0 tDujJ, 3 can mane no an Cwer e. CfcDexCDaptcr. Oob l» »»f«P Df DPS \£k > «no ft ftctb out hf » rcasptPtc bcfoic CBoo . 2je DcCpjetb tbc tpmc to cepcitt .a-ocftt)'pcpon of Dt at 17, 12:flrcuctDmpfoulctoIpue.3wpl % maue mp complapntc , anb wpll fpcaacoutoftDeUcrp bcupneffe of lmpfoule.3 wpll fape Unto 00b: £j bo notconbempneme , but mewe mc tbc caufc, wbf rfo?c tbou contenbeft fo witb mcf / CbincUe(ltbouitwcllOone,toopp?cu"cme, to ca ft me of( bepnge tbe woicaesl of tbp W be0)anb to maintepnc tbe counccl oftpUn* goblp < toafttbouftefmpepesi : 0? boeft tbou lobe Agfa man lokctb.'' :©? arc tbpbapcjl a0 p bapegofman.anbtbppcarcjsagmangipea* rejs r'tbat tbou makeftfocD inqutftcpofo? mp wtcHcbnctf,* fearcbeft out mp fpnne t wberc a%{ not witbftanbmge ; tbou Hno weft tbat 3 25 amnowpckcbpcrfon,anbtbat*tncretsno «&t« tms man able fo belpucr me out of tbpiie banbe. * 'EbPbabeslbaucmabc mc, anb faflfcioncb * wed. Itftou baft grauntcb m p Ufe,anb bone mc goob.anb t\)t Diligent \)thc tbat tbou to» keftUponmc,batbp?crerucbmpfp?ete. 'Sboubaft t)VD tbefe tbpngcg intbyne ,f 3 bauebonc wic : Ucblp , wo ist mc tbcrfo?c . t>f 3 Dane bone rigbteouflp.petbarrc 3 not lift Up my bebc: fo full am 3 of confufion.anb fc mpne a wne mtferp. 'Cbou bunteft me out( being in beupne.tf ) asi it were a lpon,(j troubieft me out of mca= furc&Dou b?yngcft frelb wptnelfe agapnlt me,anb tby w?atb increafeft tbou Upon mc, Ucrymanparcf plagcsi^3am in. *Ciaber= tfjoern* fo?e baft tbou brought mcoutc of mp mo= tberis wombef €>tbat 3 bab penf aieb, anb f no eye Ijab fene mc . £f tbcp Dab carpcb mc sd tomp graue ajironc a* 3 wasf bojnc , tDen Ibulb 3 be now.ajs tbougb 3 nab ncuct bene 3rc not mp bapctf feawe? iett bpm tben IcaucoffromeanblctmcaloHC,tbat3map cafe mpfclfca Iptlcafojc 3 so tbytber,from wDcme3lbaUnottiiriie agapneicucnto tbe iij lanDe • r job , I I ■ ■ I : i i l ^ - I : i i i ■ ■ i i t • * ■ :,t iff* : ,.Wfc ft If I i C 1*1 I % \\i ■• taut* of barclmefTc anb fljabotae of bcatb: pee, into tbat barca clowbp lanb aim fatty fljabowc, wljcrcaia ijSnoojbjc, but terrible feanajMntbcbarclmcfrc. C$bc.|«Cbaptcr. C:?oh pe vmnirtip rcpKlictmro of ftopbnr. flfob ft opbar tlje $aa« matbitcanb fapbc: &bulbc not 5c tbat mahctb manp wo?bctf,bc an* . fwerc tf £>bulb be flmblrtb mocfc be commc"beb tbcrin.'Sjbuibc men geuc care Unto else ouelp^bou wilt laugb otber men to fco?nc,anb dial no bob p mocit t^z again el mylt tbou fayc twto <5ob. tbe tbpng t&at 3 rahe in banbe itfpcrfecte, anb 3 am clcanc m tbv WJtf C) tbat ©ob iDolbe fpeabe ,811b open #a ipppctfagapnft tbc , tbatbe mygfje fbcwetbc(outofbt0fecretcwpfoomc)wbp 55 be rcwarbcrb tlic Double a$ be wag appopii* teb to bo : tben ujulbcft tbou anowc , p anb !)PS bzcbtb tbe bjcbtb of tbe fee. tbougbbe tunic all tbingejs t)p rpDe bow nc, dofe tbcm in, gatber tbcm togcatber , wbo wpll turne Bfttpm from bi^ putpofc/ =* (<)» wo mm &w im* to l;rm, tobp Coco t&ott fo.) 4-t.Kfg.tbib # j?m it iis be tbat knowctb tbe toanttcof SKI? «ieti:lic fcptb tl)e>^ wpclteUncffc hUo , ftnlDc 5KcMM.wi.f &cnottbcnconfib?ett> aifcapncbobp cral* Cfcfbbpmfrlfr.aiibmnnncwbomcigJpaca wpioc affegcoltc.Sf tbou babbeft nowc a rpgbt beet, anb Ipftcbft Dp tbpnc banbc$to= warbebpm: pf tbou wolbeftputawapc tbe wichebnetf wbicbtbou baft in baube,fo tbat no Wigoblpneflc b well in tty boufe. Itbcti m vgb'tcft tbou Ipft \)p tbp face witbout u5a= me, anb tben Onilbcft tbou be fure, anb banc tioncbctofeare. %$m (buibcft tbou fo&cttbv m(ftrte,f tbpncBc nomo^e Dpon it tben \jpon tbe i»a« tcrs tbat r nunc bp. 'Sbenibulb tpcreftbuc of tbvlpfc be as* clcarcag tbe nooncbape, anb * ) fp?pnjjcfo?tbasitbemo?nvna.'3:benmigb s: •^tcft tbou baue cof(«te , in tbebope tbattbon bec,u»bo hno= tDetbnottbcfetbpntffsfi' %Wmmt cal= letb pi cjvob , anb wbom^obbearetbi US mocbeb of bpid mpgbboure : tbe goblp anb innocent man tflaugbeb tofco?nc . (5oblp= nc)Si0alpgbtbfl)pprebiri ^berteidof tbe tp^ cbe, a nb isi ret f o^ tbcm to ftomble M poit.^be boufejS of robctfaiciii wealtUf p?ofperitc: anb t^tW maipciouflp meblc agavnft <5ob , bwjcii ujttltiout care , in tljofe tbvn= fictftbat^obbatbgeiienrpcbelvwitbfe panbe. u fflk m mm , anb tbcp man infourmc tm-M fonietf of tbcawe, anbtbepiballtcll tp- m tbe increace of tbe eartb,anb it fljall ftcttetbe.iD? tbe fpffcctf.of tbe rec.ilb tbep gall ccctifpc f, CJI3bat itfbcbut be totowetp %t ti)t banbe of t\\c to^e mabc all tbefc.' *3« tobofc babe i $ m foulc of cuecp Hup ng tbpnge, anb tbe b,ietb of tbe ficfo of all men. *^aucnottbeeai;ejSplcafurcinbering,a«b anbtbemoutb in tattpnge tbctbpngctbnt it eatctb.''* 3m ongcolDcpcrfomics&tbcrctt wifbomcanb in age i$ \)«be rftaubpng. fee, tt(tb(5obw tcafon . $e pourctb tbe coiifufton Upon police*, anb comf o^tctb tbcm^atbauebencopmcircb.lottc^wbnt Ipetbbpb m barc&netf , Jc bcclarctb it ope n= JP : anb ti)t *erp Qiabome of bcatb wpngcth bctolpgbt.l)cborbiiicreafctbtbcpcople,5b beftropetb tbcm. ^emaactb wmtSmvib tpplpc.anb bjpuctbtbem aujape.feecbauu= jrctb tbe bcr te of t bem tbat rule m people of m eartbe , anb bifapopntctb tl)tm ; fo tbat tbcp go w»anb?pngc out of tbewapc, anb tSliS ffi e ^ttxiftbont Ipgbt rftwfr lietbtb?alfoto(tacner toanb rrolpnebzfic^ iten men. C5Cbe.]ciii.(jrbaptcr. i[C31ob rcpjourtJ) Ijpa ftcntics tofrli tbm fittnt % 25 Spot m.b *II.W,tWiM' /Sjccniij.* €), all tHl>0 banc 3 fene t»itb mp= ne cpcbearbujitbmpne care, anb miberftanbc it . tohc urtwt pe linottie, tbat fame bo 3 ftuowe al^ fo , nctberam 3 inferior mito pou. ^euertbelclTe, 3 tall« v»itb tbe almpgbtve, anb mp bcRre W to comen witb d5ob.3B0 f 0? pou , ptm wwhumftott of lpe« , anb mi== #m**i» p^ofptablc^^bificpaniefall togetber.5Molb (5ob pc Itepte pour tonge, f 0^ tben mpgbt pe be tauenfo? ujpfc men . Bow beare mp cbp- bpng,anb ponb^ctbcfcntencc of mp Ipppeft , ,j5 ipopefpcaliciniquitcagainft©ob/'anbtal= He agapnft bpm tuitb bifecate t CJUpll pe not acceptc tljc pcrfon of bpm t O^wpllpe con^ tenbe witb c!5obf ^ball tljat belpe poii,tx>be becallct b pou to reftcuiiige. $ 0? ajK one man mocbetb anotbec , fobo pe mocue bpm . tye fliallpunvmpou, anb repjouc pou ,pfpebo fecretlpaeccptanp perfone.^bal be not ma* lie pou afrapcb, wben be ibewctb bpm felfri' £>l)all not bp0 terrible feaeeM toon pour ponrcrcmembMuncc Wlpuctoto nfparbr, anb poure bobpcjei Iplic tbe clapc. fyolbc pour or t6ge$Sfo?mpfa(ic , tbat3 alfomapcfpealie, * p., anb mp foiott) (balbc t^z lefc$ar aiberfoic txutMfM 003 bearemp (ieuj in my tett), *anb putmp p«ft» foulc inrnpnebanbciElf lo,tbougbbcflape UBbi.rtt(i.bme,pctvopll3pntmptruftinbpm.25ut*3 i m** wju rcmoue mpne auwic tuapcjS in W figbt I |ic (ball malic mewbole :anbtbere mapeno ppocritccomcbcfo^cbpm. l)caremptr)oj= bes, anb ponb.tr mp fapengetfuiitb pour ea= re0.26ebolbe,no\X)bauc3pzeparcbmpitib= gemeut,anbUno\»cOiUalbefOHnbcrpgb= teousl.8ilbat ij3 bctbat toilgo to latoe tuitb <•* nido* an bvm come; tbat3 mapC llOUJC Ijoibc mptongcanb bpc . jacucrtbclc&grauntmc two tbpngetf , anb tben topll 3 not bpoe mp fclfc from tbe. smitbbjaujc tbpnc banbe from me,anblet ^ not tl;c fcarf till b?cbc of p.tnaHe me afrapcb. ** anb tben call mc,anb3 wil anfu)erc:o? cljs, let me fpeadc, 5D gene mc tbou an anrvoerc. 30o\» manp arc mpmpfocbeitl 9 fpnuctfactt mcUnotocmp tranfgrcffponjeinnb offences ^bcrfo^cbpbcfttboutbpfacc^bolDcftmc footUcof*pf'«p:w«.i» tbpneawncbanbetf. Jfo?nowtbounombiieftaUmpgoingc0. pctbcnottboutoeetrcmcVponinpfpimcg; €)ptiquitc i$ fcalcb Up , a.g it were i n bagg but be mcrcpf nil mito mp wicltebnclTc. ^bc t> mountapneiEi fall awapc at tbe laft , tbe roc ftcoarc rrmoueb out of tbcp? place , tbe wa= ter0pcarfetbo.iowctbe»erpftonc0bviptle anb Iptlc , tbcfloubcs wafibeawapc p gra= uell anb caifb.3nbbrftropcfttboutbcbopc of maiK^bou p?cuaplcft ftpll agapnft bim> fo tbat Ijc paflctb awapc: tbou cbaugeft lips cftatcanb puttcft bpm from tbe . 3nb wl;c= tber bptf cbplb?cn come to W02f|)pp 0? no, be cannottcll.^nbpftbcpbcmcnoflowebc= grc, be (mowctb not . WUbpIc be Ipuetb . ftptf flc(l)muftbaiictraiiaplc,anbwbilctbclou» Ic isi in br»n,bc miift be m fojowc. Ctbe.ictj.Cbapfcr. C5li'P»)«rfpjci)cii»cii) 3iob Hmtt be afcrpbcih tortcoiuc nub purciic* to bpm fclfe.21)c bdUvtrrb tbe cnrft llwtlallttli eti tljc topchco,rchciipii8 job to be one oftbAt uomtyc, 13 itij tltyn ■ ■ ■
  • l)nUjcrcp < ioHcu'»a ujojd, that « nothpng wo?tb: anb fpcaltc t|>c thin* gc0 , which can Do nog ood t 30 foj foamr, rhou halt fctt it Mm » cllc0 wolbe ft thou nottnnne fomnnp wojbc0 before <5ob: but f by wpcKrtmcirc rcacfic tb t\)? month , aim fo ty on baft cbofcn the n ernf tpc tongcSTto^ mawnc mouth conbempneth the.nnb not 3 : pee, dm a wnc lyppcje; aapc an aufwer agapnft the . Srt thou the fPiMlc man , that cucr was boine t £>j , waft thou mnbe bc= foictbc hvllc0f haft thou hcarbcthc fccrctc couiiccll of <5oo , thatall wpibomc id to lp= tic fo; ther What fenowr ft tim t j m nnowe Ob not .' 3nb what \mbrrftanbcft thou,but we can the lame.' ttirbWare both olbc anb a= gcb mcn,ptc, focha0hauc Jpueb longer then tup father. jrbpucacft thou it a (mall thpngeof the confolarpon* of 0oD i wit h the t jxa ipenXe wojb.t&bp hoththpnehcrt fo bewptcb the." Znn wbcrfo?c wpneaeft thou wpth rbpne cpc^tbattbpmpnbc iXtomtim agapnft Gob, anb lettcft roch ttweu so outc of m mourir^ttgman^hcthulbebc'clcane^ w >ithath he c which is bo^nc of a woman) wberbp he mm be rigbrcoiw *23cbolb he both not truft bp0 fapnctc0 ; pec, the top bcaupare notclrnncin hP^fpght . foowc mocn mpic then an nbbomrnnble anfbrte inan/^hicl;b?mckctbwiclKDnc(relvftewa= f" t *g£ ttlUDc , hcarc me : an$3 wp u ftm the that 3 bane rent: which wpTc men C bnuctolbe, ano hath not bene hpb from their $op fathers &o- \mto whom onelp the cartbc rca0g;cucn,anbnoftraungcrwcntamongc of hpa Ipfc as it were a woman with a ck* be, anb the nornbic of a WmnM vmti is Dnunowne . % fcacfuu fouubc ifi cucr in hpd mm*, anb when it tg peace , pet fearer! he hcftruccpon.^cbeleuethncuertobeDcpue' reo outc of barcftcnc0,fonberwearDei0al= wapc befo n byobu)all he he ratten a wape . tyi bcleuc th not that he i$ in Danp . tc.anb pet he tfoirt of the wape > anbt)ftnpte (holbewrccompaice. 19c ujall wrpif) , afoicl)pjs tpme be wo?« neoutjanbhpjSb^nncheajaUnotbcgrcnc; tyc Qialbe plucat of atf an tmtpmelp grape frettictjpne^ChfUUctthWnonrcfall.ajJthc olpueboth . 5f 0? the congregaeppon of ppo= p Chalhe hefolatc anb tmfrurcfull , nub p fptf (hall eonrntnr fhourrjcl of fochasi arc grebp to rccrauc gif tetf .tyc*conccaucth tra* uaplcanb bcareth t)anpte, anb thep? bobpc ^pngetDfo?thbiftcate. CEDc.j;t3j.c|)aptcr, dob tcprtpww i)P« mpfttpe, tovtti) tm l)c l\ifff;«tb tmMrt tbm i;r» topcMonctre HAtO Defctuco, iDb anfeoer eh, anb fapbe s 3 fiaue % oft tom$ hearbe focrj tjjpngc tf. ^)pferabIcgcucri8iofconfoitcare pe,all the fojrc of pou . S>hall not toapnc mm* come pet to an en- be i m » haft thou pet enp mojeto fapc 1 3 coulocfpcaBe,asip!?boairo.26utwoib(5ob, that vourcfoulc were in mp fouleff fteabc; then ujulb 3 hcape \jp wo^bcjsagapnft pou, anb (haftemp heat eat pou . 3 (bulb mfafr tc pou with mpmouthe, anb rcleafe vourc - pnpne with the taiiapng of mp lippcitf.^ im *• SSfSSSf 1 )St SH lU m l SSW mp fo?ow SffiSffi :a "S t|,0,, 8| 3 W* m I tonne, K^Wy^Dcparteftomme^ntnow KfiR^ fc,1tc mc ••■"•tfci thou 25 SSSKJfii*? 1 .?? congregacpon . 3Cnb that thou haft fpiicb me wpth w?pnc«lcjj, fcrh top agapnft me , anb bcareth wptnefle me ano gnadbeth t)pon me wpth Wtrth, ^etnewwfftoirte^^ott^SS jg**$W haye openeb their mouthed wp t* J^jtnie^^finpttenmetmtmfeftneoe^'J^ rpttefullp, thepgatherthem&ue^tbgether V SSPSn. * Ww ™ few 1 thehabeS of the wpcaeb.3 wa0in wcalth,but heB SL w t% Sf^pFntme.anttfeKme a^a mar* fo? him r«6r. J;i^ archer* copaffe me rounbe rouubc aboute.he wotiubeb mp lapiw, anb both not fpnre . inmpneeprt Wthcthabow of heath. »>ow- bcit,there islno wpcltconcne in mphanbcjai, ^"butmp fjMgn (0 clean*, ©cartho^coucr , not thou mpbloubc,anb let mp crpenge fpn= be no rowme. # 0? lo> my witneffe in (u hca= ' im\ •• 9 he that Itnowcthme , is aboue in the hepgthiWfCttbetfgcucmeinanpwojbetf, tofcome , anbmpue epe poureth out tearcd Ditto <5ob.CDrbatabobp might pleatewfth C5oo,aj5 one man both withnnotbcr.pct the uombjte of mppeares (0come,anb the wape that3muftgo(0athanbc, from whence J (hall not tunic ngapnc, CChe-iCWj.Chapter. Ullobriptb UMtlKfouftimetb. atoapc .anbpctbotu PiicicmlpAbpbrpt. ■J> bjethftmefteth , mp bape0ate Ojo^tcncb . 3am barbeat bea= thc0bo?c. jfrowarb men areti5 mc,anb mpne cp: mnft continue inthcbitterni:ffcofthem.€)be 3 liner me, anb Ioucout one to bemp fuertie in thp fight, what Whcthatrntowethwho will »omc0foi me.'floj thou haft with hoi* 25 ben their bcrteji from wibcrftanbpnge, ther= foic flialtthounotrcttCthcm)\)ponhPc I^c p?onuTcth !)t0 f rcnbe0 parte of biiS goob, but i)(0 awne chilbKu fpenbe it. ly, hath mabe mcasubi- % te, anb fapDe:(^^ when wpllpe ■*%& inaac an cnU of ponrc woibe^'' Ji)arcae well , ano then we wpli fpcaiie.yuhcrfojcarcwecountcb a0bcaftc0 gsreputcbfo'opiein vourc fight.'' i)t beftroieb him felfc with WwmtSmi the earth be fojfanen, OMnpftone remouco out of ht0 place becaufe of tbergee.tbe light of the jngoblp ujaK be put ontmnb the fpar* he of hp0 fpie (hail not buriic. WpaW (halbcbarckcinhi0bwelling,anbht0canble ftmlbe pntout with him-&i0pterumpteou0 23 goingc0are bcptein.anbhis aiunc councell (hall caft him bowuc. ifoiljitf fete arc ratten a0ttwereinthenett,anbhei'0athi0wittc0 enbc.l)i0fotcfhalbehoIbcninthcftiarc , anb it nia ll catch them that bctbp,iftp of bioube.- 'erhcfiiarcisiapcbfozhinunthegrounbcab apptfallmthewape. jfearfuineffc ujalimauehim afrapebon & euerpfpbe, that he (hall not ano wc, w^re to get out. longer (halbe hie ftrength: mvt* fo?tunc(hallhangc\3pon him, Ipc (hail rate the ftrength of hisawncfltpnuc, cue*? fpift borne of bcarhujallcafe hts ftrength. ipt0 hope Qjalberotcb out of hW b wcllpngc, \jcrp fcrfulncffclhall bunge him ^ to the kpng. 5) Other mcnQjalbwcll in hi0houfccbutO?al=-^ benoneof hi«)anbbiipmftonc Oialbc fcate-- rcb ijpon hi0habttacpon. l)iE(rotc0(haIbc biicbbpbencth.anbaboucaiallhiSbzaunch be cutt bownc. ipw rcmcmb?auuce niall pc rpftlje from p earth, anb he flbail haucuo na- jnc in the ftrctc : thep mail o.ipuc him from ? Iighttntobarclincffcanbcafthnuclcancout of the wojibc. Ipc (hall nether banc cbplbie no.iHpnftoIclic0amongchi0 people , no.ncr enp pofteritcin hi0bwcllinge0. 'Khrpfhat come after bpm,qmlbc aftcnucD at hi0 bape, anb tbcp that go befoic, (hall bcafraveb. $)ocharc now the bwcllpngcfiof the wp= clicb,anbthi0i0thcplaccofhpm} t 'KUOweth not 6ob. C£he.tf,r.ciwpfcr. C Jourctptctb bpflmpftncp.uiDerciioufc twnf«,2>c PWOtrpftboftijcficiitMllrcfuttcopcn. CDb anfwereb, anb fapbcJiow Ion* 3 gc will pe tocremp foulc ,anb trou= hlcmewithwo?bc0.'' Ho^rtcn^a tpmc0 hauc pe repjoucb mc : anb are not a (bamcb,f oj to laugh mc fo to fcoi= nc:pf3gow?ongc,3gowiongctompfci= fc ; *5ut pf pe will enhannce pour fcluctf aaapnft me, anb accufc mcto be a wpcbcb pcrfonne becnufc of thefhamc that 10 come DPMI 1 me : Unowc thi0then , that it 10 ©ob, which hath hanblcbmcfoDioietlpanb hath compaftb mc aboutc with W ncttc . Pf 3 * coplapne of the tjiolfcc p i0 bone »nto mc, *^u«<« 3 cannot be hcrbc.^nb pf 3 cr pe , there (0 no p D Ccntence • t,3. *3oiu ^:' :; v - * 4 . ** * l&fat X)UI.(, bitur. i ■ ^ i ! . t* fe nfcnce gctirn uiirbmc. tycbfttbbcbgeb up B my tsapf , tlntt3 cannot pdCCc , aim toe batu .».". r ctbarcluic(rciiimypatbc0.* lncbatbfpoy= Irb mc of m ync honourc , anU tabc* p crowttc a wave fro nip bent), tye barb Dcftropeb me on curry fybcanb 3 am Unbone : *»)y bopc Initli lie taken n wayefro inc,n0it werca t re pinch* up by tbc rorr .Ipitf wjatb itf kynblcb ngaystft mc-.lje takct b mcatftbougbjj were 90 enemy. (♦a* fcr i)j»jj men of ujiinc came torjctljcr, winch mabe tbctr wayc oner mc,a"b befegeb n& mpbwrllpngeroubcaboutc. * tycbatbpur in v bjctbjcn farrc a wayc fro mc,anb foci) atf were of mync ncquayntancc , arc become m-- ftrauiigcr0Unfomc. * *ift)yncawnckyuf= r folkc0bnncfo.ifakc*mc,nnbmyfrenbc0 ba- ^ ucput mcoutofrcmebjauncc. £iic rcrttaft* resj anbmaybeii0 of myucawitebourctoke me foi a ftraungcr : anb 3 am become ajetan nlcauntintbcyH'ygbt. 3f caUcbmyfeniaunf, anbnegaucme no nnfwrrc,notbougb3p*«tycb btmwitb my montMi/vnr atone wyfc myghtnotabybe mp bictb , 3 toasi fayne to fpcakcrayic fot tbccbylb;jcnofmyncawncbobi>.j*rc,y~cbil- bicnbefpyfeb me:3£nb wbc3 wa« gone fro tbcm>tbcpfpakccurliuponme.3llfocba0 were my m oft families, abbo:rcbmc:anb they tPljom 3 loueb beft,arc turncb agaynft mr.8)y Done bangcthto mymynne anb my flefl) so a wayc, only there io" left mey fayime t> nboutc my tetl) . tynuc pyteUponme , untie pyfcuponmc(0vcmyfrcnbe0)foubc'bab of Gob Ijarl) touebeb me. xoty Do ye pnTe= entente as* <5obbotb,anbarcnotfatififyeb ofmyflcfibrf O t!>i t my too.JbeiBi wcrcuowc written that tt)cp;ujcrc put tu a bokc: wolbc <5od tbey wcrcgraucit witbanyton penne in lea* bcouu ftonctocotmuc. it oi 3 am rurr,fbat my rcbemcr lyucf b , anb trjat 3 ball ryfc out of the eartb in tbc latter bayc:tljat 3 ftiaill be clof bc'oagayne witb this Thymic, ab ft 0ob in my f lcai.J>ee > 3 my fclfc CbaUbc Oolbc him, not wifbotber, but witbtbefc fame ey'esf. #>yrcync0arccofunicb witbtnmc: byo not ye fayr : wby botb be toffee perfecttrt on t 30 i\)W ftmnbe an occafioittn tner iSut be war* reoft&cfwcarbc.fojtbcftufarbjwplbcaue"' geb of wpckcbnelTcaiib be fttrctbat tberc 10 aiunaement. Gtoopl)!ixtivti),tMtt)c\mUrmi\l , ti;e couctoufc aifttbc ttpchco (ball ijaueaftojt cube. Z Kss—aityen anfttiercb $>op\)at tty 0m* matbitcanbraybe. jfoo that t\)t eye wjneb fame bym bef ojcffrtil banc no mm fysbt of bym,anbby0 place (ban hm* xot bymnomo?e. ^r ; l*)y0cbylD?cn (ball be ^ fayiicto ao;ccc ujitlj t\)t poojc , anb W gait* ^ bcsi (ball refto?et|jem rljcir jjoobttf. jttpW youtb bW bonc0 arc full of plea-- fureg.but now ujall it lye bourne ttJitbinlidu in y eartbWcn wycbcbuctTe, roasJfujrtem biflmoutij.bciHbitbnberbystoiiffc. «W Defaiiourcb^tticlbeljcnotfodfaftc, butUc= pteitclofeinljisft^otc. ^bcbjcabetljatlje C byb eate.ijs turneb to t!)c poyfon of fcruc"tc& witl)iitpitfboby/5rbcrycbriStDatbcbcuou= rcb, (ballbcperb^alteagayne, foe^obdiall tyawftbcm out of I)i0bely,beflmlfuclic r]ic fiaiioffcrpeiitcg.atibtljeaobcr^toiicfeujnll flayc bym .• fotbatljeQjallnomo^cfctDcrp^ ucrtfanb b^oltcjB of bony aub butter, the tbinotbaf overmen banc laboureb foi,(ba'll lie redone apyne , aub (ball not cafe it bp. orratc trauayle ifoall Detnafte fo^ mW, butbciballuoteiuoyetbcm. 3nb wbyrbc batiiopp^flcbtbcpooie^ notbclpcb tbcut: nam ptU De fpoplcb,? not buyibcb tijem. i)ij3fbclycoulbcncucrbefylIcb,tj)erfoicaiall heperiaje inbytfcoucfeoufneffe. ^jjerc (ball none of byS meatebelcft bcljmbc , tljcrfoze ^ niallnomanlobciwbPJSp^ofpcritc. toijan ^ be Ijab plcutcoufrir(Tc of cuery tl;ynac , yet vans tic pooje,t!joiiffJ \)t wa^ belpcb on euc- rp fpbe. jf o? tbousb tbe wpcbcbbmic neuer fo= moclj i to fyll b!0bc:iy,yet C5ob (ball fenbe M wiatb bpon bun,flinb caufebitf inbieruacyon to raysne ouer binufo tbatyf be f Ictbeyjon wcapcim, beOiall be (bote rt tbe ftele bowe. ^be aroweisf taben fo^tb , anbgone out of m Qtiyucr , 9 a fll!?acitnj{ fwearb tboiowe tbffiallof bim,feareqjall come upon \\w- Jbcic(bauitobarcbnc0beabletobpbebwn %n bitUynbleb fp^e (bail confume bim , anb ^L^^L^S 11 ^ l " bVMoutt.it (ball bebeftroyeb. ^bc bcauen (ball beclare \M wyebebneffe , anb tbe eartb (ball take parte mvnflpimmt to bttaunce f bat be batb in bytfb oufe , (balbc itaben awapeanbperyftie in tbe baye of tl)t JLojbctf w?atb. * %lMiti ^3iomiw tb wcyon mtt\)t wpcbcb man (ballbauc of C50D , anb tbc be cytaae tbatbf mapc lobe f o? of <£ob. 0ar bwauie of bi}S wojbeitf. CtoMwtcii, tlic piorpctpttcof n,c to/'rtcb.i aftec Oaccj'bf * ~ if. C&bc.wj.cbaptcr. »tcil) the piorpctpttcof H)c top.„.v, . uctutu>tir wbapu nipue anb trftcu ccyow. ^Db anfwereb, anb faybe : beare my U3o?be0, anb tbat ibnibcmp co=- fo^tof pou. S>uffrcmcaiptlc,tbac . 13 mapc fpeaucalfo, fttfttnlanrf} ^ my t»o?bc0 to fco?ncM« (pfiiirte pou.) 30 it f oj: mans! fade tbat3 mane t\fp% bifputacyonJ Wicb yf it were fo.fyulbenot my fp^etc be t ben in fo^efroublcf ^arcftc meujell^anb be abaftbeb , anblayc poure bnnb Vrnon youre mo»tb.^U)bcn3confybecmpmfe,3am . afrapcb,anb mpfleibc in fmpttcn witlj fea= teSW Ut * ^J crf P?e ^0 wyebcb mc* lytic in bealtb 5ffW ' M "niibp?ofperite,comc to tbey* olbc agcanb increale in tpctytii 'EbcircbplDjien lytie tut t\)m Mt , anb tbey? cjcncracyon before tbey^ cpe0. '*rbcir lionfcjs arc fafe from all feare, anb tbe robbof <£ob botb not fmyte tbem.^beir buiiocbecicnb?ctb,anb tbatnot out of tymc : tbep* cowe caluctb , anbijsnot tonfriitcfull. 25 ^bei'fenbcfojtbtbcircbilb.ien byfloc= i^br.w, ne&anbtlKtr foimejsiebe tbc bailee. #'Ebcy beare t»itbtbemtab?ctte0aub Jjarpeg, anb baue(n(l-run l cntc0ofimifycbcattbctrplea«: fure.^bcyfpcbctbcirbayegiinweltbyneac: but fobenlp tbcp go bourne to bell. €bcy faycalfo Vmto 00b : cjo from \tf , ujc befyje nottbcbnowiebcie of tby wayejS . * tt)bo itf tbc 3fllmyfibtie, tljat uic (bulbe fcruc bpmf 3nb wbat p.iof yt fbtilb u>c baue't fubmyt our felueie; Dnto tfmi lo,tberc'is( utterip nosoobne ITc in f bcm,tbcrfo^r will not 3 ba= 11c to bo witbtbe eouncellof tbc Dneeobly. 3i)o w oft;0iall tyc cilblc of tbe wyebeb be put out/' bow off comctbtbeir beftruccion Upon tbc:'ilD wbat fo.io we (bal 00b gene tbem foi tbcjr parte in bytfwjatb.' pee, tbey niall be cue as baye before tbc wynbe 5 ab* m cljaffc tbat tbc (to?mccarpf tb a waye. C m ?nbtboncib0obfauctbeir cbiIb?enfrom foclj foiowe , yet wy 11 be fo rewarbe M fcU ue&i'tpcp fljallkuowe it. ^beirawhebe^ ftruccion anb mircry (ball tbey fe witl) fljcir tmM b?incUc of tbc fcarfull wtatb of the ^Impsbty.^wbatcarctb be wbatbeco- me of bi0bou(bolbeaftcrbyitfbeatb,wban p nomb^eof biSmonetbcsiijScut (boit.' In as mocb ton 40 dffobbatb tbe Dveft power of nll,wbocanfcacbbimciiynitowicbffc.''Onc mth now wbenbe isi miejbtpe anb at \m beft.rycbc^tnbin pjorpcrtfc: cticnwljen W bowe^areat the fattcft.anbbptfboiictf full of inarp. ^notber bpef b in f ojo we 5b bent- neac,aiibncuerbabeioobbapcitf. lirbcy (hall flepe botb a lytic in tl)t eartb ,$ tbc wowtctf iball couertbcni.?i5c|)olbe,3 mtowc wliatpe tD tbinebcyecaub tbc fotiltyc tbat ycymaffyn fas* ajiaynft mc. Jf 0$ yc fay c : ^^ wberc 10 tbc W tiicc0' palace i anb wbcre i0 1 Ije wcllynse UfCrob.to.a, m\tb. :t! :i ! of t\yt Unjf obly .bane ye not af keb them v ceo by tbc waye.^^jr Bout lefFc ye cannot Dcnye *%# fbeirtoHen0,tbat * tbewtc"tcbt0Ucpfc Un= *"»ct.«.b. to tbe baye of beftruccyon, aiibtbattbebii' wmm, gobly ujalbe bjougbt fo.ztb to tt)c oavc of tmatlj.TD&o barre tcpzouc bint f 02 W wayc to ty# face/ tt>bo wyll rcwarbebmi fo? tbc tmsractoufnc flc tbat be botb.^>ct (ball \)t be bjtousbttobWsrau^aubbwcll among the bcapeof muctn. 'rbcnfballbebefayneto be burteb amonge tbe ftone0 of the playne; % II men alfo mult folowe bim,anb tberc arc inntmtcraulefionebefojcbiut. liow Uayne tbe m'0 tbe comfo^te tbat ycgcuemcfDotb notfallbcbc rcmaynemallyonre anfwcr0V C^bcWii-Cbapter. C/SWPlWttpjeftctibciDjoUofbmnfrfpfulticirc. ]€xeiipba0tbcs:bcmanttc gaue ■* lanfwcre.anb fnybe:«)ayeaman * I be profitable unto 00b , as be tbati0 wyfc mapebc pjofptable f.ch.'Mn ^ft^W^ any Uauntagc ^tbc ^Umygbtye that tbou art rpgbtcoti0r' ir ? aI1 L f mfvte *&*< tbattbottmakeft tbpwaye0 perfects 30 beafrayebto repzo=. !i c %*£1° ttc ^^ c to& m ® tbc into ttibej- tnenty 3^ not tby UJiCKCbneflcgreatc , aub tbyncUngraciou0bebe0innumfrable: tfoi tbou baft taken tbcplebgc from thv b?otbec ^■''anfibtabiobbcbtbcnakcboftbcirelo* image : ^0 foebe a0 were weery:. baft p rrer «* fSff m &* 1° *&**>* & aft wft uo-arw n ^ 5iw f r 55 flf * : WW* rocb one tbe agurctbUiolcnfcwtojig^oppzeftto-boing all tbiugc ofparcialite,anb bautngc rcfpcctc Ofperfoiuic0;bwcllinthelanbc."^boubaft rent wybbowe0 a wayc emptic ab onwcficD tljcpoo^cfatbcrlefte. ^bcrfo^eafttboticompaircbaboutcwitb Jnarc0 on cuery fybe,abfobciily bercb with frarc. jfebui&f ft tbou tben feno barekenrfff i ^bnlbe not tbc water flottbc ritnne oncrtV ^ow* becaufe tbat oft nottboii'kepetbe oibewapctbatUapnemcbauegonctlDbicb were cut bowneoutof tpme.ab wbofc fofi= pacpott wa0 a0 arunnpnge water , wbiclj fapeb Unto Gob:go from U0 , anb wbat byb tbeJCllmyfibtyewitbtbenKjpcfyllebtbeyi boufe0witbgoobtb(nge0.l5iittbccounccll of tbc Ungoblp i0 farre fro me. %\>t ryrrb^ teoii0fawcitanbwereglab,anbtbeinnocet langbel 1 tbetofcojne. 30ourc increafe bewg J ow i ,c ; u ^« foitbcrcmnatmt of tbem , tbc fy-cbntbconfumcbit, v 'Cberfotc reconcile tbe unt o^ob, anb be cont rt, fo ujallall tbingc0 p?ofpere wttbtbe rygbt Ws h - I ; ^ 1 l I •1: I: I !■: !•:; -ft I . tp&bfc welt, littccauc tbe fowcatbtt moutb, ***** * pf tbou wilt funic to tbe 3uni«btpc,tbou fammmMm* pntmit>nri$fcmi(ncife ft dim Uv oweu vuflcria: bou (bail make «ol = bta.« picntifuli atftbe Dud , anb tljcgoibc of ^Pbiratffhcnpntetfoftbcrpucctf.pirc , 31* imgbtpc<5obbp0awne felfe tyaibc tbpoe* fcnce,anbfbouft)nlthaueplciitpcofrpl«er< 'fcbcn malt ^ijauc tbP Oeltrc in ty aitm'sb* f (c , ^ Ipf c \jp tDj> face t)ttto d5oU.irDen OwW tbmnnakctbppjaper tmtobfm,nnb bewail bcarc rbcanb tbou (bait he pc t|)p promptest. ^eiMoftc what tbou takeft m bio, be (bull j,» « -, "Mtaiitto p^ofpew uw'tU tbcanbtbelpsbt *»*«».* (ball ftipncin tbe wape0.ffo** wbofoluim* Wetij Opm felfe, Dim mall be fct Dp:.f w'bo fo lokctb mckelp, ftwlbe hcalcb.3f tbou belli* iioccnc toon (bait bcliucr tbe countre becau= fc of tbe WigpltpnclTc of tbpnebanbetf. C^bcwUCbaptcr. fESob ftffirmctl? tb.it bcbotlMinotbctb anofctrctb tftcpotbccjnDrciitciucoftbtftcoacjMioftptbib-tbc bdi:bn>.iibtom brsci-gbtcouftu'irc. ©banfwcrcb.anbfapbc: a)pfapin= gci0pctfhi0 bape in bpftcrnc0, anO mpbanbe Deup becaufc of nip gro* npngc. £>tbat3 mpgbt fchim,aubfpnbe Dpiiu © f ftat 3 mpcjbtcomc before l)i0 l'catc, to plcatc mp canfc before b(m,aiib to fpu mp inoutb "SPftH ai-gumcntc0. 'frhat 3mpgbt ftnowi?,wbatanfwcrchewolbcgcucine:ao tbatjnipgbr bnberftanbe, what be wolbc fapc wito mc . typu be plcatc agapnft mc 25 witb bi* great power anb ftrengtbr jf*o,but bewpllmnkcnictbcftrogcr.lDetbattfiuft, wall entrc mfputacion witb bpm ,anb nip iubgc (ball bclpucr mcfo? eucr. iScbolbc, fbougb3gobcfo?c,3f>nbc tftmtji 3 co= !ncbcopnbc,3rangctiioknowlebgcofhtm: Vi 3P ontbe leftfpbe wljerc be Dotb bptf wo?ckc,3cannotnttepncwitobpm.agap= nc , pf 3 go on tbe rpgbt (pb , be bpberi; bpm fclfc,tl)at 3 cannot fe bim. But a0 fo? mp Rfiffif wapc.bchnowctbitwib * ttpctbmcatftbc * f w ' golbcuitbcfp?e. ^ Gar «?p fore botb kepe W patb , bt'0 bye C wape baue 3 bolben, anb will not go ont of it.3 will not fojfabc the coinmaunbrme't of Di0lippc0,butlokewbntbcchargcbmewitb big moutb.thnt banc 3 tyuttty in mp hei t c. ( 3amafrapebofbim.j!o? in fomocrj as be 10.500, be mabetbmp bec= tcfoft:anbfepngetbatbci03l!Umpgbtie,be pnttetlj me in fcarc. ^b«JS cannot 3 gctt out of Darcaencflc, tictber b«tb U concreb Hob tbe clonbe fro mp face. Wic.wiij.ebAprcr. Oo1>tttRrpb«ti)tbcttjputDiitBofnicn,9imi|)ctt»cih U) Hit ciicltt b clou 1 1 Clll to tbe U)V(UCt). iDn^bctinge tbentbat tberett % no tpme bib from tlje 3!lmpgl> t(e,bowbappcnctb(t,tbattbcp wbieb hiiowc bpm , bo not re« fc . garbc W bapc0i-if o^ fomc men tbcre be, tbat * cemone otber mcntflanbe* j.^ martic0.tbattobbctbcmof tbeir catcll.anb SSStff 1 Kcpetbcfamefo^bepiiawncrtbat^b^nc*^ ' a wapc tbe affc of tbe fatberlcffc : tbat folic m ' m tbewpbbowc0ojrefo?a plcbgc :tbattb?iift tbe poo?c out of t\)t wape , anb oppjeflc the fimulc of tbe wo?lbetogetbcr.2i5ebolbe, eug tbe wplbc affetf in p bcfcctc goo tbcp foitli hr to their wojnc.anb rprebp tpmc0 to fpoplc t ° ^ccpVjerpwplbcMicuemiiUftretb foobe foz tbcircbplD^.^bcptcape tbe come felbe tbat i0notf bcir awne.anb^Ietf be bpneparbe «* of tbe \jngoblp alone . 'Cbcp are tbe caufc tljat fomanpmen arc nabcb anb bare, ba a iiingr no clotbc0 to coucr tbcmanb fo bepc t bew from colbe •. $>otbatwbetbelbowcr0 in the mountapnc* baue rapneb \)pontljem, ^tbep beau wctt.tbcpbaue none otber ftic* courcbnttobepctbcmamonge the rockc0. fy litp fpoplc p fuckingc fatbeclcffecbilbe, anb take tbe plcbgc fro tbe poo?e.3n fomoclj tbat tbcp let him go nabcb witbout dotbing, anb banc taken awapc tbe (bcafc of tbe bit* firic.^be poo?c are fapuc to labonrcin f bcir ojlc millctf.pcc.anbtotrcabcinthepj w'pnc pzelTc0,onbpettofiirTte tbPJtft.^bcwcn of tbccpticcrietbbnitotbc!Lo?bewitbfptbtnff, * tbe fonlcjs of tljc flaptie alf o make tbcp^ M aM t(( complatntc : 2&ut<25ob beftropctb tbemnot utMm. fo? an t-bfoi, wberca0 tbepe not witbftanbin= C (e)areconucrfnuititamongc tbcm tbatab= jojre t\it ipgbt : tbcp knowe not bp0 wape, ncrcontpimeinbi!Spatbc0. * 'ftpmelp in *mm tbemo?npngebotbeparpfe,tomurtburtbe fpinpicanb poo?e , anb in tbe npflbt tbcpco a ftealpiige. 'Sbecpe of tbe abuontcrer waptetb fo* m barckneffe.anb fapetb tbu0 in Dim felfe : ^ufb.tbere (ball no epe feme , anbfobe bif= mfetb W face.ln f nigbt tea fon mv fear cb tbcboiire&anbbpi&cfbemfelnetfitt tbe bape tpmc, but will not knowe tbe light, ffoj as* foonea0tbe bape b?eaketb , tbe Oiabowcof beatbc0metbbponfbem, jfbtbepgofn bo?= rible barckneffe . %ty tjngoblp i0 fwpf f er tijen t^z water:tbeir po?cion Ibalbc curfeb in tbeearfb,aubbelbaunotbebolbc ttte wape of tbe mneparbe0.UDthatfDcp( f ? ttym* kebnclTcwbtcbtbepbauebone)werebaawe totlje bell , foner ibenfnowe meltetbattbe ^ bioutbanb bcate.©t|jatau compafebpe * m were fo?gotte*:; tbat tbeir oapatiea were wo^metfjtbattbepwcrceleanepMtoutofre" meintyaucf. ob mcmb?aucc,attb\)ngoblpncu"c \jff crip bew -. cubowiic Ipkea0atcc . 19c barb oppzeffeb tbebaren, tbat be cannot beare. anb wiro ^ wpbbowe batb be bone no goo}, tyc bJuc the imgbtic after \)\m witb W po wer„anb wm be wa0 gott? tjp, no man wa0 witbout tea- re,a0longea0be Ipuetb. 3Hnbtbougbtbcp migbtbe fiifc, pet tbep wpll not receauc it , fo?tbeirepc0lokeV)pon tbeirawne wapc0. *a:bcp arc eyalteb f oj a Iptle , but IboMp ace tbep gone,b?ougbt to extreme poucctc , anb taken out of tbe wape:pc lib btferlppluckte of, a0tl)ceare0of co?ne.30itnotto.'' U)bo wyU tben rep?oue me a0 a lpar,anb fape tbat mp wojbctf are notDpnge wo?tb.'' Cfbe.^^.Cbapter. C3fiiloabpioutotb.it tiomjiiietlciiiemibtDftftont li'tmc before C5ob. loen anfwereb TiSalbab t\)c ^Diibife, anbfapbe. 30tbcrepowcranb feare witb bim abouc , tljatmaketb pence, fl'ttingiiibi0bpgbnelle,wbofemenofo}ar= re arc (mmmcrablcanb wbofe ligbtnrpfetb 55 oner all.25ut bow mapc a ma comaarcb mi= kjMiu. to<5ob, * be iuftifpcb/'iD.i bo W cSbc be clca= Km. a . w > w W bo?ne of a womam 23cbolbe , tbe y*A #ooucqjpnctbnotbpnge(ncompa«fon to bim.ab tbe ftarrc0are t)nclcanc in bt0 figbt. 5^ow mocbemo?e tben nian,t l;at i0 butco^ rupciomanb tbe fonne of man , wbicbi^ but a womie*' %\% rjctoj. Cbapter. C Job tbcttjf tb tbif nun cannot bclpe <5ott,aiib pufc uctbitbpbl'fiin.MflcB. iDbanfwcrcb,anb Cipbe; U)boni baft tbon belpebf tyim tljati0 xb-- out ftrengtb r wbat comfo?tc gc= ucft tbou tjntobpm tbat batb no ftwngtD? )X)brrei0 tbe councell^ tbouftjulbcftgcuc bnn.wbicbbatbno wpf- borne' l^aft tbou fteweb tbe wapeof rpgbt % Ipuinge. ^0 wbom baft tbou' fpobcntbofe wo?bca! i u>bo mabc tyi b?ctb to come out frf of tbpinoutb^^rcnot beeb:tbingc0(ba* penbnbcrtbe water0:gstbiuge0 bptbe wa= tcr0fpbcf 3DeUi0nakcobcfo?cbim,anb tbe ^)crp beftruccion it felfe cannot be bpb out of cbftfifojbt. K)eftretcbetbouttbe no?tbouct tbeempttc,aiibbangetbtbceartb^poii 110= |*«ntM-.a. tl)ing.i.)cbpnbctbtbe * water0inbi0clou= bc0,anb tbe cloubc i0 not broken bnber tbf. 39c ijolbetb back W ftolc ,-tbat it cannot be fcne,anbfp?cbctb bt0 cloubc befwe it \WH m ' * ^ c to to compafeb tlie water? witb cer= mm, f apnc bounbc0 bntill tbe bape * npght come immt. toauenbe.^beberpppllcr0of bcaue* trcm- *m«b.bnfrJ lcanl,): » uahCiU ^ 6,:f P l0fe ' ^^ c ftillctbf fe witb W power, 5o tbojow bus wpfoome fmptctbbe tbe ftrengtbtberof. tep0 fp?efc batbgarnifmcb tbebcatien0,aub dp^ iwnsc batb mabc tbe rebellioufi fcrpent.ilo, ti)W$ $MW iioweamoitcfumcofbt0wape0.}6utwbo i0ablefuft"ic(cntlp to rcbearfc bp0 wotkes* ^bocanpcrceaucanbbnbcrftaiiDc tl;c fho= b^eofbP^powcr.'' C€be.wm'j.Cbapter. CZM toiiftoiitnte r no wrfemitscf Tob, anbt!;c p.ittottbcbnfaptbfulltottOCRoB. * '^^^liabSobpioccabcbswcntfo^tb % am bp0commumcacpon,fapeng: |30tnilpa00oblpucfb:wljicb ibatb takcnawapc^fiiip iuo- =c^ JagcnicfjanD tbe ^Imrgbticthat b twpncklingcof an epc anb batbnotbpnge. iDfftruccion takctb bolbc\)p6bim a0 a wa= tec floube,^ tbe tcmpeftftcaletb bim a wapc in tbe npgbt fcafon.3 t)ebcmcnt eaft winbc carpctb bpm bence, anbbcpartctb, a ftonnc plucbctb upmoute of bi0 Place. 3truf;l!cth in \jpon him, nub fparctb bpm not , br mapc not cfenpefrop powcrtberof. ^bcnclapne mentbeirbanbe0at bim,pce,^ teaft of bpm wijcu, wben tbe y I one lap on W plnce. c^bcrjcutij.cbapter. CJMOKtoctft t(wt tQe tt»p(bowe of • tmfcattOcablc. 9ob # fetMffl* u ■l 1 - :•! i ; : ii M ;i t t m % * !,':;! I, ;i! IB 3 «s":K|$crci0a ulace tobere llltitr del l^oti* stJt out of.anb wbcre golDe is trteb * wbcre won $ bpggcb out of tbc ... 'ff^ounD.anoaoiif jeftfToliicD eo mc= tall . ^Dc barcnenctf Ml once come to an rnbe,pe can rebe out the grounbe of all tjrtn* gc0:t;be ttoneS.tbc barcaab tbe qjabowtf yeatb . ttntb the ry utr of water patter!) be a funber tbeftraiige people, f anowe no goob nepgbbourbcab : focb a0 arc rube , unma* nerlpanbbopuftour0Jtocbjingetbfoobeout of tbeertb,anbtbaewbicbi0Unbcr,conru* 25 metb be txiitl) r>?e. lEljcrc is founbea place, *** wbofc ftonc0arcclcane£>apbir0,anb wbc= re tbe cloftc0 of tbe cartb aregolbe . ^fjere 10 a wapc alto tbat the bwbes Itnowe not, tljat no Uultur0 epebatbfenc :Wbcrintbe lioutf wbclpe* walac not, anb where no Hon commc tD.ITDcre puttctb he Di^JhanDe Upon m ftony rocac 0,30 onertb?owctbtbemow= taincs. EiucrS florae out of ttjc r oca es , anb lojirwbati0plcaraimt,bi0cpcfcptbt^ut or b.joppc0b?ingctb begreate floubc0togc* m,m tbc tm&tttomtob mmtt tie C toltgrjt.tyowcommctbamantbcnbp wpf= SPSS? - £ omf v* *$ ,Jcre ^tbcplacetbatmenfwaie 3 unrtM, UnbrrftanbingrCittrclynomancan tell how !lD?ffi ,,h y°}*to»^awW»nftl)njqitWfoon»m ?* toe lanoe of tljeni tbatlyuc.*» Cdtti)cp»otonc pica fucr .)"Cri)c bepe faicttj : He 10 not witb ntcCbe *»apr.t«b. frcfaiictb : CtjciiS not not witb me * £>beca» ?»notbijp:otttcnfo^e*(«)tm6»pnre)o:olDe,nftI)et inapt tljc p?pce of Dcr be boiuj&t witb en y fplucir. Bo webge0of golbeof iDprjir , no prions ©nii: ftonc0 , no £>apbir0 mapc be coinpareb Unto bet. #o , ttcttjer golbe nee Cbnftall , nether (torte cbour0 ner golben plate, ubcrc 10 notbmge fo wo?tby, o? fo ejc» ceIle't,a0oncctobettamcbUntoljer:fo?pcrs fectc wyfbomcgoctb facte beponbe tbe all , y&e«£opaieftbatc6mctbontof3nbf,tnaye tnnowpfcbcliKcncbUntobcr:pec,noma= ner of appatell bowe plcafaunt anb fawe foeuentbe. » tfrom wbence tben commetb wifoomc? anb where it rtje place of Unberftanbtnge.'' ©be i0 bib from toe cpes ofallmenliuinge, peennbfrom tbc fouIeSof tbeapje.Deftruc- cion anb beat b faye:webaue berbe tell of bee with oure care0. 2&ut(5ob reetb ber wape , anbHnottctbberplace.ffojtbebeljolbetfttbe enbc& of tbc t»o?lb,anb loftetl) topon all tl)at « \)nbct bcauen. Men be ttepeb t[)e own* be0, anbmeafureb t^t mm* : vo&en rje fet m ravnein om*-> anbgaue fbempabtpe */8tcie.<.f. floiibctf a laujet-Etjenbrbbelebcr, write* Wmmu, H a *$ f«lw > wepareb ber anb ftnewetjer. anb^. 3nb ijnto man be fapbc.-2Sel)olb,* to feaee i: m lojbc.f ra^irbome:anbto fo.tralie melt. t0\)nber(tanbinge. C^De-W^Cljapter; 09b«om4aroitD of iije pjofcctrtpt or m tpme MR, futtdlp.ttpwupitacurt Rtnbteof imutpc , J«MU(c«tpwpoeHMi3lobfuffcrtbatto;bpn«cto I C»3oli p^oceabeb anb went fo^tb * in W communicacpon, favr nge. * ©tlwt 3txjecea03tt)a0mi5 mo- Mb** W pad , anb in tty bapc* tot) en «5ob p^elei neb me: when W ItelJt (bv. neb t>pon mp beab : wfjen 3 wentc after tbe fame Ipgbt anb (Ijpn pnge, euen tbo?owc tbe barchnelTe . TtH n ftobe w(tb me wben 3 watf ponae : wbm <5ob p^ofpercb mp bon» fe : wpeu tbeatlmipgbtie wa0 vtt to(rb me : wben mv cbplbjen ftobe aboute me .• wben mp wape0 ranme ouer wifb butter.anb \n$ ** it)t ftonp roc«e0 gaue me rpuectf of opie : * wben 3 wentc tljo.towe tbe cptie Wo tbc Sate , anb wben trjcp fct meacbapje in t\iz rete : wben tbc ponge men ( a0 foone a0 tbep fawe mt)w t\)tm feluca, anb wbcu t^t ageb arofe.au b ftobe tjp tmi o me , when the itytacc* left of tbeir tai bfnae , anb lapcb tWtmntit f o tbeir moutb: w&e* tbe rjwb fee ptc am tbeir t) wet, anb when tbeir Conge deucbtotberofe of tbeir moutbe. tobenall t\ttp tbatbetbcme.caUeb mebapppe.anb wben all tbep fbat fawe me , fpnbc goob of me. Jo? 3 beliuc rcb tbc poo?e wben tecricb, aubrobib3tbefatbcclcffeanbbimtbafljaD none to bolbc binn. loc tbdt Qmlbebaue bene loft.gaucmea goobwojbc , anb tbc wpb= c Do«jc0 tjerte p^n^fcD me. 2Ciib wbv? <<»* 3 *%* put Upon me rpgbteoufne0, wbicocouercb meajs a garment, anb equptc wa0 mp cto= wne. 3 watf an w Vnto t&c blpnbe , anb a fote to tbe lame , 3 watf afatliec twto tbc poo^e : anb wben 3 ftnewe not tbe caufe , 3 rougbtitoutbiUs[entlp.3^aHctbecbau)c0 , of tbewnigbtcoutfman, *anb plucfttctbe #•*•! njoplc out of bi0 tctb- ^beefo^e^tboufjbttjctelp.tbatsajulb baue bpth in mp new : anb tbat mp bapctf Qmlbc baue bene ass mnnp O0tl:c fonbetf of pfecflojmp rooi:ewa0fp?ebout bpf wa-- © tccfpbe.anbtbebcwcliipetjpon mycojme. a)pncbonourencrcaicbtno?ei»ibmo?c,anb mp bo we watf eucr tbe ftr ongcr in mp banb. ttnro me men gaue eare, me tbep regatbeb , anb witb fplencctbep tarpeb f oi mp coun» cell.3f3babfpol^tbcT>wolDebaucitnone Otberwape0,mpwo^bc0werero well tM amongetbem. ^:bep waptebfo? meatf fo? tberapneranb gapeb Upon mc,a0 f grounbe botb to rcccauc m latter ujowcr.^ - U)bcn *** 3Iansbeb, tbep attewe well it wa0 not ear* neft : anb m ipgbt of mv countenaunce wolbc tbep not pint ont.U)ben lagreeb tw- totbep? uwk,3 toatftbecbefe, anb fata0a spnge witb bvtf armpe aboute tym. 3Bnb wban iUtlt.C, tvtttt wban tbep were in Mmj ttwtf tbepi comfo^toure. C^bP.WJC.Cbapfcr. Wmm thtp tbat are ^oagertben 3 , baue me in berpfton i pee , euen Jbep, wbofefatbcr03wolbe baue t — - tbougbt fco^ne to baue ret witlj tbe boggc0of mp cntrll. ^be power* ftrengtb of tbeir banbc0inigbtbomcnogoob:foi tbe tpme itfbut loft among tbem. Jfo? tjerv mi= fecpanb bongcr, tbcpflcbintotbe wplbcr^ neire bo^ibic f waift.plucftpngetjp netted amonge t\yz bufOje0,anb tbe 3unipcrrotc0 fo? tbeir meate.ainb wben tbep were om\l fo?tb,mgccpebaftcctbcm,a0itjbabbeneaf= m tee a tbcfcCbeir b welling wa0 befvbe f ou= Ie ^one0,pec,in m canetf anb bcnne0 of the f artp. Amonge tl)t buf(bc0 wentc tbep a= boutcctPing,anbUnbertbctbo?ne0tbcpga= tl)ttch t&em mm togctbec. 'eTbep were tbe ebpJbien of foolc0 anb Uplainctf, wbicb are Jjcrcb out of tbc wozlbe.* iiow am 3 tbeir fonge, anb ant becometbeir f caftingctoocfe : tbcpabbo?remc,anb f Ipc farre fro me , anb ftapncmpfacewitbfpetle.jf otf JLo?b batb looreb tbc ftrengtb of mpbobp.aiiD bought melowe. 'ftbc bipblcbaiic tljcpcaftoutof mp WJt. Upon mprigbt banoe tpfe the pongc mm aga pnftmc , tbep baue burte mp fctctreabingetJponmcatfDpontbewapctf that tbep wolbc beftrope. ft)? patbe0b«iue tbep clone marrcb. 3t wa0 fo cafp f o? tbem to bo mebarmcthattbcpncbcbnoman to bclpetbem^bep fell Upon me,a0 it bab be* ite tbe bjeaainge in of water* , anb came in bp bcapc0to beftrope me. jfcacfulncfte 10 turncbagapnftme. C f Wne bonoure Uanifajeb awapc mo?c fwpftlv fben t\)c wpnbe , anb mp p^ofperitc bcpartctbbence } lvhea0itwcrcacioube. ^perfo?ei0mpinpnbepowreb full of ben^ ncac, anbtbcbapc0of my trouble baue fa* hen bolbc Upon me. mv bonc0 arc peacfeb tbo?ow,iutbcnigbtfearon,abmpfpnewc0 taftcno reft, it oj toe Uebemencic of fo?ow 10 mp garment chaungcb anbacco^bing to tbc bmccftfe of beupnctf am3ffp?bcb witbmv coate.^ebatbcaftmc into tbe mire, anb 3 am become like affoc0anb buft. U)be 3crpc Unto tbe, tbou boeft not bcarc m * 9 though 3 ftabe before tbepet tbou regarbeft mc not. ^bou art become myne enempe, anb witb thpUtolcutbanbe tbou takeft part agapnft nje. 3ntvmc0pafttboubibcftfctmeup on hie, a0 it weceabouc t\)c wpnbe , but now . bafttbougcuenmeaUcrpfojefaU, $)urc3 5 am , tbat tbou wilt bcUucr me Unto beatb •* »*eue to t\)t lobgingc tbat i0bue Unto all ml mungc. |5ow Ufcnot mentoboUiolence Untotbcm,tbatarebeftroieballrcabp : but 3fob « \ ifo.crr wbercburfc i0bone,tbere Ufc thep to ficluc TOnot3wepewttbbimtbatwa0introu= tie? fyab notmp foule companion upon the jjoojc ^etneuertbcleffc, Wbcrea03lo(ub fojgoob.eucll bappeneb Unto me:anb tuberc a03waptebfoMigbt.tberecamebarc!iiicu"e «)pbowlc0fetbewitl)inme,ftahenorcft, fonbebapctf of mp trouble are come Upon me. JSJeaelp anb lowip came 3 in, pce.anb Wttbout anp bifplcafurea ftobe Up m tbc co gregacion , anbcoinmtineb witb toem.23ut now,3ama companion of b?agon0, anb a felowc of €ftricbe0.^pfftpnnc Upon mc ta turneb to blacft.anb mp bonc0arc b?ct with beate:iup barpe i0 tucneb to fo?o we,anb mp pppetoweppnge. C^bc.rwi.cbaptcr. ^y3wolocnotloReUpon -c* a oainfcll. jfo2bowgrcat«i po2^ $5??"' cieMlibaueof door $ what m " _-___.- cnbcrifaficcfrom tbc almigbt ic ® n M^^ r ^Woblpanbbetbatiop a nctb W\ fclfc to m companp of wvcaeb boer0,(baU not beftruccion anb mtfcrv come Upon btm^SDotb not be femp waves, ant) k »*«"«*• mm mp aotngc0.;3f 3 banc walhebiu Bwhm. Uamte,o?pfmpfctebauerumiefobifceaiie: let mc be wepeb in an cue balance, tbat Gob mapfemptnnoccncp.*3ffobctl)at3hauc*ew.b.(.a. untbbMwneinp fote out of the rfgbt inape, a»bpfmpbcrtbatbfolowcbininccvcfigl)r.-' 3f jibaueftaineb o.i bcfucbmpbaubcpriiicu icai3fou)c.anbnnofi)crcate,pce,mvgcne- ractoniSbpoftertrcnialibc eleanc rotebout. 3f mp bertbafb lufteb after mp nccrnbou= rc0 wpffe 0} pf 3 baue lai'bc waptc at Ins bo?c'iDfbcn>i.ietmp wtffegrmbc Untoano -k- tocrmaanb let other meltc with ber. * ifoj *zn.u W . tbi0i0awic!icbnefl*canbfpnne,tbati0wo:- n tWo bepimifibeb , pee , a fp?c tbat Utferip Qmlbc confume.anbrotc out all mp fubftau- ce. 'did 3 eucr tbinkc fcojuc to bo right unto mp reruauntc0anb mapbens, wben tW hab enpmatet agapnft mcrsSut fringe tbat Gob wt»fpttininbgmenf,wbataia«3bo*anb fo? fomocbatfbe will ncbe0Uirettme > what anfwcreOiall 3scuebimtf loe tbat fail)io= neb me m mp mothers wombemabe he not btmalfo: were we not both foapena iibetit ourcmotberSbobtcSf tDbcntbcpootc bffi= rcbanptljingcatmc,bauc3bcntcbitthem? Jwuc 3 caufeb tbc wiobo we to ftanbe waj»= tinge fo? mcin Uapncf loatie3 catc mp no?- cion alone, that tbe fatbcrlclfc batb hab no parte with mc:fo?mercpgrcwc up witb mc fro mp poutb , anb companion fro mv mo* tbcrSwombc. tyaue3fencanpmanpcrimc C tbp?ow nahebneflc anb want of clothingei' O? anp poo?^!** fo? laca of rapmet , wbofe fpbctf 3ok ft nuP.tiMt.li. £> - i I .!* : *M fpbctftltfcncbmcnot^ccaufcDc wag war* men wifDtDc wollc of mp flicpcf W 1 cucrlpftcUp mpbanbc to Imrtc t l)c fatbcrlcfie.' vcc ,intbc gate wbcrc 3 fa wc mpfrlfctobeinauctoiitc:tDenlctmpucar« me fall ft* o nip mulbcr,nnb ittpue arme Ijolcst lie luobrn from fJjeiopnte&iwiS Untie ener fraicbfbcu nigra mice anb punpfliemcnt of <5ob,anb (mewc Uecp wclUDat 3 wa0 not abletobfarcDw* burrDcn. me 3putinp truft in golbc?£>2 Dane 3 fa poe to tbc fpneft Soltic of all:rljou arte mp confiDciiccf tyauc 3re(opfcb becanfemp power wa0 great, ab beca nic mpbanbc gat fomoebe? * !Dpb3 cucrgreatlpregarbc roc rpfyitge of $ tonne.' oi lmD3 tljegoinrjc bowucof fljcmoonc in grcatc r r putacpon i $atD in v fjrrt mcbleb mturlp wttb anp btfreaf tf £>z , bpb3 cucr lipfie mpne a wnc haubc i tijat were a wpc= ftrDitcfle woitDp to be punt Qicb ,f 02 tDc" ftrol* be 3 banc benpeb tDctfob that Wnbouc. :>: tfcotwta, * pine 3 etier reiopfeb at tbc burr c of mpne encinpr £)2 wa0 3 cucr glab , tl)at mf Dar= me bappeneb littto bmir £>D 110.3 licncr fnf = frcbmpmoutbfobofocbafpnnc,a0towi(& litm eucll. s>pb not the men of mpneawiie nou wolb fapc: wbo (ball let U0 to banc onrc bcllp f"U of l)ij5f leflie t 3 banc not fuffrcba ftrauiigcr to ipe witDout , but 3 openeb my boie0Untobim,£ wcntbptbc wapc. $ane 3 topic fecretc mp fpmtc a:ib bpb mpnc iui= quite ,aj 3tba bpfrtyauc 3 frarcb anp great multitubc of people : 02 pf 3 Dab bene bit* ppfebof rijc fpmplc, Otbciittjulbc 3 Daue bene afrapeb. TO*0 Daue 3 QUpe tip fpent mp Ipfe, ab not gone out at tDc bo2c.£) that 3baboncwhicbwolbcDcarcmc.io,tbi0i0 nip canfe. 3" tl)c whicb the almpgbt p (ball anfuKi:cfo*mc:tDougijbc.tbati0 mp cotra= r 1> partp, batb written a bone agapnft mc. grtgo* wpll3tabcbunUpon mpflmlbcr, nnbatfa garlanbc about mpheab. 3wpll tell Dim , thcuombcr of mp goingc0, aub go Unto Dim ad toa fruucc.iiSut pf cafe be tijat mp x Haubc crpc agapuftme, 02 that tbc foiowctf tberof maUc anp complapntc : pf 3 baueeatcu tbcfrute0tDerof Unpapcb fo2,pcc pf 3 Ijauc grcucbanp of tDe plowmen : then letthpftlcsgrowcinftcabeof mp wDcatc, $ coclilc foi mjf barlcpc. Ctycrc cube tDe wojbc0of3ob; ^DcwM CDapter. . «C»£iiJ)u,iftcttl)cotOCTl)ati fvnrfljeo thcj»i rommo; matron ,«piouctb them of foipfti;itce.a«e iiMUctb not a man to y f c , b n 1 1 n c fpictt of cBoo, iD tljcfe tint men tnolbc ftrpue nomo^tx»tb3ob,bccanfcbeDcl= be bvm fclfe a rpgDtcou ma. tf nt eiiimtfjcfomte of 25arac5cli tlje mttpte of tlic fepnrcb of Earn , treat £!|* men are uotallwape wpfenctber bott) cue ik rp ageb man tnibcrttanbe tbc tupnge tbattsi &£& lawfull.'Clicrfmcwil^ fpealtc alio ( bcarc T m mc)anb3wvliajctt)voualfompne t)imer- ft anbinge. jron wljcn 3 f)ab wapteb tpll pe mabe an e nbc of pourc talhpnge,anb bearbc pourcwpfoomir.tDbatargumcntcgpcmabc in pourc communicacpon ; pee , t»bcn 3 bab biligcntlp ponb?cb wl)at pe fapbe,3 f ounbe not one of pou tbatmabe anp goob argu^ metit agapnft Job , tbat btrectlp coutbe ma= be anlnjcrc \jnto W wo?bcsi : left pe fbulDc fapc. tDcliamjfotmbc outwpfbomc : ttt : 3 will open mp ipppcfc 9 mafte nnfwcrc. 3 will regarbc no mancr of per= fonne, no man will 3fpare. ff 0? * pf 3 wolb #«*" goaboutetopleafcmcn,3Bnowenotbowe fonc mp maber wolbc tahe me awapc: C5TDe.^«iCl)aptcr. CEH)ttJl)ttm3Iol)OfffiiDCtb,ttiftb CSob mn? tbc not rtcpUc , no> cueioiiflp fcoKjjc out bp* nlncrfo^e , Deare mp wo^bed * ( 3ob ) anb Ijcrbcn Unto meali tbat3 will fape: 25c= Dolbe,3i)auenowopcncb mpmoutO.mptongeOatU fpoben in mp r&ote . mv DcrtbotDojojempwojibcsS arpsDt, $M $o*mu $ ,t«J.D. irtt.ii. i.r.tci|.D t.it.ti. |j|.b. a rpg!)t , anb mp ippped ta Ike of pure wpf= bome.^De fp^pte or <3>ob ijatD mabe me, SO ,1,(1*. * t|je b^etb of tt»c 3dlmpgbtpe batb geucn mempipfe. 3ftboucanft, t|)engcucmeanf= were : prepare tijp fclfe to ftanbe before me face to face, 26cbolbe, before (Fob am 3 *uS asitljou , foOam famponcb anb mabe cucn of t\)t fame moulb » 'SibcrfotctDou nebeft not to be afrapeb of me, netber nebeft tbou to feare, tDat mp auctojpfe ftalbe to Ijeup fo?t&e . i9ow Daft tbou fpoben in mpne ea» red , anb 3 Daue berbe tfce nopce of tbp wo?» besi: 3amclcanc wptbout anpfaute, 3 am innocent, anb tbereijg no wpcbebncitfiii me. ^5utlo,beDatbPicltcbaquarcllagapnftme, anbtaltetDmcfo^bPtfcnemp: ^ bcJjatijput mpfote in tDc ftocbeiS, anblobetb narowlp Unto all mp pa tbe0 . 2Seljolbe , (n tbpsf Daft tbounot bonerpgDt. 3 topll mabe anfwere Unto t])t , tbatti^oo it mo^c tDcn man . 3nb wDp bpeft tbou tben ftrpue agapnft bint: f 0? be (ball not geuc t^z accompte* of allDpsi ix>o?Dcj0f . if 0? wbe" d5ob botD onceciSmaunb e a tbpnge,tbere(bulbe no man be cucpoust,to rearebe wbctDer ftberpgbt. * 3n buamctf anbUin'omSof tbcnpgbtCwbcn flombnng commctDnponmen, tDattDcp fall a flepe in tDctc bcDbejS )\)t rounbctDtDcm in flje carctf , Dcinfourmetbtb^ anbibcwctbtbem plap= nelp,tbat it i$ be, wbpcb witbma wetb man from cupU,btipucretDDprotrom p,tpbe , be= petDbpmfromtDc graue, anb Dpd Iffi from tbefwemrbe . loc chaftenctb Dm wptb fpcb= nelTc,anbb?pugetbDpmtobii8bcb:bclapetb fo?c puwpftemcnt npon Dvtf Doncji , (0 tbat liptflpfemapcawapc wptD nob.?eb,anb W fonleabrjoirctD to eat anp bapntie meat: 3n fo mocD tbat Dp# Dobp i& clcanc confumeb awape,anbbiS boncie! appeare no miojc.loptf Ipfcb^a wei b on to tDe graue,anb \)V8 Ipf c to bcatDJfcow, pf tbetebe a meffenger c one a? mongea tDoufanbe) fcntfojto fpeaHe nuto man,anbtoiDeweDimtDcrpgDtwape:tDcii 3D tDe lojoe is( mcrcpfnll Unto Dpm.gb vapetlk Iric (bantieoclpuercb , tijat befall notbowne to tDcgimue , fo^am fum'cientlp reconcp= !cb . tijan (ball Dpiel Aeflb De ad well ipbpng a it wacf af 02e,anb Qjalbc am wasi in tyt poutD. tfoi pf Dc fubmpttc Dpm felfeUnto 0ob, be flrjalbc grnciouj* Unto Dim.Sb fl)e we bimDi0eountcnauuceiopfullp,9tewarbctD tnanfo? W rpgDteoufnetf . I0cn»«toe,nni)8ouetntfjall. JLiDn pjocrabpnge foztD inDp^^ anfwere, fapb : tymtmv wo?= bc0( €)pe wpfe men) DerWUn* to me , pe tbiit Dane Unberftan= bpngc.5foi«Dc care pjouetb 5ft „„ -- bifecrnctb tb« wo?bcjJ, * anb ^ ****» montDtaftetD?meatc0:3t0fo?iubgemcnt, IctUiS febeit outamongcoure feluesi.tDat we map bno we wDat 10 goob . 3tnb wbp.'' 3obDatDfapbe : 3 amrpgDteoud , but <5ob botD mc w?onge .3 mutt neabe0 be a lper, tDougDmpcaulc me rpgDt, anbUiolentlp3 am piagcb wDcreaa 3 mabe no faut: wber e 10 there foci) a onea0 3ob,eDat{oD conbemnetb no man w?on» mm *> (i <*' gcfullp , anb tDc iubgement of tDe 3Rlmpgl> tpc is not UnrpgDteou0 . tDDo r ulctD f eartft in W ftcabc t $>h wDom DatD Dc fettto go= ueme tDet^Dole wo?lbc i %o wDom batb Dc [cncn Dp0 Dcrtc,fo?to b^awc DP0fp?ctc anb * jjetDtonto Dpm r2Wl fieCb u)all come toge* tDer unto naugDt ; anb all men Cball tiirtte agapne Unto * buft . if tDou now Daue Un* *<&tnt tm berftanbpng,beare wDat 3 fapcanb t)cr ben mUtl * 1 * totDcUopccofmpwo^bc0.'' a)apeDebcaruler,tDatlouetDnorpgDt.'' CjtmapeDetDati0aUei;pinnoccntman,bo "bngoblp 1 30tt rcafon , f tDon ftjulbeft fape to tbcBpnge: lltDouartwiebeb, 02, tDou art Ungoblp,anb tbat before tbc p?pnce0 < * fce &.fi ltx batb no refpecte Unto tbe peicfoune0 , of tDe mSH loiblp.anb rcgarbcth not tDc rpcD moic f Den $?ffA tDepooie. JfoitDeplicaU tDewoicbcof Dp0 #*'"**' Danbe0 , 311 tDc twpncblinge of an cpe u)all tDcpbpe.anbatmpbnigbt, toDcn tDe people anb tDe tpjautetf rage,tDcn QialltDcp pcrttD, anb be tabcu awape Witijout Danbe0 . 3nb wDp.'' * Di0cpf0lobeupe tDc wapc0of ma\ iJ*-««* anb be feptDall D?0 gopngcjS . 'Cbcrc i0 no*" oun ' 1M, • barcbnc0noi (Dobowe of beatD > ^canDpbe tDc wpcfteb boer0 from Dpm . if oz no man & ftalbe v\ ^r » i . - r ifl ' " It ' .1 * 3 M * »*; ■ ^ tyalbefuffrebtogo into mbgcmcnttf bepu= fjpOie.f ft ttctU ttjjee In torn fteaDc* . &btr= tmm tbtufm, ntMwWl be be (trope b. jKiW twt were in f fteabe of jbratft, Dealt IpbeongoDiv mm. am) f berfojc lie punpujco tbem j became tliey tmiicb back from bpm, «irt> woiocnot confpDerall Up* wape?. 311 Xo mocbtfrat t|jep bmie caufeD tbe oopce ot t&c poojc to come Onto bpm, do novo be bca* retbtbe complapnte of focbea0are in trou* blc.3f be graunte parbon, tojjo wpll con* Dcmne .' ainD pf be fipDcr a wapc b?0 counts wiiunce, wboQjalbcable tofe it ; voIjetDcc it be to ttje people o? to an p man, tfyu* wpll ht Do.#oJtDcOtujoDlpncfleof tbc people , boti 0obmabeanppocritctorcpgne,ouert&em. # o? fomocbtbena03bauc begone to talbe of 000,3 wuuotbptibjep. 3t 3b«ucgone ampffe , enfourmc tbou me 1 vf 3 baucoone toiogc, 3 vail leaue of . Can be Do uotbinge witbout tbe.' jfo? tbou baft repjoucb t)vss f ui)gctnct/$:bou alfobaft tbpne a tone mpu= Dr ao not 3 • 26ut fpeabc on wbat tbou bn = wi?ft. lee men of Onbrrftonbing telt mc.ano let a topic man Dcrnen onto mc.^iB fo? 3ob, frc (jatb netber Cpobcn to tbe purport no? wt^ felp. vDfatber,lct3ob be well trpco, became *e ijatbanfwcreb fo? wpcbeb me": vecaboue j& fpnnebc botb wpcbcblp :mum»bctba= monge 08, anbmultiplietb bP0 wo?De0a« ga;pnft0oD- C^rbcjcrjcO.Cbaptet. CjUthct &oti> coblpueffc p*o*« ,v> Vnaetiphrotittrt to C>oo but to man, " itiw Rate mo?eouer , tuou0ojbatgeucfttboub«n.''iD^o)batiSiU &creceaueoftbpbanD.'flDfrocbeanongoblp pcrfonne a0 tbou , anb of tbe fonncof man tbatitfrpg&tuoufl a g tbou p^ctenDeft to be: Jbcirewaffrcate crp anD complapnte mabe bptbemtbataee opp^edeD OjptUOvolenee, pee^cuetpman copiapnetb opotbe crueltpe C of tpiaunte0.jfoKocbeaone ncuer fapetb: U>ll*ee 10 ©ob tbat mabe me t a i tliat otcuctb Oiei occafton to p?apft b«m tn f ttiobtf ftbpelj Jffll onoerfta-bpng tben be Dot& rpebeaftefliof tbc eart[j, $ teacfletb 00 mo^e •10b tDcn Mo$ p mwti Deatien/ _ Jfanplocbcompiapne.noman rreurth anftoere, anb tbat becaufe of tbc wpeff neffe tflWMifc mmm,mt pf a man raii opon 1 000 ,botb not be beare Dima a>ot not Py^lJ^ «cceptc^rrpcrl»)|wiitbou ^ fpeafteft t)m . ffatilDe not be par Don tbe vf S wnwm before bpm , anbput ttvti in bpm t %m i \)fetb be no bpolencc u X OJ^tb.netbfi'batbbfplcanircmcurpS Depe inqupfpttonjs.'rbr cfo?e Dotb 3ob own M moutb but In Oapnr, anb folp^p Do b CCfje.yjrjtoi.€ljapter. Li{mp?occaDcbfo?t!) (nbp^ 1 talRpnff,anDfapD:toolDe toe Ipu a Fptle, « 3 (bail aietoc .',t»bat3ljaucpettofprabe on d5obbe* bebalfe . 3 ojpll open Onto the vtt mm of -•mvncOnDetfteiDpngcj pio^ tiempmaterrpgbtcous(.3nDtiulv,mp\xo{ Drtftall not be oapne, fepuac be is wttb the tbatmpcrfecttnHnouJleflerucbolb.tbrfTrca^ re <5ob caftetlj aixiape no tna\fojbc to fclfc wmpgbtptn potocranbOJi foome. ^J?^!^pW' , »^ftallnotiplcrtw jVm,buta)alllDelpctbepoo^totbcierpgbf. W ftall turtle i|)p0 cpcgaioape fro tbc rpg b» teoutf, butntf Itpngeit Qiali tbcp btintyvz tronc.ijeqjallirabipQjfbcmfcHUfr^tbcp ftalbe eralteo . But pf tbcp be lapcD in pie- von anb cbcpnesi.o? boimbc roitb tbc bonW of trouble, tben topil be Qjeuie tbem thm tow,nnbtbefpnnc0wljtrtt)it|)tl)cpl)a= ueOfebcruellopolcnce. $e \nvtt\ pmnpfftjpng e anb nurfringc of B tbem , rounbetbtbemin tbe eare0, toarnctlj tbem to leaue of from tbcpj topebebnefle, » toamenbe.*3f tbepnoojtoplltaftc bebefio ** fl,w feruebim,tbepu)allojereouttbep?Dape0m p?ofpertte,anDtbep?pearc0 in pleaDireanb iope.25titpftbepttjpll notberbe, tbcpq:nll flotbo^ototbeCoiearbe, anb perpftj oiciicc tbepbcaujare.:^0fo?rocba0befapnebppo erttttf, tbeptball bcapeOp uuatb (omtm Mtietmttewm not Opon bpm, tboualj tbcp be p* MtimWM1pum*U tt>m foil' Ie pcrpfuje in folpCbnctte , | tbcp? Ipfe Ojalbc eonbenebamfigtbe fo2nicatour0.€Ije pooie (bail be bclpuer out of bWafflictton, 9 roubc tbem m tbe care 03ba tjjep be in trouble, eut foftjallbeltcpefbcfyf tbou topltbc content) from tbe bottomlcitc ppttc tbat itf benctb •• * Pf tbouojpItbolDcfqupetcbeaiall fpll flip table \optbplenteoHfneffe. Bcucrtbelcflc , tljoubaft conbemneb ttic c (ubgement of tbe ongoolp, peceuenfocbea movement anb fentencc (bait tbou fuffrc. 5D fQlQmWWMIt tyftHW be ftpllebtoptb erueltpcno^nacpfpcbojptb manp gpftc0. CbP»»eft tbou ,t|w tbc wpil reijarbe tbpri' cbe^r* be (ball not care foj golbcner fo^ all tbemt bat ejccell in ftrengtb . ^olonge not tbouftpme, tplltbcrcome a npgbtfojtbe> to fee otber people i tbp fteabe. 2Sut beuoarre tijattbou turne not atpDc to wpcbeDneffe ilb fpnne,U)l)icbbitl)er to tbou tiaft cbofenmo» re tbe" mebeneuc.iBel)olD,C5ob W of a migbt= tpc bve poo>er:tt)bere (0 tbeecfocbea gpbe 9 lawe gcuer a0 WXDbo ttjpll repjoue wm of bP0 UMfr/ttpo xm fapc Onto bim:t^ou baft bone XfiWti 0confpb?e botogreatcanb ej:ceUcntbP0 OJojcbc0 be, o)bom all men loue anb pjaple: pee,wonDtcatl)pm,anb pcttbepfel)pm but afarre of .25ebolbe, to gr catc i0 <& ob, tbat be paifetbourebnoujlebgcnctbcr are we able to come to tbc experience of bp0pcare0. * loe rurnctbtljcujatertofinall bj5oppc0, bebrp= t\ct])h,V^ cloubc0togctbct fojto rapnefof" tbcp pourc b oojnc anb Dioppe pon men.^e can fp^cbe out tbc cioube0 ( a couerphge of bp0tabeniaclc)anbcanfebp0irgbtto(npne Opon tbem,anb to coucr tbe bo tome of p fee. 25ptbefctbingc0 goucrnetb bej)p0 people, anb geuetb tbem abounbaunce of mcate. U)ptl)tl)c clouoc0 |)e bpbctb tbe Ipgbt, anb at butf commannbement tt commetb agapne . Zbt rp= CpiigoptbcrofftetBetb i)etobP0frenbc0$ totbccatcll. ,' tT^Sltbu piouctOt!)at toe ttopfoomtof boleo>o?lDe:0)l)ctbcr ft betopu* npOjanplanbe,o?toboo goob onto thm, tbatfcbebpm. c ^erben Onto tm ( O3ob) ftanbe ftpH, ci confpb?c t^z \Donb2ou0 tooube0 of 0oD. Zxt tbou of counccll u»ptb 00b , ouben he botbtbefetl)(ngc0i'n)l)cn be caufctb f ipgbt to comefo?lb of h.v& cloubc0 < %xt tbou of bP0conncellTBbcnbefp?cbetb outtbe ciou= De0 i i^aft tbou tbe perfectc bnotolcbge of OP0 tooOero.^ bow t^ do tbc0 arc toarmc, wbcntbelanbe i0 ftpu tboiow th.c $>outh raynhtj i^aft tbou beipeb ^m to fpzeabc outtj)crjcauen,tol)pcl)i0tolobc Opon , aoit toerecaft of cleare mctall i ^cacbe 00 tobat weqjallfapeontobpm.foiwe are Onmctc becaufcof barcbne0 . £>ljaU it be tolbc bpm n 0Jbat3fapc^l)uibamafpeabe ,ojft)uibc iebepeit bacbe { Jfo? eucrp man fcptbnot tbe Ugbt.tbat be bepctbclcarcm tbe cioubc0 wbpcb be clcnfctli toljait Ije mabctbi wpnbc toblou)c.0olbci0b?ougbtoutofp^o2tb, but tbc p?apfc anb bonoure of 0ob0 fearc commetb from <5oD bf m felfc . 3t 10 notttJe^cnnfpnDeouttbealmigrj-« tpc : fo? in power , cqmte , an& rpgiJtcoufneOe , be i0 bper (pan can be crpieffeo , let men tberfozc fe» are[)pm,fo?tbcre (ball no man fe |)pmt|jati0 , wife in bt0 awne co= »', ceate. cm#jcof(j.C&aptcr- GZpt ttoonDjca anu matutllrttbat tbc Vortt Dm Done from tft e biBpnnrngeT ^enanfwcrcbtljeio^Deoit-. to3oboutoft|)e ftojme, 5 b * fapb:wbati0betbatbpbctb bi0mpnbewitbfolp(bwo? DC0.'' * C5p?bc Op tbp lopne0 ^ . Ipbcaman,fo? 3wpU que= * Jcbr,, « ,ftponwptbtbc,fetbougcue meabirccteanlwere.toiKrcwafttbou.wbe 3 l^v^tbe fottnbncvon0of tbc eartb.'' Ztll ulapnelp.pf tbou baft Onbcrftanbpng. tt>bo jatbmeafurebit,bnowcfttbou.''iDz,wbo batbfp?eabe tbe Ipnc Opon it f U)bcrc Opon ftanbe the ppller0 of it ( €)?, wbo lapcbtbc cp?ncr ftone tbcrof.^Dcrc waft tbou, wben ti;e mojnpng ftarre0 p?apfeb mc togctber, £1 ii anb (.■• 3ob.rt\)Mi 4 ■ ■ I ! ! ♦ i ; 4 •■ ; A - t aiibalit&ect)pnttenof<50& rciopfcb trium pbantlp/' * Itfbo ft ut the fee wptb owed, wben it ujaac fo?tbad a cbplbc out ol! npd t notbctd wombrr U)bcn3l mabc tlic cloubcd to be a couerpng f o? it , anb fwablcb tt witb f tie ftarcfttfutyeii 3 S awe it mp commaunbe* mencmahpngbojed aim barms fo? it , fap 23 tng : typtbetto wait tbou come, but no far= tbet,? bcrc Crjalt tbou lapebownetbP pjoub nub bpe waned . #afttbougcucntbemo?-* npngc bPdcbargc(adfoneadtbou waftboj noanbfbcwcb tbe bape fwphgbpd place. tbattt mpgbt taacbolbc ottpi: cojnerd ofp eattb. a no W t tbe ton goblp mpgbt be flbafte* m? 'ttbm toliendanb weapendare tutneb lpbcciape,anbfctttopagapncadtbecbauw== gpng of agarment.'fcbc tongoblp tyalbe DU lapovntco of tbcit Ipgbt.anb tbe armc of tbe p zouo t ujalbe b jouen . Camcll tbou euer in- to tbe gtounbe of tbe fee: oj walUebett in tbe low co^ncrjes of ttjebepe/ i^ainc tbe gated of bcetb bene openeb tonto tbe, o«t Ijaft ifou fe ne tb« b ojed of tbe i&abo we of oca tb.'fcaft tbou alio pcrccaucb bow bjoabe tbe eartb id.'gf tbouflaft Unowlcbge of all tbpd , tben flicw me, wbere Ipgbt bwclletb , atub wb'frebnr= chined id ; tbai: tbou mapeft typnrjetod tonto tbep? quartcrd, pf tbou canft tell tbe mmt o tmt boufesf. * $uicttcfttbou(afoje tbou wafl: borne) bowolbc tbou ujulbeft be.'tyctcft tbou cuee intop tteafurped of tbe fnowe, o? baft tbou feneitbefccccte placed of tbe jjaple, * wbpcb 3baucpDj wbo &atb begotten f bjopued of bewe.' Out of wbofe wombe came tpepfe t Who batb gc"b?eb m coined of tbe apje t tbat tbe watcrdarcad bacbead ftoned, anblpecon= ndebabouetbebepe. U)plttboubpnb?e tbe froele influenced of tbe. \)ij. ttattcd / ©J act tbou able tobjefte tfjeciccle of bcancn.'Cantt tbou b?pngefoftb tbe mo^npnge ftarrc o?| euenpngeftatteatconuenicnt tpme, dcotb S) uepe tbem borne agapnc t ftnotntfttboii m courfeof beauen,tbat tboumapeli fettoptbc o^bmauncetbeeof \jp5tbe ectb f iffiojeoucr, canfit tbou ipft tiptop tjopce to t|je cloubed, tbattbepmapepoojebotBucagtcatccapnc ^poiitbe^Canfttboutbonb?ealfoftbattbep tnape go tbep? wape, anb be obcttent tmto tbe, f apf g: lo bere are mc Wo geuetb mrc wpfoome o? ftebfaft \)nbecaanbpnge t w^o W ■ v* it nomb^etl) f clouDcdin wplbome ( to|jo Upu Jctb tbe ticbement voaterd of tbe beatif Mo titenctb t^t clotted to buu\$tnun to bedot- ted agapnerlDpllt tbou bunt tpe p?apefrom tbe Upon, o? febe bpd wbelpcd Iping in tbep? benncd, anb lutbpng in <:bep? coucbed.' tubo ^p^ouibetbmeatefo^ tbe taucn, uoben bpd ** 1 vongc onedcepe Dnto d&ob , anb fle aboute mfmtUwMt CEbcwjcitCbaptet; \k «^ob ' jI rt«ui Cffloo fvmsth \)nto Job oe&pngc hpm bytljt tc,iinpk»of or» ou» rpgOtuctncfl l8V)ncl)CrtCfl;ntlc, .o welt tbou ttytvmt wben tbe & iplbcgoated b?pnge fo;tp tbep? >onge, amonge tbe ftonp rocbedf ©jlapeft tbou wapte ujptnpbpn w Mil to fawne t rebencft tbou tbe monetbedafcet tbe pensenb^e, tbat tbou uno weft tbe tpme of tbcpj bearingtrt? wbf tbep Ipe bowne, wben tbep cafttbep? poage oned , anb wben tbep are belpuereb ot tbm trauaple anb papne.^ow tbeic pouge oned growelop , $ wajce gecate tbojow goobfc= Dpngf'wbautbepgo fojtb, anb returnenot aoapne ^jnto tbem t wbo lettetf) tbewplbe aue go fee ,o?wbolowictb tbe bfibed of tbe mule/eucn 3 wbpcb baue geu! t^t wplbet< nedtobe tbep^boufcanb tbe witplleb lanb to be tbep^ bwellpng place. 'Ebat tbep map gcuenoi ; o?cefo?tpe multitube of people in tbt'cytic^nctbciTcgatbetbc cepenge of tbe bjpuer-.tmt febcitbep?paftu?eabouttbemo= ^ untapned.Sb folowetbe gtcncgealle. typ\\ ** m \mpco?nc be iio tame ad to bo tbe fetuice, o^toabpbe ftpllbptbp crpbbe t Canft tbou bpnb tbe pock about tbe fonpeo jne in tbp f o « rowe.to mane dpttt plowc after p in tbe %ah lepd.^)apefttboutruft bpmcbecaufe be ifi ftrongjo; commit tte tbP labour witobpm.' ^apefttboubcleuebpm,tbatbewpIlb^n< ge borne tbp co?ne,oj to earpanp tbpng"ton- totbp barne.^dijauefttljoutljefap^e wpu« •♦ gcd\mtotbepecocHed,o? wpnged f fetberd fcnto tbe ft oitorSt o? be leauetb ppd egged in tbe eartb anb lap c tb tbem in tbe buft . $* w- membietb not , tbat tbep mpgbt be troben wptb tete, o^ b?c ue wptb fome wploe bea ft. &o parbe in be unto M pouge oned , ad tbougb tbep were not bpd,anb labour etb i» t)apnewptboutaupfeare.^lnbtbatbecaure (Boo batbtaben wplbome from bpm,$ batb not geucn bpm tmbcrftanbpnge. wben ^ _ tpme i& tbat be flpctb *V onbpe.becaretb nc * tberfojtbojifenecman. ?9aft tbou geu? tbe bojffe bpd ftrengtb, oj Icjncb Unx to bowe bowne W necn wfeate: tbat be lettetbbPmfclfe be bjpuenfo^tblpue a greibopper , wbrre ad tbe ftoute nevnge tbatbemabetb,id fearfull /Jje b^eabetb tbe grouocwifbtbeboftxdofbidfctecbeatfuup <«Wdfteengfb,anbr^tttetbeometetbebar a neftmen.^elapetbafpbe allfeare, bpdfto^ * macatdnotabiueb.nctbee ftartetbbea back * jvanp/werbe . *f bound tbequpuerdrattle jjpon bim, tboi.gb tbe ivcarc a/iD (bilDcaipI fire : pet w(«betb Dein ftarfelp , anb beateth %" 5? fl'^^K . ^e fearetb not tbe n opfe oftbettompetted,biitadfooneadbebearetb m jawmed blowe,tufbf fapetbbef foi be fmellttb tbe battel a force of , tbe nopfe , tbe eaptapnedanbtbeiboutinge. ; ' m ±u ?^#W^bWtbpwpfoome,tbae onbpeat tbpeomrbaunbement/' feeabpbetb intbeftonprocBed,anbnpontbe1petopped of barge mountapned, wbere no man can HetbfarteaboutwitbbPdepe^g.^dpoX bobplpetD,t|jereidbeimmebiatlp. C'Ebe.jCl.Cbapter. , 4tyeotur , 0ob rpaae\)nto3ob wptbf^mpgbtfe,bcatreft^ gbulbenotbewijicbbifputetb — ^-Jwptb KSpcr rf 2ESS5S? ^fj^oconrpb^ewbat bacme SHfih^PSf" WtelftA , anbnotto £S8teL£°* ? 6 ^ * 0tt Weft to baue bolbe bpon bun, be (ball begpie tbe. ww C^be.]clj.Cbaptcr. L?l? w Mo crnen , f idable 21 Jfjjmagapne.'amtbpngcd SKrKT*** 0? w ^° *«W! bim bp the 3^ dbobp ideoucreb wptbfcaled ad i £Sm ** pacte togctber ; €)ne id fo topneb to anotber p no ap^e can «me in:gce,one tetb fo bpfi WJS&SVSF* * m » ft r,noBe v ipfte ad out ofanbotefetbiiigpot.ttidbtetbmaBctnDe mo ttb.3n bidnecKeremapnetbftrefftb, ana notbmatdto laborfond fo^im ^mem- nnotlicr,anbclcauefofafttogetber,tycbe ^ »ij cannot ,1 - J %•* I A . i - * ■ ■* •r w V. <\ 'J? % USSS&i ft* a ttone, an? a* I aft \Knhc Igocthtthe mpghtpeareafrapeb.ftb ftawtro<t&them . Jf aiwmaii} mart mapnethetfpeare , iauclmgc nj*M%S& abpbe hym .§t fettetb Mtaioch by a mm tumnm , anb a* mocbby a rotten ftocbe _aj81^Waffe^cftatmDttotapapcfo?frpm *> t|»tbmlJetl)tt)ebowe:anWfo?flpigcfto= ne&he carcth as! moch f oj ftubble a* ftp tw , hclaughethhpm tofcowthatt&afeetn tbe ftate .%c trcabeth the flolb in the m lyte the ibarpe potlftcroej*. tee mafcetb the DepetoboTlc Irftea vot, anb fteretb the fee together lylte an opntment JWgJ nth to be fenc after Mm , the bepe tabp* walbpngc place . mpon eith ft there no po* ■ wt* WMa DP«* . to? he itf fo ntabc that&e fcarethnot . 3f aman wpll confpbje all to* tbyngc* , tbP* fame tfanpnge oucr all the cbplojen of pjybc. C'Ehc.jcuj.Chapter. CSbctcpctitauntc of 3<* ■,3btp«ap«iji fin topBftrnDK.antitiiBflOoOwattteitweDBCH; blttnitoQIm. fecit 30b anttoetebthe lozbe , anb Sy be . * 3 unowe that tijon baft power oner allthynge* , anb that ^__tljeret0notboushthvbl)ntof^o? wtiocanfeepe m awnecouncell fo ftewte, bat it foalbe ano wne^berfojebaue 3 fpo= ben that 3 Wcrftobe not, the mm that arcfohpe,frpau*e mvne Mbetttanbtng.0 bnfcen thontmto mealCo, anb let me ; ipcjftf. anfwete tnto the tbpng that 3 mOafte P- ~ bane gcHtnmi#tea«*mto the, anb now I fe tbe wpthmpnc eye* • tt)hccf o?c, 3 gene my neawne telft the blame , anb tanc rcpett* taunccmthebuftanbafibejf. % £0 w when the Lo?bc Dab fatten theft woibeiSDnto3ob,ttfo.itimcb,tl)atthclo?b faybe Unto eiipljnd tbcchemaintc: 3anj' biitoleafeb with tbe.anb thy two fteDcsf, f oj . yebauenot fpouenofmethc mm thatttf rypt » Ipftciwattnp fcruauntjobhathbone. r. '1 wi ^htrfb^,tencii>ottjj5wlenetf ojcenanb fef uen ramme* , anb go to m v fcruaunt 3ob, anb* ofite *p fo?yonrefelne*al»entoffe=fe! rtnete : anbmy foeuannt3obu>aU mwty ^ n ' yon.^vtnwyll3a«eptejJbnotbfaUwptj you after youte f oly Qmefle : to Hwt ft ft aue notfpobenthc thingewppch Wryght, Ip^c O0mpfertiattirt3obbatbbone. ■ ~ 4Doeupba0ibe^bemantte,anb25iibab c tbe &ubite * &ophar the Baamatbtte wJt tbele wayc , anb rypn acewbyns as tne lojb commannbel* tlwm. # W%o>o alto accep* ** tcb the prtfonni! of Ifib , anbthelojbe tur< neb tfe captutitie of 30b, when he way eb to Dt(Sfrinbe0:S«c,the ioib gaue3ob * twpfe *« ajjfmochaslbehabafo^. 3nbthencametheret)ntobpmallhps( biethjen , all hpis fpfter«i ,« aHthrp that hab bene of hpsmcqniayntannceafoje , fin eat tyeabw(tbhtminbtaShoutte,wonmptt!jeat hpm , anb cdf o?tpnae hpm ouer alltnc tcon* ble, that the mwm fought Mponhpm. Cner v man alio gaue bpm a certapne fome ofmonepanbm3cwellofsolbe. . m IMMUm mabe3obrpcbcprh«ibe a> wajlbefo?e:fojhehabfourtenciig.(ftepe.\)i. m,tmM,n ^.youcboforen.anba.^ alfexi . ^ehab fuilwnnetf alfof tpjebau . tersJ.^hefp^ft i5anghtcrcallebbe&cr3emt» -^ , ma : thefeconb t\t$ta ,.anb the thirbe beren= "*' bapuch . 3n all the lanb were no wem? foflo fort ' " - a ,» *4 1 "1 t j ■A r Sm atfthei)anshtcr0 of 3ob , an\>t^ father aaue tihem enhcritanncc ampnge their b?ctD?cn . 38f ter thp0 lyneb 3ob anhtmbjeo anb fonrtp pcares<,ro toatljcliiiwe* hyjithpiDjen, 9 Dps ch]?lD?cnjz( thplD?en into the fourth generation. 2Hnbfo3obbpeb, bepnge oluc« : ofac«fl)eofHje'boftc ofjob. 1- • 1 ~ ' 1 > ..1 * _i • n * ! Hi « I*Jtt rVj rifi i*i ***j. i\: ,i\--r nimsA- -- 1 :-. SB »»*- *3 mo; nnnm nt W ■ i t ciwiaoa l^wgEJggc^ ^CWg£nONS| CTftc tljitbe parte ofehc ^Svble con= tapnpng tpcle booftcjf. ^hepfaltcr . fetemoteritai «Jcclmaftf jj. C Jtfca c5tt'cd?a* 'Ehcpitophcfctf. €fap. Icrcmy. Cpjcchfel. Banifl Ofccsf. 3iuojaf. »bov. 3ona«f. ^fchcarf.* Sttacuc. .4s»opbonp.- 3Cggctii8(. ?acnarp. ^alaebp* :ir'.'-.- ,f $falme, C€l)e pfalmcs of ©auto* 5fo » ipfa.rrnii.b EQ.bin.b iJtt.FbM.b $ >io.r.f. ifl.tfl'f.C =•» 3 mrnun 'r'O.f.b NMfce CWpjIWalmfc BEATVS VIR Q.VI NON ABUT. ma" £ hatlj not With neb in £ * couccl of $ iter ftonoe in f wape offiimertf, * bath not fptt in tljC ffiUCOfCDc Uomum Of Ipte ttf in the laujc of the io«ie:anb in M Urn ojtll ije cjwrcifc him fclfc'oape 9 niaht. 3nn i* he ftjalUelpftc «i trc plantco bp tOe mrramr, f vopu tapngc foitb Mftotein Due fcat'oit. Ipitf icdfc alfo fyall not wither: 5 Iolte tt>hatfoeucr Ijc Doth,it MI flufivfe. 30 foj the UnffoOlp.wt not ft itiffc but *thcy arclpuc jTchafc u>htdjfheu>pnoe fca= tcrcDatDavc^ (fr8 Efface of tbcm^. / 5Tljcr- f ojc, r|)c TunijoDlp ujall note be able to frantic in thetubsmeiit, nfttcf the fpimcrtf (n f con* ppxio of thcrpshfewetf. iBntf JUasc miottief h the toapc of the rpgljte\»c& ano p wave of the Ungoblp ujall pcrptyc. * CUTlje fecono pfalmc. Q.VARE FREMVERVNT GENTES. l)P *oo tlje gKpften fo ftiriouflpc rage togc tljcr r ano \»hp bo £ pco= Pie pmaapne a nam tfyfmtt _ ^:hcHpitfletfoftDtecthflanbc Up.aitb the rtilertf taltc cottncc'Il together* flapnft tljc loioc, auD agapnfl: h>si auopn* ted. let \j0 tycaltc t&rp; uontiejtfaftinDer, anDcaftawapc (m con^KcjS from Utf. l9etfjatDu)eIIet()ml)eatien^tt)aI[!auffh them to fcojtte : tlje ilojbe ujall haue tljcm m Oerifpon. %tyn (hall he fpeakeVnto them tn Ijp0 tDjat h, anb Uere them in bp* fine Dtf = plcafure. get banc 3 fet m v ftpnere Upon mp bolp hpii of &pon. 3 topu pjcach the lawe, t»pe r of t&e lo.ibe hath fapo Unto me: *tijou arte my fonne , thpjs Dapc ftaue 3 be= * a<* .my.?. gotten the. ©erpje of me.ani) 3 ujall gene Bft'if the,? foepthen foj thpnc enhcri taunce, ttn'rhreuerencc. <*lxvfc the ^ fonne, leftjje bcangrpe, 1 fopeperpfujc frfi Z t\H>*(mm roape.pf hiSu)iatbbcbpnDtfO w (pccbutaiptle;bIeu*cDarc all ti)cp that put tTOtrttftinDpm. C'Chcthp^tic pfalmc. DOMINE,aviD MVLTU'LlCATf. fL^t pfalmc of BauiD wljcn he ftcOO from the face of 3Waion hpjs fonne. Qfr&mtm thep incrcafcD.tljat m trouble me t manparcthep , j'-rpfc nffainftmc. $)anp one there be, m u ?fapeofmpfoi.»lc:therei0uoljclpe fo.Mjpmtttrtp.>0oO. ^^cia.iSuttbou, *&& O LojDf,artemp Defender : Parte mp vooi-- H)pppe,anOtheIpfter tmofmpljceD. 3010 call Upon the io?Dcvx)tth mp Uopccaiioljc hearbemeoutof hpjgholphpn. &m, ^^3lapcDmcbou)iieanbncpte,anbro- c=^ feUpao;apnc,fojrhc Lo,JbefurtcpncDmc. jg 3 toili not be afrapbc foi ten thoufanbes: of the people, tbat fjauc l.*ct them fclue $afla= pnftmcrounDcabout. ClpiotOcihcipc me, sD mp 000 , fo? thou fmpttcft all mpne cnempes({o-tjpontbecljc[iebonc:thouhnft ^obcntbctcetljoftljeuitfiooiv. ^a(ua= cponbel6setl)Untotbelo?0e, onothp blcf- fpiiflcw Upon tbp people, ^elalj. C€hc fourtlj pfalmc. CVM IWOCAREM. CEohpm tljat ejee cllctU in mufick, apfalmeofiDauiO. l€arcme ) toljcn3call,iO(5oD / ofmp % rpgljtcttjcfuctf :t hou haft fctmcat Ip-- Ibertpcvohcn 3 toamtn trouble: ljouc mercp upon me.aitDberltc Unto mvyiapcr. j!D pc tonne* of men, howciouac wpllpc Wafpljcmempneljonoure,* ijauetofh pica= furc in uanptcano fcltc after icfpiutf Aria. ftno\Dctljpjairo,tljatthe Jlo^eljatljc enpfento hpm felfctlje manthattjs coblpc : t»Ijen3 call Upon the lo?oc,i)eiupnhcarc me. fbtmm in awe ,anO fpnnc not-come n 3 tj witn ^E^ t ! ' i\ : I t ■ i i ' * i i i - ■'. i : . .1 . r 1 t ■ I if;; A \\ Rf ! 1 ": '■". b .a. ;• f ;l ycittl) pourcnt»ncDcrfc, iinOtii vourccfjmn bcr.nnbbcftpll. &cla. iDffcr the fnm»= fw of rpgbtcwcfncfrcnnb put pour c truft 25 m toe lojbc. 'ftberc be many tbat faye: mo wpll foe we tog anp goobaojbc lyftc i> »P tbc IpcrtJt of toy coutc nauncc topon tos. ^boubaft putt fflrtoiifffc in mwicftc rtc, l * fence tbc tymc tpnt thm mm q w?ne»K(«a» otu) tucrcafeb. 3 wpll layc me bourne in pence, auD tuftc nip reft .- foj it is tbou lojbc onclp, tliat mauelt me Dwell in fafctpc. C^pc.to.pfalmc. "VEKBA MEAAVRIBVS. Ctt} Dpnttbat crcellctb ut ftttffti of **)«UCK:apfollUC0fS>JllUD. m&x&mi % fTr-r^TT' $ « f? > is ^ £>nbjcmpwojbc0,iDIlojb,con fpbjc mpmebtfacpon. iiDber Un^Mlpiiffe.tnp lunge anb mpCSoo.foj tonto the l»pll 3 make my pjapcr. 4$p tooy cc Cbalt tftou peare bp tpmc0 , C lojbc, earlptnptnonipngwtObircctcmymntcc *P/o.it,.6 tonto tbc, anb wyli lobe top. *#oj parte tpitGob tljat barb nopleafurc in wycfceb= whether man any eucll Dwell witb tbc. :S>ocli ag be fooipai.foall not ftattbc in top fPS&t. tbou (K^rjatcftaU tpcm that wojbc toanptc. 'Cbou Qialtc beftroye tbcm that fpcaftelfafyiigc : p &oibcwyllabbo?rcbofb tpcWoitDtbpjftpc, anb Difccatftill man.' :i5ut as for me, 3 will come into top pou= fc,rucntop6tbcmultituDcoftbpmcrcy,anD HitfWM. tni:bpfcarewpll*3tt>o;Kbyp towarbetbp poly temple, jteabc me , £> 1 ojDc , in top rpgbtcwcTnclTe becaufe of myne enemyes: (t Ho?bc ujali iubge toe people ficuc fentence witome,C> lo?be,acco;bpnff to mp rygbtc lx Efnc0, anb acco?6pn ff c to tlie tnnocencpc^ijsinme. €>blettbei»pclteb-- tte0 off tongoblp come to nit cube : but attpb thou tpe m. $ 0? f rigbteoms C5oD trietb tm tocrp bcrtcsi anb toe rcyitetf. mv belpe commctb of C5i)b, wbtcb p^efertictb tfe tbat . „,„ , , arctruc of Ijertc. *(5ob itfa rygbtewetf * BWW tUbgC,^(UtOHB,flHl)pncpfnt,)anb (2>ObiSfD20UO= iki heb ciicry bape. m a nm t»m not tutne.oe wpll wbet bts! ItDcrbc: be bat b m W bowe mtb nmbc ttrcabp, ioeUatljp^cparebhpm tbc tnftrumcnteaof bectb : be oibcyitetbbp* <* acomc^agaynfttbcperrecutouttf. «= aftff bolbe*bc traunplctb Witbmyfcoefe,bebatb JSSi conceauebfomo.anb b?ougbtfo?tljtjngob e Jj&fff IpneiTe. ^^cbatbsrauenanbbyggebtjp SS a wttt, *W bitf, a ppete,$ itf fallentjym felfe into tbe beftrue= cpon that qe tmibc( fo? otoer. ) it 0? Dig tra - m ,tfl.b. uapU Oiall come jjpon Dig attJttc peabA'^ bW ujicuebncg (ball falltopou Ijpjs awnc pate. 3 toyU gene tbanUeo mt tbc lo?bc ac= co^bpngetohWrpgbtcoufiicjS^ttJillp^apfc tijcitameoftoclotbctljcmodbpcft. CCbe.ljtii.}Dfahnc. DOMINEDOMIN'VS NO.STEK. 30. €oppm tbat cji'ccllctb^in Gitljitb, a pialme of Dauib. Ho^bc ourgouernourcbovoc cjccellc* t is(tbpn(itnemalltbeu)02lb,tboutbat u , ,w h J ^ ff fttt ftf fito?P abotic tbe beaueg/ puff* ^ tetfftpll tbc encmyc anb tDcauengcr. jfoi 3 wpll cofpb^c toy beaucg, cuenthe woKltc of top fpngertf :tbc moone ? P ftarrcfl wbpcb kf,i.ffiuij.a tljoubafto^bcpneb. *U)battC man, tbat | tpou art mpnof till of opmrnnb the tonne of man.tbat tljott totfyteft bpm < Cpouma- beft bym lower tben tbe auitgclg,to crcwue bpm with glojpfrwojujpppc. ^bou ma^ I ©Reftoimtopaucbompiuoututbciviotoof S'J" tbpDnnbcgMifo^thnuhaftpttt alltbyngcsS r " ' ' in fttbicccion \mbcr Ins fete. 3(: I! atepc anb oyen.yeanbtbcbeaftcjJoftoefclDe. Ubc I f ouleg of fl)cap;c,anb tbc fpfftc of t\n fee, 9 | wbatfoettcc walclwtbtl)o?ow the parlKtf of i . tljefceg. i!Dilo^beom'egoucnioiirc,bowc j excellent itf tpp name in all tijc wojlbe. Ctbe.ijC.pfalme. CO N' i : I T E BO R. T t m DO MIX E . { Its* Zoomit tbat ercelletb Upon ^^imttfD [ labbcn.apralmcoftDatttb. \m en? HH *9«J Wfti thalteg tonto f, O lojW WS" H^l WV'r UJlioIcbcrte, 3 wpll fpmfic fe^fofaIltbpmarucloufl!wo?CHCg. 3 wpll be glab.anb rcioptc in the,pee my fon : WwtUjmaheofthp name, £) tbou mooft ipctt. wbvlcmpneencmpcoa'rcbtrufit bache,fhcpu7allfall,gfpcfyu;at thv yttim-- ee. $ o v t thou baft mapntcneb my rpgbt s mycaufc.tbou art fctt in tbe tlnone tljat tuo= gcjtrpgbt. 'Cbouhaftrebultcb? tothen, jbeftropeb tbe tongobly , tbou haft put out tbetr name fo.t cttee^ cucr. £>t Don citemve: ocltruccponjsarecomctoapcrpetunu cube: ^cucnagtbccitiegwhtchtbouhaftbeftropcb: fK'n^wJlippcrtfljebwttbtbe. i5nt Picpnreb Diss fcatc fo.i iuogemet: 5f 01 he (bail mbgctbewo?lbtnrpgbteoufne0,aiibmiui= Iter true tutiffcmcnt tmfo tbe people. Qbc «f,*n« SJ^WgwylUcabrfenccfoiifpc opp^cflVb mm *cua a refuge 111 bue tvmt of tro ublc i no tpep p Unowe tpp itame, wpll put tHrfr truft 5fo tntbc/oHbouao^bOhaftfteuccfaplebthe, tbat fcltc tbe. © pMyfe m io^b, * wbtcb * pr " iWbu bwellcfb in^yon, mewe tpc people of bp0 boinge0. tf 0,1 wben be mauctb inqutfp* cm ro.2 Uloubr.beremcmb^ctbtbcm.? * foj= * maw* gcttctb not tbc complayntc of tbc pooze. ' Irjaiiemcrcp topon mt(& toite) confy- b2c tbe trouble wbpcb3 fuffre of tpcm that \)(\U me, tbou tbat Ipftcft me top from tbe on tesofbeatb. 'ST bat 3 may c (be we all tby Pj.iprc0wpthttttbc po^tr0 of tbe baugbtec C of »wm, 3 wpll retopfc in t\)v faluacpon. 'STDc loettljcn are fttncltcn bownc tit the Mtt w t tbcp mabr:in toe lame uett whicb t\)tnm P2yuely,t0 tbetr awne footc take. 'Cbe lojbeiattnowctt to execute tubgc= mcnt:tDc.tongobly iatrappcb in tX^i wotcne othioawueJ>fbe0:3 confpberacpon $>cla* ^Ijc wycKfblball bcturneb tonfo pell,* all people tbatfojtget 0ob: ifoio*be) tOattbeipcptbcn mape Imowetbem &is&$ to be but men. §>ela. CChe.x.lDfalme. VTQ.VID DOMINI.. j fep f! onbeft p fo fatre of; Ol oiD ) -a \9 bvbe ft tbp face in tbat neabcfull jfl'iuc of trouble *• ^bctonooblt» _ Sfo? bis ownc biff, botb pcrfccutc £ pootc:iettl)cmbetaftcniu tDeJcraftpe wtlp- nefic that tbcp banc ymagmrD. it 01 tbc ton - uobly batbmaDcboaft orbpai awne imetf befpicgs fpealtctb goobof pcouetous.whcl ©ob abboicetb. 'iJTbe tongobly tjsfoi^ouUc that be carctb not foz 0ob,uethcr is tfoD in alllnstbougljtcs.^ iw tapes' ate allwap «* flrcucus, tbp iubgcmetitcsarc fatre abouc 25 out of l»s fpgbt,3- tberfo;c befpetb be all m J!! c 5Si ^°^ & c l J at U f^Pft) in hts pevt : 'Cufb3Conllnetierbecaftbowne,tDerlball itobarmc happen tontomc. * |i)is mouth 10 i ,. rtm4 „ ftill of curfpngcanbbifceateattbfraubc- ton * Uom ■"* i; oer bi0 toge 10 tongoblpneifc % toantrc. *lic *u>;o«'t. fpttctblurhit»gciiji5tbcuia;co?ner0of^ftrc tetf,jp,ituelytubt0lurltpitgebci!nc0bofbbc. mnrtbur p tnnocftbiS epe0arcfetagapnft p poo.te. ^f o.t be Ipctb waptingc fccretlp(ette* a0alpon,lurltet!)be tit W bcnitc;>Mje mavc rauiuj tbe poo.te. foe boti) M tijc poote, Wljc begetrctb bim t to btSttctt. '&Hac fal= *&» Icthbowne^bublctb btm felfe, that the cott^ 5 regacpo of the poo^c mape fall in to p Ijabc ct htS captavnes. toe batb foycb in IjtS berte: ^mb,0ob!|a^fo?gotte,be bpbctb awapc msface.anb be wpll ttetir r fe it. ^Crpfe ( €> lo^bc(i5objanb lyfte top tbpnebitbe, fo?gcit ttottbeuoore. iDberfo^eujnlbctbc wpc» fteb blafpDeme d?oo , wpylc |>c botb fape in 33 «J DilS , r bid bertc.tuuxtbou ob carcft not toi itc B ©nrelpebou baft fene it.ffoj tboubcbol* 0of deft \>ngodlpncu*c and wjongc. fcar-Cbat tboumapefttaRctbemattcr into tbp b&dc: tDc pooje committc rnbpm itlk \>nto tbe>foi tbou art tbe bclpcr oftijc freudlc lie . i5tca> be tbou tbe power of tbe tongodlp anti malp* v^ cpoud , (*3*tabe aioape l)pj5 tmgodlpnefte, aim tbou Qwltfpnde tione. Cue io*Oc 6* bpngc fo2cucr,anb cucr.and rbe fyctbenarc pcrpftjed out of the lanoc. lojde, tbou putt bcarde rbe derpje of toe p oojeitbon p2e* parcft tbcpj bert ano tnpue care berbenerb tjjerto. Co belpc tbe fatbcilcflc and pooje tmto tiiep? riff l»t: tbat tbe man of tbe crtlje be no mojc craltcd agapnft tbem. CCbe.ri.JDfalme. IN DOMINO CON FIDO. Coitbecbauntcr,3$falmc OfSMUiO. ^taU^nruWtr 1 :i , ■ i *» 4*1 ; . ^ f. 1 *« ijS c,and malic rcaop tlje^ arowed nipib to tbe botoe:tbattbepmape pjpuelp (bote at tbem, tDbieb are true of betl:. $ op ft^» tbef*arfoimbacpondtDilbecaftOowne, and *abac.«.t». wbat batb tbe rpgbteoud done.' *Cbc * eu • w*j loibc i* in bpdbolp tfple * tbe loaded Teat *> Win beaucn.'lapd cpcdconfp02e>»ci!>»»oo>«) $ bpd epe ipbbed trpetb tbe cbpldaen of men. %\)t ioioe alovoetbtbcrpgbteouikbuttbe tmgoWp.and bpm tbat oclptetbin mtcbrfi* ncd>dotU&idfotikabbo2re. fclpontbflm* Sobllp be (ball rapnefiiared.fpje, and b2pm* onc,fto2me&te"prft:tbpd(balbe tbep* poi* epon to bjipncbe. if 02 tberpgbtcoud lojoe louctb rpgbtcoufncdbpdeountcuafice topi! bebolbe toe tbpuge tbat ii mtt. CCbMWalme. SALVVM ME FAC DOMINE. Co bim tbat ejseilctb tjpon an in* &rume"t of tvz^t ftrpngeda $fyl= me of matifr. @!pc(mf)io2D,f02tbei:ef$not one godlp man left . Jfojtbefaptbfull aremprnfujeofioamfige tlfc cbpl= iffl of men. c&ep talbc of Ma- nptceuerpone wptb bpdncpgbbonre.tbcp do but flatter u>ptb tbcp? Ippped $OpfTem= ble in tbepj double bectc. Cbe 102De (ball rote out all biff eatfull IpppciMnb tijetonge tbat fpeabetb p2ouOc tbpiijjejsf. tDbpcb !»= uefapDe:i»ptb ouretfigetopU we pjeuaple: tDearetbep^ougbttofpcabe, tobo ijSlo2b -.^ . *BotietM. iioTOe fo? tbccomfo^lesitronblesi *i9Wjtgbtbtug of tbe pooje^ttnllupcfapetb tbe MDf )M topllbelpeeucrp one, frombpm tbntrwEHetbasapnftbpm,anDwpUfett!)g at reft. Cbc woiUctf of tbe loiw are pure wojtoefii cu{ai8 tbe fpluer.tubpcb from earth ^ trpco ano pnrifpeb feus tpmejei in tbe f«e m Cboufbalt bei)0 tbem(UD iojbe) thou njaltp2crerue^^pm fromtbpsf generacpe ^a foicitcr CbetmgoWpwalbeoneuerplboc: tBbantbepareejcalteD.tbc cbplO^en of men areputtorebube. CCbe.jciij.pfalmr, VSaVEQ.VO DOMINE. Cotbccbaunter,a^falmc ofa>atuD. €)welonge twplt tljou f oijct me C ©^ .« lo2be/f 02curr."botDc loge wplttbon —^Inpbetbpfaccfro mef loowe ionge twil 3 febe councell in mp fouler a be fo & ycDinmpnebfrittbotxjelogeawll mpnc ene= jnpc triumpbe oner mi Confpb2e , ano bcare mef €)li)20c mp d?oO)Ipgbf en mpne cprs(,tbat30eapenotinlicatb. leftmp- iicenrmpefape:3 banc pjeuapleb agapnft bpm:fo2pf3bccaa Oowne.tbep f trouble me tupll rciopfe at it zButmp truir it in tbpmercp.anDmvbcrtiji iopmll in tto M-- uacpon. 3p:fUfvngcof tlje ioibbccaure bcbatbOcaltfoioupnglpttjptbme. mwsfr torilp;flpi:ftl)rnanico(tl)tto>btfl)fmooaftpe(l.) CCbe.titij.^ralmc. DIXIT I\SII>IT-NS. Co tbe cbaunter a JDfalme of ^>auib. ftc * t ole batb fayeb in ftp* brrt , 3 tbrrc tjsno eoo. Cbcp are corrupt, * * um anb become abUompnablc in tijepj CopngejS* tberc tt not one tbatbotb gooO, *mm, ** f«o not one.) C:I)C t02bc lolttD OOlDUCfrom W»»^| bcauen Upon tbe cbpIDien of men , to fe vf *" tljere acre anp tbat tooibctonocrfrSDc , ano fcbeafterdi>oO. SSuttbeparcall gone out pftbewapctbepareailtogcfbetbccomeab* botmnable-.tberdis none tlfat boetb goob.no tlOt One^CWwHwtetoflnoptiiftpwc^c.'torttifttlt w tonqcst\m\)tLot WfWflOfb.Uje popfonof afpre (> bnort tbtJMPPPtB.rijerjiisoutl) (0 (ail of cutrpngt«iibbp«n;; nrtfctbrp? fcttarcn»pftleOge,tbatall are focbe i»02cbcrfi; of mprcbeffe , catpnge Dp mppeople^ajafit were b^caDauOcall not tjpfiyjt tbelozoer- Cbcrcroeretbepbiougbtin gteat teate»*wcntobfrr no fcatfVt)89)foi (Sob iU ** in tbe generacpon of tbe rpgbtron* . ' 3 jS fojpou.pebauewaoe amocbe at tbe coun-- ccll of tbe pooje, bceaufe be putrctb fa& tr uft in tbe io20c. flDb tbat tbe fnluacpon were jjeuen t)nto 3frael * out of fbion . *tfeu»* UJbantbe lo20e tnenetb t^t cnptpnfte of ll0IW • ft, ' W people,tben n)aU3acob teiopfcanb 3f s raelQiaubeglaii. ^falrb.rbtji:bi!;rbim 5fo.mn MRN£ 3 rtr.ui.c C^:bc.jtt).^falme. DOMINE Q.VIS HABITABIT, lo?be €)2be , t»bo Ml Ottjellintbptaber- nacler'tDbo (ball reft t>pon top bolp Mf *€«enbe^le0etban»nco2> tuptlpfe.f botbtbetbpnge wbicb Wtpgbt, ano tbat rpcahctb tbe twerb from bv$ beer. If>e tbat batb UfeD no Oifceat in ljij( t6ge, ncr Done cuell to ]yp& ncpgbboure,« \)ti\\> not niauntyttt bWnepgbbouriEl. i^ctbatfet^ tctb uot bp hvnx felfe : but id lotwlp in \w#a= ujnc cpesu mabctb mocb of tbem p f care tDc loibeiljc f fmearetb tmto bus nepgbbour.a Wfapopntetb bpm note , tbougbit toerc bp0 mu aumcbinDeraiicc. ^l^epbatbnotgeuen bpjlmoiicptopontjrurp,ncrtabenretDarOe agapnft m innocent. HJilbo To Dotb tbclc fbpnge&tyallncucrfall. CCbe.i;\)i.pfalme. COMSERVA ME DOMINE. Cbe baoge 02 armed of £>auiD. HUfcrue me-, © <5oo,fo2 in tbe bane put mp trnft. © mp foule tbou ba: fapo unto tbt 3Lo2bc : parte mp <£od, jnpgooDe0arcnotbing\)nto t\)t. atllmp ticlpte id topon tbe fapnctctf? arc in libccrtb, d tmon focb asl erccll in tiertue. 26ut tbep prone after anofber (5oo , (ball bane grcate trouble. CbcirD2inc(toffrpngc0ofblouOe will not 3 offre, uctljcr mafic tneeion of tbeir namctf witbin mv Ipppc . * %\)t iojoc bpm fc Ife itf tbe poicio of mpne enberitauncc : anbofmvcup:tbou (bait mapntcpnemp lot. Cbe lot id fallS \jnto mem a faprc groiib, «t T , ee,3 baucagooBlpbcntage. 3 tt>plltW= w lie tbe ioioefoi-geupngeme warnpngc:mp rcpncsialfocbaftcnmcintbenpgbtfealou. 3 banc fct C5oo alvoaped befo2" mc,f 02 be id on mp rigbt baDe.f berf oie 3 (bail not fall. UlUierf oie mp brrt toaiai gJab , 9 mp glo= rp rciopfcD.mp flcfiijalfo (bail reft in boue. Jfo2 wbpf *rton (bait not leaue mp foule in bell , netljcr (bait tbou fnffrc fbp bolp one to fcco2rupcio. Cbon (bait itjcuic me t^t patb of ipfc : int^p mefence id tbe fulneffe of iopc, and at fbp rpgbt banbe tber id pleafure f 02 euermo2e. CCbc.]C\)ij.pfalme< EXAVDi DOMINE IVStltlAM, 3 piaper of s>auib. (Care tbe rigbt, sD to20e,cofpl)2emp coplapnte, s berben \jnto mp p2apcr, tbat goctbnot out of fapneb Ipppcd. &ct mp fcnfencccomc fo2tb from tljp p^e^ fcncc:anb let tbpuc ma lobe upon tljc tbtng «n*i tbat m equall. * tbou baft Pfoueb a \ji-- fptcD mpncbcrteintbenpgbt fcafon: paftc trpco mcanb (l)alt fpnbe no topchconeffc m mc:fo23 am Vtterlp mirpofcb,pmp moutb fliall not offenbe. useeaufe of mend i»02c» bed tbat are Oone agapnft tbe U)02bed of tbp Ippped3baue beptcme from ttytmwi of m beftroper. bolbc P Mp mp gopnged w tbp patbed, f mp f ote ftepped npppe not. iw.tj.b z 3 bauc called bpon t))t, © 00b, fo2 tbou fJaltbeareme.enclpnetbpneearetomcanD berb^ mito mv tx»02bed. &l)tm tbp mar--- neloud loupnge bpnbne(Tc,tbou f art tfy Ht= pour of mm tobiebput tbmtma in tbe, from focbadrefpft tbp rpgbt b«inOe. ftepc 25 me*nd tbe apple of an epe, Witt me t \jnbcc &? W: tbelbapottjcof tbpwpnged. Jft6tbe\jn= lffi) rmf goblpptroubleme:mtnccneni(edc6paffcrne roub about.to tabeamape mp foule. ^bep are cnclofcb in tl;r ir a tone fatt:<5f t bcir m outb ipeaBctbp2oubctbingcd. Cbcplpe\»ap= tpnge in ourc toape on euccp fpbe, tiirupiigc tbeir tpesi Do\xme to tbe grouoc. ipbe ad alpontbatidgrebpof bpdp2ape, ano adit mrcalpondwbelpelurcbinginfrcretcpla* ccd. » Cip to.2De,t)iiapopnte bvm, ano calf *• bpm bot»ne:bclpucrmp foule from toe mi-- BoblptubicbidadafttJcarOcoftbpnc. jfrom tbe men of tljpbabe, O L02be fro tbe men, 3 tape, anb from tbe eupll u>o2lbe, tubicb bauc tbeir potion in tbvdlpfc.ujbofe bclped p fplleft rii tfyp bpD trcafure. C t)tv Dane cbil02enat tbeir Deff2es» leaue tbcrefte of tbep2fubftaunccf02 tbepi babed. But nd J02 me, 3 wpa b.bolbe tbp pirfencc in rigbtcourncd: 5 tobenjiawahcDpaftcr tnv lpucned,3 ftattc fatilfpcb wifb it. CCbe.rbiij.pfalmc. DILIOAM TE DOMINE, Cotbecbaunterof SDauibtbeferuaunt of t\)t lo2De, tobicb fpabc \wto tbe L02D tbe u>02brs of tbpd fong, ( in tljc bape tbat tbe H02OC DelpuercD bpm from t^c banbe of all bPdenemped, ano from tU nance of £>aui;anobefapde: lUUillloue^oito^bcmpftregtb. % I Cbe I02DC id mp ftonp rocb.^ fmpbefeuce.mpfimpour.mpcob, . ! 9 nip migbt , in tobo 3 ropll trnft : mpbucblccp borne alfo of mp faluacpo.anb my refuge. *3 willcall \)po p io2o,tt>bicn * «•«• m idtoo2tbptobcp2apfco,foQiall3befafcfro mpne enemped. * ^bc fozowed of Dectb mulct* copanebmc, 9 ttfc oucrflounngetf of totgob* Ipneftemobc incarrapeb. Ubepapncdof bellcamcaboutmctbe fnared of Dcetb ouer= tobc me. 311 mp trouble txjpll ? call topon m JLo2Dt:frc8plapnet)nromp<5oD. $>o flmllbebearcmpt)opce out of lii tf = *° pie,? mp cdplapnte (liallcome befo2e bim, it Qjailcntrecuen into bpd cared. *Cbeertb *inaf.r F b« rrembltb^quaheb.tbe Mcrpfofibaciondalfo of tbcbplled (bobe $ UJcre remoueo, bceaufe be wad t»2otb. Cbere t»et a fmobe out in bidp2cfencc^aconfumpngefp2eoutofbpdB moutb, fo f coaled were bpnolcb at it m botocb tbe beaiicndalfo,d came DowncanO it wad oarebe DnOer m fete. #c robe Dpo tm cbcrubind.fr opoflpc-.be came flping\jp6 t\)t uupnged of tljc umnde. tyc made oarc= bucd bPdfecrete place : ^ paupiion rounbe %H iiii about .0 ..I .& .( rill I M Vi ■|.l • i i -i I I ; ' -:, - * i 1 1 * i » 111. ! > V l * r ■ - *) j - ■! * np nboutc bpm , tufty bar the water anb tbpcne cloubtftocoucr hpm. MWbmmm of bptfpjercucc bps clotibctf rcmoucb , bnplc ft one £ anb coalcjtf offper. ^be lojbe alfo f&onbjcb otitof tbebcauen,* tbebpeftganc WmnntMlt ftonrtf.anb coaic* ofMr. ^r fent outbtsarowctf anb fenttcreb tye\ be caft foirii ty&ttmtt& befttopcb tbcm. €bc fp> pngc s of waters were fence tye KiiinbacioS of the rounb wojlbc were bifco* ucrrD at ti&fatom , © ILoiDr, at tye bla* «r &W ° M* Um ? of f h? Difplrafurr. lr>c <- QiaU ft lit ; bownr fro toe bcpgtb to fef ty in c, fribnlltalicmc out of manp water*, toe fliall Drlrtif r me fro nip ftrongeft enempee fro tl)f ujDicI) hate mc:foj tycp arc to mycrh= mmmt. 'frbcppjcucntcb me in fbnpe of nip trouble: biit p JLojbcwaa mptfpholbcr. Dc biougbt mcfo.uhaifo mtoa place of Itbcrt p:be buugbt me fo?ty,encn becaufe be Uabafanourcbntomc. 'frbe to:beftinll re war Dc in r a ftcvw rip* eon* benhngiac* rccopcnfc inc. aSccaufeJbaue ncpretye waprtf of tye to?bc: anb banc not foffaacn {B*^** G ? ' *°* 3 tone an epe comniannbemcnw fromr. 3 was alfo ?J!E?OT e bcf0?r Wm: anb c&bueb mpnea- wucwicttcbucs. 'frbcrfojefoalltbr/loib t) rcwarbc mc after my tigbtcousocalmg:anb f coding wjto the clcnncs of mpbanbcsui bra epe Mr. JiEWfb tbe boly tyou ftal be boly anb tf a pcrfcctc man f malt bepcr= warbnes. Jro^iitfauctbcpcoplcthat U'c looltcs of tbe pjoube. 'Cbou alfo (halt tiffbtc rop canbclle : tbe iojbc mp ©ob SS make mpbarcftttcsitobcitflbr Sniffle 2SH t»rconfptc un booff of men: anb t* tbe bcipc of mp (5ob 3 (ban icapeouetfbe Sail- ^brwapepfoobwantmbcfplcbwape SSJ* £ ! C K1°^ C |°^callb»0trpcb.ntbe *dc»jw.c {p SHKfiKS . ^*wpo«©obbut tyt lom? ci ttibo barb any ftrf ath mtvt 6 0obr. 3tW©ob^gpibetbin%tt«rD »«» «. of «? w '«M»nabetbmf Wpcparfecte 5».rcg.n!rc ?"ffiM°»^. * locreacbctbnipne pra.cn.HU baabc^tofpfibt, e mpne arme$ o?an toeaac rnenabovof ftrrlr. ^bonpaftsenemne alf oftall bolbc me \jp , anb tbv I MmSSE mam mi mm mc sreate. 7B watotottmcpnonBbWerme&ffw I mp fo c tteppe^ tbau not npbe. imSil Iotxjc bpon mpnc mmtob onertaKrm : mm wm 3 Writtana|n7, wi 3 Ce beftropebtbem; 3lwTllniw»rWe? mnim MI no tbe able to ft anbe:bn t foil tjnbcc »n> -n ; teABomazsm mpnecnempessvnberme. ^boiibaftmabe mpne enempcitf alfo to tnene t$m backed ^Wii me,f 3 Ml beftrope tbf tbat bate mc * tCbepqmli crpe : but tbere Ojalbc none * » i Jobc!petbcm : vce,enen\)ntotbelo?b,(ba 1 ' ,ot,! grf flj : but be OjaU note bcarc tbcm , i wpllbeatc mm axJfmallas; tbebuftbefoic fbjwnbf :3 ttillcaft tbcm out.atf tbe clnpc SSflH^*' . ^outDaltDelpticcmcfro tbe ftrvtmiffctf of tbe people:anb tbou qinltc pic ttbom 3 bane not nnont mall feme me. mc : but tbe ttraunse cbplb^en (bail mflcm* 8IiP tt *J?l e * ^Ucftraitnffecbplb?tn(bnn <5 ft Sfl? «« «*«? f b out of tbep[p/efon? » i^bf ipuctb.? bleffeb be mp ntono ^^^^^^tbeeoboftnffiiB f pon. eneti tbe cvoo u>b(cb fectb tbat 3 temmsttt > anb fubbuctb tbe people S me, 3t»bet|wtbfipuwtbmtSonimJ >» (mmnmmm , anb fcttctb me \>p about S?2ib tt ? ratpe * rtow ^«'tfPob mc from tc^bcncpfitime. CO ELI INAURANT 'fro tbe cbanntcr, a plalme of g>amo. t>ob,anb tbe firmament fljcttictb H bwtianbp wo^c&c. O^Dne bapc mm ncr ia0ua g c,buttbc«r ^oicc0ar bratbamfis SRSS , 3n tbcm batb be fcta tabernacle J « tbe ftinnc , lobicb cometb f o?tb a* a bi vb- f SiSl SSH^ wBoiJX 25 a (pant to tunc bttf courfe. It ff neth f n?th from tbe Woft parte of tpfbeS a runuctb about Mm t m cube of i tZ ipnr S MciattJeofHo?b nafanbiibcfplicbiawe 855 ffi ? c fo i Uf • » f ^tm o» p of ^ W t« rurc ; a nb gcur tb ttufoome biito the fprnplc. «rfltfitc0of f Sbe «TrtnS«r SKKBL 1 * ^* f oimna mb?m Cn ?o r tbe 3Lo?&c I0pure,anb crenctb Itcrbt lintofhr W. y be feare of tbeao/be "f H anb enbueetb to? cncr : tbe inbaemen cs of tbe *#o^tobe oefwebaretbeptbenflo bf, * ** SWLWjttwtf SS SSHSft ^ Mc soldc : t™ te * alto then bonp,anb tbebonpeombe. «)o«oucc S tbe i»W tmm tauabt,^ m «eppn ff of tb? tbere t* sreate rewarbe. nTho can te / hi wfmpteete foutcfif. jjicpe tljp feruaut a f o - ftoin^elnmphioii^imWfcti^Brttb? bomtmon oner mc.fo ujall 3 be Wbefplcb ^ mnocent from tbe «& offence TeS tvotbetfof mpmoutb,aiiDtbeincbitacion of mi mp bcrtc bc=*(amt>4pc;acccptable in thv futrht iD Mfe mp ftrctifftb anb mp ecbemc f Cfrbc.w.iafalme. F.XAVDIAT TB DOMINVS. 'fro tbe chaunter.a ^falmc of %auib; WW L 0?Dc ^ crtrf ^ e in $ °«Pc of trou- ^-blctbc namcof tbe C5ob of 3acob bc= fenbe tbe. &cnbe tbe belpe from tbt^actnarp.anbftrcnstb tljeoutof S gomteaU tbpoffijrpnjyctf, anbac= ccpte tbp b?cnt faenfpec s>ela. 0zaunte . ^cwvUmo^emtbPfaluacpon,anb t rmmpbe in tbe name of tbe *,o|be onre bob -g tpe twbeperfourmcalltbppctictontf . * - ^ oto ^» ottJ c3,tbattbeio^ebclpetb bpg auopiiteb,anb i»p{| beare Wm from'KS Iioipbcaue:cticnu)itbtbe t»boiromc ftreotb of bP^rpgbt banbe. ^ome put tbe £ truft bicbarcttcMub foinefn bojuW mS MMtoi tbe nameof tbe loibe mteS i ,.*5 ,Jcp ar r c *W& oottitic anb fallen, but\Mcarcrpreii,anbftanbc\iprpffbt S>anc loibe, anb bcarc t)0,€>ftwicre o» of beucn,U)Ijeut»ecall.--x(bpo„ f i,f.; *" , * , «* CfrbcjW. iDfalme. DOMING IN VIRTVTE TVA, 1 :e • tbecbauntcca i&falme of Danflj. | e ^"? e * 811 WtoJW m tbp ftrcngtb, P JiJ^f »,Wcabpnge glab (bail be be of tbpfaluacion. Cbottlmftac- iicn torn bt0 UrrrrjBE bef^e , anb baft not be- "^mibc reqneftof Vilpppc" K. Stt? p0n6, ?te? 1 '- Dcatbtblpfc of tbcanb tbousaucftbima loucre Ipft . %& SiJSSffi Cl - ,cc ; ** Nw Isrcatc » Sfc «*"* ^o^uirppe *> wait tbou lave bpon bpm. jf oi tbou Salt Slab \i3ttb t|)c tope oftbp cotintenannce. trnfil^T- bem& tl > c «P«5C pntfrtb DPJS K MESlfif » w 9 lM f "W of tbe moft nm tbali fclc tbpbanb:tbptvcynf lib fliall S$25S*y &?? e oucnintpmc of tbp VWrftBH Ojalt^rootc out of f cartb, jfeb * Wil. nr.a anb tbep^fcbefromamoncrctliecbplojci! nf mtn. ^onbcpuitcnDeDmpfofS^ not able to pcrf ourme, • berfojc in e # put them t0 f ipgbt , anb tljcfi ?^S S of S fCfrbe.rrii.praime. Ufiva DI-.V.V MI.V.S. Jo theCbauntcr bpon m bpnbc of tbebawnpnge aiaralmeof banfb. — I' * C5oD,llip(5oD:^Kaoi(f upBmc; U)!)P * baft tbou fo2faliemc:aiiD artfo farre *" — fcompbcaltb, anbfrofhcujoiDcB f * SPf*** mpcomplapntef 0mp0ob,3crpc in tl)c SSSi&i. c npgbt feafou alfo 3 take no reft. Zm tbou continued bolp, Otbou ujozibpupc of if= raei. JDneefatberaibopebihtbcsfljcp tru» fteb in the.anb tljou bpbbeft bclpucr tbcm. *JS%!L m & ^ «^ p »anbwtrcbclpeb: thep put tttt w tcuft in tbe.anb were not Fen* founbeb. 25nt ag foj mc, 3 am a toonnc ^ joinatatjttpfeoineof men^tlic outcaft of f5f,2% ,e ' rt.*^ 1 ^? ft meilaugb mcto * u tt r P7 nse V* ^""ftrt inGobtbatbc A,^. mo bcbelpuerbimrlctbnn bclpucrbtm.pf Jic "*«* wpllbaueWm. *i5ntpartbcf toltcmcoiit i^iima ofmpmotbcr0ttiombe:tbouu)aft nipbope, tmum * tx)bcn3bangebpet\)pbmvmotl)crsbic(tco. 3 banc bene left Unit o ^cucr fence 1 was bojne:tbouart mpc5ob,cue fro mp mothers' vooinbc. go not fro mcfo; trouble tp C IWcbcatbanbc,anbtbcri0nonetobelucme. i i. ?^ ,lf f °/ e " <1rc comcaboutc mc , fatt btiUcs of ion fan clofc mc in on c ui:rp fvoc. WKf gape tponincwitb tbepjtnouthetf atf it were a ramppngcano rbarpn'ffc Ipon. ^3 am powieD out lylic water, -t all im> * jm.bi.b bones arc outofiopnt : mphcrt alfo in the mpbbcft of mpbobycts rucnh»«c melt wise wa.ee. ^)p ftrciigtb is 1 bipeb ijp Ivltc a pot a £ frD 4Wf«»fff flcttrtbtomp gtimcs-anb tbonibalt bipngc me into tbe b lift of bcatb- jfoj o* tmutfar bogges are come about c •* me.f tljc couccll of tijcwpcHcblaycfcacrc a- '"^ saynft me. 'Sbep pcarfeb mp banbeof anb mpfcte,3mavctcllnllmpboncd,thevftou= be ftarpngeano lohpngc Upon inc. anb caft lotteS \)pon mp \jcfture. i3ut be w* notpfarrcfromciD t.o.iD:tbcuartmp fue- coure,ba ftc tlic to belpe mc. ©elpuec mp foulefromthcfwearbcmpOcarlpugefrottic power of tbe boffge. <&aucmc from the • ivousmoutbitbou haftbearbeme alfo from 6 am onge tbe bojncs of the V)iu'coincS.3 wpll beclare fbpnamc \)ntomp * bietbien unthe * *nh„ w h mpbbcft of tbecogregacto wpil fiS ^ES D ' P&j^fl^tfil&M, ■^i Jr. *- V # $> pjtnpfe tbc lojbe vc £ fcarcbf ; &)agnt« fpc bpm all vc of tbe fcbc of 3acob , 9 fcaw Df * »w.o?Cbvppc before Ijiin. ff oj tljcttpngDom W tbe lojbeftnno be itf : fbe 5 oner 11011 re am ongc tbc people. 311 foebc atf be fatVjpon eartb&^bauc caret wo > iroppprb.3lItbrpfgoDowneittfo tbc DnftMball anclcbcfo?c \)im $ no man batb QupCRcucD bPtfawnc Conlc.**(«r.g>fbclball feme l)tm:tbcp(baibccouutcD Untop lojbc foj a gencracpon. ISTbep (ball come, anb ^ •* (ti)f &* aufiwrfljall Declare bptf rpgbfeoufncitf : tjnto a people tbat (ball be bojnc , wbom tbc lojDe&af&ma&c. C'CDc.jrjriff.lDfalmc. M l 3 1 *l I ■ -J; 1. ; I": 1 , : !' t •u DOMIN'VS REGIT ME. 3 pfalme of £>am'D. rfpoc lo?b i$ my (bepjjerbctbcrfojc cOlacttnotbing. fyc (ball febc mrinagrenepafture , 9 Icabe me fo?tb be lybctbc water jSof cofotfe. iKftallconucrfempfoule,* bjtpngc me fojtb fit the parties* of rpgbtcottfncsf foi Dpss luiinctffiiftc. Peefbougb3waUtc tbojowc _ f uallcpcofpambowofbeatii, 3wyllfcare « 110 euell,fo.i p art u!» me tbp robbc $ tbp ftaffc cof one me. IJbou (bait prepare a table be fozeincagapnft tbem f trouble mc:J baft a= ncipntebmybcabtf oplc, amycuppe fijalbe "* full. 25ut<*(fl>pjlottpngekpnDncfll $ mercp mall folowc me all f be bapctf of mp lyfc.s 3 wpll Dwell in t\)t boufc of tbc lo?b f 0? eticr. dbe.WUu.iBfalmc. DOMINI fcST TERRA. 3^falmcofBauib.^g" ab % fp / ,Il,flpc,,frtc TBc*cartj)i0tbc MfW, anDoHtljat tberttt $ : tbe compafle of tf)e woj-lDc, anb tbey tbat b well tbectn. #oj be batb f ounticu it tjpon tlje fectf ,f pjcpnrcbit ■MftM.tt.a. upfitbcf (oiiDctf* * tt)bo CUallafccnDtiiito Sffffl!" p DP" of tbe 3lo?bcf€)2,tDbo Oiallrpfe \)p in tet)ofPPl«w.''€«gbetbatbatbcleanebSDri£{ (japurebert:gs^batbnotlvfte \>pb# mpnbe ^ \jnto loanite, net fwojncto btfceaue.^» cte» nfpgbbouto fyeifcallreceauctbcbleffpncjefto trju JLoitbc,anD rvstjteoufneirefrom tbc <5ob )i5ofi)pj3!faluacpon. ^psiwtbefiencracton of tbemtbat fetsebfm, tucnotwt feltetbp face, 3acob. ^>ela. <* ipf te lip poure »»• IjeabejS © vc 2«f « ft f oe f « l^fte i6p,pe cucr= an l. co;iu. f. f . laftpnge poms tbc npnff e of fllo^p Cball co^. me in. tow* tW h vnge of fflo^p.-' 3t f^ tf lofbe ftroge $ mpgbttc.cucn f io^b mvaii [, W m battcll ipfte tjp poure |jeabe/r i pcgatcjjOfcbevelpftc \>p vccucrlaftpim bo= red ,$ tbc upiio; of fllo^v Oiall come in. lufto i^tbvtflipnjjcof filojpi ©uen tbc lo^bcof i90ofte^,|)c iii tbc npngc of glojp. -g>ela. C^:l)c.jC]e\j.pfalmc- AD IB DOMINE LEVAVr. iDf JEDaniO. 0t 6 tbc( €> lo^be ) wpll 3 ipft Dp 3' mp foiile. ^pd5ob,3l)ancput my truftintfcc; €|) left me not becon» fonnbfb , nctbcrlct mynccncmycjs trlupljeouerine. * tfojalltbcy tbatbope #«u in tbe , Qmll not be a qjamcb:but foci) a* traf T% grclTc witbouta mteJM be put tocoftiftfi r S)bcwc me tbp uiapesi, C> to?b^tcacbe me tby patbi?0. teabc me fojtb in tbp tructb,* icrne me.fo? ttiou art f dBtob of my faluaci -.in tbe batb bene my bope all p bape longe. CalltorcmcmtyauncefdDlojbe) % tbp tcnbcrmcrcyctf, anbtbp loupnge&pim* iicITcjS, wbicb bauc bene euer of olbe. HDD remembje not f * fpnnctf qf offence^ of * w. mp poutl), butacco^bpnge Dntotbp mercp tbynnetbou ijpo me( © to?b)fo^ tbpgoob^ nclTe. C5?aaou^^rpgbteoui0ii)3!tbclo^e, ttjet fojie wpll be tcaclje fpnncr in tbc toape. -g-bcm ^ b« melicOjall begupbe in iubgc= *■ meut'.? foci) atfuegcnrle, tbcmCballbe Icrnc * bitf wapc. 3U tbc patbcitf of tbc lozbc are mercyc^ trutbe,Dnfofocba0 aepc ty$ couc= nauut^btsftcftiinomctf. *^fbynamcjy*ut t | falic, lojD,bcmcrcpfuU\mto my fpime, fo?it K^grcat. Uibatmaitf Ijctbatfearctl) tbc to^b: j bfm Qjallbctcacfjcintljcujayctljat Ije (ball cbofc. J)is foulc (ball bwell at ea^ fe,anb bp0 fcbcfiiaUinbcrcttbclanbc. 1l\)c fecrci e of tlje toftc in among e tbcm tbatfearc bim * 9 be ropll rberoc tl)f\fp co= * 1 uenaimt. ^)pnceyc0 are euer loUyngc\)n= »»■ to tbe JLo^b.f 6; be fliall plucftc mv fete out of tbenet. wmm tbc Unto mej bane mercp * »pon mc:fo|3 am bcfoiate.anb in miferp. ttteffefoM ofmybertearecnIargeb:iD ^png tbou me out of mp f ronblctf. iohe upon mpncaDucrfptesnufery, anb fo?getic meaUmpfpmic, ConfiDjcmyne enemies Dots? many tibep ar , $ tbey bearc a twa"nontf bate agapnft me. ©Itepe my foule, anb belyuermc.letmenotbccounfounbcbjfoil baueputmp truftintbe. letperfectneffe anb rygbtcoiDSbealynoetoaptc Upon me.foj my bope batb bene in tbe. Dclpuer 3fracl £> d5ob,out of allbpia! troublesi. C'CbOC^i.^falme* IVDICA ME DOMINE, B»(aj&faimf(aUib.( af0 »«l" toflfffnbalmrtO i* ^fal^btrjtbitrrbm^ici^ f^S MW pfHott mMimm, lo?be, ( 01 3 Jw«e tjualfceb innocently : mp trufl; Jat|)wentairointDelo?betbecfo?c (jjuy.BCTMs.siqjaiijnotfoU. t ; .#<&jcamenme, iS> lo?b,$ moue mejtrpe out mp rcynca anb mpliere. jton&ylouyiigcBinbencfl'eitfbe* fo?c mine w*>$ 3 wUiw.ilacln.ebP true t(>» JtJftMenotowcltwitNapneperfonne^, nct¥r wpll3 baue fdliu^ipe with tl)t blfce* atfull. 3 baue bateb tbe congregaepon of ibe wicneb.anb will not fytamongeebc Mn« mit, gobly. *3 will waftc mp banbetf in in* » nocf cpe, a> iojbe,anb Co will 3 go to tbpn t aulter. 'Cbati mapefbewe tbe Uoyce ol! t|»nae0geupnge>anb tell of all tbv wonbc= roniBiwoiiCBefi!. loibe,3Danelouebt|)e ba=> ibitacion of fbPlJOiife.f tbe place wbcre tbp- tie bonoure b wellet b. wtt not Up mp ff fonle witDebefynncr0,neemplyfewifttl)e ** WouotbHeftpe. 3nwDofebanbe0i]8wpc. ftebneCe,ffbeirepgbt|)«beWfuUofgyftcjJ. _ 26utaieifo?mclWillwaIcRe tanocftlp: jDbelpiwemcanb be mercyfull unto inc. %foteft«nbctbepgbt!3 willpMpfe tDe 1 o?be tn tye c ongcega cy ons. - C€be.j]CUlM5falme. DOMINVS ILLVM1NAT10* JDf^auiO. ^ BHl^ ellL ^ De ^mp* lyg&e anb my fal* mtf ** HH«««PM»tw|iomfHeii QjaiUfcnrc'tlje wsiBBlMJe iU tbe ttrengtl) of mp Ipfe : of - wbomtbcnO;all3beafrapeb.'' U)j)eu tbe wycBCDfeucnrnpne cnempcjS anbmyfocso came Up5 me,to ea te Up my ftetbc , tbcp ft5» W09 fell. ^Tbougbanbooft of men were lapcb agapnftme, pctujall not my beet be afrayeb : anb tbougb t()erc tofe Up warrc a* ^gaynftme,yctWiU3putmptmjfint|)W. Iteft- K *f!netbyngebauc3befp?cboftbeto^ oc, w&icft 3 will mum 1 tntn tbatj mape m*. Dwelt in cbe+bonfe of tbc to?be all tbc bapes* of mp lpfC5tobe^olbetbefap?c bewtic of tbe iittint. i-W»J"Dtotwfee|)Wtcmple. 5fo?intbe uKim. y m ofrroubicbc Ojail bpbe me in W * ta . bcrnacle> peeiutbefecrcte place of W* Wcl* Ipnge mail he bpbe me , aim fct me Up upon Itaffffc a * rocUf of (tone. 3nb nowc u^aliijc lyft UP my j)cab a bone myne cnempjtfrounbc abonec me< 'CDerf o? e will 3 ym* iti W bwelipnge, an oblacpon witb great glab= wtoj 3 wilifynge anbfpcafcep^apfeiBi Unto C tbe lojbc. ^crlten Unto mp Uopce , JD to^fte , wbcn3 cepe UntotOe tbaue merepe UpomwunDDeareme. ^Dpjcrt^aeotat 25S# **Mf mFte : tljy filer loibe WillSfefee. t flD|)yOenoteboutbpfflce&o tne, iieecafreppfeeiianntawapcin bilUita^ ttire. ^bonjaftbeneapfuccoiirejertue menot^ettorfojfa&etne, €>©obofmp ral pc^n, Wm mp teepee awb my motbee ^Oibctaactbmeup. 'Ccacbe €>ioibe, 9 leaotmc tbe mM P * * * I- III * * l fa'V f: i 14 toaye ,becaufe of mpnc enemy i$; Mpiler me not oner into tfjcwill of myne abuerra« tpc0, fo?t bete are falfe wytneiTeielepfenUtf nga y nft me »anb focb asJ fpcafte w?onge» 3 fbuibe Uf terlpc bauefaynteb: buttljaf 3beIciieUrreIptofetbcgoobncaeofplo^be in tbc lanbe of tbc Ipuinge. £) tar y tbou tbc !02betfieyTure*beffco«ge,art&De (ball *iM«tm* eonfo^tctbpnc(jert, anb put tbou t&p truSf intljelo^be. CCbe.wuni.^faime. At> fE DOMINE CLAMASO. % pfalme of ttmito. ^ l^to tlje wpll 3 ccye , *D lo^be , mp # ftrcngtb.'tbyncftenofcoj:neofme,left, • yf tbou maUepau tbougb ti;ou l)ear* belt not.3 become iplte tbcm,tbatgo bowne ' intotbepptte. ^enretbcuoyceofmpbft* ble pcticyonjs, wben 3 crpe unto tbe , wban tjbolbc up mp baubesitowarbe tbe rtiercp= featc of tby boly temple. £) plucae me not awape^ditrtUKOfatoprmowitb tbe Ungobly «m anb wicacb boerjJ * wbicb tpeaae frenoiy to witt-M, tbctrnepgbbour^.butyinagitic mpfebefem » b ^^ tbeirbertejf. *iaewarbctbcmacco?bingcD. to tbetrbcbc^,anbacco?byngrtof wpeacb* jSJSff* nefle of tbeir a wnc imiencionja'. iaccom= "^ penfetbem after tbe wo^cHcofttjeir^anbejS: papetbem tbat tbepbauebeferueb. jf 0? tbey tegnrbenotiu tber mpnbe tbc wozcacS of t|jc to^bcncrtbcoperacion of bisbaoce: tbcrfoze (ball be bjcalte tbem bowne , 9 not buplbc tbem Up. ^zapfeb be tbc lo?0e,foi C be batb bcarbe ^ Uopcc of mpne Jjiunblc pe* ticiontf. *^"bcJlO20f idmyfttcngtbtmy *s»nrt.t«^# ftplbe : mp bcrt batli trufteb in bim , *3am fjelpcb .• tljerf o^e my beete baunfetb fo^ iopc, anb in mp rouge will 3 pjapfc bim , ^iie to?bc is tbeir ItrCgtb : aub be (0 p wboiromj Defence of bijJanopntcb. ©$>nuetbppeo^ . „. pits geuetbpblefftngi Uuto*tbpnecnbcn= •■ Bb »«* tannce:febetbem,? fcrttbemUp fo;cuer< CCbcwiv.pfalme, AFFERTfc DOMINO. a l&lalmc of 55autb^:S&7£ umpBg ' of *' ^ 1RpngeUntoJlo?be(!aDyempgS)tic) 3 Ht(b|fn«epoungctlmtat>nto } ILojDoafctibC %* Unto tbe io.zbe wo?n)yppe 9 ftrfgfbe. o5euc tit torn tljclDotionte buc Unto lus: tiatnej wo?mpppe tbc !,o?bc wttb boly wo^ fljippe. * %H#w lo^betbateommaun- **tM Defb tbc water *»3r i* tbc slo>iousf<£?o0 tbat anl, - t " 4 »- maUctbtbe tbonber: * it nsf tlje lo?be tbat **o.r«M rnlcfbtljefee. €bcUoyce of t\)t iojDeitf jp»«* mpgoticin operacion r tbe Uopcc of tbe lojbe * isia glojtoius Uoyce. 'Cbc Uopcc of tbe lo?ocb?caactb tbe- *Ceb?c trccjK:yee,t()e *&tm& lO^be b^caftefh tpe n coerjs of libanusk t^e ma be tbem aifo to fftpppc lyfte a Calfe s iibanws alfo , anb «8>p$ion lyae »* - yoftgc unpeojne. 'cbe Uopce of tlie lo j» He bcnpbttj fj«,ftamc}J of fp?e : tDe uop« fif tfo\ 1. "" -v *T, If.*- ;•■■■ (' V t T TTT I ■ft- ■a \1 TW"^ ,n- 1TP I. V \ < f \ n * i " u -t I is * 'fl K/&% urt i • '^ojbcfpttctb SW^htmtoitf*pcopic,ttic uwm -tftlumpniiMr PrWrW H IT 3 Mftcmet)p,*tfdtmaoc iirofoot* totctomphc onetme. ud iozbc nw tbrtt tf Daft ftcptcm^ l^fr> frd tficin ' ' ' * *$$ Mpncire. *$qi\)?» mmttm* ntmmmtmmWnmmoiwnsi "ft rcmouebitbou lo/be of ttfimn e(fe • gamitt mabe mv htii fo ftron S e, IbottfiS. <* be ft tttrnr tDv face *cfto moanb 3 umtftroiT MeJ. *5hcucrpcb3mitothe;WoJbV« pjofpt ttf there m mp bloubc , whan 3 go ooume to the met Mall the iuft geiie J iponme-lojoebe thoump Helper, ^rnoit mmtmttmvt)cuvmmu\ to fope:tfaoS baft putpenw Mttim.m mm mm ^^'^Wlaweniaiiclwittnwtbe tojeiicc. C^Ucjcujri.^faime. IN TE..DOMINB SPERAVI. 3 Cfoiftechaunter a j&raimc of UDaufo. **"" " ba ^ 111 B the, €* tojb, |jrtuc 3 put mp f ruff : ctmcneiierbeputtoconfufpon.be* E&8BR fAW *&*'** Mom 4^&H.B««BBI ■ ii J* lLo?be.v 3 t»PII be slab anb ref o?ft fothp mercpjf o? thou Mtatttytyft mp WES Waftiiflttetip totbtjw ha"be of tDe cncmpc , hut haft fct mpftte gna lar Je ro\Bine. ^auenicecpt)ponme,i2E)io2be. »Oammtroubie^mpnrepe«conftmieJ "cffe, £mppfare*witDmoiwpnse, ^>p fttgstD faplcti) me bccaure of mpnc tnkmS anbmpbonetf arc co^ruptc, 3becamea C remofe am onijc ail mpne tntmffl , but tm* ciallpamonscmpucpgbbdtirs;, a , lt , t ^ ot mpiieacquapuifauiicc wercafwpeb ofrnt' ft m mmn ft me tottbouMouuepeb tfitm felucSfrome. 3amcleanefo«iott«t,ajStt bcebmanoutei[»fmpube : 3«m?ecomeipfte p^einp of the multitube: ano f care it omul tpefpoctxjhpie toep coufptre toflcther aoa= pnftme^taBethcrcouiutllto taueawapc O Lo?oe,3 Datte fiipoe:t(jou art mp d5ob. M.fB 9P* Wfa •» * waws Dc, V«f p we fro tbcbabeofmpneenempc^otibfrfithemtbae IigDt of tjp countcnaQccatib fane metis eijv s> 2S*9?^U.-. ^tmcnot bcconfomiDcD, ,g lozbe, fo?3 Dane calleb \jpon the : let the Jjinffooipbe put to confullon , anb beputfo JpKcctittfteflraue. JLctthcipenffclpppeiS 9sDerpjeefuHp,fpcakca£jamtttberpffbteou^ 2St9°lM pejwwb f 0? tacm, f put tbelouetoci.o?bc,allpefcftintc», fo^ !£BSnfkiMW4gr«N fapthfuii , anb plentcouflp rcujarbciDhe mwmMm. ■hJfBrS^^^'W ftawpfte poure wbwii pacr,i|llvet^ir|iiwepo«rtcMfl;inthcjL02oe. *" 1 °w ! -CtM-4^i.1Mhbne. " BEAt! Q;VORVM, ■i*J hiJ 1 Stttt.! s JKafn^gtuccpoitofjDauib. Xmm mvime tmrpirlwe iicncoioKCi It0t r o?seuciy off VntPflhteoufiiclTe 3 tttlojueimpfL, fpietethereWiio mp ton je , mp.1 'Pffbtcoi fpnnc til ^bwhOfe fftttc tocouei c|?bt/ti)cni£l»\jnrotx>h5^™(# fa man jfoM 3 * • I 1 ■ I *-. . : MB!' ^ V ui w ^nto fie ioibe . $ fo thou fo^saueft toe wp= cbebnelte of mp fpnnc. Ma/Vte bS Sail kr to tbe^r«iti a tpme when thoiimapeftebe ^ foujjocbutin eHeW m mSm (ball not come npefrpm. tfiEmtS ce to bpbc me in, tboil 1 Mtmr &S • me front troublcrtbouOialt compalfcme abmvm C fonsetf of belpucrauncc. jfeefei. 3H ISBW fr f twcl)e ^ ln * wape wber ! tn thouujalt flo : anb3 wpllgnpbe the with ; n omI»nuftbc Doiocu wfflpt 9 &%ue! lcftthcpfat)pontbe. ©?catcplncfflte= C'Cftc.jcrjtftt.^faime. EXVLTATE IVSTI IN DOMINO. ftojft *pime\jn* to the to^oe a neme foitge,fp«crc Biapfctf to* * ft dp** cwo Mtujtj) a ffoob coVSe mi .^5? tbe V®* of e i )c iMbc t/true , anb SSF^MnNip faptbfuil. VUS rpfibtcoiifuc^aiibiugcmcnt:tljccartbttffuU «... oftl)cfioobncireoftbeJLo?Dc. *»piSS fu ! L°l S c %? off ^f ^mbptbe b^ctb of pto5ctljcrajaiitwcrc\jp6abcauc, a lapctb ■ *l&!SSe«**£ trefurc boufer Tct ail tefStSSL ? e ¥l te: ft«»bc m awe of mm* nPy»nupcti)atbiDcHintheu)02ibc. *«oi ISSte , ?S wa ^2 ttCj ^ commauttUcB anoit ftobc faft. ^rijc JLo.ibe bivunetb the pwmi bctOthc beupcejsof tljc people, to be of none (4t Cmxte. :*(«»«> ttflttl) outtljt councclBof p;pnccs.) f., .5 I;c SBP9 of 9* WH aiall enbure foi cucr,anb the tDojifilircs of hp^ijc rtcfrom Bcncracpontoficncracpon. 25ifn"ebare SEESr 1 "«*"• » *« 31 o^be3c jjouab, j bleffcbare the folche that Dane djoftii hvm fobethep?mhcritaunce. ^he luibc lo= ftebbowne ftom bcauen , anb bcbelbc all the ME2?re^#WMracPbn of W mBeapnBc,hec6fpb?cthalltbcmtljatbwcll fiy 1 ** i)etaO)Poncthall tDe herte^ tfftem, anbtJttbcrftanbethall thep? tooic, IV . €bere i$ no apngc that can be Cmco bpthe multptubeof anhooft, nether « anp WMppt man bclpucreb bp moche ftrenath. 4 twre t0 countcb but a fcapne tbpttae f ftnw mm, wptber mil be mpm nnp man & RP W?l* rcl !P' 25 ^ 0| °- * w of the lof bemjvn than tfint fcarc bpm , aim toponthem that piitthepi truft in W mmx>, 50 belpuer tytn fonlc0from heath, fa tofebcthemmtbetpme ofhearth. ® m foule hatlj paclcntlp farpeo fa tlje iozbc fo? bef0ourcl)clpcmiDoure()jplbc. jfoioure perte ftali reiopfein tym , becaufe me naue bopeb in 1 hptfj hoip name, tc t tt)v mwv* ftiU Bpnonclfc, ®um bu topon %l { ubc atf wt [jaue put onre truft m the CITbc.wjcttu.praime. BENEDICAM DOMINVM. Of Mift, mhenhc ehannseb h^fbeche bef o?e a Wmclccb.tobicb ozottc hpm atDapcanoheoepartcb. WlaUU3apcgcuctbancBe0\)ntofhe3(L lo?be,hpjBtp.2aprc Ojalleucrbe tump rrz: m l n 9' ^pfoiticwaii mahe W boafttnthe io^b the bumble ujail heart tl;er= o^anbbeglab. ©puipfc tije lo:bc t»it|» me.aiib let t30masntfpcljp0 name together. *3 fought p jto^be $ be bearbe me,pce he * i.ue.»i.». oclmcrcb me out of all mpfcare. ibep hab an epe imto hlm,anb t»ere Ipgbtcneb.j their faceg were not athameb. io , tpepooic cryeth, 5 the Ho.rtc bcarctb bpm , pec anb Hi-- _ netb hvm out of all hpu troubles. *«e JL, , . anjelo thelp^etarprtbe rounbe about S2SS& them that fearcl;pm,anb bclpuereth them. ©taftcanb fe,l)oi»egraciou0tbe tozb tf,*blcffcb te the man that truftcth m hpm. *- 13faI . ffA Q * ware p to?be,pc that be hp0 fayntcsf *&*&&* mm? that feare hpm.lache notbpngc . 'chc Iponsbolachc^futtre hunger* but * m*wtt fhep which fehc the to^oe.Qjall vuantnoma= «r iicroffbpngethattcgoob.Comcpcchpioien^ f? berftf Jmtomc>3 wpll teach vou ^ fcarc of uc,fj tPolo fapne legoob bapc0/' ftepe tbp tongefcrom cucu^thplpppcg , $ tbepmeabe no mle. ©fchueenell.« bo goob.fche peace anb ciintc it. <£hc cpe0 of ^ iozoe arc ouee tuc rvghtcousi,6» ijttf carc0arc opewito their pjaperg. ^hc eounteuaucc of the loibe 10 ngapnu: them p bo cnell , to rote out f rente- bounce of the fro of the earth. 'Che rpfflh- tcou0 crvca the Jlorbc heart th M,t bciptie- reththem out of allthep? troubled, '©he © lo?be 10 npctinto the f arc of a cStrpte bcrt, ttjjpllfauc foche agbc of an bamble ftuctc. Ivmhili • *€MU arc p trouble* of the rpghteoujai S'SSffSf!; but the lojbc belpuerethhpm out ofail. * **"** toe hepcth all hpjs bonejs, fo that notone of them Wb^ohtn. tfntmpjfotf mte Owll llapc tDeyngoblp , anb thep.that hate the - ■,. if ght cou0,(halbt befolate.. -Ehc loibe . bclpuereth ■I^WI* r *»* t >•.• ^tei]C]ricb;f.]t]rittjtJ * *M fi I I* 1! r .ii tclpncrctl) tbc fotrtctf of tjvjS rctumititcst.anD nil rijc v tbat put tljcpz tr uft in bpm $a 11 not be tieflitutc. IVPICA DOM1.ME NOCENTES. . sDf&ftitfD. m leaf c riioii mv mitt, © lojbc, twitl) tbem tbat ftrpne witb mr •. anb fygbt tbou agapnft the" tljat fpgbtagap nft lave banbe topon tbc l&ilbc 9 buckler, ano ftanbe v»pto bcluc me. ftwngc f oztb tbe fpcarc, f ft oppc tlic wave agapnft t|)cm p per fe cute me: fapctmtomv foulc 3 am tbp faluacpon . let tbem be confounbeb anD nit tofljamctbatfeke after mpfoule: let tltf ic f 11 rncD barkc ,anb bzougbt to confulpon , that pmagpnemprcbcfcfoz me. *mmm t * Ww te&ifem befoic? wpnbe, anii tbc angel! of tbe Lome fcattccvngc tb^. let tbcpz wape be barckcanb ftppperp, aiiU let tttc anscll of tbc lozbc perfecute tbe. 51: 0? tbcv banc pz puclv la veb tbew net to beftrope mc without a caufc , pee cucn witb= out fl caufc baur tbcpmabca pvttc foz my 3» fotile. Ictafobcn beftrucf ton come iipon Inmisnawaretftf bps net tljat be batb lapcb pnutlp,catcbbpmfclfc,tljatbc mnpefall i\u to bp&awnc mpfebefc. 3nbmv foulc be iopftwm tbc lozDerttmallrciopic in &istfal= uacpon. SMmpbonetf (ball tape: lozbc, wboitf Ipftc t)tito tl)cr'\»l)icl> belpuereft tbe poozc from bvm tbat itf toftrongefoz bvm, vee tbepooze anbbpmtbatitfinmifccp.from bvm tbat fpoplcttj bvm . tfalfc wttnefle bvb rpfe V)p : tbep lavcbtomp cbarge , tbpn= gea thot 3 knowe not. ^bev rewarbcb mc cucll fo;i 500b , to tbe great* bpfcomf oztc of mv foulc. jfteucctTpelcffc , wben tljev were fpckc,3 put on a facke clotbe: anb bu-- blcb mvfoule wttbfaftvngc.anb mppzapec Cbflll turneinfomvne nwnc bofome. ff 3 bebaucb mp felfe a* tbougb it bab bene ^ mvftenbe ozrnp bzotbcr,3 wentebeuelp,a# one tbat mournctbfozbvtf mother. 26utmmvneabucrrptetbcvrciovfcb,atiD gathcreb tbem together : £cc itheticcpabic* etetf came togctber agapnft nt-s mia waretf, makpngcmoix)C0atme,anbccau"ebnot. Hlitb tbe flatten* were bufp mockcrtf, wbicb gnattbeb upon me witb t^m tcetb. lozbc, bowelonge wplt ttiou lone tjpou ttytf £) beipuet mpfoule from tbe ca* lamttpea wine b tbe p bzpngc out me, anb m v Bcarlpnge from tbt ipontfr &o wvll 3 gene tbt tbankes in tbe greats congrcgacvo 3 wpll ftripfe t bf amottge moclje people. •w let not tbcm tbat atemviieeitempeiei tCtum pbe ouer me Imgobl ve netber : let t\$. * »»iw.tr tl)p tongc tben,go .lot farre fro mc, © lo?b. atJ3okeanbftanbc^ptoob , anb mp lojbe. 3ubgcmc,Ci lo^bcmpd5ob,ac= co^bpnge to tbv ivgbtcoufiicfle.anb let tbem nottriumpbcouicrme. let tbem not mm in tbetr bertesJ:tberc,tbcre # fo tjjolbcwcbauc it : netljcr left tljicm rape s we baue bcuoureb Ijpm. let tbem be put to confufpou anb (bamcfogctbcrtbatrciopfcatmvtrouble.lct tbem be clotbeb wttbrebulie anbbiCbonourc tbat boaft tbem i clues! aga vnft me. let tbem bcglnbanib reio pie , tbat fauoutc mv rpgbfcoutfbcalvngcipcelcttbeTaveallwapc blclTeb be tbe lo,rbe, wljicbDat^ pleafuretu tbcp^ofperitpe olf bPsf fcruaunt. aflnb a* fo? mp tongc , it qjalbe talnpm oftbprpgbtcouflicjffanb of tbppjapfe,aHti bapclonge. CCbu-]cjc|t»i praline. DIXIT INIVSTVS. l£o tljc Cbauntf r, of Dauib t!)c fcr- uaumoftbclo^be. V. l)ert tycwttf mc tbc wpcRebneffe of % tbe fcngoblp, tbat * tbereitfno fearc *koim, ;of(5ob before bPfiJevejS. 5fo?bcfla= ;e tretb bvm fclfc in ijpsf ownc fpgi)t , tpHbptf abbominable fpime be lounbe out . 4£$t wozbciS of bptf moutborc wirvgbtcou^anb full of bifccatc:be batb left of to bebaue lipm relfewprcipanbtobogoob. ^cpmagv= nctb mpfebefc tyioubptf bebb, anb batb frt |)Vm felfe in no goob wape , nether botb be abbojte anp tljpnfi tbat iiel ituell. %typ mer ■* cp,dDlo?be reacbetbDnto t^i beauen, anb tbpfaptbfulncac \jntotbc cloubcitf. UDp tpg!)tcoume(re ftanbetfj l^nc tU ftrSgemo&tavne&tbpinbgemcntetfarelpKe tljc grcatc bepc. 'ft&ou lo?be (lialt fa= ue botb man anb be eft. Ipowe excellent 25 ijStbpmcrcp, €) (Pobj'anb tbe c(jplb?en of me" Oiall put tbep^ ticuft mibcr tljc Cbabowe of tty wvngea. Itbcv ftaibe ratiffpeb witij tbeplftcourncfl'eoftbPboufcanbtlJotidjalt gcuc tbem tytpn cite of tbP plenf urn , a0 out of tbcrpuer. tfojwttbtbeiieittje well of ipfe , anbintbpllpgbt, l^all wefelpgbt. €>contvnue fo?tb tbv Ionpnge fevnbnelTe tmto tfjem tjiat Imowe tDe, anbtjjp rpgfc teciufnc fit unto tjjem tbat arc true of Ijer t. iD let not tbe Ifote of p^becomengavnft me : anb let not tbe banbe of tlje Imgoblp caft tnc bowne . $ar ^berc are t^tp fallen T-ft *»caii)tbatwojlM: wpcftebneirc:tbcparecaft ** bo wne,anb $aii; not be able to (ta no c. CS:bt 4 mtmwmtw febttt *r?ou '1 CCbc.^^ii.^falmc. NOLI IJMVLAR.I. 3pfalmcof^>anib. SctnottbvfclfbccAufc of tbc \m- ^oblviitctbet: be iJ cnuvoutf agavnft cucll boc?s!. jT oz tl)cv (jmU foone be cut botonc ipbe ]5 graltc , 9 be toytjjereb . men as< J grene bctbe. .^Dut P tbp truft in ■ tbc lo?bc , ^ be botngc goob:btocU in tbc lanbcano \jcrclv tbou Qjalt be febb. Bc= Iptc tbou in tljc lojbc , 9 be fball gcuc t^t W bertes befpre. Commpttc tljp wapc ^nto p lo^bc,? put tbv trutfc in bpm, ? \)t (ball typnge it to paffc. 3f)c Oiall ma fee tbp tigbtuournclfe am clcarc at jj Ugbt , 9 tlw iultbealtuga«i)Sttooncbavc. =^olbctl;c ftVll m F ^o?bc , 9 abvbe pacventlv ^)pon ljim:but grcue not tbp fclrc at bpm,tDi)ofc wave botb pjofpete agentt j5man pbotii ^ after euell councclst. leauc of fro tozatb, 25 9 let go bifplcafurc , frett not t^v fiw , elsf fljalttboubcmoucbtoboeucll. Cfllpckcb bocrsf fljalbc rotcb out : ? tbcp t pactcntlv . abpbe v lojucttjofc fball enbevct f lanbe. I^ct a Ivtlc tobvlc, 5 tbctjnffowv maibe ' clmc gonertljou 0)alt lolic aftcv Ijp,* place, 9 bcmalbcatoapc. uSuttbemcUcfwctcD (ball poffeffe tbe eartb , 9 tyalbc vcfrclTt)CD in tljc multttubc of peace. 'Cbc\jno:oDlv fcuctb councell agapnll: p in%9 gnaitijctn »p5 bpm Witb bi« tetljc. 'Cljc loib ftjall laugijc bpnuo fco?nc , fo? be batb'fcne , v ljt0 oa pe 10 cojnpngc. 'Cbc ^ngoblp banc fatten out tbc I'Wcrbc , anb banc bcitbcb *- tbeir botoc , to caft botonc f pooje anb nc-- bpe,anb to Clapc foci; a* be ot a tpgftt con= uevfacton. ^bcir f isjcrbc (ball go tljototb tbctr atone bcite, coniumc aWapc. ^be»ngoblpboiotoctb anbpapctl) not agapnebut j/rigbtuoud JtfSSW SWt ^ oc b «* be blcf = feb of m.fl.c lcnbctb,anb W febe ii blcffeb. 5f le from ^ cncll, anb bo tbetbpngc that itfgoob, anb btbel f oz ewer . fl oz tbe lozbc fouetb tbe tbpnge tbat i$ rpgbt,bc fozfane tb not M p be goblp,but tbeparc pzctcrucDfoz eucr= lllOZC : c*(%l)t bnrlBbtcous flialbc purtftyt&oatf fOZ ^ tbc febe of tbe \mgomp,it qjalbe roteb out %\)t rpgbtuouxs (ball inberctt t\)t lanbc, anb btocll tbcrin f oz euer. * %fy mouth * «&;<"». f.&, of tbe rpgbtuoiiA' tjs emcifcb in topf Dome ano b# tongc toilbc talfepng of iuDg;cmc"t, m % i)c latoc of W <5ob 10 in tyst bcrt, anb 5f btfgopngcg (ball not npbe. 'Cbc mtgok Ip fectb m rpghtuou0, 9 bntfy occafpoit to flape \yp\n. %ty lozbc topllnot leauc bpm in hp0 banbe, ner c5be"pnc bim mm bcisi iubgeb. Jpope tbou in ti)c lozb, an& ncpe W wapc? be Cbal pzomotc tljc, tbat tbouajaltpofreu*etbelanDe:tbOcntbe\)n: goblp fbal pcriCbctbou (bait fe it. 3 mp iclfe bane fene f 'bngoblp in great potoer, 9 f loziCbige tyke a grene bape tttc.9 be \3a utujcb atoapc,$ lo, betba0 gone =3 fotigbt bLbut^fbpuDua'jcoulbcnowbcrcbcfoub.^ laepe innocencp, anb take bcbeDnto tbr g tbpnge tbat # rpgbt,fo 1 tbat Ojall invmc a man peace at tbc latt n$ f j tbe traf s -■ gr cffour0,tbep fljall perpOje togetbcr,atm m cube of tt)t migoolp vs,tbty (ball be r -. tcb out at the laltlSut tl;c nilnacio of tbe rpgbtuou* comctb of tbc lozbewbieb tS alio tbctr ftrcngtb in tbc tpme of trouble. 3inb tbc lozbc (ball ftanbe bp thcm,an& fauc tbem : bcQjall bclpucr tbem from tbc ^ugoDlp,anbQjall fauc tbcm,bccaufc tbcp put tbcpz truft in \)vm. IL^bcr^iti.pfalmc. U O M 1 N B N Ii IN F V KORE. % $Mmc of iDauib foz rcmcmbzauncc. ^I^Qit menot*to rcbukec O lozb)in tbi ^ -TT nc angcrinctbcr cbaftcu mc iti tDv bc^ T ( t^ r ' 1 r 1 i!' , • 4 ' nv bifplcafurc. jf oz tbpne arotocjs ftpek faft in mc, anb fyy banbe victtct]) mc foic. 'Cbcrc ijl no bcaltb in mp flcffb, becaiifc of tbp bifplcafurcmcrbct itf tberc anpc reft in mp boncj5,up rcafon of mp fpunc. if ui mp wpckcbneftcs( arc gone oucr mp bcabc, anb arc Ipkc a fozc burtbcu,to bcup foz mc to bcarc . &)p wounbos ftpneke anb arc cozrupt, tbozo^e mp f olpQmcOe. 3 am-. & bzougbt in to fo grcatc trouble 9 mifcrp, tljat 3 go mournpngc all tbc bapc longc. Jf oz mp lopneiB arc fpllcb witb a fozc nu feafc, 9 tberc in no tobolc parte in mp bo= bp. 3 am fcblc 9 fozc Cmpttcn,! bauc ro-- nrebfoz tbe top bifnupctncfi ofmp bert. lo^c,^ Buotocft all mp befweanb mp gronpugc i$ not ^ fro f. &)? bcrt pa= tcf b, mp ftrcgtb batb faplcb mc, 9 j IpgbtC of mpnc epejs 1$ gone fro mc. * w louerjS job. r».». ^mpncpgl;bour}Xbpbftabclokpngct)pon ■ " mp y -*F -»r '■"fWTA 1 P -•■* f ** C* I Si. 3 • * .1 ;,v j * ' ■ i mv trouble? mp kpnfmcn ftobc afarrc of* %m alfo p fougbt after tup lifclapcb ftwrc* foi me : 9 mp tlwtToent atomic to Do mecuclUtalkcO ottoickconcffc,$ Mtwgt neb bifecate all f bape louse. 31* to; mc, 3«tia* ipnc a beafc m$ ^jjcrtcitot^ ag one $ t# Dome, mbtcb ootb not ope b»* moutb. 3 became ml a* a man tbat b?arctb not: anil In tobofc moutb are no repjof c* . 5foi * in tbc, iSD lojbcbauc 3 put mp trulMboit *> (bait anftocrc f o* me, W lo jb mp eob. 3 ()a«Crf qUtreD,^tl)ep- N » (fuenmr fnrmrw)U)Ulb not triftpbc ouer mc:fot voba* mp f otc f tpp ■■ tc,t l)cp reiopfeb grcatlp againft inc. 2tno 3 tirulp am fct in tbc plage, 9 mp Ijetiincirc i* cuet in mp Cpgbt . # 0; 3 ujpll coufeffc mp totckebneue, anb be fozp fty mp fpnuc. amtmpnccnempejs lpuc,$ arempgbtic: «■ tticp toat batcmctb v iougfullp,arcmaup innobjc. 'Cbcpolfo £rctoarbccucllfot goob arc agapnft mc,bccaufe 3 folotoc the t^pnge tbat goob in. it oifakc mc note >P Iojdc mp 0oD.) 25c not $ farce fromc. l)tiftc tbe to belpcme, s2> lojb c* (©ownp faltsacpon. ccbe.rr.cir.l&faimc. ■DlXf, CVSTOD1AM VIAS. ^0 tbc cbaunter Jcbutbun,^ a pfalmc of Bauib. jtefapbc:3tbilltakcbcbctomptbapctf /•joffcubnotininptongc. 3 null Rcpc mp moutb (a0 it ttoctc t6 nbn= lejtobile p DttgoOlp 1* in mp ftgbt. 3 \)tU oe mp toges (pane notbtgc,3 kcptiuplccc pcccuc fro gooo tbotf>c*,but itftm* papnc 9 grefc to mc. &)p bert toa* bote ttutbiu mc, j tobpic 3t*»a* tbu* mufpng, tb? fpje npnblcb:anb(nttbelaft)3fpakctbptbmp * ""-^ c -tongc: * Loibclct me knotoc mpnc cnoc, « anb tbcnobic of mpbapc*:tbat3mape be ****£, ccrtpto botoc logc 3 bauc to ipuc. * 25c? ariD.bju.b. bolDctbou bait made mp bape* a* ittocre a fpanc loge, anb' mpnc age in mm a* no * tbmg in rcfpcctc of tbc:$DcrcIp cucrp man IpuigtealltogctbcrDatute. gaclab. tfo* man toalkctl; m aDapncu)abotdc,aubbtf'> quit tetb \m felf in tjapn? : be beapctb top ricbeg*? cannot tell toi;o u)aU gatbec tbe. *it»fef.ru.c. 3lnb note lo v ib, tbbat 10 mp bopc/tculpc mp bopc 10 eucn in tbc. ©clpucc me from all mpnc offence^ make me not a'rebulte tonto tbe foolilb. 3 became Oommc,? opc« neb not mp moutb, f 0^ it toatf tbp bopnge. 'Caftc top plage atoape fro me:3 am eu? C eofumco lip toe meaner of tbp l)mvt bano. 5IH.ben $ topth rebuuciEf bolt cballen man foi fume, f mancft W betbtpc to confume atoapc, line as* it tocrc a motbe fretiugc a garment . €ucrp man tberf o^c in but m » Kite. §>clab. ' l^earc mp p^apcr, flD JLo^b, $ to tbpnc careis cSfpb^e mp callpngc:l)olbc *f.inr.mF.cnot f pp peace at my tcarcjaf. # 0; * 3 am a ptow,anb,tl ttraungcr x5 f , w foffcourncr,a0 all mp fa tbcrja! uictc. &b f pare mc a iptlc, tlmt 3 mapc rccoucr mp ftrfgtb, before 3 goo be- er, onoUcnontQicfcnc. C ^Cbc.rl -^falnte. EXPECTANS JiSPRCXAYI. 'Cotbccbmmtcr,ft^falmeof»auib: jtoapfcbpAcientlpfo?tl)clo^,^ a be ntclpncb tonto mc : anb bearbe 'mp cal ling. 3f>c biougbt mc al« fo out of tbcbo^riblc pittcout of tbc mper anb clape, anofettrnpfctctopon m r ocHe,attb o^breb mp gopngesi. Stub be batb put a nctb fogc in mp mouth, cuen a tbancRcrgcupngc tonto ourc «b. lojbmp<£ob, greatc arc tbp toonberouja' tbojcuc&tobtcii tbou baft bone:l!ikc atf be alfo tbp tbougb-. tcitf tbbicb arc to M& ttoarb- anb pet tbcre 1$ no man tbat •«* oib?ctb tbnn mito tbc. il ^ 3 tooioc bcclare t(jan,anb fpeake of tbem, 23 tbeplbulbebemoo tben 3 am able to cr-- weuc. * Sacrifice anb meat offecpnge * Bfi i a* tbou toolbcft not bauc , but <*"mpne ** -^ «, carc0 baft tbou openeb : burntoffcrpngcsi ' unD facrif ice fo; fpnnc t>aft p not reqtuccb. ^bcu fapb 3 = ito,3 come. 3n f ^toolu^ *9 mc of f bouc it is tojittcn of mc,p 3 ttjuloc fulfplt tbp ttill, €> mp <3oD:3 am content to 00 it:pce , t\)v latoc i.tf toptbin mv bcrt. 3 bauc beclardi) tbp rpgbtuoufncffc in # grcatcogrcgiiciii)n:lL.o,3vdiUnotrcfrapiic mp lippcjEf,C) 1,0,10, $H Unotocft. 3 banc not bpb tbp rpgl!)tuoufnca Xoittyn mp bert mp talkpnge batb bene of tbp trutj) anb of tbp faluacion-li bauc not kept backc tbp louig mcrcp4 ti:utbfro f greatc cogrcga^ cion. Ullitbbm'toenot? tbp mcrcp rro mc sD JLoib, let typ loufgc kpnbncffe anb t\)v c trutb alttoapc m fer ue mc. jf o 1c to beftrope itJet tb5 bebipug backtbarb 9 be put to rebukef tutu; me cueil . let tb^ be befolatc $ icetoarbeb vb mm,f (ape tmto me:fpc M p,fpe top$ f *. lit all tbo- fe tbat feke $ , be topfull ano olab in fym let focb a? loue tbp taluacie,wpe alltoape tbe lotbe be p^aificb. 3l0loj me , 3 am poo?e % neabpcbiit f lo^bc caret!) fo* mc. %fy(m artmpljclperano rcbemcr : make nolongc nolonge tarpinac( iDmp di)Ob.) Cirbe.^lj.^falme. BEATVi" CIVi INTMLLIOIT. 0.w\* totl)t cbaunter , a pfalmc of Dauib. t* 3HS^?lj|le(reb Wm j&c6fpb?etb^ e i>5poo?e |t/*(mi6iicaftp)p lo^bcfliallOelpuer i)ym mn t\)t tpmc of trouble, ^t lo^oe mtoem wm& kepe bim aliuesf be mape be WelleDljponeartlj.^Oclpufc not tbou Dpm iu to tbe U)pll of bpjS ciicinpcsf. ICbe lo^D comfojte bpm,t»bcn be ipetb fpek topon mi bebb .make tbou all W bebo in bid ftcknefTc. 3 fapbe: loib be mercptull Ditto tncbeale mpfoule.foobauefpuncb agapnft t^ti Qbfm enempctf fpeake euell of me:r»bcn *5 Gmllbebpc,$bp0uameperi(p.'' 3ubpfbe w come to fe mc,bc fpeaketb Dantte, 9 W bart coueeauctb falu)obe witbin ^im felfe: 9 voU becommetbfo?tb,bctcUetbit. M mpne cnempejS wbifper togetber agapnft me:euen agapnft me 00 tbeppmagintbijSeucU. let tl)t fentencc of gntpnefte p^oceaoe agapnft bim : $ no bo tbat be Ipetb, let bim rpfe Dp no= moje. ^eceuenmineaume familier ttenb 8 S'i t»bo 3teufteb* C wbpcb ^ alfo eatc of mp m b^eb) batb^iapebgreate toapfefojme* £ 25ut be tbou mercpfull Dnto mc(Oio?b ) rapfe ? me Dp agapne , anb 3 mall rewarbe tbem. 18 p tun 3 know tbou fauoureft me, tbatmp enempe dotb not triunipbe agapnft mc. 2Hnbt»b<13aminmpbealtb)p Dppol= oeftme, anbtbaltfetme before tl)y fate fop euer. 26lcffeb be tbe lo?Dc 000 of 3fcael, njo^octoptboiitenDe^mcn.anb 3men. • CCbe.JcUj.pfalinc. Q.VHM/iL)MODVM. " ^ro tbc cbaunf cr,a monicpon of tbc Tonne* of Cojatn. 3keas^bcrt bcfpKtb ^t»atcr b?oo= kejs.fo longetb mp foulc after t^t ( £> 'upng<5ob:i»bc*u)all 3 comcto appeare before f pjefence of ti5ob.'' *^l)p tcarcd bauc bene mp mcatebape$ nigbt.wbple tbep baplie fape Dnto mMW* rcitfnovx) tbp 00b i .aow tvben 3 tbincke tl)creDp5*3pouj?e out mp beet bpmp felf: fo* 3 went witb f multitube , 9 bjougbt tb^ f oitb Ditto tbe boufe of d5ob , in tfy Dopce of pjapf c anb tbanckefgeupng , among focb an kepe bolpbapc. *U)bP art tbou fo full of beupnesK j2D mp foulc) anb ixibparttboufo Dnqutctc wittyn mtf put tbp trufti <&oo, fo J 3 D)PU pet gcue bpm tbSkesl, foi tbc belp of bP0 countenaunce. 40p(2)Ob, mpfouie in Dercb \» ptbin mestberfo^e \Dill3 remcm= tye tbec0ccrnpng tbe^lano of 3o?banc, anb tbclptlcbplloffcrmonim. €)ucDcpecal= letb attotber becaufc of tbe nopfe of tbpi»a« tcrpipetf*all tbp DJauetf^ftomictfarc gone ouer me. 'CbcLojb batb grautcb W louig umDncttc 011 f bape t vine, 9 in tbe nigbt Tea* mt » .Ui'ha 25 m,m.* mttiu fX«iB4a fonbpb3 fpng of bftitif mabc mppiaper Dn to tbe (2> ob of mplpfe. 3 t»pn rape Dnto f € Coobof mp ftr^gtb wbP baft p forgotten me: Wb£ffo3tbu0bcuclp,t»bplc t^t encmyc op pjeaetbine.' 4i)p bonesiarc fmpttcn a fun* Oer,\»bple mine znznvptnwuwMmtm) c«tft ^ mc m f tetbe.^amelp, tPbPle tbep mpe Dap= lieDntomt.t»berei^not»tbp(5obr toop art f To Dcjccoccmp foulc )auot»bpattPfo DifquietcD toptbinmc' Oputthp trufttn (5ob,f oi 3 topil pet tbankc bpm tobpt)) in $ bclpe of mpcountenaunce.anb mpcoob. CCbe.^lii^falmc. ' 1VD1CA Mli DEVS.ET. ^uefentccc^me (OCoob) « beK* -. Dempcaufeagapntt^DngoDlppeo # plc:sii)bbclpuermefrom tbebifceat tull^tDpckcbman. jfoz Part tbe C5obofmpftrtgtb:tt)bpl)aft pput mc from t\}tf 3nb ttJbpgo3fobeuelp,tDbplc^cne= myt opp?eftetb me^ €>b fenb out tbp ipgbt 9 tbp truetb f tbep mapc leabe me 5 b*png me Dnto tbp bolp bpU,f to tbp btoellpng. anb tbat3mapcgoDntotbeaultcrof(5ob,eucn Dnto tbe (5oo of mp iope fglabucfle , 9 Dpo tfit barpe mpll 3 gcue tbankc* Dnto tlje ( siD . M# . „ ., . 0oo)mpci5ob. *H)bpartf fobcupC© * m ' m * mp foule) 9 wbpartp fo oifqupeteo \xptfc in mc- ©put t\)v truft in CtoD.foj 3 torn pet gcue bpm tbankc* robpeb in tbe belpc of mpcouutenaunce,anbmp0ob. CEbe.rl»ij.|&falme. DEVS AVRI13VS NOSTRIS. 'Co tbe cbaunter an inftruccpon of tbc fonne* of Co?ab. 16 bauc bcrb t5 ottrc eare*( 000b) ^ *ourcfatberj3ibauetolOc D*, wbat s 2L m bih tbou baft bone in tyy* tPinc of oJB. * a **' M * 1 feoD) tbou baft Dzpuen out f §ti* tbcn»5 tbp banbe^planteb tbe in:bovo tbou baft beftropcb tbe nacionO, 5 caft tbem out. *if ox tbp gat not tl^t lanbe in poffeffpon %&eu tt a tboxottjc tbep* a w ne fVDcarbc.nctber t»a* it tbcpzaujitearme^belpeb tbem. J6ut tbp rpgbtbab,anbtbpncarme,anb tbe Ipgbt of tbpeoutenaunce , becaufc tbou babbeft a fa= uoureDntotbf. * ^bou artmp kpug(C» ^{&&i.td»i.i (5ob)fenbebelpeDnto3acob. mou tbetopu tDcoucrtfcoDoe our enempe*, 9 in tbp name topllDjetrcabtbSDttbcr tbat rpfc Dp agapnft D& dfo*3topU not truft in mp bouje.it in not mp f wcrbc tbat ftjall belp v& me. 25utiti*tbou tbat faucftD* from 2© oiirccncmpcanbputtefttbem to conmlpon tbat bate D*. U)emakeoureboaft of0ob all tbc bape I8ge,anbuipllpmpfe tW name fo?e«cr. £>cla. 25utnou>tbouartfarrc of.ano putteft D*to confufpoii.anb * gocft *» &l »* not fojtb v>vt\i ottte armpe* . 'EboumakcftDgto turne oure backc* Dpon oure cuemp , f tbat t))tv D)bpcb bate D* , fpopie oure goobe* . 2525 <®m t tgfyoulctteff W be eaten top ipnc fliepr ,« ebaftfcatrcobaamongtbctocltben. 'tfjou fcU«fttl>ppeoplefMnattgt)i^trtfti:ftnomo« mpe f to t&e\ fifcou mm ft* to be ctlm» feco of ottre ticpgUbouc^ , to be laugbeb to t rit fcojnc 9 bab in bcrityon, of tbcm p arc rottb * tmnt* about btf. s'ftbou mabeft b* to be a bp u>o?bc ames tbc fcettben , $ tbat tbe people l&aac tbeir beabctfatw. «;pconfufionitf oayipe before mc,&p(&amc of mp face fcatb coucrcb mc. jf o? tbe tiopce of tbe fclaunbe* re r s btapemer, fo? tbc cnempc 9 aucngrt. :i nb tDoiiflb all to be come topon Mpe t bo m notfojgette £ , nee bebaue oiire (clue* frotwarblp in tbp coucnaunt. HDnre berti* tioiturnebbac&e.netbec oure ffeppe* gone . outof tbpwape. iftonotttJbatttUotibaft a> tatptten Win to tjjc place of bjagon*,a"b co= jcrcb\)sttx)pcbtbclbaDott)ofDectb. 3ftx>e baue forgotten tbe name of oure (Sob, QtboU be Dp oue bSDc* to enp (traits tiftJb. £>b*U not C5ob fearcb it ont.'fbj be Bnotoety f bee? * isom. wtj.f fecrctetf of tbe bert. *#o$ tbP fauealfo ate m hplleb all tbc bapelonge , anb arc coutcb as ftjeueapovntcbtobe Qapne. imp lojbe tobv ftcpeft ft% waac,« be not abfentfeom t)* foj eucr. toberfojcbPbcft tftoutpp face, s>w.(tbpcb3 Da- :iemabebntotbeRpng:&)p tong t* 1 * *»c»./a». 13 ** tbe pennc of a rcabp uj?ptct." <* fcbotfart tap?crtbcntbccbvlbicnofmctt,fiillofgrace arc tbp lpppe*,becaurc <25ob hatb blcffcb m 2? Wv ? Wbc tbe tf tbp frocrb e bpon tbp eopgbC © tbou moft mpgbtpe)accoiibpnff to IE w HSW r woume. Coob toc&ebaue tjwu titbme honour, rpbe on becaufcoftbe ^joftrcutb,ofmcbene(reeir^teottrnc0: „. JS ^ > rpght banbcOjall tcacb tbefcrrlble 25 tbpnge*. ^bparoweaarcterpibarpe, 9 2 e peo El e & albe wbbueb two tie, euenin '** F89*P * ,n °«B* *Ue bpngesi enempcitf. A.J^^f^^ol^enbntetftftweuee: tbefcepteroftbPKpngbome « arpgbtfcep= £; lfk /P°« !w(Houeb epgbteoulhcu"c , anb jatBbtmqmte:tt5erfo?c(i5obfeu5tDp(i5ob) M •SBS^ t&e WDtbe ovle of glabnctf abouc tbp ftloaesf. 311 W garmented ftnen of mpjre.aioetfanbtfawa , out of tbc &gW$M*u* tDptbtopefglabncffe {ball tbepbe tyougbt , $ (ball en tee into the fepngcslpalace. ajnftcabcoftbpfattep Cbaltbauccbpl^en.tobomtljoumapeama^ feepamceumalllanbe*. 3wpllremcmb^ tbp name from one gencracpou to anotber: tberf oie (ball toe people gcue tbanbciaE t»nto tbe i t»o^lbe toptbout enbe. CCbe-WWalmc; DEVi NOSTER RE^VCJfVM. ^Cotljc cbauntcr.afongefojtjjectip!* ■ ... bJcnofco,iab\)pon^'aHamotb. J*- tiDb i s our bopc 9 ftrcngtb j a beep * p^cfciittbelpet trouble. 'Cberfoae wplluiefearctbougbtbe ertbbe mourb^tbougbtbebpllejS be ca« rpebin^mpbbtftoftbefte. ^'tbougbtbe mml water* tberof rage* ftoell,f tbougb tpemo untapnc* ujaftcat ptepcttof f fame. &cla. ^Ijervuetjat ol tbe ftoubc tbctof (ball made glab p cptlc of 45ob , $ Dolp place of f taber= twclcjS of $ mod bpeft . <5ob isi in f mpbbctt ofber,tberfo^eCball(benotbcremoueb:il»ob (ball belp be wrpgbtcarlp. %\)i tyt*\\fi inaRemocbaboo,$tDeupngbomcj5arcmo^ ucb : but d5obbatb(bewcb bPJS toopec, ^tbe eartbu)all melt at»ape. %w io?b of 190= (re* \% xb bsi ^ d>ob of Jacob is oure refuge. &e(a. €>comebptber , $bebolbc t&ewo^ % cbeiet of tbc Loibe, t»bat Dcttr uccpojs be bat b , b^ougbt \jpo toe eartf). * l?e mabetp t»ar= * pm-H tetfto ecaOemall f t»o?lbe :beb?caftet^ tbe botxie 9 bnappetbtbc f pear em fonocr, ? bur netbt^echarette0(nffp?c. aiSeftplltpcn 9 ttnot9etbat3amd5ob:3t»Ubeeicalteba= mSg tbc 19" tbem.anb 1 wpll be eicalteb in { cartb. *?Tbclt*bcofl!>o(tc}5Wwptb^,f <^obof3acob()iiourebefcme, ^ela. C < 5Cbe.)tl\nj.iafalme. OMNES GENTES PLAVDITE. . Wo tbc c bauntcr , a pfalmc f 0? tbe cbplti?en of Co?ab. Clappe pi)utcbanbe«togct|)er (all pe 3 people) jD rvng Vinto & ob wptb toe bopce of meiobpe. ffo? tbe lo^b iiS %$um bpeanb*to be fcarcb.be it tbc great bpnge lips all p cartb. $c (ball fubbue tbe people tjnbce w, anb tjie nation* ^nbee oure fete. , $g$all ^falme.]tlbiir.elir Su m 4 ob, eue^pon|ji0bolp|)pll. ^(jebpll ~5S g ?^wjft3»o faweplace,* tlje (ope of tbe ©Dole catt&. t>po tDe.no^tf) fpbc ivcth tne cptie of tbe great npng. d5ob (# well bnoume (nber palace*, a* a fur e refuge. ^ 1m lo.tpe Kpwfle*^»(of tuc «r«) are gatbereb, fiSE^^pw. ^l)cpmaruclcb,tofc web tbing ejfct&ep were aftontcb , anb fobf ip catt bourne. Jfeacecametl)crc^potitl)fm, c out of tbepi bwcllpnge. 26ut <2>ob (ball bc(ballrcceaucme. feclai 25e not thou «lo?pofbp*Joufcbeincrearcb «t» enocjrpp rpgpt nab 10 full of tpgbteouf» a ne*; ju 1 tbemount £>ion rciopfc , anb the bauflDter* of 3uba he glab becaufe of tW itibgemcnreA tt)alueabout^ion,anb go rounbabout ber.ano tell m tow^c* tberof. «:)areftcwellberbulwo?lic*,fet\ip bee boufc*, tbn t pe mape tell tfjem tbat come a l- m St 0; tM <5ob t* oure c^ob f 0? eucr e cner,l;e qjall be ouregpbe ^nto bcatl); C^be^bjr.i5frtlme. AVDITB HAEC GENTES. ^otliccbatmtcr,a^laimcfo?the m cbpibjenofcojal) .tlwtperpibc, C'Srbc.l.^falme. DEVS DEORVM DOMINVS. capfalmeofarapU. ! l«Ji?^£ e r U ^ c «wft mpgbtpe * Wo^lb from tbc rpfpug^p of the fonnctjutotbegopnabowne thc= ,t~^ rof - *€>ut of&pon hath <2>obapcarcb tn pcrfcctc bcwtpeT m9 **&tt,$, ™ SSL S oD 9wmw«» » «»b Hurt! not fte= il)faret!)i*,aIipepeople:poitb2crt sffi&^* 8 ^* ,M a «»l« £ intbcwo?lbe. ^Wanblowr iS«£«?SS£ *!*** n» rwbe anrf poo?e , one w& 5no- fleSSPlSSSKSSK W^oucanb EJ Jfi ^aDteouOielTe , foj *-* * '— oape*ofWfcbebtieffe,8nbwWefiewpeBeo. 1 ! ^)cla. >care,c>mppeopie:anb 3 t»pllfpcaRc,3 2525 (| mvfelS $fatlj mKelftwMtctttfpeagapntttbc,te. , luenetbp #o$3am0ol>fttf ito<&ofc 3 Wlnot f «c« fofi inr I'pnnc tf ,9 r*- *"**" "" , M,t, ° % - repjouctbebeMufeoftbPfanrfpccM?^ oc& *4*)a!iemeaic 9MWtt.«M *tfb.tr; Sirtos-O-D. actcfl.bij.r W buratoffeynge* aliwape tocfo?c me. *j wu taw no utu* lockout of tbv tJouff , nerbc gontetf out of tbv falbe*. w all tbe beaftcg of tbe f o?cft ate mp m , » fo ace tbe catell \)pS a t & oufanbe topllcs. 3 anotuc ailtbcfouUtfiopotttbe mountapncitotDe ttylbebeattcg of tbcfelb facefe5mp(Vimetf,(^utoutaUmvmpfte« be*. *49flHeme«icleanebert(£>0ob)Jto **«*»«* renucai?gbtu>?ciiwptbmme. u caftme^ ! amnm?Mt 3t 3 be bongepe 3 Wtfl ^c n .ttwnotteUtljc:!b^^et»bolcwo4Dcttmtme, WSf* anballtbattberintjJ. Ibinkeft tbpn. flat «c3i»PHcatl»uUe0fleq)anol)?mc&etl)eWottl> of goaleoV €Mfre \)n to C5 oti t!wiicUerse= upngcj, anb papetbP ttoweflttnta tDe mott 3 a bpeft. 3nl*wUt>p6mewftPmeofrrou* $$ notawapefrom t\)\t mefence,$ take not tbp |olpnttctefe6me oftwoelpei tco tonto tbe. SJeilpme me from bl oub gpl=- tpncfle(iD0OD)t|ourbataet$ f abofrnt &caltl),ano mp tomje (ball ftmg of tbf rpp> 1|ow (bait ope ?b)fcarmp mouitl tbalujicwe q* f> ?a «j e . ifo?tboubcfp^i!ftHofawffce,ewwolbe *«.t8>ar.t*a; n C J I.I * I 1 blc,foi(»pU3beaeetfy,anbrooutyaltp?ap feme* #ut mtto flictmgoblp fapcb0ob< XDbPboetttboupieacbmv uroeiM takctt mpcoucnauntmtbp mouilrV ttbereatfp bated: 10 betcfonrmeb, 9 baftcaft mpw>?» oejtfbebpnbtbt*' l»|antboufaw(tatbe= i 1 ft ft a«« Bftii ssawas?*** fllcafeDw?bf*rrti:rifpceOfepfibteoufiieffe, vwuKuyww. wy— v— w» v- &ptbtbebuwtoffirrpnge$ 9 oblation* t|en fe,tbottc6renteDefttJtttobvm,anobanbene $ a ut|e$ofoePongcbttUocketf*pontbpne paetabcewptb?aOttOttteteei«. ^tjoiibatt . nulter. _ .^j. ■ *> let tbp moutb fpcake untkeonttte, anb wt| clty'.k Watote. JW •S'-w _ .,._?: ^^Awft-i ,arltA.t av , D aL0R , AR is IN MALITIA. ia* $jwnMelauD?cbtbtneatxmemotber$fonnc. - *•"-*- — •**—■** iJKCBW^ tbptongtboubaftfetttytbmfccat. Ibou fetrcft ano fpakeft agapnft tbp b?otber, pee, iattftlauo?cbtbtneat»ne motbertf fonnc. Ibefc tbpnge* batt tbou bone ,9 3 bclbc ^mptorijre-.5tboutbousbteft^p^ip)tbat3 - amwgfocbaonea0tbpfelfe:but3tDj»Ure= fl«metbe,anbfetbefo^tbe,tbetbinffcj5tbat tboufwftlone. ©c6Cpb?ctbl*,petbatfo?= Srt0ob:left 3 plucke pou awapc, ano tbere bcnonetobelpuerpou. TDbofootrmbme tbacfte$anOp?apre,beb°noutetbme:anbto bpm tbat o?b?etb W conucrfacpon epgbt MISEREKE MEI DEVS. lo tbe cbauntet.a J&folme of ©auto, roXit t p?opbetj!iatbi came \jnto Dttn, after oe t»a0 gone in to iBetbfabc . ^ ^r^ 3lue mere? tjpon me( flD <25ob) after £'53 tbP 6 * c«w«n«gooDnejl;acco^bpngt)nto - " f multrtwbe of tbpmerepc^ooawape mpne offences tt>a(& me tbo?ot»lp fro mp tttettebneifctclenfe me fr5 mp fpnne. #oj * fob. «fc« *3 fcnoYolebg mpfautejs.f mp mm w enec 2&s»* bE f ^. me , 5|ffavnft tbe onelp oaue 3 tp* 4* nnitu. neb.anb bone tjhtsi euellin tbP #gbt:*P fbou * ^ mpsliteft betulf ifpebm tbP btfm.9 cleare wblnJarttttbgeD. aiSebolbe, 3t»a$ ftia= prntwtJOPCkebnefle,f tnfpime batb mpmo; t&erconceaut&me* afiut»o,tbou require v *» treutft tn tbe m warb oarteAano (bait make TO me to \)nbrrftfibc wplbome ftcretlp. 1ba» ^ * nM ittJ> ialt ipourge metoitb*3tope,anb 3 ftall be *^ w ^cJean«:tbottaialtttwCbmc,«3ftalbepbP tertjHuuiottJe: Ibottftaltmakemebearc of iopeanbglabneue, tlwt tbe bone^ wbvcb uib,wkn'&m tbe eoompte came to featil anb u)eweb bim,fapingc:DauiO tjtcometotbeboufe3bPmelecb. fmBifcpboattffttbontbpfelfctboiiW" ^ llOTi raunt,tb«ittbotttanftbo anMnv tobcread jgoobneffeofion; £» j tbat tbe Co^be t»olb Oelpucr&ptfpeopieoutofcaptmpte. irbcn(buibe3aeob rciopfe,anb jfraeli ibulbeberpgbtglab. CEDMu'Wralme; DEyS IN NOMINE TVO. 10 toe cbaunter in mclobpesl.an inftmc cpon of ©auib , wben t^tmttsi came atib fapbe tjnto &a uii » featj not Dauiib WU bpm felfeamongeft w 3ue me, ® 0ob,fo? tbp namctf fa= kc,anC$cr miege me in ifyg ffteRtb ^ 39carc mpp?apcr, jID 000, 9 per* on ken \»nro f t»o?t)cjS of mp moutb- ifo? ftraungeri arc rprcn \)p againft mc, anbtp^auntcg(wbpcb bauenot0ol befoze tbe(r cpei8i)fckc after mp fouHe. ^>cla. 25ebolbe,0obi]Smpbclper,tbe JLo?be itf fer ^wttb tbem tbat Vpboloc mp foule. I* *mm * I9e (ball rewarbc cuell bnto mpne enc^ mpejaJ.beftropetbou tbem in tbp treutb. %n offcrpng of a frebcrt will 3 geue tbe, anb mapfc tbp namec ® JLoph) becaufe it isi fo c5fp?tablc. jfo?be bntbbclpucccb mc out of allmy trouble, anb mpne epe Jjat (cue W befp^e tjpon mpne enempe^. Clbc.lU.pfalme. EXAVDI DEVS. 10 tbecbauntcr inmclobi?ejei,attin- ftriKcpon of Dauib. Can wmwi 0ob)anb bibc iiottbPfclfcfrompptticiom 1a= ke bebe tint me,5b|iearc me,bot» 3 mournc in mv pjapcr , 9 am ue* . xtn. 1beenempc«!pctbfo,anbtbet)nBob= Ip cometb on fo faft : to? tbep are mpnbeo to bo me fome mii'cbcf e, fo maliciouflp are tbep f ett agapnft me. $Qp berte it bpfqupetcb toitbin me , anb tbe fence of limtw fallen l) pon me. jfearfulnesi anb trembling are come Upon me, anb an bojrpble b^ebc batb ouervobelmebme. 3Bnb3fapii:iDtbat3 „ bab txiuigesilikeaboue, fo? tbentx>olb3fue ^awap^anobeatrefte. Xo,tbent»oibc3 gett me awape farre of , anb rcmapne in tbe ttiloernetf. #>ela. 3wolbemakebaftto efcapeibeeau|of tbeft otm wpnb anb tent* pelle 1 . a>ewopetbep^tongej8(slDi,o?De) Ifo v. y m\i*\Mxtozttyn\ % fo?3bauefppeb bnttgb= *«*«*» teourne^anbftcpfetntbccpte. Dapennb vmbt go tbep about tiattbtn tbe xxm llc# tbcr a omnprcbefealfo , anb fojou) arc in tbe mvH" belt of it iffllpckebnetf fa tljcrtn, bpfceate, anDgplegonotoutofberftrctcsi. 5Fo?tt WnotanopgencmpetljatbatbbonemetbPief^ Oiibonoure ; fo? tben 3 coulbe pau c bo,tnc it: c netber t»aji it mpne aimerfarp, tbat bib ma= gnifpebpm felfe agapnft me: fo? iben>i« < P « : ^ aouEntute)3t»oibebauebPbmpfelfcfcobpm. *2i5ut it wag euen tbou mp companion: v. »ai.d« mpgpbe,anb mpneamnefamilpcr frenbe. J*m«.» SUetokefujctccoimccHtogetber, 9t»al= keb in tbe boufe of 0ob a0 frcnoetf. ictt beatb come baffelp topon tbem,anb let tbem gobownequpckintobcll,fo?tx)pckcbne!2(ts{ tn tbep? bttjcllpngc0, anb nmonge tbem . a* fo? me, 3 will call tonto 0ob,anb tbe io?bcfbaUfaueme. 3ntbeeuemng,anD mo?npugcanb at noonc b.ipe wpn 3 mm, (anbtljatinftanftlpjanbbeCball beare mp tiopcc. 3tt^befbatbbclpucrcbmpfotJle tnpcace,fromtbebarapill tbat was; agapnft me:fo?t&ercwcremanptx>itbme. ?ce,^ cucn0oDtbatcnburctbfo?ctier,a)aHbcare^ me,anbb?pngtbembowjne. ^>ela. Jfo? tbepwpll not turne,mrrcare 00b. fr^lw fc Japcb bPitf banbexl tjpon focb asf bcatpcacc v(> ^^ Dpm , anbbeb?nkebMcouenaunt. Ibe wo?bcjS of bptfmoutb t»ere. foftcr tben but= tcr.bau vngc warre in W bert ; bPJS wo^De^ werefmotber tben oplcanb petbe tbep \jcrp fwcarbesl. *!aDcafttbpburtben,\ipontbe-u m ubf & io?bcanbbc(baUno?p^tbe,anbnottiiffcc»Hf:c '° tbcrpgbtcoujttofaii fo?eucr. $ftb aa!fo? ,,l& " uc tbem, tbou C sD 0ob)(balt b?pngc tbem into tbe ppt of left ruccpon. %^t bloubc tljm= ftvanbbtfceatfulmfCbalJnotlpueoutbalfe tbep? bapesf. iHeucrtbclclTcmp truft Cbal= ClbM^.^falme.- MISERERE MEI DEVSQVONrAM. lotbecbauntcr^-^pontbeboucofbtm^^ tljat waji bom me in a farre countrew : t\\z babg(o?armes(;of soauib, txtotntlitMU UftincjJtoke bpm tn0etb; ® merer fall witomef i©0ob; fo?^ mangoctbabouttobcuourcme:be Wbapip fpgbtpngcanb troublpng — ^■,...me. Wneeucmpcanreoaplptti banoe to fwalotwc me tip : fo? tbep be man v tbat fpgbt agapnft mc, tbonmooft tivttt. BmMWtW bongb 3 am Come tpmc a frapebpetput 3mptmft intbe. 2mU p?apfe 00b , becaufe of m wo?be , 3 hatte Sutmptruft in 0ob, 9 topll notfcare,t»bat e(b can bo Unto me. ^tp baplp miftake mp mm : all tbat tbep pmagpne i0 to bo*5 meeuell. 1bepbolbealltogetbcr,fkepe tbl feluetf cloft": ^marckempftcppe^ttJban, «*» ^baii'.'.- ,. '*v ! #n r*W I ' I *. * SSSSSSP Jpp lioc cH.nrc no t tUefc tbf« tictbepgoa (teaman* fpeabc Ipctf. l! ,V L i J call Upon tbMbcn thai mpne cnemicjSbe put {oftpgbt- C!)^3{tttott»c, fo?<5ob Mount? 5ft 3n 0ob$ wo?bC0- wpll 3 rciopfc, in IbejUjbciBl wo?bc wpll 3 comfo?tc me. M< J w i2f m *} &L m 3 put mp truft,3 wpll *»*"»* MlntotbcfsDGobjwpnpapcmpUo* any mp fete from falling, tb«e3m*te val- ue before goD intbclpgbt oftbc Ipupngc. CSTbc.luWalme. MISERERE MEl DEVS MISERERE. *matjjrffl,o. fimflpfce the waf a&ee tbat * ftoppctb Dec *«* J «ft WcJmfufctbtobcaretbcUopc %l cc ofeijc cbarmcc,, cbnrmc beneuce fo Mm. tbctf, fmptc tbc clmuie bones* of tbc l poiitfc £> *o?bc:) XeetlEicttt fail nwape Ipltc water -, tbat ruunctb apace « wben tbep (bote tnep? * fltowc is.iett tliem be roteD out. let them confume nwape ir-ftc a fnaple, attb be ipne tbc UMrotel? fruf e of a woman and lettbem not fe tbc tonne. s£>? cue r pom pottetf be mabe wljot txjitU tl)o?nej0i : folct tn= ^ S iS* c J )a,,nt " ^beftrope not : 'Cbe $ rawe. * ttbe epgbteoutf mall nfifik *wm\ Ml otc ft epeg in tyt bloubc of tbe Ungoblp, &>o tljat a man (ball tape : uerelp there i& tf a 0od ttine Ufomb in tbc caetb. ■ Cfc&e.ltf.j&falme. ' ERIPE ME DE INIMICIS. Co the chanter ,- bcftropenot.Cbc babgc o?armcof tomfo , wben jfeauifent anb tbepbpb watcb tbc boufe to upll bpm. ^"^(fclpucriine ftommp encmpciesc iD * 0ob)bi?fcnbe me from tbem tl)«t * from £>anl into the cauc. == *~ 1@ mercpf uiiitmto me( £> 0ob ) be mercyftiii Unto me, fojmp foule trnftctb in t bc:ab * un&cr the (^a= . bowc of tl)p winged ujalbc mp «* fugetontvllttytftpjamtpcbemicv jwft. awilcnl^ntofmoftbpe^oD.cucn to p c>ob f fltiall pcrfctirmc RcattCet»6^ 3 Dane m ijanbe. fee Oiall fenbe from bcaue, anb uitic me from f pc rep^ofc of bpm £ toolD cntcmctjp. ^cla. (5obflmll fenbe fo^tl; wmcrcwcut&. ^)p foule Damons 22 ipon* ajib 3 Ipc cuen amongc the ciplDwn of men c tl)at are fctt on fp?c) t»bofc tetbe are fpcaretf anb arowe^nnb tbeir tonae a flljeru fwearbe. ^ctt)ptbvfeIf(OC5ob, aboue tpfe \jp agapnft me. C> belp'uee mefrof!)et»pcftcb Docrjef, anbfaue me from tlje blombfbutftp men. $&% tbcp Ipe twaptpn jjc fo? mp foule; the tnpnbtp men a re gatbeteb toget|)er agamft me witfr tbc braucttsi, anb tDpglo?pc abotie all r&e out a np offence o?, finite of merc^Iozb.) 5iL% &W$®* la t eD n ,lc . ft f °) m V fete, _ ^5^ romte awb menare tljg felucS tflitl> anbpKfTcb bomnemp foule : tljcpbaucbyg geba pptt before me , anbare fallen into tbc *wurtM.ftmpbDc0offttbemreluc*. Ms. *4» Dertc ig fpjccD( C» <0ob ) mp l;c vtc i$ fppbi' tDpUfpngcanbgeuep^apfe. 3t m\[\c, © ' * 7 outmvfmije:aOT,t5oti tDerfo?cto Dclpc tne , annjbcDolDc. jfef<»t&e*p( C»lo?Dc (5od of !f)ooft£0)t|)Ou^oD of ifraelto t)v^ fct all mtptmm be not mntvfai into the tlwt offenfce of malpcpouj! t»ycfteDne(Te» ©eln. ^^^lic^sotoan^frointljeeHC^ . j- * - * ■ a if »apalo?p,at»aluiuteanb^arpe,3mpfclfc »««• ,«M-«.iwp»uroanQtFointpeeues . t»plU wafte rpsbt carlp. 3wpU'i|euc «TOe,f5cpgrcnnelptteabogg ) anb tunne^ Ibanfeeid tmtot be f £> Eo?be) amog tbe pco= ahoute,tbo?ott tbc cptie. 25eholb, tbcp pie , anb 3 wpli fpnge \jnto tbe among* tbc ftealie witb tbcp^ moutb, anb (toeaebetfare nacpontf. *jfo^tneffrfotnctfofth»iMcc 3 fti tDcpjlpnpetf, && fo?w?6obotft heated ^a 2i6utt|jou(C;lLo?be) * Ojaltbauetfiem M v„» ul , y v M g«u W . Brcuupwituei ay in^« ; P»on,anbt!3ouu)altlangbaUheathcn i9;0U,r1,0 <5ob ) aboue t&c bcauenjs , 9 tbp 0m aboue *? fto^j«« . ,«)? ftrcngtb wpll 3 afcrpbe . ,, *. — u ^nto tbcf 0? tljqm art tDc ^ob of mp remg e. fPi *»£i.tft/.b nacpoiijf. *jfo?tl)egrfatncj(ofti)pmer- ' cpreadjet^ tjnto tDe Ijeauf tf , anb tfjp treu tl) \jnto tbe cloubetf. ^>ctt tjptbp felft ( s3D alltljceartD C^e4W«.pCrtme* SI VERE VTIQ.VE IVSTICfAM. SI VERE VTIQ.VE IVSTICIAM. * r '"' '" WMU r« WWIW Winy Ofipje MUM! ^c.tbecDaunfer^eftropenct.'CDebab* Sffi2Krt.^S2te tt ^ ftl ^ geo^atmcjJofJDauib. «•»«•«•« WicfMgett it .• but fcatre tbem abjoace geo£armc#of$)aui&. |;1Repour mvnbejSfettDpon rpglj hi*' among tbpneoplcanb put tbem bourne ( iojbeJoutbefeittt. jfo?t|)c n>nneof tbcic mwcmmxtnfm^ « M «. tl)epp?eacln?ngcitfofcutlpngeanblpS; iC — ^ J€>pc fonnefliof men.'' ' PttTw fmagpnmifcDef inpone lm UpotUeeattb, IT y- ** Confume t|cm in m vom » confume tbem tbat tbcj mape pcrffo.anb ftnome tbat it t0ci5oD , mbicl) tulctb in 3acob anb tmto ? enbejBi oftbc mojlb. S>ela. ajnbtntbeeue^ npngetbcpwtllreturnc: grennelpbea bogg anb t»Pll go aboute the cptie. 'ftbep wpU runne acre anb tbcre top meate , anb grubge vf tbcp be not fatiffpeb. 3s mp ftrcngtb, will 3 fpnge , fo? thou, <® <2?ob, art mp wf^gc anb nip mcrcpfull 0ob. * C1tbc.lr.piime; ]>F.VSRBl>VLI.VTf NOS. 'Co tbc cbauntcr, t)potberofc of witnesl, t\)t babgc 0? armett of 3>autb , f 0? to tea* cbc :\»bcnbefougbtagapnft &)efopotn= mia, anb gnria off oba s anb when 3oab turneb baclte , anb flnctwcluctboufanbe (gbomptcg.intbe falttiaUcp. (5ob, tbou tbat baft caftW out anb fcatcrcbtjtfabjoabe rtbou baftalfo bcncbpfplcafeb , Otutne tbe Unto & Utfagapnc. frbou baft moueb tbc lanb anb ocu^Hto tt.bcale tbe fo?c0 tbcr=- of, fo? it fbakef b. 'Cboubatt Ibetocb tbp peoulc bcup tbpngctf , * tbou baft gcuiUffa bjpncUc of bceblpc wpne. 'Cbou baft gc» ucna token fo? focb agfearc tbc , tbat tbcp mape f riumpbc becaufc oftbc trcutl). 5>c!a / cbcrfoicu)crctbpbcloucbbcU' = uereb , bclpe mc with t\)p rpgbt banbe , anb m *««J> bcarc mc. * pubwell fntbptabeena» 25 clc f 0? eucMb mp trnft (balbc Unbcc p cone » einp; of tbp WWW* •**• ^°? ft <* ^°?b> baft bcrbe mpbcfp?e0, anb baft geucn an be= eitage Unto tbofc tbat fearc tbp name. %bouv& pcare0 map enbncc tbo?ow out all gcneraci6'0. Ipe ftjall bwell bcfo?c &Hu fo? euer:*!Dp?eparetbploupngemcrcpftfaytl> fulneiE{^tbepmapp?eferuebim. ^>o will 3 all wapc fpnge p?apfc Unto tbp name, *f m&mm 3 mape baplp perf oueme mp Uo wcj5. CCbeWPlalme. NONNE DEO SVmr.CTA. 'Co tbc cbauntcr,5f o?3cbutbun: npfalmcofBaiuo. Fpj'2 foule trulp waptctb ftpll Upon % k|0ob,fo? of bun cometb mp faiua* ^icion. i^e Uerclp i0 mp ftrcngtb, anb my faluacion-loc is mp bef en* cc, fo tbat 3 Ml »ot grcatlp fall. 390 w loge will pe pmagin mifebefc agamft f uerp marpe (balbc flapne all p fo?tc of pou; peca^a totrring wall (ball pc be, anb ipftc a b?often bebge. 'Cbcic beupec (0 onelp bow to put btm out whom (5ob wpll eealte.tbete belptctjSin Ipetf : tbep gene goob woiocaui tbeir moutlj,but cucfc B tijeir beet. &cla . i!5cucrtbclc0 , mp foule wapte tljou ftpll Upon 0ob,fo?mp hope 10 m bpm. l>ctru s Ip itf mp ftregtb 5 anb my faluact on : be is mp befencerfo tbat 3 (ball not fall. 3n Gob i0 mpbealtb 9 mp glo?p, f roebe oL : mp might, a tn 0ob i$ mp truft. O put pour truft m yg \)im allwapc (pc people) * po w?c out ponre 4c ,. Kw u bcrtc0bcfo?cbim,fo?0obiJ(ourbope. »foi.tin.a ^cla 3Disfo? tbc cbilb?en of men, tbcp arc butUapne,tbccbUb?e of men arebifceatful: Upon f we pgbtetf ttoy arc all together iigb - tcr than Uanitc it fclf. £> truft not m w?og anbrobberp ,geuc not pour fclucs untoua = npte:pf riches encreafefetnotpour beet Upo tbem. 00b (patte once anb twpfe: 3 banc alfo bcrbc tbc famc.-tbat power belogeth Un- to 00b. 3Enb tbat tbou to?bc art mcrcp- full : fo? * tbou rcwarbeftcucrp man acco? - b?ngetobpiBWo?cRc. CCbe.ieuj.lDfaime. DEVS DEVS MEVS. % pfalmc of 2>anib, wben Ijc wag in tbc wilbemcfli of 3uba. .Gob.tbouartmpGob.carlpwO rehctbe. 4i)p foule tb?uftctbfo? tberin p ftcfljalfo longctb after the i 'abaeen anb b?pc lanbc , where no wafer itf. %\)\\# banc 3 loUcb fo? tbem bolpnefte tbat 3mpgbtbcbolbc tbppower anb glo?p. jf 0? tbp lotting hinbncjS t jsbct= ter then tbP Ipfe tt fclfc : mpTippcslfljal p?ap= ^ fetbe 3tflotigcntf3lpucwiU3magnp= w fpe the on thiss mancr, anb lpft upmpbfibctf in tbp name . &)p foule (balbc fatiffpeb cuen as it were witb ntarp anb fatucfte, whe . mp mouth p?ap(ctb the with iopf till ipppcjf. feftttf 3 not rcmctnb?cb tbc in mp bebb, « 21523 ittj thought ^ Dflt.tUl'l'f.C mJt!;.cl>i.O ./ A I ' 1 1 1 { r i i':; 4 -fj I It i! - I H't ■ ?•'?» J!\bf bwbtafh lopHoIDeiime. «fcal» cbgcoftbefwcaib>tbatfbepmapebeapot= fe r« (I50D: *aii tbcpalfo tbat fwcare bp bfm fca Ibc commf nbe b, foj t|ic moutb of to f fpcalielpc&fbalbcftoppcb. . . C^be.ltttij.&faime, . EXAVD^DEVS ORATIONEM. * ^.Sl^ tl MMt*W Pfalme of joaiub. ^^R»<£awmpii)opceCMob)fmppjapct: jP;cfcwic m v Ipfe fro fcare of tbe enc= * rt( ,**J" vc c *u ?^ DC me fr om tbegatbcring SEP? °^ c fP*»fc * fto>« tbe itroirrc- fwi? fwI ft D ^ w * Wcbbauewbctt *iweeongelpucafwearbe,$u>teouttbepz « to U3ctf, c ncii bptte r tDo^cjef. ^hattbep HP ,W£ ■» fopteatbim wbicbi*pertecte: f obniip do tiwpOit bim $ feare nor. ^bcp 22ff?ff c 9S?W uejte niPfcDcfe, Sb cam unc amcmgetbefeiucfcbowtbcpmapelapefna* ^reMnDrape.tbatnomaiifealiretbcro. *,, ?^ ep &i*m ujicfccDncft fmactpfef t * tnep.ucpc ft crcte amonae tbcm(elucs,cuerv nijnfotbcbfpcofbWbcrt. Butcsooqral Jpo* $ote at tbcm wttb a fwlf tarowc,* Jbepiboibewouccb. 2ct,tyctrawnet$ffc* (bmimaHctbemfaiUnfomocbtbatwbofo fcetb mmM\ laugbtbem Mm. <«<$ J! MP 5* 9* W * au & ww* ^tu <5oo Done , to? tbep (ball pcrccauctbat it is Wflmtte. 1 1» rigbtcou* iballrctopfc u the iojb,anb putty* ttuft in bptmattb all tDeptnatarcfHicofbcrte,ibalbealab. G'fcbc.fcb.pifalme. TE DECET HIMNVS. nr^Sj? aa /S' a ^ falme ^^»ffCOfaDaHfD. 3^||9ou(©6ob}artpjapfedin&ioii,& I toft* Cbal tbe *owe be performed. • *h*J^ ttt ? ut *? m ' ) ^boutbatbeareft « 253$ S? cua?,|c W»ft«w : £>b be tbou mercpfuii bnto out finne*. isielfed i* tbe nmtrajbom tbou cbofeft and reccaueft wtto Jp«wNldwell in tbpcourfranb ifcalbe fa* SS«5 *fe plcaftree*;of tbPboufe.eiien 23 JJttjp bojp tern pie. 'fcbou (bait foewe btf »;«?«»«« ttWBc* in rpgbteoumcffe(£> fp°cSiS fm i foHMuanitim tbataet tbe bopc of al tbe cnDeaof W eartb,anb of tbcm tbat gwayncin tbe tooabe fee/ wutycb in to* JrengtbfettetbfafttbemountapnefcanDi* fiPJOed about witbpo wer. u>tycb ftflietb wjamw of tbe fec,& tbe nopfc of bp* wa= uc*>aubtbcmabne*oftbepeopie. ^hep alfc ifbat dwelm p bttermooftparte*cof tbe eartb) ibaioeafrapedattpp toBcn*,tbou£ c* "824 watcy bou p«parcft tbcirco^tte: fojforbott woupbeft fo; tbe cartbe. €bou Sft Jallep* tberof « tbou mafteft it toft A i the ft. WioiicrowRcft tbcpeare^tbp aoobx em bioppe vpon tbe b weUpntre* of I8S bwteIte:anbtbelptIebpHe*M«e5i saw- f ipWwpwBRw^ w,tbattbcpaiania«ffbanbfpiiie" ? _ IVHILATE DEO- (Hi * Bftlfi best, fpttflc pjapfe* lonto tbe bo- nonre of ^ name , tnabe bv* ppfetobcfllo^on*. ^npe ipmto rEOwtthmpIppi)c*, *Cc S'"V"i' an "conrvfceb tbe ijopce SmjfSim ' ' 13?apfebbe Cnoiftfcb bath not raft mi» bibitf C®bt.l;Mj.$ra(me, DEVS MlSEREATVR NOSTRF. t o tty cba unter, m meioope*: a ^falmeanb fouge. ©b*bemercpfiiUt)ntotj*,fbleffe W,anbflbewe tj* tbe Wtof bp* eOUtlteitaUOe. a* (ano bt mftt?funtmtoUf ) l&ela. ^^at tbp uiape mape be wiowite upon eartb » ttv faupngebealtb a • tn ottflc all naaott*. let tbe people p^apfe tbe, €> d5ob,pee,lct all people pjiapfe m. . £)lettbenaefd*reiopreanb be glab, jf o? tboulbaltlubse tbefolketpgbteonap, anb 6ouernetbenacfon*topo'enrtb.&rla. let tbe people p^apfe t\^t, m d5ob , let all people mm tbe. 'Clien (Hal tbe ertb b^inj foitb Wl mcreaie, anb dPob.euen oure atone (Soft (baUgeueto*bP0bleu"pnse; c?ob(ball blc tie Yi*,anb all tlje enbe* of tbe ujo?10c (bat f care bpm. «fe*MUNttl*< EXVRQAT DEVS. ^:o tbe cbaunter.a ^falmeanb fonge of a>auib. dBt *C5ob anpfe.Sb let W encmic* bcfl;attercb:lcttbeni alfotbatbate bltn,flpe before bim. It8ea*tbe ftnoUe toan^tbetb » fo (bait p b?pue t^awape:anblpbea*ixiai:e meltetbat tbe te:fo let t^t tottjjoolp perplb at tbe p?efen= ceof ftrciopfe before d5o0:lettbf alfo be mcrp anb (opfiiH. WpngetmtoanOtyn0e p?apfe*t)ntobi*name:magnpfie tym tbat . rpbetb VP6 tbe bcaue* a* it were \jp5 a bo?= ,*J^ f Wf kepebimo^inbi* name3a* reiop= muA. f C before bim. * Ipe i*a fatber of pfatber « Ie(Te,anbbefenbetb t\it caufeof wpbbouje*: eucn<5obinbi*bolplwWtac(on. 3f>ci*tbe (F? ob tbat maftetb men to be of onempnbe in aboufe, anb b?pnsctb tbe pwfoner* out of •t» tS w P«»?e,bHtletfetbtberennaijate*contp= SSiSimeftiftarctneffe. • £>d5ob>iix>bcn*tbou -mth voenteftfo^tb before tbe people , wbentbou wcntefttbo^ottJtbetwplberneffe. £>ela. %ty eartb (bofte, anbtbebeauen* b?op; peb at t\)t pjefence of (Fob , cucna* ^>(nai airotijatfmouebatppjefeitceof^ob.wbtcb i*tl)c m ob of 3frael. *Ebou <5ob fen= beblfa tteacpou*rapne\jpontbPite euberf* taunce,anorcfref(beba:it, wb^it t»a* wec= rpe 'Cbp eongrefiacpon (ball bwell t^t= rtif.jfo?tbou(€)<5ob)baftoftbpgoobne(re prepared f o?tpepoo?e. %^t lojde gaue f iMo^e :&^-peatc toa*tbe companpof t^ weacber*. * mpnge* witb tbe w armpei ppoflpe.anb ©ere Difcomftteb.anb tberof i boutboiD ueupbcb tbe fpople. j^ ^bongl pcbattelpcnamonge^potrc*,pet(ballvebe a*f t»pnge*of about t&at(* coutteb t»itb MuiU i MmwmtMm W fctber* Ipbc g olbe, J3abentbe2flmpgbtpfcatrebbpngc* fo? tbeir fabe,tlJ0 were tbep a* tobif e a*Tno\»e jnjalmo. a*f bpHof25afanfo (*<5o0* bpll-euena bpc m a* tbe bpll of tfafen. ^JObP boppe pe fo{<^ pe toe hvl^f t 'fcbP* i* (5ob* bill.in tbe wbicb it pleafetb b«mtobtt)eU:pee, fbelo^betDillabpbe title tomttt'? 'CbecbarettegofCDObare txni= tjetboufanbe,euentboufanbe*of angel*,a"o ^ m lo?b i* amongctbem a*fn tbebolppla= eeot®ina(;'r*^:bouaftojbnctopanbpe, x/sm. tbou baft leb eaptwttpccap!tiue ) anbrecea= uebgpfte*fo?men.^ee,euenfo? thpne cne= mie*, tbat tbe lojde ,5ob mpgbt bujell a= mongetbe". w ^apfeb be t\)t io?Oe baplp, euen tbec^ob tubicbbelpf tb b*,anO pouretb b(*bcnefpte* bpon \j*.^tia. j)e i* oure d?ob, eucn tbe (0ob of tobocommetb (alua= cion : ©ob i* tbe lotbe up t»bom we efcape • beatb. ©obCballwoubetbebeabeofhi* enem(e*,anb t^e bcane ftalpeof focb one a* goetbon ftillin b»* wicbebne*. ^be io?b batb fapbc:3 will bjfnge mi? people aga yne as j opb from 25afan • mpnc owne wpll 3 b?pngeagapnea*3bpbfomtpme from the bepe of tbe fee. ^at tbp fote map be bip= a£ pebmtbcbloubcoftbvmencmpc* > abtbat tgetogof tbpbogge*mapeberebo tboiow toe fame. 3tt* well fene, £><5od , bow tpougocft, bow fmp ©ob anb fcpnge gocft in tbe sanctuarp. ^bc Fpiiger* go be- fo?e,tbempnftrei*folowaftcr.in^mpbbc* are m bamofcl*piapeng witb f tpmbicl*. .<5cuetbaftc* iD3fracll,bnto god f loz bemtbecongregaciou*from tbe grounbeof tbebart; 'Cberei*Iptlc25cn3amtntbcir rulerranb tlje l&jincc* of 3uoa , tbeir r outt* ceiitbepincc* of?abulon,anbtbc ibipnce* of iaepbtbali. ^bP(2)0bbatb fent foztl; ftrcngtbfo? tbe.ftablpujtbe tbmg, 0ob. tbattboubaftw^ougbtinij*. totbp temple* faBeat3crufalcm : fo (ball fepngc* b?pngep?cfcnte*\)ntotbe. ^^U)Dantbe_. companp of tbe fpearc men anb tnultptube V* 2 ^'"ffi^earercatrebab^oabeamoncre 3C tbe beafte* of tbe people ( fo tbat my bum* blpb?ingpece* of fpiucr ) anb wb5 be bath fcatrcb p people tbat belptci warre. ^ben (ball tlje ^pnec* comcoutof€gppte , the j&)ojian* ia»D Iball fodne ftre tcb out bcr U* pe*\jnto<^ob. 5)pngct)nto ©ob, ©ve Upngbome*of f cartb.Ofpngpjapfc* \jn= to tbe lo^b. $>cla. HjWcb fpttctb in tbe peauen* ouer all from tbe begpiuipngc : lo, bebotbfenbe out ljp*bopcc, pce,anbtbata mpgbtie\jopce; afcrpbc pc f power t)n= to(0ob,oner3ftatl:bi*wo?(bppp$ftrfgtb i*mtbc cioube*. c> ©ob, wonbcrfnllart tbou m tbp bolpplace*:euen tbe <^ob of 3f- raell.be will gcueftringtb anb power mtt b^pcople. 2Slefledbc©od. ttiijb *v IW IE aune.irrti.irrm. a »;: (fcJ- CWljCtr.^talme. SALVVM MB FAC DEVS. 'So tbe cljatmtcr topon fcs- $>o= famm of amino. i t h V t r 1 . t ■ I 1, '.I r-* SBttcme, O<35ob,fo? tbe waters arc comcincucntontomp foule 3ftickefattfpbepempjc,wbe= re norjroiib W:J am cometto Dcpe waters, fo tbat tbe flounesj venue oucrme. 3mnwcrf ofctplng,mptbJote is onemp fight railctb me,f o.i waptingc f o ■vpfo.ntu.t. long topb" mp&oa. 'Ebepf #batemc witb 3)Dn.n>.o. utacaufe,atemotbenp peereSof mp ftcab: tbcp tbat arc mpnc enemies $ wolbc beftr oie fcy mcgiltlcflcarc migbtic:§^3papcb tbcm t|)c ttptnaeiet tljat 3 ncucr tobc. inotl)rv]Bt c|iUD?en. #o?*p ?clc of trjpnc boufe tin tb ciicn eaten me , anb *srom.>t.*. *tbcrcbukcSoftbctbatrcbukcb tbe arc fal» ff len topon me. 3wcpteanbcbaftenebmp ^ felfe wttb faftpngc,anb tbat was tttrneb to mprepjofr. 3 put on a fackcciotb alfo , « tbcp icfteb topon mc. 1£bcptbatfitre mp gate .fpcaac agapnftmc, anbtbc ajottekar* *3r«b.ffr.b. bes * make fongcS topon me. aiBut Ho?Dc Stan* 3 makemppjaper tonto tbeinan acceptable tpime. if>careme,0<3ob , in pmultitube of tbpmcrcp.ettenin tbe tructb of tbpfalua= t) cum. ^akemeontoftbcmpje,£3fincke not Ob let mc be bellucrcb from tbcm tbat bate mcanO out of tbe bepe waters, let not tbe water flotibbiowncmcmetber let f bcpefwalowcmc top, anblctnottbeppttc Qjutljcrmoutb topon mc. locate me, Xojbe, fu? tbp loupng kpnbneffciS cofojta* blc .- tttrnc tbe tonto meaccojbpnge tonto tbe multitude of tbp mercies. $nn tf^\K not tbp face from tW fcruaut , fofjatn in trou* gt blc:Obaftctbe,anbbereme. SJjaweiip* v tonto mp foule , ana fauc it : Ob Del puce me becaufc of mpnc enemies*. $tym baft bno- wen nvp rcpjofcmpfbameanbmp bpfljo^ nour mipnc abucrfaricS are all in tbp fprat. 'Cberebuuebatbb?oftenmpberte,3am full of beupneS:3 lolieD foj fometobaue pi» tpc topon mc.but tbere was nomamnetpec * nnt.r rwi.o founne 3 anpe to cofoitc me. * 'JJTbep gaue soon m* mc ffaU t0 t&M yitm 3 wasi tbvity » tl)ep * mm**, gaue me toincger to Onnbe. t let tbeir tar tile be mabc a mare to tone tbem fcluesf wit b aU,anblet tbe tbinge^ tbat ftu lb baue bene funbeir wcltbJbetontotbem an occafion of f d lliuge .. ict.tbetc epej* be blinbeo, f iijcp fe not : ami cuce bo we ^ bowne ttyit bacfte^. ^ow.ic out tbpne iuwanacion ton on tljf, anb let tbpw.mlibfullbifplearure tone bolbe « of tbem. * let tbeir habitation be toopbe *muwi ana no man to b well in tbefe tentesf. jroj 8B|M * tbep per fecutebpm wbomtbou boll finptS, ^tbep talbebowtbcpmapc tocjWrWWbom tboupft wounocb. net tbem fall fee one wpekebneffe to anotfyr , ana not come into . . tbprpgbteoufntfle. * ictt&embewppeb **»m outoftbeboliei)ftl)elpnpng^notbew^pt= ten ainfigtberpgbteouiEl. 30 fo? me.wbft 3ampoo^eanbin beupneffe , tljpbclpc ( o d5ob ) Oiau ipfte m e top. 3 Wi VWt e tbe name of <5ob wW) a fongcanb magnifpeit «6t!)anbcfgcuiJig. wsalfoftjallpleafc tbe lo;tbe better tbenabullocbc, tpat batb - bojtnetfanbbooffe*. ^[jeljubieflbalcon-- ® fpb?c tbi^anb be glafrfcbepe after (5ob,SD poure foule wall Ipue. Jf o? tbe loib Ijea* retbtbc poo?c,anbbefppfctIjnot^^bii0ip?e= *c<) fonero". iet bcaue* aim eartb p^apfe ^m, tlje fee salltbatt mouctb tberin. $ oj C5ob willfaue$>pon,anbbuplbetbecptie0of3u ba,tbatmeumapbweUtbere,anbbaueitin poirem'on. «e pofterite alfo of Ijisf fer= uauntestajaUinberctit^tbeptbatlouebPJS nnmcQjallDwiaitijenn. CCbe.l^t'.^falme. DEVS IN ADrVTORIVM. 'Co tbe cjjauntcip. of '©a uib to b^pnge to re- membjaunce. mmtetwiomtMc* mo «^ ajftep, ©d5ob,tobclpuerme:ma= % fee bafl eto belpeme,£> t o?bc. *icttbem beHmmebanbcon= *W4jU| founbebtbat fefee after mp foule •• lettbembeturnebbacfewarbe,$puttocon= . fufion,tbat wpifte me eupll. let tbemcf o? tbcp? re warbe ) be f oone b?ougt)t to Cbame, tbat crpe otter nuertbere , tbere. 25ut let all tbofetbatfeketbcbetopfullanbalabintbe: aub let all focb asf bclpte m tbplaluacpon, fapealwape:tbr io^bebe pjapfebi %& fo? me, 3 am pooje ana in mtferp,ba= fte tbe tonto me ( €>€»ob.) *3rbou artmp belpe , ana mv rebemcr : j)D lo^be, mane no longetarpenge. C^:i>e.lvjce.^falme. IN TB D0M1NE SPERAVt. & tbe * lo?b,baue 3 put mp truft 3L , M let me neuter be put to confufpon, but *g$n rpbbeme,anbbelpuer meintbp rigb s teoumeue:enclpnetbpne eare tonto me , ana faueme. ftetboumpftrdgboU>e(wbere ' tonto 3 mope all wape refojtc ) tbou ba ft p?o mpf eb to belpe me ; f o? tbou art mp boufe of Defence Sbm? cafteii. ^>elpuer me, 18) mp (Sob, out of the lirana of tbe tongoalp, out of ttJebanbeoftbeanrigbti " " jfojt^ou,Olo?De .^ (naceueiimd. liarttjie tDpnge tbat tbrtOlo ll gcfo«i,tbouartmp bopc eucn fro my poutb- 'Q'bo^ow tbe baue 3 bene bol= ,!,rri(,D oen top ener fence 3 wag bo;nc * tbou art be *** tbattoliemeoutofmpmotberjswombcmp .-pjapfcibalbe all wape of tbe. 3am bc= ^comeatfitwercamonfter tonto manp .- but mp fare truft itf in tbe. Ob let mp moutb •» be fplieb witb tW wapfe»» (««»« a mmt)imt «f topgioip) aub bonour all tbebape longe. Caft mc notawapcin tl)c tpmeof age, fotfabf mc not wbc mp ft rengtb fapletb me. ■St o? mpne enemietf fpeabc ajrapnft me: * X bep tbat lape waptc foj mp foulctahe tbeir couuceH togetbcr.fapcnge .• (5ob batb f ojfa* Ben bpm, perfecntc ^m , anb tafee \)vm , f o? tbere is* none to bcltuer Um. <5o not farre fro me, O (2>ob : mp (£ob, bafte tbe to belpe * me. Hct tbem be cof ounbeb anb perpEbe, tbat are agapnft mp foule:let tbem be coue= rcb witbibamcanb bpmonourctbatfefeeto bomceucll. 3^fo?me, 3 wpll pacicntlp abpbc all wape.anb will pjuipfe tbemozr So mo?e. &)v moutb (ball baplie fpeafee of tbp rigbieoufneffe | fahtacton , fw3 ftnowe no tnDc tbcrof. 3 will $ro f o?tb t f ftrfgtb of tbe lojb 0ob,^ will maftemfcion of tmj ngbteotifnelTe onclp. ^bou.O^ob.baft tdiigbtmcfromppOHtbtoptontiilnow,tbers f o.ic will 3 tell of tbp wonoeroutf wo^cketf. jfotfade mc not , O0ob , in mpnc olbe age.wben 3amgrapbeabeb:tontpll 3 bane jsiaMu*. qjc web tbp * fttcngt!) tonto tbiti gencmcio, anb tl)^ power to all tbcm trj*i t are v(t f oj to come . %\fp rigbtcoufncjl ( O (0ob ) is tocrpbt'eanb great tbpngej; arc tbcp f tbou ^ baft bone : Ov5ob,wbo \# ipBc tontotbe.-' w O wbat greate troubles* anb abucrfp- ties' baft tbou ibcwcomcfabpetbibeft tbou tuvue anarefreu> mc : pec, anb biougbtcft "f mc from tbe bepe of t^t t$it^t*umm Ubott baft b.iougbt me * to great bonour anbeomfotfeb me oncuerp fpbe. • 'Eber^ f oie will 3 p^apfe tbe anb tbp faptbfulneKe , iD<5ob,plapinge toponan tnftrumctof mu= Htcb, tonto t\^t wpll 3 fynge topon tbe barpc, Otboubolponcof JfeacH. &)v Ipppcs" wplbe fapne, wban 3 f pngc tonto tpc:ana fo will mp foule wbom t\)on baft beliuercb. 4»p tongc alfo fballtalfteof tljp.rpgb^ fcoufncOe allttiebape longcfo^ tbcp arc co- founbeb anb b?ougbt tonto tbame , tbat feac to bomceucll. CCbe-M-ldfitlme. DEVS IVDIC1VM TVVM. ^* (a»Mme)jfo? Salomon. <2uctl;cBpngc tbP iubgementctfc O (iob)attb tbp rigbteonfneltc tonto tbe . hpngepifonne. 'Sbeniballbciubgc *sw miit) tbppcouie * acco^bingc tontorigbt , anb nc-- fenbe m poo?c. ^l)t mottntapnesj alfo mail bjpngc peace.ano tbclptlc billetf riglj= iHMift.b, 11 teoufncftc tonto tbe people. i?c mallfeeue tbe fpmplcfolBe bp tbeir rpgbt , befenbe tnc cbplb?en of tbe poo^canopmufb tbe w,iogc bocr. 'S'bepCbaUfcaretbeasioitij^ajjp **«*»«« fomteanbmoueenburetb.from one gencra= ciontoanotber. loeOiallcoinebowuclikc tbcrapnc into a flefeof woUccucu as tbe bjoppestbat water/ eartb. 3"bistpme (balUberppjbteoiistionib.pee.anbaboun^ baunee of peace , fo longe as the monc enbu- ^ rcrb, * lf)(Sbomtnio ibalbe alfo from tbe f i() . m . m x one fee f o tbe otbcr,anb from tbef lotto tonto tbcwoilbesenbe. 'Cbep tbat b well in tbe wtlbcrncs (ball knele before bt, ^> mscne* ■*--* micSiball Uckc tbe buff. * W {jpnacS %&*'!& of^barrisanboftbc3letf(baUgcucp2eftn= lStl,pUb - tcs , t\)c kpnges of 3Crabp anb S^aba (ball tying gpftes. 3Hlhinp;eS(bal failbownc bcfoie bim:all nations (ball bo bim ferutcc. #oi be ujallbelpuectbe poo«ie wben be £ crpctb : tbe neabp alfo anb bim tbat batb no belper. !9e(balbcfaiio ( table to tbe funple anb neabp : anb (ball pjicfcrue tU fouics of tbepooje; I^e (ball belpttcr tbeir fouics fro fallbcbcanb w^onge, anb bearc (ball tl)eyt bloubbelnbtefpgbt. ^cftialllpttc^toi^ to bim Cbalbegcuen of tbe golDe of Arabia: jDjapcr fbaibe mabe euer tonto bt . ano oap^ lie (ball be be pjapfcD. ^bcrc (balbc ait beam of cojnc tn t^z eartb bpc topon tbe bpi* Ies,b(Sfrute(ball (bake Ipbe Ltbamis, anb fbaibe grcne in f cite, like gra lie topof eartb » JpiS name (ball enburcfojcucr,>* IjiSna^ 4o me (ball remapnc tonber tbe funne amonge t> tbe poftcriteS, wbicbtnalbc bleffebtbozow bim.ano alltbc ^catben (ball piapfe bim iSlcffcbbetbc LoabcGob, cttentbcCob of 3fraell * wlncb oiiclp botb wonberous *?: i * xii <*: tbtnges. 3ub blcfteb be tbe name of hps mimtm maicftpfotetter.abautbc ertb Oialbe nllcb witbbi0maicftpj.3men,3meu. C^erc cube tbe piapers of Bautb tbe fonnc of 3Git. C'fcbe.lrriij.pfalmc. Q.VAM BOWS ISRAIL. 3i^falmeof3fapb. l&ulp d5ob is lotting tonto 3fmel : cttf 31 tonto f ocb as are of a elcane pert t iaeuertbclcffcmpfctc wcrcalmoft gone,mptreabingeSbab wellnpe ftppte. %** wft?*3 wassreucbatp ujtckcb, fflBSfJa 3bofcalfotbetongoblpin focbpiofperite. ^ mr ' uu '' $oi tbepare in no parcll of bcatb,bttt arc Iuftpanbftrong. ^bep come in no miff 0^= 1 11 ne li ke otber f olke , nctber arc tbcp plageb likeotbermg. ^nbtbiSi^tbecaufc f'tbcp befo bolbcn witb wibe, anb onerwbclmeb witb f rucltc. I£bcir epeS f well fo^ fat= nc(tc,anb t^oo eucn wbat f bep Ipft. Cljepco^upte otber , ^fpeake of wickcb blafpjjcmpe u -■ '.J » '!! iU 1 f 1 - i : >H1 ill If! ; i'l, ! J a f y 25I)taMi«m»c:ftefelIftpscitf agayiift the moft ncft. tfoniJcp ftrctcb fojtD f bm moutli tonto tbcbcaucn,attc rvclicjo! in poffctTyon anstaiAUM tw\ Unur 3 cletiftD mp ijcrtc o fo> ivQ) wa* 3 anD ignotauntcucn a* it were a ben ft before the. Bcucrtnclcft~c,3 am ail paw Up tDe foj p baft DolDc mc by my rigDt IjmiDc. ^bouQiitltflpUc mc witDfDyco= imccll.anbaffcrwarDercccaiiciMWttDglo* ry. tiUIjom Dauc 3 in Dcancn but ft Znb fpece is none topon cartD.f Dat3Dcfy?cin co= patyfon of t!)c. ttyp flcnflic anb my i)crt faylct!),bntC5ot> i*tl;c ftrengtD of my tort, * />u. mm * anD my po;icyon foi euer. tfoj lo.tbcy tpat fojfakc tDe (ball pety(D:tDouDnft bc= irroprb all tDem tDat comnmttc fojnicacyon agapiift tlje. Butit tig poD fo.imcta fioJDf mefaftby (SoD, to put my tcttft in tDe toiDeaoD.anDtorpcaltc of alltjjy wojuc*. 1* ?* riiitdreatcsof tijcDaugJjtcr&pon ) CCDUmiij.^folmc. VT Q.VID DEVS REPVLlSTr. ^ninftruceponofatfapD. |0od , wcrfojeart thou abfent from to* fo long.'WDy i* tfip wjatlj fo Dote lagaynfttucu>pe of tDp pafture.' jJD tDpnftc topon tfjy congr cgacyon,tt>D5 toon Daft purcjjafeD anD reDemcD of olDe : tWB tipon toe tepbe of tijiiie enljeritaucc anD mout ^1011 wljecin tljou Ijaft Dwelt. l-pfttptDpfcte, tdattbottmayeft utter- ly oeftroyc cuery enemye wljtclj (jatlj Done cuell tntbc mmtwtyi HCOpne aDuerfa= tyca roarc in tlje myDDeief of ti)p congrcaa= cto«0,anD fct Mb tWt baainer f 0? touenj?. &3* (^i!)etl)atl)eweDtymb?eafo?eotitofi5 tDica trcejs, wasanown^to b?yngcit to an ^falme,lrtim,lt]i;n efcellf nt wojiijc. nBnt now tbcp b?eaftc m DowneallyeatncDwo^clietberof w ayes s baintnc rtf. * 'EUep (atic fct f y^c i^po flip *„„ ijolppiacejl.anDljaucDcfylcDtbc Dwellynne »"S place of tl)yname,encn\)ntotl)csrounDe. f*»» , Kcr.tDeyfayeDttbeirljcrtejji.let^mahe ' I)auoneofti)emaUtofictI)er:tliHiEi jjauc tijry b?ent tjpalltlDcijourctfof (5oDintI)c iaitDc. 0=^" W)cftmotoiirctOBfi«»,t!jfr Wnotonc -?* $jop!ictmo?c,no not one m\)n among m# tdat \)nDcrftaiiDetb eny mo?c. 3D Cod , |)ow long Qjall clje 'aDuerfary Do tl)i$ Dt(bo= nourc:'bo w lougc ujal tlje enc mp blafpljr me thv uamer $ 01 eucrf \X)\)v witljD^a weft r iJtIjuicbaDt'wIpplucftcfttljounottDyrtgljt banDcontoft|)ybofome,toconfumc )5 ene- mye.'' ffo? ncsi:tbouD?pi?Dft\)p mpgDtpe waters. m)t Dayeii.6 fbinc, ? tlje npgljt tt f Ijyne: tDou Daft pjcparcD tbc lygbt anD tl;c f orate. 'Cbon Daft ft tt nil tl;c bojDrrtfof p" earth, tOoubaft maDcfommcr SDWp titer. %\h t> mcmb?efljijo;.,$D to?D,f;owti)eenemie hafij tebnitcD ,a*D I) ow toe folyft) people Ijati) Waf = poemcb tt)y tiantc. iDDclyuer not f foulc of toy turtle Oouc wtto tljcm ultituDe of tlje ettcmictf.-anb lo?gctnottoecongregacpon of tlje poojc fo? euer . lone tjpon tlje couc" na tint, f 0? all tlfjc earttj itf full of oarbnesf, a D crueUijnbttaciijtf. Oletnottljefymplcgo a waye aftatnt D, but let t|jc poo?canD ncDy gene p^ayfc wito tljp name . 3rpfe , tfoD.maputcynctlu'ncawnccaurc : remeb^c I)owtbcfoipflt)iemanblafpocmetl)tl)cDaplp. 5f otget not m \)opce of tl)ine enemye* : t!)ep?cfumpcy«oftoemt|)ati;atctl)eiucrea= fctl) euer moje anD mo^e^ CEIciw^j.^falme. CONFITF.BIMVR TIBI DEV5. %a toe clfjaunter, tucftroye not. % jafalmeanD fonge of 3Hfapl). mo faD ©od ) oowe gctic mm :t pce,\)tito toe Do wegeue tljanBcsi:tpy namcalfoi0fottpc,$t&atOotD?w6« Ocroutf wo^cbejai Declare. w$2 receaue toccongregacion, jftjallitiDgc ac'cojDpnge Jntorpgot. tbt cartouSweafte anDall Vmi)abtteriEit!)crof,3bfare\jpfpyllcr]E(of it. 3fapDe\jntotoefolci8:Ocalenotfo maoiy, and to irljc tingooip : fet not tip pour mm. $>et not \)pyoureDo?neoni)ye^ fpcanc not witl^ a ftpfnecuc. jf omomo* cion commetlj nettjer from tfce €aft , ner fro tDc ^falme.lrr)jUr)rbii.lrrbtt/. ;fo,rb, jfMli % ig t|)i weft>ner petfrom f fouti). 3lnD wliy/' mt& *#ot) i& ti)e 3uoge s be putteti) Downe one, ano fettettj tip another, it 0$ in tUe ftanoc &ir of tlte iojo tocre W * §ora cuppe, » f wy ne wi*. i* reDD , 3 1 W full nujete , $ t> potiretb out of tbefame.. ^fo?tbe Dicggc£itberof , all ; ungoDlp of ttie cartl) (fjall DjtncKetbem,ani fucactbemofit. 25ut3wplltalneoftt)e (150D of 3acob,aitD prapf e upm f o«t euer. kiltie gojnetfof t!)e VngoDlp alfowpll bieane , anD tfte Dome* oftjje ryg&teouj* albee/Calteo. C^DM^j.^Gtlme. NOTVS IN 1VDEA. ^:otIjecf)aunter,inmeIoDyc*,a ^faltne,f fonge of % fapb. 03cw;peiid(^oD mtowne>l)t*name ijjgreate(n3fwel. atfccr&cDatf i*bisf tabemaclcano* tjijSDweUpna wwa in %\ on. 'CDef e*b?aae i)e tpe ar owe* of tpe bo we, tbe tbplbe, tfte fwcrbe > anD f bat= tayle. ^>ela. lEtiouartof mo?ubonouc anD mygDt tben toe t)plle* of robber*. Wp?ouDearcrobbeD:tDeybaueflepte tbeir ftepe : anD all trjc men ( wpofe bantie* wen; mpgljtie) Dane fonnD notomge. SIC % tDy tebutte ( ©d5oD of^acob) botD toeeDa= ret anD Ijojfe i* fallen. 'CD ou, euen tDou art to be reareb : anD wDo may ftaube in tbp fygDt.tobentDou art angry e. ^DouOyD= belt cautc tDy iubgement to be Derbe from Deauen , t^z ertb trembleb anD wa* ftpll. * t^Deu(5oDarofetoiuDgement, ftoDelpe ._aUtDemeRebponeartD. *>ela. ^f^;oe v^ fearceuelTe of mantbau t urne to tDy way fe: anD $Dc fearceuelTe of otDtr $alt tpott i;c = fray ne. $?ompfe \jnto tDc io^De y otirc S?J»* (Pob,$ * Bepeit,aUye tDat be rounbe about Dpm : b jpng pwfentc* ton to jjym tDat ougbt to be f ear eD . *;e (ball ref rapne tDe tto^ete of^?pnce*,anDiB! wonDerfull antongetDe Bpnge*oftDeearttj). CCDcl.wtoiiiSfalme. VOCE MEA AD DOMINVM. 'To tDe CDaunter , f 0^ 3lrbutDun a$falmeof$fapf). * wyilcrpc tontoti^oDtd my tooyce, euen tonto d> od wpll 3 aye wptb my ^tooyce , anD be (bill Dwaen tonto me. 3n ttjr tyme otmp.trouble 3 fongDttbr lo^De: my fo?eramteanDceaffeD not in toe npgDt ceafon: my fonle rcfuf eo comf 0? te. n)Den3aminDeuyneae,3wyUtDynBe topon^ob: wDenmp Dert(*toe]teb,3 wpll comwapne. wfllDe be no mojeintrentcDf' 3*by«mcMycleneironefo?euet.'' 3nb i* by* pjompfecome totter ly to an cnDc fo^ euermojei' l?atDd5oD forgotten to be gra» (pontf 3 nD wpll Delbutt top Dy*loupngt' ItynDnelTe in byfplcanirei' ^>cla. 3«b3^ faybe:3ti* mpne awne infirmytc.-2Sut3 wpllrememb?ctj)epeare*of t&erygDttjte of tDe mooft Dpeft. 3 wpll rememtyrtDe wo^cfte* of tDe lo?De , anb * call to mynDc -mami* tDy wonDcr*of oioe tpmt- 3t»«ltDynlte alfoof all tDp wo?clte*, anD mp talftpnge qjalbeoftDy Dopngc*. ^"CDy txiape, **» <0oD , i* Doly : wDo (* f greate a C5oD a* nwrntHBotH 'CDouarttDeCoD tDatDotj *" wonDer*,5DbaftDecla;rcD tDp power amfig people, tt Dou Daft mpojtely Dely ticreo "& toy people , enen tDe fonne* of Jacob ab 30* fepD. &ela. iTDe water* iawe tDe >© ^ob.tbe water* fawe tDe , $ were array eD \ pbeaptDe*alfo were tiroubleb. ^rrjecion- De* poureD out water, tDeayertDonDereD^ tDynearowe*wentab;ioaDe. 'CDe tooyce oftDytDoDerwa*DeaeDcrounDcaboute,tDe lysDtenynge* (Done Upon tDe grounDe, tDe eartD wa* moucD anD i^obe wy tDall %\>V wape i* in tDe J*ee,anD tDp patbe* in tDe greate water* , anb tDpfotefteppc* are notfenownc. 'CDouleDDefttby people lyfec fljepe,bytDeDanDeof«)ofe*anD3laron. CCDe.lrrtoiij.^falme, ATTEND1TE POPVI.E MEVS. Uninftruccyon of % Ctpij, (£arc my lawe,C» my people, encly= 3 ne youre care* tonto tDe wo?D?* of mp moutD. _ * 3 wyll open my *mmut. moutDtn anarable,3 tJjpUDeclare DarD fen» teuce* of olbe. Xwvfy we Dane DerDc anb fenowne, anD * focDea* onre fatDer* Daue Sfe# B toiDe to*. -CDat we ujttlDe not Dpbe tDem sfc/l' from tDe cDylbjen of the generacyon* toco= me: but to ipewe tDe Donour of tljeio^oe, by* migDt , anb wonberfbil wo^ac* tDat Dc patD bone. Jne maDe a conenaut witD 3a» cob,ano gaue3rraelalatoe* wD(cDDecom= **•«•*• maftbeD oute f o?cfatDer* to tcacDe tDeir cDil **«*i* biett. 'CDat tDeir po ft t rite mygDt fen owe it, anb tDe cDilbj en wDicD were ytt tonbo^ne. 'Co tbintent tDat \m tfjcp came top, t'Dcy mpgjjt CDtwe tDeir cDylbjen tDe fame. ^Dat tDey mpgDt put tDetr rrnft in <£o&, anb not to f ojget tDe wo?ues of «0ob , but to bepe Di* cOmaunbemente*. 3 no notto be*a*tDelr fo?efatDer* *a faytDIefte«ftub= *^«» » burnegeneracyon.a generacyon tliatfetnot St"**" tDeir DertearygDt, anb wDovc fpjetecleueb not ftebfaftly tonto (2>ob* lyaca*^r'tDe ^i cDylb^en of epD?a(m , wDicD bey ng Darner* feb anb carpeng oowe* , turneb tDem f elue* bacae in tDe Dape of batapll. 'SDey aepte nor * It ! i it i * I - * Ifalmea^bui not rte cottoiaim* of <£?ob , nub worn not ngljeinMbnw. tfutWtwtwthe SKSS5SS8ISL .«N?B882 fieei opbbe f ntbe fvertit of cure father* i« «*<. )>cc, maim a ttmt* tiim3>i&.* ~ ntoap plcatti a wpnbe tyat ipaffctD nwap , SSwmflg uotagapne. tyanvatml mSS ..• toe befctte. QbeptutiU'bhachr » <»», ^Dcp tbouobt not of op* hanbint .of ihe nape 4en Dc jielpucrcb tfmflm SS *!dr*,i •"Sfeaaaiw iw* *» *» JF 8SSSSSP 1 ftattSfiKK? ?. c = *«>» ft iicue.' Igefntotetpcftonprocfcefobcbe wnqiniiano mpffbfpcffiftcrinrfnttwiitm- ankm* tOSS fo ^^^>an^cauet|)em*foooefroi)can1: *SK??'*fc f ^° man °P& care ^ angel* fobc.fo* 3»u* tetefta titrate pnonri. * ^ecanft* ^ tOceaftwt.no to bloWbnber mmZ anDti;oiotD?)ijSpotX)crDcb?ouBt3tin?fo»rb *«ro.w.D. toeft topnbe. * J^r rapnebftcib bun them theLanfiEofthprrc %».<•* i>fen ^.i.-«~- ptfnrfnailanbmpffljtpcffi them t&etoplbcmefle Ipac a flocHe S fear^ toe lanbe offeree. ^elctftfaUamShg? mm uSw iOc fnff^tfisisr'' WW* tacpon ^otoepbpOcate,anbicrctoca Sfebll^ fpUeo,fo?feffa « tbcm tftett atone befpje. S £ Jan ffi ta K ffiS 1 ® 811 «^ww %tyv raeec not btfapopnteb of ml luff. *K8t2 hSSy lD . maDe ^ e tr^bctfof Jiwin, |Uewette t»einjieftof tHem,pe c, anb ^fi^aK'HJSL , W turncb finottbotxjnctbe cljofen men tbatweVe in eSSw^^VPV 1 * Mm* m02C, SO bclctich tint iM^mniAM^M i? 3tw f De» ffrcuiKti h*.n •*,<«!. .£.,_ t . .. w ?» .*«•»*»• 'r wuv »w^ (in » yw u;tpipune(jpCC mo?c,lb bclcticbnotlJpiBiwonbcconjsi moic« m. qfttffizt , tbeir bapejs byn He con- a«b titpneb them cailv anb enauctcb aW tfjcitpmaae wag w^otb, anb . turnrb tbcm cavlv anb cnqnctcbS S, SS&P abmi ^ fob. anj rtep rcmlb^b tN c^ob «m Sb«^fiSS5SS^E^ ««W* tbetc if ccngtb , mm m \m®o* X caSS bntftattcc bgm topthf OrtttnoHti), anb bpf= tbefioerbc an^^&^M^^ Sffi£B9^ „./ femblcb u)rtb Dtm in tlicfr tgg e. " " 5f o? tfe rptaimce' bettetnagnotwboictx»)»t[)ipm, nctbercon* men «&flwfr^2ZSE£S M " | v> r W»ponfi to ma be jpfalmclrjetr^Jmi to mafteiamf tarpon. Lottie iojbeattJfc* beo asione out of flepe , anb ipnca crpaunce muM ref«u)ebtt)pfbtt)pne, t-tyttmWfiene* mpeitf In tjpwnw pactc^anb put them toa pr mmtmimmt. ^r |te refnfeb m ta= - bctnacle of 3ofcpb , anb cbofe not the ttpu oriwm. of «p0wtm. * 26ut c joft tfte f cpbe of in* ba,cnen the b?ll of jfef on uh)(cI) be loucb. 5fo,)rb/, C*^fte.to.}afaimr, Q.VI REOIS ISRAEL. 'Co the cbannteFi^bpon ^ofanfm, ate^monpeanbiafawteof 4fapb. gareMojt Jeplierbcof jffcaer, 3 thonf!£abcft3ofepbIp8eaa-epe: ^cwetlipfelfeaifotboutljatfpt tcfttmontbcCocPnbpng. *£4 uiiuuiumt vxyt etuesgrcare uj«I) voile onesf, Dctoheopm , Jbatftc mpsbt febe3acobbP« people, anb 3lFaclbt0eiilc«taunce. |>o v* i tt pcos -i " tulcbtUcmp^bcntlpwitbaUWgpower. oftcatc0tob?jncae. *C|SnWmS2*ii 31 ^ c Cfbe.I]C]C(iC.^faime. BBWl VfcNERVN'r OENTES. 3|Malmeof3fapb. *mitn t a. d5ob*tbelKatbenacecQmeftit^htt SE5. Wcountfiianncc , anb w Omlbe pf^aOtbcbaweStDeroftxicrelpbcfaoob Z^r clr s,wraiDW mearc, onto tbc rouiej of toe av^e, anb the fleflj of tbv euerp fpbe of Jenifalem , anb tbcrctSas' no 52? ilSSf Sfi?* *P bmc * m ° W ^awmettWoweenemfe?q\e^o^ S iS±5 » 3nb "» anbOpontbclipnabUetVaS Miff ift&*P w 9L*» * ^Sfc* bpontbpnamc. So?efoSS!euSS &%SS2LSS teD> a , nD P pmwmt •. * h * ©wme.nb?e not S8SS S^MESSBSS WSSL**™ ^ ^ncmmp«poiitifli,aiibt|tatfoo^ SS^^52!8ttW » ±iffjsg»«WBa»as ftewto CXCSin owe fi Cn ' P ,clu,Mncc '* ae •»»« »'l' >"- !E3£!ff of ^F*. iSiBfll5 S3S f oatate appopnfeb to ope. anofozthe ^^emebtbOtcujatbe tbon tbem,l> LP& kl i m l om im ft* b »fome. ^o EXVLTATE DEO ^o the c&atmter ^y» bpon ©rtbrtii 13itffe t»e mctelp bnt o d?ob 6 arf cttt inaaeacbeatfuiinopfconco tbe^oa iQlfmpnr i J y -'•y-^- .^*' *p — <' t 1 It •: I I * J t * 9* \ ! 1 : * ■ ■ I ■ r • it- «' ] ffe i ai mm* fblfcpnefeaftibai^ Wftiftl fW* mate a ftiitute f o?3towlj frataweol* p 00b of 3a* cob. w Dc ojbcncb (n 3lofcpb f o* a tc* ftpmonp, WbenbecanuJonti ttbt lanue of egpptatroljati bcacbe a ttraike language, VA^^ftJOUltictlFom^cliUttlJcti, $ *Sbtobanbcsi were belpucwbfeom (waapng) mwtti** bjc ftanb * 3 belpuereb tbe , anb blfaebe tig tout** *\»|jatrpmfaiS%ftoiniefcU^potime.*3 *M.tw!.a. p,fcoueb tbe alfo at f water* olf ftrpfc.&ela. ^oumctt j> r tjcarc, £> ttip people* an* 3 will afftire tlic of jftwii imm W Dtrbcit ^nto me. , 'Cbcre&aUno ftraunged&ob been tbe, iietbce Qjalttbou wojftnppe anp otber ob' ♦ fcw^Mliailoea. *Ir)owlongcwillpc gcue w.tSg i* 1 ** iat „emcnt ( ano accept? tljc peef onne* of tbe Du^oDlp^ela. Defenbetbcpoojeanb fatbeclcuV, feft&atrocbaj* betnnebe nnbne* ccft"itcbauerpgbt. Delpucr tbe out caftef pooze : fauetbem from tbe b««bc of tbe tm* gbbip. ^be? wpllnot be lerneb nee smbeg gpneb craf telp agapntt tbp people > anbta* en connceliagapnft tbP fcetete one*. 'fcbep baupapbeicome,$ let b# rote tbf outtbattbey bitnomo?e a people , ttbattft name of slraelinayebenomo^e lnremem= . , fyaunce. jf ot tbitp baue caft tbeie beabesi 23 togctbeewptb one conftnt, anbarecontjebe= rateagapntrtb^. 'CbetabernaclejeSoftbe (gliouiite^anDJfnmclptcg, tbe -^Doabftejj an}) loagarencsi. ©ebal, anb3tmmon,aD amaiccb : f lajjiltftpnej* wttb tbem f bwell afCp^e. Hn'uralfo^iopnebtjntotbem, anbbauebelpebtbeebPlb^enoflotb.s>ela. ^Sutbotboutotbem * asibntotbe^)a- *>»,•_ btanttcief.bnto jfoifera, anb tmrojabm * at * |liw,lt ^ tbeb^obeofsufon. U)bpcbpee^bebat ■ enbo? , anb became agtbe oonge of p eartb. fauetbem ftbelep^pnce^Tpue* ;©?cb * a "^, an) jcb.gec,miiiBe alltbeir p?pncexilpHe a» jebeaanb^almana. Ittopcb ftpeaetbtf tnue tooure feluesS tbe boufetfof d5ob in poF> ftffpon. Omp<$ob,maBetbemlritetmtoC a wbele.Sba*^ tbeftubblebefo?ef wpnbe. * WI * ipltc a jj a fp^e tbat burnetb bp tbe ojod, anb a# tbe flame t Da t conftimetb tbe m oun=> tapnesf . 3S erfecu tc tbem euen fo urttb tbp tempeft, anb maftetljcm afrapcb wptbtbP (iaimt ^)ake tbeir faccg atbameb > © Lo?bc,tbat tbcp mape feue tl)p name, let tbemuec6founbeoanbbejcebeiiermojcanD mo;e:lettbembeputtoft)ameanbperiib. 3nb tbepftjallkuou), tbattbou CwDoCc name i# jebowa ; art onlp tbe mooft tyttt oucr all tbe car lib. CEbe.lctrmj.1b(alme» aVAM DILBCTA TABERNACVLA. ^o tbe cbaunter bpon€fitbitb, a #falme oftb«fonne»iofCo?ab. feow ampable are t^v bwellpnge* , % Sou lo;tbc of fytiMi Wfoule * hatbab«fp?e anblongmgc to eutre to to tbe courtetf (if toe lorl)e : mp bert anb mp fteib reiopfe In tbe Wupng d5ob. gee»f Tpa= towbafbfowwitiebeeanbottfe, anbtbefwa= T*-r* ft^ L* i- 3 a * ^tallrricb,lrrrbi4, iben to bwelliu tbe tented of wtgoblpncflc. Jf oftbe lo?6e dEfob in IpgDtanb beMtn> te,tDe lOjtbe wiU gene grace anb wo^ppe, anb no goob tbpnge (ball be wptbolOe from iDcmtJjatlpucagoblplpfe. $) io^bdVoo ofl?otteie(,blen , cb.tftbcm5,tbntputtet&bitf trufttntbe. C^be.l]C]C]cb.l0falme; 1 HBNBDIX1STI DOMINE. Uro tbe cbauntcr.a praline of tbe fonuetfofCojai). flD^Oe, tbou art become gracpousi m< jeo.tbplanbe, trjou baft turneb awape tbecapttiUteof3acob. ITboubalt mnu. -fo^geuen tbe offence of tbp people, anb * co» ucreballtbep^nne*.$>elab. 'Eboubaff taacn awape all tbP Olfplea fure, anb turneb tbp felfe from tDp WjWtbfull fnbignacpon. -I:urnet)0.t5en,€)<0ob oure ^aupour, anblettbpneangerceaffcfrombiJ. toplt tbou be bifpleafeb at bit fo; cuer t anb wplt , tbou ftretcbouttbpwjatb from one scnera= 1 cpou to anotbtr t ttiplt tbou not tur ne a= gapne $ qupeften W , tbat tbp people mape refopfemtbe/'&bewebieitbpmercpflDioiib jx anb grauut tu tbpfaluacpou. 3 wpu bcr= S ben wbatthe lo^be (Bon totu fape:^ r «««■; npnae mfom (ball fbeabe peacebnto W peo pic anb tobPti fapuctcsl,tbat tbep turne not agapne. jtotW falaacpon tjSnpe t|)5 tftat ff ace \)im, tbat glo^p mape Dwell in oure la* be. aiercpanbtruetb arc met together, ijpgDtuoiifncffcanb peace banc apftcb ecl)e otljer* ^ruetb (bail fioztn) out of tbe ear tD, 9 rpabtuoufneffe Datb loaeo bowne fro bea= u'en. ?>ee, ttie loibeCpaUmcweloupnge Rpubneflcano oure la nbc (ball gcue bercn= crcafe. %f gbtuoufnelK ftall go before ftci- bpm,anb^ be-all bi'recte lipjef gopngeiu rje wapr . C'fcbe.l.iwbM&ralme. • 1NCLINA DOMINE A VREM. 3ip;apcrofa)au(b. ]C>we bowne tbpneeare , €>lo;be,$ 5fo,rb^ iowe¥neft,Wew iWjw^oW »m? W ii[ibe>but walcue onltpllmbaecfcneffe ; all peChallbpe ipfte men, anb fall Ipbe one of pjpnee*. 3Jrpfe,jO(I5ob,anbiubgetbott caritb,fo?tbou(balttaueaU^eatb!totbfne en&eritaunce. ; C«^be.ljtxjc«i.ia(alme; . DEVS Q.VIS SIMIL1S. ' 3fongc anb ^(alme of 3tfapb. \®tot. not tbp tsae, o 'oo, 5fo^lo * tbwe enempwl «mrpnge,anb tbf p tfet ftate m f vmur »u way* to»k* pg tbc^cla. WMff l£ JMI •»• (frengt!) « KM » ^^^BfJKffi wavetf. Mpcb goinge tbo?ow tbe bale Mebwltb water. »pwpUSOfrom (frengtbianblmto tbe iSob of€obbes( atj^ pearetb eueepbne .of tbem in $f on. © s ioTbe (0ob of pmfWg mp «gg#£ ® bcn€X5obof:iacob.S>ela. «ejpw£ 00b oure bcfeilbee , anb lobe t>pon tbe face of tbpneanopnteb. :»»mmt intbP iatbcebeaboii!feepee^fljou(eofmp(PoOj beaee me,f o? 3 ampoo^e $ in mtfer p. - Ji ^eferue tbou mp foule, f o? 3 am bblp : m p <0ob fane tbp feruaunt , tbat put = •tetb b» ttuft In tbe: 25emercpf uil bnto me( & lome) fo? 3 wpll call baplp bp6 tbe Coin tojte tlje foule of tbp feruaunt,fO; bnto tbec io?be)bo 3 ipf t t>p mp foule. iMMMflu *jfo? tbou to^bartgoob anb gractouief, ISS? anbofgreafemercp bbtoall tbem tbat call mumiu bpontbe Ceueeareiojibbntomp proper, I** 1 * anb ponojeebe bopcebf mvbnmble befp^eff. -tt 3ntbetpmcofmptrottbie3wpllcaUbu5 im imicb 9fM tbou beareft me * *.8monge tbe mAm * (Sobbctftbcee WnonelpbeDnto ?C€>lo?b) tbere isi not one tba t can bo at tbou boeft. 3B11 nac ponsi wbom tbou baft mabe , u)all come anb wojtypppe tbtf 01o^b)anb (ball glo^pfpe tbp name, if of tbou art great, anb boeft witoeroutf tbpnge&tbou art <^ob alone, -fciaeb me m wape,( flDlojb) anb 3 will walae in top etuctb: © ftnptt mvbttt unto tbctbat it mape fcare tbp name . 3 wpll tbanlie tbe, €> lo^bemp d5ob w(tb all mpbact,anb wvll p2apre tbpname fo? euer. if 01 ; great til tbp mercp towdrbe me anb *..„ „,„ 2 'tbou baft belpuercb mp foule from tbe ne* **»«*■ tbcrmoft bell. ^D ©ob, tbe p,ioube are rp^ «r ten aga pnft me , a no tbe congregacponsJ of iinuabtpe nun baue fougbt after mp foule, anb baue not fee tbebefo^e tbep? epe*. • *25uttbou,C) 3Lo?bc®:ob, art full til ttl) . miiiu compa(Tpon,and mcrcp,iege fuffrpnge, pie* = iS teou0 tn goooncjl anb truetb. £> turnc tbe w^*** tbenbntomeanbbaue mercp bpon me 5 ge» uetbp ftrengtb bnto thy feruaut, anb belpe tbe fonne oftbpne banbinapbe. ?Dbewefometobenbponmefo?goob, tbat tbep wbpcb bate memapefe it , anb be a(bameb,becaufc tboulo?bbaft belpcb me, anbcomfo?tebmc. C^bclrjCjcbiMSfalme. FVNDAMESTA EIVS % IDfalmc anb fonge of tbe fon= imjf of co?nb. [€rfouiibacifitfarcbp6 the bolptpl* % jlcifctDe lo?belouctbtbegatefl!offi)io b mo?ctbenalltbe bwcllvnge0 of 3a* cob. mm excellent tbpnges ate fpoaen of tbe tbou cpte of 00b. SDcTab. 3 wpll tbpnUebpon mabab anb 2Sabplon , wptb tbem tbat mtowe me. 25cbolbe,pcetbe gbUiftpne«!alfo,anbtbepof'Cp?cwitbtbe <0M(aniat, io,tbere toft* be bojne. %M ofS>ponit(balberepo?teb,tbatbewrtsibo? tie fn bee, anb tbem ooft bpeft (ball ftabliuj ber. 'Ebe lojbeiballrebearre it, wban be w?ptctbbp t^t people, tbat be wag borne tbere. £>clak e^^belpngcrtfalfoanb,.^. trompetteri«(ballbercbearfc,^Hmp freibc ^ fp^pngejSfbaibeintbe. C^be.lwW|.^falme f DOMINE DEVS SALVriS*. €3a fonganb &fo\tM of tbefonne* of Co?ab,to tbe cbaiiterd^bpoi 1 ^abelatl),togcuetban= ae0:auinftrutc(oof^e- mantbeejrabpte. lloiae 00b of mp fatuarion ,3 banc rcpcbbapeanbnpgbt before tbe : £H) flctmpp?apercntre into tbp p?efencc r enclitic tWm care bnto my eallpnge. ifo.nnp foule 10 full of troubic.anb mplp fc b?a wetb nw bn to bell. 3 am counteo aji one of tbep go bowne bnto tbe pptte,anb 3 baue bene ette ass a man f batb no ft rf ark m if ream onge t^t oceb,lpUe wito M tm bewoutibeblremtbe graue, wbpcb be out of relnemb?afice,anb are cut awape ftfttbp banbe: ^bou baft lapeb me in m foweft JS5- CC pptte 15$ % fiF\**—w S A 1 r *» i t • i f : - F 1 I "I ' 1 - , ,, < y . r \ \] w> SA Htf Mill* I ' * * 'f:V-. • * pptt, in a place oErjarcbmCTrant) p6 me , anbftou Daft wjtebme wpft all-ftp tto?- me* ^DdaD. 'fcbou haft put awape mp« nc aequatn taunce farrc fro me, a it o mane me to beabbojrcD of ftfgftm fo fait in melon, ftan^anftotgctfo?ft. ttpttfttty- IrtOfoz^tp trouble! io?be J haue caiieb **, . ,., J«WP vponfte,3baue ftrctftcb out mpfte W^J&ffc**** * a>oett ftou feewe mm WOtthtttamongeftebeeD/ A qwllfte beebrpfe tip agapne , anb p?apfe fte / C 4V ©ball ftploupngc ft pnbnetf betbewco m fte ctfaue,o?ftpfapftmincire in beftruccti/ Mall ftp wonoerou0 wozkc0 be ano» wen m fte barcae,anbftp rpgptuoufne gin ^fti!lanbc^wberealltbpnge0arcfo?pt= 3D tttif J&*«tofteljaue3crpeb £>to?be,anb carlp mall mpp?apee. come bef o?c fte. ab?oabwpftrhfmi$wear»M< 'fcbebea* !ien0areftpu(!,ftecarftaicois!ftpne:ftott pair lapeb ftcifonnbacpfi of fte r ofltre woil- bc.anb all thai: fterin ftL. . ftbou baft mooe c • ftcno^ftanbfteTouft,^abo?anft^erm5 ftaUrciopfem ft? name. ifcboiijjafta mpght(carme 1( ftr onge i# ftp fySbe , anb&pe Wtjprtttoiif, mvffbreournejj ano equate (0ftchfliuitacpon ottpp ftate, mercp alio teueft Mil so bef o?e ftp face. tflefr *MI ft? JfiW **W*J ftM «n «plauer0anbfrenDe0baft ftou put awape f ro me,anb fan mpne acquapntaute ouf of mp fpabt. . ■ CCbe-lW^iafalme. MISERICORDIAS DOMINI. SEulnaeuccponofeftan fte€?ealjpte. S* fonge fljalbe all toape of fte to* upiige RptmneOe of fte ioibe , t»pth ,. . W JM& wpli 3 enct be Cbevpnge t9P f rueft from one seneraepon to another. . 5f op banc fapoe:mercpu;albcfettMJ fo? euer, ftp tmt\) malt thou (fablpu) in the *ff.«M.M. 5! a ?i n0 ' u r* J^" ma ° 5 a coucnaunt ** W|ftmvchoftn,3hauefwo?ne \>ntoa>a= twin. «Jb mplcruauut. *'®bpfebc wpll 3 fta» m#m* WpO) fo? euefc^ano fet Mp ftpteonc feom one ±vm nz a semracpontdanoftee; $eiab. otofte *w«*m. # ti)e\jcrpbeauenjiSaUp W pretbplDonOc' eoui? wo^be0,f ftjtrueftththe eongrega» 25 cpiioftbefa-fncfe^ .^wfto^emn% fte cioubc^ttatQwlHieeompareb \)nto the lojtbej' ahO*tBbatWheaWefteffob= beftftat ftaibe ipfee Untommuf U ®$tt*m&m$ eobeftaecb tn fte councell of the fapnte^ahb to be m in eeue eenceofanftemftatareaBoute ftpm. . h ^ loft <5pij of Mcj8, mho t0 ipne tinto anD.bU, * tfro.rw. SrpCe, ftrote ;- unbe^nibmpferuauut:wiftmpbolt»op s ?f» lehanejanopnteobim. e>vb«bmalftolbe«£Sl PPmfaflMp mpnc armc ujall ftreujiften mm: ^DceiumpcibaUnotbeabletobo Wmtaolence,fte fonne of mtcBebnefle mall no mm bpm. 3 (ball fmpte bownc hp0 foc0 before bPJSiFace.aiiD plage tW ftat hate; ¥ptt' Mt tciifitbalfo ant) mp mercp fljalbe wpftbpm,an0inmpnamcffiall hp0 ho?ne be twiteb. *3 uipll fet w bommion mmm alfolntberce.aiibbp^rpftbfl^beintheftou bc». tf)eftaH call me: ftonaet mp rafter, tmn&tob,* mp lilrongcfiuuaci$.3nb 3 mpll mane bpm mp 1 1# ft borne ,bpc e ften fte ftpn tpw\ to eartb, «)p mercp i»pll 3 ftepe a WbpmfMcueeiino^c^mpcoucnaunt ujall ^ ganbe faft wptb bvm. ^p0 febe alft myll jmaBctoenOurefouuer.anb bp0 teoncatf thebape0of hrauen. ffittt Y f bp0 cbplb?en f o? faftc mp latxie.anb walbe not in mp iub= , flementetf. . *3fftepb?eabempftatufe0*«'Kf^ anbjepenot ms» commaunoementej*. . *3 wpll ^pfeit ftep? offence0 trttb t^e rob **»«* anb ftepzfpnne tupth fcourgc0. iBeuertbeieu"e l mploupttsebpnbneu*ewrtl 3notbtterip taiterrom bpm, ner Aiflremp teuefttofapie. #peonenannt mpll3not bieafte.no? altel; fte ftfirat t^at i gone out otmpimjpe0. 3 han eltooine once bp mp bolpneffe>ftat # 3 wpll not faple muib. *«*»«'• r - * SP/Mftil enbnre fo? eiicr, anbbp0 1f ftaftttJPBe*a0!tbe funne before me. tvamm ^cu)allftanbefaftfo?eueemo?ea0the moone,anb$=yst0tlic ravftmll wptnefletn *po EJjp* %lalJi 25ut^baftabbo?reb«fw •awftpiie anopnteb,f art b(l^|carcb atltf. f bou baft tit ots en fte coucnaunt of ftp feruaut i anbcaftlt0cromne to fte groube. — *?, h ottba(l;oucrft.iot»neaH!jp0l)eb* *ww* gc0, anb tyofren bomiie bP0 ftronge hoioe*. 3111 6j I- 9if P. v.- ^mwnimii . 3JItftep)bat^bp,fpopie|jpm, mtew become a rftube \mto bp0 nepgbboure*. ;-,•■: 'SpiJOtt baft let Vp t^e if gbt batioe of bPtf ,eijem^e0xlmaboaUbp0abuerfarpe0tore» '(opce. wnbafttabeftamaiefteebgeoe &0fttjearbei$geue(rl|pmnofWcto?ptnftr ba iW e - ^bouhaftputoutbi:0glo?p,$ eaffb{0tronebomnetotl;egrofibe. mi bapefiiof m ppttft baft ftou ^o?teneb 1 anb coMcreb^m^blfflonbure.feelah, io?be, hot»eiottg>tt«tftOttbiDtbPftlfe('fo;eueri' anb (ball ftpw?ath burne ipbe f p?c? ^ €>reniJb?e,bow(bo?te mptpme(0,t»hcr «Mt.«A fo^e haft pmabe all mffojnaugbf.''* iDbat: manj0bc ftatl^ueft.fibltiall notfe beach'/ anb (ball be beltuer b(0anme foule from fte banbe of hell/ ?agon ujalte ftoutceabetJUberftpfete. ■ 25ccaufe be haft fet bp0loue bp5 me, fteefo?e fball 3 He puerhini:3(bal(fcthiutt)p,becau5hehaft ftnowne mjjname. *$e uumM mc,^3wpUbeacebpm?pee3amwifthpm ' jntronble,3wmbeliuer hpm,anb b?pnge bpmtohononre. IJJt'ftlongelpfewpllj fatiffpc hpm,anb (hewe hpmmp faluaciot? CChe.ycij.^ralme. BONVM EST CONFITERf. C 9 ISfal me anb f onge fo? fte £>abboftbape. 5: * Wagoob ftrngftgeueftanae^ bntofteio?be, anb to %ige p?ap* *»«;.# ft* f^^ntoftpname,C>mofte hwft. El tl it K i ■1 s J 7 I A 1 r *! ; ■ m m 1 ■ $o tell of tby lonpng Upu^nHte early to tbe tno2tiyng,ano of tby tructblntbe nygbt icafoji. (Hponauiuftrumcut often ftryu- ^faU{fec^«<,f,ctb inttrumim D baft umoi me gla t bo? o w t|)P wo?nc8J,anb 5 wpll r e- topfe in gcupng may ft f ? tbe opcracibttjec of tbt> bonoc0. © loto, bowglo?iou0nre tby i»o?fec0:tbptbougbtc0areDceybepe. 25 3n Dn wpfc man Dotb not wcUcfiftbJc tW> M) a f oolc botb not Dnbcrftanbe it. ttfym m Dngoblp are went a0tfce grafe whan all tbe wojurg ofwpckebuc0oofio?{(b,tbeu fball tbcp be bcttrbpcb fo? cuer. aStitf jlo^d arttbcmoftbpcftfo? cucrmo?e. jfojlo, tbyne e.nemye0,$D io?b,lo, tbpnc ciiiiemtcsc foa II per ifor ,anb all toe woj «r r# of wt car o tie* (balbe bcftroyeb. mm mp bojne (bal* he nam like tbe bo?nc of an 53n(co?ne, fo? * 3 m anopntcb wttb frcfy oylc ; $&fm eye alfoqjaiireby0luft ofmync cncmycMnb mm care (Jjall be arc fyst bcfy?e of tbe wpc» ben tDatryreDpagapnft me. 'fcbe rpgb* teonjf Oiai fto?i tOou nrtfrom cucrlaftyngc. * ^be floubctf are rpfenf flP *,oib)tbe 8oubc0 Oaue Ipf t Dp mpi iiopfe.tbeflouotflyft Dp tbe wane* • f£br waue0oftbefee are mmfojk rage l)o?ribly:btityettbclo?&ctbatbwclletbon gyc,t0mlgbtier. ^Op tcfitmonW, £> i o?bc,are Dcrp fure , bolpncffe becommet & tbyncboufefo?cucr. Cfcbe.JcfitU&falme. DEVS VLTIONVM. lo?b<$ob* fo wbomeDengcnacebe logef b:tbou <£ob to wbome Dfgeau" ccbelongctb.ujewetDpfclfe. 3ryfe tbomubge of toe Wo?loe , nnb rewarbe tbe pzoiifteaftcrtOcyjOefernpnge. lo^DOoto lonfle (ball tOe tmgoOip,ootx> longe (ball toe \) hq:oM*> tn umpOf? ^otoe Iotfge (oall all tDiraeo Ooet0QieaHe ro Otltaynfulip, 9 ma« fee focOpiouOe boafting.-' 'ftOep fmpeebown tby people, S> to?Oe,anb trouble tOpne Je» *B rltaae. ^ [jep murtbur tl)e tupooow ano t,|lc Ifrailger.anD put ^ fatDerlette to Oeat^ 3 JKcma. nr.ii. ...i? 111 * ?f e %^ ra S e - ^«©*t|» lo?or M ^jra»eneOe,pif tjnujpfcnmongetOe people, drSfcSSW* 1 W* e WMWI DmotDearcf P{betOatma|ittbeepe,fl08HitotJ)efe? 02 bffmnnirertJlOeOeatOcn.rtijsOencacbeth manlino«)lette,(|alnotDepttnp^ * « Jjebuttjapnev ^itfleO«tliemami»Vmc tbon c&aftenrfr ( ip^;$ teacUeftftpmin S^JS 6er< !? ttm f cant,u rfijDKoufne* 'p/WlB folow it. U»fto t»m rpfe pp w me agaptift tOe UJicfcett fo wfio toiu taftemppartappnatOccucUOoeriEiaftlie *Mp Dao not bt'tpcbmc it OabnotfaHcb.but l»||fl)lllf)KI(l)i:ntpBttOl)>I(tt(e. * tfHtjMm* « BWjw foteOatbfllppeo , tfr mcrcp «S r € ' lo20;0ribi; me Dp. *3n tDemnltitube RjHft foitcBbauercfreOKbrnyfoulf. UXlttOon oaue anp ffymn to bo xultb ^ floole of mu 3D feebncuV, MiclDe pmagnc tb mifcOefc ana mm ■ft&cygatbertoetogctDer agapntte tOe roulc of tOe rtgOteou&anb conoemne tOe innocftbloiioe 25uttl)eio^isl myrcfo. ge,«mj>(5oO od (bail octtropc tOcm. CCOe.jrcu.iDfaime. • VfcNITfc fcXVI-IEMVS. i|acome,lct b0fpngc \jnf f iojb, * let ~ W VJiffOettelp retopfemtOe ttr^gtb of our f c faluactou. let tdjet come before WW fence x6 tOanbefgcupugf, $ qjcwe ourc felfe glao in hvm uSpfalmed . if 0? tijc ioibe i% a great(25ob, « a great ftpng e a bo ti e all gob* beg. 3nj)l0OauoearealltOeeo?ner0oft^ eart|),f t|)e ftrlgtD ot t|je Oyl!c0 i0 Oifit alfo j ^Oc fee i0OpsunbOemaoe It,? OWI)aDctf p«parebtOeO/pelaube. flDcome, let tut wo*tyyppe« fauootjone.anb uncle before p I020 our e matter, if 0}&eAfaK $fapb:iti0a people £00 err em Oi^ibette!((:fo?tOey Oaue not Itnowen my ^ a . m wayef *into w08 3 fware in my wjatp ©ffE tb at tfccy COiilbe not enter in to my reft. C ^bacw.}&foltttc. CANTATB DOMINO. £»fyngc k V ^fal4tott.ictn^.)i:tf]c 5fo U- % mftts $mut.t ^pftl.Wft.a c ft>y«get)ntotl)e JLo^beanew fonge, fynge tjnto tOe iojsOe all tOe wbolc 'earto. ^>yngetjntotbe*i020e,anO WmWx^mM tcllynge of WateactJ from oaye to baye. 3E>e«are l>y0 Oonoure Unto tlje if?eatrjen ; SO W wonber0 Ditto all people. *ffojtDeilojo<0grcaf,anocan not wo^tljely bep^ayreo : be t0mo?e * to be fearebtOenallgoooe0. 2i0fo2 a\lf gob= besfof tfje l^eatfien, tbeybemit 300W, but tti0theio?Oe toatmabe tMeaucn*. (i5toeano wo^ujyppeare before Ijym, power $ oonoure are tn by Sanctuary. m 3fcrybelontotOelo^o,fd)reItpnrcbe0 of tbepeople) afcrpbe Ditto tOe lojoe wo?= Ibipe ano power. * aircrybc Unto f 102D toepoitonre our Dnto W name, tyyngc p?e» f WJ come Into Op* cour te0 . flD woi= fb^petoelo?bintbebeutpcofbolyneae,lctt tlje woole eartb ttanbe in awe of Oym. 'Cell it out amouge t^e ^eatben , tbat tlje lo2Oet0 ftpnge: anb tbat it (0 be wbtcO batb mabe tOe ronnbe wo?!be f f aft , tbat it can not be moueb , ano bow tbat be (ball iubge tbepepple rygbteonfly. Cct tbe bcauen* retoyfe , anb let tl)c eartb be glao : let tbe fee mane a noyre , anb all tbat tberfu i0 . let tbe felbc be toy full ano all tbat i0 in it , qiall all tbe trcesfoe tlje wood reioyec. fcefojc the lo?oe, fo? be eommcto: fo? be commetbto iubge tbe eartb: anb wttbrtgl)= tcoufneffe to iutim tbe wojioe, ano t^t mo- pleWitbbifftrnetU C'£be*cDii.£falmc. DOMINVS REG.NAV1T. ■ li)cio?oc 10 ftyttge, tbe eartb mayebe ;lao tberof 1 yee tlje mult y tube of tOe {Ie0 maye be glab tberof. Clou = Oe0 ano OarcfenclTe arc ronnbe aboutc Oym, rygbteoufuelTeanb iuogment arc tbe babi« tacyon of biff feate. Cbere mallgo afy^e before bym , anb burne\)plu>0 enemye0 on eaeryfybe. ^i0ligbtenynge0fiaue(pync Ditto tbe W02ibe,tbe eartb fa we itanti wa0 m*** afrayeb. * ^c \)i\m mcltco lyne ware at the p^efence of tbe lojoe, at tbe defence of f lo^o of tOewbole eartb. t^Oebca^ uenSbauebeclareO bt» rygbtcoufne0 , $ all tbepeople baue fene Oy0 glo2y. * con= f ounbeo be all they f wojftjtpccameD yma^ -je0,anb tbat bely te in Dayne gobbe0j woi= inpcbym^mlyegobbe?, feionbearo of it aub retoyfeo.anbtbe Oaugbter0 of iu* Dtt were glao becatife of tby iubgementc0, ^>!lo?Oe. ifo2tbou]L020c art Oyer then all tbat are in tbe eartb, tbou art ejealteo f arte aboue all gobbe0. O ye tbat loue tbelo?Oe,fetbatyebatetOetbyngewbycO 1» euell : tbe iwbe p^ereruetbt|)e fonle0of m t faynctc0, be mall beiyucr tbem from t batiOe of tO^DngoOIy. ^bete :tjsf^8ge % *l6fftUtefl £r li.c Dp a lygbt f 0? t^t rygbf coutf , anb a toy full giaoneffc fo? focb a0 be true berteb . *Ectoy(ein tOclo?Or, yerygbteou0: w*™^ anOgeue tbancfee0 fo? a rememfcaunce of W boIyuetTe. €t;be.)tcD(ii.^faime. | CANTATE DOMINO. I ^^(alme.»»(ii»©auHi:. * ^yngc Ditto flo?0 a new fonge, J. , r , , fo? be botb bone morHclou0 tbyn= *** *«*•*• __Jgc0. U)itbby0OWnerygbtbanDc s ano wptbbi0bolyarme batb be gotten bym « felfe t\)c Dlctojy. W&z to20 Oeclareb b)'0 faluacpon,bi0rygbteoufnL'0batObe openly tbe web in tbe fygbt of t^z l^eatljen . fyc batbrememb?eo Oy0 mercy ano tmth to;= waroe tbe boufc of 3fracl: * ano all tbe en= *^ , « be0 of tbe wo2iOe baue fene tbe faluacyon of oure (Btid. S>bewc youre felttc0 toy = „ full.Dnto tbe lO2OcallyelanOe0, fynae, rc= » toyfe.ano geuc tbanfec0. * 3B?ay fe y 1,02* **w« *■* be Dpontbebarpcfyngetotbcbarpcwptb a pfalmc of tbancfeefgeuy ng. Itoit]) from* pette0 alfo anb Qtawme0: €>mewc youre vc!ttc0 toyf ull before tbe Ho2be tit aynge. let tbe fee maue a noyfe anil ally tOerin i0,tberounbc woilbe , ano tOcy tbat Dwell tljenn. let tbe f lonbc0 clappc tbctr ban= be0,anblcttbcbyllc0betoyfuiitogctbcr. 25efoie tbe I02O ,fo2bci0come toitiDge tbe eartb . IDytb tygbteoufncg fttall b c iubge tbe W02IOC, 9 t:be people wttl; cquite. CCbt-rctr.H&falmc.^^f mm.) DOMINVS REGNAVIT. \is)z lO2bct'0&pttge,bc'tbe people ne= •« uer foDitpaciientibefyttetl) bctwene |tbeCberubtii0, be tbe eartb neuer fo Duqutet . 'Ebe Hoftc t'0 grrate in jB&on, anb bye abottcall people, uljcyujallgeue tbakc0 Ditto tby name, Wbicl)t0great,w6= Oerfull^boly. ^beftynge0powfrlouctb (ubgcmft, ^battp^cparebequyte, tbou baft ejeecutebtubgment ab rygbteonfnc0 in 3a= cob. magntfpe tbe lojbc ourc 0ob , anb fallbowne bcfo?c W foteftole, fo?bc 10 boly. a)ofc0anb 3taron among bi0 pica ftc0,anb saamucl amongefocbea0callDpo 13 by name :tljcfecallebDpontbe l02be, anb bebeacOetbem. ^efpaftcDntotOcm^out *^wmf.rif.b of tbe clouoypyllcr> fo? tbey nepte by0 tc= »•***• . ftimonye0, ano tbe lawc tbat be gaue tbem. 1 ^boubearocft tOem( *D 102b ourc CoO) j tbou f o2gaueft tbem €> dEfob , anb puny » (bebft tbeyi awne tnuencyon0 sD ma = ; gnifj'e tbe lojbe oure 00b, anb wo2fotppe OitnDponbisi boly Dyll , fo? tbe lojbc oure j <0obi0 boly. , 1 Ctbcc^Calmc. I IV Bl LATE DEO. % pfalmc f 02 tbantse0 geuy nge. €€M ©be ^3 31 % *p&Jtxrir.a \ .1 •* * H5e topfull to tbclo?de (an pc lanftrsureeuetty lo?dr.w(tb gladnc0, and come before ijpg mefence with a f ongc. 2$e pe „. iurc.tbattbclo?0e fceitfGoD: 3ti«l)ct|)atl)at^maOe>Js{,aiHi notweoure :| fctuc0:wearcbi0pcoplc,attDtbefbepe ofjjijS i. pnftutc. 050 voure wape tntoDp0cja* f rctfwttbtbanchcfgeupng, ilo into ^is: cour^ #' tc si wptb p?apfe : be tbanbf ull Ditto bpm , atio fpcafce good of bptf name. #0? the #im*i*» Xo?dc (0 gracpou0 , * bptf mercp t'0 cuerla= ftpngc, aim fjfss rrcutbcnourctbftom gene* ration to generation. C Ifcbe.ci.pfalme. MISER[CORDIAM ET 3 $falmc of 2>auid. wig * foiicjc (fcalbe of me rep and iudg* «ctrt:Dntoft©io?d)will3fpncje. « CUctmebaucDndetftandpngein tbe wape of godlpncffej iroban wpltjbott, come Vjnto me> 3 wpll walche in mpbonfe witba pcrfcctebcrte. 3 wpllta&eno wic* fecd tbtiigc in band. 3 bate tbe f pnne* of bn= faptbfulncffc, there (ball no focb clcueDu* to me . 3 f rowarde bcrte (ball departe fro me, 3 wpll not hnowc a wpc&cd pcc= 2& fonne. U)bo fo p?cnclp fiaunbictb M ncpg&bonre, &pm will 3 deftropc t MoTo batbairoap?ouoelobcandanbpcftomheB l 3wpM notfuffrebpm. a)pneepe0lobe Ditto focba0 be faitbfullin tbelande, that tbcp mape dwell witb mc-wbo fo leadctba ffodlplpfc, bcOialbempferuaunt. ttre (ball 110 btfcratfuli pcrfonne dwell in my bonfc: be that tellctb lpc0, (ball not tarp in »t V fVflt)t. 3 Own foonc deftrope all the DngoOEp tbatare m tlje lande , tbat3 mape rote out all wpcbeddocr0 from tie cptieof tbci,o?oe. C£be.ci(.^falmc. DOMI.NE EXAVDr ORATIONEM. bef o?c tbe loiSr *"' W compIiWe " * <£arcmpp?aper, O lo?de,5d left mp crpengc comcmDntotbc. =kk~« ^P z 8* 9* face fF0 ™ *» tDc tpme of mp trouble: eclpnetbpneeare0Dn= jomewben3calI,flDbeareme > anb^rpp;bt foone. ffo?mpdape0arec5fumedattaye Ipae fmohe,Sd mp bone** arc b?ent Dp, as it were a tm b?ande. ty? Here i0 fmpt ten downcund wptbercdlphe graffe, lb than f o?getto eate my b?ed. Jot tlje Dopce of mpcrronpiiffe.mpboiiewpjlfcarfecleneco m Pile*. 3 am become ipbc a teeltpcane 25 of v ttOjgmtM ipbc an Twie ft$ Mb*. lege, 3bauewatcbed,frameue*a08twei;e afparow, tbat uttetb alone Dpon.tbe Don re pttimtM. Htnl V.n $&M» ■;l- :(B a ii ^pfal.u' iif.a toppe. %nee»empe0rcuvieme all tbe dapelfige:frtb«y*batarcmadbDp6 trte,are fwo?nc together agapnft me. 3fo?3baue eaten afbejg a0 at were bjeb,nnd m»D mp b?pncftwitbtx>eppngc. 3ndtbatbccaufe pf tbpne tndisnacpon $ w^atU,f 0? fljon had fallen me Dm caft medowne. mv dapefli are mm Iptte a*j|idowe, and 3am wptfte- redlpijcgraffe. -JBnttbow, ©io?d,ffia!t endurefOKUCMnbt&premcmbianncctbo* row out all ojenewicpon^. mm M\t a= SE#*f wm 9 W * ><0 «» fo? Diom^ all tbe apnsetf of tbe eartbtbp rnateap. tgbantbelo^dlbaUbttpldetip 5)ion,and wban w glow foal aiieare; . *». tolm " Je t urnctl) l)»m tinto f Dc p^aper of fp^c. c 5bitf(balbew^pttenfoni)ofetbaf comeafter:*ft p people wbic^ibalbeboine, *m*tm OmUp^apfetbe tm. Molupm loaed ' do wne from bitf$)ilctuarp , out of the liea= uen dp; tbe io?de beftoldr ? eartb. At pemigbt bcaretbe mournpno;esl of focbatf bemcaptniife, and delpu er tbe cf)pld^cnap= popnteo Dntodeatii. ^Datt|)epmapcde= dare rte name of tiielpjdetn&ion,aobiiS *> wo^jiucat3erufalemV mttowW * S9E5E9 f V*?' ? ' Bpngdome^aTfo SSS* 1 ??? toprp^ndibo^cned mp dapesf. But 3 fiiipeo : fl> mp 0od , taUc m J » ot awnpe in tbt mpddeft of mpne age: a* fo? tbp peareiBi , tyzy endure t|)o?ow out all gencractontf . « ^IjoiKloide in tbe be= M« f i« WWW tbefoundacpon of the Kfe* eartb, and tbe beauenjs are tbe wojcfte of tnp &*% ^fefoal^^ifocbuttboulbait gDure.tbepali(baUweji;eoldea0dotbaflar= ment, andasia Miftun Omltt&ou cbaunae tbem,and tDep OialbecDaafied. tf ne front W filSf^ffl? iVjfMM (ball not faple. ^P 5 W L? f SB «w»*fi W (ban cfitpnue, $tbeirfede(baiiftondefaftwtftpfpabt, Cf&fwXtBfetoie, BENEDiC ANIMA MEA. — J ^apfe tbe to?de, flDmp foule.and fo?fiet not ail ^btnefw. IffiSS fitmitietf. tt)btcbrauetbtbplpfefromde. ftruccpon, and crownctb ttevofammn* to* vm fcpnbneuv tt)bpcbfa«rfpef|jtb? mouth tn»th irnnh thtin^nr ~. *L51i*V^ ^o.]tjr, I ^eibewcdbf «f wape? Dnto©)ofeiaf , bv^f too^tojel Unto tbe cbpld?en of jjfrael. t «.ttt((fM * % be io?d itf f ull of cCpaffpon 9 mercp, SffiS lonselufferpn&anoof sreatffoodntu"e. , w will not allwape be cbpdpnge,netber bepetb be W auger f 0? euer. !&z batb not d eal t w( tb M after oure fpnne& ncr rewar = bed waccozding to onre wpchedneffe^ . *»W4to«. «» .* te loke^ow bpe tbe beauenijS in com= parifon of tbt eartb > f greate i0 jrctf mercp alfotowardetbfffearebinr. lo&ebow wpde alf tbe eaft iv from tbe weft , fo farre tKfthefetourefpnneiftomW. ^eelihe axJ a father p(tietbb#awnecbUd;tcn,cue"(o -T Ijsi the toide mercpfull Ditto tM f f care&lm. irfiiKwS Wltehnowetbwtjerof webemade,*be of man are but a* grade, f 0? be flojubetb ajS af loureof tbe felde. if oz a* foone a* tbe wpndegoetpouerit, it 10 gone, and f place tpcrof (ball Rnowe it nomoie . ©uttbe htercpfulgoodnetfeof i lozdcenduretb fo? euer truer ,Dpontbem tltatfeatchim^bftt rpgbteoufntlfe Dpon cbplderjS cbplbzen. . @ue* Dponfocpaiel hepe ^isicouenaunt, $ tpincne Dpon bP0 commaundementeis to do • t pern . 'Cbe loid batb prepared M feate lnlteauen,Sd hi0Rpngdomeruletp oucrall. €>pjtapfe tbe lozdepe angeW of |)l0,pe f ercell in ftrengtfrpe tltat f ulf pll W coma ii* dement, $ fwlten Ditto tie Dopce of #0 wo^ be*. £> pzapfc tbe lo?d all pe b«0 fcofteg, peferuauute0of bi0.thatdo bigpleature* €>fpeahegoodof f lojdallpe wo?be0 . of bi0, in all place0 of bus dominion.pia pfe tbou tbe Ho$Dc, €) mp foule. «• CEl)e.ci(ii.|&faIme.^(&))2Dana).) BENZOIC ANIMA. 3& I 3 *$rt>!.|,c jffSSjfJspi^ m ^w P yyii a nii«uiMuy«i5£in4icgie. ^betOJde «. allf JjemtUatareoppteired witDtwonge. ^eujewed *lRapfe^ lo?d ©mpfoulc: €) lo?d Imp (0od,tbou art become e^ceadpnge Iglo.uou0,tbou art clocked witb maie- ftp and ijonoure ■< 'Ciou decheft tyy felfe wftl) Ipg|)t,a0it were witl) a gacment.and fpzedeft out tbe beauentf Ipke a curtapne. tDbicblapetb tbe beamed of W cp8bcr0 in tbe water 0,^ maftetb tbe cloude0b(0 cba= ret,9 walhetb DpS tbe wpnge0 f f wpn'dr. ■ * l^emahetbbW angcl0 fpjetcss , and W mpnifter0a f lampnge fpze . |ne laped t^c f oundacpd of tbe earth, that itneuer (bulde moue at enp tpme. 'Cbou coueredft it to tte depe IpUe a0 wp tb a gacm It tlje waf er0 *»&i.twe ftandeintbebflle0. ^3de tbp rebubethep ^ f Ipe.attbeDopcc of tty tbondcr thep are a* 20 rlraped. Ubepgo Dp a0 bpe a0 t\)t b^Ue0, and downe to m Dallep0 benetb : euen D 11= to tbe place, wbiebtbou baft appopntedfo? *j*. tm t *Nnt. * ^bou baft fet tbcm tbetr houtt = mttHttA de0,wbicbtbep (ball not pa(Ie:uetber turnc *"■*•• agapnc to couer tbe eartb- ^efendetbtbe f p?ingr 0into tbe rpuer^, wfjicb r tine am ag fbe bpllel. 311 beaff e0 of f felde b;pncae tberof : and tbe wplde a(fe0 quench tber? WW*. Befpde tbcm (ball tbe foule0 of p apzebaue tbep?babttacpon, 9 fpngeamdge tbe b?aucbe0. i^e watretb tbe hpllc0 from aboue, t^e earth 10 fplled wptbtbefrute of tbp wo;c8e0 . $eh;pngetb f 02fb grade foztbecattell, adgtenebcrbefoztbe tetutcc of men.- tbatbemape * b?pnge fode out of -.^ CTC w tbeeartb : and wpne tbatmaaetb slab tbe herte of man, and ople to made bim a cbear * full countenauce , and b?eb to ftrengtb mStf bette. / Cbetree0of tbe lojdalfo are full C of fappceuf tbe €ed2C0 of iibanu0 wbicb be batb planted. tDberintbebp2de0maae tbeir nefte0 , and t^t fp*re trcc0 are a dwel= lpngfo?tbefto?cfee. %ty bl?ebille0 area refuge fo? tbe wilde goate0 , and foate x^t ftonp rocfte0 f 0? the conpe0. I^e appopn= tedtbe$)oonefo2certapnefea(on0, and tbe S>unne&nowctbb^8opnge downe. Ubou maneft darcftneffe, " tbatitmapebe it, wberin all tbe beaftc0 of tbe foteft do ie. ^belp60 roaring after tbeir pipe tolebctbeprmeateatC5od. Hhenmne arpfetb, and tbcp gettbem awape together, and ipe tbe downe in tbeir dcnne0. *&)an -HOmm* goetbfo?tbtobi0WO2CKe,5dtobP^laboure Dntpll tbe euenpng. * £) io?de,bo w ma= *w&t«t.t.. nifoldearc tbp rootctatfrfn wpfoomc baft $ made tbcm ail : tbe eartb & full of tbp rp * cbe0. £>oi0tbi08ceatead wpde fee alio, wbcrittaretbpngc0creppncreinnumi:rable, both fmall and greate bcaftc0. 'Ebcrcgo r . tbe(hippe0, and there i0tbat * (<^ tenia = z~& tbS.wbomtbou baft made, to tafee bp0pa= *"eri,KWii ftpmc tberin. *'Cbcfe wapteallDpo \Xk> 1®$* s tbat tbou mapeft gcue tbem mcatc in due f»ff t S.c feafon. luben tbou geueft it tbcm , tbep gatber it: and wben tbou opened tbpne bad, tbep are fplled witb good. U)be tbouhp- deft tbp face , tbcp aretroublcd: wban tbou takeft awape tbeir b?etb > tbcpdpe , and are turned agapue to tbeir duft. IDbcntbou letfeft tbp b?ctb goo fo?tb,tbcv (balbc mad, and tbou (bait renuc tbe face ot tbeeartb. 'ftbe glo?(ou0 maicftp of t\\e Ho?d Qtall endure fo? euer, the to?dc (ball rciopfe tit bp0 wo?chc0. %i)e eartb (ball tremble at the lobe of bpm s pf be do but toucb tbe bpl 3 le0.tbep(balifmobc. 3wpll(pngc Ditto the lo?de a0longc a03 lpuc,3 wiUp?apfc mp C£>oOwbple3bauempbepngc. 7m fo (ball mp wo?de0 pleafc bt: mp tope fbitlbe in t\ie io?dc, 30 fo? fpnner0,tbep ftialbc confumed out of t\)e eartb » and the Dngod* Ip (ball come to an ende : *p?apfc tbou the ^^^^ to?dc , sDmp foule. $?apfetbe lo?de, 1 y CCbe.eD.^falme, CONFITEMINI DOMINO* ®$ew; He V \ i . x -J Al 4 i-i 31 .*f.p.ir.rW.I> *<3B*Mt&anltt$Mto tbe lojbe, -SH cal t>pon frytfname: telltbc people, ttU»ttbynfic*be&atbbone! let vow* fongt»be of bwi; anb mayfcbym* anbietyourcf4lRyngebeofallby«wonbe= rmiawojcacf fccioyfembtfbolyname, ictt^cbfrtoetlKmmovff.tjacfeftcp loi- Dc :&eaetbrio2b,anbbfeflrengtb,reae W face euetmojte. . ftrait" b2c t\K marue* loutfwcReatbatbebatbbone.btgwfibrrg ant'tbcmbgmTntctfofbwmoutb. ®vt reorof gtyabam Ins feruannt,yc cbpibie" of 3acoblHEicDofcn- $eig tbe io2bcourc .,.b t & »**«? WKMOWS. . *@Uen tfjC COBC t.scnc.rrt^a'^'KlJaaemaijctBttli^b^iajit^iiD*? *<&. Kwo, c oo^ t&at be fwate bnto 3fabac . * and apoyntcb tbe feme *nto3acob fojalawe, anBito 3fraci f oi an cucrlaftyncre telfcumSt. jj^iyenge:*mot!)ewyH3fie«e?lanbe of <5taiiaan,tbelotof yonreinberyramice, 25 tDbcntbercwatfycebutafeWeoft anb tbey fti-aungcr* in t $e lanbe . : twwc egroeaf tbey went Horn one nation to ano* tf)ec,f ro oncftyngbome to niiotljer people. *c5c n c.«p fc *$e runted no man to bo tbem w ( K>ng, .na.tr.a butrepiouebcucnuyngetffojtbciefaW; 'fcoucb not mync anoy nted,$ Do mp mo= uljctcsfnofjarine. ^ojouer.becMlebffiia oartD lopon tlje lanbe , anO beftroyeb all tlje *aOcooren. 300t&tfe(l&cweD hitftoUenjS amoiigrtljem > 8n0t»on0ee^ intftdahOe of *'*&»*! ^5. *^efcntOarchneu"e^itW8j{oareBe, ^r o=s-an'D tl)et> were not obeopcntijnfofiv^ *£co btro tjjo^be, ^ fee tutneb thevr ujateefi mo I ^o«fiDtfo?tbrcogfle0,veectt? intbe(rftpn» I *£v»m* ffeacDamberji. *l9elpabetktD02De,anD m««j jjeirojiiarteea. *feeffattetD^apIeftonejs fo?rapjie,anb flammejjfof fp^c in tyitl&bt. i W-: &M '! ,ff -I no beuourcOWejtuteoftljeirfitOunoe; ^fmoteaUrbyi>2ftbo?nc ItttlJifitJjaHOe, J»*iV ' Miaa gergeame, ;« ca^per^miti 3tt00P0eatet)pallt Ottejru uttiffw b^ougiit tbemfoitl atto tf MufRS solfie, WS 1 tberc wa^ hot one Pcble perfgne aitiao; tte ^ gW«i ol»re tbev f-aliVa? S * iubjement , anb oo rvabteoufneg. me = membjcme,€>lo v }be,aceo^t)n8eto ffa« noure tbat tbou beareft tjnto kmoA-h Wnmwmn» faluacwut. v A 3 tn ^c alabneffe of bp people> $ geue tftan - ftedwytb tbmr enberrfaunce. StoErar l^nneo Wbouwfiitbertf, toebauebonea* mpffe v anbbealtt» ? C8fbIt>: AffiS rwoeonot tbjwonbefeineSf?ne= frrkert ttottp create goobnefle in re= «, mcmbjaimce : but lajcre DiTobebicnt at tbe • bclpcb tbem f q>. bK* name* fafte , tbat be nncnbtntaEiebMttowrr tobe ftnoiwS bipeobprfolje lebb tbem teoti tbe beoe aS%otoaw?»lbei:mire. -mmm ■«A%»ft# banbe of tbe?Spf * 30foi tbofetbiJttronWebtVn^Si. +iSwW/ of tbrrn left. _ * i^ben beleueb tbep J)y0 ww< 1 *ftf* P^fet)nto bwh. tDojcfcw,»n»oibewotafebrh%^tt»ir la-* C J5uf!«ft!cameDpont|)emintbettjaDet:- «elTe,anpebeptemjJteO(l5obintbebeferte. ^nbbeianejjemtbeie befwe, anb fene ^j- ^rleaneuewitballintotbeirfouie. ^•tbeyngteo^oresfalfointbetentetf.Jb mm* 2larontberanneteof tbelo?bc. ^jfeotbe eartb opcneb.anbftjualotofb Mo Nathan, 9 coue«btl»ee6oreffacionof3lbiram. 3lno tlje fv« watf Svnbleb m tbeir company , tHe Walm&tbii fitti* *iSSyf # O^^ientyptbe^ngoblT?. ^tbevma i**** be a calfe in^o?eb,ano wojQjfopcb f mol > *KOTM.t. unvmW' ♦'EDiitftlieptiunebtbeitgiio^ *««.i««i *jO«m.j»t» f v into tMmiUtube of a calfe, tbat eatetb 5a|»e. 3lnb tfjep fojgat 000 1 beir ^a- «> i»iouee,i»bicbl)abboneTo0reatetbT»nacjfiri Cgipte. t»onbcrou0t»o?cfte0 in t&lanbe of feam^nbfearfull tbingcis bt> tbe eeeb fee. a>oberapbbet»olbebauebeOeopebtbf, babnot$pofea!)tpebofenftgbebefo2ebYm in tbatgappc:to tueneawapebifl! Wtiiffla inbtgnacion,left be OmlDebe&roye tbem. *Eee tbep tbougbtfeo^ne of f vleafaunt lanbe.anbgaueno creoc neebuto bigrooio* But muumnrebintbeic tMi8 , anb her* tab not torito tbe bovce of tbe lo?be. ^Iienlyftbe^pbiieibanbagapnatliem, _ to ouertb?otoc tbemintbe toilbernexf. %o «» caft out tbeir febeamonge t^z nactoti0 ,5b to *iiui.ttt>,« feater tbem in tbe Ianbe0. ^'Cbeviopneb B$£* 9™ feltte^to^aameoj,abeatetbeof s mm* feringesioftlJebeeb. CbujJtbcvpiouofteo Dim "Onto anger wttb tbeir a tone inuencios; anbtbeolagetoa^greateamongetbem. 1.1 m * / Coenttobet)t» WnebejSanbpiaveb,* fo t^t plage ceafeb. ainb tbat toast coun= ^ .„ tebt)ntobimfo?rigbteoufneirc,amongeaU tSSS! pofterttestfo^euermoje. ^ *^bet>angcreb m*m. g im aifoattbewaterjsof ttrpfe.fof tern* nvt^cb a)ofcj{ f 0? tbeir laae*. 25ecaufe tbep mouoKcb b«fp?ete,fo f be fpauetjnab* liifeblf mw* IpppesJ. .aetber beftr y eb mm,m « tbcp tjje l^eatben, *as( m lo^be commaun* Smt% *** %m. 26ut werempngleO among tbe ^eatjif ,anb lerneb t^tw TOojcftejJ. fn fo jf mocltftbep woii&fppeb tbeir^bolc^txiljieb *****&& Q 9*** atxwebecave. ^Peetbeyot^ ts&fi&t, ftcb tbeir fonnejs anb tbeir baugbterjei tjnto K;" ,,lt beue w * 3Bnb Oieb innocent bloube , turn fe» ^ WMdi of t^ 1 * 1 foflwr 9 of tbeir baugfc IKS tew.wbotbepoffeebtjntotbepboletfofca^ tiaan.Sb tbt Ianbe wa* befyleb txiitb bloub. ^buis were tbe? ttayneb toitb tbeir at»ne mo?cftC8l, anb went a tobotynge wy tb tbeir awneinuencfonft ^bwfoiewaiif tmatb of pJUttbe ftynleb agny nft bp»t peoplcin fo mocb^wabboireobysiawne enberitattnee. • 36nb begouetb^ oucrinto tbebanbe of f <& %eatb5,anb tbey tbatbateb tbem, wereloi- . bejsquer tbem. 'cbcirenemycjai optneOeb iDem,anb bab tbem in f ubiem on. &)any atymebibbebelyuertbem,buttbeyrebencb agapftbwn toitb tbcirawne inuencioms, ? were bioug[jtbot»nein tbeir wycftebneu"e. -wA'Hf^HF^^^ftwetbrtrabuer* \&l$te*tetty*rtptowte> Uetbougbt mitopmultitubeof frtnmcm, Ptt be ?f?«? e «K*bfef bab lebb W*mvmw* ue,topyf it mm. *>elyuet \}*( © ioibe S uw ^b)anbgatl)ertojjfrom amonge tbe »eatben:tbat t»e mayegeue tbScftejj to tbp bolyname,$ maaeoureboaft of tby Piayfc, #M ^ ICU «bbetbeloibe(5obof3fraeifta^^r,.3 eneriaflhmg anbwo2lbe witboutaibe, jlcc all people faye#mf ,%mtn. ^?ayfe f ioiu. w ; C^be.eWi.Jdfalme. CONFITEMINI DOMINO. ]* ^euetbancBc* bnto tbe ioib,foj % bewgracyottjS, anb bi0 mercy enoui w.»«.t«.b ^^^retbfo^euer. let tbemgeuetbac SSS?! - Restooom tbe lojbebatb rebemcb,anbbe= »•«»«•». mm. lyuereb from tbe banbe of tbcenemye. SSS - *"" aftibgatbewbtbf out of tfx ianbc&fro § Caft,an6trom tbe weft,from tbe floM .la frfitbejfeoutb. 'Sbey we" t a ftrayc in the ttilpemeffeoutof^wayc^fomiDcnocitie toftwelin. l^ongrie 9 tbirftye.tbeir fouic fayntebintbem. fbo ttyy crpeb tnto the lo2beintbeirtroubIe,abljebeIyucrfbtlicm ftom tbeie bittreffe. I^e leb tbem foitb by rberygbt waye.f tbey mygbt go to tbe cy tie wbere tbey bweit. C> tbat me" wolbe tber us fpip2ayretbelO2be,W2biiB!ffoobne0,abbc-- claretbewonberji^ bcbotbtoitbe cbylbzen of men. ^^02 be fctifryeb f emptie foiile, *■+*** anbftlleb tbebongrye foule witbgoooneffc. ****'m* &och ajs fy t in barcanefTe 9 «« tne Qjabo w of beatb,bcyng fall bounb in my rery s m . 25ecaufe tbey rebellebagaynft tbe w'02* M of tbe L02be, anblygbtlyregar beb m coacell of f moft bygbec, l^e alto b2ougbt bowne tbeir bart tboiow benineffe: tbey fell bourne* tbere wajinoue to belpe tift. fto wb$ tbey cricb t>nto f loib in tbeir trouble, be bcliuereb tbe" out of tbeir biftr«u"e ^02 be b?ougbttb^ out of barc&neffe&out of f Qja= bow of oeatb, frtya&e tbeir bfibe^ in fonber . e fa JRcm^.tic.a V Palme.cbm,w. "si 1 r m* ' J - ",.t: xaoKftitjS w statutes. U^c v P ff ° bourne to tpe f«* in u)YPPt*Unb occupic tbeir bufp= mile in great watertf. ^ lie fe men fe tie woicbeiai of tbe iozb.anb W wSbcr tf in toe mi *j«ia*.f.». bcapc. *ifo2at|Mwo2&,pft02mpwpnO awfttb.wbicblYftetbfcp m rcauetf tbecof. Hbtp are carpcbUp to tbe beaucn, anb bo wne agay ne to tbe b ea pc , t betr f oul e mcl* tctb awape becaufe of tbe trouble. %\)ty rcleto anb fro, anb ftaebec ipbca bioncbcn i man , t are at their mitten enoc. S> o tuba" tbepcrpe unto? 102b in tbeir trouble, be be* * jttaf.wij.c ipuerctb tljl out of tbeir biftreffe. if o?*be mabe tj) t b e ft 02m e to ceaffe, fo tbat f w aue a tberof are ftpll. ^benaretbeYglabbccau* fe tbev be at reft ,5b fo be typngeto tbem Un= to tbe baucn where tbep wotbe be. Otbat D men wolb tbeef 02c pjapf e tbe loibe f 02 bY* goobne&anbbeclaretberconbicjSf be botb toi tbe cbilbien of men. 'Ebat tpep wolbe eralte bim alfo in tbe congregation of f peo = ple,anbloaue bint in tbe teat of tbeclberj*. ' m urn a * Wbtcb turnetb tbe f loubesi intoa rcil* ternetTc.ano bipetb up tU water fpjp Sfrutefulllanbemabctbbe barf, f wpebebneffeof tbem tbat b well tbctfu. 3gapnc, be maaetlj tbe wllbernctf a ftan= bpngewater.anb water fpipngctf of . a type grounD. 3nb tbere be fettetb tbe bongrie, tbat tbe v mave bu ylbc tbem a cptfe to well in 1Cbat www force tbeir lonbcanb plante Upneparbe* , to pelbe tbemfruteB" of were ale. $e bleOctb tbe\fo tbat tbep mul* tiplpe cjccenbinglp.anb fuffrctb not their ca* tell t o becreare. 3CnD agapnewbe* tm are miniftieD anb bp ougbt lo we tbojow opp?ef= fion,tbo2o w en p plag 02 trouble. 'ftbougb be fufrretbem tobceiicllintrcateb tho?owe tpiauntcjs, anb lett tbem rcanoie out of tbe wape m tbe wilberneffe. getbelpetbbetbe poo?e out of mifcrp, f mabetbblm bouflbol= besiptteaflocbeoflbepe. ^berpgbteoujs wj>Uconrpb2etbitf,anb cciopfc,$ tpemoutb of all wpcuebneffe (ball be ftoppeb. tt)bo foftf wpfe, wpll pontile tbere fffenge*: anb t\)ty ujall unber ft Sb tbe loupng bpnbneu"e0 of tbe I020. C^bexWii^falme. PARATV'M COR MEVM. % fongc anb a pf a im c of jDauib. I Mi n m % (5ob*mpbertis( reabp^dnvDAttftre «v? 3 willfpnge, a no geue p^apfe t\)t Deft me"bjetbat3i?aiie. 3^wabe 3 Jm o* t ^ 5 tboulute anb barpe, 3 mp felfe wpllawafte r pgbt ear ip. 3 will geue tbancbe^ Unto f (flDto?be)amongtbepeople,3wpllfpnge p?apre a unto t^z among t\it nacionft 5fo? tbY'nercp ijjgreatertbentbebtaufij v« ano tbptr uetb reacbetb Unto tbe cIouDesf, ; *»dmj* *s>etuptbp felfec© d5bo;abouef bea> uen0,anOtppglo^paboue all tbe eartb. ITbattjpbeloueb mapebe belpuereb.-let tDYrYBbtlwnbefauetbem , anbbcare fme. ^d5obbatbfpobeninbiiaibolpnc0, 3 wpll *pai.fcb reiopfe. tl)ccfo?e » anb beupbe ©icbem, anb meete out tbe Uallcp of jfeucbotb. mntaU it mpne.anb j^anaffetf ixs mpne, *»taim,ii h epD?aim alfo itf ; Itre-gtbof mYbeab^nbi € ' Wmplawgeuer. .^oabijSmpwaljjpotte, oucr €06 will 3 call: out mpfboe: bpb W* liftca w()elpe\isfasapitft^ encmveifo^apneisltbebelpeof man. : ^bojorc Coo we (ball bo great attest.- f it iswftall teeac e bo wne outenempe^. DEVS LAVDEM ME AM. ^o tbe cbaunteip,al&falme of toauft ©Ibe not thy tonge ( (5ob ) of mp <* P^apfe. if 0? f moutb of ^ bngoblp, * peeanbtbemoutb of tljc bifccatfull i% openebj)p6me,5ftbep bauefpoben againtt me wttb raife tongeft. trtyy copafeb me aboutajfowitbrco?besiof batreb,^ fougbt agapnft me witbot»t a caufe. if oj tbe lone ^3 bab Unto tbem, io,tbep tabe now mp cfi* trarp part,but 3fieue mpfelf Unto p?apce. ^buii.baue thy rewarbcb me euell foj mm tmmm> SO to tbofe tbat fpeabe euell njrtpiiftmpfottle. aSHWlaletbou^me (I>lojbect*9amm tbou an Ungoblp man to be ruler oucr bvm . * anb let 5) 3 tan ftattbe at W rpgbt banbe. tobcttfentencei[sitjeuenUp5T)tm,letbim m * bcconbemneO,ab lutbw P?apee beturneb (it to fpnne. * let W bapes: be few, anb let **m anotber tabe W office. Xet bitf cbplb?g be fatbcrieftc,abbts!ujp^awpbow. HetbiiS cbtlOjienbc uagabounbejS,*beggtbe(r toeb: lett tbem febett al(i) out of befolate placed lettbe ertojciOMrcottfumeall^be Oatb, «* anb let ft raungerg fpople bus laboure. m m let tbere be no man to petpebpm,ner to baue compaffpon UponWtf fatberlelfc cbpl«= teen, let b# pofterite be beft ro peb,anb in tm nejrt generacpon let $?$ name be cleane gut out. letf wicbeDnefTe of bY# fatberjei ebabin remembiwunce in tbe fpgbt of tbe lonbcanb let not tfje fpnne of biiaf motber Jbe bone awape. lettpem alwape be before tbe lo2be,tbatbentaperote out tbe memo= nail of tbem from of tbe eartb. ainb tbat becaufe bY^mpnbewajS not to bogoob, but pcrfecuteb m pooje belplelTe man , tbat be mpjibtaapebrm.tfiatwaiJUejcebattbebert "" " " C % I" jHstb.tii.b totb.it lUitbefarrefrombim, feeciotbebbim felfw t&curfpngli*ea*wftbarapment:$ it{baUcomeintobij(bowc^lpbewafer,5D ipbcopleintp|jpj(bonei5l. lett it be Unto Inma^tbeclobetlMitbebatbUpObim.aoasi tbegp^bletbat be«tauwapecsp?iiebrtai!. letittbufljappnfromtft lmt tont0 - m^ne #»w.». ^tbep tbat lobeb upon me,Cbabebtbeic Jea= bejs(. feelpeme(i3Dio?bmp©ob)obiaue me acco?bpnge to t\)p mercpe. 3nb tbep (ball Imo w.Ij orc tbat tyy# i$ tlw banb, anb tbattbou 102b baftbone it. wutibttyy eurfe,petbleuetbou:anblettbem be cofoun= ■beb, tbat rpfe Up agapnft me, but let tbp f er= tiauntretopfe. lettmpneabuerfarpegbe elotljebwitb(bame:anb let tbem couer tbem feluetl t5 tbeir owne c f nfton ,a£ xb a cloabe. M f ot me, 3 w pi I geue great t bancbetf unto tbe lojbe rcitpmp montb> anb piapfe *mM*.tym amongtbemultituoe. jf 0** be mall ftanb at tbe rpgbt banb of tbe poo,ic,to f aue tofoulefrom UnrpgbteoujJ iubgetf. CEfje.cje.^falme. DIXIT DOMINVS DOMINO. % $falme of awuib. ty loibe fapbe unto my io?be: *3>pt tbou on mp rpgpt banb, Unti u 3 mabe tbine enempesi tbv fotcftole. "EbelojbujallfcnDe Btye rouoe of t\)y power out of $ton,be y ruler euen in tU mpbbeft among tbpue enempesl. 3n tbe bape of tbY power (ball t\)y people of re tbe f re wpll oftrpngeg mmt ^anftolpwo2ft)ippe t tbcbeweof timvW 4mm ^ofj?w5beoftbemo2npng. *^belozb SSjc*' frcare.f wpll not repent: * Qon art a pie ft ' " 25 foj euer after f otber of 4l)elcbifebec. 'Cbc loibe upon tbp rpgbtbahbe , mall wounbe euenbpngcjs in tbe bave of bwwzatb. 3^c fliail be f uoge am ong f ]^eatben,be (ball fpu tbe placed witbbeeb bobpesl,^ fmptea fon= bee tbe beaoess otter ttuerfc countre^. Ipe (ball 02 pnebe of tbe bzobe in tbe wape,tber« fo2e (ball be lYf t up bijsbeab. CCbccjci.pfaime. CONFITEBOR TIBI DOMINE. it — ^^avfttbeio^be. ^,(MrtHf 8 ^ra*^Hatwti)ancbej2iUntotbel02b witbmp wbole bert: fecretlpatrtonj |tbefaitbfttH,anb(n t|e congregacto. iimm.m« * , cbe wo2cbe0of tbe i02be are fireat> fougbt out of all tbe" { baue pleafure tpevin. feisi wo?cbe ig wo2tbp to be p2apfcb 4 bab in bonour e.anb W rpgbteoufncfte enburetb f02euer. ^hpmcccpmlKf gracpoms io2be batb f bone w tita t uelousi w wt# » f tbe Y ougbttobeb«t)inrememb?aunce. *iljebafbgettenmeaeunto tbem f fcnre^ Ce " w «"-; bf,bctftjal euer Jbeminbfull of tot couenaQt.*? °« Jtt « c : Ipebatbujewebbijai people tbe power of w ; W W02cbc?3(,^be mapegeue tbem tbf berp» tage of titc ty jatben. %ty wo2cbe» of bus (ante* are Uerptes fobgement,aUbi0 com= maunbmentesi are true. %tyy ftanbfaft f02 euer anb euer,anb are bonein ttuttfymb edutte. IpefentteDempcponuntobtt peo- pie.bebatbcommaunoebbW couenaunt fo? euer.bolpanb reuerentW byname. tZ^ms^muA feare of tbe lojoe ig tl)c begpnmng of wifc Kfff oome, agoobUnbcrftanDpngbaueall tbep mfr tbat bo tberafter:p p?apfe of it enburetb fo* euer . r» (tomto an %mt f.m* ^neijSmercpfulUoupnganbrpgbteoujsl. »u»H«b.ti.c % goob man idmercpfnil.anb lenbetb: 5b mm ** m '* Wpllgpbebi!0!wo2Oe0^ bifcrecion. if 02 bcfballneucc bemoueb « anb tbe rpgbtcoutf ftiail be bab in an euerlafting rcmcmbjaucc. 4ttE 39c will not be afrapcb fo: enp euell tpbin= * gesi,f02bijJbcrt ftanbctbfaft, ab belcuctb in m tbe 102b. fis bert W ftabliflicb: 9 will not mapncbcUnrtii be fe W bcfp2e Upon bitf enempcu. *If>c batb fpacfeb abtoab, anb uu£out,\> gcu0 to tbe pooie : anb bttf rpgbteoufnefi re= mapnetb fo2 euer , bY^ noim (balbc e.ral = teb wptb bononre. 'Cbe Ungoblp (ball fe tt,anb tt mail mm bim:bc mall gnaft) wttb bus tectb, 5 cofume awape: tbe befpje of tlft Ungoblp (ball perpm- '&be.cjciii.$falme. LAVDATE PVERT. ^2apfctbcl02be. ~ ^mapfetbelo2b(peferuauntej2l)€)f pf(trw . (i p?apfe tbe name of tbe loabc. tfa^ jiSlelTebbetbenameof tbe lo2bf, from tW tvme fo2tb fo2 ctictmo2e. 'Cbelo2bc0name ijsp2apfcb,from t\^t vU fpngup of t^t &unne unto t^t gopiigc bo= wne of tbe fame. %ty 102b is bpeaboue all^eatben,anbbifilglo2p aboue^bcaucnsi. 213 tDboisllYbeUneotbe loibe our cc5ob,f batb M bwcllpng fo i>yt,$ pet bublctb btm feIf,tobcbolbtbctbpnge8ltbatareinbeaucn 9 eartb' 1 *$* tabetb t)p tbe fimple out of p *.r. m^m Oiift.anb Ipftctb t})c poo?e out of tbe mp2e. ^bat be mape fettbim witb tbe p^incesf, eufwitbtbepzpnceiS of ty$ people. # . I^e mabetp tpe barf woma to bepe boufe; anb to N** ■ m; " : ffi*imUt%ttfiiQfofoilim V>-i\ *i *# anb robe a topfull motbce of cbflbjen. »falme. &«&'«?* toon. JMapfetbelbtfe. IN* BX1TV ISRAEL. I?cn3ftael came out of tifaypt, 5b the boufe of 3acob from nmbnge f ttraung people. *3uba watfbis* $>anccuat p.anb 3ffaellbttf bomp* t^Oe feefawe tb8t,anbfleb*3oja f" fo^wU3WUlj?ei)imas(loiiseasi3lvue. *£Defimrw>f beatbcbpaftbmeronnb ftta^ abouMnb tbcpapctf of bellgat Dold \jpon "' fe ^"i« S&3B*H ^ ,,I,e f*MW* a «bWMcu>,anb " (ball tall ton tbe name of tbe ioibec *D mp bonbesi to fonbee. 3 wpll offretotije, tbefac rifpec of tbanebcrgeupnge, anb wpll wiitjpontbenamuof tbefcojb. *3wpl( *_«„„ pawnptoM tmtotbelojbtotlje fpgb* aft P of allbfcpe opicto tbecourtctf of tbe Lojoea &oure,eu«iintbempbbeftoftbc,4D3etHfa= 1cm, ^apretfjetojbe. CCbcejcWi.^ralme. I.AVDATE DOMiNVM. % l*1&*apft tbe lojb all pe T9eitbe",p?apf e *amm bim all pe nation*. *#o?btemercp= mh* wll bpnbneiti ijs euetmoje anb mow to= watbb$,anbtbe«utboftbel,o?benbutet& fojeuee. fteaplefyelo$e. CfebttjctmX^ralme. CONPlTeMlNl DOMINO. *(5euettMineftejBft»ntotbelo^br,fo? % Be WfitartottSJ,becaufe bptf mercp *mm* enburetbf(*euer. let3fraelnow SKEW, cottfeffe^fowt &c is mm*,m)f fotsf mer even* *&.««•« buretb foj euet. Hct tbe boufe of aiaron ****** now confcffe.fDW mercp enburetb fo* erter. See let tbem now tbat f ear e tbe 1 02b c 6 - ft ffe.tbatbwmercp enburetb founet. 3faiieb^pontieio2bmtroiible,anbtbe Xoibberbmeatiaipae, *f UeXoiDWon «a«mmi mp/pbe, 3 twllwcit fearc wbatman boetb B ^ntome. TO! Loibetanerbrnp parted fpiejponrnpne ertempei 3m better to tr utt m tbe loib Men to put enp cbnfpbence ' Jnman. 3tfeb:prtotrttftmt|jeio2be, tbtntoptttenpcoMfpbencetop^nceiBi. , aunartoitfcojnpafebmerounbe abont, but to f mm of I ]to?be will 3 oeUr op t ^ . at tbep^efence of tbe io?o,attbe p^efence of 1&8&& b ^ c .^ 00 of 3acob.. *U)bicbturneb?batb mow* rocbctotoaftanbpnffctxiatcr,anbtDenpnt ftone toto a fpipnirpnge well. % CEbe.c?t).l&folme.' -. , NON NOBIS DOMINE. 3 K5$3a m tmto \jj(c © lo?bc)not tmto ttf, but \into tbp name geue ? pzapfe,f 02 iEs^^tbplouujmercp.ffo?tbptrttttieie(fa= *po»t.ijtrtt.t. be. *H)berfoie(baUpfeeatbefape:WJbcw W now tbeie d5ob.'' atjailo^ourec^ob.betst in bra urn, be W^ bone tobatfocucr pleafeb *pwmtbc tym. ^^beirpboicjSarefplueranbsolb, bane moutb,anDfpeaftc not: epe^bauctbep, anb fc not. 'Ebc? baue enre», f bcare not: norc?i{wuetbep,anbfmeiinot. Qmto* ue banbetfano bauble notsfete banc t jep, fib toalbenot, netbtefpeabetbeptbo^ou) tbeir tbaate. tthev tbat mabe tbf, are ipft e \m* . totbem,anbfoareailfocbaj3fput tbeirtruft 25 in tbem. 26ut«(iioufeofj jifrael trufttbou ***£* <"ft»eio?b,bebtjS*tbeiefuccoure$befence. *wu.*s gehonfeof anronpntpouretrnftto tbe lo?be:|)eigtbelrbelpcr>anbbefenber. Ve tbat fear e tbe lotfe.put poure truff to t^t io*b,be rttbeirbelper anb befenbee. ; ^ % be lo?be batb bene mpnbfull of \&, 2b C be qjail bleffe w.mn beaiallbleffetbe bon» fe of 3fracl, be (ball bleffe f boufe of ataron, fee Cball bleffe tbem tbat feare tbe lozbe, botb fmall 5b great, ^be loibe (ball en» creafe pou moje anb mo*e;pou,» poute cbil» b2en. pe are tbe bleffeb or tbe Iojd, wbicb 5) mabebeauen 9 eartb. 3U tbe wbole bea^ *»».« "en^atetbelojbesf, tbe eartb batb be geug SSSnSS J«to# cbjlbienof men. *Ztetmhmv* fenotf(0loib)netbernlltbep|soboSnc tototberplcnce: 2$utt»ewpllpiapfeehfc ioibe,,feomtbpj«epmef02tbfo?euermo2e. ^japfetbenojbe. C^be-cjcw^alme. PILBXI Q.VONIAM. a W&& 3m t»eU pleafeb, tbat tbe 1 o?be batb jherbtbe twp'ce of mp p^aper. 'Ebat li)ebatbetwitoeb^earet)ntome 3 tbe*:= ■ > * ■ 1 tfa.m't'f, Iv 1 ^IcpBCpfmeittbneucrpfpbe.tbepbept *■ 'meMKS^^Hetterpfpbe, butto tbenamc oftbeioibe,3^pHoettropetbcm. 'Sbep ■ . cameaboutemelplte beetf , anb areejftlwcte, thtn a# tbe f we amottae tbe tbo?nc0 , f 02 in tbe « am ^ of f be toibe3 >»pl bettrope tbem. ^r dor >Cbou baft tb?« ft fo;e at me , tbat 3 ittpjJbtftiU,buttbelo2bewa)Smpbclpe. &*,**.•<; *Ubelo*beWmp(fren2tb,«mpffige, n***^^ Wttwottiemp falnarton, *8Cbe tjopec * oftopeano beaitbWtof bwcllpngc* of m rpabteous : tbe tp$bt Danbe of tbe lo*be v bipnfiCtbmpfibtpetbpnacs{topaffe. W tpgbtbanbe of tbe loioebatb ppieemtofce, tberpsbtbanbeoftbelotbeb^ngetbmigb tietbPnficsJto^ffer 3 WpU not bpe, but jpne ,anbbedarctbe wo*rc0 of tbe lo?be. ^be lo?be batbebafteneb $ coztcctc me, uutbM>atbrtotgeucnmeoucr\)ntobeatb. €)pen me tbe gate* of rigbfeotifne&tbat 3 map go into tbem.? geue tbanBcj* *nto p Mfo* WW « tbe gate of tbe tojbctbe tpgbteousfOjalentretotoit. 3wpltb^»e - ^ wM tbou baft berbe me, anb arte become Sum Wf- faluacion. * ^be fame ftone UJbpcbe fuw.c' ' tbe buplberiel refufeb , t# become tfyetyHtH w.im.b. ftone to tbecoiner. -EbP* tt»ai8 tbe Lo^bciS bo jmgcanb ft tss m acucloutf in ourc epr S . asHpp^ (0 tbe bape, tobpeb tbe ioibc batb in mabc, we wpll reiopfe ano be gUO to it. mi JDelpeHKrae^noTB © JLnibc*o io;be,feube Mbm tot nowe piofperitie, * bleffeb be be tbat SSnUnfe commcfbmtbe name of tbe i,o*oe,Txietjaue uflif. f« wpCbcb jV« floob lucfee, pe tbat be of p Uoufe of tbe Ip • <^ob (^ tbe lo?be, Wpcbe batb Ibeweo \>silp gbt:bpnbe p fiicrif ice toftb coarbejS.pee cucn Mntotpe HfimU of panltce •ftbouartemp geue tbanUejS tjnto m lozbe , fo?be W gracious! anb bp* mcrcpe enburctb fo« eucr. CEbe.cjc^.^falmc. BEATUMMACVLATf. » jftleffeb^are tlwfe tbat be^nbcfplcbin m # ^thevcape: anb walHe in tbe lame of tbe lo2bt. 2Steu"cb ate tbcp tbat ftepe bP? te* ftimoni ej» anb fenebpm uiptbtbepiwbole bertc. if oi tbcp tobpebbo no tsjpchebnetf, mte&to* wapcis • r Cbou baft cbargeb that we (ball biligentlp bepe tbp cSmaunoe* mtntejJ . iW mp wapess were mabefo birecte,tba,t3mpgbt«epetbpftatutef. SoMOttol Tbeconfounbeb, wbple3 bauc refpecte Unto al tbPc6mannbementcjs ; 3i ww tba«tte p wptb an Vjnfapneb berte, t»b1n 3 (baUbaue learneb tbe tuogemente* offbprpgbteoufncffe .SWttfcewtbpce-. " tcmiijnfe?,0fojf^emenotttttcrip. -j-jf ffi tpfoewptbatt (baUapongemaucUttfe +* tbpwo^be^ td^bmpwbo!ebefrebaue3 fougbttbe. Cletmenotgowionge outof tbp commaunbemmtejs ; ■x'fcl&y wojbcfl •wans.fM ba tie 3 bpb wptbin mv beet e , tbat 3.ibuloe notfpnneagapnfttbe. bleffeb art tbou io^be, teacb me tbp ftntute^ .Q)ptb mp Ipppctf baue 3 bene tellpngeof all tbeuto* gcmente0 of w moutb. 3 Uue babbeaj^ great belpte to tl)t wapc of tbpteftwionie* , a&' in allmanee of cpcUcef. 3 wpiltaluc of tbp cSmaunbcmftesf , anb baue refpect \jnto tbP wapctf. ^J)p belpte Qialbe in tbp ft atti tetf,anb 3 wpll not f o^gcttbp woibc . jD D welttnto tbP fetua iint, tbat 3 map C Ipue anb Ucpc tbp wo.ibe. iD'pen tljou mine epcs(,tbat3mapefetbcwonoetoujstbingcJi oftbplawe. * 3amaftaungcrUp6eartb, tfSy iDbpbenottbpcommauocmentcjsrromme. a)p(ou!e b L ieabetbout, fo,ttbetjec?fer= went befp^e tbnt it Utl) al wap tmto tbv i\to« gemcntcsi. ia:i)oubaftrebuU*Dtbepiioubr» anb cur feb arc tbep tbat bo crre fcom tbp com maubementesJ. 0t»rne fro meCbamcantt rebuke,fo,t3baueUepttbptcKimoniesJ; t&jpncejf alfoopbfpttes fpeaaeagapufe me,buttbPferuaunti0occiipicOtotbpftatu^ tejJ. $ oj tbpteftimonictf arc mp belpte , z~ A nnbmpcounccler^. ^r-^^pfouicciea= iStm% uctbtotbebuft, ©qupebentboume accoj* Opngctotbpwotoe. SbauffenorolcoscO mp way f 8, anb tbou bcrbc ft me, © teneb me tbpffatuttf. #afce me to wtbertt anbe tbe wapeof tbpeoinmaunDementcjJ , anb fo (ball 3 tallK of tbp wonberous woiliess . 4i)pfoule meitetbawapcfo? tjcrpbeup^ ncffccomfojte tbou me acco^bpng tmto tbp wo^be. Cafte from me tbe wap of ipcng, ^ can re tbou me to mane mucb of tbp la we. 3 baue ebofen tbe wapc of trntb .anb tbp tobgementes! baue 3 lavea before me. 3 baueftpebenjont b tW ttftimoniesf, lo^be confounbemenot . 3 wpll ntnne tbe wapc of tbp commatmbcmcntctf , wbcii; tbou baft fee mp betteatlpbcrtic . 'Sreacb _ me sDlojbctbewnpcof tbpftatutetf.anoj ® flja l Ucpc it Wit t^t cnoe . Co cue me WtD cc ftanbpugc,anb3mallftcpetbplawc,vcc3 (ballKrpcitwptbmpwbolebcrte. ®)al\t me to goto tbcpatb of tbpcommaftbcmen« tcjJ,fottbertoirfmpbifp?e . ^nclpncmp bertc >jutotbPtefttmomes!, anbnottocoue» toufneffe. ^Dtucncfliwapcmpneepcjj.ieO: tbcpbebolbc »anitiesa«b qupchen tbou me in tbP wape. ftablpOi t)^v wo v ibe to tbl» fcrtiaunttbat3mape fearetlje. ^abea- wape tberebuftc tbat 3 am afrapcb of, fo* tbP inbgementeslare goob * iBcbOlbc, mp belpte ijs in tbP commaunbementesi, <£> qupc ben me in tbp rpgbteoufneffe . let tbp lo* upnge mercp come alfo wttome,© lo v ibe,e= it urn tbv faluacion accotopng "b"to tbp woib. &o$al3mafcanfr0trc\mto mp bial* ybcnterjl m*A T *j* H * . + t * ■* J: !: : .< »• n .: •« 3i - t kl- ' *r l tfit m er Mo J nip teuft is in t&b t&ojbe. s3D take not tOt uwbe of tt eutytottctlp outtofmpmontkfojmpbopeitfint&piub* sementcftt $btyall3aiMW(tct» tfo? m»c,Kefojeocr«««er. 3n*3i»iHtDal. &y fer«attttibe rtp,fo*3 fcfte tto commaftbc* mittf*. 3tt>p}lltyaBcoftbptcfttoton(e* alfo*ucnbefo^pnge0,&wpilnotueaqm* mcft/ 3nbmpoelite Qjalbe in t&p eb"maii» tantntttf.fnQft Jfrue loueo. tift fym- $ej* air o t»pll31 v«e toptonto t&y commaao jwiitmeflSw^eatjlwiieioiieD^namvau* ^ Jj*awlteinti)pftatiite0. fefPmte Up5 *> COP Itouaut ajs concernpnge t W wSBfifam* rin tbou &att caufeb me to put mp tcuft. JbefamciBmpcomfoiteinmptroub!f» f oi tbp woibe pato (jupcBiieo me. 'ftfte wonbe baue bad me cjtccabpnglp in beeffion retjiaue 3 not ^pnfteD fcom tiip lawe. St oz 3 rememujeb tppne cuerlaftpnge iuo gementea, sD lojbt.anb teceaueo confoite .- *». 3amtJojriblpe afraptDfojt&etongoWp, tbatfojfauetbplawc. £bpttatnte0baue bcmmpfpngc0, in tbe boufe of mp pilgre* mage. 3 pane t&ongbt topontjp name, d> ! ojfte, i n tbe ni gbt feafon,anD tame Kept top law*. ^bP03DaDOc ) toeauft3fteptet»v «jmmum tSmaunbcmenresi. * 'fc&ousrtempwH* 1) cton, €>io2br,3&auepJbmpfebtoRepetbP m w . 3 mabe mpne bumble petition m tbp wcfcncf txutb mp wbole&erte, g> 6e mcr cpfuHtontomcacco2Dpnge tonto tljpwojbe* 3 call mpneotoncwape* to remgbiaucei ann toarne mp fete into t!)p tcftimoiKetf « 3lmabe&aftc, anbpjoJongebnoetbetra mc.to bepetbp commnuiiDemcntetf. JiCbe congcegactoiwi of tbe tongoblp baue robbcb me, but3 baue not fojgottftbp few, u 3* W n «rf* wyli 3 cpfe, to gpue t&an« Be0 tonto tbe, bpcaufe oft&p tpgbtuonsl lm> gcmnite0. ■ 3 am a companion of atlt&em tbat feare tbe ajtbaepetbpeommaunbcmeni *pc 8 .nm.a u&. * ^beeartb.sDiojDf.itffuiioftbp meKp.fiDtcacbemetbpiwtutejEf. 3 102b,tbou baft Dealt graciouflp with tpp ffcruaunMccozbpnge tonto tbp toojbt. £>learnemettuctonberttanbpnge,anb •anotoic bgc, f 02 3 Dane bcleueb tto comanrtf bemete0. 26efoje 3 0*10 troubleb,3 went _ '' ^onge,btttnottjei|)ane3Bepttbpt»o2bei mtuiw ^ '^{jon artgoob and gracious ^> teach metfipftatutetf. ^t)Ep?oubcbouepma« gmeoa Ipcagapuftme, bnt3wpu fcepetto comntaunbementesfujptDmptijhoienette. % Urn bf etc i% atf fat asi bjawne, bntmp bclptebiettDpmercpfim fcpnbneffe be mp comfo^te, acccy bpng to m wo^be tjn» tott>pretuaunte< J0lettl)ploupngemer» cye0come\)ntome,tDat3maplpue,foitl)p laweisunpbeiwe; lcttbep?oubebeton. - * f '"i A *\ f ounbeb, f ojtfeep go txipcfteblp aboute to be- fti:ove me : but 3 wpll be occuppebin tbpc6' mauubemente^. let focbastf tare tlje.anb twueftnowentjpteWmonie&be turneb W tome. OletmpiteDccteberounoeintbp Jatufe&tt)at3benotaQ>ameb, mtouft batblongeb foubpfaiuaciom anb3bauea I goob bope becaufe of tbp too?be . ^pneepesilfonge fo?efo?tbPt»o^be,fap« enge. C> totmn wp l te tbou comfo?te me. A M 3 am become Iplte a bottell in tbc fino»e,petbo tiotj fo^gettljp ttatutej? . j&owmanpjire tbt bapesf of tbp Utnmt mm wpit tbom b e auf geb of tbem $at pee- fecutemef Ubcp?oubebattebpggebppt* te a m me, wbP < b are u ot after tty la we . JIUtDpcommaQbemcntejEiaretructiiep jietrccute me falllp, © be tDon mp &e Jp* ^Dep bab almott mabc an enbe of me tops eartD, but 3 f oa foae not tbEtfimaabemf tejei . pmm meaftertUp roiipng hwrnt, (?roJaU3Repc;?teftimoniejgoftl)pmout^ iiDlo?be,tl)p wo?be enburetftfp^eucrin ttauen. * ^Ijp trutoalfo rema>ne/()ft;6 ^a onegeneraciontio anotUer : tDou&aftelapcd *?i tpe ronnbacion of tbe earf b,anb it abpbetti. «■»« ^ %\KV continmetbpjtJ bape acco^bpngeto %ne ojbf naunccfoj au tbpnfiiej&fcrue tbe. M 3fmpbelpte])abiiotbcnemtbplat»e/j Kbulbe baue perptibeb in mp trouble. 3 mi tieuec fojgct tin ic5maunbemetitesi,fo? ttitD tjjem tbou baft quickeneb me. 3 am tOprie, 5>b faue mc,f 023 baue f ougbt top c0ma u n* bementesf. ^Jie tjngoblp lapeb waptefoj metobeftropeme, but3t»PH confpber tbp teftimoniejj. 3fetDataitbpngeiJcometo . a an cnbe, but tty commaunbement ttf ejecea* f bpngeb?oabe. ^(iioiibo^liatloueftaue w 3witotftp|amefalt|iebapelongeWmp»» •^f??^ J£DoititbbJot» tUpcommaunbe= mentciel baft mabeme ttprer ttam mphe enc= mpexf,fo?tl)epai:eeuert»itDme. 3liaue mo^^nbcrftanliipngetlianmi>teac^riBi,foj tDpteftimoniefi ^irempftubie/ Smty* ftr tlien tbeageb,bpcaufe3 fctpte tip cauiafi bementcrf. . 3 baue tefrapneb mp fete from cuerpcttel^ap.f!)at3mapRejJetWttO?be . 3>nenottortbctiftomtEpittbgeiiien titf^tbouteacpfftme. ©jotoltoete. '" "tjifberi ill D brtbilrrtanbpnje,»fo?e3l)a te ail wpcfteb N»i«*jMsMl: ^'tb^too^bewaiantfriietjnto inpftte,anbaipglittinto mp patDcjji. 3 bnueftuomeaiiDam ftebfaftip purpofeb , to >itepetb^rWeou0iubgementefli. 3 am t roumeb aboue inearurc:a.up<:&e* me, jO 102= be,acco|bpnget)ntotbpujozbir. let the frewpll offerpngeja of mp moutb pleafe the, ID loibe,anb teacfje me ttiv iubgeinentetf. ^ ^r*a)proulei0alwapeinmpbnn&c, tag* 4 - pet bo not 3 fottft tbp lawe, -Cbe mwob= pwo,c f P (jauelapebafnarefo?mc,butpetfw)arucD not3fromtbPCOimnauiiDemeiitei0i. 'CbP teftpinoniesi oaueiclapmebafli mvm Dcrt- tage f ft enenmib wdpr tljep are t[je loer p tope ofmp bert. ^ JlJaneappUeb mpneberteto falfpll tbP ftaTutejSaltoape, euen mito tbe enbe. 3batetbemfpmageneueUti)pn= ^ge^buttbplamebo3loae. ^bouartmp befence anb Wbe anb mv truft isi in tljp poibe. aitoape fto me pe wpcfteb, 3 will ftepe tbtc5matmbementeiEf of mv (5ob, iDftabliqjemeaccoibfngelJnto tt)p mi-- be.tbat 3 mape Ipne , anb let me not be bilii= popateb of mvbope. tyolbe tbou me top, anb 3 Ml be faferpee mp belt'tc (ball cucc be in tbp ftatuteitf. ^bou baft troben bottmc a!ltbemt|jatbeparfe.fromt5p ftatutejs, fo? tbcppmagin,btitbifecate. ^bonputfeft awape all tbe tjugooipofpcartblpaebioire tbecfo?c3loueitbP tcftimonpesi. ^)pflcuje trembletbfozfeare of tbe, anb 3 am afrapeb . & of t&p iubgcmentcjS. 3bcaIcu»tDft|)pnge tbdt 1$ lauf nil $ x pgfot , $D gcuc me not ouer Unto mpne opp/euomtf. t\)Hie tboutljp fcruauttobclpteintbat xoWb ti goob,tbflt tl)ep.ionbcbomenou)2onge. ^)pneepeitf are mafteb a mape t»itb loftpnge tot thy be* aitlj.anbfojp uioibc of t&p rpgbteoufnea'i?. Dbealewptb tbp fcruauntaccoibpiiKc tmto f !)p lonpngc mcrcp , anD teacbeme tbp ftatute*. 3 am tDpfccuaunt © grannie me tttberffanbiuge.tbat 3 mape anoroe tbp teftim onpetf. 3t tit tpmc f 02 tbeloibe to lapetotbpne&aube.fojtbepbaneijcftropco tbplaw. if oi3louctDp c8maunbcmen> tcsiabouegolb^p^ciougtftanc. 'ST&erfoie iJolDeJ ftrepgfjt all tbp coinmaunbcmentcS anb all falfe wapejs 3 totterlp abbojre. % / CbPteftimonpcjSarewonberfuU,tber= fojc botbmp foulc Rcpc tljem. tpben t|)p tDoibegoetbfotfb, itgeuetb Ipgl)t anb ton* becftanbpuge euen tonto? fpmplc* 3 opc= neb mpmoutb anb bic\»c in mp bjeatb , ft? mpbclpte m&intty commaunbement est. Olobctbon topon me,$ be mercpfull 'an- tome, ajs tbou weft to bo tonto tbofc j> lone tqpname. €>2ber mp ftcppejsi in tbp mo^ bc r anbfoQKtli,noTOpcHeone(re baue bomi* nlonoucrme. €»bcIpuermefr5tbeu)2on^ fieoujlbcalpnge^olmeu, anb fo u)all3 nepe tOvcommanitbemetfiS. ^|)eu?eiljelpgbt 5fo of tbpcoiinfendimcetopontbp feruaunt.anO ' teacbemetbpftatute*. ^pneepetfffnfbc outwptf) water < Oecnufc men acpe not tbp lame; mpgbtcousi art tbou,© to?be>anb & frucitftbptuogcmcnt. m)t tcftimonic0 tbat tbou baft commaunbub are etceabpngc rpgbtcou^aiib true. * 0p jclc bathcuen *i9f.irtr.i». confmnebme , becanfe mpneencmpe^ banc $ m -f b - fo^gotte tbp voom& fiTbP t»O2Dci0tricZ» t Pf4i. ra.b. to tbe tottermoft, anb t\iv fcrnaute Ionetb it. anB -^^ c ' 3am fmaiianb of no repntacpon, pet bo not3fo2gettbpcommannbcmenfciEl. ^he tigbtcoufneffe i0 aneucrlaftinge rigbtconf= nesi,anb tty lame is tbc true tb. trouble anbbeupneffcbanctnaeitbolDetoponme.pet Wmpbclpteintbpcomaunbcmefcu. Ulje rpgbfeourneffeoftbpffftimonpf0ta!fiirrla' ftpngc,£>graiintemetonbrrftanbpncrc, *3 % (baHIpue. 3caU«5mptt3bolfbcrt, bcarc me,£>io.jb,3 loillbepetDp ftatntf0. Vtz cnentopotbebojcali.belpeme.onblmall Bepctbvtcftimonic0. earlpin tbem 02= nynge bo 3 crpc tonto the f 02 in tijp mo2b it mptrnft. ^.)pnccpe0p2encntetbcnp2bf U3atcbc0, p 3 myggt be occupieb in tbp \soy- be0. ??earemp toopcciDioib^aecoibinae tonto tto lonmgc kFnbnc(Te; quyeftenme ac-- co^byngc atf tbon art toont. ^be p b2a\uc npefbatof malice prrfecnteme.anbarffarre from tbp la toe. l3etbonnycatbanbr, Oci lojbcfo? all tfty comatuiDenictf arc true. 2*0concerupi?gcrbpfcfrunonpc0, 3 banc Bnotwne longc fc110.th.it tDoti Daft grounbcD tbefo^ener. £>confy02empiic noncrfytf, anb belpucr mr,fo^ 3 bo not foigc t tljp laioc 3ucngctboiimpcaufc, anbbclpurr mc, qupcltcumcacco2bpngetontatbPU)oibc. ^caltbiSfarrefromtbe tongobly,fo2 tbey rcgarbc not tby ftatute0. ideate is rhy mcrcp, i£> LojbcqnpcHen mc a0 p art wont. ^anptbere arc tbat trouble me, anb pee* fecnte me , pet bo not 3 f maruc from tljp te* ftimonyc0. 3t grcnetb mc, wben 3 fc tbe tranfgrcltourtf : becaufc tbey Itepc not t\)v lame. ConfpDjc, sX> Ictfc , borne 3 lone tbycomannDEmcntc0,iDqnycuenmeaccoi= bpngetotbploningeRpnbncffe. %to?>ou be i0 true ftfi cncilaftpngc , all ^iubgcmctr of tby rygbtcouOicftcenbiircf 02 currmo^c. * V32yncc0 banc pcifccuteb me wptbont caufe.butmpbcrte ftanbctb m mt of tbp \»02be$. a=3 am a0glab of tby U)O2bc,a0 *er,.r r . a . onetbntfpnbctbsrcate fpople0. 30foj lyctf,3 Date anb abbo2rc tljcm, but tby In m bo 3 louc. <^euf tpme0 a bape bo 3 piavfe tbe.bccanfc of t|)prpgbteon0 lubgcmcntcft :J .1 I ■:j iip! (: Wdme^4$^ if ■J »■(! i maunbcmcntctfanbtcft(monyc*,fo?oUmp w.i yes" arc tafltyt tbc. let mp compla pure . comebefojef , 0lo?Dc,gcucme\)nbcr(M» V. bpit$Mcco?lnngcV)ntorbpt»o?De. sIDblct my lupplicacyG come bcfo?c tbc , bclyuer utc acco?byngctotbpwo.?be. &)plippe*Q)aU focaftcot tbp pmyfr, ujljaii ?Dnft taugbt me .'% tbpftatute*. |>cc,my rouge (bail npnof of tDP wo?oc> fo? All tbp comaunbemewe ate ryjjtbteoutf. let tbpne banbe (jclpe me, foi 3 ijauccbofcutby comaunbe miftcjs. 3 ftauc lougcbfo? tUp raitpngc Dealfh, O 2,o?b,anb in tbv lawc 10 nip Df Utc. sDii let my foalc lyiicanbttujallp?apfcp\ anb ebp itiftgcim% trtf ftall bclpc me. 3 baucgone aftrapclykc a fyepe tbat 1* loft: ®bfcBetbiPferuaut, fo? 3 00 not f o?ge t tbp commauiibcmenlc*. CUpe.cjc.t.iDfalmc. AD DOMINVM CVM TRIBVLARER* 3fongeoftbcftcare*. 3 ttW'$ cl, 3 U,<1S( m trouble, * "rcaltcb * io!,.i.«.a. AMfii topon tbe lo?be,anb be bearbeme. j Wlfm mp foulc, jD lojoe, f c6 Ipengc lyppetf , and fifia biftcatfull foiige . UHut rcwarbc wall be geucn 02 ©one tontoy.p'falfr fonge? eucnmpgbtic I (baruearou>c*,ti&otc bttrupngecoalc*. U)oo t* me, )'» 3 am conftrapneb to Duiell ft ttJttb *». 3fongcoftbcftcare$. ^BH|U)«Ur-ftUpmpaccyctf\>ntoel»e'!»pl- le^tcomwQcnceconimctbmpbelpei 1 I- * &)p l)i Ipc commctb earn f com pi'OibcujbicbbiUDmaDebcauenanbeartl), !>)c wpll not Oiffre tbp fore to be moucd, M be f batUcpc rfc cljc, wpll not ftepc. * iSebolbc , J;c ebat nepctb 3frael , (ball nrf&er ftombjcnoiflepe. %t)t Lojbebpm fe ifc 1$ tbp neper , f to?bc i* tiff Defence too* fbP?Pgbtbanbc. $>omtty fumie (bill notburnctbebybape, netbec tbcmoonebp npgbt. Tbc Lo?be if all pjefcrue tbefrom iilleiicll , pee it iiafeucn be tbaCCball nepctbp ionic. ISrlje io?be mil p^eferuc tbp go= pngeontano tbp commpngein, from tM tjmto&Hmtiim. C^bccwi-^falmc. LETATVS SVM. __ % fonge of tljc ftearc0! of Da nib. ( btt)a0giab,u)bentbfpfaplicl)ntome: SSHb HP p f"ef«edbajftanbctiitbpgare^ fflf** . 3fcrfifaieintoI)ttpiDeoa«(a rbertTbctfgoDp,cttcnfttpbCjE(oftbeio?be: >fc1»fal.rrrfi4 a. *Uf«.t..g. a to tc ft i f pe vnt ;3f r art, to oeue tbUcbesj \mto tbc name of tbc to?bc. iro? tberc taf rente oftubgement, imenrbe ffatcof tbeboufeof Dautb. UD piJipe f 0? tbc peace ofJemfAlf : tbcplballp^oujccctbatlouctbe. ^eaccbe ^ tnltbin tbp milt ss^nbpietcoMitncjs xovt^in m tbp paiaccjs , $01 my b?ctb?cn ano.com- pamone f aUed.,3 wpil wpfte tb^woftwrite. 1'ccbccauft of tbc bonfc of toe io?t>roure 0o1r, 3 t»WI frtte to do tbegoob. . CEbecwirMDfaime. AU' Tlv Ll-VAVI. ^rorigeoftbcftcarcjS. ..ftotbelpfp^pmyneepesf, *tbon^ tbatOwclIeftmtbcbeaneniEl. «. , I ^cbolbe,enena!8tbceyes{offer=J8Sia tiauntcgiloisc t)nto tbc b^beof tbeirmaftertf: f^m anoa0tbe epesi of a mapben tjnto tbe banbe * m * i ' Df lier mn(trefft,euen fo cue cpc0t»aptetjp6 t\fc torn onrc ob , tsntpll be baue mercp »pon W. Jija iic mercy fcpen ^0, sO'lojbe , baucmcccp\)pon M , l ! o^ ujc arc Merry Oc» fppfeb. Cure foulc i& fplleb wptb t^t fcoi» ncfnli rcp?ofc of tbc mlthv > ano ravth tbc bcfpitemlneireoftbepdoubc. C^bc.crnnj.^faime. NISI Q.V1/V DOM1NV5. 3 fongc of tbc ftcarc jS of s>anro, jftbelo2bcbymfelfebabnotbcncof3 our fpbc (mm maye3fracl fape) if tbe towblm fell'e bab not bene of our fybc wbf merofc topagapnft btf. * tyhtv **»°»* lutu f ujalotoeb w \>p qapclte, \x)t$tljtv wece fouJMtbftilip in rpica ieb at \jjbI: |>ee, the watersibabb^o wncb W, anb f (freamc jab gone oner onrc foule. ^ be bepc toa ter js of tbe pjoubc bab gone cucn ouer our fomie. I5ut p^ayfeb be f lo?be,t»bpcbbatbnot geucn \)0 ouer fo? a pjape tmeo tbefr tec tb. €)ur foulc tjlefcapeb,eHenaie(abp?be out of tbc fnarc of title fouler ; tbe fnare iff b^obC", 1 anbwcarcbelpucrcb. *&m belpc ftan= *mmi betbintbe nameof tbe lo?bc, wbycb batb mabebcauenanbeartb. CCtie.wtJ.^falme. aVl CONFIDVNT. 3 fonge of tbe ftearcis. gej • tbai *put tbcfr trnft (n f torn, jL. .. . iftalbecuena!S^mouut^Dpon,t»btcb ii^jjmnpc noit be rcmoucb , butftanbetb faffoKucr. tb.ebpUc]gftanbcabont3e= rufalem , eucnfo ftanoctb tbc loibc rounbe about bp^pcoplc , from ttofitviw fo^tbfo^ cucrmon. Jroi^-tbcroboftbet)ngoblp^fl cpmctljnot into tbc lot of tbe rygbtcou Weft ' tbcrygliteouflipiit tbcirb8bctjntot»pcueb» mm. - s>o.m\i © fcojoe, tmto tlrofe rtwe begoob ano true of bcrte 3ts(fb? fbcbeatf rMriicbjclie\)iJtotbeicawnewycftebneffe>f tete ,q3allleab[rtbcmfo?tbi»ytbttieeuyU bcicr^bnt^peaireuiailbetiponairAcl. • *«**• c^bc (to«n^ 5fo,trti; ^ SjOUJ.C wmflw KM* »b.rfill.8, 3t C^bcc^^j.^falme. IN CONVRRTENPO. afongeoftbeftapre^* l^en tbciojb turneo agayne tbe ca^ ptiupte of ^i on, t ben ioere toe (pbe Mtotbcmtbat became, fytyn W)a0 onrc moutb fpllcbuntb laugb= tcr.anb onrc tonge witb tope. Hf)tn (apb tbepamouge tbe feeatbe:tUt io?be batb bo= nc grcate mm fo? tb?- See , t^t io?be batb bone greatctbpngcSfo? Ma all reaby, wbrrofwereioyfe. 'Curnc ourecantput- re,0 io?bc,a8itberynetiEi in tbe foutb. fytyv that fotoe in tcareg, i^all reape in iope. $etfjatnot»egoetbmbp0tt>ape toe* ppnge anb bearctb fo?tb goob lebe, (ball bou tbclcsscomc agapne twptb iope , anb typnge bp0u)cauc0Yoitbbim. NISI DOMINVS. 3 fonge of Salomon of tbe ft m est. jEcept tbe lo?be buylbe t^t boufe, tbetr laboured but loft tbat bupibe it except tbe lo?be kepe t^t cptie tbciBatcbmantxjabetbbutin\)apne. *3t is but loft labonre tbat ye bade to rpfetop earlp, anb fo (ate tane reft , anb cate t\)t b?ca • beofcarcfnlnefle:fo?fobe gpuctb bP^brlo= neb (teape. io,cbplb?cn anb tbe ft utc of tbc womb t are an bcrptagc anb gpf te , tbat commctb of tbe I o?be. lync actbenrotxj- egmtbebftmtt of tbe gyaunt,eucn foarc tbe ponge cbplb?cn. I^appy it tty man , tbat batb bPtfQ.uyucr full of tbem.tbcp Ojali not be aCbameb, t»bcn tbey Ipcane tDptbtbcpr cnetnyesltn tbe gate. eCDe.cjRrtrfiJ.l&falmc. BEATI OMNES. 3fongeoftbeftap?ctf. leffeb are all tber tbat^f care p lo?b, anowal&cinbPJStoaycjs. jfo?tbou (bait catc tbc laboured of tbpnc b^bcjal well i# tbcanb bappp Cbalttbou be. 12:bP wpfc Oialbe asi tit frnteftill \jyne t)pon tbe wallcjs of tbp boule. fyty cppl" tuenlyftetbe flDlpuebwficbctf rofibe aboute tbp table. lo,tbu^ (ball tbc man be blef* feb,y fcacctb tbe to?bc. %ty iojbc fto= me out of pou (ball fo blcfte tbc , t tjMffl (bait fe3cmfalem in p?ofpery te all tbP Ipfc I5ge. See tbat tbou fbait fe^tbp cbplberjai cbpl= b?en,anb peace Dponlftael. €^be.cjcii;i)c.^falme» SEPE EXPVQNAVERVNT. afongeoftbeftayjes. %n$ a tpmebanetbey fougbt aga= pnftmefro myyoutb W mape 3f s rael nowc fay e. )£ee,manp a tpinc ba ue tbep tjereb me fro mv pontb tip,but tbey baue not p?euayleb agaynft me. 'Ebe plowee* ploweb »pd my bacne,? mabe longefojowetf. 25uttherpgbtcousilo?be W be wen tbe fnare* of tbc ^ngo blp in pe* cctf. let tbem be confounbeb anb turneb - bac(it»arbe,a0manya« baue euplltopll at &fMon. let tbem be cucn ajf tbc grafle ,_-. grotnynge tmon the boufe toppeief , ro^pci ^^ \»ptberctb ami it be placate t)p. tober= of tbc mower fplletbnotbps'banbcnetbee be tbat by nbetb *p tbe (beauesf, bpu bofome. $>o tbat tbep \»bpcb go bp, fayc notfo mocbciastbe lo?bcp?ofpereyou,tMe topu> pou goob lucne in tbe name of tbe iojoe. tl'Ebc.c^.JDfalme. DE PROFVNDIS. 3fongcoftbeftay?e0. ;£Moftbcbepebaue3caUebtinto t^t % |sDlo?be,lo?bc bearemp toopce. ! €>blettbyncearejicottfpb?e well tbe tjopec of my complaynte. *3f tbou toy- tm**. » bewplt beejetreme tomatcfte wbat Wbone *«•*»*• ampffe, 0b lo?bet»bomapeabybeit.'' Jfo?tbcrci* mercy ttptb tbc tberfo?c fljalttboubefeareb. 3lobefo? tbe lo?b, mpfoulebotbwaptefo?bpm,inby* wo?be i#mv t ruft. #)y foulc fleytbe tjnto the lo?bc, before tbc mo?npngctoacbcf3fapc; before tbc moinpngc watcbej 03fracl trufttn tbelo?be, fo?toptb t^z loibetbe* re in mercy , anb xoiti) bpm i$ plenteous! re* bempcyon. 3nb be u)all rebeme 3frael 8 from all bp* fymu% ca:be.cwri.^falme. DOMINE NON EST fcXALTATVM. S>autb0 fonge of tbe ftap?c*. €>?bc,3 am not hvt mynbebj baue $, 4M . no moube Ioobe*. *3 bo not ejcct a * etculM ' cpfe my felf e t grentc mattcr0,tDb(cfj arc to bye f 0? mc- 25nt 3 refrapne mp fou= IcanbUepcitlowe, Ipneatfa cbylbctbat i« txjeancb frSbP*motber:pce, my foulc 10 cuen ajSaweanebcbylbe. JD3iracltnift in tbe lo?be,from tfafi tpme fo?tb fo? cuennoje. C^bt.tjcjtirt).13lalme» MEMENTO DOMINE DAVID. 3 fonge of tbe Scare*. 4D?b,rememb?e&au(b,anb allti* % trouble. *l90We be ftoo?e \)nto * #•«»• nr> itbe lo?bc,anb Dowcb a tootte \jn= BSSl ttua, !totbealmygbtyc© let T »: 5 f i* \ ■ • . I* * -1 I , V vaiv.i l^fal,cr^|rn|,c|r)C)ctft|;t|:itii;1a^/ct^bl let tjp $?eattc0 be clotbeb u> ptb rpgb- f coufnclfe, qtUttDv Ripnctess fengf t»ttb (o p* fulncfle, #o? % fcruauut Dauiw faltc, tucne not swipe pp?crcnccof tbpnc anoyti* * fcrtf .tfl.b **?• . * 'Sbe lo?bc twtD mnbe a faptbfull otflic Ditto Daiito , 9 He Ojall not (&?pncUe * «*.#«.» from lt;*dDf tbe frutc of tbp bobp fljalfj fet tmontbpfeatc. 3ftbPcbPlb?cntt>ptlRcpc mpcoucnaiint.anDmp te(rlmonpe0tbat 3 mil lerne tbcm.tbcp? cbplb?cu alfo ifcall fp t € nu tbp feate fo? cucrmo?c. ff o? tbe Lo?o ^ ♦lohf.i.t. * is &«.«.« toitb rtofen ftfoit, to be an [wWtaciS fo? bim fclfcbatb be iggeb fo? bcr. fr^bttflwlbe inprcftfo?cucr,beret»pll3bt»ell,fo?3ba* ue a bclpte tbtriu . 3 wpll blclfcbtrDptapl* !e0 roptb increases row fetiffpe berpoo?e iwtb b?cab . §^3M becRebcrfrieaftc* wbealtb , anb(Krfapnctc0qjall ectopic ann ipnse; ^brrefoaU3ntaRc*$^tiJebo?* ne of 5>auibtofto?pu>,3baue o?beneb a\fc ter nc f ognpttr anopnteD. 30 f 0) Dr0 cne= mpetf, 3UwH d^ t j, cm ttp ^ (fame, but tyon bpm feife (ball bptf crotxme ao^Oir. C«f»o^flMWairac* ECCE Q.VAM BONVM 3 fongeof tbe ftap?e0 of ©auto eboloe, Ijotoe goob anb topfull a tbing it <0,* b?ctb?entob«oellto getber in M ni tpe. 3 1 10 lP«e tilt — ™Jp?ecpou0 opntement fcpo pbcabe, t b a e ranne bourne t) n 1 tbe b eerb : euen tonto &sm beetb,anbtt)f tebottmcto tbefftp?* te0iDfbp0clotbpngc. IpRetbebetoeof J?ccmon, t»bicb fell tjpon tbe bpU of S>ion. tf 0? tbeee p lotb p?onufeb tytt blcffpitgc, anblpfefo?etiet:mo«. G.Wt.cmMWtolmci ECCE NVNC BENEDICITE. 3d 3ibngeoftbeftap?«0« ** ■f^»,) VXii' *l0tyV>tDatbpb be in beaut n anb in eactb. SBS* intiit(ct,tinallbeaptplacejS: *^cb?in» vik ♦pfal.crrtu gctbfo^btbc eloubctf from tlje enbeu oftbe tribes fenbitlie f o^tbtlpgOttntngetf with tbe rapne,b^iigitjgc tbe UjpitbciS out of bpSm tmflitm toe^fmotetDefp^boweofS bluerfe nacponioi, anb fle we mpgbtpc tapn^ people, jwjp name, © lo^be, enbncetb fox entc,fobotbtj)i?memo?iall,j3>io?be,from oncgenecacpeioanotberi * Jfoztbeioib *^m wmmwtMWP%* be fltacpou*ton= c 8ffP"(* *3Wfo^tbt pmage^of * MM| tbe^eatften, tDepare butfplueeanbgoibe Sft tbe wo^cfee of rnensf banbc0. -^bep baue ma ** montbeft ? ujeabe not : epetf Dane tbcp.but tbep fe not. 'ic&ep bane eacetf, anb vtt tbep beaeenot.netljiTi^tliereanp b^etDin tbep? motiibesi. ^bcptbatmaRetbem.arelple tjntotbem,anb fo areall t^t^t put tbew ttttftin tbem. p^apfe tbe Ho?be pc bo ti ft of 3frael,pMpf ctlie io?bc pebonfc of 3at6. ©japfe tbe Lo?oc pe boufc of leui , pe t|»atfearetbelo?Dc,p?apfctbe Lo^be. j&?apfebbcp io^boutoffiDi^tDbicbbtxje^ I ietbat3ernfaum. Mlelutal;. ' C1|tt.c«WJ|.1Dfalmc; CONFITE MINI DOMINO. |*<5encti!)aiiUe!D!\jutotl)cILo?be,fo?3l I ,be ijEfcracpoujef, anbbPJB! meccp en= *f*m mmm tun . © gene tbanftc^ SS!* - 'i3ntotbc<5ob of aUgobbfsi,fo2 ^v^ tntrepenburetb fb^eiier. sD tbiJae tbelo^b of all IrOj&eA Jfo? bp« mercp cnbuectb f 0? «ncr. ^mbP^oulpbotb gceate wonocctf, *.»»■»; fo? bW merepetibtirctb foz euer. toblcb bP w jWejecelieHttwptbomemabetlJebeaHesi.foi bp0 mercp enbu cctb fo? euer. tt>bpc& lapco out m eartU about tbe watccjs^fo? bpiS mcc= ep cnbucetb fo^ euer. *latov® batbmabe .-„. , . gteatelpgbte^,, fo? bptf mercp enSretb fo? **■"* eutr. Hr futitte to rule tbe bapr , fo? bpi« merepenburctlii fo? euer. 'fcbe «)oone anb tbtftawejMgoucrttetbenpgbt,f6? Wmttw tV tnburctb fo?euec. * U)bpcb fmotc€= *W gppt nmtb tbep? fp?ft bo?ne , f 0? M mercp enbnretbfo?euirr. 3Bnbb?ougbtout3f-» raelfromamonge tbem , fo? &p* mercp en« buretbfo?eucr. U)ptba mpgbtpebanbe anb ttrctcDeb out arme,fo?bP0 mercp cnbu= r ctb f 0? euer. WW^ OCUPbtO ty retb f?t into parte?, f 0? bp^mercp mwm fo? euer. *Sijibmabe3frnclto go tbo?owe tto^m mybbttt of it, Ifo? m mercp entmrtfy fo?* m euer. 25uta0fo?pbaraoanbbpi6l)oo(t ) be ouertb?ewe tbem in tbe reeb fee , fo? bptf mercp euburetb fo? eutr. ^iDbPtb y •* ^far.twbtorbttt,attb.]citr e« *tf}t.f.a. % ^Jttf.rlir.li Sit.Ftb.b fta* *et»,r/«,c *0ta!.fr.a anb.cjn.a. 25 >WMMj * TO^cl) If b b^peoplc tbo?ot»e tbe toa= bctncCe,fo?bpiB!mercpcnburetbfo?eucr. *TOwbfmotc great amgejS:fo? pijimer* cpenburetb fo? euer; #ee,f aucmpgbtpe ftpngc«t;fo? W mercp enburctb fo? euer. *^>ebon upnge oftbe 3lmo?itejai:fo? bptf mercp enburctb fo? euer. 3Hnb €)g f npng of25afan:fo?bp0 mercp euburetb fo? euer. 3nb gaue awape tbep? lanbe fo? an bcr(= tnge.fo? 010 mercp enburctb fo? euer. <£uen fo?anberitagctonto3fraclbp0fcrua(it:fo W m crcp enburctb f 0? euer. Web «m b?ebiw, wb^ toe tucre f trouble :fo?bWmer* cp enburctb fo? euer. 3Bnb batb belpucreb 1)0 ft our c euempc0: f 0? btf mercp enburctb fo? euer. * Cfllbpcbgeuetb fobe Dntoall fielKbt:f 0? tyit mercp enburctb f 0? euer. 4D geue tbancuc0 \)nto tbe d>ob of beauS, fo? bp^mcrcp enburctb fo? euer. «* c *> «me ebsnluufo ttjc JlD?Bc of £o;&C0,fo;?)t , 8mct:c|ic tnoutrtl) ft; eutr. CEbe.cwjcWi.^falme.«*(of3i«emp.) SVPER FLVMINA- ^ tbe tD{itcr0of*25abilon t»e fat botoneatib wcaptc, tobenuie re= meu?eb<*M>e£»£Dp0ii. ajsfo? ourc barpeg, t»c bagcb tbe \)p Dpo fbctree0,^arctbenn. Jfo?tbep tmtkn bsfatoapecaprpuc, requp?eb of w tljen a fonge ^melobp in our beupnefi: fpnge Wonc oftbe fougctf of £>ion. tyo toe Qiall U3erpngetbeto?be0fongeinaftrarigelan^ be. t 3f 3fo?gcttbe.^>3«ufalcm,lctmp rpgbtbanbe fo?get bcr conpnge. 3f 3 bo not rem?b?e tbe, let mv tong cleue to tbe rofe ofmpmotttbvPce,pf3p?cfcrrcnot3crufale in nip mp?tb/ lRememb?e tbe cbplb?cn of ■* (Sbom, €)lo?be, (ntbebapeof jtcrnfalf, bot» tbep fapbe.bowne u5 it, botonc tx»itb it: euento t^i grounbe. dD^baugbtcf of l&anplon > toafteb Witlj miTerpr : pee , bnp^ t)pe(ballbebe, tbat ret»arbttb tbe, a0tboti Ijaft ferucb \)0. * iSIelTeb (ba 11 be be, tbat taaetb tbpcbplb?en, nnbtfeowctbtbeaga* pnft tbe ttone0. fa>auib. *U)mgeuctbaKc0\jntof, ©lo?b, ttn'tbmp t»bolcbcrt, eueno^befo?e tbe gobbr0, wpll 3 fpnge p?apft \)nto m.. * 3 wpll wo?(bpppe toumrbe tbpbo ■■■- lp«plc,anbp?apfetbpiiame,becaufeoftbp loupnge ft pnbnelfe anb tmetb 1 fo? tljou baft mannifpeb tbpname anbtbptoo?be aboue all tbpnge0. QSU ben 3 calico t po tbe , tbon bflrbeft me, anb cnbet»beftmpfoiile«5mocb ftrengtl). £ks»IIH tbe upnge0 of tbe cartb (ball p?apfe f, io?be, f 0? tbep baue beatto tbe t»o?be0oftbpmoutbe. £ee, tbepujall fpnge in tbe wape0 of tU io?be,tbat great i0tbcglojpoftUtlo?bt. *tfo?tDougb? lo?be be \^vt , vtt Wl be Mfoccf e Mt tbe loNlp:a0fo?tbep?oube, be bcbolbetbbim'a farreof. ^bougbjJ walliein tbe mpbbeft of trouble: pet QjaTt fttmfc me.- tbou (bait Oretebfo?tb tbpnebanbDpotbe furiouliiejs of mpne encmpe0,» tbp mtym ftjall faue me. , cbeto?b(ballmaRegoobbi0ioupng RpnbncOe towacbemerpee, tbp mercp, io?be,enburetbfo?euer,^befppfenottben*, ob w ilfJ! tbe wo?cRe0 of tbpne atone banoeU. vwhm C^rbccjcjcjcir.pralme. DOMINEPROBASTt. ^0 tbe cbaunter,a pfnlme of a>aufo. lo?be, tbou bait fearcbeb me out.anb „ Hiiotocn me. *£bou bnotoefl: tnp *» bovDnerptttugeanbmpiietopipfmg: tbou Uttbccfranbeft mp tbougbtc0 lotige be= f o?c. HTbou art about mp patb,anb about mpbcbb:^fppcftoutallmpttiapc0. jTo? lo.tbcre 10 not a wo?bc in mv toge, butp.g) Hom Riioweft it all togctber. .^bou baft faffponebmebebpnbeanbbefoicanblapcb tbpncbanbe\jponme. $)ocbftnou)leDge 10 to wonberf ull 5 excellent f 0? mc.-jf con not attapnc Dnto it *tdbptber (ball 3 go then fro tW fpietet'o? txibitljec (ball 3 go tjSenfro **m«*a tbp p^efence.-' 3f3dpme»pintobeaucn, « tbou art tber :pf 3 go boronc to bell tbou.nrt tbcre alfoi 3f 3 tafee t^t wpnge0 oftbe mo? = npngc, $ rcmapne in tyt \) tterm oft partes of tbe fee. €ucntl)cr alfo (ball tbp bSbc leab me.anbtbprlgbtbanbe (ball bolbe me 3f 3 fape.parabucnture tljebaiCRiieffe (ball co- uer metben ©all mp npgbt be turneo to ba= pe. J?ec, t^t barcunc0 10 no barcltnc0 witb tbeibut tbenigbt 10 all clcarc a0 tbe bapc, tlje barcRncf 3 lpgbt(f t\)t) arc botb a ipfte. Jf 0? mp rcpnc0 ace tb pne, tbou baft coue-- l(r rcbmciumpmotber0tx)6be. 3 twill geue ** tbfttttttltmto tbc.fo? 3 am fcnrfullp 9 tDou= berouapmabc j maruelougarctbptooibcsf, ^fmp(OHicRnopetbrtgbtujell.Wbonc0 arc not ^ f r 6 p, tbougb 3 be mabc fecretlp anb fafttjfoncbbenetbtn t\ic cartb. 'Sljpnc epc0bpb fe mpfubftaunce, pet being mat* Utt4 in tbp boftc tocreall mv mf U?c0 to?it= ten. (HUbicb bapc bp bape twcrc fafbponcb, un)en a0 pet tbere t»a0 none oftbe". I^oujc ^_ bcareare»tbpcouccl0\)ntome,€)(5obi' m botwc great (0 t\tc fumntc of tW 3f 3 tell ** tb^tbcparemoinii6b?etbentbefiinbc.t»be 3 wafte \)p , 3 am p?efent xl> tbe . Ulplt ? not fta vc tbe toicfeeb, Cxioob ^ beparte from mcpebloubetbirftpmcn. jf 0? tbep focal** Unngbteounpagapnlttbc^tbp!tecncmie0 tafte tbp name in Vapne. do not 3 bate tW> £> UM,t bate t^ t « am not 3 greueb tuitb tbofe tbat rpf e Dp agapnft tbej* £ec, 3 bate tbem rpgbtfo?e,euena0 tbougb tbep werempneenempc0. *€rpcmc,€)(I5ob, „ ' M anbfelte tbe grounbe of mpnebert:p?oueme ,|(pG>l,FFU,lk anb er amen mptbougbtc0. iofteweiipf a>SDii tbere . 1 * • J h '_■* \ * l- i :i 1-1 1M *« - i ll * **l * i- N 1 ,1 H ■ ■ ^faU]tl]cl!,]tltianWfti a tberebeanpwapcofwpcBebno0inmMnb Icabcmcm tbe wapccuerlaftpnge. Cfcbccrl.pfalmc. ERIPE ME. go tbc counter ,a pfolmc of &a uffc eipuermc, iDlojbc, from tbc cuell man,anb pjefcrue mc from t^t wpc* uctnnif. TOtcbpmaginmp&bcfc in tl)f f r bcrt e&anb ttcrc Up ftrifeaUtbe bape *„„« « w F*i ;£bep'battcfl)araenebtbep2t6gc0ufic m, £>ela. ftcpcme,sDlo2be,ftomtiie IwiiDccf of m Uitffoblp:p2cfcrue mcfrom tit wvcUcbmcn , wbtcb are purpofeb to ouer= tlnowe mp gopngc0 . eoarbctf.pcf , ? fcr twppc0 in mv wape Aft*. 3 fapbc Unto tbc Lo2bc:tbouart mpGoo, peart fttctoopecofMtppiaf 00; $) 25 LozOc. © lojoe cla. *icttbcmtfcbefroftbcirawne It'pne* fall Upon t|)e fteeO of tbcm,tbat com= pane mc ab out. .let bote burmngc coaled fall Upontbem:Icttbcmbc eaft into tbe fpec anb into p ppt.-^ t\)tv neuer rpfeUpagaine. % ma full of wo2be0 foal not pjofper Up8 tbc rrtb:euell (ball buntc tDe wpclteo pcrion, tooncrftoowe&pm. £>ure3am,tbat rtjc ko,2be wpllaucnge tbepooje, anbmnmtcp= nr f» eaufe of p bclpclejs, 'Cbe rtgDtcoust alio (ballgcuc tljanticjaf \>nf o tbpname, anb t&eiuft tyall contpnuc in tbp fpgbt. CtarDc.cjcij.pfafmc. DOMINE CLAMAVI, 3pfalmeofDauiD. r £>2be,3 call upon tbc : batte tbe Unto me,s conuber mp Uoycr, wbrn 3 crpc __ Unto tbe. letmppiaper be fee foitft * ^FP.rrr.b. ui tbp fa llteb bauc tbep weuelp lapeo a fnarc fo? me. 3 loaeb alfo Upon mp rigbt panbe,anb fe, tbere tw no man tbat wolbe ftnotue me. 3 lab no place to flee unto,anb no man cureO fo? mp foule. 3 crpeo unto I tm, let me *beare * imm pploumg »mbne0bptpmc0in Jmominttc wm* I f ojiu tbe 10 mp uruft :(beuje f me tbe wapc> f^ 3 Qmio txialftc m,fo?3 ivf % up mv foule un= to tbe. Mpuerme,€Jlo^be,frommpne I encmpc0:foj 3 Apeuntotbe to bpbe me. I f eacbmetobotbctbpngefpleafetbtbe, I fo^|artmp<0oi^lettbplouingefp/eteleabe . I me f ojtbe unto i:be lanbe of upsbteoufnc0. I iDupcben m c, lo?b , f 0? tbp name0 fane, I 9 Em tbp rpo;bteoiifnc0 fane foinge mp foule I outof trouble. .^nboft^pfloobne0aape I mpnecMmpetf , anb beftrope all t|)em tbat I »e^mpfo«le,fi)?3amtDpferaaiint. 1 CCUe 1 wupuuutmrnM^tmn C^De.c]Wt«i.^falme. BENBDICTVS DOMINVS. .. „ orawnfti. JLewtbe tbe lo?b ntp ftrfgtbe, tobicb |eacDetb*mpbanbc0to warren mp Ift'ngcr0tpfpabf. ^pbopcanDmp fo;tw(fe,mpcaftell,anbbelpuerct|mpbcfen W»w.Mr.«.^!!?WL3l ru(J ' w ^^ f » b buctbmppeo= >w.™... pletbati0Unberme. ^lo^bc^bat^nui 1 tbattbou baft focb refpect Unto btm^i tbt fonneof man, tbat tbou fo tegarbeft bpm.' :W»m* mepaifttbattjapelpaca ibaooS" 3 26owe ' in tyVWMtwt' © lo?be,$ come bourne , tou» «. 5^* ftW^ W Ipgbtpnpnge.ef teare t|)ff, (bote out tbpne arou>e0,anb conmme tbe. - $>raoeoomnetDpneiwnBeftaabot*e,belp S?M» W nwjpitt of % flft« water?, ftom tbe ^anbe of ffraunge cbPlb^n, Wofe moutb talaetb of uaupte, 5 tbepi rpgbtbanbci0arpgbtbanbeoftt)pcaeDnc0. ■ 3 Wfi fpnge a netue fonge Unto tbe , »D f ob,f fpngep^apfe0Unto tbe Upona ten* ftrpngeb lute. %$w tbat gcueft utctoip t»neoKinge0,attbbaft belpnereo a>autb tbp feruauntfrom tbe parell of tbe ftoeroe. Jfeaucmcaiiboelpticrmefromthe^bc C otftraungccbplb^n, tubofe moutb tmct\> otuamte,anbtbep?rpgbt banbe 10a rpgbt panbeofiniqnite. Wtyn ourefonne0mape grove Up a0tbe pongc planter? tljat oure baugbter0 mape be a0 tbe polpibeb co^ner0 vftmjL of tpe temple. *«fc&at ouregarncr0 map be fun anb plenteou0U)itballmaner of fto= arertbat oure fbepe mape b^pnge fo^tb tbou= raube0,anb ten tboufanbejs m oure ftrete0. U:batoureo]cenmapebeftrongetola= boure, tbat tbere be no becape,no lebpnge in WPW no complapningem our ttre» te0. ©apppe are tjjg people tpt be in focbf acafe:peebie(febaretbepeople,tt)bpebbauc t[jeiojbefonbeir(!?ob. Ctbe.eyiU.1&falme. EXALTABO TE DEVS. % tbanftefgeupnge of s>aufo. m fJBOf II magnftpe tbe, ab 6^obmp bpnge^nb 3 wpll p^apfe tDp nam c fojeuct anb euer. €ncrpbape $Q,xmi % h boutcano tame of tbp power. ^Trfp C power affrjfim HttBMi of rbPftpug, ^ m ^ , bomcmpgft be (mowne Unto ml. * *k fo SSS& U ftpngbomei0an cueriaftpngcupngbome * ***£ tbp bomiiuocubutctbtboiow-e out all agei! e '9:belo^eUpbolbctballfocbea0faU * Ipf tetb Upaii tboft tUt be bo wne. * ir'fte *»&'««««•* epe0ofallwapteUpoutbe,-iK© £(>«)» tbou *^ fleueft tbemtbepimcate inbue fcafon. ^ ^boHopcncfttbpnebSoe,anD fpiieKall ** tbpnffe0lpumgc my® plenteoufneffe, 'ttbe Io?bef0rvsbtcou0 in ail btt wape*. tt npc Unto all tljem tbat * call Upon bpnt, peeailfocbea0cauuponbpmfaptbfnllp. *tomd*u. feewpUfulfpntbcbcfp^coftof tbarW re bpm, bealfo wpll bcarc tbw crpc , s will BR^ P^^^&ruetbffl tbatlouebpm.butftaterctbabioaoc all the ungoblp. €)pmoutbOiailfpcaBe#piap= fc of tbe lo^be,anb let allflcQ) geue MM* unto bp0 boip name fo? euer anb euer, CSrbe.cj;lU).#faimc. J-AVDA ANIMA MEA. (3 pfaimf of 3ggcu* ana jacljatr.) 1B Midlife}. twrepio;be,ilDmpfi)uIe:WbP' -,, Ie3lpnewill3wapfe t\)t lom % Vtt a0 long a0*3 baue anp bcpn= etMt ^» &I> 3 »«l fpngc Hoyfe* uiito mp * pftWtffc4 £??« *^PMtnotpourcitruftin^incc0, * pfl ,i frMl. W*lW *%tctletbfoen5b?coftbeftar= re& a nb callefo focm all up focr name*. . OT w. anb * mcparefo rapne foj tbe carfo,anb ma= "• betb tjjc grafle to gro we upon tbe motin = <* tapnC)S.»»(an&t»teCb;tbrlii)roMnrR> HJhpcijCfe mbmm uctbfobje Unto the caMI,«*febetb the vifo rauejS mat call U u5 trpm. feeftafo not pica furrm tb eftrcugtb of an bojfe, nether 0clp= trtD be tit any mams leffffctf. aSutthcio^ "K.; offocwojtoe. : jgongemenan&mapbentf. olbc men anb thirteen: loMfoMtfnomeon j ■ pjaprcatooiiebcaiicnanbcarfo. . c £St*lF to*** W JWie , all bp* foyn* cttffenllpjayfc bym , euen foe d&Uuen a* 3frac I, men fompeopte that fcructjftpttL #aiciufaj. „ CAjSiTATB DOMINO, ^alcluiah. $W^ foe euerlattpnge. *£>P«gf Unto foe lojbea netted let afraelre- fongChle tfoecongrcgatpon of fain* **kwto LAVDA 1ERVSA; bejscielptetflu focm foat fearrbpm.anb put tbeu truft in b?0 mcrep; $?apft the lojb, •p Jerufalfcpjapfc fop <£ob, © jfcfon. #oj he hai tb mabe faft t be barrel of t bp ga t e* , 9 topee ipfm foat mabe hpntj anb let tlJe^plb^nofifJWonbtiopfulUtttbttrbmff. let WpjapBe ty* ttametn p banner let AM fopleafur te hnrtcb. IjloHMet tb fe in r be ir bebbost. let tit pjapfejs of ipob ^ tfif fvttgcwapftjfli tntohpm wfth WWfttef Iwipe. Jt o? ttic lo^oe hath pleafure iu bptf »eoplc,anb6flpiitl)tl)cmebebartcb. I. ftp fayum* be topfull tBttb slo?p ,let tftiF tt tlif, eblowet!) with bid wpnb,anb tlie waters iowe. ^cftcwctbbp0woi{bc\)nto3a» i;ob, ||yss ff atutejs $ oibitiaucetf Unto jfrael, ^ebatbnotbealterotfianpenacpe.netbee Ijaue tue heathen fcnowjebge of hpie( lawesf- l^aleltitap. C^e.cjcibitj.pfaime. LAVDATB DOMINVM DE CE. fealelutab. ^apfetheeuecladpttfie. ^?apfe the io?be of tieauen , pjapfe bpm tn tMepgth. ^apfeHim all _ rtr _peangcWofbpj{,p^pfc hpmatlftpiJ .100%. ^apfebpm^unneanb^oone, p^apfe Dm all pe Crarresf anb Ipabt. ^/apfeij^allpebeattentf, ^pewateejj r tftatSje^abouethebeanotiS. lettbem *-r . r J? PWPft p name of the to^bc, , to}»wt rm< n,t t bcp ; were cwateb. M ija tb mabe them faft to? euer anb eucr.be jatb aeiien tbema WW^WbPtDUiaUnotbebyoaen. ^apfe pcj*. ^ea,nl)baPle»ftiowea'nb\)«po^, intlphe| $ ttlfc frutef ull treesl wfe-i-* »e*Cf#anfc aHeatell, tbcn.anb to rebnfcctde people, ^o bpnbe toclr»pn8ejlt!iii:hcvneiEi J anbthetf nobler x& lpnhetfof pjon. ^^hatthep mape beau! **w.mi ;eb of tbetn.ajj t\\ in wjpttcn : focjje bonoute lattcflllhpiSfa^icteS. IwlcUuat). CSfie.cl.^frtlme. LAVDA TE DOMINVM 1N« l^alelutab. jgfll&iapfe (i5ob^y leftpaapff hpm Ijpon me loube cpmbale^ a let euerp fopngtf foat Ijafo bjefo , p?apfe foeiojbe. l^aicltitaD. ^aplKtbeeuerlaftpnge* CfcUciiftfttoftfje^ralfet. i r i J5 m t - > t « * • I * I. : ** < - ' .\ , j ft • > ■tit s J. ..•: ^^^^ lei , i, ./vp0» / .; r ,* - * 'TO * * ' T . » r ;J-V •* « i ' fc * * ■ ■ r w fV* * ^ » ^ # a 1 i * i - alomon; rffcwmtr *'i ^Daiompm ./: C^tie^ftCboptec. '■" jit fte W«» of top frt omc . We map noetMfcnr , ttnfo tqe poiuptuoiu p;ouocatpon 4itt> (tu ton; A f» of Cpnnrw.«»prf oome compupnrtl) 1>tr (o be ; jefpprrt of aiimoi, ano p;opI»cci?ftb ortttuccpon ; , .tiitoprebtCppftM. % ri^S^^^S^iifeep^ouerbe^oe Salomon, i -Him-fcl IMmr to perceauetbe tnftruccpoit; anbtopcrceatiefocwojbefli I of t)nbeeftonbpnfie:?tbecb^ r „ .. ^ ' *° «ceauepzubf nce.rpghtc^ . OMrne^mbgemeiitanbeqmte.'Eijattbe toc= »RfWjempgbthaMc wpt, anb ^foepongc m m vgbthauc ftnowlebgc anb tmc tonber* Mbuig. 26pj)eawng the wtfe ma (hall come bji) mo?e wpfebome .- anbbc fi$ enbeweb x6 •bilbeeftSbtngtbal optapn wrt to pcrceanea {arable, 9 foe mterpactaepon foerof, jJ wo*= ,. uuo. ? e0of ** tt Pft»*'jepaecftefpeacljeiBioffoe ^wM«b fame.^he fearc of tbe iLo?bcts( fDc besvn-- |£&i> npnff of wpfDome.iButfooietf befppfe wpf» «•*■«. borne 9 infteuccion . *l)p fonne, Dearc fop fa= 315 tbtrtf boctrtne:»fojfabe not the la we of tbp mofotr; flu t(jat ftall Mnge grace Unto tto> ljfitb,anb MoeajBi a chepne about fop need. <9p(imne,eSfenf e not Unto fpnncr^.pf they ctiittfe tbc, a fape: come wifo -00, wc wil I lape waptefo^blotibe^lurcaei^ei?elpfo?tl)em= mmu ] \ otm w'foo'ita mitt wiMiaii* fwaiowe foeu\)plplsefhei)cll,9bcuourethemqupcbe ano bole, fttfmfcf gobownetnto tbeppt. ^>o frjall we fpiibe all ntaner of coftclpe rp s foctf,9 fill our Uukm fpoplcfl!. Caft in tW lotamogbsf.$letA)!Eihaucalloncpurrc4«p • * Jomie,t)oaIfteiiot.foo«ttitfofoe:rerrapnefop minuui fotc fro tjjetr wape .$ 0|*foctrftte nmne to cneii:i are haftp to ujcb bloub. aBn't in Uapit '? * "SJ! ( fo ft** hcfo?e f tyfUftf epe0: pee foepthf feltiejor lape waptebne foj anotherjs C bloub 9 one of the woio aepeflmofoer.'ftbere arcpwapesSofalirofoajibeconctou^Jonc *mtm wolb raupi^anotljer jilpfe^i!S3trbome crp= ... ctb^ottt,9puttefofo?tb|)eri)opcetn^ftrc ; tctf. S>|)ccallctD ItJefo^e foecfigtcgacpe tn the. opcit aatm $ aie wefo her tOojibeg! fooio w p • f»tve,Tapm|:4>pefortbJe,])owl6jtewpllpe 'louecb/iOeahnc^howi6gcwvil?fcojnc^ bclptc in fcwtitng, Pfe Mn wpfe be euempcsi unto bnowlebge/jp turn c pjin Unto mp co? teccton : lo, 3 w^f ejepjeffe m p mvnbe Unto pott.amafeeiKfft unberftanoemp .woWefc Jl : i ^"folfofusefoatpebeafraprbof.fal* SKHHS*W*a fto;me, 9 pourmirrrp ^fte a tfpe^pce^cn trouble 9 heuiucs co ^ K^i°?, pow -5 11 f " a!aI rtW call Upo' me, R?y^K$5SS M ^«P *W fl*eme ui i ,l ?!£ ftc l* aU . notf P ,lo f r »-3:ubtbatbe= 2Ji5!r?tePi ftt,0U l ,cD ff e ^ w «»fo not Si ffiy»*J|«»D**tttab|Mwreb wmfi. ? l !4? n A i i ef PPfeball!mpco 1 ireccion.'(roerfo-- re (ball fflep eate t|ic frutef of foepi nwne JWJf,f be ftlieb w*fo foci'r atone tnueneto^: to? foe tnmpnac a wape of tbe Un wpfc aia 1 1 gpetbe.anbfocpicifpcrpticoffooiesiljiiibc SSSS 11 D£ft i Won. * 26ut wt-olo barft s * feB w h nctb Untome,Q?aU Dwell fato,aub be fure ' fromanpfearcofeupll. Ct:be.tji.C!joptcir. CJ»prrtomei9 to b( cmb?a«o anb M bp.Jnn an abbouCftouB tooman te to be ercbueo. iig fonne, pffoott wilt reccaue mp woi 31 be0,anbftfpemycommauiibcme"tc!* bptoe.foatfoonwpltcnclvne fopnc care Unto wpfbome , applpe ttync bcrt then to unbcrftanbpncje.ffo* pf thou crpeft after wfbome.anbealieftfoiBnowlebffCrptfboii ieaett after ber agaftermoucp, anbbpggctt fp^era^fojtreanirctbenlhalttbotiunbcr ttanbetbe feare of tbe loibe , anb fpnbefoc ftnowlebjjeof ©ob. *ifo^ti0foeHo2bcf' *3f«»fccS geuetbwtfbome,outofbt0moutbcominctl) a 1, £ S,i1 nnowiebgeanb Unberftanbpnge.^ehporth t^nh'm. Up bealfoe fo^tbc rpg b>eou0 . ^e pjefcrue tb JS*** foe welfare of foerpgljteou*. anb befenbefo to tbem that walae fpncerelp.be bepefo foent in foerpgbr patbe , anb pjewrncfo tljc wape of ftche agferuebpmwtfogoblpncflfc. then malt foon Unberltanbc rpsbteoufueffe, tub= mciit.anbequpte.pee.anb euerp goob patb. J'f wpfoomeentrcintotbpneberte, anb tbp fouiebelptetn ftnowlebgc :tben0tall conn- cell pjeffrue tbe, anb biaera'aubpuge wall ftcpe tbt.fyhn tbou mapeft be bctpucreb fro foe cueil wape, anb from m man foat fpea- ftetp frowarbetbtngefi. jf rom focbcagicaue foe bpc ftrete , 9 walkc to tbe wape* of bar= cbcneOc : wbtfo ectopfc i;n bopngc euell : anb jotire Wp , 5 trtbebe pou, wbeb foatf ■K'i st..»» »vwu iimf cu wuniMnrcunuo^xrorijc * ,*.„ , ftrauge wom3,anb fro Dec foat is n ot tbpnc JiEom a wnc : wbifo geuetb fuaetc wo?bc0, fo?fa= ftcfo tbe bufbanbe of ber poutb , 5 fojgctteth foccouucnauntofhvr d>ob. wberboufe 10 ' ciiclpucbUatobcatb,f ber pafoeg Unto bell. 3611 foeppgof unto ber come not agapn, nc= foer talic foep bolbe off wave of Ipft.'Eber* f oic , walfte p tn foe wape of foci) 00 be Uer teou0,aub hepe foe pafoctfof foe rpgbteou $ oi tbe (uft .(hall bwcll in tbe iMttfttl Ib^t beperfecfc 0^11 remapnetnttjKntlte |KFv CW. ftf fftnt : Ip rtflarnco anb obfttucfc ••* 3 *&fuft.p,a ■ i : J ' * M ■fiTw it • * l; ^r * H u * If > r ; • •t I i- I: ■ i 1! :! 'I M. \ H I ■ h 1- - c 1 , ■nil I. *h 3 far S' r i; v Hi I a E.I ! g fonne, *fo?gct not tbou mplawe, but fe f tbpne pert ftepe mp cSmaft d e « wcntcsi . ffo? tbep (ball prolonge tbe 5»PMt 9 perejs of tbp Jpfe, and b^lttf^e p peace. Jtct mercp and faptbf ulncsi lie urt 50 ft 5 tbe: wnpefyent about fbpnccfte , and w?pte tbe" JnMfetab!cjaioftDpHtDerte.S)oajalt|»ft>HOe fmicmrof good\UndctftSding , tntDefrfl5 top &obauDmcn:$uttItytniftftt(!B'oDUtt?DAU tbpnetyrtc: anb leanc not Unto tbpne atone 25 witite » 3nall tbp wapetfbaucrefpectcUnto *j?ra.t>.e npm:frbe (ball o?bcr tbp gopngetf. * flSenot i»oma.rt.c tupl'ein tbpne awne connate : but feare tl)e iojoe , and beparte from cttell : fo (Mm ^p fco* naucll be wbolc, and tbp bonetfttconge. l^p $ar* foonourc tbe &o?b w t^V fubftauucc: tSStSSm aMD **» tbpRrftlingetf of all tbpne cnccen* muSSr ft ^'(gciie two o,cpoo; f :)fo (ball tbp baenctf be SfSfe. W 1 tott & plcntcoufncOe : and tbp meOejec •m».row.c a, a ii!ftotDeoucettJttbftx)ctei»pHe.Wfon s ncbefppfe not tljc chaftcnpngc of tbe iLo?be, net ber fapnte whe" tbou act rebuftcb of bpm * * tttb. tf.b. * 5f 0? wb om tbe Hojbe Iouctb, bpm be cba= 3poc.«u> ftcnetb.anbpctbeiitctbfnbnn.cucn a$afa» tbec in W awne fonnc.UJell W him tbat fin* bctb wplbomc, anb optcpneth Undcrftan* irtngc.f 0? tbe getting of ft (0 better ti)cn anv ff tnarcljaunbife of fpluer , anb tbe p?ofet of it *»io.mim W better tben golbe . * tt>pfoomc i$ mo?e wo?tb tben pjeciottf ftonejfcand all tbe tbtn* gctf tpat tbou canft defire ace not to be com* paced Unto bee . be ft a * acne.* .b *teee of Ipfc to tbem tbat (ape bolb upo bee, anb blcffcb i$ be tbat ftepetbbec Eaft. tOitb wpfoome DatStDe io?be laf eb tbe foundation of tbe ectb •• anb tbo^ovoe tmdcc= ftanbingebatb be ftablpCbeb tbcbeauenii. ^rbo?oroel)tg\s)ifoometbedeaiptbe0^faRe tip, and tbe cioubesi d?oppe bownc tbe tnxo* to fonne.let nottbe»tbpngejSbei?acte, (com twnt tyt8 : but ftepe mp laweanb mp councell, tbat tbou mapeftbauetbe plealUce of longe ipfc anb bndecft anbpnge : fo|t tbep fljal be Ipf e Unto my foule , 9 grace Unto my motutb. is;t)tn ibalt tbou walac fafrtpifn tbf> wape:and tbp fotc (ball not ft ombie, * 3f ^ flepeft , tbou (bait nott be afrapeb : bull (bale tafee tbp f eft, and flepe ftuctelp.'Srbou medeft & not to be afrapeb of anp foden feare , netber f 02 tbe Upolent cuilbpnge in of t^t tmpblp mm ftcommetb. floj tje lo?be (ball ftfide tytlppfybe , anb ftepe tW fore, tbat tbou be notiiaftcn.iaiitbd?att)enogoobtb(ngefcom tbeiwtbatbane nede,fo longe atftbpne band teak to bo it . ifeapenotljntotbpnepgb^ Umt -. gotjN? wape, f come agapneto mo* ♦ pjo.tft tottJc ixipu 3fltuet{ie s ttiiit re a# t|)Ou fiafte iioweto|geueT);pm. Jntenbe ino bur Wto tbV nepgbbourr, ftpuge be dot&ebttcl in teeft bp tbe .fcttopue not ipgbtclp wi»*;baiipe man toitd out caufe, t»bccc njs be batbe bone tbeuobarme. ^jfoloiocnotatoicueDmH, *»m anb cbofe none of bp ji war e JJ • fo? tfje 3Lo;be abbojr etb tbe fitoumrbe : nut jjpsi councell to amongep rpgbteou^. 'Sbe curfeof tf)e torn Win tbcboule of tHe»ngoblp:but beulelTetb tbe dwellpnges! of tbe rpg[)teousl.aili!l fo? tbe fttytteftiU Dotty; not be lauglJ tbem to mh nttfmt be geuetb grace Unto tbe lotwlp.tbe totfe (ball banc Ijionour (n poffeu*ton:but fta, mc # tbe pjomocion tljatfole0 (ball baue. C3Cbe.t«J.Cbapter. C^pCoonwaim^nrCrutw euiAtto be cm^tn* €are,flD pecbplbjen, tbefattyrlpejc = ^, cpon,anbtaftcgoobbeade,tbat-* bo?tacpoii> „.. 3pe inapelecne wpfoome . dto? 3 baue gcuen pou a good boctcpne , f o?fa he nott pe mp lawe . ^fo? icoben 3 mp fclfe txmsl mp fa* ttyrtf beacc fonne,and tfdcrlp beloueb of mp motber .- be taug;bt me alfo , anb fapde Unto me : * ictttbpneberte receaue mp wo?bej5(, fff£* Uepemp comnwunocmentejMud tbou (bait ***** Ipuc . (5cttbc txipfdomc : anb get tbe Unbec* ftand(ng:fo?getnotpt»o?dejsofmpmoutb, and (bjpnfce not from fbem.ifo?faljeber not and l^e (bull p?eftrue tjje : loue ber , anb Die (ball ftepe tbe.^be cbefepopnte of wpfoome W, tba t tbou be wpUpnge to optapne \»pfe= 205 dome: and befoje all tbp goodetfto getttbe Unberftanbpnge. * «)afte mocbe of ber and ^ K , m Ibetball p?omoitetbe.'^ee, pf tboucmbjnce becuje (ball b?pngc tbe Unto bonoure. ^ \)t (bail made t^ a gracpoutf beed, and garnpftbc tbe wit}) a crowne of glo?p . feea- vc mp fonne, and receaue mp wojoetfand t^t peaces of tbp ipl'e (ball be manp . 3 baue u)e= weo tiizMz wape of wpfoome, and ledbtbe info tberpgbtpatbesJ.$Dotbatyf tbou goeft tbcrin, tberefball no ftraptenesibpubrrtbe: and wbeu tbou i:unneft,t|)ou (baite not fall. 'Caftefaft bolde of boctrpne.and let tyr nott C gorfcepebcr.fo^ibcitftbplpfe. * come nott *]»«** in tbe patbe of tbe Ungoblpmnd walfte nott amm in tfy wape of t|ie Wpcftcd . 2dbbo?re (f , and 80 not tberin : beparte arp de,anD pafte ouer bptt.Jfo^tbcpcannotaepe.ejcccptctbcpha* ue fp?ft done fomr mpfcbef e.: netber tafte my anpereftccecepte tbep baue fpjtt done fome bar me . Hi 0? tbep eatetbe b?eabe of wpefted* nefle,and D?pnclte tht wtme of robberpe. ^be patbe of tjie rpgbtewetf (bpnetb ajs tbe lpgty,t(jat(iEi mtt b>igtyeNUi& fcfgtycr Un= to tpepcrfect baipe. 2Buttbe wnfeof the Un= -m floDlp«ai«tbeb!arcftneite:tbeiftnowe nott m wberc tb^P faill * . ^p fbunejimarcft c mp * bw*«* wo?Detf,and endpne tbpne eareunto nip fa= ***>*'* fm*. let tb5 not beparte fronftbpne epesi; ? out aepe ttym (wen tn (bempbmit.of tbpne v ■ ' : -aue tljp felfca^ a doo from the hande of tbe bun- tee , $ a* a bp?be from tbe bande of tbefou= ler.(0o totbe6mmettttfM>ub i jbaflote s tfmttfioti lufrnotaftm: ber beutp to tbpucbcrre,nitb (eftttyto be token witb be* Urn Iwjrt. aubariotwpli maneaman tobcggcfoi* bjcab.anba wouifan wpll bunt fott|)cpti,-cvciW5(Ipfc.a)apenmautaftcfp2e inbp*borome ; anbbp*flotbc*lnot bebjentr* . s> -tity can one.gotyton Dote coale* , atto bv* fcwtotbeburtrteueuro.wbiafoeuergoetb into j>i*ncpabbotirtfwpMniit6ucfortb bet. *«ro.m«, 3»J l" 1 wigpitp.* *J)cn bo nototterlp ■WWffc atbeft tbat (tcaletb to fati Tfpe M foulc , tt>bc»])e6Sf)tinttrp .• butpf be mapebe £otrcn,brrriro;etba bonourfO.fefBt8m4a.u5 teflvntfffourttto bt fcepcc,ti)»mtonap|>rtrtte ata> fiffp;crrougbt to br $onn». S&BJBgfomic, * Kept in? woibeiS, 51 lapcbpinpcominaunDemcntc* bp tbe. ftepemp commaunbe* fr5tflMra mcnw #anbmpif l *iif«itf^ .®s Jk*Japple of tbpneepc,iii> tbou ibalt Ipuc. topnbctbrmDpontbp fptigcttf , anb wjptctbcm in tbc cable of tbpnebert. £>ape u «. - . W* wpibomc:tbou art mp rpftcr, anb call maw bepctbe from tlje ftranngr woman, a nbfrStiie harlot wbicbgruetj) fwete woj* fccc.fl 0* out of tbe wpnbowe of nip boufe 3 25 lohcD tbojo we tbe latpirc>$ bebelbetbefpm* Pttpci)plc:anbamongcoti;erpongcfollic*3 JppeD one pongcfoole.gomgc oner f ftretc*, bptfte co?ncrmtbewapctoWarbc? barlot- tc* boufe , in tbetwrligbt of tbe euenpngc , Wben it beganne nowe to be npgbt 9 barcne. ii v* 1 3M» bcbolpe , tbere mett bpm a woman •>*» : *cccic.fr.a. * ujopcntou&of anbnelot,onelpberberte wa?bi?bc,&bewa*fullof loubewoibcM mm balp.wbofefcte coulbe not abpbelu tbc boufe , nowe i*n> wttbout , now in tbe (ncte*,anblapctbabapteincuerpcO;mer,tt5e Mttjjbt tbc pongcman,apaebbpm, anb wa* not a(bameb > fapi'mjc:3 baba boweofpeace ysr offer pngcjs to pat»e,^i-anb tbpjSbayelpcr« # c f£»ri«nt^bmo?ecame3fo?tbtometep, ^'lOmvfditfclie.tbpface.anbfoSbanef^ unbe %. 3ba«ebecbte mybcb tnitbcoue«= rpngejjianbclotbcs{ofCgppte.€)?beObaue 3 matietofmeU of ^ togetbecanbtane tt^HeiinofetbepleafnwjBioflowe. ^foztbe itb t aftentfte tou&eof monere witb vt r » * !':,i P ' Jt <©f£> jro ^ !« .^« IS- '"« •1 • R '■< ■ !: \ -' bvm:3nbt»fll ieetonene borne atfumm* w, teb foicmpne fejte: -fttnl wltb man?Kte * tt^be0Jbeoucicamebim»anbwttbberaat= tecpnge ipppetf )!be entptcb bwn ftbehbeto fblowe bermjs «? tteteanojrelebtlfbe flan* fibtct:, $ ipbc a.tf it were a foote mi laugbf to wbf DegoetbtoitbeftocIteS , tobepunpaeD; [0 lege cpll Cpebjib wounbeb bPJS letter with berDart:lpbeaiBi:pfawbebaftcbto tbe ftia* w,not bnowpnjie tbattbeparell of Wlpfe lpetbtbet\)pon. tyearcmenowctjertoie, €> mp cbpUven , anb marefce tbe wo?bcjS of mpmontb. letnottbpnebertcwanbieta .* bee wapesi , anb be not tbou btfceaueb m bee patbeai. 5to?manponel)atb (be wounbeb anb call bowne, j>ec manp a ftrfige man batb bene flapne bp die meant* of bcr.lper Ijoufesf are tbe wape bnito bell.anb b^pngemen bo= wne into tm cftambeeiK of beatb- C8:be.t)t«.cbaptee< C2^ep?apCtoetbcttirTliomcof * , £>t& not * wplbome ctpecttot b not % pnoeraaubpngeput fo^tbber tNofr *9mk ft ^/ c f*S>tanbctb(benotmtbebpepla« h*3#& ceis in t\\t ftretetf anb wape*? both (be not crpc before tbe wbolecptie, anb in tbe gates! wbeee men go out anb in /jtijfpon , C 1 pe mm ( fa yclb die ) wbom 3 call : &nt f tljccbPlOjien of men )bo3lpft\)pmp t)opee/ 'STaue ijebe wito UnowieDge £> pe tgno^aut be wpfetn berte , €> pe folesf, tno?etben fpnegol* be.^foi* wp(DoinciB!mo?ewo?tbtbenp^ ** m m ciou* fonetf.pte all tbpngetftbat tbou canft be^e.mape not be copareD \jnto it . 3 wpf= 25 borne Dane mp bWellpnge witb anowlebge, anbpjuticntcouncellisimpneawne. ^:t)e feare of tbe to0t abt)o?retb Wpcbebneffe , p?pbe. bptoapncanbtbecueUWape: anba moutbtbatfpeaUetbwpcfeebtftpngeiBi,3;t)t« tcrlp abboju-e. 3 r^an geuc counccll,anb3 cfi» f errc t&tngctf \ 3 Uut tmbec ftanbftig, 3 baue ttrcngtb. * W&w mcftpngeiS repgne: * *>*W tbojowemc f eumielarjS malie iuft lawesf. ^ 8pftn ' «o|owne,bo ??pnccjsbenrc rule, anb all ; {ubge* of tbe cart 5 execute pe cbpltycn , blclteb are thev tbat Uepe mp wape*. €> gene care bnto nuetoure,be wpfe,anb refute it not. 23lef= febi* tbe man tbat bcaretbmc , watebpnge bavlpat mpgate*,anb geupngcattcnoauce at p poftc* oFmp bo^e*. # o,t wbo fo f pu= iv bctbme > fpnbetblpfe,anblballobtapnefa= uour of tbe tojbe . Slit wbo fo offenbttlj a= gapnftinc,burtetbbi*awncfoulc. %\\ tljeptbatlmtcmc,arctijcloucr*ofDcatb' C«rbc.it\<£baprcr. CWptoon«mo«i;tft alt men to cinbjacf \ft t . Zi)t p;op«tprofawbo;:. gfDomc batb buplbeb ber felfc ^r an boufe j$hew?n ontfeuen ppller* j (be bato fcpUcb ber bi- taplc* , po wjeb out Ijcrwy nc , $ p^cparcb ber table. &b§ bath ftntfojnbbcr mapben*to crpebpon^ bpeft place of tbe cptic : U)bo fo i* igjio^annt , ret -* bpm come bptber. 3Bnb to tbe \jn wpfc ujc m fapbe;fl[>cfime onpottrwape,catc mp bieab, anb b^nctte mp wpne,wbicb3 bnue poureD outfox pott, jf ojfattc tgnb;aunce , anbpe ibaUl^uc:«nbfetbatpe go in tbe wape of fenoerftanbpngc. QJboforcwouctbafcoz* nefull perfonne , gcttetb tyih felfe otaj on on* ^, re ; anb betbat tcbubetb tbeDngobip . ftap» netbbimfelfe* ..BcpjOHenot$cff*a fco^ncr leftbt wetbe euell wpll'bttt rcbulte a wpf c _ man,anb be wpllloue tbe. 0eueabiferete «ob ttiiS m * ** an otcaft>on r anb be wplbe § wpfer : pww«- tmm arpabteoniBtin8,anbbe wpllinereafc wSffi't wiwrnrtflwe; *irbeleareoffbeio?bcw Imt V begitmpncie of wptfiome,* tbc anowlebge of bolp tbfngc* (*bnber(fanbpngif. jfo? tbojowe me cbpba?e* (balbe p^ologcb , anb tbepeare* of tb» ipfe (balbe manp. 3ftbou bewpfe.tbPWiroomcCballbotbprelfegooo but pf tbou tbpnttcft fcome tberof ;ete,ani)pb?cab tbatWpjcnclpenten,bntbagoobtaftc; 9nb be botb not cbnfpb^c , tbat tbcp ate butbeeowbicb lie tbcre, anb tbat ber geftc* arctntbebepeoflKll.^otob^attopiibeiopnfa litito fjcr.tball go ootonc to bell : but Ijc that auopbrth ftoirt Jjtt,(?ialberaufD. C^be.jc.Cbaptcr. «T3in rtjpsitbaptrcanD fnail tbat folotoe bnto tbt tbp;tpf,tbf topfcm.ln ft^ttjttth bp cpucre Un-, tcnccB tnbpcl) brnlirtb Parable's . to foictcr brr; M<- >t f 'I I tuts ano fit brtf 3 : 2no ftecoetk alfo tobaf p;of?c comrtb of topfaomcauo to&'at bpnojaftncf pzo; ccaOrthofCotp^utCrc. C^zoucrbc* of Salomon. p: wpfc * fonemaftctbagiab 31 fatber, bntan bnbffcrcte fonne ^z i* an beiipnelfe bnto \)v% mo* J p?ou •*?•*• tber. * treafurc* pare wp-- tSSSf tm\y gotten, p? of ptc no tbpih fle:butrpflbteonfneuebcliiiecetbfroDeatb. , ^c^bc to?be wpll notlet tbe foule of the *#****** rjgbtcou* fuffrc bogcr.but be taaetbawape tberpebe* of p bngoblpe: 3n pblebanbe mahetljpoo^cbutaqupclwiabouringebabe,, Ihasetb rpebc. ** (Ho fo rtgatbrtb. irtpngw , febrtb z2 f_ topnoc, anb botb but foiotor bptere tbatbauc taucntbept to Mp * fiUbo fo gatbrretb in&ommcr,i* wpfe:but be f bat i* aougpib in banicft,b?tu getbbimlelfctoconfufpon. aSicffpngc* are \jpon tbc beabc of tbc rpgbtcou*, anb tbc ntontb of tbc bngoblp frcpetb mpfebefein fc- crete. * 'iirbc memojpall of tbc inftM * **ei*. baue a goobrepo.«c,bat tbc name of tbc Wi» floblp (ball ftinclie. 3 wpfe m,1 will r ccc auc warnpngc, butapjatmgc folc (ball be pu= tttA . „.., , npfbeb. *l)etbatlcaoetban innocent Ipfe, min " u walbetb furelp : but wbo fogortha wionge wape Qmlbc knowne. #mp wpncbctb *«*4*m» Witbbi*epe,wiilbofomebarme:butbctbat Ijatbafooipqiemotitb,ajalbe beaten, ^bc iftoiitb of a rpgbteou* titan i«a well of Ipfe. but p nionfb of tbc wigoblp ftepctb inifebefc in fecrete. eupll wpll fterttb \?p (If pfc,- *but^Ioue couerctbpmuititubeof fpn» fiSMM* tie*. 3n# lVPPc*ofbtmf'hatbbnbcrf|aii= $»*"* bpnge,amanujatifpnbewifoome,butprob brtqugcfb to^ baebe of tbefolpuje, topfc mf tape bp bnowleogcbut pmontbofFfo« I?lbei*n'pcbcttrii(xi6.'S:bericbein8*gooljesi are bi* ft t on gc boibe, but tDeite awnc pouec« tpefearetb? poo>. tbtepgbteonjsiabou* retbto <« \ I I i V? . . i * r: tm *j'" * retb to bo goob , but tbe towo*! ? uirro mm enjccafewofpnne. ^oUebcbetf? ftmiio^wafoolc. U)bcrcmoc|ibabfinS 2 £JfW W««jWeptonj«. bat tbe fjirte ^bcble{rpngeoftbclo20ema«etbririie f?: ^«Bf6»*. tbp Hffctbcrto: 3folebotb\»VcRebl?dnb a « ; if I ! a;- ■fl i I it ■ 5 II ** ■ . i 1. i ?. ; — t b *alVbauetbcifbcIV^.irbcl)nfiobwSaafcth w6;«tbetempeftcomme^e:bwtSrp2S? S2 1 SHfl OowffP^pfrfottitc to tbem that fen be torn fojtb. foe fc arc ofSlSSi ffobipQjaibetatencb. ^panentabp* Jt S?S?h/2 ,ftpn 5 C0f wpfoomc, mt 92SSRSS9S>^i buttUemoutij oftbe »Wlp taactb them to tbe woift. 1 Mfc.jr.0. Km^'^o wntop lo^bCj buta true iweigbtfleafetbbtot: u>bere PJPjetotbereiaqjameairoanb wMe0,tb«eWtm»fbomc. -fcbeinnocent berf!fiigeoftbcruft(baUleabetbem,buttbe ttgteonc* of fucb a* M ffemwc, tba bit fag tJje bapeof tocngeaunce, butcpgbteou(hcu"e bcJpucretbfrobcatb. ^be rpabteoB 1Ebc runrhtcnurMPffpftf fhf. i,.<* 1**11 EL; 341 ft H .p 1 s; tfccic.b.b. T* .** , IT if ^ A \M a i * 6apf g.b*b '.. ^|c rwjhteouriteireof tbe tuft mil bcip* )e eonfpoen ofFb.i|fembierWbWttOTl)bourebcbpptb, 23 «£«TC.~ w w E»w»4woerancn n tnew * SSfflttSl^i- * Wenantmgoblp ■•$! *' * ■ ' x- buttbo;owtbittouilebse(baUtbetitltbtbe« ipuercb. * mm it goitb nSK tbe '"*« mmtye , tljeec tg glabneOe. tbe cptw ptotomm bu : utbfii tbcl)Uffobli>ft8ue tot nfcSS yetb. 3fooUb^tgttB\)paftMb»offfii uewbboucbuta topremantopU-WSrS VtUeuUbcctctJjpUBcjiecouitttaf *mbite*« tiofloobwunwlltf, tbtwtbejitopiebwaj'c: C nll.tbrrettfuifaitb, *^ettetVfu«tp meblctb not b5 l r ueetU(bpppe, Wfiire. 3 gw» ctous to oman ma piteynetb bonett^ 9& bat is ; mmpfoii bo tb bpm fefea benetWe butwbo fo buctetb bitfuepgbboot.ttatv- raiint. ttbe M bour of the ^tigoblv p?ofi«= Rt¬.biitbetbat fotoctb ^teoulhS, q)aU;ectauea&rerewarbe;i^ajJw£ tcouftictf b^nir tb I yf r :r ticti fo to cicue into cuel ,b ? wgctbjeatb.pc to;beabbo^efb tbftiiotbeofa| f apnf0brrt,butbebatbplea= Hire in mm tbaitare of an bnocfpleb cornier^ fa w, %M ttjpcuf b ameiibctli not fot plageijpon piaijc, but tbe febe of tbe nM wftboiit Dtfcrctf mancttf , (jeil^earpnge of Solbtna topnripfhoute. ^Debcfwe oltbe mftcm ^acceptable, buttbebope of tbt Ml out ijiflt goi.Des , anb it tbt rpebec . but 5fJBl from notbpug*}, anb pet ij{ euer (n poueetpe* t |9e tbat mtbmw in geupngc, (ball ba-- * „ fft'^ftcihatwatembla Ube\Sa=*^' w tercb alfobtm felfe, n>bo fo boozoetb To *mu* butbleffpngeajailllpgbtbponWWbS geuetb f oobe. loc tbat laboured tote neftp , fpnbe«b^ befwebut wboWaetfi aftwrnpfcbefc^aall bappen Mo bpmT ^etbatteuftetbwbi/rpcbeij , Ojalibaue Jbeflwne leafe.l >bofomabetb b fqupetnetf a,w -w* fobfe atone boulc. be Ml IwueKbefS tbeuyfe. -Ebeltute of tbe rpgbteoujJiia to wjnnemen^uietf Wmv*.*gftfX *< M w teou^bcrectofebtjponeartbrbbiwmocb moif tben tbe ^oblpaub Mimmt "•■■'■ ■ C^be.^j.Cbaptec. tettobewfouemtbibutlit^ batetb life rote ic-; iSf^> tberoteoftberpgbteoujKbailnotbemoueb; »vr 3| bniwifu; ujom5 w^r a croroue two Dec "lufbanbecbutftjetbat bebauetbb« felft \w» jonettlp.ftfacdirupcfoinbpo'boiiefc 'Che tbougbtejs of tjje epgbteousi are rpgbt , but toe vnuiflfaacion of tlje bttgoblpare btfceat= full. 'Cbe talftpnge of tl)t tmgoblp in bom tUevmawlapeW3ptefo^iouO,butfmoutb 0M of therfflf)teou0 wpll beUucr them. * doob t> otter turnetb tbe cftate of tbe tupebeb at tbev ftanbe not:but tbeboufe off rpgbteougftall ftanbe fteabfafte. at man (balbe comme- beDfo?bPJ8 ttJpfoome.bntafolcOialbe bef* fMtvr^ ppfeb. * aifpmple man tobtcblnbouretb ano wotbttM better tben one tbat iff go?= flpoitf anb lacbetb b^eab. % rpgbtcoug ma" rcgarbctb tbe Ipfc of bptf catell , but tbe \3n= ww.f gooip baue cruel hertesf. * l^e tbattplletb fiWIanbcujall banepicnteoufneffeof b?eab : but be pf olotoetb pbplne&tt a tjerp f oole. 5^ MKtnfto fo l»ae^ pic arute eo cfftftiue at tbe topnc,icauc(^ b lowpngetbent; tbercCbattno mp(co^tu» pbapp^ntotbewft,buttbc\)ngoblpa}al= Uo«.flr.b. be R?licb txjttbmtfcrp. * %ty io2bc abbo^ retb [PingelpppeiS , but tUv that faboure fo? truetbpleafe bvm, ^ctbat bath toiDtrftan* r)g* opnge, $ar both $pbc mtunmt : but an 1m- Wfcrete berte tellctb out i)ps(f olpttmeffc. 5) ^bntgfntbanbeajallbcatcrulr.but tlje SSSftf 1 ^ Wc *albeDnber tribute. *l9cupnfffcbif= SSB& C0 *«B*jb tbe bcrtc of mau.bttt a goob \xJ0.2bc mauetbttglabagapnc. ttbc rpgliteousi execUcf b bP0 nepgbourc, but tlje wapc of tbt Vngoblp ropli btfceauc tbem fdnejai. ^bc bifccptfuH man (ball not roftc .tbat tife. w b E t0tte 9MfW» ***** dj* of tbe m- SSSS S «w? * «i Vjat vale toe. ,fn tbe wave of rpgbteoufneirctbere^ipfcanbmtbe fa= metoapetberewttobeatb. . C€|)e.#tf,;€!wptcr; ifo ■Mi tDpfe tonne wpllberacn tobpjf 3H Mat warnpnfft, but be tbat [tgfcoznefuII.Mluotbearcwbe' .beWrepwneb. 3D goob man ^„u)allentopcp frute of pijSmoutb . jat batb a frowarbe mpnbc , (balbe fpopleb. tye that uepctb bp« mouth bepe tb bP^ Ipfe : butwbo fo opeuetb bn Ipppetf to cucll.Ocftropcthbpm fclfc. 'Cbe flogflrbe toolbcfapncb'iue,;^ cannot get hp0beCp ( ic: bttttbefoiileof tbebWgeiit (ball bane pietp. 3d rpgbteonj* man abhojcctblpcft, butthc tongoblp (bametb both other anb bpinfelfc. mpgbteoufncffe feepetb the innocent in the ujovc , but twgoblpmffe botb oucrtbwt»e the fpnner. # momemm arc rpcbe.fbougb * wxpau thephaue notbpngc, ogapne fonie men arc ann.au. a. poorcbautnggrcatccycbest. U)tthgoobejS w**** euerpmanbelpucrctbbiJflpfe.anb the pooic topllnotbercpioucb: ^ljclpghtoftherp« -« BbteoujJmaUctbicpfttlUbnt *tbe canoic oe t;, „ m t tbe tongoblp (balbe put out. 3mongctbe * p?oubctbercrtieutrftrpfe,b«t amongc ti)o= f e that bo all tbpnges* toith a'buifcmcnt.tbcrc ijSUJpfbome. aapnlpegottcn gobbesarc fooncfpent.buttbept[jatbcgatbcrcbtoge= tDer twitbtbe banbe,(ball(ncrcace. iongc tarpenge fo?atbpngetbatiiE( bifferrcb , gre= uctbtbebcctc.buttXJbetbcbefp^e commttb •• € ft 10 a tree of ipfc. &r- ttJbofo Defppff tb anpc ■^ tb(nge,(balbeburtfo?tbefame.butbef'fca= retbtbe commaunbement, (baUliaue the re* tX)3rbe. c«cai>'rccathilironnelbaItbauriio goon : bur a ^ hitttttt fmuunt (baubo Cuiitocil, ano bro toapc flu||p:of; pm^tK latoe it a well of ipfc tonto f t»pfc, that it maye ftepe bpm from the fnarc* of bcatb:C5oob\)Ubcrttanbmsc geuetb fauour, but harbc i0 f toapc of the bcl]3prcr0.3E wpfe manbothalltbpnge0 with btferccton , buta foolctopllbcclare OP0 folp. Zn ungoblp mc(lauflcrfallctbitttompfcbefe,butafaptb= full ambau"aboun'0 wbolfomc. J)c f tbin* Uctbfco^nctobcrcfoucmcb,commetbtopo= mt$9 ujamc:buttx>bofo rcgarbctb coutccto S> (Ijall come to honour c. mbrna befp.jcid bjoughttopaffe.itbelptcthp fouIc:bttt foo= lc0couutcttabljonunacpoutobcpartefrom eucll. ^cthatgoetljtntlic copanpofuipfc men, (balbe topfcsbutabo'fott a companpo of foole0,(balbehurtc. 4i)pfchefcfolo\J3ctlj tjpon fpnnerjBf, but tbe rpghteou^aiall baue agoobrcwarbe. I9ethatt3\)ertuou0,lca= uctbau enberttaunce Unto hpfi'cbplbcro cbtl= bicn * anb § rpcbejs of the fpnner t0 la peb My *&*#uu foi the tuft, ^bcrct'^plcntcoufncfle of fobc in the f clbc0 of the pooje, but f feme not well ojbjeb it without frute. * i)c f fparethtbc * ettr.m.» O^robbe, batetb bp0fonne:bntwbofo lo= ©««•«•*. ucthbpm,cbafttfctbbpmbptpmc0. e=e * * %bt rpgbtcoutf eateth, anb t'0 ratitfpco , * *tmw* bu t p help of f Vngoblp batb ncucr pnougb, CClJc.jciiu.Cbapter. \»pfe s jfritt ! - . * W ' • * V :, 1 j ■ k > * * i * * i 5 4- if * * *.• ■ !■ ! F i, . i f .i m ! i • r ll 4 / p > Ill Is H I €|ep?ottette i > ii * »;o, bnr.a 23 t>cutf.rfl.a. 63- t^ c 4 J gfe women \>pbolbe tbep* boufe,butafolpibwpfeplu» ckctbithownc. I)c$wal* illojbc f caretbbun : but lie " turnetbbimfelfcawapefr jwwavtf.oirppfctbbpm. .„ 2 1 ^ S99 of % W & *t)c robb of P?Vbc,bnttbclpppe*of tDevoKctxivd pjc= frrneftrm, U)lierctio Ojcentc, tUcrc ^ cffib= bcgemptpe:but where the otf Iitliotire the* wpll not bKTcmble, but a falfcrccoibc wpll mahea ipe, 3C rcojnctuii boop fcketb wpf* bomc,anb fpnoetb it not : but * Imowicbge L tf i3?'5 come J?fc tonto&pmt&atwplj *u« pcrfranbe. &e tbat tbou mcble not witb J foolc,ut who tljou pcrccaueft to be no kuo* S9&n • ^5 W °» ,c of tw» «w ftw& ««pwttabii!5 tfctotnkc behc tmro W wave but m folptbucitc of tbe W? wpfebifecauctb. ,. $pb# make but a fpojtc of fvimc, but t{)ccci.jffauo?nblcIoucam6ffetbctpffbteou^ ^&cftcrtcfeIct&bP!Sownelpuc0 bptter* nelFcmct bcr Ojall ftraugcr be partaker of bi$ im* Wwtitat tbctonffooip qiaiuco* nert&ownc,biit the tabernacle of the rpate teoiitfibau f lojpmc. * fchcre {§%£ a wape tX)l)tcDfomemcntbpnbetobetpgbt,buttbc ctfbc tbcrof leabctb Mo mtW&r S JK** ?w^w««« «« mm , alio tbc cube of mm i$ beupnetf. 3 backup* pWbcrtfcaibcfpUcbMtfawnewape*, but a goob ma (ball Ipue of hi* frutejj. ^ t ffS bobp bcicuctb all thingc*-.but wbo foJatb^nOcrft.IDmfie.loljctbWclltob^ao-- Htg C0.o»(a ei'fccatfuJl foiiiu $au ^auc tio gooD,bu< a Di- fcrrtcfctuaOt fyau do fmitoni , (sg Pe toaP c diaii wofperc.) ^topfe man fejrctb,anbbepactetb fro cucii, but a funoufcfoole jjoctbonp^efupteouap- h. *2Ll? ,pa 5P cn f "J an Bwft * foipibip.but bct.|au0ujellaoupfcb,Wbateboftbefole -cbe tpo^aunt baue folplbneg in pou"cf= ft/Mm mw&m croroncb txJitbano= imtq mm of bptf atone ncpsbboure&but tberpebe batbmanpfrenbe^. tobofo bcf= WaftronsebolOe^nbbpjScbplbieiirtreijtt,, i berafurebeftnee. Weareof tS 5 12 \* beatb^ . ^l)cmcceafeanDpyofp C r"teofth1 $£& m 8*A^ confifpon of tfte gjpnw. I^e tbat t* pact ent , batb mucK tbe ipfc of tbt! bob^butrancoure conMeth l)nlcrueb, * ^cr rejwbe ^batbpptleof f poo?c.»»(©fn»fwfc W5 Iff trurttyMl) Wcom . t:be wave ofa floutbfullmcT,t0ajSitwerebebctc& with C tto^buttbeftreteof f rpffbteoi&w well «m* cttnfeb. * Jwpfefonue maltetba glabfa= tbecbiit an Wtbtfcrete bobp ^amctbbW mo totf. afooleretopfetbtnfoolpibe thlntreflt, butawpfemaulOBetbweUtotoawneflo= mttk^ dftttjbupfeb tbousbtcfiibaUcome tonauffbt.butwbercasfme'arepcamiegeue counceTUtberettttebfaftnelTc. 31 topfull tbvnfleijStt,toamanwbfb(i9tcouufcUtffo= toweo :ano \)trp pleafunt tfiia woibe fuo= ftcninbne.feafon. t 'Ebe wape of Ipfc lea- H &W° ty? Wf N « wan Cbulbe beware of veil mm. \MW io^bc will tyeaftc bo= 22 c i^2L*5 f f WM* be tball make eafttbebo^eceiofpwtDDowe. %^cJloi-- be abbo^retb tbe pmagtnacpontf of tbc w vc= & keb , but pure wo^effoftnnocftegarculea- faunt tonto bpm. Ube couctouiS man ro= tetbtjfiby^awncboufc , but wbofo bntetb ^ s rewarOCiS.lbaU Ipue.»»(2:l)o?otoemrtcp aim fei-eij t «tcCpnn«B poutg«o,ano(l)o?ov»e*fe8« of tbc Eo;Dtootb cuctponreCcbufcueH.) ^beberte Of ptpan mavc well^r-purpofea tbpnge mbpsi bertcbut tbc an= fwercof tbctongecommctb of tbjXoibe. *3mantbpnkctl) BTHPfl^yW 11 *^ t0 to clCftJ « > but It l» tbe to jOe tbat iub&tb tbe mpnbeitf. ami tb lo|e i wbattbou bcupfefl;,ttujrtUu?olVe= r *« ?Ji« l°?oe botb all tbpnscja! In bptf wnefime , peeanb wben beftepetbtbe lon- opip f omt oape of wjatb. 'Cbe 1020c bbwretb all lucb asi be ofapjoube bcrfe, t0 babe tsi agatuit tber banbe anb m? Qiall »* not if (cape as tnnoc5 test. <* *be bractmtait or l^fWp tbe loibe , be iitaMb MtJe^encmfeStobebtJifcenOerf. ffie^ mpit to bauea iptle tbpnge Wifb rpgbte- ouftie^tbcngtcate rented w^5geouapgo^ ten. *3mon0euifetba;wapetnbWtte, *touwta but it » p ito?oe tbat o?b? etb bpjs gopngetfi fa* «abcn tbe p?opbeep tie in m Ippped '^ , pftbebpnge^^moutbujannotgowwng^^ , , jnfoDgmft. m trcwe meafure^afrewe tSSBff* balannce are tbe lo^be^iubgment , btmi-- kctbaii wcpfihteA 3titfagrcateabbom^ nacpon wben kpngejf are wpcktb, fo? a fttm* gctf fcatc u)uioe be bolbcn ttp witb rpgbf e^ ' pufnelTe. lUpg bf eoufllpppeg are pleafafif Jnto kpiige0:ano bet batfpeaketbtbe tructb ftjalbc beloueb. ^t kpngf tf Otfpleafurc i* nmcaaungerofbeafb,butawpfemanw!li pacjfpe bimi 'Cbe c&eref tiKl countenaunce of tbeftpnge W Ipfe, anb bWloupnge fauoure mum euenpnge btwe. #tfeonaue wpf= ♦»*•*«* borne In pofTcltpon abetter tltjcn to haue goU DC: anb to get bnberftanDpmie , it ratbetta uecbofen toem to baue fpluc^be path of § rpgbteougls(toefcbnceucU:?wborolokett, well to W wapc0,kepctb W awne foule, ^cfiimtptcoufneggoctbbcfo?eDearuc= cpon,anb after a p^oube ftomake tbcre f old* wctbafall. Betteir itftt to be of bumble mpnbe witb tbc lowlp, tbeu tobeuybc the ipoplcg witb tbt pjoube. fye tbat banoicf b a matter wprelp, optepnetbgoob : « * blcf* *m»m. ftD &'H ttt P uttctb hP^ tew to th c toibc.- TOo fo batb a wpfe ^nblrftanbpngf, fl)Olbecallcbtocouncell:anbbe^can(peake fap;e, (ball hauctbc moje Icrnpnge. an= € berftanbtttge is a well of ipfeDntobim that batbtt;aslfo? tbe chaOenpnge of fooled, it is but foolpujncirc .% wpfe bnrt o?b?ctb \m moutbwvfelp.aiibamfbctbtbeboctrynem W ipppefi!. tfapje u)o?btjaiarcan bonp co- be, a refrefbpnge of tbe mpnbe, gs be aith of $ bom, .fc'Cbcretfawnpetbatmetbpneke i^w'P* Jgtju atroublousifoulcbifqupetetbbcr Rite, to? per awne moutbbatb bjougbt pec therto. 3n tjngobl;? pcrfonne fterctb \)p euell,anbin bitf lipped i(je W as? an wbotc bur- npngerp?c. % frowarbebobp caufetbftrp= iSi *9* i% a mhht of »** t0 »sf . w- ftetb bemipon amonge p?pnccs;.3lwpckeb man begvletb bP0 nepgbbour,anb leabetb pim n to tbc ware tbat itf not goob. ^bebngoOlpploketbgaftclptfibPSfepetf^ pmagtnctbmpfcbefe^njbfbcmouctbbtssip ppctf,be wpllbofomebarme. 3ge ista cro= wne of wo?a)Ppe,pf it be foube int he waptf of rpgbteoufneg. % pacientman itf better tben one &r6ge : mb be that can rule bim fcl» re, w mow wo?tb tben be that w ynnct b a cp* tpe. ^be lotteiS arc call in to tbt lappe, but tbc o?b?pnge tber of ftanbctb an in f %9W* ■ CCbc.jebij.awpfer. •/A -*■»■ mm ■*•* s ■ ' ':-»•; « i « t i f i * v '? ' v l I * JF: '! > v 4< i:{. ; i 54: •if I .hi' ill MS 34 *• tf 3 ♦•tfott.tr.6, tit ^J£Jffi^!LWJffi&-= **W*ftL ;*^t»^tttan,wtUfette^3( 'fl ucfo.tbenaboufefull of ftttt oftintfe «.< m. -**W*fe *1M« fcruaunt ** „~ 2Jf>ff'««*irtli«ieft*e^wttgf with ffiSt** 9* h t*$t* x \ * ivfo m rpiuerwitrpci) m p mmm, fpiic anbgoldemtbefojnacc, euf foftotyt&e lo?bc p?ouc tbe &crte0, 3 wpcaeo bob? BPuctbauotfcc to falfc Ippped.-ja frowarbc * »> 8 .t«8.tt pegonnc geuetbrarcto a bifccatfulltonge. 3!ob.wTi.c tt>bo folaugbetbtbcpoojeto fco?ne, blaf* pbrmetb b»0 rnaacr : anio be f 10 glad of ano= tb&r man^ burtc, ujnll not be tonpunptyea. CbplocrtfcbplbJcnareawoifoppucOuto m ttd«0, anjtbeeatbcr0arc tbebonoureof y± m cbPlb?cn.&pcacb of aucto?ptic becSmctb nota foole , mocbe leffca Ipinge moutb tben befcmetbap?imc. 3eewarbc(0a0Bp?c= .,. cjou0n>ic\mtobtm?batb tlic plage ft>ill iiotDcparfcfrombtSboufcEliebeginmiue o; irrpfe taaa wben a man maftetb an jane rot water- , tbcrfo?c ot tbe mc tpngebc leaue ofcotencpon.^cioibcbatetbajSweUWm atWimfatmt*nsMv,a*Wmifatm* *• dcifipuetb tbe innocent. n>D»t belpctb it togcucafooletrearitreinbp0banbe, wbere as(be{wtb nompnbetobpe wpfdomei' -.-.* J* "*'' ttrt, ° ro btt * Iwt * * to ftouft (0 ** c • frtrt t> Wbwej on: *.|9>oa.W.«.»n6l,t^ a trffuW!, to Iran. flail fall Ineorae&htfc.) fee gaWoetbataUwapelonetb, anb(nabuer= *;»?ou,<;,». fpte a man (ball ftno we tobo tt bPJ« biotber- *tt)bo[op?omplftbbptbebanbe,anbi}j fncrtpe fo? bW nepgbbonre,bntf a foole. lytbatbclptftbinfpnnclouetbftrpfe; ttr a fall. n>bo fo batba frotoarbc berte> opicpnefDnofloob;aiibl)cft)athanouertb= warcetonffc .(ball fall into mpftbefe. fee ,. - ftHJWijN^ebescctJtbbiiKfo^otJJc,^ SS.OT. f . aertc maketb a luftp aje , but a fo^owftitt ?Bfif ft? P* to P F bon ^' *N WWW taftetb ffpftcg out of tbe bofomc, to tojefte w b teteepejtf of fooled roanbiw ebo^ottie out t»?ou.rfF.b. HIiSffiSt J 3,w ^>«bifcref c fonneW a trrcfe fm»itet[iep?pme/Jt|?a^euetrMe •• "v i" 1 tt a man of tonbewanbutflp, -ju ^ $ tbat mnhctl) mocD of bPU fp^ete. *Pee* Jiffl ^er-p foole (wjben be boioetp bt>0 tange) iff countcb\»pfe,unbro baue tjnDcrftanbpnoe, wDenUe^nttetbDpjJlwpejf. CC^l)C.jc\]»j.Ct)8ptce. © aWpantef b bpm felftt»rt|j all « (teabfalt 9 bcltb fomc boctrpne . j ^ bat! a ferule bef^e to it ano 138 re. dueltrateftom companpe. 3 fooiiibatb nobelptein tinber(fan> bluge.bntonelpin tboretbinffetfujlwrinb^ lircteretopfet!), lotjcntDc \)naoblp com- in r tb> tbem camctb alfo bpfbapne,ano tottb tbe buboueft pur f on commctb tbameanb bi= Qjonour. 1EI)c wo?bcs( of a wpft mantf moittb arc Ipfte bepe twatcrsi, itnb tU well of tDpfoomc 10 Ipaea full ft reame. # 3Jtt j * »w notgoob torctjarbetbe perfonne of tbetjn» gowp.o^topuit bacltetbe rpg^teouiei iniiub' gemcnt.3Koole#lpppc!dareeuerb;aweXt>tt<: ge.anb biismoiitlj p^ouoactb ^nto battapll. 31 foolesi inontb W Iw* atone Oeftruc^ 2S cpon, anbbp^ Ipppesf are tty (hare fo? m a\»nefoule> ^beraojbe^cifafciaunberer ■ nretoerp woubesf.anb go tbo^ot»etJtttfl t it V'i moft parted of tbe bobp . v* cfm Mtwt. bo: *• i 'it I •ft tone bpm tljaf (sdiiutlihut: atibtljcrouiMof tocbseipat lnbniupteouOif«tfiiiHbon*«r.)tt)bO fo 10 UOUtb' rullanbOacaem bptf laboare , tet&ebiotber ofWmtftatwawatter. Rename of tDe lo^bitf a ftrongecaftcll,^ rpg&ttouitf flpctb \jttott, anbiS tnfaucgarbe .mt the rpebe € jnautf gopbetf are W ftrongc ftolbe.pe be ta- bctbthefo?anbpcurnllrouDeaboutenim. 3ftcr pipbecommetb beftrucepe , anbbo* , nour a^tcr lottlpnesi. *ioc ^geuctbfcntfce *«** tit a matter before be bcarc tf ,l*a foole , anb wojttbPtobecafoimbeb. % goobftomacae b?puctbaujapi:amanjaiblfcaft,burtt)betbe totetttoereD , u?bo mape bpbert/3 wpfe berte labourctb fo? bnowiebgeanbapjttbfft earc feftetb t)ni)er franbpnge. tt>bcralite b^pngetba nift tobonoureanb mi(hwv\ anb fcttc tbbtm amonge great mm. ftte J^ tc ; u ?i ccla "t^«attjneeaufcfirftiim ^pfb^«cp([l)bourcomc,heftaHfinbel)f. 'CbelottparifpetbtUetoartagce, a partetttf mpgljtpfaninlJcr.aib/otlJertioualiheije greiicbtjoffjee ,pet« jc;mo?e wo?tb&na J«?p r ^eeaaeH:anbtljcpf()olbetogetl)er S?r%lR ar t rc i f B**| ntWbelpftjal* befoMffpeM t^eftute of f)(0at»tte moutb, m 5 nt P|?«««e:anb t]jeptbatlouett,qwU D ^(Boob^pfcf^itjetbagoobttongefanb re enfope&frnterberof. %n)jjofofpnbetDa *w»H ' a tntopre.) ^Detioo?ema»crDfitppIicaepottf M JSSJK Wfl SJif * e:IW B «P«batthawor ,Yf a fpblfwiB ^ #BFetP fetf -• , :Bnftljcr(cjjegcneftarou^ anfwere.SI'mittDar louetbbw ftenocsitupu y be coftteWewftl) tbem: anb fomefrettbe ftape,$ timt m bPie* tJcrteDnpnctcnt agaf nft tf)eXo?be. , mpcDciEi mafee manp frenbcsi : but tbe m c isi r.b fo?fatten of Dpiine vgtJboure.^s falfe wtt- ite jf (ball not remapne ))npttn?fibeb:aub be f fpea uetblpes! Ml not efcape. ^:be muititu Ml/ I; /.- * ■* 4 be ljangetb Upon great men : anb euerpman £.&;, fauouretb bv»« tbatgeuetbretBarbejjf. 30 f 1 * '• fo? t&tjiooie.De W bateb amonge all W b?e* iw tD?en:Vee, w atone frenbeg mtbtkm fro ' » otm ; anb pf fe affce tliem tDe canfe,t|)ep bpf* bapnffo anfB3crc |jpm. I^e^at i$ t»^re, io= tietbbpSni»Hefoulc:anbfee'petbDnoer(fan- Wnge,tjat bemapepjofpere. 3 falfe wrtnejs (bail not remapne tmpunpQteb : anb be tbat , fpcafcetDlpeiei u^allperytbe.^leafurcbecom> tn ctb nota foole , mocb nio?e \mfemcl? (0 it, a bonbe man to Ijaue t^e rule of pjpttce*. .% to pf e man can put of bifpleafur e : anb it i$ 1)P0 bonoure to left fomc tauten pa He. * %ty Hpngetfbpffauoure t0 ipfte t\)t roa= * W nge of a ipim, but t.M freubCbppi:0lpbe ww» tbe be\J3e\jpont|)Cfi;raffe, *3n\)nbpfcrcte to«.b fonnei0tl)el)eupne0of l)(0fatber:*f ab?au= lvngt»pfet0lpRetbetopof an Donfe, tubere tbo?omeit i0cucrb?oppprige . ^oufcano ;•*> rpcbeflcmapcamanbauebptljeberpfageof ww/,b I)p0ciberj?:biit^abpfcretett)ojn5 ttfttie gpft of tlje io?be f : ^)lout|)fnlne0 b?ptiget|) ttepc: i : . anb a foule aecttttomeb vo^ei) craf re uj all fit f = ■■■■■. frebonger.tD|jofottcpetljtbec6maunbnief, ■' v lupetbb^ atone ioiile:but be tljatregrtcbcfl) not bp0tt)ape, (ball bpe . 3^e tbatbatb pitpe l)pon fbepoo?e,lenbetl) tonto tbe lo?bc: anb j * t lofte tupatlielapctb out.ttibalbepapcb bpm agopne . cfjato tDP fonne wjjple tocre 10 Ijope : but let not t fop foule be moueb to flap e bpm . ^ nift of great t»?atl) bear e tb a papnt: anb tbougfetbou once beliuerbint,tboumuft agavnebo almocb f ojsbtat. © gene care ton- to goob councell, anb be content to be refoj* meb , tbat tbou mapett be tt> pfc in t b y latter Woitba. bapeji.^'^Ijcfearemanpbeupce^ina mantf I bertt: ttetiertbcle0, tljc. councell of tbe lojfce -I w( WiB ftanbeo»(fo; «««.) 3ti0a manjl wojftiip \» to bo goob:$ better it (0 to be a po?e ma tben a biffemWer. ^ l)e feare of tbe io?b b?f rtgetD f. amarttoWianbbtftaUrefttheljolentgbf l- in J)le:nt?ottfncj0,t»ittid«t Wfltacpou of anpe *bupiage,^3(|oMtl)fnlimauujuteti)J)l0!;ilDc0 titfo b#bfbmva0 into tbe potianb topU not m fiweppe to ptttit U \M moutb. * 3lf tbou tfo^mtr -* '* ' t * Jmptefta fco?twfuIl perfone, the (gno?aunt (ball talte better bee b : anb pf tfcou wpjoucft one tbat batb tmbertt onbyngc, be toplbe tbe i»pftr«i9e tbat bnrtetb W fatber 0? tyutety out bP0motbcr , (0a (bamefull anb ant>n= t»o?tbpfonne. #pfonne,bearenomo?etbc boctrmetbat leabctb tbe tmtoerrour0from tbe ao?bc0 of \jnbcrftonb(nge. % falfe voiU tte0 laugbetb inbgement to fco?ne : anb tbe moutb of tbe tmgobly eatetb mtckebneffe , fmnpibcmcnte0 are ojbepneb f 0? tbe.fcojnc* riband ttrpppe0 f 0? foolc0 bacfte0. CCbe.W.Cbapter. ^nemattetbamStobefcomcfull: ^ anb ttronge b?pncfte caufetb a ma * to be tmqupcte.-wbofo belptetb tbertn,(&allneuerbcwpre.*'(E&e *»?o.r(r.b bpnge ottgbtto be feareb a0 tbe roorpng of a lion:»obofop?ouobetbbim\)ntoangeroffeni bctb agenft fjt0 atone (oule.3ti0a man0 bo> "' nour to Rtoebim felfe fro firife:buttbep tbat baucpleafure in b?aulpngeare foole0cucrp one. % floutbfull bobp topii not go to plovoe fo? colbe of tbe topntcr:tbrrfo^e (ball be go a beggpnginfommer^ bauenotbpugc. U)pfe councell in tbe berte of man 10 ly be a water in tbe bepe of t\K eartb : anb a man tbat batb t)nbccftonbpngeb?pngetbeitfo?tb . S)anp tberebetbattoolbe becalleb goob Boewfrbirt toberc(ball onefpnbca true taptbfullman. tfWbw leabctb agoblpanban innocct life: *vt.vrrm (0 rigbteou0 anbbappy flballbp0 cbp!lb?c be ^ tobom be leauetb bebpnbe bim. % Upng tbat f fttetb in eye tb?one of iubgmenf , ano loftctb iocllaboutbpm,b?purtbatoapeallctieli. U WUbo can faye, mp bert i0 cleane,3 am in* .„ . ,. noccnt fromfpmte. ^0 *fe two matter of jSKEKKB' wepgbte0, o?twomaner of mcafure^botb b.WKwS tbefcarc abbompnablc Onto tbe Ho?oe. ««***•«• 3cbtlDci0linownebpbt0conerfaciott J wbcs tberbt0wo?cbc0beiiure$rpgbt. 'Ebeeare to bearc , tbe epe to fe •. t^z lo?be batb mnbe ttfbotl). iDtlptenottbouin flepe,lefttljon come tmto pouertpe : but open tbpne epe0,^» tbpumapft baueb?ebpnongb'. 3ti0naugljt m it i$ naugbt (fapetb l)e tbat bpctbanp tbpn= C gcObut wben be c6mctb to b(0awne boufe, tbenbeboattetbofbp0penpwo?tb . 3man tbat batba !noutbofOnberftanbpngeba"tbe manp p?ecpou0 ftonc0 anb cottlp 3e weI0. * lEafee bP0garment tbat i0 furetpc f 0? a * mw.* ftraungcr 1 anb tafte a plebge of bvm fo? tbe *m>w* UnttnowucmS0fatte.€uerp man ipltetb tU b?ecb tbat i0goften witb btfceate.bu t at tbe laft^p0 moutb (balbe f pllcb witb grauell, < Coo?owe councell , t^t tbpnge0 tbat men bettpfe go fo?warbe.anb «5 biferecion ought warre0 to be taben in banbe.^be craftpw* fceatfuUbew?aMi)fecrcfcoucelbanbtobim l tbat cuft ometb fiat erpnge Ipppetf topne note mm. * Moroeurfttbwfarbrrgsmte tl;cr :|)t'0 ipgbt ftalbe put out fntbempbbeff :J- &K\ _m&*r^j?-?m 1 ' ™ ■ . t,*'i r- i 1 *" ■*/l tJ ll* j- l! ! ^ r M 4= *■• I **]J ;i ;*il t < 1 ■ 4 • i i /si Iff ii r m ill IP' i !: if ■ :l J tbS 1 \* ■M .... *" Oi \u \ «!*■ * * watt,** f barcnnttf. mc&ertta^tbatctfirtmetb * »io.ri.a, be (ball Defence tbe. * -ftbe loabeabbotfetb a .«MM.b. twomaiicrofweygbtcj^nbafalfetoilaa* 1 3irrr.r.i> «, Wan eurii tbingr . * ifcije lojbe o?b*ctb eu« w man* goingei&bowe mapc a ma" tben Mberftanbebptfawne wape c 3ti$afnare foj a injl to benoure t[wt wfjftb it bolp : anb *< «ci rb e J^JS^cboyDctotyne to tbpne a wne We, * ***** mm»m n«m m mnE** wpfe wng beftrop ctfte tbe two; oblp , anb bjy ngetb the Jgftjfle otic t tftem . ft be Utttcrne of tbe iojbe m\)t bjetb of mfcanbgothtborowc nlltfie *j9;o.mr.h*"W?^P^^oftljcbo0p. **9ercpeano faptbrnlnetf^cferuetbcRiiiiKuino witblo= upngc Rpnbnc* I) vtf f cate 10 boiben bp . ii3e0bertcisttntbeI}anbcof fbe lojbe.lpfte a* aretheipuertf of watcribemape turiieit wtotberfo* nifrbcwpll.euerpmantbpnBetb H '• '• k : v ' '. Iptetb tawpneanb belpcnte&ajaiinottlie *' ngobjptbajbif gewenir jrbewpcRtbfojtbe to bwelitn a wilbew wpfe inatmetfjoufc, rtereWfiteatctrearntg Wbe . ^be!tonfiobIv^lW.scuenioi tDc wr'tja cbpbWiff^ananstpe^oman. ill rp5btewetf:aj^ti3et3?pcbebfo?tl)efii ••3tWbett«tobw«ina *: -i *((IUW>U. l!S?S , ^f ,t * *!JWp boot? tftnbe^Dp m , cy , tpnbetbbotbelp^, rralt^oufitcfi , aim ftonoure . % wpfeinan w v"** ttb tbc citw of the mpflhtpe vam aiei fo„ >(ir (trench that ? k ffi!? ftHLmoutft mm tonfltjtbc Ac ft epetjj Dp«Bf fbule from trow Wcjef • Ijetbatt* ! Pionbeattb PrtmjMowjMjSeaUcb afcoj* i ttefiiU man , wbf cb in wjatb ba m mxth ] ff^cjojiflw ;. 'EbcboliipteonftieO'cof t(je^> : noutbfuu i0bP^attmebtatb:fo?b^banDci8 ttpunotlabonre. ^ccouetetbanb befp^ttb all tbe bapc louse : but t Jje t vfibteonsi ijes a «=• * ^Jffcwpnffe.anbbepetbnotppnje bathe- 'Sbefatttfpee of tbe tm&obl? wabbomftia^ cpon :bot»emi)tbt mo^ewvcntbtpoffretbe tUpnge that tjS gotten wftb apt iebneflev ' *afalfet3wtnes(lbaUpttp4e:butbetbat jk i»jsdi Wattuemaiibolbelpfpeabctbfbat bebatbe 1 pearb.afn^naoblv man goetb fo^tb raftlv; ' but tbe tnft ttfo?metb bptf anme wnpe. »«..— h- **«kTi." Y-r— -"■ vr j w w -«* *Cww tsi no uXfbome.tbere («no \jnber= * „. SS^iffiSSlrt?^^ aanbpngc , tbrrcfeno councell aaapnS tS iSfvmie,^})cDcupcegobiiet^at.b(.b i*mgctbtbe|)crfe0. ^^obotpgbrtoufneue anti iubgement i$ mojeacceprablc to f lozb tben Gwifpce. 3 pjefapteomSIoaca pjonbe ftoinatfi c : anb tbe piowpnge of tbe tonaoblp tmtmMe hmvu* of oitetbatfiSbfttacnt lwnaeplenteoiifne0:butbetbatw\)nabut= feb cometb bittopouertpe.JUUbofo boojbetb ttprrclieffc tottb m bpfceatfttlnelle of bP* tonac, m i$ bnpne anb a foole, anb Ipfeie tin- to W tbat renc t\xvi owne beety . ©be rob- berpcs{oftbetjn«oblpft)albetbep?attnebe= ftrncc pon ; fo? tbcp wpll nott bo tbe tfimge 25 tbat Wrpffbt. ^iietoapejsJ of tbe frowatDe ,. c areftratmge.but^tbe uio^cUeji of bpni tbat ,. nM . wfcHeanearc cpsbt.* 3t i* bettirr to b well m a co?ner \)nbcrtbc boufe toppe , tben wttba teanlpnge woman in a t»pbe boufe* %b* fotile of tbe tmuoblp wplbetb enell :anb batb wp;o.wa. nopttpcDpon bPJSnepgbboure^aUDenfbe ItywM ia punpifceb , tbe tjrn tbc:betterbeabc:anbtDbenbereWv. VV we.v mcup^ofpere^ctDpUrcceauetbemoiietjn* berttanbpnge.'EberpabteoujSmanwpfelp cotitpberetbtbeboufeoltbewi'CBeb.-anbfo? tbm wiCKCbw^ot) oiiertbiowetbtbeDn *mt.ftiu.t> 20blp. * OUbofo ftoppttb bvtfeatejsattbe trpi ngepf tbe poo?e ; bef ball crpe bpm felfe, SWSSxMWto** 3tp?euprewarbe pacp- gefb Wfolfar«re,anba gpftelntlje bofbme; ftplletb furloufnefle . WieUittemuttthin tbfitt greate rpcbeOe, anb$arto* *mm « 'v.* 0Mht tn& mt wantim out of m ^m " * 1 - utngefauome Abetter tben III- mMi * j ucip anb golbe . qtty rpcjje an b **• i !poD?earetoaet!)et:tbeiojbeifli m t tbimaberoftbemalL awpfe man feetb tbe plage , anb bpbetb tym felfe: jw^befolplbgoonftplianbaiie punpf«beb. ISbe enbe of lowiptiej* anb tbi km of (5ob WrpcDesi.bonourcp^ofpertte.anbbealtb. ICbo^'neiaianb (narejai are In tbe wapeof tbe frowarbe:but;(jetbatboetbftepebP«foule, :i wpllflefromfocbe. ^eacbeacbplbeinbptf : poutb wbat ttape be ftjulbe go : f j be (ball iiotleatie it, wben be <0 olbe. %bt rpebe rti» letbp poo?e:^ tbebo^owerWferuaunttotDe lenber . ^e tb«t fowctb wpenebnefle (ball reapc fo^owe : anb tbe robbe of W crueltpe ©ail wmt. ^ i9etbatbntba loupngcepc +je « Cbalbe bleOeb.f 09 be geuetb of b\% b?eeb bn-- 25 fO ttyt pOO.ie. 9 * ^?hofo qtutt$"famt*,$$ cptapur ^ tiprtojp (» bcnouw:bde he (aRtfh atoapeeTjt fouic of focb'aa teteaut thetrt.) Caff OUt tbe ff OJttirftlll mftMltft fo (ball ftr pf e-fib out xb bpm :pee',tiaeteficc 9 fclaunberftallwa.fe. taJbofo.belprer.b.tobe of a tleanebette anb of gracpouj8ipppejf,tbe Stifle Kk.. .'1 a t * Ail It it. 1 I RpntfefiiaHbeb^tobe;* ^beepegoftbe # t JW»' "«r' -M l ^W»»bbbprapetb:tbcr^ it «!&2H? ysuwoeanbarlotijiabepe * Tppt>l)cttnbe faljetb tbat ebeioitbe mn- bepteoftbelab^erobtipf co?reccf 6 flmU ' M?St?ft wei, \ e ^ tt ^ erC( W»?leuetb mm*, -wpipnue^oBje; oowi !»1 >e thp mpnbp \mto mp bo erepwiojtba^Cbalt be^jrcellentpf^fte """ -***»— cttfeittntbpmo baJi ib«b jbc tbiss bape tbe tbpngef e trntb; jib tbat tbbuttottb tbc\er«:e iteu^an^eretbftbatlettbetmto mt ; : , tnjf fo|f *«bbwi felfe tbill befftetbefc caafe,t bo Violence Ditto tbem * baue Mkb 'A * -** Wl**¥ n ie to an an H % |.bwi< tfjep^banbelmS piompfc, gj are fiiertief oi . :• tbapgbtp.caufetf:fo?pff»baft notbpng to j I pape»tb.ep|baU take atbape tbp ben ftotm- un.b bettbe.*3ouftaltnotremouetbclaube IftffMM ntawfteitobtiibtbpfoieelberiSJbaue fett. toHftoliiha^Kepe . leff jiearnc bW tbapejai , 9 reccane bur te in nm. WffmJfMamt o»| MM tbat btibe mt tbep^hanbe^«« »««* - *-«»^«- tbapgbtp.ca pape>tb.ep ftj fc ber tbe.*'Cl ^db biifpnetf,ftanbebefo^ bpngc^ anb not a= 1nongetbcfpmplepe i pplel , a. irniMinmJ fptteft at tbe table to sate to* a BHsWf9< % felfemanerlp t6 tbe J^Btbpngeiai^are fee before tbe* ®)w* r-M»»hi/. ?ty«We,bertotouet ffrebp of bpjSmeate, Sflf ^meatebegpletbf bitceanetb^ 'Cane * Ml IWtti, < 9 labour to be rf= lore, *mi)pMt ?il!S SfflWn»B* «btf twtb tbe m* npou^f bdpienotb^ mmm fa both ajs 1' *$fi5fefkp ? melure to fXWmt. atf|uei herte txt not ti tbe. ^ee,tbemofe WJttaetettoojbejEl. 'CenftotDfgcf t&mm tWeffet - jbi M belpueretb mMtSA I* ■■ * tie,euebelbaUbefenbetbepKaufe againft tbe.^pplpe tbpne berte tmtb co^rcccton , $ tbpnc rare to tbe tbo?bei8 of Unotblebge. *pitbolbe not co^rccta fro tbe cbilbcf 0? gffi pf^beateftbiifitberobb.belballuot bpe «"***»• tbevorsf f fntPte bi t6 tbe robbe J (bait oe Uuerbi0foulerrSbeU; ^)pfonne,pftbp berte reccaue topf oome,mp berte alfo u)au reiopce:pee 3 mprepncjs qjalbe-totrp glab: pf tbp UppcjS fpefee tbe tbige f 10 epgbt. * ic j: * »m. war, not tbpne berte be gelou* to fofotbe fpn= MnMt ncrjf,but bepe tbt fipll I tbe feare of f LojB Q^aUtbebapeloge:fo^tbecnbei8( notpet ^1 corner tbp paciet abpbpnge ibal I not be in Dapne. 4l)p fonne,geue eare $ be WpfeJb * fetftraptetbpnebcrtf tbeitoape of ^ tozo. C *Sicpe no copanp vS tbpne bpbbctf 9 tpm *••«**« toujtf eatertfotfleib: fo^focba^beb^ocaar^ bcj( | rpotousiiballcometopouerte * $ be £ lieigeuen to mocb flepe, (ball go ti a raggco coatc. C5cue eare \mto tbp father p begat tftc,$ DeQjpfc not tbp motber t»i;e (yc is oU be. labour fo? to get tbe truetb:fell pt not atJjape,^ fo bo bp wpft omc,notittonr $ Dn* berft4bpng:foz a rpgbtcousi fatber i& mar* ucloms glab of a topfe fonne, ab be ^ beget-- titb a topfe tyylbc iball baue gret plcatiwt of bf . 2)0 fo ^ tbp fatber $ motber map be glaooftbe, ^^Qje^baretbemapreiopfe. m}V fonne,geue me tbpne berte, $ lett tbp- ne epetf baue pleafure in mp toiipcji. * jf 01 *»#*«* anXDbojeijJabepegraucabanbarlotisia naroxo pptt.^)be lurbetb Ipuc a thefc, anin btf getb vnto bet fuel; me" aai be full of topee. moo batb ttoortobo batb foio^tortDbo batb ^ artfe.''tbbobatb bjaulig.'ftbbo batb tdotV » bcsl tDitboiit caufe €>? x»bo ba tJ; web epetf.' eucn tbep t be euer at f \bpuc,gt fcfee tjwef- fc . toHe not f \jpo f mm, botb rebb it i«f , I Wbat acolour it geuetb in tbe glafle. 3 1 goctb bowne fof tip , bnt at £ lait it bptctb rpbcaferpet^IrpngctbajSan^Diier. §>o (hall thine epejs lone tonto ftra uge weme, $ tbpne berte (ball miifeDpS f eowarbc thpn= ge0.a>ce,? (bait be aji tbougb iJ lapeft t tljc mpbbeft of p fee,o? flepteft tip on f toppe of e maft of amtppe. <€bty Woubcb me (fbalt jfape)but ttbatb not burtc me : tbep baue an to b?obf me,biit 3 felt it not . Wha 3 ant ^enebjtbtllao to^ D^cBeagainc. ;tbe 5 rriu(.Cbapter. *6nottbougelou$ ouer wpcuW) a men, anb bcip?e not tobeamon* Tmo^an getbf.ifo?tberbcrte pmagpnetb •»««.»««.« , ito bo Jbnrte , lib t|jcp$ ippptiai talne of mpfebefe. 'Cbo^oW Wpfbome @anboii=» fe bupleb, anb Wptb tmberftanbpnge i« it fett Dp. ■'Cbojow bifcrecfon (bait tbe ebii- NnMH tbitballebftlpibpleafaupt fpejRW&tfrpft ma (jj euer ftrfee,pee, a ma , Of WiberftanMng eneeeafetb ot ftrettgtb. -Jf oj toitb OifoeeponmuJ Vmtmm ■W9U" torn ;«> s LI* 1i§ ' i mm i- HI ft - J *' » * i' * *■ I. -. i *l9;o.fl>«,a. i! if ften to Ijjloc , $ Merea* Ate mmv Wat can smmstixmn m m wctojp.kpf bom « to bye a tbmgc foi a f ole,f o/jmrceno t 25 D» ttoare leb aMpc to bef lapneJ be not . 3 f P5*ltfope:3&nctocnotoftt.^hmBcft §4 thou: p fejaAttmaot tfte hctteS Mmnot lectji it nog &>hall not he rec6pcnce emtp SSfSSSSf* '? *S *WW«fr tonne, &3&I° £J ftme to % «w* ©«* Co SSfJ {S^SR * M>ome ne *nto thp gSBSSKEff %» S ttw it. 3nb tool SS&fitiSP Da / C *>? c * » * Dope (ball fiNEf* *- nvm - tn Vt no men? tMtf jbffimictc not btetettpng place. * jToia ■BBSS^rUVWffoU fto fopekebne*. 5K2LI? 1 ^eJlo^Ctoticnfettb it ;be an= *»» m«b ^^Sf^W^^feom bpmbnto SBffi? 2J v * M no i%«W * Scloufp in one *aob.m.b. *£bewbleofthe*ngooipibaUbe put out. 5g! no «WB* t6 tbe* pf ipbe bacac&u pfeare% thepj befteuccio (hall come fo= benlp , 5 toho anofoctb p" abucrfptc p mape ^ jom«B5-ftoin them botb^befc are alfo tf .FbUfb lapenjjc* ofgttopfe. *3t itf not 500b, to ha ue refpecte of an? perfonc in iubgemf t. fee ffapetb tothetmgoblp: ffarte rpgbtcoutf gpmtba" the people curfe,pee,the cometic pall abbojre him. 36ut tbcp v rcbubc the jOTOttpAfpbof 0ob beUte^arpcbe ft3r Wcnpnp; (ball come tjpo tbe\03= ©uerp ma gall toffe btflpppea, £ geucth a gooban* mmSntt maae *p tby too^ca fijs Mtb* put , f lolte tbell tjnto p tbhich p haft in the f elbe f then bnvm thpne houft.zSe no f at - » fc ttttneffe aaaitt thp nepghbour $ fpeafee nofalttjobe «5tbp ipppe)ei.&apenot:3 tbill b^ble 13 t,eug an be batb bealte t6 me,s tbpll retoarbe euerp mf acco^btec to bW bebesi.3 Mt to p felbe of g flouthruu^ bp ^ toneS arbe of Vat foolpft man.3nb lo , it tbajg all couereb xb netted , $ ftobefull of tbpftle^, tbettonetbali toaub;o»enbotone. 'Cnptf I ratb!r,f conftberebit tbell ■■ 3 loaeb Upon \*tamwt g,f toae ittot a tbarnpng . * gee.flcpc on r 'e» ftptN:3!f«pf;alptle 3 flob«alptle,folbethp *%¥ pioueruejs C- I .-"!. •i. ft- fi i,> i 1 * a #. 1,1 *|5?o.Fb»a mm toaetfier pet a lp«e:fo'HbaU pouet = ? KHff ^^ t)eatf one that trauapfetl/bp Juaacoptebout. €i^sj)onourof(5obtoHepea^ tbinure fetrete, but # Hpntrej fto* !no»ir^tofearchoutathpim v \Jim heauen itf bpe»thc earth $ ,1! 1 ;- ^t* *i «« tteritf *aflii,wtt ih*«* « *1 *i c **p w J BW0 P : co? ne do optber, t Jen p to be put lotber (n the pjefence of KteS^'JV! 1 ** SPSS not Dame to 30 to the latbe , left ftapplpe +A . jofoineofKceafter^tti^fcloS^eS^^ tbpnepffDbourputt^etoflbame. feanbie S tto matter ri. t§ nepg hbour him felft " 5b bifcouer not anotber mlel fecrete.left tbijen S c ft!* #8** uim « thp biffijonou ' re,anb leal thpne cucll name bo noteeaffe c^iStaec ano ft mmwt botb btipuct : WW u ebattbou m m m mum mut mom.) % toorte fno , ftcn in bue mm Ipse miegofmSema graueb too^fee of fpfuerTf be coiSof? citieb,* * \6 a foi : ,t tog tjj rpflOMnftSi bw- -. * ftcietfo^ ^: left Jif e ouerfull , $ perbiaftc it ****** out affapne. mttl)b?atb thp SESEm acr ar abboire aitoearbe,* a^arpearotoe.^heKeffi Forte- «5S»3K^Vo^^ atoape a m&a a amit I the tfuJXeSwS iphc jaeger \)p,5 chalca , ; IpaiSffin gftft lose* to an heuie bart.icZaVffl b ' A ffit tg «*» |ieab,anbtbe t^flSSw^?KK a> corner tntbet tte rofeTthen tolth a Jwuflb tbomanroattpbeihourS ^Joobwpo^ te out te out of a tee eofiire,^ ipfte coulbe tba= tee to a thp^fttc foule. % rpgbtcoutf man Mu |« troubleb tbell $ a f W Inge t$at & hi (trojeb. ItpRea^it^notVolitocateto toe ttonge^it (ball be to beup fo2 bpm. tbhicD « teoken botbne , $ bath no tbalic*. qi «Cia:i)e.«Dt.ctjaptcr, * ,MBHi, 3«ea0ttTOttoeijt not mete in fiJmer, nerrapnem harueft, euen Co fetboi- * h *i. * l P e M»««lpfo?afoole. iphcatf , f fie here $ there , fo the curfe £ fe creuen in 52 «6l? ? om ^ " oI ^ bacfte • ««e 52SI? e S¥? flnanftoere after m foolpft-- n^deft^bccomclphctjutobirbut mafte |)c betbpfe in btf atone c5ceate. fee («la= mcof hw I fete,pec b^ocben istfje f *anpte, * ^comittctbenpmeOaffetoafoole.lLpK S ?J£K W* IW* ac ttot equalleucn icttctb a toole f btc bijjnitc , v ijseue" a« pf a maputaftonelnaftpnffe. ^parableina f ogicsf moutb * ip»e a thojne I S a « ^ocbcnnuimtbehaDe.4 <*J^i%S£ mtb an tbpnff«be re toawrtb f fole * te;ontptnc«b f tra«C; 5*82 «Jj of f^pcr ifee bifecrneth all t\)U SS h?S» ttt P C |F» C ^ P fole to fiiece rV *.0rtcM/.» Si?f ? c p. * tpbe ajar tbc bocrff turnetb nctb bp^ mwft agapnc a frclh. 3?$ c 2* V6* » ft" m t^ «»P00eft off ftre= Jpfjwai i euen fo both the fioutbfull toel= ***** ter bim fclf e in bf * bebb. * We ffi Wu m^l^^^ mm m ^ofon?e f^tl^^^W^vttncat]). mho be ig ipke one p taketh a boage bp iJ cark yj%l W« tnawj ma tfct caftTth r>»a£ Jf |»«»b (hotetb beablp aro Wanb bartctf SSftSSt? Hft** * S8KSEE gfffoetbout: euen fotobere the tale bc= MfcBwwft *^oIe^aptiblc beaten xoobo tbe ewe : cue Joboth a b*aulrop; tootbe ftcre ip Variaa= to &SES9 VtafBtim tbcppearfe tbetn JHS^* 'tfticooop.SienpinoujBi TpD» ^anbaibpefecbkteireipRe.apot(ft? a 5^o.)tjC]tb Frt be couereb forth M\m b^ofle. ain enempc t^"Z™W m ™m 3 f I tbemea= 5e.fpcattet^ap?e^uehimnot,fotthcrc are feut abbom(nac(onj3< m h(js (jcrte; (Kiibo f ftepet^euf II foilUccrctlp to bo inrS^S malpce (balbe (befoeb before tbe Mole co * JBIPfiB: *W° f obpggctbtjpapptt, IffiSS ffiWM Ue that foeltfetb a Ion g» Jballftombletoponithimfelfc. StonW w blmp;etogehatctboneprebuactbhpm,aiD aflattcrpngemouthfoo^cltetb mpfebefe. CCbe.jr^li.Chapter. ?&*? tl)p ft* of ^omo.jotbe * rf bappetobape. letanotherma a«urt K==a5If= ^P?apretbe,anbnot tbpne atone moutb : pee other f olcbe* lppp C , anb not tbpne %ty ©one 10 beup aaio the (anbe toepghtpe : but a fooler fo-tatb «'« bcupec tben thembotb. Wll^athijg acruell tbmge anbfurioufneue in a ttecp tepeft j but Mo 1$ able to abpbe emipe.' m open rebufte i« better mn a fecretc loue. $ apthf ull are tbe Munoe* of a louer,but tbe fatten of an enempe are cruell. M that i*full,abhoz= ctb an honp combe : but tjuto bun tbat 1$ ^ongrpe,euerp ftfo?e tbinge in ftoete. fee ^ that oft tpmc* Rpttctb ., 10 ipbe a bvm% fo^raaetD herneft. 26alme ano ftoet e m* cenCc maac tbehert merp -.iointhe rttoete cpunfell of a mans frenbe that a&reetb to hin w pofe. ftyne atone frenbe anb tbp fatbetg frenbe fe tjjou fo^fahc not : but go not into thp biotbcrjs houfc in tpme of tb v then a brother far re of. «)p fonnc be ??E c, !2R£& . tt *! lt m P m a S'^b her tc fothat3(hallmaHeannberc\)nto mi ve- bufecrss. 3fopfeman fepngc the ulaae tbpll Wt torn jelfe , ag foj tooled t&ep go onftpll 3 anbfufferharme. *^afteto* MM - t tafteaplebgcof bifottbe vnanotSen mfitf lafte. I?c tbat us to halfpe to pzapfc hv$ nepghboureaboue mcafnre , Cbalbe taben ay ne tbat geuetb bpm aneueil rcpoztc. C ^b^ulpngeMmanaubthe roifc of the fioufc b?opppnge m a rapnpe bape,mape **»m tteU be conipareb together. #ctWre' ftapneth her,refrapneth the *&* |ol ? e 2 SffS^wWftaime Cpfte aVone JS25S25? a 2S9 ,e & f obotb onema- co. fojte anotber. SlihofobepetBbPtftpgse he that foaptctb Upon bw matter, (ball co' me to bonoure. jtpfte an in one Mter tbe= ee apcare toucrft tace«l , euen f biuerfe m Jauebiuerfchcrtejg. *,pke ant? hell anb "t» beftriiccpearcneuetfulVeucn fo* tbecpe^ Hff' f j[;f of mmcan wueebefattirW ^piuer<§ SSSBBf ^ iii trpeb in f*** 'tw 3 trpcbmt$cmoulbr>anbffolbcm tu foina JMiibro toaman>tobenbcto opcnlppjap* ?* fcb to Dp$face^( w«« out»rtiw mimrchtfl m 2) tft mpMx ff ,but a true bart fcn«b ft; fcnotsit ge.) !£ MmjW qmlbcft bjap a foole tf a peftell m a mo jtttv ipae ftumentpe coznc , pet WU not lipjS foolpibneflc go from hpm. fee * f Hn ovdc tljc nftue oftbp catell ftp felfe , * cup mans* bloube , #all be a tennaffateDu* toV^fivaue^nbno man OiaUbeTAblreo f outcome Dpnt; * mho to leabetD agoblp *»w, $ an innocent tyfc, tyalbe fauefrbut De that goetbfrotoatbifoapc&aralloncctaueatal. ilft *§ eiattpUetj^lanb Jali?«Met>ri= Jg« nefle,ihau banc pouette pnougD. 3fmanf» bcaletb faptDMlp; qwtbe fplieb toitbblefc j- I 3 fjEtuf.rrbf.c toHe toell to tbp tlocf$cjs.j?o^ epepej* abpbe not altoapc^ $t tfce crotone enburetbnot foj eluct. 'CDc bcpcgrotoctfctDcgruire cii= met|> Dm Jbccbcst arc gatbereb in tbe moil= tapnc*. 'fcbe lambc* (ball clotbe tbcano I nj goategtDou (bait Dane monc j> to tbp IS^ffilf ea ^^^^Sal &^^b?^«l JiX?^^^ « C£bc.je]cDlu.ebapter. foeimgoblpffpetb Who man ^J fpns^^^etljwmaHetljtomoeU&aaefo? tobcm^i&allnotbeDngpltpe. 'Co Da ucrcfpccte of uecfpnnejtf in tubgcme"t tonot goob:#nbtoDpr'&m&toiUboto;tOttgc,pee, euenfotapeceaf b?eab. $e$topUberpcD nil to foone,bat p " -" -"* —" ~ :etDnot>£poue|rt' tyc ttwtlolotbbnpmpn^c^^ttketli iman.'toallfpmV ^ * >m cpafetb Dpm , but tDe tpglitcoutf ftanbetb ttpf a* a toon.* aSecau* feof Cpnne,planbebotD oftcbafU Dnberttibpngeanbtopfbomearealme &u bureitb longe. J0ne pooje man opmeffpn* ff^y^Wffoj^wipacaeontinimU rapm tbat beftropetb tbeftute. € ^^tbat|ojfafeetbelatbe 4 p^pfttbe MjtoULt,* SBPWWWttfll^ ft^Jlatbcabbowe amati^allft'ribemo/efeuonreattbelaft, ttoDetJwtflnttctDlipm. *Wovot;ob» betbbtofatDcrdinbmotDcr,anblapetI) itte *«» f -^ nofpnnetfDefametoip&eDntoabctteoper. Jfce tbat to ofa pioubc ftomacuc $ toitDout ftare,fterctbDpfttpfe : but be tbatjmttetlj m unit in tlje ioiDcibalbetbeUftbb. feetbattrnlSctmnbpiBtatoneietteiirfa fooic:bttt be f o talet ji toptel^affiefalfe. * J etbatgeueitbtrnto t&epo0je,iDaUnnt u^m r *^?ou, xbt,buttDep lue all %np:i reaffoblplj>ft ■ i t' ♦PMflrtHI JpaitcomcMmmatefapnetojpDerbein ""w felue^cbuttbben tbeppcrp^tUerpseteoujal incteare. C?r|)e.]e]cijc.C^aptcr. e%t#tt>fhecfKb,$ tbpll not '41 be rcftitirmeb^aUfobenlp bcbc= ft ropeiDtbitDoutcnp Ijclp.*mue * m .nm H-™-, tberpiibteousfliauetbe oueeDan= «*rt» tbe hpip fettip Dp tbe lanbe, but pl^e be a man fomtmph m people wt& ffat^e= i tDatfefteate^ . ■ — vc .n»'e?. *3lpooie ^ c !fi e fi^tf soetb m feotoarbe tbapcj^. — ^JV *S te^ ^ xm *> # « c&Plbc of 23 tjnbctftanbpnffe : but be tbat iiai a c6pani>5 oppotoujimen,u)ametpi»i father, fee tftatltjpjjfurpeanb bniufte gapncsi satS= m 89™ i WlttW|BB in ftoje fofa manitfettbtUpptpetljepo^.* fir tumetbafbapeDp* eawfeom Deatine !ajbe»bpjpiapee ibalbe abbominable. - *SwP*lw wDteoutfint ,(ball fall into bpjs atone ppi lallbauetbeffooDfpofeuio. : 1 W ma tj^ncaetb Dim felf to be ttopfe , but the rngte^, Deturwerf (ttinfpbeDotone. Ibo foflatretb M: ^ * • fo?b<0fete.«>*€i atwie fnare,bu|t mopfe.1!CUew!j fpoo^e:butt)« io tffoblp eeffatbeti) ,4 ^bcaletibtmftpblpo? rouffhlp)fcgct= tetbuoreft. ^:bebloubet^*ftiebatetbe buia%femSBrftt^ wtmisobip.'C|jepoo?eaftbtUelenbeemcte togetjjer, ■iSt^alomott. , C tojetbei'^tbclLo^blPffbtenetbbotbtljcpt jOB.nf.6. epejS. *^bcrcatcoftJjeUipnsetbatfait^ 1 full? iubjjetb tlje poo^dball continue ftire fo^ cuermo^c. ^e robbc anb coireccpon mintftee topf Dome > but pf a cljplbe be not louebtouto,be b^pngctbljWmotjjce to 0>a* ine. Wen tbc t)ngoblp come tjp,tbpcnebs lictfittcreafctb: buttle rpsbteouie! ftjallfe fbtWfall. .ffinetoute t\np fonne «5 co^rec= tion,anb tbou (bait be at reft, pee , l)e u)all botbegoobattbpncfwte. TOentbe ftjqibe of gob in notp?cacjjeb,tbepeoplepe rpibe,but toell it tym tbat ucpcf b § fatbe. 2d fetua unt topll not be tbe better fot too?= be&foj tboitffb be bnbetitanbr ,pet ttopll be nottegatbetbem. jPftboufecftaman ' ^tiSMftpetofpeaKc\jnaoiipfeb,t|joumapei w trittt a foole mo;ic tben tym. 3^e tbat be= ipeatelp b^ngetb Dp btf feruaunt from a cbplbcCbaumakc ht ty$ matter at length. 3n angrt> man ilercth Dp ftrpfe , anb be tbatbearctp cuclltbpll in fttjei mpnbe , both mocbeticll. . ^fterp^pbecommetDafan, . *but a lotoelp fp^ete b>ingeth greate tooz* mm ujpp.5!llbo fo Hcpctb companp toptb sitht-- febatetb W atone foule.bebearetbblaf= plxmp^ 3 anbtelletl)itiiotfo^b. mmt fcaretb me,tyat ttatte a faU=but toijofo put- tctb bPfl ftrtttt r m io^oe t^tbCtD out baii get. 4$a»t> tijere be tbat fcuc tl;c i&un* ccsjfauoureibut eucrp mans iubgement co^ utctb from tbe iojbc. -Cberpgbtcoii^ ab= boptbtbe^ngoblp.buta^fo^ tbofe tbar bc in m rpgbt toape 3 tlje toptlteb bate t!;e. (Wftctynrt *wti)P too;6c,0iaJbf t»«b out ocrtruccion). 5^o.rtrbt »« CCI)e..rrr.CI)apfer. •»: C3^npurenwo«!)ctoo;iitofi5o6:anttto'b.attt)f cuBbt fo require of j5oo , toictj cerfen ttoiitofuii Mbumrol 3Cgur tbe foumr of 3a= be^anb tbe mopbecte tUat t^e fame #w 55Sft*f *• 3WWW into 3= tbuu,anb |ichal :J am mo«ic foolpflb tben mp man M baue no mamet Dnbcr Mtwna 3 njucr lemeb topfbome, ncr Dab unotolet bge of Dolp tbpngejOTho batb clpmcb Dp fi&fi . W°^«bDolbcntDetopnbfaft tbe toaterg in a garment.'' mbo batb fctt T n }h^l*t™ mnmc - CamttDOtt tell "»ww. ne,fo?Dei|au)plbcDnto all tbe,tDatpi t tea 1 ! n w»- * ** mil tt^ffiS WttS. tDou be founbe a Ipar; %m khvnick fi- mteanblpesf.geuemenetDee pouertc noj C rrf.b rtbu'd tpcbe^onclpo;eaimtemeaneceu*atplpupn tape:* tohote tbe l*>mt IHnbleftlbe^ inge conftrapneb tbo^oto potierte , fall Dn* *cto 6 .b.« topealpnge,anb tafte tbename of mp (5ob b i. utt,i,,c ?aft«» left be fpeaue euell of tbe,anb tbou be fturte. % here i^ a generacponthat cue* fctb tbepr fatber,anb botb not bleife thepz mother. ^Lbereisi a generation tbat tbpn= fee tbein fcluej clcane,anb pet v» not elefeb fcomtbwffltbpneu-c. 4bere^agcnc= racpontbat batb a pjoube lofte, $botb caft ^P f Dep? epe Ipbbcjs. ^bcre in a genera* ciontobofe tetb are ftoerbctf ,$ toitn tntn cDato bone? thep cSfume 9 mom f &m* men. JDeDortlecbeDatbittoobaugDtc?* K*^ e0 ^JL ee>f0 ^ e *mm fapetfi neucr boo. ^begraue:atoomans;toombeclo= febranb t^e earth tbat batb ncuer toatec p. tt ^ fc i^%^iapetDtteHerhoo; JHB&lS** t 9 ^mmvto tone, anb fettetD M motberg commaunbrmtnt atnaugbt.tbewuenjrppcfteouth^ m*i t enM tDeDaUepe^nbbeuoiureD be be of tbe I on &cum be tD?e tbpnges to Ijpc gCCDe toape af an 3tcgle ftif ap« J toape of a fer uet oucr a ftone, tbe toape of a ujpa in W fee.anu tbetoapeofaman toptfiS ponge toomau. . ^»ocb to m toape afro of a topic tbat b?eauctb toeblocuctobicb top= anb fopetb:3* foj mr.3 Dane bone no l;ar= me. . "Cfnumk *mt wnw* tbe earth us bpfquictcb^tDefourtD map it not beare- %mom feruaunc f bcaretbrule. 'Cbo- wto a foole mm to mocbc b^eb,tftoioto a ^S too P p J atcrc0 W^itfmhrpeb, anbtbo^otoanbanbrnapbnithat to hfvte ^ tpDeemaftrc0. JVWwfmmmwm a tbe eartb , the toDicD are Deep Iptlc : but in toplbome thepcrccabe t l;c topfc Cbe em= metre j are but toeaac people * pet gather ^ , % f % n mm twmmn t\)t mil * »*•*>* *?Z«?£P* m £?!«»« folRcpenna- ft ^S ep %^^ ww ^ amongc tljc roraeis. 5Dt ffteibopper^ Dauc not a gpbe, yn go tbep toW together bp heaped ; * he fpp" BWf* B ^Dcre be tI)J6c tbpngeiS that go «pfl|',pea foto?c ar comlpc in goingei Hpon,tohtcb to ftronffeft amfig bcafte? , ab geuctbplacc to no ma: 31 gre jofibe ftroae t tbe Dpnber par m : % tSmt alfo 9 a mpng, agapnft tobom no ma" arpfetb bp. gf tbou M Done foolpujlp toDantDou toaft in be eftate 3 o^pftDou baft taken euell cotmceil; tpen lape tDpue D«mbe Dpon tbp moutb. €<®iiii W\l)Q • \ H- &?4 * p la : J* ■ »r p; / , I 1 - ;i t i it 4 1 * t 4 I i I , * . * I" 1 ';'■»■ ■ '.it 1 " » ft H ' -'l / # ; J fell '< ** - v * LI ffi : tamo n> fomft *&&&&& out* tttimtemtnmtb m noie,mauct& C£hc.jcrri.Chaptcr. C ftpngrir oug|j«o fo&gr ftiair.Mw picpftfrt of«n>oiwaiiwrrrttorff. *v*« f6nc(tohp oo pelb)» tone of mp boop: iDmpDcarc beloucofonc geucnot oucrthifoc^ftstoaietf |%mf:n tocmc\tohicb are $ Oeftruc* dfi euf of m.pngc0.£> lmim>vtUnotfoi *WWM 10 not(3 fapcjfoj mm to to£ he topnr ,noi piincc* ftronge 02pncaec-*| m tljurw no ftcrrt tol)ttc6joncRrniuCrcrrtgn«b) left tbtP bepnge Djocncnfojgett tbe latoe , ano par= ur rtc toe iuogement of all poo2e mft liu bernc. pe" thy moutb>befcnoc tDethvn^ St: that 10 laxofuil ano rpgimanO the cake of tlje poorc ano hclpeleffc. mho fo f pnOeth an boncft f apthfull too = 25 J "^ c ^^5ft/ettooitl)tl)en mic*. 'fchchcrt of her hufbanbm ape faf cWufc tn Or r,fo tfjat be (ball fall in no pouertpc S>he totllpo hpm 5000 ano not eueluu m OapcjS ofbwlpft. £>he occuppeth tooll ano flare, 3 laboureth glablp toitb her 05= Orjj. ^)Dei}5lpfeeamarcl)auntcj(Qipjjr)e. mtbmWb Ocr \)ptaplc0froniafairc. S)Dc 10 up in t&e npff ot fcafon 3 to mow he mcate foi tjcr OouftolOcanO f oOc toj f^tt ^¥mmtbm SSSlBl SS S«? l ^?oeto not ont & fcpmmMW arc cTotfeo Wgfa i9froutoanoTj«moc^tbpinthcffatcJ. K?/f ffif mak ?J><*otbof fpiueano rci- 2222* JK2V& ""^ ^oure tu brrrlo- • fOpng^ m tbefatter oape 0* fcailreiop* mc,ano in |jet- tong e itf the latbe oforace %2« mttmntf otr bieo tbttftpopS feO^bcrooufbanoajallmaBemocOofoer. . ^anpOaua^ter^tljerebetOatffathcr all. 2Wfoi tauoure, it 10 oifcearfull,ano &^^? nc *P«Be:bnt a Soma t^at feU )f |o*Df j Je i* tooitop to be piap fe0.d5cue bcr of $ ftute rfftEtoi ano et Dcr atone too^fo piapfe ^er w Se K CWeen&eofti Salomon. #fttjep«cflefe ilfKlf.fll'.C C€ljeboofeeofti)c ^icacDer, otDertopfe calleO wcUfiatttf. CCfjcfpift chapter. ^efearc tljetboiOejer of tfeigiea t|er,f fonneof H>amO, ftpngeof j*n« ''"S f«lc Ncfti w.3w* ink «» raco a ma, of all p labour f DetaHetbbnOer^ imnc ( ^p^ cponpatretDattoape, anotber cometft, but ^ eart^ abpoetb ftpll.^De j&unne arpfetbi funnegoetoOOtone,gfretHrneti) to inm* ce,f» fje ntape tberc rife bp agame. %hmU je goetb totoarp f gouty , 9 tucnetlj 1 bnto tbc noitbeftttbttb W cOpaffe, to Wrlctb a= 35 boute,» gotb M$ W civcuite retucnetb t»^M agapnetol)iinfelfe.* ailiaouoetf rune into tbetccjpctj fccptfelfe Wnotfplleo :foi loftebntotbbatplace^Xbatc^run^thence tljcp come to flotoe agapne . mi Mm ace « M rf« , fcJFSLf ° ^hnotbcn,f no ma can erpzeffe p, !ffl tUC *5l)r cpe 10 not fatiffpeo to fpgbt tbe iciu.li. care 10 not fplleO tO Dcaringe.^bc tbind * t)atl)bcne 3 c0mctl) to paffcagapnc: » £ tbm gef teitH bnicbone,(ball beooneagapne, tbcreig no ncto tbiff bnOcr f fuunc. 3$ the- rccnptlngtbl)crofitmapebefapoc:lo,thi0 v&nmt$ 02 it lba0 longe agoo in j$ tintetf i< . banc bene before b0. ^bctbtng £fepaft,ur $ out of remcb2auncc : eucnfo tbe tma$ i> arc f 02 to comclbal no tnoic be tboug bt b= yon amoge tljcm f conic after. 3 mp relfc $ p2cacDcr,tbasibpngof3fraclat3crufa!c, f Opo applie mp nipnoc to febe ou t f f earch fo v t p unotolcOge of all tbingetf tbat are Oo = ue bnocr Jjcnue. j&ocl; trauaplc anO labour 1^ ml) 000 gcuf bntoiKT f cDUOjcn of men, w toerccrcpfttbcmfelue0tbcriii. to W 3 banc confroico all tbe t!)ingc0 * comctoyafl-cbiiOcrtbe^unne,anoiortncp areallbut banttct bcracioof minOc. %te ccoacO canot be maoe ftrapght , 1102 6 tbiae t ^0^npccfcctc,canotbcac6iJteOxfttDmgc0 pare perfcctc.3 comonco to mine atone bcr tc,rapigc:lo, 3 am come to a great eftatc* baue gottc 11102c topCOomc,tbc all tbep f> ba Jicbenebef02emein3erufale.l>ecmpi)ertc W 1 greatc erpcrifceof fettoomc? bnotolcb ge,f02 tbeie bnto 3 applico mp mpnbe : 1 3 mpgl)tftiiotoetot)attocretoitoome?\)nbeE ttaomg, tohat toere errour $ foUQmcjK : $ 3 pcrccaucO,vtl)t0 alfo toag but a beracpO of . nuoe:f02tobcremoc|)tortOonicixJ 3 tl)crci]«al <* [0 greate trauatle 9 oifqutetne0;$<*tf mm Hnotoleoge a man batl), #mo2c 10 m care, SJSSSS?SSSK , " pf **«»**' CC(je.fi'.C5apter. ifo^trrbii, » Waro3tbu0fnmpl)erte.Botbgo 2 to,3 toil taae mine cafe 9 bane gooo niocb f 3 Capb^nto ^ ma gpue to lattffbter : Parte mnniie. W turne03 me to quite toptoome, erroure, pat mpgbt be comparco to me tbe bpng m crcellcthtooli(bncire,agfarrea0lig^Dotb ^"bncfle. jfo2atopfc manhath% C pc0 C mWbtab,buttftefoo!cffoctpmt&barbe SfJSSES SfiS^* WWfa one enOe.€p thought3 i mp mpnOe,3f it bap pcnbntothefooUa0itOothWome,tohat SSSSSS 01 ( ? U^wwr »"02e f 02 toif « tt^i 3 SP lW8 * W« »"P bert>tbat tbi0alto toa0 but ban a folc.'3nb pctiball w be lojb of all mp labours , tbbicb 3 tm'th foch topfbome banc tahrn \mbcr the M\\\c ^bpaitfalfoaUipnctbimg. <8>o 1 f urrtcb me to refrapne m mpnbe from all fochtrauaplcas 3 tofte mm m pmmti foz fo morh atf a man Omior tbeerp £> hpm fclfe tbitl) topf oomc , faith bnberttan * bmg anb opoituuf tc,$ pet be fapnc to leauc ftiiSlabourtJtJittoanotbertljatneucrfttjett raj thf . % bis ist alfo a tiapitc thing $ area* n mifcrp. :ff oj toba t gcttetl) a ma of all the laboure anb trauaplcofh(smpnbe,thn tbc ta&rfb\)nbrrtbc&unnf,butbcupncu"c,fo* rovbc anb befqupet ncs all the bapes of \M im 3n fo mocb that W bert canot reft m * strict..*. thcnp«bt,tbtsiSalfoa bapnc tkmt * 3d ttnot better tbenfojamato eafrt tywsc* toc,$ bis foule to be merp in bts labour.' Pee 3 fatoethatrbpsalfotoasa gpfceof Gob: jfonfoho tomcat o* go motcTufl clp to ftpri tboicftc 1ftm W%Mtoty( <3'ob gpuctb to tbnnanthatiSgoobbcfoiebinvtopibomc, toibcrftSinbpng^glabncOc . 25ut\mtotbc _ fpmier be gcuctb toccrpnes --* cm w*mm rarr ) that |)c mape gatber anb bcapc tcge= tber the thpngctbat aftcrtoarbc fljalbc gc=> uen \jnto h(m,ihbom it plcafctb tfob^ bitf is nott a bapnc tlimgcpcc a tictp bifquirt= ndfc anb t)c,racpon of mpnbe. C<2;be.ui.Chaptcr. «T ail fbpngc s comefn tbr iv fpmt.anb patTc a; toapriiUljcirJpmc. Clcrp tbingc batb a tpmcpeeall f is ^jnber f be tjenucn, Ija tb bi^ coue J titcitt f cafon. *fi: berc is a mm to ~£Z fec b0?nc ' aMD a # w* to bpe. 'Jbcre is a tpmc to plante ano a tpmc to gefectjp the tl)ing,tl)at isplanteb. a} time to (lape.anb a time to maftetbbole. 3trpmeto bicaacbotbnc,$ a tpmetobmlD )yp. % tpmctolbcpcanb a tpmc to laugb-. 3 irpmc to mourncanb a tpmc to Daunlc. 3- tune to caft atbape Honcs,ano a tpmc to gatber (tones togetber. % tpmc to emtoa* cc,ano a tpmc to rcf rapnc from embzacing . 3 tpme to tbpnncanb a tpmc to lefe.3 tp= 23 mc to fpare,anb a tpmc to fpe" be.3i tpmc to * fie* tr a C M ? pCf ?» J ttft 'V** mc t0 ^^^ together. SSSnSS £?,& m * «[ »f W f P l "t«, « a tpme to fpca- WM tpme to loucaiib a tpmc to bate, 31 tpmc of tbatrc,anb a tpmc of peace. TOat batb a man clsc^otb anp mm) but toerpneifc 5 labour / $01 as toucl;inge toe trauaplc anb carefulncue Mpcb C£>oi» Wgeucnwitomcn, 3fcfbcbatb geiicu it t.bem,to be cjccercifeb m it.^ll thps ftarfc tin iSoofee be ojbcnebmartieloutfgooblp,to cucrp tbW bjS bue tpmc . tyc batb planteb ignoiaunce alfo in the Jjertes of me,that tljcp (bulb not jomwebenbe tbegrounb of bps ibojcuw, Wtp he botlb from the bcgvimmg to $ m r S;SS ? trmgiAtft tbefc tbtngestbere tS notbtng better f 0? a man, tben to be me : rp ano to bo jucU fo longc as be Ipuctl). jf at all tbat a mjf ca tetb f b^pnehetb, pee tobat foeuer a ma* cmopetl) of all w labour,tbat fame : is a gpf Je of d?ob.3 confpbcrcb alfo i> •fobatfocuct (5obbotbJt cotinuetlj foi cucr anbtbatnotiiingcanbcputtjntoit^oita- hen from it, anb tbat 00b botb it to tm\u 1 tmmt me ibulb feare bpm. * %\}c tbing *md tbat batb bemcts notbc:anb tbc tbpng that is 1 j f come ? batb bene af w ttm cfoldo ob rcfto^ctb agapnc m tbpngc tbat tbas paft fAtocoucr, 3 a fatbc tjnbcr tlic km tmgob Ipitcffc m tbc (teabc of iubgement , anb mu mte in fteabe of rvgbtcoufnelTe . %M\ tboughp inmpnunbe: 0ob(balfcparatc m rpgbtcoiiiS from t\yt *ngoblp , anb tbcu (balbe tbc tpmc anb iubgement of all coun= eels anb xx>ou m. 3 commeneb tbttb mpm nmz bert alio,conccrnpngc m ebttb^en of ^ mcn:ljotb ©ob batb cbofen tbm;* pet let= * tctb them apeatc: as tbougb tfiep toere bea ftcs : fojMt ba pptnetb *onto men as it both \jnto beaftcs,anbas tbc oncbpctb,fobpetii tbc otber : pec tbcp bauc botb one mancr of b^ctb:fo^(mtbiS)amanbatbnopjccmp- nence abouc a bcaft, but all arc fubbucb fin to Mmvtit.%tyv 50 all tmto one place, fo? as tbcp be all of buft,fo (ball tljcp all turne D«to butt agapnc. * m\)o ttnotoetb ^ fme-. ** m U rof ma that goetb \jptoarbe,anb the blcth of tbc beatt that goctb botone intofamw jiaibcrfo v ie3prrccauc,tbattbercisnotbtnc( better f 0? a nwn,tbe to be topfull in Xwi la* bourcfo? tbat is bpspojepon. Bumbo topll b?pnge bim to fe t\)t tbingc tbat (ball come after fyynu w C^be.iiii.Cbaptcr. C«be mpferw* oftljcinnoccnt.anjc fuprrfluouff labours of mm. 3P0ecIjpiDctbat iopopie.ano tepfc,$c. ' JD I tnrncb me,?* confttycb all iJ 3 Violent ttyong tbat is boiicbnocr **«¥» tbcfunnc-qtbebolbe- tbc tearcsof ced * ,M vocb nstocre opmcu'cb, $ tbcrcto= as no man to confojtc t\% o^tbolbebclp= ucr 9 befenbe tijgf com tbe Wolenee of their opp^(rours.5jabcrfo^3tubgebtbofetbat arc beeb, to be mo?e bapppe tben focb as be alpue:pee,b(m tbat is pet bnbonie to be bet tcr at cafe then thep both , becaufe be feptb not tbc mifcrable too?cncs tbat are bone tmbcrtbefumie. 3gflpne,3(atbetbatalltranaple^bilp 25 . gencc of labour,p eucrp man tahetb in han=- be> wa^bonc olrenup agapnit b^nepboure ^bts iDftfjep^eatljer j*fo.trrbni 2) Sfflf.tll.b iiug.nW e M.Ft)trt.r 'CbW W fllf0 a ^ amc tbinge, anb a ^e^acion of mpnbe . 'Chefoolc folbctb hisbanbes to> retbecanb eatetbtipbpi*< atbnefleQje. €>ne iftbefull(fapetbbc)iS better toitb reft,tbm joth the banbes full toitb laboure 9 trauap=» lcofminbc.^?o^ouer,3 tutntu mr,frbcj)ol oc pet anotber it&nvtt tonber the d>unne. %i)tu is one man,no mo but hpmCelfe a* lone, baupngnethcr chpibe net b^otbee : pc t iS thercnocnbcorhiscarcfulltraiwple,bi0 i* epeS can not be fntpCfpcbttritb tiches,M» (pet (£ oo(b<)enottrmeinb;e(pinrelfc,an&rapr.) 5fO(ltt)|)Om bo 3 taite focb trauaplc.^ o^tobofe plcafu= re bo 3 thus confume atoapc mp Ipfe^Mrf is alfo a \japne ? mpferable tbinge.^bcrfo re , ttoo are better then one , f 0^ tbep mape tocll cniopc t^t morpt of tbepz laboure. #o;i3foneofthemfall 3 bitfcopanponhel* pct\) bim tip agapne:2i5uttbo is bim tbat ts . aloncf 0? pf be fall , be batb n ot another to belne bim\)p . Agapnc, tobenttoo flepe to= Setber,tbep are toarme: but both ca a bobp e toarme alone t One mape be ouercome, butttoomapemarierefiftaucc:3tth?efolD table isnot ipgbtlp b^ohen.3L poo^e t\)iloc bcpngetopfcisbettertbcnanolbenpnge,^ botetb, anb canot betuare in tpme to come . *&ome one commetb out of p?cfon,anb is mabe a Upnge : anbanotbertobicb is boine uitbe hpngbome, commetb tjnto pouerte. 3nb3perceaueb J tbntallmenlpupnjjeDns ber tbe ionne,go tbttbi feconbe cbilbe,tbat ujall ftonbe "bp in tbc ftcabc of tbe ottjet. 3HSf 0^ tbe people f bauebene before bim, anb f come after hpm , tbep are (nnumcra= blc:3Hnb thcpj> come after bim (ball not re= (opfe of bim.'Cbitf tealfo a \>apne tbpugc $ a beracpon of mpnbe . Wlbcn p commeft in tof boufe of <25oo,ftcpe t))v fote $b?ato npe iRtB.rti.c f (5obtobicb m at habemap beare:*^ tbou ;pue not tbe offeeinges of tooles , fo % i tytp nofre notogbt,but to bo euell. CC^e.ti.Cbapter. Camonfcpon tobi\amiKv*%t wmmwtlMo»fln:it)e cugb t not to mcruell at tbe opp; t (Tp5 b f the poo; t. she courtoue ie not ratfffptb xoitif b» rptbw. €notba(fpetbttb Wmontymb let not tbine hcrt fpcafte enp tbtng raChlp bef oie <5ob . 5f oj d5ob itf & ibtauei^anb^tponeartb^erfo^e let thp i^o^bes be fetb. tfop tbbere mocb ca> refulneueis, there are manp blames : anb Jtoheeemaup tbo^beS are, there men mape beare fooles. * 3f tboumaltealootbe bnto

    ibcitrope all tbe ttoojeaesoe tbpnc hanbcs.anbtobP'' tbbere as are ma= np blames anb manp tbo?beS,tbere areaU fo btuerfctwnptcS: but loae tbat tbou feare 25 <£tob.*3f tbou fepft thepoojeto be oppirf= **«*•««•«. Teb anb Tb^ongeouflp Dealt toithall,lo that mwtM equitc $ the rpgbt of tbe latoe i» to^afteb in tbc ia"be:maruell not tbou at focb a tbpng, fo; one area te man feepctb touch frith ano* tber, * J mpghtiemen are in aucto?(te oucr tbe po?e . %ty encreafe of f ertb t)pbolbetb all t])inge,peatheBpnge himfeife tsmapn= tcnebbp buf bao?pe.0e tbat louetb moncp, tbpllneucrbc fatiffpeb t6monep : $ tobo 10 beiitetb I rfcbe&tyal bane nop^ofpt tberof. 'EbtJS iJS alfo a bapne tbinge. Wlbere as mo cberpebesis^tbere are manp alfo tbat fpen* betbematoape. 3nbtobat plcafiiremoze batb be tbat poffeffctb W, faupngc tbat be mape lobe won tbem \bttb W epes. 1 ' % la= € bouringe maflepctbftbetelp, tobetber it be Iptle 02 mocb that be ea tetb : but the aboun= baucc of tbe rpebe ttoillnotfuffrebim to fle= je. Set is there a foje plageitDbicb 3 bauc *ene \jnber t^e funne(namclp;rpcbes ucptc to tbe hurte f jjim that batb the in pouef = fion. it 0? oft tpmes tbep mmmtb W grcate mtferp 5 trouble:? pt be haue a cbpl- bcitgettetbnotbpnge. * Ipheasbeeame oikM naheb out of bps motberS tnombe, vo goetb iZtm ' b(,t,, betbitbcragapncicarietbnotbmgattape toitb win of all W laboure. % m us a mife table plage, tbat bciballgoatDapccuen as ' c came.Qlbatbelpetb it bpmtben,tbatbe jatb laboureb in the topnber 311 tbe bapes 2) of bW Ipfe alfo he bpb eatein f barcUcxoitl; greate carcfulneuc,fpcfencu"e anb fojotu. *%tyrtW »ue tbincne it a better $ a fapjee * eccU .. „ tbpng,amantoeateanbbjpncUc,anb to be rerreibeb of all hpS laboure, f be tahetb ^n ber tbe $>unne all f bapes of btf ipf e to'bicb <5ob geueth bpm,fo } tW is bpfl po?cpon. Jfo?\)ntotbb6focuerd5ob geuetb richest goobes anb pother , he geue tb it hpm to en* iopeit,tota6e itfo?bPSpo?cpou 5 anb to be rerretbeb of hpS laboure : tbpS is f gpf te of <5ob. H } be tbincnetb not mocb botoe ifige bcftjall ipucfoj fo mocb as •i I F < i t * M 19 Jl!i 1 li Sftl 2® 1>Uffc3t a in* bcsctt an butue* cb ftnoU)leOffe,$ to feke $ Uatmontc\c& ** IpthncOe of the W^MpiSJSSSSSS tinp fooler Sob? fi^?*a§Sffi??- ger berte atf a net t tDat men KSfflS fehW WfHepncuf. ^bolo pleafeth tbmff e muft be cofiDjeb ttotth anotbee Sue BJ3 ^ W »t not.3mog a thoi K Jc me 3 Dane foube one, butnot one So a mum £Mm onelp SJne3fontw5eS * mm mm man intt anb evgi£ Lu S * ffin «ii fotiffbrmaninnucncionja. aWa p p **"* " fjf^ Rttotolcbffc 3 Si S&fiS^ tJauemaoe Mmo (Bon . m VSSE&P outof bpuJ fpffbt,anDfc mape 7 : ■/ ^fthe^ea •.rw t* mho io Wpeeb tbe eommannftemffttyatt feleno tweweibttt a tupfc mw beetc btfeeeneth I wlfflt ( "P n ?^ e »«P ^i«ff tbill ha, wo|o>^ttettobfliment,flnbtJft( Wtbe M tbat mafeetb men full of caeef nlnejj attb wiotbe.anb tobP"a man Imotoetb not Ujhae w to? to eome.fo^ibbo topll tell bimj' i&etbee tetbeteenprnanf batb potoeeoiicc tbe wete,to bepc itpll f fp^cte ,ner to baue tm potter in t^e tpme of beatb: tjS it not be alfotfjatean mabeanenbe of the battaple, inebletuitnaU. 3MI tbcfe ttynfietf baiie 3 conRbereb, anb appUcbmp mpnbe ^jnto euecp tooicaetbat fetnbeetbe fonne.-botbeone m& hatblozb- KMc *3banefeane of ten f \)nfloblp b?oua bt to tbcefltaueitf : anb pet tbep baue teto?ntb in to the cftpe agepne,anb came from the pla -- ee of bolp men, tbbtcb in the dm tocr c geo - € torn outof memoepaitf tocre tljofcalfo that Ipucbttoell . ia:bP!«iia!alfoa tonctbpuae. USecaufc noto tbateucll Mtm* ate not 'jaftelppunpfibeD, tbebcrt of manffcuetl) jpm felfe ouee \mto ttopchcbncire,'. 26ut t^ono^ an cuell pcefonc offenbe an himb?eb tpmcfc « <5ob biffcegpuinge bim Iflge Mt ^^^W«^iJu)alffotocU^thcmtbat fcaee ©ob,bccaufc tbep banc bt befoze theie JP^-^sapncatf fo? f *ngoblp,it ujallnot be ttoell vb btm,nctbee Ojall be molonffe W bapcj: but zmn as( a ujabotoe, to Ojall be be tbatfeatetbnot(i5ob. ^cti0tbereat)anpte\)porteattb:1!i:berc bcuift men, »ntotbbom itjjappenetb, ajs fboujjbtbep bab tbctbo^cke^ off be iniffob- m %apne,tbcee be »nff oblp, toitb mom Jt soetb asf tbotiffb tbcp bab m too^besi of tbe tpgbtco»0. Mm baue 3 calleb alfo a t)apnetbpno;.'Cbeefo?e3commenbcglab= ncfle, becaufe ama batb no better thing \m tote***'' fomm be baue of m laboue ffife SWO* W*<* ^ob aeuetb btm tjnbee tbe funne . 3ub fo 3 appfleb mp mpnbe to iearnetbpfbome, » to ftnotuc tbe a faupon,f 3 faff rcb not mpne epci to ttepe SHHH? TOW** } 3 tmoeeftobcof all tbe too^hejj of (5oo,but it isi not poffible fo* i!&l *8*!B * m W tto*RC0 f»aee bo* SSflw ^ %»»e; anb tbougb be befto^c 52 W 0IB * t0 ttBC ^ em o«t,pet cati be not 2S W ^""^f^Dougb a Me tiunk CCbe-^.Cbapter. ^O.jt)cjrt]r, teoimanb ttopfe, pee anb th m m= *«h "SP^^^arein^babeof&ob: anbo*n^-tbcee(itfnomanf ftnotbetbetbee "t^J SySSS? ^H one ** m ° artotberut goblp: *ttoitb tbe goob ano cleaneatf tbptb * *•** tbe \)ncleane:tbptb bpm that offerefhatf tttt i bim tbat offeretb «ot:lpfee a^ it goetb pcbtobefo^tboinc. 3monge all tbpngetf tbat come to paiTe tmber tbe &unne, t&3 SBW * ««ft«w *^e trie better of mf arc full of fijpebebneffe, $mabbfooUQ)iieu*e « Ux tbctr betted asi longe a* tbep lpne,»n= tpu tbcp oyt» mmwm logeatf am5 ipuet|),bc hatb & a bopc;fo* a qupefc bogg (fape m&M bet- tee tbe a beeb tte tbcp f be iputg , H "noSe t tbep (ball bpc: but tbep f be beet i 'knotue notbmg,hetberbefeructbcpcnpinoje.Jfoi tbcir memorial wfoigotte, fo tbat my be nctberloueb,batebnerenupeb: nether baue tbcp enpmo^epattein the tboilo, tall that W bone tinder p &mmt.<5Q tr)ou thy tbape tpcu ,eatc tljp b?cb Jbptb iope,anb bipnche tbp w\e tottb a glab bart, Foi tbp ti W-s pleafc<15ob.lcttopgarmcntc0bcalltuape SS? ( !# r 1 ^ ^? ^ caD lacB n o»c opntinf t. *«5*- «i *fille tbp felf to Uuetopfullp ttitb tbp tuifc * * a;ouc - t, - ,t tt>bom tbou loueft, all ti)e bapea of tip Ivfc tohieh i j but t>apne,^ 0oo gcuetb tic %, bcjtbe ^unne,all tbe bapes of tbp \)miite: fo* tbat 10 tbp poicion in ti3t0 lpfc,of al tbp laboureanbtrauple that tboutaheft *n= C her tl;e ^unne.iEbatfocuce tbou tafteft in banbe to bo,tbat bo tottb all tbp petbcrioi vn tbe graue tbat pgocft Unto , tberc ttfnet tbertt)0*cfte,counceil, bnotblebgc nee Xbpf= fi>o3turnebniejntootbee tbuigc* tm bee the §unne, ? 3 toe, tbat intunnwiff it bclpetb not to be ftt.pft:.n bataplc,it :& pethnottobelteog^tofcbpngejitbclpctb tUttell:to be bab i fauoure, it bclpetb not to be eonpng :but tbat all ipetb in tpme $ fo*= tune.3to**amanfenotbetbnothp0tt>mV ^ , . Sic, ano as tbe bp*be* are catcbeb \toitb tbe ware: enen fo are mm take" in tbe perloutf tpine,tX)beiutcametbfobenlpt)pontbenn ^^ttpfoome baue3feiic alfo W ^ tbe^>umic,f me tbougbt.it a greate tbfg. B flEfiS a l ^ tle cltle » * a W» me tbitof ttao tbeec came a geeate ftpnganb befeieo it, anb mabegrwte bnltoarUej* agapniftt. 25no V : 'F»:.* - ra^TfG rTp-TT— ?t»t«iiwt ■ ; v ; . hi i i t \i; i- • * !.* » t '»J * *l 1-4 > • »;:*. i5. "i I » ;=! * * * * Mtfj p ^; » ^i jt. •iai/'Vj a It tttmhntou mm bSSm mm bo< ftmi tcee m L» mmSfm masgsk ,.>$L, * - A 1 } mm '% .*Kom (tttohatpiaccroeueritTali; i^ct — " — - fijlf tbbe be goetb bp^toap, yet t btftethc he ^ notttrorWir^*hs *«"*w^ fcttottocOfttDt theitoozcketfpf WOb^totoch wthetoojekemafteebfait ; Mr -* 33 nptwcffltoe-tt^ [to itfytie offetf«}efcan- to rotbe th> m, ntm m £ff5Z< fyttcthm^catempitc^tljetpcbauefctt ****"*-* M "~ -*•*—*■ . -- jottonebeneth^haue^ *«». W/.S ft tea* tt Were feruattttte$.*!But fee f nic= get* *pa PPt^alfalltftewnlJftnMemnD »&; i fo tpeafteth bowne t&e bebgc, a ferpe*t -jN f JP* torn . .TOoforemoueth ftonk njooo,imuoe putt tpettoitib* . r>"»a*«^"i'^FpuMry,mioiecrnpnenee-t jaiijen an n* t# m»tm m popntnot 5SBSS0VEH*nKfpi9 *&* ftat^wtmuftbetoljetaffapiwittttpxl iili^H^WiS mp$t : ens b both fopfb Afolotbe OtlE ,1,,f *• * fcAM f "" ""* "^ " J6 " ' ' : "" ™ c Bjwe^iiaMetoflJpjitoffctjsnobettcrjtM a uetnent that ftvttn-of-h ttit»f ha.,*- h«rr«««-« tvvt to lofee upon the ^une.if amanKue tmwv vmc&am be fflab in tfe all,let Mm wmemb^e W bapetf of batcfteneffe ttoljpcb JKB» vmnm thatfolotbetD, al mm (ball be but Iwnpte^c gino tljm ( C 'tBou . £pn(remp(j);thppoHth,anbUtthynehm B .*» ti ■# jif .t ?!., W pMM out oeatopfe m50 mouth are mouth W ftarftemabnefca fijolc fo t ai. , w ft»D$#, « a man cannot tell tojat (ball co^ K?JSK : ??! V u 9«»«w ffm of it tJatflbaUfolotoafteehtm^'* " ^ ■ - filo^notbottoetooointijthecitpe. !SBSS& w h « J>antt itobofe p?(nrfaee iiMofe^tiffewieo^ofjw iiChantee. awotticipoanwottsov 7*™' tea epay e bifjjleafute out of thpne * ^cte^rrempu^cueUfeomthviioop I pttt|,owuert1j! te > memem^ top mauct tberonet wihp iA:vh / >i ■"*S * ll i anw. « •« \ 4 - -1 -w f'' T* » ti >* .\ (bjmmi , ttbentbe i bo^eatmthe fttteejs Kfftuet,atibtxJben(he^ovceoft!}einvl a ^rJfM^ e0 ^^w^wbrn men u)«iu rvre *P#^ e 5°^ eof fl^bWOe, ano wTen nil f , WitllW^mu^fteibalbtb^ougttlouje: TXjhrn men Oiaufeare in bpenlaces, anb be a- ftaveWntbcfttet^whentbcaiilmonbetfce OiaU w foe anb be laben with tbe ate toou» '. per , aiib pm all luft toall paffe c becanfe Cma»Soeebtoh(iBlpngchome,aitbtj)emour» iic^ffoaboutcthcftreteft ) ^D?euecehefpi 3 uerlacebe taBenat»ape, anb ojtfte ffolben mllbt Mten .m tbe pot be b?ofeen at tbe i wil,antt tire utyele t)pon tbe cpftcriic s^en flioll t\)t putt be turiteb aca vne % nto earth from whence it came,anb the fp?ctc toallre» M.«. twiietonto<5ob, which gaucit. * auttbut ymiite(faptbtbe^eacber)aUi}Sbutplapne tjanvte. €be ^cacbtr wa^ vet mo?e t»pfe,aiib taught thcwople ftnot»lebgc I he gaij^goobhcbtfougbt outtbc t^roObe , anb a> fttfo^thmanpparablesf.!9PJ5bHiffe!ice wass . tofpnbeoutatceptablewo^beftrpghtfcnu- Lftf.e. ture , am tbe wo?be0 of ttuetb. jf o^ * the uoftctf of pwpfearelpftep^cftcjianb nap* lesitbatgootbo?ott» , wbermttbi? ftuffe ga= tiierebuS bolben \)»:fb?t jeparegenen of one toepberbe onelp > ^Octfojc be©arc(mp fon= «e ) of tbat boctrlne that is( bcfpbe thpi : f o? to maftemaiipbobetfteis; an cnblcid too^ke: anb to l on oe crpinge tocrpcth tbe bobpe. JUtltfhearetfeconcluft'on of all ttyn* gc#j!featc'<5ob,attb feepe bp^ commaunbe= mmm^m tbattoucbetba*u mm. Sot 0ob (ball iubge all tuo^c- Ue is anb fecrete tbpngetf, xobetbertbepbegoob o? eueU. BHtymmW ifo,rr f ^ChejSalltt of m« lettejsof «>alomon:caHeb in latpn, Canrfcum cantico^um, ^ C^hefp^CDapter.- ■ loue.brtttifijf CDjpft tbe rpoufr, anb tbr rtiPKhe o; cotmt aacpon br« fpoafeffe . W . fbathetooIbapOemettitth^ tbe Upffeg of M mouth :fi»* tbp louc « mo;e pleafauut then topiif.sfbat.bcctiufeof pgoobf pleafaatfauoureof tbpmoft pjceumfe valnu% J "CbP name ftf*afwete (toe I- * «?ecie.ttr.« lpngcopntmentU)bfniti]ga)e& fojthc, ther= fo^c bo tbe mapofjEiloue tty :J)^nujc thou me yntofitBe mil runnc after the. ^hefepnae batb bio i ttgbt me into ty* Pimv cbamb?ejs. UHctovHbeqlabffrciopccln the.uie tbpnlte mow of tbploue then of wpne^fieptbat be rpghtemitflonej*. 3 amblacar C^pebaugb 1 us tcrgof3crufole;ipaca!S*tbctete.gofMc^S5f.w.b, Pgg*?.***j tbe bangpngcis of Salomon: tu- mm butpctain3fapje 9 vociifauoitrrD uoithall. '« c - g)arueU not at me ^3am fo blach:fo? \»bF.'' tbe runnc batbtopncbtjpo me, ^)pmotl;crjS chplb^enbabciielltDpUatme.tbfp mnocme V neper of tbe topnepearbeiJsUutmpne ounte \)pncparbe^auc3notbept. fcrUmc of Dim mo my foulc louetbe mbere tbou febeft tl)c qjepe , \»bcrc tbou maifecft the" reftat f noone baperfo? wbPtoall3 bclpbe'bim, tbatgoctb yiongcaboute^flof bc« of tbpeopanpons^ «r ^ftbouknotiJenottbj'felfefOtbou fapitll a amoge wcine Jtben go tW wape fotfb Mcrf fotcftcppc^oftbeajcpu.anbfcbetbpgoatcsi . befpbc tbe Qjepcbf rbes; tcntfji. suito * the *src.tM.c. nooft of ?5baraosi cbatcttesi bauc Jcornpa-- m)t enbe of the boat Sffl^3*SBft* ^ .. ♦V*' vvw^ fpangc0anbgooDlp3cu)cW:aneckbiliticof BolDc ppll to; ; make tbe ujitb rpiuec buttos'. «. J?^»* fit 8 ** f)?ttcth "t tbe ta blc , be (ball ftncllmpjaarbutf : a bonoell of ottpire ^ m Vlouc\jntome:beti)plllpebcttX)irtcmpv, WWW • 3clMfree of Campbo?e in the \jp= r ncarbcis of €ngabbiiK(mploue\)iito me. *©bou)cfap,carttboii(mpIouc)€)bbo=*cant.«.u we fap^c art tljour tbou baft boue^ epei *"* wu 0\m fmt art tbou ( mp beloueb ) howe well ftomaif P^urebebW becte witb fl ourcft tbe fplpngctf of oure boule are of Cc» wetrcc,anboucccio(Teiopnte53iofCpp^ue, _ C^be.ii.cbaptcr. 3m fhcipttc of tbe felbe , anbrofe of ^ .tte tjallcpesi : asi tbe rore amomretbe ♦oor* " Dftie^eacljer/ otljet tupfe tal Ieb/ecclefia- 5 to '* i * Cfc^vi-: * * fc-M^te 1 *? ». to w m V lone amonge the tS?J2J?% J*tert tljeappic tree amonge tbe lint ^.a)p beiptc ijj to fpt bubcr hpg (hQ, ■ • -,r W V % I. Il *. 4 hi n: '!.> ! '! I .1 •h Yz * ; « : i- =ifJi -ywft ; ill 1 ■ * 3 : tfs 1 »W N s i i IwnnetQ) : ftecuppe iffeftUipe pe tfitent pet ft Ifi;. fc)e tpf nbe bm'iffptcrtf tfoi I » i ft art.MoUje,De ™ ^ , 'Mofcctbinatf pMbotte&nb »epet|tbojowe raaM8$ . beloueb -astfty c$banb fapbe Mo me. tbetapnci#att)at*a!nbgoMe. « flbutetf - are come Dpin tie Wbe.tjt ;pme of tjiebp^ be0 rvnffpnjje ft come , anb tbe toopce of the turtle bone 10 bear be in oiire latoe.t be fpgge «Me&ma«faUhtat|) tft^bccaiiftoffea &alomtaJ tfa te ottwn _ tWift m taton M file/to % tttfta _ ... |jeoftl)efarticWgneffe,wl)(cl)ttettribpftom tfi e waft i Mre places wmMtymwmtty iicarebloflbmj8^^ueoaooOftml;iDRaDe ""■ " .fr. . . i ;'» jotue $ tome nip iot!?,n$ fteutpfulU tome 3 fapeCiDmp boue)out of ttjeraiieffof p ro* cfte&ont of tpcbole0of tbewall: $>letmefe $p eountcnauwe aim beareibp topee fol- ds cte t0 tbp sopce,anbfapje * top face .tlffet y0tbefd;rc0,pcc tbelptle fojefc tSatWrtfte * lp«cttmtme,an03aml}p^t»^c^feocir|)a- monge the rofcfcsntpll f&e nape ^ab^ann tpjltpe (pabosoc0 begone. (pome ajjapne Use a pece ofa pomarartatubttDm tupite ben- r^.^DPnc«:tU^rltefto\»crof!©am^ml« oeb imtp co| tip ftoncjj tp inge out on tpe um toller won pre Danp tfeou f anbe Qipibetf , W all tpc weapeitf ofttaeauntej*. * toft0. flD fpat3 ^ mpfiljtflotemoataiMof mm,* to p pilot ftan!*em«e:tpuf pape bjcafte $ tpil ftaoowes!bepaaa»japi?. feboaartall ap^e, © mp lone, fhof pott i& wttiiuty. i ( © mp below* ) ano be Ipae atfa#oo p>.a -.s^ome to me fc8ti^nuScflPmp ( fponfe(co- "^ *" " * ~~" * " metomeftiJltbanuiailofteftomtoetoppeof 3manajfro!mtljetoppeof &mit $ pernio, fratbelpO$Ocnne0nnoftom?mountapne0 _^ T ^..^^ , T „ BVT of f (eopftWMl&potifyill mt j lone bewft- jptm.bnt .3 rpfibe bfoi not.3 tupW idjeb mp perivtiprnp fpfter.ipp monre Mm fley)P(t|)oufll)t3)anbfio aboute Mmmhm^te^it^oni AWmVa I'onsepartMtlJettipbe monntapneji. J- • __ J C'2:pe.ia.(JD|japtcr. . MtpIoHic loue tlj-pewirgftip fonfip* !:".'-■• jiwHuurjivni^rounoeppmnot.^petpatf cjpmenaifo tN go aboute tDecptie , founoc ^5 Pt^^W notljfhiiPbom'ittp'fouiclo- Kraft * 3 w l ^'^ aft *a f ° a nnbe bim »»Jo mp foule lour tf . 3 bane sot- ten boioe tipon jipm.ano i»pu not let btm go i IWttinmMwm iptomtmot^t« ■««« *cmm,«.» :l ^aMgepott^pebanflbtcrjibf ^ttemoetfanDfopnoctf ofrn ... -.- r , ^-^.'ne.anop fmeloftbpneopntmenteiBittaffefftaUfupcfsi. ^l)pWppe^^mplb()b(e,%#e:a^po^^^^ c5be,we m«e.anbponpi8(i)noeFtbP tonjr , ant? m (m ilof tfePtsawnf t&mm f fmell i ;»! L, ?,*i - ! M ^-tf .'..• ! »J« ^ c 4v-¥-:-..|:- HI - ' + " J ' tl 1 " ' 81 rthiu infeattbali;; *« jpcel ibtttepaloj. !fr * 'i t 1 - of itbanui^snrOen^jcHio^teftmp fP s ftet, mp f»o life „a aatnen iJell iccScd , aim a feale?t»c(l^ljefput.ejjlfaceplattteb'tntlje, arelpftea tjetp ^arabpfe of potngraitatcsi vom fwet mutt*', ^campfefeprbu^ MttftinWii Calamus , mfflMM wltb mi tbe befttec^a toeli mkmm well of ;e tpietst, t»bicDreftnetfJ\finefr5 li« . ...... .... *tbon«W^piyometbow peef mpbffoneDmapecomeiti^Dps! saro?, ano wet *, *. v. i .i ::* V - !*' [:■' ^f^alomon, 5to.]tU. I ' I \ * m hi M # !k #im jamaflepe, anb mpfteet ttftoaWn ,3 beate \)Wi or mp bcloneb , ftp? pe anoc Irtb. .i!l>pen to me, £> mp fi(ter,mp tone, mp Bouwnp betlpnae ; fo? mp beaoe in tm ofbe>!f ,^f tpe totml of m|? pea^e ate fttil oftpen 0. 3paueputofmp Yafe&oM 3 bo it on agapneq paue tba= .ftebmp feteipotp (bail Jfple agapne/ w #p loue put in pftl pano at tl)e pole,attb » mptiette twaifii woueb tettbm ine.3 ftobeijp to opftjnto mfMoutti, 9 mp PaoejS b^op= pw|#P | tlie #p^re vanne botb= nempfpna'cttfM^iocne. 3openeb\)hto mv beloueo,but pe xoa0 bepatteb anb gone bijitoape. Bototbpenpefpabe,mpbett toast gone:3 fougpt ppm , but 3 couloe not fpnbe ppm.-3 cepeb tops pim,ncucrtbele(fe, pegauemenoanftbctc. ^o^toatebmen ^ujcnte anouttpeeptte, founoeme , imote ine,$ tpounbebme.^ee,tpep £ fcepte p vmU letfjtbfteatbape mv bercDeate fro me. - 3 cteepott tDerf o^e , €) pe baugptcrg ^ of 3erufalcm,ipf pefpnbempbcloutb, tbat pe tell bpm,l)oib t|jat 3 am fpcfcfo? lone. Wat maner of man (0 top loue aboue otber Ibuetict 1 f f apjeft ambnge tbctneY ©> tbpat can tpp loue bo , mo?e tpc n 1 bee louer&tpat tpou cpargett tojs vo ftcaptclp.'' M foj mp loue,be in tobite anb rebbe co loureb, apjooblpe perfone ambge ten tl)on=« fanbe : W peabe isf asi tpc mod fpnc golbe, tbe locftctf of ppiai pcatr'e are buttpeb ,mib b lac a a$ a crotoe. tyiti epetf are ajs $ epetf of botteietbp tljeftatee tyoftetf 3 aj^ tpoi# tpeptocrexoaftpeb toctp mplM arc fett ip a he pedes! in golbe. $p# cbcltetfare Ip&ea garb?bebb,tbberem t\t 2&potecaric0 plSte allmaner of Ctoetc tppngctf : Iop0 Ipppeji aeelpnerofe^tpatbioppe ftbete fmclhng $mu . $& panbe0 arc Ipse golbrpngetf bautgccnclofei) ?p^ecpou0 done of 'Cpae m M bobp t0 a0 tpe puee pueep , be= cteouecmtb^>apbire0:^i0lcgge0 are a0 the ppler0 of barbell , fet topon fobettc ofgolbe .Mfacet0a0X(banu0,anba0 betotp of tpe €0m tree0. lEpc tbo?be0 1 W moutpe ate ftoetcpee , pe i0 altogetpee louelp.*»ocbeonei0mp loue. 1© pebaugp- Pe0,tpat pe map tefretp hpm felf 1 tbe jjat= ben , anb jratpet rofe0 . &}v loue i0 mpne 9 3 am bl0,lbbtcb febetb amoge t^e rofe^l. 'Eponaet beantpfull,o mp loue,a0 i0tDe place of ^p(t ja,tbbtt art f awe a0 lerufa* lem , fearfnll a0 an arfope of men , & tpepj : , battner0. 'Cnrne atiwtpe tppne epe0fro me, fo? tbepbanefetme onfp?e;*'Cpp beattpe „, -.-„ {£ . Ioche0 are-lpbe a florae of goaf %o?ne ***** topon tbe mount of d5tieab. ^pptetpate Ipaeaflocftoffljome Cbepe»tbbtcO ffo out 2 s of p toa%ng place ; t»bere enerp one bea= tetb tmpn0, 9 not one Wrutcftffl M tbem. %ty cbcftc0 are Ipae a pece of a p£ mamtt Mitbtn tbppoluper0.'Cbere are * It .^nene0.lm.topue0 , anbbamefelle0^ ttottbout nfib^e. €)ne t0mp bone, tmt tit mp ' betlpngc. #pe <0 1 jje onelp beloueb of bet * tnotbet,9 beate tntb bet f bate bet. flMjtf ^ baugptet0 fatbe bet, tbep fapbe , ipe toa0 bleueb. Seetbe£lttcne0 anbtbpue0piap= febber. ^lbatt0tpetbi0^loaetbfb?tb a0 t\ft mowpnge.-fap^e a0 tbemoone,clea= xz a0 tpe funne, ano fearful a0 an armpc of men to tbeir banet0. 3 toeiite botbne tto ^ MftpMA* Ce ttobaf fftetoe bp f b*obc0tf to lobe pf tpe tjpnepatoe floittpcb , 0^ pf ^ pomffranate0 tbcre (pot fo^tp. 3 bnetbc notpmp foule babmabeme f cjiarpoteof © tbepeople tbat be tonber tribute, ^urne agamcjtntnc agapne. tbou petfecte one tnrnc agcpne,turi« agapne,? tbe totll lobe topontpc. Wlbattioilpefe(ntbefi>ttla= mptc ( ^>be 10 lpbe mai of xoarte f mgpnge inacompanpe. 'CpefeuentbCbaptcr. . ,l9otbpleafauntatetftpi:reabptt= ^ gc0tb«btpe(poe0,ti)oup?ince0 « baugbtctf' t:op tlngbctf ate like afap^e ietbeUjtbbw^Mougbt baugbtctf Cpp tlmbut ate like afapje wtwUjtbbwbW ttoiongpi KES5asu bp a connpng toojeae matter. %})? nanell 10 Ipfte a toubegobla' , tppftlt t0 nener tottbout b^inlte.^pp tbdbe 10 ipae a bene of tbbeat tbat mm aboute xb toCe0 *%%V ttbo b?efte0ate Ipfte ttoo ttopn0 of pongeroe0.ia:bp neca 10 a0 it there a totoet of puctp:tbine epe0 alfoate Ipae tbe toatet pole0 f ate in $cfcbd,befpbe f po^te of 26a tpjabbtm: tte> nofe t0 Ipketbe totwr of tU bann0,tbpicp lobetb totoarb Damafcu0. 'Spat beab f ft anbetp typo tpe, i0 ipae Cat mel 9 tbepeatte of tppbeabei0lpae putple anb Ipae a bpngc prop ng e f o^tb t6 pi0 gar- e aboute bpm. a> boio fapj e $ louelv art mpbcaripnge,ipleafure0.<' 'Cppftatnre 25 Ipae attalmetree? tbpbjefte0 IpUe tpe ■MpfoOMM :3,WU clpmetop ltd f jtoU meme,fta«ebolbeofpi01»eb?aficpe0. C 'Cpp b*efte0 alto tpalbe 80 f topne rtutttes f fincll of tpp noftrel0 Ipae 10 tbe fmell of $# apple* : t • l! !,'- I \'M i '?:'■ 6R.?W; t i ■ L !■ ! i i ■ *»:«! hit" tfr' }•• life I LI I tf u . i tit j ItMaUet SMfW ttraptc unto mp beloueo 885? °7 *?* l °w^^Ml so fori b into tbe fclbe,* ta&eourc lAhmmir? f.fXv.Y ,7^ 3 tbftpch j tone aeptcfoj the, o mp bcloucD. Cw.Vufi.Clmptcr.. " fpnoei,,. „,._, — «>pom 3louc ati inv Ibjotbcr ft#cb fckte mpmiSSS SS&P'A°P alone «S mp ;-st»W *wl fuckte mptnotfterd 3 tmil Irate the , an* tyjmge toe in to m* mother* Jpulf: tOrttt&i VffWtc" S Mil T &at 3 mpght gem t!)e b?prtfce of &2 f ofti ftp* rpght banbc q»u cinb we me. W W, tjjat commrtl) Dp from mB* nc* anb Icancth Jpon $er tout/ 1 Rb t&e Dp amongc toe apple tree*, tbta tto> motoerconccpucOttje,tbbcTc tbvmot5» roe a* atcale Dpon t&inc i ctte„mo a* a fta arc of fp ? c,?a Dcrpfiame of the io^e fo ? row Boaters are not able to mSBuSi t ffWft m « u toe goob of ii Site fo? loue,f>e OjuIO counte it So thpngf iDw < fc »., ©all toe do f oi our ipfter,tbban (he foallbe BBESSPbB ffi? fte tjfop** ken m& 3a^ one that DatDFoMirte fauotf re in pw fight, §3% ptf.f euerronefo^c frute tDcrof (hut Jei gene Upm a tfymfante pecw of f MwT re top \)om, tbat mp companvon? S perkcntotljefame. ^gettbeaS the fttete froellpnge mowntapnei. ■ ^1 ^ ■ CU'ljeenoeoftfie Pallet of Ml* Itttesof^>a* lomonrwl feo m Ha tpm Cant ifal Cantuonl * « ■■^- *:* * ,• »• • .«, i-o a f 5fo,]titt, pjtojftete (£fai) fTtftW PK0pl)efpet1> ej)«t rtcangell of *fcot> §«Uij)olc parte in all pour boDp:bttt all are tbofioeis,botc:jc}3i, wmjH JlrppejS,tb|)pc!) til nctDer be Dclpeb, »oun0e\jp,moltfpc0 3 ner eafebxS anp opnt* C ntcnt. ^ourlanblpetlj tdafte,*ponrcpttcsl are b^entlop, pour encmpesflieuottre poure lftbe,$ pe nt nwbe fapne to ft £De,$ loac \)po it:? it itf Oefolate,a]El tbep ttocte fubuertcfc ^ J»ereaU'enatefr8 f 3Lo^be. 4J)o?couer,tt)e Daustjtcrof^pon^left alone lpneaco= tage in a Wntparb, Ipne a lobgc in a prof of eucttrobei&tpBe a toaft eb cptie. ^nb er* eepte f lojbe of l^oftetf Jab left \jtf a fetoe alpuc :tbe (bulb hatte bene ass &oboma,anb Ipke Ma <0omo?ta. fecare f tDojbe of the lo.ibepe lojbesl of Saoboma i $|)crae Ditto p latbe of our d5ob, f people of dfrmnojra. TOpoffrcpe fo manp facriftcctf tin to me faitb to#e.'3 ftbMi of^ bwntoffrpngeja of ttoetbertf,ab of gfatneue of fcbbeaftesi. 3 _ baue no pleaCure M bloub of bulloUcss 5 la= «> w$ anb goatcjs. ciatjen pc come to apeare before me , t&ho fcqnirctl) tW of pou to treabettoit^in mp pojcljcsJ f 'ctjerf o;e offre meno mooblacio6,fo t i ttttf but loft laboiu tc.3ncenfe ijS an abbominablc tljingc Dnto ww» 3.4Qft?e not attwtpe Hbit|) poure netoe moonetf, pour ^abftttt|jeiS $ gatbcrige to* fiptfcer at p fole^ne bapetf . 3 oatepour ne* tbemonebapesi^foUpncfeafte^cucfromp tJcrp|Jcrt.3cannotawapet5iucUcDanitie I [jolbinge in oft|je people . 'C&ep Ipe Dpon me ag a bnrtijenjano 3 am tberp of ber inge tbe.Cflll)an pe Ijolbe out pour frpc&3 ttotll tumempncepejjfroiltpou. 4tnb tljougj) pe maue many Waper&pei:M3Deare no^ thpngeatall , fepngpour hanbetfareful of 6 bioube. JlWaCbpou tljerfojcanb matte pou eleane^ut atbape pour eucll tn&M out of JJtpfpp;ot,ceafefeOmbopnge ofeuell. lerne to bo rpa|)t,applpe pour relnetf to e* nuite,belpuerfopp?eu*eb,l)clpe#fatI)erlesj toftis{rpjrbt ) iett]jetbibotbejj{coplainteco= me before pou . Come3 mm V*( fafcty $ lo?be) lettjjJreafo oure matter together. 'Choughf ourcfinnejfbe ajs reab atffcarlet, thciibalbe an tohiteasf fnotue^nb thougb tftep tbere Ipbc purple, ttjcp malbeass tbftt ag ttJOlle.3tpcbeloupngc $ obebif t,peO)al entopc^bcfttppngtgrptdctliit^ldb. i5ue pf pe be obftinatc f reBellpou0,pe ibalbe be nourej 1 16 fjfatm ■ foi tpusl f toibe ftatD pjomifeb xb W a>nc mouth, tyoto happen jenetljittljcn ^rpghteousf cptfe ( totjico xoasifuU of cquite ) w become tmfaptbfuU a# an tbDozc'rpflD tuoufnejf b'ibel 1 1 it , but notomurlbrrcrtf. 'Ehpfpluet.'igtumetto ^ b?o(re 3 f tl)p topne mprte tbitjj tbater.'Chp if pneegare tbicaebf companpiitf of thcutf. 'Chcp louegpf teg altogetljer,anb gape Ui re tbarDeiOs: fo.t f fathcrlcg, thcphclpe hi not to tyfi rpght , nether topll thpp ictt tbe topbotoeg eaufcjS come before tl;e. ^her!fo=: re,fapetb^loibcd5obof^oftesiimpglitp fioucrficr of 3fracl, ipute Dpon pe,%tll eafe mc of mpnc enmyefi , * 3 tbill ammo e mcofmpnc abuerfarpcg,3il)aU lave nip $$ft "topon p,? burnt out tl)p b^ offe fco £ !?r>= ncft$purcft,9tputoutaUthptpnne,^fet tl)p AM agapnc ag tljcp torrc fom ivmc 9 thp sjenatourg ag thep ram fro p btcri^ iipngt. %m fpalt f be calico j rpglitcoug SticpfaptUftilleptic^JoOialbercDemeD ,- emitter thep u)al tm ne a gainc Mo her v Irpghteoufur Be. Jfoif trilfgrefTourjS $ \m-- gobip,anb foch ass are be come Dnfapthfull wtto the lo?b, muff altogether be wtcrtp beftropeb.Jf ojthep Qjall be aaiameb of the gobbcfitppou longebfo^. 3nopc ftiall be jjutto Qjame foj f3bolg groucgarbctf t pe ^teeljofctmajalbcasatree rt.l;orc lea- ncftare fallen atoape, 9 3$ a garbcu f path no mopftneifc. 3no assfo* tpe glo^p kt of ^ pour graucb 3magcg , it fhalbc turncb to ^' 5m ftratbe,anb l)c ^mabe t^cm to a fpar= fee. ^nb tUep ujal botl) burnt together , fo $at no iman mm able to queneb tbenu CCljeTceonbCDaptcr. ynberaltebaboueainvtle bpiicg. inoal nacpomj OWH pjeace Wo S)pm,anD the el • '■ ».i n. -hi ■ 1 fi^-i* 1 *! ' - 1 : * r.* ■rj i !■"• P*l ?;. iPi*' '"•Sli 'ft i few- fit li! life ; 11 I i, P i Hi * *: « I If tf! multptiibeof people ibalgo rpcakfer tbutf *Jf Mft * to t|>c boufe oftoc ci5ob of Jt» Z* »«p *»W* in hi* patbc* . loi the KS&S* fr0, » 1 c *»fo l Mnb(bnllgcue [o?me rue multitubc of people : 'Cbcp (hall SS&ftF 1 ttbnw ™ «• mattock 2?5 ftP 9*** tomaftc rrtljcsi.^nD one _ people (balfnotlpfttoptbeapcn mSfftSu 9& ,: Vff Co » l c ?ec £> boufe of Jacob j let became t^ep go far re bepobc tf eatt eottcpS i fttycetpe* ( w tbep UmhwWM* ftS- X* 5«o MfflHKr in (fra tinge ArtEm tbei> lanb t* fail of fflueranb golWbct i* tbe= S? %? fflW* no eoc « tljcrc of tbep? tjmm . tbm lanbe i$ alfo full of tone lob bc&anb before £ Xbo?cac of tbepr atone lanbe* ha ue tbep botoeb tijg fclueipeMu* fallctb tye man botonc before tbe , but ft r o lo^e;toUtnotleauctbcm\)upmuajcD. Ijppei in tbe geounbefo? fearc of t&e i io, anb fo? tbeglo?p of btf mstftm mmh caftctbboMc tbe bigb loonejs of pS oust peefonnesi , ano b^ingetb lotoc * plvbe of nwn,ano % t o^be on> fiball be eraltca in t);at Japc-ff oj the bape of f jlozb of feo^ ftcss ftall so ouce al pjibe anb pzefumptto* ^>on all tyem&at exalte t^cm felucsfanb (ball b^pnge t^z all boitone : \jp5 all i bprrh anb ftoute Cme trccjs of iibanu^i5pon alltbcobcgof 25afatt 5 \)pon all bpffb hvl= Icfanb Unon all ftoutemountapneft Won all coftlp totojeja! , $ \jpon all ftrouore tfal* le^^ponaliajpppctfof^ljarli^anbtjpon euctp tbpng tbat in glowou* anb plealaut to lone vjpon. Sltiti itfballb^ncrebotone tbe mpbe of man,anb lapc mans; picfnmp-- tuowfneffe full lotbe,anbtbe ioibeOjail ^ onlp baue tbe \)pcto^p in tbat bape. flJttt tl)c jbow lball\)ttctlpbc roteb out . mm mil ctepe in to Dole* of ftorfe,anD into ca= w$ of the eartb,fo^ feaec of tbe &ojbe, anb mm filo^p of by$ magettp : tbbat tpme m be (ball atpfe top to conbemme ^ eaet'b. 'Cbentyallmancaftatoapc bpjs gobbejgof fpluec , anb bpis pjODbejs of 50I0 ( tofticb be neueirtbcletf Daomaoc to fjonout them)W* to tyim* 9 25acteiBt:3no ttjep i^all ceepe in to the cauctf anb roche* , 9 into tbe cipf. tw of barb ttonea;,fo^feare of Cob, anb tot tDeglo^poft)p}jmaffcftpe,tbOanlw rpfetjj ^Ijep^opDerp ■\ to .coKbemhe tbe eatt|j. $wc not pe tbett dto^ itobatttflie of tevutacionc ff P>^°P6«p«D that af tfr commpnB of ffhidi nil OVciifftl) anb potest Qj*u bi put tonh of Jwp . €)? lo , tbe io?be dffob of iioftetf botlj 1 tafte atoape from 3crufali .nub 3tiba,all poflefffong » pother ~ al«ieatnn}b?pncfte,tDeeaptap a * ncattbtijefottbpar,tbetobaeanb Wppbett ,tbe tbpfe anb tfte aaeb man, tbe me: tbe |&cttatour0 3 anb men oTbnberftL $ t , 5S£2 c !P afterofcwR « l a «b ozatourS. awb30»U«iietbf cbttb^en to be tbeX wwicctf, s baWaii baue tbe rule of pmr ^be people olifolbalbepplieb ono polleb anb one *all mer be bopiffe to ence ano tome to auothet . % it bope MIpmSn me asapnft tjjic elber,anb t^e tople perfone mmi the honorable. ^eeVone MlUafee ftftfee of m atbne npnreb bp tbeborome our bcab,fw t t)ou mapeft ftepe W fXbptf gll^parcll. 'C^n (ball be? toeaw tS5e2B tber mcatcner clotbpncr tomp jS«feffic me no ruler of t^epcople . fiwSS mavmm \t 3uba WfiSsKS be,bccaufe t&at botb t^ep^ ffiSI«S celjare a ff apnft t&e\S$, g gJSSS ?tte tteftttrftft* majicftp tonto iSSShS ncfttDg rcltte* , as tbe ^obotnrtetf TifSm toe retoumb eupli tonto t^ mucSb i^OTftteoitfbotbell^tlwWcnS C>mpncoplir,tDofct5atealUbe WefTcb beceaue tfe, anb bemaue the tiape ofSS men oft^e matitcr^nb ftabetb topr 5 far?) to seue lubgement of tbe people %he £S- be Jail come fo^tft to tcafon VSStSL natourst anb m\nm of M jESb ■ 4?w S^ffi BF ? W "S pour hou mat ee f raccia! : p pooze.'' favcf h f fi» 1 *#S»S f^^MHrmorilb onarebeimefn anb ttoitjj toapnc tbanton epeSSff" tow come itrnmtt fo npeelp tbith tbm ill &f€top* 5fo.]cWn t|)cp^(botne.3n tljat bape (ball ; Xo^b ta= Kcatoape tbe go?jxtoufnc0 of tbm appa= relianb ftangc&ct)epnc& par telette0, anb colarrcs(,u?acelettej2l anb boouejK, f gooblp flourcb,ibpbe anb b;oberebrapment,b2oo=' c^ej^anb beabbanbcjJ, tpngesianbgarlan* beftoolp bape clotbe* anb toalejat,bercbefejs anb pfonefcflla ffetf anb cpp?cfie^ bonettetf anb tac^esf , ainb in fteabe ofgoob Imell, tljerelbalbe _ the.3nbfojtDep^piblesJ tb'ere Cbalbe lotbfe MM. %n\> I ot ttoell fctt jjeave there (fcalbe balbencffe . 3n fteabe of a ftomac0et,a facfe clotb,anb fot tbept betB= tp tbitberbne(Te,anbfonne butnpna.^ou^e ^oufbanbeiBE anb mpgbtie men (ball perpu> i»it j) tbt f tocrbe inbataple. m^ ait tbat tpme Ojal vr tbepj gates? mour= •^ neanb complapne , anb tbep wall fptt a# befolate f ole h won t be ear 1 5. 'CbefourtbCbaptet. C $ of toant oCmen,Ctueu toemw cefp? t to Ijatit onrnuin. n lpen(baUfettentdpuc0 tanc bol= be of oneman,anb fape:tbe Dtpll lapc all our meatc anb clotbpnge togctber in comen , onlp tbat toe 'map be calleb tbp topueig, 9 tbat tbpslibamefulltep^ofemape be tafteu-frfi toieiv M tee tbat tpme (ball tbe b^auncbe of tbe lojbc be bettotpf ull anb mpgbtpe , anb tbe f r ft te of tbe ear tb Ibalbe f ap?c anb pi ea = fawntfojtbofelftaelptejj tbat ujalvp?fg tber of .%\)tn (ball tbe remnaunt in &ton $ the temnaunt at 3crufalem be calleb bolp: laamclp all focb asl aretb^ptt? among tbe Ipupngc at 3crufalem 1 ttobat tpme ajs tie Ho^be (ball t»afu) atbape tbe fpltbpneaof tbebaugbtersl of ^ton,anb pourge f bloit* beoutfromletufalem tbitb tbe tbpnbeof J5 ty& (ubgmente anb trttb fp?e. ^o^eouct, topon all tbe btoellpngegi of tbe bpU of &>u on anb -topon tbep^ totjole congregacton, Jball tbe io^be p?oupbe a cloube anb fmo= Uebp bape,? tbe (bpnpnge ofaflammpn* geto bp npgbt:fo? all tbep? glo?p ftjalbc metemeb. mn Jetulalcm (ball be a ta= fcemaclefo^afbabotone becaufe of bete in tbe bape tpme a place anb refuge toberc a manmape bepebpmftomtoctber? tapne. SCCbt.to. Cbapter. £>t cljjitt anotP* bpntpatfic, toft^ an tftcmceon couetournc«anttUontBne0. 1 JDtb Jb(u 3 fpng mv bcloueb fr^ be a fonge of mp frebejs , becaufe of bttf Wnepatbe. <^p beloueb frenoe batb a topneparbe in a toe* 1 tp frutefull plenteous grounbe. %W be ,i)ebgeb,tbpjs be toallcbtounbe abottte,anb pl&teb tt Mb gooblp grapes. 3n t^t mpboeft of it buploeb be a totore, anb inabe a tbpne p^eOc tber in 3nb af tet* tbatbe tym be lofteb tjjat it ftulbe b;pnge bf gtape^itb^ougljtfo^btbo^noK. iftoto .- tbetfojec flDpeCptpCenuof 3etufal0anb tbbole 3uba: )3nbge 3 wapepou bettbijete me , anb mp topmepatb. ettlbatmo^e coulb baue bene bone fot it tbat 3 baue not bonei 1 TOetfoje tben batb it ami tbojnetf, tobe s te 3 lobeb to baue bab grapes of it. i dUell , notto 3 (ball tell pou boto 3 toplt bo tbitb mv topneparbe: 3 Ml tabe # beb= ig ge ftom it,tbat it mape petpi&anb bteaae bottone tbe tball , tbat it mape be ttobe" ton= betfote. jtWllIape ittbatte, tbat it (ball netbet be biggeb no? cut 5 but beate tbo?nej» anb b?ear0. J Ml alfo f orbpb the cloubcj* tbat tbep (ball not rapnc topo itM fo? m Wneparbe of tbe lo?b ofl boftei« it i$ tbe boufe of 3fracl,anb tobole 3«ba bpiet fap?e clanting. $>f tbcfe beloftebfo? eqwite, but fe tbete isf tu?ong:fo? tpgbteoufneffe,lo,3t Wbutmpfcrp. Wlo tonto tb^ tbat (opne one boufe to an* C otber, 9 b?ing one lanbero npgb tonto an* otber,tbat f poo?e can get no mo?e groun* be,$ f pe mape bttoel topon tbe cartb alone. 'Cbefe tbpngesi are i tbe ear* of t^t Lo?be of $o8c* : ujall not manpjjteater 9 mo?e mponfi boufess be fo toa(fe,tbat no man (baUbtbell in tbe 1 3nb ten aber* of tJpnejS Qjal gcuc but a &uarte , anb. jtjtje. buibclj* of ftbe (ball gcue butane 6pba. -fej 22lo be tonto tbcm,tbattpfe top earlp to tolotoe bzoncfeennc^anb totbem tbat con= tinue fo,tontpll npgbt,? tpl tbep be fctt on fp?e tbitb topne.3n tbofe cflpanpeiei are bae pc* anb lutei«,tab?etteja! % pipe0,anb topne. ffiut tbep tegarbe not tbe tbo?cnc of tbe Ho?b,anb cotpb?e not tbe operacpon of jjtf babc0.'Cberfo?e commetb my folb alfo in B to captpuitcbecaufc tbep baue no tonbet- ftanbpnge.'Cbep?glo?pii8famc(bcbtbith buger,anb t^m W& ft matteb foi tyvu tte.'Cbcrfo?e gapetb bell , anb openctb bet moutp maruelott0 tbpbe-.tbat tbep? pipbe, boaftmge anb tbtltb,tbitb focb a# teiopfe tbetin,mape befeenbe into it. %%M bath man a fall,anb ijst b?ougbt lo» ttocanb tbe bpgb lobe of tbe pioube ibalbe lapbebotone.iBut tbe lo?b of boftejBitf etc altcb mrubgcment,anb <5ob tpat in bolp, it p?apfeb in tpgbteoufnejS:^ben (ball tbe fyebeeate in o?b?e,anb tbe tpcb mens lan* beg tbat tbete lapbe toaift , (ball ftraugertf beuoure.WUo be tonto tbe,tbat b?atoe to>pc^ feebnes tonto tbem Mb coarbesof toamte anb fpnncass it txiete Ut\^ a cart rope. Wcbtofetotyeafecontbp$manet:let bpm mabe bafte notbe,« gofo?tb Mtvm «jq?cbe s tbat toe mape fe it.iett t^e conn* tell of tbcbolp one or 3ftael come,anb b?a= >-, toe npe,tbatttoe mape fcnotoe it. Q Ma be tonto tbem f call euellgoob, anb goob euelljftbfcb mabe batebnene lpgbt,9 MM ipflbt TW I' i 'Kit 1 ; | S to- 4- » I w k f t .'ft;'® i-i Mi; i j ft* .M.f . ■hr i ,1 If* . r ! : ; f • t I'll I pi.; i m ■ M; n « II fjj 1 1 * l ma \ I; It tart* tercnneire, tpat make fottyeftoetc, wctc fotojc , tSlo be U«to tpem tpat arc J clue* to hauc tmjDcr Wptiff c . diio be Un- to Kprtii,tpat ate ftrong to (uppe out topne animpme mm ft fcetUo ojoncbenefle. ^beff fifur fentccetbttb ttjc UngoDh>fo2 tctoaedcfcbut combempne tpe iuff caufe of - tpe rpgpteoug. ^tMtfo^lpBeajSfpielpcketpUptpe SW'S a ? ^c flame confumctU W Hubble .- Guenfo torn tote fpulbc ass C02* Sff cl0tt , : anjtbm bloflbme (pall UanpCp Jtof i l l*gK : Whep&auccaftatoapc toe la toe of tje loib of Wtss , 9 blafppc* * "S^i* ** °f ^ c W? «»akcc of 3fcacl. * t 5& 1 * 0?c l * 9* tow ^ of fl» *ojd kind* i e i« l f°55^nftWpeople 3 anlihcftaiie^ pi* pandc at tpem : pee, pc fetffmpten, fo tpat tpe tjpUejes UpD treble. 3nd tpep* kat= " 9SSM ¥ I ^ °# itmmJm »mc. 3n&ialltpp*,tpe toratp of <2>od batp not MwMmtm pandc 1$ fttetcped out ttpl . $no fie (pall spue a token unto a ftraimac people : and call unto the" in a farce coatee: and bcpplde, tpep ipall come haftelp toith f oebc. 'pert (pal l not be one favnt no* fe= we amogetpe", no not a dogpu) no* (lepcrp pctionc. I&ete (fcall not one of tpc-putof m TOblefrom m lopne&ncr lotofc tpep* lacjjctof ptf ^ooe.^pjsarotuctf are Qjarpe, ?albt0botDeiSbent. ^^febooftjiatc Ipae f ipnt, * l)i& cacttubelcis ipnc a fkoimp toprtbe. m ctpc i# ajS ittoete of a IponiamS |je toatetD ipne ipomai U>l)elpei8i.i:hcp QjaU toat e,$ mm Woe pjape, 9 no maujall 1 S ^£ t W lth V ttt ^ ' 3»t&atb«ipe t|ep ftnlbe fo f earn Upon ttumMWi the fee. 3no pf ty c loonc Unto the Ifibe, beholbe , ct ftalibe all batcanefle $ fozottoe . if toe lofte totoitb tieauen: UeDolOe,it ftalbe Datcae. €^e.Ui.Cftaptec. Pi opVccpe eije Jirtoiacppn of autre. >' 1 f • ttoro,p,k fenetijcimwifieanblo^beof l^oolfesr; • ^ r / CDcn f letoir one of toe &erapjjto$ Unf nur,l)a«pnscal)otecolemt)i»i)anbe,toi)tch De bad taftcnicom tfte anltec toitb tjje ton* S5M ttD , tOMC 5 CD Ml P motttfcanb Capde , lo: toWbatbtoual Ipe toaic a louse feafon, pet in n Omll fucceabe I |W|HL» «»& tbe lanbcu)aUteto?neattb be lapoetoafte. auba^^petecebintttcanb jbe m totutec calf tlice Icauc&anb pet bane tbcrfappe m them fo ujall tDe polp feab co* tpnuemtljcpcfubftance. ■ CCUcUu-Cpaptcc. I^Jjappmeb in tbe tpme of mw m % ?m wm of ^>p^a 5 anb laechab ^fotb " Wf# jy^Occufalcmtobefejieit^ut ^a?m ' toa^not ^ble to toinnepc . lioto tolS ^tbe S2fi ffS^-O^OwteauaKcbCpeeanb tbe tree m toe felbe to moueb toitp tbe topnbe. 'Cpen fapbe^obUntoefap-Setc •^ ^ SHbpe&,3 fotocitr tpc 3Lo?befpttpnffe ^181 Upon an bpg p anb glojioujor feate ;$ hijstrapncfpllebtbeteple. inbaboutctif ttobet Jc ^eeapljiu^totjecof euecp one pad ■ 3f frm l yft m afmoc^ajs 3 am aman of Un^ fleane Ipppeftt otoell amfiffe people f bath Xmcleanelpppej3iaWO:ioannpne mnm 1 ictafipnjjetfjei;e,euentjjefonneof«oeci Jfo^tW. ■ ■ i9f€fap ' «ff0rtWfapctJ)tDelo?bec!5obtl)etto,3e Qjal not fo 900 fo^tl), netbet come fo to paf djp fe:fo?ndrtoe pcao cptie of f $>iim i$ m* mafcuiBi,buttoeijeadof SDamafcnjs map- «iw3rtbaftect>ue$tp?efco?e peare 2 ujall epjj?aim be no moje a people. 3Hno p cbefe cptie of ep&ai i$ Samaria , but tlje pcad of ^amacia itf l&omelte* foue. i>i pe belc= ue not? it commetl) of tppjfrtpat pc ace Un= faitpfiiU to 0od. fl-lojeoucc, <&on f pake once ajjapne Unto 2&pa?, fapingc , rcqup?e a token of the lojbe top <0od , tofiet j)ec tt betotoatb tpebepto beneth , 0? totoacbe $ ^cpstp abouc'Cpcn fapb Ma? : 3 totll te= mip?enone,netber topil 3 tempte f io?be %%t lo^beanftoeteb^pen teate to, pe of Ijoufe of ©autb:3si it not pnougp f 0? pou ^ t pe be ffceuoujs unto men,but pe muft gcc= t tie m ^ob alfo -atnd tpecfo^e f io?b ujall geue pou a token .• 25cpolo, a Up^ain (ball conceaue anb bcace a f onne,anbC i* ppsf mo - (^ toerjlfealtcalbiieinamciter emanucl.i6ut teeabbonp ftall pe eate, £hc mape knotoc to ccf ule tpe euell , anb cljofe tpe goob.jf ox op cuec tpe cpplb come to knotolcocrcto cf= cl)tie tbe euelanb cpofe tpe goob-'Cpe lanbc (tbat tpou fo ^bpo^cK)u;albe berolatc of boto Ijcc kpnffesf. 'Cpc llozbc alfo (pal l fenbe a tpme Upon tpcUpon top people , « UpontUpfatpersjpoufe(focpasineueccame fence tpe tvmt tpat <©pp?aim bepactcb fro 3uba;thMotoe tpe bpnge of tbe ^(firtans'. H oz at £ fame tpme (pall tpc kojd toijpftlc f op t\)t f Ipesl tpat arc aboute the toater of f egput,anbfonoe2i5ee0in#3lu"iriaujE( la- * bc'Cpefe iball come , anb u)all ipjjbt all in W oefolatc Ualepeji,in tpe pole^ of ft onefc _ Upon all tpojnpeanb buibpe placed. fcT %t tpe fame t^mt u)all tpc lo^b itt- u)a=> 2D ue tpe peace of tpe peab and the fete and i* beccdclcane of , toitp t|)e cafouce tpat he lpall ppec bepode tpe toatec .• namelp,toith tpe kpnac of tbe #ffirian$3t tpc fame tp - me (palla man Ipue toitp a kotoe ,anb ttoo JbepcEpen,becauleof f pe aboundaunce of mplck,pe (pall make butter $ cate it . S>o tpateuecp onetopicpeemapnrtpfn tpt la- dclpall eate butter and ponp. 2ttt tyc imc ivmt all UpneparbeitJ c tbougp tpcre be a tpoufande Upncg in one , f toere folde fo^ a l:poufandefpluerlpnffeiflt)aialbe turned to dearie! $ tpo^ncjl.llpke atf tpep Ipall com e in to tpc lanbe «5 acotoejS $ botoe* * fo ipall irtltpe lanbe be come tyeatsi and tpojttc& -Inb a^foj al pplleji tpat ace petof botonc, tm (ball iiot$omc Upon tylmm fcarc of tyeat* ^ tpo^«csi.2i5ut f catell thai be om uen tpptpec,and ti>e ujepe Ipall fede tpcre. 50o 1 CC&c.Uftt.Cpaptcc. ' ? |ta?bt Wpuctauncc of t\>t imic bp tfrnamirt.?. £ Hoiw of ottmcj.atto^ci) manp fjjai flwiiult. ©^ouec,tpclo?dfapdUntomc: 3 'Cake p a jjecate leat,«ifcf to^ite -ts in tea* men bo t$ a penue , make jpaftpe fpebe to cobbe , 9 pafte to . . . c .. . 3nb3 called Untome faptpfull , )itmm toreco^be.^arpop tbe p2cft,s ja= cbariaptpefonueof25aracJ)wb.lBftcrtpat toet 3 Unto tpe $*oppetiu"e , f pad concea= ttcd $ bojne a fonne.l:pcn fapdc tpe toide to mejaeuc pirn tpisi namc.a fpedtc robber : an battle fuoilcr . Stop topp,o* oucr f cbplbc (pal pane knotoledgcto rrpefatper , * mo= tper:(pall toetpcpcjtf of JDamafaw 9 § fulj= ftauncc of Samaria be taken atoapc bp £ fpoplct,bcfo*c tpe hpns off tpc 2tu*iciansi. %ty io2bc fpake alfo unto mcfaping e: ® foUomocpautppsi people refufetb tpc (fill rennpngetoatcc of $plo,anb putthepz de- late m Kajin $ Iftomelitiei fonnc: i3cl;old, tpc 3lo2dc ipall bipngc mpffptiej grcate f loudest of toater Upontpcm •• namelp , tbe ftpnge of tfjc 3t(Tirianj{ toitp all pig potorr : saipicp ipall clpmc Up Upo all pt0 f loudefi, andtenne oucr all tpcpz banckcj5.3tnd Qial bieakc in Upon 3uda,f lotoingc <* inereaf ig m ootocctpll be gett pi bp f neck. l)c (pall fplialfo tpc toiDenelfe of tpp landcdortottb -hi) ppj(bjodetotngeji,C)emanucl. osieakc botonc(opepcplc of Mux) and pc (Pall be, biokc dotonc: pcrken to all pe of facte cou ■• trecsi. gutter pou , and pou ujalbe broken dotoncpiepacc pou to batcll anb poii (pall bet02neinpcceie(:takepoi:ir councell togc: tpecpet muft pour coucel. come to naught: gotnpandctoitpaU,petqiaUitnotpioipc= rc;f 02 0ob in toitp Ujj . # 02 the %oio fpa- ke tpu* to mc in tbe poto2c of m panbe , t C toauncd mefapinge Unto mc: tpat 3 (pulbe not toalcke in tpc toapc of tpiis people . l?e fapbe mo2eoucc : rounbetoitp none of thc\tobofocucr fape:pondcr people arc bo • mm togctl)er:fcatc tpem not,nctbcr be a - frapb of tpcm,but fanctific tpc 102b of too ftcjs,lcttbpmbepourefcarcandd2ebc.lfo2 pc (pall Uc tpe polp place to flpe to,anb (to*- lie to ftomblc at : t\)c rock to fall upon ; a fnarcanbnet to both tpe poufr* of ifta^ cl,anbtpeinl)abitour0of3ertifalrm. %no manpftjallftomblcfall, anb be b2okc Upon ppm:pce,tpep (palbc fnarcd 9 taken, w i^oto lapc tpc to(tncu*ejS togctper $ feale m tpc latoc \6 inp difnplcsl.'Cbuja! toil 3 toap^ tc Upon tpc t02de tpat patp turned pn&' fas cc from tpc poufc of 3acob,anb 3 totll loke f 02 pim.flStit lo.as f02 me,anb tpc cptlb2en topicp tliclo2b batp geucn me: toe arc a'to= fcen and a toond2e m 3fracl,f02 tpe 1020 of ^oftctffakctopicju dtocllctp Upon tpc ppil of&ion. aino vf tpep fapc Unto pourafkc councell at tpe fotbcfapcr^toitcpetf , cparmerjj and eoniurer^tpen make tpem tpptf anftoerc. mm 3& tpcre r . J l *i ■f II J' * if tllf I itfl I* 1 ! '1 il* IP r- .i 1 f' = ' y Kl 3 ♦ Pfa.c.rjj 'tettjcteapeoj totbebeabfojp' tyOTt,lcet$pmUw«; vug tbi0tn*nnMfbcbouottbp#&e ftflUctii be, « botonctonrbe to p" earthy bebo&e.the re imuUe miD UarcUaicflc,icjcact6 to & «»pe aboutc ft wit , ana tbe c! onbc of err ou* re.^nb out of focb abwcrfitcfbalbc not ef= capc.encn Ipfte a* fit tpmc paft,it batb be= ?£,??« "ft 8»«l»f te«oe of jabulon fanb toe lanbe of Mcp$ttAwmm tho*oto p fee »wpegoctb otter 3o2banc into tbelaufeitf but aftcrtoatbc fo?e t>cjrcD* CftbciJcCbaprcr; CBwopJiftrrt* df fiBtttft nafrurfccpj iope.*'Cbcp r ciopfc before the , cuen as men mafte mm in barucft , anbatf men tbat banc gotten p bictojp 3 tobc tlytv beale tic ipoplc. jfoj tbon baft tyohen tbe pocae of v peopled burtben.-tbc ftaff of bp* iboul= mm t&mgm opp^iroutc, am ttic bapesi of &)abtau. 25 3no ten! ie enrtf batapf l * the toarrpo* arc acc5plif (bctfctf bone «& comfeb nopfcs bcfplinge thee garmentc* x& bioube : Wt ttotf bataplc (ballbertburupngc sconfe, mpnge of fpie.tf oj tmto b$ a chpl&c ia bo* tie , a jnto W a fonnc i* gcucn . fopon bpa iboulbcr botb tbe apngbome Ipe, anb be ii eallcb xo bp0 atone name:ttoonOetfull.€te geucc of coaccU,^mpjibtpe (2>ob,^ mm* mm fa mmt ww timn&t (ball ma. aeno cnbe to cncccafe f ftpnaOome* peace f mi fpt bpon tbefeate of Dantb « m hii Rpiwoomcto fet»p tbe fame, $ to SabltS it titmtc ano rpffbteoafnefe, from hte S&K^IWW tbegeloHfp c €be lojbcfenta too^ctntofaeobjtbe plu of epb?atm (ball bnotoe,attb'tbep tbat bt»eUm4amawa,pcan fape ml) mm anDbpeHoniacbeja!,ontbtj8maner. / 5;betp- le itoowfte wifallg ootwte,bnt tbe toiiibnpi Uttjk fquarebaones(.'€be«)olberp tpm« *mbWl>Mrbemiimit\ip aaaW pate Ka?mtbeencmpeap;apnfttbem,anb p- afraci tbitb open montb « ' - be i (ndtUHt pet to banbe fttetcheb onte that cha ftp etb them . netbee bo thepYeae tbe hom of fe^,CterfSp batb f io*. be eotcb onte of 3ftael botbbeab anb tap, lc,b?auncbeanb ttbiggetn one bape. ^ptbebcab,^limbeHJanbctbeft)ena= toure anb ho!ito^ableman,anb bp tht taple tbeptbbicbeitfonemetbe people tbnt tbep bcmatpfibtcafe > focbbeblfceattei:js{.^oc5 asimenthpnenealfotobe peefecte amomi thcfc,are bnt call atoapcj*. v ' 'Cherf o?e ffiall tbe lo^be bauc no pleafn-- » FID tb , Wi'ScttietMietbeefanonte tbepz fatberteffe 9 topbotbes!. $0* tbep arc all tpgetbet ppoctPtcjj anb tbpcbeb,anb all tbep^motttbejBE fpeabefolp. ^ftceall tbPJS (St not p IwWitofflb ceaflcb, but pet iv* banbe x% ftrctcheb out ftpll. jf oi Dnaoblp- neffe burnetii, a* afpje iu tbe b^ettf anb thome*. 3«b ag ittoere out of afpieina Jtooob w a relic bulb » fo afce nbctb tbe fmo= be of tbep; pwoe. », ^^.^pofthc^atboftbelomof »iofte0,itftbelanbcfttUofiiarcbcnefle,ana ;e people be confumeb,aj0i it tout Wth fp- um m* both fpate Dtjoe b?other,but be rob W° n F 9fl| Danb : $ botbfamttbc , bt eatetb on tbe lefteblbcanb be 0)aU not ha ^ uepnottffb. Cncrp man Ml fcr eatc W*£V f left of bi atone acme .#mattc$ Cball ea« tc epb;a(m,anb epb?aun.^anau*etf ,ano gcpbotbftalleatc3uba. atftctalltbp* tit not tbe lo^bcjattb^ath cealfeb, bnt pet i# bpjaf ba»bc ftriftebeb out ftpll. CtDe,jc.Chapter. p;opijccp«l) flirapnttieunatcrtt.. ' Ci be ^nto tbe pmabebnrpffb' 3 teoujlatbeg, 9 Deupfe tynm*, toblcbbetobarhefo?tobepej iKaxwa wbeclbwotb the pooie are op« ^^^ W«ffbb,on enerp fpoe, ano # in* d;at tfccp mape irobbe | fathecleffe.i(aabat tompebo in ttpmeof ihe AtttepottTanb gbomtbpllp(.ronn , efo?belpe/anbtotbb0 ft 1 , tSlo beaira^HtoKKructobtcl) ii a ttaf of mptwatbrW tbbofe banbe isi the rob of mp punpu)em5t. 3 (pall tenbe bpm amSge tbo = fe ppOtritiu) people,am5ite tbe people tbat m beferueb mv bpffanonresf (ball 3 fenb »m:tb«it|je map \)tterlp robbe tb^jlpople . jtt anb treabe tbem botwte Ipbe tbe mm in f ftrete .tyotobzitM mrnnpnatgnot fo nether tbpnbetb W Wt of thpjS lafftjpon. %\xt be pmaginetb onelp t botb be map rote outanbbeftcopc mocbPcople,fo? hefapetb C arenotmp.^pnecjJaUiltpnjjc^/' 30 not »%» (^Calno asjeafpetotop«ne } ajsCbarcba« S 3 inisi.'' 3^ it barber to conqucrciKi" ijmmatb then alrpbabi' ©^ i0 it lpo;bter to ouercome 2>amafcu0 (ben jfeamaria/ 1 3l0ttobo fap:3 toereableto topnne tbcilipnjjboinc of tbe ibolatergJ anb tbeir goobejs; but not 3cru= talent * $>amarta.$>bal 3 not bo tmto 3e rufalcm 9 tbeir pmasc0,ajai3 hvn bnto jbn maria anb their poow . Sfliberfoje f Hib fapetb:Hu*one ajs 3 ha =» tie perfourmcb mp tobole too^cke bpou tbe bpll of ^>pon anb 3crnfalem , tt)tn xbpll 3 &tTtyte * ftc noble anb ftoutchact of tbe "^ Hvnae of 3upjia,totth bp0 pioube loobegJ. jtom ftanbetb tbuie: m W atone eonccate: 'CbW bo 3 tbojotue p potoec of mpne atone b&be,attb tbo^oto mp topf borne: jt*o;t 3 am topfe, 3 am be thatremoue tbe laDcjs of tbe people.^ robbe tbctr treafuresl : anb ( Ipbe S) one of tbetooitbpe0)3b^puetbcmft6 tbrlr l)Vt featej* . 4$p banbe batb founbe out the tttegtb of tbe peoplcajs tt tocre a neft. 3nb Ipfec atf egge0 5 tbat tocrclapbc bcreanb tbe re, ace gatliercb togctber: &o bo 3 gatbee aUeonntceejJ.^nb tbere isi no man, f barrc befo bolbe,ajS to toncb a fetbec, tbat bacre open \)i& mouthy once tobpfper. &m\ tbe are boaft it fclfe,agapnft bint tbat be toetb tbertoitb^ j botb p fatoe ma = ftcenp b^aggig agapnft bimtbatruletb iU %\)M tocre cue Ipncajtf pf therob ^ cral= tc tt felfc agapnft bim tbat bcaretb its 01 aid M tbougb tbe ftaff ujulbcmagnifpe it fclfcatf • tobovape:ittoerenotooob.'Cberfo?c(bal p io?b of boftejl fenb bi amoge bitffatlingetf leaned , 9 bume bp W glo^p , aiei it tocre t6 a fp?e . 25ut tbe Ipgbt of 3fracl (balbe tbat fp?c,anb bte 5>anctuarp (balbe ti)t ftamme anb it (ball bpnble, anb btirne Vp btf tbo*» aa» nest ann bjeertf in one oape , pec U3" all the ■*■ slojp of bijtf toobbcjJ anb fclocjs malbe con- rumebtoitbbobp^foule: ^inbtbcp (balbe aaan booft of men, tofaofc ftanberb bearer fapletp. 'Cbetrccsfalfo ofbpidfelbetobicb remapne,(balbe of foeb anobjetbat^ ebtt* be mape tell tbem. 3fter that bapc (ball tbe rcmnaut of 3f. rael , | foc'b aid are efcapcb out of tbe boufc . of 3aebb,feHe riomo;e eonro^te at i)itn tbat tmote tbe*, but Wti^ faptbfomcffc 9 trcutD ^o,rlb, Cbaltbeptruftt)nto the lo&thebOlp one of 3frael . 'Che remna uut , cuen the |0ofte= 4 rpte of 3acob, (ball connertebnto ©ob the mpgbtp one. jfoj tbougb tbp people( «D jf rael)be ajs ^fanbe of tjjefccpetlbal p rem= naunt of tbem conuette in bpm.^erfecte isi the iubgement of bint tbat ftotoetb in rpgb tcouuteu*e,artb therfo^e the to?be of bofteid iballpcrfcctlp fulfpll the ttynw,f be batb betermincb in p mipXiM of p tople toozlbc 'Cberfo^ctbutf fapetb tbe tojb (Bob of bo- tefiWm ntp people, p btoelleft in &>pou, be notafrapeb, fo^ p bpngc of tbe 3lu"trta0: 3f>e (baifinpte tbe n>itba rooa,* ojal toagg hi* ftaff at tbcajS the ©gppciaiw Dpb fomc tpme: JSutfoone atter,u>aU mp to?atbanb mpne inbignaciobefulfpllcb itbcbeftruc= don of tbem. a)oicouer,tbe lo^b of IpoftciS mall pic-- a pate a vcourge f oj f)i,lp kc ag( toatf p fta ugb ■- tcr of $)abta bpon t^z roca of ii>?'cb . '4no be (ball Ipffbp W robb oner tbe fee , as be bptjfomtpmcouec tbe ©gppetana . ^tn (ball bpid bnrtben be taben from t\i)> ft)oul « bcreanb bijsp oca from tbpnccB,pce,thc fa me pocb (ball be cojrupte to? »erp fatneffe* l9eujall come to Jtiatb , anb go tboioto to- D&arb a)pgron: at a>pcbma0 Qjall be lapc top W barncu*c,anogo otter the footOc.Op bcaujallbctbcir reftpngc place, Ebamat) (balbe a frapeb , 0pbca ^>aul (ball flpc a- toapc . Ubc ^Jopce of ^ nopejs of tbp bojfeS ( C> baugbtcr toallim ) ujalbe berbe bnto lapsl 9 to Snatbotb , tobicb atfo Cbaibc in trouble.^abmcna (ball tremble fot rcare, but p citetmjS of po,tbebpll of 3erufalcm.i3ut fetbe Lo^b 0ob of boftctf (ball take atoapc tbe p?oubcfcomtbence,toitbfearc."9c (ball bctoc botone tbe p^oube, s fcl tbe bpe mpu- bcb. 'Cbc buffbea alfo of p toooo ml be ro= te out toitb won , anb Ipbanug (pa u baue ampgbtpetall. CCh"e.jrt.CJjapter. Cfccpjopljcrtftl) of tqe natfuttr of ctofftatio of bt"J prDplfiOctlicnmnauntofjflfcafl.aotioftbiifaptljof tlj ffi) cat!) eh ojBiiiCpiw. i^b there (ball come arobbfoitb ^, I of tbe bpnwb of 3fai, anb a blof = JL fomc (ball flouO) out of ftpj* rote. I'Cbefp^tc of p lotb (ball ipgbt tjpon bpm.tbc \mm of topf borne, anb bn- • berftabpngc: p fp^ctc of c-ounccll,$ ftreugtb tbe fp^ctc of knotolcbgc, anb of tbe fcare of tbe iojbe : anb (ball make bpm fcruentiw tbefeareof^ob. 5f 0? be (ball not gene fentence , after tbe tbpng tbat (bal be bjougbt before W cpesf* netber rcp^oue a matter at p fpift beartngj but xb rpg bteoufneue ujal be tubge p poo^e, anb toitp I tin J, [^ 1.1' ft * I rJ ;>-? ** \K*Z- ■ 1 !hl .VI . ' ;U ir i m P Ml ! Kb ' ! @W u* $ n u K JftSSS? 1 ^ WlwrlbttBtt tbe ftm pie of tbetoojtlbe. **$*- wl ft «VtctUetbMw %>m tijcrohb £ tt n 5? M ^'f * ** b ? w ft of \w mouth mwu?nmn«obk. mpgijitcoutttcfl — otpi0 lopnes, mpfonge 'Cbetfo2e i raf * t(w gpjbpttffC m> ofMmp 3 faptbfulnc! ? n !l&?.K l K| W>t W Ipe botone i!p # goa* tc.SSullocttc&lpoSs catcll mail ttepc com &e ifcall put Ijpjs Mbe into the Cocttatrpec bcnncBo man quill Do cucl to auotber,no ma (bal beftrope anothcran all ftemiof 1 mv WW*. St 02 tbe cartl) q?al= be full of tbe hnotolcbgc of tbe loib,cue atf the fee flotoctb otter toitb toatcr. 3no ittf bape (bal t&c gcntplcs cttmtcrc after £ rote of 3cuc tobicb malucfct top foi atoftctttouto tywmtMV* btoellpnge * gallic glorious .3t £ fame time ft)al 5 102b take hi Juaiioc agapne, to couqucrc the rem nautof|ii0ufople(tDhtcl)q)albclcftalvue) ^S^^Jf^WttalficwMiittocljiaiai aim fro the 3lanbc0 of tbe fee. ^.nh he (hall irett topa token amongc the 0cntplc0, anb gatbcrtogctbertbcbifpcrfcDof3ftaeI 5 pcc 9 ttjc out raftcs of 3"ha from the foutc coi= iters of tj)c toojloe/Ebc batrcb ofCptoaim alfo anh enemprs of 3uba (balhc clcanc ro = teb outc.ep&ialm qwllbearcno eucll votil to 3ti&a,atto 3"ha l^al not bate gatoa mi « t5 buttbep both toffetljcrqjaU ape tmon the llioitlDcrst of p ^Ijiltftincis: totbn rb the tbeft, f "Mpoplc tW togctber tijat btbelltotoar^ ??' J c ®?R-^3|temp wmib tDe 4»oa» bites fliall ictt their banbeg; falil,* the Am- momtcs qialbc obebient Mnto Mm. %to Lozbc alfo (ball cleuc t|)c tungetf of pgZmwwt fee,? «Dtt^ a mmteVk* be (ball he ipf t tip bt0babc oner iilutfinb (iDallfmptc ftttfcucnftrcamc*, anbmahc men go oucr bipe(bob.3Enb mm Qjal tbere be atoapef o> IH0 pcoplc^remapnetbftom t be 31 ffinantf, ipbc as it bappeneb to the 3C ftiWBMm tvme tjjep bepanteb out oft lanbofCflppt. r C'Cbe.rtt.Cbapter. birto^c anD on tt compnu of t&t ttto?lor. w 3H lB«sr J>tljattbcn« qialt f ape: ©loabe, — -Jttjgeaftb at me , but refrapne tbon ft:om tbpMattJ,anb comfojiic mc.26ebolb, <2»obi0mpfaluaciontntt)b6in3tb(lltruft anb not be afrapbe, $ op tlje 3lo2be 00c k ft' biatbctbattrout of the tbellcjor of tbe *,a tiiourc^aqr tbeiKball pe tape :ficuc t &an , *h ftetftjntotl&eloibe, calft)pon^name,be= # clarc W ccmnceltf amonge t^e people,ueue * tijem mremcmbiancejo? Wmmwma mail tte ttojlbe.Crpc out,anb fpng tbou * S?4SS!J?i •P* f °^ ^ cft * ( ^ * Ijolp one of3fiaellintbcmpbbe0oftlie/ CCfje.^ii.CDapter. * Cfef p?cp|ccf rtl) (?i» otthrufrion of »abp lon,(he taj j9!?^lg[.thcbenpburtbcnofl5a ^ bplon,tt)bic6efap tbe fonne of 31= tj pon tbe bpe bpl, call tjnto tbf ,bol» be ^ pourc banbe tbat m ^pnec^mapc go n at m boic . 3 haue fent 62 w S m* mp ffpauntc^ (faptb tbe io2b[tobicb gall emite XDiatb,3 topU call fo focS trmmpbcmmpglo2p. * ¥i * f here tj a nopfe of a multptube tn the moutapncsatUe a0of a great people, a rut (bpnsc , a ti I hough tlje npngbomeS oh na= nous came fto|et|jer.(3nb ?Dc lo2bofi?o= mmftojb m armpc to ba taile. ) « en come out of a farrecountrcc, from tbe cube of heaucn : euen tbe 3io2b torn fclfe io the mmiftcr^ of Di0tb2atb , tpoktovtft^ le lanbc. moutnepefo^bapeof tbe itojb W at banbC;, anb (ball come a* a beftrovee be0 be lettcn botbne^ all mens hcrtcs thai melt atoape ; tbep (ball ttahe in fcare, c«e= uaplctht))^cbilbe.(^€)neq)allbeabaf. ■** Bebolbe,% Dapeof the i02b(ball come; tesmtM ijf mbisnacio^utoure $ S {oniaRctbelanDetbatt^^toroot/outthc ' of heaucn Mnot gene tbeir ipg bt; tbe fun= ne qialbc baraeneb intDe rpfffi anb & mp0iu>(baUiiot(bpnctbit^ 3 WJ Prti tbe toprUebneffe oTtbe tb02l tnj2e too2tb ubenagoibe ttebgeof fiDnbfr. gwWftwwoue out of ^er place s in the of bp0 fearfull inbiauac(on.3nb Babplon *albe an an Jninteb 01 cDafebboo, anb au a J^epe tytptf no man tabetb ^p . €ue^ ma (ball turne to bPS atbne people, anb flpe ecfje one into IM atone lanbe. Too fo (0 f ounbe alo- ne,(bnlbeq)ottbo2otb: mo to^o fogatbee togetl;er,0)albe beSropeb toitb the Woerbe. ,ma, * 4&>W* cJJPlbjen ujalbe flapne before tyett fW' b epe0,tf)drjoufe0 fpopleb,anb tDeir topnetf "- ■' )? lo,3 (ball lupnoe tip tbe #e ^.. -*. . t|jem , tb|)ic[) (ball not rcgarbe fUtier,noi bebeflrou0 of golb.QSlitl) bo\be0 (ball tta> beftrope tDe pong cbibien,^ baue no pptie bpon tbemen toptb cbplbe , $ t^eir faces Ml notfpare the c^plb2en. %no 25$ bplon (tbat gl02p of apngbomc0 anb bct»= tpe of tbe €9lbcc0 honour ) (balbe octttopc tttatktit euena00ob beftropeb*^obomeanb 00-- w mo»e . 3t (ball not enbure f 02 cucr, nct&ee fball tDerebe anp mo2e bxoellpng tbcre 3 fr5 generacpon to generacpon. mp tft %0e »rabi50 (ball pptel) no tented v t|>ere,netbct qjal ^ qjepbearbe0 mane tfetr folbe0tbceeanpmo2e:butfearfulltDilD bca ftes mall ipe there,? f fymft* Cbalbe full of grcatc J0ule0.ettriche0 (ball btbel tbere,$ 3lpc0 (bal baiife tbere toilb cantes (bal crpe in the palaces, anb SDjagfis qialfce in f plea faftt boutes. 3Rnb as f 02 25abplons tpmc it iS at V&O, 9 ber bapes (bal not be pjolfigcb* CCbt.ri(ii.Cbapter/ CS^tritoutiKOftlic people from cap(tu((p(. 31)i! , p;oCprr(tpc of t&r people of i5oO,anD affipccpon of t^tp/situnpW'^btp/pOfofiJabpion. Hat t&e l02bt»plbc mctcpfullt)tt* to 3acob, anb toil ^tt cbofe 3fracl agapnc, anb fet tbem i tbeir atone lanbe. ^traungcrs ftial cleauc tn to tbem , f get tbem to tbe boufc of lacob* 'Cbe people qial tafte them, 9 carp tbem bo me to their atone ISbe.^nb made the to en= ^erite f Doufc ofifrael in f lanbe of f toio fcftepmapeje veruauntcs $ tianb mapbe"0 of tbe loib^bep (bal take t|jofe pwfoncrtf 25 ^ofeeaptpues tbtv bab bene a fo2e:fr rule tbofe v bab opp2eueo tbem. WW tbe 102b noto ujal bit ge tUe to teft,f r 6 t|)e trauaple, tearc,| barbebonbagef tyou toalf labentd mm ftait tbou w tbps mocnage \jpon tbe bpng of 26abplon,t tape: feOtobappc= nctb it f t|ie opp2e(Tour leauctl) of i 30 tbe iBf€fap; MtM c ortoei02blv ftb # peop W cdtnmafftrofi*, tmm m felpe mgnetbe ouer f Jjetben tohom be per - iff tt .?5 ^^Uottt companion . 2Bnb tberf02c tbe tobcle tooilbetsnotoat reft? qupctncfl aiip men fyttjgefo? tope. ura botone , tbere come no mo t>p to betoe JftS ^ W alfobenetb trShletb to mete BBSfc tfimpnge .* $ fo2 tbp faue batbrap^ feartb. 2HU>pttge«or?eartp5be\jpfr5 t^tit feate0,f tbep map all anftoerc s lpea= feetjnto f.Mttf become toeabe alfo as toe/* art tbonbecome Ipue tmto W€to pompe anb tbp P2pbe ii lapbc botone into toe ppt, anbfo (stbe melobp oftUp infttumenteS. 5fllo2rnc0 be lapbe t)nber the,? to02mes are tbP couerpnge. i^oto art tpou fallen from tyaut ( © lu* ctfer )tf)ou faire mo2npnge djilber'boto |jaft tbou gotten a fall euen to t\)t grounbe,anb art become toeaner t\fi f people < St 02 tbon fapbeft in tbpne berte.-3 toill clpme t)p mto beautn, 9 eralte mp tfcone aboue beipbe ^ ftarre0of 0ob,3 tbill fptalfo \jpon the bo= Ip mount totoarbe tbei2to2t|),3 torn clpme tjp aboue tliecloubeSjanbtoplbe Ipacthe bpgbeft e ofal.BctthouO)altbeb20ttgbtbOc tonetofbcpcofbcll.'Cbeptbatfctbe,(ball narotolp lokc tjpa tite , anb tbpnfee m tbem felue0,Capejtgc: 3S tbpS t))t ma, f biougbt all labc0tnfeare,anbmabe tbe Umgboiuc0 afrapbe/ 1 3S this be tbat mabc the tooiibe t a matter toafte, anb lapbe t))c eptpes to tbe groubejtobicbletnotbiSp2ifoner0 go mit «e ftpnges of the nactos Ipe euccp one fcS-inbiS atone boufc Mt^ too^ppcano p -±n art caft out of tbp grauelpae a filthp ahlj ■- mutable b;.aficb:lpUe asbeab mens rapniict Jarcqjottb020totoitbtbeftocrDe, ( fgoDo= tone to tbe (tones of thebcpc.as abeab coar fc that is trobcn\)nberfete:anbas:t not hu= rich toirb mm.^iic becaufe tbat tbou baft toaftcb tbp lanbc, anb beftropeb t\)y people & 'Cbegcneracpo of tbe topcheo (balbe toitb^ out honour , t'02 euer . iettbere a toavc be fought to beftrope tbeir cbilbien.tbat be in tbeir fatbers topchebnes , f ttjcp come not tjpagapne to pou*cffet^elanbe,anDfpll the tooUbc full of enempes* 3 toill ftanbe \jp agapnff tbWtyet)) the 102b of hotteS) 9 toote out f name * renaut fonncj $ voimes fonne of fljabplo ( fapeth p # %ot0)$ toill gcttc it to £ i4>ttcrs^ toill ma :,c fee toater pobbels of it . ainb 3 topll ftoepc the out t6 the befomc of Oeftrnccio, fapeth ^ |L02be of looftes. 'Cbe i02b of ipoftes batn fto02ne anotbe , fapinge : 3tu)all come to paffe aS3 bauebetermpneb 3 anb (balbe fuU fpUcb as 3 baue bcupfeb, ft>o tbat affiria (bal 3 beftrope in mplanbe, 9 'bpo mp moti tapnes toUl3 treabe bt \)nber foote.yilher tbozoto biS pocb (bal come from tbem,anb fiiSburtbenu)albctaftenfrofbcir(boulber. 'CbpS bcupce batb 0ob taken tbo2oto the tobole tooAbe,anb tbpSiS bv» banbe (tret* tytb out ouer all people* jf 02 pf tbe 3Lo2b ot* boftcsbetcnneathpngctoljo isablcto ov* f amrtle itanb pf be ftretii) f 02tl; W Dabe, tobo mapc Ijolbe it inagapner 'Ebe fame pcare tbat Uipngc Ttlm bpcb» i|B!mancr:mciopfcttot tbou -. i -* *b**«+--jn"; ?i 1* '* iV I 4 f * i H i f i *l .. t J' • 1 li- lt *6 * * ■ V, I 4: i • r n i i ■ Ct&outohoUfcalcuVna)bccaufethetob v. bprnf beatetb thcigbjckcn : fo? out of the grpftctfrotc, tycrctyall comeanabbcr, 9 # (Mr* f "?? %! be rt W ft Wc tbo*me.H5ut the £le Cbal btocl tn raf etpe.'Chp t ote alf o MI Maftt.^ounK g po?te>tbepc f citpe,f o?c tf> tobole lanb of $altihita rt act lap&e fcafte to? ifHere (ball come fro f jfto?tb , a finofce that not one alone map abpbc in m place Wm mimn anftberef melTangcriiof I \>£ CCbe.jtt.ehaptee. Capjopijtffeaffaritftagoab. ' (ISliW^bMpburtbmtopsajoab: H S(3e of a?oab m& befttopcb 9 ouer* I^LJffiitmotbentn £ npgbt Crate fetr alfo in m» foatfbcftropcb 9petp(bcb in the npght. 'Ebep tocnte bp to the pbol* houfr, cuen to 3>tbo to tfyz hpe place&to tbepe fot #cbo, anb o then,thp,tf ig tbe fapga f the to?b hattl ^ohen concempnp;,fl?oab w that tpme. »t noto the ioib hath fpoftenfapenff -3n th?e peaces ttobl cb (balbe a0 ikt the pcatcjs ^ of an Dp?eft fei:uaunt : (ball tbe glozpe of ^ «9oab be tumeb into e0fufion, tbo?oto out al W multitube^ttohich i% \>tiy gr eat .Ztm that tbhpcb remapnetb > tyttU ^tty fmall 'cChir.^(i.C&apter. C a p?op t trir a g« pntt X>aRur«w, fto^tbeheupe burtbtntipon 3 ™niafeu#36eholbe,:B>am8fc* ** (^ taien atoape, to be nomoie a cttp«,but (balbe an Deape of b?o o. «. ^£one/.'Cbetbaftecitpes(of 3roer(balbefoibe0fo?tatel tbbfcbCbaUpe there, ano tberc (balbe none to! rape mm atbape^ep^atm alfo(bai(«omo?ebe -fcfl fttonjj, ftronot,f t>nm0 (ball nom^c bea bpnof borne,* (be remnaunt of ^p«iia fbalbc ajs p fflojpc ot p cb«b?e* of Jfcacl, fapcth f lo?o ef BoftiJief. Mb in f ba^e it (bal come to paf fe p 3acob (balbe mabe \>erp poo?e,« p fa t = roue Q\ { W At(be (ball teare leanc . 3nb he ftalbe a« one ^ sathercth \)p coiite in har* wft,eu5lpbc himtbboftacme tcapetb f ea= resfof co?ne . fyi Cbalbe alfolpbehpmpga* t^etetb *arc$ of co?ne in tbe toallep of me=» pbattnt ^ome gat jjeringin bebe (bal there be left in it,cu£ ag in the cjahpng of an olp= w tre tbere remapne tt»o 0? th?e berpetf in tbe toppe of the Vjppertno&botbe,* fourc oi fpue in f b?obe frutef ull b?atmchejs tbcrotj fapethtbe lo?be^obof 3frael. 5S5 'fcjvmlhallmaturneagai'ne tohtetna« ker,? W WW fl»U haue refpecte to f bol^ one of Jfrael. 3HsJ fo? the altatetf tohich are hiss attme banbp too?he, be (balnot rcgarbe them,* tbe tbpngctf f hig fongcr* haue ma be Cases orotic* s pmagfjS) tbofe (ball be not caft bw epc\jnto.3n p bape (bal tbctr ftrfig cities beagthefotfahen Qi?ubbc0 9 b?aun« IS* #&ftptt taMJ^ left becftufe of the chiU b?enoc3frael,*thelonDc(balbebefolnte s Tficcaufe tbon baft forgotten <5ob tbp faU uacioitj anb haft not beiie mpnbef ull of tbp £§=» ftrono;rocli,iKrthcrfo?e (baittbou fct plea faunt planted, 9 (bait jjraffe tbe b#attcbe df another mams \)pnc.3n the bape ujalt tbou maKetbppliltto grotue,* carip inthemo?, npngeftalt tboumahc tbpfebeto Ro?iu)* %be jiatucft lhalbe gone m the bapc of ciu hcritaunce , 9 tbere (balbe fo?otoc toitbout ^r bope of cofo?te. &jr 5Eo (balbe to tlje intiU C titube of in ochc people, tbhiCb (ball make a f ounbe Ipne tbe nopfe of p m.Tinn tbe Km lence of p nacion&tijhtcb ujal rage ipue tlje rutfbpngin of manp nnHn^Mm ipftc ma* np toaterjJ (ball the people rage, ©ob (ball rcbune htm,ahbbe (palttpcfarre of.i^c Qjal becbaceb atbapclpaea$b?pcftratbct)pon the mountapneji befo?c tbe x^vnot, anb lp* be a thing thatturneth bcfo?ethc fto?me< %t cuen bebolbe, tbere i# trouble: 9 0? cuer it be mompng^o, be # m\z.%W ttf f vox cpon of them that opp?eue \# , ano tbe lott of them that robbed. CCbe.r\)iii.Cbaptfif. Cap;ai>l}crtc agapRft ggppte. a r^t^h'C bat lanbe tbattrufteth toibet (fc3r ySra5fl* a " t bc (babotbc of tupngesi, that lanbe tobi-chijei bcponbetiie toa- tcrss of Ethiopia: ^enbtnjjmel^ * faungcrs! bp tbe fee , cuen tn M * \M of rebciEl ouer the \»atcr. C5ctpou bence (pe fpebpe meffauitger )S ) to a nacio tbat itf ftatreb a b?obc 9 robbeb of tbattbep bM afearf ull people from their begpnning hp 3 thert o: a nation troben bottone bp Iptle anb ** iFtlctbhofeiaoeii^theftoubcja: pauefpopi fo^lbti *' leb.au pe fnbabftetjS of tbe tbo?lbe anb in^ blbellersf of f eartb,loae bp tbh$ he fcttetfi a toaen in the mountapnejj,anb baracti Xo* ban he blOtbetb tbptb the trompe» Jf 0? fo f j^ io?be fapbe bnto 111400 fo? raevi&M totll *a taUc mp reft,9 lobe \)pon the matter ih mp babitacio,lpbe a fap?e hcate after f rapnc, 9 ipfee a cloube of betb in f heat of parueft. _ Jf 0? afo?e the hatuelc,tbha" theb?auncbe » i?S grotxme 3 thete (bal comettpe ftute out of the flour e,9 be (ball cut botbne the (ttcreace toptb fptbe0, 9 the b?aunche0 (ball he taae atuape tbitb boae0 . %\)M (bal thep be left togetber t)nto the fouled of f motmtapne^, anb to tbe bcaftetf of the erth.fo? ih f ommer the bprbej* (ball remapne bpon it, anb eue= rp beeft off lanbe (balbe fcpon it in J tbpn= tcr.3n^tpme(baltpereap?efe"tbeb?oughe ■tontothelo?beof|»oofte0:eulapcopletoat islfcatreb ab?obe, anb robbeb of th\tttbep bab,tbat fame people tohicp faatb bene fear full from t^m begpnrtpng bptberto ;4na= cpon troben botbne bp Iptle anb Iptle toboa fc lanbe thcflonDeg: baueQiopleb .- 'Co the place of the name of p Lo?b of hoofteg,e uc « ro the mount $>pon. . CCbe-rir-Chapfeii. CEl)fP;opl)tnenBapnaegppef. ^chcupeburtbcnbf©gppfc:ii5c= 4 bolbc^tbcloiberpbctb^pon "tfl a f frpfte clotbbe,anb (bal l come in to €gpptc,9 tbe pboljs of ©gppte (ball tremble at tbe p?cfence of bpm , 4 tbe ijert of ^gpptc (ball quant in tbe mpDbe0 of her . Imojftbpll fct the ©gppct'ahg one agapnftanotber, 10 tbat one l)?othcc ihall fpgbt agapnft another , 9 one nepghbotire agapnlfanother,citpe agapnftcitpe,? real me agaptift rcalme. %fyt mpnbe alfo of <&* giute (balbe cleanettotthbutcoucelltbithui it ielfe,9tbe beupec tbat tbep tafte i tbpll 3 beltropc, fo that tbep (ball feUc counccll at i»bol0 9 at fommtdt tbd?fter0 tbtth fpze* tcjS 9 at fothiapct0.3nb the Cgppctas tbill 3geucouer into the haiibe of a marueloutf cruell 3lo?bc,9 ampgbtic hpngetball baue bominion ouer them, fapcto tbe to?b O'oD of bofte0. 'Cljetbatcrsiof the fee (balfaplc, 9therpuer (ballbecrcace anbbebjpcbfcp* 'Che toater0 (balbe b?atbcn out:tbc tpucrsi Of ©gppte Qjalbe emptpeb 9 tyytb ^JP » the % ebes anb flagged (balbe cut bottmc. *Chc grauc in the rpuer 9 bp the rpucttf «A bancB,9 all that grotð bp the rpuer (bal totthcr avoape,anb be b?ougbt to naught. 'Che fpflhettfalfo (bal mourne anb allthej* tbat caft angle into the toater,(bal make la mentation , anb thep tbat lapc fo?tb thcp$ nett befpbc $ tbatet0,u)albe rotcb QUtMfr rouer,tbep t ibo?ke in nare,anb make fpne Kbo?ke0,ibaU beconfounbeb,anb foujall ihep ^ tbcatte open too?kc0; Jf 0? tpep? Open » t^4 »- 1" 4 ' '! tooiW Qjalbc rociihe&t ope*; anhall the v tbat make pontes ano ftctocjat fo? f (to (ball come to naugbt'. • jSutpefoolif^pncctfofjoanjpetopfc coucelouria: of BDarao/toDofc foit 10 tttrncb to foolpftwte&boto rope pe \)itro matao 3 am come of topfe mat 9 of aunctc t mmau pure at tDev."U>^icrc aw (3 (ape) top top* gM»M fl* tell M tbcp of jfetii I lo?o „ of boofteg batb beapteo upon ©gpptc. C «e p?pncc0 of wan arc become f ooletf, fte fjupm** graft aw Otfccattco, tbcp ft* we Otfceaueo eg*ptc,cue tliep that xocrc ta ken to? tfte cbcfckpnrcb tmtiMuUmv* mm it oath tbe lo?o potoeco tbe tome oi fopekebnefc 40 tj>cp Dane bifccaueb ggwpt n tmg+gto mat , eucn a* a o?oncaen mf ftacfecrctbmfttfUompte. pct&er Owll $3T ano the &o?b o>albe knotonc m ©trip te, anb tbe egppcian* iftali anotoe $ iSio it ! ;at 5?15> anD & **«« ™0 oblatiof pee tbcp Qjall uotoc a Uotoe Unto tbe l,o?oJttS perfourinctt.^belo^alfofbalfmpteeap ptcfoze,? bealc tbem agapnc,^ tbcp mm BSSSS^f qwU ^ l «bem.3ntbat ERSSEJ ? ff P?«» > W Mp^ta (bail comem of 3feaelbc toe ttoettoptbeflppte«aif 3 Wpte , .aiffHe alfo is the ttoozae of mtme Han0e^wb3frael d.mtwftSSfiiff CCbe.^.Cbaptcr. 1 tZ*mrtik*mtt aw C(^9foV * Cljep^opliecpe \ Btbepr^ret^at^hartbScante a lUnto ^qioD (tbjjan odr&anion 4a anotaftenjt. tttklame tpmefDakethe lo^oebptbe MOeMGfaptftc ; 'fontftof£ mo^fapenff : 50 auto take flf tr fcftto tfl clotbt from tbp iojmctf ,f pjtt of tbp (ftoo^ itaftcb ano bare f ooite. 3HnO tbe ilozO fapbe- Jpheatfntpfernamit^fapbatlJttoalkeoni ttco,ano barefotclfo? a Kane anotoonocc fpe pearesi fmfimm* «ik em(op(a: eucnfojiall tbc^pnaeof^lTwiatakea: toawout of egppjtcano otttof etWop(a, cbpltoen ano oioe twen,nancO ano bare fete foptbthefriopnetfuncoumo,totheflwatc (bamcofegvpte. s * ^Dep(batbe^oug|)tmfearealfo,«af tyamcO one. of another : ectopia of dap pte,anb egpote of ;f tbtopi^confioer tobat glo;p tbcp toere ma fo?e. anb t w 1 26eboloe, rpniBiare cocrcgarOeO. 5jdlh(tfier (ball toe ape foz bclpe, tbat toe mapekoS C^be.]C]i:(.Cbaptec. C««flPttftiea(jpioii,awimM,fluj>jSr ) iM«, |^cburtb5of(^tbetoapftfee:eaen * a0tbcfto^npvoctber^pau"etbtbo= "t8 J r oto at tbe n oone oape,to come f rom tbe topioerneffe , from tbat hoMblt lattOe. 3 greuou0 Utfto M (betoeo Unto me: let one bpfccatf till offenoer come agapnft ano= tber, 9 one HeSroper ajrapnft another . toith tbe cartage pf an Sffr, ano t\)t carwge of a cameU.f>o be loaeb « tofte Uerp Otltggt be-- ?f:?MlPoncrieo,i,Oito,3 ftftbe toapttng all tbetoholc Oape , 9 am appoiifeO to kepe mv Mm encrp m»gj)t . 3ttno beboloe, |jcre cometb a charet of ntun^ttb ttoo bottom ^nn heanjjoweh $ fapbe 1 Sabplon tj< fal» l^L^SfJ^^^l^^^^ff^ofbpzgoo- bejs bathJJe fntpttgootone unto the Soun- Oe.KT'CtjouartDe^DomamHftt^e, -tf ano tDon anotboubelSgeft to mp co?nen'oo?e.'&bt0 e nomb^e of tbem tbat (ball cfcape from tbe botoeji , Cballbempntffijeb bp tpe mm^tve ebvlb?cn of Cebar , fop fo tbe J.ojbc ©00 of 3iraelJ)atbfpofccn. Ctbe.rru.Cbaptcr» Cap>op|)efp»affapnft3l«uf8ltm. I^e burtben ofimbc UalUp of U( fton ; QOibat baft thou to Do berc, tbattbouclpmeftUntotbeboufc toppetf /'Ebon tbat art full of oc- euptcng,tbou febiciouslf p^oube c(tpe : tbp flapne men are netber put to heath Xovt$ ftoevbener beeO tit oaten . 311 tbp captap= nestarefugtfftfetogctbcr, tbe arcbewbaue tahen t^tm p v tcroncrtf: 311 tbcp f are f outt= be tn tbe,are tn captiuptc togetbcr,bccaufe tbepftebfarreof. 'Cbcrfo < ieiapb3 : let me SSffM alone f*a ^>pu make lami tacfon. Pe (ball * Wl not be able to comfojtc me , becaufe of tbe Oeftntccpon of tbe Oaugbter of mp people, if 0? tbpis tula Oape of trouble,of mm* of Oeftruccpon f tbe HojOe tbpll b?png to paf letntbeUallcp of uifion , tycnltpng Ootbne tbe rttpe,^ crpeng Unto mountavneg. jg eiam bare tbe qupucr to a cljarct of fote mm ano of hodmen , ano tbe cptpe of &vi topto tbe (bplbe opR^kP ebefc Uallcp al fotba^full of cbaretc&ano tbe bowmen fct tbcp? face* birectlp totoarbc m gate.3nh Kr tn p oapc opb tbe enempc take atoape u^r $ be Jtpe of 3uba, anb toe bpbbcft tbott lokc totoarbc tbe armoure of t^e boufc of tbe f wft.^ee baue fene alfo f broken placcjs of ^ citpe of 3Dauio,botu tbat tbep arc manp , s pegathereOj togetber tbe Jbatcrj! tttfoU* - 5E?°J e - ^%*ue boufcs{of3crufalcm tue ve b?oke Ootbne to make t)Ptt alfo hanevz mahe liett tualle^fo? tfie toatcrtf of tbt otbepoic, ano "lane not regarbeb t^e maker tber of,netber wo refpecte Unto btm tbat toke it in bSbc. . Znn tn tbat Oape opo tbe loo? f grauctb an i;abt= tacion to? btm fclf in a bato rockc 25ebolDc,C> tbounuuube io?0(ball ca= "& rpe tpeatoape lutocaptiutte^ftallfurc^ Ip coucr tbe XDttb cof ufion - %i)t lo?b (ball tutttc tbe otter Ipkc a ball tbttb W$ banoetf . c^cannoianrcnDcuio tntoafarrccontrer'iEb^e *j (bait tbou bpc 4 wm fyt fro ti)p "£Q place , 9 out of tbp moellpng (ball be oner » tb?otb the.^nb tn tbat bapc Ujall 3 call mp ferttauteitakim tbe tonne of feelfcia.3nO (fxttttb t\)v garmentctf toill 3 clothe bun, -t3 anb tbptl; tt)pgp?Dle lbtll3 ftrengtobpni: t\}v potber alfo tbill 3 conuttc into bus ba= be 9 be Cbalbc a fatber of fucb W bttel m 3c rttfalcm,anb in tbe boufe of Jam, *%m tbe kepe of the boufc of ©awm Mile 3 lape Upon bus (boulbcr, fo p be mail open * n*.i«* anbnoman(ballQmt.^eft!aliq3ut,anono apou,l - b ' man (ball open . ^tnb 3 TopUfafteit bpm m anaplc in a fitre place , ano be ftiall be ti;c glo?poti!Sfcatc of bpstfatbew boufe ,$t}o- rotter, allgntcractonjS ano poitcritcs (ball bang upo bim,all ti>t glo?p of tbeir fatherjS boufCiallUcftcljSbotb great anb fmall,anO all mftrnmetcsi of mcavureanb nutlVcft.jn tbatbapc(fapctl) tbe Loibe of hoftc^;n>all tbenavlc tbattffaftcnebi tbefurc place be partc^be tyofcen anb fall.ano t\)t burtben p voajs upa it,(ball be plttcte atOape,foi fo tbe lo?be batb fpoken. C^be.;criu.ebautcr. C 4 PjoMeete auapnft arpjiWjaifl a pjomw ebnt ft (VaiDtrcBo;(Oa04pnt. 1 l?e burtben of * latent jt ipcfbpppetf of^yijatfe,fo? *Ww 4 tberecommctb fucb oeftruccpon tbat pcfball notoattean boufe »to cntrc into : Out of tbe lanbe of Cittim baue tbcp knotolcgcof tbpis pia^ ge.2i$c ftpll,pc tbatbtuell in paictbe mar« cbauntcjs 1 t 9 i i i\ t 1 WW! JUL- *f Clje p^opbtcpe j i > V tWW of JftMWj anb (neb agpaffc ouet tbe tccb iw mabe J plcntcoitf.'Cfye ctauc tbat gtatofetyty tl)c fftrcattJoatctjS ofjftiliwunb the fruttf of tbe rpnettoerc tyi Wtailej$,f o A that vtbecamc n comen matte, of f nation* fcr -twac nfbnmcb tbou ?tt>on,f ou the fce( euS tUc ftif st|> of tDcftc) batbfpohwaptee: 3 mm not tr auap lcb>ucr tyough tc f ojtb ctJtl tycn,ncrnojilbcb toppoung m&o? tyougbt .Cfcolte tt* lo?n maftctb tbe eartb 3- .ma jft awn emptpe : be tumetb it j in frttotjtun! t Jetof ; 3Ihu * paft tf tpbhurctf commetb to tbc'Egipciffs' Ioptnrgtn0. Wlba tp bingctf commetb to tbcegipct ai tbep (ball be vo>p foj tbe ritmoje tbat goetl of %mt.@ct pou to 'CHavdjS, moume pe ■ jotocll m tDc lie. 30 not tfytf tbat glojion:. cptc of poure0,tbhicb hath bene of olbe anti Clutter w atone fete qjaucatp \m fojtb to Dc a Cogcoumcr in to a fartc countte. flijo jjatb bcupfeb tbp0 agapnft %n* ( t|jat ge= nefbgarlabc0\mtoocbcteitu:0)tobofcmar cbahntcg arcpjmcefcanbtobofe eaptainc0 are bonojablc mtjpevwlbertftientbc lojb of booftcjs bath beiipfcb tbp0,to putbotone tbe mtx of all fweb a? be glojtoitf , anb to mpmu; all tbem tbat btpjoubc opo uartb: (Set the out of tbp labe tjnto £ bnugbtcr of % pit\iit,fam$ tjou baft nomo je wwnjjtb, <£ Ipc that (more tbe Rpngbomctf together, bolbetb out bijs hanbe oucr tbe fee: euen tbe lojbe htm felf batb geucn a cfimaunbement ' agapiift tbe fame comen place of nttlrcbSbi fc,tbat tbep (ball Wtcrlp beftropc p mfgbt &3= tbeeof.ainb be fapb:*ts &)aBcnomojetbp boal!CC> Virgin tboubaugbtet:jiDon)tbOtt (bait be brought botone s £lp , jet tljc oucr vnto Citim , tobere neuertbele0 tbou (bait banc no reft. 26cbolb,tbt0 people came not of tbe Calbcc0, but atflut maoe tbem ttrog toitt; great fbippertbep fetioptbe ftrong Doiucss tbcrof, f bearopebbijj palaces $ be b?otto;bt it i bceape Mmmt pe lbippetf of tpatttf f ojpoue fteegtb tt^ousbt bot»ne» JE> 3Lno in tijat bape (ball i:p?e be f o?80tten feuetpc peare#acco#u~nffe to tbepeawsf of one ftps ) anb after tbe m\)t of the fcu^tpe (ballltpite fpncjast bot" in batpc,? jjo aboute tb. ..„ ^ , v ,„ barlot tbat hall bene fo^otte)ma&e C\uete melobp,fins moo fonje^that thou mapeft be M b in temcmbiiaiwe, 3lnb after tlje mitt of the feuentpepearestujail the loibetJifpt &S- %m »'f Ojc mall conuerte t)nto her -t$ re* ttoartie, anb (ball commtttefo^nieactolbitft all the frpngbomcsi of the carthf are in the UjojI &e. %wt occtipteng alfo anb their re* t»arlie (balbe bolp tmto J lo^b.'Cheir crap= W Omit not be lapbe t>p ner ftepte f ftoare, butu;u)albethcp^ that btoell before tbe lozbe, tbatthw inapeeate pnouffh, f baue clotftpngfuficient. CChe.rr««.Cbapter. (balbc as tbcpeoplc,^ t je matter M the fee uaat,£ maftrelfc ipbe f mapb, f. feller Iphe the up«: he that lenbeth t>npnwiiirp,lpfte ftpmtbat bo^ottocib\)ponmurp: #webi= roure ajS t be bcttei'.^uc Doo^lbe (balbe clea ne toattcb « wteirtp fpopleb,f o* fam Um i>atb fpokf. 'Cbc eartb »J fo^p ? confumetb at)twpe,thet»o?lbifis(febli;«^rtaietbithe p?oube people oH eetb are come tonaugbt %\>t eartb alfoiji become Ijwnofttable ton • M :tbi greflc' 2i pearejs tball'ftpjerpnjjafli both an barlot. . , - . , wry „ wwv wv ^aheanhar^e,poa0outethecitpe(tbou ftearbp^apfe0anl]imp?thbecattfeoftberp s jofeicn tbe euerlalimg couenaunt.. , ^:berforehat||)f curfeconfumebfeartfi, J5 anb tbep tbat btoell tberin , arefauenAt& trcrpace.tiaiherf ojte, tbe tnbabitouns of the eartb are peri(&ebii3- tbith moutb M fetoe tH me arc left bebpirtie.^etbpnefftilethi the "Dpnehatbno mpgbt, all thepf bane btne merp of bar t, are come to mournpna. ^he ntp?tb of tabjetteg 10 lapeb bottone, onopft of Ctt*h as! haHm«bet»w,i38i «a(Teb,f kn at p perpe 10 at an cime.^B^ qjau Mm nomo?e topnetfmpjt&, ttrong b^pnfte(ba! be bpttcr to them tbat typnae it.'fehe eitpe oftoanite Wb^oh|!nbotbne,euerp bottfeijs Ojut \)p, f noman mape come in . 3n f ttre= tesi ix( tbere a cepe"« beeaufe of tbpne, all the re # \«ni(beb atoape,f mp#b of tbetoo?l« be in gone, in tbe citpe tsi left bef olacpfl anb thegatc isf tmpttmtoith bcttruccton. wmthempQbe$oftbctoojlbe,enena;.C motige tbe people,tt (ball come to paflc, a js at tbe mahpng of Olpuesi, anb a$ the gra= Sc0 are tbha f ujpitie bameft i«e( bone . 'Chep >all Ipft Dp tbepji tJopee:anbmafte a merp nopfe^anb inmagnifpena of the io^b(ball tbep crpe out of tbe tteft.tfllhetfo je,p japfe vc the lojb in the twlltpji, euen thename of tbe lo?b <5ob of irraeHn tbeaieiei of tbefe"e ifromttottemoft parte of j eartb baue toe apfetfannimpjthbecattfeof therp* . „.„ . 3nb3^ipb:(t3°3»notbeathpttff "tfl in fecrete, Jnnottte a t&png l fecrete, tbo (3 me,tbe traigreffoursclljaue offeDeD,tbe traf^ fftefTourtf haue grimouap o^beb.^earlur= ne(Te,tbe pptt anb tbe fnare are tjpfi the, £> tbou tbat Dtoellefl^ t tbeeartb-3t toaLeome topaOe,tfaat tbbofOefcapeth tbefearfull noprciballfalUtt to the pptt. 3nbjje tbat commetb Dpout Of the pptt , Cbalbe tawn wptD tbe fnare, jfoiiw topnbafoesi from an bpe are open,aitb|he founbacions( of tfa earto are moneb, ^beeattbitfto|:terlpb|ofeenbotbtteit|ie 3 earth hath a foie twpne. tie eariDquaftetb wabpnglp . 'Cheeartbaiall ttleto^fro ipHeab^onfterb,a!HbWbe.remimeb!pnea .tent * t /• * * % •»lftieafe«t^«foneiiPrte)fthefnf(iuWetherof " "ialbe bmp *p5 ft.3t Cball fiui,« not tifttm apne.^no in that bape (ball tbe lojbt>£ ,„ f be bbft aboue p us on tye® tbe bin&tfi of mwito p are \jp6 tbe ertb. %n* tbep Cbai- bcgatbiireb togetber,a^ tm p be in pjefom I*** n< «:. * WWW! ^ («w«w*« aftermanp mwi m cia! f|j-all tbep beWfiteb.^tbemone mau . beabaftieb^anbtbefunnearbameb.txibgtbe ; 3lo?be of boftetf Cball rapgne (nmount&io ■ anbin3etuCilemto(tbW)o?(bpp, anbinthe tygbt of fucb asi (balbc of hp$ councell. CEbe.W^.Cbapter, ca ttiaiihrtgcupng (o ©06 fo; l)p« toojefew. i^ou arte the iojnto f.-elje citpc of p nnleilftt^citbcnftaUfcare^ jfo? tbou baft bene a ffrfetb tonto tbr po;c,anb a fuccour f 01 tbeneabp in W trouble. 30 refu* ocagapufteuell wetber, a Cbabotoe asaiuft pbcate.if on tbe Waft of ragpng men isJlpae a fto^me tbat called) bourne a t»all. ' ^ ipke a0 tbou bjtpngeft beat e bowne out 30 ofabiycpiaccfoebalejfuppjcftcfnopfe of , alinutf t. ^"Ebe lime in in p ibabo w of p ** cloubc-.p b^atlcb of p migbtp Ojalbe b?ougbt mm* lowe. 3nDintbiamoritatiieqjal*f HojtD of boftejESmakemito all people a feafteof 0* teouSfjbciicatccbingeg.cue ofmoftplcafa- imt«fpepntiebiftbe0.aiiibintbt!Smourapne (ball p lo^be beftroie tbe coucring, f alloeo* plcaret»^apeDin,anb tbe banging f in fp^cb outtfu ^P° n «M nacpfisi. #310 for Deatb.be batb be» toi.tu.f. ftropebtt fo? cuer. * 20 nb p iojbc d5oo (ball W; u wppcaumpc tearcjs froall facej8,anb tbe te- buke of bisf people (ball be taftc awrfic out of all tbe eartb. # oj Co t^e Hojbe batj) fapbe. Zm in tbatbapc it (balbe fapbe: io, tbitf C W our <£ob, toe baue waptcb f oj bpm, # ^ be <*rtc.rt. a CDnnm«c\jJE{. 'EbP0i0tbeiLo?b,(ntBb5 toe bauebopcb , u>e \oplbe merp 9 reiopcein tbe fafuation tbat commetb of bpm. fi op in tbiss mofitapuemailtbebaube of tbe to^beceafe anb Q?oab ibatbetfoefOiebJbnber bim,eucn an (Ira toe ig tb?cftbeb topfi ? groabe.3inb be (ball (tretcb out bpsi baube in tbe mpbbcg of 5lo i iSf bapeCballtb^fongebefonge % uttbelanbeof 3uba. *(Uaebauea *wmma ftrongecitpe.ecj^aiimciontbail^" 8 letboi pjereruefttbem^npeaccpeceucnui „ „.„ . .. lojbe 0ob tbere igftrengib fo? euermo^e. *3tfV0coatb wougbtbotone bvempnbcb * cf»-P"*-a« £•53! **»# Wottbe citpe, be batb bio= Mffbtitlotoe:eucn\3nto tbe grounoeibaiihe can it jownej b?(ng it tjnto buft.tbc fot c men the foteoftbepooje: anb tbtfteppeg of rucbatf be m necclfitie ftal 1 tr eabe it b mm. „ pepatbofequitpet»iittbougraut^^ voth , a Jait o?ber p patb of bun tbat 10 rpgbteoutf. |ee,^- (iitbcwapcoftlipmbfimentc0,o ^a taMmtm put our truft in tbe. % bv na» me alfo.-fr tbe rem^aunce of tbe,(tf ^ mm ffii?J2te Iel l?J e * fo >*Wro»IebatD*i»w.irt«. longcD fo^tbc all tbe mgbt.anb rf mp to^ere w*vwi* Ciobicb is witw me; wf u 3' fe(« tbe ffi"e tn tbe moaning. Jfo?tobentbptubcrrmcutc0 are ;n tbe ertb, tbe inbabitatouts of £ tooilbe {bfllUearnerigbtcoufne0.^ljalltbeonoob= Ipmanbefauoureb.txibicbbatbnotlcanifD rpgbf eoufne0,but botb roicueblp in tbt nth wbere notbpnge ought to be bone, but tbat Wjjrbi 0rpgbteou0<; loeiballnot (e tbeglo« f^ftbe lam* lo?bc,toben tbpbanbc is Wmtomm, tbep fe (t not: but tijep (ball re 1Mb be confounbeb with the $clc of tlje people, anb tbe fper tbat rofumetb tbpne enempe0,O)aUbeuouretbcm. *fo?thouaifobaftu) ( iougbtauouru>o < iki0pi..ap.«i.a. mmp io?beour(0ob,otbcrlozDe0 befp- bctbebnrbfubbucbb0;butvoctDplbeuunb' fill onlpof tbe* of tbp name. &3-<2-be oecb ^ R toillnot IpiiM tht^ f be out of Ipfcwui not ^^ rpfc agapne: tbcrfoje baft tbou mfitcb * ro= m 1 tbem m> anb beftropeb all tbe memotp of tbem.^ljpu baft incrcarcb tbe pcoplef ® Ho?be)tboubaftii!crcafebtbepcople^tbou art maprebrtbou ha ft rent tfteWf of outo alltbccoafte0oftbecrtb.*lo?be(ntrouble *rn «w v we paue oenc t6 cbplbe 9 fume D Wfta 1 a 1 ■ V ttmbe. jf 01 tbere i0 no lalnatton in tht ertb, nether bo ? inhabit oursof p wonoe fiiUmpi tbe feluc0. * jrhp oceb mf (ball lpue,eucn ifi * <.co?.w.», tttpbobpamll tljep rife agapne. 3\oabcanb fpng pe tbat Dwell in btift.tfo&^r tbp betoe ^^ f I \\ k ; 51 | f 1 (I * _ III ft cticti a tftflc bcwc of ficrbc si, anb tDc cart D ftall eaft out tbem that be Ditbcr bcr . Come ♦snic.rtr.c mp people, * enter fuouintotbyebamber*, - • mm Ojut tl>r Oojtcja! about ^: * 6vt>c tiv fclfe a lytic fo* a wbPlc.Dmyll tbcinbignatfSbe oufrpaft.*;fl;ojio,tbeilojibe(*c6mpiiffoiic of bi* placr, to Difct tl)c wickebne* of focbe atf well Dpo cartH.^Dc cartl) alfo (ball W* felofcbcrawncbloub.unbDjailnomoje bib tbcmtbatnrcflapnciubcr. %\)t pmWn 'V, 1 apa.tou, C 3 p;opbf n> oeebr tonunfng of cbifMtft to (truccionofr&oiaftrf. 3, *i.eo:.ib.c. Hpo.rij.c IS £ tbat bapc.tbe Ho.ibe rt Dtf foje, ^|| great anb invfilJf re fwearbc (ba U Dtrcf^f* leniatbanpfugitpuc fcrpcnt,cuc icmatpan t(jat croticD ferpenr, anbbelball flayctbe b?agon£(*in the fec.Jn tbat bapc,fc fpt fyng of tbecon» msfm wljicb ii tlje Dyncinrb,£ bjingctb fofflf Mwm, $ icfttbe enemy i: Do it nnp barme , 3 will botb nygbt «inDDci!?cpicferiicit.'a:!jcreiiefJioDtfi)leanirc in ntc, risk wben tbe D ynclarbe bjmgetb me J °? f !> b?e«# * tlww*)3 wolb go tbojow it up roa rjc ,f uuciie it Dp togctbee. let it taac bolbc of m y flrcngtb , an* it (fcalbe at one u5 me, euro at one (ball it be witb me. ** ITtJftevcxJarecempng.tliatjacoblhall f aftc rof clfrarl Q)albcfirrnea>flo^vffir s aitD tl)cU3o;ilDcniiilbefpllebwit|)frute.l9atbbe fmvttcn bfma* ro?c,a*bc bib trje otber t'ljat fuiotc |)im.'sD;i i* be (Iain ti fo fojc a (laugh* trra* tbcp that flew hpm.'3n meafurc botlj bcfinpfcbim^plcbcfcDetbDntobimlbcb tbinge*, wbcrby be coimnctb to bp* mpnbe agaynf . # oj in tbebaye tbat tlie eaft wpnbe blowetbfoie, ittauetbawaye tbe frute*. J£Du* liberie mall tbe iniqupticof 3acob be rcconcyieb , and fare i*all tl)c rrute of the tanpiiojc a wave of W fpnncpf be mane all the ftonc*of paultnr*ofyDolle*,a* chalftc fi:onc*i'batarc bcatcniiifmioer , thattbep* grouc* anb pmagc* epfe not Dp agayne. C - ^ftall tbe ftrongccitycbcbefolate^ the babitation fo^fahen * left Ipke a wilbcr* ncjj.^ljerclbaUtbecalfefetic^tljcrajallbe $&. iye,j catc Dp the graffc* tbe r of .(^tt>hentf b*aucbe0ofitareb;iie,rbeparebjokcuof,s *w.mu.* tbewcmencoincanbrcttbSonfper. *jfoj it i£ a pople of no Dnbcrftanmng,& tberfo= re Dctbatmabetbem, (ball not fan oure the, anb be f'createb W> (hall gene tbem no gra- ce . %nti in tbat bape ©all tbe ioj.be mahe a tbiefanngfromtbemiDbe^oftUeriuereu^ g&wtcjtonrc itberiucr of egipt.anb pe cDil- W of 3rraelftalbe gatbercb together one to bzr a»ottier.3npoapeft>all^f great trOpe be bio wnc.fo ? tbep wbicb were loft iin tbe ia*be of 31 inna.^tbep tbat were baniffbeb into p tonDeofegipt,MlcomcattDwoj(tot!)e to jbc in t !) c liolp in ounf at 3er u falcm : C5:lJe.n:Diij.CDapter. p;tit« am p;tatl»tj0. ' B jD be tontci tbe cro wne of pjtoe, eug % *to tbcb^lcRen people of epfoaim *muu wDofegreatpapeisiatfaaour t&at ^.k-< ^^^ape) C nttetb in iubflcmcnt^arcn8;t|)Dntotbemt|wtturne a wapc tDc batfcll to t|)c gate of tOe enemies. But tpep are out of tbe wapc bpreafon of wpne:pcc,farreouvof$wapearctI)eptl)os rpe(trongb s ipiike.^**CDep?eftealfo?^ w wpbet are gone aftrapebptbe mcancsS ** fa ' {,(A of (f rong o^iucne, tbep are bjonhe" rt wpne, tbcpgoami(retDoiioweftrougb?incRe:tIjev ??i e i" *P? EC P tn 3 9 ftobie in iubgmer. jf oi tabk0 are fo full of 'oompte anb fpltbines,^ no placftfcleanc. ^IfliDo tDcnOiall tticbonc teacD hnowlebge^ ub wljom tball De mabe totinberftobetbctl)ingtbaitDebcarctD.''jfo? tbepareamgno?auta0yongcDilb?cn,tDat are tab en fro tbemplitc anb arc weeneb. ^ jf ojtbeptbatbefiiicbmultbauc^^nfter c ... one lcffon,anotberlj (Ton^ftfter one comaiV £2 1 • bcmcnt.anotbcrcominaunDenigt, after one mlfiSi* ruleanotbcrrule,affcronemaruccionano= tjermftruccvoi^tljereaiptleanbtDcrealp^ tie. $oi Dc tbat fpcalltctb Dmto tljitf people k cuen ajj one tbat Dfetb rubeucjsof fpecn.anb aaraungeianguagir.pfanpmnnfapcDnto tOcm : lo, tpimmttit wDcrwitDye mapc cafe bpni tbat in weerpc , tbptfitftbe retref. Oiingc, tljcp wpll not be rneu . * 'Snbcrfo* * mm re .tfjewojbe of m Eo^be(leP;onDpaief= fon.commaunbement Dpou commaunbe= ment, rule Dpon rule , inCr uccpou Dpon in* ftruccion,tbcrea Iptileanbtbcrea lptle)Ojall be Dnto tbem an ocenfvon of ftomblingtbat tuep mape go on.anb fall bacltwarb, be b?n» fcb>tanglcbnnbfnareb. ' MJberf o^e, bcare t\)t wo?be of m fcoibe ft ' pe m ocitcrs, pe tbat |jaue rule of tD& people wDtcl) mt 3crufaig, jjcwwfe n f auefayb: 0=rtt)r hfttm ^^wefjauemabeacouenannewitlibeatft, «wlt(j|)cHarcweatagrernent3nDtbouflii Ji)wgofoitftafo?eplage,it(ballnotrcome Jnto D0.Jro; we bane mabe falOiobe our re tuMM* Dnber Danirieare wcbib.'Cberfo» retBii*fapt|)Ho?De(i5:ob:26eNbe,3lape in ion roj a foabation a ftone, mi a t rpcb 9 m jMt¥t COim ft0,,e » il few foabatio: $r fcr mwo beleiietD , let b^m not be to fta= fiye.3nbflment alfo will 3 lapeto the rule, anb rig&tcoufne* to tjje balaftce.fo f e&rtbt ^r Dayle (ball tafee awape your Dapne confibe"* ce a* a b^oomc.anb tpe pjeup place of youre refuge qjall t^e water* renne ouer. Tttfo tbwsf the couenauut tbat ye mabe xb v bcatlj,(ljalbe bifanulleb:anb pour agrement tbat yemabe wit& DeU,ujau not ftanb. gee, wben t\is fo?c plage goetb fojtb , pe Ojalbc trobenbowneDnberit.ifrotDetpmetDatit goetb fojt&, it Qiall take you awape. j?oi early intljemo^nynge euerp bape : yee.botb bape 9 nigbt ujallitgo tbo^owe:» wben tbe noyretDerofi0p*rceaueb,iflbailgenbjeDc= ^y, yation. if 0ji$cHl)e beb i» norow , anb nott *■ larger tbe couering ro fmail f Dat a man can far (ball ftonbeatf^^in mount t #crajim,aub ji/.R(g.b.b. ©albe Wiotljelyfte a* in puallcp*c5i be o, i> mS& W mate Jo W wo^fte, ^wftraug wo^He tos* I bjing to Mffetn*acte,t)i0 ftraungc acte. jf iaowtocrfo^cfe^pebeno mocker*, left pourpnnptbmentincreace.foObaueljcarb of tlje lojbc of Dofte*,tDat tbcre ujall come a fyojt enbe bpon tbe wfcolc cartb • tycatt pe tbctt,f DctbenDntomybopcc,confib;e gspo= mempfpecD.DotbnotjJijufbanbmauiowc all tbe baic.anb opener I) 5 bjeaiteri) tbe clot» te* of bi* grounbef Ijc mape fo we."U)W be batb mabe it plapn, will be not fpjcb ab?obe ;bc fitebctf ,anb fo we compile caft in wbcte bprneafurcftbcappopntcbbarlycanbrpe in tbeir placc.^ob will tnftructc l;pm to m* tie bifcretion, cuen ty# ell? ob wpll tcacb bpm. Jfo^ fitebe* ujallnotbetrefibcb witljan ba» ro we : netber (ball a carte wbcle be tyougbt t |)o,io we tbecompinbuttbe fitcbetfare beats out witb a ftafe, anb comyn «5 a robb . 26ut tbe fuebe tbat bicab i* mabe of , i* trcfClicb, tbougbitbenotalwapeatb?cfu)ing.anby carte wbele mutt be bjougbt oucr it > left be gcptibe it witb W retb. "EbiiKalfo commetb of tbe lojbe of booftctf, wbicb woicnetb t6 wouberfuU wpfooinc,anb bjingctb e^celWt wo^e*topalfe. C^be.^i^.Cbaptcr. flDDntof €)^y»3riel1firicltbott cityef **iDauibbweltin ©^©0 on from ycare to yearcanb let tbe . lambc* be flay ne.3 will lape fege Ditto atrieW tbat tbcre fbalbe bcupne* anb fo?owetnir.anb itibalbeDnrome euenan S2!?f of Sl u ?? tcr -3 WfH befege m rounb abciur,anb Rgbtagapnfttbetbo^owe a bu]= wp8e|anbwvUreareDpDfcbc*agapnft?. mm (bait be b?ougbtbowne,* (bait fpea« Re outof tbe grounbe, anb tW fpeel; ftiall go lowe out of tbe bulte. 'ftbpDopcealfolball come out of tbe grounde lyke the Dopce of a K^'lS^^^WOioUwbifperoutof m bull. &)ojcouer,tbenopfc of tbpftrauge enempej^albelyRetljpnnebuft^tbemul^^..,- titunt of tpjaunte*a>tlbe*ajs om IJrawe, * * tbat cannot tarp: cuenfobenip anb in bapfte (ball tbep? blaft go. a. ^pouOialtbeDmtcb oftbelo^beof bo= 25 y^^u^^'^^'^^'^'^^agreatnoi^ fe:W(tbfl:o?meanbtempeftanb tb tbe flame of acofuimngfycr. 2Enb tbe inultitube of all nation* tbat fpgbt agaynft 3Ir(el, Ojalbc a* ao;eamercnebymgbt:*cuero Qiallalltbcy *mvm.c betbatmancwarreagaynft it , anb Itronge bolbc* to ouercomeit.anb tbat laie cny fege Dntpit.3nconclufion,ttfbaibecu?atfwDni ^t?^^" 1 ' 1 " ^i« m «b «Wt be to eating . n " D rabcu bcawaaetb, m foulc t* emptpc mm wben a thutityc man b^cametl) tbat bet*b?(ncBing:anbwbenl)eawaljctb, be i* yet fapntranb W foulc lacaetb tbe appetite. Gm To Cbalbetbj! imiltitubc of all nation* tbat fpgbt asaynft S)y on. J5onb?e tbcfe tbpnge* once in pour myn= ltr ue*anbtbeblmbguibe*of otber. 'Cbcpare * mm *™ b:often.but not witb wpne : tbcp arc Dnfta* blcbut not tbo^owe ftrong b^ncke.5fo? m fom batb couereb you witb a flom bcringc fmetcanb batb clofeb pour epe*. pour pjio= pbctc*alfc is ruler* tbat qmlb fctbe" batb be coucrcb. * 3»ib m Difpon of all m pjopfte- * e(M , tc*i* become Dnto yon , a* tbe woibesof a bobe tbat i* fealeb Dp, wljicbmcnbchucr to onctbflridlcarucb.faping.^caDctbouinit. 3nb be ftptb:3 cannot, fop it i* fcaieb.^nb tbe boket*geuen Ditto tiUn tbat i* not lcar= neb.fapmg: larnbctbouinft, anbbefaytb: 3am not Icameb . ^bcrfo?etbu*baitb tbe iojbefapbc : *jfo? f omocbe a* tbt* people SSft?* wben tbcp be in trouble.bo bonour me witb war,b,M tbcirmonfbfftitbcirlippe*:buttbcirbcrti* far fro me , s tbe fearc wbicb tbey bane Dnto me, p.ioccaoctb of a comaflbment that i* ta= ugbt of nieii.'Cbcrfo^c wpll 3 bo maruapl* t> amonge tbi* people.euf maruelou* tbingc* iS&??f, r - * *&• tl)e wpfbomc of * abb, 1 1 92 22 S ,eB ft aM vwpft.? tbe Diibcr(ron= 3S bing of tbeir wittpe meiifballbyb it fclfe. J5£ *5tt ^ffat ucpe fecrcte tbeir tboit- flptc* , to bybe tbeir counccll fr6 tbe lotft, anb botbeir WMkc*in barUncffc , fayingc!- *wbo ftetbD*^ wboRnowctbD*mour= %^- m - b putacpon a* tbe potter*ciape.^nb botb tbe ti5d5 ti tnmftr 1 I 1 m I if 1 i> t 1 '3 I >\ "J I s 3 li ■ ^ I ■ W)t $opl)ecyc h voojckc mycofijpm tbat mabeit, bemabe not me: 3 no Doth an cartbcn ttcffe it tew of him t hat f a fipporicb ir,Dc Ijab no unbcr ftan* fa?* binge ? 3$ it not barb4tbanbe,tbatfc2rlp<' banu0 mall* tttrnrD into a lomc felbr , anfi t4) I'tijep wpll tane afecret abuice.anb not out of nip fpictcnnb tljecfiuc abbe tbcp fpttnc fcnto fpnnc . ftnen tbcp tbat walne to fttiloJOMit into $ turne tbe bolp one of 3Frael fro \tf. U^becfo> tc ttyti* faptb t])e Ijolp one of 3fracl. ^ecau= fc pour bectcsi rife ag;apnft tbitf uio^be, $ be* caufepettuftmttjongeoutfbcalpns&pee* uecfciubgmcnt,?pi:itvonrconfibfcetbccin. ^Mtapr mail pepauc tw mp febefc f oj p6 bcttruccia anb fall ipHc ajs an bpc wall tbat fallctb, becaufe of fomccpfte o; blaft.tobofe bKahingcommctblbbcnlp. *2»nbtbcbntte *•"* tbcrofij2(lphcanertl5cntjcfffll,t»bfcbb?ea= herb tXJitljout bclpe : fo tbat in f bncftpnpjof it>tbete ijS not founb one mcuer to fetcb f p?e in, o? to tattctuatccujitball out of tbe ppt. w rffo? tbufl faptb tlje lo?be^ob, cuentbc * bolp one of 3frael : <^y*3" wpentaunce | in *%% ^rcftmallpe bcfafcrmmuetnejsanbfureco^ m\*m f pWce t&albc pour ()Jr^gtb.)i6ue pe baue bab feWB » iiolpfttberto.5fo?relwuefapb;iao,buttX)c t»illcrcapctbo?otx»;bo ( ifcs{.( , 2Cbcrfo?cfbaU pcflpc^uje»Jillgctt)jst)pt)p5 fmpftbea= ae.S.9EnO tbcrfo^e Qial pour perfecutoiit 0be fmpfter. * 3 .&). (ball fipe at tbe rebuke of * mm oncjattbcrcbuReiDf.tj.QjaUpcauapc.tpU 3101 "^ 1 " pc be left ad a (bppp mad Upon t^t topp of a mountapnearib as a bcaben \)pou an byll. *Ubcrf o?e Dot!) ? ILojbe caufe pou to \»ap= * Kw * tc»f be mapc baue mcrcp t)popoii:to tbintct tbat be mapc bane itbc pdecinyncncc, voben be i0 gracpoms tonto pon . Hop t Jc Jloitbc ft tbe ©ob of iubgeme n t . 2i6le&b are all tbcp tbat bope in bpm. & £f tbc people remapnefn $>pon anb at * 3crufalcm,tbou mailt not be in bcuincd s but at tbc tiopccof t\)v compiapnte (ball be ba- nc mercp Dpon tbc . 3nb wben be bcaretb it be (ball gcuc tbe an anttocr. 3Bnb tbongb tbc ftojoe gcuc pou tbebwab of trouble, anb tbc toatcr of abucrfitie„tbp rnpne (balbe mms* re fo fitant , but tljpnc cpesKball fee tbp rap* nc.^cc,anbtbpnccarc(bail§=3 a bcarei'tal=*i^ hpngc of })ym tbait Ooetb fpcaftc bebpnbe tbc x^tyBiii ji»apc > t»aibcpcmit.'Cur= * s,,ut,(( ' nc not afibc netber to tbc rpgbtbanbe tier to tbc Ipft.ge mall bcfl:r ope alfo tbe coucrpnge of poure fpluer pmagcitf.nnb t\)t becWnge of poure golbenpbolj(.ctt tU bence . ISbenCball dffobgeue rapne wo tW feebc , tbat tjjou ftalt wwc tDcgeotmbioitManbb^boftDemcreace oftDe of tlie MttW (&albe fat anb terp plen - tcou0. 3ntliatbayeaifo,(balltbpcatellbe feb m large pafture. -Cbe ojcen ipftewife anb tbepoageaiTeA tbat eate tbe grottttbclball catecleattcpjoufbectxibicbtfiipourgebtwttl) - tlje ropnbe anb tbc fanne. v ^mallp,t)ponruerp bpc mountatne anb bpll (ball tber be r iuerjs a nb ftreamejs of nta* miuu terjS, * in tbe bape of tbe greate flaugbter, wbentbetoweriBifaU.^o^ouer.tbelpgbt of tbe m oone fyalbe atf m itgbt of tbc fnnnc, ntibtbe (unite Ipgbt (balbe feuenfolbcanb banc ajEtmucb (bvnt mn fcue baped befpbet wben tbc lojbe bpnbctb Mp tbe fojte of W people, anbbcalctb tbc ttcone of tljctc tooub. ^ebolbe^befamc of tbe lo^bcommctbfra f arre, anb W pjefence it fo bote, tbat no nut 10 able t o abpbe. $f lpppe0 arc full of tbc robbc . %no it (ball come to pafle, tbatwbptbcrfocucrbc gotb,p robbc (ball clcuemito bim.KBbicbtbc 0^ Lojbctballlapc \)ponb(m^^witbtab^ct= te0 anb barpc0.anb txjitb grcatc toarrc (ball mm* be fpgbt agapnft bi0 booft. *5f 0? tlje fper of papnc i0o^Dcpncb from tbc begpitning : pcc, ettenfoi Iipitgc0l0itp?cparcb.'3:b^0balb f fjafrt fetin tbebepcano mabc it moc.tiyt burmngc tx»bcr of i0 fper anb nmebe utobbe. JCbe b^ctbof tlje lo?bc, u&ic&tfa rpucrof b^pmftoncbotbftpnbleit. CEbe.Wirj.Cbapter. C:©tcurrc(|)ti)emf|)atfoiif 1 iReeo5,anDCrte ' tot C^t Ijeipc of men. £> be bnto tl)tm tljaf go bomue in to 6gyptc f 0? bclpc, aim trufte in bojfe&anb put tbeir confibcnce in E — r- cbarette0, becaufe tbey bemanpe, anb in bojfemcn , becaure tW bcluttp ano ttrong.But tbcp regarbe not tbc bolp one of Ifrael, anb tbcp atec no mteftton at f torn. Were a0bcneuertbelc0 (bepnge Bopreftof all ) ptegetp tbc mpcueb , anb yet goetb nott from bi0 wo?be,t»benbe fteppctbfojtb,anb ol€faye Mo Mb.f.* taftetbtlieWcfo^agapntttbelJoumoibeof tbefrowarbcanbagapntttbebelpeofeucll Ooer0. Borne tbc (ggiptian0are men , anb not <15ob,anb tbeir bo^edflelb anb not fm* te. 3tttba(Toonea0 tbe lo^be ftretcbctb oute 5?% n ?f ' ^ en $ m & helper fall , anb be -* tbat (bulbe baue bene bclpeb , anb tbcp mall ^ all.togetbcrbcueftropcb.ji?onbu0batbtbc lo?beQjonent)ntomc:iiijca0tbe*lyonoj* a|)Ob - 3 - *lpon0t»bclperoaretb\jpon tbc pmpc tbat * mm>mt>* bcbatbgotten,anbi0not afcapcb , tbough Jbe multitube of Qiepbrrbe0 crye out Mnon bpm, netber abaujeb fo? all tlje bea pc of tb?. ff>ofballtbe i,o?be of booftc0come botttne to fpgbt fo? mount 5>yon, anb befenbe bP0 Ml- tPRea0bP?De0flotreaboute tbeir nc= r BC0, *fo (ball tbc lo^bc of boofte0Repe,fa= *W«.mtf.» ue,bcfcnbeanDbelyuer3ecuralem. '5i:bErfo?e,€)pccbpl^eitof3frael,turnca. gapnc , from tbat (ufpoclttpe , t»bcrin pou Djowneb pour felue0. *if oi^cr in tbat bape *_?><«• euerp man mall caft out ljp0 pbollc0 of fyl« '** tier anb M pbolletf of golbe, \x>bicb vc Ijauc ^ mabcttJitbpourcawne banbe0tmtoyoure ro ftJimc. * 3u"ur alfo Ojalbc aapnc mttbtbc tamm, fi»earbc,not witi) a mau0 (mcarbe , netber galltbc fujearbeof ettpmanbenourcbym; jenb m mall fle from tbe Oaugbter>*anb W ^ fcruauntc0 malbe bifconfptcb in tljcir tjcr- te0 . ^e^allgo fo? fcare to \^p& (trongcljoU bc0,anb bp0p?pncc0 mall fle from bya 6fltt- gc .%ty& batbe m i,o?be fpohen , wftofe lygbtburnetb in^pon, attbbi0fpcriu3c= m CSDbc.rwii.Cbapter. CSlje conMtpons of go db tulew anD offteew. ebolbe, a mug (ballgouerne after ft tbc rule of rpgbtemcfucfrcanb tljc ^ pmice0(ballrulc ) accompiig to tu balatmceofequttyc.^nbtbatman malbctmto men a0a Defence fojtbewynb, anb as a refuge f oj tbc tempeS: lync a* a rt» tier of mater (tt a tbtrftye place, anb tljc ma- b ouic of a greate rocftc in a b?yc lattbc^Tbc rpc0 of tbc feyngc ujall not be bpm, anb tljc P^SLj^wfftatftearcQjalltahcbiligcnt me . 'Cbc bcrt of tbc mtmyfc ujall attapnc toKttomlcbgcattb tbe wiparfptctong ujall fucaae pla pnely anb biftinctlye . mm mall tbcfolpgtenpgarbebe nomo^callcbggtic, t nertbecbttrleltberall.2l5uttbcnygarbcmtll bcmgarDipmtnbeb,attbb(0bcrciDpllmo?= he cucll anb plapc tbc ppocritcano ymngyn abljottuimttoit0 agapnft 000 , to maue tljc bongrplcanc,attbtomitbolbeb?mcltcfrom tbennrftp-. 'Tbcfcarc tbe pcrlott0\xieapon0 "\9B*SWfc *bcfebebi0 mamcfnli cottn= ccl0:tbatbcmayebcgplctbcpooiiemitbbif= ccatfullVDo?be0:ycc,cuentberea0bcmullJc gctte fentettec «j(tb t})t poo?e. * font tbc lp= 6crauperfoncpmaginetbbonefttbynge0,gt commetb top fo? Uberalytic \mtop?omotyo: * Ujo.rutoi b m\ i 9 i V 7 T r* » *; C WperpcbeanbpoeUwomen)berBeii Unto in v Uopcc.gc carries citics.maruc mp uoo^tticfif. afterpcares anb oaprs (ball pc be litouflUtifcarc, $ pc carclcst citicS-if 01 linn: uett ftialbc «H,t toe grape gatfjc rpnge mall nor com r. $ pc rpcb pb ell cities pe tbat tea* t c no paired « i5c abatycb , pou tbat lyue in abouiibaiicc rtremble, f . oittbatlpue carcleS: rait of vouc rapment , mane pour fciucs ba* « , put facta clotb aboutc poti . ff o; as tbe infant c $ wcpc U)fjf ii tiin'r motbcrS tctcSac b;pcb;fo (ball pou wcape fo; pour fap;efcl= bfSaub frurefull Upucparbes. ®jy peopled fclbc Aja u bjpngc t bo;ucs aim tufftiejec : aim to man It be cum in riicrpboufe of Uoluptc^ B oiifncflcanD in cucrpcitpe tbat rciopfctb. '"Brbc palaccSalfo (balbc u;obc",$ tbc grcatlp occupped citpcjff bcfolatr . 'STbc toujicjjf aim buiwari-Bcs (ball become benncs fo; encr* tno;e, p plcafurcof iiiulcSujalbctucncbto pafturc to; qjcpcrUnto t^e twite that P fp;cfe be po wwo Upon US from aboite. Cocii mall tbc wpibcrncS be a frutef ull fclDr.niiptbcplentcousfcIbujalbereBeneD to? a wobbe. 'Cijcnqjali cquvtie Dwell in p * * ™ *» me rewaebe of rigbtcoufnefte Ojalbc peace , a lib ber frtitc reft 9 quictnes fo; euer. * K.muix * ana mp people (ball bwcll in the pit* ncSof peace, anb in fure Dwcllingx* in fafe Ctotbctbatbeftroicft, wbe*tbou wafte not beftropcb , tbou b;ca-- .Ijcft tbe Icage.wbcre as none batb * cron.m.b Jbalt leauebettropfog, * tboutbpfelf (bait i r ,W I? '•"• , bt b #^ • 3 11b worn tbou ecafeft from SS3& «. fe^l^ ,ea ff c « *&*« fl»U tftep tyeafte it to tpc. © Ho;be, banc mercp Vipoii US: we *mut b Jaw pur our Dole cruffto tUc . Seanacme * w** »• to fuebe rarly: anb * our beltb , ro tpme of trouble 1 Stttbatconfufenopfe, tbepcopie acbb.aubattbpne ejtaltmoe.tbe feeptben rcb( ujbicb Qialbc poured; M are tbe 5atbc= ruis of muifoM. anb tbe multttube 2 oincc toit,JbaIbeaSlocufte0numpngtoanDfro. 5belo?pcWejcaltcb,fo^t^bepbwjcI« Ictb a u bpc : be batb f pllcb jfon t»itb iub(ie= US 2? ltt P rt «Weonfnejs. attnb a Cure ftablvf « •Orfngof top tpmeaa>albeftttiigt&, bealk twifbome $ unowiebfle.-anb tbexierp fearc of m tom Ujaibe ptaafurc of le.Moibe.iU . me{rcncieristbaIlcrtettiitbout:!|tbeamba^ *c fttourjS of peace Hall weape bptf enp : me ft retey arc ujaft.eDer walltetb no tmi tbertit: ©ob batb b^oben t&eappopntmcnt , t\)e cp= ticsl are caft avoapc,* nig are notblng tecrar« $eb pbefofatertbWiubeupnejBi. iioattntf in ibameb:? beuje'bottinc.&aroitflpnca t»pi a OernejS : 25afan 9 Channel are befpopleb of tbc(r f rutetf . atto tberfode faptb tbc loib: 1 txiill lopnowe: now Mil 3 bcauaaceb.no w * „ will 3 be ewltcb axJ a mtcjDtpe ©ob . * Vt mH Oiall caccaue ftubble>& bcarc ftrauie, 9 pourc fp£ctc Ojal be m fpei 1 , f it mape cofuinc pou, 9 ppcopie ftjalbe buimt Hue Ipme.^atf tboz- netf biirnc p are bewen of, f caft in the fper. laowberttetope^arefarreof.boujJbaue bone ,« connbje mp:power,pef beat banbe. , ^-?Tbefimieri0!at?iottarcafrapDe,a foben *** fcarfiilnt s income tiuon $ ppocritctf.WUbat Wljeamoge ty t fapitjjep, ^(ball t>m\bp p c6fumingficr.''tt)bicbof \)0mapeabpbe tbat C etierlaftiugbeatj'* ^e p leOetba gooip Ipfe, *tomtt fap 3, 9 fpeaftetb m tmet\).l)e fatyowh mm * gaiucjs i»5nc bp violence 9 btftcpte: be f he* SctbbWbtlbe^betoucbno reumroc: wbtcb oppetb W em& , iMjc beare no councell a» BenftfmuocgtbIouiDc:UJbicbbolbetbbow» nc Dtjs epes(,^be fe none euell.feeW ift,pm\ btoellon bpe; wbofc fatiegarbe ftjalbe tna bultwarcueofrocBeie!, to bpm (balbc gcueit meate,9 bPiS waterie: ftallnot faple. CbPne eictftbaUfejKmgmbi05lo^:eiiNfttngof f farre coutre i* ftiall tbcp fc.tbme bcrte ftu» men become of p fenbe t of p rcccpuctof ouc nioiiep^U3batofWmfta^bOHrfatreftbou= toe %$m (bait ^ not fe a pcoplea ftrauiiac tons to banc fo mum a lagiiage, p itmap not be ljnocrfta-D:nei;bcrfo ftrafigea ft;eacb ^ but it fbalbe pcrccau cb . 'CDere jftu ?ion be ® ftiic tbe oeeo cttpc of oure folempne feaftcsf. riou0babttatpo:*^:abcrnacle^neiier»aU remouc- tobofcnaplnaKbaU neucr be tancn out t»o?lb tf outenDewbofecoarbcjaiettcrp* cboncftallncuerco?ruptc:fonbeglOiipoutf mageftie of p Jiojbeibnil tberebemefenta= mong Mm place,i»bercfap;e b/oabcrp* pert gtftreametf are , tbo?o»meWcblhaU nemer galcp rot»e, nee greate Mm W& *$otm lo^be Wourt1ibge,t|cLS* lamm fw tawe mner.^oe UtA our ftfoffSS 3 lje &JjM wlbe 0UIC a«onre s «5 mate I coarbesfo Iapbeab?«abc, p thev cannot be tbeir maft c> no?fp2eboeab?oobe tbeir faple. «en mere tn bealeb wnUwkvceMm tbatuiptb : 3amfpcfi:,butaUeueUitftafecn ,«tmten^|K A i mtt^^. , C^lje-lnft Deitcticcpon o| r tWp«aaoo p tWt Oapne (balbc caft out,anb tbeir bobpeslftpncajtbat eucn tbe tjerpbpUeS fbalbe toet«5 tbe blOub oftbSautbeftarresofbeauenfbaUttJaift, anb tbe bcue (ball f olbe togetber ipae a roll, anb all tbe (Jarre* tber of (ball fall, Ipitea*? Ieaue jel fall from ttit vpne0 anb f page trees. ^ if 0; nip f wear o (balbc batbeb in beattf ,anb (oalUmmeofoflpcome bourne in (ubgment Upon 3bumea , anb Upon tbe people wbtcb 3 baue curfeb fo; mp Uengeaunce. anb tbe Ho;be0 fwearbe (balbe full of blouDe, 9 be rnftp x& tbe fatnedanb bloube of lambed anb goatejs, witb tbc fatneffe of tbe mbnep0ofwetber0.#o;tbeLo?bCbaU&til a great offering in 280 jra, 9 a great flaugb =- tec in tbe lanbe of 3bumea . 'cocre (ball tbe tmicojuieitf fall u5 tpem , anb tbe bullc* «5 tbe gpauntcsl: anb tbeir lanbe (balbe tbo;owclp roahebUJitbbloube.f tbeir grounbe corrupt wltb fatuc*. 2l\nto tbe alfo, £> jion.tball co- me tbe bape of p Urngcaiiee of d5ob, anb t^t peace wben tbpne a tone iubgmentctf fbalbe recompenfcb.anbbttfioubcgtbalbeturneb to pptcb. anb W car tb to b?imftone: 5 tbc re witb (ball tbe lanb be Uinblcb, fo tbat it (ball tma lpe,s/ Ijjiuc ber loosing. HTbcte (ball tbe ^ oule maHe ber ncft , buplbe.be mere at borne * anb b;ing fo;tbbW ponge ones. Hbcre (ball tbcHpteScometogctbcr , ecbonctobiSlpbe; ^efte tbo;ow tbe ftripture of tbe lo;be 1 anb reabeit. ^jjcecfball none of tbefc mpu* gcSbelefteoutjtbereC^allnotoncnerfocbe l^c,fapIc.jTo;wbatb^moutbcommaun= bctb tbat fame Doe tb W f wetc cratber tog e» tbet, 0; fulfplietb . $c batb caft f lot fo; tbe", anb to tbofc bcaftc* batb W Wbe& beupbeo mcUne:tbcrfo?etbofelbaUpoueu"ctbeenbcs tptawnce fromgencratpon to generatpon^ 5fo anb b well mctinfo; euer. C^be.jCWU.Cbapter. COf tije tpme aim UpngDoine of &WB, -tb autbebefeitcanb wtlbemeSfball * reiopce , tbt waft e grounbe ujalbe glabanbfto;p(bastbelpllp. ^Dbe (ball floiplbepleafanntlpe, anb be oD ffeuetb:<25ob commctb bWawne fclfe,* will Oelpuerpou.^^benlbaUtbeepeSof ?blin= * maouu bebe Ipgbteneb , anb tbe eorcs of tbe bcaffe ffi^S , openeb. 'Sbcn (ball tbe lame man Icape aS " anbeet, 9 tbe^bomemanstonijefbaugeue *»u&,mi.* tbScHeS. * 3ntbewtlbcrncSalfo, tbrreftall SffSffj wellcsnj;ing,$floubcSof watcrin defect. P* ww * a 1Ebeb;pe grounbe (ball turne to riuers.anb tbe tburftp to fp;pngcs of water. Sabrre as b;ag00bweltafo;e. tbccQjaii growe fwcte ftoureSanbgrenerufibcs.'Cbcrelbaibefote patbcSfcomgftrcteS.tbtSmaibccallcbtljc polp wape. iEto Unclenepcrfon (ball go tbo* rowe it;fo; tbe to;bc bim felf ftiallgo wttb tbem tbat wape , anb tbe wapferer.no* ig= no;amit (ball not errcEbere ftalbenolpo 9 no raulOnng beaft (ball come merf n,no; be © tbcre but ml rebemeblballgo mere frcano fafe .anb tbe rebemeb of tbe lo;be,3 fape, (ball cornier te anb come to ?ion witb tbam= befgeuing . (Kuerlaftpngiope ftiall tljep &a* ue : pleafure anb glabnes (balbe among tlif . anb as fo; all fo; owe anb beny>n^, it M\ uanplbawape. Cftbe.Mttj.Cbnpfcr. C3B ftufaiem Is affr ageft tip »t nn«bmb,fti ti)t tc me ofhp»ge©ejeftia9. ¥•*•♦» ija*tbe.]tiii>.pcre of tung^eataS *m.ms. came 5>ennaberib ftpng of tbe af= i**w ftriansbowne.tolapc fcagcunto SfJSS?** 'all tbe ftronp;e eitpesof 3110a , to ikiAm. conquertbg.3nbmelipngofau"irpansfcnt t r S D - a " 6 mabfakeb frolacbiJS towarbe3erufalcm, m agapnft aing I»e?eBiaS,nSan crccabing tja- fte.wbicb fet bim bp tbe conbpie of tbc oucr= W)le in tbe wape f»goetbtbo;ow tbe fullers labe.anb fo tber came f o;tb Unto bun eiia= ftim H)clUias fonne mep;efibent ##oona f fcribe,anb3oabafapb»fonne£feccetarp. * Cfa "" a anb ftabfancb fapoe Unto tbem •. Hell ftejcBias, tbat tbegreatehpnge of affitia faptbtbuSUnto btm: tDDat p;ei'umpcion tS top*, mat tbou tr uft eft Unto i 3 fapoe,$)u- rclp tbou truftcft in tbp Ipplaboure , wben councell 9 ftrengtb are neceffarp to battapl: 60 W| 0; I I! 1 It vj 1 I ft ill 1 i if f »i H *t -A H €Ije pjopljetpe -u fi..i o? dies tDter to truftett ? , tliat tf caftcft t|iy * rtff.Kf B &. fclfc of fi: om f .' * Jo, tbou putt eft top Mi ft in A SS?irir« bwBfftafofrcbc(3mcaweapa, itgoetbintobiSbaDe&qmt- HB tcfbbym tbojowc . oU. 3Cgo00lp tojDrS will<"£Dc io?D fnp&c tonto mc:go Ho wnc t nto p laDc, tbat p mapeft beftroic it. Vtcn fapb €UaRim,<&>obnnanb3oabtoii= to mabfaRctb.&pcaheto Mtbv ftruautcS C we pjapc tbejin t|)c £>trpa"s language : fo* we tonoerftabc ft wel.ainD fyeabe not to toS in tbc 3c wes tons:, left p* f olebe hcare wbtcb Ipet b topo tbc waii.'Sben anfwcreD ftabfa* fecb^bimRcpe.fltbcbyngfcntmctofpca* fee^igonlv^ntofiojibanof^atftbenot few me to tbcmaifo , tbat ipe topo tbe wall.' ttftt tytp mapc be c3pe Ucb to eate tbeir aw* ne nonse , $ Djyncb tbeir awne ftale tf ywf *. , 3M> ftabfiiRcb ftobe ftif.anbcrpcD wit& * a lotiDctooycrintbc3cwc0tong,anDfalDc: § otoe tabc bebebowe tbc great Ring of tbe a ftpjiaS fieuetb von warmng.'ftbnS foPtb tbc Ring: let notlwcbiaSDifceauc pou:fo;t betballuotbcablctobclpuetyou.&)o?ouec letnottycttliias confojtc you in tlje lowe, wben be faptb : 'Sbc lAib tfout Doubt fiball bcfcnbctoS.anDlbalnotgcueoueetbfScltye into m banDeS of tbe Rpng oftbc Mvfl&#> belcue bptn not. 2But tlms faptb t&c ftpng of affpjiaroptepnc mp fauoutccnclpne to me: fo mape eucrp man eniope lm topnepar Deal a nD fpfls treetf, anD DjpnRe m water of fag cptterne: tonto tlje t pme tbat 3 come mp felf, mibb?ingepouiiitoal8De tbat is Ipbc pour atone : toberin (oi wbcatcanD wpnc , wi)ic& is botb fowen witb feebe,ano planteD with topneyat:bc0. let not ^ejebia Difceaue pou, wben be faptb tonto pourtOeJlojDemnllDc* **r«.r.t,. lP«crt)st/*a;igbtfl)C(I5oDDe0oftIje©en- ttlflt feepe eucrp mans lanDc.from the potoer oftbc hpngcof tbt Mittowt i U)l)ere Wtbe c3od of ilpeinatbanDarnbaDi'tDJcreiaJtbe 0oDofs>npbnrumm/ tntrtg^o tuatfabie toDefenoe Samaria out of mpbanber' flDi tobitb of all tbc (EfoDDejef of tbeft Um batb DelpuereD tbep? countrepouf of mp potwcri' i$ tbc lom i\\ Mt able to Delpuer 3crufa» li' lent fro mp lianDemnro fWtf ^c je&fa j(wcf 9 faungers(|)elDctbep,uoijgc0 , ano anftucceb not one tJjojDe.fo? w Ring baD cbargeD tha, tbat tbepQmlDegeue bpm none anfwpere. S>o came ftliaittm loeiRla^ fonnc tbep?ett. ntnt , fi>obna tbe fciribe , anD 3oab MaM fB tic tbe lectc tarp, tmto De jehla^ wftb rent rlotDrtf, anb foltic Dpm t(je t)oo?Dei8 of iaab> faftett). ^^ C'tllc.mWjCliapfer. ■ C fe«?tU(ao liRblctb W ni Ctlft befo; t ttjc Hojftc. Kfte atmrp of detina^ttib u (lanne of (|>r aunocii of (hr j g«;b:«tm be be lo^De. ^5ut be fent e eilaftim ttirmefiDent.^obum tbc fcribe, wltl) tbe el> Deftpiieftetf clot|ietiln*facRf, t)ntotbrp?o» ^.„ a/ , ,| »Det efap tbe fonne of 3moj, anD tbevTaib *****} witobpm :t$w$ faptb ^ejeblajK^pp^iJ* tbe Dape of troiible,of plageanD of blavptie- my e : f oj t\tt cbtlD?( n are come to tbc place of bp^tb:buttbctc Who power to b?pnge tbem f o?tb. 'Cbc torn W$ <5oD(tto Doubti)M well confpDcrco tbc »3o?DeiSof mabfafcetb, wbom m lo?Detl!w:Rma of Miriam* batb fent to Defpe 9 blafpljcme tbelpupnge 0oD: witb focbe wojDc.0 as tbe lo?Dr tbv <^oD liatb Uearbe rpgbt well . 3BnD tbe rfo?e, ipftc toptljppjaperfojtfommnaunt.t&ntpetare left . §)o t|ie feruauntesi of t^e Rpnge feeje^ luajSeamctoefap, 21 nb <£fapgauiM!be* tbptfanfwcre^ape jb tbustjnto pour lo*M:t&uti faptb tjie lo^De: 25enotafralcDoft^wo^De0tbattboubaft bearbe wberwitb tbe bpng oftbc Miriam* feniafitesibaueblafipbemeD me.*26ebolbe, ***** 3 will caufc a wpnbr to go ouer i)fm,afione m a»De|iearct!)tberui[nour,|)eaiaUgoaga [l»(t)«.((.b. |i!l).lTb.Q e jf of tot tvtit lo?bc of If)oftc0, p (Boo of 3trael, wbic|)Dweileft bpon * Clie* rubinCbou act tbc dSoD, tbat onelp <0 <&ob of all tbc UpiigbbmejJ of tbc wojioe.foj tbou onelp baft ^createbbeauen ano ear tb.4= tbcrfojw baue tbep DcftropcD tbem. delpuer •b0 tben, ® torn oure (5ob,from tbe bHDe0 of ^>ennaberib , tbat all ftpngoomc0 of tbe trcrtb mapc Rno we , tbat tpou onelp art tie liojDe. wn(Kfapetbefonncof3Cmo?fent Onto i5e?cRln,fapittge:^bu0faptbf lo?be tifjoD of 3ftael.tDbcrea0 tbou baft maDctbP p?aper ijnto me.afi touebpng $>ennaberib p Rpnge of 3aft pjia.tbi* 10 tbc anfwere, tbat p io v JDclwtlJ geuenconcernyngc l)pm. .©efpti fro art f UnD mocftebc £D Daugbter of ^>pa; UcDatbHiaWDWbtaDattDe, €) Daugbter of 3ctufalem.2Sut tbou §>ennabcr ib. * wb om baft tbou DefprD anD blafpbcmco^ 3 ga pnft wbom baft tbou UftcD toptbp tjopce, anbey= altcD tbp m otibc loo(te0r euen agapnft p bo* iponcof jfracl.'Cboti witb t|)p leriiauntetf baft blafpbemcD tbc Ho^De.anD tbu0 bolDcft tbou of top Telfe.3 will cotter tfy bye moun* tapne0,anD fpDe0 of ifbamitfwf f &mv bo«tf= men . 3 no tbere will 3 cut Downe tbc bye Ce D?c tree0anDt|ie?ap^ft5f pire tree0.3 wpll tiuinto tbe f)e^t^ of it , anb into tbc chef eft ofbP0tpmtyewoDDe0.3ftbcrcbciiowatfr, 3 wpllgraue anD D?iuRc36nD as fo? waters of Defence, 3 ibail nwt\$ top wftlubc fete of nipiiebooft.^cc,bafttbou notbearbe , wbnt 3 baue taRcn in banbe , $ b^ougbt to paft e of olbe tpmc^ba t fame wpll 3 Do nowealfo : waftc , Deftropc , anD bipnge ftrongccptietf tontobcape0otftonc0. jfo^tbey? tnbabita = tours ujnlbc lyRe lame men, bjougbtinfea* re anb confounDcD.'Cbtp ibalbcip&e p grafte *grcnel)crbc0"int|)efclDe,lpl$etbrbcptopon aoufetoppe0,tbatwiti)eret|)afo?citbcgro= wne top; 3 bno we tbp wayes, t\)p goliigc f o^tb anb tbyeommpnpre borne, pee, ttyyimuuicffea* gapnft me.wrfo?c tby f urioii(hc0againft me, anb tbp P^pbe 10 come before me. 3 wpll put mp rpnge in tbp note, anb mp b;pbte bpt in tbc cbawes of t|)t, anb tujHic t^t about, cue" fljtforoe wayetDon camcft.3 wpll geuetDe alfo tW toRcn( C»^e?eRia ) tbpief pcreibalt tbou rate fttcbaSgromctb ofptfclfeijf tbc fe« eftDeyeare , f wblcb fpitugcto agapne of tbe wmcanD in tbc tbviot peace, ye qj-Jli foaoe $ reape, vet.vc (ball pia* te tolneparbes, anD en= lope tbc frutcStberof. 3BiiD foebe of tt)e boufe of Jiiiki a0 are tU capeo, (ball come togctber , anD tberemnriut flball taRc rote benef b,nn&b!inge fo^tb frute aboue.5foztbcefcapeb(b , allgooutof3eru= falem , anD tbf mnnaunt from tfic mounte ifepon. 3lnDtbp0u;alltbegelor.ifpoftl)etoJDe of <5 H>ofte0b?ingtopill not come into tTnScptc.attD (balujoteiioarot»cintomui>.v>.* uapne,anDalllapefullofDecDbobye0. $>o ^>enna|)ertb tlje Rpng oftbc 3Gu"p?tiSb?aRe top,!jfbweltati5iuiue.3tftcrwarDeitrbaun= feb ,a» be p?apcD in tbe temple of £c(ra& DiS d5oD,tbat3!D?amalccbaitb ^nra?er bPS a> tunc f onuc0 flcwe bim witb t^ (WcarD.nnb flcD into tbc lanbe of Armenia. Tim 3lfar ba DottljiSlonncraygncOin tyti fteaDe. CCbcwrtoiti.Cbapter. t lOge afo?c tbi'0, was T9C= % I Jl^ccbta fpcae tonto tbcbeetb, i I* «tbcpiopbctc(gfap ptm-*mt ^ tie of ^mojeatue tonto bi , $ t,,mt - M fapD^btis comaunDctbtbe $ loibt^cttbpncboufcino.i- ' b?c,fo,ttboiiiniuft bye, anD tcrr.a. mti.t (bait not efc ape. imn ^fjecbiaturncD bv0 face to warDc tbc wall, anb ;p?apcb tonto tl;c ito^Dc ,anD fapbe: laemtmbje ( O Lo^tbc ) tbatS'bauewalcRcDbcfojeebcintrcutbanb a ftebfaft berte , 9 baue bone tbc tbpnge tbat is plcafauntto t^tTtno 19c webia weptc fo?e Ubcn rnybc (^ob tonto <£fap:<5o anD f pcabe tonto lof?cclita:f|)e lo?D(5oD of <©auiD t^v fatber fenbetb tbc tbiS wo.ibe:3 banc bcarbe t\)p pjayrr , anb confpD^eb f bp teareS, * be* * xmm* bolbf,3wiU put fpftencprarcSino tonto tbp lpre,anb bclpuer tbcanbtbccptlealfo , from t^t baiiDe oftbc Uynge of 3KTp;ia\fo? 3 wpll « Dcfe nbe $)t cptlc- * inb taRc tbc tbPS toben * i,m.«.s* oftDcLoiiD,tbatbewiUboit,a0beDatbfpo^ lien : 25cbolbe , 3 wyllreturne tbe mabowe of % jja? byal,tbat no wc is lapcb out witb P 0(5 to £bumie %\yt $?opl)etpe \\v V &uuncinibtymgeittenbegrecgbacl!;wnrb. *3iorur.r.c *&o the Smnne tumtbten begtecg back* ■B warbc.t be which be wag befcenbeb af o?e. ca tl)a itcae fgc upnge, which If>c*cb( a SifitQC of 3uba wjote, wbtu bepab bene fpcltc.anb mag rccoucreb. 3 tbougpt3 ibulbe flaw gone to t^e ga- tes or jjm VDljcttntfine age wag fiho?tcneb, aim haue wanteb the refpbue of mp pearegj C 3 fpa ae within nip lclfc-3 iball muer tof * fet the iojbe (tjje i,ojb3 fape ) be a crane , anb monrncb aga bone. 3 Ipfte top mpne cpeg into tijeljepgtft: £> Ho jbe < (iipbe 3 ) mp rpcancg fcepetp me bo= m. wnc:cafe thou me. <*TOat wall 3 faptf lE'ljc loibi bath mabc a momife to me. See, anD lie him fclfc bath perfourmeb ft. 3 wall tnerfojcaglonge ajs 3 lytic rcmembjtc tbpg bittroiegofmplpfc. dDlojbemfnmnpc lpucbcponbtbcpjpeareg,anb3wpUbecia= re to all men : that cue* in tbofc pe rcg 3 ha ue a topfull ipfe, and that it wagtbou that can* febeft me to ttcapc anb agapnc thou tad ge= uen ipfe to me. nScholDe bptter ag gall wag mp peufpucneffe , Co fo?e longcb 3fo? hcltb %rib it t»ag ttjp pleafure to btiiiier mp ipfefrom fbcfpltbPepptr, fojtbou (tig C O ioibctfbot hnft caft all mpfpnneg bebpnbe * ^m.u.». thpbacae.*#o;t bell p?apfctb not the, bcatp both not magmfpetlje. "SDbe p that so bo wnc into the giraae my* fc not thp truetfrbttt the Ipuinge ,pce, tpe lp= uinga anowiebge f ,lpneag3 botbpgbapc. %\>e father tclleth DP* cbplbjenof thp * lurm, ». faptbrulnelfe; * 'Ko bealeme(tfgtbelo;t= beg wojcae,anb we wpll fpnge my fongcg tn tbp boufc, all the bapeg of oure ipfe. 3Anb eiape fapbe:tabe a plapfter of tpggeg , anb lapc it topon the f 02 c, fo Ojall it be whole. nm fapb Ipejetoa : flD what a great nai« racle in t W> that 3 ftall go top into the hou= feoftheiUJbef C^he.iCWijc.Chaptcr; Cl&mibU it vcp;otico of «r«pe , be caoft br Qirtutd fjp» creature bneo (be cmbtWitoutt of isabpion. 'C * the fame t pme a?erooach 25alabam , nBalabamusi fonne apnge of S5abpIon , fent Ictteesf fib we fentf jK to i^e jeftia. tfoj he tonhciftche hot»e f he hah bene % * mi atzn. rr-c fpcb,^ wagrecouertb agapne. * 4nb »cje= *«.. M|1 bia wag glabthetolU ibewtb thi the c$mo^ ™1 bft{c$*ofhfmawtMffpluet,of)jQlb,ofa)l ccjs f roteg, of p^ecionsf opleg,all t|mt wag m ijtf ctibbopto t mitfmtyo\M.'t\wt wast . not oiwthingein^ejeaiagbonfe.anb fotho= % rowoutaUh^^njsbome^at^elettbfreit. 'Chen came ©fape themopfjeictoHpnge %i ?e hia, anb fapb tonto him , tt?b at haue the men faphcanb from wlilce came thep tonto the^e^hiaanfwiteb; theptameonte of a farre countre tonto me, ont of 25abpl6i®fap faphe : whathaneihfPlobcbtoponin thv«e otife^e^caia an(toeceb,3rU that iginmpne . loufe haue thep feme: anb therein nothpnge & in mptrcafnrejjut 3(bewebit them. 'ftheitfapDceftp tonto ^ejenia^inbc^ ftanbe f woihc of ttye ioib of i^ofteg: * H$e= * ««.« bolbcthc tpme wpllcomcthat euerp thv«S w,f> which igin thpnehonfe.anballthat thpu?o« genitour eg haue lap c top in ft oar e tonto tty$ m bapcujalbe cariebttoiSabiloti.anb nothing left behpnhe.^hig tapeth the lo?b.Pee,anb parte ofthpfonncg.thatfeaUcome of the,5b whom pu^altget , (balbe catpeb hence, anb become gelbeb chamberlapneg in the bpnge of iSabplong courtu.'Chen raphe ^e?ebta to (Sfap.l^ow (5ob piiofpere higawne couccll, which f haft tolbe me. ^efapbemo^eoucr: g>o t tpere be peace ^ faithfmneg i mp tpme. CShe.JClChaptcn . SSbe commpnge of.^i.j oljn baptf (t.Sbe p;ep«j»cpon (be apoaieff.srbe CAllpnge of (pe © rntpieff. jDmfo|temppeople(€5pep?opl)e« ^ te g ) tmit c mp people, fapetb pour <0ob,cfifo;{te3erafaKatthehe«,¥ tenher^liectranapleigatanenbe that her offence ig parboneb, that (he hath re* ccautb of the %qw hanbemificient cojrec> cte fo^ ail hee fpnneg. * ^. toopr e eeleth in wil **&$ berneg.l&«paretbe wape foi # lozbein the ffiffi W!lberncu*e , mahe iftrepght p path fo^ourt aotnic, C50b in f bereete.let all toallepesl be rjcaiteb, * miV P\ 9 euetp moiitapne a Jullbe.lapeb lowe, what foigcrolteb,letitbeniabeftrapght:$Ietthe . ,, tough be mabeplapme fclbeg. *jfo?pglojip *J e ' w * of the lo?be ftjail appear e, anb all fleth Ojall ^ atonce fe it ,f 0? why: the month of the JLo?be hath f poise n it HThe feme toopce fpabe: iBtowectpe.^nb p Kiophctanfweeeb;what(haU3cei , e.'' **hat ±W .,J all (feChe itf grade, $ iftat all the goblineg th e* ItmiL rof,igag pf loure of j5 felbe.1irhegrafie ig w= MffiJU theteb>f flourefaU«thawape.,©uefp igthe * caM n people ag grade, when the bjeath off %aiU bloweth to»8 th?. ia^ucrtheleg , w&etfter the graffe wptpec, 0? f flour e fabe awape.* ^et * mm f wo?b of oucd?obtnburet^fo?enet.<0o top «g^* tonto ftotWCP iW )i ) that bitfgt ftgoob fgSS tpbpngeg , Ipfte lop thp toopce with t»o wc r , c sb thou p?eachee3ei!ufalf. ipfte « ton with* out f car e , anb fape ion to the cptieg of 3uba ; 3i5ebolhe jSeholbe pouw dgrob, beholbe efie ioib 00b flmUcome with power , anb bta re rule with h'ig armc.)Seholbr, he hnngeth M treafure with him, anb hist wo?,caeg go before hpm. ^eihallfebebigflocEtlplteanhcrOman. I^e (ball gather the lam beg together with bp£ onne jrtnb catpe them in W bofome , 9 ftall fepnbelpiutwate thofc that beare pongc. tPho h«t&&ol&eu the watccg in hpg f W U)hohathm;afureb hcauen u5higfpamie , 9 hat hcSpjchenbeb all the earth of f wo?lbe in th?emeafnreg:ttthohath wepeb f inoGtap* neg 9 hplleg in a balaunce.U)Oohath refour- 5> mubthempnbeof p lojbefojtowhohnthhc ft »{Mr.b. (he web hig counfcll. * ©^ who ig of big cofi = mmh* cell to teach him:o? who hath geuen him ton* bcrftaubpngc anb hath taught him the path of iubgemeut tt>ho taught htm coningeaim openeb to him the wape of tonber ftanbpnge. 2bcholbe,all people are in cfipar pfon of hpm, ag a 0? oppe to a Docket f uu, 9 are counteb ag thelcftthingc that the balaucewcpeth.^ecf p Jleghetabethtopagatoerplpttelthrg. U= banugig notfuffici?t to miniftre fp?e fojhpg offeringe , anballthebcaftegeherofarenot pnongh to one race if ice. 3 II people in cfipar p* mm.*- fonofhimaretekeneoag nothing, * pf thep e becSpareb with him leffe then uothpnganb ag it that ig not. %a who tpen wpll pe linen $ob? 0^ what^imilitube willyc fet top \)tt- t ohim.'&hall thecarucr mane him a carucD pmage^ (ball ?golbfmpthcoaecbpm with golbco^cafthimintoafourmeoffpluerpla* tegfa)o;eoiier,fhall the pmage maker (that the poo^e man which jrbnowethnotofmpiubgcmentcg.rwo>^& weft thou not, 0? haft thou not hearbe , that theeuerlaftpngeti5ob,theio^ocwhichmabe all pco^necg of the earth, ig nether wcerp not fapnt5anbthath(gwpfoomcc5iiot bccep?.c= henoeb:butthat be geneth ftrcngth tonto the weerp.anbpowrrtoiitothefapntc/Chilbzcn areto)eerpanbfapnt,onbthe ftrongeft men fall.*25ut tonto tljcni that hiiuc the iLoiDbc=* 3lfr .rbii.b f oje thep? cpeg , ftjall ftrcngth be cncrcafch. aicglegwpngcg (ball gr owe topon the. H)he thcpirunne thep (hall not fall:anb when thep go,tl)epihallnotbcwecrp. / CHhc yli. Chapter; <£Qt (be BOoDuea anb meecp ot £506 (o'tnarbe tJjr people. Mg € ftpll ( pe 3 lanbeg) anb herac tonto % m me. 25e ftronge pe people , Come hi'= g^Jithcr,anbajewepourecaufe,wcwpll go to v la we together. fcUbo rapfeb top &r f i» luftman fro the rpftnge of tbe&unne , 9 caU Ieb him to go fo^tf)f U)ho caft ho wnc the pco ple.anb fubbucb the ftpngeg hefojc htm: that be mape thio wc them all to the groubc with higfopearbcanb featretbe" Ipbc (rubble with bigbowc-locfoloweth topon tbc",anb gortb fafelp him felf.^lnb that tn a wape where,bc= f o?e hig f otc hab not trobcn.lDho hath mabc anb crcatcb theg thingegreuen hcthatcalleb s the genewciongfrom the bcgpnnpna^Cue *ec a .tmu 3theio,Jbe,whichamf fp^ft, anb with the Bfifflf- iaft.'Ehcplegfaweit.abibfearcanbthecn* p beg of the earth, wereabatheb.b.jcwc npe , $ cam hithcr.eucrp man e;cho?teb M nepo> boure.ab^othccanbbabhimhedroge.'tbc carpenter cofo^tebthcgolbfmpth,? the golb= fmpth P hamcr ma,faping:C5luc wpll hotoc rp wcl in it. Jt Chalbc goob, f wc fafteu tljig caft ttoitodt then thep faff enrb it with nap-- leg,thatit Qnilbe not be moucb ,Mm thou 3fraela«mpfcruauntc: thou Jacob melt-- C cte.thou artp fcoc of 2EbMhammp bcloueb thou art he who 3 Irb fro the enbeg of £ earth bp the hahc.5! o?3 callcb the fro farre mt fro amog the glonoufc ml of it, 5 fapb tonto the. tttpon art mpfcruaut.3 haue cbofcnthcanb not caft the a wape: * be not afrapcb , f 01 3 * en,. n m b am^tDc. fape tonto the. ffcarc not.3 wpjlhclpc P25e not afrapbe thou Iptlc wo?me3acob, 9 thou befppfeb 3froel : f on 3 wpll hclpc the , fapetb the ioibc , anb the holp one of 3fracl tUftte auen3cr.25eholbe,3wpllmabe?atrc«ibing cart ami :! *ti 1 '!.* it * m + ■ t\)t $?b pljtcy e c a r tanb a new flay iMbat tljou mayflr tl'ijcfr Giennbgrinbctbemouiitnyncd, anb tyyngt tlic I) piled to p on idcr , ^ tiou (bait fanttc fifoem anb t|]c wynDc (ball caryc tbem a wayc, anb tt»c wbir Iwynbc fljall fcatcr tb* m.lfcnt t|>ott (bait rcioprc in tfie &o?bc, anb (baltbclyitt in _ pjayfincre tl)c liolv one of 3ftael. 4,«„., ^ * twn t»jc tby? ftynnbpoo?cfeuc watt n ******* Qtyfa tiottcawouaftcntljmtonaei!* ftflw of fftwft.3ge!«tt tbcmfnytb tbe lo.2ine.3l !***»*» y (0oo of 3fraclfo?"ake them not. *3 fywi* plaync frlbed. 3 tunic m wylbcnicd to ry= ncrd>anMbcD?pclanDctoconbyttcd of wa» ter . 3plante in tlic wnfte grotmbc tret* of Ccb?e,iSojCf,a?tvwantt?fro' tbe oioe tymed , 9 toe will cofeffe, anb fare f> be id rf gbteoud.28ut tljcre 10 none tbat lbt= wetb 0? ftecJnretb eny tbtng.tberc 10 none al= f £ beatetb pour c wo?bed.'Cbc fy?ft 10 be f Cballfapcto?pon,2i5cbolbe,b£bolbetbepare p?efent, 9to3crufalgitfclfe wtll3gcue an eui1gel(fte.Butwbcn3c6rj>bertbeteidnot a man amongc tbe,no?any p can ijeucconn- fell, nonbat u>ben3ejtamentbemtbatcan anCtner one t»o?b.i.o,ujtc!ieb arc tbep 9 \jat» ne,t6tDe tbtngesi alfo p t))ty take inwfofet, tbeir pmagetf are but wpnbc $ tmime t&tjxcg. C^bcicluCbapter/ gl>e co mmpnge of cfr;pft,ant) jgg baptpme. * mati)-«>.b ||^|j]€ebolbe, >i. * tbtg^mpco-fcr^ j:«j.a.#.mu m MiM uauntet)pont»bom31eane,mv- nc elect e,3n tt>bom mp fouic tfi pa «, e a elf pcb.3 baue geuen bpm mp Ijp?e« * te,tbatb'ptnapeibett>cfo2t|) inbgement anb •» /■ r II ,-l eauftpe among tl)e dgfcntileji.^e (ball not be anoutcticc,ncrlpfte\)nbW^oP«W *op» cental uotbebearbeimtbe ftretcsi. anb a ujo» f eb r ebe (nail be not b jeane, anb tbe On oht tig fi ajee {hall be not cnieiiicfrbut favtbf nil y anb tr uip (bail be gcuc (ubge mcnt,not be penfp* tic no^ carcfi! II , tbat lie mape reft oje r pgbtco * nfneis bnto tbe car tb> anb tbe en tplcd alfo (bal kirpebija lawejs. # jf 0? tfyi* rapetb oti* €ftMlc . t\)t l&m bntobpm C enenbetbatmabetbe «"m<«ia;j bcaueianb fpiebtbPmab?obe,anbfetfojitb * f becartb tf bet (ntreafeswW gcuetb b^eatb Ditto (be people tbat (0 in it , anb fpirttc to tbcm tbat Dwell tberf n)3 tbe lo?D baue caU leb tbe in ry«bteonfnea,anD icd tbt bp tbe Df* be. ^^bw^wpll 3 aifobcfcnoe m, ano * mm , gcuctbe fo?a couenaunnt of tbe people, anb to be tbe ^lygbtoftljedjcntilcsi.'Ebattbon *wm. mapeft open p epesl of tbe blpnbc, * let out p * ^.J pitfonerK fr 6 tber bonbciei 9 tbem tbat fpt in m barchneffe, out of tbe bongeou boufe.euen 3 amtbe3Lo?bc,anbtb(0isimvnamc: * 3m) *m»\,u\ mpglo?pwvll3gctnetononeotber , nctbec mpnebonotire tograucn ymngctf. ^Bebolbe, olbctbingetfarecometopaHe ,« new tbpn= gc}Sbo3bcclarc. 3»bo?euertpcvcome,3 tell pott of tbem. ^^»pngetjntotb« lozbeanewe fongc of tbanckefgeuingcblowe ontbi0P?apre from tlje mm of tbe wojlbe. %$tv tbat be Dps tbe fee,anballtbati0tberiu,p?apfebPm , ?3lcg anb tljep tbat b well in tbem. let m w vlbf r« netfwitptbccprtejJUIfte bpbet uopecptow* r nc^alfotbattbepofCebatbwellin.ietttbc^ be glabtbat fyttopS rocked of (tone, anb let tbem crpe bo wne from t^e tyt momttapued : afcrvbpnge glojpe Dntotbelojbc, anb ma* guif pingc bvm nmougc tbe d5entvlctf. % \)z lojbe (ball come foztb ad agpafite.anb take a (torn ack to bi Ipke ad a f reO) ma of warre. 3i?e(baUroarc9 ccie,« ouercomebidenemicd; 3 baue lotiflc bolben mppeace( fayetb tbe 1lo?bc)3 baue bene ftpll anb refrapneb mp felfe , but no we 3 Wl cepe lyke a traue» Ipnge womS , ft at once wpll 3 beftrope ,anb bettotire.3 willmakc wapfte botb moutapne anb bill ,1 b?vc Dptnerpgrcne tljing f grow- etbtberon.3wtllb?peDptbeflottbes(ofwa= tec, a itb b?lnc ke Dp t(je r ptt erd . 3 wpll tying tbe blinbe into a (tee ite, tbat tytv ftnowe not • anb lebe tbem (ntoafotepatb, tbattbep arc tgnojtaunt in.3 (ball mane DarckneKe ipgbt befo?ctbem,anbtbetbpngetbatidcrokeDto Deftrcpgbt.'Cbcfetbingedbaue3 Done Dit^ to tbem, anb not fo^laken tbem; * '©bey are *&t.m\ fall? backe pee, anb let tbem beafbamcD cat= iicftlp,tbatbopein3boled,9fapetofa(bpo^ «cbpmaged:peateionregoDDe0. Dear e, O ye Dealfe men,anD (batpf youte id J fygbted to fc( a) ye WinDe J* l»bo(d blinbe, * m*** but my fcrunawcu fo beafe, ad my meffafi- get > wbom 3 rent vato tbemi St 0? wbo « tbe rule ©fCfaye ifclb foW^c(favet|)et>)«i^tbepfrfectcmmtatiO DerftonDeftmocl),anliHepeftnocl)pnac:t^c eartiiareopen^nomanljcaretlj.^ljcllo^c MP* :fllttte«n. j*WO.M'W.C Uoanuift. a tt(AMttl« |te&.«/r.B U3JU.HI.-.1. *«rttf.tf.f. fakc:tbat DW wojbe mpgbt be magnify eD 5D may feb. 26ut tbe people tbem ftlued id rob= Jeb aitb r robe* DnDer tbe f otc cbapneb in Don- aeoudanDtbepalK3fayc)be (butinto p?e« fonboufed.*€beybecarpcbawapecaptiue anbnomanbotblowfetb?.^bepbetroDen Dnbcr fote,anb no mSbotb Inborn* to tying tbem agayne.*lButwbo fpnnte fo?bp* atone faUe. _ , _ m nowctbc iiojDetbat mane it^t iD 3ncob,anbbetbatfa0)pouebtl)e : © ^^Ifcael.fayctbtbud.'* jTearcnot , fo? 3 banc tcbcmcD tlje. * 3 iiane callcD tbe by namctbon artmpnc awne. * £f tbon goeft tbo?ow tbe wattr,3 wilbewitb tlje,tljat tbe ftrongc floubcdtbnlDe not pluck tbe awayc. *?(inbyftl)ouwalckcfttbo?owctbcfy.ic,it (boll not burnetbc , anb tbe ftamcfball not kvnble Dpi) tbe Jf 01 3 at" tlje ioib tljy C5od tlje boly one of 3ftael,tljy £>auiourc.3 gane egpptc foj tby bcliucraunce ,tbc 4^onaniS 9 tbe S>abctd fo? tbe;bccattfc tbon waft bcare in mp fygljf ,anb becaufc 3 fet by tbe.anb lo» tied ( ljc.3 wyllgcue ouer all men fo? tljcanb bcly uer Dp all people fo?tbV fakefcarc not ; fo? 3 am wttb t^t, * 3 wylltyf nge tbpjcbc fro tbctgaft.anbgatbcttbe togctljcrfro tlje weft.l wylUayetotlic 0o?tb, lettgo. 3tth to tbe g&mitb, keucnot backe: * but ty mg me my fonnedfeom tarrcanb my bangbtcrd fro tbe enbedof f wo?lbc.aamcly,all tbofc tljat becallcb aftermynamc. jfo? tljcm ljaue3 createb,Myoneb,9mabcfo?mync bonour. . *H!5?iugcfo?tb tljat people, wbtcb id blin= Dc(?yetbai:bepcd,wbtcbarcbcafcaltijougb tbey baue eared. * 3f all naciond come in one anb be gatbereb togctljer , wbicb amongc tU (ball Declare Coclje tijyngcd,anb tell Dd wbat id to come.'' Lcttbemtyynge tljey? witncffc foujail tljcy be fee : eld , let tbem marc , anb f aye , it id tmtlj.S oti arc my witncffcdC fay tb tbe &o?bc ) anb my feruannt, wbom 3 banc cbofcn:tbctfo?t be certifieb fo gent me faitb-- fullcrebcnce:anbconfyO?c, * tbat 3 am be ,*humuu bef o?e wbom tbere wad nencr any (5ob,anb apoca.i.b. tbat tber fttflbc none after mc.3 am ettcn, 3 am tbe only lo?bc * anb befibe me tber id no tout, pum ^aniourt.3gatte warningc,3 mane wljole ^ 3 taugbt you wben tljerc wad no ftranngc <2)Obamonge you. 3nbtb(dreco?bc mnftye bcare me yourclclncd,( fay tb tbe lo?D> tbat 3 am C5ob . anD euen be am 3 f torn t\)t bc= gynnynge.anb^tbcrct'dnonctbatcan take . jo^rj. anytbpuge ontof mybanbc.3bo tlje wozke anb wbo (ball be able to let it. %i)i\8 fapctb tlje £o?De tlje boly one of 3f= racl yonre rebemer: v fo? yonrc fake 3 banc *ecar.^.b. fcnttoiBribplon.anbtyongbtbownc^ftrS' geft of tbcm.^lltbty art fugityuc witljtljc Cbalbced tljat booft tbem of tljcy? ftipppcd : €ucn3;tbc l.o?De youte boly one wbicb ba = tic mabe 3ftael,anD am pourc ftynge. "Eljud . fapetb f toiDt ( *entn be t*zr tbat maftefb a *g w ** wape in tlje * fee , 9 a footpatbin tbe mygb- * & .tmu ty watcrd: *wbic(jtymgctbfo?tljpcbaret= * cri , rc . r .a. ted9 boifed, tbe bofte 9 tlje power of warre, momma tbat tbey may 'fall anb nt tier tyft,anD be cjc= tiitctc,lpke ad towc id quencbeb. l^ememtye not tbynged of olbe, anb re= garbcnotbingetbatidpaft.)Sebolbe3fl)all makcancwctbynge,anblbo?tlpibanttapi pcarc,9 ujall you not bttowc itr 3 wyll ma* ke ftrcted in m bcferte.anb rpuerd of water tntljc wylbcrncd.- '©be wplbcbcafted (ball wo?mypj)tme : tbe bwgond, anb tbey onge ^ (gftricDcd.* jfoz3ujall gcuc water in the *wo,*m. ujplDerncd.nnb ftreamcdiu tlic befcrt : tbat &• gj J* may gcuc D?tncbctomy people, wb53cbo* * * * fcSftyd people bane3maDefo?myfclf,anD tljey a5aUftjcwcfo?tbmy pjayfc. 5fo?tboti ( 3«icobJwolbeft not callDponme, but tljou babDeftan DiilufttowatDcmc, 3ftael . 'Ebou gaueft menot tby beaded fo? burnt offcringcdnctljcr Dybeft bonour mc with tby facrifyecd/ftbon bottgbtcft mc no bf arc fpy- eewitbtby moncy,netber ponrebeft tbefat of tl)v (acrifycedDpomc. #%0Wbeit3baue * eutt-m, not bene cbargcablc Dnto tbe m offmnged . sw*"**** nctbcrgrcuoudmiticcTc. TSnt tbon bait labc mc wttlj tbp fymtcd , 9 weryeb me witb t\}v= ncDngobipned. *UMjcrc ad 3 yet, cue* 3 am be onely.tbat * mmu>* fo? myneawnefclfcd fake bo awaye tljyne atmnM offcccd.anb fozget tby fynncd:fo tljat 3 will ncuertbinckcDpon tljcm4*3titmcnow inre» mcmb?auncc(fo? we wyll rcafon togctber ) anb (bewe wljat tbott baft foi tbe, to make tlje rygbtcottd.^'iS'by fy?ftfatljcr offenbeb * ««"f- aw f o?e,anb tby r tiler d bane fynncD agaynft me. /5umf • ** *• tyfciimj etljcr fuf p5bcb,o? fluetlje cbefeft pynced, 3 byD curfc 3acob,anb gnue 3fracl into rcp?oft. si \\ \i SI If Cfcbc.]fl"'tt.eiwpteri CCtylft t.j Y i» • 't C«1»W tyqmijttft to *fltnwi>i?« csjut^t. (©Dcarenowc , j0 Jacob mpftr* nawnttf ri&SJrael wpe 3 Daue cDo fen. ff o?tJmafeptD % Co?b, tDat JmabetDeifaibponeb fMh helped fnceuem from tDp mockers wombc. 2$e not nfrapcb,,£>3acob mpreruamit, tho» rvgb» Sf/SSu b i*outf,wb53Dauccborcn,* MaWugii- * " n ' wcwarertjpoii^liw^ffrouiiOe.dfFjttcrjes * tjt.mu* tjpbrtrbctDurftpc. * 3 ifoaUpoHremprp?ete 3iori«u«ft a** « b *P*¥ *«P febc,ano mpne cncrenfe bpou tDP ***"* ftock.-fcoep fnallfirowe togetDer, fyke** f gra ire , atiD n& tDc wpuowetf Up tDc wa tcrjs r/T* fpbe. fc^r jDncfimtt fape:3 am tbe tamfr 3nof ner (nail cMDpm fclft after t&e name of lacou. '&bc tDy?DcftallMbfetibc wttb DpjS ttaubc tmto tDe lo?be,a«b geue Dim fcif \jn= bcrtDcitamcof3Trncl. 25 ■€ \w& Da tD tbc io?De fpoken : cuen tDe t^piifie of 3frad,anb Dte rcbemcr.tbe lo?be * cfflp.m. a . f feoftcjaf: * 3 am tDe fptft anb tDc laft, anb erap.ri'bVc witboutmc i0 t!)cre no <2>ob. £f anp be ipke Sgyp£ we » icte bpm call fo?t&tDctDpngepaftcanb P4W ,0 * opcnlp fftewe it, anb lapc it plapncbcfoic me wDat batbcDaftfeb rpnee 3apopntebppcb* pic of tbewo?lbc, anb wbatfballbe fbo?tlp o?wbatftallcometopaffe,intpmelongcta come, let tbcm fljewc t peg tbpngetf. "Be not abaffceb no? aftaybe . #o? pauenot3 ener tolbc pou l)ptDcrto,anD warncb pou t ge can bcare me rcco?be ponrc fcluctf. 3$ tDcre anp ob crccpteme i o? anp maker, tDat3 tfculbenotknowcDpm? 3&Ilcarucr$of 3mage#arebntt)apnc,& tDe carueb pmagctf tDat tDep loue, can bo no goob.^Dep mutt bcare reco?be tty fclu ctf, tbatffciwgctDrpcanuetbcrft ucrWorrfta* *cra P .jiu.b oeJtDepifcalbe confonnbeb. * Mo bane tbe" mane a 00b , o?fafbpon an pmage > tbat 18 *i3r.cr««.t>. wofprablc fo?notDpnge:f * 28cDolbc, all tDc &api2. fiij.c. felowibipppe of tbcm muft be b?ougDtto c6* fufpon. anbtrulpnUtDewo?kemafterj3l of tb c m ae men, tDep CrjaU all be ga t be tcb to gp= tber, tbc:p (ball franbe,treble, anb be confofr beb one witty a notDe r.lEDefimtDmaketljan afcanbtempcrctbttwitDDoatecoalc&anb falbpom'tDit wltDD5mtr$,anb wo?ftet|j tf it wttDalltDefttengtD of Dp$arme$:pee,fo= metptncDe i& fapntfo?\jrrp Danger » anbfo . tlnir&pe,timti)e!)ati)nomo;e power. %ty catpentercoj pmage caruer)taltt tymeafut* of tDc tpntb?e:anb fp«betftfo?tft Wis lpne;be maraetl] it ttJithrome col oute.be plapnetbit, lieeuletjiit.ab iQiiaretD it, anb mafcetU it af- ter t be pin a ge of a m a n , a nb acco?b in « tci tlie htmv of a man;f> it niape ftanbe in tfc tipple. C 4})o?f ouer, tyesoef I) oute to bewe bo one CeD^e trueaf. I»e b^pngett) l)ome €lme anb jjpfte^aiib tafepnge a bolbe co?age,fje UM$ outtbe bta tpmb^e of ttye wobbe. $e bim fel» febaebplantfDappnerree,tt)bnepeccbcuutttetl«np tw> tMittyanotber tjetoftetbftca^tbattJcmapeeaterofteWtfbe' Ip full witty tjje mm lie tswtmctl) Dim (elf, anb fapetl»:5eaa,3«im well uuaemeo^ Dane leueattl)efp?e ( a!u|)oftDereRb«e,Demahct|j bl a <0ob >$ an 3boi l! f o? Dim U\to$t SrtWetj beteit,ftewo?(Dii|ipetMt, tep?apet|> t)nto it>9 fapetp:belpuerlne,fo; tbou artmp 45ob. ° ' * 1 i *j * "^ .# * get men netbec cbfpwe ner Unuerftan= * «a.i Dt»becaHfe tbep^ ml are ttoppeb , twt tbep cnttttotfoaHDt&efcljctreMDatf&cp cannot uerceauc. 'Cbep poitD^e not in tw& mpnbed, to? tDc p Datie uetDcpfenowlebgenccAjubec* ftanbpn&e, to tDincUte cbus . 3 ban c b? en t one pece intDefp?e;3Dimebanebb?eaD witbtDe ^ colc0tbereof,3Datierofteb fieuj witDail,? B eaten it: (ball 3 now c of the r etybuc maa c an abb ominabie 3bolt! ,anb fall bowne btwxt a rotten pece of wooDS ^DljuslDebotDtnitiere bP0 labour c r anb W Dertc wDt'cDW bifeea> neb, bbtbturneDpmafpbe.fotDat none of tbem can Daue a fee k 6 ftience to t j)incfte:mape not3erref Confpb?etDpj(C^3acobattb3frac! ) fb? tDouartmpfcrnauiit.3DauemabetDe,tDat tDou mpgDteft feme me. €)3fcacl,fo?gce me not, *30fojtbpnc!omHiec*,3Daue bjpnen * n^ tbem awapelpbc tty cloubcjj.anb tlv fpnnejs ad tbemptt.^nrne tDeagapnet^nto me, fo? 3Dauere&cmebtDc« iiSeglabpeDeauimsl, wD6 fDe io^be DatD mabcf o^tDe lo^bebatbbealte graciouup td ijptfpeople.lct all tfiatisi DcrebenetD tjpon p eartb>beiopfuU.iaeiopftpemountapneie(anb wobbesl.witD all tbif treejst tberof: fo? f io?* be Da tb rebemeb 3acob,anb wpll ibcweDpss glo?pVpon3fracUrDu0faptDtbelo;btf)p rebemer , cue" be t bat faCbponeb tpe from top inotDctfwombe. * JtDe loibcbo alltDpn= *emd\ geie{mpfclftalone.3lonIpfp;ebeonttDe Dea* «&w .nw uenjs.anb 3 onlp Dave lapbe ttye founbacpo of "... fetfe. jjbeftrope tDe tob&of WitcDetf , anbmaftetDe^DOtDraier^ tDe eart.D Dp mpn a wne felfe. 3 beftr ope tDe fooleie(.3J!fo?tDe wpfe, 3tnrne tDem bacn- warbe,anb mane tbep? connpng f olpu>neffe. Jf)e p o tD fet up tDe purpofe of DisJ feruai?* tc, anb f ulf pile tD tDe councell atW mefl&tm* ger0 Concernpnge3etu{aiem,Defapct(j :3t ttialbetnbabiteb.atiboftbecptiesi of 3uba: ty\)tv CDaiDe Uwplbtb agapne.anb 3 will re> papje tDepjbecapeb placed ^efapetbto tDe gcofibe-.be bjpe.^nb 3 will typ* vp tDp xba= bcr floubesf.^c fapetb or Ci*. $^ tyeia »t^ mpne Derbman : fo mfWmamWA all tDpngejS after mp Willie fapetDaifo of 3e* rufalem:3tiiDallbaiuplbeb,anboftDetem« pIe:3t(Daltiefaftgtounbeb. C*De*.C»aptcr. .^. *•*< ■<\ ^ ■■f I" ■ i -* rWitierftundeof^P people b?£p;u0,2Fljc com? jfoJtofc ' /, tyw&rapetDtDc to?b ^ntoCP^utfDtg anbpntcb wDomJDaue taften bpp rpgbt U be, to fubbuc nation before wo^lbettiitDoutenbe. . ^o^tbwjeifawtDtDelOifb: * euenDetDat^asmf.r. 8. ereateb DeauMDe ob tbat mabe t be ea r tb, tjiat falbponcb it, anb fet tit fo?tD- ^c Dpb not matte it fo; naugDt, but to be enDabitcD; euenj tlje lozbe, WitDoutwDom tbere i$ - i^, / - |fc.*l WW lowfe tDe gp?Dle of UpngejJ , » _ . . . . . e f . . . . Mw* 1 *^ wflloptn P ffUfetf Defp?eDWface,anbnot none otDcr. *3Daue not ^oft? jecmip , ne= * ew.rr.< to tout rbete bo^.3 wrtlgo befo?etDe , anb tnaae tDe crblteb (f rcpgDt,3 ftall b^eane tDe b; a fen bq?eft $ bur ft tDe p?on bar re^.3 fall wo etlpUeptiptDoumapeftftnowei. „ | ' am? lo^be(H>ooof3fraelwDicDDaiiecalleb gene tie f Dpb" treafureM tDe tDpngewW f i $ fecretlp Ueptip tDou inapett ftnowe tDat 3 kffrtui. tDo Dp tDp name j $ * tDatf o?3aeob mp fcr- uauntcstfafte,? fo? 3fraci mpebofen. Jfof 3 calleb t$e bp tDpname , anb o?be pnrb t\)t o? •(tft.FMw.b eiicr tDou niieweft me. * &u? 3 tDe lo?b be* tDct in barcne placed of tDe eartD- 3f ttnot fo<( naugDt, tbat 3 fnpbe tonto tDc.febe of 3a* cob:rcaeme.3amtDeto^e,wbicbwDi:n3 fpeaae.beclaretDtDetDmg tDat W rigDteontf fttrue:gatDerpoufrcometogctbcr, b?aw nte S) pptbcr,pou fare efcapeb of tbc people. #j^a» %&**&** m ttyy enp \jnbcrftanbpnse, tbat fet top tbe Bnfuc,,,, ' c - ttor&ctfof tbcp?3bol£(,gt mapetmtoa ©ob, tDatcanotDelpetDem^biawenye, come Dp* tDtr,anb lettpafBecouucell oneatanotDec fo?cwbotDereijSnoneotDcr;fo?witboutme"\ anbfbewefo^D.CBDat^be.tDaCtolbetbptf mcn.f.a. tberijSnd C5bb.*3 Daue wepareb tbe o; euer befo 3 P* ereateb tDe IpgDt^ barcktteji.* 3 p** fc mane peace anb troublc:pee,cuO tbe io;be ,» bo aUtpefe tDtnge^. <* ge DeauenjS fro aboue b^opue bo wne,$ let tDe cloubei^ rapne rpgD- teoufited.'EDe eartD open it fclf e.anb b^inge fo^ei) DealtD.tDat tDerbp rigbteoufncC inapc flo?p(fe. Cuen 3 tDe io^be b?ingc it to pane. mm trite *CUobctontoDim^ftrpuetDnjDi0ma^ irr f . tbi,i,c. iter, t Depot lljerbe witDtDe potter. feapetD § »/• clapc to tbc potfer.tt)batmaRcfttboitfty tbp. mm* wo^Uefcructbfo^notbingj'Jaio betontob# tbat rapctDtobps fatlicr. TDbv begcttcft ft 3nbtobi^motber;WDpbcare(ttDou.'' / 5rDusi fapetD tDe io^be.eucn tbc Dolp one, $ maker of Jleael.af be me of tbpugesi fo? to comcco cerupngc mp fonncslianb put me in temCbja* unce.atf toucDingtbe wo^cke^ of mpbabetf; 3 baue mabe tbc cartb.anbcrcatcb man topo it. (HUitb mpne banbe js banc 3 f P?cb f ojtb bca ucn.anb geuen a commaunb ement foi all tbe Doofttberof.3ft)ai wake Dim \jpwitbrpgl> tmutA. tcoufneiEi.anb o?b?callDisiwapcgi.*?i)ciball bnplOemp cptie,anblctoutmp pgifontrftt tbatnetberfo?gpftno?rcwarbeiS,fapctbtbc C 3lo?b of feoacff.'CDujS fapetD tDe lo?b. tn occupierssof€sppt,tbcmarcbauntctf of tbe a7oc health tyat commt«li bP Cl)?P(l IS l)J0pl)fCPE6. eu*i$ fallc.iaaboitfbjokebow; 3 ue-.wbofcpinageig were a bur tbc n { gjf rt « fo? tbe bcaltejS aub catcll, to ouer = icccmpc.u. labc tbcm, anb to make tbcm wee- rp. Ubcparefonckc bowne, anb fallen to» getber : fo? tDep mape not cafe f Dcm of ibep? burtb5,tbcrfo?e muft tbep go into captinei ie. It)crkcntontomc,€>boufcof3acob, aub allpetljat remapnepct of tDc Douftjolbe of 3fracl: WDom 3 Dane bo?nc from pourc mo= B tbcr$wombe,nnbb?ougbtpou\)pfropourc bp?tb,tpllpe weregrow^. 3,3, wbicb (ball bcare pou wito pourc laftagc.3baucmabe pou,3wpllalfono?pfbpou ) bcare pou anb fauepou.* efiJDoin wpll pc make me iphe o? * mmf . to wDom wpll pe make me equal! o? copare me tbat 3 flmlbe be Ipkc Dpm » in fai])pon o* .ipUomtDereurnotteotHcr ^*H*«».^*.,««^^T.ft.-*i , *.^c — k.x of poure purfcjs.anb wepcit « Dp?ea golb* frnptDtomakeaCobofit , tbaemenmape c 6obaiib ^aiiuJiift of Jftnel t. Confounoeb aretDcpail ,' anb pu^tobi(bbnoure:tbet> are gone Dence togetDer witbu)ame, cuen f ma = Itcrjot of pmagetf. 26Ut Jftael fbalbe fauebin io?be,wDicDi^tDecttcriaftingefaiuacpd» efDall not conieto Wiie ner ebnfttfpim '» ftnele bowne anb wo?fbpppe it # get muft *m*tmt be be takgonmenncsifboulbcrjSf bo?He,aub ?3wu,r ' t "' r ' * m in W place, tDat De mape ftanbe anb not jnoue out of W pjate. ^lajj , f ififftjwlb ctpe 1 n i,V. !t: *^ !H*T7 E^ r \j. *■ y 3 crfc tonfo (itm wbfcb gcuctyno anftuerrtanH gcipucrctb nottye man tyat caiictu Up5 Mm , from Dvtf trouble: F Confytye tbi* wcll.anb bcntbnmeb. <$o iutoponrcawncfcluc*(i!i)pcriinnagafc*. ) ftcme'tye tbc typngc * wpi ty arc paft > fence p bcgpmi j ngc oftbe wo;ilbc: tyat 3 am <£ob 5 tbat tH)crc i* el* no (Sob.pee; 9 tyat tytrci* notyingc.lplic tontomc.3n tbc bcgpnnpiwre of a IM'3 mewc tye cube tycr of •. s 3 tell befojc,tytgc*tbatarcnotpctcome to paffe. JgVbeuccc ftonbety, ftcbfaftlp ftablpOicO, $ *crnMW.»3nufpUaHmppleafurc.^3raUai}V^bcout ofebeeaft^tbemgbpuJbomvcouccliqjnU bcfulfplieb outoffarrc cofurcrtf>a*fooneatf 3typncBetobeuifcatyvngc,3bolt. toeareme,i2)pc£ arc ofaitypc fromac&e, but farec from rpgbteonfncffe, 3 (ball b#n- gc foity mp rpsbreonmc* . 3t t* not farre , 9 inpfyalty ujall not tarp logcnwape.3 wpll lapc bcaltb in £ri on,niiD in 3ftacl mp gloip. ca:be.]rt»«.€b«ptcr. CS5f too;be of t^e io?bc agaputt oabplon. . j, qta* fo?tyc(£> Daughter 9 ftyum Jj5auiion)fptttyonDownrintycDnft ... _4fpttop6 tye groMibr,$»ctuiatnrone ( Q tbou mapbrn of cnlbca. )^ou Omit no j^r mm bccallcb tenber 9 plrafaimtfrspuSjfop; fo^tbtlJfQUcrncfsrmbcmcclcVntrnnctbp Jjopbcb beare.put of tbp Qioetf,mafce bare typKnce*^ waoctyojowe? tenter rpucr*. **& fitt" * Wj&amt malbr btfeoucreb anb flip mp= jiamiii.a. mfj^qjaiiicfcnc. ffoowpllaucngr ine of tbc* wpiu&cwenomcrcp to tbc a*, 3 bo to other men favctbourcrebcmcr.tobitb is eal= lebplojbcoffcoftcatycbolp one ofrfracj. 25 4 3>Ptftpll,boloctyptutigr,anD get tyem tofonicbarch;co^ncr(C>baugbtcrChalDca) fo? toon (bait nomoje be callcb labp of fcpmt* bomc*.3 wa*fo wjotyifimp people, tbat 3 *.».« „, h P mu fotbmpne enberitaiinrr.anbgauctbem * £$£' ffit ** ** wcr. * &mm* » J ujewjocft tpc no mcrcp.bnt cuen tl)c tocep ageb men of tbem,bvbcft tyouoppjefletpgbtfoie wity typ ppch,anb tbon tyongbtcfttyu*:3 (balbe Iabpfojeucr.ainb bcfpoealltyat, tbou baft not regarbeb tbefc typngc*, netber remem* b? to mat was tbe enbe of tbat cptie 3erufa lem.feearenowtyerfoje,tbou wpllftill, tya* fpttcft fo carelc* , anb fpea&eft tyu* in typne ' 'S$&% fy r te'*Jamalone>nnDwftyoutmei*tycre ^oct.m.b iionc:3C&allneucr be wpbowener befolate ngapne3nb pet botytyefe typngc* (banco- (l metotyetop6onebapeintye twpnclingeof 1 &&. b.c. mi epe; t j&amelp, wpbbowbeab , anb Defo- 'lacpon. ifcbepftjaU mpgbtelp fall topontyc , fo; tye mult itube of tbp tuitcbejai, anb fo? tbe mm mm of fbp conrnrerief . 5fo? tbou batt trufteb in ftp urt c&ebne& anb ^a& fapb. * cfa.tF pontb.<£uccponcbat|)tattenbijSat»net»avc anb wall none of tbcm Dcf cube tbe. Aim e.jcibiii.Cbapten A\ ILXbt ppoctpfp ottfo'. 3ittoiw it WWMMBln lot; tit alone vupibe too;(w>pptl> , toljicfr fab £h nrm h - ano ioWh rocoutctb te fo; bit atone faftr. Care tbi»!,€) tbou boufe:of3acob: * pc tbat are calleb bp tbc name of * 3ftael,^b are come out of one fto- eftettit|i3uba:tx»bicb ftneare bp t]it name of tbe lo?be , anb beare ttrttne* bp m dSoi) of 3frael (but not t»itb truetb anb rpgbt)iaibicbarecalleb * fremeu * mm of tbe boipeptie,? arc groObeb \)po t^t dSob of 3£racl,* wbofcnameijsHoiib of ^oftetf. **t» M ^bc tying** tbat 3 (beujc b pou euer fen* «*m* cetbebegpnnpiigcbaue 3notb?ongbttbcm ***** to pafe.immcbiatlpasftyep came out ofmp moutb , anb bedar eb tycm, anb tyep arc co»- meflr)ou)be(t,3bnowe tljattyouart obfti» nate,anbtbattbprucbbntfjanp?on tjepne , 9 t\m typ b?o\»e (si of bjaffc.$eucttbele(fe , 3 bane euer fence t^ bcgpnnmge (betioeb tbe of tbingejs fo? to com e, anb bcclareb M mtto tbe, ojenertyep came topaftejtyat^ibnlbeft not ntpc;mpne3bol batb bone it.mp carucb 0? moltenpmage baitb (beweb it. ^bou bcr= beft it bcfo?e>anb bc'rjolbe,3t (* come to paf* fe.anb wbetbcrcanpc pjopbecpe of tbpngejs to come?26ue a* f 0? me, 3 tolDe tfte lief o?e at Ibcbegpnnpnge , netne anb fecret typngetf, tyattyouftnoweftnot of. * ainb fomebone *&$. notoe, notof olbetpitnc , wjberof tbouneuer ^- c > berbcftbefo^etyepuiere b?ougbttopau*e if thou canft not fape: TiSebolbe , iltnetwc of t^em:^o?couer,trjei:ebefomei»berofpbaft netber bearbc nee ftnotone, netber bauc tyep bene openeb bnto tbpne care* afoje tpme. tf o?3 nnetne tbat tbou tuolbett maliciouft? offenbe,tyerfo?e baue 3 calleb tlje a trSfgref* foure.enen from typ. motyer* wombe* ifteuertyee Wr )r. ^euertbele*,fo?mpname*fabe > 3t»pll ^atnemp.imaty.^t^albefojmpnelio^ 11 our* fanejtfj pacientlp f o^beare tbe, anb . bo not rote f out,H5ebolbe, 3 baue pouegeb Lkb tbe.Pet not a* filuee . *3baue cbofen tbe in f r' fpee of affWccpon:nnb tbat onclpfoj mpne a- 0**. wnefaftejp.ee,*euffojmpneattmefancttJ(ll iw«w* 3 do tb(*s 0? el*>«)bot biujonour tnoltie tbep bo f mpnamef ^erben ^onto me, €• 3aeob, Uk anb3ftaW twbomSbduecalle^Jambe.JI w* anbberben: ! inb(cbofpoubergobbe*barbbeclarcbtbi*i' • ^5=. Wl-Oiibebatbaloue<^tjntobim,anbbe " (bull petfourme bp* t»pllagapnft25abel, 9 beclare bP* potoer agapnft tbe Cbalbee* . 3 mp felfe alone, euen Jbauetolbpou tyf* be* f oie.|?ee,3lbpb call bpm 9 b?inge bpm fojty: anb Ije (ball gene a p?of peron* to?ne?.C ome npe anb beare tbP*:baue 3 Molten enp tying barcltlp.fim* tye beginnpnge^ wjjen a typng beginnetlpamtbere. m tt)benfo?c,tyelo?be (Fob anb bp*Qj?ete batb fent me. ainb ty«* faptbtye lo.zb (Bob typ rebemer , tye bolp ne of 3ftael;3 am tbe %m %om tty d5ob, t»btebtcacbtye*p^ofitable km typnfie*, anoicabetye tyewape, tyattbou * bf , nmlbftgo.* iD tbat tyou babftrcgarbebmp * m commatmbemente*, tyen bab tb? uoeltljp^ ne* bene a* tbc water ftrcame.anb tUv r igb= teoufltr* a* tbe wane* fiowpngetntye fee; %ty fccbi? alfo bab be lifte a* tye fanbe in ty* fee ,anb tbe frute of tbp bobplpftc p grauclle ftone*tyrrbf.fyf*name(bulbrnotberotrb out: no? befteopcb before me . * (5oatoape froBabilon > flpefrotyeCbalbcc*io amcrp tjopec fpcabe of tyi*, beclare it abjoabc, anb go fo?tb ijnto tye cube of tye wo?lbe , (ape: 'Cue Jlojtiebaty rebemcb bp*fernaunt 3a= cob, tyat tyep fuftrcb no tyur ft , be Icab tyem tyo^owtye wilbernc* , ant caufebp water* toftowc out mi to tyem fro out of tycrocuc. mm *?!)cclauctye.roflica ronber.anbtbewn^ feiubt terguftbebout. *a*fo ( itye\)ngoblp J tyci> banc no peace, fapty tye JLo^be* : CS:be.riitCbapt(r. - CCWPO fOa.lt Batficr tombes all nacpoiw, be tbepneuttrofattcof. • € ple&berhenUnro me, $ take heebe pe people fr om mrre,w l^bebaty called me fro mpbicty.anb mabc me» cponof mpjtame fro mp motljcr* wombc: ^. ^be^batbmabcmvmouty+littea ujarpc H.e fmerbfcimber tbe Ibabowe of bP* ba"be batb «f bebefenbeb rtie , anbbpb me in hp* qupuee ^. ? mp0ob anbmpftrengty. %m be fapbe:3t i* but a fmall tyinge tyat P artmp feruaunt,to fctt top tyeftpnrcbbc* of 3acop , anb to refto^c tbe b( ftrurcpon of 3f* rael. *^fo? 3 bauc mabe tye tbe ligbt of tye vaum, ®mvl* , tbat tbou mapft bemp bealty Dn= 12" Si'> totbecnbeoftrjewo?lbe. mum* 4»o?eoucr,tbu*faptytyeio2betbeauf=rtr ger anb bolp one of 3frael:bf cau'fe of tbe ab= b(WrtngeanciDelbpringcam.cingc t\)t @mti= le*,<:oncernfngtyeferuaunt of all tyem tbat beare rule . fcpnge* anb putiice* (hall fe.anb arpftaiib wo^mpp.becaufe of tbe io# tyat t*Mptbfnll : 9 becaufeof tycbolp one of 3f- rael,wb(cbbatycbofentyeanbtyu*fa(tyf wMmxjn tye tpme accept to bauc 3 bearb * «•«•>•«.• m t anb in tye bape of faluacion bauc3 bel-- l" a %\ pbi!be.*3wtllp?ereructyennbmaftctyeto*ef4ViM be tye atonement oftyepcojplc, tyat ^ mapft belpe\jptyecartbagapne:fpou"c(rcagapne tyebefolatcberptage*. ^^battyou mapeft flSfi* fape to tbc p?efoner* : go fojtb , anb to tyem * tljatare in bareftneffe : come into tye Ipgbt, ^■tycpMlfebeintyebpe wape*,anb get ^* tyctr pafture in all bpe place*.* i&tyv (ball* z 90 cm.c, netber boger,ncr tyurft:heatcnoj funne (ball notbnrtctycm.5fo?bctbntfanourctytyem, (ball leabe tye, anb geue tyem typnefee of tbe D fp?ingc wellc*. 3 wpll mabc wape* bpo all mpmonntapne*,anDmpfotepatyc*iaibe ejcaltcb.^nbbcboibctbcpujaucornertofar: lo,fomcfrom tyeno?tyanb weft, fomefrom tye lanbe of £>tni*,wb(cbi* in tye fouty< *l^eiopfepebcaucn*:$fpngcp?apfe* > tyou*e^.w.a. eartlj. 'caiftc of iopc pe bplle*,foj (5'ob Utl) confoiteb \)pn people, anb wpll bauc mercpe toponljt* tyat be in trouble. . But^ion fapbt:*(5obbaty fo^faften.ff *k««^.« , mplo^ne baty fo.tgotten me. Xtovll awpfe fojgcttyccbilbcofbcrwombe.anbnotpitie tye fonne wbo (be batb bower* Mo tbougb, tm bo forget, pet will not 3 itygct f . m* bolbe, 3 bane written tye top topomp babe*, tbp walle* are euer in mpfpgbt. ^cr-'fcbcp^ '. mabc bafttobuplbe tyetopagapne.31* foi e tbofe tyat ouertyjowe tije , anb mm tye alltopontbe,a*anapparell,(j«p?bctyemto tbe a* a bipb boty ber it Wei* J* r « tbp lab tyotlpcty befolate wafteb anb beftropeb:it tyalbcto narowe fo?tbf tyatiballbwell (11 if 3nb tyep £ wolbe beuoure tye, tyep (balbe W inree ■ 1 « * WT^S iw ^r* ! V i \ y •v; *ttcma.fjria * Cfa.lir.a -Xranmctf.e t «?ro.r««.c *3]oFu.ftJ.6. Hcc/.U * pm.rjrrtF.b ©cbj.r.a fOoat.nW.ff C * latar.Ib.a OCP.tfiM farreawape.^tptbetbabewbStbebaMn fou 1 1 bjtfngc f o?tb V»n t o p.fyftU fapc in t bpnc care i tbptfptott t0 to tturoKVp , Qptic^incc p 3mape baueeowmc/ftben (bait tbou tbpn= fee bp tilip rclfe:fc>bobatb licgotern metbeftV fringe 3 am baccuanbalone.a captyucano an out can i 3tao wbo batb nojpftcb tbe up fowtf 3 am befolatc an& alow, but from wbcncfcometbtfc*' _ 3nbtbcrfo?ctbu0faptbtbeio?beCob: Wrote* 3 wpll ftretcb out mpne banbe to £ <5entplMnb fct Dp mp toftcn to tbe people. ^ ftep ibai I tying tpc tbp f onneid in tbeir lap« pc0:anb carpe tbp bang btr r0 Unto tic Upon tbeir (bouiocw . if 01 Ringc0 Oinlbe top ntir» fpng f*tbcr0,an& quenc0i&albctbp nurftng mottar. ^Ucp ujallrallbcfojetbetftbcPJ face* AattUpontbc eartb: anb IpcbcUptbe 6 ull of ttn> fete: tbat tbou maps nnowe cots tbat 3am tUe io?bc. * 3nb wbo fo puttetb \p truft m mc.fball not be cfifounbcb . Wo fpoplc b tlje apatite of ijis* p?npc / o? wbo fa* fectb tDep^ftnerfre t|je migbtpcanbttor* ftye , t|)u0 lapctp tbe io?bc . %fy p?lfoncr0 foaibc fatten from tbegpaiite, auo tbclbop- le belpucrcb from tDe Uioientc .- fo?3 wpll mapntcpne tbp caufc agapnftfbpne nbucr* farpc&ano fauc tbp tonne* . 3nb wpH febe tbrjte tmmm untb tUvi attneftefibCjflnb mafcetbrm typntteof tbcirawnebloube, a0 of i wetc wpnr.Bnb all (WO) mall nnowe, sD 3acou,tbat 3am tbe lo?bc tbP fauiout,tbp noble mum. Cfcbe.l.Cbaptcr. C Z\)t Vetoes ate rrp;nur D,am> airo mm, ~$u0fapty £lo?b:*fcs»w|ierc i0 § bvil of pourmotbfWbcuorccment, Ibat3fcntbrrawape.'o?wbol0p Uiurcr,towb63rolbepou.''*)]5e* &oibe,to? pourawncojfeHce0arepctohX s became of poure tranfgreu*ion,i0 pourc mo» tl)cc f ojfafel . Jf o^ nubp ujoIDc no mS teceaue me . t»Jic n 3 camtrnnb t»bcn 3 colic D, no ma sane me anfwece. * 30 tm> banbe (?o?tcncb tljat it miabtnot belief 0^ baue3 not power to Dcltucrrlo,* ata \»o?be3 D^pncfte tjp tbc fec^ano of ujatcrfloubc03maftc bipcfabc: To tbaiifo; want of tnatcr, tbefpflie cczrupt anbbpe fo?tbtnft. *3 0fo? beauen, 3 clotbe Jt u>ltbbarcftncu"e, anb put a0 it were a facfc Dpontt 'Ebelo^bcCDObbatbgfuJmcatnellllet* neb mm* * fo tbat 3 can eonfo^t M WW arc trouble* ; pce.anb tbat rnbueccafon.fec wanenetb mpne eare Mp bp tf me* in f mo?- VWmm mpne care , pOtttMbt b«rftg a0 to p fcole ma(ter0. * CftrCojb Sob bath opciico mpne care , tberf o?e can 3 nott lape, napeMier^itblwawemp feife : *but3 me mpbatae \jhtotbc IbipterM mpcbebe0to f be nipped- *3 Mn not inp face ftfi C&ffitne anb Wtjrtffjf tbao?b wbat i0bei tben *can cejempne mm, MtoP mm afc.a0an *hl olbeclotlje,tbemotbeQial!fatetk{nl)p. «.»«:3i(| Ubfrfo^wbOfoPtaretbtbeioiibamSa you, let bun bearejtbe \)opce of b^ftruaunt, M walbctb iii barcbueffcanb noiptrfte Cbpnetb^poii bfnti lett Dvm vutWHttuMn tbe name of tbe io?Oe,anb bolbe bim by w (5ob.25uttabebeH c,&=rpeall bpnble a fpw ^ of tbe w^atb of d5ob,anb ftcre \jp t be coaftfc ■ . walbe onintbeffUfterinff of pour atone rVw a in f coale0 f penauc ftftibleb.1t iiifit cometb 5iitopoufrompbfibe,namelptbatpeu;au ilepe in fo?owe. ■■■. C«H:b + e.W.Cbapfcr. CConfolacpon 9 cbnfO;(: is p; omprco into U)r fapt^fulk erften tmtome.pef bolbe ofrtab* a feourne0^petbatfebetbel,o?be. * 1taftebcbe\)ntofftone,wbcreout - vcarebewen,atotbegrauewber= out vearet»psgeb.(fl:onfib?e*3lb?aI)(l pour *mm fatbcr,a 5>ara f barevousbowe p*3 calleD K! bfm alone.f bie CFr a bpm, anb eticrcafcb bim * w 'STbee fon'Ujail tbf lo^be cSfojtc ^>p5, 9 re- pap^eallbcrbecave:mabmgberbelerfea0a parabtfc,frb« Wil!)erncu"ea0 f sarWofthe lo?be. mvitD ant tope 0)0 Ibe founbe fberr, tbSBefacutnjjs p \iopce of p?apfe. laaue ref= ' pect^ntome tb^OmppcoplcbotbbPfibcf « lowe a la^c tbpne eare to me : *fo? a la we j JL* an o?binaucc (ball so fo?tbfro me, to ipabtc tbe ®entil0 . 3t mm bp, tlmtmp bcaltb « my rigbteou(nc0^iall cjo fo;tb,anb t^t pco= pie ibalbe o^eb wttb mpne arme. 'Cbe plattbe0,f' f tint dpentil0,O)flH l)ope inme.anbputtbeiipfruftinmvncarme.lift ' , t)ppourepe0towarbebrauen,anblofec^p5 tbe eartb benetb. *^fo? tbe beau&iajallba' M*S] npO)cawapelpBefrnone,auo tbeeartbiball flSP ware olbe ipftc a clotb. a eDcp f> bwcll tbcrtn (ballpcrpajinlvftemaner.ffiutmpfaluaci6 inall enbure fo? cue r.anbmprifibreoufncrc ^ ftallnotceafe.^erlienbiitomcvetbatbaue * pleafureinriffbteoufnc0,ppeople^*bcarcft*3i«f.ni m plawe in fbptiebert. t^feare not tbe curfc *X% of membc not afra pbe of tbeie blafpbempc0 » ' anb rcupligc0;*folwo?me0&motbe$toaU eatetbft)pMeclotbawoii.25utmprpfib= teonme0u)nllcnbti!rc fojeiter.amvfanvuBC jjcoltb frfisencradontofiiirieracpon . i»abe t)p,wa6eDp:anbtit aronae.^) tbou anne of tbe Hotfie rwaft^lpp, Muw in tpm'e palf, etter anb fence tbe itoo?lbebep;attfiei Of t fap M 5> #3#nmbott tbe fame armMbat baft 4iu,wonniwbtl»p?onbeeff| , pt,anbbctx)entbe ^''^ i)W«5^1»«0art not p eug be, wbi!c() baft b^ebtottiebepeof tbefee.wljicbbaa mnoe fiapneiffeteironnbe.ftheoelpuerebmpsbt «oo tbo?ow/"5:berfo ( te f rebemcO of ploiD (ball turne agavne.a come wptb iope unto |z>i6,tbereto enbnre to} cuer.^^'Cbat mp?tb a Biabneffempobt be wttb tit s tbat fo? we in** anb wo mpamelromtbem^pce 3,3 am euenbe,tbatiffautbpnffc0cieuetb poti con- (oiacpon-lDbatart tbou tben, tbat feared a t»0?raUtnS,tbeebplbeofmS,wbieb^goetb ■ awapea0boetb«iefloureanO fo^ctteftp i,o?betbafw«betbe, tbat fp?eb out tbe bea* nene0,anb lapbe tbefounbacion of tbe eartb jfiut tbou art euer afraybe fo? tbe (Vgiitof tfcimeow?effoure,wMi0teabp to bo bar= A me:l»betei0tbetiO/atbof tl;e opp^effoure/ « tljetpmeMmmetbonfeftewbetbe p?efo« ntrdwll be lofenei), aiibbetbail not bpctn tp bomjeon no? pee be eonutmeb hv famp« mMu rbement. * 3 am tbe lo?be tb?(5ob(tbat mm* maftetbefeetobeftpll, atoraae: ) * wbofe am.*. »w r «e^f^ lo?beof ^ofte0*jf baueput mp wo?be0intbpinoutb,abauebefenbeb t\>ein tto ftabowe of mp banbc:tbat3 mape piste m beaue"0,alepetbitfoubaep6 of tbe eartb, m antipipe\jnto<8>ion!tbou artmppeople. Jf Slwafte^wo^anbftanbetjp.iDScru-- ^,^h [^tboutbatftomtbebabeoftbe lo?b, SKI baftb?onebenont*tbecuppeofbp0 w?atb: ^ tboutbatbaft(ttppebof,anb fucfteb out tbe bjeage0ofbi0beablpcuppe to tbe botome. rfo?am9gaUtbefonne0wljo-be9atbbegoe« ten, tbere t0 not one f mm bolbe it Mm not one to leabe it bp m banbe r of all t^t fonnc0 tbat be batb no?pibeb . 25otbtbefe thvm^ ar ebappeneb Unto tbe, but wboi0 fo?pfoi itj'gee.beftructpon , waftpnge , bunger anb fwerbesbut wbo wpll c6fo?tc tbe/ Zw fon« ,5 nr0ipccomfo?tlc0at t^fioe of euerp ftre= telpbeataW\jenpfon,anbareftilloftbetcr ribic w?atb of tbe lo?be,anbpurot&mcnCof tbpd?ob<3Dnbtberfo?e tbou miferable anb ?f°J , Si e J 1 ^J? tt,brte m WW wpne) tyearc tbt0;'aiu0fapetb% lo?be.tbp lo?beanb Cob,tbcbefenberofbp^pcople:25cbolbe,3 wpll tafte tbe flomb?pnge luppe out of tbp banbe,euentbe emme wptb m b?rggr0 of mpwjatbrfbatftfijece^tbtbou u?altnc» J w.o?inhe It moie , but 3 wpll putt it into tpctr baoef trouble f-W web ba n c fpo lie n 1 tbproule:ftoupeb6wne,f we mape go oucr tbe : a tbou lapbeft tbp bobp cuen wptb the gtounbe,anba0tbe(lretetogotopon. Cebcitt.cbaptee. wntDUcpon anfi comft>;tf f tije pcopicof t5 on. n>)fe to tbe:put on tbwieboncft rapmf t g>3ceumlem>tboubblp citie.^fo? ftOtbl?0 tpme i o?tb, tbcre Qjall no 5To,lbi^ tmctrefleplebnert»ncleanefictfon^omein^ "" ^>babe f befrs t\^ buft,arpfe a ftanbe op^ €) 3ft fa ufalem.^lucHeouttbpnrcttrr6tbetTflbe: ©Peaptjnc brtugbter ^ib*.if 0? tfmUGint^ ^ mAmMtL m torn * peace folbe fo? naupjbr,tbetfo?e * •*"«* (ball pe be rebemeb alfo wifTiottt enp m ottp. -♦ .^ it 0? tbu0 fapctb t lo?be <5ob/*%peo s JSw.«« * pic weme bowne afo^e tpmt into Cgpptej *%.u™ tbere to be ftrauget0, *anb tbe Rpnge of tbe **«•*•**< a(rp;i50opp?c(febtbcmwprboutanpecau-- fc.3Bnb nowe wbatp?ofpti0it tome (frpfl) t^t lo?be)fbatmp people i0frrlp cacpeb«= wape,anbb?oucj[bt in totimPmsi bptbeiciu \t#.*ft inp name euer ftill biafpbemeB.'iap* .. ^ ^ tW loibe.-'Cbcr^etljatmp people ma^e JJlffiL 1,1 * ftnowe mp na mc,tberfo?e3 fap in tbat bare ^^ tbepCballftnoweit,tbat3am bep bofpea be.3 lave euen 3. * © bowe be wtifullaw feteol'tbeembau"itotice, f b?pngetbp mt.- fage fra pmotitapne, a .pciamctb peatestbfiit «p b?pn«erb ebe goob tpbpnac0,anb p?eacbeth !Jcait1) ) anbfapetbtontofe'£bP<£obl0p lipngit . Tty watebmen (ball Ipft Up tym Morn switb lowbeUorce ftiail tbepp?eacb of bpm:lfo? tbeplball*fe bpm p?efcnt, wb« t|« *<3>e^ui. M.o?bir (balleonuerte 4>ion. *ii5eglab,witbtbanue0 gpupnge. tiDfl *« ft «n*A befolatc 3erufalf ,a reiopce togetbee- f 0? t^t ?lo?bf* batb cfifo?teb bp0 people, be batb be« Ipuerub 3erufal?^be lo?bebatb mabe ba= rcb^bplpawtcanblbewcb itfo?tb in ftt„ M ,^ M (Pgbt of all tbe (0entile0, *a all tbe enbe0 of t m ' T6 tben* tium.tu. re anb toncbe no bncieane tbpnge . cso oute ftom amonge focbe.3nb be cleane,tbat bea= re tbe Ueffell of tbe Io?be, jfo?pe u)all not cltape bp rennpngener bpnpegeawape: but *tbcio?be u)an go befo?e pou^nb tbf <5ob * e».^» of 3frael (ball gatbec pott togetber. aScbolbe.mpferuauntrbaubealewptelp, tberf o?e (ball be be magn(Reb,ejcaiteb a grc-- atlpbonoureb.lpbea0 t^t mttUttubelbaU . wonb?eUp5bPm,bccaufe b?0 face malbe fo bcfo?mebanota0a m$0fare,bp0* bewtpe * eb-uiu, Ipbe no man.eucn fb (ball tbe multitube of m <0entple0lofte Untobpm,a bpnge0ijall * «r a lrt - (but tbeir moutbe0 befo?c padjpon of out* da^joutc Jlcfos ctffB. I© t wbobatb * geuenerebf ce Vnto i^t j*^ ^ tbpnge we baucbearoe/'iD? towbotn K;.rtS: , t0tbearmeoftbelo?bftnowne/jro? bebpbgrowebefo?etbeio?blp|»a0ab^ uncne.a a0a tm fna b?pegra«be, * be batb **&«<* netberbewtpeno?fauoure. Wen wtu)au [on; Upon bpm, tbere (balbe no fap?n^e: we AkA % ^ (ba«battenoiuftuntobim.*i?ct0be&ifeb *■*••* aabbo?rebofmcn,bei0focbamana0i0fuU W« '.:. of H »*?•■"»■■. ■ M V V **ft .IS cite iral)tt?e 1 1 *«uf.b«t !*' mf loiowce aajatbgoob experience of fefft »ortwiJj.toetiai|;ewlioMtDt)pmfoit)ple > tl)nt -~ .... ...... .. ^^ ,.,_.. ,, r _„ w „„ j(nfpi« nuty, « boinc our papnc&gctUH upo iubge Dpm;,«!8tl)ottgliil)cixJcrcplaseDi|CiSftooU) 3 -m.com*.*. mpt topnixfc) wntf woftbcb foji onrc often* cejwnj impttcji f 02 ourc tDpckeiimctf .#02 f riwQfpfemeirt of mm peace uiatf lapbe \jpon * m - *** *3I Jf foj **> m banc gone all a ftra pe( like -. QjcpiOf ucrponrbatb tii web W a tune taap. * JBuii tUc lojbe patb beapeb togetber tow |)imi^B;i'iUquiti'cOfWall.^efu»:cDWoiece aiibioMitoUimteatcb.sOpbnot per open *jiw.rt.». bitftifioiiitp. # feefbalbelebatfatyepttobc SSISS& ««pnc»PrtOwUoebcatf itpaatfa liibebcfo> «.£o;.b.c. * retbeweareMnb not open bp* moutlD .?>* tta# Baft aroape from p?*rott ppj* cauft not perbcanb ropt&outenp iubgement: t&ftofe gencracpon pet to&o mape nombie t m wnl $ar cut ;of ftom&artDe geounbe of tDc ipupngc: Jpbpcb punp(bment bpb go topon &pm , m m tranfgreffpon of mp people., ©opci) m *tt«f.prb *£ct batbftplcafcbfljc ioibc tbutf to *39obn.pi.c b2it&ebpmt»ptb pmgctf.anb tofmptc tor* mm. diii.ii g^ty mfpjmitc.tbat utyen be bab mww foulc an offctpngfoj rpnne.ftempgbt fc lose iaftpiifiefeoe.^no tbptfbeupcc of tDc lojbe flwUp?ofuccembpifiI)aHOc.ltt)itbtrauapIc$ labouw of )m foiilcmall be optapue frnte, *ttom.fff.e. anbbcfliallbc fatiffpeb* bptbc unotoitbgc of bpmpbpcb lie! mp rpgbtcoutf feraauntbe (ball tuftifpe tbc mwUitnoe, f op be wall bca= reawapetbcpjfpnncjtf . 'fcfterfoje t»pu 3 gcuebpm tbcmultittibe fi» fea parte, anb 5ei^ill.^iipDetbefpopiewptbtbettronaea bcwurcftegeuet&ouerljpg fouleto beatb,* !£ »pnD w wfcenrt amonae % tranffirclfourjat, ujbpcb nencreijciejj Datb taalawape tUe fen nesi of tbe mmt»t«be,anb mabe foterceffpon fo^tljeinpfDoenef. * . -riAfMi C'Cbe.l«t>.Cbaptcr. ?«i^i n °5 l806 "*««<* but a ^o?t f*ia«,bue tin mrtcg (g euenaitrngf <£ filao notx>, * tbon bare" tbat bca ceft not-, teiopec, fpnge ano be me- 't^outhat art not toptb cbplbe: oipbefolatelwtb moo #ib^> jjtOeout trje blgpn fc wmvsixwm Mot %nebaWtae{5ifparenof, lape fo>t *w c oft mp , a m mafte fait t bp nab *fr to* y » 4 <* MBKMV fete qjau bauetDe mwttin poffc(lponanbbD?iHltii tbe oefolate mm df care iiQt.fo^tbou (bait not bicotiloflbeb: ■' t&z nOta*ameb,f mt^ou ftwltnot cometo me of tbppoutb,{i(balt notfcn«mbjetbeb< «" qioitourc of tbp weoowlleab. it o?be f mabe *i& tbe,w)aibctbpio?ji*^bun)anbe(ttfl0rtna-,W me (js+tbe 3to^be o UjofteiS) anb tDprebemec Sfl ihalbc euen tfte bol ) one of jftael, tbe lo?be of tbc wbolc monh # o? tpLo^,,batb cal= lebtDcbepnge atfa ocrolate fo^owfuU wo= man,? ag a pounrte topfe tbat bath b?oHun benDfOioc^c:fape1btbP<0ob. t- 4I _ , *3 iptle wbplelwne 3 fo^etlie, butift ISjg greatemeitpfuinejiKoaOtabetbeUptjnto me,n)bf3waja^p,3bPbbtmpScefrQ p fo? a Iptle feafon,!bnt t(ofot» eneciaftmgc merijpecawelpatboneDt&Cifaptbtbeloib tbpme a wenger .*3B hb t^jat is! tonto me ajU tbc « water of $oe:f 02 iipfte a*3 banefwo^ne f 3 * m wpllnotbjmgetDc watcrofiaoe eiip mo?e^ \)pon tbe t»oilbe: *fo bane 3 ftooine tjat 3 * apbpotDewo?be alfo tbat coinetb 5) out of mp moutDu)all not turnc againetooi>* be \jnto mcjwt ft>all accoplpfoe mp tupa a'b niofpcredif tbpnge twberto 3 fenbeit.3!nb to (ball pe goo foitb tfi iope,$ be leb tf peace. ^bemountapnejs? bpUesfCbalUVnge t»pt& pou foi iope,» all tbe trees! of tlje fclbe (ball clappe tbep? OaW.tfo? tboinegi, tbere ujall growe fere trce^ ,9 tbe &)p2re tre In tlje ftca be of biecrjs. %nb tbps* (ball be bone to p piapfeoftbe io;be,anbfo?an euerlattpnge 1 uen ,tDa t ftia II uot be f anen aumpe. C^lie.lV|.€Dapter. ■ C3«tn>o>eacpon(ofubgmient anb vnetyewUitoi 9 to tbc tpjetuauhebpnac ontb? ftabbotb . agapntt Abepbrtbeutbatftfuouwtbtpj ftocft. B ^*-*- i^ttg! fiipctbtlje io^be, * Utcpe eqnlte.anb bo rpg^t.fo^ mp fa* tipngbcaft!) (ballcome Qmtty* Mlit JohJf.f.C* C iV 311 , s mp rpghte oufticjS (balbc opc= , __Jneb.HBIcuebisipm5tbatbotb Jbpsf , anb tlie mansl cbplbe tuOpcb bepeti tbe ' «a.ibiH.c fame. * fee tbat tabetb bebe,tbat be tonba* lottenot m aabbotbf t^atWJbe tbat »e= petbbPrt»ftlfetbatbebonbeuel.'Cbenu>ali npttbeftraSger.wbicDcleauetDtolHwbe, W S fam*|ia«,tbeiojtbe Uatbflmtmecleane w » m« fape:fo,f am a Kpetre. jf 0? tfiug Fapet& tl)elo2be, DiitotDe gelbebtDat HcpctD mp . * *, ■a &abboMametp / t>t bolbetb greatlp of tbetbpngetbatpieafetbme.anb ftepctb mp jpuenaunt 1 2Untotfjemujpll3geueinmp pottOjolbe anb wptbtn mp ujaiicft a better perptaget nante,tben pf tijep babbene cal» lebfonnciBf baugbter0.*3unii genet^an t- cuerlaftinflename^aallnotperiu). 3gap= ^ ite tbe ftraQgersi tbat ftpefte tot^e lo2be,to feruebpm.anbto louc ty& name.* anb to be *3iob.b«i.c Dp* fe r nati ntejei . 3nb all t^ty, njbpcb nepe tDc feluest, tbat tbep tonbalowe not toe ^pab- potluiamelp,tbat t^ty fulfpllmpcouena= Mnti'Cbem w\\ 3 bjpngetomp&olp moii= tapne.anb matte tbem topfull in my boufe of pjaver.'ftbepiljurnt oBrpngetfanb facnfp=. ces( qjalbeaceepteb t)pon mpneaulter.* St 0? * m .u.mi wpboufel&albecalleban&oufe of piaperfo? mSSSr allpeopic. w mmM>. ■ 'SCbuiBifapctDtWoiibe^ob wDpclj ga* S w,f * A tljeretptogetlier tljefratceb of 3frael: 3 toill bipnge pet another conorcgacpon to bpm. Comeallpebeafte^oftRfelbe.tbatpemap *at» rtf b beuonre , all f beattctf of ? wobb . * ifo2 bPJS «ft A tuatebmg are all blpnbe,thep Iwue all toge* tber no Unbetftanb pnge, tfcep arc all b omme bogge¬ bepnge a bit to barclte , tbep are flepp : (logpft) are tbep , anb ipe fnojtpnac: %p are CbamelcOe boggciei,tl)at be neucr fa= tlffpcb.fUe fteperbejsalfo in ipae mancr ba ueno\jnberftanopnge,*but eucrpman tur ***** netbmgawnewapceuerponeaftcr bitfat»= - ft _ ,. «ecouetoufne0t»(toaUl)p0powcr.*ComeSoSrt».B (fape tl)ep)3«)pll fetclj wpne,, fo Oiall we N«* fpUourcleluetf.t&at wemape be bionben. aim bo to mo2ouie,lpltea?to bape,pce anb mocbemo^e. Cir&e.lw'j.cijaptcr. C«be31rtnwa«rebuBtbfo;tbep»imtitrebonetoirb<«. I^e *rpgbtcoujfperittjetb, anb no ml 3 cegarbetbitiiibpssijerf, ^ ob goblp *&¥&** jpeopleare tabe* atoapcanb no mSc5« fpbietb (t.Bamelp.tbat tbc rpgbtcouis in c6 uapcb auiape from tbe topefteb.^e comme* {bemtopeace,?ffoblpemereft(n tbrtr tU' b2e0,anbbefo2e tbc goblp man goetb peace. Comebptber tlJcrfo2e pec&armertf cb«b2cn, jpefonneji of tbe abuoutrcr anb tbe w&02c: * mat.mo. «)berintaftepepourcpleafurc/'3apontt»b6 gapepeia«tbpourmoutb,f bleare out pour _ totigeftttft not cb«b?cn ofabuoufrp, anb J5 afebeofbimmulaciQ.^^emakc pourcfp?c JStt£5f ,ft * \mber tbe oncsi, anb mm allgrcne treejJ, '»&£*. anb pe oftre cbplb2en in t\)t tjallepji , aub SfS*? 1 "* bennesi of (rone. ^Dp parte (balbc toitb *l)c iBnk ftonprocfcesibpt!)etfuer:|>ce,flr tbere (pall **»>mtto. betbPparte.^fo2tberc?baft poureb meats bitnebe oftmge tmtotDem.^Duibe 3 mu ^»anb MtMMia , «.-. ^^^...^pnbe^^^^ pboietfattbpolfejirfwlrtlJouftttimtbpw* memb?aunce, if. Si ,! I 1 Ult it i" >vA cbe vMttyt * 'I P 1 i » * i ! i ' ; A J i ; V I Ml Men tjou babbefl: bpfcoucreb tbp felfe to another torn me , wuen tHoti we"teft o o w= -. neanbmabetbp bebwpber.anb wptbtbofe ^ 3bol$baft tbou mabc a coucnaunt , aitnio* neocft libe p? couebctf, wberc euou fit weft tb& *«w.*r.b. *5:Dom3De!itcft(lccpg])tfo Rpngr0 copfD* **«.«.*. ople$ bpuerfeopntinetc0(tbat f fttboupaft Cent tb*p meffaungetf rnrrc of ,9 pet art toon faUcniiitotbeppitberbp.^bouartwccrp *<**t « h fo * *& e wifltttnw of tbpne atone wapc0 > MB«.v.B. w tfapUe(rt|iOttneiifr:3iu>vtUcnueof. * 'Stbou Ijaft bab f Ipfc £ % babe* wjougbt, t tpetfw t|)ou art care letfe. tfoj wbtn tuple trjou be abaffljeb o? fcare , fepngr tbou baft Soften tl)p piompfe , anb remembjeft not me,netbcrbaftme intbpne bert/ 'Cbpnneft ti)ou,t|iat3aifot»pu bolbemp peace(a* a fojctpmcttbattboufearcftmenottgce^r- relp 3 w vl beelareebP goObne0anb tbp won Re0,buittbcp (ball not p?ofpttbe: wtoen tbon a?eft,lettwcbofenbeape bcliucrtbe. *5ut tbewpnbc (bail blowetbemfuttb* anb t)a* * worn* rt «. "rteOwll tabetltfallawep. *j]leucrtbele0, n tbeptbatputtbetrtiuft tnme.qwlltnbcret toe lanbc,* bauemp b oip bpll in poffeffpon. *> 3nb tberfojc tbutfbe fapetb:*$aReplap* **ra , f i.e. ne , mafce plapne.s clenfe tbe ftrete , tafte top t\)t ftotilpngc blocked out of tbe ©ape tbat iebctb to mp people. tfoj tbu0 lapetb tbebpe 9 cjcceikntoucn be tbatbwelletp in cuecla- ttpngwiflc.wbofe name (0 tbe bofp one: * 3 bwellbpcaboue anb in tty fanctuacp , anb wptb bpm alfo, tbat i0 of a c6trite anb bum* ble fp je tc do 3 Dwells 3 mapc beale a trou- bleo mpnbe,anb a eOtrit e berte.*ff o? 3 cbp* be not eucr,a am n ot wjotb wptb out enbe* 7&u t tbe blaft png goetb from me.anb it in* clu0ebintbebobp,an&3mabctbcbjeatb. am w?otb toptb \)vm f oj bW couetoufne0,_ fmpte&tm,3bpbeme,anbamangcpe,wben be turne tb bun felfc, 9 folowetb tbc bp wape of W atone bert. 3 baue fcen Diet wape0 anb *iufc.n..a.' 3 beale bpm*3 lebe bim anb reftoje to bpm cofojte , ano totbore tbat wetefojp fo? bim 3 mane tbe frute0 of tbanRefgeupn«, tbat *tMt.i.c. bemapefape.#eacepeace*bnto tbemtgat arc fan eof, ano to tbem tbat aee npe , faptj tl)t iojbe.anb 3 mafsebpm wbole. H5ut tbe t»pcbeli arc ipbe tbe raspnge fte, tbat c4not reft, wbofe water fometb tDPtbtbe mpjet ♦ir*flwff.5 J M »i' •'Kn^o tbe* wpcfteb baue no pea^e, fapetbdDOb. **. . C5:be.lbtti.(tbaptcr. P/ourtb tdt people fo; (tifpf f attjngts , to^p c t toci'tfuio^ppoctirpf. |Rpe*not»c,a»oo. * itJbtr- mm^ ton faft t»e( fape t|iep;anD tbou feeft rt now tte put our IpuejS tt\ ft r Jiptenejj.anD tbou re» garoeftttnot/' * J5ebo!be,t»Mpefaft,potirelnft remap «*". netb ftpU«fo?pe bo noleffet)po!ente topoue Betters* ,1 o,pc f aft to ftcpfe anb be bate , 9 to rinpfewitbpourc^ftxoftboutmercp.^ow pc qiall not raft t&u* tbat pour bopee mpgbt £ be hcarDe about. *1S:bpnclie pe tb^faft plea *wu 5 ,iii4 ferp me, tbat a mart ftttlbe ebaften bim Telfe m *> fo? a bape,anb to wjptbe W beab aboute ip be an boope ,$ tolpe tipon tU cartbman be arpelotbi'4>buibeibatbeeallebfaftpnge,o^ abape tbat pleafeij t))t iojbe/ 1 a>otb not tbWfaftpnge ratbtr pleafe mr » tbat tbou * *»ra.ju loofefym out of bonbage, tbat tf in tfp ba« unger 3 tbat tbou bjteabe tbe ootb of WPcueb bargapnesi , tbat t jou lett tbe opweffeb go fre, anb tabe from 1 be" all maner of burtbft: *to beale t^p bmh to tbe bongrp, 9 b^fnge tmtm tbepoo?e manojinscbomc into tbpboute, mSBr t»ben tbou feeft tyt naheb f tbou couer bim , aub bpbe not rbp face fromtbp nepgbbonre ^(ant>b(Cpitolbmge,*pftboubafte6paf« lk . ltl .y U fpont)pontbeb8grpe^rerre(lbcft tbetrou* tm$r bleb f oule: 1 ben (ball t^p Ipgbt fp?pnae out in tbt barcbneae,? 1'bp barcnneOe tbalbe a p noone bap. 'Q'belojiblbaU eti cr be tbpjjupb, 9 ft t iffle tbt beifce of tbpne berte in ftpme ofb?ougtbe>9fHltbpbone0t5marp.'8 > bous) ttaltbelpfeeafcelb waterogatben* tlvteww^ tbe fountapne of water t f neuer leauetbru= npnge.^ben t\ie plmti that baue euerbene wafte, (feaibc builbirb of tpe.tpere (bait tbou !a?earounbac{fifoj.manplspnrebe0.'£bou (bait be called t^t matter tjp of bebge0, 9 tbt buplDeragapncof tbe wape of f&abbotb. M( . m Pee,pftbouturnetbpfeteintbe**>ab«Jw.o. batb.fotbat tbou bo not tbe tbpnete wb^cb pleafetbtbp felf in rnp bolpoape: 9 tbou call tbe pleafeun t ,b olp,, ano glo^ioutf ^babbatb of tbe io?be,anb tbat tbou gpue bim tbe bo» Spnonre: fo tbat tbou bo not after tbpne a= wnepmag(natron,netber febe tbpne awne uopil, ner fprnbe tbpne awne wo?oe0, ^ben (bait tbou jjauc tbp pleafurein tt}f ioJb,anb iwpllcarpe tbe bpe about t^t tartb, anb :Oc tbc wptb tbe biftptagcof3acobtbp fa» tber : fo? f iojbetfawnemoutbbarbfo p?o« mpfeb, Ibe ^jlttt.li.o. \t£HAk Ujob.rt.tii ♦piouff.f.a ffai.fc.i), anb niM' m- Fi«.b. 25 *cra.b.a. Joti.tFf.c. D;n. tjb(i(.C. Joljii.ni.c. *Ortc.(i«.a Ctbe.Kje.CbApter. fL%\)t iom to mp Bb. (pe lo four ,nnt> mtyt td tym oute twtftte. ^bolbe^tbc io.jbc0banbe (0 not foQio^tenebtbat it cannot belpc, nctber (0bi0earero ftoppeb tbat it mapc not beare. 2$ut * pourc niproebc0 baue feparateo pou from poure (!5oD,^pour*(pnne0bpbcbi0 face fro pou, tbat be pea re tb pou not • jlo? poure banbe0 are befpleb wptbbloube,^ poure fpnger0 u5 tjnrigbteoufneffe:pourlpppe0fpcaltelerpn= ge0,anb poure tonge fcttetb oute wpcbeb» «e0 . i^o man rcgar Detb r pgbteoufne0 , ano no man iubgetb trulp.euerp man bopctb in tjapne tbpnge0, anb pmaginctb btfeeate * conceauetb weerpneffe , anb btpngetb fo^tlj cueU.^bep b?ebecocttatr(ceecjgc0,anb we= nut tbe ippbec0 webb:tt)bo fo eatetb of tbe* ir egge0,bpetb.26utpf onetreabctipontb?, tbere commctb bp a ferpent . fytym toebbe mahetbnoclotbc,anbtpcp mape not couer tbem wptbtbeirlabour0.12:beirbebc0 art p beoe0ofwpcftebne0,anbtbewo?c(icOfrob= berpi0 in tbeir banbe0.#'Ebep? fete rune to eucU,anbtbepinane bafte tofbeb innocent blouoe.ljrbcp? counted arc wiefceb ceflccW, barme*anbbeftruccpon are in tbeir wap- e0.26ut tbe wape of peace tbcp Unowc not. 3ntbcpjgoittgc0t0noequpte : tbeir wape0 are fo crofteo.tbat wbofoeucr goetbtberpn, bnowetbofnopcace. 3Hnbtbi0t0t'becaufctbatcquite i0 fofar= reftomt)0 l anbtbatrtgbteoufue0commetb not npe tj0. *U)c lokc fclpsbt Jo, it 10 oar* dHAtfltef 0^ tU mojwipnge (bpne,fe, we wal* cbc in tbc 0a?cUe.*tDe grope IpHe tbc blpnOe tipon tbe wall, we grope eucna0 one fbatb none tn&.XQt ft omble at tbe none bape , a0 tbougottwcretowarbnpgbtftntbefaUpns placc0,lplwmf tbat arc balfeocco . Wtvtn* rcalllpRe E5ecr0,anDmonrnc ftplllpbc bo= ue0.U)e Isltc f 0? cqupte , but tbere i0 none: foibealtb, but it 10 farre from t)0. Jfoi ourc ot?ence0are manp before t\)t, 9 oure fpnnc0 teftifpe agapnft \)0.2ce,we muft co'nfcffc $ we offenbe^ Rno wlebge tbat we bo ampf= fc:$amelp J tranfgreu"e$ Oiflemblc agapnft tbe a.o?oe, aub fall a wape from oure d5ob: Wpnge pjcfumptuou0 ano trapto^ou0 p » inarjuiacpon0,anD caftiuge falfe matter0 in ourc berte* . 3&nOtbcrfojci0equttegoncn* fpoc , ano rpgbtcoufne0 ftanbetb farce of ^ treutb 10 fallen bourne in tlje ftrete , anb tbe tbpngc tbat i0 piapne anb open.mape not be n>wc0.2>ec,tbe treutb i0 taRen awapcano bctbatrcfrapnctbbtmfcife from eucll,muft be fpopicb. . \m tbe lojo fa we tm, it OiCplcafco bim fojcptbeee wa0nocquite .^e (awealfo , f tbere wa0 no mft » rpgbtwife,?f be wobcrcb V tber wa0 no man to jjelpe bpm , lober f o?c be bribe bpm bp ]0n wne power, anb be fit* (rapiie&bfm bp bi^awne rtsbtcouine0.*lae pat rpgbteoufnf V)p3 bim foj a bieft plate, a fct tbc belmet of bcaltb \won Wti l)tat) t i)t put on wjafb in ftcabe of clotbpage , 9 tofee geloufp about bpm fo^ a cloResf Iplie a0 wb^ amangoetbfojtbwjatbfuUptorecompen^ ce bv0 ciiempe0,f to be aiiegeb of bya aouer farpc0. ) .aamelpcf'bempgbtrccompcuce 9 rtwarbctbe3labe0 J wber tbo^owe tbc na- me of tbe iojbc mpgbt be f eareb, fro ttytp* fpnge of tbc Sfeunne: anb bP0mageftp,bnto tbe goingebowne of tbe fame. jfo? be (ball come a0 a mole t watcrftrca= mcwbpcbtbc wpnbeof tbe loJbt batbmo ueb.*25utVmto^(on tbere wall come a re* bemcr,anbmitofb5in 3acob tbat turncfrO wpcRebnefte.fapctbtbeloibe.JwpUmaRe tbp0 coucnaunt wptb tbemf faptb tt)t toy- bfcWp fp^ete tbat 10 bp5tbe,anb t\)t vooi* De0Wb(eb3 baue put in tbpmoutb,6alhv« ncrgooutoftbpmouto.HOit out of pmoutb of tbp cbplbcr0cbplb?e, fro tbp0 tpme foiUcoinctotbplpgbt>auD Rpngc0totbe biipgbtnc0 f fpjpngetb fo.ub t)po t^t. * ipft tip tbpne w$, 9 lohe ronnbe aboute tyv 3tlltbcfc gather tbe fclue0,?co= me to tbe.UbP »onne0 Qfall come tmto tbc fro f acrc.anb tl)v baugbtcrtf (ball gatbec tje fcluc0to tbe on euerp fpoc . $Drn tbou Omit fe tbP0: anobeglo^ouff.tbouftmlt maruell ejreeabpnglp,anbtbpne bert (Jjalbe openeb: wbcntbc abunbnunceof tbefee ftjalbe con= ucrtcbtontotbectbati0)wbenfbcrpcbc0of tbc @entilc0 ftiall conic mm the. 'Qrlic muh titttbe of Cameltf (ball couer tbc, tbc biome» baric0of^abianf(epba*^uthcpoffi)a« batballcome, b.ipngpnffcgoioc $incenfe*f mc wing: e tbe pjapf e f tbc jlojo . ^ 3 u tbe catcll ofCebor (lialbc gatbere&wtto tbc , f rame0 of 0aba(otb (bail fcrue ^,to be out co acceptablpct)p6 mpireaulter, * wbicljj ba« neebofen.fintbehoufcofmpglo^pwbicbl baucgarnpajcb.JSutwbatarctbcfctbatrtc becc Ipfte tbc clouoe0,$a0tbcboue0 ftpenge totbept wpnbowe0i' Cttjtctf alfoQiall wapfcfo^me.flrfpedala lp tbc ibpppc0 of Cbarft0:tbattbrpmape b^pngctbpfonne0fr6farrc,^ tbep?fplucr 9 tbeir golbewitbtbcm.Witotbe name of tbe lo?be tbp (5ob, bnto tbc boip oneof 3frael tbat batb glojif peo tbe.*^trannger0 Ojaii 1>I? mi buplbe i.jtef.b.a. c V.gfoUMi.8 aoma.ri.b. * cra.ritr.ft cgar.biU.&- *praMrttf,b fljaf.ir.h. *mkffl.9. *eT3,r«f.ft i ^1 I I 4 ' ■ V* fi I: 1 i i ill * I I -j lift I C UitplDetjptD^tDaUes*, | tbep? Bf nge0 (ball no tbc iccupce . Jfoj wben 3 nasi angrtc ,3 fmote «bc :anb of mp mcrcpr , 3 parboneb f: *mw.x*®toS*MmimteomiW\toWW nnonpfibkaHOMucrbctbutrtbattbcboofte oftbe €>cimlf0mayc come, anb tbat fym fcinge0mapebeb?ougbt »ttto eije. |fo? cue* rp people anb fcpngbome that fcructb not f , u)all pcrpft) > $ be biftropeb v& wter fctftru* etpon, *3rbc filojp of Uuanu0 ftall come wt s to ebe.«ttbe ffp?rcf rec0 , Bojcc0 nub gctye* togctbcr,to garnpqje p place of nip fta*ctn« atp,ro?3 wpllglo?ltpetbcplaccofmp fete. a)ojf oner,tbore (ballcomc hnelpng tm- to tbc, t tin t baue tiejceb tbc:anb all tbcp tbat befppfrti tbc , (ball fall 5 o wne at tbp tote. 'CbouOwltbccaHeb tbeeptfe oftbe io?be, ftiontfrccptie oftbe bolp one of 3frael. 7&t* canftt&oii baft bene fo?faftcnanb bated ,fo tbat nomau w*ttbo?owc tbe: 3 wpll mate * *fo me , W 8to?W fo? cucr anb cucr , anb iopful * C "S tbo?oro out all poftcritic0;*&or'Ebatil&ait *^ fuclte m mplcb offbcC5cnt«fjBi,anbBpnae0 bjcfteieiqnll febc tbe. 2Enb f hou (bait (mow, tbat 3 tbc Lo^dc am tbp ft aupoutc anb re* bcmcr,t(je mpgbrp one of 3acob« it o? b?au> , fc> wpll 3 gene t^ic golbc ,nno f o? p?on (Hucc: f o? wob b?aflc,9 to? ftonc0 pjon. 3 will to?* netbpmeopp?eiTpon into peace, 9 tbpne era* c tpon0 into rpgbteoufne0.£Uolcucc anb rob bcrp (ball nctier be Oca tbc orin t{ip lanbcnc* tbrc bacmc anb bcttcur cpon with in tty bo?* * ann rw * f ts * '^ P sUctf *«* wHfb ocaltb , anb * a* -^- 3 ' tbP gates! c be pzapfe ofesob. * <$bcft unite fljalTneuctbetbPbapelpgbMnb t\)e iprjbt oftbett)ooticQ»allncucrtypneimtotbr:but tbe loxbcbim fclfc Oialbc tbpne cuerlaftpng ipgbt, anb tty <5ob amine tbp glo?p. ♦apo.mu.. *W&u"«clballncucrgo bowne.anb * ap m, ' 6, tl)p4J)ooncajailnotbeDpbbe,fon!je We !)pm felfclbalbe tbp cucrlaftpnge ipgbt.anb tbpfo?owfHllbape0u>iibccnbeb.€bPpeo= &r pie t&al be all *=repgbtcou0,aub podeffe tbc lanbe etier : tbc fl our c of mp plantpnge, th woUtc of mp banbe0,wberof3 wpll reiop* cc.^Dppongcltanblccft^allgtottiemtoa tboufawbc , anb tlie fpmpleft in toa (tronoe people. 3 tbc lotfie (ball (bojtlp bjingc W$ tbmgciropaOe in biistpme. CCbci^i.cijaptcr. epppttp * * 3 tnb.bq.c* CCa.n.a, ««Sto1S^ at ^ ,p ^ 3,be ^ opn(rt *$efpjefeoft!)c lod0e«$> anbtHe *flfjae.b. a , jape orrac tjcngeaunce of ouue dB^ob s * that an«..«.«. 3 mpflUt comfo^te all t|)l tUat are in |jc«p= ncfle,rtat 3 mpgbir geue t>nto tliem f m out, ne in ^Dioti, tbat 3 m pgl)t gene 3 fape, bexo. tp in m fteabe ofai^ejf , topfuH opntcment fo^fpgWIimge.pUafauntrapmftfo^anbe- uvmpnbc:€batt|iepmpflbtbe callcb treea® ofrpgjjtcounieffcaplantpnge ottyt lorn fojtbpmto rciopcein. * ^ ^bcpQjall bii^lbetljclonge roturt) u»pl« bccnc^,« fete \)p tfic Wbebeferte . Wmwm tmm t&ct»alreplacc0 , J « focDajee Banc be* ne Dopbe tbo^oujj out manp generacpontf. ; 5)tranngcr!tf qjall (tanbeanblebe poureea* tel,anb tpe ^Icanwtcsiftalbc poure plotximg 9 nmm of poure topnc0 . * 2Sut peftalbc * eh lrtrf nantcbtbcpieae0oft^io?be > anbmT(b8lla^^^ Mllpoutljcfcruamittj8tofoute©ob.eelbon eniopetbeaoobe0oftbe(5entlleiB(,anbtrttt* rtwin tbeirrubttaiince.jf o»^onregreatc re- mote pour (ball taite bouble (ope , anb f o j ftame.Oialltbepljanclopeoftlieirjiojcpon. go^tUcpqjallDauc bouble pofleffiOin tfjelr c Ifibe.anb enerlaftpnge (opr (balbe wttb W , if W 3 tbc ilojbc, wbicb loue rpgftt anb Date tobbcrpc (bougb (t t»cre offireb meXball ma ftetbcp^ujo^cjsfmiloffaptbfulnoa! $ made anciicrlaamgc coucnaunt witbtjjem. 'Cpctr fcbealfo isnbtbeir gencracton u)al= be mtot»emnongc tbe<0enrTlcsunb amfige tbc Pfpple.^Iltljcp tbat fe M, (bail anotoe ^ tbat tbcp are tUcbpebleffebfebe oftbe lojb. J„, ( „.. 3nbtbcrfo?e^3aintopfullin tbe lo^bc m mm ' mpfouleretopfctb i'ii mpc5ob.* ffoj&e |)atb w&mi put»poitmet!jegatmcntol:faIuaci8,fCOHe= rcb meuHtbtbe mine of tpgbteoufnc0.*^e * «».»». (bail beebe me ipftc a b^pbegrome , anb a * a bMbc?batbbp?a|B|parcllbpoubecifoMpbe ass tbe groabe b^pnttetb fo^tb trute , $ as tbe garbcnlbotctbfo^brebe:fi)o(baUtl)eXo?D (5ob ft ton* fabe ti)crfo?ctxjpil3 a notbolbe mptungcanbfo^e* rufalem0 fa be 3 will not cealte: pntpUtbeu'rigbtcoufociBtyfa* ~, .,.. ■■ j fee fo^tt) aj3 tfte (bpnpngc lpgl>t, anb (licit faluacpon as a burnpnge lampe. 'Cbcn (ball tbeCtfttlea fetbP rpgbtcoufncsf, anbaUapngfiattbpglojv.'Cbouttjalt be na» mebwitba)V net»e name, wDiclj tbe montb ,. , of p lo^b (ball 0?cu)e.1s:bou ibalt be a ctot»= i$gi* ne in tbe rjanbe oftbe lo?bc,anb a glo^pouis 25 v ' gatlanbc (n tbe rjan'Dc of tbp <£ob . JFr6 tbPtf tpmefojtbtboutbftlt neuer be callebf fo;«= rabcn.anb tbp lanbc (ball nomow be callcb f wllbcrnent 2i6ut f (bait becalleb:&aj*41)p *&> plcafure tst in ber, 9 tbp lanbe (balbe callcb: tbemarpebwomat)i:fo;tbefto?blouetbtbe> f tbplanbe(balbe(dipneb(nmarlage.* ^nb^ *„,,& lpbe a0 a v fige ma taaetb a bangbter to ma* £)f«ox riagcfolbautbpfonnejatbe marpebt)ntof . ctwwa * 3«l Mtftf ( ^ ■•■ ainbnsfab^begcomeisigiabofbPiabipBc, f ft>a« f bP ^ob rciopfe ouct tbe. gr 3b«iuefet$artt>atcbmcnt)pottfbpwai=' C le0 ( £> 3er ufalcm ) robicb tyallnelber ceaffc bapc no? nigbt to pjeache t\)t lo^D e.3Bnb pe alfo tbat cemeb;e tbe lozbepe (bail not Kcpe bim clafe.nqi leaue to fpeabe offrm , tintpll 3ecufaUbefett))pi$maDctbcp?avfe of m wo^lbe. ^he lo?b barb ftoojne bp ijis right banbe 9 bp w ftr onge arme, tbat from hece f ojftb be wpll not geue t^p com to be meate , f 0? tbpne encmptfli , net tbp topne ( u»bcr in 9 baft laboured fobeb^ucbe fo? tbe ftraum gcrtf. 35ut tbcp tbat bauegatbercbiu tbc co^ »e, (ball eate %% gcuctbanclte0 to tbc lojb; 9 tbepp baue bo>ne in tbe Wpne.lbaU b?(ma „. (t itr Ueconrtofmpftanctuatp. a> C5ovott,gopontbo?ou»etbegat(si,mabe clcanetbewap,mabcplapnc,ma«eiilapnep fote patbe, a tafte atxrape f (toneg , out of pt 9 fctouta tobenfo? tbepeoplMiSebolbe, m \*m r, b ^^bpioclamctb bnto § enm of? ujojlbe: \$3: ♦. f f « tie ban3hterftpon:fe,tbp faupout co= Mi. metb>beboibe,be b^ingetb ft* tt eafnte i»itb L n« 4 ^l^W^WWw bim . jf 0; tbcp *««.*. wbfif lo?bbelpueretb,Cbalbc callcb ^*bo- ] IP people :9 a0 f 0? ttit: tbou (bait be nameb ? grcatlpeoccuppcb^nottbe fo?Ciben cptic; CCbe.ljtiij.Cbaptcr. Cl>f Wr teoempepon pjompfco to
    a batbe tbe (nmp bifjilcafiire: anb \mon tbe eartb will 3 la pe tbelrftrfatb. M *3 will bcclare tbe goobneacof floit>, nm tbep£apfe of tbe iojbe f 0? all tbat be batb genet] iMflgp tbe greate goob P be batb jE0?3feaeU:wbictbcbatbgpuentbeni yfbwfawne torn re, facco^bpnge to f mnl» t l f , S5°t^*o«l , ngeRinbne(rc0 ;lfo?befap s M?* SKgf^b?MnbfobetiJa0tbcic(iittpoure. 1 "'* 3ntbeirtronble0be* wa0 alfo tioubleb 1^ MM mm*. mn , artfttbe antfellj went fo^tb from bptf <& P?efeiift ibclpuercb m Of bcrp loue 9 kptOt neffef be ba D \m to tbem, rebernebbe tb& ^ batb tac tbeni , anb ear peb Ibem tjp euer* fence ptoozlbebeganrie.uSut after Crjepp2o=» uobebbim to tb,iatb9 tJCjre&bWbolpmpnbc be was ! tbeir encmpcffongbtagapnft t^m lnmfeIre.1Pctrem^b^b3lraelltbeolbetpme , of a.)ofc09 W people. # fapinge wbcr(0be «MMniA f'biougbtfbffrompttjatcroftbefce^tBitb . _ tbf ? feab W Ob uper wbere (0 be p batb geucn * fr4W »* I)i0 bolP fbMteamongetbem /belebbtbf bp tbc rpgbt b^be otWfefi witb to* glo?iou0 arme: beuibmgep water before tWCtoberbp be gat bim (elfe an euerlaftinge name) be left Itoeln tbc bepe, as an bo?fe (01eb in p plapne, IP tbcp mulbe not ftSble, a0 a tame bcaft go» ctbmtbefelbc:anb tbe b;»eatbgpnen of ©om gpnetb b»m reft. ^bu0( <0ob)baft tbou leb t%p people, tfomaketbpfclfeag!ojiou0namett>itball. *l.oBebowneroenfc5bcauen,9 bebolbe ■« tbe bwellpnge place of tbp fanctnarp 9 tbp ficWrti* glojp »«** ft tbemultitnbe of tbpmcrcpc09tbp loupnge bpnbneffe, wpllnof beenfreatcb of \j0 1 Ptt arttbou^our fatber. jf m 3llvab3tuiowctb »#«*«* \)0 not , netber (0 3(rael acquapnteo tf ds. sK * 25ut ? lojbe art our fatber 9 rcDcme r, 9 tbp name 10 eucrlaftpnge. low , wberf o;e baftpleb\j0 out of tbp wape: * ai^crfo2e ♦irtM** baft tbou barocneb our berte0,£ we feare tbe nottJBeat one idt)08gapne,fo?tbpfcruaQ« tc0 fabe anb fo? tbe generacpon of tbpne be* rptagcCbP people batb bab but Iptle of tbp fanctnarp in pofleirpon , fo? otire enempetf bauetroben bownetpe bolp place. Znovot were tbpnefrfi tbe begpnnpnge: wben tbou waft not tbeir lo?bc , fo? tbcp baue not cal* Icbtopon tbp name. C^be.lt(iii.Cbapfcir, CTIfcbe PJophrtf (DitaYc # pftcon of the 3jft»(s)t(^j,i«; Icth tftcp; crpic * baflnp*mrnf.i*«nnrecpffhtftofCnM tu iphc a doth tpiso toptJ) tljc fttitltes of a toonwn. ^ I'Chattbon wolbeft clcue f Dennett * m fonber,9comebowne s tbat f be mountapnc0 mpgbt meltc a wape at tbp p?efcncc , Ipbe a0 at an bote: fp?e 1 9 tbat tbe malicpoui mpgbt uuf K,n» tbe water botfjt)jionpfp?e:H)berj bptbpnamempgbtbelmowncamogefbpj neenempc0 r 9f tbe c^entpismpgbt tremble- btfo?efbe. n&hmtbau w?ougi)fcft wonbe- rou0ftraftgc Wo?cbc0 , we lobebnotfoitbf. 'Cbou cammed bowne ami tit bpllrtf melt &t tbp p?efence.Jfo? fence tbe begpnnpnge of tbc wo?lbe it batb not bene bcarbe oipcrcea» *ummjl uej, *m tber batb anp cpe f cne anotber ©ou befpbetbe;Wb(cbboftfomocbtfo?tb5 1 ,tbae imttbcirtruftintbe. - ^bottbelpeftbimtbaf botbrpgbttwptij 25 > cbcrcfuliie(Je,9fbemtbattbpntfte>jpontbp ^19 1) ttaff* i 1 S IS i I ? I 1 n i» 1 1 1 l",H!Ui, . ,J| IMiiil LJI.HIjil.li.Ulfl ' I .' ■ .'JfP h -i t I \ L i ■ ■ 4 c ,! Cbe p^opbecye wayetf . isut lo , tDon Daft bene aftgtye , f oi SSSS't weoffienDebfbauebcneeucefofymrt; * yet w **** foaUttJebefoneb.tDearcallatfan tontiene tbynge, | alloure ry gl)tcoufiic>s ate as tbe dotted ftayncb witb p ftoure of a woman: toe fall, euctyebone atf f be leafc,f o? once fy 11 = -. nejicarp Watflaye lyRctbc WiDc . 'fcbere ^ ttnommtttyitcaUctbtopon tby name , tbat ftanocitjj top to taacboloc up tbe . Cbcrfojc liybeft tbou tDv faccfrom \hUiid confumeft Mbecanfe of our c f vnncjs. tfuit hour jD lojbc, $ fatber of ourejef: *»om«.caretbcclayc , 9 tbouart ourc potter , f t u»ra.wF.a wc a j| m tije u>o?cftc of tby WEbc&* 2&e not to fojc 13 y fplcafcD f £> lojbe )«- ftcpe not oure offence** to longe in rby rcmembjamtce, but 5) confpDjc tbat we all are tby people. Ity cp* *ftn4.w.c. t t es | f t j, p gjanctuarp lye n>afte .*&yon i£ a\i)yttietncirc,8nb3erufaleinaDefert.flDure l»oip boufe wb icb ttf oure bewty, u> bere oure fatberj* p?ayfeDtbc,ttfb?cnt*p : re, all oure cSmobitietf <$ pleafureg are toafteD aroape. tt>ylt ttbon not be intrcatcb ( lojbo f 0? all tbtf ? TO* tbou bolbc tbp peaee,anb fcoin> fie to* ft tops Cfcbc.lrto.ebaptcr. 3|crt.jM>, ttoma.r.a. Z COTc Wpcftpc of jficturalcm.aitti tljt ttllpnBt of •L *&ru.FfJ.s. f.tuu.b. JJ2FO.JT.D. ^^rpfebe me, tbatbytbetto banc notamcD fo?me :tbepfynDe me,p bytbertobaue not fougbt me. * 3 baue faybc3am be«,3 am bere. 3am founDc of a people tbat ncuet called Upon my name, it 0? tgu* lonse baue 3 eue* bolbcn out my WDetf to an t»nf ay tfrfuli peo= pic,? go nottberygbt UJ(1?e> Rafter tbeir a rone ymagmacyonprcoapeopte tbat ig euerbefyingc me to my face. * %U? mane tbeir obiacyon0 In garben0, anD tbeir fmofee topon * aulter0 of b?ycftc,tbey lurcbeamSge tbe graue0, anb lye tn the Dennc0allnygbt. SEW* *WPeatft»yne0fle(be,frbnclcatte b?otb itu(.n.a. w m t (,rir\jelTeW.3f ?comefthpeH)«ii>tDep fay e itoucb me not,f o?3 am boly ee tlljen tbou 2CH tbefc men robe n 3 am angrjp, (jjalbe *«*.«*£ tutneb tofmofte$*^e,tbatlball bnrnefo? -.-, h ir cnce.2l$cbolbeit Wt»?rtenbefo^my face , 9 JST , * aII «otbefo?ffotcen,b«wcompcttftft.*3 ejMf.il. (nail rctoarDe it tbem into theie bofome : 3 jncancyoure myfoeoe&att&ttjemirlbeDejS of route fatbee^ togetbce(fayetb tjie io^be) ttibub 'baue rnaoe tijeic fmoneg bpon fmm- taynesi,anobla(]pbemeomet)pontbebyll!e0: tberfo^e will 3 meafure t Of it oloc Deo 1% into tneie b ofome againe. ^o^eoucr,tbu0 fat;etb * Koms.p<.b tbe lo?be:*iB6eaiS mm one wolbegatbei; -*« ... wr , WteWV*** men rape Unto DyntJ b^eafteit Iwnw,,r ^myfwnauntei5ifa«eWlwt3t»yunotbe s ftrope|:hemaU.'aBut3D3pU takeafeoeout of 3acob, $ out of 3uoa one.to tane poffeffiS of my by u . ^y cfj 1? $au poffede tbere tb to» RBI gesi^ my f ctnafttejJ (ball bweu tbere. y baue fo?falicn tb ! lo^D, anttfoagottenmy am.wu,. ply bill ■ S e bane fit Dp an aulter Snt 3up= pitcr, 9 geiicn rpcb lt> jynclte offtcy itigesl tnto tbe plaucttcd Mwfoit tx)yil3noinb?epom witblbeTtBcrbcf'ye (balibebe^ftroyeb all togetber. 5fo^u)b>n3calleb, no mangaue me anfwere: toben 3 QwHe , ye berneneb not Untbme , but byb tDycbebnesf before mm , eye&anb cbofe tbei tbyngeiplealeb me not. -Ebcrf o?e tbu« Tayetb p lo?bu 0ob:25e- holbe.my feruaiuiitesi (ball eate, KmtyeCball bauebonger: igebolbe, my feruaunteflKbail o?y ncfee, but ye (ball ftt&e tburffc^eoolbe, my fctuauntciBi (ball be mecy , but ye (ball be confounbeb.25ebblbe, my fctuauntesi (ball r c i yce f oi t)ery qti y etneffe of berte : HBut ye (ballcrye to? f o?otue of bcrt, anbcomplayne f 0? tocjeacy of myiibe.^oure name (ball yon lcaue accurfeb mnongc my cbofen , f02<$ob tbe 1 6?bc tball Rape yon>anbcallb(0ierua* untejf byauotberuamc. * U)bo foreioyfetb fffij* tjponcartb.ujallricioyfeinp truec5o0.3Jno «.som w&ofotaatctbVponeartb.tyaUfttJearein tbe true d5oo. jf 0? f olbe enmy te ftalbe foj* gotten, anbtafteuatuaye oute of my fygbt- * 5f 0? lo,3 (ball nualte a ncwe bcaucn.anb a fiSH newjeeartb.^noajffo^olDc, tbey (ballnc- ^ BU| uerbetbougbtt)pti,ner!septeinmynbe:but ^lo^efaytbbeojlaDanoeuermo2creioyfe> fo?tbetbyngcia!,tCiat3 ujall Do. ifoit t»by: 25ebblbe,3 (ball mane a (opfull © 3erufalem,ano bi!8 people ioy f ull,yee,3 my ftlfe\»iIlreioyret)(»ytb3crttlalem,fbeglao „ ^ «5 my people. *anb tbe Doyce of wepynge * apotn " anb toaylinge $£11 not be betbe in ber from tbfce foztb • %\>w (ball netber becbylbe ner oioe ma, tbat banc not tbeir full bay ejs. 25ut vobentbecbyloecfimetbto anbfib?etb yeate olDe,it$ail bye . 5lnoyf be fi$mi bunbitetb veare of age 00 w?onge,be (balbe cujfeb. ^„,„ m * %\W (ballbuylbe boufc* , 9 btoell in W '• mm tbey (ball plante WneyarDttf » 9 f ate y frute olraem.f bey (ball! not buylbe, anb another poffefte : tbey ftall not plant anb anorjjer eate: *25uttbclyfeofmy people (balbe lyfte mS a tte.ano fo mup tsojcfte of tbeir um. i"S l9ycbofen(bal| lyuelonge, tbey (ballnot laboure%^ayne , iter begettwytb trouble-. fo^tbep are tbe bye Weffeb febe of tu lojbe, anb tbeir f mm \toitb tbem -. %m it fbalbti tbat 0? cucr tbey call, 3 (ball antwere tbem . liobyle tbey are y el! but tbimnynge bot»e to (beafte,3(ballbeaiFetbem.*'Cbet»olff anb **»**• tbe lambe (ball febe togetber , anb tbe lyo« ^ MlMit , IballeatebayelyWitbe bulloc&.*25nteartb *•"* Ibalbe tbe ferpentw mcatc. 'Cbeee (ball no man bur te ner (lay e anotber , in all my boly by«»rayetbtbelo,tbr. ■ curb* C&be.lrtyCbaptcr. netb.goure bjetb?en tbat bate you , anb cad yououtfo?myname0faRe,fayc:'$belo;be W baynonf e againft w, but vou (ball fe bim Br in ioye njljen toep (balbe conrounbeD. *!a^.ni * *Cben (ball be bearb agretnopfe ft 5 tbe cy tie ano tbe temple, tbe V)oyce of tbe iLo^bc, t ropll retparDe, 9 rccompence btt enc mpejS: lybe aieE tobena toyfe b?ingetb fo^tbaman cbylbe, 0? eucr (be f uffre t^z pa y ne off &y,itb ^angnyineoff tranaple . U)bo euerbearbc 0? toe focbe tbyngctff'botbtbe grofibt bea» re in one Day e ( op at e tbe people bo?ne all at once.atf S>yon traueyleb in cpilbeby^banb *«.-. ., bare ber fonne^5fo?tbuSiayetb tbe io?De. fi5;mt* 38m 3betbatmaftetbotbertobeare,anb ^•"bearcnotmyfelfe^mnotjbetbatbearctb ano maaetbbarenf fayetbtby <0ob. Hciopfe mttb 3erufalem, anCi be slab uoitbJber, all ye m&* tbatloueber.*25eioyfttUmitb ber , all ye f moucneb f 0? bcr.^f o?pe (ballfucne comfort out of ber ujefte* , anb be fatif f y eb . Vt (ball tafte,anbbaucbelytein tbe nle*ecoufncu*e of ber power ,$01 tW fayetb P lo^b : be bolbe, 3 wyll lett peace into ber,ly tte a water ft on» be,anb tbemygbt of tbe feeytben lyfie a flo» toy nge ftreame . W (ball ye fucae, ye (ball be bo;me t)pon bet fpbetf , anb be topfull W ber nnee0.jf at ly neaiSa cbylDe it comf o^teD of bitf mother , fo u)all3comfo?fe you , anb yeujaibe comfo?tcb in3ecufalem. 3nD \»bf * ye fe tbptf, your e berte (ball tefdpfe * anb gKSft j^oure boneji (bait foy (be lyae an berbe* **™»*** 1fcty\# (ball t\tt banbe of tbe to?be be $ (tnoante amongc |)j*st feruafitesf, anb wtto* Dignacyon amongebW rnemyeitf.tfo? be* boi oe, toe i o?o e (ball come wttD tm> 9 M tbarct (ball be ly Re a wbo?l e toynbe, tbat be mayercedpence W b engeadce in bW toiatb ana byffinoignacyon toitb tbe (lame of wt* if 0? tbe lo^De (ball iubge all fietyttytb'be f y « anb toitb W f voerbe,anb tbere (balbe a greate nombje Mvm of tbe lo?be.^oc|) a0 pue mabe t^tm felue0 b oly ano cleane in tbe garbensf, $ tbofc f bane eaten ftoyneis fle(b« myce,anbotberabbom(nacyoni,ibalbrta* nenatvaye togetber, fapetb t\)t tojbe . :if oj 3 toyll come to gatber all people $tonge0 toiitb tbeir woiftcu anD y maginacy 00 : l befe (ball come,anD fe my glo;y. canto tbem C&all 3r 3 geue a token , anD fenDe ccrtayue of tbem Ctljatbe Delyuereb)amongetbe(5enfiie)i{{ in toCitpcta,36fttyca, anD tybta (i»bere men caribff blc bowetf ) into 3talyc anD alfo <5}e* lie lanDe. _ *'Cbe3lejS tee of, tbat baue not betbe M *3nb 3 (ball tafte out ccrtayne of tbem ffiJft* fo? to bep?efte0anb leutte^, fayetb ? tojtbc . mm!3£** ifo?lyheaieitbenetoe beauen anb tbenewe eartb t»bicb3 t»yll ma ne, (balbe fa ft ftablif* IbeD by me>( fayc tb y lo?be )^>o (ball youre febe anD y oure name e5f pnue.anD tbere (bah be aneu>e4i?oonefo2 tbe otber, anoanccoe ^abbatb fo? tbe otber , anD all ftemc. (ball come to mo?ft)ippe be f 0? e m e ( fayetb V 1 o? a be;3tnDtpey Qtallgo fo?t banb lobelmo tbe caryonitf of tbem tbat bauetranf^ greffeb agaynft me. * 5fo? tbeir wo?me0 (ball not bye,nctbrr (ball tbeir fy?e be quen* cbeb,9nliae(b(baU' abbo?re tbem. CiTbeenbeoftbe 5 I i a 1! 8 < ); ! t^aMM. boat of tbe ^?o Pbtte €fay, 4« r~ vs* * ' I • * i* CCIjcboaeoftljepzo *. pfttte3ctempe. S;«t>e So'di of ^iftcmpcanb in luhat ((-me he p*o* iecpio. m r rcuft(l) hpm relft & toolDc tr fufef be .... _. . jA ,.. r , v _„ btMSflh opwrtb bn(oijpm,tbfle the beftrurcpon of [ecpe ..„ , _._,._ oiftce of « ptopljrect be canfc he ( j pouHge aub hn; eipcit.de ft («u«h( of the Horn , 9 bewneeh hois *3frte.rt,o. t ■ t\>t 3|etott ,bp tb"t iSabpiow>aiw,<« at bimbt.ntlt; rope (a comuiaiinorb to fptaKttbt toofot of eoD toirto tb« • j]rtow,topf |)o ut ftarc. >ef c are tfje &ermfti of Jftcmp . je tonne of feelatab tbe i&jette, one oftbem tbat braelt at*3M 9 tbotbto tfrlanbeof I6cn3«mto: 'whcntbelojbcbabtMt fitoKcu until W m, to tf*e tpme of jollab toe forme of 3monaimgeoOuba,totbe.irttj.peareofbtf repp:ne:«itii> To Unrpnge \>nto t&c tpime of jc= boa iatoi tbe fonne of Joflab apnge of 3uba, *uiLtt.nb. *«nb UntpUtbe.jrt.pearcof?ebeafabp fonne •• rrrir „ of 3oRa& ftpnge of juba were mm ; tttyrtt aocOTfM. 3 Cru faicm was tnaen. euen tat be fpf t|) ui'jo SB!?** ™ : * 5i6ffo.2ellfiifaiioncD^iitl)pmofDeisl iBbMjrA tDomk>3bpb anouietbe.3nboj euct tliou ^ woftbo.inc,3fanctt'frrb £, nnb ojbepnebp, 30 to oca mopbete Unto p people . ^|)en fepbc *etcjw.c. 3 : * €4 iojbe <£tob, 3 cannc not foeaac, foi a«t«. tty iojuefpaneUntome lavfnH^mm^tu&atffP&^aMjJfapOe: 3 fc a cobbe of an aimono tree, ^tben fapoc f %om Unto me : tfcou baft fene riflljt , fo?3 mil mabe baft e fpebelpe Upon mp t»o?be, topecfourmctt. 3 1 bappeneb af teewarbe , tbat r&e torn fun He to me agapne , anb fa vbe : W bat feed too u r % nb 3 fapbe:3 bo fe a fectbpngc * pot, lonpnoe from out of tbe uo?tb. *3iot>.F«.b. ut of tbe nojitb (bail come a plage upo" all f btoel* *3ittf.Fiw.b Iersioftljelanbc. jto^lo* JuppUeaftaUtbe l : ; *abac,f.b. jj ? .wt..b. wnrebeU offapngbomejSof pnojt&(rapet& tbe io^e.)3l nb tbep (ball come,? euetp one (ball fe tt b tt lea te in ty gatesl of 3er uGUem , w t 2> anb Mlt&cfr- toalleisrounbe aboutc » mall cpf rtj8 of 3uba . 3nb tbo?o w e t&e" ft all 3 be tlaremp mbsemf t.UpBall tit tupcaebnefle of tbofe men f b««e f o?(aaenme : tbatbaue burntincetireuntofttaungep;oObej(^\»o^ ftipppeb the 100^^ of tbeic MmtyMW. * 4no tperf on giicbe U p tbp lopnetf, arpfe, * mu, aubtelUbSail 3 tbal:3ffctietbeincamauiJbe* ment.jf eajre tbem notjleft 3 beliWpe tbe bt«. ^ f oje tbf . * jf 0? beb i)lo c, tbl oape bo 3 mahe * *****: tbe a ftrSgefenfeb to wne, an p^on pplcr.ano a b^afen raallaflapnftttJcWbolelanbe.asa* pnft ftettpiffca awbmpsDtpemen of anw, ajapnft toe weftesl anb peofile of tHe lanbe, €bepu>aUfVsbtagapnfttae: buttbeptbaH notbeabletooueccfimetbe fo?3am 10Mb t)»e,tobelpiiertt)ejfapetbtbeio?be. C^bejti.Cbapter. C«eb wtif »» rt!) b. is bmefpt w oonr brrto the Jfj h.w , 3gf«pna mm* * iftiopbrtw o; pmAmf witttmne 9 Mfwfir «oft.arbe ittoet act tettroptb bucautt^ep fojrofee Sob , 9 btcnutr fopum* mM limitpngt aft j 1 3)bDla. O^oiier, t|jei»o?be of if lojbe came $ Unto mefapinfle :Cotfjpwapi,trpe m tfte earetf of Jertifalf ,«fepe: tr W fapeeb tbe 10.2b : 3 rcme*b;e f , f o? tbe ap ttbe^ nefte of tbppoutb , anb brcaufe of tbp fteb= toft i!oue j ntt\jt tpinc of tl>p befooufpnae, in tbattbou foloujbcitt me thoiomf wplbcr* ttelTe.tn anUntpllelDlabe.3frael watf an|ja« Jotwft tbpnfle Unto tbelotbe, anb fotoass JWfp^ftrrutcsf. * jJBHtljeppbeuourc 3 frail *|«tt ftjall oftenoe:mpff!)?tuneqjaUfaUUpontl)f, w 1 * 1 ' fape tb tbe lo?be . feeare toerf o?e tbe tto^be of tbe loioe, © tbpu boufe of 3acob,anb all tbe aencracpotf of the boufe of 3fcael . -fc&ujS fapetb tUe loibe. J k . tt)|wt Unteptbfulnefle founbepourefa» w fbet0in me.tljattbep toente fo farre a toape ft o me^llpnff eto lUgbf tieCTe . anb bepnge fo Uapne { 'Ciiep tbojagbt not In tftefe pertf*. Mere r)au e m left tbe lo?be, tbat b?oug|)t Utf oute of tbe lanbe of egppte * tbat lebUiet *en>w tbojotue tbe tuabeenefte, tbo^otoe a beferte 9 rougb lanbe , fterum a b?pe anb a beeblp Ianbe,pee, a I5oe t|)at no man bab gone tbo» rotte > anbun)ermnomanbabbmlt*$nb*&el= ipngetntbem. ^ec, tbe cijplb^ of J*op& anb V> 'Capbnejs banc befpleb tbp ncca. ■ , www ^Cfimctb not tp0 Unto tbe, becaufetNn baft fojtfaaen tDe lo^be tDp 0ob, euer fence beleb tbe bp tbe mvtt anb uftat jafttbou now tobo in t$t ftreteof 6flPpteito tyimbz tbe tt»aferofBrtujS.' , etber,U)batmafteft0 tn k tbe wape of Mv0 1%* bjtpncae water of m >m*< tJeqonbe^^lJpneattine wlcfeebneffc (ball rep?ouetf)e , »tl)pturnpngeatoapeu)ailco= bem«etbe:f tfjou mapeft bnoioe $ Unber ftS* bet bbweeueuanbbnrtfullatbpngctti0, ^ tbon baft fo^faaen tbe lo?be tbp 000,9 not fearebbim, fapetb tbe 3to?bed5ob of Ifjoftcis. ,«#* * 30aue eucrb?obf t&ptwa of olbc,a bur= IS.6. -^.tbp bonbejfrpctfapefrfMjwpU uomoie 5, .'i offenb,butflyftennbaclot)prunneftaboue Upon all Ijpe billesf.jamSgealtgrene treeief, toljere aict 3planteb tbe aieEa noble Upne , $ a «&.».* goob rote wbofe feeb tst all faitbf ull. *leo w art pturneo tljcn to fcoa bptter, Uufiutefull, : «ftraugcgrapc^cc,?tbatfofo?e:^tbougb .tbott toaQie tbe tfjaitrnsi 9 ma&e tbp wife to fattoure witb tbat fooe te fmelltoge oecbe of ,0o^t pec in mp fpgbt j)oet ftapneb toptb t|)p wpcbebncftcfapetb tbe ;tojbe tbp ©ob. &apenotnowe:3amnotUiiclcne,aiib3 swsjg. bane not folomeb 20aal.*iofte Upon tbpne mu awue WW* fot 3DnueIoueb ftraftgcrjS anbt&emwM3folou>e. Jlpae aisa tbefe tbat ttf eaaen untb f me eommetb to tyamceuen fo i$ tjie boufe of 3f» raelcomiJtocofuftonttbecomEnpeople.tbcir mmi* * ftW«|nbrttle«f,tbeiPWeftciBt? pjopbete*. mSk Sf* «»epTape toa ftocfte , tbou art mpfa- !%tj,b, {p,anb to a#onc;j» baft begotten nrnvt^ mP^mmmmtb^9 Uponme^ not •:* • - « tbefc face.*a8ttt totdetpme of tfieir trouble, tf wljeit tUv fa?e . ftanbe up, anb |)elpeUft 3 ****ww (baUanfooeretblf .• itJberearenowe tbp gob= beg!, f tDou baft made tbe.'lett (^ »5be up,$ bclpe m in ttytvmt of rtebe/'pf tbep be able. __ „ . * jfozloaeljowc manpeptiejs tfcou baft(£> *w lt * t ** . 3uba)fomanygobbe$bafttf)ouauo. Wbcrfo^c tben mill pe goo to lawewitl) me , fepnge pceail are fpnnenaagapnft me, fapetbtbe Lo?be/3ti0butloft iaboure,t!wt 3 unptc poure cbplb?en,fo? tbep receaue not mpco;recct6.* £ourcawneR»earbebeftro= *9&*m» petbpoure,ppbeCetf,lphcabeuouringelpon. mas '*' €)pe people, 1 oae Up6tbe wo^be of f lo?be. amltDcn become a wplberneffe Unfo tbe people of 3ftaelf 0? a lanbe f batb no Ipgfct/ U)bcrfo?c fapetb mp people tbf: weareto^ bc&we mill come no m 02c Unto thtfs>ot^ a mapben forget Ijer rapment , 02 a bjp&e bcr ftomacljer i 26ut as( f 02 mppeople tbep baue fo?get mcbapess tonumerablc . Xbty boa= ftefttboutbpwapeiSfobplieCtootJtapnefas ttoure tbere ttjojorae) wben tbou ijaft pet ftapneb t\)l wit| blafpljcmpejair anb teacbeft t[)pneamnemapeai. * 3Lipon tbpwpngetftigfoubetbebloube *m,tmt* ofpooj'e anb innocent people,5f»iiottoco2^ 3mm-*, tierjs 9 bolejs onlv, but openly in all tbere pla> ggfSJ;, cejj .^etbareftprape:3am^»(tottboutfpnnt«) ^ gpltleffc^ttft, m wjatt) can not come Up5 me.25ebolbe,3 conbempne tJ)t to lubgemet, becauft tbon bareft fape : 3 baue not often* beb.38nb wljprunneft tbou fo often to anb fro , to cbaunge t^v wapetf/ it 02 tbou Oialt be confounbeb, a^ well of ©gpptcao' of tbe 3(Tp2ian0:j»ee,tbott (bait gotbp wape from tbem, anb fmpte tbpne (janbetf togetoer Upr t!)p bcab JSccauft tbe&ojbe botb abbo^cei contpbenccanb bope of tbvne,nnb tbou u;alt notpjofpcrewitball. C€be.tii.Cb«ipfcr. flJoo bepnac mcrcpluu wuctbunto rcpftaOccbia people, wixcij ijc baD fo;raft«i lot (brtr tobfl.'f oomf •tortU3l60lw. ©c trtoKctb3ift«l Snto teiienta; uncc,p;ompnimefull blaf= ybempeat,(si the lanbe befpleb. *'CbWi0pcau(e,^tbcrapne9euentnge & bewcbatbceafeo.'Cboubaft gotten tlw an &**** ttlweitf f ottfyab , anb wilt not be a$amet>. i It" ■ «i: ■il ( I fi^iT: rr "*mw J <■ ' 1= ' • ('lit c «W wolbett tbou fape tjnto me : vO mp fa. fto* ir&ouaetbet&at baftbjougbtmeDp , $ lebm^ftomppoutbWttboutbcnputmr, awaj/c, 9 catt me of f o? etier/ £>j wilt tpow witbbiawetbpftifc cicane fcomc ^encc* tpelcs , tpon ftjeancft focb wojbes , buerbou art cucc ooinge wo ifc aub wojfe. tfttbe loibcfapocalfo tomome:in ebe >< ** tf ,S| SSW' S n I e opofiajje^ bpngc : laafr p fene wpat KSr&.b. ttat eebeUpon3fracI path bone .' powe $e hath ipti nttD %tt» %mX * 1 1 *tu» itMii**t * .*»» *^.yI. |wtft«uonet)»^6alietie5pHe0,aitD«mMc aUfrfcJs trcctf ,anb tbece plapcb tbe bflrtot. pattprcittairQ(wpenu>&aoboneaU ftps") * \ |>owe 3 fapoetmto bctsepaeqic qnilbe tuene * ~~ . a 32 vnc *" tomc > * F & c l * "otrcmrncD." *«jf.ym.b *3uiimtbat onfapfpcuUfpttei! bf bceiSalfo fawtfcfciftamel*, £afte*3&ab wellfenc *uu.u.rw. tbe atmouerpe of toemjpncBpng barlot3f= «• rael, *3put&ceawape,anbgauepeeabpU ofbeuojeemene. wasnotaujameb , but went batuefr plapcb ebe t»bo?ea!fo:Pee,anb j> nopfe of bee who2= borne |atb befplcb m wbolc lanbe . #u uje paep commpweb fojnpcacpon wptb ft ones; anbftdcue*. ' *»r« d t. J&euertbeiettr.ytc tmfiiptpfiiil fpfter 3uba %, tt not*tucncb tmtome agapnc wptb pec **jr.w.2r wfcolf pcetc.but fapncolp,fapetb tpe lojbe. 3Hib p low fapbe tinto me: **fcje bacftOp- ? cc 3??. c 2 ** m0lc tpg&tooutf , tpe n tpe tm * faptbfiiU3«ba:$tpctfo;te gopjeacpe tbefc wotbe s towarbc tbe nojtp.anb fape : «£pou bifobeb{ent3fcacll,tucne agapnc (fapctbP iojioe ) $ 3 wpll not let mp wjatpe fall tops Vou,foj 3am mctcpfiilictapctb tbe lojbe)# *iscai.urt.«. 3 wvll notalwapc * bcacc bifpleafuceaga* pnft p:but tbitf 3 will , tbat tbouftnowe !pp «eateblafppemp: fcamclp, ptbou patt tm= faptbfullpfozfa'aen f io^betftp c5ob,f Jaft mabe «bp felfe paeitafeee of ftrnmige<5ob= *3.m.?.h. be« * 'onber all jjectte trecjj.but baft (jab no 1 V w?u t°^ cn w m ? ^°^ cc ' feP«^ tbe loibe. cut, m. *. fa ^ f o toe lojoe: 9 3 wpU be marpeb mptb ?ou. ifo^3 ttplltabe one out of tbecpMe , <* two out of onegeneracpon, fe6am6ffepoti, anb bJ^nffepou in Coupon : ann wpUgeue vou bcrbmf after mpnea wnc mpnbe, wWcb Cball febe pon wftlj leaenpnge & wpCbome. ^o^eouee , wlienpe be tnceeafcbanb m«l«» & c H n P ^n»e>tben(fapf tb m lo^bej tbere QnU no mo & boaft be mabe of f atcae of tfje Ito?bes{ teftamf t : m m& Cball tlunfte *RS«|f» net^eeOjaUanptnanmane mgepon of i *i58la, Mi ■ f offteieawicfcottMtbefaette. . > 1£t)en tbofc p be of p boufe of 3nba,(3i)iU # together out of tbeiio^tb.tntof ^ temelanbe f 3 banc sciien pout fatbectf .3 bautlfeeweb alfo,Dowe3 folic m Vpbepngebut«cttflbe $ gaue tbe a plcafaunt lanbe fojtbpw ' tage.pce^a gooDlpi9ofteoftDeieattKn,« bowel cfltnautiDeb t\)t, ^tbonqjuibeft *caU * 1 ** me f atpec oniv , anb not to $;pnebe fro me- «utlp«ea$a woman Dnraptbfuup ftp. letbb«bnrbanbe,foacepe\)nfaptl)fHlflmto me( fippc tjoufe of 3ftael) fapeep w&mt * asnotbeefo^ tbe tjopce of m cDplbwh of * .1 3frael wagberoe on &pe, weplnge anb wap* Unge ; f(»e|jev|>aiiebefplebebeirtta0e, anb forgotten <5ob tfieit ioibe. /: ©peWfobeWentcDplwen, tnrncagapne <$ (fapmge-.lo.weatetbpne.fo^attebeloibe oure€>oboanbro(baU3beaiet>ourebaeB> tariM/Cral* toavnipttuftctbbefo^tti f M ctb f on i t m tbe pplleitf am in \wpne it it f ongbt in tbe mult ittibc of tbe mbuntapm% o bo weaKo ftepe in ouee conf ufpon , anb , aaame couetetb^: * fo> we$ ouee fatten *wmii fib once pmitb Vp Dnto rtrttf bape (Mue Qm- «?JwKl nebagapnft tlje lojbe ouec^ob^uO bant ?» 4 not obepeb tbe toopce of tbe Lo?b ouee ©ob. ^> CCjje.tt^.Cbapter. S?*.l t . ro 5k Mp P l ' ,u "i l i!. 0? "f/OP"** bH,anbalftbetriOi»eHcc0of3mi(aie-:^tSat % j„ f fl A mpinbtenacpb bzeafte not one Ipaefpjeanb * mv BPnbie^o no man mape qneneb it, beeaufe ottpe wpeftebnetf of ponte pmaglnacpon8f. *w«l) in 3n6a anb 3erufaK , eepe out js anb focaBerblo we t|je tebpettejj in tUe lanbe, em* crpefetierpmamapeUeaceffatbectoaetlier, 9sftpe:fatbce?oueogetber.anb we mm itttoftefigtcptlesf . -g>et-tm£ toue n in frm rpebepon r aH0maltenoWf%e^fo>3wp«* J,fftl * Mngeagreate prage i anbagreate befttw. cponftom tDe no2f . *p> WtMm fc lanbe i; v V mt y •lanbe tbflttcnub befttop the ept^fo tfjat no man nut Dwcl t&eem. Ulibetf o&Mfto pout feluei*ai&utc.wM) faciie ciotbcjinourue, anb wtpeifo^e f eapful w^atlj of tbe tm i$ not wu«aWenfcom\tf. * •.,TOpefainetpmecfaptbtf)e1to;Dc;tbe * Ijeeteof (ue upnge anb of tbe prince* ©alt be gone; t^pjtenftc^ ftalbc afloiuffljeb.anb tbe ^pfjjbcrctf Qialbc Coze afrnpcD. 'Cbcitfapb 3: ' -.$> |h*0M , baft tbou tben bifecpueb tytt mm* ipcottleanbStTuralemJapiiiff : *pcamlbauc .peare i anb nowc tuetwearbe goetbtbo?owe tDc^lpueji:^benfballtt befapbc to t!;e pco= tatimub mttfcgfttt : *.afteonge wpnbc in tbe i)vt * • places of ti)c wpiberncfte cometb tbo^ow tbe wapejtf mp people, but neptljer to fan, no;t to cleaufCi v, ■ • mftcctpat , (ball tbete come bnto me a ftroiWewpnbe ftom t&ofc placed , anb then wplljalfogpucfentenceVjpontbem.ifoMo, becommetb bowne Ipfte as a clouDc , anb Ijt3 njf.««<«.ebat:rettej8latelpli?a ftojimpc wpnbc : ^ mi poiremen acefwpftet t^m f egic. Sflloo wi» to bsL foi we ate beftcopeo. siD jewfalcm, •r., « . *»>att> topnc bertftb withebneffe, tbat tbou 8S!*"- mapeftbebeipcb.^ow long Cbal m nopfom ' tpongbte^remapnetoitbttec.'' Jfo^aviopccfcoitt Dan anbftomtbcljpl of ® ppnaun fpeaHttb out,anb telietb of a bt* ftmction.lRem0b?cp^cptbcn,nnDgpue3«* tufaiewatnpng , atto pjeacbelmto Dee, tbat watcbecsf oner Dec ace eompng f com fac cou= trpeg. 'Sbcpbauectpeboutaffapnft ^citic^ ot3"ba. 3nbtbep bauebefet bee abotitcm cuecp place Ipiic as tbe watebmen in tbe f elb: M».Mrt.c**^^ c Pft«»ep;ouo!tcbmetow?atb,raptp ^tbe^o?oe. hmmtb . * '&bp wapc^ anb tbp tbougbteg , baue mmm b?o«gi)ttbebntotl)(0 , mm* but owne tDpcUcbiicftcanbOtfobeDpcncc: nnbbpcauCe it is a bptf cc tlj(ng,it batb ftctkc tbe to § beet mutt 3 loueb aboute me , anb tfjere &a$ no bobpe» anballt&cbpjbefl of tbe am were awape. 3 matkeb ml, anb tbe plo web f clbe was b e* come waftc:pea,all tbep? cpttes weec b;oKcn boWneattl)ep;cfencc oft&cLojibc , anbut** bignacionofbi0W2atb< Jfojitbusbatbtljeilo^cfapb: ^\)tvol)oU G lanbe tyalbe befolatcpct wii 3 not tben batie bone. SBiio tbecfo,ie, (ball tbecattb moutnc,? tbebeaiicnbcfo^paboucrfo^tijctbpiiffctljat 3bauefpongtotbeiD?opl)etcS pucpofeb anb tanen tjpon me to 00, (ball not tepent me, nub 3w^ftnotgofcoit.'EbebolelanocQ)allfipc, f oc tbe nopfe of tljebo.ifnncnanb bowemen: tbep (bal emme into eentesMuto wobbcsi,anb cipmc \jp m ftonpc cocfees. X 11 § cpttcs u)a I! be bopbe.anb noman btoellpng tbcctn . iUbflt wplt tbou now bo, tbou beinge be .< ftcopcb <- *ifo,itbougb tbou clotbeft tbp fclfc * y " : witb f cadet,? becUetl tbe «6 golbc: *tboiurh *,„, tboupapntefttbpfaccwitbcoloucSnow,pct ujalt tbou tepm tbpfelfein bapne. jfmtbofc tbatbptbecto baue bettefbp greatefattOuwrKjMl nbbozretbc, ano goo about to flapc tbe. fi 0; 3 peaee a nopfe, lp? e adit were ofa woman trnuaplpngc , 02 one labouepngc of ber fp.jft cbplbe:€uc the \iopfc ol'tbcbougbtee^p6,tbntcaftetbcutbetar- mcfl.anbfwowneeb,fapiBg: 3b woo'iome, boa) fojc \)erco anb faint is mp bcct,f 02 f cave ottbemuitbcrecSf' ^ , ta «We.to.C&apffF. Cin3!ehiirci8tl>frEnotp8btoU3 o; fartbf nil man toDof; fatt; f io;oc HiuiQf rcparc tDc f?m. ^Ci?ct- fojej,e*;Fc.90tilcorrt>of(|)fa(rp;iang. " Oftetbo;owe3enifalem, beftolbc 36 SS r £^ c l e r ^°? 0ttJ c bee ftre tes alio b?itbm,if pe can fpnbe one ma - 1 31 trg.fr.f :<[ H if :;« ii I 1 ! 1 1 pmgbe^m?bpipPJe^b^ ^e^So«S^SSffi^^ ^^-^ tjponfaptbaiiDtcutbc. 'Cbou baft fcoucgclH|)cm , but tbep toac no cepentaunce : tbou ball co2rcctf b them foj SKHSSf* 9* ccfufc0 * ^ccction". aubwolbeuotnmcnoe. / Cbttfo2e3tbougI)tmmpfelfc s petab= & ucntuce t bep ace fo fpiuple anb f ooipfftjc, tbat tbe>\)uberftanbnotbmffoftl;eto?beswap, aubtubgementesofouc^ob. *%bccfo2c! «. Witbtbem:pf tbcpfcnoujctbewapc of y torn anb nw lubgemcmes of outc i^ob. mm mm ""»ry"i.tu(vfwiiirijtt» -one f bbop Well , tbep ^ue noxdpfborne . 3 pane it nbippne. bepeibetUettti ilebi ano art ti] lb ^■' il , .*« J. 1 ^^^^^onotitoftpewoobbeAo^^i^ ftailbefteopetbem. ^beicopacbebotblpe ' imnsmWMWV® > totcacc SSSe ail tp«A« . II i' I ' l|ll - P "r — - -p^-p- — - r ^pp -; . : ^ -v/flfvr » J" 1 >y — >* - -, # all f bem tbat come tytt tout, tf o? tbep? offeifc cc$ ace multpplpcb , mill tbep* b cpat tpnge a= wape inttncceafeb. #>l)ulbe 3 tben f oj aftbtf iiauc liters upantlJC.'^iJPC^iO^mtjaucfoi" *§>o P i>8.i.a. ranennte , anb * fwontcop tbem tbat are no gobbeg.^nb albeit ttjat 3 tcbtjjcm to tbeful pet tbep fall to abuoutrpe, anb bauntbntlot- tea bouCcjof. r ! ^ ju tbc bcrpje of Duclcnlp Ittft tUep ace tie *«?«.««.» come Iftte tbc ftoticb Do? le*cuerp mail ttcprtl *****•*. « atblJWgbboucjWtc:*&bulbc3nQtcoj • 1 Id" t * V I [ J rcet tbi&faptb tbe to^ gbbulbe J not be auengcb or cue cp people* ttsat id llpde Xmto t&ts f Clpmc i>p Dpon thepj walletf, 1) ea tc eUcin Do\»ne,b ut beftrope tbem hoc Dt terlp , taltc attf ap tbep* fojctreuegi.bp* caufetbep ace not tbc iojbetf : #oj Dnfaptb* ,,, „„ .. m f nllp batb tbc boufc of 3fcael anb 3uba ftnfa- S -rr .n"i Lb ttcnmcfaptbt&e iojbe; ^bepbauebenpeb j-nrtijc. tbctojbcanbfapbc « ititfnotbctbatlonetl) SSSt « ^P 6 Dst'fcui&tbere Q>al no miff oitune come *aer.M.b. DponDacwc (ball fee ncrber tDJcrbc net bun* ma ffcr # 3j0fo? tbc wacnpngeof tbe&topbctcjai t »ep take it but fo* wpiiDe , pea , tbere 10 none _ of cbcfc wblcbc txjpll tell tbcm 3 tbat fuel) tb(n= » getfiDaUbappcn Dnto tbem. * ,f. rrri , h SUN^ t&U* foP* tyC 1 0?be <0OD Of * ia,Fm «•<> booftcitf : bpcaufcpefpeafcefucbcttojbe&be* 60ID e : * 'Cbe tx> ojb es ttjat are m t bp moutd i»p 1 3 1 ut ne 1 1 ra, ano make tbe people to be *t>f-"w«.c rooob.tiijattbc tpje mape confume tbem . »acuc.«9. c. ..#1,0,3 TOpa bipnga people Dponpou fr3 farce, £> borne of jfrael (fapctb tbc lojbc) a mpgbtppeopMnolb peoples peoplctJDbofe fpcacb titjou fcnorccft not,neptbcc Dnbcrftan* . bcttrobat tbepfape. 'Sbm arottJcg arc fo* bapnebeatb : pea, tbep tbemfelucsfbcDerpe gpauntitf.'WiB people tyal cate top ftp ftute fwMtop are beparreb anb gone awap f to me leace tfte tub our ®0b,tDat ffweft tojs tapne earlpe anb ;late,wben ncbe is : fiwcfcc Uepetb euccftplitljcliacueftfo^jxpeclp; «^Sr , ? t,)rtcffe J P°w»»pfbebetf tauetuc» **m ncbtDerefcompou,anbpoucfpime»Uauecoft „ bebpoubeceof. ^amoiifie mp people are * fouttbewichebperrone^tptp^uflplapfna- tbem-aublPReajianetWfunofbpjbetfJo arc t&ep; Doufcjee ful of tbat ttbfcbe tbep baue ffottenwt^aiaiebanbbifcepte.fec?ofeom mefttbep^ceatrubftaunceanbtulie^bec ofaretjepfatanbwelt^anbacemowfe tbe lawctUep mafte no enbe of fte fatbeel effe ** m 1 », 9 tt)p mirate, pea, tbcp ft all beuoute tty foncjaE lwbougbtccs(,tbpCbepe 5 tbpbulocuejs. 'Cbcp iball cate too tbP ffcapesi, stpffCjML caufe, pea, anb tUepp^ofpcte : pet t&ep Inbge not tbt ppojeaccojbpngre to equptle. * l|jel,o?b/'Cbttibenot3beauenffebofaUfucbe peoplea^tUefe bei- ^o^cpblc * sceuoujj ftpn« ffejaceboneintDelanbe. ^bepjopbetesiteacbcfalfelPjanbtUfpiee* fte0ccecpuegpfteji,»mppcopie*Dat|)pfea=.' At tu , futeti)cnn:«abatwaeometocMfatt|jelafti , fflH C^De.W.Cbaptec. m,ixl &tU tftuiK fo; U>t)fc^ aierufaum (a atfiptf. ttflms 5nm«frtptcf».ff9nrtoHtnca:c.!r)ifcfpfaltcnme, anb fcrueb ftraflge p;ob= ^sinpourutDuclanbceuenfoujiallpeiei-ue ot&er gobbcjsalfoiu a ftcaunffelanbe. i| *cr ..bf.b t 9m* WDnto tbebonfe of 3acob,anb 1 3obH.i F .B. crpeitoutin3uba,anbfapetbujES^earet|)lsl (tbou f olrtb $ Dnbtfcretpeople^pebauc ma m . . butpcfenot;cacesibaucpe,butpebearenot. I VS&&* ftm pc not me , faptb tbe UM i%xt pe m tw • tiotafHiamebtolonemeinftefaceawbtcbe bpnbe tljefee wttb tbe fanbe,fo tbat it cannot palfc bid bounDcs. jtai tbougp it rage , pet M can itDonotbpnge,, anbtbouffbe tbe wauetf -W tbccofbofw.iUpctmapetbepnotffoouec. ^uttD^pe opie batb a falfeanb obftmate tBcpbcebesi ooitb tDep^aocUejS* 'tbep? tented (ball tbeppptcftecounbe about bee, anb euerp ■ one Cball febe tbetn tbat are nnbec W banbe. ®)abe battaple ajapnft be 1 ((ball tbep Tape) 3 rpfe, let W go Dp,tobple it 10 pet bape. ^la^tbebapegoetbawap, ano tbcnlgbt Ojabowejs fall bowne : Htpte :le t M8 go Dp bp npgbt , ? belttope bee ft conge bolbe^fo^ tbus ® batb tbe to^oeof booftejg commaunDcb* fytm :botone bee tree*, anb fet Dp bultpo; * nejs agapn Q; 3ec u falem ; f 0? tbe tpme 10 come tb"t tQi&mit muCfc be pimpiibeo tf 0^ (n bee (0 all maUctoufneffc. i^ne a0 a cdbpte fpoutetb oute waters* , f tye vpoutetb out ber totcneb - neffe * E ob berpc 9 D n c igbt ufneuTp W betbe in bee fo^otoe ahototi unb ?& ace euec tbece in mp rpgbt3ineubtbe( i ^3ecu&item)le(t3t»(tp bjitoempbectfcaiHje, 9 maiteltjiebefolate: I tbPla7)8lfo 5 |nomioaJelmitjfoittbutffaitb tbetojtbe ofbooftfjBv^be refibue of 3frac| ftalbegaebeecbi m tp Wmnaunt of grape*, *. ?«otberfo«ittene ipne banbeaffaW '* uitotbiebaffteMpbetbe gra^gatbecee. i^ne •■;?:¥ '*&«*. ** t.* :i: ^ • '.•'*:'--f ,,T '^ :V3 »* >i M fti|owr(Hall 3fpeafte,D)bom flballi Doaiaic tbat bemape taue Detjef * ^beie eal ^fPliM^,|tt tbep mape not beare. ^ebeitoneVponff mtw^uHK^ui pu^yiu^mvaceroitpour, /,< v ! anbDpottallpottgenictt.gc^tbemanmiiii i^M^efonwtoitb tbe to/e^ tbeageb lartbe$|t)opue0 iballbe tumeb Ditto ffraui. .-••I (■'■»» JWWPaPS** outmvne banbe Dpon . tbc tniwbitatouri of thtjs lanb, fapctb tbe JSf WE ^°J^ om fl» wi ^"tb tbe mo& F t. . tbep batWtaUDpon couetoufnc(fc, 9 from tettottbfalCbeebanorpcjs. a, *ajnb wsfte tbat,tbcp beale tbe bur t of r.c. tttf people Jtoitbftbetetbo$be$,fapeng : pea mm' ^«£>Wtberei!Snopcaceatail. mu Ff thcpaCbamebtbhentbepbabbcommptteO 1 abbompnacponf 'Crulpe nap tbep be paft *3i*.r.f. ibame f *3nb tbeefo?e tbep (ball fallamfr •' - ge fjtapfct in tbe boure tDUm 3 (ball Dp= . fet tb«n 3 tbep (ball be tyougbt boDnteifap^ ctbtbeio^be. ■ ^bug fapctb tbe io?b:go into tbe ftrca* tcj8,confpb?e | mane tnquifieponfbi ^ oibe Djape : anbpf ttjje f goob anbepgbt&ape, tben go tbcrtn, tflat pe mape fpnbe reft f 02 f ourefoulesJ . tfngrap.fepe : toetbpllnot toalcBC tbertn,anb 3 topu fete foactrnnen e oner pou,? tfterfo?etaRebebeDttto^Dopce of p tropett. wt tbep fape:tbe topu not ta = fee t)M, l^eare tbeefo^c pe (SetplciB!, s tbou eogecgacponiDaltBnoD)e,tDbat i baucbe= npfebToji tbem. locate ?eartbalfo:bcbolb, Nim«« P *5HJift a pjage to come Dpo tW peo plCjeuenffenteoftbeteatbnetmagtttactV. :.. wtbepbaue not bene obebift Dnto mp mto§ # to mp latbcbnt abbo?reb tbem. Pi W>* J) WW re we wcenfe from 4>a ba,f fiDetefmcUpngCalamujj from far re cotmteeejeij'goue burnt offcrpngcis bpfplca= feme^3eeiopcenottnpouefact!ir>ceiEi. gnDtbeeNetbnifapetb tbe iojbc:bc* DoJb,3 topUntafte toiji people fall,anb m-~ eefbalt fall from among tbem tbefatbee r& m ebplD?en, one ttepg jftonee (ball pcrpfbe 1 1 Ma.l.b. Djpttootytt ?ft Wro* i a great * 1 &■■■ jc ^ibufii.fapctbtbe Ufa* 25ebolbe,tbece no tort bw ftarougl) fullpeopli mm lateaaiag ^__ rrr _, VT ,c#eoftbc .J©ureaiwcss^efeble 3 bc tbi « an;[Dri!nctc^ffi'people,tpcp ( t vovi fe»on%orfci8tbeu e # fifcH Dopeeto.a tcr4ion^be — ■ " ie. 5fb,ljtD, isicomeDponDAa^DponatbomantraHe^ " v Ipngttottb cbplbe. let no mango foubfth to p rclbe, let no man come Dpon^ bpe ftre* te.fo? tbeftbeaebe anb fearc of tbe memp m oncuerpfpbe, (flO tboubangbtee of mp people) fpipnnlc lpa^DpoiitbPonlpbelouebfonne.5fo/tbe *• bearopeeujalfobcnlpfallDpoD^'Cbeba- ue 3 fet fpia ttroge tottoec ( tbou piopbe* te)a a tbellfenfeb ttall amonge mp people, tofeKeoutanbtotrpctbcp^tbap&T* jfoittr,, tmi 1 atbapc, ttoalfetgebtfcettrullp.tbep areclea= wo " ,a '» ,c - neb^afle* won,fo? tbepburt % beftrope cue ep tnan.'tbe bellou* are b?f t m f tylf lea be ttnotmolten^melter mcltctb uiDapnc mf euell ta not tancn man ftom tbem. ybcefo^e bo tbep call tbe naugbtp fplucr, Decaufe tbc lo?be batb caft tbem out, 1.1 i if 1 C3jctemp l» commaunacu fa Qrtor ftnto e^f p^pit «je too^ue or !5ob,to^pdj tttirtrtb . Y * l 1 1 « I! !f if l^efc are tbc tboibcgi tbat (^ob fpanc ^ jDnto3eccmpe:fapege * $t*bc Dn= JUnfti | bcetbegatcoftbcio?bc!Bfboufc,ano««>-n-bi.4. crpe out tbefc toozbejs tber e t5 a loubc Dop^ ccanbfitpe. I^carc jf D>o?bc of tbc iotb all pe of 3ttua, tbat gom at tbtjS boie, totooi* flbpppc m Utfjccbutf fapctb tbc Xom of $ofte0tbe<15obof 3ir«icll.*fmcbcpbiirc *mu.<>. , •tbapc#$pourcou!tcelsun&3«bpUletpou. %***&* i mcWin tW place .'Cruftnot in talfe Ipcge B tbO£bc&fapcng:bcreis(£ temple of f Hoi% berc ist m temple of tbe Ho?b,bcrc i$ § tern pic of tbe to?be. ; HButratbcr in beabeamebe pour tbapctf 16 anb cotincel0,*anb tubge rpgbt bettbirte *«*^w. •amananbbisirtepgbbour: oppzcire not tbc ffim'K; ftraugcr,^ fat&crle&f t\^t tbpbboroc^ctie aotMM 1 not innocent bloub in tbPJS place : clcuc not to (traugegobbesj to pour attone beftruccto;: tben topu 3 let pouwiiell in tbttf pla cc^pce, tn p lab t bata gaue af o^e tpme Dnto poure fatbcrjS f 0? euee.lDiit tafte &Dc : pe trnftitu lF«gctalc$*bcgplei»ou?bopounb.gpflb^ ^fo,t toben pe baue ftollenwuetprcDjConv mpttcb aououtrp,? pcriurp. Wtetin M* ue offreD Dnto iKtali f olotopng ftraunge i Dnnnotone gobbed mall pebeDnpunpineb? *?ct tben come vw mtm before me tntW jonfty* (tobiebbatbrnpnamegeucnDnto We»,b»ft, ft^fapCCuflbjtoeareabfolttebQuitcitbou T gbe toe bane bone all tpefe abbominatpftls. . * * TOatr tbpnene pou thi>bonfe ffeaVSa.ibf.b. 1 ^ '*N Bit' : i Oc II ■^•-Ri--; ' : ^r -r^r "i Vf- • hi/ Vi ■AlJ f I i. i J3W«4*«. be, (ftotomy plate in 3Daob>*tobcnmto 3 guuc my namea f o?c t ymcanb louc tocll thougb yc ^ J ftww £f ucn to you anb yourfatljcrjOnb [j j *bnct4M. Stba^nftyououtofmyfpgbt^aiOba f! '•• nc ca(t out ally ourc b?ctb?en tyt tt>|jolc fc« j; ocof®pD?aftn. H t Tcr.riin.b. * 'Cljcrfo^e,tI)oti(|mUiiot p?nt>cfo^ t|)pjsi byopjaycrfouDem^fljaltniaftcnointcr* ceffion to me to? them, fo? iuno toyfc toyll 3 beare y, £>cyft£ not tofjat they Do in tbe cyticjS of 3uoa,f itt f (treat* of 3crufalcm . *3jfr.n«tf.c * ^necbvlbjcngatDcrttycfec&rbcfarDcrtf fepnblcf rwc, £tocmcnUncabc pbotogDc, to baue calictf to? tDe qiicnc of Dcaucn. CDcy pourc out Djyncuoffcyngcieitjnto tttatige gobbc&to p?ouo!t nrttto to?atb. iootolirtt tbey buttc not me(fayctl) f lo?b) btitrati)cc cotounbes Qjame tbcm fclucjS. Znli tbcrfojc tbu* fayctb ttje Ho^D <5ob: bc1)olli,my to?atD $ my mbtgnacton fyalbc poureb outtopo tbteplacctopo men $ catcll topon f trees m j>ic\u gsfrurc of p labes it (ball liuruefo )> no man maye qucitcl) it. € 'Efcug fayctb the 1 o*bc of tyoftc* p (Fob (Kr of 3frael-tiaf J$)eape top your* burnt offryn * 6f«.u. gc* toy tb your lacrifpee&anb cate $ fleQjc. rswu-M. * ifoi tohen 3 tyonpt yourc fatbertf out eta.Fuii.a. f ©gypt, 3 fpafec no too?bc "onto tbcm of burnt offryngc* 9 facryfyce*: but tW 3 co * en nr a maunoeo t|)rm, fayingc : * bcrken 9 obcyc m\> fcoyce, ano 3 Cpaluc yourc C5ob, anb ye Qjall be my people : fotbat ye toalcue in all tbc t)?ayej5,U)bycb 3 bauc comaunbebyou, tbatyemayepjofperc. *w**mu * ^utttjey tocrcnot obeDie*t,tDey inely = mn not they? earcg tfjerc tjuto, but act af ■- tcr fym axone ymagynacyong $ after- the mocyoujS of tbey? atone toycucb bertc,* fo turneb tbem felucrf atoayc, anD conuerteb not ^)nto me . 3lnb tb^ baue tbey bone, fro the tynic trjnt yourc fatijerji came out of ■ft €gypt,Dnto tljyjs bayc. r.trb a. * jaeucttl.)clc0,3 fetit -btttoyoUjaU mv fee wu.a. umitU cjj f p?op^ete0.3 rofe np carly,$ rent youH'O^ocycttbolbe tbey not berucn,nce offrc mc tjjcyj carcjj, but toerc obftynatc^ ttw^ft tben tbey? fatbcrsi. 3Enb ^ (bait noto rpcabe al tbefc tboibcs \)nto tbem^but tbey (ball not beare the:^u)altcryc\)pon t^trttj but tbey iball not anftoete the . MKbcrfojc, Hjalt llpou fayeDnto tbcm : t|>^ i»: tDe peo» Cl 'r pict nctDcD bcarctD t^c ijoy ce of tDe lo?be tbcm d5ob, ncr rcceauctl) oyiet cojrcccy on. * jr ay tbfumclfc anb trcutj # rteane rotcU + Tm . „ Outoftbey,nnoutb. . * 3,m,r.n.rt(. ( . tei-fl! in fy?e,tobieb 3 ncuer comaubeb tbcm,^ { "-f 1 "»«i nctlict came it cucr in my t&ought . 'M\> tbcrfo?cbcbolbe,f bayejjiiball coine(fayctb tDe to?be) f it $ali nomo^e be callcb ^0- |)l;ctl), o?f "bailey of f cI;ylb?cnof ^nom, but tbe valley of aaugbter, * fo? mi ^0= wmm pbetb,tbey qjalbc buricb,bccaurctbcy (ball el* baue norotbmc. * V.tt> tbe becb bobyetf Z$l*}^ of tm people Cbalbe eaten Dp of tlje f oulcxi ■ of t^c ay?c ^toylbc beaftcs; of tbc crtb> anb tio man u}all frayc t|)em atoaye . * 3lnb ai£( awmt, fo^Dopccof mwtb^fflabnciB! of f cytyc^SSt of juba,f 3cruvalcm,tbeiooycc of § b?ybc= grotneanb of tbe b?yDc.3toyUmaucti)cm ceaffefo? t^t lanbe ibalbe beiolatc. CChe.\)iii.Cl)aptcr. CSbcKcatuccpon of tbc3lctoc0. s:?»c3LojDmourt^ tbcpcoplcto am(iiDrmcuc,rcchciipng tip tijep? rpnnrs. Ompjcl)Ci«>stt) t^c IpingOortcpnc ol t^t pjopljctc* auDp;c(tcs, % tf)c ramc tvmc rayctb ]53Lo2be,tl)c 2t boncjS of f Uyncccsi of 3uba, p boncjJ ofljijjp^yncesljtlieboncjBi of yp?cftcj< $ pjopbcf c&ycc,$ tbebonejs of tbe cy tc?tm< , of3cruialcm J u>iUbcbiougbtoutoftbcy? graucsi 9 laycbasaynrt tlje. * £>unnc, tl;e * ^«« «)oonc (js all f l)eaucnly IjoolMto&om t^cp loueb,ti)bom tbey fcrucb } tbbom tljcy raime aftectbbom tl;cy rouabt anb tbo?u)y ppeb. ^Cbey n)all netber be gat&creD togctber nee burpcb, but iball lye ajs bogc Dpon $ carti), to tbey ? tbamc anb befpy fyngc, * 3nbaUthcp f rcmayne of tW tbpcRcb * m m\ genctacion,a>xllbcry?c rather to bye tj)e" to ly ucttobercf ocucr t\)t\> remaincanb ttohcre a^3 rcatcc tbcm^ayctb the Lo?b of Ijofo. 'CbysfujaltJfaycDntotbemairo. 'EbutfjB rayctb tbc Lo?bc.a>o men fall ro,tbat they aryfciiotnpagapnc<'slD?yf3rraell repent, toy ll not gob tutne ag cyn to themr ^Uber= f o?c tben iis tW people ? 3cruralcm gone rofarre bacftctljat tbey tutne not agayne ( '"Ctiey are cuer tDe Wger tDe moje obftinat, anb toy ll not be conuerteb. * fl 0? 3 ijauc loltcb,? c5rpbereb:buttD^ *m& re in no man f rpeauetb a goob ttoo?b;tDerc iti no man tbat tauet^repTntaunce fo? \)v$ rynne,t[jat toy ll ro mocD atf ray e;toDerf 03c Daue3 > * *j ©f Jeremy \% <. 1 Wil % ne toalouj % ty Crane KflkM. wn^t^tymeoftDcy^trauayll,* but r* my people Whwt ftnofi tDe tyme of the jwnyftment of f to?be.^ouibarre yc rape fljen,tbe arc toyre, tbe Dane tDclatbcof the lo?beamongct)sf'' J 5foJji:bi! Dclpcb. 3 am l^?c ne^b,becaurc of $ hurte of my people. 3 am De«y $ abafDcD.W tber Ji? %fe a ^«^3i» tDer no pbyfycyon ^ ciDe.ir.CDapter. malpccof ebcpcopie. 311 the hnotoWon 7XSt -^ t23bo * toyu geuc mv Deab tbater 3 i i ynougb,anba toel of tcaregfoi myiic * et»,vml iojoeamongew.'' v '•^• ww ««^ |^«uoo i* Wipuemp bcab tbater •SSR* *i lbc ? f l ai,eD • taucn : f °^ l0 >* they baue HMfM wft out tbetbo?bc of tbe ii&38fiZ borne can tym be am5ge tDem." mbatm* 3 toyll geue tljey? toy ueitf Unto a leannm . anbtbcy?felbeg tobeftroyce*. folotoc allfuthy lucre : Htmjmuifm tmto y nrtettap bealcallto tyffi&mtt tbelenctDcy Dcalc p burte of my people \3t* ry flmberlye, fayeng e : peace, peacc } xobcre there ipno peace at all. jf yc f o? mmt, DotoabDominablc thyn^ gcj( Dot-Dry.' anb yet tDcy be not aujamcb, ycctocy UnoVdc of no ujamc. nntMA. . *Wcrfo?c,mtbctymcoftDcy?Diryta= ctou, thcyfha u fall amOgc f KccD bobpck s be oucrtb?otbnc (ay ctb tbcto?be. vr ^SIW 3 Ul £ 11 co ^«»ne tDe in bcabe (fayethtDcio ( }b)fo^tDerciDallnotbeone ^ grarenpony DyncnetDeronc fygg vpon ' gjerygctrc,anbtbeJcauc,tf(balbcplucteof. 3Cnb toe thyrigc f 3 Daue gy uen tbcm (ball be taucn fro r be:tt>DP p?olonge toe ^ ty inc." 3Lct \jgga tber ourc Celtics! togctbev,anb go into y (frogc «;y tie, tberc (ball toe be in rclt. jfo? y lo?oe ourc Cob DatD put ttf tofvie= cc^ffcucn \)»: toatcr mvtexogall, to b?yn= cKC:becaufc ttoc Dane rynneb agaynft hvm. mm* * Hflle loheb fo? peace, $ SSSi% 3t. better,lbe tuay teb f o? tbc tyme of health Io,^rc«notbyngebutrrouble.' fean, | tobole labe i$ afVaycb atj ncyeugj of bt0 ftrongc Do?(re$:fo? tbey are come nu ««. , „ l^ ttc beuoureo ^ ia*be,\i5 all ^ itf in it: ^ ci> «NWb ticMnb thofc f mm tber in. ? ^o?couc 3n)yllfeube€ocltatrice0fferpetc/amofc gc you cpDicb toy ll not be cbarmcb; $ hep 3)qi^Ptcyou,fapetDtDcJlo?De. Jl ■* hi!? *4 UC ^ «Wr ageit ro?otoe : but ro?otoc m come npon mc, anb beuyned jejetb myjmm ioj nopce off cr"S Jfmp people ig Derbe f o? fcare of tDem ,that fJESPS ^ srel,cl1 me w Jto?be fione,tDe^)5mer DatDan mbc,f toe arc not ■ * J f folcUc,y 3 mygbtleauc my peoplc,anb goo fra tl)c:fo? tbey be all aoiioutm* i a (bzyn J^vngefo?te.t bey bebe they? tungco lytic botoc&to (bote out ipcjtf. tbep toa* arfigc yponertbe. moil truetb,tijcy maye no tDynge atoayc toitDall in tDe too?lbc. f oi tbey go from one toycltcbncs! to another anb toyllnotanotoemcfayctb tl;c \om. fT,^ c ^" c mwft r tt ?H e D?w Wfe from ano: 23 « tber,uo ma may fafcly truft bisatone bio= *x*i>nt*.\ tber :fo? Hue b?otDernnbcrmpnbctl;ano^ft7^...r.4 tber,oncncpgDbourcbcgilctbanotbcr.)>ec a) l ! one btffcmbleb^anotbcr,anb tbey bcalc^ ^JSfi 4 *f ft^uej^actpfebtDeyj tu * p^ s , c ^ to iE c ' * J« lftcn 5 r i" a t payneg to bo imf- *• cbefc^bou fottcft f ^mpbbeg of a byr ec««. SKft^ f °* ^ c,:p W^m Wy ng fill I '**-f««™*l rpeaue peaceably to tbey? neygfjboiircb it f i)?cuelytDcy lapctoaytcfo?bRn.^>buibe 4 Jw i b \ Uptt ®tmm 3 not beaucgeb of any 8SP4KR* ,t l ftl ' £HwttfmountamfS totU3 takDpa lamcntacion saroiotoful toilbcrne(re,aamely,boto tbey are fo M& iop,ynomangoctD tDcrcany mooic. l>eet a man (ball not beare one beafte cryc tberc J5y?bc* $ catcll arc all goiicfrom thece t> i * 3t»(l^a^ruialealS^K Sw** nc&3 a benne ofiwnymoujstooimra atna "* , t , - ' 3WlmyWcptirfof3uDafo^^ nomanujallbtoclltDcnn.mhatmai SSS tDoufoaJaberf o?c art ? fob?cnt 4 "lyhe JiSfS 1 !?? 1 ?^ Wi! an S°«D tbo?otoV gee, 9BS5W 1 fc / fc tolllc # famc ^"to tbe', tbat fo?roue Dy* latoe,gt ueptc not §thml gc^Degauctbem in comaunbnnft, nether i rpucbtbcraftccr*butfolotocbtDctoicKeo=* bn , tw C h .©bbbefca^tDcy?fatDer^taugbttDem. 33 « m»fc i >./■(»•;> • urijt >' * I m i * & 'fctoctfojM Wfayt th f lojte of fyofte& •» the @oD of ifracl. JiScholbe, <* 3 topllfcbi! hs. tin* peopled to o?nitoob,$ gcucthcmgall iSSfflf *° b?pnckc,* 3 toptt fta* re tbc" atfo among . ! * f be fecttjjm, ttfcom nether thep iter tbew j'gtMuf^A fatDcrst haue hnotonc:* $ 3 toillftbcaitoc: arbcamogc them, to pcrfccutc thcm,untill 3 b?png them to naught . *a)o?eonct, rM fapctb the lo?b of ir)oftriaf.5!5eiajnrc of £ Uf « gcannce that hangcth otter p ott : ant) calfor mourning topucsu ienbe fo? topfc tocmctu that tdcp come fl)o?tlp, anb fpnge a moiir* ttpngc foitge of pott:that £ tcarctf map fall out of ourc cpesf,anb£ our epe ipbbcgmape iti !( 1- i ■ l * *f frr.bn.o. n.ib.liiii.b. fiuvOjc out of toatcr. jT j? o? tljcrc i* a lamentable nopfe bcurbe of $ion . © hoto arc toe fo foic beftropebf' j£) 1)0130 arc toe fo pptcouflp cofounbcbimc ntuft f ojfalte our atone naturall cotmtrc, & tocdrc (but out of ourc atone lobgpngctf. get heart the too?bc of the lo?bc( £>pe toe= men) 9 ictpottre earctf rcgarbc rfcc too?beg of 1)1)3 mouthy pc map Icrnc pourc baugfc tcrst to mournc,f that eucrp one map teac& her ncKfl!)iioutcflie, to make lammtacpon. Bamclp thu0.-2>eatb $ clpmpngcUp in at ourc top:fibotoc&hc income into ottrchou* fckto befttope the cjjpioc befo?c jibo?c>anb the ponge man in the ftrcte. 26ut tell tbou plapnclp, thug I'apctb tlje Ho?&<:. * 'SCjjc Oceo bobpeja; of meiiQwil Ipe Upon tfie grounbe,a$ £bonge ten $ fclOe, $ as the hepc after f mother, $ tDcr fbalbe no man totaketbemUp. 'Chug ilapetbthe 3Lo?be. Let nor tfjc topic man rctopfc in bt# topfb»mc,ner f fteottg man in W ftrcngth, ! f.ita.tu.b, ,!iU08M,ti,& *\ ix£t£u, nctljcrtljcrpc^emanin^rpcljcffcu^ur ii. co;.n.4. tbfto f o toill rctopfclet I;pm reiopfc in thitf, that he Unbctttnnoetb , $ knotoctb me : f o? 3 am f :lo?be,tohich bo tnerep, equpte anb £?&?* tPShteoufncu'e Upon £ earth . * t hetfoje, mitM, hdttc 3 plea fur c in foco thpngcjS, fapctU the XoiOc . 05cholOe, the tpme cometh (fina the a.o;toe)£3tbpli Upfct all them, tofeofe fojcfftpnncijaiDncircumcpfrD. 'Cljeegps ptfan0,tftr3ett)eiJ,theeDomprefcrheam* '*J-rr'^h c ' WW** thc^oaUitcjEJ. * and the fbauen j XCK.UIU. 4pao tonptc^that Otoell in the ttoplOcrncji. Jfo^aUtfic (5cntile^arc DncircumcpfeD in the ftcfl3,bttt all the tjoufc of JCraeliare mt= ctrcumepfeo in the herte. CChp.y.Chaptcr. ' cmo ronactiacpBg of rftc ftam« mtuA to be fta«ti». «ffte«Alw«w of 3p>ol0,«nb oabcuototvofiSo6, jcfeurilcwatw. €arethj!tbo?tJeofthao?bc that he fpeaUeth unto the, €> p hottte !j of Jfrael. •cjntsi fapeth f no?oe. I f gc (ball not lerne after f matter l9effthen,^ peCball not he afrapeo fo? p U ol; I) cancnifo? p heathen are af rapco ■•-•i mQtoJ\bii.t of Coci):pec, al f tuff mat an&lattoetf of tlie d^etplcsS arcnotl)pna;c,Utttioanpte.*'CJiep *&mm Ijeuic hotone a tree in p toon toiti) p hanoeft- of ^ too? ckeman, ano tatbpon it xh tpe are r tljcp coucr it oucr tot tl) p;oloe o? fttuer,ri)ep f aft en it toitl) napicis i t^mcrftthat it mo* tic not. 3e ftanocth ajBftpf a$ $ palme tree, it ca ncthtr fpeakc net go one f ote,hutmud facbonte. * Joe not peafrapcD of foch,fo? *mmMi tljcp canbonctber g ooo ncr tmUMut tbe= J 8 *****' rciflinonclpheUnto^ O i.o?oc, * $ great *auo.fu tjs the name of thp potocr. 3ail)o toolbc not f care the/ f> Hpng of tl)e $MI0 f o j thpne tjs the Oompniom jto? amottge all f topfe men of the 6eti;-- 25 tpleiefi anp inallthcp? kpng;Of mci«,therc i« hone f mapebe lie Ucnco Unto # , 'Chepare all togctlxr UnlcrncO $ mttoptc in this* one thpnge.^ll thew cottnpngc is but Uanpte: namelp, tooo, vplucri toljicb i^ brought out of 'CharftjJ 4 beaten to plate** : anbgoloe from* €>phit,a toojtclic p tjsmabetoith the **.»«** haoeofj> craftefman $ the catter,clothcOt& pelotofplcU $ fcarlct:cuen fo itf tl;c too?cUe of tbcp? topfe men all together. m\t f lof Oc ijsi a true Coob,a Ipupttge d>oO,$ an eaer* laapngc upngc.* 3f he bcto?oth,tl;c earth *&mu, tyaBctT) : all the 0entplcsfmapcnotabpoe Dtjjtnopgnacpon. 3CjS fo? tbcp? gobbed t\m8 fhall pou Tape to tl)cm.thcp arcgoobctf, ttiatmabenctjjer hcaucn net earth thcrfoje (ball t^cp perpu) from the earthjanb from all thpngcsl Unbcr heaucn.2Sut(as( fo? ottre d5ob)* $emaoc^ * emu earth tfi higi potocr, anb totth i)i& topfbome 'botb he o?bcr ft tohole copafTe of f too?lbe, toith oisJ bifcrccpon Ijath he fp?eb out J hea^ isf. 3tthijsuopce^toaterjBiaatberroge» C ;inpap?e,* he b?atoetbUppcloubes(1ro *vmw thcUttcmoft partes* of f earth : be turucth «• Ipghtcnpug tp rapne, $ b?pngctb f o?tb tbe topnbeis out of tbeir treafurejEf.feijs topf bo- rne mahcth all men fooletf. ^nb cfifounbeb beallcafterisofpmage^fo? f thep caft,ttf but a Uapne tbpnge,? hath no Ipf e . * %hc * m.ti yamt craf tefmen xo tgetr too?ckejS, f thep i n c D t Sf in their Uanptc haue mabe,(baUperpihone m r& another t f tymt of toifitacpo^cuerf lesJ, Jacobs po?cpon is( no foch : but it is( he, tjgtb mabe aUjhpnge^3fraeliiBi frobb of hijji mherptaucCCbe lo?be of feofteitf itf j)(sj name . ©atber 1op thp toareitf out of the lanb,f that artin £ ftrojeutoce. ifo? thujj fapetyio?b.^ehoib,3^Pttttototfootoe aj$ t6 a {tone apnge £ mhabttourtf of tbi^ 1$ bemt Wonce, anb 3 topll b?pnge trouble m ^nr|em,thatthepibaUp2ouetretoer!)e w too iS e ^y twuefpofeenbr tje^nphetejJ. 3la0,Doto am 3 huttaia^otopapne^ full are mpfcourge^ Unto mer jfo? 3 con- sole thtjfo?oto np mp felf,anb 3 mft fuf* ftett. ^prabernacleijSbtftropeMnball tnp mp eoarbeiK are b?oltcn. %cbpio?cuarc fonefro mej? mnno toljereoefoube. .aoto laiiejnone ti fp?ebe out mp tent,o? to fee MMi toit i |Hep| cateUj 19 all are fcatrcb ab?obe. aseholbe, J nopfe i0 harbe at hano, 9 great frbuyon out Off no?th « to make the cptieg . of 3uba a topiberneg, 9 a btoellpnge pla ce \w^Cap^Cbtbn(i)cVupllno(bcarC(bc3leV»{s t aniifo?bpD; be tl> alto aicccmp f p;apc to? t^>em« p$ # another $)ctmon,tohpci) tbc J,o?be comaubeb 3cecmv f 0? to p?eacb 3 faptng: tyeare tbc too?= j— ibc0tKr of the couenauht,? fpeabc unto . p men of 3uba, $ to all thg that btocll at 3crufalem . 3nb fapetljott Unto them. ♦OM.riw. ^bn^fapcti; f 3to?b©'ob of 3fraell:*Cur ffll* ** fcMw eucrp one fit not obebi^t Unto fTboip 8»i 8 .m.o. j, cg ,wj tb( g coHcnaunt : Wvd) 3 cSmaubeb unto pprc fatl;criei,tohat tpme atf 3 b?ou* gbtctbcm out of tpme tpat 3 biottght tbcm out of f Innb or'6gppt,Unto tbisibape. 3 gatte than toampng bp tpme^, faping j herkctt mm* Utttom^ uopce.* #eucrt"jjclc!s,tgep toolbe not'obepe tne, no? cucline thep? eatetf Unto •■- meybutfolotoebthetoichebpmaojinacionsi . of tbep? atone her teftStf) tbcrfo?e,3hane accafepthjafttranfgreiToursi of all ptoo?i m M rhftcouenannp,that3 gaue them to kepe tohichtl)ep(rtottoitl)ftahbtnge) itotfteptc* • ^nb the lo?be fapoe "bntOttie. It L .v M be out,tbat tobole 3trael anb all tfefe cite ?itt«! of 3crufalem are gone bachcoep b«t uetttrttcb tbemfelue0 to the blafphcmpcsi of tbcp? fo?efather0,tohicb babno luftto heare mv too?be. ettcn Ipketopfe haue the= fealfofolotoeb ftrauitgegobbejfli, anb toot- (bpppcb mm . 'Cbc bouic of aCraell 1 311= & m baueh?okcnmp coucnautitobich 3 ma- be toith t\)tn father^ 'S l hcrfo?c > thu0rapcfhJio?O. ifoholo, 3 topll fcttoe a plage Upon the", tohtch tbcp (ball not be able to cfcape : f thougbe thep crpc Uutome,3 topi not bear c tbe. * ^tjen *r aC ha *« f. (ball thetotonea of 3uba a the citrus of * mhMb 3crufalem go,^ call Upon* thep? goDDr* tocu.mb.c Unto tobom tbcp mabe tbcp? oblacpo«5:but tbcp (ball not be able to belpc tbcm m tp= me of thcp?troublc. * it 0? a* manpcpttejS t jm> .«.«.. asphalt, iD3t|ba,fo maupgobbcsi haftp bab alfo.3lnb lOkeboto matip atetejs there be in p,( 3crttfalcm) fo manp (bamefull aiiltcn* bauepe fct Up,atiitcr£. »• tJ?apcrfo?thg,fo?tbougl)thcpccteUtttomc intbcp?trottble,pet toill 3 not heare them. dSlhat parte hatijmp belottcbinmp bou. fe,feingehebatl)ctooekcbabomittncionfcr itptigc manp gobbesff * 'Chcholp fteatt) of= tuns* fringed mtbctepleargoone fro the ©311-- ba,anb tbou tohen thou baft bone cttcll ma -■ ftcft thp bpaft of ptt. * 'Cbc Loibe calico f * , ptr r&f , &l a grene olpue tre,a fap?e one, a frutcf till *fe!itf* one, agooblp one : btttvotthgrcate clamoi Komal ^« hatb tbc enemp Tctt fp?e Uppon it attb tbe b?acbcjS of pt are beftropeb . it 01 tbe Loibe of If)ooftcs( tbatplantcbthc,batbbeuprcb a plage fo? the ( thou Ijottfc of 3fraell ano jnba) fo? p cttcll that vt bauc bone to pro -- ttoke hpm to to?ath, in that pe bpb fcrttpce Unto i&aal. Chgc sD io?b)hattc 3 terneb of thc,anb » Unbcr ft ab it, f 0? tbou baft Ojetocb me thep % pmagmacptfe.* 2l5ut3am(atfamckclam *m».iUi be an ore)tbat i0 carpcb atoape to be flap- he, not knotopnge, f tbcp bab bcttpfeb foch a coanccll agapnft me, fapeng s * Mle topll * mmt* beftrope W meate toith toobb,$ b?ptte \>im out of f lanb,of ^ ipupngj ^ Dtt name (ball ; neucrbctbougbtUiion.^Cb^fojp,* 3 toill *3icr(Ur.a. befecbe tbc nott(tf) Ho?bof hoofteg; thou •n».mi*.ii* f Pfil)tcouxf iutigr, tbou tbattcpelt drepness ft%hertcs{:lcttmefc tlje attrgeb of tbcm, •fo?Untophattc3c6mtttebmpcattfe. 'Che *m.m* l,q?be tberfo?e fpakc thuiai of the cpmntfl! of ahatbotfhthftt fott ff |yt to Rape me*fap& te: * tyitmc hot Unto M» itt the name of ««,„,.,,« t, ,o?b,o?cissf fbattopeof ourbaocis. ^hn§ ,p " i r i ' (3 fape;fpake^ tO?ba of b06»ej<<1i$eholb } 313 «« m - i — % •■ ' i I I " 1 I t 1 It' I, !■ i ■ . ii .1 i I Clje 3 fjppU upfct pon. goutcpoungcmen (fcall pcrpqi wt( £ ftocarbe , pour fount* $pouv baugDtcrj* u)aU tottcrtp bpc of t)ongct,fo ^ none iball rcmatmc. jf oi Upon t[jc eptcjin* of 3&natbotbttoiU 1 bipng a plagc,cucn t&e pcaw of tbcpj upiy tarpon. CC!)c.jeu.C5aptcu« f[«bcp;opljclt inaruellctb ottatlp it t&cpjofpcrti ii'c of (^c toprhrti, aiUbeugb bieonfrfTc <5ob to be n>gl)(f ow.irof aemw are fojfafecn of tbe Eo;Bc,i&c * Sob.trf.a. abaruci.b. tuD.iriU.c, r bcaluthajapiitt curates anbp;tacbcts tijatftbuce Unpeople. Ibelioj&etlMcatcnctljDfrrtuerpoijbnco ilic iia cporie tb.st b ojQcrcb bpon Jcftjpe, tubpeb (sou bScbanbbcrcbtc. *; loibc, tljou art moic tpg&feotitf, t|jf n £ 3 Woe Dtfpute «5 tue.^ic^ ucrtbcle& lett me talnc tbitb tbe ««i tbpnge tfeeafonable.* l^otd bap »r . . JWWl tt» * JWt tbe toapc of t(jc Ungoblp tjs km. iff«!.» f p^ofpc rouieii'f tbat tt goetb fo tbcll unt& tljcm,t&l)pcl) (tbptbout anpfoamc) offenbe 9 Ipue (nu>ickebne0.' iKbou planted them, tljep tancrotc,tbep grofoe, g bipnge foitb. frutc. 'fchep boaftmoci) ffl&tm p farte from thee repnejs . But # ioibc ( to tobom 3 am tbcll nnonmotbou f baft fene, $ pio* v u.muLe. ucp mp bettc, * tauc tbcm atoapclpne a* a floctt $ carpcb to tl;c (laughter $oufe,anD apointc tljcm fojtbcbapc of daughter. * jctr.riiu.v $o&>longc (ball tbclanbcmoume,*ano all £ bcrbeg of £ fclbc periu), f o 2 $ topcacb* ncjs of them that Otbcll trjecm. ^ 'Ctie catell anb the bp?Dcie( arc gone, pet * &» tS fa ? *w tuft, * €>oo tbpll not bcttropc U$ Jrre.to.b. ' ' UttCrlp. &>cpng,tpou art tbectp in tunnpng tbitft p fotemtn,90fe Wit tyoutDenmnnettftp botfcitf 3n a peaceable fucc lanoe pmapctt be fafe,but bototoilt tljoubo in tljefurpoutf pipbe of wamt 5!oj tftp bjct&en * tl)p bpnreb ijaue all together Dcfppfeo tbe, and * jetMM. crpcb out tMHNt f in tbpnc abfence.* 3Bele« ue tljem not;t|»ongl) tbep fpeafee fapjte too? besito the. 2tssfo^ me(3iapc)3 fjauc fo?fa= ncn mpneatone btdellpng place, $lcftmp* ne Rentage . 4Qp ipfc alfo f 3 lone fo im$ l)aue 3 geuen into t^c Ijanbejs of mpnecne* mtcsf.^^pne heritage in become tmto me, a* a i,pon m f tooob.3tcrpeb outcome, tberfo?e,!)aue 3 fojfanen it.^pnc ^erpta=. gc istXmto me, a# a fpecblcb bpibe, a bp?be of bpuerfe coloured in tjponit.Come, $p;a» tljerpetogeatUer aHbeaftcjS of rjjefeloe. C ome that ye mape eatc it t>p. ff * Dntene ijerbmcn |)aue b^oben botbnc * cr«.ii>t cT' m P * t»pneparbe, anb troben t)pon mp poj* t efa.^. cpon. fiDf mp pleafaunt po?cpon,t^ep pane mabe a tbpibernejetanb befert . 'Cpep wit lapebjttbafte^noto ^it Wt35afte,itftgfteti \m tome.^ee,tpe to&ole lanb ipetl) toafte,« no man ecgarbetD it. 'Cfjc bcftroperji come ouct tbe beet|> enerp tbape, f o? tl)c f toeatO oft^je ilo?bcbot|jconrume from Jouecnbe of the lanb to t jje otber,t no fleib ijatD tett. ♦era.n'r.c. %bep banc fotwc ttobeate^ ueapeb tbometf ■ 'CDep onwe taften Ijcrptage in golfelfpom but it botD tl)cin nogoob « 3nbppjopbew tijere aftameb of pour rrutefcbceaure dtbe great tto?atb of tbclojbe. %m fapetDtDe loxbettton all mptte^ cucllnepgDbontflt, tDatlape fclbe owmpne * ijerptagcjtobpcb 3 ftaue poffeOebieHen mp people of 3rraclt. ^e|)olbe,3tbpUpu«Be tbcm(namelp 3rrael)ont or fmUm»m >3lbpl:»ftr.rw,<; »Uhaue fl i?w.i, put out f Donfc of juba from among tbem ancrcp upon ttemH fipngetHem agapne, JBSfc cuerp man to bwJ atunc b^ptage, anb mto iJiss idbc. 3Bnb pf tbep (namelp tpat trouble mp people) topll lemei tbapctf of them,to ftocare bp mp name. %ht lo^b Ipwc wp s fee ajstljcplearnebrnp people to ittoeatebp 36aal) tbcnujal tbep bereftcnebamogmp people. * I6ut pf tbep bipll not obepe, tljen * m , m wpll3tote out tbe fame foike,* beftropc tbem,fapt0t|jelo?b. CCbe.jciii.CDaptee. COTcberttuccpon of tb. tj\c*ota iapttHwth.ttto IWc fpacCpnticabjroctobr afrat I hiaerfcrauto (• 6c tbe people of «Sob,atiD ioftp tbep toerc fo;rahcn. Mm?tty JLoito t)ntome:gotbp % toapc, $ get me a Ipnnen bjeche, $ gp^bc it aboutc thv lopncft* let it notbetoct. 'Ebcn3aotmeab?e= cjje, acco^bpnge to t^e comaunbemf t of tljc jto^bc, anb put it aboutc mp lopnesf. 3f tec tw p feconoe tpmc, the lozbc fpane tjnto me agapne. ^aue #b?ecfte^ thou Daft p?e« pareb $ put about tbe, 9 set $ Dp,u go tm= toeup^atcjl ?bpoe it indole off toelt. ^>o toent M l)Pbb itat euptyatt*, ajs t|ie ^o^b c5maubeb me.3nb it l)appeneb longe after M&fm 3Lo?be i4)aUe \mto me. 5Up, I get § to eup&jwte&anb fet j> b^ecDe from tbecc, tbhicl)j cfimaunbeb f to Ijpbe t|jere. 'Eben tocnt 3 to eupb?ate& « bpggebtjp, 9 toUe f b^ecoe from tDe place ttbete 3 bab Dpb iw befjolbctDe b?ec()e toasf c ojtuptfb tl;at it toajj profitable f 0; notbpnge. ^Den fapbe tDelojbetmto me. Huns Tapctb tht to?be. euen fo tbpll 3 cojrupte 1 P?pbc of 3nba,t t&e |)pc mpnbe of jetufa mMW people WatbtcUcbpeople,*tDep i ?ff topll not iJcaremptoojbcttepfoIotbetbeK* xoicneb pmagimw pSjS of tbeieatbneijeete, 9 bange^pon (traunge (5obbejS,ti)emtbep tone 9 tooiujpppc : « tbeefojc t^ep Cbalbe a^ tljiisf bjecbe,tbat fcruethfo? notbpnge. 5fo?asiftraptelp aiai atyecpe Ipetppona mans! lopnesijfo fltaptelp bpb 3 frpnbe tie tbbolc boufe of 3ftael, anb tbe tobole jioufe of 3uba tmto me, fapet^ f lojbe : * f tbep »«"S mpgbtbemppeopU;:tbattl)cpmpff|jtt)atteKS a glorious name: tuat tbep mpgbt be in bo- no ur ; but t Jiti tbolb not obepe me.^Uerfoje lap* t tap^Mtt>bk1befo?ct fapetbi tbfto ©oWJitaeii; mtvn~ ibalbe iplleb xb tbpne . anb tDep -tyai fapc * I tbpne Mft f toebnotbenot, tbat eiterp pot ©albeepllebtf *" — j /n "~~ *-** ^ tmtotjem 4L— .^ r ^_ v ™ 3 ftall fpll all p tnbabitours ottbptf lanbe & bjtont;ftennetf, the itpngest that fpt Upon >pn )t, ©8Uibjlftole,|p?eftcjj! ^ piopbctcid, ti all tbatbttoell at 3erufalem. 3nb3 txrpiifett them one agapnft anotb ee, pe, the tatl;erjt agapnff; tbeTonnc&Capetb tbe io^be. C 3 tbpll hot parbontbem, 3 tbpU no tfpa= retl)em > neFbaue|jptie\jpontbcm:butbe= ftxoyt,rwtn> me obebient, geue eare^tabe .-.-...! ttotbifbapneat it,f 0? it i« f lo^b Dim felfe • tbat fprautety. I^onoure f jlo^b pour d5ob Iweein, of JbetafeeDpjJilpgutfrom pon, $ oj euer ponrc fete ftomblein baecaneue at tbe / ^ll-wtobenpclobefo?tbelpgbt,bcttir= ne it intty f (feabofee $ bar caneue of beat!)* 25ut pipe tbpll notlMtaw mc,tj)at geue pon fecretet»aenpng,3tbpllmourne trommp *jtr.rw.c;^hole4)er.tforpott« ftoMmttjeiei. * ^pte- pmUc ouOptbplL3twpe>grptearej3l mall guflfce outof mpne epei83fo? f to?bestflocneftall becarpebatoape captpne, IKellthelipnge • «/tbecuiene,^umblepour.efcluej{* fcttpou . jootbnc lotoe i fojipQue liignptpe ftall be . A tb^Otoncbottmeftfjecrotoiteotpaurglo^ - rpujaRfellftompouwDeabi'EUecptiejsto mm f» fouth ibalbe.Ojnt tjp,^ no ma iball i^m.tbein.au3Jibaftiallbe caepeb attape captpucifo tb^tnont 4#wtnapne< : Xpf t tin pout ept0i ^bebome tbl,*come from ifcm^l^M&MmiA ifibe)* _ tbai&gpuenf;1lnb«i>tJw,8Jietfefatt^t;pcbe »*m ^.emwmp.fcatt come Mpm m.t fo* » Aaft>t«ttff|rttDemtftRfelfe,q{mflbetUi . ;.,: Mm QUttfifhMlMt fojottoe come t ;afSojja^oman trauapUpngti.cUil&r m ,„ vi:$tot&m fapetPmtDpne Jjeete-iaibee- *iw.tb.ir.' *°<* f emeitbefe it^ngensvpome.^ «£uf fo? 1 multptnbe.of tfe WatofiempeiJiftal thp ipnbo; patter ^itbpfetc ue bt&iuerco. Jf 01 - —" ima» oiaobejmapeAunffe.ijtsj S)« ••*. -V. ,1 Comaw.pc^beejrarcp l f>i eato£^mouni( r-, - f%nmmsh ihewUjbb goob. ^ -. . ; 0>^U3fcatret&em4pBeatf ^ito: *lo| *<|a*m,a:tb8pe, tjn»tft poutu topnbe* ^e(ibattbe.pour.e po?cjon,;*thc po?eion ^poufjneattKeitbb^Stoitlipeiljalberettjat bebof tne^fapejtft tbu loabe;kcaule pe ftatic io^gol^ nie,^ nut poure ttuft in bplxea t^ w»Mi.i*i ulfetbpngetfv * MM o?e (ball 3 turne thp I •:-• \m' v 'tlotijesouee tljpbcaoe, etAifeoue&tiiv thv 3 ghesfettfapp^uptictfn .noutt*,tnpbeebipmal ^tbpmainrfuUtobojbte.^o>Mon# fci ^anbbplletf 3^&aue tet^abnomlna^ *3!frc.1l.b• ^>opbn.i.f, ■tJBere.rH.d, 3 : ©-i,0?be ©ob,* ^p?opbete$ fapc imto ^Wuu),ptv.ujail*nebeto!eatenoft)jcarb^ •f nojWffteCbalkomelop6pou,but £.loibe ««Mf«a Owllgieuepou cotpnuall reft m t^i0 place. i . 3Wb t|je lojbefapbe »nto me^oe P^o= jhetejs pjeacb lpc»! m mp name, ttohcte nst 3 pane not* Catttbem,nctl)etgaue 3 them ***.!#«* enpck»ge,netfteebpb 3fpea|e Urtto tbem: pet*bep pj»acl»»nto poufalie iotf»s(,ebat> mmg,;jj8nite,$ bifceatfulneis of theie atbne teC^hjDtfo?e,tiJujB(fapeti)Ho?b.3ljE(fS fhofe P^optetejj f p^eaeb in mp name (tuba ItfejiejJtfoleOe bane not Cent) 4 tbat fape: 33 «» 'Mj, jbplttDotieuee _, . ^ ..mum-mptcx. ■ . .C»f ttebeartb tbat Quibr come (n 3ieto>pe. irb« • EW ojtjjttttopftmsnq mrtep of t^e Io>be. • • fchebnfaabfUiipeotrteaeenotbea»»fwapet,f» ■ . ., , .Opny^j f falfep;optiet» tbat febueefte people. r^etbo?be of^lo?befbetoebtm= % tojeremp, cocernpnge i berth of p ftutejs.3HbaDatb mourneb,b!Si ga^tfaee befolate.tbepate b^ou= av« v» yeupmne euen Unto f groube,* tbe erpe of 3emfallgoetb Mp. €be lo^bejs fent tbep? feruanteiBi to ftteitbatet, s tbM thtp came to f toeUe.p> ttovfyb fpnbe no tbater, buteariebtbeir^eifeWbomeemptie.'Chcv benftainebjfcofounbeb,?couertheprbca^^ ,. » bejtf.*ifo?thegrounbeiiabrpebtop,bceaufe **ww«Ji. | tDete efimetftnorapne Upon it %hi plotb= I men alfo be a%ameb,$ couer tbep? beabe^. I 5be fcpnbe alfafo^foac I ponge fattone,f» i Je biougljt^tfl in tbe felbe,becaufe there i> tbajnogra(re.1|)c toplbe Men tyb ttanbe ! m tfjebpe ptaccft anb b?etbe inthm tbpn * i Doutle jouee atwtetbpcnebneiS bott)te= * ;j toarbc U»!v35ut lo?be bo ^ accoibpng to tbP is name,,thougb ouretranfgrcffpoji 9 fyms * era r«r 1 be manp,anbagenatbe foe jbefpnneb. SSBE. *#tt# artpcofo^belpeoflfraelmptp *•*««* inc of trouble. Wp totlt t) be am a (traugct inpla«be,ffassone-f5octb onerifeibe,* co metftin onlp totemapnc foi-anpgbtriiaibp tout f inane tbpfclfeiv cotbatbc 3 fai8! it toe eea pountf pet mape not belpc? jf 02 tbou (4> i^Mbt;} aet intUe mpbbeft of *& $ ebp name ij calleb upon of *# : foilaHe DjS not. is:busi batD p toib fapb unto tbte people : . . tfcrfepng tDephauc Dab CucDe a luff to M-. "^ be,r abiobe, 9 hauenotrcfrapneb thepi fete, ^#j?rfo^c bifpleafeb t^e Iwb .- but hetbpii notbbiinge agapne to rem^baauce all their wpfbebc^ ponpOje all tbep j fpnncsJ. lM&wm f®** *Wt tht um unto me: *%}m (Dolt not piape to bo thpjs people *aw*«i*. -goob^.dd oz tDongb ttep faft,3 soil not Dea * « fa « ib - wtDetr p2a icm,bpe or bongcr,$ be (topne v5 tbe Ctoear * * jck.f»u. or,* ( i tberc ttfilbe no nianto burpe tbeffl) bo tb ttyty $ tbcp? topuctf, tbep* C omicjs anb tbep* baugbtct0 . jf ot tbu0 topll 3 poure 3> tbep? topefcebnefle Upon tncm. 'CbPtf (bait * jfwno.i.». tbmiCapalCo tnito tbc\ * «)pne cpest QMll ««».«.».. jaepctottboutceaffpngebape $ npgbtjfoi mp people (balbebcttropeb tft grcnte bar= me,$ CI jail petyty tottb a ffteatc plage. 5f 02 pf 3 so into tpefelbc, lo,tt Ipetb allfult of flapnc ml. 3f 3 come into tpc cptie,lo>tbep be all f ampfbeb of bongct . "gec^m P*opbetc* alfo $ p2drc0fbal= be leb into an Unknotone lanbe. tyaft tbou tbenUtterlpfoifafecnlubaf' £>oft tb ou Co abbojre jfcponf tiDi baft tbou Co plageb U0*f toe can be bealcbnomoje.' isamm* * ISlelofceb fo2pcacc,anbtbcrec6mctbno goob : foitbetpme of bcalti), anblo,bctei0 . norbftt but trouble, loibofo? t^v namc0faRe,*foi= gctnottbpleumg&pnbneuTc.afametyetbc tb jonu of tbpnebonourcbieaRcnottbe co= nc naunt,tbat f baft iuab* 16 U0.* 3re t^c= re enp amoge pgobbe0 of the 0e"tpleftttmt f cube rapne 02 gcue tbe (botoer0 ot beauen*' $>l map j*benen0b2ope rapne tortbouttbp c omni aun oement." JB>oft not tbouit, Q I02 uc out d5ob, in tohom toe cm/ 2>ec lojoe, tl)oubottaUt&cfet$jpttgc0. » C 3ljc aof b fopif not bearc dqdt^r o> sUtott, WW pjapt eoj tt)c pcoptf, btit w£ll rt;appc (brm in iwmt mpWrpr a.itbe cauft of fo£b* awat mpfftpft. 3 (S5-w|i9enfpaae^io?olmtome:* / i:^otf= Iff be &)Ofc0 $ $amueU ftoDe before me,pet baue 3 no bearte to tfttf peo pic . 2>?iuc tbem at»ape,p tbep mape go out of mp Cp5bt.3no rt tbep fap \mto£Wbv- tber fljau toe 0:0.'' ^ejen tell tbetm'fcbt lo?b gpuetb pou tppsf anftoere.* ^5ome\)nto oeatb,Come tbe Ctoearbe,fometo bfificr,Co* me into captpupte. jf 0? 3 tottlb^pngfoure plages tipon tbcm,fapetn the %ofU . %^t Ctotatoe (boll Htvt tt)cm, tbe Ooggeifl (ball apie, $ beaftejt of tbe eaetb (ball eatc tjjem tm,anti beftropetbem.3 topllfcattert jem aboutc alCo in all fepngoomejl and Mm to beplageO becanCc of * ^anafifeh tbe fonne of feejieuia b,9njje of ^uba, f o? tbe tbpngesl ajatilebpbmjerttfalem. ?***** 25 Too wall tbenbanepptet0ponfcfl>3e -t ufalcm ( WUbo ftyill be xowfotftfaf topo I^jall mane intcreefllon % to optaptie peace t JW.Ml.b W'.cMiir.b. ♦Cjt.b.C. fejtHcr' fcptttt tDou ffocft fro MM iftrnrft bacntoa^e 3 (apctb tbe %t>tUt %wdm t % bpo ftretcb ontmprte bSbe agapntt fl tobe«* ftrope J,t3 baue beneCo^pcto? tbe Co longe 3 am toerpe. 3 banefcatreo tbe ab?obe tf »• •fanne onouerpcpbc of f I8b.*3 ionetoa^ tte „,, Jcbmp people * oeftropeo tbem, mtW M banc bab no luft to turne from tbep^ atone toapejS 3 baue : maoe tDepj t«»bbbtoei« md in nfibje»tbcn $ Canoeg of tpt fee. tupon tbe motbeW of tbeir ebpib^e UPb3^pnge a be* itropct in § none oape. * »ooenip ano*n» * i,* lff » „ atoam^bpb3fmbeafc4re^potttbeV^ep= u ttej*. &>ty that batb bo?ne feuen ebpltycn, liatb noone,ber bcrtc ijsrull of fo?otoe . *%hc ^Dimne bo tb faplebrr in tbe tlear e * amw.wc bape, m ijBi cef ounbeo anb fapntie i 02 ^ erp * fcetipnefle . M f oj tbofe f ttmapne, j topU belpuertbemuntof Ctoearbe before tbepi enempe^faptbflo^be.* sOmotber,ala0 «amm tbat euer i) bpbett beare me, a biatoler $re» buner of ttje tobole lanbe. if Cbougbe 3 ncuet lente netreceaueb VjpOttWurp,pttttUmen fpeane euelltjpon me.3nb f to?beanCtoc« c reb me • ^aetelp t\fp remnaunteCball baue tocltbe. Come not 3 to tbe, tobentbountt in trouble s anb belpe ^,toben tbpneenemp opp^efletb f . x a>otb one ?m burteanotbee op one mctall that cfimetbf rom tbe iftoub, another t*M# mtty rtc^cfle anb treafure, * w jm. 3 topU geuc tDem out into a pjape, not f 01 «**»• enp monep,but becaufc of all tip fpnneftf f baft boneinalltbp eoaftejs.* 3lnb3 topll *»« r: hpnge f toito tDpne enempe^ into a lano, c ' mtf bnotoeftnot iMm jttfjpnbleb inmp mbignatpon,qjain)urrtepoui)p. siDlQ^b,tbounnotoeft:tberfo^ercmcm^ m me,» \)pf e t mc,belpuer me fro mv perte euterjs. % alie me not from tb$ Ipf e in tbe tpme of the longe paepence, thounnotoeft, mt foi t^v fafte3 fufter rebu»e.*{aiben 3 *tm, bab f ounbe tbp too?bcja;,3 bp55 eatetbemt)p « jr.w.i. grebelp s tbep baue inabe mp berte topfull 3> ■ftgiab. jf 02 tbp name toa# calleb "bpon me, © toM @ob of ipoft ejaf. 3 btoellnotamfi^ Sc tbe ft02ners(, netber ttmpbelptetberin: nt 3 btoell onlp in t^t feare of tpp mJot t bou baft irplleb me toitb bptterne^. ^ball mp beupne* enbure fo? euer^ 3remppla* gctftbenfogreate, thattbepmapeneuerbe peateb ." Wilt tbou be an onef isralfef atf a to a tcr , tbat talletb, anb eannot continue* 1 mpontbefetoo/bcjMbuiafapbellojbetm tome. 3ffttoilttun»ea«ipne,3 Her beget cbpl D?f in tbt0 place, 5f 02 of tbe cbpitye tare bo?ne in tW place, of tbepz mo= tbersi that pane bo;ne t ban, anb of tbeir f a * tber tbat baue begotten tbe m m thf % \ abe" °* tb u0 Cape t b tbe loibc . <»% bep (ball bpe an f£mu bo?r ible beetb>^nomilebmp lanbe^amelp tottb tbepi ft incking 3 ooi0 9 toitb tbe eara pni& ot tbeir abbominacion05tobertoitb tpep baue RlftD mpneberptage.*©l*2be,mp ftrfgtb^mp flftW* potoerj anb refuge in tpme of tiouble. %hi «***«•* pt»rB.|5oB <5 »br fiatiSjftorf bert.Ufi* fpHins toatm«tft;rahtn. : Jtbeb«lot»png of tbtdabbo^ ti wmmnunoca, €>urefpnne(i0pcoftbctrpbeof3n a oa)i0 td^ttte in the table of pour ber* teg^anb grauenfo Upon the ebge0 of pout aultet0 tottb a penne of pi 9 anb vo^ti im«bam^tclatoe:f a0 tfreratpct* tbpneue Topon tbeir cbplb26 Co thincite pou alio Upo mm attlter0,toobbc0,tbicRe tree0,bpe m»^ d ^ Ie0,moutapne0 $ felbe0.*Cfllberfo^,3 toil tSSu? ,w mahemp monntc f ftanbetbjn tbe feloc ail p otttCubftaficc $ trenfui* be Cpopleb\fo2tbe greatCpnnef pebaue boneUponpoure ht splacetf tbo^otoc out all i^e cooftesi of poure f&be.£c (bal I be raft out alCo fr6 j> heritage, tbat 3 gnuepou.»nb3 toil fubbue pou m= ber tbepeupbonbage of pour ertemie0, in a lanbe tpatpe anotoe not. $ 02 pebaue mini. ftrebrpiewmpmbtoiflci^totobi^Uburi «» neeucrino2e^hu0rapib tbe l02b. *Cur= S Bt m t anbthattaaetbfieibefo2bi0atm < e :anbbe, ^J-™;* tobofc berte bepartetbfrom tbe Jtoibe:Se jftS'SA (ba ibelpHetbebeatbitbatgrotoetbin ^ mm toplbtmt^- 4 9 10^ FSOOO JDpr U to come >:? 1 ■ 4 1 I " ■ -V I I ; f * k i if r ■ t v f ^ <•». ^ >ctft#e&lan&* ,*-©ttrtWiWtJiemiHiVttKit itte|ninftift:**o»MSir ifouehiD t 5}ct Dntomc: but torn ob ftpnate anb ItUbburneViJ nettier obcpeoine :-noj*e* ccnucbmpco?eccci5.$cuertbele&pfpeMt ijcatc me(fapw|jf &0>b) anoBeate no bur* fbcfm«e^ofttt!)Ctotr*ntt;toi^piiei«. -.,-—,, -,.--^, r -.- 1 --,..-, toboTn tDe Dcate cannot ^«n$t*t)fnWc&» bot$>fof $>ebb ttofcojcfee tGctin) $|f tfeai gb tww groXbcbut iptlc ftute 'ttea'hft of Wwb ftet te Iriiot earcfuH, butjcmurr tbctc p tffoyffftc tbe gate* of p cptpe, ' " m ' . M * * - leaufifbtfroujpnjrt f^tl)f«ttc> amonge cpnrcrrcjef,^ rpoe i) px allthynactf,nianwtl)tl)cmbpffccatfti« tf)efrp^t]c^.lPcc,ft> anb Buboernc ncttc & «Uho (hall torn fenbtbrttr * emxJW * lTu%* lo?W fcarcbc out tijc jjt ounoc of m tJettc, &mmU anotitctbc^n^^^tcmtbecucrrman uonw....a accoibpnge ton# MPctf, anotccojbpnfce Kir ".' tef *W pattticDewaiartS a neft t®& luilrSb cS&,l»ut nowpflfefoinlg. Jntbc mpSttft . 'of^lj^inutt^lc^nctlicn»t^t*l$n» •5 ,ahbattl)cl4abEfottntrca\)ett>foolc.li6ut ONtl^itaU tronc i* ttoftgio> MEMmpittt JHmMKfgto otocllcttin tk ptacj of Ottr tffig rctt^ftou - . cdr bcparte ftbnt *»&.# ; #albe mitm in •SmjuM ca!t!J*foittlcrfew®?r«?»ttfcl;ojO«l)C fauc ttjoumc ', ano 3 u>iH>efaucb, fo^'tfibu act mp pjapfe.-a&bolbe^befc me" rape tmto comc»ato:}M&ef€a^™ucFt!)e^0bEOt. cntlr fotoft^ !* ;*» atjegjetlic > anb tone not SncaltcWafim tln^ otme tjjiS me , W tWowe«i|5trt6t«o%terttMie#to ucS Lie eonf o^rti Jw n'orme* if t tnem be ;antii#' mcWdit^al^bwna^po .. r«toejanoWtoe= 'anow,KeethDet,aU'" itt»»WCjEl ano roncc&t&at CbaU fpt tjpe t&e tfeonc of aaiuo: %$ty uM bMtpeb mi t5e« n^nbejir^ce,wHe'3nM $ alltlfe . abbotfc fo tbatpe t» : itt neat c pour "bUe t!jcri$itJ)0?otd tMnmt 3 fet^jetjpbn tl)c gate of 3ftufalem,anti itMttmtmWtmomfi of :2crufolem> ano no nian^au be able tbmtencl) iU inn ottr$ tjotDSf ticrgeiipng in f Ue fjouft of be lo^oe. HBtit pf petoplfnot be obebrent v. in6t8Poton:(oDfrubPrtljcbcrpprctB:ofl)p8too;ec ►>«"■ •'.» v ** * r ■rsjiii Weoffuba^anbatV^W^l . _. . « fe»n ; toa't 5 bt^DtoetW gate. WWft qf^nfdieinipe'wmareno'bni^fmcb * out of pouv^ mmittt&tototto&MM «wwS j&abbotl ^O^mmttflntieo pouW fe * • * * • ]Of0 isi anotber communt RWton> tjja t % ©00 babftrttbJSeeernpjfapftw ; w> ft, ano 500 Ootone wto toepotteejS Dsufe,ano tDeeeu)ail3 tell #e mo?eof mp ■ inpnoe'. j^otbtbpen 3 camtotMottetf l)oMe s 3i f onnbe bpm mafepnge w ttoo^cUe ^jponatbljele. ^e^ffelUbattbe ^ottce inaoe of rtapeibwfce aw6ffepwf|wnbt0:$>o \k ^eflatme a neto* nnOniaoeanotbet Met wcotopnje to W mpnoe. > %bcn fapbe tbe pe Joule of Mtoft>ntte.atoamnp»eorteettpW*6nuet»'ttom«ep* n<^m 8)pcUetm^:3te|ieteoftbeplaseitDa«:, i>o&$&iW 1&ottee botb>%e Uouft.of rael,fapetWel>om.''$eMOe,i ./'*>•'• tatont ,tobuploe,o?toplantea jptt 1< A t t • " leople 0? a ftpn«l»m:pf tbeianwfteopuoo lumMMemev^teflwnot^topce:! *epeht« of tbe soot^f a^ife lo^of oiilje: ^yprafet noto tWMe tjntotbbouauoaj vd^o«^m^»f Wll at aewitoU^Dug vapetp .fiipetl) t5cXo?oc:^et)oloc, 3am beuifpner a plane fo* panm* am takpnse a tluns ut Jwnoeagapnftpott. k«M*M • *Sfw6«leteuerpntatttiitnefrom|»« Uffflfe euellt»ape,taf $e tjpon pou f t bpnae that te Ij^w g oob J an8boeifil)t.i6uttl)epfapbc.iaomo: *iw.rpllfolotbe owntonepma* T fiinaeion^attbbocuiecpmanatto^opngeto tlje ttoplf nlneflt ofbiiei aitone mpnbe. c %bafMtW fapetUtDe^Dc.4ifftea= ■ v mouse t()c tyeatben, pf enp man batb beta* foci) i;o?tpble tifawfi » atf tbe iwn#tec of $)(onDiTt(jbone.^i)fillnottl>efnoioc(tl)at meltctDtjpontbcftonp rocltess of itbanusi) mopftentucfelbe^ ^mapet&cfpwnijctf of t»atetj2i befo grauC atoape,tbat tbcp tu- nenoino^cseitemopltnctre.neemaftcttutc mwnt mp people batb fo forgotten me, tbat tbcp btute tnabc faceprpce \jnto\>apne c -.0obbei«.36ntitl)epimopl)etcs(makctbem ) fal mtbep? toapejoifcotbeamicpgtpatljejif, / ao to go into a tote toapc not mcb to betro - v ocnoftuftmeniHlbcrctbo?ot»?e tbepbaue tyousbt tbeie labe into an eueclaftpno Ml- ffi'J- b betneOe 9 fco?ne.*^>o ^tbljofoeuee teauap mm letl) tljeebp,(balbe abaujeb ^ tbaggetbcpi beabtjs.dfliitbaneaft tbvnbetbpUlj fcatte tDf, before t^tit encmieJiibtobcn tbeitbe* fleueeum commetb,3 tbpll turne mp bacfee \jpontb^butnotmp face.^ben fapbe tW mm** * come,lct \jjS pmag en fomttipngc agapnft *%- t^Jetcmpc.ffo^ii^toep^aesiajallnot be licftitii te of f latbe,netber (ball tjje ttopfe= mcnbebc(lmiteofcounccl,neejp^opj)etcx{ beftitutc of tbe itoojoe of €>ob. Come , anb tt^ (trlcttJiSfmptebim tbitb tbe tong, anb let \)0mrtehcallbi}Jtoo?riej(.Confpii^cme 3 €> m r?. % D .\ nn , D W* *te ^°P ce of mpne cnemicsl JjT *flwjl tbcp rccompence cuell fo^goobi-foi wwp jjjcp Dauebiggeb apit fo^ mp foulc.*lRcm5 1 b?e,botbetbat3ftobebcfo?etbe,tofpea&e goobfonbem^ to tuenc at&ape tbp tt?atb mm, b *wtfo?elct tDefe cbilb^en ope of hun« imm ger,50 let tbcm be opp^cfleo toptb tbe &>e= atbe.lLet tbeir tufum be eobbeb of their cbil ticujanb become ttopbbotbcja!: let their but* Jjanbejs be flapne.let their pongcmgbe Upl= It b tt»itb tbe ftbcarbe in tbe felbc. lett the nopfe be bcrbe out of their hourejJ,ttohen tbe mttipm commcto fobenlp tjpon tbem. mm. fytrn tbcp baucopgeteb a ppt to tafte me** Iiipcb fnarcsl f op mptetc.get lo^be, p ftno= yeft all tljeir counce U 3 tbat tbcp haue bcut-- ftu»to flapeme.^foigeue not tDeir topeneb » yeftanb let not tbeir unne be put out of thp TOt. but let tbem be tubgcb before tbe asf QegpWe.'CbiiBujalttbouooUnto tbem in toe tpmc of tbp inbipacion. C5CDe.yijf.cDaptce. Cfce pjopbtcprtl) tbtbtfouctftn of 3lmir«Jon, tot M iBfSewmp 5lo vi *— ^S-'^^U $u# fapbe tbeHotf ie : enatour* an c|je- fe pwttejat into tbenallep of tbe cbplbien of :bebojetbattf the " ?0pej,tkt3u;aUtelUbe,anbfapethiL' Jmtothe.loeare tbetoojbeuf tjjeio^be, pc ? pn ?l j3«iba>anbpeeptefpnsiof3erura-- ^f^mmmomot mime *«,.«, ttit 2 c i,?I*?i*P° n 9*J*«* » ^ a «Ue eared ofaUtbatbeareitO)alglotX)e.3lnbtfaatbc^ came tbep bauc fo?fauenme,anD tmbalo^ tueb tw place,f baue offreb in it tmto ftra- ungegobbetf : tobomenetbettOep,tbep*fa= 9BS& ( S!fW f 3ttOa baue fenotone. HffiBP* 11 * f N Pl«icealfotbttb tbe 25 blouoe of mnoccntCi8* fox t jjep baue fett Dp *2>«t- «w jf»««ttet tatto Baal, to burnc tbeir cbilb^? ftW te a burntoffermg tmto 26aal,tobicb 3ne= «SS?Kc tber commaunbeb,ner cbargeo thl , nether m * r * tbougbtoncetberetjpon. be calleb'Eopbet^ncr tbe Dallcp of £ enpb luenof feennput tbe toallcp of flaugnter: £fiG£S2S2S& m 4Q Wf bem bottne SSt???? 1 ! 1 ? abe *&* *« f0 bcfolate C ano befppfeb : * tbat t»bo fo goetb tber bp, *«r.» w.fr» ^topllfebe tbJalfotbitljtbeflcft of tbeir mimub. jonm^abtbcirbaugbtcrjS. *Pee,enerp one ******* ftall cate Dp anotber in tlje befegpnge anb «» l - ut «- b( «f fiRfflEVWV KC P e ^ cm «taO tl;e pitcDer (bait thou bjieaUc in the f igbt of too mew,that njalbc ttoitb m f 9 fapc Into tile:' ybui8fapetbtbelo^beofMci«: *eurn *&***** foospll 3 bcftropctbid people anbeptteiatf a manb?csRetb an cartbcnDc(TcU 3 that S notbemabetbbolcagapnc, ♦Mopbctbibal tijcp t»c buricb,f 01 thep * 3,ccc,t,tt,ft Miljauenoneotberplacc.^busiprioo jnto iW place alfo,fapctb tbe JLoTb fb to tbem tbat mm tbeetn:pee;3 mil 00 to thiS ft of au the boufeja , m tobofc prlerjS thep OpOfacrpfpccDrttoalltbe boofte ofbeauen S^Stt ^i?? 3mm ^ wn »from -Co* phctb,ttojeretbc loibe babfentbim to p 20 , 1': 1/ ! if 1 ft J ^e^tfteq? i 7* .. lirP f, ; i ! rafcfhtftclojDCo^oftcjS^oijofJfrairl: *6cboV«oc,3i xx>v\ tyyngc ^P»n tlntf ctttc amn toponcuety towte aboutc ft, alt tlic plagci* ano.Mii.j. jjauc bene obftinatc, anb Mft not obcyc myttoarnyitgcsi. 'Cllc.rtCbapfer. V fTdPfrcmre fe fmwtm an* call i\\to wcCoft,foj WM3 . Spim of tlje taojbc of *aob.»c p?opi)ccpc eft e^c cap:: (pupucofiftabrioiu&ccomplniuiftlj fbciflaroocr ItpngMtocKc foj tl>e\iio;t>cof«5o&. ©e wfompcllcfii 31 i * L t buri,t»e (ball one iba onbpjcuayleagayn ofbynt. .;*;•• wtttftc lojb ftobcby me4y&eamyg&.. tic smimt:tDttf o?cmp pctfecuWiWjBifeir, « cotiibc tio natiptogM yc? fbalbe fo>econfoit ' tocb,f oj. tljcy bauc Done Unttoyfely ,t&ey ((ml banc an cuctfafttngc ibame;*3nto notto, © *3mm,|' Hozbe of tyoftctf , fyou tptfDtcoujg fcarcjjcr (ttojncb hnottoeft tlje rcynctf an ti> ^ctpijec- tcsS: )lct me fc ttiem pmtifbitofojtonto f jjea ( ommpttcmy caufc. £Dpngc Unto tlje &0£be>atib p?ay fe bint, ^ f o j be batbbctiucreb tljcr fowlc or t|ic opptffc fcb,ftom t&c banbe of tbe Uiolcnt.*Cutfcti |*Mh be tbe baye,tubettn 3t»aje!bome,Unj)appie atw "'M be t jjc baye,n>ijctmmy mot&cr bjougtjtmc ui u^ m«w. «t» i^» wr» wwrw; fojtb.Curfcbbc tbe man, tbat brought my PbaflHtrbiougbtlcvcmyout tfpttockeg fatbtt£tpbmgcsmmakebimgtob,fapt# agaync.WnTayto 3ercmp untobim.'Cbc tljou|mft gotten a fonne. let ttbappcnUn* jlojoe Hiall call tlje nomoje ttpaJlja* C tw* to tbat man,a0to tbe cpttejaf^toDiclj $iojb *©cnf.rf;,< " ' *" ' turitcbUpfybe botonc. lett bnn fceatc crp= cwgc in $ mompngcanb at noncbapc lame" table bottolyngc. wbv fletoctt p not me,ajat Tone asl 3 cam out of my mother* bribe.' jD tbat mymotber bab bene my gratte bcr fclf, tbat ttfc byjtbmygbte not bane come out* btittcniayncbftpllntber. *Uflbcrfocjs of thctr cttciiue^Uoljtct) flwllfnoplc tbcm,anD cawetbcmtmtosSa? bilo.®uta0fo?tbe(C>0bau)in;)tbOHa)alt be cartel) \)»ito )i5abtl6xoitb all t|)inc l;ouf= bolbe,«j to ^Sabplon (bait tbou come, ttolje* re tbou (bait bpe,anb be butieb: tbou anb al tbyfau tmm» to t»bo tbou Jp&ma&to \m,® Lo?bc,Ef 3am Wfccaueb,tficnl;a ft tbou btfceaueb me.ttjou haft bealt fttoglp, anb baft pjenaplcb,anb maueft me ftcongc ' *sh>m b agayne.*3lill tbe bay clogeam3befpifeb,$ ' ' " laugheo to fconie of eucry man : becaufe 3 Ijaur notto picacbeb longc agaynft malpci= ous'Eyjanny^inDlbetbcbtbemofbcftvuc? *jctc.)ji,b cion. * St 0} tip totyfyt caufe tbcp caft tbe tbo^b of tu %om in mp tcctMnb t&t mt cu«;totbeb)o?ft. gr aailjccfo?c,3tt)ougDtfrobcnce&)?tD,.itot •• to fpcaftc of fmn,nec to p?ea cbe enp moje in i)i0.namc.i6uttt)ctS)O^be of tbe Ho^De toasf a *cty butnyngefpic in mp &ert anb in my bone^tdbicbe t»ben3tbolocbaue ftoppeb, *m\.mi* 3 mygDtnot. St aiM)v * 3t)«befo many bcrifionji anb blafpDemieg on euetp fybe of mc:complayne Vipon |)im,fayctl)cy,anb tbe tbiU tell bte talcpce euen of myne atone co •■ pantott5S,anbfocb ajStocee conucrfant ttoitb mc:b?ent about to muttl;et me,faying *pfii CCbe.^i.Cbapter. tTJSe P?opUecpctl) tljat jcOcUialj tyou tic eflhcn,«n6 e^crpticburnto. ^efeaec tlie too^bejS tljattl)eIlo?De >* 1^^ Hyngjebefetabftnt Vato bi #ba(bur tty fonne of &)elcbta&anb fi)opboniasi tbe fonne of ^aafiajS pjcfte, fayinge.*3if uc m«mt counccll at t&e E6?bc(toe p^aye tlje) of our % *ffjf bebaIfe,fo?iaabucbobonofonheftyngc of*"* ' ^5abilonbefcgetb\)^yf tbeHo^be (potto* ticn tmJWA bealc toith \)& acco?bpngc to i)# maruelousi potocr, $ tafee Dim f rom^jjs. 'Ebcn fpane jjeremp^cucjebeniajs tW anflwre. WnlnpetD f Jtoibc d5ob of 3^ rael:bebolbe,3tbiUume bacnet^e toeap^ tfytt' pc Ijaue in pourc ijanbejs, tbljertbitl) pe fpgbt agaynft tbe uynge of )6abplon # tbe CalDee&tobieb befege you rounb aboute p toal le&anb 3 toill b?inge tbe" together into tjje mybbeft of tw cptie, 9 3 my feife tbyll , fpgbtagainftpou,toitl)anontftretcl)ebp* be, $ feitb a mpgDtte arme,tn great bifplea* fure anb terrible tb?atb : % Ml fmy te t% tbat btoel intbiji citie:pee,botl)men5b ca= tell CHall bpe of a great penitence. •3Cnbafter W(fayet^tfjelo?be)3(bal % vi beliuer ?ebeUiajS t jje mnge of 3uba,anb w *3P»jw* 1 (eruaunte^,b^people(anbfoeb.a!3iareeica 2 peb in tbe citie,from tbe pcfttlence, Itoeame anb Donger)into tjje po^er of UabucDobo- ... t^k ? nolo? Uynge of 58abyl on: yce, into t\\t ban betfof tney? enemycjS,into f fianbcjsof tbo= fe tfjfttfolotbe topon their Ipue^tbUtclj ft all imp te tftem ttoitb tfje ft)Deaj:be,tDep 0)al not pytictDem,tbuylballnotvparetbcm 3 tbep ftatl&weno mercy tjpon them. tt -mitoWtotW mte Maitfaye.'C()uj3i ^.frMtape^Ho^e^betJolbejllapebefo.teybu »« 8 tbe toaye of lyfe $beetD. * wltjo fo abytietl) ym* ifyit cptiemil pertuj t etDer toitl) ? f tbe- arbe,toytD Donger,ojttoytl)peftilcncc.25ut Mofogoetbout td bblbc on tbe Ctytloectf , , ^rte , toaf befege tt, be (ball (auebyjtfiyfe pwjp* ^q)alltoynHcbtjsfoulefo?ap>ay. *Jfo>3 bane fee m^ face agaynft tljijjf cptie (fapetb tjje io:be)to plage it, anb tobo it no goob. it muft be geuenmto theljanbe of tlje ning of25abpl0h,anbbebienttdit|)fp?e. 3inbvntdtDeboureoftDe&yngof3uba, fapc t|iu0:^eare tDettoojbc of tbe lo^be ( © tbou bbufe of ©autbjf 0? tbusi faith f Lo?b ; kuit * ^mtfter rpgDteoufnc^,5b tbat mmjte lyucr tbe oppjefleb front tjiolait potocr*o? ttf.«iu cucr mp terrpble' tojatlj b?cafteoutlpbe a *> fpjic,anDburnefo > f batno manmapc quect) u «hi« a it,bccaufeof thctbpchebni^of poure pma= mma ginactonsl.*ai6cboibe ((ttpetb tlje Jlojbc) 3 will come Upon pou,thatbtocll in tbe Val* )w.rFfr.c iepci8,rockc0 anb fclbcjef, artb fape. * 'Euflj: B?b W> Q mi BM * e ^^ af rapeb.-'o? tobo toill co= mmu me into oure Ijoufcgi'tf o?3 tbpUUpfety ou * u (aictbtbe io?be J becaufe of m tbtckcbncg Of pour tnnen cionsi,anb tbyll ftpnblc f ocbe a tp?etn poure tboob ? a$ ujall coiume alttjat ^abbutcpon. €^De.tjcii.C|iaptcr. € ©« erbo; tf tl) tlje jfepngc of jflirta to I'uogcmcttf aub *pghtcoufiic(Tf,toljpaccufaUin<5t))ou8btearc tf)e too?beof tbe Io?be,tboukingof Juba tbat fytteftfn t^e nyngly feat ot%a nib: tbou anb tby fetuau w anb thy people tbat go in anb out at tins* gate. %W tlje wj.fi t lo^be comaunbet^:*feepe equy te anb rigD* iSSe f * teoufneftejbcliuer y opp^effebtro tDepotoer ' of tlje t)iolent:bo notgrcuener opmeifc tbe ttraunger,t^e fat&etieue iter t^c tby bboto. ^ anb u)eb no innocentbloube in t&t'si place. » 3nbyf ye ftcpetbefetbynge* fay tbf ully tbcnlbaitoerecomeihat ybo^eof tW Doti* fe kinge!S,to fit t)p6Dauibjal featestbey ujal be carieb in Cbarettetf Sbrybe tjpon ljo?fe?S bot D t Sep anb t tjetr fev uaun t eg , anb t t)ey $ . peome.»tyfyetottlnotbcobebtentmtta BSn k# *W* commaunbemlte^*3 ttbeare bp mp- BA ne atbnefclfe(fayetbtbelo>oe)tby^boufe Ibalbe tbafte. jf oj.tbu?batD tbe J.o>be fpd» ften npon t&e kyngejsboufeof Juba/'Cliou ^fleab arfbnto me tpe $cab of jUibanu^ :,-ii ^>hall 3 not mane £ fo tbafte ($ t|jy cy tiei^ alio j tbat no man (ball btbell tberin.'' 3 toil pjeprttc a beftroper toito W tbeap^ fo^ k to tjettje botbnef &p tpeclall Ceb^e ttecjs, ab tocafttDemintijefp^ 3tnb all t^t people ttyit goby tW tytli, C dpal fpea k one to another, naiberf o^e ba tl; fflSt^L* tbe tojbe bone tl)ujS Unto fbtsl noble cyttc' mmsMJ> 'Cljcnujallitbeanftbereb; * becaufe ttjcy mm.tm.if ijauc broken tDecouenaut of § lojoetbeyj $ff**:* <5ob,anb baue tbo^ujyppcb?i ferueb ftrati= ["fili ge gobbed. * bourne not ouer t^ ttzcn^ati *<«*««■ be not tbo f 0; tt)S , but be fo^y f 0^ I;y m tbat mue bepartetb atoaye:fo? be cometb tlotagay= ne , anb feet?) W natiue countrc no mo^e. Stop t&ugfayetD t^e lo^bc , a* tbucbpngtf *^clumtjje fonne of 3ofiatf kyngcof3u= *«P ba,tdljicb raygncbafterbiJ out of tows place, Ije fbal neuer come bp tljer agayncfo^ be ujal by e in f placctobcif tmto |je ija! leb captiue,gb ujallfe tbt^ lanbe is> nomo^e.*J!aiottoo?tbbi>tbatbuylbetb \yp$ V s ™** ijoufe tbitb Unrigbteoufne0, ab b«J parlerss 4MC - t - a itottD tlje goob f be tmtljgotten by Uyolece: tobicb neuer recompenfetb W neygbbouisJ laboure,ner napetbbim W fee.©e tbpnc^ feetD m i)im felfe. 3 toyll buplbe me a ttoy.be l)oufe,gs go^geoujs parterre caufctlj ttoin* Dottoesl to be bettocn tljcrin,anb tDefylyngeiel anb ioyftejs maketb be of Ccb^e, anb payn= ftetl) tljettoitlj ^ynapcr.^a: bpnekeft tbou t d t*aygne,noto f tf;ou p^ouokeft me to ito^at^ tbitl; tbe Ccb^e trees!.'' Dybnottbyfatbeteateanbbifncke,anb p^ofperc tw longe ajs bebeait tf cqutte anb rtaljtcoufneirc.'1?ec,tbbat Ijcljelpcb tlje oppjtcucb anb poo^c to tbetr rigbt,t&e pjof» pcrebljettoell. if rom ttoljence came tl)ysf , but onelp be- caufe be bab me before bptfepe&fapctb t\^t \ytott iUeuertljeles; , ass f oj tljpne epeuaub t&pnc ljertc,tljep lOke toponcoucteotifneffc, to (beb innocent bloube,to bo tb?ongc $ mo . lencc.*36nbtberfo?ejtbus(fapetbtbeiLo v ibe € l agapnftleboakim,^ fonne of 3ofiaiS kyng *$Hf * of 3uba/Ebey (ballnotmoume f 0^ Dimcajs K£< ili tljep t)fetobo)alai«b?otber,alaj2(fyfter.Be »«««» tber ibal tbey fay e Unto bun ; 3lla0 fyi.alaits f 0^ tbatnoble p^cc.25ut asi an aiffc 4al be be bury cb,eo?ruptc anb be caft ttottljout the gates! of 3erufalem. Clytlie top tbebyll of iibaftuiet (0 tbou baugbtcr S>i0J0lyf t topthy Uoyce Upo ^5a fan,cryc from all parted : fo^ali tljy loucrji arc beftroyeb.3 jjauetbe toainyngctbhyle t|)outtoaftyetinmovpc.ryte.25utt^oufay? befti3b)yllnotbeare.3inbt|jijimanert)aft - tbou tofeb fro tDy youth, tbat tboutbolbe$ lieucr beare my Uoyce.3Hl tftp oerbme ttoaU betyittf ttoitb ti)e ttoynoe,anb tby beriyftgej* ftalbeearyeb atbaye into capttuite. 'Chen $alt t|jou be b?ougt)t to fyame $ coitfuiion l»«ttft I i IC w f ^ i irf t * 1 [ 1 l I 13 '•I • \ •»* iri)e$?opi)ecp 1 '? t ■ I P* .*«*** "*■ ' r I : *. ESff* figf* ? & ot * Itt,c Ojalt^ijc rcgarbcb tob5 tbo t it fya Unomojc be fapbc: tDe 3 trcmp.vti b S2SSS5r ,Wa HM««H»«!»*a*.itiRS the toil ttfal '1:1 I * ! I;-: I.: i- ; ( ' t fc * ■* I J. Jf^ffii^J^ l Ew^*B*A«»BP^«i^ltS'5K miM. t 'CbougbConamau tbc foimc of 3cboakim WW of 3uba tocte tbc fpgnct of mp rtgi)t Ijanocy et WW 3 pluckc bun of .3nD 3 tbtll Scac w into tbc potocr of tbem tbat fckc to arc tbcanb into tlje potbcp of tbem tbat tbou frarc ft :into toe potoe r of $abucboDo= norojtbempnacof wato>lon,anbtnto tbc Motor r of tbc Calbcctf. «?o?coucr , 3 topll fence irtjc , ab tbp motbrr ttyxt bare the into a ftraungc lanbc, tbljcre pctocre not bojnc, O ano tjjere Qjall pebpe. But ajs f o,i tbc lanbc tljatpc topll beipjc to rcturnc Vnto,pc ujal ncuc r come at it agapne. ^bte man Com* matfftwU bclpkcanpmagc robbebstome in pcceiM&bicfl pleafctbnoman , f o^ all bptf apuarcll.C&lbcrfojc botb l)c ab \)i$ fcbcujal 'be tent atoapcab caftout into a lanbcthat tbcp knotoc not. £> rrjou eartb,eartb,cartb:bearci$ tooibe of tl;c tofttMbwfWm *LojDe:$£l?pte tbWmanamcngctbcourlatoc&foniopjQi fprrttc tball tbi» man banc all i;ttf Ipfc logc. Berber ujallcnp of tisfebe be fobappic, a* to fpt lopon tbc Icat of £>atu0,aub to bcarc title tn3uoa. C^bc.rriii.cbaptct. be * WO tbe OiepbctbciG} , tbat bcttropcanb fcatre mp aockr,fap= etbptojbc. eaibetfoje tl)iw tne comaimbnncntoftbcLo ( ibc(5obof3fracl > fcnto tbc (bepebcrbejj tbat febe mp people: Vc fcatre ttfctutt out mp ttockc , s lone not tmontlje. 'Cbcrfojc noto topll3\)pfctthe fijicftebnejj of mm pmaapnacioniEl,fapet 6 tl;c lo^bc.^nDtDpli gatjcrtocfctftcri tan naunt of mp flocUe, from all lanocjai tbt 3 |jabO?pucn tbeDnto,anbtt»iU b^pnge them aqaynno tt;etr pafttieciBf, tbat tbcp mape grotoc ao inercafe.3 tbplifet (bep^ctbetf aU fo oucr ttimjadguto ftjall febe tjjem. ^bep 25 ifeallnomojcfeafc anDO^cbcfo^DcreCbaU *3!cr.RTi««: «oneottbcmbcloft,faiet|) tbelo^De.*2i5c= bolbctbe tpmc cemetb.fapetb tfje &ojbe, f o* ' 3WM tapfe \jp tbo*rpo;oteoi^ bwunche *cr«p.rf.« of JDauivtobicbttpnge Sail bearerule,a"0 |)c ftjall pjorpet tottD tiDplcbomc, 9 (ball fet * fcM . ,„,« "^E^te fcrigbtcoufnc* agapnein fevty: tmmmt % n ttyfi tpmeujall 3uba be faucb,ao*3T. caelltbaU otbcll tbitboutfcatc^nb tlX0 M tytwm ti>at tDep ujal call Jnm:*cumti)e ont of tbe lanoe of <£o^j)te:But tbeXqzbe "'"* "* "'"otbefti 3 fpttb.rtf; 4 i.CCfA oftbcboufcoflfrafUoutoftbejSoitblalu be,attb f torn all countrcc* ttobecc 3 m fca» ticb tij?,anb tbcp ujall oxbcll in tbeir atone lanbcagapne. 5?pbcrtc bjcakctU th mp bobp becaufe oftbcfalfcmopl)etejj,almpbcnc§fliaRc:3 am become iphe a tyonchen manctbat bp"5 rcafon ottopnc can taUcnorcftjfo* \>zm fca t of mmu , ano of bfe bolp tooiDe^: ® econfe tbc lanbc i* full of abuouterertf * i tbo^ottocfttocting itmoutnetb * 9 tbeplea» **. fauntpafturesi mm befcm awtoebfi **■■ »ce,tbctbapctbatmmtabe,i0tbicBcb,anD{s: tbcp^ gouctnaunce tsl notbinge Ipfte tbe bo^ p^cftptbanfcluciSarcpoiruteVppoccitcl gall be flppberp m tbe botcHnelTctbbere in tt)cpmapc rtacbec 9 fall, jf oOtbpll b^png a plage Jbon them, enen ti;c pcarc of ftA tjifitactofaictbtbe iojbc.3 baue fmcfolp mnonge tbc Bjopbctetf of Samaria, that tbcp weacbcD foi aSaall.ano bffceaueb mp people of 3fracu. 3 baue rene alfo amongc tbc ttoopbctctf of 3ccufalemfouie abuoutrp'ao mcTump, men bp tbc banbeflattrmge tbcm,fo t thep cannot retutnefrom tbep^pebcone^ M tbcfctfi tDcit cptefpn/acmtom« ^0, bomc,anbaj3!tbc tnbabitouriei of (fromojte. 'Cbcrfo ( ictbuio!(apetb f %oiUt of feoftc* concctnpngetbep^opbetciff: *25cbolbc,3 *3ww toillfcbc tbem toitb toozmtbob , anDmafte tbc Ojinc&c tbc toatcc of gall, jf 0? from tbc p?opbcte§ of 3crufalem ijefppocriCpe come into au tbc lanbc, . 3nb tjjcrfoje ti)c Eo?be of tyo Wgcuetb 5 M J W tl)i0 ttoammgc.*i9care nottbc tbo^De^ SW of tbe p?opjjcte0,tbat p^cacb tonto pou,anb mrceaucvoiijfurelptbepteacDcpou^anpte to? tbep fpcabe tbc mcanpnge of tbeir atone §2K' ? ) tot out 0,:t ^ e mo "tO of toe ioioc. *^bcp fa^ w *** ux "'— Y " " s ~- lo?bcbati SrSLlK Iu ^ of ^ c P? «B"c DcrMbep fapc: I Ml3 fc{?creu>uino miffo?tuncUap&Pott. |o?tbbo batb fptten in tbc councellof tDe SfSS^ &'&«&*«* ^ WrrlranbcitoDat be t^aboutc to bo.Wbo Uatbmarcncb tvi Sliiffi£S* i S ,0 *VP olem! ^Hbpnbe Wlfalbotbne t>pon ^ jjeabe ofpfeowp. 3no ^nBt^^atUofttjelo^bclbanttotturnc . ajapnclontPU be pcrf ourme anb f ulf pi tbe tom* t$Wt of bPJJ bcrte. * %m in tbe latter WW0 pc iball nnotbchitfmeanpnge. I © 3bauenotfcnt.tbcfep < »opbctejE((fate iw.rw«." 3Lo?be)f pet t Dep ranne.*3f baue not ft . ... ir totP,anupcttl>cpp?eacbcbi.2i5utpftbep . jjjab contiuueb inmp councell tbep bab opc^ neb to mp people mp t&ojbetf $ tbcp bab tut neb mp people fr6 tbeir cucll toapetf 9 tbpc=» ri »ebpmagpt»acioniE{.*atm 3 tben <5ob tJjat ..,., r% c -,..- -o^be.*j©o not 3 ffi WBW beaucn anb cartb/'fapctb tty Lo^bc. ,M ' 3 feaue bctbetDcll pnougb, tbljat f mopbc* tcufapef pjeaebe lpcs( in mp name 5 vapeng: 3 b'lwc b^eamebj^i bauebjeameb^otb Ion* getbpll w$ continue in tbe p?opbcteja bctt to tclllpc&Sb to pjeaebe tl;e craftp fotpltc of t j)ctt atone bertOTbofc purpofc isi(toitb tbc Djeametf tbat euerp one tell ) to mane mp people fojgct mp name, ass tbcp? f ojefa thetj3ibpb,tobcnai3aaU camctjp. 'Cbc p?o« LcoMfffa pbet tbat batb a became let \)vm tell it*ab w.mu f)etbatt)nberftanbetb mptooibe,lctbpm (betocttfaptbfulip. jl jf 0? tobat b« tb cbaffc anb tobcatc to bo togctbcriTapctb p &o?be.3#not mp too?bc Iplte a fpjcfapctb m Ho?bc, anb itpUc an "jammer, f b^eanetb tbe barbe ftone. 'Cbcr- oze tbiustapetbtbc Ho?bc:bebolbc,3 topu \3p0n tbc p?opbctes3i , tbat ftcale mp too^oe pjiuelp fro eucrp man: 25cbolbc,bcrc am 3 (fapctbtbc ILo?bc ) agapnft tbc mopbctejsf, tbat make timgcsl tenber tofuealtc, 9 fapc; Pitr ^be torn batb mpbc it.25ebolbc,bcrc am '■c pjopbeep Ipehffi bifceaue mp peopletoitb tbcit t)anj»tiej*,a& 3(fapctb tbe J,o?be)agapnft.'tbofe pjopbc tc^.t barre pjopbeep Ipcnge bjeameief , aitb eremp 5fo,lrtii myjaclc&tobom 3 neucr fent,ner comauib bebtbem. 'Cbcpiball bo tbijS people grcate fjarmcjapetbtbe JLo?be. ,., Sf tW peoplcctbcr enp p?op|jct 0? weft e *a=, af be tl)c anb fapc: to^at miKr tbc burtb^ of •* tl;c Jto?bc"Cbou (bait fapc \)nto tb?: tobat buttbcn/i:bcifo?eto|>U3caftpoufco-me, (lapetb p ito^bObecaufe ipe pout fcluctfatc * e* 4 burtbcn.3nb t|je P?Qpbet s pjCfte 0? people tbatWctbtb^tcrmcctbebutt^enof^JLo^ be^pmtopUiMet^anb^boureairo. 26uttbu#u5allpefape,euctponetoano= teS 3 tljcr,$ enetp man to W bjotbet.rr dBbat • anftocte hatb? Lo?bgcHen."o? tobat i& tbc

    d * bwtb bapc , mabc a fup= xcsmctio per to f lo^bes bPe captapnS , 9 cbefe cftntcS of (5alile:$ wba f baugbter of t^z Gttne loc=» robtascamtn^baunfeb, (* pleafcblocrobc $ tb5tbatfateatbourbealfo:tbeUpngc fapbe Ditto f bamofcll:afttc of me wbat tbouwtlt, ^ „ ,. .... _ anb 3 txjpllgeuc it tbe.* 2Cnb be fwarc Ditto * W]lfI, " ta bp? : wbatfocucr P aialtafae of me , 3 wpll geuc it p,cuen bnto p one balfe of mp apng= bome3nb (be went fo?tb > 9 fapbe bn to bee motber : wbat (ball 3 aflte t (be fapb: 30b" 2£aptpftcS bcab.3nb (be cat ftrepgbt wape wptb bafte bnto f apnge.'j afacb , faptngc .- 3 wpll, p tbou geuc me bp anb bp m a cbar = ger,tbebccbof3obn25aptpft.anb^ltpnge waSfo^p :bowbcitfo^ ty$ otbes fakc.anb f 0^ tbcp^ fabeS wbpcb fate at fupper alfo.be wolbe not caft ber off.3tno tmrnrbtatlp tbc bpng fcut tbc bangman , anb commaunbeb ^ bpsbcab to be bzougbt m.3inti be went ,anb bebeabebbpm in tbe p^cfon.anbbiougbt ins bcabinacbargcr,anb gaue it to tbc bamo^ fcll.anb tbc bamofcll gaue it to ber motber. 3fnbwbcnbpSbpfcppIeS bearbc of it, thep camcanb toUc bpbpS bobp , anb lapcb it in a gratte. J« 3nbtbe 3Bpoftlc:tfgatbcrcbtbe felucSto^ gctbcrbnto3efus, abtoiobpm alltbpngcS botbwbatthepbabboncabwbat tbcp bab taugbt.anbbe fapb bnto tbe"*comc pe alo= S"1rb" ,b ' ne out of p wape into tbe wpiberncs,5 reft a 'joun.tu a wbplcjf 0? tberc were manpcommcrS, anb gocrS,anb tbcp baUi no leafurcfo mocb as to catc.*3tnbbctt)cnCupfbppout of the wapc matm * into a befertc place. 3Cnb tbe people fppeb tbe wben tbcp bepartc'O:* manp nnc we bpm , $ ra"ncafotctbptbetoutofaUcpttcS,anbcatn tbptljerbefo^ etb5,anb came togetber bnto j)pm.3inb3cfuswff out&fawe mocbc pco pie, * 9 bab cSpaffpon on t\$ , becaufc * tbcp */u«ur.& wcrelpBcCbcpe.notbauingc a (bepberbe. JJfflg* ^nb be beganne to teacbtbe"inanptbpngeS. : Mcm,,u - *3tnb wben $ bapc wasnowfarrc fpent, it bps bifcppleScamc bnto bpni.faptngc-. tbpS * £*&**< ts a befctt place , anb now tbe tpmc tS farrc |o(,.' t ,v)«.*« pa(Teb,lettbcmbeparte,tbat tbcp mapc go into tbc countrcprotmbabout,anb into tbe touncS,?bpc tbemb?eab: fojtbep baneno- tbpngc to eatc.lj)eanfwcr cb anb fapb bnto tbcnt,gcuepetbcm toeatc. 3tnb tbcp fapbc Ditto lit :lbaU wc go $ bpe two bubjeb pcnp» wo?th of b#ab,fr geuc tb5 to tatti tye fapbe . Ditto tb?:*bow manp loaucs bauC pe. <5o 9 ^a™"* loHe.3dnb wb^tbep bab f earcbeb, tbcp fapb; C c f p«e anb m^ ■7T r *> fm frtwofpfwc OnbbccSmnudcd tbem, to make tbem Mm bonne I>pc6panpc0top6 tbcgrcucgralle . 2nd tDep fate Domic bcrc a/pwcaiidtDcFcarowc,l>pbundjcdc0a'dbv f pf tictf . 3nD w|>5 lie Urtii eabcu Hjc fpuc loa= uc0anotbe twofpfmejMOlokcd toptoljca* &&> uci!,l)f^I)lclTcDaiiDU?anctDf loauctf , ant) GauctlJcmtoljpjjimfcppIcxs.tofctUcfo^tDc: 9\ tm two f vfOic s: Dr uideb be amog tfteni .ill. 2nd tbcp all Dpd cafe, and were fatpffi»rD. mp tbcp tokc tip tweluc bafket tctffull tlicr ofUD of tbcfpnbc0.2nbtbcpfbat dpdeate, «:Wcrr about fpuctboufaud men. #mxM& * 8*0 ftrrPgDt wapcbecaufcODitfdiTctplctf to go into tbc fypppc, andtogooucc the fee aiSST' *&* People. * 2nd arfonc a* be bad ftmtm awape, be beparteb t to a moiitapnc to may; ^ 2nd wbe cue waa come ,tDc Oipppc watf in tftc mpdje * of t be fee , ano be alone on tbc la«oe>« be fawctbem troubled inrowpnge. rot tbe wpnde was cotrarp tonto tUem.3no nbonte tbe fourth watcb of m nyaht , be came Unto tbem, walkpuge topon tbe fee, lb wo Dc baucpaiTcO bp tijc . MM wljc tbcp fa* we bpm MOm& topo p fee , tbcp f upp ofco it Dab benca fpjetc, $ erped out : f oj tDep all G fawcbpm,anowcrcafrapcd.2ndauonc be talked wptbtbcin.nno fapd tonto tbcm.be of ^mat.ni.i.c.pobcDearcftiioiXbcnotafrapcb. * 2nd lie went top tontotljcm intotljcQjpppc^tbc wpiiDccearcO,?fDepwcrefo.teaiiiafcOmtb£ icUi:0bcpoDcmeafurc,anOmarucplcd . if 6z tbeprcmembted not of tlje loauca , becaufe il)ctrbcrtcwa0blpnp, „ C^bc.totj.cbaptcr. fominJiiiiDciticmof <25o6ib tcmfgcelTcti bp ntcimc* lit ft' « me fro tbcmafBCMccpttDcy waffie , tDep catcitot.2nD maup otber tbpngctftberc be, wlncD tbc v banc talicn topou tbcto obferue, art tbc wafmpngc of cttppctfand ccufe&nnd, #fg>,$tai:t&e. <'\\ r v? 5S8SP* 1 m * munot towmtsm m mJ 1 Ml *^ c 1^^*^ came to = ?- p— .-d .v. ::■£? gctber tonto bpm , $ bpuers? of ^ S>cr pbes wb vet) tame fro^cru* folcm.2(nbto)bcntDcpfau)cccr= --.-tatneofbWbircpplctfcaiebzcaD jm>tb comment tbat 10 to fapc, with mwtl* SiSXS ^l^cwesi, e^cepte tbcp waf= Jb^bep^baiioegofte.catcnot.obrcrupng^ traoicpoiw of tijc clDer&^nd wi)cn t&v w« brarcn toclTcl^anb of tables!. 'EbcuafbcbbpmtbcpbrtrpfciS^^citbcjf;^ wbp walltc nottljp bprcppleja: acco^bpnjito tbc cuftomc, ojocpned bp tl)\i clbcrg, bu$ eat e lucad wptb to nwaflben banded 3i)c anfwc= red 9 fapd tonto tbe; well pjopbefped efapatf ,, of pou,ppocrvtcj3! > a!2(itijs w^pttcn: * %\>pfi jgm people bonojetb me wptb tbcp^lpppctf , but '" ' tbcp j Ijcrte is? farce fr6mc:bowbcit, i toapne dotbcpfcrucmctcacbpno; tbe dtctrmctf^d comaudcmftcitfofme.jFo v ipclapcJc6maun« dement of openotpet perccaue, f wbat focucr f Dpnge from ^out, cnti tt \) in toamiutca'notdcfplebt, becaufe itcntretD not into bus bcrt but into p be Ip : 9 ffoctb out into tbc drausbt.pdurgpuff out all mcate^ 3Cnd be fapde:tbat wbpcb commetb out of amnndefplctbKbeman . tfojfcom wptbm, cuenont of tbebcrte of men pjoceadc cupU tbottabtc^aduoutrp.fo^nicacpon.murtbcr, tbcft.couetoufncxi, fraude, deccptc, tonclen= neja wpened cpe, blafpbcmpcsf, pjpde , fo= lpmncjS: all tbere r upll tbpnacjs come fro tf tn.anddefplcaman.^ 3ndrromtDence lie ^^at,«»/ rofc,$ went into ?bo?dcrs« of 'Cpjes&idOi ' 9 cntredtto an ()oufe,$ wolde^uo nut Omlo bauchuowe.2i5utl)ecouldcnotbebpd.jfoj accrtapne woman ( wbofe oangbtcr bad« foulefp^ctoa^fooneaiEime beard of bpm, c« me,and fell at bp^ fete .^be woman wasi 11 ^?eiie out ofp nacpSof ^p^opfciucia, 9 rh *3lnd !)c departed agapnc fro rl)c coa= fte0 of 'Cp < ieandSiidon,andcame tonto tbe fceof<5alilctbo;towtbcmpDdc0of tbecoa^ \tf Mr* ftc0 of tbc ten cptie0. * ZnU tbcp b^ougbtc tonto dim one tbat wa0 deaffc ad bad an tm -- pediment in l)?& f pccbc,and tbcp pjapd bpm to put bi0banoc topobim.^nd wbenbebad taken bpm af^be from tbe people, be put l)v$ f pngcr© into bp# carr0,and dpd fppt, 9 tou* cbed bps tovigcand lobed top to bcaucn, and fpgbcd,and Htpdc \jnto bpm : €pbata , tbat i0to fapc , beopened . Sliidftrapgbt ivape bi0 carc0 were opened.and tbc (f rpng of bt0 toungc wop lowfcd, and be fpaltcplapnc. i*fl)atf.u> %?(mn becommauuded tbc.t bat tbcp fbuioc tell no man . ngiit tljemojc be forbad tbem, fo mocl) tbc mote a grcatc dcalctbcp piiblif= Ojrd.fapmg.lDcbatb'bone all fbpngctf well, be natbmaDc botb tbc deaffc to bcarc, and tbc dome to fpcane. & C«2rbc.toiif.Cbnpfcr. tlZbt mpi.ulcof tl)crcticn!oiiC9. iTDc J8>l).trrrre alltc 1 frgnc . JTdc tcurti ot tOcKdjdtpfco . £(k tljMiCc rcccductl) Ijv» MM tbofc dapc0* wbc tber wa0 a tocrp ^'grcat eompanp , and bad notbpngc to 'cate.3cfu0 called bi0difciplc0 to Dim, jfojtonf, #jnat.rt.i» and fapbe tonto tbem : 3bauccompaffion on tbe people , becaufe tbepbaucnowc belief mc tb.tedapcc.andbaucnotbing to eatc.and pf 3 fcudc tbc a wapc faftpng to tl)m «wnc ijou fe0, tbep niallfapntbp tijc wapc. * jfoj diuer0 of tbem came from farrc.3!ttdbi$bi= fcpplee anfwered bpm: ^bercfljuldea man bauc b^ead berc in tbc wpldcine0 to fittpffyc tbefc.'' ^nDbeaiaeOtlicm : bowmanploue0 Daucpcfta:bepi*tpdc:fcucn.2Cudbec6maun= bed tbc people to f pt downc on tbc gronndc. 3tnd be toke tbc fenen loauetf , and wban be liadgcucntbancltr0 , bcb?iiUc, and gancto Dp0 dpfcppletf, to fct before tbem . Znh tbcp did fctfticm befote tbc people. 3ind tbcp bMno became to loetbfapoa, and tbcp wougbtabltndc man tonto bpm.anDdefircd brm to touebe Dim. 2 nd be caught tbc blpn* dc bp tbe band, and lead bim out of tbe tow- nc : miD wJ,anljcl;adf|;pfmiXsepc0,adptit pig banoca topo b»n, be af keb bun pf be fa we ougbr.2ndDclokcdtop^fapd:3fetbemcu: fo^ 2 pcrcra-c tbc walkcastljcp were tree© 3ftcrtbaf,bcputbp0banbc0arrapi:ctopon \m cpc0,and maDe bpm re . 311b* be vmn* ftotcd, and fawecucrpman clearlp . 2nd i;c fentbimbomcfobi0boufc,liUeng:netDergo into p to wne.ncr tel it to cup in f tovone. X* * 2nd 3cfii0 went out, 9 bpgdifctpleciu to tbc towne0tbat longc to tbc cvtic called, Cefarea^biiippi.2ndbpfbewa"pebcarited bi0 di t fciplc0,fapiug tonto tbe : wbom dome nipe p 3 auir 2 nd tbep anfwereo.fomc fave. tbat tbou art 3obn bapt ifl-, 9 1 omc fapc, lie= lta0. 2gapne, fomc lape.tbat tbat tbou arte oncoftbcnob^eoftbc45pbctc0.2!ndbci;ipdc tonto tbctmbut wbom fapc pc p J amriDefcr anfweref b 9 nipt b tonto Dim: * tliou art tocrp Cbiift. 2.ndbecbarged tbc, tbat tbcp nuilbe tell noma ofbim.2ndbcbcgaiictotcacbtbc *bow that tbc fonnc of nitotift riinTemanv tbfgc0, andbcrcp^oucd of tbc clder0,and of tbc bpc p^cftc0,ano fcribe0, and be kpllcd,* after mt dape0 ar p fc aga pne . 2 ud be fpakc tl;at f(jpiugcopcnlp.2nd peter toke bpm Ccij afpdc, 23 •v. maf.tbl ii Xiiltr^il-a KfaatJcmt *mat.rb.o C Jl«iic.i.r.c 4c/fiiVt.rt(.c 'Jliilir.ij: r B t (tin rtoi.c (tnbifr.c 'fiunciv, c itiftt Mi iiihr.ir.r. Dnto vow, tbut tyt\M i$ come, ana Ami na* «e boncDntobpm wbatfocuec tbcp wolbe. nfl it vratf w^pteit of hpm. ' 3np wba" be came to bp0 bifcipicfcbc wwc tnocb people about tljem, 9 tbc feribc0Oiftm* ring tftbc m.ant) ftccigbt wapc nil tbc pro* plc(t»b<1t|jcpbcl)cl0c5pm)wcrcjfttmfro,jlo fa ar;0f,nmjWflmitocb)>i»cbim.i5iitiictiirncti about, ano lokco on bpiSDtrtipM.andrcb^ bcD toctcr.faptttg:0o after me £>atan. $ ox tboufaucrcftnottberbfgcstbatbeof^ob, -v rn.it tbi n hut 2 C ^vnffctf tbat be of men. gaSr" 1 * fc *3ino wben be baD calico the people Dnto *««.,.«•.,. j,« w ^ lf fc j,m{ bifcpplc0alfo , be fapbc Ditto Jin I loft tt.isnt wbofocucr Oiallofc big life, mm to Re 1 tbe gofpcl0 , tljc fame mil fa= uetttf oftobatiball it pjofrtamnii.pf be mm all tlic wo.tio.anb lofc W awncfoti* ic : k what (hall a man g cue to rcticme hp0 ionic wttb all asapner * aubofornrr tbcrro= rcionlucafibamcoof me aOof mp wojdc0, m fbp0aououtrou0anb fynfiUI generation: of torn nlfo mall tbc fonne of man be anna* mep , wben be commctb in tbc glom of bptf fatbcrwitbtbcbolpangctf. iSf,g>,$larRe 5Fo iMtir.f. ^ H\tf .r.c z Xubcar.c _ Cpt.tr.CDaptcr. Cube tra»^ur«cron . ffoc liiiMtpfte bptbtte BD be fapb Ditto tbcm: en crclt»,li fape Jwttc jvott: * irbeebcfomeamonstbc «f h-SKSBF*?* ^bicb (ball not mftc of dcatb, tpll tbcpbaue fenctbekpugdome of<3ob come witb power. jaw* j fc ., 3nmc0 ) anb3obti,am> lecoctb tbcm Dp into anbpemountnpnc out of the wnpc jlone:anbbcwa0tranffigurcbbcfo?ctbcm. 3nobv0rapmetbpd(bpitc,aimbceaineDe== rp wbpte, cucnatf fnowc : fowbpt n0 no fuller can makcDpon tbecartb. Snbttoe a ppcarcb Jjttto Wmn* witb 4)oft0 .3 ; no tl KVtnIUcfi)»itb3cfit3nopctcranf\BcrcS to? D0:lct D0 make olfo .uj. tabernacles, one f 02 the, ano one f oj &)ofe0 , ant one fo*ifoe= Has. $01 be wpft not what be fapb.fo* tbep Oiaoo wed tbcm . 3Sno a Dopce came out of p clondc,faptim.^ybP*itfinp bcloucb Tonne: bearcbpm.3ttdfo0enlpwban tbephad 0= bed rounbe aboute , tbcp fame no man mm tbcnJcUifi onelp aitbtbem. ' JU5S? 1 * b «. * 3nD a * ^ came DotD »c fro the hpll be «« » target itftem, tbcj Omib tell no man tbife tbpnges tba t tbe v (wb fene , tpH tbc fonne of man were rpfen fro Dcatb agapne. in* tljcv It epee t bat faieng Witb tbem, ano bfma ubco one of nnotber, tobnt tbc rpfpng from oeath agapnc QmlDe rncane." 3lnD tbep ahteoK 225 f fa ? c »S^g%tben fape tbe fenbeitbat & *a»m* into tW* Wintomty toben be comS »4wau mafa0it*i0imftenof|tfm;u)alffiSm2 np ihWM or fctt at imugb . JSq[ Q* *fttai.rtri» nntj.rvii.b Jin (ii.t.ic.c i£Ki.tlil« one of tbc eompanpanfujereb,* fapoc .- mn* iter, 3 banc bjougbt\mto P mp f fine, ttrtiwft batbaDomcfp^cte. atnb tobenfoeucrbcta^ Bctbbim.betcaretbbim^nbbefoinetb.anb flnaf^etb tw'tb m tctb, ano piner b axcape. 3Knb 3 fpaftc to t\)v Difapicg tbat tfi ep Omlo caftc bpm out,anb tbepcouioe not. ipc anf\»crctb b*m,nnb fa ytj): €)faitWcjtf fic Qja 3 fuffre pour flange g pm tolt0 me# a* tbe fp^etefiiwe bpm.be tare bi.^nb befell Jowneontbt ;pottnb,wnloufngt foming. f«^aJS Wttf fatberrbow I5gc W it ago: feujitbp^bappenebbpm .anbbefapbes ofa cbplbc : a- oft tpmejs it bntb caft bpm into tbe fw.^ into tbe water, to beftrope bpm . )Sut ffjpo" canft 00 enp tbing.bauemcrcp on M « no , jfijg M.3rfn*fBW> Dntobpm:pf tbou coulbeitbcleuc^alltbpngejaiarc poffptieto -^ m , t m tetbatbelcuetb. SUnolrcpgbtwape tbe m mtljcr of tbccbplb cneo toitbtearcitf, fiiieng, io iS'3beleuc,belpctboumpncDnbclefe; *rv lDbcn3cru0fatx)c^tbepeopleeamcrun= nyngto3ctbcr\)ntobim,bercbuRcb^foulc K&W 1 * *"P ^ m: '^ &ou borne 9 beeff fp?ctc,3 cbnrgc tbc come out of bim.anb en« «w no we into toon tbc fp?etcr t»b«1 be ^ c " ct, -l rci, tbpmfo?c) came out of bpm, anb bewatfa* onetbat bab bene Deab , tn fo caugbt bp0 bano.anb Ipftbim Dp.anbbe ro= re - 2JJ iwbcnbe was! come into tbc boufc, *bi0bifcipic0afftebbpmfecretlp:iibpcoul' ^^ , M , S nol F HP*" °^ 3Cnbhcfap0e into * flw * w tbcm : tbi0 b pnoe can come torn bp notbing: but bp PMpccanDfaifpngc. U a ^^^f^^^^^^artcbtbe^gftoftetbeM ?S?S? tt f e ^ e wa * c on» p i«f p boufc.be pour ft iuc0 bp * wape^no bepbcibc tbcie mongtbem fclueist, voboflbulbbetbe chefeft 3nb i»bcn be ma fee oowne , b w Uco tbc tvdnc to bpm,anb fapo tom$$wm befpje tf beCp.ictobcfp^ft.tbcfamc fbalbclaft of all, ^iftijfiM anbfeniatmt toaii.* 3Cnbbc toftea cbplbc, ano fctbpm tn tbc mpDDc0 of tbc : 9 txnjcn be bao taften bpm in bpaarmc&bc fapOc Ditto tbem:wborocucr receauetb enp focijea cbtioc in tup name, rcccauctb me . 3nb xobofoe= ucrccccauctbmc,rcccauctbnotmc,butbvm tbat Cent mc, jn 3obnanft»crebbpm,fapinffe:>5» Rafter, toefnwe one caft out Ocupiam tbpnamc, $ be foloujctb not DjfciiD toe forbade bpm, be= caufc be folowctb D0 not. 26ut 3cfu0 fapOc: utoniu. fo^bpD bim not.5fo«i*tbcri0no man mytl) * ' (pfbcOoamp^aclcinmpnamcxanlpgbte- Ip fpcaltc cm 1 1 of me. #0$ be f i0 not agapnft ltm*M D0,i0 on ourc parte. * D)bofoeuee (ball tn my name acuc pou a cuppc of water to bii\\= cltcbccaufe pc belongc to Cb^Pftc, Dcrelp 3 fope Ditto pou:beinallnotloorebP0re\»arO. inBt.ttfH.a * 3Hnb DJbotocucr fljall offenbe oncoftbefe . Iptcto0,tbat bclcuc iumc, it tjocce better foj *«« ».« h bWhfta mplftone were bangcb aboute bii« Oar fb?e*£*-pf tbPbanftc bpnbcc tbc.cut itof . 3t G 10 bcter fo? tbc , to e litre into Ipfc nwpmeO, tbcn(baupnget\x)obaiibc0) to go into bfll, into fp?c tbat ncucrfbalbcqucncbeb , tjjljcrc *«Mtw.g. *tbcpiDoo?mcDpctbtiof,an&tbc fp^cgoctb not out.?CnOpf tbP fotc be a hpnoccauce Dn= to f.cut it of. 3t i0 better foz f to go bait in* tolpfc,tben:baupngetU)ofctc)tobccafttn» to bell, into fpoD wptb one cpe , tben (baupngettoo cpc0)to be call into bcllfftc: DJberetbcp^wonncOpctbuot.anO tbc fpje goetbnotout. h ^oMgucrpmanflTalbefalteo t»ptb f^e. ^36nDcucrpracnfpcc (nalbc feafoncD witb falt.*S)alti0gooD.^utpftbefiUtbeDnlii= ucrp.wbat ftiallpe fcafoit tber tDptb.^baue faltinpourefcluc0:anbbauc peace amonge pourc teliicjs, one uiptb anotber. C^Tbe.^.Cbapfcr. >h S©f 6nio)t cmtnt.^TDcrvciic itwmucrtrottctb tti'ti) bird, ffl) f «jc tomicfl of iclcOcc .iiVirtljpmf u«t()c lilviiDcman. i?)D VDban l)c rofc from tbence, be^DoentintotbccoaCrc0of3it= ryctb?ougb tbcregpon t!)ati0 beponbc3o?ban:3(:nb tbc pco= pic rcfojtcD DntobPinafrefbc. anba0bc\Dn0\Dont, be tattgbt , tbcm agapne.aBttO tlft pbarpfcitf came , auO affteo wm . 30 it lawful! fo? a man to put ton rr«« • ■ W8 ** w0mfe:to pjouc bpm. 3no bcanf= S$!t! twttfc ano lapb Ditto tb?:* tobatbpb mo* fc0bpopott 00 : and tbcp fiipde , a)ofc0 fuf* fcrcb to w?ptca teftunonall of Oritoifcm? t, ano to put ber awapc3nO 3cfu0 anfwcteo anb fapoc Dnto tbcm: jfo? tbc barbnc0of V,fl)iU.t).c ts3 *'Ht(ii.i(.ti. 3 *maf,t(c.a. pourebectebe wjote tbpfi precept Dnto pou. 26wtat tbc fpjft creacpon. + <5od mabe tbcm «tee»w manano woman.'Cberf o?c* (ball a ma lea* *» cn.«tA ucbP0fatbce»motbce,» bpOebp,ljp0Wpfc, %? n f' r ;?' * % tbcp tiuapne (balbe one flcQje . ^>o tben ©So. arc tbcp now not twapnc, but one fleOic. ^bccfo^cwbntuoDbatbcouplebtogetbcr let not man feparate. .- 3no tn tbc boufc bPiS OtfcppIe0afRcbbim » againe of tbc fame mattcr.ano be Tapctb tm to tbcm. * 1 tt)l)ofocucr puttetb awapc bPJ* £?]?/•?:' wpfe,9macpctbanotber,b?cnl«tb wcbloc= ^u4x»r.o. kc to bcr warOc.2tnb pf a woma* fo^rakebec buiuanD, anti be marpcb to anotber,Ojc com* mpttctbaOttoutrpc. "^*3tnbtbcp bzougljt MmMxain cbPlbMii to ftpm, tbat b* ftuioc toucbtbem. awwwim anb bp0Otftpplc0ccbukeOtbofe tbat b?ou-- gbt tbcm. But when 3cfu0fawcit, be wasi opfpleafco f fapo Dnto tbcm^uffrc tl;c cl)tl Otcn to come Dnto me.foibpo tbcm not. if oi offocb titty ftpngoomc of Gob.acrclP3 rape Dnto pou, wbofucticr ootb not rcceauc pKvngOomeof0oO*a0aebtlOc»bcQ)alitot ****** , cntrctbenn.anb wbabc bnD taken tbc Dp iuXv' iw bp0aemc0.be put bt0 banbc0 Dpon tbcm, ano blcffcb tbcm. h $H%i® wben be wa0gone foitb into t\)t wape.tbcr came one runpngc ano kiulcbto bpm. 9 alkeo bpm: *ffoob matter, wbatujaT Iff 2 W' 3bo,tbat3mavccnbcretctcenaUlpferle* fu0fapDcDiUobi'in : wbp called i) niegooo/ ^bceei0nom^gooO,bueone>wbicbt00o&. _ Cbou knowefttbc comaunbcmcntcs: b:ca= ** bc notmatctmonv.kpll not:P;calenot,bcare nofalfe wptnc0:ocfrauOcnoman ; boucure tbpfatbcranbmotlwr.^canfwercoaoaipb Dntobpm:a)after,alltlicre3ftancobfcrueD frommp pontb.3cfu0beftcioe bpm,anbfa= uourcDbpm.ano dm Dntobpm:onctbpngc tbou lackcft.^vSo tbp wayc (*op g)clltbat «f-e tbou baft, aitO gctte to tbc poozc , anb V Qtalt *«&&*.** bane trcafurc in beaucn , anb come , fblowe *"****** me fianotakcDpmpcroftcDpontbp il)iil^ bec0.25utbcwa0btfc6foitcobccaufcoftb.it lapinge, anb wrnt awapc mournpng foip bao great pou"effpon0. 3no Wb53efu0 bab lookcb rotibe aboute, bcntpOcDntobi0Oifcpplc0. * ioowDncafpe * m *t.tttx (ball tbcp pnaucmoncp: cutrcitotbckvitg 3 Vto**** Oomc of (5oD.^itO tbc Otftpplcs were aiton- upcOat bp0 woioe0 . J5iit3cfn0anfwerctb agatite,ffiivttb»ntotbe:cbilb v ie,bo\»barOc i0ttfo? tbc, tlwt fruit in moncp , toentrc in* to pkmgbomc of 000 1 3ti0cafpcrfo2aca^ . n mcll to gotljo.tow p eye of anneble, tbcnfo.i ** tberpebctoentre tntopUpngOomc ofc^oO. 7m t\)ey were aftonnpcO out of mcafure, fapingc betwene tbemfeluc0 : wbo tben can bc fattco.^cfi^ lokeb Dpon tbem , attO fapo. wttb me it i0Dttpo(ublc, but not \Ditb<5ob: f 0? * witb (2>ob all tbpngc0 arc pofTpblc. *m*tou* atitb peter beg^ncto fapc Ditto bpm: to: € iij *wcbaue r •X V 2ukj*iir.f * fVlM,rr.b ruit.tf.tr.ft ;i!uuc c\) f. nutuviu. *flfUt XUU if */Rar.ir.o ifitlh.trit.C. ^Iftaf.jT.O <5 "kmaf.tr.o. *webaucfo*lhRcnaiUbauc foiowcb the. 3cfud aufwcrcb,$ fapbc: durclv 3 Cave Un» topou,tbcridnomatbatbatb foimhe fym* ft, 01 bietptf. 02 tyftcrd, 02 fa tber , 02 m o tber , 01 wpfc, o: cpplbicn, o* launch f oj my fiiUc $ the csofpcllcd, but be (ball mmt an biibjcb foolbnowciutbidlpfe.boufctfanbbjctbjcn, mm fpftcrd,anbmotbcrd,onb cln>lb2cn, anb laiiDcjec wptb pcrfccucpond: 9 in p* wojlbc to conie>efcrnnuipfc.*2ii5ut inanpf nrcfpift, flmlbclaft:$p^aft,fp2ft.3lnbtbcpwcrcin* Wapc gopngcUpto3crufalcim 3iib Icfud pent befojc tbctit.attb tbcp air re alitor**, s folowc b.anb were afrapbr. „ ainb3cfudtokctbetwcluc agapne, anb ueganne to tell tpewpat tbpngedipulbc bop pg unto bpm. * aScbolbe, wc go U p to 3crn * mtms tbc fotmc of ma" (balbcbelpuereb Uu to tpe bpe hefted aub Unto tbc SKcibcd^D tbcp (fca 11 coiiDcmnc ppm to bectb , anb (ball bclpucr bpm to the gciifpid , anb t^ep Sail mockebpm,anbfcourgcbpm,fpptUp5bim, auD kpll ppm.^nb tbpjbe bapc be fyall rpfe agapne. * 3no 3amcd anb 3obn tbe fonned of?cbc* became untobim,fapingc:&)a(rer:wcwol» nctnattbou fyuiocftbofoj Ud wpatfocuec we befpic. toe fapbc Unto tpcm: wbat wolbe pc that 3 HMD bo fo2 pouj"5ri)cp fapbc Unto bpni:graunt Unto Ud, tpat wemape fptte, one on t^v rpgbt panbc.anb tbc otjjer on ti}? lpffeparibe,iutbpgl02p.iBut3cmd(ap0Uii tatbcm:l>cwotcnot wbat peafue; Coupe bipneke of tpccup,tpat3 bipnekc ofranb be baptpfeb wfflty baptpmc,tpat 3 omba-- prpftDwitb.'3nbtbcp(apbcUntobpm:tbat wc can. Jew* fapbc unto tljem :pc (ball in brbcbnmcKc of tbe ctiptpat3b2pnchcot':t1b wptb p baptpme tpat 3 am baptpfeb wprb au\ujallpc be baptpfeb in:but to fpt on mp rpgbt banbe $ on nip Ipftc banbe , in not mp* nc to gene, unfit (ball pappeUntotbcm,fo2 wbomitidwcparcb. * inb wpen $ ten bearbc it,tt>w began to bpfoapneat 3amed anb 3opn . 2$ut 3cfud pa be bab called tbem to bpm , fapb Unto fbcimpcknowctpat *tpep wppcb arcfene to bcare rule amongctbc people, rnpguc ad 3Lozbedouectbem.3liib tpep tpat be grcate amogetbem,cmcpfcaucto2ptcupontpem. fteuectbelcfcfowallitnotbc among* pom: but wbofbeuer of pon wplbe grcate amonae ?ou,u}iibcpourempn(ftcr.#nbwbofoeucr. wplbecbefc,malbcfccuauntofnH.#oj*tbe fonne of maualfo carnc not to be mpnpftccb Unto:but to mpnifter,5b to jjcue ppjtf Ipfe foi tberebempeponofmanp. 28nb tbcp came to Iptcrico: *3ttnb Me tuet out of p mie of jptecico wptb pi0 bpfcppleief, anb a grcate nombje of people: blpnbc MM* tpmeutft&e fonne of ^piheutf, fate bppl)pe t»ape0fpbebeffffpn&.:#iiOtPpen ^c Ijeatbc Cljt (Hofpell \ #f,^»^atke, tDat it tnMJffim of.d2aja«tI), be began to tmMto fape^cfusi.tpou fonne oE E>amb, Dauc mcrcp on mc.^nbmnnprcbuuebppm, fDatljciljulbDolbepps; peace. 2iButpe ctpeo t Ijc mm a flieate bcale:tpou fonne of utmttt bauc mcrcp on mc3no IcfujS (tobc ftvll, <1b eomniaunbcb bpm to be callcO;3inb tpep eal leb p blpnbe, fapiuge Unto ppm: 25e of goob comfo^teirpfe.becalletitqe. 3Cnb l)etp?ewc au?apc Dptf cloKcanb roft , anb came to^e* fiiiei. 35 no 3c fus' anfujereb , anb fapbe Unto bpm :u>batu>plttbou tbat 3 bo Unto tyz( ttfte blpnbc fapoe unto bpm : fairer, tbat 3 "iPSbt fe . 3cfutf rapbe Unto bm : so tbp toape.tbp faptp batb faneO tpc . %tto immc= bia tip be reeea ueb pp$fpfll)t , $ foloweoSc* W in tpe wape. , C^e#Cpdptcr. C^JPft rpuctl) to Jttufalcra.Xftc fpB«c t«0>pc«» Dp.&oe ipcvb antMitre net Mrtoutc ofitic teinple. 2S0 f iU (>.«pf r s mi c ft poll tDptl) tfOjp ft , iiSb toben tliep came npeto3c- ru(ijicmUnto2i8etp!)aae ^S5c» tbanicbefpbetf mount €)ipue= te , l;efcnoetb fo?tbtwo of ppjs bifcpple&anb rapetbunto t$: (5o point wapc into tbe tonne, tpat ^oiiec ngapnft pon.3nba0 fonc ag pe be entreb in» to it: pe (ball fpnbea eolte bounce, wljecon neucr ma fatc:lofe ppm, anb bfpnffc ppm W tpcc.^nb pf cup man f ape unto pomwppoo pcfo .'g>apcpc,tbat tpe iLo^tie patp neabc of lipm : anb ftwpgftt wape pe wpli fenbe ppm Ijptlicr . 9no tpep went tbcp? wape, nnbfouubtpe eolte tm bp tpebo^c t»ptb- out in a place tober two tuapeg met , 5 tbcp lofeb bpin.^lnb bpuersl oftljem tljntftobc tbcre, fapbe Untotpem:*xopatbo pe,lofpn= ge tbc colter nti tpep fopbc Unto tbcm,euen ajS 3efuja! pab commaunbeO . 3Cnb tpep let tpcm go.^lnbtpcpb^ougbt tbe eolte to 3i> fujsanb cafttbep? gaementetf on bpnv.anb be fate Upon Wm. 3tnb manpfp^ebe tbcp? garmented in tbe wape. Ctbce cut bourne fynuncbctf of tbe treed , anb ftrauicb t^tm in tbe tonpe . 3Cnb tbcp tpat went before anb tbeptbatfoloujeb.-ccpeb, faping.loo= fauna : * bleffeb it be tbat cominctb in tbe name of tbe lojbc . iSlelfeb be tbe ftpngbo-- me, tpat cometp m tbe name of torn tbat W io^bcof onrc fatpcrDauib^ofannain tbe bpcft.\ 2M> tbc lo?be entreb into 3erufalemano into tbe tcmple.3nbu)b^ be bab loneb rouO about Upon all tbpnged, anb nou> tbe cntn tpbewasicome , bcujcnt out Unto 2Setba* wwtl) tpcttpeiue. ^ 3nb on tbemo^oui uiben tbep ujere come out from 25etpanp, be bungreo . 3Cnb uoban be bob (jppeb a fpg treea farreof^aupnge leaued , pe came to fe , yf be myQ\)t fpnbe enp tbpnge tbecoiu %nt> wtyn be came to it, be f ounbe notbpnge butlcaue^s C jctc.Wl.fc 31 rtwif'* #3(oW.ffttp 3da.tfli|.c jtEffi«tM.b 25 *pr«i.frbp fwMftfli '£uh.ppf> JitlHuf it. ifMHt^ bwtMauesicf^iic^mcof ^ga^KBaai not ptil. 3fcKt»jfefii*mtfi»creb, an«f«p^e Unto tfcfyw 1 wmeue* man eate f cute 06 tbe bere aftecwpplltbe u»o?lbe ftabetb3nb M bi» ftj^esi beaibe it. 3notb«j» came tojectifalem . ?Enb 3cfutf t»ent tototlje temple,^ begaue to * caft out tbtm rftat folbe anb bougbt in tbc temple, ab ontrt|»etPetbe tabled of tbe monep cnaun= gm^f tbe (toleiei of tbemthat folbe boned: anb woibe not fuffee, tbat cup man (bulb ca^ rpe a Ueffclltbojotppte'pie. %m be taugpt, fapinge Unto tpcm: * id it not uupttcn .- nip boiife ipalbe calleb tl)t boufc of mapcr Unto allnacpotijeV 25ut pe Um mabe it a benne of tl)tmt. 3nb tbe ^cepbed anb bpe pelted pearbe (t.anOfougbtboujeto beftropebpm. * $oi tbep fcareo bpm, becaufe all tbe people mar= uclcOat ^ boetcpne . 36nb u>ben euen wad come,3efttdU)entoutoftbecptie. * 3nbtn tbemojningead tbep paffeb bp, tbcp fawe f fpgge tree b^peb Up bp tbe roted. 3Cnb iSetec rememb?eb, anb fapbe Unto bim:mafter,be= bolbe,tbe fpggtreewbpcbtljou cuefebft, ifi rpvMtw auiapc^nb 3e(Ud anftoereb anb fapbe Untotbem:baueconfpbend in ob. *2aetiJp3fapeUntopou,tbatuJbofoeuce (baUfapeUntotbPdmountapne:rcmouc,ab caft tpp felfe into t\)t fee,anb Oall not bout* bat tbinged tbtm pe be= fpjeuipe' pcprnpcbeleuc ^pereccauc tbem, a nbpe (ball banc tbem. 3 nb ^m pe ftanb f P?ape,*fo,igeue,pf pe baue ougbtagapnft enp man, tbat pourefatberalfo wbpcb idiu beauen,mape fo^gcue pon poure trefpaffed. 3nb t^ came agapne to 3ecufale. #atnb adhetoalRebintbe templctbercamc to pirn tbc 5Pe hefted ,f t\)t £>crpbcd,$ tbe elberd, anbfape Unto bpm.- bpujbatancto^iteboeft tbou tbeft ttynstH'tmii u»bo gauc tpe t^ aucto?(tc,tobotbefctbpngcdr3cfudanfu)e= reb.anb fapb Unto tpcm: 3 UJplI alfo attic of of poua ccrtapne tbpnge $ anfwere peme,f 3 UJilltell pou bp what aucto^itc 3 bo tberc tbfgcd.'S'bebapttme of 3obu,U)bctber wad itfcobeaucuo.iofme^nfwerme.^inbtbcp tbougbtmtbe"fclucd,fapingc:pfwcfapc,fr6 beaue:bewpllfapewbptbenbibpcnotbclc= ne bpni/butpf tbep bab fapb, of me", t^cy fea rcbtbcpcople.jfo?allmccoutcb3obn, f lie wad a uccpe ^opbetc ; m no tbcp nnfwetcb 5 fapb Unto 3efii: we cSnot tcll.3nb 3eP an f wcreb,anbTapb Unto tpeMictbec Wiil3 tell pon bp wbat auctojite 3 b tbcfe tbiged. h C2:bc.>:(j.Cbapter. C%bt^nmm{tlttmu.cD:ti;c effrpngof (Ijcpojc UDpDoDsc. $wt. fiab be beganne to fpcaue Unto % tbrm op parabled . % ccrtapne maplantcb^aUpncparbe, anb SSgf tp< copaffeb it abouteio an bebge^ffl. ' «_ VJfcV . w:w anbo?beineb a wpnep^effe, anO|*?« w* bpltatourcaublct it out to bp.« Untobuf^ Jc ,c " ,f banbmen.anb wentinto a ftrafigc countrc. ainbwbetbetpmcwadcomcbercnt to tbe bulbanbmcn nfernaunt, tbat be mvQ^t re 3 ccaucoftljc bufbanbmen of tbe frute oftlje Upneparbc. ainbtbep caugbt bpm , anb bet bpm,anbfcntppm awape agapne empfpe- 3Mt) m ojeouer, be fent Unto tpe" anotpcr ftr= uaut,anb at bpm tbcp caft ftoncd anb bzajte f)^9i beeb,^ fent bim awape agapne all to rc= iiplcb.3Cnbagapne,befcntanotbcr,an0biiii tbepaplleb-.Sbmanp otbec.bcatpnge fome, anbttpliingcfome. 3Eubfowpanbc bab pet butouebcloueb fonne, befent bim olio attpe laft Unto tbem, fopinge:tbcp wpll fcate mp fonne. * I3ut tbe *mat.Mi.t>. bufbaome" fapb amogeft tpe fclucd.- tbtd is p bepKicomc^IctUdUplbim^tbcibecitaucc.^^ h . _ (balbcourcd.3Hnb tbcp toftc bim $ nmHU m'&w." 9 coft \}^m out of tbe upneparb . What (ball tberfo.zctbc 102bc of tbc Upneparbc bo r I^e (pall come,abbeftropc tljcbnfbanbmc, f let out t\K Upneparbc Unto otber . fraue pe not reb tpid fccppturer^'Ebe (tone wbpep f bn» ^ r ; ttb " w plbcrd bpbrefufcid become fepefeftoone of mSH tbecoincrrtbididtbetoiOcdbopngcjitid mccucloud in ourc cpcd.'Cbcp wet about al- fo to take bim, $ feaeeb tbe people, jf 02 tbcp knewtif be ^ (porch tbc parable agap'nft tbe3nb tbep left bpm anb wfttbcpz wapc: , *3nb tbcp fent unto bpm ccrtapne of tbc Sti" l&barifcdgs Aerobes fcruauntcd,to take bun 1 bid wo2bcd3nbalIonc ad tbcp wcrccome, tbep fiipb Unto bini:a)aftcr,wc Uno wc tbat 13 tbou arte true,^ carcft foi no ma:fo? tbou co fpbercftnotpoutwarh appcaraucc of men, btittcacbcft p wapc of 00b tnilp r 3d it lau- full to papc tribute to Ccfar, oi not t Ought WCtoscucoiOugbtwenottogcueriSutbe Unberitobetbep2fpmulacp6,aub fapb Unto tbe:U>bpteptepemcf2B2ingcincapcnp,f'3 mapcfcit3nbtbcpb2ougbtit. Stub be (ap= ctb Unto tbe.lDbofe it tbpdpmagc $ fupcc= fcripcpo^nbtbcpfapbc Unto bpm :;ceGird. 3tiib3cfudan(wercb,anbfavbcUnto tbem: . w #0ene to ccfac tbe tbinged tbat bclonge to sSESSi* Ccfar:anbtod5ob,tbctbpngcd wbpcb per> mtt*.' tepne to <£ob.36nb tbcp mcrucllcb at bpm. 'CberecamealfoUntobpmtbe^abuccd, ^wbpcb fape ftber id no ccfnrreccpon . 3nb *m.it.tttr.« thep attteb bpm fapinge : Rafter * ^!)ofed ?,![,""" b< W2otcUntoUd,pf enp maud bzotberbpc, ab t2DrWtu.b. leauc bpd wpfc bcbpnbcbpm , anb Icauc no cbplbicn : tbat bpd bjotber QmlD take bpd wpfc , anb rcpfc Up fecb Unto W bjtotbec. ^bcrcwcrcfcucnbietbieJianbtbefpzftto^ kc a wpfc : anb tob.cn be bpcb , left no fceb . €c inj bebpnbe ff A T ^7 T Cfte 6ofp * £ro.tti.li. BlliC.C.f * £ifu.W.j, HMt, rrit.O be hpttbe bpm . 3Gnb flic fcconbc tokc by? , aim bpcbme tbcr left be ahp feeb . atnb tbc tbyjbe lpltewpfe.3n& fetten wtaift left no fc eD bebpnoctbe". taftofalltbcwpfc bpcbalfo. 3u tbc refurreccvon tberf otc wben tljep (ball twt&m- «Wi t»vf« Awn ok teofftft 5FoKcufnabbcrtowpfc.3nb3cm0att(wc rco, aim favb wtto them: bo yc not tberf otflrpfcagaync fro bectb, tbepnetber ma* rp,nocrybc0, anbbab bcarbc tbcm bifputyngc to gctber (anOpcrcraucbtbatbebati anfuwrco thtm wcii;pcafkcbbpm;wbpcbi0tbcryjftofaii tnc cdmaunoementc p 3cfu0 anfwctcb b»m , tbefpjftc of an tbc commattuocmcutcs i0: i?care £>3fracll.* %ty to?oc ourc 00b, (0 I02D onclp: 3&nbtbott (bait louethe lot- be tbp Cob witb all tty? bcrf ,$ wptb all thy foulc.anbwytballtbpmpnbc.anbwttbali tbpftrengtb.^bi0t0tbefp;iftccommauttb= ment . 3nb tbc frconoe i0 lykc bnto tbp0 : m Ki?' t^ftow Oirtlt louc tl)p nepgbbour ntf tbp fel- «oma.„„ f teener 10 none otbcrcommaunbmentprrea %£S& tcrtbcntbcfc. 2Enb tbe $>crpbcfapbe \)Jito btm:\x)cllma= ftcr, tbo" b'ift lapb t\)t truthc.foz tbcr 10 one Cob,stberi0noucbuthc.3inbto louc bpm wytb all the brrfc.anb wytb all tbc mynbe, <* wptb all tbcfoulc? wptball tbe ttrcngtb: atibto louca mang nepgbbour a0bymfclfc> 10 a greater tbyngc, then all burt offeryn= Bc0anb facrtf ycc0.3no when fttfrn fa wc p bcanfwercb bifcrctlp , be fapbc Wtto bpm: 1£bou art notfarte from thckpngboineof ©ob.3 11 D 110 man after tbat>bttrftafkchpm anpqueftpon. Znn 3cfu0 anfmcreb 9 fapbc, tcacbingc in tbc t epic : bow (ape tbc £>ccybe0 f &\)iy& 10 t'ocfomic of 1)31110.40^31110 btrnfclfeinQji *rt>» rrH m xv r W$ ffooft.Oipb.^'^bc ioibc fapbe Sum! 1 toinp te>$x> Won mprpgljt bauOc tpH3I make tbpne emmm t\)V f otc ftolc . BautD bt felfc calletb bt i.ozb:f bow i0 be tben ^ fotmc'3inbmocbc people bcarbc Ijim glaolp: 3nbbcfapbctjntotbcminbi0boctrtnc:be SSW** Wl,rc of ®t S>cribc0, iDbicb * 1 oue to g m lo 4.«B.w.B. fle clotlj p, 15c . 9 lmc fo lmtm m t |, c mar ket place0,aiiotbccbcfe fcatc0(n tbc congrcga= cvoii0,<1btbct)ppcrmoftronmc0 at fcaftc0: t»bpcb bcuom-e topbotoc0 boufe0, ab \3»bcc a p^ctencc.mahc longe pwper0.^:bcfc (ball receauegrcater bampnacpom nut, 0.8, ►ft 3dnb toban 3cfn0 fat otter agapnft t\)t trcafurp.bc bcbclbe, ^ bow tbc people put 'Mt^ monepitotbc trcafmp.^lnb manptbat wc» wrpebecaft in mocb.2finb tbcr cam a ccrtap* nc poo?e wpbowe , anb Qic tl^cwc in two mptc0 , wbpcb mafte a fartbpnge .3inb |)c cailcb wito bim bp0 btfcpplc0 ^ fa yctb Wito tljc.vilcrclp3 fape Wtto pon, tljat tbpe poo= i:c wpbowe batbeaftmoarem, tben all tbep whicb baue caft into tbc tceauirp. Sto* tfov all bpb caft: in of tljcir f npcrftnpte : bat Cbc of !)cr poncrtebpb caft in alltbat Ojc bab , cueti allbcrlpupngc. "U Cfbe.yitj.Cbaptcr. >& UlliiUOttlCII. ilib a0 be went out of tu tern* >» plc,*oncof bi0bifcpplc0 fapbe * mifltWl !\)ntobpm:a>aftcc . fc wbat fto mm* nc0 , anbwl)atbvlbpnfic0are be re . 3d no 3Fcfu0anftxicrf b ano fapbc taito bpm : $>rr ft ? tbeft . create buplbpngc^r^bcrc (ball not be lefte otic (tone \)pon another , tt;at (ball not be tb?owcn bowac. 3Bnba0bc fatconmonnte slDlpuctc, oner agapnft tbc temple , peter, anb3ame0,anb3obn,anb amb?cw, afkco Ijpm lecrctip : tell \)0, wben (bal tbefc tbpn= gc0 b w 3;iid wbat t0 tbe fpgne wjjen all tbc* fctbpngctfibalbcfnlfpllcb.' ?Dnb 3cfn0an 3 . fwereb tbcm,anb began toCipc : * take be* *m.i».twi Dc.lcftanpmaDcccaucpoti.jfoimanp iball £m ' mi come in my name fiiymgc:3 am Cb^Pft > anb Cballbcccancmanp. U)ben ye ftia 1 1 bcarc of warrc 0, anb fpbin* C;c0of warrc0,bepenot tronblcb . jfo v i focb t0pngc0mnftncbe0bc.'' 26nttbccnbc i0 not pet. jto^ tbec wall nacpo arpf c agapnftc 11a 3 cpon,anD feyngoomc agapnftc Upngbomc- 3nb tbcr Cbalbecrtbn.uake0in all quartern ^ anb fampmment (ball tbcr bcanb troubled w Hbefc arc p begpnnpnge of fo,iowc0. *25ut ^ 3o()ll , , J takcpcbcbetopourcfclnc0..*jfo^tbcy Hall *m«iu.t>. b?pngepon^pto tl)eccninfel0,anb into tbc Sffij fpnagogc0, anb yc (balbc beaten : pec, anb Cljalbcb^ougbt before rnlcr0 anb ktngc0 fq^ royfnke.fozatcftimonialltmtotbc". * 3tnb tj)ctbcp?fatbcr0 9 mo* tbcr0, anb (ball put tbcm to bcctb>3!nb pe flwllbc bateb of all men fo? my namc0 fake. 2i6iit wbofo cnburctb Vnto tbe cnoc , tbc fa* mc ftwlbgfafe. *^)ojcoucr Of^^atke* *iiMi.rriii)i» ItVWi!'* *49, litttmp wo?bc0Q)allnot paffe, aiSutof tbat bapc 9 tpmc knowetb no man: no not p lin* ^r* $tel0 wbicb arc in bcaucm^r netber tbc fon= nc Dim fclfe:ratic t\)t fatber onlp> *m.it mi* ^'Caftcbcbcwatcbc^ wape, foj yckno* iffiffiw we not wben t\)t tpmc i0* 7W a ma wbicb 10 mtmt», jjonc into a ftratmgc contrcp , ,.nb batb leftc W boufc,ano gcucn W fubftaucc;to bi0 fer= uauntc0 ,anb fomcrymaubi0 wo?kc , anb commaunbeb tbcpoitcr to watcbe . Uiatcbc pc tberfojtc.fojpc knowe not wb^ tbc maftce of tbc boufc w(ll come , otcueu , oiat mpb* nygbt wbctljer at tbc cockc crowpng , 0? in V ba wnyngcilcft yf be come fobenly ,bc f tttbc • voti fleppnge . 3inb tbat 3 fapc Wito pon , 3 fapc\antoall.watcbe. MoM C€be.jt:mj.€baptcr. >^ CnJ)acr jTiagtjalcunnovntcthirbiift.Ojcfaftecn- Itciscate.iCOHftiet.iHfn.lftrtcc dfiipctoftun , u>rtl? m.uipotijcrti;mgt0tMtujfrcDC!rta[iiiocoofi:f;;ta. St tcrtwo napc0 wa0 (2a ftcr, anb ■» tl)cbapc0 of hMctcbjecD * *lnO^*,i„ trr1)f . 7 Upc picftc0ab j ,J :&cribe0 (bngbt, »»*«««* bow tbey myglirc take bytn bp craftc , * putljim to becrb. :out tbey fapbc: not in tbc fcaft oapcleeft a:ty bufpnc0 aryfc amongctbc people. * ^ntiwbau be wao at klu , t rJWil 25ctbania , in tbc boufc of &unon tbc leper, tm.m eucn a0 be fate at mca tc , tiirr cam a woman baupngnnalabaftcrbojrcbfopntmcnt,cal= icbBarbc , tbat was pure anb coftly ; 1 ibe •b^ake tbc borc,<* pow v «b it on l)i& Dee 0. ?Cnb tbcr were fomctliat were not content wptb fnt^e fcluc0,? GiPbe-.wbat nebebtbis waftc of opntment r jf oi tt mpght banc bcuc f olbe foMnojetbcntbzcbuuDie&pcns.ibaticbcite gcucn tjnro t\)t poo.ic . ^uD tl;cp2iub3ci) a= tjaynftber. ^nb3cm0rayDc:ifrtbrraloiir,wbptrou= blepcbcr r l)f batbbouca goob woiUt on mc. * # o^yc bauc poojc xb pou all wapcs.ri *w«m*a wbcnfocttcrycwyllpcmapcOotbcmgoot: butmcbaucpcnotalwapfs.^licliatiiDoiie f'flccoulbc^ccami'afoKbatilictoahopnt mpbobptopburytngc . ClcrclpJIai'CDuto pou : wbcrcfocuertlii.CGofpcllt'halbc pjca- cbcbtbo^ow out tlje whole wo2lbe:tbi»alfo tbatt)jebatbbone,ibaibcrcbcarfcDturcij!^ v - b v mimecofbcr. *3tnb 3uba0 3fcariorb ) one of p twclue ..V »«.»*«* wentawape imtopbpe pjcftcp.ro bctrapc iSSSitZ bun "onto tbcut . U)bcn tbcj>bcrl]ctliar, the?' were glao.anb piomyfcb that tbcv walbe gcue bym moncp SCiib befougbt , bow be mpgbtconuciucntly betrarc tmn. * 3nb tlje fpjftc bayc of fwetc b;ecb wbe .•*•»" :« «*«■*• tljcp offrcb alile befoje pou . peter faybebnto Dim : anDtbougDall menbcoffenbcb,yetwyllnot3.anb3cruS fayetbbntobtm:Ca crely3fnpc tontofth.it tpiSbaye, cue, in ty$nv$t before tbccocuc crowctwyfc, tbou Omit benpe me thte tp* meg. 7&nt be fpaftc mozc ncpementlp: no, pf 3»»lDeoMWiebt6e l 3u>pIlnotDfnpctl)e; t>LyftewyfealfofayDctbcpall. #«r>«.«i>,.o * ?[„& ttjcp came into a place whtcb was uamcDqctbrcmani.anDbc fapetbto DiS Di= mplcS : 3>pt pc bcre, wbylc 3 go alpbc.anb P*apc.anbbctaftetbwytbbtm]Dcfcr*3a= -km»t.trti.» m ?*3o!jn,¥beBantopa]ceabauliro,»ro 3oi,n.r...D. bcitianagonpe, 9 fayetb bnto t pern .- * flap foulctSbcuy,eue"bntotpebcctb,tarypcbcrc anb wa tcbe . a no be went f o?tb a lytic » fell botoneaatt ontlje grounbe , 9 mm : tDat pfte wcrcpolTtblc, tpc bourcmygbtpaffe fro SS St* fc? nt> S ft pD i : * ¥•• fd ^ee , all fen. * ' Scs arc poQible into ft , fane a wapc this cnpfromme.Bcncrtbcleu*c,nottDat3«JiU: but tDat tbou wilt, be Done. ano be cam 9 founbe ttjcfleppnor, s taper!) tp^ctcr:^imon,acpcatDou^Coulbeftiiot e tbou watcbe one bonrc t watcbe pe, 9 pjape, «'C'Peentreintotemptac!on,t«)cfp ( {etetrii= * mi,trrt, ' 9 'lKisrcabp,buttbeaeftbi0tMeaUe.*anb agaynepe wentafpbe.&pjapDcanb fpabctf fame wojbes.anb be retnrncb , 9 founbe t hg a ttepc agapne. jf o«i tbeir eyes txierc bcup:nc= totrwia tbcp, tuljat to an fmcrc l)im .anb be came tbe f birbe tpme*fopbe Wito tlje : flcpc comctb3ubas(wDicDwasoncofptwcIue) 9 with Dim a grcatc nomber of people ujytb Jwcnrbes ano ftaucs from tbc Dpepicftes am gperpbes 9 elbcrs. a ub be tbat betrayeb bun ,bab ge ucn tbc a gcncrall token, faying : wDofocucc 3 bo ftpfic , tlja t fame itf Uc .• tatte pirn 9 leabc bun a mm uiarcip.anb as tone Wty watf come , be goctb ftrcigbt toapc to frm,t! fayctb bnto btm : Rafter, Rafter, 9 mm (nui: anb t\)cv lapbe their banbefl on fiim.atib tobe bnn. anb one of t^5 tbat ftobc it Up.bjnc out a fmcarbc.anb fmotea feruaunt of tbc lm m*fte>9 tut of bis eare. anb3cfui0! anfujcrebfffayb bnto tl)tm: * pc be come out as \jnto a tbcfc x& ftBearbes &mat,m 9 «5 ffaucs, f 0^ to taftc me . 3 was baplye x& £ *muC pon 111 tbc teplctcacbinge, 9 y c tobe me not: buttbefetl)iiigcgi:onietopa(re ) tbat?fcrtu= eurcsajnlbbefulfpllcb. * anbtbep attfofc Mmm, toftc bnn^ranneawape.anbtbcrcfoIonjeDlob^ btmacertaynepoungeman,clotocbiiUpn= "' ncn )jponj5 bar c,? tlje yongmen cangljt Dim, 9 ()e lef tc bis Ipnnen garmet , a ficb from W imfteb. * anb tbey lebb 3efus awayc totlje *&M. m ftpeft^efteofaUf with btm come mfm 4Z$\ m*p*S tbcelbers.ftbc^cribes.anbft I 1 0) lutm ' m folowcb bim agrcate wayeof (cnen tyll be was come into tbc palace of tbc \m p«= fa)m lie fat wit 1) tl)t fctuantcs , anb war« mcbbimfclfcattbcfp^e. janbtbcbpcp.wftfs^alltUe counfcll #&&m fougbt fo? witnes agaynft 3efu > to put bpm afw •* , * to bcatb,(ffounDc none; fo? many bare falfc witiusagaynllc bym , but tbeir wptneflte agrccb not togetljcr . anb tbcrarofecertap= ncanb fought fiilflcwitnesagaynft bpm, faytge. H)cbcrbcbimfaye:*3 wiilbcftroyc *mm.x:m m# temple tbat ismabc wptb banbcs,anb 3oUlu,A wytbintbje bapcS3U)yU buylDcanotbcr, mabe witbottt \tanm . a5utpct tbeir wpt= neiTesasrccbnottogetlJer. * anb tbc bye i&?cftc (tobe topamongeft *raat. rf w tbem^no afftcb IcfuS.fapiuge: anfwcreltS notbmgc.'feow is it tbat tbefebeare witnes agaynfttbc^ntbebclbebiSpcacc^antwe rcbnotbing.ag8yne*?bpeftep^fteafiicb* m,,fJtia pirn , & mybe M\\to bim ; art tbou Clwifl: tbc ^ fonneoftgcblcffebanb3erusniyb:3am: m * anb vt ujall ft tlje fonnc of man intins *^«" *** ^be bouce is come, bebolbe , tbc fonnc of m5 iSbetrapcbtntotDebanbesofrpnncrS.myfc >k m-uyrbu. J&w ^Jgo. to,betbat bctra 'etbmc , tsat mme.KO.fo pabe.*anbimmebiatlp w^ilibeyet fpalie, on clotbes,* fapb: wljat ncbe we enp furtber of wy tnenes."Pc bauc bearb blafpbeiny, wbnt tbiheftc pe ." anb tbep all conbemncb bpm to bewo^tbpofbcctb.anbfomebeganctofmt f iKtS.ab to fape tonto \)im , arcabe:anb tbc fcrnanntcsboifctcb t)im on tbc face. anbasjaeter wasbenctbintftc palace tljcr cam one of m wftljes of tbc i/yeft roe= PSj^i^n^^we^eterwaeinfiigc Bpm *«a»ffw» felf , ujc loftctl) on Ijpm, * fay ctl) : waif not ? |{3l alfo, a I^Hiit.trtii.fi prntptuh atfoti53crus of J3a>arct&/'anbbe beuycb, . faying : 3 ftnowe Wm not , nctjicr wotc 3 wljaf tbou fayeft . anb be went out into tbc pojebe , anb tbc cocbe crewe . anb a bamfeil ( wban a>c fawe btmjbcgtinc agayne to ff tbc p.itTwii } owto,nno bwrpjll of £Oj(flc. #bauonc in tbebawninge * tl)e bye pjettcs bclbc a connfcil tf the clDcrS»tbc^>crybcs,ttbewbole congregaciou , 9 bouuDc 3cfu0, % icDbe bim a wape,$ beliucrcb \)im to pilatc. anb Pilate afftcb bim.art tbou p ftyngc of p 3cweSranbbcanfwcreb,^fapD Unto bpm: tbou fay eft it. anbpbyepjcttcs acenfebbim of manp tbrgcS.S>o Vallate afacb bt aaapnc, kutowi u (aptngc:* anfwereft tbou not bing.-' 25cbol= MfF«:^Dc ) i)owmanytbtgcStbcylap\)ntotbycbnr= 1 gc.3efup yetanfwereb noting, ro tbat ®U late mcrucylcD. attbatfcaftpilatebybbflyucrwitoflje a wefouer : wljomfocucrtbey wolbe bef^e. anb tber was one tbat was nameb:iSarra= baa, wbpcb layc bounbe witl) tbcm tbat ma- be infurrcccyon.be bab commyttfbimirtbcr. anb tljc people callcb witoljim , anb began toMmtym , tbat be wolDc Do, accoibynjc atf be Dab cucr bone wtto tbcm . pylatc ant> lxjereb tbcm foye" gc- HJillyc tbat 3 let low ie jMito you tbc ftyng of tbc 3cweS ( #0* be Uiicwc, tbat tbc bye IDteftcs Dab bclyucrcb Dim of cnup . 2611 1 tbc bye pjeft cS moueb tbc people, tbat be Qmlbc ratber Dclyucr T&av- rabaswuotbem. pylatcanfwereb agaync'aub fapbc \jnto ,^it.trt((.b tbcm ; * tt>bat wpll pe tfym tbatjbo bnto pw-tjuc... bim,wboyccalltbcnyng of ?3ewcs I anb ' tbcycrpebafraync:crucifycbim:pyiatefayb wito tbc", ttnja t cuyll batb be bone: anb tbey cryebtbe moarc fcrncntlycCrucifpr bynt: , anb fo py late wy Whgc to content tbc pco= fW.«wi.c P'e» *Itt lofc 3i6arrabas Wito tbcm $ belyue=» 1 ecb \)p3efu£< (wben Dc Dab fcourgtbDpm) fo? to be crucifyeb. ^* anbtbcfoubycrSleebbim awapcinto? w commen bn ll , anb callcb together t^t wbolc multttube,ftbcyclotbcbbimwitDpm:pic,$ Jbepplattebatronnc of tbojncs, gfcrouncb him witball,? beganne to falute Dim: ham Rpngc ok tlje3c wt . anb tDcy fmotc Dym, iSfc^jflarlm $Q,nij, on trje ticcb n5 a rebe anb bpn fpitt bpou bym 9 boweb tbeir ItnccS,* wo.ilbppcl) bim. ano wb^tbcpbaDmocbcDbim,tbey toftc tpepurpleofbpm,?putbisawneclotbcSou Dim^Jebbebymout, tocrucifpcbim.*3enb *m*utw.r, tbepcopcllcb one tbatp3flcbbp,callcD3>i= ^ uht »"«o monofCp^ncrtbcfatbrrof^ieranticraub l\ufuS)wbicbcamcoutoftbefclDc,tobcarc Discroflc. A'- anb tbep b^otiffbt him to a place ymmw* nameb0plgotba { wbpebis yf a man intcr= C pjctcit: tl)t\iUuc of oeebmeng fculicSj anb tbeygaucbimtob,iinfte,wynemtgleOwptf) mycrpbcs 9 fapbc , Dc f.uicb other men , bpm felfebecannot fattc. LctCbnft thclipngc of 3fracllbefcenbe nowfr6ti)ccrofie , that wc mape fe, 9 bclene. ano thep that were ctuct= fyeb witbbtm checftcb him a ifo. *ano wDe" p fvjete Doure wascomebareft* *K5!ft* nesarofc oucr all tbc crtb , nntyll tbc nynrb £m,miU Doure. anb at tbc npntb Dourciefiitf crycD Witbalpube\jopce,ftying:^loi.eioi,lama fabacbtbant.-'WbycbiSCpfoneintcrpictttJ *mp0ob,mp0ob wbybaiftbou foflaften *m**mi mcr' anb fomc of tbcm tljatflobebp, when w&*i* mvDcam tbat,fapb:bcboibc,hccallctb'fo» X> deltas . * anb one ran, ano fylleba fpongc *«*«»« full of \)cncgcr, anbputit ona rebe, sgaue I)imtob;incftc,rayingc:lctDimalonc,letUS fc, wbetber Itjeliaswpll come anb taftc bpm bowne.- TSnt 3efus crpcb witba lotibc tjopec , ab gauc^ptbcgooft.*anbtbc\)aylcofftem^ mif „ lJlYf pie m rent in t wo ucccs , from the toppc to Xmftj5«.£ gbottomc.ano wDcnRcnturiou (wbicb *rt), t .rm,f ftobcbcfoicbuiOfawctbatbcfocrpcb , anb AnuS. Sauc^ptbcgooft.befaybc: truly tWrnnn, wasp fonnc of (5ob.^'at was frewen out of fle tocftc. 3CiiiD€)arj» 4Wag= total anb &)arp 3ofcS bcljeibc where fie wasiapbe. ]< ^ „ Ctr&c.fbj.C&aptcr. ►& Ctt , niftifltT'fftia«.iriic,aHCjp«rt>)tortjca»aif« to»ljjm{>cpK4CtjrH8cof«icCBpfpdI. m toDcn p* Smbofl was paft, l&)arp&)agbalcn,fr Warp 3a= cob , t&aiome > bought (wetc oboures , p flep mpgbtcome, s a . -~ ^jMHVnt turn. * as no earlp in fle ieuhc. rrf^amojnpng^fler>2ftbapc of fle&abbotb 3*mm. f bep came \mto fle fcpulcre, when the £>one ^wasrpfeu.ainbflepfapbamongtbemffl-- ucs : w&o (ball colic Mawa ye the ftone ft6 flcboze of flcfcmilcbje i 3Gnb when tbcplo= beb, t\)cy fa we fiiowflatflc ftone wasrol* leb awa vc .fojit wasatjerp grcatc one3ib flep wftintop (cpnlccc,ano fawca poungc man fpttpng on fle cpghf fpbc , clotbeb ma loiigctpoite garment, stbepwerc afrapeb. «oitf.tcMn *3nbbcfapcflbntotbem, be not afrapeb: " 23Cifpeb.tociScpfcn,beiSnotbere.2i5fhoiDcfle place where fheph*bptitbi.2i5utgoopoure wape, anb fell hiSbtfciplcS , 9 iBotcr, tbat he «,-. w S? cr &bcfo?epou into <5aUle:f here Ml pefc *fiB**mjfaft ijc fiipo tmto pou- l< * $im thep we"t mt,nm.r.om qnpcblp, anb ftebb from fle fepttlcce. jf 0? flep tremblcb $ were amafeb . Berber fapbc tbrpeupflpngeto enpman , foi flep were afrapeb. >*» tt)hcn 3efuS was rpftn earlp fle fpiff tfbapcaftecflc&aubofl * oeappeateb fpaft to &)arp&)agbalen, otttofwbo&eijab call feuenbeupis .atnbfte went, anb tolbeflcm flat were with j)im,astbcp mourneb s wc= aptc.SEubtbep.wbanflep&etbeflaflewaS a lpue,anbbabappcreb tmtober, beleueb it M&Ham 5? • ? 3ftcr flat , appeareb be tjnto two of flem m a ftraunge fpgure , asl t|jep walaeo, a went (n totbecountrp .3nb flepvoent$' tolbeit totbe rcmnamtt.^nb flep beleueb notflefealfo. ^ „ %n 3Cfterwarbe he appeareb tmf the eleuen asf flep fate at meate.anb caft in tbeir tefltbeir *mbciefe,anb&arbnc$of fterte : be= tmt flep beleueb not flem tx%cD jjab fene flat pe vw rpfen agapne fr5 fle mtt ,3nb u Cl)e (iofptll Je fapoe \jnto flf: * ® pe into ai fle won= *jho« „ be.aubpjcacijcflc t rpelk^toaUcreatu= * resJ.Deflat bclcucfltjftf baptifeb , malbe fa= 3r* iico. 25ut i^|)c flat bclcucfl not, fbalbe ^ bnmpucb. ^ aiiibttjjreeoUciMJ (Dallfolotuetbem flat Mflllte becuc. * 3n m p name flep (ball caft out be* SfSSH upift, tbcp * ftjau rprabe wity mm tonaeft I*?,** ' tbcp Cbdii jt b^puc awape ferpentess . 3nb pf *SJ;, U flep bn»nke anpbeablptUpngc , it (ball not aw».««iA burte tbem. ^rijep Qialllape their Danbesl on fle fpcbe.fr flep ©all rccotier. ^>oflen,t»l)enHoflchabfpoften\)nfo flem * Dc watf receaucb into heaucn, anb isf *?»m«u on fle right Daub of Cob . 3Bnb flep went a8 "* K to^fl,anbpKachebcucrp w^ere •. fle lo?be Aa t tbo^pngujithflem* anbconfpimpnctfle **""'" wo^De wifl mp^aele^ folowinp;. C^De enbe of the CPofpcll of £>.49atcKe. C^e (^ofpell of ^D.tufte. O? atftnocDc a$ manp Ijatic ta^ ftcn in banbe to fet foitb fle be=> clarnciS of tbofi: flingesf, which jaremoft furelpto be beleueb a - fttiongeU&cuena$flfpbeIpue= rebflem tintoliss , wnpfl from fle begpn* bpng fa we them flg fcluesi with their c vesf, anb weremiiuftcrgof fletbmgcjct that flep bcclarcb; ( 3 betcrmpnebaifo fas tone a#3| Dab fcarcDeb outbpltgcntlp all flingesffrom fle be»Hhc3lHfleUfapbebittoDim:feareiiot ?acljarp,fo?flppMper is Jjcaioe. 3nb tto wpfc mmm ujall bcarcthcafonne.aitb flou fljalt call Ott name 301m, &t> thou malt ftanctope anb glabncs, anbrnanptbaii n* SS9S Wt :*• &e ^ a,be W eate in the fpght of the Jlofle, anb (ball nether b2inche J^ff^? 1 ^ W«*e.3nb De malbe fpl= IcbwfltI;cl)olpgooft,eucnfcoDiSmothecS wombc-anbmanp of flcchplD?en of 3frael flail tournc to fleir Jlofl <5ob. 3nb he mall hffAUt.b. sobefo^ehmiintljefp^tc^powcrof *foc= 1 $ar- lias (^ - to tournc fle herteS of the fathers ep Aefltlb&ntib fle tjnbelcuersto fle wp= Rjome of the iufte men,to mauereabpe a per » fecte people fo? the loibe. anb jacharias fa vbc \mto fle ang ell : bp mm twr.f Whattoucnujallj UnowethiSr' jf 01* 3am twit* olbe , anbmp wpfe well ftrpeben in pcrcs Jnbpangcllanfwcrfb.anbfapb tmtohtm. 3 am C5ob^iel , that ftanbe in fle pwfen* of Cob.anbamfcnttofpeabetjnto fle:anb to flewe fletljcrcglab f pbinges. 3nb bcholbe itfyallcoinctopaffcAatfloumaltbebom; mcSb notbehablctofpeaftc,\)ntillflc bape flat flefe fligcS be perfo?mcb,becau£e thou bcicucbft notmp wo^bes,wl;tcD l^albc ful= fpHebinflcirfcafon. atiw the people wapteb f 02 jacharias, ab meruevleb that he tacveb in the temple. 31 nb when he came out, |je coulbe not fpcbetjiito ;bem.3lnbtljep pecccaucb,flathcl)ab fene a tjtfpon in fle temple, ainb he becbeneb wito flem, a ub rcmapneb fpeacblclTe. or * 7M it fommh , that as fone as fle bapeSofhiSomce were out, ijebcpartcb in= to his aw ne houfe. nnb after flofe bapes , |)tSwpfceu?abcflconceaueb^ bib Derfelfc fpue moneflcs, fapmgc^hps wpfeljafl 00b bealte with me,in fle bapes wljerin he bath loach on me, to taltc from me mp cebit* Bcamougcmcn.3tnbin fle fprtmoneflthc angcllC5ab?ielwas fent fromd>ob mito a cptico£-tefc giie oucr fle ftonfe of 3acob foi ener, anb t of * »«aMy D»J. apngbome there ftjalbc none enbe. ^«j-««m». fhall tljts be, fepngc 3 (tnowenota mar3Cnb epeangeiianlwcreb.f fapbe bnro her . ^hi* offlehpeftibailoucra/aDbowe fle . rijcr, ton -a flat holvthpngc which ujalbe int. ge,flalbccaHeb fle tonne of Gob. 3£nbbe« holbe , flp cofpn eiijabefl, me ha A alio co=: ceaucbafoncmhcragc.^iibthis tsbcr tm monefl,wijtchwascaUcbh.irre.foi * mm^mmuM S? d ^""^Otngcbc^npoathlc. %m a)a ^St\ Sl rpnipbe:beholbcthehanbemapbcnofj; Lot mtmiut. be, be it tonto me accofltng to flp wozbe, U 3 nb the angcll beparteb from her. ' .•..*T*? n0 ** ,arp nrofe m Aofc bapes, 1 wet !Kffil "? , ^n!»i^twftc^^inrothe'^ cpttc of 3ewne,anb entreb into the hotifc ot ?acharp,anb(«ilitteb€li5abeth.3!nbitfouu ncb,flatw8aneii?abctbUearb;tl ; efaluta= ZVl $!"*& ba bc F 5 Sc m her worn- 2£tr'! cn f PJ*"^ ,0U0C bopce,aub fapbe; Sffi? tl ?2 uiJinon ? wcmemaubblefltb IS fle frutc of flp wombe.annb whence hau» pcncflfliStome.tbat^motherofmpiioi be ihulbccomc tomerjfoilo, ascoueas toe ^??2 ."? p fwitaciofowitbcb »» mpnc ca» reS.flebahcfpwngetnmpwoinbefjMovc. Znb Weffcb art thou flat haft hcirucD = to?. flofe tftingeSOialbc per fomirb, which were tolbe the from the iofle. ^ub a;arp lapae. n.2i8L f i 0u ^ m W lflct|, ^ c loA.anbmp *«un* m?ctcbafl reiopfcb tn <5ob mp foupour t5 Jo? he hath lofteb on the lowe begre of fiwtf janbemapben:fojio:ttowfroml ; -cnccf6itl) flallallgeneractonScallmc hiclTeb. 26ecan= rtUiS^SS^ jjaflbone to me greate flmgcs^ljolpciShtS name.^nbhis mcrcv tS on fle flat feare him, from rrencranon to gencracton. M hafl weweb ftrengtb with biSarmc,hehathfcattcrcbthcthat«ircp2oiil be in the pmagtnacpon of their hcrte. * ftc *>vmM& haflputte bowne the mpghtp from flew ****•*■ featcs.anb eraltcb flem of lowe b cgre . lie hafl fpllcb fle hongrpc withgoob thpugeS: Si? % l? 8 ^ tIJe rpc ^ e tm vtvc . i)e hath ^W»Wfte«attnta«racl > inrcmem^aV ccofhvsmcrcve. 3[ib?aham,anbto^tsfeebefoKuer.^nba)a rpabobcwiflhcrabontea.iij.monethes.ab retoiirncbaqapnctoherawne^oufv.' be bclpuereb,anb (be fought f o?th a fou ,ic. apnb per ucpgljbourcsaubher corpus hcar= be powe ■aprrr r^ y< T ^7 fyottr tlic ioibc bad 0icu»cn grcatc tucrcp \>po« bcr ,anb tftcp rciopfcb wir b her. 3 nd it f ottuncd that in £ cpgbt uapc.tljcp ^cBciif.r\)it.i» Mmc ^ toctrcficvfctl)fcl)plDc:anDcnllcti l)i JS RSu',,1. « Sumcon'ao aiiiia pjo= puce )>c of OniMirt ijotb ijc toae fouiioc sn thcttinplc aiiioiigcti;coo(tout9. »wim«* Bb it channccb in tljofe bapcjl .- 1 |)a t fher went onte a commaunbemct from ^ngnau0t[)e(£mperoHr ,i* w ... -rv -m all t|)e wo?lb ftulbe be tajceb. 3no Wt (^ofptU t Dvtf ftvuific watf tlje fp^ft,^ executed when ^)Piu% . 3nb cucrp man went wito hiss awne cptic to be ta.rcb.asiiD 3ofcphalfo afccnbcb fro (5altlc> ont of a cptic called jlia^arefh, into 3cw,ip: Unto * the cptic of Bnnib, which itf called *im itti 2il5ct|)lehcm,becanrc he wa$ of thebonfe anb ' ipnaacofanamd.tobetajccbwttli^arpljitf fpoufeb wpfe, wl)ich wnitf with cl)ilbe. 3Dnb it fojtnnco tljat while tl;ep wc re t[)c= te,hcr tvmt watf come that Hie flwlde be be- Iincrcd.3nb web;onghtcfo?thher $^ fp;ft -ra begotten fonnc, $ wjappcb him in fwablm^ 25 gcclotl)c^anblapbc|)imina mannger , be= canfc thcr was no ro wmc f oj the in the pnnc. 3Enb thcr were in the fame region mepher- duel , watchpngcanbUcpmgc their flocltcbp nigbt.?(nblo , tljeanctellof tljcllozbc ftobc barbc bp tljem.anb the bng!)tnes(of the lot* demoncronnde abontc the, (f t hep were fojc af rapcb.3fnb the angellfapbe Unto the : 23c notafrapeb. 5fo?beholbe, 3b^ingepontp- bingcisof greatc tope, tljatqjall come to all pcoplc:fo;tUnf opon 1$ bo^nc thisibape in tlje cpttcofH>amo,afaneonrewhichiJS€hiKfl:^ 3LO2d.3f:ndtabcthi0fo^nfpgnc:pcq)allfpn= be the cljtiocwwppcb in fwablingc clothed, ob : $ fapingc : (Slow toc5oboni)pc,anbpcacconti)cert!). a Un= (omcno-'afloobwpll. \< A %i\b it f otfuued, ass fone ass ^5 angcW were r gone awapefrom them into heang, ^ 'Che * fhcpljcrdcss fapbe one to another : let uss go now cue Unto jJ5ethlc|)cm,anb fctl)is* thing that we bcarempeis* Ijappeneb , which the lojdcbatb me web Unto uonb thepcame «i mdS founbe^)arp ad 3oCcpI) ? the babe lapbc in a manger. 3tnb when thepbab fene it.tljcppublifaicbn^obctDcfapingcwhich wag tolbe them of that chplde. and all tljcp that heardc it , wonbjeb at thofe thpngess which were toldethe of the mcpherbcss.&t mirpbcptcallthofcfaiengc^anbponbercb them in her hcrt.^inb tlje mepherbess rctour - ncb,p?apfpngcanb|aubinge0obfo2allti)c thmgess that thepljadljcrdc and fene, cue" ajS ttwasJ tolbe unto them. J< .i, SIM 1 P *¥$* t,n ? c m # co »«c f thcchiibc ujulbc be *circuncifcb* hiss name *..mt> rifitn.c mmM (5 ■ m i )ierufalcm whofenamc wass^>imeo . 3nb the fameman wassiulfe $ goblp,6f loliebfo^ tucconfolacioii of JfracI , anb the bolpgooft wass in htm. 3inb an anf wcr had he rcccaueb of the holp good i> he muldc not fe occtb , cr » ccptc he f p?Tt fa wc the io^dess ch»ft • ^Dnb JK came bp infpivacion into tl)c temple. ?iinb wljcn the fatljcra mother bjousbt in thcchplbe3cfuss : to bo fojbtm after ?cu= (Tome of the * la we, then tone be him Up in biSJaemess.fr fapb : Ho?be, &ar> nowiettcft j> thpfcruaunt beparte in peace, accojbpngc to thp p?omc0 . it op mpnc epc0 Dane fene w-r f ntluactoii j which thou haft p^cparcb bcfo2e theface ofallpcoplc*3l Ipght toltghtcn f gcntpl,tf,*the glojp of t\)V people 3feaci. £ >^3nb IjtsifatDerf mother: mcrttpUcb at thole thittgess , whpch were fpoltcn of hpm. 3nd Simeon blcttcb them, and fapde Unto 4i)art'hifli mother: bcholde, thtsSchplDisJfctt to be p fall anb Upjifingagapne of mattptn 3fracl, ^ f o? a fpgnc wliicDiss fpoUS agapnfti 3CnbntoKouer,(r^tbcfwcarbeitallpearce tl)pfoule&^ that tbc tl)ougl)tc0 of manp= hcrtexS mapc be opened. 3nb ther was* a pjopfcetiOe, one 3nna, p daughter of ^hanucl of thctrpbe of^tfci*.- which wasi of a grcate age , $ had ipucb with an I)ttf banbe . Utj. pcrctf from !)er Uirginttc. 3nbflhehabbencawebowcaboufc.iitj.fco- o?e sM 1 }. pere , which bepartcb not from tbc temple , but fecued <5ob wttbfaftmgcss and piapcrssitpghtflt bape- ^Inb rt)ccamefojth $ famehoure, anb pjapfcdfhe Ho2be , frfpane of him, toailthetljatlolicd fo w j redcmpcpoii tulDtcrutalem. 3nb whan the p I)ab pcrfourmeb all thitt ■■■■ gcssaccozbpng to the la wc of the JLo?de,thcp returned into Baltic, to tljrtr awne ci tic fiiN ?arcth. 3nb * tl)c chplbc grc we , ano wejeed ftrongc in fpietc, $ wasj f piled with wploo= mt>9 the grace of <5od wass Upon him. |* Tdno ht^ fathcr^mofhee went to tywn* falemcncrppcrc * at the fcaftc of eaftcr.^ 3t\io when he wass. rij. pcre oldc , thep went Up to fyierttfnlcm after the cttftome of the f caft bapc . 3 nb when thep hab f ttlf plleb the bapcssiasiitljcpreturnebhomc.tijccbplbc^c^ M a bobc ftpll injcrufalctn , $ (jpss fatljcr $ motljcr Uncwc not of it:but thep fuppofpng him to banc bene in the copanp , came a bapess iomcp ? fottgljt \)im amonge tl)ctr Upnffbl- fec^acquaputauncc. 3ud wljen tljcpfounbc htm not , thep went bachcagapnc to i^icieii- f alcm , anb fought htm . 3 nb 1 1 f ojttmed that aftcr.iij.dapcsS.tljep fouudchim in the teplc, fpttpngc intljemibbess of theboctoursJ, hua^ rpng them , 9 pofpngc them * Mb all that beatoe him, Were aftonn peb at IjisS Underlie Uing^anfwcrsS. 3 nb when thep Tawc him, thep mactiep= led . 3nd hijS motjjerfapbe Unto l;tm : fomte, whpbaftthoutbass dealt witbUfif.-' 23ehol= bc,tl)pfathec$3t)auefoughtthe,foiowege. Zno he fapde Unto tbfcbow i$ it ppc fought ntemffi pe not, that 3 muft goo abou tc mp fathers bufpnessr^nb * the p WtDcrftoOc not ^^t.(r,t, that fapingc which hefpauc Unto tljcm.3tnd a,,& "' !,f ' be wetdownc ujtljcm, -name to ftamtfa ft was obedient Unto them. 23utl)i0 mother kept all thefe fapcnges together in hcrhert. 3nd Icfnspiofpfr?) ruuivfocme^agcanb tnfauoure,withv3uoT:meii. ^ C^Thc.tij. Chapter. ^ €^l)t PJCJtbmgf . b.iptpmc , ano p>trr,nmf M of JoiJii.i-iKU.ii'tnncaf £i»i» , ano arcocatfjll of tljc gencwdon of tlje faihcrfl. BtOefpftcncrDpcrc of ti)e rapgncof % ftpbenuss thcempcroure, pontutss pplate bepuge leftcnaunt of 3cw= rie,anb *lt)crobebcmge:vrr'S:etracb of da* ':f lilcanbhicbzother IShtUplSrctrachofjtu^ ****««« rea 9 of theregton of the ^aconites , ^ Ip = famatl)tl)e'$;etrac& of3bpltne : whe .tnna anb Capphass were the bpe p^cftesj, j5 wo:r>e of tlje H02DC came Unto lolut f Ije fonne of ?a ch'iriassin the wpldernes. 3nb became into , _ alltbccoaftctfaboufc3o*0an,p*cacbmg* f Sff * bapfpmeof rcpcntauncc fouhemntffton af'sm^i fpnneci.aiS it tcwipttetn the boltc off woj= „ bejsof e(iipasStljcpjopl)ct,fapcugc- xfyfit jmft*' Uopcc of a crvar in wplOerncss : prepare pe $ ^.u.m'.i. wapc of the JLo2b,make btss pathes Krapgbr. miVA< '• (gtterp Uallcp m\bs fpilcD, scucrp mouu- tapne^ hpll (balbc biought lowe. Tina tbin* gesS that be croueo/balbc made ftrepght^p rough wapesS tbalbe made plavitc : * all P d- Qntiull \'c:< ••' ti;; &>M>.\.\ :im of U -ui. ^ --.-- '$Thc fapbe he to the peoplc,thac wcrV co= 23 tucfo?tl)tobcbaptpfeDofhini.¥ ii>vccjcetic= vrt5.«.irtt. t . racton of Uppers! , wljo lj:if \) m\%\)t pott io ftpefromtl)c wtatl)tocome.'' ZL^pnnefojm therfozc bttc frutcsS of tepentaunce , f beg vu not to fapc wpth in pourc felueo - : we banc 3biabam to oure father . ff 01 3 fapc unto pou,0obiss wblcoftbcfe ftoness torepfeUp chplbjenUnto 3b2aHa. ^ow alio isstbe arc lepbe Unto the rote of the trcco: * etterp free ?Bf m thcrfo^c wbicD bipngcth not fojf b good tea* te,ixil)ewcnbottne^ caft into tbcfpic. Qtnof people afned|)im,mptngc: * what *4cnur,f > fljall wc do then.'' tycnnfwcrcf b anb famb, Unto the : i}ctbatbatbtwocoatcs*r letthim parte wpth hpm that l;a tb none , $ De f Oath mcatclctljim bo ipUc wpfe. 'Chen cam f publicans alfo to be baptifeb, C 9 fapbe unto btnt.a?aaer, wbataial wc dor* 3ndbc lapde Unto them : requp v te no mow, then that which iSappopnicb unto pott. v Cbc fouoponres Ipltewpfe bemaunbeb of bim,fiipiugc : anb what fljall webo ( 3nd he fapbe Untotljcm: hurt no man : nether trott= blccnp man wionsfullp:anbbcc6tentwitb pourc wages, mm ■• 7\ V 1 ^ ■ \ v * urijcdtofpell *8f£>3Luiu\ *01.tf.tttf> ittav.i.a •*m-f.tfl.b ffur.i.b 3obn.t.c. 3 tf ctic people were tu a t»o ute,a"b all men mufpb m time tcrtcfit of 3oIm, wljetbrt be were t)rrp£bn(t,3otman(wcrcb $ fapbe\m tbcm alls * 3 bapt (fe pou wpf I) wat cr , but one ftrBgcrtbe* 3 (ballcomcaftcr me , w&ofe (Uoo latere 3 am not wo.ttiip to \mlowfe: bcfliallbaptpfepottwitbtljcbolpgoou\frtf *«h«.fti*/v tp^c: * wljicb batb bP# fanncin Ijptf Ijauoc, $ wpll pourgc DW floozc , anb gatber tbc cojnc into bi0 barnc : but tpc cljaffe wpll be bnrnc witbfpjc tljatncucr Oiallic qucitciird . ^BnD £> manpotbcrtbmgetfiu tjitfejbojtacionpjen* cljcb be "onto tfyt people. •£ m rt.««i.a * ^Ijcn Aerobe tbc detract) ( wben be *■»*« wa0 rebuke D of t>pm foj Inrrobiag b(0 bjo* tber $bilippc0 wpfc, 5 fox all p eupW wljicb Aerobe bpb:abDebtbi0abouean,anblapcD 3obninp:cfoit. Stub it fommcbfbatwban all tbe people rcceauebbaptime(ej*wbe3efu0wa0bapfi» feb atio ovD pjapc ; tbc ijeauen toasf opeucb, anb tbe bolp good cam bownc in a booclp Q)apclpBcabouc\)p6bim,anbat)opcccnmc *i£ra.riiu. from ijeaucn,wbict) fapbe : * 'Cbou arte rnp 6 bcloucbfonne,int!)cbo3bclyte. 3tnb 3efu0bimfclfebeganctobcaboutc ^ftiat.rfitg tbittppcrcofagefo tbatbc wa0 * fupjiarctt Sr' ( fl; J f fbbrtbcfomicof 3ofcpb: Wbpcljwa0pfon= :joo«.u:.c.' nc of fcelp.wbpcbwastbefonnc of &)atbat wbpcijwag tbefonne of lcui:wbpcbwa0 p fonne of Ja?clcbi:wijvcbwa0tbc fonncof 3anna : wljpcb wa.tf tlje fonne of 3ofepb: wijpcb wis tbc fonne of ®tata tflnatf: wbtcb wa0tbc fonncof 3mo0: wljicb watff fonne of &aum : wbpcb W30 tfje fonne of Iocflp: wbtclj wa0tbc fonne of 0agge . wljicb watf ttjr fonncof &)aatlj:wbich wa0tfcc fonne of •3»atatbia0: wbiebwas f fonne ofg>cme(: wjnclj wa0tbe fonic of 3ofcplj : wbicb waa the fonne of 3uba -. wljicb wa0 tbe fonncof Joanna : wljpclj wa0 tlje fonne of i&befa: wljpcb wa# tlje fomic of wjobabel : wbpcl) was tbc fonne of gftilatftiel : wljicb wa0tlje 4| (onnc of Bc« ; wljreb wastfje fonne of €)cl= cl)t: wbpcb wa0tbc fonne of 3bbi : wbpcb wag tbc fonne ofCoofam: wbtcb wa#£ foil* nc of toclmaban .• wbpcb wa0 tbc fonne of l)cr: wljicij was f fonne of 3efo.-wbicb was* tbc fonne of i^ciic^cr ; tol)tct) toasf tjj fonne of3o*am: wljicb was tbc fonncof «ft)attba: wljtcb was tbc fonne of lent; wbicb was tlje fame of Simeon : ix)t)tct) was tl)e fonne of 3uba : wbicb watf tbc fonne of 3ofcpIj: wbicb wastbefonne of 3onam: txrtjiclj i»a0 ti)t fonne of locUacbtm :\x»bicb waiB tne fon= ne of 4l)cklja : uiljiclj t»a0 $ fonne of <$)cna : ^ twljifb wag t\)t fonne of aiathatlw : ujbwb t»a0 tbc fonne of $atban -toblcb toas; tbe fonne of Danib : wfud \»a0 tlje fonne of 3;eCFe!t»l)icb ujasitbefonnc of €>beb .• «)!)icl» ,-toa0 tbc fonne of 29ooie(:U)0iel) UMflf fonne :• of Salmon: wtjicjj wa» f fonne of ^aaffanr t»|)(cb\j)asl tl)c fonncof 3minabab:t»ijicft Doasl p fonne of 3lram UJDtcbUJatff fonne of efron:umicbwasi^foimcof^l)arc^ttji)ic|> uonff tl;c fonne of 3uba : wljicb wa^p fonne of 3acob» tt»l)icl) was p fdnc of 3faac : t»[)ic i m\$t\)t fonne of Stbjaljam : wbicbtuajst^e fonne of /^bnrra:tx)l)icl) watff fonne of jfta* cbo^wbicbujasi tbc fonncof &anic&:t»t)ic& wasftDc ronne of Eagan : toljifljttJaiciplone of |DI)alcc : uiDtcl) wais tbc fonne of tycber.- tobicl) mas tlje fonncof gbala : tDljicijusajK j fonne ofCainS:t»btcbtoa0tbefoimcofaDc= p!ja,cat:ttJbtcb was: tlje fonne of 3>em:ttbicl) was tbc fonne of Boc: wjjicb t»ass tlje fonne of Lametb:U)l)icb wasf tlje fonne of a)atbu=- fala: toblcb watf tbc fonne of €noc|) :'t»btclj tuaef tbc founc of 3acctI):u>Inc& t»ajS j/ fonne ofa)alalccl:i03l)tcbujatftl)c fonne of Caina: tpfncl) was: tlje fonne of enosf. ix)|)tclj watf j fonne of ^etb- vol)iea uiatftbc fonne of^ioa.* wljiclj vxias! tlje fonne of 00b. C&bc.u'tj.ebapter, CJcruers Jen intot!;c ttrlofriicffe jane faactij fllffhe tvincoff)ietfptacyo!i,ouctc6incti)tlKDfucl!.qocil)» itiro CBalrte .Pif.icbctO flt ili,»?arrti)9C.ipcrii.uim: tOe3ettocflBrlMcbpm,t!)CDcuclo|mo\Dlf?cl)rm.l)c fontctii fto j&ctcrflDoufc, Ijci»lct()tii9 motOcniiJaibc, ftO(it!)grcAtcm)all not Ipue bp bjecb onlp,b«t bv cut rp ujo^Dc of 00b. 5Cub tbc bcnpll tone tym into an \m mo* untapnc.anb fbeweb Ijim all tbc kynsbomtf of tbc mo^ioe , euen in tlje twincftlpng of an tye.Znnm beupllfapbctjnto bim :alltljt0 power Ml3Scnctbceuetpt»btt>$>jglojp oftbem:fonbepaecbclpuereb \3nt0 mc.anb to wbomfoeuec 3 wpll,3 geue it 3f p tljcr- fo?e wpll fait bourne before me$t»o?ibpp me tttyy ftjalbe all tbpnc . 3efti0anfujetcD anb fapbe \mto Ut)\ ; bence from me ^atan. jFojit igttJjpttens'ftbounjnlt «o;inppf ILoiibctbp0ob, anb Ijim onclpninltPfcruc. 3nbljecarpeb bun to 3erufalcm,anbfct tym on a ppnacle of tbc temple.anb Dipb \)n* to him:£ftbou be tbc fonne of 0ob,raft tty fclfe bowjnc from benjS . $ 0? it wwwttm*. *be ©all gene bW^ngcltfcbarge oucr tbe, to kepe tbc , anb in tbeir banbes tbcp (ball b care tht tip , t])at tbou baf (be not tbp fore agapnft a (tone . 3nb 3cfu«E( anfwereb , anb fapbe \mto bpm , it ijj fa vb: * tbou ftalt n ot temptc tbe io?be tbp 0ob . 3nb a0 foneatf all tbe tcntactou wa# enbcb,tbeb{uellbe=> par teb f rom jjim f o$ a fca fo 11, #0!flt|MB 3D *mnf.t'((.g mux Alar.) J, *W|.rc«.t).li 25 *£>rutfW vEiiti r.D. jSbbatfoeucrwcbaucbearbbo= ticinCapernanm,bo tljcfame Ijere Ipbctoife in tbpnc a wne conntrc . Slnb be fapbcidl crc= Ip 3fapc tmtopou: * Bo p^opbetc tjs accep= teb in Ijp0 atone conntrc. 28nt 3 tell pou of a treutlj : * manp t»cb= tiowe0 were in 3fracl in tlje ba(e0 of }^c\m wljcn bcaucn U)a0 ujut tlj^e pcaicjs anb fyrc mionctbc0 , wben greate fampfbment wasi tb^ougboiitalltbelanbe,anb\iutonooncof tlje" watf If)clia0 fent , fane into &are pta bc= fpbc0g>iboit,\mtoat»oma tljatwiasia wc= bowe.*ainbmanpleper0U)crcin3fraellin tbe tpme of fyclpfnitf t^c p^opbetc^ none of tbSwagcWcb.faupngjftanmantljc&pjia". I nli all tbep in tlje fpnagoge ( wben t))tv berbe tbcfctljiugcsi,\»crc ftllcb untb wjatlj: anb rofc \ip,anb tlj^nftbun out of tbc cpte,$ lebb bim cue" twto tbeebgc of tlje bplic wberc on tbcpj cptic toaiel bplte ; p tbep mpgbt c« ft fcim borone bcablpng.u5ut be bepartcb,ano went Jtvti wape men tbo,to\» tbe mpbbetf of tbf. f* ^^ubcamcbownctocapcrnau, (a cptic of 0alilcj anb tberc taugljt tbcm on tbe fabotb bapetf. ^ 3Bnb tbep were aftonpeb at W boctrpnc: f 02 tyfi p^cacbing wa0 tuttb power. *3Dnb int))e fpnagoge tbere watfa man wbtcb bab an \)ncleanc fp;ete of a bc= upl!,anb c?peb witba loiibc^opccfapcngc: let me alone, wbat bad tbou to bo witb W, tbou 3e(iiiEl of iEta jarctb 1 3flrt tljou come to bedrope X> #3 kuo we tbe wbat tbou a rt, cu 5 nfo,t]tb, tbebolfof0ob.3nb3cfu0rcbubebbtm,fa* pinge:bolbetbppeace,anbcouieoutofbpm. Zrtowfyantty beupllljab tbJowcnbpm in t^t mpbbe0,becamc out of him, anb ljurt Iji not . 2£nb f care cam on tty all.anD tljcp fpa= Beamongtbemfelne0,fap(nge:wbatmaner a tbing i0 tbp0/' it 0? witb aucto?tte 5 power be commaubetb tbe foule0fp2ctc0 , anbtljep conic outer 3Cnb t^z fame of bpm was fp^cb ab?obc tbojowe out eucrp place of the coun* trerounbeaboute. i< ►^ * 3nb wban t)c wa0 rpfen \jp 3 come * (khmiuu out of tbe fpnagoge, be enrrcbinto s>imon0 mat.i.c Ijoufc. 3tnb ^)im60 motljcr in lawc wa0 ta-- Iteti witlja great fcucr,anb tljcp mabc inter 5 ccfft on to \)ym fo; ber.3tnb be ftobc oucr her, anbrcbuhcb tlje fcucr , anb tbe fcucr left ber. 3nb immcbpatlpflje arofr , anb mpntftreb .-- \)ntotbcm. w Dobcntbe fonne watfbowne.a II tbcp tbat bab fpcU.taae" wttb btuer0bifeafc0,b?ougbt tbcmtmtobpm:anbbelapbcbp0ljanbc0on cue/p one of tbe,anD bealcbtbcm . * attfffcc k ff ■«••;« upI0alfo came out of manp,ccping 5 faicng-. ai "" tbou art CbJtft the Tonne of 00b. A no ljc rc= buueb t\\S >anb fuffcrebtbnn notto fpcaUc: fo^tbepftnewe tbat be wn0Cbnft. 3t0fonea0itWii0bape,bebcpartcb,anb went intoa bcfcrtplaccj tlje people fougbt bim, anb came to bpmvanb Hept bpm tlyat be ftulbenotbfpartefcomtlicm.^uO be fapbe l)uto tbcm : 3 muft p.Jcaclj tbc Upngbotnc of 0obtootbcrcPtic0alfo: J< fot fbcrfojc am 2 fent. ^nb be pjeacbcb in tlje Ipnagoges of 0altle.». Cimon : Hauncbc out into tbc bcpe.an let flpnpe ponrc mtttt to maftc a b^augbt. 3nb mnwm anfwc reb,anb fapb Ditto bpm: ** a)a fter, we Ijaue laboureb all nigljt.anb ha* nc fatten notbpnge. i!5cucrtbcu"c,attbpcom^ maunbcmcnt3wplHofefo?tbtbenct.3!nb wbftljcp bab tm bone, tbcpicloftb a greate multitiibe of fpfibeiS. 2il5uttte netb?aRe,(j tbep becltencb to thm ftlowe0( wbieb were in tbc otber (bpp)tbat tbepu)ulbc come, anb sob i;cipe 7^ V ftelpetyem . 31110 tbey came: anbfpucb both tDe t&vgpcjS,tDat t&cp fonchc agayne. uubeu te witba pal* f 1 cranb tbe v fought tncaiic* to biros htm in, mm imm before bpm. 3nb wlcirSep couibc notfpnbe on what fpbctKcpnrpK y P on tbc t oppc of tbeboufc Set Dim iffi •^KSW M» beeb a no alUttcn ESS ropbbc*befo2e3cfii*. to&enfte fa we SeS W fe » tojto tyin : man , % fSbe € gjg«c| 1 tbc , 3nj> tbe fceibe«tKart» iHPBP t f ^» ,c be,faping:rt)()at felowe i* P. «fc« fpea&etb blafpgem pec* wbo can fojgeuc fytmc* btit<£?ob onlp/ «JK£3? ^ff^ t!)firtbougt> ft*, ijf aufajcrcb.aito faib Onto tbeimtttpe to faj»e ft? tame* be f ojgeuc* tbe, 0? S 9&S&W waj«e * 26ut f ye mape Unow tbattbe fomie of mfffttft poroceto fomene f vmte on ea ctb, be fa vb Mn to tbe I^ckc ol the anno ^ttotbPboufe . Zmbimm&mS l)i SW bc P ? , e ^ em • o«D tolic*pte b&8, (tobcronhejapelanbbepattcbtoj^awiie UoMfe,p^apns^ob.3inbfbept»erea«ama: itur.iisi /sr.i.fiin.D aiiO-riKii.t) ^ ttOUM n-.ar.iit actra.i(.a m,ir.((,b me.^nb be left all,anb rofe tip,ahb folowcb mm: anib leiip tnabe bpm a fireatefcaftc tit DWau)ncbonfe.3inbtbcrt»asia great com= WVt of publican* anb of other tbat fate at ineate ( u>if b t&em.* 3Cnb tbe fcrtbeg anb pba - ***** U)bp bo pc rate anb bjtncfee twttb publican* * **? 525 «jw* 1 «U 3efu* anftuereb; anb d vb K5 ir, K butt ^ t,jat , nrcf Vc«c-3camc «ottocalltberpffbteujei0f,butivmiet«tore= pentaunce. 3:11b thep (iifbe t)nto {jf»tit ;#H»ft« bo tbc 3f«*« btfctp e; of 3obn M often, anb mfc? be c btfctpiejcioftlic pbartfe^alfo.buttbvnccatc ^ anbbmcKe.^cfaT'bctjntotbem: *Canw $«■« ma lie tbe cDpib^ of tbc ujcbbtnjj faftSSpic ™ tbeb^baromettftottb tbcVCbe bapetftopll come , wbcu tbe b^pbgromealfo Oialbctahg l«8& m : m m tl)tV ™ m •* SfSfif^ 3 H rcc °L a Mewe Pf ntent.tnto jnolDJbcfturc ) fo?pfbebo,tbcnb?eakethbe tbc new , anb tbc pece tbat urn* tab J5 out of tbe nctucagrcctb not tXJitbtbcolbc. 3nbno man poxwctbncwctDpnc into olbebottel*. pWW bo, tbenewc wpnewpU burfttbe bottei*,anb runnc otttitfclf^nb tbc bottel* aiallpcrj)aj(.ii5utnetoetr)pncmuftbeputttt man alfo tba t bjpncbctb olb tupne, ftmmt C5T|Jc.t)i.Cbapter. isa-seji "^ ( ? e «^ne f elbcanb bp* bifcv= 8M»* ^7 Plf S plttebrtt the car ejg of co^ncaim nMe,lM bpb eatc, anbrubbebtbem tntbewSaifi ^nb c«tapn of tbe pbarifeisraib Vwito tbem : WSffi^fe »W * not Wmitfl So SDautb bpb, tobenbe Mftm»«M0«BE BSffSBS?* ^of <25ob,anbb%tafte j ffi eto^tSf?^?^ «»i»gaiiealfo to * < w toem tbat were with l)m : tubicb are nnf lawfull toeate,butfoftlic*weftetf mSS5 , . *^rtb ljili.tii.li iniri'i'M :(t!.lt.r..i rar.iij.li flh * 3dnb itfoJtuncb in anotber ^ab« botbalfo , tbat be cnttcbinto tbc fvnasosc f taugljt.^nb tber wa* a man,\»bofe rigbt banbe mm bipcb \jp.3nb tbe fctibe* 9 pba=- rifetfttiatchcb bpmwbcticrbe i»olbe bealc on the fabbotb bape, ftat tl)ep mpabt f pnbe Ijototoaccufe bt . 23utbeHnemtbetrtbon= 5btcsi,anb fapb to tbe man whicb bab ? w* mto banb: mvfc Dp.anb ftanbe fo?tb in tbe mpbbctf . 3D no be arofe $ ftobe fo?tb • fLtyn fapb 3cfu0 tmto tbc:3 wpll afUe you a que* ttion:lDbetljcritfitlau)full on tbcfabbotb ba vei8 to bo aoob, 0? to bo cuflf to fatte one* lifco^ to brffropeft.'^nb bebebelbetbemal incompalTc^nbfapb^ntotbemai^tretcb SSP tetiJtbp bnnb.avnb be bpb fo.- *$ Dp* banbe wagrcftojcba!japnca*tx)bolea*tbeotber. 3nb tbey werefpllcb toitb mabnc*, anb co= muncbtogetbcramonctctbcm fcltic*, what . .„ tbcpmpffbtboto3efn. b tm>wit 2tnb it fojtuncb in tftofc bape**^bc wet *• out into a moitntapnc fo^ to p?apc, f contV 3 nucb allnpsbt in p^avcr to c5ob.3Hnb a* fo» ncatit U)a0bape,be callcb bv*bifctple0, * $ of tbcmhecljofc .rtj. wboalfo Ijc callcbapo= filc0.^vmonu)bombealfonameb^eter,9 JCnb2cu)bp*b20f;ber.3amcs!ab3ob",pht= lip? 26arthoiomctt) , ®)at$ew$1C\>omti& 3ame&tftc fonnc of aipbcu* , anb S>pmon Jpbieft Wcallefi ^cloteo! , anb jtiba* 3amc* tonne , anb 3uba03fcartotb , t\)e fame tbat toa*ti;ctraptour. Mhfo l)ccamebo\»nc with t\)t^ ftobe intbcplapncfelbc, nnbthccompanp of bp* *ggim* birciplctf*aubagrcatc mnltitnbe of people Mr '" 1 " 1 (out of all 3ctt>?yeanb3crtifalc , j- from tbc fee coaft * of Cp?eanb SMbou ) liobtcb came to bearc bint, anb to be healcb of their bpfea= fctf anb tbcp $ were ijcxcb with foulcfprctctf anb tbcp t»erc bealeb. 3nb al $ peoplcpica= feb to toncbe \)im, fo^ tber went Virtue otttc of brm,anb bealeb tfm all. 4 » it 1. ? ? nD ^ c ^ ^^ fr* pfcjbs \jpo tbe bifciple* fflJ, ilanbfapb:*3i6lcircbbcO'^pcpo^,foivo»rjs 1 t*tbc lungbomc ofvj5ob.2i5leu"cb arc pe tbat bongcr now,fo?pc fbalbe fatiffpeb . i3leu"eb arcpcpwcpcnot»,fo?;vc ujalllaugb.2i5lcf= I feb Qjall pc be, when men bate pott, 9 tbjuft pott out of ti:ieir companp, anb rapic on pou, mnmubojre yournamcjsassaiieupii tutng, fo; tbc fonnc of mannc* falte .lUetopfc pe in y bapc,anbbcslab:fo?bcbolbe,pourrcwarbc i*srcatcinbeauen. ^ JfoitpjSbpOtljepi nmotxu. fatber*iontotbcu2opbcteiei. ^r» *2i6ut£crwo onto pou tljatarcrpcbcifoji ye bane yottrconfolacto.yuowitopou tbat are full : foj pc ujall bonger. UUo Onto pou p now lattgb j f 0? pc (bail maple $ we pc . Olio ^nto pou wb^ all in en pjapfe pou :f 0? fo bpb t\iw father* to tbc f alfe pjopbetc*. T&ntj fapc onto yon wbtcb bearc. iotic poure encmpe*.Do goob to tDcm wljichha= dfo,rrb( 1* [mr tAlat.iiit.D tcpou.26cflctI)e"tDat curfepou. TUtopm fo; tbcm wbicb wJ<2i5cpctberfo,tcmercpfull, as pour fa = tber alfo 10 mercpfuii . * 3ubgc not , anb pc k , m ^v ,, Mjall not be tubgeb.Conbcmpnc not, a nb \k ft]allnotbcconbcpttcb.^o;gcue,anbycfnal l)cfo2gcttctt. *0eue,anbftfl) m wrfftW of oratD. 3im wbanbcbearbof3cfu,bc fent ^itoDtnttbcclbcr.fioftbc3fcw^,bfrcchfffc )i "UTtUlv, raping: l^cts wojtbptbat thou 23 h3" t L'5 ),J £ n ljc *W now, not farrc fro the Iiouff , the Centurion fentfrenbesto hum mmm bMifg bpm: * lo^ttoubicndt tto KXSdl? 1 " not w 5 f, ^ : flattbon ibulbrft enter Unbcr mproffe. HJhcrfoiO tbouaht not m ? frlf wwtbp tocomc U.tto? : bnt fapc 959i3W*' * mp ftntaiintfcnibc wijolc SS? 3 n L f0 mn a mn » fct » ft power , aim p.anb be goctb.e toanot bcr,ccmc, a be co= mctft:«inb to»v rcruaunt.bo tb?A SbcDofli if. U%u3efuSbcarb rbpi,ben numtSSt jKm,aim turnrb bpm about anb K to tbe people t b«it folo web bun 3 fepc toitoVoul « sg tar f MiS5= ttcibeboio^bcr waSa beebman carpcbout wbicb was tbc onclp fonne SfSiSSSSSr « per.be bab companion on her, aim MS JoJ)er: W rpeno^imbeean^ iiw&&* 22Rr!3*' ?°"ff e mfl n, 3fape Unto the £iucg.,uf f ffjyg" J- *2lnb be belpuereb b m to bwtno flow* ^^^wfi^rwmtaf^rtoniKaflSb triKofpeu tbcj>oattctbcff!o?P5nto^ob/aj»(h^t:*ai**», ta great mopbetc is: rpfen tjp ninfig wf* Cob * l ©* batbt)ifttcDbi0pcopic. J< ^ 3!nbtbv« rumo? of bun wentfonh tb^oucrbout al 3n= rp.anbtbo^otooiitaU tbcrcgionj* toblcblpe rowmc about. r All 3 "? f § c . Wftftiifftf of 3obu (bctocb Wm of f.^ f ?i? blf ?^^^ fc,1tt ^fo3cfu0,fap= u jnfl^rt tbou be tbat dtm tome :o^ fball u>c looftc to another/- Wen tbc men were come iwto bim, tbcp fapbe : jfoljn baptifte Cent \)tf Dnto tbe, fa ping: 3»rt tbou be f'Omlbc come/ o? qiall ujc waptc fo^ another t %nb in time famcljourc be curcbnianpof tbctrmrpmu^ Man* flflof&ffiffi of cupll fp?etesi,aiib Un= to inanp p were blpnb be gauc figbt . 3tnb be anjwcr eb,^ fapb Unto tbem:<0o pour wape aimb.«nffwo.mea5npneto3obn,wbattbf«SD Be; vc banc fene » bcarb,bow f* tl)t blpnbe *mm }e,tbc bait ffo.tbclepcmarc clcfeb, tbebeaff fll,WrM beare,tbe bcabrpfcasapnc:totbcpoo?c itf $ Blab trMHMj pjeacbeb , Sb bappp i0 be tbat itfnotoffcnbcbatmc. rvi J J *3inbwb0tbemeffciifferj{of3obnwcrc *«*** beparteb,l;c began to fpcahcWo ^people coiicermnge3obn.lt)batweiitpcoutintop TS&E2ES* t0 im #*Q*i «5 tUe winb? S ! lf ^fS w - pc out f0 ^ t0 ft."3 man clo* tbco m foft rapmef .' 26ebolb, tlje p whicb are go?gf outty apparclicb , aim Ipuc belicatlp, wiojt tben a ff«*rt«b (0br, of wbont 5 fflfi* * 2S ^^oc,3fenbe^r-inpncau= e e* gcll belojetlw face whicbujail prepare riw S»*» SSBSSR Sl^fttStt pon,amose &'i wemftJebi b^Wtbernota greater pjopbetc HS? % ^" ^*%* i^f uertbeleire.be tlja to 1 e IclTc.i ^5 Btgooin of Cob i0 greater tb^ be. 4< h^^^^P^PjC'^notbepubUcS^ tljat SKJPJ* ft '"UHWW of 3obn. 2i3nt the pjjarifc^anb lawer^bcrpifcb tbecounccll of Sfftt s Sm reu,f ^ n "° were not ba= ^nbtbeHo^bcfapb^tDbcruntoaiain 582 te» ol ;tb./generacion 7 anb wbat *■*" rajfw^Wfte/Cb^arelifteVntocbil' S2PS"* ,n $ c warftctnlace,^ crpeg one toanotber,aubrapmg:U)c|aueppncbV)nto coe ronuc of ma 10 come, aim eatcebs blfc= M>m fapc^bcboiba gioutonoiii nan kn ait *mnr afurable o^uclcr S3 ieenb 0fg>MU tljepbiwircaboure.aimratbownetomeatc. it mtttu-n jhc^jio bel)olD a woman in t bat cptief wbicb BBS »aK a fymtc r)a# Tone as( fbe nnewetbat 3« " fiijetfaeat meat in tl)t pDarifetfboufe.uiebjos ngbtanalablaftecboiccofopntmcnt.^ftobe at bitf fete bchinbebim weppng.5 beafineto wa% \>y# fete xf> Ktw#> anb bpb wpjjc tb5 Witb p bcarcfJ of bee bcao, qs RpfleD W it tc,? nnopnteb tbem witb tbe opntment. aiijcit tbepbarife(wbicb()ab bibD^bim) fawebefpane witbinbpm felfe,fapingc: 3f tbPJS man were aptoptictc, bewolbefurelp buowc wljo.Sb wbat mancr of woma tbp« ftftbat toucbeb bwJoi ibe is" a fpnner . 3Cnb 3cw#anru>crcb,anb fnpb \)ntobim:jS)im8, 3 banc fomc wbat to rape wtto tbc . 3Cnb be fapb.maftcr.fapcoit.'SLberewajSacertapne lenbet wbicb bao two betters!, tbe one ougrjt fpucbub^cbpeuccanbtbeotberfpftp.mbc tbepbab notbpngeto pape.bcfo^gauctbem botb . 'Cell me tberf o?e, wbicb of tbcm wpll lone bvm moft.^imon anfwereb anb fapb: 3 fuppofetbatbeto wbom be toqauemolr. Inb lie fapbc \jnto bpm : 'Cbou paft trulp iuns^o. O 3H ub be tiirucb to t))t wumms fapb \jii-- to^)imon;S)ecfttboutbis{woma.3entreb into tbp bonfc, tbou gaucft me no water to m p fete ; but tbe botb weftbeb mpfcte witb tenrcsf , anb wppcb tbcm witb tbc bcaresi of bcrbcab.12:!)ougaucftmcno&pae:bntlbf, fence tbctpme 3 came in . batb not ccafco to Upffe in p fett.CQpne beab u5 oplc tbou biDcft notanopnte : but fbe bat 1) anopnteb mp fete wttbopntincnt.lJUbertoe,3( * a . ccbcm'Wbaptcr. enijjptt ttsit!) lire apodlcs eottO fro lottmr (o fotbtie ^»d pu-.uljftb,a)ctOft!)il)«- piiMWc of tbc (cDr.tcllctt) U)lioi»o!)p8motbcc. no ftvabtotbcr^pllctotljc WfipKfl o( tbc fee; oclpiiccctb ibcpoarcirco,*OH'uctbibcDcurl8 mtotbc bccrD of fujpiic:!Klpcti) tijc ffcitctuomau , ano 3ia^u8baii«lj»cr. 15 b it f o?tuneb after war be, tbat be bpm fclfc alio wente tbjowflfj outc cptic0anb towuc0:p^cacbinge.anb ujewprtgc tU ftpngbome of <5ob. mm •*• *l'ctwclue witl) l)vm . 3tnb alfo *■ ccr= tapne women, wbicb were bcakoof cucll fp^etcjai.anb iuf ftmpteft a>arp wbicb 10 cal= leb ^agbalcn ( outc of wbom wente fenen beupl0)anb Joanna tbe wpfc of Cftnfa.ftea robc0 ftewarbe, anb S>ufanna,aho mmtp otbet, wbicb minpftrcb unto bpm of tbcp? fubttauncc. ^ CJHDen mocb people were ga= tberebtoffetber.ab were come to bim out of aUcptc0,bcfpaftebpafimilptube.*'2:bcfo- * ft***** wer wente out to fowc bP0 feebe : anb as be ,n ' ruM foweb, fomc fell bp tbe wapcfpbe, 9 it was troDcnbowne,nnDtbcfoulc0oftbeap2eDc= u oureb it t3p.2Cnb fome fell on (tone, aitDafl fonea0it was" fp?oge \>p,it witbwb awapc becaufe it lacfteo mop(tne03nD fome fell a* monge tbojnes, anb t))t tbomes fpzange up witlj it.anb cbofeeb it.Tttfo fomc fcl on goob grounbe.anb fpiange Up, aim bare frutc.an rjunbJebfolbc.ainbasbefapb tbefctbutges, B becrpcO:Ioctbatijatbcare0tobeare,lctbpni bearc. *3Bnb b«0bifciple0afacb bpmfapcngc: * matoii* wbat m^iier of fimplptubc 10 tbp0. ,J anb be *»*««-« fapD:Wifo pou i0it geue to knowe tlyt feere s ten of tije ftingbome of <5 ob :but to otberbp pa^ablelJ,^ wbc tlitv fe.tbcp (bulb not fe: *$ * & (m . t wbetbcpbeare.tbepflmlOnotUnberftaoe. &!«■««* Uhc parable is tbiS.* 'Cbc fecb i0 p womc jSESe of(5ob.'5rbofctbatarcbefpbetbcwave,arc^' cflrtU iiit tbcp tbat beare, tben comctbtbcbeupll, anb tS«S.t taljetb a wape tbc woibc out of tbetr bcrtcs, tomm» left tbcp (bulbe beleueanb be faueb . 'Cbep on ttye (tones , arc tbcp wbicb wben tbcp beare, rcceauctbc wo^b witb tope, anb tbefc bauenorote0:WbicbtoawbPlcbeleuc,nnb in tpmcoftemptacpon igo awapc. 3tnb tljat wbicb fell amongetbomeS, arc tbcp wbicb Wban tbcpbauf bcarb.go fo?tb,anb arcclio hco wit'b carcsanb rpcbcS, anb Uoluptcouti Ipningc ,anb b.jpngc foitb no frute. ^L\)at wl)icb fell in tbc goob gronnbe , arc tbcp, wbicb witb a pure anb goob bcr te beare the wo2bc,anbKcpcit,anb b;pnge fo v itbfrtitc tbo?owpacpcncc. i* *i^oinan,wbanbclpgbfetbacanbelI, ?„ .„. coufictlutwitbaUeffcl, ojputtrrbttUubcr AaVuiib a table, but fcttctb it on a canoelfticftc, tbat ««*.<« tbcp wbicb enter in, mapefe tbc ligbt. * fto= # m - AW tbtgi0infccrct,f'il?al not come abiobe.ftc; «« »* tbcraiiptbpngebpbo, tbat (ball not be lino= &m ' tM wen, anb comctolpgbte. -Cane bebet bcr = fo^c.bowcpcbcarc. Jfo^wbofoeuer batb, to bpm (rjalbc gcucn .• * ^Cnb wbofocuer *mn*w batb not , from bim ttwrbe taken : cnen tbat a«j*w.« lame vo))ic]) be fuppoietb tbat be batbi S«% ♦'CbetteainctobitnWsimotber^biSbie . mit , h tb^cn, anbcoulbenotcomeatbim fo?p?eafc mar.™ 3f.nb it waStolDebpm.anb fapbc: 'Cbpmo* tber anb tbp b^etbtctt (tanbe witbout , aim wolb fc t^t. loc anfwercbanb faib unto tbfc mp m otber anb mp b^ctb?en arc tbcfe, wbicb beare tbc wojbe of <5ob,anb bo it. i^3nbitcbaunfcb ona cerrapncbape.p bewcntintoaajpp,aimbi0bifciple0aifo,t he fapbe Unto tbcm: let U0go oner Unto the otber fibe of tbclahc. 3nbtbcplauebcbfo?tb 23uta0tbcp fapleD, be fell a flepc^anb there *m»imt arofc a fto?me of wpnbc in tlje lahe , 9 t'bep mmtA wcrefplleb ^ water, anb wcreinieoparbp. £>Duj 3*nb 7V yr mar.v.4 3nbthtpcamctoM>m, anbawonebprnfa* t>fng : Wafte rtttaftc r, wc arc tooft.lfchcn he «r oTc, a«D rcbaltcD tlic turtincattti the t0tic(t of water, mm they ccafeb, anb it wtfeb cat* me.|&nbhc raphe wito tbcm:Wbcre(dpoure faptfti» 'fcbepfcareb . anb wonbjieb mttottge tbefelurd,fapmg:what(%nttcpc)ldthpdi' ■SB** fcr,abthcpobcpbpm<' a^aMibtbepfapieb mm tlic regie of tbcwd,anbhcpfcwitbfettcrd:anbhcb2a« Hcthc bonbed, anbwadcarvebofthefenbe intoiDplbcrncd. e ^nD3cfugiarttebl)imnitciig:tDi]nti!EltI)V> **" mgJMfebyfe : icgion.bccaufemanp bcttpls were cntrcb into bv"* • Stab thep bc= fought hpmthat he wolbenot commaunbe the m,to go out into the bepc.^nb there t»ad hpU:aDtbevbcroughtbtm,thatheujoIhfuf- ii c tt)c %!° Ci]tct im thcm • ^nb l 1c fomrD . tmnmtn went the bcucld out of the man, jeiitrebmtpthefwpnc.^ntJtbebenrbrane IjceWwiflwfth Violeccintothemftc, nnom- rtwm, Men the heroine force what imp PBPftjtfcP &*> ««o ' olbeit in the cptic s in the images!. ^nbthipcamcouttorewhatwadboite: a "J cfl, »fto3efu^,ffounbetbcman(outof Whom the ^ciipid were beparteb)fittpng at tbefetcof3efu^clotbe0^inl)itfrigbtmpn s «WFmumtuDeoftbe(0eberenite0,befought -vm«^ h 5P»W^^P^^ r »ftomt0e:foithep gapne.^hentbemancoutofwhomthe^ tipldwcre beparteb ; brfougbt hpmtyatbe wa ?£» faymgc: 00 borne agapnc to tbpne a « S»W > anbthewe what thi.tgcX.ir 0ob bath bone f 0? p. 3nbbe wetfifdwape, tbmgcd fc-cuer JrfMtt boue wtto b!m ambitforttmrbtyfttwhoerudwadco* 4-^, n ff 8BWM bmopw reccaueb W . #02 the v ■28** a»waptebfo?him.*3nbbebo!be»cfa= meamaniiameb aatru* c $&e waVa ruler oftbctpnagose)$hefe«bowiteat3cPftte mnm bim , ? be wolb come into ft* houfe, fo? be Dab but one baughtcr onetp,tw6 n.rti. pearc of age,anb foe lapc a bpfng. 25ut ad be wcnt,tbepeoplety*ongebhpm. *poupbi ftciond , nether, coulee be holpen of enp)cnmcbcbpnbbtm, & toucbebtyebem of btfrapincnfcfriintnebiatlpheriffueofbloub ftanntyeo. 3 no 3efud fapb: wbo id it f tou« epeb ntei'dflibf cucrpmS benpeb, mmcam tbepPwerc«6bpm)fapb.ome bobp batb toucbeb me j ^fo? 3perceaue, tbat tjeituc itf goneoutofme.l»bentbewomanmwetl;at ihewaj not hpb,(be came trpmbUg,anb fell atbptf fete, anbtolbehpm befo2eallti)cpco= Jle.fwwhfitcaufeflbcbabtoucbebbinnanb bow to watf bealeb im cbiatlp3nb be Tapb rSlE? : SWK^ ' bc of S° 0D wmfoitc. t5bplebepctrpahc,tbercamconefriitbe "«** rulcrjsoftbcfpnagogciefbourcwhicbfapbfo bpm:tbpbaughtcrij3ibeeb,bcfearcJiotM)a ftet.2autwh«i3efu0be«irbethatwo2be,bc anfwcrcbtbe father of tbebamofell.^jfcare +m(HftJ not,belcueonclp,:iIba)eibalbc mabc whole. #28" aBnbwhenhecametotbeboufcbefuffrebno man to go iuwtthbpm, fmie iaete^Samciet, anojoiKij anbtDcfathee anb tbe mother of the magJe.euerp bobp weept,anb fojo web f02 ( ber.a!nb he faib:H)epe not.'fche bamorel SSS&H b . ut "^ * -^"b tbeplaugbt *m n ,m JP^pfwne.bnowpngthatibewaiBibceb. mm tfyu ft them all on t ,ab caught her b v thebanb.anbcrpcb.fapinge.^apbcarpfe. anb her fp2cte came agapne, anb (be rofe ftraightwape.^n&bccommaunbebtogcue ber meat. 3Jnb tbe father $ the mother of bee S C K^ »P C0 -^» f l)e warneb them,t tbep fbulb tell no man what wajs bone. Mg>MU $wm. to CEUe.ijc.Cbapter. * Bnncof flBoD-.UettaufffBurrti^piKftK torn ibtm on? l«Wp.ffbtpo^;ci)cii«(au«(c,buHc«p»uW5m, j<£w# calleb tbe * twelue too> ther, anb gauc tbcm power , anb auctoiite ouer all tmm Hb tbat t>JiJ»isDtbealebifeafc^3!!nbbe ft f ^^ . 7&i t0 pmt ^ ®* ftPmxbome gonep,nctbeehauetwocoateiEf.*3nbwbat focucrboufepe enter into, tbereabpbeVanb tbtneebeparte . ainbwbofoeuerwpHnor teceaue % * trntu jnnar. (((.ft ano.vi.b jfillhE.VI.C fcftW.W mar.m.b ♦irwt.r.lf eecea tic pott, wben pc go out of tbe citie, Cha= fteoftbc\)crpbuftfrom pourefctc, folate- ftimonpe agaptifttbem . 3tnbtbepbcpartcb anb went tpo2ow tlje totmctf, piteacbtug t jje gofpf!lm.w.t t'ng; W btfciplesf were with bim > anb Ijc af* w*t.tbt,t fteb tbcm rapeng:*u>bo fapc tlje people that jaunu 3 amr'Cl)cpanfwcrcb,anbliivb:3obn I5a= ptift^omefope ?i>eliaitf,anb fomc fapc tljat oncoftbcolbe,ppbetejaii0rpren.i?cfapb\)n^ mat m t t0 tbem:}i5ttt who fapepc that 3 am; ^imo D.i.4 ' ^cteraiifwereb,$fapbe:*thouart?€l)2ift of c5oD . ^inbhc wanteb atibcommauubcb tbem tbat tbcp Quito tell no man tbat thing, «!??! ? n ' ,f f n Vi«S: * tbe fomtc of man mult ftiffrcmaup mar.WK.uji: tbiugcsJ, tlD be repjoucb of tbe clberis, anb of StSJwi c ^ c ^ e Vfi ftc s( ' n,,D f c «besi,ab be llapncanb •iin.iiuii.f rpft agapnc the tbp2b bapc. 2Bnb be fapb to tbcm all,pf enp man will come after mc, let bim benpehim fcif, italic ^> \jp bitfcrofrcbaplp,ftfolowcme.* (v^-ifot x&iSf* wbofocucr wpll iaucbpS Ipfc fliall Iofc it. 'im.mi.t 26ut wbofocucr botbloic IWpfcfonnyffr he, tbe fame (ball fa tie it. jfo? whatauaun= tagctb it a mS.pf be wpnnc tbe whole W02l^ be, anb lofe him fclfc, 02 riiiuic in btimmma^ 3«? geof bpm fclfe/' ifo? * wbofo itf albamcb of ^Kfe? meant) ofmpwo2bijS,ofbimCballtbcfonnc x«ucjii.» ofman be amameb, wben be commctl) in bid maieftpe, anb in tbe mateftpe of bid father, anb of the bolp angcld-3 tell pott of a trcuth: * ( , t m- a fballnottaltof bcatb, tplltljepfetljekpng- texmu borne of ob. *3ftnb itfo2tuncb f aboutan. %ii\. baped USSf^ after tbefeCiiengcd, be toke^eter anb 3obn 8 anb 3ame0,9 went t>p into a mountapne to piape . 3&nb ad be p^apcb, tbe faffpon of bpd countcuauncc wad cbattngcb ,f bid gar met wad wbpte, gs (bone . 3Cnb bcbolb,tbere tal keb witb hmt twomen wbiebwete ^l)ofcd anbl^cliad^appcarcbintbemaieftp, »fpa= B fte ofbidbepartpng.wbtcbbc qmlbeenoe at 3crufalcm . But peter anb tjjep tljat were Witb bun, were bcttP Witbflcpc 3tnbwhcu tbcp awoke, tbcp fa wc W maieftp , ab t wo men ftanbinge witb l)im. ^anbitcbaunfebadtbepbepartebfrom *$% J"" bim, ^ctcr fapbe \Jnto3efud:^)aftcr , it id goob brpngc here Co* \)d . tct t)d make a Ifo tt>2c tabernacled, oncfoitbcab one foi#o* fed , anb one foi- l^cltad ( anb wift not wbat he fapb. ) lDbtlc be thud fpakc , tberc came a £ cloubc anb ottcrfl?abowcb tbe , anb tbcp fca= rcb wben tfccp were come into p cloube.3(nb tberc came a \)opcc out of t))c cloubc (aping: ^hididmpbearcfonne, * hcarc bim. 3CnD *if.pet.t.o ad foonc ad the bopec wad pa ft , 3cfud was Sfffg 1 * b f ounbe aioHe.3nb tbcp kept it cloofc:? tolDc ijamij no man tnibofe taytfs , anp of thofc tbtnged * S)cu - twi{ ■* wbiciubcpbabfenc. *3fnbitchannfcbtbat onthenertebape * mttm - u (adtbepcamc bownc from tbe bpll ) mocbc m^'.n.b people met Jnm . 3nb bcholDe, a man of tbe compaup cri'cb outcfapenge : Rafter, 3 bc= f echc tlje beholb mp fonncFo.z be idall tbat 3 batic:anbfe,afp2ctctakctbbmi,anbfobcnip hecrpctb , anb^rtw *ma»i teretbbpm ,tbat ^ befomctb agapne, anb witbmochpapncDc= partetbfrombtm.wbenbebatbrentljtm.ab * 3 befougbt tbpbifcipled to caft bmtout.f *mai.FW.« tliepcoulbcnot, 3cfudanfwcrcbanb fapbe : ^ utx 1D faptblcd, anb crokcb nation, bowclongc 3v fliall 3 be wifI>poiif# dial fulfre pour iSiing thpfonnebttber.^dbewadpctacomnung, tbe fenbe rent bim,anbtarc bim .3£nb 3cftid rebukeb tl)e\)hcleane fp2ctc, anb bealeb tbe chpib.anb bclittercb Dim to bid father. *3ttb •?£;'/„ tbep were all amafeb ntthcmpgbtpc power ' of0ob. uSutwbplcthepwonbercb cuerp one at all thtnged wbicb be oyo , be fapbe twto bpd btfcipled: Left tbcfcfapmgcd fmUc bownc in to pour cared, jf 02 it will come to paffc :that v ^thefonneof man Qmlbe beliucreb into the SRSJr banbed of men. *n3uttl)cp wift not wbatf* 'jW.ixc wo2be meant , anb it wadbpb from tbcm, f tsSSt tl;cp Wiberftobcitnot. 3tib tbcp fearcb to DD iiij afkc A \ y €ljc<§ofoeU v * «wt,u MmShKS in fiffS? W ***«*' r & e *t* tinto them- falling bownc from Mm *Soio i S- i ,pot tlje enemy, anb notttmr n»ni h»"2Sx™|™ are '.i.trt(i,( it .rUi.O wbcrcto laye bi0 Imb. or «?*h D ? C ??* * nf ° M°tbc r : foloWC IMC 3CII6 tbc fame faybe; JUHbe.mffrc me ftriS at Kit m J RSJPS ? c ir U5dI ' *W* «« « e £? t0 E 0M P ottJ « . to treabc on ?SS **K «op&cte$ BHMb ,0 WppttttimbUinscMtiucMtm to fctbo* fe tmm wbf cb ye fcanb Oaue not fcnc rM: atm tooeare thofe tljpngci UJ^vehmte, anoDrtuenotftenrOetljem. toWb* tmpmjm , tovfatt- * Rafter, mat mill 3Do,ro inperct ctecnfliurfe f i^e fa^oe tmt o i Wm:n*a t « tJo^itten in tDe la we.'' too w re= tftuMU w« toou;2Eno Ije anftoereO ao fapoe.- tloue feS'* r ?, e l°z ffflm to tfitfttf ie &tm fclfe , fapDe tinto 3cf u j.-3no wljo naimv nepg^our." 3efu0anfujErcD,$ fiipOc^cetfapneman iDefccnOco fromlDircufaicm to toifrtco, ifcll amfctl)etie*,ttDfc$robbcD!»ni of liitf Jaj»- MM « wounneo Ijan, (10 OepartcD,ieupniie ibimUalfcoccD.amo itcfjauceo, tfattm ca= ^~ " f fame txmpc, » aiemte,Wf)ctt)ftiipcto^iiace,camc SO loftcDonl)i,?pnflcDl)p.2i5titacertapnc^n- mavttane.axibcio^nepeO.came^ntohpmulli SDljen Ije fatoe t)im,|)e bao compaffion on htm $\»mo,anDbouDct)pf)t0motmDe£Uuoti* m m o vie 9 wm, ano fee turn on ^ aume bcaftcano b^otigbt Wm to a comen vmic.fiD mm p?otufton fo? Ijim.3 no on the moiora, HDljebrOcpactcD.bctoHe otit.fi. pfce^oauc Mtanofaftim tmtobt.'fcaiic etweof bt $ mmnomtv v fpe nbeft moate,i»jji i come ask 3tfo?tiiiKU tftatatf tbey went, been* treb into a ccrtaync totonc. 3nb a cectayne ujomaimmcb ^Mrtbareccaucb htmitohce ?>oitfc . 3M) t|)!js ujomanbab a fyftct calico ^acy,tDl)icbalfo fatcat^cfu^fcte,^ bearb I)tfi!tx)o?be.2i5tit^)actbauia!a!cob2cbaboute mocbfer«yiigc,9-ftobcgfraybc:Ioibc,boca3 not care, tuatmy fpftet&ntb left me to feme alottc.^pbbcrtbcrfoje.fajcbclpeme.^itb 3cfu£janfW3eccb,^ faybe Untofier: Martha, ^)artbn,tboiiartcarefmi,?troublcb about N=* many tt){gc0:t}crely^r'oiie<0 wocfull.**;** ry hatbebofen tlje goob parte, which (ball aiotbetaRcnawayefrombcr. %i C&bc.ft.cbaptcr. C?jc tcafUctlj ijisfiiTtiplce topjavcoifiiftuouta btitrif. «Mbiiheti!tijcW,ift*cmouo»(»arirc«.ZOc P rroii,.jcfi'' Giif0JtohfiiB.=K)cc.«ftl)U)ith toe JBlMcifcc,* rcpiouc ■ MM * M BD it foitttneb ajs Ije wa^p^ay * ittgc in a ccrtayitc place : tube be ceafeo.onc of bto Difcipieg; fapbc Ditto bym : Jtoibe , teacljc tw to wnyca^jobJinlfotangbt |>pjx iBf &.Mkt $o,mp btrcipic«.31nbbefapbetititotljem .when ye mWMt> x ©onrefatacewb I art! I ea» ** n uen.baloweb bctbptwmr.^ Some ***** comcfc&P will wfoimieb.cHcnfiettbafn tDttf bap e. 3Cn0 f oigcne \>l tout m& itot S«K?^ u l e ! JCt:pman *» treapafettj aJlhmSl?^ * m $*mi * v? any of yon SSSftSft^fi $ ( S <1,! 2° to Otm at in W- ntabt , ano fape Ditto btm 7frenbe .• lenbc me » a ««» f0 ? « ftw* of my ne k S f f t^)e wape to mr , anb 3 bane notbymre to ^ wpc.-trotiblcmciiot, tbcboietfinow Omt MO my cbplbzen arc w.tb me in "be c£ ,: 5S 5; 1ft!?! cvff ? ,t?) «w« tM tape unto yon, tbottgb be wyll not artfc anb gene h m , occmirebe.0b^friJbe.pct bccaufeofW Sffi?' 3 " 5 3 fa P* bnt0 Pott ! * a f feci i= In,f "«.* anbttCbalbcgetienpott. fbm,mntaaA %$*%? fynbe^nocfte.a-o/aiaibclpcnco^K betbatfcltetb,fpnDcth:?to bimf ttiiocftetS, of enpof youtbattaa fatljee, wpllbccrciic &r^! C i, • ** ? f l)c nrke fii?»Xt fo fpfO)cgeticbttnatccpent^ ®i pflmikem eggc ,m te offcrbtm a fcolj on' 5f y h? JL?K!' ftow moc f moarc Wl Pour fin wft outflje bcntll,tbe borne tmw&mo- c ? c tIJ c°L l t °«W tbozowc jficclfcbub t nur '" ic - cbcf e of tbc bettyl0. .1 nb otbc ct "mm b ffi anb rcqnyicb of bim a figne f ro» ^uc- . it fcif c , 10 bt folate : ano one honfc both fall Dponanotbcr. Ptjtom al'fo bcSSli agaynft Mm fclfe, fow S|S cnDurcr23cca.tfe ye fape, la '| caS "out ^b iiPltftboiow 25eel^cbub. 3f l,b"tb licluc offfiertKbubcaftoiitbfuyftbywnoftbf? ?eujaUtbcybeyotirinbgetf.25»tyf 1 w th DO t) U>|)eii IK V €l)c#ofpell a m * */mr.if..i>. * v&lbc 11 flicVinclctic fpmcttf gone out of a man , he walkctn though bjie placctf , ft- kpngc rrcflv^uD ix>l)cn Ijc fptiDcto none , l)c fayrrb:3 will rcturncajtaync tonto my Hoit^ fco, whence 3 came output) whS be c6mcf b, I)e fpnbcf I) it fwept anb garniujKb . 'STbctt goctbbcanbtaHctbtobtmfcucnotbcrfpje* u& wotfctbcnlnm fclfc:anbtbcy enter in, $ Dwclltncrc.3inbtbccitbcoftbatma,i8iWoj=« fe thru tbc bcgpimyugc. titbit fottuncbtbat ag lie (pake there tbyngco' ,a ccrtaync woman of the company lyftc top Iter tooycc,anb fapb tonto bim.!f)ap= py io' tUe wombc that bare the, anb tbc pap^ jjcefwbichgauctbcfucke.)6uthefaybc:#cr, happy are the y that heare the wojbc of o oD anbkepcit. \* to\)tn the people were gatnereb fbf eke to= gftncr,ncbeg but tl)c fygnc of 3onatf j'&faiu. tijc pjopliet. 5f oi ass * 3ottatfwatfafpgncto trie .ft iniuytt&fo (ball alfo the fonne of matt *irt.R«r.t..i uctorhpgnactou. * 'Clicqttcnc of thcfoiitb mStrS' a ' ®*H r V ff af f hc iubgement, with the men of ti)t5nacton,an^conbfmpnetbem:fo?(lieca= me from the totfemoft parted of the ertb , to 5ifarctbcwilbomcof&aIomon.3:nblicbol- Olm greater tben Salomon tsdjcre.^rheme of ftiniucQ)nllrpfcat tbctubgcmcnt with tints nacvon •. anb (rjallconbcmpnc thmt :fc* rbcy wcrebioitgntto repentaute by? pjca? change of jonajJ . 31 nb bcholbe , a greater t\)t\\ 3oim#t0berr. <3 ^ *BomanlvghtethacanbcU,anopuf= xuhc.vui r ; ' (VjciLbttt onn canbslftyckc , tbattbey which t 0mm c. come tiunayc fe t\)t light.* 'She lygl) t of the booyief tbc eyc5T IjcrfoK.whcnthynccycitf fynglcall thy boby alfo Ojalbc full of lygbf . aSnt yf tbpnc eye be cuilUby boby alfo thai* be full of barknc&'Srakcbebc tl)erfo2c , that tbc lyght which to in tbebe not barcknetf . Pf all tljp bot>p tberfo.jc be cleat c , baity ngc t'to parte baickc:tbc (bal it all be full of light, men ajs tohena canbcll bocth lyght the with bjpcjljtncg. & 3.nb axihefpahe.aeerfayne^haryfe be= fought him . to bync with him , anb 3cfntf went in.anb fate bonne to mcate. Wjcn the #bary fr fa we it, he martteyleb , that be hab -ff not f yjft wefujeb before bpner.^nb f tojbc xmrnrm faybe tonto htm : * $o w bo ye iDbartfe&ma he elene the out fybe of the cup, anb the plat* ter-.butpourcinwarbcpartcitffiill of ratic= ny ngc anb wyckcbnctf.pc fooled, o^o not he ( that mabc that which to without } malte that which is wtthm alfo t j&cucrtbelcffc , *zsra.w«.b. * c<^gcttc almofc of that y« hane , anb bc= ^ , ^bolb, an tbtngetf are clcanc Vinto y on. *26nt * matxtlM wo »nto y on IBhartfexs, fo^ ye ty tbc nttmt 5b irewc.anb all manner crbcjj,anb patfc once iT)at.ttiii,b ® *f\iM.jm\ fymtkmn ittbgement anb the lone of 05ob . ^Ijcte ought ye to hane bone, anb yet itottoleanc the other tmbone. ^ too Vnto yon iDbarifejfcf o? ye toue the *fl)«,tmi., t)pperntoftfeate0inthe fttiagogc^anD gre= tinge tf itttbetnarhet. \l>o\3nto you fcrpbejS nnbiDbarife&ycppocrttc&fojyearcnjsgra* tirjj ujljfch appearc not.anbtheme" that u>al* ftc otter tbcm, arettot ware of them . 'S'hen anfwereb one of the lawear&anb faybe \jn = to him:a)after,thti0 fayingthou puttcft \jj3i to rcbtincnlfo.aiiib be faybe: *tDo\mto you alfo ye la wrrtf ;fo? ye labc men with bnrthejs which t\)t\> be not not able to bearc: anbye yonrefeltiejJtoitchettotthepacHeiSwith.'onc ofyoitrcfpngcrtf.tt)ot)ntoyon:*ycbiiylbc the fcpnlchJes! of the lD?opbctc& anbyonrc fatbcriSUpllebthem , truly ye bearc witnetf, thatyealowethcbebej5ofpoiirefatljeriS:fo? tbep Uyllcb them , anb peluiplbc their fepnl= chjctf.'ftbcrfojic faybe the wifbotnc of dpob, * 3 wtllfenbtbcm^opbetejsanb^pofilefl! anofotneof tbcm tljey mail llaye anb pcefc* eiitc:that tbc blonoeofall^opbetctfC which tjJ fneb front the begynninge of the wojlbc ) ntayc be reqnireb of tW generacion , from tncblonbcof*.3bcll,\)nto thcblonb of ?a= cijary,wbicbpf"Ujcbbctwcnetbcniilfer ab tljc templcCUrely 3 fapc Witoyomtt italic rcqttirco of tbtsSnacion. Wo \)iito pen lawear0:fojt ye banc ta= Itfitawaycthettfyfoffmowicbge.ycenfreb notinpotircfrltiejs.arjihcmthat came in, ye fo*bab.tt)t)cnbe tlm0fpaltc\jnto them, tbc la wearesano tbc JDbarilroi began to we^cbtt fycabonte him , anb cayctouUytoaflwhim many thingesi , laptnge wapfe fo^him , anD fcltyngctocatebc fomcthingc of h^ mo'nth> wherby tljcy mtgbt aecnfc pin. ^rhe.]Cii.€hai:tcr. C£'ic Icucu of the IdD-irvtcs , jll»yftc roufoitctti OpBOiftrpke afjarnRc pctrcfucpon,U).»riictl) tftcnt to bf»)?rc of foiicroufnce bp tbc rymplituBt of n tcrt iriic rvr hr iimii,!)cUj>'1I not luwt njem to Iniug e upon c.irtl>l!«tl)PH?c8,iuttoU)ati5 > anDto Ucvcftbp *■ ^> thergatherebtogetheranin= nnmerabUe mnltit nbc of people •M <35cilf.(iii.| I't.tea.Hiiiii % C info moche that they trooD one another) he began to fayc wtto hi^bifciple? :fy?ltof all * bewarre of the Icne* of the ^barifctf which t^ppocrifp. * #o?tl)crt#notbyngecoue= reb , that siballnot be imcoucrcbmctbee hyb, that (hall not be uttowen. *• # oj what thin= gesi ye banc fpokctt in bar ltnc# , Qjalbc bcar= be tit the light.^nb that which ychaue fpo= ben into the eare , encn in fecretc places: ,(hal= bcp^cachebonthetoppc of the pnfetf. * 3 fayc tmto you my frcnbe0 : be not afrapbe of them that ftyil thebobp, anb after that hauenomoare,thattheycanbo,26ui;3will ujewe y on, wlj om y eQjallf care .jf care him, which after #jitaf.wti| tiMrli.tiiii'.J. */K.it.r.f. itt.irii.iin.f. ^Iiiiic.vdl* itur.pu.O, 25 which after he h*th ftylleb , hath power to caftttohcll.l)ee,3faye\)ntovou:fcarehim. 3pre not f pne fparowe^ bought f 0^ two fa r^ thiitffc^acnb not one of them itf f ojgotcn of <5ob3iro,eucnp\)crpbeere0ofpoiirchecb are all nombicb. $ carenot therfoje : ye are moaretf \jaltte wn manp fparowejei. \0»ut, t. 3 fape wtto you * encry one : whofoeiter eonfcffcthmcbcfo^emeit.himCbalfronneof tnanttnowlcbgcalfobcfo?ej5angcljSof(5ob ^tno he that bcttpcth me befee men , ujalbc i^at.yftt. benicb before f angcljS of <5ob.* 3nb who= F t0 im focllcc fJMtoth a wo^be^F- agapnft y fine LJSl of man,itfbalbefoitgciienhim.*25nt |»n* EK„.t». tobtmyblnfpbemetbtbebolygooft.itajaU not be fo?fleuen.tt)hcn they bjittcrcyott Unto theftnagogeisi, anb^ntotherufcrieianb of= ficertf , tnltc ye no thought , how 0? what thingeyeCballanfwer.o^whatpeujallfpca- ^ UtSoi the holy ffooftifcallf cache youinehe ^ famchonre, wfiatyc ought to faye. >J« C>ne of the company fapbe V»to him : Xft)a Ker.fpeaue to my brother, that he bcui= be tbe citbcritattttce wttb me. %n* he faybe 1 Dntohim:«a)an,whomabemea fuogeoza beniber, oucryoii.-'aiitb he faybe Wtto them : taltehcbcanb bewarre of couctottfttcsi. Jf 0? tiomamtcsflpfe ftanbeth in tbe abounoanee ofthcthtngcoi wljtchhe poffcfTetb. 3Knb he putfojtb a fimplptnbe \)itto tbcm fay Inge : 'Chegrounbcofaccrtaincrichemjibiottght fo^thplcntifuufriite0,anb be thought with in him fclfe fayingc:What 0)all3 bo^ bccau= fe 3 hauc no ronme wbcre to beftowc my frntei0!.''3([nbbefayb:'Eh^will3 bo. 3 will beftrope my barney, anbbplbcgrcater , anb therm Will3 gather all my goobesthatare gro wen tmt me:anb 3 will faye to mj? fou **aif. r f.r. le:^>ome*tbouhaftmocbegoobc0layD ^jp in ftooje foj many ycarejs , tane tbyne cafe : eate , tyincfte , be mer y. 2i5nt <5ob fayb tint .jmuwi him. * 'Srbottfolc.tbi.s npght will thep fct* »&,mit.b c he awapc thy fonlcagaync from the.* 1&$ wbofc irjall tbofc tljyngcjS be , which tljou haap?otubebJ'g>o tss it with him that ga= thercth richcjSto him felfe, anb t£ not riche to warbcd5ob. %wo he fpafte bntohf^bifctplcjf: ^hcrfo-- mm, re 3 fayc tmtoyon. * 'STaue no thought foi fim»w. yonre ipfc, wDat ye Qjall eate : nether f op the baDp,wbatpcu)allpiitott,'Cbelifef0 moa^ re tU mcatc^nb the boby Itf moare then ray= ment.Confiberthe rattcnsi.fojthcylncthcr fo we no? rcpe, which nether hattcittoo^e bottle ner bitrne, anb (5obfebeth them. $* |)ow 5> mocbc are ye better tbenfethcrcb fouicja!^ *«»,«,». * tDhichofyoucwithh^taBingethought) canabbe to hiJSltatnre one cubit ?3f ye then be not able to bo that thiage which ifi leaft : whp taUe ye thought f 0? the rentnmmti'efc fiber the lylicsf how theyflrowe:^hepia= bottrenot:thepfpynnot:anbyet3fape\)nco EURt: 3ffo,m you,that Salomon t'nallhij0fropalte,wa0 notclotheblpkeoneofthefe. 3f (Bon fo clothe tl)i graffef wbfebijs to baye in the felbe , anb to mozo w in caft into tbc fojttace)bowmocbemoie wyll Jicclotli you, ©peofiytlefaptb? iainbafttirnotye what ye (ball eate, o.i what ye (pall b^incke, nether cltme pe top an hpe : f 01 all focbe thin -- flesibo the hethen people of the woVlbc fcke fo^fotirefatherknowctb.thatpcbatienca^ be of fochetbinge0.U)herfo?e, * fekeyeaf= *mjf.Du. terthe kpngbome of (5ob,atto allthcfe tljtn= l iZ°urt' geuthalbeminiftrebtontopon. >U # eare »»o«: Yaii not Iptell f locke, fo? it to poitrcfatljcra pica= wre, to geue you the uyrigbomc. * £ar> &cll **&&*. that ye bauc , anb gene aimee . 3inb pieuare m *- f f - POMbaggetf.whichwccenotoIbc.eiieatrea-"^ lure that faplctbuot in hcancn , where no tbefecommetb.uetbermotbcojruptetb.tfo* wherepoure treafttrc #,tbcrc wtllyourc l;cr te be alfo. r ^^^^^"^^Scrbabout^yoiir e ugntcsu,zeniuitg>i*fmpoiKftanDC6)anDpcyoijrc •^emw.c. feliiKSiyke wttomen that waptc fo? tbep: 1&SU f - lo?be,whcn be will returne from the web-- p * binge : that whanhecommethanb knocketD theymaycopf tontohim immcDiatlp. l;>ap= py arc tbofc fcruauntcjs , wbom Vat 1020c (whenhecommeth ) (uallfpttbewakpngc. 5Llcrclp3fapc\jnto pou , tbathf (rail hu be hpm fclfe anb make tljcm to fy't bownc tpmeatcanbwalkcby.anbmiitiftcrtonto them.|Enbyf become in the feconoc watcb , pee. yf he come in tbc tbir 0e watcft,anb fpit- bctbcmfo.bappyacctbofcfcruautcsi.^hts lpnbcrfionb,thatyfthegooDmanofthchou= fc kite we, what hottre tbe thefc wolbe come, he wolbefucrly watcb , anbnot fuffcr bvtf bonfTe to be bioken top. ^ 23c pe tbcrfote rca= * n vrnm oyalfo:fo? t))c fonne of man will come at an SJffi* hourewhenycthinckenot. \< "*""*' *u^i tc fJ apD , ct)nt0 ^ m; * ^afJrer.felleft *nm.wMA tboutbtslfimilttubctonfoto0, o* to all men v " uc - t *"- f - 2f nj the Hojbe faybe: wbo t^ a faytbfttli ano w feftewarbcwhombtsstozDcftall make ruler ouerbttfljottOjolbe , togcucthem tbeir oitctic of meat tn btte fcafom* happy itf that * aw.rw.c ftruaunt.whomhitfllo.ibcwhcnhccometh, pallf yrtbc fo boing. £>f a tructh 3 fayc ton* til°H^i^ mmt him ruler oSer all iPSH^ ^SfKn^Pf the feruattnt fapc -if mtttge ( anbftjail bcgtnne to finite fcrttaun-- tefifanb ntapbentf,anbtoeatc anb bzincke, anb to bcD^oncketDtbclo^bc of that fcruaftt wtllcomc tna bape wben be fbinkctbuot ,ab atan hottre when he to not ware , anb will accojbutac toby* wyll , (^albe beaten with many ,t, \ ''!• Br T^ Btg>MU, y $o#jrj; tfjflaf.jW.a 1" I * ;•• man? ftrppcs^utrjctnatHnewenot, aim opbcommpttc tbpngcs voojsrliv of ftrppc* , gallic beaten wttbfc we (rcppc!*. # oj \jitto wbomfofiicrmocb isgeuen , of bun flmlbc mocbcrcQupjcb.ainb to wbom mrnfyauc cS= intttco mod): of bim wvll t()cp aflic jinojr, 3 am come to fenbe f per on crtb : $ wl)av iSmpbcficr.butfut were all rcabpclunblcb.'' * mat. rr.f. Bot witbftab pnge 3 muft be * baptpfeb tfi a baptimc : anbbowam 3 papncb.tpll it be */ttarto cnocDj ' * £mpporcYCtbat3amcomcto ' fenbe peace on crth i 3 tell pou nape, but ra* tber bpupfpon. $01 frombcnccfojtb tber ttialbcfpuet one bouffcbcmbcb.tb.tc agatnft two.anbtwo agapnfttbtc.'5rbcfatbcr Qml= bcbcnibcbasapuft tbefoime , anb tbe fonnc agapnft tbcfatbcr.iarbe motbcragapnft tbc baugbtcr,anb tbc baugbtcc agapnft tbemo* tbcr.'Cbemotbcnlawcagapnftbpjbaugl> tcr in lawcanb f Daughter in law c.agapnft inumotbcrinlawc. lie fapbc alto to tbc people: * when pe fc a clonbc rpfc ont of tbc weft, ftrapgbt wapc pc fa yc-tfytt commctb a (bower , anb fo it iS .- % nb wben vc fc tbc f outb wpnbe bio we . pc fapc:it will be botcab it commctb to paffe. £c ppocrptcS , pc can bifecrne tbe otit wnrbc appcavaunccoftbcfUpcanboftliecrtbcibut Ijowbappcnctbit.tbatpctanotfBplloftbiS tptmv £cc , anb wbp tubgc pc not of pure fclurswbattsrpgbt- * uibantbougocft tnitrj tljpne abucrfa* i&;ouc.av).u. f p to tbcrulcr.astbou arte in tbc wape; nc* tic Diligence ti)*ittt)ou mapft be bcliucreb fro bim,leaft be typngc t\)t to tbc inbgc, anb tbe tubgc bclpucr t\)t to tbe iaylar . anb tl;c Ufa laccaft tbcintopjefon. 3tclltbc , tboulbalt uotbcpartetljecc.tpUtljourjaucmabcgoob tbcWmoftmptc. CCbetfij.Cbaptcr. . C©'f tDc upuofepe tbat xmaj>.f.- tirjefc. *0alplcaSweregreatetfpnncrStl)e" all tbe otber 0alpleanS,bceaufe t&Cp fuffreb fucbepunyfibment> 3tnipoHnape:btttcjC= ccptpe repent :pef|jaUalUj j2Dh l)e tmt alfo tlj^fimilttube : a ttt- *«»« .w.b. tapnemanbab a * fpggctree plartteb in W tjinc?nrbc Qtijc came anb fougbt ftutc tljero, •j-jn,'.!, 1 .-.!. anb founbe none. ^Tljcn fapbc be to tbe b^cf^ fee of bW ^tncparbc:bebolbe,tbi0tb?e pcare I)auc3comeanbfougl)t frutc fnu)# fpgge tree,anbfpnbcnone:tut it bounerwbp com< tyetDitttje gronnbi'anb i)c anfwetc b 5 fapb t)ntobim:lo?be, letitaione tljWpearcalio, tvU 3 bpgge rotnibcabotite it,anb bonge it, tofe wbctberitwillbcarefrufeutb pf it bea= re not tpen , after ttjat tbalt pent it bonne. 3nb be taught in one of tjmr fpnag ogejs on tbe ^>abotl) bapej(.3((nbbebolbe,tbcr wa0 a wom.i wbicbljab a rpjetc of infirmtte.jctni| pcarcjS:anb wa^boweb togctber , anbconl= be innowpfcliftctjpbcrbcabc.Me* 3cfn0 <$, ., fa we l;cr,bccaUeb bcr to bfm, anb fapbc \m= to ber woman, t|)ou art bcliuereb from tbV bifeafe.^inb be lapbebUS banbejS on bcr , anb immebiatlp,niewaja!mabeftrapgbt^bglo=» riftcb c!5ob . 3nb f be ruler of tbe fpnagoge anfwcrebwitbinbignacioncbecaufetbat^e fiitf bab be aleb on tbe &abotl) tape ) anb fapbc \jnto tbc people, 'ftber arefprc bapejs in wbicb men ougbt towo?be,in tbcm co= me , tbat vc mape be bealcb , anb not on t\a gDabotbbapc. j&m tijc loabc anlWereb|)im anb liipbe : 'ftbou ppccrptc , botbuot cocb one of pott on tlje S>abotbbape * lowfebtt bye 0? IjiJS a(= *mw(\ fc from tbe ftall.anbleabc bim to tbc water.'" fiuUf,,u " A ' 3nb otigbt nottbtjSbatigljtcr of 3tb?abam, wbom^afabatbbounbc(Io.]C\)itj.pcflr.r0) be lowfeb fromtbttf bonbeon tl)e ^abotl) bape:3fnbwl;cnljc tbiuS fapbc , all bpji ab* uerfariejswercaibameb, anb all f^e people retopfeb on all tbe excellent bcbc&tbat were bone bp bim. ^ ^•ben fapbebewbat isitlje ftptigbome of •© (5ob liuc.'o* w|ierto(ball 3 compare it.'' * 3t *m.m tjSUHcagrapneof muftarbe fcebe, wljtcb a mxb,iu ^ mantobe , anb foweb in fytfgarbcn .- anb it grc we anb wcyeb a great c trce,anb tlje fou= lejs of tbc apcr mabe neftejS in t|)e b?aun «= eijejo of it 2Cnbagapne|)efapbe:wl)cr\jnto fbaU3 IpbcntbeUpngbomeof <5obf *itijlImto m'j Willfeheto enter in, anb(rjaUnotbeabitWcntj)CffOobttiano*' tbe boufe W rpfen tjp , anb mtftymt to tbe Do?e,anbpc beoinne to ftonbe without, anb to bnocbe at tfje&ojte fapinge: ioabe, io?b, open t)nto\)s(,anbf3e anlwtc anbvape Mo pott.(3Knoweponnotw()fceteare)'(g:ben if (ball pe begpn tolhpe: we baueeaten 9 WM intbV we«ncc,*tbon tali iangbtf oure ttre« uti , 3nb De ft all rapt: 3 tell you, 3 bn we you not (5 pott not whence pe are : bepartcfromme all pepwojftctmquite. 'Eberetyalbc vocptnge k gnafibtngeoftetl),wbcnpe ftaure^b;ia= pamnnblfaac aiid 3acob,anball ttft pio* pljctctf in p ftpngbomc of 00b, anb pe poure «m.t)i(M». feluciWuft out. * Snbtbcp (ball come fro tl)e eaft anb from t|)e wcft.anb from f noztb anb from tlje fontb,anb (ball fptbowncih $ m«W. Upngbome of d5oD3nbbebolbe,* cbere are nwr-b. iaft,whicb(balbefp?ft. 3nb tljcrare fp^ft, m wbicbmalbclaft. 'EIjc fame bape came tljere ccrtapne of tbe |Dbari(cjS,anb fapbe t)nto bim.get t^e out of tbc wapc, anb beparte bence-.f o? Ipevobc will Upl tbc.3nbljcfapbe \jntotbent:eope, anb tell tbat fojce.bcbolbe, 3 caft out bctipw anb i)caletbe people tobapcanbtomo^owe,anb tbetbp 3cruraIcm, wbicb UQlcft ^?opbctesl,anb (toned tb^ tbat arc fcnt\m» to tbcJjow ofrc wolbc 3 bauc gatbereb tbp cbiltycn togctbcr.asi a bp?bc botl) gatber ber pongct)nber ber wpngcjs.anb pe wolbe not: J roure babttacion i# left twro pou befolate. 3teUpou,peu)allnot feme, \)ntpll tbc tpme m.xrt.\>. come tbat pe ftjall (aye * bleffeb ij-f Ije t^at co (OtfwB ffltfthtbrto tlicRtljarpfce, henlctutlicbjo^ m wpou tiic -£>abbotU : tcarbttl) to bc!oltolp,tfllcil> of \\)t grcitc fuppct , nub toacnctl) tbcm tftat tbrll foloujcopm.tolapcuicpj atcomptcsbcfojc, toljat it m\\ oa tocut.STDc tut of tt;c carto. 0} it cfjaunfeb , tljatlje went into tbc Ijoufc of one of tbccbcfc$)barp= vntQarta catcb?ccb on a sabot!) bape s anb tljcp watcbeb bpm. 3Bno bcbolbc, tber waj5 a certapnc man bef 02c bim wbicb bab t&e bjopfpc.^nb 3e f uji anrwereb anb fpabe \mto tw lamt$ anb 3dbarpfc0, ■Mit.fiu. fopinge: *tsl it laufull to bcale on tbc $>a= B'.C boifb bapc.^nbtljcp l)elbe tbcp^ peace. Ulnb ijctoke btm anb bealcb bim.anb let btm go : anb anfwereb tbcm , fapinge , wbicb of pou ■fiM.triif. U)flllbaue*an afte 0.1 an ojcctalle* into a pptt toSIt anb wpU not ft rapgljt vow pull bim out oit tlje &abotb bape? 3iubtbcpcoulbc not an= f were bim agapnc to tbcfc tbingess. ^>c put fo^tbalfo a fpmiUtubc to f l;e ge 25 ftcfx,wncnbf marftebl)owtbcpp?cafcbto bpeft roumc&aub fapbe Dntotbem:lDben mt bpbben of anpemanto a webbpnge , fpt notbowncintbc bpeft rowmc , left a mo?e Ijonozablcman f ben tljou be bpbbcn of ftim, anb bc( t[ja t babe Dim aim tlje ) come Ah fa pc to tbe:gcue timet man rowmc,anb tbou tben beginne n!i(bamc to talte t!)e loweft rowme. 2i6utratDer wjjeu tl)o« art bpbben,go aU fpt in t\)t loweft rowtue:tbat WM be t\yat babe tbccommetb.Dcmapcfavcuiitotbe: xlci-- *»»■»«•*• befpttjpbpee.'Cbcnajalt^ baucwoiajtpp c mm p of 00b. J< 'S'bfu fapbe be feittio bt. ^ * 71 *■ AMnr«..a ccrtapnemano,ibcneba grcate fupper , anb ap0, tl - bt babe manp, anbfentbi^ fertiaunt at fupper tpme> to fapc to tbcm tbat were bpbbcn, co= mc:fo* alltbmgcjsarc now rcabv. Zno tbcp all atocc beganne to mauc ejccufcl:be fvjft fapbel3ntobim:3baucbougbtaf«irme,anb 3 muft ncbejSgo,* fc it,3 p?apc tbc banc mc c]ccufeb.3tnb anotber fapbe : 3 baue bougijt fpuepoobeof oycn,anb3sotop2ouctl)cm, 3p^ape tU , rjaucmccrcufcb. 3tnbanotl)cc fapbe.3 baue maricb a wpfc.aub tbcrfoic 1 cannot come.^uDtl)cferuauntreturneb anb bjougbt W matter wo^be agapnc tber of. m)m wastbegoob man of tbc boufc bif= & pleafcb.aub fapbc to blgfcruauut : 000 out quicttlp into tbc ftrctesanb quarters of tbc cptic.anb bung iubpfber tbc poo?c,anb tbe f cble , anb tbc bait anb t\)t blpnbe. 3tnb tbc fertiaunt fiipb:lo?be,it is! bone as tbou baft commaunbc^anbpcttbcrciSrowme.^nb^ ioibcfapbto tl)cfcrtiaunt:0o out \311to tbe bpcwapcsanbbcbgcs.anb * compclltbcm *, amancomctomc,{<^anbl)atcnot 6pSfa= xw^w tbcranbmotbcr,anbwpfcaubcbplb^cu,ab^ b?ctb.2cn,anbfpfters,pcc,anbbisau)nc h'fc ^ alfo,l;c cannot be mpbifceplc. 5tnb woof be* tier Dorij not bearc Jjtscroftc, anb come aftce mc.fannotbe mpotfripic. U)b(cl) of pou bifpofeb to buplbea toure, fptfctbnotbownebcfotc , anbeountctbtbe coft, wbetUcrlje banc fufficicnt to pcrfomie itdeft aftcrfje batblapbe tlje fonnbacpon,ab is not able to petfojme it, all tbat bcbolbc it,begpnnctomocHel)pm,(iipmgc:tbiSman beganne to buplbe , ? wag not able to make an cnbe.'' I ■ i taplcaga pnlrauotbcr Utncre, tytttth not no - wye tettf i Mfett in iNtitf mpnbc, wbctijcr }e be able witb ten tboufaubc , to mete bini, rim cpmmctli ngapuftbim witb. jeje. Hwn fa«bc:OultfwbHetbeotberWpeta create wm of. be fenbetbambaffa torn**, anb bc= firetb peace, jtoo Ipacwpfcwbof oeucr be be ?L p . I l ^ lmtfo iPy icrl ^ " ot »K time be Wb km-ll . cannot be nip bifcipic. T« " w w*S vi . f „i •■*alt«ffoob,i»ntT»f faicbnueloftc tbe fait ncs, wljatujal be fcafoneb tber wttb.'3t £22?E/P?* f °* tl)c Ia,,DC » W vet f o; tbc Ihrntr M , but men caft it out at tlje bojes. He tbat batlj cares to bcarclct Ijtm Dcare. TOjejNMtbapfer. <[roc louvngc mtxtr of (Sooisoprnlp fit tout) SSfiS* UP " UIH,,C, » «*«*' *• 0{ «>< focn rcfoitcb Unto bim* nil rbepn* Wteantf am) fpnncrs.foj r oncarcbf . 3 nbrbej&bartfe*a"b Scribe* tmir* mnreb,laptnp * — -**- *-- 'Clje <§ofpeU -v.mit.ir.l 1IT.UU.II tl iuhc.tt.f 'Ebcnbccamc to htm fclfcanb fopb:?jow m manpbpjcb fcruauntes atmpfatbcrsfiaue b?cfbj>uouo;b.''anb3pcr(aicwttb!)onijer.3 wpll arpfcltj tjo to nip fatbcr,anb turn (ape wo W:fatbcr,3 bane fpnueb ngapnft bca* pen, jnbbcfoif tbc,f am no moje wojtbp to bccaiicb tjjp lone, wafcetnens one of tbpbp* rcbferuaute5{.3nbbearofc^cnmctobi0fa= 9 wJcSf^?^ 'J* waSpct a grcatcwapc ^.^ of , W fatbc c rauie bim,anb !;ab companion, M& ' aMSJW fc » °» H* necMnb apifeb Urn. 3nb fbcfonncfapbeUntobimtfatber, 3ba= ncfpnnebagapnftbeaucn.nnbintbpfpgbf, jam nomoje wo?f bpto be calico tbp fonuc. flcfotfbfOebefrgarmenf,aMb put it on him, e Weteanbb^nsebvtbPttbntfattcnnlfe, anbhpiiit.anblettJieseateanbbcmerp^oi tJ)ismyfonncwasbccb,nnbiSnlpueagap= lie, be was loftcanb is founbe.a&nb tliep be* jpnrobcmerpc. 'fcbeclbcr ujot&cr wasin ii»nuso«iuwiniir=». smiroucmcrpc. 'Cbeclber wotberwasiu .tcrrf a>. :; , : , Vu u ' "!&•»* • ^ c weauetb fpn-- tbe f clbe :anb wlicn be came anb burnt iweti faieng. * ftbat ma anb calleb one of ht« frrnanMiS anh SS?h ^HMi.ti>i(ij> tmo parable UntotbcnUaicng. * tybat ma of pou baupngcanbunbKbujepefpfbclofe oneoftbcnDbotbnotleauenvntpabnpnctn fbc wilbcrnr&ab go after t bat vohich itf loll, uimii jefpnbe itr^nb t»bcn be batb founbe it.nc latetljtton W 0)»lberi8\jjitbiopc.3lnb Atone A? becomctbbome , l;c callctb torn. tmw loners anb ncpgbbouris.niping Mtu to tbcm:meiovfct»itbmcfoi3ijaue totlbc to mv tbepe.U) Ijieb was loou\3 fap \mto pou, tpatliftc i»pre iovcOjalbcinbeaucn oner one fpniKrtbatrcpcntctb,mo?ctbenouernpntp anb npnc mftc pcrfons, wbtcj) nebc no rcp?= tan nee. etbcrvobatvoomancbaupngetcu Btotetf.pf (be loofc one )botl; not Uaht a can= belLaiib frocpe tbe boufle,aub fene t»i!trrctli> mm fvnbeitf 3nbi»bcnujcbntbfoiinbe it, Oje callctb bcr loners anb bee ucpcrbbomtf togctber , fapingc : meiopec mm me , fo^ 3 C banc foimoe tbegrote t»UicD3 bab loft. Utite mk Ifape Jwito pou, ftali tberbeiopem tbep^efenceof tbcangelS of Gob, oucr one ifgrntM fpnuec*tbatrepcntctb. ^h * 3nbbefapb:3Bccrtapnemanbabtuoo foirnes, anb tbe pongee of tbem fnpbe tmto tbcfatber.fatbce.geucmetbe po?cion of tht goobes.^tomebelongetb.aiub bebeutbeb mo tbe btSfubftance.ainb not longc after, wmnm pongee fonne bab gatbereb all that „,* ^ w u^^getl)et!,betORel)iSio^nep'mtoafae * »*«*■ couiitrcpe,anbtbere #bet»afteb to goober witbrpotousiiutng.3nO mbenbe babfpent all> tbcrarofca grcaec Dertb in all tbat lanb, anb be began to lacne,anb went, ao came to a mm otm famecotmtre.anb be fentfitoi to W farme, to acne fojpne. 3nb be wolbe wpncbimcfpllebbwbclpwitbtbe cobbejs f W fwpne opb eate.f no m5 gaue twto btm. £S ?i, ,cD , °ii (: of i> 1 * fcruauntcs.anb af ftcb, wbattl)ofetbpngesmeatc.^nbbefavb\)u= bntbaplieb t he fate caulfc , becaufc be batb St receaueb Ijmifafe anb founbe. 2Hnb be W angep,anb wolbe not go tn.'Ebcn came in* fatbfeout,anbcntreatebbw1tb mp frcbcS: but alfonc as tljis tbp fonne was comc(wbtcb(iatbbcuourebtbpgoobcswitli0 t\)t fatt eaulfe.^nb be fapbe Wttohim:&on= ne,tbou art euet witb me,a"ball tbat 3 bauc is tbvne nt wasimctethatwe Omlbc maue merpanbbe glab : fo? tjjiStbPbjotber was SSHi?" 11 ^ alp ^ e «sav»e:anbwas lofte, anb is founbe. |< ^„ cpe.rbi.Cbaptee. J0£ l £?iE5'J , L cf t ,,e ttPftrt" m> amnion. ifJot one jab be fapbe alfotjnto bitfbifci^ % pies. >}< ^bce was a ceetapn epebe man, wbiebbab a ftewae* be, anb tbefame was accufeb . , ,. — -Wobpm,tbatbebab wattcb wgoobes. 3nbbe eaUebbtm, anb fapbe Ml tm : ^ m # lt « 98? 3 lw»re tbp/of *S e { i? cuc «»«ewi of tbp ftewarbOjppe ; 5f o* tbon mapfte be no longer ftewaeb.'chc Jtcwarbe fapbe witb in bimfelfe:wbat mall tbe ftewarbeCbppp. jeaunotbpgge , anbto begge3amaibameD.3wotewbattobo,^ wben 3am put out of tht fte waeblhip, tbep mapeeeceauemetoto thtit boufes. r ^>o wban , terS togethee , be fapbe tonto tbe f pift : bow mocb oujeft tbou unto mp matter: ' anbS fapb:an bunbieb tonnes of opie.3Cnb be fap= be miM . bim-tane tbp bpll, /fpt boune qup= tlwyowmoeb owetttbou? sjnbbefapbe: re. 3liib tljc Jioibc comenbeb tbe wiintt fte= waebe , becaufc be bab bone wpOp. jf ol tbe cbplbjenof tbis wo;lbeatetafle» wSot C wpfer tben tbe cbplb?cn of IpgBUS Dntc . pon:mane pou frenbes of tht SirpflK ^. tcousp-m^mon , tUatwijenpelball bauc " i .Af e Syi? fa ^ fttlIm ^atwbieht'S leaft,isfaptbfullalfoiinocba«ibbctbatil ytirpgbtco^intbcleaft:iS\)nrpgbtcousal» l»X&& %*W N«e not ben faptlj= full in tbe tmrpgbteouSmamon, who wpll bcleue pou in tbat wbicb Bl true - m^n banc not bcnefaptbfull inauotbcrmanneS bufpnes, wljc i ujal genepou f wbicbiSpouc j«r.w.r. Jwnc^Bo feruautcafeeuc twomafterS: to e'iwbefbaubatc tbe one , anb loue tbe otbcrronis bewail leancto^onc ,* befpp' fc 2 nl^if c f^" ^"^ €>ob f mammon, r 2JW rc tDvngcSbcrbe tbe i0barpfe^al= WiSK* ^ ra ffl tont0 ^c-i'c arc eDcp wbicb luttifpe poure felueS before men : but ®oi Unowetb vourc bertcs . ffojtbat wbtcli it ^^fftcmebamonge men, i* abbomt^ nablcintbefpgbtof^ob. .^ 8«if.b. *5J)elaweanbtbc^opbctcSrapaueb ^ ter \jntpll3obn : anb uTiicc tbat tpmc , tbe apngbome of c5ob i^s p.ieacbeb, anb ciicrv m. a . man ftrpuetb to go in. * eafpee is it foi bca» «*<«. tien anb cetb to pcrplbe, tljen one tptic of tbe ..o.rft.8 la we to fepll. * tt)bofoeueefo2faftetb bi»s »•'•"•• wpfe,anbmartetbanotbee,coutmS^^^^^^ uoutrpc.Jtnb be wbicb marictb bee that is beuorfcbfrombcrbufbanbe.comnuttetbab* uontrpalfo. v 6 * JTbce watfa certapne rpcl;cin»f, wbicb was clotljeb in purple anb f pne whyte , anb farcb beltciouflp encrp bpae: Zm thtte was a certapne beggee nameb la^arus, wbich top at Ngatc full of fo^es, befepnge to be ecfrcfOieb wttbtbecromes, wblcbfeli feom «* tbcrpcbcmanncSbo^be^(«in> nom,iit«aiicviHo ftpm . ) ^be bog ges came alfo , anb ipeftcb M »o?cS,3&nbitfo;ttuncD, tbat tl)t begger bicb, anbwaScarpcbbptbcangelleS into 3Ib^a * bams bofome.'Cbe ncbe manaifo bpeb.anb was burpeb. it 3nb bepngctnbeUmro?mcntctf,he Ipftc Dp bpSepcSanb fawe 3*b?abam a farreof anbia?amSinbpSborome,anbbccrpeba*b iapbe:fatbcr35b^abam: banemcrcpon me, ©f^.ilURe; SWKij • J "J fettD / JUjjarittf , that he mape bpnpe the fhSSSZK ; ^>°»»e* remember tbat *amnriaa"d dsaiilc, 31110 atf be cntrcd ito a ccrtapnctownctbec met Mm ten m* tfjat were lepers. tttytcft fto= be a farr-c of >airti put fo?t|) tbtw Dopcetf and mS S f ■ & c f * w ; f w DcfavD unto tiietn: * mm** ^vourefelnes* Ditto tbe incite*, ami ft tame topafi^tbata^bcpwcuMbcpwereclcfco anOQneoftbcnt.wocnbcfawetbatbcwatf clcufco>turncdbacHcagapnc,frWttialoube Dopccpzapfcd^od, and fell doune on bPtf fare at DPSfefc , andgauebpm tbantte& and tbe lame watfa&amaritanc.and3c= fits' anfwcrcd,$fapdc:aretbcrttottcn clen= f cd? aSiit ml) trc «ce tlyofe npiter ^ftcr are not f oundc tbat returned agapnc , to gene <£oo p?a pfc, fauc only tbtf ftratmgcr.and lie fapd Dnto bimmrpfego tbp wapctbP fay tbbatb mabet-bc wboalc. £ e >fr Wcnbc wasocmaundedof tbe#ba= rifesf , wbc 11 tlje uy ngdome of <5oo muldc co= me, Of nnltocreb tfwnt ano fapd : %\)t fcpncj* omc of tfod wall not come witbwapring f o.t, ttcrUcr fyal tlje v fa ve. to Dece, 4% lo tbe= re. tfoi bcbolde tbc kpngdomc of <5od ift wtfbtupou. and he fapocDnto t\)t difctplcsl « f dapetf wpll come, wbc pcfyallderpictole one dayc of tbc fonnc of man , aim pe (ball not fc it. mmm*,* anbt&cp Ojallfapctopou; g>c |>ere , £>c jiiar,im.f. fbcrc.cSoiiotaftertbciiutojfolowctbcm : fotaa t(jc Ipgljtcnymje tbat aperctb out of tlje one parte tbat ttf Dndrr beanf, * ttjpnctb Dnto m otber parte wljicb ig Dttdcr bcaucn, fo mall tbc fonnc of man be inbpfl dapc$J. &5MW* * %* f W ft mwft i* ft,ft * TC mmi P tbpngesi $ §ft.rtt.f. berefufed oUW nacton. *««ir«f andatfttbappenedfop *dapctf of&oe: •"*! fo Oiall it be aifo in tDe Dapctfof tDe fonnc of - ,v man.'Cbcp bpbeate? dipncBc.tbcpmarpcd wpucgand were maried/tteii Dnto tbat fa* me oape tbat j&oe went into tlje atckc • ano tbc ffoude cam,anD beftroped tbem all. ipse wpfe alfo as it cbaunccd in tbc dapetfof lot. *Cbcp opd catctbep bjanenc. tiljep bongbt , tbep folOc tf)ep planteo.tbcp bnplOeO : But cuen tlje fame Oape tbat Hot went out of ?odom,tt rapnedwitb fpjeanb biprnftonc ** Wofoeucr mpllffoaboute to faue VEZZ* M lPfc>n)allofe it:ano vobofoeucr qiall lofc t l)i,«lpfe,QiaUfaucit.3teUpourin tbatnigbt •tom&u* * ebcr njalbc two in one beb , t^t one Owlbe *.iwt.rF«««.reireaucb,tI)eotbcraialbe fojifaUem t'Ciuo malbe asrpnbpiifje toflctijee :t|je oiie malbc eeceaueO,anbtI)eotljee fo?faRen.^ ffttJ ^«"jc «« tDep anfmereb.anb fapb tolJim,DjDcre lw= pe. locfapoe Duto tftem: * mljeefoeuce tDe *««, botip ftjalbc , tbptbee wpll alfo tDat Colc^ *m befiatbereotoaetjer. „ 'fc'fc&c.tDiij.e&aptcrv* tot »iw«j>fct« tijci- " • bflmigttbtmtotOvlU.. gimmompfttorctofltof ...w ,.,„,.„ „ mu „ ,„„,,„ Cra fanc,mu»Wott»c Upm.JTOt OlpnOcmatiwtcao rcb to Up» IVsDt. iiabbe tmtfo^tb a parable Dnto a tbem, fiflnifping tijat^:^ men ^j oucjbt * all wapes topjape fib *r,ari not to be merp , fapingc : 'ftbee ■ ... .. — was! i a ecrtapne cptte a (nose , wbicb fearcb not ®oo, nctber resarbco ma". 3CnOtbcrwa»iaccrtapnewcoowe tntlje fa» me cptpc.anb me came Ditto Wnx , fapiiiflc : anenfle me of mpneabuerfarv. 3!iiDDe woh be not fo? a wbplc. But after warbe be rapo witljin bim felfe :tDottfil) 3 feare not <5oo> iio?carcfo?man,pet becaiifc tbpjf webowc tsiiinpo.itnneDponme, 3 wpUatienac ber, IcftQjccomcattDelaftanDrapleonme.^nb toe lo?be fapDe.beare wbattbe Dnrpsbte= y$ m* 3uoq;c fapetb3nb tDal not Cob a tiicce bus electe , wljicljcrpebapc anb itrabtDnto \)im, pcctboiifib bebeferretjem.'' 3 tell pott tbatbcwfMattcnsetbem,$tbatqtticltu>. i, j3ciicrtbclc(re,wbctbc fonnc of ma" cometb. (ball befpnoefaptb on tbc rrtbi* >J< send be tolbc tbi0 parable, Dnto ccr= tapne wbicb tritftco in tbem frluesttbat thep wcrcpecfcctc,aiit)dcl'ppfcbotDir'Ewomcu yj, y ... v ..„ r ^ rpfeftobeanb piapeb'tbutfwitbbpni ftlfc- (5ob,3 tbancfce t))e , tbat 3 am not an otber C men arccrtojftoncr&Dniufte, abtioutrcrgi, o?aictlMpnblpc5.3fnfttwpfeintbewekc. * 3 gcuetptbe of all tbat3potTcffeanb tlje *m pubUcaftoitbynaafarreof, wolbenot Ipfte A be tbat bumbletb oi fclfcmalbeewlteb. |« * ^bep b^oujxbt Dnto bim alfo pona Mb b?en,tbatbcQ)nlbe touebctbem. Men ftps bpfciplctf faweit, %p rcbufteb tliem .But 3eni0(wbanUebabeaWebtDetnDnto tpm ) fapbe : paeife,ano tbeotbcrapublira.ljrbc Ma* , » <-r0.tr.C •f iff; HjM* ,mot.t(t.f. urtt-t't- <••- if :«W.tir.c. r.Viit.0 IK.WH.D flhtrtf.b W.it.it lutK.S.. C fmat.t.g. me good .''Bone is* sood , faue <5od onclp. Cboumtowcfttbeeomaiidemerite^^bou (bait not commit abuoutrp:? ibalt not hpUj tbonfbalt not ftealctbon malt not bearctal* ft wptneiei.ftortoure tbp fatber 9 top mother. 3nbbefapbe.-aIltbefebaue3Rcpt from nip tfotitb Dp.n)b83efusi hearde tbat, be fapd Dn tobpm : ^et lacaeft toon one tbpnge. ^t^% i&ell all f tbou baft, and dtftrpbute Dnto tbe poo&anb tbou (bait bane treafure in beau?, anb comcfolowe me.toben be tjearde tb!'0, \}t wan fozp:fo^be wa0 Derprpebe. JXJljen 3efo«! fawe fbe waj*fo?p , be fapbe ^mf$ wbat wfficuite (ball tbep tbat baue monp.enter into tlje ninsbome of 0ob t it W eafper fo; a earned to go tbo?ow a neblejf epc , tbeh fo? a rpebe man to enter into tbe ftpngbome of 0od and tbep tbat beard e it: ttf bJJnb wbo c5 tbc n be faueb t %\\o be fap- bet^^etbpnge^ wbtcbaee Dnpotfpble^ men/are poffpble wptb tip,beafhed wbat it meant . With tpeplapbe Dnto bpm , tbat 3cfu$ ofiftajatetD pawed bp. 3|nb fie crped, (apinge:3efutl)oufonneofts>auid,bauemer ep on nte.Hnb tbep wbpcb went ber o<*c,r cbu bed bpm, tbat be fbulbeboldc W peace. jiSut beerpebfomocbtbe mo^e: * tbou fonne of a>a uid, bane meecp on me . 3Cnd 3efujSftode ftpll, and commaunded Jbpm to ibe b;ougl)t Dnto^pm . 2lnb wben be was* come near?, . beafbeb jj|wi>fapMtae : wbat wilt tbou tbat 3 bo Dntotbe/ , 25nblie fapbe : hoftt, tbata mapcreeeauemprpgbt.3nb 3efusl(apb Dn« to bpm:rcceaue tbp(pgbt:tbP faptb batb fa- ueb tjje . zna immediatlp lie receaueb W !Vfi»t, anb Wowed J)pm,pwplVnse(0:oD. 3noaH*tepcoplc,wbentlJC)?rawe it , gaue p^feDnto^fld. fr o.trrm, CSlje.jcije.ClWlPter. ffjOf jafD«u«,(raMO« tenCttuaOiae.totbliO tftetas :bbeentrebin,9 werittbozow ^ •icrico . 3tid bebold , tber was: a man named *acbeutf , wbpcb waga ruler am ongc tbe ^nbli= cans.anliwas rpcncalfo. 20nd befdugbt meanee to (e 3efu0,wbat beu)uld be: and couldc not f 0.2 tbe p^cace , becaufe be wajJlptle of ftature.2ln0 be ran before, and clpmeb Dp into a wpl de f pgge tree, to fe bt: f 0; be wag to come tbat wape. 36 no wben 3; e fuss cam to tbe place, be looked Dp, a no fa we bpm.and fapd Dnto l>im:jacbe,come downe atonce,f 0? to oape 3 mutt abpde at tl)v bon* fc.3ndbe came oownebaftelpc,and*recea= *&*&* a ued bpm iopfullp . 3n0 wben tbep fawe it, tbep all gmdged,fap(nge.^c in gone i to ta* rp witbamantbatiUafpmicr. 36n0?ac&efto0efojth, andfapd Dntotl)e 25 lo^de:bcbolde lo^de.tlje (jalfe of mp good^ c0 3 gene to tbc pooze.ad pf 3 baue done enp manw?oitflf,3refto:!ebim foiire foldr.3e= fusl fapdc Dnto bim :t!itfi dape in bcaitb ban* pencd Dnto tWn boufe, becaufe tbat rjeaifo «l become^ tbecbplbeof imfrm* $01 ~zr* tbe fonne of man in come to fvUcand to fane *maf.ib?.<, tbat mbpeb was lotte. U %n tbep bcardc tbcfetbpngc&be added tbcrto a parable, becaufe be was(npeto3e* rufalem.and becaufe tbep tbougbt, tbat ti)i npngdomeof d5odn)ulde ujojflp nppcarc. l9efapdetbcrfo?r:>|<*acertapne noble ma ^ malHb wentinto afarrecountrcto reeeauebpmamir.tiu^ ' hPiigdome,and to comcagapne.^nd be cal» led bps* ten feruauutesuno dclpuered tbem ten pounde, fapingc Dnto tbc:€)ccuppc , tpll 3eome.)ieutbpx ta=» «c from l)pm$bat oounbe, mibgcuc it bpm tbat batb ten pounbe.flnb tbep fapbe Unto $pm:lo jbebebatbeenpounoe * #oj3 fape ■*aw*t.r«r*. Untopou,rbat*Unto cuccpone wbicooato, wSni ! c *Wlw amen >»(«»» »c Q»u««ttfi»nnMuiKQ$ front x«h*.to»i.c. bim tbat batb not fyalbc taken awapc, cueti >» tUrtt toDpcl) he DatD. «i»o?coucr , tbofc mpne e enempes:, (wbpcb wolbc not f 3 qmlbrap* gncoucctbemjbjpngebptbcr.anbflcctbem jmnt.rr«.r Uc f # mt * 3^ TO Jj cff |j c j, AQ t | ju jj .ftjoftttl. ' ' '■* bepwabebfo#b,taupngebptfiournrp,to goUpto3erufalcm. h iSSS*** *&»&rtfoJt«ncb,wbcnbe wagcomc nye f nsctbpbage $ 25etbanp, berpbe* ? mofife wbpcb itf calico ©ipttcte , be fent two of Dp $ btrcppletf tapingc.go pe into p towne,wfticb ifl once agapnftpourjuto (be wbpcb aftone as pc are come , pc tyaif fpnbe an atteg colte tpeb.wberonpet neuerman fate, ioofc bun, ano buugcbpm bptbcr.3&nb pf enp maafne vou.wbpbopcloofebinti'tbiitf (ball pe (ape Unto Dpnvr&e lojbcbatbncbctbctof. ^bcptbatwcrcrcnt,wenttbeitwapc,ab fouiibc.cncn ag be bab fapO unto tbcm,3InO , n$ tbepwrrc a loffpngc tljc col'.tc, tlje otoncrsf . tber of fapb touto t&em, wi)p loofc pc the coin . tef 3.nb tbep fa?be: foi tbe fcoibc batb nebe jf of()pm.ainbtt)cpb?ougbtbimto3efiig,«nb eaft tjjefr rapmet on t|)c coltc.anb tctt 3efug tbcto»3roa£ be went, tbep fpzcDDc tbep* clotbeg in tbe wape. 3nb wbenbewatinowcomc npe to&pe gopng bowne of ttjc moimie sDlpttcte , tl;c wbolcmultttube of t\)t btfcppicg began to retopcc,$topjapfe©obwitbaloubcuopce, fo* all tbe mpjacleg tbat tbep bab fene, fap» %mm ti. ingc:*blefleb be t&c Bpngetoatcomrnctb in SSf tbenameoftbe Mtewm inbeaticn,anb mu.n.b glojplntbebpeft ; ainb Tome of f |3Ijarpfcjs ERKi °ft&e compaitp fapb Unto bpm : Rafter,**' bulie tl)ct)ifciplesf.(f)e Capo Unto tbcnt:3 tell *jib*.« c ptm,fvt tb'eft&olbc t\)m peace,* tljcnCball tbeftdnetferpe. >J< aenb wben be wag come neare , be be* *3oftjt.tr. a iKloc tlje cptte.aub * wept on It, fapiiigfcjf tbou Ijaooeft anowen tDofc tljpngesl vomb t anD top cljpi^en •mtK «JDicDacettUe.3nD*tDepajallnotleaueiii rJl f one (tone \)ponanotl)jer,bcciittftt|jOtt ftno* weft not tDe tpmc of top t)ifttaepon. * 3nb |je went into t&e Wple , ant beganne fmnn to caft Otittljcni ti)at fotoc ijjerin , anb tbem 5» tDat boug|jt,fapingcDnto;ti)e"i3t t^e --___ elberft 9 fpaae tjnto Dim &wti&t*'$m%ft $gff hv t»0at aucto?iteboeft tDou toefe tDpngejBi 1 : etOer TObo ijs je,f gaue tbe tljpieJ anctojitei' . 3efns( anfwjcrcb 9 Gipb Unto t(je:3 alfo toiil •: afoe pott one tljpng,^ anit»er me. UDe bap= . tpmc of 3obn : toast it CtS Ijeancn btiXmmt 3ftnotoeptbougbttt)ptl)intl)cm ftluetf f«p- • inge=pf ttJefapefrdbeauen.beunU (hpe:\»o? tbm belcucb pe fcym not j'iSut 9 pf we fape: of men.all f people wpll done \js< . ifojtljep bepcrf\Babcb,toat3oonWa^opftete,3lno tbep anfweccb , tbat tbep coulbe not tell wbence it wa&ainb 3cftt0 fapb Unto ttjetm netftce tell 3 pott , bp w^at aucto?pte 3 bo tpcfe topngci |i ^Ijen begSneOe to put fotfl) to tlje people • tl)pji parable: #.9 cettapne man.planteba -fi^ Upncpacbe.anb let it fo?tb to Ijttf banb men, gjgj anb went bpmfclfc into a ftraungc countrc *|r*JM, f op a greatc feafon.2Hnb wDen toe tpme.wa# ^SSi come,f)efenta fctuaunt totljeljnfbanb men, tbat tijep (bnlbe gene bpnt of tbe frttte of tbe UineparOe.^iib tbep bet bpm,anb fent bpm, awape emptpe.3dnb agapne,befent pet ano tber fcrnaunt ^tib bpni tbtp b vo: beat , anb entreateb bpm fliamcfullp , anb fent bpm a» wape emptpe3gapne,bc fertt tbe tbp^be al= l fo,anb bvm tbep wotibcb.anbeaftbptu out* 'Cbett fapb tbe &o?b of tbe Utueparbe:wbat 0)^1300/-* 3wpll fenbe mpbeace fonne: nym perabue"turctbep will ftaubc in awe of Dim, g|£*"] wbcntbepfcnpm.. t .wm ^Snt wbe n ^ bnloanbmcn fawc bpm>tbep c tbougbt witbin tbcin felueji, frt y ingc :tbtsS i0 * * come, let to* Wlbm* tbat tU jjtfjjj enberitaunce ntape be ourctf . 3Hnb mv caft Dt out of § otueparbc.s bpUeb bt -U)bat Oinll tbeJLo^b of p mneiarbetberfojebo Untotb^ ioeO?all come,? beftrope tbere bufbanbntcn, ^fiball let out \)v& Uincparbe to otber.U)ben tbep bcaroe cbp&tbepfapbc:ftonc,flbalbe b^often:bnt on wbofoe- tter it raile tj), it wpll grpnbe tym to powber. ^Cnb tbe bpe weftejj anb tbe ^crpbesi tbe fa^ . .„.. mcljourewetaboutfolapebanbesiou bpm, 'Ec *anbtbepfearebtbepcople,ffoztljep percea mt ueb tbat be b*tf> fpoKcn t\)v$ fpnulttubc aga= pnfttbem. ^ 3ftnb tbep watcbeb bpm,$ fent fo«ttb fpietf, wbtcb AjMOfapnetbe lelucjScpgbtcoujsuic, #awrrt.t> ^totalte bimtnbpioi wojtbc&aubtoDclpucc )« «««.* Wm unto £ power & aucto^ttc of tbe bebptc. 2WD tbep ailtcb bpm, (aptg:a)aftcr , we b no wetbattbou fapeft anbteacbcftrpgbt,ne= ti;er confpbercft? tbe outwarb appearattn- tc of enp man.but teacbeft tbe wape of (3'ob trulp . 30 it Ianfnll fo^UjSto gctte trpbtitc L, ,„„ . untoCcrar,o?noflf)eperccancbtbcp?crafti= EUne^anb fapbe Unto tbent:* wbp tempt pe mc.^bewemeapenp. U)bofc pmage$ fit* perfcripciobatb ttfEbepanfwcicb anb fap= bc:Ccfarsl.3inbbefapbc Unto tbe: gene ti)ett UutoCefar.tbetbpngciel wbpcb bclongeUn to Ccfat:$ to 'Gob tbe tbpngcja! tbat pcrtnp* itcUnto0ob. ^nbfbcpcottlbc notrep^oite IjijS faptngc before tbe people:? tbep maruap leb at \)i& anfwcr.anb belbc tbeir peace. 1B:ben*cametobpincertapncoftbc$>as S!SK. l,,r DttcejS, * wbtcb benpc tbat tber W enp refur=- * kwuMr rcccion.3nb tbepafacb \0m fapingc:* 4l)a* |* DCU '" " ,0 fter,a)ofeia! Wiotc Unto Ujs , pf enp mantictf b?otbcr bpc bautg a wpf e , 5 be Ope wttbout cbplbjcn.tbat tbrnbV^ b.iotber flmlbe taUc bps(wpfe,anbrapfcUpfccbe Unto \w$ bjo= tocr.^rbir were tbcrfo^c fcucn bjctb?cn,anb tbcfp?(tctoUca wpfe,fjbpcD wttbout cbpl^ b?cn.3P.nbtbcfcconbc touc bcr,anb l)toytb cbPlbclcu*c.3nb tbe tDp^bctoacberianb in Ipuewifc f be refibuc of tbefcttcn.attb left no ebplbjcn bebpnbe tbcm,anb bpeb. JLaft of all tlje Woutaopebalfo.iao win tbe rcuirrccci* on.wbofc wpfe of tbcmujall flje be.-' jfo? fc= jfucn babbit to wpfe. 3cfii^anfwercb anb fapb Unto tbcm.^be ebplb^en of tW wo?lbe marp wpuc0,ilb arc innrpeb:bnt tl)tp wbpcb tbalbc cottntcb wo? tW of tbat voo0t anb t\it reftirreccion from the Oceb.bo notmarp wptteiei,netbcrarcnm * quail Unto tbe angel0,anbare*tbefonnc.s of dUobjnasimocb asi tbep are cbplb^cu off refnrrecci6.3!nb tbattb: bceb Hiall rpfeagap ue .- a)ofc0 alfo tbe wctij beftbesj tU buube, wbenbccaUetb:*tbel-o?b,tbeob of jacob.^f 0? be in not a 00b of beeb, but of Ip upnge.if 0? all ipue Unto bim. 'Cbcn ccrtap= tic or tbe ^barifejSan(Wcrcb,annb fapb:^)a ft er, tbou baft wel fapb.^nb after tbat burft (5 tbep not af Ite bim cup qucftion at all. Wm \ v * ijolju.l.b * Gvo.ui.r. rtl.u.tui.c iwniciK.f. 2Cnb be fapbe Unto tbem: * bow fape t^tv #m*um, tbat Wpfi W Bautbjs fonnc'SCnb a>atub bt n,w * , '' 0> felfe fapetb in tbe bone of? i&falme# * 'Cbe ^^1 r a .Eotbc fapbe untomp Jto;tbe:fpt tbou on my rpgbtbanbr,tpU3 maltctbpne enempeaitbP f of c ftolc."E>amb tberfo?c callctb tivm lo^tb: anb bow io" be tben \)?& fonne.-' Uben tn tbe aubpence of all tbe people , be fapbe Unto btfotftipleifc* be ware of p^cri JSESW* bejJ,wbpcb wpll go in lotijjcclotbpngc: 5 lo rowwo » ucgretpngeigin tbe marteew, ano tbe bpeft fcateiStutbefpnagogejJ.anb tbecbcfe row» mcjsatfcaftcjs,wbpcb bcuottre wpiObowcd boufc0,fapnpugl6geptaper0:tbefameujall rcccauc greater bampnacpon. CCbcrri-Cbapter. €Ci»Pttcoinmcnti«ijt''cpoouon'DOoU»,tcii!tt!)or tijcCctttutfioiiofJcrufalcmjOff.ilfcttuhcrSjOf t(j<- tohf ns * troublcefoi to rnmcof toe f uiicof tl;c U)0»l tJt,JiiboE!)r8atDiitcomiit?ii8c. ^ .^>bcbebclbc,*befatt)e ttje rv= *w.w.t> |kbcmen,wbpcbcaftm tbfir offe ^rmgcis into tbe treafurp.Ioc( eton ftjallrpfe agapnftnacion, ? Upngbomc ■vm.th.s agapnft Upngbomc , anb greatc ertbqua = «*««»« kcsi 0)albe in all place&aub pongee, anope= r ftilcnce , 9 fearfull tbtngcg . 3tnb greatc fp= u - gncg (ball tber be from beauen. \ m . t # „ 25ittbefo?ealltbcre,*tbcpftalllapcb^ctfSr"'p nagogejj $ into mcfong,f (ball bjinge pou Unto Itpngeg s rulers* f ojittp na= meg fabe.3ttb tbpg (ball cbauce pou fo? a tc= ftimoniall.25eata furepointtberfo?ct pour berteftnot to ftubp before, wbat pedjal an= *tzto.utt\tt f wcrc:fo?*3wpll geuc pou a moutb $ wpf= ***** » borne, wpcrcagapuftcall pour abucrfarie* €e tj *iball w ^\ TV yr fi! il j| f! *m»m* onfr p C onalbe^bctra vO of pour fathers and ^ mothers &ojrr&?c\* apiiffolBcs fre*dcS,nnd ** fomc of pou (ball the? put to bcctl). 3 no W- tr mall pe be of all mc* foj mp names falter rhrr Urall not one ijerre ofvourc head pecpf- ^ Hic.f »■;*• poflcflf pcpoiircioulcbp pactcncc. i'«';*»'W *3uo wltfpc fc 3criifalcm bclegcb wptn RSS* rt»!)o(le,t!ie»oe furctlmt m befotocpou.of the fiimc tstnvr.'Qr licit let t hem winch arc in 3cw?pc,ftpctotbcmotitapm*s. and lettbc u»bpcb are in the mpdOcs of it , departe out. and let not them that arem other conntrcp* e S,e nter tncrin.tf oj tnefebe the bapcS of tofc scanncc.tbar all thvncjCjS which are wjptre", inapruc fulf plied, ague v»o tonto them that be with rjiplftr ,9 to them that gene fucltc in <£ fbofedapcSifoj there fhalbe grcate trouble t jvi.i.ijff.u.o. flic lande ,and * uvathourrauthi* people* 3nd thep (ball fall tbo*ow the edge of the f weardc, and Cjalbe lcUD mm captpnc in* tonll itactoit0.aiJto3erufalcm inalbc troDcn downe of the gcntpis, tontpll the tpmc of the fictttvlsS bcfulrpllcb. * in it.niuj.f >^ *3no trjee tfcalbe {fanes' in the &011* 83*2* nr.aiidintuc #?oonc,anOt'ntbcftnrrc*:anD ■itu.xKxm.t tn the erth * the people malbc at their wpt* fctf endc,tbojowdtipap)e . 'She fee anb the water (ball roarc.anOmcnncs'bcrteStliail faplcrtjcm fojfcare , and tap lolipngc after thofc tbpnges which frail conic on the erth. #ojt&c powers of bcaucitl0.Wmouc. 2tm turn $ail tljev fe the fonne of man come in a - cioiide With power and arcarcglojp • ttthtn It thcfethvngcsbcgvnnctocometopaflc.theii t<^ louctop,and*e* ipftctoppourc bcaoc&fo? vonrc rcdcmpcpondiawctbnpc. '" ,f * ano he ujewed them a fpmilitudc : be - &oloctbcfpggctrcc,andnlUbe trees, when tnrp moot foith their bubdes , pc fcanb lino-' ujc of pourcawnc fellies ,f foinmcr iS then npeatbano.feolpneu>pfepc alfofwhcn pe fetbefctbpnges come to paffobefure, that the apngdomcof <5od is npe . Glcrclp 3 fapc tonto pou:fbi0ffcncraci84wH not pane , tpll nil be fulfplico . ftcancnano erth iballpatTc: . Wt(limi . f h"f uipwortcSujallnotpaffe. U marSuS! * *'£afeebcdc to pone felue^left at anre «a».i«tt tpmc pourcbcrtcsbconcrcome with fnrfct* o t pngc a no Djonlicnncs anb cares of tn?* lp* fcanb fo the Dapc come Upon pon tin wares. ff 01 as a mareCball it come on all them that #«**tm ottw I! °" f & facc ofthc Whole erth.* h)atch m*m*> t >c fyrrfo^ecoiitpmiallp.anbp^apcthatpc mapcefcape all thefc thpnges that (callco-- mc,anb that pc mapeftanbe before the fon- ne of man. h 3n the dupe tpmcfte taught in the fern* plcmnbat npght.hc went out , anb abobe in AOHKMMtHf mountthat is calleb CHpuece.* 3nb all the people came in the mojnpngc to bpm in the temple, fo? to heacehpm. \ f, ^0,1*^ , v nr.ir.rnr.c i«mt«cp6ofttjffdcram(t.'iri)tpfttriicU)t)o(VrtllJCflrfa : : rcftjjfvcpiOufththcin.lKpinpcilMlnc trmcohpon m ittomif .SUcv riihc iirm \tov\w Un«to tijcDre pkRcs i)onrc:tdctcrocnvcf(l;puub)prc' 9 miotljCpbvii8tOPiTf t'cfoictDcconufcil, . If)t * feaft of fWcte b^ceo n?ue I npe, which itf called fcaurr, anb thchPe ^cftes.anb S)crpbcS* longot how thep mpaht ton . Jbtiu.fojtbcprcarebtbcpcople. * 'Ehen cntecn ^atan into 3»bas , whofe f^ name was 3fcarioth(whtchwas of the nombicof thctwclne)aiib he wenthtswape anb cSmuncb with the hpc partes anb om= ccrS.ho w he mpght bctrapc him to the* . 3lnb thep were glab 9 p«iompfcb to gcuc hpm mo- 11c p.3nb he c6fciitcb,anb fought opo#irov= teto betrapehV" ^ntothem,whentIjcpco= pic were awape. *'Cbc«camc the bapc of fwetc bjeeb, Wh5 of ncccul'tc partcoucr mult bc offeree . ^ind he lent peter 9 3oD»» fapingc : go 9 prepare Us the ^affcoucr , that we mapc eate. 'SDbep fapbc l)nto him;\Dhcrc wilt thou, p we p?c= parer anb he fa pd Wito the: aScholde, when pceutrc into the cpttcthcr (ynlla man mete pou.bcarpngc a ppfeber of water, hi folowe into the fame houfc that he cntreth in,anb pe (hallfiipcVinto thegoob man of the houfc: tSKOc matter fa pcth »nto the.- where ijs f geffi chamber, where 3 (hail eate pattcoucr ^ mp difciples^nbhcfhall Qjcwcpou a grcatc parlonrcpaueb.'ChfrmaHercadp.Bnbthcp wentanbfoundeashehabfapd wito them, anb thep mabcreabpthc ^aneouer. #$fffl when the hourc was come , he fate downer thc.rii.apoftlcs wpth hvm . 3HuD he fapbc Vmto them:3haue inwarblp defp^ red to eate thps pafleoncr wpth pon , befo= re that 3 fuffrc . $op 3 (ape Uttt pon : hence fo2ti) 3 wpll not eate of it enp nio^c, \3ntpU it be fulfilled in tt)c npngbome of d5od . 3lnt> heto"tcthccup,andgauethanBcS,andfapd: ^aftethP^andbeupbeitamongcpoii.^o? lfapetnitopou:3 wpll not bipnclie of the ;ute of the hpne , tmtpll the ftpngbomc of .(. C fclues, whpcl) of them it was, $ Chulde do it ►fclUnb thee was a ftrpfe amonge them, whpch of thcmOmlb feme to bc tljcgtcntcft. 3drtdhefapdet)ntothcm:theBpnscs of na= . . cpons rapgne oucr them : and thep that ba- ne aiictojptc wpou them.arecalled gracious \jf0M* IO;ideS.26ut pe (hall not bc fo. * S6nt he that IS geeateftamongepott.ujalbe as the poun s get : and he that!* chefc , tyalbe as he that bothmpniftcr. #0? whether is greater , he thatfpttethat meate.o^he tbatftrueM* nothef(Vttethatmeate.''26ut3amamoge pou,aS he t mpniftreth- ^c are thep, whpch Jjaucbpdden wpth me inmp temptacpons. 3nd 3 apopnt Dnto pou a ftpngdom.as mp father hath apopnted to me : that pe mape eate and d?pnclie at mp table in mp npng= .^Jt.tit.o- bome,$ *fpt on feates,iubgpngethe twelue trpbeSof3fraeU. h 3ndtheilo?d fapde^pmon^imon.be- |)olde,$)atanhathberp^ed to fpfte pou , a4 itwere wheate :but3haue pjaped foz the, that thV fapth faple not.3nd when thou ac» ^ te couuertcd,ftrcngth thp b?eth?cn . 3&nb he . . J?rapdewitobpm:*io?DC,3amteadptop;o grSSS* wpththe into pjefon , and to deeth . 3nofa iHni.mii .0. fepb:3 tell tbc^etcr.tbe cocue Chall not cro« ujetnpsoape , tpllthouhaue th^fe denped that thou Imeujcft me. , 3findhefapde\jntothcm:*whcn 3fent pou wpthout wallet and fcrpppe nn0$oetf lacUeb pe enp thpnge i 3dnd thep fapdc , no. 'ST ben be fiipoc Wttothem : but now he that Ijatha wallet, let hpmtaftc it top, and lpfee= wpfc hPSS fccippc.Siud he f hathuo fwcarbe, let hpm fell hp* coate, and bpe one. . # oj 3 (ape tontopou , that pet the fame whpch is W?ptten, mutt be perfo?meb tn mc : * cucn among the wpened was he reputed . ff op thofe trjpngeS whpch are w^ptten of mc,ha s uc an cnde.aind thep fapdc: Lojdc , bcholbe, hcrearetwofweardes.^ndhe fapde tmto them.it is pnough. *«,,» rt Mc *3ttndhecaincont,andwent(aS he was ffiSmS. wontOtomountc sDlpuete. 3Bnbthcdtfcp= pkS fol wed bpm.Sttid when he came to the *mm piacchefapd Witothcm:* p?apc,lcftpe fall mtM,a - (ntotemptacpon. *m«.«»»«.«) *3nb he gate hpm fclfe from them.about e a ftoncScaft.anb Uncled downe.tldp.mped, faping: jf ather , pf tbou wplt , rcmoue thps uifc cup from mc.jacncrtbclclTc,* not mp wpll, *3m».h«>. blltt j )!)tte bc ftiif piled . 2Bnd thee appeared an angcll tonto hpm from heauen , confo?= tpngehpm.and he was in an agopne.anO piapcdthelonger.aind hp^fweatc wasip- ftedioppeSof bloud , trpcftlpnge downe to ^groudc3nd whan he rofc top from ^apcr and was come to hps difcppleS , he roundc tliem Oeppnge fo? hcupncfTc , and fapdc tonto tljem: whP uepc pempfe, and p?apc , left pc fall into temptacpon. (tlaiitVJii.b, fiur.tu.t. 'johiwWtti *X&WU he pet fpaueibeholde, thercamcii! ^«i«.tM.?e companp,anb he m t was called3 ndas one m *w»*«w* of the twelue, went before them, anb p?ea« fed npe tonto 3cfuS,toupu*ehpm.25ut3efusi Hipde tonto hpm : 3»das . betrapeft thou the fonne of ihan wpth a apfle.' UHJf thep which were about hpm, fat»emhat wolbe folorjJi thep fapde tonto him: lozde, (hall wcfmpte # With fwcarbe. *3ud one of the (mote aferr J xmxtw.i. Iiauntofthehpep2eftc?ftro"ieofhi0 rpght »•»& rarc.3cfuS anlwercd 9 ftpdc 1 fuffre pc thuS * wm< **** farrefo?th .3 no whan he touched bP0eare he healed hpm. - 'Chen 3ef«s fapde tonto the hpe p?cfte0 and rulers of the temple and the eioefS, whpch were come to bpm.gr bc come out, astontoathefe, wpth rweardes and (ranef H>hcn3 raas daplp wpth pou tn the temple, pc ftretched foitth no handes agapnft me . 2But thps (S eucn ponte toerp houre , and the power of darcaneS. 'Cben toUe thep hpm, and ledde hpm, and brought hpm to the bye #?caftcS houfe . 26ut peter folowcd afnc= re of.'. atnd when thep had npndled a f p?e in the . mpddeSof the palace, and were fet downe * mat . tma together.* ^etcc alfofatc downe amongc w« m>* 1 them. 25ut whan one of the wenches bedel- 2o;jB * tn " c dchpm, as he fate bpthe fpcr(anb loaed top onbpmjitoc fopdc: thps fame fclow wasal* fowpthhpm.*3tndhe dcnpedbpm,foping: ^m«.rt«.c. woman:3 bno we hvm not . Z no after a iy « «»««•*««•« tellwhplc,anothcrfawehpm,abfapb,thou nrtalfooftOcm.3nO$etcrfapO:mau3am not.^nd about thefpaceof an hourc after, another affp fo?he is ofcpalile. 3Bnd ^ctcr fapde:ma 3 wotc not what thou fapeft.36nd immcdiatlp whpUhepctfp.iije, ^ coctte ere w.flnd the 3lo?dc tour ncd bacne, ^ iukt .. u nndlokcdtoponpctcv.*3tnd peter remem- ^Vc*.;. b^edthe wo?bc of the lo?d,howhehad fapd mic.wu tontobpm:befojctbccocBecrowe,tbouu>lt Ocupe mc th^pfe. 3Gnd peter went out , ano wepte bpttrclp. . . _ . 3nd them? that tone 3eui0,mocBedbim, and f mote him :andwha thep had blpndfol- ted him,tbcptttoBehpm on the face, 9 afaed hpm,fap(ng:aredej»hoisitfhatfmotethc.'' andmanp other thpngcSdcfVptfullpe fapd thep agapnft hpm. 3fnd a (Tone as it was dapc, the elders of the people and the hpe pjetteS anb $Dcrp« bcs.camc together, and leddchpm into the* ir couccll,{apinge:art thou toerp €Uvtt < tell toS.and he fapdc tontothcni:pf 3 rellpon.pe wpll not bcleuc . and pf 3 afne pou , pe wpll not anfwerc me.no? let me go: **!>eraf* miltt(Wj ter Chall the fonne of man fpt on the rpght mat mi* hand of the power of ©od.^hen fapde thep all: art thou then the fonne of CPod^e fapd: *matxrw , pe fapc that 3 am»and thep fapdc : % what «> w *aw*. m H\ nede we&m XT a * ncne we cw v f nr eficr Wftntm jfo$ m owe fciuc0Daucijerocof Dvstawnc inoutk C3cfti0wb>oufUt bc&K »plate miu 2)circ/3rfic topiHcnmflliC lamcnttcyon ftu bpm&t pMyetbiu [jr»cutmre6,fo:flcuctijtbtt»)cfcttuonbpBTi'autM? *M nDDpcHjoiuiKtroiTcaHtj i* turret. * w : 4 3J fP.ir.rtna. ' a' . * i I « » ft. I *$b?wbolcmuWtubc of nje* nrorcablebbpm Unto jDplatc. iStnfi tbep bcganc to accufe bf m, Tai?itijjc:tuc founbctbp*fclowe . ~™=__Jperucttinge tbe people, anb fo?= pbbpnge to pape tribute toCcfar:fapingc, tDrtt be ii6 Cfepfta ftpnoe . anb Opiate ap<= jpofeo Dtm,fapitisc:art tbou tlje ftpngc of tfe jewKfc'tye anfwereb bpm,anb fapbc : tbou fapefr tr.'tt&rnfiipbe Opiate to tljc tjpc 0?c* ttc*. anb to tBc people : 3 fpnbc no tmitc in tbt* ma\anb tbep twece tbe mo?cfcarcc,fap= inge : tyc mouctb tlje people > teaebpng tbo= • row outall3cw?p,anb begannc at Gallic, cuen to tbp* place. toben Opiate bearbc mcticpon of <2>altle, • beafucb, wbetbertbeman were of C5aWc; anb a (tone a* be line we tbat be bcISgeb Un= **uhc dW. to **^ roticgiimfbiccpon.fje fent bim to toc= toDctuDpdJtuajxalfo at 3erufalem at tbat tpme3ubwJ)e"lf)crobefawe3cfu*,bcwa* tfccabpngglab, ffo?bewa* bcfp?ou*'tofe bpm of alongc fcofon.bccaufebe b *anb tlje fame bape tep s late an& ^crob were mabc ftenbe* togetber. #o? bcfo?e,tbcp were a Uariaunce. 25 .anb $platecallcb togetber ftycteitW anb tberulcr*,anb tbe people, anb fapbe Un= totbcm:pebaucb?ougbttbp* nutunto me* a^one rt)at petucrtctb tlje people .anbbc= f)olbe, 3 ejcamptiijpm before pou,anb fpnbe no faute tn thpsf man, of tjjofetbpugc* wl;c= re of pe accufe bpm.-Bo no? pet tyceobe . Jf o? 3 unt pou to bpmranb lo,notbpncte i»o?tbp ofocetto0bonetobpm.3ttjplltbcrfo?ecba= xmatsmifi wcubpm,anbletbpmlo(Tc.*Jf o? of neccup= ffi SU', . tt » % "^fttwue let one lolTe mto i\mn*m ann«MM attbefcaft. 3nb allthe people ctpcb at oiiccfapinge: awape wptt) ppm, anb oelpucr to w usar- rabajStftobpcbfo? a ceutapnc infurrcccpon mabe tn f cpttc anb fo^ mouljer, toaS call in mefon) Opiate fpafte agapneto tbem t»vl= jpnge to let 3eft«« lofle, 25ut thtp crpcb, tap* (nge:Criicifpel)pin,Ct«c4fpebpm. *)e fapbc VnrotDeptDp?be tpme : mm eupl^atl) Ijc *act.4«ifl. 6pnc/3 f pjtbc no canft of OeetD f Dp^n, compnge out of tbe felbe: anb on bpm lapbe tbcj> tbe crou*c , tbat &c inpgDt Ucare it after 3cui0. $nbtl)cre f olowcb bpm a greate cgpanp of pcopie,anb of ujcmen* wbpcbbewaplrb anblamentcb bpm.2i5ut3cfuisturneb bacng \)ntotbcm,anbfapb:gebaugbtcrs(of3crtt« falem,t»epc not f o?me ; but t»cpe fo? poure felue0,anofo? pourecbplb?en . flojbeoolbe, Jljebapetfwplcojue, in tbe wbicbtbcp Cball rape: *bappp are,tl)c baven anb tlje wombetf tljatneuer bare,anb tbeaappciel wl;icb ncuer gaue fucne.^ben Cbnll tbep begpune to fape totbemoutapuetf:fallont)j3i:anb'totbcbpI- lcfli,couerU«.ifoe are rpgbtcouflp punpfu>eb, m we receaue acco,ibpnge to oure bebesf: 25nttl)pi2i!man l)at|) bone notljpngcampr* fe3nb be fapbe ^uto 3ewxJ . lojbc,ecmem= bcr mewben tbou commeftinto tbP upng* Homc.3inb3efH* fapbe \jntobpm : caerelp 3 fapc \)ntotDc:to bape Qjalt tljou be wptp me inj&af abple. . *3nbitwas{abouttberpi:tcboure.3nb tber watf bare nnc* ouer all tbe rartl) , A?n= tpu tlje itpntfy Doure , anb tlje fonnc wa* barcHncb; OW *imt.tti,||. #2«h.W| 1 J * Muni *miit.trti(il iHOiir.rtc, Mutt HWar.rtw, V>toUxii» D Alllilt trW|ft| 3oj;it.t(;.o *maf.trtfii e J0BMM h«rtrt>. oarcftneb. *3Hnb tbe \iaple of tbe temple bpb rent,cuentbo?owtbe mpbbe*.anb wban 3efuj8babctpebwitbaloubet)opce,berapb: 5f atber , into t$p banbe* 3 commenbe mp (p;ete3nb wbenbetbu*bab fapb , be gaue \jp tbe gooft.* tobentbeCenturponmwe wuatbabbappeneb.begio^pfpcb <£»ob lap= inge.^crelp.tbistwasiarigbteoujSmil.^nb all tbe people p came togetbet to tbat fpgbt, 9 fawe tbe tbpngcg wbpcb bab bappeneb, fmote tbep? b?cfte* , anb returned . anb all bptf acqnapntaunce*anb tbe wemen tbat f o lowebbpm from Gallic, ftobe a fatre of, be= jjolbpngetbefetbpnge*. anbbebolbc*tberwa*am5(nani!eb3b i f cpb)a councellour, anb be wa* agoob man anb a tulle : tbe fame bab not con fenteo to tbe coimfcll$bebeoftbem,wbpcbwa0ofara= matbia,acptie of tbe 3cwes( , wbpcb fame alfo waptcb fo? tbe npngoomc of <5ob : be went Wito Opiate , anb beggeb tbe bobbp of 3efujX,anb toftc it bowncanb w?appeo ittnalpnncncloot^anb lapebfttn afepuU cb?c tbat watf be wen in it one, wberin ncuer man before wa* lapeb. u anb tbat bape wa* tbe p?cparpug of tbes>abbotb,anb tbe ^>abbotb b^ueon . 'Cbe wemen tbat folo> web after, wbpcb bab come wptb bpm ft out Baltic, bebelbc tbe fepulcrc, anb bow b# bo bp watf lapeb . anb t^ep rctumeb anb pjtc* parcb f wcte oboure* anb opntmentcs(:but rclteo t^z <3)abbot& bapc,acco?bpnge to tbe commaunbement CCbe.^it'ij.ClJaptcr. >b CXiit Uscmcnromcto tbe static, tflwOapf a; tCf I) VtltO il)C tU)0 DfftfpltO ttl.lt (tO tOVbATDC /ButauB , fton-ttl) in the nti'twcftoe all life Of s fcvplc6,opcnctl)tl)crjtoii6frllSBpnafii»tl)pftt)' ptutee , gtuctl) them a tljacgc , aito aftcuoctu \>p tol;cauc». WA Upon Co* tbe fPJft bape of tbe §)abbotbe*,t3crp earlpiu tbe mo? npngc, tbep came tontotbeftpul* ere, anb b?ougbttl;e fwcteobon* fifiWii ee*wbpcbt'bepbabp?eparco > anb otbcrwe= m.u* mm ^fjj t jj cin ^ ll0 t ij C p f mm r jj C aoM rowleb awape from tbe fepulcrc , anb tbep went imbutroubc not tbe bobp of tbe Ho?* be3efu.anbttbapj}cncb,atftbcpwercama= feb t!)crat,26ebolbe,two men (lobe bp tbem *mt.nu«a mftjpnpnge garmented.* a ub ajs tbep we=- mm*, re afrapbc.anb boweb bonne tbep? faces to tjjeertb.tbep fapbe Intro tDcrn >. wl>p fcuepc tjc Ipupngc amoge tbe becb.' I^e i* not ftcre: biittjSrpfen.iRcmcmbcr,bowbcfpafcetjnto pou,wbS Ijc wa* pet in (ftalttc, fapingertbat tbefonne of man muft be belpuereb into t^t fyanbe*off?nfuUmcn,anbbcceucpfprb,an& m t6p?bebapcrpfcagapne. anb tbep rem? b?eb bP* wo?0e*, $ retur- neb from tbe fepulcrc, stolbeail tbefetbpn* *mmmt W# tontotjoft elenenj to all tljercmnaunt . ttmm, *3t wa*a)arp^)agbalen,f 3onnna, anb a #nMt.trtli|. 4»arp 3*cobt , anb otber tbat were wptft mm , wbpcb tolbe tbefe tbpnge* bnto tbe apoftle*.aobtbep? wo?be*femeb wtto t$ favneb tbpnge* , netber beleueb t^tpt^m. '3Cben arofe $cter anb ran unto tbe fepul* cb?e,anb loueb tn , anb fawe tbe Ipnnen do* tbe*lapbebptbcmfelfe,anbbeparteb J won= b?pnge in bpm felfe at t^at w&pcl) Ijab l)ap- peneb. h «x ►H * anb bebolbe ,two of tbem went Stmm tbat fame bape to a towne (calico #mautf) ' wbtcb wa* from 3erufalem about tUt Hto» rcfo?longe* > anbtbeptalacb togetbet of all tljefc tbpngc* tbat bab bappeneb . anb it cpaunfeb,tbat wl)ple tbep communeb toge* tber anbreafoneb,3efu* bpm felfe blue nea= re, *anb went wptb tbem.nSut tbep? epe* *«w«tttiw werebolben,f tbcptbuibe notunowe bpm. anbbf Capbc bnto tljem: U)bat mancr of communpcacpon*are tbefe tbat pi baue one to anotber, a* pe walft e^anb are fabb t ano t^t one of tbem ( wbofe nameb wa* Clco= pba*)anfwercb,anb fapbe to bpm : art tljou onelp a ftrauger in 3crufalcm, anb ball not bnowentbe tbpngc* wbycb baue cbaunfeb . tberc, in tbefe bape*!' l)t fapbc Unto n)cm: Wbattbpnge*.'' anb tbcpfapb Unto ljpm:of3cfu*ofaa= ?arctb,wbpcbwa*a^?opbct, mpgbtpc in bebe anb wo?be befoieC5ob anb all tbe pco= plc.anb bow tbe bpe ^?cftc*,ab oure ruler* belpuereb tjpm to beconbempneb to bectl): »bauecrucpfpebbpm.H5ut we truftcb tbat tt bab bene be wbpcb l&ulb baue rebemeb 3f 3 rael . anb a* touebpnge all tbefe tbpngc*, to bape i* mi tbe tbp?b uape , tbat thtv we- re bone. *gcc,anbecrtapnc Wemen alfo of ourceff^ *tu.m u panpmabc U*aftounpeb,wbicb came earlp m^m. unto tbe fepulcb?e, anb foubenotbp* bobp: atib came , fapinge , tbat t\)cp bab fenc a Ui= fpon of angel*, wbpcb fapb tbat be wa* alp ue. anb certapnc of tbe wbpcb were wptb U*> went to tbe fepulclj?e , anb founbe it eu6 fo a* tbe wemcnl;abfapbc:butbpmtl)epfa= we not. anb be rapbe Unto tbem: flDfoo!e*$ flo* C we of bcrte, to bclcue all tbat tbe $?opbe te* baue fpoa?.* sDttgjjt not £fypft to Ijauc fuf« * mum frcbtbcfetbpngc*,anb to enter into ftp*glo ***cb tbep we"t Unto.anb be mabe, a* tbougb be wolb *® t M.ttt bauegoncfurtber. anb tbep * conilrapneb^uncwun bpmlapinge:abpbcwpi:bU*,fo?itb?awcth towarbe*npgbt , anb tbe bape i* farre paf= fcb.anb be went into tarp wptb tbem. *anb it came to paUe.a* be fate at rnca* Afl!tth , .. tewptUtbem.ljetoBe b^eab , anb blefleo it, mxlitt * anbb?aUe,atibgauetot^cm.anbtDeirepe* ©em) were . 7 - r ^T 1 i; 1 -VJ;0'jH.«.C.(t0^ C °* Unto 2&ttt, porpt botlu' fclfc.l flcfibc be Oat bctfaiv notfo; -J V if ■were opencb , ant tbcp nucwe bpm; anb be jmnpflbeb out of tbctt fygbtan* tbcp fapo bctwcnc them rclucss : m not ourefjrrtcfl buvuc wptb to Osi, wbpll be taltieb wptftttf bpt&ewaw,anboi>ettct> too* the (tomtit* rctfr Qtmtim rofc t)p tbc fame bourc , anb mmm agapuc to3criifalem , anb f ounce tbc eleuen gatberco togctbcr,anb them that . tocrc wpfbtbcm,faptug i tbc lojbeitfcpft n in bcbc,$ batb apcrcb to £>pmon . %m thep tolor, what tbyiige* were bone i tbc wapr, 5 n * «? *&** ftllcU,c ^ m ' w *WW °f S> v ^tDcvtwrpaftc*3cfHtfijt)mfelfe J * tbc mpbbctf of tbem , and fapetb bfcpcacc be unto ymtem&wk temw*.) mvom abafiocb ano nfrapbcijf (up= w f bep ftao fenc a fp;etc.3nb be ftp itbcm:wbparcpc troublcb.anb wbp gbtc$acpfeinpouccbcrtc;&.''2i5cbolbe ibesf anb m p f et c, that it tf euett 3 mp lnblcmcanbrcrfojn fpjete batb not inD bpnc&atf pcfe mcbaueaub wbe" TO AjOHcn, be me web tbrm \>v# ban 9P0 fcte.^nb wbpll tbcp pet bclcucb - ^ope,anbwonb v *eb,bcfapb onto tbc": *?*m», J Wipe bcre enp mcate ,"3tw> tfjep offreb bpm a Jeceof atyoplcbfpfibMnb ofjanbo= rip tmm£m be tohc ttjm Dpo eatc bcfo= re tbrm; anbpc fapbc Onto tbcm.^bcfc atetbe Wg mM 3 fpafte onto poet , wbpll 3 p.i0P^txnt!jpoii:tbataUmuftncDcjxbcfu! ^ !?' % '5vW c ^ u,erc WPtten of mem tbe la= e toe of poiejd anb in tbc feionbctcti .anbiu WlWtbcPmpgbtOnbcrftanb tbc fcrpptu rc&anb fapbc onto tbcm : CM iii it mvt- Jtn»anDtbu0ftWwucI)Cteitttoliiftre l aiiD to rpfe agapnc from mt^ tbc tbpjbe bape, » Jbat rcpcntauncc anb rempffpon of Mnctf Orolbc be pjeac&eb in byname amougc all jatponsf, I«anbmuauegpnncnt1erurale\ 3?JFW®WwflW <* tbefc tbpngctf.* Si 1 ? SB?** 3 wai rcnoc ftP W«wfl of mp tatforoponpou.*2i8uttarppc in tbe cvtte- of 3crufalem , Ontpil pe be enbeweb wptb poiocrfromanbpe. f w«w»«^p lpfte\3pbp«baDc0,anDbleffebtbcm.«nb it cam to mkM be blcffcd tbcm , be taw* teb f romtbem>anb t»a?y caepcb \»p into Sea" ucn.3tnbtbcptuo?ibPppcb bpm, anb rcturneb to3ernfa!em wptbgrea- teiopc,iinb UJcrefontpnuallp to tbe temple ptapfpnge f laubpnge qoh t h Cl!?ereenbetbtbe ofpeliof i&apncte lufte. *.fl).u.rty.c. *actcs.j*i *.1ftC2.f.l). CClje^ofpellof £>apncte3olm» i » ^ ) < 9 > C^fje^ft Cbapter, ^ " JWtOe cutrtaOf its b»t»i) of ff fcjpO.airt hoto fte brtamciiinit.irbctcllvmoiip ohtobii .afiCMU ip»9cofant»ca s »««9f. * v iatbebegpbnpnge i»as( t!)e t»o?be ,anb tbe iwo^bc toad wptb (Sou : anb ©od toaict tbc.toopll ofmambutofesob. *3Bnbtbc fame tJt»o?Dc became aef(bc,anb otoeltamongc tytmm toe fatoe tbc glozp ofit.agtbcgTo^poftbconelp begotten foii= ne of tbe fatbcr.full of grace anb trtietj). h % * 3°l> n beatetb wptnejai of bpm,anb crpctb fapinger^bp^ xoajs be oftobo* 3 fpa= fte:t»i)icb tDou^c eameaftertne, went be= wcme a fo? bct»a0bcfo?eme. * Ztfo of bpjS tuincffbaucallroc rcceaneb, cuen^r* grace to^grace.ifoiitbelaxortoasigeucn bp tlt)o= fc0 ) butsracc$tructbcamebp3cfuj3(£b?ift. *Jp*m man batb rcne <5oo at enp tpmc. %\)z onelpi begotten fonne, tobpeb isS w tbe tmmjgf fotbecbe batb bcclareo bpm. I< - * **» tbpsi te f r eco?be of 3o|m : twben £3ewcgfcnt^cafi6anblcnite0fr63cru= ■ggji 'toafbcbpm.tolwtatt tDou.anbbe SS? *?" W ««*»» f «Pbe plapnlp . 3 am iiotcbjpftanbtbcpafftebbim:Wbattben.'' ^arttboii^clpa8i/'3lnbbeCipetb:^r3ain not.^rtetboutbat^opbeteanbbeanr-- ttercb nefben fapbc tbep \into &pm:t»bat act tbou, tbat ujc mope gene an anftoer to tlicmtbst % *ii.i «.»ct.«.c. Httnrhr.u i £oi.«r,ii. ^cto.rrr/i(» (■3obu.iiii.t>. f *fi)CUrtttltt <0e tb eto tint fent bjJ . IxJbat fapeft tbou of thp SST* f?fc%fapbe^3amtbe\jopceofa criarto Jhrjii.a. tbe wilberne0,mabe ftrapgbt tbe toape of p ^u.»i.4« lo?be,*a!S fapbc tbe l&?opbete(£faiatf. _ t 3nb tbcp wbpeb tocre fent , toerc of m pbarprc0:3nb mv affteb him, $ fapbc ton= C to Wm : tobpbaptifcatboutben , pf tbou be notCb?ift,nojl!)cliaEi,nctbcrtbatp2opbctj' mm 3obn anfioereo tbe fapinge*3 bapttfc tot Hi mm a water j but tbere ftonoctb one amonge pow, 0mM oibom pe ftuowc not , be it is roblcb tbougb became aftcrmc.toagbcfoieme, tobofcaio Iatcbet3am not i»o?tbP to tmlofe. fEm tbpngciStDere bone in sSetbabawbeponoe ^,H.«M.. 3o?ban*\»bcre3obnbpbb3iitife. }* "*; . ^^bcncrtebapc,3obnrcetb3«co= XgS* ; mui S e ^ nt0 ^ m > «"b fapetb * bcbolbc m ***** »ambeofc!5ob,u)bpcbtaUctb mm f fpn= me of the too^lbc. ^bP0i0bc of oubo 3 HipO: aptter mecomrtba man, \»bpcb tocntbefo^c HKCfoJbc toatf befo^emc, anb 3 ftncioebim not: buttljatbcibulbbcbeclareb to3(raeU, mm*. r Wp { am 3 come baptpftngc ojitlj water. ar.i.b. *3lnb3obn bare rccojbCfapmgc^ fatoe wild, tbc fj»ctcDefccnbe from bcaucn, IpftetJntoa *» bouc,9 abobe Upon btm , anb 3 totem tym ttotuSutbctbnt fentmcto baytifc in water, tbc fame fapbc tonto mcs Upon wbom tbou maltfe tbcrp^ctcbcfccnbc, aub tarpftpllou ftpm , tbc fame tf be wbpcb baptifctb wptb V bolp gooft. 3nb 3 fa wcaubbarc rccoJbc, t&atbciieftbe fonneofGob. I< %\>t ncrtc bapcaftcr , 3obn ftobe aga p = nc^two of big bifciplctf, ab he bebelbe Je* futfaji&ewalttcbbp^fopctkbcbnlbc^iabc of c5ob . ainbtbetwo btfctpleg bcarbc \iy\n fpeabcanb tbcp foloweb 3euisi '. 3-nb 3cfiisl turncb about, anb fa we them folowc bpm,f mpetb t)nto tbeui: wbat fcltc pe r 'cTbcp fapb tmtobpni: Eabbifwbpcbijstoliipcpf one totccjwete it falter) wberc bwellcft tbou.'' 3i)e fapetb t)nto tbcm.com c «« fc. STbcp came, 9 fawc wberc be b welt: » aliooe witb bpm ^ Oapc.5fo?itwasJabonttbctentbboure. €>nc of p two wbicb bcarbc 3obn fpcahe, anbfolowcbbim,wag3iiibicwS)imonibe tfrgb^otbeccbcfamcfounbc bpjSbiotbcr 5&imon f pift.anb fapetb twto hnn- wc baue f ounbe a)cmag( wbpcb i$ bp intcrp?ctacio, annopnteb)anb brought bim to3cfiisf.3tnb *ffl>at.m.c 3efutf bebclbebpm.ab fapbc:tbon art * el»ftJWi»JVWWs *pa.infc» ^ he ?£lc of tD^f Jjouff ^j t j, cnen caten me . ^ / 5rbciinnn»crrDv3ct»ejSatiD CipDe "bnto b t m : wha t token ihc weft tbou unto u& fc*u= ge tbat thou oofttbefc t&yngc0.'3cto0nnf- * mat. t»t.r.u»reD 5 faybe Unto them : * beftroye tby0 fl»w«ii.« tcmplcano inthje baycg 3 wpll ware it up. 'S: ben fa pbc y 3ewe0. jciuj. yerc0 wa0 t fry* temple a bplbpngc : 9 tuple thou r ear c it Up in tlxtc oapes^ ffiut be fpakc of the temple of W boby.aifone.tbetfojc a0bewa0rpi'eu from bcetb ngapncbwSbifcipWrcmcmbjtcb tbatbctbu0babfapbe.3notbcybeleuebtbe fcriuturc,&pwozbe0Whicb3cfu0habfapbe U>hcnhc wa0in3erufalcinat®atfrrm V te aft bapr ,manp beleueb 011 W name, wjje" tbey (awe bitf mpjaclc0 wbpcl; be opt). 25ut 3cni0bpbnotc6mittmnfclfcUntotbem,be* caufr be ftnewe all men.ano neDeb not, that *7&t.t\iw enp man Qmibteftifpt oftim.* St 0? be kne= wewhatwa0inman. fc C'fcbe.iij.ebapter.* CSbe Kmnmmpucioii of Hbua Qipttj j&tntirmui SEDcoocttine.inD baptrmcof3oijn,«iibai|j««jpi; nefftOet>«.rett)0f£OM&. i)? r wag a ma" of tbe $ha rtTccf na< picD $pcobemu0 , a ruler off je* weft ^befamc earn to3efu0by nyght,anb faybe Unto hint: J&ab* hi, we kuowe tbatf bou arte a tea* cbercome from mo : fo? no man coulbebo fuebe mwaete0 a0 tbou bocft , except d!>oD were tf irnn.3efu0anfwere b 5 fapb Unto bi : $iurelp,Ucrelp,3fape Untat&r, ejecpta ma" be bojne from aboue.be cannot fe tbe npng= bom of ©ob . jaicobemu0 fapetb Unto bpm A^r^sijowcanamanbe bo?newbe*lje itoiw ±*<* n , lt . ■, f an * c mtcr m ° W* motbersi wombe anb tnf ffi: ' »e bojne agapne.' 3efu0anfwercb * tore ip, stun a Ucrclp,3 (ape Unto tbe:cjrcept a man be bot= neof watcrg?of taefpttfe , be cannot enter momxwua into the kpngbom of d&ob, * Wm whpcbfe bomofthcacfine,i0n^ffte,anbthatwhfcb iH borne of tbe fpjetcttf fpjete. e fetptnt in ? *«»««;,, toplbrrnciMucn fo nmft tbe/onne otman be Iptte \)p, tbat wboroeucr beleuetbm bnn, pe r pluje not, but baucc trenail Ipfe. J< ^ * jf 0? 00b fo loueb f tt>o?loe, tbat;t)e wsomiuu g au c ijrt only begottS fonnc, tbat wbof ocuec beleucrbinbtm^ulbenotperlfiDe, butbaue eiier laftpng Ipf e . * it 0? <£ob fe"t not W f on= tanm* netnto tbe t»o?lDc , to cobempne tbe wo^ibe but tlwt &r tic t»o?lb tbimtib i«n rnpght be fancb .l!)e tbat beleuetb on tym, i# not con* Demneb.Butbe^beleuetbnot.tjaicdbemneo all r eany , becaufe be batb not beleueb in tbe name of tbe onelp begotten fonnc of 00b, anb ibptf tf t\)c cSbcmuacton: *t[)atlpgftt *3io6n.r4, tsicomemto tbe tuojlb, anb mi loueb barclt» m ' uuf - neiSmo l ietbn(gbt>bccaufetbetrbebe0ttiere euplljfo^ * euerp one tbat eupllboetb,ba» ***.« tetb tbe ipgbt • netber commetb to tbe ipgbt, left W ottitfi qjulb be repjoucb . 23ut be tbat botb truetb.commetb to t\)t lpg|)t , tbat fjptf bcbeitf mape be (mown, Do t» tbat tbep are to;ong|)tfn<5oD. ^ m 3ftfrtbefeibtngcsicam3efuj ple#intotbelanbof3cu> ( ip$t&crbe mttn tx)ttbtb^^ , *anbbaptpfcb,3fnb3o^nal- *3^,m, fobapttfebin(£nonbefpbes:s>aUm, becaufe &lf*' tber toatf moco water tbrrc,^ tbey came? fi A were bapttrcb . * Jf op 3obn wa$ not yet **"*« raft into p?cfon. %* Ttntt tber arofe a queftton betwene 3pbn» bifciplcsanb tbe3cwefl! , aboute pu= rifpingc. Zno tbepcame Unto 3obn s $f apoe Unto bim ; laabbt, be p tuasf wptb tjje bep 6be Jo^ban Cto tubomtbou bareft toptnesf) be* jjolbe tbe fame baptifetb *5 allmencometo ***»■"(** bpn).3obnanfujere0,?fapbe:amancanre* ceaue notbmge , cjreept it be geuen Dim from tjeanen.^epotirefclufieiare witnelTcjo!* botu *3«*»'* tbat 3 fapb:3 am not Cfeift.butam fent be* ton Unit; l^e tbat batl) tDe b^pbe , ii« tye b^y= begr ome. 26ut t&e frenbe of tbe b^ybegrome. tubpeb ftanbetb anbbraretbbpm.relopfetb greatly becaufe of tt>v bjpbegromctf Uopce. 'Cbiflinip iopetberfo^e ijSfulftlleb . foe mutt incrcacebut3 muftbccrcace. w feetbatcometb&omanmycWaboucall: ^ ^etbati0offertb,Wcarti)lp J anbnjeaBet|) ^ &fonca0?a,ojbBnct»e, bow tbe^baaleiSbabbcarbc, f 3e= fu0mabeanO bapttfeb moo oi= ftipleiBt tben>bn (tijougb tbat _, .mr-v- 3cfti0 bt fclfc baptileb not : but *flw.wi. i> 1)10 Oifciplc0) *bc lefte Itwmam beparteb agapne into Gallic . Stop it wa0 fo tkt be muftncbc0gootl;o^oujcg)amaria ^ %\\l camcbetoacptteofS>amariafttJbtcbi0cal= ^.i,titiH.6icDSMcbar)23efpbc0 tbe poffclTyon * tbat 3acobaauetobi0 fonne3ofcpb , Zno tljcre wa0 jacobjs well . 3cfu0 tDcn bepng tocrpc of Jjp0 tojney , fate t\m on tbe well . 3 no it wacabouttljcfpjctcbourc.anbtberecamca woman of Samaria to bwwe t»atcr.ie= fu0 fapctb Unto ber.genc me btfnfte it mm btlciplc0 were gone a\»apc Unto tbe to wne, to bpe mcatc . ^ben fapetb t\it woman of &>amanaUntobi:bowe t0 it , tbat tbou bc= mm* JS m 3 Cl1 3cwc,afftcftb k n'nclteofmc,\x)bicl)am ffl^a^amaeitane^jfojtbejicwejimewcnot witb tbe S)amaritan0.3cui0aiif\xjereDauD fapbe Unto Ijy^yf tf) ou une wett t jjc gpfte of d5ob , anb wbo it ta tfjat lapctb to tbe gene me bjincBe, tbou wolbeft bane iifacb of bim , &bc ujolbe batte geuen * tbe water of Ipfc. %\yt Noma lapctb ^ntobim.$>p?,tboubaft notbpnaetoojawewptb,$ tbcwellitfbepc: from wbence fben baft tbou tbat water of lyfe.' 3Het tljou greater tbe" outcfatbec Jacob wbicbgauc U0 f well, ao be bim fclfe btfeue tberof.aub bi0 cbtlDicu,anb oisiotteUr " 3efu0anfwereb,a5 fapbe Untobyz:wl;o* focuer b^incUctb of tj)p0 water , (ball tbyift ^^ agapne. a3ut yap ujbofocuer onncftetbof § water tbat 3 fyall gene bim , a>iu neucr be= ttopaflml ; but tbe water tbat 3 Ojallge= tic bim,(balbe in bim a well of water, fpjpn* gpnge U p into cucrlafttnge ipfc. UIjc womS fapetb Unto bim .- &>vi, gene me of tbat wa= tec, tbat 3 tbp^ft not, netber come bptber to btawe . 3efu0 liipetb Unto rjer : (5o, call tby bufbab.anb come (jytftcr . %$t woman anf= wcreb anb fapbe Unto l)tm : 3ljaue noiiuf» banb.3efu0 Ctpbc Unto bcr : Cbou baft well fopo, 3 banc nobnfbanb. Stop tbou baft bab f y ne buf banbc0, 9 be wbom tbou now batt, flr f0nottbPbufbano.3n^fitpbeftcboutruelp. &ma& 'f&* woman fapetb Unto \>vm: * &>yp> 3 per Ceaue tbat tbou art a p^opbet . *ID ure fa= »«.#««. tber0 wo^pppeb in tbpsf mouutapne * 1 y c «•»««,*«* f^ tlxit in Jerufalcm i0 tbe place, tnbere men ougbt to wojtbpppe . 3cOi0 fapetb *n» to tier: woman beleue me>tDe Dour e cOmetlj, 5o5it MmMi 1. •kjtrfJi'.b Joju.uu.b Wbenpefljali(netberintbi0mountapne,noi Jf f i* 3i rufnlcm ) wo^ftpppe trje fattyrtf. pe wo^fdjpp pe wote not wljat : we anowe wDatwewojtyPPPC. * *St o.iCiiuaciom commeti) of t^e 3ewe0. Mmw put tbe boure commetb « now 10, wlicntbe true wozajppper0 (nal! wo^Cbpppe tbe fa* tber * in tote,«mtl)ctrcutb.Jfo?fucb tbe *»«him.i fotbet : alfo requp^etb to wo.Kbpppe bpm , uixe Uf *(5ob 10 a fpjete : anb tbep tbat toozajpppe ****** torn , mutt wo^pppc bpm in fp?,etc anb in tbetreufb. Jgema0Ct}all come, wDpcfj 10 calico cOiptt* jpben bei0come.be wplltcliU0ail tbyngc0 ^ZT&^Vi ^tnieane'unto ffiliS" toe am be. 2inbimmebiatlpcamc lip0bifci= xmhcwilci ple0,^ marueplcb tbat be talueb wttb ? wo= Sgf * 5&SS > S9ra fapD: wbatmeanefttbou fi%! a I bcft •>»»«• ft«r friie woman tljen lefte bcr watcrpot, anb went bcr wave into tbe cptte^fapetbtotbemen-Comcfea manwbpcb tolbe me all tbpnge0 tbateuer 3bpb.3*.not Dc €b?ift^ljcnrtjcp went out of tbe cptie.anb came Unto Dim. . 3 r n tbemeanc wbple bi0mfciple0 mayctt bim, fapig: ^aftcr.eatc. l)e fapbe Unto kh 3bnucmcatetoeate, tbatyeltnowc not of, tE|rrtn( fapbctbc Difcipic0amongctbe fcl- m0:batbenpnfanb l ioHgbtbion3i)t toeatcc 3rfu0 : ted Unto tljcm .- my mcatc itf to bo tbe will of ijim tbat fent me,i to fp nifJic m wo.icUc.^apeuotpe:tberearcpctfourcmo= nctbe0,?tbencommctbbarucft.'26cbolDel rape Unto pou.lpftcUp poure cm, ano lone ontbercgiou0:fonbcparcwbptc allrcabp e Uutobarueft.^^nbbctbatreaperb, recca-- mnurf uetbrcwarbe.anD gatljerelnrVute Unto ipfe i *"** etcruall : tbat botb be tbat fo wctb , $ be tbat rcapctb, mpgbtreiovfctogctber. ^jibficritt t0 tbe faping true, tbat one fowctb jauo= tber reapetb . 3 fent you to reape t\)at whero pe bcftoujrb no labourc . Otbcr men labour reb,» pc are entreb into tbrtr labour*. a)anpoftDefi>amaritan0oftbatcpt(e beleueb onbtm.fw t\)t faying of tbe work, wbtebteftincbtbatbetolbc0crall tbateuer (nebpb.^o, whg tbe Samaritan* were co= me Unto bim.tbep befougbt Dim, f be tooibe tarp witb tbem. 3nb be abobc there two bape0.2Hnb many moo beleueb becaufe of nt$awncwojbc0,nnb faybe unto the wo- man . 0o w we uclctte , not becaufe of tDv fayinge.fo^* we haue beroc bim oure felue0, *ftw«M anb knowe tbattbp0i0 cucnCb?ift,tbcfa^ moureoftbcwo^ibe. 1* /•»*•» ( after twobapc0bebepartcbfbece,anl3 felfetcftifieb,tbata ^opbete batb none 60= w.** noure in b# a wne coutre. o 3e(u*eam agamic into cam of<£aUle *3i tliet: wa^ a cerrapnc ruler, * u>|) of c XntMi*. ttmnt wasfpcneatcapcirnaum. 3BS tone as! tbefameberbe tpat3cfuS was come out of 3eW2p into dfrafilcpc went Unto bim, 9 be* fougbtb(m,thatbcwolbccoinebowue,aiib pcale W fonne. #01 be was men at £ popnt of Deat^tar^fapDc 3eft»S ^Jtito bum cfcepfc pcfe ffgncs* wonbicjB.pcwpll not bclcue. 'fcbe ruler fapetb tonto bim : £n'i , comebo^ wne, 02 eucr t&at mp fonne bpe.3cfus fapeth Unto hpm : (So thv wape , toy fonne ipuctfc «&bc man bcleueb tbe woibe tbat 3efuss baft fpotten tonto bim .3nb be wc"c bt s wap e.3nD 90 he wasn ow going bo wne , p" feruaunteS inert him,9 tolbe bim .fapinge.tb v fonne lp= tietb.^benenqup^ebbc of tbcm tbe borne, wben be begannc to amenbe . 3nb tbtp fapo tonto bim:£eftct bape at the feuenth tjoure.p feucr lefte bfm.$Do the father hnewc,tbat it ^ uii waspfamrhourc,in the wbicb 3efuSfapbe *™"' m "' 8 tonto bitmirbp fonne Ipuctb. * ainbbebcle* ueb.anballbiSboui&olbc. Jt'CbiSiSagap* nc tbe feconbemp2aclc,tbat3cruSbpb,wba' he was come out of 3c wjp into Mile. m CEbc.to.Cbaptcr. * C*H»alctl) tbe man tbat ttaflfprht er«bt* t\mt uemtt.SbtJctbtt attnrcopin.Oc antCDctctb foji bpntulfcaibrtpwuctbtocm. tf wtbpS to>as there a featt bape # 3ewcS, anb 3efuS went top tolerufalem.^nb tber is at 3ew falcm,bppflaughterbonfe, a pole ( wbicu i0 calleO in p €biuc t5ge,$=3»28etb* feba ; bauing fpue pojcbcS , in wbpcb lape a create multitude of fpcfte folcne , of blinbe, pit, anb wptbereb, waptinge fojtbe mo* uingc of the roster . # ojan angell wet bou* neat a ccctapneceafon into the pole, anb fte* reb the water. UJbofoeuet tben fp2ft( after the fteringe of the water; fteppeb in , was mabe tohoale of wbatfoeuer btfeafe be hab. 3noacertapne man was there , wbpcb hab bene bpreafeb.*je]cton|percs.*l>bcn 3efoS fawe him lpe,anb hne we tljat be now longe tpme bab bene bpfe*feb, he fapetb tonto bint: tDplt tbou be mobc* wbole i %bz fpene man anfroereb hpm : £»[;, j| bau* no man when the water id tt oufal lb, to put me into p pole. 25ut in the meanetnme.wbpie 3 am abontc tocome,anotber(reJipethbowncbefojeme. 3efns(fapetb t jito hpm * rpfc, taftc \>u thp beo, 9 walbe. 3&ib immebiatlp the man wa0 m aoe whole, al D tone *p hpg beb , anb wnlfteb . 3 no tbe fijme bape was fhcS>a* lioch. ■Chc3eweie!tlfierfoje fapbewitohpm t\)t\t waid mabe wpe • 3t i# the ^abotb baptAti* not laufullfo?tbetoearpthpbeO. i^e anfwereb r Dem : l|e tbat mabe me whole, fapbe\)ntomeitabeiJpthpbcb,mibwalhe. rein ir.b. Jlvbtft<.t afte9.ii Ipuewpfe a$ tbe fatber rapfetb yptbebeeb,anb gupekenetbtb? , eucn fotbe * m ttlt iubgetb tbe fatber enpman : but batb com* mptteb all iiibgement tjnto f fonne, becaufe tbataUmenamlbbonouretbcfonneeuenajS tbepbonourc the fatber . $e tbat bonoueetb !l ot ^OTP'ft to™ bonouretlj not tht fa tber wbicb batb fent bpm . aaerelp , Dcrclp 3 C rape tonto pou. * fce tbat bearetb mvwm, ««*ir*w. § bekuetb on bim tbat fent me, inti) euerla* ■ ftinglpfe,anb(haUnot*come intobamna* *W«H cpon:bttti0rcancbrrombeetbtjntolpfe" jaerelp,»erelp,3fape\jntopoii * f boure SBS* faUcome,?noweitW,wbl^fbertVaU^S beore ^opce of tbe fomieof iob Sob % S tbat beare, Ojall ipne. * jfoi a* the fatber ii??^?' batb ipfetn hpm (m, fo Wewpfe batb %l ' ' seuen to tbe fonne to baue ipfe in bpm felfe: attbte:fo2tbe*boureibalcome, in f wbicb, Jopce , anb (ball come foitb : tbcp tbat baue ft"!"* *«• mmtmrion of Ipfe.-anO ^KmrnmrnT ffl n 4i?3neare,3iubge,anbmpiubgmft *^"3 ( tjlbulbebearewptwiaofmp Telfe, rt«BA» {joi;n..»T.c jhw'w.'j. G.Mf.'.o i!'.isnn.D.. Ii.^(l-|.D. :', 0:.:ii.r'Jii;.f 1 •'« bearetb Wirnctfof mess 3 am furctbat tlje wptnctf wbicb be bearetb of me, w" true. * V,t fent mito3ohn, 9 \>e bare wptnc0 Dtlto ? tructb. 25ut 1 receaue not tbe recozoe of man. jftcuertbcieitc , tJjeft tbfngcjaf 3 fape tbatpcinpgbtbcrnfc.tycwai&abnrnpnge,* a(h|»ningelpffbt,« pe wolbefiwa feafon lia= tie rcioplcb imm Ivfibtv iSut 3 banc grca= tcr wptiictf, tljcu tbe wp'tneiof of John * a oi tbe woicneg wbicb the fatber batbgcucmc totinpfihe, pfaniewo2«ejS fbat3bo , bcare wptnctfofme,f'tbefatberbatbfcntmc.3Bnb y fatber bim felfe wljicb batbfent me * batb home wit nc*S of me. gehaue not bearbe W ljopcc atenp tpmc 1162 fenc bpsi Ujape , bv?s woibhauepc notabpbittgein pon. jroi Wl)o be batb rent.lnm pc bclcue not. u ./ S>rarcbtbe fcriptnrejef.foi in tbem n tbinlic pc baue ctcrnall Ipfe * 9 thep arc tbcp wtjicb rcftifp of me . 3nb pet wpll n not co* me to mc,that pc myaht banc lpfe.3 rcceaue not y?apfc of men . 76nt 3 nuowe pou, tbat pchauc notploucof <5obinpou. 3 am come tit nip fathers name anb pc tcccattc me not. * 3f another come in lips' a wne name , \)^n wpllpercccauc : Dowca pc bclcue, wbicb rc= ccatic iioi tourc one of another , 9 febe not tlje bonourcthatcommctbof0oDonclp.'' t)onotthvuchcthat3wp!laccul*epouto mpfathcr, Cherts one paccufctb pou: cuen «3ofe« inwbbpcteuft.jfoibaope brlcucb a>ofcS , pc wolbc banc bclcucb me * foi be wrote of mc.2!!5utpfpc bclcue not bPSWip= tinged : bow fhall pc bclcue mp W02OCS.'' t . C^hc.Vj.Cbapfcr. A <[Jfrii9ffO«l)h»UCHwir.HWiiKH 6cp.\ttCl!).1ljJ.lVC tiMtti)0> Ojulo not m.iiif Drmiiviin , .hid rcpsouctii tlje fkmv l)C.\ccre of l»'3 tOo:oc . % Ijc turn ill arc . onciiocD'.atin'iit. $ tcr tberc tbinrjes ¥ 3c rue : went Dps wapc oner the fee of Gallic wljpcb is t\)c fee of Stbcrtac * ^ a great miiUitube folowcbhmt, be • cauic tbep fawc his mpMclcS whpcb be Dpb on tbcm tbat were bifcafeb.3 nb 3efus went "top into a mountapne , 9 the re he fate wptlj bptf bifciplctf. ^nbeaftcr, a-fcaft of ^>3cwcS was itpe, 1* ^ * nibcu 3efi«s tben ipft c top biSepcS.anbfawcagreatcopaup come 'on- to bim, bctapctb tonto pbUip : wbettcc (ball we bpc biccb.tbat tbefe ntape eatef ^bii8 be fapbtopiouebpin .fojbc bim felfe Uncwc, wbathewolbcbo. Philip anftocrc&bim*t wo bub2cb pcup mwt of b2eebare not fuffictcnt foi tbemJ f ucrpman mapctabcalptcll.ilDnc of lj(Sbi= fciplcSC3enb2cw , jmmwn peters b^otber) fapetb tonto bun .U bete is a labbere, whpcb bath fpue bariploues anbtwofpfft)cS:lmt wbat are tbep amongc fo manpr^lnb 3cfatf fapbe #dK p people fpt bo wnccber was mocbgraffe (noplace. &ofbemen fatebo^ ■ wncinuob«ie,abouttpuetboufanb.atnb3e= fus tone the bjeeb : %nb whan bebab gcuett tbancKCS.begauetotbe bifciplcs, anb? bi= fctplcs to tbe tbat were fet bourne : 3lnb Ipae wpfcoftbcfrfujcsasmocbasthepwolbe: IDbcntbcp bab eaten pnougb , be fapetb tonto biS 0ifciplcs:gatbcr top p bjoaen mcate wbpcb remapnetb •• ^notbpngc be loft . 3EnO thcvgatbercbtttogetbcr.anbfplfcbtwelue baf fiettcji witb the tyokxn mcate of tbe fpue barlploaucs : wbpcb b.zohcn mcate remaps neb tonto tbcm tbat bab catett.'Cbentbofe men cwben tbep bab fenc tbe mpjacle tbat 3cfuSbpb; fapb: tbiSiSof a tructb * p fame «ftoK«n < p2opbeee,p(bulbe come into tbe woilbc. i* 3iotJ'M«j.b' IDbOcfuS tbcrfo^epcrceaueb,^ tb'ep wo% become , 9 take bpm top to mahc bpm ftpng, * be bepartcb agapnc mto a moutapne bim mm* iclfe alone. *2Jnb wben mtn wasnow come, hpm' %w*-*Mm fciplcs wtt bo wne tonto tbe Tec, 9 gat top in* aiKMA to a (btppe , anb came once tbe fee tonto €a= pcrnau.^inD it was now barcbe , anb lefus waSnotcomctotbem.3Ettbffccarofcwitb agrfatewpnbe that ble we. £>o wben tbep Wo towen about a. t.r to. 0?. ot furlongcs, f hep fa we 3efus walfepng in the fee ,90:3=^. wing npc tonto the ujippe , * tbep were afra= ®- peb.>5utbe(apcfbtontotbem:3tiS3,benot atrapbe^ben wolb tbep baue rcceaueb bim mto the ujpp, 9 nnmcbiatlp t\)t Ojpp was at the lanbe wbptber tbep went. iThcbapcfolowpngc wbantbe people (Wbpcb ftobc on tbe otberfpbc of fbcfcc;fa= we , p tber was none other ujpp there, fane that one whertto l)i& bifciplcS wcrcentrcb, sj tbat Irfim went notmwprhhis bifciplcS into pQipprbuttbat his bifciplcS were gone awavealoiie(| t )owbctt > tbcrcaofbcr(bpp= pes fro Tiberias npc tonto tlit place , where t\)(V ovo catc b*cb , after tbat tbe loib \m gcucnthanheS) when the people thcrfoae fa* we tbat 3efus toas not tbcre.nctbcr bvS bi* fciplcs, t])cp alfo tokc (bppptng, 9 came to eapcrnaum,fekpngc fo2 3cruS. mb wben mv fab founbebpm on m otberfpbeof tbcfee.tbep fapbe tonto bpm? ftabbt, wb?cameft tbou bpthcr fltmtmt* wcrebtbcm,anbfapbe:tocrclp,torrclp3fapc tontopou:pcfeltcme , not becaufc pc fawc^ mpiaclcSbut becaufc pebpb catc of the loa* ues,auowcrefplicb. * Habourc not foi the mcate wbpcb pc* rifflicth , but f 02 tbat wbpcb cnburetb Mnto cncrlaftingeipfcwljpebmeatc the fonne oE man (hall gcuc tonto pou. jf 02 0=^ brmhath _^ C50b tbe fatber fealen. p -w ^heuatpbetbeptoHtobtm.wbataialwe bo , tbat itoc mpgbt woicnc t\\t wo^cftcS of (I5ob^3cfuSilfwcrcb9fapbetontotbc:'Ebiiai (S tbe wozcUc of eob,tbat vt beleuc on tym, wbome 1El)t (iototll •MLuMht, ujljom&e&aft fcnt,^Dl>ct> f*Ji>Uc tUcrfo^ c \>n= ffiff"* tobim*ttftatfpgnefteu>cfttboutbcn, tbat fln.w.taVi.b wcmapcMnDbclciietbcrtttbatbocfttbou x«inc.n.ii. njo^cbc c jDur ftttytf Opu cntc &)anna in */Sro.rtj.!..tt)cDeftrta0itii8t»mtf:I{)effaucti)e*b?ccD from bcaucn to eate . '£ben3cfuj$ uipoeDn* totbfcttcelp.Derclt^rapc Dntopou: tyo- fcjs gauc you not tpat b?ccb from bcaucn: *«&t»M * but nip faftcr geuctb vou tbc true bjecb from bcaucn . Stop tbe bweb of ob iss be, tobpeb commctb bourne from ljcauen , an D geuctb Ipf c Ditto, tbc wo? ibc. ^lKnfapbtht*Dntobim:2,ojD,euermo= rescue DfltbiflKccb . 3nH JcmafapbDuro tb*:*w3«u\tljeb;eeb of Ipfc . l»c tbat cfimetb comeftallnotbonger: anbbctbatbcleuetp onmeftallneucctburft. |c bpm:3inb 3 -k^fa xm „ W VU capfe bpm Dp at p laft bapc.3t i$ u>jit= &1SS te,u « *&* l&jopbetc* : * anb tbep ftalbc all taugbt of c5ob . ttaav man tberfow £ batb bcarbe, anb batb learneb of tbefaftec, com- *fir.ttiw* mctb Dnto me. * $ot tbat enp man batb fc= l$JK b netbefatber,fauebet»bicD^of<2)Ob:tDefa= me baft fene tbe fafter. &ecelp,Dcrclp,3fapc Dnto pou:&e£ put* tct\) btf tfuft in rnc&atb eueciaftinge Ipfe . J a in tbat b web of Ipfe.gourc fatbec* bph eate Manila in fte toplDcrnesi^are bceb ( %\^% t$ tbat bjeeb ,'UJbpcb commetb bourne from tea uen , tbatamanmape catcftcrof ; $ not apt . 3 am ftat Ipufngc tyenb , uftpcb came bourne from bcaucn .jf enp man eate of tb f *mt.tru.t bjeab , be (ball liue foj euec * ainb fte bweb tbat 3 uuilffciictf mpflefibe, uftpefO will geuc f o? tbe ipfe of tbc u> 0? ibc. h fi ^bejicttie^tbecfo^eftroueamSojetbem (eluesi,fapfff : iaou) c£ tlJtjas felowc geue W f> flcftb of bi0,to tattt 'EbenSefusJfapbe tmto t[)em : 4« UcreIp,Derelp> 3 rape tmto pou, &3* qv ejccept pe eate tlje fiefu^e of {be fonnc of aiiD.nn.& f.lohtt.iiif.b man,anbb?(UBel)^bloubc:pe|)aucitolpfe in you. tubofo catctb mp ftcfujc 9 o^pneftc th rnp bloubcbatb ctcrnoli ipfc, $ 3 u>pll capfc tim Dp at tbc laft bapc. Hb tf ojmptlefujicijai mcateinbebe:anb mp bioubeiicibiinckc in bebe . lj)c tbat eatetb mp ncflbe $ b^fftetb mv UioubcbUKllctl) in meanb 3 in bim. m tbe lymngc fatiJtc |jatb fent me , anb 3 liue foj § fatDcc : eucn fo be tljat catetl) me, (ball ipuc Up tbe meant of me. Wa ijj f' biceb.uJbicj cam bourne fro bca u en mot a# poure fatbertf m eate a)anua, 9 arcbeeb . Is>e tDat eatctft oftbtJ5b?ceD,tballlpuccuec. ^ Wle tbingeisE fapb lie in tUe fpnagogcajS betaugbtinCapernaum.a)anptberfoieof DWbifciple!E<(i»Dgtl)epD8blJerbetDi}5)fapbe: tin 53 10 an baroe tapmge : UJpo can abpbe tbc bear inge of it f3er»jar Uueujc in Urn fclfe, tbat W biifcipiesotbtDijSoffenbepon/' Wat anb pf pc qjall fe f fonne of man afcenbe lop tbitbec iDbere be urn** before ."3t«tUe rpjete tbat gupcRcnetl), tbc flclUi utoffptet|jnotDingc* / Cbeujo?besfp3fpeafie\)ntopou,arcfpjetc anb Ipfe . uSut tbcrcarc fome of pou tljat be* leue not. if 0? 3cf n* bucujc from tbe begpn» rnnge, UJljicb tbep t»erc,tbat bcle ucb not , $ pboujulbc bctra pebim: 3fnbbc fapb :tbec= fo?cfapbe3 Vmto pou: tbat *nomancanco« 111 e Dnto mccjreept it tt>crc gtnen tonto br>m ofrnpfatUct. baencaubfo^foke bim, anb walkeb nomo^c mth tym. ^m fapbe 3ef u0 to t^c tweluc; UJpll pe alfo goo awapc' % \)tn ^)tmon#e= tecanfujerebbim : to^b, to wljom tball m go * ^bou [jafte tbc ujo^etf of etcrnall Ipfe * anbujcbcicuc anb nrcfure tjat tbou art €Wu tfjc fonnc of tbe lpiungc d?oD .3cfusl anfu»erctbtbc:lDauenot3eDofcnpoutttJe^ ue.anb* one of pou i0a beupll tmffotee of 3uba03fcartotb t\)t fonne of mnm . J?o? be it m& , t[jat ujulb bctrapc |)pm , bepngc oncoftfjettbelue. * C£!)c.tMj.c&apter< S?i n !K mc ' ,,to3,crura,c, "' rt, Hf f wa.t?Mi)«fj BSBSS *B? <""<"'«« W* Pwpc.2CDc»tia«rcB rts «^„W,& B / beMuft ; to"* ">4uc noibWtVt, •repco topt|)^FfoDcmu9fo> tahpugtupepVtc. dS? #3(*inm macttiM £ Illicit/. 3 <»ll«.t|.fi XUKC.HffA 3o0n.ctli.t lifter tbcfe tbingetf; 3cfii0 uift ;abont in o^ftei« tberof arc tmWon Dp Unto thtfl! feaw, 3 Vbllliiot go Dp petDnto tDitf fcaft, fo? mp tpme te not pet full come.uiM ijc bab ft* tbefe U)o?be0 Dnto tlj'em Dcabobe ftpil in WMt . mt a fj fone a.« b fcf b?ctbtcn u» ere comctben u»f t De alto Dp Dnto tbe waft, not 2S openlprbht ajsit were pwueip. ^Ijen fought lama* imntbe3euic^attbefcaft,f fapbe: *n>bere ijil)e.''^nbmocbmurmurmge watftber of *flMt.KW bim amongcp people. tfo^romefopbc: * fee K i? Soob, ot|)er fapbe nape , but he beceauetb amuu tbepcopic.taoro be it* no man (Me openlp of(jtm,fo?fcareoftbc3etoe0. h m >^iaou» u»ban Dalfe of? feaft toajibone, 3cfiiiDi uicnt Dp into t&e temple.anb taugbt. %m tbe 3cu)e$ marucplcb , raping : |i)ou> ftuowctb be tbc fctiptntcjEJ, fepnge tbe neuec . • Icncncb(3cmj8anftt»crcbtbem,ffiipbcj^l)p floctrpncopunotmpncrbutbWpfcnt tne.3f enp man uipll be obebient Dnto W U) pll , he ft all BUOttJC of tbc Doctrine, uftefter ft be of Cob , 02tt)bctl;cr3fpcahe of mp felfc . lie p fpcakctbof bim felfe , fcketb Wtmmmv* fe. But be tbat WketbUp^ p?aprc tbat fent Dim, tbe fame i^ true , $ no DnrpsbteojefnejS i$ in \)im. *&pottot^orrtgcttcpottalftwc,$pct none of pon kepetb p la uocclDbP go pe about tonpllmc^be people anrwercbanb fapbe: tbou baft tbe beupll .tt)bo goetft aboutc to nvll fbfJtQa anfmcrcb.anb tnybt Dnto tfjtttt : * 3 Dauebone oncttiowfec , anbpe all maruaplc . abotb bapc,circuncpfeaman.3famanoutbeS)a«= botboapc rcccauc circucpfiou witbout b?ea* ftpngc of tbc laws of a^ofcsE : biftapnc peat me , bccaufcl banc mabc a man cucrp w\yit mmu wboalc on tbe &abotb bapc t *'3ubgc not IffiJfurte ufwftbeDtterapcrauncc, butiiibgc untlja cpgbtcuicSiubaemcnt. tw fapbc lomc of tfycm of Jccufolcnt: i$mttW&w> tobom tbep goabouttokpll.^. 25utlo,bcfpcakctbbolblp,anbtbepfapeno^ tbtng to btm.Do tbe vulcrsfftnottJC in bebe,^ *<$«*«« tjjitf W Dcrp €Um ( IboXDbeit * u»e knou»e mMi tbitfmantobenccbeig: but U)i)cnCbnftco= mctb,no man kuoujctb uibcncc be us. HCDcii cepcb |cfii)8 in f t eplcr atf be taugbt; f apingrpc botb knotoc mcanb u>bencc 3 am ycltnouic > 3nb3am notcome of mpTclfe: but l)c tbat lent me ist true , tobom pe ftnoxoe ^» UOt.HSuO ftnOUJCbim^»(airti>f3fij»ctbat3htio- ... VJJCDpmnot > 3«)4l6c(ilvttlphcbntofou,but3ttHo\ucfti»m) !Jtff fo?3am of bf,* bebatb fent me. * Wtbep &S.^u fow fl^totake|)un;butuom Solm Ml W^ *firo.tr.* SRHtM *J(H)ii.U.j onbtm,becaufef}^l)oureu)ao!notpetcome * *»)anp of tbc people beleueb on bpm ikattimMtm fapbe : u»benCb?(ftc8metI), miUbebomoo mpwcleiStb^tbcrctbattDUSmanDatl) bone^ 'Cbe jabarifejs bearbe tbat tbc people miie mmen rocbctbingctfcacecnpng tymiUMou* f^Pbarifejfanj fn mm* fentminiftrcsf Vm*m to take bim. W fapbe jeru* Dnto t& iVtt »*»■ '• am 3 a Iptell t»bple mitb pou, anb then go3 ^'■ ,hfvr, ° Dnto bim tbatfentmc.Peftallfekeme.anb ftall not fpnbc me: * as toTjcre %m » thpthee *3M>».tt«.< caupe notcome. i2:ben fapbe tbe 3eu>e0a= a,,0,t,u '° mongtbcmrclue».U)bitberu)pll bego, tbat tDcujallnotfpjibebim<'*»pllbcgoamonge m gentpWCtPbpeb arc rcattcreb abzoaoe) anb tcacb tbe &Uv\& tobat manee of faving . iti tW tbat be fopb ; pc ftall fcfce me ,9 tarn notftnbeme :anb uipcrc 3 am , tjjptbercan penotcomer 3ntbelaftDape,tbatgceatbape of Jftaft ^ 3eru|ftobe,anbcrpeP,fapingc: *3fenpm* v ^r- ». tbP?ft,le«bimcome1)ntome,6Pbiincke. tic tbat beleuetb on me(atf fapctb tbc fcriptucc > out of bus bcllp ftall flott)c tvmttt nmnttt of lpfc.26ut tbfa fpakc be of $ rp^etc , vobpeft tbep tbat belcue onbim , ftuioe rcccauc. ^ 5fo? p bolp gooft u»a0 not pet tbetc becaufc 3efusi\»a5S not pet glonfpcb. 4«autb:anb out of f touwe '<"' u - 4 of25etblecm wbcreDauib wms^oujajs tber biflencion amongc tl\c people becau fe of bim.^nb fome of tbe ujoIDc banc taken him butnomanlapcbbanbcjxof bim . tirhc crime tbcmpniftcr0to ttyl)?? pwftc$anbbbari= rctf.3tnbtbeprapebDntot!;em:U)bpbaucpe ■• not b^ougbtbi H8« mpnifter^ anfv«creb: neucr man uo ke ac tbW ma boetb,^ be anf- UJtrcb tbc p iDbarifejfc arepc alfo bifecaucbr'. SDotbcnpoftberuleejSo?oftbc^barirc0bc= leue on bun i 26uttbWcomcn people tobpclj knoibc not tbe lacocarccurfcb. tficobcnmjS , ^ fapc ft Dnto ftcm( * be tbat cameto3eru** 3w,,u ' M bp npgbt.f UJatf one of ftf ) ftotb oure latoe iuosc cup mil^bcf o^c i it bcare bt , anb knotue tobatbe batbbonc.'"Ebc:i'afttJcrcb ) anb fapb Dnto qu art palfo of Calilc 1 anb 30 Aboutfl to (roue pj'iti. efusiuicnt^Dnfomouttt olpuetc, 3 anbcarlpiuftcmontpngcbccainc*»"*f'"rf<« agapne into tbe temple, anb mi m S&ll peoplccamDntohPm^befaeebo= t»iw,$taugDttUem.3nbtowibc^?.^ba= ■ • , ■ . tifetf 'T H&HflM, .;i K : : rtfctf bjougbtfcnto bpm a woman taken in abuoutrp:* wba" tbep bab fet bir in tbe m pD -- be0 , tbep Tape %»ito bpm ; Rafter , tbp0 w o« man wag fatten inabuoutrp,cuert a0 tbe be* be wa0obofng. * 4^oreje(in tbe la we com* maiibcb U0,tbat fttcbe Qjulbc be ftoncb\a6ut wbat raped ttjoirt bis tt»cp fapbe to tempt bimtbattbcpmpgbcaccufcblm.2Suc3efu0 ftonpebbowne, anb Witb btf fpngcr wzote ontbegrounbe . £>o , wban thep contpnticb afnpngc &im, belpftc btm fclfc up,anb liiy dc Untotbcm: let bim tbat (0ainongc pou wi* tbout .fpnnc , caft tbe fpjft (tone at bee . 3no agapnebe ftowpcb Downe , | wjote on tbe gr oube.anD a Hone ajet tbcp bearbe tW, tbe? .«* wit out one bp one, begpntting ait tbe elbett. ^ 3nb 3efa0 wag leftc alone , $ tbe woman ftanbpngeintbcmpbor0.tt)ben3efu0bab Ipftc Up b»m fclfc, anb fa we no man , but tbe woman, be lapbeUntobic : woman , wbere aretbofetJ)vneac€nM^atbnomaneon> bempneb fr&bc fapbe: po man, llojtbe 3nb ¥im ibx 3efn* We . jftct&er to 3 conbtmpne tbe. * w * v ' e f a (hall bane p ligbt of ipfcflfcbe 0bartfe0 tbcr= fo?e fapbe Unto btm .- tfintt beared reco;tbc of top felfe , tbpreaubeitf lot true . 3clu0auf* wcreb , t fopbc unto tbfem : tboiigb 3 bcace tevOtOe of my fclfc.pctnfiprecoibete tructf o$ 3Bnowewbcnce3cam:,anbwbitbcc3go. C 26ut pe cannot tell w'jeute 3 come ,anb wot* «o» tber 3 go. t>e luDgc after p flefibe $ar 3 iub= genomau.atfubpr3tubrjc,mpitibgementi0 true.lfo* 3 am not alone : but 3 S tbe fatber ^^u.tcj;t3.6tbat Cent me. * 3tf0 altb wtpttcntn poure JJM J - la we.tbat tbe teOimon p of two men itftrue. " 3amonetbatbcarctbwptuc0ofmpfclfc,$ tbe fatber tbat fimt me , bearctb wptnetf of me.^benfapDetbep imto butt: wbcre i0t!jp fatber r3cfu0 aufajercb: pe netber fcnowc me, no; v^ mp fatber: 3f pc M> bno wirnc, pc ftulbrbaue too wnnpratber alfo. 'Cbcfe wojoc0 fpaae 3cfu0 in tbe ere fur p as be taugbt in tbe temple , anb no man lapbe **r:at.«.c Uanbc0onbpm*fojbl0bourewa0 notpet come. }* . ^fcrnfapbe3cru0agapne Unto tbem: & iH J" ,f • 3 go mp wape , 9 * pe (ball fene mc , 9 iball bpe in poure fpnne0.U5bptber 3 go , t^vt^tt can pe. not come. 'Cbe* fapbe tbe 3ewe0:WtU be W him fclfe.bccaufe be faptb: wbptber 3 go , tbptbec can pe not come 1 2Bnb be fapbe unto tbem: pe are from beuetb, 3 am from a= boue.1?c areof tbi0 wo^io , 3 am not of tbiJS woilb,3 fapb tberfoi? Unto pou.tbnr pe (bal mm*** ope m poure fpnnetf. Jfo?*pfpe belcue not 3ot>n. .1.0. t^at3am be.pe (ball ope in pourefpnnejS. 2) 'CbenfaybtbrpUntobfm.wboartetboui' anojem^vetbUnto tbem : eni tbe Uerp iTJ r.r«itt.c (1 i703.ritf.3- T ~inrj.t>,r. J>fb.t.C. fame tbing tbat 3 fewac unto pou . 3 iwne manptbingeidto fape, anbtoiubge of von: ^ce,* be tbat fent mete true.*3&nD3 fpea» icmtbcwojlD,tbofctbinge*,wbicb38aue bearbe of bpm .Ipowebeit thtp Unberftobe not tbat be (Uane of w fatber .1Cben fapb 3efu0 unto tbem ; wrjen pe bauelpftupan bpetbefonneof man. tben (ball penno we, p 3 am be,anb tbat 3 00 nbtbinge of mp fclfc: but * as* mp fatber ba tb taugbt mc , mm f 3 tyennc tbefc tbingetf : anb be tbat fent me, itf ti me. 'SDbc fatber batb not lefte me alone, fojt3boaUwape0tbofctbinge0tbatpleafe liim. }* Zfi be (pane tbefc wo^bejs, Jr manp bcleueoonbim. A ^ben fapbe 3efu0to tbofe3ewetf, wbicb bcleucb on bim : 3f pe continue in mp wo^be, tbe n are pc mp uerp bifciple* , anb pe (ball Unowe tbf tructb : anbtbe truetbfball mane pou free. 'Cbepan(Wercbbim;U)ebe 3b;abam0fecb,anbwcreiicucrb6bctoenp man : bow fapeft tbou tben .- peCbalbe mabe 3elU0anrwerebtbi:Uerelp,Uerelp3fape Untopon.tbat+wbofoeucrcomittetbunne, Wtbc feruaunte of finne.^nbtbc feruaunt abvnctb not in tbcboufc fo^eucr:26ut t^t fonttc alpbetb cucr.3f tbe fine tberfoje (bal mn lie poufic. tben are pefre in bebc. 3 nno= wetbatpc arc3Eb;abamjS feeb s Int pc fcfte m:ane0toHillme,becaufempwo)Jbatbno pi ice in pou-3 fpeafte tbat wbicb 3 bw fc=» ne witb mp fatber: anb pc bo tbat, wbtcbpe bauefene witb poure fatber .^bcp nnfwe« rcb anb fapbe Unto bim:3ibjabaiu i0 ottre fa tber »3efit0 fapeeb Unto tbem :3f pc were 3biabam0 cbtlbren ,pe wolbebo tbe bebc* of ^bzabam. i5nt now pe go aboutc to Hpll me, a man tbat batb tolbe pott tbe truetb wbpcb3baue bearb of (5ob 1 tbt0 UvU not ab.iabam.^ebotbe bcbe0 of poure fatber.- 'QTbenfitpbe tbepto bim : we were not bo?ne offomicacton.H)ebaueoncfatbcr,eni(!!)Ob. 3efu0 fapb Unto tbi:pf <2>ob were poure fa* tber.trulppe woioe lone me . ffoi3p;tocea= bebfo^tb»anbcamefcd nmt^mw ,y.t> *3tataMt e St * ape we not weii,tbattbouartad)amaritan,anb^ba(t tbe tonvM(20 anfwereb:3 bane not the be- ! npll : but3bonoure mpfatber , anb pebaue biflbono^cb me. 3 fene not mpne awne pjap* ft : tber i0 one tbat feftetb.anb (nbgetb. tturelp uerelp,3 fapeUntopou.pfaman itepe mp faieng,be (ball neuer fe beetb.'Cben fapb tbe 3c we0 Unto }^im : #ow ftnowe we tbat tbou baft t\)t \)tuv\\ • 3b^abam (0 be eb, ® anb tbep^opbetc0, anb tbou fapeDhpf a man ftepemp faping.be Cbal neuettafl:e of beatb. 3i:t tbou greater tben our fatber S&luabam, wbicb i0 tefo ^anb tbe pjopbctejai are mn. UJbotnmaftefttbou tbp felfec 3efu0 anfwercb 1 2t 3 bo n ottre mv felfe, mpnc bon our i0 notbmsei 3t t0 mv fatber p bonourctbmc, wbicb pcfape, 10t?ouc <0ob,f petpebauenot bnowcnbpm:but3nnowe Cim.3nbpf3fape,3Rnowebimnof,3ftal be a Ipar IpUc Unto pou.ftut 3 fenowe bim, nnbftepcbt0fapingc. im fatber ^abam wa0glab to femp iOtn rtifl.ii tape: *anb be fawe it, $ rciopfcb.'Ebcnfapb mstm tbe3cwc0Untobtm:tbouartnotpetl.pcre olbcanb bait tbou feneab,2abar3c(ti0fapb * Untotbe:iMcrelpUcrelp,3 lapeuutopouipcr tjtHm 3b?abam wa0bome, * 3 am. * wntokc tjw-r* tbep Up ftonc0 , to caft at l)m ■ JSnt 3efu0 vimm c W ^ ,m felfc,anb^ wcntottt of tbe teplc. h C^bcijcCbapter. >^ CCbJPft mahctij tbe itun to Cc tbat to as borne MpnOf. &t>t\$ 3efu0 paffeb bp , be fa we a man , wbicb wag blpnbe from M bp?tb3nb bi0bifcpplc0afbcb btm faptngc : Rafter , wbo ^ fpnnc, tbt0man,o; bP0 fatber anb motber , tbat be wa0 bo?ne blpnb.'3ef 110 anfwercb : Bctber iiatbtbitimanfiimrb, no? pet b'0 fatber anb motber.- but tbat tbe wo?cnc0 of© obftulbc belbewe'Oinbpm . 3muft 1 wo < tcltetbcwo?c=' Uc0 of bpm tbat fent mc , wbple it i0 bapc. / 5rbenpgbtcomctb,wbcnnoinancanwoitc= Witffl.ua 6 e . % longe a0 3 am in tbe wojlbc. *3 am *n.tw.Mi.« tbe Ipffbf: of the wo^lbe. 20 $flotte a0 be bab tbu0 fpoften , be fpat on tbe grdnnb,anb mabe clape of tbe IpctlcanD rubueb t\)t clapc on tbe cpc0 of tlje blpnbc, $ fapb Unto bim: ©o, weflbe tbe in tbe pole of *tfb.wi.b *5&iloe, wbiebC bp int crp?ctact6)t0afmocbe to fiipc a0,fcnt.loe went bi0 wape tbcrfojtr, anb wafibeb,? camcagapne,fcingc: $>o tbe nepgbbottrc0 anb tlpy f bab fenc bim before (bow f be wa0a bcggerjfiub: 10 not tbt0bc tbat fat anb beggco t ^>om c tiip&tbti 10 be. 3lgapnc,otbcr fapb>»(^o,but) bet0lpbc bpm. Jpe bpm felfe fapbe :3 am men be.'Srbcr^ * fo?c fapbe tbep Unto \f^m •. iaowc are tbpuc epetfopeneb.'' 19c anfwercb anb fapbe : 'Cbc . man tpat i0callcb 3efu0 , mabe clapc , anb anopnte bmpnc epc&anb fapb unto mc: <3o 3 totbepole&ftoe, anb wafibe . 31 nb wban 3 went 9 wefibeb,3 receaucb mp fpgbt.'Cben fapb tbep Unto bim: wbcre i0 be.-'tae fapbe;3 cannot tell ,tbtv b?ongbttotbe pbarife^bPm tbat alptell before wa0blpnbe.anb it mz t\)t *^>abbotbbape, wben 3efu0 mabe p clapc, * num* anb openebbp0epe0.'Cbenagapne tbepba= •&„*!.$.* rife0 alfo affteb bpm , Ijowc be babrcccaucb^''";^ bi0fpgbt. I^cfapb Unto tbem : bepttt clape 4 " 3 wu Uponmpneepe0 , anb 3 wafujeb , anbbo fe. 'Cbecfoje fapb fome of t^z pbarife0:tbp0ma i0 not of <5ob,becaufe be bepetbnot cfe jte ^> botb bapc. £>tbcr fapbe: *bowe can a man £ *JJ (0a fpnner,bo fucbmp i tacle0.''3nb tber wa0 ' aftrpfeamongetbem.'Ebepfpa&eUntotbc blpnbc m5 agapne:tDbatfapft tbou of bim, bccaurebebatbopcncb tbphe epe0. , 'li)cfapb: * lac t'0 a p^opbc te. * 3ia&»w;j 2i6uttne3ewc0bpb notbcleuc of tbe ma Cbow tbat be bab bene blpnbe, anbreccaucb bPJ^fpgbt)Untpll tbepcallcb tbctatbiranb motber of bim tbat bao receaucb bptflpsfot. 3nb tbep afltcb tbem, fapmg:30tbP0 poure fonne,wbo pc fape wa0 borne blpnbc' l?ow botb be now fe tben/' iai0 fatber anb motber anfwercb tbem, anb fapbe : we Emowc, tbat ti)P0 i0 ottre fomtcano tbat be wa0bo?ne ( g blpnbe : but bp wbat meanc0 be nowefectfy, we canot teU.€)| wbo batb openeb Diss epe0, cannot we fcll^cttfolbc pnongb.af!iebim, let bpm atifwe refo? bpm fclfc . S>ucbc woj= bc0 fpalie bp0 fatber Sb motber.becaufctbep fearco tbcjcwc0. Jfo?tbc3cwc«babcon= fpp^eb all rcabp, tbatpf enp maubpb con* fcu"ct!jatbewa0Cb?ift> * bcifculbc be crco* *»•»*<• mnnicat out of tbe fpnagogcEberfojtc fapb hi'0 fatber anb motber : be i0olbc pnougb, afHcbtm. ^benngapnccallcb tbep tbe man pwajS blpnbc ,mh fapb Unto bpm : 0ctie(5obtbe piapfc: wc Btiowe tbat tbr0 man t0afpn= iirr.^canfajcrfbtberfo^c^anbfapbe^lbp^ tber be be a fpnncro?uo,3 cannot tell, ©ne tbpngc3nm fure of : tbat wbcre a0 3 wa0 blpnbc,nowc3fc.1S'bcnfapbetbcptobpm a gapnc:tobatbpb be to tbe.'' I90W openeb be je f bpnc cpc0 r l^eanfWereb tbem : 3 tolbc pou per wbple , anb pe W not bcarc . U)bcrfo:e wolb pc bcarc it agapne.'topll pc alfo be bt0 titfctplr ■: % ben ratcb tbep bpm ,* fapb : 25c J)bp« biftiplc. Uicare #oft0 bifciple0.U)c arefurc , f>0o8 f pane Unto a>ofe0 . 3jSIoj tbi0felowe,wclmowcnotfr6wbcncebet0. ^bemannnfwcrrb,anbfapbeUntdtbi: tbi0i0amamclott0 tbing, tbat pewotenot from wbencebe i0, anb pet ijc b'atb openeb mpnc cpe ; jf 0? we be fure, jpfcar 6^ob bca= ^8 retbnotfpnncr0.2i5tttpf enp man be a wo?* flnpper of 0:0b, anb obebtent Unto b<0wpl, btm ijcaietl;. be . ^)encc tbe wo^lb bcgU wa0 it not ijcarbc , tbat enp man open eb tpe rpc0 $t ofone 6* .r 1 !* i •of one that watfbojm Wynbe; 3f tbpg man were not of (fl>ob J hecoulbe &auebonc no* tbing.^bcyanfWcrcb,nnbfapbWito|)pm: tbou art altogether borne in tynnc, anbbott tl)ou tracD twaino tljep caft Dim out. jrwtf DcarU that tljcp hab crcfimunicate bym-anb wbcn be hab founbebpm, tic fapbe wito bym iboctttbou beleue on t|)e tonne of <5on< i^e anfwc rco HO fapb: Wtk Wit loio *^„ HII# .t tot ^Wl>tWf!iccmWm^nl»aWli01WD *.io,i...nw \mtohint:^bouhaftfcnchim,*anbbcttfc fo? m ibepe:^ * m „ t . WttJteW imm , mc\) arc not of thptf mtu folb.^ljem alto mult 3 tying, anb tbep (ball Draremptoopcc,nnb^tbcrfcnlbeonefolD«^ anb one (bepbearbe. *t 'ftbcrfojcbotDmp £ fatber lone mc,bccanTc3put mp lyfe front me.tbatampghttaBeftagapne. $0 mS ta- Jet!) it fr5 mt:but3 put it a wye of my felf. 3Dmiepowrtoputitfromnic,anb3bane powr to tane it agayne . mm command ocmentl)aue3rcceauebofmpfatbee.'?rbcre VNW8 biflencpon tbcrfo^c agapne amonge tbc3ew^fo?tpefefayiuges(,anbmanpof . m „ ( tDemfapb:*IftebatbtDebeue!,anb Wmabb: Sffi; 4 wnyhcarepebff'ilDtber fapbc:*tbefeareuot fc'"f fbewo?be^ofbimt atbatbthcbeupu.canl"tt *De Deupll open ei)e cpejs of tbe Wwibei' *?«o«.% ^ *3Cnbitwsanbfayb \jntoT)im i ftowlonae aBP «"« t boft tbou make WbonteOf thonbe cbnft , tell \)Sf playne lp.3efusi anftcereb W% tolbe pou,anb pc beleue not. ^nctxioicftetf tDat 3 bp in mpfatberisitamc , tfjcy bcare Wtneffe ofme.«6utyebcleucnot,beiaufeycarcnot of my Oicpe. 303 fapb tmtopou:* my 0)e= mhkmi pe benre mp tooyce : anb 3 nnow tb?,? tbep $ foipwme,anb3gcue\mto them etemail Iyfc,aubtIjcyajaHm:ucrpertfib,ntthera)aU tny man plucHctbem outcof mphanbc.cep fatber txjfncb gaue tbem me, ijJ greater tben all, anb no man iff able to tane tbem ottte of mp fatbertf banb. * 3 anb my fatber are one. *&&** * • 'Ebeutbcjewjagapne toUc\)pfto= T$!m m, to (tone hpm witb all . 3euitf anf wrcb tljcm : manpgoob txio^cftesfbauc 3 tycwb you from mpratftertfoj wbicl) of tbem bo m ttonemer TO 3e WSanfwreb Mm,fapeg: $01 tbp gpobw^cBcsl fane w (lone f not, jrmtoitlw blafpbemp , anbbccaufe tDat? **•** beyngc a man,ma»cfl: tW felfe d5ob j 3efu§ anfwreb tbem : 30 it not wptten in poure law * 3 fopoe , ye arc gobbetf 1 3f he calleb *pw-to*i tbcm gobbesJ,\)nto whom tbe Wj?b of d5ob & m * ■ w^lpoBcncnnbtbereripturccffnotbctyo^ lien concernpngc by m wbom m father barb fanctifpcb , anb rent into ttt woj!bc)fc>o pe IK v 3 b^^Pftcmc *;bccaufe 3 fapbe,3 am *m« «w m tonne mobt * 3f 3 bo notf he mmM fB-ff of mp father,belcuemenot .H5ntyf 3 bo.Sb flSSSf yfpe beleue not me, beleue tbe mmnSmmi yemape (mottJeanbbelenctljattbe fatber i0inme,anb3mhim. ^ J ™* *3!gapnetbepwcntabouttotahchpm; * mmm 9 U efcaneb out of their banbe,* w^tawape SBB agapncbeyonbc3o?ban,intof piaee+whee^ . m ifo,tl^ • *toim.<«.t. 3obnbpb noniwaclcbut^all thpngetfthat • 30611 fpaftc of tbus man wre true.^nb ma npbcieucbonhimtljere. CCDc.jci.cbapfer. >fr IDCbtpft tapfrti) XaMKiie Rom bcatb . Wat bpt Wfc flea ano pljdtpfcfl «ob , that the tonne of *m«i.tt.a (H>ob # mpghtbcwapfcDbptbcteaionotit. 3cftig loucb Martha anb bee filler anb la* wait . lubanbe bab bcarb tberf o?e, tbat be waolVcHc , be abobctw bayegftpil in tbc fame place where be wag. „ IThcii after tbat.fapb be to hwsbifciplcg: 23 ict \)jS go into ~$c xnw agapne . i>ps btfciplcg fapbe finto test * Walter , tbc 3c wcg lately * mwu t *('ougbt to jWrtHe, anb wylttUou gotbp« 3L,m tbcragapnellefusianfwercb:arctbcrcnot 3ei).hoHrcgoftbcbapc.''3f ama walftcmtbc baye , be ftomblctb not , becauft be fcetb tbc ligbtoftbiJ5Wo?Ibe.z5utpfanianwalHcin the npgbt.ljc ftomblctb, becaufc there i* no lygbt m l)im MW M ft**«* af rcc thnt f *tf,. rfr c fapb \)ntothem;our frebc lajaruSMfflepet?): SSSSSf but 3 go to wake Dim out of flcp. tfttn fam m*x htjsoifciplcgilo^b.pf be flepe.be fbalbo wcl pnougb.l90Wbeit,3cfugfP«KCOfb»gbeatl); but tbey tljougbt , tbat be bab fpoken of tbe imturall flc peahen fapbc 3cf i\* Wit tbem plapnely.Warugislbccb,<1b3amglabfo? your fakeg, tpt 3 wag not thcrc.bccaufc ye mapc belcuc.0cuertbeleg,let \s& go wito bi. *3R«*iwF.f 4tnm fayti *^rbomag(wbicb is calico SDp* bimug) wito tbc btfciplcg : Ictt \)g alfo gp, y C we maye bpc with tym. 'Ehen went 3mg> anb foubc tbat be \)(to Ipcn in bpg graiic fon» rcbaycgallrcaby . uBctDanfe wag nyc Wito lerufalcm, about fpftenc furlongcg of, aim many of the 3cwcgcamcto a)artba? 4Wa= rp to cfifo»te tbcm oucr tbeir bzotber . 4ft)nr= tpa affoneag (bebearb tbat3cfug wag com= my ngc , went anb met bym : but Wary fate ftyllmthehoufc. X* %im fayb a)artba Wito 3cf 9 .' io?b, mm.m * pftboubabbeft bciicbcrc , my tyotberbab m ■ notbpcb:neucrtbclcffc > nowe3lmot»etbat wbatfocner tbouafacft of (5ob , d>ob wpll acucittbe . 3cfugfaptb witobcr : Cby tyo= tber(ba«fpreagaync.4i)artl)afayctbWito *Wki ' l)ym:3 utiowe that be mall VfU agapne in p «W«w ! rcTurrcccpO at tbc la»bape.3cfug faptb . tm= teb" toDce:3amtbeeeftirreecvonanbtfte*lyfe: 8S??8 * *9 C ^ at bclcneth on me W tDousD Dc were beeo, petmallhelpue .3dnb^- wbofocuct = ; i^ lyuetb anb beleuetbonme , mall nence bye: 2i6eleueft tljoli thig.^De fapb wito lum:pce lo?be, 3 beleue tbat tbou art Cb?tft V fonne of©ob,wbicbft)ulbcomeitotbcwo,2lb. \* *> anbaffoneag be hab fo fapbc , me wente bee waye,^ calleb C^acp ber rpftcr fccretlp, fap= ingj^be matter igcomcanb cnilctb f oi tbc. ^tfone ag (be bearb that, (be ar ofc miyeklp, anb eamewito bim.Jefug wag not yet come into tbe townc: but wag in tbat place wberc Wartba met bpm .'Cbc3«wcgtbcii wind) were witb bcr in the home anb cof o2tcb ber, ( wbcu tbep fa we C^atp tbat me cofc t)p W ftclp^nbwftoutjfolowcbber.faicng^lje goetb Wito tbc grauc, to wepe tbcrc. % bm when Warp wag comewher 3e- rugwag.anbfawebym.ujccomctbnpc ten* w , ft , to big fcte.anb Uwt\) Wito him: lo?bc, *pf ? * 3 ' mtut Ijabbcft bene here ,my tyotbec bab not bene becb. tDben Jcuigtbcrfojcfawebcrwcyc C anb the 3eweg alfo weping wbtcl) cametfi bcr;be groncb in tbc fp?etc,ab wag troublcb inbimfclfe.anbfapbe: tobcrcbauepc layeb btmr'Ebcp fapc Wito him : loibc.comc, nub . fe.3ino*3cm$ wcpt.'Cbcndipb tbc 3cwcg * Lm - X,t - 2i6cboIb,bowc be loucb bym.Xlnb fom of t\)Z fapbc:coulbenbtbe wbicb* opcnebtljccpcg *jflbn.fc.; oftbcblpnbcbiiucmabcalfo, tbat tbm man owbcit,3lmcwe,tbattboiibcaicftinc allwapcg : btit^bccaufc of tbe people wlncb * ?"!«».*«■ ftanbe bp. 3 fapbc it, tbat tbep mayc bclcuc, tDattljouhaftfcntmc. &ttb when be tbug bab fpoken , \)c crycb 5r «5aloubW)ycc:lajarug,comcfo ( itb*^nb #**•»*• he tbat wag becb, camefozth, bounbe banbe 5 fotc xb (jraucdotbeg, % bigfacc wag tofii witb a napftin.3cfug fayb wito tbcm t loof c jim,f let |)im go. ^Ijcn many of thctlcwcg wbichcamc to Wary ( anb hab fene f tbpn- gcgwbicb3cfugbpb)*bcleucboubym. Jj< ^jomi.m OiStit fome of tbcm went tbep? wapeg to tbc pbarifcg.flf tolbc wbat 3c fug bab bone. ►^ * ''vCbengatbercbtbebPcpKftcg^ tbc i2£%& phanfeg a eouccl,$ fap6:* what bo wc.-' Jfoi tmmi' tl)tgm5 botb many miraclcg.3f we letthym *aa».ftu fcapetbug.almc will beleue on him, anb tbe JKonmyng Own comc.anb take awapc botb our rowmc anb the people. 3Mm one of them jf f t) uamcb ii it •A i iKintfpcnipU.^i'bsi'iiixtljclJVCWcIleffrtme us, flint one man bpe fojrfte people, anonot V aUtUc • proplcpcrpnUc. fbc3fUJC0 *a* xuuf.u.;:.! fl-er mmme at banb, « manp went out of $ countrc Upto3erufaIcm bcrWbc €after, to punfp t&cieluetf.'fcb*" fougbttbep foi3c= * ** , ** »» tftc temple:* n%i t tbinfcc pc,fcpng be co= mrtb not to tbc fcaftcbape.«"£bcbpc pjcftcS aim pbarifc0 * bab gcucn a comaunbement, ppf nip man fmewe txiljc r tje t»crc,l>c OjuID qicujciMbattbcpmpgbttatte him. U ^ C^bc.rit.CbaptcrHh C.rtJ.wp rtiiopiitrtu £l)!pftc8 fete. 3ub«8 miirtmirtth jflMFft trcufttl, Dcr , .ino rpdctti into J««ral™ lEtye&ofptU &3ioI?>i'r,c 3E gj fern 3cm* ( fyrc bapcS before @a* _pftcr)camcto2i6ctbanp,wbcr toa- * u ?MScnttert , U)bomebe rapfeb fi mw from Draft. ITftee flwp mabc bpm a Oroocr * jH S eM,i of tbcm tbat fate at tbe table rt mm S^Rii tone #)arpa poub of opntmct (calico jahr- mi0,pcrrccrca^p2ccfomj)anbaiiopntcb3c* "J Spi «»«» JM* but fete tuttfe bet brar.f* the bouic pw* fpllcj ttutb tbe obourc of the * w'Mt*M opntment. **Kfcii lapb one of big mfciuie S- aftcrwato km bimj whp mimtft § opntcment folbc flu ttj^e bunVb pcnce,ai m gcucn to tbe pm** big be rapb, not fh carebfoj tbe pozebut becaufe be wasa ft etc! * ***awini) . *f»n tbe bagge , * bare t&at tobtcf) wn* tbe bapc of mpburpmgc batbmeaepttW. Jo^tbe poo^cauwap^ajall ?c baSS pou,butmebanepenotaUmape. bHSJ^f^ii^^^ewesitbcrfoiebab *« J?% tbat be tmtf tber. aim) f bevcame ^ms^^^^mme rapfeb fto Deatb. 26ut tbe bpc p^etteis belbe a counccll , ftftep I)P!n,anbctveb:Ti>omnna,*blefleb rjeilje tbat §mm intbenamcof tbc tmte , commetbmvnff of ** e w« 3fcaell.ainb 3efufl!got a ponjjcaffcanbfate tberon^sfttW^ptcn: ^fcarcnotuaiiflbtct ,*ffi^ of^von,bcboiDe,tbV^«Q:e , comtnctb,fvt4Si.S tingoiianaffcg coltc. 'ftbefe tbingcst\)inbtr= C ftooe not W Difcmlejei at tbefp^ft : but wben 3eius ujasi fflojttpeo, tben tememb^eb tbcp tbat focb tbingc* UJereui^ptcn of ftim,anb f» focbe tbpiiffe jg tbepbab bone mitobpm.irbe people p ujatf wifb OPmCtoben be calleb %a-- lartttf out of big graue> 5b tayfeb bvm from beatb)bare reco?bc , '©Ijetfo^e mete tow tjje tjcoplealfo, becauretbepbearDc tbatbebab DonefocljeanUtaclc. l:bepbarifcsi tbetfo?c fapb among tljcm feluctf: perccaue pe, bot»e txjep?euaplcnotbtng/'bcbolb^(aii^c totoio «^ t»o?lDegoctb after bim. , ^^bfrwerccertcn^cHetfamongetbe, ffi»«m tbat came to wojqjpp at tbe f ea fte : tbe fame 38B3B cam tbcrfo^c to ^biUpCwbtcb wasl of 26rth= faiba a cpttc tn ©auic ) and befpjcb to>m, fa- rmg:«Dp^uie wolbe fapne nwjL ^biitp cameanb toibc 3Hnb?euj; 2nnoagapneai!n= ^cujnnb»«Ptolb3tfu^3nb3efu0an= , fujercbtbem^apmge: *tbebom-eiioicomf.<' *2 l )n m m tonne of man mult be gioWb. * ,Whrt "* ' * mmty VJcreJp,3 rape vnto pou+eycept * muu tbcujbcatco?ne fall mto tbe gronnb,«bve, !<&»&* it bpbctbnlone . 3f it *vt , it bjpngetb fo^tb • mocbfrute. * WouetbbPSWc, qmllDe> *^t.t.» iti-opeit: anb^bcpbatetbbPiSlpfeintbpfl! 5JW\ wo^lb, njali kepe it tnto Ipf e eUl.^ gKJS man inpmfterlaiitome.lettbimfolotxjeme: «^* SW ^A cce 3 am, t bere wall alto mp mftti- *w>f<* £f?, be • ?fi» !? a " wnflta t)nto me , bpm T m,fi ' tXJtllmpfatberbonourc. ^ p o w : ij< mp foulc ttoubleb,ab t»bat (ball 3 rape/' jf atbcr,bclpucr mefrom tltfjBi bonre.- jmttberftttecamejmito tbp^boure. Jfa--. tbcr.glojifptbp name. 12:bcncatbera^op= 5f'*2fWBjo^frftaflapne.'5:kneop!etl>cr= f o?c tpat Jobe bp anb bcarbit, wpbe,tbattt mwtmp. ibthct fapbe : an angeii fpane to bvm. 3efusianftt)ereb anb fapbertbW \)opce came not becanfe ofme*bntfo?poHtfaBetf. %%mm wBow 10 tl)t iubgment of tw t»o*lbe: ?WWrtto(neeoftbpsitt)o^bebecaft ?, , will toaue all men tontome.^:bP0be fapbe ftpifpinge,\»bat OeatbbeOmlbe bpe . 4te pcopleantocrebbpm: Uiebaucbcarb out of t&SSF* ?f?J* Wft bvbctb cuer, gb bo\» »'jf M y no ig tbat fonne of man^ben 3cfug fapb 3HU« tjntotblipctaipteilwbpletistbew^tb pou.* ipalhietobple AauelpgKft be * intbebatcft ,ijootctb notabptbeehe goetb tt)bPle pe bane ipgbt , beleue on tbe lpg?t 1 vt mm uc m ctyityv n of tbe ipflbt F CUbefe m&MNL $oMi> fSMtM «.&A.WtA mm** 1 t£Mi t /nat.fnl.l* KoftitJtM. ■flJar-waJi St l£Wc tbpngejei rj)ftRe3ef«jef, anb bcpar= tcb,anb \>it) bini felf from tbem.aSut tbougb 5c bab bone fo manp miraclcsi bef o?e tb^,ptt tat not tbepon ijpm, tbattbe faplnge of 6fam0tbc *pbet mpgbt be fulfplleb,t»btcb be fpane:* io^D.wbo Qjalbeleue our fapfg.-' 3tn)totobo(0 tlje arme of tbelo?bebec!a= tcb t 'ftfietfojte cottlb tbep notbeleue.becaufe tbat ®RUa0nutb agapne: * be batb blpnbeb aa „„ „ tbetr epc0,anb barbeneb tbeir bcrt,tbattbcp &m.b- Qmlb not fe \x>itl> tbeir epc0, 9 left tbey Omlb mmwut \)noer ftanb vmy tbetr bcrt, anb ujulb be c5= uertcb, anb 3 Wbe beale tbem .^>ocb tbpn= gc0fapO \»bat 3 (bulb foycf mbatj nmlbc fpcalte. 3 no 3 anoujc tej* raat^bftfeomntannbcmcntiiS ipfeeucria* tf lnge.U>batfoe uer 3 fpcabe tbcrfoiesuc a0 tbefatberbaDcme.foifpeaftc. i5 C^be.riij.Cnaptcr. ^ CCUiprt Ittitiwctbfbe oiftppic* fete , tclletij Hem of - Jud.jb uk traptour, .hid eominauuDctl; tiicm earueftlp to lone one anotlicr. (gfojctbcfcaftc of eaftcr,tt)bc3e» nictbat be (bulb bepart out of tbt'0 wo^lO \jnto j5facbcr . iDijcljc lotirn W wbicl; were in tbc wojlbc, witotbe cube bclonebtbcm.3nbwbcfuppcrt»a0cnbcb, after tbat tbe beupll bab* put in tbc bcrte of * «iat. r tw.b 3nba0 3fcariotb ^imoit is fonne, to be trapc tWat.tr.o «O.Ul>III.D Jiilic r.o- SoIjiiaii.B bpm. 3efu0 Riiow pnge tbat * t^t fatber fjab genen all tbingc0into ty$ baiibejs, aiib tbat be \»a0 come from d?ob , atlb went to <3 00 : berofc from fupper, anblapbe afvbebis top= pcrgarmente0.anbtobanbcbabtaBcnato^ well.be gpibebbim felf.3Cftcr tbat.bcpow^ rcO ooatcr into a bafpn, anb bcgSnc to wa(i|) tbe bifciplcg fctcanb to wppe tbcm witb tbe towcllTWberuJitlj be wa0 gvttod- Hbcn came be to $?mo petcr.3nb ^&e= tcr fapbe wito bpm.- lo^b.ooft tbou wafme mp fete.'' 3efu0 anfoocrco, anb fapb wtto bt : wbnt3bo,?woteftnotnowe,bnt^u;ali: 23 ftnowberaffer.jSeterfapetb^ntobim:tbou Cbaltneuerwai(Jbempfetc.3efu0anfwereb l)pm:pf 3 wafuje tbc not, tbou baft no parte UH'tbttie. ^pmon^etcr fapctb \jntobpm: io^be,notmp fete onelp.butairo tbc babe0 anb tt}c beau. 3efn0faptb to bpm: be tbat i0 wafOjeb,ncbetbnot,faue to tuaffoe bis fete, buti0clcaneeucrpwbpt.3tnbpearecleanc, *bntnotall.ifo?beUnett)cwboitwa0tbat Cbulb be trape Wni. ^Tbf rfo?e fapb be :pc are *zwm not all cleane:9o after be bab waftbeb tbeir fete, anb reccaucb \>v& clotbc0 , anb was fctt oowne, be fapbe ^jnto tbem agapne: wotc pe tDbatjIjancDoneropourPccallmcmafter anOLo?be,anbpcfapeweil,fo2foam33f 3 tben pourc lo s *»tvi t* receauetb wbomfocuer3 fenbe .rcccaiictft s 1i*'tvVV c " mc.3nbbcrbatrcccauctbme,rcccanctbbim tl;at fent me. tiabOefughab tbu0 fapb , be was tron= bleb in tbefp^ete, anbteftifpcD anb fapb.Vic^ relp Uerelp , 3 fape witopou : tbat * one of v^ lt rrl . pou (bail be trape me . Cbtntbe bifctplco lo= ."/•• r -«=" ■ Ucbonconanotber, bowtpngcof wiiomlje £m,m fpaftc. f:berc was one of 3cfu0 btfcipics, (■wbicbleancbonbpnO^cuenbcwbomJc- mn ... fuSloucb. ^0 bpmbecacneb ^pmon peter a "<; ^-j tbcrfoic , tbat beOjulbcafftc , wbo it was of 1 " " 1 '^ whom be fpauc . l)e tben wben be leancb on 3c fuS b?cft, fapb Unto bim : 1 02b, wbo is tt : 3cfuS anfwercb : be it 10 to wbom 3 gene a foppe-3tnbbctDettbebicoc^gauettto3u- baS3fcariotb Simons fonne. 3Enb after tbe t> foppe.(*^^)atil cntrcbintobmi.^T ben fapb *&& 3eluS Witobim:tbat tbou boft, boqupcUlp. ^bat wtft no man at t\)t table.foj tofnt in= • tent be f pake Unto bim. £bom of tbc tbougbt becaufe.*^r'3ubaSbabtbcbaggc,f'3efuS«obi..n., bab fapb Unto bim:bpe tbofctbtgcstbatwc t^ Ijauc ncbe of agapnft t^t feaftc: o^ f be Qmin gene fomc tbpng to tbc pooje. 3Iff one tftf as be bab rcccauco tlje foppc,bewentimmc= biatlp out anb it was mgbt.'&bcrfojc wben be was gone out e. 3efuS fapb: *& ow is tbc * %mi « fonne ofman glo2irpcb 1 2Hnn (3 ob is gloip= «**»«» fpcbbpbini.3fC5obbeglo?ifpcbbpbi,(5ob fball alfo gl02ifp bpm bp bpm felfe: anb ujail ftrapgbt wape g loi pfp bpm. .c (Ii 7*- tE$e<@d(jpett £t&3o$tt 3fo U ■** John rr.f 4 A04t.tt\)i.c. iDar.tMi.c JIiiHf.tru.O Cp fabc > Jcfufi amwercb nym : wpit tfton icoparbe tl)p lyfe fo? m v fa* Iter £1 r relytoerclp,3 fapc Mo tbc: * tbc coc= be (ball not cto we , tpll tl)ou baucbenyeb me G^bc.tfuj.Cbaptcr. >$< C2)c iirmctt) lips Opfrrplts ttWronfolwm agarart irouMr;,fliiD|Pjomrrtt)ti)tntt^c tjolp B^ft* BO be fapbc tontobiSbifciplcS:lett nctyourpcrtcbctronblcb.£cbele= ucm <5on, beieucaifoi me .311 mp farbrrshoufcaremanymanfions: 3fit were not fo,3 wolbe baue tolbcyon. 3 go to pie pace a place fo? pon . 3ttto pf <*s* 3 go to prepare a place fo?pou, 3 tjjtll come a« flapne , anb receaue pou ettcn tonto mp fclfc: tbat*wbcr 3 am>tbcrmapc pi be alio. 3fnb i»bptbcr3 cio , pebnowe , anb tljc wapepe bnowc. tljomatf foptbMobi :lo?b,wc bnowc n ot whttber tbou sotft.% nb bow is it pota- ble f 0? bs to bnowc tDe wapef 3efusfapetb tonto npm: 3 am tbc wapc ano tbc tec utb.Sb tbe* lyfe. * £0 mancomctb tonto* tbe fatber, nut bp me. 3f pe bab bnowejnc, pc Dao ano* we" mp father alfo. 3no now pc bno we jjim, anbbauefene bpm. #hiup fay tb tonto bpmao?be,(bcwe toS tbe fatber,* ttfumfetbtoS.3efusfaytl) tonto |)pm :hauc 3 bene fo longe t ym e wit j) you, 9 yet haft tbou not ftnowe me^■ lohn.f.t «l'D-t|.C *m.W.rf.O 25 # joon.r.r ano be (ball a etie pou anotljer c5fo?ter, tliae be m ape bib e vb pou fo? euec: euS tbe $?ete of treutb> wbom tbe wo?lb cannot recpa ue , be- caufc t\)c wo?lbe fcetbbym not, nether lino* wctbDim.25utpe&nowebim.jfo?bebwel- Ietbu5pon,«u)albctnpou.*3 wpunotlea» ^. mM thM(k ue pou comfo?tele!0!:but will come to pou: * ,WI Set a ly tell wbile anb tU wo?lb feetbme it om o?e : but pc f c me . Jfo? 3 Ipuc, » ye (ball Ipuc. ^ftatbapeujnUye unowetpat3am (n mp fatber.anbpou in me,anb 3 in you. *i9ctbatbatbmpc6maunbementetf,anb C itepctb tpcm :t|)e (ame isi be ? louctb mc .36 no *.3;o«m.ru Ijc t^atlouetl) me,(balbeloueD of my fatDec: jgjftj anb 3 wylltouebpm, anb wyllujcwcmpne awne-felre to bim. *3uba«i fapf b t)nto bym ; *actM.^ (not 3ubaiai 3fcaw'otU ) lo?be, wbat ijSbone tbat tbou wplt (be we tbp (elf e ^) n t o ty, ana not Mo tbc to>Q?lb.'3efu*anfi»cteb « fapb: tjnto tb? ; pf a man loue m e,be Will itepe mp fiap(ncjejEf,anbmyfatbct:wplllouebym,8nD we wyllcome \)nto|)pm,anbbwcll^bpm. I^e tbat louctb me not, uepetb not mp fapin- gc0 . 38 no tbewo?bcwb a«AjS Qt#,9 b?ynsall tbmfleiE{topourremeb?ann« ce wbatfoc ucr 3 banc fa yb "tonto pou. #cace3 leaue w(tbpou, my peace3ffc* we\jntopou.jftotas{tbcwo?lbBeuetb,geue 3 Mo pou.lct notpoure Ijertesibeflreueb, tictbec feare. ^ebauebearbe bowe 3 fapbe t)ntopou:3go,anbcomeagapne\)ntopou. 3f pcloueb me , pe wolbe Merely rclopfe, be- caufe 3 fayb : 3 go t)nto tbc fatber ,f o? tbc fa tbcrij! greater tbeii 3 • * 3lnb nowebane3 iS?" (bewcbpoubcfo?e it come, tljat w^cn it is * come to pau*c , yempgbt belcue . I^ere after wpll3nottalBcmany wo?be$Mo pou, 5fo?tbcp?inceoftbW«Jo?lbecommetb ) anb 4 _ „„ Mt *batbnaugbt inmt.mtf f wo?lbemape SBSif uno we tba 1 3 1 oue tl)c fat bet.3V no tit tbc fr- tbergauemecamaunbm^:,euenfobo3. h mpft,ict\)i8(gobcme. 1£be.y\).(a:bapter. flh ■ «ISi}c ttut Mpnt i m buftanDman nnt) Hljf bulk cues, a Doftrpnr cf louc anfi a tnttt rtfbjt aaai «»» PCtfCCMtrOII. am^tljetructjpn^anbmpfat^cr^ ij tbe bufoaubman €uerpb?aun- tatmm cDetbat bearctbnot frute in me , be willtabeawape.Stnbeuerybjauii cDetDafbcaretDfCHte,willljepourge,tDattt maye b?ingfo?tbmo?efrute. */aowcarcpe mm cleanetbo?owtbewo?bei«wb(cb3Uauefpoa t &V bciiMopou.25pbe(n me,anD3uiyo«.35j2( tbe b?aacbeirannotbeare frute of it telfe, er* cepte it bpbe in tbc tjpne j nomo?e can ye, c* « ceptpcabpbc in me .3 am £ *pm\peare tbe wauncbeft i MIM/I.D jd)ii.tw.f b;auncbe«J . Ir>e tbat abpbe tb in me, anb 3 in btm,tbefameb?igetbto?tbmocbefcute.#o? witbout me can y e bo notbing.Jf a man bp* be not in me, be i£ call fo?tt) as a b?auncbe,$ (0 wptbereb; anb men gatber t()em : anb caft tU2(nto tfje fp?e,anb tfjep burne- * 3f Vt bv= bctnme,anbmpwo?be0abpbeinyou:aftte im,M ttJbatpewylI,anbit(balbebonefo?pou. In * 216 fyerin i$ mp fatber glo?ifpeb : tbat pe beare mocU frute.anb become mp btfcipieS. M tbe fatber batb loueb me, cnen fo Ijmie 3alfo loueb you.Continuepein mploue. 3? pe aepe my commaunbeme* tcx*, pe ©all bpbe in mp loue, ettenag 3f)aue ttepte mp eatfjerjs c5maunbemente0,wbe (n &p$ loue. 'Cbefe tbynoeiS bane 3 fpoaenMopbu,f my iope mpgbte remayne Mo pou , anb tbat poure tope mygbt be full. «3triH(.trft» * * ^bPi^ t^ mp cSmaunbemf t, tljat pe t. 3u*a(w. loue togetbcc,a# 3 oaue loueb you. C5?eater loue batb no man, tbentbptf: tpat a man be= (towe W Ipfe f o? W fr^be^care my ften« bes,yfpebow^atfoeuer3commaunbepou. ipence f o?tb call 3 pou not teruauntett : fo? m feruaunt bnowetb not wbat M \om C boetb.flSutpouJjauc 3 callebfrenbc.fii;fo? all tbpngcStbat3pauebearb of mp faebecba- ue3oueneDtopou. gcbaucnotc|)ofenme,but3l)auecbofen pou,anb ojbeyncbyou , to goo , anb b?pngc f o?tb frute, anb f pour frute ujulb rcmapne, tijat wDatfocucr pe af(^ e of m fatljer in my namebemapegeueitpou. '|i ^^bi!Scommaunbc3Pou,tbatpeloue together . 3f tl)e wo?lbe bate you,pehnowc tbatitbatcbmebcfojcitbateopoui 3fpc were of tbc wojlbc, tbc wo?lbe wolbe louc W a wne * ^owbcit,bccaufc pcarcnotof p wo?lb.26ut 3 baue cbofe you out of p wo?lo ***.!*«.« tbcrfo?e^tbe wo?lb batctbyou. laemember tbewo?bctbat3CtpbVntoyou:tbefemaut *ma(.r.c it not greater tbentlje lojbe. *3I : tbey baue ■htm c per fecuteb mc , tbcp wpll alfo perfecute pou. m * 3f tbcp baue ftept mp faytng.tljcp will Itepe pouresalfo. nm*** *HSutaUtDcfe tljingcS wylltijey bo \jn= a> to pou fo? my names Kifee,bccatife tbcp banc notltnowcn bpmtbnf feutmc.3f 3t)abnot come anb rpoacu mo tfjem , tficp mum ba= ttebab nofyiutc: but now banc tbey notliyng tocloUetbeirfynncwitball.^ctbatbatetb me,batetljmyfatberalfo:3f3Dabnotbonc amonge tljem tbe wo?UeS wljycb none otljec manbyb,tbey dmlb banc bab no fpnnc.2i8ut now baue tbep botb fene, 9 bateb : not oncly me but alfo my fatber . 26ut tbp* topenetp tbat tbc faptnge mygbt be fulfylleb , tMt ws m*r»m w?itcnint bcir la we : *tbcy bateb mc witl> mm* out a (aufCf ^ ^ jg nf ^ ctl tljc cof o?tcr itf * ■joii.tr d.u come,* wbom 3 will fenbe wito you from y ffiffi fatl)er(eirentbcfp?efeoftrcutl),wl)icbp?o= ecabetD of tDe f ntDer )lje ujall teftifpe ot me. Tbtib £3-peQjaIl beare wttneffealfo.becaufe x^ ye bane bene witb mc from t\it begpnmng. C'Cbe.]C\Ji.€baptcr. CConfolacpoiiagai'iiQ trouble. i&iapcw ate Ijcactsc 5e(e tbpngeslbauc3 fapbe Mo pou becaufc pe (bulb not be offen=3f m. * mp (ball ercommunicat aKSSSf pou:pe tbc tpme (pall com c,tbat*flunc.ni.c wbofoeuerayllctbyou ) wtlltbin=* 4 " c9 • ,c, (te tljat l)e botb <5ob fcruyce.* 3tnb (uclj tbt * 3W«w* geS will tbep bo Mo pou , becaufc tbep ba= ue not knows tbe fatber.netber yet mc.2Sut tbefe tbingesbaue3 tolbeyou, tbat wben j> tyme iS come, ye maye rcmcmlectben tbat 3tolbepou. t< -i:befetbyngcsfayDe3 not tontopouattpcbegyuningcbecaurc 3 m# p?cfent witb pou. ►^ 2i5ut now 3 go n\p wape to bym t&at 15 fent me,* none of pou afUetb me wbytber 3 go. 7Bm becaufe 3 tHme fayb (uebe tbpnges MopoH,pourbcrteSarefuloffo?owc.#c= uertbeIcS,3 tel pou tbe treutb, rt is erpcbiiit fo?pou33gooawaye.jfo?yf3goonota= wave, that comfo?tcr wpllnot come unto *?i*.tftt pqu . But pf 3 bepacte, *3 wpll fenbe bym «gg»* Dntopou.3(l^bwbentlctScome,bewyUrc; 4 " cs " , " , bnftetbe wo?lbe of fynne,anb of rigbtewef- ncs,fi of iuogement. €>f Cynncbccaufc tbcp belcue not onme.s!DfrpgbtcwcrncS,bctaul.c ~i go to mp fatljcr, anb pe malfe me nomo?e: iDf iubgement, becaufc* tbc p?yncc of t(JpS ^°tm.t. wozlbe iS inbgeb all reaby. 3 baue yet many tbiges to fay c Mo pou but ye cannot beare tpcm awapc now.iaow bctt wben be is come ( wbicb^ tbe fp?ete ofjjr treutb M will leabc pou into all treutbe. Iji (hall not fpcaftc of bpm felfe •. but wbatfoe« ucr be (ball beare.tbat (ball be fpcaftc.anb be will (bewe pou tbinges to coincide (bal glo rify me , fo? bcujallrcceaue of myne, 5 (ball fbcweMofon . *1tWm& tW tpt ff-jggjg tber batb,arc mpne. ^btrf o?c faybc 3 Wtto gfiff you , tbat be (ball tabe of mpne anb ftrwe*ta*« ^Sllerawbilepelballnotfcme^nb^'^ agapne after a wbyle pefball fc me: fo? 3 bo to tbt fatber. Wit fapbe fome of bps bifcp-- nlegliEtwcnctbemfelueSiVobattStliyStbat bcfnitbVnto\)^afterawbilc,yeajaunot;fe mc , anb agayuc after a wbpie pe (ball fc me: anb tbat 3 go to tbc f atber.^bey fapb tber = fo?c: wbat is tbitf tbat lie fityth:after a wby= le.-'we cannot tell wbat be faytb . 3efuSpcr^ & ceaueb, t^nttW wolbe alae Inm.anD faybe Mo tbem. ^c cnqiifee,of tbW betwenc pour felucS, bccaufc3fapbcafterawbylepc(bal n ot f c me , 9 asayne after a wbyle ye (ball fe mc.iiurclpfccrelp, 3 fape Mo y ou:ye (ball wepcanb lamente , but contrary wpfe , m woJlbaiallrcioyfe.ScujaU^owcbut^yft*^"-' fo?owe(balbeturnebtoioyc. ^ InifttMtt , t St utj % woman I 1 m : ■ N fctttot .wit* 2'ihr yi h, mir.n.D S.ifob.u f .Toan.iii.D JjtJffilj.l'Kft ^Joftn.rcr.c *±-i.tc!n.nii,c. ftMMftu jYiar.uai.c *3M.ri'M.b, l 1 it . 3 IP *3iob«.r»M>. 3 ttiomS utycitrce fraumlctb.batbrozo- wcbccaufcbcrbourciScomc : bittafloncatf Hie to; oeliuercO of tbc cMbc, wcrcmembjctb Horn o#rDc aitgnuTDc, to? iopct bat a man is* borne into tbc wojldc . ainbpc now tberf o?c Dane fojo wc : but 3 will ft poumjayhcano V our bcrtco" ton U r eioy fc, anb your f ope u)ol nomantaltcfroyou. fc< 3imttt^Dapc0iall pc afltc mc no que ftiott . ►fi (El crelp Derclp,3 tope wilo pon: * wbatfocucr pefltall afltc fa rbcritt my name, be wyll gene it poii . foy= tlwetopnepe afncoitotbpngcin my name. 4if(tc , and ye wall rcccauc : mi pome iope mape be full. UTbefc thinges 1 Dane 3 fponc'Dnto pon bp ptoucrbrs.'iarbctpmcwillcome, wbe3j ami nomotcfpeaHC Ditto you*bp pjoucrbcjfcbut 3 mall mewe pon plapnclp from my fatbec 3 t i s Oapc Hiall pe afltc in mp name i 38nb 3 fapc not Ditto pou tbat 3 will fpcauc Ditto mp father foj pou. jfo£ the father him fclfe Iourtbpou,bccaufeyeDaitcloucOmc,nnOba ue bclcucb,tbat3 came out fro <5ob. 3 wft nut fro tljc fatbcr.aiiD camcitito tbe wojlde. 3fgapnr»3 leant tDe wojloc,anD*go to the fatber. frtSdtfcipleiBTapo Ditto btim!o,now tal* ftcft tbou pl«yiilp,andfpcalteftnopjoucrbc. jl owe arc we fare, that* thou Ituowcftall tbiugesJ, and ncdeft tiot,tbat enp man amide afae tl5eanvqueftion.1t beef ok bclcuc we J thou cameftfrom Gob. i< 3cfutfunfwercb tbem:.0owpcOo bclenc* 2i5cboio,tbchou= rcomwctbnyc,undisallrcadycome,y>c Oialbc fcatcrcb cucrp ma to big awncf mal Icauemealone.3nbvetam3iiotalone.jfo2 *tbcfarbcriowitbme. 'Ebcfc wojbcs bane 3 fpoft.cn Ditto you, tbatttt meyc mygbte Datie peace . Jf 0? in t^c wo?lDewallpc Dane trtbulacpoit:butbcof goobcbere^baucoucrcomcthcwojlbe. Cfcbc.-cDij.cDaptcr. ►£ Dps f.uocc , fo» all fotij as rcccauc tljc tccutb. : l5efewo2bcio!u;aHc3cfu^anblift\)p btScpcStobcaucn, anb rapdeifather, » * tbe botire is come.glojtfy tbp tonne 1E$e$o$'tU * tbat tbp fonne alfo mapeglonfy the:as tbett baft gcuen bint power oner all ftcOi , tbat be *< 70i1.it « ^jjosfttcctctnall Ipfetoasmanpasthott *^J^*DftftffCUcnDim.^D««*lpfcctenuii^tDep migbt tut owe tbc , t^e onelp true (Soo,« 3e= ft* cm wbom tbou baft Tent. *3oijn.rft.f e . 3 r baucglozifycbtbeontbeertb.*3bauc fmyfOicbtDcwojcae, wbicbtbou gaueft me to bo.3finb now glojifpe tbou me(€> fatber) witb tbync a wnc felf, witb tbe giozp, winch 3 Dab witb tbc, per tbc wojioc wa*. 3 bane bcciarcb tbv name Unto tbeme, Wbicbtbou gaueft me out of tbc woilb. %^m tbep we- re, anb tbonsancft t(jem me , anb tbep bane 36lm.ttM. Itcpt tbp woibe. 0o w tbcp bane MoWim^ all tbmgcjs wbatfoeuer tbou baft gcuen me, are of tbc . fl o* 3 bane gcuen W.ito tbem tl;e woibcsl wbicb tbou gaueft me, anb tbep ba* ^ ne rcceaueb tbcm , aiibbaueUnowcn fnrelp, » tbat 3 came out ftom tljc : anb tbep bane be- leucb, tbat tbou mma rename. ^ A 3papcfoitbf, 0^*3 P?apc notfo^tbe Wmm woilb:bntfo? tbcm*wbicoi»baft geuenme, *m.m foi tbep are tbpne. 3nb all mpnc are tb vne,$ tbpnearcmpne,* 3 am glojiftcb in tbf.3Bnb now 3 am not in tbc wo^lbe,anb tbep are in tbewoiiocanojfcomctothe. ^ 4<^olp f atbecucpe tbo^ow tbineawnc name, tbem wbicb tbou baft gcuen me , f tbep alfo inape beoncatf wfarc. VOMt 3 watf witb tilto tbc wpilb.3 keptc tbe in tljp name, ^bofe * mtm tbattbougaueftme,baue3ttcpte,anbnone oftbem ijs loft ,but tbat loft cbilbe, ttbattbe tmtou, fcrioture migbt be fulfilleb. & iaowcomc3 to tbe, ftbefewoibeiel Tpea- fte 3 in t^t too^ib , tbat t^v migbt bane mp iop fnl in tbcm.3 Dane gcuen thetbpwozbe, I ano * tty wo^ibe baf mm W\\ , tocftuft tbep are not of tbc wozio, euen a03 alfo am not of tbc wojlb.3 bef y^c nottbat? ujulbcft taftetbem out oftbewo^lbt: out* tbat tbou *matm nepe t^tm from cupll . Ubcp arc not of tbe **mm wo2lbe,a»{ 3 alfo am not of tbe wo#be.$>a= etifp tbem tl)02ow tty trcutb. iZtiv woib is! t\)t trcutb . 3CiS tbou nplfocQ: fenb mc into t))t wojlbc.cneiifo baue3alfo fent tbem into f wo*lb,fr fo^ tbeir falter fa nctifie 3 my felfc, tbat tbep alfo mygbt be fanctifpeb tbozowc. tijettcntb. Beuertbclctf , 3 mm not fo? W alone, butfo^ tbem alfo wbicb wall bcleucon me tbo.Jowtbeirp.jeacb(ng:tbattbcpalmaycbc *one, asi tbou fatber art in mc, anb 3 in tbc, #«««* and tbat tbep alfo mape be one f \>ti : tbat tbe woilpemaycbelcue , tbat tbou baft fent mc- 3nb tbe g mv wbicb tbougaueftme , 3 W \\c gcuen tbem,tbat t^tp mape be one,as< wc alfo are one . 3 in tlyl , anb tbou in me, p tbep mayc be mabc parfrcte in one,« f the wo? Ibc mapcUuowe,itbattboubaftfentme,ilbbaft^ loucb tbem a# tbou baft loueb me, #atber,3willtDattbcywbicbtbou&aft ^, . bmeif, anb fmorc tbe bye $dm fcruaunt, anD cut of Dp* rpgbt care. ^r.\)e fcruauntes! namcwai«4t)alclHi0i. ^bctfo?c fapctb3c= *rt»at.«w.« fug wito peter : * put Wp t\)v fwearbc into etncM. t jj C d, cnt jj . Hum 3 n ot typnefee of tbc cap, wbicb mp fatber batb gcuen mtt UDen tbc company anb tbeCaptapncaitb mpnpftertf of tbc3cwcjS tone 3cfus,anbbounoe bpm , am icb bint awayc to anma fy^ft:fo?bc was fatber fitlawe Wito CappDatf , wbtc'b was tbebpe pzcftc tbat fame pcrc.Caypbag wass ^j,o!jn. n,iL bcwbicbgauccounfcilto tbe3cwc0 * tbat itwatf cipeOicut, tbat one man ujulbc bpc fod tbe people. C * 3feni)S)pmoiHDeteefolowcb3cnitf,anii *m,u.tt\)i,f foopb anotDer bpfcpple : tbat byfcpple was! SIX fen owe wito tbc bpc p?cfte,^ went in witb 3cfutf into the palace of tbc We pzcftc.aBut pcterfloOeattbcbo.iewitboHt.'Srbentwct out tbat orbec bifcpplec wbicb wasUuowcn Wito tbc bpc picftc janb fpalic to tbc bamfcll tbat Uept tljc boiie, anbbiougbttn peter. 'Cljen fapbc tbc bamfell tbat kept tbc bo.ie, witopetcr.?(lrtnotp alfo one of tbisi man= ncjS bpfcyplejr Is>c faybe: 3 am notUbc fcr= - ttauntcJSanbtbcminiftcrsftobetbcre.tobicb 1 Dab maoe a f yec of colc&fot it wag colbc, ab i\)ty warineb tbcm fclues. Bctcralfo ftobc nmonge flifm.ano warm cb bpm. . ftiw.« tm * 'w lipc pzcftc tben afaeb 3cfu tf of bvtf Mum*. cpfcpplcsJ anb of bPO' boctrpnc . 3efujS sm> ID wcreb bpm : 3 fpaltc openly in tbc wojlbc.3 ener tatigbf m tye &pnagogc, anb in tbc th pie, wbytber all tbc 3cwctf rcfo^tc.auD in fc* cret baue 3 fapbc uotbpng.H)bp afbeft tbou mc r vdflie tbem w5;icb bearbe mc , wl;at3 baue fapb wtto tbcm.lBcbolbc, tbep can tell wbat 3 fapbc. U)ben be Dab tbutf fpoitcit,onc of tbe miniftcrjS wbtcb ftobebp,fmotc3cfM0 on tbe face, fapingc:* anfweceft tbou the fcftMpi Dpe p^eaftcfo^3cfu0afwerco bpm-.jf i'Da= uc cnpjl Jboftcn , bearc witneff of tt)c cuylL: 26utpf 3 baue well fpohcti , t*a- wbp fmp« *&% teft tboumcj- 3nD3iinaofentDpmboiiitOe Wito Cappbas t\)c bpc picftc. ^pinon ibctctftobc.fa warmed Dim fclfe yz bpfcpplcg/'lac benped it, 9 fapbc : 3 am not. One of tbefcruauutcs of tbc 'toe ptmti bP6' cofyn wbofc care peter finofe of;faydc Wito bpircdpd notj fc tbcm f gar be witl; Dim/ * peter tDcrftKcbenpcb agay= wm.u nctandimmcOiatlytbccocuc crewc. * 'Cbcn tm*um leb tbep 3cfns( from €appbaxiito tbc ball of gjjjg} tubgcmcnt.3t watfintbemoinpngc, f tbep tbcm fclucs went not into ^iiidgcmcnt ball 0^ left tbep fbul oc be bcfplcd, but tbat tbcy.^-- mygbt rate panconer.pyiatctbcn wet out Ditto tm and fapbcswbataccufacpon btpng pc agapnftc tbva man/ irbcy anfwereb and iaybcWitobtni:3fl;cwcrcnotaneurl!dcar we wolde not i)tmt bclpncrcb Ijtm wito tbe. JEDbi fapbc pplate Ditto tftc.tabc vc Dvm', 9 tubgebf matter poureawne lawc^bc 3e* # wc0 tbcrfote fapb Ditto hi 3t to not la wf till f 0$ Dtf to put enp ma to bectfi. $e banc *m,rrn a cuftomc,tbat3 tmilbe beliuer pou one loo- «mw. r fcat€after. iDpllyc tbat 3 lo(c Ditto you ^" Uf, ' f " bpnge of tbc3cweSr -Ebcncrpeb tbcpalla= gapuc. faptugf. *0otbpm , but iSarrabaS.- « a «. tl ,, tbefamcisarrabaswasamurtbcrer. ' C^rbe.iCiy.Cbaptcr. •rClRMI (fl rrurrfpco,3>r rommptml) Ope mother fc«"oJll»u,0FC0,aH0tt Uwpco. Jf f D 'EDctt V 3 olju.t 3! *utitt.ttvft;r j i M Mate totoJcPt\wfoit,$ (com 'gco bym. * 3no m fotitxcrjef mm* 'be a croiine of tbojnes, anb put it on ftytf bccb.3tnb tbey or on Dim a purple gar* *» menf , ^» . ftcrsfawc iM'tn , fbey cryebfayinge : crucify bun, crucify bym.py late fayetb Unto tbem : ^aitc ycbtm.nnb crucify bini:foO fynbe no caufc in Imn.irijc 3cujcie(an(tt)crc D Dim:t»c *%m.ttftf banc *a Iaujcano by onrc lawe lie ougbt to *j,ob«.tt.b. tiyc:bccaufc * be mabebtm rclfc tie fonnc of 26 (JoD.ttJrjc* ^ylatcbcarbc p faymgc, lie was" fbemoarcafraybe , anD went agaync into p iubgcmctball.anb fayetb Unto 3efu£:Wb£* ce arte thou f 35nt 3efus gauc bun none an* fwrrc.^bcn faybe pylatc Ditto bim:3>pca= «cft fbon uotUntomerKnowcft pnot, fbat 3 banc power to crucify tbc,anb banc po wet- to loofctbf:'3cfus\infwcrcb:1£boucoulo^ 4:*wto,.aJ;aucnopowci-atanagaynftmc,*crecpftt SfiSfrmi, wtrc scucntbc fro abouc. 'Ebcrfo.Jcbc tljat JS0 " ' " ,1 Hc!yufrcDmc\jiitotbe,batDtbemozcfynnc. * nnt.rmt & * 3Cnbfrom tty cefo.ul) fougbt JDylatc m'ca= ffiS' >2C0to loofc bym : buttbe 3cwcs cryebfay = * "Jr tncjc:yftbou!ctbtmg.o,tbUuartnot(!LCi\irtf ;>.acfej.ru«.bfrcnlic.jfo l : * wljofocucr malml; bvm fclfe a fcyngcisagaynft Ccfar. lybcpylntcbcarCcyfayiiijjcbcbzoncfbt 3du2f fo.2tb,ano fnfcbownctc gcucfcntfcc, in a place p iscallcb y pammt nt-but in p tyi b.iuetonge > Gabbatba.3ti»ai3yp?Ci:arynrr baycof t\yz caftcr.aboutc ffvKtc boure.ainb belaycfbUnfoy3ewcS:b(bolbeyourcm'g? 'jPey crytb, awaye to bM&ayc itf l)\, cruci= fyebim.j&yiatcfaictbunt fycyourftyns^bebyep^ *m««.rrDii,6baue no ttyng but Cefar. * S _3m)tbcytoBc3erutf , ai Clje <§ofpel! ^ tbc'.maOcruci ctfafwcrcbrwc ben belyucrcb cificD. leb bym away. ^2xb: f iw.'. ^nobebarcby^croffe, *ftKa3ifntfonbni= fen plncr,tx3bicl)isfcnUct)^|rce of DccD mc^ fcmIci^23l^tt^cb?uc ) 0oIJ7b<^'lX)bcretI;ey cr uciftcb bym , mib two otftr wiltb bym , on * ,„,» »«. •, et $? ? De °" f > 5D 3efutf nnfie mybbetf. $nfc ftSi SS ? M m ****• We ,9 M it on tbc crof- m<. rpn-c fe.tr be wjy tynge waa.Jc&s' of iI5a?areth feme of tlje aewc^b^fofle rcoo many of tbe3n»e0 . jtoi y place Merc 3e0> wasf crucyfyco.twatfnyctotbec^yc.^nbitttJatf mpttonm li>cb2uc,anO0?f jicanb iatyn. ^benfaybetbe bve p^eftesi tk t\)t 3et»es* to ^yIatc:^ytti!notBynseoiitbe3cuje0,bue fbat be faybc, 3 am Ryngeolabbotb of tbe 3cwe0 fo? tbe fcpuTcb.ie watfnye at b«iube. Ji C^nbe.w.Cbapter. * (|EuTi)C rcttitrrtcron ottfljipiJ, tobiconppcacttb f o" IXfiir|'ATi8balciicdiiDt0iilH)p9 Dj'fcj'plce. to ttjcpz create coufojrc I^efy^ft bayeof tbc^abbotbesfcS ^i)ary40agbalene carlv( wbenit watf yet oarcue ) *nto f fepulcb^e. Sin fawe t\ft ft one taken awaye fro t^e grauc^ben (be rSne , anb came to £>v * j^hn tm t mon ^cfcr,anD to t^e otber by fcyple * wbS *S">. 3efufl! loueb,ab f ayctb Unto M. %ty? bnue taul awaye f Ho^be out of tbe graue , $ we ctTitot tell wbcre tbey baue laybe bim. ^eter tberfo^c went fo?tb,$ t bat otber bifciple, 8& came Unto yfepulclj?e. , ?a:beyranebotbtoge= tbce,f the otber bifciple hyn out rune ^eter, 9 came fyjlt to tbe fepultbie.^mi wba" be haD ftowpcb bowne be fawe tbe Ipnncn tlothtfi hukmu*. lyengc.yctwftbcnotin. ^^bencame^y^ mon^etcr.folowmgcbtm.swentintoyfe* jBpulcb^e^fawcylynnenclotbcsllycfj^nap^ mntbat wasaboute W becb , notlyiugc id tbclynucuclotbes.biitwjappcbtogetbcriu a place by it felfe. 'STben went in alfo f otber bifcyple,wbicbcamefy?ft to Kcpulcb^e.onb * «, ^*nefawrf belcncb.jto^asycttbeyUncw *»f«iS(b noty^ferrptnrc.tbntbeftnlbe xyfc agayne ikir».iM>. ' 'frobeetb. ^^bcutbebtfciplcswctawaye wmt. agayne Unto tbcv^ nwnc borne. ►f« * oaS(bcwcptc,ajeboweD bee fclfe into y lepulcbjc , 9 feetbtwoangclsi clotbeb -. in ipbytcfytting.yoncattbcbccb^^ otber *■ aty fete, wbcre tbey bab laybc tbebobyof 3cf9. '^rbcy faye Unto bcr', woma, wby we* pelt tbouf&ljcfaycfb unto tbc: foj tbey ba= tie taM awaye my Lojb, 9 3 wote no 1 wbc» re tbey bnue laybc bf. W$ tbc bab tbusifayo, ftcturnebber fclfe backer fawc3cfus: fta- tJinge,anblincwenot^itwa03cfu0:3cruss fayetl) Unto btr: woman, wby wepefttbou.' iDbo CeBeft tbou.^be fuppofing tljat be bab ^ benea garbener, fityetbunto bim- ^y?:yf ? w banc bo?nebibencc,tcll me wberi^ baft lay* Dcbim ) ab3wyllfctbim.3cfuSliayctbUnto bcr. ^)ary.$)beturncb fcer fclfe,? fayb unto bym:!Rabboni,wbicbi0tofaye ? maftcr.3c= *^, fus" fayctb Unto bcr, (^ touebe me not , ifo? " 3am notyctafcenbcbtomyfatbee.2Sutgo *»ffli.«n.e to * mybjetb;ie\ijfaye untotb^.''*3ofcenbe JgMi-fc . Unto my fatber 5 yourcfatber:? to my d5ob, SS'i 9 yotirc ano . faybcUnto bim.my to^be.f my c>ob.-3cfus fnyetb Unto bi.^boma^becaufc p baft fcue ine , tbou baft beleucb , blefteb are t^v tbat bauenotfcncanbyetbanebclcucb. h *3nb many otber fygnes truly byo 3ef^ *3*wji intbep^efence of bitf bifcypletf, wbicb are not w^y tten in tbts bobcrbefe arc wuttc, that ye mygbt belcuctbat 3efus is €tiv\t y fone ofc5ob,aubtbat(inbelcuyngjyemyghtba= tic lyfetbo^owbys name; ^ CEbc.wi.€baptcr. %* <[2!f nppwrctuto ftvaDiro'plce ac-u-uc brltbf foe ot 2:pi)fna8, aim (ommauiioctO ^ctccwrucillf 10 rcor ijyo Cbrpr . lifter wnrbc byb 3cfus ftewe ftpin ^ fclfe aga ync, at tbc fee f £ y bcrtatf . b 3nb on tbitf wyfe (be web be bun fclfe 'Ebercwerctogerbcr&yma jactcr^ -2Tbo= maS(wbicbiScallcb^tbynms;anb* (ia= *j.<%m.k tbanaelof€anam<5alile,anbtbcfonnr!3of jcbebbei.anb two otber of by^bifciulfS.j'aM= mon ^etcr fayetb Unto; tbem : 3 wyl! p a „* ftfibiugc.^bey^eUnto bim:wcaifo wyll ^ go wttb tbcEbey wtt tyeyi waye 9 entrcb intoaq)yppcfmcbiatly,?tbatnigbtcaugbt tbey notbmgc.^But wben f momyngc watf now come, 3efu^ ftobe on p ujo^e .- neucrtbe- kffetbcbifctples Uncwenotf it waS3cfuS. 3crusniyetbUntotbg:€bilb?cn,baucyccny meat.-' tbey aufwcrebbtm.no. Ttnn be faietb Unto t\)e-. * caft out tbc net on f rygbt fybc of *x«uf.b,i tbe Ohm pe ujaii fy nbc'Sbcy caft out tber* foK,3banonetbcywcrenotbablctobjawe itfoubemultitubcoffyfibctf. 'STbcn faybe p biifcipie * wb63cfusJ loueb wm.ru Unto pcter:3tiSy Lo?b:W)?S>ymon ^c-- a,,,,w • e • tcr bcarb f it wai» f lojb.bcgyjbe biscoate Unto bim I*' 4fjtftcft& ,' ♦ t T| .»*- A-'Jliih.rFiiii.f e ^•Jobit.'.Vi.g tf fl(tc**l>l.(I. ,1 * j 4*y.o!| rui.c, jnO.rr, K.g. r l 'I 1 »nf o Win f foj be wast ttafcct)* (wage into £ fee dt other bifctplctfcame by ftppfty *W were not farrc fro lanbe.bnt art ptwetc two !)6t»2eD cubttcjs,^ tl)c>» Djevoc f net t5 firCDejai. 3! (lone tljcn as* tbey mere come to Wbe, tbcp rauKboorccolc&stifmclayDtbero.frbjceD. 3cfu0 myctb tmto tbc\ * bjtpngc ot ^fyflfce wbicbpebauc now caugbt : g>ymon $ctce went \)p,$ bjewe $ net to ionui full of great fpffoc0,anboo:cb^itMnbfot>autberwe== re fonMnp,yct was* nottbenet tyoftt »3eCkitf fayrtb tonto tbc.comc $ Dpne.3liro none of p bifcppic0burftafke bf : wbat art ft ft ojtbey nnewe f it wa0 tljc &oibc.3efu0tbetKamc, ant) tone bjceb.fr gauc tbcm,anb fiftfie ipuc= wpfc. tpn tjS now the tbpibc tymc f 3c* ui0apprarcbfoby0bifcpplc0 , after tpatbc wa0rpfcbagapncfrontbcctb. .$< £>o wben tbcp bab bpucb,3cfu0 fapctb to £win5 pctcr:g>pmfi3oana, louelf tiiou me moic tben f befcrtyr favb *nto lyhyc toib , p* nuowcnM'3louc f. $c fayctbwttobim:fc= army labctf.fyc layer bto Ijtm agayne £ feco* &etymc:&ymon3oMa,loucfttboumc:'i)c fMcfh\)ntobim.PccioiD,p^nowcfttbat3 lone y\ l)c faybe Yinto him:fcDe my fbcpc.foe faj'De l»!ifo him § ttyibt ey tnc:£>pm63oa« na , toncfttbonmc:iDctcr.wa0(ojp,becaufe i» Ciybe unto torn tbc tby*bc tymc rloucft tben mc.anbbc faybe mtto bpm:to2b,tbou Huiowcftalltbingc0,tboulmowcfttbat3 toncf.JtfttSi faictl)t)ntdb»n:febcmvfl)cpc. Ucrcly, tocrclp,3 fayc unto tbc;W!)ctl)ou waft yong^ gecbebft tl)i>fclfc , ab walkcbft: wbttbcrtbouwolbcft-.but wben tftou art ol* be, * tbou malt ftrctcbefo?tbtbybanbc0,<* auotbcrOiallgyzbctbc,? leabctbe wbptber f bou wolbeft not. tfcbat Mtf be , (Vgnpfy* ingc.bywbatbratbbcflnilbglQjit'pecSob. 36nb wfeen be bab fpoken tDvsf , be rayetb l)nrobi:^folotx)cmc.$ctcrturncb about, anb fa tbc tbc bifciplc * wljom 3cfujS loncb, folowynge ( wljicb alfo leoneb on fytf b«icft at flipper .anbfapoc: toib, wbicbi0be tbat bctrayetbtbe:') tt)bcn$rtectbcrfo2efawc bim,be fapctb to 3efu0:io*b, wbat (ballbe lKreOo.'3efu0fayetb witobpm,3f 3wpll fjfliicbimtotarytyll3comc,wbati0«)atto fbezfoiowep'me. tEbcnwentrBpg fapiugc n bzonbe among tbc bzetbzrn, tbat p Diicyplc (bniDenotbyc.gctSefutf faybe notto bym, be tball not bpe:but yf 3 txiyll f be tary tyll 3 come, ttijattjstbat toft Wfc famebyfcy= Plei0be,t»b»clj tctttfictb of tbefc tbyngejS, anbw.iotetbefctbynge^.Snb Ujebnot»e, $ t)PSi uftimonyifittut. J* * 'S'bere are alfo manyotbet tbyngeji t»bicb 3efujEJDyb, tbe tobicb yf tbey ibulbc be w^ytten euery one, 3 fuppofe t^t i»o?lbe conlbe not cotayne tbe bobeptbat Cbulbebe mitten. Clpere enbetb tbe a5ofpfll of ^>ayncte3obn. CCl)e9lctesoftl>e ■ B P former treaty kamti* re t"bcopby I 9 )we baue fpo= 31 hen of all tbat 3cfu£ bega*. tie to oo anbtertcbe, tintpll tbebayeitobicbbe wan ta= bc" i)p,after tbat be, f bojout tbebolygooft,baDgeucc6= maunbemfteiEimitotbe^lpoftlesf ,u»bom be babebofeu: totXJbomalfobe * Cbewebbym felfc alyue after by* pamon(anb tbat by ma nytoHcntf )appcarytujc Dntotbem fourtye bayctf , anb fpeauyngc of f be hyugbome of c0ob,anbgatpcrcbtbemtogetbcr, * anoco^ maunbeb tbem.tbat tbey (bulbe not beparte from3erufalf:butto ujaytefo? t^t p^omyies of tbefatber * abcrof(fayetbDe)ycbaue bearbc of me. jfo? * Iftfcfi truly bapty= feb t»(tb toatfr, butyc u)albebaptpfcbix)itb tbe boly gooft after tbcfe fcatxie bayctf. WW tbey tberfo^ctwrrc cometogetbcr,tbey afftcb of tym, fayinge : 3Lo?bc, UJilttbou at tbWtyme, reftozeagayne tbe Ryngoomcto 3fraelf3Cnbbcraybe\jntotbcmt*3tis(not f oi you to Hnoixjctbe tyme js, o^ tbc fcafonsf, wbtcbtbefatbctijatb put i Wwmt power: but *yrmalrcceauc power after tbat tbc bo lp gooft is; come Upon you. 3nb * y c fbalbc witneflcja! wttome not oncly tiOerufalcm, but alfo w all 3eu??pano in ^amarp , anb euen toitotljc wo^Ibexfenbe. Znn wbenbebab fpoftentbcfc tbyugesf , wbyle tDep bebel D,*tK wa0 taue tip an bye, 9 a cloubc rcceaucb bun \)p out of tbeirfigbt. 3Inb wbile tbey loobebftebfaftly \)p to war= be beau^ajsibe went,bcbolbe,twomenftobe bptbcmtn wbpte apyarcll, wbtcb alfofapb: pc men of Mam , wby ftanbe yegafynge Mp into beauctt.^p fame 3cft»»f wbicbisi taUen\)pfromyoutntobeanr, *CbaU foco= mc,cucnajjyebaue renebtgotntoSeauP. \* lEben returneb tbey mitojcriifaiem from " mountctbat i$tn\m flDiyuete)Wbtcb « fr_ 3erufaie,a<&abotbbayei0! to?ney. %nv Wb5 tbep were comein, t^tv went \jp(nto a par* leewbere aboabebotb * l&eter anb3ame& anb 3obn anb 3lnb?cw,}&b«ipt Wmta& aBartbelcmewab^atbcw^amesj f founc of SlpbeiisUnb&mwiclotejGi, anb3uba^ tlic b^otber Of 3amesi. , cbefealUontynUeb witb one acco^be tnmaperanb fuppUcacpon witbtbe wemeti$ ^)ary p motbee of 3efu, nnowulJbytftyetfcen. € . * 3Bnb in tborebape$#ererfrobe ^nin tbc mpDbetf of tpe btfcypicji , anb fapbe ( t})e nomb^e *2«nii •kHoljii.imi rii.D.nii.t, +31 ol)tw.<, flctt8.i.a. STi uij.iii.t, ^ItlllC lll.f, *flfJ«Wl|( actcB.ii.j. ■X 4ftC6.ll.il 26 2uftc.tniii.fi ft)n to all tbe inbabitcriei of 3crufalcm:infomocbtl)attb€ famefclbe i# callcbintbcirmotbcrtogc^cbelbama^bat is! to fayctbe bloubc felbe. Si o? it W W(fy ttcn in ^ bo!« of ^Jalmeo": :t»fei.utt.f * l)PJ3babitacyon bc Doybe, anb no man bc StoUM. bwcUyngctbcrin: * anb bis! aSplibop^pclje * w © letanotber taUc.lDbcrfo^c of tljefe me wljicb banc companpeb witb \J0( all tbe tpme tbat tbc Ho^be 3euist bab all bytf counerfacyon a= monge ^.begpnnyngeattbebaptyme of 3obu»Mtotbatfamebayetbatbewatftaag Upfrom\)iE{)muftbncbc o^beyncb, tobea wi tnc0 witb B? of \>rti refurrcccpon. ^nbtbcyapoyntebtwo^ofepbwbiebiJi ealleb 2i5aifaba0(wbofcfp?name wasl 3u= ftujjjanb ^)atbiajj,^nb wljan tbey pjayc b i«u^«i.t.tbcy faybc:tbou JLojDc^liicb *ftnowclttbe an c bcrtcis of all me",(bcwc wbetber oftljcfetwo tboubaftcbofen:tbatbcmayctaUctbcrou^ mc of tbysi mtniftracy on anb 3Epoftlc(bypp, from wljicb 3ubatf bp tranfgreffyon fell , tbat be mpgbtgo to bp^awne place. 3nb tbey gauc fojtl) t&eir Iottcsi.anb tbe lot fel on 4Datbias\anb be watfeonnteb witb t\it clc* ucn^poftlcs!. h CCbe.t|Cbapter.»J< CSUr 'ein.'iii;of Hit i)oli> 8ooft.iarr)tfrtiwfliiof»c,- tcr befotr the coitirrcg.upoii at JccufaldiT, anDtljc inctearcof tlje faptlifull, X)cn ^ tbc fpftpc bay c£ were co^ meto anenoe.tbepwcrcall ojitb oneacco^bc togctber inonepla- ce.3Bub fobcnlptbercameafoims or from Ijcane, agfitijab bene t\yt commyugcof ampgbtpwynbe, anb ittVl= leo all tbc boufewncrc tbep fate. 3Hud tberc apj.crcbt)»to tbcmcloiien tongco, Ipltc atf tbey bab bene of rycr,anbtt fi«c\)poncacbe atitMiM. one of tbem: * anb tbep were all f pile b witb ,D " ,U ' tbe boly gooft , anb beganne to fpeahe witb otber toiigctf, euen asi tbc fame fp^etegaue tbem \jttceannce. 'Cber were b wellpng at 3cniral5,3c wesf , bcuoutemcn,outofcufipnacponoftb§tlwt arcmibcr beaurn. U>bcn tbpji waiSnopfeb abontc,tbenmltitubecamctogctber,erWcre nftonycb.bccaurctbateucrpmanbcarbctbg fpeanc witbbtieiawnc langage. %\)ty, won- tycb all.anb marucyleb, fayinge among tbc" iSftljeapoftles 1 • tfo.jtlbii 3 f« , .ttii.b Ii«i.mii.c. felne0:bebolbe,are*uotalltbcre Wbicb fpea= 25 uc, of ©alilc^nb bow bcarc we cucrp man bf0awnetong,wbecin we were borne/ par tbiajx.anb &)ebe0aub 6!amptc0,anb tbc in pabitersiof 4*)efoporarma,anD of Jurp.ano of Capabocia. of jaontbus anb 3tfra, $lny= fiia , anbl&bllia , of €gypte,anb of tne partpetfoftybiawbicbiSbcrybJ&yjen.aO ftraungerji of Home, 3cwc0?c"**"** tbemfpcalteinetircawnctongetftbcsrcatc wojcttesiof<5ob. }< 'Cbcp were all amaffb, onbwonb i icb.fayui2eonctoaiiotbcr:wl>it mcanctb tbifiV€>tbcr mocUebJaymgc .- tl;cfc men are full of new wyne. * Tout ISeterfteppcDfoitb Witb^clcue, c anb lyft top m tooyce.anb fapoe mito tljcm: £cmcnof 3ew;yc anb all pe tbat bwell at 3ernfalem:bc tbi0 KnoweDntoyou.i witb poure cares! beare my woabea. jf oi tbefe arc notbtoncKen.ajgpefiippofc.fcyngeitiijbut y tbpjbc Ijoure of tbcDapc.i$uttfe it tbat wbtcb was fpoucn bptljc ^2opl)crc 3obcl : Znn it ibalbc in tbe laft baye^mytb (3ob: of ntp fp?ete3 wyllpoojcottt bponall flefibc. *3EnD pome tonnes!? youre baugljters mall *a jw*.* piopbcfy.anbyonrcpongcmen (ballfe \w- fpon^.anb yourc oloc men iljall btcamc btca mcs!.3nbonmyfcrtiauntc0,$onmybanoc mayDcn0 3 wpll poo;e out of my foicfc m tbofcbayc^anotbcyibail pjopbefve. ^nb *3wylia)ewewouber0in bcaucii abouc, -k,„urrb;,.c aubtoKcn0intbecrtbbcnctb,bloubaab fpic J^uc.ttm.f. auDtbctoaprmr of fmokccijcfuimc ilialbc turncbintobarcctncfii,ftbemooncintobloii= bc,bcfojetbatgrcatanbnotablcbaycoftl)c &o:bc come. 3Cub it fliallcomc to paftctlvu * wboroeuer Otali call on tDe name of tbc # «ouu r f X^bcfoalbcraucb. ^ ' * wuur - f * ?>c men of 3frael,bearc tbefc wo^bctf: b 3efu0 of Basarctb a manapzoucb of 0ob ainongcyou witbmpiacled , wonbics aim fpgne0,wl)icb <5ob bpt» bp bpm m the iiiyb -■ be0of you(a0pc yourc fcluesimo we ; \)vm baiicyctakcnbytbcbabc0of\)itrygbtewr0 pcrfonctf , after be w.itf Delpiureb by tbc oc ' tcrininatcounfcil $ foicltnowicDsc of i5ob, $bauccrufifyeOanbllayncbim:wao:najD batbrayfebbp,^ loofebyfotowesi of Orctb, becaufc it was tmpoluulc, Hz amlOc be boh beofit.jfo^atiibfpeakctbofbim.*3fotc MWll mt baubc3mwc6obaiwavc0 befozeme : fot be t0 on my rygbt banbe.tbat 3 tliiilbcnot bc moueb.'Cbetfoicbyb mybcrt retoyce, ? my tongc wa0glab. 4a)oicoucralfomyftcm)c Uiall reft in bopcbccanfc tbou wilt nor icauc my f oulc in bell, nctber wilt tbou funrc tlmie bolye|ofccojrupcion.'3rboubaftO)ewebmc tlje wayc0 of ipfctbott ujalt make mc full of iopc witb tbp cotmtenaunee. }< )>t men anb bmbzeiUctmcf rely fpMbe «» Ditto pou of tbcpatriarkeSDautb: ^ # oi be wMti a b Wbotb T w Cljc &ctc& "i Bftyt&MUs I V t\ J * ••; ■ * I >. i c » 1 I. -f f } * i . i it v : ii • * : * itf bofIjOccOanOburpeO,a;o tJP# frpulcijrcre* inapnctb wttlj Ufl Unto tljitf Oapc.'Cljrtfojc, fctneciic wntia lOjopljct.anouncuicf <£toD I wo fixjo^nc ujitlj an o'thc to bint , tljat Cljnlt C as: conccr nittgc tl)c ftcf tl) )CbulDe come of tl)C frutc of bitflopnciaUno ou jp& feat , Ijc Uno= tupngtbisbcfojc.rpanc of tljc rcmrrcrcpon of Cbjpft.tbatms* loufeCbulocnotbc left in fallmet her bptf ftcfftjc tytiioe fe cojntpepon. * 3fl«.u 'ftljitf 3c futf l)atl> d5oo rapfcO Up, * wpwf wcaUaitUHtncfrctf. &cncc now tljat Ijc bptlje rpgljt banbe of (5oo craltcOi&anO batljrcccaueo of tljc fa* if tlicr the p?om^fc of the ftolv d5oo(t , lie ftntfj mi fliccOfoub tbps^(flfne) wljicb pc now fe SO bcarc.floj©atuOi$notafccnopOtnto|)cuc*: %8£t£fc l>«t be lapctb: * 'Ebc Lojo fapoc to mp lo? = 11,0 * Or:rpttljoitonmprpgntljanO,untpll3nta-- l«c thv f oocstf tbp rote (tole. g>o tberfoje , let nil f be boiifc of 3fr«icl Htiovoe f 6$ a fucrtp , f <3oo bath maoc tljatfamc 3t fit* ( wbom re ljanccrnciftcO)to?OcanbCb*Pft. tybcntbcpbcarOctbifi!, tbcp were p.ttcRcO in tljcir bcrtctf.anofapo Vttto peters unto MbteMt. the otbcr^poftic&gctncfr bjctbje" * wbat fyall we Oofpcrcr ttogto Unto tbcm : repent of ponrcfpnnctf, ano be baptpfeb rtterp one of von tn filename of jfcliiet Cnjpttfo* tlje remimon of fpnncjS , ano pc ujallrcccanctbc gpftc of f botp gooft. ff ojtbe piompfe was* inaOcUntoponaOtopottrccbplO?cn , ano to nlltlwt arc afarrc of, eucnatfmanvasitljc £ oiOc onre Goo fball call. amowitlimany other woiOcs bare be witness, and crJjoncO tbcm,fapingc:&atic pourc fcluetffrom tins! UntowarOegcncracton. 'ftljentljcp? glnOlp rcccanco Ijtjai pitcacjjmge, were baptifcO:anO tbc faincoapc, tljcrwcrcaooco untotjjem f about e tljjc tbonfanbe fouled. 3tn0 tbep cotimicb in tl;e 31 polflcjS ooctrinc anOfclowujpp , einbjeaftpngeof bjeao, SO in piapct!ES.3ln0fcarc came oner cncrpfoule. 3fcno manp woOjcg $ ugnetf were fbe web bp °* p 3d poftlCSS. t>»:at3cturalciit.aiil)BCcnttf.«c tame bpoii nil meio^no all tbat bclcncO.ttcpttljcm feluest togctbrr,$baOaHtIjpngci3c6men,anOfolOe that poffefuong ano gooocg, So parteo tbcm toalimcn,atfencrpman bao ncOc.aino tbcp continue o oaplp ttrftj) one accojOc in £ tcplc, ee b?aHcb?eaOfc6 bottfc to bottle, $ OpOeate tbetr mcate togct|)er,ti5«laOneslf finglcneg of i;c l* t , pjapfi n gc <5 oo , ao bao fattonc toitb all tbc pcoplc.^lnO tbc Ho;Oc aOOeO to f co= sregacion onplp.foclj as( CbulOe be fatten.- C^be.ttj.€b«ptcr. jfr CXbt ftatt (» reftotco to Uj-b fcf r . JBtttc p««((jcH» i£»»pft wito 1 1; £ people. • <£tn ano 3'oljn tucnt tip togetljcr into tlje temple at tbc ngntl) bottrc of pjapcr . 3lnO a cectapne man tbatt»asi bait fcoml)pjs motbec^ uiobe,waj3b|onp;5t, wljom tyty lapoc oapKe at tbc gate of t&e templec utytcD ijs calico be wtpf nil) toafUcalmctf of tljcm ttjat cntcco into tlje t5plc.U)bcn be fawc ^c« tcr ano 3oftn,tl)at tljcp UJolOe into tlje tJplc, beOcfp?cOtoccccauean almcg. % no peter- fiidcncO \)i$ w# on ^im witl) 3obn,$ fapO : lokeoh \)d. ^nobcgancbcOclmtotbMm* ftpnge.torcccauc fomctbpngeof tbem. 'Eljg fapOc^ctcr:^>pIttcranb goinc^aiie 3! none lncljaiei3ljanc, gene 3 tbc. 3ntljcname of 3cfntf Cb^pft of .aa?arctb , * rpfc \jpanb walUc. ^Ciid Ijc toHc Ijpm bp tlje rpgfrt bano, ano Ipftc bpm top.3nO (mmcOmtlp 6ptf fete ano ancleboncji teceaneb ftccngtb. 3EnO be fu;angc > (toOe,anO txwlkco, ano entreO mi b tljem into tbc temple , twalbpngc , ano lea= ppngcanb pjapfpngc €?oO. 3no all tht people fatDcftpm boaUteano wapfco0.3nOtl)ep Unewe bpm,?tt watf Ijc , ^Ijicbfatc ano beggebat tlje bentpfull gate of tlje temple. 3nO tljeptuonO^eO ano were fo^caftonpcoattbntwljicbljao twppc* «e unto Ijpm. 3nO a^ tlje bait wljicb uwtf ijcaleO,ljclOc ^Dc tcr ano 3obn , all tlje people ramie amafcO Unto ifyl in * t|jc po?clje tl)at i £ calico gMlom onsl. U^bcn peter faroctljat.ftc anftuettO Unto t])c people. ►*< J?emen of 3fral, tobPmar= naple pcattljisf, o? wbp loke pe fo on UjQ! , a;oi tljongb bp onrcatxntepoujer ojftrcngtlj \»c bao maoc tbpjsman go.' ^be d>oO of 3Bb?a = Ijam , ano of 3faac anO of 3acob,tj)c 0oD of onre fatbcrsi batb glonf ico I)p0 fonne 3cfit0 y u)bompeOclpncreo, *anO OenpcOinf mr« fence of Opiate, tuben be ijaOinOgeO Ijpmto H loofcb. 2i5tttpeOcnpeO tljeljoipanOinft, tano OcfpJcO amo^tljcrar to be genenpon, ano ftplleo * tlje lo^Oc of Ipfe > twljom C5oo batb rapfeO from Occtb, of t&e wljicb t»c arc \mtJicffcci.3P no \)y& name tbo?ot»e tljcfaptb of btfname.bnt&maOetbtemSfoimD, wto pc fc ano ftnoxue . 3inO tDe faptb ttljic $ tsi bp ijpm, batbgenen to bpmtljpslbcaltD in m defence of pott all. 3no now b?ctM,3 tuof e ^tIjo?ow igno= rannccpeopOit.asiopOalfo poure ruler jsi. TSSm <15oO(tt»)lc!) before bao CbeujeO, bp tlje moutbofaUbp0J&?opbcteo\bowe£CWPft (bmofuffce)Uatljtl)u8i wpfcfttlfplleO. let it *rcpcntc Tontberfo?e,anOcfluette, j^ponre fpnnejimapcbeoottcaujape fit \»jjen£ tp= me of refrerujpnge commetb, tuijicb tt»c (ball Ijaue of tbc p^efence of tbc &02be, ano wbm ® oo ujal fenoe Dim,\j)ljicl; before t»ajSp?ea=« cbco unto pou,tftat i$ to \x>W3tt\\$ €\)M> wbtcbmnltreceaucbcaticnuntpll tlje tpmc tbat all tbpngetf,uub«cjj dSoObatb fpoften bv tbcmontbofall UpjsHjolp^opljetejs fence £ tbo?loebegan>betefto?eoagapne; ^)ofe«! trulpe fapbeUntot&e fatlJceiS: * a 3&?op^ct OjhU tU tojOe pourc CPoO rapfe up unto pow, mi of ponrc b&M ipfte Unto mc;l)ttti 18 t$mc.ril.Ji *f«.'«tt 7oUn.r.(, c .fV>.ir.ivj. )3!ll.tti. {. HKMJll.D. iiiiip.ii.it. *©fB.tW JlCKB.Dll* W. tll.rt. Jfct.jrjr.c. c [A)atb.{.o >lilip.if.l», me:ljtm Qicill pe Ijeacc , in all tljpngea u»bat - foettet; be ibrtU rape Unto pott, tfoj tlje tpme ujpUcome,tbatencrpfoulei»btc(j tupii not bcaretbat fame p^opbet , fljalbc Oeftropco from am onge tbc people. 2B11 tbep?opl)eteiS alfo from ^amuelano tfjencefojtb w ma- np atf bane fpoae" )\)nut in Ipfte wpfetoioe of tljcfcoapc^. H>eare tbc cljpKnen of tlje 0^opljetcj{, ano of tDe couenattnt , wblcb flSoo maoc Unto onre fatljeriS.rapingeto MmWn : * (Bum in tljp feeOc ftjal all tbe upnreOea of the cart(i be bleflcb. jfwftujjjan 000 baoraprco Up Jjptf fonne3eliiiE( Unto pou.lje fent Dt to blcfTc •pou,tbat euerp one of pott OnilOe tnrne from W rcpekeoncs 1 . ^ ICElje.tniclJfiptcr. IIIIjc apoftUB arc t.ihcn ana biou«T)t btfcnc tlje cornice!!, leroep nee fojbpDDcu to p:?nci»c y but »brj» tiiciictl)cmuntop!.i>'cc,niJOatcmo)eobcbiciit\Jnto crtbc&(anO 3finnag tljccljcfe P?c0:,anocappbais(,an03obn, aO 3!lei:aocr,« atf manpaji were of pftpntcO of pbpclD < icftc0)gatbcrcotOflctberat3crnra= lcm.3l!nou)b«Ttbcpljaofctt|)embcfo?ctbcm tijepafaco* bp U3b»npo\m,ojinu>!)atna mclwuepcOonctbi0f 4< 'Cben iDetct f mi of $ bolp gooft fapoc un* to:tbc-.pcrnlat!E(of tbe people , anO elocrtf of 3fracl, pf UJCtbWOapebceraminco of tbc gooo OeOc tljat toe Uaue Oone to tbc fpebe ma bp tobat mcanetf be isi mabe wboalc : be it BitottJcn Unto pott all.a no to all f be people of 3fracl,tbatbpfljcnamc of * 3eftiss co.tpft of iaa^arctlj, upljomKcrttcpfpeb , \»bom dffoOrapfeo agapnefromOeetlj:cticn bp bim IfotbtbtiBma ftnnOebercpjcfcnt before pon tuljoale. * izimisi tbe (tone tabic!) uiasJcaft afpbe of pott bnploerjS.ujbtcbW become t(je cljcfc of tbe cojncr.iactljcr is: tbcre minacpou inenpotber. * jfo?amonge men UnOerhea= tten tljcrc ts( gcticn none otljer name, wljertn nyemnftbcranco. ]h \Dbcn tbcp m\»c tlje boloncS of peteir SO 3obn,ano UttOcrftoOe tbat tbcp tuerc Utiles ncoanoiapcmcn.tbepmarucplco, ano tbcp bitctt)etbem,tt)attbcpbaObencttJ(tlj 3cfu t ano bcbolbpnge alfo tbc man ( uoljiclj toasi bcaieO)ftanopngctuitbtbt , » tbepcouloe not fapcagapnftttibutcommannocotljemtogo tfojlW afpoe out of p cotmfell,anO councclcoamoge tbemfclue«,fhptngc:*tDbatujaiitt)coo to mm.tu tbefe men.' jfo?amamfeftfpgttctfiOonebp tbcm,anO itf openip ftttouicn to all tbcm tbat OttJcll in 3ctu ralem, anO we cannot Oenpe iu 26ut tljat tt be nopfco no fartber amonge tbc people.ictuflit^eatcnanocbargetoejtbcp (peafte bencefoitbtonomautn tljpfli name. *> 2Hnp tbcpcaileo tbcm, ^anocommaftoco Sjttes.D. tbem, tljat tnnoiupfc tbepttmioc tpcaite neu tcaclj tn fname of 3eftt. 25ut £ctcc* 3obu anfu)creO ano rapOe Untotbem : wbetfice it berpgbtinpftgljtofGoD.toberlieUntopou mojc tljcntoeoO, iuOgepir. $01 wc cannot but fpcaltctbat vuljtclj t»e bauc I'enc ? bcaro, ^otbteatenco tbcp tbcm, ano let tbcm go, anOfottnpenot!)pngcbou)ctopunpfil)ctbc, becaufcof tbe people, ffo; all men peaprco Goo becanfe of * i> wbicb wm Ooncfo? t\)t * a«ts.««. man was abouefonefp peace oloc, on inborn f \w mpMclc of bcalpnge ujas mewco. ^uoneas(t!jcpu)crelctgo, tljcpcameto e tbepz fcloujc0,ano (bewcO all tmththn jajcftesaociocrg bao fapoc.^no toben tbcp bcarOcy.tijeplvftcUptbcir Uopcctf to Ooti ujttjone accotocano fapOc^o.iOe.tbott art (? 00, t»tjtct) baft maoc ijeanen ano crtlj , tt)t fce,*alltbattntbei£(,\i)btcb f *'»"')c ooiHgooit) «o bp p motttb of tljp (cfiiaiit BatttO^coucc f4tuee ; ^ baft fapO:*tt)bP OpO t\)t Ijctbc ragcano tbc * m\m\. pcoplcpmagcnuapnet!jpngc0y ^hc kpn-. gesi of tlje ectij ftooc up , ano tDc mlars ca- me togctper,agapnft tlje fcorte anO agapnft Jjpgi anopnteo. Jfo^ofatructb.agnpnfttljpbolp cbPlDe 3c(usctoljomp baft anopnteo :botb?JfroOc anO alfo JDoneing iDplate, voljiti) tlje actvltf anOtbcpcpplcof 3fraei; ) gatbcrcO tbcm fcl -^ nco togctbcr^*ciatijp9tj-te)foj to Oo what-- foencrtbp banocano tljv counfcll octcrnt)»= nco bcfoictobeoone. :&nOnouj ilojocbc^ bolOc tbctr tljacatcnpnge^ano graniite un » to tljp fcrnanntcs: , tljat uwtlj all coitf vOcncc tljcpmavc fuc.iUctljp ujo.toc. ^>o tbartbott ftrctcljc tom tbpncbanOctbatbcalvngc ao fpgnctfanovoonocrsj be Oone bp tbc name of tW bolpcbplpe 3cfnjJ. 3noaffoiica$tl:cv baomapco^placcntoucoujljcrctbcv m^ **<« 3 .r*i re aucmblcb togctber * ano tbep were all * mtm. fpucountbtbcboip0ooft, ano tljcpfuabc « m - : "-»- t^e UJO,iOe of 000 bolOclp. ^1 3no tbc nutltttiioeof tbem tbat bclc* r? nco, *t»creofoncijcrt.? ofonefoitle.Bcp^- Wo.*., t bec mpoc anpeof tbcm, tbat ougbtof tbc *** b - tbpngciSU)bicbbcpoircn*eO,uia8!bp.Sau)nc: bttt tbcp IjflO all tbingctf commen.'3tnb ujttb grcatc power gauc tbe 35poftlcsiwptnc0 of tbc rcfttrrccpon of tbc toin 3efu.^ln0 great grace \»a$\xntbi1)cm all. ^ctfjcr was tljcc cnpamonO;tbcnr,tbatlacBc0.jfo2asmanp aflWcrepo(rc(Ter8onanOc0o?bonfc0,folOe tljem, ano ^ottgtDt p p^pce of f tljtngetf tbat WtrcfolOc. s* tEfte'&jttig ? * 8<»S4.b. •apbpw is tlco,tt)!)ltl) wcrcfolbc,abtopcbftboWitcatp3poftlctf feteufinb btftn button watf mabc onto euctv man accojbpngc atf be b«b ncbe. 5h 3d no * 3orc0\urt)icb watfailqcaUeb of p apoftlcjS.^Barnabas'Ubatitf to tope, p"fon- nc of confolacpon ) bcpngc a tcijitr , anb of the countrc of Cppcrtf wban Ijetolaiioc, f oloc it , anb lapbc f ijc p;pi;c Do|one at tljc 3poftlc#fetc. Cfclicl). Chapter. CiTDf brffciitblpnme of Ananias mil punviDcO.fnriartcs-arfDoticbptticaiv, arc taknubuttlKawjcllof CBobbvnfl (ttc» athan batb fpllcbthpnc hcrf, that thou (bulbcft Ipe Wi= totljcbolp gooft , anbnepc awape parte of tbc p*pcc of the lanbc; j pcrtapneb it not ton* to tl)c onelprs after it wag folbc, watf it not in tnpnc a wwic power :' tttbpbaft tf)oti con* ccaiicbtni* tbingc mtbpnc ftcrtcfSTbou baft notlpcbWitome,lmtwito0ob.tt)ljc3na: niai bevbe thefc wo?bc&bcfcllbownc , anb pucDptbe gooft. 3MU> great fcatc came on alltljcmtbatncatbctljcfc tttmgejS. 2Mb the pongc men rofc t)p , anb pint hpro a pattc>a"b £5 carpco npm ouf,anb bunco bpm. Snb it foituncb, tbat ( tut it wcreaboutc tbc fparc of thjc bourrtf af rnObtt wpfc came in, fgnoiaunt of tljflt which was bone3ib petit fopbe Wito l)cr : 'Cell mc , &olbe pe not p la be foj fo mocU.^nD fye fapb: pee, f o$ fomocb-^ben peter Rtpbcljntohee:wbpba ue pcagtccbtogctbet.tote'ptthefpjcte of p £o*bef2Scboloe,thcfcte of tljcm whicjjhauc bHriebtbPbufbanb,ateatt|)cbo2c,anbtball carp the out. 'ft'bcnfcllujehowneftrapgbt wapcat hf# fctc,anb pcltitn fcp p" gooft.3Cnb tljcpoiigcmen camcin,anbfounbcbcr beeb, a carpet) rjcr out, | bur? eft her bp bcr huf ban* bc.3nb great fearc came on all tbe congeega ^ cpon,anb on atf manp ag bearbe it. vmtm* 35v£banbc<$of tljc 3&poa«*. Were ma = npfpgnctf anb wonbjcsfitc web among the pcople3nb tbcp were all togetber wttb one *m mu t accojbein*&aiomono'pojcTjc.^ibof otbee afcim.r5 butftno mi iopnebimfeiftotbemeiiettbeictf af)cn tbe mpnpfterjS ca= " w nie, anb founbe tljcm not in tlic pjefou , tljcp returneb anb to!be,fapinge:trjepjefontrulp f ounbe m $ut with all bilig^ce, anb tUe ue= periSftaubpngetwitrjout before trje bo;es(. 25utu)rjcu)cl)a0 openeb, ixie f ounbe no m$ iXJitbin. U)ben trje cijefe p?eftanb tbc ruler c ougbt mo?eto obep (Bob t^n ml 'Ebc ob batb gcucutotbemf obcpbim.ttbe' tbepbearoe tbat^ljepciaueafunbe^anb f ougbt meanest to flee tbem. 'Cbcn ftobe tljer Dp one in tbe counfell.a ©barpfcp.naineb ^ Gamaliel , a *«<©" boctour c otla we( bab in reputacpon among all tljc people)anbcommaunoebp3poftlctf to go afpbea Iptell fpace,anb fapb \snto W ■ pemen of 3ftael, taRebeoeeopouie feluctf, wbat pe entenbe to bo , ajs touebpnge tbefe me.ifo^efo^etbefebapcjsrofew onetbu _ Oaj$,boaftpii«e b^m felfe, to W tefo^teb a d5 siomtyt iSftbe^poftles* foMl -jy fcs* *3po.fl.b laimo.uii.o. i.iCimo.|.b c tMt.Ttf.C ^IVtat-r.c nomo]te of meu,about a foure bob^eb, wbicb UJ80 flapn : anb tbep all tublcb bclcueb bpm. s»m fcatrcb abjobe,mtb b^ougbt eottougbr ^trcr tWm&> wag tber one juoasf of sc&a* lile in tbe bapei« of t^t tribute, anbbjewe a* wapc mocbe people after bpm.l^e alio pcrif- ujcd anb all , euen ( a^ manp a js barueneb to ^im) were fcatcreb ab^obe. 15nb now 3! fape tmto pousrefraine pour feluesf from tbe fc mcn.ano let t tbem alone. St ojpf tb# councel oitW wojfte be of men, itwpll cometonaugbt. ^iutanbpf itbeo( <£>od , pe cannot beftrope it , left baplp pe be f ounbe to ftrpue agapnft <&on . 3&nb to bpm agreeb tbe otber : anb wban tbep bab calico tbe apoftle0> t\)tv bet tbem , *anb com mau = bebtbat trjcp (bulbe notfpeahein tbe name of3ef«,anbiettbcmgo. 3«D tbep bepar tcb from tbe coufeil , 3 w - iopfinge, tljat trjcp were counteb wo?tbp, to fuffre rebuUc fo}W name . 3Dnb baplp in tbe temple anb in euerpboufe tbcp ecafeb not.to teacpanb p?caeb3cfu0Cb?ift. C5rbe.W.Cbaptcr. CWni'ttrt«(<» oca(ou9)arc ojoerncb (n the cons nrcfl.iciou to bo fctupct in ncctUatp ti)r»9ts of tbe bobp , that tbc aponicfl mm aapte enelp *pd tbt toojSc of CBoD.&tEiicu la acciiftb. i!5 tbofe bapes(( wba tljcuomber of tbe bifcpplcjs grewc ) tbere arofc a grubgc a m ongc tbc (5?caest agaift tbe^cbruc0,becaufctbeirwebbo- wesi were befppfeb^ in tbe baplp miniftra cpon. 'flrben trje f weluccallcb tbc multitubc of tbe bifciplcjs togctljcraubfcipbr, it i*not mctfjtbat wc ujulb Icauc tbc wojbe of <0ob; anbffructable^.U>b«fo?eb^tb;cn,lonepc outamongepou leucnmcn* of boncftcrc= poit.anb full of tbe Ijolp gboft a nb wif bom, to wbom we mape committe tlji^bufpncsi. But we wpll geue ourc fcluctfcotimiallp to PMper,anb to tbe miniftracpo of tbc wo?be. % nb tbe fapmge olcaf cb tbe wbole multitu = be.3Ciib tbcp crjofe ^>teiien a mi full of faitb anb of tbcbolp gboft, anbpbilip»anbp?o» eo^u0,anbiaicbano;,anb^:unon ( anbpcr» mena£<,anb*.aicola0ac6ucrtof3(!iitiocbe. ^ bef c tbcp fet befojc t\}t apoftlc&anb wben tbcp bab p^apeb , tbcp * lapbc tbcp^ Ijanbctf on tbem. 3Knb tbe wojb of (5ob cncrcafcb, anb tl}c nombcr of tbc bt(ciplc0inultiplpcbin3eru« falem greatlp,anb a greate companpc of tbe meftc0 were obebicnt to tbe faptb. 4* 3nb ^teucn.fttll of faptb anb power, tyX> great wonb^css anb miracles am ogc tbc pcoplc^bcntberarofcccrtcn of tbc %)Vt\fc So^wWcbtfcaUebtbe^pnagogeoi tbe ibertpnesianbft>itcnptce<,anb of aicjran-- b?ia,anb of Cclicia,anbof 3fia,bifputpnge Witb^tcucn.+ainbtbcpcouioc not relpfte tbewiftJome^tbefp?cte,*wbicbfpnKc. h fbc« fent tbep in men , wbicb fapbe : we baue bearbc bpmfpcaae blafpbemous! wo^ be^agamft ^orc0,ano agapnft (£»oo. 3tno tbep moueb tbe people 5 bttje clberjS anb tlje fcnbejXianb came Dps bmianbcaugfttijpm, anbb^ougbtbimto tbecoucell,ano bjsoiigbt » fodtbfaliewitneftcwbicbwpbe.'CbP^man ceafetb not to fpeauc blafpijcmous wo^Des: a ga in ft t iji? bolp place anb tbc la we: f oj we bearbbimfape:tbi03efu0of^a?arctb(bal beftrope XW place, anbujalcbaungc tbeo?= binauncesi , wbicb &)ofeS gaue t)0 . 3tnD all tbatfate in tbc couufell, lokcb ftebfaftlpon bim,anb faweb^ feceajBit bab bene tbe face ofanaungeli. 'ftbe.tn'j.Cbaptcr. C*te lit n inahctft antoert to ftp* attutacpon » re* bukctb tbc uatDiutbco 3ctoce , anb \i OoikD \jii; JO OMtft. loenfapb tbe cbefe p?efte :i0itcue fo/ % % nb be fapb:pe men,b?ctb?cn anb fa* tbcrst,bearBcn.'Ebe0obofglo;tpap= peareb Dnto our fatljer ab?aljam , wban be wag in &)efopotamia , before be bwclt in €barran,anb fapb Dnto bpm: ^(5ct tbe out *«enw«.« oftbpcountrc,anbfromtbpHpnrcb,anbco= meinto^ianb,wbtcb3ftallft)ewe?.'Cben came be out of tbc l^bc of Cbalbcanb bwclt in Cljarran .Hub from tbence, wban bps fa= tbcrwa0bceb.be b?ougbtbimintotbi0lSbc inwbicbpenowbwelanobegaucbpmno^ nc inberitaunce in it, no not the bjcbetb of a fotc:*anbp,tompfebtbatbewolbgeueitto ^ emrM Ijun to poffcfte qf to W feeb after bpm, wben «»*«jwj* aapctbcbaonocbrlbe. ****** C5ob Derclp fpafte on thp# wife*tbat W * «scur.ib.c fertbe Cbulbc fogeournc in a ftraungc lanbe,^ tbattbep itjalbe tope tbem in bonoage, anb *cntrcate tljcm cucll.iiif .c.peare0.3tnb tbc | f f* nacpon ( to wbom tlxpftialbc in bonbagc ) o.ii.u, c will 3 iubge, fapb (Pob. 2tnbaf tcrtbat ujal 26 tbep come fo^tb anb feme mc in tbptf place. *2tnb \it gane bim t^t couenaunt of circun= * m cifpon. *3nb be begat 3f«ac, anb wcumct-- *^'f '';^ feo bim tbc eigbt bapc, ab *3faac begat 3a= l ~JJ cob, anb * 3acobbcgat tbe twelue patriate* * „ r ™ ne0. * 3nb tbe patriarhejS bauing inbpgna- V«t JWe cpon folfcc 3ofcpbinto €gpptc . 3£nb Cob g 'fjpu wajswifbbpm,anb bclpucreb bpm out of ai **** bitfabucrfiticMnbgauebim fauourf wpf 1 borne in tljefpgbt of pbarao Hpnge of <£gp= pre. 3tnbbe *mabebYmgoucrnoureouer ;t<(a j mf , triiourpm>eDt)ptiiDj'0frt= tbers itottft tbjc monethcs.lttbc* lie was cad out, pbarocsbaugbtcr tone Initnip, $nou= rprtbcb hpmtjp to* her awne tonne . 3nb JiWcswaSlcarocb in all matter wpfoomc of tbe€gppcians,anb wasmigbtp inbcbcS auDtuwoibcS. 3!nD whan he was fun fbtirtp pcrc olb,it ca mc into jus bcrt, to topfct bpS bjethjen the ebplbjcn of Jfracll. anb whf be (awe one of tbctttfuffrrw;iong > bcbefcnbebhim,$niicn* geb |)psJ quarcll that hab the barmeboncto Dini ) anbfinotctbci2ffppcian.dfo^befuppo» feb brs bjet bjen wolbe banc mtberftanoe, bow that GobbpbpSbanbe ujulbcbeipitcr tbcm.iSut thep mtberftobe not. s Zno the ncrt bape be ujeweb i)hn fclf tJti ™ to tbem as thep drone , anb wolbe banc fctt them at oncagnpnc, fapimte: &p# , pence . -3»ft^ 7 «^iib"rtC4!t«ncaniDt|)er/'jiButl)c^ opb ftps nepgbboitrc wjonge, thrift bpm a= *tfn.c.r.r.t.wape, fapingc: * who mabe the a ruler anb a iubgc oucr DS i wilt tbou ttpll trie, n S tbou bybcdthcegpbciapcderbapert'isrbcnflccb &)ofcs a t tlja t fa pi ncjr, anD was a ftratmgcr in the lanb of Fabian, where be begat two tonnes. * 3tno wbnnfourtppcareS weirc ctpircb, there appearcb tohpm intbewilbcruclTcof mount Srtna an angcll of the Hofr in a ffa"* me of fpje in a bu(0)e. tt>bcn &)ofcS fawe it, be wonhjeb at the fpgjjt . 2Cnb as he bmc a. ^ „. J**** t0 bclJ'oiUr.tDe tjopec of the lo?b came irS-if * Wohpm. *3amthe0obc£ thpfathcrs,? d5ob of 4ityaham,thenge wonbjetfnnb ngnes!in€gppt,anb in toereb fee.anb in the wplbeenes* four tp peresi. 'JfrhPJJ it that ob, anb woibfapnchaucfounbeata= * mx ^ u bcnmclcfojthc0obof3acob.*^ut^alo=^, firtB)JlA mon bpit him an houfc. *im* t l^owbcit he that in hped of al,bwclleth not in tep!c# mabe with hanbetf, asflhpth the * a «« MW P^o|)hctc:*heaueni0tnpfeate,anb earths * AfcK i mp f ote dole . Itfhat houfe wpU pe uplbc toi w.S« W mc,fapth ? lojbt 1 0% which fep place of mp **«« reft :hath not mp hab mabc al thefe thinacja:.'' ^c ftiffcnecUeb anb of \jncircumcifebhcr= ^ tcja* anb meitf^rfc haue allwapcsi refpdeb ® the holp rtoffc *atf poure father bpb, to bo Jgo, pc.tDhichofthep^ophete^hauenotpourfa^® thcrjJperfccutebfaBnbthephaucaainethcm • which Ox web before of the committee of that 3uft,wbompebauenowebetrnpb,lbmur* jWeb.ainl i pe altohauc receaueb? la^e * bp x. Voh ^ themtnpdracponofaungelMnb+Dancnot " bept it. »,. • taww* Amen the? hearb thefe th(nge^,thcp? Ijertcslclane a(unber> anbthepguaffipebon bpm W\n with thepj teth.»t he bcpngful of the nolpgboft, lobcb \jp debtadlpe ityft epess into heaug,nnb fawethe glo^pe of d5ob, anb 2tnm danbpng on the rpsht hanbe of C5ob, anbfapfrbeholbe.Sfetheijeauenflopen.anD the tonne of man danbpng on thertghthanb of^ob.'ChenthepflaueaChout with a lout) #iWMr* liopce, anb * doppeb thep^ earcsl , anb ranne t}ponhimallat once,anbcadhpm out of the mm**** cptic,nnb*doneb hint.^nbthe witnesdapb bowttcthep? clothed at a pong manned fete, whofe name wasl fbauh 3nb thepftoncb ^teuScallpnge on anbwpmge:ioi; mou magiifl (0 bnptpftb, |»c ttpCTcmblctl; . Jftljilip baptpf.il) tlje clMiubctlapii. 0f the apodles JfoX (Coi.tb.U Otl,t.|,< 3ul* confentcb mito hP$ beath. 3itibat^tpme there wajpmo, which before tpme in p fame cptpe \)feb wit» checrafte, anb bewitcheb. the people of &>a* marp,faping that he wa#a man that coulbc b great tbpugetf .U)hom thep regarbcb , fr 6 the led to f greatcftjfapingeithitf man ist the power of c5ob,wl)ich itf calleb grcatc. 3Enb C hint thep fettmochebp,becaufe that of longe tpme he hab bewitcheb them with tojecrtetf. aSut affone asi thep gaue crebence to Philip 3 pctfpjcachpngoftDCKpngbomcofdfrob^ of the name of 3efn M thep werebaptpfeb bothntcn^wemen.'Chen^imonhpmfeifc beleucbalfo.^inbwhanhewatfbaptifeb.he eotinweb xb ^hiltp.anb wonb?eb,bebolbing the miracle^ $ fpgncS, which were ate web. - A WBhen the apoftlctf which were at 3e= ru(aieherbfape,that^)amarphabreccaueb the wojb of d5ob,thepfent wito the* JDetcr 5 3ohn.tt)hich whan tljep were come 00 wne, p?apeb fo^ ttfi.t thep might rcccaue the holp ghod . it of aa vet he was come on noonc of the" ;butthep were baptpfeb onelp in f name 0fChdid3efu.*'Chenlapbthcpthcirh«ibeS m onthem,$tbepreceauebtbeholpgboft. fr SSSK* U\& mmo" fawetbattfjojow japing on (.ziiiuU of the apodle0 habe^, the Ijolp ghod was gc 5?S'? tW , . nen,heotrerebthemmoncp, faptngigcucmc wssumjin alfo thi0 power, thaton whomfocucrjfput 2> the banbe&bemape receaue the holp ghod. ^6ut peter fapbt)ntohim:thpmoncppcrif^ Cbc With the , becaufe thou had thought * f #*&»* the gift of C5ob mape be obtepneb with mo= ttcp.'ChouhadnetOfrparte.noifclownipp in tbp0 bufpnc0. jf 0? thp hert i0 n ot rpgbt in the fpght of 00b . ixepente the rfoie of thp0 thp wpckebne0, 9 piapc Gob, f the thought of tbpnebertcmapebefojgeucnthc. $013 perccaue that thou art full of bitter gall, anb wjappeb in iniquite. 'Cf)cnanfwcrcb^)imon^fapbe:*ptape ?*"![? J°^ cf * r me ifn«5n«f there thpn- ££$$5$ ge0WhtchpehaucfpoRcn, fallonmc . 3tnb w-ww-fftM thep when thep bab tcdifpeo anb pieacftcb f *" w - t P- c wozbe of c?ob , retumeb towarbc 3critfo,:c\ anb p.tcachcb thcgofpell in manp cpttctf of the Samaritans. ^t'Chc aungell of the S,o?be fpaftc Wo tUMlfi 1 ,foptofl:atprc, 9 go to warb the touth e .•Ditto the wape that gocth bowne from lent falcut wo the cptc of 0a?a, which is in the bcfcrt.3inb hcarofe.fi went on.^nb be Itolb, a man of ethiopia(achabtrlcne,» of create aucto?ifc witljCabacc queue of the etbio- pian0,c,berci*watcr*wtiatbotbJctmc .0 to bebaptprcb/'pDUipfaWc Witobim:3f tf Metre wttD oil fbpne Dcrt.tbou mapcOno bcanrwcrcb,nnbfaybc:3bclcuctDat3cru* ■€b?tftt*tbcronneiraob.3nbbecoimnau* bcbtbccbnrcttoftaiibeftpll.3nbfDcpwcnt bourne bortnnto t t)e watcr:faotD jDbiitp anb nlfo tDe cbambcrtapn, Mb be baptpfeb opm. 3nbnflonca0tbcpwcrc cotneoutof f wa= tcr, tljc fmctc of f toaul vet tycfbpttg out threat* npngcsnno flaugbtcragaprifttDc Difciptcsf of tDe Loibc, wente Wtto fDebpcpjcfte, anbbcrpjcb of i>m * a«». *„, . Icf ! cr *> £° ca *V t0 5D«niafco, totbc fpnago* i&£ tfSt" F% *f&at vf be fouuoc an * °f tbj>i« wapc, kCfett b ( wbptber thtp were mc oj wemc ) be niPcibt cRua.,, b , ,,, tl)fm boulrt , ctjnto 3 fmfalcm . atnn Wben be iojnycb , it f ojtunrb time n0 be was npcto^amafco.fobenlptDcirwpnebrounD about Dpm a IpgDt from Dcaucn, anb be fell totbe carta anb Dcaroea Doycc , fapingcro *acrt9.tm.b bt:*£baul&aul, wbppcrfccutcfttbou niPr 3na be fapDc.- wljat art tftojt lo*be.a«b tte . Hotbc fapb : 3 am 3efu0, wbmn thou pcrfc= cutci*3ti0Darbfo;ttDctokpcReagaitifttbc mptac* .3tH>Uc botlj frcTrtynjse.s aftonpeb *tm4tt.t,Wy& *>*&** * wbatwpltfljioubauc meto a«78.ir.f Dor 3tnb toe lojb faj>D tinto bpm:aryfe,anis mid Kxm gointotbccyticanb itfljalbc tolb Ujc, what tbounutftbo. ^ 'fcbemen wDicDwjncycb wft&ftym , ffo< *° beatnafeb, bcaryngca toopce, but fcpngeno man.3nb $>aul arofcfromtljeeartt),s wbe" bcopcucbbi0cpc0,bcfawenoma\2i5uttbcy IcbbmtbytbcDanbc.anbbjougDtbpmmto jpaniafco „2itb be wa* tD?c bapr* witbont fpgbt.anb netber Dpb eate not bjpneue . $nb tljer wa*a certen bifeiplc at SDamafco , na* meb aimiM*,anb to bun fayb tbc Lojb tn a J)ifponauauiajj."3tuDl)cfapb:bebolD,3am bcre tojbe. 3InD tbe lope fopbc Unto Dpm: aepft.aub go into m urete( wmm cal= * ar»«, „ . Ic e b ftw V5t)t Janb feUc in tfjc boufe of 3trt>n* a«J !K ,,S «f f « one callcb ^feaul* of "S: bar f uji. jf o^ be- Dolbc, be p?apctb.anb batb fene in a Won a man namen 3f nania^compng into bim, anb puttpng MDanbcjeton Ijpn^tljatbe myaht receaue big fpgbt. '5rbeu3naiuas{anrttJcrcb:l02be>3I)aue *acf«wff.«pcarDbpmanyoftbi0ma*i)otomocbeny!I f£g%& ¥ batlj bone to t(jp fapntesf at3erufalcm : 9 y nto Diimgo tljp ttape, fo^e Wa crjofen \)tf fel \)nto mc, to bearc mv name before f <£#« tplMnb Rpngc0,anotbeciplb^n ofjrracl. tfoj 3 t»pH Ibcwc i)pm , rjow grcate tbtngcsl * Dc niuft fuffre f 0^ my names! fane. ftP^m t * 3 nb Ananias! toitW tuapcanbeuttcb imSSu iutotljeDoHfc.anbputijpsiftanbeieionDpm, anb fapfctyot btt&aal ^ e l0?l) tijatappe^ rpb tmtotbein f ttJapeatftboucameft, DatD fentmc , f ti)ou m pnute ftreceaue tDpfpgbt, anb be fpllebwitDtijeljoipgDoft. 3tnoim= mebiatly tpt f ell fr 6 Ijvtf cpciS atf it bab bene JialJAanDberfCfnueDipgbt.anDnrofe.ano urns* baptifeb, anb tcccaueb meate ano. watf comfoitcb .^Ijcnttiajij&am a certen bapejs 3D Mtb m bifciplesf wljicb t»erc at SDamafco. 3nb ftraigljtujapc Ije p^cacbeb ctoift in tlje ^iuagogctf,hotoetDatDe«)aiE(t!)efonncOf <5ob,butalltljatIjearbbmi;t»ereamafeb,* fapb:Wnottl)iiQ!bc,tDatfpoplcbtUem«jDict) calleb ontDiitf name in3erufalcm,anbcame nptber foj tnat entcnt , tljiitfte mpgi)t b^ing tDe bounbe tmto tbc t)pe pitftffl at ut S>aul encreafeb tljcmo^cinftrcngti),^ confoubeb tlje3ctocjJtx>I)icl) btocltatDamafco.affp^ 111 ingc tlja t tljijef toiijes Ucr v CU^tft. i< 3Bnbafteragoob wbplc, toe3et»cjE(tolic counccll togctDcr, to Uill (to JHit tljeir lap- ingcatoaptewajj bnovoen of ^Danl. ^nb tW tcatcbeb tbc gatefi bapc anb npgbtto apll bt . * t lien p oifciples tone l)tm bp mgbt *u.mm -a«irirafl)pmt!)o?ott)ctliciajail,aubIctbpm \#vm botoneinabafbet. ® Sinbwben^aultoajEl comcto3eruralc\ Deaflcubetocouplel)imfcIfctoti)ebifciple0: but thep were a II afra ybe of jjpm , 9 bclcueb not p Dc wag a bifcipie.25ut aeatnabajs toUc bpm^b?ougbt|)pmtotbcapoftIej2{,^becla= rcbtotbe,bou)el)el)abfenett)elojbeintbc pape,anb tljnt Dc Dab fpoften to Dim, ? Doto De Dab bone boloclpat DamaftoitDc name of 3cfu . 3Enb be Dab bvft conucrfiicpon voith tbematSceufalcm^peaapngebolblpintDe name of tfjc to?be 3efu. 3nbDc foane 9 bif= putcb agapna tDe mm-bat mfvmm about to flee Di?m. tDDicD WUeti tDe b?etD?en tttieu)e,*tbcp bjougbtbpmto Ccrarea.anb *swcn»tt lent Dim fojttfoio ^Darmi^.'EDen Dam tDe co* flcegacponsfreft tDoitouiout all %tmv , anb d5alflc, anb &amnrp,anb were efiifpcb,anb walat b in tljc feare of tDe lo?b,anb multp= pUeb bptDccomfo?toftDeDolpgDoft. 3 no itcbawfebasl^eter u»atotD?ough out all quarter*, Decani alfo to tbc fapneteff, i»DlcD bttJdtat Ipbba.anD tDerc be founbe acertenmannnme€neasi,t»D anbfapb:^abitDa,*arpfe. ipccer, joe rat op^noDegaueDertbebanb. ano ipft Dec up . 36no t»D«in De Kb calleb "be ne. 3BU0 it watt (mo wnc tbozowout ol 3op= jw^manpbeicncb on tDe lorte.anb ttfoi- tuneb,tDatDetarpeOmaupoapc0in3om3a WitDouc^>imoiia tanner ^""'^W 1 ' ^Dc.;r.€Daptcr. >^ CSTfjc bpfi-ou tint ia«cc r„t),c . 2, ott) „. „, M ftB , SIS? fW* a t(ttcn mn t« Ccfarea % calico Co2nchu0,a cap( m %t %$m* mu one tbat fearcb 0ob witb all Dp* SSS%9f ?- copIe .' a,,D WPWSW all wapc. JEREiSH mu,c b P a Mton euib^tlp about t^w«tftbowToff|jrbBpr)anSFofSS S!?S iir^ "S^oaeb onDpm , Dc was 2fSf ,to w » i eb?aimce before <5ob. $nb JESHS 6 * f Wname 10 jacter. i^c lobgetb & JJ Jj-?n; »{m tbeangcll wDicb fpaUe it .- S11 Sf m %«»»Ptrbon bim,aiibtoibctbcm _ al * «jattcr,ai.D lent tDem to 3oppa mot « ■ iSi a S? SSP "W * nro W ISefer we"t BSSU^S! fljtow* of tbc boure to p7apc tauten ojicncb.anba certen tirOcil come " bo- nnpt at tbc fourc comer*, anb wa* let bo w= liii ne to tbe eartb . wDertn were * all matter of * *«"."•« fonrfotebbeaae0of tDeeartD,« tjermcnanb bcM " ,,,a y«W«^Meaw.|nbtKcSj a tjopce to Dt,rtfc }5etcr,Bpi <* eatc.2i5ut y c= enp tDinge tDatt* eomen 0; Uncleaue. %m $ tiopce fpabc Mnto bim agapne tue feconb tp= ^"jSSf.^bfta^elenfeb, tbat call not? * mifhthll c6men.irDi0 wa0bone tDzcfcanb tl;e UeffcU ffl3,^ •SBSSPff 1 *PV»?"t WftP* &«b ft ne) meant : be= c bolbe.tDe men wDicD were fent from « oinc= anb afbcb wDetDer &imon wljtcb was fv2= nameb jaeter were lobgeb tDere. toDpie & S&t°ff °" to Wlfcm, f rp^cte fapb Dnto &ffiL^ enfefce ft :a ,Wtta'f«e l ano jettDcbownc,?gowitDtDcm,?bowtenot to? 3 Dane rent tbcm . ^etcc went bowne to tbemen wbtcb Were fent tonto Dpm fr S Co* fee , wbat t0 tDecaufe wberfojc pe are come' anDonetb«itfearctDC5ob,$ofgoobrepo2te amongeall tDcpcopicof tDe 3ewc0, wa* calleb Dc tDem in, -*anb I oogeb min . *JR& on ^"WNe^eter wcittawapc £**" Witt) tDem.anb * ecrtapn b^etD?cu fro 3op= Sum r. b S^hH 1 ? 1 ? 1 '! 1 ? • ^no^etDp?bcbape * * , entreb tDep into Ccfarea . 3nb Coinclm* &££*& tbcm , anb Dab calico togcatber i)pm.anbfellbowneatbp*fetc > <»woja)P»= neb tan. 235nt iDcter touebprn ip J aping?. BR* *3mp ;felfea!foam aSS ^^ ruu «*^talBebwitbbtm,bccame 3 »f faft ano ? e beDolo,.a man ftooc bcfoieme in biprtbt do- mmm rapbe : €ommmmmPtm Dcarb , atibtbyneaimr* bebr*arebab m re= iXSS« J 4f Me of (5ob,&be men 2£S? ? ff0 to .3oppa,anb call fo^pme, wDofc fwname i0^eter. feeiS lobtr rbi in the Jo ufc of one ^pniou a tllner bp » tbc fee "ftff ^fffonea*bei*come.lbaniiaBeSSo tDc.^Dcnfeut3fo?tDeimmcbiatlp,?tboii ^Silj Daft fe$e$ctt£ iwit well bownc, tttot t&ou art come. .tfiovDc tbcrfo;icarewcaU Ijcrc p^cftnt before <5ob> to ijeate all ttynff r tbat arc cSmaunbcb tm* totbcofC5ob. ^bcn,pctctopcncbbitfmoutb,5brnvbc: S8S7i b r,t £> f n trcutb 3 pcrecauc tbat * tberc t0 no re* ^pur.ni.b fpect of pcrfonc0 witb <£ob , tout in all pco= SSimk 6 Ple.be tbat fcaretbbpm,anbwojketbrpgb= t&tauut tcwcmc0,i0acecptcb with bim. # Vt kuowctbc preaebpnge tbat <5ob tent tmtotbc cbiiojcn of 3fracl, pjcacbpng peace by 2itn€hmMkW tojb oucrailtnpn= gca. ^ 1LU hicli p.icacbpngcumtf publiffljcb *jsufj».b. tboiowout all 3cw;p(nnb*!ttganin(]5aU« le, after tbe baptpmcwbicb3obnp?eacbeb) v cr, j„ 4 «ow*(3obanopntfb3cfu0of $n?arctbu& imoni tbe bolp gboft.anb witb votoix. Wd)3cP t»cntaboutbopngcgoob,nnbbealpngcall$ were oppjeffeb oftbc bcupll , foj fc3nbtbeco= joisu.rri.i. maunbeb W to pjcacb Wottic people, anb S ffl" to tcftifp tbat it i0 be. wbicb wa0 ojbcttcb of 0eb to be tl)c iub gc of qupckcanb bccb.'&o % eaMta jipni gcuc * alltbc pzopbctc0 wituc0, £ tbo= rowtjptf name wliotoeucr btlcuctbin&im, (ball rcceauc rcmiffpon of fynnctf. %* #m*M* limbic peter pet {pah c tbcfc \»ojbe0,*$ l)ol v sb oft fell on all tbe" wbicb bearb p p?ea= clipng. anb tbcp of the ctrciicifpon ix>btcb be= Icacb, were aftonicb,a0manpa0 came witb peter, becaufe tbat on tbe <3c»ttlst alto wn0 Q)cb out t))c gpft of tbe bolp gboft. #oj rt;cp bcarbetficm fpeake witb tongc&$ magnifp * a«to.birt.f Gob. ^ben aniwercb peter: *can cny man fo?bpb \»;ttcr, $ tbcfc (bulb not be baptpfeb, wbicb bane rcecaucb tbe bolp gboft nftmtu as we 1 anb be comaunbeb tbe* to be baptp* feb in the name of tbe iojb. $< 'E'lwipjapb tbe p Dim, eo tarp a few bapw Cfcbc.tf.Cbaptcr. Ctactetf&cttcto thctaiifc »»hctfo;c i>c ttcnt to tbe l)Catl)f. J&MIUDdS *»UD i&atll WHCjj tlltO tljciltas t() ttt . 213.1 b u 6 pioplj c cut I) o c c 1 1) fo> to come. 3 IHH ^° f ^ e ^poftiexJ anb b?ctb?e tbat were in 3c w?p,bcarb ^ tbe bcatbe bab alforcceauebpwo?bof(i5ob. 3Hnb wbc peter wajl come\)p to Jeml'ilem.tbep tbat were of ebe cirenmcifid #2>jti.w,« contcubebagoinftbpm,fapnj;{: * ^bouw?= tcfi: into men tjneircumcifeb, anb bpbeft cate xx>itbti)tm. Tout $cttt rebearrcb t^z matter from tbe bcspmmiff , anb cepounbeb it bp o?bcr Wito a- 9m r* tbcm,fapitigc : *3 wajStn f cptie of Joppa, piiapins:anb iit a traunce ,3 (awe a Wpoit,a cer ten \jcffel befcenbe , a# it bab bene a great qjctc,lct bonne fro beancn bp t^t f oure co?- me0,$itcamctomc3»totpewbicbwtO bnbfaftettcbmpnccpctf, 3 cotmweb,^ fawe ^fourfoteb beaftctf of tbecartb i anb tmmf BfSft anbtoo?mcjJ,aitbfoulci8oftbcaper.3nb3 25' "' bearb a \)opce Taping wito me : nrpfc peter, flcp,anb eatc .tfuQ fapbc-.not fo io^befoj notbpngc comen 0^ \jncieanebatb at enp tp* me cntrcb into mp moutb . I5nt p »opce an* (Wereb meagapne from beancn: count not p tbofe tbinflcis comcn,wDicft (H5ob batb elefeb Slnb tbtf was bone tb?etpmciei,3Bub all wc« re taken tjpagapnc intobeaucn. 3»D bcbolbe, immebiatlp tber were tb?e men all reabp come Wito tbeboufc wberej waief,fcntfroCcfareat)ntome.3inbtbcl'pp- rite fapb imto me , tbat 3 flmlb go wttb tb?. , witbontboutpngc .a)o?eoucr, ^tbefefpre *»«»** bjc tfocn accopanpeb mc,anb we enrreb into m manjs boufe. 3lnb be ibeweb 1)0, bowe be Dab fcne an aungel in big boufe, wbiclj ftobe anbfapbtobim:fcnbmcnto3oppa,anbcall fo^im5,wbofcfp;namei0pctcr:|)elt)aU tell tbe wo?bc0, wberbpbotb tl;ou anb all tWM boufe fbalbc faueb.3nb n# 3 beganne top?cacb,^boipgboftfcllontbcm ,*$$& ^ nyXi on \)0at tbe begpnninge . ^ben came it **»*■ to mp rcmcmb?auncc , bowe tbat tbe lo?bc fapb : ^Jobnbaptifebifiwater^butpcajal- *mm bebaptifeb witbtbcbolpgboft.jfo?afmocb afIC6 • , • 4 tben ais c5ob gauc tl)€ iphe gpftc0, a0 be bpb t»iito to&toben webclcuebon tbe Jlo?b 3eP € b?pft : wbat was! T f 3 fbulbebaue witb= ftanbeGobflDbentbcp bearb tbi&tbep bcl= be tbm peace , anbglotirVcb <^ob , fapingc: tben batl; C5ob alfo to tpe CFentplflgrauteb rcpcntaunce\)ntolpfe. % * ^bcpalfo wDicb were fcattrcb ab^obe ^ tm m tljo^o w tbe affliccpo tibat arofe about &tt* m ' ucn,walUeb tbo k JowoutDntopbenice0 anb Cppcr0, anb 3ntiocbc, p?cacbiuge tbe wo?° be to no ma",but*nto tbe 3ewes( onelp fomc of tbem were men of Cppcr0 $ grtjcmwlu'cj) wb5tbepwerecometoa!ntiocbc,fpaKetjn« to t\)i C5?clic0, anb pj cacbeb tbe lo?be 3ef>. SEnbtbc banbeof tbe to^bewn^witbtbem, 9 a grcatcncmtycbclcuebanbturneDlimto tbelo?be. %yWw$ of tbcfc tbinge0 come tmto tfje ^ carctfoftbccongregacpS.wbicbwa^inSe-* 1 * rufaif . 3inb tbep Cent f o?tb 25arnaba0 Mt tbulbc go Unto 3Hnetocljc. Wicb wljen be ca* me,« fiat fene tbe grace of <5ob> wa0 glab,$ *eybo?trbtbcm all, i» witb purpofc of hcrt, *mt.0 tbep wolb cotpnuallp cleaue t>nto t^t loib.- # 0^ be watfa goob mamanb full of tbebolp gboft» of faitb:anbmocb people wa^abbeb \3nto p HoitbcEbenbepatteb 25atnaba0to ybarni0,fo? to ffehe&auLSGnb w^ljebab f otmbe liim, lie tyougDt bim tjnto ^ntiocbe. ainbit iarttf.j:»M inD,i;-a ^6nb it cljaunfeb tbat a wbolepeare tbep bnb tbeir cornier facion witb tbe congregacio tbcee,anb taugbtmocb people : infomocb,^ tbe bifcpplc* of Sn tiocbe were tbe fp^ft tbat were cailettCbJiften. * 3n tbofe bnpe0 came p^opljetejs ftfitlje cptie of 3crufalem \jnto3Hntiocbe.^nb tliece ftobe t)p one of tlje" namcb 3gabu0, anb fp= gtrif peb bp tbe facte, £ tbere (bulb be greate bertb tbojow out all tbe wo^lb, wbiebcame to pa(fe in tbe €mperoure Claubiu0 bapetf. 'Ebentbebifciple^euerp manacco?bpngeto Lf.ffMrw.8bWabplpte,purpofebto fenbe* focoutlmto tutot.wiw tie b?etfoenwl)icDbweltin3ew?p . tDtycD * '" * 'tbmt tpepalfo nvn, anb fent it to tbe clbertf bp tbe l;anbe0 of usarnaba* anb ^auL „ CCbe.]CitCbapter. * „ um CftwoM pevftcutttb the ffbyrtcn . JkpHctb %» nico, anb puttctb J&ctec (n jutlou.tDDoin tbejloioc ocipiicrcth bf m duneeil , %m fljamcfull oeatu or Aerobe. %Qt fametpmcBerobetljeltpng ttrctcbeb fo?tbbP0banbe0 Worn certcn of tbecongregacpon. anb be *mat.««.c.lKiM^^Uplleb* 3nmcis^ b?otber of 3obn mm* xtify t|)c fuocrb .3nb becaufe be fa we tbat it pleafeb tbe 3c we0, be pjocebeb fartber, anb folic p ctec alfo'Cben were p bapc0 of ftoct brcab. 3Cnb wljen l)c bab caugbt bpm,be put l)tinp v wfonaKo^bclpuercbl)imto.iiii.qua= tcinion0offoubicr0tobcbepte,cntenbpnge after ellcr to b?ingc bim fojtb to tbe people. 3nb peter wag hence in p^cfon.Tiout pjapce watfmabc without ceafpngc of tbecongrc= gacpon, Wito ©ob f 0? bpm . 3nb wben i^e= robe wolbe bauc b^ougbt bim oute \jnt t^t pcoplctbefamcnpgbtflepte peter bctweuc two foubier&bounoc witb two cbapncMb tbe Hepcrjs before tbe boje kepte tbe pic fon. 3Bnb bcbolb, *tbeangcl of tbe &o?b wa0 tljcr p?cfcnt,aub a Ipgbt mpneb in tbe babp* tacpon.^nb l;c fmotc peter on tlje fpbcanb ftcrpbbim Dp,faptgc:arpfe\)p quic(Up.3inb bias cljcpnctf fel of fro W banbetf.adnb tbean= gel fapb Vnto bpm :gp ( tbe tbp fclfe.Sb bpnbc fry ontDp &w fiinbaleis . 3nb fo Dc bpb .HnHtK f aptb Wito bim:caft tl)p garment about t'be, 5 folowcme . ainbbc came outf folowcbbt", nrtb wpft not tbat it wa0 f ructb wbicb wajsf 215 bone bp tbeangell,but tbougbt be bobfene a Mpon. U)bcn tbep wercpaft pfpjftanb tbe fecobe watcb,tbcpcamc tjnto tbep? on gate, tbat leabctb \>nto tbe cptie , * wbpcb openeb totbcmbptbcawneacco^bc.anbtbcpwft oute, anb paficbtbo?ow one ftr etc, anb fojtl) wtb.tbe angeil beparteb from btm, 3ttnb wban peter wag come to bim felf c , be fapb : uowe 3 bnowc of a furetp.tbat tbe tojbe batb fent bitf nngcil, anb batb belpuc* & reb me out of tbe banbe of li)crobe,nnb from all tbe waptin g fo^, of tbe people of tbe 3e= we0. |< *aubatfbec6tyb*ebtbctl)pngc, be came to f boufe of 4ft)arp p mother of one *3ctfe.V.b *CI«C».V).b aiiD.tbi.f 3obn, wbofefp^name wa04Oarae, wbcre manp were gatberebtogeatber* inp^apcr. #w«» 30peter ftnocneb at tbe entrpbo^e, a bam= fell came fo^tb to bcrH5,namebmboba3nb wDe"Cbe anew peter* toopce, (be openeb not tbeentrpfo? giabne&butran in, 9 tolb bow peter ftobe before tU entrp. 36nb tbep fapbe tmto ber.- tbou art mab •• 7&ut (be affirmeo p it wa^euen fo. 'Cben fapb t^tyit iis bptfan-- gel.26utpeterc6tpnuebftnocmngc:*wbcu tbepbab openeb tbe bo^e.ao fa wc bun, tbep were aftonpcb.*3nb wban be bab becaneb *attc«.n».c tjnto tbem witbtbe banbe, tbattbepmpgbt foolbe ttep? peace, Jc tolbc tbe bp wbat mca * nesl t\)t low bab bjougbt ty out of t^c p?e= Ton. Mnbbefopbc-.go (bewe tbere tbmgcg tnto jamctfanb totbcb.ietfeen. anb be bc= parteb.anb wentinto anotber place. 26 (Tone a0 it wajs bape, tber wass no littel abo among tbe foubiens, wbat was become of peter . toben iDcrobe bab f ougbt f 0? bim, anb foubc bpm not,be oramlneb tbe kepcrjs, D anbcommaunbcbtbemtobccarpcbatDapc. 3nbbcbefccnbcbfrom3cw?ptoCefarca ) * tber aboobe. Aerobe waj^ Difpleafcb 16 tbem of %yit anb ^)ibo , i6ut t^cy came all wttb oneaccoibe , 5 mabe intcrceffion wuo 23la« ftuss tbefepngc0cbamberlapnc, anb Dcfpzcb pcacc,becaufe tljeir coutre wan uoipffycb bp tbe Hpngc0p?oupfpon. anb Dpo a biipcap: popnteb, Aerobe arapeb bim in ropaliappa - rcll , anbfett bpm inbP0featc, anb niabcan oiacionwitotl)c.anbtbcpeoplegaucaa)o= wtc, fapingc : it ie tbe\)opcc of a Cob ? not ofaman. anbimmebiatlptbeangcllof the io?bc fmote ])ym , becaufe be gauc not <3od tbe bononr, anb be wag eaten of wo.imcs an gatie\)pfbegboft. anb tbe wo,20e of Gob grcwcanbmulttplpeb.3nb2£arnabaoanb paul retumcb to 3crufalem, wben tticy bab tiilfpllcbtbnroffpcc, anbtokcn3tb^3ob» *3*w* wbofc fpjnamc wa0 ^.Jarke. CCbc.riii.Cbapter. CKiaul anb iS.iruib.i» »rc c.iticb to picwb .imoiifjc tijr irjcathtn . ©f a>ccg(u9 Jdauiuo anb fclpmaa the fo!cctcr.}&.ml pjcAtbcti) at Sutiocbc ^il>creweretn tbecongregacpon that a ma at aiittocl)c ( ccrtapu:< ^p:opbtcs, t 1. mon tbat was callcb j3igcr , anb inemtf of Cercnc anb V£)m alien , lierobc t\)c fjrttrar* kc0nojfcclow,a!ib§>aui.a0tbepmiiitftrcb to tbe lojbe anb faftcb.tbc bolp gboft faibe: feparatc me25arnaba0anb §>aul , fo^ tbe wo?cke wberunto3bauccallcbtbem . anb wljS tbepbab faftcbanbp.mpeb.anb^lapbc *?*-*™ tbeir banbc0 on tbcm,tbcp let tbem go.anb ^TA tbcp after t^ty were Cent fojtb of tbe bolp mbw-i* gboft, beparteb tmto $>clcuf la , 5 fro tbencc t'SS.r.u tbcp laplcb toCip?u0. anb wljen tbcp were at &aiaminc,tbcp (be web tbe wojb of 00b ttbcfiuagogc0 of tbe3cwc0 . anb tljepfjab *3oljntotbep?minpfter, *mmtt, <5g iiii 5JUben r *fi *K Wf*6 « 3fcuje.) wlbofc name watf ttartrfii , wbtcb was unto the ruler of i rbe coimrrc one fbagm poulti* a pmoft m«7 am** {g twmc bp wtcrpjctaclon) ttutb ftobc tbe\ n nb i rougbf roturttc aware tbc ri lcrf.fi the futb. Wten! c uftlc* alio $c a leb Saul) bcpiiffc full of t be boly gboft , frt bp*cpc$on to «,anb fapoe.© full of aUfutteWatW- ff rtfiiiiicflr, tboti cbploeof thetoipu, tbon 3" D «?w *%**. tUc Imiibc of tbeiojb % frS? 1 f hf ' *S° t,JOU ?»** WVHbe , anb not §& & f9 * cca % 3nbWcbiat ? there feu on bpm a tnpircano a barenne* ,3d bpm b j? f bcbanDc . €$ai ftc rular when he £ to 1 1 at the Doctrpnc of the lo^be. CSiben paw Dcpnrtrb from papbo&tbep *a^ru. s .p!Hlta : anD*:^ rchirncb to 3er ufnlcm . *Snt t^SSSm mmm countresMnD mm 'S fpnagogc on the fabotb Dave, anb fate bow* tie . Znb after the lecture of tbc lawc anb the m4m , tbc mm of t|)c fpnagogc fente Xl°» J f ? ' ****" Semen anoVtK & on P " t0 ^ W *WE **w»p« ,. '?l)cjigniiiirobet)p,niib*becHcnebtoftb f be banbe f 0.1 fyle«rr,anb fopoc ■. Sen i ofi? S^anbvetbatteareG0D,ffweanbS5* ?Se0oboffb«pop^bF^n of tbc gK« P5 °f 3b?ab$,anb wbofoeuce ainoff RBSEftf^A* t0 ,v°» W tW «w»De of urn** & c t n J«»of^Pnulcr0, bccaufc*tbcpH»H!tt> M tfflM(v ^^ ,r if^»<«wnbeinwnffibK *S jJK^SW'J 1 ^ rV^^W •>«• W " ,( &*^ f ^'^toKeWm*owneft8ete 25k.!!? put l,pm w a repalcftie , HBut 6:ob K£F? D J ,ftn *S a Wt f roni ocatb,c*c tt ,t ti,» b« P c) ^ S? »HB# iW*ow«i «e to3er«fa= fob batb fnlfiileo Unto tbeir ffiESm niatf ft Wtontcn in f Wp almcS hoti «»„■ actmp fonne, Wbaveban? | b^goten tb SSS* 1 ffiiKW^^^eettirnetocowupclon SSf&LWl' ?^ 3 seue faptffip o Ry^tfVMf fapctb airo f another place. * Oon ftalt not fciftre tbpnc hoip to i £ S tupeppn. jf o? a>aufOcn»er be bat ^it Vvatv- &^!* iX ■» *KJ * rue ujpli of C?o w * ftnWtoS' ant. «»atf lapbe Unto bP^fatbcr^anb ffi * w WfS " Jl SSoWa SSMF ^>» , nil tbat be!eue%reS= not be inftifpcb bpebeWtteof Sfea mB fiacpon,^. ww „ LvJ^^ 8 " 11 tierteou of mottmkfL tbe:** Wbo*fcbtbcnitocfitinuefntKSa? ,« „ SSSS^KS^ 11 toffetUcr, to bcafe the people pcopMjcp were ftill of lub^naci'on * fbake mm tbofc tbpnge*. vm SSS t fiBS - HMftW?B«pn(l t u r^rimgc on (t , y ben Paul anb zSarnabafi ujereoTinihl * «***>. fijpoeut mrmefiS ib a tlw&at*! I S^n9ftftanebeftewW^IS? ftluc* onu)o;tbp of euerlkpufft i/if .f m ^^"t&cgcittpWbcarbctbP^tbeptnere Sljb anbflloiifpcb tbc too^be of t he Xofit I beleuebcu?atfnianpatft»ereo7bepS4- to eternal ipfe.atnb tjN Ttio/oi Sf tbS ^ i mK iXS^M^nawwft Paul anb£= naba^anbcjcpciicb t()^ out of thewcoaft^ * 2Sut tbcp Qjotiue of the bufte of tLpz fete «^»tttban,*Dfame<«o^WSS ^fti)t%ptiiut8 So irtlaf.r.b. OJf!iC.VMj, t>c««rc comcdoiBiic tow K, ,«fc-VJ PS Mn *MKl MUM ttiynlleD *E&jSgf& tbctDhfch itttnni,fP?SS?^ in m fberm : »&« «!»».». *»-CflHU|'l.f mbtbfptiK^^ Piiii! ■Mi C^be.riuldrijapecr. ^uiuivimircm jconiu, that s . bepwent both together utto | iffi^?^ 3fcwekanb (§ £ W ' ano ^'««cbtbempnocS^ of the jentpw agapnfte tbc bietb/cn. ionge tpSe abppe tbcp tbcre.anb qupt W friweS bffi tmtb tbc bclpe of tbc l^«uS!mr3E ww. monp unto the tuo^be om$m**^l imnuctf H5ut tbc mult itube of tbc cptic S a« bcupbebranbpattcbclbewithtbeiemc? » parteuwtb tbe^pomeft BVjnw » ? Wcnfbcctt)as toe of &)ofeS.3inb tbe 3poliles $ clbcrS ca* jitetogetbcr,toreafon of tfrpsJ matter. anbujbctbcrwasmocb(:bfu;utpng,#c= fcr rote Up\$fopbc unto fbem:f>cmcn$b?c=: flwu,veiuiomcboro£ngoobtobplcagoo, Gob bpb cbofc amongc us,£ tlje GcntplS bp mpmoutbmulbbearctl)cwo?beoftt)cGof= a: artfs./.b. pcll,anb bclcttc.:ainbGobWi)icb*Rnotoctb Pi r w'l ^'!;[ h tbe w rtcs, bare tfjem to ptneft anb gaite \>n= US,auoputnobirfcrcccbetwcncl)Sanotbc~ * lehit.niub fcj'ltgC f tOitl) faptb be * ptttlf ICll ttyVl &C* a ansau .!. fcss.j^oxD tbcrfo?c, Wftp temptepe GOO , to * iictcs.br.g put on p DifctpleS ticcacs^ polic *fc3* tobicb £3mctbcrourfatbcrS no? we were able to bea* re,25ttt we bclcue.tDattboiOWtljc grace of tbe Lo?Dc 3efitCb?i(t > we fljalbe tab , a$ tbep bo.^ben all m multitubc was pcafeb -p $ gaue auoiftcto uSarnabas $ paul, w&icb ^ tolDc what fpgneS $ wontoetf Gob ljab Q)C= uk b among* tbe GcntplS bptbem. 3 no tobc tbe v belbc tbctr peace, ~$am& an* fwcrcb,iapng:^cnsb?etbmt,herlteutmto mc.gmncontolbcbow Gob at p beginning bpb MiUtp gcntpl)3,toreceaue of tbetna peo* pi cm Diss uamc.3lnb totbte agree p wojbcs * arnoc fr.o. of tbe p?opbrteS, as it is w?ifte:*3[tftertbi# Jujpllrcturne.anbwpllbuplbeagapnctbe tabernacle of B>auib,x»btcbt!$ fallen bourne anb tbat mbtclj i$ fallen in becape of tt,wpll 3 buplbc agapne.anb 3 wpllfet it up.tljat tbe rctpbue of mf mpgbt felte after tbe to?b (t alfo tbe Gcntplsf \jpon wbom mv name tat namcb faptb t^e MU»vm botb all tbefe tbpngeslifenouje Unto Gob are all W wot* kt&M tl)t bcgpnningof p mo?lb.U)berfo?e mpfentecciiS^bntwe trouble not tb&UJbicb ft 6 am ongc tt>c Gentplsi,ace turncb to Gob: but tbat toe uuptc tontotj)em,tt)att!)cpnb= ^/Sroo.ti.a.ircpnctbemfeluejai * ftmffltwi& ofpma= gctf, attb front fomt'cacpoii, anb from ftrafi* fllpb, anb * from bloitbc.tf oj a)ofesf of oibe f ®»i| tpmebatb in cuerp cptie tl)l f»p?eacbc bpm, mS, in t\)t fpnagogcjJ>tol)en!)e i}S rebb tmtf&te 3D botbbape. ^ijcnpleafcb it tbi; ^Bpoftlcsj anb ciocrst \sit\) tlje wbole cogreg:acion,to fenbe cbofcii men of tljcp^ atone contpanp to^ntioebe t$ panl anbi6arnabatf , 'Ebep Cent * 3nbajl ■*3oun« l | ( txJltoft fp^name toamz6arfabaj2()anb$>p= laiei, tolticbtocrcepcfcmcnamonge tbe b?c=> tb,2 en , anb gaue tbetn letersi in tbep; banbeji after t[)pjl man cr. . 'Elieapottic*, anb eibcrtf ann tytmtn fenb grctpnge^^nto tbe tactiften t»bicb are & of tfcc Gentplie! tt|) oure bcloueb asamabasi anb flattUsnl tbat banc ieoparbcb tljeir Ipuejl fo? tbe name of oure lojbe JcfusfCb.zift. tt)e bauc fettt tbcrfo^c 3nba0 anb ^>pla0,\obtcb mall alfo tell pott toe fame tjnngctf bp moutt). Jfojit feuteb goobto tijcbolpgboftanb totjgi , to cbargepoutoitbnonto?e tljg tbefencccflary tbpngc!S:tbat i)S to fapc,tl)at vt abftaptte fro ti)pnge0offerebtopmage0,anbfrom blonb, anb from ftraungleb anb from fomicacpom jf rom tobicb Vf pe nepc pottre feluejs.pe 4aU b o well. |t>of arc petocll. ID^tbep t&crfojctoerc beparteb, t\)tp ca $ to3flntioc&eanbgntbcrcbtbemultpfubctO:= fetDer > ^beliuerebppiftle. UJbtcb U)l;e tbcr> lab reb,tbep reiopfeb of f> confolacpon.3(ino 3uba0^ §>pl8!Ei being p?op^cte0, cjcj3o?tcb tbeb^etb^nwttbmoc^piicacbpnge,fftren» gtbcb tbc.^nb after t^tv babtarpcb fljerea fpace,tljcp were letgo in peace of tbe b?ctb?5 mtto tl)e % poftlesi.^ot witbftabpng it pica- feb£>pla&toabpbetl)ere ftpii^»cbut3iuDa8 c : &> pa««> atone to ^ccufdicm ) $aul anb 25amaba^ CO titmeb «cptc» orujeapoftk* ano tlotct) CCDc.jC\)i.Cl}aptcr. C^motiir le cttcmmpfcot&*ul p;ta(jjctl)4ti&ljp; ll'PPoe.nno Ujceift ocput nipxlbii. il9enc5bcto2)erbaanb to Uplfra, |3Bnb bcbolbc ,a certapne bpfcpple uMtftbcrcnameb 'Eimotfje^a t»o= mansifonne, wbc(Te anb bcleneb ; but bvtffatbcr was: aG?ehe, m wbom rtuojeen well tbe b^et^en tijjit mcreat Iplfrn anb3contu lopm molb ^aui tbatbelbnlbegofojtf) wit|) pfm^toneonb circucifcb bpm , becaufc of tbe 3c we# w|)icl) tocrctntbofcmmctcrsi : fo* tbep anewcall, tbat bv?s fatber wajsaG^eue. %$ tbep went tljoiowctbc cpticief , tbep beliuercbtbem tbe fl !t ffl.rt,t. bccrcctffojto hepe , tbat were * ojbepneb of tbe ^poftlcsJ anb elbcrg , uibicb were at 3c= rufnlem.^nb fo were tbe congrcgacpotffta-- blpfineb in tbe faptb > anb cncrcarcb in nom- bjc baplp. jg Xo\)tn tfjep bab gone tbo^oto out pb?igia. fflMM* anb tbe region of Galacia , anb * tocre fo?- bpbbcn of tbe bolp gboft to pjeacb tbe woib in ^fia,tbcv came to &)pCpa> anb fougbt to go into 22etbpnia.l6ut tt}c fpjef e foffreb tU not 26ut wp tX^tv babgonc tbo^oto ti^pfia U, x m t.tljep came bo wne to * m:roaba.3tnDa mfpo appcrcb to^aul in tbenpgl;t. ^bcrc ftobea man of 4^acc0otiia anb mapeb turn, taping: come into ^accbottia, Sbbclpc»0.3lftcrbc W fenc tbeDifton.immcbiatlpwc p?cparcb C togotnto^Daccbonia, beingeccrttfpebtlwt tbe lojbe Dab callcb \30,f 0? to meacb f go f- pelimttotb^ iDbautoclofcbto.ubtbcnfro Uroaba.mccamc vb aftraptc courfeto 5>a-- motb?acia,anb f uertc bapc to Beapoltn , 5 fromtbcnccto^bilipposlvWbtcbi^tbccbcfe cptie in p partes of aJaccDonia, 9 a fre cptie. tDe tocre in tbat cptie abpbinge certapne bapctf.3nbon£g>abotbbnpcj$t0ewctout of tbe citie befpbe^a rpucr.toljcre men \ocrc «ionttopiapc.3Enbvx)cfatebou3nc ,5 fpauc tjntotbc went^wbicb rcfo? tcb tbptber. 2Cttb a certapne tt)omatt{nameb JLvbia)a teller of purple, of f cptie of 'fcbpatira , wbicb wo?» mpppcb Goo, gaue tuSaubiencc.ltJbofe bcrt . tbe lopttt opcncb.tbat fbeattcbeb Unto t\)c %> tbpttgrS, wljicb Baul f pake. \Dbett Qje watf baptt feb , ab bcr boumolbc,(bc befougDt \30, frtPtngc:3f petbpncfte tbat3bclcuc on tbe ILo?be, come intomp bourcanbabpbctljcrc. ffi W 3lnb aic * conft rapneb W. fZ'tms.' 3nO it fonnnco ajJ we went to pmpcr , a HRieum. ccrtapn bamf ell poffefleb mtmfi fp?ctc tbat 7 mopberpcb.mctw.wbicbbjongbt berma» acr:!j maltrejci mocbc \)aunfage vb p?op{je* (ptnije.^rbe famefoloweb $aul aub^^anb crpcb^iptnge: * tbcfcmcnarct()cfcruautt- xm>vM\*. tc$ of tbe moll bpc Gob , wljtcb ibcto tmto Mst tlje wape of faluacpon.^nb tbpa $W me manpbapesi. 25ut paul not content, tnrnco aboute,aub fapbc to tbe fpzcte.3 commaun= httf)t * in tbe tiamcof3cfttCbiift,tbattbou *mv.xm. come out of ber .^nbljccamc out tlje fame bourc.*. Snb wben bcr mail waub martre£ifawc tbat^pbopc oftbeiegapncatx>a0gone,tbcp ^ a -^^ caugbt ISaul anb 5>pla0, a nbbzuc tbe tnto ^ tl)c macftct place fcnto t))t rulars,i bzougbt tb^ to tU omccriEl.favinge^bcrc men trou- ble oure cptie femg tbep arc^cwe^,^ p.wacl) o?oinaunce0, tobtci; arc not laufull fo? \)0to receaue,nctbertoobferuc,fcpugcwcarcHo manp0.?£nb tbe peoplcranuca'gapnfttljcm, anb tbe officers rent tljeir clotbeS,? comaun^ bebtbeto * bebeatctoitl; robbc0.3tnbtobe «*4£«b«4 tl;ep \jt\n beaten tbem fo?c , tbep caft tljg into piefon.commaunbpnge tl)z iapler of tbe p?.c» fontobepetbcmbiligcntlp. ttujtcbwljenbc tyib rcceattcb fucb comaunbcmcnt.tbmft tbe into tbe putter pjefon , ? mabe t^cp? fete faft iutbeftocbesf. :itmpbnpgbt^aul?^>platfpiavcb,anb^ IauDcbGob.2Cnbtbep?efoitfr0bcarbetbcm. 2Cnb fobcnlp tber toasa grcatc crtbquabc, f tl;at tl;c f oftbacion of tbe pzefon tbajs flm = hen , anb * nnmebiatlp ail ttjt bozejs openrb £S m j* A - a r tib cuerp mannc0banbe0 tocre lbofcb.U)i]e pl p beper of tbe p?cf on walteb out of bis ficjie anb fatoc tlje p^cfon Do,uS open, be b,;uc out btS ftorarbe anb toolbcbaue kpllcb Dim fclfc fuppofimg tbat tbe p?cfouerS Dab bene flebb. ButpaulcrpcotDttbaloubcDopccftrptns: bo tbp fclfc no barmc, fo? toe arc all bcarr. ■vTbcn be calleb fo? a Ipgbt anb fp?angcm ab ca tremblpng? \jnto |Datil,anb fell bourne at tl;c fete of pattl? $>plas,anb biougfit tbem out, 9 U\>Ht : ^y?s * tobat mud 3 bo to be * , £«fc*f».a, fauc0;^nb tbepfapbe:*bclcuc on the LojDc Sr l, i 3efus,? tbou tltalt be faueb 1 tbt'Douaiolbe. t ioM.o. 3tnb t\)cy p?eacbeb mtto bim tbe iuo;bc of p & lojb,^toriiltbatuicrcinbpSbourc.^.ubDc toftc tbem p fame bQttre of tbe n'pgbt, •? toaf-- (beb tbetr toounbcs.anb was bopttfeb abiall tbep of bpSbouQjolbcftrapgDttoave. 3nb wbcttbc bab bjougbt tbem infobvsboufr, be fctmcatc bcfo?c tbem , anb * iopcb tbat *»■****• be tMitballbiSbombolbc.bclcueb on Gob. %\\b toben it toasoapctbt officers tent p miniftcrS,favmgilettbofemcngo.'CbeUe= per of tbe p?cfon tolbc tbiS fapmgc to Paul: tlje officers bauc fent tooib to lofe pou.Boto tljerfo?e , gctponbcnceanbgoinpcaccEbS fapbc paul unto tbem: tbep oauc beaten US opcnlpunconbeneb , fo? all tbat me arc 1So= mapns, tmo bane caft up into p?cfott:$nou} uoolbctbcp fenbe US atoapc p?'euelp.''Bapc aerrlp, but let t\)t come tbe klutsi , » fct Utf out. U)bentl)cminilterS tolbc tljcfe too?beS imto r^ tonto tbc officer** , tbep fcaccb wbcn tbep be* xmnum* arbctlmt tbcp wcrclfcomayncsf * tbep cam nnDbcfought tbeimanb tyoiigbttbcin our, miDDc^cDtljtin.toDcpattcioutoftDccvtie. 3ub tbep i»cnt out of tpcpjcron.anb cntrcb into tljcijoufc of MMn, anb when tbep hab fene the b v wh v icu , tljep confotfcb them , ahb brpartcb.*. f C$bc.jetoij.Cbantcr. «».iiil roimiittdto XftcfTalomra , wm tb*3| ctbcs let the cpitconnrojf.Kwil crca(ici:t),9c6infthtotftf8 »>Ucrc ()C i>) til cOcllj toe (rue aiib unmtououc CBoO . , & tbc p mabc tbeir totirnep tbo= rowc 3 mpbipolitf :nnb 3(lppolo tun, thepcamto is;bcu*alonlca, wberc wasla &>pnagogc of tbc l3ctt>e$.a!Ho $aul ( a# bptf ma= ncr wag ) went in tonto them, anb thic2M= botbbaycg bcclarcb out offlje fcrppture ton= **u.trMf.g.tothcni ) opcupngcgfallcgpng ) tlmt * Cl)?ift intift nebctf hauc fuffrcb , ahb rylc agapnc from occtD.aiiD that tDpjcs JtUvi was! ebjitfr, *a«.trtm^f wbom(faybchc)3p;tcacbto pou.3Cno * fo= mc of tijent bcicucb, abeam ano companpeo witb pcittl f gjplag.anb of tbebcuote <5ic* Ucg a grcatc mtiltit ubcanb of tlje tpef e we= jncn.notafrnwc. mm the 3cwctf rcbirb brlcueb not , hab inbiguarion anb tout tonto tbcm cuyll men, 23 which were toagabu beg, anb gathcrcb a co^ pany, ano fct all tpc cptie on a roarc , « maoc affautc tonto tnphotifc of 3afbn, $ fougbt to Dipilfjc tijtm miff n^S i^m jJ^uD 1)1 illl I H)l j iojmoc tMM^Fi!f b7"c 3a Ion , $ ecrtapne ... jebcabcgofthccpticcrpingc: tlicfc tftat trouble the wojibc, arc come to* tpcr alfo, wbom3afonhatbicccaucb pjeue* * joii'inrc. lp.* X nb there all bo contrary to tbc becrccg of£cfar,af?irmpngc another aynge, one 3c= fnaOttb tbep trouble* t be people,* tbc ofin* ccrg of tbc cy tic, whe* they hca rbe tbefe tbin* gcg.3!nb when tljcp were fuificie'tlp anfwc* rcb of 3afon,ab of fhcofhcr,fbcp let tbc go. 3Gnb tbc tycthjen immcbiatlp feiit nwape pm\ am £>plag bp npghte tonto 2£crrea, -. .Web ujpf n tbep were come tbpthcr , tbey ^ cntrcb into p g>pnagoge*ofti c3eweg. %\>u fc were tpc noblcft of bp?tbamonge tbcm of 'fthcu"alonia,wbicbreceauco tbe wojb witb *t,twm*%\\ bilygenceof mynbcanbfearchcb * tbe fcrppturcg baplp , whether tbore f bpngcg wcrceucn fo. 3nbmanp of tbcmbeieueb: nlfo of wojfibppfnll wcme"wljicb were (i&e* acg.anbof men not afeawc. tyhentbeje* wcg of ^bcffaloniababanowlcbge, tbat § wo?b of (5ob wasi p^cacbelrof J^aui at 25er= rca :tpcpcame, anbmoncb tbe people tbere. asnb tben t'mmebiatlp t^e b*ctp*en fent a» . . . , apc ^aul, togoag yin0anb 'Eimotpcujsabobc tbere ftpll ^^notbeptbatgpbeb^aul, ^ougbtpt \jn= to2dfj)cn^, g-rcceaneba c6mf? nnbement tm= i f. to &pw 9 IT immw&f o* to come to Upin ^P/f^wmetpcicwavc.Wa^atilttiap tcbfoM()em at3Btbensi, tofpaete watf mo= ueb ft, ;»m,wpam befawe tbe cptfcgcucn to wo^OJppnge of pmngefc'fcpen btfputcb he intl)t fpnaflofiei»ltptbc3ciiJc^,ami urtt& tbe bcuoutcpeeroimc^anbinfmarftct bap- lp wjtp tpcm tba t came t)tito oim bpichaun* ce • Cettapne Wlofopper^ of tpetocureg 5"?of tbe^topcftejtf, wfpnteb witlippm. 3iib tome tper were wptcb fa ybe: wpat will tppjl bablcr fape;Ctl)ct fapbe : Dc femetft to be a tpbpngeis b?pitfler of neweDeuplja!,bc= caufc.be pjcacbetblwto tbOefiislftlJere. furrcccio.3(lnb tpep toftc tym, 9 b^ougpt pirn into^arceftrete.fapinff.mapewenotBno' wewpattljpjJncwc boctrpnc wijerof thou fpcaHeft y ijS.^o? tpou b?pngcft ftraungc t p»- bpmjcg to oure earejaJ.tDe wolb ano we t&cr= to?e, wbat tbefe thimjctfincanc. jf 0? all tbe 3tbcniansianD ftraugcrsi wb tp wbcre rcpei: becanfe be batb appopntcb a bapc ( intbcw!ilcbDewilUubfictjewo?Ib^ rpsbtewefne^.bptbatmanbpwbebebatt) appopntcb^ batboffcrebfeptbtoallmMf* tcrthatbebabrapfebbimfeomoectb. Ujbcn tbep beatbe of tbe eefurreccton from oeetb,fome mocfteb,anb otjer fapb.wewpU beare t\)t agapne of tbp* matter, ^o^aul ftepar teb from amonge t^trn, taowbetFcer^ tapne men claue Wo bpmanb beleucb:a= monge Mfyt&Mlt* e # StttrefiiiM. *flctfo,D:i,t &hr lfUi.8, Mm, , •^6 <5 *2roiiM.fti.i monffc tbe Wblcb \»atf toponprputf a fena tour , anb a woman nameo imxmxi$ t nnb otper wttp tbem. C2Tbe.;c\)ttiCbaptcr. fCt&Aul p»cat|)et!j at dCoMMbutmrotKpmitog rficce (ipetcnncnljalK^octljftaariicriitoftpnfljWminftb to tfp&ciue, €c(nm mn aiitiocijt. £>f 3poiio3 aciuilannDgUffrillrt, dtter tbptf , l&aulbcpartcb from i3tbcn0 , anb came to Co^pn= [thu.anbfoftbca ecrtapne 3c wc unrmiMtiu va^HH^W^niel) * atqufla,bo?ne in $5= k*^* D IBKBBMilWi*. latelp come from italic witbbWwpfc^nfciUa(bccaufetbatfem= pcrour ClaubiuK bab commaunbcball 3e=« we* to beparte from niomc )ttb f)t b?cw Wt* to tbcm, becaufe be wag of tu fame craftc , be abobc witb tbcm, 9 wjougpfcthep? craft e wa* to malic tcntejOnb bepitcacbeb in tbe c# fpnagogceuccpS)abbotb bape Hitftftm w* in tljc mcane tbDplc tbc namcof tijcXome jficfusja uO EJC- . ijo^tcb tbc 3cwc* anb tbc gcntplsi. MUMfA Wen # wmfUittB 'Cfmotpeu* were co= 1 mcfrom iai)accbonia,^aul wa* coftrapneb bptbcfp^etcjo teftpfpc to tbc 3cwc$ P 3e a fu* wag \Jcrp Cb^pft.31nb wben tbep fapb c i«ffiMb.r.b. eontrarpf blafpbemeb * be (bofte bp* rap= karhc.toi ,b. tnent anb fapbe twto tbcm : poure bloubc be iftiw.nii.g. upon poure a wnc becbciai : frombencc fo?tb wpll3goblamelcnc\)ntotbegcntpW.iinD be bepartcbthfccanbcntrcb into a ecrtapne m3ne8!boufe,namcb3nlrutf,awo*ibpppei: of (5ob, wbofe boufe topnebbarb totbcfp= tia^oge.lpowbeikoneCriCpug: tp e cljefcru= kmrnu* Jcr of tbc fpnagoge * bcleucb on t])c lojbc wttbaUbi*bo»(bo!bc,anbmanpof tbe Co= rintbiansfwban tbep gaucaubieccbcleueb, anb wcrcbaptifcD. 5i5 '&benfoauethcio?bctol&auUn£npght +sitttftrw.i». *bpa\)iipon:be notafrapbcbutfpcabciib bolbenottbvpeace:foOam witb tlx,fr no= ma fball inuabc tbc tljat (ball burte tbc. Jfo? 3 banc mocb people in tW cptic.^nb be co^ tmuebtberea pcareanbfpwmonctbc*, anb tansbttbem tbe wojbc of ynagogr, anbfmote ppm bc^ fo^ctbc iubge* fcate, 3ub(£>allioc«reb fo? uoncoftboictbpngc*. ^lo,lb »J * vV 1^aul after tbp^tarpebtbere pctagoob c' wbple.anb tben toae bigleauc of tbc bictb?c ' anb faplebtbcnce intodria, ^lifcilia arib aquilaaccompanpingcbpm. Zxfo&s* k.ty<*&a, Q]o?ebi0beebinC^b?ea,fozbcbabaV)owc: -xmmM* 3nb be cam to epbcfugilb lefte tbcm tbere : butbcbPmfelfeentreb into tbe fpnagoge, anb rcafoncb witb tbe 3c wcg.iDbc tbep oe- fpjebbimtotarp logcr tpme witb them , \)z confenteb not, but bab tbcm fare well fapin= ffc.3inuftncbcfl;(attbps(fcaatbatcomctb) bem3crufalem : but 3 wpllreturnc agap= nc Witopou* pf 0oo will.^nn bcbcpnrtcb ^J^bjc.tta. from (Bpbefug.anb wban be wa* come Wito awo,{ " f " Ccfarearanb afcenbeb lop anb falut cb the co* gregacpon,bebcpartebt3nto3mtioche : anb wbcnljcbabtarpcb tbere a wbplc.be bepac* tib-. anb went oucc alltbecountre of 0ala= cia anb 1Sb?pgtabpo^er , ftrcnatbpnac all tbcbtfcppic*. 3nbacertapne3cwnameb*3:pollo*, -0^. h bo^neat 3lcranb?ia , came to(£pbefus(,au VfTu* eloquent man^anb mpgbtp i\\ tyt fcrputurctf tbc Himc wa* info?meb in tyt wayc of tbe 3Loibc,anb fpahc fcrucntly in tbc fpjete, anb taugbtbiligcntlp tbe tbingc* of the £020,* Rnewctuttbebaptpmcof3obnoncMnb tbc fame began to fpcafte bolbclp in t^c fp- nagoge . U)bo when ^ifcilla 9 ZwiU hab bearbc tbep tohcbimtjnto the, ^crpcunbfb ^utohpmtbe wapcof 00b mow perfectly. anbwbcn he wasbifpofebto go into Jfcaia, tbc b^ctb?cn w?otc,c]cbo?tyng tbc bi= fcpplc0torcccauebtm.tt)bicbwl)aiii)cWa* come bclpcb tbcm mochc which hab belcueb tljo^ow grace. ffoj&cQticrcamctbc jtmcti mpgbteIp,anbtbatopenip,mewpngcbpthc fcrppture*, tbatJclujS was «trctctuo mourn ftcp(toHiHtijcrj»trt. 'Cfo^tuneb^ wbfllSpcllowatf % atcojincijum , panlpaffeb tlio- rowc t\)c topper coaftc«,anb catnc __— _ to (Ephcfutf , ano fouiibc ecrtapne bp (ci pi cj, anb fapbe tonto them hauc pc re* ccaucb tbcljolpgboft, fence pc be leuebr 3f.nD tW fjipbc tonto Dm : no, we banc not bear* bcwbctbertbcrbccnpbolpgboftonio.;Tiib be raphe tonto tbcm. wbcrwitb were petbeu baptyfeb.-' 3nb tbep fapbe; witb ^3obii* ^s baptprcb mtDt^c baptim of rcpcntauncc, &«'*** {apingetontotbcpeopictbattbepamiDcUe'iSS'Yt leue on bpm , wbicbamlb come after bittbat * *t&w.i>. i*onCb.uft3cfii*.H)bcutbcp hcarbctbyjs, JSKRt* 3clit. 3nbwbanpaul* lapbcbp^baube* JSi n. topontbem. *tbcbolpgboftcaniconthe, i tb (oSSS*. ^ c V*fP«iUcwttb tpugeg.anb p?opbc^eb, ¥&£;* anb ail tl;c \mn were aboute t wciue, VStSt* I 4 i 1 ♦t Clje &ttt& *. ucb bpm fclfc bolbclp f o? f tpm of tb?e mo* ncfbc0,Difputingeano gcutug jthem txboh tacionsf of the ftpngDomc of ccun a jew ano cDcfc of the pzcftc0 wbicb bpb to. 3nD the eupll fp?ete anfwereb anbfapD:3cfu03 knowe, j#aul *o 3 Uiiowcj but who are pe? 3iitDt^c man in whom rbc cnpll fp?ctc wa0, ranne on cbem, anl i oncrcamc thcm,anb pjcuaplcb agapntt tlx fo that rhepflcbb out of that fjoufcnaUco ano wounocb.:$nbthi0 wa0knowen to all the 3e wc0anb <2??ckc alfo, wbicb owelt at epbrfu0,$ feare came on fhcall, $tDc name of tlie io?oe3cfu0 wa0magripfpcb. ^marhf..!. _ 3tno manpthatbelcucb.cam.anb * con* f cflcb ano (beweb tbeir wo?ck<0 . #)anp of fhemwhicb Ufcb curious craf tcjef, b?ougbt their boue0,nnb burned tbcm before all men, anDrhcpcouurcbtbcp?pccoftbcm,anDfofts Oc it fpf tp tboufonb rpluerlpngc0.£>o migb= trip grewe tbc wo?b of o fent be into &)accbonfa two of tbcm that miniftreD Unto bpm, eucn %\» morhcu0$€raftu0.biithehpiii;fcife remap, neouariafo^afeafon. emctem0,afpluerrmpt&C wbicb ma* be fplucr^pneiEf fo^lanaj wa# not alp 3 U bcncflciall\)ntofcraftejSmcn.n)Dombe calleo togctber witb m wo^ncmen of Iphe occuuacion.anb lapbr^p^.pe nnowc tijat *a(U8.twA. bptjwcrafte * wi? baucabuatmtage. #0= reouer,peft» bcaretbat not alone at @pfee= ru^butaumoatNoweout aSl3Cfia , vm Paul batb petfuabeb 9 tnrneb a mm mochc *»fai.tn».« people faptnge, tjjat* tljepbe not gobbeiBi wbicbaremabewitbbiinbejtf. £>otbatnot onlp tb in oute ctafte cometb tnt parell to be ! fetatnoUfll)t:butalfotDattl)e temple of the sreate ©obDcffc Diana ujulbe be bcfppfeb s ^ l)tt magnificence ujulbe be b c ftr opeb, whom all aifia anb tjje woiib wo^pppctb; WtlJe^lJearbe toefefaptngesf,tbep we= tefuUofw?atbr,9crpcbout,fapmge.^ea* te 10 a>iana of tfjc €pbcfianje<.3lnb al t&e cp- tic waiBi on a eo/c , anb tbcp r.uPDbeb into tfte comeii Hall witb one af rent, 9 cangbt Caiutf anb3uftarcu0,meiiof4J)aceboma,^auW companiDfii.lDben^aul wolbc baucentreb in^ntotbepcoplcftcbpfcipiexiruftTeb Dvm Jf not.n|ut certapne of p cbefc of 3fia( wbicb werebijBtfrenbe0)fent Unto bim, befp^pnge gim,tjatbc wolbc not p?eace into tlje come Dall.^ome tberf o^c crpcb one tbvng anb fo-- ine anotljcr , 9 tbc congregation was( all out ofqmcte.frtbnnoare parte nnewe not whec f o?c thep were come together. ber,tbe3cwc0t^utfpiige tipm fo?warbe0. mmmm * becliencb wit&thebnnde, anb *a«w, f tn wolbc Hauegeuenppeople ananfwer. Me* % P anc we tbat be wa a 3e we , tber arofe a Qjoute almoft fo? tbc fpacc of two bourcjef, of allincn , crpingc.greatei0 JDiana of the Cpbefpantf. toljen the towne ctorcftc hab ceafe b i"pco« VMV n $W m l n of €pbcfu0,what man £ tt 9&toWWfo notbowtbntthecptie of tbe <3pbefpan0 10 a wo^Cbpppcr of tbegrcat ® g oDbcflc Diana, ^r- of t!;c pmage wmch c5 -1^ from bcaucn.£>eingc then tijat n oman fapth bcrcagapn^peotigbt to be content , anbfo bo notbpngc ra(hip : fo? pe bauc brought D V= tbertbefemen: wbicbarenetber robbers of eburcbesi, not pet Defpirerg of poure gobbeffe lDhcr fo?,e,pf Demctriu0 anb tbf crafted mi wbicb are wttb bvm> baue a matter agamift enpman,tbcInwei0opcn,anbtber are ru= lcr0,lettbemaccufeone another, a&utpf pe goo aboute enp other thpuge>it (hall be Deter mincb in a la wf till congrcgacpon. jfoz we arctn icoparbptobeaccuftb of thptf Dapctf tjprourc , fo? ajS mocbe a* tfcer i« no canfe, wbcrbp wcmapcKeuea renmpngeof thv& concourfe of people. 3!nb wben br hab ehutf fpoften,bc let tbecongregacionbeparte. • CfchcM-Cbapter, C»«ul Boo h into MMbonpa arm rnfoSSicfe. at arwaofte tapfctl) tp a m urnp. flt jfipbcftteiic cil' lafttfte cIDcre of the tou«wfl«poH towtljcc, ton , mptutotochgpuflcof <1B06« flotht *K«n,toac' tbtin,atiootpactcti>w(bpppti. w«v»ww 1 2 rcr , thr !f t he J W J** ««ft fi * ^ J&aulcalleD thcDpfcppictftonto |OPm,anbtokehp0ieaneof tbe\ anb DepaeteDfo? to go into opater of 25crrea,anb of^rbeffa- Ioma,3rin:arcu0anb^)ecubu0,anb<5apii0 215 of Dcrba,^ 'STmiotheu* , 5 out of 3tfia %v= te^^b^^'^'^^^^WPOimu^.^bcregopngebe^ Mmmi.*. lm> t y m ^ at%roa0. 3BnD we fapteD I wape fr5 l&biltppo0 after the bapetfof fwete bjeab.anbcam witotbem to 'Croagmfpue Dape0, where we abobc feuenbape^. jm V)p6 one of tbc^abotbbapetf, wb«1 t bi fctplc0camc togctber fo? to baeabe bieeb |0aul p?cacbcbt)iitotbem( reabptobepnrte on p mo?owc ) 9 cfitinueb t^t p?cacbing Un- to mpbnpgbtanb there were manp lpgbtc0 iiitbecbamber,wljercwcweregathcrebto-- flftber^ tljcr fate in a wpnbowea certapne pongcman(nameD6uticu0;beingefaliein tonbepc.fleepe.3Bnba0paulwa0p?cacbin= ge,bcwa0tbcmo?eouercomewit5flcue,i1D feUbownefromtbetbp?beloftf,fWa0taUg c "opbeeD. 26utwban paui went bonne, be wisfguiu. fell on b»n * 9 cmb?,nl'cb bim anb fapOc.ma= »kW- hc » eth V»ffc a bo,fo? bt0lpfc i0in \ipm. ^>o % t ,w.(. wbf »ne wa0come up agapne , 9 had bjoiie" ^.9. tIxb?Ciibfcatrn,anDtalc«cDaloiigewDpic (cucn ti'll tbcmo?npng)attbclaft be bcpar= teb.^nbtbcpb?ougbtppongcmanalPue,* wcrcnotalptcllcoHfoiteb. 3nb wcwcntnfojcto fypppctlowfeb \m to 3!u"on tbcre torcccauc Paul. jfoUo hab he appopntcD, ano wolbe bpm fclfc goo a tote. Ittheuwc wcrecomctogctbrratailTon , we to^e bim in, 9 came to &)pfilcnc0. 3tnb wc fapleb thence, anb camrbenertebapcoucr agapuft Ci;io0. 3nb the neytc Dapc wc ari * xj neb a t ^)amo0, 9 tancb at ^rogplon. ^bc ncytc bnpc we came to &)plctou : foi ©mil nab bctcrmincb to faplcoucr b? (gpbcfutf , becaufebe wolbc not fpenbe jFtpmctti Mn. dfo? be liafteDrpf it were poffibic fo? bim :to ftepe at Jcrufaie p nape of pent ccoftc. %m fro nto the* : Pe ftiwwc from tl\c fp?ft bapctbat 3 cam into :aUia> after what mancr 3 kiucbcwtfpou ataliceafon0, ferupngc thelto?De witb all IjuWcjic0 of mpnbe , anb witb manp tearc0 fftemptacionc wljicbbappencb Untomc bp tbelaptiigc0 nwaptcof tbc3c\t)c0, becaufc 3 wolbc ftepe baclicnotbvngcf>wa0 piofi= tabic Untopou:but to mewe pouanbteaebe poti opcnlp,^tboiowc outeuerpboiifc,wtt= mffpngebotb to $ 3cwc0 4 alfo to tlje 45?e= *«««iirf nc0,p* repciitaMiice,tl)ati0towarb(5>ob,« pfaptl) wbtcb 10 to warb ourc Ho?be 3efu0. aenbnowbcbolbe 3 go bounbe in the fpictc (g Unto 3cPnralcm,not ftno wing tbc tningc0 f aite.ni.a fyal come on mt tDc re,but £ *thc polp gooft BWt ^poftlcs rffo.to/ witncirctb ineucrpcptif.faprng.tbat b^bea JiiD trouble abpDcmc. 2Sut none of tbefe tbinge0 mpucme * netber 10 mp ipfeDearc m&t*** ^o»npfclfe,tbat3migbtfulfpm fe with iope,<10 tbc mtniftrafpo^ 'of t^om) &, Wbicb3bauereccaueb of m toint 3cfu, to teftifpctbc(Z5ofpeIloftbegraccof 0ob. «^» , , 1 ?^ 0Wbcho L°- e '3«'nfHre,>''{)cnccfoub pe all( tbo?ow wbo 3 banc gone p.-eachpiige th ^?"SD6 of (5ob ) (bail ie mv Face no mo- ren)bcrfo?c,3faliepoutorcco?betbi0bapc tbat3amptircfromfbebloubcofaiimcn. # Jo?3 bauc fparebno labourcbut bouc 0)c-- web 1 pou all tbc coun fell of (EJOD.'TaBc bebe tbcrfo?c Unto poure reluc0? to all tlicf loebe Srf^?? 8 ^ WffUoftbatbmarjcpou wljiclj he ijatb purchafeb ujinb bi0 bloube. t J S?J ? m ft,rc of ftPJ* > ^ after mp bepar^ *f.rrm.«< ( . a tpnge(ballgreucou0 wolnr0 cntrc mamo^ l/S'";^ gc pou,no t fparpng tbc f locHc.3)o?eotif r, of SIS 2 ' ' pQUreawnelcluc0(ballmcnarife, fpeahmg 3^Dt • u • Pcriicrfctbigc0toD?awcDifciplc0 after the. 'cbcrfo?cawaftc,frcmcbcr,ithatbptbcfpa- ceof. i(|. pcrc0:3ceafcbuot to warnceucrp one of pou npgbt anb bapc witb tcare0. -JnDnowbictb?f,3commL $ ?)epoufo(5ol) c"> anp to the woibr of b!0 grace, wbicb 10 able to btulD fartber,^ togeuc pou an in herttau = cc amougc alltbemwbtc!) are fanctifpcb * £c f t f ,tib, <. 3haueberp?cbuomaij0fpiuer 1 solDe ) o?Uc M , ;S,r;V ??f :? Cf jPC ^ our ff lm k» ^c tD« * Acre SSK ' «aoc0 banc mmilrrcb Unto mpneccirvtte0^*,? 3cn: . ,I V f - totbem tbat were witb me. 3bauc fcwcbu.Si. pou all tbmgc0,bow ffo laboring pc ought torcccauctbcWcahc,ftorcmcbertbewoV- 6e ™j^^3em,|jowfbe(apD;tei0mo« re blcifrb to gnicthcn to vccmic. . all wepre fo?eanb fell .oiuaaul0 nee He, anb ** ^ Si^ ll I^ 3:o , :,,e,, M»riw.o r e.Diiippf tbt (Suj parpcfcantj latahcit iti tocicmplc. j] .BO wban it cbaunccD tbat we bab x lauitcbcb fo?tb,anb were Depar * tcD from tbcm, wc came with a ftrapgbt courfc Unto cboou anb tyttiw folowpnge Unto the ftbobe0 , anb from thence Unto 0afara. 3fcnb wljan we bab gotten a inpppe that wolbc faple Unto phcnpcc0, we went abo?beimott, anbfet fo?tb.23ut wban Cip?ugbeganncto appca* rcuntous,wclefteitontbeleftebflnbc,anb faplcb Unto gjiria.anb c5 \jnto 'Cpie . jfo? thcrethe fln'ppc Unlabcb tbc burtScn.3nD wben %* %t>|jcn wc bat founbc tycttyen , wc tatpet tbcre. Dij. tape**, ant tbep tol0rf)mtl tbo* *a«f».Fr.». roix»ctI)cfp?ctc ^ tlmtlje OmliBiiotffo Dp to 3cr it fa 1cm . 3f iiD Wben the Da pes rocrc entct w c bcpartcb nn& went Dure wape , ant tbcp an bjougbt ds on owe wave , witb w vuctf antcbpitjcn , tpll we were come out or tbe ^acicwtj. tftbam wc nutlet toumc in t^e fibojc* UtR *&p.iapbc. 36nb wben webabtanen owe Icauc one of amotber, wc tonel&ippc,$ tbcp rctw* neb borne ago pne: UJben we bat full cntet f Ijc courfefrom ^pjcwcitjcntbownctoptolomaiba.gffa lutcb tbc bjctbje",? abobc witb tbe" one tape 'ftbeuctte tapc,wetbat were of pauus c6= panpbcpartcb.anb'camc Dnto £cuirra.2f nb Sffit?* we entrrtintotbeboufe of * pbiliptf eufc ' gcltft.wlncb wasioncof tbcfcuMnbobe tfi «r bpm • WBW manbabfowcr taugbtcrtf * joc!....s Dfegcnsf, wbtcbtpt * pjopbefp. 3inb atf wc tarpeb tbcre a goobmapnp of nape*, tbcre ea%iccrtamcpjopljctfro3wic,namcMgn* buO . U)ben l)e wagcome Dnt o Dtf , be touc pattltf gcr briu bounbe tyfi fete 9 banbto , $ if Iffif; 1 } favb^btiflfaptbtbcbolp sboft * fotyaitbc ij ftpuui 3cwrt at 3c Cu faic bpnbcf mantDat owct& tbitfgcrbcll, anbqmllbclpuer bpmintotbc bantetf of tm 0eittpl& tDbcn we bearoc t M , botb we and otber wbicb were of tbe fame place, Mougbt bun tbae be woibcnotgoDpto 3crtifalcm. tyt paiiianftwrcb^lapDciWbcitDopcweppn* gc* Derpnfrmpncbertcf3amrcabp, not to be bounbe onclv » but airo to ope at 3crufale" fo?fbcnameoftbelo?be3ciru.tt>be"wcco» tube not ttivttc optf mpnbc, wcecafct,fapin= g^mr,**. qe * tbc wpll of tbc to?t be litlfpilct. after tWebapesvxietoHcDpoiireburtbe'$,$wcnt *a«w.rt.f.\jpfo3criifa!em. * Wr went witb D# al= £> foccrtapnc of tl)e btfcpplegoi: Ccfarea , anb bjougbt witb tbem one 4S)nafon of CfOMrt an olbc btfcpple,witb wbowcibulbclobgc. 3nt wben we were come to Jeeufattm , the • b?etb?c receaueb D# glatlp. 3! nb on tbe mo= row, Paul xoev.i in witb W Dnto 3amc& anballtbeelbcrg came torjeitber.aint wi)e Ijebab fainted tb^bctolbebpojbcralltbpn- ~c*,tbat 00b bab wjongbt amoge p gctpltf pbitfmfniftrncpon.anbwben tbep bearbe ii,tbcpglon'fpcb tbelojbc , anb fapbe Ditto bfrnr-Ebou feeft b?otbcr> bowmanp tboufa= be 3ewe0 tber are wbicb. beileue , anb tbep arcallerncft foiowertf oucr tbe lawc. 3nb tbep are infomiet of fte , tbat tbou tcacbeft all tbe3c wes 1 wbicb are amogetbe gcntpiiS , to fo?fa|je ^ofesfcanb fapft,tljat tbep ougbt nottoarcuncifetljep^cbplbjen.ncfbertolps ue after tbecuftome0. tDbat lott tl;crfo?c? '©be multptubemuft nebeg come togetber: ^f 0? tbep (ball bearetbattbotii arte comc.bo tberf o?e tbio", tbat we fape to itbe. xmmyi * tt)e|iane. tnj. mem ©WiJauca Dowc •fr e #3«f8, *iltft».t[|| X u.zritno.iiu ontijc m,Wm tftots mfotttoffltt wrtft thf.anbbocoftontij^toot tbepmnpe Qiauc tnert Ijcabcg : anb all Qinii anowe, tbat tbofe tbpnaejJ wbicb tbep banc bearbe edeernpnee tbCiarcnotbpnflrbuttbnttboutbpfeifcairo waiReft anb nepefttbc (awe. iBntasitoii- ctjpujjctljcuentpw wfncljbclcuc * weljaue written anb coiiclubcb, tbat tbep obferue no focjjc tftp«B : faue onelp tljat t^ep Ucpetjjem felucitf from ttynm offreb to pboletf , anb from bloube, anb from ftran jjlco ; anb from fojuUcacpon.'SrDen tlje nejetc tape $atu tone tbc me.anb * pmpfpeb bpm felfc w(tb tbem anb cntr r bin to tbc tern plf,bcclarpnffc tbat l)e obferueb tbe ba pej8 of tbc purtf icacpon, \)ii fpll tbat an offcrpmj Qmlt be olfereb f 0^ cue* rp one of tljcm. 3nb wban f be feuen bapcjS were noweal moae*bcb,p3etieie(wbttDwercof3llfiacwbg t})t^ fa wc bpm in tbc temple ) moucb all tbc pcoplcanb lapbe banbetf on |)im,crpmfi:mf of 3fracll,!>elpe.'8«i0tbema\ f teaebctb allmacuerp wljcrcaojapnfttbe peoplcanb jS la we, anb t\tn place. Itje bai;l) alfo bjomjlrt ^chcid into f tcmple.ab DatD polluteb tDpi^ bolp place. St 01 tbcp (jab fene w(tb:hpm one in t\)t cptie. * ^ropbinug an epbcftS , wbo tbcp fuppofeb tbat }Daul bab bjouojbt into f> temple. 3inb all the cptie wagmoueb, ano tbcpcoplcfwarmeb fogetl)cr.3!nb tbepto* be Paul anb b?ue bim out of tljc temple, anb fonl) witlj.tbe bo^ciS were (but 3^tbepwcntabouttoUpllbim,tibtnfieisl camcWitotbcbpecaptapneoftbcfoubpcrs(, tbatall3crufalem waamoueb. tDbicb Un= mcbiatlptoncfoubicrsf^bDnbcrcaptapnc^ anb canne bo wnc two tbem. U)bcn tbcp fa* wep Dppcrcaptapne anb tbe foubicrsi: tbcp lefte fmptmseof ^awl.^bcntbe captapne camncarcanbtobebvm.anbcommaunbcb bpm to beboube witbtwo cbapncsi,anbbc= mautcti wlwt be wa0, 5b wbat be bat bone. 26nb fomcccpcb one t&tnsc, Tome another a= monfietbe people. 3Jnb wben be coulbenot fenowe the ccrtapntie fo? tberagclje csmau- teb bmi to becarj'eb into toe caftle.3nb wU beca tjnto a ftap?e , itfo^tuneb tbat be was* bojne of tl)e foubierjl fo? tbc Violence of tbe people, fl oj tbc multitube of tbcpeople folo- wcbaftcr,crp(nse:awape witb Opnt. 3nb wban i&aul beganne to be carpet fn= to tbecaftlcbe fapbe Unto f )w Captapne : mapc 3 fpeaac unto tbc/' TO8 nttta i,Cojlrti.b 25 <5 *attf0.fF.«. Y apmge. C^be.wij.Cbaptet. mDt in pjcfoit agopiu. €n , bntbren , ant fat bertf, beare pe mpne Ifwer e wbicb 3 ntafte nowe Dnto pou . Xtohen tbep bearbe , tbat be wane in tbe ftebmc tonge to tbcm.tbcp kept tbe mo?e tp* lence. aunt be fapctb :3 am Derelp a m5 wbicb ama 3e We bo^ne i * %at fu0a cptie tCpcilemciiertbelc^pct b?ougbt DpintppsScptic, at tbc fete of *0amaliell, ant info^met tilpgentlp in tbe la we of tbe fatbcr0,anbwa0 feruent mpnbcb to C5ob warte,atfpeallaretbp3Sfamcbape,anb*3 perfecutcb tbP0 wapc tmto t^t bcatb bpn= bpnge anb belpucrpng into prcfon botb men anb won? , as tbe cbcfep^lfe botb beare me wptnefle , anb all tbe cftatc of tbe elbcrtf : of wbom alfo 3 receaueb lettrctf Duto tbe b*e= ttecn, ant) went to £>amafco to bniirj tbcin, (wbiebwerctberebounbe) Wito 3cruralcm fojfobepnnpflbeb. 3nb it ityttmebf tbat asf 3 mabc mp ioj* ncp anb wajx come npe »mo Damafco a * boutc none)fobenlp tljcre fbonefrom bea= uen agreatc Ipgbt ronnbe aboute me , anb 3 fell Dnto t\w eartbc^ anb bearbe a Dopcc fapinge Ditto me : ^>aul , $>aul , wbP pcr= fecutcft tbou me i anb 3 anfwercb : wbat arte tbou to?be < 3Bnt be fapbe Dnto me: 3 am3efu0 of iliajaretb > wbom tbou per= fecutcft . 3nb tbcp tbat were wptb me, fawc Derclp a Ipgbre, ant were afrapbe: but tbcp bearbe uottbc Dopcc of bpm tbat fpake wttbmc. 3Hnt 3 fapbe : wbat Oiall 3 bo lo^be i 3lnt t))t lom fapbe Wtto me : SBrpfc , anb go into Damafco , ant tbcre it (ball be tolbe tbe of all tbpngctf , wbpcb arc appopnteb foj tbc to to . 3Bnt wban 3 fawe notbpnge fo? tbc b^pgbtncjS of tbat Ipgbt, 3 wao leabe bp tbc banbe of thtm tbat were wptb me , ant came in to Damafco. * 3int one ainamatf a patfecte man , C ant as" pertapnpnge to tbe lawc baupn-- gc goob repose of all t\)t 3cwc tf , u»bpcb tbere b welt) cam Ditto me, ant (tote, ant fapbe Dnto me : i&otbcr &aul , rcccauc tbp Ipgbt . 3nb the fame boure 3 rccca= ueo mp fpgbtc , anb fawc bpm . 3nt be fapbe : the c5ob of aur fattens batb o^bcp= neb t]}z before , tljnt tbou ibulbcft Unowc bptf wpll.ant Qmltttt Ijeare tbe Dopce of Wti moutb •• foj tbou ujalt be %?$ wptnctf Dtttoall men of tbofe. tbtngeg, wbicb tbou balftcneanb beart . 3dnb nowewbp ta= rpeft tbou i 3Drpfc, ano be baptpreo, ano wafa;c awape tbP fpnnc0 % in callpng on * mm '- tbe name name of tbe &o?be . 3tnb it (op funet , tbat wban 3 was come agapne to 3erufalem , ant p^apbe m tbe temple , 3 wa# in a traunce , anb la we bpm , faptngc D Dnto me.- a)ane bafte, anb gettbcqupcltlp oute of 3erufalem : fo: tbcp wpll not rc= ceaue th? wptnelfe , tfjat tbou beare ft of me.*. a nt 3 fapbe : lo^bc, tbcp Into we tbat 3 pjefoueb , anb bctt in eucrp g>pnagoge tbem tbat beleuet on tty.* 3no wba the xmvau. bloube of thv wptnejs ^tetten wao fbeb, 3 alfo ftobc bp , anb confenteb Dnto l)v& beatb) anb acpt tbe rapment of tbcm tbat ftewe hvnx . 36nb be fopb Dnto me beparte, fo.i * 3 wpll fenbe the a farre hence Ditto **»«*« tbe (5entpl0 . <34la '• D i&hev gatte bpm aubience Dnto thv* wo?be, anb tben ipftDp tbcpz Dopccgf ant fapbe : awape witb focbe a felowc from the cactb:foj it i$ not reafon tbat be (bulb Ipuc . 3nb atf tbcp crpcb , anb Caft of tbtr clotbciS , anb thme M into the apcr , the captapne commaunbrb hm to be b?ougbt into tbc caftlc , ant bat tbat be fliulbc be fcourgeb.anb to be ejraminet.tljat be irnaDt anowe , wbcrfo.ic thev crpct fo on bpm . 3Bnt wban tbcp bounbe bpm wptb tl;on = gcsi, paul fapbe Ditto tbe Centurion, tbat ftobc bp bim: 3«Ktlauful fo? pou to fcourge a man tbatitf a Eomapn anb Dncontcmp= neb f X&hcn the Centurion bearbe tbat , be went ant tolbe tbc Dppcr captapne, (aping: iDbat intenbf ft tbou to bo 1 jf 0). t\y?z man \% c* ca qmm of iconic. »m 'STbcntbe Dppcr captapne cam , anb fapt Dnto bint: tell me, art tbou a laomapne t lie fapt:^ce.3!nb tbe captapne anfWcre t.witb rt» a great fome obtapneb 3 tbptf frcbom. 3nb *" paul fapb:3 wasi frebozite. % ben ftrapgbt wape bepartcb from bpm tbcp wbicb unilbc banc ejrampnet bpm. 3tnb tljc bpe captap= nc alfo was afrapbc , after be fenewe tbat be wajs a laomapne, anb becanfe be bab bo* unbr bpm. iDn the mo?owe c becaufebe woloebaue Imowentbcccrtcntpc wberfo^ebc waoac= cufeb of tbe 3ewci0i( be lofeb bpm from bpfiboitoc^anbcoinmauttoeb the bpcpjcftcganb all tbc comtreiitotomctogc= tbcranb^b^ougbt Paul fo^tb, ^fctbpm be fo;ie J ,l> *3:(.TttM.t C^De.Mii.CDaptcr. (ctD Drm. 3 ^ac.ytiifi.a ^ ul iic^cltie tfic cottttcel, mid fapbc:tncn,aiib b?ctb?cn *3 haue Ipucb in all goob con* fcpcncc before (5ob tontpll thus iMfe4liiB tlje Dpc p?efte atnamag commaiibeb tbcm m tDatftobebp,tofmptcDpm ontbemoutb. * *»« ,*,, h , ^ 1,cn frt ? oc Vwut w»to Dpm : <5ob Ojall anb t'ubgeft mcaftcrtbelawcranbcommatV Deft me to be fmpttcn contralto the Utmt *job.t\>m.6^iiDt!jcvtIiatftoi)cbv,fapDc*rcuvlfftthoii Cobbcs; live picilerar ben fapb paul:3 void not b.ietb.tcii.tbatbc wag tljchpepteftc. jfo? Wttrtw iritf i»«»trc« :*e!jouQ]rtitnot curie tUcrulec 23 off Dp people. Wen Paul perccaueb tDflfc the one parte wcre&abticctf, anb rue other phartfc&YDe crprboutintbccomiceHratycnanDbjet&jen, ? tflS? f" * 3 ? m * Wtorffrftfl* tonne of a pbatifcp. MtitwlT * Of f lw Dope anb refurrcccpou from beat b, Jamtubgrb. 3na whan hchab fo farbe, tberc arofea achate uetwcncfbc pDarifcyctfaubtDc &a= %&%&** oucw *° the mult (tuoc ww twivbrt- * #01 Scu't" tDc ssabuccsfope , flwt tberc ijKno rcf«rrec= cpon, nctljec angel, no? fp?ctc:2Stit the pba* mmss gtatint both. 3nb there arofea grcatccrpe : anb t»han the &>crpbcs wDicD were of fyc phanfepctf parte aroic.tbcp ttrotic taping.-wc fpnbcuo- necuplimthpsiman . 'Srhougbafpictcotan. attgell barbapcarcd to DpnMct totf not Ctrp= ucagapnftGob. rtr ;lnb when tDercarofegrcaitebebatc,tDc w c a ptapnc( fcarpng, lea Paul Qmlbc banc be= lie plucatc a fonbic of tbem )commaunbcb the foitbpersto gobownc , anb to tntrehpni from amongctbcm,anbtobipngehpm into tlje caftcll. iStef? 1 *. ^tWff&t tolowpngc,<5obftobe bp uhumh* bpm,anbfapbe.bc ofgoobcDtacepauhfo? ♦art m'u.b ntf ttlou Daft teftifpeb of me in .'Jcrufalem* fo mwft thou bearc wptnefle alio at IRomc. %\\H wban it wag bape , ecrtapne of tDe 3c= vor.a gathereb tbem fcltte* togeathep , anb mm a toowc, fapinge : tha t thep wolbe ne= tbee eateno? b?pnchc , tpli tbup hah upiicb Paul . 'Ehcp were moo then fourtpe men, ttjhtrh hab mabc tfyss confpieacpon . 3mb thep came to the chefc p?cfte0 anb clbcrtf , a*b Utv^ ■■ wemm bourne oure klmHwtth a liotoe, tJ)atu>ei»paeatciiotbpnge, bntpu wljaucaapncpaul. ^> i9 mm therfo.jc geue pe Imowlcbge to the topper captapneaub to the councfU,tbat « De b/pngc bpm fo?tlj\mto W to nio^owe, a^ though w uiolb Unowc fomc tljpng mo* ?c pcrfectlp of him jigut weCo? cue; he come tic aroarc rebp to fypu jjpm. Wlfian pauW (Vftcrtf fonne hearbe of t\)m laptngc atjpapte „ he went , anb eutreb into the caftcll, anbtolbc Paul » 3nb Paul calleb one of the tonber captapncjJ tonto Dim anb fapbc : b^pngc ffa& pounge man tonto the tivc captapne : fo? Ije batj a ecrtapne tbpngc tp qjewe bpm. %w be tolte bpm anb bought hpm to tl)ebpe captapne, anb fapb: paul the p?cfoncrcailcbmc\jiitobpm, anb wapcbme to b^pngetljpcirounge man ton* to the , toibpch hatb a ecrtapne matter to (bewc tDe. & •^bebpecaptapnetobehpm bptheDanb, anb went UJtth him out of the roape, anb at* hcblH : whatitf v t thattljou ftaftto tell me." 7m be fapbc: the Scwcsiare betermpneb to berp?e tl)e , that thou toolbcft b^pnge foitn Paul to rno^oto into the counfell.asithough thep wolbe enqup^e fomwhat of \iym mott pcrffctlv.26utfolomc not thou ttJepjtnpn* W •• fo? there Ipe in tuapte fo? hpm of thtm> moo then fourtpe men , which haue bounbe tbcm ieluetf wftba tooujc, tljatthep wtllnc- thee eate no? bjpucae , tpll thephaueKpiicb Ijpm. am now arc thep.rebp, anb lobe that thou ftmlbcft p?omeie{. 'SThc topper captapne then let the pounce # man beparte, anb chaegeb Dpm , fapinge: fe thou, tell it oute to no man„that thou haftweweb tljcfc tDpngctfto me : %m he calleb tonto hpm ttxio tonber captapnetf tapmgc : make reabp tt»oDunb?eb loubicrsi to go to Ccrarca , anb ho?(fmen ti«fco?e, anb ten : anb fpeare men two hunb?cb , at tne thp?be hourc of the npghtc . Iptib bc^ ipucr tl)cm bcaftcis , that t^tv mapc fett Paul on , anb b?pnge hpm fare tonto jf e * BEffi? HH ' W^ •■ C if 01 Uc w fcate left txwplpc «c tl>c JcttcB «moc tahc Dm ntonpe nub hptlDpm , and Uc Dm rclfc ©iiioc be aftccttaroj bl«mc , as tftougo Uc ttoloc ra= uc inoncr,) anb De w?otea letter after thpjs mancr. ^ Claubhwl ipftaj^tontothemoft mpgbf? rular if city, fenoeth.'gretpngetf . * mlpk *mmt man was; ratten of the^ewc&anb Qmlb W* ucbencKpllcbof them, fhencame 3 with fpubpcrjB , ant> rcfaucb Ijpm , anb pcrccaucb mtmwma laomapn . ainb tohcnl wolb bane nnowen tlje caufe , wherfo?e the? accu= f cb ftpm, * 3 b?ougl)tc hpm fo?t|) into tljcp? mmxm connccll.l:l)creperccaueb3thathewa^ac= t"rebofquemoiM!oftherrIawe.*2i5utttMii8*acjc»»M no S pitpeofenpthpngeu)o?tbpofbcatho? * of bonbesf. 3«b when it wag flbeweb me! bow tba 1 3/e weiSlapbe wapte thcr fo? htm. J rent hpm flrapght wape to tjie, anb ga» m commaunbement to hpjs www >tm % the thpngctf, which tljepljaueagapnft Dpm, thep (httlbe tell bcfo?c the x face well . % hen tqefottbpcrsKajSitwa^commaunbebthem; tolte paui,ab b?ottgbthpm bp night to %\\- tipatrajal. <3Dnthemo?ow theplefttbeho?^ men to go with hpm , anb returneb tonto the cattle .U)bpcb wben thep came to Ccfarea, f anb belpuereb the epiftletothe btbpte)p?e= fented Paul alfo befo?e Dim. ttmen the bebi= teftab rebbe tbelettrcheattteb of tobatcoa^ tre be w&. 3nb wben be tonberftobe that De tmma wag of Cilicia* 3 wpll Dcare tDe( fapbe De) wDen tDpnc aecufarjsare come alfo : anb De commaunbeb \)vnt to be bepte in ^rrobe^ uibgemcntljall. CCDe.tyiiii.CDaptee. Ct&aut pb aaufto bttoit ifct(c,be aiifttoctctl) fw opm rdfe. jTtcr fpue bapeief.ainaniag * tDe Dpe p?efte befcenbeb with tDe el= bcrjai, anb witD n certapnc o?atouc namcb 'Cartulluja! , wDicD enfo?= fc fc meb tDe bebiteagainft paul. 3nb wDcn paul wag calleb fo?tD,^Tartullug be= gannctoaceufchpm,raptug:&epingethat we Ipuc tn grcate quietncsJbptDe meaneis of tDe,anbtbatmanpgoob tbpngeg are bone tonto fDpjSnacion tho?owc tDp p?ouibence. tDntalowc we ctteranb mall places* mooft noble $tUt WitD all tDaBCg . jftotwitbftan= bpnge, £3 benot tebioujs tonto tDe , 3 p?ape tDe.tDat tDou wolbeft Deare tojs of tDPCttrtc- K fva fcaw wo?be0: » Jfo? we Daue f ottnbe tDt'tf man a pefttlent fclowe, anbnmotterof bebate tonto all tbc 3cwejl in tbc wDolewo?ib, anbamapntep= o* ner^i(offfDrfpon)Of t^t fecteof thcBa^arttetf m wDicD DatDalfo cnfo?feb to pollute ti)c tern* *to**0* pie. * U)Dom wctobe, anb wolbe Dane tub= I gebacco?bingeto ottrlawc : buctDc Dpe cap= tapne lifiatf came topon tog, anb witp great Violence toueDpmawapc oute of ourcl)au= be0,commattnDpnge Dpi^accufarsito come tonto tDe . Of wbom thou mapeft ( pf tDou wilt enqnp?e)unowctbcccrtentp of alltljc= fctDingcj3f,wDerofweaccurcDt:'?r^e3ewc!S ipbcwpfc affcrmeb.nipingctDat tjjefc rbtn- geiEiwereeucnfo. jmtn paul c after tDat tDe bebtte Dpm ^ felfe Dahbccbencb tonto Dpm tDatDeQjulbe fpeaue)anfwercb:UUitbamoare quiet min= be bo3anfwerc fo?mp felfe, fo?a0mocDc atf 3 tonberftobe, tDat tpou Daft bene of ma= np pearcjia ittbge tonto tDP^ people, becaufe tDat tDou mapeft bnowe.ptDer arc pet, but 1 m<* tn. b J TX)clue on ^ fc "« 3 wmt top to 3crttfalem m& f °l t0 wo?0)pppc , anb * tDep nctDcr founbe mc in tlje temple blfputpnge wttD enp man, ether rapfinge top tDe people , nctDcr in tDe jgDpnagogcsi , no? in the cptie . iSetljcr can tbepp^one tDetDpngcjs wljcrof tDep accufc me/. ^SftDe^poftles $oMH WmtW 3 confeffe tonto tDe , t Datafter© tDewapcc WDicD tDep call Dcrefpe ; fo wo?= ©ip 3 tDed^ob of mp fatDcrsf, beleupngeall tDingejf wDicD are w?pttcntntDclawe <* tlje p?opDetcj5,anb Daue Dope towarbcj* (5ob, * rt , . tDat^tDe fame refurreccta of tDe beco ; which m * umu tDeptDemreluegloHefozalfojajnibcbotljof tuftanbtoniuft.3dnb tDerfo?e*ftubp 1 to Da- *«te*»fta iteaHwapeacleareconfciencetowarbooD, anbtowarbemen. 25ut after manp pcaretf, 3camc * anb * ntmum b?ougDt almesl to mp people anb otTerpngeg actf B M •» * **i«m totbcej in tDe wDicD tDep founbe me pu= *•■> rtfpcb in the temple, nctDcr wttDmultttube, no? ^t witD tonqupctnelfc ^* (ant> totr tone me , & am crpeo,fapmgr, atoape ttptft oute CHCmpr.' foOWbCKt tDcrewcrecerten3eweiEfoutof<1tfta,wl)ic[) ougDt to be Dere p?cfcnt befo?c the, anb ace it femc,pfthepDabougDtagapnftme:OzellcS letttoefefame Dcrewpc, pf tDep Daue founo <£ anpeupllbopngeiume,wDple3ftanbcDctc in tDe cotmcell:crceptit be foz tf)i0 one to op = tbc rcfurreccpon frombeatD amliubacbcf poutDptfbape. ^ 3&¥ $.'¥ NrtotWe tDingc^he ficfcc= be the, fo? hchnew \jerp well of tDat wave, ^ anb fiipbe . wDen ipftasi tDe captapne i&t6*& mc bownc.3 will knowc thetotmoft of pour matter . atnb * Ije commaunbeb an tonber= , , captapne to ftepe paul, anb to let Dpm banc J5 r r"Su rctt,anb tDat De Omtb fozbpb none of m £ quapntaunce to minuter tonto bim,oi to co- me tonto Dpm. ^nb after a ecrtapne bapetf , whan jf cliu came WitD hig wpfc %>?uOUa c which wao a 3cweffc)hc calleb fo?tD Paul, anbhearbc^ Dpm of the faptD , WDicD in towarbc CDnft jC 36nb ag Dc p?cacDcb of rpgDtcwcfnej3tem= perauncc , ano itibgctnent to come , tfcltc trcmbleb,anbanfwercb:0o tl;p wape fez tm tpmc ; whan 3 Daue a comtenientfca= foil , 3 wpll fenbe fo? tDe . lye Dopcb alfo, tDat mpncp fljuibc haue bene cceitenbpmof pauI,tDatDempfll)tloofel)im:wDcrfoie,i)c calleb Dpm tDe oftenner anb comeneb wtti; bpm.ffiutaftcrtwopcare, fitttwt poiciuss came into jJeUjcrowme . atnb jfcltr* wpi-- * oitns.a ipngc toOicwc tDe %emm plcafurc , leftc paul tnp?cfon bounbe. C^Dc.jrto.CDaptcr. €£bi %t]taM matt &m\ bctof ffcn««, lie ap-. PCdlci|»inifotoriCiupcrour.flMD ttftnt tmtolRoiitc. |)cn Si eftug Dab reccatteb tbc of= -* fpee, after tl;?c bape* ,Dc afcebcb firomcefarca tonto 3crufalem. JDen cnfo?mcb Di tDe Dpcp?c» c^ . ^, fatfanbtbc cDcfc of the 3cwe& of paul %n* tDep berougDtDpm, anb befp-- reb fauour agapnft Dpm ,tw De wolbe tin* be fo? Dpm to 3eritfalcm : anb tljcp lapbe J9Dij awaptc Hht&ttte &ffyt &poftle& awaprc fo? Ijpmin tfjc wapc , to Bpll hpm. tfeftutf anlwcreb , tbat paul fbulbc be kept, a t €e farca.but tbat l)c bp m fclfe wolb (boj= Ip Dcparcc tbpt&er. Hct tpem t|jc rf oic(fnpbc be ) wlncb anions pou are able , come bo wne witb t>0 > anb acenfe bpm > pf tberc be anp - R fawteint&cman. m m ben be bao tarpeb tljcre amonge tljcm 1H02C tljcti ten cape* , be wente bownc tmto Ccforca anb tbc nejetc bapc fat bownc in tbe inbgement feat c , anb connnannbeb paul to be bought . U^bicb wl)cn l)c wa0 come , tjje 3cwc0wlucb were come from 3crufalcm, ftobcaboiircbpm,aiiblapbcmanpnnbgrc= neons: complapntctf agapnft paul , wbpcl) * cm rtiui t ^DtTcoulDc not pjouc , asftoffC-atfDc aniWc= «*3SB rco f o? bpm fclf * tbat be bab nether agapnft tl)cla\»coftl)c3cuif!tf, netber agapnft tye temple , noi pet agapnft Ccfatoffcnbebanp (C tbpngcatall. & stt-mtut # cftuo * wplipngc to bo tbc 3cwc0 a pleafnre , anfwereb Paul , anb fapbe ; wplt tbou 50 tm to3trnfalcm , anb tberc bctub= gcb of thefc tbpngca before nwCbcn fapbe Paul : 3 ftaiibc at Ccfarc0iubgcmcnt Rate, wbcrc3 ougbt to be inn^D. 'Co tbe Jewed bauc 3"0 barmebone, a0 tbou ticrp wcil nnowcft.3f3l)ancburtctbciii,OKommpt=: rco anp n 1 pug wozt bp of bentf), 3 refufe not to bpe. 3f noonc of tbcfc tbpngc0arc, where of tbepnecufeme, no man mapcbclpucrmc total , 3 mule tmto Cefar. tfyn fpaftc . , tfrftiis wit b belibcracpou , anb anfwereb : 'Srbou baft appealeb \>uto Ccfar : tmto <£e= _ favCbalttbougo. 3C uti after n err tnrne D.ik^ , Ui'itcjc 3C ctr(= pa anb i5ct nice came tmto Ccfarca to faiu^ tc St cftuS . J.nb wban tbcp bab bene tberc a ■ ™ ..«,.* ?°v 0t, f f ?, roi ! ' # e(tu ? l 'cl)carfcD paule0cau* •.vacf.t.«„f. fe\jntotl)c Upnge , fapingc : * tbcrci0acer= *u(trru... a . wbom wl)an3camcto3cruMlcm, ttbcbpc P2cfte0anbclbcr0of tftc3ctDCSf enfourmeb ** me, anb Defp2cbtobaue inbgement agapnft bpm . «2ro wbom 3 anfwereb : 3t 10 not tbc maner of tbc aaoinapiic0, fofauoureto be* ivuee anp man , tbat be Qmlbe perpffoe , bc= fore tbat be wbicb tjSaccufcb , bauc t^z acctt= to before bpm,aiibbauclpcence toanlwcre fojbpm fclfe, conccrnpnge tbe cepme lapbe agAjmft bpm. 'Cberfoje, wban tl)tv were - come t)^et , witboutc anp belnpe , on tbe mo^ov»cjfatetoo;euembp;ment,anbcom^ mauuDcbtfjcman to be tyougbtfoitb. 3tp;apnft wborn , wbantbe accufarisftobe i)p,*tbcp biougbtnooneaccufacton of foch tbpngetf afl 3 ruppofeb : but Ijab ccrten que= fttou0agapnft bpm of t\)m aume fupcrft(- cton,niio of onc3cru0 U)bicbiJDas!becb,t»bo paulaff^mcb tobcalpue. :3!nbbccaufei boutcb of foebe maner of queft 10110, 1 nflteS if I)pm, twbetDcr !>c uuolbe go to 3crufalem, % 4ict.tjru1.ff. anbtDcrc be iubgcb of (Ijcft matters} . )0ut wbanpaul bab appealeb to be ttcptetmto tbcltnowlebge of Cefar, 3commmaunbeD bpm to be keptt , tpU 3 mpgbt fenbe l)pm to Cefar- . %ripa fapbt t>nto Jf eft u0;3 wolDe alfo beare t^z man inp Telfe. ^omo^otor, (fapbe be ) tb 011 flmit beare bpm • 3nb on tl;e tno^owe ui^an ^grtpa von& come anb Bcr* niccwitljflrcatc pompcanb were cntreb (11 ** to tbe councell boufc, wttb tbecaptapnetf So cbefemen of tljecprte , at if eftiw comma un« bement wag paul biougbt fo?t|j . ^nb if c= ftus! fapbe:fcpng 3(lcjripa,$ all pc men t»|)(cb are beare pjefent t»(tp\)Si,pe fetbptf man, about tobom all tbe mnltitnbc of tbe 3ewcjJ tjaucintreatebme, botb at 3cruralcm anb alfoljerecrptnge, tbat be ougl)t not to Ipue anp lengcr.get f ounbe3 notbpng wo^tljp of beatl),tbatbebabcomuuttcb.Beucrtbele& fepiug tbat be batbappealeb to Ccrar,3 b« 3 ut beternUncb to f cub bpm. Of inrjotn 3 l;a = uc no certapue tljpng to w^itc tints nip lo?D* Werfo^e ,3Daue bjougbt bpmtjnto pou, anb fpeciallp tinto tfje: sD bpnge 3gripa, tbat after ejeaminacpon bab , 3 mpgbt bauc fumujbattot»2ptc.jfo?metbincUctbtttjn= reafonable , foj to fenbe a p^cfoncr , anb not to ftjctXJc tbc caufctf wljicbare lapbcagapnft bpm,*. CUbc.wtyClwpfcr. C Bvrnce aon>pp.i Dcatctt) ISauI , tbbvcD ttlltth ijym Ups Citllj'iige from tijc bcgi'iuifnge, (BHppa fapbe tmto pauI .• j» 3t artpermpttcbtofpcaliefoj tljpmfe.^ljcnpaulftrct ;Cbeofonl)tbcljanb,anban= fwcreb fo^ bpm fclfe.3 tWn» jUcmpfellbapppRig^igrip ♦wrfh^i e PJ.bccanfeSajallanftBere tW bapc beta tbc.of all tbe t&ingej* tober= f/i&^^^^^^leujeiaf^amelp.becau^ «$X$ i* me wrtUcuftomc^aiibque. ftion0,«*ich areamong tbe&mii. tober= fo?c 3 bcfccbetbe^obearcmepacicntlp H5 SpPlpupngi tjbicb Bnetoe me from tbc begpnnpnae , ?e 8?JRS8f ? ft ? f?c ' W * «B tbe mooft *»"» ftra ptcft fecte of our rcligfon, 3 Ipucb a pba= &J?5?SP3 ftanbeanb&Vbgebfo? «w N «w tbebopc of tbc p^omesf mabeof ^ob t)nto ******* J,«SK (nftantt I im W ^ oD ^Pc * night) ^fS'!?? 11 ^"W^wpfe agapnetbe mi< 2JSIJSS* **>8 a»l, wbP iin..tti..t. pcrfccutcft tbou me .' 3t tsf barbe fo? t&c to tttcUc agapnft tbe pjickcji.^iib 3 foyb: U)bo art tbou lojbci' 30nbbcrapbe:3am3efuamafco,5b at3cru(«ilem,anbtlioiou) out all the coa= ftctf of 3cw,ip, anb tbf n tc tljc gr ntplSf, tbat ti)cpujulbrepcnt,anbtninc to Cob.nnb bo focb wo;bc0 ftjtf become tbrm tbat repent. 5fo2tbpscaufctbc3cwr0 caugbt mem tbc tcmplcnnb wentaboutto f'.piime .S>rpn^ tljcrfoic tl)at3 l)anc obtaincb bclpc of Gob: 3 contpnew tjnto clips* bapc , wptnemnge botbe to (mall 9 to great, faping none other tbpngctf.tljcu tbofc wbpcb tbc pjopbftejsso 4»olc0 tiVli fapcujulb comc:tbat Cb^ift ftittl bcfofler,aiibtbatbcCDulbebctbe fpjft tbat tbulb rpfc from bctb , anb (bulb (bcwlpgbt \)nto tbc peoplc.anb to tljc gcnfpltf. Tiff be m tbutffpatefojbpmfclfc: jfcftugfiipbe witb Jl aloubct)opcc:pnnl,?ait bcfpbc tbpfelfe. 4Qocblcarnpnge botbmakc tbemabb .3Cnb Paul fapbc:3 am not mabdnoft beare jf c^ ftu0)butfpeaUefo2tb tl;c wojbctf of tructb anbfoberuc0.jfo^pRl'»gcBncwetbof tbcfc tbpngctf, before wboalfo 3 fpeakcfrelp.-ne^ tbcrtbpnlw3tbatenp of fljefc tbpngctf are bpbbcn from of m. jf 02 tbP0 tbpngc watfnot Nomina corner, ftpngc ««grippa bcleueft tbou tbc piopbctc0r3 wotc well tbat tbou IMcucft:3tg wa fapbe \jnto paul : ^um* 5loJtr, v wpaftboubipngeft mcin mpnbc foz to be come CblPften.3Ciib Paul fapbe ^ 3 wotoc to Gob tbat not onelp tbou:but alfo all tbat beare me to bape wercnot torn wbnt onelp, but qll togctljcr , focba0 3 am , except tbcfc bonbcs.2tnb wben he babtbitti fpoben.tbc Bpiigcrofctjp.anbtbebcbite, «mb Vernier, anb tl;cp tbat Kite with tl;c,3nb wben tl)cp were gone aparte , tbeptalBcb betwene t\)l fcluc0 , fapinge . ^bp0 man Doer b notbpng \»o2tbpof bcctb.oi of bpnbc0 • 'Cbm fapbe 3lgrtppn tmto 5fcftu0.'5rbP!Smau mpgbt Jiauc brnclct loofc , pf ijc \)hb not appealeb tjntoCcfcir. C3T&c.r;ttHj.CI)apfer. Cldaul«jrpp?tl)toUj.trQrKoiitf l i;uUu«tl]e ir.ipt we _, Qmlbfaplc into 3falP tbcp * , v . jbclpucrcb bctb Paul scct= >||tapnc ctber p2cfoucr0, tmto " Cincnnincb3ulm0,autmbcc ta&mx cf Ccfar0foubi= -- J ar0.^ub wc crtrcb intoa • fin'pof 3o:ainfaum.a:ib loofrbfromlanb, npopntrb to fpc wlicr t)iito wa0 tbe cptic of La- fca wben mocijc tpmc wa0rpcut,anb whan faplmg wa0now teoprrbou0,bccaufc alio tbat thep bab oucrlongc fciftcb.paul put t\)i~ inrcmcmbiauiicc.aiib iapb\jnto tbc :^>pi0 3 pcrccaue.that tiwttage wilbc wptb bitr c tc anbmocbr baiuagcnor of tbc labpngcab tbpp piiclp.bntalfo of pour IpucS: acucrtbe Icffc pimbrroiptapnc bclcuco f goucrncr? pmaftcrof p u>p moietbcn tbole tbpnged wbPfb were fpoke of panl.^nb becaufe tbc fruit wa0 not comobio 9 to wpntcr in.manp toBccoufcUtobcpartctbe"ce,pf bp enp mca* ne0 tUep mpgjjt attapne to Pl)ciucc0 ? t|)erc ty\) it) to ^-m — %\)t &ctt& to wpntcr , wbpcb ia an bauc.ii of Canby, anb lyctb to wacb tbe fontbtpeft anb noitb weft wpnbe . Wen tbe foutb wpnbe He- wetbepfuppofpnge to obtapnc tbeir put* pofc.loofeb »nto 31T011 , mm (aplcb pafc oil lEhit not long aftcr.tbcc arofe agapnft tbep? purpofc, ajjawe of wpnbe out of the to nonljcaft.^nb Antrjc Qipp was* caugbt 9 coulb notrefrft £ wpnbe, wc let bcr go, anb biauc witb f wctber.sfrit wir werccarpcb t to an vie wbpcb (0 namcb &lar,ba , anb bab mocbc wojne to come Up a boi:c, wbpcb tbep tokc bp.anb Web belpc, 5 mabc faff p (t»VP= ^2r pefcaringe, left fbcptbulb fall ^Hntotpc apjteft&nb f o tijep let bowne a toeffcll, 8b were cacpcb.'Ebc mxtt bapc)wr)e we were toffeb wptb an crccabinge tlpcftjtbep ipg&t tencbtbe Qjpp.anb tbe tbpjbc bape we caft out wptb ourc awnc banbci* tbe taftlpnge of tbc Ojlppe ;tt>be" at tbe laft, netbet the fun* nc not ftarrctf in manp bape* appcareb, anb no fmaUttmpf ftlapc bpo Wall l)ope tbat wc (bulb efcape, wasS tben tahf awape. ffint after longcabftpncncc, paul ftobe fo?tb m tbcmpboc0oftbem,$rapbc:!&pj0,peqml= Dc Dane bar&cncbtome.anbriotbaue loofcb from Ca"bp,nctbcr to banc b j ougbt bnto btf tby0banne$loffe.3nbnow3e*bo?tepou to be of g ood cbcre . # oj tficc qjalbe no lofle of cup mais Ipfe amonge pou.faue of tbe tbip onelp.tf oitberftobebpme tbP0npgbr P on* gcllof 0oD, wbofe3am,anb wbo 3 feme, **k*«iw rmuiwfcare not #aul * p maw be tyougbt bcfo2c€cfar,1tnblo,(i5obbatbgeuentbeaU tbem tbat topic wptb tbe. Werto *WJ* l ft.ofgoobcDcre:foObcleucC5oi),t^atitibalbc *" cucn asiit wag tolbc mc.tyow be it we mutt * a«.«wii .« bcraft mto*a cectapne plonbe: i5utwbcnt&e fourtentb mpgbt wa0 to-- moasi we were fapUngiftb;ia about mpb= npgbt(tbctbppmebcmeb,tbat t|>er appca* reo fome countce bnto tbenuanb founbeb , $ f ouoe tt.jCC.fcHDomjS. 3finb wltf tbevbab go= nc a IptcUfutt&eMbcp founbeb agapne.anb foube.rufebbonui. Cben fear pngirtett tbep flmlb banc falU on fome toeMtbcp caft. Ut|< ancrcjBE out of tbc ftcrne,anb wpfibtb jto tlje fewt.30 tbeflippmen were about to flee out of roe ibpp( wljan tl)tv baO let oowne f bote itotbefce,bnOeracouloure,as( t&ougb tbep wolD.: baue caft ancreg out of tyt foi(bippe ) Saul fapoe bntotbebnbetcaptapnc' anb to the fouOpcrsf:etceptetljcfeab!>be in tbc (byu. ^ pe cannot be fafe.^ben tbc foubperjcJ cut or p ^r rope of tbe botcanDletttfallawape. 3 na wban tbf bape begannc to appeare, aBaul btRjuabt tbem all to talic meate, fiipiti ge.tbps(t0 tbe fourtentb bapr , tbat pebaue tar}?cbanbcontPnuebfaapnge,reccauvngc not&ig atall.l*>&erft>je,3 wape pou U i feme iiwatcfa? tbfis no bout wtfo? pome peltp : fo.i *tbcr (ball not an licet fall ftom tbc beeb of Aft**'* cup of pou.amb wben be bab tbiMJ fponen, JSSL betokebiccbanb* gaiietbanhejai to€»obin j«j.wu p;KfenccbetbcmaU:anbwban bebab bjofce <*im.«iA it.be begannc to cate. IT ben wetc tbep alloc goobcbcare.anb tbep alfo tobe meate « wt wcreailtogctlierintbe (btP,two bnnbieb tbiefco^e anb CVjttcuefouletf . 9nb wb«tbcp bab eaten pnougb.tbep ipgbfeneb t^t u)pp, anbeaft out tbe wrjeate in to tbe fee. lDbcnftwa0bape,tr)epbnewnotcbt <$ lanbe,but tbep fppcb a certapne bauen wltb a banctte.tntotbe wrjpcbtljcp werempnbcb (if it were pou*pble)to tb?uft inwn. 2lnb wben tbcpoab ratten bptbeaneresUbepc5* mitteb tbem feluesl bnto toe fee,anb lowfeb tbe rubber bonbcitfanb %oyh\} bp tlje mapnt faple to tbe wpnbe, anb bme to lanbe.3nb wt>an tbep cbaunccb on a place , wbpeb bab tbefeeonbotbtbc fpbesf^bept^wwin tbe (bpp.3m)tbcfo*cparte ttucue faft anb mo= iiebuot.but ti;e bpnber parte tyafie wptbp biolcnce of tbe waueft 1Tbc S)onbpar0 councell mn$ to npll tbe pieroncrtfjcftenpoftbcm.wbcnbcbabfwo tneont.lbulbcroimeawape.nSuttbe Mnttct captapne wpllingetofauc^aul, hept tbent fromtbcp^piiTUofe.anb commaunbeb tbat tbep wbycb co tilbcfwpmme.ftmlbe caft trjg ffluctffpjftiuto tbe fee, anb fcapcto lanbe. at ub tbe otber be commaunbeb to go , fome onbojbe&anbfome on biouen pecetf of tbe (bpp.31nb fo it came to pau"e,tbat tbep eCca=» peballfafetoianbe. CCbe.iCtbiij.Cbaptee. CSiJciippct imrtctfi not ^.tuUijaiiftctje bM< Ictijj9ublpuBf.iH)Ct ,anopKati5ctO£tjjpOflt iKomt, \m wben tbep were fcapeb, fmsm mn tbep une we.tbat: * tbe !ptewasJcalleba)ilete.3nb : ttie ftraungerji (beweb Uji |nolptellbpnOnejS:foMbep upnblebafp?e,anbteceaueD 'bsl euetp one, becaufe of tbe p?efentrapne,^becaufeof^colbe.3nbwr)g mm bab gatbereb a bonbcll of ftpcfte0,anb iapbetbcontbefp^e,tber came a bpperout of tbe beat.f caugrjtbpmbp tbcbSbe.lDben ttjcftraungertlCiwetDebcaft banjxe on bpiS banbetbep fapbe amonge tbem leluesi s no •boute tbpief m« i$fa mo?tberer: U)b5 (tbougb bct)auecfcapebtbefee)pet bengeannce fuf= ffi fectb not to ipuc^nb beft)onfeeof tbebppee ^.^ into tbefpic,anb * felt no barme. ^owbeit £«u.c, tljep waptcb wbebe (bulbe bane (wolne,o» fallenbowne ntttt fobenip . aSut after tbep Uo lobeb a greate wbple,anb fawe no bar 3 mecometobpm.tbcpcbaungeb tbep? mpn» bc^anbfafbe^tUatbewajaia^ob. mu& c M He % jwiftlei o^ 2> it a«.rt«i.f. mi.ttb.b. *a«.tt«i.t> ttmi t. a iiB itttf.b 3n tt)c fame quartet a were lonbcj* of tbe cbete man oftbeple(wbofe name wag ^ bliu0)wbpctjteceauebb0, simgdi ttfltee bapejscourteouflp . 5Bnb itfo^tunebtbattrje rotber of i&ubliutf lape fpebe of a fcuer , anb ofabloubpflire.'fco wbom paulentrcb in anbpjavbe,anblapbebp0'banbc$onbpm$ bealetbbim.^)o,wbentbi0wo0bone,otbcr alfo wbpcbtjabbpfcafejg in tbc pic, cam anb were bcaleb:Wbpcb alfo bpb\)£( great bonou te.3nb wben we beparteb.tbcp labcb b^ vb foct) tbpngejJ as( were ncceffarp. after tfecmonetbesi we bcpartebinalbip of atlcjtibiip, wbpcb bab wyntnn in t^t pie, wbofe babgc watfc<^caftoj$pollu;c,3nb wtje* we came to Cp^acufa, we tarpeb tbere tb|e bapejS.3nb fro tbence we fet a cSpafle, anb came to l&cg(utn.3nb after one bapef foutb wpnbcblc we, anb wc came tbe nette bape to putiolutf : wberc we founbe bjetb?e\ anb were befp^eb to tarpwptb tbem feucn bape 0, anb fo came wc to mome . 3nb from tbence, wben tbc b?ctb?cnbearbeof\)jMbep came to mete Vjsat 3pipbo?um , anb attbe tbjc tauecncsl . U)bcu paul fatoe tbem, be tbancfeeb <5ob,anb wejeeb bolbc.3nb wben we came to laome, tbe tmbtrcaptapne be» lliicrcbtbe p^cfoncr? to tbe ciicfe captapne olrtbeboft.-butpauiwagfutTrebtobwcllbp b;pm fclfe wptb a foubper tbat kept \)vm. 3nbaftcr ttyt bapca, ^aulcailcbtrjecbefe olf tlje3cwci5togctrjcr.3lub wben tbep were comebe fapbe bnto.tbcm; $t)m anb b^ctb^e, tbougb.^SbauccotmttcMiotbingagapnft tbe people oi Iawc.cofp€lber0*p i twa03 belpucrcb ptefoner from jcrutolem into ttit ' anbetfof tbc ftomapn&ttibpcb wben fbey ,abejcamincbmc,wbl0cbauclttmcgo,bC3 caufctber wasinocaufc of bratljinme. iStrt wben tbc 3ewco fpakc contrarp, 3 watf con ftravneb to appcale fonro ccfar : not f 3 Iwb ougbt to accufc nip people of. jf oi tbpo caufe K)en baue 3 callcbfo^ pou, cuf to fc potuanb tofpeakc wptb pou : * becaufe tbat fojtbc bope of 3fracl 3 am bounbe to tbtfebepne. ^nbthct) favbebntob^mtwnffh-r re-. 5Poljr *- \' N ceaueb lettrejai one of 3ewrp pertapnmge bti to tbe netber enp of toe bjcrbjen f> came flrje^ web o^fpafte enp barme off. 28ut we wpll beareoftbewbattbontbpncbeft.jfo?a0co= cernpngtbpgfcctcwebnowetbat * cuccp wbcrcttte fponen agapnft.^f nb wben tUv babappopntebbimabape,tbcr came manp to bpm into by* lobgpng . ur o wbom he tt- pounbeb ano teftifpeb the hpngbom of c5ob anb pwacbebbnto tbem of 3elujS : botb out oftfjelaweof^ofe0auboutoftbe^opbe te&cucn from mominge to npgt)t.3nb * f o= mcbclcucbtljctbpngcgwUpcl) were fpokc, anb fome bcJcueb not. % nb wben tbep agreeb not amonge tbem fcluc0,tbep bepartcb , after tbat Paul ^n fpobenonewo^be:wellfpaHctbebolpgl)oa: bp efap tbe p?opbctbnto ourefatbers, (ap= iug:*0obntotbp0people,aubfapc:wptb poureearc0 (ball pc jkare, anb (ball uotbn= berftanbeuinb wptbpourccpc01ballpe fc,? notpcrccauc. yjfo?tl)cbertoftbP0 people ft wercb grof fe,ab wptb tbctr earr o banc tbep bab no Ittft tojbcare.anb tbcitt?csit)auctU\> cloreb:left tbep miot fc wptb rbeir epe0,aW 1&aul ro f&tl&omaynjtf' CSbefpjttCbai>to» fHOdntftcriarr $ bf*!oucto&«roctfcc Komar* tits , ac&ctt) tDt?«t tbe <3fotj>dl te awo toe Prate tba»f, aod KbubCtytOt I'Ciaipwtoof toe fr«0ro. >_ 3ul tbe fer= uaunt of 3efutf Ctevft calleb to tDe office of *3«.««'« an3£poftlc *put a parte foi f CFofpfll of «5ob •v r.-u.tViH.t ati.vi'.e fliiD.Uli.?. frft » .jlint.iii!). * wbpeb be bao piompfcD afote Up Dpi* #jo< phetea in tbc bolp fcrCpturcjei of bP$ fount, wbpcbwatfbo^nexKtmtofrpmj ^ of toe feeo of ©ambafrcrtljen'cfibt.-anbbatb bene becla* rco to be the fotinc of <5ob uJ potorr , after p fp?,cte that fanctif perl; > fence tfte tpme tbat 3efu0CO?plf onre iojbe rofe ajjapne from *a«cfc*.b bcctb*bp whom we Dane weaucb grace 9 3f.pb1tlc$pp,thatQbebiencempgbrbegeuen tontotbefaptbmhpjeJnamenmongeallbca= then.ofwhofenombze pou bctfje electeof 3em Chjpft.fr 'fconllpouthatbeatiaomcbetouebof <5ob anb fiipnrcjtf bp electpon. * tijtyice be tf pou and peace from <£ob owe fatty*, 9 from the Lortcleftiflgrhz pft. TtWBerelp 3 efKlfte mp 00b rboio w 3e fug Clnpftfozpou all, tlwt poure faptb W fpoRcnofmaliebe routine. #0.1 45obi* mp w«a W newborn 3 FTcrue. * toptfcm? Iwcte udMAfr tti t|je C5ofoell of l)p]£( fonne(tbat wptbout „,*,. , ® tfafpngc 3fmaae mencpon of pou pjapinge jgKf" allwapc**tmp wnper&tbnt bp fomc men* neat the laft (one tpme o* other) a p*olbc= fpcroutfioaiepCbpthe wpll of 00b) mpg ty fortune me,to come tmtopoii . ff o?3 tonge tofepon,that3!mpcjht bcftwwc amoficpou o that tbcp arc wptbont e^enfe becaufe that t»hentl)epancwc <5ob,tDepslojtfpcb $w nota$l(l5ob,ncthcrtMcre thanufull but t»e* jccbfullof \)amtiejJ (n ttyn inwflinacionft *anb tbcp^folpuj IjerttoajSl'lpnbcb. U)brn thep countcb tbcm reluejet wpfr.tbcp became fooleg^anb tiirncD the slo^p of tbc immo;* taUC5ob,tjntoanpmagc,niabenotonclpaf eer tbc fpntf If tube of a mojtall man but alf "bp^bciS,* fourcfotcb^beafte^ 9 of crepfot bcaftcjs.lDbErfo^c^ob gaticthf \)p, to \jn= elf nc&tbojoH) tty mats of tbeir atone bear* teistooefplcthnraumc bobpetfomonae tjjc fcluesi:tt)hpcbcl)aunscbhpismithcfo^alpe. anb too^QippjjcD anb t'er neb tbc tftingcg that bemabemoje then ijpm tljat mabcthem, Which itf to be pjapfeb fo,i cuer.3Emcn.tt)l)er fojc,<0ob gauc tDem tip bntoujamcfuli;iu 3 ttetf:*;)Tojcucn their memen bpb cbauugc the naturall t)fein to that tobpcl) txiagapnfl: nature.2lub Ipae t»pfe alfotbe men , leftep natural W of tbc woman, anb btft In ttyit luttcsf one wpth another, * men topt b men twjougbt fpltbpnetf.anbreccaueb totb^ fcl= ucjJthe rcwarbc oft tym crrourc > ap it wajS acco^bpnge. %tib a0 tl)cp regarbeb not to an owe Cob * rnenfo c5ob bclpucrcb tbcm »p \jnto a lewbtmpnbe.thattbep diulbc bo tbofctbpn cjetf wbpebwere not comlp, bepngfall of all »nrpghtcoufneu"e,to?nicacpon,wpcaebnc& couctcoufnc? jimUcpoufiwjj, full cf cnupe *a*niu U'Vimji C «ala.iii.fc, *a(t.rt/« 3f « j».r. *£jf.»W/,k ■WLmm 'JltuliW* *i\atmt nio.tther.bcbatcbifceptccupllnonbicponcb, whprocrci^, bacubptero", batetjai of f5ob,bpf Dapnttill , p^oube, boaftew, buiigcrjx^pof eupll thpngetf, bifobebpent to father anb mo ther,wptl)outtouberftanbpiujc,coucuauute Oieafter^'onloupngctrucebieaaertf, Earner cpfull.TOlmbmeu, ifymmttyv aaew tbc »* rpghtcwefue^ ofcso9,(mmm) bow tbat tnfpw^cljcomin^tfocbctbpngctf.arewo^ ' ."•tbP ofbcei:h,uotonlp>*{«wti)at)bo the fame _ •• *bnt diro>»c«bcp two) ijauc pica fare in tbcm 1?* • C"wccliu!»etl)tiKjIcttic6,nji)ptUa6toiici)pii3c i*«,n,«? E5SB^erto?ciirttbotttnejccnfaWe.fl>inil, ]m SH||wbofoeucrtboubetbat*^^iubijcn: mm* iKfflfllJfo^i tbat lamewbcrtntbouMbijcfl: another* thou conbSneft tbp (clfe.^oz tDou tbatiubgeft , bocft cuen tbeuime fclfctf»pn= gesl.)i5utwearefure,thattheiubgcmentof (grob Waccojbpngc totructb, agapnft tbcm Whpcb cfimpt focb tbpngejS. HhpnUcft tiijou tbptf . ^D tbou man that mbge ft tbcm whpcb bo focbe tbpngcjs , anb bocft cuen tbc \)crp fametbp fdfc.tbat thou ftjaltcfcapc tbemb= ficment of obrCtbcr bef ppfeft tbou tbc rp= cbc« of bpfiigoobnesi , anb pacpenceaiib ion* ** outs a ge fuffcrauncc.not hnowpng * tbat f ftpnb* m&m ttejet of 0ob leaiietb tty to repentauncef ffiuttbouaftcrtbpfttib'ourncu"c,anbbcr= re tbat cannot repent , beapeft \)itto t^ felfe A* w.wtbagapnftp bapc of ucngeaunccwheii (balbc openeb the rpghtetucs iubgement of *fln«tJtn.u. <0ob, * wbicb wpll re warb cuerpma&cyac= » ftu,, JJL,co?bpngctobp0bebes(:tbatitf to fapcpiap* ^ r &,bouotireanbimmo?talitc,totbcmwi)pcb contpnueingoobbopng,anbfeactmmo!ta= . lite . uSuttmto tbcm tbat arc rebelled, anb that b not obep tty tructb , but folo we tm= . rpgbtcoufncjS, iballcomc inbignacpon anb wwtl),tribulacponanbangupfibcuuontl)e fouleof euerpma* tbat botb eupll: of ^3cwc fpjft,anb alio of tty ©etplc. ^0 cucrp man tbat botb goob, flw ll come pjapfe, anb bo* ^ nourc,anbpcace,totbe3cwefp?ft,anbalfo BSEt t0 thc **«W • ^fo? * tbec iss no rclpcctc of fimpi.b parfonnejS , witb ©ob . jf 0? wbofocuer batb mm» fpnneb wptbout lawe , (ball alfo perpfibe Witbout lawc . 3nb a0 ma up as bane r>m* . » neb in tbe lawe , (balbc iubgcb bp tbc lawc, *3iame«.j.h Si ojiti tty Mty of (0ob,tbcp*arc not rpgb- ■ teousl wbiebbcare tbc lawe: but tbe Doer 5 oi : tbe lawc amlbciuftifpcb. jfo? wban tbc (05= $&* tpW wbicb baue not tbe lawe, $ar bo of na = turetbe tbpngesl contapnebin tty lawc.tbcn . tbcp baupnge not tbc lawc, area lawc Unto ^ tbemfclueief, wbicb ujew tty bebe of tbc lawc C Wjptten in tbcp? tym& whptl tbcp?confci= ence bcaretb wptncsf Unto tbcm , anb alfo *«... * . tbe ^ t^ougbteiB! , accu^mge one anotber 0? *tmmx ejccufpnge.attbeha^e^r wpen tbc lo?b *ail iub > xctbcfccri'tesofm:bp3cru0Cbiift , ac= co^bpngctomp0ofpfll. pcpplbe , * tbouiirt calleb a 3ewc anb *W» 1 * , ' i trjifteu in tbe lawc , anb ma&cft top boaft of aob.anDltnoweftbujwpH.aubaJowefttbc thpngca that be ettcllcnt.anb art trifonrmcb bp tbc lawc : anb belt licit tl)attl)Gi\ thy felfe art a gpbc of tbe blpnbr.a Ipgbt of the wbicb arc in DarcBKC&siifnfonrmrr of ttym wbicb lackebifcrecpon, a tmttytofthc wileacueb, wbicb baft f» enfamule of knowlebge , <$ of f trutbebp f lawe . ifcbourbrrfiuc whicbrca* cbeft anotber , tmtyfknot thpielfc ^ 'tbou ^mac.u pjcacbcft ,amanfhulbc not ftcale: pet tbou r> ftealeft.'Qrbou that fapft.a man (bulb not co mpt abuoutrp, biscaa'eft wcDlocUe . tCfaon abbojreft pmagcsi.anD pet robbeft^ob of biSbonoure.^bontbatmafccfttbp boaft of tbe lawc, fbofow tycaapnge tbc lawc biftio nonrcft <5ob . ifo? ti>c name of Cob itfcurll fpoftcnofamo'jgctbe^cntpl^tbo.iowpou ytPftU . ., -Jratfitttw.wtcn. hxu™.c fc*Stol c ivcmncifuon berelpanavlctb, vi \j* tboultcprtbclawe.2Sutpftbctibcab2c'aUcr of tbe la wcthp circmncilpo ts turucb to \)i'.» nrcumcifpo. Wrfecpf the Un.ircunicifcD ftepe p rpgbrrbpngctf cotavncD in tbe lawc, (baUnot bi0\)ncircumctfpbnbc countcb foj circumciCvonaitoaiallnotiuKtrcuinctiVoii wbicbWbp natnrccpf it hepe tty lawe: iub= getlje, wbrcb bepngc »nber tty letter anb circftcifpon , bocft tvafqrelTc tbe lawc m ics ttota3ewe,wbicbitfa3cweotitwarbc.ftc rbcri0itcimiinctfpon,wbKbi0outwnrbcin tbcflefibc.23ut^bcisa3cwewl)icbbis!)pb *y&n*t>x wptbiit , anb * the circumcifpon of tbe ncrtc fjp3&\\ te the true etrcuijicifpcn , wbvclj confiftctb " &y.n tty fpiete anb not in tbc letter : wbofc -c ■■■■ p.iaprctiJ not of men.biit of 6'ob. C€be.i(f.cbapfer, C2Jt!Dc*;t jibitt picf.tiin'.-thcJfVbfdbxif, flnon>atbotl»ti.'fXf»c»«;itDCI>ciit> , l9.ircl-n?cr r*'U!ic ? .iiii arciaftupcD ontpbyt!jC(jcat{ of Goo in Cmft. l)at p^efcrmet tbenbotb? Jewc- % 02 wbataDuannrageth cuctimei- fyonr^tir cipher ye mocl;. #p!ft ^ becaufe > r, \jnto them wcrrccm^ v'-v.-um.;-. mpttcOpwoibeiJofooo.UMMttheiitDoHsil fomc of them Xs\>\i not belnie ( * ftiali tbcp* v». rim.. 1 Wibclcue make the pjomcsf of 00b without effecter 0ob foibpb* ileteob be true , anb *3g* »;f . *encrp maualpar.at it ijj wjpttcu: * ^ thou ^^ l\" s mpjhteft be iiiftifpcbin tbpfainngcjj.auo oucrcome, when tJjott art iubgcb . £--.?*!$uf v-foiirc wirpgbtewrfnctf mahe p 13 rpgbtc wefaejs of <3ob moic c.txtHcnt: wbat .. r a Qjall we laperjjs 0eb Unrpsi^te oils, witch talietbWtgcauuccf 3 fprahc afitrtbeniancr of me:Gob fojbpb.jfrtt bow then tisallOob iubgc tbc woilbcr'ifo? pf tty tructb ofGoD appcarcmo^c excellent tbojowmplpcwito bijtfpiapfc,wbpam3bcnccfoitbiucgcbatf l?b y afpnnew *3ftlM 4 r >:o.ifM.b (• ;i ' a fynncrtfimi not rather (atf mt fpcnlic cuyll of to0, anb as fomc affymic it frit wc tow )Ic t toSbo cuyll, tpat goou maye come tpcrof. U)Dofc bamuacpon i0 tuftc. C tt»ba t theatre wc better tfirn t&Pt fl o, inno wpfc. floj wcbattc all rcabypjo'ucb, how that both 3cwc0 nub ®t ntyl* arc all tm&i mA t,nDf r fvnnc,a0iti0wn>ttcn. *tbcrc 10 none rpghtcouS.nonor onc:trjcrc ftfttotte tbat ton* berfranbetb , thereto nonetbat fenetb after <3ob:tbey are all gone out of tbc ways , tbcp arc all tonpiofptablcrncr iff none tbat boct b -oob.tio not one. * Wwi tfcotcttiaitoprn .Jtf nl f ff i )tntbti?cpttotlgcff tjicr liaucbifcca* urb: tbepoyfon orafpesi tftonbertbey $ lyp* pes!. * TOofcmoutb i0 fall ofeurftpngc aub bptteri:c0. * CIMfr fcfc are fwpfte to fljeb bloub. * SKftruccyott anb wjetcrjebnes are •» .in ««*,.* '■" #*W t»ayc0, anb tlic waye of peace banc they nor itnovD?. * ^{erctjS no fcare of tfob brfojctbcyj epejaf. „ *t»c unowc tpnt what tliptisc^focttrr r lawc faytb.it fsptDitto tbc wpicfc arc ton* bcrylawc.^batallmoufbtfmapcbcftop* pcb,$tbat all tijewojibc mape be fubbucb *cm*&€ to c>ob,bccaufc p * by the bcbc0 of tbc laujc tbrr mall no ftcf.hc be tuftif p cb in bys fygbt. tfo.UiyfiawccomefWBnowlcbgcoffinne. -, T*Ht now W$ar f rygrjtcwcfnr0of mob bfflnrrowini)outtbclawc,fo>amiocba0it is a io web brtbc fcfrimonyr of f lawc anb off Jdtopbt tco. £lKry:cI)tcwcrne0ofC5ob, _ Mmm?wfy tl)cf.i»tb of .Jcfu0^ftMft, tonto. ^ all anb toponall them tiwt bclcue .** Chens no b ^ftvrcitictfoiau bnucfynucb, anb arc ocft'tutr of tbc oloirc of in tbat ne fojflcuctb tbc tymictff arc paffeb , wbpep <5obbyb ftifFrc , to fyewe artbyStymc bys vv«it)t cwcfncs.tbat be might be'countcOttiu\ anbtbe inftifpar of bym wbycb bclcuetrj on 3cfu0. f< ltH>rci0tbcntbyrcioprpngcr3tt0ejr;clu» bcb.ssp what la wcj'ofwojIw'/'/aaye: but by tbc lawc of faptb. t. • ^hrrfoie wcbolbe.tbat* nmani0uifti= fpcb bp fay tb without tbc oebctf of tbc lavuc: 3« be tbc<5ob of tbc 3cwe0 oncly c 3tf be notaifo tljc (5ob of tbc acntpl* t l?es , men oftbcCetylQ!alfo..lfontt0^obonlP\»focb mftiiVctbtbc circumctfyon tbatt0of faptb, t\\\^ bncircumcifyon fOotou) faytb "Dowc rbcnb?itrove tijc laujt tbo«to\»fayrb.''(5ob f ojbpb.;6ut ujc ratber mamtaync tl;c lawc. CCDcmi-Cbaptcr. €LH)t lulaxtU) by tin trnnetfare %*** couercb ^IciTcbtefbatman^ottlJomttK loibc wpli not impute fynne. Came tbtjfi blc ITebneg tljen \)po tl>e tjncfr- cumcifyon, o^ \jpon tbc circunictfyon alfoc ^ofpefaye, tbat faytb U)a«[rcftcneOto3 s tmmm m^ttmmm .uowwaa itt^en reftenebf ujban bewa0in tbc circumcifyonr' W« J» UJttjtf in tbc\)ncircumcpfyon*' * e ot in y tpmc of circumcifpon : but vohen x&mim, Ocroasiyct tjncjrcumeifeb.anbbe rcccaneO ^ fcll tbc*fpfjnc of circumcifpon, nsfafcale of the *® w « w * rpffbtc\»efnc0off,tytb > wbycbl)ebabpctbe= pnfletoncircmncpfcb,tbatbeamlbebct|)efa= tpcrof all tljcmtDat bclcue , tljouaD they be not ctrcumcilcb , tbat rygbtcwcfnctf mpaht bcnnpiitcbtotbcmaifo ; anbebatbemyabt be fatber of cfrcinnctfyon.nottmto tb^onelv uihpchc.imeof thccircmncifeD,biit\)ntotbe alfotbatttjalftcin tbefteppesi oftbc faytb^ ton* in ouk fatijer TttpfrmMw tUc tp« incofcircumcifyon. . ^.SS^WF^CtbatljcCbulbbetljelieweC S»W banpenebnot to3b?abaVto bi0fcebtbo uicfuteObut alfofojW, to wHom it Cbalbeco= uitfc&Cfiwwjfttctotftuo,) fo ^>U)c bclcue on bym, frapfeb top 3cru0ou?c Lojbe from tbe beebt wbycb wa0 bclyucrcb f o^ ou«ie fpuue0 , anb watfraprcb agayncfo? oure iuftificacyon. C2:ljc.\j.cbaptcr. CZtyt pototc of faptfj . fjopc nnb louc anb botb ctajbrorgncDftoinaDStintojtinpft.bpUDiiomc oikIf tot b«« c fojfieucncKf offpimcj, (Ccaufctbtrfo^ctljatwcare iuftt* fpeb by faytb , wc are at * peace with d?ob,tbo?ow oure to?oe 3c _fu0Cb^ift.byu»bomalfo it cljaim | feb \jntoto0to be brought in tbo?oto faptb, \mto tr)p0 grace , wberin wc ftanbe , anb &3"* frsr ^reioyce in bopc of? glo?y-^(oftuccbpiojo *»tb.i«.a of €»ob. iHlot tjjat oncly : but alfo wc rcioycc L lt0 , !* fn tcibulacyon0 .- ftnowyng tbat * tribute* *j« I re^cucnouertDfalfo^abnotfpnnebwytb I £*• ii?lte tran^remo njs opo ^batwpicp^bca= otijtmomaymZ ilol, '* S* rctl; tbe ftmilitube of bim that wa0 to come. 2Suttbegyftei0notlyliea0£ fynne. jFo? ' yf tbojow tpe fynne of one , many be bteb: mocbemojie plcntcou0topou many wa0 tbe rjiw-ub grace of <5ob ? gpf te bp grace: * (&• wljycb ^-v wa0 of oucman3efu0Cb?ift. 3Bnb y gyfte i0not oner one fynue:a0bectl) cam tbo?o w one fynne of one? fynncb . a o? bamnacpon came of one fynne tontocobcm* nacpon; but^gyfteamctoiuftifpfro manp_ fpnnc0 . it o? yf bv t\)t fpnne of one , beetb *> raygneb by tbcmcanc0of one .mocb moie tbcycwbycb receaue abounbamc of grace anb of tbe gpfte of rygbtewe(nc0) ftail ray* gnc in lyfe bp tbc meanc0 of one (tbat i0to nnye)3cfu0Cbiift'. ^ tyUewyfctbenatfbptbe fpnne of one tbcre fp^angtopeucllonallmento couocm= uacyon .- cucn fo by tbc cpgbtcoufue0 of one, fpiiyngetb goob topou all men to tbe rpgbt t-- oufnc0 of lyfe . jf o^ as bp one manncs buobe= bicnecmanp became fpnncrs : lb by tbcobe* Dteceofonc,u>illmnnybcmnDcrpgbrcou0. H3ut :^tf)c lawc in pmcanetpmc entrcbin, * c5 ^" !iC f fynne (bulo encrence. riciier'tbelater wbere abonnbancc of fynne utyg , tljere was tnoic plentequFuco of grace, t Mi as fpnne bab raygneb tonto beetb . cucn fo mygbt grace rapgne tboiow rpgbtewcfncs , Xinto ctci?» nail ipfe,bp tl;c bclpc of Jcfu <£&n&\ h C^be.toj.Cbaptcr. C f.o J fo irrocD as tut be bdvuctcb t|>owtti ClnW • fromfpimr,vociniil»c faiTponouttfclucfl to Irue astijefcrnjmitcaof (Soi),aiionot aftccouc some luftco.ciicuiilphclp cewntoe of tpgbtwufucfie atibfptmc. Datfbail we fayc t&en i $>ball % wc contynue in fynuctbat tberc maye be abouubancc of graced <5ob f oibyb . l?ow Hjall we tbat arcbcebastoucbyngfynne.lpue G enp lenger tbcrm.' ^ ftnowc ye nor tbat £«,ui,uV *all wc wbyebare baptyfcbinto 3c fu C|)?i acarcbaptyfebtobycwptbbtmrtt)carebu rpcb tben witb tym by baptpmc , fo? to bye : tbatlykcwyfc a0€bnft was rayfebtopfro xawm* beetb by tfjc glo^ye of p fatber, eucn fo * wc aifoOmlbe walkciBancwclpfe.5foi yf wc be graft in beetb lyac tonto bynncucn fo until wc be partaherS of tbc refurrcccyon : Uno-- wyngtbyS , that oure olbc man i0crticifycb . witbuym alfo.rhattbc boby of fume mygbt totterlybcbcltroycb , Whence fo?tb wclbulb not be fcruaunt e0 tonto fynne . # o? pc tpat ^ t0 beeb, i0 iiiftif peb from fynne. J* * atberfo^c * yf v»e be becb xb Cbn'lr , we * * bclcue , f we (ball alio lyuc wttbbym : Rno= wpng, tljat Cbnft beyncc rayfeb from btet% *3po<.i a *byctp nomonto d?ob. iyscwyre im,(|.o m)t tnimt; m tti» nr : bur gene otter four feluro w.tto<5ob «tf tbcp tbat of beeb , arc alpine .^nbcccttc otter Votirc mem bertfad inftrttmcntc0 of rpgbtc= vof fiteiff toitto (5ob . JToz fp imc (pall notpauc power oner f ou.HSccaufctv. j pc arc not wt* bcr tbe la webuttmbrr grace. UH>attbcnf&>ballwcfpnne,becaurcwc are not \wbcr f la wr:but tonbrr gracr/<5oO •■j T«»«n,wrw. I ofbpff. >fa ftnowc pc not , bow tbat* to u.&«. i.». tnboui fonier pe commit pourcfeluc0a0fer= ttafttctfto obep,bp0 ferua(ifr0 pcareto wbo pe obep: wbethcr it kof fpunc troto becrft, 01 of obrbicec totito rpgbtcwcfnc0.''<5ob be tbfi* ^> hrb, tbartbougb pc were tbe n-rttauntr* of fimnt/ye baucpet obepcb witbbcrte \Jttto p rule of tbeboctrpnc, that ftfk bxottj&tM? 4- j«9m v«. i>. to. v j>c arc ti;e ii malie fre fro fwmc, attb arc i.iuiii.i.uu.,1. j, fCom -p tlicfcruauntc0otrpgbfcwcfnc0. "£« ►i* J ipcaucgroilp,brcaufe of fnctnfirmptte of :>onrcflcHu • 30 pcljaue genen pourcmiS berg fcruattntcsi to \wlcnnc0 ant) to tttiqut= tpe,(from oiicimqmtpc to anotber) eucn fo now gene otter pourcmcmbcr0 frntnuntccE tmto rpgbtewcfnc0 , tbatpemape be fanctf* fpcb.tfo? wbc"pc were tbe rcrnafttcieiof fpn= ne, pe were toopbc of rpgbtcwcfnc0 . dftfyat frtttc babpc tbentntborctbpnge0 , wberof ft arc now affljamcb . jf ox tbe enbe of tbofc ti)vngc0,t0 bcctbiSut now arc pe bclpttcrcb frfi fpnne»? mabc the fcrnaiitrgt of <5ob, attb banc pour c feu tc to be fnucttfpeb, ano penoe cttcrliifttngclvfc.ir'ox* £ rewaebc of fpnne isocetb . but eternal! ipfc ft p gpftc of God, fI)OXOw3cui0Cl)?tlt ourc tojoc. J* CCbe.\)tj.(!Ei>ipter. CC'inR liatn Oclpucero wlcamtfic latbc nno br.itli . fcMul (Detect!) Vb'iat the Ucf.Dr nno outs toaroc nun 19 , ano (MW) it the IaUoc of tije memtyes. $owcpc notbxetbtc (3 fpeafteto tbem tbat Unowc tbe lawe) bow t bat tbe lawe batb power otter a man>a*longc a0 itenbtireth. 5fox *i. CM.Mu. 9 * tbe woman M i0 itt lubtcc* cpon to a man , t0 bounce bp tbe lawe to tbe man,a0longca0bclpttctb 26utpf tbe matt bebeeb , iijcuUoofcb ftotbclawe of p man, #««».*.« ^>o tben * pf wbple p man Iptictb flu couple i)cr fclfc witb anotber man, (beujalbccoun* tcb a wcDJochcbxcaKcr. 26utpf tbe man be bccb.fbe 10 fie from tbe lawe or tbe buf banb, fotljatUte 10 no wcbloc^ebxcaBcctbottgb (be couple be r felfe wttb anotber man. CncnfopcatfoCmpbjttb?en)nrcbccbc6=' cernpnge f la we bp tbebbbp of €bwft> tlwt pe Qjiilbe bccottpleb to anoJber (3 meatte to L\in\\ .,v,c Dim tbatwrpfenagapnc frfibcctb)tDaewe (bulb b^pngc fo^tbrrnte \)«tod?ob.^ox WbJ we were to £ fteftye.f lttftc0 of l^nne wbpeb 25 were ftcrcb bp bp tbe lawcrapjjHeb U\ oure mcmber0 , to typngcfojtbfrtitctmto ceetb. TiSut now are we belpuereb from tbe lawe, attb bccbWoit wber\jntowewerc~ t om=« maunbnnrnt mpgbf beotttof mcafti; ; fpu- full.^oiwelmowr,f't|)elawe t0 fpmtuall: . but 3 am carnally* folbc tjnlxr Omnc, ^£ „. becattfc^'J alowe not p wbpcb 3 bo '. $01 l~r wbat 3 wolb,^ bo 3 not .but wbat 3 hate, ^ tbat bo 33f 3 bo now tbat wbpcb 3 wolbe m not.jcofcntcVntotbelawe tbat it in gooo. $>o tben now , tw not 3 f> bo it , but fpnne tbat owclietb in me . St 0? 3 nno we , tbat in me (tbat if to fapein mp * ftcO&e) bwclletl) ^mt^ no goob tty nge.£o;,to wpll t0 p?efent with me-.but 3 fpnbe no menne0 to perfojmte that v>\)V^ t0goob. tfoim goob tbat 3 wolbe, bo 3 not : but tbe cupll mpcl) 3 wolbe not, tbat bo 3.£f 3 bo tbat 3 wolbenot , tben t# it not 3 tbat bo it, but fpnne tbat b welled) tn me . 3 fpnbe tben bp tlje lawe , tbat wben 3 wolbe bo goob, euplU0 piefent wptbme. if o?3 belpte in tbe Urjw of m* , attcr tht tnwaebman . ^Bttt 3 fc anotber lawetump membzc0 , rcbellpnge agapnft t\}e lawe of nip ntpnbc , anb fnbbupugc me Vtnto t\it la= we of fpnne , wbpcb i0 in tup number* . £> wutcbfbmnntbat3am: wpoftall Delpuec me ftomtbp0bi)bp fnbbtiebwitobeetb.''3 tbatthc mb tboiow 3eftt0Cb^ft oure loj« oe.^otben , wptb tbe mpnbe 3 ffrue tbe la= we of<0ob , but wptb tttt ftcft&e t^t lawe of fpnne. Cfcbe.Mi.Clwptcr, *. ^atht^mvms 5f0 tocr w tbennobamnacpon to tljer wbpcb are (ncbitpftiferti , wbpco wailtcnotaftcrtbefleulje, butaf* tcetbefwete. Jfoxtbelawe of tbe fpieteoflpfetbo;tow3efu0Cb?tft, 82W ,tt %*$> mm m * fwfrom tbe lawe of fpune, iSR w».c. n«b bcctb.t 5f ox wbat tbe lawe coulo not bo (in a0 mocb a0 it wa0 weane becanfe of tbe flftSf** f IcuDejtbat perfoxmeb (ETob,anb * fent l)p0 jot.MH.1). fonnc In tlJt mumt of f?nfilU flcfaje> atJD ^cr {<^ bp fpnne bampneb fpnne tn tbe flefQje: ? tbe rpgbtewcfne0 of tbe lawcmpgbt be ful'= fplleb m t)^,wbteb walbe not after t^t fief* tye, but after tbe fpute. jfojtbcptbatarecarnall , are carnallp «, ntpnbeb. ai6ut tbcp tbat are fpirptuall, are 20 goftlp mpnDcb.'2:obe carnallp ntpnbeb, t# ' bcctb.^5uttobcfpieituailpmpnbcD,t0 ipfe anbpeace. ^ aiBecaufc tbat tbe fleriblpntpn be (0 cncmptcagapnft d>ob :f op it t0 not obe= bpcnttotbeiawcof0ob,netbercanbe.§>o frip tben tbcp tbatarein£3f*tljc flcfu^c , cannot plcaCe 0ob. 26ttt pe arc not in f flcfuje,but tn tbe fp?e= tc : pf fo be tbat tbe fpute of p 3cfu0 feombeetb,bwcll tnpou:cnen be tbat rapfeb tip Cbipft from beetb, (ball qttpeken poure moitall boopc0,bccaufc of bP0 fputctbat Owclietb in pou. ^ yU 'Cberfo.u bxetbten, we are bctfc«J,not totbcflcftlictolvueaftcr tbe flcOjc. #o,pc ^)al Dpe.i3ut pf pe ( tbozowc tbe fputc ) bomottpfpe t&rt)eoe£t of tbe bobp.pefljalllpuc. Jfoxa0 manp a0 arc leb bp tbe fptctc of C5ob,tbep are tbe fon^ uc0of (5ob. 5fo?pcbauc notrcceatteb tbe fputc of bottbageto fcareenpmotarc , but *|taia.fiw«i * pe banc rcceaueb tbe fpzeteofabopevon, !'« SSllw t». wl ^rbp we crpc : 3 bba fatbee. *-Cbc fame fputccertpfpetb oure fptctc tbat we are tbe (onue0of©ob.3fwcbefonnc0,tbcnarewc airobcpxc0,pbepu03tneaneof(!5ob,^bct>' rc0auct;eb witbCb?pft-pf fo be tbat we fnf* f cr voitl) bpnt.tbat we mapc be alfoglonficb togetbec wttb bpm; ^ © >J« Jf 0^ 3 fuppofc tbat tbeafflpccpou0 of tl)p0 ipfc, are not wojtbp of tbe glo^v, wbtcb *(i.fl:o.\>.a. tlialbc nicweb \jpon \J0. * St ot tbe ferttettt &crpuoftbccrcatitrcabpbctb,loupitg,wbc" tbe fonttc0 of (5ob frail apperc , becaufetbe creature t0 fubbucb to Manytc , agapnft tbe wplltberof, but fo? bt0 will wbicb batb fub= buebtbc fame inltope. jfottbr famecreatu= re fi?albe belpuereb from t\)t bonbage of co^ sn&.t>,n. rttpepon, into tbeg lo^pou0 libertpc of § fo» s nc0ofC5ob.5foftwcftnowc,tbatcuerpcrca-- tuccgconetbwitb \j0alfo,anb tratiapletb in papnc,eneiiDnto tl)vfi tvme. iaot onelp it, but we alfo wbtcb bauc^=» p °tx fp,tft frute0of tbe fpxpte, ntoxtte in oure (el* ue0alfo,anb wapte foztbcabopcpo^»c of tbe *c Ujpiojm «BoD)euen tbe belpueraunce of ourc bo= t>vt. fi * St ox wcare fattpb bp bope. 23ut bopetbati0 fene,i0 nobope. Ifozbowcan a man bope fox tbat. wbtcb be feptb.-' 28ut anb pf we bope foztbat we le not, tben bo we n5 patience abpbe fox it. IpkcwpfctbefpuceaUobelpetb oure(rt= ftrmptie0. jf 0? we nno we not wbat to befp* re a0 we ottgbt:btit tbe (pzetc maBetbtutee= cclTpon fox D0 , wttb gronpngc0 wbicb can* notbeejcpicffeo.^lnQ * be tbat fearcbetbtbc hV tct " f berte0*{inowetb,wbatt0tbe meanpngc of |Sf"S!b raefpxpte: fotbemaUztbintefcerceffponfoi *OMhW Pfapntc0acco?btnrrto^plearuccof0ob. ^ * tDeknowe tbat all tbpnbe0 wojne fox tbe belr\3nto tbem tbat loue(5ob. wtjtcb af= f are calleb of purpo fc. St 0? tbofe wbicb be hue we befo?c,bc alfo oiDepncb befojc , tbat tbcpCbulbcbcIpftefairponebUut'o tbe atape of bP0fonue, tbat be tnpgbt be tbe fpxft be- gotten fonneainonge manp btctbxen. Q)o= reouer,wbombcappopntcubcfou,tbcm al- io be calleb. 3inb ^rwbom he barb calleb, «^§ tbem alfo be inftpf peb ; anb wbotn i;e iuftp= fpeb,tbembcalfoglo*pfycb. WatHMllwcrften fapctotbefe tWW& * pf C5o b be on oure fpbewboca be agapnft tm*m t3tf?wbtcbfparcbnotbP0awnefonne,* but ****.& gauebtmrox\)0all:bowcantt be, tbat with |?'w«. t '«^. bpmbemulDenot geueW all tbpurjes alfo 1 4£u,p "" D ' Wo (ball lapc cup tbpngcto rbc njarge of ooDOc0 cbofcu,;tt t0 Gobtbat'iulrpfpcti); wboijsbetbat can conocuipne i ttttfClupft wbicI)bpcb,pee > ratlicrwbicbt0rvfcuacj:ap-- ne, wbtcb i0al(o on tbe rpgbt Imoc of 6 ob, anb maltetbintcrcedpon mW, Who mall (epcratc \j0 from tbe I one of (5ob ; 'fl)all trtbnlacpott/o? angufQic : ot pcr= fccticpon:otbcrbonger:ctberuaKcbncffe.:et= bcrpacell-etberfwcarbe:'3!0ttt0wuttcn: * foxtbpfabeare weupiicball bapcionge , *mmw anb are cottteb ag Otepc apoputcb to be ftap= ne.Beuertbelcu"eJnalltbcfc tbpngetf we 0- uercometboxowc bpmtbatloueb\)0. ^fot 3 am Hire , tbat netbtr beetb, netber Ipfc, nc'= tber 3tngel0 , no? rule, netber power , nether tDvmt^ pxefent , netber tbpuge0 to come , netber bepgtb, netber lowctb, nctbec cup 0= tber creature ipalbeablc to beparte \)0 from t\)t lone of (5ob, wbtcb 10 in Cbtfft 3efu ou- rc loxbe. h C£be.(r..iul con?pl:iviictli topes tlje hJtoc lifttcfl of tfjc 3fibfoti).itujoiticitot ecceauctf inpft,aiiD tottitbo aswi'Wni .ire (Ooicn wtuep) ftcioe. 3 fapc &ayctbe eruttbtaCfyyft , anb lpenot,(mpcoufcicncc alfo bca= tkmvtfmnwt boip sUoft ) that 3 bane grct beupucsl, $ con* *«r.wr«.». ^ j fcgjn ujpfihco mp fclfe to becurfeb from pipu\fojmy mtWl mv Bpnfmcn as per* Wnvw to tbc fierce ) t»6anti tbc gloiyt , anb t^c couc= *ttoina.hi.aiMtinrc0anD * tbclawethait waSgcucn,a'& toe ftciirceof (J5oD,aii0tbc womvTciE(:W!)o= f e alfo arc tbc fatbc r*,a no tbcp of wbom( as tonecrpngctbcflcf*c)Cbirtftcamc , wbicb g C5ob in all tpynges to be roapfeb fo* ener 15 3 fpeake not thefc rbpngetf, as tbongb tbc wojbesof (5oDbao take none cfifecte. $qi *mmm * they are not all Jfraclitejs, wbicb are of 3fracU:nctber are im aU cbylbien ttraygbe * 0mc.»(.b. pa ye, tbat arc the fecO of 31 bjaba", )Snt * in *Tohn «« * 3f 2? c * a !! *** fceD bc «W* tt to faye : a«SS5Sf *tbcp wbicb are tbc cbplbjen of tbe fteflbe, are not tbe chilbjen of 0ob. 3Sut tbep wbicb be tbc Qtfmn of piomcs.arccountcb tbe * at.rwttj>. fcebc.flojthiSiSa woibcofwomcS,*about tbps tpmc wyll3 come , ant&ara Qjallba* ucafonne. , jaot onely tbpjsi, bntalfo mcbccca was tf chplbc bp onc.cue bp ourc father 3faac. #oj per tbc cbplbicn were bojne , when mv fyo nctljcr Done goob netber babCtbat the purpo e ft of <3ob bp clcccyon.mpghi: ftanbe) it was lapbc witobrr , not lip tbcreafon of woi- * mnewt bes, bit t bp tbc caller: * tbc elbcr (ball feme £ pounger.3 S it i$ wzy ttcn:3ncob baue 3 lo= iicb,but€faubauc3hatcb. Urtjat (hall wc fapc tbcwistherecnpwirigbtcwcnies UJitb 0oDr C5o0 foibyb. tfoiljc foptbto4*)ofes : vsxMttm *3 to pu C&cwc mcrcp to ttbomfocucc3 wc* we mercy : anb wpll banc compatrpon, on wbomfocucr 3 hauccompalfy on. gjolpctb itnotthenina mans wpll ouunnpngcbtie *a*« irt, ^^'""^of^ob.Jfo^thefmprurefaptb TiSFoo.ft.t. jmo^barao: *euenfoithpstamc purpofe bmie 3 ftereb tbeDp, toibctoc mp power on t\)tM tbat mp name mpgbt be beclarcb tbo= ro wont all m wozlbc.&ohntj) lie merepe on whom to wpll,ano wbom be wplljje ma lietbbaroeberteb. • a> ^bon wpltfopctbenibntome ; wbytben blametbbe Wpet? Jfoj who bath bene able #mT,tm rorefitthfjswpuv* uSnt^mS.wbatartp. SB£Sm jWJl'JfB t»itb<500f fehalltbe wo?= 3icrr.t»».u. cbc rape to the wojlte mam wbpljaftjmabe me on tbi0fau"pon%itbnot p potter power ouer p clapcenen of tbe fame lompe to maue one vcmll wito bononnr, nnl) anothee wito Mlbonourc'dfciiefo, v5ob wtllpng tomewe ftpjltt.iatb.ami to mane W power nnowen fnffereb wptb longepacpence tl;e MtMtiol w^atn , ojoepneb to banmacpon , anb to ot-- Cbe Cptftle dare tbe mbc* of bptf glo^p on tbc Dcfleltf of tnereve, wblcb be bab p^parcb \)nto glo^pc : wb0 alfo be calico, not of the 3ewej5onelp, ^ but alfo of tbeacntyltf. ?w be faptb alio to e f&fcct * 3 w pll call tbc m mp peo pie wbicb f;f r " •«•». were not mp people sanDbcrbeloueb wbicj * dc,t " k wa0 not beloneD,(anO bcr to hnue optapneo incrcp,tbatbab not optapneb mcrcp) 3nbtt (ball come topadc.tbat in tht place wberc it watfiapbe wito tbem.pe are not mppeoplc: tbercpjalltbepbe calleotbe cbplb?cn of tbe ipnpnoje 000. w l6ut€fapcrpetb coccrnCjtjjfrael *tbough *&m.<, tbe nombie of tbc chplD?cn of jjftacl bc a» $ fonbeof pfecpettberemnafittballbe faucb Jf oibefpnpflfcecb tbc wo?b tjcrclp.anb ma= Jictb Hi tbo?t In rpgbtewernejsl * if o? a ujo?t wo?De wil d5ob mane on ertb. 3nb as efnp tapo before- * erccpt f lo?bc of £>abotb bab ****& left tj&fccbc,wc bab bene mabcasl joboma, anb hab bene ipnencb to ^omoira. tDhat(ballwefapctben."U)e|jtpc,tbartbe a icntpliswbicbfolowcb not rp-sbte wefne^ , jaue oucr taken rpsbtcwcfnc&cuen ?rp5b= tewefnejEi wbicb comctb of fai'tb. Contrarp wpfe,3Craelwbicbfolowcb^iaweofria;DN wefnctfcoulb not nttainc to $ la we of rvab= tcwOie0.tt>bcrfo?c.''cue* becaufctbep fouabt itnotbpfaptb:butafi!ttwerebptl)cwo?bcjS oftbclawc. ifo^tbcpbaucftomblrbntthc itobplpngeftoncSBiaiiti^wn'ttc: tMjolD, *tfr>wt« 3 put in ;i>pon a ftomblpnge ftone,? a rocUc J£5S tlwmt (balbeoffcnbcbat 3Cno wbofocucc bclcnetl; on bi?m,0;all not be confonnbeb. C'&bc.ic. Chapter. >J< tLZbt biifa'ftofulntoof toe 31 ctocB.iCtoo matter ot tP8l>ttoulttto, lRctb^,mpbcrtcsibefp?e^p,tapcc-3l tod5oOfo?3fraelW,} ,, tbcpiupsbt befaucb. jfo^3beate tbcmteco;=. . o c , tbat tbcp baue a f erucnt mpn* be to (Boo warbebut not acco^bing to nno* wicbgc. jf o? tbcp bepnse ignoiannt of (2>ob= bcjafcpsbtewcfnc^nnbgovnffeabontctofta Wpfibe fym a wne rpgbte wefnejai, banc not beneobebi5t\)ntotberpgbtewefnciE fpcaltetb on thptf wpfe :^>ape not tbou 1 tbpnc beet, wbo (ball afcenbe into beaucn ( tbat i& cucn to fetcb €w& bowne from abouc . ) siDtber wbo {ball Mccnoe into tbe owi ( tbat ist eucn to fetcbtjp€b?magapncrrobeeth(2i8utwbat faptb be/ * 'Ebc wo?bc itf npe tpe, cucn I thp * ^ tu •" f • t • moutbanbintbpneberte. %m lame « tbe wo^be of faptb, wbicb tooepjeacbe; !b,R:bffr.ti C 1(6. II, C, D ^r.ij'.iili a. Wll.pf..l. (Jj(\|.\ir.a. tim.rrrlt'.f !Cfi!'.li|,6. i'i2(.t. lib. n. we p^cache. jfo.i pf tbou Unowicbgc witl> tbpinoutbtbat3cfu0^tbe3lo^c,?bclcue in tbpncbcrt,tbat etill.5Fo?oncijJLo?bofall,wbicli itf tpcbewitoallf>call\ipohim.to ^ ^ho =« focucr botb call on tbc name of PJLoio, ujal » bcfafe.feowtljeniballtbepcali onbpm, on wbom tbcp baue not beleueb.'bo w Ojaii thep belcuc onhym , of wbom tbep baue not bc= mrbcrbow amll tbcp bcare, witbout a pjea* cberr^nbbowamutljcypiieacbccjccepttbey bttmtmtitia w^'ttfttrbow bcautpfull arc tbc fete of ttom whicb tyyngc tybyngctf of pcaccaiibb^pngc tybpnse* of goobthyn-.. gcjsf. I6uttbcp baue notallobeycb to 0of. pcll.5fo^fapfoptb:*JLo^e,wbobatbbe= leucb oure mptngcjS/' $>o tben faytb comctb bp bcarpngc, anb bcacpngc comctb bp tbe wo^bc of (5oo. 2Sut 3 aflic : baue tbcp not l>Hbe^l2obout, # tljeie Couube went out in toall Ianbc^.anb thctr wojbctf into tbe cu- be^ of tbc woilbc. i« 2ii5ut3bcmaubc,wbcthcr3fracl bpbkno= we op notttfm ^.)ofc^ fa ptft : *3 will p?o- uoltcpoutocnup,bptbcm tbat are no peo = pic : byafolpfibcnacioiOwpUaugcc you. €fapaftcrthautf bolbranbfapctb.- * lam fotinbe of tbc,tbatfougljtmcnot:3amma= nyfcfttjntotbem,tbatafftcbnotaftermc. m t agapnft Jfcaefl be faptb:* all bapc lose baue 3 rtrcrcbcb foitlj my habejs \)tito a pco= plcpbclcuctbnot.butrpcaacrbagnpnftmc. C«rbcj:j.Cbaptcr. Cautpc TfUJCB arc not c.ift m.wt .tljctfoic K>.tul uiaructl) tbc CBciuvle uut be rallctt , itoi m 6c hpe tco of CBoa ateoepe Aim rccrctc. otijcmomapucs 'ojjrftt/. i^Sm .-.MllBi piKcfliim. ].t.i), fHi'lRcflttm. m, 'feayc tben ; batb (Bob caff a wapc mm peoplc."<5ob Jro^bpb. Jf 0^ cucn gguauoainaiorraclftc , of tbe feeb • — -f^ot Jtbjabam, of tbe try be of mm* tmm&tto barb notcaff awapc bus people, wbtcb be Hue wc before. iDote ye not , What V icripturc faptb of Delia g , bow be maftctlj intrfccfftonto(5obasayiifl-:battbcnr3fcacl hath 75 not obtayneb tbat wbicb be fchctlj : but tbc cleccpon bath obtapneb Mtf* rcmnaut are Wpnbcb accozbynge ae it is mitten. * Gob xmvm. hatbgcuen them tbe rp*ete of wiqupctnetf: SffigP' epes tbat thtv Omio not fc,f cares tbat tbcp JffiSSi" (bulb not bearceucn DntotbiSbape. * 3;nb *»nwt«,c. S>auib faptb: let tbeir table bemaoca fnacc to tabe tbem witball.anb an occafpo to fall, anb a rcwarb wito tljem. utttbepx epeff be blynbcb that tbey fijiiot-anb bo wc tbou Do= wne their uacke all wapc. il% 3$pe tbcmbauc tbcp tbeefo.ieftomblcb, gajtbeplbiilDtotterlpfallawayc together. (Son fo.*byb:buttbo2owc tbcpi fall isdaina= cpon happeneb » nt0 t i )e oentpls, fo? to u jo* uoftctbemttitball. HJbcrfoicpf ti;e fail of thcni be tbc rpcbcS of the wozlbe ,anb t m- mfthpugc of tljem thcrpcbcc of tbe gent via • i?ow mocb mote tbeir perfectsicffer 1 fueakc to pou gentyis. in ais mocb as * 3 am f % po « mm. 1 1. ftlc of tbc geiitpljS,3 wyll magmfp mpne of= ^S^:'; ftceif byany mcanc3marep2otioUe tljeux l ' xn " Mt wbicb are mp f leftlje , anb mpght fa uc fome Oftmm&oi Pf tbc caftyngc aware of the, betocrcconcplpngcoftbcwo2!b:whatmau t\)c rcccauyngc of t\)cm be , but lyfc agapne from bectb:j?oiyf one pece be holt', i5u)!iolc bcepe &Mp.7tm pf tl)t rote bc Ijolp, ? bw imche0O>iibe holy alfo. * ^bougbfomcoftljebzanncbfsibcbzohc or of, anb tbou bcyngca wpioeoiyiie tree, waft graft in among tbcm.ano mabe partaker of notthpfcifcafiaynfttbebzauncbcS. toipf tbou boaft tbp fclfe, tbou liearelt not T> rote, but tbe rote tijc/cibou wilt fare then:')' lua^ uncbej are molten of tbat J mVgnt be gra :t m, ftboiifopcftwclhbceaufc of wibcleue tbcp were biolte of.anb tbou ftobcH' ftebfaft in faytb.2Se not hpc mpnbco , but fcare : foi fepngctbatCoorparebnot?naturallb!au« tm , take fiebe , left it come tcpaiVc that he fparc not tbe alfo. ' *-» Iftcbolbc tberf ojctbc Uynbncd anb tm* roufneg of (5ob:ontl;icm which fell. rygo^ roufnej!S.buttowarbc2.tbe,hynDncS:yftiiou continue fatal ftpiiDttctf . &* els; tbou ftjait not ftpllin \)nbclcfc,a)albcgratTcb t agapuc. jt 0^ @ 00 is of power to graft the in agap * nc . $ oj yf tbou waft cut out of a natural! wylbeolpuetrecanbwaftgraffcbcontrary to unturetna true olyuc trcc:howmoch mo= re ftjall tbc naturall^auncbcSbwrrarTeb in their awueolyuctrcengaync 3 wolbc not tliat this fecrctc ilnilbc bc byb from you mpbictb.2cn( left ycilnilb be wpfc inpourcawneconfaptcSJf' partly blvnbncs i? b appcncbin 3fracll, wttyllthe fumes of thegctpl.s become in:anbfoall3(rael(balbe fjmro. -- r * **«. i«f **V>3* lt lJ *. WPttcn. * ^:Derc flail come SSBwiSr' ott * of £>yon be tuat ootb bcipucr, anb Qjau tmncawayc\ingoblpnc0rrom3acob.:anb tbp* w my coucnaunt tmto W » wb«3 (M take awa ytrpe ir fymietf . 3* conccritpime p gofpclltbcyareenemic0fo? poure ranctfibut asi toucbyug tbcclcccyontbepareloucb fo* ubcfatbwrafte*. tfumtlKf gpf tea aitb cailpnse of 0ob arc focb.tbatit cannot repent bym of tbem : fo? tribe, n0ycin tymc pattebbaucnot belc« ucb<5ob,yct banc now obtainebmcreptbo* row tbeir fcnbclcfc : cucn fo now baue tpep notbeicucbpmcrcp wbicbitfbappcncb ion- to pon:tbattbcpalfo mapc obtaync mercy. &*" ^3* Jfo s j 0obbab w?appcb all nacpoitjsiu tmbclcuc, tbat be mpgbt baue mcrcp on all; jDtbe bepnetf of tbcrpcbctf botb of f wpf- $g« borne aubknowlcbgcof (50b:&^bOU) \)ll= rercbcablcarebi0iubgcmcntc0,$rbt0wayc0 **w , r .b paftfynbpngcouf?jfo?* unjobafb hnowe" i.£wnu,'.o. tjjc mpnbe of tbc lo?oe? ©? wbo batb bene bptf connfcllcr .' other wbobatb gcuetnwto bym f n%nm be ujalberecompcnCeb agap= iie i St oi of ftpm, anb t bo?ow bym, anb f o? !>ym are all f bpngc0 : 1£ o bym be fllo.ipe fo? nier. 3tmen. C£be.tfj.€baptcr, CCijc fttoctc fflnucrr.uron.lour.iiiiDiDo^csof ftdi •u brlcuc m £t»pa. SSefccbc pott tbcrfo?rlwtb?cn,by tbc mercy fulncjS of c5o'a . that pc maftepo bobic0aqupcftc factpft- ce.ijolp $ acceptable Dnto <3ob : uiMcbi0pourcrcfonabicfcruvngcof;5oo$ faffyonotpourcrrltic0lpkc , oiuotIu0woih bc:but bcpccbaungcb in yourctbape , bp tlje rennpngofponrmpnt)c,tbatycmaycp?ouc wbattbpngrtbatgooMn&acceprablcanb pcrfapctc wyll of 00b i0. jtoi 3 fapc ( fto» rowc tbc grace rbat tonto mc gene isQro cuc= •v sale. i0, one anotjjcrtf i&SKF* mcmbcr0. f< >$< * £>cpngctbat we baue oi p ' ' 4 ncrjs gpf te# acco?bpnge to tbc grace tljat i0 gcueubntotofcyf enp man baue tbegpft of * <-co>.t(u. * jjpbefpe, let bint baueittbatitbengecpng *i.»cr.mi.t ^nto tift ea^tb. * let bpm tbat bat b an om= cc way tc on bW office, let bim tbat teacbetb taltcbebetobpjS bocfr yne. JLet bym tbat e]C= bojtctkgcucattenbauncetobte'ejcbojtacio. 3f m^ man gcuc,let bym bo it t»itb f ?nglc-- ne^.ietbpmtbatnilctb.boituntbiligcnce, 3f enp man (bewjemercp, leu b?m Doit txntb %\)t Cptftle ^»liiUp.iii|.t cbcrfulne**. tetloue be v»i tbout xmm ulactf li)atctbat\»bicbiiSeuylU cleaue^nto tbat t»bicbisJgooD.25e Itynbone to another wicb C bitotbcrlploue. *3n geupngc bonoure, go * ».»« one before anotber. * 25enot(loutbfiiUf tbc */£c t i flI bufyiics!\i)bict)ycj)aucmbanor.^cferjient Wtbc fpjete. ^a* 3ppJy e poure UlmH to ti^t -^s tpmc. IReiopcc in pope. 26c patient in ttibn* lacion.Continncmp;aper.^>iffributet)nto tbcncceffitc of f fapnteifc * bereabie tobar=« *3«b. fWi boure. * TiSleffctbcm wbicb perfecut^ yon : * mnS blefle(3 (ape)anb courfe not.26e merp witlj tbe" tbat arc mcrp.Wepe alfo toitb tbem tbat tvepe.n5e of lykeaffccciS onctotwarbejiano - ^> tbcr.iSc not bye mynbeb:but maltepourc fe( «es( equall to tbem of ttje lower fo^te. ►£< ^ 25c not wpfe in poure atone opynpotwf. Bccompcnceto noman eupllfoj eupll.^?o= upbc af o?c banbe tbpngcjs bonette^ c not mt» betoie <35ob,butdUb)f ^t ti)¥ift , geue bpm bjpncftc . Jf 0? in fo bopngfc^tboutbaltbcapccojctf of fy^c on ^ bpsibcabc . Benotoucrcomeol:eupU,but oiicrcomceuyll,tx)itbgoobucj3i; |< «;t:bc.]rii).Cbapter. >fc ICtCbeobebpcnre of men bmo tijefjeiiletfl, 'iloue fulfrUetl)tl)ri,itbe.3lU0 uouDiiotpmc m folotoe tlje Uiojheo of batheneo. 8(e.a«apiic,fojout* Uj(iroctupnjCBH)iiloeiiom,\iu6D^iieaiiott)cc, gm tbatW weafec in t\)c faptb, rcccaue.not in birputynge anb troublynge Dpgt confcicucc . I One bcleuetbtbat be mapc rate alltbvnae.ainotbcr wbycb f$ Djcafte.catetbcarbesJ. let not bpm tbatea= tctb,betoi(ebya»fcatetbnot.3l;ibletnotbt Wbpcbcotetbnot,:viubgebimtcatetb.5fo? d5ob batb reccaueb btm. * U)bat art j) y iub= gcftanotlicrmanncSfcruafitwbctbcrljefta Oe 0? fall p pertapnetb^nto by* at»nc ma= fter :pe,bc (ball be bolbe \)p,tbat be may e tta M oe.ifo? <5ob W able mam bpmftanoc. & ^3 unowc, anb am fullccrtifpebby tlje lo?bc3efax{ J tbat* _ t rtb tbwia notbvnge comenofit fclfe: but Unto m%. bpm tbat iiMttl) it to be comcn:to bpm itf it yg&gfgA. coincn . 3f tbP tootber be grcueb wptb tby mm ' w * meatcnowe walncft tbou not cbaritablyc. m Deftroptnotbpin wptbtby mcate.fo? wbo Cb?PftbpcD.Caufenot poure treafure to be eupll (poke" of. St 0? t^z bpngbome of <5ob (g notmcateanbb?pnlic:butrpgbtwefncs( ) 5b peace anb (oyein tbe bolpgbott.jfoz be tbat in tbefetbigoSfeructbCD?p(r,pIcafctb C5ob, anb 10 commenbeb of men. let tog tberfo?e folowe tbofc tbiges! wbicb make f 0? peaccanb tbpngesi wbcrwitb one mayecbifyeanotbcr."E)cftroyenottbcwo?= keof 0ob fo?a Iptcll mcatcB faUe.*ail tlun *Xmm. geg are pure :but it 10 cuvllfo?^ man wbicb eatetbwptbbnrtcof conrcicncc.3ti0goob nctbcrtocateflef^nctbcrto b?inkc wyne netbercny tbpngewberby tby b?otbcr (16- blctb.ctber fallctb.o? 10 mabc weake.l?a(t ^faytbrbaueit wptb tby fclfe bcfo?e C3ob. 3?appy i0be,tbat conocpnetbnot bym fclfc, ttitiic tbpnge wbycb be alowctb St 0? be tbat maUctbc&fctcncc,i0bampncbyfbecatc:bc= caufe be eatetb not of faptb^ifo? wbatfoc^ ucri0notoffaptb,tbatfamci0fynne. > CEbe.^tJ.Cbaptcr* CX ■bedifwinKBaiiofraplttCBoftbctBraticouabe to heboiHCttjrtt)flIUoutanb&pnQttcCfe,aftct tbe enfimpltcf Cb»ft. „ , . e wbpcb are ttrogc*ougbt % tobea?etbeCTaplne0 of tbe, *<&u.tM wbycbarewcafte,anbnot to ftonbe in onre awnc con= (ayte0.leteucry man plea ._.- feby0ncygbbour \)nto ppjS m tueltb anb cbifyinge . if 0? Cb?ift Plcafrb not Ijtm fclfdbut a0 it i0 w?tt ten.* Ubcrebukc0oftb£ wbicb rebukebp, *•»*" fell 011 mc. >I«*U)batfoeuer tbinge0are w?it * Wowmo , ten afozc tyme.tbey are w?itte to? outlear* npnge.tbat wctboiowpactencc anb comfo? te of tljefcripturc0,mpgbtbaue hope. Hbc bcrfo?e, rccea=» ueyconcanotbcr > a0Cb?yftrcceaucb'o0,to t\)t p?ayfc of (0ob.36no tby03 fayc,tbat3c s fu0€b?pft wa0a mpnifter of tbe circumci* i yon f 0? tbc tructb of v!d ob , to confermc tbc V?ompfe0 mabe Mntof fatber0 : * tbat tbe %a>(n.n-.c g0tyl0 mpgbt p?apfe (Boh f 0? W me?cp,a0 3» «W F fll tUc rtiiiongc tl)c ff c uf pi tf , a iii> f pimc \jiSo tW A:^«.rrr...r»rt»ic.3noa.(i.ipufl)cfrti»itl):*rciovfcvcacit flW J l.trl« M n»I^U)|»tljtlpfi!pcoplC.a!lD«1B«pi!C,*W«P' U'tbcLozDcaUyc gcntylis.anb laube bym (jr '"iVftwcpoiitftogctljcr.aiiD agapncefap **&.«.». WlylwOMlbc * f|jf mt of jm, nub be tbat tyall rpfc to raptjuc oner tOcffciif plo:in l;vnujwlltDrgnuv!&'rni(t.?rhcGODofl)0' pcfyll you wpfbaltiopcanb peace in bclc* npngtbatpc mapcbrrvcbc iniioyr.fliojow rbcpoujcroftbcbolvgnoft. p F 3 mj» fc ifcam full ccrtifvcu of pou(my bjc tmn ) ma t pe Alio arc full of gooDncjS, s f pl-- icDwtfbniiftnottJlcDficiwlluigctoaboite oitraitotlirr. tf cucrrlJc»(bicflwu) 1 iin= tic fonte ivbnt mote bolulp vomtcu Vttto poii. pnrtelp to nut vow in rcmcbtauucc,tbo= *» ? w $f£ r F n»rw grucn me of t5o&,tbat fJ]fpfWjta)ulDminpftfrtbC(5ofpcllof poD,tn..a tbcm of ^accDoma anb acbaia to rnahc a S4S?* JJffi D i ftcibwc P°» *P™ tlje poo?" fiyn ctc0,wl)pcDarcat3erufalg.:rt batb plcafcb foirttuaii f byugetf, tpelr Otitic t0 to minpftcr €berp2ft<£pulle * 3 bcfcclic pou b2ctb?cn f o: oure ILoib 3c* to£Wfa*MtMfmtto\mtff We, m tbatpcbcipcmcinmy Uuiyne* wm wrote piaycrc to ta u. iD.irr of mteoottrrtic, >v\b roiitmciioctli Unto tltcm(crt.ipiifgoBlpmcii,tlj*tlbcccloi»«6(tDi)W town m ttirtructlj. 'CotbcCoimtl)pan0 ■4.'fSf.l lif.D niiOlrv.i. Ivjiiu r.t) »» VMto rftcm tit booply thinM. Wen 3 tow Pcrfo»mcbtbW,anb tontlmmtm W frutc mm , 3 t»pll come bache ajrapue bp pou uitos>p«pnc. 3 am furc that iwbf 3 co- « oftjw We ffyiijje of tbe 0oi:pcll of CD?pft. Commcnbct)iifo poii ^Dfjebc, ^J ourc fp(rcr(tobicb^a mnipftcr- ofthecongrrciflcioofCcnc^ea) f batpc rcccauc bet tit €Wft> atf — __ — itbecommct!)famctefi,aiiOtl)at ycaffpft bcr mtobat for tier bufpjiesi Oie nea= bctb of poure aybc . Jf op ate batb fucherco manp,mibmyncaioitefclfcalfo.(5ittc^i 3 fcaanb^ciuiiamybclpcr0 inbfcH) beftotocb rooclj labour on w.$>alutc. 3nb?omcuj(5D lunrtmpcofpiifli.anDp^roncriBf ttiitb meal o.tobtcbarcioeU taken amotijjc t^c 3Cpo= ftlej!,6t were in cbn'ft before me.0|f ft Mm* vliaa mpbcloucbmtbe to^De. Salute CLU= unit oure bclpcr in Cb"(t^^)tacDpsl my bc= loucb. Salute aippcllcsf a ppjoucti in Cl)«lr. Salute tillable!) are of ^riftololus bou» ujoiDc.o(be of jNmAft inbpcb are m tbe to^De . Salute Cripbeua anb Uripbofa , t»bycb labour in ty to^be. Salute tDc beloucb l&crfi0,tt>btcb laboti^eb ltt . mocljin tbe loiDcStnlttte Hufu0 cljofcn in 3 twolbe banc you wpfc \)iito tbat tcbi'cb i& goob,^tobciunoccntcafi!cocernpno;ccupH. 'Ebe <& ob of peace (ball trcabc &nt5 Unbcr poure fete Obo^tlp.^bc grace of oure lojbe ScfnCJ^iftbcujttbpou. %vw otbetrsi my woi\xt ftlottic ,* lucuitf, anb3afott,5^)oripatcrmpHynfmen,falute pou,3'3rcrti9falutcyou,tx)bicb\X) v iotctbps! tjw-rtM. cpiftic in tbe tojbc. * dSayufl! mpttc bofte $ tbe bofte of all tbe cogregacio, laltit etb pou. €raftuS the treafo^croFtbc cytie , fiUuteflj pou.^nb £Unattu0 a b^otljer falutctbyou. ^Cbc grace of our Lo?D^cfuCl)?pft be tt)itb potiaU.^mcn. ^ 'CobimtbatijSofpoTOcrtoftabltfmeyou, ncco.ibtugtomy (5ofpcll,5 wieacbmg of 3c= ftitfCDjift mi Mtcrynac ofp mtftcrpwbycb t»ajs Itcpt fecret fence p loozibc beganne, but notxi 10 opcuco b p p fcrtpttircst of ^ pJtopUctcjS nttbecomaunocmetof p cucrlaftpngc <5ob> to fterc \jp obebiece to tt)c i ay tb, publpftrjcb amougc allnac(onft'Sro$ tae0ob,wbteb t% alone 10 xoyfe, beH-ciwnourcauoipjapfc tbo?o\» 3efu« Cb^pft f oi euec.3men. $ffll04&0to watf.fcnt to tbe momapnjs fromCoipntbttm by^)bebe,(bc tljat wag tbe minyftcr Mnto tbe congrcgacpon atCencfoca, CCljefp^Cpiftleof $>apnct ^aul tbe 3! poftlc to tbe Co^yntbians. CCbefp?ftC!)apter. Cf'ccommciioctlitbciCoipiubp.iiifl, ftijoifftl) Mta licofoiici«viioc,'iuotcbiili;iliii)cDvurCj'Oiiil)«t ffi'Biv inonqc tlicin. tto:olr to I'fOonrc 10 foIffiDuce litfo:t CBoo, pectoert iBiioiovlbobntui tljc ocQjpfcb (toftot CBoQ, ^ulcalleban 3fpoftleof 3c s ftl£i CbiKft.tbOJOUK tbcujiii of ©ob,anb b?otl;cr ^>ofte=« nctf. anto tbe congrcgacvon of ©ob tobyebitf at Co?pn= tbum.'Cotbcm tbat arc fan cttfpcbbpcb*ift3cfn,callebfapnctciei,witb all tbat call on tbe name of oure itotfje 3efius CbJPft in ctterp place , ctber of tbcirfi 0; of onreS. *€»?accbelmtoyonanb peace fro €»ob oure fatber,^ from tbe Ho?De3efu0 Cb.itft. )^3tbaitKemy(l5obaUu)apCjgonyoure bebalfc, fo? tbe grace of i5oD,wbPcbttf gcuf you bp3efitB! wit, tbat in all tbyiujctf ye arc mnot ryebe by bpm , in all tJttcraunce $ fnatlKnottHegoe , up tbe TObicb tbmgctftbc teftimonp of 3cfurt cfo»ft watf confermeD in pou,fo ppeare bebpnbein no gyfte,toay= tinge fo? tbe appearing of oure lo?b Jefiut :ifoOTt *«om.f 9, *&M3A V. €Wft , tubttft (ball airo ftrcngtbyou tjnto tbe enbe , tbat pe mayc be blamelefle in tht 25 bapc «^(* of iftcfommptn.; of oure 3Lo?be3cfu0 «> Cbaft. $« * C>ob 10 fay tbf uli , by vobom pe #/* «*«m arccallcb\?ntotbeftUpd)yppc ofby0 fonnc imUt 3efu» €\)ii ft our H020. 3 befeebe pou b?ctb^5 bp tbe name of oure L02D JefiwiCDtf ft»tbat pe all fpeake one tbtnsc.anb tbat tberc be no bifCcnctonamongcyou: bntt\)nt pe mape be aroboIeboop-ofoncmynDcanbofoncmfa* npngc. jf 01 it is u)ct»cb \)ntomeCmyb?e= tbKn;ofpoti,bptbcmwI)icrjarc of tbe boufc of?Cioe,tbattb« is ftryfe0 amongeyou . 3 fpeaUc of tbe fame tbat ctterp one of pott fay* ctb:3 bolDc of ^aul: 3 Dolce of * 3pollo:l *?Jf -j^" 1 * bolbc of(£cpba#3bolbcofebuft.30Cb»ft SSfi' bcupbebrU)a0?Saulcrucifpcbfozpou.''etber UJCteycbaptyfebin tbe name of patil i 1 3 C tbanbcGob , tbat 3 baptpftD pone of you, but Crifptts anb 6aiuc: left enp ftjulb tayr, tbat 3 baobaptpfeb in mvnc atone name, j bapttfebalfo tbe boufc of ^tepbana. $m* tbtrmo2cfeno«je3not,\»bctbcp 3 bapttfeb enp mah^*(ofpou)o2 no. ** jfoiCb.iiftfentntcnottobnptpfcbutto p.2cacl)e^C5ofpell,notii*« xnpfbomc of \noi= bcs.lcft the croflcofCbiifttbulbc Dane bene mabcof nonccffccte.jfo* tbe pzcacbtng ofp crofte,t0to tbctbatpertfilx, fooliujncs : but Imto 130 tXJbtcb arc faucb * it t0 tbe power of bcrci0 p M rf bifptttcr of tbi8!t»o?lDcf3i?atbnot0ob ma= * c ' Jt " li • be tbe wpfbome of tb«0 \»o?ibc fooUCbne0i' # o? after tbat tbe vootibe tb02o\»c wpfoo A mcknetoenotGob.tn^ropfbomc of (5oD, v itpleafeb Gob tbO2Ot»efoolylTgnc0ofp2ea= cbpngctofauctbemtbatbeleuc.jfo? * tte*mt.mM 3e\»r0 require a fygne.anb tbe <32c«c0 fene »*;«* after uopibome.25utwe|)2cacbe CbJift ent**** 1 * eifyeb, \)nto tbe 3et»c0 an occafpon of fal= Ipttgc,anb\)ntotbc0?ettc0foolpftl]ne0:btit witotbcmwbycbarccallcb botb of t\)t 3c* UJC0gtc ; >icftc0,ttjep?eacbc€biiftfbepowcc of (3oD anb tbe ujpfbomc of <5ob . ito? tlic foolifbnc0of(5oD,i0«)pfer tben men: anft tbe\»eakcuc0of <5obi0 ftrongcr tbcnmcii; 26?ctb«n,pefcpourcaUyngc,bou3 tbat not manptopfemenaftertbe ftcflbe,not many mvsbty.net manp of bye ocgrc , arc calleD : T&m Gob batb ebofen tbe foliCdic tbpngc0 of tbe \»o?lbe ,toconfounbctbc topfc. 3Bno Gob batb ebofen tbe UJcaBctbyngc0, of tbe ujotlbe , to coufouncc tbynge0 wbpcb arc mpgbtyc.oiLtk f cfttmon v of fin it 3 tew cup tbpngeai.:ungc pou.faue 3;utf€bn(M»»i:*i tbcftmetfcat wa# ctuci* f .'cu.3MiD 3 watf among pou in wcaBiietf, atibmfcarr,aiibinuwcbetrcmblpnge.3nD mpwoibesanb mppjcacbpnge watfnot $ cntprpngcwoiDcaofmauefliwpfOome.-but ui ttjcwpngc of tbe fpjcteaiib or power.tbat poutfaptbfeuionotftanbein t()e wpfooinc of men, but in tbe power of d5oo. 23 U)e fpcahe of ui pfoome amonge W that • «r c pc rfcer c-not tbe wpfoome of tiutf tuojlD, ik flier of tbe rulartf of rljie wo#efw»vdi go to nought; but we fpcafie £ wpfooinc of 0oD o^DcpncO befoze t&c worlbc, Wito cure v oftbtfwojioeanewe.tfoj^babtbepbab ***.'*.'./.« iSKjifl 1 W #»* a* ? & written.* ^jje n b iftljcrDaufcutrebintotbebcrtofinan, - ?3uf Gfobbath openeb tj)5 Unto fctf bpbitf gojlbe t but pfiucte wbtcb c 6m tl) of <0obj 2) gtSSSSSSf Tmjm mm to S* of P3»*CflKC( tJtttO 31 butas WitocawaU, cucnajWn itobabcsfin Cbnft . * 3 gauc *&ct»j poumpiBcto wmt,nm not mc atc.fl oj pet&eii were not ftronge , nether mm atfpct.ffojpcarcpctcarnafi.aiitf logc Jierclpatf tbctfjS amoge pon enupinge, $ ftrt ff 9 fcctci&iire pe not carnal!,* watte after p manct of mcw'jfoj tMbpIconcf«vt^3 jjolbe or|0au1.9 anotljcr;3 am of*%olIo, arevc *«,*-, notcarttalI."H)l)atWJ!oulrtt>bat tbyngew SS ^poiloj'€)iielpuumfter!Sarct[jep bptjobom 215 pcbeleucb,eHcna£ltbclo^egaueeuerpm5 grace.3bauep!antct>, 3polld watreb.but c5ob gauc tbe encreace.^>otben,netbcris(|)e tbatplantetbcnptbpng.netbcr jctbat toa- tretb,but(2>ob tbat geuctb t^ encreace . fee tbatpiantctbanb be tljat toatreitb , arc one. euerp man vet fball receauc bPJJ rctoarbe, accozbpngc to WWmw&mmmmvto* . bctf labourerjDi.vc are 6obbci« bufbanbipe, * **!*«« Vcarcd5obbc«(buplDpng:;i-icco^ipngctot|)e c > grace of (5oD«cui Dntomcatfa wpft bupi* tec tone 3 fapoc t\)t f ounbacyon .Wfo ano- Off bplt tberon.iSut let eucrp man tane be= fie, bow be bplbetb t)pon.5f iv anotber f onn« bacvoucannomaiapctbcnittbat^lavbe, *whpchiiOcm$ Wft.3fenpmnn buplbe *«»« on fpttf founbacpon.goibe.fpluer, wecpousJ ftonef tpmber,ba pe ojt ftoWe:eucrp mannejj tpo.«fteujailappeare.jfo^beba|3eftiaUbe= clare,»bpcbQ?albcQ)ctt)cbinfp^e . 3nD the fMt flbnllttpecuctvmaniwjai tt)o ( icne, what •tig r 3f cup manucis t»o?cftt tljat be batH bvit \jpon, bplicbc mall rcceaue a rewarbe.- 3f cnpmauncsiu)oicftcbur!ie,be (ball luffre |ofle, btit be Ojalbe Cafe bpm fclfe j nencrtbe= Jc^, vet am were ttwouie fp^e. Aff *i !ji, i OWl 'Vcnot,thatpcaret5cteinpIe*,. J to,,w* of j5ob^bov»tbattbcfp?eteof beftrope . jf iv tlje «ple ^ of (5ob,ijs bolp,\»bpcbtempIcpcare.let no » man becemie bint fclfe.3f «ip ma" feme topfe to bpmfelfeamongepou.^y^iet hpm beco- me a toole intmwoiimf bemapebe wp= fcfinfwtoom otthvft too^lDc n8 fo!p(fi a fetM^wpfeint&ep^raftpnctf.ainb ngap * mM ' iTo tlie Co|to%an« wprctbattbepbetiapne, ^berfo^clet no pourcAtxJbetbertt be paul.ct&er Ipoilo, ^f^epba^ : ujbetber it be tbe WoJlDc etber pfectberbectb, tobctbertbepbep?e= 55 ^^ • 0? fl»«W to come : all ate »»|W«w Cfcyfte*, anb cbJtft ig CCDe.iiii.cUapfet.)^ let €t >i«a ma tW wpfc cftcmc \)«, euen a$ tbe mtnpftertf of Cbztft, anb fteuiarbtf of tbe * fecretcitf of ^ _(25ob.^urtbcrmo?e ttijS reqttfreti oftbtftetBarbejs,tbatam5befounbcfaptb s full.tt)ptbmciiEiitbuta tjerp (mail tbpngc, tbat 3 ftJnlb be inbgcb of pou,etbctof mantf iubgement.ii5o3ittbgenotmpne aujne Ub fc. St o? 3 ftnowc nougljt bv mp felfc.pct am 3nottbccbptuftifpeb . 3t(0ttie Lozbctbat tubgctbme.^bccfo^etubge notDtngc bcfo= re m tpmc ^Jiitpll tbe Hojtbe come, tubpcl) wpU Ipgbten tbmgcjS tbat are Ijpb in barcfr MeiBi,anbopentl)ecounfelgoftbcljerte0.3PnD tben ©all eucrp man baue p^apfeof <5ob. H 25 ^befe tbpnge0(b?etbJe)3 baue fo? an en* famplcbefcrtbebmmpne aumc perfon , $tn 3poUoitf,fo?pourc RircAP pcmpgbt tcarne bp W, f woman counte of bpm fclfe beponbe f wlwcbtS abouc mjprtfctSMt one ft»ell not agapnft anotber f oi enp manji caufe . jf o«t . tx>bo p^cferretb tbe/* IDbat baft tbou , tbat ffl***. t \ )Qll Jjjjq; not rcceaucb < 3f tbou baue recea= nebt'CttJbpretopfefttbou.asi tbougb? («•* bcftnotreceancbttfjftoujepc are ftillmowe pearemaberpcbe:pcrapgnea0htgc$\»ttb 3 out \)#anb 3 wolbe to <5ob pe bpb rapgne, tljat \»e mpjsbt rapgne uiitb pou . Hi oi mc topiiRctb. tbat C5ob batb f et f o^tb t&\ ; W t«*( w&icDaectljelaft 3poftle*)*atf it twerc 4 "rtp menappopntcbtobectb. Jfo^tce are aga= fpnge wocbe tonto tbe tuo?lbc,anb to tbe5n= eW, anb to men.U)e are fooled foz Cb?tftcjs abebutpcacewpfe tbo^ouje cwpft.toc toeaue.butpe arc ftrfisc.^e ate bono^able, butwearebefppfeb. €ucn tntto tbu* tpme t»ebongtranbtbp?ft,auDarenaacb,SDarc bofteteb tXJitbfvfteg , anb baue no ccrtapne baellpngcplaccf labourc>U)o?cHpnge vb oureawnc banbc0.U)care rcupleb , ano pet toe bleffe . XDt are perfecutcb , anb fuffer it, tX)c are cupll fpoken of »« \»c p^ape . tx>e are inabe ajiit were tbe fpltbinctf of tbe tt)ci?lbe, the offcot»?pngc of all tbv»g^ . tuen \jnto tbP0 bape. * 3ttJ^ptcnottbcfctbpngcjJ,toCbamepou: butaiSmvbeloucbfonne!S3\»arncpou.ifo? tDongb pc baue ten tboufanbe inftrucioursi in CDJVlfcpetbaucpenot manpfatbtrsf . 3n tfym 3tm 3 iWttt begotten pou tbo?o\» f Cofpcll.tD&ecfoje,3bcfpje pou tofoiouje a* nte^MSi wot** (0ntitt|)tt('0ro)ili(d(poit teplU OpeniOi tottlnlattjc. ilf)cre goctb a comincu fapinge ^. I tbat tberi^ fornication amonge * pou.onb focbfo?nicacpon, ajstjs InotnamcbamongctbcgcntpW: *= ^ one Cbulb baue bP0 fatbersi *Xni.rt«(.a wpf e . 3nb pe (Wen , anb baue nottntbetfojoweb,tt)athewbtcbbat!)bone tbpdbebe.mpgbtbeputfromamongcpou. 5f oO tierelp agabfent in bobp, but pjtcfcnt infmetcbauebctermincballrcabp (a0 tbo= ugD3 wcremcfeM)conccrnpnge bpm tbat batb bone tbtsf otoe,in f name !of oure LotD 3cfu Cb.Jtft» wben yt are gatbeeeb toget ber , anbmpfpjctcripon.witbtbepowcr of tbe 3Lo,ibc3efii0 €\fttft* tobelpuer bpm Wtto $<$oiirgcfberfoie tbeolbelcuen23 t*ae*f pe mape be ne wcbowe.ag pe are f wetc *&? b^eeb.ifo^b^ift^^ ourepaltcouerijxoffc- -£^ rcbfcpfoj \30 . ^:bcrf 02c, let W uepe bolp bapc,notwitbolbelcucn,nctl)ec wttbtbclC ucnofmalicpoufiicjsgttxjicbcbncsf: but m itb tljcfwctcbzccb of purenejjanbtructb. }* 3 wrote unto pou in a piftic, tbat pc om 1 notcopanpwptbfoznicatour0.3nb3mcat not at all of tbe fomicatourig of tW wo?lb, ctber of tbe couetcoui0!,o;e](;torfponfriB,etbcr tbcpbolatertf-.fo^ tben muft pe ncDCjtf f^mz gone out of p wo?lb.25ut now 3 bpb twite wtto pou,* tbat pe companp not togetber, pfenp tbat tsf calico a brotbcr.be afomtca* to?,o?coucteou0, ora woitbpppcr of pma= gc0,ctbcraraplar,etbera bjoncltarb. 02 an crtoictonariwptbbPintbatig focbefe tbat pc rate not.jfo? wbatljauc3 to bo.toiubge tbe wbicb arc witbout . "mo pc not iubgc m tbat are wit bitir tsr&em f arc tDitbout,<5oO tubgctb^Pwt awapetbecuellftomamoae *stu opcnot ffigi ft * ifcnowc, tbat tbe (apneteg Qjall ~„ t (» bge p wo^lbc^f tbe wo?ibe Qjalbe (ubgcbbppou:arepenot goobinougl) tpiubgefmaii triftcsf/anowc penot,bowe. tbatwei&aiiiubgctbcangrt&^owcmocbe mo?e,mapc wc iubgc t binges* that nertaphe jftBEtt-ttl ^&%M' l.jCOM.C. bclpmattcr&taBctbcn wtipcbarc bcfppfeb tittbr congrcBacpo.anbmalictbem tubgc0. 25 ^ bW 3 fapc to pourcfoamc.10 tbcc Uttcrlp no wpfc mauamongepourTOatnot oik at alUDatcaniubgcbctweur btotbcranb uto t|jcr,but one bjotber goetbeo lawc tflanb* flier : anb tbat unber tbc Un bclcitcr^ 0owctbcrfo2e,tbcrc t0 Uffcrlpnfautc amagc pou.bccaufc pe 50 to la we our wptft anotbcr.umy ratberfttffer -pc Mmsn&i wbpratber futTrc pe not point fclttc0 to Iwuc prmemapc ,pcpourc feiuetfoo wjogc , anb robbe : :f that tl;e U2c t&ic\mo pe not fcnowe , bowf rijc Wtrpgbtcottf Wm nottnberet p Bpngbome of 00b.' 2U5c notoccennefc. #02* nctbcr f omicatour&netlXt woMppucr0 of pmagc&nctbcr abuouftrrsinrtber wraRlyu gc0,uctbcr abufcrjsof tlje lclue0 wptbmfc Bpnbc > nctbfrtbctie0 , nctiwr couctoufe, nc= tner bionkarbc0,nctber curfob fpeaBcr&nc* (jr f Der ppllcrtf , Oiall inberet tbc upngbomc of oob.^nbfocb were fame of pou, bntpc arc . wauTKO:butpcarefanctifpcb:butpe arc in- fttfpco bp tbc name oftljc MM 2rtn#;* bp ; ,. . tbcfp2ctcofourc0ob. utti ' ttm * 3 mape Do alltbpngc0,btnt* alltbpngc0 arrnotp2ofpfable.3mapeiDo all tbynge0: but 3 will be bjeoitsDt \mbcr no ma0 power, &)cate0 are ojbcpncD fo2 tbc bellp, $ p btU Ip fO2mcatc0:but0ob IfcallbcffropebotD itniiDthe.letnottrjc bobp be npplpcb Un= to fojmcacpon, butUnrotbcLo2be,anbtbe Horn Unto tlje bobv. <3oD bat!) rapfeb top f 5> io2Dc,anbu>illraprcio0Upbpbp0 power. -. ^etbecBUowcpcnot.ppoureboDpca are p mcbirt of ebnft ." Owll 3 nowctanc iS members* of £bjiff,mtD matte tl)tm tbeme"* bct0 of an bar lot /00b fojbpb. ;bdo penot Bitowc,tbatbewbpcbcouplctDbpmfelfew' an barlot,i0 become one bobp. * #02 two (faptbbc)malbe oneftcfibc . But be tbat i0 lopneb Unto tbc Lojbc i0 one rpjefe. fflc f02mcacion.<£uerpfpnne f'ama botb, i0Witbouttbcbobp.26utbe tbat 10 a fo;tm* cMo2,fpnnctbngainftbi0awncbobP. conctrnpngc ;p t|)pnflcj3! t»lic= rofpewjoretonto mcr & it it* Iffooofojaman , nottotoucjea Iwoma*. |ieuertl)eIene,to a t)op= «»*.'J bct»|jo?bome let euerp mfi Jwuc Dp« wpfe:anb let enerp toomH ^one her ftnf- feanbe. let t|>e Uwfbanbc fl:eue Unto tw topfc iTljt fp?ft €p« *f€oi.i'ii.<: * Gcirt.t'i.D mar.rir.a. jDar.r.ii. jGpbc.to.fft bnc bencnolf ce. ipncttJpfcalfof t»pfe Unto tbcijufOanbe.'Cbc wpfcljatb not power of Dec awne bobprbnt tDeiJttfbanbcJnb Ipfcc* ujpfc f Dnf b^oc Ijat j) 11 ot power.cif W mow bobp.bntf wpfe.* U)ptb^au)c notponre *Kob.^ fthictfonefr0a»otbcr,eiCceptitbewrtucon»»'V' fcntfoMtpmcfojtogcncponrc Teliiejitofa JWU '*' ftpngcanbpjapcr.^iibaftcrttiarbecoineto^ Sftbcragapnc , UCt $>atan temptc rowfo* ponreincontincnct'c. |< ^bi03fapcoffcmoiire,anbnot ofcom- -* maunbcmcnt.jfo?3t»olbc f> all men were *° a^3 n«1? fdfc am.but euerp ma liatD IjW p^o* pcrpjpfte of C5ob,oneaftcrt|)liS m^ncr, ano= rijet af i cr tbat.3 fapc Unto tbem tlwt be Kwi* inarpebattD wpbbowe&tt itfffooD foi tp, pftUepabpbccnea5S3bo.i6ntanb*pf tUep ^., ir , m ,. cannot abftapnclettltfmarp.tfojtttf bet= ;zm»* iTo tljeCo?mtl)pans •T ■viSh.tl.b. £dn.l.:.t. 5f ^9* ^ISom.bii.a. Jcr uaat.^care not fo^ it.iSeucrtDelcffc 6or pf f5°« wjPft be f rcufc it rather . $0^ De (Due Sff u ? ^ t,J c c 1Lo ^ c » Depngc aferuaunt, Wffte lo?be^ freman . ipaeu>pfej)e tDat tft „ calleb bepn3cf^e,tiEicl)?(ftci«feruattnt. Vt ^ arebcaripboii8bt,^F»benotpetDe reman* "&% m of men.B?ct^en,let; enerp man wjjeem fce isf calleb , tberin abpbe wptD 00b. U ^cocernpnfleUira(ni«,3 Daueno eomaun* bemeut *3tt.ti.c. bementof t[jc lo^be:petfleue3 couurell, as mm parent ncccrate. Jfo^itW goobfot a man 10 to be.3Jrt tDon bounbe Unto a wpfc t ftftenottobelofeb.^rttUou loofebfrom a M^£ RC W wpfc • H5uta"b pf i^marpca J»Pfe,tDouDaftnot«>nneb.lpKcwpfe , pf a J)ppumarp,meDatl)notfpnneb.jaeucrtbe leirefpcl)cQ)all Dane trouble intDeir flefuje: buOfauourepou. %W fape 3 bittW, * tUe tpme 10 ujo?t e. J^fjJJPnetb, ?tbep wbpcb baue wpucsj, pea^tDougDthepDabnoneulbtljepf'tBepe, be a« tbougb toep wept not:anb tyvp tljat re iopce , be ajs tbougl) t|jcp ret opeeb not: $ tljcp tbat bpc,bc a* tbtmsb tbeppofTefleb not : an fbcytbat\jfetD« WOjtlbe.be as( tbougb tbep Uicb tt not.ffoj* tDefitffpon of tW wojioe goetpawape. * 3 wolbeDauepou without eareji>ept}8^nmarpeb 5 carctb fojttbe tbpn-- ge0 v belong to £ 102b, bo we be mapc plcafe I Hoib.nSut be p &atb marpeb a wpfe carctb to*ftDtge$l?arcof£wo2lQe,l)owebemape plcafe DijSwpfcEbere 10 bllfecgce betwene aUtrgin^awife.^be fpngle womScaretl) f oz p tfttngctf f arc off toibe,^ uje mape be Bolp botl)tnbobpe?airo infpxete. 3gapnc: d3epi0marpeo,caretDfo^tDtgc0^pcttap= metopwo2lbe,Dow&emape$eaicbcrbuf banbe. ^b- ^^fpcaneS foipourepiofct, not to tlgle tjow (n a fnare:but f pe mapefo=> lowcit wbicbWDoneft gtcomlp,* ^pc mape clieaue Unto tbe loibe without ftpat acton. 3fcnpmantbpnRttlwtttt0Uncomlpfoj W Uir^n,pf fte paffe tjje tpmc of marpage, anbpf to ucDcrcqutrc,lctbtmbciwbati)c ip- (IctbJcfpnnctb not : Icttljcm be cottplcDtn mariagcBeuertljclcffe^c tDatpmpofctb fit relp inpitfijertcoaupngeno nebc : outDatD power oner bi0awnc will:? W$ To bccrccb in W Dert , tDat be will hepe W t)irgin,botb well.$)o tljcn,I)e p iopnctb fiW Uitgtn in ma riage botjj well. But be tDat topnccD not \)i& Uirgininmanage.botl) better.* UrDf wpfe Wboubeto pmartagca^logc a0 bcr bufbab ipuetb. 3f Der ftufbao bpc, ft)c i#at Ubcctie to marp witb wbom uje will, on clp in flom. J5ut0)c t0Dappicr,pf uje ro abpbcaftcrmp tubgement.^itb3tDinKCUerelp,t!jat3Da 3 uetbcfp?eteofd5ob. ^ C$:De.Uu>.fl)Ctt)CtD Doisnncnoiieot tobcljai ucfijtmtottjntocftjcUc ns be toeattf. -- -j §> toucDpng tjjingcsS* offreb Un |to pmagetf, wt are fare t wjc all Aaucmtowlcbge . ftnowicbgc niaBctbamaiwcU:but louc cbi w «=««B-4fr , ^l).3fenp man tbpnnc tDat je ftnowctb enp tDing, be finowetb notDpng pet atfDe ougDtto nnowcButpf enpnta lo ue0ob,tDrTamei!eiftnoweuofDun. 5ro.^bit/ 360c5cernpng p catpng of tbofe tbpngc0 „ arc offreb UntopDol0,weare riire.f ?i^ * f *c* pmage 10 notbmg in tDewoilbc itbptDeri0 ****** noncotDcrd5ob,butonc. 3nb tDougDtDcc be tbat arc calleb 0obbc0, wbetber in benue* otbcrinertD(a0 tljcrbe 0obbe0 manp,anD lo2bc0manp)pctUntoU0i0 tDcre but one C5ob,wbicbi0 tbe fatDer, of wljo are alltDin >* ge0,? we foibim.* one loib 3cfu0 (!LD«U, bp wl;6arc«ill tbingc0,anb webpbtm. 25ut euerp ma batb not lino wlcbge. * j&ome Da= *u£oum « utngcofctgcebccaufcoffpmagcUntill tbpX Dourc,eatea0atbtgc.offereb \mto pmagcg: sfotbcirconrctgccbcuigc weane i0 befplcb. But mcate manctb 1j0 not acceptable to 00b. jaetbcrpfweeate,atewett)e better. ' ^ctberpfweeatenot,arewetbewo2ae. <5 - 25uttaUcbebe,leftbpanpmcanc0 tbt0H a bcrttc of pour be an occafia of falling to tlje" p are weaae. tf oz pf Come m,1 fe p wijicl) baft hnowlebge, fpt^eaite of mcate offreb Unto pmagc&ujall not p cofctecc of ))\m wbaptD not p la we 1? fame alfo t # 02 it 10 wzpttcninf laweof 4i)ofe0. * CUou (bait *Ofu.ttu.t«, notmofcll tDcmoutb of p ojee tbat trcabetb '«si«««w* oute tbc C0211C . mm 0oo tanc tbougbt fo? 25 oven ( §>aptl) be it not alltogetber f 02 ourc fanetf.' jf 02 ome faae0 noboute tbtsi 10 t»2it» ten.- tbat be wbpcb catntD Cbulbe care in|jo= c?tbatbewbpcotb20fu)etbinbope,(bulbc ^ M ^ m epartaftcrof Dp0!jopc. * 3? we fowc Un-- ffif' to pou fptr itnall tbpngc0,i0 tt a great tbP«» gepfwe reapc poure bobelp tbpnge0 i 3t Jiiiij Wn I *W\" ^w *a«.rr,«. G..ta.{( a. ot&cr be partaacttfoftltttf power otter y>ou, w&erfo2e are not we rntbfltf *a«co«4- omtfaMm wc fyanenottytt fw po ocry iSofyellofCbipuv^oye not fcuowc, fcowe ftfppptyt J) miniftcr aboute bolp tbt* - ge0lptieofylacrffpce/"Ebep >fetytt wapte * of tbc tfple, arc pnrta«c r0 of fl tc"plc.<£ uen fo * «Ja.r.O, alf DpD (' lOlD OjMgliesftffltt tbCp Wbpeb p.wacb tbetSofpcll.l&ulbc lytic of p(5ofpcll. t-2&itt3bauebfcbnoncoftbcrctbtngc0. jacuert&cle 3 wjotc not tbcfc tbmgc0,p it Omit) be fo bonetjutomc.ffoi ft were bct= fetfo2mctobpe,tbcnf>cnp man Qnilb take tbtfrciopfmge from mc.flojpf 3p2cncbtbe €>ofpcll;3bauc notbpngctorciopcc of.^toj nrceflVte i0 put \mto me. 28 tit wo 10 tt wito me, pt 3 mcacb not tbe 0of pell.Jf J Do it tf a goot) VDill.30auearcttjarb.i5ut pf 3 bo it againft mp will,an office ut commttreb 1311=. tomc.toJbatfai mp reward tbcn.'fclcrrlpp wben 3 picacb tbc e ofpcli;,3 mane tbc C5o= fpcii of c&HTftc , tbat 3 mtfufc not mm auctoritemtbecSofueU. if o? tbottgb 3 be rre fro all men , pet bane 3 ntabc nip fclfc fcrnaut tonto all 'mmjja ' 3mpgbtwpimctljcmoo.*&intofl)c3tw= est, 3 became atfa 3cwc , to mm £3* w= ^e&'Eotbcm tbat wcrefciUicrtbclawc,wa0 3niabea0tbougb3bab benewtbcr fbcla* ?* WC.^'ttlwa toaBnoctmbcrtbtlatoejtO WpnilCtljC tbat tocre fcnber tbc latce.Co thl tbat were wptbout latoe , becamc3 a0 t&ougb3 tab bene toptbout latoe ( wbe" 3 wa0 not wit j>* out la we a0 per tcpning to I< |3crceauc pc not, bo wu tbat t|)cp wbicb r.unneinacourre,runeall,butoncrcccauetb prewarbcr&orftne.tbat pe mape obtapne. Cucicp mil f pjouef D mattm'cs . abftapnetlj fro a ll tbpngeO nb tbcp bo it to obtapne a cro wne p u>all perpfOje .- but we to obtapne Hftiftth" b ' mi * cllc elatting cro wne . 3 t&erf oje fo rune, •» tw, -°« nota0atanWircrtapnctbpng.£DOfpgbt3» not as one that beatetb tbe apcr :but 3 tame my bobp,& typngcittnto fubfeccpon.lcft bp anpemcane0ttcome topalle, tbat wban3 bauep2eacbebtootber,3mp felfe ujulbebe acaftawape. fc C^bW-Cbapter. f[<;cfc«tft!) t&eintorH) tut nriiiniptoof tlie oioc Scdjmciit.atui eclmtcto iDcirt to 4 goDlp ftmuetrarpon. 2fl l^i^Ww»3wolbeitottbatpe(bulbc fefSabcigno^atint.bowiJtbatoiicfntbcrjS WUgzM \»ere all briber tJjc cloube , anD all *fito.tmn F"f b tfto;owe tbe fce.anb were ailbaptp* teti.m'cM ^nber«)ofcjEi^intDe cloube anb tin tbe €^e fp^ft epiftle m fec-'anb^bpb all cate of one fyfvttunU- mtatc Mto,^ anb *bpbaUb,ipncfte of one maner of fpirf>> t^m^ tuallbiipnchc.aiiibtftcp^amhcof tbnf fpt- mm »>* rituall rocue tbat folo web tytm, * wbwb ft * m*u* cue watf Cb?Vft» 1< 26«f inmanp of tbem babob nobciprc:jfo?*t))epwpreouer* * iI,ura tD?owen in tbe wplDemctf. ttljef c wcarc en f amplest to 1)0 >$< tbat we «* flmlb uotluftafter cupll tbvnfictf,a]tf tpcpiu- *° ft c b . 30 nb f pe (bulb not be wo?$pppcr$ of pmascjs,atf were fome of ffl ,ncco?bpnsc aj* it i0 w?pttf s *'£be people fate bowne to ea= Hmm fe 9 D,micHc,$ rofc lap to piapc. j^ctber lettJjS be bcfpicb ^fo^nicacp6,aj3ifomeoftt^ w«c bcfplcb wptb fo^nicacpoji, 9 fell inoncbave ^ « umt(((i *jciCiiMboufanb..actbcr let l^tSpf ec&tffc «»S ^b? 1 as( fome of x\yl tf ptcb , $ were beftropeb of* *» H «t.w* fecpf tc$.#c tljcr murmure pcatf fome of tp murmurcb.f were beftropeb of ^beftroper. 3HH tbeft tbpnscioi bappeneb Dnto tDem fo? enfamplc^.but arc wberfo?c,lct l;imf tbpnUctb befton= bctb,tahc bebf > left be fall . ^Ijcr barb none . otljcr tfptncpontaUcn pou.lmt focbca^folo wctbf nature of man.2Sut # ©od itffaptb= r %S** full *wl)pcbfl)all not fufletpon tobetfpteb <.WrWb aboucponrcftrcngtl) : buttbaU tof mpbbcjS *ww*i oftljcteptacponmaRC awape, fpemapebe ablefobeareit. f»U)bctfo?cmpDeaccbclo= ncb.flp from wo?(bppppiwe of pmajjesJ. 3tpeabea0butotbem wbpcbbaue bifcre ^ cp6,iubscpewl)at3fapf.3^H0tc<^^cupp ce ^ of bleftpngc wbicb we blcffcpartahpngc of f bloubeofCbziuVtfnotf b?ceb wbptpwe breaue, partetaftpnge ofpbodp of €tovM becaufe p we (tbouojo we be mmp) pet are onetyecb 9 oncbobpe, fagmoebe aj( we all are partaheria! of one biEb.^»(an«>ofoncfupp) 25c «^ |)olb 3fcael after § flcfftj.airc not tljep wbicl) catcoftbefaccifpccpartaRcritfoftbetgple.'' U)Datfapc3tbenf*tbattbcpmao;cijScnp6 tbpnffc'oztbatit wbpcb Wofiereo to pma= *(.jc«w.wi» jteiWtf enp tbpnge^iliap, but tbPJ< 3 fapc : p tbetDpnseje(w|)pcb t&egentplS offer ,tbtp offer to beupw, anb not to ©Ob. ^3wolbenot tbatpe ftmlbe bmiefello= (bpppe wptb p DcupW.pc cannot b?pncUe of tbe cup of p io^be, anb of ttje cup of beup W. V.i cannot be tbe partabericj of tUe lo^bcsi ta ble,anb of tbe table of beucllctf. etber bo we M wouoketbello^b^re weftronflcrtbenbej' j* 3!mapcboalltbpnp;es{,but*aHtbP3e»iare«(it.HtMJ «otefpcbient«3mape bo all tbpncxeg! , but alltbpitse^ebifpenot.tjietno maTekfttbat * t Jftw# Wl)pcbWbPJSawne:butlet euerp man fehe tbat wbpcbbclonsctb to auotbet: WatfoeucrTtffolftein tbeflefOie mar> uct , tbaf mtt , anb afae no qncftpon fo; conference fabe. ^fo? * tbc ertb i$ tbe io?« *pW"« ( " beitf, anb all tbat tDeriit 10 . 3f enp of t jem w!)pcb beleue not , bpb pott to a fe^ft , nub pebPbifpofeb %60.tbt \0M*tt$ pc be bifpofeb to ojo , wbntfoeuec tsi f ett bc« rwcpou, cate,ampnfienoqueftponf(^con» 1 Uimt fahc. n$ut anb pfenp man fape unto ^pouitbptf^offcebwitopmase^eotenotof itfo.i M Ctftctbat (bewebit, anb top con* mm fflBC . urbe crtft in tbe lo.me0 anb all tbat tfjetin i$ . Confefeuce 3 fapc, not tbpue, Mm,wuA * but of f|)g otber.ifo? wbP M ntp liber te, ittogcb of anotber mannejsconfeiencer #oj ««,.« am *fl% ^j««rtp parte witb tbanHetf, wbp am ^ ,nt 3eupl! fpo!tcnof,fo k z tb^t tbpngewberfo^c . 3S«tetbariBe$.'' tiXmtt tftcrfo^cpe cate 0? typuebco? Wbatfoeuei: pe bo > no all to tbe pjapfe of tlje abufe .lnoimToioie tjjfltttievljJOjboutcmea'artamciitoH^f botip totljctviftinftitucioij. e pe t\)e folowcrjj of me, asf 3 aw tbc folo wer of Cb?ift. 3commen= be pou b^ctbv«n , tbatpe remcm= _ bcr me in all t hpngcfc anb Hepeft e o.tbinaumejs , ctteti as 3 belpuereb tbcm to pou.n5ut3wolbebaucpoutobnowc,tl:iat Cb^ftWtDebecbofcuerpman.^nbtbcman ititty* womanj8becb.3nb (5oW(LWM bceb . euerp man pjapingeoj pjopbefpinge baiting enp tbpnge on brt tit^ , itbam c ti; his bceb . Cutty woman tbat pjapctb o.i p^o= pbefperb bare beabcb.biaionefti tb t)p?l)cab. 5f 0? tbat t0 cucn all one , atfpf fte were uja= ucn.3f tbe woman be not couereb.lct bcr ah fobe ftjo?cn. *3f it be Owinc foi a woman to be (bo?nco^ (batten, let bcr coucr bcr Uccb. 3 man ougbt « ot to cotter bt0 tec . f 0? atf tnocb a0 be 10 tl;c pmage anb glo^p of c?ob. 2ettttbcwontani0tljeglo?poftbem3.ifoj *tl)emani0notoftl)ewoman:buttl)ewo= man of tbc man. j5ctl)crwa0 tbcmancrca= tcDfo^tl)cwoman0faHe:buttbcwomanfoj tbe mntutc0 folic . $01 tbi0catifc ougbt tbe woman ^~to banc power on ber bceb, foi tbeangcl0(aftc0 : iaeucrtbclcfte, uetberisp manwitbottt tbc womau.uctbcr tbe wontif wttbout tbc man in tbe JLo«tbc .5fo? a&tbc woman 10 of tbc mau.cttcnfo 10 tbc mau.bp t|)e woman: but all of (Id ob. 3ubgcin poure fclue& wljctljcr it be com= Ip tbat a woman p.tapc Unto lie.ijattc pc net boufe0 toeateanbtobUncbe mtmfyw pc tl)c congregation of c5o'b,anb (bamc tbe tbat battc not r U)bat Ojalil 3 fa re \3nt0 fgnfW2 P^apfepou t$ntW mv$t 3 pou not. & M >I«'S;batwbtcb3oelpncrcbVintopou, 3 ® rcccattcb of the tonne . if 02 tbe toibJJ3efu0 the fame npgbt , in mljicb be wa0 bcitrapeb, tokeb«pb:anbi»bnnbcba&gcuentbanbc0, - .^,, „„., be biabe tt anb fopbe : * $*!» pe , anb cate: SiSSB ttjtBiB mp dodp, wijpcb 10 molten to; you. vmm* ^1)10 bo pe in tbc remratbznuncc of me . % U tee tbc fame maner alfo l)f toUe tbe cup, wbc fupper was boncftptngc: t£bi0 cuppc 10 tbe new teftament tnmpbloubc.1E:bP0 bo a0 ofta0pcb2pncHett,tnrcutcmb2atinceofmc i # 0} a0 often as ye foall cate tbts b:ceb, anb # bitncUe tbi0 cup: *pe mall (bewe t\je I oibe0 *&£*•&** beetb*tpll be conic. Vafafau, wbotoeucr, * at,C9 •'' ,, Iballeatcoft!)i0b2eab,o2bipncbe of tbe cup of tbc totbe wiwojtbcly , Qialbc gpltpe of tbebobpanbblouboftbe tozbe. * 25ut Icta JKg*J*, man tjtamenDim felfc, anb fo letbim eatc of mmtMttt * the biccb, anb DKneftt of the cup. if 02 be tbat eatctiJo?b2yncltetb»nwo2tbcly,catctbanO bzpncactbbteawitcbamnacpon , becaufebe inaftctDno Wffwnctof £ iO2bc0bobp. $m tbi0caufcmanparcwcaBeanbfpcbeamoge pou, anbmanpacpe . jfoi3fwebabtub|jcb <5 ourc fcluc0 , we ibulb not bane bene iubgeb. 25ut wben we arc ittbgcb of the 102be , we are cljaftcucMbat we tbulbenot be bamnco witb tbc * W02ibc . lubcrf 02c mpbtctbKti &9mt& wbenpeeometogctber toeatctarpone fo? anotber .3f any man bongcr , let him cate at borne, tbat pe come not together tjntocott= bemnacy ou. h Otljcr tbpngc0 will 3 fct in o2bcr,wbcn3comc. C£|)c.;rij.Cbapfer. ftthtmtxfosaltyt qpfic80ftbcwlp ccott, ucaciitotijctofouaiiDrtifpiHJ.cofcmcatwiijtr, not&cmf ittbmct a nwn» boflp Cctuc one in* tljcr. iDnccrnpngcfpiritualltbittge0 % ( b?ctbKn; 3 wolbe not baw vottigno2aunt. i^geUnowey pe wcc.e gcntpl0 , $ went poure wape0 \jnto bommc ymagc0, 3< * ewert *GU.\*,t eiteii a* n were led. Urtierfar e 3 bcclarc ton* ***** iopou.tbat * no manfpcaBpng bp thefprc* te of «ffifob , ocrpct&lefutf . Mono man can *wo.M.rtw jj|, oft , * ^hcearc oiucrlltiHf of gpfte*, pet ; iiut one fprct e . 3nt> thcr arc miff crexe* of ao» iniitt(rracpoii*.anb ret but one torn ■ 3nft _ Harare bpuer*mancr* of opcracpbn*,ano **&1!Mgf*£ f»W worcaethall in * WJ, ™ f "' an. * fcpc gpfte of the dm * B«««n to cue* rpman , to cbifpc withaii, tf or toipnci* ge* ucntborowtbefptrite the tottcrauccof wif= bomc.^o,onotbcri*gcuenthctottiFaunccof nnowlcbgc bptbc fame fypte.'&o an other Wgeucn raptb.bp the fame fprcte . 'fco ano« _ thcr tbe ffvffcjef of bralingc bp the fume fpre* *■ ™, 2; tc ^° another power to bo miracles! .€oa« *.iowM.a nothcrpropht tye. ^oanothtr * iubgement to bifecrne fprcte* . 'Sro another Diner* ton* gttf.lEo another tbeintcrpretacpon of ton* ge*: H3ut tijefe all.woJHeti cuen tlje felfe fa= mc fprcte, biutopngcto eiurpmana fenerall gpfte,eucna*bcwpll. j« i£piK.u...b membrc*, anballthcmcmbre*of oncbobp though tbcp be manp,pct are but one bobpe, cucnToi0Cb.nft.jfo? by one fprcte are we all baptpfco to malic one bobp, wbetber we be 3e we* or <5cntp«, whether we be bonbe orfrc , anb haue # allbzoncnc of one fprcte* if or tbt bobp i* not one member, but manp, 3f ty f o te fape : 3 am not t&e hanbe , 3 an* not oftlje bobpj t*hct&erfore not of the bo* €bv.anDvftbeearefape,3amnottbeew,3 am not of tbe bobp 1 t* be t&erf ore not of tbt bobp.'3f all the bobp acre an epe, wjjerc we re trjen the eare.'Jf all were heacpnge: where were tbe fmellpnge.'a&ut now bat&CBtob ftt tlje membrc* eucrp one fcmtallpinthebobp a* it hath pleafcomm . 3f thep were all one mebcnwhcee were? bobpe .'/Sowe are the* rcmanpmebrc*,pctbut oneboop. 3nb the cpccannotfapc\)ntotheWibe:3baueuonc> be of the-^flapnc,tbc bteb can not fape to the fcte:3 baue no nebc of pou. Pee rat her agre= at beale tbofe membre* of tpe bobp wjneb fe= me to be more fcble.are ncccffarp.ainb upon t&ofc membrc* oftDc bobp which we thtnae leefthoneft , putwe mo?c honeftpe on . 3nb ourejmgooblpe parted baue mo^e beantpe on. jrojoure boneft memii)?ejj nebe ft not» 2, 25ut(5obhathfobifpofeb the bobp, $ hat!) geiien the mojt Jonoure to that parte wbpcb lacbeb , left there fibuibe be tnp ftrpfc in the bobp:buttbattbememb|cjlOiuIbinbiftVrgt= Ip wrc one foi anotber . ainb pf one member [uff^r, an mffer witb him . pf one member be paojn bonour.au memb jesi be am alfo. 1>e are the bobp of c^itt , ant> membjejt pneofanotber.3nbcefobbatbolfoo>bepncb in the eonaresaepon , fpjft # 2tpoftle0, fe- eonbareIpp/ophetejj!,tfepblpmchtriBi,,tben ^!)efp?fteptftlt &nt.mtx tljemthatbo mp^acletf.after that, the jrj»f 9 M of heatpn&heiperji, goucrnerjat , binettt* tpe of tonge*. »' m 3f re all atpoftlc* t %xt all &wp!jete# %tt all teacfteris t %xt all boar* of miracle at ioaucall p gpftejf of bealiiujertDoallfpcalte witb twgwm allinterp^ctef couctafter tbe beft xtftt&nm pet ftje we 3tmto ponai mojccjccellentwavc. jjCCIje.jiii.Chapter.* CXtjCHiUUKsaiiD (onDKionaof loue. I^ougb 3 fpafte witb t^t tongeat of a iincn anb of angel*, anb baue no loue.3 am cueu a* founbS -™ .i^^-JCidj.Chapter. C»at4«it£btt|)tijaK()tBpftcofpiopti«rf .(liters Pwnmmtmvw,ntt\\MWtwtttQito\u ^^^jl38bout fo? loue , anb couet 31 fp?etuaa gpfte* : but moft ebeflpthatpe mape p^ophe- fpe.yMhethat^yfpeafcetb wrtb the tonge,fpeaftcth not tmto men , but unto tapne \)opce , who (ball pjliarc bin fclfe to the warren €uen To Ipliewf k wh? pe fpeane witb tonge*, cwepte pe fpelUc wo?be*tbat baue ugnificacpon , howeftalltt be mibcr= ft a be what i* f pohf ?$oi pe (ball but fpeahe in the aper. £ ^anpUpnbe*oft)opce*areinthewo?lb, nnb none of tbcm are without (ignificacion. 3f 3 ftnowe not what the t>opce meancth,3 (baibe\)ntobtmtbatfpeaketb,analient:anb be that fpcaftctb, (balbe an alientnntome. Cue fo pe( f op a* moche a* pe couet fpjctuall gpfte*) feue , that pe mape ejcccll , Ditto t^e cbifpinge of tbe congregacpon. Werfo^e, let bim ^fpeaftctb witb tonge, mnMi Ue mape interpret alfo. it 0* 313 p^apc with toge, mp fpjete p^apetb , but mp tor. ^3-mibcrftonoing botb no goob.luhat i* it ^ theiif 3 will mape witbttje fpiete , anb will pjape withtlje tonberftonbing. 3 will fpnge ^y* with the fpjete, anb will fp ngc{^ witl) tbe Dnberftonbing. #oi ell*, wben tbou blefteft WitDthefpietchow ujaiibe that occupictb therowme of the wilcarncb , fape 3&men, at thp geupugeofthanlic*,fcpngeljei3nbcrftil bcth notwljat tbou (apeftY UnbouDerelp ge neft thSftc* well, but tbe other i* not cbifieb. 3 tbanlie mj? (Bob f 3 fpcake witb tonge* mo?etbcn peall.get bab3 leuer intbecogre gacion.to rpcanc fpuc wojbe* wit6 mp w> "B betftonbingtopfofonnacion of otljcr rattier then ten thoufanb wortc* witb tU tonge. 25^ctb^en , be not pe chplbjen tit wptte. Ijowbeit , a* concernpng malicioufne* , be chiib?cn: but in wittc be perfects the la we m*mtu . it i* written* with fonbnc t6ge*,anb with fontypelpppe* wt'U3 fpeafte Dntothi* pco* pie, anb petfo; all that , will t^ep not heare e me , fapth tot Jlojbe . U)hcrfo?e$ar« tonge* ^ are fo* a fpgne, ttot to tbem that beleue : but to tbem;tbat beleue not.Contrar v wpfe, pjo phefpinge ferueth notfo? them t|Wt beleue not.-but fo^tbem which beleue. 3f tDerfo?e, whenallt^ecogregacponi* tome together , anb all fpeane witb tonge*, ihetwmeintUepthatarewileatntb.ojtbcp 5foJrr wbich beleue not: will thep not fape , tbat pit are out of poure witte*V23ut anb pf all pjo» pbelpe.anbthercome moncHeleueti not, oione\)nleatncb,hci*rcbu({cbofallmeu, e © Wiubgcbof euerpman , $ fo are tbe fecretetf ofbl* oertopeneb , anbfo falletjj bebowne on hi* face, nnb wojqjpppctb 0ob,« faptb, tl)at0ob(*inpouofatructh. ■ l)o w i* it tben b^tl^cn.^* oft a*pe co=s me together > euerp one of pou batljafonge, batba boctrine,batbatonge, batbareuela» cpon,batbaninterp?etacpo.letallt(jinge* be bone tmto cbifpinge .- 3f enp man fpeaae withtonge.letitbebptwoo^atthemoftbp ipicanb that bpcourfe, anb let anotber in-- ^ tcrp^ctc tt.nsut pf thct be no interpreter, let J? mm ftepe fplence in tbe cogregacpon , anb let him i.ucaae to him Iclfe anb to C5ob. lettbemopbcfc*fpeaketwo, 02 Hue, 9 ■H let toe other (ubge.3f enp rcuelacpohbe= wmMA* mabe fo anotber that fpttetDbp, letthefpjffi nolbe bin peace, it oz&^pe maycal p.iopljefp ^^ one bp one, that all mape learncanbtOat all ** mapchauecomfo v 2te . Znb tbe ipjetc* of the p?opbete*are in the power of tbcR?opbe= te*. it o^ (Bob t* not cauftr of ftrpfe: * but of vmom t „ a peace, a*^(3t^;inaUc6gregacion*ofthe, )M fapnete*, " * letpoure wemenltepe fplence in tbe c5= *tftomMA gregacion*.ifo v i'it t*not permittcb Dntothe ?£"!!£ to fpeafte:buttobc Dnber obebiece, a* fapt!) the (a We.3f thep wpll learne tnv tbpnrre, let tbemafBetbcirhufbanbe*athome.jfo?tti* a Ibamc for wemen, to fpcafeein the coiigre* gacion.^piongetheworbeof^obftopou!' etDercame it Witopou onelpfjf enp man tbpnhe him fclfe to be a prophet , etjer fptw= tualiact Oim ftnowe, woat topngc* 3 wzp^ te wtto pou . it or tbtp are the coinmaunbe* mente*oftbeLorbe.i3utanbpfenpmanbe ignoraut,letbimbeignoraut.U)bcrfo2ebrc tbrcn, couet to propoefpe , anb forbpb not to [pease with tonge*.let all tbpngc* be bo* ncooneftlp anb in orber*(«mwtjcpou) ^ C2:he.^.Chaptet. GXtjt «(iirrc«poii of tfte Bf to . l&et&rcn , o* uertapnpngc to the 31 gorpcii wbpco 3 preachcb \jtno pou,whpcbpc haue alfo acccpteb, -, anb in the whpcb pe contpnue , bp toewhicbalfopearefaucb:3bopoutowit, after what maner3preacbeb bntofou , pf Vc ftepe it.cjccept pe haue beleueb in Dapne. . 5f or fprft of all 3 brtpuereb Dnto pou , t Mt wbicb3receaueb.oow that* €bm bpcb **W«* f oi our fpnnc* , agtepnge to tbe feripture*i * 3 ub that he wa* burl eb, anb that Searofe *nt«t.trtin.b agapneptbtrbeoapeaccorbpngtotbe fcrip= 3"Dn»-a turc*:& that he wa* fene * of Cetfw* , then #;e«.*ci«i.b of the twtlue.3fteethatwa*^eiene of moo thcufpueUunbrtbbretbrcnatomtiOfwhpch many nri)tty$epiftic; * *3ctr**tffU ir.«.rru.4 Ann trtii.b CBaLuw c *£olo(T.f.c UUAtb.rtti.b 2>cb;co.if.b ^r 6 #i2r«:>.rttf.o manp remapnc tinto tmsibapc^manp arc fallen a ftcpe. after tbat appcarebbc to 3a* mc&tbcnto all tlje afcpofticss, Sgiro toft of all be was: fene of mc.aa of one tbatwa0borncoutcofbuctpmc.#or3am rbeleaft oftbcapoftle*, wbicbamnot wor= tin' to be calico an apoftlcbccaufc *3per= fecutcb tljccongrcgacpon of0ob . sSut up p ffraccof0ob > 3amp3am.3nbb&flracc wbicl) i * m m c , was not in tinpue : h 2&u r 3 laborcb moarc abounbauntip tben tbep all, vet not 3. but tyc grace of 00b wbicb 1 witb mc trjerfore wbetber it were 3 or tbep, fo wr pleach,? fo bauepc bdeucb. ►MfCbriftbeprcacbebbowtbatbcrore from the beeb : bow fapc tome amongc pou, tbat tber t0 no rcfurrcccpon of t&c beeb : 3f there be no rpfpngcagapnc of tbe beeb tben is €bHft not rpfen agapne . 3f Clinft be not rpfen agapne, tDe ist ourcprcacbig in tiapnc, nno pour faptb ttfalfo in tiapnc. gcanb wc arc fomiDc falfe wptncllctf ot0ob.#orwc baue teftifpeb of <5ob , bow tbat be rapfeb 'op Cbnft -. wijom berapfeb not tip , pf it be f o tbat tbe beeb rpfc not agapne . jf or pf tlje beeb rpfc not agapne , tben itfCbrfft not rp* fen agapne . 3ritbc fo tbat €fyi& cofe not agapnc,tbcni0pourcfaptbintiapnc,anbpe arrpetipourcfpnnc&'fcberforctbcpwbpcb a re faiie* a flepe in ClJ^ift, are perpfiieb. 3 f in tW lpre onelp we bcleue on cbJift , tben arc wc of all men moft miferable, aSnt now i^cb.nft rpfen from tbe becb,$ become * tbe fprft ftutc0 of f bem tbat flept. #orbpamancamebcetb,anbbpamanca- me tbe rcf urreccpon of ttynttD . jf"or as bp 3oam all bpc:cuen fa upC&#ft> Wlallbe mabeaipue , butcuerpmanin (jislawnc or* bcc. J* -fcbe ln&\$0)M> tben tljep tbat arc Conftcjs atbtf cotnmpnge . fepencom* mctbtbe enbce^wbcnbebatb brtpucrcb tip tlje upngbomc to 00b tbe fatber , wben bebatljput bowiteall rule anb allauctorite f po wcr.tf or be muft rapgne * tpll be baue put all bi#enempc0 tinbec w fete. %\)i laft atempctbatftalbcbeftropcb,f0bcetb*ffot be batb put all f ftpnge* tinber bt0 fetc.isut wbe befaptball tbpnaejsiatcput tinber bint, ttitfmanifcft tbatbcttferccpteb , wbteb bpo put all tbpnge* turner Dim. wfyi all tbpngejs arcfubbuebtintobim.tbenl&allpfonnealfo bwi fdfe be fubiect tinto bim,f put all tbpn* fiedtmbcrbim. tbaC(5oDmape be all in ail. eist w^at bo tljep , wlJpcNre^-bapttfcb oucr tbe beeb pf tlje beeb rpfe not at al l oi0 tbeiefurrcccpon of tbe Dtth . 3t itf fowentn cojrupciou , it rpfetb agapne in ineojrupepon . 3t ist fowen in bitbonour , it rpfetb agapne in fconoure.3r i0 fo wc n in wc* aftne* . it rpfetb agapnein power . 3tt0 fo=« wen a natucall bobp, it rpfetb agapne a fpje* tuall bobp. ^bci' t*a naturall bobpe , $ tbee w afp?ctuaiibobp:as(ititfalfo written: tbe f p^ftc ma" + 3lba:in was( mabe a lpuingc fon^ tmtM le.anb tbe laft 3Uid wasfmabea qupcucnincc fpjctc.^owbcit,? it not fp^ft wbicb l* fpirf* tuallbut tbat wbicb it naturall . anb tjjen f wbicb all rpfc incorruptible, 9 we u)albe cbaungeb . tfonW corruptible muft put on incorrupepon : anb tW mortall muft but on immo?tautc. tDljen t W corruptible batbput on inco?= rtiptte, anb tbfosmojtaUbatbput on immo? talite : tbenibalbebrouffbtto paffe tbe fapf jj tbat itf written: * soectb W rwaioweb topin liictorp j * a>eef b wbereisftbp ftpnge < feell wberet0tbpWctorpi"5:beftpngeofbeerbi]ai J^nne ; anb tbe ftrengtb of ftmne in tbe la we. mt tuanftesf be ^ntocotrwbicb wtb ge» uen bj« * Victor p, tbor o we oure lor b 3w *t>w<* -to tlje Cormtbpa d5 *j£ftp.«|tW *®fte.t«M ' f^A^Wwrnp beare bictbicn, be pe ill i Sel'o b WC !rtUo,,r,,s< not w t,a?ne „_ C'Srbe.ttjf.Cbaptcr, ffiBMBiJSs 1 * t(,c ■*"*** HMn? RHBSSSf?? tbe^gatberpnge for aoSnj.tu!r B[ £^^ fbc famctea, ajB!3 banc orbepneb -K a'"' a if^Sl ( " ^5. con & fS'^pons of ©alacia, hum ^SSI euenfobope.duponfomc^abotb cape let eucrp one ofpou put a fpbeat borne, anb lape top wbatfoeuer ig mete , tbat there be no gatijcrpngetf wljcn 3 come . Men 3 am come , wbomfocuer pcujall alowc bp ponre letters tljem wpll 3 fenbe , to lupnge Wttre!iberalpteWito3ccufaIem.3nbpr1t fif " lp ff tbat 3 go alfo , tbep iball go time. , 1rtnr(r . 3wpll come tonto pou wbaniao oucr to &r- jBflcijoiite. jrotfWn ffotborSweout * a?accboma . Ujitl) pou parauenturc3 wpll abpbca wbplc : or cljj tarp all wpnter , tbat pc mapc brpngc me on mp wape , wbptber ^ >* * 3 ff? H W fe P° M " 01 » w mppacrage:but 3«fJJ»toobpb£«w|ipie witbpou,pf(Bob ?i?. l i ,"£? me :?i° ?" tar ^ at «rt eftisi , tin* tp I l f PMWO fi ape . ifor agrca tc bore anb afrufcfulltjsopencbbiitome^anbtherare JJ^ffi^ff^^-aNCmtorbcttJcome, fe tbat be be witb out feare witb pou. if oi be woruetb m mm of tbe norbc , as f&i let no man tberf ore bef ppfc Wim. but conuape bpmfortb in peace , tbat bemape come tinto meJpoOlolieforbimwitbtbebrctbren. C 'Cofpeaac of brotber * Apollo fi ««r^ SSSSt* SJS2 JK w » f WW* tocomc tinto pou witbtbc tycttoen , butbiS mpnbt watf notatall tocomcattbwtpme.^owbeit, be wpll conic , wben Hz (ball baue conuenicnt tpme , luatcbe pc , ftonoc faft in t^t faptb. SW e CS lpftc m *M* ft^ogc . net all pour c bufpneiB! be bone witb lone. 26?et^cn,pe biiqwc tbe Ijoufc of * £>tc* r* pnana»*:«orjTo«unatuo(iacuiUfu9j bowtbattbep aretbefprltfrutcjlof^cbaia.anbtbattbcp banc apopntco tbcm fcluctf to mttufter tinto tbe faincfctf: 3 befwbepoti tbatpc bcobeotft tintofocbc.anbtoalltbatbclpeanblabourc. lamg aboftbecommpnge of^tepbana? fiSfW" 9***fu.B»i«>i«Atfe3*'«irt8rt04ll *ttrete pe oncaiio* 5f0 eailj *».Coj,/.f tbei- witb an bolp ftplTc . ^be falutacpon of mc jaa ui witb mpnc a wuc bilbr.3fenp man loue nottbc Horb3efutfCbnft, fte fame be (*j -anatbenia maranatba . ^be grace of p <&* IbJJJefutfCbriftbewitbyon :«pSntS witbpoualluiCbifft3euiamcu. C^bcfpjftepiftlctotbccorinfbpan^wad fentfrom ^biiippoftbp«>tepbana anb jfortunaiii0 f anb 3cbai= CHftanO'Simotbcii^ ■ effln feconbe tpiftle C^cfMftee&apter. JT^Tbc fonfbl upon of <3ob (n f rou Mr.Zbr louc of p»jtulioa)anic t!jc £o2imfti»miM ftt'S crcufc rftif 3Ciilanapoftleof3cfucI»ift3 bp tbe wpii of 0ob,anb bo rberia:imotben». ditto tyc rougiegarpon of cob , wbiebis atcoiina ....^.. tbum.wwbali tlje JiipnctcsS wbpcb arc in all Icjaia * *9amu ©race be wptb pout peace from Cob oure SSf* * fatber,anb from tbe i.o.tbe3elU0Cbiift. Sw.m *25lcffcb be <5obC tbe father of oure lo:bc iS&'-* 3cfusiCtJ2ilt)wljicOi.0tbcfatbcrofmcrcp,i* ■* w * tbc(5obof all comfoitc, wbpcb comfoitctii tixJ in all oure tribuiacpon , in fo mocbe tbat wc are bable tQ cofoitc Wcm wbpcb arc in anpmancr of trouble , witljtljc fomc com= forte, wbccwitbwc oure (clue* arc comfoz= ttu of 0ob. ii or as tbe *affticcpotf ofcbwft #&*&» are plenteous in tiser , euen fo 10 oure contola- 15 cpon plenteous bpcbnft. l»betbee wcbctroublcbfoj ponreconfo^ laeponanbbealtbi >»(4»>>tt>i>ctt>cr toe tcconf C :tc&,tt *« <«fo»routcnnfD}tt*iaiuMp5) wbicb falnacponibc= wctb bcr power in tbatpc Coffee tbe fame af * fttccpontf, wlneb Wc alfo fuffrc: or wbctber we be comfortebforpourc confoiacpoii anb faluacpon: ourhopcalfoisftebfaft for pou: tnaoinocbcaiSwclinow.bowfbatasvcare partctahcrSoftbcafatccpon^fofbaUvebe partaftcrg alfo of tbe confoiacpoii. 23rctbren . 3 wolbe not baue pou igno* taunt of oure trouble, wbicb tKippcncb tinto tiS 1 * 3j flavor toe weregreucb out of mca« * 3,Ufr -^ fare pairing ftrcgtb , fo grcatlpfbatUJc Def- paprcbe«cnoflpfc.^lfowcrcceaucbanau= iwcc of bectb iii oure feIuc0,tbatweQmIb iiotputourcrniftinourfciuc0!*buti0ob *';S f ' B Wbpcb rapfctb tbe beeb to lpfc , ann wlmj m,Mh * bclpucreb tijJ from fo great a bcetb:aub botb bclpucr ■ Cl)e toonoe €putle, -v.m.it.".r 3.nircfi.u o MRM.AI whom we rrttft , tpat fit pete* after pc wyll oclyucr , by the pelpc of yonre ptaycr fo* DC , that b|> the meanest of many . pcrfourtf , tpaukctf mapc be ijencn of manp *".ft«i.oii.t #fln ourcbe!)alfc,fo.!f spftc gciiC Dnto D0. £ if 02 aurcretoyntigcttf tht&rucntpetefti* mom/of ourr confacncctjjar in fpnaicncfl p* ^;ot uwoanbgoPlp pure ne rf , j uott'n Hcnriy wyfoom , but by the grace of Gob , we banc pap ourccottcrfacyonmtpc \oo2lo,nitP moft of all to yon warDesJ.tttcwtytcnoncotpct tl)pnsc0 twito poti , tpcntpatyi' rcaoc$alfo knowc.?>ce,an03 truft ye mall fpnocDtf Dit to t|)c cnpc.cucuasi ye banc foftPcDg partly: to»zaxu fo* wcarcpourcrctopfingccueii * agycacc otirco in the Payc of tpe Ho203cfus. *-i.cj>.tw.« * 3 no in tpia confidence was 3 mynoco fr tft to banc come Ditto you, tpat3mygpt pane bao one plcafmc ttw.te wftp pou.anD to paffe by yotMnto&)acc0oiua>$ to pane come agaync out of Qtaccftoma Diitoyott , anoto belcb fottb ofyoutowarPc3ettJ2yc. Wan *o 3tpns wpfc wasmpnocP: Pyb3 Dfclygpt* msf Ot fbynkc 3 carnally tpofc tpyuges wps cb 3 t ptnkcrtPat witty me $ulo be * yet, yec a nb nape nayc . 0oP tf fnytpfull i jfojt CiifcpiearbyiijjtoyoiKWitfnotyec^nayc. f oi Oattow fonttc 3cuitf Cluift wpicp watf pi car JkH amongc yon by D0{ eiicn bp me aim Suiitautts ano^imotpctisO wa* not pee ? naye.but by ppmit was* pec: if 02 alltpcyjo* iiniesi of <3oD,bp bim arc ycc; anb arc in pint Samcn, Dnto tpe lawoc of (2> op tpozow Do". « if oi it is <5oo, wpicp ftablyflpetpDtf witfc you tttCPuft ano ftonbetppy D0 , anDpatp nnnoyntcp D0, wppep Patp alfofcaleo Dtf, JSSfi** nilD *-w S cuc » W crnc tt of *&* ffPtein W * JM oarrpcrtca. >M call (5ob foj a reeojoc Ditto my fonle tpat f oi to fauer you witp all 3 came not city *t mt.%* MojcDntoCo.jyiitpmn . * j&ot that wc be Hojoetf oucr pour faptp: but arc helpers, of yourcioye.ff 02 by fay tp pc ftanoe. CEbe.ij.Cbapter. IfiBe OJcB)«i)ti)c Murcorurs «Wf iirc* *«k»s tcil) tljcm to foiacuttbc nun t(H t Urns fallen , * to rcceauc fjfm aaapnc tu j'tl, louc . €lO occcrmmco tin? in my fel= fc,tl)at3tDolD mot come ajrapne to you m tjcupnesl. jf o^ y f 3 make _Jpouroiye,wpottitf ftulo mate mc glao, but tbefameu»t)icij fffmabe fo^y by inc^3tio3 vw^oKe tljysf fame Dnto you, left yf 3cameMto yo«,3iBiii;o tafteoeuynesi « w« (toponijeumM) of tftem , of wHom 3 ongpt to reiopce.'Wiei confibence Jane 3 toumrbc you all ( ttiat mv iopeitttfyt ioye of you all. jf o.iont of grartr affticcyom anD angupf^e of &err 3 wjd* Dnto yon onit6 many tca« tetf: nottftat ye Ouioe be mabe fo?y,but tdat vttnvs&t peteeanetije lone , VoMj Jwm> moftrpectauyDutoyou. 3f eny maitljat^caufeD fo^ottf, t&efame B ikitp not mabe me fo^y , but uartcly : left3 Oiulbc grcucyouall 4 * 3titfvumcient Dnto * i <*»><™ t\)t fame matt , tbat be um# rebubeb of ma^ ny. gdotbatnoui contrary tovfc , yc ongbt ratber to fo^geue ptm,atiDcomfo^te pirn: left tliat fame pceroue flmlDbc fvnaioiDCDUpid ourr mocb beuyned . wbttkn, 3 ejepo^tc y oil, tbat I one may e bane fteeitgtp ouee pirn. tfojtbttf caufe Dercly Pyb3wvte,tljat3 mpgbt huowc tpe p?ofe of you , wpetper ye Cpttioe be obePtent in all tppugc&'&o roporo ye f ojgeue tn^ tpynge , 3 ttogcue alfo . it op yf 3 fojgauc tnv tpyitge , to t»pom3 foz^ aaue it, m yomc fatten f o?gaue 3 it , tn tpe fygpt of CP?ift , left £>atan OtulD p?ettcnt _ D0. jfo^ pw tpougptejsarc not Dnfcnowen ^ Ditto Dtf. h * tDbeu 3 ron 6 come to % roaba f o% CP.zf {rctfdfVofpclletf falicCnnP a bo^e wa»i opened Ditto mc of tpe lojtb) 3 bao no reft tn my fmctcbecattfc 3 founPc not t;ttugmyb;to* tpet ; buttoftcmy leaue of them , anb went a\»ayctuto&)accbonfa . 'Qrpanketf be Ditto eob.wpicp alwaycS genetp Djs tpe Dicto^ie in CPMft , anb openctp tpe fatter of pisl kno* tolcbge by DxJiit ettcry place. #o;t toe arc Dtt* to (Sob tpe fujete fattonrc of Cpuft.amonjje tpcm tpat are faucp, ano amogc tpcm wptcp m peryfflpc. * 'Co tpe one parte aret»etpefa= *xuKc.«.e nour of Pcetb Dnto Pectp . 3lnb Dnto f otpec part «re tuc p fattottr of lyfe Ditto lyfe . 3nP wpo (8 mete Dnt o tpefe tping c^.^jfo? toe are iiotatftpcmoft part arc, tJjpicpcpoppcanP ebaungc mttptpc t»o?bc of $oP:buteue"out of purcne)«,anPbytpepott)er of (5oP, in tpe fygptofeoP.fofpcakcwcinCPaift. & C&pe.ttj.Cpaptet. C5&fj»ftprctljt[jcpKacJ)piiBcofcijc orpcllai liouti^cpjciwuriucofiljcljtoc. e begyn to p?ayre onre f rt« ^ ttcjsagayne , &eDe we nsi fo * meotpccof^piftlejSoftc- coiiuncjioacpon Ditto you oi littttsi of recommcniias cton front yon 1 1% ate otttc epiftlettJ^ytftninoutcpct» te03fticp m Ditbccftabc anb tcb of all men, fojafmocp ajiye peclaretpatyc are tpe ent- itle of epjift.myntftrco PpD^attPtD^yttcn, itotwitpynke: buttxiitptpefp^cteof tpcly- ttynge cetop * not in tabled of ftotte , Put tn MS; gf" *ftertpytablctfoftpepcrt. SSSk ^^>ucbe twft patte toe tbo^ow Cb?ift to (2>o0 toarb , not tpat we are fufficiettt of 30 ourefclnejS to tpynkc eny tpyng,ns(of our fcltteiE(:butpf we be able Dnto any tpingc^f *»w famecommetpof0oP,wpicppat^mapeDs( able to * myniftet tpeneweteftament.not t Mm of tpe letter , but of tpe fpjef e . it oiter- tpe tss letter kylletp, Pttt tbe fp?etefletutp Jyfe: Co tlje totf^m, SoJmu 3f fbe mtitiftrafpoit of Pectp tpo^ow tpe letters! fygurco in ftone&,wa0fflo.aous ) fop fpccpplb^of3fraclcoul0enot bcpolbc the faeeot liBofcs'.foj tpe glo.ty of pitf 'count cna- uticc(wppcbalotpi£jponeawaye)wppflmil not tpe m.ttUftracpon of tpe fptetc be modi «r ntott s\opyoi\& r jfo^ pf tpe mifniftrnigc of coiiDetunacpoitbegio^oii^mocpmotcoot!) tpe mimftracyon of rygptewcfnctf crccabe intiffl* h ^°?»o Pout tpat wpyc'p wag tbercfltoiitycD, lis not once glo^fpcd inre- rpectc of tpitf crecabpttgcgloip . jfoi pf tpat wpicp W PeftroyeP wan giotioutf, ntocp mo= re tpat wpicp remit ynetb, ijsglo^ioniS. , „ £>ryngtbcn tbat we pane focptruft, we Dfe great bolbnetf^ bo not ausDofcat, wpicp #/sr.rr«a.o* piita Daylc oucfpisj face,tpattpc cpyioien of 3 frncl itmlb not fc fo.t what pm-pofc tpat krtwt.wii.D*erucp wpicp t0 put awapc, ^ 23ut tbeir tetft ntynoca wcrcbimoeb . jfoiDntylltpi^Papc KS^Kf.veinapnefp tpe fame coueringe Dntakena- Kh w ?? c , m tpe lecture of tpe olbc tcftament, F m wbpep Daple ftialbe put awape tn Cpjift. I3ut eueit Dnto rpf$ bape wpen ^ofejtf isf bfiMrtwio rcDPe * tpe Daple paiiffetp before tbeir per* L . w? f^.^cucrtpelcrre* wpentpep touenctotbe Suut.c ^o;b,tpc Daple Umlbe taken awape. fcltPc 1 ?Lo^Pe no bout m fp.tetc.3nD wpcrc f fy?c= tc of tpe iotP ixf.tperc i$ ltbcrtic. flout we all PepoiDc in atnyirouretpc glo^ye off to ioc witp pijBifaee open , anb arc cbaftgcb Ditto ^ famcftmilititOe, fVomgloip to tuoiv , euen ajsoftpefp^eteoftpeft-o^be. ^ CCPiMiii.CPaptcr. €Wtnicjuc.iti)cr(6mli.^t,j)cfoinij)ic«iuof (he wworof (3oD,l)iitrelicil)tl)CI)oiii3utc of Chiia, Vtc h.ioii«jj it be mm tlje pardl ci Ijpe tj-tc. ^trte , feyng tpat we pane focp an off pec, wen acU'3oP patp pap mercy on D&iwgo not out of kyii 0e i butpatir caft from Del tpe clo= ked of Dttponeftyc, ano walke not in craft pnetf , netper baitble we tpe wotbe of C5ob Pifccntf ally., but open tpe f wet p \ % re= poitcotirefelttejtf to entry manucjEiconfcieiiee inp fygptof (Sob >h 3f onre (5ofpcllPc nt pyo.iCitfppbamongetpcnupcif nrciou\ m wm-xtut wpom * tpe (5ob of tpisi woiId t patp bipns KpiftJ to tpcm. cnery fype, pet arc we not witpout mytY. rocarrinpoiiertte.'bntnotDftfrlpwifpoiitC font wpat. n)c fuRrc perft cite iotufcttt arc not fouaftcn tperiti . Utearccaft Powne; mm* tprletfe \x>e pemfipe iiot.Utc all wayce * *fti*w Peace abontctn tpe bobye , fftt Dptnac of rhc 1.0^c3crim,t;)atCpe lyfe »f 7 c fu tnperpt al- io appear: in ante boftpr. J< ^J 0? we wpicp ipnc, areal wayeg bely= *Hom.w«.c ttereb unto bcetp f ot jefuff fake, tpat tpe lyfe alfoof 3efumygpt appcre in onre inottaU rlcfipe^o then , Pectp wotketp tn D0, but Ipfcmyott. fr>i* iStttfcyngetpaf wehauc tpe fime fptcte ot faytp ; accoibytigc as ttis wtpttcn : * 3 belencb , anPtPerfotc banc 3 **6ktm.* fpokenjUJcalfobclcucanPtperfotefpcakc jto2weknowe,tiiatpcwpitprayfcPDntl)e Jlotoe jeftttf , (ball ravfc DpD» alfo up the £> mranc0of 3cfn«. (»Qiall fttt \j« wttppou. if oiall tppngrS Do j ioi pmircfakcs * iim » r<» i - tpe plcnteono grace Op tbanckeg genen of inanp,maycrcPoiinPetothcp?ayfcofc>'ob. tttperfojcwearcnotwerteP.iSuttpottgp onre Dtwjttbc uuTpcrpQjc, yettpctuwaiOc man itf rcncweP Pape Pp oaye. * jtoi ottre «*»».» i ■ trtbttlacyonwpicbts montf tatty anb ipgpt. &vm.mu picparetpan crccoffjci anctcrnaii wavght of glojyc Dnto D0, wptlc we lofee not on tbe tpy ngcjB which arc fene , bit t on the tbpngrs wppep arc not fene . if ot tpe thyngt « wbpcl) arefeucarctcmpoMll : PuttppngcS wpyep arcttotfcncarcctcritau. p C^pe.D.Cpapter. C^lKrctthKbcfoifufftimguroulifc, €>2 weknowjc that yf onre 3 *erfpy motion of tpist Pwcl #a«»wi*. Iyng were PeftroycP, we pa- ucabylPittgcofGoP.anpa bitacyon not tnaPc witp pit S^| Peo, butetcritall in peaucn. . • , , ^*9 c ^Wfrtewe,oe +Koilltori:i fyttng to be clotpcD witp ottre ntafion which * mmma is from peattcit: fo yet , yf tpat we Pc fouttoc clotbcq^notnakcp.ifoi we tpat arc in tptC * tabernacle , fygpeu arc grcttcb becanfc wc . «.»«.« wolonotbcDwlQtbco,PutwolOcbc*clo-- W t ua „ « tpfDDpon,tpatmo?faatcmygptbe fwato fr**** c 25 JHB(N.t«R »H.l6ct.t.t» *0.Co),\),« * if oi we ptcaepe not our felttcs, but CP?ift3cfu0toPetpcJlotDc,anPourcfcUie0 yourefcruaunte0, foOefuiff fake . if o* iti# c?oo,tpat* commauiiPcb tpe lygpt tofttyne out of parckntity, wpicp patp*myncP in onre pcrtcs, foi to geue tpe lygpt of tpe ttno wieo= m of tpe glozy of 0oo , in tpe face of 3cftijS jSu't we paue tpitf treafurc in * crtpen DeffeW , tpat tpe ejcccllgcy of f power mygpt Pc dl> oO&anO not onrejJ. X&t arc n ouptcp on geuen Dnto D0 tpe erne ft of tpe f ptcte. Ithcrfo^cwearealwaycofgcioPcPeare, aitPknowr.tpataglongcagwcareatpomc in the Poop, weareabfent froc^cb.ifot wc walke in faytp.not after out warp appcara= ... v uuce..neuertpelc(fe, wcarc of gcobcomfo^ ** te, anb pap letter to be abfent from the boby, mffl to be ptcfent with (5oP.U)perfote, wbc tpcr we Pe at pome OJfrom pome , we cnpc» ttoure ottre feltte0,toplearcpim.*ifo2wc *m*ti mttftallappeare befoictpe iubgementfeatc *»mii ofCPJift, that cucry man may c recennetpc wojke?S of pytf PoPy accojpyngeto tpntpe batp ■ c. ¥ wr^r aiw.rn.a iTo!lo,T.i.r Jjacb b one, wbf the t (t be soot) 01 bab, ^ &cpngc tben tbat wc nuowc, BOW? loioe i0 to be fcattb , 'to c fare fapic \x»vtf> men. tfoiwc arc kuowen well pnougbtmto vdoD. 3truftnlfof we arc ttnowciitn yourc confcicncctf. #02 wc pjayfe not owe (clue*! agaync ton topou, butgeue pouam occafyontorctopcc ofto&tbatycmapcbaucfomcwbatagaiuft tI)cm,:wbycbreioyccintbcfacc,anbiiotiii C tor bcrte.jt* 01 pf wc be to fcrucnt,t0(l5o0are toe to foment . iffty 3f wc Bcpcmcaftirc , f 02 yourc caufc bene we mcafurc . fl 02 tbc lone of Cb.uft conlrraynctb w, became wctbutf iubge, tlja t pf one bpcb foi all , tben were all *..rcr.t>.f bccb.anb * be bpcb fojau : tbattbey wbycb lyuc , ibulbiiotbencc rojtft Ipuetonto tbem fcliic&buf tonto bun wbp ebbpeb foj tbem,? rofc agaync. -h UUOcr f o w .pence f ojtb Btiowe we no man £> after tbc flcf0ie.3n f o mocb tbougb we baue bnowen Cb.nlt after tbe ftef(be,now yet bfee foitb ftnowc we \)l fonomoarc.'EberfQjc l'f en v man be in Cb.ttft ,be i0 a ncwe creature Olbctbpngc0arcpafletiawapc,bcbolDe,all tbigc0 are become * new.Benertijelcffe.nU tbpnrjctfarc of c5ob, wbpcbbatb*rcc6cylcb to0toiito'bim fclfcby3efu0eb;Mtt, anbbatb gcucnto totbc orTpcctopjcnebcfbcattonc* *£o:i 3 ...t ment. #02 * Coob wa0inci) anbmabc agrcmcntbctwcne the wo2lbe anb bint felfc, $ mi putcD notfbcirfpnne0tonto them, ana batbcoimnptteoto to0 tbcpieacbpngeof tbc attonement . 0ow tben are we meifcngcra int&crowincofCbnfteuenatf tbougb <£ob ovD befeebe pou tbojow toa.&opjapewc pon in CbatftcjS ftebc , tbat pe be rcconcplcb iSSSut V m 0o&: fo? * be mabe btm to^be fpnuc " m)38,XDl)icl) hue we no fynne.tbatwe bp btsf mcanesf fbuloe be f rpgbteweCnc & wbicl) before 0od i0 alo web. „ CS:bc.\)i.Cbaptcr. ^ C*it«l)o:Mcpoiitorcccdiictl)ci]Bo»)cofl(So9 toitlj tiMiihefaiitcffcmiD amcnoruiciit of Ipfr. ZJjcb ligcuccoft&aiilmtlie CBotycll,* boxoijc ttarntth M to ct rfyie tbc t&panp of toe &t» w, ^alfoaabclpcrtf ejcbojtcyouf pcreccaue not tbe grace or%ob in toay ne.ffojbc faptb: * 3 bane bearb tbe in a tpme acceiptcb:anb . , intbcDayeoffaluacpon,baiie3 fuclicreb tbc.sSebolbe, nowi0tbatacceptcb tpmcbebolbcnowtetbatbayeoffaluacpo. 3Lctt "08 gene no occafyon of cttpll , tbat in __ ._ oureoffpccbefoubcuofaute:butinalltbpn= *<.<&». w. a g CS {j ct ^gfjcijane oucc fdiiejEj * aatheminp* lrcr0of<5ob. 25 3« mocb pactcnccin afOfccponftm necc£ fiteeja; in angnpfujesl, in ftrppeg , in pjefon* mcntcg:in fttyHfkin labonretf.in watcbpn= UmM fti&vn$e8,in purcne0 ( in ano wiebgr, lit longe fnttrmg , in Rpnbene0 , in tbe bolp fiboft,m lone wifapncb,(n tl;c wo?be of trn= 'Cl)e4|,€piftle *-&ta,xl'.t.t ctb,m tbe power of (Eton , bp t|je armonrc of rpg btc wctoctf of tbe r nM t banbe $ on f Ipfte bebononrcanb Wonoure ibceuvll rtpojte $ goob repose s asDcrceaner^, ano v ct true, a# t)nnnowcn,nnDpctBnowen : nabpinge, aub bcboioc, we ipne.aa cjutireneb , anb nor ki>Ucb.as(fojowing^vetalwapemer^e5atf poo^aiiDyctmnttcmanprpcbcjatfJjautagc notbpiig,^ pef poflcffpng alltbpnge0. p iDpcCo^pntbpams, onrcmoHtb WoprnC tjnto pou. Ourc bert isi mabe large: ware in no drapte in W, but are in a fttapte in poure nwue bowcllea :3 pjompfc tontofou Ipbe rcwarb, an \mto cbptbjeit . ^ctpout felnciS at large , anb * * bcare not pe tlje yofte x& *s>nm f tonbeleucr0. tfoi wbatfeUpibipbatbrpgb» rcweutcjS witb wtrpgbtewefnetf i $>% wfiat eompanpbatblpgbt«5Darmie0;*€>iewbat*A)«t,ti! conco^be ijatb €W«ft witb H5eliall t etber wbat parte batb betbat bflcnetb , Witban infibcll^ 0i bo w agrectb tbe temple of (5 ob witl^magctffod * ye arc tbc temple of tbe ^^w Ipmngc C5oO,a0fapbc ©ob. 1 ' 1 3 wpU bwell «»mm amonactbem.^walcHe amongetbem,anb ffiffll, wplbctbeirc5ob:5tijep Ojal be mp people. /£$f.mJ Wllbctfo^c iconic out from amonge tbem, * £b M aiibfeparatepourcfclne0 from tbem Cfaptb V to,ioc)anbtoucbe none \)iiclcanetbpngc: fo wpll3 rcceaue pou, anb wplbea tatber tmto pou.anb pc (balbe my fonnc0 ? baugb* tcr0,faptb tbc lo?.DcaUmpgbtp. CCbe.WJ.Cbaptcr. CJS>e ctijouttljtij^nto teccmctlic pwmptc* of CRootljaiihfuiip.aijciEoiiiitljpanflWcwinmcUi ficofo) t0tp>obc0r(itt(9loue totbatBe Jftdul. iCpngc tbat we baue foclje <* p?ompfe0(Dcarelp bcloucp) lett t)0clenfc oure felucgfto ;allfiltbpne0 of ^flefnje anb fp?cte,nnbg?owcDnto full bolpnc0 wptb tbe reare of C5ob . CiinberftSb t)0 weba» utmtte no man : me baue co^rupte no man: webaue befraubeb no ma\3 fpeafte not tW toconbemne pou:fo? 3 baiiefte web pou be= foje , tbat ye arc in .ante bettcsl to bye 9 Ipue witb pou : 3 am tjecy bolb c oucr pou , 3 re* topee greatlp in you . 3 am frlleb witb com* fotfe.anb am eyceaby nge ioyonfe in all oure tcibulacpon. Jf ojiwlenwe were come into . «;aceDonia* oureftefuje bab noreft,but we # to rtJ were troublcb on cnerp fpoe . Outwarbe wa0fygbtyng, in war bwa0 fcare.JAeuct* rbeleffe * c8trary wyrc, * wojlbelp fo^owe cou- fctbbectb. C # 0? bebolbe, wbat bilfge"cc tb Wsobly fi)= rowc tbat petobe, batb w^ongbt in pou.- pee it caufeb pou to clearepourfelue0.3tcaufcb mbignacpon,it caufeb feare.it caufebbefire. it caufeb pumfttnnent. jf 0? in all tbpngc ye baue flbe web pour fclue0,tbatye were clear e in fl)at matter . HJBbcrfoje , tbougb 3 w?ote \jnto pon,3 byb it not foj bt0 caufe tbat bab bone ebebutt.ttcrbetfo; in0caufetbat wa0 burte: but f yourc goob my nbe f o? V0 migbt appeareamongepou in tbc fygbt of (5ob. 'Cberfoje, we are comfojtcb.bccaufcye arecofotteb :yec,anberceabinglptbemo?e » iopeb we, fojtbciopc tbat tit 9 bab:bcca«= fe ^ fp^ete wa0refrcfibeb of pou all. 3 am tbcrfo^cnotnowcnlbameb , tpougb3 boa- ftcb my fclfc to bpm of you. jf oj a0 all t\)vn* ?;ejS wbicb we fpanc wito you are true.ehen 0, oure boaftynge tba 1 3 mabe wito titan t0 f ounbe truc.3nb w inwarbe affection 10 founbe abounbaut towarbe you, wbS bere» mcmb?etb tbe obebienceof youallibowctd feare $ tremblingc ye receaucb bpwt.3 rciop* re £3mape bebolbe oucr you in all tbinge0. £ Ww.rt.ti, N.rbua. K°Mr.a. 7& C^be.'biij.Cbaptcr. C &* pu((ceb U)ftn in tfmrmb;auncc to ljrtpc tbe poo;rfapiutco at .Hmiralcm,acco;i6pnflcaathc iCEjacebontaiisbpo. |Ccrtifyc you b?etb?cn, of tbc grace ! of (Boo wbicb wa0 gruen in f con= grcgacpon0of a)accbonia , bowe j rbat tbe abounbaunce of tbem re> iopfpngc i0 , tbat tl;cy arc trpcb witb moclje trtbulacyon . 3nb tbougb tbcp were crcca= byngcpoo^cyctbatjctbcygcuenerccabing rpcbclp.anb tbatinfinglcnctc. 5f oj to tbey^ Ppwcr0>3 bcarctbemrcco^bc,pcc,? bcyobe tbep^powcr, tbep were wpllpnge of tbey? a wne acco?bc>anb pwwb Vsf witb great in= Itaunce , p we wolbc rcccaHe tbeir benefyte, anbfnffrc tbSto be partetakcr0witb otbec *in mtnpftrpnge to tbc fapnctctf . 3nb m& tbcpbpD,nota0t)oelOKebfo^:butgauctbcir a wne reluct f M to tbe i.o^D.anb after \m-~ to t)0bp tl)t wyll of ob : fo tbat we coulbe not but bcfyv# itf c^pebientfo,! you, wbicb begamic, not to bo onely , but alfo to wpll a peace ago . 0owe tbcrfo^e, perfoanb notacco:= i«»f- ?«•* bpngetotbatbcbatbnot. 3t f0 not m^ my nbe tbat otber be fett at cafe, anb ycbjougbt into combaauncc : but tbattberbccgalne0noweattbi0tpmeauo tbatyourabonnbanccmayefucRcrtbfirla'. be.anb tbattbeyMbounbancc mapcfupplu poure lacnc : thattberemape be cquati'tc,a= irepngc to tbat wbicb 10 wipf ten: *l)crl);it jab mocbe,bab nottbcmoicabounbancr : ? be tbat bab a litlcbab neuer tbe leffcSbai^ 8c0bcbnto^ob, wbicbputtbc famegoob mynbcfo2 pou in tbebcrtc of t:itu0, wbicb acccpteb tbe rcqucfte.pec.ratbcr be wa0fo well wpllingt,tbat of bia a wne accojbcbc came wito pou. lUlebaue fentewitb bvm trjc biotlicr, r> wbofelaube i0intbe gofpell tbo?owout«ui tbc con0regacpon0 : anb not tbat cncipc, buti0alfo cbofen of tbe congrcgacion0 to be a fclowc witb t)0 in oureio2nep,conccrning tW beniuolcncc tbat is miniffreb by \30 ton* to t\)t p?apfe of tbe fame Jlojoe , anb to ftcrc Up pourc piomptcmpnbc. ^02 tWfi we cjccbcwc, tbat eny ma* fiiulb rcbuUcto0intbi0plentcou0bi(trpbucpon, * .^uom.rn c tbat t0 miniftreb bp to0<>* (to t gio;p of tbt tojoc; ** anb maliep2ouifyonfo2 boned tbmgeamot onelp in tfr fygbt of f to?bc : butalfoin tbc fpgbtofmen. aicbauefenttiS tbem abjotberof ourc0, wbom wc bane ofte tymeapioucb biiygent in many tby nge0:btit now c mod; m 02c bin* gcnt.'SbegrcatcconfibenccwbicbSbauein pou, batbeaufebmc tby0 to bo :partclpefoj 'Eitii0faftc wbicb i0myfelowe anbbelper a0concernpngpou:partelp becaufc of otber wbicb are our bjetbien, anb tbc mcn"cnger0 of tbcconsregacpon0^tbe glo?y of Cb*iuY Vicu.i-i.i3. pwlrcapclrtcn.-?*IjcffouJct|)(ft!gcttynB; ««*" largclycnnb frelyc, thallrcapcplcntcouftpc: 3ng let cuery man Do,acco2btngc as be hafl **« rr h » WofrD tn hps hcrtcnot srouDffpnglv , o? anf..uS a of tmtUm *$9ti5to lourfla chcarfull mat.mx>.ii SCttfr. € ocD iSablc to make you rifle to rffigra> cr flat pc in all flpngeshauynge fumepent Unto it hcUtmoft.mayc be ricijc Unto all mn* ncr or goob wo?hcS, asit is wiytrcn : * ipc Iwt 1; iparfr D abjoabc, anb hafl geucn to flc pocic , tops rpgbrcwcfticffc rrmayuefl foj raw, foe flat minpftrc A fecb Unto tf fo wcr, ju!"rareb^cebalfofoii:oDc:aitbmiiItvplye yourc ficoc, anb incrcafc tbc frurcS of yourc rpglifcwcfncffc , fc that on oil partes , yc •?"- marc be mabc ryfle#2Hnto all fynglcncS, t> wbicb caureflflojotocUS.that flaukes arc genen Unto 0oU. mt flc ofFpccof flyS miupftraciotuiot oncly fupplpcfl tbc ne be of Ac fapncteS:but alfo isabounbaunt benin, tbat fonbptflaii* &a b!c mtiipftringc, flasikes might be gcueii to Gob of many , ujhicb pjayfc <3ob fo? flc obcbicnccofyourcconfrntyngctothe(Sof== pr U of €buft\ anbfojyourc Ipuglencffc in mftrpbutpng to flenvmb to all mcn.anb in thcymapcrsfo?you,t»hicbl6gea£tcryou, m tisc abouubaunt grace of (5ob in you. mmmtfi be unto Gob , foi hys Unfpea* kcablcgyfte. C'Sibc.jc.Chaptcr; fftt toutbett) tlicfaife aipoaifa.ano befenoefb mrnOm felfc bcfccDc pou by p me= 1 fteneffe (jfoftCRicffe of CD?tft, wliicU wi t»M3amp^fentamogcyou,am a 1 of no reptttiicpon ; but am bolbe to= warbcyo»bcpngcabftHt,3bcfccJ)epou,^ 3 mjw not to be bolbe roban 3 am pjefente, imtb tlmfatw bolbiicfciDljcretDftl) 3 am fuppofeb to ijauc bene bolbe, ogapnft fome, t!Dlit tpiftle ■** tobict repute US as tbougb t»et»all«b car-* nolly . #o?tbougb we toamc in? flefdicyct ^5 toe bo not wane fleffoly . # < £ty f tocapens * tfh . , of ourc marrcfare arc not carnal! flpnges, vm butflyngesmyg^tyin d5ob, tocaftbownc ftrongc ^olbcS, toberewtfl v»coucrtl)?ou)c counceisanb eucrybvc tbpngeflatocaltetb it felfcagaynftflc kuotnlcbgcof <2>ob , anb b?yngcintocaptiuytcaUymaginactototrjc obebic" cc of Cbiiift , 9 arc rcabp totalieucn* cjcauncc on allbifobcbicnccwbcn your obc= bience iSfiilfyllcb.iLolic yc on flingcS after flc Utter appcaraunccf 1 3f auymnutruft itflymfclfc , flatljc tS C CTbnftrS, left j>pm confpbcr flpSogapuc of Dim fclfc, tUftt aS \)t iS Cb^'ftcS , cuen fo,arc \»cCbiiftcS. Jfoz flougl) 3 boaftc mp felfc f om wliat mo v jc ofourc auctozttc ( ujljifl tljc Ho?bc bafl gcuen US*ro cbifw , anb not to * "•»/* beftroycyou)itiballiiotbetomyujamc:Icft 3ft)ulocfcmcastl)ouglj3U3enteaboutcto malic you array ebc voitl) letters . flo? y cpi= ftleS(faptbbe)arcfow,anbftrongc:butbyS bobclpcpjcfcnce is weabc , anb ty$ fpeaclje rube . tat l)pm tbat in foc^c tbpnke on tbr>8 t»pfc:flat aswearc in\»o?beS by letters, UDlifttuocareabfcnt, focljcarctoc in bebes, upbcnujcarcp^cfcnt; JFo* toe ca*not f pnbe in our ijcrfcS to ma-- ^> ucourc fclnes of flcnomberof flcm , o? to c6patcourerclueStotI)cm,tX)l)icl)p?ayfcflc ftlues. iaeuertl)cIciTc , toDple fley mc'afurc flem felucs nj flcm felues,anb compare tlje felucs wit)) flcm felues , tijep Unbcrftanbc uougbt.i3nt wc will not reioyce abouc mt* afiirc : but acco?b pngc to flc meafurc of tbc rnlc , U3lwcl)c5ob batlj biftrtbutcb Unto us, a meafurc to reaflccucii Unto you. -flf 02 roc ftrctflnotont ourfelucS beponbe meafurc, aSflougl)tt)creac|)cb nottUnto you. Jfo? eiicntoyoualfoljauctnecomeu'iflegofpcll of CbJift, m we boaft not our felucs out of meafurc of oflermennes labours :gec,ano toe Ijopcit toyll comet paflc, ^tobenyouv faitb is incrcafeb amogc you,u)e (balbe ma* gnifycb acco t ibpngc to ourc meafurc, tno*c larctclp,anbtI;at3a)rtllp?eacDcflcGofpelil tn flofc regions i»!)ifl are bepobc you:^ not to boaft off bofc tbynges, wbicb by anotber mans meafure are p?cpareballreaby . -2i5ut let b»n flat reioyrcfl, retopfc Inflc Hojbe. ^o?l)cyp,iaprctbl)pm felfc .t'Snot alowcb but l)c wijom flc 3Lo^bc p^ayfct|). C'ftrjc.rJ.ciiapfer; lEpaiiinmbcr ruffcr«uncf)e6mfni»rt^ Wm fclfc,8Hl> octcn&ct!) j))ig auttotitt affaputt tt)t faift p?op>jc(c0. tiDlbtoapcoecafpon from M wljtch bcfp?c occafion: f tbev might be f ounbe lykc Unto US, in tbat wljerin tbcp retcipcc^o^ foci) faisapoftictfarebifceatfull wo.thcrS.anbfaffpontbcmfelucsiykeUnto tbcnpoftIcSofcb ( iift.3inbnomaruaplc:fo.i ^>atanb»n fclfe in flaungcb into flc faffpo ofauangcllofligbt.^bcrfo^eitisnogrcat flyngctbougl) hpSmpniftcrsfalTpon tbcm felucs, as though flep were flc mmifter's of ryghtcwcfncS-whofccnbeibalbeaccojbpng to flcy^ bebes. 3faycagaync, left cup man flpnkc flat SaaifolyubeiOHlscugnottjctakcycmcas afoole.flatjalfomaycboaftmyfclfcaly^ tcll.'C{)at3lpcakc,3fpeakcnot8fterflc Ho?be.butnSitwcrcfolpujIp,inflysmat= tcr of boaftingc^cpngc flat manpr ciopec after fle flefilie, 3 wpll reiopce alfo. I< jf 0? yc futfrc folcs glablp.fcpngc yc yourc felucs arc wyfc.tf oi(t:i«faftpn* ges often : in eolbe anbnabebiif a:bel>oe flc flinges wbicb out warbly happen unto me. 3 am combicb baplpe, anb bo care fo? all co* gcegacponS.^^-Uihoiswcake^nOJam'^-'^ not wcafccwhoisoffcnbcb, $ 3 biirnenot? *^% 3f 3 muft nebes boaft , 3 wpll boafte of flc tbynges that concernc mpnc infirmytics. CCberij.Chapter. C J3aut ia eahen bp info the tftpjoc iKautn.aiiO icacrth too;Bca not to be CqqIsh. il)c(5ob ^father of ourc iLojbeJefoS 21 lCb.»ft» which is blcircbfo^euermore iknoweAthat3;IPcnot. ►5 , 3nthecpticofS)amafcon,flegoucrncr of y people Unber king Gretas, lapocwatcb inflccptieoffleBamafcens,anOwoloba= ue caughtmeranb *ata ujinbowc was J let * 3c( " !r0 ' botoncinabarketfloioweflcwall, anb fa fcapcb3 hiSbanbeS- 2)outles,it tsnot crpc= bientfo^mctoboaft^wvllcomctoUifyoS anb rcuelacions of the to,ib, 3 knowc a ma tncbnftaboiie.fourtencycaresago C \x\)v= flcrbewerc inflc boby, 3 cannot tell , ot wbpflcr be were out or flc boby , 3 cannot tell, <5ob knowefl) bowefbat be was take upintoflcflpibebeaucn.3nb3kuowtfle Htmc man( whttber inm boby oz out of the boby, 3 cannot tell, 00b ftnowet b ) bo we p be was taken up into parabpfcanbbearbc fecret wo.ibcs , xoiiic)) no man can Vttrr . Of AySman\»pll3 boaft, but of mpfclfewpll 7& 3 not boaft, empt it be of mpncinfirmttvcS if 02 flougb 3 wolbc boaft , 3 mail not be a fook:fo?3 wolbe rape the truetb.Beuertbc= Icffc,3 fparc pou : left any man imilbe thmkc of mc, aboue fla t ujljicl; be fecfl me to be, 02 flathehcarcflofmc. 3:nb*ieft3flmlDcbcejralteboutofmca s *snb.a tH to buffet me.bccaufc 3 ftnilbc not be cjraltcb outofmcal'urc.5fo2fliStbpngcbefougbt3 t))t i.o?bc tb?yfc,tbat it migbt bepartc from mc. 5lnb be fapbc Unto tncnnp grace in fuffi* cicnt fo? flc . Jfo?my ftrcngtbtsmabepar= feet flozowwcaknes.Slcryglablytberf 02c wyll 3 reiopce of my roeaknes, f p ftrengfl ofCbJiftmaycbwelliume. ^ Uberfoie, bauc3bclectaci6mmfirnutpcs,in«bukcS ) C ]Kk ii in nccef- ;' tf -* \ in ncccCTitic fcm pcrfecucponsMn angupttbctf f oz € b* pftctf fake . # oj when 3 am wcaltc, tbenam3&rongc. 3 am become a foolettt boaftingmpfelfc. Pt baue compclleD me : fo? 3 ought to bmtc *i.co;.»r.a bene commrnDcD ofpoH.*:Jfojfnnotbpnge u»ajS3 t feno* Ditto f cbefe apoftlesf, though 3 be notbtoff ,pet $ totf £ of aw apoftle were Wtougbtamongc pou with all paepe* ce,anb figntf anD wobcMUnb mpgbtp bebc& tf oj wbatitfit, wbtritt pewere tnfcrpoztf Dnfo *> other coHsrccjfact oit0, ejeceptit bcbccin,tbat 3 toatf not chargeable Ditto pou . tfoigcue me tbvti wjonge. uSebolbcnowetbctupibe tpmel am renbp to come Unto pou : anb vtt * artw.rf.8 tj)pU3 not be cbarffeablc tmto pon. JFo^3 eSSmft fcfee not pourcis, but von. Jf o? tbc cbplbictt •.urgrtM ought notto laycDp fojtbc fatbertfanb mo= fliers, but f be fathers' anb mother* foj tbe rbplmrn. 3 wpll Dcrp glablp beffowe, anb wplbe bcftowcbfoi pourc fouletf, tbougb tbc mote 3 louc pou.tbe IcfTe 3 am loucb agapn. 3i5ut be it , that 3 watf not chargeable Ditto pou: ncucrtbcletf, when 3 watf ciraf tp,3 toae pou with gplc • 'suv* 3 ppll po" bpanp °f t&cm, man 3 feat Ditto pou < 3 befpicb Wuss, $ with bpm 3 fent a brother . ig>vH t rtu0 hc= fratibc pou ofanptbpng^walBcb we not in one facte:' tDalueb wcnoiMnlpBe totm$( * 3gapnc, tbpnac pou p we crcufe one femes: Ditto pour toe fpaae in <£btfft in tbc fpalJt of of 00b : but wcboall tbmijc&'CbcarrpbelO' ucbjfoi pourc cbifpingc . Stop 3 fcarclcft it come to pa(Tc,£pf3 come, 3 frail not fpnbe poufocba03i»oibc:ft£3maibcfouoemi= to pou focbftjtfpe- woihe no 1,3 f caw, left tfyt beamogcpou^Dcbatc&cnuptugo&Wiatb, ftrpfcMa&bytpngej^wbrfperinge&ftocl- Ipngcs', 9 febicpong ; anb that when 3 come agapnc,d5obb2pngcmelowcamongpou,$ 3 be conftrapneb to bcwaple manp of tbcm which baue fpnncb allrcabp,* baue not re= *'r.co;.b.a. pentcb of tbejfcDnclennejfranbfojntcactoanD wantannctf which tbcp baue commpttcb. CfcDe.jWi.Cijaflter. flTBc pjompfrtb to eomebltfo tbcm ana eftojtetb ttttm fo to o]d;c tbtm feluta that be mape fpnse tip cm parf ret c,ana of one mpntir. £>we come 3 the ttytfi tpmeDnto ;po«s*(n the moutbof two ojtbje witncflWlbal euerp wozbc be fta* blpnbcb . 3 tolbe pou befoje, 9 tell poubefoze : anba!Ei3Iapb wben3 waft pjefeut wifb pou the feconbe tyme , fo wjpte 3 nowc bepngc abfent , to the" which intpmcpnftbauefpnneb, s toallotbcr:tbae Vt 3 come agapne , 3 wpll not fpare , fepnge *«jaeb. F .b. tbat pe feae eitpcrlece of Wto* wbicb fpea* &etb in me, wbicb anions pou isfnotweafcc but is< mpsbtpe m pou , jto,t tbougb lie WaiS crucifpeb in weamtc^pct liuctb be fbojowe *«!U.bJi * £>w. ttr.ft Ogst. ybitj.c. aoon.wq.c tl^t power of (Fob . 35 nb wc (ttobouf e ) are wcaftembvm : but we (ball ipue witbbpm: bptbempghfof oDamongepou. „~ . *eicamcn pour feluesi.wbctbcc pc are in $ cot ut tbc faptb o? not < ^;oue poure awnc felue& eccu.mu Dmowc pe not pour awne feluctf, bowc tbat 3eftii«CWiftW anb tbe lone of d5ob , anb the fclpQtf ppe of the bolp gboft be with pou alt 3 men. C£be enbe of tbe feconbe epiftle to tbe€o;intbpan0, v C^cnt from pjtlipposi a cptie in 4X)m* bouia,bp 'EituiB! anb lucasf. CCJje epiftlc of fapuct^aultbc3poaicto tbe <5a!attyan*. C^bcfp^ftCbapter. ir JSaul re tulirtb tbnn.br can fc (brp tone fallen atoapc from tlje e o rpcii.ftirtof tij bPB atone coo: uetri>on,m«untfpctb ftpo ofpee ano apo(Hety>p, anb bedntttb bpm Ceife to be equaii tottb tbehpe apoitifs. Sdwlan apottlc ,not of men, netber bp man : but bp 3e= % futfCb?ift,anbbp(I5obthe father, wbicb rapftb bimDp from beetb -anb all tbe b^c- tb?en which are wttbme. flinto tbe congrcgaciontf * Kora »,,, of dftalacia. % di>?ace be with pou, anb peace t.m.u from c^ob the father, 9 ftboure lojbe 3e= V'* *" 1 ' rust cbnft, wbicb sane b?m felfe fo; our fpn* ncsi to belpuer M# from tbptf wefent eupll wojrtocaccojbpngetotbe wpll of €>ob oure father, to whom be p?apfe 1 0? eucr anb euee. %mtn t 3 mar uaple , that pe are f f oone turneft C fromebtftt which calleb pou bp grace) ton- to another to another <& ofpcll which f $ notbinge ellejJ. , , but that there be Tome which trouble pou,? mw&* ^intcttbetoperuertetbe o£ pell Ditto pou, then p which we baue p^ea- 2* chcbVnto pou,lcthimwacurfeb.3llfi wefaib • before , fo fape 3 nowcagapne, pf enp man pmm enp other (5orpell Dnto pou , then f pchauereccaucb, letthpmbcacurfeb .SD03 now perfWabe men, 0? dfrobr'flDtber bo 3 fe« *3iob.Frt.°. Betopleafemen^^pf 3hab bpthcreto ftubpeb to pleafc mi , 3 were not the fer uaut of CbJitk *3ccrtifpepoub^etl)?ctt,i:hatfbe(l?of= pell which wajaimcacbcb of me, watf not af= «r ter the matter ofmcn.tfo? 3 nether reccaueb it, nerlcarnebitof man, butbp:thcreuela' cpon of 3eui0 mift -5fo? pc bane bcarbe of mp conucrfacpon in tpmepaft,inthc3ewciS figSS* wnpcbowctbatbcponbemeafurc, *3per= $m*. . fecutcb the congregacpon of dfrob, anb f pop« tciMifet icbit , anb p?euapicbintbe3ewcs< wapca= botie manp of mp copaniontfin mpne awnc HWiMfu. nacpon*bcpnge a Deep feruentmapntcner of the trabicponsiof thcclberjs. 26nt when it plcafcb <2>ob,n>bicb fepcra= *acteff.a- mafco . ^Thcnaftcr th?cpcarc,3rcturncD to Sccufalcmtofcjpftcr.aitDnboDcwithbpm mm W& dPtljcv of the apoftlr jl km 3 none, fane 3amejs the loiw pother, ^be tbiugcjJ tbcrfo^c wljtcb3 w^pteDnto pou-. be bolbc, before (J5ob 3lpenofi *M.mut> * 31 f ter that 3 came into pcoaffctf of ^i= ria anbCtlicia.anb waiS Dnltnowen axitou= cbtngc mp per fon Ditto the congrcgaciotifj of 3ew;p,which were iCb?ift. T&utthv* tbcp bcarbe onelp, that he which perfecutcb btf in tpmc paft,no wc p^eacbeth the faptb, which before he beftropeb. %m thepglo^if icb (5ob in me. h Ci:he.ii.Cbapfcr. «i:E)C toitijrtoHbetb }9efer fit the fare, anb p;o? iietb tbnt tbc latoe anb cfrcumrffpou ate not ncccfTatpcto raiiiacpon. gen fourctcne pearcje: thereafter, 3 wc'ttjjp agapne to3etufalcm ^WithBarnabasi, anb tone %u fniEiwifhmc. 3 wet Dpalfobprc= 5S8R l Bl% mm *w* with them of the 0ofpeUwbicb3p^cachcamongcthc(l[)cnb tplst ( but fpcciailp ) with them w|jicb were counteb cbpcfc, lecft 3 ftttlbe runneoj m €0 tlie <§«l«ftprt^ jf Jfjrjcb. runne in Dapne < 3tlfo Vtw which wajs vb me, though be were a grebe, pet wa0 not co- pelleb to be circumcifeb .- anb that becaufc of mcommersibepngefalfe b?etfecit,wbicbca ■-• me in p^cuelp to fppe out ourc libertpc which we baue in Cbjftt 3efu,f tbcp mpgbt brtngc Vs( in to bohage. ^0 wfjo wcgaue no row= me,nonotfo^ tbe tpme ( bpwapc of fubicc= cpon)bcca life that the truetb of the ectmll mpght contpnue with pou. £)f them which fe'meb to be fomwbat, TS what thep were in tpmc paifebit maftctbc no matter to me . * 00b louctb on the out* ♦u.pnr.r.v.c warbeappcarauncc of noman.BeucrtbclcjS v«ma*, tbcp which femeb greate,abbeb notbpngc ev&if* to i;te . 25ut contrarp wpfe, when tbcp fa wc cm'.m.ti f thegofpell ouei -f Dncircuctfio wascoutit- ecclc - mb - b tcb Dnto me.aji ^gofpcil otter f arcumcifpS wag commpttcb Ditto iDeter . #02 be that toajsmpghtpin ^cterin tbc^portlcil;vpre ouer the circuctfpoti , tljc fame wajj mpgljj p inmeamongc tbccB>cntpW.UJbcn tbcV':ci'= ccaucD the grace that was geticn Ditto aw, tbcu3ame$, CepbajJab 3ohn, winch femcu to beppHee^gancto me anb Barnabas the tpgbtbanbejBiof tbatfclowmpppe, tbatwc (bulbc be 35poftlc0 among the Ipcpthen, ana thepin tbcctrcumcifpoti:ottclp that we iljulb remember the poo?e . * ifllbcrin aim 3 was * «w. n* biligentto bo the fame. *£*&•* 2i5utwbciipcterwaslcomcto^ntiocbc^ 3 Witbftooe him opclp,bccaufc l;c mmefr thp to be biameb. jf 0; per that ccrtapne caiu from 3amess,be bpb catc with the 0f ntpls. 25ut whe thep were come, he Witbbittcanb f cparateb l)vtn felfc from tbcm, ff arp tm xhz Wbicb were of the circucifpon . Tim riic of in 1 3cwc^biu"cmhlcba^wclla^he : i:tr«:mocS)c that ftarnabafttlfo wajx biought into item fpmulacio. lout voDml fawc that Mkp wee not the right wapc after thetructb of f Osf •■ pell,3fapbe Dnto peter before tbcm all : pf thou bepngea 3cwc, Ipueft after ti;c matter of the Gentp iftanb not aj< bo f jewesfc wbp can left thou the 0cntplfli to ipue as: bo the 3e west ^oiwc which arc *3ewcj3bpua* , miUil . , turcanbnotfpniier^of thcv5etPlxs , Unowc mmM ' a that a man* is; not iufttfpeh bpthc bcDcjsof „ thclawe, butbprbe faptb of 3cfii$£b»B:* ^nbwcbauebcieiitDon3cf«iatCb2pft,'fbat wc mightbc iuftifpeb bp the faith of Cbiifr, anbnotbpthebcbctfoftheiawc.becaufcbp the bebeg of the lawc no ftefu;c (balbe tu* ftifpcb. . 3^ t»l> pic utc fcftc f bemabc rpghtcwcjs bp€b*iir>wcotirfehtctfai*c fouube timet*, i* tbenCMtt f miupftceof fpmici' 00b fou & H&rfBMP Implbc agapne the tbpngctf 2»fticl)3 dcftroren , tljcn mahe impfeiTca trcfp5er.^mo^3aho > 20wcj , Mawe)liauc^ ft bene beeb to the la we , i 3 mpght Ipue Ditto ** Ch2ift .3 am crncifieb m€totfc0m*totis* MUU 3 ipue: ;on:4tii;«c mmpme 3 tpuc : pet nowc notXbut c&((t tBietft to mc.t'DclpfewbfcDlnowelpucmp ftcube, worn m c ,0UCD inc.anb sane bpm fclfc fo; me . 3 bef* * ppfc not ttjc grace or Cd oD . 5f o> *pf rpgbte* t»c f» irfif come of tbe lawe, tjjett CD Jift is* bceb tu uapne. Cftbc.nj.CDaptcr. tf&ertbufcetb, tbebinjettfAitntirtof tf>e ffiiatae rinMiio ftnupiioc (be biiperfeetnetKe of tbe latoc, anD Drc!arc(!> itrucrcfertcs tljat « tons not geucn f of naiigbf . 2c foipfibe <5alatbpanifrw!)o!)atb bewttcbeb pou , tDat pe ujnlbc not bclc tie flic tructlj.''Cowbom3cfug Cbnft was* befcribctn before f cpc$ alio amonge poti crucifpctJ. 'TOs* otilp wolb 3 Icarncor pou wDetljcrpcrei:cattebtljcfpi» ntc bpp dcocs* of tlje lawe oj bp £ pjeacljlttp; of tbe faptD f 3rc pc foebe foolcs* , tbat after . pc liauebegonnc in tbe fpjetc , penowe enbe tntnen^ftycr&otnanptDpnges*peDaueftu> f reD in Uapne, pfit be alfo in uapne . &)ojc* oner, be tDntnunpftretbtopoutDcfpjctc, a*o w o.tuctljmpjaclc* amonge pou, Doctlj ^ctt fpojowe tDe bebeg of tfte latxic , o? bppjca= '£ZhS& r WWI of tlje fapt$).'*c unowc tbcrfoje,?'tDcp Wbicb arc of faprb,p famearc£cbplb;tcof 3b?aba\ •25 jfo? tDcfcripturc fringe afojc Danbctjjat 0ob wolb iuftifpe f tytym tbo?owc faptb, fbeweb before Danbc slab tpbpnp;e>S Unto emr.tfi.a abzabam fapinge:*3u tlje OjaUail nacpos* wn* bebleffcb.&otbc^tljepwDicDbeof faptD, are bleffcb wttlj faptDfuIl aibjaljam.tfoj as$ manp ass arc of fbc ocbesf of tjjc law , are mrWA[n\flCttttottytM&.$mtti$W0mi*tm* febbe cucrpoiic tDat contpnncfb not in all tDfofic* t»Dtcl) are written to tDe bofte of t be lawe to f ulfpii tDcm. Wat no man Wiutti* f?cb bptDc lawe in tlje fpgbt of <£>tib , ititf cupbent. * tfomeutfteujalllpuebpfaptD. ^bclawef0notoffaptb:*buttbcmantbat f HlfpIlCtb ti)t tl)t»fiC|E(Cconfapnt6iiiH>clatoc)frjal Ipne in tbem. ctjjifttjat!) belmereb ua from kaiut.wi.« tbe cutrc of tbe lawe , inatfrnocbeassbewas* 1 w mabeaccnrrcbfo?^:jfo?iti:Wtte:*ctjr f cb ess cticrp one , tDat DangetD on tree , t Dat tbe bleffpngc of atu?abam mpgljtcome on tUc <5cntpi* tljojtowe 3euueiCDjtft, tDat we mvgbtreecane tbe p?omes* of tDe fp^ete tbo* rowefaptb. C i&wwn, 3fpeabeaftcrf matter of mt ^Cbousb it be but a man* te[ tamft. Pet pfit bealottJeb,nomabcfppfctbit50?abbctDenp tbpnge tbereto; ^ Wo 35 b?aham anb ftpj* fecbe were t&c p^omprcg! maiie.lf)e faptfe not tit tjjc feebed, a*manp:bnt in t&p feebe, a* of fr 0cn#m one,t»WcDWCfeift.'a:bP03Iape,tbat«)e f'SS* h ,aU)e W V C ^ ^ffl3««P afterwarbe , bepono;e ISSit * f °we imn^cb anb tjwtp* pcarcjs, boetl) c flbac.ii.s xomo.i.c not bifanulUbc teftantft, ttiatm#comfoti "onto ciwtft warb. to ma- I lie tl;c p?ome0 of one efftctc. t if oj pf tUc in= ^ mm m . I Ijccita uncc come of ti)e laucit commett) not m no we of p^omeffe . But 6'ob antic it \jnto I ^b?a^ambpp20intcg. I (UUljerfoje tocn fetuetf) tltelawc < * 3t * nom**. I was* abbeb becaufe of tranfsremon(tplltpe •*•»! feeb came, to toljom tijep^omc^ttjassmabe ) I anbttwasfo^bepneb^bpansclsiintrjeljanb * a «c«wi. I ofamcbiatoj.aintcbtatojtfuotamebtatoj ' of one, but <0ob in one. *. 3sl tl)e latDetI)en ^Mom.wi. { agapttfttlje pzomejJof C5obr' 0ob fo?bpb. *.»"no.r.b. if o? pf tbere pab bene a la toe stum urine]) cotilbebaue geueulpfe : tbenno ooute tvQfc tewcfncjlCbulbecomcbv tlje latoe.-asnt trje fcr ipture coticiubeball toinge* tonber fpnne, tl;at t\)t p^ome^bp p f aptlt of 3cf»* € fruit Onilbebegeucntjntotljcmtljatbeleue. |* S> ai5ut before tftat favt rj came,u»e txtereftepf e tjnbce tDe lavue , ano were (but up mito tDe faptb UH)f c& mulbc after warbe be beelareb. 5fllbcr_f o?c , t\)c latoc toas< oure fcolema= ftcr mttoCfrtift , t!jattt)cu)ulbebeiuftifpcD • bp fapt^ ; 2i6ut after tDat f apt!) income, t»e are no lenger tmber tbe f colcmaltet . it oj pe are all cbplb jen of (25ob , becaufe pe beleue * ttflM . Wl rjatte put on CUiift. ^bere«no3et»e,ue s * mm ™\ tber C5cntpll : tbere itfnct&crbottbc, metre t tbere t}Snetberman,nee woman. Jr* oi peace all * ontfeCtoflt 3ef«. 3f pebecttnftciei, * mm* tlten are pe3Sb?abamsl fecbe, antymt&M* co;bpngc to t jjc p^omc*. CWtuii-ClJapter. %* «[0flui (ftrtnrtlj tbae (bojotoe Cb?ift toe be beijuiec tcti from tbe lavoc , anb tcbubctb tbe botbanfcfui- i ne(Te of tbe isaiatbiaiw. 0b 3 fape, tftatf bepjefatf a lotmeasibcWacbplbeCbif= fcrtp not from a fernaune , tljougrjtjebe lo?bof all, but i8 Unber ttitcrs ano gouer» nerjsi.mitplltjetpmetljat t!)c fatfjee patb appopnteb. €ucn fo we alfo , wljen we were ciplb^en, were in bottbage uubee tDe o^pnaunct of tDe wojlbc. 23ut wDen tlje tpme wa* f till co= mc,C5ob*fentbpgroime > mabeof a womS, *$mm\ anb mabe bonbe unto toe lawe , to rebeme a>*«4iJ tytm wbicb were bonbe Unto tDe la we:tbat mm ' m I wcftDo?owccleccton)mtgDtreceatietrjein= I Dcritaunce tDat bclongetD »nto itDe natucall i fonnejai.iiBecajtfepearcfoMttejat, *ob , pe t>v* Uruicc unto tDcm * wDitDbp * ^-""h nature to tlje £rtttfafat& 5f olIticbL natueearcnodc»obbcj8.2i5utnowe after tbat pe Daue It no wen Cob (pec rat|)cr are Kit w 5 ., r«K of€ob)DowWtttDatpctourneagapttUn» *ffojior.«.n t0 tDe wcalte anb * beggarlp o^binauncejf, • utycrunf agapttc pe befp^c afrefttje to be in bonbage.'' jPe obfertte bayctf , anbtnonetDejef, anb tpmc0,nnbpcarc0.3nm »» ftnee of pou, led jf Daue bedoweb on pou la b oure in Uapne. 2i3^tD^,3befccDpou,bepcatf3nm : fo? 3amaiBtpeare,geDauenotDurtmcee,anb De wDtcD was* boj= mm nc of tbe bonbe woman, was* bo?nc after tbe fieftbc:but Dc wbtcft wag of tDe fre mi, was* bo.nte bppjomefie. ^UbicD tr3vugcsSarcfpo= ftenbp an allegoipe . jf 02 tDefcarc two tc* ftamentcsstbc one from tDcmountc ^pua, wDtcD ge nbjef b mtto bonbage , wDtcD is* %* gar. jf 0? mounte ^pna ts*3pgar in Arabia, anb bo?b?etb upon tlje cpttc, wljtcD is* nowc callcbjcrufalc?, anb Win bonbage witbbcr +* cljplb^cn. km ml liBut*3crufalcm,wbicDteabottc,igfrc: am, w ^cUWtDemotDtrof Utfal.jfo.itti0W^t* *«a.u«i.» ten. * ^eioycclDou barm, tDat beareftno cftpltyten : bjcaae fo?tD atib crpc , tfton f tra= uapleft not. jf 0? tDe bef otat Data manp moo cDplb?en,tDen u> wijicDDatbean Dufbanbe. iBftimw » wc ate after 3faac , tbe cljilbjm of pontes*. :2iSut as* tben be tbat was* bome ! after tl>c flefuje , perfecuteb Dpm tDat was* bo^teaftcrtDe fp?ete,cttcnfo is*itnowe.iSc= i*«me m h WWMk* wDatfaptbtDc fcrtptttre ; mm n awape tDe bonbewomd anb Dcr fonne. jfo? tDe fonne of tDe bonbe woman u)all not be tcpjcwifD tDe fonnc of tbe fre woman. &o f Dm b?etD?en , we a£e not cDplb^cn of tDe bonbe Woman:but of tDe fee. ^ CW-U-CUapfcr. * Oala.bf.a t batapil lictVoiete tbe fpit* feanb tbe ficritjcaiio tliefcuttd of tljcmbotb. I'dtanbefafttDerfoze in tl;clibertp ~ I wDcrwitD CD.ttft DatD mabe us * jjfre , anb wjappc notpottrc teittess agapnein^tbe poke of bonbage. * *»** 2i8cbolbc, 3 Jbatil fape Unto pott, tDat* pf pe be circnmcifcb,CD?ift ftjall piof- * tajf/** fptcpou notbpngeatall. 3tcftpfpeagapuc to ettcrp man wto 10 circnmrifcb , tbat Ije in bonbe to aepe the wbolelawe . €b*i{h0 become but in Uapne unto pott.?t s* manp of pou as* are iultifpcb bp tbe lawe are fallen fro grace.aieloUc fo?,anbDopcintDc rp^tfe to be iuftifpco tDoio we favtl)- * jf 01 in 3efu CD^itt , nrtfjee is* circumcifpon anp tDpngc wo?tD,nctbcr pet Uncircumcpfion but fait j *wDt'cb wozketb bp louc.pe W rune well: * lfo: - «"•* Wljo was a let Vmto pou , t imt pc ujulbcnot beleue t\)z trw£Dr**ra>Rfi»t< onto no man., Cucn tbccottnfcll wbicb eamenot of bpm tbatcal^ letbpou. * 2d Iptell leuen Dotl/lcuc f wljolc * L *»*-»' lotnpeofbowe. ^ 3 Dane truft towarbc pou in $ loiDc, ** tDat pcujalbc none otbcewpfctninDebiSut Dctbat trottblctbpott, (ball bcareDtUiubgc= mctttwbatfocttcrDc be. JSietD«n,pf 3 pet PiteacDcircumci(pon,wDp bo 3 tben pet fuf= freperrecucpon^DcnustDenaunberoftlje troffe ccafeb . 3 wolbe to0ob, tDcp wercfc= parateb from pou, wDtcD trouble pou. i52e= tbjen.pc were callcb into Ube«pe:onIp Vict fl&g*? not pottre libcrtpebe an occafion Unto m ,co;D, " i fleftbe :bttt bp iouc»» (°f tbe rp;ett) feme one an otber. 5fo?all tDe lawe is* fulfplleb in one wo?bc, wDtcD ts* tbis*.- *tDou malt tone tbpne *mt.ntt* ncpgDboiircas*tbpfelfe.3fpebpteanb oc- f9«*c.rt»A ttottrc one anotberrtanc bebe, left pe be Ipltc- KI!S. r. wpfcconfiitncb one of another. {< i.amts.a.b. >h 3 fape.walke in t\it fpjcte.anb fulfpll not fbc ittft of tbe fteftbe. #oj m fiefiHelU' «r ftctbcontrarptotbcfp t 2ctc,anb*tbcfp?cte , ,. contrarpfofbcflcfqje . TDefcarc contrarpc * mitfri * one to ti)e of bcr , fo tbat pe cannot bo what* focttcr v^ wolbc . 26ut anb pf pe be I tft of tbe f wete, t Den are pc not Unber tbe liwe . 'Srijc btm of tDe flefibc arc manpfeftc, wbtcD arc tI;cfc:abuotitcrp,fomtcaei6,Unclcnnes*,wa' tattes*,wo?ajpppingofpmages*,witcljcraft, IjatreD, Uaciaunce, ?cle,w % iatbe, ftrpfe.fcbi- cpons*,fcctcs*, enupingemurtber , Djoiiltctt* ncs* glottonpe, anb focDelpbc : of tlje wbtclj 3tcllpottbcfoitcas*3Dauetolbpouiutpmc paflr, tbat =¥tDep wbicb commpt foci) tbiuges* + f.cot.bt.b Ojallnot bcinDcritottrs*of tbtbpngbome of WW* C50b . Contrarelp ,tDcfrutcof tDe fpjete is*, lottc,iope,peacc,longe fufferingc, getplntjaf, goobnes*,faptDfttlncs*, mcucness, temperau- cpe.*3(!gapnftfucDctl)crcis* no lawcCbcp trttlpc tljatawCbn'ftesJ , Daue crttctfycb tDe * »**»** flcf we WW tbe aff eccions* anb 1 u ftes*. *M$wtwt in tDcfpme, let Us* walfte nit iiii in t|>e * Kem.rb.a itttbcrpKfc.XcfMnotbcbefirousiohjay* ncgiojyc .pjouolungc one anof &er,cnuping oncanotber. Cfcbe.-bf.cijaptcr. f Bf tcbo?t«b tbr m to bjotbrrip lam;, anb one to bent uurb tnmtt . .T.n tbc rubr bctoarnttb tbcin tobcuurcofrircumcifpon. HI Urtti^cn.if a nmn nlfo be talicit nto pott witb rnpnc awnc banbc.3 ginanp a s bcfirc witb vt wardc apprrauncc to piea= fc carnal Ip.tbc fame conftrapnc youtobccir cmncifeb , onelp left tbey Qmlbc fuffrc pcrfc= eutpon foz tbc croffe of Cbnft.tfoztbcp them fe^wbtcbarecircucpfco.Bcpcnotj&lawc, but defyzefo baucyou cirrmncpfib , $t\)ty mpgbt re t'opec in pour c ftcf (be. £> Gob fozbybtbatl amide rcioyce, but in tl)c ccoffc of outc J,o*be 3cm Cb?ttt, wbcrbp tbcwo*lbci0crucifpcbbntornc, tjiymf wojlbc.;ffoZ:Wn€bzift3cfuiictbcrcircucp s fi on nuaplctbrnp tbvm ait allmo; tairctt- ciuon:butancwccrenturc.3CnDa0manya0 walbc aceoibyngcto tbwulc, peace be oit t|)c anb mcrep.f bpon 3fram , tpnt pcrtap= %ua>;MUc wtbto Gob.tffrombcnccfonb.lctnoma' put me to bufpnr* . * jfoj. 3 bearc in mpbobptbe mattoof fbe&ozbe 3cfn . B?ctb?en , tbc grace of oure liozbc 3cfu €bM bewttbpoutefpzete: $tncn» Ctt&f cpittle Unto tbe Galat&pawai xjuajsfcntfeomaiiome. * 0aU.b.a CC&t epititte of fnpnct#aultljc3poftleto tbc epbefyautf. Ca:bef^ftCbaptcr.' CH^ic etifrtoflvngc o?bfnnunce anb rtwi^on of i&otnnfaupiigf niimciitbojohie ffb?'rt Jlcfmi br« fonuc , hie ate o;oc nnttt biito booO too;b», tticDDmiiirunufjc^'irr. 3M an afpoftic of 3eft«J <£b?(ft,bptbctoplIof({5ob. 'QjotbefapnctejEfwljicb areatepbefu^anb to tljem tx>btcbbeieueon3cP«ift ^C5?accbct3)itbpou,« pea- ce f torn 00b oucfatbecanb from tftc-lojbc 3cfu0€bntt. * uSlcflcDbc (5obtbefatl;crof ourc JLo^be 3fQa(CMt, toijici) batb blcltcb lose \x»itb all mam of fpt= rtt uall bleupnpn Ijcuculptljtngcs; by cfottt afeo?bftigcatfDrbabfl)ofcnt0titDym,bcfo- retbefoubacioiisioftl)Ctt)o?lbcvDerclaybe, tbat wcmulbc be lioly , anb tuitbout blame befo?e Oym, tljo? owe lone . UWcb o^ocyneb UiS before tboioweJcfujJ Cbnft to be bcp^eia; unto bpmfclfcaccojbinge to tbc goob plca= furc of &y* wpll.to tbep^yfe of rbcglojpof l)ps grace, tsjfjectottl) l)t ijatl) maoe \)0 acce- ptebt^owetbcbcloueb. *2iSptDbomcu)cbaucrebcttipcyont0o= rovoc bistblottbcciien tbc fo^gcttenctf of Cpn= nejS.accoibiiigc totbe rycljcjs of gracct»bcr« ofljcl)atbminyftrcbbnifo\i0abounoantlyc mt* wm are in tywi, anb tlje tfjpn- gefi UJbicb arc in cartb)«icn by bpm by t»bo wc arc inaocbcyjc&aiib tone tbertopjtebe* ftiiiateacco^bpnge totljepurpofeof bpm bv toljofe power all tDyugejsa>e wiougbt ac= co?bingc to tljcpurpofe of bp^aumc \nv\hp r»t( wbicb bcfo?c bcleueb in Ctaift) Ojulb be DntotDcmay^ofbpiSgio^p. 3n wbom alio we belcuc , fo? afmocljc aoi we batte beatbe tDc wo^bc of ttuetb.eucn tljc ooipcll of yourc falttacpon : wljcrin, wban pe tab beleucb * pe wcreRaleb w(tbtbebo= Ippcte of p?omc0 wbicb Wf cent ft of oure inbmtaunce,fo;t tbe recoueryngc of tbc pu?= cbaffeb poffcirpon,tmto tlje mapfe of bpjS filoip. *. SH5S? 3 aIf0 ' n «? F WO beaebe of? faytb>wi)icDyeDanein f iflb&fa, 9 loue % 2i5 *ttollo.f.k c *«om.MIK| ano.b.a, * Hoitw.i.6. tlltonia.rb.c tepbc.b-c. ^CoUo.Jii.a. ♦Ufa.nb.b. 7S *'XUi\B,(. b. S> C *tab0 warbc tfto« ro wc TOPft left. $01 bp graccarc yc mabe fafe tbc^ow faytb,aub tbat not of yourc fci* uc0.3t 10 tbc gpftc of (5ob ,4nb comet b not ofwo.2Ue0 s lcft cnpma fljuldc boaft btm fclfc ra wc arc lji0 wo;cbtnanujppnc,creatcb in CWPft3tftt Unto * goob wojnea , wijfcnc 000 o?bcpncb,tbat wcamlbe walbctn tbe; iDbcrfojcrcmcmbcr tbatyebcyngcin ty- mepaflcb gentyltf intbeflcfibe, wcrccallcb Dncircumcifvon from tbat wbpcb i0 caiieb : * circmnciCyon in tbc f leftbe , wljicb cfrcum* ciuoni0mabcbybanbe0:rcmcmbcr(3fape) tbntat tbattymc pe were without Cbtpft, ltd ttje €pf)efyatt0. $Q,lwW bepnge aiiauntc0 from tbecomen wcltb of 3fcacl,anb fteaungewfrom tbetettamrutr of tbc pjomc0 baupnge no bope.anb bww WttboutC5obtutbi0wozlDr.z3utnowe bp p meane0 of Cbiift 3efu,pe wbicb fomtptre were farre of, are made npc bp tlje bloube of CbJyft; it 0; be i0 oure peace, wbicb barb mabe of ootp one, anb batb Solicit bowuetycwali tbatwa0 a ftoppc betwene b0,anb batb alfo putawayc tbo^owc btoflcrajc,(<^r becaufc *s?9 of batreb,euentbc Iawe of commaunocmi-- tc0 contayncb in tbc lawe wipttcn, fcjt to maUcof twapnc one newt man in bpm fclfc, foma&yngepcaccanbtoreeocple bbtb Unto <3 ob in one boby tbozowc tt^c crofle , 9 fie wc batrcd tbcrbpsanb came , anbpieacbcb peace to pott wbicb were a farre of, anb to tbe tbat were npc. jl oj tbotowe bpm we botb bauc 3D amntrauuecin one fputc \mto tbe fatber. ^Bowtbcrfoie.ycarcnotuTaungcrtf, anbfo?cpncf0:butcitefpn0witl)tbcfapntc0 5 of tbc bouO)olbc of Cobranb arc buplt buo tbc * founbacyon of tbc 3tpoft let* anb $10^ * ( Co . fl , „ Pbctes, * 3efu0£bzyft btm felfe bepnge tbc *JfflS beeb comer (toucan wbom wbat bnplbpncrc 25?' n *f# foeueri0couplebtogetbcr,itgcowetb wiro wSE8&,t anbolp temple in tbc 3Lo|be,in wbom pc alfo ««"• rriD - arc buplt togctber, to bean babttacto of Gob ZiBSftfe tbo^owctbe-^rbotp/gboft. # «- 3 n CS:bc.Hf.€bapfcr. r D : sbrUirtb cbc tiufc of bt>3 p:cfonmcnf , m-. rr:ctbffbcmnof (ofapmc becaufc of bps trou bic,atiop;apctbeoa to male tbcm ftcofaftin bpo rp:ctc jO?fbi6 caufe,3 Paulam a viz- % foner of 3cfu« <£lwb foz pbti * *)ftbe:3f pchauebcarbc of tbc jminiftracpfioftbe grace of Gob ._J^- wbicb 10 geuftnc topou wat= * art. mu. pc.jfo2*bpreuelanonlbcwebbctbcnufterp *«$*„ b , «utome,a03 wiotcafozrin feawc wojbe0 wbcrbywljcn yc rrabcycmaycbnberlranb mpknowlebgcinp mt'fterp of Cbztlt , Wbicb nuftccp in tpmc0 paifeb wagnotopeneb \>u-- to tbc fouues of men , a0iti0nowcbccIarcD Wito bvn bolp3poftlc0 anb p^opbe tc0 by tbc fp;etc :tjjat tbc Gcntyl0Qmlbc be mbcrt* tour0alfo,anb of tbe fame boby , anb parte- taltcr0ofbP0mome0tnCb'.tn-, by tbc mea-- nctfoftbc<5ofpfH,wUerof3"amin'abcamp= tipftcr,aec«btngctotbcgpfteoftbc grace of oob wbtcbi0geucn tontonic after tbe woi» fipngc of bp0 power. Untomctbc * leaftofall fapnctc0i0tbi0 ffi grace geucn,tbat3amlbc picacbcamougc * «.co;.rb.j. tbc t>enfyl0ptjnfrarcbcablcricbc0 of €b»ft aim to inane allmen re, wbat tbe fclp&ypuc oftbcmpftcrpi0, * wbicb from tbc bcflpn* npngeof tl)t wo^lbc batb bene bpb in Gob wbicb mabe all tpigctf tbo*o w itm €W(t: to tbc mtcnt.tbat nowc Unto tbc rulers h\b powerful !)eaiulp tjjingc&mpabt be bnowc lift l) bptbe 1E1)C c ptttlc bp tbccogrcgacte, tbc manplfolDettiprDome ofC5ob,acco2Dpngcto tbeetcrnail purpofr, ttjbicb be u>2 ougbt in Cluift3|cfu oure L02D, bptobomujr baucbolbncflc anD cntraunce uiitb tlir confluence wbicb to! bp toe faptb of bpm. ►{< U)bctfo2e3bcrp2e4 , Vcfapnt not * coiio.i.o. uccaufc of mptribulacioo" * tbat 3 faffce foz pourc fanes*: robicb is" pourc pjapic. € J?o; ttjigcaufc 3 bot»cmr ftur cjg\mto f fattjer of onrc l02bc 3cf iwi £b2iu\ tt»b C&bc.iiif. Cbaptur. >£ fTBffrtWMlrtbftnbnto mffexiica.fo jape aft; be the oloc coiuictTacron of gtcbp i;uKcs , anD (o toulkcitu nctiit ipfc. 3 E^^KS^b«fo?c ( isMc'l) am a pjefott^ ncr of tbe lores' ) ecboue pou , * tbat pc walac roojtbp of t^z toocacpon vobcrtoitb peare caU leb, toitb all lotolpiiea anb me* bcnefTe, toitb bumblcnc* of mpnDe, fojbra^ rpn2concauoJbertbo2ot»clciuc,anDbeblIi> gent to kepe tbc Mnitie of tbe iFpjetc tb020tt>e fbebonbeofpcaccbcpngconeboDp^nDonc fp2etc, cue" aspc arc calico in omebope of pour callingc. sDnc io,2De,oncfaprll),bne baptpmc one Goo anb fatjjcr ofallwDicb i abouc all anDtbo2ouieall,anDinpouaU. \* & * Cinto cucrp one of topis' geuen gra* ce,acco2bpnge to tbemeafure of tijegpfteof Cb?Pft.U)bcrfo?cbcfaptb:*t»banbetX)ent top an bpc, bdcObe capttuitpe captpue,anD gauegpftes' tonto men. %$t\t\&t afcenbeb: mbatmcanetb it i but tbat bealfo befecnoeo join. jii.b f P?tt into t])t lowcft partes* oftbe ertb:'* $c tbat bcfcenbcb>(0 etien t^t fame alfo tbat af= ccnoebtop, nboucallbcauens 1 , tofulfpllall tbpngetf. Ttno tit tocrpfamemaDe # fome3po= ftlesl.romc&iopbctes*, forne dBuanejcliftejS , fome gj&epcrbejs anD Ucacbecs' : to tbe eoi= fpenge of toe fa pnetes 1 , to tbe to ojne anb mU niftraepon.euentotbeebifpingeoftbebobp of £bm > Ml we all come to tbe tjnitpe of fciptb, ano ftnotoieoge of ttte tonne of cbtod, Dnto a perfecte man, bnto.tbcmeaflicc of ti.Co:.bt).D. US Co;ui.m.a. pfa.irbiif.t> C f.coj.rtt.a >tb.r.a. 'r.a. tbe fuUpcefccteagcof^^Vft I< ^Iwtwe bcnccfo?tblbiUbebenomo?ecbpib?0, * t»a» * 'cmmi ucepngc 9 caepeb abowte witb eucrpuwiibc of Doctrine, bp tbe toplpne tf of men.tboiowe craftpmtf , ujfjeebp t^tv lape a wapte f 02 b0 tobeceaue t>0. Outlet tid folowetbe truetb in lone , ano in alltbpnjjcg grottie in bpm , %~ all tbe bobp be coupled anD ntiet togefbee SfiB?* tbocf= c°n°.<».a. «c0anDtrnebolpnesi. U)bccfo2e, * putatoapelpingc, $fpcafee * anji.rtr.(. etiecp mS trutb bntobW nepgbbonre, to? asf mocbc asf wcare members one of anotber, (oD. b watbeto. * i.cc no man Deccauc pou wit b tonpne ,fiii..a. t»02De»J.^Fo?becaufe of focbe tbpugcjJ com= BJSlf jitu metb tbe^atb ofd5ob,bpontbccbvl0Jcn iiAc.rF«.t. of DifobeDience.Benot petberfo^e compa= npong of tbcm.ge txierc fomtpmc DarcfeucjS, . but no wc are pe Ipgbit in tbe JLoibe. t C *tDaluea£JcbilD2cnofIp/Tbt(ifo2ffrute llS'K' oft ^ e fpjcteconfpu-etbtn allgooDnc£(,anD rpgbtet»efncjS ano truetb.) fi ^earebpnge wljatiisacccptablebnto tbe lozbe.^nD ba= uenofcllpa)vppetxjitbtbcbnfrutefulltooj= ftctf of OarcBiictf • but ra tber rebunc tjem. jf 02 ttijsamme euetonametbofetbpngesl t^bicb areooneof t\ftmin recrete.butalltbpnaeiB, wben t^V arc bzougbt f o?tbe bp tbc -Ipoftt , nee mjinif cite. 5f 02 xobatfoeueritfinanifcfte, tbat fame ijS !ygbt.tt>berfo?e be faptb:atoa= be tbou tbat uepeft,anb ftonbe \>n fro Dcetb, and €b?VftfbaUgcuctbclpgbt. •£> ►|«'«3:alte bebe tbcrfoic bouic pe walfte cie eumfpcctiv.notasJbnvopfcbutaslujpfcmS; tDpnnpngc occafVon , bccaulc tbc bapeiei ace eupll-tDbcrf oze , be pc not \31m1pfe , but ton* Dcrftanoc mm tbc topll of tbe Jio?nc 10, anD ' be not DJoncltc uiitb topne ujberin in erccflt: butbc f pllcb witb tbc fpzetc, fpenkpnge ton* ttoxwtA to pomc(clucjS * in pfalmc* anD bpmnrsf , £ouo.h).c anDfpictuail fongest, fpnginge anD manpng mcloDteto tbc JLo2DeinpourcbcrtciEl,gpupn= gctbankejsallttiapess foialltljpngcg, tonto <5oD tbe fatljcr in tbc name of oure ioibc 3cfuiSCb?pft,fubmittpngcpoure fcluetf one to anotber in tbc fcarc of <5ob. ^ (g V,t tocmf , f ubmit pourc fclucjai tonto pome ^ atone bufbaiibctf , otf tonto tbc HoaDe . jfoz *0oic.c buvbanDcjs,louc pourc t»p= tic^enenajiCWPftalOi IoucD tbc congrcga= cpon .anbgauc bpm fclfefo* it , tofanctifpc $ it, nnDclcnfebiitntbcfountavne of water cbojtotu tbc tooiDcto mabc it tonto bvm fclfe a gloipousfcongrcgocpon , uiitbout fpot 0} tt)2pncWe,02cnp focbctbpnge:but£it ftulbc be boIp,anb uiitbout blame . 5&0 ougbt men to louc tbep* tupuctf , atf tbeir atone bobpeief. 39c tbat louctb bP« topfe Jouetb bpm fclfe. ^fozno mancucr petbatcb ^pjsavoneflcftUr; of tlje fpljefpans. $ oUjejctott? butnojpftbctbanDcbertrib'tftit, cucn atitbt loiDeDotb tbe congregacpon. if 02 tooearc member^ of W bobp , of W f lefibe , anD of bp^bone0.*3fo2tbpfiicaufea)allaman lea ttsim^.n. ue fatber anDmotber.ffainll be iopneD tonto gtrtfVa fl, bi0t»pfe,anD ofttDofyalucmaDconeftefQie. *.c«in* w,b, %)Mti iga greate fecrete , but 3 fpcaae of *w**> Cbzpft anD of tbc congregacpon, #euertbe=> leffe, Dopefo , tbat eucrponc loucrjpsf uipfe mm as! bpm felfe, anD Ut tbc i»pfe rcuccence bcr bufbanbe. CEbc-tot.€baptcr. CT^ohic c?)rlt>:en fljulbt bt baut tbftn rclUcs to- toatbc tbtpi patKca.ftfCiiatiiitcs futuaractber: m.i^c::3,an ccljoiCacpS (o CI} t fplrituall battapll. * IpplDicn , ob cp pourc fatljcr^ 3 anb motbertf in tbc JI02DC : fo; tcoua.m.^ tbatiiEfrpgbt *i)onoucctbpfa= tetob.rK.b. tber anb motbf c , ( tl)t tame isi tbcfp2ft commauiiDcmet in tbe P2ome0)tbattbou mapft p2ofpcrc , anD lp= tie longe on tbc crtb . Vt fatljcrjs moue not pourc cbplD2cn to t»2atb:but* bapngc tbe * D W ,u,.b. top tbo?ott>e tljc Doctrine anD info2macpon ot tbe I02DC ^c fcruatmtcgf , obepe tbcm tbat are powebobelp maftcr^ , xoiti) fcarc * tremblpnge , eucn toitb tljc rpnglcnctf of pourebcrte, as; tonto Cb?ift:not Dopngcfcc= uicc tontotbcepcajstbcvf'goaboutto plca= fcmcmbutasstbefcruautcs! ofCDitft, bopn= gc t^t topll of <5oD from tbebctte toJitb goob ujpll.fcrupngctbc Lo2De,anDnotmen.t^iio= wpngc tbpxi, tbat wbatfoeucr gooD tbpn.= to gc cnpmanDoctb, tbe fame ftiall be reccanc agapnc of ©ob , wbetber be be bonbe 02 fee. 3nbpc matter*, Do cucn tbcliimetbpngcS tonto tbcm. puttmgc at»apc tb2catenpngcfl!: itnoto3pngc,tbat pourc matter alfo ({tin befl 3 ucn, * nctbcrisl tl;cr enprefpectc of perfon war.nr.c ►> jfmnllpmpbzctl)2cn, bcftrongetbo= e«ic.mb.b. rovue tbc Loibc anD tborovoe tbepouocr of couo.m.e. btxjmpgbt. $ut,onall tbearmourc of GoD , tbatpcinaveflanDc agavnfttbcaffautctf of f Dcuvll. it 02 toe voicttlc not ogapnft bloubc nnDftcfa)C:butagapniirulf,agapnftpotoJcr, agapnttuioilbp rulfrs,cue gouciucria of tbc DarcHnc0of tbv^ttJo^lDc, agapntt fpjcfuall r craftpnrtf in bcauenlptbpngcsf. u - \l1berf02c taUc tonto pou f t^bolc armourc of^oD.tbatpcmapcbcabletorcfpitcintbc cuyllDape.anD ftanDepcrfcctc in all tbingesJ.- b 3tl;anke mpdsoowttlj allremem= .r. b. bounce of pott #all wapcflinall mppjapcrg • fo?pou , and piape witbglad»ic$:bccaufcpe arc comeinto p fellowtfepppc of tt>c i5ofpcU front tbefpjft dape Dnto now & and am fnerlpccrtpfped of tbp^batbe jwbicb batd begomten good wojuein pou.qjnuperfottr* meitDntplltbcdapcof3efu0Cb«ipn\a0ie bccommetbme,fotti0ge3ofpounU, becaufe 3 mm pon in mpberce : fox almocrje nape all.are companpong of grace witbmc, enen in mp bondeiMnd in tde defend pngc and fta« bliflDpnge of tbe <0ofpell. 25 5f o? (£od it my recojde , bowe greatlp 3 longe after pon all, from tde Derp dcrte rote * cphf .ut>. in 3eIiijBtcft¥ft . * 3nd t\m 3 p;ape , tbat poureloue mape tncreace pet mojeanomoje in Knowledge, and it* allDnderftnndpnge, tbat pe mapc accepte t&e tbpngetf tbat are molt ejw Uent.tlwt pe mapc be pure , and fo« tffteqrfftlt * noma Coir ,i i cbe,a# offeiide «o mff DntpH f dape ofCtoift : bepngcfpjlcd witb tbe frutc of rpgbtewer* ncsi,t»dtcUcoimtDbp3cfiitfCfeilt Ditto t&c gloitpandp^apleof^od. u ^ 3 4 P U C W ^nlde Dndcrftonde Cb^etlJ^) tdattdc tDpngetfiDdicd dappened Ditto me, c E m i cc ?^£ toc ! ,c S rcatcfi »"DcramtceoetDc dWell : feo tdatmp banded incfeift , are twanifeftf tbo?ow fcarc^omrp^ca cbeC^pftofcnmc and ttrpfc , and font e of good UJpll , 'CdcottcpnrfcpjcacdcCbWftW ftrvfcandnptfpncerelp , fnppofpnge toaddc mo^eaoucrfptic totttp banoejs.^gapnc tde otber parte p^acljc of Ioncbecattre tw Uno we.tliat 3 am fct to defende tbc CofoeU. Wattrjcn^otbatCb^llbc pzcacded attpe matter of umpe , twdetdcr itMp occa- fpott, o? of trtte tneamttgc,3 am glad tbcrof, peandDjpll beglad.jf oOftnoi&ctbattbfcS C tdall cdanncc to mp faluacpon, * tnoioiaoe * «.«"».«. vomt vwtt aiidmmiftrpiifie of tbc fpjete of^efnCbn'Iracco^mgefompejcpectacto, bttttbatutptball boldtteitc, cajsall toapetf turn ro ttoDJc alfo )Cb?m Qiau be magmfped in mpbodp ,t»dct|jcrttbc tbo^oujcfpfe , 03 t bo? owe deet b. St o? «i ft f * to me Ipfc, and dcctb^tomcauauntage. 3f it cbatincemc to ipnc in m flcfajctfiat tbmgc^tomcfrntefullfo? tbeujoicftc and J»bat 3 Wl cbofe 3 Wote i not $%& am ?5 , ft mpned of tbcfc two tbfges!. * 3 defpje to be * - oht J - oofcd.jtobcijcWft mtM nmlm fae ** mml bettcr.Bcnfrtdfleu-J,to abpdc in p fler^ettf mo?c ttedfti l f ojt pou,3(!ttd tbpjs am 3 to of, tbnt3Wlabpde ) andco«nucwt'tbPonal fo? yonrc fnrtderannce and tope of voure fijptb,tbatpourerctopftti fi cmapcbefmo2c aUouttbantfbo?owc3efu0(a:^tfttnmc,bp mp commpnrje topon agapne/ ** iDnclvletpourccomierfacponbe, * n#mp tour, ana (0 tietoatc of ttiKc anb bapne giojP.gnb fw a • ftw wraropicbf l«P«(b jc b? P d Ww t>( m. ? 3ftbce €otfteP)iltppvans jfo 3d raeawa^i Jf tftcr be tberfb^c enp confola= cponinebaiftjPftbccbccnvco. fo^tcof lone, pf tber bpenp felU' ujpppe of tde fp?etc, pf tber be f enp companion and mercp : full Ipll pe mp iope, tbat pe be iphe mpnded, da* uinge one.louc,bepnge of one accojde,and of one mpndc , tbat notbinge be d one tdo? owe ftrpfc 0,1 of Dapncglo^p , but tnmekeuc? 1 of inpnde,lctcuetpmaneftcme anotber bettcc ,i:o>i«.r.f. tben bvmfclfe. * loBenotpcciterpmanon Urn a. hM^attjttetbingejS^uteucrpmaontbctbtn 8 gciel tbat are otbfrmcnsf. ^.^rjbefame mpndebeinpon,tbatwaj5alfoin Cb?tft3* fu: wbicb wban be wa^ in tbe qjape of j 5pd, tbousbt it no r obbcrp to be cquall wttb ©00 ^cucrtbeleftcbcmadebpmfelfc ofnorcpu« tacion , taapngc on bPm tbc qiapc of a f cr = trxthll „ a wmntt , and * became Ipfte Dnto men , and ♦aw.™, nut foundcittb^apparellagaman.lijebu 1 11ft bled Urn fclfe,and became obedtentDnto tde deetb,cucn tbedeetb of tbc croffc. tobcrfoic. <5odalfobatb cjraltcdbtm onbpeand gcttctt him attante wbtcd i)SaboucaUname0: tbat Uwtut. in* tbc name of 3efu0 * eucrpltnecujulde jwom.pi.c b 0ttJ e, botb of tbingetf inbeatten andtbpn- ifw.rib.j. flCjS i ner tijandtljpngcfl!Dndcrtbeertb , nttd tbat all tongetf idttldc confefTc , tbat 3cma *ac( W .«.f. &l)ffl i0 tbc * Jlojde , Ditto p ptapfc of 0od B oma.M««.b tUefatdcr; *» , , t sn . _ tt)bftfo?e(mpdearlybcloucd) asfpcljauc alwapc0 obeped , not wben 3 D)a« ptefent onclp,btitnowemocdc mojeut mpnc abfett- I ce.cucnfowoicKcoutpoureawuefoluacton ♦t).co?«ntb. wttb fcarc and trctttblpng. * 5fo?ttt£ic>oD, iu.b. tDbtcbwo2H£tl)inpott,botbtbcwpuandal« fotbedcdc.eueuofgoodwpu. ti.tae.iw. b. * SDoalltbpnge witb outmurmuctngr ,1 ♦i.i9cuu> dpfputpngctbat * petnape be foctscai no matt came complapncou:and Dnfapitcd ton; I nc* of t!5od wttbout rcbuUe.tn tbc mpDoetf of I a crolied and peruerfenacpon : amongewbo I fctl)atpc(bpneatflpgbtctfintDcwo,:lDc,boi [ C opstge Mi tbe wo^de of Ipfc , tbat 3 marc l* tber Cpapb^odituji Dnto po^P companto in labourcand felowc foulDier , poure 3Bpo* ftell, wbicb alfo mintft rctb *nto me at ne oe. jfo?be longed after pouall, and wad full of deupnetf , becaufe tbat pe bad bcarde liipe, tbat bebadbcncfpcae.3nonoooutebc was ficBCtnfomocbtbatbewasJnpeDntodfctd- 25ut<5Qdbad tncrcj' onbim:and not onbim onelp, but on me alfo , left3 UnilOc bane Co= roweDpon foiowe. 3 rent bpmtbccfojctbe mo?c Diligetlp:tbat wben pefebpm, petnape rctopce agapticano tbat 3 niapc be tbe leue foiowfull.licceauebimtbcrfoKitt tbc io?= dc wttball gladne* , and * mafee mocbe of *^X J; focbe ; becaufe tbatfoi tbe woiUc of CbJPft be volt fo fatre, tbat be wag npe Dnto deetb, and regarded not fypii Ipfe : to fullfplltbat , wbicb waa laedpnge on pottte parte to war * dc me. CUbciiJCbaptcr. C©e toarntfb Cbcm (o bttoatt of faiff ttebrw , tobom bf callrtb bosses anb enempes of Cb?Ptti anotepjouetb manoea atone tru^tcoufnes. C>?eouer, (b?etb?cn ) reiopce pein 3 tbe to?0e. 3tgreuetdmcnotto 03iptc one tbpnge often to pou. r -„ . jfbjtopoutttfafuretbpngc.iSe w (gbjuctfta* concerttpncjc m lawe,a^ba= *ftffi. b ' rtrape : ag conccrnpngc fcructttttc^ , 3 pcrfc* cittkdtbccougtegacpon,as;toucbpttgctbe.rp gbtcwcfuc0wbicbigintbi:Jawc,3wagDn s rebukablc. , . M * 26utt!;e tdpngctf tbat were Dattntagc *^ at .!rii«c counted all tbpnge loffc.and do iuoge tbc but Dplc , tdat 3 mape wpnueCb?Pft»and be f otmde in dim not baupnge mpnc awm rpgDtcwcfntS of tbc la we :but tbat wbicb itf tbo?ow tbf faptb of dTj)?pft: ettett tbe rpgbtcwcfncji wbicb co= tttctb of <5od tdojowe fflptb -tbat 3 tnayc Unowe dpm and tbc Dertue of bP* " furr J." .t. SSSmS ^ofpcU.?[)pmtberfo?c3bopc rcfurrcccponoftdedccd. cpon.and tbc fellowOtpppc of bP0paffpon0, wbrle 3amcoitfoitnadleDntobpsK dtetdJ pf bp ciip meanc $ \% [mpgbt attapnc Dntd tbc liottbat i Kom.n>j.c C fratmi jninucattapMbtyitoitaUrta* bp,oz that 3amallrcaby pcrfrcte:bitt 3 fo=> lo wc,pf that 3 tnnpc cSpzcbcribc tbat , whx* rm 3 am compzchebe ft of Ctapft 3cfu. 2&ic* tb.Kn,3countcnotnn>fclfctbnt3baucgot« fen t< w per ,but tl)i0 ouctbpngc3 foeafof get tljofc tbingco winch arc bebinbt,* enbe n ourc mp fclfc Unto tbofc tbmgc0 which are be f ozc.anb; accozbmgc to m maruc apopn* f ru; 3 mm to tl;c rewarbe of tDc bpc cal- if nge of tfobtljozowe dfritSffli . let totf flicrfo2ea0manpa0bcpcrfcct,bethu0wpfe mynbtb, anb pf pc beotljcr wpfc mpnbcb, C5ob Stall open tbe famcaifoDtito pott, ftc* ncrtbclciTcbnfo that which we banc ntrap= nebbnto, Icrt Vjtf p v zoccabcbp cue rule, that r> tte inapt be of one accozbe. < i,mw.t >b * iSzcf ()zcu, be folowcrt together of nor.n. me, anb lone on them winch wnlnc rurnfo, a«pe Dane D0 foz anenfamptc. ifozinany waHtcc of whom 3 baue toIDc pou often anD t>owctrUpouwcpyngc;tba»hcparc;pene* mittf of Xerotic of Cbuu\ *wbo"fc cube is ha"* nation , whofc Cob t0 tbcpz bcllpanb glo* tp to tpm flwinc , wbicharc wojjbelpmpn- bcb.ibnt onre conucrlncpon 10m bcnuen.frS whe ncc we lone foz the faueoneMtttttf lm* »xc;.pb.Bpf3efn0€D2vrr,ti)IjifbqjaU*cl)aimgfottre ypicbobtc, tb.-.t be mapcmaltcit IpBcVnto Iip0gloztoti0bobp, nccozbpncrcto tie woz* WW , wherbp bei0ablcalfd tofubbuc all tl>rngc0bntohimfelfc..fc C^&e.iut.cijapfcr. £&&*££* ****** of tbcra , rrtwfttb tbmi f o Sff latrfoif mpb^cthje f bearlp '^' bclon cb anb I ongebfojDmp topcaiibcrowne,rocontfnue . in the iozbc pe bt loucb . 3 jp*apc<£uobta0,nnbbcfechc g| 3>inf icbe0 , £thcp be of one -ri » . . acco^betntl)cio2b.J>ceanb SHSBS l at)ourcD WM me in tffi , * ,, P cU ; a,&tt ^Clcmentairo,anDwithoifbfr Ebcf.b.1.. 5°5 C of to * * mt topec n p tojbalwapc men at frinbr.tfc cartful! eat nVhyngc:but inailmapeeanbfnpplteacponietpoueepct 5 ?;«f be : matriftftc onto eoo m tbffSpnae fcfDaUnnberrranbpnfyc )ftcpepoure hcrtca irrc^ffSKK' 8^^ whatfocuer tDitt J"!!? ?? e ' ^^focnerthpiiff^nrc bone" Z rftx ncrt repotted tyerbrenp tjcrtuc, # t&trbcem> '« pjapre,*»ob of peace malbci»ttn you.3 reiopec in tfte 102b Kreatlp^nouoe ate thelaftpouretarc WrcuputDaffapnefoime in tjjat wilt rin pe toctc alfo tarefuH , but pe lacfteo opoituuite. 3 fpcane not becaufe of necemte, Stop 3 Dauelearncbinwhatfocuee eltate 3 am , * tbrrwitD to be conteut.3 ano * uoum i txicDowc tobclo!t»canb3Hnottje UoSe to circtbceucrptbiicreanbiuallthiuffcoam 1 infttuctcb .both to brfiall ano to beSoncrrfr , botlltohaneplcntpatmto fufFrenebe.Scan boailthingc0ta«2ott)cCbiiftuj(jiclJftrcnfl- ttjenctl) me.Bot ixiitljftabpnge pt Ijauc wtll boncpyebarc parted me (nmp tribnlaeiS. pe of phMppoji Hnotoe alfo that in the begpniiprnje of the (25ofpeU , tt&en 3 bepar= m from 4t?accbonia , no congttfiacpon ba-- rc parte unto me.atf conccrnpiiffe aenpncie « J eceaHingcbuipc onclp. tfojt»hfn3toaS in 'Ehcffalomca, pt fent once anb aft c rtoatb a&wm Ditto mp necefftte.-not ?3 bt fireapf* tea : but 3 otfpje a bcunbant frutc on pottre *> parte. #cm:rthclc js 3 recta ucb all , anb bauc plcnftt.3 txias cucn fplleb after tbat3 recea- m 1 of (£paph?obitu0 f tbmflejS,t»ljicbt»ere «nttrpmpou , an oboure of a ftuete fmclla * facrtfpceacccpteb anb plfalauntto <5ob. * ««« ®)v fpon (ball fuppipcau pourc ntbc tho= mtt * aEmen.&alute all tbe fapnctetf ut ttift 3e« ftt '^%S%ty m »W*are witb me .create pou. mm fapnet csf falutc pou , moft of all t|cp wbicb arc of the emptrotir* houujolbe. ^Ijegracc of owe lo.io 3em €t)M be voify pouau.^men. HZtyWpmu mtwmtm from mom* op epapb^obituitf . CCljeeptmeoffapnt #aultbc3Cpottle tothe Collollpaiijsi. CCbcfp^ftCDaptcr, C ©f ff«»rtl) tbanftw bmo ©Ob fo? tbcp,i fapfl), J£M?ite J i wrt * J" «*«" tottM * • 8 «» ' (brtwctb botot i»c aw tlje Rpngbomc of jBoo , ppfapnto bp ffb^Pff, tobfeb to tbc t?«6 of (be cpiie gtCBflcpon. 3ulan apoftleof 3rfu €l»pft 3t bv tfr wpii of 0oMtrb dottier 'Cimotbcujct. 'Cothe fapnctcjs loolrftb are bt lene in €fovft . * d>^ace be Dnto ««!•** pou fcofbetfanoirp . fJKES* ^banftcj* to <2>ob tbe father of „... Tr ourc Hojbc ZtMWM * altvaye* fo? pou iSEfi "• t" "iff Bffffi^^c haue tjeamc of i&5 JB* fW^"^ft3cfu,anboftbclouetobicbpc bcacctoaUfapnctc^fo^bopeRi (abewbict) mi lapb Dp (itfto.ic fo? pou in beaue, of mbicb bopc,pehcrbc befoze bp tljctrue toozbeoftbe JftW«H Wcomc \)utopou:tucna0tt, w»i0rrutefuiif (m*m*Hmm mm*mm pou^rcmtljtbaptlntljtUiljKljpcljcarbcof i t,anb bab ejepcrfetr in tljcgracc of c?ob tbo« (euo.««.c wwt tbctruetb.ttspelearnebof * epaphza a faptljl'uU mintfter of Cftfiff , tDhich alfa beclareti Dittos pourc loucwDtcbpe fjaue in tbe fpKte. r ^ J5 * * to thttf cwtCe tee airo.fcnce p bapc c#.r.6. M3ct)erbeofit,baue not eeafpbtopiave foi leb wtbtbc miowltbge of hps; topll , in all tupfbome anb fp?etiiautmberftanbpno:e, i> , fc ^ ^^Pg^walkewoztbpoftbclLozbcthat »*«. f».c ut all tbmstiBf pe mape pienfr * linnci frutc* full (nail fioob voo?ftf.«5, anb cncrrafpnccc (ti tbe ftnottlebge of ©ob , ftrengtbeb with all »nfflht,tbo?owr bp0flio2touu( power, fonto all pactenccaitb longe fuftVrpnge urtth iop= 5!»f^^5f»P»flttbanhcjS\intofbefathcr, WTObatbtnabe V0metctobcpartahtrj3! of tDe inheritaunce of lapnctctfm ipgijt, U)bicl) batlj belpuereb \)tf from the potter of berknetf , anb barb trandateb \jtf into the epijcf.b. ftpngbomc of lw$ ocre font * by mom \»c C Jauercbrmpfiontbozotbebt'oiblouDc euen? No;.iP4.afoigcucncxiofnnneji*iBl)icl)tg^pntaffcof^ muifpblc C>ob , f pzft begotten of all creatu ■ Mfcu. retf. * Jfozbpbim tBercnlltbpngcjScieatcb, tba t arein Ijeucn , anb that art in crth. • \nTv, blcaiibinu(fpble,\x)hctl)crtl)cpbenwicfte6i: lo^bcaipppe , ether rule 0* power. 3tli t&»t> m were creat pb bp l;pm anb foz bpm , ? he Wbefoieall thpngcjx.anbbphtm all tbpiicrcsE Ijaue thep* bepnge. ;epi)M-.D. 3tnb*bctsl thebceboft!jebcbp,euenof !£'«, , ^ c J|!H re W » : ^i!Eitbcbegpnnpngcanb "*** *fpzft begotten of tbe becb.tbat in all thpn-- . sf slfiemygbt baue tbe preeminence, it cz it pltarcbtbcfatbcr.tUatinhtm flbulbeall fni= :Koma.^.6negbwell,anbbpbimto*recoucpleallthin= *m,%*. gctjntota fclfc.anbtofctatpchcebp bpm tbo2owepbloubeofbpsscrou"e,botbtbpnsc0 m Ijcaucn anb tbiitgetf in erf b. ttom«.b. a . 3no pou * wbicb were f omtpme farre of m,ut 0« D . enempesi , becaufe pourc mpnbtsi were fet in cupll wojichctf bath be novae vet rtcon* cpleb m^bobp of bptfflcftljetboiowcbectb, to make pou bolp.anb bnblameable»* witb ontfautitthptf awncfpgbt.pf pecontpnue crounbeb anb ftablprujcb intbcfaptlj, anb be not moucb awape from tbe l^opc of tlje ifo jjofpcll , wljerof pchr'me fteroe , bowe that it 10 pjcaebeftamfigeallcteature* whfch are Unberftcauen, twjerof 3 panl am numa mpnpftcr. • .fiowe iope3 * in mt> fuf e ringed * toz pou s jnofH!fplltbatwbicb^bebpnbc'oftbcpaf=*f/.co.-.'.«. mm orCbuit nt m^ f lefibc , foz hpg bobie^ ? «*^«* laue, wblcb 10 tm congrrgacpon/wbci'of 1 ammabeampmftci:, aceo^bpngc to thcozi bmaunccofC5oo,wbicbo2btnaunccwa0ffe» 55WP t m *9** t0 fuUt >» * tow of (5ob, that * nufte t p which (jatD bene M * em ta b fence the wozlbebejanne, anb fence tbe hft= * spnnpnge of gencracponsf : * but nowo 10 1 «»«.«.?» openebtobi0 fapnctc0,to wbom Gob woibc ggft 11 c ' maftehnowen what tbe flMimS P * tm mpfterp i0 amongc the ccntpW, nonicb rpcbe0 t0Cb2Pftinpou,tl)e hope of gloiV whom wepzeaebe , warnpnge all men , ano teacbpngeallmeninall wplbomcto matte allinenparfectetnChzift^efu.lubcnnJat, fp labourcanb ftrpue.encn a0 farfoztb as iji0 ftrencjtbwoiltrtbinmcinpgbtelp.' CtThe.ii.Cbaptcr. ITVDljaf cttaf f cite Paul toss foj all COaut&m cj'on3.Bcccbo;t«l)fbrm to beftcofart in cb:itt ro betoarc of ( aire tcacbe ca ana vdojIoip toifoomc fano Dcfctpbetb tbe faife lajopbetee. * Oz3 wolbetljat pehnewe howc grt atccarc that 3 banc fo.zpo'u anb foztbemtbatarcat iaobiria, aim ;fo2a0 manpass bauc not fene mv /parfonin tbe f lefib.that thep2 her* te0 mM)t be comfozteb whan tbep arc anct together in loncanbtn all rpchraof full bit* becftanbynge, foz to fenowetlje mtfterp of G'oo tbcfatbf r,ano of <£b.zpft , in whom are bpballtl)rtreafure0ofwpfoomcanbUnow= Ifbgc.* ^bp03fape,leftenpmanibtilbcbe= rem** gple pou u5 cntpfpnge wozbetf. jf oz tbongh 3 beabfentintbcfletujcpct am 3 wit!) pou wfbcfpzetf.iopiitgcnnb bebolbtmge pourc ozbcr.anb pourc (teofaftfaptbin'cmplt ^0 25 pebaue fberfozcreceaucb CUM Jefii f lot-- be eucn fo walnc pe inl;piu, To that pe be r6r tpb anb bupltcin bpm.anb ftablpfOieb tbo •• row <<\yt\). a0 pe bauc learnt b: anb tbcrin be plenteou0 witbgeupuge tbanartf. $* * 25ewarc , left enp man fpoplc pou *mtatm.i tbozawepbilofop?7 anb mftroffail uanitie, fiKSOT* afterthf trawtpen cf men , anbafter the oz^ SSKS^ binaunce0of t&ei»o?loe\ * not after Cmfft, ifozm bpm bweltctballf ftiinejccf t!;e (5ob btq Wtofyjm pcrrcc6pleicinbim;Wbn!) t0 tbe heco of all rule m\o power , bp wbom alfo peace* ctrcuntcifeb VJitljcircumcifpon * «om.«. . mHM bone witb out hanbc>, fo* afoiOQe Sftftl a0pc bauc putoftbefpnfuUbobp off fiefcV tbozowc tbe circumctfpon tbftt t0 in Cbtid-, (ii ihatipcarcburiebwitbbpmtbcjowcbapfi*!*^,,,. me. ra wbom peace alfo rpfcu appiu tboJo= SSS?** we f aptl). that (0 wrought bp tbe operacpon ^ of<0obwbie|)raprcbt)tmfrQmbecl:&. c k- I ■ ^ £0U0.!.C |c rx*\ *mm**. * 3iib?tttba>ewarcDfCbtJ)otowcfpn *pfcf.u.* tie nitO tboiowc tbc Dneircumcifpo of foure flcfi^cljjitbDcquscUncDWJitliDim.anlilwtft f ozgeuen D$ all owe trerpneest fc anb mm putoutfba^cwiptpngctbattDatfagapnft Dtf .contapneb in tbe lawc ujjtttcm ; anb {tot Datbnctaucnoutoftbcumpc.anbbatbra* * «?mf.«t,. c . ftcneb it to bp# crofrc.anb bath* fpoplrbru* r"K f ; lcanl)pov»cr ) anM)«itljniaocafl)ewcoftl)cm ' opciup.anb batbtrittmpbcb oucr tbcmmbtf atxmcpcrfan. let no man tbcrfojc trouble poure con* fcif ncc abonte mcatc anb WicUe 02 f 01 a pe* cc otf an bolpoaproi of fbcnctoJcmonc,02 of *mi.w.* £&»,bboth uaprjai,*uJDicDnrc qjabbowctf sud.m. ftb««gctf tof^flut tbe bobpMnCtoptt. 53 let tbP ntftbongD pepet Ipucb in tbc wo?lor»arc pe leb vttH tra Dicions i Coucl) not , taft not , baitbclluot : wDicb all pcrtflbc tbojotoc pDerpabufc : at* tcrrftc commaunbmcntctfnnb DoctrpitcjS of men: \»l)tcb ftpagf * out umrblp ijauc tbcfi « nuUtubcofujpfOomcbpwpcrfticionanobu* blcncs of mpnbcaub bpburtpngc of tbe bo= by,anbtnf'tlKV&otbeflcfu)cnottW2f&pppc Ditto tbc nebctbetof. C<£b«Mii.Cbapfci:. & iFQcputtccbtbcminrcmcmb;aiMttof ffcf rpf; titUAi! ccrurrcccpon . to lare afi'Dc ail manrr or eostupft lptmu«< , (o be ftutf full (n all aoDipc neffe (J tocttuc* (bctoctb alittcBtcco tfcepj budpe. # pe be tben rpfcu agapne tcitb CbJPft . ftfcetbofc t&pnge* tDbicb arc abouc , tuljcrc €b*vft fpttctb ^ontbecpgbt banbeof 0oD.itb Cb*pft in 0ob.to)bcn foeuecCtopft C t&btc&te oiiwlpfe ) Cballfbc* toebpmfelfc.tbenu^illycalfoappeate truth glpmingloip. «h *>s» Dnclcnnc j* , "tonna tiirall luft , eupllconcupifccncc , anb couetcoufneg, UBljuj W toojOippppngc of pbolej&foj tobicb tbpnge* fane tbe utyatb of ci5ob Dfctb to co= * cphew.8. we on tbe bifobebpent tbplbzcn * amongc unjoin petrtalucb fomtpme,UH)enpe Ipueb itttbem/ 25 uStttnotsjeputpeaUo atDapefefipon all f octj tl)(ngesi:TO^ tb ,fearftiej<, maMcioufn 1 , curfeb rpeafcpnge, fpltbpcomtnunlcacpo out of pom mout&.lpc not one to anotDe^finn^ * tfpbf.f.B. &cb:c.i.a. tbat pe iJrtttc mit of tbe olbe mm toCtb W \ tooilicsi, anbomic * putonthenetwe man * wo in i wbicb^rcuucbintotljcUnottJiebge 9 pm«* *pttf.«ifil geof btmebat.mabebpm, * wberetf nctbee * ©au,t <5cntpleno^ 3ei»e , circumcilVonno? t)ncir= (umcirpon, ^arbtirotitf o^ptbian ,bonbc 0} frctbut Cb?*ft i# «H in all tbingesf. ^ 'STbtufOiteajslelecteof c5>ob , bolp? be* loucb,put ontenbec mercpe,Upnbne-e(, bum* blcncjSof mpnbcmekcnejs , longe fntfrpnge, fo^bearpngeone anotbcr,^fo?g«upnge one anotber.pt anpmanbauea quatcll agapnft anotbcr:as!Cb?ilrfo?gauepoti, cuSfobo pe. ' ^boneall tbcfc tbingejsput on * lone tobicb * m*m is; tbe bonbe of perfectneji. 3 lift tbe peace of »»* 00b rule mpoure tytUH : to tbe wbicb peace pe arc callcb m one bobp. 3lnb fc tjwt pe be tbanhfull.iettbcwjo^bcof Cb^Pft bwcllm pouplcntcouflp witball topfbome. ^eacbe anb rjtUottt point atone feluexi, * in ^fai= * m m mcJ3f,anbbvmne.£(,anb fpirituallfongcieifpn* *&m spngc t»itb grace in pourc bertcjs to f lojbe 7^\\n * xxjbatforuf r pe bo ( in Wffl* 0? bebe ) turn bo all in t\jt name of tljc lo?b3tfii,geupnge tbanftctf to as od tbc fatber bp bpm. > * £cu>puc0 , fubmpt pourefelucsl Ditto *Mt** poureatjune bufbanbesi , ajsitijscomlpin tbe ^ cf "" lo?bc:£c Ijufbanbeisi, lone pouee ujpuegilb be not bpttcr Ditto tbem, * £c cbplb?e , obep * m . w poure fatbeeiBl anb motbcrtffn all tbtHge0,foj tbat 10 txiell pleafpngeDittto tbc loibe. \H fa- tljccsi,pitotiobc not pourccbplbjen^cto mm) in lefttbevbeofabcfpccate mpnbe.*^e fcrua* * amt\ utttc^ be obebient Ditto tbem tbat are poure jgW Dobvlpmaftcrsiinali;tbtttgej2(:not \»(tl) epe l,m,m ' fcruicc astmen pleaferjs , butinfpnglcneiS of bcrtc,fcarpngcc5ob.2BUDU)batfocucrpcbo, bo it bertclPjOfttboufib pebpb it to tbe lojb, anb not Ditto men : ftnowpngcf of tbe io?o pc Qtall rcccaue t\it rcujarbc of tuberttaunce, f 0? pe fecue t\)e lojbe Cb^ift. TBut WKotb fpnne.ujali rcceauefo? ftpjj fpnne. * fattitv * «^^ isStberanprefpectofperroness^ujapflsoi..; gSfft CS:bc.u anb lore no opwtn* nitz. letpoure fpeacbe be altuapeg well fa* uo^cb 9 jpotjjDjcb t»ttb * fait , tbat pemape A 4wM J ttnoweibowepcougbtto anfuser etierp ma. W atbtt». CJfaUmp ^)f atlmpbiirpnctfibal pe bcccrttftcb bp <$Ticbicu&fbc bcloueb t^otber anb faptbful mpnpftee anb i clotoe fecuaunt in tbe I02D, »)i)o 3 bauc fent Ditto pou fo^ tl)c fame pur . pofctbat be mpgbt knowe tt)J;atb pe bo , $ tbatbcmpgbt cor.fo^t poure betted, topth one OncfpmtiiS a faptbfull anb bcloueb bo tbee , tbbtcb i0 one ot pou.'Cbcp (ball Qjetoc pou of all tbpngefc \tobicl) areaboiitgebe?e. $M4M£ *3lnftafcbus(mpp^cfonfelotbcfalutetb ,«««S POii,anb*a?arnwi2i6arttabajeifpfterjai foitte; two** toucbpngetobom,pcreccaucb commaabe* mentejBf. If be come Dnto pou,reccaue bpm: anb 3cfa* tobicb if* calleb3nft> , D)l;pcb arc of tbccircumcifpb.'^befeonlp are mptooz= ucfeloxoci8Dnto^Hpnp:bomeof0ob } tbbicb *couor.«(aba«cbcncDntompconTolacp6.*^papb^ajS tl;e fcruaut of C&puV tobicb W one of wmj falutctbpou , anb alltoape^ labouretbft^ itcntlp m pou in pjapcc&tbat pe mape fta= beperfect anb fuU,in all ^wpll of &M&01 te 3bearchpmreco?be,tbatbe batbafcruent m mpnbe f o^'pou anb t^cm tljat are of iaoDi= cia anb tbem tba t are of tytcrapoltf. ©care *ii.fim.(i«.c ^ncau t\)c j&brtpcton grctetb pou,anb*3De masJ. pom tbe b^ctb^cn tbbpcb arc of laobicia,anDfaltite j&pmpbafcanb t\yz co= gregacpon 5 tDbpcbis: in bp# boufe,3ino tohe tbceuvltleijfrcebofpou , mane tbat bctbptbpou3Tnen. C^btttt km Borne bp ^pebieu^: anb JOnefpmujS. ^otije'CljeifalonpaW 5fo o* (Spittle 5>apnct aaul tbe ^poftlc to tbc 'febeffalonpam*. CCbcfp^llCbapter. fTt&et!)anhctfciisonfo;tbein,tijatfbfpflrt fo i!fb; fattlnfaptfc anb Boob\oo;Seo,aiiDtc«»uttbc ob one father, miu ^go«*tbelo^c3efuj;{Cb?ift. vBSSa mtsw gob tbanfecrt*altbapefoi pon SSiffi n*' f l V- m «*F tt SJ wcnep8 of pou in out pzaper* mm *■**•* ceafpngc,? call pou to rcmlbf aa = * Woma.ta. i.ffoMnf.t.a. il.£o;(nt.(.s b cebecaufeoftbctbo^KCof pour faptb, anb labour in * loncano becaufc peJOaue contp *<-2rcr.ii«. nucb t ^ hope * of ourc lojbe 3cfutf not in ^accbonia anbm 3cbataonclp : butpourefaptbalfo tobicb pe bauc Dnto <5ob,fp?eb bcr lelfc ab * joabe in all quattartf, fo mtitmm\) not Dsi to fpcane enp tbpngc at al. :ff oz tl;ep tl) e feluejSOietbeof pon,tbbatmanct of cutting tntoebabDntopouanbboto pe tourneb to C5ob from pmagejjfjfoi to feruc tbc liupnae anb true 0oU,anb f 02 to lone f 02 tyz f onnc * from bcnnen,ttbom be rapfeb from bectlj: * 3rt . ft th - : Jcuetv3cfu0,tol)pcbbclpucrctb Djjftom* Wmk tpctbzatbtocome, CCbc.u.Cbaptcr. CBeputtttbtbfmfnmpntitoftbfBoblrronurr: fafpoiitfcatbflcb am8ffctbcm n'bcnbtPJcacbcl) tbc «3ofpellbnto tbem; fbanhctb Ooo tbat then rti-caticbpo Voo;bc fo frutcfuUp, ant> crcurctb bra O2 pc poure fcluctff + bic^ ^ _ tme;UnoidcofourcenrTau= +,,st,crft,t ceinDntopoiij bote that it njastnottHDapncibutcucn after tbatttjchabfuffrcb bc-- ■ , f 02c, anb tocrc * (pamfnllp * mtv rbI . cntrcatcbatpbmtpo0(aj peftttorootbentberctoe bolbctn ourc m% to fpeaftcDntopou tbc Gofpell of 00b , in SSSS.SH? n S c * *** «ttc crbo2tacpon M waunottoDzpngcpoH to crroure , 1102 vet ** m ««««* to v y nc l£» Wf AnctbcttbajBitttbpthgpIc :' but «^£tbcrealoDjebof(3ob , tbat the C5or : pell (bolbe be commpttcb Ditto D* : runt f SPSSK2 wl , ^^ at * Plcafcmfcbut *6ar»c t b ^ob>tobpcb tvvct\) ourc bcrtctf. '"• ^?S£ r cf c:D toe °»f"oncrfacpoit at enp tp 23 mctDttbflattcrpngctbo2be0,a^pc ftnoW: nctbctbpoccafponofcouctcoufuctf.* 00b *»wup,r„ l ««cozbc:netbcrfougbttbcpiapfeofincu SShH&Sffi ^ ct °f C «V otber, U)bcn toe ■WKfeSF bcnc l aMC f onte, ai« ^ 2luoff letf of Cb^butttoctberctcuber amongc pou, SSSSKSffi c D^Pnlctb bcr cbplbzcn , fo £55 S e &3*** totoarbe pou:out goob jgg WtobattebcalteDittopou , nottte at gofpell of 0ob onelp : but alfo oure atone C fotrteiBi,becaufepttoercbcareDntoDS. 11 >ioi? pell of Goo. 2*f are Wit nclTc&and fo ttf 6'od bow bolply J mftlp j Wtblamcablp We be^ batted ourc ftluctf amogc pou that bclcucd, aopcftuoitic , how* that we barcfocbaffcc* cpon Ditto rttcrp one of you,atfafathcrOotl) Ditto cbylotcn,cri)ottyngc,coitfo2tyng,aud befcrbyngpou , tlMtpcwolocwalkewo^ tnp of Oocwhyt l> batbcallcd pou Dnto tn.tf uptigoomcanogloipc. #02 this caufc tbaucwcCodalfo Without cciHTpng,bcraufc f> when pc reccauedof Dtf p W02dc,w!)crwitl)pclcarncdtottnow<3od) pe reeeaue'd it not ao rijc wojdc of man: but c uen as tf wac m dede , tbc woioc of God, wbprliwoiitctU alfo mpdu that bclctte . }* jf o'j pr bierlurtt became folowcrfi of tl)c co= *£> circgarpbtitf bfC>o0Whpenm3cwrp arc in Cnnft iffu : foipcbaucfiifficdlpuctbpit* ges of pourc uvnfmrn,a0 weourefclttetfbfr ue fuffercD of f JeVbejS. c&bpcb aff thep UpU led the Lozde 3rftttf, and they jtawnciD?Q= phctco,cucnfo hatte tbcp pcrfccutcODsfrand Coo they plcafcnot,andarc contrary to al men,* hpnbrr De, that toe tbtild not fpcaUc Ditto the Gcntpltf, that tbcp mpgbt be fa= .Eimr.rtci.t. tied, to fulf I'll their fpnncssalWapc. #02.* $ wtatb of God income on ti)cm, cum to tl;c DfMOft, tfojagmocbbicthicnagWcarcKcptfro pott foz a fcafoiiiiitf conccmyngc tl)c bodplp p?cfeiice(butuotmtl)cbert'c)tbc enfold p moictofepoti pcrCoimllp Dottl) great deCp= re. 3titdtlicrf02cwc Wold banc come Ditto _,„„. „ , pou, 3 panl once and agapnc:*but&atati s>anici...c. tt t t | )ftoDc ^ g: f a\)i)at ts ourc hope of tupc Mi.couit.c.r otcrowtteofretopfutg^arcuotpettintnc .H6.UHi.tt pjefenceof our lojd3cfu8Cb.nftatbi0co> myugc.'pe&pc arc ourc giojp and tope. CCljc.m.Clmptcr. C"&cfljrt»ctbbolt> gccatlp be to&s ttfoprcti, W.)l •rruiotiK toiac ijfm of (i)tk f a p c fp fence toe couldc no legee fowcarc ,Wc thought it good to reinapne at * 3Htl)cnjS alone , aud _ fcitfEtmotljcoute brothers mp^ npltcr otGob,andtbe Ijclpcc fojtbof ottre labourcmtbcGofpcllofCbJiu^toftabUf* fhcpou:andtoconfo2tcpouconccrnpngoui: faptb * tbatnomaiifbulbe bemoued i tbe= ♦58RSK fcaffltccponj3,jfo?^pcpour;Cclttci8 tmowc, m*jwt&, that Wcarecucn apopntcd there Ditto. mstm» #o* Wftcn toe ttxere Wptb pou , we tolde j»oacr.wm pou before, trjcittDeCbuDcfuffrc trtbttlacp= tuxtmaMut on , enen atf it came to paffc, and as: pc bno* totS o? tW caufe ftpit 3 coulde no lengee fojbearc,3fcntt&at3 mpgbt tjatte fcnow* ledge of pourc faptfcleft up Come meaner § % * art.ftii.D, tempter bad tent ptcopoti,nitb lei! ourc la- 2115 boure bad bene bcltotocd »t Dapnc. 35ntnott» latelp ,\*>ben 'Eimotbccame frSpou.DntoD^ declared to Dioi your fait!) c alfo defp^c to fc pou. 'Cbcrfojc b?etl^cu Djc receaucdcofolacpo bp pou^n all our ad- uerCitc $ ueceu"tte,t!)iougbpour fapth . jf o toe iope f o? pour fauctf before our <& od: piaptg tip gb t and bay c c rceadyngly >f tbc might fe pou p2cfentlp,and mpgbt fulf pll tbc tflpn • gefi tobtci) arc lacfeyimc Ditto y oure faytb. , r C5od bun felfc oure fati)cr,and ourc Lojde **• 3cft« C^ttt (ball gydc oure iojncp Ditto pou:tbc Lojd alfo (ball tcreacc pou ^ mane pouflotbc oucr miotic one toward another, and totbardcallmcii,eucn atftbedo totbard poiijtljatljcmapcmaltcpourc hcrtcfi ftable » Dnblamcable,tn bolpitcg before <5od oure fatljcr 5 at tljecommyngcof ourcloidc 1c •■ fu^C^ifttDttljallfayncte^ C€Dc.iut.Cl)apter. tfr CBf crbo.jfctT) tbcm to itcofnitiiclTf , to Re pc them fr lues from Cpune -t bucicn!]> coiiufn"ao>on (o lour puraiiotljfntcbuUctlji'ocliieirf ,*fpcanct\) of t\)t rffuctcccpon. dlrtl)ermou,toe befecliepourlue^ Z tt^eiDanbcybo.uc you by f I oid 3cfti!3,^yctm'rcace tno.ic rimo.je euf atf yc pauereccauedof btf,botb pc ought to toalcltc and toplcafc6 : od..l?o > i pc lutotfcctDlwt comaunccmcutee toe pue pou by our? toidc^cfu C^tft . jf oj tljstcc i« thctDyllof(i5od* euaipourebolpnejs.f'pc wm#,u (buldabftayne from fopicacp6»f that cue- *w*tiu rp oneofpoufbuldHno\))c*boU)tobepcbiss t..co;.i..u. DcffcUm bolynesl and |>onoure } and not in tbeluftofconcuptfcencc * aj3dotbebctben *vmnuta D)b(ci)bnotJ) not <£oo » fnomft opp^clTc and Dcrraudc DtiS b?otl)er in bargapnpng:becau 2o fef the Lotd ijdcfpyCctb not man , but * D)bicbarctalUQaccdoma.aubcfccbepou <,3]0,J,u, " D b^cthicn,tbat pccncreacc mojc 9 mo^cand tljatpcftudpetobequpct,^ to mcdle tbith pourc atDtiebufpne!E(,and* to tbo^He ttopto *a C fw.rr.i pourc ab3nel)audc]0!,as/. tbatpcmapebcljaucpoutc fclttest boncftlp "•**« X «" M totX)ardcthcmtftatarctbptl;out , and that ttott)pnge be lampnge Dnto pou. h >f3tboltic 'Co tlje HTljeffalonyans, $Z$,lmii 5D Aj^Ap.ftia*^ *i\cowb.g. ♦nitit.rriul.C p3iuci.ru.at tj.pcc.iij.c. anD.vb.i:. * 3f;CCC.flJ.l). * Jolm.tn.c 15 *Cpt>er*t)i.b ^i(.C?).b«c. c * CKaia.bf.b. I.Zimo.ti.c. ►!< 3 wolde not b?c tltfctt tljat pe fbulde be iguojaunt cocernyngc thcmwljych arefal= lenanepe.tbatye fojotoe not an other do, wbycbDAue * Jiobope.^on'ftbebelene,^ 3efnjSdycd,9 rofcagaync:cucti fo tl)cm alio wh«cb nmc by ScP.wyU <5odb,tpitge aw? ucufibym. jfojtbPSS fapc mcDntoyou in y tooideofthc JLo.idr.tbat wc i.x)bvcb (ball y lyue,$ (ball rcmaync in tl)c comyngc of t{)c jto?dc,(lwlIitotcomcycrtbep rohpcl; Cepe. jf 0*2 tbc lloidc hym fclfcQmllderccuCc from hcd'ue i»itl)ad)o\j)tcu cbcDoyceof thc^^r changellandtropc of(5od.3tnd t\)t dccdiit €him. A (ball aryfe f yzft :tben t»c bohtcb dJ^U lyue( euen t»e Dibicb (ball reinapne; (ball be caught DpDJifbthcmalfoin the rloudctf , to mctc the Hojdc in theapcr . %nn fo (ball t»c tucr be WJttbtbe ioidc.lDbcrfozc^coinfoite pour fclucjo: one another t6 tljefc woidcsJ. fr CUT&c.D.ClKiptcir. C & f enf ourmctl) OjJlll of the oapc o f boiNMiitt commpngeof (be £o;of,otio;UC6tljEfo tvactb, ano to tc garoe rocbf a« p;cacb I5o03 iuD;dc a: inoiigctbcin. 5SS 3«aHp of the f pmcof rcafonfi rb?e- isp,th2cn;itisnotiedetbat3D)iyteDn topou;foiyfyctufcliicsjktiotopcr^ fectlp,f'^tl;edareoftbc Jtoid (ball coimccucn as: a tbcfc (n the npght . if * vube tbcp (bn I Uapcpeace and allthpugctf arc fa- fctbenfljall * lodcn deftruccyon come Dpo them(aj3 fojowc commcth Dpon a woman traualyngc with cbvldc;$ tbcp iltall not fca pe : 26ut*ycbiet!neuarc not tit darclmcsl , f» that dapc flmide come on you ad a tbcfc. ^peareallthccbPldicitoflpabt.aiidthc rbpfojte" of the daye.H)c arc not of the nyjht nctbrrofdarltncfi. ^'Cberfoic let D^ not fiepe as do other? butlctDjS.u>actb,$ befober . jfo^ they tb«tt (lepc, (lepe in p ny gbt:^ tljey that be d|6cUcu r aredjocUcnmt&enpgbt, X5ut letDjs v»bpcb areoftbe dapc, befoucr * armed t»ytb the bieft plate of fayth and louc, and with hope of foluacyott fojan helmet, jfoieod \)*t\) not appointed Ds< to piouoac u»2ath Dnto oure fellies but to obtaynefaluacpon by tbc meanctfof oure Jlo2de3emChuft * toopcb Oped fot Dsi:tbat wbctberixiewab c oj llcpc, Die Qjuide lyue together voy tb in'm. . IDberfoie, comfoiic your fcluejj together, ?cdtfpccucryoneaiiother,euea^yedo. \* Uiebcfcclicpoub^ct^eii, tl)at ye hnoxnc tbem^U)bycblaboureamongcyou,aiidba« tie the ouerfpgbt of pou in the IaUjc , « geuc pou cjchojtacpoi! , ^at ye banc them in type reputacyontho^otj3eloue,fo?thcp?\»o?KejJ falicand be at peace with them. >frXtn dcrp^e pouC b^etb^) warne them f flrcDnrulp.comfodtctoc feblc mpnded, Ipft Dp the wcaHe, be patient towaede all men. * &>etl)at none reeompct:ce euyll fo and toallB men. tJiUioycccuer tys** Vjmf. r or*p!nial twam*. lV.3naUthrngc3gcuct!jiV.;l . ji&wmv&~*-> h .„ the wpll of (5od tboiowcXlMift 3cftt to= * «**»»* toardepou. Oucchcnottbe fptefc. *t)cfppfenct p20= t.co?.jiiu.3, phcl'yuigco.et'amcii ail thPngcc! , hepcthat winciHogcod. Xbfayne front all cat ll ap» pearauticc^bcDcrpGod of peace fanctifpe pou tbo2owc out?.;iid 3 piape C5od f pciire whole fpicte, and foule and body , mapc be ,p2cfcrucd:fo that in notbpng ve mapc be bla medtnthe cemmpngeof or.irc Loidc 3efujS (JTh.2pft. *5favfhfuUi)Xhcwhpcbi:al!cdrou ) w!iirb Wpllallbdo tt.262cthie,p2ayc fo2 bo.^C'zc ^"n"'^' tcalltlKbtctbicwptbanbolpUpfffJcliar a-ro.r.c' ' ' cc pou in the ioidc.that rijio e Piffle br red f Effg*"- DiitoalUheI)blvbKtbtcn.*'tbcffra- il.>^.rtu.r. ceoithcLo2dc3efiiCChartbc wpthyou4mcn, CCftf f»'?lr (Spittle Ditto the 1$ti> faloniiin* vdhq wtyttcn from C€ljcfec6dc€ptffle of flDapnctpaul the 3 poftie to ti)c 'Ciieffalonpaiiss. CeDcfpifteCbaptcr. IT E»ctbpluauujBaiidTi % x tfmotV,ti\$. y*l Cintotbccongrcgaryon ^jf,< of tbe^heffalonpaG in God %?m\ ourc father, and 1 n tlje i 02 d i^S J 3cuttfCb?ift. * Ciaci: be Dnto pott and *ur m .i. a . peace from C5od ourc father , and from the 'iSj-f * 3Lo^c3efu^€hip(t. " l "•'••'• Uuareboudcto*thmtlte <5od allwayejS tuom,...b. fo2youbjetb.icn(as(tti]3mcti) becaufe that &w.t* yourefaythgrowctb erccdpngly.and euery emit one of pou fwpmmetb 111 louc towardc atto« tber bet went pourc (clues, lothat we ourc fclnetfuoaft ofpouin tbc cougrcgacpons of (5od,ouce pour pacyeiiccqi.fapthtti all pour 25 perfrcucyotts 5 tribulacpotf , that pc fuftrc, tohychisf atofeeu of the rpgbtcwcfl (ttdgc= mentof0od,tbatpcare counted wo^tbpof tbc npngdomc of «3od , fo? whVcb pc alfo fuffre.3ti^Derclparpghtcwcj!i thpng witll 0odtbatbcrecontpciice tribulacpon to the tbftt trouble pou: and to pou wbpcb wljen tDe to2dc 3rftwf ^ w 1 ** *Collo.f.a. J$b>lip.i.b. t&aiifhcwebpm fclfcfrombcancn witb tbe ^ngcis of \m power, wptb flaminge rwe, wbpcb mall tfbjc Dcngcnunce wito tbem p •boci «b Hnowcnot(5ob, * anbtbat obepc not tbc **«p.b.cr (fcalbc punpfqicb wptb cuerlaftpnge 6am* iincpon.from flir defence of tlic to;DcVahli *«uf.mu. fromtbcglo2potbi0powcr,*wbc v i)c^iill comctobcgloitfpcbinlntf fnpnctes, nnb to becomcmflrtulou0iunll tbem tbat iielcur: becaufe ourc tcftimonictbat webabto pou, wa0bclcuebcucntbcfnmcbape.*U>brrfo= rcalfo wr pjapc all wapc0 f 02 pou, f fiat out <5ob urtll make pou wotfbp of tbi0 calling » 9 mlf pll all bclccracpo of goobnc* $ tbe t»o?« cfec of faptb,tf power: tbat t|)e name of ourc iojbe 3efuS €b*pft «W be glo?ifpcb bp pou,anbpcbp bP»n,acco2bpngetotbe grace ofoure0ob,anboftbcioJbc3cfu0Cb2m\ C&bc O.CDaptcr. >|< CSt wemetb tbem, ptbt bare oftbtitojbt wall net come ,tpll tbe bepartpnse ftom tbe f aptb come fr;tt:anb tbcrfo;e be crbo;tefb tbcm not to bt ot; {ceaneb.buttoflanbc ItebfalHu tbc tbpngestbat be batb taught tbem. fl ei)cfccl)c fmtfbttftem) bp tbecompngeof ourc i02be 3ef« c^ift.ano in tfyatm %tyty$i£nimti tlTo ^tmortjt, lMm% (ball aflcmble tonto bpm,f pc be nor fobenlp moucb fro poure mpnbe , ncr be trou* •*** bleb,netljcrbpfp2ete,netber bp wo2bc0, no? pet bp letter wbptb ftjuibe feme to come from t)0 , ast trjougp tlje oape ofCb.nft wercatbanbe. let no man ftecca* ticpoubpcnp mcanc0,fo? tbe &o*0e (ball * Bod im fel= *a Remember pe not, tbat wben 3 wa0 pet ^ wptbpou, 3tolbcpoutbcfefbpnge0f'3nb nowcpeRnowwbatwptbbolbetb:eue'tbat * f.aobn.(f.c be mpg&t be wtcceb at bP0 tpmc. * fl 02 ebe mtftcep of pimqufrte boctball reabpe woj= ctopllbcwbicbnowconlpe Icttctb, beta* Woutof tbc wapc.^nbtben (ball tbat wp= caeb be tttercb, * w bom t^e lo^beftaU con fume ttutb tbe fmete of W moutb,anb (ball beftrope wptb toe appearaunce of bP0 com* mpngc peuenbpmwbofccommpiigewaf tcrtbewojltpngcof &atan, witb all ipinge *mt.nuit.c power* fpgne0nnbwonber0.nnb witb all bcceauablcnc0 of Witpgbtwefne0, amonge tbem tbat petprape : becaufe tbcp receaueb nottbe lone of p truetb , tbattbcpmpgbt be d {Jueb.*&nDtbcrfoje,;0obfcaUfenbe tbem * mom».<.ti. ftronge bclufpon.tbat tbep (JulDcbeleue lp= • e0:tbatall tX^tv mpgbt bebSneb , robpeb be= Icueo not tbe truct b:but bab plcafure in ^n* rpgbtcu)efuc0. % i£U.Ti.a. 25ut toe are bofibc to geuetbSbi^ dlwtp to d?obfoipou(b?etbfSbeloucDofp lo;be ) fo? becaufe tbat d5ob batb from tbe begptia t jpu gc ebofen pou to fnliiaepfi , t b o?ot»e mn* ctifpingc of tbc fp?cte,anb tbojoto beleutna of p truetb, tuber \jnto be callcb pott bponre (5oft;cll,toobtapnctbeglo?pc of oure 3Lo?D 3cfu €b?tft. ►fi ^bcrfowbwtb^en ftanbe faff , ? bepe tbe o?binaQcc0u>rjicbve Dane lcarneb:i»be» tber it tocre bp our c pjeacbmge , o? bp 6pt= ftle.flDntc lo?be 3em Ctwftbpm felre,aiio 0ob aub ourc fatbcr(\»bicb batb loucb V)0, anbbatbgeuen ^0euerlaftpnge contolacpa, aim soob pope tbojtoue grace Xofojte pouc berte0 anb ftablpfttje pen in all goob fa pe"ge anb bopJige. Ctbe.ui.Cbaptce. CJ6ebefp;etb tbem to piaptfo? Mm.tbat f flJoB pcii,maptpfo(ptrc,anb «cu«b tbem toarnrngeto tep;out tbe rbiciano pf tbep topiutot labouit tott^ , tbep; baitbC0,tbat tbep fljait not cate. ■ 5Urtbermo?c h&tW p?ape pc fo2t?0, ttbat tbc wo?be of Gob mapcrjane paffagcanb be glonf peb , a0 it (0 al= To \jjtti) pou.anb tbat roc mapc be bclpucreo from tytreafonablc anb frovuarbe men. jfoj all me baucnot faptb:but tl;c lo?b i0 faptp- fMll,u3bpcbfijall(tablpfibcpou, anb p?cfer= tie f on from cupll.ttic bauc confpbencc tbo^ roujc tbe Ho?b to pom ivar&cf pe botb bo.f vspU bo tbc tbfngc0 tobicb t»e eommaunbe 1>ou3nb t^t lojbgpbe poure berte0 to tbe loueof<2?obaubtotljepacpentet»aptpnge *U)e require poubzetb^en bp p name of ourelo?be3efu€b?ift * t V* t»ptbb?at»e poure fe lu C0 from euerp b^otber, % bebauetb turn feife (uo?tj(natlp,5notaftcr ptnftifuctS ttbicb be receaueb of »0. 5f ojpeponc felne0 bno\»,bottJcpc ongbt to folou>eD0. it t$ me berjaucD not oure fclucs ino?binattp amoge rou.iactbec toke ujeb^eeb of enp maufo? nauflbkbut*Wucibt«&iabouee 9 ftueate npgbt $ tape, becaufe we xo olbe not be cba t- g cable to enp of poicnot but tbat t»e bab au eto?itc:buttomafteourefelue0 an enfample tinto pou to f oiotxj e M 0. If o? t»ben we were ujptb pon,tbi0 we t»arncb pou of , f pf enp tnolbe not t»o?cae, tbe fame flpulbe not cate. df o? ooe bauebcarbe fapc tbat tW ate fo* mewbpcb walbe amonge pou (nojbtnatlp, Djoinpngcnot at all, but bepnge bufpbo- bpe0 . CDem tbat are f ocb , t»c eommaunbe anb ejcbojtcbp ourc lo?be3efuCb?tft»tbae tbep wcKete>itbquictnc0, anb cate tibm aumebjecb: * 26?ctb?enbe notpctjoectpm tueUbopngc. ^ 3f enp man obep not oure fapinge J fenbe\)0t»o?be of bimbp a letter: anb*fiauenocompanpe xoity bim.tbat be wape be au)ameb.3inb count bint nota0on fwmp:bHtt»arnebtma0ab?otbtr. 1 4 SD 31 t«pbt.b<.t. COlDf.lill,!, 15 4c (.£o;,b.b *0rtw.ff* t.COM't.C. (. IVqtUUU flnii.itu.c, € % JSata,W. 3D ff.a;«r,w.fc *f.J?CCt».b j)])lllp.ll«.bj *5Tbe l»crp lo?be of peace geuc pou peace allwape0>bp all mcanc0.'Cbc jlo?d be wtt& pouall. 'Cbc falutacpo of me pauMoitb mpnc aToonebanbe.'S:bi0(0ti)c tofecn tnauepiftlc0.^>o3 w?pte. * Ube grace of oure tojbe 3c= fu0Cb?tftbet»ptbVou aOmcii. # ■ % * %timAv* c C^>entfrom3tbcn0. C €fte Cpiftle of e Clittuttb alfo tobcrfo;c p lame is goob, anb teiietb tbat £b?i(t 3lct~u0 came to to £ roo;:iDe, to fauc tpnnets. %\\\ an 3poftle of 3cfii0 €l)li&> * bptbe commpffpo of C5ob our faupour, i toio 3^ fu0 €b?ilr, t»btc|) Wmm bope. aintot'Cimotbe bP0 na= turallfonnemtbcfaptb- * t»bicb (0bpfaptlj.fo?tbc enbe of tbe eommaunbe** ?aWh tt,e uicnti0,*louc otttofa *purc bcrtcanb of a 1 act.p.b. gooo confcicnccanb of faptb Dnfapncb : fro tbewbpeb tbpngc0 , becaufe fome baue cr= rcb, tbep are turncb \mto \japne iSgclpnge, bccaufetbepUJOlOebeboctour0oftbclaii)c, anbpet\)nbcrftanbcnot \»bat t^tv fpcafte, nctbertBberof tbep arrp2me. ^ we Bnoroe, tbat*tbe la\»e i0 goob, ?fa man\)fcitlatt)nillp:ftnowpngc tlip0, * bowe tbat tbe law t0 not geue Dnto a r pgb tcou0man,but »nto tbc \mrpgbfcou0 anb bifobebpcnt,totbemigoblpanbtofpnuer0, to tmbolp anb \jnclcane.to murtbcrer0 of fa tber0anbmurtbci;er0 of motbcr0, to man= ♦Hmi.jTUu tlear0,to*t»bomionger0:totbemtbar befp Koma.<.b. jctbemfeluc0\jJbPtb manHpnbc:f onn1(lca= Ier0:to lpar0, to per(ureb,anb pf tber be cup otbcrtbpngetbat(0c6trarpto tbc bolfomc boctrpne, accoibpngc to tbe <2>ofpcll of tbc glojpof tbe bieflcbdSob.UJbpcb 0ofpclH0 commpttebt)ntome. C 38nb 3tbanbeCb?Pft 3cfu0 oure fcojbc, *8rtw.fF.a. tt)bpcbbatbmabemctrr5ge:fo? becountcb ! coffi b wetrue,anb put me (n off pec wbcec a0 bef 0- »«»;t,c; re3 waj^ a blafpbcmc e, *anb a peru:cutcl. , ^ * Uom.bit.b '^5 a'Cp2aunt.26Ufpct3obtapncbmcrcp > be* caufc3bpbtf(gi!02auiitlptboiot»c\)nbcle» fc.Bcucitbclcu"e,^graceofoure 3lo20e t»a0 c]tccabpnge abounbaunt urirb faptb anb lo = ue,\x)!)pcbt0bpCb.uft3efu. ^ titHUS is a true lapmgccanb bv all mea* nc0 ujo v itbp to bcreccaucb of \)0 ; §*€l)!Vfi *mut.9 3efii0 came into p nooilbt , to fauc Owner*, mar.«.c. pfi»bom3am cbefc.j^ot toptbftanbpnge Kffi?. foz tbi0 caufc optapneo 3 mcrcp, tbat 3cfu0 Cbnftlbulbcfp^ftujcwconmcalllougepa ctccctobcclarcan enrample tjnto tU wbicb fbulbcbcleue onbim »nto etcrnalllpfe . g>o t\)tn mito(5ob,Upngeeuerla(lpngc,immo2 ■?., tall * imufpblcttjprc onclp,be bonourcano emu. & pjapfe fo^ e tier anb cuer.^meu. 1JbP0cominauubcmeut commpt 3 twifo tbc fonnc ^imotbcii0 ^ accoibpnge to tbe P$opbcfpc0,tt>bpd)iepmc paft a)crep;oplje= fpeb of tbc, tbat tboutn tbem Cbulbeftfpgbt a goobfpgbt.banpngc U^ anb goob con= fepence : uobpcb fome baue put atsape from tbcm.anb as concernpnge faptb bauc mabc ftippvojackc. Of uj])ofc nombzc 10 ^ I?pmc- * ftrim.tf.c itcu«ahbt2lIeranbcrujbom*3bauebelv4"^ e VK uercb»nto^atd,tbat tbep mapc Icruc not i.coV.V.a to blafpbcmc. CCbct'j.Cbapfcr. >^ UBecrl)o«et') to p:ape fo: all men.© t topi! not bane memento be cuercoftlp appareilco.no: to teacbin tbecongrrgarpoihbut to be in fpitnct , j tootcpetI)cr;burbanbe». 6i'boifc tberfote, tl>it aboue all % itbpngc0 , pMpcrs'.fupplicacpons, tntercemon0,aribQenpnge of tl)a- iltcsbc babfoj allmcn : *■ fo.i kyn- . _„ rr> „ ges , anb foz all tbat arc (n aiicfojite , tbat ^iS* we mapc Ipue a qnpet anb a peaceable Ipfc, toptball 0oblpnc0anb boncftpc. jf 02 t\)<\t i0goobanbacccptcbmpi:pgbt of Gob oure faupourc,wbVcn^3"VDpllbauc all me to be *c§ laueb,anb to come )>nto tbe (tnowiebge of ^ tructb-fl ottbcrt'0* oncGob.anb onc^mc- JI5S"J*J-* biatojbetvocne C5ob anb man,eucn tbc man %*&.&& Cb?ift3cfu0,wbpcbgauc bim fclfca raun^ fome fo^aU men, tbat tt fUnlbe be tcftifpcb at bp0 tpmc, * wberc touto3 am oibapncb a fm***j*i pzeacber anban^poflle.Jtclltbe friictbm SSrS* Cbiift anb Ipc not:bepngc tbc teacber of tbc gcutpl0wpfb faptb anb 'Dcritpc. I« 3 ujplltberfozctbiUtbemen^ pzape cue >= 25 rp wbcre,lpf tpnge \)p purcbanbe0 untbout * mnmt W oiboubf tngc. iyftcwf fc alfo tbc wc= men, tbat tbeparape tbcan fclue0 incomlpe npparcllujptb fl , .amfattne0anbi)ifcrcte be* baucoucnottfj biopbeb bcare , ctber golbe o v ipearle0,o^coftlparapc .* but as becfimetli wemen , tbat p?ofcu*e goblpncue tbo?owc goob toowfte0. *lictf be woman icarne in'fp ufamfa lence wptlj aH fnbicccpou . 2fi»nt3 fuffrcnot a woman to tcnc|),nctbcr to mtfc aucto* rptcoucrtbcmawi-biit to be in fplcUce. JT02 TOT W Slbam ttiajsf fpjft f ourmcb ,9 tbcn ®ue . 3o5 aUowatfuotbeceaucb,bnttbcwomilwatf Dcccattctuanti wm luboucb to tbe trnnfgref ryon.BotwytWbyngc tbojowe bcarpitgc ofcbylbjcnQictbalbf laucb, yf tDcp contp* nuc in faptbanb loucnnb boJpnc&wytn bi* fcrccpon. CSfclift CDaptcr. CWbatmancrof miabptboppc o> pjeffcounht to bc.fchcpjopfrtresaiforrqtwcb Jna beacfio; jnpnpttrt. a imenlpWjEift frucfapinge: 3f a nufoc* bcfpjtctb an boncft wotftc. ft *5if= Oioppe tbcrf ozc mud be blamelctf, pbufbanbeofonewpfe,bilygcnt, f ober ,bifcrctc,a ucper of bofpitaiitc : ante to teaclj.not gcue to oner moclj wpnc.no f pgb* rer,notgrcbyoffyltbyclucre.butgc"tlc,nb: Dojrpng f pgbtyngc, abbojtrynge cottetcoufx nes.onc ^rulctb well bttfawneboufe, one £ batb cbylb?ctt m fubicccyon witb all tcucrf = cc Jf ot pf a man c5not rule Dig awnc boufc, Do we (ball be care fot tpc congrcgacpon of Gob f De move not be a yoitjjc fcolcr acft be fwcll anb fall into tbe tubgement of tljccuyll fpcattcr.^emulralfobaucagoobrcpojteof tDcmwbycbarewifbouf,leftbefallintore= bubcanb ftiarc of tbe cnpll fpeaHer. 25 ipltcwpremuft tbemymltcrtfbc* Do= *ztttt.\>u. OCVyfUt bouble tongeb,not gcue lmto mocb toyncnetljcr srebp of fylt&y lucre : but Dol* oyngetbcmylretpoftbe faytb witb a pure confcicncc.3Miblcttbemfpjttbcpjoueb,anb tbenlett^mpmacrfo.tljat nomaube able torepjtouctbem. <£ncn fo muft tl)cp* wyuesl be Ijoncft , not euplirpcaberjs.butfoberanbfaptbfdllmall tbyngc*. let tbcS>caconsf be tbt bufuanbetf ofoncwrfcanbfucbasirule tljep.z cbylbjcn ♦maf.rrt.b wcll,anbtbcir awneboutbolbeg.ifoj* tjjcp tbatmpnilrcrwclUget tbcm fclttcsia goob begre and greate Ipbertpc in p fay tD, ttwD Wmc^tftlefu, ^ 'Cbcfe tbpngetf totfm \mto tlje trnftfoge **■ to come (fcojteip Unto tbe.-butanbpf 3 tarie longe>tbattbcntboumapftyetbaueitnow= lebgebowctbouougijteft to bebaue tip rcl fciutbeDoufcof <5ob,wbpcb t* tbe congre= gacyon of tbe Ipupngc <3ot>, t\)t ppllar s pro tmbe of rrueMnb without boutc great i* tlmtmpftcrpof goblpnctf: * 00b was* (be* $cr* web in tbe fleftye, Waaler inftifyeb intfy rpjete , wa# feneamonge tbe aingclsi , watf pjracbed two tbe gentpW, watf belcucbon tn tfje wojlbe, anb reccau eb m in s\ oiv. Cfcbe.iiij.ebaptcr. «E©ej»ophfcpeth of tbciatteeoapciJ, ana ejrhoj; tm Zimotl/e to be biUsmtin reabpnge of tbe ho ipfcrpptutt. lOe^etefpeaftetDeupbentlp, tljat * m tbe later tvmfieifonic flball*be»ar= nuoe.ic r^4 u f r °wy De wptD,anb Ojall gcue jebe ti.ztuu. tjtito fp^eteitf of erroure, an&bmeftS* Uo= triie fp?tt tpittlt ♦cjo^n.i.b ir aftf«r-fr.f i.(fmo. rtj^. I. K»f t.l).4. jib. 1 it. a. ctrlncjsof tbcm \»b(cl) (pcahe falfr tbojowe rpocrpfpc^ batre tbtir cercieccs! marcbeb xb anbotc v^>t'o^bpbbpngetomarp> $ cfimaft bpngc to abftapue fro mente0 * tDirtfl) <15ob *2 f «•'* ' b.ubcrcatebtolic rcccaucb+wit!) gcupnge a«rl.m«! tl)acbc0,oftbcmtt)bpcbbelctte,?linotoet5c M tructb.jfo? * alltbccreatureslof(i5obare*«tnt.<.b. goob.f notbpngctobcrefufcb.vf ttberecca Bfffl» neb UJitb ti)aftcrgciipngc.5f 0? it tt fanctif ten 5i.ma.wrrt,, bp tbe ujo^Oc of "0oD 9 peaper.3f tl)ou put f •*■**» tyttfcf inrcma^auce of tbcfetbPngciS thou A H Mm , (/v Ojaltbeagoob mpnpfl cr of 3efii CbW * *"" m "'» wbpcb Wt bene uoiiflbcb t)p tn p roo?be0 of ^faptb^ofgoobboctrine, tp|)vcp tboubaft cotmuallp followed 25ut ^ caft awaye Mn= fi.vtm.it goftlp anb olbc xo pucis fables*. mEM* eyercpfetftpfelferatbcr tjnfo goblpitctf. S* 4 ** jfo?*bobtlp cjccrcvfe p?ofptetb rptcll:but * ffoior.«.t. goblpneisl in mofptablc »nto all tbpngcjS.a^ a tbinge \»l)tcl) liatb p^ompfejS of § Ipfe tW i& mms of tbe Ipfc to come. W0 ijSa Aire ffvpingc^bpall meancici tt>o?tby to be alo> wcb.jfo? tbcrfoie toe botbe laboure f (Uf* frcrcbuftc.becaufctucbnuea ftcabfaHDope in tbclpumgc(5ob,\x)b(cb!!8tbcfaueoure of all mcn,fpeci'allp of tbofctbat bcleue. ^Docb tbpngc jscontmaitnbt 9 tcacfjc.^lctno man **«"«•«* befppfctbPPOUtb*butbc^ntotDg tbatbe= Sftff 1 lcuc.au cnfamplctntDo^bf, in cornier facpo, I'i.xjmc.u inloue,tnfp^etc,mfaptb>inpurene0. Ul3 come.geue attebaucetorcabpnge, C tow&ojtacpon.toboctrinc.^cfpprcnott&e gpf tc tbat nJ in tbe.wbPcb t»n0 gcucn P tbo=> ro\»c pjopbcfpe,t»itb p* lapinge on otfcan* *« rte «.bf.b, boibppancto?ptcof p^cftljoDc.^rtJcfe tl)in= *w.c?wtii. gctf ejrercpfcanb gcue tbv fclfc fcnto mm, SSffl*.o. tbatitmapebefcne , bowe tijou p^ofeteftin «. xiuiexb. ailtbpnge&'ftaftebebctmto tbp fclfe.anb \)nto learnpnge, anb continue tbcrin , if o$ pf tbou Cbaltfo bo>tbou (baltfauc tbp fclfe,$ tficm tbat bear e t))t. CEbe.tJ.Crjapter. C © t ttad)ttb 4pm botoc he (hall be^aut hpm felfr in iebufting» of «|| MgtfW . 3n o;d?c con; ennpnsetopbbotoev. ^ ^bubenotanelberjrpoorouflp^H /, but eje^t c Dim ajs a fafber:tbe p8» *»■«** gcr men, a js b^ctb^en : tlpe elbec tt)t^ men,ajSmotbcrj5:tDepon2crajSfp= ftwjof.tSaiipHtencsi. ^onoure Kx>pbbouie& *»Dicboretruewpbbo\»e£J,3fenpwpbbott» IjauccDpIb^en oj neticw^lcttDS Icarnefpjft to rule tbeir aume boufeflifioblp *$ to recom aua.mxc peufc tDeir clbcriB! . if ojp ftfgooti f accepta* blc before c^ob. *»be f tsi a true * t»pbbotoc *» „ te « , 9 f r?belcire, puttc tD Dcr tr uft in <® ob, 9 cStp= **""'•"* niictD in fuppiicacponiEf anb p^apr t$ npgDt * bapciButibe^ Ipuctb in pleafure, i0beeb> tuen pet aipm?3nb tt)efe tbpngejl cfimafibe. tDattDcpttiapebc UJitbout rcbube .25utpf enpp^ouibenotfo;Dt(att)ne(9 n)cciallp tap . tbcm of berboufboibotbe fameintDbenpt^ tbef8ptU,anb^ ttwwlTefDcnan|nfpbelU , tct no« m flctw.F.r. 0(b«.tjii.a« c net no tttybbowe be ebofen \tnw tbtcrco^c ww olbe,9 iocb a one ag t»aj5 ? u»pfe of one tnan,anbu}eu repo^teb of men in goob tx>o* lie0:pf (be Daue b^ougl)t »p cDplb^, *pf (be Dane loogcb ftrangcr&pf (\k bane weffljeb tbe fapnctcieifctcpffyc bane mpmftrcb ttn« totbcmwbPcDujcrciiiabucrfptie.pfinclia lie bene contpnuallpgcue \)nto all maiicr of fooowo^cUciS.^Cbe pongcr U)pDCio\x)C0tc= ufe. JFo;u>D£tDc? baucbcgSnc to were \na t0agapnftCb?(ft,tbcpu3pllmarv,banpngc bamnacpoiii becaufc tljcp banc caltawape I bcir fp^ft faptb-3 no a Ifo Cbcp Icarue to goo from Doufc to boufe pblcrpee not pble our Ip, butalfotatlcrisanb befpboopcjs, fpeanpnge tl)pngc0\x)f)icbarcnotcoirilp. 3 uopH tbcrfoK tbat tbe pongcr written *i,SM.ww» *matp,tobcarecDplb^, togupbetbebon-- fe , anb gcue none occafpon to tbe noucrfary to fpcaUe eupll. ifo^manp of tbcm are ail reaop turncb backc, anb arc gone after S>a= tan . ainbpf enp man 01 woman tbat bcic= iietbbauewpiibowesf, Ktt&e" mpnpffcr \«t- totbcm.^lctnottbccoitgrcgacyonbccbar^ gcb:tbaetbcrcmapc befufficpcut fo v i.tbcm tbat arc wybbowes in bebe. 'Cbeelber0 tbat rule well, arc wonbpof bouble bononrc, moft fpcctallp ttjcy w'bvcb . . laboure tn tbe wo?bc 9 tcacDpngc . it ox the SSES? fcripturc fa vtb : * tbouujalt not moof:l tbe moitcD of pojee tbattrcabctb outtbcco,inc. t ®at.t.b. 3nb * tbe labourer itf wo.ttbP of litis re warb . 36gayiiftanclber,rcccaucitOJicaccnlacyoH: but * tmbcrtwooUlnc witncu"ciEl.^?"CI)c tbat fynne , rcbuftc openly , tDat otber alio mayefcarc. 3 tefttfyc Mm C5ob anb tbe Ho*b "Jem CbHft 9 tbe clcctc angels, tbat tbon obferue Ml tl)cfc tDpngciJ witbout baftyneffe of f«bge= JS? ment, fjbonotbtge partially. * laycljabcsJ m.ciui.a. fob5lpounoma,nctberbcpartaHerofotl)cr ffflmo «« b WW fVnuctf :ftcpe tby fflfcpurc. t).jyncltc no kim.*».b.* lenger water , but * tofc a iptcli wync fot tby mami* ftomaftcsi faftc anb tbpnc often byfcafcsi. <&>ome mennctf fpnnc0 are open befoze \)S.-- be.aubgo befote \jntoinbgcmet:5 fome mf ■ nc0 (VnnciEl f olowc after . Jlpftcwyfc alfo goobwojkcjs arc maul fed before babe, aub tljcp tbat are otljcr wyfecannot be \)yD. CEDe.W.Cbaptcr. ClCbtbutpc of fetuauiitea totoarbc tbeltma; ftcc3.agflpnrt Co cb as are not Catif f ica luitb tbe V»o;be ofcoo.affapnttfouctcoufiiea.a goob icf fonfo?tpcb,cwcn. €t ajl many 5V fcruanfcjS atf are tub Dcr tbe yoBf»countctbcp^ maftcrisi Wdtbpof aUbonour,tbat f name oftiSobfrDpfjboctryne benotcuyll fpokenof . &e tbattbcp wbycb bauc bcie= itpnge tmtft ers(,befppfe tljc notbecaufe tljcp are b^ctbjien : butratbcrboferupce,fo,i atf ntocbajaitbepare belcupngc anb bfloueb,^ partakers of.tbc bencfytc. IToCtmotlje; $o t lmi % ♦ Btu.n'F.b. &3* % *<.Co?.b«.c Spbc.bi.a. tollo.Mf.b. titm.U. b. lldct.fi.b. Cbcfc tbyngcg tcacb * ejebozfe. * 3f enp *tf*ia.<. a man folo we otber boctrtne,anb enclync not \jnto tbe woolfomc wozbctf of,oure loibc 3cfu Cbnft.anb to m boctrine wbicl) 10 ac-- cozbyugc-tot5oblpncis y ijet0 puftcD^, anb Bnou)ctbnotbpnge:but wa^ctb bv* bwp-- ncgaboutqucftiP^anb^ftryfe, of wojbcg:, VSuu' wl;crof fpzpngccniipcftryfcraylyngcg, c^ ^ uyll iurmtfyngc^.'uayne bifputacyonof me" fbatbaHecou-uptcmynbcs^tbatarei^rob^ii.jrber.iu beb of tbe true tb: wljtcb tbyn&ctbaMucre ifl! 25 goblync^ jf com tbcm tbat arc focb feparatc ♦ tlxy fcWe.0dblync!B ts grca.tc rpebe* * if a fS^f?* man be content witb tbat be batb- * jf oj wc *Sffi bzougljt notbynge into t\)t woJlbcnctbcr cetu.i>.c, mapewecarpanytbyngeout." ' 26nt wben webauc foDcanbrapmcnt we muft tber witb bccontcnt.'orbep tbat wytbc rycbcfall mtotempracyon anb fnarc?,^ of ^ tbciicupuj* into many folyfOjc ? nopfomc lu* ' Itc^wbiCbbioUnc men into perbtcyontbi;= fttuccyon.jfoi cotiftcoufucjsofmonfyistbe , rote of all eupll; wbycb wbpllfomc luftcb af f r r , f bey crrco from tbe faytl) , 5 tanglyb. tbe fclucs witb many fo;owe# . iSuinboumau of <3ob,fl}>cfocli tbyhgesf. jfolowc rygbtc= c lucfiif^goDlynccfayt^loucpactcrc, mca- Unc4j.5ryghftl)cgoc0fygbtoffaytb.iayc, Daubc on ctcrimll lyfc , wber \mto tbon art alfo calicb.anD baftpjofeffeb a goob pzofcf« fyaabefotemmy wi'iicdcd. ' ' 3 ffctic p cbargc in ^fygbt of Gob, * wljicb #!« mt t quicrtnetballtbynsc5,?bcfo2c3efu Cbzyft * ( wbicbtjnbcrponciusJ jDplate wptncfTcba goob witneffyng) f tljott Bcpc.^c6maunbc= met,? be witbout fpottc anb wircbukcablf, • tontpll tbcappearviicjf ofourc Jloibcicfitd €biifl-,*wbicbappeaiTngrinby0rymc;bc3pnr.tb.f.r. (balllbcwctbatiisblcfrcb? mygl)ty onclr, «****«*. Uyngcof (tyngc0^ lo.me of JLo^Dcs, wbycb oncly batb immo?talife,anbbwcUctbin tbe -■ lygbt tbat no man can attayne, * Wbom no man f)atl)fcnc,uctDcr can fe, \ntto wbom be wMtrw*, Donoureanbrulccuerlaftyngc.3Cmcn. ^Xf Cbargc tbe wliicb arc ryebe in tW wo2lb> 1. jobi».*»f.b tbat tbey be not bye mynbeb, tier* trnlt in £> \mccrtayncrycbc0 , but in t\)t lyuingc Gob SSftff* Cwbicbgcttctb\)!3;aboimbautlp nlltbyngcs ecci't.S.b, tocnioye tbe; tbat t!)cp bo goob: tbat tbey bt r iebe in goob woinc&tbat tbey be rebp to gc tic 9 glablp to biftrtbutc, taping Vpiu (tote foi tbe fciuca a goob fuubacto again f tyihe * «•"• w -«« rocome,^tbcpmayc obtayne ctcrnall lyfc. €>'Eimotbe,faue tbat wbicbitf gcucn tbe foHcpe, anb a\joi>be ^ngoftlp tjanpttetf of »oycexJanboppofycyongof fefence falflyfo caucb:wbycbfcfcncc wl>yic fome p?ofcucb, fbepcrrcb ntf conccwyngc tbe faptb • (5^acc bcwttbtbc.3men. C^cntfromlaobicca,wbtc()i!* tDe cl;cfeff cptic of i&bJigia. IDacaciana. 11 iii j 'Elicfcconbe €l)e tttonbe €ptftle i* ♦art.rrit.a. 13oma.t'.a. Id^ftlip, ni.a. 15 *f.2rfm.fiti _ juom.tmi.e Cpbcf.i.a. c fccb.tu. iJHoma.^a. anD.ri.r, (,£in.o.i(.b. f.£fmo.itif.f> Lpet.fr.a. S> C €lje fecobc <£pf ftle of &apnct panlthc 3poftie' \>n*o 'ftimotpc. ClZrpefpmcepaptcr* UriSaut rrtojfftb ffimotbf foftrtfaltnfirranti pacpcuccinprrfrnitpon, anoto conipiiucitifbr ooitrpnetbat br babtauebt brm. a con«n»«Ba; cywiofjOnrrrpbojiw. M an Slpoftle of3eHi$£p?ift, bptpe wpll of d5ob,acco?bpnge to toe pzomc* of Ipfc Wpicp iS inCteift ijefit. ^o ^imotpc tipg ucloucb fount. (3?accmercp anb peace from <5obtpc fatbcr,$from 3efu£p?ift our lo?bc. 3tpanBcci>ob,*wpom3fen*efrommps lie rlbcrS wirp pure conreiencctpat witpout anpc ce afpnacco?bpngcto£powcrof<5ob, wpicp*faueb toS,anbcallcbDS witp anpo= Ip callpnge , not acco?bpngc to onrc ococtf, bnt accojbpnge to piS a wnc ptirpofe 9 gta* ccwbpcpwasgcuentoS tpojowcCPnft 3e= fu:befo?etpcwo?lbe bcgannc)but iSnowe beclarcb opcnlp bp pappcarpngc of onte fa= uvouc3cmebiift*WDpcppatpputawape DcctD.nnb patp bjougpt Ipfeanb immo?ta* lite toito Ipgpt tpojowctpe (E'orpell,*wnce= tinto 3amapopntcb, apjeacpers 3Gpoftle, a hd a readier of tbe (5c\\tv\& ■. hi tbe wbpcb caufc 3alfofuffrefbefct!)pngcS. j^euevfbe- lefle,3 am norafbameo . # o? 3 fcnowe.nno amrure,tljatj)e(iu wpom 3 liaue put mp truttjiSabletoftepctbat wppcP3 Panec5= mittcb to ppsbcppngc,agapnft tpat bapr. *&>ctpattpoubauc roe enfimrolc of tbe fwlfome wo?bcS, wljpclj tpou paftucarbcof me witp faptb anb loue tpat iftin Cp?ift 3e= ru.^patgoobt&pnge,wppcp was commit" teb to tpp ftcppng e, Ijolbe raft tljo?owc £ po= lpgooft,wpicpbwcllctbintoS.'£p(siJRno= weft,powetpatalu&epwJ;icbarcin3if!a,be tut neb from me : of wnpo) fo?te arc $pige* lu0anblr>ctmogcncjkljpclo?bc gene nice-* epe \)nto tbe poumolbc of dDncfppPoiuS fo; be of tc rcfrc fljcb me, * nnb wad not aujameb * «j«t. of mv cbapnc : but wpenpc was* at l&ome, "»«>»•« be fougpt m c out \jcrp biltgc'tlp.f foQbe me. 'fcbc to?bcgraunt wito bpm tpatpc mape fpnbemercpc witbtljc to^bc at tlxit bape» 3tnbin bowc maup tbp«tscji be nuniftreb \m to mc at Cpbc rnfli, tljou lino weft Derp well. HL'Srbc-tiCbaptcr. >Ji fT EpKc as in t Ik f j»|tt ciiflptrt.ro i)cre be ert o j J feci) linn (o be roiidant in ttotiblr.to (uSre man; ip,ano to abpnc fart intbt mboiromt ooctrpm of onrc Horn Jictuo &\}>vtt. l)ou tberfo^e mp fonne.oc ftronge i u tlje grace ( tbat if! tpo?ow CDjift 3efu )anb in tbe t&pngetf tljat tpou baft bearbe of me bp man? wptnef fcas.'fcDe famecommpttc tljou^to faptbfiiU men,wfjicl)ftalbe apte to tcacl) otbee alfo. 'Srrjou tljctf o« ftiffre afapccponjei aga goob roubterof3emCb?Pft.i^oman tbat war* rcrb.curaglptbbpm felf c wytb wo^lblp bu« fpne&anb tbat becaufe be mape pleafe ppm, wbpcbbatb ebofen bpm to be a foubiet. 3nb t bougb a man ftrpne foatUb,rofc agapnefrom bectbaccojbing tomp(5ofpell, wbcriu 3 futtrc trouble a0 an cupll boar.eucn wito bonbcjai.i!6ut p wo? beof0obwa#nofbotmbc.'£bcrfott*3fuf frc all tbpngeiB , to? ti;c elated (nbcjs.tlint tbep mpgbt alfo obtapncKaluacion, w£icp ifi in €b?ift 3efu, wirb ctcrnall glojp. 3^Watruefapingc*fo?pfwc bebecbw Ijpm, we djall alfo ipue w prb &pm . * 3f we be pacient,we Cballalforargnc wptft tyni. ^if we benpe ljpm,be 9m #all benpc W. ' jfwe bclcue not, *pet abpOctb be faptbfull. ie cannot benpe bp»n fclfe.sDf tbcfe t\)\mt$ put tbem in remembmuncc, anb teftifpc be^ fojetbe io?bc,tbat tljcp folowe no conten- cpoms wo?beiel:Wbicbarc to nop?ofet>butto tpc pecnertpnge of tbe Ijearersf. jfetubp to Uiewc t))v ftlfc laubable wito <5 oo >a wo? hma p nebctb not to be a fbamtb biftributpngetbc wo?bc of tructbmftlp. * % fo? wtgooftlp tjanpttctf of tjopcesi , paffe tpou ouectbem. jfo?toep wpllencreace wt= to greater wtgoblpne&ftljepjwojDcsfftiaU fretcuenaSboetl) tbe Otfcal'e of a camre : of wbofe n6bjc «. * i^pmencujj anb ^biic M wljpclj( ajsconcernpngc tbe iruetb) bauc ee= reb,fapinge,tbat tpe rcfurreccpon is pad all rebv,anb do beftrope tbe f apt p of fome; ■JSutp fuee fftounbe of d5ob (lanbcto ftiH, anbbatbfbweale.-^piojbefcnowcfbtbcni tbar ate % **rt«w.<.b. *J.CO?.(f.| f 25 ♦UNflt.t.a. Uoma.i.a, * 3Cttt.7f,t *H0fflil.b(.ti ? itQm.liiil.c ♦Eulsc.tii.b: t Kotna.ifU c anO.bi.b. *tfitn.i.o< Co Cimotlje ^fo,lrrtb. J© tpat are uptf . 3 nb let cucrp man tbat calletb ontbenamc of civlft » bepattefrom imquU *«om.ir,D. tc t ^otwptbftanbpnge * in a great e boufc arc not onelp YieiTclcsfoF golbc anb of fpluct: but aim of woob anb of crtpc : fome fo? bo» noure.anbfomc Wito bptbonoi«c. P.fa man tpetf o?c pourge bim felf c from fiicb men , be flinlbc a toffell fanctifpcb "Onto ponoure, mete f oi tpe \)fess of tbe ilo?be,auD p?epareb \)UtoallgooDwo?!tc0. Lull c0 of poutbauopbcbut folowe rpgbt= wefncjS,faptb>loucanb peace , witb tU tpat ♦Jfflft^' callontbcjLo^bewitbapurcbcrtc* * 5fo= MD.Di.o. xpfOic anti 'bnlcarncti queCttost put from tbe, Imowingc^tbepbobutgcnb^cftt.-pfe . -IEIjc fcruauiitoftbeto:bcmuu:notftrpuc:butbc ♦ixim.au ntcuaple no lenger . jf o?t|)cir mabnciX Oialbc wtereb tnitoall men cuena0tbeirs( wajx. aigut thou paltfcnetbccypcrifce of nrpboctrpnc , fallpo pflpuiugc,ptirporc,fiipfp,iongefuffcrpnge, Iouc,pacience,perrecucpou5S,aiibaffftccpon!S }»bycb pappcueb wito mc at ^ntiocbe, at 3comum, anb at JLpftra .• wbicb perfecut m 3 fuffercbpacicntlp.^nb from tbem all , t\)t io?be belpuereb me.^ee, anb * an tpep tpat wpll Ipne goblp in Cp?»ft 3/eOi 0)aU fuftre pe rfecutpon. -But tpe eupll men 9 bifccaucrS mall were woiffe anb wo?(Te,wbill tpep be* ccaue anb arc Deceaueb tpcm fcluc0. 25ut continue tljoii in tpe tppngejiwbiclj H> tboubaftlearncb.wbicpalfowerccommpt^ tcD wito tpc.unowtnge of wbom tbou paft; Icamebtpfm , anbfojaamocpaifo a0 * of a *<• «»•««'•*• cpplbe tbou baft hnowen tpe polp fcripturcsl wpicb arcablctomalje tpclerncbwuo fal« uacpontpozowtpcfaptpwbicbiginCbiift 3cfu. * ^Ufcnpturegeuenbpinfpiracp=*if.}»ft.i.i». on of C5ob , is pioffttabli: to tea'epe , to im* pzouc , to amenDc anb to inftruct in rpgbf e= wefnetf, tpat p mail of <3ob mapebc pccfccte 9 p?cpareb*ntoallgoobwo2&ei3. C<2:l;e.iiii.Cljapfer; C" ©< nbo;trtb ZTimotbc to be fe rumf in f tooztit * to fuffrc aoucrfitcmaftttb meuctoti of bi3 avouc bcatb, ft bpooftb Simotbt come bnto bpm. [teftifpc tpcrfoie before Gob, * |;bcfo.2cRo?b3cfu€bnft, w.'ncb^ Ojalltucge tbcqnicHe anb beeb at ppfiapcamuTc 111 bpfi upngDom, pteacbe tbou p wo.itc, bcfcruct.in fcafon? outeoffeafon.3'npjouf, rcbulie, ecDo.JtciO all longc fuffcrpnge anb bocttpnc .$oif tp= me wtllcomc,wbet1:epft>ill net fuffer wpol fome boctrpnebut after fbeir awue lnftcS (ball ttitv ( wpofc cares ptcbe} gctt tpcm an pcepcofttacpcrMaD Ml witbbtawc fbeir careofromtpefruetb,anbiijalbetuiucb\)n* to fables . ©ut watebe tbou in all tppnges, fuffrc affltccpons.botpc moike tboiowlpc ofanenangelift.fulfpll fjjpne offpee lento tIjeUtmoft.>*f»crcbtt; $01 3 am nowrrcabp to be oflrre b , ano *« tpe tpmc of mp bepartpnge , itf at banbe . 3 23 t)auefougbtagoobfpgbt,3b3uefulfpUeb mp courfe, 3 bauc Uept tbe faptp. jf rom pece fo?tptper islapbc ty)fo? mc* acrowncof *,-. CPMrB rpgptcwcfnes, wpicl) tpe io?bc (tpat is a umt,b.b. rpgptcouS iubgc ) mall geue me at tpat bape : not tomeonclp, but mitoailtbemalfotbai loue pis cominge3otppbpltgecc tpat tpou . mapcftcomeujoitlpmifome. jfo? Bcmas piitp fojfalicn me , anb lo- uetP tops picfcnt wo?lbc , anb i$ bepartci); V)iito tTbelTalonf ra. Crrfccnsl 10 gone to 0m lacta.'CptntfVntot^almacia.Onclp inmtf € iswitpmc^aftc* t Hi 3t mp fptlt anlWcrpnge , no man aft?* ftcd me, but all fcufoHe inc. 3 pjapc God, tbat it mape not bclapbe to tbcit cbargetf; >£< #o* wpthfabpnge tbe t Offeti affpltcb me,ano ftrcugtbco mc;, tbat up tnc tUc men- *> cbpngc fhulbc be fulf plleb to the UrnioltanO tbat all p" G rot vW Qmlbcbcarc.^nb 3 wad belpuercd out or tbc moutl) of the Ipou . $ofi file JiojDc fljall bclpucr mc from all euvll bopngc, anb wall Kcpcmc Unto bytfbeuenly Upngbom. 1£o wbom be pjapfc f o.i cuer and rucr.3mro. J< *«rt.rw«.a. Salute iDnfca anb * 3qm'la 9 tbc Uou--* SmKBI* Qioidc of* £>iicupbom$ , erafttttf abobe at x actf«.rr.b. Couutbum . * 'croprjtmutf rjauc 3 leftc at «••"»* &)plcttinirpcttc. ©otbpbiligccc, tbat tbou mapeft »me befoic winter . > > > CCbcCpiftleof &apnct paul liiico trptuss. CtbcfrJftCbapftr. CPaul rrhcifcfb 2*t«U5 to obrput p:ctcj o: b»f'. flpppw tn furrr cfttt • * bc:i.?rctb tnhat inaner of mfiitbcrouffl)ttob:Ja:rf!)orc:iCPt'iur{Ei , «. * fbirjf(!)SicustoccbuSc focb as tolibttar.be (be eorpci!. Z t;l tbc feruaiit of Gob, anb >ipoftleof3cfuCiw(facco^ binge to t foe fapth of goddcS clectc^andaccojdyngctotfce Knowledge of tbe tructb , |ft£^/! wbicb io after goblpnctf in ~ y Ijopcof ctcrnall Ipfc, wbicb ♦ixomjfi.a. Gob * (tbaf cannot ipcjpjompfcbbcfoic tlje wozldc bcgamic:btit batb opencb bi# wojde at tbc tymc appopnteb tbo?.o wepjteacbingr, wbicb itfcommpttcb Unto mc , accojdynge to tbc commaunbement of Gob onre Onto «.w.w«.coure.'B:o* €ytuie(bysinaturallfonne after t( r(m , ,. , tbccomincnfaytb. feE * GMcemcrcy9 peaccfrom Gob p*fatbre 25 9fromtbe&ojbc3rfuCb?i&ourefiiueoiirc. #o.itbtacaufclcft3tbe inCreta , f tbou C&ulOcftrefourmc rbetbpngcs: tbat arcUii' *tfxim.a.a. perfect, 9 Cbuldeft * oidepne clbcrtf in cuccp cptf e,a* 3 bab appopnteb ttje.jff enp be bla= meleffc, tbebufbanb of onewpfe, baupnge t faptDfuIlcOabi^\»forcl)iteenotnaunb?ebof *<. »'nrt«rpote,nctbeearebtfobebtft .* jf ojabpfibo» pc muft be blamefTca^fftettJacbe of Gob:: not ftubbojnc , not ansrpc * not ffcuclt to **™M mocbttJpne, nofpsbtcr, notfieucntofpltbp ' C,,9C,D ••• lucre; but a neper of Ijofpft ante , one tljat los uctb ffoobnc0^-(w«^n*>fob?e, epflbteoiii^iM ffobly,tempcrat .anbfiicljasi clcuctOt)ntop trucwjo;bcofbocttpne,f|)atl)etttapcbeable alfo to ejrbojtc bp wijolfomc learnpnse,? to imp.JouctDcmtoatravcagapnftir. $0; tljcr arc man y \)nruclp anb talfterjS c of\)auite,aiiDmftcaucrjlofmpnbciel,fpfc&icf)t&ep oup;|)tnot,bccaufe of rpltDp lucre. One of fclucjSCeucn ap.iopl)cte of tbciraujne) gipbe: 'Cbe crctpSg arc a Ut»apc0 Ipartf.cuyu bea=» Rtti, flowcliclyeid. ^bpsi wptncjai m ttm. vobcrf otr rcbultc tbou tbe Qiarpip , tbat tbep mape be founbe in p faptli.not tabvnflt i)tbe to 3cwcs fables anb commaunbementeflof %> mentljat turne atoape tbe truetrj.* 5Unto p * «w*w* pure, arc all tljyitgcsJ purc:but \)iito tl)5 tbat arc bcfpleb anb tjubclcupnfic , t]S notbpnfle pure: but rucn tbc mpnbcanb confcienccof tijem i£l bcrj'lcb.'5ri)ep confclTe f tl)cp bnotoc Gob : but uritb tlje bebesi t|)cp benpe bpm fe= ittge tbep arc abominable anb bifobebient,? VnaptcMto ctjcrp3oob\»o?cbe. C^bt-ir-Cbapfer. rU)t tciietbblMn botvebe 4bne, but tbat tbeptcaebe boneft tbtigmtt tomabe tbepounsc wemen fob?e mpnbcb.to lone tbcp^bufbanOciS, to louc tbetrcbplbKn,tobcbifcretc,cba(t,l)ufUJpflp goob , obedient \}ntotbcir b«f banbetf > tbat m toojoc of Gob be not eupll fponeu of.- ^ongemenlvUet»pfc e^bo?te, tbat tbep be fobjempndeb. *3n all tbingesi (rjcvoe tbp felfc an enfam= 25 pic of fioob ttngcta in V boctryne, t»itbbo= JJJftfP* ncftie,grauptic^\BitbtbcwbolfometIlO ( ^be , • t^ct • ,, • a • wbicb canot be rebuUcb: tbat be wbicb witb ftanbctb.mavebcadbameb.baniHgcnocucU.... M . tbpngctofapcof ymt.* € X^t feruauntcsl, lgg$P to be obedient bnto tbeicawne maftcrjS,? to coiw.ni.> plcafctbctnalltl)iffCSf,notanftt)crmgagap=« ia:im - ,,u ' ne, netber to be ptctter jsi , but $ tW fbewe all goob fay tbf ulite* , t tbep mape bo ttJ0^ajip=* pe to tbe Doctrine of Gob oure faucoure in all tbpngcsl. 0* $at tbc grace of Gob , fbwn* getbfaftiacpon Unto all men, batb appeareb anb teacbctb^^tDcHbulbe benpe vngob* IpnejJ anb * woilbp luffe&9 tbat we ftwlbe *'• M«h Ipue foberlp ^anb rpgbteonap , anb goblp in €0 trims; f $b« anon, 51 ojr ttb/, tUom.FfQ.a l.ptf/J.C, tbPSi parent wo^Ibe, lobpnge fop blefleb bope 9 appcaringe of tbe glo?p of tb? greate Gob.9 of ourefauioure3jefu Cb?i(t » t»bpcb ,wm.i><9.ft ^gauebimfelfefo^xJ.torcbnne toUfrom &S«£k a » ^nrygbtettJefnefii , anb * to pourgc w a *cpm.*. peculper people tmtobp'm felfe * fttnenttp aeucn tjnto goob UJO^kcjsf.^bcre tbpngefll •i tfm.if«.b. jjPWfecantteicDoitf, I^anb rebuke , xmtball ftrucntnexiof commaunbpnge.^^)ctbat no man befppfe tbe. C'&be.iij.Cbaptcr. (f.Ot obcbiCce to focb as be in auctozftc.J&e tear: n«^ rrtue to bctoarcof folpflbc anb bnpjoflta; blc qucftpong. 3rnctbcm* tbat tbep fub= mptte tbem fcluejS to rule$ power ; tbat tbep obep tbe officers! : tbat tbep be read; Unto eucrp goob wo? He : tbep fpeakc eupll of no mS; tbat tbep be no fpgbtcr* , but gentle , (fcewpnge all mefcenc$ unto all men. jeo? we oure fclucssalfo were fomtpme foolpfirje bpfobebient , beccaucb , fcrupnge bluer lelnftejS anbUoluptcoufncjS ,lpupnge in malicioufnctf anb cnupc , full of bate , ba-- m tpngc oneanotbtr. "° >J< 25ut after tbat tbc ftpnbnwi anb loue rt. % im.i,b. of oure faucoure Gob to man war be appea* reb, *not bp p bebctf of rigbf c wefneiS wbicb »«d M <« . w wjougbt,butacco2bpngc to W mcrcpt wvm. «. ,j C faucD w + bp t jj C fotttttapnc of tbc nt we bpztb, anb renuynge of tbc bolp gooff, wbicb MM rh . be ftjedb on Utf aboun tdatlp, tpio we Mm ')&: Cb?tft ourefaucourctbat we mftifpeb^ bp ty$ grace, (bulbe be mabc bcp?eg( accojdiuge to § bope of eternalllpfe, I< %ty$i$a true gr fapinge . * jp! tbefe tbpnges(3 wpll tbat tbou cer= tifpetbat tbep wbicb beleuc in Gob , ntpgbt be biligent to go t o?warbe in goob wo?bc0. M.wmo.u Jfo? tbefe tbpngetf are goob anb profitable xtm*.c. \jneomen , * if olpftbe queftpoms , anb gc= ncalogiesS,aub b^aulpnge, tbo?otoc ftrpuin* gejiaboute $ lawe, auopbc rfqitbeparc Un= m.ma.t p^ofptable anb iuperfl uoutf . % man tbat itf an aucto? offectcjs, * after t\)t fp0 9 tbc fc= conbeabmonpcionauopbc:Bnowpnge,tbat jjeCtbat ijS focbe) ii^ncruerteb? fpnnetb euro 2)bamncbbpbpmfclfe. tttpenjj (bail fenbe artematf Unto p, I n^pcbicu£(>bebiligcnt,toeometomcunto jHlicbopolig: Jf 0? 3 bauc determined tljerc to Winter ,i5*itigc*ena0 tbe la wear 9 3pollojsi on tbeir io^nepbiligentlp , tbat notbpnge be lacHpnge Unto tb^.3 nb let oureg alfo teat ne to ereelltn goob t»o^c^,ass f aef o?tb as ncbe r equp?ctb, tba t tbep be not Unfr ntef Nil . 3 11 f arc witbme.falnte tbc G?e te tl)g p loue usi in tbc f ap tb. G?ace be witb pou all. 7t men. CttWttcnfromjapcbopolitfa eptieof4^acebonia/ CCbcepittlcof fi)apnti0auiunto ^f)iltmon. •naetcfoptobto btire of tbc fantb anb lour of fcWlemon , brtjom be befp/rtb to f o;gcuc bP0 Tcr- tinunt 0ntUmu3 , aim joupngip to rcccauc bpm 3Cul|5piefoiicrof3crucb«'(t^ anbb^otbcr^imotbe* , Sinto pbilcmOn t|)c be* Ioucb. anb ourebelpcr , anb to tbe i«toncb3ppia, anb to %i cbipputf oure fdot»e , , foHbieranbtdtbeconctceaa cpontbat^offbpbonfe. ^^^ *GgooO>*(to°-'fcf;w!)u'b^ is in pou towarde 3ef»s Cbnft. jfoj we ha* uegrcat tope and confolacpon m thp louc:bc» came tbat bp tbc [ b^otber; ^ fapntcsf (me0 arcconfo?teb. nmerf o^c , f bougb 3 mpgbt be bolb in putt to commaunbf tbc, tbat wbicb watf tbp be wtpe to bo.pcf foz loueg fabc 3 ratbee befeebe tbc, f bougb 3 be ac 3 am , euro olbe paii!,9 nowe a mcfoner of 3efu Cb.nft-3 be fcclje tbc f o,i mp fonne* siDncfunus wbom 3 ***i»>M* banc begotten in mp b6dctf , ( wbicb in tpme pancDtoasftopUnp^ofttablcbutnowcpzof f ttablc botb to tbc 9 to mc) wb63 bane f cut borne agavncEbou tbcrfojc recepiicbpin, tbat in to fapc mpuea wne bowcliet, wbom 3 rf iBolbc foync haue retapneb witb me, pin thp QL ftcade be mpgbt bane nunpllred Unto mc in tbcbobctfQftbcGofpell.£cuertbclcrre,Wi= thont t\)y mpnbc Wolbcj bo notbinge,tbat tbe goob wbpcb tbou do w\ (buRie not be a# it were of ncccllitcbut wyfipnglp. if o^bapptp be tbcrfo^e beparteb fo^a ka* fon,tbattpoti Ojulbeftccceaiiebpin fo> eutr r not nowe asia fetuaf^ but abouc a fcruaut,. cuen a b^otber bcloueb , fucciallp to mc : but bo we mocbc mo?c Unto tne,botb in f fteflbe,- anbatfo in tbe iojoe? 3f tbou tout mc tber-- 1> fo^eafelowc,rcceaucbimasfmpfclfe.3fbe baue bone tbeanyc burt, 0? owctb p ougbt, tbarlape to mp eb«rge.( 3 iBan^baue w^tttl it witb mpne nDDivc banbe) 3 wpllrec5pcnce it. S»o ebat3 bo not fape to tbe , bo we tbat tbou ouoelf Unto me cuen tbpne aWne felfe aifo.enS f bjotber ? .iet me eniope tbe in tbe lAtbe tdomfo?temp bowel* in tbe lo^be* Cruftpngeintopneobebiece,3wroteunt© tbc, two wpngc, tbat tbou wplt alfo bo m o& tbcti * Clje tpfflt ♦ ffollO.f.C. •i i j' li I U] > M tben3fape.4Bo?eoucr,pieparemclodgmge foj 3 mitt that tbojo we toe bclpc of poucc p^apcrfli,3 (nalbcgeueu tontopou. 'ftbcc fa* lute the , <£papbtas m v fclowc plotter m €bnft3cfu, $)arcn0, Siriftnrctis, Bcmns, luca&mpbclpcrS.'fcbc grace of ourc lozdc 3cfu Cb?ift bt witb pour fptcteamru. C&cntfrom1Romcbp£)ncfi= tnusa fcrtiaunt. CEMptftleof <8>apnct patrtt&c 3poftlc tonto tbelpcbjucS. Cfc&efftft Chapter.* CSotoc ©oD Of alt lournglp toptb tbrmof f one tpmrm Cenbrngt tbembpo pjopbete* , but mod) ino;e mercp batb be fl? rtocu 1>b (n $ be rent bo bra atone fonne.Of tbe mooft ere eiirnt MO>p of 3!t rua c b? ifl, tobi dp in au tbrnacs is irfce to bis f atber. €>0 in f ime paft bitierllp and manp wapes,fpahe tonto tbe fatbersbp $jopbeteS: but in tbcfciaftbapcshcbatbfpo* ben tonto toSbpuiS awne ffi= uc, wbSbe Imeb made bev?e i A „n, P hfi * . . ofalltbpugcS* bpwboaifo *•«**••• he mafic tbe wojlbe. * UH)tcb(fonne)bcinge £ btpgbtncS of bt'S glojp , mid $ tocrp pmage of l)i£S fubftauce ruipngc all fbpnges wttb f woidc of bPS power, batb bp bpS awne pec = foil pourged once fpnnes , and fpttctb on tbe rpgutbande of tijic matcftpc on f)j»c : bepnge fo mocp mojc excellent tbcii tbe nngcis,as be barb bp inberptaunee obtepned a mojc cjcccl* lent name tbentbep. 25 #o? tonto wbicboftbeangclSfapdcbcat *w«f* enp tpmc : * ^boti art mp fonnc , tbps dape pimwk banc 3 begotten tlje i 3nO agapne * 3 wpll be Upjs fatber . and be Mbc mp tonne . 3no * ua agapne,wbenbeb2iugctbintbefpjftbcgot= *m,tw.* fen fonnc into tbe wojlde, be faptbanO* let alltbeattgeis of(5od wojfbpppebvm . 3uo }»Mb(MM tonto tbe nngelS befaptbtfee mafeetb ftp* nngelS fpjcteS.attd bptf niinpftrcsf a flnm'me *i»rai..mt.b. f fp^e.iSut tonto tbe fonnc be fapth: * ^bP fcate ( £> ©oo) ftalbe fojeucrnito euee %hi fceptceof t\)y npngbomc (Snrpgbt fcepter. %hon baft loucd rpghtcweOics , and bated tmqupte.lDbcrfojc, (Etod , eue" tbv <5odbat|) anopntcotbe witbpople ofgladnes aboue t^f felowcii. * i9&i.trt.b. *2Hno tbou i o?oe in $ begpnnpnge baft C lapbc tU fouoacpon of tbe ectb.3nO tlje ben* uensi ace tht t»o^fee0 of tbP iKinbejS . 'tftep ft all per pf$e , but tbou enbureft , 2Sut tfiep all (ball coejee olDe alfo asSOotba garment-. $ asQ(el) cb ;m b«f b scuen Ma mn not to be of; fenbeb at tbe inf ftmptc ann lovur bf sttt of cbjilr, befaufeittoaeitcceffatp J foj oure faUesbc (buibn tahe forb an bumble (tatc bp5 bpm, f bat be m'pgbt be lpncbntobP8b?ttb;cn. i$)erfo?e , ujc otigbt to gciie tbe « inojeerneftbebe to t^t tfypnsetf tbatarefpouen tmtoW, leliat anptpmewe perpflbe.^fojpfp t»o?De tsbpcb wjass ftjonc bp an* gelitf wag! ftebfaft :3nb euerp tcanfgre(Tpon anObifobeOience receauebaiuft reeompence of rewaroe.bowc (ball we efcape.pf we bef* ppfe fo great faluacpo, wbicb at tbe fpjft be=* ffantobe p^cacbeO of tbe lojoe tfvn\ felfe, ano txmtfcoftrmeb \)ittol)0toartje , bptbem f DcacDeif^dSodbeacpngcwvtwtftbctto, + mm botbtoitbfpgncss? wonoccgiaifo $ tottbbt* uerjs(mp v iacle0^ffpftctf of tbe bolpgootte, accoiopnge to Ijpss awne t»pll. Jf o? \utto t\)t angeWbatb be not fuboucb tbe wo^ioetocome , vofynoH m fpenbe, but one in a certapne place wptneffeb , favtnge, * U)batiiS man ,rbat tbou act mpnoftiU of mw« bpm. C>? tbe tonne of man, tbat tbou Wfiteft *g* lT " , *' , bpm /"Sboumabcftbpm a iptlc lower then m tbe an&el&t&ou baft crowned bpm witbbo* notice glojp, anb^bnft ftt t)vm abouctbc mmaw wo^hejs of tbp banoctf . 'Cbou baft put all «w** tbpngcjBE in fubieccpa \jnoer fat fete, jn f be put all tbpngejf miOerbim. be left notbpnge tbat us n ot put tonber tym.&mem* u"c , we fe not ret all tbpngeiS f ubOueb tnto bim i but him tbat wag made leffe tbeu tbe angcltf, we fetbatitwasi3efti^wbicbt0crownedwftb glo^p and bonour f o? f foffcrpngc of Ocatb: tbatoc bp t^t grace of ©oo ,(bulde taft of be= ctb f o? all men. St 0} it became bf m ,f o* wbom are all tbin^ - rest and bv wbom ore all tbpngcjSC after tbat u - ie bad i^ougbt manp fonnejj tmto glo?p) tbat be libit ide make tbe lo?be of tbetr faltta cpon perfecte tbojowe affliccponsi. it o pottre bcrtctf, i^cr as! in t\)t pjottonpitgc , m 25 tbe dape of temptacpon in tbe wpldcrnesf, wbere vourc fatbectf tgptedme, pioued me, and fawc mp wo?ftej2(.]Cl.pcare . lubcrfo^e 3 wasi grcued witb fgencracpon, andfapdc: ♦5Dbep do all wape errein tbetr bertctf ttljcp \>crelp Dane not ftnowen mp wapesf , fo f 3 (Ware in mp w jatb :tbep (ball not enter into mp reft.'Eabc bedc bjceb& I c ft a t anpc tpmc tber be in anpc of poua frowardc berf e fub* iect \)tito \)nbelefe,tbat ljc fbuldc departe fro tbe Ipupnge (E>od : but cjrbo^tc vt one atto* tb«baplp,wbile it ip called to dapcrlcftcnp of pon wejee bardc batted tbo^owe tbe de* ceptfulnefteoffpnne. C toearcmadcpartctahcrtf of Cbnft> pf s^webepefuce(ljntotbcendc)tbe^*begpn* npnge of tbe fubft ace, fo l ongc ass it i& Oipde: to dape pf vt wpll beare bP0 \)Opce , barden not pourcbertcsJ, atf (n tbe piouoltpngc , fo; fume wben tbepbenrdedpd p?ouobe:bowe be it not all f came out of <£gppt bp a) o fetf; ^ot|ie^eb?ue0 MlmW 25ut witb wbom watf be dcrpleafed.rl.pea* rctf.-'UjajSbeitot dcfplcafcdwitb tl)tm that bad fpnncd, wbofe carhafefl wcrcoucrtbio- wen in t\)t defer 1 1 %q wbom (ware be thnt tbcp fouibc not enter into bWrcft , button to f bent tbat were not obediet t % nd we fc, tbat tpep couldc not enter m.bccaufc of tonOclefc: _ ftcTbr.iuj.Cbaptcr. 5 ■ «, ) /. s, ? bb °U» 0J tclt Df tbe Cb?i(ten : punpfte; mEtofb!ibfieucr3.-tbciiatureof?toi>j&rof*3QD. let toj fcarc tljcrfoie, left enp of -& ipon, fozlalipngcpp'onifa of en* i trtngc into bPfl reft )(buldc feme m anpc tpme to Ijatie bene dtfa= popntcd.ifojtontotoaitf it declared, as well aa ton to tbem . 26ttt it pioffptcd n ot tl;e , tija t tljcp beardc tbe wo?dc:bccaufc tbepwbpcb beardcit.couplcditnot witb faptb. if 02 \»e wbicb bauebclcucd,do enter into jfefrcft, as be mmMni ns3 banc f wo^ne i mp wiatb: tbcptfjali notcntctinto mp reft. 3fnd tbat fpaae be tocrerplongc after tbattbc woihcs were madcaiid tbe foudacpo'n of tbe wojIDc lapde. if oi be fpalie in a errtapnepiace of tbe fcucntb dape, ontbp»"wpfe. *3tndooddpd*fim f * «. reft tbe fcuentbdapc from all bps vw$&. %M tit tbps place agapne :'£bep (ball not rnterintotnvrcft. S>cpiigctbrrfo:c it folowctb, tbat fomc rx muft enter thenuto , and tbcp(to mhom tt *° wa.sfp?ftp:eacbcd)entrcd uottbertn fo: ton bclcfcs fane, be apopntefb a certapne dave after fo longc a tpmc faptngc in JMuib ( Mit iSrcbcarfcd ) tlnsdapcpf pe wpll bearc tyti to opce, barden not pour bcrtra. ifoi pf 3ofue pad geuc tbem reft,tbcnwolde be not after* wardc bauc fpohen of anotber dape . 'C&cre reinapnctb tbcrfo^c pcta reft to tlje people of (5oO. if ot be tbat is cntrcd imo^ reft natn meft wbicb tsentredinto bcaucn (rutnje* fitS tbe fonnc of <5od) lettoS boldc t^t pto* fcmon.»Kof owe bopoif or we baucnot an m ^ pieftcwbtcbcannotbauecopaftpononourc iimrmitieS.but * was in all popnteS temp= * mm** tco , imp we are : bntpet without torn* HcttoStberfo^goboldclpto7ttotbe*fcate*cto,tti,,b, lElje eptffle * Iffli.ir.b. 25 2rt.'e.rt».c. i9fb;r.i.ti. ♦Jdfal.cr.l). ofgrace.that wcmapeobtapne mcrcp, aim OfriM grace to bclpc in tpm* of note. _ CtbcuCbaptcr. 4< CCb.tlit is ourt \m wcttcsntt rcafr of grace ,»titi mow crcciieitt tbcn f ppc pjeires of «>c oibe taton. £>* cuerp live pjrffc that is* ta= dm from amongemen, 10 o!bcp= hcd fo v t men , in tbpngetf pcitap* upuge to 000 •* to offer gpfte$ am) facrifpcc0 foj fpnnc , wjn'rj) can bauc companion onrbcignojaunt, anil on the tljat errc out of the wamtfojnsi mocS n0bch0rcueeencc,fhougb ^ be were p Comic «>«■««) pet liarncb be obe= bience, bpthofetbpngc0 which he mffcrcb:$ he bepnge pcrfcctc , was the caiifc of ctcr-- iiau faluacionwitoallthc tiwobcpcb Inni: mibia* calico of<3ob an i;pc p^ctt, after tljc other of &)clc&tfebcch. C IDbcrof we voolDc fpcafcc mam' tbingetf but tbcp arc harbe to be tottcrco : fepnge pe arc bull of Jearmgc.ifa?w&e4tfc6ccriunge tlje tpmc.yc ought to be reactor*, pctjhauc ye nebe agapne, that we teaebe pou tbe fpjlt pnuciplc0 of the worn of <£>ob : anoarebc- cbme foclj ajs &c^l^auc nebe of * mplkc ; aub not of ftrongc incare : fojeuerp man tljattf feb with mi>lke,i0 mejperrc in trje wojbcof rpgbtcoufne0. jfoj [)e i0 but a babe. 2U5ut ftcongc mcate bclongetb to tbcm tbat are pcrfcctc eucnthofc,which(bpreafon of Wc) fiauc their wtttca cjcrcifcb to Difcetne botjj goobanbcupli. C&hc.nj.ebapfcr. ir&cgoftbfojtbtoptl) tbftbpiigr t\)»t be began fu (br latter cube off fpftr cbaptcr, nitb erbo?ectl> tbcmno<(ofapnt,buttobeaebfaa(«paci'cut:fo? tq,mocb, a« i5ob ie fur? in bF* p;ome ffe. s^crf o?c Icaupngc p Doctrpnc tfjat pertapneto to tl;e bcgpimpngc of €D?ittcnmeii > let \j«: go f o?tpn= topcrfeccion , not lapengcagapnc tljefounbacpon of rep?tauncc fro fceeb wo^ftesianb of faptb toujarbe (B>ob , of baptprpngesf,ofboctrpne,anboflapingeou oflwnbciB!, anoof refurreccpon from beef &, anb of ctcrnall inbgeincnt . aub fo wy\\ we bo ¥ 3f pon it » anbb.n'ngetDfortb ljcrbeie(mctcfoii tljcm that Djeire it.rcccauetli blciTiugc of <5ob . Butthat grounbe wMcp ljcarctl)iho v mcsinnbb?parjS > ii0!rcp?oucb,aiH3i is npe Vnto curfpngc : wljofe enbe ifi to be burneb . jacuertaclcfle C bcare frenbejS) we twft to fe better of pon , anb thpngejl wfjicl) accOpanpfaiuacion.tboughwethujJfpeaUc.C #o.:<5obte not wirpgbteoutf * ^bc dmlbc *aww.t< fojgct pourewo.iftc aub laboure that p?oce= betb of loue, wljich lone pc ujewc m Wm* mc.whiehljauetniiufjrrcO xmto the favnetctf, anb pctmtmftcr. J>ec,anb webefpurelp3 will blclTe tbe , anb multiplic t\it in Dm . 3nb f o after tbat be bab tancb pacicntipjiceiuoveb tbe pjomctf .$ o? men tocelp fwea'rc bp bpm ^ tbat is greater tben mm fclticfl , anb * an *Vwj.<. otbc to confp^nc tlie tbpnge , id to tbem an cube of all ftrpfc . S>o doob wpllingc ticrp abounbantlp to ujewe mm the bep^etf of pjomejS,rbeftabIene0ofbi0counfapi,abDeH an otb-tbat bp two immutable tbpngesl (in wbpcb it wais bnpomble tbat ii5ob Omlbe Ipcjwempgbtbauea ftronge confolacpou, wbicb bltberto tiaue ftcb,fo? to bolbe faff m Dopetbati0 fet before \)0,wbpcb hope wc Soibeaman'ancrcof clje foule both fure anb •ebfaft , wbpcb bope alfo entretb in , into tbofethmgej* wbicb arewitbm tbe\iapie> where the fozeeMnnertffoMJtfentreb, eucn • 3cfu0, tbatijSmabcan * bpepjeftcfojeucr, *wiic ptcittjobc of &jm bnfo «rt; cbircbc:b,but to he fart'e mo;e erceitciit. i i!llt c :^ vn ^ c of PM«0 Wpthout fatbec toitl out motbecibttbout ft^mc^ hatbne= 35 J f W» of bape* , tictber vet cube of lpfc:bnt i0 iiHcncD \)nto tfje fonne of C5ob anb coutpnuctb a pjcftcfoj cucr . Confpbcr Sir! a ? M »f bwwajai, \)i«o wbom alfo tbe S & ?? J cr #* tftoft Mm of Lcup, Wbtcb rcccane tbe office of c|e faft*, banc a commaimbemrnt to tahe (accoiDtngc to i* Iawctptbe0oftbepeople,tbati0toapc,of tbe r luffelijU tljougb tDep fpzongc out . of tljc lopnc0 of ^aftam . ^ut i;c tt)bofe 20 uca mm of 3Cbjabam,ab bieffeb I;im tbat hab tbe P£onufc*.ainDno man benpctb,but that be wbicb 10 IclTc, reccauctb bleffpngc of I)tmttobicbt0grcatcr.3!nbbcrcmctbatbpc, 9S&9"J l ^ *PtndfcD,that n c Ipuetft. Wbicb Wcth toreccauc tpti)e0 papcb tpthctf MHmtai. ^bewa0pctintbelop= netf of hp0 father whan *9cfcbtfcbccb met r S!: .jaEWflw^ Ptrft crion came bp tbe PHP of P^ciiptC0 (fo? wibcr tbat p*cft= I job tbcpcoplcrcccaucb tljc latoc ) tbhatnc= beb itfurtbcrmo?c,tbat anotber pzelt Qmib rpfctobccallcbaftcrtbco^crof^clchifc^ bccb ) anbnotaftcrtbcoib(rrof3Caron."ioi pftbcp2cftbpbbctranflatcb,tbcnofuccefrt'= tic muft tbe lawc be tcanQatcb alfo. jfo.z he of ttn)om tljefe tDpngec arc fpoftj pertapne Wito another trpbc , of Whom ne= *« m. < 2 cr ?i2 ,, f ccuc ' D J lt ®iMltMS&oi it i0cni= wib.^.hcnttbatourcJLo.ibefwonge^ofthetrpbe * of Jfltt , of WDpcl; trpbc fpaftc a?ofeo no= Cottie^t^ucs:, 3foJrt)cbiu, ^i0p Dun, icpngc bccucrlpuctl; * to malic in? *■ 'r.m.,,, s . tercclTton fo?\)0. '-aw*** Jo^ foch an bpc I3ieft it became \30 to banc, tbpiclj^bol^barmlcfr^nbcfilcb.feparatc tr o fpmtcr0 ) mabe bper then bcaucn. |©htch ncbctbnotbaplp(o0p(ibcr bpcpieac0) *to *miut.b. anb thenf o* p people© fpnnc0. St ox tbat bpb fe onccWbcn be olfercb tjpbtm feif. *jf af i *Qcb;e.b.a. iH^JW Pieac0,wbicl) haucmfir- initic: but tbe roojibe of f oth that came fm< €^be.wii.Cbaptcr. C^bcoffpce of cbjWfff tno!ct»o;tbp (ben (he o-titf ■5 ■ rf^ r^kiA y^tbetbpngc0WbicbWebauefpo -^ , ,. Bueiubpoiotbc ppt0:tbat*wc u- 3J2*" ucfocbanbpcpie(lca0fpttctbou ,,ff« P « ^ ft,;fr -j- i a«mA^ fonSb^m^ffi^^ ' biato? of a better SiSK : ^bmbctterptomS^mffiS?& to ieabc tljc out of tbe lanb of IS SfS 1HJI z r *tff0.nb.b fcpdncpgbboure > anbeucrpmi , lbpdb;torbcr, t'aping:knotoc tbc jtoiti: foj tljcp (ball lino* roc mc , from the lead to t|jc inoftc of tljcm: St qi 3toUbcmcrcpfull oner tbeir tmtigbte* tocuicd,anb tijcir fpnncds tbeitiniquiticd toill 3 mmkc\)ponomoje.3n (bat be faptb a new tcftamft, be batb toomc out tbc owe, # 01 tbat tobtcb id toojne out 9 tocreb olbc, tdrebpto \janpu;e atoape. IFfcbc.fjr.&oapter. e arckc of tbc te= yx (lament ouerlapbe rounb about toitb golbr, *«?w.tbS toberintoadtbe golben pot toitb * nm jtfui.rtti.a anb " 3£arondrobbr,tbatfpjongcanb * me * *wm** tabled of tljctcftamft.Cuer I'Dearcketocre the Cfterubtnd ofgloip, Qrobowpng £ fcate of grace, ^ftobicbtbpnged toe cannot noto fpcake particularly. HSlbcn tbcfe tinged tocrc tbud ojbepneb, tbc mcRcd toentalltoaped into itbe fp,jft ta= bcrnacle,tobpmcrecutcb£feru(ceof|&bolP f hinged . 25ut into me feconbe tocnt tbe bpc *e:o m b W«8 alone* once cuerppcatemot toptbouf; WMMk bloub*toljicb be offcreb fo? ftimfflfoanb oi 'c tbeignojauuccdof tbc people. WftertntM bolp gooft tbpd fignifpeb , tbat toe mn of holp t&pnged toad not pet openeb, tobpil ad petMpjft tabcrnncU toadftabpng: . EJlWfj W fa fpmilitube f o* me tpnw tm wepnr, in to W »« c offcwo BP Wc * anD f acn ? lCf *> tbat coulbe not make tpe miuifter parfecte, ad pcrtapningto tbe cotcpcnecwptb onelp mea ted s bnncked,t biuerd toafQjnnged ano mftifpinged of tbc aeqje,tobpcb tm e ojbcp = ncb\mtplltbetpmeofrefo?macpon. ♦rscbj.bi.b. A2B«t* Cbnft bepngc anb Ijpe #?ett of an&.bnu. 50 oq thpnged to come , came bp a greater 9 a m m pert ccte tabernacle , notmabe toptb . ha^ed:tVtidtofape,notoftbPdbuplbing, nether bp thebloube of gOflftfff calued: but * ( « rt r i h * ^ DPdatone bloubetje enti>cb (nonce tn= ♦f.Pftr.t.b. to t ^ c |j^ « Iacc>ano founbe eternall rc= bemocpon. h ««( rw c M pf mhe* bloubof oren anbofaotedf cleb,purifiethtbetjnclene,adtoucbpngtDe *i.S(m,ii.ft ijurifpinge dftjc fteflbe : botomocb tnoare OiaUtbcbloubof CbJtft ( wMcbtbWototbe eternaUfp?ete,offetebbimfeiftoitboutfpofc to C5ob) pQUtgepoureconvciencerrombeeo tooiked/o? to ferue tlje Ipuinge «W inbfoj WcauCetdDetDc *meb(ato?of A e ttWHHU ♦ arfw.bffj ano.jrbii.f. the ncto tettamf t , tfjat tljojtoto bectl) to|j(ch cijaunfeb, f o«i t l)e rebempet on of tbofc tranf ■-•■ greffiod tljat tocre Uttbet the fp^ft tcftamft t^cp \»|)pei; ar c calleb,mpgpt receaue f p^o = medof ctctnaliinljcritauncc. J< 5f ojtobere ad in a tcftammt, tUer mutt alio (of neceffi^ tc) be f bcct& df 5pmtl)atmaket()t^ctefta= tnent . jfo^t^teitamcnttakettjaueto^tie Votyt me arc beco : fo? it in pei of n V)alue,ad 15ge ad Ije JmakctlJ f teftamir in alpue, f oj to5tcl) cauic alfo nctjrt f ificft teftam^twad o?bepncbtoitiioutbloube. 5f oj top ^ofed J)ab be claeeb all tbc e omnia unbement to till t^e people acco^biug to tt)c la toe,|)e toke t&e bloub of calued anb of goatc&totth toater $ purple toolle, anb pfope, anbfp^ckleb both t\)c ookc,$ all tlje people,faping: * tljidid J bloub of t(je teftam^t, to^pcl) <5ob t)atl)ap= popnteb imt pou.^ojtc,oucr,l)e Iminckleb tlje tabernacle wptft bloub alto , anb allt|je miniftringetjirfield.3nbalinoftalltljingcd arc bp tljelatoe purgeb toit I) bloub , 9 toiti^ out flbeabinge of bloub id no remiffpon. 3t m ncbe tl^.tljat tbe fimtlitubed of Dea= ucnlptljpnged bcpurifpebtoptl) fochtopn« gcd-but tljat mc heaucnlp tinged mem fel ncd be purifpeb x» better facrifpccd Cftcn are tliofe.* fl o^€b?iftid not ctttreb into ^holt» placed mat are mabetopm&anbcdC toopco arc ipmilitubcd of true mpnged ) but in cn= treb mto^ccpDcauen.fo^ * toappcarcnoto *(>mm in tt)e fpg^t of (I5obf 0^ Mn : not to offer hpm relfeofte^admeljpepjeftcntrctljinto ppo= *%mwi Ip place cucrp pcare toitb ftraugc bloub , fo| tlje mutt Dcliauc oftcnoffereb fence jS toojlbc began . HBut noto in mcenbe of tbetoo?lbe, Datb Dc appcareb onccto put Knncto fltgbt bp tbe off crpn se \)p of bim f clfe.^nb ad it id apopnttOMtoaumcn tkaetijep (ball once bpcanb tftm comctb mc iutocmU*mcn To Cb?ifttoadonccoffcrcb,totakeatoape^fin tied ot^manp,^ \jnto tbem tbatlokcf oj Opm mallbeappeaFcagapnetoitbontfpnne\)nto faiuacpon. CQUCjcC^aptet. canjrotteubctiaD nopotorr toclenrt ntoapc rrnnc,butJCli)lft» lipb it toitb oRetpost of b<« bo op once fo; all.an ertojtaefs tortctaut We goon ncttroff5o& tljanchfullp roit^ patience anoaco: fartfaptb. flD^ tbe latoc ( baupngc t^t * (&tt« botot of goobtbpngcd to comr,anb not^crpfafu;ion ot mma/Mj felued)can ncucrwitb tbofcfatrifi= red tobicb tbep offer -,pearc bp peace eontt= nuallp make the comcrd tberunto narfapt. 5f 0? toolb not tben tbofc facrificed b^wc m* Teb to baue bene off reb ,becaufe tbafethe offe» rerd once nutgieo (bulb baue bab ho in o?t co? fcienceoffpnned.''Bcuermeleu>,wi^%- crifpeed, (d tbcre mencpon mabe of fpnned cucrppeacc.*jlo?mcblqtt'b.cofo^cnanbof floated can not take atoape fpimcd. - JSBltttfMC l^f.f.D Itlo.iii.a. Kti;f.(.a, Wil.a. * ixoma,y ».^ft».iiiA 3f . * eolto.ftt. J&cb;.Wff* ww- bc^ptb:*S>acrpfpccanb offcrpngc & tool beftuot baue : but a bobpe baft p ozbepneo me : mmt offcrpnged alfo fo; fpnne baft Pnotalotoeb.^benfapbS .- lo,3ambere. 3n tbc begpimpng of tbe bookc it in to fp^pnckeicb <«ourbcrted tf eupll confcieccSatoape S?S c ?5W 0I)?, S l8! ^P uw ^ter : let Mn kepe pzofclTion of our bope,t6outtoa= ucrpnff(fo^e idfattbfuU fp^ompfcb;f lee ^fil^^? 10 ^^ e ° i m f** *m mouoke Mnto lone, $ to goob tooled, not our felued,ad mc mancr of fome id : but let t)d erborte one anotber, $ fo mocb me mo» e re,becaufepefematmebaveb^atoetbnpe. itf* u^°^^S m *P«wllp after t & ufift ft $J nc ceceaueb f knotolebge of tbc tructb, vmwu tberrcmapnemnomo^cfacrpfpcc fovSS ned,butafearfull lokpngfonubwrncnt « u w *** f oefpifctb «?ofed latoe, bpetb top ni^cDtobtebmabetb>bavc& that are naffeb, in m Xotyt]) after pe bab receaucb tygbt, pe enbureD a grcatc fpgbt of abuerfi ticd,partlptobplc allmentoonbico $ ga= feb at pou foz tbc Cbarne anb tribulacpon 6 toad bone tinto pou:partlp,tobple pe beca= me copanpod of tbcm mc\) fo pafTeb tbeir tpme. ito^pe became parttakcrdalfo of ^ aff ipecpod tobpeb bappeneb tboioto mp b5 bed,^tokeintoo?m me fpoplpng of pour goobed, 9 tbattoptbglabncd : knotopnge in pour felued, boto tbat pc baue ih beauen a better 9 an en bur ing fubftauce . Caft not atoapetberfo^epourcofpbecctobpcbbatl) a great recopence of retoarbe. $ox vt baue nebe ofj)acpjce,mataftcr pe baue bonetbe topll of Cd ob, n mpgbt receaue f m omed. mm a t)erp IptelTtobple, $ be/iball co mc topll corner topll not tarp. m\t * the *»««-». iuftlballlpuebpfaitbanbpfbe to(tbbi«v Sin toebimfclfe.mpfouleiballbaueno pleafn ' rembim.3tidnottoe^toitbbiatoeourfcl ucn Mnto bapnacion, but toe partapne tin* to faptb,to tbe topnnpnge of tbe foule. i^vH'/W 3 ' anna cSmraoacpon of t1>t tmt, W»»artfaftfctirueoHveft«tr«iiion)inrini. «. C^bc.ri.Cbapter. 2? %** afure contpbccc of tbpnged, J#3. «J|Wr b fo.t, t a ecrtapntic bp ittr>celberd obtapneb a ffoobrepoite. SSSiSS 0? ?P jP^bibeof 0ob, fcfilEK i ¥P**w«oefcne.* 23p taptbf bel offercb unto C5ob a mate nlcn= SBJg PSSft** t? ttl ««P» •• 1>P tobpeh be obtcpneb toimed f be Wf»ttn3$S teftpfpingeofbidgpfted.br • ftbwh alfbbe bcpngb«eb,pctfpcaketb. » F ^ awo ** »p faptb toad * ©nock franflateb, f he Bob hab take bi atoape. $01 a fo ie he xoaa take atoape, be obteplieb a loob rcKI be p cafeb (5ob .- but toitbout K it can not bei anpe man (bulb plead Sw be S cSmetb to C5ob,muft beleue tbat Oom I rtJ&Z&XSSP 1 * teP$c toarncb of Mm S&f P* wepattb tbe arke to the faupmrc fe^°o f fa^^^ »p faptb:abMb^tobert be toad called <*?m obepeo % *QtM.l.i. Wonia.i.r. lOfJiC.Uli'.ai * f^cive.ft.gr. *.H).f«f h. ara alfo rcceaucd wrcngtb to cdcratic and be tbitb cbplde, ano tba0 dclpuc red of a cbilde tbbe"Cbc tba0 paft: agcbccaufc ibe mbgeb l)tm faptbfnl tbbicb bad p?ompfcb. 3taDtbeffo.it fpzagc tljcr ofoncccue" of one tbbP*b tba0 aid goob as! becb ) * fo manp in multitude a* arc f ftartcH of p fapc , 9 a* £ f onp,p tbbicb t0 up $ fee fbojc Enumerable. <€ht fe all dpco acco?dtgc tofaptJNfcrtb* ba tbep babnot rcccaueb tbcp?omtfc0:but * fatbc tbcm a f arte pf,ano bcieueo tbcm, 9 faulted tbcm,anb cofclfed., * tbat thty tberc ftraunger0 and pilgrcm0 on tbe crtbe.tf 0? they tbat fare focb tbptwbeclatc, f tljep feae a coutrc. 3lfo pf tbep bab bote mpnb» full of p counttcfro tbbencc tbep came out, tbep bad Icarurc to bauc returned agapnc: but notb tbep dcrp?e a netteuct itt toiape)a bcauenlp.lQibcrfo?e (Btib lumfrlfe ttnota* fbamcb*to be eallebrftep 1 <£odfo? be m prepared f 02 toem a cttpc. i 2&p faptb fttyafrim offered Up 3faac, tbben be toa0 p?oucd,and be offered \)im be- pug W onlp begotten fonne,m tobo be bab rcccaueb tbe p?ompfe0. 3 tib to few ft tbatf fapocin 3faac Qjal thp fecb be callcd-.fo? be confpdctcd,tbat 0od u>a0 able to rapfe \)p agapnefrobectb. ^berfo&receaueb belli alfo fo? an enfaplc of tbe refurrcccto.* I5p faptb oiQ 3faac bleffe Jacob anb efau, con eernpng tbpngejito come. *25p faptb 3a*obttoben bctbatf a oping, blcftcb botb tbe ftnncjj of 3ofcpb » « botocti l;tm fclfc totbaette efte toppe of bpd fecptcr. *n5p faptb 3ofcptit»bcn bcbpcb,eemcm 3 bzeb tbebcparttg of tbe cbilb? t of 3frael, $ gauccommaunbementof bp0 bone$. *25p faptb^ofejs tbben befoatfbojtte toatfbpb tb?emonctbegofbt0fatbct9motberbecan fe tbep fatoe be tbasf a proper cbtlbe,netbcc fcarcb tbep tbeapngesi commaunbement. . *25p faptb WMWm betoajs great, refufeb to be calleb tbe fonne of }&bataoa baugbf er,t cbofc ratber to Cuftreabuerfttte itoytf) tbe people of (5oO, tbento em'ope the pic flftircsf of f pnne f 0? a cenfon,anb eltcmeb tbe ttbaac of C^ift greatur vtytf then tbe trcafuceja: of egppt.|Eo? $ pao reflect tJ«» to tbe tetbarbe. *®pfaptbbe fo?fofte©gi;nt9fcateb not tbe fear cenea of f king, jf 0? k enbuteb,cue a0 tbougb tie bab fene i)t tifim ifi mutftblc. €lje tpWe *3}0fU,b(, 9M,t *I««..ttli *JUD.flftl *tMotb faptb be otbepneb f paffcouct anb 9 enwon of bloub , left be p beftropeb tbe mft bbincujulbc toucb tbcm. *2l5pfapitbtbeppau"eb tbo^otb jrer b fee **r*m, a0 bp tyyc lanbe:tbbicb Sbbentbe egppcp» an* bab afliijpcD to bo,thcp tbere b^otoneb. *26p faptb p\ballc0 of jericbo fell botbne after tlicptoere copafleb about feuf bapetf. *Bpfapitb $ barlot iRaab perifffceb not t& tbe tbat tbere bifobcotcnt, feben ty* bab rcccaueb tljcfppctf tolobgpng peafeablp. 2mn tobat (ball 3 moje fape: fo? f tpme ft>pll be to ifcojt fo? me to tell of mauoLOf *&m&& flf*mvRk» of*ie»btbae,*of ©aiuD aifo 1 5 ^amnei,f off motifteee^; tSf mW b t^bo^otb faitb fuboueo Bfgbome* tb?ougbtrigbteoufne0:(tlrobtepneb f pio mpfc0:*ftoppeb f moutbetf of lp60:*quen= cbebplDtol^ce of rpje: *efcapeb#ebgeoff f tbearbc:*out of tbeaBneffctbere mabe ftr^ fie:tbajccbUalienttnfpgbt:tumebtofligbt tbe armpctf of the aUenteiBt* tbetbemen rc« ceaucb tbep? bceb rapfeb to Ipfe agapue. ^Dtber tocrc ra cheb,^ tbolbe not be drip* uetcb>£ tbep J»pgbt Jttbetetit^a better re= furrcctto.3gopne,otbcrtoeretrttbt6moe« bpngcsi^ fi:ourglge0,ino?eouer,x6b5be0 9 -i#foiimc"t:*tbere ftoneb,tbere betbi afun= et,tberc tdnpteb, tbere flapnc *6 ftbearbr, toniHcb \j p « botbne in (bene fitpnnc* , anb goatee Capttne&bcing bemtute,troubleb 9 ijcjceb :tbbf cb me p tbo^lbt ibasi not tbo^t^p of .tbep toilbf cb in tbtldcrnciTc0:$ tnmoun^ tapne&anb m bennctf, anb caueu of ertb. 3nb tbcfcall tbo^otb faitb obtamcb goob rcpoite, 1<| rcccaueb not f piome0,bccau= fc dSob ban p^ouibcb a better tbmg fo? W 9 $ tbep «6 out t)0 tbulb not be made parfecte. t Heb?ne0. 50b.ltf. pcejbefcourgetljtucrpffitte^be reccauetb* If pcendurc cba(tentng,Coob offcrctb Jim fclfelmto pou 00 bnto fotmctf . Ulllbat fone 10 be tbbom tht fatber ebaftcne tb not.^f pc be not Met co?reccton ( tbbete of all arc • »arttabcr0)tbcnarepebaljarbe0,anbnot f6wc0.lE;berfo?efePngtbebaucbabfatber0 of our tlcfflje tbbicp corrected b0 , 9 tbe ga= 11c tbcm reuerfceifbaUtbenotmocbtatbte be in fubiecciou tmto tht fatber of fpirite0, ^ Ipwe t %xfo they tierclp fo? a f catb dape0, mlrtreb Rafter tbep? atone pleafure : but tie nurtctb ^)0 top our profit , to tht intent . tbatbemapempnifterofbi0bolpne0t)nto ; U0. Mo mancr cbaftifpng fo? the p?efcnt tpme femctb to be iopou0,but greueou0: neuertbcle0aftcrtbacde, itb?tgctb f qupct frute ofrpgbtetbefnc0 , "bnto tb^tbbicb are eretcpfebtpctbp. *«Hra.wjcb.a *jto#m fo?tb tberfo?e ftjanbel tbbicb tocre let botbne, anb tbe tbeaae ftneeiv • ano Tefbatpe baueltrapgbt Keppe0\)ntopou= rcfcte 3 leftcnp baltlg turncpoij out of tht tbapc:pec let itratljcr be bcalcd. ]l olotb peace tbitb all men and bolpnc0 : tbitb out tbe tobicb no man ftall fc flopoe. Ttno lo = ftTifl tfOjHiX be Definite of tbe grace of god, left anpe r ootc of bptttwe* fyiyn% ^P M trouble^ tberbpmanp be DcfplcDip tlier be no fo?nicato?,o? Uhcleane pcrfon,a0 'efau ♦ocn.jTb.il. -K^bpcbfo? oncmeafc of mcate folded bp?tbrpgbt. 5fo?peUnotbc botb tbat after voarbe tbben be tboldc by mbctctatmcc ba ne optapneb blcu"png,bctba0 put jbp , 5f 01 ♦st.wbH.f., be f ounbeno place of repentaunce, tbowglj B *befougbtittbttbtcare0. **yo.j#.b 5fo?pe are not come tmtotbc*motmtc£ i0 toucbcb,f Unto burnpngfprc,no? unto fto?mc,9 darcfenc0, andtcmpcftc0 of tbcd= demand founde of a trope, and tbe "bopec of tbo?de# tbbicb * Uopcc, tbep (tbat bearbe (t)UjpfOjco asm, ti;at tpe commucacpon . Cbulb not be fpoken to tbe, jf 0? tl)ty coulde not aupde tbat tbbicb tba0 commaunded. ♦fiFc.yiF.b *3f a bcalt touebe the mountapne,it(ball be ftoncb,o? tbmH tbo?otb tbitb a dartc:fo terrible tba0 p fpgbt tbbicb appeared.«}o= fe0 fitpdc:3 fearc and quant, mat pc are co me Unto tbe mount S>pon,and to tbe cttpc of tbe liupnge d5ob, tbe celefttall 3erufal5 : and to an inumerablc fpgbt of angel*, attb Unto tbe cogtcgacio of tbe fp?ft bo?ne Ion* nc0 ; tbbpcb arc tb?ptten in beauen , anb to vEf ob,tbc iubge of all,^ to tbe fp;ctc0 of mft anb parfecte mcn,ano to 3cfu0 the media* to? of tbe netb teftamcut,f to tbe* (M< wtMMiiA. i»nge of bloub tbaetpeaaetb better then &>t tbat pe befjipfe itot bpm^fueaBetb. Jf 0? pf tbep cfcaped not,tbbpcbtefufeb him tbat fpancon ertb:mocbmo?c fballtbenot efcapcpf tbe turne atoapc from bpm , t^jat *««fo.j.f.e *f.i9tt.(.a: e»cb?c.tc.t>. fpca&ctb from beauen : tbbofc Uopce then IboBe the ertb,and notb batb beclared fap= ingc:pet once mo?e tbill 3 tt)aae 5 notf ertb onelp,but alfo beauen.fliabcrca0 he taptb: pet oncemo?c,it fignifpetb tbe remoupng atoape of tbofe tbpngetf tbbicb are Qwhcn a0 of tbinge0 tbbicb bauc ended tbeir cour= fe:tbat tbe tbpnge0 tbbicb are not fbauen, mape remapnc . Wllbetfo?c , pf tbe rcceaue tbe apngoomr tbbicb can not be moucd,tbc bauc grace,tbberbp tbe mape fo ferue (2poD, and tpat tbe mape pleafe bpm xaith reue^ rencc * and godlp feare. tf 0? oure C5od i0 * ° mMm aconfumpngfp?e.; fT^ccF|)o;tefb tisrbneo loue, eo bofpttalpff, to tbpnbe bpo n focb a« bt in aouctftt c,to mapntap: «t toclilocfec, to auopoc couctcoufrutTe , to make moeboftbemtbatp;eacbJ3ot>8too;Dc,tobctoa: teo{ffrau«3lcac(ipng:tobecontcnttoftiffrcfE5 buheto«bJCb;itt.to bf fbankfultbnto f5oD,attu obcDftnt bnto focb as be in aurto?ite. C^be.riii.Cbapter. €tb?otberlplouccontinue*2Senot %. fo?getfulltolodgefteatmgcr0, $01 *mm.nu tbcrbpbauedpuer0 me* lodged m\-- f?SL ti gcl0bntbare0.iaemembcrtbcm tptaref C&SW bonde0,cuena0 tbougb pe tbere bounded tatnt.m tb^pour fclue0. H&e mpndfullof tbe tbbicb are in aduerfpte,a0pc tbbicb are pet in tlie bobpe. SaUolocueitftobc bab in bonoure amougaUmen 3 andtbebcbUndefplcd . #0 fo?tbbo?c Iiepcr0^aououtrer0 God (ball iudgc tbcm.Hetpout couetfacpon be tbitb out couctcoufnc0 anb *be cotent Xoith focb * te be ftablpfibeb tbitb graccao nott6 mca* te0,tbbicb bauc notp?ofteteb tbem tbatba tic bab tbep? paftpme in tbem . WJe bauc an aultcr, tbberof tbep mape not catc , tbbicb „ ferue in tbe tabernacle.* # 0? tbcbobpe0 of C tbofe bcafte0tbbofe bloub i0 4 b?ougbt into *& m -M< tbe bolp place bpf bpe P?ett to purge fpn= nc,arc burnt tbitb out tbe tentc0. Ctoetfb* rc3efu0alfotoranrtifpe tbe people tbitb %y& atbue biouo,fuffct eo* tbitboutt|jega= *wm.m te.lLctU0goofo?tbtberl , 0ieuntobpm,ottt of tbe tente0,anb fufter rebube tbitb \>ynt. Sfoi heve baue toe no cotinupngeeptieojut tbefcKeonctocome. HBp bf tberfo?e bo tbe offer faertrpce of latt- be alt»ape0 to d5ob :f i0 to fapctpe frute of tbofe lippc&tbjnc!) cof eOe W name.'Co bo fymii gooft w* I *££??*' 3 00tJ » *° Wfftflmtc ,foigchiot,foj*tf> fitch nESSU rarofycc* <5ob ijs picatrh. fr* gftcpc titf w.h«.b. tbat bauc m ouct fpgljt ofpou, t fubmpt pout (clues* tfflto t|)cm , f oj tljep toatcb foz pour fottlrtf, aim asltbcp tbat tnuft acuta comptcstfpat tbep nwfr Do it toitbiopc, $ t> jiottoitbgrcfr.jfojttbatiSan Dnuiointa-. bletljpngfoipou.i&;tapcfo^$ . jfottoe rrwft kur agoobconfcicncc among all «itn,anb Dcrpjtc to Ipuc boucmp,But J be f pte pou $ mojetpat pc fo bo,tpat 3 mapc lr reftorcD to pou f bctooncr. 'Cpc <3ob of peace that bjougbtagapnc *f t.mwrtb from ocetp our toibc 3cP * tbe gretfljep- ?S"h «. ^ °f the Oicpe , tbojoto tbe bloub of tbe cucilattpngtctramcnt,maUepou parfectt all goob Vbo s 2ftrsf,to bobps tbpll,aiiD bipng to paftctbat tbe tbpng tobicp pebo, mapc be plcafaunt m bis fpgljt tboiotoc jlcfiis Cpulr. *£ tobom be piapfc f 0) cucr my* letpctoo.ilDcnburctb.3Cmcn. £ 3 befeepe pou tytttacn, fufft c tDc tooibe cfcrbojtaeiotfojtocbauctojipttetmtopou f featoe tooibcS.ge anotoc outbjottjcr fe» motpe,tbat pc is at Ubcrtpc: toif b tobo ( pf Jje come ibomp)3 topll fcpou. Salute W t pat bauc tpe oucrfpgpt of pou, anb all tpc fapuetcxf.^pep of ' jfittp falutc pou.CSiacc brtoitbpouall.3men. €£>cntfrom3talpbi!> 'Cimotbcus. CCi)e€ptitleof £>apuct 3ame#. CBe «rTio;(eCt) f o trtopee in tcoublc,an& tranfcfuti Ip to rcctaiutbe IdojDc of Sou , ttctottclpgron tt Dtuorpontobatitw. 'fcpcfpjftCpaptct. 3mestbefrruaunt of<£ob »oftpeLoibc3cC9CMft, fmbetberetpngtotbe tto- eluc ttpCejs ttopicp ate feat- tctcb atyoabe .►& *9p tye» tb?cn , count it fop an cjccc* bpngiope,tol)enpcfaUtto owetstemptacpons^notopng this, tbat *3iob.rm.a *tbe trplng of pour faptbgcnDjctppacien* SHE* if** 5 :ano lct vacience ijaue pet patfect toojae, ,a ' tljat pc mapc be patfecte anb founbe, lac* ftpngnotppug. mkmu J , tmpofpoulacuetopfbomc,*ler ftpm SSSK afR * °, f 5im tpat gcuctb it rett* <£>ob , tbplcn 8*K» Pwtp to all men moife lpe,anb caftetb Z\)t Cptftl ^ C 3 toaucrpnng mynoeo man,te tuff able in all 910 toapc*. let tpe tyotbet Went* of lotoc begee reiopec toban pc is ctaltcb . 31= 25 gapneact ppm tpat ii ricbe , retopec toban pc 1^ maoclotoe. * fio$ euen ajS tpcflotbct of tbc graire,(pall pc twOcaioape.Jfo* a* P **r«j«.i» fonnc rpfctb ttitp pcat,^ tpc gtaue topoe* ?&«"*• «ti),^Ptf flottier fallctp aWapc ,anbtpe w ** teautte of tpc fa upon of it petiftpetn : cucn f m U tbc ricj) man peri ftyc in bus toapejf. ipappp itf tl;c man tpat enbutctp tempta^ tpon:f 0^ topen pc ijs ttpcb , pc qjall tcccaue tpc cro^nc of lpfc,tbt;icb tbe loibe Data pionipfeo to thm tpat louc ppm. % let no man fapc mm pc i* tcmpteD,tpat De 10 taptcb of 0oM 0^ ass (Sob can not be» temptcb ttotrp cuill , fo netbet be ppmfclfc *««-wr.i tempt tpc cup man JBiitcnetp man i% tcp* tcb,topan Ijc is b^atonc atoapct eutpfeb of ftp* aumc conciipifcencc. ^penjtbpcnluft ftatb conccaucb,ftc b^pngetb t o?tb fpnnc:f fpnnc tjbenit kjj finiflbco , typngctpfo^tti Cuetp goobgpf tc, anb cucrp pnrfapt gpft, * l ' ffo;4Wft ' 1 tjs from aboucaub commctp botone fro tbe fatbet of ipgijitcu to vupom c ijj no tamable +fl>f bpjatwicttpll begatbe t)0tbitbtbe a***" 1 too:be of truetb,tpat toe Ibulbe be tbe tpift fruteigofbpjiarcaturciS. r ^ ^ t „ WJctfozcCbcare b»etb?en)%t cucrp ma SBEf* JcftDpftc to beacc, flotbeto fpcattcflottje to jyatb. Jf ,i tbe tb^atb of man too^ctn nottpattopuiiigrpgbteoujSbefoic Gob. *«««.««.• *TOcrfojc lapcaparte all fpltbpncut co,0,m '* fupcrfluptc of malirtoufne^atib reccauc to metoicAtbetboiyctbatijs naffo m pou, *> tbbicb tfjAbi u fauc pour fouled. ^ go „.„ „ *3nb ? fc tpatpc be boat* of tpc \uo*bc * * aw*.** not peatery onelp,beccaumg pour atone fcl tttfc ' ,ri,B Writ* pf e, L p I" an ^ arc tbe toozbc anb JjP ««t tbe fame bp w too^He^bc « Ipae Ijnto a man bebolbfng bt* bobelp face £ ?J?ft ^"^ «u"onc assllc batb lokeb on i)pmfclfe 3 Ijcgoctb b^^apc 5 ?fo:gcttctb *«**«., pbo fo lofcetb tn tbe patfapt latoc of libet* fwget full bearct,but a boar of tljc tboiUc ) tbe/amc Owlb c bapppc m btt bebe. * 3f enpman among pou feme to be benou* SJ'jSSSf 95?* W* t6 S ' but occeauetb m atone bert, tlipsi manned beuocpS i* m jam jm bciiocpon anb imbcfplcb be ^0? he tbat boutetb > fe ipaea toaue of the RCjtojNcp igtoftof tpe topnbejs anb carped C©c f« bpbo«l) to pauc «np rerpect of pwfonw, 4Mb not to Ibatt of faptb. tobm no Dcbrvarr* * iDt#,3ameft *Httt«.W.c 25 trcuf.Tfr.b jgatb.vrbiictbKn,crtcmcttot t\yt faptfi of our ilo^bc3cfu0€l) > «ftf Hot be of glo.tp* \i refpeetc of perfotf ifottttbet come intoponrc com -■ panp a man toearpng a golbfrpng,clotbeb tn gooblp aparcll , anb tl)cr come inalfoa jjboje m jl in \>plc tapmf t,? pc banc a refpe- etc to biilt tbattocarctb tpc gape clotbmg, nub fap totto Wm.fbvt tbou pcrc in a goob placc:antifapc \>nto tl;e pooie: ftanbe tbou tbcrco^ fpt bcrc tmbcr mp fotc ftolcratc pc not parciall inpourcfclucsS, anb banc iito- jfeb after eupll •tbougbtcsf.' 1 i;arUcn mp bcarc bcloucb bicttyt. l)nt\) notC5obcbofmtbc Poo v ic of tbpstooabe, f ocb 30 are rpcijc in faptbc , * \)mw of tljc itpngbomctobpcb be p?ompfco to tpc tbat louc bplnr2Sut pc banc befppfeb tbe pooic. 2)ouotrpcbmcereciitefp^amipc»pdpou, anb b?ato pou befojc tbe iuogement fcatcjj. H>onottbep fpcalic cupll of tbat goobna= fnctobicbisscallcb'bponoucrpon.'' ^fpcfulfplltbcropalllatocaccoibpngc totljc fenpture.* (^bou aialtelouctbpne ncgbboitrcatftbpfclfcjpcbotocU . 25iirpf pc tcgarbc one pcrfon moic tpeu anocbet, pc commpt ftnme,$arcrcbukeb of f latoe 3 a* tranfgtcuonn&iUlbofornct (ball licpc § toljolclatocf * pet faplc in one popnc , lx i$ gpltic of all. Jf oj be j> fapb : €po« fbal t notcommptabultcrpcfapbc alio :i)ibalt not ItpILCbougb tbou bo none abultcrpp, pet pr tbou feplljtbou art become a tcauh Srcffoi of p latoc . &>o fpcaftc pc>anb fo Do, a$ t ftcp tbat flialbc mo^co bp tbe latoc of li tope, jroibelbal banc iubgcmcttoitboiit mcrcp* tbatlbctoctbuomcrcp: anb met- ty tciopfctb agapnlr iubgemenf. p ^Ibatauaplctb it mp btrriucn.tnoiigK a ma fapc be batb faptb,pf be liaiie 116 debr'stf cafaptb &oc pint Jf a bWvbcr 01 a fptfrr benaheb I beftittitc of baplp tobc, f one of pou fapc \snto tljc m beparte in pcaccviBtoo fcopoutoarmncits? fobc,nott6ftabpng v^ TfuttbfnottbofctbmgciS tolncb arc wb« ul to tbe bobp,tol;at Ojal it bclpcr €ucn fo faptb,pf tt baue no bebesf : in btcb in it felf e : ?i3ut fomcnnl topll fnyc-.f baft faptb, 5 | Ijauc bebesi : fbetoe mctftp Faptb bp tbp bc^ tafc? 3 toill tbetoe tbc'mp faptb bp mp oc= bejS. ©eleiieft p tbat tber itf one god<"£bou boeft tocll.'CbcbcupljS alfo bclencf treble. JiSat toilt P tjuberftanbe. ( s3) tl;ou \japnc man)^faptbtottboutbebe^i«bec'o/ mat Mmmb not ^ib^apaourc fatbet iuft ifpcb tboioai HMftosMtoU be bab^offercb 3faac W tone 'opo tbe aultcr.'"Cbon fccft,boto it l)n t faptb tojougbtto .bijSbtbcAf tb^ouflb tbe beocjj! toass tpc faptb mabc ptrectc:« i5 fctipturc toasifiilfpllcb,tobicbraptb:*3lb^babele« ucb 0ob, anb it toajS re putcb v>nto bpm foj rpgirtctocfuetf : 9 (jctoaj? calleb § ftcitoc of ^o.tci *miif.rwif,6 S ! 5D ♦Ctciie.rb.b. «oma.«ff.«. SaiatftJ«,«, 11 i-ii 15 fr£efcfbfn botbtbatof mc&tmfc lis iuftifpeb , anb not of faptb onclp. Ipftc •= Jopfc alfo, ttoajsf not Kaab the ban ot m ft i- fpcbtboiototooJ(tco,*tobnimcbabrccea^ ucb tbe me fTcngcrs , anb bab fent tbe out *z m -** anotbet toapcr jf 02 ajj tljc bobp , toptbout tpc fpictc iiB beeb , euen fo faptb toptbout tooiuejg ijx uuu alfo. > r^>bat gooo ano t ucll coinmrtb (ho !0«i fhc ton; Cf . x.hf auric of roc!) as bclrrncarbc bitferenre bftttiivfctiifVupfDomc of tbe ©ofpcll. •ttbrtopf; ooincoitbftoojiDt. * f;^bc.it'i.Cbapter. V. btctb«i!,*bcnotcuctp ma a ma- ^ iter ? Hnott»ngebotof»toclbal men tm x tr-< {tt *ue^ftrcattcbamnaci6:fot mmanp tbingretoc fpnnc all. f 3f a man fpnnc not mow iutoojucp fame 10 a pcrtcctc mfct able al= fo to tame all f bobp Jorpolbc.toc put bit •■ . tcfli in to ^ boifess moutbetf, p thev mapc - bepe Us,* tor turne aboute all tljc boo;' of tbc.33cboldcalfo f ibpppc0,tobpcb tiiougb tijep be fo great,? arc bipue of fcarcc topn * bCiS,pet arc tbep tuxmb about toptp a licip fmallbelinctobptber foeucr p Violence of p goucmcr toill. (Kiicn fo tbe tbngc is a Iptcl member alfo,anb boattccbgrcar tbpnges. ZSebolbCboto grct a tbpngc a Ipt'cll tpic fetnblctb,anb tin- rouge i&fpje,cuc' a tooiio oftopclicbneB.^oisjtbctongcfctamongc ourcmemb2co,tbatttbcfvlrth tbe toiioic bobp-,anb fcttctb a fpic all tbat tor banc of naturcanb t.o it Idle let a fpie cucn of hell. ail thmariUY&nf brafrcc , anb of in ■ibw % anb of fcrpentcs , -:t tbmgcc of y fee aic m; itcb anb tamcb of rbcnarmT of man. l$m$ tongccannomaiuainc. 2mm\ Kmruelp cuplKfull of occblp popfon. ^bcr vo biefte ^ toe Cob tl)C fatbecano tpcrtoirp niruc vor mfiu*tobifbaif mabcafic r the- » pw»?an»» fpmilitubc of Gob. Out of one m out!) ■ ^ r ,1:f •'■* pjoteabctb blcliing anb cntfpng. *X)v b« ■■ , tluf,tbrfc tbiges ougbtnet fo vo be. botb afountapnc fcub f 01 tbat one place ftoctc toatcr anb jjptm alfo. siian tbe fpggr tcrc (uipbzetbim) bearc olpucbmcG : rtljcra a\jpncbc«irefpggcj5:-^ocannofoimtapnc gene botbe fait toatcr <* frcflbc alfo. Pitnv niii be topfc 9 mum \6 littotolebge amoirc pou,lct bpm Ibctoc bus tooiUcs out of goob comicrfacion toitb meUenc & of topfbomc. I5utpf pebauc bptter emipcngs fttpfe m pourbeftc,rciopccuot:neti;er be ipartf aga pnft tbctructf) •• Stop foeb topfbomc befecn- octl; not f to aboucbut is ertbpaiaturalUt 3> biueUfftjc. Jf op tobct enupeg * ftrifc is,tbc= re is vmSto blcncs, 9 all ma net of cupll tool HeS. iSutptopfbome^iSfrdabouc, isfirft purc,tbcpcaniblc,gctle,tcalV to becntrca tcbiullof mercp anb goobftiitcS, toithout I'ubg imjjtoitbout ftMuilacion^ee, 9 p fcutc mm in of •»- w T - X %\)t Cptffle m&Mtm 5ffo * ©alaUb *.JjObB.U.C I I of tpffbtctbcfnc S t$ fotorn in peaccof them tlwtnupnrcnc peace. Ciaoaftcanti figbtpntr commctt) oir boropffonr: ncffc.Tbc fttnb (fcpppt of tt>c too) to 1« enmptte be: ton Coft.an trbojucr onto flpc CilaantiK anb (be banprtfoftbptlpf*. C^hc.itiJ.CIwpter. l&omtbbencc cftnetbtbarrc, anb fpgbtpnrram6gcpou.< , eomc the? tiorijcrc bence i cucn of poure lit* ftes,tbatf jgbt m your mrmbtcjtff . l>elu(r,nndbancnot.£ccnupetj bane mbfgnacpou,fr can not obtapne. Pe ftgbt f tbarrc.gc baucnot became pe aflte not.ge afltc anb receaue not, foccaufepe aC* bcampffc : cucn to confume it Upon pout vm$$jt abuouteratS,anbtbcmcn f bicftc matrimonpc:bnotbc yc not bott» tbat * the frc*b(bpp oftbetboUbriScitmptiet6 <5ob.' fbhoioetuTtberfojtetbllbcafrebc of mop be,iS mabe p enempc of <5od . ©tber bo pc tbpnbe? the feciptute fapth in toapnc/Cpc fptetc f otDcllctb in t>tf , luttc ti) turn cotca* rp to cnup : but gcuctbmojc graccctobttrw bf C«p«ti : <5ot« crnotctbC^r pyoutic ,but {[cuctl) gran bnto tbrlotwlpo TS Submit pour feme* tberf oie to ob:but *&&«.*•*• *rcfpft p beuplUanb be null flpc from pou . ■jBnat&c npc to ob,anb he Ml biatoc npc topou.Clefepour bSDcSpcfincrs,* pout* ge pout bectea pc toauerpngmpnbcb.&uf* fee afflictions $mourHC,$tbcpe . Let pom: laugbtcr be turncb to moutnpng , s poure ♦tprtri.b.a tope to bettpnes.* feumble pome felues i p figbt of p lo.ib,? be W Ipft pout>p.25acli* bpte not one anothectytetbictt. fee p back* bptctb t)# bjothec,? hefiubgerd J)pjat bjo* thet,bactibptctbtbelatbe, anbiubgctb tije »at»c.25ut *pf jj iubgc £ lafDcp 1 artnot an obferucr of p latoe:but a tubge . 'fcber is o* nc latoe genetf anu m?t )tbl)icb is able to fa* *uo.niu.a" ucanbtobettropc.* tfUbatftrttbou £iud= C gett anotbet.' tbat apc« tctbfoM Iptell time , anb tprnttmiftbeth, atJjapc:ifo^tbatpe ougbttofapc: * pf tbe wS&Si ^°?° ttoilUanb pf tbe Ipue , let \ijSDo tm op * ' tbat .^SutnotDpeeeiopcc inpoueboaftpn= gejS. '4ill focb tciopfpuac # cupll. 'Cbwoic 3 co typ^ tbat bnotbetb i)0tb to bo poo, aO botb it not,to bpm it ijs fpnne. Cfectbitatenetb (be iBpchea'tpcbemm,r,cbo;frtb toiito pacsrncc,(o bfwxrtottaitatiixz. jpiiciio luioto tnigtljfafautt8toanotbfr,onKop>apefo?aiiDfl)tr, Nnlione tn uboucccn b»tnganotbreto Uttruttb. CCbc.tj.Cbaptet. €) to note pe tpche men.^aepcau botble on p out tu? c tcfyebnitf p (bal come Dp6 pott^outticbesfisi co?= $ tupte ,pou^gatmentcjs avemotl" «lato.rtf.b *» eaten ,Pomt ffirtbe $ Cplttet W canfttcb,onb tbctiiftof tbe ;(balbcatoptnecj lonto pott, ^ Cball eate poute f IcfCbe ag it tberefpjc. tit baue beapebtteafute toffctbcc^cmm |w<.)«f.<. •t»atbtopourrtiiiw>mpoutlaftbapctf: i5ebol= SSiffi be* f ^)p v tt of laboutctjJ tb jjicl) ijauc tcapeb ' botone poiirefdbcjs ( a)btcb^p?eijS of pou bept bacHc bp fraubc)ctpctb: i tbe ctpctf of tbe ttobicb l)aucecapcb,atccnttcbinto^ ca= res of p lotb ^abaotb. Kebauclpucbin plcafutc on tbe cttjje>$ bene toantft. Ce|)a= nc no^pfCbcbpoutc bertcjf,a0 odr in a bapc *£j of flaugbtet-Se bane conbempucbanb fepl= Icb tbe iuft,anb be batb not rctifteb pou. jfrT&t padit tl)etfo v ic b^ctbicn, Vmto p cfi-- 25 mpnsc off lo,ib .25e!)olbe, p buibilbe man toaptctb tfy f mccpousi f cute of tbe eattb> ^batblfijyej)aa?cctbci:t)p5,\)ni^U be te« ceatte p catlp neb.25cbolbc,£ iubge ftilbetl) before t^t bo?e. 'Cabc(rap b?ctb;en)0p?o Pbctcssfo: an cmfample ot fuffmge abuec=» tp ticanb of patience , tdbicb fpa&e in p na- me of tbe Lo^oe. p 26cbolDe , * toe counte * M . ft fc .. tfcebapppttjhiebenbute. geijauebcatbof * mm *-<* tbe paaence of 3ob,anb baue bnotDgitobat aibe t&c lo?bc mabe. jf op t&e io^b i? vie= rp piticfull anbmercpfull. , c H6ut abouc alltbpngeat mv b?etb?cn*ftbe = * maw.t ace not,netbet bp beue* 5 netbee Op cartb>ne« tbet enp otbee otbe. let pout -pte be pee, ab pout nape nape:leftpef all ttoppocnfp,3if anp of pou be t)eteb,lct ijt p^aje . 3f cup of poubeinetp,lctbimfpngeijfalmcxJ . 3f c= npbcbifcaKDamoitgcpoiwct bpm call foe p^apeb in hijs piapet tbat it mpgbt not eapne:*anbtttapnebnotontbeeattbe bp *m.mwm "Tpaceof tW pcatctffrfpjcemi)etbC!S.ainD »«,, iep?apebagapnc,anbtbeheauC ganetap= "■"■»■ itc,anb tbe eattb b^outjbtfo^tb Ijctfrntc. -*■ l&pttl)pm,vf enp ofpou bo erte from the tfnetbanbaiuitbctconuertbpm,lettbeTa-* me bnottoc tbat be tbbicb c5ueetctb the fpn= net from gopng a fttape out of bpis tbape, iball faue a Come from beetD,anb (tiai tyot tbe muititubc of fpnneX; . C&be cnbe of the cpiftlc of 3 #2)rtuc.fo.b IllOCU.tl, tWoiiu I. a, i,i[0)Ml.l 4 II.COJ.U. *i/.iC<».<.«. 2i5 *?ob.tt«r.b &apf.(ir,a, Jaro.f.n, noma.b.a. *3Mii.i*.g ♦attM.t.g/ S>.ui(.f(,(T. agg.ii.b, C *aetc«.fc.rt *Uuh.t«.c fipijc.bt.f. C€i)erp?a Cpiftlc of rapnet peter the ^poftlc. Cfthcfpjft Chapter. oDU3cnrcbffloitcii.igu>ncto,i ljuiclpbopr Kioto fapthmuft be (rpeb.l)ototl)ff.>lii.ifp&m £vn(li8iia jncajffl,biientl)[gfp!opl)((pebofrlDr.2;cctl)0!tftl) tlK ut to .i poblp counters pon.toifo mcrfljas tiiep arc iiotbbomcniicvecbrtijcUjojbcofcBoQ. <£fet an 3Cpolf Jc of Jcfn Cbtt'ft , to tbem that Dwell * here anb there atf ftraun* tbo^owont pontic, <^ala= cia , Capabocpa : 36fia , anb 2i5cthpnia , clcctc acco^Dpn ^ . to p fo2 unotolcbgc of 00b t fWjteW tbe fanctifpnge of tU ippttt \)nto obcbieiicc $*fpnncblpng of tbe bloube 0f3efuxiCb faptb, t)ntofalua«on,tx)hpcbi0 pjepareb ailreabp to be tbcVDcb in tJje lafttpmc.mthc whpcb perctopcc,thougbnotX)fo?a fcafon (pfnebe require) pe arc m bcupness , thoiowc mam= folbctcmptacpoiuj, tbat tl)t triall of pome faptb bcpngmocbemojcpttcioua tben gol= be tbat prrpf ncfr5 beaucn;baucintbe dpofpcli picacbcb t)iitopoutbetbpnge8{,uJbPc!)tbean5elsibc= fpjctobcbolbc. H)berfo?e*gp(ibe t)p tbe lopnesl of poure tttpinxbcfobcr.frtruft pcrfectlp on f grace WHS tyoughttmto poucbp p beclarpng of ^cnitfCb^lDajJobcbtcntcbplb^eu^pcge* ne not poure fclucg oucr bnto pourc olbe !u= fte^.bp wbveb pc were leb , wban as yet vt were igitojtaftt of €bn ft-but as be tohtcf) cal Icb pou.ijs bolp, turn fo be ve bolp alio tn all manerofcomicrfacpon,bccaufcitWU)^ttta. * 26c bolp, fop 3 am bolp. *2«n «.« 2 no pf f be tbat pc call on p father, t»hico "*»* tBptboutrcfpectofperfoniubgctb*acco2btg * mt rw.o to cucrp manner too?ftc , fetbatpe pafTc tbe g l!,ffi; c tpmcofpottrcpilgremagetnfcarc. * 5fo? S , a0mocbn^pcftnottie,bott)tbatpetoercnot rebemeb t»ptjj corruptible tbpnge0(ag fpl= tier* goioc/from poure bapne conuerGicio, wbrco ve memo bp m traDtcton of tbz fa thcrg: but * xbpvwont bloube of Cmpft, ^ )tb fr 0| as of a lamuc bnDcfpleb.ano t»pthout fpot, « ?oio »•«»'. wbvcb t»a0 o % 2bepncb before hanbe, cucn bc= apo(lX,,b ' foae p ujo^lbc voat mabe .• but txiag Declared in tbt laft tpmc0 1 f op pour fakes, t»bpcb bp * m ,, b m meaner bo beleue on c>ob, f rapfeb bpm iun .1 b. ' Tapft6Dcctb,^glo?pfpebbpm,^pc mtgbt mm^, hauefaptb anb bopc towarbGob : cuenpe tobpebbaue purifpeb poure fouletf tbozow thefp?cte, tnobepngetbc trnetb wptlj bzo= tberlplotte \jnfapneb,fctbat pe lone one ano tber t»ptb a pure bert fcruc tip :f 01 pe arc 002 nea newenot of mouall fceb, but of immoi= fall, bp tbe toozbc of <3ob,tohich Ipuethan'D laftctljfoKucr. *#op all flettbc iSgralTcanbaill tfjcglo- * atuti, b. rpofmatsas!tbcftoureofgraffe.'Sbcgraf= <£«» '"«'' fc ujpbberetb, anb tbe ftou?c faiietb awape, *****' but tbe tjjoabe of tbe toiD enburetbener h 3nbtbp0t0tbcu)oiDc,u)bpcb by the 001= pcllttiagpjcacbcD tjntopou. CtDe.irC!wpter. A C2)c ctlKjitcttniKiitoLwt.ifpbcaU wrcio abftcp: iirfcomfkOilp luftcs. aubtoobrre tbo:6ip rulcro. «ott fcruaunt ce Ujutoc be baue them fcluce tottacQ llfeirmaRfce.JjcetljOitetUtotufftcaftcettjeeuram: pic of iCUU'ft. iDerfojclapc afpbcallmalt-- * cionfties $ al gplc,* fapitcb* neffcf cmtpanbailbackbp.- ttngc.*jt * aanenj bojtne ba= *m&miA bes.Defp^epc^mplHcdiot oftbcbobpbutofthcfoulc) txjbtcb is vb otttbtfecaterf pc mapegrotjjetber bp>»ct)iitofaiu,Hpoit)3f f bc£ ** pchauctafteb.hoto gracious the lomci0, toujbopccomc,a0t)ntoalputgcftone,bifa= lotocb of m?,but cbofi of C5ob 9 p^ecio^.s yt a0lputgcftone0,aremabea fpitctuall houfc anbolpp?cftbobe,fo;tto oftxt tjp factual fa= crifpcc0,acceptablcto€fob bp 3cfii0 Cbn&. ^ lX)berfo?eiti0 cotapneb alfo in p fctipttire: *S. bebolbc3 put f £>ifi a (tone to be lapcb i § cbc IS «fff * 8 Wf*l WWttB*. « be ? belcnetb on «°'W. f ; btm (ball not becofoubcb4into pou thcrfoie wbpcb beleue be is p?eciou0: but tmto tbcm tobicbbcl(!uenot*pltonetx»bich^buplbersre^ai.ww.c. fufcb,thc fame is begonne to be p bteo of tbe "*#•'**> ft) iti) corner, €l)ei€m(He co?nr r.anb a ftonc tbat iileti ftomblc at , aub a rocttc wbcrac cijcp lie offenbeb wbycb ft fi« blc at tbc wojbc, anb belcuc not that , wb« on tfjcy were fcf.-sSut pc arc a ebofen genera SSffi* cion.a royall*pjclrbob,*an Ijoly nacyon » a wmJna people u)Dycb ate wounc.-tbatyc tlmiu Qic= wetbc^ertucsofbym.tbatcallcb von out SSfift 1 of darckncS tuto in>0 mcruclouS lygbt, * arc now tbc people of i5ob: wbici) foinc tunc ban not optayncb mcrcpc,but now bauc op^ tayncbincrcyc. I< «r ►$< nearly bclouco, 3 befcebe you as * csii.-.v.t. ftraungcrSanb pylgrcms , abftavnc * from *isom..,».o fictyiy luftcs.wbtcb fpgbtagainft tbc foule, 5 fc tbat yc bauc ijoncft conucclaaion ambgc tljcGentylcs, tint wbcrca0 tbey buclibyte *«*ut.t, you as euyll boar0*tbcp mayc fc your gooo * ,+^ woikc0,anbpiayfc<5ob<'o&in f:pc bapcof m "byfytacion. 8mS? r * *S>ntany tyoure fclucs tbcrfojc \mto all mancc oibtnnucc of man f 02 tbc lozbc0 fake, wbfitbcritbc tonto tbc kyngc ,as \jnto tbc clicfc 6ccu. otber Vnto rularja , ntf tonto tbcm tbat arc fent of bpm, foube puny fttjemet of euyll boar0,uutfoitbclaube of tbcm , tbat bo wc!l.#ojfoi0£wyllofmbc= fcrucb.5Foi wDatmapfciSuNyf wl;en yc be buffctcD foj your fautcS.pe rake tt pacyetly.' 25ut ? pf wben ft bo wcll,yc luffcr utfoge ? take it pacientlp ,t\wi& tber tba"ketf<2>oo. fl o? bctc \Juro toerelp were y c calleb i fo^ >Mbuirairofuft>ccb foztjs* icauyngcW SSSKr"* ancnfamplc.t&atycQmfocfolowe&i* ftcp= cpoc.™. p C g >U ji) ? cbDpD no fpmie , nctber was tbere gplcfoiibmbp0monrb: wbycb U)bc l)F was rcnyieb.rcuylcbnotagayneiwbenbcfuffc' . ^ „.«,, «b,be tb;catencb not, butc8mittcb tbe W* 2f?u> V 'BW»nccto bymt&atiubgct!) tygbtcouflp* mm '• • \»bycbby#a\x>nefrlfebare one fynnetf in W bobyourbctrcc.tbiit we beyng bclyucccb f com ftaflf , Qjulb lyuc \jnto rygbtcoufncsf; T&V wbofe fttypctf ye t»ece bcalcb . |fo^ ye wtc ag Cbcpe goyng aftraye : but arc now tmuebtmto t^t ^epeberb anbbyflbope of youttfouletf. *h €^:tie.ti|.CI)aptcr. C3bo*n terucs wiQ bt£ to o)6i c tii e Celtics totoar&c tlKt'c DuRjaitocB.i latlitinappiiwU.anicDuij'cof men toto aw tijepi tDj»ue« ifec er|>o>tetu all mt roviittc one lour, «iit)pafi£iitlptotuCftttwuWe.fi){lJaptpmc. >\-m-«.v.3. JUcttiyfc *" yc voynesi be in fub' ^ icccpontoyourcliufbanbcsi, tbat *|SjS*^ cucn tbey wbycb obcyc not tbe Aonw,,,f ' v»02bc, mayc tuitbout tbeiooj D c be wfjiic by tbc conucrfacyon of t|)c wyuctf, \j)l)ylltbcybcl)olbe youre cbaft conuccracyoucouplebioytiifcacc.Uibofcap parcUiballnotbc ottti»arbtf bjioybcb bca= rc,$ bangyngon of goioccitbcctn puttynge on of go.tgyousiappaicll: butlcttbcbybmil iDbicbi0intbcbcrtc,bcioitbout all cojtrup* cyon,fo tbat tbc fp^ctcbcatvcft anbquycte: UDbycb fp^ctctjs before (5oba tbynge mocll -* fct by. it o? after tbijs mancr in tbc olbe tyme w byb tbc boly vocmen wbicb truftcbin 0oD, tyce tbcm fcluc0,anb were obebient to t\)tit bufbanbrgt,cuc'a0 $>ara obepeb 3Bb^abam, a nb calleb ^m ioib t : wbofe baugbtcti^ w areas louge atf y e bo well, $ are not afr afm fo^auyetcrrour. lyhewpfc, yc ittf >bwcll witb tbem acco? byngctoKtiowilcbgc.gcuyngbonouretonto tbe wife,ag »nto ywcaUr r ^cRcll^ asi ton* to tbcm f-arc i;c pjes alfo of tbc gcace of lyfc tbat youre papers be not by nbiteb. * 3n coduCyon^beyeaUofoncmynbcofonebart ^ louc «0 bjtctnjcn ,bc pctifiill , be courteous* **mchc)notrcb>yngecuyll foj euyll , ojrebu= ^ . lie f 02 rcbulicibut cotrary wifc,blc(te:linow= tngc tbat yc are tber \jnto calleb , cue tbat yc V; qjulbebc bcp?c0 of tbc blcffyngc. * floj be *»»*«««. tbat botb longu after lyfc, anb louetb tofc goob bayctf, let bym rcfray nc bt^ togc front cuyil,5biJSliPP^^tbcyfpca(ienotgyle.Lct: bicfcbuccuyll^bogoob.lctbim fcHc peaoi, atibcnfucit.jfonbccyctfofyioibarcoucp tbe rygbtcowMnb Ijy^carc^ arc open t)nto tbeir p/ayf rd.agayuc;tbc face of tbe lojbc \$ oucr tijem tlmt bo cupll. ^ozoucr.wboWittbatwyllbanneyou, */»* bb pfycfoIowc^wl)pcbislgoob.^ef ) *bappy^ , •' mm , pf anpc trouble bappen t>nto ponton + £ . (a m ttgbtcwcfneu"efake.*2i6cnotve afraycbl:o? mm.xi anpc tcrroure of tbcm.netbcrbeye troublcD but lanctifpe tbc to?be (0ob in youre b« s tea ^et'eabyallwayetftogcuean anlwc rctocucrymatbatalRctb you a reafonofjp tope tbat i0inyou,anb tbat witb meaHue0 anb fcarc :bauyngc a goob confcicnce * tbat gSJ* wljere a0 tbcp bacftbytc you a0 euyll boar0, tbey mayc be aftamcb,^ falfely accufeyoup goob conucrfacion in <&\)W&. *ffo?tti0bi:ttcr(yftbe wyll of C5ob be ^^ (ojtbatyefnffce fo? well boyngctben fo^ mmM cupll boinge. m m *> >3h*#o*n0rnofba0ebiiftbatb oncefnf* %mm*u fercD fo?fpnne0,f iuft fo* tbe Vmiuft.to biig Vi0toc5ob, anb wa0 ftylleb , a0 pertapnim ge tot&c ftelu^e : but wa$ quyebeneb in tjje . Ip?cte. 3n wf)yc|) fp^ctc be airo went * p?eacbeb t)ntotbe rpzetcj* tbat were inpjefon , wbicD fome ^ ffiom a.t'.ft /SpOr.iiif.n fomctymcbiib btitrbtfobrbpcitt. wben t])t longc fuffcrynjcofi.ap„ t tp n g C nwapcof tiic fpltb of tbc flcCnir. wit in tbatagooo confcp.nce confentctb to <2>ob,by tl;c rcrnrrcccyon ofT[cfu0€bnft, wbycb i0 on tbc rpgbtc \yfoi of0ob: fi anb jgMM» . i0 gone into tjeauen, *angcl0,powcw,ano tM«M. tnpgbtfubD»eb\):itobPm. CEbciiij Cbaptcr. fE?jrct!jo!t<«i)mciiiotc.iirfffomri'iiiK 1 rtiiDiiomui tofiiitrcrt8.nl ciicll;ocr,iJutn8ai;ijJiftciiiii4u. 80? a0mocb rben atfCbitft bafb fiiftrcb fo^\»0 in tbc ftcftbc , arnic pcyourcfcluc0lyUcwyfcwitbtbc fcimc mpnbc : fo^ be wbpcb fuffc- rctbintbcftefibcccafctbfromfpnnetbntbe bcuce foiwacoc ftmlbc Ipuc Ca0 mocb fyme as r cmaynctb in tbc ftcrcbe) not after tbe lu= ftc0 of men, but after tbc wyll of Gob . Jf o^t it i0 uirTicpcnl: f o,i \)0,tbat we bauefpent tbc tpmc tbati0 paftof tbclpfc, after tbc wyll of tbc* (5cntyl0, walkpngc in wantaimc0, luftc0, in ejccclfc of wync0, in eycclTeof m* ox tpngc , (n cjcctTcofD^nkpngc^diibwnuciieiTc) anb in abompna blc y bolatrie. 25 2(inb itfcmcfbtotb^ ^aninconucniettbyib trctbat yc runiicnot alfo witb tbcm tinto y famcejccclTcofryotc, ^tbcrfo^e fpeake tbey euyll of you, wbycb fljallgcue acomptcsto ptnti tbat i0 rcaby to iubgc quicke aiibuccb. $0} \)iitotbp0 purpofc merely wa0]5oof= pell pieacbcb alfo\mto tbc beeb, tbat tbey ibulb be iiibgcb lykc otber men in tbc flcfaic, but Cbulblpnc before d5ob in tbcfpictc.'&ije cube of al tbingc0i0 at banbe Hh ii5c vc tbcrfojc fobcr , anb watch \jnto piaycr . H6ut abouc all tbyngctf bauc fcruct loueamongyoiirfclucSifozioiicujallcoucr jgStx *'* tbcmultitubcof fpnnc0. * iScpcbcrbcrouS m ij7up.il .u one to anotber , * wytljout grubgpugc . 30 eucry man batb rcceaucbtbc gyftc , cucn fo mymftcr tbe fame one to anotber , as goob myuiftcrS of tbc manyfolbc grace of c5ob. C 3fcnymanfpcakc,lctbimtalkca0tbc woi= j 'wom ttjfo xk& ot6ob. * 3f cup manmymftcr.lct bini *i:.£o).v..,.f. j, ort as( ^ of t jj C nl)plltc t TO i) V cb^ob mpnp-- ftrctb\>nto bpm. ^b'H^obinall tbpngcS mapebe gloiifpco tljoiow 3cfn0Cli?ift, h to wbom be p^ayfc anb bomiuton foe eucc anbcucc.3imcn. yearly bcloucb,maruayll not tbat yc arc piourbbpfp?c(wbycbtbyngi0totrycyoii) a0 tbougb fomc ftraugc tbing bappeneb »n» toyoti:butrcioyce,iua0mocba0ycarcpar^ takers of Cbnftc0pa(Ty ou0 ; tbat wbcnbytf gloiy aupcarctb.yc mayc bemcry anb glab. rvmat.b.b. * 3f yc be raylcb \jpon roj y name of Cbnft, In? iff' JW lc iMC Ve .^fo? tbc glo?y anb tl;c fpjetc of (2>ob rcftctb \)pon you . On fbeir parte be isciiyii fpoluuof : but on youre parte Ijeia gloc i> none of pou be punyfujrb «is a mur* x> tbcrcr.ozasa tljcfcoz an cupll ooar ,02asa bufybobp in otijer mens matters. If cny mil fuffrcasa^baidcinndjctbimnotbcaaia* mcb.butlctbiglonfycGob ontbis Icbnlfc. #o,ubctymciscomc,fltfttuDgcmciitmuft begynne at tbc bouft of Gob . 3f it fyzftbc= gpnnc at \js, wba t (ball tbe rnbe be of tbcm, wbpcb bclcucnottbccofpfll ofC>obr3:nO * Pf the rygbtcoucfcnrccly be faueb.-wncre *»w.«.d awlly bngobly ilb i'fpnncrappcarcr\i)ljrr, fine.', let tbe fare troublcb accozbpug to tbc Wpllof0ob,coinpttbcirfoulestobmiwirb wcllboyngcasbntoafaptbfullcrcatot. ^^bc.^.Cbaptcr. Ha rpctiflll crDo>ta(pon foj alt bifcuopra aim C>irft{»,2xctD0)tctl) pongc ptrfbuurs to Tub: nipt tljcmCclucs to tyc tlocr , tub cuctr one to loue*rjfta;agc0!pfo:tr;n0t fo.t t\)t' iQ bffPK of fpitijp lucre: but of a goob mynbe, . . 4 . * not as tbougb yc wcieloibco oucr tbcpa= * , * A *« niujes = but t fbatpc be an cnfainplr to tbc *!■ :c,! " »»•& flockc * ;.inetijjtto|.ti, goob torll; 3tuD WilCll tbc ti £-vj, c cbcfc Ojcpcrb ujall a ppcarc; yec Oial reccau'c . 25 *aninc02riiptibilccfowucofglonr.U'kc=r.co : ..t.B wpfc pc yonger , ftibmyt pour fciues 'onto " r,m ' "•* t\)t clDer ; Submit youre fclucScucrymai?, one to anotljcr , knpr youre fclucS together in lowipnes of mynbe. $-n <5ob rcfiltcfb tbcp2oubc , anb gcuetb grace to tbtiiurnblc ►^^ubmpt youre rcluc6tberfo2c\)nDcrtnc inygbtybaiibcofGob.tbatbcmayctvaitc you.wbcn tbc tpmc iscouie. * Caftalipour w«,\*,.t, care \jpon bim:fo2 be carctb foe you. ;j2u|1(:r " < Z3cfobcranb watcb.fo^ youre abnerfarp £ y bcuyllasacoaringlyon*walbcfbabout, &w*. fckpng wbom be mayc bcuourc:* wbomre-*^" 01 "" 1 ^ f yft ftebfaft in tbc fay tb, knowing , tf tbc fa* me affliccyonsarc apoynf cbl)nto your b2c- tbicn , tbatarcintbc wo^lOc .TiSuttbc c5ob of all grace wbpeb bps flwucfclfcfaffcrtbatpcbaucfuft'rcbalytcU afaiccyonjmakcyoii pcrfcct:fcttle, ftrength aiibftablillbcyou.'Srobimbcglojyanbbo- minyon foi cucr.ano cucr.3Bmcn. h 26y&pluanuSa faytbfull bjotljcr m o & you( v a0 3fuppofc)banc3wiyttcn bufly, cjcboityngc anb tcftifpinge, bow tbat tbp0 i0 tbc true grace of 0ob , xxjbcrinye ftanbe. % be cogrcgacpon of tbcm \n\)yc\) at 2Saby* lonarccompanponsofyourcctcccyoiu'aiu" 4l?m \j tctbyou, rcfb rou , an* fo Dot b Wmwi my fount. SSfiffit* * ^ ete P* ouc another wpth tbe Me of fi.ct. t «..o. l0 n Ct p facC b e rtvoiiall > wlBcOawUiCWft 3cfu3mcn. C^tfecoDtCptftle ofg>a?>iict$ctcr, tttfo* fO tUOCl) 40 tbr pOtbCt Of CBOD Ijfltb triictt tie all tljrtW6pcTtrtrnvngcv»ntolprc»l)c ctijo^ trttj \)0 to uianc ourr taHpuac bttoconc bp qm JDtnkcB, miDfrutceof f aptj) .fccmahci&mciicrwi 3 *i.0ct.t.A. >:Volm i.c CoiloiT.u.ft l3moni&cteraferuaut,anD aii3po&lcof3eui$Cbalr, totbem wbpcb Dauc obfap= ncD Ipuc pjccpoutf faptb tf WS tbojow p rpgbtcwcfnctf ofourec5oDa"Dfauiourc3e= fitf Cbnft. * iift ftjcweo me .3Dopu titer alfo gene mp Diligence , tbat pcmapcbaiurwbet^ t»ptb tofteretjp tbe rcmembjamicc of tbcfc tbingcjaftcrm:PDcpartpng.^5fo^tJoel)a= ucnotfolowcD bcccatfull mbieiot,iDbeiit»c oucneD *» nto pou tbe power anD commpnae of oure JLo^Dc 3cf««s ! €biift ,but * wptn our ***** epeieiwjc fnu)cbi}Sniaic(tie; eiicntben\jcrelp wben bercceaucD of dPoD tl)c fiitljcr boiiourt ano glo;p, anD wben tber came focba tiopce m to t^ym from m e/ccUcut glojpc. * Wym *mt. m *. mpDcrebclouebfonne, mwboU)3Iiaucbe= SN&* Iptc. 'Tbijiloopcc tuc braroecomc rrbmbea^ SBi!* ' ucn , t»ban we were ujptb bpm , in the holp mounte. t UJcbmtc aifoarpgbtfureuio^eof mo* pbccpe,iwbcrt)nitopfpe tauebeDe^asi^tito a *ipgbt tbat Cfipnctb inaDarcue place , pe mohmu* to well, tmtpll tty Dape Dawne , 3D the am ftarre arpfe in pourebcrte*. ^^do tbatpe fpitft ftnow tbp& tbat no p«iopbecpe iirtk fcripture m\>tny p^puate intcrp^etacpoii: 5fo?tbcfctipture came neuer bptbe wpllof man: but bolp men of^oo luaae , a/tbep were mouebbp tbe bolpgooft. CftbciiCbaptcr. C2)'PJopi)ctpct|iofWfctcaci;cw,anDfl)etoctb ti;ficpunp«).:mci«. »>www I9crwi!refalfewopbete«airoam0 s ^ taueteaebcr^amougepou : wbveh ^vmmuu h**/ J pm ^ v mi hmse m ^mnablc tgSBf fcctetfC cuen Denpcngc tbe loJDe tbat bath aSJ* Jougbt tbcm anD bjpnge \jpoii tbem fcluetf fwpf t bamnacpon , ano manp Omli folowe tbeir Damnable wapeg, bp wbom tbe wapc oftructl)5balbeEupUfpoftcnof,anDtboiOui coucteoufne^ fballt bep wptlj faymimz- DetfniaKemarcbanDpfcofpou.wbofciuDgc- cpon uepetb not tfo^cgooOwrcDnott&c angcwjifpn= -tk neD.but calftbem DownetntobeillDDel^ uereo tbem tntotfwpneiei of DercBnejtf-» cmt ^ pmipaw)tobeaept\JntoiuDgemftnctberfpa :©£^ta Su^^i'*!^J»J»!!95!>!! *** Mttlm *3lo6„f,a |)jeacberof rpgbtcwefncat, ano o^ougbtm ? )lp, ano *flBnw.U«,a ftouDJpontbe mpe of tbeDngoD F , «no SW m ^ °f Jo»om anbclomMinto or £ft*°«5«to«"* tW,DamneDtbem anS C ffiHfJH S cmaffl c "taplcl9nto tboft ffl mo wptbtbe fancienlp conuerfaeponof ir teo.,0 anD iw^QfiSEK gcaiiD bearpng, HcSrOUtf rpgbteouS foulc From Dapc to Dape wptb tbcirbnlauftiii EJ- tbeuniuftcbnto tbe oapeof inDffementfoi tobcpuiipfineD : butchcftiptWtKaicBe Defppfe mm* • ^cfumpteouSaretbep, anDftubbo?nc, tnio'bt,receaue not of # ioiD rapltng SU fi« ft ^ f «- ^uttbefSbm, tc mfagmtmmv tytmm toith Mm SiiK55 HfiP?" » * "ccaue tbe re* toarpeofUnnjgbttbcfncs?. JS^SSS^iS^ 1 * V^" r otbne OvTcca= ■ eseggndfeg toefnes : but Wag tcbuueb of bpg iniqutS. 5^tamcanDD5mcbeaft,fpeaBpnffcS tl)ata5e,carteDtoitbatepcft,toWboinS mpaofDarcUne0igreferucDfoiett£r «2> mm of tjanptie, tbcp entpfe SS lu 1 ucapep from tbe fpltipnctf of the woiihr jaupour3efuCb^ft)arepett{|ttieD affain • tw.tu,*, tberin,aiiD ouercomenbci^ m§t ™8r$t if o? itbaD bene tetter fu fi!S88s M i igtbe feconbe eptft ie that 1 now ^ M „^ 3ftwe ^^»"PnfcccmpnDe, SfiSS po i l M^W ^ that yi 8SM5 ^ M W fullof ^ MtM it* tome tntftc la JDapc0,mocaer0^ Smm «*a»J MmiBr> wbpcb tbpu walfte after their awnc *^ IliffC30f>$ lap* : dibcre i« the mnSS W* tbcp wereat tbe beginnmge; jf oi tm mi 8SH9B amat *•«* W wrc\* the St h 8KSE ^ to u ater «|W t» loS the toatcr, up tbe Wozd of 0oD:bptKprh J?fff lp N?wpcttot igno^auntof tw« fLo^easfatboufanDcpearc, ^a thoufanh? r - C0;( «- b "- 8 peace a* one Dapcs be ffifetffi U M mtfejM* not Oacacas romc mecoiin -8 ¥S 'n^yLPSyawpcntauncc. i3euertbeleffe* tbeoape of tbt ldiDibwli ( fepnge pc be WarneD afmc jap; 6fwate»left pe%&> other men be a i foplucUeDaWapetboioVthccrroure^ Wfceo , ano fall from poufaKeS SERF** *WwS to cWttiffiw Jf oure um ano fauPOncc M« ChiA *BTlfA i; » \ -4 PT #■ QfaUttfBU % C€l)tf??ft€ptftle of £>apnct3ohn tbc. :$pofflc. C3:bcfp2ftebaptct» ■rttrbiouocof cbMrtcjst^cpurgacgoufromrpHnc, 4,to miii is luMout Tpini e. Xr>at toDtcI) tons? from tbc begpn* npngc , tobprbc toe bauc bcarbc, tohycbctoc baucfenc toytb oure, cpcs,tohpcb toe Da tic lolieo \»poit» anb out- bancs; baiicbanolcb,of £ toojb of p lpfr.3nb tbc ipfc appcatcb, 9 toe Done ft nc MS* rWA ana bcarc toptnctf, * fljcioc Ditto you* that ttctmll \yf cMvw *»«* toytb tbc.fdtlKr, 9 appcareb Ditto Dtf . Chat tolncb toe banc fate 9 be rbr. Or elate toe Ditto pott, £ pc alfo mm batte ftUotofltpppc toitbDS,anb tliat onre fclloiiflipppc mapc be toptb tl)c fatbee anb nitf fonnc leftis €W^ ^"0 tl>rsfDo?t- tC tot DtltO pOll,)Vr*n»arc«ioprc,aHDt&«tj pOlltC iope mapc uc full. 3nb tnitf iS tbe tpopttscjl tobpeb toe batte nrarbe of by in 9 bcclarc Dnto pou ,£ Gob tjs 23 IpfiDM in bint itf no berenncs at all . 3f toe fayc, f toe batte fclottujippc tottl) &pm,ano toalcRCibctcHncs,toelpc,roonot£trutb. titr a^r 25nt ^ pf toe toalitc in lygbt cucn as be 10 in lpgbt,tbcn batte toe fcUtujtouctf bint, *Beb:. tptell cbpib2cn,tbcfc tbinges to= rite 3 Dntopou,tbat yc fpnttc not. i&nbpf e up man fyunctoc Ijattc an «Jamtocatc toyty w fatber , 3cfus ebitfM&crygbtcouS: $ beittS^obtaynetb Grace foj otttcfynncs , not f 02 oure fynncs onelp: but alfo fo^fpmicg of aUtbctoojl* be. * 2Cnbbcrby toe arc Hire f toe itnotoe innn,yf toe ucpebys commaunbementes. *3!oVtt»'.c. * Ir?c tbat faptO nnotoc bym, anb ftepetb not by tf commatmbeirtentcs is a Ipar , anb tbc Dcr ttpc i$ not in \)ym . 2!5ut tobofo ac= ' petb br$ toojbc , in mmt in tbc lone of <5 oo partecti bebe: Derby unotoc toe tbat toe are in btm.^ef faptb be bpbctb in bpm,ousbt to toalue enen ajs be toalUcb. h B ^5ictb?en , 3 to^pteno netoe cfimamiibc= ment Dntopoti: but tbat olbc commatmbe^ tn5t,tobic^e ^«nie b«^fe6 tbc bcfiinnpnsc. %])t olbc commaunbement $ tl)c too^bc, tobicb pe Dmte bcarbc from tbc beginntnge* 3fi jjapnc, a neto commaimbcmcnt 3 tojpf e . Dnto pou,tbat tjs true in Dim, anb tbc fame # trttc alfo in pott: f oj tbc bcrcftncitf ijS patt, nnb tbe true Ipsbtnotofibpnetb. pl^etbae fap tb Doto tbat |)c ti« in tbe Ipsbt , $ yet ba= tetb N b^otber ,ij$ in bcrcHnetf mm Dntpll tbptf tpmc. 19c tbat lottctb W u?otber,aup Detb in tbc ipgbt, anb tber v& none occauoii of cttpll in bpm . ir>c tbat * batctb W n?o= *iitu(. r«r.t> tbrr,# in bcrcUucsi^ toaluetb in berclmetf: anbcannottcUtobptberbcfioetb,becattfe tbatbccrlmcitf DfttD blpnbcb bpiei cpciS. afiabctf 3 to^pte Ditto pott , boto f pottre fpnnejsarc f oigcug pouf o^ttf iiamcjj faUe, 3 to?ptc Ditto poufatbrr&boto tl;at pe ba * uc mtotonc lyinx t ba t f si from tbe bcginnpi? =» fic.3 to^ptc Dnto pon ponge men, boto p pe pauc oucrcomc y totcUcii:3 Xoiitc Dnto pou iptcU ebplb?cn,l)oto f pe b«iuc fenotoen tm ~ tber .3 bc tbat yt lottenot*tbc too,ilbe,netbcr *jiot..tbii.b tbc tbpnffctf tbat arc in tbc tooilbc . 3f enp ma louc tbc too^lbctbeloue of tbc fa tber i$ not in bpm. tfotall tbat iff int\)c toojltic (ajs tbc litft of tbc ftcfu)c, anb tbc lull of tbe cpc&$ tbc ptpbc of lifc)tsj not of tbefatber, l)tt t of tbc too jibe. Mb tbe tooilbc paffctb a toapc anb tljc inft tbcrof : but be tbat f ttlf pi letbtbctoillof^o^abpbetbfoicuer. :lLptcllcbplb^cn,itiieitbclaft;tpme,anb ad ** pe banc bcrbc boto tbat ^nttcbjilt qjall co^ ** inccttcnnotoare there manp begoimc to be aJnticbjillcg allrcbp,tobccbp toe anotoc, ^ it # tbe I aft tpmc.x'&bcp tocnt out fro Djj, * affIir . r , , but tbcptoeec not of Dtf. jf op pf tbep Dab be 11c of Djs, tbep toolbc no bout banc co ttnueb toitbDi*. iSuttbat it mpjjbt appearc, tbat tbcptoercnotofD^. jaettcttbclcfle,pe banc an opntm^t of Dim $ tsi bolp,anb pc unotoc all tbtff eg. *3 ba= ue not to^itS Dnto pou,asi tbc.jgbpe nnetoe not ,§ ttmtly. butatf tbougb pe Itnctoe it ( $ ttnotoeatfo)^nolpccomctboftructb.lUlll)o in a ivatMt be tbat benpetb tbat 3cft»jef in tito&Mfr fame ifi 5dnttcb?ift 3 tbat bemcti) tbc fatber $ tbc f onnc. Sfllbofocuee benpetb tbc fonnc , tbc fame batb not t^t fatlx*. Mtf !)t tW Unotolcgct I) ftjc ronitc ,l)ndj tl) r fVjtljcr a'ifo ) 3Le t tbcrfo^c abpbe tnpoutljat famctobicb ye . bcarbc from tbc bcsinnin5c.3f tbar tobtcl) pc bcarbc from tbc bcgtnnpngc (Dal remap ne in y ou,pc alfo ujallcontpncto in tbe f on = ne,anb in tbe fatber . 3tft tby^ i$ tbe p?o= mcjl tbat be Datb pjompfeb D£ , etien ctev= *CDefc ^f*,Jofctt. Jtbcfc tbtotftf banc 1 %ften Ditto potu fottccriipnxetbetbatbtfccaucppu.^ibthe btoellctb n pou . 36nb pencbenottftat en? tftcnn.^nb noto babejy abpbc in bpm: tbat toben be Ml ajpeare, toe mapc K bolSJ* not bcmabcaiDamcb of bpm at mSS SBSftR ?»«toc tbat be VJSSSSk $om *JDuftf.nr.f. -» ^^ f w v ^ v C IHjC rpiWUlcr lout Of lSotl totoatO ha- anh hnt« »».. ogapnr ougbc co lour one a iionS? •* n0 ' oto toe CCDcftKCDBpttt. j€bolbc, tol;a tlouc fljc fatber bath g{Jrtonw,tflatfec(DnWra uc^foitbc bcarlpbcloucb*lctDSloueoitc another- ** nh ,„. Mf^etbofGob^nDcucrp^ffi^lK^ ouctb,tS bo2itc of Gob,auo fttiotocti Gob '• «*w* lac tbat I ouetb not, Hnotoctb not Got h foi P ^ffb is louc . 3ntbiSappcarcb £ louc of fotmc to be tbe agecment foi ourcS „% rtlI »w > I'f « ob to loucD w> toe r oitgbt a l fo to I one one another * 49 nm*w r^ another, GobbtotlietbiinDs, a bpsiotic is HM&* parfect in Dtf . iocrbp hno toe toe fSiSSS * M ** tnhbm. €huf.€pfflle «n rowflitb be m %$'. ljccauCc^c batb gcucn Tj$oH>v0fpicte.3ubmbauefmc,$botc= ftifpc'fbat tncfathcrfcntf fonne to be the fan your of the ttojlbc . JlflJtjof ocuct contcp f e th,$ 1c fins'* m tame ©ob,to Dim Wtoci- Ictb <5bo,* be in ©ob.3nb toe hnuc finoft* anbbcleucb the low £ ©ob batb to W. 39 ©obtfloucf DctbrttUtocllcthwi loue, btorlletb to ©ob,anb ©ob tobim. tycrc I ig the lone perfect to W,f tbe ftulb U*imc ttuft In the onpe of tobgemc nt: ffoj asl teffc me f o arc toe t tin* \bojlbc. 'C&cr * no fear cm I one, but parfect lone caftctb outfearc , fc£ f cave b*th papnfulnctf.Ipc f fearctb, tf not parfect to lone. „ _ M Sfljc lone htm,fot beloueb W fpjtt . 3f a man Tap ,3 lone ©ob, anb ret bate htf bjo- tbcr,l)c tf a li^r. #o? bote ca be f louebnot i)vs( biotber fbftom be batb fene , lotic ©ob iobom be batb not fence 3nb thtf cfimaun» temeni fruit Vtoe of tym : $ &e ttol)ic& louctl) ©ob,u)ulb lone h# brother alfo. fc CS"oioHC!5ot»,wtohfpcW» rommaunbtmenffa. j'apHjoucrcSmetljtbfttojlK-CufClaftrngcirftii iiwbr tonne ef f5o*.Of Ct>e cpnnc bnco ot atb. CChe.UChaptct. $ofomrr beleuctbt JefnjK tf Cbitift, i$ borne of ©ob. 3fnb cucrp onetbat , ]toucthj)pmifohichbcjtat,loiietbbim m*.p&*- airotohicbb>a!mgottmofl)tm.*S5p this* toclmotoc,tiQDClouethecbpUKcnof©ob, tohcnnjcloue ©ob,anb fcepe w commaun bemcntejS. St oz tb«( ijs the louc of © ob,tba t * wiLjii*. ^xilc bepe W eommaubementeg, anb * W tomaunbementetf are not grcuoutf.Hh fl ot all that it borne of ©ob, oueecommctft tlje 25 tooiibc.2tnb tbtf ijS the* trictojp tbat onet *j.co?.ji».j- commctb tbe tooHbceue* outefaptb . yiibo $ it $ ouercomctbthetbojlbeibut heto&lc& toleuetfcttotjefnsf iiel thefotmc of ©ow •Cb* M«J* W& * he tbat cam bp m-- ter 9 bl oub,not bp ttoater onclp:but bp t*a= tet anb bloub. 3nb it itf tbe fpjete tbat bea retb frptncfc becaufe tbe fpjete (js twerp. ( fm Hio; arctft?ttol)ifft bint tcco jut (n Jjeauen.f fatbtr, f t»o?fic(ifto^i)ipgBoMt«)tftefct^!ieaKpnc.)^5UbtbCe i- arc tDietbfftb beare tcco?bc*»«« «^)f fp^e^ tc i tpatce, anb bloub : 9 thefe tb^e are one. iftoeteceauetbctwtnesl of mg,thetbirnc0 of(5ob*grcatcc.|fo>tb*i8ltbetxiirnesiof ts eob.^««>e«« ewateot&bwbbctettifpcbof W fonne.^etljatbeleucthontljeffineofd^od, ^ath the toftnejs mljpmf elfe. JK)e that for belmet h not <5ob,batftmabe htm a Mat be* caufe Ije belmeb not tbe recoibe f <&tib p= ue of tot t ami , 3nb tW * V tccojtbcbqto tf tl)at©obhatiJffm?tmto \3jjetentalllpt;e, ^ <*thi*lyfef*in fp^fonne. l^etDatiM > ^e f otrne Dath ipft : 9 be tbat batU not tbe fon= ne of <5ob,batbnot ipfe. ^Cbde tbpngesl bane 3 tb?ptt5 tmt opou tl)at belene on tDe name of tp C one of ob, tbatipemape Itnotbcljotb fljat pc Jjanc Ctce nalilpfe ,•« tbatpe mape bclcue ontbena= me of tbe fonnc of 0on Jlttb ffyp$ i$j> fruft tbatt»e bane to mm tbat * pf \)oe aihccnp *mm* W- f nopftDcnnotbcHc Ijcarctyelfobat nuhr.rf.ii foencr toe afuctoc bnonjcthattbcljaue the jpW'* pcticponj3i,tbattbcbefp^eothpm. ' ^.u. 3f enp man fc bpjs b jotljer ipimc a fpnne sa»*n.w* not \)itto beetlKlet inm a(Uc,$ be maU gcuc «* bun Ipfc f oj tbe tbat fpnne not Unto beetb. €bct ijs a fpnne tmto bcert),f 0^ ttobicft fapc 3 not pa mau)nlbp?ape.2|.Ut)nrpffbtetJijer Si in fpnne,? thcr is< fpnne not tjnto beetb mt hnotbc , thattDbofoeucr i)S bome ot <5ob,fpnuctb not: but be tba, t * bcaotte of <5ob,ftepcth bpmfclfe, 9 thattbpcftebtoui : cbctb tan not . mt hnotoc, that tbe ate of csob , anb m tboilbe & all to&cttyt fet on topenebnej* . 5aie bnotoc , tbat tbe f onne of 6ob ijS come, anb hath gcue W ampnbe to bnotoc bpm ibhicb « true: 9 toeaee'to taw tbat ii« true, tbjougb i0 fonne |efti Cbnft. 'C&itf fame is< Deep d5ob , anb ctcrnalllpfe. T&nfoV UcpcjS pourc ftluej* feom pmagesf. f fj CCliefeconbe epiftle of £>apnct3oDn. e aiVDipetei) \>uto a ccttapne Ufa, rtloprttlj ti?«e Jjtc cwWtn toalUe in ^ tructtj,crl»o;tctft (Ijt m buto iour, toanutb ftemto bctoatc of hift Wtttautwao t>cnpe . fbatjicfui ff b?m wnie in tycflrftt . P^apctb Ntin to toHtmur(n«l)tt)ottttiicorcl)jift,*tol)auciiotbmBC eobo\»ttl>»l)«nUl)atti?inBtnottW»i«Huigf. i!»c elbee to the elccte labp <1b Dec * cmime,tobom 3 loue to ^ tr uctb: anb not 3 ouelp,but alfo all tbat banc Uno^thc tewethfo* p tru= 'the^faUetDbrcD btocllcthm^ anb fbalbc in W fojeuer. mmm mm W Ojall be Brace, mercpe, 9mm feom 00b tbe fatber 9 from tbe m 3ef u jj 1 tetopfeb greatly , tbat 3 f ounbe of thp &mm wmm to trnetD, ajj tte bane re teaS comannbement of tbe father. 3nb notbbcfecbe3flabp,nota0tbouffb3^ thaiWfbttlb*lone one another . mm *|o^«'« C ° '«M commamibement W( tljat a^pe ba ne bcarbc fro ^ besmnpnscjpc ujnlb toalke to5. «wmanpbeeeane«s arecnteebtota tbeWjlbe , tohpcb confeffe not that 3efntf mSi* c wnetotbeflefbe. tW * OMg t^t t»eioofe nottDat mjm mm®* . buttbatt»emapebaneafulret»arbe»o c 3t jJboctrp utur vu^wiuiitqnot ^oo.iocpcnburetb t f boctrine of Cb?ift, batb botb f father ob fpebe. $oi be i> bpobeth |)t ©ob fpcbciiespartaKer of w cupl bcbeiS o»fJ5rtoi6r,3Hiauf Color roubcfojMbntpef&uibe not be acjamtp (nbape of ebcioibc.)3 bab matip tbpnaejS tdJwte*ntdrott,neiiertbclc©3r83lS not v>wc xo paper anb pnne: but 3 truft to comejntopou^fpeanetopou mouth to CClje tljp?be eptftie offapnct3obn. ^EP'.'^i!? ^V w ta»«H>eH»«ft«fftfn fhc frortb' «rto;eeti, bent tobf loupiiBcbntotbe poo; cS ■ -n bcp» pnCe melon, (bctoetb tftr UnWc bwlpngt o" 3D(otrepfe n>b»cb louetp to bSuemnS- Hlbe|fo^pf3come,3xbmbeclarcht»tf ' bebeis tobicb be boetfctcb4«ii^5JS! lictousi tboibe^nethet in ttfnmh SSt got onelp ^mmmSSSm)!Sti *» b»t alfobcfo^pbbetbtb^ffibr" Xt> 1. ^! 0tt «nfolotbe not that tbbicb itf cuiii tjjof ©ob:but he tbat boetb cMUcvtS ©ob. Bemetrtu/batb ^SSoSu fclucsi alfo bcarc reco^be ? « pe Unotoe that ^kwuveauewoutbto^nontr^eal ifo^ebfe be tmto the . 'Che lottery falute the . ©iete the louerja! bp name* ClTlje eptdle of £>apnct3ubc* iJ©ftebuRrtb furb aebepnge bignben toftb fbc g«f.Doto tbat tbe loibe rafter tbat be bab & bclpucrcb ^people out of (ggppt )ieftrowb f^SfiMS9 lw, to uclcueb not . ^£he agelgalfotobtcbbeptnottbeirfp^ftcftatc, but lefte their jam habitaef onle ha § n 2 c&ne* tjnto p tnbgemce of the grcate Dare: ffftffiS? eUemctbijicb to \Mt mane r oe= Web the fcluc^ taith foiiucacpon,anb f of S«TOi e ' ^W tuiar* 9 fpea uc ^SJJ^lFP^^wtoanctteitr, Hct «ncbacl tbe archagrl I Mien he lira- «H poop, ot «2°ftfl!,burff not aeuc ravltocrc fen JE? SEfl* c ^ u of *bft tbpngcg Lbpeh !»/»&«« tea ttje to £ trrafon of C we . ^befe are fuoS fcrtrclpumffe latoie(Te,anb after tbcratbne pleafurccroubrss thep are tottlj 3*£S earpeb about ofmnbejai, trees U *££& atgathcrpuge ,i 9 w*m WW Che&ttttlaepott «e ii.Pf.11.4 flUO.l'll.d. at gcatncrtgc time toitbereb , ttopfctoccbsft pi ucttcb tonnp j rartflMw «w J ragpnge mac* of Mecfompngc outtUcieaumefoa me.t bep aw toantypnge ftcrre&to ttoDom 10 rcflrrucb tbe mpft of baecknetf itoj cucr. €nod) t|>c fcuctitH from 30am pjtQi>t)c* * flpo(«.t.b. fpcb bef ozc of fucb,fapmgc.* mnr, tl)C *f*. «* ligSftaU come tfcttb tboufanbctf of fapn* c tc&to fteuc iubgement agavnfl; alt men, ft to tc'buki* all tbat are ungoblp amongc tbe of all. tDcir tongoMp bcbc0, mt\> tbcp bauc Vngoblp committeb, anb of all tbetrcruell f pea apngtf * , tobwb WgaWp fpnncrtf baue fpoben agapnft bpm. © 'Ebefe are murmurer&coplapner&t&al* apng after tbeit atone luftc&tobofc mou= tfo fpcake pjoubct!)mge0.'£i)cp lfmm in grcatc reucrence becaufe of abuatiitage. z&utpcbcloucb,remebertbct»oit!ic0itobicb toerc f pokcit before of tbe &po(tlcjtf of oure 3Loem out 01 tnc fpzC5*CaniJbautcorapafftoncntfteotwanu pa* ** tctbcfpltbP*efturcoftMeO)e. anto btmtbatifliable toftcpe POufrcfeS fpnnc, 9 to pjefent poufautleffebefoje tbe & picf ence of \>m glo jp to (ape <* <•« «>< "»™en* oi fotteriMwai rw cww to d5ob oure faupour: (rtjojo* art* ffWttowe lojtt >t3Di>tC|> Onclp 10 ttpfe be glo?p J matelrpe,bomimon,anopotbce, ^ M*(bffo?faiitoo;»w;notiDanOeuer.«men. CCijerettcIacyott of £>apnct 3o|»n t&e biiilne. gr JSappie art U> tp tljat ft taw ft t toojtte of «5 p& an* affa,ftrtb Ctucn clftf Iftffttf, anti In ft* mpbWs of tbnti.onc Jpfce bnto tfte fonne of man. CWM* Chapter. toe reuelacpon of 3efu« / €%M tbbicb ®ob gaue tmto Dim , f 01 to i&eifoe "tonto fepg femaunte*, itDpngejS tto^pcb mitjSe ftojte^ . Jlp come topalte. >J< 3nO to; SSiTSeBaio fent , (efteM. iv M 3tngeU ftitoW feruaut 3o^n,^wli barerecoioe SetooiOc of ©oD, ano of t^eteftpmonp SflS Ctwift . ano of all mm [W fh;\t^earet5ei»o^oft^p^pl)erp,anD Iteye tbofc tDpngej^ WM ate to^teen tty* rm.flo^tbetpme ijj at oanoe. loftn to tUc fcuetuongrcgaciontf in Wa. Wiacc be\)ntopottanb peace, fr5 bf to&ici) itfano tk>|>tcl) toatf,ano tobicb # to come , $ from tbefcucnfp?etes(tol)tcl6 are before W w tronc,ft fro JcfujS CbJitt , to()icD itf a faptb W fuUtbptnetf, * fp?ftbegotten of the &m$ Xom oucr tbe upngc* of tftc erto . Unto ^ _ him that* loueuw, anbtocffbcO Wfeom ?$$$*> oureft'nnejJinbp^atbnc bloube, pftma* XSmk It W kpngejai ao p^cftcjl \)nto <5oB DiJS fa= tbcr,bcglo?panOOom(mon foj euermo^e. 26mcn.^!5cboloe^be cornet!) ttoitU clOUOeU, JftW e ft all epejs fball fe bl,ft tbcp alfo tWc&pcar SSSSSi feb Sim . 3tno all apneebejS of tbe eetfc wall nwiple.««(M««»eni)wttf fo^men. 3 am 31= *j pDa'anu ^mcga,tbe begpnnpng anbpen^ Upnge,faptb tljr lojoe almpgbtpjtbbwljirf *nbtobtcl> tba&anOtbDicl) w to come. 3 3obupoute b^otber, ant> compantCfti c trttnuacio" , ano in tbe fcpngbome ft paciice ^ in 3efu duflMNWl in tbe pie tbat (jei caUen Batljmos:,f 0^ ^ toojOc of (2500 , anb f 01 t|je ttitnefflp; of 3efu Cbrift : 3 ttajs I tbe fW a tc on a f onbape,ft berbc bebpnbe me a great \jopce, ajs it Dab bene of a ttompe,faptnge: I am^llpba ano ©mega, t|iefp?ft anb tbe .afte.^bat tljou fepft,toitptc in a bofee,anO .. fenoe (t tinto tbe feuen c5gregaci5ja: tblXcp are in ^lia^nto epDcfujJ, ft tmta fempj s na anb ^nto 1&crgamo0 , ano \mto %W 3 tira,anb tjnto ^arbisi , I tmto l&Dilabcls i)bta,ano \>nto laobicia . 3nb 3 turneb bacae to fc tl)e \jopce tljat S) fpafte to me.^nb tbben ifta* tumeD:3 fa t»e feuen golbcn canbclfticfte&ft f tbempb= m# of the canbelfticactf, one ipfte t»nto tbe f onne of man,clotljeb toitb a Ipnne garmet botbne to tfce f cte^nb gp?b about tpe pa p= m to a golbengp?ble^)«ljceb 3 ft W bea= tciel tbere t*Dpte,a0 tto^pte ttooll,ft a$ fnotoe aubbpjs epcsitoere an a flame of fwe:ft ppa Utt ipfte into bjafle,a0 tbough tbep b^cnt in a f oinaccanb W tjopce aj3 toe founbe of tnanp tbater0.3nb tie Dab f W rpgbte W XitMtotW . %xfo out of Wmoutye Mt a Ibar pe tt»o ebgeb ftbearbe . * 3nb W face rt w I belfttrftetf tbbicb tfjou fafocft, arc tbe fcucn congregacponff. C^Dc.ii.CIjaptcr. tf Br crhojtf c (\) fourc ronorcBacj'onfl: (0 afner.be,, ir (brined) tbe rctu.icbe of iji-m tljat oucrcSmftb. .ato tbe meffenger off cogrcga^ cpo of ©pbefttjas fcrnctbcle tyyn ejejs faptb be, tbat boioetb tbe v&* t ttcn ftarrejai in tysi rpgbt banbe, 'ano tbat uialhetb in tbe mpoocg of t\)c fc-- ttcn golbcn cabclfticUctf.3 Unotoc tl)p too^ fcc&anb tbP labours tbp pact? ce, anb boto tbott eaimcft notfoibea'rc tbcm tbbpcb arc eiipll:anb baft etamtneb tbcm tobpcl) fapc , - tbcp arc 3Hpoftletf,anb arc not:* baft foun- be tbcm !pa re,* ftaftfuffrrb . 3!nD l;aft pa* cicncc:aubfo^mpuamc0faftci)aftlabo2cb > anb baft not fapntcb. better tbclcu**e,3 ba= _ tie fammbatagapnft tbe, becaufe tbott pa* ^ftclcftctijpfj^ftlouc.Ucmembcrtbcrfo^c feomtobence tbott art fallen, ft repent, ano bo tl)c f pzlt tbo?eltctf. vD.z clletf 3 ^pll come Unto tbe fl)02 tip, ft tbpll rcmouc tbp cabcU fttcltc out of j)i» place, cjtcept tbott repent. iBut tm tbott baft, became tbott bated tlje ♦jtM.«.b. bebe^of tbe * #pcolattam&, tobiebbeoeg 3 alfo bate. Lett bpm tbat batb caresf,bcarc ■ fioljat tie fpKtefitptb \mto § c6gt-egacp60. 'Cobpm tbat oucrcdmctb,xopU3ffeiie to *ociic.«.b. catc of t])c * tree of Ipfctn bicft tc! in ^ mpb^ m of theparabpfc of C5ob. 3nbViito tjjc.angell of tbe cogrcgacpon Soljn I'V So,nhii € i i\0 JKonaW. aonc,euenasi tbe fonne in W ft rengtb- 3nbt»btn 3 fat)) wm , 3 fell at bWlete. euen atfbeebJub De lapbe oi^rpgDte Wnt tip5 me, taping tmto me^fearcnot. * j am *«fa- fp?ft ft tbe lafte,ft.anb am a ipucanb toajs ^eeb.2dnb bebolbe*3 am alpuefoj euermo re ft baue f uepefl ofbell ft ot DeetD . Wm* tberf oje tbe topngejl tyttb tDou baft fene, anb tbe tbpngcgtDbtcb are, anb tfcjttfffc* tobicb mutt bcfulfpllcb berc after:? mifte* rpof tbc.^ii. ftarresi tbbicb tDoufatbeft in mprpgbt bSbcanb tbe. ^ti.golben canbel« fticliei8. 'CtJe.tJii.ftarrejS are tbemeufger^ of tlie.tj(i.e5jjregaci0iBt, %rt> tpe feuen ca»» belfticaeji of gDmpwa toiyt? ■. %\)tk tbpngess faptb fte tbat tjBi rpift,* tbe laftctobieb Vm& been, anb ttalpue.3 Imott t\)v tbojftejtf ft teibula cponanb poucrf cbut tbou art rpebe,. 3nb 3 knotoc p blarpbcmp of tbcm, vobpcb call tbcm felucgi 3ictocjS 3 are not :bu tare tl)t co grcgacpon of ^atban. jf care none of tbofc tbpngc0,tobveb tbou malt M re, xScbolbe, tbe bcttpll ujall caftc fomc of pott into pic- fon,to tcpte pott,* pc (ball bauc tribulacpo tenbapejs . 15c faptbftill \jnto f bectb, ano 3 ttopll gcttc tbe a crounc of Ipfc . 3lct bpm tbat batb earetf, bearc, xofyatf fp^etc faptb to tbe cogrcgacponsi. ir>c tbat oucrcomctb, ftallnot beburtof tbcfcconbcbcctb. m 3nb to tbe meffenger of tbe cogregacpon "iatb tbe fljarpe ftoearbc t»ttb tb?o cbgetf ■. 3 mm tDptbo^keAft tbbcre tbou btbcUctt, cttentoDcrc ^atbanaitf feat i&nm tl)Oii He peft mp name, ft baft not benpeb mp faptb. 35nb in mp bapciS amtipatf m$ a faptbfull Ibptncsi of tnpncVbbpcb tbntf flapnc amon> 5e pou,b>bcrc ^atban btbeilctb.iSut 3 t)a ue a fetbc tbpngctf agapnft f : becaufe tbou ijaft tberc, tbcm tbat mapntapnc $ tuxttU ♦jbiwiwa « c ofUBalam* \\jbtcb tattgbtmiSalabcto put ocenfpon of fpnuc before tbe cbplbjcn of 3fracl, J tbcp (bulbccatc of meatcbebp* eat^ntopboleftanbcommptfo v mpcacpon. 1 €ttcn fo baft tbou tljcm tbat mapntapnc iS boctrpnc of tbe Bpcolaita&tobicb tbpngc 3 batciSut be coucrtcMj eUe« 3 topll co = mcvjntoffboztlp, anb topll figrjt agapnft tbev»itb|5fxocarbcofmpmoiitb. trt bpm <& tbat batb carcjs,bcare,tbbat p fpjete faptb tjnto p congrrgacpo«. to torn tl)at ottertfi mctb,topll 3 gctte to catc&)anna tbatitf t)pb,* topll gcucbpm atbbptc ftone,* 1 tlic ft one a nctocnainc topttcn, tbljicb no man Unoxoetb,fattpngc be tbat rcccatietb it. 3nfi \)nto p mcflcuger of $ cogrcgacpoit of (Lbpattra wjiptc. €%* faptb tbe fonne of oob,tbbtcb batb cpes IpUc »nto a flame of fpie,* bP0 fete arc lpkcbialTc:3 anoujc tl)y iDozta, * tbp loucfcrttpcc, anb favtb, anb tbP pacience,fttl)pbebe0,tobicD are mo* att|jelafttbniatt[jcfptft. ^ottDttl; ftan d bpnge r 3 banc a fcato tbpnge0 agapnft the, becaufe tbou fuffcreft tbattboman *3cfa* *uu».m. ielltbbicb calico berfclfc a ^opbetife, to {• ,, ffl r „ teaebefttobeceauempfcruauntc0,tomaac 3 tljcm comptfompcacpon,* to rate mcatctf offcrco \3j) \jnto pboleg. 3nb3 gattc her fpa ce to rcjjet of ber foinpcacpon,* (be repetcD- not . 3S»ebolbr,3tbj>Ueaftbermtoa bcrO: ft tbcm tbatcompt fompc-icpon tt>itl) tier, into grct abuerfptte, rrccptctbep tur'nefro tbeir bcabe.0. anb 3 tbpll npli ber cbplbteu pitb beetb.^nb all tbe congregacpoBUJaU nnottctbat * 3 am be whirl) fcarcbctD ri;e 3«t,tmA t repne.0 3 ■ bcrtes.^nb 3 topll gcttc unto cue= rp one of pouacoibpnge tmto hppttoikesf. Unto pou3 fiipcano V»nfo other of tbcm - of ^Iipatfra,a0manpasbauc not this icr. ° mm 5 tobtcb bane nor knoYwn the be me* of ^atban ;' as tbcp fapc;3 tbpll put Upon pou none otber burtben, but f rohtch pc ha tie alrcabp . tyolbctaft tpll 3 come,* \Diio ■- foeuer oucrcomctb t kepetb mp tooikes \w\ to the cnocto bpm tbpllj gene po\i)cv oner nacpo0, * ft be Oiallrule tbcm xb a robbe of m . n ,, pioiuft atfp\je(Tel!Bofapotter,«jalltbcpbe mmu r btoben to ttieucr.0 . eucnais 3 receaueo of mpfatber,fo tepll 3 gene bpm ti)t mompn gc ftarre . let bpm tbat batb cares, bearc, tobat p fpKte faptb to t^ cogrcgacpon0. C€i-e tu'.Chaptcr. C"£k mftniftrtb,iiiD rtifourmcfbtbc Jnffclffoftljp Wflt*B.ui , oiio.occurpiKji*alfotbcKW4Vi>fofbJ , iM that oucrcommrcb. j%n>ipre Utttotbemcircngcr 3t of v eongrcga eion )'» 10 a t jba r b!»:tiu0 fiiptb be £ batb ncut rpzctc0 of Gob 9 tbefeuat ftar r— — ~ '"«* 3 Uuotdtbptoo?kc0,tl;ou baft a name tbat tbou Ipttcft, anb thou art nccb. H5e af»akc,anb ftrcngtb the tftpngctf tob»cbremapne»f arcrcoptoope.if oj 1 ha ue not f ounbC tbp voo;cltc0 pcrfapctc lief = re^;«ni>.(i5ob. lUmebevtberfozcbotbtboii *° baft reccattcb * bcarb,ft bolb fatten repent Bn 3fcbou 1 *. :• J***** *3f tj)ou (bait not toatcbc,3 topll come oil ii'.|Sirt.itf.c, f he 00 a tbcfC i f $011 f|)rtlt not hUOto toltft jjoure 3 toptt conic topon tttc . 'Cbou haft « fcatoc name* in m tobprc ara pe,aitb3topU not put out W tta mc out of the boke of Iff c, anb 3 topll coit= f ciTc toygnamc bef djc mp farbecanb beftne bp0 3ngcl0.let hpm tlj.it batb carc0,bca -■ rctohat the fpKtefaptbtmrotbccongre* gacpontf. 25 Sine twprc toito tfic angcll of tbc congre garion of iDhpiabclphia :tb<0 faptbbe rftl . rt , . i0 bolp anb tructobtcb batb p hepe of 2>a= JoVn. r V'" f nib:*ibbpcbopcnctbanDnbmana)uttctb, anbmuttcfb^nomanopcnctb- 3knotoc top toojekctf . 25cbolDc,3 banc fct befoje ti)c an open bo?c,anb no man can (but it, f ot tbou baft a Iptell ftecngtb, s bafte kept mp fapfngrjS : 9 baft not benpeb mp name. JScbolbe,3 make tbcm of tbc cogrcgacpon of &>athan,tohpcb call tbcm fcluc03ctoc0, anb arc not, but bo lpc:25cholbe,3topU mane tbcm that tbcp tball come, anb tooj= (bpp befote t\)V fete : anb (ball knotoc,tbat 3 b«me loucb tbe. aSccaufc tbou baft Kept p toojbcieJ of mp pa cpcnce,tberfo;ic 3 topll kepctrje from tbc ijoure oftcutacpon,tohicb topll come \jpon flr aUthctoojlbc,totemptc tbcm tbatbtocll * tjponf crtb.li5ebolbc,3 conic (bojtlp.tyoU be tbat tobtcb tl;ou baft, ttjat no man take atoape thp crotouctyptntbatoucrcomcth, topll 3 make a ppllac in tbc temple of mp eob,$ bcu>iUgonomojcout,3Gnb 3topll tojptc topon bpm,tbe name of mp d5obanb tbc name of tyt cptp c of mp <2>ob, ncto 3c= rufalem : tohpcb comctb bottom out of hca= urn from mp <5ob,anb 3 topll tb^ptc topon hpni mpneto name, let bpm tbat batb ca= rc«, beare, tohat tbe f pjete faptb tmto tbc congrcgacpon0. 3tto mtto j* meflenger of p cogregacpon tbbf cb 10 in iaobicia, ttnpte.:'€bt0 faptb (3!tncn)tbc faptbfull anb true toptnc&tbc bcgpnnpng of f ctcaturc0 of 0ob. 3 knoto tbp toojmc0j tbat tbou art netbee eolbe noj jjottc : 3 toolbe f toere colbe on Dottc. £>o tben becaufe tbou arrbcttoenebothc,anb • netber colbe ncrbotc,3 topll fpetoe tbe out . of mpmouthjbccauCe tbou fapeft :3 am gy B *> chc$increfpbtoptbgoobc&anb bauenebe of notbpng,anb knotocft not,boto tbou art finetcheb $ mpfcrable,anbpoo?e, $ blpnbc anb nakpb. 3 counfcll tbc to bpe of me,gol be trpeb in tbe fpjctbattboii mapfte be rp= cljeianbtobpterapmcnt, tbat tbou mapfte *». t p;.u.«. bc*clothcb,?thp tplthpnakcbneflbonot appeare, $ anopnttbpne epc0 topthepe fal ue tbat tbou mapfte fe. . . . *3W tnanp a03lonc,3 tebnlte^ ctjaftert, $&***, iBc fcruenf tbctfojcanb repent . Bebolbe» £& «< b 3ftaiibeattbebo^$UnocHe. 3fenpman s beare mp Vjopce, anb open tbebojc, 1 topll come ill to bpm, anb topll fu^pe toito bpm, anb be toitb mc. ^o ^v^ tbat oucrcomcth topll 3 gr a unte to fpt toitb mc in mp fca re* eucn a0 3 one ream, $ buuc Cpttcn toitb mp fatber in W fence. Hctt })v^ tbat bntu ea« rc0 bcarctobat tbc fpjetc faptp mrto § con grcgacpontf. CCbciiu-Cbaptcr. CT&t fccil) fbc^CAtiru open, ano t\)t fence, Aim one rptipiiBe bpoiiie,ono.niii<.rente8 nbonee ittoitlj rriiiucibrrs f p((pngc tipon tljem , aim foure bcaftw p;»pfinoriRpiui3pcaiio npgbe. >J«^tce tW 3 loncb, anb bcbot= a be a trine toa0 open in beaue, anb Itbc fp«ift ^opec tobpeb 3 bearbc, I toa0a0 it toere of a trompctttal^ bpnge toptb me, tohpcb fapbe?come tip bp-- tber,a jib 3 topll ujetoe tbe tbprjgc0:tobpcl) mmt be fulfplleb Hereafter . 3nb immc° Watlp 3 toa0 intbe fp?ete:$ bcbolbc,a fca- tctoa0 fctt in beauen, anb one fate on tbe feate . ainb be that fat,toa0 to lokc tjpoit, ipftc Unto a3afpee ftonc anb a gbarbpnc ftone . 3nb thcr toa^a r apnc botoe aboute f fcate,infpgbtilplicti3 anemcrnlbc.^lnb ^5 aboutcprcatctocrc.r]riiii.rcatc0.3nbt)p6 tbc featc0.rjciiu.clbcr0 fpttmtg, clotbeb in tohptc rapmcnt,anbbab on tpep^ bcabctf crotonc0 of golbe. %m out of t\)t feate pjoccbe'o Ivsbtnpn -■ crc0, % tbunb;ipngc0, % Dopcek % tber tocrc icucnlampe0 oFfp?c,burmnigc before t^e feate, tobpeb aee tpc fcucn fp^ctcis of olp, Hojb <5ob almpgbtp , toppcb toa0, anb i0, anbi0 to come. 3Lnb toben tbofe beafte0 gaue glow anb 3d bonour 9 tbanttc0 to ^v^ P fate on f feate, (tobicblpnctbfo^euer $ eucr; tyt.niiiUU bcr0 fell botonc ixf o?c ^n f fat on f trone $ too^ibpppcb ^m tbat Ipttetb f 0? euer {< 9 caft tbcp? croune0 before f trone fapinig: tbon arte too? t^v 3Lo?b <* (owt isou) to re.= ^ ccaue glo?p,? bonoure,anb potoer,fo? tbon haftcreatcb all tbpnge0, f f op tbptoulc0 lake tbep are>$ tocee createb. CCbe.UCbajwter, Cfee rent) tbe tabc openpngetpe boScanD tftee fo?c t\)t f once beaftes.cij t, vviiii.tMexs, anb (tie - angt i? pjapfe t\ft lambr, ano to b>mipo;u)pppf« . fi jf C j!5b 3 fatoc in frpgbt banbe of ! bpm tbat fat in tbc trone,a bo ke to^tttcn toitb in 9 on the ba > tckfpbcfcalcb tottb fcug fcalc^ !3inb3 fatoe nftronge angcll^ tobtch picacbeb 11& alotobe ^jopce : Wtya 10 toojtbp to open tbc boke, 9 to lofc I fealc0 tberof. 3!nb no man in hcaue" tier in crtb ue= fbcr\mbcr j5crtb,toa0ablcto open^ boke* netber to lokc tbcroti. 3tnb 3 tbcpte mocb becaufe no man loa* foubc too^tbp to open 9 to reabe tbe bokenetber to lokc tbevon. 25 3Bnb one of tbc c Ibcrtf fapbc \mto me toe « pcnot:2i5cbolbe,alponof#trpbeof3uba, tbe rote of a>amb, batb obtapneb to open tlie bokcanb to lofc tbefcuen icalc0 tberof. 36nb 3 bcbclbc, anb lo,in tbc mpbbc0 of the fcatcaub of tbc foure beftctf, anb in f mva- bc0 of tbe clbcrg, ftobc alambea0tbou((h be bab bene kpllcb, baupnge feucn boinc0, anb fcucn epe^toppeb are t^e feucn'fpzctcs of <5ob,fcnt into all tbe toojlbc. 3tnb be ca= me, anb tokc tbc boke out of the rpgbt ban be of Dim tljat Tate \jpou the feate. C 3Cnbtobenbcbabtakcu^boke,tbefoure bcaftc0anb.,r.mti. elbew tell botonc before ^labe,baupng(cuciponeoftbcm)barpc0 ^golbcnmallc0 full of obourc^tohicbarc tbe p?apcr0 of fopnctc&u tbcp fongc a ncto f otigcfapmg : tbou art too^tbp to take tbc boke, $ to open tbc fealc0 tjcrof :f op p toaft Hplleb, $ haft icbcmeb \J0 bp thp bloubout of all kpnrebc0^ togc0,$ people^ nacpojj, anb baft mabc Mm unto ou^ <§ob, nvnml mm vmctxtoe (ball rapgnc on tbc ertft. 3© ^nb 3 bchclbcanb 3 bearbc the t)opcc of manp angeltf about tbc trone, 9 about tht bcafte $ tbe clbcr0, anb 3 bearbc tboufanb tpouranbc0,iaping io a lotobc vopcctftHoz tbp 10 tbe Ijlbe tbat toa0 kpllcb to rcccaue ¥otoer, % wbefo? eucrmo^c. rr"tielber0 fell *pon tl)cit facc0,anb tooi= ujpppebbpmtbatlpnctbfo?euermo?e. CSrbe.W.ebaptcr. f[2rbe iambcopf ne»> tbe.b(.reaiw,anb manp tijpngcijfoiohictbcopenpiigetbtrof. #03 nvtoctobentbe lambe openeb one of I feale0,anb 3 mot one of tbe Ifoure)jeaftc0fapc,a0tttoerc|nopfc of fbonber-come 9 fcranb 3 fatoe. inb bc= jolbc tber toa0 a tobpte borffcanb be tbat fat on ^vnxMo a4>otoe, anb a crotone toad geuentjnto fom> anbbe tocut fo?tb comic* cpng 9 fw to oucr come. 3nb toben be bftti openeb the feconbe fcale, 3 ijcrbe tlje fecobe bcafte,fapc:come ahb fe. tnt* tber toct out anotberbojactbattoa0rebb,frpotoeetoaS geuen to bpm tbat fatttbcron,to take pca^ cc from tbe crtb, f tbat mv (bulb kpll one ^nbtobcnbebabopcnebtbetbpibefeale ® i tSSP tl) r ?De ^f a( f c £ a P^comc^ fc.3n& 3 uebclbct lo : , a black bozffc^ be tbat fate on mm, bab a papic of balace* tn bi0 b«ibc. ??^? De rt *° vct m # m We0 of v foure bcafteji, ftipc : a mcafure of tohctc f 61 a oe« np,f th?c mcafure of barlp fo* a petip anb oplcanbtopuefetbouburtcnof.inbtobcH be bab mm tbe fourtb fealc, 3 berbc tbc ?% c « f f^ b . caftc iw> ww anb fc- * 3 lookeo. 3tub bcbolb a pale hjuifc .- =i httf ?SSSf f i tc on ,Jlm w fctfb, * beii f : lotocb after bpm, ^ potoer toass gcucn Unto them oucr p fourtb parte of f crtb, to kpl l tbatc5mctbof»crmcnortbccrth. -« rfJK 9"" i )c (** «nw» ^c fpf t fcale, C 3iato\)nbet paultrc* tbc fonlC0 oftinn ?*•*«**« tbat tocrc kpllcb fo? p Voom of god, f foi tSS^&SS ™W!>Wvt)rt,*tt)tV crpro toitba lotobc Xiopce, fapmgc:ipoto loge ta rpeft tbou U&> ftolp * true, to uitoe 9 to auegc ourc bloub on tbcm f btocl on 6 cvtlV 3ttO logctobpte garmetc0 tocrc gcucn ton* to cucrp one of thcnUnb it toas fapbc mi-. to tpmym m^ mm me vn 1 01 a mi fcafonmitplltbcnombccoftbepifclotocfi, 2B fc *«9W» * tfpmfmw be kplleo a0 tbcp tocrctocrc fulfplleb. 21 no 3 bcbclbctoben be bab opencb the m fcale:* lo,tbcr toa0 a great cTtbquakc """^ne toa0 ad blaeEe a0 fackc d ot % tnaycof bcere* Zno fmonctoejreball eiien 00 bloub,anb m ttarrc* of bcaucn fell in I KiSfk W! a0 cl f ^SS c tFCC « aftetfi fro fe * m P mcl y fPffffC0,toben tbe 10 iba'ken of a mpgbtp topnbc.^nb bcaucn %am(m atoape,a*afcrolltobcn it is rolleb toge tber . 3nb all mountapne0 anb plc0,tocre moucb out of tbep places . %mk inmcrrd of tbe crtbj anb tbc gretmen, anb the rpcb'e men, anb p cbcfc captapnc0, 9 the mpgnty tnen,* cucrp bonbman,anb cucvv free man, npbtbemfeluc0 m bcmic0,attb in rockea of rtr t WftL* anb fapbc to m bplteS «to |Sg- r A. rocket 1 1 fall on «M bpbe Wfrom tbc p"e= fence of bpm that fpttctb on the feate, anb from the to^atb of tbc lamtefet tbegrcte W* of W to^atb 10 come, anb tol;o ilabie cchc.tjit.cbapter. CftcfwbeijeretuflUHeeaoffliobfcalebfnfbefi: . tot iMM out of all nacpona arib ft opic.Uibpch . ami MMfe tbcm f toe fonntapner of ipnpnoj SSSA" le,),, * aB * rw fltoapc *" f M ™ ^n« 3m» . * CpmctmaW; T {■■> / 3 M&m$MtttttW3fm MiMM iftabc on the. iiii. comers of ? crtt> bolbyngc f four* toynbcS of tl)c . fttb.f ptopnbc (bulb not blotoc onprrtWftir tber on f fccnctbe r on eny tree, ►janb 3 fatoc anotber angeUafcftttfrom thcrpfpngc of tbefunnc,\)ifl)tcbbftbyfcalc of tbe lyuyng €> ob,f be crycb toptt) a I otitic Uopcc to £foutc3ngclS (to tobom potoer HM0 gene" to burtc f ertb $ tlic fee) faying: Hurt not the ertb netber tlic fee, nether tpc trccsf, tyll toe fruit fealcb the fanumm of ourc <5ob in their foihcabcS. 2S 3no 3 he arte f notac of tljf tohycb toctC . fcalcb>» tber toere fcaicb an.C. ft.rlmi.&). of all tjje trrbcjof of tbe r bpltycn of Ifraci* Of the trybc of Jutta tocrc fcalcb.jrti.4ffl. Of tUc trybc of fttibcn toere fealeb.rii.&X Of the trybc of C?ab tocrc fcaicb . jctt . &h Of the trybc of 3fct toere fcaicb . jcii. §). Of£trybcof.&eptali iucrefcalcb.ru m. Of i> tryb of &mM& tocrc fcalcb.riUfl. Of * trybc of fepmeo tocrc fcalcb.rii.*ft). Of the trybc of JLetiy toere fcaicb . rii.4l). Of the trybe of 3facar tocrc fcalrb.rli.*ft). Of $ trybc of jabulontocte fealcb . &M, Of the trybc of 3ofepb toere fealcb.rtU- Off trybc oftSciamm tocrc fcaleb.tfi.4., yll btoell amonge thcm.'fchcy Cball hongrr no mojtencther tby?ft, netber djall tbe lunne ly gbt on toem,netber eny heare. 3i* oj i» labc ttbpcb i* mi y mybbesJ of f fta* tc, fballfcoe them, $ (ball leabe tfenrtnto fountayncjs ot lyuynge tsjatcr, s d5ob,iball toppe atoape all tcarejifrom tbeir eyetf. OTbe"biii.Cbaptcr. caftf ffumtlj fealt is opcucn.tljercls fplcnrcto 5)f« ucn,(bcfoucc angels blotDCt^cfcftompfttW,(tsrtate piagce foioux bpouf $C cartl). .jRbtbbrttbcbab opdtetJ tbe fcitentb ^ jfealcthcr fbajB fplece inbeauenabou te tbe fpace of halfean botire. wfo 3 fa\toc.\)it.angcllejl ftanbpng befojic 0ob, ft to rbcm tbcre geuen feuen tropettejS . 3Cito anotber a gell came ft ftobe bef oic y aultrc, bauyngc a golocn fenfer, ft mod) of obou= res! u>ft0 gette "bnto l)im,tha t \)c (bit IDe oft re of tbe p^ayeriS of all faynctcjs toon thcsol . bcnaniter,tbbycbtoas before ^leate. Tmn tbe fmoHr of tbe obourcjat tobyrh cam of tbe pjayerg of a ll fayncte0,afccnbcb \jp before <25ob out of t\)c ^ngcllcioE hanbe. ?Cnb f On* ^g gell tofte tbe fenfer, anbfyllcbititoytb fyjc of tl;c aultcr, anbeafte it into tbe ertb, ano tjoycesi tocrc mabc,ft tbonb^yngcjs ft lygtjt-- hyup;eiBl ) anD ertljqua Uc. 3irtO $ feuen 3tngcW toby cb bab $ feuen ttSpcttesi, meparco tbcm fcluejs to bloflue. 'Cbefy^ft 4ingcll blctoc, ft tberc ttoatfmabe bay le ft fy^ctohicb tocrc mynglcb to bloub, » tbey tberecaft uttopertfr * f toirbe par= tC c * (ofi^cfrtljtuaoftt on fr;c, auD tfjc tt)irDc pattO of treesi toasi burnt, anb all greHe graffe toajS € b?ct.36nb f fecobe angcll blctbc:ft an it tbe= rcagretjnotmtaync burnpng t5fp?ctbajs eafte into tbe fee, anb.^thyzbc parte of tbe fee tourneb to bloube, ana titc tbyjbe parte of tbe creatures tobicb bab lyfcbpcb, ft tbe tbP^bc part of (byppcjS \»crc ocftropeb. Wfo tty %?be Angcll blcV?,fttberfeU a gret ftarre trom beaucn, burnpng aKJ it lucre a ISpe, * it fell into tbe ityM parte oftberpucr0,ft«itofountaynej3ioftoatcrtf, ft tbe name of f ftarre itf caUcbtbo^mtoob. ^ 3nb y fyvito parte tea si turneb to toojm- w t»ob * 3Enb many men ^tt) of tbe tbatcrjs, becaufe tbey toere mabe by tter . 3nb tbe fourrb 31ngell bletb,anbf tby/be parte of tbefunne xtasi fmytten, anbytbtrbepar= tc of themoucanb tbe tby ?bc parte of itar= rejj : fo t^at tlje ttyfi part of tbcm toa# barckiiED ?tiio the nayc Doajsrmyttcn,that tbe thwbe part of itfbulDcnot fbyne, ft ip= netppie the nygbt.3nb 3 bebrlbe anb berbe an $ngell flymge tbo?otb tbe mybbejai of beauen,fayingetbitbalo'Cbbe\)oyce:Vlloo> tooo, to tbe inbabtterg of tbe ertb, becaufe of p tjoy cejj to come of t\it tr0pe of tbe tb?e 3Cngeliat,T»bycb ttoere pet to blot»e. CEbe.tr.Cbnptcr. Ca^efmijanfrfptt an&fH biotoe eftrtreromprtj (castle anttt fail:«l) ftomfteaut u:ti)e locuttw come out ortije tmtu.9kc fp^fttoo u wHtitbt ftute an gf 10 tftat totrt boQoe aw lofrt,«no tft«w>oe|Mi«t :^b tbe fyft 3ngell bletoe, anb 3 3 fa to a ftarre fall from heaucn tin- to t\\c ertb • 36nb to frm ttoajf ge« ucn tbe nape of t^t bortomleffe pytt:Unbbeopencb tbe bottomleffe pytt, anb tbe fmofte of tl)t pptt arofe a* rbe (mo He of a aretfojnace. 25nb tbe funne,an& ©f^Jojtt; WS tbe ayer tbcre barckneb by the rcafon oftrj^ finouc of f pptt. 3nb tberecame out of the fmoac locutolopon the ertb, 9 'onto tbcm Boas geuen potter, ag thefcojpiourf of tbe ertb baucpotbcr, %nn ittbasi commaunbeb tbem,tbat t\)tv u)ulb not bur t the grafte of f errfrnetbet eny grene tbynge : netber enp tree : but onelp tbofe men tobttb baucnot j> t cale in tbeir fo^beabc0 . 3lno to tbem tbaji cdmafibeb, tbat tbey (bulbe not Uyll tbcm, buttbattbcy(bulbebc\jcreb.\).monctbe!S, ft tbeir pay ne toasl ajs tbe payne ^ commetb of a ftojpton, toben be batb ftoiigc a man. *erafe.«.D. * 2HtiD in tbofe bayejs (ball men fehc bectb, fWS . «nb (ball not f inbe it, ft (ball befy re to bye, Kukt.n»^lCl| tberinarc:p tbcre (bulDcbcuoicngcttpme but in tbe bapejs olf tbe Doyce of tbe fcuentjj Angcll, toben be Qjall begyn to blotoe:eucn tbemyftcry of <5ob (balbcfynyfftcb, as he p^eacbeb by his femaunteS f pdopbetes. 3nb «» \)oyce tofrcb 3 bcrbc from beucn, *> fpaaetjnto me agayne,ft fayb: * go ft taac S«n a #• tbe lytic bohe togicb is open in tbe baube of ' * f angell tobicb fta nbetb ^pon f fee,* Upon f ertb- 3nb3 toe"mtothe angclkft faybe to bim:gcuc me tbe lytic bokcanb be faybe "bnto mc :taftc its catc it top, ft it (ball ma= be thy belly by ttecbut it Qwlbe I thp mon= _ tbe a^l ftocte asJ bony . * 3nb 3 tone $ lytic J . ttl , bofteout of biSbanbc,ft cate it bp,ft ittoagi UimMi ' u in mp moutb as ftocte as bonp ; anb as fone as Ibabcatg it,my belly toas byttcr. Znn be faybe tonto me: p mttft p^opbefy agayne amonge tbe peoplc,aub nacyos, anb togcSj anb to many (tynges. CCbcrXCbaptet. Ca^ttnnplcwincaruwb.TbcffConbfttiotapaff. fin tben toas geuen me a rcbe,ly= % he tonto a robbjft ittoas faybe \}\\- to mc.lRy fe ft meate tbe temple of <5ob,ft f aultcr,ft tbcm ^ toojfbip* pe tberin, ft tbe queer tohicb i^ win f f eple, caft out ft meate it not toj it is geuen Mnto the Styles, ft fboly cytye (ball tbey trca* betonber fotc.jclu.monetbeS . '^nb3topU §eue potoer Vint my ttoo toitncflcs, ft tbcp lallp^opbefp atboufanbe,ttoo bmib^D $ e* It .bape&elotbcb in facttc clotbc. 'Cbcfc'arc tttoolpuctrccfc « tttocanbclftpcucfcftan; « Dpiiffc before tbc <0ob ofiljc c 1 1». "" 3nbpf cnp man ftqffl hurt tbc\fp?c mall piocebc out of tbeir moutbctf, aim confitme tDcirrncmvcss. ainbpf enp mantopiibutt t(em,t ty* fop& muftc be be npllcb, 'fcbc fe bauc potter to emit pnraf, that it urn not in tl)c bapc* of tbeir vmty tyto&mto bauc potter ouet ttarerjai to tunic them to blou- bcanb to finpte £ e rtb ttitb all mane* pla* B«Uj« often atfflJfp^IJ. 3nb tohnt tbep baur fitipfflirD fljctr tcfti moup, tlje bcaft tbat earn out of $ bottom* If 0c ppMftaH matte ttarrc agapiift t|jc ro,« 0)aU oucrcomc tbcm,$ ttplltbc . 3n0 theft: bobpetf (ball Ipc m tbc ftrctcjs of tl>c gtcatc . citpcttbic I) ipntuallp us called *obom anb egpptcttbe re ourc lojbc tta* ctiwpfoch. Zm tbep of tbc people 9 ttpntebe&$ togetf, 9 tbep of p nacposs, OiaU fc tbeir bobpcsUti. bapesfanb an balfc,$ (ball not toffee their boopca to be put temm. tm tbep tbat bttcjl Upon $ ertb, mall teiopec oucc tbcm, anb be glab, 9 ifcall fenbe gpftctf one to ano ti)er,foi tbcfc ttto piopbctcja; ucrcb tbcm that bttelt on tbc ertb. 2nbaf ter.tii.bapc* 9 an balfctbc fptetc oflpfefrom<3ob,entrcb into tbcm. 3!n& tbep ftobc Up Upon their fctr,$grcatcf care came Upon tjicm ttbpcb fattc ti;cm . 3Rnb tbep beibca grcatc uopecfro bcattcn,fopfn gc unto tbcm.Comc UpbPt&ee . 3nb tbep afccnbcb Up into bcaucn m a cloubc, s tbeic enempctf fattc ti)c . 3mb f fame bourcttatf tber a great crtbquattcanbtbctcntb parte of tbc cptpe fell, aim in tbe cttbquatte ttctc flapnenameg of men frucn.^.anbtfrem* naut tx»erc fcarcb,anb gauc glo?p to f 000 of Ijcaucn.^lje feconb moo iis paft,f bcljoU _ bc,trjc tbpjbe ttoo ttpll come anonc. & 3.U0 § fcucntb3ingeUblctte,$ tbcrttere mabc grcatc Uopcc* m beaucn,fapmgc:tbe • ttpiigbom of thus ttojlbc arc oute lojbefc aim m$ CbJitte& 9 be frail rapgnc fo? cucc juo^c ^*(amcno3Hno tbcxriiu. clOcr^ttobpcb fpt before 0oo on tbcic fcatc?(,feU\)pon tbeir face0,^ tuojffcpppcD 0oO,fapinge:toe ficue tbetbattcitf €> lotf <0ob almpgbtpe: »>bpcb arte 9 toaft^ arte to comc,f o* J \)a= ftc rcccaucb tl)p great mpgbt ,aim M rap* gncb. 3ttb tlje nacposl tocrc angrp,anb top xo^atb i0 conic, 9 tl;c tpme of f beeb f tbep OiulD be iubgcb anb tbat ? Qmldf ft gcue rc=« Jtoarbe t)nto tW feruauntejg tbc l^opbtetetf anb £>apnctc& 9 to tbcm ifeare tbp iwme (mall 9 great sl&ulDcft ocftrope tb^tbljjicb beftrope f ertb . 2Cnb tbe tcple of v» beabetf . anD DPJS taplc b?uc t\)t tWm parte of tbc tout* m rcisN«onw«i«oattb eaft tbcm to tbeertb. 3nb tbcbmgon ftobc before tbetuoman tobpeb toasi rebp to be belpucreb:foz to be= uoure bet cbplbe as( fonc atf it toerc borne. ■ 3nb m b^ougbt fo?tb a man cbilbctbbieb (bulbc rule all .uacpojs toitb a robb of p2ou. 3nb bet fonne tuag talicn tfp mito <^ob,« tol>]Sfeate. aJnbj5tooman;flecbintottipl: bcrnctf, tobcrc ujc l;ab aplaecpieparcb of 00b, f tbep ftmlDc febe bet tbere a.4».ii. bunb^cbanb.lr.bape^. 3lnbtbcrttiasl ajjreat battapllin bea= c uen,a}icbacl 9 W angels; fought Mm tbc ^agon^ p bjagonfougbt 9 WZ\wm> anb p^cuapleb not, netbet \Dajj tbeir place founbe enp mo?c in bcaucn. 31 ub the aeeat b^agon,tbat olbe fcrpct,callcb tbc mw\l 9 ^>atbanas(,toas( caft out. TOicl) beceaueth all p Vbo^lbe. 3nb be tuasi catt into tbc ertb 9 iutfagellcgttoerc caft outalfo^au^m) 3tub J bearbc a lotobc Uopcc fapinge : in bcaucn uxnot)) mabc faluacponanb ftregth 9 tbe ftpngbome of ourc ^bwbpb?agon caft outofbW moutfc A mouth . ianb tbctyagon tbajstbiotb tbptft tbe tbomanmnb tticnt, 9 mabc ttoarrc tovti tbc rcmnaimt of Dn fc0e,tbbtcl; kepc the ci maimbcmcntc0 of eob.anb bane tbe tcfti, J?c°mnbc W^W bP ftobe on tbc Ctbc.rw.Cbapfciv ira benrttpfed) out of tbc f« to/tb feumhMbw " swttistigsr btaa ama > m of *• IBb 3 fatbc a bcaftc t pfc out of $ fecbaupug fcucn bebbc0 } anb ten bOitictf, anb Upon t)i# bomeg ten rtrr-i: cvo « n ^^°nbi0becb^namc of blafpbcmp . ^inb f bcaft tobicb jtoc, toasi Iplica mtc of p mountapnc, anb hv# fctctocrc a#|5fctc ofa bearer \m moutb as* tl;c moutb ofa Ipon.^nb f bjagon gauc bpm m J)o>cc 9 btofeate, 9 grct auctou* tc : anb 3 fatoc 011c of bifi beebeg ap it tocrc pjouitbeb to bcetfi, 9 W bcblp tooubc Xon& mm. ?KnD all tl;ctbo,Ube KXionbJcb at tbc bcaft,? tbep tbozQjpppcb i?bjagbu, lobpcb gauc potter Unto the bcalt, ano tbcp&* ftpupebi bcaft Hipingc : M)o w ipkc Unto ^ tl;c bcaft. ^tobo m able to toarrc ttith hpmr 25 JQ& t^^W urn Unto bpm a moutb, gat^uitcgreat tbpngc^ 9 blafpbcuipcg 2, p ft S?S? a 4 V cn m 1 bP«utobo. rm: monctbe^. 3iiib be openeb W mouth Unto blafpbcmp agapnft (0ob, to blafpbf me bi^ name 9W ^tabernacle, ? tbcm tbat bVbell tn bcaucn . Wnn it Vowi gcucu unto hvm to matte tbatrc tbitb tbc £>apnctc&? 1 oucr «■ come tbe. 31 11b potter ttatf gcucn bim oucr all ftpiircb, anb people, anb touge, anb ma= aon,anb all f bttclfupon f ertb tto^ppt ;pm r More name* arc not tbuttcn I the from tbc begpnnpnge of tbc tto?lbc.3f cup man banc an care let bpm bcarc. toci> lea= ^^ ca ?W tt i* 8 »Bfi««towptpHP watmt t te : * bt tbat ttpllctb tbitb a fttcarbc muft f**t bcttpllcbttitbafttearbc^care^ ^cnce,y be faptb of tbe fa/nctc^' ; F 3 nb J bchclbc a notber bcaft comfgc U» out of tbe crtb,anb be bab ttto bo^nc * ipfec JJ tottjc,* be fpahc a* m tt>c b^agon.inb Dcbpb all f tbcfp^ftc bcaft coulbc bo iiS bttel tbcrm,totto^lbpppc tbc foft bcaft bpbgrettttonbcr&fo Jbc mabcfpitcomc boune from bcaucn in ftwftt of mem 3no beceaucb tbcm tbat bfecft on the ett hi I of tbc bcaft, fopinge •*rv ^45S L tt l cof «^wft)e,anbbpb Ipuc 9 1> 3lnb be bab potter to gcuc a tpictc Unto tbepmageoftbebeaft^tbattbcpnuigcof M^^tt M *! JMRP ^tbolbcnotttojfJbpppc tbcpmaie borh b fnn.f«^^ lCDS t ?SJS;l? ff 15 ^* fte 1 poozefre f bono in tbcw fmbcbbcs( . 3nb f no manmpS ht Sffife 1 ^ %•* ^ ft ^ c mar kc oube name of tbc bcaft,otbcr tbc nobzc of bt* na= me. l)ere tg ttpf borne. lethprnthTthitft JESS" 1 ' T" 6b?e ^TOo^S 8£&S% °r man ' m W «« We i? fpr c bonb*cb,tbKfcozcattbfp;ce. r C^be.riui.Cbapter. ■Bb 3 lofreb, anb lo, a lambc ftobc -* nn.C.$.tluu.tboufanbe baupnerc SK^ f «*beWieiB. 3tnb 3 berbe a Uopce SPiJ''^?"** pf aflwttboun Die. 211'iD 3Jgg P^opccof harpers barppnge ttttS te? atrpc ?' ?» & tbcp Conge aS ittterca nr *SS£^SM^ "° m *« WWW If at tobicbttere not befpleb vb ttcmen, fo 1 mi • S^K^ c SW to ^ lainbettp 25 ffifeRSf '* ^WettcrcrfDemeD SSJJ " W Ic - f « tbep arc ttitb oute fuor before tbe tronc of 0ob. v hP? I25? toc \ ano ^ cr n "ff c11 fl P f l » I s tnpD SS SSS^^npnfff tbe eucrlaftpi g ga , SSJSSBft^ t0 ^»',fo[ tbehom t of * ***■" jK, a W iSP ct: l0 comc: «"t) ttojQipppe him, otttatcr. ^nbtbcrefolottcb a notber an = »J tbp jb angcll folottcb them fa pin- r J » J loubcuopecaf anp manttom Tm jew UiSfo Jbeb,o v z onw babe J fame (ball WH°5^ i »tbccupof bitftt?ath. mm . S?i5LKHS? m,cD J n ^ wpmftone, be, -3tnbtbe(inobcoftbcp?t02mcntaffcbeth Upcuermo^c. 3Bnb tbep bauc no reft bap? noz mgbt,ttbicb tto/tbpppc tbc bwft S pmage $ ^ofotttere&fflS?S b«S namc^crc .,3 tbc paepenci 'if fapnctr? i»n mi Jpean ?■ i!ft)t%mtUtyti\\. T m $)cat.e arc f ftry tbat hcnctltetommaunbc* incur csi anb tbe f ay ty or lefu. 3'nb 3 nearbcaDoycc rrom licaucnfaytjc Ditto mc-.tojytc . iSleffcD arc j& bi:cb,toljic$ Jicrc after bye m tlje Lo?be, cucn fo fay f b p fptrtc : tbat tbey reft from t|jcy? labourer, » but tbryz toozkeg folotoc tbem. %\\b 3 lokcb,anbbcl)olbc atoljytecloto* fcc, anb Dpon tl;c clotobc one fy ttyngc lykc Dnto the fotme of man,bauyng on tjisf been a golbcn crou-nc, anb m bus fyanbr a (barpc fyklr. ^Cnu anotber angcll eatnc on t of tlje temple, crying toitb a lotobc boy cc to Ijym * jofUiKf. tbat fate on tbe clotobc : * 'Cljutfte in tljy «P fykle ^ repe, fo? tljy tymc income to rcpe, fo* t|)e co?nc of f ertl) itfrypc. :?fi nt» ijc tljat fa te on tlje tlottoe,tl)?uft in ijytf Cycle on ttjc cartb,anb tbe crtb toass repeb. 3nb anotber angcll came out of t ijc tern = plctohyctj tjef in bcaucn,ljauyng alfo a Hint pr fy klc . 3nb anotber angel! came out fro tbe attlt retobyeb babpotocr otter fy?e,an& crycb toitb a lotobc cryc to ijym tbat Ijab $ ibarpc fyklc, $ kybc : tl)?uft in t))y Cbarpc fyklc,* gabb?c tbe clttftcitf of tbe ertl;, to? bcr grape o arc rypc. 3t:b tbe angcll tjttttft tit byjs ibarpc fyklc on tbe crtlj,? cut botottc tbe grape* of tijc Dyncyarbc of § ertb •• anb raft them into tlje jject toyncfat of^Xbjatlj of oob,s £ toyncfattoa* ttobcntoitlj out tlje cy tic, anb bloub came out of f fat, cucn Ditto f ijozffc bzyblc&by f fpacc of a t Jjou= fanbCjanb.Di.C.furlongc*. CCUc.rD.C&aptcr. IFEKftrtlj rnicn 3ngcls,l)aupn$r rrucn brallcs Call of tojatV 3 CT&.Vti. fcicrc.li r. .a. 25 0b 3 fatbc anotber fygne in bcucn grct anb meruclloutf, feuen 3ngcl#, batty ng tlje feucn laftc plage*, to? in tbem lafttlfyllcb t&c tt?ob $ of totfpotber, anb uomantbag able to entre into the tern plctyil $ feucn plages of t^c feucn SlngelsJ wcrcfulfyllcb. C^ijc.jrt)t.C!)aptcr.' CSTje angctB potorcoue (bepj topaiic* full of toMtft. iHb3l)erbe a great Doyce out % of x\)t tf pie faying to tlje feucn agcljfrgo yourc tbayejl, pottore out yourc Dyallctf of t3o?atl) Upon t^c crtD.attbf fy^a^tt- sell M t, 9 pottyeb out W Dyall Dpon tbe ertl), $ tljcre fell a noyfome, $ a fojc botc|)c tjpon tlje mm toby cl) ty\\> tbe mar kc of tijc beaft,? 1opon (Mm toijyc!) tbo^fby ppcb l)pjS ymage. 28nb t^c fcc6b 4 ngcll fbcb out l;y$ ijyaU tjuon tlje fcc,anb it tumeb as! itvtoere into tlje uloub of a bceb man : anb cucry ly= uyng t|jyng by cb in t&e fce.^inb the tjjy^bc Angcll ibeb out tJt-s ^yallDpontbcryucrtf attbfotmtayncjs oftoaterji,? tbey turneb to bloub. 3tnb 3 bcrbc an Angcll fayc: toibc, 25 ttljycl) arte anb tbaft, tljou atterygUtcouss $ ^oly, becattfe tljou Ijaft gcucnfocbc ittb= gcmcutcjS, fo? tDcy ujcb out § bloub of fain ctc&atib P;topl)ctcjJ,$ tljcrfo^e bait f gcucn t^cm bloub to b?ynci*c : fo? t^cy arc too?* tljy.^nb 3 |jerbe anotljcr faye:cucn fo Hop be 0ob almygijty -.true anb rygijtcoug are tljy iubgcmcntcjj. 3Cnb tlje fourt|j Angcll potbreb out DygJ Dyall on f fttnne, 9 potocr tJoajaf gettcti Ditto Utnt to Derc men toitb beat of fy?e. 3!nb the menragcb in grct beatc : 9 fpaneeuyU off name of 0ob,tbbicb b^tb potocr ouer tljofc plagcsi,gt tljcy rcpetcb not of ttjey? eutll oc* bi0,togcuc Ijtmglojy.Kinb tlje fyft SUngcll Sotorcb out W Dtall topon j> feate of P bca= c, anb tjijs kyngbome tocreb berke, 9 t^ey gnctbe t\)m togesjfo? fo?ot»c, anb blafpbc mcb j!> 00b of bcattcn f 0? fojotoe $ payne of tljcy? fozc&s rcpentcb not of tljcy? bebctf. Zno f fy rt 3ngcll potorcb out oijs Dyall C Dpon f grct ryttcr eupbiatcsi, $ tlje toater nw* Dp, f tbe ttoayej* of tbe kyngcsJ of t|jc eaft (bulbe be pjepaepb. 3Cnb3iTatoetU)e Dnclcne fp?etcjs ly ke froggetf come out ot $ mouttJ of f b?agon, ? out of J moutlj of tlje bealt,^ out of t^e moutlj of f falfe ^?opljc= US 0} tftey arc tDc fp^ctcjiof bcuylsf,too^ ftyng my jaclejs, to go out Dnto tjje kyngejS ottDeertn anb of ^toboletoo?lb, togatfoc tljem to tlje battayle of that gret baye of 0ob almygijty . * 25e|jolbe, 3 come as* a wtw® tljef e. ipappy i$ Ije t|jat toatcijetl), anb kc= »• «.« a u petlj W Q«t men tc0, left ijctoalkcnakcb, u'^M anb mwxt W fyltljync^, 3nb Jje gat|je= m «b tljcm together into a place callcb in t|ic ipeb^uc tongc :lrmagcbon, 3lnbtl)cftucnt|j 36ttscU potto^cb outl)y# Dyall into tlje ay?c. 3Hnb tl;er cam a grcatc Doy ce out of bcattcn from f fcatcfay mg, it ijSbonc.3nb tljerfolotoeb,Doycci8 , tlj6b|in gc0,anb lightenyngcsf,^ t&ertoag a greate ertljquakcfuclje an toa0 not fence me tbere Dpon the cr tlj, fo migijty an ertljquafec gt fo grcat.^inb tlje great cytyc tbajs beuybeb in to tlucpartctf , anb f>tytic# of all nacyons! fell. 4inb greate 26abylon came in rcmcm= tyauncc bef oic 0ob,to gcuc Dnto by* j5 cup of tie toync of tlje fearcencjs of hisi ioo?atrje. €uery yle alfo fleb aaaycanb f mountay = itcjaf tocrcnot fottnbc. Znb t^cr fell a greate baylc(ajs it fjab bene talcntcjJ) out ofbcauc" Dpon tljcmen,anb tlje ma blafpbcmcb 0ob: becaufc of tl;e plage of t&c ljaylc,fo? it toasi grcat,anb tl;e plage of ttfoje. CCbc.jcDii.Cfjaptcr. yliajctdcDntotlje,ttjc ittbgemet oftljegrcatloljoietDatfyttctDDponmany toatcrsf, toy tlj tbljome iiatte corny ttcbfoi- tticacion it)c kyngess of tJjccttbc anb m in Uaby tcrs( of tlje ertlj arc bzoncken tby t\) tfjc Xbync of bir foiutcacio.^lnb ^fpzetc carycb me atoaye in to tlje toylbcrnertub 3 fiitoc a tboman fy t Dpon a rofc colo^cb bcaft,full of nametf of blafpljcmye, toljycljc Ijab feucn fjeabe^ anb ten jjojnc&^nb tlje tooma xoas< araycb in purple anb rofc colottrc, anb bec= Hcb toy tbgoloc , pjeciou* (tone, anb pear- lcjs,anb bab a cup of goloc in bcr banbcfull otabbominacioisanbtyltDynciEiof ljerfoz= 2d nicacion. 3ttb in Ijcrfo^eabetoasi a name tonttcn,a my ftcry, grct Babylon tlje mo= tljcr of toljojbom anb abominacionji of the ertl). 3mb3 fatoe tlje toy fc bjonckctt toy th tDe blottbc of fayncte&anbtoitb tljeblottbc of tlje toytneffejs of 3cftt.3Hnb toben 3 fatoe Det:3 tbonb^cb toitb greatmcruayle. 3nbtUc Angcll faybe Dnto mc.-toljerfojc tnaruaylcfttljou.^toyllttjetoctbethem^ ftcry of tlje tooma,anb of tUebeaft f bery th her,tohicb Ijatlj fcu^ljeabeiEi anb tcnljoincsf. *CDebeaft tljattUon feeft, toa^anb ijKnot, anb (ball afc&c out of the bottomlcifc pyt, anb ttjall go into pcrbicto,$ mv *W btoel ontDe erto ftall toonbjc(tobofe namcitf arc not touttcn in t|je bokc of lyfe from the be* 5imnyngcoftljetoo?lbc)tol)ait^eybeholb t&c beafttDat toatf anb ijs not.^nbijere itf a -mynbet&atUatljtoyfbomc. * %pt feucn ijcabe** are feuen moutay ncjaf, ontobicb tljetoomanfyttctb, ti)cv arc alfo 1 cue fey n&tft,$v m are fall^anb one t^anu Solm ,*** 5fo '5> anotljcr iioi not v^t come.2finb toben Ijc com^ mctb^e mull; contineto a (bozte fpacc. 3in& tlje beaft tljat toa*,$ ijsi not,ijJ euen f eygljt anb us oneoftljcfcuen,anbCballgomto bc== ftrttccio.^nb tl;c ten bomeg tobtcb V fatoeu*; are il kyngejj tobtcb bauc tcccaucb no king ■■■ boma0yet,butQjallreceauepotocraj3feyti; getf at one Ijoure toytlj f beaft. ^Dcfe Ijauc: one mynbe, anb Cball geue tljcir potocr am ftrcngtl; Dnto tlje beaft. 'Ebefe (ball fygljt toitb tbe lambe^ tbe lambc Cball ottercome the.* jf 01 bci# io?bc of lOibejS,anb kyngc *<.3Wm»t>w of kyngcjs,anb tbey tbat arc on Ijijs ftbe,are callcb,anb cbofen,anbfay tbfull. 3lnb be faybe Dnto met jje toatcrs{ tofcycl) *> tljou fatoeft,to^crc $ toljoic fittctl), are pco ple,anb folke , 1 naciontf, anb tongctf.2tnb t\)c ten Do;neiS,tobicb thou fatocft Dpout^c beaft,arc tljcy tljat (ball Ijatc tlje topoze , * fball make tjcr befolatc anb nakeb,* (ball catc Dec flefCbc? btmte bcr toytlj fyzc. it 01 0ob batb put m tbm l;crtc0 to fulfyll bis* toyll,? to bo toy ti) oneconfeut, fo: to gctic tljeir kyngbomc Dnto tlje beaft, Dntyll tbe toojbess of0ob be fttlfylleb. TinO tbe tooma: tobtcb tbou fatocu\is:£ great cytyctobtcbc raygnctl) ouer tlje kyngcjs of tttc crt^j. C'&ljc.rDiu.Cljaptrr. C4l)f loiitrc of tbctoo;li)f art ro;p fo: fljr fall of i3,r Bpion.buf tfjcp t^at be of ©00 ijaut cawfc to relopft foi berbfaturtioii. \Bb after tljat, 3 fa toe another 3;u $ igell come from ljeattcn,battyng grct -potoer,anb tDc crtl)c toag lygbtcurb toytlj ijyiS b?ygljtne!El . 7i\\b Ije cxyeb my gb- tcly toiflj a ftrongcDoyccfayingc.- *Cjcat *c t r.i.rr/.p Babylon i* fallen^ fallen, anb i$ become ^ mU - Ut tbe inbabitacton of bcuylg,anb tbe bolbc of allfotolefpjctc^anbacageofallDnclcaite anb Ijatcfull byibcjS , f oi all nacyons banc bzonkc of tbe toync of tljctozatlj of herfoxo nicacion. Znb tlje kyngej( of tlje eartb bauc commyttcb foinicaciontoptljlic'r, anb tDc mcrcljauntcsS of tljccrtljaretocrcb ryebe of tbe abottttbattnee of bcr plcafttrejf. 3Hnb 3 Ijcrbe anotljcr Doy cc from Ijeaue, m fayccomeatoaycfromhcrmy people, £yc benotpartaftcrsl of Uer lynnetf, anb f' ye rc= ccatte not of Ijcr plage*, jf 0? bcr fynnctf arc gone Dp to beatte> 00b Ijatb rcmcbicb bcr totckcbnejet. Uctoarbcljer cue ajsl tbe retoa*-. bcbyou,«gcueljcrboubIe accotbynato brv too?kc*.^itbpotoretnboublctobcr tit tbe famecttppe toijicU fbcftllcb Ditto you. 3lnt> a?3 imotbe a$ (be gloztfyeb ber fclfe anb liucb toataniy^omocbpototcyeiufoibcrofpu^ WJfWgf* a«b fo?otoe,fo? fbclaybe inhcr fclfe:*3 fpt bey ugca queue , 9 amno \b^b ■■ *<«,t ma botocanb fballfc no foiotoCCljcrfoze mi C Der plage* come t one bay c,bcctlj,$ fo? otoe, ' anb bonger,? (be Owlbe b?cnt toitb fpzcrfoi ftrogc t* f UpK 0obtoU(cUft;al mbcre bcr! aim 7X X « 17 ■n- T-^r T 7 V €I)e&ttttlaciotf *3crr.tf. *1(K.H.I> *Jttt,\i,b M» 3!nb the ftpngctf of the crt]) (ball bctorpc fjcr anb toaplc otirr bcr,tohtch haue cSmpt* tr D f onncacio toitb Ijcr, $ banc lpticb toan* f anlp toitb hcr,tobc thcv Owll fc tbc fmouc of her bttriipiiff** pi (Vanoc a farrc of,fo$ fcarc of Ijcr pumibcmcnt, fapingc. * 3Ha& 1. 3la0,tbat gret cptic 3Sabplon,f mpgbtpc w citic:Fojt at one hour i0 tbp iubgcinct come. 3tnothc marchauntctf of tliccrtl>qjrtl torpc anD toaplc in tbem Critics fo? no man toy 1 1 bpc tbcp? VMM tnp mo?e, ti)c toarc of golb ano flitter,? pjtr ci ottjx ftone&ucf bcr of pear- Ic, anb rapnc&anb purplcanb fttarlct, ano all tbpnnc toobbc , and all tnancr ijcffcte of t>tierp,$ all mancr wcrrttf of mott p?cciott0 IbobOcgt of b?au"c $ p?o,c*««em«bic)| fpna- ntd,anD obour0,$ opntmentc0,anb fracfttn fences topucanb oplcanb rpnc floiirr,ano tobcatc>bcairc 0,anb Cbcpcanb bo?fu% ano cbarctc0,ano bobpc0>anbfoulc0 of men. 3 no p applet twt\)v foulc luftcO after, are Oeparteo fro f l)c.3inb all thingc0 tx>t)tci> tocrc bcpnttc,anb bab inp?icc,arc Oeparteo fro tbc,* tljott fyalt fpnOc the nomo?c. %%z marchautc0 of tljcfc tDpnjjetf tohpcl;c tocrc tocrcb rpcfcr,(ball ftSOr a tarrc of fromhtr, fo? feare of j5 punpujemcttt of hcr,tocppngc L anbtoaplpngc,napiiig:*2la0,:tla0,tbat *" gret cpt tc,?> vuajs clotnco tnrapnetf attopttr plcnnb fcnrlcMnb Ore neb toith golbcatib p jcciottp ftonc0,? pearled fo* at one houtc fo great rpchc0 w come to nought. 4 no cuerp(hpppcgoucrner,an&aU tljcp tbat occupicblbpm)c0>anb (bppmentohtep too?Bcm tbc fecttobe a farrc of,anb crpeO, when tljcp fatoe the fntoac of her burupng, fapinffitonat eptic i0 Ipuc tonto thi0 gret ci tt r r 3tno tOep cafl; bttft on tl;cp? bcbbc&ano \ cipcb tocppng,$ toaplpng,$ vapOc: *Mw± :&la0 1 tbatgrcatcptic > tobcrftocrcmabcri=. e'oc all that hab ujippc0 in f feebp the rca= f on of tier co(tlpnc0 , fo? at one hottrc tjeiftc maoc Oefolatc. Betopec oucr Ijcr t|)ou l)cancn } anO pc i)o ip 3tpoftlej5 ano ^opljctes( : fo? ©oO batb geitcn pour tttOgemet on ljcr.3nO a mtptp angcll tofee ^p a ttonc Ipne a gret milftonc ano caft it into f fccfaping.tbitl) fuel) 1)po= lence Ojall tfjat gret citie 26abpie be caft } $ . © H)albcfou.nocnomo?c.3no^opccofl)ar= perjs 5 an0 murpcionjs, $ of pppet0 5 ano tre= pcttcrg ujalbe Ijeroc namo?e in the: ano no craftcjj ma,of tbDatfoeucr ctaft jpebe,l^al= be founoe enp mo? e in tbe.KlnO m fouoe of a mpll ifealbe licrbe no mo?e in tt>c,<*am. tm tiril ipg^t dialbe nomo;e butnrnge in t^oanO tl)e t)OP' ec of tftc b?pbegrom ano of tbe b?pOe,^albe Ijcrb no mo?e in ^,fo? tftp marcljaute^ltoere t\)t gret me of f cr tyMtfo xb rDpne fnc fwfit nwnt tbere Deceatteo al nations in i)er toast foubc tUeblonOe of tl)e ; W>taptett&Q of the ' fapnctefc 9 of all f torn 'uapnc ^)po f crtp. j b co at c ca I k o (o tb,e Oaug^rt, \)opcc of mm people in featten raping: 3dlleluta. sbatimdon $ gio?p « bonourf m^mntm* beo to i> tojbc our ci5o0 5 f 0? true mto rpgbteotifi! arc In* iu0gcmcntcitf 3 fo? he liatl) ittogco tbc gret tol;o?c toljicl) bpb co?= rupt tjtc ertl; t6 bcr fo?nicaci6 , 5 bath aue* trco tlic blotto of bisl fentaiitctf of )m Mitt. 3tno agapn tljep fatDailcluta.?Cno fntone rofc \)p fo? cttcrmo?c.^nO j>.^nii.clOcrtf,« p.tiii.bcftcfifclloot)Dnc,*\i)o?ibippcoeoO tpat fate on f featcfaping: 3fi m^^lleluta. 3mO a \jopcc came out of t|)e feat, fapingc: p?aife our Jlo?0 (!I>oO allpe f miW icruau u&$ pei- fcarc bpm boti; fmall anO great. 3tn0 3 IjcrOe p xiopcc of moclx people eug ajs w \)opcc ofmanp\batcrj2(,$ ajs tbc^)op= ec of ftrong tl)8D?pngej3i fapingc:3BUcluia, fo? tbc lo?o ottrC>oO ommpotetrapgnetl). M JLct \*8 beglab anOrciopce,? gcuc Jonourc to bim,fo? t^c mariagc of tlje la be tjS come, ano bptf tbpfc maoc berfclfcrcabp.^noto bcr toa0graunteO,tbat ujc qjttio be arapco »)itl)pureanOgooOlprnpnc£(.jfo?tljerap= m& 1$ tbc rigbtctoefueis! of faiiKtctf.^no J;c lapb "unto mc,to?ptc,* Ijappp arc tbcp Wsfc *<««<.««.< c|)c arc calico lonto p fttppcr of p UTbe^ ma= mt - m ■*! riagc^CnO lie fapODntome:tljcfc arc $ true faptngcis of (5oO. ^no 3 fell at W fete , to to)o?U3tppc btm. Zm be fapoc \)iito me:fc bo it not. fl o?3 am tbp fcloto ferttaut^ one of tbp b?r tb?c, cue of tbem f bauc tbc tcfti= monp of 3cftt$. iiLlo?0)pppe 0oO. jfo? tbc tcftimonp of Jcfuis tj( f f p?ctc of p?opl;cfp. Inn 3fatoc beauc opcn,$ bcl)olo,ati)l)ptc c W$W ty Y ht Mpon bint 10.10 callcD faptlj full ftr uc,gt in rig l;tctocfttc0 l)c ootb itibgc $ malic battaplc. tpijS epe© Vocrc &$ a flame of fp?c.^ on IJ10 bccoitocrc mattp erotonctf : $ be MO a name tD?pttcn } t^at tt omanlutetb but be bpm fclfc. * 3ino ijc tuasi clotljcotoptDa **t*.m. t)ettttreOiptinblottOe,tbt0namci0caUcOS mm Wob.3notl)ct6arrtcr0ttil)tcl) tbc= rein lichtltmf olotoeo Dim tjpontbDptc l)o?f= fe0,clotl)eOtbpti) toijptcfr purcrapnetf : anb out of Dp0 moutfjc toentc a ujarpe ttooco» geo f toerbc,tl)at \byty tt \)t ttjitlUe fmptc t|je getDcn.lnoijcCbaU rule tbem toptbarobOe 2> of p?on , anb ijetcobe^ tbpnefat of fcarfnesi ano tb?atD of almpg|jtp ©ob3n0 Datl) on $p # tjefturc ano on w t&pgb a name tb?pt* ten:mpnef of JUpnge&anb lo?0eof lo?oes{. , anbjtoeanlngeUltilOeintbefonne; ■ anb |)c crptb toit fr a loube loopcc 5 fapinge : to all fpef oxole0t|)at flpe hp t|)e miOOeiD! of |jea . tten:come ano flatjjer poure felue^ t^o sctDcc lonto ■ . \>nto f fupi)crof?grcat(2>ob,tj)atpemape >,eatc licCDc of Hptigejoi vano tlje flef^c of tyc wptaprtes!,anO fbcflcCpeof mpgfjtpmctt:, 9 tbe ncibc of bo?flc0,a«D of tbem tba t fpt on tbem, anb tfyc flcu) of all free men ano bonne men anb of fmall anb gret. 3tn0 3fotoetl)e beaft,anb tbc kpngc0 of tlje eart!),ano ttytic t»arricr0gatOcreb together to maae batap^ le agapnft Ymn tl;at fat; on t&e ljo?(re J ana agapuft l>tjs toubtcrtf. 3lno t|te beaft toaj* ta W, 9 tbiclj tym tbat falfcp?opl)ettl)attb?oitffbtmtraclcstbefo?e Dpm,totti)tbi)pcD IjebeccatteO t&cm tbat rc= tcattebt^e bcaftetf marker tljem tl;at too qipppcb bptfpmage. ^befebotbtoercca: mtickcinto a ponOc of fp?e burnpnge U>pt jj b?pmftonc:?tbergttaunt Mam flapttc to tlje fibearbc of bpm f fat topo toe bo?tfc 5 tbbPCb ttocarbc p?oeeabeb out of Dt0 mou tb,$ all p fouled toerc f Hit pllcb tbpt^ t|jep? fleu>. CEOc.jcjt.Cfjaptet C JTbcu/agon wbounbcfb; a.ffl.perw.jrlitatrtS atpfc ,anb rf rwut lubgcmmt. 3 IHScii M 3 fatoc an 3Bngel come OOtbne fro llXatien^aupngtDe kapcof f bottom Jllcuc ppt , anb a grcatc cljapne in t;p0 |janb.4!nbi)ctolicpbtagon^oiocfcrpctttc, ttobicb 10 tbc bettpll gs ^,itana0,^ i;c botmoc gpmatboufanbcpcrc0:anOcaftbpminto| bottomlcflc ppt>ano nc (buttc ^pm \)u,an5 4eta fcale on bpm , tftatftclljuioc oeccauc I pepplcnomo?c,tpllti)eti)ottfanbcpcrc0tbc= re f ttlrpllcb.^ub after t i)at Jic muft be lofto f 0? a Iptcll fcafott. 25 3fino 3 fatoc fcatc&anb tDep fat t)p6 M, J inpgcmCt toa0 gctte \jnto tbg.-anb3 fatoc tbc fottlctf of tbem tbattocrc bebeabco fo?0 toptuc0of3efu,anofo?tbctoo?beofc5oo:| tobicbbaonottoo?u;ippeOtbebeaft,nctbcr W ?f*? c > Mt&cr Uab take t)i0 marfec \ipo i •nb.rwfr m \z lJ : iVy uc F ^ e uteo mc *P»eo notagap= ff'M 1 ^^ 111 * 1 * * m ^erefinifqieo. %W « tljat fir ft refurreccion.26lcflcbanu Ijolp 10 Uc,t^at bath parte in rbe f trtt rcfttr^ rcccion. jfo? on Cucbujall tUc feconbe Oeeth Ijaue no potocr,but tDep fibalbe tDe #?ettcj$ of 0objof CD?ift, anbOjallrapgirtoptS Dpmatljoufanocpere. . 3f no tobc* tftetijonfanb pcretf arc **•«*"«* f&albelotofeOoutofnt0D2 * 1 H &M(in i^aibe lotoreb out of l)i& p?ef on anb ttaUgoottttobcccaiieteople, to^pct)are tbeptoent5pintbcpiap«eoftbccrtb:fc8=» pfeb^em v ejoft|iefapncte0about, ?tbe oelOH|5citte.3nbfp?ecameOotoncfro(ll)OD 5utof8eatten,anb0cuourcOthcin: ano the ^uputuatbeceaneb^cmitoasifadtnto a * lane of fwejmb b?pmft ohctoDeretljebcan* ano the falfe p?opljete0 Oialbe to?mentcb oope aitb npgbtfo? eucrmo?e. anb3 fatoe a ftrcat tobpte fcate>ano fjim tbat fate on tt 5 from tbflofc face fleco atoape botb p ertDanb8cauen,ano tbeir place toa0 nomo?cfottnbcano 3 fatoetbc beeb , botb a gret anb fmall ftonbebcfO?e ©ob: 3tnotbe bofee0 toerc openeb , ano another bone toaa ppeneo,to|)ic!)t0 m boac of Ipfe, 9 tbc beeb toere tubgeo of tfjofe t()pn,fre0 to^cl) tocrc to?tttcn in ti)c bouc0 acco?opng to their Oe= bc0:ano tlje fcegatie top l;er oceo tohicb toc= re ut Jjcr,anO bectb anb tjcll bcliuercb Mp the Urt , tobicl) tocrein tbem; 9 tbcp totre tub, gcb icttt rp ma n acco?bpng to I;i0 DebcWno beetbanbMltoerccaftmtotbclaacofftrc. %m 10 tl)c feconbe bectb. 3no tob-afocuc e pa0 not founbe to?pttc in tbe bofce of ipfir, toa0caftmtot|jelaaeoffp?c, C'fcije.r.rt'.CDapter. fT 3intl)pB cftaptcr is ^tfnrpbe^ e^f neto ao« rpiri; mall 3if cum iiiiu « #b 3 fatoe a netoe fjeauc anb a neto 3 eartb.ifo?tbcfp?ftl)cauni,anb tbc e^.r'h.c fp?iteartb tocrc t)anpfincb atoape, JTt'SSit anb fber toajsnomo?c£>cc. * 3tno 3 3olm ,4P - ri " t> fatoe that bolg cptte , netoc jevuf^lc conn botoncfrom foob out of bcattni, pjeparco m bipbcgarnitthcb fo? !)cr bufbanb. %m 3Utrbea grcatc \jopce out of l)caucnfap= tngc- bebolbcthc tabernacle ofCob t0 with men ,oub he tovllDtocll top tb tbem . 3.ttD tbei»ajallbe bp0 pcoplcanb C5obijpm fclfc fbalbe toptb tbcm,anb betbep? C5oo.* 3Enb J5 <5obfbaH toppc atoape all tca«0 fro thevi *cr«t:.«, cpc0.^nbtbcrcibalbenomoicbcctb,neti)ce fo?otoc,netber crpcngcnctbVr (ball tber be enp mo?c papnefo? tl;eolbc tbpnge'0 ate gone.^nb be tbat fate *po tbc Icatcfapbc: *25cbolbe,3mabcaUtj)pnge0nctoc. p. *anb hclbalbcmp fotmc. *p tlje fcari'tUl anb \Jtibclcupngc,anb m c abbommable,anbmttrb?er0^ tono?mon(r-. er0,anbfp?ccrer0,anbpbolater0,anaallip: ar0 (ball bauc tbcp? parte in the lahc tobtch burnptbtoitbfp?canOb?pmftone,tohicbiri tlje feconbe bcatb. 3nb there cam tjntomc one of tffcucn Ziu ? cl f fW ** ^ fc, F WW of tl;c fcue lad plasf 0.a talbeb toith me faptnae: lambe^topfe^mt^tarpeomeatoapeitil teete - M ■ V .■' *■ i < * lift \ 1 1; : ' Mft Vt fpjctc to a grcatanb ait bpc mofirapncanb tJC f&ctbCb mc tbe grca t cptic bolp 3cr ufalf , befccnbpng out of bcmictt frfi ob: bnuptur a> tfctopgtynctf of <&ob. 3nb fcer fypnpnge ttoatflpftc tynto a ttoncmoftcpzecioufccuen Ipuca3afpcr clcarcag CctftalH b«bifoal= Icsigrca t g bpr ,$ bab.rn.gate$ $ at j ga teg jctMlngel&anbnamc js tbjittcn, tonpeh arc tbc name* of tbc.rtt.trpbetf of 3fracU:on Jaft pattc.ui.gatc&$ ontbeBojtbfibe.itt. gatc&s totbaroetf tljc &outb.iii.gate& fib From the UBclr tfec garctf , ano tbe toall of the cptic bab.rii.founDacpoug.-anb intern f ttdcluc names: oftflambeiS.rit.apQttletf. € ainbljctbat talRco ttoitl) me,tmb a golbe" rcabc to mcafurc trjc eptic Moitl) all anb the gate tberof $ tbc toall tberof. 3!nb tbc cp= tiefoatf bplt.uti.fquarc, mm t&c tfgtbtbatf a&'largcagt&etyeotlM ljcmeafureO f cp= tie mtj) tl)evN*Bojotn)Tciic.,rtt.^.furlongefli: aim tl)c lengtb $ tbc bjcbtb , ano tbc&eptb- ofit,ttcrccQuall.3nbbemcafurebtbetbal iDerof 1 an.crlim.cmn'tcjs.tbcmcafuretl)at m angcll t)ab,toaa after tjc mcawreniat man wrtb.anb tpctopIUpnge of tie toal of it tea* of Jafpcr . 3 no tije cptie toag pure, golbclpkc "onto clcarc glaffc, ano tlje fott* oacionss of t!;e toall of m cptit tberc garntf of (brb toitnalmanerof p^ectoufltftoucsf.^ije fpjftfounbacion tbajS 3afptio!,tbcfcconbc ^>apl)^e,tl)etl)p?DeaCalccOonp,ffourtl) ait emeraloe,tDefpft j&arbonir, toe rprte i&bocujclbcbmcaputettmcrof a tbatcroflpfcclereatf CrpttaUt; , woeeDpnge out of the feate of- a ^antitieiamne.3Jnt|)em(o s n** «.♦■,? Dc * * <$* »ret of it,anb of ctoet; Shihtr ^" e *>*« flw ajoooeof Ipfe: mm bare tfoclue maner of frutetf :* mme ; feriieo to beale ? people tbttb all. inn thee ££*c »« >nwWe s hut tbe fcatcof $b£ SSfiS H m ? c ^^i!»^:anhDi»tffetuaun tctffpall ferae bfmt. 3tob tbep i&aUfchp* *3tootfierc (pall benonpgntt&crc , » the? ® nehenofanWe,netl)eruAtof^efunne:M* m,M S^SSlfJ^^^^ipgDt, anbtbep flwll capjmefoj eucrmo)c . ?«i^Japi)et)ntomc:tf)efefapmg faptmull ano true.3no the toioe m WLWlWt Unt W ^fi c » toihetot eth ipbeti lf>] e pjafog, tDecleucntDa 3acpnte,t^ctU)el= uctljan3imatl)tft. ■^l;cttbciuegateieitJ)ercttoeluepearIetf, ene tp gate tbag of onepearle,anb m (trete of tlje cptictbagpurcgolbcasitlJOitotoQjp-- tipnffeglau"c.3in03fati)e no temple tbcrih. G mi tbcto^eooDalmigbtpanotielam^ *cr«^,& *x «e tl)e temple of It. ^nb tl)c eptie batU no ncbe of p fonne,net!jerof ^monc to Ugb= te nit. #o* tlje b^tgDtn( $ of 0ob ^ Ipgbt it,anb tl;c lambe tonji t|)e Ipgbt of it. ano tbe people tobpeb are fimeb ftjall toalke in tbc ipgbt of it.aino t(jc Bingcjai of t&e earth (bfl a b,ipnge tbep? glo^p c«canD ^onouw)\)ttto it.*5enb^gatej« ofitawnotlbutbp nape. 5fo?tberelbalbeno npijbt tyett **<*"*"«<> udiai^cpbipiigcfg[o>p^Drii)uccoftl)tn8rion*o3inb tyttc (ball enter into it none Dneleane thfn^ QCy netber to^atfoeuer tbo^betb abljomp= nac iono jmaftetb lpei8j:]jut tbep onlp tohich are typttcn in tlje tambejs bone of ipfe. C'fcbe.jetfi.C&apter. Clfiit rrwre j>f tf>» Wwpf Krfc, t\ft frutcruinw 6nHJr-B^(0f^«tF«f0fiBP», S^flo;otgnitfii nier 6p» fcruauittrs toarnpnflc of eftpngw to coj mc.eipe angell to Jeroc tbem: ()r . ?«J to i en 31 Iwb beme $ fcnc,*3 fell tonne' ^ ^?°^I p P e bc ^«fje fete of tjje ^ngell, * apoM '^ U)Dpc|c Ibettoeb mc tl;efe tDpngci. 3no Dc tbp felotoefcruaunt^ tbefclotoe feruaunt toDicti nepe the fapmgc* of ^ ^otwoputcrcoo tbp0 boltcBuifc tbo^Spppc d^ob. jm i be fapbe Untomc&ale not tit fapin^ 5C0 i f ^P9W of tDijSbone. if o? tl;c tp= 5?JS ft ,f K!*# ** to^U cupliaet him befpltf)pttpU:anb|)etbatisirpgbteoutf,lct pVjn be mo^e r pgbteous! : $ be flat i* bolp, lctbpmbemo?i^olp. 3inb bcbolbe,3 come OWtlp,attbmp reuiarbe isitbptbtncto gc= c* be.3am 3ipta an b flDmega, J begpnntngc «^J* tttbctlje fpjtt anb tfje laft. ai5lcu?b ♦Uta.rr.c are tbep that bo intf comaunbementeftthat tbep? potber mape be intDc tree of lpfe,anb ttiapc entrc in tbo?otb tbc gateg into tfje cp tie. *■$ oi toptbout ftalbe boggeiaianbm= *iti.nm cbaunterftanb1tobo?mongcrMnbmo?tUe, apMa * ( • l, mftanb pbolaterig, ? tbljofoeucr lonctjj oj maftetDIcafpngeief. * to p ou tljefc tinges! in tbc congregacion^. 3 am the rote anb tjjc gencracion of DauiD anb tljebjpghtemoinpngcftarre. 25nb t&e WKM*WpMtfwtmtMntiUty\m tbathcaretb,fepcalfoicome.*3nbletbim * miU m tbatfeatbp;ft:come. 3nbicttbbofoewee S5S&S Wl^Jcoftljetoateroflp^frc. 3teftifpet)ntoettei " too?be|i of tlicp?op|)efp of t^bone : ■* pf *t>mt.m,t etipmaqjaUabbet>ntot^t5pngt!«^ob (ftp*, ftaU ^' h ■ i e.^nbprcnwmmi "CfiFcafire F° W? 1 t8B ? Rti,n Ke Mp.imout Mtpjftr tw>pcl) teftitVetb there tbpnaei rapetb:beit.3eomequVftWmr' enen fo come JLo^bc Jefii. ^egracc of our Ho^ bc3efuCb?ifl:be tbpthpon .\ au. 3emen. ««.». - CCmtbefrpbape , ^©ntbe.iiu.ronbapeiiabucnt fewemtheioibe Sga 3nbtl)i^wtbcrccoibc lS b Jpeglabtban IntXiif 4k. ^i *. ^PwtUefepbape joe glab anb reiopce *a&m it c ^afe^bchetbare m S'J awe tbefcruamit Vism i a 4nb it cfiMeD in tbofc. Huac.it.a *a t r. ^ : tbc i cconbe mafle ^ijeCbepeberb^ fpaae to tuHctt.c >«r^« A 3t ^Jtebematre wmtpmepafl: fech»cfa 3n t^ebegpnnpngetbatf Jol' ^ 4 . nfapnct ^teucng bape mom C'Gtyetnfte- affile € )X C«We t« -finoe w wBpniung rpou ipait fpnbe in i ncmarltebtotn) a croffe^anb tbe cnbcttoptbnalfeacrofft,I< contepnebtbitbintbe r aJnbtoDanthcpbjncttpe, CC>nthetbcbntn)& r v mpacpent t[)cr% b?et|)?en. 3acob.\).b «* begpnitpitgcjofv >arc.i.a . CflD-ntljefrpbape ferftcnt>ntome Cfaie4i.a: ^^..CbplDc«iiaircbape 3|nb 3 loltirb anb loo 3poca&n ritii * wnbjwfatberanDmotber JLufte ti c C€)nnetbpeareje(bape 'at^.^L 3fo^t!)egraceofC5(rt) 'Ctturi ti ii Jbttettt; 3tm tobnn the cpgp* bape iuRS SS^K «,* «^^elFceuen. "•^ «Mtb'rri.a g o? tlje grace of C5ob 'E&tig «' h ^5cjtertbapcaftcr;iobn . fSttS tt ne3o|n 4»ato.iit.a **,^ s* *** "^ u "hc fonbape in 3buent fllmtfoeuertbpttgcrf monuttb.ii aohntenwtljttiphirtB gjiS .cam «« towBf WW in Mm f: r iv \ -n — f- J V ( ) I \i f. m *V'* \V -1 _ * •S- l-l 1 \ I* I * I ' ' I \ \ i * \ \ ^ITiJDtt tlte.1).fohtep* aftce.tii.bapc wcnotbpnffctoMpman moma.ruia 3Gno unrnn ljc awl mtd &i4ti4 CCmtbc.in.roiinapeaetcr.rii.bapc utpcontberfoje ColoiT.iu.ti bcUpiiffbomeofbcaiicn $?attb.*tii.b C£>n leptuaacfima fonbapc cmnr pc notl)ow> tbattbcp i.Co*.ft.b IL4Dn<©cjcagcUma ftmbapc £e fuffrc fooles glablp ii.Coiin.ri.b OTmn mocbc pcoplctwrc Xnke.tHit.a €©tt 4&ttinqima;cfima fonbapc Jbougb 3 finite t.eo2m.*iii.a G&nHttyfefbtuftapt dotcom mm vc MM 4I»attlj.tj.a ILiDntbcfrpbapc Cvyenotoatflonbe efape.Umi.a fir pmc bcarbe that itifl #att1M>,a - C iOn tlie fp^ft fonnape (w lent glcalfoagMpcrtf ti.Coint.W.a C^Dn tbe toebmf ba pe Sinb tDc lojbc fappc etob.jteiti.e ^Dfiicmapneoe^ctTb^ 4ft)attt).rii.D C£>ntbefrpbape Wamc fonle tljac e?ccb.*mii.c Sifter tbttfttatf 3oIm;\j.a _ C^Dntbcfcpbape Cmfcb be tijc man Smtfftft 3canofmpncaMe. 3obn.Uc CflDnthetDp^efonoapcwtleift v 2? c l£*M°* e # epbe/b.a ^nbbctMjScaftpncrcoiit J,u&e.jti.u C£>ntbetbcbntTbapc ~- onourc tl)p fatbee ecob.**.u te»i'^»to3cfuiS «?atj).jrt).a COntbetcpbape 3nb tbe congregation bati J&ume.eje.a ^& a ?u e f emt 2,. 3obn.iut.a CCmtbefourtbfonbapemlent 3#|f 306H.1B,* CsDntbefoebnifbape. l n Sf?-JF We eCap.i.c 3no af tee ttjefe acteji iit. 'to. jrtn'f .e ^CCtothe.tj.ronbapefolene 23utCljit8bepngc feebie.fr.c CUDnt&etocbnifbape 3tob*De*,o?befna!ie %m*HM *!■ ^ttUttt»a0ae3etiifatem CiDntijcfrpbape. jWbcaU tbep tbatfo* ^benjatberebftefotfh ^ CiDn^almciottbape cettbefamempnbebe I'chnotoctbat after ttoo CCmtbctocbnifbape tilll)oiwti)gcuen 'CDefcaftotftoetetyeabe CiDngoobfrpbapc. 'Ebctoibcfpanctinto CiDn ©after citeit 7>f penctljcrfo^c epren ^v*,»»v.» C€)ntl)emonDape 25ut ^etet ope npb actu r & 3tjl»|joiDetttooftbem luUe.ejeiiii.'u C€)n tijc tctDHiape. ■ | e r m j">««o.l^t^cn,pccl;pI. Hetti .eiii.b CUDntUctoeontfoapc e men of 3fraell,tDl)p 3oDn.jc.e 3ol)n.yi.f mitp.it.a a)at.jcew.a lune.jejeito; eyo.eii.a 3o^n.eWii.a Col.ui.a . J&e anff 4ft)an>fti 'Cbe off Dape CaDntliet : cpoape |ot)n.rc.a 3ctn.iii.c 3oljn.ejti.a SCctll.Mi.C 3o&n.**.i> pe ' ^toit^eleuenDifcppIcfj ^at.^iii.O i« **£■ r -- €*D«*!»ef«teettipc i?attb.Jtjc.U ^ea%ape#eeft«e ftfWHw of tf;e ju„„.v C©n tbe fp?ft fonoape ate eaftee. ^alltDat^bo^cof t.3oDn.t).a 'Chcramebape atnpglje 3ohn rt.b C^KtalfofuffrcDfo,? i.lDet.ii.b 3 «mt&eo;oot>fl}epel)ctDc Sohn.r.U Bearlpl)c!oiicD3 iiactiic mtjtanvicm 3oSic CUDnttjcfourtbronbapeaftepdaftee 3o|Wtjrtn.b 3aco.t'.b etieepgooOapfte »5»tnoto3gompft)ape ^ C€)n tDe.\j.fott0ape atnOfetDatpebeOoera; fLuyntpemonoape ©nottoleOjiepohte fainted * * 3act».t).b Ittfte.^i.a f&uno.u'.a ^ar.jrti.n fifenpofpouOjall CUDntbetetbefoape ejebD^tefefo^e 4lP|MW«|fC _C€>ntbetbebnirt»ape %te mitteitttbe of tbe I. /• Wee (■ ■< j. C€>» saaptfonbapeettetf 3tfoieuneb,tbt>leapol. Sfpe lone me,»epe nip gnbtobantbebapesf fifamanlottcme ^C^ntbcmonbapif 3finb.be commaunbeb tat dfo^dB'oijfpJonebtbe Pnticfrpbape mm it bappeneb tmon a bape -i.C«Ontbcfttteebaw 3fnbtbcneete^nbbotfi anbtt)bcnbetbasitpfm |tetbp^3loftcb 3 anb ,, ^beetba^amanoftbe ffltotpm* Cl^ittt bape /? C€>ntb*jrtn'.ronbape .-■ yo3b?amanbbp^ *, ««Pn tbc.jcuu.fortbapc ^fawtjjalncmtbefp^e noitcbaunrcbajBiflc , COntbe.eUfotibape Srtitffii i f ^^intbcfp?ete ffl S«c $0 man can feme ttoo C^ntbe.emMonbape wcefo^e 3 befp?c 3nb it fojtuneb after €:©ntbcemi.fonbape ftcitof t&bpcbe ^ nb it cbaimfeb CiDntbe'.emii.fonbape 3oJw^.« 3o!jh.\ji.e 0ata.i«.e i?ata.n.c luhe.jtmi.c 0ata.tj.D epbe.fti.b lune.mi.b €pbcf.uu.a iHne..titti.a ~. .._ 3tbannemp0ob iCo2tn r : - --- ■-n)\"T -«ir— T 1 W? -* /'••#! -i»r> Tot. H >***-t***» -[■ ft \ <;m> 8E it H-- - fcftt? v-v ^ocjl,gif;i*^ fBWJte^'awtaK n ofpcl#ot: tbc gDonbapej*. 3oim.rr.f tattle of t\)t entitle* e orpcltft)obpcbare Dfeb to br red on Dy ticr-is fitpetctf bapctftntbepcart CCOii rap ttetSto&jetMjtf bape 5f o* to belcne twtb ftotitft.jt.a Jtdit tbalftpnflc ttp 4tyattb.iui.e ^ CiDntbeconeepcfonofourllabp 3tftbe\>pnebaue3 eccl*.rjcnu.c ^fjc bone of tttcgcjieimf on 4»atrb.ta _ Cm £>/«boma$ cue apoftlc bape <£btfrftttearepe not epbcf.u.b ^6ttf^f)omas(otteof Cm eanbclmafle bape. 2Scbolbe,3 topll ftnbc •<* 4&alacft.tfU 3tobttrt)antDeda«j* Inncn.b . C$pn$.a?atbfo$tbe3polJIc 3nb in tbofcbapctf peter aictiU.c ^ntDattpmeaeQut *i)attb.jw.tt CdDntbe bape oft&c3nminctoci5 o? gre tpnjrc of our Labp. 4B&ojeotter <5ob fpanclmto^cb. efa.»ti.ti • 5?!ibmtbcfprtmottctb lube.t.c CdDng&.c&eo&ebapc Counteitallmaneciopc 3acob.t.a 3 am tbe true tjpnc 3o|nt.)ft .a n£>.4#aeln#bape 25ut noto enerp one of Cpbe. ui.a 3 amtbe miebpne 3opn.ttj.a * €£>n ^.tdtttopeantt 3«cott* bape ^ben^aUttjerpfifSteoujs £>ap."b.a » be fapbe bnto |njj 30911. tftfta Btlbcfamctptiw , 3cfti r ;< ( v- r-i" ■A ', I** *,. l x K^ V TT « U''N* ■*»•* ^Jt»»** i * '+ , i^Wifiui t r i i * * $pocjl.flrt.a C ^cteenbetb tnc table oftljc CpiirlctfrniDtfofpcIgof tbc^Donbappj*. '&?M*-> ... Jitom ,. C ©n #>.$ctec 9 f&awtcjaibwe aittbefamctpme , 3icUi.pila 3cfiitfcatne into tte 4flj>attb,jrtrt.c Jt^n&4fyiiy&)aa;DateneDape ISiljofofjmbctb fjouer.rwtfi 3i|itJWtc of tyWnffll MMWi tabic of tbc epiftlcg $ ofprt$ tbbpcb arc "bfco to be rcb on by tier* fapitctcff Dapctftntpcpcarc. PO* &.3amc0tbe#pottlcbape * ' €pbcf.ub «?attb.jjc.c tcl ^ftdto tt)crfo?e pc nrc not *£ jcti came to fipm C€>tttbc8flwito EnaUt&cfetbpngcjB CUDii the 30hmpc( on of once labp.' ' ... ..... ...-„, ..„_ €ccle.mtt(.b € 4Dn fay net 3tob jetbeg Dave jf ot to belcttc tbitb moma.je.a 3cfujj toalkpngc bp 4*)attb.Mi.c M CsDntbcconecpcfottofourtabp 'M tbc bpne bane 3 eccle.]rriM.c <®be bofcc of tbe flcueracton $affti« _ C On $/gbmnaff tyc %mm bape Wcrfoiearepcnot epbcCu.b 2Sut'n canbcltnau~c bapc. 25cbolOe,3topllfettbc ' f ainbftbantbebape* ' I _ C€m&.^atbin$tbc3poftlc 3nb in tbofc bapcjS #ctct 3ctu.<.c ^n tbat tpmcjcfo* fyattiwito COntbe bapc of tbc3toimneiacio ojgretpngc of our labp. <9o?coucr <£obfpattc*nto3cb. .ap.Ua 3inDbefapDcbntobt0 3obn.riuU — JSar tplmctt«3i bape. $otv>tberfojcpearcnot teuMMtt 3flnD there ton* a ftrpfc lufee.jcjcu.c C €m tbc uatiuite of once labp 30t|ietbebpnebatte3 eccle.jrjuu.c 'Cljic boftc of tbc gciicracf on 4»attb.i.a C^n&.watbuctfDape 'CbelpHencjSoffoucc @*ccb.f.b 3nbas(3cftw{ ©tottb.ic.a . C£>»#>.a?isbbcl$bape r * *~* * , anbbctbetbe&fc StpocalppXa ^alacb.ftf.a .. 2n#M)tMtt tamem &}att!).rbm.a ItiKCtub COn^.tubctfbapc 'EfoclpBcnetfoffoure e?cel)tel.t.b »cttbp*appopnteb a,uftc.c.a C£>n&.g>imonnnD3uDcbape gut toe tmotte tbat aRoma/toliu ^b^cottunaunbe3pott 3ob«.jeb.c gnb3fatoe anotbec ( 3fpocalpp.bu.a 3clu0ftpiwc tbc people ^attb.b.a C€ma,UfouleiSbape 3toolbcnutb?etb?ew f/fc&ettalo.uttb ^Iicnfapbe^actba; . 3obn.)ct.c CCljembeoftfie table. i in f *v •** ttj 1/ ifc.- I i * * ft' - ' i ■■ ■if" ' Cbetnbtoftbettetottrcdamtht: ■» * tli .ar ■ I anb of tbe tbboic ffipble, $ pnffl&eb di 55p?plt, 3fcrttto.^.CCCC«.fit. w ■ ..■,-.■ - * < 4 m 1 * * % I* \

    i t no man mape cate tbem. 'Cbcncamc tbctoojbc of tbe ILoibe mito ^i3 mcaftcr tbi^maner: %\m faietbtbe toi-- bc tbc 6ob oOfraelUybcag tbou luiotocfl: tbc goob figge?S,fo (ball 3 kuotoc i5tncn leb atoape,tol;om3 baue fent out of tbw place into t\)t lanbe of tbe Colbec«,fo? tbcp? pio= fpteuinb 3 toill fet mpnc epc#\)pon tbef oi tpc bcft,fo?3 topll b?pnge t\fi agapne into tbisj lanbc:3 topll buplbe tbem tip, ano not tyeaBC tbem botonc: j toill plantc tbcm,ab C not rote tljem out.*3inb 3 topll gene tbem *»«*«» « an bcrf e,to bnotoc boto tbat 3 am tbe tot- ffl'iS bCCbcp ibalbc mp pcople,$3 toill be tbeir * <5ob , f o? tbep 0jall rcturnc bnto me toitb tbeir tobolcberte. *3dnblpkcasitbou knotoeft f be ttaugb-. *3!c«.rrir.ji ticfiggej<,tobicbmapcttotbc rate", tbeparc fo cucll:©uenfo topll 3 (fapetb tl)e ioibc) let ?ebekiag tbeftpnge of 3uba,(pe anbaU W P?mcc&$ tbe refibuc of 3erufaJ em tbat temapne ouet in tbpsi lanbc , anb tbem alfo tbat btoell in Cgiptc ) to be toreb anb pla=« gcb in allkpngbomejsanb ttotf. ^inbtopu 1© make tbem to bca+rcpjofcacome bptoo?: *P r «-fcrft\ « bcalaugbpnge ftocke anb (baine^n alt tbe mmM * placcj^tobcre 3 (ball fcatre tbem.3 toafai-. betbcitocatbcbongerfpeftaenceamonge tjjnn>t)ntpU3 ^i»c cicanc confumcb mm Mtof 1 \ I i -y*< xmit^ *Mv* ***«: w **** i * JT It. I 1 f FJ ii ■Jl ." ftetyfe»Dci&' On*me e p jtWteprtb feat tbep (ball be fit captp J wptpc.lw.prtre, btcautc (Dtp contemntbanb bpfj pftlb tb« to o;»* oiisofr.kc 0j cto < t& (bat aftrt.irr. pwiw tbe tfabpionttrt fbuioc be bentopcb .IfbeBes tttTiccpoiibfaUMciouttopjopbcwi). t&tmouitb; IVt jfyeattc* of (be nacton* to toaplpagf. m l$Dctmotttt)attoaSgcucnDnto3e« rcmp,Dpon alltbc people of 3nba* 3ntoefottttb pcare or 3eboaRiw t\)t tonne of 3ofiaS ft pngc of 3»ba tbat D>as in t|ie fpjft peare of jaabucDobo* nofoj iiptts of BabttoM.TOtcl) fcmton,3C' rempfbe pjopbetmabe ^ttto all tbe people of 3uba>anbto alltbetnbabttoutS of Jcxu* falem,ontbtS matter. it rom toe tbPJtene pcare of 3ofta$ tyc fotme of 3mon Upnge of 3uba , Ditto tbptf pjefent bapeC tbatt'seuen. rrut. pcare )tijc toojbc of tbe JLotbe batb bene edmttteH \nu *mt.Mu to mc.*3fliibfo3bauc ipoftcntopou>3ba s • mSS*. t,e r J ,flptt fcpeatlp , 3 Dauc geticn poti toat* t*mm,* m m gcmfeafon,mttpcltoolbcnotbcatettte, %bottgbtbe lojbc batb fentbpsfctuaun* te&alt tbe pjopbctcS Dnto pou m feat 6 1?ct toolbc pc not obepepe toolbc not cnclpne poure cares to beave. ttbc= Its pe toolbc not beareme(faptbtbc*lo*3ittem.i. b * j& m nft p e ^aue not octUeueb Dnto mp too?bc,lo,3 topll fcttbe out>$ calif oj all tbe *«'<£ara. WW .c Jtffa.j.a people,tbat btoell mtbe j&o;ttb> fapetb tl lLo?be,anbtotllp?cpap?eiaabucbobcinofo^ 3;eM.rb« a tljeKpnge of *$abplonmp fernauttt , anb ' totllb?pngetbe*DpontbiS lanbe, anb Dpou all tbat btoell tbcrtn, anb Dpon all tbe peo- ple tba t are aboutc tbem, anb topll Dttcrlp vom^tm oute.3 Ml maftc of tp a toiloec .. «cfle,a mocnage , anb a continuall Defer te. *3m uib * ^?o?co«« » 3 topll tabc from tbem tyt anb.VbV.b ttopce of glabnene anb folate, tbe fcopce of tbeb^pbcgromeanb tbctypbe, tbe Dopceof tbe an opntebjtoitb tJjejriffeettejS: anb tbpitf tobole lanbe (baUbecomcatoplDernc&anb fb^enacion? tball feme tbe ftpngc of I5a» tfniar.mb{bplott : tb?erco?epeare55anbtcn.*JiBbetttb ' H f . Irr.vearejjare erpireb,3topu Dpfctalfo KK: b . c topcBtbneae of tbe ftphge of aSabplon an 8HSB? |W peop^ fapetb tbe io?be : ^ee , anb tbe SffiS" «wbf «f tfte Calbeejj, 4no topll m*&eft a pcrmtnallto^bitnejJ, anbtbpUftrtfMiau mp too^ucs vjpon tbat lanbe, tb^ltiaue beutfcDaffapnftit:pce,alltjjat:t$ tojfttetn "*4 oueo unto otucr^ tiaaotis^grcatnpttgeiS +foj3 topll recompenfe tbem . a^bpng e m*& totljepitbebtisatib too?cUcji;Oftteatone ""'H IwnbejEi. , ifo?tbnjSbatbf Ho^be fe(n\)ntome:'CoftetbijS*topne cnp.pe of in* Snutii btgnacton fro mp bnnbe>t|)attfaottinapcft ™»m eaufc all tbe pcople,to tobom3 fcitb tbe,foi toWtcUeottt:tbattobcntbepba«ebicc» fern tbetof,tbepmapebemab,$outof tbeie topttejai,tobentbeftoearbeeommetb>tbat3 topllfcnbeamonge tbem. 'Cbtn tofte3 tfie tuppe from tlje lojbcjs banbe,anb mabe all people to bipneftc tbe tof,t)tttotoftome tbe Ho^be hab Tent me. iSutfpjfttbecptfeofSerufalem, $ all tbe eptteu of 3nba,tbetr ftpngeiei $b mpnccj6!,to maftetbembefolatejtoaftbefppleb^bbpf- f eb at,anb eurfeb , acco^opnge ajef it t* come topafletb^bape.^ce 3 anb^barao« binge e of egppte 5 Dt!Bi feruaunteieJ , ijijspjinccis attb big people alltogetber one topt^ anotber $ all BphgesJ of tbe lanbe of fen* , all ftpngcsJ oftbcwlVtt^^lattbe^fealon^iab,!^ caron anb f rentttattnt of ffl bob, p €Hmu tcsljtbe *2»oabite#anD tbe^mmonitcjai al § Rpnge0 of 'Cir w $ ^>tbo : tbe ftmgeia! of. tbe 3lej{ tbat arc beponbe tbe fee:2>eban,'5Cbc= m&JRm * ail tp£ btoell (n tbe tttennoft parteie! of f toojlbcralltbc fttngcsiof 3rabp anb(generallp)all tbe npnge^ tbatbtoel in tbe,beftete:al tbe ftmgcjai of ?ainri,al£ ftpn=> getf of eiam,all tbe amgejat of tbe ^ebec^, all fepncjejs totoarbc § jao?tb,tobctbcr tDep befarre o^npecuerp oneagapnft bi0nepgb bottr0:£ec 5 anb all tbe Hpngbometf tbatarc Upon p tobole eartb. 'Cbc bpnge of »ejacl; fapbebc Cballb^pncfeetoitbtbemalfo. 'fcbet fo?efape tbou Ditto tbem:«bP0^ tbe comma wnbemrt of tbe lo?be of #ottetf M W 6ob of 3ftael:a>?incfteanb beb^oncftf, # fpetoe anb fall,tbatpe newer rpfe, anbtbat tpo^otoe tbeftoearbe,tobpcb3 topll ftnbe amongc fauMut pf tbep toillnot receane tbe cuppe of tbp banbe,anb b?pncfte it,tbcn tell tbem: 'Cbntf botb tbe Lojbeof l^ofteji tb^eatenpou : b^pnefte itpeifeau, anotbat ibo?teip. j?o^lo,*3begpnneto pl'agef cp- *f ' «pe,tbat mp ttame ijaigetUitjnto : tbm&epe m I] i tben tbat 3 tojil leaue pan Dnmmit&eb.'Ee rbnlnotgoqupte,fo?to|jp,3cftUfo|aftoe arbe upon all tbe fnbabit out* of m tartD fapetDtbeiojbeof^oftesi. -' *Cberfo?etelltbcmaU tbefettMwianb ! Vt * 'a rjetrpefeomft^eoureeregaa.I^fbaUgeue i MM bopce, ipfte m grape gatbetrr^ano K WtiHbe t bet of u>albe fjeatoe Dtt to tbe en* 'etffcf t&tfttbiflbe.ff o j ttie t ojoebatba tub* gement to geue bpott all people, $ toillboibt Imotitt ohiitttie ttjitbau fle^a«oputt((b tbebitffoblp.rapfb tlje to^be. . H5 # bftb»0faptbfbe loibof bottc#*iiSe* jne-w." bolOf »■ a m'fferable plage (ball goo from one people to anotbecaito a greate fto?mp roa= tet (ball arpfe fr6 all tbe enbejai of tbe eartb. attb tbe fame bape (ball tbe lo?be blm fel re flepe tpem.ftom otte emt of tbe eartb to an* otb«. Wee (ball no mo tie be mabe fo? cap of tbcm.nottegatbereb Dp, none burpeb.-but (balllpeatfbiingeDpontbegrounbe. 49outne,^pe(bet)betbeMttbtrpe:fpjni= ftle foure felucji totto afdbe*, €> pe rammed Of tMoclie:fo}tbetpnie ofpoute aaugbtee ii fnlfpl leb , tbat pc (ball Oepeont anotber, anb pou (balbe rcatreb,aitb pc (ball fall ipae Deffclfliconttpnglpmabe. mm* * Wftepbememoiiiihiiuenowape to ae.arto tbe rammetf of tbe ftocae (ball not ef« cape . l&)tn (ball tbe (bepberbc* crpe bo^tp lp,anbtbframmc0oftbeftoc!tc(baUmour< «c j'f o^ tbe io^oe batb confumeb t tyit pattb= re.attbtbepibeftfelbeilpeDeeobecattfeof? bo^rpble watb oftbe to^tb 'abepbauefo^ (aftea M folbeolplte a*a lvon.-ff o^ tbep? lanbe (0 uinfte, becawfc of bt0 tittidufe cruel* tpe,anb of bt0 fear full inbigttatpon. CUTbcwDJ-Cbapter. Caeccmp mowtb tbe ptopit (o ainc noemenf.fte (a tm of (be Debtees anb pjeaci, anbb;ouebt . to uiDffmtnt. cjriab (be p;opbff e kpiitb 0(310; acb(in,con(tatr (o (be tupn or tib. g tte begpmtdtge of tbe rapgtte of leboaftim m (Bite oooftab«p»t g of 3 « ba , came tbP0 mm fro tbe lojoe, faptngc: 12:bu0fapctbtbe mm, jLojtbe .• * ft)tattbe in tbr*otttt of tbe lo^betf ^ u botife.anbfpeafte Ditto all tbem tob(cb( ottte of tbecpttetfof 3uoa)come to bo t»o?(bPPln m iQjbea boufe , all tbe too^besitbat 3 co- tfwHiu maunoe tbe to Tape . * Lone tbat tbou ftepe mt not one too? be bacne , ptperabnentttretbep . i topll berlten, anb turne euerp man from bp0 mmt* topcaebtoape: * tbat 3 mapeaifo repente 1Mb. pf tbe plage , t»btcb 3 ba ue Dctetmtpnco to b^pngcDpon tbem, beeaufc of tbep? urtcUcb muencpontf. m .. 3lnb after tbptfmaner (bait tbou fpcaftc w Ditto tbemrlJbutffaptb tbe to?be;pfpet»(ll , . notQbcpmcjtowalbeinmpiatoeftwbicb I 3bauegcttcnpoti,anbtoI)catct^u)o?be5S "] pfirtpferuaunte!e(tbep?opbete^to.b63fent Jtttopou, iJpfpngeDp tpmelp, anbftpllfenj bpnge.3fi)ewpTlnotfolott)ttbeni(3fape) I - MlnUl » 4 ttit p^aftesi, tbe pjopbetetfalibau tDepfo= * * iftotoe mm be ^ tyohtn out all tbe ttojbcjs tbat the lo^ecommaunbebbim to ^eacb Dnto m people.tben tht pieftr sf.tbe mopbetejtf anb all tbe people toftebolbe Dpo wm,anb fapbe:tbon (bait tve. tyowe bareft tbou be fo boibe, as to Htpc in tit name of? JlWbMt (ball bapp? to topsf boufc a0it bpo Dnto j8>Uob.anb tw cttpeujalbe fo watte, tbatnomanfoallbroelltberw ^ , 25nb toenail ^ people were gatbercb^ about 3ttemp to tbe bou(e of tbe to^be, m pjtncetfof 3«ba bearbe of tb(!« rumour, anb tbep came foone outeof tbebpngcfl! palace, (nto tbe bou fe of tbe lo^tb : anb fat tKboto= ne before tbe * neme bo?e of tbe to^be.^ben . mu Kw9 , fpaftetbep?efte«anb tbe p^opbeteiSDntotbe ?•« J , ruletjJanb to all tbe people, tbtre tooibe*: JJ f - n »*'- ft * ^bpjntan i«tJ2?.itftP to Ope , tot be botb SUm* pwbebagapnft tbpsfc(tpe,as(pepoHre Ccl= ««n.ff»ti» ue^baue beacoe tottb poutcare^. Cben fapbe 3ecemp Dnto tbe rulers anb to all tbe people.- %ty iLo^ne batb fent me to p^eacbe agapnft tbf* boufe anb appnft tb(0 cptiealltbe wo.jbcsf ^pe bauebcatb. ^bcr» fo^camenbe poure toapejl.anbpcmreaoup* fementc#,anbbcobebtent Dnto tbe Dopce of t\tt lom poure <£od t fo (ball tbe lojbc re» penteoftbeplage,tbatbebatbbeu(febaga* Vbft pou. Borne as fo^ me:3 am (n pour ba= beS.bowttbme.aspetbpnfteejrpebtentanb goob.25uttbiS(bnllpeRnotDC:pfpcputme to beatb, *peffiall made poure ft luc&tbp* +ma{ mu . cltpe attb all m (nbabptouro trjerof, gpltpe *2**m- of innocent bloube . $oit\>v*i* of a tructb tbat plo^be barb fent me Ditto pou,tofpca* fte all tbcfe wo^bfSin poure earcrt. «n fapbe tbe rulcrsanb tbe people Dn» to t\)t pjcftcSanD pjopbeteS.-W* ma mape not be conbf pneb to beatb, foj be b" tl) pjra- cbeb Dnto Win tbe name of tbe iiojbc oure C5ob. 'Cbc clbersalfoof tbe lanbe ftobcDp, anb faibe tW ^»to all tbe people -,mu be a !j m aoialtblte, * t»b(cb voos a p.Jopbet Dn= *&fc&.f,«. bet ejebiab fcpttge of 3uba, Cpafte to all m people of 3tiba . «w fapetb tbe lo;be of botteg:*&poti(balbeplot»eblpltcafelDc, .^ ... t (crufal^ (balbe an beape of (tones, anb tbe * F flB, *- M " pll of tbe lo^bcs boufe qialbe turncb to an Jr -c wob . -BV* m Bfobtbt ftpnge of 3uba, . b tbe people of 3uba put bpm to oeatb f 0? iWto tJerelp : * but ratber f carcb j5 io jo, ^ mk anbmnDetbep/maperDntobpm . jfonbe * 3,onw,<< ' b ttbtcbcattfealio tbe |»o)be repentcb of tbe plage.tbat be bab beupfeb agapnft tbem . ifobulbc toe tljen bo focb a Ojamcfull beoe a= gapntt pure foulcs t mm uias a p^opbetc M alfOrtbatmcacbeb ftpflp in tbe name of tbe ** *b?oc , caileb^riabtbe fonne of &>tmt tab ofCartatbiarim stbiSmnn wcacbebairoa- gapttfttbuscitpeanb agapntttjjt'S lonbe.ac K9t cojbpngc 1 I I r t I -1 ill w*m mm T >, .. »i ' . * *' 1*1 i' ;i r; nv.; « # W.tr.rt *„, ,w» k Wtntftoailfcji jfttempraftbiiowewbe* *«<.te.mu *3eboaWmtbcam«cw(tballtbe cttatcflf p?pn«f *baobcarbc w& wojbetf, tbc apnge * wenfabouttonapcbpm. * TOcnwrialj pcriteaucbtbat, be watf nfrapcb , atil» ficbb, ■«mtiocpartebinto@gipte. '£bcn3cboaRimtbcRmgcfentffrnaun* tcjMtotbcianbeofiKgppt, namclp gitta* tljuui rfic fonne of 3Jcbboj,anb certapncmcn wt'tb Jipm info egipt.wljicbfctcbebflllrfab out of egipt, anb bjougbt bim tmto kpnge 3cBoaunn,tbat flewc |»m Witb tbefwcarb, «mb caft b vu bceb bobpcfuto flic comenpc o» plcsigrane . T&nmfmm tDe fonne of nt o jcbekiab the kingc of 3ii s ba : anb tetta fapc mtto t &m matter*: «M faptb tbc Hojbc of boKe/tbe 0obof 3naeL[pcake tbu#t>ntoyour matter* * 3 S2»l? M****> <±W , tbe men anb tbe catell tbat are tjpon t&e grounbe , witb my 26 great poweranboutftretcbebarmc.nnbba* * emrxa »c gcucn ft tint wbS ft picareb me . * amo Dan..f.t,.c power of #abuc&obonofo* tbe Ring of 25a= * ** m ' b * SffE »»? ftrnatint.^De bcaftWifo of tljc * ~ . ?S C MSgeuebpmtobobpmfecupcc, M mc i^M^^PS^^tl^cn^ntfUtbetpme of tbe fame Iilbe become alfo: vcc.motw £eo= pleanbgreatamgcsfajallferueOtm. PW£ Sf 9j RH»a of 2Snbilon:tl)e fame peo» ^JSSxfe » 1M V 3W« conf«= m l? 9!? 1 fn &*? N««r, mpetb tOe lo?bc. fotbefa w , ejt«ounbet0 oFb?camcS, cljar» JHJP; to«M» apngeof 26abplon . $ai fe S3 U W^ffmvm fee SSftSSffift 11 * ^t3m8xDtcaftpott Ptttenccbe^ WibcttDepocTtof tSc K *| 4 Wj ^ ! * *t>t\lt.T.C of^bv!o«,aribftr«ef)pm>tliote3tM«iftt rtmapne Ml in tbeic a wne lanbe, WthVS 3Lo«e, anb flje jj» Qjall occuppc (t , ant km\ tyttilL • i *"i#* tl)vngci8 toibc 3 jcbcfcialj the'-. Miw of MM 1 fapbe: *£ntWnecbefl £ , JttfetlW! j»ocftc of tUe aiitfl of mUlmm \l t,] fcrue pimmib Ijijlpeonle, tint w mawlrne. m\w tm tDou anbibp people perpp) t»fth tjcfwearbe, UJttMonger, ifttf peCHf nee" I vae atf tue lio^be batt> beupft b fo? all pco, pi^lwt topU not ferue tlje H^nge of 2Sabp= I6V ^Ucrfo?e,geuenotacet)ntotDofep2o ; *im m $m$,MWfm : pe (ball not femetfte »S apng of JBabylon.fq? tbep p^eaclic pou \m mtljerbauc^rentetDem, favetD mUA 3»ou>beit tfjepare bolbe, falfclptop^opljecp inmpname:tbat3mpgbtt|)efoonerbwue notti)et»o?bes(oft|)ofcmopoetej5^p?eacbc two voii,anbfape:25eboibe,*&3-tliet)ef«= *** felled of tlie io?bcs( botife (ball fboitlpe be "W b/ong&t bptDer agapne from 2i5ab«on.if 02 tDcpmopbccpe Ipegtjntopou . 3^earetbcm not , but fcrue t^t fcpuge of fl&abplon , tbat pema pc ipue.tmijcrf o?e XfW n maae tbpis titpe to be beftropcb t %\\t pf t^ep be true Vtfwttm Mnv bebe, anb pf tfje wojbe of tbe lojbe be comnutteb tmto tDem,tbcnlct mm mvt tfje 3Lo?bc of &ofte*,tDat t(je xh jiauntof m tynamnite? ( utyfeb are mtbe Jouvc of tbe fo^be , anbremapnepet in tbe boufc of tbe apnge of 3nba anb at 3crufa= Icm ) benotcarpeb to sSabploii alfo ; $ ot tbusfljatD tbe!lo?be of !)ooftesifpokcncon» cppiujctl)eppuer0,tbclauer,tbefeateanb tbe refybue of tbt o^uamenteiei tbat pet re* fo? tbe fepngeof25abplontobe not, wUn * m J l)ccarpcbattJape3ecbone power of 3ubaanb3eruralem,from3erutalemVnto 25abplon,captpue. ■ W*j3P* M ^e lotfe of booftejg tbe c5 ob of ifrael fpoben, as( touc()pnge tbe re» fpbueof tbe o?namente» of tbe CtyOeitffym* ft, of tbe Upnge of 3nbaex<|)oufe,anb of 3e^ * am rtifalem.*l3:|)cptl)albe carpebtmto -neaW* " b,t Jon.anb fjbew.tjjep (ball remapntt^ Untpil ^* « 3 JPfct tbcm, raptb tlje Ho?be. *^ben t»pll * M 3 n^pnge tbcm bptberagapne . 3nb tl)|>je£ t»aj{ bone in t})z fame pearc, euen in tty be= BFWfleof tjjerapgneof jebeaiab Upnge ■ T CCbc.wt)«j.Cbopfer. ? * I mtta f be.«rt. ptare of tbe rapgne of ?ebeafobmnge of 3uba, ^ all tbe people miigbt bcare . % IjujS batb tbe Ho?bcfpoaent€uenfotDiU3b?eabe^pocft of 0abucbobonofo?bing of uSabtion, from t^t neca of all nactow* : pee,anb tDat tnitbtn tbiis ttoo peare:3nb fo tbe p?opbet 3ercmpe went bWtoapciaowe after tbat i^anamab tbep^opbete bnbtaaentbe cljapne from tbe p?opbete 3ercmpcjs necfte.anb bjoac" it.'Ebe \»o?be of tbe toflie came tmto tbc p?opbctc . ," . «3eremp,faieng:^o,anbtcll!9aiianiabtbcs< tBojbeji.'Kbujs faptD tbe 3to?be . 'Ebou baft broaen tbe cbapne of toobb : but in fteabe of tDObbtbouCbaltmabecbepnc^ofp^on.jfo^ >■ tbnsi faptb t\)t lojb of bofteid tbc tfob of 3f= raei :3 wy\\ put a pock of p?on t)pd tbe nccft of all tW people . tbat tttv mapc fcru e &a= !bucbobonofo^tbeftingof25abilon:pre,anb fo (ball tbep bo . 3nb 3 wpll geue bpm tbc ilieaftesiin tbefelbe. %m fapbe tbc p?opbct * tern*. 3e temp t)nto tbe p? opbet ^anauiaa.- * ea - •ip e me fyutaniap: W lo^be batb not fen t f but tbou b jmg^ft tW people into a falfc be* tfotoW tar * v » ... ' * lefe.^nb tberfo?etbusl faptb tbc Ho2be : be= bolbe,3 WU fenbetbeoMtof tbelanbe, anb baftfaifelpfijoaenagapntttbeio^be. ^0 feananiab tbe p^opbete tt^n tty (ante peare tntbefenentbrnonefb. -. . Cfcbe.Mijc.Cbaptfer. Ctpe.piOU orSlnrfinp.fcne bnto ibrmfbaetotwfa CMtfuftefR Sabpion . ©e p;opbtcittb tbepj mm from eaptpufte aftte.ijT.pcatw . ©r p;opbf cprtb tty liftttuccpon of tbf Bpngtanbof tbe people (baf te= mapnc6to3jeturaltm.©ctb>eatnctbttoop?opbttta tbatrcbuce&rtepeopie. a^tbwtbof ^.crneUb tbe jaebeiamtte is p;opbccpei». slsefe are x^z wom# of tbc bobe, % ;tbat3eremp tbe p^opbet Cent fro Jemfalemtjnto*bep?efoner0.| Tcnatourejf.p^eftijs, p?opbcte0, 9 „ 'nil tbe people, tx>be Babuc^ooo- nofo?bfiblebt)nto26abilon:aftcrtbattlme tb«t Ring 3ccboniab anb b$ quencbte cfta- berlapnejS, tbep?ince0of 3nbaanb3erufa= lem,tbe wo?cltemaftcrsiof 3erufalem rocre bepacteb tbptbet; ClUbicbboReigiafab tbe fonne of fijapban, anb cSfomarfobtbe fonne ofl9eiaiabbpbbeare,tob6jebeRiabfftpng of3wbafent\)nto25abtlontoi , iabucbobo= nofo? tbe binge of 25abtlon : tbefewere tlje tbo?be0 of 3erempej{bo&e. 'Ebujsbatbtbe lo?be of boofteiS tbe <5ob us of 3frael fpobftinto alltbe p^efonersi , tbat were leb from 3erufalemtmto26nbplon:* ._ „ rHH buplbepouboufejStobtxjcltbtrinjpiatepou* 31 ""- fiarb^^bfltpemapceniopetljefcutegtDc^ ofr^tabcpou wpucjj.tobearepoufonncjs* * Crne * a baugbter0,p^oupbet»pueig fo? pour fomiejs ««wF.a ' ano bulbabcjifojpourbaugbtcriai t\mx\)tv mapegetfomiejSanbbatigbterjMnbtbatpe mape ntultiplpe tljere.labourenotto be fc= we , but fcRe after peace anb pjofperite of f citpe, wbcriiipebepRfoner^? mape \>n* mmt.u. to d>ob fo? it. jf 0? in p peace tber of , (ball po uctmM peace be. jfojtbuss faptptbe lo^beof Doftctf C tbe(2>ob of 3fracl.*letnottbefcp?opbccc0 *,.. -«*„ anb fotbfaperfi p bcamog pou bifecauepou.- mLbS5' c 9 belcue not pour awne b^camcsi. St 0? vtfot *tbcpp?eacbepou Ipe0inmpname,anb3 „ „„ fc baue not fent tbcm, faptb tbe 3lo?be. «uww«*. ^uttbu5Sfaptbtbc]Lo?bc^TOepeba=*^ ata . rr; uefulfplleb.li:jC4pearetf atn5abpIon,3 wpH */.a typngepou borne, $ of mpneawncgoobneiB }ftK A 3 wpll carpe poubPtber agapne into tljp$ place.ifoOttnowwbat3 baue beuifeb fa pou.faptbtbcto^be. ^)ptbougbtc8!arc to geue pou pence , anb not trouble ( wjneb 3 geue pou all reabp, anb tbat pe myQ\)X bn ue popeagame.*ge(ballcrpeV)ntome,peiball go anb call tjpon me, anb 3 mall bcare vgu. jBBff* t PcujallfeUe me anb fpnbc mc. ^ee,pf fo be SJRSi tbat pe feRe me witb pour wbolebcrt, 3 toil a ' be f ounce of pou, faptb tbe lo?be,anb wpll Delpuerpon outc of p^efon , anb gatber pou togctber agapne out of all places* , wbcrin 3 banc fcatcreb vm, fapetb tbe lojbe, anb fm ii wpll '■\ I I * i] p 1 1 a, 1 t! 3 ■ i .4 . * F ■ J! t * t : 4 *•' * i I 1 I i c ■ ,4 it ■5 all ft top 11 typnge ?ou agapne to tbe fame place, t ro" licence 3 cnuftftpotito be eartebaujape captiue . But wbercaispc fape , ptSob batl.) rail'c id yon top piopftcte jsat l&abiiloit.'Cbu^ |jnt|> toe l om fp oben to t lie binge t|Hi t tpt* Mb in tbe tbjoneof jDaiuo , nnti to all tlje * r « ., h PW* owett in tb&citpe , poure bje* £88** tftiww **bat art not gone uritb pou into cap* tinytit. %W (3 fape)fpeabetb tlie lojb of * jir.rnw. b jjoftc* : iBcbolbc, *3 w pii fenbea (tocarot, lnmgcr anb pcfrilcnce topon them, anO wpll inane tbem ipbc tontimelp fyggetf, £ tnapc fiotbceatetifo}bftternc&3nb3uu1Ipme* cute tbem ttJitj) tbe toenrbe, witb bouger, anb pefttlcnce. ^ 3 will or l tm r tljcm top to be tocjceo ofall bmgbonictf, to be curfeb, nbbojrcb, tomtit* to mm» ano puttoconfufpo of all tbe pco« pie .amongc u>bom3 baue fcatrrcbthftanfc tbat became tbrp bane not bene obcD ict ton* to mpcominaunOementcsi,faptb tbe lojbc, *»&ic() 3 ftnte tonto tbem bp mp fer uaunt c* * jftc.rrt.8 the pjqpbetc*" . * 3 ttobe top earlp , anO rent Mft.FUM.j Ltontotbcm-bnttbcptDoIOenotbcarcfawtD w tbeiojbe. ftcarctberfoje tbe roojbe of tbe Jo?oe,ali pcpKfonerfcwbom 3 fentefrom Jcruialcm tonto 23ab(lon . lEbuo" hath the mix of hpmtte Goo of 3frael fponen of -IbabtDe fonne ofcolaiab.anbof wbeaiaU tbt fonne of a)aauab,tobicb pjopbeepe Ipe* tonto pou inmp name. i3ebolDc,3tDplloe= liner t&cm intotbebanbcof 0abucbobono* fp? the ftpng of 23nbilon, tbat fjemape nape tbem before poure cpe*. 3nb alltbep?cfo=. »er*of3»«w , tbat arc in aSabilonOialltn* tie topnn tl^gtcimeof enrfpnge , onD fape: f\m&ab Do tonto tbe , as be DpO tonto «» prbiabaii?) WMfam t&etongof Wm* Jonroftep in m fper> becaufe tbeprpnncD ftamcfiillpfo3fracl. ;ff oj tbcp bane not onelp Dcfiiicb tbeir ne* pgljboucs ujpur jj , butalfo pite^iebcD Ipuiae i»o?oc0tiimpname,t)Dbtcb3bamenotcom : maunDcD tbem . %m 3 teftifpe.anDnmjrc, WtmtMm. 25utaSfo? £>emetabtbe St fi^l , 2 m( t^ t &o»fta!tfpeaftci)ttto5i?w. mummy im of boa e* rue 000 of jr. rae«:25ecaufctboubaafealcbicttct0tonber tbpnatne tontoallf people tbatisat 3etii 5 lalem, anb to^opbomab tbe fone of 4'a?aa= ftab W pclte: pee, » renttbem to all the p«» m : pocrtin tbon w^pteft t bms tonto bpm : fW! batlj o?bepneb tbe to be picfte fn *««f.«e.ru tbe fteao of *3eboiaba tbe pi cite :t bat tboi ****** w**$t mmintmmifm%m MwMM$tto*\*m p?eacbcrx<, ano f d J 1 Weft feu tbem topon tbe pflicrp , m m the ftocfteg.J9oweJ)appenetbittben,tlatj^att *a«t. ti,i p?op|iecpe (ball le sbonfcj ■ JSabUoihanotoIOeWplapwlpJbatonre i' capttmte bupIOe toss yimiejrt i;u oweu roertn: ff Wgae Dens tba e we inapr enrope tliWiiii rebbe , ano l«3eremvthep2opbeteheai:cS- 3f remp,fapfttge : j&enbe mmto all S gtbtbeio^cQ)ohenconccen(ng , if oj tljug faptb tlie loiot: 28eboibe * t 2SS&2? WS e •» b welltng niacr ^?e citpe (balbebtipiDeia in ber olDe eftate.ano T^ i. J S u !i n i ,u i pI ^ e toMtt tbcp Cball not be fewe.3 Ml cnbue ttitm uwtb bonoure,* no manowll fubbne tbem . W am Meuc«ttoufii«ofaooli«,tti)(thtl)eln»« no£eSttr Bi,P,,en ' fof ^*» 1 « anil feti0nipetbtl)elo;be:*'S:l)epeo= ? A wv ttrtberneCefrom tbe ftocarDe, fo* dit,,?fftrttS?*l fi ? , " t0come tototbcp^fft. SmifiS?iL tl,e l0iDc " ow alfoapeare ton« Sn^S.^?*^ PW #3 lone tbe witb "•*•*» wr0^aiipiante,anDcommciJipeate of it. gtfi* JfWjo top tonto Son to our * «*■«* t£E£& fiW becauft of 3acob, eric ton- * to 3?^aDoftbc(i5:enttW:fpcabeout,rpno: atib fape: © iojbe faue tbP pcopr • tb ttm. m*»t 3fraaanb mabetfem u.3 Se» SR&lJSS b i msf «n»«B«Pneftom out of tbe nojtb lanbe, ano gatber them from tbe gftfifflg «H^,twb tbe blpnbVaK mctba^tareamonffetbem,ttJitbtbctDcmeu 8SSSSS SB?^'' ^ w * be al -- Si% ucreD: a J° ^"ompanp of tbnu tbat tomcagapne^albegreatc. y , Mt w MJall tome toeptng anb i»(tb met* 3 topll leabe tbem to tbe ryucrtf of water in wf *ffi2FVf*" Wl * a « «SBK * m, ntt. I&carc tbe tDo/oe of tbe lozbc;© pc <£e% W-Lf^ll!? wcatereb 3ftael , fori gf. ffdMtt s»:«ucj9 qr tne tou» flbai 'mppeople/ "i«nprpep ^ggg^SjoweintogtaoiieBe, t/m^^mm* , tt IggtW complapnte,3 tUottgDt must * f .tibw.t. up wp fclfe:*(0 not Gpteiiim mp bcarefon* S»£MN not tbecbtlbe, with wbom3 baue Dab all mpjtb anb paftpme.' # 02 fen0 the «* tnep J firftcomencb withhp m ,3baueb(m cucrtnremlbjmtncetf&trfotomptierpbert bjpiictbmctontohun.glablpanbloupnglpe wpll 3 baue mcrcp t)poninm,fapt& ? lojb. 0ett!)c watchmen , pioupbe teachetf f 02 f , ft t mm mym tbt rpgbt wapc , J thou Ojulbeft wife, anb turne agapn, €> p bau» Bbtcc of 3fcaei,turue agapne to there citpc0 of tbptte-© owe 10113c wiltt&ou go aftrape, £tbou^2pnWnffbausi)tei:/'jfo2tDe3i(«b mnm&t a nc we W ng *pa M&«S man Stall compaffe a man. .-* *. #°|'h u *tepthtbeio2bcof ftooftetftbe ©on of 3fracl:3iwplkomet|jertoiw^n 3 Iwue l bjougbt juba out of capttoite.t hefe WOetfqjalbebearb m t\yt ianbeanb in hpa * cfa.Fi«.a. ettpe0. / £he Io2be,whtchi0thefap2e*bip= p rbon bolp bPH.anb tbewflbaii bwcii 3«: 1»* Janbemen.jf 0? * 3 MM tfje Don^pe uu totem tefttO) all fapntc kmrnfm 3 beagje tip* , 3 came agapne to mp felfe , 3 822V I,, *3 Dab bene wabco outeof a tipetcurpe. SElSfi 3 e wpUfowc tbe bonfe of 3ftael,« tbebonfeof Juba, witBmenaiib with c £ Jft £! w « tUcm, to biralie tbem bowne, to b p mope tbtm, anb cbaften tbem. eucn fo _ i topiI3a!fogob(UgenfIpabottte>f6fiupibe tb em Dp affapiie,* to plant* tbem, faptbtbe s!ffi&.*,P m M!i wwflwH We- *mnfii tbefatbcr^hauccatlafowetflrnpcaubtbe 4! chpb£eni8teetbatefetoHCbg« : fb/eiiecpone iball mm Dpct a tone mpfbebe, fo f xoMq catethaf^2eflW|Jc,bpiBitcetbCbalbetetbn « 1 ebge. *25eholbe, tbebapetf come, faptbtbe i f m J aojDe, ttatfl wplltnabe^ranewc coue" -5 ' naunt ^tlicboufe of 3ftael,a w nb ti the boufe of 3f etempe $*,IPM lonsihoott 4*^| HI »ben3totte^bfbPflwi tbi anb leb w out of toe IanDe of egppt: wb(cb wtlfn3M«»hepb|acfte:pce,euen^en3W anbufbanbe bab rule ouec them, fapetbf be |oibe. * ButtDWibalbetbecouenaatthat ***•„ 3,2?? wftw^JWJOttfeoe 3ftaelafttr ****: anb tbepqjalbemp people. "wwi I we the lo^be. H5ut tl)tv (ball all tot owe me J53 w« foiaettetberr mpibebf5,anb wui SSS S^J^E^^cnprno^e.^busi wft^fbthattleaoubetftberofwajcefeac- SCiRF 1 Arf NB l .°^ e ^b*«HtDefcbe Slebefo ? wM'toitailwapebeapeO' tpebeaucn aboue cannot be meafiireb, s nfi © ?h/mffi? tt ^^Sr l:DT,a 3 airo not caft out *« tbewbole feebe of 3fcacl, fo2 that tbep baue aSBH£°»?^^ We. Vebolbe, Z JSKSSfr^ e ? e ^^MUattJecitpe of ot ^ananccl \tnto tbe gate of ^coiner wall: »*«<«» ifrom ttoMl tbe rpgbtmeafwebctaW ' ?iM f 9? P^^ruafcftanb of tbeaftje^SD £&£** *m m b?olte of CebSSb J ** f «.3inb wbentt^nowe bupibeb, beb2oben,no?caftbowncanpmoie. C^he.w^.Cbaflter* i SHE J WI * ™ Babuchobonofoi, %?yimeajJtheapngofa5abp- S^ l ff;/ on '?^ h ^JW «« K?, 1 !? ^°« a ««e wape0 of memtcbp^ I accojbtttg totbe frtttetfof b(0itmenctoti0. iMJLSSrJF?* hone greatetoftentf anb f&uM wonbertf m tbe lanbe of egpptc , a0 wc fc SE*^*» thofemen:tpmaftetbpnamegrcate,a0it« Jjjpetopalfctbp0bapc.'3:bouhaftb2ougbt 2T»8?i! Ie °P fc \ cl outc of ^ »anb of egp W(tbto{tentf,wttbwonoer0,witbainpai> JEJS!?' » .R»N ftref cfteo out attne anb «6 Jfflkl? ftc «S^auftabbCtt^Mmp{fb^tw iK^ t ft*? w 5 , » , »^«out»olbeftge. aubbonpe ** ctl) ttrt * m ?« e ^,fffh i ?♦ S e ^ e , ,, the f fametbertn.anb pof *xuM«r.fir fclTcb tt, t^tp folowebnott tbp^opec, anb n » ibil «''. SSSSS^SS^tP 1 " t0 Do ' that h aue tbcp Spon tl/cm ° ?e COmcaU We mit * «« JSS25L? f ^ are h"Hwo2cbc0 mabc E J S2? a Sl? 9SW^^ tabc ":anb it tbal tS2i?H ,tl !! t 5? on ff eranDDca eh, mum • *^!tl mt Mi> ** torn (ball come vpontyetttj i>JF?£}?:f nt to n w**ttwtmt \jtttotbc. e get(fatfttbou\)ntomc,iDILo2DeC5ob)anb «??A«2f2S?. me »r t 9 lf 30wil loofeaprce of lanbe tmto m^ fclfc , anb t*\\c voitntm 9SS£5 Wtotbemeane fea f on tbe cttve t0bflvnerebtntotbcpowecoftbecbalbec0. f ben came tbe W02DC of tbe io/be into of all ftcftc, 10 tberc enp ftjpnae then to barb SJ c ' p 3»h^aerthp0citpetntoVpo= Fmri 1 't trijt pmtyivi W «■ Mi I . J * h .: ■ • ;* all 1 V; & ■ . :*• I bcfojc me cncr fro tbe WlWb Up, wliatba* tie tijep clss bonc.but pjtouoneb me tf £ woj* lutfoftljctraumciwnoeg.'faptbtnclojbe. 0h wbatbntbtljtfcitpebeiiecUctf bttta ft^ Wottolttiiffof mpwjatb, tner^^fciwetljt v^ bapc tbat tljcy OuplDcD if, Unto tDviet boure UJliceiti 3 caft it out ofmp fight, becaufe of tljcgrrnt blafpbcmpetfof tbecbiltycttof 3f» racl $ 3uba , wUicI) tbcp baue bone to p?o- uoftemc:pce,t&ep,fbcirbpngctf,tbcirpjpn= cetf.tDe ir p.ieftc&tbcir pjopbctc&tbemen of 3uba,anbtbccptcfpn!S Qfjerufalcm. * rm t, a ^ ^P™ 3 ftooc Up e arlp,anb tattgbt tbe" Uctf to me ,anb not tbcp? facctf. 'fcbey ujoIdc j jntM.* notbearc,tobcrefourmcbanbcojrcct : tout fct tljetr poolgin fbottfe , that ija: balowtb Unto mp name.to bcfpic tt-'tTDep baue btiiU be D bvt place* foj 25nal tit tlje Uailcp of tbe cbylbjeu of tycnnom.touottjetbcpjfonnctf aiibbaugbtcrtf Unto Jtyolocb : wbicbjhie- ucccommaunbcDtijcm : uetbcrcamcitettcc inmp tbougyte, toma&c3uoa fpnnewftb focbabOominatpou. |nDnottJctl)ctfo?e,tbH^Datbt!)clo?be (500 or3fraellpoHen, conccrnpngetbftfcp* tlc,u>blcO:afl; pepoure Celtics conFeffe) (bah bebclpucreb into tlje banDe of tbenynge of 25abplon , toben it in wonnc toted toe fwe* *D«t.rrr.aarbc,\xittl)b6gcrauDt»itbpc(ttlciice.*26c» jolbc,3 will sat (jet: tljctn togetber from all I tin or 0,U){)cr tit 3 &atte fcatcrcb tbcm in my wjatb tn tit v fearful! aim great mrpleafurc: aitb wpll tying tbcm agnpnc unto tjjpjjpln- cc, wbt re tijep (ball Dwell fafelp . %nb tljev _u>ilbcmppcopIc,anb3wilbctbeir<30D. *» faI «£ ~ * iijnttljcp mapc fcare me all tbe baieg oftOeirlpfe,tOattbepanDtbe(ccbplb;tenaf« * ™.mu.c tcr tfjctn mapc pjofpece . * atnb 3 wpl I fett Up an cmtlaapng cottcnaunt Mthm.m* melpc , tjjaf 3 wpll ncttcr ccaOe to bo tpem [ooo, anb that 3 wpll put mp feare in theft; icrtcfl, fotljat tDep (ball not rnmte awape *Bf t ,.rrw.bfromme.*t , ce»3wllbancalafl;anb«lea= mt.mi.t Hire to do tbe goob , ano faptftf till? to piste mm in ty& lance witb mp tobole bert anb untb all mp fotile. Sfmpm fitptb toe lojberipaeatf 3 banc teottgbt all tints great plage bpon thus peo= Pie, c uen fo M II 3 alfo tying bpon tbetn all p" goob^Oap baucmomifeD M.%n* men Ujall bane tbctr poffclltosf in tots Mbc.tDhcc* of pc fapc nouie,tOat it (ball itctber be tnba* btteb of people ncr of catcU:but be beltuceeb into tlje banbetf of tbc ebalDecjai . gcc.lanbc mm wwwoi money, « emwccsmaoe tbcrupon,aijD fcaleb befo« txutneffetf in tbe countrep of 25cniamin ,anb ronnbe aboute 3erufalrm ) fntbccitie0of3uDa,intljecitic!S tbat are Upon tbe mountapnej«,anb in tbcm Wt Ipe benetb s pee,anb inf cttpejJtDat are uttbefontb.ffoj 3 t»pU b?pnge t&rir piefo^ nerssi)(tDeragapne,favtbt|)c io?be. u C/fbe.Mjeiij.Cbaptet. 5EI0tPJopt»«f (0 m(iup^tbDf(l)t!lojl)c 1 ton;(ipf tot flje twpuKauncc oK (be people , tobjeb tbe Eoibe p;ompretb . «5ob fo;»i!iirtb fi'nne», atib notb gtacv: flutipto efte people , foj bpa aVunetcuotoiic . ©f (tic ma of Cb;iir.3Cbe!n'nooome of jcbfitt in f cUureb ilD^eotter, tbe t»o v ibe of tbe &02&C a came bntoierempon tDptf ma* tKSt ncr,* UJUcnbeuiajEipctbaunb in [tbecourt of f p^cfon.'EbwjSfapth tbe t o^be, wbtcb fnlfilletlj tbe tbiiw tbat be fucaftetb : tbe l-o?bc wtnebperfonrmetbthe WW tljat be tanetb in banb.ctten be,t»bofe name tttbe ilojbe: *crpe Unto me, $3 uipu * «*«ft nnfwere, anb ujewe tbe great anb dpc tl)in= mA Qtti, uibicb were Unftnotoen Unto t(je; 'S'btttf (3 fape) fpahc tbe llojbe doob of 3rrnel,concernfngctbcboiiresfoftto#citt>e, anb m Dourest oftljc uiiigetf of 3ttba^ tbev are tyoltcn tljo?o\xje tDe o^Oinamtceanb tht fwearb.iiSecanfctbccnbabitoursloftbi^ci^ tie bane come tofigOtagaitifttbcCJjalbeetf: anb tbeparcfpllcb wttb tbebeeb barcafeS of men, wbom 3 banc flcpne in mp ttijatb anb btfpleafure:tt>lmt3 ttimebmp faccfretbptf citpe ,becaufe of all bcr wicncbnest.BeboIb, faptb trje lo?b,3 to yil rcpapre ? beale tbeir toomibeitf.anb mane tb5 ttjjjole : 3 tWII open tljem tbe largi-treafttre of peace anb trnetb. k 3nD3ttiUrcttirnetljecaptitipticof3« J - ba anb 3fracl: anb topllfct t\)tm Upagapnc as itoep toereafo^e . * ^FroinaU mpfocDfjef, * tumi wberin toep bane offenbeb ag^ me, 3 toil! m clenfe tbf . ainb a» miv blafpdcmpcS wbt'cb tljcp baue bottc agapnft mCjWW tbep rcaar= beb me not,3 will foitgetic tbcm. jg; 2Cnbtbp0 (ball get mcaname.apjapre, 9 te , L°" re . a l no "S nu t^peoplcof tbe eartb, wDicblballliearc all tile goob, tbat 3wpll fl)eweUntotbem:pce,tbcptbalibeafrapcD anb aftonpeD at all tlje goob bebcjS anb be* mfptess tbat 3 w yii bo to* tlicm.^)owoner, IK&SSSk °i D ;i*3liitbiSplace,wber= *wm of pc fape tbat it (balbc a wplDcrnciff, wlicr* tiinctljerpeop!eucrcatcll(banbweU:tnlirte matter in tOe cttpe^oj jm* 9 ttftott 3«= tnfalem (wbtcb alfo (balbc fo Uopbc'tbat nctOer people ncr eatell (ball Dwell tbere ) cbalipuopceof glabnejSbe bearbengapne, tpe Uopcc of qc typbegrome $ of tljcbipbc, tlje io^beof booftcsi , fo? be ift loitpngeanb uww* bPfmcrcpenbttretbfo^ener i anbtbeUopce ?/te W"! off 5 ^Pfiito»i tDe Ijou^ KrttteiPM'fioi 3 wiIlrefto?e tbe capti* mtteoftbi0lattoe,nji(twa0afo?e,faptbtbc Wbiclj ^ bopbc from men anb eatell, aitb iti all tbe cifpc^ of tOelanbctberc mibi kt Up ibepberbesicotafle0:in tpe citpc^Upoh tbe mountap- fSf^ecempe, tfoJjqcblt, € KMfflW t (,tf,ti«.f. iUX«.«* 5D l 0m.bih'.b Sine.yb.b l Stt.fFrif:.» mouncapnc t .anb in tl)c cpitiejB that Ipe Upon tlje plapne ,anb in tlje cptieat of tbe fontbe. jn e&e lanbc of iSen3amin , in tbt felbctf ot3crttfalem,attb in tljccpttesi of 3nba (ball tbeujepebenomb^ebagapncUnDcrfljanbe of torn , tbat edict b tbcm, fapetl) tbe Ho^be * 3Bcbolbe,tbc tpmecSmetb.vapetbtbe lot- be,tbat 3 will pcrfourme tbat goob tbpnge, wbicb3 baue pjomifeb Unto tbe bottfe of 3(= racl anb to tbt bottfe of 3ttba.3n tbofebapetf anb at p" fame tpme,3 wpll tying fojttb Unto S)attib,tbe tyanncOeof rpgbtuotifncss , $ be (ball bo equptie $ r igbteouuieffe in tbe lanbc. |n tbofe bapejS(boTi3ubabe bclpcb * anb 3erttfalem (ball b well fafc, anb be tbat (ball caliber 10 ene" d5ob ou?e:rpgbteoufncfrc. jf 0? tljutftbc io^be p^omprctb;* Dattib (ball ne- tier want am , to fpt Upon tbe tb?one of tbt bottfe of 3frael: * itctber (ball tbe pjetteslniiO icttitcis w5t one to offrcallwape before me burntofferingctf, to bpnbletbemeatoffcrpn* ges(,anb to prepare tbe facrffpcesi. atno tlje wojoe oftljc Lo?b came Unto 3c* remp after tW mattcr.^butffapctbp to?b*. tttape tbe cSttettaftt * toijlcb 3 baue mabe vb oape anb npgOt be tyoltcn.tljat tbere QnilDc not be bape anb np^bt in Due fen fo 11 ^ ^ben mape mpcouenautalfo betyoften, wbicb3 maoe vb spamo mp fcrttaittcanb fo be not'to Ijan e a fonnc f repgne in bpsi ttyone. * f ft*illaUoppjefte0Hruife0ncucrfaple,but ferttcme.* 5f02lpltcatff ftarrcd of bcaucn mapenotbenotycb, netber tbt (anbeof ^fee meafurcb:fo wpll 3 multiplpe f febe of a>a« nib mp ferttaftt, 5 the Lcuif tsi in v mimfterst. ^o^cottcr.tljc wo^bc of tlje Jlo^bc came to 3cremp, faping:C6fptyeft tbou not wbat tljisf people fpcaltctb/'Ewo ftpnrcooc^fape t|)cp)0abtj)c io?Oc cljofcn,?tOofefantc ttno liatb be caftauiapc. jf op fotliep baucbefptfeb mp people $ tbcp reputcb tlje as tbottgbtljep twere no pcoplc^rljcrfoje tljueifatctO p !Lo?= bc.^f 3 baue mabc no cottcnaut wit bapc $ «PfllJt,» geug no Itatnf e Unto bcauc 9 cactlj: m wtU3alfo caftawapc tbe febe of 3acob &H>autD mpfetuaftt:fo y>3 unlltane no ml* ccoutofljtj3ifcbc,tortue?po(teritieof3tya= b^» 3faac 9 3acob.2i5ut pet 3 unl tunic agop ne toeircaptiuitic.f be mercpfull Unto tfjem. CCbc.Wjfiiii.cbapter. C; ©c(b?es(ciu(b (bat t\)t cpde, anb (foe Upnge jebe; Wab alto, ibaibc ffeueu into tbebanocaof (bchpnge of lBiibpioii . ©j rcbuhetb tbcm that b;ousbe r 0C be of (i)cp; b;ctb;cttob of 3fracl: «5oo,^ fpeabe to jcbclual) tbe Upnge of 3uba,anbte«bpm.'«Jbc tozu fenbetb tbt tbp& i»o?bc : 75euoIb?, * 3 wpll * tut. Bt« a o. belpuce tbp£fcpticintotbcbaitbcoftbe np«g^; a ;, r „ „ of 2i5abpIon,be (ball burncit.anb tbou (bait f^wi*: not efcape bpfi bXDt&Mt (bait be leb amape picfonccdb beltuercb into bin power. Hbou ibaltloSetbe Upnge of 25abplontn tbe face, ano be foal fpcalte ujttb tbe.moutb to moutb anbtf)cnujalttljougooto20abtlon.)>etbca= 1 retbewo?beof tbe Lotbe, OjcDcfttabtbou fcpuge of Suba^bmsfapetlj tlje Eojrie Un« to tbe.'Sbou (bait not be flaytie wttlj f f we* aebe , but ujalt ope in peace. # Ipltc axttbp *i>xtt.mu fo^efatbersltOckpitgcfl , tbppiogenitottrsJ, tDeectyeitterfoCbalttboubcbzetalfo^inoin tljp mourmngc tljcp aiall fapc:ot) io^b. jf op tW bane 3 Detcrmpiiebjapctijtbe Ho.zbe. ^b^n fpaUeJccentp tijc p*opljct atltbcfc txiozbctf Unto ?cbcaiab Kynge of 3ttba in t * 3criifaleni:tDbattpmea# tfce bpnse of 23a= ^° bplons Ijooftc befegeb 3ccufalent,anD tbe rc= nautoftbecptiejJ.j^amclp,l.acIjtiSanb^5c« caclj.tDbifbpctrcmapnco of p * (trcngc bc= * ".pacn-a. fcnfcDcptic0of3uba. Ubcie are tbt toojoctf tbat tbt Hoibfpake Unto3eremp tlje p,iopljcte , u>fcc« ?cbc Itiarj tout agrceb witljalltijepcoplcat 3crttfale, tl)att!jerc(bulbebepjoclameb*altberfic.fo * ero rri3 tbat cucrp mil (bulb let bttffi:ruauitt$banD= Ec«i.nu.f' * inapDego fre,IDctyueanD i9cbmeu"e, anb no &£Utc - **• b ' 3eweto bolbebpss bzotljcraSabonbc man. ^otocafitthcpljabcoitfeitteD.alltljcpunccss aiiDalltbc people UJljicb OabgatljcreO Unto tbWagrcmct f pat cucrp ma foulbc fct at lp= bcrttc W bobc feruaunte anb bonbe woman anb no longer to Ijolcc tbcm boiioccucn fo tbcp were obebict,-? let tOcm go free- :^tit af= ' tcrttiarDe tbcp r cpentcb, anb tone aga pne tbe ferununtcsJanbbanbcmapbcusf.uiljomtbev bab lett go free, anb fo mabc tlje tobc agatne. jfo? tbe wljtcbcanfetbc wo.iDcof ^ loiot c came Unto 3crcmpc fro tbe ioiDcbvmfclfc, fopiuge.-'&butf fapctb f Ito^bCob of 3frael: ^ 3 mabe a coucnaunt with pome fatnertf, ♦sru.^.a. wbe3 tyougbttbcoutof€gypt,( tbat tbcp ^ 06 ^«.« (bnlbc no moje be bonbmcit ; fapntije. U)b«i fcuc vcarcsi arc ottte , cttery man (ball let bps; bougbtfcruafttcau^ebniegofrcpfbcbauc fcrticb bpm rpyc pcarcitf . 25ut pourc f atijcrsf obepeb me not $ berkeneb not Unto me. M fop pon,pe were nowctttrncb,^btbrtgbt be* fo^cme,tittbatpep?oclamcb,euerpmatoict bus ncigb bourc go f rce.anb tn tbat pc mabe a cottcnaut before me,intlje tcplc chat bcarctlj mpnamc.lSutpctpebaue tttmcbpotire fcl= uejSagapnc, anb blnfpljcmcbmp name, jfn tliist.f cnerp man Ijatb rcqny^cbntjS feruaftt ^b^bmapbCagapncwIjopcbab let go qup= te anb fce,$ copf lleb tlj{ to feme pott agapne, a 11b to be poure bobc men , anb bonbuacmen. 3nb tberfo?ctIjusJfapetbtbe £o v ibc: pc Ijauc not obepeb mccuerp man to p^oclamefre* borne 1 1 1 ■:ii *1 ! ! I % i .1 ; l mmm IP '**/ r ; • I J I f '# a tf i JT. * !M I if: [1- 11 * i! borne bntobW biotbccs ncpgbbour c: wbet* S^ fine 03- 3 wpll call pou tonto a frcbomr , ietl|) tbc loib:cucn tonto tbc fwcarbe.top pcsilcnct,* to fyonger, t wtll make vou to be MltiflcD fit all tUc uyngbome0 of tbc cartb- #ec,cbofemcn p* fmuc bjokeninpcoucnafit, ♦cwf.tto.b. ^ notkeptetbe woibctfof tbe appopntemft, fcr wbfeb t\)tv made before me; *ewr wbftbcp beweo tbc calfcin two , 9 w&en tbere wente tboiowetbctwobalfc0tbcrof:'8:bc$jpncc0 of 3uba, f be tiffta* of 3crufalcm , toe gel* oeo inctt.tUe fteftetf anb all tbc people of t be laube , ujhtcl) wente tboiowe tl)c two fpbc* of tlic ealle.'CDofc men wpll 3 geuc into m power of ebew rncmicM into w banbc0of tbcm tbat foiowc topon tbcp2lpuc0. VS&S* *. * ^»ity tDrtr tceD boDiexi Qjalbc mcaee fo? jrre.Mi.D. t ty fo||llf j. of ( jj f m ^ ^ braftf g flf f ftf fc]Dc> 30foi?cbchiabfijckyngcof jubaanb M #2pncciei,3wpllbclpiicrt&f into tbc power oftlycircnempcsf, ano of f&emtbat Ucf^cto flapeftem, and into t&c&anbc of tbc kpngc *3!c.rrri>K.c of 2Sabylon0 tjoftc * c«—"" remp,fapinge. * ^akea boke,anb w?pfeiBertoaUtfj0Woibe0,tljat3baiiefuo* ken to m\ agaynft 3frael agapnft 3uoa . ;■ anb agapufl: all tbe people, fromtbe tpme f 3 beg^nmrfo^ to ftjeafte tonto tty (in cfic rap^ tie of 3ofiab ) tontotbptfbape.'Cbatwbeii boufu of 3ubabearetbof tbeplagc , wblclU bam: bettpfebfo^tbtm. tliepmape perab» wtuut wentnre * eurnc,etierpmanfr6|)piei wpekeia w» • wa ^ e i ti^tj mape fo?gene tdep^ oftenceiJ anbfpnnej*. €Den bpb 3«emp call JKacnck t lie fonne 3fiwit.il. of j&erfofc * anb zSarucb wzote in tf)c boke attijemontDof 3eremp,aUtiJir wo^btslof &o?be,wbic|)i)ebabfyokcn tonto 6pm. an 3erempcomaunbcb 2£aruct), fapinge:3 am inp^efon , format 3 mape not come into tbe boufe of tbe lo;be:t])erfo2ego tbouttiptbcr, *« anb reabetbeboke,tljatWi baft wzptcn at w mpmoutbtiaamc^tbewo^betfof epe Ho?b anbrebetbemintbelo^bejsboufe topon tbe faftpnge bape, tbattbe peoplcwbole 3uba, anbautbept|)atcomeoutoftbecitie0,mape beare.)derabuenturetbcv wpll u?ape mcke= Ip before tbe face of tbe io^be^ tume cuerp one fromftpjs wpckcb waye. ml greatets* tDe w^atrjanb wrpleafarMlwt f iojbe t)atj) taken agnpnft tW people: ifeo 26arucl) tlje fonne of iSerialibpb, ac« cojbinge tonto all tbat Jercmp tbe P^opbete cdmaunbebbin^reabingetbe wo^be^of tbe %om out of tbe boke in tbe io^besi ftoure. 3nbt|)i0 waft bone inp fpft peace of 3cljoa* bim tbe fonne of 3oftab kpnge of 3nba, in p *jw.tu,a, (J monetb * wbenitwasicommaubcb.tbat nlltbepcoplc of 3erufalem Cbulbc faft before tbc ftojb.anb tDcp alfo tlia t were come from tl)e cpticjj of 3uba tonto 3crufalem. £ ^prebbc^Bacucbtbewo^bejSoflercmp out of tbc boke witb in tbc boufe of tbeio?b out of tl}z trcafucp of ©amnriab tbe fonne of &apfca tbe Scribe, wbicb tit belpbetbe bpec *mm* lofte of tbe* ne we bo^e of tbc 3Lo?be0 boufe; tbat all tl)e people mpgljt Ijcare. Bowe wbe* ^)icbenb p tonne of ©amariab tbe fonne of ^Dapban babbeacbcall tbe wojtbetf of p Koh be out of tbe hoke.be we f c bowne to tbc kpn- gca palace into tbe S>crpbcjs cbamb^cjs , foi tbcceall tbcftwncesi were ft t. ©I pf am a tbe Scribe, Daiaiap tbe fonne of S>emei>€lna« tbnntbe fonnebf 3Bcbbo?,apban,4cbebfab t^e fonne of feana* niab , witb all t))e ®mtt8 . >% nb ^icDearj tolbetbf all tbe wo^bEMbat be bearbe 25a- rucb reabeout of tpebobebcfoKtbepeople. % ^bcnalltbtp^nce0fent3cbuoitpe ftn- ne of iiaatlwnf a ft,tbe fonne o|»eiamt ab, tbc tonne of Cbuf i Mtn aSarucb, fapiup; . 'Cake in %ne$attbe tbe boke , wbetout. tpou baft reb before all tbe people, ano come . &o t&h* rucb tbe fonne of Jfcertab toke tbe boke in W baube,9 came tonto tbf >9N tbep fapo tonto bim.^pt bowne, % reoe t^z boke f we mape iearealfo.&o 23arocbrebb tbatfbep mtgbt tere.Bowe wb^ t^zf bao bearbe all f wo;* bc&tbep wete abaftjeb one toponanotncr,a*D fapbe tonto 26arucb.lDe wpll certifpe p kiU' ge of alltbefe wo;be0. 3B nb tbep ejeampneb a6arucb>fapinge:tell to0,bowc bpbeft^ wn* tealltbefe wo;oe0 out of bP0moutbV'Cben ( ^ 25arucbanrwerebtbem .• iaefpabe alltbefe ** wo?be0tontomewitbbWmoutb,?3wiiote tbemtntbcbokc; Uben fapbe f pu'nced tonto asarncb ; (5o tbpwapc,^bpbe?witb3ctemp, fotbat no ma knowe wbcre pe be.^nb tt)zy went into t\)z kpng to tbe coutte. 25uf tbep kept f boke tntbecbamb^e of Clifama i!be&moe,? tol= bctbekpngalltbewo?be0pbempgbtbcare. S)0 tbe kpng feat 3ebubi to fetcb bun p boke wbicb be b?ougbt out of eipfama t^z fbtvi ■ betfebambje . 3anb3ebubi reb iait.tbat tbe kpnae anb all fp;pncc0, wbicb wcrcaboute btm,mpgbt bcarciSowetbe kpnge fa t in tbe wpntet boufe.f ojit wa0 in tbe.ir.6)onetb f tberewagafpjte before bim. 3nb wben 3e= bubibab rebbetb?e o; foureleaue0tberof.be cut tbe boke in pecej* witb a penne knpfe.anb * caft it into tbe^c tope tbc bactb.tontyll f *u«a.m.t, boke wa0ajl ostein tbe fp^etopo tl)z bartb. get no man wagabaHjcb tberof , 02 rente St W clotbc* : netber tbe kpnge Jjpm fclfe, ncc bi0fcrnauntc0,tbougbtbcp bearbe all tbefc Wo?be0.i3cuertbclcu"eaBlnatb^^Dalaial),f eamariab befougbt tbe kpngc , f be wo'jbe notbumetbeboke mot wttbftanbpnge tbe kpnge wolbc not btaretbein.butcommaun* beb Jccabmaeltbe fonne of 3lmalecb , ^>a= raiabp fonnc of mM 9 ^elainiab f fonne of3Cbbicl,tolapebanbe0topon26arHCbtbe . &crpbc,anb topojeremp tbe^opbctc:but tbcloibckeptctbSoutoffpgbt.arfernowc tbat tbe kpngc babbjent tbe boke, $ tbc fer* mon0 wbicb 2SarucbW2otc at tbemoutb of 3crcmp:'Q:bc woibe of tbe £020 came tonto 3ercmpc, fapingc^abeanotber boke, anb X*^> wiptc in it all p f oif apbe ferm on* : tbat *^e were wipte in tbe fpift boke , wbicb 3cboa* torn tbe kpnge of 3ubabatb biente. 3lni) tell 3eboalum p kpnge of 3uba:tbu0 ^ fapetbtbe lo|be:tbou|wft bif te tbc boftL f w tbougbteftwitbin tbp feite; T»bplwfttbbu w?ptentberin , tbat tbe kp^ge of ifiabplon v (ball come, anb make tbprflanbe wafte : fo f be (ball make botb people Sb cotell to be out - of it^berfojetbnistbc lozbe fopetb of 3e* boakitn $ kpng of 3nba. * Urbere (ball none * tut « us. of bptfgencracpoii w topon m tb?oneblftpa g-L , «ib.1i?p0bceb cc/ifeflalbexaft oute , tbattbe aw me * bcate of tbe bape , anb tbe froft of tbe npgbt mape come toponipm.3nb 3 wpll topfct tbe wpckebneK 4 IS . 3 ■•s > 1 v '<. *i »* w* 1 -1 " - \ ,;■• 4 * 3 * mi. kcbq. • >."■;$ A ■■■ ' . ■■■■■. w* cftrtmejs of lpm,«>f M ftbc", $ of bp$ fee* uamttec^oicoucMlltbecucUtbatSbauc pjompfcb i tern ( tlougl tlep berbe menot ) w pit 3 bnnge Upon them , upon tie i nba w* tourejof 3erurale\aub Up5 all Jufta/tlc n tofte3*rempanotbecboftc,aubgaucit2iBa- tucD (H|iict)e tmote lipcrtn out of tbe nioutfy of 3eeemp.all gcferm0jsitljatt»erciiitl)cfwftbolte,ww 3ebofl&timtbeftpngof3ubabpbbut:nc.ainb tbcrc were abbcb unto tlcmmanpmo fee* mon&i'leii before. C^bc.wtUii.Claptcri CjctitMal) Caccmetl) Cononfab. tbcrmbttb tmto Jf'f'iirctopjapefoj bpm.3ierettiPBO<* rafce n.ftifc bratcn, anb put tnWCTo n.i»t (e bfipuntb bp ftpnge jrtuMaij. T€bcWaD f fount of joflab * wbicb wagmabc ftpnge tpoiwwc #abu= clobonofo? ftpnge of 26nbplon, rci* Jgnco tntbelgbe of 3uba,fn tbe (tea- oc ofconoiuabtbe fount of 3cboafnm. tf ut wf ber Ue.ncr bp$ fcruauntesi , ner tbe people in tbclanbe wolbeobepetbc wojbctfof tbe ioibe, wbicb be fpaftebp tbe $?opbet3erc> 13W*' m^* $wttbelem\?cbeftiabtbc apng font wmhu 3cbural ? fount of £>rlcmial s&opbonlnl tbe fonnc of tt)aanab tbe^icftto toe £$o* Pbct 3f remp,faping = © pzape tboti Unto tbe loiDt oure <0obfo? U$#owe3ercmp voaU ftcb frc among e tlje peopleat tljat tvme, anb * £it.m.b ixjns: not put in p^cfou agpet.* $laraoitftio* ftcalfo wasscome otttoftfcgppteiwlici uiM tbe Caltoeess tbat brfegcb3ccufalcmperci'a- . ueb,tbcpbcpartcbfrom f pence. 2o ^jjen came tf)e wojbe of tie lojbe Unto 3cremprpep?opbef,faplnge:'Elu$fapctl t&clo2iDe(£obof3frael 1 tbP$anfwerc(ball * •* .,., Vft * m H& R P"ff c of 3«ba , tbat fent pou * * n ' fl* u unto meftu counccll : * MScpolbe , f&laraosi iiotte wblcbtfcomefoitbtolelpepou ,u)all rctutneiro€gppfeinto pteawne lanbe: but tbe €mm (ball come agapne , anb fpglt agapnfl: t bptf cptie , wpnne it -, anb fett fp?e Upon it jf oitbutffapetbtbelojbe, bifecaue notpouire atmtempnbeiMbpncftiiflge on tW manerMu^tleCnlbcetfgonowtpcirwape fromUtf. j!$o,tijepujallnotgotbepi wape. jf o? tbousb ft lab flapne tie wfjblc boftt of tbeCalbce^tljatbcftfltTou , anti mttv one of tire flaync laf cmbWtcnte,peti!bulbe tbep ftanbe Up 3 anb fet fp^t Upon tyv& itptt. aot» WbentCc ^otte of tbe Calbecawaa ibiobcn Upftom 3etufalem , foj feareof itbc eflt>p« tpanjEiai:mpt,3ewmpe went out of 3ewri5» Jem towatoe t\)t lanbeof 2Btn3amm,to set bpm ftomamongt tljepeople. %m t»Dcn be came Utiibtr 2&en3ampn^ po;te,tbtre \xwti a i A ,^„ c SW'»^ Wc 53«^>tb^onneof^e!em ifonintbeboureofaonatbas tbefecibe. jfo? be \nmty tular of tbe p?efo n « ^butf mass 3frcmpputintotbcbonge8anD pjefon , anb fp lapetbere a longe tpme. * '€§tn jebefttab «n» J tbebpngfentfo^Wm,anbca»ebtun,anbaf= «••». w «cbl)pmqupetlp(nb«aumeDouft,fapingc:^ tbpnheft tbou tmis bufpnejsc tljat now ijsm banbe)commetb of tbe 3UM 3f«mp anf- tt)treb:pee, tljat |jicb baue p^opbtcpeb ?«***• yntppou,ffapbe, tjjat tbe bpngeofsSabp- lonlbulbc not comeagapnft pou ? tii«( Idbei 1 anbtberfo?cbearenowe, €>mpio?betfte npngc : let mp pjaft r be acceptebefo?e tbe , nnbrenbemenomoJetntotDeboufeof3ona- tbass tbe^crpbe,tbat 3 bpe not ftere.'&fyn ?eocu(atftbeBpngecommaunbebtoput3e» reinp iu p fo^e cut rpeof tbe picfon , anb bap* Ip to be geuen bpm a cabc of b?eab out of tbe babcrjdlreateUnfpUalltDeb^ab intlje cp- tit wasi ml Up. %\)\\$ 3creinf remapneb in tfeeteentrpfntbepjeron. . CCbc.]i;jc)cut«.cbapter. C»p ttit mocr on of f be tuicte fltteinp fe puf fnf 6 • boiwon, at tfte wanes of abeinuKtb tbe jcbam; bcr!apiic,tbchptig£amaniirtl)afrcmptobcb>oaBbt Wtlof ebc bonaeon. accempe ffictottb tbcfcpiw botoicbcmpabfciicaptbtrti. !3f pbatiab t^3t fonnc of Nathan , 3 Cotioliab tbefomicof i&ftalUbur , ucaltljc fount ot ^>emcliab,anb Mitr p fonnc of a?tlcbiab pcr=* ceaucb tbe wo^bcitf, tbat 3rrtmpbabQ)0Rtn unto autljepeopk,namelpontbpj2f maner: ^buiat fapetbtbe lo^D:* robo fo remapnttb * *«ww intbptfcptie,ibalpcri(b,ctbcr Witb tbefwc» anB ,fftw atbe , witb longer o? wit|) tlie peftplence. 25ut wbofofalictb unto tbe CalbeejS > ftall c fca pc winnpngc btf foule f o? a p^ape, 9 aa» -i Ipne. * tfoj tbms fapetbtbe lo?be : qcfas * ,WBIU cpfic ( no boute 3 muftbe btlputreb (ntotpe power of tbe ftpnge of nBabpfon, anble alfo (ball wpnne it. 'Cbenfapbctbe p^puccjs Un* totbenpnge : ftopu webefecbe pou let tbpsS tnS be put to beatb. jTo? tbtig be btfco?agctl tbcbanbejs of tbefoubitri8tbatbetn m$tt* tie.anbtbcbanbesiflf all tbe people, wpen be fpeaaetb foebe wo?bej( Unto tymMm nut Urrclp labour etb not fo? peace of tie peop!e> but mpfebefc. ?ebcaiai)tbe Itpnge anlwereb 9 fapbe:io,btiJ»mpouttlanbei«,ro?tlieftpng 25 mape benpe pou notbinge. 'fc&en tone tlep 3cremp , anb cad &pm tntotle bongeon of ^elcbial #eiepl tbe fonnc of ^amel fit tbe foieentrfe of tbemiror $o.lMt bowue j(cremp witb coacbejs into a bongefi, TObcretbercwa0iioTOater,butmp 1 ?e.S>o3e rcmpftadtfaftinfmp?e.Bowwbcn3Cbeb=» tneltcb tbe ^o^anbepngea cbamberlapne intbeltpngcs* courte, Unberftobe, tbattljep bab caft 3ercmp into tbe bongeon : be went out of tbe ftpngesi boufe.anb fpabeto p Upn- ;e,( wiifl tben fat Unbcr tbe po?te of H6en* jamni ) tWt wo?beji: «?p lom ? bpnge, j wljcrea^ fbefe men meble witb 3ercmpetlje piopbet, tbcp Oobpm w^onge : laamelp » in tbat tbcpb'iuc put bint in pjefon.tljere to bpe of bongee , fonficreijsnomojc b^caDin tbe- cptie. 'cbentpe ftpnge commannbeo 3Bbcb« mclcclj the 4*)02ian anb (hpbe : 'Cabe from Ijcnce.ic0.ni? mom fijou wpit, i b^awe Up lerenip tbe poplct out of tbe Bongeon , be* fo^ebcopc.^o^beomclecbtohetbemcntd bim.anb went to the boufe of tbe bpngcnnb tljerc Unbcr f treafuricije gatt olbc raggesff wonie cloittcS.auD lett tbcm bowne bp a co> arbe,iuto tbe bongeon to 3crcmp. 3nD 3fil)cbniclcclj He Wojiian fapbe Unto tbep?opbet3crcmp:O) 1 puttbeferagsc0anD SDcloutcjSUnbertbpnc armebolcg, bettupyte tbem anb tty coarocja; :$ jeremp opb fo . §>o tbep b^ewe Up3eremp witb coarbes $ toke |)i m out of tbe bongeo , 9 $e remapneb tn t^t \mw>t f o?c entrpe of t\)t p?efon. ^beit * ?cbcnta jj tbe ftpnge fent 9 caufeb 3crcinp tbe p^opbetc to bccatlcb Unto ijtm.into t^c rbpjbc entrpe, tbat mn tbe bonfc of tbe. liwb.a nb tlje Utu^ gc fapnunto3ercnip:3 willalac tl)c fame* wlat but b.ybc notbpngc frotnetnen 3crc- nip anfujccbc «bcluab:l?f 3 be plapnc unto tbe, tbouwtltcaufemeto iiiffcc bcatb:3f 3 geue tbe counccU.tbou wpit not foloiuc me. mo the nmgfwojcan ootb fccretlp Unto 3c = • rcnip.fapingc.aijsitrulpaisitbc ILoibelpnctb tbat mabc x$ tftcfe fouled , 3 wpli not tta pc toc.uec gcuc tbe into tbe fjanbctf of tbcm tbat fcftc after tbpipfc. e ,. fpeaftc, wbat fapbe tbe ftntg to tfyibvUt it not fro Utf ,« we wpll not put t\^ to bcatb.'CcU U#( wr mape tbe )w!jat fapbe tbe ftpnge to tftef §>ctbou gene tbcm tbPJ*anfotre:3 baue bumblp be^ fougbt tbe ftpnge, tbat be ropll lett mclpe 110 tnoje in 3ebonatban0 boufe , tbat 3 bpe not tljere . f#en came all tt)t puncciB Unto 3crc= inp.anb affteb bpm.^nb be tolbe f bem.af tec tljc maner ag m ftpnge bab bun.'SDben tl)tv belbe tbep? peace.anb let bpm alone f 0? tbcp perceaucb notljiitge. * S^ercinpabobe*?* ftpll in tbcfo?c entrie of tbe p?cfou, Untpll t))t bapc tbat 3ecnfalem wag mount . C^be.jcjcjcir.Cbaptcr. CBabuebobonoroi beregteb .Hftufotnu . nbcfciab {ict£b.©tbP8(abenof f Cbalbcca. Cipe fonnw me fiapnr . !&ie t pre art tb?utt cute .31 c cemp ie pjoupoco foj.abwinctccb (sbcipurrto from capttuitjr.bciaurf of tbe confpbr ncr (bat bf batb in ©ob. !S>we*wbcn tbe cptie of3erufrtIem ^r watftafcen Cfo?tntbc.i]r.pear£of?e= *a«.»w.« . _a beftiab ftpnge- of 3uba in tbe iicntb ""•"anrb.a ^)onctb,camcjSabucbobonofoztbeftingof 25abplon 5 all ty& i|ofte,aitb befegeb 3crufa lcni»fougljtcagcnfttt.3nbintbr.jCt.ptarc of5cDcftiabintbcfotirtbJft)onetb?. i.c.bape * oftbc^onctbjbe^aftcitttotljccptifO^bJ alltbcp?inccsJoftbcftmgof2i5abpion,camc fnvt fat tbcm bowne unbcr tbepojtc : &m* gel, &arr$et ,^)atuganulo,^arfacbim, Babfarig,Beregcl,&arc?cr, Babmag, ti all t^t oeber p?mcc0 of tbcHipngeof 25abp« Ion.* Mb wben jebeftiab tbe ftpnge of 3n* *,. „ ttIff „ ba witbbpgfonbicrgfawctbem, mvflcO, m ' m ** anbbepartcb out of tbe cptie bpnpgbt tbo= rowetbc ftpngcs(g«irben,9tbo2ou)ctbc po?= tc tbat i0betujcncp two wallctf, anb fo tbep wente towarbc tlje u»plbemege. 25ut fbcCalbccg looftefoloweb faftc af= H5 tcr tbem. anb tiftejebeftinb in t\)t felbc of 3e* ricbo , anb bfougbt bpmp?cfone? to |iabu= cbobonofoi p ftpnge of 36abploit Unto Eeb» latb, tbat Ipctb in t1)t lanb of loematb wbcre be gaue iubgement Upon bim. £>b f ftpng of 25abplon caufeb tic cbplbie of jebefttab anb alltle H it i a tti A, it 1#J «- M €pWopl)«i?t '-1 •>i< t ■ c * tut urgo. i btil.6, * 3Sttc. fi. b. i '?:» I: !• ■ ■ 3 f JH in; V"- i! nil tbe noMtjQi of :|tilmbc (lay ne , before t) ptf face at ifceblatb-ftnb mabe $ebcmasi epe^to be put out ,ahD bounce Ijim wltbtwo cbap» ncS,a rib fcnt bim to 28abplon. * a)ojcoucr, tbe Calbccs bjent tip the Rpngcs* palace, twtp t^c other i>oufc0 of toe people , anb bjabc bownc tbe walk* of 3e* rufalem.3Wfo;itbercmnaunt of tbe people p wcrcintbecptic, anb focb as were come to belpe tb£( wbatfocucr was left of p come" fo?* te)Bflibujarabantbe cbefccaptapne carpeb tljc" to a5abplon.nSutBabu*araba" tbe cbefe captapnc let tbe rafcall people c 9 tbofe that babncifbingc)bwrll ftpllintbe lanbc of 3n« ba.aubgauctbcmbiHrparbeSfrcojncfelbcS nttljcfametpme. Bnbucbobonofojalfotbe itpngeof 25abplongaue Babu?araban the cbefec^uf apnea charge, contcrn?ngc3**e» mp,fftj?mgc;tnUcanbcbrriQ)bpm,nnbmaRe mocbeofbtm:fc tbou bo bpm nobarme, but int reat e Ijtm after hisawnc oefpjc. <5>o Babu jaraban the cbefc captapne,Ba» t»tfa?ban !&abfarc0, Bcrgai&arejer 3Rab« tnag a lib all tbe Upnge of 26abplons lojbeS fcntfoOcrcmp * nnbcaufebbpmtobefct out of toe foje cntrpe of rbep?efoti,$ timit* t co him b n to (Soboliab the foniie of 31 bi(? am tbe fonne of &>apban:tbat be ibulbc carpe bt borne, * anb fo be bwclt amonge f Ijc people. Bow wbple3eremplapcpet bounce in tbe f ojecntrie of tbe pjefon, p" wojbc of tbe lo?b came im to Ijun , fapingc :6"oo anb tell 3 beb« jnclccb tbe 49o;fan:'$bti0 fapctb tbe a,ojbc of i)o(tcS tbe <5ob of Jfcacl : iSebolbc , t\)t cruell anb fbarpe plage tbat 3 baue benpfeb fo? tW cptictoili 3 tyiuge bpon tbem.tbat tbou ftiait fe tt-but 3 wpllbelpucr p ( fapctb tbt iozboanb tbou (bait not come in f Ban* Ufi of tbofe men , wbom tbou f earcft. # oj ooutics 3wpll faue tbe , fo tbat tbou (bait not pet iuj xb tbe fwcarbc : but tbP lpfe fbalbe faucb.iSbtbatbecaufetbouba&puttbPtruft tnmcfapetbtbetojbe. Cfcbe.rl.CbApter. C 3fi erempe ti at b ipccnre to go toljetljer lie tepil. © e Dtoellctlj totrl) ttje people tljnt cemapneHi atjmi; Ca[rm,ouec toljom ©oooiralj tuuelj, 3iofcanan p;oj Pbcepctl) eetttj bnto ®00oibPtbcr be bab (cd bim bou» beamiifie all tbe p?efoncr& tljat tocre car peb from Jcrufalcm anb 3uba\jnto 25abplon. Ube cbefe captapne eallcb fo^ %t temp , anb fapbc lonto tym . %ty lo?be tbp <0ob fpabe mpgblelp before of tbe mpferp \3pon tjwjs place -.iUotuetbe lo?behab fentit, anbper» fourmeb it a# be bab p?ompfeb.5f 0? pe ba ue f pnneb agapnft tbe lo?b , anb bauenot bene obebient bnto W bopce , tberfo?e commetb ttyti pksetjponpou.ffiebolbe, 3 lotore tbe bonbesl from tbp banbesi tbPJSbape:pf P milt not»efi(owtbme\mto^abi?lon,t3ptbcn: fo? 3 wpUfetotbe /$p*ou?befo;tyt.25ut pf tbou toplt notgowftb me to^Babplo, tbi rcmapnebere. * 25ebolbe,all tbelanbei^at tbPt»pll»lobeujbcrtl)outbPnbcftc8uen(ent anb 5000 foj tbe to abpbe, tbere btocll. jf op aH pet be u>a# not gone bacbe againe to <5 . boliab tberf o?e be (apbe to bim ; <5o bacbe to (5oboIiab tbe fomtc of Stream, the fonne of ^apban:^tob5tbe{tpnge of^SabplSbatb mabegouernoureoucrtbecpticiS of juba , f btoell voitb bpm amongc tbe people , o?rc« mapne ivbece f otuer it pleafetb tbe. 4o tbe cbefe Captapne gauc %im bptf cjtpenfesiwitb a renmrbe,anb let bim go. * ^be" mente 3c= remp >)nto(5obohab m fonne of 3btbam to a;i?pa,anbbwelttbcrei»itb bpm among tl)t people tbat were left in tbe la nbe. ^owetoben tbecaptapness of tbe ^ofte of 3uba(t»bicbi6tbe(r felowejS were tcatreb ab?obe on cuerp fpbe in the lanbe)bnberftobe tbat p bpnge or 25abpI6 Van mabe ® oboliab tbe fonne of 3 bicam g ouern oure in ttft lanb, anb f man, wpfe ano chilbe.pccanbfpooje men in tbe la nbe (tbat were not leb eaptpue ton5abplon)Cb«lbebet)nberbWinrifbiccioj 'HDtv cametod5obol(abbnto tyiwa.M* mclp,3fmacltbe fonne of iaatbaniab»3o= banan anb 3onatban tbe fonne J5 of Careao , j&areabthe fonne of Ubanbometh, tbe fott- tic* of 4>pbaitbe$etopbatj)ite , 3efaniab f fonne Waacljati, twit (j tbep? companpos. 3Cnbd5oDaltabtbefonncof3bicam,tbefon- ne of &apban , ti»o?c bnto tijem anb tbe n felowcsi in tbiiamaner*25e not afrapeb to recuctbe€aibecjS,btt»eHintbelanbe,anbOo tbe apng of 25abplonferuice,fo(baUpep?o= fperc. iBebolbe , 3 bwell at a)i?pato be an officer in the Caibcctf be balfe.anb to fatiffpe focbcaflcomcto MS. 'fcberfojegatberpott t»pne,co?ncanbopie,anbfeepctbeminpour ware boufesJ, a nbb well in ponrecpticjEJ tbat pebaueiiiKeppnge. Recall tbe 3ewctf alfo f owclt in &)oub < bnberti)e3mmonite.d l iu3Dumeaanb(nall tbe countrcps(,wben tbepberbe,tbatf aingc of a&abpie bab mabe (5oboIiab tbe fonne of 3fcbfo»mtbe fonne of d&opban , gouernoure Upon tUP were left in 3nba.au II t\n 3ewesi ( jfape ) ret ur neb oute of all places! where tbep were f leb bnto : anb came into tbe lanbe of 3uba to ©oboliab bnto 4*?i?pa, §$&m* reb wpne 9 other frntcsi, 9 tbat tjerp mocbe. 4J) o?eoucr , Jobanan tbe tonne of Careab anb all t\)t captapneg of tbe ?)>o{te,tbat were fcatrcb on euecp fpbe in the I3be , cam to d5o- boltab in a)i?pa,$ fapbc bnto bim bnoweft tbou not that 26aali# bpnge of the aimmo* nitesibatbfent3tmael tberonne of B«itba= niab , toaapc(bc^23titd5oboiiabtbe fonne of3Cbti:ambeleuebtbemnot.'Cbenrapbe3o Iwtiah- tbe fonne oi: Careab \)nto dEf oboliab in #i?pa t . M$mmft m.(. ■ *Mmm € *MU\t.M m tn^imtWmmtccmip -.ietme go, 3B68B5 WP aa P e 3fmaelf fonne Ofi jaafbamab , fo that no bobp ujali ftnowe (t.«UberfwewtllheUplltbe ) tbatalltbc3e= wetf Wbicbsero?te bntotbe,migl;t be fcatrcb anbtbeeemimuntin3ubapei!p(be.3nb<0o« boltab tbe fonne of %U bam fapbc to3oba« nan tbe fonne of Careab; 'ftbou ujalt not bo %M V flce bat { w*> ebattbou f«Peft, ofjfmael. Ct:bc.irli.Cbapter. \m in t\z feuentb ^onetb«bap=. Ipeneb, f * 3fmaeltbe fonne ofifta tboniab the fonne of €lifama(one ^-—^^of the bpngcjibloube) came with tbem tbat weregreateft nboutc t\>c apnge.^ ten men f were lwo?nc witbbim : bnto 9 the? bpn eatc together, ainb 3fmael the fonne of iSatbamab with tbofe ten men that were fWMitcto bim , ftartebp.anbfmote 0obo= liah 1 the fonne of 20bica* the fonne of ^aphan With the fwcarbe.anb fle we bim, wbom tht RPngc of 2Sa bplon bab mabe gouernoure of the lanbe. 3fmacl alfo (lcwealltbe3ewe* that were with ieb^, from snlobanb amarta,to tin nombic of. ixxr, wbteb bab (bantu tljcpj bcarbetf , re nt thcyi clotbe&anb were all bcupcb.Uugpugc meat $&> offeinge0,f iiicenfcin fbeirpoetfecrto offre ft it m the boufe of tbe ilozbe. 3nb3fmaeltbc fonne of j^atbaniab went fouh of mim mm 23f#m. tometetbe.#owc when be met tDe,bcfap0e.(i5opourewapeto <2>obol(ali£ fonne of 3abicam.3nb when thepcame in the mpbbcft of tbecptic,3fmacltbe fonncof Ba tbamabctftbfthat were fwo?ue bnto him ) uewetDem.cuenat tbe mpbbcft of tbe ppt. amongc tbcfe.lricr.mcn tbcre were ten , tljat fapbc bnto 3fmael: €^b flape Wnof, f oiwe baue pet a great treafurcin $ felbe,of wbcate barlep, opie anb bonp. ^>o be fparcb tbem, jfoAni ■*l , „ f „„f ^facaufebtobe ma* ye.fyfearcofiiSaanttbcRpngof^a-ael.anb »mc opt bpb 3fmaclfpll with flapnc mg Mmtmmmmt of the people, i» Kpngcjtf ,„ L C VPgf a "° ft » tbe pcoplethat were pet J%«. leftat^tjpa.bpon whom ^iaabuihrabai! {he cbefe c antapnc bab inabc ©ob oiiab tbe mw& aflWcam goiiernoure:3ftnacl $ fon, wor Bat[jan(ab carpebtfjem nwapepjcfo* I metftowarbetbeammonitetf. iSutwben 3obana the fonne of Careab * all tftcp wbicb bab bene captapnejBi oucr the Rpugetf toofte wifbbpm , berbeofali the wpcacouc0 that 3fmael the fonne of Batbaniab \m\i bone • * tptp tofte tbep^cspanionrf, 9 went out foz * etn.ttau tofpaben53fmaeltbc fonne of jftarbanfeh! **•»**» anbfoubebimbpthegreatewatergtbatare " in ©ibeon. jfto we when all the people, who 3fmael Icb coptiuc , fawe3obnna* the fonne of Careab anb all tbe other Captaincy of the fofte, tbep were glab.^o all the people that 3imaclbabcarpcbawapcfrom*s?ijp3,wc=' re brought agapne. 3nbwhentbeprcturueb,tbepcamcto3o= banantbefonne of careab. J8«t3fmarl the fonne of fiatbaniahflebfrom 3ohan5 with £> fpgbt of w# fwoine companpons, 9 aeutc totbc 4mmomte0.15:hcn3obanantbcfon= ne of Careab anb all the captapne* of p* &o= fte that were with bmi.toneaU tbe remna fit of the people, whom 3fmael the fonne of Ba tbaniob bab leb a wapc. c tt)ben be bab flapnc ©oboliab the fonne of Micm) wbomthev alfobabrefcueb from bpm : fpgbti'ugc men, wemen 5 chplo^cn.sgelbeb men, whom tbep bjougbt agapne from (5ibro:anb wentefto tbece.gs fat the bo wne atCSerutb Camaam, wbtebe Ipctb befpoe IBetblchcm * tbat thep * rcce m t mpgbtgo intoegpptcfo^feareof tbe » bee0:ofwbometbep wcreafrapcb,bccnufe^ ■ 3fmacl the fonne of Batbaniab bab flapnc • (Soboltab 3£bibarn» fonne* whom fkfam *m,n,i. of zeabpto bab ma be gouernoure in tbc-laDe. C'S'bc.jClii.Cbaptcr: fESije Captapne* atftc counccll of 3ie «mpe \vbat tl)tf>ouQhttobo.jRcrmi>tmoi\p(httbthe muiiauc of ttit people not to go (nto ggpptc. palltbecaptapnctf.^Jobananp % fonne of &areab,3c?amabp* fonne of ©fapab came with alitor pco= plefrotbelccftbntothcmoft.anb fapbe Ditto 3rremp tbepiopbetc* Obearc f ^ f "["••'• oure pettciointbat tbou inapett pjapc foi Dtf * M * mb *'*' Dnto tbe Lojbetbpoo, namelp, to all tbe rftrnut, wbcrof tljcrc be Dcrp fewe of b sic ft ofmanp.as^feeftDS^thcio^bc.tbp^ob mapaiewDsawapetogoin.^tellDS.wbat we(bulbcbo.'£:beu3crempp>*opbctfapbc Dntotbem:3 baue bcrbepou.Mjolb 3 will Wave Dnto <£ob poure Lo?be as pc banc rc= quywb me: anb lofte what auf were tbe tozb gcuetbpou,3 (ball ccrtifpe pou tbcrof , anb Ucpcnotbpnge bac&fropoa.3uo thep fapbe Dnto 3cremp. * ^be to^b of tructb 9 fa(tb= * *i of »<- '•*• fulneSbeourereco?be,tbat we wplibo all? aff/'&K tbe t oibc tl)p d5ob comma unbetb DS , wbc= Is ' fber it begoob 0? cuell.UJe wpli berkf Dnto f Dopec of oure toibe d5ob to who wc fenbe tbctbat wemape pjofperc, wben webane fo lowebtbe Dopee of tbe lo?bc oure Cob. 3nb after ten bapes came the wojbc of ^ 1 l V I . :4 « 1 1 '1 3 ,i n K, < tb *4 ■ q$e$?op$et?e "I Ms E I 1 ■\ ; i #X(.8*f4. i i k '■ * * ! ! !! I & %o$e Unto 3wcm]>. W calico be 3obanan tt)c Comtc of iitnrca0,*alltbecaptapneRi of p people tba t were witbbmt : pec , anO all tbc pc oplc Icom tbe lecCt to tlje m otift, anb fapbc unto tbcm . fbuefapctb tbe lojbc d5ob of 3fracl Onto wbom re feat me , to lave fojttti *3c«nf..b. vour pjapcr $ before him: * 3f pc wpll bwcll in tbitf lanbc,3 (ball b«t»loe pouUp>anb not tyea (if pou oo wnc.-3 u)all piste pon,anb not $^rotepouout:fo > i$^3rcpcnt,atfcoiiccrttvn= gc tlie trouble tbat 3 bauc bone to pou.tfe a* re not tlie npngc of JSabplon , of wbom vt ftio in aoje, sD, be not afra vcbof Wm.fapetl) tt)c Lotfrf oi 3 Wl be u3 you.to bclpc pou, anb Oclpue r pon from bis banbe.3 wpll par * on pou , 3 wpll banc mcrcp Upon pou , anO caufe bim to pptic y ou>$ tytngc pou agapne info poure a wnc I,. ubc. «* flciicrtbclesi ,pfpc purpofcnottobwell in tutjaf lattDe, iicc to f olovoc tbeUopcc of tbc %mte poure (5oo •. but wpll fapc tbu$ ,- we wjII not Dwell bcrc, but gomto (Egypt; wbc* re we (bal nether ft warrebcarc tbc nopfe of fbctroiinpc,ncrfu(frcbongce, tbcrcwpll we OtDclMDbcrfo^cbcarc nowctbc wojbcof p iojb.iDpcrcnauntofSuba.^bujafrapetb tlje io?bc of l)oo(rc tf tlje (5oo of 3frael: 3f pe be wbolp purpofcD to go into @gppte , $ pe *a«w.ru.«. entretl)cctobwellao , ftraunger0:* tbc fine* arOefpe feared (ball outrtafcepouln&gp* ptc:anl) f bonger wbcrof pe be Ijere aftapeb {ball hange upo pou * f olowe pou into @gp» pec,ano tbere pc (ball bpc.aenb all tyey , tbat of rcttpurpolcUnbcrrauctogo (nto&giptc tofoiournetbere.. fljallpcepO) with tbe Ttoc- arbe,witbbongcranbpcftilcnce : not one of tbcm tyallremapnt , there (ball none cfcape tbc plage , tbat 3 wpll bipnge Upon tbcm . jEojLtbutffapctbt&c Loibe of booftetf t\)t (5oo of 3rraei;ipaea!0fmp wiatb anb lnby» gnacpon i# moncb agapnft f mbabttatourtf of 3erufalf ,fo (ball mp bifpleafure be bpnb« leo agapnft pou alf o ,pf pe go into <£gppte# there pefoalbercuvleb,abbo?rc0,toougbtto t> QmmeanDconfufvon:anDaj5 fojtbp* place, pc (ball ncucr fe it moje. %ty iojbe fo?bpb« octbpou, ©peremnaunt of 3uba,tbatpc $jallnotgointoDpjape tbou tbc iojb oure (5ob fo? t)ieS:anD lolie wlwt onfwere p to?be oure disoo gcuctb tbe.tbat b^png UjS agapne, anb ttic(bauootbcrafter.iaowebauc3lbe= t»eD, anb beciareo Unto pou, but pou batie . not obepeOtDe Uopce of tbe lo^b poure (5ob, fo? t\w tobpeb caufe be Iw tb fent me to pou. *6ro.ww«.64aot»i?tbcrfo?e, *3f pewpU not folotoc it, oetott, tbat pe (ball per iOje wt tb P fwcar.be ,^ w(tb bongcr a no pc(t(lence:eiim (n tbe fame place, uftere poure luft ifi to go,anO o well. CtUe.):Kri.Ctwpter . ^, C3|o^«»n estr ttl) ^tvfmnnant of ttji pionr (nip «BPPtt,contmp to m mpno* ot 3iqrnnpt. Iffpn* p;av9»crt^ (pt DtfWuccpoit o t ffioPP«. ' , ' €>we wben 3'eretnp Ijab en- * I belt all tlje wm$ of tbe * io?o bis (Sob Unto tbe peo? pie wbicb to Declare p io^be tbcp? <5ob Dab fent Dpm to tbcm, ( cucn all tbetf wo?bc# 3fape)36jariaDtbefonneof C>fa(ab , anb 3obanan tbe fonne of Stareab witbali tDcftubbo^nepecfonnejst.fapbeUnto 3etfinp.:* ^Doulpeft.tDe lojbe oure <5ob *mm\ batb not fent tbc to fpeane Unto us, tbat we fruloenotgotnto$gppte,anDbweU tbere: 76 28ut i5ar ucbtlje fonne of jaecialj pjouoketb tbe agapnft W , tbat be mpgbt bwnge m n totbecaptiupte of tbeCalbeoS:^ tbepmigbt llape Ufcanb carpeUU awape p?efonccjS un* tolSabpIon. $>o3obanant|)er ,ncofftareab,ano all tbe captapnesi of tbe booftcano all p peo- ple roloweo not tbe commaunbcment of tbc io?be:«5amelp, tbbwcUintbelanbeof 3u= ba . i6ut 3obanan tbe fonne of ftarcab . ano all m captapnejS of tlje boofte.carieti awape bM all tbe rcmrtaunt in 3«ba, * tbat were come *** togctber agapne fr om all tbe l^eptbS ( amfig woom tbep bab bene rcatreo;to well in tbe laiibc of 3uba:^en , wemen , cbptb?cn , tbc ttpnges! bati2btcr0 ,alltbofe tbatiaabuja- eaoan tht cbcte captapne bab lef te witb <5o- boliab tbe fonne of 2tbiftam,tbc fonne of &a pban. tbep carveb awape alfo tbe piopbcte 3eremp, 25ar ucp tbc fonne of $eriao,anD f o tame into €gpptc:fo^tbcp were not obejp= <& ent.UtttotblcOmawtbemcntof (5oo. ZW came tbep to ^tapbnW. ' ■ fc ' , 3tnbin / rapbnWtbcwo?beoftbclo?Dc , ijappencb Unto 3eremy ,faping;f:afte great ftonejlin tbpne banbe , anb hyut tbcm in tbc fypcu wail,unber j» do^c of $baraog rjotife iniropbni^tbatalltbemen of 3uba mape fcanbfape unto tbS : ^DmsCiptb tbeiojbc of booftt!3!tbe<5obof 3frael^ iSebolbe, 3 * am .j« wpllfenbe anb callfo^abucbobonofoi tbe ttpnoe of flSabplon mp feruaunt , anb wpll rettffiBt feate Upon tbefe ftone* tbat 3baue bpb,anb be (ball fp?cbebW tente ouettbem. 3flnb wben be commctb- be tyallf mpte tbt lanbe.of ^gpptcfome witb flaiiabter, tome ■& witty p^ef onment, anb f ome witbf fwearbe . tyt (bail ret fp j e Upo tbe tSplc^ of tbe ©SPP; eta n js gobbed anb bur ne toe m up,$ tabe tbe fclucsfmefouero". ^)o^oucr,bei(baliarape bim felfc witb tbe lanbc of effi?pte,lpfte ajja qjepberbc. puttetb on W cote, anb Oiallbe- parte W wapeftom tpeee (n peace. %%tm lertfalfo op tit &s- temple of toe ^unneptsl *r8 in <£gpptc:£bajl beb^eaae m pece0, anbbur^ tie m tempeWof tbeeflpprtftnjsgobbej^ ifjttitmpe ;r/S/ n « lp SJ b l t] 2 c 'tow* t" t ao;w *■ Trtsiff tptcfti it p; oppleprt. W(j5tbewo?betbatwasiCbeweD Jo3cremp, conccrnpttffalltbe3e- W» i Wbieb bwelt in egpptef at l?J , S, I ' m ' a " 6 ^Fb«tbec(tpesJof 3uba Ho tbegreateWafipbemtesiwbicbtbepcommit-- JW i pjoiioae me Unto anger. 3» tbattbep wentbacfte tobofecrifweaubwoSffi to ftraimge ffoboetf : inborn netber pe , nee poure fattebaueftnowne. fffSEuS » c « : Unto tbeni mp fertiauntetf all tbe p^o- 2SLZLW 1 " ot fofowencr&erton , to w^tPceJUntoftraungegoDbe^. ^ J? *nm »»vnc (nbignation anb wiath 38 Wj ft P«%»«nb it b^ente Up tbe cptpes of K"i» f0 Mi^ ^cre mabc waftc anb bcfo= late, a* tt p come to paffe tbpjs bapc . Bo we SKIS 1 !! : ¥. w ^«PPenetb(t, tbat pe • 8?! 5f ft PW9 cme « a«owraien, chpi= Swff? baU r s of 3w0arfo «« "one of pou ffi t &^ tt tewowoftemcuntow^tbc mSSS °n^« r ^ntoftrattWBe gobbe^in tbc SS&TO^gfc" a * Vf Ue gone to b well. J&nX'll^l* *«n«*iWP «»fccatcb #i tt J!'S ,t E l9, 5 ' P* ^ w ^ e "° ^c foigottcn SiSS5?S2L? f ^J'^fatbc^tbe wic" SSfSE °I fIJ ? WWjt*fci anb tbeir wp» CSSEHP** tlone "ifbclanoeof 3u= 5foJm< ba all tbougb tbep tljpnbe to come t bptber a = gapne.a no to o well tbere.if o; none%ai let mr 32 pne '.?2? *$#** flebbawape 'Cbcn all m ml wbicb nne we that time -m mm bab oSrtb unto iftraage gobbed ?m B (ntbecptteofiaature0,anftoerte3erempe ipoRenUnto Utf, in tbe name of tht lolie. we wpllin no wpfe bearetbem : m t W& foeucrgoctb out of oureawne mouth? that oblatpoim Unto tbe queue of heauen * Bfte u a^weanbour^efatber^ou^ ourebeabegbaue oonein tbe cptic of 3110"! b«inebab totnefleoSffiafeS « ti » l » all, wben we wemen bpb to^tmSS: ber cancfianbpourc Unto ber bp tWw t!>a t p c tKttie ft it Wirt In bcbe, *£ct tbmsbane pciapDe : toe wpll nott faple,bnt pccfourmc tbe \)ot»c0tljat w« W uc toowrb.we will Do faerifpee spowje out D2iucBo!fc*inflc0totbcqucncofbeauc\$ar= poftp wpll inrtct t)p pout avone mennpngctf anb pcclfourmc pour t>owe0. anbtbeefoje, bcacctbct»o2bc0oftbelo2Oe,all3«ba,pc tbat owe! tin the in nbc of egipte. 25cbolbc>#3 baue Iwomc bp mp grcatc name, faptbtbe lot be: tittup name (ball not be nrticarfcb tbojowe eup man? mout&e jof 3uba, in all tbe lanbe of eg(pte,tofaj>c: 'fcbc lo*be<5ob lpuctb,f023 wpllwatcbei • t opiagctbcm.anb notfojttbcp? wcaltbc. *3wm«u. *3nb*Utbe mill of 3nba tbat bcintbelSbe of emte (ball pe rpuic witb t|>B fwcaror, aitO UJtl Monger , Witplltbep uctottcrlv or* ft ropcb .fttrnttW, tbofe tbat fleOD awape f o? tbc (wcarbc , ujall come agapne into toe lanbe of3uDa:but tbere u>iM be torpfcawc of t$cm.3nball tbe remnant of 3uba,tbat arc gone into Cgpptc , thereto Dwell , (ball ftnowc wbofc woitbco mall befounbetrue: tbe n& 02 mpne. 'SraBc tbP0 fo2 a token tbat 3 wpU Wet poii tn tiii si placcf aptb Ro*b: ant) tba t pc mape ftnowe f>3( witbout bou= btc ) will per fourmc mppurpofe tjpon pou to pimplpe pou . Bcbolbcf&ptbtbc lojbe, 3 wpll Delpuce ^bataofoopbjeaftpnge of egtpf < »«to tbc banbc0 of bte cnempc0 tljat fcBeaffcrbiSlpfe:*eticna03gauc?cbcma0 tbc king ofguoa.into tbc bnnbc0 of #abu* cbobonof 02 Bpngc of Babflon tyft enempc w Diet) Ibugbt after DijS Ipfc. CSCbcjcito. Chapter.- •X&atucb iettpjoucbof acrnrip. tocfe arc tbc wo2bc0 tbat Jcrcmpc tbc p jopbete fpaue wito ffiarucb f fornic of jltam rafter tbatbebab wjpttcn tbcfc ret in onj8 in a bone at * fflMWgfl. rrb.a * Jr.rwM.a .1 l 1 1 i ; tbc moutb of 3cremp:3n tbe fourtb peace of 3eboammtbcfonncof3ofia0l$pngeof3u» Da , fiipingc. t^bitsi faptb t&e lojbc <5ob of 3frael Ditto tbc, 25aeucb ; 3" fomoebe ajj tl;ou 1 1!) otiglj t eft tbu^, W|)^ tl)ou waft Witt- ' tpng,lBUoijJme,fl;e loiDcijatbgeug me lb- rowe lopon fo?o we.3 bane werpeD mpfclf c witbli'gl)ing ) anDl)auefounDcttorcft. 'ElierfoM tell Ijpm, €)3erempe,tbat tty UozDe faptb tbujJriSebolDe, tbe tbing tljat 3 ** liaue tiuplDcb, wpll 3 bze anc Downe agapne 20 ano rote ont tbc tbingc tbat3 baueplantcD. vee ,t|jem bo wne. %be flaugbtet watf grcate , f 02 one fell eu« ftill *pon anotbee. dDnc ctpeb ijpon anotber. SUP, let W go agapne to oure awne people, anb to oure awne naturall contrep from.tbc cruell fwearbe. & t:bepbpbcrpeeuiitbete,©pbaraoBpng of€gipftboutrobulou0bing:tbetpmewil b2ingfcbitpon.30ti«ilpa03lpuc,faptbtbe !S2 fting,*wbofenamei0tbe Ixjfte of boftc0,it m (ball come a0 tbe mount of % babo? , anb m X,iliami0pf it ftobe in tbe fee C>^baugbtcr of Cgiptcmabereabp tbP fleet toftpt . jfoji &m feaibe VopbeanbDeiolate , fo tbat no man (ball Dwell tberin.'Cbe lanbe of egipt itflpBeagooblpfapjecalfe.-butDeftruccpon (ball come out of tbe no2tb 3 fape it cSmetb. tyt wageb f oubpertf tbat ben witb bet , are lilic fat calucaJ^bepalfoOjallfle awape to= Setber,anb not abpbc : f02 tbe bape of t^m augbter, anbtljctpmeof tbeir tnfptation (ball come bpontbem. 'Cbe cm of tbtm tbalimaliea uopfc , ad jf tbc blaft of a tr ompetc . St 02 tbcp flball enter in witb tbeir bofteiEi.anb come witb nt&M itwcrebewcrsJDowneofwobbc. ^nbtbep (ball cut Downe ber woDbe, faptb tbe H02be. %tyy ibalbe innumerable : fo2 1^ Qjalbe mo in nombettben tbe gretboppero.fo tbat no man ibalbe able to tell tbcm.'Ebe baugb- tee of €giptc i0 3acob mp fcruaunt) faptb tbe I02D, I02 3 am witb tbe :anb wpll Deftrope all na = r pon0,amonge wbom 3 bane fcateteb tbe. BeuertbelelTe, 3 wpll not confume tbe •' but rbaften the anb correcte t^t : pee, anb tbat vb Wf cr ecpojneiijer will 3 fpare tbe a0 one tbat toercfautlcflfc. jfotomL C^be.WwiCbapter. Glftt too/at of tbe jlojor agapnft tt)t PftW«Wnf*. loeftare t\)t wo2be0,tbat tbe 10203 (pabet)nto3ercmpe tit p?opbete, agapnft p^biliftinejs , before tbat ^barao fm ote tbe atpe of X?ab- %W feptb tbe io2be:25ebolbe, tbere (ball watcr.#arpffoutoftbeiio2tb:fr{ballgrowe to a greate floube , runnpagc otter anb couc = rpngertje lanbe , tbc cptiesi , anD tbem tbat Dwell tberin. 2Mb t\it men (ball crpe , anb all t^tv tbat & bwellintbelanbe, Cballmourneat tbe nopfe anb ftamptuge of tbep^ ftronge barbeb bo?« fetf,at t\it ujaupng of tbepi cbarettc0 anb at tbe romblpnge of tbe wbcle0. 1£be fatberd (ball not lobe to tbcircbPl02en,fofcableani) werp qjall tbeie rjanbe0 be.- at tbe Dime tpmc wben be (ball be tbere, to beftrope tbe topic lanbe of tbe pbili ft mca . ^e (ball n»be wa = fte botb^iru0, S)tbon, anball otber tbat are fwo2ne\)iito tbem. jfojtbc l02bewpll beftrope tbe fftHfr C ftine0 , t\)z remnaunt of t\)t pie of Capbtoi ^f*25albenettei0cometjpon 36?ab , 3-fcalo ^^ witb bet otber t>allep0 (ball uepe ber peace. too we louge wilt tbou flapc, £> $ fwcar= be of tbe lojbe.' Ullbanwplttbou ccatTcf 'Eurnc agapne into tbp fwetercfte, anb lea= ut of.25utbowe can it ceafe.wben t\)t loibe bpm felfc batb geuen bim a cbacge agapnfte 3Cfcalon,anb rapfeb it tjp agapnft t^i citpc0 oftbcfcecoauV CCbe.ylw'tj.Cbaptcr. CfT)Cft)o,iDt of (pe torn agapntttbe &oabttta. ]i)u0fapetb tit I02be of booftc0 tbe % ;(5obof 3ftaclagapnft *^oab:WO *&*.** Ibe to tbc cptie of ji*cbo:fo2 it in lapeb 2jftS? b waft,b2ougbttoconfufton: anbfiauatbia- hv^-v-t rim tafcen, ^ifgab i0 biougbt to Qjame anb afrapeb:&)oabeanboaftnomo2eoffeefcb6: f 02 tbcp baue beupfeb againft it.Comc.fJtjaU tbcp fape, let t)0 rote tbcm out, f tbcp mape bcnomo2e amongetbe nombcr of tbe C£'cu= ttle0, anb tljat tbou Cabmen mape ttomoie bcttbougbt\jpon:anbtbefwcarbc(baiU)cr= fccutctbe3 Vopce (ball crpe frfil^ozandim: Wity greate waftpuge ano beftruccpon 10 $»oabmaoe be folate. Cbplb2en coulbe tell ot tbe crpe tberof. it 02 at tbc gopnge t)p tonto luptb , be arofc witblamentatiouanbmournpnge,anbbo= wue to warbe too2onaim, tbcp beacb a cruell anDaDeeDlpcrpe.\5etpouawape,rauepour lpue0,anD be Ipue tmto tbe bectb in tbc voi\* berneffc. *ifo? becaufe tbou baft truftcb in *cra.«.b tbine ownc wojftetf anb treafure, tbou (bait ^'^ be taftfc Cbamo0 witb bifii pieftetf anb p2in= W ' cc0 mall go awape into captiupte. ^be beftropcr (ball come \>pon all cptie0 I y l ■i-v - »> ; 1.; V fc ' 1 h" i f J >:■•!: I i : *J?r.riW.fc c jro.a -UCffQ. j ctic wwip* UHto49onb , tfeat Qiesct f)cr awayc fpebclp:fo?l)cr cptico* (balbe ma* lie fo bcfolat c, tbat 110 ninn (ball Dtxicll t|)f c* in . CucfcDbrbe tjjnt Doti)tbc tvo^cttcof t]}e £o?Dc tic gligcntlp.aiiD curfeb be be ttjat he« uctb backe btf* fwcarbe from 0)cDOr»SC of bloube. WoabbatbeucrbencrpcljeanDcarelelTc from heir poutb *p, me batb fp«en anb take* Of r cafe wit|) Ijcrtrcafure. £>&ett>a0nettti* prtmit out ofoncUrffcilintoanofbcr (tbat to.: ftic ncuee wentc awape into captluptc, tbcrfo?e")crtaftcrcmnpnetlj,aubi)crfauout totiotpctcbanngeb. i!5utlo,tbctpmcc6mctb>{aptbt!jeI,o?l), that 3 (ball fenDc bet ttuffrra to truflc bee up : wlncb (ball rcmottc l)fc from |)er b wcl* ipngc .anb to »mpt?e bcr Ucffelst, anb b?ea» ftc ber wpne pottcjS. 3inb&)oab(balbca* Ojameb of e&amotf , lpkeatf3u*ael wassa* wameD of* 2i5ctbcl, wberm (be put Ijcr truft Ulbcrfotcbopetbpnketbujfcwearempgb* tpc and ftrongemen of warrc i #)oab f js be* ftropcb , ano ber cptic$b?cntUp:betcbofcn fonge men be (lapne,faptbtbekpng, U)&ofe name i$ t|>c io?bc of bottetf. •ftbe Dettruccp8 of $?oab commctb onapaccanbbcrfnllitf ntbaube; 311 ber ncpgbbourtf (ball mourne fo? bcr, anDalltbeptbatfcnowbername Iball fape, Dat pup ijs ba ppc ncbfC*, &}oab iff conf oun= bco omd Duercome. 4i)ourncanbcrpc, tell it out at 36rnon, p #)oab i* beftropeb. tfo? tub gment (ball co* me Upon tbe plapnc lanbe : $amelp , Upon iDoioit.anb 3aba?ab, Upon 4J)epbaotb anb *Dibon,UponBaboanD tbeboufe oftpebut* f bairn , Upon Cariatbfatim anb Up6 pboufe C5amu!,iopontbebonre^aonanbCan:otl) Upon TOrab anb all t&ccpticsi in tbe lanbe of &)oab, wbetbcetbeplpe farce o?ueare. <* fcfee borne of &) oab 10 mipten bowne anb ber armc tyoben, faptb tbe iojb* . €)a= fte ber Wonkcn , fo? ftemapifpeb bcr felfe abonc tlw lo^bc.tbatmg mapeclappetbepj mm at ber toompte,anb that tyc alio mapc be langbf b to fcojne . 3a=. jer anb fo? t&e, €> tbon ^incparbe of &aba= mab . tiLty \jpiic bjauiicfjcie! (ball come oner tbe fee, and tDe b^attnebe^ of 3ajcr but Intto tbe fcc^Oeftropcr (ball b?eaKcmtotbPbar» weft anb grape gatbering: mp?tb anb cbeare (balbetaKenawape from tbe tvmb?efelbf > anb from tbe t»bole lanbe oWoab. ^liereCbalbcnofuicfe ujpne in tbe p?ef» fe,t5e tr . jr (ball baucno (tomaclte to crpe pee,tbcr (baibc none to eric ton to bint :u>bicb nfo?c tymt were bearb fro ^efebon to <§lca= R anb 3aba j, tobicb Bftmp tDctr toopce fro joar\)iitolf>o?onaim,tbat^^buliocbeof e: t^ f b?c peare olbe (ball go mouicning.'Ebc t»a* tertfalfoof^)emrimlbalbeb?peb\ip.4a:)o» rcoucr,3 UJtllmabe^oabccafe,fapctbt6e - lo?b,from the offeringesl anb cenfing tbat, * (bcbntbinabetontobcrgoDocjoiinbieplaccsfi HJUberfo?empbertmournctbfo?^oab,lp= Ite a crottJDc plapcngean benp fonge.ano fo? tbe mcunetf fake of tbe b?pcbe wall tnp bcrtc mournctb alfo:«ten as(a pppe tbat pppetl; a bolcftillfonge ; fo? tbcpQjalbe tierp fcawe, anbbeGropeb. *2Cll bcabetf aialbeCbauen,aub all bcer= bejScUppeb of:all banbe^ bofibcanDlopnctf * a ^ m Sir D cb about Witb fackeclotb. ittpon all the ijonfe topped anb ftrete^ of ^)oab,tber (ball be lamf table mourning. JfoO wpUb?cake 4t)oab Ipke an tonp?orptable ue(Tell,faptb f lo?be. <® boweifiKbe beftropebf €>bowe mournctb (be i ©Lottie boetb 4*)oab bange bourne bcr beabe,? (0 a(bamcb."3tbit!8(bal! a)oab bca laugbingftock: ^bablnbcrifton ofalltbe"? be romtbenboute ber.*^fo?tbu0 *m,tm faptbtbe io?be. 26e^olbe,tbeenempcqiall.Tww»' come tlieng as< an aegle:« rp?ebc bpsj ujingeid! tjpon a;oab . Ubcp (ball clpme oucr p uial» lei8!,f txipnue tbe ftrogbolbeiEf.'Sbenfmigb- tp metmberteittm^oabibalbeipltet^cDtrt <2> of aujomantrattelpng untbcbplbe. 3nb&?oab(balbeinabefobefoIate!tj)at (be (bal nomoie be a peoplcbccaufc (be batb fetttjp ber fclfeagapnft tbe io?be.*5f care, tttll ,tfw pptt* Cnarc fbali come Upon tbe, €) «)oab, fapetb tbe lo?be . tiaijofo efcape tb m fea> re, (ball fall in the pptte: anb mo fo getter out % fino.otJ.a i ^ % . ftr*ri».b.w c Outof^P^^albefakenintljcfnare^o? jujiiUbiiHga pcare of utfttdtton upe €)o^ ab, raptb t fie lojbe , ^Cbep tbat are able to e^e.lballftanbe Unber tbe (babouie of ^efe-. bon it o? tbere (ball go a fter out of ^el'ebfi, anb a flame from &>tou , anb (ball bnrme Up tbat piouDe people of ^oab, anb tbe toppe of tbote febitpoufl! cbplb?en. flfto be.Unto p, m oab, fo? tbou people of Cljamoxiujait perptbe. Pee , tbP vonness anb baugbte csi (balbe leabe awape captiue. get at tbe laft e wpU3 b?pnge ^oab out of captiuite agapne, (ayeth tbe lo?be . thM farre iU of tpe plage of 4#oab. CC&e.jrtOCCbapter. agapoft Slftumco.&amaf cuj.ceuat ano Clam. ^ concerning the * 2Ctnmonp= u&thmhe io?befaptb:^atb 3ffaelnocbilb^, o?ijJbf U3(to out an bci7c t WhV batb poure _bingtbentakg 0aoitic u>bce= „ v . . . M people btoell in Iji$citpe0i'26e* boloe tberfo?e,tbe tpmecommetb . faptbtbe % o?be, p 3 ujpll b?ing a nopfe of warn into liabab of tbe %m monite0 : anb it (ball be lapel) on a beColate beape:anb W citpej* b?et Up : | tbe 3fraelitej« (balbe lo?De8l ouer tbofe tliat bao tnem inpoOemou af o?e, fapetb the l,o?be. Mbon (ball mourne, fo? itv (balbe roteb out of tbe grounDe, faptbtbe lo?be. %h* citpejs of^* Babab (ball crpe out,anb gp?be thl (eluetf tuitb facke clotb : tbep (ball mourne, $ r unite about the UMlleftf o? tbep? king (balbe leb auiape p?efoner rpee.biP p?e- fteiei anb piincctf uiitb hm> tDber f o?e ttufteft tbou in the toallcp i tbP Uallepe batb ftoweb awape , © tboufearce baugoter,? tl)pnkeft p p tbou art fo lafe, bp rcafon of tbp trcafure.tbat no ma mall come to tbcf nScbolbc, 3 uiill h?pnge a feare Upon tbe.faptbtbe lo?Det0ob of Ijoftetf, from all tbofe tljat be about the-So tl)at ye (balbe fta= tereb cuerp ma from anotber,anba ma (ball gatber tbem togetber agapne p be fteb.26ut after tba t , 3 topll b? t ng tbe 31mm ouitrjtf al> fo out of captiupte agapne. *Qipontl)c€Domi(c!Sbatbtljelo?beof booftcigfpokcnon t|)ps( matter: 3* tljcre no mo?e tupioome in ^benta^i^ tbere nomo?c goobcounccll amonge biji people 1 2$ then ujpfootne tben turncb ciene touaugbwett pou bence.turne poure bacbe^crepeboume into ti)e beppe, & pe eitefpitf of DcOan. jf o? 3 will b?pnjtbe(truccion Upo €fau: pce,anbtbe upe of bpsMfptatpon . 3f tbe grapegat be revtf came Upon tlje, (bulbe tljep not leaiie fome#ape^3f tbe nigbt robbers: came Upon tDclpuibe tbep not take fo mo cb aj3 thtv rbougbt toere pnougbi' 26ut 3 topll makeei'au bare, anb bifco> Rcrtjijaf fecrete^fo tbat be (ball not be able to #o,lmfft bm thtm < hv$ foe (balbe wafteD amape: m,M bumtnm hv* mpMum*, anb he ma felfe (ball not be lefte beOpnbe. mm (bait lemthv fatbcrieaecHiiDun bebpnbetbe,anb3 topll kepetljem, anb tbp tupbboujesKball taketbc(rcomfo?te In me.*,,., rrh „ jf o?tbu^batbtl)e lo?befpoken.*3)5ebolo, %IM tbep tbat me thought uiereUiimctetob?in= w*mm Be of tbe cuppebaue b?onken witb the fp?ft : anb tbpnkeft t&ou tben to be frc^ $o,no,tbou(baltnctt)crbequiteno?fre: but tbou muft b?inke alfo.5f o? M baue ftuo?ne bp mp felfe, faptbtbe Ho?0e,f'2!6o?« rab (ball become a wplbemift an open iba= me,alaugbpng ftockcanb cucfpnge.anoall ijercptiexKbalbeacontinuaUbeferte. Jfo?3amperfectlpinfo?meOofHo?bcr> tbat be batb Cent a meffage allrcbp Unto tbe i9eptben.(i5atber pou togctber.anb go fo?tb agapntt tbem : makepon reabvto tbe bat* A _ . taplle : fo? lo , * 3 wpll make the but fmall * m - u amonge the Ipeptbcn, anb Iptell regarbeb a= mougemeit; * %hv hve ftomacftc anb the mne of thv * «*,«*».& bertc baue bifceaueb tbe , becaufe tbou roplt mmm>* btocll in tbe bolejS of ftonp rockesf , ano baue tbebPcmountapne0inpou"e(Tion.jiieucrtbe= legi, tbougb tbp ncttc xoere asl hve ajs tbe ae= glcjS,petU3pll3cafttbeboume, fapeib tbe !Lo^be.Jft)oieoucr,3bumealbaibeauiiiber= ncsf: * uJbofo gotbbp it,(balbe abaujeb,anb * m.tbm.h wonber at allbermpferable plages* tpke ?L u - a t" , ' : " ajl§)obome, ^oino?, anb m Wvc&p lape tber about were tur neb Up fibe bowncfaitb tbelo?b,fo(ballnobobp0ttjcllin3bumea, anb no man (ball baue bid habitation tbere. 2Sebolb,lpke asi the Ipon.fo (ball a beftroper comeUpftotbeplcafauntmcbou)cs bearetbecouceUof?3lo?De, *»«.. tbat be batb taken Upon3Dutnca: anb Wnir purpofc v he batb Deupfeb Upon tbe citetpnsi of ^bematt . %he leeft of p (lockc (ball tcare tbem in pecejMlokcwbatfapjet&inge tbep ^ bauctbep (ball mabe.it wafte.s tbem fcluejs « allo3{ -the nopfe of tbeir fall, tlje eartb (ball quake p crpe of tbeir Uopce (balbe bearb Un= to tbe rebb fee . BebolDe, * the enempe (ball * <«.n M (f,« come anb fle Upljitljcr ,like a0 it were an ae= gle,* fp?cbc btf Wingc0Up6 2Bo jrab.'Cben (ball tbe bcrtctf of the wo?tbpc0 in $bom be atftbebert of a woman trauelpng of cb-plbe. * 3LipOS)amafcuie(,^r'!i)cmatb anb 3Cr= *e* p1)ab (ball come confufi5:fo? tbep Otall beare JSH*" cucUtpbltige^. tbep (balbe toffebto anb fro * Ipke tbe fee tbat cannot (tanbeftpll. *>ama= fcu^(baibefo?eafrapeb,anb(baIlftee,trem= 11 iti blinge >;n.tiM ■m'i I I 1 ! I \ K i \ i ■i I' '! } f J i < i ■st I i m i I. fa I come Up on bet .& o?o wc $ papne (ball otier* Mite bcr a0 a woman trauci-p ngc of cbpibe. X5»t bo we (bulb f o wo? W ull 9 5 lojioutf a rt rpu be f ojtftufr fyearc tbcrfo?e :ber pongc men djall fall in tbc fttxt e& anb all tier mc" of wamfbalbc talteitawapcfti f tpme, fapt!) tbe 1020c of tjo ft cs . 3 wpll apnble a fp?c in tbc watic* of HMwnafcutf, wbicb (ball confu= me tin: palace of H5cnl)abab. *\\t in pwrte of tpme3 ttpll b?pnge eiam out of captiuptc agapnc > fapt|it!)eto?De. . C1Ti)e.l-C!)apter. Cft t p;opl>rcpftl> t%t tt tttticcpon of ffl«Wion,«ii> (hf MeiMWtRK of arcarl.to^ttb to M (n captfuptr. Wp?ott«? £>aiu concern npnae ^Uabilon , anb tftc lanbc of j CMbectf i * ^?eaclje amonge tbc * *r«.wu 0entplej8 , let pour Uopce beftearbe, mahe a fifth foacn,crpeout, aepe nonKce,butfape:25n ? Sr mm it wonnei * 7&t\ i$ confounbeb^nb * Cfl mi ^crobacbrtouercome. , ****** *?ee,t|jcir gobbcssbeb?ouglJttou)amc: ±B 4nb . anb tbeir pmaac»iburftinpeceiE(. 5f o? out of tbc no? t b ^a- tpcrc botb come a people aga° ^* pnft bcr : wljicb maae ()cr latcfo waft e,t5at no bobp Dwell tberin, netber man no? bcaft: fo?tbcpflpc anbbeparte fromt|jcuce. *3n nmu t!)ofcDapc^anDattl)(ittpme,fapt^flo?D: t|)ecbplb?cnof 3fracl tyall come , tbep anb tbc ci;pib?cn of 3uba, wepingeanbmaaing baftc , anb (ball fcae tbe lo?be tbeir d5ob. %tyV (ballafaetbe wapc fo^ioti, tbptbec Cball tbep turne tbeir face* , f aping c -. Come anb we wpll cicaue to tbc lo?oe , in a coue» naunt tl?at neuer ibalbe b?oaen. 4*)p people batbc bene a lofte* fioche, *gm f>ar-mpQjepbcrDciE(baHC bifccaueD tljf , anb S ti(iut mabc tbcm go aftrape Upon tbc bplle* & ^tvWit gone frome tbc mountapne to t^t iptle bpU.anb fo?gotten tbeir folbe . ail tin? tija t came Upon tjj em , ftaue beuoureb I tbcm j anb tbm cuempesi fapbe : WUe baue mabenofantcagapnft tDem : fo? t&ep jauc DifylcafeD t^t lo?De : pee , encn t^t Lo?oe, wbicb # tbe bewtpe of tbcp^ rpglJteoufnelTe f tjjat befenocb tbeir fatftersi^etibail pe flic from Babilon,anb beparte out of tbe lanbc of tbcCbalbcciS.anbf.^bepe a*tberam='^ meg tbat goo befo?ctbcflocae.* jf o? loo, 3 ****i wpll waae Up an booftc of people from tfte no?tb?cn lanbc, anb b?ingctbcm Upoii25a= bplon .- tbcfe (ball lape fege to it , anb wpnne it. ^bepjnrowegt&allnocmpfle, ipftea* acounpngearcberQ)utctbnotw?onge. 3Dnb tbc cijalbce* ftalbe fuoplcb, anb all tbcp tbat fpople tbcm,(balbc fattffieb,faptb ^ ,,„„, W lo?be , * altboug() pe were fo cbearfull ** Mm anb glabb , to treabc bownc mpne Ijcritage, anb fulfpUeb pouce pleafnr^ , a* tlje caluejS in tbc graffe , anb ttiumpbeb oucrtiemlpae tbc bullc*, wben pe bab got ten tbe Uicto?p. . jPourcmotbtr* (balbcfo?c confounbeb , anb tbep tbat bntcpou,ujaU come to ujame. ^bbc (balbe ttjc lead fett bv amonge tbc na « cionsl,Uopbe,waftebanbbrpebUp.^omaii fljalbcablc to Dwell tbere.fo? tbercare of tDe 3lo?Dc,but(be Cbaibe wboleberolate. * tt*m*gl tfrv (bat go bp 25abplon,(ball ftanbe ftpU, ***** anb be abafbeb , anb (ball wonbjeat all w plagejJ. fo? 3 wpll be mercpfnlH Unto tbcm , wbom 3 fuffce to re> mapne ourr. obom *tstn.m.t h anb C5omo?re, witb tbe citpesi tbat lape tbec aboutc,faptbtl)elo?be. »***• bonbe of men, anb manp bpngt js ftjall ftan* be Up from tbc cnbcsl of t)^t eartbe . itbep beace bowejai anb bucalcrjai , crucll are mp anb Unmcrcpfiill. Elicit Uopceroarct|)liactl)c raging fee, M tl;cprpbe Uponbo?u"cs(, anb come weapeneb m tofpglitagapnfttbc, €>2&abplon . aiffoone aiStbcftingofJBabilonbeflretbtelloftbcm, biieibanbejCKbaUwajcefcablc . S>o?oweaub beupncsiball come Upon Dim, a jai a woman trauelpngewitbc|)plDe.iiBcbolbc,*lpaea0., ffetUM tDelpon cfimctbUp from tbc plea fount me* * 3WftWM bpwesiof 3o?baneuntotUe grene pafturctf of f bet wpnebauc all pro* pie tyoncben : tberrtye, are tbcp out of ttw wi ttc ft * But fobenly i* Babylon f alien,* beftrowb. bourne fojbet.tyyngeptafter* fojlicrwounbeftpfibemayepnrabucnture be bealcb againe. Wle woio bauc mabe Ba» bplon wbolc,fapctbep : butfbcWnottrceo* 25 ucreb. ^berfo?c wpllwelctberalonc,anb go euerp man into b(* a wne comtttc w. #oi ber fubgment i*comc tnto$eauen,« w gone Dp to tft; cloubc jS .'Ebe lo^b batbt b?ougbt f oitb our rigbteoumc* . 3nbtbcrfoje come on , wewpflu)ewe£>lott tl;e wo?cbeof tbe %\}tmtittoti uu * aere .»* 1 ■ ■ I 1 ! i N i K. If!-. S fojtbwitbtbe beuyce, wbWbebatb faben Upon tbem tbat Dwell in Babllon. iDtbou tbatbwclleftbptbe flteate wa- ter*, £> tbou tbat baft fo great treafure anb rfebeft tbpne cube income, anb tbe refeening of tbp tov»nitigcjS- * t&fyt loibe of booftejj bat b famine b v birn felft,tbat be u»pu oucr - tobrtme tbe t»itb men , Ipaegreltboppertf in ufiber » tobicb witlj a co?age (ball cr(e,alarf{> alaru agawift tbe. * |>ee, euen tbe to?be of boftc*, tbat «5 bW power mabe tbe eartb,*& W wtfbome mepareb tbe r ounbe 'wojlbe, anb voitb W bifcrc ti 8 fpaeb out tbc beatib. ^fTonea^belcttetbN Wee bebeatbMbe txjatersi in f am vow fearce. *iae b^aweti up tbe clonDcss from tbc enbujs of tbe eartl). |?e tnrnetb f ligbtnpngc* to rapne , be bjin« cretb tbe Dopiibe* out of tbeir fecrete placed * Jftbcp beeftemcbbptbeirujpIbomcaUmf are become fooie*. * Confounbebbe all tbe rafter* of pmagc*:f o? tbe tbmg f tbe p mafte i* but b( fcea t r , anb ^atrj no tyeattj . m pne igttanbanerronpoufe U)o^ue:anbin tbe ti- me of Wfi'tation it (ball pcriibe. 5aeuertbcle*,tbe po?ci6 of jfacob islnone focl):but be p mab c all tbingesi, t»b ore name tftbe&o;beofboofte0,bei0tberobbtofbtf cnberitauce . % bo u baft bene tmme bammer anb weapemffoj t»artfe:fo^ toitp tbe baue 3 bioben tbe people in pcccjfr anb toitp tjje bn= tie 3 beftroieb ftiiigbomeici. 'Eboitou) t^t 3 baue beaten to poulber bo?fe anb bowman : pectbccbarcttciS^focbajSfatUpQtbe.'Sbo; r otoe tbe3 baue b^oftf man $ u>oma\olbe $ ponge, bacbcler^mapben . 'ftbojouoetbejl banc beft ropcb tbe mepberbe anb b(0 flocHe, t\)e bufoanbemananbbi'tfcatelMbe prince* anb tbc ruler*.^bcrfo?e wpll 3 retoarb tU citpc of 25abtl6 $ all ber citefln*,? Cbalbec* toall tbc cuplltobicb tbcp baue bone tmto »io:pee,tbat pe pour fcluc * (ball ft it,faptb tbe lo^bc:26ebolDe, 3 come Upon tbe,^*p nopfomc bill,faptbtbe lo^be.tbou tbatbe^ aropeftalilanbc0:3W)pUftretcbeoutemp banoe oucr tbcanb caft tbe boame from tbe ftonprocke;fcanb imll mane tbe a bjent bill fo tbatnetber comer ftonc*,ncrpinncle*,Mt f ounbatpS* of (tone* Oialbc tauen enp mo?c out of tbc , but waft anb befolatc (bait tijo ti Ipe fo? euermo?e,faptbtbe lo?be. $)et Up a tohenin t\)t laube : blowe tl^t ^o?bei5ured5ob. trompcttc0amongetbel!)cptben:p?ouoftcf ggafte fbarpc t^t arot»c*,anb multiplpc . nation* agapnft ber , call tbe Hpngbome* of *j,nit.u.t. pourefbPlbe*: *fo;ttbe!Lo?beQ)aUrapfcUp Ararat, a)ennianb2lfcane*ngapnft ber. iUMmu tbe fp^tcoftbe binge of tbc^cbcc*,U)b(co 5>et tbe prince agapnft berthing a*great a batballiteabpabcfpiietooeftropcligabilon. fo?te of terrible bo?fe*againftbcr.a*pftbep / Ebf*malbetbcUengeauceoftbejlo^b,anb were grcf$oppcr*.$?epare agapnft til tbt tbc Uengcaunce of bt* temple. people of tbe ^.)ceb c* vb tbeir ftpnge*, pjpn- ^>et up toften* Upon tbe wallc* of 15a* ee*anb aUtbeircbefcruler*:pee,$tbet»bo* bilonrtnane poure watc'bftronge, fett ponre le lanbe tba t i* Unber bpm. toatebmeu in arape : pee, bolbe p^eupe wat» ^bclSbealfo ujallfbabeanbbeafrapcb cbe* : anb pet fo; all tbat (ball tbc lojoego t»p rbe bemice of t|)eiLo?be MKomcfo^tb agapnft i0f3Jerem^e. ifo,lrritU, * «raoi.u t * f «-fmu »«* ©anient C *cra.nwa'.o * Cfa.vTi'.b iipo.rbui.a agapnft H5abpion •• to maue tbe lanbe of 26a- bplon fo u>afte,tbat no man (ball Dwell enp mo?e tberin.nrbe wo^tbpe* of 25abpl8 (ball leaue p batapll, anb bepe M fclu c* m ftrdge ijolbc*, tbeir ftr I gtb batb fapleb t bem , t\)cp ftalbelpftettJcmrn.'Cbcp? bmellpnge pia= ce*(tiaibeb?cUtUp <> tbep;barre*(balbebjto« hen. C>tiepiirfeu'aunt (ball mete anotber : peconcpofteCballcomebpanotber.to feing tbe bpuge of 25abplon tpbinge*: tbat W cp* tie i* fatten in on euerp fpo c , tbc f oojbe* o c= "B cupieb, tbe fennc* b^cnt Up,aub t))t foubter* fojeafrapeb. 5fo;tbu*fapetbtbelo?be of boofte* tbe <5ob of 3ftael:tbe baugbtcr of 25abplo batb bcneinbertpmelpRea*atb^ef(bpugfloo;e < butibo^tlpibalbcrbarucftcome.iaabucbo- bonofo?tbeHpngeof iSabplonbatb beuou= rebftbeftropeb me,be batb mabe me an cm» ptp Uefteil. i^efwaloweomeUp Iphea biia= on,ano rpllebiji* bclpwitbmp btlpcate* : ebatbeaftmeoute,bcbatbtabeump fub * aunceawapcanb tbetbmgetbat wa*left me batb be carieb Unto 23Sbplon , fapctb tbc baugbtcr tbat bwelletb in ^pon.pccfimp blouoe alfo unto tbc Calbcc*, fapctb jfrru* falcm.'Cberfojc tbu* fapetb t^i JLo.ibc:iSe» ,c bolbe,3topUbefenDctbpcaufc,anb aucngc ^tbc :3wpllbjiWBeupberfcc,anbb?pc up Ijer water fp?pngc*. m m c * )6abplon (ball become an bepe of ft o- * ' nc* a bwcllingc place fojbjagon&a fearful* ne*anbwonb?puge,bccaufcuomanbwcl* Ictb tbcre. ^bep (ball roare togetber Ipbc Ipon* , anb a* tbc ponge Ipon* wpen tbcp be angrpc, fo (ball tbcp benbe tbcm fclnc*. 3n tbcp? bcate 3 (ball gpuc tbcm a bpner anb jirf.«.b.tljcp (baibc b^oncben foifopc. * tltyn ftjall tbcp flcpe an cucrlaftpnge flrpc.anb nc « tier wabc,fapctb t\)t Hojbc.3 (ball carpc tU bow nc to be flay nc Ipbe Ojcpc, ipbc wetber* ft^» anbgoatc*.HD,bow wa*o^S>efacb won» v ne:'slD,bowwa*tbcglo?poftbcwbolcl« 1 lbc tiMen.'bow bappeuctbit,tbat25abiloiu* fo loonb wb at among tbe fycatben.' Ubc fee i* rpftn oucr TiSabplon.anb batb coucrcb ber tfi bi*greate waue*.li?er cptic*arc lapcb waftc tbclaHbclpctbUnbuplbcbanbUopbcit i* a lanbe wbcre no man bwcllctb iM wberc no jcfcimu mantrauapllctbtbo^owc. ^ft)o?coucr, *3 Sffife wpUUifenis5elat25abploit:anDtbc tbpngc nm ' tbat bcjiatbtwalowcb Up, tbat fame mail 3 plucfte out of bp*moutb. iJTbcc5cntpl*alfo (ball runnenomoite Unto bpm, pee, anb tbc I wallc* of Babylon (ball fall. cfap.Hj.b. Omp people, * come out of Babylon, f c«m.w.c. euerp man maye fane W Ipfcfrom tbc fear* full wmtb of tbe to?bc. Bcnotfapntcber- Ocy teb.anb (^ feare not at euery rumourc tbat ujalbe bcrbe in tbe i^be -M euerp ycare bw* gctpucw tpbinge* , ft in tbc pcrcfolowpnge MfWetpbfugc&srobbpngcintbc lanbe anb * %n. riifJ> lojbeUpo to^bc.^nb lo.tbe tpmecomctl; , tbat3wpUUifcttbcym8gc*of25abplon,f tbeWbolcl«tbefljalbcconfoabeD:pce,anbbcr ftapne (ball Ipe in tbe mpobeft of ber. tycaue" ^cartb xoit\) all tbat is* tberm , Ojall reiopce oucr20abilo,wbe" tbebeftroper* (ball come Upon ber fr6 tbe. 0o nt many, anb be flapne in ail ber byngoome. l>c tbat bane cfcapcb p fwcarb.bafte pou , ftabe not ftpll,remembec tbc £o*bc a f.irre of, anb tbpnebe Upon 3eruralem,to* we were aft>a= mebtobcarc tbc blafpbcmpcc:our face* wc^ recoucreb wttbtbame, becaufc tbe ftraunge aleauntc* came into tbc ^anctuarp of x\)z 3lo?be.yilbcrfo?c,bcbolbc (fapetb the iojb) tbetpinecommctb,tbat3wpUUifctppma» ge* of Babplon.anO t bojowc tbc wbolc li\D tbep mall moumc anb fall. ^'Cbougb OBa» bplon clpmeb up into beauen , ano beptc ber powcranbpe.pctajaafcubcbcrbcftropcr* lapctbtbelo^bc. 7t ppteou* crp (balbc bcarbe from sgabf* lon.anb a grcatcnufcrp from tl;e lanb of tbe CalDcc* , wben tl;c Lo^bc beftropetb tbcm , anb wbcii be b.zpuctb out t))c bpc ftomacb « p?oubcboaftpnge,w!;crwttb tbcp bauc bene a*furiou*a*pwauc*ofgrcatcwatcrflou* be*, anb mabe grcatc crab c* witb tbeir wo?= be*. 5fo; tbe bcitropcr* (ball come Upon bee fenen Upon Babylon jwjttb (ball taaetbetc woztbpc*,anbb?fabc tbeir bowc*-.fo? Gob i* bifpofeb to aucngc bpm fclfc Upon tbcm , anb ftifficicntlp torccompcncc tljcm . Pec , (fapetb tlje lojbe.)3 wpll matte tbep? pitn= rc*,tbcpiiwpfemcn,tbey? cbefc ruler*, anb a tt tbeir wotf byc*,bjoncbfcfo tbat tbcp tball flcye an cucrlaftpnge flepcanbtieuerwabe* ^l)»* fapetb tbe bpngc , wbofc name i* tbe fto?bcof i;oftc*. ^)o;coucr,f bu* fapetb tl)c tome of too* <5 ftc*.'£bctbpcttcwaUof25abpli5flmlbcb2o* Ucn,anD ber Ijpc gate* (balbc b^rnt up. 3Jnb tbc tbpngc tbat tt)t (5cntplc* aim t]}t people baue Wiougbt witb grcate trauaplc anb la- bour,Q)allcomctonaugbtano be confumco in t\)t f^e. '(Tbisitftbccbargc? 3ercmpgauc Unto fijaraiab tbc fonnc of j!5criab , tbc fonnc of ^aafmb.wbcn be went towarbc Babylon witb jebcbiab tbc bpng of 3uba, in f fourt b yearc of bp* raygne. 0mt tlip*^araial) wa* apcaceablc p?pnce.3crcmp w;otcma boobc all tbc inifery tbatftiulbe come upon Babplon.pccanballtbefeffrmon* tbat be xvmtcn agapnft Babylon, anb gaue^a* ratab tty$ cbargc. U)bcn tbou commeft Un* to,Babilon,fctbattboutcabcall tbcfcwo?- De*,anbfapc.i!D Homctbouart bctcrmiucb to rote out tbp* place , fo tbatnetber people ncr catcll iball b well tbcre cup m ojc , but to IX u lye I.C *!! ft I _ If I w fc ■ I I'. 1 1 !! l! 1 I' m \U I 1 I" h * ■ 31 * ffu. ttc&tt. rniii.t). \ v. i r 1 i 1 - I lycwaftefo? cucr:anbwljentDotiDa(J reW» outtbcbooUe ,bpnbt a Ctonctott , anbcaftit in tDe mpbbcft of tguubjatctf, anb fape.tfucn f tot* ((mil aoabyion fpucBCfr Dctbrattbow= tie wttbtbe bur tbcn of trouble , tr#t 3 wpll hww ^>pon bcr : fo rbnt fte (ball ncucr come top agapne.'3:Dutf farce aretrje pjcacDpngetf of^crcmV. C$De.lft.Cl»pter. C ©i! wpc rtrtft tot taKpnirf of jcbcfcfab.3lftaratfm is taheiH of tlje cbaU>cts,Trtrtifab« fonnw arcKriirti br; f o;c tops far canb Ijp* tpw put out t .£ bt tpMc '« bur; nrb»£bc temple fo fpopirt ana robbtb.ifttp tftattorrc lef rt in 31 truraicm arc carpcb to ©abplon. fir»Bt 3!t; boacijpn ib bjougbt fo?tb of p;r rcn,* feb ipfccaupna;. €br BiaD wag * one anb. xt. ware olbr.wljcnbe wnji mabe Bpng.anD ibc rapgncb rlcuen pearc <«3erufa« lem. lijiamotbcrg name wag $a= mufall,3cremyci8bangbtcr of ipbna. tyelp* ucb wpcBeblp before tbeiojtbecucnag 3c* Doacbinbpb.jFo?? lo;tbcwa!3angrpat3c= rwfaleui anbjuba , fo longe tpll rjerjab caft tbemoutofbpiefpjcfcnce. ainb jcbcHtabfell *?f.mfr. a . fr6tbfftvngcof25nbil6.*i5utuitbcnvntb im.uc.r,b.a. pc«irc, fbvsrapgnc,3ntD.ctcntDmonctb, f tcntbbaptofrbcmonetD it bappenrb, tbat #abucljobonofo;i tbe Bpng of 25abilonwitb all bPiSbooffe came before Jcrufalcm, atiD bcrcgtbif.anbmabc tDem Iriilwojcfte* rou= be aboutc it. 3nbtbpebCfcgp 115c of tbc cp= tit cuburcb tontotbeeleucutrj peace of Bpug ^cDckmrj. * an «Jr * ^ ,,D in UK flrotft wtotictb, tbc. ir. bape ttl.i ff of trjcmonetb.tbcre was fci great bongcr in w mb«t trjccyCre : tbat were were iiomoje toptaplctf bier* bjaBe awape , anb f lirb outc of tDe cp> tic bp npgpt tbo;owe tbc wtpt of tlje pojrc bctwciic tbc two wallcg bp tbt feynfles(flar«= ben. jaoujctbeCbalbee^^abcompaffebtbe n?ticrounbeaboute,pettx)e'ttbefe men tbcit voqpt Kotoarbc trje wplbcrneji. mtifottjeCbalbccslfolowebtopontlicm, anbtofcc ?cbeB(ab tbe ftpngc in tljcfclbe of 3«ticbo,to)bcnbts(booft m&mmt frSbpm: ^>o tbep carpeb t&c tyn$ awapc p?pf oner to a&eblatktontotbcBpngeof 25abplon in trje *j,n.mnA laubeof ^ematb,* wt)erc^e flauc iubgemet topon hvmi %w ftpnse of 25abplon alfo canfeb jebe* Biabslfonnejstobeflapnc before biS faccpre C anb put all tbe p^pncesi of 3uba to bcatbat Eebiatb. ^)o;eouer,fjeputouttbe epesfof ?cbcbtiif>,cauftbrjimto be bounbe tjoitrjtujo cljcpneis.to becarieb touto25ab^lon:anb let |)pm Ife in mem, tpll be Hvtli. jfcom toe tcntbbape oftbe f pfrt) m onctl) in p npflttj #ate ofJ&abuc&gbonotty bpnge of zsabilon, 15 a miiaraban trje crjcfe ca ptap= ne anb t$t hpngc of 2Sabplon# fee uaut e0 ca» me tonfo 3cr ufalcin , nnb bmt top tbc fioufe of t\tt ttm.M b? cut top alfo tljf «f tofftf pa lact,aUfl)oimi8anballtrjcgoiacoHisiiupl t»pngcsm3emfaiem. bttm Wbolebooft oftete len to tlje ftpnge of HBabpl on, vce, anb wfcat jieojjleaixpct remapneb : iaabujaraban trje c&cfe captapuccaricb trjg awape p#foner& 7&m trje poo^e people of trje cotttre ,bpb 0a= bu^araban the ctjcfe captapne leane in tbe . lanbe,to occuppc tbe topncartjcsl anb felbcjs. *5Tbe Cba Itccjs alfo b?nBe tbe bjafeu ppller S tbatwcteintbe rjoufc of trje lojbe , fee , trje fcatcanbtbcb?afenlaucrtrjatU)aslin?bou« fe of tbc t ojbe : anb carpeb all tDe me tall of tbcm tonto Babplon.^bcp toBe a wape alfo tbcCanlb^onjBi.trjoucW, flctrjcrjoBetf, fp?pn* {tier^fnoncsl^nbaUtbebjafen toerTell trjat toajSoccnprcbintbefetuvcerWJitbtbebafenjj, colepanntuMV^pitBlctg , potted , canbelft pc« Besj,fponcs{,anb cupped ■ wbcrof fome mere of golbc , anb fome orfplucr. ^be crjcfe captainctoBcalfo trje two vib e Icrsj,trjtlancr , ti)ct\xielue bjAfenbtilloctteg tbat ftobc tonber tbe leate*t»bicbB^ngS>a= mm loin on mabe in t\)e rjoufc oftbe lo?b:flnD nil tbetocffellcontcpncbfomocrj metall.trjat it rnpabt not be wepeb. 5fo? cucrr piller t»n 3 epgrjtenecubptcsi bPc : anb f cope tbat went abontc it.ujaiei twcluc cub?te& 9 foure fpn « gcrjs tb vcac anb rounbe.0ou)etop6 tbe rope v)crelvafen ftnoppeitf, 3D euerp BnoppctDatf f pite cubpteiEi bpe:anb topon t^z Bnoppeg toc« re txjbopcjs.anbpomgranatejslrounbe about of cleane b^alfe: aiftcrtbpjf manet were botb tDe pplcrtf faujponcb xb tbe pogranatc^ > wberot tDcre toereanbuub^ebaub. jtctoi. wbicb Dangeb # topon tbe tDboopetfrouttbeabomv^be cbefe captainc alio toBc &ariaD tDe W P?eftc, anb $iopDontaDrj)at toajs cbefenecte Dpm , anb tbc tb?c Bepc rjs of tbe treafutp. J>e tobe oute oftbe cptic a cbSbcrlapne wrjicb waft a cap- tapne of t\)t foulbper^ , anb (cue n men tbat were tDe Bpngesi feruauntcg , wDicD were founbe in tbc cptfc : anb ^cpber a captapne that tofeb to mutter tDe men of uoarre, ttitlj tWcfco?e men of tDe counrre tbat were ta Ben intDecptic. 'CDcfeiftabujaraban tDecDcfe captapne tobe,anb car ieb tbcm to tbe bpnge of 25ab?lon tonto iaeblatrj:anb tije ftpng of jfiabploiuaufcbtbem to be put tobeatrj at laeblatD in tbe lanbe of l^ematrj. 3nb thus?! 3uba wajSlcbbeawapecoptiue, outeof vy$ awne lanbe.^D^ i$w fume of tDe people > wDSiliabucDobonof 0? Iebbe awnpe captiue. $ 3 n t D e feuentD peare of Dp0 rn j?gne> m ca * rieb awape of tDejewcg.tDfe tboufanb anb tD;e anbtwentp.3ntDe.)cto(ii.peare iaabu^ cijobonofoj 3ntDe.^iw.jeareofiaabucDobOttofoTS bujaraoantbfcheff captapne, toBcawape feuen M (ourtp anb f>ue3ewejffi= ««5% Jtfc wbolefummcof all tbe mefo- 3ntbe.wrtoa.peareaftcrtbat3eboacljirf Mto.bapeofffie.pt.monetb,eu«merobach 6ptige.jf5Baoplonr tbeil!mcp W retDatDe rep3Ucb)gauc3eboacDtn tDe bpngoHuba Dpyarbon, anb let Dpm out of piefonTanb fpaBeloupnglptoDim.ainb f ttt W trone a- DouetDe tronc/of tDe otDer ftpngetf* were elotHetfof iHtfmefon, pee,aubDebpbcatc& DPmal IDWlpPelonge^nbDebabacon' tinuall Ipupnggcuen Dim of trjebpn- geof 25abplon,cucrpbapcacer- tapnetbpngealowebbim all tDebapcfliofbpjSlpfc, tontpllbebpcb. * * C^DeeribeoftDebooBcofehe ^opbete3cremp. CCDe lamentacpotts of ^ecemp, r CWpjftCDaptcr. fl?!SRS!ffl ? r L atI ta " ,9 *»« u «*e tote captf; Mffife^ «"«««* BBSS* % IKS&t^ten|Jaj<,DowcffttetD tDe cptie fobcfoiatcpfomtpmc tmk rail of pcoplef J^oujeijai Ibe become Ipfee a webowc , *wbicbwaj3!?labpofallua cponja!.''l9oweis<(beb^ougbt ftSHH'P 1, We wwbtocfop npgbt fo tbat tDe teare0 runne bowne Dcr cDc&cxi : mm ^,^W«««Derlouersi,tDcreisi nonetbat « uetb Dec enpeomfwte: * pe bcr ncjeteften* J5?iS5 trcff £?t c,1 . ft t,cr ' ant, a » bc wmc bcr enempesi. 3ubatj8taltenp2cloncr , font* Que wa^bcfplcb:anbfo? ferupnge fomanp fffi 5e a? w ^f 0wc » c ^ "owe amonge WWWW> ^befpnbctbnoreft,alltbep - teS fecut ;j5cMofte Der.in ftrapte places 25Wbcrujecoulbenotcfcnue. ^bettreatcjs of ©ion motir ne,bccaufe no man cometb no mojeto (Defo.iepnefeailejS.3m Deegatesi are I.D, mtw. i ^foJrrrb;; aasas npnelTe. i>er enemies bauc bene rulergoucr ft tbelo^ebatb cDaftcneb Dcr fo? bcr grcate wpcfcebne*: * Der cbplb;en are lebbeawape * m. *« tie of tbc baugbtet of io.20c,anb fc.bow topic 3 am become. J9auepenoreffarbc© all pc tbat go fine bp.be Ijolbeanb fe.pf tljcrc be enp fo^ow Ipfce tonto mpnc, wbcrwithf be %om batlj troubleo mc.in tbc bape of b& fc= arfuil w?atb. ^ Jf rom aboue batb be fent ♦<. boujneafwetntomp bone* anb it biimctb tbcjn cr ucllperbe batb lapcb a net fo? mp fete «s njibibjowcnme wpor open : be batb mabe mcbcfoiatc.fotbatjniuftcucrbcmournpu' 5 e# .* S-Pluty&W fwnrgrcQpon iU co= top , anb put it aboutc mp nccB.aip irrencrtfj tbofc banbea wbcrout3cannot qupte m^ felfc. Ubc io?be batb beftropeb all tbe mpgbtvc mcn,tbat were in me tot batb wo. clapmroafealte, to flaugDtcr alimp bei ^•^W^W^olieiiOoiiinetlie^tan. gptet ,of 3uba , Ipfce as it were in a wpne !£?;..«? !W5TO' d °3 wepcanb mpnc *a«.««,e. KJ^««l^«*K«toMle comfoite SP* tDattDulbequpcBenme.ijsferrcrrome. • * ^P cbpltocn are bjipuen a wapcfoi wDpi tDe enemp batb gotten tbe onerbanbe. PJ . Woncfl8ftDotttDerDanbcji,anbtDere« nomaii t I! i; i m r <$%t lametttatpons f r * i : t f " ■ J f * r. :l no maw to cftf otfetyv.$ty iojbebatb iaieo- tbccncmpesirounbeaboiite Jacob, anb 3** rufalemt* become abommacpon intbe mpb* * 2>am. iF.a. D cft of tbem. * TO lojbe itf rpgbtuontf , f o? 3 lijatie pjouok cb |)t0 countcnauuee *ntb nng« .if) take IjcDc nil pc|3Coplt,attD cfifpb^c mp UiniMftrite. &)pmapbcn0anbmp ponge- mcnarclebawapctntocaptiupre. 3 tailcb fo? mp loners but tbcp begplcb me )f ty mp p?cftci& anb councellcrtf, but tbcp ~ perpojeb;eucn wbpletbtp fougbt fojmeate, ♦ rrcHo Etofauctbcp;ilpuc& *Coniybje(flDlo;ib) ctcb,mpbcrtturnetbaboutmmf,anb3am fnllol:bcuinci8bceanfc3rcbeUcbftoburnlie. TO twenrbc burtctb me witboute,& witbin 3 am likebnto bcatb-TOp bean: mp mom* npn s,but tbcrcitf none tbat wpll cfifojte me. ailmpnccncmictfb&uebcarbcofmptrouble anb arc glao tbcrof,bccaufc thoti baft boncit anbtljoubaft bjougbtfojtbp tpmcwlJicbP callcbcft,wbe tbcp alfoftalbc like unto me. jTrci the fyall come all tbeir abueclitie rfoou <(baltpluckctb£awapeeue*B0tb£iuba&put= kcbmcbecaulc of all mp wikcbnefcjf o? mp fo?owe igbcrp greater mp bertijsbcnp. CTO- ii.Cbaptcr. 3 Straff ***» *bowcbatbtbe lojoebatckc* :! % 1ft *wtmMA Erainebtbcbaugbtcrof &ponfofojcii! bp* wjatWje: foj £bon our of 3fracl be batfbeaftitbowne fr6 bennenbnto f crtb. $)o we bappenctb tt,n)at be remembjeb not *i.»iw. btfawnc * fote ftole wben be wasrangrc' SSiiiwtf.* ^ lojbe bfttfi caft D oxdhc all tbcbabf = tatpon jl of Jacob U)ttf)oufanpfauour:aUp fttongc places! of tbe baugbtcr 3ut>a batb be bottom in bptf w?atb,anb tbjowen tbem bo= wncKotbcgrounociber kpngbomeanb Deis pjunc^batbbc fofpenbeb. 3n tbe wjatb ter of wt mbignacpon be batb bjofce" all^ tbe borne of 3lrael:lje batb tfteawen bitfrigb* banbi;rromtberncmpe:pcc,aflameoffpjci$ fepnb'lcb m3acob,anb batb confomebtjp all rounbeaboute. tyebatb bent&bsbowe lp= 26 bean enempe, bebatbfattencb bp*rfgbtba"b afiJanaOuccfflirp.nnOcucrptbpingeebatwajS Ml ea faunt to ft, be batb fmpttt nit bo wne : &cbatbpourcbo»tbi*Hrafp*e,in« to tbef abernacle of tbebaugbf reof $>pon. TO lojbe itf become Ipke ag it were art enemfe.be batb oeuouceb 3ftael ahball bptf Salac^pecall |>ist ftrotig boibirjs batb be be* :ropeb,anb fpucb f baugbtcr of 3uba ttltb mocbir fojoroe anb beupnefle. *3iftf.wi.b. k *#crtabecnacle(iiDblebt»«ii2(lpftijagar» ben otpleafucejbatb be befteopcO:b« bl^e fo= ftme ifeafted |)iieli be put boronn. ZW ioM batb b;ougbt it fo to paffe,tbat tbf Df u t ble> nc f caftcsf ano ifeabbatbc« in & ion.are Clea = ne fo.tffpmn.3n his* beup oifpleafure batb be matte *&c Jtpngeano pjefte* to be befpifub. ii\)t ibibefiatb fo?thfteribPSi atone auii tee, anb batb albojtrcb W atjonejfcanctna= t¥«; anb batb genen tbe WallW ofttyyi to> xvW into tbe banbejei of tbe Mtniyt tUn r encnueo mabe a n of fe fn tbe bonfe of § io#>, ait ft bab bene in a f oiempnef eafte bape* true io?oe tbouabt to b?eafee botone tbe wallet of tbe baugbtet of £>f on, be fp«tcb out bitflpne,anb b?cK»e'not itibpsl fenbe, tpllhe tiabbeftropebtbem : ^betfoje moucnetpe turtette^ anb tbe broken wailcjl togetber. If)ct gatcsi ate fonctie bowne to tbe grou<> be ,bcr baccesi ace broken anb fmptten in f on= bit, * bet apnge $ mince* are car leb atoape * *n.m,| to tbe d5entpW. top baue netber lawe ncr p^opbetesi.ner pet enp btfponftfltbe to?be. W fenatourjs of tbebaiigbtec *)ionfpt t)t)on tbe geoabe in Oll!cc j 'tlj e p Ijauc fteabdlb affbeid bpontbcp^beabcies, anbgp?beb tbem felucjs ujltb facft clotb.'Cbe mapbcnjB of 3e« rufaie"bangcbo\»iietbep^beabejftotbcgro=' unbe. &)pneepc!& begpneto faplcme •© tljo?ot»e tteppng,* mp bobp tsi bifctupcteb, * »«* mpliucriiespouecbbpd tbe eactb.fojtpgeeate Imrtc of mppeoplcfepnge tbe cbplbjten anb bab es bpb fmowne in tbe ftrctcsl of tpe cpte. €ucn wben tbep fpake to i\)m ntbtber j(: t»bcrc is mcate anb bitpnebef fo; wbple t^ fo fapbr , t bep fell b own c in tbe ftcetess of tbe epticlpke a & tl)cp bab bene woabeb, anb fo* me bpcb in tijett motbew bofome. Jlflibat (ball3 fape of tbe, €) tbou baugb- tcr 3ccnfalcm,tottibom^aU 3 Ipcken mi lowborn (ball 3 ceparetbe. tiDpbaugbtec • ^ion, to comfo?tc tbe ttntpalli %\>v wto ijs ipfte a mapne fee,tobo mapebeale t$t( -^•^bpp^oobctesi bane lokeb out luapnc *7m\ anb foltOsc tbingc ji f o? t^ y t])tv baue not djc=> gJJ gjl mb tyt of tbpwic&cbttetf,toBepetbcfeiica= m ptiiutc:butbaueouer!abentbe,anbtboi(ovu falQjcbfcatrebtbtab?obir; 311 tbcp tbat gobptbc,cloppetbeirbanbefi{attbe:biWpncfe anb u)aggingetbcfrl)eabeiB!bp6 tbe baiigb* ter3erufalem,ano fape :i^tbi^ tbe cptetpat men call fo fap?e:t»bcrtn tbe tnbole lanbe re* topfetbf' SBIltbpne enemies gape ^ponf: DPbPfpccinge anbbptf ngc tb«c tetb.faping: ictw neiiourc, fo? tbe tpme tbat welofteb fo;,i£ttome:iMcbnuefountieanbfene(t^ a 1t\)t lojbebat!) fuifpllcb tbe tbinge, tbat ^ betnasipucporebtobo-.anbperfourmebtbat be babbemfeblongeago:ljebatb beftropeb, anb not fpareb. tyt batb caufeb tbtneabuer> » faepe triumpbe ouer tbe,anb fet))ptbebome of tbf neenemic. *.3Let tbpnebertecrpc tff •tontotbe !Lo?be, flDtboucptie of t^t baugn= mm tcr£>lon-;iettbP tearegi tunneooumne lpftc^" r a rpueebapeanbnpgbMeftnoMnblet not tbe apie of tbpneepeieaue of. jbtanbetjp a nb make tbp water in tbe fpjft mtify of tbe npgbt^poure otitetbpne ^ttt Ipke water be* f o?e ibe lo?be . Ipf t t)p t bpnebanbest , f o? tU torn ' U ^lpttetfoftbp^ongecljpl^eit,tbatbpeofbott- cotiipoWi wbP baft tbougatbereb trie tip fo clcane/'j&baUp wmm t\)m eate tbeir atone Me , men cbpio^f of a fpannc longer^ball m M nno pjopbetc^ be ftapne tm in tbe^ajtctuacpof tbe lo^be^ ?>onge anb oioe ipe btWnUe tbe ftrete* bpon tDt groun-- bei rnvmapbeniai anbponge menace flapne wftbtbefweacbeitobomtbouintbebapeoe tbpw^tbfuUinbignacfonbaftputtobeacb: pee.cuen tbou baitput tbem to beatb , 9 not fpareb tbem. fyv ncpgbbourej^ tbat arc EoiinbcaboutmcbafttboucaUcb , aMm-- re to a feaft bapc:f o f in t^t bape of m Ui* MgnuftfH nonecfcapcb.nctbcc was! enplcft l»^"be. JDbofe tbat 3 baue bjougbt s no= rpujeb,batbmpnccnempbeftropcbr C^ijt'VifeCbapter. 3nt tbe ma, tbatf tbo^owc tbe robb OfM w^atb ) baue erpertencc of mtfetp. ^c bioue me foztb , anb 8£ SSL J.TOft.mc onelp be turnctb bP0 banbeanb lapctl; it euer bpou me. idnX!%$£ n Si m i; fiiPnnebatb be mabe oibe , j mp bones ^t\) be b^ifeb. l)t Dm bnp Ibeb ronnbe aboute mcanb clofcu me in witb gall anb trauaple. ty batb fett me in barckencAajJtbeptbatbc bccDfojctic" wmwwsmmein, tbat 3 cannot gee out , ano batb lapcb beup ipnckes twon m ,\ ^"fiUJcrpeanbcallppteouftp, pec bearecb be not mp mvn> %T& n gW bp mp wapes witb fonre fqtiarcb ® ftone^aubmabemvpatbe^crokeb. IjeiapctbwaptefojmelpkcaBcarc.anb ^!2V1W<-- • ^batbmart-cbmp S??SSfeft nl l? ,ofce i? ,ewi Wee*, be batb lapcb ne wafte altogetber. $c batb bent to borne, $ mabe me as it were a tnarclt to ojii t at: TOarowc*ofbi9!qupucrbatbbc(bot \m. b. euen into mpne replies*/ * 3 $m lai icibeb Jjpon me all tbe bapc longe . 19c barb t£ 2JS52 ?»*» «miO geuen me woIm= Cuipecegwtbftone^anbrolicbmcinfbuft; .„ ^Wp«tmpfouicoutofreft,3fo2get all ! goo 1 tbpnscsf . 3 tbougbt in u$ feilc • • 3anbnoone, tbcrefg!nobopefo?mein tbe S£SLm. JwwBrtniw mp tmfctpanb mptrouble.tbewomiwobanbtbcgall. r«..?; ee ' .% * alt Wi«tmb?c tbem" f oj mp SBR ?* %»«*«( in mp btrte, 3 get a bopc $£3&3*3£ n °f^«erlpconfnmeb. 5Foi tcuipebp^ptefuilcompirionbatbnotceaf 3 C„ # S cw ? mw TO«^^ibWnewe »yontbe, erip, pee in tbe bapc fpjpnge, c © iffo.irrrbir UtmpmMS tbpfaptbfulneff?. loule.tbctfo^c wpll 3 bopem bim. 0bow ff oop 10 tbe Ho.ibe bnto tbem, tbat put tftew tratt : f n bPm.anb to ; fouic tbat (eserb after Jjnuf fflr goob man w/tb ftplneai anb m-- ctcncctanetb.foztbcbcaitboftbeltoiDc. ©bowegoobi0it fo? a man, to take tbe pockljponbimfcotnbispontbbp. fcefpta t) tctbalone,bebolOctbbpmft«l,anbftwrtlctb qupctlv bp bim fc ife. ^ e laictb tatf face Jpoti tbe eartU,pf f percale) tbcre bappen to bcenpbope. Ik offretb bus cbeke to tbe fmptcebe wpllbe content witbreniouetf. , W tbe urn wpllnotfojRiftc foi euer, totDcmnltitubeofbismerepe^bcrccfauetl) to grace agapnc: jfoibcbotbnotuiacfc ^ caltouttbccbilbiciiofmcnfromSbcrtc u M hShSS e attt lJ W rf0 «t« of tbe eartb »nbcr w fete. '£0 mone tbe iubiemcnc ofmanbefojetbemoftbpgbeft. -r ^ h CO i? emp, , ,ca , man in D^wnre. TO iloabcbatbnotplcafuccin foebctbpngeg. tJSSftS !^ ct ^ ll ^tfatftb:fbcrcQ)ulbc e fomtbuigc be Done Witbouttbc Loibestcom- maunbement. ©at of tbe moiitb of tbe mooft bpgftcft goctb not encll anb goob/ mJ???^ tbenmurmnretbtbc iniyim manrict bun murmurc at bfciawne fpnne *3Letb0 Joke, well \)p6ourawncwape^*7nhrrrih mn^iembieoureleluc^anbtK totbelo?be. ictWpftctopourebertc* ftcaucn. J«UebaucbcncbiflTcmblcr6,anD banc oacnbcb.wplt tljou tbcrfo?c not be in- SSB?' „ ^k bafteouereb tKf in tbp S3 «S;^ ,0 . pfrfcc c utcD w » ^ 0K « flapne bpbtbpfclfema clonbe, f onremaperfbulb nor go tbo^owe «o« baft mabe W out tf*'*? toUc Mwrcbamongrtbc pco^ pie. ^HourecneinpetfgapctoponW. 3teare anb ppttiaf come upon tosLwcfcc- ccpteano Deftwctforf. * tUftole tpnrrtf * «*«*•. of water gnujc onte of mpnr cpc0 , fS be grcatebucec of mp people. # m ^pncepclrumie.anbcannotccafre.foi gem no reft. 4> io^be, wben wplt thou lokebowncfcombcaucn.anbconfpbjc" all tbe oausbtcrtf ofmpcpte. WmaZ mitmnm me out amrpelp , Iptea SS Pf.anbtbat witbout.i m!^W& "^"^bWmpiifcmtoapptt.fitVpKe caftftone^bponme. '^bep ponreb water *ponmpbeabc, tl)tn tbougbt 3° noweamj Mgg. 3cailebbpontbpuame, C loibT ccranbbaftnotturncbawapetbpnecarcgfro mpfpgbtbpngcanbcrpfngc S,S enclpncbthpfclfc inrnmr nih.JvSSffi is i ':;' - * * *i1 * ■ w * t » i » 1 L4 r i ,;l ;! r? w w P" | IK | {«• « .*;• Cutlamentaipons p % (5 25 * Ocn.tic.s. 1* * Pfal.ttJ.a i . * tDeufero. ttii.ttfgfi* MA * jtrmo.tf.a L * r \)pont1)e>ant) Daftc rapoc-.fcarc not tlcftou ( tD loibe ) DaftmapntenebtDr canfeow fonlc.anb Daft rcDcmcumf ipfc. jD J,o?bc i>Uaft (cue mvlrtafpDtmcriS , take tfypu mv cattfc topon t^e. 'CDou Daft well con fpbjeb JiowctbrpgoanoutetobomcDarmc,#nmt aUtDciccouccltf arc agapnilmc. 'STDou H)aft fcearctDcir bcfpptcfuilwojt&ctfc *1D lojot) ycc,anbaUtDcpnwaginacp6tfasapnltme. 'SDclpppes* of mpnc cncmvcjs, anlraW bcuicejStDat tbrp tahc aga?nft mcall p Dave loge. 'EDon frpft alfo tbepj tyftfiflt IWW" ne.anb tDcvJ rpfingc Up:tDrp maucrDew fougetf of iiorDvi'ffc Dnt of me. He warbc tljrmciD iojDcjaccoibpngcto tbe wotcltcsf offbcpzbanbctf, t!5cuetDcmau obftinate fate t eaeti tbp curfe. ^ccfcctitc fftem ( €> lo2bc)witbtbpuc (nMsnaeyon,aiiD rote tDe" out from toirorr tbe brauen. CSrbciuj.Cbaptcr. l^owta; tljcffoinc become fo bpm= mtfbttm itftDcgooblpcoloiirc of it fo tojccbatmgctfanb tbeflrontf of tDc S>anctuarp tbutf fcatrcb in tbe coper of curry ftrcte. HTDc cbplbicn of £>yon tbat were alwapein Do= noure, anDclotbeb witbtbemoft pwcpoujai goloc:Dowcarc tjupmum become IplictDe erti)cn\)effel0UJl)icb bemabc witb tDe pot* terjs banbnf 'STbc bmgontf gcue tDep* pong oncjs fircft tq{fl) bare O^eOtcjaf :tmt tbe baugb= tee of my p.ckjlc 10 crttcll ,mib d wclletbiin tDc wylbrrnc^yMteuttcDctf. 1EDcton= getf oftbe fucupnge cbplb?cn,clcuc to f be ro* fc of f Ijcp? moutlictf fo? W t bvift. ^be pongecbtlDjenafKCbjcab.biittbcreitfiioma" tDat geuetb it t\)l 'ftDcp tbat were wonte to far c bclpcarlp, pcrpaic in f be ftreatesi :tl)ep tbat afojc were bjougbt "top in purple, wane notxjemocbeof bonjif. 'frbefpime of fbe batiglttcr of unpeople ijS become greater tDe" * tbe wpcucbncg of &>obome , tbat f obenlp wasi bcftropeb,anb not taken witb banbe ft l9ceab&epncr#(oj#ajarecsO were wDp= tcr tljen fbc mowe o? mplue :t\)tw ecloure wasfreftbc, reabeagCojall, tbepjbewtpe Ipuc Mje&a pbpje. SButnowetDcpjfaccsi ^er^biacRe . 3n fomocDe.t^at tbou Qjulbeft not unowe tbem (ntfje ftrcateg. * 'CDepj fapnne cleuet D to tfjep? bonea, Jt iji voitye red anb become Ipae a b?pe ftocne. *S:Dep tbat beflapc tjjttbtlje ftocarb are ftapppcr tben focbea^ope of bonger, anbpervu^eavoape. fampifcpnge fo? tile ftutesi of tljefclbe. * itbe memen ( tu&ftb of nature are jjp= titl nil Jbaue fobben tbep? atone cfjf ml \»ltb tDep? SmnDetf, ttjat tljep migjjt be $elr meate in tljemiferablebeftruccpon of tj)eoauflrt)tee of mppeople. * 'Che lo^beliatlj per four* mcb biitf &cup tojatfrbe Ifmtb poureo oil re t&c furioufneie(ofbPi«bifuIcafure.l9e|)atbkpni)= , ._.. ._ . ico a fm in ^ von, tofr c^j |)atf) confumib v&t fatticr^c ttiljict) now are gone)imue ff>nneb,$ fownbacyonstberof. Hietber tjje npnges< of t\)t cattfi, nerall £ intliabitoursi of tpc voci?lbe s toolbeoaue belc* ucb tbat tbe enempanb abucrfarp fbulblw= tie come in at tile gafetfof tbecptieof 3eru« falem. WiclJ neuettljclelle \# come to pnf= fc f o? tftc fvnne of |jcr p?opt)ctcjJ , aniD fojt% toicltebned of bcr p?c(te0: tljat ^auc tW *• in noccntcjs bloubc wttDiniier. fro itHat tDc blpnbe men wente ftomblvnge in tl&e ftrca= t etf.anb ftapneb tDcnifcluesfTOitDWoube. t:DepU)olbe in no wpfe toucDc fDeee gar- mented. 7S6ut tDep cricb tottfo euerp man flee tbe ftapnpnge , awape , gctt pou Dcnce , touc^eitnot. pee, tbe? f (cube anb remoueb fromtDcmpectbepbauefapbe amonge tbe DctbentDtp(baanomo?cb\»eUintDWcvtie. ^TDecouutenaunce of tDe lojtbeDatlj ba* npfycbtDcm.anbCballneuer lo»emo?c \3po tbem. Jf oj tbcp tbcm feluejl nctber regarbeb tDep?eftcio! , nojpptieb tDep?elber0. TOctfo^epetourc epejsfaplc^, t»DpIe tue lofte f o?\japnc Dclpe : fepnge we be cuer waptpng Upon a people , tbat can bo 1)0 no goob. '(JDcplapefoibarpewaptefo^jS tl;at we cannot go liife^pon tbe ftreteg:foi oure cube income, ourc bape0 are fulfpl= Ieb, oure enbe isj Dcre . * siDure perfeeu» tcrsi are fwpfter tljen tDe 3Beglcs( of tDe ay?e, tbcp folo web \jpont)s(oucr tbem ouutapncjS anblapcbwaptefoit>j0tntDewplberne(le. ^^ ta:De tjcry * b?etD of oure moutD:eueu tDcanopntcb lojbe Dpmfelfe waiel tauenin tber nctt of wbom we fate : ©nber Dptf fta- bowc we Cbalbe pjcfcrueD amonge tDe Ijjcv tDcn. Mb tljoitc €>baugDter ®bom)tDat bwcllcftintDelanbeof39uj,beglabanbre» iopccfo^tDccuppeCDallcome \)ntotDe alfo, wbp^b wDan rboufuppeS of , tbouujalt be b?oncften. Ww fpnnesi ijl wellpunpCbeb, ( CDou baugftter ^>pon )be ftall not fuffre tDctobccarpebawavtenpmoiic. -aSuttDP wpcf$ebne0( jDbaugDter€b6)CDaUDe Mv* fet,anbfojtj)p f?ime0fafte,DeCDaUlebe tpe into captpiute. CCDe^-CDapter. M to rememb^aunce ( ^D to?be ) wDat we Daue fuffceo , coufpb?e, aubfeoure confuftort.C>urecnl> ritaunceisiturneb to tDeftrauger^ anb oure bouretf to tDe aleauntesi; vot arc become carefull anb fatDerlejaf , anb oure motbettfareatf tDe wpbbowes(.t»eare fayne to Djpucue oure awne water fo; mo= nep , anb oure awne wobmuft wefape wttD monep.fiDurenccbe0are\)nbcrperfecucion, we are weerp ,anb Daue no reft . 3fo?e tpme we pclbeb ourefelue^to tDe egppcianie(,anb nowe t o tDe W|ian&onlp tDatwe mpgDtDaueb^eb pnougb. * €>me C 1© *3luefc becaufe oftDeD^oufDoftDewpibernesi; jDurefftpnueWjitfrtDabbcnebiientinan ouen.fo^ervfojjcDonger. CDewtuetfare rane jej in&von , anbtDemapbentf in tDe witDtbeDan}eoftDeeneinresf,tDepDauenot fparcb £ plbe fagemen, tDep Dane tm ponge menMiJli?ueiKfromtD?,$tliebope0areDan» geb^jp jjpon treesi.'CDeelberjSfptt nomoic unber fDegniw, anbtDeyongrmentjfc no- ino?eplapengeof mufpCBC^Buiopc of ourc * W t i^gone,oure merp queer # t urneb into ntournpnge. 'EDegarlanbcof oureDeabeitf RUlen:alas{,tDateuerweft>nnebfofo2e. 'CDeefwe.oureDerteijSfuiiof Deupne^ , $ tm iJS beftroyeb.^ n fo mocD, W t tDe tej5 e unne topon it mt tDou, flD to?be, tDat re- mapneltfo?eHermo;e, anbtDpfeate woilbe i ^ W"Oo«tenbe:wfierfo?ewpittDouCtpUfo2- |(ff.^.fgctt)^anl)foiifafre tjjjfoiongef * AD iozbe fur ne tDou W tinto tDe , anb fo (ball we beturneb , IRenueourebaprsfajai in olbe ti?mcie{, f oj tDou Daft banp= fteb Wnowe longe pnougD, anb Daft bene ?o?ebif* picafcbatD^ C5rDtcnbeoftDelamenta= cpontfof3[crcmp. €€DebookeoftIie ^opDetce?ecDie!. ITMt fp^ftCDaptcr. route btalto. acbc bif PDn vu\t toficiw. sStmSS of $e HDonc,aiK> of «f mm about tbe iVtonc. Jcbaunfcbtn^wjc.ware, tDefpftDcbapcoftbcfourti wjonctlxtDat^watfamong t|ep?eronecitfbptDerpucrof iiCobarrfx^wDere the Dca* iucnsfopencb.anbamwea ffi%^9fff °"P mn0e out tDe f pf tD »S^vnge3oacDin0captpuite. ait tbe JS5i c £ Wc J >*» ^ 2l5u?itDc pjefte, in kr. t ,a fiS ftl,eC W^ bPtbe water ofCo ^no 3 lo&eb,anb DeDoibe a fto^mp wpnbe Bftww. mmtoj fflffiK? fi&ffi ?i* weare cloube 25 full of r>?e , wbicD witb Dpi« fllpftre lpabtc= tbe fwett wasf all cleare puetDe fare of mi angell , anb atf it were mWmtiftomc bfafte0 , mjm xm tbcre Ipfteneffe ^Dep were folcponeb Ipbc a man 7 8L SiSS eUerp onc w foucc BW*«I0 f oure Mf^g^?^* 01 ^ « fa«w cojnertf :pet were tDe wpnocgfo , tbat one ;wto«ftcDanotDer.tt)DenV?^M8cp. tSSBR W*"* *• «B5 went fteeigDtfo.marbe. SSSSCSS SSD" Pc W* l> face of a ml, nnbtDefacecfalpon » asuttmontbeicfee fpbe tDep Dab tDe face of an ore! a b?De fa= i3E£&$ **bW«, cucn ° tlje ueafte : ^» (tbv* tua-r tbe ttprpon>uno tbe f V2C gaueagliftrf.aub outof tbe fP2e there went ** pgDtenpngc .U)bcntDe btal llwmU j to- uDablpgbtcnej./aowwbeiababwellcfi. fpbercD tDc braftrfc 3 fawa Wo|e*f of X 'EbcfaCbpon anbwowftcof tlicwfieir« watf ipftep fec^Cbe f oure wDclcVwcFe Top* neb anb maoc ( to lode Upon ; mi Dab bene one wDclem anotber . U)Dcu one wS fo"' MyS? ?tt« an foure.anb turneb tDe "^"^"^PWSoingetf.^Depwcrelflcge artttf anbDo/rible to lone Wo^Depz \& ficxJ were full of epesl rounbe t&mA$m& Mtt mm mm n from m MfSttSS toceof Ipfcwasiin tDe/WDeletf Wen tbe reluejfrom tbe eartD , ttynfo whcJctf alfo l)?etDof IpfewntfintDcwDeW wp,ro? ™ •r* w Vh . ' il *L 4 t\ i \ ftbouc, outr tbcbeabctf of tbc bcaftttftbe* re was a fyjinamcne , oobicb was fall) poneb as! it !)ab bene of tUc in oft pure Cfytiftnl l>ano tbat was fu?eboutcaboue0»jon thep;t |>ea* bcS : 'tottoec tbc fame fpjmamcnt were tbepj ^ wpnges lapcb nbjobe , one toioarbe ano * * tUecano two w pngeScoucrtb f bobp of cut* rp beaftc.3Enb wbeutbepwente fo^ttfn 3 be* arbc f |)c nopfc of tbcpj wpnges.lPRt p nopfe of grrate water**, as it bab bene tfttvoytt of tbe greatcd5oD,anoariifftvnflctoiicdjti; atfitwcrcofanbooftofmen.ainbwbciitbt? ftobeftpll,tbcplctbowne tbep* WIW& $owe wbcntbcp ftobc ftpll , attbbab letten Down ctbcpj wpngcs.it tbonbjcb in ttie fp?* mamet tbat was abouc tbep? beabcS.2tbouc f be f p?mamcnt tbat was otter tbepjtbeabcS, tljcrc was tljc ra(bpo of a fen tc, as tt baft bene <5 maoe of £bapbw. enpontbcfeatc tberc fatt *«>f.w«.«. onelpueama". *3bcbclbebpm,anbbewaS Ipaeanangcll.asttbabbcncnlloffpjcwitb in frombiSIoynrSbpwarbei % nb bettetb ,wbtn 3 lofecb bpon in tn bn* ber p lopncs.me tbougbt be was Ipac a (by* npngc fpjet bat gctftfb Ipfiljt on euerp fpbe< 2>ce,tbe(bpnc anO glpftre tbat Ipgbteneb ro= unDeabouf.waslyttcaiapnbowcwlHebtn a rapnpc bape appcaret!) to the cloubes.^ue" fo was tbc nmiiptube , tobenn t&e glojpe of the 1 o?Oe afljweeD. m\)zn 3 faweit , 3 fell boon mpfaJKanb berheneb wuotljc oopec ot ppm tb'»T\uaUc: icbtl&obecpe . &e tDrtt tfion fpcatte mp wojbts onto tbem » wbetbe c tbey be obebient o? not , f oj rbtp are obftpnate. ^Derfojey tbou tonne of man, obey tbou all tbpngcS tbat 3 rape on- & to tbe,$ be not ttiott ftpf necheb , ipae as t&cp area ftpfnecbf biUouftolb. tiDpentypmouty, anbeatctbat3geuetbe. £>o as 3 waSloRpngefop^eboIbe.t&cte wasfentbntomc an Mbc, wberfn was clo* fee * a booke.atib tbe twnbe openeb it before * «,, tncanb it was wjptten wttbinanb toitbout full of caret nil mouwtpngeS:a! a&anb woo 1 C^De.ii.Cbapter «f rbc pjopjjft e (3 rent; to cad tbe people from tbrp? reroute. 3 * Cjecb.Jij.b #D tben (apb be onto me:£>ra"= beopopotbpfetcfsDPfonneof mff)aw>3 wplltalBcwlfb the. * 3tnb a? be wnscomonlngc to" me,t&efp;tefccameinto me,a«b fettme*pOpon my fere: fotbat3 mutc&cb tbct:|)pngc,£be far be onto ntit je fapbe 2Scbolb,tbou Tonne of mam| wpu (tube tbe tot!]iecbpto 1 ienof3rraeuotbon! rminagn* 2^ tcS aub obtttnatcpcopie:fo?tbeybaue ratten pnrteagapnftme, anbarcrunne awapefto ♦ cro.rF«. « «» * botD t jjep aub tDcp? foje fatUen8»nto tty& bape. _ £ec , 3 wpll fenbe rbe tjnto a peopiie tljat &aue rouab Wages anbftiffe (tomato on- to W&st&OH Qjalt fape on t jps htaneriltliptf toe lo^be i&on &pm fclfe ^at|) fpoaen , tbat WOetber tty? be obebtft o; nocfo? tt is: a fro* warjde bou%olbe)tbep tnape anowe pet tbat tbrrc'batti bene a j&^opbete amonge tbem. *'«""•** *'Cberfo?e(tboufonneofmatt)fenretbf *• not , netbet be afrapeb of t&epj wozbeU : f o$ P?ouoacrs ano tbojtnes are witbtbe. -gee, toouboeabweUamonscefcoitpionSibutfea* re noit tfam wo^oe^oe not aba^ebat f Dtfi looarjBf.fo^t^afrowatbeDouqjoibe. C$!)M(f.CDaptcr, Ct^r wvWt brpntre ftbtic toftft eijf teo>6e of is oft an6 \oit\t £l)i; conaAtit pom tnrs of tbr Cp;cce , f » rent bnto tbt proMr tbattoertln <«pt?apt«. *be p uup (bm ene o f a cue act (bat (bttottb not.tbt people tytMfjpaCf* , " ; y lifted tbpsi . fapbe lie tjnto me : a i^bou forme of mandate tbat, |wi)atfoeueritbe-.pee*eatetbat*i«M boone , attb go tW w*Pe , anb K' 1 iQieaae onto flje cbplb^en of 3f = J rael:$>o 3 openeb tnp mouti),ab(e sane me tt)e booae f oj to eate , anb fapbe tmto me. 'Cboufomie of man.t&p belp ftiall eate , anb t\^V bowels Qiali) c fplleb witb f boohe , tt)at Sffeuetbe.^benbpbSeatetbeboBe,* aub * mu itwasmmpinoutjjfwetet tDenDonp.3nb JJfl, be fapbe ontome:tboufonneofman, * qet? «S f oottelin t o tlje boufe of 3fracl,anb (be wc tbc 25 tbe wo?bcS,tt)at3 cBmaunbe tbe fo?3 fenbe tbe not to tbe people tbat bati) a ftrauge,Wt* bnowne, o? barb fpeacrje.but onto tbe rjoufe of 3frael.^otto manp nacponS, wbicb ba* ue bpucrfe tjjcacbesanb bar be languages, wbofcwojbestbou wtbrcftdbeftnot* .€c= *p uertbeleffe,pf3 fent tbe to tbofe people,tbep wolbefolowe tlje. lout tbe boufe of 3fracl wpllnotfolowef ,fo^ t\)tp wvllnot foloo^c mc:pee,all tt)e boufe of Jfrael bane (liffe fo;* beabeS ^fiarbebcrtts. *25cboIbe tberfo^c, m 3 will mahetbP face pjeuaple agapnfttbeic faces, anb Da rb e thy f o^etjeabe agapnft tbctr fojcbcabeS:fo tbaubP fo?cbeabc ftalbe bar* bcrtljeuan * 3Dbamant o^flpnt ft one -tl)at tm tbou mapeft feare them tbc lefle , anb be U(Tc afrapeb of tb'e.foj tbep area fcowarbe l»ou* tbolbe. I^e fapbe mo^eouertjnto me : tbou fotiiie c of man .tafcc biligent ^ e witb t|)pne eareS, to tbe woibeS tljnt 3 fpeabe onto ttjc fatten t Bern intlivto Ijcr tc : anb goto t()c p?cfonetS oftbppeople,fpeaaetjntotr;cm,anbfapeon tbpS maner:^bustbe BLo^be (0oo batb fpo» sen : wbetber pe beare , o? beare not. 8JU ttb tbJit tbe fp?ete toue me \jp.2lno 3 bearbc tbe ttopfe of a greateeuftbpnge anb vemoupnge of tbe mow blefiefc glo^ of t&e lo^be out of 3 Dearbe alfo tfe ttopfe of tbe wp ngcS of t|je mM 9 tlffl vnfQieb one aga?nffano» tl)tr, ,#%U" #V" i* ^er^^anotDenaHpngoft^wbel^tbat weeebp t()em , wDpcD cuu^pnge anb nopfe ul ,i n *iftPWWt)enrljerp;etetotiemet)p,ano fS,K W*Dmeawape,3 wente wptb an|jeup« ^ afo^pwitopmpnbe l buttbelSbeOftbtilo^ becomfo?tebmerpgt)ttodne. ^ : anb to w tbe begpnnpnge of f(je mottcth M JP 3|bib>3 came to tto p^efoners, * tftat b weft 1 bp m WW Msms Minnpneb in fm* a, wbete t&ep were^ 3n& fo contpnucb 3 a* monge tb.em ieuett oapes, bepngc oerpfo^p. 3no wr)en flje f Wen bapes were ejcpireD, Lmw h tfteio^ewpoeontomc:* ^oufonneof r^ man,3Uattf mabetrjea watctjmS Untotbe boufe of 3ft«j?H: tbcrfo?e tane goob be.be to tbewo?beSotmptnoutbe ,$geue tpf war* npmxe atwp eommaunbrmeut. if3fapeontotbe,conccrnpngetbeon* c goblpman, tbat (wptbottt boute) be mult bpe, anb tbou geueft tjpmnot warnpnge.nee jjeafteft \)nto ppm, tbat i)e map turne from bpSeuell wape.anb fotolpue : ^bf»ft)all $ mnt \mgOblp ma ope in t)ts awne outygb' teoumes: out W bloube wpll 3 requpje of f bpnebanb.® eucrt&elefcpf tbou geue war* npngc ontotlie wpcheb , anb be vet fotfane not bid wtgoblpne(fe:tben (bail ^er>ytin W awne wpcl$cbneu~e,but tbou baft bifebargeb ^ j&owepf.arygbtcouSmaugofrom*t)tS rpgliteoufnelfejanb bo tDe tbpu nne y fo tbat tbe »ertue,wbpcb&cbpb befo* re, (ball not be tfeougbtopon.'biitbiS bloube wpll 3 ccqup^e of mm Dattbe. iacttertbclcffe.pf tbou ejeho^f eft tbe epgl)* tcouS,tbat be fpnnc not , $ vo tbc rpgbteouS bonotfpnne:tbcnu>tfl be ipue » becaufe be" batb reccaucb tbp warnpngcanb tbou baft Wfcbargebtbpfflulc.3!HDtberccamcpbabe nftbeiouietoponme.anb befapb Wttome: &tabe op, anb go into tbe f efoc, t&at 3 map tberc talae wptb tbe.-- S>o wben 3 Dab rpf en op,anb gone f o? tt) tnto tbe felbe:2Sebolbe,tbe glojp of tbe to^o «m ftobe tbere, * Ipae as 3 fowe it af oje , bp tDe water of Cobar. m* fc-ftben f ell 3 oowne topon mp f ace,? tbe » (foetc came fn to me, wbpefrfet me op wpon mp fete.s faplrtbuS >jnto me:d5o tw wape, anb f parte tfjp felf in tbpnc boufe . iSeliolbe, (£>tnoufonne of man) tberc (ball cbapnes bebjougbtfojtbe.to bpitbc t^e \tovth*\l, fo tbat tbou ©alt not eicape out of tbeiu 3tnD 3 wpllmaltetbptungeci;euefo totberofeof >; tbp moutb^tbat tboufbalt be bomme,* not beaSa^pttcrwptj)tb«m:fofitiSanobftt- •tatebouioolbe. 25t»twbcn3fbe«Kt«ntotDe,tbetvopc» tiotmtt. tbp moutD.anb fape: 1!r)uS fapetb f totii <25oO; wbo fo ljearetij,let Dpm fleare s vofa fa wpll not let t)(m |eaut,3 will appoprtte tbe a tpme P (to put of tbe n fpnneS) 9 tbe nombje of tbe 9 bapes : wjh wnb^etb anb.jCCvbapeS mutt tbou beare tbe wpcttebnefTe of tbe boufe of 35 tbe begpn- tM&to tbe crfbe, €bott (bait bj vnca e alfo a cettaptte m a° fiire of water: fiatwlp , tbf frtt parte of art ^ntQjalftbottbJfpucfeebaplpfratbe begpn- npngontotbeenoenaarlp canes (bait tbou mttvet ftjalt tbou tyffi toft tjffm at atp^e mabe witb mans bfige.tbat tbep mapefett* anb witb tbat fopbe fit lo?bc ; guentbusf OiaH tbe cjipfbiteofiftael eate tbtit berpletf H«ao in tbe mpbbeft of t&e m tiles , amfige; wbomjwpilfcattttbtm. m + ■ * • . >: i ! a« I F - -'A WWnmntmm aapncb >. fo* f fomp SttffiPB 1 ^ of tlwt ^Wcb wa* flap- «W titKli«n*flelbc tn mpinoutb. WH%ii,3rw#ierauntc fto tone cowc* Vliett^ecve ;i Hfflffi^ 1 ** t0 tote** wwatwptb all *cfoje tbem. their fyefcan* eatc it wttb fcarcenefle . ffiut "«■ or eon tutoatbe eorpeopie, i $bou f otitic of man , f aae tUr then attaint ftttpfe , namelp, a rafoure. TOc fhat,anb tynue euc Ijeaire of „ , „ 8E r*^ ano bccr0 : *fc» ra ae t&e flwletf Anb tbe wapgbt , « beupbe e be heart* a runber.anbaftcrtboubaftaccompnaicb $ bapc0oftbc*>cgc: bitcne m tUp^be parte tber of in the f p?e intbc m weft of tbe M . a cuttlljeotljcr thp?beparte in pecctfroptb a *smi*i. Mw.*3tffo.*f w parte premnptictb, m iUnm wpnbcnnb3 wpll btaweoutp fWcrbc after tbem. * ' r get aftcrroarbctauc alptleof the fame, anb bjpnoe tt in tbpeote lapuc . ^beu tnht a curtefp of tt,anb caft itin ty mpbbeft oirtbe fpjeis burne ttintbefpje. Cut of tbe fime we Owl ituerc go o a flame , *pon the w bole 25 boufe of jtrael . ^o?eoner,tbt«f CtpDethe Jom^oh^bpg&mcrgjeruntlem.ifctt bermtbempbbcttoftbc tymtyn inaejontf tfwtaixeounbeabouteber.fjut tbe batfibe« ipprcb.mptutyiementctfmoje tben mmtU tejftbem rclnesuub bjoae" nap comniaunbe* menteaitrtoje tben f nacpon&tbat ivc roftbe aboutebcr^tbepbaueeaft out tnpne ot* Wtiauncesi, anoiiot walcBebinmp lawetf. xiw*m jrberfiDjctbujS fapetb t^t tm tbep Ibalihnovoe tbatjam tbe Mm, t»be ftotoartt is piopfttcpcii. liatitbetDo?lieoftbeio?Ocamel)Uto3l ' mcfapingc^bou f onne of man. tuc — 7-l ne W*««*atbe*mountapneUof 3f ♦^'^ raeUbattbon mapeft p^opbecieunto tbem, ano rapc:l9eaee t^t mom of tbexoio 45ot> t Pvetnountavne0of3ft , ael:'Cbu0 , batbtbe to^bef oh fpohen to tbemonntapnesi , hpi* MMnevtanoMtt. 26eholoe3»3 mp felfe3fape< topn wpnae a ftwarhe ouer pouv ntti) Oeftrope poure bpe placed : 3 topli calt hotone poure milterst, ano tyeahe bovine poure pinaaesJ. tmtpm ment»pli3lapcbelfo« poure fioDibetf , aim tbe oecb carcafejs of tbe cbpl- tm of 3frael wpii 3 caft bcf0?i5 trjepjt 3' bolcfcpourebom* topua be ftrope uounbe aboute WW abottte$oueeauleec0,anb btDeUpncc placed «r ^becptie»{lbalbebefoIate>pbpUct)apeI^ iapehwaftespoureaulterjibeftropcb, 5 wo. nempoute gobbed cad' bottutcaub tauen a- wapeiPour tfpleieilapbe eaue* wt§ tftt sro< unbe.poueatoncuio^heidcleaneroteboute. goure flapne men (ball ipe anion je pon, tbatpemapelearneto hnowe . bouie tbat 3 am tbe Wbe.^bore^ be auioacpou j b«i «e efcapebtbe ftt)eacbe,\j3pll 3 icauc amiiflc tbe purcntre pou am onge tbe wacpon^anbtbep tbatefcauc of pott , (ball . thjncbe tipon me amfige tbe l^eatben, \x»|)cre tjiepftalbe tn captmttpe. 3tffo>tbae ttuwib anb twf aptbfull ber= teoftbcpe«fit»heret»ptbtbep runne aw'ape fronte,: jttipllb?eahe(t:pce,f put outetbo- fe epcjS of tbete^tbatcommptte fo^ucacpon ^t»itbtbepi3boW; C ^benujalltbepbeaCbameb^anbbtiplea: feb wt b tjjcfc fel u esJ , f 0? t\)t tDpcitcbueffcief anb abbomtnacpon0,tDbUbtbep baue bone: anb (ball learne to Hnomcp 3 am t\)t io?oe howetbattttjl not (ntjavne, tW 3 Horn fpaftd to bjpngc focb miterp bpon tbem . ^be&o?bfapbemo2eoucr\)ntotne:£: 'Ebusropll 3 fatilffpe mp ro^otbfull btf» pleafure vpon tbem , Mh fo (balipe learne to Hnoroe.tbatj am tbe lojbcrobeii poure flapne men IpeamongcpoureJIboW, anba- boute poure aulter^t)pon all bpebpUe^ anb toppetf of tnountapnee , amonge allgrene treexl.amongcaUtbpchc oMeuf in tbepla ce0, robcre tbcp bpb f acrifpee to all tbep? 3 c bol0.3ropll ftretcb mpne banbe ottte\)pon tbem.anbropllmaRetpe lanbe roaftc:$>o$ it flbail ipe befolate anb Uopbe , fra t^t t»pl= &j* berneite ofdcr-Dcblotbab to2tb,tbo?oroeoU tbeir babitaci5iei:Co learne tbe fop, u Uno we, tbat 3 am tbe lo^be. Cffbe-Wj-dbaptcr. C«l)e eitte of all «>e un&i or gcvMl Hiait Cobwip come.itjf csare of tor DttituccpS tbttof. &\}t ptot 9Wt it cSroaHnbrD to tyttot tf Cumin j of tyc nuu intuit are Atlantic. ^cwo?beoftbelo?u. MnCbntomc ontbP0mancr:^be3 cail,©pfonne . . of tnan/fcbu* fapetb tbe io?oe d5ob onto the I5be of 3ftael:€beenbecommctb, wponrbe lanbe oofracl pee,\)erelp tbe enoe cpmethtjpon all tm foure cojnertfofp iSoc* , HBut nowe Utallf enbe come upon tbefo? 3 wpll fenbe mp w pjpbe wayetb scene, malicp ousJ Violence ttf grownct)p,ano tberoigoblp roaretoa ftaf. one of the tyal remapne oucr.none of tbeir ricbe0,not one of thetfeebcanb no lameta* cion (ball be mabe f 0? tbem, ^betpmeeomcrfctbebapebjtawetbnpc: * Wo fo bpetb,lettb»nttoitreiopce:bctbae «*«*» fellctb,letbpmnotbe fojpcfo^wbp.+'Srcou' fffi r r ^* WeftiaUcomelntbempbbeO of tbem alMbf hfw** • tbe feller (ball not comeagapnc to tbe tbinge v befolbcalltboughtbepMPtt bepet with? Ipuinge . jf 0? wbc"tbep?op|iccpe wa0 p^ea* cbcb \)tito all tbe peopIe,nfliieretucncb front tbec fpnne , anb noman tone fteengtbc to bimag6ttbtjSropc8eDncfre,tofaucf)i0aronc ipfc.'CbetrompetteiaKbaiipeblowe^mabe pou allreabp , but no m5 ChaUgoo to p bat* tell , foO am wjorb wlt&all p wbolc nutl* titubc. _ ^befwearbeibalbe wftbont , peftflencc © anbbonger wptbin : fo tbat robofo in intyt felbe,(balbe flapne with tbe froearbe; anbbe tbati0intbecptte*u)allperpflb witb bb^see* ■«•«** anbpeftilence, Zno rocbatfercapeanbflefromamongc tbcm,QiaUbe\)p5tbebPlIejS ) IpUcaxS tbe bo=> ue^inpfelbe.euerponeibalbe aftapeb, bc=» caufe of W atone wpcitebnefte. aBUbanbe«i(balbelet bowncetallfenecsf (balbe weaheatf tbcwatcr:tbep (ball gpibc M tbemfeluetf wptb facbclotb > feare (bait fall # tjpon tbem.^bep^ fitceji walbe conf ofibcb, * anbtbepjbcabejJbalbe :tbep? fplueeftail *cf Wb .* 4 tbep call foitfae in tbe aretetf, $ tbetr golbe CbalbcMppicbf * See,tbcp? fpluer «1 golbe *fto P bo.<.ft. mape not bclpuertb^in tbe bape of y fcar« SSSJ't.. fuUw|atboftbeio%e. t t ^^'^ ^€) (J 'Cbep ! % I i I!! :I ■ ■ E - L * t ■ - t i *- fcnj.c. i 1 1 •5J I mi it m become tyetr awnc deenpe tyoio w *©rcr.b«M tMMkftafcftffl tycr bcwtpfull cbftlve gwMMMi tyat <5od (jab oprpmi to be tbcir wca t glojpc, in ft tyep fcauc fctt up ab* SS5!? m £ ftc %*»«"»>« to be abboireb. ja)o«oucr,3 top u stunt intotyc ijanbctf of tycftraungcrjatobefpoplcb:anb to tyc wp= CRfb,fojtobcrobbcD,abtycp tyau deftrovc ££? f l cc wp c 11 3 tome fro tyem , mp (tea* %tm fyatoc yeBfcfcfo? tyc tymnet qjaii go <« Intetf whole Dcfpico wptb uneWWonS mDsmirnt of innocent bioube , and mtftk wpubjmgetycmolrcrucll tftauntetf from amoiigctye fecatytti, matte tyep* &oufctf iitpottcu>n.3 wpiima&ctye pompcof the woubctocrfc anbtyer fanctuarp qwiibc bcfylcb.u>Dentbptf trouble comimty,tycp tyall felte mm, but tyep mall banc none. One mprtycfcanb fojowcfjjaiif olowe ano t{cr,ani) oncrnmoiire Qmll come after tuto* tycr: Hffcfen mall tyep fchc utrpoutf in Uay« ncattyeir^2oujetcj8i.'S:f)eIattJcajallbco:o= %*!R!r P ?cftC!E< » m* wpfoomefrom tyc fl0cwt.Jbcapnsca)nHmournc,tyeia3.pn= £* Qjjgfe clotyeo wtty bcupneircainb tDc Da bcs< oftye people in tyc labc (hall tremble fo* fcarcjwyilboUntotycmaftertywwne wapcO.arcotypngefo tyeitawue ttiiogente Mwnimmwmh learnc tycmfwto RUQWe,tyat3nmtycj,oiOc. ' C fcDe.Uiij.eDapter. C 2:n .ippranunsr ortbr rpinfiltabe of «on.«tr AM* rael,anDcl)eafeipoftbe£;cac*. w " f ** "Ijt ■ i)appencb,tyat m tyc fym vtm jJ fyftybapeof tycfwtfc montty. 2m mmp&owrMnbtyetojdcjloftyeeo* mm of 3515a witymc.anb tye&anbe oftye |o?jcfapbcftittyer« itipie^ntomc^Uoufomteofm^rcefttbon wDitttycfeDo^ccfttyoutyc grcatc abbo= mmncvoti0tyattycl)ottfeof3w«elc5mpt. tcMttyptfplace/'tob^nemtfrSmvfancttW Wfflvttmm tDc aboute , anb tyott lhaltft fft0reatcrab^ommacpoutf.3nbt»pihtliat fought be me to tyc courte gate : 9 wml loUcb^e^olDe^tycrc w*m ftoUtofwaiE Jp { *?te & »»to mtfjth fonne of ml bpgge tbwotx) tbt mn.%m WW 3 bpggeb to fjM»m t»au,bc|)olbe,tytre wnjsa bo?e. 3«d oefapbe ^nto mtt0o typ tuape m.atib jORtmDntwpcBebabDommacpon^ tyep bo mrc.5»o 3 U)entem,aub fatoe.anbbeUolbe, tyercujcrcallmaner pmagetf of wojmejs^ bcaftctf , all 3bolctf anb abDommacponiKof tocUoureof 3ftacIpnpnteocnerp one rofibe abouttycmiill .'Qriierrtobcalfo before tye* crftn WtjMgm. Um# of tlje counccll of tU ml Doufc of 3fracl : anb littye inpbbcft of tyem ttobejaajanty tyc fonne of mwm : 3Btib eucrp one of m bob a cenfonre in m Wbe, anboutoftbctnccnrc, tycre went a fmofte, ajJitbabbeneacloube.^benfnpbc |)c Unto tncJUou fonne of nm,l)«i(ltyou fene ttljnt tyc §>cnatourejEl of tye bonfc of 3frael bo fc= (g crc«v,cucrp pnetnb^cljambjc^jfo^tycp *3iob.rt«i be rtgarbctD not tyc uwlfeanft Dc fapb tm ii!ff ! to mc^nrne tyc m agapne,anb tyou ftait ft pet greater ab[)omiiiacpotf£ tyep bo.3nb iDfty tyatlje tyotigljt mctotye bo?e oftye po^tc oftye iiojocja! boufe,tot»arbe f noity. ^nbbtyolbc, tyercfnt women monrnpuge f o.t ^Danmjs . ^(jen wpbebe \)nto me.Jjaft tyon fene typ&tyou fonne of mm^utnt § St aboute.anbtyon (bait fepet greater abbomi nacpoptyftttyetfarcasnb fofte b^ougDtme into tyc inujarbc court of tyc lojbtfpufe: anb bcbolbcatp polite oftye lotyeia fionfc, bettxip^te tyc fo^e cntrpeabtycaulfer, tyere jxjerefpueanb tttietpmen,tyntturncb tycir bacttej Dprni tye temple of tye iojbc, anb tycp^ mm fotoarbe £ eafte,anb t{jefe mi* JSm &e raphe tjnto mttyffi tyon fene M& ® tyou fonne of man /"^(jpnUety tye fioufe ol: Snba^ljatttttfbutatriflctobotyefeablio^ in nacpontfljcrc^ljuibetyep fpll tyelanbe full of wpcRcbncfle , anb tonbertafte to pjo* uob; me \jntoanger.''Pee , anb purpofelv to caft Jp ipm nofcjWpon mw^Dcrfo^toiU 3 alfo bo fome typnge m mp wjtatyfnllbp^ plcafurcfopinpnc epefljalf not onerfetfo newer WI3 fpare tyem. ^Pee.anb tyougfj * #w«it tyepcrpein mpne earesi topty loubetowce, »»5ft Mt}tfyiil #0,jKl Cttte.(ir.pfart io; tr>r be(triiecpoti of (be people. (Ccrpebalfotutty alonbetjopeem wptteearcfl!,fapingc:€ome,l)erc^c tillers* of tyccptccuerp man wptb W$ weapeneb putOtto tye (laugD- ter^Uericamctyetef^jcem? out of tye (He* te oftye tjpperpo^tctowarbctyenozty.anb euerf man a ujeapS in lipsaf babe to p flaugl> ter.'ClJcre t»a$ one amogeft tbem , tyat Ijab on JUpm a Ipncn rapment, 9 a i»?pters{ pncR 3 Do?nebpt)^Cpbe. . c^ere»x)entcin,^fl:obcbcfvbetycbiafcn » aulter:fo?tyeglojp oftye torn Wtttgfim m 6 ntxiapc from tyc*Cbcrub t»b?cb wajS V)pon j«* fc l)tm,9 wtf come botxmeto tbctb?c*oibc of •mm tyeDonfe.anbftecallcbtyeman tyat Dab tDe iptienraymentbpottypm, anb tye t»^ptcriEi ■pncRlJo^nebpbtJSfpbcanb tye Lo?bc fapbc \)nto |)pm:d5o typ voape tyo?ot»e tyc cptc of fer 3erulhlem,anb^3 F= fctamarcHc \jpon tlje fo= teijcabctf of tyem, tyat mournc and are f ojp fo^ailtycabl)omtnacion0,tbat be bone tyc* rin.flnbtotyeotyer,t)cfaybctyat3 mpgbt .. jjcare: * ©ope after bprntyoioujetbecptte, ""■''Jr Uape,oucrrc none, fpare none: hpllanb be= * ftropeboty olbcmenanb pongc , mapben^ typlbjen^ndtopuetf. :i5utasffojtyofe,tyatbauctye marclie ijpon tyem : fe tliat pe touty tye not,*aub be^ JSP* gpuneatmp^anctnarp.'ClJentyep bega= mm. nc at the elbcrsJ , w|)pcb were in t^e temple, foiDefiabfaydetontotye" tVflWV* Dauc be= f pleo tye temple, anb f plleb tyc courte wpty tye UmtM go pour toapc f o^ty.Sbo tyep UJenteciut^flcwcbownctyo^ottJetyccitle. Bow»ew)|)entyevbabOone tye aattgl)tcr,gf . 3petcfwpcb:3fcUbo\»nc\)ponmpface,$ * crpeb,ftipmgc:40 jLotyc.wplt tyontyen bc= ftropeall^refvbueof3fracl,mtypfo?cbtf= plearurctbattbou tjaftpourcb Upon 3eru» falem/"5TDenrapbel)e Unto me : 1Che t»p« tyebneffe of tyc poufc of 3frael anb jttoa tJS Ucrpgreate:fop tyelanbe tjSfull of bloube, anb tDe citic full of Uitfmtyfulneft"e:ff 0$ tyep mm*, fa ? C: * 'frtuUtye notye regarbcty not tye mm earty,l)e feety Usi nMftmw topll 3 Upo i&S ?* tUem^mvne cpefljall not ouerfe tue, netycr " wpU3fparetye,bnt\x)vUrccompenfctyep^ tupcfeebnclfe upon tyep? fteabeg. afinb be= bolbe , tye man tyat bab tye Ipnen rapment upon j)pm , anb t|)e to?ptcrss pncUtJojne bp !)P0 Q>be:tolbt all tl>c matter ljowe it Dappe. ntb , anb fapbc:&o?oe asi tyou Daft comaum bebtne,fctyaue3bbne. t C^Pc.jc.CDaptcr. 4* tf$ftf)cmantbatto!tet»taci!buntpngr coles eofeof et) 1? mpbie of t be tobdeo 9 of tye CbmibpiiB,(u toUf 11 of the burnpngc of sicruraHeni . a reberfaii of tbe WCpou of tbe tob«»«,of C9c or uttfMirti of tbe JCtjfVttorw* iBba^3loReb,be^olbe,Cn tye ftenm= ^ menttoatttjasiBboiictye CDernbtntf ia — =j tljerc appcarcb tyefvmilltube of a flo . leof^apop^ upon tyem: 4r "Chen favUe tie : * fg ^**^«' tyat fat tberm.to dim tynt Ijab tye Ivn^ rap- ment Upon bpm:Crcpe in bett»ene tye xo\w* leg tyat arc unber tbe Cbcrubpng , anb taue typne b^bc full of boate coaled out from be* twene tyc cUceubpii£l,anb call tyem ouer p cptic.3nbl)ccrcptein,ttwt3mpgl)tfe. .ftowtljtCljerubpnsiftobeUpo tye rpgl)t fpbe of tbc boufe,\XJl)cn tye man cuentc in, f tyc cloudc f pllcb tl)e inner courte. * 26ut tbe * *P*fcM jjlojp oftye lo^bcrcmoucbfromtyeClJctu 2 Ejnuf, anb came upon tyc tyiei^olbe oftye ])oufe:fo tyat tbe temple t»n* full of doubt*, hub tye courte tons full of tye $?ne of tye ilotye* glojp.pec ,anb tlje foube oftye CDe* eubpnst wpngcis toas bearbe into tlje fo?e courte,lpbe ajsit bab bene tye Uco?ce of tye almpgljtpedoob, t»tieu !je fpcaRcty . iHowe toljen be Ijab byden tye man tyat i»«0do- tyebiulpncn.togo anb tabe tyc boate coa* Icsxfcomtbcmpbbcftof tyc Wptaf, wtJpcU were Unber tye Cbcrubpns(:lje xaltt * ftode befpbctyetxJDelesi.'CbenfoneCfjerubrca^ cbcbfo^tybpjsb^nbc from Unber tbe Cberu* bpnjS, Unto tye fp^e tljntttatf betwene tye €Ucrubvnfli,anb toKe tyerof.and gauc it Uu= to Ijpm tbat Dab on tlje ipnen raymenttn W ljanbe.TODiclJtolicit,?t»ent out.3tnb Unber «& tye wpngeg oftye Cljecubpnsl.tycrc appea= w rcbtye ivdmeffc of amamtyabei3 faweal- fo f ourc wjjelesi befpbc tye CDf rubpnjJ , fop bp eucrp cDcrub tyere ft obe a tuljelc. 3lnb tye tityclc* tncre(toloRe Uuon)after tye fatyfon of tDc p^ecponxJ ftonc orntrQnfc yet {Unto tbe fpgbt)tbep ttjcreall.iiij.of one faC&pon, ajsyf one wljclcljab beneinanotycr. Wen tyep wentefo^ty.tycywcntc all C f ouretogctyer, not tuenpnge aboute in tyefc goingc:ii5uttx)l)eretl)cfwttt»entc , typtycr wente tyep after airo , fo tDat tljep turneb not aboute in tycir gopng.'&ijcir wijole bo» bpe0,t(jeir bacfec^tbc w fcanbctf | wpngcsi, pcc,anbtyewDelcs(allo,xoercallfuHofcpejS tounbe aboute tbem all f oure.3no 3 Ijearbe bpm calltye uuljelesi.*€ucrp one of tye&ab *me.i& fonrefacesiifotyattyconefacewajS tye face of a Cbertib,tye fecoubc of a man, tye typjoc of a lpon,tycfourty of an3Cegle,*tyci> wc re lyfteb up abouCWtf itf tye bcaft,tl)at3 fawe at tye water of Co bar.iSowc t»D5 tyc €berubpii0wcnte,tbc wljeletf wente wpty tyem.anb wticntycCljcrubpnsliUofee tyep> wpnge* to ipf t tye" fciuc* Uuwarbe.p wlje, 3 lesiremapnebtiot bcljpnbc , but were wpty tDcmalfo.^Doitly , wben tyep ftobc , tycfc ftobeaKo.3tttb wl)eu tyep were lyft Uu , tDe wDele* were Ipf t up alfo wity tyem , fo? tDe „. ifp?ete of Ipf e waslin tDe wDele*. Sett.m *^Dentyeglo?p oftye iojtbe watf Ipft r« f° *»* *&* countennnnce of ™»J h Wfe-Mbapter. I iJD/coiier.t&efpjete of tbe lo?b lpftmet)p,anb tyougbt me ton totbci£nftpo?reoftbc lowest boufc.3nb bcbolbe , t&ere were — ™- -J Wto.men tonber tbc bo?eainoge wbo 3fawc3aa?aniabtbe (onnc of 3l?ur, anb ftbclriab tbe fonne of 25ananiab,tbc-u lertf of tbe peopic.^bf 11 fa vbe f be lojbc fcn* tomfe^boufouneofmanstbefemenpmar ffpn mpfcbefc , anb a wpckeb councell tattc tbfp in tbp£ cvte, fapinge : tun) , tbcre 10 no bcftcuccponatbanbc,let\)0buplbe|)Oi:ife«; JPS^wiJaK w t&e caultyon,ana we be tbe Heuje . 'Cljcrf o;e (bait tbou pjopbecpe bnto tbem,pee , , pjopbecpeujait tbou tohto tibem, sD fonne of ntCanH wptb tbat fell tbe fe* teoftbelpjDetopoumc.anbfapDctontome: S>peaUt,tbusifapetbtbelo?bf:i3Dntbi}Sm3 ncrbauepcfpoRen( £>?eboufeof3frael)a 3ano we tbe pmaginacpontf of poure ber= te*.4»anp one bane pe murtbureb intM tp 3Bte,nnbfplleD tbe ftretetfwll of tbe Oapne. Jberf oje, ma fapetb tbe lojbe 000 : 'fcbe Oapne men tbat pe baue lapeb on tye grouoe in tup cpte.arc tbe fleOi, anb tbpjB cpte W tte *wrm • S t, fi >?on i* alS 2 t 3 W* foP»S??OM out ofit * SJffi!; *» banc f eareb tbe fwerbe, $ J wpll bjpnge afwearbeoucrpou,fapetbtbe lojbe^ob. 3 WPH b?pue pou out of t&psl cpte anb be lp= ucr pon into poure enempetfbanbe, anb will tottbemne pou.ge ujalbe Oapne in all tbe coa mWWtgth 3 wpllbe auenseb of pon : to toepoufgtoBttotDe,tbat3am m*m* ff/lW^?^W^":w»eeirtbecoa= M of 3frael topll 3 punpib po« , (gal: pe mape nnot»e,tbat 3am tbe lo?be:in Sliofe ♦lea.rbw.ajosnnbcmftefii pebanenottwaldteb, ner »wtc.rt.B..»tpte^iaae}3f;*bHtftattcboneaftcr|cu 3 C|ep?oplitive ftomc^ of tUe $cai&eri.tUat Ire i ofigr abort. iSowewben3p?eac|>eb,l&^l«abiliefon=flf neof jisanaiim? t> V t\>. 'Cftn fell3 Stmt Uponmpface.anbcrpebwptb aloube tjop, «:€• lo?bc0ob , tnplt tDoit t!jen Wterlpe bc(rropeaUtbcremnauntm3»aeI/'anbiro t\)t mam of riic lojbc came to m? on tbptf nujtter:ttoii roime of mamrbp biet^en , tip f^rrefr om tf)e lo?oe,fo? tbe laic W omifi tnpoircmon^Dcrfo^tcUtbf^ljn/fapetb tb;lo?be(pob:3u)pUfenbepottfarreofa» mongc t^z d?entilcjeJ,anb fftatre pou nmfise tbe nacpon^,?3 t»pn balotoe pou but a ipt* tbe alfo.tbuiBf fapetb tbe lojbe C5ob \ 3 tjppii BSSSSfins °»*«w» www* onb SBSSSR^ Wtttttreejj wUerepebe SK^^B^fleuepott tbe lanbe of 3f, S^WjaUraReattHipcall tber 3Dol0« all tfjer abbonunacponjs from tbence. 5?5BS2? " c ? c Wf te wptljm pour bot»= 3mJ cMbatftonpljerterxJilOtabeoutofpouc^H bobp,anbBeucpotioci-aftfnbp bcrte.-'tbat pemapewalbc in mp commaunbtmentc*, "^ nnb nepempne o^tnauuccs(,anb botbem: i> lofte abofe bcitcoi are bprpofeb to folotoe tbewabbotninacpojsanbttjpcheb Ipnintrcft tbofe mm bebc uj pll 3 Imp Upon tfe ?hXte^ f ^ ct,J ^iwbeVob . «HE tbPtfbpb tbe Cberubpnjiipft ^jp tbep?«ipn« ficMjp t^ettbeleiBiujentc toptb tDem , anb I Z?£&$}H\ oft) * n»as< tjpon tbem. ***m\ ^KWHEtftfcJUjta ujentetp fro tbe """-^l mpboeft of tbe cpte,anb ftobe \jpon themo= J2J5^,Wtot»atbef|)ecaft: * iBiittbewjfm topnbetohcmet)p,ano ma Wpon(U)bPcb a,,i,MU i^&P^<5om\)m^t ma* oapneinto CalDca amonjre rijc piefoncr^. Sfeft ^011 tbat 3 bao fene Wnpftcb , SS2?..?? me ' ^° 3 fP«R< tntto tbe p^efo= cilje,jcij.ci)aptcr. knSS^SSS 51 ?""?."' bp „ toWd) t|,f WW of »P«eo?ttttireoft ) ongttanD(bp;atorpBJi(fpeJ. getto^beof tbeiojbcametjntome, ^ £???£? ^P 0M fofln e of man,tJjoi! ^tuellefttntbcmpbbcftofafrottjar= Sf?X% ,DC: *P*W*lw»e epetf toft , anb *««,»». pet fe not:earc0 baue tbep to beare , anb pet *»* * IS&Hf f W ¥ f fc» fonwe o f man)me BmN TO? fff rerebp to ftpt,anb go foitb bp fap» ^^ * c Itiiu.b.iiit) At. 2> »Cjl.fttf.f J.fJTlf.4- »«!«.tb.b. i.rr«.b ,e in ttolMUWtftm so from tljp place toanotDerplacejpfparabuenture t\w wpll conrpD^^thevbeanUnobcDiitbonCbolDc.' TOBfwi tM maberebp toflpt wptb- ailiCba U tbou beare outbp fap^e bave {pant fliattftepmapefe^btboutbp felfe ujaitgo foftl»a¥oateii^utbmfpabc,as(an^bot!j wbeit be flpttetb.DPffge tbo^owc tbe wall, tW tljep maw f e 9 beare tpo; w it tbe fame f bpiiff,tbat tbou tofteft Mp in tbeir fpfibf.3u tper fpjbe^ ffiait^ beare tjpo top trjulbcrtf, - carp wfojtfie intbebarlie. tyw t\)V face tiioufenottoe eartb,fo^ 3 baue mabe tbe a .jewtofeentmto tbe [joufe of 3ft-ael . owe ajwlojbecommaunbcb me, fo 3 bpb:tbe fleare p 3 bab mabe reabie Imit3 out bp bapc.^teu?3b^abcbowneanboletbo?ow tbe wall wptp mp banbe .• anb wben it was< barcae^foketUegeretjponmp (fcoulberjef, anb bare ttym out in tjjepj fpgbt. 3nb in tbe mojnpnjje^came tbe wo?be of tfje i.o|bj »nto me.fapmfie : ■'Cbou fonne of m5,pf3Jtaelt|jat f rowarbe |)oufl)olbe afbe tl)e,anb fape .- wbat boeft t|jou tljeref'CDcn tell MiWm fapetb tbe lo^be^ob^bpjS punplbmcut toncbetbtjje cbtfcrnlcr^ at 3c rnfalem , anb all tbe bonfe of 3ftacl , tbat Dwell amongc tbem:^eU tbcm : 3 am vonre (be we toacn.lpRe a*<3 baue hone , fo foall it liappcn Dnto pou: 5? Ipt (ball pe alfo , anb aa intocaptiuitie.^'Ebecbefcfttbatisiamoae pou,q)nllMbebp^ujulbe«in tbe barcne, 9 getbpmawape.ferballb^caReOownetlje wall,tocarpeflrttffetbertbo^ow: ^e ujallco iter bislface,tbat be fe not tbe ffronnbe.witb .bi0epc0.*^)plpnewpll3fp?eDeont\)pon bpm.anb ca tcb bim in mp net, anb carp ^m to 2Babplon,in t\)t llibe of p CalDeesf: wljiclj beib«iHnotfe,anbpcta)altbebpe tbcre. %$ foiallbptf bclper0,$a!l \>n tyoM , tbat be abontbpm.3 wpll fcatrctbem towarbe all tjcwrnoc^anbb^awcouta fwearbc after tpem.*$o wiicn3 bane fcatrcb ticmamo= gc m ^.catbcu.anb ftroweb tbem in t\^t Ian betf/bep (ball bnowe,tbat3 am the to?be. 25«e,3 wpuicaue a iptlt nob^c of tbem ft 5 m fwearbe,bunficr anbpeftilencc.to tell all tbeir abbomdiacpomaiamongetbe ^eatben, ttberetbepcome:ftl)epmapeBnowe,t)owe tDat3amt(jcio^e. ■ WQtmwMi wojbe of tbe lo^became ^iitomc fapingesCbou fonne m«M a natfttlltrcmblpngc (bait prate tbpb^ead, wptb care.fiiinen"e 9 fo^o wcu>ilt tbon bjpn* cbetbp Water . 3Dnb^nto tbe people of tbe Iabe»fpeafte tbou on tbitf maner : ^ftua &p» etbtbe jLojed on tbat be batb fene , it wpll be manpa DapeoMtcometopatrcatigfarreofvet.tbe tDvngc tbat be p^ojJbccpctb . ^berf o?e fape tyito tbcm^bujSfapetbtbeio^bc C5ob:3U mp wojbctf (ban nomo;e be flackc : lobe wbat 3 fpcaae, tbat fame (ball come to paf= f e, fapetb tDelo^be. C^be.jriiJ.^baptcr. C«b.c toonitpf f Htm «wpn* f«rc p;opJ)rtw, ' niDpep tuof (6r people f counct llw of t^icp; aton« f^cwo^beoftljciojoecamc \jji= •* to me, fapiuge : Wk» fonne of * ma. ^pcaHc.p^opbccpe agapnft tbofe .ppbctetf.tbatpjcacb in 3f 3 . 'raela fape tbou Unto tbem tbat p^opbecpeoutoftbep? awne bertcg: locare tbe wojbe of tbe lo?b,tbu0 fapetb tl)t io?D ^obf^toobebntotbofcfolptbpiopbcfejS,^^,^^ f olowe tbep^ awne fmetf anb fpeafte wbcre t* tmu * tbepfcnotbpng.€>3frael,tbPP?opbctc)8tare Ipbe t\)t foxest \jpon t^z type felbc: ^fo; thep ftanbenotintbegappcjS, netber matte t^tp an bebgc fojtbeljoufc of 3frael , tbat men mpgbtabpbe m battrll in m bapc of M lo?0c.5aapnetbpnge]S tbepfe,anb tell Ipetf, to *mapntainetbcir p.2cacfipngej5 wptpall. * tfrf m< . %\)t umaw tbcp)batb fpoiicn ( t.wbau ****** in Mtty bebe t()e lo^bc batb not fent tbem. 2UapnetJifponj(baiiepe fene, anb fpoltffalfe p^opbecpesi,w|^pefapc:tUcio^ebatbrpo= «enit,wberea!83ncuerfiipbe(t. _ , Cberfo^,tbtt0fapctbtbe lo^b (Boot l5e « ® eaufc poure wo^be0 be \>apne>anb pe fcfte outlpejK:26ebolbe,3wpll\jponpou,fnpetb tl)eio^e.^)pnebfoosibaUcome\jpontbe 4W«i* P?opbctejJ »i ^CpMO 1 1 ! 1 ■ 1 - t » i hi pjoplictctftfjatlofte out uapne tbfngcO, And pieatbl? cotter Own not bein thecoiimell of tnppfopJe,tteetvptfrnintbt bolie of foe Wttft of 3frart,nctbcr (ball tbep come in tie Ian0«of3rracl:fpcmapclmowe,bowe*3 amtbclojdcGod. 3ndtbatfojbpc«ife: *»w.w.b Wpauebpfaaucdrnp people, *and tolde tbcoifpeacc,\»bere no peace urn*. £>nefet= tetptip a wali.ano tbep oawbc it witb ilotu^ *- ,„,, r *^P*^tetfowellfhemiDbVcbdawbett * ***** toftb totcmpcrcdmojteMbattt (ball fall* ifonb*" (ball come a great (botoct of rap* ne greate baple ftoneis (ball fall Upon it, $ a fo?eftoweoftopndelballb#aRcit,fo(bali tjynall come bourne .&hall it not thru lie tWlmfopoii.toberetf noroetbe ttrnttv, tbatycbawbeDittoptball.^berfo^e tbusi iapctb tbe lojde(£od:3 wpll bieahe outin nip iDjotbftiil difpieafire wvtl a fto*mp topnde, fo tbat in mpne anger tbcre (ball co= meaunpgbtpeibotter ofrapne,* bapftfto* ne0tnmptwarb,tobe»ropctrttball $ 3* foj tbe aall.tbatpe baue dawbed a* tmtanperedmojtcr,3t»pllb2ealte it doto* m.mafteitcuentoptb the groundc: fo j> tbe f oimbacpon tbcrof (ball remoucand it Qmll fall,pee,andpc pourc felucjJ (ball pcrplb in tHe mpddcft tbcrof :td learne pou f o? to Ituo* pe.tbnt 3 am m lojde.'fcbujJtopll 3 per* fourme mp toza tb bpon tbp* ti>alI,ano to6 them that baue batoned it toptb *ntcmpc= rcdmoztcr,andthcntt)pll3fapc Unto pott: 'fche wains gone , and tbc datDbrcei are a* tuape . 'Wearethcpjopbctc0of3rracl > ttbfcb pzopbeepe bnto tbe cptie of 3erufalc, anO loue out wrtoS of pence fojthcm, isbere as no peace in, fapctb tbc io?be 0ob.U'bet= f oic( p tbou fonue of maXctt tW face nga= pnft tDe bnuijbtew of tbp people, t»bicbp?o= pbccpcoutoftbcirattmchcrreS:anbfpcaBc tbonj)?opbecpeagavn(rtbe,anbfape:'SbMj3i fepetbtbe lo?be 0ob:U)o be tontopoti,tbat fbttscippiotocs tonber all armebolc*, jSdbol* w«t9.m. e . baucgottenthcfouleSofmppcopleinpourc capttuttcpe pjompfe tbem Ipft , and ditto* jtour e me to mp pcoplc,f o* an bfibfuli ol: bat Ip,and fiancee of bjeab : toban pe fcpll tbe l°«[^of tbMbatbpe not.nnb pjome* Ipfe to tbcm.tbatlpue nor.-ftbuiSpe blffemblc tf mp people.tbatbeieuctb poure ipes, «ttherfoje,tbus fapetbtbe lo*o «5od: m* 5oloe,3 mm alio \jpon tbe ppliotoeji.wber jam Pe eatcb t^t fonletfin flpengc.-tM xm\ 3 tafteftomvonreatmc^ anbiettbe foulc* S°M*tfMtyinfLptllt,nmtboWmiaU fttpiU3tea«Mipece0,anbbelpuermppeo s pieontofpoMeebibrfotbattbepOMU come SJJWJ? 1 P 0HF !jw«beitf to be QioBleb, and Ki?2"i nowe '9 af 3amtbelo?be.fi)Hntt n«««wt|i^oBrfIpej8tpedilcomfo^etbejer* rr^ • -itv te of tbc rpgbtcoufi,t»bom 3baue not bifco= . wjtcO:£5apnc:#ojfomocb * atf pe co^age *»tw«i tbebanbcoftbewpcaeD.fotbatbemfipenet i tnencfrom bWtDfcfted wape.andlPue; tbee- fbje (ball pefppe out tiomojetttnirte* nttjh pbf cpe poueeatpne gcftl>ngejS:fo$ topll be- iriiermppropletmtofpourebanDe.tbatpe mapc unowebowe tbat 3 am tbe lo^de. CftDrxmiCbaptet. C^bfEojtifBrorrttjbpBtooyjftstljfpftipiefoithji'c fpnntt fafceUe blf pprtw of «tif toojur boih tbf Jwbt wmtfpm» Orfraue bp f*ift p>op^ttr*.« cemfoit* of the ebatntbbebntottibpmn. . feererefo^ted* Wo me certaj^ne % of m cldcriB of 3frael,f (at bow«= * *mx> nebpme.^ljcn came tbet»o?oe of p tom "onto me , fa pf g^hon a . (bnneofmii,tbcfemenbeacetbeic tonclcnnesi in tbcp? bf «cs( , and go putpoup Dpontbe ttomblpngc blocbeof t&ew atone wpcuedneffcdmSde 3 1 ben anfwec at tbelt; c£queft.'"3rbccfo?if(i)ealietjntotDtm,tfape: films fapctb tbe io?de(5od :.«uetp manoe tbe i)onfeof3frfleltljntbraretbbp0 \3ntlca= tic SbolstnbpjSbcrtcpurpplVngc tottom= ble in bPJSatpne tppckcbneucanb commetb tonpjopbcr.tocnquereeiiptbingeatmebp bim:\)nto tbat ma" \»pll3 tbc lojdempfelft geucanfojcrc.accojibpngetotbc inultitnde pfbpsi3boW:tbattbcboufe ofifrael mape befnarcOiHtbctrawnebcrte&bccaufetrjep be clcnegone fro me,fo? tbeit abbominac(fij« fahciB. jDberfo?e,t ell tbebonfe ofJfrael.-tbMSiig fapetbtbe lo^de(i5od:*ii6econuetted , ty* mm wue poure 3boW , and turne roure ujpuesl from poure rpltbpncu*e,and tu me poure ta= ce0 fr6 all poure abbomtnact onjS. $ o? euerp man,cwbetberbcbeoftbeboufeof3fracloz aftraunger.f fogeournctbm3frael) uibpco departetb fro me , and catpetb3boW in m Ijertcpurpofpnge to go ttpll ttoblpng in W au)nets>pcftcdneue,and commetb to a »jo« Pbct.fM toafBteounccllntmc tbojow torn: Dntotbatmant»m3tbelo?dgeueanfw« re, bp mpne ownc felft.3 wpll fef mp face a» gapnft tbat man, and wpll mabe bpm to be C anejamplefo^otber.pcc, nnb a comen bp= ^dc:andwpHrotebimoutofmp people, demand tbat be map bnow.bou) tbat 3 am ttje lou pftbat^opbctebedifceaued,tDfe KS 1 ^ W* mm ' l ¥ n 3 trje io?de rnp w felfe bane difceaued tbat^opbet, and wpu uretcb f o?tb mpne bande bpon bpm , to ro= tebpm out of mp people of 3frael : and t^p botbibalbepunpifeed fojtttjew wptaednest. Jcco?dpnge to tpt fpnne of b?m tbat af« t\mm bouft of 3ftnel be ltd nomoje fro jnetbo^ttieetToure.findbenomo^edcfpIed in tbetr wpcueoneffe : buttbattbep mape be njmMc.ptbew^o^Kpetbtbe io?de ©od.«ndfbet»«deoftbeio|d came tonto me, WJ.K.BU lob .rt.c. ....i,&pengej^bottfotme of man , wben m *$£? JPt n "'*? ^ropcailtbc pTomf^oftbSr -a * ^^EJ^^NpontFtni.todKve am .fi.,. manjbteftintbelanDc.+anDfbouffbBoc, WF»effcwttjtt«wiiefoiiw,aperbfloz s ™JSf£i Wa«*ifto,fltbe fodefolnte, f^^* ff (t,tobau= ^wnwtetbcnwanpwoiicberjfio, J Wo?clir > lwiiffet»5ole } nwbleiremapetbert S ^ W c w,1be oF,t ' ** fp?e tjatl canimedf toenttt.^nbtberfo?etbu0fapet g^e f o; to be btf t, a» otber rrectf off toodd: 3eriiralem,|fctmp faceagapnft tbem: tbep cfifume tbem. * w* atoll pe MaSS Sttl ****** Wj 9 mm p iat.Dc MfMnttiSZS fo fo?c offended, fapctb tbe lo^be 00b, C^be.rbj.ebaptcr: Ac abbomfaacpoiw in to tobpeh tbr ftoScM ftK.«jncp top;ompftb to tbe rrpmtauar. I jCapnctbc xuo^coff jl ?Dc fpafee % jntomc.faptngc^ijou foimeofmfi. *«r^' * , 4eWctbccpttcof3crHralcmtbeiraS= boirtinaao^ fap^t bu0 fapctb p n loid God l3nto3frnfaUm:^t)PP.Jogenpandbpnred came out of tlje laoe of Canaan * tbp father ***•*&*•*- » S 8 2£l?* mo ^ tf ' %«"*&& a Cctbpfc, fMtxjaytbcmaneroffDpbp^b^nfbapc of fbp bp^itl) \»bcn tbou toaft borne f ftnnge of tbp nauell was; not cut of: f vmmt ba* f bed in water tomobe tbeclcne: '(Tbou uwft •wtbercubbed^folt.nerftoaoicdinciouteiB: tbefc tbingetf f 02 fhc.o.: to tbetoc the f och fa itnnrc l»nffl«rwftw,^i«.\a-...;i...-.», . «.pi wmc j op roe , aito ratpc p troben botonf in fbpncatDttc blonde , s Tapdc bnto the. Ipue, alt bougb tbou be defplcd in ehpne a\P«;ebtoudc,pceucn3f3tclltbe;fapbc in- to plpucaltbongb tbou be bcrplcb tntiipne of tbefclbe.f art groit.e bp,» warc'grcatc:? SS^rf baft gotten a maruclontf picafaftt beutie. tbp b;caftetfarecometo, tbpbcarre (0 gooblp grouse, wbcre as pvoaftnancb? bare afozc. *i« fiCTJ ?2P tt3 wett b ^ tbc > 3> lobcd bp5 2fi tberbebolde.tbptpmetpagcomcpec.ctii! the tpme to ujotxie tbcCbcn fp;ed 3 mp clothes ouer p,to eouer tl)p bitboneftpc.pee, 3 made j« otbe mito tbc * 9 martcd mp felfe voitb * * rtf a . tbc( fapctb tbc lo^d God ) anD fo tbou beca = SSSET* meft ntpne atone . ir ben uiaibcd 3 tbc untb toater , anri pourged tbp blonde from the.3 anopnted the voitb opie, 3 gauc tbe cbaiinge of rapmmte*, 1mm tbe Ometf of ^arnrf lctber|3gprded paboutc wttb whit c fplcfee 3c|otbedtbe tottb ucrcbcfesj becaed the t& coItlpapparcll,3 putrpnges toon tbpfpn. ger«f : a chnpne aboute tbp nccke , fpOngeU Upon top f o?e he # in *'•"• r • 1 t: ofncblcwojhC9 of Dfacrfe coloured. 'fcbon Dptiocft cate notDingc but 1> mwcW, toonnp 9 oplc : mnntclot^sooDlp waft tbou 9 bcutpfull , pec eucn a Dery luetic w &ft P 3n (o mocb , tDat tDpbcutp \t>atf fpofeimof amfigctbclsKptbcn, foj tbou waft cjeccillent tn mp be utp, wbtib 3 put Dpo tbc iapctll) tbc :tozDi!C5oD.26uttijou baftputconfiociicc in tbpne awncbcutMplapcD tbe barlot.wbe" tboubabbeft gotten tbc a name. -Cbon baft cSmtttcD wb ojbom c, wi tt) all tbat to cuiic bp tbc ,9 baft fnlfpllcb tbeir Dcfpjc^ : pec > ifoou Daft taken tbv snrmetcst of Diner fc colours!, bccufc%ncaultcc0tbcrwitb.wbcreDp5 mpgbteft fulfpll tbpiic wbojbome, tffuff bcbafaropo,a0ncucewa!$&bne,ncru>»lbe. : :l/i?} u * ♦'E be gooblp ornamented 9 3cwcW toMl it,i ™«u. 3 gauc tbc or mpne awne golbe anb fpluer, «■'"■»** baft tbou taton, anbmabetbeme'jiprnngca F, °* tbcrof,9CommpttebwDojbomewitDaU. C £bpgttmaitaJ of btucrfe colon rctf Daft t bo u ta ben, a nb becnte tbcm tber wi tb : in pne oplcf incenfebaft tboufctbcfojtetbem . #p meats wbicb 3 gauc tbe, a* rpmneltf, oplc 9 bonp:( to febc tbc witbalUtbat baft tbou Tctt bef o?c tbcm , f 0? a Cuicrc fauoure . flub tDp* came airo to paffe.fapctD tlje lotbc(5ob: * immu *ftboubafttabc"tbincawnefQnc$!9<&augD *S r biti.b. tcrtf , wbo tboubabbeft begotten tontome: .-I'M. anb tbcfe baft tbou off ccb DpDntotbcYtobe ? ^»* tbcie mcate. 30 tbtef but a fmall wbojt ome . ..Vci..*a. oftbiiie(tbinckcfttbou)tbattbonflapeftmp cbylbjcn , anb gettcft tbcm otter , tobebjent Ditto tbeV 3Cnb pet in all tbp abbominacipontf anb xoliojoomc, tbou baft no trcme'bjco tbc bapc0oftbppoutb,bowcnakeb9barctbou waft at f'tpme, anbtrobenbowne inti&pne awne biottbc . After all tbcfe tbp wptucb* Steffi* ( wo wo Dnto rjjc , ftpctD tDc lojbe) v» mftJjoabattbuptbrt tl>p rtctoci aim b;onei fcoures \htvv .• rp pt«e) ^011 baft bupltc bpc place*, per at £ bwb of cttcrp ftrctcbaftpbtiplbcbpahaul* ftr/Knou baft mabe tW bentp to be abboj* reb.p baft lapcb out tbplcggetfto cuenoonc -& tbat came bp , 9 mulfiplieb tbpne wDojcbo* * **jrtm im. * 1EbouDaftcommptteofomtcacponi6 tijc egppcpanjStbP ncpsbbourxJ, wbiebbab mocb ftcibc : anb tgutf baft p cncrcafco fDine wIjo?bome,toangcrme. •^ . . „ , 25cbolDc,3 W ftretcb out mpne banbe ^*fe.«tf.«- wertbe,9bpD*mlmu>tbpftoareofl:obe, i.D.niu.c anbbclpucr tbc oner in to tbe wpllesl of ttft ^BbiUftinesltbine cnempctf, wDicDurcaCbar * mm*** ntebofthpabboniinablctoapc^'Eboiiibaft plapf b m tubojc alfo tuitb t be MntiM, be= caufctI)outxjaftmfattable:gce,tboubaa(31 fapett)(tt)tbe"plapeb tljebarlot ,« wtr ^ib= bett-tbou not pnoitgb • %ty& Daft f f o^i:ber= mo^e comptteo tbPfo?nicacpon fc6 tbc : lau» be of tjcanaa unto tbe calbecu, 9 pet tbp Inft not fci ttPfptb . $OKie obfttnate ts( tfjinc jiette (rapetbfpe&o;be<25ob)r^ngetDbuboeftaU tbef e upo?lteitf of an wra fit iMbo?f' buplbinge tbp tem$ at 1} beab of am ftrete.t tlrp bio bell boufctfin all placetf^bOH Daft not bene agian otber wDozcf'bolbetDfco^neof a ImaU rcujarbe.buta wife y bw ketb tucblocfce , <$ tahetb otljer in ftrabe of bee b»flj(Jbe.0?ftetf aregcucnto all otber vobn^.but^geucft rcparbefii tmto all thp I ouci-0; 9 offreft tbem gpfte0, tocomc Ditto p out of all placed? to cbmpttc f ojnicacpo vh tbe.3t W come to paffe vb tbe in t\)v wb o?b omess c on tra rp to tbe We of o'tber women: pee, tDereDatDnofocDfo^ nicacponbenc comitteb after p, fepngctDat tbon pzofreft gpftcs mito otber , aubnorc= warbe tfgcueu t\ic: tW m cfitrarp tDfnge. iCbcrfoiie.bearc tpc wojtbe of toe lo?be, iS> tbou bar lot : tlnns lapctb tbe lo^be d^ob: jf o v i To mocba0^baft fettfoitb tW foutfte to wbo?bome , 9 btfeoucrebtppftame, tbo= rowe tbP.toDo?bomet5all tpp louetf, anb wifballplbol^oftbpabDoimnncpottjdinp bloubc of cbvcbplbjen, * wD6 tbon paftgeue" tbem^cbolDe tbcrfo?e,3 will gatber toge= tber all t})\> lottery, Wtto wbo tbou Daft ma= be tbP-felfecome*:pce,anb all tbcm wbfi tbon ■f aubureft, 9 eucrp one p tbou batcft : 3 t»pll (3 Tape) gatber tltf togctber rouubeabotttc tljc.anb* will bifcoucrtbpftiame before t% tbat tbep.mape fe all tbp f pltDt>ne& • * e^o>coucr , 3 will iubge pan a bwaner ofwcblocUcanbamitrtberer.anbrecopence f tbpneawne bloubc in w^atb anb geloufp. 3 will geue f otter in to tbcic power , f (ball b^eafte bowne tljp ftuest , 9 beftrope tbp b;o* bell boufcjfctbep Qiall ftrppc f out of tbP clo= tbe* , autbpfap?c9bcutpfull 3ewcW0)aU tbeptabettop, 9folcttbc fptnaaeb9barc: *pce:tbepujall bjtinge p comg people »p5 ?, mn*, wDicDftjallftonetDe.iftapef bowue titDeir fwearbeitf. * "SDep (ball burnt Dp tbpbott* fcg.spunpfl) tbc in p figbt of monp wemen. ^busf will 3 malic tbp wbo?bomcf ceaffe, fo y tbou (bait gene out no mo;c r e warbejS. S)bulbe 3 ma he mp w^atlj to be ftill, ta hz mp geloufp from tDc be cfitcnt , 9nomo?c to bcbifplcafcb rTcpnge tbou rcnilb^cft not tbc Dape0oftbPPoutb,butDaftp^ouoKebmcto w?atb in all tbcfe tbinge tfr "JBebolbe tberfo^c 3 wpll bjpnge tbpne awne wapuitf Dp6 tifr* ncDeabe> fapetDtbe lo^be €?ob :Dowe be it, 3 neuer bpb Dnto tbcaccojtbpnge to tbp wt --■■ cbebnefte 9 all tbp abDomittacpontf . 25eDol« be>al(tbep tbat Die comenpjourrbetf, (balJ DfctljpS p?ouecbe alfo agapnfttDe;focbea motber,focbabaugbter. % bou niUni tbp motDer # a wnc baugD ■■■■ ter^batbeaftof bp?boufbanbr9bP?cbpl :i ^en:t>ce,.tDouarttDel>fterof fDP (Vfter^, wDieD fo?foae tbeir Dufbanbeiei 9 tpetr eDpl« b^. ■■* ^oure motDer issa€etDpfe,anbpoute fatDer an ^ihoipte. tvm J^eft fpfter it Samaria, Qicanb Der baugbter^tbat Dwell c nb.b. ttSt&JHP** W5bOboma9ber baturb= Sfi9* *S ^°2 m wallieb after & Juf|ftobeftalptell9Derpf.tiailtpme > atib SfflS* 85P* * W* wne nto^e co'rupte t|entto^trnlpatf3lpue,fapctD?lo2be f ob^obomatbp fpftcr^DerbaugbtcS, Datjnot bone fo euell , a* pan* tbp BSS Jff r.n«.c te^a6ebolbe^tbei>nnejfof tbpfpftcrlo- SS bomawetDefe : © ? poc , fulnclTc of mcfte, abounbaunce93brtnc(re ; fDcrctbpnge0bab jottbeir Danoc totDe uoo^canb neb?, but werep?ottbe,anbbpbabDonunabietDpigctf *t«» «« SS^"*-?^* W*«ti«rwDone4a!f tM&}£M$te$X m memeiLt Dee» > tetDou(wDicDbpbeftconbepnetbP fpfter) Si%Pi^ 8 ? commimi, ' , " < l cabbomt. BSf9 S* w e,JP *««ftlU rebuke , feme ^^iP^^P^P^JWwielpfciiptittpte £*°?^¥^ Da «ff^*-?cautiuptcof »amaria9DeebaugDtcrs{ : 3wiHb2inctetli€ agapne, fo will 3 alfo bjingl m&m% tbou baft bonc,9 to cofo?tc t bciri . tiW tbp gamariaaubberbattgbteriEf, nitDpTclfe, 9 ebp Mnta, ftjalbc luougbt aSne to ponre olbc cftate.afllDcn P wafin tip ££ l b ft tt)p J»'f»rt»ncffi came to IpglSu ff^SSlSweetefteoftDpfp^K" ma Dntpli tbe tpmc ? tbc fiwtotf wl) all {K»w«^ej»»MKft t)c bab plantco ?Jc= ertbflc0,,ttt, (1 0piantebDpoagoobgroaiJ befpbcgreatewatcrtf.fo^bpreafoitjttujui" ,. be baue bzougbt out biaucbed 9 retire , 9 ha= ! ye beneagoQblp Dpne . tomtemittm ffoter/M not bitfrofcgbeplucbtc out" S2SSS! f^W* Without etber ftro' Be arnie «ihw people , Ojall it be piucneb Dp bv ftotoajtowkitwa* piatcb ujaii aSSSL*"^ ^bal ttnot be b^zpeb DP9 &SSS& Vc ir cucn m ? *««»ffc out of lj,| Uojfottte*,«tf fooneas f caft wibe bio weffi . ^cotter, f mm of f up came Duro fffcSSSP ''*>&** f o5 frowarbcbomDol- S> ■ 5EJRB f, c "9* > t»bahbere.tbpngc0b6 i j!l flnf pencil tbe: 2i5eboibe, 4f M« of Va ««** Di0pjpncc0,anb lebbe tbcm to 25abpiou WSSfJ^ DPiu, anb toucan otljcof ptmalfo, tbattbelanbcmpgbtbe Dolbtt U fubiccct>on , anb not to rebefi , btrt iStbe coucnannt , anbfulfpll it. m\ be fcf on? S£SS?S! J*«JNfc* anir mocbe pcopfe; »DnlbetDat P?orpcref^btiio C hc beuffi lafc, tbatbotb focb tDpngetf Waitlbcbc ^ feu P a*3 ipue fapcf b tbc loibe ©ob -St mail bpc at ^abploti jit tbe^a?e wbceetbl ftme D wcllctl) / f mabe fom ftfi#«p ^1 T II' €l)c tgoptytyt MttftW e *it i 'A r i ■ i jL rl i otftc lie l&at&befpprcb, (i nb wbofc coticimutit lie bat l) tyoUcn.lict&fr tyall pbarao wity bi0gre«.tcbofl:(jmuUitubc of pcoplc,mapn« trpneliim in tbe war re ; wbcntbcp caftDp fcpc&c0 » »nb ftt top toflwojlwi to bCftrOpC mocbyeoplctf ojfepngc&c bat!) befppfeb f othe, anb b.ioBt n tl)f coucnatit ( wbrrc a# b* pctgaucbtf Ijanbc tbertopon)anb Done till tbefc tbpnge0,bc (ball not cfcape. 4f 'Qrberfojetbutf fapetb tbe lo:bc<3>ob.3!0 truly a* 3 lpue,3 w?U bjyngemync oHM'f bcbafbDcfppfeo ,ano mpcoucnauutcbatbe barb bioltcii, Dpon l;isl awnebeab. * 3 wyll raft mp nrt about c bim.nnbcatcbbintinmp pamc :. Z o iSabplon will 1 carie bim , tbcte will 3 punuDc lum.bfcaufc of tbe grcatc of* fence tbat lie maDc me . 30 f o v i tbofc that lite from him out of tljcbooft.tbep (balbe flawie witbrbe fwcarbc.Cbe rcrpDue Q>ii(bc fc»« trcb to warbc all tbe wpnbc0 : anbpc tyall ttnowr,tbat3tbe iojbcbaucfyoaen it. C5 ^bu0fapctbtbclo,tbcHppermofttujvqge,fv^ is but tenoje , anb plantc it Duo anbpe fcpll: #amclp,Dpon tbebpcbPll of Apon will 3 plantc ifcf it mapc bzinge foitb twpggctf,? gene fcutc , anO be a great eCcbjc tree : ft f all mm of tonle0 mape bplbe in f t,$ make tbeir neftc0Dnbcr f fflabow of bfcb?aucbi:0, 36 no all tbe tree? of tbe ftlbe (ball nnowe tfjat 3 t|)c l o*be bane bjougbt bo wiie ftyt trccano fct toe lowe tree Mp.f 3 baue b^eo "top tbe grene tree , anb maOc t\)t bjpc tree to flo?pCbe:£uen 3 tbe to.ibe t&at fpaBCit,ba* ucaUobjoujbtittopafle. C3rbe.t\}tij.CI)aptcr. I£§r$etocttrt& teucrpmautyallbcarfbfe atone rpunc.Eo Ijfm tlj.u anuntetlj.is Calaarpoti pjomp; fco . E>f t (1) i« p;opbfrtco f o tbe rpgtyttttfff .tobfetj turnetb. baefce from tbr tpgbttoapr. foe wojbe of j>Loibcmu 3firael , fapingc : * ^bc fetber0 bane eaten f oure jjrapeiau i ' cbUbje0te tbeare fet on i:b= ge:3I0truipa03lpnt,fapccbp lojbedStob, pe ujall bfc tbtfbptuo^be nomo?e in jGmlh -g 2i3cbolbe*allfoule£iarempne..lpkea!J(? *i9r«.mS fatberitfmpne,foid ?fonnempnt?alfo.'5:|)e *zm,mi* fonle Kl?nnetb,(b«Ubpe.*3.f «nnanbenob= Ip , 9 bo tbe tbimre f # eqnau anfii rpgjt » be eatet¬tipBtne|)pUc0:l)elpfMtpnoi!to epetf \>p to p fonile 3bols! of ifrael : &e fletp» lc tb not bf^ nepgjHJOiiKl topTe^e meble tlji i5 no mimftcuoug taoman :be gr eue lb no bobp: be genetb W M ter W plebge agapm,be ta ♦eg at .m>,c fte tb none otDermanjef gooo bp Violence: 4 lie partetb W mete 16 ti)e bongrpe ; be cIoiftct'D *»c«i.F6.fc tbe mtfeeb; * be lenb etb notbpnge to»6 Vnfut? be talietb notbpnge oner ; be wptbi«ai»(tj> f)tsj Ijainine from bopnge t»?onge : be bealrtn faptUmllpbetuiijCteman^man^walbttfi in mp c6maunbcmen te tf , anb teueedmp Ia« wcjs,«petfotttmctUt&f ftiptDfuflp: * ^ JijS * mom** id a rpgbtuouiei man , be QjaU fnrelp Ipue f apctb tbe lojbe <0ob. 3f benowegctta fonnc,thatiiSamurt|jf=. ret , afbeber of blonbc : pf be bo one of tpcfe tbpngesi * (tljouob pt bo not all) |je eatet^ * 3 ' wo '«'i, t)pon tbe bvUcsi:bcbcfplctDDi]e(nepg|)boursl wpff.*l)e fircuetD tl)e p oo^e | nebp:fie robbcti $ fpopletb- be getieto not p better fttfplebge againc , be ipf tctb %p W W% Dnto 3ool0,f mcbletb uritb abbominablt tlnngesl : be ten* betp \>pon V)furp>gt tafectlJ mo^e oner. fbfodW tbW man lpue^en)aU not Ipue. jbcvngeie ijatu bone all tbefe abDomtnacponjj, geqjau tytM bloube ujalbc M pon bun. jaoujcpf tbiU man jet a fonne alfo, tbat c fcetb all (ptf fatbtrtf (pnnegf , tubiebbebat j bone-.anb fearctb.netber botb foeb Ipne:fea» melp.bceatetbnot topontbentontapnes;: be lpftetbnotDn8cpcss\)p top3boWof jftael: t)ebefpletbnotbtssitcpglJboiirjS wpfeine \jc= yctbnoma:beftepetbnomait0plcbge:ftene= tberfpoplctb.net robbetbeitpm&bebealetl) " i& meate «3 tbe ij5grpc.be clotbeto f nabcb: e oppjeffctb not tbe pooic : bereceanctb no \jfurp,neranptbpngeouer:bettcpetbmpla* voc0, f \»a Icftc tlj in mp comma unbeme nte#. Ubis ma ctmli not bpc in W f a tljtr fpnne, but (ball lp»e\»ttl)OHtfapl« .30fojt ^ii8fa= tber :bccaufebe opp?clleb $fpopleb|jp0b?o= tbcr,anb bpbtopcbeblpamonge lutf people: lo.be Wbceb in H$ attfnc rpnne.3tnbpft la pe pc: liDbcr f b?e tben (b nlbc not tbptf ( one bears itffatbersl fpmic"5rbftfo^c:bccaufe f fonne atb bone equptic a rpgbt, bat^ ncpte all mp 55 c6maunbemete0,$ bone tbem: tbcrfo?e (ball be Ipue in bebe.'fcbe fame route tbat fpnnetb, (fcall bpe.^^lje fonne (ball not beare t&r Ca* * ww** tber0 offence, nether mall tl;e fa tber beare f f£3i fonnejJ offcnee.'Eoc rpgfttcoufnctfof f rpgb= tuoufii iball be tpo bim.a tbe toirbebnejs of f tsicneb Qmll be "up 6 turn fclf alfo. * 26ut pf ? * 3imr w. tjngoblp txipllturne aiwape fr0all|)rjaifpnr •* ne0^bcbatbbone,antiKcpeaUmpc8maun bementeg , anb bo tbe t binge f f equall anb rpgl)t:boutle0 be (ball Ipue, anb not bpe.3B0 f 6* a II W rpnne0 p |je bpb before , tjjcp (tiM not be tbougbt t3po: but in f)i0rig&teouflte0 flieljatl) bone , be (ball ipue. * jto? jane 3 *«.w.n» enppleafure inpbeatbofa fpnner, fapetbp tm <& ob ,but r atber p be couer te,anb tpuei* s ( ^gapne:peprpg^tnou0turneawapefr5 I)i0epg|)tuoi|fne0, anb bo iniqupte , acco?= bpnge to all p abbo minacpon0, f tbe toicaeb ma" botli.-qjail be iptterUll tbe rpgbtuoufne* f bebatbboiie,(ballnotbetbougbtt)pi5: but in?fautetbatbebatboffenbebw)itba»,anb intbelVnnetbatbebatbboncbe Wlbpe. .. anopetpeiape^nflb* f wapeof f io?0 * m 0\ i0notmb(flercnt.^earetbetto?epeDonfeof *. 3ftael:30notmp waperpgi)ti'©?,are not ponre : ♦.fi liMlM. WW tffCITfW ♦^.wjw fomt tbat>c0ra-f!jeet»Kfled.*n)bf arpgb= •tuou0 man turnetbawape from bp0 rpgb {ttoiifneOe, aitb mebietD wptb ImmummS ^Iffi^tf^W^the^nrifliitttonf. jic0tbatbjl)rttf)bone,mimbcDvc.3gapiici ** * JDben m ttJpcbcb mil tutmth a" wape fra ^w/cftebnefle,t|)atbcbatbbone,anbboU) tbe tWiHrew|j(cb(0cqunllanbtp0bt:b<: (barf c5faucbi0foulcalptie.jfo^infomocba0!jerer memb^etbbim fclfe , « tnrnrtD Dim from ail t\>t \jntroblpne0 tjjat !)c Dati) wn , be (ball Ipue anb not Ope. 3nb pet fapetb m boufe of Jfrael 'j^uOi, epe wape of m lo^be to not equally re mp i»ape0Dnrpgbt t i> pt boufe of Par! : %tt not poure J»ape0 ratber tmcqnall«' Z$ foi me,3 wpll (ubge tnerp man , acco,?bpngc to Wmm Opeboufeof 3frael, fapet&tbe io?be d?ob. * bberfo?e,bc conuertcb, anb fiirneponclcanefromallpourtt»pcttcbneu"e, foCballtberc no fpnne bo pou barme.caft awapefrepouall pouretmgobipneffe, tiiat fi* pe bane bone.- * mane pou nc rue be rtrtfanb a ne we Wtto'Wwfw mil pc bpc, ® vc ?°lh!i? f 3? ft J 1 / ■ fc W«3 t)anc no picafure eob.'Curnepou tben, anb pc (ball ipue. CEiJcrijCCljaptcr. H, tf L 110 " 8 to| 5f!P". » or »bc iron . J5c t^rspaft,(((b« mpfwpe tbtrof tW*Wmr pttbon fonne of man mourne? W m P?mce0 of 3fr«e! , « fape. CDbcrfo^e lape tljp motber^ lpo= 1,^-r^ m i m on ^ c t!)c ft* 1 * I nojpmcb bee pongc onr0 arnonge tt)c If on* wbelpefff aDue of Ijcrwbclpc'S me biouabt \jp , anb it became a ipo it tearncb to fuopic, anb to bc= Bonre folfte jrtKfceat&en bcrbc offjim, anb cbapt lc* Unto tbe lanbe of €gppte. 15 „ •?°wi»5«nrtei)wimnc fat»e,tbaf all bee K e 5i? cof S? »8*««"Ve , (be tobeano= iSS f l cc ^'WMWI mabcalpon of Mi S!?*eiife8iiH4iBee^i|wii0 ( »b{ Wm ea fcarce Ipomieatncb tofpopleanbto beuouve 89 ?M m * tiP& c ucritt,tbere u'rerlp br> mmmtm fpttf^et of bt'0roaringr. ■ Mm came tbe loeatUcii togctber on cue* iL r £?L onCe offlH count ree0 agapnfi upm, Nw m iff ^ tftc(t: ,,t,f W f0 ^ !W , anb tofte hpm u 11 2? fiSF**f 'pfitoe Dim t»itBp! PS* 4 iSaSSMI? ??? ¥ **&' * w of »«bp- C SSBSSSKSt^V^ tbemoimtap= * nej Of3frae!.ai0fo^ t^p motber , qje mm «fmanpwater0, Der ftalfte0 were fo ftrdge. 5fo,wb V f* rbat Mi itmw Mm mabe ttaue0 f Ijerof foi Omcet0:(brgrewefo bpc in bcrrjfalBe0. sdo wbau men rawctUat aiecjccabcb M bepgf b 5 multitubc of Ijer biaucbe^fbe warf rotc.oontirtbifpieafure,anbcaftbowneto? grofibc to €aft winbe &;peo bp bee frutfi ber ftrongc ftnlhcfl were b*onc or; witbereb anb btfnt in tbe fp.2e.25ut how (be 10 plateb frttbc wplbcrnefTe,ina tyyta fburftpegro^ unbe. 3f;iib tbcre i^n f p;e gone out of her (lal cfcc0, Wbirb hatb bient Dp ber tyauebe0anB ber frutc:io tbat flirbatbnomo ftrfige Qah cac0,to be ftauc0 fo| officers?, tttjj i0a pp^ tcou0rtuD mifcrable tbtngc, -r* h .^'t^.jrr.cbapfer. • fw f vl'W^ 61 '
    en« hS?^"w" " r "f f tom "Pf ru(tfr .sr tbe toooo SSwfiS fP«"ifPtBtbe twmpngr of " ~ (ktlJc.Dij.prarettje.r.bapc of tbe 3 p.monetb.^itbappcncbjHcrtap*^' i neof^eibcr0of 3frad earned tome, to? to afae counccllattij: lotte , fi fat.tbcm bowne bp me. ^ljcn came p tDojbe of ^ i, W oe tmto me on tbp0maner:1fcbo!i fonne of marfpenfte Dnto f be clbcrs of JfracU fapc mito trjcm.t:bu2J fapetb tbe lojbGob: ^rcpe come bptber to nffteenptbpngeatmei'30frnlp an 3 Ipue ( fapetb ^to?bc;3 will gcue pou no anfwe- rc.lt)iltpnotrep?ouetb€(tl)ottfomieofmiil wilt toon not ttmom tbemr ^>bcwc tjjem p atoomfnacpon* of fbetr fo?efatl)er0 > 5tell r$ tbcm,^|)u0rapetb tbe lo?be<5ob:*3ntbc *ero bapc wben 3 cbofe 3fwd,anb Ipft Dp mpne banbcDpontbefebeoftt)eboufeof3acob,«f Ojcweb mp felfcDnto tbmiin tbe lanbe of €gppte.'£cc, wben3ipfteDpmpne Daiibe oucctbem,anoftpDc:3am tbe tojbrpcuri- ©ob,cuenmtbcbape^3lpfifDpmvncbatic oner W , to bjinge t\im out of tlje lanbe of egppte, into a lanbe ^3 bab pjoupbcbfo: W t wbicfiflowetb wttb mylckcfj boms « apleawunt lanirr arnonge all otber.^bcn Mt topbci Dnto tbf m:* Caft awape cuerv nri * 3DW m abbomiuaaon0 tbat bebatb before bim, anb bcfplc not ponre frltictf witb tl\: imtd of egpptcfoO am t\)t imbe pome eoo. But tbcprebcllcbrtgapnftmc, anb woloe not foiowe me: to cad awape euerp man tl)t abbommacpon0ofbp0cpe0 I aubtofo2fa!je tbe 3boic0 ofegpptc/Cben3mabe iueto ponre mpne tuoignacpon ourr tbem,^ to (a= mm nip wjatb Upon tbcm rpee^cuen in the mpbbeft of p lanbe of egppte.iant 3 woloe not bo it , fo? mp name* false : tbat it amlbe hot be Dnbnloweb befoic f &ratyen,athdge i»bom tbcpbwclt,? arnonge wbfi 3 ibeweb Rfflrt*! W5i ? :b u,olDC *ww dm out of tbe la^ibc of<£gppff..0ow Wp3 Dab jarpeb tbcm out of tbe lanbe of egppf e,anb bjougbt tbcm into tbe wprberneffe :3gaue tbemi ttifai «*.«*' wj.a=> I I; * 1 *" **7 » M*'i. i I V R I"* T i i i 11' t " i i ' i i i 3* ., tbem mp commit w nbeme* test, 9 Cbc weo ekem 11 j' SfljRk mplames, * mbicbmboMeuetbt&aUipue t«tS'Atotlinn:3fiauetjtmalfompWi)?lMVe0ito a* .wx. be a t otictt ue tm t;i: t e tn e $ t bcm , a irbe r by to * ■ , *w>* knomc,tbat3 am tbe lojbe .mbfe&balome tbem.anb pcfttjt b u ft of 3fracl rebelled a * gapnftmcinpmplbcrncffc.tbcp moibe not malcftnn mp commaunbcmc'tc 0, tbep bane taft amape my la mes ( mbieb wb ofo bc(ictt) (bulbc I put in t bem ) anb mp#> abbot b napes" *«*_ B fin b b*" c tbep greatly tonpalomeb. i»SuFrt?b. ' **Cften 3 mao e me to poure out mpnr in* C bignacpontouonirbc",atoc6fumc t&cm in; tbe mylbniieffc.EetjmolDenot Do it , foj mp names fade : left ilt (bulbebr biCbonoutctbc= f ojctbe $eaeben , from tbe mbpclj 3 bab ca* t peb tbem amape . 25ut 3 f t»o?c tonto tbem in tbe wplbcrneffc, tbat 3 molbe not bjpnge tbem in to tbe lanbe, mbicb 3 Bane tbem: a lanbctbatftometbmitbmplcl«anbbo*ip,a is a pica luce of all lanbeS : anb tbat be caufe tbep rcf ufcbmp lames, anb malckeb not in mpc8maunbementes,but bab tonbaloioocb mp &abbatbc#,fo;tbeir berte mas gont af* tertbctrpbolcS..(&cuertbelcft>,mpneepefpa» rcbtbem,fo£3molbenottotterIp Qmw, anb coTume tbem in tbe mpIberncS . 4I)oteo* net, 3 1 ay be ton to tbeir fottnejef in t^t mplbcr* imofWA mm : * toalcke not in tbe ftatutcs" of poure fo.JcfatbcrS,kcpeuot tbeir ojbiuaunces.anb bcfple not pour femes" mf tb tbeir pboleS.foj 3 am tbe lojbe poure <5ob . 25ut malcftein mp ftatutcs, kepe my lamcSs bo tbem, ba» * en. put. low »«P £>abbatbcS: * fo;t tbep are a token wtc bctmtrremcf pou , f ye mape knomebome p 3 am tbe iojbc pour c5oo.0otu>ptbO:an* bpnge.tbcir fouueS*rebcllcb agapnft meal* f : t\)cp malfr eb not in mp ftatuteS tbep ke= pre not mp lame* to fulfpU tbf f mbicb be t botbiballlpuc in tbem;nctberbalomcDi[bcp mp&abbotbbapcS/3rbeu3mabemcagap« nc to poure out mp inbignacio n ouer tbem, a E> to (atlffyemp mjatb topo tty in tbe mplber* ncfTe . jfteuertbeleffe , 3 mptbojewe mp |ftbe f 0? mp names fake , left it tyul&e be tonbnlo- mcb amonge tbe $eatbcn,befoje mb5 3 bab bjougfijt W fotfb-3 Ipft top mpne b5be oner t be a lEa in tbe mplb cr neffe , £ 3 tuolbe festre tbem amonge tbe laeatben, a ftrome tbein amongetbe nacponS,beeaure tbep bab not keptemp(ames,butcai!afpbempe6mnun« DementeSrtonbalomeb my ^abbatbeS, anb Ipft top tbeir eyes to tbeir fatberS3bole0. WJberw3gaue tb^alfo comauiibemeiitctf not goob, 9 lames tbojomc tbe mbpeb nbep a. — . ^ ^ ttloc noJ ^ we > 1 3 tonjalomeb tftin tbeir. * «w«* amne gif tes"* c mbe 3 appointeb f 0^ mp felft all tbeir fp?ft bo^ne) to make tty befoiale s f> tbep mpgbt knome.bome f 3 am tbe iqjbe; ^ / ?berfo;e(flDtbottfonneofman,tell!tbr « bouje of 3fraei, tbujj fapetbtbe lo^be mm) 25eQ>bi5al|tbp^poureto?efatbers!bauep(t: P?opl)etpe •i]i fitui.rbi^. a. Cal8.(0.b. KDm*.f.e. blafiibemcumcmo^e.anb greatlp often&eb agapnft me. ^fo^ after 3 bab b?ougbt t^em in to tbe lanbe.tba 1 3 pjompfeb to geue t% mben tbep fame ciierp bpe bPU^auf ? bickr trr ttl : tbep mabe tberc tbeir offrpngejj^ p?o= uokcb me mptb tbeir oblacponj* , mafitpnge fujctcfauoures tbere , anb pomrcb out tbeir D?incUoffepngcS • % ben 3«ftcb tb? mbat is f ' byU altar e p pe go to (t t H no tberf oje isit calleb f bye place tonto tbitf bape.UUberfo?e, fucakc tonto pboufe of 3(Vael : ^Tbli^ fapetb tbe lotbe (5ob .pe are euen as tonclene as poure to*e fatberS 9 commptte mbozbome alfo mitbtbeit abbommacpos . 3n all poure poolcs , mbcre tonto pe b?pnge pour obla* , (pons', * anb to mbofe bonoure pe burne **mi pourecbplbiien:pc,befpleponrefelues(, euen HJ 4 tonto tbps ttape-bome bar re pe tbi.come.anb «im** afke any queftpon at me;' $) pe bouibolOe of ?L w ' rt ... 3frael.as t r ulp as 3 Ipu e( (apetb fbe lo^be f S 1 J (0ob ) ye get no anfmere of me ;anb as f 0? tbe tbpngetbat pego aboute, it (ball not come to paue.mberc as pe fape : mempllbe a0 tbe ftcatben , ? b as otber people in tbe lanbc, mob anb (tone mpll me moitby ppe. 3B S tntlp as 3 Ipuc, fa pe tb tbe t o«tb <5ob , jf 3 mp felfe mpll rule pou tf a migbtpe banbe, mttb a ftretcbeb out acme , a mitb inbigna» cp on pom m out ouer pou : anb mill b?pnge pou out of tbe nacpons anb la nbeS > mbertn peace fcatreb.ano gatber pou together vtit^ a mpgbtpe banbe, viit\) a ftcetcbeb out acme 5 tdinbignacpon poureb out toponpou : anb my 11 bjttnge pou in to tbe mplberncfle of tbe people , 9 tbere 3 mill reafon rait]) pou face toface.lpkeaS3puupujieb poure fo?e fa- tberSin tbe milocriteifc, fo mill3punpu)e pou alfo, fapetb t\)t torn <5ob. 3 mill b^in< §e pou tonber mp nmfbtccpon , anb tonber $ onbe of tbe couenannt , 'Cbe fojfakers alfo anb tbe tranfgre(D)ur0 mill 3 take from a- m onge pou, 9 b^ingetbem out of tbe lanbe of poure babitacpon:aSfo^ tbe lanbe of jfrael, tbep (ball not come in it: f y ou may c mtome borne tbat 3 am tbe lo^be. (5o to nome ttyn( foytty tbe iojbe d?ob) pe boufe of 3ftael * <£ucep one of pou f bio* %8r mepour pboW.anbferuetbem.fcpnge pere* *"tsw* tufe to obepe me.ftnb mp bolp name u)all pe nomoje tonbalome wit^ pour oftrlngesanb 3boleS.« 0? topon mv Wr> bpll enen tope tbe bpebill of 3frael faptbp lo?bCfob,IbaUall tbe boufe of3fraelanballtbat(Sintbel2be, . mo^yppeme : * anb in tbe fame place mill *»»!" 3 fauoure tb5,anbtbeeemill3 requp^epour ^ b Jeaue offcinges anb tbt fpzftlpttges of your oblacpons,mitball poureboly tbynges. M - 3 mill accente poure f mete fauoure, mb? ^ 3 bjinge pou from tbe mrcponst, anb gatber pou f ogetber out of tbe latmtft mberitt pe be tcatreb:tbae3ntape bebalomeb inpoube* f je t^ tyt a tben , anb tbat pe mape knomc, tbat f»ottineotbejfbeof3fraei:pee,intotbefame ianbe.tbat 3 fujo^e togeue tonto youre f oje^ fatberrf.^berelbaHpecalltoifemembiaace -. h« . Vaaramne mapes?ailf our pniagiuacpds, S m& WW* ft ¥m o^«e bef Pleb \ * anb ye OmU iubge poure feiuesmo?tbp to be beftcopeb, fttalLf oure micftebnes,^pc bane boite^itb pe(baliRttome,p3amp to^ii: uib^3enfre= ate ponaftermp name,notafter poure t»p= (kebmapeS,ner acco^Wgcto youre coiruute moift|8t. , sa)peboufeof3fcaei,fayetbpioi0. : ^o^eouer, tbe mo?be of tbe totbe came tontojme.tapinge^boti fonue of roSyfc* tbp face tomarbe tbe foutb,« fpeakcto tit foutb mpnbe,a faye to tbe mob tomarbe tbe foutb: »eare ebe mo?be of m lom , tW fapctb tbe tom 60b : 'J&cbolbc , 3 mpll fcpnblea fp*e (ntbe*tbatQmH confume tbe grenc trees mitbtbe hm . lioman ujaibe able f qnicb bpsftame, but all tbat lokerb from t^t foutb totbenojtb » u)albe bjent tbcrtn : % all fleuje (ballfe,tbat3tbelo^ebauckpnbleDit,fo iw«h eS?tiiomanmapequencbtt.l£bfnCipbe3: j«r.n:.tt. jjj loyM&ep mpll rape of me: * %tibJfan ' arebutfaWeS.tbatbetelictb. m C'fcbe.jrjci.Cbrtpfer. ofapngtjelicWab.©f rtcommaDftco to pjophcrt . Jbt bettyutcponof tbe cbpio;en of ammoit.9««- 1 ftmwWti of o»)gr,fltti)ciaft miDitmnmm tntOf mo /R«bucl)obonoro; hm m. ' ^feemo^beofHo^Dcametome^ fapinge.-'Ebou fonue of man , fee tbPfacetomarbc3crufalg, fpea» kc agapnft tbe^anctuarp, anb i%?.^ o I *5 tt « t 3rrart.^bn0»perb o^amemp fmearbeout of tt)t flbeatb.a rote SL°„ f iW ot ^ e c ?;8t)tuous*tbe myckco »epngc tben ? 3 mill rote out of * botb tbe ^earorgooutofbisajeatbagatnftallfteuS mIffiffJ to »^aM«ewmaprknome &S&29* Wtwne b^amfmy fmearbc ^ m &**g*fta*m bejputiitagaine tSfSSBSSS? 1 ^ball.pcmountc bit= S,h% rft l f •*!««» • anb vfmv fape, 5E^ w f^«»«l»ui''Cbeneelltfe : M K& ff ,^ e ¥ tC0 F lc ^' at ^wbPcbaIt S?Si tt,nel !» 8H baiioesibalbelcften 00^ mne,allftomacbfS Ojanfapntc , « all knee* be fuifyllco,fapetbt!)e loibe 05ob. tSr m ^ e wo?0 ' c of * c W* came ton^ ^^tearte.tberwearbe iSOtarpe. «p nSSSS 1 fc ? Ureo * S)barpeneb is it mm ^A C 2^ tee '5 (cortWD ^aeitntopebelMpgbt.- 1 t M GMtl ofmpfonne(f(«p;one fonbe bclitbpiritfe all frceS.^c batbputt W fmcarbe tothebpgb-- tinge^f "oooboibe mape be taken of it.^biji fuiearbeisibarpencb gf bpffftt, tbattt mapr" be geucii in to ttft banbe oftbe manOapet; au . tfiti. tbou fonne of man,*- bomfe, f(tt tbt? Imcarbf (ball fmpte mp people^ all m rulers trt 3trael ) mp people ujyalbe feared fbqiome mtmamtoam tb'ertoe tboii topo tbp t bpgbe4o? itis gone f oitbe to make afepalUnambatafrpaiKbaUtbtSbeymbl Mm fcepter (ball be repbome b^pjrfjt anb u>arpr W it. borne mell btgbii a mete Fo^ Vqz daugb* ta,mm f befome place alone , etber tops tbe rpgbt banbe 0,1.011 tbe leftc , mbptitcr fo cues tbp face tiintctb. 3 mpllfmptempb2bcsto* getber alfo ^fatPfrpe mp m^ofbfulUubtgua cyometiertj tbe lLoiioebauefapoeif. ^Tbemo^be of t\)t ioj&r come vzt tonto mcagapijc rapiugc^bou fonne of mf , ma* »| Hmmm t f tbe fmeatbe of m kpnge of i5.ibplon mape come . ngotb tbefc CtretcsP (ball go out of one kpnges llbe . % no cliofe p* a place, at tbe beabe oftbe ftretecbofe onta co^ncr.^ake f a ftrete,f tbe fmear be mape come tomarbe ftabatb oftbe ammonites,* totbeftrongecytieof3erufalf.jfo?tbekyn^ ge of 25abylon Otall ftanbein t\)t tnrnpngc oftbe mape r af tbt beabof fbrtmoftreteSf at * to af«e cottcell at tbe fotbc fapers.cafttnge fttam i tbelpttcs^b^atomes , toafke counceUat SSr** tbe 3bolc,anb to lokc in tbe ipner . But f fo« & W,F "*•*•' m fayinge Otall popnte to f rpgbt fpbe topo Jeruwicni rpbf mape fetmen of mm , to rmptcjf to a great e noyfc.tocrpc out aiorft, tofett batcll rammes agapnft tbe gates, to grmie top bpebcs,f to make bultoojkesf. m iacuertbeles.as fo?tbcfo"K Taptngr , tbep: Qjallbplbe it bntfo* toanite.4nb efteamc tli as tbofe to mbome tbep bane often fmo^ne. iaotmitbftatibpngc beiballrcjnemb?e tMt mpckcDucffc , Co tbat bp rpgbt tbep muft be takenamonne.'Kbcrfo^e tapetb tbelww C5ob. Jf o,t fomocb as pe poure fclueSfl)eme pour oftcnce.anb baue openebpoure miebebs - neue,fo tbat mall poure mojkes men mape fi fc pour fpimes.tbecfo^e arpe come to reml- b?ance,anb pe c&albe eaben bp toiofence. dp tbou Q>amcfuii mickeb gupbe of 3fraet mbofebape is comejeuentbe tmt Mt mic* kebneffe Wi banc en tnto&bwifyntbtit lo*be tifefctake amape tbe gawtono, apur oftbe croume , anb fo isit amapr vtbebum* blew m . 1 "'J ST^T -y— T . :»?i e i I lii 111 We i* tjcaltefcanb fte pjmibc bjongbt totte. $tmpQ>e.imnpifye,i>cr ,pun pOj c tb« \x>fil 3»gt Heft cove tbetmainb tbat (ball not be fttlfvUcd Dncpll.Dc come, to u>bomtbciubgemen« be* lonmlif to \»t)53 bauegcueu ft. anb ityon ( ©Tonne of man)pjopbccp, 9 fpeaUc.^im* *i«w.mr.c. Ctpett) tbe tojbe dffob to pcbplojc" of* 3m* JJS!};^ mon.diCothcicblnfpftcinp.fpwftethonr'irDc ftDearbcpftocarbe.i* Ojuwcnfowaii wop totbeliaugbtec,9 fcourcb to conttime tb*t it glpftrirtb (becnufefboubaft loltebpout oa» nptte»!,anb pjopbecped ly c* ) f it mape come Vpon itbpnecfce , Ipnca* opon tbe otpci tm» goblp, twbpcfc be flapne : wbofc bapc came, UPDantbrtcwpcnebnefletoaiBitnli. $blmlbc3put it op agapnec j&ape3 toplljiunplbe tbc in f la" be tobcre tbou waft no#(ncb?bo}ne, anopottcemp inbfgnscpQ tips tl)e anb xopll blowe Oppn tbe in fye f p?e of mp wjato > anb bclpuecp onto cruel peo* ilr, ortneb are lerneb to beftcopcfcpou ifcait :be tbe f pjcanb tbp bloube ujall be flbcli in f lanbe, tbattbou mapeft be put out of tmh tyaunce.@ucn 3 ebc lojbcbaue fpo&eiut. CSDbe.rcij.Cbaptec. C 1ftt toojot o f tbe JLojd t a gapnft a trufalm fit; man Ciaugbtcr, s benpinge but Qonout bnte tbtir fadirtt (unofftrte.dotijrr tupcfttoiiftrtf .£)ft)r tnpckfb bocrrpneoftbeeaKe fcjopbctw ffpjrttcir, 9 off tbf it bnf icrablt court ourncs. Zbc ItoasmPt afrui.fts.znjftopcfcrtiiueoftbcpfop'e. £>?eoucr,tbc toojbeoff lope came onto me ,9 fapbe : tfjon fomte of man, OJplt tbou nottepjone tbp* bloub- tbucflpc cptcf &bcm tbem t bf ic abbomina^ cpon*,anb tell tbem: t$u*f n*ft t&e 1-ojbe <0ob: i!D tbou cpte, tbat ftebbeft blonbetn j mpDDcft of p,tbat tbp tpme mape come alto? 9tnafteft tbejbolefl to befpie tbe toptMI. ^bou baft maoc tbp felfcgpltp, in f bloube f tbou baft (&eb : anb befpleb tbe in tbe ; Jbo* less, tobicb tbou baft mabC&bou baft wiufeb tbp bape* to bjauw npe , 9 mobe tbe tpme of ~~ tbp peace* to come . 'fcbecfoje topll 3 mane w tbe to becoufounbebamonbetbe tpeatben , 9 to be befppfeo (n all tbe l&be* , tobetpee tbep be npe 0? forrefcom tbKtty? G&all lausb t&e tofcome.tbou tbat baft gotten t^t fo conic « name>9 actfnll of mpfcbcfc.25ebolbe,t&cen« let 001 3fcacl baue bjougbt eucrpman Dp* pomcr , to (&cb bloube fu i%t . * 3n tl)t baue t^v betypfcD fSatbec 9 motbec,inf baue tbe? oppjeireo tbe ftcaungec, In tbe baue tbepne= iceb t\)t wpbo we anb t&e fotberlcffe . ^:iJon baftbefppfeb mp^anctuacp , anb \>nbalo= totb mj»S>abbatb.^urtbcrcr0 ace tbtce in tbe,tbatftjcbcblouDe , 9 eatet)pd tbe pplle^ anb in tbe tbcp Dfc abbominacpon. *3« p baue tbep bifcoueccb tbcic fat&eei* {&ame,intbebauetbep \)ejcebt»cm{iiiiDrtc *r ficftneKc. euerp man bat!) bealtc tbamel'iillp tDitbbDS nepflbbonrsirayfe » 9abbominablp btfpleo m oaugbtcc in lam . 3n t&e ;|iatb cuerpinafojceb^awnifpftec^uenbist^ ld)e ^opljecve if/"* : L ^ * 4c t«uf.jH(0'. ttwc^baugbtccjpce, * gpftejtyauenenere* n^ m ceauebin toe, to Cbebe bloube **-vbonM -SSfiS}- tanen Dfucp anb encceacc , tboubaft oppttf. ""*"* febtbp nepgbbouctf bpe^tojepon* anb fo?« gotten mcwpctlitljc lo?be fpUbpneftC to cealTe out of tbe.pee, anb tbou (bait be tbpne atone enbccitaume^notmpne in tbefpsbt of tbe ^eatben , tbat tbou mapeft Itnowe, tbat3amtbelo?be. 3notrje t»o?bc oftfyelojbe came vnto mcjapingcj^ljoufonneofmain *t|>ebonfe ***** of 3rrael<* tucnebto b^ofle. 31 U tbcp f MU bebe biMire,tpimir,p?0H, 9 leat e.acctnpfpje become b^ofrcCbccfo^ctbuis fapetljf Xojb 00b. jf ono mocbeafif peall acetucnebinto o?ou"e, bcboltjc : 3 i»pu b} pnge pou togetbec tmto3ccufaIcm,lpfte ajx rpluecbxaffcp^on, tpnneanb leabe ace put togetbec in tbefoz= nace.anb tbe fp?e bio wfc tbece onbec to melt rbem.$uen fo unll 3 gatper pou.pntpou in $ togetbec, anb melt pou mmprojaffc 9 fobi= gnacpon . 3 topll b^pnge pou togetbec , anb tspnbletle fp^e of mpccurtl bifpieantcc n n« bee pou , tbat pc mape be melted tbeciu, ip He an tbe fpluec (at melteb in tbe rp;c, fo ftjallpealfo be melteb tbecin: tbat pe mape nno wc.bowe tbat3 tbe lo?be baue pouif eb mp t»?atb npon pou. 3tnb tbe tooitbeof p iojbe came ono me, fapinge.^bou fonne of man, tell bee . 'Cbou act an nnclene Ianbe , tobfeb W not capneb f op5 in tbe bape off ccucll iti^atb: * tbp f& jo * *« w pOetrjs tbat are in tbe, arc ft»o?ne togetbec to beuouce loulc&rpuc a* a roacpnge ipon, $lpnetbbpbt0P?ape.'&bep ccceaue epebest anb goob,9maEe manpttpbbowetf in tbe. 'SbPP^efted b^ealtemplatx>e,anb brfplemp mm jtbactuacp.*'CbepputnobtfFcr?ccbctwcue tbebolpe9t)nbolpc,nct|jerbifcernrbctt»ene f clcane 9 nndeane:tbep turnctbeic epejifco mp(abbatl)e0,93amt)nbalotoeb amonge cbem.'ftbprulcrtf in tbe are lpberaupu)pnge wolucjMou^Oblotide.anbfobcftrope fon» ^ leg (r fo?tbeic awn ecouetouiB lucre. * 30foj JJJjJi tbP^opbetc0,t|)rp oatobetottbtmtempe^ w.m ceb clape , tbep fe Vanptfc* , anb p;otri)cepe Ipesi t)ntotbe\faptnge : f io;bc®obfapetb fo.ttJbtcea^tbelojbebatbnotfpoaen.^e people in t%t lanbeofctb topebeb ejetojepon 9 robbecv.'^beptjejcetbepoo?e9 webpeanb *opme(Te tlicftcaungetagapnftc|)g))t 3no *tw\ 3 fought in tbe lanbe fp? a man , that toolDc- mane vptjic Me r anb fctt Df m to m tbe •' gappc *v gappebef oie me inftntiwm beJwife, f pt CbulDeJiotbcco^upecb ■ but3coulb fpno^ wmMptf je,3 tbillpoure outmp cruell bpfpleafuce »po t(jg,9 bucne tp in tfjc fpje otihp tb?ati): tljcpz atbne toape* Ml 3 ce« topfcetJpS tbcp^ bedbejjfiiictbt lo^bt^ob. "... C^e,)t)ciii.CDaptet. . CtftWJnpcacpo,n,tbfl»«toftpi.o«t)tat>eIaetp.t. c{*ama«*anD3i«utefrm,b(tb«<6c»ame8 0ffi)l)o; 3Ii«eonjp«pO)itoeAam«rtflbeflicb3i in Qf3]«ura(em c» ff«rtpw ,*bc bej fhttrtpohofHttufii'nnte pjbpbrcfeb . «^e Abuoutrpt (on ofJietufalem fs ^ fl«ljpft , *bc be; -, .NMWto pjbpbrtfcb . «^e abnoutrp of bBtrntMowismmt mtt . S1)(p;bcftcuccpon ol?et»o^be of tifctm came tmto mi lapeng^bonffine of ma, toe ce latere tttoo tombf jiab one mo= tUccCbefectbbg tljeptoerepoge) begiJneto pla>pe^ baclottejj * in jgppt.'Eijece tbece t&cp* b?efteslb?ofeb , 9 nffltftym mapbehtjeab m *to* , . . ... mftrope.'CUe elbeft of tDem toa* czu tcb mm%$ becpfigeft fpftec iDbolibab. 'CDcftttbOttwce mptbpueft9 bare tonne* 9 bang^jS. ^ijcp^nomejj tbece jfcamaria, • imgf «ola|){9iiiufaie,ftba*€>boli^ bai> Wo£€>b*lab% begone 1 go a t»bo ''«'«^^r(ng^I|jab.taWbettome.*^etoajl' fetton tp&mmm toner* $ 3(Rtian* a* bee turnout* tobicbiwb to bo xb hec:euen § p#ce*9*otf>e*£ tbccebecfetef coftlp acape fapjepongcmen 5 luftptpbcr*ofDo^e]E(/. — dun tbo^otb rwc tb^bomc ? uje cleneb Vtwbtik fe f m 3bol*.iaetbet ecaffeb (be f cfi ^ f omt= cacpon, f (be ofebt^ tbe egppcian*: foi in •jcvpoutntbeplapetfiljectbcp b2ofcb the mm of Dec mapbenbeab, 9 pottreb thepi MjDjbojnevpS wm&tfote,* 3 Mpu£ e tua* Ipbe tbe f left of 3Kife* , unbtbepjftbe l?>ne (be febeof bo^fe*. 'Cbu* tbou bafttenueb J fpltbpnelTeof tbe polity, tbbentjip louec* bzofeb tbp pappe*,anb marceb t^v i^efte* in^gppte. WJWWL © J3Df)olibaD)tbn*(apetbtDe 2> lo^b 0oD : 3 toill capfe Op t(m louec*C xd tobom tDou baft fatpefpeb tbp luftjagaift tbe,an>D gatbec tbem togetbec coube about tbe:namelptbc 25abplonian*,anballtbe Cpalbte*)culec*,migljtpe m^9tp?aute*, «5 all tbe 3fTtct§*:all ponge 9fap?e loner*: prince* anb l0Jbc*,nni'gpte* anb gcnteU men, toljicb be alt go ob )mX\iLi.%tyfo fball cometjpon t\^z tbttbbow,cbaCTette&ano a grea te multitude of people; tbbicb(n>albe bacneu"ebaboutetbeoneuecpXpOe,t6.b^eft= plate*,0)plbe*9 belmette*. 3topUpuniu) tbe before tbem,pcc, t^eptDem Celue*ft>all punpu>tbe,acco ( {bpngeto ttyn aojneinba gem^t.3 toill put mpgelonfp opontbeto tl;at tljepfbal beale ceucllp toitD tDe.^Dep (ball cut of tbp nofe anb tbpne care*, anb tbe temnaunt (ballfall tbo^oto tbe ftbear= be. 'Ebep (ball carp atoape tbp tonne* anb baugbtcr*,anb tbeccfpbue i&albe b^oit in tbetp?e» 'Cbepujallftcppe tbe out of tbp clotbe*,anbcarp ti^p coftlp 3etbel*atoapc ^ tbitb tbenn-. m © •Ebttftopl^maReanenbe of tbp fpU tbpneffe anb tt>bo^bome,tobicb tbou baft Inougbt oute of tbe labe of 6gpptc: to tbat tbou (bait tucne tbpne cpe* nomoje after tbem, anb caft tw mpnbc nomoie tjpon €gppte. jfo?tlm*iapetb p lo^oe be|)olbe 3 toill bclpuec tbe into t^cbanbe* of thtm, ftDbmtDoubateft,pce,cucn into the ban* oe*of tbem,tottb tobom tbou baft fulfpu lebt$p luft,tol)pcbu)all beale ceucllp topti tbe. 311 thp labouceujall tbep tube tbit! tbem, anbleane tbenaneb anb baccanti ton* tbefbame of thp fplthpe tobo^bomc fball come tolpgbt.^Utbeve cbpnge* (ball i)ftppg \jnto t rjc , becaufc of tbp tobojbome tobicb tbou baft Ofcb amonge <:pe Centpl* toptD tobofe 3bol* tbott baft iscfplcb tbp felf . ^bon baft toaicaco in tl)c toape of t\yy fpftec , tljecf o^e tbpll 3 geue p Dec cnp=» peintDphanbe. _ %m fapetD tbe io?b 0001 "Coou (bale $& D^incneof '.[< '■'I Jrt ».,. •«' I -if e 1 a t * \ *cyo,m.b *2cu<.rjf.b i - •i 1 tamtfce of ity wm mm$m oepc m farrc fo cucr it be to p bo tome. Ufjou (bait be latigitK o to f conic ,anb Dab as area tip in hitttymm « poffibu. ^&ou u)alt be mil of bionRrnnetii and Ouottoe.fbi tie cupm of typ vpftci: &a ma tta fo a cuppe of DeCtttic^ cum anb tbaftpnrjc « tbe feme (bait tboti * btpncRe , anb toppe it out euen to tDe b?eo;< pxtfmtftonftaltcattjptbe btoftenpece** ofit^fotearetbpncaMebicttejktfoKUf 3 baue CpoRcn it fapetb tbc lojbe d&ob. * ^DcffoMmgfapctD # &.0jtnc C5ob: jfoj * fbmocDa0tDoubaftfo8rottenme,&i:aft mc afite bebtnbe tDe>fa beate not* ttyme atone f pltbtaeg an* tboojbome/Cbe ic i?be fapberaojeouer bnto me^bon fone of nut Mtflnotrcpjouc ©Dolabab tiDbolibab-' . &Deto* tDcm tDcw abbominacionalmaiitc* Ip tDat tbep Dauc bjoRen tDepi tbeDloctocf frapneb tocp? tjanbej* ti bloubc:pee, eueittd f&epi pboleg Dane tDcp campttcb oDttotirrp H * atio offecotUnnbp tbc foe tDep? atone * * cbtlbjmftobe bcuourcb)tbbo t&epfcab bo?* «c tontomt.f>et,« tDpjst Daue tbep bone tm* to me alfo : tDep baue befpleo mp &act ua- rp i that tome bape,& banc UnDalotbcb mp £>abbot&.#oj tbDen tbep babflapnc t$m cbilbjien fo? tbw Jboltf, tjep came tDe fa = me bape into mp ©anctuarp to befple it. &o,tby0baue tbep bone in mp boufe:2&efp be all tbp&tbon DatJ fent tDep meffaugcr » f o.z mm out of farre coantrec^:^ tbbeit t tjcp came, tbou Daft batbeb 9 pattcb tbpnc epeai tfi colour&trpmmci} $ fet fojttt) tbp felf of ' belt f anion: tDoufattcft topoajjooblp be. anb a table fp?eb before tDe: tbfyetupS tl&ou Dad fee mpne* incenfe anb mpne ople. 'fc&en twitf tljere great cDcre MD bee to optapnepeaee,anb tbousb MD tbofemen (B manp mecatttt,pettbrotbetalfobjoug;bt, men of £>abba reomtDcMbernefle:tbMcb rauc tDe"bjwcelettei5J bpon tDepj Danbetf, $ .ettfilqtfouiScrottonegbpott tbep? bcabeifc- attb 1 lapb e bnto bet: tbat f epnjje m t»a# ftrpnf in age in bee tl$o;bome0:notb ftiall bee f o^npeati® come to an enb x6 ^et. 31nb tbeptbenteinto|)eea0\)ntoacomg ^adot €ui fo Mt ttyUH lap;to HD^ola^ $ £>&o libaf) tb ofe fpltbp toemen. €) all pe f loue \jcctue 9 tpgljteottfnejs , iubp;e tM, pumibe ttie: * as aououttetjj 9 mutt|)eret0 oujjpt to betubgeb % ounil^eb. jt 0? t&ep ate b?ea=» bees of tocblocRcs tbebloubeitfttbep^!^ beflC.dE^erfo^etlmfli(apet()tbe lo?be 6'ob 3 toil utige a'jteate multitube of people ^ p6 tbM malie m be f cateeb 9 fpopleb 1 t:tje= fe (ball ftone tbe,$ go?e t^r5 tpep^ fttoeat^ be*. Ciiep fbal flape t|«p jfonne* « bauu^ tetsUnb bume *p tftep^ ^oufejJ tbitb gp?c, qCfHtjgftpU 3 beftrope all focU Mtbp* ne* out oftjjelanb: tbat all tbemen time leamcnot to bo after pout Dnclenne A it ^ 3nb To tfjep (ball llipepout f^ltftpttrt t)pon poute atone feluejJ , anb pe ibalbe pu* npcgebfof % tonnetf tDat pe banc cfimpt* tcb toitb pour jlboin :anb .yc OwlMwioWe ^ 3amt|)e3Lojtbe tbou fount ofm^towtetjptDenameoftUpjfbapejpee, cuen t|ie Jouteof t^meCentajiape :tbbeit the Rpna cf 25abplon fett bpm felfe a&aiit 3ceufalem.anbfPeaRe bnto t|>e t %ty$ ttn . m l fapetp tjje lo^be ©ob : Cett t^e a * ^otte, «w! fett it on 3 anb pott»?e tbatetinto it:put all peccjes tofictUct in iMUt&c ffoobptcesl : t^e topnesrac qmlber,anbfpUttbifli tlje bett bonejl-^ahe one of tje bett(bepe,*anjea» pe of boneu tbitbalMet it bople toell , 9 lett m b one id! fet^e toell tbertn . TOtD t|»t fap > be t^t lozbe (5oiU ontbpsi manec. * CDlobe *Mmm\ \mto the bloubpcptieof t|)epot,fe|jetupon » t^c tultpnetf mmS i^notptt fcouteb a» tDapc.^afecout tUepeceijitljatateinitjone after an ot (jcr : tlwre neabe not lotted be caft mtfwM tDe bloube isf pet in it. «lpon a plapne niye ftone bati $c potb?eb it,5 not tpon tbe atounbe,* it m be coueteb t4 buft3nb tberf o?e baue 3tctten tier potb^e ber bloube Ijpon a plapne b^pc ftonp roefce, becaufe it ibutbc notbe jjpb } an& fj mpgt)t bmw Jnptb^otMull inbijjttacpon 9 ^en» gcauncc^jpon bep. . aibcrfo^ctbuis faptb tDe l o?p 00b; €>, /r too be bnto £ bloub tburftpe cpte , f oz tbbfi c men 3 W felfe Ml ma Re a grett fpjtc anb fettmocijetooobe,anbRpnbeUtietp?eanb featb tDe flea(be,anb fpice tDe pott, fo tbat tl)c\)erpbone0(b«mbeb?ent. #o?couer3 Ml lett t&epott emptp t)pon tbe colesf , (0 f tyt metall (ball bebient $ molten alfo fo; JttfMEf MtbpnejS of pt (ball be molten in n t# #D?oflfe of pt fljal be cflfumeb.'Cbouto Reft jjreat papne t&p* to befple tfy felfe. 3nbpt tbill not be purgeb f to f ejcccabincrc tyoMnvt 1 buttbo?oto fpje fell jo^offe ofpt benppfpeb.3n tj)Ptpl%ne0euenin tbpmpfcbeuouiBibebejiJboftc5tpnue9be= wuf e tbp MtbpneiTe i& abDominablc,foz a> •"DaueclenfebtWuttDoua^notclenfeb. ..:joit (bait not bepourjjeb frfi tjjpne bnclf !|ew,tpU3bauepotoiebmptb;otbful tl>v* dnaaotjpsf eu03f lojbe tjauefo new* m,y.mt \# come tletto alltebp* f 3 tbpll boit.3MlnptgobacRe,3Mlnotrpare, 3 tbill not bettreateb:,but accojbfge to tlip papcj t pma S inaci^ 5 au;alt beptrnpfbeb, fapetD tfte 3Lo?De <^oo. 3nb tpe tboibe of © tDe £o?oe JMrffM I .< tbc t o^b came \) iito me,fatfo;:'$Qou f 0n ne of mah.beDotbc ,3 MltaReatoape ^plea^ ftire of tDpne cpe* \6 a plao;etpet WttboU netlM* monme,ner wm>nn tbater tDp cDt RertDerfowj p mapeft mourne bp tDp felf # lijwbe off iiojbecame \mto me Wwmj Doufe of 3fraell,tDti!K fapeth tbe iToifbe D2 tbiiS comcto ) pc ftmll boalfoitjwt pe mapQ)allnot tDttf be Rno tomtnm tball tberc one cfcapcatib come bnto p/o$ to 0)cto tbcjn f bape (ball t\\? mouti; be openeb to Dim, fojweD it cTcapeb-,* tDouitnapeftfpcaRcanbbe nomo^e borne. l>ec,anb tDouQjaltbctDcp^ ibc\btoRf that tbepmape RnotbcDoxoe mtJ am § lojb. C^Dt-^.CDapter. ■ Df oftt)cJLo;of>poti tit Connte of amnio m to5!c6relopcrtattl)ffdllof3leruralcj.as,»pnaflfflom» «i«iij$ w.atfapuii3ii)umca.)*»aprta tUe }9^pipati«** |fee too^be of tDe lo)b came bnto me, jfapcnge.^Dou fonneof man, fcttDp ! faceao;apnft tDe* aHmrnonptctf, mo* pDetpe Vpon tDcm,anb fapc mito tDe im> monptejs s Dcare tDe too^be of p loib ©ob . Jbu^fapety lo.ibCffob : #o>romocDatf tijou fueaRcu; oner mp fanctuarp. 14 3 trogeitbc notbe fufucnbcb:*oucr tDe land . of 3vcacl,3 trottoe it be noto befolat , pee,f oner £bouTe of 3uba,3 trotbe thep be mm lebatbapep^fbnnctiSiBcDolbJtbillbclp* m tDe to tDepeoineof^eaO:,ftDepmape baue fin poffeffion.tDcfe (ball fet tDep^ ca= ma am boufejs intDe.^beplbajleate tDp ftute,? b v ipncRc bp tDp nimm iffy 3Ra» 9 ^tb,3«Pill mabe of it a ftal if 02 camelftSb of 4mtUOU a (Dcpefolbe :anb pe u)all Rnotoe %f3anttbeloibe. ^bit|ui^faj>etDpio2b0ob:3nfomocD ^ atf tDou Daft clappeo tbitDtDpne banbe0 , * 25 ftampeoMDtDpfete,pee, reiopftb i tDpne hette ouer tDelanbe of 3ftael tbitD oef pite: beDo|bt,3Ml (IcetcD out mpne jwbe ouer tDe alfo , ao belpuer tDe,to be tpopleb of tDe $eatDen,an&t'otetDeoutft:otn amapre tDe peoplcanb caufe tDe to be beftrbpeb oute of all lanbe]B!:pce,3 Ml made the to be lapeb tbaftctba t tDou mapeft (motto , tDat 3 am ^DuyfapetDtDelo?b<0ob:5foifomocD n 229*™* fbettm Tape: 3Wfo> f boufe m».t*.tu of 3uba,iti8ibutlpRca0all otber wtvkfS « n -«»«f- testate beboioe,;! Ml open f fpbe of "*>* •Mjf takeatbapetiDep? ftrestb'tbeir cp tiejj 1 chefe coafte* of tbtP| i3be, tbDtcD are pplcafuretf of f coutre^namelp.USctDie fimotD, 25aalmeon 50 Cart atbafm : W & PHI 3 ffi f i nro ^ of <: ^ «*»# tlw »' a P^ «t- falW^mmonitctf: f tbill geueittDcin
    *•« " ' tDcrfo^ttawKapetbge loib:3Mlwacb ffi« S» b outmpneD5betjpon mm,« taRcatoape man* beaft out of it. JMwmiMo SDcb5Ml3maReitbrfolate,tDepq)allbc flapnetfi tbc ftberbe. * -$:bo?ot&tnp people *««ac.b.a of 3fcael Ml 3 allege me agapuc bpo eoo tDcptyallDSOlcDim^ecojbtff to mptdia tl> anb inbpffnacpon,fo tbat tDep iball Ruotbc mpbcnseaunccfapctDtnc jLo?bc C5ob. 'CDust fapctb tDe loiO 0ou:jf 02 fo moth atf tDe**&DiWtine0 DaucbonetDW: namelp *> taRcn benflcauncetoitbbcfpptefuUftomac *Z*m* Wmn otan olbe enrtlMl letthem fcluc* I ««■«>"•.•» tobeftrope. 'CDerfo?e,tDuiSfapetDHoiii *** A * <15ob:J5ebolb,3 MlftrctcDOutmpnc DaO ouer j> 19Diliftpuc0 , $ befttope $ beftcoper, abb caufe all tDe rcmnaut of tbc fee toaff* to pcrpflD.a great bfjjcauce tbpll 3 taRe bpo tD^aiib punpfbtDcm ctuellp ; ptDcp mape bnotbcDotb tDat 3 am tb<' lo v ?b,tbDicD D« -■ ueauengebmeoftbem. , C^:Dc.jcjc\3»,CDapter. C &c PMW prto (ba( »p; n» fliailx ocifr (bojoterft be: caufrtt trtop ceo at et>c6ett»uc cpon Df 3lcrufaltin . rt)( tooiH>m>ii(ranl» attOnplbcmmt of «^e mare^auiUto , fo; . tt.f.Wpf«fPpnorJtpjUf. 'CDappcncb,tDatintDeelcttcntD - pearctDcfpiftbape ofjmoneth » tDe tbo^oe or ti;e 1, o^b came bnto mc,fapcnp;e: r Cbou fonnc of ma, 0&U becaufe ;vi i 1 4 ,1' V 1 . t * 4 T I H * 1 a» ^ :!i 7 Cljcp?opbttp If If Hi i i * ! 1: »«f».m».ft *bccaufetbat^ptebatbfpottetopd" Jem* Kl.i' i, Kleins 3) ,ba>nofr 3 tf ofrc the po^tciot of tide m6.nbui. people be b?ottm , anb (be tunieb \mto m e> to 1 itofr f tt»c is* beftr opcb 3 (ball be f pllcb. l>cc,tbcrtQtc,fapctl) f lo?b © ofrftcbolbe 0^p?c,3frillWp\3frtllb?igeagcciit multituDc of people agapntt p\lpttcn$ fr 1)5 tbc fee avpfr to fr ttb bus frattc&Cftcfc (ball bicattc tbc fr ailed of 'Cyrano caft bourne her tofr?ctf:3 frill fcrape the groiibc front bcr.attb malic her a bare ft one (pec, n£ the &?penge place , frbcrc ttjcfyCThersf l)8gci)p tbcpi netted up f mMsMml Dane fpo= ben it,fapcrb the Lozoc <*>ob. mhc 0c* tittl (hallfpoplc bcr:her baugbtcrd \jpo pmbc 25 (ball pcrpfti \o tDc Rtome^at tbcp mapc ttnofrc bofr that 3 am tbe Lo?bc. # 0* tj)ttjj fapctb tbc lo?b B0M&&jBh 3 frill b?ig Drtbcr 43abucbobonofo?(frbi cb KStbcfepncfc of 2Sabplon,anba hpngc of Uprigctf)fro p &a$pma 'fcpjefift bo?fctf, cbarctted,bo?u"mcn,anb fritb a grcate mttl titubc of people. %$? baugbtctd that arc t the lab,Q)all be flape frttb the ffrcarb: but agapntt tbe, ncfball matte bullfroitted and graucXtpDpcbcd abontc p\anb Ipffbpbpd ibplbc agapntt tbc.typsi Clpngcd anb batel- rametffbal be p?cparcfo? tbp frallcd, a»& to ijiei freapewa! b?cafec bofrne tbp tofr?cj$. IE be bull of hpd bo?fcd(ball concc tbc,thcp, ftalbcfo manp:tbp frallcjSfball (bake at $ nople of tbe bo?fmcn,cbatcWi8 aitbtOWftf ujbcnhc commctb to tbp, poztc&atf menbo _ into an ope cptic. tfitttb p board of W boife ^ fttdball be ttcabe bofrne all tbp ft rctcd. fyc (bal tlapc tbe people fritb tt)e Cfrca cb, anb tycattc bofrne f pplcrd of tbp ftrrgtb. ^bcpfljail fraftc afrapc tbp tpchcd,anb fpoplc tbp marcbaubpfc.'CbpfraUedftaU tbcp b?cattc bofrne , anb beftrope tbp tjott* fed of plcaftirCChp ftoned , tr)p tpmb?e ab f ounbacpond (ball tbcp caft in the toa tee. ._ *'€bn!8tDill3^inp;^melobpoftbpfon= * 3«f.tjfj.b. £ C g s anotbe^jopec of top mpnttreup to ait enOc , fo tbat tbep (ball nomo^c be bcibir.3 tiM watte a bate (tone of the, pee , a ojpige place fo? netted , ?J ftaltneuct bebnploeo aaapnc: St o? enen 1 tbc lo^b banc CpoHi (t, fapctbtbe lojbcC5ob:thn£Jbatbtbe ioibe Cob tyotten conccrnpnge'Cpje . 1Ir)c 3lcjs fljallbe moncb at t^t nopfc ot thpfall, ? at tijc crpc of tbcClapncf (ballbemuetheecbt tbe.2tu ttpngesl or tbe fee (ball come bobme from thepj CcatcsJ tcgall: tbcp (ball lape a* toapc tbep? toabctf, anb put of tbep? cof tip clothpng;c.2>cc,britb tecmblmge (ball tbcp W bcclotbcb,tbcpfballfpt\n)onthe gconnb: thep (balbc af rapcb at tbp toben fall , 50 be aba ftbcb at tbe. 'Ebepfljall monrne f 0? tbcanb fapc tot* **mm i « W *&* ® tbonnoble cpttctbat baft bene &!S«tt f gtcotlp occuppcb of olbe, ti)ott tDat fwft ?" 1 bene tbe ftrongeft lupon tl)e fee foCtf) tljpitc • tnbabp t om% of b>bo»n al men ft obc I fcaee. Igotoactc tbon no\bc fo \)tterlp befteopeb/' Bolb at p tpmc of tbp fall j5 inbabptoneiES of tl.)e3l^,pec,anb tbc 3W tbem felne^aU • ftanbe t fcare at tbp cnbc.it 0^ ti)u0 vapeth tbc lo?bc 0obtttop 3 matte tbeabefolate epttefasJ otbee cptic** be , tbatno mft btbeli tiijanb tobc 3 b?ingc tbe bene tyots ^ that greate ibateejs mapc coucr tbc.UCbm Out J caft tbc bourne lunto tM,tbat Oefwnbc into tbc pitte:\)ntoa])copletbatbatb bene lose becb,anb fct tbe 1 a lanbe tbat isl bcncttUp* tte tbc olDc totlDcrncj3i } bJitb tbem tofyfeo go bo^netothcp^sraue^fotbatHomaibail btbcll mo?c in tbc . 3nb 3 trill matte tbcto benomo?e in bononrctiti tbc lanbe of tbc lp- ntnge.3 frill matte an enbe of tbc,anb tbou ibalt be gone. "Cbougbtbonbe fougbtfo?, pctibalt tbou not betounbe fo? eucrmo?c, fapctbtbe lo?bedl> ob. CCbc.]t^ii.Cbaptct. ©ttcjs of JBafimto matte p rofrcrsi. *° ^bP boojbflB 1 banc tbcp mabe of pucrp, $ of coftelp froob out of tbe 3lc of Cctlnm. %ty faple fraiS of OpuerxJ colours(,fmall nc= blcfro?ttc out of f labc of <£gppt, to bangc \jp5 tbp maft : ? tbp bagiffc^ of pclofr fplc^ ttc purplcoutof $ 3le# of ©Itfab- ^vp of ^poon a 3!cnabfrcrctbp marpncrs{,anb ^ frpfeft CCp?cfrerc tbp (lippmaftcriEf . %\>t «*^ elbeft aub frpfeft at it^ Cpcbal frcre tt>cp,f ^° mcbcb a ftoppebtbp (bpppes! .3HU(bpppej$ of tbc fee totbep? (bvpmcn occuppcb tbepr matcbaunbicsl 1 p.w ^erfesi, Lpbtantf aib pbutetf frcrcintbpncboft,abclpcb t\)t to tpgbt:tbcfc bangcb ^jp tbcp? (bplbcg? Ucl= mcttejSfritbtbe J tbefcfettfo?tb tbcp bcfr= tp. 'Cbepof3Crnabfrerefritr)tbpncbooft rounbe aboute tbp frailer , $ p^igmematf . frcre tbpfratcbmentjpS tbp tofrjejj, tj)cfe 5 bdgeb \)p tbep?ciui\)crsi tounbe aboute tbp frallesl, anbmabe tht marucloug gooblp. I^barfist occuppcb fritb tbe in all maner of frareitMnfplucr,p?on } tpnncanb leab, anb mabe tW matcttettgteate/jauan/Cttbal, anb ^r.^B.r.* I t> e ^ anb 4ft)efccbfrere tbp iharcbamircft mich b?on«bt tije m5,aitb ornamented of metau fo? tbp oceuptegCCbep of f houfe of 'Cbo* garmab?ougbtfrttotbeattbetpmeoftbP marte,f)o?fc,bo?(hicn anb mule0 ; 'Cbcp of ^a>eban frcre tbpmarcbauntejeiianbmnnp 0tDet3lWtbat oceiippcb fritbtbe,b?ougbt tbefreatberji, ©lephat boncsf 9 #eacocttc fo?ap?efertt'Cbe<&iriilsf occupieb toityfo becaufe of tbp biuerfe fro?cttcje(,anb increa= m tW nwrcbauubtcjs, Xoit\) £>maragbe& fritb«atletifritbneblefro?cttcjfritbtobpte tphen clotb,fritbfplctte,anbfritb crpftall: 3nba abb t\)s lanbe of 3ftael occupieb \& tbc? b?ougbttjutotbp marftettcsf, frheatj bf#tnnitoanb panag,balmc,bonp 3 ople,f trpacle.^Damafcu^airo Wa marcbafiDpe? t6 tbc,(n tbe belt frpite of l^elbon $ t6froll: becaufe t^v occupied frajs fo grcate, ab tbp frarcjs fo manp , Dan, 3auan a ^eufall ba ue b?ougbtfrtto tbpmarcbettcs(,p?onrebp mabefritb CatTia ^Calam^ ,acco?bige to tbine occuppcngc .Dcban occupieb fr ttb tbe in fapie tapeftrpefro?cftc anb cuftbpiwJ. Arabia ;« al tbc piuiccg of Cebar baueoe^ cupiebtfi tbCjin Cbepe, fretbers< abb goatesf. 'Cbemarcbnuntctf of^>cba anb laema baw occupieb alfo fritb tbe, i allcoftlp fpp^ marcttettcjj . 1f)ara% Cbcne anbeocn,tbcmarcbauntc0of ^ba» ba,3Hffiria,aHbCbclmab,frercall bocrsf «& tbe,anb occuppcb aritb tbc . 3ncoftlp rap= meat, of pclofr fplettc tbpu= gcgincccftarp) tljcmeitof frarre tbat arc in tbc:pcc , anb all thp comcn# (ball pcrplb in tbc mpbbeft of f be ice : in f bapc of rhp fall, tt fuburbcio! (ball (babe at the loubc crpe of tW (bppmett , ^< fr hp?p men ^ 9 all ma* rpnerjSbport tbcfee,qwU leapc ont of tbepe boater,? fct m fcluetf Upon f lanbe/Cbcp (ball Ipft top tbepr bopec becaufe of the anb maftea lamgtabic crp. 'ftbcp (ball caft buft topfi tbcp? bcabc&ano ipe bofrne iu t\it af* OJcsi.'Cbep mall Ojaue tbem fcluc&a nb put facftc clotb topon tbem f 0? to fatt* ; 'Cbep (ball nftumefo? t\tc fritb bcrtfuli vo?ofr,anb beup lamcntac(on,pcc * tbcp a\ fo (ballfrepe f 0? the. IMa&frjwt cptte ba tb ^ecp ♦era.rfjn.c fo bene befteopcb fn j fee,asfCp?e ii«.''mb0 thp fratej* anb marcbannbiesf came fWtbe (5 fecje|,pgane(taljieoplepnough. %\\t ftigejS oftbeeartbbafttboumabe rpcbe,tbo?ofr tbemultitube of tbp fratrejit occupieng. 5i$ut tbou an nofr caft bofrne i to the bepe of pfee,all tp? refo?te of people # periujeb fritbtbe.3UtbeptbatbfreUitbe jlegare abaOieO at tbe,fr all tbep? bpngejtf areafra- VtoyVtt* tbep? facW baue cbaugcb coulou= rc.^beninrcbauntciEf of tbc nacponsi|«.i;i)f tto^Dt oftbr £o;bc agapnd dPjon.»bf £o;u p;omprrtb tbat bttopu (jathjtto; »«b*ttbtcbi»i;rnof3)fi:«ob,3 baue mp feate m tbe mpbDc'u of tbc fee Ipfec a C5ob:fr here a* tbou art but a man anb not €»oo,anb vet ftanbeft t tbp» ncafrneconccatcthattbou arte<35ob: Ji5c= bolbc^tbpncttefttbp felfe 113- frpfcr tben -tfl *Dan(e^tbattbereis{no fecretc^hpbfcom *s>ao.fi.b. the. ?Bptb t\i? frpfbomc anb tbp bnber= ftanbpng , tbou baft gotten tbe great frel= tbpness , anb gatberebtrearureof fplucr ab golDe . WUitb tbp grcate frpfoome ab oecu* ppengebaft tbouincreafeb tbp pofrcr, anb becaufe of tbp grcate rpcbeftctbp tyxtc tjs pioube.-. %ty&m i tbuisi fapctb t^e io*be Got>: * Jfo?fomoebas(tboubaftlpfttoptbpncbcrt njS thougb tbou frcre C5ob:25ebolDe,3 frill b?pngc cimempctftopo tbe,eu«itbe tpzatm- fegi of p^eatbe .- tbefe (ball bwfrc out tl)cir ffreatoe* Upon tbp befrtp aub frpfoome, \ (bal bcfple tbpglo?p.^:bep (ball eaft tbeb'o frnc to ppittcw tbat tbou Qjalt bpc in the nvpvtieii of tbe fee,asl t\)ev tbat be f laptic.' Hcttfe,pftboufriltfapetben(befozcti)cm tbat flape f) 3 am mr, mi* 3afpp^> if h V V rr 1 1 * . 1 j •if i Z\)t p?opDtcp 1 t li !• 3*1 m if I 1 0ie ouer,i t bappcncb t tljc elcti;c't& vcarc,tl)cfpjftbapc of tbc tbpjb monetb,ptbctDojocof tbc lojbe _ Icnmetrntomcmpcug; tDou fonne ofmawjpcancvntopimcaotbc upnjKeof €gpptc,anbto al W pcoplc.OIibomart g ivScmtljj' gtca mcffc^ JScDolOc^Cftti; ton tf Ipue a CcO w trc »pou tbc m ottnt of Lpba* tut* toitb fapjctyaucbctf.fo tbpckc, t&at lie traue()babot»c0anbfootout\)crpbpc . W toppcrcaebeb toito fclottbc0. w tbatcrtf iiiaoc^n5tcaMn0ti)c0ciJcfftl)im\jp,nn tope, iRounbc aboutc tbe rotc0 of mm *ane tbcre f loubc0 oftoatcr^c fent out w Ijw « rptict* \>nto all tbc trccsS of tljc fclbe. Jig f ic toa0 be bpec tben all tbc trees! of tljc f el He , anb ttoojotb the multptube of toatct0 p toe fent from bim,b*optapncb manp 10115c btaucbe0.^Ufoulc0oftbcapjemabctbcp* ncftctf in btf bjaucDc0,lmbcr liijS botbetf ge s tocbaUtbebeaftc0 of tbc fclbcanb xpm toS foaboto btocltall people, jlapjc $ Mg UraM fcc ill ty* gremejj 1 intbc Icngft of Dp* bjauncl*0,f o%0 r ote . (tobc bcfpOc **> meat twtcrfeitamo We tee mpgbt fete *^ opm.3n tbc pleafattntgarbc of ©ob, tbcre tt to 110 fp jre tre Ipkc Wtoaucipy W ttctrcc0tDctcnotlpketDcbotoc0ofbpm. 311 the trec0in tfgarbcnof tfobmpgbt not be compareb Vnto Dim inty* bett&fo fap= re anb gooblp bab 3 mabc bpm to the muh tptuoe of bp0 bmuncbc0 . 3« f mgcb tgat •J-all tbc trecjSin f pleafaunt mvU of <5ob nab enupc at bpm. tfeffofeftu! fapctb ? i«be^ob;fo>tomoclKWJ^«»t|»i|fti)p 2> bun felfe Co bpcano ttcctcbco DP0 , toppc m to * cioubc* , 809 Ccinae W Dcvt itf pioubc in W lrt«fcl *PU W un: l ^ m ,nt0 ' toanbc0ottbe mpgbtpett among t&ctyca* rben,tobtcbnbee tbe caetl),anb go Dotwic to t^t geaue Iphe otbee men. - dojieoacctbi^Capctbtbelo^JSoban * tbcDapetobcnbegoctbbotonetotljegtauc IBullcauttalamentacpon tobemabe, 3 Sillcouee tbcbcpet)pon ijimj toill (Uucp »> 6 fei0 f loubctf,Jlb tfte great tbatcris fljalbe re= ftravneb. 3 (ball caufc ipbamijx to be To* roMull foj birf fabc, fib a 11 tbe trees* of tbe fclbc (bail be fmpte^.3 m\\ mafce rue $t«« t^cnibaftc at tbe founbe of bWfalU tjjben 3 eaa bim botbtie to * belltbitb tfym t\iam-- fcenbe into tbe pptte.311 tbc trees! of ©ben, tt>itb all tbc eboven anb beft tree* of Ipba* ims(,pce , anb all tbcp tbat are planteb tips tbe toatcrs(,(baU mourtie toitb bpm alfo in tpc loVocr babitacpos<:fo^ tbeplfealgo botto= ne to bclltoitljbim^nto tbem tbat be (lap^ nctbitl) tjjcftocarbctobicb btoclt a fo^e \)ii: bee tbe (babofte of l)i& acme amog tbe tym*. tben. 'fcotbbolhalttboubc lpbcneb,tbat artfoglo^poujsanbgrcatcamogtbetrecs of eoen^ct art ttjou caft botbiic Mtttm tljc car tb (amongc f trccjj of ©be*) \b|3cretbot$ muft Ipc amogcimcircucpfeb , tf tbcmf be flapnc t6 $ ftoearbe.Ctien fyiift i0 it t6 jblja rao 9 all $$ peoplcfapetb tbe Hojbc dPob. CCl)c.jc^rii.Cl)aptec. C^f p;op1}rtc ic rommfluuticb to bcioaplt $$*', tiotift Upng of'tJBrpt. t)t pjopijrq'cti) tbat be fttuecpon (ball comt buto JEBPPt t^o^oui t^c Ut»B of]3dt>rioti. m (tdr^tljeeleucntljpcaecf fp^lf "p "ibopc of tbc ttoclnctb monetb, p * t»o«ttJC of # ia,o^bc came \mto me fapmge :tbou fonnc of m3 , take \)p a lamftacpfi *opo* #barao f *& mi Umg of anb fpll tbc Vallepesi voitty ■ w t^v bPSbnc(Tc.3 topll toatertbclabe tdttb ® tbe aboimbauncc of tbp bloubc cucn 1 tbe moatapncswnb f rpttcrai ujal be full of t&p bloubc.Wllben^artputout,3ttoill coucrp hcaueti, anb mane bi^ftarrcis bpmmc.*3 **** totll Cpiebc a cloubc otter tbc ^>ttnnc,5b tbc ti? one (baluot gcue ber ligbt.3dll f ligbtcjBi of beaue t»ill 3 put out ouer f# b?lg barc^ Ucncxs^pon tbp labc,fapetbtl)c lo?b 00b. 3 tottl trouble the bertcg of manp people, tfcbcn 3 b?png tW bcttruccio amogpwca^ then % cofttree0,tbbom i> bnotbeft not . ^cc, 3 \»iU mafec manp people r& tym »i»getf fo afrapeb tbojoto tbc, f tbcp? bearc (ball ftabe \)p,\»Ucn 3 fbaltc mp ftoearb at tym f acc^obcnlp (ball tbcp be aftonpeb , eue= ep man in l)pm fclfe,attbebape of tl;p fall. 5fo? C ifo^tWfapeiljtbeloitbCjo^tbeBiiiff of )i6abpl 01118 ftocarbe ftial come t)pon tbe* loitb tbe f xotmm of tDe toofflm tbpll 3 fmpteboWictDP people- 3Hiltljeptbatbe mpgbtpcamonge tbe ©entplcjsujaitDatte ^moubepompc of (figpptr, 5 ozpngbotone all bet people. 3111 tbe catcll alfo ofegipte tBill3beftcope,ttl)ep (ball come nomoje " t)pon $ ttoaterieJ: fo tbat netber majS f otc nee beafte0elatDe,Cball(teretbeenpmo?e.'€be to)iU3maUetbcirtoatcrj5bcpc,^ caufc tbcte floubegi to runne Ipfte ople, fapctb tbc t o?b il tbcp taUc tip, tjpon ^gpptc , anb all ber people, (apctbtbcloiib<5ob. in tbc.jctt.peatc,ti)e.jc\). bapcof tljc mo= tictb,camc tbe toojbe of tbe lo^betmtome, faptugei'Cboufonncofman.'Caftctjpala-. mentacion *pon # people of egppte,^ caft . tb^bolbiicpectbem 3 fapc, 9 tbempgbtpe SSSR veople of y" mm alfo,eucn toitb tbc* tbat I m.w Jttoellbcnctbaubxoitb tbemtbatgobotbue into t^t gratic.DotDnc( bob) fapic fo cuce p be)| lape tbc toitb f \)iictrcumcwcb.4lmoge tbofe f be ttapne toitb f f vocarbc, (ball tbcp Ipe.'Co tbeftberbete (beallrcopbclpuercb: tocrfo^eplucUbotoncto f urounbebee 9 all bee multitubc/Cbe IIHW* tovfflfc* W fpeafte to bim out of p bell 9 to bi0 belpcr0, *Ue goueboiune f ipetmciecnrnmebanbni tbem tbat be (lapne toitb tbc f tocarbe. e Mm i0 tberc alfo tbptb bP0 companp,f tbeir gtaue* roube aboutctobicb toerc ttap nc anb fell all toitb tbe fvocarbctbbofc gra ne^ \m bcfpbc bim in f lotoc ppttc . typ tf co= meniEf are burieb rotinbe aboutc \>v$ gratte, all togetbee tbounbcb anb Oapne tottb tbe ftoearbctbljicb me af o?e tpme b.tougljt m- re into tbe lanbe of tbc Ipupngc. *mw,t *%i\m isl ©lam alfo toptb all %v& peo- •MbMN* lMm , ^ g ,. auC jj wiml)c aboutC: fl)|)lCb allbepnge tbounbcb 9 ttapne toitb p ftocae- be, aregone botbnc"bncircumcpfcb*nbcr p eiirtb,tbbicbneucrtbclc0 fomtimc b?ougbt fcate into tbe lanbe of tbc Ipupngc tfo tbc tbhicbtDep ocare tbett (bamc 3 \bitb p otbee tbatbcgoncbotbttctotbcgraue. , 'Cbeir burial 10 gettcti tbem anb alltbcte peoplcamonge tbem tbat be dapnCCbcte graue0 are roube abottte altbcm,\bbpcb be ?nciecficifcb, 9 tbitb t$ tljatbe ttapne tbo= roto f ftbearbe:fo? fepng tbat in ttmc0 pad: tbepmabe tbe lanbe of tbe Ipupngc afrapeb tbepmttftnotbbcare tbetr atone (&ame,t& tbem tbat go botonc to tbe pptte,anb Ipc a . monge tbem t|)at be flapne. .t. b. 4. 'Cljere (0 €^efecb alfo anb *£ubal , anb . tbeir people, 9 tbeirgrauc0rounoeaboute. - % bc(e all are am6g tbe ^nciecumctfcb, ano t^mit\)atbe Qapnctoptbtbe ftorarbc, be- caufe afo^e tpme t^ mabc t")e lanbe of tl;e Ipupngc afrapeb. ^►bulbcnot tbcp tbenipe alfo amongc § too?tbpe0,9 \)ncircuci(ebcspaunte0.''tobicb tottb tbetc Kbcapcn0 aregone botone to bell tobofe ftt>carbc0 are lapcb "onber tbetr bea= bc0,bJbofc ttopcfeebtieuc i0tjpon tbeir bo-- nc0 : becaufe tbat a0tbo«bpc0 , tbcp baue b^ougbt fearc into tbe lanbe of tbe Ipuingc £ee,amongetbe^ncircucifcbfbalt tbou be beftropeb, ? flepe toptb tbem, tbat pcnlbcb tbojotDetbctocarbe. 'Cberc i0 tbc lanbc of * (gbomtoptb ber <5 ttpnge0 anb p?incc0 alfo , tobicb tbitb tym jgSftSf ftregtb arc lapcb bp tbem tbat tocrc (lapne mmt** ttottb tbc f toearbepecamonge t\)t tmcircu-- cifeb , anb tbem tbbicb are gone bourne into tbc ppttc. &)o;teoucr,tbere be all f polices o'ftbcno?tb,tbitballtbe$)ioonpa0,XDbicD arcgoncbotoneto tbe flapne. Cfllttbtbcir f care anb ftrcngtl) tbcp arc come to confulton,anb Ipe tberc 'bnctrcunct fcb,among tbofe tbat be ttapne tottb f ftoc= arbcumo bcarc tbeir atone (bamc , totrb x\fc tbat be gone botonc to $ pptte..0oto ttoban i&barao fcptbtbi0,bc (balbc cenf o^tcb ouce ail i)pj5 people, tl;at i0 flapne tbitb t))c Cu>c-- arbc-.botb ibljarao anb all bis booft,fapctb the lozb C5ob. St oz 3 baue gcucn mp fcare in tbe lanbc of tbe Ipuigc. 2^ut pbarao anb all bi0 people (ball Ipc among tbc bncircun cifeb,anbamongetbemtbatbe flapne toitb tticftocarbcfapctD tljc ioioc Gob. C'SDc..rrrm.€|)aptcr. |f|^fftMftl)0iittbtcf(tffofamr«(ctb3tp!fa£btn) tb. t ©ofpcll . ©« ftrcitgtbcuttb (bem tbat Dpfpap:f , anb bolbtuctb tbtm tottn tbc pjomca of \ncccp. 2Tft« luo;bf of f jilojb agar nit f rcmnauiit of f people, i: gapnft tbt moc htc* o t tb. t xuo;ccs of tbe p;opbete. |C5apnc,t|)c tbo,ibc of tbe lozbc 3- !camc\intomc:fapcnge. ^bou 1 fonnc of man, g>pcke to f cinh b;un of tbp pcoplc,anb tell tbe: „.,„„ LII , J HJUban3 fenbe a ftocarbc \>pon a lanbcpf tbe people of tbc lanbc take a ma of tbeir countrc,9 fet bpm to be tbeir* toat * "'•"'•'? cbman,tbc fame man;toban \)c feptb pftoc « arbc come Upon tbc lanbc ) (ball blotoe tbe trompct,anbtoarnc tbc people. 3famannotobearetbcuopfcoftbctr5* Vetijtbpllnot bctbarneb,anbtbc ftocarbc comc:anbtafee bimatoapc:bi0 bloitbeiball bclopon bt0 atone be ab:fo? be berbc ^ founb of tbe trompct,9 \bolbe not tafte bebe, tber-- foic bi0bloube be\)pon btm.iSut pf be toill reccatte toamtnge, jje (ball fauc \ii& ipfe. Bi5 M aigapnc i I l if 1 . ( 1 li ,i - * r t : j ■ O* 1 I w 1 J' .^ 1.1 (* It I I i 1: 1 *- ** * ejmue -4 *ejt I ii I - • ( 1 J t I I:"!" *■' i: w 25 SUgapne, pf tbf toatcb nmn fc £ ftocarbc co» mr > anb(bctocttnottottbtbetr8pct,fotbat tDe people tg not toarncb: pf tbeftocatbt' co» me then, £ tafce enp man from among itbc": the fame (ball be fatten atoapc (n W atone fpnnc , but biff M oubc t»pU 3 rcquiic of t|)e toatebmam* banbe. *8nb not* ( o thou tonne of man)3 ba - ucmabctbca toatebman Ditto the boufe of 3fracl:tbattolxrc as tbou bearcftenp tbftfc gcoutofmpmoutb>tboumape(ttoarttctbc~ onmp bcbalfc . 3f 3 tape Vitro f be topchcb tljoutopcttcb, thou (bait furclpbpc, f tbou Bcueft bun not toarttpngctbat be maw be* ttarreof btsungoblptoapc : tben (ball tbc topcttcb bpe in W atone tpnttcbut W blou be topll 3rcquirc of tbp bSbc.j!icucrtbcle& pf tbou toaruc the topcttcb of bPtf toapc , to rumc f com it > tobcrc n$ be pet topll not be turneb from tt,tbc*(bal be bpc becaufc of bitf fpnnc,but tbou baft belincrcb tbp foulc. C 'Cftcrf oic( $> tbou fonnc of man) fpeaftc Unto f boufe of Sfracl.gcfapctbutf: dire otfcnccj* anb fpnues: Ipc upon U& attb toe be ,..., , comiptciti tbem hotoujulbctoe tbenbere* ***•* ftoicb Unto IpfcfCcll them: * M trulpatf 3 Ipue faictb t\)t lojb 0ob,3 haue no plea* fttrc in p bcatb of tbc topcttcb, but moct) ra= tber £ tbc topcttcb tumc fro W toapc, a- lp= uc. ^umcpoujtutuc pott fro pour Un^oo* lpt)japi% iDpcoftbcboufeof3fracll. £>b tobcrfojc topll pebper ttym fonne of man , tell the cbplbic it of *i?jM:biii.i> tbp people :* *€ \)i rigbteottfncg of tl;c rpgb tcottsf&alnot fattc bun,tobanfocucr be'tue wtb atoapc unfaitbfullp.%apnc>tbctopc= fecbuclfc of tbe topctteb (ball not hurt bym, toban focucr be cottucrtctl; from bpis m* goblpncffe. 28no tbe rpgbteottfnefle of the rpgbtcoug (ball not faue btf Ipfe , tobanfocttcr be l'pn= netb-3f 3 Cape Unto tbe rpgbtcott&tbat be ibal fucclp Ipucanb fo be truft to W atone rpsbtcoufncffe,anb Do fpnne,tben ttjall bpxs ngbteoufnene be nomo«ictboup;bt\)po,but ^ mtbettopefeebneffe tbatbebatboonebirlbal *era.tb.b. ^- * 3aaj>ncvpf 3 fapc lonto tbe topitucb: aw^wiu. tbou Cbaltfurclp hye : anb fo be tunte fcom |)ijs fpnncK , anb bo f tbinse tbat it lattjf nil anb vtffbttjn fo mocb tbat tbe fame tbfeneb mangeuetb f plebo;e agapne,refto?etb tljat be hab tahen atoape bp robbprp , toaldtctb intbeGOtnmaunbementeie(oflpfe,anbbotb no ttyonge . 'CJjen (ball l;e furelp Ipue , anb not bpe . £ce>tbefpnne$thatbe batbbione, (ball tie tier be tbought Vpo . it o t t info mocb an be bo tb note tlje tbmge tbat tie! latofull $ rpsbt>l)efballlpue.3Cttb pet tbe cbPlbjen of tbp people (ape: 'Cnu):tbe Hbape of f iojbe is( not ii?gbt , but tbep Ipe Mm aj3 tl)eiir a» tbtie to ape ttfrattjcrlonr(ffi)t. mim ^rpgbteouis turneb ft o [)^ tT3b= tcoufnesi anb bot& t^e ttjmo: tbat tji tbtchcb be (ball nvt tberfo^e.^utpr tbeVb(cUeb tur n c from W totcUebne(Te> b o tug tbe tbmge i> \# latbfuu anb rigbt , be (ball fpue tbertoje. ^ctpefape: * tbetbapcof tbc Jlo^belsinot cquall. €> pe boufe of ifraell * 3 Ml (ubgc cucrp one mf pouafterntsltbapctf. 3n tbe.yii .peare,tbe.w.bape of ^tentbmo netl) of turn capttuttcit b«Ppeneo,tbatone vobicbtbaiBi aeb out of 3erutale\ eamcVnto nic,attb fapb:tbccltpc tfibettropcb . iaotb f battbc ofjl> iojtb bab bene \>pon me tbe eue= nittg af ojc tw m«(ttob(cb toasi cfcapeb)ca= me unto me,? babucr opencb mp moutfctm tpll p mompngj be came tome:pce,be optt neb mpmoutb, to t3toassnomojebomme. %fytn came tbe tbojbe off &oib \jnto mc,i fapb.i:bou fonnc of tnan 5 tbcvcf btbellinv toaftcbUbc of 3frael,fapc: 3ib?abamiibaj< but one man,anb be bab the lanbc in poiref= uon:ttoto are toe manp ? tbc lanbe (0 geuen W to poffelTe alfo . Sinb tberf oje tell tbem. 'Ebu* fapetb the JLo^b;*3n t^e liloub baue pe catcn,poure cpeiSbaue pelpfttjp to 3bo= leg,* a nb baue Q3tJj bloub:(ballpe tben baue tbe lanbc in po(Tefi(om' ^cleauctjponpourftbearbeftpetbojeRe abbotmnact60 5 eucrp one teftlctbbfcnepgb bottristbife.anb qjall pe tbS poffelTc tbe lan> Wjbwt ? tbcfc (oojocjb: unto tbem. ^Cbusl faietbtbclozb(2)Ob.^8!trulpas{3lpueaU pe f btocil m tbptf tbplberneue,(balbe flap= lie toitb p ftocarbc: tobatfocucr us Upon t^e fclbotil 3 gcueunto the beaftcitf to be nc= uottreb:tbo(c that be mftrongbolbesf^ ben ncj5,(ball bpe of tbe peftilcnce. Jfoj3tbpll ntafeetbe lanbc fobcfolatc anbtoafte, $ tbc pompc of bcr ftrengtb (bal come to an cnb e. ^bc mountapne0 m3frael(balbe fotoafte tbat noman (ball trauaplc tbcrbp. *% ben (ball trjep lerne to nnotoe, tbat 3 am the lo^b, tub en 3 made tbe lanbe toafte $ befolate, becawfeof all tbefc abbomma- ctonjs, that tbep baue ttyougbt . 3nb tbou fonne ot man 5 tbe cbtlbje of tbp people tbat talcfee of tbcbp tbe toalietf anb tntbcbojctf of tbeir boufe^faptnge one to anotber :Co= me, let W beare, ttobat tbo^be tieigonc fojtb from tbe lo^b.^bcfe come Unto tbcaf ter § maner of a greate pcoplcjpeca* tobo faptb tbeptuere mv people,tbep fpt botune befoie tbe, anb beare tbp ttoojDciS , but tbep bo not tberafterjfojintbeirmoutbejstbepmaRca 3efte of tbcm,anb tbep^berte goetbaftet tbepiatune conetoujs lucre, atnbasf a balet tbat batb a ftuetc tune , anb (is pleafaunt to fpnge, foujalt p be Unto tbem : tW tooxm (balthcp bcarcbut tbep totll not bo tberaf^ ter. TO* tbtjJ cfimetb to pau"e(f o» lo,tt com metbinbebe)tben (ball tbep nnotbet t^ere batb bene a pjopbet amonge tbem. 'Cbe •fca ♦flw.yWii'l <5 ♦ efa.rm'M ftt!)e.]e)t]cii«v<5tbaptm * " qu fonne of man, p^opftccpe agapnft tie (bep Jerbejg of iftael, p^opbecp anb mane unto tbem . 'Cbntf tattsu (Sp^btbe JLo?b ^0b.*5mo be Unto t\)e (be feaRf* i!)erbei8 of 3fraell, tbat febe tbem reluct. iM»fc. jpjjimeturt: tbe(bepberbe^ febe f flccfec^ ge Wto tott Up tbe fatt, pebaue clotbeb poutDitbfbetooll:fbeftfcbbcbauepeflap= ne,but tbe ftoc&e baue pc not no^tbcb.'Cbc *muifo totifo* bauepcttot bolbenUp*tbe ficfeeba= nepettotbcaieb:^ woftcnbauepenofbo6.be f ogefljet , jp out ca ttctf baue pe nor b^ougbt ♦i,»rtr.t.» agaphe : f lott baue pe not fougbt,but * c'but UW ^ ctueiip bauepe vn\entm.%im are tbep fcarrcbhere$ tberc\uitbouta(bepber= ■ beipce , all p ueafteie! of tbefelb beuOure tbe, anbtbepgoaftrape. 3$ (bepe. HCbcrfojcbearc tbet)oo?bc of tbctqib(fit>pi - iotfi 0ob: 25ebolbe, 3 mpfelfe topll "Updw C tbc i,oibCa>pe (bcpbcebeig) Ubuis fapetb j tbe fljepbcrbcu : anb require mp (bepe from tbeir banbeiMnb matte tbem ceaffe from fe bpnge of mpCbepc: pee, the HitpberbcsJujall febe tb? feluesi uomo^e. # o? 3 tof U brittle* mp (bepe out of tbeir moutbeftfo that tbep ^ajallnotbeuourctbemaftectbilK.^ojtbusf *aoi)tt.r.a. fapetb tbe lo?be €ob s * )6ebolbei 3 ttopll >aoi)it.r.a. vap JtbMW.D. ink e to mp (bepe mp 1 eifc *an& febe them . M ne an a (bepberbe among f fiockc fettetb af = ter tbe (bepe tbatarefcaterebabzoabe,euen to toil 3 (cue af ter mp (bepe^ gather tbem together out of all placcfctobcre tw baue bene fcatrebin tbe cloubp anb barcne bapc. nMl^ingetbemoutfedmaUpeoplcanb atber tW together oat of all iftoejs . 3 tuill -^ngetbem into tbeir atone lanbe, anbfe* be tbem Upon tbemountaincji of 3vrari,bp tbe rpuerjs,anb in alltbe placed oftbe coun=» tre.jMlfebetbeminrpgbtgoobpafturesi anb Upon tbe W mou tapttcj* of 3ftari ujall tbere folbe* br.Ubere (bal tbeplpe f agoob f olbe, anb in a fat patture ujal tbep febe; eue \)pon tl)e mountapnciEl of 3fraell. . 3 KM febe nxv (bepe mp fe'lfc ,anb b^iiige tbemtot^eir reft, utpetb tbe lo^be <5ob. * fi>ocb aj« be loft,totll 3 feftc: focb a^ go a * SSff** ftrapc:ttotll3b?ingaaapne:focbajjbetoou a *"** beb,toill3bpnbeUp:focb a0 betueane, totll . 3 matte ftrong:focbajs befatf ttrohge,tbo« ic toill 3 roteoute , anbfebc tbcmtotth tbe thing tbatij8laufull.3nbaiSfo.ipou( © mp © (bcpc)fapetb tbe io l ibepllrap= fir up unto tbem one onelp tbcpbcrbc, cuctt iKr mp feruaunt* ©auib,bc(bail* febetbS ■£) anbbe(ballbc(Deirftcpbctbc.3tbe toibc *?^ fmb lutll be tbeir C5ob , anb mp fentaimt Baiwb mSrft** (bnllbe tbeirptinrc : pe *«mu ©ob.TCecaufcyoucenempebatbfapoebpo" yon: i^3Ma>tbebpeeucrlnftpngeplacetf -tu jrenoto become om& pzopbecp t mm, X ^ fpcatotta faycthtbe lojb ye mountaynetf of 3f= mUMm fnyetb w fcojb d*ob bnto the mountay nc* anb bffle&ballepjai ano baled* to p bopbe toylbernefle anb bero late citpe & tbbfcg arc fpoylcb, 9 bab in bertfton on enc» w fybe , among* tbcrcfibue of the feeat&f, m tut flm* (frcty fle i*p$a . 3n tur 25 fyic of my gelotuy hanejtaben abenpcc, aaayuft f refibuc of tbe tiftfUtf , sagapnft ^m?mn^3Xf^t Si to&^ ****** 5J5»Vfe,ttialrfaiibbcfol«Uftt»l3maUctfic. : j K? W^iiabacaftcOotbne, ft? St ij^opbcjthatthoumayft mtotoc,bciW «•*• reft an olbc mmm agaynft the cbpimrn sfi*5 * W r J cftow «*Mbbat tpmc a* to J? £^ WRW**^ bWbc^ec, *< *.J£ pWf 5e(baUfoioto\jpotttbe:*fet tref u (Q U .b.« iaj, C (t toaptcfoj bloube/bcrfozcMbW 3 !'' 1 ■ *i ?•- f pll toitb Dig flayne men :«m hiifc&balleytf anb mm, {bail ipe fall of them ,that arc pctnall toilDcrneITe,fo thatthjj citperf flail ttotretiinictotheafomicreftatc/pemapc knoibc,botb that 3 am the I ojbe: F F ft^ A . ?»bbccanfe?Uaftfovbe:tbbat 3 (idpbotb C tbcfc nactoiifli ano botb Wc lank* mutt be *«?ro.rrb.c. mpnc,$ 3 am haue them poffeffion* tobe* re a0 the LoiUc mg there . 'Ebctf o?e, tl)utf tt)Ul bable the accoibfnge to 4v mk «nb oeloufp , ipbc a^ thou baft Dealt crucilp ^ tl;euuj)at 3 mm be bnotoen antSrf m m, 8KJSH M^f ««c,anb that thou alf mapelt be fnrc , tijat 3 ty UM bane me al top oefppte f m tDo^cttliicb thou S) baft f poftm acfapnft tbc mountapnejS of 3C raell,fnpmge: £o,tl;cp aremabetbafte,anb giieb? tobenonrc. ^mut^mtmm^ tm pc pane mabc pourc boaft aaapnft me, pec, anb multiplied your pjoube tboibes a* mcrEt)nto,tbu0fayetbtbcllo ? b^ob:to j, ^„..».„.». - v - ^olpKca#p(iuDmount&m)$mift |; «»■»«.».. 5lab,becaufetbehceitageoft!jeboufeoflf ■- taelWDcfti:opcb:euenfotbpU3bo Wo ibealCo^ tbon anb tobole ebom u)al be I3c^ Cropeb,$ bnotbe,tbat3 am tbe io^be. CCbcrrrbi.Cbaptee. . «o Xiatll. «\jt bmtmcp Dont bnto thtzttota'm to bttUttbmotKmtttpot «5oi.,notSSK lite W« commaunbtrotntw, v * p tbe ^?ppbccp tbecf oze *pon m lanbe of 3f a raclUfpcahc bntotbemountapncs{« htlica! to teller anb bale*,t&u*fapetbtbe to?b (15ob.^bolb,tbi0bnue3beu!febinmyp;V lonfpj terrible tmatb. if 0^ fo mocbe ajfte tome foffreb rep«tofe of tbe WMi}?, tbetfo?e tbmjfaietbtS Ufa c&m UTnSSS. *^ nctbat m <5entilcjtf tbbtcb lye aboute pou, CT Ojal bcare tbefc cofufion twc\m$. 3nVatf p pou( © mountapnejs of 3ftaei; ye (hall ujute outpour b^nneM anb htfnsf 02th c y our feute to my people of 3fraell Joi it i^ patbbp,tbatittibUUome.25ebolDe,3comc ^nto you, anb bnto y ou topll 3 tutne me,* ycmaycbetyllebanofobjhe. (t^S.toyUfenbeyoumocbpcoplCjtbbicb ^1 foa be allof tbe boufe of 3fraell , tbecitpel ^ }balbcmbabiteb,ftbebecapcbplacetfiba^ bcrepattcb agapne,3 toil pzouibe you Sitfi anotoo;eftute,3 tbyllrefto^eyoualfoto pour olbe cftatejCbetbeyou moieftpnbncsl th0cner ye bab before: tobcrbp ye (bal ano* SH 3am A eJl0 i l, ^ ee ^ ^tbyll3 {ball baue tbe inpoffeffion, ab tboulbaltbe io?b : <5ob.#o;i ro mocb a« tbcp fayc bnto ESSfiP ate *" ««« ^P of men, ano a toa= fter of tby people ; tyerfoje thoulbalt eate no mo men , nether beftroye tbv people enp ffi&^^ e , lo ^?^^ n Mtotllnot 2) SSSSfe&J?^^ * twte «onm«<» amonp;e the (P entilejai from pCfoith.'CbOtt tbairnotbeare#rep?ofeof^enacion$,ner caftout caft out tbyncatbttcpeopte ehy moie/aietb tbcto?D(i5ob. v ^ojeonee, tbe too^be of tbe E-Ozbecame tttto me,faymo;. ©thou fonne of ma,t»hen tbe boufe of 3ffaell Dtuelt \jpon tljeir atone jjr ofibc, tbcp bcfileb tl^feluetf ti tbeir ato= lie toaye0 $ y maginacioniei: fo f in mv ftcrht tbcir.toaye toajj ipbe t^t bnclcnueCe of a mgftruoutftoomS. (UUbcrfo?e, 3 poueebmp 85* to?othfuUDifpleafurc bpfi tym&Tlmu* fc of W bloubc f tbey Ijab fljeb in ^laubc, » becaufe of tbeir 3&oltf,tobertoitb mv bab befilcb t\& felnei 3 ftatteo the" alfo amapre tbc^cathetiifoi'tbcptbcrc ftratbebaboute m tbe laubesf . ^cco^bingc to tbeir toavigj f after tbey^ atone inuenepotus, fo bpb 3 pn« niibe tbem. e * H to , toijentbep toerc drone tmto tbe wu. fymti&m$ come m amoiuje tbe,tbcy bifbo= umn,u.r. nouvcb nip bbly name :fo thatit toaisfaybc of tbem.3lrc tbcfc tbe people of C5ob)(? muft -;o out of tbeir atone lab.-' %i)c fpareb 3 mp joly namctobicb f bottfc of 3frael &toffi* honourcb amonaetbc ©entilos , to tobont fficp came /Chetlojc tell ^ boufe of 3fraeU %tyW fayctbj Ho?b(25ob:3bottottbi0foi roue falter sD boufe of Jfraell; but fo? my Ijioly tiamcjjfabc , tohycbycDtfijcftoureba* monge the i>eatbcn,tobcnyecamcto cijcm. UTberf oie, 3 toyll batotoe my mrcate name asaynctohicb amonffc t\tt ©eltlesx i% encll fpoften of:fojpeyone feluctftowcoiibonou? rcb itamonge tbem. 3nb tbe ©cntucsj Ojal bnotoc tbatjamtbc £ojb,tohan3am bo= nonreb in you before tbeir epctf , fayc cjj the 3lojbc(25ob. -M fo j pouj3 tbill take you from amogc tbe tyeatbe, anb ojatber you together out of all counties! , anb tyynge you acfavue into mmttA your atone lanbe. • k 'Cbc« toill 3 poure clea-. f*mt. rctoatcr bponyou,anb yeibalbc clene:pee < KomaUpoarVhclenneffcanbfromaUyom: * 3boItf (ball 3 clnife you . 3d neto Ijerte alfo toiU3ffcueyou,anbanctofp2rtctoill3put into pmJto fo,* tbat ftortp herte, 3 toill tm # he it out of voure boby, 9 sent you a ficOHy .bhu berte.3 toill seue mv fpicte amfigcyou * $ caufeyou to toalckc in my comaunbemetejai to bepe my latoctf,anb to fulfill tbem* MD fo ye mall btoell in tbe lanb, tbat 3 pne to y our fo?efatbers<, anb ye ftjalbc my pcople,anb 3 toilbc your 0ob. 3 toil I bclpe you out of all your bnclenctf. 3 toill coilfoz tl;e come, anb toill incrcafc it i 5 let you ba* ucno bonffcr.3 toill multiplic tbe f rntesi of tbe treesi anb the incrcafc of f fclbc f 01 you* to pyefballucareno moie repiofc of imcti amonjje tlje ^eatbcn.'Ebcn ujal ye remem b?c your atone toicHcb toay e»i»f your pma* !linacionsl,tol)icl)tocrenotsoob : fo tbatpe ibal tbf ac^ ye toerc too^tby to be beftroyeb: foiyourfpnnejS anb abbominacyon^ <0ee^ecf)ter jfoVcuj :»&ra ®ut3 toyll not bo fbystfoj pourcfaftcjg <3 ( fa tetb tbe io*D <5ob)be ye fure of it.'Chec fo?e, p ye boufe of 3fracll , be aihameb of ' yourfinne#.49o2eoucr, tbutffaietb p iozb <5ob: tol;at tymc atf 3 (ball clenfe you from all y ourc offenc e0,thcn toill 3 ma lie m tv* tie« to be occupieb agayncanb toilircpnirc f places; that bebecayeb.^be befolatc lan- be (balbc buiioeb agapne,tbbicb ate time laye toafte in m fiffbtof all t^zm that toe= te Op.'CbenOwl it befaybctbis toafte Jan* be (jj become If bra garben of pleafure, anb tbe boybe, befolatc 5 bioben botonc eitpca • arcnoto ftrottgj befenfebagayne. %\)tn p reftbuc of p Joeatbcn tbat lye ronnbe about you, but tbcre toast no tyetb m mmM ben faybe be teo mcCbon f on ne of mab,p2opbccye tbou totoarbe § torn* • be:R2opbccy.aubfpeaHc to p toynu M$m 1* »■ '* « ■ 'I 1 ™ *] * I I'" J: .3 4 « 3 4 * i r . i ■ ■( 1:-l » 1' fl fc*yetl) tbe i.o;o ®otMHmwC tf>t Don awe) .far fromtbefowrevi^bcjM (&r blotjw vpon- C tbcfe flaynt tbat tlicp map bercftojcb toly fc . jfeo j p?opbrcico> a# be M com maflbcb me:t$>cncamc tbctyetb into tbcm, anb tbey wccaucblyMnbftobctjptipontbcfofctCjU mamclouggccatefo.itc. 4Bo t icouct,be faybe\jntomc:lE:bott ton* tic of man , tbcfe boncjs arc tljctobote Donfc of 3ff acll»&olbe,tl)cy fayc: ©rot bom*. oiiebo^ourc Dope i$gone,tocarcclimc cut JttWiv piopbcctc tbou,anb (tat to \>n H> to tbcm : tbu* faictb t&c i,o jo <5ou . i8t fjol- oc,3 tbill open your graiicc" ( sD my people) anb f attc you out of your fcptilcron, a; tyv n- gc von into tbe lanbc of 3fraclagayite.£>o mal l ye Unotoc tlwt 3 am t|>c iLojbc, toijeu 3 open your grauctf , anb bn'nge you out of tbcnU^y fpjctealfo totll 3 put iny on,awb ye mall iyuc:3 MI fet you agaync in your atone lanoe,att> ye (ball nnotoc, tyac 1 am m ioiO,tt»ijictJ Jwurfaybcit, anoftimlleo it w Deoc. %fctoO$b of tbe loibe came ton to me, fayutge: tfym fonne of man, tallica ftycttc $ tojy te Upon it ftnto 3ubaanb to tbe cjjyl* HKn of Jfraell $10 companion*. 'C&cn tone another ftirftcmibtojite Upon it:&nto 30^ ftpb toe ftock of epDMim^ to all tljc &ouf» lyoltic of 3fracll b& companion 3>«b than, tattirbofbthcfctogctbcr in tbync battbe, fo © fHall tfjete be one ttyckc tDcrof.Bott-yf tl;c c bylDjcn of tbp people fayc vnto the : totlt tboiittot tbetocty3\tobat tboumcancft by W ^be n ficuc tjjem tbi* anftocte : tbuss *or«.i.b. foyctbtbc lojb«5ob:bcbolbe,*3 toilltauc theftoca of 3orepb,tobicbia in the banbe cf ©ptjiaim atiD of tbctrlbc* of 3ftacll \)i$ k-. lo^,anbtofllputt!)cmtoti)tftocItof3u« *>a,ano matte tljem onettoclMinbtbe-p (ball be oneuimy banoc.#nb£ttooftichcB'tol.)c< re fcpotbou tojitciMbalt tljou jjaue in t#* ne bwb,t oat ttte» may fc,anb malt fayc \m to tbcm. _ 'frbugfayct!) tlje Lojb (Sob : befjolbe', 3 3t mi tafeeatbayc ttjc cbilOje'of 3fraclfroin amonge tbcfycatbcm , tjnto tobom tijey be gonc^anb Ml gattjet tljcm together on cue ry iybcanb bjmgc tbcm agaync intotijey* atone lanbe.yce, 3 toill make one people of t\ftmmt\)t lanbe,Dpon tl;e mountaimcjS of 3frael,anbti)eyalllbal!)aucbutoneRyiip:. r € i;cy u?a U no moje be ttoo peoples! m fcece fo?tb 5 netber bebeuibcb f to ttoobigbomesf: tbej'fbal alfoocfilctbeTeluesinomojctiHtb #c« abbominaciW,3bolc^,$ all tbe(etoyc fceb bonujetf.3 toill belpc the out of all their otocUinpxploccjSjtobcrintbcpbauefynncb: ano foilTo elenf e tftem,«ti»t tpey Cbal be mp l>ro»ie,attb3t&eit<5ob. a>a«ibmylcruattnt(balbetbc(rBynff^ t^cyal Cbal bau.e oncm^^bc onely. %})cv 1 Cl)t^opljetvt h* * * mall toaiclie in my latDOS,^ mv commauH* bementctf dwlltbey botb ticpe anbfultpu. ^bcyibaUbttjelUnt0elmibc,tliat:38aue ^nto 3acobmy fctuaunt>to|)erca»your fa tfjcwialfo bane b\»cU.^cc,eucn in tbefame lanbc u)al tbcy,tbeir cbylbjicn,? tjjeir cbyU berjs cbyib^cn btDcUfojteuccmo^e^my fec= uauntDauibCbalbetocircuerlaftmffcpjitt cc.^o^ouer,3tbilmaUcii^Rb6bcof pe* tD cc t6 tbcm^bicl) ffcalbclmtotlKman euer^ laftinjc couenaunt.3 toil fctle tbcm alfo^ multiply tpem,my Sanctuary ttili fet a^ mongtbemfo^euermoiie.* #)y btoeTlyntre *« m mi. malbettJitDtbcmryceatblllbe t|je(r©ob;* ml tbey (bal be my people. 'CfjUtftbciseatben alfo (bal wiotbctljat 3 tbe t o^b am tjjc io ly matter of 3fracll : to&cii my ^anctuaty malbc amonsc tbcm fo; cucrmoje. C^:i)e.rrrt3ui.CDaptcr. MtwWk Mtiiif* iurtlj anflppopneeD boiletmo t^tiauCcof p;omfu. toaebff.^cp;BpI)fdfOofl^p;opl»rtw,3;bfOeimic cponof^>m« i!ibtl)etbo?beof tDeiojbcamc 21' vnto mcfayinac. 'fcboufonne [of maiutmnctby facciKSPtotb' *t8 atbe <0oatDc lanbc of Wagoct Jb» wJcDefc ptfnccat %» fecb a tib 'iTubal : pjopbecy agayna bym, » liiycCbusffayetotbe Hojb<35Qb.*tf><£ocr * mm\ JJcDefcpuncc of%rcc[janb / Cubal:beboU imu be,3tbilltjpontbc,?tbillturnetbeaboute anb put a by tt in tby cbatbrj6t3 tbill bziniic tbe mtymm all tbinc uoott,bot|) jojfe, ahb boifmcn, vobiclj be all xoeapencb of tbe belt faffton.-a great people , f l;anblc altogether fpcarcttilbe0^ftbcrbcj3:tbe^crrcsi,«»o: nantf anb toit^ tbcm tlje iibiaio! , to|)icl) all bcatemrtbc0anbijelmettc0:(!5omcranball b^Dooftc^itbcboufeofCbogo^maoutof tbe no^tb quartcrjJ,anb all DijJ&oofre&yce, anb mocb people tbitbt&e. Wm m Prepare f,fct tby felfc in arayc ttoito all tDv people, that arc come \mto the by bcapc&anb be tbou tbeir befence . aifter many bayetf tOou malt be Wfiteb , anb in I latteryeareiStDoumaltcometntotbclanbe tljat Dat|) bene beftroyebttoitl) tfjefojearbe, $ notb in rcplenimcb a gay ne Mtl) biuer fe people \jpon f moun tatnejs of 3frael ) tDbieb f}auelQngelymtDaKe.2ee,t&cybeb?0Hgbt out of tDe nacionftanbbtbcU all faf e.^Mu maltcomct)pl(ttcafto ( nnytbctbcr J tocouer t\)t lanbc, $ a$ it t»ere a barcfc cloubc, tbou ttoitballtbinebofte^anbagreatcmulcitu^ be of people tbitb the. ^ojeouct^lmjB! layct^ tl)c lo?b <5 ob:3t the fame tymcmal many tbigetf come into thy my nbe,fo tba t tbou maltymagyn mv b cbefcanb faye:3 tt>yll\>p to yonber playne lanbe,femgc t^tv iptat cafe, ^ utoellfo fa= fely(fo? fely(fo^ tW btbell all fettljout ahytballctf 3D tfter'lntue nether barret noz bo^0)to fpoy > it tbe, to robbc tbe\ to lay e haoe lopon tbeit fo tbcll ibabitcb ttoylberneuciE(:againS that people, f t# gatbeteb toge tber from amoge the feeatben , tobicl) Ijauc gotten catcll anb goob,anb btucll in tbemiboeft of tbelanbe. ChenmaU^aba^nbDeban^nb tiiemar cDaritC)3iof^i>arus!tbttl)aUtbc(rtDo?tbie£« fayctmto ti)e:3lrt tbou come to robbef I^aft tbou gatDereb tby people togctbccbccaufe tpoutbiltfpoyle/'to taite fyluer anb golbet to fiary atbaye ca tell anb gooo, anb to banc £ 'Cbettwe, 4p tl) ott f onne of man, f malt ^opoecte^anti vayc tirtto ©og.'Cbu^ faictb toe lo?b <5ob.3n f baye tbou malt buotuc tbatmy people of jfraclbtoclletb fafc:anb malt come from tby place out of tfyenotti) partej3!,t|)Ou $ moco people tbitD t J3e toi)ici; rpbe tipon bo tfejai , toner of tberc tjs a great? multitubeanb an innumerable fo^te . £cc> . t^ou malt come »pon my people of 3fracll, &$ a cloube to couer tbe ianbe . %\w$ mall come to pafle in # la tter HapeiEf : 3 totll b?in ^ gc tfje t>p into my lanbe, f t|)e l)eat|if mayc bnot»emc,tbl)e 3 getme (jonom-e ijpon tbe ( €> 0og)bef o^c tpeir eyejef. $ %M& fayctb tbe to?oc <£ob : 'JJbou art |jc,oftbtiom3t)aucfpoften afojetyme by my fcruantcis f piopbctctf of 3frael, tbbico p«iopl)ecicbintboiebaycfiianbyearcs! , tbat 3 mulb b^inge tbe\)pon tbcm. 3It tbe fame tpme,t»ben0ogcommetbtjp into tbe lanb of 3fracl( faictb tbe to?b C5ob)mal my itx- bignaciongo fojtb in my tto^at J. jf 0^ in my gcloury anb Ijotc bifpleafurc 3 Ijauc bcuy » ItSfSffift iw*fl»* tberemalbe a grcate trouble 1 the Paffl ^nbe of 3traell at f tymCCbe Mcxv Utyisi in the fect&e fouler of tl;c ay?e, tbe bcafteiai oftbefclbc,anball tl)ementbat arc Upon tl)c ea^tb,mall tremble fo; feare of me. <5 'ft&c btllcsi alfo malbe turiicb \jp f ibe boto nctbe fray;c0 of (tone mal fall,anb all ttal less mal fy ncfte to tbe groubc. 3 ttoill cal f 0; a f tbcatbc t»pon t&cm m all my m outa incjs fayetD tl)c loibe d5ob .- fo that eucry mans fttcarbe mall be Mnon anotber.Mitb p? fty lcnceanbbloubctoill3pun(mebun:fto;my • rayncanbDaylcftoneiBt,fy?canb bjunftome tbill 3! caufe to raync topon l; im anb all bisi 5eapc n yee,anb \)pon all t^at create people tbati»tbit|)bym . 'C fjujBf toill 3 bemagni* fveb,bonourcb,$ anottme amonge tl;e if>ea - tben : tbat tbey mayc be fuce , ftotbc t|»t 3 am tjjc Jlo v tbc. 1 CC|je.)e)cirf]C.C|)aptet. fflj8fftweoEatieoffSsl)t«CQmp»ntftaJbfij?uoui'cUofl>p?Dcii anb bcaftw.toljwfoje f> pourt of anrracll ie teaRcb. ■ Wjtlcb;ing;iiiffcaB8rnfft8capem«Ufep;omp«&« ^erfo?e 3 €) tijoiifottntofm5iP?opljc= % Jcieagaywft <2?og, anb f pea be . fp ■fayetft tibelojbe ©ob: 26c|jol0e* *#«» <©og:tbou ebete prince at ^efcc|j anb %n* * bal , 3 tby II tipon tl;c, anb o^r 1 punyme t&e -$% ftrttO Tijce plagc^gt leabe tDe from t^ no?t|j par tejs, anb bjing the tip to the m ountainesf of 3fracll3tf foi t$v botbtsl tbill imvttit out of tbp left babe, anb caftttome arotbe^ out of tby rygbt liSbe.'CDou tbttb all t&ine beapcanb all tbe people tbat i& xt> tbemuft tall l3pon tbe mountayneg of 3fraell.^^en toill 1 gene tbebnto foules anbtoilbe bea> ftejS of t&cfelbe,to be beuoureb : tbere mutt tbou lye "bpon t\\t f elbe:f 0? cuen 3 tl)t lo;o |)aue ipoftenit,fayetb tbe io?b<0ob» . 3nto a)agog,anb among tbofc tbat fy 1 29 f careleffe in tbe 3lcjs : toill 3 wnb a fy n, $ tbey mal bnotbctDat 3 am tbe 1 jo,3 toil make alfo f name of my boUncfle to be ano tone amog my people of 3frael 1 anb 3toiU not let my holy name be euelf poben of city * mo?e: but toe loery tymtipm alfo mall bno= toe, tbat 3 am tbciojb, t^t Ijoly one of JU roel.l5ebolbe,itcommetb»anbmalbefulfil lcbibcbcfayctb t|)e loib d^ob.^wijstbc baye toljerot 3 6auefpow.'C|5cy tbatbtoel intbecitiejs of 3fraell,mallgofo^toanb fet fy ?e \)p on tbe toeapc"&anb burnc tbcm:m pi bes( anb fncre&botoc* anb arotocsf, by lies | clubbed: feuCyearcismaltijey beburnyngc tbcrof,fo tbat tbey mal eltfbjige no ttteHttf fro p fclbc , netber baue nebe to petoe botonc eny out of j> toobbe. jfo? t&ey malbauetoea ^ pegynotoctobume.'fcjjeymalrobbetbofe * tbat r obbeb ttym# fpoy le tjofe that fpoy * leb tljcm fayeti) t\)t lojb 6^ob. at tj)e fo me ty me toil 3 geuc Dnto <5ob 3 a place to be buriebin3frael, cue tbe valley, toberetbo» toto mm go from tbe ea ft to t\)i fee toatbe. 'CJjofc ftrauayletferby ,mall ftoppe tDer nofcsifoiiftencoc.'CbcrcmjilKSog 9 all fcytf people be burteb.anb it malbe calfeb tbe loal ley of tbepeople of (oog . &>euen monctbesJ longc mall tbe &oufe of3fracll be bury enge of tt)5 that tUcy mayc elenfe rfce lanbe.See* all tbepeople of the lanbc mall butie tbcm. ©,« mall be a gl oiiousf bay c , toben 3 getc me tbatbonoute,fa maync Vrnon tbe felbe , f tbe lanbe mayc be clcnfcb.it romenbe to enbe mall tbey fetter a that fcui i monetbejs longc. Boto tbofe f go tbo^oto p lanoctobcr e tbey U a mania! bone, t\)tv maltfettopa tose by it,tyll{bceb bu« cpcrjsijaueburteb italfo , in galley of tbe people of <5og. 36nb f name of t De citic mat bccaUcO^monabCyijSamultitube^buiS mall t&ey matte ttjc lanbe dene. 3nb t&ou fonnt of man ■ tw toyect) tlje •Ttp !** * ■ * 1' \ i -ft 1 ; 4 \ i I It - V r 1 : i; fS«l| i ■ i ? &Ojb ob.&peauc toito all tbcf ouli!* aitu ^Wbv^c,ycc,aimtoiiltljc\toilDcbtrnftctf of the tribe, beape pou together mm come, flatbcr von rounbe aboute bponmp llaugi*. * app.nr.6. naimbter bpon tbe monntapnc*of jfraell ratelety otto tyincnebloube.£c (bau*cate tbeflen) of t|>c lootftyc&t tyutitt tye blDWO- o|rbtpwnce* of tpelanbc : of the Wertee*,' tfmtmtettf tbeo:oatc*,anb of tbwn ■ f be till flapnc at ffiafan . ©arc the f af : pour . uclp1ruU,anon>tncbe bloubctpllpebr Dion : ben of the daughter , Wppcb 3 paue f lapne tmtop on. jf ill p on at mp table with $ o?fc* anotfrongc toiftnen ; with captapne*anb mm of Warrejfapccb eDe lo?b C5ob. * ^3tJwll tyingempgloipalfoamongcthe 0cntplc* , tDat all tijcbcatbcn mapc fc mp iubaeme'Mhat 3 baucttcptc, anb tap banb Web 3 bauelapebtjpotbem: that tfjcjjou ft of 3ftaell mapc nnotocbow tpat 3 am tf Ho k tb their 0obfrom that bape fotff. anb m btfatbenibalLfmoiae, that where a*the fcoufe of 3fraetl Were leb into captiupte: it waoto j their tDpeaebne* Caac,bceaufo then offenuebme. ^ $0} m toDiclj caufe 3 tyD mv face from tbem,anb belpuctcb tbem into tpe bate* of their enemies, that thep might all be (laine With tbcttbcarbc .accozbigc to their loncle" neffe (i Wait hfull bcallnge*, fo bane 1 en* trcateb tbcm,anb bpo mp 1 ace from tbem. (5 'fcberfototbitffapetbtbe io«tO0ob:0otb fotlt T| bjingeagapnc the captiuc* of Jacob $bauc mercpupon t^e to^olo houfe of lf= raet,ami begelou* foj mp bolp names! fane ail their cbfufion anb offence that t&ev ha= neboneagapnftmcftall be taken aMpc:« f o fafelp u)a| thep btoell in their lanbe- that noman ftjallmafee tbem afrapeb.ano Wbe" 3 bane b?0uffl)t tbem agapne from mitopre the people,t»bcn 3 bauc gatbetcb W t ogc= tbet out of their encmic»1anbcig,gt am mv fcbintt)embefo?cmanp^catben:thni.(bal tyty fenottoe } tijat3 am tbe io?b their (0ob tobitb fuffreo m to be leb into captiui te a= mouse $ ^eatben,but notto bane 3 b?oaat)t tbem apjme into ttjete attone ISbe , anb not leftoneoftljempohbce. after tpat , ttottl 3 bpbe mp face nomoie *nt.TrtbtJ> fromtb^bnttbillponre ontmp fipietctips ty boufe of 3feaelf fapetb tfjc io?bc (Bob. . . CC^e.rl.Cpaptcc. CXhi tcftoatpnge otttft t? tie* anb tttht temple tbae toa»to comei* ftetoen bnto tl>e }9?opiete. P tbe.^.peaee of oure captiutte, in m. begptmpmje of t|>e peare > t|ie . jr. WeoMemonet|):toatttt!)e.iciiii* peare,af tee tbat t|je epte ttoaji ftnpren tioto* ntxty iamt bape came t&ebanb of tbe iloi= be opitft me, anb catiebme f o?tb : euen into t^elanbe of 3fraelb?omjl)t be me in t|e oi= a ipontf of c?ob :$fctmebotbne , bponama^ nelonji \yvz moutapncittober bp6 tbere ttoa * a bnpiomscajj it Dab bene of acptrorofoatb tpeno^tb. . fpptber pe caeiebmejanbbepolbejtljcre fe,tbbicb ban a tobc ^f ftajc in W panbe, « a meteeobe alfo . i^e ftobe in tbe boTe ; anb rapbtmtome:maecfectbelltbitbtbineepe& ftS?^h tfoe ¥ c 3ujalujetbetWo[ to that intent tljat tbcp mpoje be fbmh I tberfojcattj) toongpt bptbee . anbtohat^ ^ e bplbc,tpere xoaja! a tuall on ^ ont fpbe kk toube aboute W bonfe: tbemeterobbe tbat ■ be bab in bw$anbe>toa0itye cubpteisionffa afpaime.^o be meafttreb tbe mm of the buplbmffe.tbhich tba* a metceobbe,anb the bcpfftbalfo a meteeobe . 'E^camebe bnto m ttfttom tbente tip tbe fteare&i mea. too tbe poftcg of f bo?e 3 ift)heeof eneep one toatf ameterobbe tpicne.Cnerp epSbietbaa a me tcrobbe loge $ b^obe: bettbene tbe cba= &^S^ m ?*W* ^epofteof f bW toitbm tbe po^clje, toa0 one meteeobbe . fee oo&tbbtcb contepneb a mctceobbe . %htn mcafnreb jjethecnttpeof tDebo^e, tDat eon tepneb cpgbt cubpte^ a Dijet W ler^ ttoo cu= bp tC)j:anDjtbw{ nttrpe (loOc intoaebe. 'Che chaberjs of tije bo^e eafttdarbe^ere tm on cuerp fpoc:a lp»e tyobeanb lonae. 'Cbc pilcrji alfo tbat ftooc of botb tto lym £ rcb tbebjpbencffe of the boje>tb!)ic& ttoa^.r. J "SSS^ t&t Depfftl) of the bo?e.riii. mbp= MMm cogc before tbe cbambersi toaio! one cubpte bjpbe bpon botb tl)z fpbe^ , anb m cbambje* ftr cubpte?! topbe of eptber fpoe , l)c meafureb tbe bo?e from tbe epbtre of one cbambic to anotber, tobofe topoenefle tba« rrD.cnbptcsJ, 9 oncbo?e ftobe aaapntt an 0- tbcr.li3emabcpilcr0airo.lr.cttbitcieo bab tbete entries alfo , tbhofe tbpnbobjcss tbete roun* be about toitbin. ainb bpon &Mm tbc» ec ftobe bate treetf. 5benb?ou8btbetne intotbefo^conrtc tbbtee atf tberc chamber* 9 paueb 'tboicaetf, mabe in tbcfoje courtc rounbe aboute. we. eOambiejet bpo one paueb tbo^cbciBoto the paueb tbo^bc tbajs a longe befpbe tbe bo?ei« ^^tbaijtbelotjjcrpauebwo^e.aifteetbW be meafureb theb^ebth feSthciotoee bowr, s&^9 f I mt B m , comt of tbe ontfpbe, tbbieb hab an.C. mbvttfi bp6 the eaft.a the t> nojtbe ofe^iel no?tbpaete. aitbtbe bo^eintoc btecrmofte couwtopatbetlienoitb, meafureb Deaftee theljatbanb bjcbeb.w* tbi*cb5= bjetf.puieroapojchctfhab winbowe* roubc about: wpofe bepgbt uja*.l.cubite*, anb the H tti* • W# PPUcr* ftobe towatbe the ptmoft court,anb bp8 tbem botb toere ba te tree*,anb.biiifteppe*togo bp bpon.lEhtr ftooea chambwalfo , wbofe intraunce wa* 225,5!? W*ft anbthcrctheburntoffc= rpnge*weretoafibeb. ^iv,h 3 il e H D ?^Po?cbe, there ftobe on eptljer Jjoe two table* fo?tbe Oaugbttnge: to flepe ^«K8erto»ftf!>noffecpngc*anbeee- fpaceofteringe* tperupo.anb on the ontQDe {• ; m JSiSEfS* t0 JGW ***• «« Kobe i M *hil bTc0 *X°" re tnble*ftobe on ether Abe tpep uauohteb . Jf oure table* were of bewf a| paife ionge anb b^obe.anb one cubite m-. SS9KSS L a ^l9!^tiftl*anb tuna. Ei ttlc| ? ft ! f ? t0 ^ e burnt anb SBSS2BEW4fl^ flm'abteb; o^obe, faftencb rounbe about, to bancte actli SrtJS2^J s 8?'*mber0in the in- warbe court befpbe the no2tbbo2eou«aaa= tbeeaftbo^eno^tbwarbe. ttJSSSSS^ ? ,,t0 '" p: ^bi* cbamb?c on i?fff'PWbrtbinlegthan.c.cubite* i anb ugbtmetothefo;eentrpeof tbeboufe , anb J»wfo»btbewaUe*bptbe?trpDo"e which wm.b.cubifc*iongeoneptherfpbe lb? tbpcane*alfo of the five on Vtber fpbe wa* * ;c«bjte*. y he length Of ftrmfc S fteppe* wenemen bp to ttbv the walle* al= f Were ppHrr* on eptber fpoe one. «.**. ^Itije.jflJ.ciwpter. CI6f Wfpot^tion anD Df urce of buplfiintratrapn? ™ CTn *™i Jter tl)isf, be brought me to the -. teple , anbmeafucebtbe pofte*, * Which Were of both fpbe* fpre tcubite* tbtcfte,acco?bpngto the , KAh ,, IWtbcnc* of the tabernnclcSTbe J^btbof f boje toa* .jr. cubite* , $ the wal-- le* of the bore n eptber fpbe.U cubite* . fee yl.cubjtr*^ the b^bth-W.^ben went be in SSJft OT^pft^- Web were two cubite* thicbe:but the bojeif felfc wa*fpre ubit e*,anb the b;ebth of the bo?c wa*. n cubite* . fee meafureb the length anb b?ebtb ** if 9? & e ra ? oc bwt0 ntC: tl)i*' i*tlje bolted ofal.%meafurebalfotbewauofthcbou= ft,whichwa*.bi.cubite*.^hechab ? c*that ftobe rqubeabont the houfe, were cuerp one iui.cubite*wpbe:anboneftobcbarbebpon V £* Www* P t| »£ walle* roiibeabout the boufe.tobf are tb? bp : but in the wall of the houfe , thep were not faftenei . %Wm $>$> c|)am- I *- ****. m ' hi? »t * • i ■ * i * i :, 1 iv ' .. 1 » - \ I* Y ( :* if r. i, i * [,' r $- £ »' j i i ' ■ J If. nit^opW jero. c&amUtftfwcrcf b*w p" wpbet, sbabftcp* pc* tbojowe tbcm routine about tbc boufe.! ^butf wa* ft w pb cr a b one, f fro tHe lowoeft 28 mmmpgbtgototbcbpeftbp pmpDb cM* bjctf . 3 fowc alfo ptbc t>oufc watftoctp w romnbe abou re . % be foutibatpon of tbe fyDt cbiwjc* v»asf a metcroobc , pin . tot. cubftc* tyoaoe.'Sbe tbiefcne* of tUc (pbc wall tM* ou t,contcmcbito.cHbitc*,anb fo bpb tbc out wall of tbecbamb2c* in tbt boufe. Bctwc ne tbc ctJMtahH *wa* tbe wpbe* lie *.jci:.ciibitc*rounbc about tbeboufcShe cbambie bojctf- ftobe oucr agapniMbcout* mall.tbe one bojc wag to warb p* ticket), tbc otfrr r towarbe tbc foutb : anb tbe tftptimm oftbcoutwallwa*.to.cuMtc*rtmMieabout ft owe tbc bnplbing tbat wa* rcpar attb to = warbc tbc weft, wa.s.ljrjp.cubite* wpbe : tjjc walloftbcbuplbingwa*.to.cubptt*tbichc tounDcabouf,anbtbclcngtbfourefco2tctt= bi b ojc to itt o tbe pnmolt boufe ■. nno witbout alfo . £>ce , tbe wbolc wall on eucrp fpbe botb witbin anb witbout wa* fi- , leb oucr wttb great bo2bc*.'£bcre were cbc* * rubm*anb bate ttec*mabe alfo, faiibatonc Date tree ftobe euer bctwirtetocbei'ubpn*. £Miecbetubbab twoface*,tbefaceof annii lokpmj afpbe to warb tbe bate tree, % a liond face on tht otber fpbe . <&|m0iDA0tt ma be tounbe about in all tbc boufe . £ce , tbc cbe« rubpnjtianb bate treetfweremabe from tbe grounbeW^abonctbeboM.anbfoftoDctijep alfo \)pon tbe wall of tbe temple. 'CbebppofteiX of tbc temple were foure* fquarcb, anb tbe fafyponof tbc fanctuarpi wa0* eueagitappeareb \)nto me alfoze in j J''- 1 Mto.* 'Cljc table wa0 of wobbc.iii.ctibitcs l)Vt anb .ij. cubpte0 lomjc : brtfcojn tr0 , tbe Icngtbf toe waiiejx were of wobbc. 3Bno be fapbc Wito me.'UbPtf it tbc table, tbat (ball franbeuefoietbeloibe.'&betempleanbtbe bolpeftof ail babeptberof tbcm twoboje* anb cucrp bow bab.ij.lpf le wpefectte 8 wbicb wrrefolbe* in oneV)p6anotber,onctierpUbe two. 3d lib top on tbc bo?c:g of tbc temiple, tber wrrcmabccberubin0anbbatctree0,libea0 topbntlje wallet •. anb aureate tbprfeie balhe of w oobe wa si before on tbe out fpbe of tbc pojtcbc. dips botb t})t fpbc0 of tbe walicgf of tbe pojeb>tberc were mabebepewphbowejs anb bate trce&baupng be ameg a nb balkcs, Ipuea^ tbe boufe bab. C^be.yUj.Cbapfcr. C0f tt>e rtjamlijrc of t^t temple (e; (Ijc p;m», . «n» <$t (oir (bpngts. ^cncaipcb be me out into f foic court towarbe tbe itojtb , * bio- 31 usbt me into tbe cbambie f ftobe oucrasapnft tbe bacubuplbiufi e no^tb warb, wbicb bab tbe legrb of an.C.cnbptcff.wbofe bo?e tiirneb to warb tbenojtb.'fcbewpbCMctfcontcvncb.l.cubp" tctf : oucratjapnft tbe .*& cubptetfof tbe vn* ncrtncrcourt.anbagapnfttbepaucbwozbc tbat wa0 in tbc court, bcf>be all tbcfe tbie, tber ftobe piller 0, one oueragapnft another; 3Jnb bef oic tbps* cbambie tbere wa0 a wal= ftpna place of. f. cubitcsi wpbe, anb vat^in wag a wape of one cubite wpbe SD'tljeit b o * ffl towarbe ftbcnojtb • ^Dbn0tbe bve&cW-< b? est were ai war c nar o wer t^m tbe loweft anb mpbbelmoft of tbc buplbprnje : foittyy bare cbambie topon cbamb?c,anb ftobe tljte t ogetbec one topon anotbcr.not baupng pti= UtH Ipuctbe lfo?c court : tbcrfo?e were tocp Onaller tben tbo re ben ctb anb in tbe mibbcft to rcRcn from, t^t grounbe topwarbe. ^:i)ewallWit|)Outt^atftobebptl)ccI)5«js bic0 towarbe tbe to tntoft court topo tbc f 02c fpbe of tbecbamtyeft xDa^.l.cubpf e^longe: fo? tt}t lengtb of t(je totmoftcbambies in tbe foic court wa0.l.cubpte0 alfo: buttbe If gtb tberofbffojt tbe temple wa0an.C.cubpteo\ ^rbcfc cbambie^ bab tonber t\nm an f ntraft* cc of tbe call fpbc , wbcrbpa man mpgbtgo in to tbcm out of tU fo2c court , tbojowe tbe tbicfte wall of tbc fojtc courttownrbe p ealf , rpgbt oucragapnfttbc fcparateb buplbing. j&tf oic tbc lame buplbpng topon tbP0 fpbc, tbercwcrecbamb2c0alfo wbicb baba wape tonto tbem, ipnc a0 tbc cbambie on tbe no?tb fpbc of tbc fame leugtb anb wpbcneiTc. ^bcpiintraunccfaibpS anbbo2e0 were C alfooftbefamcmancr.Pee,cucnlpftea0tbe otber cbamb2ebo2c0 were: fo were tbofe al- fo of tbe fontb fpbe.JBnb bcfo2ctbe wape to= warbc tbe fpngerg ftcppctf on tbc caft fpbc, tbcrcftobeabo^ctogoinat . 'Cbenfapbe be tonto m c : %%t cbSbf r0 1 o warbc tbc noitb? tbc foutl; wbicb ftilbe befo2e tbc bathe bupl» bpnge t tbofe be bolp babptatpong, wberem tbe wMmt bo fer upec bcfoie tbe toibe, mnfteate f moftbolp offcrinctctf •. anb tbcre muft tbcplape p moft bolp offering**, nieat offcrpnge0 , fpnnc offer pngc* , anb trefpace offerpnge^.fo^it iS an bolp place.tliaben tbc p? eft c0 come tberin, t])tt> (ball not go out in totljc foiecourte': but(fcpngetbep bebolp) tbep (ball Icaut tUc clotfesi of tljeit miniftia- tion. 2) tt't.i.a J5 Ein».lrb(.a. (Jf0.ffU c cpoit.anb put on otber gAMtffe&wbentbev baueaup tbpngto bo witb tbe people. , iaowe wMbe bab meafureb all tbe pnner* meJboufe,bc biougbt me f o«b tbozowe tht eaftpojte, anb meafureb tbe famerounbea^ bout . yt meafureb tbe caft fpbe witbp~me= terobe, wbicb rounbeabout contepneb.to.C; mctcrobbe0:3lnbtbeno2tbfpbcmeafurebbe wbicb contcpnebrounbe about cue" fo moth. , p tljou fonnc of man, *t biffi o w^ me (0 mp featc,? tbc place of mp fotfte ppc0, wbere n0 3 wpil b well a tn onge tbe cbtlbien of3fraclfo?cucrrno2c:fotbat tlje boufe of 3fracl ftiall nomoic bcfplc tnpbolp name: netbcrtbep,ncrtbcirBpngf0tl.jo ( {OWetbep2 Wb ojbomc, fbo2owc tbctr bpc placc0,$ tbo- rowe m beeb bobpe0 of tbeir Bitfge0:Wbicli bauc butlbcb tbeir tb2C(toolbe0 i mane r barb top6mptb.2eibolbf0,gstbcirpoftc0almoftat mp SaF'f a u,aU bctwprte me anb tbcm. tJ&"& m - ^oefpjeb mpboipname ri%f. a,, $ 0,m,,art0Mljl ^^?lHiucc5inpt. tcb. 9 fonnc dm*, mm tbou m boufbolbc of 3fracl a tl pic, tbat tbcp mape be aftjameb of tbeir wlclfcb= ne0,|meafurc M fclue0an ejcSpic tbf rat; * M$*>])mt\)t? bcaibamcbof alltbep? woicbfj , tben (be wc tljem tbc four me s fa * (bpon of tbe temple.tbe tomming in, tbego- bf^ttljiel \ *< 5fo.tbi ! Me out.all tbe maner anb beflripcpo tbcr= of :pee, all m tofetf 9 oibinaunce 0of it, tbat tbcpmapeacpeanb fmfpii autty fatbponfl anbcuftome0tberof. w w W(0tbebefcripc(5of^boufe.3bouc,© topon tbemount roubc about all the corner*, ttftalbef bolpeftof aH2Bcbolbc,tbati0tbe berenpeponanb faajpon of tlje boufe. i£X>h cubite: wbicb (0 a fpSne longer tben anocbci; cubptc,bi0 botomc in tbc mtbbeft waaa w« bite longeanb wpbe, anb tbe lebgc tbat wet rounbeabout it, wa* m ipamtc bzoaoe. %m (0tbebepgbtoftbeaultee.ifromtbcgrouub to the lower fteppc0,t|)elcngtb fe t wo cubt- tc0:anbtbc b2cbtb one cubite : anb from tbe i2SfflWPA8«** ' arefoucecu^ bpf e*,anb tbe biebtb but onecubitc. * HTbcaultar wa0.iiij. cubptc*bpe,anb * mmu 'from i tbe aultar topwarbe ftobe.iii).bwne0, anb it wag.Fij.cubptcjilojcanb.ti/. cubite* bjoabc, topon tbe foure co.2ner0.tbc coucrmcr yf tbc aultar wa*,rmj. cubite* loge 9 b/oa5 topon m foure coj net * , anb tbe lebge tbat m wentrounbeaboutbabbalfcacubitcano p r 6 botome tbcrof rounbe about one cubite:bP0 fteppc* ftobe towarbe m eaft.^nb befapb S"K m j£9 , ffl r S l,| w^ | na».tl»u0fnptbtbe lo.2be 0ot) : tbere arc tbc ojopnauncc* anb la wc* of m aultar : in tbc bapc, whan it 1* mm to offet : burntoffmnge^aub to flnm- lemte* tbat be of tbefebeof * ^aoocb , anb * M nm t tre a be bcfoie me to bo me fecupee, fapctb tbz «no. F iwa.b Ho{bcoob . Cinto tbere gene tbou a ponge bullocke foja fpnoffering: $ ta m ' 00 ^iponit.toDbe SSSSSSKSl^^^n^eigbe geattgn sDC> ij C^bc •I I fl * I 1. J;-' fe t i. » ■ *< i- n ! A C$bMrW»;.£baptcr. CBt wetot th tobat oo»c ot tbt ttmpu (o Ant . fee ft commauntM to bub/apo tbc people *»«b thtit offctts cr.fcbc ttiicfrrumrifcb fn tint anb in tyt fltfor. \tobo n« to be aDmieicD to tbc fcruirc of tbf templet tujjo to be rcfurto. Bit flittottb tubac p»ciic« bctooib bnuc flonrtttca into ttir boip piacc.ana alfo tbcpj olfpee. |5TtcctDigf,|)c tyougbt mc agaitie to tbe outwnrbcboje of tbe fan* ctuarp on tbe raft: fpbe , aim tbat wajs OmtW fapb f lc jb unto wrTO.tfbojcibalbettpllujnt.^ not openrb f ot flip nut to go f bojowc itibttt onlp to? f iojoc (5oo of 3lrael:pcc .ftcflwll go tboaoujc it, clsaf (ball it lie (but ft yll . 'fcbc ptinec bpm fclfc fliall come tljo^owic it , tbat lie mape rate bje an before tbc lojbc.aittbc pojebe (ball lie come in, anb there (ball be go out againefchf n bjottgbt be me to 1 1)c bo?e top on tbc nojtljfpbc of tbc boufe . aittbatf 3 * fro.rriJi}.j) iokcbaboufcmc, bcbolbe , *tljeglofpof tbe SiE'r.c ^0?0 Wit ° tljCljOutcatlO 3 fell bOUHtC ty)6 i.iuu.bttj.b mp face, g>o the lojbc fpake \»nto mc : £>i* "■p*"-**" ^foiineofma»nfaftentI)rj3!totl)pne|)i!tte:bc= ^!iolbc,aiiota(«tiil!0c«t|)cDetoalif'3tDpH fape tonto tlje, conecrnpng alltbc o % 2bpnatin= cc$ofrbelojb,frnllhitfiattetf:ponb?c\»cll mw'tl) thpne !;crt tbe comvng c in of trjc Dotifc and t&e gopng fbjtb of tbcTamtuarp ; $ tell tbatobftpnatebouCboIbeof 3fracll . ^tjujs foptb tbc lo.zbe«5ob : bottle of 3fracl , pc baucnomboiiyuougbUJitballpouifabbo= mtnacpoutf , fcpngthat pchauebjougbtiti* to m? fanctuarp (trauttgerftbaupng \jncir= cumcpfcbbcttciBianb flcu>, wbcrctriojoioe mp fanctuarp ttfbefpleb, \x>benpc olfre tnc b?cab,fatt,anbbloubc. TOttrfBtfJto all poure abbominacilontf pc bane Soften mp cottetiaut.atib not hepte the Dolp ojbpttauncctf of mp fanctuarp: tort fctt kepertf of mp fanctuarp, encn after poure a* roncmpnbc.l£bcrfojetbu0faptbtbt1lo;tbc t(r <3cb:£tfallthcftraugcr0tbatbvx>cllam6g ^ t&c tbftom of 3fracl,noftraungcr(i»bolc pert anb fle^c f not ctrcumctfeb jlball come t»i|:J)inmp fanctuarp. jao.nett&c leuiteg tbae ben gone bacbefro meant) &aue bifcea= tteotfte people of 3frael witbatl monrritf, mm after t&epj pbole^:tl)er fo?e Quill tbcp btarctbeirattjnet»pcRebncs<.^)l)uli»ct5cp be fct anb ozbcineb to mimftre Dnber (lie bo= re0 oftlje boufe of mp fanctuarp^ aEnti to bo ferupec in tt)e boufe i to flape burntol3ferpn= gejjanb fiicrifpcetf fo? tlje people : to ftanbe before tp,anb to feme tbem,fepngcilt)efcr= upec tljat tbep bo tbcm , (* before tbcp?pbo=. ^ Iej{,anb caufe tbc boufe of 3feael to ftamble MJate.u,i tbojowc tbep? voicftebue^ *JF o? tbc )i»l)icb caufc3&aue pluchte outcmpncijanDeouer tnem, faptb tbc torn, Co f nom tbep muft bcaretbep^a\xmeiniqume,anb not tu come ■npe mt, to feruc utc t»itb t top? pjcftbii be, in mp fancttiarp.anb mooft bolpeft of al.l:tbat tyty mapc bcarc f fjepj atone ftame aiiib ab= jipmuiatietf,t»l)fclitl)epI)atiebone.&i)ulbe 3 Jbfc tbcm to be pojte rtf of t lie lioufc/nnd to all the fernpec tbat us bone tjicrin i 25ut tbc t P?cfte^ > tbe!euiteiEl, tlje fonnc of* ^>abocb, * $w& mt fteptetbebolp o^bpnauuccigof mpfaii, an,,,r,,, " tt ctuarp,t»ljetbecijplb?eof 3fraci ujercaonc fromcujaUcometomctobomeferuvccto (tanbcbffo?eme,anbtoofrrcmetbefatanb tlje bloiibe.faptb t be io?bc d?ob. ^ ^bep (ball go (ntomv fanctuarp , anb ■ f reabc bcfojie mp tnble:to bo me ftruvce ,anb to waptc \jpon mpne o?bpnanncc0 . mm wben tt)f p flo in at f b o#0 of tftc pnncr met courtitbcpujallpiitonlpnenelotlje^fotljai: no wollpne come vpon tbern t»bVle tljcp bo feruice lonbcrtbebo^js of pfnwrmcr court, anb wit Ijin.^ljep f^all ba tie fap^e linen bo= netted \jpon tbeir bcadetf, anb Ipneu b^ecbetf tjpo ' t&cir lopnejs, toDiclj in tbeir labour tbc v ajaUiiotputaboutfbcm.^inbtob^tljepgo fp?tb to tbc people into fbe outtoarbe court, tbep Qiall put of tbc clotbefl t»bc Hit tbc? b« tie mittift reb.anb lape tljem in tbc babitati6 pftbefanctuarp,anbputonotberapparell, left tbcp Dnbalotce tbc people witb tbepj * 'Eljcp (ball not fljaue tljcp? brabe a , iter # i nojpujtbebuibeof tbep^bearc , btitrounbe *i«i.d tbep^beabf^onelp.^ailtbcp^ftetftbatgoi^S; 1 ' into m (itmoft court, (bail bjpneue no v»p= ne.t 'ftbcpfyallmarpno webowe .netber^ 111 ^, one tbat t0putfrfi Dec bnn)a"be;butamapbc ,ortf,M41 of tbc fecbe of m boufe of 3frael , 02 a we= botue tbat ba tlj bab a p^cfrc before. *^bep (ball (betjoe mv people t^t biffc= * tmm rcncebetvocnctbcbolpanb^nbolp.bctujift tj)t cleaneanb \mcleanc. 3fanpb(fco?b ait- fc, tbep (ball b(fccrnett:5gcucfentencc after mp (ubgc rncnt rjaf. ®)v folempnefeaft e jj, mp lauicxianboib(nauncejS(balltbepnepe,anb bnloroe mp fabbatbej5.^-*'Ebcp (ball co- «* mcatnobceb nerfonetobcfpletbcmfclucsi, & ercc pt it be fa tljero?motbcr,f 6 neo?baugb=- fiull,fW ter , biotber 02 fpfter , tbat batb babpet no bufbanbe,tnfocb mapc tbcp be befpleb. 3nb ujljen be i^clcnfcb, tber Oialbe rcue- neb tonto bim. W|.bapejS : anb pf be go into f fanctuarp agapn tobofcrttice, beujallb?ittg a fpnoffering, faptb tbc lojbc v5ob. *%lw # m m (ball banc an bcritagc : pee , 3 mp felfe tovll mim be tbeir bcrifagc:el!8ujailpe ge uetbe"no pof= 310f, "* t ' frffion in 3frael, fo? 3 am tbeir pou"cu"?on. 'Sbemfatofferpngctf, fpnofferpnganb trcf* paccoffcringe (ball tbcp cate,?&a- cucrpbc- *&* bicatctbpngemSlrael.ajalbctbep^. ^bc f p^ftlt ngeio! of a 11 tbc f p^ft fctttctf, ano all frc- iDplloffertugetf qjalbc tbc pjcttcfl . ^eujallgeuebntotbe p^eftcalfoall tbc fpjftftute ofpourf(rftbo?ne,ali3fap,« all tbat Wfcparatcb Ditto (150b, all poure bene offcringc!iC3 fave^Oinlfcc tbc p?eftrg,$ alfo f f n& Utiflcsf of pour bottgb. t <0ob mapc p?o« fpere of^ethtel, IMP* r P cw rtJC rcWl) " c - * 1&M no be cb carvon fltmi bebeaftejB,foulejaio?cateH; ^ t , "TOcmjCbapfer, C0Ut of ail ffcc iaoe of p;omM at tb« rtoante uu SuH !.! eo tbrermprceiic f«onbc Vo t ■umtStSZ lOen pc beupbe fbcitlbcbptbclot, pcftjall putafpbc one * parte fo* Jbc lojbe , to be bolp from otber bctfloge.anb.y.m^oabc/Cb^fbalbcbo* lp,a0ujpbea0itferottnbcabout.^f(bpjs parte tbere (ball beiongc bnto t^ fanctuarp HX tno ***ta «» tDf foure corners,? I ciibitc^ujpbcroutibe abouttotbc fuburbed ainbfromfbi0incafure,namclpof.^\).a). , mcterobbe^ oge, gf.y.m^oabctbou malt Z$"li I X&SFL *& ranctuarpanb tbc bo= Ipeftofallmapcftanbe. !S c iJ !*?» ? M Do fcru ^ c « *r ftncttia* tpof tbcjlo^e, anb goo in before tbc toibc to fcruc bpm,tbattbe p inapebaucrowmc to ovociim. fclfcjanbto tbclcuifes that feme in tbebott* XtM.W gtb m*,x.ty b.-cbtb : pe mall gc= ncalfo jnto tbc citfc a poltcfrionoft, . &. mctcropbcjbiobcanb.wb.miogc.bcfibe 2hK°f tD ? SiW^WW il-albc fo? tpe *umim«j» Wbole ootifc of 3;rael. * dtpon botbtbc fp= bc0 of tbf fancf uarpe0 parte , anb b'p tbc cp-- c tte,tl)rrcfljaibcgeucit\j:itotbcp ( tincc,VDl)at SfJKf, Kffto«"«ffaynfttnf citvc aifarrc Sffi?!? VKtoHNli cafttoarbe : wM wbcajiioitflcoiBionepcWtc, fromtl;e weft vitrotbceait. jrbisi Otflbe opjDf nwttc lanbc in Tfracl, p K?J? p 5 r 5J c ? oin ^«|wrtfeable\jntomj> pcople.3Bitb focbaieircmavnctbpet otter in tf lattbc, tlialbe gructi to tbc boufe of lime 1 ac= co^btngtotbep^ribftf. WMtaMt loib m 1 : ©pcp^ncf0,pcbaue noweoppjcffeb ano beftropeb pnougb 1 mm leattc of, batt^ cboujcacco^bing to tbc tinngc^ijicnuaii 0,1 1 .?JSR?ni U: 5^ Mft witmppconlenonio« i Kb f S^i H°^ c ^°? • * & m bane a true cpbabanbtbe barb ibalbealpke.flDnc bath v. SSS&SSF? W/'ptolwrte ^ an bonier, # f . * I?!I° *5f "L 08 * f PtJ«b bo.tbeir mcafure Ojall kSC?era^o tw SSSMf! ""MS- ^^»^Dcbeaucof= fS fi i' e|,rt i pr ^»P»ctobcbfaucb:tta= melp , tbc ,M parte of an epbab out of an jybab, out of an bomer of barlp 'Cbe ovic «be meafureb toitb tbc batlj: cu en tbc tctl; I parteofonebatHoutofacoi. beaitborrcrpng, to reconcpie tbcm (frpth the io^be ©Ob. Z ll tbc people W\ anhe Stall 3 gapnc , tt (balbe tfte pf(nce0 parte to ofr>c offf ringed bnto tor totfMn OrfeS SnS newemoone0,fabbatbf0 3 anbS feaftes; of tbe boufe of 3fraei , S S « SRaW^ffi De ? c,,r t0 rf co " £ ^lc tb'r boufe tpjft Dapc of tbe firft moneri; tliou 0»alt take SftSff5BEiW r »*• Wl Mac of tttontotb.'pofteBiLftbebourcauDtouontiic Itefii of tbc pnuermcrcourtc . anbthutf'niait tbott bo alfo tbe fcuentb bape ftp ? one \y ^ Wa»baiie^nnebo^igmSe ?*« , aii.^Cipaiitbc.^tij.Dapeof thifpzftmn- o.„ , JK^CT^^^^lcucnba^m^ tbe feafte contpuuc, tbberin there (hail in s>«.i*'.« ftm iter irueneb b/ceb E "are % * " fo? a burntoffcctnrj tonto JT loSn^in he SGatcbaplpefojafpnoM-rKo Vmcar- buloclic , an epbab to a rant . anb an hp . of pic to an epbab.Cl pon m fpft r ut bare of the fctientbmouctb , be (ball kene &c flnrn bWbolp, one after -ano fbe? ?nen a«"ffi ofljcrfciinibapf C :^thcfrnofferm?bur^ • «-•. JS^SF ^w^Ebapfcr. "' lm fattij tbc to?bc cvob; ^ bo?c ^ ifiS; "!» p "! ,fr wwttowarbc p' * Ibapctf : buttn tbe fobbotbanb in toe bapc of the neujc moottc tt J h f ^ fDo ^¥o?2r>anbfta.ibcft«iin5outi)p the bo;e cbecn. ^0 tbc p^cftrs (bail offrr ton SSSSSE? tIj 5 *W*MW ff bp5 wave mm m» m Upon tbe faUMtiw anb 23 t- t r t : tli' •j- t * ■ S t i. : il I :ii- . I 'Mi t- I 2 : fcll i h r newcmooncg.^DtttfnowciiDeburiitoffc- rrng.f tDc wince (ballbitpng tout o f llojbc topou tDc fabbotl):fprc lambc si wfCDoiJit blc* mpQUoa ram wicbout blcmi (b,$ an epDaD f of n meatoffering, wicD cDe raitn.ai gfo* tDc labcjS, be mapcgeuc ag manp meaccoifrrin* gr g Co client ag be willanb nn Dpn of o vie Co an epDaij • 3" t\)c oape of tDc ttcwe monccb> tc flmibc" a pongc buUocftc wttDout bli mi(b, tyre Ifibcfianb a ram alfo wttDout bumiQj. iUitlj tijc bullocne be (ball gene an epbab . $ voir!) the ram an cpDabalfoft«amcai:eoffc= ring : but Co c l)c lambc g> wbat be mapi: come bp. 3fcnb ener an Dpn of ovlc Coan epD«b. C Witn tbepjpncccomccb.bclbailgoton* bet flic oojr po*elic,anbcuen tbete bepartc f ojtlj agapne . ffiut wDcn the people of tDc lanbr come before cbe tojbintbebpc folc> ncfeafte , ag man? ag come mow «o?eb bojc to bo ujojfbpp , (ball go out agapneat tbc f outb boje . 3«b tbcp f bat come in at cbe i one b bo.ie,aiaii go fojtb agapne at f no?cb boje. ^IjcrelbnUnonegoooutaccbeboitc, wbcre became m , but (ball go rpgbt fojtb oucc on trjc otber fpbe , anb cbe pjpnee (ball go tn anb out amongc tbem. ^ SB pon cbe folcmpuc anb bpe f caftc bapeg ~ tw (balbc cbe meatoffering. $n cpba to a bullocne anb an epbab to a ram , anb to cbe lambcg,ag manp ag be will:buc cuer an ton pfoyle to an epbab . #owe wDcn tDe police mpngetD a burntoffcrpngojt an bcaltDoffe= ringc witb a frc wpll tmto cbe lojor.f coft bojc flialbc opcncD tonto bpm, cbac be mape po witb Dig burnt anb ficnitboffcrinjrx* , ag lie botb topou cbe fabbotb.anb wDcnpt gocb t o ( icb,Che Doje (balbc Quit after bim agapne. Im (ball baplpbjpng tonco tlje lojbc a I^be of a pcarc oloe wttbout blcmpfy to* a burnt offenitg:t&i$a)allbcbocucrpmo?mng. * 26nb foj ameatoffering.De iball geue tDc ^ fpi'te parte of an epDa, anb tDe tbpjb port of an Dpn of ople , to mpngle Witb m caUeitf , rucrpmo;ming.£cc>tbiga)albcabapIpmc= atoffm'nge tonco tbc lojbc :fo? an eiterla* fling ojbmaimcc : anb tbuiei (ball ti)t lambr mcatcoffering anb ople begeucn cuecp mo?= m'ng, fo? a baplpc burntoffermge. ^ozeouer , ttnigfapetb Cbe JLojibe ©ob: 3f tbc p?pucc gpuea gpfee \>nco anp of M fonnctf ( cbcnlball tc be bP# fonncjsberpcage perpccuall , tljat be mape poflclTc it . j&uf pf . be wpllgeuc one of bpjS rcruauntej3{ > fome i of * r cuurb ft WfittSm , it Qmibc M ^ar to tU * f^rc n\i.nm.t pearc , anb tben to rcturne agapne ^nto t^t ■St pjuncc : fo? bPJS berptage Cbaibe bPSt fonncji * i«.rr.trf.« onelp . * ^bc p?f nee alfo ftall taftc none of a.McflO.«.btbepeopIe0cnbentauuce,uer put tbem from rbeir poflemon : but to hi0 aume fomicJJ Q)alt bcgfuebitfpoffcfltoii.tbafmp people be not fcatcreb ab^oaoe , bnt tbat cucrp man mape baueDpjSatmie. ■ ft nb be toougftt me t(o?owe tfje (ntraficc at tbe fpbe of cDe bo? c to m ba bira m of t lie gnctuar p, t[)at belonged to cue mthtft anb ftobe toboarbe tlje no? tb, anb bepolbe, tbete wag a place Upon tUeweft fpbe , tbenfapbc d> be lonto mtMW ifitin place t»berc tbep;c= Itetf (bol l bpgbt tlje trefjiace anb fpnoftetpn* gcg , anb bane me atcofrcttngejs, f tliepnebe not beare tbem into tDe out warbe cottrt.anb foto^nbalowe tbt people. &o!jcb?ougl)t me into tbc Utmoft courte, rounbe about all tbcfoureco^nersi. Bebolbe, ineuerpcojnee oftbecourc,cberetxJniE(pcca!pciecourte.gee in all tbe foure co^ncrg of pcourt, tbere tea $ mabcalptlccourtof.x;l.cubiteitfl6ge,"j.rrr. cubitejS bjtoabe:tbefe foure Iptle courtess toe- rcofoneliHcmcafure:anbt[)erc\»entai'ib= gc wallrounbc about Cbcm all foure, \jnber tljctobicb tbere were Ijactbegmabe rounbe about.'^benfapbebetjntomei'Kbpgiieitbe necbm wbere m minifteriaf of the boufe (ball bpgbt tbe flnpnc offeringejs of tbe people. €^De.j:l\)tj.CDaptee. |[3CI)t biTpon of (!>t toatcte (l»at came out of the ttinplc.lDc coattw of tty lanoc of p;omf», ano f 5iuiCpon%tofbp(tpbr«. if tu tftfr be tyougbtmeagw? jncbefojecbebo?eoftbeboule: [anb bcboibc, tbere guQjcb oute jtvatei-gfrom^nber tile polteg , . oftiichnufg eaftwarbe , to? tDe boufe ftobe towarbe tbe call, tbat ran bot»» ne \ipon tbc rpgbt fynt of ttte boufe , tobicb ipetb to p aulCer fooCbttiasbe. ^en carpeb be me out to cbe nojeb bo?c, anb bjougbc me f o; f I) tbc re rounbe about bp tU totmoft bo?c tbatcurnecbeaftuiarbc.^2i5eboIbe,tbcreca' me f ojtb tbe water \ip6 tbe ngbt fpbe; iliou) voU Cbe man Chat bab Cbe mccerobbe in bp tf lianbc mntymtQtyt call bo?e, lie meafureb a^.cubiCfjSjanbcbcnbeb^ougbCmccbo^ rouic cbe t»acer,euf totbeanclej8:fo be mea= furrbpctacbouGinbcanbb^ougbtmecbo^ roujeclje water agapne tmco cbe hneeg; pet mcafiircb be a tboufanbe , anb b?ougbt me tbojouictbe water bnco tbc lopneg . 3Cftcr ti)t0 be meafureb a tboufanbe agapne, t^cn wag it focba rpuer, tbat 3 uipgbt not wabe tbo?owc it . %\)t water wag lo bepctbat it wag nebeful to bauc ftoimmeb.foiitmigbt not bewabebouer. 3nb befapbetmtome: baftcbou feneebpg, €)cbou Tonne of man/ anbwifbebat, beb^ougbt me to tbe rpuer bancu agapne. iaowe wben 3camctbere,tbere ftobe ma-- np trccg 1ipon etber »>bc of tbe rpuer bancue. Uben fapbcbewitome: ^M water tbat ftowctb ouce totoarbe tbe eaft , anb ru nnetb bownc into tbc plapnc felbe, commttbfoto tbe fee : anb from tbe fee tunnetbout.f ma a nctb t\)t wnterg wbole . gee , all tbat Ipue 9 moue, wDernnto tUpgtpiicrcommetD, (ball rccoucr, br^echfel, anbjim.l H5 »». {Der Jalbemocl) fpu). # o^alUDatt cgmtei \^m tptj)(0watet,iejaibeluftpanbwbole, m Wmmmi tDe fpltberg ftilbe ftomet£ ff SS ^€n©giaim^tbcreteabout Cbeir neccegifo^ tljcrefbalbe greactjeapegof rpib, ipue ag in tfie mapne fee.^g tot lug da- SS&ffHP 1 ' ^W «otbe wiole , fo| wDMtftaibeoccuppebfoKalt A ^?£W(S rpuer \jpon botb tfie ftbeg of toe We, tbere (ball grouse all mance of frute= full treeg, wpofc leaueg (ball not fall of , ne* tbec (bail tdeir fr ute perpuj :but euer be rppe at tbep* monetbeg:f o? tbep? water runneto oute of tbepj fanctuarpe. l^pg rrute ig gooo toeaMND Digleafe p?ofptablefo?mebicp= ne.'^pug faptft tbe torn (Bon •. let tty$ be tbe bd?ber,wt)erin pe (ball hm^nt tbe lanbe Mnto tbe.jcrt.eribeg of %tmi, witb tbe ipue* ,..- i&arteit tnbpfferetlp tinto one ag Wito an- km-ms otbees*of tbe ui|iicb lanbe3 fwojetmto p& ? fatberg,tuatit(bulbefall topoure enperp- taunce. Wgigtrjebo?bcroftbelanbet)pontbe no?tbfpbe,from tbe mapne fee,ag men go to ?aoaoa : namclpij)emaef),i5c roCba,^)aba» rcmifromtl;ebo?bcrgofS)amafcuganD tyv matb tinto fea^ar ^icbon,anb f lictb ^pon thecoafteg of Ipaucran . 'Ebug t\)t bojbcrg frotbc ftcfo?tb,u)albe !9a?ar euan tpc bo?= bcrof2Damafcug,tbeno?tDanbtbebo?bcrg ofl9cmatD,tnattgtlicno?tbparte. . "Ebe eaft fpbe (ball pemeafure fcom H)a» jj)Ucrananb?Damafcug,from(i5alcabanbcbe lanbe of 3ftaelbp 3o?baneanbfofo^fj, fr5 tbefeecoaft.tbatlpeCDeaftewarbe.aubtpig ig Cbe eaft parte. Hbefontbfpbe ig.from ^bamar fojtp to tmt.n.b tDe* waterg of ftcpfe tinto Cabeg tDe rpuer .fo.fbo.b tot|iemapncfec:anbtbatigcbcfoucbparce. %^z wcftparccmamelpcbegreatcfccfro tbe bo?Dctgtberof, tpll a ma come ton to ioe* matb.tbpgigtljc weft parte. Hmmt ^bpglanbeCballpcpacCcamongpou, acco^bing to t|ie trpbeg of 3frael,aub oeup> immt,s 5. citt0 »f«n bcritagcfo^pou ,*anbfc?tbc tow ftraungcigtbatbwcllamongcpou, anbbe= muu getebilb?en. Jf o? veujalltaUe tbem amonge cbccbplo^enof 3frael , Ipbeagtbougb tbep were of ponrca wne bouCbolbe anb contrcp, anb tbcp (ball ftaue be ritage n5 pou amonge tDecbplbiicnoOfrael. totte in wbat trpbctbe ftraungcr bwe I* Jetb, in tte fame trpbe (ball pe geue bpm bw* bcritage, faptb the lo?be <^ob . ^^..S^^ltoiij.Cbaptcr. lot f to of tbc otbtc ttpbc o.abe gatrs of ti>* rttpc. Ifeefe are tDe nameg of tDe trpbeg tDat ;!p(topon tDe no^tbfpbe , bp tDe wape Wfrtim » rpll tDou cemeft tonto Ji?e s 5la,cbiir SSUKUSSf^ra^ from wow Ban from the eaft fpbe tontotbe weft , (ball guerftorti tbe eaft parte tonto tbe weft Oiall rt*Jw Di0 potion. y MWI tbc bojberg of muben from flje eaft quarter tonto toe weft, (ball 3uba bane W poiwon! ^^^^•mcterobbcglongeanbbzoDe.liUe agananotbcrpo?cpon fro tbe eaft fpbe tonto tDe weft, wperin tDe ftnet uarp (ball ftanbe. i ;°S h?S e Wt? Woe.jttto.#fonge ' Fl a * j.r ; a).b?obe.tt)DtcDfei)aratcbbolppo«(on Jail belonge tonto tbcfe : namelp to tbe mc- ^J^P^^tu^MUnXitomvf becbeweft.£.^tyobe,eowarbecbecaft.ra ^).b^obealfo,|tott)arbetbefoutb.]i:rto.€). longe, wDcrin gfanctuarp of tDc lozb Oiail tab e.^ec, tbig fame place (balbc the piefteg, tbat are of tbecbilb?cn of *£>abocb anb ba^ * e« «w.b ueftept mp bolp o^binauce: wbicb wentnot "**w»*. aftrape in tbe erroure of tpe (Mitten of 3f= ^ racl.lpBcagfDclemtegargoneaftrapciaiib tbpgfcparatebuccetbattbcpbaucoflanbe, (balbc tbc nroft bolp, barbe topSthe boibecg of CDe leuiccg. 3tnb ncjee tonto f pufteg a;all tDe Mm .ryto. m . longe;anb.r.a. b?oabe . 'EbPtfOialbc on euerprVbe.wto.^). longe,anb.i;.a).b^obe.€)fcbtgpo^cpecDep Jail fell notDing.ner make anppermutatio tberof , left tDc cbefe of m lanbe fall tonto otbcr.fojit tgbalowcb tonto the lo?be. f Dc otDcr.to.^).after tDe bjebtb f ipccD bptbc.jCirto.a).Qialbc commit (ball bclonge to tbencpeanb to tbc fuburbcjgfo? babita- tiong.anb tbe citie (ball ftabc in tbe mibbeft tbcrof.3Lettbigbetbemearure:towarbetbc notfD parte .to.C* Mil®), towarbcf foutb partc.to.C-* Mii.fy. towarbe the eaft part, to.C.Mu|4J).towarbctbeweftparte.to.C. nnb.iiii.^). „ %he fubnrbcgbarbetopontbecitpe,(ball Imue towarbe tbc no?tbl.anb.(j.c.towarD tbefontb.I.anb.ii.C. towarbctbe eaft.i.anb ij.Ctowarbe tDe wcftalfo .l.anb .ii. c.3* fo^ tDe refibne of tDc lcngtD,CDat IpctD Darbe topon tDc feparatebpolpgrofibe : namelp. x. mtowarbetDceaft,anb.jc.&):towarbetbe tDewcft,nertetontotDeDolpno?c(on:itanb tDc (ncrcafe tDccof tyall feme h% tDcir meat: €>€) tiij tDat tl - (I t\ ■ « .1 i w _ ■ t ; - I ■ I i i.i ! k; ( i 4 fc. 'r J ;-ii tbat labour c in the ci t y e/Cbep tbat laboure f o? tbc rocaltb of ttjc citpe, (ball mapnrcyne tbp* alfo , out of \»l>at trpbc focuec tficp be in 3frael. 3 li tbat f * fcparateb of tbe.jtjb .4».15ge muWo. &).b?ooe on the fourc partes, tt»at - (ball pe put afpOcfo? tbe fcparateo po;icpon '*• oftbcKinetuurp,anbfojthcpoffc(fton or the citpcCbc redone ttoon botb tbc libc* of tbe fanctuaryanb poffcupon of tbe cityc .(ball bclongcto tbe p?pncr,befoje tbc place of tbe jcrb.e).bntotbecaftenbc,fr before tbe place oftbe.ti;b.^).\»cftt»arbc\)ntotbcbci?bci:jS of tbir citpe : tbl* tbalbc trjc pjpnee* pompon. ^by*ibaIbetbcbolpplace,aub tbe bonti? of tbe fanctuacp tball ftanbe in tbc mpbbclt ■fiDojcoucr, from tbclcuyte* anb tbe wept* polMion,tbat ipe in tbcmtbbcft of tb< ptfn* ce* partc-ioltc what rcmaynctb bctwijct tbe bo?bi:r of3ubaaiib t-bebojber of j&ffunrin, ttibaibc tDcpzpiiccss. #oi»f of the other trpbc*. ffrom tbc caft parte \mto tbc wcft,C&ail Ben[amtuljaucbi*po?cpon.Upoutbebo?* bet* of uStnfamin from tbc eaftfpbc unto p UftMMU Mneon bauc bt* potion. Upon tbc bojbcr* of £>pmcon from tbc caft parte ^ Unto tbc t»eft, (ball 3fabar baue bi* P0?ci6« ^ Upon tbc bojber* of 3fauar from tbc caft fpbc 'bnto the t»cft , (ball ?abulon baue bP* po.mou.Upan tbc bobber* of ^abulon from tbc raft parte bnto tbc weft, (ball <5>ab baue &i*poupon.Up6tbcbojbct*of(!5abfoutb' txrarb. fbccoaftc* (ball rcacb from 'Srtiamac f ojtb bnto t\)z water* of ftrvfc to Cabc* , $ to tbc fl oubc, eucn bnto tbc riuipne fee. r£-«utim W«0 •* f be lanbc with bV0 * pojepon*, 3 r wbicbpc Ml bpftribnfe Unto the trpbe*of 3frael, fapctb the Hojbe <$ob . 'Cbu* ropbe (ball tbc citpe rcacb Upon tbe nojtb pairte.U C.anb.iiij.mmcafurc* . 'thepojtc* of tbe citpe , (ball baue tl;e name* of tbc trpbe* of 3frael . %\^z pojtc* of t\it nojtbfpbc : one 3&uben,anotber3uba,tbctbP?be!leut. Upon tbc caftTybc.biC.anb.iiij.&J.mea" fumMjjitb tbje po?tej3f:tbc one 3ofcpb,ano= tber 2Seniamin,tbetbP?bc Dan ; Upon tbe foutbrpbe.b.e.anb.iuj.^.menfute*,Witb the the pojtc* : t^e one £>pmeon , another- 3*acbar,tbctbp?be?abulon . 3Gnb Upon tbe toeuTpbe.UC.anb.tiu}. menfuresf, wttbttoe po^cjSalfojtbconeccfaD^notbccaillcr.tbe tbpjbeBcphtalt . 'fcbu* (ball it bauc .jcvmj. £r).mcafurc*roiibe about. 30nb from tljattyme fo?tb,tbenamc of tbe cltpcftjalbe.tbelojbe ijJtbcre. fSfBamel it Cfche enbe of tbe #*opbtcpe ofe?ccb(cl. CCljeboofeeoftlje IWfjete Dantel. $*xih ITOefwftCbapter * y$> (ridf p;op!j«t ftftort!) (!)c eap^utte of 3|c&oaWm fcpngf of 3iun«. iDf % neof3eboaRimWnflof3u= ba , came ^abucbooonofo* Kpii ere of 2Babilon b ut o 3e- rufalem,»befe(ieb(t:*nnb t^t I0jtbcbtipneteb3eboa= ^ - u ^ . t mm *fr ft ? n ff c °f 3«ba into w$ nanbc,t»(tb certapne o?namentesl of tbe boure of d? ob, tDbicb be carpeb awapetmto tbclanbc of £>e"nar,to tit boufe of bW^oo, nnbtberc bebjoiicrtjt tbemtntobPiSfiobbeis trcafur p. 3C no tbc^piiffe fpahc bnto 3fpba= jiaj m cbcfe cliambcrlapne , tbat Ue (bulbe mm bpm certapne of tbe cbplbjen of if. eael, tbat were come of tbe ftpngesl febc anb of p?pncciei,po!j£fe fmmtgnlbeatDitbotit cup blcmp(b,butfap?canb welfauo?eb, (nftruct m all wplebome , connpnge anbtjnberftan- bpngc.t»b(cb were able to ttanbe in tbe liin= m 1 palace, to reabe anb to learne f o? to fpea . UeCbalbepO). Unto tbcfc f be bpnge appopnteb a cer= tapnepo?ctonofbiis atone mcatc, anb of tbe wpne, tDl)icbbcb?ancRcbpm fclfe , fotono^ rp(b tbcm ftotftm : rtat aftecujarbc tDcv tupfibt ftanDe before m bpnge * ^monae tbffcnotocujcre certapne oftbecbplbren of 3uba:namclp Daniel, 36naniaiB!,a5iraerilb 3?artaj(. unto tbefctbe cbcfe cbaberlapc cane otbmiamcjtf, ano calieb 2>antel, m\* tljafar:aiiiaiua0,^>i^acb,^ilbel,^?(facl): nub 3tfana0,3li)cDnaao . aiSut Daniel twajS at a popnt toitb bpm felfe , * tbat &e wolbe not be befpleb trjojottictbe ttpngcssimcate, net W txipne toljico be louche. 3dnb tW be befp^eb of tbe cbcfe cbiberlapn, left be Omlb befple bpm felfe . g>o obgane Daniel fa= uoure ano grace before tbc cbcfe cbSberlapu tbat be (apbc bnro bim : 3 am afrapbe of mp 3Lo?betbcHpna,tx)b(cbbatbappopntebron vour meatc anb D^ncuerleft be fpve mm fa- cejjto be UJojfc ipftpng then tbe otber fp?(n= galbcsf of pour age, anb fo pe Cbnllma'Be me loTe mv bcab t)nto tbc upnge. %m Daniel antaereb 0)elatTar,tt>bom t^t cbefe cbamberlapne bab fet oner Daniel, ainanfas^irael anb arariafcanb favb: C> fjoucbuttenbapcjitBitbtbpfemaate^ano let b Jbaue potage to eate,^ water to tytoe* fee : then lobe bpon oare face jt, 9 tbep?0 tbat eateoftbe&mfle0meate.8nba0tboufepfr, fobeale MKRAd 5m(f ,(lii. a. * JSm.jiiiit £obfw.b To beale With tbp fer uauutcjH . $» be con fen * tetj totfiem in topfit matter, ^p^oueb tbem.jr< oapei^. Znti after tbeteu bapcjei.tbep^ fncesf were better IpWnge anb fatter ,tben all tbc fottgefp^ngalbcjJ,wb(cbbpDeateoffftpns gc0 mcate. 2> '£bu$J£) elattar tone awape tbeir mcate anb mpncnnb gane tbcm potage tinrfoje. (0ob ^ik WW* tbefe foure fp?ingalbc0 co^ npnge anb lernpng in all fcripture anb top U bomc-.but vjnto Daniel fpcciallp.begauc \)tt- bcrftanbpnge of all \twm$ anb o?eamcj{. & owe wben tbc tpme t»atfc;cpp?eo,tbat tbe fepngebabappopntcbtob^pngintbefepong fp?pngalOc0\jntobpm:thccbefccbabctlap» nc b^ougbttbt* bcfo«iei^abucbobonoro?,anb tbeutugecommuncb tx>itb tbem. 26utam6g tifem all Were founbe none foclje a0 Daniel , ananin* , $)f (acl , mfoWmttf. ^bcrfo^e ftobe tbep bef o?c tbc feinge t»btcb in all t»pf- bomcauDmattcr^ of bnberftanUingc , tbat be enquereb of tbcm,founbe tbem ten tpmejS bettectbcnalltbefotbfapcrganbcbarmcrja!, ^were in all bWrcalmc. 3ttnb Dnntelabobe ftpll, bnto tbc fp^ft peare of bpngc Cpmsi. CCbc.ii.Cbapter. CSbe ojeame of /3abucbooonoro?.©c caiietb but o • ftpm rotbfapcfa.nno rcqupirtl) of ct>£ botb (be bjeatnc «nb (be tii(erpjc(acp6 (betof.SbfP anftoetc tbattbfp tannot (btxoe it . Ebe Kpngc commaunbctb fl!J tbe topCc men of jsabpion to be flapnt.Daiiiei re nupjtcb tpmetofoititctlje queftpon. Zht Eojbc openctb tht mptterp bnto Samel, bamcl ie bjougljt bnto tbe Upnge,* (bctuctl) bpm bpa bieame anb tbe mtcrpjetaj ciontbetof.oftbeftieriauTiigehpn?bomeoecb:p(t. & the fcrobc pcarc of tbe rapgne of ; jSabncbobonofoz , bab .ftouucbo= •]Ocnofo?ab2camc.*U)bercti)oiotD him fp*etc t»as! ticrcb , anb bijxucpc b?ane from bpin/Eben t])c fcpngc cominatt= Deo to call to getber all tbc fotbrapcrs , cbar= merjl , txjitchc^aub caber* ,fb 1 to ujewe tbe Rpngc bPJJ o«ame.^)o t\)tv came , anb ftobe btfww Bpnge.anbtbc fcpngcfapbe unto t$ : 3 bauc b^cameb a Dicamc , ano mp XpjC" te watf fo troublcD tberwttb , tbat 3 baue clcnc fo^gottcn,t»bat 3 bjcamcb.Upon tW8 03* tbeCalDccsf nntocrcotbe Itpnge^in tbc fmtoa$ fpeacbe; apngedjob fane tbp lv= fe to^cuer. g>bctoc tW feruannteci tbc bica. mf,anbtt)cibaiaic\)jc tbe ,\j)bat it mcanetb. % be kpnge gatie tbe Calbecc tljcpd anrupcre anb fapbc: 3t it gone fro me. VJ pe t»vll not matte me tmbcrftanbe tbc became urttb tbc intcrp^ctacpon tbcrof , vc Oiallbye.anb poure boufe* (balbe p^pfeb . n6ut pf pec tell me tlje became anb tbc mcaupngc tbe* rof,pc (ball bauc of mcgpftcCrctuarbc* anb % grcatebonoure : onelp, luewemc tbe became anbtbefignifpcacpon of it. 'ftbepanftocrcb «gapne,anb fapbcitbe Uynge muft flic wc W fcrnaute* tbc became, anbTo (balltue becia^ re what it mcanctb- %bm tbe Upnge anfvoc* rebrKiping:3 perceaue of a tructb.tbat yc do but pjolonge tbc tpmc;fo? to mocbc a* pe fe, tbat tbe tbpnge (*gone fro me . ^bcrfo^epe u>pll not tell me tbe bjeame^efltmll all baue one nibgement. 2Sutyefapne^0!(TcmbIer6 T9apne\»o;0c*,t»b(cb PC fpcaftcbefoite me,to .put of tbc tpme.^berf oit tell me tlje became, 9 fo (ball 3unot»e,pf pe amtymt me, what ttineanetb.Up6tbi&pCalDrc0gaucanft»c* re before t\)t ftynge.anb nipbertberr W no ma Ijpocartb, tbat can tell tbc f binge, tobtcb tbe bpnge fpeakctb of: yee , there i* uetber Upu* ge t 0m ncr io.zbe , tbat eurr affteo foctjc tbvn&ta at a fotbfaper.cbarmer 0? Calbeer : fo? (t (* a ^crybarbemattcr.f tbe hpngcre^ qup;etb.iaetberWtbereanp,tlwtf5certirpe t\)t npnge tbcrof, ccccptc tbc g obbeo 1 •• utbofe btoellpngetgnotainonfic tbc creature*. 5fo? tbe tobiebcaufc tbc Upnge was w^otb € txntbgreatcinbtgnatton.anbcommaKbebto beftr ope all tbc topfe men at Babylon-.* tbe pioclnnincpontBentefoJtb, anbtbe ujpfeme tbcre flapne. Hbcp fotigbtairotoflapcDa* nicl t»iti) bto" companpon* 'Clen Daniel en= qucrcb of 3Er(ocb tbc Ringc*fl:cT»arbc, of tbe tubgement anb fentcce, tbat t»a* gone fo.nb alrebp to ftpll focba* toece topfe at iSabplo. ioeanftxjcrcb anb fapbc bnto3£riocb bepnge tben p Upnge* bebyte . U)bP iwtb tbe Upnge p^oclamcb focrnella fcntcncct' ^oltriocb tolbc Daniel t\)t matter, upon tbt*. tucnte Daniel \jp , a«DDevV«b t\\t \npiw,t\) t \t be mpflbt bauc lepfourctoajctDctbc Itpngctbe tntcrpzrtacpon,* tbeucame be borne agapne 9 (bctocb tbe tbpngc 'onto Quanta*, awacl ef^faria*lji*e6panmn*:f'fbcp(bulbcbcfe= cbe tbc <5ob of bcaue fo? grace in tbp* ferret, tbat Daniel 9 bv* fcleU)c*VDitbotberfocl)c a* tor re t»pfe in ioabplo , perilbeb not. ^1:5 toa* p mpfferp 0)CU)cb bnto Da nicl i n a bt« fpon bp npgbf .3nb Daniel pjapfeb tbc Coo of Ik auc.Daiucl alfo crtcb lonbc,? fapbc : O tbat the name of oobmpgbtbc p?ap(cb foi eucraitDcucr,fo;wpfbomcanbftrcngtn arc ^ Ijp*avone: * be cbaungetbfbc fpmc*anb a^ J^ anf m . geg+bcputtctbbottiucUpngc^bcfcttetbbp ttm,u ' nyngc*:* begeuetbwpfbomc\jntof wpfe, l° b ;";''": c 9 bnDeraanbtngcf tbofe tbat \jubcrltanbc, &"n«e;E beopcnetbtbcbcpeffcrctc*.bcUno\uctb tlje *J? b " r V, b tluugc tbat Ipetb in bardtneOe * f m tbe lpgbt 5 fSSS& b\BclletbU3ttbbpm.3tbacUetbe , swayir p ( (D tbott we the ttpnge t|)c intcrpjctacpon. ^bcanfwcreOtbcttpngc,frfnpbeUntoa>a* £«]» WDjft name wa0i5ait&ajar. 3tt tbott "etbatcfffttoewemetbe bjcame , t»DfcDc 3 jm fcnc.st&etnteepjetacpott thcrof fiDa* HfipftHJ *& c W* 'o #0 face? rapnc: a*ft2ffy# fecrcee , f o* t|ie wbicb «c ttpnge rnnketD "iqmflcvott:tt itf ite«»cr tUc wrfc.t^c lOKmr, tbecbarmer iter tbirbcucllcomurcr, * m*tmt. tpatcAcffrfifpetlie ftpngeof it. * flDnlp <5ob in Deatirn ca n oprtt fecrcteMnb be it lit, that fteuif p t|jc h j»»ffc iSabuctJoDoiiofo^, t» Jat tffpj to come in the latter bayesf. e ^b^came,* tbatwbicbtboubnlr-tenc in toiMic jieaD Upontbvbcb,i0 thi0: CDfepngc tbouopbeft call t'n tbpmpnoe > what wulbc come bcraf trr.&o be that 10 p opener of mp= ftenesr, felie;fitbe,U)bit3bauc,mo2ctbcneny other l]>umgc:butoiiclpp3mpgbtajcwe£ttpngc we tntcrpzctacpo.aub f bat be inpgbt ftaiotoe p mmmtH of bitf a wnc hcrrc. qrpou ttpnge fa welt , anb bcboIDe : tbcre ftobe bef ozc tbe a pate 3uiagc, whole fppre matf tnarue* loutfgrcatc,anbhp;gUifagc grpmmr. %ht 3mage hraoe watf of fpnc golOc, bps bwft « «irmcrtoffiiiin\l)ifl(l)oDp«noioT>nrjSU)rrcof copper lug leggcjei were of wo, bvfi fete were parte of yjon,anO parte of cartb. *mmxtu * Wsit&oii faweft tpll,thetpmcf, with *iftMT,b, out cm' banbr s, tbcre waohewen of,a (lone which fmotr tbe 3tna&c Upon tfte fete , tbdt pere ootlj ofMon ami cart {.ano taattc tbtro to poulbrr* ben was t be pion.f becarti), the copper, tbefpuur anDgolDcb^obcn nliogc tocritipcccu :anb became Ipttc the ebaffVof conuybattbewpnbeblowefb awape from fbcfomft-fiooKjai , tbattbeptannomcucbe founbe.^uttbeftonetbatfmotefhcpmagc, bewmeaffrcatcmoafapnf,U3b«cbf«lfpUctb tbe wbolccartb t%W ism bicamc. $no mm wpll we (bewe before tbe ttpng, wbot #(tmcancth. * -jp ttpnge, tbon art a ttpnge of ftpmjei* : if o? tbe 0ob of bcane* jjatb gene tbe a tower* gome , rpchcsf, ftrcngtb anb maiettp ; s bib bdpiiercDtbeaiUbpnffciBf.tbatareamonse ♦ ttanf.b.b - t 4 L » S2Wi? t me P ;t ^ fiM Woftbeftl-Dp7(| tbe fpulctfUnberthehcauen, anb geuenthe Jwao.3ffer £tbcret&aii arpfe anotbcrttilng. borne, Wbicbu>illbelcu"e tben tbpne. lg$e tbP?bc ttpnabomc Cbalbe Ipttc copper ,$ |a we Jomf imcpon in ajj UDe*. ^he fourtb ftpttcr - borne qjail be as: ftrfisc asi p,ion. jf 02 ly ac atf WOttb2ofetbani)b^aBctballtbpnfle/:ia>ee! K?^Wf^tctbenerptbpngebow«t,fi WUit bcate bourne ano Deftrope. WUbwao'tbotifaweft tbefcte ano toe^ parte of eartb anbijarreof nmftnt ifi i be* Hpbtbftpws5ome,U)bPc6ette«wt(ieUiE((bau bauefome of tbe p?ongrounbe mijctfiUJitbit S5S 8°^ «* telp weafte Jnb u>bere as( tbou fiweft won jnwtt ujptb clape: tbep OmU mpnole tliem felne^ptbtbefebeof fpmple peop1e,$pct notcetpHuconcujptbanotoer.lpUeajjivfon iSfl^antel fctae*u>ptbfbe6beof fpmple peop1e,$pct iiotcfitpimconc U)ptbanotoer,lpbeajSi topll notbe fonlbereo wptba potftjerbc. 3nibe bapetfof tbefc mm, (baltpVob ® of beaiieit fet \jp an*ener!a(tinsfipngbome * *H wbpcb (ball not pcriflb^ M ttpiiflbomefbal not be ffcuen ouer to anotjer people : vec.tbe fame Ojail bicabc « beftrope all tbefe ftpna- Dome&mitltajalicnDurcfouMe* * 3Bnoujbereasitboufatt)cft,tbatu)ptbont , cnpbnnbctftberettJagcntout off* mounte *u tm \ *a ftone.wbicb bjabctbepjon, tbeeopper,? t mi Z cartl) ( tbefplueranb fioioeinpcce* s bptbat **** mm tbe greate vi5oo Qjeweti tbe UmaMm wpUcomeaftertbitf.^bttfWatrueoTcame, anb tbe tottmmtm of it is fure. %m the ftpnge jliabucbobonofo? * fell * mm\ tome upon bufftce, t botueb bint felfe Un* to: Damei.ano commannbeb tbat tbcwftnio otrrc mratoffctingetf anb fwete oOourejJ Un= to bpm. irbcftpngeanftwcrcD aanicl, anD lapoc :pee, of atnietbpoured5obitfac5ob auoue all gobbca,a loibe aboue all ftpngejS, anb an opener of fecrctejaf : ftpnge tbou canft Oifcoucr this mpftcrie. ^)o tbe npnge mabe s>amel a greate man^anbgauebprn many s greate gp«c0. eK ,p i^tt^ffl* conntrcetf *«■« of zsabplpn.anb tozbofalltbenobletf.tbat ujcrcatBabplon.Bowe^DanieUntreateO^ f o tbat be mabe tbcm rulcrjs ouer all tbe offt* cttjsintbelanoeof ssabpion : 25uta>aniel pm felfe remapiiieb Cpll m tht courte bp tbe ' ttpnge. * v C^bc.iii.Cbapter. CSHjc hpnse Ct « t(l> bp • golem ~fmwt . tobhh ht jwigc if commaunatmne. «btp are b;ouibt bnto tbe • krnigc anb tmmmm to too;d?ppe($e 3KS! 8SS b JSL%!SL' ll C! tt jA9 1" belpucrtb from tbe ^lucbobonofo^benpngeeanfeba * ffolbcnimagetobe mabe,tt)bpcb * Pyji 111 ?^!.^* a "b fpre cu- SOS ftft ftu,f of ^ u w » n e J e lfl «b of 26a« £5 SSSSR 11 •»**>•* ««b offi«= 4 ieworrqemnoc:tbattbi bebtcacpo of tbe 3mage nofo? nofotbatBabucbobonofo2 tbe Itpnge batb fet Up. tobofo tben falletb not bourne 3 botuctb him felfe, (nail eucn tbe fame boure becaftintoanboteburnpnge otten. t?;l)cr« foze, n>ben all tbe f olefte bcrbe m nopft of § t rompettcjS tbat were blotocn, witb tbe bar= pe0,(bawinc0,l&faltcr(e& S>pmpbon(cs( «io all kpnbe of ^eloop.tben all p people, kyn* rebbcganbnacponjsfcllbowne , ano bowed them fclne'0 Unto tbegolbg 3>uage, tbat &a bttcbobonofo2 tbe hpnge bab fet Up. Bow u)cre tbcre ecrtapne men of tbe Cal aj- bee*, tbat went e eucn tben anb accttfeb tbe 3f wcsi.anb fa pbc Unto tbe Bpnge^abucbo b onofoi: © ltpng,otbcremcnujcrcb20iisbt bc= foje p ttpnge. Cbcn j^abucbobonofo.i fpattc Unto tbcm.fr fapbe : wbaftf 2>jbffi)ffi| #i- fcicfj anunbebnago , wpll not pe feruemp ' gobbcjJ:no^ bou»c pourc fclucjS to tht goibcn 3»nage,tbat3 hant fetUp.Unll.bcrcbp bet 8 after, wb^pebcare tbe nopfe of tbe trompe£ 5) tctf blowcujitbtbcbarpcs:, (bawnictf, pfal« tcnejj, fpmpl)onpe0anb alltbcotbcr mclo= bpesfjtbotpefaU boume.anb \xio;ibpppe tbe image wbicb 3 baue mabe JSnt pf ve wo;=» Jpppeitnot, peiUall becaftimmcbiatlp in to an bote burnpng ouen. let fe, wbat pD2acb, Wucbanbaibebiiago jfo.tr, anfwereb tbe npnge, 9 fa?be: dD&abucbo*- bonofo^weougbtnottocofentc Unto tbe in this matter, fo; wbpi'oure^ob wb6 wefer= tie, * i0 able to ttcpeU0fr6 tbe bote burnpng *.#«*«.»• oucn(iDltpnge)anbcanrpgbt well bclpuer U^outof tl)pbanbefi{.3Jnb tbougb be wpll not.pct (bait tbou ftno wc( ttpngjtbat we will not fcrtte tbpgobbcjJ.ncr bo reuere*cc to p3»nage, wbicb tbou baft fetUp.'SCbcntuatf Babucbobonofo?fullofmbtgnacp6,fotbat tht counfenauncc of his face cnaungeo Upon ^>ib2acb, ^)ilacb,aub 3tbcbnaso.'e'bcrfo2e be cb'argcb anb commaunbcb.tbat tht ouen ujulD be mabe fcue tpmc0 bottcr, tben (twag ttJontctobcufpakcUntotbeltrongcftwoj tbicxs tbat were in bi0 bofte, f 02 to bpnbe^i'-- t>Wh . 4t)tfacb anb 3tbebnago , anb to caff tbcm into tbe bote burnpnge ouen. ©0 tbefe men were bounbe in tljcircotc0 bofen,(bucsi wptbtbeirotber garmented , $ e caft into tbe bote burnpugc oa c n. f 02 tbe ttpn getf commaunbemet was fo uraptc.anb tljc on? wajS crcebpngc bote.30 foj tht me tbat put in goiDjacb, Cgifacb 5 3£bcbnago, $ fl5= mcoftbcfp2Cbcftropcbtbcm.^nbtbcfetb2c me ^)ib2acb. a)tfacb 9 % bebnago fell bo w» nc in tbe bote biirnpngc ouen , bepnge fade boiibc.'2:be.0.ibucboocinoro2 p ltpngmar= nelcb. anb ftobe Up in all baft:bc fpatte Unto bp^councellanbfapbefopbnotpc caft tbcfc tb2e mcbounbe into tht fp2e f&htv anfwe« reb.anb fapbe Unto tbetting:£ee, & ttpnge- ^canfwereb,anbfapbir:lo,fo2 all tbat, pet Do 3 fc f oure ml going 1.0 wfe in tbe mpbbcft of tbe fper, anb notbpngc coiruptc : anb tbe fourtb I0^lpbcf ffine of 0ob to lotte Uu5. 2* 5)tb.2acb, #)ifacbanb Stbcbnago, pefcruaiitcg of tbebpe0ob,go fo?tb,*comebptber.3nbfo&iOiacb,ia}i* fact) f % bebnago went out of tbe ficc. $tJrii tbe outtc0,lo2bejS 5 nobHefi.^ tbe ttingcgcou' cellcame togctber to fc tbefc mJ, *upo wljo * tuutm* tbe fper bab no mancr of power in tbcpi bo= Oic0.3nfomotb f tht Uct p bete of tbeir Off b toa^notburnt,»tbep2clotbf^Unchaugcb: pee, tbcre toa0 no fmcll of fie r felt Upo tbcm. Uben fpattc fiabucbobonofo?, ano fapbc> 25lcfftbbctbcu5obof $)ib.20cb. a)ifacbanb * teMm SEbcbnago; * wbicb batb fent bt0 angcll, Sb JmSr befenbeb hiS fcruauntcjj,^ put tbcpz trnft in mj*« *pb2acb , ^ifacb.anb ^bebnago, ftiall ope , anb tbeir l)oufcsl(balbep2pfcb: Becaufe , * tbcre 10 no A - ra tlH h C5obtbatmapefane J o0tbP0.^>otbe ttpnge SSSi!' momoteb 7 * •" I ■j : • t i. It' • i ;.. IP I h ?■■■ i Cl)e^opi)etye $ + £»am.tot,c, Pernor c u MnftjQfl^ 3bHcnejxo> (k C./iabucijobcinoiojDuamcfi) agarnftSuntol mm VWrtQ it< J34buct>obonofoo,a Hbi8rcao;cb MobrvfcpngHomr, SOTSS * ^mdjoboiiofoj ftpngc bnto nil * ttral.rib.b DdniC.bll.D. * bani'c . u.a. C bwc II opon tftc wftolc cartD j peace bciimltwlicbnm5gpou.3tftougftt if goob foiiicujctuc toaensnnb mamcious wo.icfccr , f tftc ftpe <5ob Until WtouftlP opon ntc.O.bowcgrcntarcftiStoBcnS.nnbftowc tnpgfttir nrclus wonbcW * taiskpugbomc [San ciplaftingBpiigbomc,anbftiS power lafrcfftfoKucraubrucr. .3$abucftobonofo,ibcpitgatreftntmpnc Jouie ,anbf lojiOiyngc in tnvpnlacc , fauica bjcamr,wfticftmabemcafrapcb:jtl)c tftou* pre* that 3 ftab opo mp bcob , witft the oi= [pons of ntpnc ftcab > trouble!) mc. * o fftcrc came tftc fotbfaprrs, cftairmcrs, CalDccsanbconiurersof ocuelS: to mom 3 toioc t tic dkohu ,but wftat it bc= toacncb.tftcpcoulbc not ft>wcme:tpll at P la ft, tftere came one ©anicicotftfrojpfccal icp Z5altbajac,a«ojbmfl to the name of nip op) mm nate ti)f fp ?f tc of f m%mm inbim,tow!)om3tolbctftcbicamc,laying: O fcaltftajar.rftou pjftcc of gjorftelapere : 5co? fo niocUcatf 3 ftnotocf oat toou imft tftc firictc of rftc holy tfobbcsaiiDno fecretc it ftp J nom tftc.rcll mc tftrrfojc, wftat tftc op= fpon efutftamitc tft.it 3 banc fcue ) marc tpgmfic. 3 (awe a oifpon in mpftcabc opon mv beb: ano bcftolbc , tftere ftobc a tre opon tftc grounbe, wfticft toast oerp ftps , grc.ite ano mpgfttpc: tftc ftcpgt ft rrncftcb Onto the fteauen, ano tftc bjcbtfte;rtcnbcb to all tftc cii« pes of tftc enrtft : ftps leaucs wcrefapie , ftc ftab oerp mocftc frut c,fo tftat eucrpinan ftab vnougfttofatctftcrin. JEftc benftes of tftc fclbe ftab QjaooweS M\v bceit.anbrftefoulesoftftenpjcbwcttintftc bowcstftcrof.£>fto?tlp,all creatures feb of it.j fa wem mp ftcab a Oifpon opo mp beb.-s bcjiolb.awatcberstftc ftolp one came bowne fro ftcaucn,^ crpcb mpgfttclp, rawnjr. toewe bo wnc y tree, bm ac of ftig bMiicbcsr , tnaltc offtmicauc^anbfcatreliisiftutcnbzotie-.tftat all rftc beaactf mapc get tftcm awavc fro om bcr ami, and tftc fouled from Dta bymincftc*. ^cucrtftclcsf, lea lie tftc gronnoeof ftps rote ttpll in tfte tams bpnbe fttm vpon tfte plap, mfetDctoitft eftcpnetfofpjon ano ftclc.&ith tpt htm of fteauen ftoli fte be wet,? ft* njaii EElBA BR? tbeftecbesof tfte firounOc wttft otftcrttjplOc beaftc0. 'Cftatman0ftcrteoffti?(ftaabctaHeirrom ftpm.anbabca^ftcrtcujaUbefleuenftpm, tpll fctten vcnrcjSbc come anb gone opfiftlm ITftWcranbe of tftc ujatcftcr.ttfa cfmaub* tnentaroitnbcbanOfouafttoMtm tftc coun> ceil of ftmi, tftat 10 molt ftolp:to leatne ml fox to »nberftanbe, tftat tftc ftpeft ftatft power oner tftc lipngbomesf of men, 9 grotty tftcm, to toftom it Iphctft ftim.anb b^nactft tftc \)c= tpoutcaftcflofmenouertftem. %\)V#i8t\\t pmmtjt ftat 3 ftfitfl iaabucftobonofo^ ftaiic fene . ^ftcrfo^c HD nftaltftawr , tell tbou mc \»ftatitfifliufpetft:foKomocft ntfallp* topfc menofmpBpnsoomcareuotablcto(fteu)c mc, ujftattt mcattctft.2i5uttIioucnti(tbdft, fo.z tftt fpiictc of tfte ftolp (BoboejS is m tfte. ^ften Batucl ( v»ftofename t»ajj! 2i5alffta ?ar }ftc loc ftpjj peace bp tfte fpace of an ftourc ano ftpxstftourjfttefltrotiblcD ftpm. ^>otfte bvnjjc fpabc^fapDe:^) 25aUftojar,lettnc^ tfter tftc became iter tfte intcwtacpo f fterof m fearctfte.2Baltfta?aranf\»ereb,fainjj:Cmp lojDctftitfOjeamcftappc'totftpiicenemtetf, a no tftc tntcrpjetacpon to tftpne aDuerlar(e& JE^fo? tftctrectftattftoufatoeft wfticft was fo great fftnpfifttpe , wftofc ftcpgtft rcacftco onto tfte fteauen , anb ftps bjebtft tntoali tty too^lb wftofc leaues tocre fapie.anb g frute mocb:onbcc tfte tofticft tfte beafteS of p felDc ftao tftcpj ftabttacpon anb opo v»r)ofc fcafr cftcs tftc fouicji of tfte ap?e opb fpt. eucntftoo (OUpnge) art tftc trc, gecate anb ftrongc.'Srftp grcatneSmcrcaretl),^ rea= cftctft Onto t\)t fteaue, fo Ootft tftp power to p cubes of tftcrartft. S5ut wftercas tfte npngc faioeatoatcftcrcuenanrjolpangcU,^came bowncfromftcaue.anbfapoc.-ftcttiebowiic tl;cfrcc,anbbcftropett.prtleauctftcgrounD of tftc rote tn tfte enrtftumb bpnbc ftpm vpou tftc plapnc fclbe witft eftepnes of won 5 ttelc: fee qjnll be wet witft ttebewc of fteaue , anb ftps oar re ujall be wttft f beaftcs of tftc fclbe, « tvllfcucpcarcSbccomcanbgone opo ftpnt: * ^:ftps( ©ftv»f4:c)Wtftetnterp?ctacpoti, pec, utStfteoccpbcupccof ftpm, tftat IS ftpeft of alUnb tttoucljetft mp iojibe tftc bvnst. llftou (ftaltbe catt out fro men , anb tftp bwellingc (ftalbe witfttfte bcaftcS of f felbe: w(tft grade fftalt tftou be feb ipbc an ojee . 'Eftou muftbc toctwitftfocweof tftcftea^ ucit: pec, fcucn peaces ilia II come , ^ go opoit tfte,tpll tftou bnowc, *^ tftc bpeft ftatft po» *»mm\ wcnopontfteBpngbomcSofmcn^gcuetft 31 '"^ 1 W to toftom fte Ipft.Wo^coucr , wfterc as it pas fapoc,tftat tftc rote of tftc tree fftulbc be left (tpll in tftc grounbe: it betORenetft , f tftp BpiigbomeOjarrcmapnctoftolc onto tfte,nf* ter tftou ftaft Icrncb to ftno we, tftat $ power commctftfrom fteauen.lofterfo?c, €>npngc, be cotcBtwitftmpcoucell, tftat tfton mapeft rebcnictftpfpnitcS witftalmopfc * anb tip* *m& nc offences witft mcrcpto pooje people :fo^ tbvft iftall bean ftclpngc or tftpne crroure. awtyftc iSflBamel «. 3H tftcfetftpngcjs tottcftc tftcHtpngc iaabu-- cftobonofoh tf $>o after. ]Cii..monetbcS,tftc Rpngwalkeb op anb bowne in tf)t palace of tftc (tingbome of uSabplon, anbfapbe. 'CftpSiStftcareate cptc of 2i6abplon, wfticft 3 mp fclfc) witft mp power anb (rrcngtft ) ftauc mabcaltpngcs couctcfo; tfte ftonour of mp mageftpr. XD\)U le tftefc mow* were yet in p hpugeS moutft tftere fella oopec from fteauen, fapiuge: & Itpnge ^abucftobonofo^totftebe it fpoae: 'CftpBpiigbomcaiallbepartcfrom tfte, tftou ujalt be cart 011 1 of mis compaup : tftp owcl= ipngelftalbe wttfttftebcaftcsof ^fclbc , fop tftou ujaltcategrau"clpftcasano]cc,tpllfeuc pcarcs become anb gone oner tftc . mm on* tpll tftou ftnowelt.tftac tftcftpeft ftatft power Opon tftc upngbomes of men, « tftat ftc map geuetftcm.ontowftomit'plcaictftftjm.'^lie oerp fame ftonrc was tftps matter fulfpiicb opon jaabucftobonofo?;fof' ftc wascalt out ofmcnscompaiip.aubbpbcate graffc ipfte an ore. l)W bobpwas wet witft tftc bewe of fteauen, tpll ftps ftcares were as grcatas Regies fctftcrs.anbftpSnaplcS Ip'ae bp^bcS clawes. C5 diaftcn flips tpmc waspaft, 3.fiabncfto* bonofo; Ipfte Dp mpne epes onto ftcauc,anD m\>m oiiDcrltandmge was refto?cb Onto me agapnc.'(2rftengaue3tftaclttSOnto tftc np= gl)fft.3magnifpfbanbpMpfcbftimtftatlp- Dnii.«i.f. uctftfoKuermo^e,^ wftofc power tnburetb alwape, auD ftps lipngbomc from one gene^ racpontoanotftcr : incomparpfouof wftont all tftcp tftat bwcil opon t\)c cart I; , arc to be repiitcbasnotftpngc. mmt\>. * lac ftaublctft accojoing to ftis Will.amog tftcpowcrs offtcaucn$amongctftc inftabh tours of tftc cartft : anb tftere is none p mapc refpfte ftiSftanbc , ox Cape : wftat bo? ft tftou.-' job.nii.b. * %t p fame tpme wasmpnc onberftabiuge gettenmcagapitcanb 3 wasreftojeb to tftc .ftonourcofmpUingbome,tompbigiutc,anb to mpucawncfljapcagapnc.Jl})p great cfta= teS ano ^.tiuceS fougfte onto mc.anb 3 was let inmpltpngbomcagapnc, fo tftat 3ftaD pet greater wo.iujpppc. ^ftcnbpb3 ^abucliobonoro?,louc, mn= gmfpeanbpjapfe tftebpugc of fteaue: fo^ail ftiSwoicUeS arc true, anb ops wapeS rpgbf. 7i s f ox tbofc t»m t go on pjo ublp, fte is able to typngc tftcm bownc. C<3:ftc.o.Cftaptcr. PBaltl)sji»cUpiigcofi2.30riou,abufi'iigcatius C^.'/'betbinbrstotoinc. )?ngc 25altfta?ar mabca great bfc cftettoftiS tftoufaub lojbeftwftft all tftefc tftoufanbe ftcmabe great rfterc,anb wlicnbc was O^oncHen witb wpnc comma unbeb to ft^iifl jfo.crf, ftpm tftc golbeit anb fpluer oeltcis * wfticft *< M tmi c ftpSfatberBabucftobonofoiftab tadenoute P of tftc temple at 3crufalcm :tfta t tftc apngc f fttStotbes witft ftis queue anb coucubpncS mpgfttbHnchetfterout. ^otftcpbiotigfttfftcgolbcnoefrell,t!iat was ratten otire of the temple of tfte tojocs ftoiifcat3ctufaltin.'Ebcittftcftpii5canbbitf i-o^bcS Witft fttS queue anb coucubmes bto= cac out of tftcm. ^ftcp bjonckc wpnc, anb PMpfcb tftcp^ 3boIcs of golbc,fp{uer,coppcc p^on.wobbe anb (tone. 3n tftc oerp fame ftourc tftcrcappcarcb S3 fpngcrs,as it ftno bene of a mans ftanoeom* tpngc , rpgftt otter agapnft tftc canbelftucltc opon tfte plapnc wall 111 tfte Itpngcs palace : ft tftc Itpnge fawe tftc palmc of tl)c ftanae tftat Wiotc.*1£bcncft.iHugcb tftc ftpngc fttS cod* * Vtrm , . tcnauccanbftiStftougfttcstroublcbhpm.fo JttnMA tftat tftciopnteS of ftis bobpujolte, anbbvs Uncesfmotconcagapnftpotfter. * wfter'fo= *&***.*. re tfte Hinge ericb mygftrclv. tftat tftev fbulbc btpngcftpm tftc cftarmcrs.Calbecs anb con= turers of ticucis.'frftc Itpnge fpaae alfo to tftc wplc men of Babplon , anb iayhc ■. Wfto fo can rcoc tljis w.titing, $ fftc wr mc the plapnc meaning tfterof:Q)albeclotftcb witft purple, ftauc a cftepiie of golbc aboutc ftis nccke, anb rule tftc tftpibc part of mp lipngbomc. Clpou tftis.camcall tfte hinges wpfc mc: bu t tftcp coulbc nctftcr reabep w.tit puge, nee flic we tfte lunge wftat it figmfpeb.^:i)(! was tftc apngc fojcafrapcb, in (omocft.f ftps co= lottre cftaugcb.anb ftis locoes we're fojcoc^ r jtcb . &o bpreafon of tftiS matter, tftat ftaft c ftappeneb to tftc bpngc 9 1X0 LojbcS, p queue went op fterfclfc into tfte baucaetftoufe, anb fpaltc onto tfte ainge,fapingc:iD Itpng.Gob fane tftp lpfcfo£Cucr. Let not tbr tftougfttcS trouble tfte.ano let not tftpcountcnauuee be eftaungeb . St 0: wbp t tftere is a man in tl)p apngbomc , tftat ftatft t\)t fp^ctcof tftc ftolp gobbes witinnftim, * asitwasfene in tftp *&vtM*. fatftfrSbapcS.l)eftatftonbcrftanbpngcnnb wpfoome Ipltep goobes.^c tfte apngc #abti cftobonofo.t tftp wtftccmabc tftiSman cftefc oftfte totftfapcrS.cliannerSXalbceSab rea» bcrs of beftincS:bccaufc tftat focftc an aboutc bauutfp.wc.ltnowlcbgcs wpfbomc(to (%> pounbcb^cameS,to open fecrcteS.anb to be* clarcftarbcbowteS)waSfounbcinftim:pce. riicn in Daniel, toftom tfte ltpngiiaiiiebj3al tftafac. let tftiS fame tDaniel be (cure fot,anb fte Ujall tell, wftat it mcanetft. S:ftcii was sDanicl btougftf befotctftc Upngc.&otftc Binge fpaltc onto&auiel.anb fapbe. Zvt tftou tftat Dautcl, one of tfte pi c= foncrS of 3uba,wftom mpfatftcr tftc hpngc b?ougftt out of 3c w*¥r3 ftauc ftrnrb tyrant of tftc , tftat tftou ftaft tftc fp^ctc of tfte ftolp goDbc&cypcncnccanboiibcrftanbingMiiD tftat tftere ftatft bene grca te wplbcme tounbe in tftc. m : -. M id ■ 1'' • .' V r 1 • ; I If 'I M " J 1; ,?; t < i u id in £ . fcowcDauctDcrcbcne tyougDt me, wife « conntngc cbarmcrS, to reabc tm WMin* anbto u>wc me tbemcanpngc tturef. lout tDcpcoulbc not tell mc.wDat t^sf matter ft* gnilrpeb'frDcnDcarbcSfape.tDattDoucanfl: cjpounbe barcfte thprnrcMnU Declare batbe notif eUttell tban , pftkon edinft realic tDptf wjptpngr,$ ibewc me the mcanpnge tbcrof tljoii malt be clot beb x& pnrplt.Daue a cDepne ofgolbcaboufctbpncckMnbruletbttDPjn parte of tnpftpttghome. *«•• ~ $■ SMnfrlatifwcrcD^rapbtbefojetDi! feme: * ««. mego. * ai^fo| tDy re warbes, feepe the"to tDp fcltc, *««>.?•« o? gcnerDprpcDe gpftcsto another : pet not tMrffrJ Will re De £ wjpting DntG f kpng, * *«<•«•<. frftuwe turn tDe interpjctacpontDcrof * €> fepnge Dcarc.<5ob £ hpeft gmicDnro jaalu= chobonofo*rbp fatbcr,tDc bigmtic of a kyng ptbwo.M}yppcsbonour,fotbntall people, friurebbes ? tungesftobe in auje anb Rare of 5pm, bv reafon of tbe bpc cftate , tDat j)c Dab lent Dpm. Jfoj wDp,Dc flewc wD6De wolbe : Dcfmotc.wbfi it plcafcbbjm.3gaprir:wDom * *w «,, „ 5 C mm > l)t [tt W m * wDom pelpft.De put *£>«u.«tu> n mm . # aSutbccanfehfSbcrt waSCo pio« ubc, anb DiS ftomack fct fo fall trnto wplf ul= fjcffe.1jewaSbcporcbr>6hiSkpnglptrone,<* Dps mageftp was taken from hpm. He was tout outfcoamongemen.hpshirrtc was lp. fee abeaftetfherte , anbhps bwrtlpnge was ■St wttDtbewplbcaftcs •. lie w as f iipne tocate graliclpbcan ojre^ liptf loop was wet witlj tpt bewe of tDe DMutojll be Imu c,tl;nt tbe Dptft bab power Dpon p hpngbomes of men anbrcttctboucrtbcm.wboinliclrft. J?L ! $ t fi ou W fanner tf> ttaitDajarifoj all tpis.tnft not fubmpt tcb rhpnr hrrtc,t bouo b ffjon kneweft all chtfe tbingrS:bur baft ma. finifpeb tbp felfeabone tbe Lo^be of beaucn, to that tbe Dcffeis of Dps Doufe were utongbt before tDertbat rtiott , anb tDp ioibes i wtth tbp queue anb concubpneS , mpgbt bipneke wpne tbcrou t. 3nb haft pmpfeb ebe 3boleS offpUicranogolb.coppcranbpiiomoirwobb *mmm* anb ftonc. 3t0fo?t|je<5ob*mwboftbanbc confpa-ctbtbpb?etl)anballt|)pwapeie(:n)ou Daft not loueblipm. <5 . Pg^« tt t&e palme of tljptf Danbc fent gptber from bpm,to tofeen tjptbns w^ptlng. ^no MM t\>z fcripture,tbat i* WU en & J};ane,^etel^barc0.iaowetDeinterp^ tacionoffcbet(jpngci0tbi0:^)ane,(^obbatb nomb^cb tbe ftpngbome , anb bioug|)t it to an enbe:^betel,tDou art wepeb in tfr'. bala= pee, anbart founbe to ipgbt : Wm* , tbp fcpngbomelt belt mparte0,anbgc»e«to tbe ^lebeisattb^ecre^ v 'tjdencommaunbcb 25altba jar , toclotb Smniel toptbpurple , tobangc a cbepwe of golbeaboute bptf necfee,anbtomafeea pio= i?S acp ?" *!Kfww Wm * t Dat (je ftulbe betficeMleroftDetftpibepartcof Dps fcpng= borne.* tttetopfamentabtwatf 25aitl)a- *-*. iJ ,J l ?ar p apnge of t&e CalbecS Oapne.anb * Da= , h ,: 7' fUMl out of $)cbca toae m tje apngbome, u ^ ! bepnge .lr it .pear c of age. Cft&cW.Ciiapfrr. Ctoanf tl (s mate cuict oun Uj't ]Lo;ttM. «!jc 3\mr. Crnacronof an Mt asaruft s>aiHt!.«ljt pjociama; tpon of ebeartt,tot)tMtH>an(n(«accufta Unto the Rpnjrcat (ranrffttCToure. ©c ft put (neo a Bmne or Jlpoiit bptbecommatuiOfinmt of th»KpiiB». ©c(« delpurrtD bp faptb in cs ob , S> a ii(c)« a ttufaw at t put bnto tbe ftvonsto bctojrne in Coitbrt. fi>nr(u«bp tbe pjoriamacpon of a btctec , magnpfprt I) tbe © o& of foanttJ. ^pleafebDaeP tofetouecliteWng« -« borne an .c.anb.rjc. io#be.0, wtjpcbe Hj uioe be m all t)p$ ftpngbome abou t. 3boue tjjefc it fettle ^pneeu c of wjom tomitl wajJone)tDattpe iojbetfmpg&tge- tie accomptc!Ef\)nto tftenti anb t&cbpnge to be mibtfeafeb; ■ 26ut Bobwa$plen* tcousfmbimifotoattbebpngewagmpnbeb to fct bpm oner tbe wbole realme. ttUberrqte tfte^inccjSanb lojbetf fougbt,toppcfecout In Daniel fome quarell agapnft t^z bpngbo* me : peieoulbe tpep fpnbe none deeafpon ner faute ljpon bpm.^to^ wbpibe wajs fo faptb° full, tbattbere wasf no blame ner biftjoneftp founbe in ijputi ^ben fapbetftefe men : we wpll get no «,* quarell agapnft tbpjSSDamel.ejccepte it be in 20 tj)eiawcofbpi«(i5ob4ipontl)n2(, wente tDe imam tojbestogetbermito tbe Binge, % lapbctbn0 \jnto t^vm ; ftpngc a>ariu0, <^ob fane tl)p Ipfe fo«i euer.311 tl)e greate eftatetf of tbe rrnlme : a0 tbe ^pnccsl^nbesi , &ena= tours a nb 3ubgeS ,arcbetcrmeb to put oute a commaunbem ent of t^t fepnge , $ to make a fure ftatutemam elp, f wftofo titftittb anp peticpon.et&er of anp d?ob o^ man ( witDin tDW.)c w.oa wji) ejrcepte it be onelp of tDe, ® bpngc •• tbe fame perron map be caft into tbe ipons bcnne.tt)perfo?e, €> fepng, conf p?me thou tbiS ftatute.anb mafeea w?p«nge:tl)f«; tbe thins which tbe fl?ebe anb #cr fcsl Dane ojbepneb be not altereb ner bjo&en. m S>oDariu0mabetheWiiptmgr,att') c5= r fpitmeb it.iaowe whenDaniel tmberftobe^ * thew?ptinge waSmabe, De wtnte intoDP* Doufe:anb p wmbowed of bisl wall towacoe Jcrufale" ftobeopJ. UDcre bneleb De bowne t)pon Dps knees ,tD^e tpmes a bape : tDtreDe mabebps peticpon , anb pmpfebDpS d5ob, Ipke as DpSmaner was toboafojetpme. 'CDen tDefe men made fearcDe , anbfounbe 5>anielmaftpnge Dps peticpon . 8 pjapinge ptoDpS(5ob.^>o tDep cameto tDe apnge,? (pake before Dim concernpngebiS commatV pement,fapittgc: & ftpng, Daft thou not lUb= fenbebtbeftatute,^ witbiu.)Cjcr.bapeS wDo fo requpjefb DiSpeticion of anp 00b 0? man butonelpoftDpfelfe,©bpnge:hefbalbecaft into tDe benne of tDe l$m0%U RP«ge an- fwereb •Bf&mitl 5D 9(1 4. e fojereb,anb fapbe.pee.it iS true . Jt muft be asalawe of tDe a;cOeS^iaerfcS,tDatmape nol be b? oh en. 'CDenaiifweeeb tDep, anb fapbe bnto tDe ft#ij$t.' Daniel one of tbe p^cfonerS ofjuoa ^>Upng,regarbetDnefbertbe,nertDpftatu» te,tbattijoubaftmabe,butmaketbbiSpeti« cpou tb?e tpmeS a bape.tt)bcn tDe kpngc De * acbe tDefe wojbitf, be was fo?e grcucb , anb wolbeDaueejreurebDanicl,tobclpuerDpm, anbput of the matter, mttop netDct couibe be take anp Qepe. 25ut bptpmes in tbe moinpngcattDebjca&eoffDebape,£kvnge acofe.anbwentcin all Dafte Unto tDe Dmne of tDe tpons. .^owc as De camenpe tmto tDe bcnne.be cricb witD a piteous 'oopcebnto Damelpcc, tbe fepnge fpakc, anb lapoc UntoDanicl: © DamcUbou fecuauut of tbelpuingc ob ( wbom tDou al wapc ferucft ) able to bclpuer tbe from tDe Ipous.'' Daniel fapbe unto the Binge. €> kpng,d>ob faue t^v Ipfe fo? euce. * ty? C5ob batb fent l;iS angcll ♦wDicDDatft mut tDe iponsmoutljcs.fo tTjat tbcp migbt hot bur te me.jf oj wbp:'minc t>n» gpltpticlfc is founbe out befoje bym.3Cnb as m tDe> flD kpnge,3 tuner offenbeb tDe. UDen wastbe kpngc cyceabintje slab, 9 commaubcb to take Daniel out of tbe bennc, $>o Daniel waSbjougDt out of tbe benne , anbuomanerofbuctewasfoubcDponDim. 5f 0? Df P»t bpS truft in bpS (I5ob. 3Cnb as f 0? tbofemenwbieDbabaceufebDanicI,^kpng commaunbeb to ivpngc tbcm ,anb to caft tbe in tDe LponS benne :tDem , tDep? cbplb^en **mt anb tljep? wpues. * ^»otDc iponS Dab tDe maftrp of tDem,anb bmfte all tDep? bones a> fonber, 0? euec tbcp cameat tDe grounbe. *3CftertDpS,w?olckpnge Dariusmito allpcople,kpmebbeS,anb tuges, tDat b welt tnalllmibcs : peace be multiplpeb witDpoii; ^)p commaunbemeut isi , in all mp oomu npon anb kpugbome , tDat men feare anb jfo.rcn>; *D«nMit,e. jarttj.rfi.c uM.rUiix, Pi«. rbK.t. Bffclf.jtf. |*&M(.(«.f. ftanbeina we of Daniels ©ob. if jt o?DeiS tljelpupngc^oD^wbifb aim* * s>an.F«9.* DetDeuer:DpSkpngobme(ballnotfapie,aub W powenS cuerlaftinge. * 3t IS De tDat be* * era-nro* Wntteth > anb CtuetD •• De botb woubcrSanb g rfe , fflt maruelouSwowkcS.inbeauenanbineartb: De batb p^eferueo Daniel from tl)c power of tbe Lpes.'CbiSDantclpjorjicrebfn t|iercp- gncof Darius anb Cpms of j&crfia. CCbe.tii-CDaiutcr. «ra bfna of .(in.bcaftts its Qjctnto bnto t>anfe!.rbc biCpfi is intetpjrtco of.«t|.U|'it«aome« of thrtoojioc Ol tbe potorr -5& incrcare of ^rnicb; ia.of tbt eucr; jaftpngc Bpnoiiomt of CbjjJt. J 'i ! iapfp?ftpcareof2i5aUDajarkpng:$ of 2Sabplon, fawe Daniclab;ea= me, anb a Difpon wastnbpsbeabc Upon DPS bebbe.U^bicbbieame be w?ote,onb tlje fummc of tbe matter is t\)vH : Daniel fpafee aim fapbe s 3 fawe in mp \yi-. fpon bp npgDt , anb bcDolbe :tbe fourc wpii* DzH of tDe Deauen ttvom Upon tbe fee , aim fourc greate beaftcS came Dp from tDe fee, one Dnlpac another. 'Cbe fp-ift was atf*a ipon.aim pet Dab be khmm. * Regies \j0pngeS.3 fawe, that bis wpngeS E, fC i' h (b - were plucte from Dym , anb be taken a wape vsS&tu. from tDe eartD: tDat De ftobt Dpon Dps fete as a mavanti tDat tDe re was gcucn Dim a mans Derte . 25eDoIbe,?fec5be Draft wasipkta* buv- to re.gf ftobe Dpon tDe one fpbc.^mogbistcetb*^ "^* in D»S motitD De bab.iii. greate longc tcetlj, 9 it was rapbeDntoDim.3rpfc,catc Dp,mocD flcqj.'S:hcn3lokeb ) anbbcbolbe > tberewaS anotber Ipke Dnto a IcoparbctbiS bab wpn- gesasafoule, * cucnfourcDpontbc backc. *» aB , M «.i, 'cbPS bcaft bab fourc bcabes,ant) tbrrewas «nD.«.a. power gcucn Dpm.affcrfDiS.3f fawe in a Di= «•«"**•<•*• Iponbpnpght.anbbcbolbctbcfourtbbfaft waSgrpmmcaim bojrible ,anbmnruclctiS ftronge.3t bab great won teetlMt bcuourcD anbbcftropeb.ano ftampcb tbe refpbue Dn= berbpsfcte. 3t was farre Dnlpfee the other be nftcs tDat were before it : f 0? it Dab * im * apo.r,n. a . Domes, wberof 3 tokc goob feme. mm* 3nbbcDolbr,tDerecflmeDpamongc tDe, C auotDer Iptcll Do?nc, before wbo tl;cr c were tb;c oftljcfp^ft Domes pluckte a wape. &t* DolbctbiS bomc bab t^ ipfte a man , anb a moutbfpcakpugepjtefuniptuousthpngcs. * 3 lokcbtplltbcfcatcs were picparcb, anb *apoc 3 .f. c . tpll polbeagcb fat him bowne. ii3(sclotDinge ««*»*. wasas wbptcasfttowc,aitbtbc DearrcS &***** Dps Drab ipke tDe pure woll.l!)ptff rone was Ipke t^t f p?pe flame , anb DPS wljclcs as rlje burning fpje.'ffberebjcwfo.nb a fp?ir ftrea^ me,anb went out from hpm. * % tboufanbe * a 00f , b b tpmesa tbounmbcferueb Dim. %, to). tpmeS ** m '*' b ' ten tDoufanbc ftobe befoje Dpm. ^Tbe iubgc- ment was fct , aim tDe bokeS opencb. ^Den tokc 3 \it\)t tDere Dnto , becanfe of the Dopce of tDe p? oubc womes,wDicD tl;c Dome fpafee i abeDtlbe, ! '-\ mm}\ rl r I J' *v .1 *!?' I ! i 4: * J, 1 . '€:< ll :- hi ' I II 1 * - !■■ 4 IP ; : by] : ) «. r »■«■■ K iSS'lix* W ? cftr( W» * scweti puerto Decent in »fwc«.w.o tberpje. a%* tbe power of t&e otbeebeantcgairo itwagfaBenawapc>but tbepjlyueg were *m« »v SSffl^^y L^ me m feafon.3tawe m Jffi!ff^*^fWW«»»«ttti bebolbe, * tbcrecame 9 P oci.a. 011c in w clonbcg of beaucu Ipaetbii fonne of j man, wbicb wente tonto tbeoior ageb, * ha «wel wag ft \jejceO in mp t U ouabtcg, t ba t mp count ettauttce cbaunseo * but tbe wo^beg 3 nepte ftyliin mv tyrte* *im K « l C^be.t)t«.cbapeer. fta WW of antptt W\xtmt a tamme «tttIlbc; ttorut fbekptut of idtrriA «io tbrfcpn« of tbecie lytiig.jO f tbt n> bcr fote^nb beanftoereb bim:3anto^ cue= npnge^tbe-moitiipnffe.cucntwotbouniiibe anb tbite bunbwtb bapeg: then (ball the M-- (tuarpbeclcnfebagapne. # fiytit when 3 ?>aniel bab fene iW \nm v flnbfouflbtfo^tbemiDerftanDpngcof it: be= bolbe, tbere ftobe before me a tbinge liae ton toaman.36nb3 beroea mang toopce in tbe riucrofClIaf,wbicbcrpcb,anbfapb: © <5a b?tel ) maBetbigmantonbcr(ranDetbeto!fp6< feobecame.anb ftobebpme.25ut3 wag afrapebatbpg commpnge, anb feu bowne topon nip face. q$m fapbe be tonto m e » $d tbou fonne of man,niarcbeweU,foMn tbe laft tpme (ball tbtg toittd be fulf piieb.Bow ag be wag fpea fepngetontome>3wai;&bfapnte,fo^3fiin= cbc bowne to t\)t gr ouDe.iSu t be toae bolbe topon me, anb feet me top agapnc , fapinac: QBebolbe, 3 will (be we toe, wba t (ball bap* peninf laft Wjtatbsfo? tntbe tpme appopn= teb itu>albefulf>lleb. me ramme wbicb tbou fa weft wttb tbe twobojtncgjgtljeftpijgeof tbe ^)ebcg anb #erreg:buttbegoateigtbc apnge of^elte janbe:tbegreate bo.jne tbatttooe betwprte bpjcpeg.tbatig tbe p?inc(pall ftpnge.But wberc ag it bwbe.anb foure otber rofetop in tty fteabc.it ligmfpetb,tbat out of tbig peo= mmm p,e J£ au ft i noc ^P * fourc apngbomeg, but ^"'"notfompgbtpeagit. 5f 2% rt lt cf eftpngDomegfwbpietoiiffobIp= nefte ig a growinootbere (ball arpfe a apng of an tonthamefaft face, wbpcb (balbe wpfe InbatcbefpeaBpngcg, • . toetyalbemygbtpc anb ftroitge, btttnot inb(gawneftreotb.!()c(ball beftropc aboue meafure.anb all tbat be goetb aboute (ball pjofpere: befcail napetbe ftrongeanbbolp people.anbtbo?owe bPJ*craft>ncg,fal(bcD •5™pfperefobpgban&e,bP0 berte (balbe ff2S? e » a ?5»twnponeqialibi.pttt to beatb B& W^fnceof ^pneeg, * but be (albt Dc- iP&JWbM banbe. 3»nb tbpg toifVon , tbattg(beweb tonto fbe.igagfurc ag f cue KA.tm.fe, tipngeanb tbemo^npnge.* 'Cberfoie W2p-= #tJ^ fU &J* W8 03 oanieitoertfapnte,fo pnjapefpcfte ccrtapne bapeg.-but wbett Store top,3 tucnte aboute tbe apngeg bufp= neOe,anb inarueleb at tbe toifpon, neuettbe« leaenomanBueweofit. ¥ .Cftbe-Mbapter, . „ iSfi&amel, $n,m febptb be ban Piomptrtt concrtnpngi tbi ttttimt of tbt propiffrom tbep; bannpib tmrne inmStmS ' frueconfeOpon.&anpti«piaprt to btttOt.&brM WMms.tibt »nopn(png«of Cb;p« . tbt bnpu iSSSSSSS. l3lmMm t " fl >«i'9rmtob.^t m tty rp^ft pearc of fearing m % Ifonneof abafnerug, * wbpcb * »«*.».* wag of tbe febe of tbe a)ebcg , a*D wagmabeapngeouertberealm* . 1 of tbe Calbccg:pce,euen in f fpift peare of bigrapgnc,3 ©aiucl Mmn to ano mm pearlp nob;e out of tbe boacg, wbet- of tbe lojoe fpakc tonto * ieremp tbe ISio- * !«*•»*.» Pbete.tbat3crnfalcm (bulbe Ipe waftejrr. "*' mr ' b ' peareg.anb 3 eurncD me tonto Gob ^z ioi« be,fo^top?apeanbmaBempneinterceir(on, wttbfaftpngcfacaeclotbe^aibeg.apiapeD bero^etbelo?b mpGob,anb ftnowicbgeb, *h* fl ?J l !t l,e ' t S 0u5teatcano fMrfuU ®M> * «•*»<.«. toou tbat ecpeft cottenaunt anb metcp wptb inaAhtA tbem.wbicblouctbcanbbocbpcommann' Demeteg.*n)ebaue fpmieb , webaueoffcn> 4HattlA , . , we bauc bene bifobebilt anb gone back m J * OCO, •..yi.Hv vniv ihivwmw) emu nunc duck: pee,webauebepartebfrom all tbp pKCeutcg anbtubgementcg. * UJcwolbcneuerfoIowetbpferuafttegtbeiB fimm. tbat fpabc in tbp name to oure * Rpngcganop^inceg.toourefoitcfatberg.anb to all tbe people of tbe I3br. * © loft rigb= * snmAo. tcoufnede befongetb tjnto tbe, tonto toguer* tapnetb noWmc but open (Dame .-ag it (g cometopaOe tbpg bape tonto etterp man of 3uba,ano to tbcm tbat Dwell atjletufalem. eee.tontoai^fraehwbetbertlljepbefarrco,! npe:tbo?owe outalllabegrwticrin tbou baft ftroweb tbcm , becaufe of t\)s offenceg,tbat tbcp bab bone agapnft tbe. .£ec,£> to?De, tonto tog, to oure ftpngeg* pMnceg.toourc fo^efatbcrgieucnto tog all, *tnatoaticoffcnDcD tbe bclonsetb onl (ba* * •«•««.• mc.JSuttontotbc Olojbe oure ®$,m> € tapnetb mercp anb fo.igettcncfTc.3g foi tog, we arc gone bacac from tivnx , anb baue not obepeb tbe toopce of tbe lojbc oure <5ob , to walBeinbpgiawcg,*wbpcbbclapeb befo. m all 3frael baue tranfgrefleb.anb gone bacae ftorntbplawe,fotbat tbep baucnot bercae« Jieb tonto tbp toopce. iDberfttite, tbe cur fe 9 of be* tbat ig wrtt. JSP*** ten tn tbe lawe of ^>ofeg tbe feruaut of Gob EEffH (agapnft wbowe Dane ofttnbeb)tg poureb topo tog. *3no be batb pcrfourmeb W wo*« * » ofeg ,igcometoeon tog. get maoe we not oure p^aper before f lo^be W outtGob, w E*:: Mi* t ■ "3 - ii ■= ii -; **- ! i : :l r- 1 "I 4 V \ cure C5otJ, tlwt t»r mpaUt tume agapne fr6 ante wicbenneffc,* to be leatntb fa tbp \)c» rite.^rjcrfo^cDatrJttjc lojbe mabebaftcto lu page tbi0 plage \m 6 Wojt&eitiaDe our ^ (5oo i«tpff}itf oujj, & Um otirc <£ob * tbou »a to.r«.rttt tbat wttb a mpgbticbanbc baft tyougbt tbp tnbjiiu.6. people out of egpptc ,toget tbPfcPfeana* • me wbicb remapnetb tb(0 oape:tpc taut rpn tied jD lojtbca bone wpclteblp agapnft all tbprrgbtCQufnc0:petlettbFWjotbniUbif* plrafnre be turneb a wape( 3 befectje tit ) ft 5 tbpt?te3crw&lcmtbp bolvbpU.Snb wtot fo?, oure : fpnnctf faacanb f oitbc wpUcbneflc of ourcfo?cfatbcrs(W3crural^ top people abbo?rcb,ofalltbe'tbatareabouteto0:jaow tbcrfojc, iD our mp ob,cnclpne tbpnc rare, anb bcr* fecn)att&e leeft foj tbpne awncfanoopen tbpne epc0 : bebolbe botx»e we be be folatcb, pcc.anb tbe cptiealfo , wbpcb W callebaftet tbp name : fo? we bo not caft onre paper* before? in oure a wnerpgbteoufnc0,no: but ouclpin tbp great mcrcpc0:© Loibt, beare: m fojgene lozbe, © tojbe confpbjie , tarpc not ouer longc.but fo? tbpnc awne faae bo it.tf)mp<3;oD:fojtbpcptc anbtDp peopled calico after tbP name. 3603wa0petfpeabpngeatmppjaprr0, JtnowlcDgpngempncawnefpnne0,anbt&c fpnnc* of mp people, mabpnge fo nipncm* tetceffp 6 before t&e toibempdfrob, fo?* bo Ip ijpilcs raaeofmpt5ob.'pcc,wbplt!3wa0 pccfpcakpngclnmppjapcr.bcbolbe.tbema" * mm w t 9&f& C * *W3 bab feueafoje in tbe *i= S,r £P»nf came apinge to mc.anb toucljtb mca* boiite tbe offering tpme in tbe cuenpnge. 6e inlourmcbme , $ fpafeetmtome.O Daniel fopbeDe,3amnoTOe come to mafce tbelm= berftanbeit.ffoja0foonea0tboubega"neft # to maac tbpp?aper,(t wa0 fo Diuifeb.s tber= * s.an.r.t.0. fo?,cam3 come to (be we t\K .3tnb wbp.' # W tbou art a mangreatlp beloueb- r tt>bcrfore,ponb?e t^z matter well , tbat roan mapeft learne,to tmbcrftabe tbe *ifp5. sjft weac0 are betermeb ouertbp people, ano ouer tbebolp cptic: t\mtt\^t vopcnebnej* mape be conmmeb, tbat tfte fpnne map ijaue an enoe.tlwt tbe offence mapebe reconcileD, anitJ tp bjpngein euerlaftingerpgb(rcourncf= _fe,ito fulfpUtUeUilpontfanb tbe pjopbetetf, ©anotoanopiitctfjemooftoolp one.iainber^ - Mnmtyft tben,anb mnrca e (t toell: tbat fro *M»«wH»*fW tpme It Owlbeconclubeb * to go anb re= f <&»«. < ■ w ' e 3?ttwlem agapne r tmto cfc(ft( o? f ixnvaf .u. mt pntcb)pjiuccr tbere Ojalbc feueit t»efee0: 'CbenftaUrtjcarctejK anb waller bt bupi^ i p *j - « bebagapne.ljtii.t»ebe0,butttrttl)i)aebetrott Wouiypme . 3Bftertbefc.l|:(j.tBCtte0 > ^all Ctoift be flapne.anbtbep ujaillwue noplea furetn Ijvm/Eben ibafl tbere cornea people U)ttb tbe ^iuee,anb beftrope tbe cpte « tbe ^anctti m ue beffropeb all.ftnb it i0coclubeb,tbat ttos Ww » ttaffpnge (ball contpnue \)nto tbe enbe. ILtbcjcCbapter. CWrteappMwnjbnto ©anmsmin ctottjrt tn ips j9 tbetbpitbepeareof Jipnge C»= % mm pcrfia, tbere wag (betoeb vjnto Daniel ( otber topfe calleb 26altbafae ) a matter.pee , a true matter.butitWpcta longetpme tjntott.Se Unbcrftobe tbe matter well, anb pcrceaueb wbat tbe tjifpon watf.^t tbe fame tpme , 3 Daniel mournebfo^p fpace of t\w tDcbcs, fo tbat 3 bnb no luff to cafe b?rabra0 fo; fte- fljeanb wpnc tbere came none roptbfn mp inoutb:flo,3 hvt> not onccanopnte mp felr, tpl t]tt mole tbic weac0 were out. ponme,anb3feiibownefljittotbegrofa be tipon mp face.2Enb bebolb, an banbe tou? cbebme,wbpcl)fetmet)p upon mp anee0* tjpon t^z palme0 of mpbanbe&fapinge \)n= tome.^dDDanicl.tbott wellbeloaeb man: *ub# f aae goob htte of tbe wo$be0 , tbat aojall fape \>nto tbe,anb ftanbe rpgbt Iwjwm* tbeam3nowefent.* afnb wbenbebabfapbetbtfewo?bi0,3(r ftobe bpfrf blpnge.'Cben wpbcaeDntome: * teare not Damelifo? wbp, fence f f p?ft bape tpattbou Gttomfa Aat fjoii fte mm bee t e to toibttftlbr, ano bpbeffcbaffentbpfelfc before tbp^oD : thp wwbt0 baue bene berbe.31103 Dab come ton to tbe , wben tbou beganneft to fpeafte bab ,«iur i b. ^tmmmoun tbeapngbom of tbe J&er- SS:!: m wptotebeme.wj.bapc0.i6Ht \o,*mu tbael one of tbe cbefe p;pnce0, came to belpe anb 3 [wa0lefttoc5tpnuetbcr wttb t\)t (t(n< ge0of perua,f am come toibewcthe, wbat ©all bamien fento tbp people in tlje latter bape0. jf 0? it wplbe longc pet 0? tb e bifpon berultpUeb. j- iaowewbenbebabfpofcetttbefcwo?be0 wito me, 3 caft bo wne mp beab to tbe gcoft* beanbbelbemptunge.25ebolbc,tljeretou= cbeb mplpppe0 one Derp ipfte Unto a man. JCbenopeneb3mpmoutb,anbfapbe bnto a) b(m>tbat. ftobe befoie me, © mp lojbe, mp topnte0are lowfebmtbebifpo, anb tbere i0 nomojefteengtbwitbinme.feowe mapmp lo|Oe0feruaunttbeutalftewptbmplo2bf' fepnge tbere i0 no ftrf gtb in m e, f tba 1 3 «- not tabe mp tyttomm tW tbere toucbe b mitt*, weagapne.onemocbipaeaman * anb con* f ojteb me,fapinge . tbou man fo well be« loaeb,feare not-be cotent, tafte a goob bert Jntotbe.anbbeftronge. £>o wben be bab ibo&en tmto me , 3 recouereb , anb fapoe . ifopeafte on mp lojb, f o«i tbou baft rcf relbeb me.^ben fapb be:bnowcft tbou wbccfo?c3 amcomebntotbe.''nowe wpll 3 go agapne tofpgbtwptbtbep^nce oftbe $ttft#.M foonea03 go fo^tb, lo, tbe prince of 6?eBe« iaoejO|)aHcome.#eufrtbcle0 J 3 wpll (be we f^tbpnge,tbat(0faftnotebintbefcrppta« re of tntety. 3Cnba0 fo? all poitbet matter)-, tbcr«; 10 none tba t belpttb me in tb^, but at cbaellpoutepwnce. 5fo b«me uf auct.Ot tbehrnatiomc of iggrpte .ano of eD'»bpmittheref t amioftbeb8((elltopthtl)fftpn3oo; mtotfiipXa.pf tbe Vetoes tbat flpe bnto ci)e Bpnaj ol!tf«pptc,jobom autfocbua tbeftpngt of 5>p;iapcrs feciitrtb.tobpcb fpsurctb bnto b« antpcbim , she Vit^tafSLntioOfus. \m in t\>t f pjft peare of Dariu of a)ebia,3 ftobe bpbpm.to co fo;teb(m,anbto ftrcntltl)bpm> m nowe wpU30iewe? tnietft. - ~*. j26ebo!be, tbere (rjall ftaube top Pet tble Bpngcs in ^)erfia , but tbe fouirtb Jpalbefarrerpcbertbeutbepall . 3lnb wben be (0 in tty cbefeft power of bP0 rpcbe0, be lfculM . uiaUp^ouobe euerp man agapnft tbe real* **««* meofC5?eaelanbe,.*ia:ben(ball tbere arpfe U(ii«,uE e t ar »?^tpe!tpi8ge,tbat (Kiallrule wptD m fleeatebominion,anbbowbatbpmlpft. * Sjnb a0 foonc a0bP0 apngbome cometb *>v, (t (baibe beftropeb , anb bcupbeb towaroe tflefowrewpnbctf oftbe bcaum.'Srbcp tbat come after bpm, fballnotbaue focbe power J b omtnpon 00 berbut M w ngbome ibalbe uatreb,pee, euen amongeotber tben tbofe, anbtbeftprtgoftbcroutbftialbempgbtper, tben bi0 otber p2ince0.Hnb one (ball be ftra ger tmn be^ (bail rule M tiominpou wptb greate power. rv nm in tbe enbe of peate0 1^ inalbe (op* nebtogetber.anbtbe ftpngeig baugbterof § foutbe (ball come to tl)t bpup of m ftoit% fonomaae fcSoa]pppe,butiJeibailnot on* m tapne m power of tlwt arme , netber mail ** W be able to e"bure tbo^o we W mpgbt: "but Jb e.anb focba0biougbtber(peeanb Mat begat ber, anb confo^trb ber fozbP0 tpme) (balbebflpucrebbp. ©utoitbe b2auncbe0 otber rote , tbere (ball one ftanbetopitibp* Iteabe:wbpcbw(tbpou3erofarmc0ftjallcro tpo^owe tt}t fcpngesianbe oftbe no?tb , anb janpie bpin acco^opnge to bp0 ftrenatb- 3 to?tbeir3Dol0aimp2tnces;,wifbtbeircoftlP 3ewel0of golbcano fplucr,belball carp tbe a wape captpuc0 into egpptc , ano be (ball repgnemo^e pearc0 tben t^z bpnge of tbe noitQ.3nb wben be i0come into tbe bpngeiS realmc oftbe foutb.be (baibe fapne to tume agapne into bp0awne lanbe.tt)berfo?e W* fonne0 (baibe bifpieafeb,^ (ball gatber toge« tberampgbtpe great! booft of people .ani) one ottbem mall comcanb go tbo^owe Ipae a water fiowbestben qjall be retur nc, anb go ro?tbwitbOefpingeatiDboaftpnge\)ntobt}J awneianbc. 'Cbeii tbe bpnge oftbe foutb Owlbean* grp anb flrjall come hm to f igbt againft tb« apnge oftbe nottlj : pee , be (ball b?pngc a ^ greate multitube of pe ople togctber , anb a C create beape Qjalbe geiaen into b(0 Wbe: tbe* ft (ball be carp a wape wptb greate p*pbr, fpKomocbca0bebatbcaft bowncfo manp tbouKbe0,neuertbeleiS.belballnotpjcuap* le.jfo^tbeapngoftbe itonbu^all gatbercof tbe newja greater beapc of people tben afo* re,anbcome fo?tb (after a certapne tpmc^ pcare0)wptlja mpgbtpe boofte anb cicca* bpnge greate goob. at t\tz fame tpme tbere (ball manpftanbe topagapuft tbe bpnge of tbcfoutb.fotbat^ wpcRcbcbPlbzcn of tbp people alfo (bailer* alte tbem fe(ue0(to fnlfplltbetoifion)^ tben fall.£DotbcBingeoftbenojtb(&aUcometo lape rege,anb to tab e m ftrog f enfeb cptie0.« 3nbtbepower of W oftbe (ontb Owll not beable to abpbe bim,nnb t\)z beft men oftbe people (bail not be fo ftc5g J a0toreft>ft bpm, $5>bo?tc p, wben be commctb , be fcall bable bpma0belpft^uoman Qjalocfo barbpa$ toftanbeagapnftljpm.^ca)aUftanbf(ntbe pleafauntcoutre,wbpcbtbo?owc bim Cbal* bebeftropeb ;T&c (ball let bP0 face wptb all M power to ontapne bp0apngbom,anb to belpBeit.5ec,tbatujao after that be batb taben trace wptb Wm.bc (ball ba"blc bi feca tf uUp; tba t tie map* get up, a n b our re o me bpm w 1 t b a f m all ft o * crc : a nb To tot tb craftpnefle to set |)tm to t\)t fatteft place of the ianDc, anbto beale otbrc t»pfe,tbe etberbi$ratbcr0o? gtaftbfatben* ^ bpb.fl o? be (ball beftrope tpe tbpnj e , tbat toep habrobbeb 9 fpopleb.pee.anb all tbcp? rubftaiicejpmagenpngc tbongbte0 flgapnft tbeftronge bolbe&anbtbat fo? a tpme. fop* power anb bertc (balbe ttcrrcb top wptb a greate acmpc agapnft tbe lunge of the foutb wberetbojowetbeRpngeofthe foutb (bal* be moueb then Unto battell, witba artates mpgbfpcbooftalfo. .ftcuertbelcffc Jje (ball not ucableto ttanbe,fo? tbcp (ball conQ)p?c ngaintt bim.£ce, tbcp tbat catc of bttf mcate (ball bucte bpm: fo tbat bW Dooft (ball fall, $ manpbeflapnedownc. "Cbefe two ftpngetftbalbe mpndeb to qo mpfcbefe.anbtalBeofbtrceatc at one table: but rtep (ball not p?ofpere,fo?wbp» tbe enbe (ball not come pet, Unto t\it tpme apopntcb ***•«*»■ *<3$en (ball be gobomeagapne into Ml 1 wne lanbe wftb great goob.ana fet biitfbert agapnft tbe bolp couenaimt.be (balbe bufpe agapnft tt,anbtbcnreturnebome.3t tbe tt* tneapopntebbeftwllcome agapne, anb go towarde tbe foutb. &o (ball it tjapp en other tsjpfe tbenattbefp?tt,ptt one0agapnc.ainb **o&m W* P*u)pppe0 wttb 3talpan0(ball come Upon.bim.tbatbemapbe fmpttc" anb turne appneitbatbcmaptaBedibignaciQagalnft tbeeoncnautofbolpneuVo meble agapnft it.Pce,beftHm , turnebim,anb&?awefocbUn toblm,a0leauetbebolpcoucnatint. $ •%« (ball fctmpgbtpe men to Unbalowe P ^Danctuarp of ft rengtb . to put bourne tbe baplpe offerlnge, anb to fet Up t^t a bbom t na ble oefolacpon.3Ciibfocba^b?eaue ti)e cone- naunt (ball be flatter toptb fapje wo^bcsi. ffint cfye people tbat iuplllinouoe tbeti; <£>ob, £ball bauc tbe ouerbanbe anb pjtofpenj.'&bO' fe aifo tbat bane unberiranbjnae ammng tbe peopieftall enfonrmetbemnieitnbfrimb m alongefenfon, tbep ftalbe pftlecntelii ttptp wmm **HtM (5 (tutarbe ,w«b fpn , t»f tb ttytm e 9 fcHl tbe tatt pnge a toape of tbep? aoobeKi *& owe iDben tbcp fall, tbcp (balbe fett Up tupeba lptle belpe: but manp ibalUleue Unto tbtm fapncblp* gee fome of tbofe tu|)(cb baue Unbcr ttan* by n g (ball be utrf ecuteb aKo , tbat tbep map be trpcb ,pur(tpcb anb clenfco , tpll tbe tpm<: be oiitrfoj tberetieiper anotbcir time appopn» n D.'Cbe ftpngc Cbaiioo what opm.lpft * be Oj«U ermcc auontagtutpc mm Celfe agapna alttbattdiCob.^ce^eCbalt Qieabc matuc? loittf tbingeiE) agapnft tbe <2? ob of all gobbed tubcrin be Mil p^ofycre , fo longe tpll tbe *\»?atbbewileb,foMl)econclnfp5ttbe« utftb alrebp.l^e (ball not regarbe t%z ©ob of bpsi fa t ber sf , but W I u ft (ball be Up 6 tucmf ; ^ec.bc (ball not care fo? enp 6'ob,foj be (ball magmfpcWmfelfeaboueall. 3n bP^ placif (banbewo^ujppe tbempgbtie ftoute C5ob: anb tbe C5ob wfjom mtatiwi ftnc we not, (ball be bonoure witb golbe anb fplucr , w(tb precious* ftonesi anb plcafaunt jewels. ^bitftballbebo.tbo^oweMftrfigefens feb piacf , fcttuige uue typfi ftraunge 0ob tubombecoufeftitbanbencrcarutgebitffilO' rpe.§>ocbcasi will tcccauc bpm , & tabe bpm fo? ©ob.be (ball gene tbe" greate wo?(bPPPf anbpowcr.pee,anbmabctbS lo^bcsi 0! tpe multitube.anb gene tbcm tbe lanbe witb te= warbcsi. Jntbe latter tpme (balltbeftpnge of tbe foutb ftrpue wptbptm 1 anb tbe ftpnge of tbenoubiulpsemanct (ball come againft b(m witb cbaretfc^,bo?fmcnanb ida geeate tmiv of ujpppcjai.foe (ball cometnto tbe lan« bc&beftropeanb go tbo?owe:be(ballentre alfo (ntotbefap?ep!eafauntlIbe:^anp cp* t(c0anb coutrc0(ball becape* crcepte $b5, ^oabanbtbe beftof tU cbplb^en of 3tn= mon, wjypcb (ball eftape from bp# banbe. m (ball ftre tcb f o?tb b it banbeiei Upon tbe conn= ttee0,9 tbe lanbe offfigppte (ball not cfca* tjcbpm.ifo?tbo?oweb(0gopnge(n,be(ball pauebotmniottouettbe trcamrejS of fpluer anb golbr.anb ouerall t\^t p^ectoutf leweW ofegfpt,ltbtoanbgtbiopia.*&euertbe< lefie.tbe tpbpngesiout of tbe €aft anb tbe no? tb (ball trouble bim.fo? tbe wbpcb eaufe be-all goofonb to befttopc anb rote owte a greate mnltttube. *Cbe tented of bptfpala* ceftjall bepptcbeb betwpjtc tbe two fcr0, Upon tbe bpu of tbe noble &anc tuarp, t oi be (ball come to W bctbe , * anbtben (ballno manbtlpebpm. • 1 Cffbe-rMbapter. CfoWWl)ttitt\}tbttttutttcc?onott1)tbta-,W}t MttKcnnR of (If pjop&r epe of Danrn. ^je tpme wpll come alfo , tfeat J|e 31. J greatp?(ncf*^)(clJael,wbicbftan*« ll "* ,, betbontbppeople0ftbe,qjalarpfe n ,-* — UAf^tberetbalUomeatpmeof*"""^! trouble, focp a0 neuer was(,ftn0 tbere began to liijo.rf.c |nj,ftl.t. ♦ ^D,rt,t * ajo.w to be e»p people , unto ei^te fame tpme. tDen Mftbppeople be belpuereb , pee , all taUM tpoftfbefonhbe w?ptten tn tbe boat. *«)a \iM Daniel, feat Up tbere wo?* be&anb fealetbe bone tpll tbe (aft time ma «p(baUgoaftoute be« anbtbwe* anbtben (ball unowiebge (ncrrafe . ^03 Daniel lo= v^» m>$ bebolbe, tlieee ftobe^ (uittotwotM C two: one Upon tbP* (bote of tbe wateribe other upon ponber fpbe.ainb one of the" fapb Unto bpm, wblcb wa0 clotbeb in ipnen anb ftobeaboue Upon tbe water0 of the floube. !9o w Ifiore (ball it be to tpeenbe of fbefe W9= berou0wo?cac0^ •'Q-benberbea trjeman wptb t\)t Ipnen tt'«-^(i o thc0,wb(cbftobeaboneupontbewater0 of the floube.- wb? be belbe Up hp^ rpgbt anb left banbe untp beauen , anb (ware op \)vm wbpcb Ipnetbfo? euer* tbat it (ball tatp fo? a tpme, two tpme0anb balfe a tpme 1 9 wbf tbe power of tbe bolp people (0 dene featrcb «b?oDe , then (ball all tbere thpngca be ful» tplleb. - ^3Iwbf rt weli,but3unberftobe it mt t> %\)tn fapbe3:€)mp io?b,wbat (ball bap« pen after tbare l^e anfwereb *. tbP wape 3>an(el,fo? tbefe wo?bc0 (ball be clofeb Up 9 (ealcb.tpll tbelaft tpmeranb man? (balbe pa t „ rifpeo,clenreb6ftrpeb.'>ti(««rtto«f »fp;o y&wt mm* the ^"ffoblp (ball ipne wpcucblp * anb tbo= fe w bpber:fo; tbe lanoei batb cotnmptf et 1 greate * ,K,W& * SJ'S?3iJi? Dcf f D ^ntobpm : call bprf ffiiSffl^? ^ttpll uSo?trpatSgi -N ff c b l?. u ?f of*3errftel ^>poti tbe boufe of 3c= *il^: rtr - te of 3fracl I to an rnbe . ttotn wpll 3 bieabe * «<-w.m.i* the bowe of 3ftacl,in tbe Ualiep of 3efraf 1. oaugbter.3nb be fapbe Unto })pm . oia [I bcr bOttreof3frael,bntfo?get tbem anb put tfe f ^ cleane out of rememb?anrteM= jfflScS c ^^ , SiHS.WS^» eW!1 ^o?owt m to? jaowe.wbiujcbabwcanecj io?ubamab* fewnceaneb agapne , anb bare i iC . S Sj n j?r oehc i M,lh V0name, ioamp . ifo? S) WtTe arejiof mp people, tbetfo?c Will not 3bepour 0m. »ti{ though tbe nombzc of 1? S.2? p 2 "P l "*? be matured net tol - SSffiffiS^JS 1 !^ *& cbplb?eu*3io^tu.,* of«ielpnpngc(5pD.*^ben (ball tbe xbplb?f Jf 3wba anb ft> r hplD?ett of jftari lit ga be! t «.mw* tcb togctber aoarne anb cbofe tbem ffl pnebeab,anbtb«i beparte out of tbt lanbe> f 0? greate (balbe fbe bapt of tfratt ^^^L'ebe.ii.paptcr. lSSiffl e ^ f ^F» foat tbcf are % mppeople?anbpouttfpftetne,tbat tbcpftatieoptavneb mcttp.S0? O i &=r pouremotbcxptlball cbpoe S W Hi bet, ny: i ■ ' ' i r h t 1 r I i * 1' f * * i * 1 :'■ ft*? cle * aert. «.«. bcMnbrep$oncbcr*fo?(be Wnotm pwpfe, ncrbcr am 3 bcr bufbanbCjOnlcffctyr pitta* waycber wbojbomeout ofmpfpgbt, $• l)er abrioutrpfrQbct tye(rc&3t"no 3 foal I fttpu- MM..**, vc t)cc nnftcp^ Cctt bcp*rucu ajS (be camctn ** KWtof,a ' to tbe ujojlbej pce,3 (ball tape Dec waftcSD tnaae Ucr Ipnc a toplbetncfle , a flapc Ijrc f o? tb wftc. 3 iball baue no pite alio top5 bet cbtl *j8i).*«(.». tyc *fo? tbcp be tbctbpltycn of fojtuicacpou. Ibrit motnrrbatbbiOBii bet tocDlocUe, *««.Be«m anb i$e tbat bare tbf*i# come to cortfr^on. i*t*. jfoj0&cfaybi&2r3i t»M go after mploucrg, i*** ftttm memp roarer atto mpbjcab.mp tooll 36 « tee,mp opie anb mp typncne.iSnt3 tart U liebgc bet wape wf tb tNnciMnb ft oppe it, tbat (be (ball not fpnbe bet fotcftcppei'anD tbottgb (be runne after bet louce*, yet Crjall Cbcnot get tbeimfbe (ballfctictbem , but not tKntitA fpnbftbem.* efteii (ball foe live: well,3 topll go mine agatne to mp f pjft Ijoufblor, fo?at ptpmc wasi 3 bcttetat eafe.tb? no\»e iSut tbts wolbc (be hot lino we, wbtte as 3 pet gaue bet come, unmc, ople.fpluer $ golb ^- ..,,. *abPcb(bcbatbbangcDbpon22iaal. *« KMW.J. )x>fjcrf o?e, <abbatbc3 anb all bet folgpncf ca* fte*:3 toyllDcftroyc bet upncparbcfls fpgg fccc&tbougbtbe fapctb;lo,bearcarcmy re* toarbc* , tbatmp loiters banc gcuen me. 3 toyll mafec it a vuobOe » anb wplDe beeftcjs (bitll cate it bp. 3 wpll pit npfti bet alfo fo?? *3fatfc.«.b oayesof 26aal * \»bfrmlbcc*nfc&bpm,oc* • a6,r •*• tfepnge bpm xoptb bee rarpnges $ cbepnt S: vw mefolowcbbcrlouers.anbfojgat me, fiipctbtbciojoe. "BDbet f oic bebolbe»3 topll call bet agapne tytingt bcrintoatoylDerncS , $ fpeafeefrco= rg, Ip wtto l)cr:tbete wilOgcucbcrbrr tapniar* *aoru.wt.» DeEiagapne.vec a tbc* taallcpof 3c|oj alfo to (bctDc bet bope anb comf o? te. ^ben (ball *-uMet i <&Kfirogetbcrc*atftntbetymeofbc*pOiitb» ffiw* ' anbtlpfte ajs in tbcDaye t»ben (be came out of tbe llbc of egppte.'CbenCGipetbp lo?oe f&t! 0>a« fape \)nto me) s£>mpbouCbanbe,$ QjaUeallmenomo^e usaal :fo?3 wpU tane awayetboftnametfof Baal fro bet moutD, per, (be Qjail neurc remfb^e tbeie nametf env ttoatfW* mm. *% bi myll 3 mane a concnaunt roitb tbum.tDitbtbe UJplOebeafte0,TO(tb tbefou* lest of tbeap;te>anD -mpty encty tbpngetbat ecepctb bpcurtbeeattft *cfk.a« *3uee,cue to mp fclfe u>pll 3 uiatp fin tpgbteonfner^ !e,pm ano ople.f tbep(bailbelpe3e(rael^3 topllfotoetbem * m>k«J Vpon eattb,ro^arcbetompneamnerelfe^$ tto».ff7 vopll ^mt mercp tjpon bet ,t bat UM(0 DDptb 8 out mercp. anb to f ijem tubpeb toetenot mp veople,3 u)pilfape.-tbou ate mp people anb pe (ball Fay r : tbou art my <0OD. CUCbe.iiiCWptet- G6tV)t lour o«Bob (otBBttictbrpteplf. laen fapoe tbe lo^betome«# (So pet ^ tbp toaye « utotoe an abttouterousf Jiw Itoomd.tubo tbP nepgbbonrelouetbi a0 tbe lojbe ootbtbe cpplbjeof Jftael: boto be it tbevbauctefpecte to ft ra tinge gobbed tfft MU *^ lone tbe wpne aannc*.^ S>o3 gat bet amM*? foMUOIucrlpngrjMno fo? an^ontf r* ani^ balreofbaflye.ftiapoe^ntobers^bonlpalt broe YDitb me a isge feafon, but ft tbat tbou plaprlt not tb« barlot,9lobc?meblet5 none otbermn^tj)enwiU3bepcmpfelfefoHbe. KVOiufi ttic cbplD?cn ot3ftael (ballfyta +tf%B . gt eattobiletoitbout fcynge anbp?ince,ttftb out offering Atibatilter,toitbout mefteate< . uelacpon.isutafterVDatbeu^alltbecbPlD^ of 3fracl connerte,anb febetbelo^be tbep^ W '^•hfrtiti no ttetotbtrtbere mno mrrciMDeee Wno fsnorolcbge of ^ob in tbe lanbe:but fwear|ng,lyf ge .manflaugbfer: tbeft safiuoutrpbane gotfc tbe oueebanbe, anb one bloubgptf (nelfe folotoctb anotliee. 'JTbetf o?c (ball tbe lano be in a miferable ca« fe > anballtbcptbatOtoelltberin > (ballbero- teb out.^bebeafte^ (ntbefclbe, tbe fouled m tbe ap^e,^ tbe fp(bc0 m p fee (ball bpe . Set tttberenone ,f u>pll cbaftf not repjoue ano« tbcr.* jfO^tbPpeoplcrebuHctbe tbep^eftesf, « mm tobpcbmulberefourme otber men. *e:b«f o?c ttom bleft tbou in t(se tiaye tpme ® f tbep?opb«tf fbetnf npgbtjtopllujfott tbp mot jcr to fy«ce,anb t»bp/* m pwpft *»««f il pctlfo, becaufe tbepbanc no ttuototebg . £>e» **»* inge tben f tbou baft rcf ufeb tmbtrftabtng, f bctfo^e topll 3 rcf ufe tbe alfo : f o tbat tbon (bait nomo« bemppjcfte.anbfo? fomocbe a^tboubaftfo?cj;ottef laweofti)p (Sob,3 wpii iSfiSfeas %.* i*ft * i ttPUal^faWcttbPtbPJt^.^bemo^tbey iticttafebin tfemnlrttubcpmo^e tbep fpn* mbagapnft mctbetfoie t»pll 3 cb^ge thm ♦iwi.jjfA boncmre(nto(bame.*'€bepeate\)pttiefynr j mm net of mjwople , anb co^e tbem in (tm I ♦«(#.»<(«• iobo?bome, wyne 9 bjoncueneflc tabefb \m.«,.u tbtbeetfatoape.*%people afbe connect! lmm u ' attbe f 01 tbere aee goob fbobowe* . Qbmfg, poure paugbtetiS are become barlotte* , anb ponre tyouM baue b?oW tbep* toeblocae, 3 i*.„rrhft PFWnotpuniOipoiftJeMnBbferjBffoibeittge *T M ' bcfpleb.fr pourebjyoe*? became UJbo?ctf:* 1 . i epnge tbe fatbertf t|}g feluegba tie mcblcb x& batlottesl,f offereb tf untteittcftfattt trjcpeo pie p topll not buberft^be muft be puny OjeO . rMpngD tljou 3ftnc l art DtfpofeD coplayc tbe batlot,petamlbeft not tbou baue offeu. fcr beb,©3uba:tboua)ulDeft not baue runne ^w.^rtod5riigai*neebaucgone^pto)!Bctba= w * gen,* tier baue ft»o?ne,tbe io^blpuetb. if oj 3frael is gone bacue Ipltc a wanton co\»c. y be ilojbe tbecfo^e (ball mane ber febc , atf tbelambctbatgoetbaftraye.ainDtx»l]crca£i 6pbMim i* become pactancr of jboljf, xdc! , Ice biro go.'ftbek b^oucnciinesi batb puttt? bacae,« b^ougbt tbem to tobo?bomc2rbetr tulewfloueteujarbe£(,b^nge,(fapetbcp)to , tbc(eatoite(bame.3iU)pnbe(baHtabebolOe oftbepKetber^anbtbepibalbeconfounbeD wtbepfoffifpnge*. 1 C^be-WJaptcr. caBophttjeht |9«tt«» anb ruiat« ofjftktck ^ep?efte^;beacc.tbiisJ,taltc bebe, C>P ...8j , 4T*rJl5«S8i»K Si ifiwe poure parte tore 3upgement bone , but pou are become a niate Unto ^p^pbab , anb a fweb net ^n» totbemountof irbabo?.'8rbepipl! factifp* . «jbpbeape^nbtutnefarrefir5tbel.o^b, Mi.bi«.b. 13 bane benearebuue r of fHaH^3 nnow 5lo,ctbi to.wtt.b. epwa(m weltpnougb, $ 3(eael tf not bpb •'••' ^ome:fojepb?atm% become anbatlot :« ftaelWbefpieo.lCbep aee not mynbebto ■ • . nrneiwitotbete^ob.. , v _ w _ . , Wjjtfotbattbepcamiotftnowe in bpo face r p«,bqt b 3ftacll 9 Gpfcaim ctuelrc mcbe'afi fteue tfe wwjerpe tbip bare ^ft*?Wft ,M 9 e,w * Wr (bepe #jMUb anbbullocKetf tto fcfte tbe tO20r , but tbep «>««.««.*. Jail not fpnoe Dim, f 0? bcifigone from Ml f*** 3?fojttbejLo?be,tbepbouerefufebl)(m,anb^ bwuflDt bp uaftaroe ttytwm monetb tbef- fOJe (ball beuoure tbem witbWt wwm 2Slot»e toitb tbe (battme«iat0tl3ea,ano 3 rberrompetin !aamab,crpeoutat vSttbmt Mpontht vttyvt of 25en3amin.3n tht tpme of tbe plagei&all €Pb;aim be layebwafte, tberfo^ebpb3 faptbtuHp warne tbe trpbea of 1M» ; ate tbe princess ofjnba become lpaetbem*tbatremoue m lanbematche^ * t>m.mu tpeefoyetopU Jpqure outmp math "own «*«w»fl.c. fp5 ipae ujatcr.epbiaitn is oppieffeb , «can baucnongbtoftbelawc:fo^t»bp.''tbeyfolo< we tbeboctrpnea of tmgoblpmcn.^berfo^ -*> will 3 be Mo (Spbjaim ajs a motb , ano to * tbeboufcof3uoaajSa catetppHer. jObeneflbWimfawebPiBi'fpchneffe.anb upa pp0 Opfeafe, * eppjaim toent e »nto * fl ff-«.fW * Jflitr, anb lent Dnto bpng 3arcb.pet couIDe notbe belpepou.net eafepou of your papne* 3amtonto(5pfeaima«falpon,anb aaa lp= one tobelpeto pboufc of3uDa,Cuen,3 twll fpople tbem.gf go mp wape. 3 Wl tafte M \»prbme,anbnoman(baUrefciietb^3tt>ill go,anb returnc to mp place,tpll t^ \h\omo» lebge tbat t^zv baue fynnco anD fcHe me . C?bctyCbapter. •raffipccpon caafctb. a man to rctttrne to fiab. SCbc ttpcucbnca of tbU&j«ll«. Btbep^abuet«tetbepibaUerlpefe« ^ »e me 9 fape.c omelet b* tutne agap ««, - JESftfi 10 ?? 1 *^^ 5 at ^ ftopfcn*3iob,b.b« W.anbbefballbeale^: iae batb wounbeO tJCanbbeftallbynDe btf t>p agapne .'after two Dapcsi (ball be mipcaen bsi.in tbe mm oapebc(ballrapre\)iSbp,fotbat mm&to uetnbp^fpgbt. ^benfballtoebaucbnocr-- ftaopnge,$ enbeuoure oure feluejS to ftnotoe m lojoe.^e (ball go fo?tb atftbe rp?pngof j& tvmpe, $ come but to* * as tbe ettenpnge * Smk* 8n 2«P*»WBee«petibntbeeaefb* ^iDepbjatmitobat miim tonto trie/ c> 3uba,bojpe(ball3intreatetbei'fepng pour lpnewpReamo^npngcloube,9lpfteabewe fgoeebearlpaT»ape. ICbeefo^c baue 3 cue Joumetbefeopbetetf^nblee tbe* be flapne r fojmptoo|bejtfaBe:fotbattbp pmrfifcmenc * flWlUometo lygbt.^jfoi 3 bauepleafute in * «•'•*.» ouynglipn fne «c * ano n of in offtinge : pee, JSffft . ractifpte.nBut eultpkeajj* ^oa bpb. To ba-- * *«». «ja netbepb^oBenmpcouenatmt.anofct me at naugbt,f>3-(0fifaoij8(jic(teof txrtefccb Ooertf °^^ of malpcpouspfople^bloufiibebftcts . 3nb «owaptefoi8bimtbatttjaet ftict)(Stbefo»nce«oftbeitt« wall fell f 0? eper; ^wicKeotKOe, anojubatf «1 foe WwJ f&pnge/S feOWble *3!»r,ywtf,b ^ *1 * ■ li 1 - w m mm. $wW* i LP t- . ■ H?' 111 I '(( ;U, if I J j-vr >. it Ml ! I ' i *i ' f" I - l tl **5 ?'* thpnge0 paue3 ftue ditto fconfe ofjftaei tpcccplapetb6pb?aumbe baslat > $3Crati woe f pled: pccanb et)ou 3uba ticpefl: an par* ucflt f i^ tpp fclfe, wpcn 3 re tut lie ttic capty * uitie of mp people Ctebc.Uij.Cpaptcr. i •X of tlje bpecs anb tamntonnci of tlje people. i>c" 3 unbertafcc to mane 3(racl wflo» If ,tben f Ungracioufnetfc of #pb?aim anb tbe wpcncbiica of Samaria com* metb to ipgbt : tpen 50 tpep aboutc tb Ipeja: tpcrfoje p tpeafcrobberp wltt>fn:& tfouttpc f popllcr brftropetb.'Crjc p coftb?c not in tDcir tjertcB tpat3ccmcmb?call tt)rtc wickebne0. Jjjowictficr atone inucntpotf bauc befet tbe" * rohm.j.d. to!)pcl),3 fe t»cil pnougD. * 'E&ep malic the bpngeanbttie p?pncc0 , to bane pleafurctn tpcpj; wpciiebne0anb ipess . 311 tbefe burnt «* (nabuoutrp,a0itwcreanoncntpat tbeba* fecr jeatctp, wben be|)at& left ftneabpnge, tplltbebowebe UuentscD .€ncn fo goethft tpitf iwpe toitb owe Rpnge0anb p?ince0, fo? tbep begpnneto be wobbe b?oneaf tbo?owe wpne.tpepUfe familiar itc witp focb 80 WC* ccamMpem.'Cpepwitbtljepmaglnacpouof tbeir berte are IpUe an onen , tbeir flcpe 10 all £ npixlit Ipke tlic flepe of a bancMu t[)c tn o?= npnucitflx 80potea0 tpe flame of fp?e:tpcp arealltogetpcraapotcadanoucn. C ^5C Uc v Dane m ourcb tbeir a wnc iubgctf, all tl>cp?ftpngc0 are fallempetitftbere none $zr ofthi^caHctp\)ponme.^y"E!)crfo?enuift ©pwann be mprte amongetbe tyeatbcm <8pbtaim 1 become IpUc a caKc.f no ma t ur= netp,(crauger0bauebeuowcb pi* ftrengtp, pet lie tegarbetb (t not : |)c wnrctlj full of itaut* «• fftap rjearc0,pet wpll be not nnowc it * anb $ p?pbe of jW isfcaft bowne before tl)cp? face,pct topUtbepnot turne to £ &o?b tpep? (2>ob,ner fefee bpm fo? all tj)P0. epb?aim 10 Ipaea boue,cbati0begpleb, ««.we.Fi>(.i> anblt)atl)not)Crte:*iaowcaU tljep Upotbe @gppcpan0,nowegotbep to t|)e 3&ffp?({W: but applet pep be gopngepcre anb tbere, 3 Cballfp?ebe mp net oucc tbem , $ biawe tbe" botxme rtjstfjc toulea of tbe ap?e.-& accojbpng ag tljep baue bene t»ar neb,fo will 3 punttbe *«n* ti5. *tt)obe*ntotbem,fo*t!jep bane fo?fa=- * benme.tlbep muft be beftropeb.fo? tjep ba *if.f»ct.«.s. ue fctme at nangbt, *3 am be tbat bauc re* J bcmebtb^.anb pettbep biffemble wpe|j me. $epcaUttotto)onme voitWm Dctte0, cta.jT.e. but ipeOoulpnffeijpon tbep? bebbe0.tt)^etc 1? ' ,cw "^a0tbepcometoitetoee,it (tfbiit fo?meate» b jpucbe.attb mt will ti»er not obepe-3 b^ue tau«bt tbem^anbbefenbeb tym arms , pe t bo ttpep pmagln mpftbef e againtt me.'CDep tutttetbgfelue^butnottotbemoCtbPcft^ are become a0n bionen bawt.fytyit p^ncctf ftalbeOapnew$ wmm trftfgre(rcbmpia\xje.3ftaeia)nlbeDflnefap* be mito me; j art mv <0ob,u)e nnowe f : but ijc Oatl) ref tip tDc trjpns f 10 goob,t|erfo« ftall tbeencmpfoloi»e\)p6Dpm.* ^liepija *"'•"« ■*» ne o?beneb Upnge0,but not tbo?ow me:tbep bauemabepjince0, $3 muft not ftnowe of it. * ©f tljetP IVluei; $ golbe Daue tfc ep mabe *«» .wn, t&cm3magc0,totypngetbcmfelue0 to be» ftrnccpon.^^Dpcalf , fcamatm , (balbe * B '« 1 ' ta ben a wape, f 0? mp t»?ot^fliU tnbtgnacp 6 i0gonefo^agapnftt|)e.$owe louge tnfll it be.o? tbcp can becle"fcb.ff o» t|je calfe came _ fr6 3lrael,tbe t»o?feeman mabe it , tljerfoie 56 cSftbe no dpob.butcue f peace0lbaU p calfe of Samaria beb^oHf . ^^^bep^ue fow» «e% ne wpiuxtbcrfojc Qiall t\jc p reape a fto?me. Hbeir fcbc(ballbearcnoco?ne,tbew (ball no mealf be mabe of t&eyj incwafe : t|jougb tlifprcape,pettliallftraugcr0beuoureiW, 3fraelftiallpcrira),tbe©c'tilciS0jaUtntrca« , tc 6ima0a foule "tocffcU .^»cncc tl)C|> t»2t "top to tbe 3Ktw(a!5,*bcparc become Ipne a wpl* be affe in tbe beff rte. . . 4 m „. a *€bbJatm gcuctl) rcttarbc0 to get loucc0 ;£l m anbtboiigb tbcp &P?etbemamonge trjelje* vnm* then ytt notne topll 3 gatber t&e" Up . 'CDep (pilbcgvniietcibetoeerpcb t»pt|) t&e but»C tben ofUpusegf anb p#nce0 . 6pb?aim l)atb mabemanp atUtciss to bo wpcbebnc0, pp0 aultcr0(3 fape)l)e Ijab to ijijSfmne.^OousD 3 QjctJje tb^ mp lawe neuer fo mockt&cp co« unte it bnt fttafige boctepne. lx>ljcre a0 tbep bo facrifpce,offerpnge tbt fteflbe anb eatinge it : tbe lojbe wpll bauc no pleafute tberlm a> but ujplltcmembie tbcp? tmcfeebne0,$pu* niflbe tbeir fpnne^. * Sfrael turned aaapne m intoegipt,tbepbanefo?gotfenl)imfmabe ||Si tbem.tbepbuplbe fap?e palace0 ,anb3nba maUetpmanp ftronge cptic0:*tberfo?e will «««ff** 3fenbeafp?einto tbep? eptic0,anbitHjall confimtetDeir placed , C«:De.t]C.Cl)aptct. ^ 1 £>&3-itottbou ttiumpbe* «P 3* s % rael , mane no boaupnge ouep ^ liopoufe tbpnge0 a0 bo tfoe laea- — ^tbcnioitSottbaftcommptteb ab« uoutrpagapntttbP^ob: wbojpuje rewar= bc0bafttbouloueb> mo^etbcnaUtbecoine* ft o?e0. *^betfo?t (ball tj)ep nomoje emope + m ,u tbe co^ne fto^cjs anb wpne p?effc0,anb ttoP? fwetewpne5»Ulapletbem^lJcTWirtnot bwellintbelo^betf lanbe * but epl»8im*«»flw tntnctb agapne imto dEgppte ,anb eatetb"bn= clcanetbpngefl amongetbe affp?i50 W ponreontno wpnefo?a bjincftofcWntjlmtq tbe lo?be»n«tbrr gene tbep ftpmfjKirflapne offcpngtf»:but tb?P be Unto tbem 80 mow* ner0nteate0 J wlwrinaUtbeptlwteate t|>c, are bef pleb. if 07 p b^eab t pat tbep bauc focb f> luftUntOiMjallnot come into tbepoufeof tbe . fcr lojbe-. ^ tDtwt wpll pc bo tbeu in tlje fo« lcmpnebape0,anbintbefcaft oft|)e iorter* WW Ojall_ccet tbe aroape f 0? tjje bettvi\c= epoii i€gppt djaiircccauc tljem .aabBopb (ball burp tbem. ":■ Cl)enettlc0(liaU ouergro\»ctl)ep^plea» faunt goobe0, anb burr eg ibalbe in tbeir ta= bcrnacleiS.',!©e pe wre( C> 3fr«el)tbe tpmc of WKtacpon i0 come , tbt bapc0 of rccompen= fpnge are at banbe.SBnb ipen ujaU3fraell ftnowe tljat tOep were becepueb bp a p?o= pbete folpfbe mab , anb in a f raufep : f 0? t be mul titube of tljpne iniauitpe (Boa tball mul ttplpc ciiempeg agapiift: m . €pl^aim batb maoebim felfa watebmiof mp<0ob,ap?os pbete f i0 become a fnare to bo puree in eucrp ftretcanbabpominacpontntpeboufcofbitf C5ob . ^pep be gone to farre , $ bauc beftro* i^rir « pebtbem felue0,lpae a0tpe p bvt> afojetpme KfJ Jfat<5abaa*tDerfo?ctpcwwpckcbncg(baU mhmf* bercmemb^eb.anb tbeir ipnnejs punpfbeb. I gr 3 fdunbe3fraeUlpbegrapc0 in tbe wpl= I * bemc0 , anb fa we tpcir fatbertf a0 tlje fpjft team* *fpgge0 in tbe toppe of tbe fpggc tre. 1 25ut fw* depart gone to zeaalpeo? , 9 runneawapc fro me to f Qjamcfull jbolU are become ojS &3» abiiominabie as tfyeir louer0. c^" € p b?atm flpetblp8eabp?be,fo$all tbeir glo^palfo: 311 to mocp , tbat tbep OjaU uetber begett^ coceauener bearc i»ylb;en.3inb tbougptbep b^pngc My enp , pet will 3 maae tpcm cbpl= bele0amogemen.^ee, wo (ball come tot&e", mm* w^cn3bcpartfrom tbem . * <£pb?atm (80 me tbpncttOi* pl^tcb in wcltbpncjs, ipkc atf ^p2u0,but nowe muft Cpe bjpnge be r awuc cbplb^en fo^tl) to t&e mantlapcr. jd © Jlojbc tbou (bait getie tl)5: wbat (bait tpou gene them t gcue tbem anUnrrutefiill wombe9b.tpeb?cftc0.3Utbcirwpcaebne0 Miuitf.t. is tjone at * ©iigall, tbere bo3abbo;rctbe. v ifo^tbe bngracpoufne0of tbctrawne i\\wl= cpon0,3 will b^pue tbm out of mp boufe. 3 will lone tljem nomo?e,f b| all tljcir p?pncc0 are\)nfaptbfull.6pb^aim(0bewenbowne, tbeir rote i0 bjpeb Up , fo^ tbep Qjall b^pngc nomo^efrute, pec, anb tpougp tbep b^pngc fo?tb enp,pet will 3 flape cuentlje beft bclo= neofrute of tbeir bobp . &5pdSob (ballcaft tlJemawape.foztbcp b^ucnot bene obcbi?t . Uutobtm, tbcrfo?ett)aU tbep goaftrape a= mongetUe^ealpcn. »v CCbc.iC.Cbaprer- * •> ? * " * i «« V C8B«pn(t jfr urtunB Mf looif. ■< ^>rael wa0a gooolp * Upne, but 3 . fje batb fought fo^rll Unpiof pta= *« Ca - b - 8 ' blc frutc:pte,f mo^efrutcbebab, itbemoaultcr^ pe mabe : tbe mo?e goob 3 bvtt to tbeir Ianbe , t(jc mo?c fttub= (bppcibeweb tbep to their pmage0. 'Cbcp? Ijcrtc ifltm\vHtt},tfcttoit wpll tbtv be be* ft ropcb/eibe Jlojb ujati b^eaiie bowne tfjcir ptnage0, be (ball beftrope tbep? aulter0. Itbcn (bailtpep fapc;we liaucno Upnge , fo? wbp*webauenotfearebpjto.ib.3nbwbat ujnll tben tbe bjnrjc bo to b0 1 'Sbcp comen togctber , ano (wearc Uapne Otbe0 : t pep be confcbcrattogctbcr , tberfo^e growetb tbeir pun(u)ment,a}5 f pe webc0mtpe fo?owc0 of t()e lanbc. ^|jeptl)atbwcll in Samaria dauc wo?- 2$ (bpppeb tbe calfe of 26etbaue: tpcrfo?c ftiali tpe people mournc ourr tbem, pee, 9 tpc p?e= ftos alfo, tbat in tbep? wcUbpucffe rciopleb wptb tpcm : anb wpp .' it (ball paffcawape frfitbem.3tfballbcb?ougbttotl)ea(riric}ii, fo? a pjefent Unto Upnge 3areb.(8pb?a«m (ball rcccaue full punp(bment.3fracU ilialbc confounbeb fo? f)p0 aoouc pmagmacponS, $bamarta a5 bi0 ftpnge (pall UanpOje a wape as tbt fcommc in fbc water, gcj'Cljc ppc t~* placed of lucn where 3 iraell bo fpnne, u>nU be enft bownc : tbpftlc0 anb tj>o?nc0 (ball . _„ „.. , growcUpStbepMiiltcrss.* 'CllcntbalUUep apV.'tK. (ape to tpc mottntapnc0:couer D0,anb to tpe jjplletf .-fall Upon U0. j3D3fraell,fbOupaftfpmicba0*(]5abaa€ bpbafo?ctpme,wberetbeprcmapncb:amlb * * utt * w *«' nottbe batapll tpencomc Upon tbe wpcbcb cbplb?cn,ao well a0 Upon tbe tiSabaomtcpj' 3 wpll cpaftcn tbem, eucnaftermpncawne bcfp?c v tbe people (balbe gatpcreb togetpce oucc tpcm , wpcn3punpu)c tpcm fo? tpeir great wpcuebiieflc.epbjalm u>aj3 wito me, a$acowc£(0tofebtogotopiowc,tpcrfo?c 3 loueb bvm , anb fciK \>pon 0(0 fapaencclic. 3 b?oue dcnb?aim, 3110a plowcb , ano 3a= cobplapebpbufbaDema:g)oweUntorpgb> tcoufnc^anb reape tbe frutc0 of wclbomgc: plowe Up pour freine lanbc , f 02 it i0 tpmc to fcanctpc io?Dctpll pe come anb rapnr ngb 3 tttoufneffe Upon pon.28ntpou banc plowcb Ungoblpne0 ■ pe pnuc repcb iniquptie , p on pauc eaten the frutc of lpe0 . jbcpttge tbou puttcft x\^ cofpbence in tppne awne wape0, anb Icaucft to tbe multitube of tpp wot- thpcjS:tbcre ftallgrowca febicpon ain&r.ge tpvpcople.3!lltbpftr6gccptie0 (balbe lapcb waftc, fucn aitf&almana map beftropcb witp pt0 fnmplir rtf , tpo?owe pirn tbat wa0 aucngeb of arbcll, in tpc bape of batapll, where tpc motpec perptbeb witp per cppl* b?cn . Qfrienfo fpallit go witp pon c €>2Bc* tlicll) becaufc of pourc malicpou0 wicbeb* ncfte. If Uc a0 tbe mo?npnge goet|) a wape, fo (pal I tbe kpnge of % fra el pa (fe. vr< * i? i u .-.'■■HI mi i IE* 1 It III ml ' - 1 '" ,' i. :i j > 5 A * i- 3 31, ! ? rsts - 1 rv * » :«; i I . t: ^ I IV t ! 5« *tfiro.ffl.b* anD.toi. b. 0Qftt.d.C. C «3»Fift tijt btiftrncnccrc ot^ftirtl. J? J>ett3rracll was potiiige,3 loncb bmi:j^*&callcbmpronne oute of , tbf ISocof eotvpt.ffitttf mojetbcp Mfl.ttf.H)i.c. * otwtngc tmto 3ooi8! of 26aal , $ cenfpnge -» 3'naffcjj.^(< 3f .3ieriico©pp2alat>c!iitbPvocfte Mn4*u. Jiifitbc tenranbpbfcanreoftbefrawnepmaainacp* i« £2? :? nD I"? P eo P le * aU ft °"be in aooubte «? jDiijetbfttOto^netbem.foii robmrbepiopbc- mmm tbcmtotbemoftbfctt, nofimwt ttoftrjpuejnmtyttlw. M SVf^ tbpnge0battc3gcuentbc, PS^mm/'bowefaptljniUpija!ie3bcffn= *m*.«m t K'^fweli'ftaucSocaltujitbtbeatf JSX W f *5 WI ' w &* uc 3 intreateo ? Ipae mmmt&a,mp bcrt 10 otbmmfc mpttbtb. gee,mp mcwp ttfeo ferucnt : tberfow hati c 3 « 01 ' J Jjw b me to beffrope epbmtm tn mp t»fot§f«u btfljleafiire.ff oOarn <£> ob anb no ;g«»3fa»«ttWtUatbolponeuitbc mfobcft ofi|e,tOou2b3caineuotwitt)intDccp(ic. ww... maMfolowebpm:pce,*a0alponro,iretb 8&L*r 'J5£ w be «ff^cbii>itr tbe cbpioicii of toe fce:p the pmapc be fcatccD aroapt from Cfl:ppt > a0mgfcarrebpjbc0:&^apcbawape (ftfbonetf lofctp be)fro tbc aofttantf lanbc: ani)tbatbecaiifc3uJolbcl)atictJjein tarpat pome,fapet& f lojbc . 26ut epb?aim gortb Wffcmblctb 'Mpjttta bolbetbbpmwitU fl.&. "itri esppt. -CDe io^be IjatB a couriti to tool- bew3Mba,anbt»plI punpftejacoil). *««.w>.c attMirinnfcponk^i **,m«* i n ^^ etftt ^Tanb anbgatttbe toitto^pe : fofftc p?apbc tftfr t t»reHe tolaetb wttft MS. 25 S«*^lo?bed5oboT^ooftrt,«ie«f|ic J!PUtntb^ob,Bnt^attl rtntbafnircwcpfibtinbijjqonop.piwjba pnonjxb : 3n all mp roo^ftetf ffiai not one fawtcbe founbe ^ S baue offenbeb .: 3 tbc lojb tljp disob.eueatf tphenj ' tbcoutoftbelanbcofeflppte, anb re tt Pin ^ tbp tent^.anb ajetitt f bi'Dpe fiaftebapc^ C r)ieMenfrf> « blfb:anb be wag eralteb ameae tbc 4 3ftaclptc0 . butbe i0 gone bacbe to t J6aal,tbtifo?emuftt)ebpe.3lnono« toe tbcpfpnnc mow anb mo;t:* of tftefr frl» *«, ucctbfpma^ctli^moIcciipmaflf^aftctfbtS.! pjiinsfnDcpoiitf of t&er atone ftapne^f 10. »fe. *crp vbo!0 , anb pet all 1* notD(nge but Utt m mftt of tbe craf f efmanr.fiotttKtffanbpnflc "«cba0^ftefactf« alue0,oft>;ftjjpfr= clonoe, anb asl tbc bewe tbat earippaffetb a= nmpeanplffie ajs 1 Duft tbatf ttfoile tupn- tpatfloettJ ouj of tbecftpmncp. SSSRf W f f ?«Wf t«at tbon Qmlbrft 25 ftnop 5 no €»op bjitmc onelp, anb tbat tbou MMM baue* no <&auiourebut onlp me.3 tobe billgcnt |coe of tbe m tbe toplberneflel «"«»k S&SSS ' •l' ?l en t&cp «>f "Well ft bbe anbpabpnonfib^tbeptoajtebpjottbeiffoj* flatme*tbfrfo?ctBni3bct)ntotbeaiaIpfi ., J anb 00a leoparbc tn/ toapelof TfiS£ ** M * 1 otbcfmbelpc0,93«Ull»KakeplJubbflrflr brrte of i:ljm0.iibcrettm3 beuouce K fbuttnmeonlvt0 bpngt0 noweibai ^ __. ,„ MM „ w cptic0r cc f> a„b tj)p lubge , of wbom tbo» lapbcft: J** LtH.6W*'fa^e(t^Sc«emeaBpnganbp|rricc0^tdeU> •2 gfliie tbw »?nge tn mp w?atb,anb (ri nip flpamrettfuJwKe JpiMfrfl tbe agapn/: ^ j Wi?clt'cDneu5 of €pb?a«n ttttouttbe to- L ^befc > anbbp0(VJ&econ(pbWfbttof , that beomibe not-pa'u* bene able to ba^ue ettburcb tn tbe ipme of bp0bp?tb , bab not 3 Uttmnmm from tft* gtaue, artb btlputreb bpi« from bcatb- ®. ^0Oeatb,3t)iJ«ibet1)pbeata:€)be.frt»pttbe tbP ftpnfle.Set can3 fe no comf o?te^ !•***." fo? wbertfiew nonjet&e gooblptftamonge m b> f b?e,fte eaflt xtififot (mitt tbe vofnle oftbti,o^be)u^aUtomebovonefeOtbetbM* " Wthe0,anb b|pe Vpb<0cOb1ipte0> $ bjpnefce Mp W wellc0 ; be ftali fpople tbc treafure of anb TDlip ^ tbep are bpfobebfenttonto tbep; aUplcaraunt^e(rel0. 30fo^amarta,tbeplbalbemabctt)a(fc, 00b . ^bepftau pctpfbetoitbtbefwearDe, tbewct)plb?m tbaibe napne,anbtbcir tneml great witbcbPlbeCbalbe rppfe\jp; C5tbe.i««J.Cbflptcr. . C^tucttruccjonof^'ainaWa,' 3t *3jer.it»re.a 3fraell,^f ntnetb^nottJ'e , tut £ lojoetbp(5ob, *fo^baft taacn a greatefaUttwowetbptDicUeb ne0«^Cafte f befe wojbr witb . fottvtbljcnpeturnefo tbe to?oe, rt anb tape tjntotpfrt:0, foment W all oure BSSfc tYnnt0,reccaue'o0 pi tiillfr* > t|)tn wpU ■"""*• uwof&t tbe buUotKc0 of onre IpptyWo tbc:3(Tur fljalbc riontOK ourcbelpct , tfftber itoiltttJ'e rpbe \juoh fyuftfcrrp nto?c . 3B0fo; t\ft t»o^cftc0 of onre pnM , tms ,ttfpll no^ -* mowcailopontbem: jfuft tttbou tbat are * AnrevFoo, t()Oft'ibewe»'eirtf nwrcpetintof fatberlclTe. j3DC pf tbep wolbe bo tbW) 3 Cbnlbe bfcafe tbep?fo.ic0 -pee , \»(tb all mp tier te wotttej lone tbcm ?fo tbat mp t»;atb mulbe clean t be titrnefc ffnftpe (torn tbcm . gee , 3t»olbe be *nto 3ftacl a0tbe'bettfc, anbbe flmlbe gro= 40180 fix iplic, anbbPJSeofc (buibe bjtafte C •oiri , a0 immt#,tyi& b?auncbt0MbeQ#c= beoutabtoaDe anb be a0 fapica0 tbe olpue tre anb fmell a0 libanu0 . tcoep tbat oDnU 1?nb'tei)p0 ttximm, ibuibe come agaprie, Anb growe tip ast tlje come , 9 flojpftc a0 tbe •topne be flmlbe &Mte a0 goobaname , a0tpe iwyneof^tbanniar, - &&$im t wWJahelto bo t»W w 3bOl0 enp mo|e /* 3»pU awaciioiiilp- beace bpm,aftbreoe|ipmfo?tb.3wpttbeDntotbe «0a grenef ptfetrc, tnjimre %m tbou fpnoe Xnt.ir.tu, tbPfrute.*ftbofo t0iv(fe,CbaUonbeeftanl> t Wftomh Uetbat f efgfit ftitlifacf Mni re- n •.jt.ffl.c flaebeie. # Jfo?tDc t&apeitf of elexoibe aee ri It tfMfWffi tpgbeeott0,fotba0be(^ob^wpUttJalltc(n tbem.30Ntljc w^hebi tbep tupll ftomble tbcrtii; C3n» enbt Of tbe p;obfjt cpe of iDfea0i CCbe book of foil tp p?opliete, ctbefp?ftC5apttr'. C3 pioMfffp Wall \t\t aet5 w.lir otoitm W toaffcom.npnBfat7an»f, r v ^Wt1)eitb?beof?i6?^ be,tbatcame ontoloell tbe fonneof^bntUc<.fet«re,!aD pee elber0:ponb«tb(0 xat% aUpcfbatowcllm'fbelaii? be : p| ctier tljtre (wppencb , , ,. . focbatbmgctnp6urDapc0, 0? til i^t nw8 of ponce fatber0 . tCclf po« w cpylbM'n of it, ano If tt tbcm qjetoc ttu'rito tbcir cbplbwn 1 anb fo tbcptoccrtlfpetbcpt potterptctberof. loliewbat tbe catcrppllcr batblcfte , tbat&atb tbegtcftjopc't mhp . tobat tbc greojoper lefte , tbat batb t^t lo. 15 cnjN eaten ^p:anb tobat e|je locutte m\i left, tbat batb t^t blaftpnge cefnmeb. luaae \)p pc oioncBarDe0,ainb tjftpes mourne all pe ■tt)pnefuppet0, becaufe Of point froct c wpne, font ftall be talmtanpapefropouremoutk l>cc , a mpgljtpe anb an ntnumtrable people tbalicomeop into mp lanbe.-tbtfebauc tcetb mt tbe feetb of lpon0, anbcbaftbonctflpke tbclpoitf u"c0. * neffyM matomptipne* *(»*w«4 parbc waftctbep (ball ppllof tie barckc0 of mp fpggetcee^ftrppe tbcm bare Mtt M ttvow e,anb make tbe b^nncbc0 mvtt. WaJtetbpmoowa0aop ( Kltn- botbtbat tfPiibctb ber relfetortbfatKCbecattfe of bee jnpbe grome . if 0? tbc mfatc anb typntftorY frmgetbalbe taacn atoapeffom tbe boufe or f bei«be,anb tbep?e(fe0 tbe io?be0 mmp= fteeiaf (balfmonrne^be felbe fljalbe wafte bV m lanbe fljalbe iiranipfeeaole cafe rfw tbe* cojne malbe bettropeb, tbe tmtiwpm fljarf sr come to c5f nfpon , anb fte opfe Vf tcrf p ocf 0= late . ^tbc (jonfbanomenanb tbe topne gar= bent^ftaniokppt'tpnftpmrbtnaite mi* facpon,fo?tbet»bcateyt»p>ieanbbarlp,amf becaufe tbc tetucft\)pon tieftlWt0focfene beftcopeb'. 'Cbe grapegafbcrer0 (baftntafte fireatemonc , tJrt>htfje Dpneparbeam>fpc&» getree0bu (0 wte'rl^ujaile&.^te.aUtbe po» flwnette0,^mw*cc^al?lttrecftf tjjebtbee ;*. - *\ * \ t t *i a * .'•l I ■ \ t * 4 S ■ H »1 ,i/ Hi: 1-4.A-- IS. ii I? if I n tPde pjoptoe tretfoftbcfelbetaUwptberawape.'fcbu* tbn merpcbcareof tbe fiplbjenofmen>tall cometoconfun>on. <*>p-bepott,anbmaltepourcmone, 0pt piittetf, mourne pcmliipftretf of % atiltcr: ffoovpwrttWM(H,«noflcpc. c5pgacpon,gatbertbcelDcrtf * anballtbe infiabitourjEt of tHe lanbe togttber into toe houfe of tljelo-bcpour <£ob, anbcrpebnto p J,o*bc* la«f,alai*fojtbP0 bapc.anb wbp? tbebape of t&e lojbe is at mi, anbcometb a*a oeft roper from ebe almpgbtpe . &ball nottbemeate*be ratten awape Moit oure ^ r WW?"**! Wtbalfoanb iopc from tbe boufe of our 0oO ( fcbe fcDc (ball perplhc in tb« grounbe, tDe ojarncrst (ball Ipe watte, tbe ftojtcs* Qjalbc gotten bo wne, fc» £ co* ne (ball be fee ftropeb . 4> wbata fpgbpnge mane m bpne 1 ' f bebullocbetfare tocrpeuell Ipbpnge, becaufe tbep baue no pa (lure: anb tbe (freue are fampfibcb awape. ©io|be,rptbewpll3crpe:fo*.tbefp-e barb confumeb tbegooblp pafturesf of toe wplbernciel , anbtbellamc batb b;entbp all m tree* of tbe feioe. gee, tbe wplbe bcaftctf erpe alfo bnto ebe : foj tbe water ritter* are teptb to,anb t&e fpje batb confomeb rbesui* ttwefloftbcwplbfrncfie. C£&c.ij.€b*ipfcr. C t3* P^op^ccpitb tbt commpnet anb erueupr of itfttp;tncmpw.0nfrto>t4cpo» to inoiutbrm to conurrt* liowe out (be f ropcttc in &pou, anbcrpebponmp fiolp Dpli , tftat allfocbea* owe Ufa P ianbe, mape , tremble at it : *foj tbebape of toe lo j ne commetb , anb 10 bar be at banbe : a barcae bape, agloompnge bape,a cloubp bape,pee,anba»o*nipbaw, "pitta** moi* npnge fpjebetb out bpon HvUtit jftamelp, a gteateanb tnpgbrpe people ; focb as &m notbcnefencetbebcgmmnge,nefber(ballbc after tbcm f o* euermojcBefoje bint (jail be acoiituimpngefpje , a no bebpnbe Junta bur* iipnge flame . -fcbe lanbe (balbe a*a garden of plcafure befoie btm.but bebmtoe bim (ball it be a Mttp waif e wplbcrm-ffe , anb tbere 10 no man ,toat (ball efcapebpm : 'fcbepareto lobe\)pon Ipbe barbeb mm , $ runne ipac bo^lmcn.'CliepfWppe Mp tpfitbc bpllesf, 60 it mretbefounbeofcbarettcsi; ajf tbe flame of tm tbat confumetlJtbe ttrawe , anb ajs a ^ mpflbtppeople rcop to tje batapH. » Ifcbe torn Qwlbe afrapeo of fern , all fa= ceil (balbe M blacbe 80a pot^ftefe tyaill r iV nelp^egpaunte^anbleapeoueeitietxialleis Ipaemen of warre.Gwerp man in W got 'nge £bflHaepebpjB!arape,anbnotgoo ontolf M Ift I 4 <■' *ftopbM.e. Smst.b.c % patb ■ tbcre Qiall not one b?(ueanotlier,bnt ccbcOjall bepe (jftfawne ttJapCftbcpftali bjtcofce in at t&e wpnbowc*, f nod be mtv. 'Sbep ftall come into tbe cptfc, 9 runne tart tbe wallejs.lbrp i^all rlpme tip toon tW |ioufcg ) anbnppncinattl)ettipnbot]oi;j8lpfe ,L a tbffe .'fc&r earrb Qjflllquabe before t>pm, pee.pljeauentfCbalbemoueb.^^beftinnea*^^, tbe moone (ball be barcbeneb,anoe)ie ftar* mm i reflQjalluJitb^atDetbep^tbipne.^beloib iball tytmm Vopce before M (joofte , f 01 510 booft ifi greate > (fronge,anb mpgftpe to fulfpli M commaunoement . ^M 19 tbat tceate ano mariielousf fcarfuli oopeof tbe orte. *3nbi^o WaWefoabpoeuV ttom 0o we tbe^f ojefapetb p I o?be. * fcuwe fe fll Sou \)nto me witb all pour b(tre0 , mtb fa m ' m inge. weppnge mo m our npnge , rf f e pour bectf « , anb notpoure clothe)* . 'Curne pou vnto p tomommoM foMitwam *u.mu anbmcrcpfull.longe fuffcrpngeanbof great *S3E, cSpaupon; anb re'Op to parbone wpcbebnt}S< 'ebcn( no boute)jje alfo (ball turne,anbfoi« geue.anb after W cbaftenpnge, beftall left ppurlncrtafe remapnc.fo^ meat anbtylncb* oftrpnges! totop lo^bpour^ob.^Blowe **m otit witb t!)c tr6pctte in S>pon,p?oclapme a *> faftpnge,cautbe congregdepon, anbgatber tbe people tosetbcr:tcariietbcconrrrfflacp0, aafbertlieelDcrjjf, b^pnge tDe c|jplb?en 9 m Ulpnges 1 together . lett tbe bjipbegrome go fo^tbofbtjjcba^e.anotbebijpbe out of on eloret . Lett tot pttM feme tbe lo?btbe* twpytc p po/Danb tl)e ault er, wepingc anb fdptnge:befauonrabie, © lozbe.berauon* cable unco t})f pcoplerlet not tbpne berttage bc^ougbttofocbconfufpoii.leftftocatbeh be locoes tbcrof . * tt>b erf oxt (bum titv fope * mm g»w«je fbeJ9fatbeii:Wl)ere^nowetliep? ^benQKill t%t lo^be be "g clonus oner W ® lanbe, anb fpare bp* people 1 pee > tbe ioibe g)alianfwere,anb (ape onto bi*people;fte* |olbe,3 wpu fenbe pou cojne , wpnef ople, to tbat pe Ojail bane plentpof them .anb 3 will nomojte geue pou our r to be a rcpiofe ainonge tbe feeatben.%apne,aiS foj m of tbe nwtb,3 (ball b^pue bbn farrc from pou: anba>utebimoutfnto a bipe 9 wafte lanbe, &ttfacetowarbetbeeafffee,anbtyjtfbpnber partem to war be t\it Wm oft fee.^be ftpnebe of Urn (ball go ^p, anb bi»r>ltbp co;rupcp8 Owll fall Mpfoim felfe,becaufebebatfi ibealt fo p?oublp.5fcafenot(Clanbc;biit be glab ... „.... .. m ^ ebea legti getrectf anb tjpnepa r o etf Ow U ge ue tbep* in* .J^^-W-ffW^Wlwi of jfopon; # anbretopfe tn tbe ilo^be ponret&ob , fo? be bate ■ ",Ut tatbgenWpdlidteateofrpffbfeoul'neffe: ♦i»jfM* 4H peitw tbat (b«H fenbe pon 00 wne (bou* BSBU etfofrapne, earlpanb late (n flttftiftnio* r* nctbjfotbaetbep:arneW(balbefullofco?ne, anb tliemeuejsplenteoug in .wpne anb ople. anbatffwtijepeareiBttbnftbegreftboper^o* eufte,blattpnge,aiibeaterppl(er(mpgreftte baoftiWblebjfentainQttge pou) Daueeatcu tp, Stall wftojetljemtopou agapne.vop .petaU upon anb at Jerufalem, tbere (balbe a fal» uaepon,lpBea0pJio?bebatbP^ompfebipee« anb amonge tU otbee rem na unt, whom tbe lofbe (ball call. C^:bc.iij.Cb«pfer: , r m Bf %otl Mtrtv S0J*!^*Www* of 0ob agapntt tftc enrmpwr 1 €)? tabe i\tot s in tbofe bapcitf anO at f bf fame tpme, wlien 3 tur ne a= gaync ttit captiupte of 3«ba anb a 3erufaiem : 30)ailgatberallpeo? i^ir.H .« ^I^ojt^er.anbbjpnge tbem in £ 2BSESF I^W* J ano •«* w, « 3 reafon witbtbe: becaiireofmppeople anoben'tage of 3frael: wb6 tbep baue fcatreb aboutin tbe SRHPBP** 1 * '"Piabejpee.tbepbaue call lotted m mp people,tbe ponge me* baue ffi tbep fet in the boibcl boufe,« folbe p oamfc W ;S«.wS ^-wpne^tbat tbep mpgbt baue to bjincbe, fifi^* 2 S* , S w ,^ cutple0 , p^oclapme wai're,wabe\jptbegpaunte0,lettbe"b-awe n ? c ,'l et ^eome \)u all § luftp warrpourjS C or tbe. *«*»aRc pou fwearbe* of pour plow= «*•** mm, ano fpearesi of poure fytimMtefr let tbe wcalteman ^e.^am ftr6ge. Q)u* Brepoii,! come.allpe l9eatbcnroabeabout: gatber pou togetljer, tbere (ball p um lape all tbpgpauntco to tbegrounbraett ppeo« pic aepfe,f act tbe to tbe bailep of Joraphat m tbere will 3 &>% iubgeau $ eat be rouoe about. * tape to pour fptbe&fo.t &k> p ^ ,*opot-w* » f ft ; (sf rppercome. getpou bown'e : m wpue "^ peg w will pee, fwpnep-caejSrunnc oner, f ojtbnt wicftcbnesl W waren greate. 3ntbeballcpappopnteb,tbcrc(baIbtmiT' np,maup people :foitlje Bape of tbe loibettf npeintbe^aWepappopnteb. * ttfrfiinhei SR*ftf' fc & - moone (balbe barc&eneb ,| tbeftarre* (bail fe ' q " tottbtya we tbeir Ipgbf . * Vfy iojbe (ball S« f eoareottt of S>pon,anbrrpeoutof 3criifale\ tbat tbe tymm anb tbe eartb (ball quake Wttball.Buttbclo'betbalbeabcfence^ib to bpsi a wnc people.anb a refuge f oj tbe cbpl teen of 3im,fMf Ml pc bnowe, tbat 3 tbe lo^be poure d£>ob bwell bpon mp holp tnounte of $>pon . 'STben talljcnifalcm be bolp.fr tbere (ball no ftraunger* go f boiowe beranpmo?e. * ^r^ben (ball the mount aptir# b?ope * i W( ,^ fwetewpne,anbtbebplle*(ballttowew(tb-E^ mplcbe.3Ili tbe rpuer* of jfiiba (ball baue Waterpnougb , anbotit of tbe loibcjs boufe tbere (ball fto we a fp^iing.to water tbe btobe of *^ff -""JWjPl^talbetepeb waae ; *$ mM m tanoeoom (balbe befolatc: becaufe tbep tm$tti& baue bealte ro cruelip witb P cbplbjeti of 3uba, anb (beb innocent blottbt tntbep^anoe . Hmm * 3uba (balbe inbabiteD to^ euer= mo*e,i3eMale"fri)ge* neracpotogeneracpfij foOwiilnotleaue tbeir bloube bn* auengeb-^lnb A tbe io?oe tallbwellln&poifc C ^ be enbe of tbe p? opbe«p« I Ctijeoooftl t(# • i In- ■ iim;- iif .i-l 1 / .-. : I asp- Wit. i ■* i i 1 '* I i ,' : * i ' ■ 'I I. .1 \ V I u > * I- • f .-' »j if ■" ¥' :-?i *W.r*.rtu. C; 'Clje boofet of tt)e p?opt)tte&mo& CB:Dcfp?ftCDaptcr. S»j« (pnu of tht p jopbccp of slum. Hjt too; t»f ttjc low agapntt a* rt , agap nrt aw, agapnft mom,ftiit atfwtft tfte Comics of flromou. * 3 Ii^s&KsS^Mc are rfcc fermon* t&at to etc f&eweb tonto 2£mo*, ( w|)fc& watf one of t^e fr e» pbcrbc*at'fcbccun)t)p63f a raclMntbetpmcof * flDftafc ufnge of 3uba , anb tn t^e t«f.w.F««.c. tpme of #3croboamp tonne * „ ^T ol: 3oat) Itpnge of ifracl , two peare&ar be* 5o»£S2 wjet&ccartb quale, anb&efapbe:*^ lojbc tyall iroflce otitc of £>f on - ano frewe lH*i)opcc from 3cmfalcm.fo tjjnttDcpaftu* re* of tbe Oicpijrrbe* fralbe fitatnpfcrable m Tc,f tbe toppc of Cbarmrltypeb top.^ba* . fape&b tt»e to?De : fo? t&je oinD foure wpc» ffiSS? W«W< *S>amafcu*, 3 willnotfpare * **" t)ix:l)ccaiifetJ)c|'DauetI)ioajei[)(5alaai)U)i^ won ftaple *.26ut 3 willfcnbc a tV# into tjje 15 o w I "c of feflgttBifpc fame (pall confnme t be palaces of stnatab. '£bu*wM3 bjcaftc £ 15 barcetfof samafcu*, ano rote out fi&eintM* bptcc from tbe feloe of Men , 3n0 |nm tpat !)D!bctbtbefccptei;,outoftbcpleafa[itboufc: fo tb at t^c people frame H^vuen out of fapje &>iri;a > fapetb p" lojoc.^|ju*fapctW iojb: * jarija.fr.a. jfojtbje anb foure wicheouc(le*ot*<5aja, 3 wlUnotrparcbcrrbecaufe tbep make tbe pjefottersSKtmo^e captpuc, ano baue bjpue* tbcmintoti)clauBcof6bom. / gi:bcrfQjcwill 3fcitbeafpjcinto£wallc*ofd>aja,wbpcb f&alUieuoureberboufe*. 3 toil! rote out t&S tb a 1 w ell at 21 fb ob and Dim t|).at Dolbetb £ fecptec of 3&rcal6,anb ftretcfje out mpne bffbe ouct Ucearon, tbat tbe remnant! t of tbe &$U littmc*frallperpibe,fapet&t&e lojbe. /ft. tt busi Gv ctb tbe lo«ibe : Jfojt t^e 9 foure ,«.«T ma!lconfume rjer paiaceiS.'CbnjS fapetbtbe to^D:Jfo?tb?eanb foure T»icatD= *abbu. a neCTi!0 of * €&om 3 t»p« not fparel)pm,be= mmit wnft * be perfeeuteb 1)P0 b^otocr witb tfe ' fu>cifte>be(tropeD W motbersttxmmbe.bnre |atreb\)erp lonjje.anb fo bepteinDtguacton all v jape bp |)pm . Ubeif o?e vofll 3 fenbe a . fp;einro < cbetnan> tujjtcl) frail benoure f be ^ palace* of 26ofta. *am.mr.k. ^bu^CapeebfJeiojOetfo^^e^ foure JSlSt MlfMfSifll of r!)e eDplb?en of * 3mmon, *JOCl 3 topll not fpar e tbf m;bccanfe ther fppt Vtt t|e ujemendrcatet))ptt) cjyplbe tndE-alaab, to mane tbe mtmH at tfeeir lanbefl tbe uop= Oer.'Kberf o?e,3 WW feMrole a tmto f Ml* Kid of iaabbatb • tbot frail confume perpa^ laced : t»ttb a g t eat e c rj>c , in tfie b ape of la* taplI,tntcmpeftanbini:|jeOapeoffto^nie:fo tbat t b£»r ftpnge frail go into capttnPtc 4e $ |) v$ w*m a t og e t bcr ,Ta pc t b tDe lo j be. C^&e.tj.C&aptcr. caB«pncaooili,3im)a,anB3irrflrt. ^ujei fapetb tbe l4)?0e« Jf 0? tf^ianb 3 foure wpcftebnefleiElof * ^oab,3 *«$* wpll not frare ^pm : fr* becaufe 35X1 be b?ent tbe bone* of tbe RPtigeof tt f o?e , tnpll 3 fenbe a fp?e inco a>oab , w|tcH frail cdfumetDe pa* lace* of caiiotb:fotbat 4pab frail perpfre mifrnopfe anb tbe founbe of afrawme.3 wpll rote out tbe inDge from amonge them, 9 Oape all bp* wpuce* toitb Wm > fawti tjje # lo^bc3:bu*iapftbtbK lo?oe:fo?tb?eaub » foure wpebebneffe* of* 3nba,3tt>pllnot *^** fpare^tm : becaufelicbatb caftatpbepinwe of tbe io^be , anb not neptc l)p* commaun= bemente* : fo?t»bp t * tbcp twolbe nebe*be *i«r.wii| bifecaueb toitb the ipeu: tbat t^ep? fo?efa» *w* tber*folo\»eb'Coetfo?e, t»ill3ft«beft 'w into3uba J t^M frail confume tDe paii«t^ of3crufalcm. ^bu*fapctftplo?bej3to^t^eanbfourc toicaebneflc* of jfracl ( 3 wdl not fpare fym C bwaufeijcbatljfolbe tbe rpgbteou*fo; mo.* nep,9 tbe poo^e fo^fboe*. %btf trcabe Dpon poo?emcn*beabc*,intbebuftoftlieearto,f crobe tbe toape* of tbe mette.'Ebe ronne ana tljje fatber gototbebarlot.to oifr ononremp bolp name, tbep Ipebefpbi euerp alter ton elotoe* tauento plebge , anb in tjje boufeof t'ijepjt ffobbe* tbep bjpnche tY\t wpne of ttse opp^etfeb .^ct beftropeb 3 tbe * 3mo,ipte *jccm^w| bctojetbem ,tbat tjoais aftijpea* tbeCebie tree*, anb a* ftronge a* tbe oae* 1 no tttutb* ftanbpnge 3 beftropeb W f rate from about anb bW rote from buber: *3lgapne, 3 b^ougbt pou out of f lanbe fggjgi ofegppt, gElcbpou fourtppcaretft&ojottt mm * tbe tDilberne*, tbat pe m i g|)t baue tfce 3 mo- tittti lanbe* in poiTcfTio. 3 rapfeb bp mopbe- tetfamongepourecbplb^en.anbabflrepner*,! amonge pourc ponge mcn.3* it not fo, C>pe Sum cbVlb?cnof 3fracl,rapct|)tbe lo^bef*l6ut t$wm pegaue^ab0;rpner*topnetob?pncRe,tpee, pe comma uoeb t\it piopbetc* rapinge . #?o= pbecpnot.^5ebolbe,3w)iUcrafrepouinfonf bec,lpne a*aujapue craffretb.tbati* full of ffceatie*;fo tbat tbe farffte frail not efcape netbertbe ftronge be able to bo enp tbpnwj no.tbegpauntefrallnotfauebi* atone Ipft. €be arcber frail not abpbe , anb tDe ftopf te offote ffi ^moof, AU oftottfraUnot efcape.^be boifman frail mmmt W, ano be tftat i*a* manlp of ftOWacRa*agpannte, frail int[jat bapebe topnetorunne D<*wape naueb, fapctbtbe Jloibe^ ««. *f M.Cbnpter, % f^fl^ate,W)baf tbe JLo^bfpealictbmi- topou( C>pe ttotii$ of 3fraei )nn* , 1 __!nelp,l)ntoailtbctrpbe*, \»b63 . ^wgljtoutofegppt^anbfapbe; \wm. % pou onlpbauejaccenteb fro all tbegcnc= mm- racpon*oftlieeartbJtberfo?e,tt)iU3\)ifct ppufoallpour tPicucbnelTe*. ntjape tmap= ne value together e;ccepte tbep be agrceb a= wau. mange mm feme* t * 5>otb a ipon roare in tbe vpbbe.ejrcipt be ^a ue a p&yet ®i crtetb «J lpaittltt|)rtpe ont of bi* be une , e^ceptebe *tjauegotteufomtlJinge.''a)otbabpibefairm *&****&* S« wrtb robcreno foulcri*.'' 'CauetDam^bj* fnarebpfrom tbe groube, afoje w catcUe fomttbat/'Crpe ttyp out 3 la tumwitbt^etrapettn t&ecpfie, anbf pro- nlenotafrapcbrCommetbfbere enp plage in a cptie toitbout it be tlje lo?be* bopnge^ laowebotbp io?b£d5obno maner of tbm= tttfmm telletl) |)i* fecrete bcfoie tonto bP* fernauute* tbe pjopbete* .ttffleua ipon roa= tetb,tt)boo)plInotbearrapeb.''S)cingetbeu h» VfWlojbc C50D bim feife fpeauetl), ** roho tU,notp?opbecp«' C.J^?^9twlacej»at|K0ob,aiwfti| wlace* oftbe lanbe of egppt.anb fape: ga« ^tbttpoutogetoeetopon tbe mouwtapne*ol gamaria , fo Ojallpefc greatemurtberanb Violent oppicffpon am ogc tty, fo? ufrp.'tbcp regarbc not p tbinge tbat i* rpgbt , fapetb P tojbc:tbfpgafbertogetbercucllgottfgoo= be*,anb lape bprobbecpin tbeir bowfe*: *»u& l)ct(m > ^^ fiw t& ^°?be 00b. W*lanbefralbetrouWebanbbffegebro= »> «" jcabout , t\)V ftrengtb fralbe plucte fr 6 f , anbtbppaiacctfrobbeo.^butffapetb^o^ oe.lpbea*anbcarbman tauctbtwo leogc* m pecc of an eare out of tlje ipon* moutb: ^enfo | tbec|)pib^of3frac1(fbtt)elltn5 D ;i SSS dM?* f Ijeit c o»cbe*intbecomer, «»*w. 2?£? ro J c0 ^ Damafcu* , fralbe pl»ctca= i,rt "' SffJ;*^ 3 *^^ »? l>Mrereco?betnS bou« S3SE J ? 55«^ !ll « t0 ^^cf tbe vopckcbnclTc iSnSz ? W f aultcr* at 2iBctbcil mro:fotbat tiebo^ne* of tbeaultcr fralbe ^oftciiof.anbfaUtotbcgrouubc. ^JS?f f0? ^c »P«terboule^ fommerboufe • • t Pfr»»aimbebearopeo,fapet^ttt lo^be. C^be.iiii.Cbapter. _ cawpnttc^BOttKnwi f eare top* wojbe &3*n tat uvne, 5fo cagapnttc^Bowtnw of Samaria. „_ "tbp*t»ojbe^^pc * *batbetoMntf)ebf>lidf£) l tbatbo po«emcn mjonge y anb opp?eu*e tit Jebp.-pe t bat fape to; our lo?be*:b>pngc bp« tJmJgWMmto mnfoitim immk fmo?ncbpbp*bolpne*:'«:bebape*fralico= me bponpou^tbeenempe* frail carp pou aroap in frpppetf , s pour poftrrite fralbe ca= rpebau»ape))p6fpfber0bobe*.^efrauget pou outat tbe gappc* one after anotber, M m apnge* palace frail pou oucr tfcoroe, to maueaujape to efcape, fapetb tbe io?be, Mtmnm* mmm totDttcketni. WStSlt fleacionfne^anb^aueincreafeDponrBune*?^?, at*0algal.-peb?ougbtpourfacrifpce*inp^ r rVA p - mompnge,anbpouretptbc*\)Utot5et!)irbe S bapc.gemabe a tbanbofferpnge of leucn, pe p^ompredfrcujtll ou>ri'tt«*,anb p^oclameD tbcm.^)ocbluftbabpe/©pecbilDKnof1[f= rael,fapetbtbelo?bc5ob.'tbcrfb2efiaue1 gcuen pou pple teetb in all pour e cptie* , anb fear rneffe of bjcb inallpour palace* -.m will pcuotturne\)ntome,fapetbtbcloibe.n)W tbew were but tbje monetae* bnto tbe bar- ueit, * 3 mitbelbe t\)t rapne from pott: pe 3 *&«.«.*. rapneb \)pou one cptonbnot \>po anotber, SMJ* oncpecr of grotmbc toast mopftureb u5 rap' KSBr 15 'f i ,D ^£ffi oU 5 c *N 3 rapneb not upon, € Was^pc.4ai)crfo?etmo ) pce > tb2ecptie0ca= me bnto onc.to D^incue water: biitf hev we* re not fttiffycb, pet will penot turntWo mcfapctbtbeioibe. . 3 baue ftnpttcu pou m\) bzoutb 9 b\a-- »inge:anblohebowcmanpo;cbarbe*,tJPs mparbc*,fpggctree*f olpuetree* pe bao: toecaterppllerbatbeatentbcmbp.i6utpet toillpe not turne Vinto me,nipetb tbe 3lo?be. pe»plencebaue3 fent amonge pou, * a* 3 **w*j. bpb m egppt:pour ponge mfbaue 3 flaptle witbtbefwcrbe ,anbcaufeb pour bo: fc* to be -tabencaptpue»3 niabe m ftmcftpiigc fa= uourof pourc fente* to come »ptntopoure noftreW.get will penot funic mitome.fa* petb m lo?be . gfeouie of pou baue 3 oner= tb;oWcn, j a*3 ouertbaewe £>obome ano *mmmt, (3omoirc.ro tljat pe were a*a bionbe plucte «-»««-«*^ out of tlje fp^e . W wpll pe not f urne mito ^ me,fiipctbtbe tojbcCberfoictbu* will 3 ^mblc tbcagapnc , iD3frael , peenen tbii* Will 3 bauble tlje. a)alic t))t reabp fbento inetcfbP(Efob r iID3frael.^lo,bemalieth fbemountapnc*,bco.2Depnetb m wpnbe,\ be frcwetb man wbat be 1* aboute to bo \ be maftetb tljf mo?npngcaub t^c ba»cbcne«Ae' lojbe(2>obotboftc*^in*name. C^&e.ti.Cbapte'r. €3 compupntcof^^taptpuWf of 3(ltart. -JMfttgfli? t3muftmahetbp* fre fralbe caft'oowne \ipon bee awne It ^ L !il • i f r : ' ■ I il J. i ! * . * - r. j < ! ? [ 1 . I J- L --I I ( > J; f4- f A ■ , + if J M? i', awnegroilbc , anb no mS Own belpe bet up. jfo? t$u0 fapetb tbe loibe <0ob : to&crc aff there Dwelt a. a), in one cptle > tbere (fcalbe It Ife fcarcc ntt DunD^cD therm : 9 where there b welt an £. there , (hall fcarcc ten be left in the boufe of 3fracl..0eucttbelc0,tbufffaptb 26 tbe lozbc Ditto tbe botife of 3fracll .- &>eht afrtrme,anDpcu>iliipuf, but fehc not after flSetljel. come not at d5«ial , anb go not to fliierfaba : fo* C5tlgal (balbe catpcb aware capepnc , anb a&etbel (ball come to naught. &>eltetbe lojbe , tbat pe mape Ipuc : left trjc &i)ufcof3olepbbcbicnt Witb rpjte attb con- fumcb, ft left tpcrcbe none toquScbeuScthrll. geturnetbclawctowonnwob, seal* *3iob. they abbojre bpm . flo? fo mocbe thenar pe opwefle tbe pooje , anb robbe b(m *M.nw,t of W*belJ fuacnaunce.' * tbcrfoje, wbercaff dopi).i.c pe baue buplbeb boufeff of fquare (tone , pe (b.:iUnotbwcllintbe\£)aruclouffplcafaune Dpncpnrbcff (ball peplante, but tbe t»pnr of tbirmOttllpc not bundle: 5 wbp.'afffo? tbe mwltitube of yourcwpcftcbneffcff anb poure T© (route fpuneff , jftnowe tbcm rpgbt well. *i?ro.rnfl.8efiempcs{arcpcoftb5rt)jbtfoutf,*pet«ibe mm, «.c. reTOa rt>eff , pe oppjelte f poottmittbgemir. -Sberfojc , the wpfc muft nowc be fapne to bolbe biff tunge.fo wpcueo a tpmciff it. S>clrc after tbe thtngc that iff goob,»not mm, fo (ball pe ipuc : pee, tbe Lojbc c5ob of boofteff (balbc witb pou.accojibinge to pour SSfSft* awnebefp^e . * l^atc tbe cucll , ano loue t^t &$:m. 900b: *fct \3prp2bta3apnctntbepo*tc:anb (noboute)tbcto^be(S>obofil9oofre0flbalbe mcrcpfull Miito tbe rcmnaunt of jforepb . 3f # noCfapctbtbelo?be fpcb: but f e tbat cmtptf e flowe a* tit water, nub rvgbteoumeue atfnmpgbtpe ttreame.^ ®Vt boufe of3frael, * gauepe me' offrpn< *3nw.w, gctfanb facrifpcejStbofcfourtppeareiBlonae 9tt<,,t, *i in tbe wplberne0 <■ pet baue pe ret top taber= rtaclcjitopoue * ^olocb.anbwnageiKof**^ pour 3boi!Ef, pee. anb the ftarre 1 pour <©ob «.«5 B empba , f pguretf wbicb pe mabr to W01* (bpppe tbem . 1Cberfo?e wpll 3 canfe pou to be earpebawapebeponbea>amafeu0,(apetb tb^ loft, wbofe name (0 tbe <£>ob of ^cilcjs. C'^be.toi.Cbaptee. Ca«»pntt t^t pjfKfa of afratii iFupnBttapin: rucw. tt)o be to f p^oube welfhp in <&p6 ^ to focb n* tbuifeethcm fomretopon {Lwt Itbc mount of Samaria < whpcb «bolbetbrtnrclucj?fo? tbe beft of tie wo^ioe.anb rule tbe boufe of Jfrael.euen a* tbcpipft.^otontocalue , anbfe .-anblrom tbcnccgetpou tol^cmatbtbe great cptie , s fo go bowne to Catbof tbe^biliftineiS: be fbepbetteratraletbentbefebpngbome^oz tbe bobber of tbrir lanbe wpbertben pouw pearetaften outfot tbe cuellbapc,cucnpe tbat tptin tty, ftole otwplfuinetTe.ge tbat lpct)p6bebbcjSo(7>ucrp , anb trie pourew$> 25 tonne He toponpour couched: pctbateatetbe beft lambetfoftbe flocbe,? tlje fntteft ealuetf of tbe b?oaue : pe tbat (Vugc to tbe lute , anb in plapenge of inurnment est compare poure , felueKtmto *Dauib:pctbatb?pncbewpne *m.m\ out of goblctteji , anb anopnte poure feluesi «■ •** witb tbe bt It oplc , but no m3 iff foj? f 0; 3o> fepbffbtirte. irbtrfo?e, nowe fliallpcbetbe fpjift of tbem , that (ball be leb awape ca p tu ue, anb tbe Inftp cberc of tbe wplfuil (ball cometoanenbe. * I'Cbe lojtoe d5ob batb (Wo^neeuenbp at Wmfelfe(fapetbtbelo?be<^ob offeotteff; *mK 3batetbep ( tpbcof3acob ) anb3abbo ( ircbiff 3,M H palaeeff:anb3 will geueouer tbe cpt(e,witb all tbat iff tbet fit : fo tbat tbougjj there re« mapne ten men (n one boufe, thrpujallbpe. ^otbeir nerte hvnffolcbe»anb tpe beebbu» ricrff (ball tafte tl)cm,anb carp awape thm boncff,anb fape bnto bim , tbatiff in tbepn» ncrmerboufe:tff there pet cnpmobpf f*3nb . be(ballanfwew:tbcpaKallgone,bolbetbP*wJ eunge(u>all be fapc .)* fo^ tbep wolbe not „ m tememb^e tbe name of the loibe; ^eboioctbcjtoiibeiff mpnbebto fmpte tbegreate boufeff,, fo that tbep (ball beeape: ano tbclvtlc boufejS,^tbcp(ballcleueafun= ber. tobo can r nnnc tf Do? feff , 0$ plowewitb . OWJJtW p barbe rocneff of ftowe/ $ 0^ Wbp pebane turncb true iubgcmmt into bpttcr^ neffe s p feiteeof epgbteoufiieffe f to Woim= wob-llcceu^ pc, tbat rcropfc (u toapne thin gcff:pr£&ipe:bauc not We optapneb hoz= tteff in out-c atone ftrengtb'tlfllel,tattc bebe, €)pe boufe of Jftael , fapetb tbe lo^bc po pou,Wbpcb (baUtrouble pou,fr om f mm tbatgoetb toWarbe 0ematb>tonto the bzo= Iteintbemebowe. C^be.tHi.ebaptce. f£t>f t\)c eaptiuttt of 31 fraclanb Julia. |)eXmbe0ob(bctbcb nic foeftatipi ^0 fpon:bcbolbe,tbereftobconctbatma .^^begrcibonperff, cucn tbftentbe cozne waff u)otpngc fo^tb, after f ning hab elpnt W #cpe. low Wben tbep tmbcrtotte to catc tip all tbegrenc tbmgcff in tbelanbe,3 fapbe; p lojtbtoobjbemcrcp'/ullj bcrcche tbe : Wbojbnlbe clff helpc tip 3acob that iff tyougbt foloWe^o tbe % o^bc waff gta zU ouff tbetin,aub tU Lojb fapoe.Wcli 3 (t(baU not bc.%apnc^ lojb (beweb me tbpff t)i fpon:bebolbc, tl)c Jloibc (0ob calico m r>= te to punpfb WptbalUo it ncnoum p grc= at bepe: pee, it cofumcb a parte all rcop. 51)cnfapbc3:iD 3Lo^oc(^oo 3 holoc tl;pnc hanbe.fojwboajttlbcclff bclpetjp 3acob p 25 iff bjougbt fo loWc'ifeo tbe lortj waff mcr= m cpfulltberin,anb tbe Jto^oc C5o0 fapb: wel, it (ball not be. - mmmtMh&m m t\m t>pfp6:bc« • nolbe,toc lo?b -ftobetoponapiafteecb Walt anbamafonfftroWcUnbiffbanoc.^nDtbc JojbfapODntome:Hmoff,wbatfccfttbou 3 anCWtrcbra mafonff trowcU.'Ebcn fapbe the Jlo^bc:bcbolbe,3 wpll InvctDc trowcll amogemppco»lcof3fracl,ftWpllnomoje ouecTc tbem,but ^5 \m bplcbapelff of 3faac muft be lapcb waft c,anb t\)c cbur cbeff of 3C ^ jctoboa, 3 topli ftanbe tip agapnft it Wif b tbefWerbc . tlnon tbpff fent 4mafpab tU IK!!9W ^ nt0 3croboam tbe bpngc rtf.r.rbrtfb of3fraeI,fap^gc.*3fmoff maftetbtije hou= fe of Jfracl to rebel agapnft tbe , f l^be can JW4WapeWptbbpffWo?bcff. rfo?3moff fapctb,3eeoboa(ballbpcWptbtbcfWcrbc, aitb Ifeacll ujall be leb awape captiue out of tjmawne lanbe. %m tmnrntfam Mfti, 5? l f,° ^»»?ff,c?ett tljc be*cc *Wf canft fcfo Well)anbfleintotbelanbeof3nba:gcttbe tbeee tbp lpumge,anbmopbccp tbcre : anb mopbecp nomwe at z&tbell , fo^ it iff tbe Hpngeff cbapeil,anb m bpngeff courtc. -M .v WHi^ a»fSjereb,ano fapbe to aimafiab : Kwn«S ?? f *} m % m V** P?opbct,ner p?o= 1 ,m * ^bcteff fonne.buta fteperof catell.iaowaff -.- , ^ v —^c>ngeboWncmoibericff,ft gotp: after tbe catell,tbc 3Lo?be tone me , ab fapo antojnc:wm\ out of btff aWnc contreT rf '** i(c Cfcbe.Wff.ebapter. mmM m mmasttm . 21)c £ojbt fmrarttl, tbat bf tupll fulfpll tbe tbpngts tubpetj be batb DtCcr; ijjc lo?bC(5ob .• ti)ttott)mc t\)V$\}V-: - fpon : anb bebolbe, tbcre waff a ma-- * ittubcrtfommerfrnte. Snbbe fapbe: 3amoff,Wbatfepfttbou."3anftbercb:ama= tmbe n» fomcr frutcCbcn ^poc tbe loibe witomc:tbccnbec6metbtjpon my people of3fracl,3Wpllnomq2eoucrfttbcm.3n^ bape (ball tbe fongeff of tbe tgple be turncb tnto fo?oWc,faictb p loft <£ob, manp beeb bonpeff (ball Ipe in euerp place , anb be eo-ft 13 fo^tjjfccretlp.* J9caretbpff,C>pctbatop= *em.*,« Vm* the poozcanb beftrope the nebp i tbe laubc,fapmg:Jifllb^Willtbcncwmonctbbe ffone,tbat W.e mape fell Staple,? tbe §>ab botb,tbatWemapcbauefcarccncfreofcoi= itc:to maftetbe buftjcl leftc , anb tljc g>pclc greaterrMleflballfct\jpfaircwapgbtcff,* wemapcgcttbepo?etjubcrl3ffWptl)tbcpj moncp,anb tbcncbpalfo fo? tyoeff : pee , let W fell tbe cbaftcfouozne. c ^beito^bbatbfwoine agapnft j5pifOc **»m.w. of 3acob:tbefe WoiUcff of tbcpiff Wpll % nr iter f oigct.^ball not tbe lanbe trembfc.ib all tbep tbat bWelltberin,mournef oi tb«s." fisballnot tbep? beftrucepon come \jpo the lpftcawaterftreame,anbfloweonerthea6 fi5SP^offffPtt. / *'3rffametpmc:far-*Trr.rtA ctb m lo?b pob)«5"3 iball caufc t\)t ffl 'to ' ne to go bowne at none,anb tht lanbe to be barcbeiutbc clearebapc.*?>our bpc feafteff *wuu WpU3turne tofo?owe, ft poure tongeff to mpurnvnge:3 Will b?tngc facU clotirupou all backeff , anb balbncff topon euerp beab: pee,fpcba mournpngc WpU3fenbc them. f?l2l-S5.SP on a,t on & begotten fonne, + ^ w . w .a anb tbcplballbaueampff rablc cube. 25eholbc, tbe tpmc commetb'Tapetb the Hoibe (Sfob)tba 1 3 (ball fenoe an Hunger S totberartb^nottbebnncrcrof bieo 5 nee -ta tbe tbp^ft of watcr.but an buger to bearc i» wojbcof the J.o?bc:fo Jtbep (hall gofro? one fee to p other , pec , fro fnmth \>nto tbe caft.runpnge abotttc to fehe i5 u>o*bc of the |0{be, ft fballnot f)mbcitKr3nf tpmt, -*j toaUthc fapie Dirginff » tbe pongc men pe rpftjfo? tbp?u% m, cum th^ tbat ftoeare in tbe erccrable cm of j&amarpa , ft fape: nff trulp WW ®Q* Ipucth at a>an,anb aff i 1 * M'*t : - T " i . ii - 1 i i it: « l; ' J i r i r I I s '* t£ljep£opijtcye truly asi thy 0«fttyoeft At fficrraba.'Cljc: fc iliitiU fall,ano tinier rpfc Dp agayne. C&Dr.foC&aptcr. C 2Tt»caf cntmgcs agaiMiftj|rr*cl.j&o man on tf; cape tbcbanOf of tSoD. 3 ffi&SK &atocthclA*bc (tanuptiffc Dp5 tlje .uiltcr,? ijcfaybetfmytc tpcbojc cjjc* Uc,$r&c poftctf maycihakc toytjjall. jfoj t I)f yjt couetoufnefle tyallf all Dponall thc>> i DcaDcjS , 9 tljcv^ poftcrftefbalbcflay* *ptoi.«rrtt . we toif D tDr Ctocrbc. * 'CDcy tyall not «. flcatoayc,thcrcu:mllnotoncoftbcmcfca* **«?•'.«. pcncvbcaclyucrcb. *'€bougbthcptocrc mwycbmthcljcU,myhanbcnjall fetch tlje" from thcncc:tjjougb they ctpnte Dp to hea« wen, yet tball 31 caft tbem botonc : tbougti t ftcp l)pDc them Ccluctf Dpon $ toppc of Car mcl,yctrball 3fchcthcmout,nnb bjynge tbcm from tbece: though they crept botonc _fecimyfygl)tmrothcbcpcofthcfce,3fUall 2o commaubc the fcrprntc,eucnt&ccctobytc ti>em.3f fijeygooatoaye bcfoie tjjcyj cue* myc* into captiuite, t&cn ujall 3 commas be the Ctocrbc , there toflaycttjem. ^:butftoyll3icttmyttccyc0Dponthc",fo? tbevi bavmc anbnotfoj tmpmm% jtoi tol)c f Loibc <5ob of ijooftcjs toucfjetfj a 13= be,it cofumctlj atoaye , anb all tfof wtocll tbcrtn>muft ncbc$mournc:3nb n»itim bcftruccyonqjallaryfc a* cnerp (treatnef _ ^ f rimue oucrtlJcm,atftlje floubc m ©gyute. *«.«.»!».» * ty C t |j at j^atj) ^^otocllynffe in Ijcaucn , 9 * smco.D.b. grounbethhyg tabernacle intbecarth:* Ipe tb«iitcallcththctoatcr$JaiB!thefee,$poutetl) them putDpontbcplayncgrounbc:iHfl: na« me itf p lojbe. €> ye cljyUucn of 3fcacl , arc yeuotDutomCjCucnagp&Jojyan&faycth tjjc 3lo;tbc:baucnot3 fought Jfracloutof teener tl3clanbc of @gyptc,*^hcihtliftync&fco e Captl;oM«b the £>yjtanj3! from €n( i8e< JjolbctljccycgoftljclojtbcarcDpouttJcre^ alme tljatfynnetl) 3 toroteit dene out of tlje cart&:j&ucrfl)cle8t,*3toiHnotDttcclybc= tSff&ffr ftri lP c *J* & ou * e rf 3«ob,fapeti) tfjc iqzbc. SaS.c rfotlo ttytf 3 p?omyft:tl)ougD 3 W $ ijoufc of Sftaclamoge all nacyonjs (iyfte a# tl)cp Dfe to fyfte in afyue)yet(nall not the fmaUeftgrauellftoncfall Dpon t^eeartj: 2Snt all f toicKcbbocrs* of my people ,t|jat faye:^wuji,tl)c plage itfnot fo nye , to come ^ fo pftcly Dpon W:ttiofeu)allperpwjtby tj * a«u.Tb7c. t^c ffocrbc.*3&t ttiat tymc toill 3 buy Ibc a^ ffUQMM gat>netl)ciKS"taberttaclcof Dauib, t(wt# «T tallenbotDne,anb IjebgeDp^gappejS.anb loUetoljatyslb^oBcn,3C[jalrcpayiieit:yee, 3 ftiall buplbc it agayne, atf it tbajl afo^e ty meicljattDeymaycpoaeffetbe rcmnaut of C bom,y ce,anb all Coei) people ag call Dpon m-p name top tD t^fayetj) J lo?be, itopycj) botb tOcfe tbyngesf. 25e t) olbct be tpme commetl) f fay et|> tljc 1 o?be) t&at t^e plotoman qiail ouer tane ^ moycr,f tteabet of gtrtpcuMiym tljat fotb< 1 ctDfcbc. * ^gcmoimtaynctfQmlltyoppe *mJi JAMftf ne y^^P^uyte of my people of 3fracll:tJ)cy ujalrtpawe fmmhtSfi. aub Ijauc tljcm in pou*emon:t|jey u)all pis! tt^ywyarbcis.ab tyyncne tDe ttoyne tl)erof Bfabbytfonaa Untie Jotl.i'li.ft w»v 54* wuitui-, iu 1 .y«i ■ j| iuiU (UUCP F I tpem out agayne from tljey^ lanbe >Dycb3bnuegcuent0em fayetb t|)e t o^Dc t&p d5ob. CCUc cube of tlje $iomw of 3mo?j, CUTIjcbooRCOftlje ^opljetc 3Jbbp. C^uapniICoom,(jie^rruftal>fttrpc5w. I^pslixj tl)e trifyonf tbasi u)efiDcb 3t \)nto3bby.'Cbu^bat^tlje io^b C5obfpoUcnDpo*€bom:5Ullel)a=*w"H ueDeacbcof^ io ( tbetbattl)ercis( mfi&\ ancmbau"agcfentamogctbeJ)eat()en:(jiip let i)j( aryfeanb f ygbt agaynft ttjem . 25e= Ijolbc,* 3 tijyll make tbc fmall amongc t^c *a«*w| l>eatben,fo tDatttjouqjalt be Dtcrly ocfpy ftti.'COc pp tljou tl>it btoellcftm ^ ftrongcftolbctf of (fo nc,j fyaft mabe tbc an bye fcate: 'Vyoufay- eft x tbpne fyrttoboftntl caft me botonc to tbegrouube'* 25uttftougl)t|)outbfteft Dp tami(( a$ |)pe M tlje 3eglc , anb mabeft tl)p *ncft raffi abouc amongc tbc ftarcc#:pcttoolbc3 plu^ 25 cbc tUc botbnefro tljcnce.^f tlje t&cuctf anb robbers came to tlje bp npgbt,t&ott tafttge t^y tcfrtyutot tljep not ftcale, tpl tfjcp Ijab ynouglj t ^f tlje grape ga tljcrer js came Dpo tbe,toolbc tbey not leauc tlje fomcsjfrapcjtf.'' 26utjjotua)aU t&cy rype efau,anb fcUe out IjyjX ttttMtm ^ce,tljemetitljatttocte ftoo?neDnto tlje, Cfcal b^yue § out of f bojbcr* of tl>yne atone lanbe/Cbey tljatbe notoat one xb t$e,w)all birceauettje,anbouctcomctbe:6ttent^eyt eatetljyb?eb,f(balbetrayctbe,ojeuett|jou _, ^. mm . mitl jjcrceaue it. * Mall not 3 at f fame tymc ffiffi ■*»»*«* bcftroyetUe toyfe men of ©bom, Sbtbofe t C haue Dnber ftn nby ng,f ro y mount of maut ^by gyawtesif HD 'Cfjema)w)albeafrayeb, f 0? tDo^oto * uausDtcr tDcp Jbalbe all ouec tlJ^tone Dpon tbe mount of efau. ^d|j am e ib ail come v pon y ,f 0? t(je maly ce tDat t jjon ftttoebefttotvT * b^ottjet Jacob : yec 3 fo? *mnw euetmo?e ftalt t|jon per ityjfo tDat becaufe of « of tljctpme, toljen tljonbpbcftfet thy fcifc agaynft ^ym^umtofjcn ^enemye/caryeb a&aychy^nooft^tobcu^alcauntejs came ni at rongtt&f caft lotted Dpon lerufa* 1 SaffW! f * feMfe »« W one of tDem. the cDtlbje oftuba , in tlje bay e of tfjcpi be^ S%*SA V 1W »om o[e in J tymeof tDewti'oublc. 'Cbouujalt nomoic ZKS^ T S(ltC|S of m ? P«ple,in tbe ty * miftrymtDebaye of tDcy^ fall. ^Opu Qjalt fenbe out no m5 agaynft they? e ttSi^PSf^* abucrfyteaictuf t SS£S S ?«J5«Ptpnae any mo^c at ; £%!tt ote fe^^oiicw(,tiwtrfmaj»ne **?8f te^ spJw 1 m $* WtW JLf^S^ 11 t»aft?«tfefoft«lt tDou be bealte toy tDall^e^t^ouOjalt be retoarbeb tuenDpontbpnc Ijeab.^ Ipftc topfcajs ye W^oncUenDpompiieljolyljyltfoujall all hcatUenb?yncKe cotynuafiy 7yeJ, bricftc ?all thcy,anbCtoalotoe Dp,foti;atyeiii' <&. ^J|t{)ougbpcbabiicuerbcne. ff r . i5»t fijr Upon tbe mount £>yon {ball £ W &t? at|laDt, - )c O lfcluc0nfo ^»» poflcOio. f jm.u So^otKcrr t^efjowfe of Jacob fljalbca feJfeSfJ^ of Jofepbaflamcanb tbc,* G 9 a l ft r? w W° tonfiimcro tDat nothyitS ftalbefeftoftbeljoufeof etaim MM gymfclfeUatlj fapbcit/£Depof tljefeouth anbt|)emountapnctfof0alaab(3|}all26en, S2f S^ : ?J ttl ^ ^ ooft Mte fcM %B»(nft "■hkmw ««ucrn;eiuoiecci pt Dpon tUe Upli of mm mi go DptppunyOjtlje mount of Cfau^anbtbeftyng:. borne f&olbct&c CfJ» cube of the bone of the piophe= (Ptof^bbp. k yj ^opUetc3onaj2f. CCOtWCDaptft. .-> wo; *.TcCif.'^;.r. tocntcabo v ibe,tbat be mygnt ff c ffi be . 23ut the lojbcbutlc&affrcatctovnnV J'to.thc Tec,anb there toag a Stye tSn peft m thefec:fothatt!)c OjyppcS m perby of gopnge in pecetf Sn t c , u r J^totreafrapDe/nbcrVebcSm tofti0©ob:anbtheffoobegthatKSS JWMto caft into j5 KShSEttS tUc^erc De inpeo mm boton /ffi\ anb faybc Dnto hitmffi SSBB «8S *W! * m *« » * W t toe petSE- 3nbtheyfayueonetoanother : comeietM caftlottetf:tbattoemayehnotoc fc itohol SSMf f "Wteonfeb. * inJ-fo ffi faftlotte^anbtljelottVUDpoiiSoi nss P r ^hcn fayb they Dnt mSS^La ?!ffi a, L D ^ frarc the UmisJtiV? toolbe not be,becaufcthe?ee %affitt8f. » 1« W not pttA (JKRUJ^jg *^«.t. S5SI it iicfbct t 1 i ■ I ! \i -r ii 'I .1 >Hi tfi i |H ttomtotyi ** ft nct^et lapc tbou innocent bloubeUnto out cbargctfo? $oM> fcojb , baft bonccuSaii ebppleafurctoatf. ' £b o tbcp toltc 3 onasl , atib cad torn into tbc fte,ahb tbc tec icfrc ragpngc , nm p ml frarcbtbe tojbe ctccabpng>;bopngfactp« rpct-8 anbmamngc uotoc* unto tbelojoe. C£&e.iWtbaptcr. C31ona» isrumloteicD of & tolialc.Jty pfaprt of < 3|0IU« n massK^t tbc lo?bc p?eparcb a gtcatcfp * maw n GEratyc, to ftoaloto up 3ona$ * &>o Itoajs^onajs in $ Uclp offfpffctbte __ !bapc#$tb?cnpgbtc0.#nb3onaial mavcb Unto tbe lo?bc optf <5o0,outof t^c tpfM bclp,anb fapb.* jnmp trouble 3 cal t prar.cyy.e. let) lonto ct)c lo?oc,anb be bcrOe nte:out of? bclv of bell 3 cepcb,$ tbou bcrDcftmpUop* ccwnbabbcftcaftmc botone bepeintpe mpobeft of tbc fee , $ tbcf loubc capafeb me 25 ab©utc:pec,*alltbp toauctf anb rouletfof *j3far.riu.D toatertbcntouct mc,ltbou3bt tbat3bab benccaft atoapc out of tbp fpgbt:but 3 totll pet agapne lobetotoarbe tbp bolp temple. 'Cbctoatcrjscompafeb me, euen to Ppc* rp foule:tl)c bepe lape aboute me,$ tbc foe* beg tocre m aboute mwie beab. 3 tbet botone to tbebotomeof tbebpUcsunb toatf -. barecbintoitb eartbfo?cucr.25ut tbou,*D * lo,u>cmp<0ob,baftb£ougbtUp mp ipfca* gapnc otit of co?Mpcio. We' mp foule fain* tco toptbiu me,3 t&ougbt Upon tbc lo?be: $ mp piapcc came in Unto tbe, euen it o tbP <* bolp temple.^bn' tbat bolb of uapne Ua 2> npi:ies(,tDpU fojfafte biJ< mercp.25ut 3 tbfll DotbcfacrifpcetoitbtbcUopce oftb&feefae upnge,stopll pape tbat3 baucUotoeb: fo? tobP'faluacpon commetb of tbc Lo?b.3nb m lo2ti fpafte Unto tbc fpflfcftb it caft out Jonatf agapne Upon tfyttyve lanbe. CClje.iit.Cbapter. CJjoiuf (s fmt agapne to /jtfnjut.j^c xt ptn; eaunc»oftl»e!ipngoi/ata(uf. 31 ij=s^en came tbc too?be of tbc io*b un* *joua.<.a^ SI jgljto 3onajS agapnc 5 fapengc * Up , anb £-* l&LUgcttbe tojftimue &r tbat great ep= ti e $ p?ca cb bnto tbem p p?eaebpnge tbbtcb 3 baoe the.£>o 3onatf atofe,? toente to Bt nine at toe lo;i0css commaunoemen t. iftini ue toaji agreate cptc unto «5ob, namelp,of tbjebapeaiournep, 3£no 3ona tuente to, $ enteeb into t^t 25 cptie:euena Oapcslioucnep,^ ccpeO,lapS5c: tcuTFbtu %\)tu arepet.jcl.bapejs ao tbenJbaUlitm* Kr nek ouertojottocn.<]3r*3tnb tijje people of flinlue bekiieti (Bob, at\t) pjoclapmeo fa* ftpnsc,anb aeapcb tb^felue^ in lacfe clotb» as: tuell t be greate a0 t^e flnaii of tbe . 3Eno tbetpDlgesf came Unto tbeftpng of iftinine tubicb at ofe out of bp# feate , anb nptt M apparell of anbnutonfiwfccWjanb fate bprnbottmeinaubeff. 3nb (t M# ctpcb ? f ommaunbeb (n ia<« c niucbp tbc auctojtttc of tbc fepnjje anb \>M % o^octf,fapciigc: * fe tl;at nctbee man ox oe *m.m, cft,ojcc o^lbcpetafte ougpt atoll: «b#t)icp **** nctbcvfeOeneebMRetbatersbutputonfacR clotbbotl)man$bea(t:anb vcv* mpgbtelp Unt o 0ob s *pcc,fc tbat eueep mil tutnc fro *mmh W cucil tuapcaub from tbc tbpcftebneOe, tbat be batb in banbe. TOo can telle <£>ob mape turner repen<* te,anb ccafe from bisb»cb be fapb i**m pc tbolbc bo untotbem,anbbpDitnot. • CCbe.ti«.Cbapter. C3lonM(8rcp;ouroofiSott. tycrf ott 3onasJ tuaiJ fobenp&tmnetDa^ Up,<5oo p jeparcb a fcrucnt eaft tbpnbc: $ S>unne bett oucr p bcab of 3onajs , tbat be fapntcb agapne, $ fepftbcbUnto b^ foule, tbat bempgbt tyt&n fapb: 3t ijS better fo? mc to bpetpen to lpuc.2ftnb€>obCapb Unto 3 onajs : 3Jrt tbou fo angrie foif xoplbe Up •■ nc.'^nb be fapb j»ee,Uerpangrfe am 3, tut Unto tbcbectb.'4nb p io^bwpb: tbou baft « companion Upoitatoplbe Upne,tuberon^ w bcftotbbeftno labourcmermabeftit grotw febpeb fPitange Up in onenpgbt $ perptyeft in anotbcr:^nb(bulbcnotjtbcn baue co- paffpo UpoiainiHC tbat greatc cptte,ttobcr^ in tbere are aboue an. m y^tboufanb per Tonne? , tpat ttnotbe not tbep 1 tvm banQ from tbe lef tcbefpbcsimocp catellr C^bt enbe of tbe $?op$ec?e of 3 ona?, M0ithm, 'tftuxtiti, rr.pa.^rtiff.a jfirt.tf.jtt.a i.inB.r cartb anb all tbat tberin in . gee, f lo?bc(5obbpntfelfebc tbptneffe amonge pou cucn tbe iojb fr8 W bolp temple, tfoj ttobpe* bcbolbcp io^bc (ball go out of j)i0 places come botone,a trcabe upon tbe hvc tbpngejBi of tbecartb-'Cbe moatapnejs Jball cotume Unbcr l;im,$ tbc UallepejSfbal eleue afunbtt-'lpbc a toa re cofumetb at tbe fp^e, 5 atftDetuatertf runne botuntoarbe.'^nb all tbps< fbalbc fo^tbctopcbcbnclTeof Jacob, anb tbe fpnneji of tbe boufe of ifracl. HSuttobat isitbetupcbebneffeof Jacob/ 1 3jSnot*^amariaraUbfcbare tbc bpc pla= ccjS oOnbaW not*3erufalcm .^'bcrto^c 3'Jballmaftc mamtfam beapc of ftoncjs l tbefclDe,tolapcaboutetbe Upnepavbe .- bcr ftoncj3i(baU3caftintotbcUillcp 5 anObifco werbcrfounoacpon!Ei.3lllber3mageiB!iball be bjo&cn botonc $ all bcr garments w ll bcb?entintbcfpitc:pce,aUber3DoWtuill3 beftrope : foittubp^ * tbcp arc gatbereb out of p bp?c of anttoboje, 9 ttoantubo^csi })\>iz (ball tl)ep be tumcb agapne . yUberfo?c'3 Stoillm ourne $ in a he lamcnta cio, bare 9 na= ftcbtDill3go:3mnftmournclpbc tbe bia- SpnMttb tabe fo?otbc ajS tbc €ftricbc#:fo£ tbcp^toounbcijjpaftrcmcbp.^nbtobp t it i^ come into 3uba,$ batb toucbeb tbepo^te of mv people at 3crufalcn alrcbp . * mm notac ft tbep at ^etb pcrccaue it. 'cbou at 25atapma,tucltcr tlw fclfc in § tuft <$ atJtyetf. 'Cbou pbtuelleft at ^cpbp^, get tbebencc tottb ujamc.'Cbc pioubc (ball boon nomo?efo? Uerpfoiotoe.anb tbbprDcr nepgbbourctbaltaUe fro bcr tobatlbc batb %\t rebcllpoujsl cptic bopctb, ^ it (ball not be fo eucll.but f 01 all ^,tbe plageftjall come from tbe lo?bc,cucn mto tbepo^te of 3eru falfj'Cbcgrcatcnopfe of ^cbaretteiS (ball fearctbc,tbatbtocllat* tacbptf > tobicbitf an occafponof tbe fpnncof tbeOaugbter of $>pon,fo? in tbe came Up tbe tope neon eflc* of 3frael.^ee,lbc fent bcr courfctiS into tbc lanb^of^etb' . %te boufejl of ipesl toill bpfceane-f fyn* gest on frael. 3nD atf f 01 p( &> tbou f mth Teft $tJQo;au"a) 3 (bal biim a poffeffionec ^)pon f 4 tie plage of 3ftacftyattcac!) ^n» to€>bolla.^anet|)ebalbe 5 f(bauetbe 3 be'- eaufe of tbp tenner cbplb?cn:^afte tbe clca ne balbe ajj an3legle,fo? tty? (balbe carpeo atoapecaptiuefromtjje. CCbe.«.Cbaptee. CfctoMenpnBwagapnOtytfpnaillpeopK. ilUUountotbem s tbat3magpnto a Ooftetme, fib bcupfe Ungracpouf= neflcUpo tbfp?bcObcsf,to perfour , — ! tnc(tt ^ clearebape:fo? tberpoto= er «t agapnft d5ob.uabcn tbcp couet 1 ba= ue lanbe, * the? tanc it bp Upolcnce , tbep *«<,«.«* , robbe men of tbep? boufei*. w '' 'Cbu? tbep opp^etrcamanfoibWboufc 8 cucrp man to j bijs berptage.'Cbcrf o?e tb 9 fapctb tbe lo?be:25cbolbe * agapnft tbpiS * *»w»m bouflbolo baue 3 Oeupfeb a plagctoberout pe (ball not pluc&e pour necbesf.^e (ball no> mo^ego fo p?ouDlp } fo?ittopll be aperlous tpme.ln tbat bapc (bal tbp? terme be Ufeb anb amoumpnge(balbemaoe ouer pou on tbpjS maner: JUJe be Utterlp befolate,^ poi- q?on of mp people fei tranflateb.Wliba toill be parte Unto U$ t\)t laube,tbat be batb ta= 25 ben from U0. y iSeucrtbclcg^tbere (balbe woman to nt- *fi**r#i upbc tbc tbp po?cpon in tbe cogrcgacpon of • to.tOc.'Cuib^olbc pour tuge( wpe tbep ) jt (ballnot fall Upon tbpjs peopie,toe (bail not comefo to confnfpon , fapctb tbeboufc of 3acob.3i5 p fp^etc of tbe lojbelocleanc atoape (ax (0 tie fomiOcO/"Creu tb iti&mv too^oejs are frenblp Unto tbe" jlpnr rpgbt: butmp people botbtbe contrarp, tbertoie mult 3 tabc carte agapnft tbem :foi tbep C tabc atoapc botb cote anb clobe from ti;c fpmple. ge baue tumcb pourefelueg to fpgbt,f be toemen of mp people bauepetbut out from tbcirgooo boufcs( 3 f tabenatoape mp cxtcl- lent gpftcsf from tbcp? cbflbie". ^p,gctpou tjence,fo? berclballpcbaucnorcft. Becaufe of tbep? 3bolatrpc tbcp arc co*= tttpte,$ (bal mpferablp perpfb-3 i 3 tocre a flciblp felotoe^f a p?cacbcr of ipciMb tolbc tbem tbattbcp mpgbtfpt bpbbpnge » boU S> l?ng, f be broncben. p toerc a ^D^opbcte fo? tbp0peoplc,25ut3 toill gatber tbc X be= bc,©3acob,tb?puej>remnauntof3fracll all togetber.3 (bal carp tbem one tottbanu tber,a$ aflochc intbctolbcanbajei ^cateli in tbcp? ttalle&tbat tbep mapebebpfqupe^ ttn of otberme" . Elbo fo bieanetb p gappe, be (ball go before. %\wp mall b?caftc Up p po?tc, 9 go in 9 out at it. %ty Hipngc (ball go befo?e tbnn,anb tbe lojoc QjalbeUpon tbc bcab of tbem. j C^be.m.Cbaptee. j #iagapnt«^(p;flnjipof^?p«fttr,«iftfaift . Pjop^rtw, ^^ Hi H^eare. tt ''' »* ftl J. i - I ' ! ii-l J 'I I- ,! ...» *e #* f Mi i* * i JSJSSf? Isfflft £°" lc of 3ftac U: * &bulbe mot pc , «' rSSmti KSiMjiittrtW , t»Dat tocee latofull anb i: ; 1 «**« rpgbt.'*26utpe batetbegoob, anblonc the cucispe plucfecof mcitttctfTHpmicjS , anb the flcQji trom t|)cpz l)oncsS:ye eatc tbc turn of ropwopie,anbflap of tfcprfltpnnewbzca ftc mnUm&pt cljoppe them in pecc*a* ri* 1 : *-, ,„ "^wt«toacattl^on^aj!flc^itoai)ot fe : j SSSaft ^o^J> t|)c tvmc ©all come, * tDat tto^e tjcp 3SSL faUbntotoclorbc,bciballnot bcate tbe\ j25 but Upbc bp* face from tbem , tiecmife that mm wn mm 3magpnacpon* tbep baucbcaltciotopcBebip. r 3lnb a* conccrnpngc the p.iopbctc* tbat bpfceanc mp people , tbu* tbc lozbc fapeth ;tc.TUi.t> agapntt tbcm.*taihcntheplMuecnp tbpn- 8f 8 *P^? W»tjw» *!W ttcftcb tbat all foalbciocll:liutpfamanputnotfometbig ttt to then mouthc* , thrp pleach of warrc agapnitnpm. . matron c * ^hctf o jc poure Wfpon (balbe turncb to fit 8H*&* p0tt K W**W to barelmcfle. *• 'fthegmnnclballgo bourne oucetbofemo-- jgfteM the bapc Qjalbc barcae bntotbe. pen (ball the Won fcer* be aCbameb, an the f otbfapcr* conf ounbeb.-pee, tbep (balbe , .: fapne,aUtbcpacReoftbcm,tottop:pcthepz 1 i. ** , "' # * ^fo?meaamfuUofft«fitb,?of^fp2cte i » ! '.. of the iotfc,full of iubgenfent * boMtt» I tolbctt>ctbcbourcof3acob tbcpztopckcD= mm IMpoft of 3tracl tSmmL 2, ©bcatcwpcwa^of«je|)o«ircof3!a= co^pciuose?oi:^ljoufcof3frael,pctl)nt abh0 ? rct|)etbvn ff ethatiji Iaufull.,U?ctt *abacuc.«b arpbtvthpngpisftrepght.*Pctbatbupl= tMhnfti S^J^^Wjube^nb^eewralcmtfi ****** jwrnw*! ©peiubge&pegcucfcn: tccefor gpfte* : © pepjeafepe teaebfo? *%m,m l«w.*gwmopbetcj{,pep?opbecpfojmo np.J'ctMltbep betaaena* tVf&olbe ■ }2^ M? ra P C: 3*not the *o?b amege ^•S?^ erecnnnom P^tunebappm •5 ffl* "? 4* bc CW lpfee IJ^JwwWem Owll bc= r ; l mmfSA £omcanpeapc of Ctonc^anD t^e hpUofthe f; SKSSu. templeftaUbctuenebtoanbpetboibe. rj C$bt.uw-.Cbaptcr. Cljepjoptoe k 1 I t \ i if ii M r * * * ■.I i- , & ■' « •*B«»e.f4 npn KJK? *JP ,er * t ' wm ft"«S^olbeofthe *m mi m mWm ab fepuflbome of tbc bauabtec 3er4ifaie.Hihp then art thou note fobeup.'' « tbeee no bpnjc in tbe/are tbP councelcrtf atoape tbat tbou art fo papneb,a0 a tboma in bee trapuapler^nbnotoc sPtbou bauab- tee £pon jbe fo^p,let it greue tbe as< a topfe labotpns toptb cijplbe i fo^notb muft tbou ffcttbeout0ftbecptie,aiiDDtoellbponthe piapnefelbe:??ce,\mto25abplonibalttbou ffo.tbete 0»alt tbou be belpucrcb,*anb the- **MM re tbe tojbefijaiiioi&fe the from tbebanoe ^ oftbpuecncmpcjs. a> iaott) alfo arc there manp people gathe* reb toaetbee agapnft tbe 3 faptg:tobat, §>t5 t&mmm ujallfe owe toft Spflbcr. Em tbep nnotbenot*tbctbougbtc$ of t tozbe, *«ww tbcp bnberftanbe not bt0 coucciutpat OjaU gather tbcm together a* tbe Qjecuejee in tbe barne.'Cberfo^get tbe \>p,© tbou baugb. gtjbpon,anb tb?ofO)eoutthe come : $oz S?iPil m i l Al rftp wne won , « tbp clattoetf u^aue,tbat tboumapeft g^pnbemanp peo= pie : tym goobcjQ! malt tbou appropriate ynto tbe lorbe,anbtbep? fubttannce \jnto tbc ruler of tbe tobolc too^lbe. . CCDe.\).chaptee. tt\)tUawcctonot3\tmmm, \f u £ f MW 0tt ** www tlJP fel= * ! fe, © ^robbcrubangbter : tbepujall urn fcgeagapnft ^t Unvitf f •& l w ^^Pon tbe cbefte.*i iubge of 3frae(tj5 arobbe^pon the cbtife/gn?! tffii MwumuS iptleamonge * m m " m iba,iDutofi>ibalcomebn plagetj» plagctbtbtnifoiafeafou , tbatuje(tbb(cbn)allbeare) y M..vv W ,K.^M, (ball tberemnaunt offtte bjetjnen be couee . tcbtnto pcbilbienof jjfrael. $e(baUft5be m$f* faff,* anb gcuefobe in tbe * Itrengtb of m KU Wiffll^JSWfiW name of tbe to?b hfe ^ob: anb toben tbep be conucrteb, ^eajallbemamufiebtjnto tbefartbettpae tctfofthetbojlbe. 35 fhen ftall tbcrebe pcace,fo tbat tbe 3f= fp^tan mape come into poure lilbe, « treabe (n poure b oufetf . 5JUe u)all b? inge bp feuen fbcnb|rbe^anb.bui.p?inces{tjpontbc:tbcfe Challfubbucthe lanbofairuru'i tbe fKbcrbe, 0mmmm anb p lanbe or* Bpmrob tbith their naked j W (c!i.«rt.c tbeapW.* «^bnji ibal be bclmer t)$ from the 3Cffirtan,li)bettbccometb toithinoure lano, • anb fettetb W fote tioitbin ou u mm*. C sinb f wmttAttt ol r Jacob (ball far amoge tbe muihmoe of people , a0 tbe betoe of the lo?be, anb as: tl}c b?oppcia! bpon the grafle, >*«.«*.* J^ttariethfoinoman^nbtbaptcti) of no ww,f Tbobp.*|>ee,#refibueof3acobtbalbea»nage tbc (E»cntilcsf anb tbe multitube of people, asi tbelpon amoge tlje bcaftcjs of tbe tbobb, anb ag p IpomS tobclpe atnonge a aocue of (bepe:tobtcb(\bben be goctbtbojotbejtrea* betb botone,tearetb in pccc0 3 anb there ttno man tbat can bclpe/Cbpne hanb (balbe lift tjp bpon tbpne enempeis , anb all thpue ab= ticrfariejsqjaUuetift). © 'fcbetpme u)all come alfo, fapetb § %m% tbat 3T»fll taftc tbinebo^fetf from tbe, anb beftropetbp cbarcttesi.3 tdilbjeafte Dovone , the citpejS of tbp lanbe, anb oucrthjotbc all m.MiA tbp ftroge bolbejj. * au toitcbcraftciS tbpll L smt < h ? '2? °? u of f*B* h abe,tbcrc(ball no mo waotub. fotbfapingctf be tbitbin tbe.*TOne3boltf 1 anb tbpne ImageiS tbilljbeftropcoutof I fop tbou ibalt nomore botte tbp fclfebn to tbe itoojckcsi of thpne atone b$mtsiMW prone* toill 3 piucfte Dp bp f> rotefcfr b?ca= Be botbnc f cFtte*. %\>uft tbtll 3 be nucngcb alfo,bpo all p tycathen tbatttoill not beare, CCbe.Di-Cbapter. can eflojf 8cpon to ptm f ftrtgement agnpnft 3if; tacll bepnge bnBpnbe .tobat mancr of fact ifpecs Too pltafcisoo. erbfnotbtbbattbelorb rapetb: *mp,rcpitoucthemountapncjEf, $ Ictt the bpllcjl bfarc tbp^opce. $2> beare tbe punifbemrt of ttje loib, pcmountapnciEi,$ pe mtgbtic f ounbaciojs of tbe eartb: f o j tbe iozb toill reproue hi* pco pic,$ reafonifi Jfrael. ^D mppcoplc , tbhat m tau . S? u / 3 mm ^"i & ^ttoberl baue 3l)tirtc mm* tbe.^eue meanftoerongiecaftfe 3 wought m * tbeoutof gbonfeofbonbiige^^ecaufci mabc ^)ofe*, 3aro anb ^iriam to lebc p t tomm Jwwewte flD mv peo^le*)tbhatii6alacb i» *» fepngof^oabftaoSmagpneb agapnfttbc ^o.trriiit 3 ahbfobatanftbm tbat25alaam thefonne mm fiaue bim,fr om $>etbtm bnto eth of tbe iftamelp,to bo?igbt,to bauepleafurc in lo^ mnge hpnbnetfcto be lotolp,^ to toalcUe tfi tbp^oo,*^:beloroe*bopcecrtetbbnto^ **».« „ eitpe^tbenwtt^ujaUbcl&uebcofiDeretbe tbp name ( © loibe; ^erften tbbat i* pour robbe,$ bcre bim p toarnitb pou t * ^>bulb *t«rf.rfr.». 3notbebifpreafeb,fo^bnrigbtuou*goob|fS r r ^l mfipm* ftbpckcb,?becatifeimeafu= feK re bi*mpmaicb."^r Omlbe 3 fofflue f falft balauce*anb^baggcofbifceatfull ticvah-. tc*,amonoe tbofc tbat be full of riches : fn* WW »S»ttP sottf = bibere the rpteftn* bca= JeTtoitbfalibcbcfpcafeelpc^banebifceat^ full tnngc* in thctr mouthed %mma nam take in blbetopunilb^ ** ItS^IPP^^^tocaufeoftbpniiiicS. * 2 mp peoples tbujg (halt thou bea* re tbpne atone tt)ame. C^bt.>JiiCbapter. C Seomplapnt of tbe Ipttcll ncmb;s of tbcrpgbtucuft SBBtSSr mm toc no "° *W °"« €> i*mc : 3 am becomea* one , that * oactb gleanpnge in tbe barucft, *^«ik Jl^cre are no mo grape* to eate,pct SSSSSRS : y^^^Mo^ffoblpmau mmi^ \jpfi cartb,tberet*not one rightuou* amo* gemen.^beplaboureallto1bebbloub,anb tbep fapc tbep bo tbell tobf tbep bo eneUte tbe prmce itfl, f fapetb tbe W$e : thatte nmpebobimapleafureagipnelbeSe M^M^^tW^tieu^tSS tbwle,! tbemoft ngbtuou* of tbe i* but an . ^l^a iiii a b^eee * r i t » 1 1 o !C " i * * i • I * t U i .i ;»1 4 !♦ I a? ..' .= . ■1 * <■■: * terurc a Utter tit the hcbgc : U5ttt tobciithc bapc of * *«'•*•••• fptcb: the (ball thep be toaftcb atoape.* let m no inanUeleticbttfFrcitje.ncrputbptf confp -3E8S Jrom he* that Ipcth tn % bofoinc?* foube »?*' nrh«h [ 0, "w*alF lt Ote wtfipt to opqjonoutctbe baughtcr m latoc againft ljer mother m la* toeanba mantffoe* ujalbceucit tl;cp of hptf atone houtbolbe. #eucrthclcffe,3toillloaci)pDnto£Lo# €l)e$jopl)etve *P;o.rWU jup 3 topll pactcntlpabpbe obmp faupourc: my <£ ob (bal bcare me.* «D thou enempe of mpne,rciopcc not at m? fal I, to? 3 Wl set Vtf agapne* though 3 fp tt t batcaneu"c,pct the lojbe t0mp lpgbt.3 topll bearc the pit* mqicmet M ktbCfoj tohp, 3 Dane often= beb bo tpll he fpt t tubgeme't Dpo mp caufe, 9 fcp 3 ha tic r ight. $c topll typng me forth to the IpgUfef JiballCe htfttghtuoufneuc. C . &hc that i0mpneenemp (bal lobe Dpon *jj«fwff.a it,* bec0foubeb,tohichnotoraieth.*TOcre i0 tl;p Lojb C5ob.'&)pnc epe0fball beholbe her. toben (be Oralbe trobe" botone,a0 § clape *amo0.fc-.c m £ftrete0.*^hetpmetoMcome,thatthP gapped thai be mabe Dp, $ the latoe fyal go m pbc: • at f tpmc (feat thep come Unto toe froMUe Dnto the ftrogc ettpejj, 9 f torn the ftrogc citpe0 Dnto the rpuet 1 fr5 the one fee to p othecrrfi the one motttapnc to § other. ^ Bottopthftattbpnge, £ lanbmuft be toa= tteb, becattfe of them that btoellthezin,anD fipnhcfcute0oftbciratone3maginacion0. y fretfoie febe tbp people totth ti)p robbe , £ florae of thine heritage tohich btoelbefolate in tlje tooobc :that thep mape be f ebbe Dpon thcimoatofCDarmcU^afan^^alaabajS w af oie time.^aruelou^ tfytge* tbtl 3 (betbe *«w.wS |S£?* l ?* e «J*?^ ^ «W» bttte of egipte yw (ball tfte ^eatl)enfe,anbbea^ameD *tob. W (r.u f 0; all tbeir notoer,* fo tljatt&cp ftalllape tbctr banbeijpontDetr month, anb ttoppe *««M.«f.e t^trearc^. * 'C&epf&allpc&et&ebnftlpfee a fee pcttt,? a$ t&e too?mcjS of t|)e earth,tbat trcjubletntDeirlJolejJ.'Cbepftalbeafrapeb of t tie iojb onrc 0ob,9 tjep C&allfeare the. Ulibcre 10 tljcre foc& a (5ob ajs tDon."tMt parboncft topcfeebncjMnb f ojgenctt the of* , fences; of tberemnaunt of ttome herptage.' ^e fiepetbnotD^aj^athfozener.anbtbhp.'' *i««m.or.i jHjJbeitteija! to banecenaffts^ieftaltnrne agapne, anb bemercpfiill to t)i«: he ftal put botbne oure topcaebneCfeft anb caft all onre fpnuicjs into the botome of fee.^honCbalt mt tbp truft tbtth 3acob , 9 thp mercpfoj 36^abam,lp8eajai thonhaft fbomewtto ourefatherisilongeagoo. * €%fy enbt oftfje pjopf)ecp of ^(cDeajjf. CCl)ebooueoft|)e ^ophetBahum. C^hPfFJft Chapter. C*>fH)t6rrrn!ccFonofjii(iirurfliiOD«DrDflP(if: twiifcorjitifit ip$K**t&eDeupmitt|)enof3 t(nine,tt>hpchiBahumof eieho0bpb^iteaiect)efa> toe it.* 'Chdojbettage. **w4 lonjtf Cob, 1 a taker of toen- geaunee 10 the lo^br , anb . to ( iothfitll.*'Chc3lo?beta« *« , H mm i)cttgeattnce of bt0 enempeftanb refer^ weth btfpleafurc f 0? h<}S abtterfar3 mi *W h h»t not Jfterlpbeftropethe^nhnotototftb/eafte I)t0 robbe from thp bacae,sj burft tbp bobc0 maunbement concernpnge the,f there $a 11 1 come nomo?eftbe of top name. */Checar= *m«uw| iSfi^aftttm 1 jfo.citrb [ mpfesifo.j iscitai man c omenomoie in tie, he»0li)ttftlpwtebout. 'Cbefcatcrerlhallcomc^pagapnlltljc,* lapefege to the caftcll. loue thou toell to I itretetf, mabe thp lopne0 ftronge,arme thp felf toith all thp mpght.foj the 1 o«tb mi re Htm agatne thealo^p of 3acob,lpbea0tbc glo^p of 3frae!.€De beftr oper0 bauc bioftS them botone , % mareeb £topne b?aunchc0. m bobpeij s there (0 no enbe of uiMii»ituiui uiiiiyiiuiL. per, uiiu uitVTD P people tbo^oto Jjer toho.tbome, 9 t&enacpaa tho«totDhcrtottchcraft. ^ *25eholbe,3tb(ll^ponf(fapetBHoib » „ ^^S^^^^hpclot^onert&j^^i heab: f 3 mape (betoc tbp naaebne0 amfige the ^eatpettjanbthp (hameamfige ^ bpng* bomc0.3 toill call byitt t)pon the , to mabe tbc be abbojreb,^ a gafpnge ftocbet See,all thep that lobe bpon the,CbaU ftarte bacbe, anb fapc:ii5miue igbeftropeb. CflJho toill haue pitic Dpon ft tohere (bat 3 febe one to c5f o/te the f 3Jrt d better then „ « the greate cite of *^le,canb?(a.''tha t lape tn * * w,nTif thetoater0 5 anb hao ^toater0roftbe aboute it: tohich toa0 ftroglp fenceb 9 toalleb toith f fee.- ethiopia 9 %pte toerc her ftrength 9 Jejcceabig great,abouc mcafure.^pbtica 9 ipbia toere her hclpec0 , pet toa0 the tiiv= ucnatoape^b^oughtintocaptiuitcherpo^ gc chplb^cn toere ftmtte* botone at the hcab c of cucrp ftrctc, ^ lottc0 toerc caft f ot § moft auncpentmcntnhcr^allhermpghtpemcn toerc bounbe in chaine0.<£ucn fo (bait thou alfobcDtoucbcn^hPbe thpfelfe, anofebe fomc hclpeagapnft thpnecnemp . 3111 thp ftcongecitie0u;all)elpbefpffetrrc0toithri» pcftgffc0: tohpch tohen a man Qjabcth, thep (hall fall into the mouth of the cater, tocholbc, thp people totthin the, arc but tocme: the pojtc0 of tbp labcibalbeopencb \>nto thpne enempc0, anb the fpje (ball bc= uoure thp barre0 . Viator toatcrnoto aga* ynftp be befcgcb,make Dp thp ttrog holbc0 go into j5 clapc,«pzc f mo^ter 3 mabc ftrong bjtcb:* pctpfp^ujalcfifumcthe, ^(toerbc ****»m galbcaropethc:pee 1 a0thelocu(tc Doth, Co ffirV 9alttcatci5bp.3t(balfalhcuelpt)p6^a0 m ylocuftc0.pee,rpghthcuelp(ballitfalll9po the>cua a0 f gre(hqpi)er0.'ChP marchautc0 haue bene n^ebxi tbc ftarrc0 of heaue: but noto (bal thep rpjebt ab^obe atf the locuftetf ^fletheir toapc^hP lo,tbc0 arc a0 the gee* (hopper^ thp captapnc0 a0thc multitubc of grcu)opper0 : totjpcb tobm thep be colbe, remapnc tn the hebge0: but tob* the ^>timie 10 Dp, thep ne atoape,? no ma can tel tohere theparc become.'Chp O)epherbc0 are a ttcpe ( UD bpng of MmHw too^thpc0 are lapeD botone,thp people i0fcatreb atyobc Dp5 the mottntapne0 , $ nomangathercth tbem to- gether agapne. %W toouDe cannot be bpb, tbp plage i0 fo t ojc* II tbep that heare tfittf of thecal clappc their habe0 ouer the. jtoi toha 1 10 he, to tohom t jjon ^aft not a itoapc tencbopnghurte.'' CCJicenbeofthep^ophecp ofjaahum. C?ht v ■ Bv - r i t ii I I :. I !•:.■ ; . "i f K fib il: ; l l i 3 CttMoofce oftfae 1&?op!ict3Umcucfc. * t > C« com piapnf r agar nff Jfftart* tbeJMpDct^batuUbpbfc. ^io2bf,*&otblongcu> ; M 3c2tc,$tbouthpltnotbca= re/*ltjotbl6gcfcll3com-- plapnc tonto tbc, fuftpngc UUbp let tcft f me fe therpne ffc anh labout-c .' oucrgoctb right-. foj f lathe tiot toarnr fo pc= «* gftftliew cannotr(gbtiubgcmc"tgofo2tb 25 zm tbbp ^ the \3ng0Dlp is mojc fctbp then ***#* lutigemftpjoccbctb.* ^olbc,am6gctbc })eathcn,auDlokcthcll,thonb2cai:ir,anbbc abaujcb.-foj 3thpllbo atbpngcinpouttp= mc, tbljpctj t&ougb it he tolbc von , pe (hall notbclcuc. *Mo*«ri *#o*lo,ltbflrapfc toptbeGalbccS,tbat bitter anbn&pftc p:oplc: thbicb Qmit go as Jbpbe as p lanh is,to take poffcffio of mch ImgplaccS,? be not their atone. 31 g rpmme ani) bopttcroiis people i* it,t|jefe (ball fit m m tuogemet $ pumifee.'SriKir liojfcs arcftbpf C ter tbeiitbc ca ttc0 of themotmt avnc,9 bpte *&opb.»..* iom t jjcti* p tfcolucs m the ciicmiicr.'^riicic fcoifemen come bp greatc beapes fro farce, tbcp flc baftelp tobcuour as |5 3!cglc. %\\ev come all to fpoplc:out of t&cm commctb ait caftthpnbe, ttobpcljblotbctbaub gatberctb their captwcs,lpheas tlje fanbr.%bcptlMl nwl\t |> kpnges, anh lauglje the pjmccs to fcop.'Cbep Qjall not Cct up nip ftrogc bol-. bc,to2 rbcp (hall lape ojbinaiice agapnft it, ant) take it.'Cbcn Qjall tbcp tatteafrc(&co^ rage .ton to the, to go f oitb * to Do mo jc cud, « »&8& an 5l° tlfcrtuc 8* VO^t tonto * their C5ob. ?S:5mS ® ut ^ ou * N* ™P do oo * mp holp cra.f.a . one.tbou art from toe begpimmgctbctfoie Mm not ope. £> UfaWm baft ojbeneb the i:o2 a pumu)emct,anb rett tbf to repjoue 5, the mpghtpe . Cto» epes arc clene , thou niapeft not fe eucl,tl)ou canft not beholhei 4|«r t«.«. tbimge that it torclich. * WIDcrfoic m hoft »r4.nn»H.« tftou lobe \jpon £ \mgoolp, onh bolhcft thp tunirctobcnthe vhpckchhcuouretb theman 1 10 Better W pirn felfe.^Uou rnaftelr men a* wme mti)efee,anh Ipbea^^ creppno: hea resf,t(jat t}a ueno gphcthep tauc top aU ■ teljh the(r angle,tbcp catch it in their mm fatljer it mt&eir parne:D)|jcrof tljep reioice D arc glao. 'Cberfojc oftrc tbep tonto their net,? hp facrifice tonto t$m parne : becanfc |hattb02othe ittljeir pozeponijf become fo f«t,i(tUeirmearefoplenteou}at.(iaii)erfo2e, WJ »*il I thepcalt puttDcfruetagapnc^nener ccaft to uapctDc people. CC&c.ft.Cljapttr. GMtjtttomn ortijf pjopbcec, airaptiiipoliPtiir, coH«ournee,fln6 jDoiutvpf, *■"«*• W buUhozcltcto loheanhfethftat he m -> JJS?* f«^ntome,anh tbbatatiftoe rOajulhcgeuebimtbatrcpjouchmc.But the toio anftocrch me,$ fapbe : Wlwtc the toifton plapnelp topon tty tables thatthbo fo cominctlj bp,mape rche it * f ot the toifton , &an , , , igpctfarrcof fo2atpme,butattSe laftlt ^ ftal come to pm& not faplc.*31nh though t mt< J WW rtlhayte thou f 02 Dim,fo?tti 1 tocrp M| hchc be thill conies not be nacRc.25cl;olhe, m tontightcoufe tfjiftetb him fclfc in fane' garoc as m a ftrog l;olOe:*btit f tuft 0>ai lp^ t m mm \ h WW faptb.ilpBea^to,pilchirc7aueth RffSJ tbch2oiuUarhe,euenfofp20uhe(hallfaplc k 1 * ' mm no mm. ir>e opeiietD ^ hefire thphe »tWtl s *# 10 as tonfacia blc as hcatb . * e;o mil W Imtai jjatbeteth be to Dpm,anh fiea= m petbtontobimallpcoplc. y JSSKS tl0t n ll M m ^ ^P ^ P?o««he wmmm mom Dim thitO a fiWhe, $Tapc:^otontoDimtDatbeapct|)topotljer nmmtmtyof longe tbilTijclahc hpm fclfc toitb thicltc clapcr m !;oto foh?lp fell t^cp ftaoe top 5 that(halbptc,? axbaltc, tl;at I9al mm m pecctf .'pcctljou (bait be their VlW/*mn%c p baft fpopich manp feea= t^cn ) tberfo,2clhaltheremiiauntofthepco-* m,v - pic f popic tl)c:bccaufe of mens blonDe 3 » foi tonto all them fljat ovocll tbcrdi. ml 55S* i «SSJ*»».tWi« couctouflp gatlx -- ^ ri „ , S S c i c / W ncft w ^^oefcapefrom the ujamc of ttjmc attmc houfcf 02 thou iiaft flapne tomochpcoplcanD haft tbtlfullv of-- tmmm tbat tbc tocrp* (tones of the &all *mm mem outof tMiihthc tpmbic that Ipcth $582! C M { 9 ntc ? of & WMnffiaU W^£tot.tl)j)louhe,tmapntenctljtliccitpc^lJ±i of boftesb2ige this to pa(Tc,tbat tbc la bou rcrSoftJcpeopleftalbcb2et%itbagreatc JP2C, f tbat tlje tbingc toijet topi5 the people ear tb (halbe full of Unothlchgc of ioiocs B "" ,r r ^o tonto Dun tftat grotty 6tj8 nepghbou= ^ teh2pnche } puttpngc in gall anh manpug * r?i" .^of Donoure . ^pticltc tl;ou al- fjMtUott flomb?c toitl) all. foi the cuppe tyeto2oeSr(gDtMhe^allcompau-etk fthontc, anh Oiamcfuli fpeiotng in fteahe of thp hmm tljptbO^Jppe.* ^02 fljctb28getbatiJ Daft t».i;c &onc m iioauus,(hall oaerttjhclme tbcano tbc ttoilhc bcaftcs Qjalmahc tbcafrapch:be . caufc of mcnshlouh , 5 fo;, tbc tb2ongcbonc in tlje lanhcin tlje citicaiio tonto all foch aft hVDelltbciiii. mijat hclpc tljcn toiil p pmagc ho,ttohom t\)t too2chman batljfalhionchr $>i f toapne caft pmagc, ujljerm becaufcthc craf tefman puftctb histruftjthcrfo^cmalicth he home 3Dols«o tonto Opm,tDat fapetj) to a pece of itoob:arpfc,f* to a hommc ftonc- ftahc top. jf oittoljat inftruccpon mapc foci; one geuci' 26eaolhcit is lapehoucrtbithgolh 5 fplucc m,tis. «nh there is nobwtb in it.* TbutW Horn m bis bolR temple ifi \>c:W)o all tl)cxoo2lhc (hulhefearc. CCljciii.Cbapter. Capjap«oftljcp;opljctab8cucf8;^tfBiio;«inf. !l02hc,tbbcn3l)crhc fpcaftc of $, 3 tojasafrapch. %ty thorite tint tbouljaft tahein l)auhe,Qjalt tiiou ! pcrfourmc in Ijistpme, 31020.$ to\)t tbp tpmccomcth,tbou (halt hectare it. 311 thp tocrp th2a tb£thincUcft topon uicrcp. 0oh cometb from toljcman, (j tl;c holp one from t\)c mount of iBIjaran.&clal;. tots glo?p couercth f hcaucns,t tbc cartl) iS full of his' Pjapfc. lois (hmc is as £ ftttmr, anh beames or IvsDtffo out of l;ps nances/ tberc in W potocr bpb . S>cftruccpongocth \iw ix 1 S cf ^ c *P5 ' i a PCft ilcntfpclmcfte go from m % W fete* Joe ftanbet b,$ meafurctb? earth w K)cloHetb } u tl)e B pcoplc confumeatoape, the moutapiif s of f> \»02lbc fai bourne to pouU her , |f f billcs are fapnc to botoe the fellies, f 02 his goinges arc cucrlaftpngc anh furc. 3)fattoe 3 tbattl)e uauilponsof tl)c^)o^ rianSf tlje tctcs of p lanh of &)aDiantoerc tocrchfonhcrpnctTe.waaft thou notangrie sD to2h,in the toatcrs.'toas not thp tb2ath in tbc noubcs,fr thp hifplcafurcin iffccrpcs Men tbou fattcft topoutbincb02fc,f tohcu % cljarctes Dclal). 'Cbouhpheft heuphc Raters of dearth. TOcn tbc mountaines fattoc tbcthep toctc afrapeh,tbcitoatcrftrcamcthentc avbapc: € tbe bepc mahc a nopfc at tlje Ipf tinge top of pros.r.c tbpnehanh.^he* S>unnc^^conc remap r nch ftpll in tlieir bahitacpo.^hpnr arothcS nib */ . S CMtc ^iSWftcrpngcanh tlipf ptares as p !0 «« (bpne oftDc ipffbtenpng. *^l;ou troheft hotonc the lanh in tbpne anger, anh hpheft tb20«hc p Scathe in thp hifpleafurc. 'Chou cameft foul) to helpe tbp people, to hclac tljmeanoitch.'Cboufmotefthotbnc § beah the boufc of f tongohlp , 9 hifcoucreheft \m foutmcio&cuc* tonto ^nccue of bim. ^Delab. JChtm hpheft ftrpUe tDo,20tD vb W ftcpter tpcDcahcsofljisplapnepcoplc:thUicjjcome ^f^»0pl)0ttp ifomH as a fto2inp ttopnh to fcatre mc alnobr ,d arc glah W)Z thep mape eat top f pooje fccrctlp yboumaUcftat»apcfo^t!)incbo2res m tbc icccuem pmuhhc of great ttoaterS. 5iUhc i lear c this,mp hoop isi toercb,mp Ipppcs trc ile at p toopec tberof,mp bones coimpte, amafraiehthhere3ftahc.C>*3[mpghtrCw intbehapeoftroublc,^3mpgbtgotopton to our people,tobicbarc alrehp p2cparch. if 02 tbe fpgg trees Cbal not be gecne:* the tym# (bal beare no frute.^he laboure of v olpuc Qjalbc but loft,'? tbe lanhe (ball biing no co2ne:?(hcpe(halbctahen outof ^fblhe, anh there ftialbc no catel in tl)c ftallcs.26ut as fo2 me, 3 thpll be glah in the lt02he , anh ^ thill reiopce m(2>oo mp ^aupourc . * ^hc m ' mu * 1L02h 0oh ismpftrcngth, hmhal made mp fete as the fete of hcrtes: 9 be thbicb geucth tbctotct02p,(hal bung mc to mp bve places fpngingc topon mp pfalmcs. * CEDc enhc of tlje p2opjjec? of Zbmn; . C&ljeboobcoftlje piop[jet^)opl)onp. CCDefp2ft Chapter . CKT)»»tnpngfcagaimtt3!uDa*3ii:ruralnnbffau: ftoftljeitJjbolaftTC. tyiM the tho,2he of p 2,02b, # tobich cam tonto ^iopt)onv the fonc of CfimTtDc fonns ofC5eholiah,]5foneof^ma riah,tbcfonncofJie5ckiah |mthctpmcof*3ofwhthc ^ -. .. iotmecf*a.molipngof3it *«iii.Hf.rw, fapcth the i 0l 2h) 3 thpll gather top man ^ * ,m • ttf ••' u • ^L 3 ,?!" WW?*V *¥ foulcstu ^apic anh the fpO) in the fee ( to $ greatc hecape of thettopeftch) anhtopll totterlv heftropcthe men out of tbc lanhcfapctb p !l02h. 3 toill 23 ftrctcD outempne Dahc topon 3nba ,f topon all focb as hthcll a 1 3mifalc. 'ClmS ttn in rote outc£rcmnautofL3anlfrom this plal te# the names of the* ttcmurins anh pjc* *rw.»«a. ftcS:pcc,$Hoch as topon tbeir boufc toppes J l Sv bll ,, to02ftppc anbhotbctbc-fclucstontotbrk jS*! ub He of beauemtbbicbfihcarebp p Uin , Vbv tbeir 4»alcbom alfo •• ihhtcb ftarte a bn'cue from tbc Lo2h,anhnet!jcrfcftc after $ loih iicrrcgarheDpm. r w f02 tbe hapc of tbc JLo,2h is at banhc.pce,the JS?y?f wgwrtD a flapne offerpng , aiio calico bPtf fleftestberto. 3inhtbus ftmUit happen m the have of tbc JLo^hes flapnof^ terpng.3 thill toifct the pmtces,* j^ kpnges t ? tfw * rrft i cbpl^cn,anhallfochasihercftrauncicclo- 3:c,:c,m!M thittge. 3n tlje fame hapc alfo lopll 3 topfet all tpofc , ti^it treahe ouer tjje t|)2e(tjolhc f piouhlp, p- -v r a- i-- i i J -i \ i i it: .v i i ! I i ><< i * 14 IV ill "J' € *fti«ffMft.a * lrrrin.br ^rurr.trip.c Jrrr.rnu.f. * aroos.b.r. *lotUU *4S>opt).ui.b * tiii.tf.rr.a jona.iii.a. .t era. mt.t 9}ttyf 1*>t 25 p:!CuWr>lHrl)fplUhfir!lo v ilictfI)Oufftoith WibberpifrtKnebr 3f pfamc tpmca'apctn the iojbc; there qmlbc IxiDcagtcatccrpc from tl)c*fpqi potf canbanbotolingcfrom the otber po v nc,anDa grcatcmutt&urfrom £ OpJW .tyotolcpc tliat btocllintfmplW 0? all tbe marcbaut people aregonc,? all tlicp tfta t tocrc laben toitb fvlucr , arc r oteb out. 3f t\)t fame tpme topll 3 fcftc trjo^otto 3c= rufalem toitb lanrcrnc&ft t>pfct tljcmthat eomtmifmtDcirD.iCffgcjS^nonivcmtbefr- berte 0:* 'CiKfcp toto ttopll Do net jicr goon iicrcucU.^ljeirffoo&egQmluefpoyleMttD tbeir honfejs lapeD toatte;* tijey QwlbuplDc Douff j8,f not Dtocll in tbcm,thep Qmll plate twnparbf js, but not ogtncfte £ topttc tlietof. jto.i £ grcatc * bapc off tojb is* at banbe, it tjJ bcrbc bp $ eommetl) on a pace.fyomblc ttf the tpDingca oftlje lowest Dape,tl)e(ba I ti)c giaimtc crpc outtfot tbat bapc itf a bapc ot toiatlu bapc of trouble anb hcupnctTca Dei pe of totter Deftruccion $ mtfcrp,a Darcltc « glompngc bape,a cloubp fcttojmp Dape,a torn of tl)e nopfc of ttopcttcg » ujatomctf, agapnft tbe ftrongc epttctfs (jic totojetf . J Ml b.ungc tl;c people into foe!) bcracion,* tbcpQmlgoabQutclpucblinbcmc,bccaufe tljicp lmuc fpnuet) agapnft tbe Lojb . ihcit blouoc (balbe fycD as t&ebiift,* tljcir bobicg W tije mp*c.*.actbcr tljcir fplucr net tbeir goioc (balbe able to beliuct tbcm in that tojotlrful Dapc of t|je J,o*Dc,buttbe*tohole lanbe (balbe confumeb tboiototffpje of W gelonfp : foj be fljall foonc mafte clcne rpb= oaiuicc of al tljcm that btocllm tl)clanbc. C^De.it.CI)apter. C&tmouctb torctiwwto e>o&,p;opl)crpfii(jctonto H)t one ocftmetpoii,* to tyt ot\>tt ot iructaunr r. ;. ^ampneponrc tclutH fcrcljc Ofl - #acpon fljaft uobefirc to Jlatoc ;o? f t^nggofo?ti)^(5oD Datj) con jgj-wwt cluocD , $ o^ tl;e tpme come toher in mattHiall paffc atoapcagtfje buftio^t f fear fullto?atbof^Ilojbcomet3popou:pee } o^ bdipeof^o^egffo^ebiplearurecometjpow pou. ^efte^ 3Lo?ballpeemeftc bartcD>jpo eartb.pcf'tbo.icUeafter JHtftuDgcmet : feae x-pgbtcoufnclTe/ekc^lotDlpneire^pemape be DcftntieD inp tD?otbfulbapeof tbe io?b: * :(f o,i (3a ja Qial bebeftropeb, aub 3fcalon ftjall be lapeb tbaftc.^Jjep iball caft out 3* foob at tl;e nooncbapc, anb3Bccaron ftalbe plucbtetipbp tbe rotcjs mo t>nto pou f btbcll\)pontI)c fee coott ?etmirt|jerou0 people: tbetoo^bc of ^ lo# j^iil come tipon pou.© Canaan t&oulanbc of tbe pb«W ine&3 ttoill beftr ope ^,fo tbat tbetcffiaUnomanotoell in tlicenp mo?e , « asi f o^ J fee eoaft, it Qjall be beatUcmctt jet co- tagetf gE IbepefolbejS :pce,cmfeltic0 tbitDintfieboz bcrxJ of tbeie lanbc.^Uerfo^cajBi trulp a« 1 Ipue ( fapctb tbe lo?b of boftejs tbc©ob of 3fracl)a)oablbalbeajS5)obome$3mm5 atf0omo?ra:euebjrfet^o?ne|jebge0,faltpit tcjtff apcrpctualUbplbcrncjs. 'C^etefpbue of mp f olcHc Cbal fpople W, tbe rcuaunt of *, , mp ncople (bal Ijaue t^c in poueflio^^bW * WI (ball Dappen tjnto f Dem f o^ tDctr p^pbe, be- caufe tftcp Dane bcal te fo tyantcf till? toitb 5 lo^be of tjottesfpeoplc,? magntf ieb Mm* mnbmtW. €bc Ho?b (ball be grpmme )jpon tbcm, * ^ bcftropeall tbegobbcjBin^ *«w lanbe.3nb all tyjkfi of m tyeatDen Ojall toojtlbtppe l)im,cuerp man in W place. te w ^c^o^pa^alfolbaUpeeilb^mprftjer^ be:pcc,be(ballftrctcboutl)(jElbiSbeoucrtbe „ . i mfhm beftrope 3ffw.*3iBl fo^ M fotoc, ° 1 heOjallmaRe itbefolatcbipe ^tbafte^be norBcsSfalltlJcbcaftcjSofi'pcoplc^aUipe m f mi bbctt of it,pcllicanciS * fto jcUcgi Qml abpbc tn tbe ^ppcr poltcsi of it, foulcjs qiail rpngewtfte top«bo%cjs,f raucn0ujall fptt \jpon j5 balcaexi,f oi$ boo^ocsfof Ccb v ie foal be ppucn botone.^biiS i^ tbe p^oube aub Cii- rclctfc citpe,tbat fapbe in bet hem. *3 am, ** anb mm it cWnonc. © botb 6 (be mabc fo l ttoa fte , tbat tbe bea ftc# Ipc tbcrin ^ Mlbo f o gort|jbp,moclictl)t)er,anbpopntetbatbct CC!)e.u(.Cl)aptcr. Cajtapntt C ffoucrncrsof j ; «ur»icm,of f rniipiifff of alltDc©ca(plw.acofo;tto^c«rpii«cofj;Ctofl. ©to ^abbominablcfpltDie,? crucll a cptic: tbljicb tbill not beatcner be rc= ifourmeb.^cr teuft i$ not in ^ jioior , jictl)ertDiU(bet)olbel)cetoDcr (S5ob. mtm i genu tbit&in her arc ag coarpmrc * bjferbcr ***H WW are ajj!*itoolurie! in f euenpng,tbbpc!i r^r lefluenotbpngbeblbctbcm tplrtmoioic. ta fullTua:bcrp^efte0\)nbalotbcKanctunrvf SS.%°"i c , "SR*««»» of me later. !RSS ,cuctp ff°* mt, a Vetoing tD? bto lau>e clcarlp,$ccaffeb not . 26ut ji Dngoblptopil not lerne to be aibameb.^berfoic toil 3 rfr te ante tbb? people,* beftrope tlictr totOKtf; pee, abmaue tbeir ftretetf fo t>opbc,tbat no mSQjalgootDerin.'CDeircitpe^tbalbebio SS 1 ?.°iS ne,f ° ^ at tt0 vW *« !l to left, ner btbclltljercenpmo^e. *«3 1 8 ? 11 to ?° *&* ® fcarc ntMffli be con- 25 ' JS!«f ° *» "foiirmeft ^ bat tbeir Dtoellinge ftulbenotbe beftropeb, $ tljat there QniuSe pppen Wo tijem none of tUefe tbpnge^ tbftrtbitb fbijerwthji mil bpfcttM. ^uttteUerthV lcfttl)epftanbc^pearlpitofolotbet()e fpl* {I)pncj8oftheiratbnepmaginanon0.%her« fo?e,pc(balltbaptetjp5me(raptb p toiot) Sjfi tSRF ^ 3 ftanbe %pkf J am betcrmmeb,to gather me people » to biing ... mefcmgOomej»togetber,tbat3mappoure fi «m.<.a outmprteangcr,peallmptbiotbfull * Dt>f= ana t5cntbpll3 dHetfie IpppeJS of tbe no* plctbatthepmapeeucrpcjjonecall topon 6 name of the fi,o?oe , anb ferue bim tbith one m*t*' $oc|)ea03Oauefubbueb,anbmp cbtlfunaltb tb&om 3 Irane fcatreb abiobe, (ball mm me p^clentesi beponbe m Xoa- tcrjaiofetbiopia. y 3n tbat tpme (bait tbou nomoie be con= founbcD,becau[e of all tty pmagpnanon^, ^i fc 5&^°?^^^ftiaebmei tel imwu *3 Ml tabe atoapc ti;c pjoube boafter^ ot tDpne benour ftfitbe, fotbattbou daltno C a 535^,1 «B»M fnmUpoo/efimpiepeo^ ple^DicbOjalltruft in tDcname ofS lSb. TO rcmnaunt of 3fraell (ball Do no tbpc= WR »ee fpeauc Ipctf 1 nctDee (ball tbcre jnpo^eatfull. tungc be foiibe in tfctr moil t&e&Ja? tliep (balbe fepb tane tbeir reft, fnpnowgn^al mafte tijem afrapeb.^eue tljabes(,©Daug|)ter^po,bciopfull,©3f= fifiESSB? ^ V»npibemcnt,anDturncD b«icftcmpneencmrc0.lll)eftpngof3fraeL mm u& opmfeife wtoft&rc rS H nebeft nomoie to fcare enp mpffo^tune " * r, M ?5 martpme (t (balbe fapbe to 3erufa= Si«& rt ^ e I ee 'l cwt °P ft ^ncrmei S2n tt 4^°P W teueiwie mDeupneffe; ffil m ^ n l fw taue out oftbp te from tbe.^nb lo,m tbat tpme tbpill De= ftggj ' satDcrtjp tDecaft atbapr i pec,3 te(U0 »Sti*ft C^ljebolie oftlje • Ifyop&ete 3ggeujr. CCDefp^ Chapter. Ctljt tpme of ti)t |8;opljf»e otatMOm M e f e £6oepeare of apng^ tbefp^ftbape of^ monetb,HW- c - came tfje tbo^be ot m ioio MMI *' "babel tDe Tr— * *^ n, "« »nto * jo^o; ronne ^030^X^0?^ l??5^Mf a P?f;5&f people Dotb^pe. lUaiiKti. l^bctf Uou(r.1c5en fpaftc J™dW p *o Pbete *jgeu*, anD (apbe.*gc poui :ffi'* T * • ran f inDe tpme to btbefl in ffi ISS 1 S tttm * ftalltDptfboufe Ipetbaft." ConrpbernoTe poure a tonctoapcflt in poure berteSth gfJUgeofOoftejat;* pe fotbe mocbVbut "e * ■«.«**» Wtt Iptle in : pe eate, but vt baue not p- S?£?-J2i- S&?S?i el %^ tpcawtt0 ^a"nc: 5Du0 fapetb tlje lo^beof ijooff «. Con fpb?e poure atone tbapc* tn pourefemJ' get mln to fmotmtapne, fetcb toaoD, S «r biipljc lop tDe tow * tUat it niaie be a cce f , ptabletjntome, f tDat 3 map ft c S f* wet- "' and Jo it «( come to Iptle, s tDougb pe biim ge itbomepet bo3blotoe ttatoape Jmi tobpfofapctotljeloiDeof bofte7* eueii *f cot «< b becaufematmpDoufe Ipet^ fo toaftetanD P^" peronneeuerpman\)iito [)p0 atoneboufe "• fi0l ' w,c ' Mltjerfo^De Deauf ipon eucrp tbpnge tbat p fonne of lofcDecb v" bpc meft ?, B 2i';!' anb kfr Qv& of tbe remnaunfoWtbe * ^ ^ ^3R people ^ I . ; i '■ » t t •; 'V j *h 7 i »: I ft hi i KM I* r \ €lje $^pljccy pop!* time fytp t&mnmmwmi m m pome of tbe lojbe of boofrctf tiro 0ob. cebC'ii.tibapter. CBt Bicwtt b tijat the goonipnw of tlje freonb f t mnic lijaii rjtt oc tyc fp>t,br«Hft ofifar cotnmpnB of ci) nut. ! #ontbc.rrtifi.bapeoffbeM.mo «rt|j,f« tbefeeobe prare of Kpngc 2>arut& tbe.jcjrt.bapc of £ fcufth ,- monetb>camc f mm of f iort bp tbr mopberc 2tggeu& fapegc • fpcaftctff SOjobabel tbe fohnc of &alarbiel pjinee of 3uba,$ tojefna tftcfonne of Jofcbecbtbe ipepjette, $ totbetefpbue of fpeople, and ■"«*—•-« »ape,* Up i$ left ambgpou,tfatoc thptf bout* in bet fpjft betotper ;«5nt tt>bat tbpnc he p« noto bp jt*3si it not tnpoute epe&euc ajs tbougb it tomnotbing^eumbelcOe, * ftM1 -,,, * 5 e of 2°,°^ cbcre, sO p^obabcl (fapetb the SBSE*" *« **«•* cof o^te, J5>3fflwi ? fotinc oOofeHei bpep^ftc:taURsoob!)crtci0!ioit= to pou alio all pe people of toe labc, fapetb file Lojbe of booftr*,? bo a rcojbpnge to the * «wi.a. too^be (*fo?3amu>itbpou, Japtb $ lojb of bofte*) IpUc a* 3 agrreb totti) poittohen pc came out of p lanbe of € gppt: $ mp f pie* tc f&albeamonge j/mjuvn penot * ach t«? * 0? •W r °? ct & e & e l0 $ of ^ttc* * pet ■ ' "• once tn o» toil 3 flja&e Ijcaue anb earth, the * era.ir.8, fee, anb p tape lanb,pcc,* 3 u»pu motic all qatym& wtmimto ofaii tycatbrttflMU come, | fo fopll 3 fpl l tbp* bottfo toptb ho = *&»o.M«.b noure 5 iapctbj5 lo?Dcofi)o(rei£f. * ^jjefyt* uct t$mjm& tljcgolDc ifi mpn^fapcth the !o$ of booft c0. €bu* the glow of the laft boufe ftalbe greater tben fhfa faptb tbe io;tb off)oftcj8 : fHutfrl Place tbpll 3 geue pcacc,fapetb tbe iojbe of bofte*. C , ^l)e.,rjcmi. bapc of tUcnpntbmonetb in tljcfccobe pcare of npnac Darw^eamc the *3|IW to o?be of {rate t)nto ? pjopljete ^gaeutf, fapenge/C|)u0 fapetj) | tozbe (5ob of boo- ftc sac. M he tbc^eftejs cficernpngc tbe l«toe, .rt.« anb fape:*pf one beare t)olp tlelbiu hps( eo= ♦tfeui.b. te lappet tbtt|> ^ lappe bo ftouclj tie b^eb potap:e s tDpne,ople,o^ enp ot|jermeate:Q)al tjebe bolp alfor ^b^pwftcjf anfttoerebanli fapbe^o.^bcrtfapbaggeujS.iaotopfone bepng befpleb x6 abeeb careafe, toncft enp of tbefe : Qjallit alfo \x\m\tntt %fym£ ffejs gaue anftoere, $ fapbe : * pee, it mm tjtielcane.'Ebcn 3gge«^ anftueteb $ fapbe: mm fa i% tim people f tty& nacpon before me, fapetb p io?b ; 9 fo are all t&efoow&ctf cfi5Dep?|)anbejs<,pec,anballtDaftftepofe ijS^ncleanc. A . ;5«o notb(3p?ape pou) confpb^e from tb<0 bape fo#h, 9 botb it batb gone tb pow afo?e 0? euer tbere toajs lapeb one ftone topfr anutber in # teple of ^ lo^b : f tbhenpc ea= tne toa co?neDeape of.rjc.bttOielfttOere tut-. Mm*** w mmtm 1 *f tljattoDen pe came to tDe Jtopttc mefle fo? topotb^ebttt.t.tJotfetf of tiW% am t»crc fcarce.jcje. 5foi3fmote poii * Urate, blaftpng f baple ftoni in all tbe labour* of point 5mtbej(:pettoaxJtbete noncofpou^\i)Olbcturne\)ntome,fapetb t m*> Cofpb^e tben from tbitf bape f 01th $afo?c:namclp,fromtlje.r]cim.bapcoftbe^ npntbmonetb 5 tjnto tbe bape tDat the fou» bacpon of t\)t Horn* temple toa* lapeb : marchitibcU^itfnotpfebcpctmtbeW^MM m ( banc not tbe %m*m mwmt, m nomgranatcs(,anb olptie trecp bene pet \in= friitcfulli'but from tyw bape foitD, 3ujal mafte tftcm to mofpere. ^oieouer,tl)e.rriiti.bapeoftbcmonet!i came, tljc tbo^be of tl;c ito^be \)nto ^ggeuS agapnc,fapege : ^pcabe to ?o?obabcll m Mtuc of 3uba, $ fapc : 3 i&pll (bafce both mauen *eartb,anbouer%otbe £ feat* of tbeftpngbome^pce,? beftrope tlje mpgh. tp ftpngbomc of m^mtm' mm owh jfw tftc cbarrcttcs{ 5 $ tbofe tbat fpt *p5 tbem, fo tbat botb bo?fc anb man (ball fall botbne,cuerp man tbojoto bi* nepgI)bour^ mm. to if* f 01 tbe, © jo jobabcK faptb the lo^bc of boofteso tbou fonnc of ^ala- tbtclmp fcruaunt:3 tbpll take tbe (fapetl) tbe lozboat tbe fame tpmc, anb mane the C^bc cube of tbepeepg&tinohet& of tDe a feconbepeareof ftpngeBa riui8(,eamctbe«jo^bcoft!)e io^b \juto * jacbarie $ ion- „ „ , ne of 25aracbiatf, tbe&nne .*«* of 3pjo,tlje p^op(iete,fap0-. -***** s .S e: ^$^o?Hcbathbenefo* ^oujntot|)em:tbui«faptD Jlo^be of&oo Jwfe* f «t»c pou -Onto me(Tap«b tbe lo? *-„ ^ JW*M** 25epenotlp=. m ' Je pour fozefatljer^ tjnto top tbe wopfc «? m ' ■«Sf5atl)atv 5foLcrrbut p?opt)tte^arefci)cppet0pUalpue^utbpb ottiape^tocadeoutttietoie^ofthe^eit notmf wojbese pw»hete$Q tDelojb^oo ofboac0.* €urnepourrom i oa , pourc euelltoapeftanbrrompouretbpcueb *>w«H pmagma^w.* 26uttheptboibrnotWte *», 22IK2 w S a ^ PW^ wE § 3 nottobeeomp of poure fo?efetberi« anb tbe yfopuetejs not mp woibetf anb ttatu te#) robf cb 3 com tnounbeb bp mp fevttauntejet t|>e p?opbetes( to ti cbc poure f o?ef n tbe t » *■ Qipon t w, t bep gaueanftoere anb fapbe Mhtmit toiDe of booResi ttMt> to botmtoo&accoj&mg to otite owite ttjapejs anb pmagpnacponp, cueu f o batb be belt w it j) tysi. «« $}pon tbe.tjtiiii.bapeof tbe.tt monetb t»&pc& 1« e|ie monett) dtebab,(n tbe feconbe peare ot S&atiujel,eamc tbe uoojbe of tbe lot be imtojiacbarp ti)e fonne of H0arac|)iajt(,t|)i! fonneof 3ddo tt)c p?og|)ete } faping,3 fame "$'-";' bpnpg|)tanblo,tt)erefat one tpon *ar ebb imu.m.1 jjo^feanb ftobeftpll amonge t&empjretre= esljit bat toere ben et b topon tpe gronnbe, anb hebfubebpmtx)eret|)eterebb,raeculeb,anb ubpte|)o;fe0. 'Cben fapbe3>€) mp lojbe, what are tbefec 2lnb t|ie aungel tbat tamed W& me, fapbe ))nto roe . 3 t»pll for w e tbe tObAt tliefe be. 3IInb tbe man tbat (lobe amo * ge tbempare trecsi anfwereb 9 fapbe^btfe aretbepw^om tbeLoibe batbefente to go - tbo/owe tbe wo ji d . % iib tcep anftvereb toe * aungel of tbe ioibe,^ fitobe among tbe mp? treeiaf anb fa pb e. te baue gone t{jo?o\» c t Ije W02lbe:anb bebolbc all t jje wo t zlbe bwell at eafeanbarecarelefle. wntbelo^beiei aungel gaue anfwec anb fapbe.slD lojibeof bootte0, &ot»e longe t«- . w P lt "J° u bc ^nmercpful to3er ufalem anb Ktt totbecptiejSof 3uba^witbttbS tbou baft ff»MM.«. bene bplbleafeb notoet^efe tb?e fcoie? ten ptnw0.g)o tbe Lo?oe gaue a loupngc ano a eoufOittable anftwere Vnito tbe aungel f taU (teb wptb me.3ftnb tbe aungel tbat comeneb witbme,fapbnntome:Crpetbou,«ffpeaue. ILbuti fapetb tbe &o*be of booftetf. 3 am e*> ceabpugc geloufl ouer 3ecufalem anb jfcio, atibfojebiTpieafebattbecarele^fecatben: . foitobeteajS3 waSbutalptlPWipp, tW mm*, ^oerfoie tw fapetb tbelo?b:*3 wpl tut ! ne me agapne in mecepe towarb3erufalem, fo tbat mp boufeibalbe bnplbeb in ft,fapetb tbe &o;be of booftcjl, pee , anb tjjeptommrr . ftalb e lapeb ab?oabe 1n3erufalem,fapetb p 5, CrpejnfoWbfpeaftetbujSfapetbHo? w beofbooaeie(.%cptiesiujalbeingoobmo- ^e tpteafl'apne,t^ lo?be QiaU pet conrojte mom $eoofe3eruf«lem • 'Wen lpftc3 tp mpneepe^^fauje^bebolbffourebomeci w w^V^M tbeaungeI,tbattalReb tfi mm * metobat be tliete^e anlwereb me.* ^befc aretbebo?nejSttJbicbbauefcateccb3uba,3f tael 9 3ecufalem ab?oabe.3inb tbe lo?b (be web me f on re carpenter* . <$ben r apo e 3 . *""atwpll tbefe be.^e anftoeceb anb fapbe Jjfeore tbe bomesf wftcb baue fo tltowe ebaubaabjoab, tbatnomanbmftelpft tjp bWbeabe:2Suttbefe are come to ftap tbem tjw. r;f«,li tilejwbpcbelpfte i)p tbepibome ouer the lanbe of3uba,tofeatre ttatyoabe. C^be.«.Cbapter. '-niJft^pmpneepejj(agapne,anbIo 3 aeb:«bebolbe*a man nMb a mea- * «>'«««.> fure ipne in m banb'. %tyn lapbe •**■« «. * '3;tt»betbergoeae tbou/'* be fapbe Jr 1 to me^omeafure 3etufalem^ 3 mape re bow longe 9 \)t>m b^obe it tf.9nb bcbolb tbe aungelTtbat talneo wptb me, went &p* wape fo?tb . ^ben went tbere oute anotber angeltometebim,?fapbe\3ntobpm:mftne jptaneto tbP0ponge man , anb fape ; 3etu* falem Qjalbe enbabpteb wptbout enp wall , <&$& *£* l" u ! rrt «^e of people anb catcii tbat foalbe therm:*£ee, 3 mp felfe (teptb f *&«*•!*• lo?be)t»pll be^nto ber a wall offprr r oube '$*■*** aboute,onbu)plbebonourebinber. *° mtm SBfWfeff 1 fle ftom *e tanbe S! S W% Wft^ lo?be,pee* ttbome 3 iwue featreb into ^ fonre wpnbejtf bnber bea^ «en,faptb tbe lo?be.5baue tbp felfe,€) &p on:tboutbat bjoelleftujitbtbebaugbtec of S^^^^topeefttbeJto^eofboo. fte0.3ftet tba t gio;iou0 power batb be Cent ine out to tbe l^eatbeu, wtycb fpopleb pou, tnpnebanbeouertbenu : fo that tbep (balbe ? raltt, ^itb goPico of tbofe: t»bPcbeafo ? ercrucbtbem, RggSL, b ?bf e> tUc * °^ of * ftc ^ « _ **,«teM rtiopee , © baujftf tr of ^p 3 2"i fo i!2'^ 3amcometol, Well(ntbempD= t . J^^^l^^attbc fame time SSSSfil «be« Wmanp ^rat&ten cleueto tbe to?o fi,at " t,,< '' 2SRSSte8!°P |c ^! H, ^ tt, P u 3 bwci m mUm ofbooftejei batb finite me onto tbe ybelo?belbalbaue3ubainpofleu"ponfo2 j)P0 parte in tbebolpgrounb,anb Cbal cbofe ^^,/c^be.iii.Cbapter. ^Pbefbewebme 3«ua tbebpepwft -, imrflofcVib^ 3 ftanbpug-befeieti faii.^heiortcrfp^iietbeCfboiiftatimj SVii. pectbejlojbetbat batb cbofen3erufalcn, oftbefp?e^owe3efuawa0clotbebrnbn- eleanc raiment, anb ftobc before tbe a nnoel wbpcbanfwercbanb fapbe onto fhore that rrobe6efoiebpm,tafteat»apetbetouleeio 14 tbejfrombpm.28nbtjntobimbefapbe.J8e- bolbe,3 baue taken awapetbp tynne fromi nnbwpibecRe tbe ttjptbcbauno: of rapmit. mm ii ^e w -7- r I •* '- ;** ■SI ;r 1 ,1 V * 1 • l;V 1 li •1 1 fee fapbe mmtm Mt a fapje mptcr Dpon Jtptf beabe . &o tDcp fct a fap*c mptcr Dpon ^ bP*beab^,$mitonclotbei*Dponbpm,anbif * rati of m loth ftobc tbtrc. % bin attttcl cif tbe lotbtefttfpcb Dnto jfefua, aitb fpaftc gngpmt^ toe 101b ofboffcjs. 3 Itoou wilt tpatbt (it mp wapefcft fee pc mp DONiicbe tbou (pa tcruleHiptjoufr,? ftepetnpcuurtrjt»,«3 jwpllgeuetoe place amonge tbtrc tbat ftabe licrc §tm(0 3efua) tip bPcpjeftMhou to tin* tbp f r I b fi tbat Dwell before tof ,foj chep acrr.miK.* ly!to*toc bjauncbctf of mp feruaunttfojio, JaWif ,c fftoHtp3bauelapebbcfojc3efoo: Dpon* I tKbVt one If one (batbe V«-e pc0.26cbolbe3 wpl ho " wc&pmoutcfapetbtoe iojbeof bootte$Q« tafee awape t&c fpnn e oftbe ia~D e m one bap. i HKn dial cucrpman cal i 02 bW nepgbbout DnbertbeDpnc aubDnbet t fee fpggtre,fap« totbctojbeofboofte*: r C£be.t«(.Cbapter. Clbebrttonof tbe gotten rant>elMeSeairt> (fttcHionciontbrrof. 0b f angel t|>ae talheb wit&mecam agapneanb wabeb me \jpSa mail tbattf rapfebout ofbptfflepefrfapb DMA me.- wbat fepft f 1 3Mib3 fapbe 3 baue ioKeb,anb bcbolbe: a cabelftpcfec al ofgolbe witi) a boule Dp5 (t, 9 bfti feuen lampejS tbec f n, fiHD Dpon euecp lape feuen ffal&ci*. *3])oca.n.a 31 uDmooolptte tree* t&erbp,onc Dpon tfo rpffljt Cpoe of f &e boule , anb f oti)tt Dpo the lpttcfpbe.&03anfwcreb,8nbfpaBetetbe angel tbat talked w me fap(ng,a> mp 102b . wbat ate tljcfe.'tbc angelltDattalftebwptb 2d imc nnfwereb anb fapbe Dnto me: nnowefte fljoii not wbat tbcfe be.'atib 3 fapbe:$o mp t ojbe.^e anfwereb a fapbe Dnto me: %m tfltbewo2beoftfl,o2beDnto?02obabcl,fap *etmi* ingc:*$ctbcc tbo20W an boofte of men 1102 tfuuo we ttrengtbe, but tbojowe mp fp2ef e, fapetb toe lozbe of booUe*. (ffllbat arttbou t(P t&OM great mountapne , befoie joiobabel.^ % muft be mabe eucn.3nb beCbal bjpnge Mvf "• * f p*(te*fltone,fo tbat men tibal crpe Unto bint goobluchegoobiucbe. Mi . 4 ^o2couee s tbei»o;beoftI)eio2bcame * P i.«.p«t.f a ^, nt0 me fapmgc* ^be b^besl of «iobobel bcitielnpcDtbetDunOacponoftbcjoufe:Dptf ♦Bf.FbfH t> banbc0,(baiUIfo fpnpQieit,* tbatpemape fenowe bowe tba t tbe ioibe of boofte^ hath f e ut me tmto pou. JF01 be tbat batb Urn wf ppfeb a lptle;ceafon,$all tei opce,when be fc etb the tfnne wera^n joiobabeW Danbe. %teMi.wf! are tbe loibes w[)pcb g tbo* jd row f t»bo!e VDoilb.^ien anfwercii ii 5 anb fa v b vnto bmii t»bat ar e tbefe two olpue tr e es!\jponebe rpg^tanbleftefpbe of p canbel (ticttf 3 Cpaae mo2eouer>anb fapb tmt htm Wbatbetbefetwoolpueb2aunebe0(wbpeb •«wio w tbe two golben pppe0)empttbtb;piiffpn5 €) 3 enrneb me.lpftpng Dp mpne M&ym befapb^nto me:wbat , . J Nif 3«nfwrcb:3feaflP(nge boobe of. n. eubptejs longe, anb. jeeubptetf biobe. ^Cbenfapeb be tnto met^bP^ i*m mm goejb fpitb ouer tDc wDole cartb:f02 alitbenejufef'""^ — ■ allftoeawrsf H 25 fame^jwpiwpugi beofi)6fte^fpfft$„..^„.^ rvvHWW }befe,9 to tbe bottle of tym,f falflpfwearet lalUometojbouveof' Ibcitfefttotljelanbc oHtt02tD^tbetbi;(tc . fojottoeb tytnuavto tjje fpenleb ho,tfc0 tuete tofflWfo&WttMb. 'CbcfcbOifejslWere Veep ftrpM&onb toente ottt:«foug|)t to go . . stm then totem otter tlje Whole eartb. ^itbMapbe jgctf bu Jjence^gotDojoW t|)ewM)be. fbo ttyy Wcnte tbozoto out tbe .. wotlti. ^enct>pebbe\)pon me,anbtpabe tinti f|JM Jbejjolb, t&efe t^atgo to^ •. warpegno^lpaU ftpllmpw^atb tntbc no^equntre., . C W ft* tboitaytf J 3lo^b came Ditto me, (apcng/calte of p ptef oner* tbat are come from Babplon s nantelp, Ipelba^lDobiabj « 3baia:$ comtim f fame bape,« go tnto tbeDowfeofJofiafetbefonneof^opbonp. fljentabcgolbcftrpluet^maftecroiOMtejS tberof r anbTettj)cmDpon $ beab of 3efua> t (c : fonne of 3biebeb,tbe bpe p^efte, ft fuea= be mm Wto'%wfi faptb the JLojbe of boo u 3 .fff.b. p^.^ebo lb,tbeman w|)ofenameitf * tl;e biaftche:ftI;efMlfpzpngeDpafter^m, Huin« *u)a tbuplbe Wtrple of tbe i-ozbepec* euen he Ibal burfbe Dp f teple of tbe Hozbe. fa toeXp2bc0 trone,ft tjaue tbe bommacpon. ' ^ * 3 picfte Qial be be alfo Dpon jjiiS tconc, auto. $ a peaceable coficel lbalbe bettbtrtc tbem fc».w.Mi botb.^nb tbe crotbnes! tbalbe tit tbe temple of t(jeJLoibe,fo2 a rememb*attncc Ditto w- • r. l£m,f obta5,3baiab,anbloeittDcfonneoe gDophonp. 3ttb foch aji befarre of,Cbal co^ ' me ftbuplbe toe teple oftoe3lo«tbe,tDatpe mapc ImotbcboW tbat f JLozbeofljooftesS . . ijatb lit me Ditto pott. :#iib m$ iall come to palTe, pf vt VdvIX her ten btlpgetttlp Dnto tDc Dopccof tf)e io2be pottre ©ob. C£&e.D«.ejjaiJte*. SPgjtgcofcbafpW^tjjobOpnacpcof^cpcopie, j'C ttappcttcb altb m f f ottrtl) peace of bpngl toam&f tbe Woibe of j> fo^tobapcoffnpntljmonctbjWIjicljttfcal mMwt* '• mat tpme ass ^arafar s mo= gomclccb ft toe men f Were ti tbem fent Du , to 25etbell fo^ to piape bcfoie tbcioibe : m tpat tbep Mm fape Ditto the mcftsft . Wcbwer«tutbeboufeoftbe3Lo2boflW aewb. to toe * fpfto monetfef abfteptte a* 3 hatte boncnoWccertapnepcarciSi' 'Chencame SbOibe off Lo?be of booftejs Dnto me fape= J5 anbtotUcp?cfte!5,anbfape:tb^ettpefaftcb „ « _ w , v wv .„ WM . , yM ». ^ pjw.w* anbtnottmcb tn IfpftD* $ fcuentbmoneth 5beaun ff eUanfwercb,anbrapbe,Dntome a : J' mu imm^vm^mvtMimwl * 5Jiefe are t(e. ..., . wpnbejs of tbe beaucu, *»*§ TOftm* bpb eate alfo anb ^ottcne, bpb pe noteatj ftbipncHe fo? pottre awne feltteg.'' ffVfPm toetb02betf,tb{)(cD t&c ioibe Wk bp f i& p?opDete^afoie tymtMUt* mMxfy bpmp name:* (ball remapne to bp*boufe,« ^bentoeangel^talneb^ me,wentef02tb anb fapb Dntome;!pft Dp tbpne epetf artb fe what f * (trite anfwereb : tDpjs (0 a meafurc gotnge ottt.$e fapbe mozeouer: €ncn thus RW jwcl ^Pon tbe wbole eartb)to lo beDpj.^nbbebolbctberewajjIpftDpata lent of lcabe.$ lo,a woman fat tn f mpbbeft of f mcafure. 3nD he fapbe : f [)P0 fe Diigob- ipneg.s>o becaftber Into tbe mpbbeK of tbe mcafure>anbtb2ewet|)elompeofleabe(ntod toe moutb.of tbe meafute. •, JJ^ ftc 3WmjwtpeMloIteb!anb bebolbjtberc came out.tt.womf,anb # winb waj* tn tbeir wpngctf c f 02 t|)cp bab wpngcji Ipbe toe wpngce of a ftoifte) » tbep ipf t Dp t meafurebetwt>;ttbeeartbanblheaug.TO fpafte 3 to f aungel tbat talueb xd me: wbp- tberwpltbcfebearepmeafnre/ , aitJbbefapb <.«.„ u toemanbouri?,tbbtcbetbbcntt w pwpareb, toemeafureainlbefettberetnlJWpK C»P Wi (outicfyimttw be fiefctp brtb tbe mtmttft ot torn ftpngoomw. _, ~|!B>2eouee, 3tnrneb me,lpftpng * Dp mpne epc* , anb loaeb,^ be= boibe,tber c came foure ciaretetf on; from betwpjte tWobPllejJ, ^—--Jwbttoe bpue^ were of bzalTe. , kMl 3ntoefP2ftc&arretwe«*reb|)02fejS,(nt!ieJjffi reeonbcbaretwereblack!)02feit(,(ntoetWrD cbacetwerewbptebozrefi.mtbefourtbcba- ret were bozfejal of bpucr* colour^ anb wr iff e anb fapbe Dnto tbe aungel! toattalRebwtthme:jDl02bwljataeetocfe.25 ^b£aungeUanfWereb J anbfapbe»Dntomc a * Jftft m to*«Hwpnbe*of tbebeaueti Wb(cb be come f oitb to ft anbe bete tbe r u - in of all mmftwm m of mm We went tufalcm wajS peHnljabtteb anb tbeltop,(be wrae cptpejj rounbe aboute ber : wbetbe= tebwelt men,botbtotoarbe tbefoutbanb tn tbe plapnc conntrccsl.'' 3&nb toewo*of toe totbe came Dnto C rtchatp>fapege 4 %m fapetb tbe 1 ozbe of jooftejai. * ©jcecute true iubgentent : ftetbe ^* W?- c ' tttercp « loupnge ttpnbneu"e,euerpman to SSu bpjs bzotber s s>o tfte Wpbbotbe,tbe father- 1° W" le0,tbe ftrattnge^f poozeno W2ong : ft let 3,ete - w<>a - nomanpmageneuelagapnft hpjK biotbet *^ . w - - not tabe bcbe } but turneb tbep^ backes;,anb ftoppeb tbepz eate& f tbep (bulbc not be* te:pee,tbepmabe tbep2berte^ a^ an3oa= mant ftonc left thep Ojulbe bcare tfjc lawe „ ^ , „ ft ttoo^cjs *ttohtch f 102b of booftc^ fent tn Pt ' a. .4 >£ibolpfp2etebpj;pjop TOerf o« tbe JL02D ot c. bqoftesfWa0Derp r> C-i.ii* W2otbattbS.3&nbtbU!8tj8itcometopa(re: , . * tbatlpbeagibefpaae anb tbep wolocnot * 7emi - b ' leare -.mm fo tt)ep crpcb } a»tb 3 toolDc. not jeare(faptb toe Lozb of booftc0)but fcate-- tebtbemamongeall<5cntple«;,ti)bointbcp feneWcnot.'Cbutf toclabewajs mabefo De= folate, v tocrc trauapleb no matt tn ttnc= WSffMtUojoif picafaunt lattbewa^i Dtterlplapebtoafte. CCDe.Dtu.C!)apter. COf tbe t'tutat of tbe people bnto HctufaJem.anb of ebemmTof©oDtotuaroetVem.«>fBODDtooili(s.s-be caHpnge oftbe & entpiw. © toe tb02beof f i02b cameDttto % fiW ^butffaptbtbekojb of boofte!3!.3 tbajaittta greatgelou fp ouct &ion,pee,3 baue bene Dc= rp geloujs ouer fjcr ma great bpfpleafure tbu?fapetbHo2boi : booftetf.3totllttmte me agapnc Dntq^>pon,ft WpU otbeli tn the mpbbcftof3crulaIcin:*fotbat3erufalcm 1 ' erM Dpon ftr a, I <1 I I** i ft f jut no^oe nw he beisbt cloubcjjf, a geue vnepnotiff jjfoMlltbe incrcafc of t^ feioe. jf o^apne us the ancberc of 300W. % be rotijraper^ fc ipcsi , ana tellbuttjapne DiMmcj5:tbeconfo^tctbattbepseueit0no- tf)ptuittoo?tb.'Cberfo ( ie,gotbepaftrapclp J ftea nocftc of (bcpe,anD arc trotibU^becan? ton* a fc tbep bane no *lbcpbcrDc. ^p tozoth full « bifylcafuec^moucbattbcCbepDcrDc^fi 3 w tttlltjpfct tbc^oate*. it 01 tyt JLo^oeof ho= ftost tDtU gractouflp l>ifet#flocM6e bou= . fcof3noa,anDbolDetbcmasiagooDlpfap= U.rw* re bo^fc in t(je baccl. UDnt of *3uba ujal eo = U.ff«.»» me tlje bclmet*tbenaplc t^c batclbouje, aD all tbe p^nccsi togctber. %\)t? 0)nlbe a* ^ gpnuntc^tbbtcb m tl;c »a tell maDeaotonc tbe mp?e tjpon tbe ftrctes.'Cbep fljalfpgbt f 0^ tbe %om ujalbc tbptl; tbcm,fo tbat tl;c bojfmcn (balbc confounDeo. ^ 3 topll comfozte m bcufe of 3uba , aitD picicruetbebotue of 3ofcpb- 3topU tunic tljem alfo,fo; 3 pitie tb«n:aiiD t&cp (jjal be ipttc asi tljcp tbcte , \x>\nn 3 fria not caft the of-5f 0^ 3 t\)c Itoibc am tbeir 60b, ab topll bearc tl;e.epbiatm ujalbe ajS a gpaunt , ab tbcirbcrtlbalbc cbcreful a^tbocc in tbatbpetwetft ape: ana tbat w mvL rp one tbe flclbe of bis nepghbotu-c. 3 tone S&X&W mebe ftal ano tyane it, v 3mpgbtbifamilltbc*coticnaunt;vobtcbl! *^&r a t }^S?t ail pcople^no fo it toag Si *^ ftf ' ,,,e in that oape. refpect tjnto me,fenettoc tbcrbp,tliat it m& tbcm:pf petbmchttgoo0 3 b2ing bptbern p p^pce.pfnctbcnlcauc. *^otaS5aw D »*"*« Dottnc.rrr.fpluerpcnsi, tac»aluci»3 tuatf ittoito m potrertapoblppjpcc fo* me to Jjc*alucbat of tbem ; ana 3 tokc tbc.rnr. fplucr VgfMb raft tbcm to the potter m £ bonfeof tbe loibe.f ben toabc 3 mp other itaf aifOvnameipacftifoper )p 1 micrat lo^i- S|^W^3i^aWS anatbe |o^e^emttoine.tanef alfo ^> tbe ftaff of a foolp(bfl)epberac:foi loj topi r( 2&S p 5fi e ft9^ ' H tllc iaDc ^ *w« »ai not fehe after ptlnngcsi tbat bcloft,ncrca* rcfo^fucbafigoaftrape:beamhiot bealc iS S?ffit?ffi f m &® * tbtnac that tfitobalc-btttbeajaleatetbcfleiuoffocbajs be fat,anateaectbcpf clatoeg inpecejs. fc ^aoWujepberaejtbatleauetatbcflo- clte.'Cbe ftderbe (ball come \)ponbp0 armc attb \jpon ty# rpgbt tve^ tyyst artne fljalbc cleanc a^pcj \jp , ana hp# rpgut cpe cpalto io?c bipnaea* CCbc.jtit.Cbapf er. Cffif Cbcoeirrucrtonanb ImpiOpiigc aBanicofjcrofaUm, - ilpc beupmirtbcitvbbicb f Urn batb * i0 t d^Pftafa?3fracU.^b&foVetbtbc* oc,iapaetbe tounaaeton of tbe earth * ano naw.r«riM gcuetbmantbch;eatbof Ipfc. aScbolOcl Wm ' Ur p Wl make 3erufalcm a cuppe of furf ct^t to all tbe people tbat m tounbe about ber. %%m get, -'■ : >;> i '1 Hit' -i ' if < * m : -\ Urn ■■•- » if '■-.in 1 1 * fl m i I M * ■ i -! 1 * 4 1 x v ;1 ■ F- I. K 'v. ■>;-! . I ; f i J ,\. l*: *?«*. r«« < *gr c,3nbtt fmm felfeatfo Qjalbe trt tbe fcgc £Pim(c3enifalcm.3ttbcrametpmetbpU 3maHe3crufalcmanbcupftoncfojalpco< plc,fo tbat al focD as \m it tyMtyttbc tout* m anb rente;, anb all the people of tbe eattD ttbu.i c 23 Oi nlbc fifi tbevcb together agapnft it € *3n tbatbapcfapetb the lotfe, 3tbpU make all bojfcS aba$eMft t&ofe tbatxvbc Upon tbcm,to be out of tbeir tbittcS.3 topi m mmtm jpon ttepttfe of 3nba,anb fmptc all £ bojfes of tbe people tottb blinb= mm 3m> t\yc prices of 3uba mall fapc m tbeir bcrtcS.ifcbc mljabptcrS of 3ecttfalem mano^wmceonfolacibm tbe Jloibc of bo* ftcs tbeir <5ob.3n tbat M tbtll 3 make j piimtH of 3uba Iphc an bote burnpngc out Xbitbiboob,anblpkeacrcffctoffpjeamong tbe ftrattofo that tbepl&all conuimcall ? people roimbcaboutctbcm,botb\)pon tbe cpgftt haiiOc 3 tDe leftjcrufalcm alto u)al= be mbabprco agapnc s namely, intbefame place \bbcrc3cruialcm ftanDetl). ^be iojbeiballpjcferue tbe teres of 3u< pa ipfce as a fojc tpmc.ro f tbe glojp of tbe Uplift of DamD: s tbeglojp of tbe epttfptu* opcrufalem,ibalbebutlptlc regarbeb, in mmfamfim ofluba. 3« tbatbapc {ball tbe lojbc&cfcnbc 0cpteTpnsof3cru= falcmtfotbat tbe tocakeft then amongetlje *«. t%wti f Cbaluc as *$>autb : anb the boufc of Dautb malbc Ipkc as tfobs boufc, abastbea&un= geli of tlje tojDc before tjem. ^ttbcfametpmctoai 3 go about tobe-- ft rope all foci) people asf come agaiuft 3eru *.*». . f^m.4i?o?coucr,\jpout5eDoufcof2)att(D *?iu T / M 2?™ ^P° n ^ecptcfpnjs of 3etufalcm *totll acfu.n.i, 3 potiee out tbe fmcre of geacc 9 copaffion, Wn.nr.a fopHficpmalllOKctjpome^bo t^tv bane pearfeo: (t tbcp ujal bctoepc bt asf memotir= nrfo; tljeie ottlpbegottf fotte : pee } gEbefo?p f 0? W]\M ml aw fo^p fo^. tDeiefteft cl)piD. *r„r mP* ^^"ujalltbeecbeagreatmouenpng S«i/r'b.1 at Jerufalcm,*lpkea*tihe lamentarton at a^eumon m tliefclbe ot-^agga&ou. 3nb tl)c lanbc (ball betbaple euerp umeeb hv M fcUicjs. %\)e kinreb of f boufe of Daufo w m «• r„ ftj"f?aloiie 3 a«btbetetoiuejs bptDgfelueg: *'.«cw « y&ekpnreboftDcWe of *^atftatttDem fcl ues( aloue 5 anb t&eir topueji bp tMfe4uctf. 'CUc kpm-eb of tlje ijouft of lewt&em fcl» ue0 aloueianb their topuejafbp tfym feluejef. *Cbe bpMreb of t&e bouie of ^>emeithemfel= ucss alone 5 anbtl)eirtbpue}S bp tliemfeluejtf. 3« fpkc manct , all § othtt geueipactoji eue= rpcijone bp tbemfeluejtf alone,anb their fop* uetfbptDemfeluej*. ' r CCfje.jeiit.c&apter. fTs>ft1)t torn of grace aitt>tmtt).8>Ubtcimt rt'Bbaunce of 3]6ol8trp,ano of (aire Mcqfyrte*, 0t5attpmcu)all the DouCe of^DauiO anbtbe cptefpnjai of 3era0slem bane an open * toell , to fcau; of fpmieano % *!?«.• ibt'i a )acba.r«in. b Nb Jjttrtemtcic.^ftbthettcrawtlitljetorteoe I)oftex<)*jTOpiiDeitropetUeiiamcisl 1 le0 out of tDc Ijfoeifo t^at tDep Cball tioTno- ff, '«l rcbejut tnrcmemb?attnee. *3« f^tiiefalfemopbeteisatfojattlithc ♦amw, be. *>o that pf anp of tbem p^opl^ecpe anp gatj)im v u)al fape^iitOI)f.^bouujtope l to? tbou fpcakeft ipeiei trnber tfje name of I M^mMgim father &b mother tha? begatht^ftall tooubc |itm 3 ttoU? MmS nctb.^iiDtbmawUtbofc p^opbetcSbece' * fSJ^cuerp oue of Dijee tjifio fikn be mo» * pDccictbnetbcr ujal tDcp toerefaek clotberi anp moicto bifeeauemen toitlj all. Buthe ftallbefapncto fape : * J amnol&iopbet: *„ Jainanmanittman^foamS tSi * ar Jbpattbam fro mp poutl)l>p. 3noVfffbe temm fapbc unto ftpm: foto came tbeft SS $ 2Hff5? of boftejji.* jfempte themepberb, *«•«» aitDt^emepeujalbe fcatrebab?obt anbfo ^^ SS?tf£S? e mm *"& t0 ®* Wt ones. 3nb itlball come to paffe (fapetb § i,02be) wm.^nothcfametbp^cpartetbplilt^K,,,,. uiuer ijBclemcb:pee,(i trpethnvkcatf croiftp »hm>«i anb3Mibearet|jem:3tbpllfape:ititfmp 8»^«i , prople^nb tfrep ujal l$e: Wmp 4K Sfflff Ctjt.j««,e!iiipttr. CKbCtoaapngcoftbccbuccbbniirttbcfpBateof 3lnruraleni.fi>f f be bpiiitomc : of tfteao; be* hem KMj b * f ^ lel1 «brobbeb , fo| ™a 3 toill gatber togetber all5 heathen betbonne,tlje boufesi rpoplekanbthe ft3 MWmt biilfe of #S^ffiSe into capm,ite,anbtberefibueof the people Jbalnot be cartel) 1 out of tUe citie.M tec that re^eathen,a^inen\jfetot>g|>tin#bapeof battel.€M(ball bitffetcifanbVpSlmoOt olpucte,thatlpctjtipott^eaftfpbcof3erii « faij3nb?mpatolpueteWueleueuttSo, ffi eaftMroc anb toefttoarbe 3 fo^ tbeceSe a great toaU tp,anb t be balfe mofit malice' jnouetotoarbe^ nMth,«tbeot|iectolbacbe ftSHfefSJW obujni corner alfaitttejei^Dim.3ntDatD«pe5al ftnot «l»M.M ufWt*<%WtomthMpemU bapetohie&e ^ fenpVbite \jnto f lo?b;«ether bapnernpgl)t bi^abouttjjeeMenpngtpmettibalbeligtJt. m[«.» *3n rtat tpme ujairtijcre toate^ oftpfe »»" cunne out frfljerufalemj the balfe potte of cbeni tottoarbe tbe eaft fee,ano ^ other balfe totwrbc tDe •ottermoft fee^ab mall catinue botfjfomeranbitbpntec. *3nb tbelozbe |)pm fclfcflwlbe kpnge oucc all tj)e cartb. ^ ant f tpme mall tfjere be one. lo?b onelp,« hpnameOialbe but one.^J ftall go about tbe ftobole m$M *po a fclbe: fr5 Cibea to meno^fT5«iefoutbto3erufalf.!&he^al befet\)MinUabitebt})crplacc:fro2i5cn3a mpu0 mttMto f place of tl;e rp?ft pojte, 5 JJUto tlje corner po?te:^ from tbe tottoer of Usmu a *} oanancclljtmco tbe ktugciStbpnc mdka. •dfjwatotip 5fo,cjr]rjrii C^tboofeeofthc ^?op5ete^alael)p» C^ljerp^Clwptec. cacomptaphtea»apna3irraclanbbttp;«Tff. !te burt ^^ rf P ^ 3U»br ^ fg^mp^ftne loueb pou, SJS^ J«P : *fttpe (ape: .iz— — JSpetm bade tbou loueb tet ma8[noterau3a«b^b/otbeSetb^ ^ . ociau : * pee, 3 banc maoe Jwtf hviharnnn- anb tbougb ebom fapoe : toell 'titSSS J/PP^toetopUgo biiplbevjp agapnethr placcj thatbe toaftcb, pet(fapetb the £01 fe|^F ; tomtit toao Tea let aS lanne^anb a people, febome the iortSSS cuer bene augtpetbitball. ? WB ttft rue wffU qtycre mal men btbcl^ there malbeno mo= re curfinffc,biit3erufalcajalbefafclp inba^ bite*. WW : malbe tbe tilage, tbbcrtbitb tbe ^oetoillfmpteallpleople^baucfougbt matt 3mifale..aamelp,tbetr flctb ujall corumeatbapc,tbougb tbep ft5Dc\jp6tbeir fet^tbetrepetfmalbcco^ruptmtbcrrholejS anbtbcirtungemalcofumctutbe'trmouth. I mtS ffiJiS JKiSi? m 3rttbatbapeajaliHo?bemakeagrcat nMafflebo^Ste^ febicton amoijc tl;e,fo f one man mall take "X ^SS!1 -ES5S.HF 5M tet J»«» * aitotljcr bp tbe banbe, s lapc In* OSDeg ^jpo m.(K.o tbe banbejs of bis nepgbboure. *jmtia mall OTtalfoagauif 3erufall 3 ? tbcgoobcsf of all ^atbeibalbcgatjieccb together coub aboute:golbegflVlucr«a\)erpgreatjnultt tm of cTotljctf Jnb fo (feailtbtf plages 00 bca f C S W ,aHw m P ^ oft ' l ? KC a ^ pobcr pla ,ge toa^.euerp onef remapnetb then of all W people, tot)icl) camagapnft 3ecufalcm, *e^o,tr, wn,,,.b c fcattof tabernaclejj.^nb loketobatgenera ***» «on tjpontbeeartbgdctbUp to3erudlem £SE%?^?% kpnge ceu^tbe lo^be of bofte0)\)pon tbe fame Qjall come no capnc* imptc all p feeatj»en,f come not\)p to kepc ftca8oftabernacIcfpcc 3 tbi8(lbarbc^fpn« Kfe J f^boufemallbelpketbe bafen§ otbofte*:anballtbeptbataapeotongejtf, canamteji m tbe ponfe of tbe Ho^be. C'C|)eenbeoftUe^opl)ccpeof$aeDarp. *S)l)UlDc mpne bonoure^f 3 be tbe fcok lbbei-eant 3fearebJapetbtbeio?beofboff Mm u ipou p^cftcg^befppfemp name. &nb pf pe fapd tobertn banc fie OefmftS uamcan ty$J pe offrc tmeicne bffion not to be regarbeb.^f pe ofttc tbe bljmoc ti P^atmel^bpf^ofec^^RiSflr • »fe3 CfPte tbp perfone,fapetb ^0 be bo&' » notbmake pourc maper bcfoic S tbmgcjs bane pe bone, mi be mmvSS perfomictf,tbuikepe,fa1etbS Wece,ttbat is be amonge pou, ba? A jo fo moclj as to Aut tbe boies,o to He 8JK°*Sfj? fi i? ,n I 0tt > ^pcthtbclto^of *" g^^jybasfonbenieatoffrmgc^^pi « Jt aewpte it at pourc banbe. *^oift8 the ^^^^^otbcgonS SS&bSSK namc l ? ^ catc a "W t|e C5etileS:pcc,in euerp place mal tbere m« criftcebeooncanb clmemeatoffrmgofteo monge tbe ^eatben , fapetb $ lome of ho* iSSl a SS °l tbr UWfiS tobe re* «ot»lape pe:3t $ butlabonce anb tea* uaple, tUfai.i.b *»fa.tyn<.« I M* ( ; * » '"j •»J I' : n L.. \f 1 ]■ i 1 I* ^ if 1/ I' 1 k H 5 vf ti Si ♦.rtu-rrb.c uaple, aDthnghaiiepcthought feojne «# t (fapctb the lojDcof hooftcpl offtpngctob* t»iprv,t*Wj tljc !«mc artD tbclpcKc. EChauc brought ntc til a mca t off rt pncr , Q) « I Oc 1 a c= ctpfc it of pour bUtic ,fapctb p iojOcCiit-- Ten be the biffeulcr, tobicb hat]) in b$ fioctte ouictbatitfn mtfttM totimbemaHetbaUo* ttMmrctba fuottcD oriebnto £ lojb. # oj "" am a pea tc apngc (fapctt) tbe tojDe of lottcsoanD nip name ijtffcarfuU anions tpc heathen. Cfchcu-Chaptcr; C^catrnpiigrsasaprift tbe partes brpiiecfrtiu-; anD caftDongc tnpourefa* ccjs, ruentbcDongc ofpotireiolcmpncfca* ftrtf anD it u)all clcuc fatt bpon pou.3CnDpe (ball unotoe , tbat 3 frrae fent tbptf com* maunDcmctbntopou:tbatmp*caucnaut tobtcb 3 maoe toitb Leuf, might ftanDc fap- 23 etb tt)e HojDe of booftcft 3 maDc a conenauntof Ipfef peacetoptb bimtfbus 3 gaucbim,that bempght ftanDe tn atoc of me.ano fohe DpD fearc mc&D Dab mp name m reuerence. %ty latoe of trutbe toag mhig mouth,aD t|)erc taoajeE no toicueD= neffe fomiDc in W ipppeg. $e toalacb toitb mc in peace anD cqtipte , anbbpb turnema* np one atoape fro tbeir rpnnetf .*if o j in tty pjcftcjs \ym$ fbuloe be to ianotoleDge j $ m en map feHe t|)c latbe at hitf mou tb,to* lie i$ a meffaungee of tDc lo?Dcof bottcjs.isut MJt «tffo?pou,peategoneclcneoutoftftoape, ♦uecufwu 5 m, ^ auc catt f C jj t|>c multituDe to be offe"Deb at tbe latoe: * pe baue tyonen the couenaut of . leuMapetb tbelojtDe of boftctf/C jjetfo* re topll 3 alfo rnaucpou to be DefppfeD,anb to be of no reputacpon amonge all tbe peo* ile : becaufe pe bane not feepte mp toape& urbane beneparciall intbelatoe. * emm « ' *ww loot not all one fatbe? ( fyatb not C one ©oDmaDe btf t * ttojjp Doth euetp one of *g c Sf ( ; "' b bis: tDen Defpife W atone bjotber, 9 to b^ea^ ' ,,c he tbe conenaut of ourefathectf.'jftoto hath 3ttDaoffcnDcD:pee,thcabbommacionij0!Do- fiffe?^ ne »»3ftwla»b in 3etufaie"*fo?3nDa hath feuufu Deft>leDthe^anctnacpoftheio?De,ttobieh te loueb,anDbatb feente the DanaUtec of a caunjjc mn.l&ntw io?De u;al Deftrope tb< : ma thatboth tmxw&wtfc mafteu EDthefcolee)outofthetabetnacleof3acob toitbbpm that offeeth bpmeatoffcpns bn* to f lo?De of bpftesJ.iaoto bauc pe biought tttothijjpopnteagapne^theamteuofthc *or(c.««,b Ill Hotfjc (18 conetcD tbifih ieitte^tbeppttfferttitt mourhptigetfotbat **-■" tl;c meatoRcepiiffc,. , v acceptecnptbpnflatpom-banDes».3llnDpct pcfapc^bctfo^e^CugbiJcaHfethattbhcre a^ the 1/O^DemaDe a couenaunt btwoictc d anb thctbpfe of t|jp ponth,thon baft Defpp= , reD.*£ct«Hðpiu! atone companps anD mtm\ marpcDtopfc. ^oDponot theone5anDpctbaDl|jeattc]e= to cellent fmcte . mhatDpDtbenthc one- foe f ought ttjc.feDc p^omifcD of d5oD. thetfoie loac tocll to pout lp?etc 5 anD let nontan DeO upfcthc topteofh^potith. tlf hrttefthec *put her atoape fapcth $ lo?Dc CPoD of 3f, t*m. raellanDgeuehecclotbpngefoithe fcoine, mm fapetbtbe lo^Deof 0ofte0.tOKetoclltberi to poucc fp?ete4D Dcfppfe bet not. ^egceue theio?Deto(thpouctoo?Des(^petpeTape: M$liiMw Mtmti m kfflBffiSSS^tt ^±ssssassBBSi ^ •r«yi. ui vuumj «hu iuci»pie«ie Dpm. syj C13 . tofetci«8!t!)ec no?oe 3lobn JgapHW »f(bctiaptoftb«3lo?6f,ai«>offf|jab» ^hol0e,*3toiUrettDcmpincflau= a 1 w^tojiiciiflbaU .irtif 1 „ ....^jUpiepatetyctoapc *«m^ £o?cme:5Dtl)eW*tohom pc gffi itbolDcbaiic 3 (balfoonccomctol& SSSi tempie,pee 5 ene the meflaunaccoftbecouc= 2?vV naunttohompelongefof * ftw Dpltejji.ffittttoDo map abpbetbeDapc of Ui compngf apofbalbe a tfj e tocnDute,tohen fie ap|eace«« he t^iiftc a golDfmptycsi ^eiDlphetoafCbe^ fope.i^eibalfpthim Dotone to tepe anb to clenfe tbe fpiuec, be ttairpourgethcchpiD^enoficttiinDpuS, fpe themlpfeeajsgolDeanDfpluetJtbatthep inape btingemeatoffetingeiEJbntothe m* Aff be in rigbteoufnc^^ henttjall tbe ofepng « ;P«^'\anb 3ctufalem be acceptable bnto theJLo^DclpfteaiDtfcomtbebegpmipngeaD mtbepeatcftafiMetpme.3topU come anb punplbe pou 3 a"D 3 mp felfe topi be a Ctopf te toptnc* agapnft m WttW> mm W fluiifittwrprd agapnftfaireftoeateri*: pee;$ *ir "au - .— - th at to^ongeouflp ftepebacft tbebP?elpnge)8Detotp:tobiebbei;etbetopD= botoeiaanDtbefathetlefrejanDoppreffethe fttaung^anDfeacenotme^aieththclo^ beofbofteiBi.Jp^amtbeio^Detbatcba^ 1 fig I W ^ f DHb?enof 3aeob;topU not _ J paiieof*peacegoneatoapefcompneo?Di e Jffl nauutcs{ J anDfeni«tbetpmeofpottcfoIfa= ' tWbrtHepenotftcptetbem. * ^ucne pou nofebntome, anb3 toptl wW* tMtnemebntopou } fapctbtbeio?Deofho« € ftes(:pe fape,tobecm ibat toe tume/'&bnlDe ttmanbrefalujeDanDDifceatWtbeoDfliJ ,/.«6 tbeji 5t beaue offecingeiot. * ^bccfo^cacepe cutfeb toptb pennrp , MM pe biffemble tottbmcau m fozte of pou. , w ,«w» *H5?inge euerp'Citbe into nip UttoM&t tbere mape be meat in mpne bouferano uio, neme toitbalKfapetb the io^De of booftctf ) i»f3top»not opentbetopitDotoctfofbeaug ijnto pou,aDr)oitce pou out a bleupng toitb pleHteoufne(re.gee,3 Owll remoue tbe con^ mm foj pour faftcitf , f f be iball not eate bp tbe f cute of poute grounDe , nether (hall the bpnpatDebe bare m m felDe,fapetbtbe JLoxht of boftejS:3nfo moeb tbat all people (ball fapctbat pe be blelTcD,fo? pc Iball be a plr araut lanDcfapetb tbe iojDe of bofteis. gc fpeabe baroe too^Dcsf agapntt mc,fap= tty tyc lo^De.^no pet pe fapctbat baue ^ toe fpohen agapnft tbc."Sc baue fapDe: mu 3t fjef but loft labour, to feme c&oD.^tobat wu p^ofptbaue toe fojneppngc W c5maunDe= mu* mcntej3,ano foi toautpiige \)umhlp befoic timp.r « * tbe loibe of wm$t * % betfo^e mape toe fape, tbat f pjotiDc are bappie, ^tbatthep tobicb Dcale toitb bngoDlpncffe,arc fett bp: fo^ t^tf tempte f ob^ano pet efcapc. n&mtyv tbat fearc (E>oD , Capctim* one to anotber.-tbe I-o^Dc confpDcretb anD hea--x retb it.^ee 3 it ij* before bint amcmoipal bo= fte,to?ptten foj focb a0 fcare tbc3Lo?De,anb tcmembjie W name.ainD in tbe Dape tbat3 topll maftecfaptb m lojDe of boftejS) tbep Ibalbe mpne atone poffemomanD 3 toill fa^ «ouretbem 3 lpfecas i M •i U « ' ♦.flu-ttb.* (fapctljtlK lotDcofbooftcjy olfrpngeeob* torp , nu tlic la me a lib the iv the . Ji c ha tic tyougbtme tttamcatftffcvpnff, f^ttioe 3ac= ccpfc ft of pour Dime > fapctb v lojoe.'Cur^ fcDbctDcUi(teblcf,tDl)icl)l)an)inDi]8nofhe micttoititfamaltja^tobmncmaRctba\)o< tocjotrcrctija Cuomo otic wtto $ lojD.tfoj am a grcatc kpngc (fapctb thclojDc'of lotted )anD mp name ijSfcatfull anions t|>c leatbeu. ■ CtDc.u.Chaptcr, Cf${anbcoftbonaeinpQurefa=» red, rucntbebonge ofpourciolcmpncfca* (ft tf anD it (ball elcuc faft tipon pow.3BnDpe (ball nnotoc , that 3 bane fent tbp* com- maunDemetluntopou:tbatmp*coucnauf; tobtcb 3 maDe toitb leuunigbt ftanDc fop* 25 cttKI)cJ,ojDeofi)ooftcje!. 3 mabca couenauntof Ipfef peace toptb l)im:tl)t}S 3 gauc ljlm,tbat ijempght ftanDe m atoe of meianb fohe DpD featc tmjfo bao mpnamcmreucrcnce. mbelatoeoftrutlje toad m W mout^aD tljcre toatf no toicttcD* neffc f ounDc in ty$ IpppejS. I^e toalncD toitb me m peace anD cqtipte , anDDpD tumema* np oneatoapc fro tbeir fpnnejS.* Jf o? in the pjcftcglpppesi ujuloe be tare HnotoleDge , £ wen map feae tbe latoe at htf moutb>toi tie tg a mcuaunget of tbe lojDeof bottctf.XBut art f o? pou,pe ate gone dene out of p toape, m*mmb au baue caufcD the multttuDe tobeofKDeD af: the latoe: *pehauetyo&en the couenaut of leuUapetb tbe&ojbe of boftcjf.'EberfO: re topll 3 alfomaacpou to be DefupfeD,anD to be of no teputacpon amonge all the peo=> pie :becaufe pe Dane not Rente mptoapefc mtt tome bene patciall in tbe latoe. * emm « ' * gaue toe not all one fatbej < $a tb not C one ©oDmaDe W * fo&p Doth euetp one of HA b r" b W tiw» WW ^ a ^ ne ^?otoet, $ fo b?ea^ a OT . w «. « fec ^ C0UCim6t0f oueefatbec0^ia6toDatD 3uDaottenDeD:pee,tbeabbomtnaciont]QiDo> **.« n>?.(F.a nc in3feaelanD m 3eeufalf *fo?3uDa |jath *M4At Dcit>leD tUe ^Danctuaep of tDe i,o?De,tofjicj |)e loueD,anD ijat b nepte t be Daug jjtee of a fttaunge ©oo.But tpe lo^oe (Dal Deftcope tbe ma tDat Dotb tDi0:(pcc,bot D tbe mallei; ao the fcoler )out of t|je tabernacle of 3acob toitoDpm t^at offrctD topmeatofftpng \)n* tovJ.ozBcoft)oaeiE{.j^otobauepeb?ougbt it tot^popnteagapne^tjjeawltw of tje tOtttMtUb 5) Ho^DeijseoucecDtiHtb(eate^ttoeppngedn» tnomnpngcifotljat 3t»pll nomo^rcgaeD tlje mea tolctpnge s netoer tbpl 3 reeeaue oi «ie«ptetnptDpngatpOwt)anDe^2UnDpct pc tiwmmptQto oecaufe toattobcrc as tlje lo^De maDe a couenaun t bettof jtte 6 nnD tbetopfe of t i)p pout^tiou baft Defpp* feo.*gctisilbetl)ptiefttone companpj anD marpcDtbpfe. fiDODpDnot tDeonejanbpctfWbbeancr^ ecllentfmcte . WatDpDtbentbe one.-' fee fougljttpc.feDep^omtfeDof 0oD. Vmtifii iORctoellto pour fp?ete,anD let homan W fpfetbetoptcofWiEipoutb. fiff Datefthee *put bcr atbape fapetb ( lo?De C5oo of if. raell anD gene bet clotjmngefoz tbe fcome, fapetbtbc Jlo;tDe of jotted, lone tbcll then to poure fp^ete, 5D Dcfppfe bee not. |?egrcuc tbe lo?De ttoltb pour too?Deitf,$ pet pe Tape: . tobertbitbalbauetijegteueD bim/jlntlM tptf efape.3l tbatDo euelategoootntbe fpgbr of <0od» anD focb pleafe ^vm* ®i c'W tobete tj3t tbe C5oD tbat pumCbetbt' C^be-lti-Cbapter. 4£X>ttt)tmtttftim of Hcao?De3iobn tomtttu ©f cl) e Dart of tb« jlojot.anft of tf «ab» €bolDe,*3MlfenDempmcflau= %' gcr,tobtcbelbaU mepare tbe torn *«m bcfo?c me,:flD tie ilo?De *tobom pc fflfe toolocbau^lbalfoonecometob^tSiS tmpljmtMi the meaanngerof the cotic- SftJjL naunttobompelongefo?. ^^^ ge|oJDe,be commct^faietb tbe*,o*Dc of DpftejS.ffiuttobomapabpDetbeDapebfhfd compngf «UboCbalbeabletocr Jear ~ * pewefa«5eo am» Dtrceatetbttbme^etpi ^«' , rapptobcrm\)fet»eDifceatetftbc^3n'a:i- \&,t,»k tW wmitotimt** 'Cbcefo^arepe curfeb toptp nenurp , becaure pc DlOemble »Jthme 3 aHtijefpjteofpoii. L„, m *mmt euerp'Cltbemto nip bame,tbat tbere mape be meat in mpne bouferanD pzo ■■ tieme tottbalKfapetb the lo^Dc of boottctf ) f f 3 topll not open tbe topnoottoej of beaug •if^lalacbp MttM into pow^H poure pou out a HeJwng tbith Miehtcoufncffc^ee^ ft ail rcp^oue ttjc con= ftimcr fo? pour feftefc fo f l;c ftali not tate all focb ^op V cmnm%m&;l t)p(fatctb tbe lo?D ofhoftcj«;tx» that it mal icauetbemnetberrotcnertyaunche. JEPBK! *V *? feate m f ««««. Owl! trcaoe Dotimetbe migooip: * foz thtv toaU * mu 6 belpfte immmWm & foie^oTpourc tbe lo^Oeofboofte^ r M laememb^e tbe laibc of ^ofetf mv fer= 0?cb fo?all 3fraell,tbttb tbeftatutetf anD *eita^bmopbet: befojethecompngc o ffi Ub ^Dapcofthegreate anD fearefull tV m Dc.*^efbal turnetbebertciotof thefa- *»»*• tber0 to tbepHb?elpngej8Detotp:tobieb\)e]cetbetopD= DotocjEt anDtbefatbetle(fe , anD oppieffe the araunger,anD feare not me,fa(etb tbe *oi= be of boftctf. Jf 0? 3 am tbe lojDe tbat cbaa= ge not, 5 pe( © ebplD?en of 3acob jtopU not ^ leaue of *pe are gone atoape fto mpne o?Di« JJg nauneot , anD fenitJ tbe tpme of pout fo?fe= tberjs bauepenot ftepte tbem. *^umeponnototmtome,anD3topU *»** tntneme Unto pou 3 fapetb tbe ioiDe of bo» C QW pe fape,tobetin (ban toe tnene^bwlDe aman^rcfaMfteDanDDifwat Wtb ®ooa^ f 1 ► ■ «!' I ll 1 II 1 A :■ t * t i '• i : ! !f , J »• I .(' it "I *'f - i ■4 ff.5i H 2 A .« i h •Nspoy [TEA WN» CVBITO JAEmv| DINISCV I BITOKSW. S3? r- 1 r i ' CCIjcboIttmcofl t&c boucjsi calico fyajj fogra^, Zhc tbp?bc boltc of ©fptiitf. 'Cdc tout*!? bofcc of ^ityatf. ^fcboftcof^ubttp. vEbc read of tiicboKf of ijcftct, 'Cocbolicottui'ftiome* e«Ufiaftifutf. €fc* fongc of t bc.lu.C IjylDzcit 'intlKoiuiu *5C|ic(l'o?t»coffDttvanttdf» C&c fitoiycof 26cl ft of £ SDMffOK, 'Cjjcmavct of 4ftunfu|. 'ftftcfvift bofir of tbc SDnchauecs. %%t fecouoc bofec off QJactiabcctf . s- J ;\ w li lit F I r * 11 . ^t* ?l V * :f-.? 3 I . t 1 ;J i! I ! i; h If: ■ I' i 1 r I '( Hr f - ■ 7 P ftet i bcf o*c aec fouttoe nt tljc $eb»ne tonsc , rcccancbof atimetn $ tbattoc Qtbcrfoloibpng,?bbPcb are called tyagfojftapjia (be ^ « * ■j* :* a .4 \> 1 » * ViOMt.' jKntty'.tiff. cnwfc tticp ^cnttonttooercabe } ttot ooetm>«itb(it comen, but -___ ajrofl^ntf^Mfpm )nrctictotr»tmiic{tti!HJ»eU 1 Mtc^ naj in tUe Calbc-.m ifohpeh t ongcs tljep bauc not of longc bene bitten ( m Ictte tbrofttocrc ftapplp tbe boUcof&aptcncc )t»|jcrt)ttonitttocrcnotjjljm»irtrlje" » » ~ *wtW#famenbet^^^ $S& 8" SEW*"*** * lcaf w i l > «P"*B of $* WIWK a* of # tbbolc Cburcbe, *$&$&» : »www wmcu)el&et$:t^^^^ tec be anotocn : to tbpntmt t|jat men mapc fcnotoc of tbbpcb b ougbt to be rcceauco , and oft] cftbcboUcof3ubM)(tobicbi not clrcmed foo#$p Jttb fufticient to confpmic and ftablpty tbe fljpiweatbat mm** lygbt tnoirputacpo.3in0gcuci-allp of nil tf bones cnlleb tongiogmphajc faptb, Wig? tpat mm mapc rcaac tbem to t&ceoir>uwc of t&c people : wit hot to confftmes * im * ft tengt&cn tl)c doctrine of tj)c£bu rebc. J leatte oute bcrc the lattoe ( as tbep call . it) ofC«inon.c.^Dancta Eowuiiw.jc\j.biftmc.t»erc5clhctoet|» jiiStubaement iphctopfe tbe cftcampns tbem foi nmnim A ffitt? »>«• aiOofcpbufltpctmb^boofte of bpj« Antiquities bcclacctb J lummcof fiSa^ &""» aotiqiitwi: $ £b?ajS :alltboup;bbccttcametl)cboUcsl compplcb fromt^c capjjne of ftpiwe 3n.f..mn}' 3ctajcccfts;^nto|)p0tpmc,tobe^8fftoBcpp|ia. »*a»B uai)ccfo?e tbcn,tob^ tbott tbplt mapntepne anp tbpiiffe fo,t ccrtm, rentepiw mn * ' a rcafon of tbpfaptb, take bcabc to moccabe therm bp plptipnseanb pptbtnvc Mum, ^ c »PH c ^ fo i ^S c ^-^te^bpcbfapctb:^c^fpcabctbJetb t%ttiT' aj3ftbouffbcbcfpaactbetoo,ibeof0ob.^crapctbtbcti)oibcof(!5oo 3 a0atbpnffc n.»*ut>. mott ttxxc anb certmjopeneb bp tbe puopbctctf anb 3dpomcja! 5 infpp?eb topti) toe bolppott: of tobom tocbattcttoptncuemoarc clcaretbcntbcoape. %M>it$m upage arcate bcfp?c to confpzmc anb ttablpCb tbm oppnpontf bp tlje time of ^ Uf ^ inan,rape, tbat tbep Cbatne to fpeaac tbpthout latocilooto m ocb mm feare ana wi iS tycade tbm ougbt be to baue , tbat faptb w&a Cbipttton , tbe tofipch Iiolbcth w not bpm fclf c -, qi rcaftetb not in f latbcj* of tbe Ipupnjjc 0ob.bat m mcimctf ixu umcion0,iubspnp;c of all tbpnaesf accojbinae to tbem, anb leanpntt to an Oncers tenpmagpnacponanbphantaTpci'ietiJiEltoerfo^etbntarebupibeb on tliefoun bacpou of tbe bolppiopbetcj3!anb2lpottlcs{,anb on tbe bcab corner (tone* (on ftbpcb t\)cp them Uinta tuerc f ounbeb ,anb tobpeb tbep p?cacbeb , tbat & 3erujS *jtoi.flj,.c Cb?ptt> tbeture ttone)leauc tbe tbpnjjcjs tbat are Dnccrteutofolotoc mmm wnw4i.B. joiopnge Mt anb rcaftpnge \ijs in tpem,anb faftenpng ourc'ancrc tbere , as in a Cure place, t op oureCtetitcn faptb confpftctbnot in boutetuU tbpnacs , but in- plapnc anb mooft ccrtm affuraunccanb in mooft true per iunCpon , taftcn a con* . I tp?meb bp infallible Di rite.jfntbbpcb <^ob araunte tjjs to toalcfte pcrpctuau Ipe, to tbpntmttbat arcotfrpnge to ttCfulfplipnae $i& bolp tbpll in ty, anb fet=; tpnjeaipbe all mumcwmjl contrarp wito l;pm ; tjje mape ipue to bw honour, a«btotbecbpti'inseoft)psCtwrcbc» ■ • ■ r. £>obeit, i ., t j **, -i. *i 4 ' * ■** ■ ■ • i • • • i \ ■ -i f i - * t * IK'/'' i *> i.. Ct&erpjttC&aptee. * C3|9«n?5olDrtIjp«ireoufr.att«rftfatifftA<«3!tc^« . ma* bptt fount nu»6e»pngfmbpfl(JMijt:tobomtl)l :. l .3IPiicDfm,3)(raraicinfot)(itto|?ett,f|>tDtcbfa0(8(aiim. '■"'■ -si MBiBa^*3.oflaiB(belbetbefeaft of 'ttent mKfflfMct tnlecufalem \jntotbe m ' KjiHffiSS^We of ttetpjftmonetn. KmWSSi m m tbe^eftesalfoin o^e (acco^bpnae to V&m baplp courfejt) bepnee arapebtn itoe aarm?tej< in tbe teple ot tbe 3lo^.jlinb.be{paaet»ntojlLeuttes{#bolp mpnpfpetS of afrael, f tjicp 0)ttlbe balotoe tbem felues t)nto f to^b,totet p >olp arcae of tbe io?b» in t^z boufe f apng Salomon the tonne of SDauib bab buplbeb,anb (apbe. ie uja ll no ihbje beare ^Arcfte tjpon poure julbers, iftotb feme poure io?be,$ tafte $ cbarjje of bpfl! people of 3frael, after poure Ijpllaficis anb poure trpbejBt: a ceo; bpnge as npnffeDauib f bpugeof 3fraeUbatb o^bc= «eb,$acco?bpnse as Salomon bpsfonue bath bonojablp p^epareb j pclobe f pee al bo iempceintbctemple,acco^bpnge to the oib^tna f bittribucpon of f pzinctpall men =fi)|)tcl) arc appopnt eb out of p trpbes, to Do j«».w/.i». f«»i« fo^cbplbjen ofjftael. *»piuhe ^aflcouer^ prepare oftTinges fo«t pour bic tiium bo accojtbpnge to f comaunbemmt of tbeio&ftobicbtoas ffeuen\)nto iDofes. 3Cnbtjntop neople^toas fouDCjouasaa* ue.rrr.tboufanDeoflbepclambes^pbbes, f soates^tbje tboufanbe orcn. 'Cbcfc tbe fepnsecof biS apnslplibcraltte) sane Dnto tbepeoplCjaecmbpnffeas bebabp?omifeb: «to 1 1&?eftes foif paffcoucr, be gaue ttbo fl^l anbunb^etborm. ^o^eouer, .3ecbomas,f jfemieias, 9 iftatbanael b«= ten, e I^afabias, Jcbiel, 9 Jofcbab gaue tbem to tbe $affeouer, fpuc tboufanbe ujc^ pe a fpue bunb^eb bullocaes. to paffef^eftes* tbelmitcs ftobe goob= toin tbep? oib/c, $ bab tbe t)nleumeb bzeb tbojotoout f trpbes. 3fnoafteriJ oM o!|mtnetoallmen m tbe trpbes, tbep offe= * -, ? 01 wgotbe lo?bein#fpgbt of tljepeople %*«*. accoibpnfl^aSitiStbJpttmintheboaeof «9ofes,| fotbep rofteb £ eafter lambe as SnBW' ^fojf tbScHeoffrpnges 2ife °i^ 3 9P W *0em in aettels anb yottes^ fet tbem before tbe peoplctfaood wpU^afteilbarbebefo^c them (clues, anb V i(ti vntp«f Itpme tbas erppzi Wtparen6itMfemesafc »o;ft tbeebpjbimofaaron* ^beMpfpttffers alfo f cbplbjen of 3fapb ttobe -hi tbep?o£ bje,acco?bpn3 as a>auio dmvfed . &Sm £SSi9iS *3butbun,tbWcb toereap- ]?o]c »epers ftobebp^ bo^cs 9 1 baiamtlp; fo f none toent oat VWUsSjmi K K^SS^fiSlSS^IS!' WP^arcb c f 0? tbem. y bus toere all tbpnaes pert our= * lo?oe.3nf'bapetbepbeldetbc^afieoueic, and offred tDatibofferpngeS befpde f facets dement of fctmaaortas. »o tbecbPldiien of 3frael tbbpcb tbere tbenprfentbelde anbono^able I affeouer J ?i ea 5 o y*b^b?eab.tjii.bapesioae.Pee vocb a jaaucouer tbas not aepte mifrael, all f aprntes of 3fcael belde not focb an €a^ !SB t fB t, l9! fe H3 Sottas Heine, 9 t\>t BftS £if ««esi3etoeSf all iftael, of all tbem f tbere at 3erufalem. amnintbe SSri^r tos" 5 of 3ofias toas this J&aueouer ftept.3nb vb a patfecte htm bid Ipnge 3o[ias o^d^c all b»S tDo^fteS, before f *9 tbetbpngcs^toere tb^ptte of bpm m tpmespaft, coccrnpna tbofe tbat fpnncd 9 tbere tmaodlp agapnttplozdbcfojeall jeople,| tbat fougbt not f tboide of f ioid mn Jftart.* 3tfter al tbefc actes of hpn^ * !ft u «- 3oftas,iabarao ^ upng of egppte m V? S&, and eametottoarde Carmis bp eupbtatcs, ">**• j3ofiasj)cntto mctebpm. %betUent the fepngof €gpptet)uto3ofiaS faping:tobat baue 3 to bp to tbe,© fepng of 3uba/3 am nottmt of f iojb tofpgbt agapnft t^t 3 fo* mp toarrc ts *pon eupb?atcs,go tljou tbp toape borne agapne in all t bafte. and 3o= fias toolde not titrne agapne *pon Wfi ma= •© ret,buttmbejtoac to rpgot agapnft bpm,$ betfteneb not tjnto ^ too^de of tbe piopbet! to\iit$ be tolde bim out of f month of C5ob, 'ftiWfflK 1 * a *»* Wl agapnft bpnt m tbe felbe of l»agebboanb fpziccs p^eaffedto tons 3oftas. 'Cbmfapbe f ftpng Wo btS feruauntes.Carp me a\bapc out of tbe bat - tap]J,fo>3 am fojetoounded . 3nd immc^ *£&*3l* rceuauiitcs tofee btm atoapc out of tbe front of tbebattapll. ^ben fat be »p jpon f fecodc cjjarctt, came to 3erufalem, bpcb, $ teas burpcb in \)i$ fatljcrS fcpulcre. anb in al3ctbrp tbep mourned fot3ofias, pec tbe rulers alfo vb tbep^ttopuesmadcla^ mctacionfo? ^pm bnto tbiSdapc.^ud ttis tbaSbonceucrftpll in 3fracl. fhefctbpngcsaretoitptten in tbebofte mtmm oti>bpngcsof 3uba,namelp, all the actes ano toojeaes offtpngc3orias, Jttkpnglp nottoer 9 maieftp,biS Dnberftan bpngin tbe latbe of ©ob,^ tbbat be Dvbjtt tbpnges ttobicb m not ttypttcn in tbe bone 31a a ii of tbe A [ V ! i •SL wwm )i \ * * : * I t »'l r I " ; i • ■ « ii i P I > I ffw •IBM U' ' G. * Of^kpiti Cfte: Sum* *f*P(R «Wa. Vic totic Sttftottta? the fonttc of loft agi faith WW.*, mnitjc |jj, m fc p Mfic , n i^ of loftatf btefoi • ttaftMfeMjmtfffaii oidc. r am ftc rapgncb o«cr3frnel ty# monctpuf .3no tteftra of egpptc putl)imbotbne,t!)at jc multi not rapgnc to Jcnrtakm, $ rapfeb ; Wjfp&rtt pcoplc:namclp,an.e.t atftetf of iplucr | one talent of golbc. 'Che kpiwc of <£gpptnlfo mabc3oacl)im i)i* bjotbet gm of 3uba 9 3nMM . 3* f o j them of WngcsrcouecU \* tuc lijnijj bimfclfc 9 m* gate* Ml bjothcjc, be tokc tbcm, 9 carvcu tljctnafoapc pjcfoncrji into CEgppt, jEpuc J tactic pcarc olbc ttatf 3oacbtm,D>bcn P mmm fcpng m £ isoe of antm# itrafi INMOB tic Dpi) cucll befac the Jl02b.3ftce * m.ntq, rty&\ftnbuctiobcnof02 p ftpng of'^Sabplo "•..La. amc\jp,$botmoc!)tmtbitI)l)a1)cj3!ofpion, 9 carpco bpm Ditto Babplbn. 0abttcbobo* noioi alfo tokcall ^DcuVla; ftocrc Ijalotoeb in f tcplc of £ ioib,fy all tijic JctocW, » ca-- rprb tbcm Ditto ISabplon, % bzoughtthem in to btst atone temple at ISabplon. sDf htss totclencf 9 Dngoulvnc*, it $ tetttttn t tbe # Disj fonnc rapgncb m in* ftcabc. m m$ ma Dc kpng bcpitgc.i'Dtii.pearc olbc.. ana ray = fiitcb but tine monctbetf 9- t.bapc-s in3cru- falcm,9bpbcucllbcfo2cj$ Lojb. £>o after a pcarc,#abucbobonofoj fent 9 caufeb turn to be bi-ougftt Ditto 25abplou ttottb f> nolp JjcHcIib of the ILozb, 9 maoc $cbccbia0bptf .Mffltt hpng of %m $ 3erufalcin, kdm be toasi,trt.pcatc olbc:f be cappeb.rt.pcac'c. mt> jjebpb eucll alfo in Alt of the ioibc,? carebnotfo? p vooiDcsii'TCDcce fuo> *wt,mu mmtn bim*bp tfe moppet Jcrcmf at tlje mouti; of ^ 3L02H. inb \bijctc be bab ma pe an otjje Ditto bpitff j3abucl)obonofo2, be fmmt c bun felf c, $ f el from bpm baupnee a fl pfncclt 9 a bcrt, » tranfg retfeb ail § fta* tutriot attb oibpnannccjs of « iozbe (Sob of 3ft:ael.'Cbc titled alfo 9 beaoejs of m pco= pie of p i.o?b bpb mocb eucll,f bcc» n ? wftofrtl) tbctu (Ijftccrciics of (beffc K; JW»jtat«w*«rwini rente to artomrw, toi)icl)accurctl>c3]rtuc0 fo;bm>|Dpnffe of tlje crtrc out 1 fo is tlje bui-iopg o;puenof bntpH tl,c.ii.pc«c Of £)8tlU9« *OtDtb|)cnBpnaCp2ttjE{t:a(tftteb ar otter tbei&ccftan^D)benHo2b .^«,„, vM'Jttolbepcrfon^nicftDOfibetlwtlJcww^J igibabp2omifebbptbcmoutb of the * < • etD • , • , • rasf 3ercmp:tbe Hoib rapfeb Dp f fp2c-- £SSS tt i' *&mt of 3&crfiantf;fo tfat g caufeb ttyfi tyVWm to be p^oclapmeb 1IW} oute ^v?S tubolc rcalmc, faptngc : Umof jftacltbat bpc Hoibe mDmaic m m \m of tDc lanbc, anb comaunbeb mc to buplbc fwm an Ijottfc aOerufalcm iiOc= m h 7mm be enp notb of pourc people, w*m fcc tbttb bpm 5 aub go Dp tbttb tym n 3cfttfaiem.3nb alitbcp thatwtoclltmm oe aboute tbat place (ball &clpet&em,toDe* . ftber ttbe tottb golbe 3 t)5fpluer 3 ^gpfte0,t6 Mguno ncceOatp cateli^ all otbec tbpn | gc0tbatareb2ougbttbitl)afcctbplltotbe I 5oj|JcoftbcJto^cat3ccufalcm. ; ' Jbmtbcmpncipallmen out of tbe ftp? bc^anb Dpllagcjtf of ittba anb Bcmamin nitc^(tt)bom f toibe bab moueb )to go Dw, anb to buplbe the boufe of tbe ioibc at Je* Dclpcb tt\ctn mth almancr of golbcanb tH uccanb catell alfo, anb mi) manp liberal! gpftesuitb t])v& tip mm onc,tDbore mvn 75 .# g JW ftwj ^P.tber to.*»pnge Cp^ al= *<.^,w S^enftwl tfe De(Tcl0 anb o?namem XtDhpcb iBabucbobonofo? the ftpng of JU5a* bplon hab earpeb afoape fromaecufalem, anb confeccateb tbcm to ftttlftoUf pm* Te 1 anb belpuereb tbcm to #ptl»pbatui8 ' W ttcafurec, anb bp J>pm tftep tbece be« Ipueceb 4 Ipucwb to ^batmanarar f bebite iit3e!D?pi . 3nb tWto&* t itfbje of tbem:^tbo ti)ou= fanb ^.iiii.C.fplucr boulcjs.rrr . fpltter ba--- fcnji.]cr^.bafcn!8iofgolbc.ii.^.anb.iiu.C. tocflcUt of fpluer,^ a tboufanbebcfpbc. Ml f DelTeliai of 0olbc 9 fpltter tbere.D.mDitf. ; €4.lpM%m tberc nob2eb Dnto ^alntana far, 9 to tbcmf' tbcre come agapne xb jjpm to Jcrufakm out of p captpttpte of 25abp- mm* Vfr**JS te i W of kpng3JrtacerfejJ mm " f avng of l&erf ia,tbcfc mm. miemw anb 4^itcibatufl!,^Dabelliu0,1liatl)tmu0,35al= t|)cmusi,.fi>emclius! tbe ^ccibcanbotber i> btbdt in Samaria $in otijer places Dnbcr fboinpnp0tl)erof,t)oiotc a letter Dnto apn ge Jfictajcerfc&robcrin tljep c0plapnebDn= to fftpngeoftljcm in 3etb2p $3crufalem. €1; e letter foatf mabe after tbp# mancr. C fbVhttoP fetuantc* ^a Mum* tbe ftoip to2pter,S>abelltujS tmfi>« tbe, 9 other tub; gc$ of tlje courte m Celofpzta 9 p^enpecjs. ai5c tt unotbnc $ manpfeft to oure &02be § kvn$>f tbe 3ctociet tobicb arc come Dp from pott Dnto Dtfinto f rcbclltottia; $ tbpeneb cp= tpcbcgpnne to buplbc tt agapne,? thctoal IcjS aboute iM to fcttDpt&etempleancto. jliotb pf tW* cptpc 9 tallest tberof befet Dp agapne, tDep (ball not onelp rcfufeto gctte tepbtttcsai 9 tajec^bnt alfo rcbell Dtter= ip agapnft t\)e fcpngc . 3nb f 0? fo mocbaji t|icp tanc t\)v# in babe notb aboute f tcplc, toc-tbougljt tt reafon,to tDpnftc no fco^ne of it, but to fbetbe it Ditto oure JUubc tbe npng,9 to ccr tpfpc Dvm tljccof: to tbintet * pf tt plea fc tbe lipitg,bc map caufc it to be fougbt tit f bobes! of olbc.anb iifyalt fpttbe fochetbacnpngctb2pttcn,9ftaltDnberfta= bcptbpjjcptpcbatballtoape bcnerebelp^ oujS 9 bpfobebiet, f it batb fubbucb bpnges 9 cptpcA 9 timt f Jctbcioi tobpcl) btbcll f-|cr tit, pane cuer bene a rcbcllpoutf, obftpnatc, Dnfoptbfull, anb fpgbtpngc people, f 02 tbe tobicb caufc tbis! cptic i$ ttoatteu.8Jiihccf ozc notb toe ccrtpfpe oure Ho^bc tlje bpngcf pf towl cptpc be bttplbcb 9 occuppcb agapne, 9 m toallrai tberof let Dp a netto J canft ba tie no palfagc into Celofp^'a 9 Mmicyi. t> n 'CDenfojQtetbcBpngcto mmimw the Jo^ptccto |5altbcmtts(,to &abclliuj$ tbeg>crtbe,9 to f otber offtcicrss 9 otbcllerjS w mmntto wmfa& after tm mancr: 3 baue rcb tbecptftle tbl;pcb ^ftnteftDnto tne,anb pane cpmmaunbcb to mane biliggt SffiM^w f m l m > t *& W ^atb etter ytom bpngeft f tbefame people arc bpf= obebient, 9 i;aue caufeb mocbtbarrc, 9 tbat %l?T*h v W* * m vapgneb in JcrnGtle, mgh alfo baue rapfeb Dp tares of fbpiia toMmwWt,nfrvmiimbufliit tbe 5?{pe,| tDep make no moze in itmn i> ttep P^oceabe no fojtijcr xOtlJebuplbpnge &§ m „ 041 f mm it mpgDt be tHe caufc of tbarre, anb btfpleafure Dnto upnge*. iaotb tbben mathpmusf anb £>abelliu0 tbe scribe, 9 the rule est in t&e iabe bab reb vv jjeoulc of f ote,9 f ozbab tp to buplbe . 3nS fo tbep left of from buplbpnge of tbtttota Dnto tljcfecob peace of bpnge SDatituJ. CCbciii-Cbapter. C:E>ac(u0 mahctb a fcatt, ztjt tb;c frtitmr f « of (be (bit met mcn,of tobpcl, tbe fp?a f« oecf ateb, gnge |>ariusimabe a great fealt Dn # to|)txo toiicn tbep bab eaten 9b26cuen bepngfatpffpeb, anb there gone borne agapne, Partus tbe bpng toente into bit cfjamtoe, lapeb bvm botone to ttcpcanb fo atoaueb. 'Cbcn tjic tb?e ponge mctubat keptc the kpttgc* petfonne,9 toatcbcb m bobp,cbm meneb amonge t&cm feluc*, 9 fpalie one to anotber:letcuerponeofD0fapcfometlip» gc,9 loftc tbbofe fent^cc 10 tbpfcr 9 nt02e cr- ccllet tbcntbe otbcr,Dnto |jpm (ball Upnge 23 2KS s f ue P5? ,?Pto>9 clotbebpm tbttbpurple. % O;alTgeucDpmDcu*cl0of golbetob?pncketn,clotl)e*ofgolbc9couc: rpngcsi:helbaU make bpm a coftelp charct . 9 a bipbic of golbe, be (ball gettc bpm a bo = netoftDbPtefplke,9acl)cpncofgolfjcabou te!)ps(neck:peebcibalbc ti)t fecobes pipu, ffl! SEHS Up "S ^«»»tf > 9 tbat be= caufc of b«J tbpfbomc,anbu;aIbc cailcb the .kpngetfkpnfman. v $)0,ettet:p one tD2ptc|)i*meattpiig,fealeb tt, 9 lapeb ttDnbcr p kpnge* pelotbc, $ fap^- bc:ttJbcnpkpngarpfctb,bje\DpUgeuehtm ourctD2ptpngcs;,9 loketbljofc \D02bc f bm ffe 9 bp* chefc iLo.2bcg iubge to be f mood ibpfclp fpoken,^ amicajall baue ^ Dicto2p. r iDncDjiotc.Wlipnc tjSa ftrogc tbpugct be C &?2?t?^ tt ^ ftp "5 longer. ^Tilc tbptf>ttyote:o toljen tbcp Xbere fent fo?,9 came in>f »png fapbe Dnto tbem : focfoc D*9 make D* to Dttberltanbe m» p tDpngc* arc f pe Datte tD2p tten. ^aaiii ^ben S K 5 \ *i9;oturr-a ■ -j % 1 ' ill ■ ' I'M j ; " V l ■i '! fl? £ 1 * i * J F »■ f - i ■ r I * ■fJ i ih a. i.; r ■ * ■ I-* I i rfe. :1 f L li • JSSl ht **M &*•<*•*• bab fpohctt of gpftrrngtb of wpnc)* fapbc: © pcmcn, JSSBS* «ww»loMi« ffroge* ouerc6mcth them t b?pncac tt:it bpfteauetb tbc mpnbc, to Dotage $ toanptctbn* Dotb it nlfo Wttb tbtbonbman*witbtbeftc,Wtbtbcpoo?c s tpebe : it tafcetb awapc turn Werftan* bpng,anb maketb tbem carcleOeaub mcrp, f o f none of mm rrmcmtyetb anp bcuvnest oett pz oewt pe : 3t caufcto a man to tnpn= caealfo that £ tbpngc Wbicb Ijc Doti»,(j8 bo= ncltjgooD:*rnnc^ctl)not^Ijcij3iaUvng, l ,0i ^? e ^ mauct ?^ te ^ t ^ t ^oufibttiot Oo focb tbpngc*. &?o?eouer,wbciimcnare b?puckpng, the v fo; gett all f r enblbpp, all bjorbcrlp Tapt&fiilne* $ lone : but a$ foonc a# ware b?olicn, tbep D?awc out KWer= be jwpll tpgbt:* When f bep ate lapcb bow= cannot tel 1 what thep bpfrmbge vt noW,i& nottt.rnctbcfttonacftr^o^WbotoolOeeltf tafcc m hatjp to do locb dmia wben be bao fpoae n t|)t^Dc bribe w amp, CCbr-mt-Chaptct, bat iB.tijat utrptw brarrtb tbe m ;pc fn all ehpu«£ to all f cuircj bnDrt bpm.tba* tbep flmlfif apoc tojoba- ~ijn#fcconbc(tobtcb&abfapbe,tbat ipttomt tbajs ftrfigcr) begatmcto Lgjcaae , Taping : s© pe men, are not tbep p faqgftJ moft crccllet,f conquere tbc lanbc, s tbe fcc,? all that $ in f fee, anb fn tbc mm #0 w i0 tbc apngc io?De of all tbcle tbpngc*, $ batb bmnpnpon oftfjg all : 28 lo r ftc W^«on»waunbetb,it fjal bone. 3f fie fcnbc N me f o?t b a tbatf atctbep go, cteafte bottone taUctf, fcallr* ¥ totew JCbtP ateflapne^ ft flape (other men) tbcm iiiKJf! ^«tozp,tbcp^pnge f (tpng all p f p ople . Lpkc topfe, tbe other fmcole not ttoitbxbarrcsi $ fpgbtpnge,buttplltbe groimbe:tbftcn tbep teape, tbep typnge ttt> bute^ntotkapngc.^nbpftbcRpttgcalo= ne bo but comaunbe to fepll,tbep m>U:pf be t6maunbe tofo^gcue, tbep fo?geue:pf ficco •maunbe to fmpte,tbcp fmpterpf be mm be to baplbeAp buplbCTf be commaunbe tpb^caaeooi(bne } tbep b^eanebottone :pf be commmbe to plantctbep plant^cCbe com* men people « tbe rulers ace obebient tonto ipttdtbbpm bottone,eatctb,anb bipntactb, anb tafeea Mtef ; tben aepe t&toatch 25 ronnbe abonte tbe upnge,$not one of tbem barr« get torn out of# toape, to bo bij* ato* ncbwiipne&butmuftbeobebietWofRpn lie at a^be. 3ubflepenoKb,©pcinen, ore not be $o farce about tmro tbba ifl obcDicnti' acnbtobenbebab botbfliulbc. menarctbuis obebient/' 3Pnb!bhenbe \ wyuif name wBiBjio^ooai)ei,Wb«pbabfn6 ncti of twmen 9 of ttuctb,began tofape & tcr m.mm: ©pe men, (tTutnot | ffeeafe' *?WM tt not f multPtube of me&mtbtl tbelo^ppouertbem/' $aue notttoeinew boWbehpnge,anbaUJpeopIetbatriile tbofe tbpngctfi' tyaue not wmm borne tW. «nb tyougbt tbem \jp :i ^ nlante tbc ipnS ttobctout m tbpne cotnetby'fc&epmaftWae mcntcsifo^ all men, tbep geue bonourtmto allmeii,ftft)itbouttbemen cannot menlp 3 S: XSff sa ^ cc I*** ••*%# *» P?e= goiwi tbpngc^anbfe a fap^e tDellfauoureb woman, tbep leant all to getber, anb turne SHSff* ?#*«■ tbe Woman^gape wo Miitfrv goioco^anpmaner of pic* c SSSSKL9 1 t*w««>«w bfcfotbet* ^i. eoparbetb bwf Ipfctoitb f woman, $ wm£ * ' 25MP* ^pemnft ncbcj* anotoctbat we= men baue tbe bompnpon oucr pou. fiucrbc, « goct b bPJK wape to fteale, to bplL to mur tber, to topic t>|)on t\)t fee , anb feetb S&#l^ l »%bawRiiej8!ft^te bath aollcn,btrceaueb anb robbeb, hebivn* ESK& to F l ?«'?Jeiw,aiiian louetb W wpfc better tDm fatber anb motber.pee many one tbcte be, p tint out of tbepz tovu m& become bonbmen fo? tbep? tupuctf va» nc0:manpone alfo baue per iu)eb,baue bene uapnc,?baucipnncbbecaufcoftoemcn. ^ift? * WW™'* bno ^e a lapnge Bg l * Wgta i« bPfil poroer,anb all labc* ttanbe m awe of bpm, $ no manbarre lape ?RSl^ tt I : 5 et ^ 3 ft » tbat^pame tbcbpngcjaicoiiicubpncfatbefptietbebpngc ymWmmamtx tobe of m crolune ^ eo «c^bc|pngeloaebnponber tbptb * SSW#«Wi %on}pm,be SSffiftSR.?" 5 S00D ^ tpUbebair gotten bee fauour agapne. mmt 1$ p eattb, 9 bv* W ^ beanen , i&bo lofceo one Jjpon anotfe.&o he beganne to 9gte*f truetb.O pemln^arenotSe . , titoatts fvmt w m eartfcbpntf tbebea' JSKSlP * # courfe of tbe y ffl;*liS +4^ pafetbtbe btaHenrofibeabo»te,^fetcbetb H^(onrS « 4 j •i # * * «.M6.tt.b, r % • '. ^ courfeagaf He to |>p$ atbne place m one bape,30 be not ercellgt tbat botb tbpjs.'' See greaf net tbe tftfetbflf fttager tben all tbf>n< 5e?.^Utbeeartbralletbnponitruetb,tbe peauenp?apfetbtt,aUttio?ttes!ibaltc $ tre» bit at it, $t»tttsino\)nr^gbtcouiE< tbpnge. ttfllpne m \)nrpgbteouj8i^lapng is twtm)M teouiftWemen are t>nrpgbteou0:all tbe ci;pl bjen of men aret)nrp«bteou0,pce all tbepi J»o?cbej8 are Wtrpgbteouft ano tbere tg no truetbin tbem,(n thep? wtrpgbtcoumctf alfo (ball tbtp be beftropeti 9 pctp$.3l0 f 0? tbe trnetb* * it enburetb,* i all roape ftrfi« ge: Mpnetb anb conqueretb fo? euermoie wo?u>ewitboutenbe. %\)t trueth acccptetb no perfonncg, it t»uttetbno blnercnce bettoir te nebe 0? poo= re,betwme tty mpgbrpe 0? fpmplcbut botbrpgbt\ntto cnerpman,wbetbcr tbep be euclfo? gopb, ano all men arc loufnglp ocaltte all in ^tuo^fee^of it.3n f iuOgemet of it tbere i;js no tmrpgbtcoujeJ tppnge, but llrengtb ftpngbom 9 power imam foz euermo?e.H5leu"ebbet!)e(l5ob of tructb. 3lnb tnttb tbat ^je bclbe W toge, anb all tbe people crpeb^ rapbc:tcat w truetb* 9 aboue all.'Cbenfapbe f apng nnto bpm: 3fueWbattbouwplt,moietbent0appopn teo m p w?pttpnge,anb 3 ©all gcue it tbe, fo? tbou art founoe wpfer tben tap compa* nponi# ujalt fpt nejctmcanb be mp ftt)nf= man;'Cbcn fapoe be bttfo t^t bpnge: Ecmf b?c tbp p?ompre 9 Vjoroc, wbicb tbou baft DotDeo 9 p^ompfeb (mt\)t bape tohen tbou cameft to tbc»pngbo!ne;to buplbc tjp 3e- tufalcm,tto fenbe agapneall? \)eu"cljs anb 3etoeI0,t tbert tafttn atbapc out of 3crufa lem 1 wbicb Cp?uj5 feparateb, wbe" be off reb &euctf tbat toere in Celofp?ia anb 3&bemccsf,anb \jnco Ipba mkfmp ibulbbjatocCctye trees! from alpbanujn tnto 3erufalem,to buplbe tbc tie witball. ^o^eouer be w?otc tjnto all w ~mnf were gone out of W8 realmemto . Itwrp becaufe of tbe f rcbome^ f no offtcier noruier,no?*>b;rHc,ibuJlb come to tbep? tappfcanb f all t§m lanbe tubicb t^tv bab toquereb^wlbc be tre 8 not trtbutarpjnb i?a& oM vv v^ tbat * ©bOmp teg (bulbe geue ouer f eptperf fvnb\)iuagc0 of tbe 3eweg, Wbicb tbep fiab taltcn in:pee 9 tbat thep n)ulbepeartp gcue #.taletc0to p buplbpngeof § teple,\>ntpU tbe tpme tbat it were fpnp(beO,ano to the baplp balowpng of tbe b?ent ottrpngetfCatf S, ^ w«;tn?ttnbeb) ten tail tc* pcarfp alfo. Jnbf' all tbep wbicb come fcom26abplon to buplbe tbc cptie, (bulb baue fre Ipbcr tpe, tbep 9 tbepKhplbjcn,$allthcl&ieaftc0. ,*. WS* Pffrcatneffealfo,* edmaunbeb tmp bolp garmentflmlbe be geucn tbem, wbccin tt)tv mpnpftreb: $ w?ote f comaun bcmentegQmlbebegeuen to $ ieuitej3,mt= tpll tbebapcthattbe boufe WerefinpflhcD, anb 3cturalcmbuploeDnp:? commaunoeo tbat all tbep tbat watcbeo t^e cptpe, Qml- be baue tbep? pojepona 9 wag e0. fcegauc oucr alfo all tbe \)cftim€vm# nab feparateb from 26a bplon : ano all tbat & VlVW baO geuen in comaunocmct, $ fame cbargeb bcalfo,tbatitajulOe be bone s fent tJntoJfcrufaie.iSowwbcnthpsipongcmau *' ^ — ^^w^ "^-»» v^^^^r wyvn w+Jye* r"**tt^ Hill If wa* gone f o?tb,bt turncb Diss face to WarDc 3etuTalcm,anb nwpfeb ^iapng of bcaucn, ano fapoe : * m tbc commctb tbe\3tctoip, f.j- oftbecomctbtbpfDome anb clearncffe, anb *e«w. 3 am rhp fcruaut. 23lcffc0 art tbou, wbicb baft gcuen me topfbome:rbat wpll 3 piap= f e, £> io?b,tbou 00b of oure fathers: 3jnb fo he toke tWcttttfr 9 Wente tjnto 26abplon.3Ino wben became tbereic tolbc tbp^ Wito all W \}M\)W f Were at JSaby lon,« i thep p?apfcb# Cob of tbep? fa tl;crj5, tbat be bab geuen tbem rcfrclbpng 5 ipbcr- te to gotjp, ano to buplbe 3crofalcm ? tbe temple (Wberin tbc name of tbc itoibtis cal leb npon)anb my retopfeb witb tnttrumt te0 anb glabncffc fcucn bapesi longc. CCbctJ.Cbapter. jTSHjcp tbat rctutnr to 3]crufaicm atf nibm. mtfi bCBPimc 1 lapc tbe founoacpon of tbe temple.buc arc IcttoptbeineflncaofL'iicmpcsianofoistbfbuplopiig ,5ftcr tbpis! Were m p?pncipall mm % of allt&ewilage* ebofen in tbe trp= l bciK ano Kpnrcoctf,tbat tbep ibulo go wttb tj)m wpueuaitb cbpib?cn,witb tbep? fcrttaute* | mmm wttb all tbep? catell anb fubftaucc. 3lnb Wtttofi tbc mpng fent Wttb tbem a thoufanbe bo?fmcn, to coucpe . thcmfafelp wtto3erufalcm,anb t^m b?e tb?en Were glab, plapcng *pon inftrumen^ mm* fpngpnge . 3nb tbefe are f namcjS of tbc mcn,wtcb wente \jp out of the toplla* SicjS,acco?bpngto the trpbetf. Of tbe^?c* eftthc fonne of ^bincbe&thc fonnc of36a= eon : 3efui8 tbe fonne of3ofcbec,3oachim tbc fonne of * ?o?obabel tbe fonne of £>ala= * #*,f.*. tbWCof f fepnreb of a>auib, outof tl;e npn* reb of puarcff of the trpbc of 3«Da) Wbicb fpabe wonberfull tbpngcisi mm Martins ^aatiti tbe * ■ i ■I • . I >|i'J .J &I f » I r A! ? '■f t if.* 1 I I I ft P L'i n A i \ I \ : \ 1 * W tl)t »png of iDcrfta, in f fccSbc peace of hi* h»» $ 9* W* tnwrtb of mm. out of ^capfpu^tc tbatBabucbobonoto* the jtemjt mww bab bjoutf&t tmto ""Sabpioii.^nb cucrp man fought tip* uoi* tame toit b jojobabel, ano toi tb IttoaJks* $mw&mta$Mat\w,mm\miiMm: mania* , &)arboebcu*, Bcclfcru*, &>ccb c m , ftocboj , mm$> ®mmUt* , one of tpmpjpncc*. wiltw tifibjc of tbcmnccojbpiig to their itpiirr&r* aim tulcro tocre. 'fcbt cbpltacu of jmj&ffta tboufanbean UU anb JE*ffl* W^t of^rcj«.m.^.an.C.anO Mt.pc cgpuuen of Jf enii,an.foino.jcW. j*r.^&crottnc*ofe&ojoba.ft\e.£.*.^fcc tonne* of ffiattica, an. C anWrnurt. %to tonne* of EcbccD.iiii.e.anb tteAfr fan nj*ot3fciwWtti.c.«.]c)rtrti. -ftbc tonne* of f bam.m»« ./She tonne* of % m tM. «iib.Jj(.^bcfonHC0of3Darrctigan.C.and Rue. Cttc totmc*of ^oteckt.e.s.rrrir. Jfefonnc* of 3coarbone 5 an.C.anbwn. yi;ir fonite* of fyanania* an.e.«.m. €be f am * of 3toni.rc. *cjjc tonne* of Jparfac iui .€.* .rjrti.-pc tonne* of ?abatu*.rco. JCbe tonne* of ^cpbolcmon att.C.s.mtf. y ic tonne* of j3cpopnj3i.iiu. iojc tonne* of 3>>ecattatu*att.C.attb.Mu. %ht tonne* of gucUwiui* an.e.anb.rrru.'£&c tonne* of €ummttmmWt^ t* calico alfo enoha= of eramo* arm eabca an. Canb.rri . Of them of aScffeion anb Ceap.lt* JSft&e m of imamM.€*.nii. m tbcmof fte* cbenobe * \. l\>. Of jS fonnesr of ippti*,tkrc toere an C.anb.M Of tbe tonne* of iabo= nu*.m.C.anb.Mi. Of the tonne* of &u cljcttt.m C anb.l^.Of tbcfonncjsof ^ua= Joitanb €lmton.ttt.C.anD.lw\)iii. Of the ConncjBt of enc1itf.u49.an.e4.rto. th tonne* of 3naa*.ui.e.anb.lrr. Itbcpjcftc^rje fonucjj of JAM ;€6e front* of eutftcr^befojiuc/of eilaftb * SftnBf P 3 * fon««of Cmecujj 3t,C. an^ln.5Jcfoimcieiofjfafumijj.itt.C.anD Mi. j:bc fonnetf of Carea.(t.C.anb.rttj«. 5 S^ 11 !!? ! *WtaW of 3efutfiti ICa, Jubcl,anD 26anuu,anD ^crcbia^tj ebcatf, fcuimtpeanbfoure. ' JWe ttoUplj: nob^e of tljcfc from . rii.vea, rctftoa0.m.^.tui:c.anb.lru.oftl)eron= ncj,baugbtcttf j tbfucjj, tbe toljolc ftiinme ytf.mi.mu.C.».jcKt.^|icroniitfofttte »8c*tDat p?apfeb ®mn tbe teple^bc % \)c fonnesf of M, tbe tonne* of Qtffifc tbe fpnnco-omowocfctberonnejibfcartai tbe ionncjj of jfeub, tbe tonne* of tt tbe tonne* of Cetba> tUc tonne* of Mali* t|cfonnc* of Canna, tbe tonne* of fS tbe tonne* of 3n,tbe tonne* of mabwi* tbctonne^ofCarcb^tbe tonne* of &a! t|etonne*ofatra, th tonne* offeafteii! tbe toime* of ^ftana 3 tbe tonne* Wane!' the tonne* of if anott, ^ tone* of MaSlon, t|efo.mc*oWceOa, tbe tonnes Tof S, the fonnc* of Carcb^e mncfi MavZl tbe tonne* oMbarca, tbe fonnc* of CocK, tbe tonne* of Baft 1 3 tbe tonne* of £S8£ m tonne* of afopjiot, f f one* of i&ba?j(t.^.iit.C.#.rrjrt)t.Offpn= jwngenienabfpttflpngcttoomentberetbcce $ttobttb?eb,^4j^j;^foueebab?eb:anb.rrrt) Camel*.^>e«en tijoufami^.rrrtji.fto^fc*. WW wmffl tDoufanbe anb.rM mule*. . |fpne^.anb,rrt).^u"e*. l €■.: %tew$mtfi alfo $ tbe riilet* in tyt uu MMm tljep came to leeutolcm,! xoolbe totoe anbfctt)pti)e teule of 00b agape inb^placejtljepgauecafteptbcieabplitpe, unto m temple 3 to t^e tteafurc? to tl;e tec nice of tbe $>anctuarp.r«. ^.pounbc*of BOlbe*fpue tboufaube of fvluccanb an jnm* b^cD Mfo& gaementc*. 3ub to btoclt ti)e ^efte*anb tbe lmvtc& $ tbe people tljat Jtocnt ontto3eeufalem,anD in the countre tlwe about,tbefpnget*a!to $ tDepo^tcr*, , eueey one of jftaellm I)t* atone lanbe. paM,$ * <&ott»i)cntbefeucntbiuonct!)came,anb tt)|icn the cppib^en of y/utifm cucrp m$ at |Ji* : bufpttc* s ti)epcameaUtb^tl) one con. Cent into the courtcftoUpebc ttag before tbe GaUMfc-ano tbereftobc3efua tl;c tonne ofaofebec anbbi* uptown tijeia.tcflreo, ao ^obabcltDc tonne of ^alatbiel ano i)p* i)?etl;?en,fettpng \jp an a«ltce,to offre b^et faccifpcc* tjpon it, a* It i*^ptCenmtbc laroeof^ore*. ^:bcrc came people alfo of ot|)cr coutree*, anb tjjc ^eatjjeii out of all mbe* to fct »p p aiilter inbi* place, anb offreb raceifpee* Sb b^ent of epnge* lonto tbe lojbc in tl;e moi= . i.pngc. 3tnb to tljep l;elbe tbe feaft cf tabee= KSf { S?*** * fl2! II * f ommaunbeb in m latoe^ mmmt. Znt) Ditpip offreb tljep a* acco^bpiige tiro*, anbtnaoe p faeeffpee* appopnteb,poffrpn= gesialto ottb^abbatbe** of tbenetbmo^ bn».«f.b ucsUnb all l)olpfcaftc*.*^nbaltOep tl)at t)o toeb otrcpngc* tmto tfje lo?be, beganne . ati:bcnetoemoneoftl)e.Wi.monet|)tooffce Unto monep J meate,^ tain* of be tbitD cheatfulneu"e.5llnto tbcin of Lofton alto anb %n* H)cpgaue carte*, tbat tbep fbulbe carp Ccb?c tree* fro JUbanu* to be topftc* f beame*4b tljat tbep tyuloe maUc ftpppc* in tbe bauenof 3oppe,acco^bpnge a* it tba* apnopnteb 9 ojbepneb bp Cpiu* ^pngeoftbej&eefian*. : $no in tbe feconbe pearc tijep came into ^ mmt ttnxnlt of (0ob at 3erufalcm ¥ 3n tbe fecoo monetb begSne ?o?obabel tjje tonne of ^a^ lathteUano Jefua tbe tonne of Jofebecano tbcirb?ct^cnt^^iieac*anbIeuite*,ano althep t|)at tberc come troto Jerufaie out of w capttuiteof 25abpl6,$ lapeb tbefoft= bacion of tl)c templcm tbenetb monc of the icconb monetb iti ft fecfib pcare i> tbeptoere tome im^mt^ 3mm, m$mm * tt vopnteb ^3Lcupte*cf tbete aboue.rr.peare olb;tmto p feruice of f iiozb: fo 3efuaa m tonne* anoltf* taeft&al tbe m&. looe togctber,f pcrfourmeb ihz la toe anb orbp= naunce in tbcftoufe of tbe \02be. 3Bnb the ^eftc* ftobe,$ jjao their garmf ne*of3lfapbhabCpmbal«,geupngetban^ *a*|>auiothcfepngeof3lrae lhabo?bep= *,.»« t bl b io?be,toa*aftet tpt*maner. *o fpucr ion= i? r * e 5 c ?-» to tbe twbcfo? be 1* gracious bSgoob^ Cfa ' MbaU toe bupibc AS pou alto."5fo? toelpaetoifcbauc bearb pour |Lo?bc,anb toe toalfte after tbcfamenianer, SSffSS 1 ^ • C BW«* tbe hpngc of 3tfiria,tomcl)b?ougbt\3*bptl)er.^ben3o 3 robabcll anb 3efua anb ^rulcr* of the M* i«gc* of 3fraell fapbe \jnto tbem. 3tt*not mete,toatpca)ulb buplb m temple of our J5obi« \)*.toc our felue* alone topllbuplbe i)nto tbe lo,*be,lpttc*a* Cpzu* the mpnge * UttbM of the prrfian* b«i tii comnmunbeb \j*. H6ut tbe feeatben in tl>t lanbe lapeb them felue*agapnittbofeftoerein3eton»,bclbe Dp f buplbmg from tije, lapeb toapte\jpon tbem p^eueJp 3 aoppcb fuel) a* biougbt anp flrpngcto tbem,fo,ibab mm to bnptbc,ano Jpnbcreb t^ofe tbat mabe tbe paffage , that trjc buplbpng (bulb not be f pniujebi Jo tni* contmuco fo longe a* Upngc Cpiu* ipucb: anb fo tbep put of tbe buplbpng f 02 the toa * ee of ttoo peare*,Untpl t0c rapgne of him iDOttttt*. c * C^Ue.t)<.e|)apter, m ttmvlt to«ljout let 0; ijpntFtMuitfc, bp the wmnratm&rmtntoHDWiiw* - «8« * #0* : I < VJ in " ..! \ ■ ii SI is .1" ; i ■ 4 f v : r !. J- ! i s jj in ■ I: f ! a Cljuwow :•* *3fr«f*fo I 1.6 t | $ttof tblratibpttgc lit $ fccabci pc= arc of f rapgnc ofBatitttf, * %* gcujK t jactytrp tijc fotme of aibbo ^ I=2a=i ^pjopbccpcbtopontbcmtn 3cto atub 3erurale",tntljcnamc of fix <15ob ofl well.*® &cn 50 tobabcl tlje fonUc of $aui a tljtel , aitb3cftta tijc fonne of 3iofctiec ftobc top,anbbcgaimc to bttplbc tlje Ijottfcof the loibc at 3criifalcm,toijc" tlje j&jopljct f d of tlje lotb Ijclpcb them. 3Ct tlje fame t pme ca* owO i&ijcnicf&toptlj tbe lattbclojbctf abljptf coropanpottMMb fapo *nto tljfrifliijo Ijatlj bpbbcnanb commaunbcbpouto buplbc tijc ijoufcto make tljc rofcanb nl otljcr tljtngcjS acjapnc Mito toljoarc tbe tooojeke titc",tijat buplb tljem r 0c ucrf ijelcffe tlje clUcrjS of rt;c 3ctoctf b«i o feci) grace of p lojbctljattljcp toolbcnotbclct ( tljouglj tljcp toerepjouos neb tljr rto)but bttplbcb on ftpl,tonto the tp ntc tljat kpngc Smrtutf toe re ccrtffpcb tliet= of >anb an anttocrc rrccanco from fypm/fcije letter that tljcfc men fent tonto kpngc S>a* riut&toatf after tljttf matter. g&pfr nnctf vlje tonbet $)ijjeuc fti fbpiiA $ pocttpecjs j anT) tijc lattoiojoca toptljtljepj companpon&toljtcb arc Ijcabrulcitf tn p- iria anopt)cttpi:e&fcnDcti)ctrfalntact5 ton= to Partus tljc fcpngc.fcflic ccrttfpe the lojbc the kpng,f»toc came into $ lanbe of Jctojp, aim toentto 3crufale" : tojjfte toefottnbctjje" buplbmg ttic great Ijottfc of <5ob $ tftc torn* ;plc,tottljgreatcoftclpfrcftoncanbtj5goob= Sp tpmbjcfo? £toallc$:pcctljepmake great Imttc tottl) tijc toojckc,$ Ijclpc one another, atiD it goetl) fojtlj p^ofperonflp in ti)etr viv> acjS,anot&ttl)greatOiipgcncc aim too^pp 33 isi ttmaOe.'CtKn aflteb Voe tl)C elOcrjS, ttot)0 Ipc'iD coinaunoclj them tomaUc t)p ttjcrjoufc anb tbe buplbtnge,ab tbtsi toe iDpb,to tl;e in- itentttjat toe mpgfct certifpc t|ie pcrfcctlp^ !to?pte \)ittotbc,tbcnamc}Softi)ofetI)at»)c= ire ti)e rulcrU of tl)c too^HC.^) otiepgaue M t fci#anrtoerc : toe are t!)e fctnatmtitf of tlje :llo?be,tol)tcl) mabe beaiten aniicart^ab ajs ♦iii.Kc.w.a i r o? tl)i}3iboufe*:tl)atl) bene buplDebaiibfct tip afoje tpmebp ttjc great frmpgfotieBpng of3fracl.2i5uttof)enonrfatl)tr!a!piiottoUcb eon \)ttto toiatb ,anb fptmco agapnfte tlte *mms Gob of 3fraeil,*l)c gawe tl;em oucr into t (je ? rilf «*• potoer of ^abucbobottofo? ftpngc of 26abt= lon,tDe ftpngc of tijc Calbccsf, tofcpc j) b?afte botone tlje Doufc ^ b^cnt it,* carpcb otoape tty people p?cfoncrj2(\jnto2i5abplon. *ifie» umljelc* tntbc fpjftpcare tljatftpngeCp^ rti'Srapgncbat H6abtlo,Cp?uja! ^rto^ote anb commaunbeb to buplbe top tl)p? ftoufe agapnc :anb al tlje o^namcntosi that j&abu-. c^obonofo^ carpcb atoape from 3cr«falcm t)ttto25abplon,anb app?op?iatcb tonto W atone temple : tljcfc b^ougl;t Cp?ms fo^tb agapnc^ bclpuereb tDcm to ?o^obabrt anb ytumtrMi ♦i.ero.b.c to S>almanafar t|te toer M»^>tMniU bpng them f t^cp KDttlbe typiwe tUofc fame oma ntetejs a gaptte to 3cr uitaie mtof ttple anb to begpnncfraf tpmefo?tD, tomiplbe tp temple agapw m #& attmc placemen ©almawafar lapeb f f oubaciB off torn* bonfeat 3crufalem>a"b etteefettce banc thep «r bttplbcb^pct^itnotenbeb. 3ttD t^erfoie * p upttge,pf tbou t|)tncUea tt goob,let it be f ougijt in tlje tpbtarpesi f roller of itpnge Cp^ujK:pf it be f oftbc tjtcn , rbat it i& bone x& the cotmccll * conf ent of Itpnge Cp^ujg, am pf ourc 1 o^be f kpngc be f o mpttbeb.let hpm ttm>tc tmto w tlicrof. *%W commauniscb ftpttg^ariitKJ, tofcUe tumm in tlje Ipbjarpesi^bfo'at egbatiamji itta iu *H Iptlc cptie in aX)ct)ta there toa$ foubc foche atwptpngc:3ntbcfirftpeareoftDcrapgne of Cpmjj^Dcfamc ftpngeCp^ cotnmau= beb t&at tl;e bonfe of tl)c lojbc at 3cmfalg ftttlb be buplbebagapttef anb obouresi to be mabe there conttninaup tonto f &ojb)toho=> re DepgtD ibalbe.r. cttbttcjs 5 anb tlje tyebetfc §u f coie cnbitc^iib f ourc fquarc tottl) tb tt fietocn ftonejs, toiti) a loft o? tpmtyc of toe fame couture , pec toitl) anetoioft, anbthe crpenfesltberof tobegcucn of tbcljoufeoe upngeCpmiOnl) tlje omam^tciej of golbe anb fplucctljat B abucbobonofoz toltc out oftDcboufcoftI)c;io^bcat3crHfalf,ujalbe vet agapne in tlje temple at 3er ufal^tobere tUeptocreafotc. ^pfctmes; alfo the tonber i&iteuc itt $>vm anb ^l)entcesl 3 tl)e #jtncetf anb tbeir compan)>on)S , 9 tlje ot&er tbat be Dcaberulerielm^pua^ptJcniccis^aUnot mcblc no? Ijatic anp tbig to bo totthp place. 3 Cp?tij3i Imuc commaunbeb alio, p rtcp © fljal buplbc ty boufe of p tojbe toijolc top fib Ijaue o^bepneb tjjem, to &elpc t^ofe t^jat become out of capi:iuptc:tpltjjeUoufeof t^e io^be befint(bcb:4b out oftfte trpbute anb tarmgtljattepca rip rapfebtop in ^>p?ia $ IBDenice^btltgentlp to geuc them a cectap= ne fumme to tpe offeringe of toe lo^brf t^c fame to be bclpuereb tonto ?o?obabeltljeof= fpccr,tbatI)etbcrtottbalmapeo2bepncojcf, rammc&lambc&anb co?ne,falt, topne anb oplcanb tirnt cottnuallp cucrp pcare: af tee , tbeerpenccs!*tol)tcDtbe ^ettejstbatbe at * Lm d 3crural? } u)etotobemabebaplp:tDpfliajaa ' be geucn tonto tljem toitbout belape, f tbcp mapc ofter facrtfpcesi baplp to f ijpett 0ob, f 0? tlje kpngc anb f 0? Dijs fccuatmte^anb to tyapc f op fym IpuejSXetitbe pjoclapmcb alfo on cuerpfibe,tbattobofoeuerb«aRetb 0? berppfetb tm cfimaunbemf t of t je king, fljalbc ^angcb topona galotosi (mabe^of $1$ atone goob) ftball rjtsi goobetf t&albe feafo* neb tonto $ king.'Cbe Co?b tUcrf oje(toUofe name m there calico tipon; rote out anb be= ttropc all tUe kpngejs ibpeople 5 t|)at tonocr-- take bp totoUce topinber § fame,o? tobeale Vttcumoti Up tot tD t|je houfc of tlje lojb at jjerufalem.j fyavw m ktnge Daue o?bep= »eb,tl)at t^cie tljpngejBf u)albe bone tottl) al Ortpgeticc. C&!je.tou.C!)aptet. • l^en^pfcnnesftfje tonberu)?ettcig{rt iCelofpua,anb #ljenice& anb tUe 0= . itfjcr lanbl02beiai topt jj t jefc conpa= nponMbepeb tftetoingc^ f kpngeSDartutf Dab o/bepnub , anb toere btlpgent in f ^olp toojcke&attb tocrc f elotoe tjelpersi tott j t&e olbe rttlcrsi of tlje3etocj0t.^nb 10 t6e too^cke oftDe^anctuarptocntefo^tjj anb pjofpe= tjcb,tohcjt 3iggeujs 3b jacljarp pjopljecpcb. 3nbt^cp petfourmeball tln'ngegtbo^oto^ comauubement of tbe Lo?be©obof 3frael, anb after tlje beupce of ^>artu0 anb 3rtarcrfc# kpngesi of ^Der fia. 25 3Cnb tljujl toatf o«r Ijoufe fpntdicb tonto f rriu.bape of tbe monctb 3iober,m tOe.tot. peareof kpngeDartujS.3Cnbtbc cbplbie of 3fracl tlje p;tcacj$ anb t|jc Icuitco 1 , anb tt>e otbcrtljat tocrc come out of captpuptcanb f ocbe a^toere iopneb tonto tbcm,bpb acco?= bpngc aji it ttf toutten tntbe'boke of «?of# 3nb in tlje bebtcacton of tlje temple: tnep of = freb an bub^eb orcn, ttoo buitb^cbrammcj!, f ourc bmtbjeb lambesl,$ ttocluc goatcg ,f 01 tlje fpnnetf of all f people of 3fracll, after p Cnom^eoftljetrpbeis?as aofctft tbe pfoplttoaffembleanucontetiw ffrtb.cr,ani»tbnimbrtb t^cin(bciatoc. a:b»ttfpetbe Uaaeof«»bnaacUalltttn,tDe fonne of ^abocfettJelonncof 3cbitobit^efonne of 3cmartaj5 3 tlje fonne of 3fcariag , the fonc of yoccu^thefone£3lbpCt^K nca^the fonne ol€lea?ar,tjjefontteof5a, L° ft n i^/ tt , we ? f f^ e *W toente top from 26abplon(fo? Ije Ijab goob tonberftan^ bpnge tn W latoe of ^ofeja, tbat toau geug of toe. lmm ^ob of 3frael ,to be tantgbt an honctnbebe.)3nbtUe kpngefauoureb ^m, °?? * p l% m B* tooj&VW anb lionourc after appsl befp^.'Eljerc tocnt top topth tyn alfocertapne of tbecbplbzf of Sfrael, of tljepjeftcjMf tlje leuite0,of tbe lmgcr0, po^ter^anbmtttparci8oftljctemplcat3e= rufalem. ■ Jn tlje feuf t|j peare of tUe rapgnc of kin-= ge ^rtarerfe^t t\)t fpuetb monctktba t it tn tbefeuettthpearc of tbe rapgnc, tbcp toet from 26abplon m tbe nctomoonc of tfje.to. monetae came tjjc Ijpe toape to 3erufalcm after m ' commaubemcnt,lpke aa the 3lo:D tot 1 p^ofpereb tUep? iournep. Jo? in ttjefe €ib?asgat great mftruccion,t|jat he OjuU be leaucnonc of tlje tljpngca beinnbctobicb are tn tbe latoe anb commaunbementes of 0ob.^nb lie taught tobole 3frael all righ: oufnea anb tubgement. 'Chen came ttic £>cccctarte0 of kpng %t-. tarcrfe^abbclpucrebtbcto?ptpngc6(tljat toere comefro artajcerfca tlje kpngc; to (£f= piatf f p?ettc trebcr of the latoe of p jtotbe: Jttb ttjpg to tlje coppe of t&c letter : liphgc Jrtarerfetf fenbetb W gretpngc tonto & tyas tbmtte anb rcber of the latoe of tbe lojbe.Of frenbftppeanbgoobtopn haue mbepneb anb cbargeb,pf t^ere be enp of tlje 3etoe&of tjje pjcttcsi * leuptegtn mp real- mctoDtcb befp ietb anb t»i com It to go toitb ^ tijc tonto 3crufalcm,^ ljc mapc bott. ^:hcr= ® . fo?c,pf enp be mpnbeb to bcare tijc copanp, let tljcmcontc togctlier,anbgo tottb ^'Ipkc aa 3 am content anb mp fcucn ixcnm , mp councclcro) to retort tbcp boat3ertifalc anb in 3cto2p^ kepe tDc tbj?ngejD! acco?Ding atf tljou Daft tn tlje latoe of t&c io?bc; ab to Jupngc tfjc gpfteis tonto C?ob tlje iojbcof 3irael,that3 ^mpfrenbefiijatte p^ompfeb to3crufalcm,$all tbefpluer ab golbe that tsltntDecountre of 25abplott,tonto the toin to 3ewtfalcm,tottD tijc t|jpng tUat iiEfgcuetf fO2tljepeopletntDelo?be0tcmpleat3eru 3 falem. gee, t&at tlje fame fplucr anb golbe mapcbegatbercb,ano ornt, ratntnctf 3 tbepe anb goatetf anb otljer tljat belottgc to thcTe tijpngcjal : anb t|jat tljcp tnape oflfcrfacrifp- ced tonto t|te 3lo?be,topou t|jc aultcr of tbctr loibctoiJic^ ^ at 3er ufalem. annb toljatfoeuer tDoti anbthpbjettocn topilbotoitjj tUefplue?fibBolbe,tDatboaf' ter tDp mpnbe, awojbpnfle to Jcfimauntoe» ment t- 'EMMjmSW I M * I fl •/ ; i J* I; :«' i i '!. . vi= 'I f I* ' I.- » . \ - !-! ".:t. \f\\ ; '•» * :* I; W ft 0: II .f ; mm., iff" 1. !i H ! hffl * .i r *l. mttif offljc iojb tl)i> d!>oti,^ tpkcfoifctot tb tbc bolp \»:CleI0 that arc gcuen tbcf o? tf fcr= npcc of the boufc of £ Hojb # 0ob:» other tbmge* toba trocucr «* nn» foj p to the nm eke of t|jc tcmpicthat Mm geueit tbc of £ kigc*trcafarc$ lokctobattboutitlw b* ctbjen topi! Uo toitl) tbc golbc in fpluer, tbatbo after tbcttopll of tfe HoiUcStiD J wpngc a*rf a rrrfcjtf banc comtnau bcb tbc he VrrjS of the f rcafure* ft! 8>p*ia aim |D|icttr= cctf,that tohatfocucr ®ftpgi ttjc piclrc aim rca&e* of tbc latoc of t be iojoc botb to*ptc, ittfialbcgcuc hpro: tpll an bunbicbtalctc* of fr liicr,it!)me.*3lnOtl)efcarcj5l)eaOcft (after their UpnrcOcio! $houfcj$of tl;cp^fa= therjS)tbatt))cnttjptt)itb me fromBabp= Ion , out of the Ktngbomc of 3Hrtarcrfcg: aDf thcfonnctfof1&l)arcftGcrfoniiii0f.€)f^fon-- nejs of S)temaritl),3tmcnu0. ©f tljefonncsj of "BmtoMw&tht fonnc of Cecilia. €Jf thcronncgof ^hareftjacbarp.^ tbitl) him tbercturncDagapnc anljuO?eo*fpfttc men. iDf the fonncief of the captainc of Won-. bploii,jaraci^tottbI)im.ii.C.a0.l.mg.iDe tt)efonncj3iof?achncft3cchomaiE(?ecl)olp,* arith hpm ttbo DuO?eO ano fpf tie men. M the fonneiBfof ^alamaaffiaft€»otfiolpe, so lrrtoithliim.€>ftl)efonne0ofjaj)bacia 3 ?a rmtf a?ihclp,ao topthftpinfoute fcoie. ©f tbeironnesf of 3ob,3bOw0 3ebeU 5 anD toitn bpmttoohuno?eoanottoelue men. C»fthc fonnejSof 26ania, ^alimoti) f foncji of 3o= rap!na 3 anD topti) jjpm an huntyeo ano ttoe fw#mb®fi> fonwjS of 20«r,?achari25c=; Of tbc fflnctf of €feao,3oi)anne^ teem mo tame men. cmciaftanfitbtt|)l)pm Irr.iuem ^UthctMallcDltOffctberbp the mm%mMmm pftchcO onrc tentctf tb?e oapctf.ano thi;re 3 muftereo them. - *2? f0 ^ ^ e fonncsi of tftep^cttejs $ J,eut: tcftafounocnonethcre.^Ufn fwtl mito ejea?cr>anpecceiom 3 ano ^afma,$ ^»a^ obam,ano Cnaathan, ao ^amca^ 3o?h bimatl;an,eunagan,?acbari, a)orolfamfi (thefettere tbe leaocrjs ano men oferperif- tmm 1 fent tbemtboiOe,tbattbcp fljnloe come^ntolLoiiOcufttbbicbttjasibptbepla^ cc of j*e treafurp^ commauheo them that fbcp (bulbe fpeane wtto 3toooeus< ao to to* b?ctb?cnanlito thofetbattbeteintbetrca^ furp,to fcttOe \# iocb mcn,asi mpgbterccu-. f e tbc p?cft c$ offpec in the boufe of the Ui* Oc our <5oo.ainOttiitbtbcmpgbtie habc of our IL o^oe d5oD 5 tbcp tyougjjt tmto ty men of goob crpericncc, from amongctbefonctf oWooUiiijtbc.fonnc of Hcm^bcfoimc of IftaeUgDcbebeiam anb tbc founc^ and bptf i)?ctb?c^ifbinf ^nin , of toboinc tberc toe= re.r\)iit.|from amoiigc t\ic cbpltycn of the fonneg! of eanancu&anb their fonnesJ toere rr .men.ainb of tbem tbnt fcrucb in the tern plctobomDauibljab o^bepneb^the pzin= cipal men that mintftrcb fo^tljc toojclic \)ii to tbc Jleupteis in tbc temple ttoo bunbrcb anb ttocntpc nmiy tubofc namcis arc all to= acneb\)p in tojptpnge. *^bencommaubcb3!afattpngcmttofbc „ „.,., poiigcmenbefo^tbcto?bc 3 tbat3mpgbt* u,et0 ' Al1 Wpjc of bpma p^ofpcrouiB! iournepanb a goob tomm tMf,peefo; tjft fo? ourc chpl= b^cnanbfo? tbc catell 3 becaufc of the lapcm iegaojapte,aub3burttnotrequp2eottbc ipngmen of bo$anbof fotcto couepe^ U tfelp agapnft our encmieftf at toe bab f am imts [tbcftpnge,tbat tbepotoer of m to^b toitb tbcp? fobole Dei* bMm theffo^e toe be-. f ougbt 0ob our iojbe eameftlp becaufe of ^Pl bcfoatfmcrcpfuUtmto \#, anb bearbe our pjaper.3inb3 feparateb fro amongc tbc tulcrtf of tbepcople,anb frfitbe geftesfof tbetemple. 0. m? anb ^Debeia $ ^famajanb ten men of tbep? bwtbzfttopto tbcm.3!nb 3 tocpeb them tbe golbe anb m fpluer anb all tbe p^eftlp omamcntesiof t|e boufe of our 0pb,tobcb tbenpng,anbbp^ cotmceu,anbbi0^?rnceftanbfebole3fracl baDgeuf.3inbtoben3babtbepel>it,1j ga« ue tbem an bimb?cb anb fpftp taietejsf mm= uer,anbanbub;ieb tmm of fptoert>eu*ell, an bu;m?eb tal^teiei of golbe,anUof golben tjeifeu fewen tvwt WentpwnD tefox* of Otbcrmetal(yee,ofgoobmeeat)ttdclucgl« ftcepngc ajj tbc golbe,anb fame Unto tbem: pe arc bolp \jnto tbe 3lo?be, anb tbe toeflcltf arcJholp 3 anl! t^t gold anb t^t fpluer i tf p^o- inpfeb tmto tbe to?be0obof oure fatbectf. 7&t bpUgentnoto anb kepe it^ntpU the tp ., mctbatpcbcliucrittotberulersioftbepeo plc,to tbe p^cfteft to tbe iHcuiteftanb to tbe p?incipall men of tbe cities of 3vrael m3c r.ufalcm,anb in tbe cbamb v ?e of tbcl;oufe of oure 0ob. ,t>.biK,t» * ^o.thc^elte^anbtbe tcuiteieftobicb rcccaueb of mctlje golbe , the fpluer anb tbe t)cfoll,tyougl)tit mto3ctuailc into fttm- pic of p Lo^be.3nbfrom tbc rpucr ofCliia , toebjachc \jp t\)c ttoelueth bapc of tbe ficft monctb.tpll Xoe came to^crulalc.ainottohe tbc tbp?bcbapc toaisi pait,tbcp tocpeb golo, anb filucr ton^ bclpncrcb in tbc boufc of tbe 3lojDc tbe fourtbbape 3 Unto - m of tbem,anb tl;e bolp febe i$ inietc toith tbe outlaubpuj iXittben, $ fcitf tbc begpn= npngc of their rapgne baue t^t rulers $ flea tmmm partctahcrxs of thepj topchcbnctre. »ttft* • aSR^SF 3 m hcnrt cthefc tbingesJ, m *-* m icoiatlp 3 icnte mpbolpgarmcntcW pullcb out tlje beareof mv beab? mpbeerb; aim fatmc botonc fo^ otof till aim bcup. ^>o ?il t J ,c X. t ^ a % rc ,nouco ti-Woto f l)c toozb 8, iTftmiS f Srtacll 3 camctoitome:$ 3fat ifilUtaiofbeupncirctoitPltbccucnpngfa= jri5»cc.'Cbcn aobc 3 *p froinfaftpngc,ba= upngretiteclotbc0$tbebolpgarmcnt,!mc= W^P mp Unectf ,bcmc outmp ba= £5252 1 * W*»q fapb: s0 lo?bc,3 am eonfpiibeo aim albameb before t\w face, f ot purfpimeitf arc become manp t)pon our bea. wtetOourtopcfeebneu"ejgiarcc ( raltebt)nto. * SoM • 1 tbc beauen:ft« fpnj^ tlje tpmeof our fatbertf toe arc m great fpnne tmto tlm bape. Sim f oi the fpnne* of M aim oure father*, toe ^ our tyttim anb tottb our pjeftc* V e btm ?ffS e S JPS* ""^oftbecartb,^ fpoplcjtoitb conf ufion anb Ojame \mtto tm bapc. ^nbnoto, © lo^be 0ob,boto grcate SteSSfe? toe 5m,e fiottcn of tberin I 8 ?£S at £ u $ m *tf our mpniftracpon. ^ife tberc in eaptiuptc, toe toeee notfozfau of m lop our 0ob:butbema= tabic ttnto tjft fo tbattbcpg«(uc SjJtoptai lc^anbmcate 3 pecanblcauctobuplbc%u6 tcmpleotour io v ibe0obagapne 3 to rcpap, ^SfHSS pU ? c ? **5fcw tobtoeilfn JWt a «?J«"^cm.1lnbttoto J €> 1020, tobat (ball toe fapc imupnge all tbefc thvn= gcampoOcftpon.'' 5fo2toebaucb2okeinhv & eommannocmentefttotticfi tbou crauctt to ■ to^bptbebabe^oftbp fiffi?5#pw: pbctc&fapingc^bc lanbc that n go toito aimtbati^gcucnpoufo^an heritage to ha* tic m WWtopSM bcfpicb tottb tbc Vmclcues anb fpltbpncp of tbc t)catbcn 3 $ tottb their SFSESP* ^PM polutcbit all 'At, tbcr.'Cbcrf 02c,Cball pe nottopnc pour bath gbtcr^nto tljep? fonnc* , ncr marp pourc I one* \jnto tbetr battgbter*. ^o2coticr , v^ fball ncucr rcUc to ma he peace toiti) thtnup pe mapc tncreafe^ rate m bett tntljc Uutb, anb tbat pe mapc ncuvnv tbc inhcritaficc of 9 J K& ^l t0 p0l ! rc W ^ f «* ««mno tc. ^*fo2tbctbpngtbatnoto bappencthmito \i* it eommetb all fo2 our topchcb toweftes aim great ftnne*.pct baft thou gcue \>s foch a rotc 3 p toe arc come agaprie into one atone lanbe 3 $ toe arc fo topchcb tbat toe banc b*o ken tbp ftatute* $ commauimetneteo agap-- ncanb mpnglcb ourc fcluctf toith tlic tow ii'^ uessoftbcotttlaimtmlKatben.iDiom.art tbou angrte toitb ^rtoplt tbou rote \>s clc^ anc out/that our rote aD name rcuwpnc it ■- mo^e.-'iD JL02b 0ob of 3ftacl tbou art true f02 our rote etmttrctbpet \3nt0 tbp* ptcf etc bapc.^nb bebolbcnoto arc toe bete the m our fmnc* 3 noto can toe not ftabc bef 02c the mtbem. * y knoto cbgcb tbc rpnnc^cppng 3 aim ipe ngc flatt\jpontbcgtotumcbefotetbetcplc,tl)e= re gatbercb ^nto bptn fro 3crulfale a great mtiltptubcofmcnaimtocmcn 3 ofpongmen anb mapbcn* 3 fo » * i 1 1 - ' -s \ * v ; * 1 rl :.i *i.i?r&?. bMaufetocbawmaticbOutlanbiqitoeinctt of r|>c ^eatljett. floto art f otter all 3ftar I. t^topurtoeareanotpcthevfojc Ditto tl>e lo?bc ,♦ tw tyall put awe all our topucs toljich toe ftfttie fallen of the tyeatlxit, ttoptft tlw cDpltyfc Ipfte a* it is appopnteb £ up on re f o>e elber*. £>tanbe Dp then, ope" tt) on tt>$ bcclare it plapnelp Ditto DMcrojtbpng to the latoc of the 3to?Uc f oi £ matter bclfc get b Dnto tlfcanbtoc topll Ijelpc tbc,qupte top Cclfc manlp . £>o <£fbias atofe,anb take an otfic of the rwlcrjar oftt>c pjcttc&ftb of the icuptcs, ano of 3fracU, to too after tDefe tbpngcSianb thcpftoare. CC^e.t,r.CDapter. C2fttr#ni;d*t>at>rrat>cti)c inter , tijepfopis put 4 toape tbep? tttaungc torue* : anti tx>cn rrrornrtt cucj - tp man met?ip Unto bpo atone btorllpngc. tycn^ftyas ftobe Dp from tlje court of the temple toithout,anb tocntc in _ to the chamber of 3onathaS the fon= nc of #afabus,anbrtmapncbtbere,ab bvb rate no meatc,no? pontic bjpnuc, fop tbe multitubc of the topcuebneS of the people. 3tnU there toasntabcapioclamactontn all 3rtojp aim at3etufale",fojallfocb atftoere gat bcrcb at 3crufale* out of capttuitc , tbat Vbhofocuer came not to3ctufalcmtoitnin tuio o? tp?c bapcS(accojbpnge to the ittbgc= mi?tohbcolbelOicbeSofpcouncel)hi0goi>= bcSf&ulbebc taken fro m]jpm,anb be ejcclu* beb from the congregation of the captiutte. 3mb in tb?e uapcjs tocre all thep of the ttpbc of 3uDa05cniamin gather eb together at 3c:rufalcm,tbe ttoStpetb bape of the ttpntH moi ietb .3nb the tobole multitubc fat trctn blpng in thecoutte oftfje temple,foj it toas tomtcr.&oefb?asarofcDp,anbfaibDnto the: pehauc boncDncightcouflp,inthatpe Jjattc taken outlanbtujetopttes to marfage ano fo to increafe the fpttnes of 3ftaei.3nb no toe Bnotolebgethcfamc,anb gcue mapfe Ditto the tojbe <£ob of our fathers, ab pcr= f ottrme intf topll,bcpartpngc from the ftfe ttjcnof tlje lanbe,anb from the outlanbpfhe 25 topucS-^bencrpeb the tobole multitubc t6 loube Dopce,anb fapfrlpae as thou haft fpo fee n,f o topll toe bo :butf o; fo moch as £ pco = pie are manp,anb tlje topnter here, toe map not tfanbe tottljou t tijc houfe : agapne,tbpS tomtit in no t a thpnge , tha t can be f inttbeb in a bape o? ttoo, f oj toe be manp tl)at (aue rp wncb in tbefe tDpngcji. UDjoepne t^erfo^e tbat t l)e rulers of tlje multptube anb tljep _£ bttocll toitO Dsi^nb as manp a* Itaue outlaw bpCbetbpueS^tDemeftejCtalfo anbiu&getf of euifrp place mape mnt in tlje tpme appopn- tcb,tpll tDep ftoagetl)eD)?atlJof t^e io^oe in itbpS uufpncjs. %t)tn 3onatIjaS tlje fonne of e jelp , anb €>>ias anb %Uc& receaueb f cjarge of ttjttf matter,5b 25o?o?amuS, mMWAfH* batbciiS beipetlitficm tfjertd.3fret tbijiau tltep ft obe Dp tpae torn come out of cap tp * tt(te.2Hib etbjas Me p^tcfte cDofe Dttto ftim tlje principal! men fromamSgetUe fatberis accoibpngio lljetr nameS,f in tUenetb mo= nc of ti)etent|)monctijtt)ep fattogetljerto ejtametDiS mattcr.^nbfotUematteirtoatf * a bctermpngcconcernpngtbemen tljatjbab * outlanbpft topueji! )Dntpl t be neto mone of tty fp^ft monetl).3lnb of f p^eftetf tfiat faao mprtctlje fclucjJtJuitU outlanbpajetopwejr, tbcrettoerefounbe.* ^DftftefonneUofaefu *wa.« toe fonnc of 3ofcbw anbbfe bjetb?en,^a a ?eaS J eieajar } 3o?ibttSf3oabeus,tbbpcDc offrcb tpfelttcs to put at&apetbeirtopucrf, anb to off re a ramme f ojttbep? ignoiannee. 3nbofti)eronncSofS)cmmcri,^aa'eas,f effefcatib 3celecD 3ajarias. m tjje fonnejj of jf ofcra,iimofias, Wntaen,iaatoanea, 3uffto,3ebb itjj 3 anb 'Calfas.anb of t jje 1* uptcs 3ofabintS,^!DemetS 3 anb Colni^Ca- Icta$,#actca&eolnafcanbei(ona0.£>f# fpngcrSoftlje^Danctuarp^liaribijacfta^ rus. Of t^c po^tcnat, SDallumu0a"b 'Colba* ncS %wq of 3frael , of tDe cljilbien of $ 010, Ofi,anb memias,anb ®tWa& anb#)cl= cbiaS^^icbelujBi^leajaru^Semmebiajaif 25annas.3nb tDe cljilb^of 3olama", C|ja= niaS 1 |acljari :i 3ci^eluS,3obbiuS,®rimetb anb mm#.m* off fonncs of 3at^oim,C= liabas,HiafamuS,anb jociiaft HarimotU, ^abbi^anb 'Cebcbias. Mb of tlje f onncs $> ofjebcs^oljanttcji^manias^abbiaftattb Cmmcus. 2Mb of j fones of ©annus, wtt* mus,^alncbus 5 j|cbbus,3afub3fabns>? 3crimotlt.^nb of p fonnes of atbbin,i&aa' tus 5 anb^ooCias : ,anbCaleus,abmaanas ^»aafuaS,^)atlMitljias 3 2i5crel,25annuS 3 « 4ft)anau"cs. 3inb of tlje fonnes of Batie, M oneS>3fe* as,^)elcbias^ameas,^tm6,25cniamtn ^alctjus ab ^arrasaubof t&e founts of gfon^Cariancu^^atbatljias, ©annus, eiipDalacl) J ^anau"es^emei.C>ftbefon J ncs of ©annnOcremp, ^oobiaS,3bia= maS,3obel, ©aneas, #eliaaS,3ona,#a= rtmotb,ababttS>?ecDeba,g>ebmt,3eCeuS, anb©aneas.mitDefeDabtabenoutl(lbt^ tbemen to mariage,? t^cp put tiem atbape ttttbtbepj cDpib?en.'CDepiteae)Btanbleu<» m tes,anb all tbep thattbere of 3fraell,btwlt at 3eruCaie anb r6o^otbout all t^e lanbcin the neto mo one of t De feuent^ monetb ' , anb toecbpimenof 3fi;aell Djereintt)eirbtx>el= Ipngetf.anb tbe tbiDole mult ttube tame to* ce tjer Dpon toe fl o ojc at tjje eaft fpbe off 5olp po?t of tjje t^ple.3nb tbep fpafteDnto eib^astheDpe p^rfteabreaber,tbetbolbe b?mge ttjelatbe of ^ore^tbDietJtbasgeug oftbc ( Bftfom of tj>e loj-bc o mom f (jpc^eft fought jHatbc Dntotoctbhole i multitubcto niaqt taoma,$ to all ^?elteS, KSfflfi that tijep might Ijcarct&e laxoe,* in jncb> l#cw mone of tJjc.Dii.monctl). Zno he rcb tn the flo;ie that i^ before f Jjolp po?tc of the tern* ple,from the mojnpng earlp Ditto the cue* npitg>befoje men anb meme. %no tfjcp ap* plpcb their mpnbe all Dnto the latoc. * ■ 2Hnb mom t ^?eft $ reabcr of the latoe •" ttobc Dp Du5 a pulpit of tooob, tbhich tbajs mabc tfjertoie: $ Dpa his rpght habc there ftobebp hf 4»athathias, g&amufcSJnani* aS,3?ariaS>ta M © jeebiarf: anb H5alfa » mtwf: dapoii hps lef tc hanb ftobc St albeus, ^(fael,a)alacljias,2lbufcas,5)abuS,|ia babias? ?acDarp.Cftf toftc ©(bias i)bolie before the tbhole multit«be,f o% he tbas the pipncCpall, ab hab in molt honour of them all.3nb tofjen he habrcb out thelatDe,thcp ItoDe all ftrapgljt Dpon their tctt. £do ef^ biasp^apfeti floio f mooftbpc ©oo , the , aimpffhtp ©ob of ^oftes . mo all f peo^ pleaitrtocrebr^mc:? helbc Dp their bilbeS, fell botbne aat Dpon f earth, I P^apfeb the lojb.2Inb3crus>fl5citeaS>&arcbtas,3ab btmus, 3cctibus, ^abbathcuS,CalitheS, J?aeias,3o?abits^naitias 5 ?3&Diliasthc ictti tcS Ipft their {SbeSDptbarbc^ botocb their faces to f grounbc,f pjapfeb f to ib: 'Chofe toere tljcp tbhpch taught p Iatoc of the to?b,f rcb the lat&c of the lo^b,in the o cpgrcgacpon : $ etterp man fct them before thatDnberftobcthelatbe.'Chffpaftc3Eth«t rates Ditto eOuaS the hpe ^rcft 9 rebcr,$ to tlietcuites Chat taught the multptube, UmtfWfi bape is holp Ditto theioibe 5 ifiSff f hat hab hearbc the lat&e,tbeptc m *ck. z?° ®"W %hc : *SDcparte pouretbapc Mcftw tljcn,f cate the belt, $ bj&tuc the ftbcteft,$ fenbe gpftcs Ditto them that haucnothtg: f ouhps bape i& bolp Dnto f loib,$ be not peiojpjftatfte i.o?betdpllkiitgpouto ho mmcMmn focittctbcp thctr toape cttcrp= cboucanb bvo cate anb btinftcf tocre me* rp, anb rent rctoarbes Ditto them that hab nothma: , that thep alfo mpght eate topth giabitcuc : m thep toere crccbinglp rciop= rcb,tho?oto tbetoo^bes that toere reb Dnto themtn the latoe:;Hnb fo tbcv toere allga= fhcreb together at 3crufalcm to holbctbc ?K.» JSWl to the coucnaunt of the. 3Lo^e0oboOlracl. 1 Sotiiij boofteofefbras. ., fll C€^4itthoue of araias,thcfonneof3j«i ,ww rtas,the fonnc of tyclcbia>$ j fonnc of £>allum , the Cone i of 5>aboc, f fonne ct 3chi= 4 tob,the fonnc of 3cbia, the fone of ^hineeS,p fonnc of $clp ^meriatf, tjjc fone of Cartas, f fonnc of ^araiotb, tl;c fonnc of ^arabias, tlje fonne of fil ji, p fonnc of H5occnS,pfonnc of 3tbtfu, p fonnc of iaijincajE{,the fonnc of bjouaht the out of the I3bc oi: egpptcfro the hou'fc otbobagc'iSutthcphauc piouoltcb me Dtt to tojatb, anb befppfeb mp tomato . pull thou out torn the hcavt-f of thp hcabct caft all cuell oucr them , foi thep bauc not bene obcbtcntDntontplatoc. 3tiSapeoplctoitboutIcrnpngc?nour= toure. f otolongc OiaU3 fozbeare tbem, Dnto topom3|jaue bonefo riiocbe goob/ *f ?8HJ VgpngejEf banc 3 beftropebfo: their **-.«*» faHcS:*iDharao tovthhPS feruattntes $ all yS3& btspotocr ijauc 3 fmpttcn botoic 5 ttapnt: l n }$L ti * 311 f nacpoS bauc 3 beftropeb % roteb out * ' um ' 9 before the, anb in the Caft ijmtc 3 bought ttoo lattbes $ people to naught,cucu %mi anb SDpboit, anb bauc flapnc all their cue- mven. ^bpcabctboutljcrforc Dnto them, fapingc.-'JbuSfapcththc JLo^b:*3 lebpou * m , m t thototo the fee,? hattc geug pott furc ftrctcs fence the beginpng.*! gattc pou #ofeS to tsto.m. b, be pottre captapttc,? 3aron to be tbe m eft: ;*3 gattc pottlpgpt i a ppler Of fp?e^ gvca- * m m g tetooubcrs bauc3boneamoitgepou:pct «j»n. m*. Mm pe f o.igottot mcliipeth the to^bc. 'ChtiS fapth the alinpgntp to^bctjj gattc pou qttaplcs to cate, $ tcntcs fo? pour fue * COUKC; r & .1. ■■•: r. ■■ *' * * UP' 1 7 ' . If ' 3F Mi- tt ■ ' ft 1 ' d 4 i: : > I 1 I * . i i" i • * \ 1 i i ,1 a ;l ! A* i I \»- I* 1 .1 ■::i 1 k i j - 1 l..s»c I '. ■ 1 ;i ! it •« 'i 1 P Ah i* ** g 1 I ■J. I ] r m : I 1 I'll \f '■'■ l* if!:-; i ■1' c ^IjMiPofee, t outc:#cncctbclc# pc tnucmuttb,anbafcvt bcbnot tbe totctou> of pottce rncmptftmto mp namc:pce,tb# Came Wipe Bo pc yet mm «ioucc.5fl*bcce are t|>c bnietV tctf,toat 3 \)a *mm» ttfMWWj pouWbcupctoctc bongepe tit Mc toploccnctf , * bpbpcnotcrpctmtomc: TOP Daft j> tyouj$t W into tpttf toplbce* wctf, to kpll W It bab bene better foj \)#, to banc fcrttcn MffPpcif &t$ tobpc I tbtf ttpbcmcw.'Cbcn bab 3 pptietjpon pottce iiuourupugcp\ anb ijatic pott ntana to catc: » *49.rt>r.t. *£cbpfcCatcangcfiSfOODC. * ("Stf hi PC toCCC ixwttA, tbPjftpe.bpb not 3 bctoe tbc baroftonc, fto ^ catifeb toatcr to flotoc tpttouer # oj £ beat ^ J fouceco ponttopffttbc leauetf of tbctrcctf .'id sooo plcafaftt f at lab gaw 3 pou ,3 caft ,„,,.. *wt t&c Cmtamtesi,tfte pbcrcwtejl $ nla ***** ipfttnc* ocf o?e pou.* W)at OiaU30o «to ire foj pou,favctb tljc lojoc' %W f«Pth # 3lmpo;5tpc lojDc:**2S!)£ pc tocre m t be vppUwr ne&in f tuatct of toe 3Jmo;iptcjf,bt|>ngc a t(jp?ft,gt blalbhanpn^ jjt mp name , 1 gone pou not ttyc f o w t vow blafpftemvefc but caft a tree tto ^toatcc^ maoc f rpner ftoctc.Wlibat Cpall j Do Ditto p, JiD/jacob/^bou 3«ba tbolDcft not obe= *h>k.7h h vt we.*3»pUtnwiemetoanotl)crptonle (f mta ti>ofe tbv 1 3 WW w? 'wine, | tl)ev lZfafb.9, teudA marc Ucpcmp ftatuu^cpHapc bnuefo> fatten me,3 topi fo^iafe pott alio. ttUb" bcfp^tme to bcgracpouiBUmto V0it,3lball banc no mcrcv t»po pott. * Z&W ft call \jp5 ine,3 vopl not bcarc pott. 5Fo^ ve bane bcrp Icb ponce banoctf ttottb blouoc,3b pottce fc= te are ftopf t to commpt manflaugbtec . £e bauc not fo^fabf mc(ma ntancc) but pottc atone Ccluc&fapctb t^t Ho?be. W ttyty f almpgbtpe lo^bc : batte3 not p?apco pou,atf a fatbec bpjj t&WM a notbec bee baugbteciai,$ ajx ano?(Tcbec pog babc&f pc tooioc be my people, 3b 3 (bulb * mat .mu be pottce (5ob : t pe tbolbe be mp cbplb^cn, d. $ 3(bulDcbepourcattoncfatbcrtf.''* 3 ga^ tbceeo pou togctber , a0 an bene gatbeteeb lietcbckaisitjnDeebecttopngciEi. uSut'notn fe tDbatiball3boDntopou/'3!(baUcaftpou * tfflftAkv cut f ro mvfaeef*(3llWf pe Ottcc lonto me,3 «««4** (ballturnc ntpfacefcompou iUtftmw limtpnc fcatt oape^poure netb mboncft $0 nt ttpes; ut pece^tbbofe blonbe 3 %l cequpzc I ponce banbe^favetb tje Co?ue. pouceciccnmcpfpfiief baue 3 fo^(an?3 fent trnto pou mp fecuafttcjj; ^?op{»eteitr, tbb5 pe bauc eaten $ flaprie > ano to^tiie tbepi bo lap we [%WtonMW*W li»be:pow ^3lbpUeaftpouotte fjijufemnttbebi , . r , % &\i tte topnbe|otb i jtcatoe: voute cbvlb^e 03'aiUtot befenftpmu^fw tbepbaue befpp^ feb mp cfimannoepmt,OT bone tbe tbpnge t \# cnell before me . gouce boufesi tbpU 3 *cfa wi^ wuetmtoapeoplef ttallcome^nb* tbep &tm.S F^necbecbcme,u)al(;beUttemnie:^t9ep \)nto tobom 3 wucc Cbetbcb ton^ » (ball bo tbc tbtge tbat 3 cSmaunbc tbf ^bep baue fate no $;opbetc&pet (ball tbcp call tbc tc .fpnnctf to ccmemb^annce > ano bnotblebjxe tp.3 cepo^tc me »nto tbe gcaccf 3 tbpll bo f o^ f people tbbpcb W come, ttoj)ove cp« - tyc" ectopic utglabne?: $ tbottgb epev baue no t fene me toptb bobelp epe0,pet tnfp^ete tbcp bclcue tbe tbwtgc $ 3 fapc.3lnb nbtbe b^otbec , bcbol^toyat gecate tbo^Cbpppe, ^ fc { pconlef cfimctb mi ©aft , Dn* ^,, to vm 3 wp» ff ^»e tbc DuUcbQ.* of 3lb;a* ffl bantj3Iaac aub lacob,of ©fte* 3lmo«,^ OT 4t)fcbca]Mf3oel > $bov>3ona0,&aum,$i> 3lbacuc,of^op$onp3ggeu^acbacp4ii 4))alacbi>tDbpeb ifi calico alfo an agcli(02 ; mcffengcc)oftbulojbe. CEbe.ttCbaptec' CUpiDjcn, a^tfljeiUplwajfCftUt!), ujJ fapitb tbe Xo?bCi3MougW 1 tb^pcopleoutof bonbage,3fiaue ■ . tymi mp commaunbemeteft bv mp fctttauntejS tbe tejtopbetea , tobpeb tbep tbolbe not bcate mt befpifeb mp counfcii ^Brbd motbet tjjat bate tpent , fapetb ^)nto A ;be#4 poucctoape pe rop)lb?cn , to? 3 aw atopbbotbc ^ foifaacn rjfbjongbtponup toptb gtabbcu*e,but toitb %otb anb $mv* w$ baue 3 loft ^ou:ffljpe baue finneb be? f oce tbe lo^be pintce $ob, $.bonc ^ tbmge tbat ijS euell beto?c bim J6ut t»bat ujall 3 notb boDntO poiit 't% amatopbbotb $ foj* fanenigo pottce toapc© mp ebilb^en, ano afbe meren of tbi^ lo^be. m foime, © fa= tbcc,3 calL^pe tbc fo^ a toptneue ouec tbe motbec of .ftjeft cpplDjcn,tbbtcb tooloe not ftepemp cottcnatint : tbat tboutypnge t\>l to conntfpon, ? tbetc motbec toafpoplc, tbat (bebeacc no mo euchf6alCotbpU3bo\jntoaU 'ceump people 5 tbat 3 Sftptusbome mmamMmi mom awwum^tttoJfcaeiAb^ mm alfa 4$ l!^^? fee, |ijeue Ml ■mm- * -VJ^^^JTO 3babp?epaccD lonbofcjbe tcci^flpfe&albelDnto tbf « Jtoete rmelUgc opntem6t:t(jcp ujall netbee labouce no^ be totm.t&o pe ponce tbape,$ pe u)a»l ceceaue it . ^ape foipowc fclucjat afct»ebapajS,ftl>epmapeb&eUt!>ecitt. % * f ■i WtbeftpW;mep^pacebfo>Pou,tbecfiwe toatcbe . Cane \ttmm *X0 ca ctp to toil new .IW 3 baue bwncn the cucll in pecesJ, $ crea* 500 a0a pplecfo^baw ebofen tbe, fapetb tbc torn* atnbtbofetbatbe ttno topll3capfc \>p agapne fcom tbep? nlacetf ,anb b^mgc tbem out^tbegcaucjEiJoObaue bnotone mp namefjfcaell.jfeaccnottbou motbec of p ebilb^en,foj 3 baue ebofen tbe, fapetb tbe %om. mom tbp bclpe3 ftall fenoe m nif fccunftte0 efap $ 3ecemp, af tec tobof e ronttccll3 baue fanctitpeb ano p?epareb fo^ tHettoilwtrcc0toitbbiuecfcfcute0,anbajS wmmm Up anb feuen mountapnc!B!,tobec Upon "tje= nianptoeiwrotopngctoitbmpln anbbo. MMAk Wffcotoecofejatanb lplpcs(,tobccm itopll fpumpcbilbitcntoftbiope. ®cecutctuftpte Sf w tbe topbbotocbe lubge f o? tbe fatbecletf mmm poo?e:bef cube tbe conf oneleffc; ocpetbenawb:bealetbe toounbeb gsfpcfe; laugbnot a lame man to fco,me: ocfebe tbc Crepcr,anb let tbc blpnoe come tto tbc ipgbt ofmp cleacne0:*tobccefoeucc tbou fpnbcft tbe beeb,tabc tbcm,anbbutpc. tbem , ano 3 ujallgeue f,fjvi$ place in mp refwrccctb. ttoioe ttpll( flDmp peopic^ano me tty eeft C »n?tbp qupetnejg u«come. jf eebc tW cbpl* w,® tbou goob no^ffcftablplbtbetcfttc: ll^fqt tbt ft'cuauntcsi tobom*! baue gcuen tDe, twee (ball not one of tbempett(&,foj3 topllfciK tpem from tbp nombje: loejee not dloj tol;en tbe ba pe of tcoublc anb bcup= 1M c5metb,otoec (ball toepe anb be fojoto* fiilUbuttbbuttjaltbe mecp anb plenteous. 1tbe beat^enfbalbcgelou0,but tljcp Ojalbe able tobo notbpngc agapnft the , faptb tbe %o$ot* fl?p banbetf iball couec t^e , f o tbat tbP cbplb^enjbal not fe tbefp^e eueclafttng bjpngetbejnoutof tbe eactb,«fbeto meci' jp wo mmjml am meccptuil.faptb tbe £oibe.almpgbtp. : ^mb?acetipcbo be anftoeceb , anbfapbe trnto iric : it no! tbe fonncofC5oii,tob5tljepbauc knotoieb= gcbin tbetoo^lDCCbcn begannc 1 gceatlp tocommenbetbem^batftooc fo (bfip fot tbenamc of f UMmWo tbeaugcll fav = belmto me: c5o tbp toapc,$ tellmp people, tobatmanec of tbpngetf^botogreatctoon^ betj* of tbc lo^be tbp <5ob 3 tbou baft fcttc. C^bciw-Cbaptee. C5n)etoonbftoafltoD?cUcoh)Jjic6 ©pd upb for (be W»* ttmtb. fttnae macucKtb t\)U ©oo fuf; tcetotbrssabplonpanotnbaucculcouccbps DtoDic. tobpeb pet «« cpnn«0 alfo. \B tbc mnvc peace of tbc fall of * tbecptte,3toaiJat26abplon,anb * lape tcoublco \jpon mp beb ab mp « «^ ^^"8^ tame tmoueemp pert: ' f oO fatoe tbc befolaepon oF&pon 3 anb tbc jilenteoujat toealtb of tbftbatbtoelt at T&h >plon.anb mp fpicte toast foje moueb , fo tbat 3 begajte to mm feacf ull too*bc* to 'tbcmpftbpeft,anbfapbe: €> lo^bcioibe, tbou fpawft M tbc begpnnpnge , tobf ftou wbb plantcoft. ,>f 1 1 .! -. I A ~\ t i * * i: I. : i - '- 1: ' LSi fls i I I lEbe,uu,bofct j ' . : f n f d pWrcbft the c&t tftedWfytt thp relfe alone) anb gnueft coiumaunbcmcn t Dn to the pco= pic , anb a bobp Dnto 3imm , frbicjj fru0 a mature oftbpbanbc&anb baft biethcb in |)pm t be bictb of Ipfe sano fo be IpitcQ befofc the, anb t&Ou lebbeft bpm into patabpfe , tobicbgarbm of plcafure thf rpgbt banbe tab planted, oicuce tbe card) Xdasr mane. anbDntohimtbougaucftcommaunbctnc't to louc tbp frape ,frbicb be teanfgre(feb,« (mmebpatlp tpou appointcbett bcatb in bf, anb in bl$gcncracpon0. ©f bpm came na* cpon0 , trpbejef , people ant HpnreDcjg out of *©rw.b/.b. nombie.*3nbeucrp people toalltcb after 25 tfyrie afrnefrilUnbopbnpce tbpngc0 befo* re tbe:? a* foitbp wmmawnbeinetcg, tbep bcirppfcbtbcm. ♦ 0cm.t«.» * jigut tn piocclTe of tpme tbou biougbtt tcit tbe fr atcr f loubf,Dp6 tbofetbat bfrclt in the froilb,anb bcftropeblftbem.3nb ip* Ueatf the bcatb fra0 in 3bam,fo tmtjtf f fra* tee f loube alfo i tbefe. ^euertbelcifc one of tbempleftettmamclpBoefrptbbPtfbou* qjolbc, of tbi)omc came all rpgbteou* men. 3lnt» it bappcucbtbatfrbe"tyep tbat bfrelt Upon the cartfcbcgannc to multpplpe,anb fcabgotte" manp cbplbjcn, aub frcrea great people, tbcp beganne to lie moie Dngooip tbim thermit #oto frben tbep 'all tpueb fo frpcbeblp ***.#*&. belfoje tbe,*thoubpbeftebotetbeaman fro" amongctbcmjfrbofenamefraa^biabam. ippm tbou loueDu\Sb 'onto bun onelp tbou (befrcblt tbp topll,anb maoeftaneuerla* flange coueuaunt tottb bpm , piompfpnge bpiiu,tbattboufrolbe&neuerfo*fatobi0Te ♦snfctrt.a be. *#nb Dnto bpm «jaueft3iaac,* Dnto mmtm.t iffaac alfo tbou gaue(f3acob flb $fau. 3tf fo>3acob tbou bpbeft cpofc bpm, am put *«5c.FFrita. baKicefau.*3mDfo3acobbecamea£reat multptube. - :$no it $appeneb tliat toljen fljou lebbeS *«»b rm.i»i.K t0cmt)p to t^emounte <&pon,botopngbo^ tone tl)el)eau^,fettpng fafttbeeaetb, mo= UT\m t&e grounbe,maipng tpc beptijetf to fyafc^anbtcoublpngctbetoojl&e^nbtbp glo^p toente tl)o?oto foure poitcsf of fp^e,* catt0quaaej{,anbtbpnbej(, anb eolbe : tftat tDon mpgt)teft gene tlic latoe isnto Jfebe of 3aicob>$bUtge"cetonto?generaci0oT3frael '4nbpettoftefttDounotaMpcfiiiDmtl)g tbplatocmpgt loubefpittli © (f '-,.!'»•' atopeneb beet,teanfgreOeb, corner f o be all tbep t bat are borne »f ijim. jwn».iirtu *^:|ju0ecmaptteb!»eaBneiB(tciit|) t^t latoe. i tbe berf e of the people, tf t^e topcnebneOe of t|je rote:fo tbatt^egoobbepaeteb atoape anbtlieeuellabobe ftplLfi&o t j)e tpwiejai paf . feb attiapcanb t?je peaeesi coere biouigbt to w» n , w^» «»* ^ u-^* y* wi »y» ^^ , ™ *f.wtwbu animDe.^^jjmbpbefttDourapietljetopa . me^nwmetSe bWto}'tfcMoe,ojcoilme appne feeuaunt calleb ftauib^ tb&om tboueom* matmttcbtt to buplbc a cpte t)nto topnamr* anb to offrc Vjpinwnfe anb Oicrpfpcc tmto $ tbcrin.'CljpjS ttasi bone noto manp pcateg. tW ft* m&abptwtf of t|je eptc foifonetbe anbinaUtlJpngejSbPbewenaiEi 3bamanb all Wtf genera cpon^bab timtfot tbepal* fobabattotcHebDeKte. r J^ttb fo tDot! ganeft tlip ejite oner into the babes of ftypne cncmpcj3.?tte trjcv of 2l5abp, ion tben better 5b m oze rigbteou» tben w. people,tDatt|jep qiall tDer% baue tbebo* mpnyonof^pomjfo^tolnnjeame tberc nnb fatxie tbepi tmgoblpnejj , anbfogreate tbpcRebneue^batltcoulbcnotbenombitb} pee,tbytmpfoule fatPe fo manp euel boerst (intbetDp^tpepeare)mp Uerte faplebme, fo;3fatoe,Dotbt|»ou fuftreft tljcm in focft tmgoblpnesi $ fpateft tbe toickeb nottft: bur tbpne atone people baft tb ou roteb out anb p^eferueb tUpne rnempejj ,? tDp^Uaft tjiou not (betoeb me. 3 cannot perccaue boto tbptf iJappenetft,. S)o tbep of ZSabplon etjen better, ttJcn t&ev of S>po.'' ©^ $ tl)ete anp ot^cr people , tbat bnotoetb tbe,faupngc tbe people of jmtU ^tol^atgeneracpon bato fo beleueb tbp couatatinte0, a0 Jacob ." 2lnb pett^epue* Sbarbe appcaretb not f Jb tliep? labour Uatfi no frute. jf o^ 3 baile gone &ere 9 tbere r&o* roto tbc^eatDen, «nb3 fe tbat tDep bericft anb toea l tDp>anb tipneUe not t>p5 tbp com* maunbumente0 . WtlepetUou tfterfo^e oure ttwfteoncffe n'oto in tbe balauce,anb tbeirrf alto tba;t.btoell in tbe toojtlbe ,anbfo (ball thy name beno totyre founbe but utlfrael. ^ toDere i0 ttiere t\ people Vpd eactje, tba t batl) not fpnneb before $.' $>p toljat people patb fo ftcptetbp eommabcmentc0 r&btm (baltfinbe,tbat jfvacl bp name batbbcpte tbp precept e&but not tje ot (ice people anb 3g«aty*cn. C^ljefourlD Chapter. . f CS\> t Sngea ttp jo ut tb tf roj»a,b* tMU %t fmtct to enter befo?e tbe; tobetof pftbjjjueattftbeclareme one,3topll Qjetue tbejffo tlie toape, tljattljou befp^eft to fe; ahb.l tyalltyeVoe t(e from to jence tbe tote* keb fierte commetb « 3lno 3 fapbe t %t\l ott mp io < ioe.'Cbcntapbe|)et)ntome: 00 etip •ttJBWfcJ «p],Hbcpemr p tt'epgDtofttJefp?e s oj 23 l3WMf.ft.t. "Ufa.flb.f jDbn.tH.c. mui ngapne tfcebape t!;at Wpalf. Qftinantto* reb )anb fapbe mbnt mi borne i0 able to iwfWtf teoutrcfttljou foci) of me t ^nb De fapbe ^ntome.-Jf 3 Ojuibc afnetUclJoro be pe bttclltgc0 arc In jS fee f ©| boto great flutter fp^ingc0 are tjpfi tbcf irmamit t peft,aub nofr out frarblp in tl;c cotrupte fro,ilbc,toDnbcrftiTbetbe co?mpci6tbat t0 cuibct in mp figl)t.'"Cljcnfitpb 3 Dnto i;pm: 3 tfrcre better tbat frctocrc not at alljtbcn tbatfrc QittlbclpueinfrpcUeone(re,f tofuf= feej not to Itnoto frbcrfoje . tyeanftocrcb me,? fapb:3 tocntctuatooob, $ * tbe tm$ tone foci) a benpce ab fapb:Comc let D0go, anbfpgbtagapnft tbefee,tl;atitmape bc^ pa r tc at» apt before D0 , anb tbat fre mapc make D0 pet mo?etoobbc0. 'SCbe f lo«be0 of tbe fee alfo in Ipnc matter tone thy0bcupcc,ab fapbe:Comc,let D0 go Dp,anb f pgbt agapnft tlje trce0 of tbe toobb tbatfremapcmaftc oure lanbc tbe topber. ^Clje tbougnt anb bcupec of tbe toobbc fra0 but Dapne anbnotbingc fro?tb,foj tbe fpje came anb confumcb tbe frobo^be tbougbt of tbe floubc0oftbc fee came Ipbc topic to naugbt alfo >f op tbe f abc ftobc Dp anb ft op- pebtbem. 3f tbou toccc iubge nofr betfrijetc tbefe tt»o,tobomfrolbeft tbou iuftifie, ojfrhom tt)Olbcft tbou conbemnc.' , 3 anffrerrb * raib: Jlerelp it i0 a folpai tbougbt tbattbcp both bauebcupfeb. St or tbegrouubc i0geuenDn< to tbe toobbc tl>e fee alfo batb bptf place to bcarc hljtf loubc0.'Cbett anftocrcb be me, ab fapbei'Cbou baft gcuen a rpgbt iubgcmait, fr bp iubgeft tbounottbp fclf ftUfrffty Ipne a« tjic grounb i0 geuen Dnto t\)t fr obb , anb tht fee to bl0f loube0:euen fo * tbcp £ bfrell Dpon cartb,map Dnberftabc notbrnge ,but tbatfrbicbi0Dponeartb:anbbetbatbfreU letb about tbe Ijeau^tnap onlp Dnberft^b tbetbpngc0^areabouetbebeauim0. / Cben anffrcreb3,anbfapb =3 befcebe $, £>o he anffrcreb me,? fapb : C?o tbp frape to a toomafrptb cbplb,anb afaeof fter frhe OiebatbfulfpUeb bernpnc monctbe0,pf bee cbilbebebmapc kepe $ bpztbauplogcr fritb in ber^benfapbe 3-iao tozb, tbat can (be not.3lnbbefapbcDntomc .mWi fectet place* of foule0 arc Ipkc the pzcup chamber of a fr oman. $oi lpkca0afromantbat »?bb ii trauap* 0.1 j via il it Ft! l-» * J.* I tf : *' i; i il l r li i: • f. i r. il I SKI 1 h ■ H CbuuiboKC 1 I i l trauaplertMiiakctbbafte^toljcntbc tpme $ wccffptcof tjpty»tf)i*at fymbe .euenfo bi&tb qjcbatte tobelpuct it tbat i* commpt* tin Dnto tier . loftc to^a t tbou befcr eft to ft, it (bajbc (bcttoeb tbe from w begpm ipngc, ■SCbcnanftoercb l,anb fapbc:3n| baue fo= irnbc f auottte in tpp fpgbt ., anb prit be pof = tyblc,anbpf3bemetc tftitfo?? ,#t»c me tuemtoty tpevt^ere bemoje to come tbeutf patt,ojmote paft t|jen ftfftr; to comc.lflibat # paft,3 ktu«oe:buttbbaiWfoj to come,3 tmotoenot. :3nb be fapbe Dnto me: Stance Dp Dpon t|Je rpgbt fpbc,anb 3 Qwli. eypounbe tt)c fp; roplitubeDnto tbe.&o3ttobc,anb bcbolb, antoboteburnpngeouentoc'tc mtei: bcfoic me=anb it bappeneb tbat tobentbe flamme «oa0 gone bp,tbe fmokc bab£ Dppc t babe. 3fter tbptf tbere tornt ouer before me a xoa^ tap t\wm# fentbotoncmocbtapnc \bptb aftojmesf tube" tbe fto?mp rajmctoag pad the bjoppci* remaptieb ftpli«ifc&cH Tapbc be l:tnro me:lpke ajs tbe tapnc ft ntojc tben tpe bjoppcftanbais tbe fp?e erce abetbtbc fmo= ft c , eucn fo tbe meafuec or tbe ttomgcgt tljat are paft,batb tbe Dppcrbanbe.'Cbcn tocntc tbe otoppeji anb tbe fmokeaboue: ab 3 p?a= pebabfapbe:&)ap3 Ipue (t&pnbeft tbou) imtpUtbattpme/a^tbbat ibal happen m tbofebapctfftyeanrtbcreo mc,ab fapbe: M f o? tbe token* tobeeoffafkeft me.Jmapc tell the of tbem in parte : but atf touebpnge tbp lpfe.1 mapnot i&etoe tbe,fo?3 am not frnttbettote. CCbe.D.Cbapter. CCft>;a« and tbe mtitt commcntog;Hjtr. . <£uertbcleu"e 5 aja! concernig the to* i ken* , tnarkc tbptf : 25cbolbe , tbe ^apejaqjallcome^battbep tbhtcij WbcllDpon cartbc, tbalbctaae in a great tfflw$ the trope of the truetft uja b bebpb,anbtbe lanoe (balbe barcn fromptb: *m*ma* but*iniqupte(ballbaue t|)e \)ppce!)anbe, IpfteajJtbou baft fenenoto, aba)3 tliouhaft "icatbc lonffe agoo.^nb t\)t labetbat tbou .eift notb to baue rule , (bait tbou qjo jtlp fe toafte.25utpf d^obsraute tbe to lpue,tnou ibalt fc after tbe tbp?b trompct , tbat# fun- ru; (ballfooap ibpne agapne in tbenpffbt,f tbe moone tbje tpmcjs ttbe bapcanb bloub Of all. b?oppe but of to obb,anb tbeftoncflba U UtmW t)opce,f tbe people (balbc \>nqupe=» tc:atnjeumbeibaUrule,&b8tbepbopenot tftat btbell ^pon eartb,anb tbe fouled ^all f Ipt,? tbe ^obomptpO) feeu)al caft outbid fii^anbmaaeanopreintbenpabt^tbbpcb manpCbalnotBnoxbe 5 buttl)epibalaUbea= tetbetoopcetberof. 'Cbcreflialbeaconfufponalfoinmanp plaee^ tbefwefbalbe oftfentaffapne^b tbetoplbebeaftesf^aUcfo tbep$toape,anb jwmttrnott^tbemenibaubearemontter^^ faltttoatcrji Dtjalbufounbe in the Ctbcte: one frenbe ibailfpgbt apt ft anotbeeithcn thai aliitoitt nu&\)nbcrft(1bpng behpb anb put afpbctnto fym Accrete pfacctf, anb Cbalbe fouffbtofmaup,aubpctnotbctounbe:tbeii tyautmrpgbtcoumctf anb looluptuoufnetf baiietbe tjppcrbanbcljponeaetbi £>ne lanb alfo iball af ae ani)tbcr,anbfape >. 3jS rpgh^ teoutegone tbojoto tbe^nb it ibal tape jao.3t tbe fame tpmeCball men bopc,but notbpng optapnc:tbep iball laboure , but tbcp^ttoapciQfibaUnotpzofpere. ' youjctoctbefocbctoBcnjObauc leue,$ pf tbou topft pMpe agapne,? toepe ajs noto anb faftfeuen mm » tpnfplt bcare pet greater tbingejS . %$m 3 atuakcb , anb a «* fearftilnctftbente tbo v iotoall mj? bobp 3 anb • mpjnpnbc t))a3fcbicanbcarefull ) fotbat3 aim oft foftmeb tbitball. S>o tbe augel tbat tbrt0 come to taint toitb me,bclbc me, com- foitco me,anb fct mc^ponmp fete. 3ii.b m the feonbe npgbt it bappcneb,tbat $)alatbicitbccaptapucof tbe people came Ditto mcfaping :Mibcrc bafttbotibene/'anb tbbP W tbP countc naimcc fo bwp.'ftnottocft tbou not,tbat 3ftacl is commptteb Ditto L in tbe laitoe of fjm captputtc' ^p then h eat^attDfo^fabeDsinotjasipQjcpberbctbat leauetb bP0 f locftcin tl)t banbejs of ttopefeeb toolucsi . ^ben fapbe 3 Ditto tym .- <5o m toapefro me,anb comenot npc me : anb tic bcarbctt,ab a?s 3 rapb.fotb^tc be bP0 toape fro me.3nb fo 3 fatten fctten bapc& mom* npngc anb toeppngc , Ipkcatf 5llricl t\)t an- gell commaunicD mc.anb after fcu5 nape* it bappeneb, tbat f tbougbte,^ of 'ntp berte ttjcreDcrpgreuouiSDntomcagapncabmp foulc reccattcb $ fpicte of Dnberltanbpnic, anb 3 beganc to talltc toitb f be mooft Incfl: agapne anb fapbe .•©io?bc,io^be,ofeuc= tp ttooob of t^t eaetb 5b of all tbe trecjs tjhe> rof,tboubaftcborm tbe one onclpDpnepae bc:« of alllanbeitfof tjje ttobolctoo^be tbou battcbolenoncppt:anb of all ftourcjw tbe grouube tbou bail cbofen tbe one lplpe:auo of all m beptbeitf of tbe fee tbou baft fplleb tbe one wmm olf all buplbe&cptpetf tbou baft bolotucb ^>ion Dnto tW felft: itb of all f fouleitf tbat arecieateb , tbou baft mmca tbe one notice of all tbe catell tbat are ma» betboubaftpioupDebtbeoncCbepcftamog all the multptubctf of f olckejet tbou baft got ten tbe one people „ «Dnto tty$ people tolto tbou loucbeft , tbou gattcfta latoe, tbat \* p^oncbofall. 3linbnotto 3 C> Eojbctobp baft tbou ge- nentbteone people ouer Ditto manp.'anb Dpon tbe one rote tbou baft pjepaeeb otber anb ttobp baft tbou fcatrcb tbp one onlp peo pleamongcmanp.'tobicbtccabetljcmboto- he,pee \»\f?t^ baue cuer tbitbttanbe thv P^o mpfe^anbneuer beleueb tW tomwimtw 3nb tbongft tbou tbereftenempeDntotbp M ttom people,pet(|HUbcfttboupunpCbtbemtbith C tbefeXbo^ej8#angclf eame tome ^ npgbt afoie,Djasbe.1t|fenfapbebeDnto me/CpOR art Fbje Deteb « troublebio? 3f-- raejipfte^ioueu^botttbatpeonle better tbenbpm %t mabe mt tno 3 mi > eo l,oibe,but of Deep jjeefe 9 compaupon bane 3rpoUen. mpm repneiatpapne me eueep boure, becattft 3 tootffe jaue ejeperieee of J ttapeop tbemoff bpeft M to feae out parte ofbpsTiubgement/. Shbbefapbe Dntome:^ f mwfb no't. nm Itapbe: toberfoie lot* bttiwt? tjnto tbafli borne tben!.'' ^tbbp m$ not mp motto cbplbebeb t(jen mp tcauev&obabjwit fenepmpfetpttrou* ile of 3acob,anb tbe t canapie of mp people ofjfcael .., •■•'. ^(ttbbcfapbDntoin ) e:jai3mb?etbctbrn^ gejstbatarenotpet come.: gatbet me toge* tbe^tljeb?oppexf } ta«(catrebabitobe:ma s Heme tbe flouts? grene agapne,? are toitbe* reopen me tbe tbpnge tbat i$ clofeb : ano D^pnge me f o^tb tbe fppnbe* , tbatare (but Dp: mttomtw pntage of aDopce,anb tben aaU3 beclare tbetbpnge»tbaf tbou la boawfttoHnotee.3:nb3fapbe: loibe, lo^be,tbbomapc nnotbe tbefe fbmgejj, but *te that batb not bpiei bfoellpnge tottbrneni: U toyme, 3 amDittopfe : bote map 3 tben fpeafte of tbefe tbpngcjs toberof tbou afaeft mtrftbtn fapbe be Dnto inc.- lib e a* f eanft bonone of tbefe tbpugca tbat 3 baue MM otaii W canfttbonnotfpnbeout mptnb= gcntetttiO^intbeenbetbe loue tbat 3 baue P^ompfebDnto.mp people.^nb 3fapb: I5e !jqlbe,iJ>Ilo,tbe,petart tbou npe Ditto tbem tbatjaueno enbe:anbttobatCballtbep bo,f bane^ent befojeme, oiDjetbatbenotb, 0* tbep tbat (fcall conte after yffim be fapbe Dnto me.-3 topli ipaen mpmmmm Dnto a rpnge . Hpne aatfe it ho (taeaheOe of $ lafeeu0fpij3i tberenq ftbpf tneffe of f fpjftf ^oIanf»eeebani&fapb:coulbe'tttbounot; mafce tDofe(tbatbauebericmabe,f benotto, anb tbat w. f j to come) in one , tbat t b on ntpgbteft jEbetWJ.t^p iubgement tjje foottet/ %%tn anCtoereb be me,anbfaPbe:^fje etea^ turcmapenotbafteaboue f maker, netbft' w mm tbe Xbo#bebolbe tbem at once, tbat i&aibircteateb. 4 .3nb3fapbe:^otbbafttboufapbetbcn Jntot i hpferuattttte,tbattboulpnpkgema* Rersbaft nwbe.tbe creature Ipnpng e at once $ the creature bare itfeu* to mpgbt it note alfo bcare tbem tbaf & »3*ient,atfice. Titto fceiaybe Dnto me: Metbe cMlbebebof a Xboman^fapeDntober :3ftbou b^phgeft fwtbcbpl^en^tbbpboefttbouitnottoge^ tbet,but one after anotber.^?apc bet tin*. f02e,to tepngefo^b ten cbtlo^enatonce. a»nb3fapbe:ibecannot,butmuftbo it one after anotbet. - 1 ty.fS?W e * m me: ®* m to baue ( gettga cbiioebeo Dnto tbe eartb. fo^ tbore', be fotocnDpa ttbp p^ocefleof tpme. jToi Iv* hew apongeebtlb mapenot^pngfo(tb? tbpngejtf tbat belonge to tbe agcbluf fo ha tt y5tbcnebtbeD)Ojtlbetobicb3mabe. -Sno 3 afaeb anb fapbe :&epng thou baft notogeuennteatoape,itbtllfpeake befoze tbe:f ot me nt otbet otlbbom tbou baft t& bcmc,tfpetponge,¬bq)eb28toetbnpe Dnto age. fee anntoerebme,anbfapbe:3fke a tooman tbat bearctb cbplbiten, 9 ibe (ball W .«)apeDntober:tbberfo^earenot t^tf tK c i? a i¥ ce r bef ^ e ^ tt<:leireo f&ture anbfbeibalanftbeeetbe^beptbat beboj tte tn 1 tbe pputb of ftregtfcare of one f af Qjpo anbtbep.tbatarebo^nemtbe tpme of age, (tbhenthecbplbebebfapletb^are otber top* fc-Confpbjenotb tbprelfcboto tbat pe are leaeofftature, then tbofe tbat toere before pou,anb fo are tbep tbat come after pott, lef fe tben pe:aitf tbe creatures tobicb notb bc= gpnne to be olb, 9 bauepaffeb ouer f ftregtft of poutb-^ben fapbe 3: itojbejl befecbe % pfajjauefoimbefanoucetntDpTpgbt,ibe= tt>etbpferttaunt,bptobomboefttpouDifet t^ creature.'' CCbe.Di.Cbaptet. CBt>t an»«i inttttirwb atttm, ant Btnctt) ipm wittoptc to t)pe qwOpomr, #b be fapbe Dnto me. 3ntbebegint ^ npnge mm ^grounoctt;aig maoe: # before tbe tbo?lbe ftobe, 0^ euec the i=i= 3 tbpnbe8ibletbj before it tboitb?eb anb lpgbtcneb,o? euet f founbaepois of pa= tabpfe toete lapeb , before the fap^e floured mere fene, op euer the moueablepotbersi toe- teffablpfibeb,befo?etbe innumerable mnh titifoe of angel jsttoeregatbereb together, oz euer tbe bP5bneu"e0 oftbeap^etbere ipfteo Vp,afo^efmeafure0oftbefirmamentikre itameb , 0? cuer p cbpmnepj* in £>pon toere Dote, So 0^ tbe piefente peered toere fougbt out, anb 0? euer the imtecpottf of tbem tbat notb fpnne,t»ete put afpbe, before thq^ toe? re fealeb tbat noto jatpcr faptb f 0* a trea* iur a ■ tben hfh 3 ibvpme anb potto ?e all tbc« fe tbpnge ft anb tbep all tbere mabe t toto me,anb tbojoto none otber: bp me alio tbep be enbeb, ano bp none otber. ^benanftoe^ reb 3 f fapb:topieb(b«Ube f partpng afun« bat of imwtt m t»benil»ibe tbe enbe of tbefpjft,! tbe begpnninge of it f folottoetb? #nbj)e fapb Dntomet^from amabam Dn* to 3(aae,tibben3aeob anb «fau vow bom a&bbitt. ofblpni 4 % I * i * ■ t* ' \' i \> t v - ■ !." r 1 *! J< iif i* trhc.ntt,bouc M *f I J 1; I s v : h .'i. 1? ill ! i i m m \ i i r ofbpm,3acobtf banbcbclbc Cwft tbe l>clc of eCau-.tot Cfau itf tt»c cube of tbp* tbojlo . anb 3acob is; tbc begyunpnge of it tbat fo* lmt6.wtMiK of man bcttbittc tbc bc= Ic anb tb:banbc.£>tbcr qweftpon(0fO?«jlj af lie tbou not. 3 anftbcrcb tbcn,$ fapb: © lo*b>Xo:b, pf 3 bane! onnbe fauoure in tbp fpgbt,3 bc= Cecb tbc, tbctbc tby feruaun t tjjc enbe of tbp tonchjS , \)s>Dcrof tbou tbctbbcft meparte tbc laftupgbt.&obcanObcrcb cpon of tbc cartb bclmbcrftabc. 3no ttobP' tbctbojbtbcroftrcmbletbanbqiiakctb/o* it ilinotdr tb,tbat it muft be cba unset) at tpe To enbe.3ttbitpppie»,fti)bObab beatbe it,3 ftobetjp bponmpfete,anbbccucncb:$ bcbolb,tbcrc tbatf a d opec tbat fjmlicanb $ founbe of ittbatflphc f founbe otmauy tba* tcif.Mnbitfapbe;26cbolbe,tbcbapc$Jcomc, tbat 3 tbillbcgpnnc to bjatbcnpcs toty* fee tbcm tbatbtbcll Dpon cartb.anb toil bc» gpunc to malic inqupficion of tbcm , tbljnt tbcp be tbat Dane buttcquptc tbitb tmtigl> tcoufncjMnbtbbcutbc lotbccftatc of g>po (balbc f ulfpllcfraitb tbljcn tbe tbojlbc, tbat (fytl mm attmycWbc oucrfealeb,tbe» to;pll3botberctokmjS. W boohctf ujalbc openeb befote t\ic fir '■■ mamct,aubtbcp ffcall fcall togctljcr , $tbc tbplbff of apereolbelbalCpeaRc tbitll tlicic toopcr jS:tl)e tbemen tbitb cjiylbc ft)all bung f o.itbtontpmelpcbUoje of tUe o* foutemo^ m rbetf olbcanbtbcp Owll lpue,anb bctap* feb t3p:?fobmlpiballtbcfotbcnplaccs( ap= peatc axJtbc Wotben,tbe full fto^e boufctf (ball fobcnlp be founbe emptpe,^ tbe tcom^ ffi?^ u 6ewe(:b,tbepajalbebaftelpafrapeb.*^t^ tpmeibaUfrenbej3!fp8btoueagapn[tano= tbev Ipbc cnempe^anb t|je earth ujall ftan* bemtearetbitbtban. ■- § tfijjmuM tbefbellcj* (ball fatto ftplUanb m t&e Dourer tbep u)all not tene. dfllboroener remapnetb from ail tbefe ibw seji tbat3 baue tolb tbcfbaii ercape, 5b fc m faiuacp on,anb tbe cube of pout tboUbe 2Hi;b tbe men tbat baue recehucb, ftalliett, tbeptbatbauenottaaebbeatbiftomtbepi bPitb.anb tbebettof tbe inbtbrtlcrtf ijalbc cbfluo;eb>f tueneb into anotbee nicanpnac: • encllQ)a!bc.ptttbut,anbbpfccatelbalbc J«pcpbn aalbeoueeeome^ trnetb,toDteD hatbbenefoloti8etbitftoutfrute,aialbc tie* xlawj.^nb it bappenebttoben bctalneb^ me 3 tDat3iofcebbem,«^li>^ponbpm,befo= ? i V * re tbbom3 ftobe^nbtbefcfoojbetf fapbe be \)nto mc:3 am come to Cbettoe tbe, tbe tpmc oftbenpgbtfoftocome. . 3ftuout»iltpjapepctmo^anb fattfc^ ttcnbapcjsagapne,;|u)altcUtbemo^tDm ge0,anb greater tpen befoie : fo^tlm tsopce itf benrb beforctbe 3l^peft:fo^ tDbp^mpab= tpebatbfene tbp rpghteoms btalvjutcbe ^ mtbrcne alfo tbv cbaftitcttobicb tbon baft c )ab cucrrcncctbppoutb:anb tberfo^e batb ])c fentmc to (beto tbe all tbefe tbpngejs , 5D to Tape Vintotbe : tk of cr.oobconfo?te,anb featcnot,anbbaftenottt)ltbf tpmcjJ tbat arc paft to tbpncftc toapnc tbpnffe^anb ma ft c not baft of tbc la tter tpmcj* . 2tnb it bapneneb after tbft< } tbat 3 t&epte agapne,anb taftcb feucn bapejs in Ipue ma* uec^ 3 mpabttulfipll f tb?e toeUcjJ : tbbicb be tolb me.Jn f cpjjbt npabttoajei mi^ bcrt •bercbtoitbtmc agapne,f 3 bcgSnc to fpea fee before 0l9peft,% mp fp^ctc a>aslgreat= lp fett on tp ?e,$ mp foule toatf f bpftvefle , ^ 3 fapb^JD lo^tpjufpancft \)nto tbp crea ituce f co tbe begpnnpng(eue" tbefp?ft bape) anbfapbeft.^letbcaucnf eartbbe mabc, * flW((l anb tbp ttoo^bc t»aj{ aperfecte t»o?cne. 3nb tben toasi tbcue tbe fp^cte, anb f barencttef- fesi tocre pet on cueitp fpbe,anb fplence: tbt* re toag! no manjl ^opce a* vet from Mfrn comma ubcbft 9 afap^elpgbtto comefojtb out of tbptrcafurc&tbattpp tbojen mpgjjt ^ippcarc anb be few. tlpontbcfcconbcbapctboumabcfttDe rp.ictc of tbcf irmamcut, anb comafibebft it to part a funbcr,anb to tnaUc a fleupfio be= tvoirtc tbe toaterie(,tba t tbc one part mpgbt remapne aboueumb tbc orbcr benctb. tlpo the tbpjbe bai?e tbou b^ougbteft to pattc , ^ tbc tx>atcrjaJ toecc g atbereb i tbefeugtb part off cattb:£>trcpaiete01;aft tbon bjipeb^p, anb liepte tbcm,tofbpntenttmenmpg!)t iatbe $ occuppe bnf htow tt>tti\i. %fi f o one ag tbp tbojbctbcntefOiftbjtbc too?cnetbaj3f mabe. jfoifmebpaelpebecetoajEf greate in* numerable rrnte,anbmanp bpuetfcplcafu= resi $ befp^cjS of tfptacpbnjf lourcsl of cbaun Kcable couloure anb fmclUubtb^tba^bo fie tbe tbp?bc bape. : 'o * 5ipon tbe.itii.'iDape f commaunbebft f * t3wf " tbe ^unneCmilD gene bisdbpnc^ t^t moo^ neberlpgbtJpftarreielbpbcfttboufctinoi^ b^e^nb gaueft tbcm a c&argetfobo ferupce tmm e uen^nto maiubat toajsf ouo be mabe. . , JJlppn ^fpft bape tbou fapbeft mito tbe fc n5tbpart(tbberct|ie * tbatersltoeregatljC: ^ . ., rcb) tbat tbcp OmUic b^pnge fo?tb btuerfc * aaM beanWonlctfanofpflbctf » 3nbfoit came to palfe , tbat t^t be mine tbater anb toitb= ofttfoulcbjongbtftiltblpupngcbcafte^at f commatmbem^t lit 0ob,t|)atall people mpffpt p^apfe tbptbonbcrou$ tbo?cnejoi. i:penbpbeftt!)oupjcrerttc«too fouled, tbe " one i^fCfiJ^ $M(L % ijne tbou calleblt^nocb anb tbc otbee le^ ttiatban^b DvM feparatc tbc one fro tbe .otbft.'fojtbc feuc't&parte(namclp } tbbere f ijjatcc tJoa^gatberebtogctbcr) mpgbt not itolbetbembotbe.ftnto&noebtbougaucft one parte , toblcb tuajs b/pcb Mo tbc tbpjbe oape,tbat be u)ulbc bttocll i tbc fame parte, tbbcrin are a tboufanb biUcsf.)iBnttjnto He matbS tbou gaueft tbc fcuentb par t>namc= lp tbemopft,anb baft nepte bpm to bew oure tobat tbou toplt,anb tbban.ttlpon tbc I'irte bapetbou gaueft commaunbeme"ttmto t^z ear tb,tbatbcfoiie tbe,it ujulbc b jpn& f o?tb bcaftesf,catcU,anb all tbat crepe,anb(bcfp= bcjS tbt0)3ibaalfo,tDbo tboumabeft lo^be of all tbP creature^ Of bpmcome tbc all,* tbcpeoplealfo,tbbomtbou baft ebofen fpe^ cfollp \)nto tbp fclfe. 3lltl;ptf baue 3 fapbe notb ^ fponcnbefoje ^,tbat3 mpgbtujctoe botb tbat tbe tbojlbe fe mabc f o^ oure fa rc£ 3^(fo,ubcotbcr people \bljicb alfo come of 30a" tbou baft fapb tbat tbcp arc notbpng, but be Ipfce a fpctle,^ baft Ipclieneb^ abou^ bauce of tbcm \jntoab^oppe(tbattallctb) fromtberofcoftbeboufe. 3tnb notb, $> io^be, tlic fycatben tbbpclj auc cucr bene reputcbajf notbpnge , bauc egone to be lojbctf oucr \)tf ,anb to beuoure loS:buttoe tbp people(tbbom tbou baft caU febtbefp^ft bo?nc,tbp only begotten,? tbp fewcntloutr) aregcuen into Aw IjanbciS anb potocr .f>f tbc tbo^lbc notb be mabe f oi our faUctf,tbbp baue tbe not tbe inberitaun-. ccmpoftcirtou tbttb tbctbojlbc.'^otb longe CbaUtbP^cnburc.'' C'CDt-'tow-Cbaptcr. C*^f S'W 1 tycatttt atom maiip ttynets to com. jFfcb it bappencb after tbatjbab fuo ncn ottttbefc tbojbe&tbcte tbajsfcnt tjnto me an 3lngcl l , tbbicb bab bene bp mc alfo tbc nigbtcsiafo^c, anb be faibbu tome:5Up fcb 5 anb benpeb l;psi pjompfcjfrmhptfftani: texJ? o^bpnauccjs bauc tbcp not bene faptb* full anb ftebfaft,anb baucnot perfourmeb DpjStbo^cftcsf. 3nbtbcrfo;{c(£fbjaiEl:t)nto tbc full, plcir tp:anbtotbc cmptpc^cmptpncffc. iScbolbc tbc tpmc (ball comctbat tbefctone"** tbbicb 3 baue tolbe tbe,fball come to paftc, ab tbe bjpbe fbal appcarcanb tbc car rb tbat notb paffetb atbapcmalbe fyctbcb.- aubtbbofoc* ' tier isjbclpucrcbfro tbc fo ( tfapbccucl&ujall femp tboubcrjl. jf oj mp fonnc 3cfujS italbc opcnlpbcclarcb,tbitb tbofc tbatbctbitbbf : a tbcp tbat ccmapnciball" be merp in f oure tymbjebpearetf. after tberc fame pearctflball mp f onue C^pft h^e , ? all men tbat baue lpfc,anb$ tboubcUjalbetumebintotbeolbefplgcefe' ucn oape&lpfte as( in tbe fo^eiubgementexf, fo f no mauiball remapne. 3nb after kmn ^bbnii bapejx, a.t-.if.-. (M in fifiri it Ml J •I ; 'i ' f :t II 14 .•, "3!. if r-*i i ■ * ■ i l! \ B a r i fir -i u. ■I i j i h €fce,titM»frr qjall^be openly DcclarcD \)uou f fcat<: of mu, mm 5c mc,onb fapbfc'Cbpjtf H M gcmftanballmpl 9 long " " Jfitatti a* ftucte Qrallfolottoe,9 m rettoarbe mi be ibettocbtfbc rpsbtcoufnc* (ball toatcb > s wcffctfttaabcatfitiomic- cbfpjttt tbatffnncb ftmtaAtt he r tbat co* mcafterbrtnfoOfrael,mftpmcof3BcbajS *u.tf.w(m a«D Samuel: anb * JDauio foi the tocftruc= *anctuarp,*anb ijclpatf foj tbofc * "** fcccaucbrapne^ozfbceb,tbatbcmrabt- Imsm ©jecbia* foz tUe people to ti;e K. me of ©emtacberpb.anb bfuctfc other I lv* tommBMtit bauc wapcb f oj mam eucn ro notb,fcpng tbe cojrupte iggrotto* nc top,sttopcftcbne0mcrca&b,anb tbcrpgb> tcottf bauep *apjb foi tbe tngooip,xobc?fo reqwllttnotbcfouottoalfo.' fee anfttocreb me,anb fapb^bptf P 'cfent tooJloi0nottbecnbe,tbmcemainctbmocft Jonour c m it,tbcrfo^ baue tfjcp pzapcb foi tbettorate.tfutti)e bapc of oome Cbalbe the fn^eoftbpistpmcanbtbcbcgpnnmcroftnc immoiraltte to? to come,ttoi)erinali com* cpon toanpqjcD>a!l tooliiptcaurttc* i* loafed all mpfbclcuetaam atoapc , tpgbteoufncg flrottone, anb t^e toerptc fpjonerc top . 'Cbni frail no man beable to fauc bpm that fflc* ttrapcfcntttoopjeCTe bpm^hatb gotten* tHctojp.3 anftoercb tbcn,anbfapo?Ch^ & mpftrtt anb laft tM&$ it bab bene better, imttfl ibauegcuen tbe cartne mm 3ba i ol ffmp « toajsgeum bpm, to keue bpm $ bcWbnotfpnne.^tobatp^ofthlitfo? mranotto m tbp* p^cfent tpiiic to ipue m be* wm*& afteroeatbto lo&efo^unptbmet. #te*3te**%*S W tow? 3$ tobamofitisttttjiito^,pftbercbepiomp SSSSH^ toojekctfattb tbattbete tt j^mifeowaneumattpngbopWcteaS g» to™*™ wel t \)apnc*anb7tberc are KfSfflMf WPtWlrtt iet?iibe be be oucrcomc, be (bauftlfre aj< tboi ba ft fopbe.^tttpfbcflctttbe\)(ctojp,be^aUre ccaitc tbe tbjmgc tba 1 3 fapc. 'MffiM tbatjJ mapeft lpue„iaeticrtbeletf,tbep bcte= Tn teftK^fef ' #"* tow. s &%* ttlDc "jyW »nto tbcm to *U C P^ beftrua pon,l[pftc atf tope Wfoi to co^ me oner tbofetbat baucfuffreb tbemftlttetf ' tobcaifoiirmebinfaluacpon. \.-} . tbat tbe l{)peft i* m crcpf ulf, in tbat be Mth "'^{^Pojjbem^tobpeb^renotpetihlbfe 82te25JP! mk alfo that klcfte jti I ^ tf iattoc:anb Mt* beitf patient anb log* *„ aj i£SSBSf 9 99 jmt ^i Ube/airto . of great mcrep^be inuUpplicbbpi lonf= SS^ES^nSffi «» t * mabc ipupnge, SsSSSEB 8 ? 01 of %* **otow*, tbat l* 1 ^ ^Pebb«ueboitiecaell,mpgbt be caftb tefeaS!^^ ten tbonfanbe 22?l f ?&S ff ^5 a «c "ottbofe tbat be bealeotfi bPtftoOjibe^ pf be tdolbbeftrbpe tf ' rptcttjc leftmaiunnHinerable multptube. CCbe.W«.Cbapter. * < attnemcrcpctljniontljgftiineeor^cpcopic. $*#£?ttf9ttMi mcfapinge. ^bc ' moit »peftmabetbp* too?lbe foi manp,bnttbettoo?lbeto eomc foi la S«S 6£SBs ffiSSSS :fe!toelbaUbe welwiwl>,.* ,0,ff ** re as a>eba«e toalclteb mtfie mnfr t^iS J 1 wir 9 toe wo?c«e ortupsi too^lD. *^j ■foibttitot* ■* * #f€0)^ Vltbet5iiHbjJnj,fo^lJOii art argrceb to bcr » ftenaitb togeuc eare, anb^pllpngc to pxoi mt^mtm baftwo Ifigcrfpacegenen #, petirtonoftbpcrcature; Jf p^tbMeJ Ipne ,1 topll fpcabe,anb to 14 t w otteip to wiie, © lott>,toft tbou not gc netto.fetnautleawe,t!wttj(>cmapewapcbe ,te^e,anbtbattboumapeftgeueftbet)n^ to cure berte, 9 buplbe oure mtberftabpng. Mtfmmm com fr nte of it: $ tbat cne* rp 0rtettob(c|)i8i cojtrupte, attD bcaretbl fta= teanbplaee; of a man,mape \nt< #o>|bouartalone,$ tbeallareonetbo^ Mmmu of tbp Wbe&lpKC as tbou baft fapb,onblpheaja!tbebobp(s(fa(bfonebnotto tn tbe motbersi to6bc , 9 tbou geucft tbe mf« fyr&anb tbp creature « prcferueb m fyitSo "itcrif.ijc.monctbesJbotbtbptoo^efttffrc . c ;rteature 3 tobicb Mwhmttt in her : but tpc tbtng tbat meterueb, anb it tbat i# pzz-- pmml botp be ftcptc togctber:anb htf to me tt , tbe toombe belpucretb tht tbpnge tbat va feepteanbgrotonc in bcr. #oj tbou baft commaunbeb ^bjcftctf to ttCWmprcB tjnto tbe f rufe , tbat tbe tbpnge tobfcjte cteatebanbfalTioncb ,mapebcno* riibebfo^a tpme: anb tbtntbou bpfpofeft 9 omttt tpnp tbrti tbat tbou be* ftr opebft bf , ttobicb ttottb fo great labour itf creaiteb anb faujponeb tbo^ottot tbp com * maunbemfMbott coulbeft ipgbtlp oibcpne, . alfo,tbat tbe tbingc ttobicb k mabe, mpgbt 25 : %btbOT(peaBetiottoofaUmcninge= ^nmUlrasfffenoitoeft: but of tbp people -.foz tbb«felaRe3amro.ip.anooftbpinbcritaih ce:fo?ttobofecaure 3 mourue.ano oofrael, &?^JW"4amitoofuU: anbfoOacob,fo? mm late 3 am greueb, tberfo^c begpune iwmn before tbe , f 0? mv Celfe 9 m W> S 3 ie the fall of to^,euen of tost, tbat btbell tooon eartb.2i5ut 3 baue bcrbe tbentopftnetf of tbe tubgcttobf cb i# to come: tberfojc bca» rcniip tiopce, anb tonberftanbemp ttoozbetf, rniba ibail fpcafee before t^e. ^fw.i* tbe begpnninge of tbe ttoo?bci« oe efDja&bef o?c bettoaji rcccaueb : sD =Lo2bc, tlioutbatbttoellcK in cuerlaltmpeffcttobo^ te epetf are Ipf t tow I tbe ap&tebofe ft oole its ecceabing bpevttobofe glo?p 9 maieftp mape notbeeomp?ebenbeb, before tobom tbe ii>o a ffeti of beauen ftaitbe ttottb ttcmblpng,ttofto^ ft tepinge i$ turneb in ttopnbt 9 tnc> tMofc too?bc if true, ttobofe talcUpngc tjs ftebfaft, ttobpfe coinrttaunbement itf ftronge , ttobofe oibmaunce 19! featf ull,ttobo(elohe o?ictb top tbebcptbcie(,ttobore tto^atbmatetb tbe motfc tap.ne18.tb melt ittoape,anbttobofe truetb btaretbttottnesfi c» mmwpwm of tbp^ wwm j m mmw ttoitb tww cum w longeajBjbttuetonDerftanbpng^ttjpllan^ fttoetc; sDlote.tiot topont|ie m of tbp people, itobpcbrcrucmtbe truetb . ^aueno reltoecte tottto m toitktD {tumti of tbe ftea tben,but to tbe befire of tbofc tbatkenetbP tcftpmonpesittoptbfo^ottoesf. 'Cbpnckcnot tope tbofe tbat bauettoalbeb fapneblp befo* retbebuttopon tbem,ttobtc5 ttoitb tout baue fenotoncthpfeare. ^ let it not be tbp ttopll tobcfrtopetl;cm, ttobtcb baue bab bcaftlp matter febut to loue tops tbf tbat baue clearlp tattgbt tbp'iattor. 'Cate tbou no inbignaciS at tbe*, tonicb arc ttoozfc tljen beattcs .• but louetbem, tbat alt t»apeputtbep?truftintbprpgbtfoufnco:f gloip : f 0^ ttoe 9 oure fatberjS baue all tbe fa = me fpcbncgf anb bpfcafebut becaufe of oure fpnne^ tbou ibalt be cttlleb mercpf all . jfo* pf tbou baft mercptopontoM&alt be calleb mercpfull , itobcre ajstue bauc no ttoo?cbetf of rpgbteoui:nc0 : top f rpgbtcotttf ttobpcb Iwuelapeb topmanpgoob ttoo^cUc$J togctber,fbal out of tl)cp? bebejs rcceauc re -- ttoamc. $oi ttopat tjaf ma, tbat tbou QjulDcft € taftcWlpleafurcatbtmi'iD^ltobattiEfthccoA ruptiblcmonall generacio, tbat thotiinl -- Deft be fo rougb totoat be tym: 1 . *5fp?ofatrutbetbcre«(nomanam6g;c 4fli ,., Jbcm tbat be borne, but be barb Dealt ttopc= Sff beblp: anb amoge t\^t faptbfull tUcrc i^r no . ncttobicbbatbnotDotie ampfic. tf 02 iu thvsi ( sP ioii»tbp tpgbteoufncsi anb tbp 2000= ticjs Qmlbe p^apfco anb bcclareb , pf tbou be merepfUll tonto tbem,ttobtcbarcnot rpcb in goobttoo^cfteief. fCbcnanfttoerebbcmeanbfapbc : S&ome tbpngejsbaft tbou rpoaf a rpght, mfracm bmg tonto tbp tbozbcjsit (ball be. jf o,i 3 toil not toetelp confpb?e tbcttoojcltcsi of tbem, Itobtcb baue fpmteb before bcatb , befcue tbe iiubgemcnt,bcf02e bcftruccion,but * 3 ttopU *tsmua(u rctopfc ouer tbe ttoo2cue anb tbought of tbe • tygbtcou*. 3 ttoill tcme"b2e alfotbe pplgrc= mage , mm makpnge ano t))c rci»arbc. %WM 3 baue fuoben notto,fo qjal it cotnc topafTe.^o^ajaitbe bufbanoe man fotuctb mocbc febc topon t))t groabe , anb planteth manp trce)S,anb vet atttMipe tbe tbutge tbat itffottonc oi planteoi^ not all ftcptc wfene- tber both it all taftc rote: eugfoijitt -ftbe tbat are fottone intbe ttoo ( UDc, tbcp (ball not ollbcpiefcrueb. m 3 anfttocrcb tbett anb fapbe : 3f 3 banc founbcgracc,tbe"lctmcfpcaftc. Itbc as tbe bufbattbc man$febcperi.u;ctb,pf it rcccaue not rapne in buc teafon , ot yt tberc come to woc.bwtu>top5tt:^ueMfoperp(b'etbmati aift>,ttobtcb(# creatcotbitb tbpbanbetf, anb («( ipbc tonto tbpne atone pmage attb to tW l wjt oj t»|)ofe fate tljow baft utabc all tbm - tH ■* , i i***|f- i I f f i i • I 'I : t ftti m r If' !: T- 1 ifc ^ i* . t r - -, b ' .1' ili i k 1 •.. * r B» .il- ■' Si ■ i 'fill flu II ;■' i I !! ; !l!v, IChe ;Y I* •r - ficjS ,anb Tyumen bpm Unto tbe ftufbanbc mniiss fcbe . JUScnottojotbatUtf, flD tojbe,- liut f pare tljp people, ant ba tie mere? Upon tbpne atone inbcrptauncc : © be mctcpTull .Unto tbp creature. *> ^benanftocrcbbcme^fapbe.'fcbpngctf wefent are f op t|je wefcnt,ano ttyitgctf to co mcfojfocbatfbc to come. tfojtboulatbcft ret mocb , fcptige J) mapeft lotie mp cream* waboneme ; 3 baue oft tpmeg btatonenpe Unto tbc,but iieucr to tbe Unrpgoteoutf Jn W# alfo tbouart maracloug ocfojc f bpeft roK:foO)altt!)onV)nberffaitbMl)at)ft^tIjc Ucrpfamc tpmc * toberin tbeMttfomir - gjmnc to Upftt tDc tooiUbe,totycl> JitiMb?. , Hm XoU tberc fbalbc fene eactb quabe arto Upjoare of tljepcople ttbcltooifbe, tMtbait tbott tocll unber ftanbe , ttKi t toe m oft bi>cft fpahc of tbofc tbpngeftfrom the bapcjai tW tocrc before tbc,CH»en ft om tbe begpnttpiige. . floj ipbe a# all: tbat $ mfabe in tymm batb abegpnnpnij anb cube, anb tfie enbe i« manpfeft: @uSfd tbetpmci* alfo df &$yefi ihaucpiapnc bcgpnnpngctf in toonberjs ano #o.tftff, ■ 1 &3£! 251 * aft ft" 1 ]** *fr ftWfcft ? bCt SftwySS "tic cni^rfiSEBiiS Sjpnwfttfrpyiwftnjt ccgacocbtbpnc |n*9 nb cucrp one tbat fliwlbcfatteb, anb atoncfeifc,tbattbouartbabinfocbbonou» *-"■- ^..^x, v . » — . ? re amogc y rpgbtcottf .'Ebcrfoje (baijrrcat to?ecbeoncs( anb nuTerp come Upon tbe\tbat in tbe latter tpmc u)ail btoell tn tbe Vo ojlbc becaufc tbcp bane toalcUcb m grcatc pjpbc 26ut unberftanb tbou foifbp fclfc",*anb fcncoutslo^pfo^focbagbclpftetbcifo^n to pon i$ parabpfc opencb, tbe tre of Ipfe i# Vlanteb>tbetpme to comcisimcparci),plai= reoafne* nmoc rcabp, a cptic tjS ouplbeb f op pon,? a reft tg p^cparcb , pec pcrfcctc «oob^ ncsiattbttopnjome.'CberotcofcttcUtjimar* ciieb from pott,p tbcanncftanbrnotb ijs h?b ( ropott, $ into bell Epetb co?rupcion in fa}* gttf nlncjj . &>o jotbetf are Uanpftjcti ntoape, anb in t\>t enbe tf ujctocb tbe trcafure of m* mojtalttc . 2Hnb tbcrfo«afne tbounomo?e qnefttonxS conccrnpngetbc multitwbc of tb5 tbat pcrtfbe. 5f oj tbep baue tancn liber tpc: befppfeb t))c bpeft^tbonsbt fconic of btt la=« toc,anbfo?iaftcn bi^toapejf. 4po?couer , tljcp bane troben boiDnebpjS tmm* rpgbteonss , anb * fapbcintbi;p?bcrte, (pit tbereisinci^ob^ceanbtbatitopttinslp^o? tbcv bpe.if o? Ipue a0tbc tbpnge tbat 3 p- nt fpoBcn of,isi mabe rcabp roj pon : €\\t fo isi tbp?ft $ papnc mepawb fo? tbem . Stop it ibag not bpjs topll tbat man Kbulbecomc to naugbt , ljut t\>cp topicb be crea tcb bane Uc* ■ fplco tbe name of bpm tbat mabe tli)cm,anb are UntbaeUfull Unto bpm,t»bicbp?eparcb Ipfe foj tbem. 3nb tbctto^eijsirtp iubaemSt tioto nt banb.'Cbefe tbingejfi Dane^iiotfibc* tbeb Unto all mm , but Unto fcfoe , namelp Unto tbc,anb tofocbajs be Ipbe tbe.. fc %\)tn anfiucreb 3anb fapb: 25e:i)olbc © 3U?oc, n otto baft tbou njetbeb me tbe multi* tm of tbe tOReniee , tbbicb tbou top-it begpn to bo at tbe laft : but at ttobat tpmc s ««* tboubaftnotibctbebme. C'Cbe.ijc.Cbaptcr. Cgt «»?a»t8tt MQpone Retort bftCotym, 31 IKP?^|f.anftberebme tbenanb fapbT ^^eafurethou f tpme UttiaWp in it felfe ,&ben tboul epfttbat pnepaeteof tbetoaentf come to !paOe,tbbpcb3baHct«lbe#be« tolbe ablcto efcapc bphps6}lo. W ibal tljcpbe in carcfnlneffc\toWcbnoto baueabufeb mv Voapesfjanb tjjcpf baue catt tb5 oute befpitefttllp 3 tball btoell mpapncjDi. a $ op Coeb atf in t\)m Ipfe baue reccaucb nenerptejr, anb baucnot ftnotDnc me, «tbcp tbat baue abbojreb my latbe,tubple wv nab pet f r cbome, anb tup tbcp bab pet open lepfure of amenbetnent anb coucrfpon,anb UnDcrftobenot 5 butbefppfcbit^famemnft fenotoc tit after bcatb in pafne.aitib tbcrfoze be tbounomo^e carcfull , Dotb tbe Umxoblp jbalbc puniO)cb,f boto tbe rp^bteouj?u)aU be faueb,anb tobofe tbe too^lbe -iHA M a>bfi tbe tovfewm tt>Ue« it in . ^benanfiuereo '"anb fapbe:* 3 Dauetalcftebbefoie«nob) „ fpeaftcab tbiil fpeaUe alfo ber after,tbat ttjerc bemanpmooof tbemttobpeb perpib, tbeq)albcfaucb,lpKca*tbefloube#flrea* tcrtbentbeb.ioppest. * lino be anftbeceb m c,lapinae:lpfte asl the felbe «<, fo isl alfo m fcbe : ajl tbe flours be, foarctbecoulourjsalfo : focbag the mpth* tnant0,focb i^ alfo thetbo^be: anbatf tbe ftnf banb ma i# h?m felfe,fo tf fy# Mbpan* tpvcnUo , to it xosifi m tvmt of th toopU be. 3Hnb toben 3 p«ieparcbfo? tbem tbat are noto , ot cucr m tbojlbc toasi mabe , tbberc mtbepft)ulbebb)eU,tbcntt)ai5S tberc no man tbat toptbftobc me . #o\u tbbcheuerp one 5>asl ; anbtbe rnabcr alfo in tbe ibojlbetu= tytmnm pjepareb,anbtbc monetbtbat eeafetft not, anb itye lattoe tojpcb ttf Unfear^ cbcablc,tbep j manerjS toerc cojrupte; $>o 3 contftu* tte tuo;lbe,? beijolbe , tberc tbajs parcll , lieeaufe of tbctbongbtetf tbat toere come tn to it. 3lttt> 1 fatu , anb fpareb tbenr greatlp, anb bauefteptcme atbpneberpoe tbe grapcj3i,anb a plante from amonge ma= npgeneracponjs . let tbemnltitnbe perpui tb«i,tobpeo arewottne UpinUapne,anb lettmp grape anb topnebetp be ftepte: cuen wpi)iimte:foj«[>!ptJigreateiabourebane3 mabe it Up, #euettbelei$ *tHI,ttfL bflU ' , ^ctiertbelctf,pf tbou tdplttafee Upon t\)t pctfcucnbaj'cjSmo( but tbou njaltnotfaft in tbem ;goo ti)p voapc tljcn into tbe felbe of ftotire0,tubei'e no boufc to buplbcb,anb eate pnelp of t be ftourctf of f felbe, tafte not ftcu), opvncni no mpne , but eate floured onclp. . waft Unto tbe typeft contmunllp, fo topll . 3 comc^anb talftc toitb tbe. C ^ojUjcnt mptuapc anb came into tl. felbe totjicb i.K callcb 3trbath (IpHe atf be c6= maunbeb mt ) anb tberc 3 vat amonge tbe aourctf,9f bpbeate of tbe betbetf of tbefclbe, anb tbe tucatc of f fame wtifficb me. 3fter feucn bapcjS 3 m Upon tbe graffe , anb mp "icrtc toasj Ucjteb totf bin me lyhe as! afoje: t$ f openebmp moutl; , anb beganne to talbe t )ttw tbe Jopeft,ano fapbe. ■ so lojbe, tbou ffiu tbatibctocfl: tbpfelfe Unto U0,* tbou baft Sm,ft btclarcbanb openco tyv relfcUnto ourcfa= tbcrjS in tbcitoplbcrncjei,in a place tubcre no* manbtocUcfb , in a barcu place, topi tbep eamtoutof egppt,aub tbou fpaneMapin* gc:l{)earc me so 3frael,anbHiarHc mp too^ m tbou Tcoe of 3acob:26cboH)e,3fotoc mp fatoc in,poti,anb itiballb^pngc frutc in pou fpcfbalbcbonourcbmitto^eucr.jfo^onre fotbecjJ toljicl; reccaucb f latoc , Kept it not anb obferueb not tbp o^binauncej? anb m» tute^anbtljcfruteottbplatoetoa^notbe-- clarcb : f ot it mpgbt n ot , fop M)v t it toast \*Hwiif fbpne.*jto? tbep tbatreccattfO it,pcriftjcD, becattfetbep ftepte not tl;e tbpngc tl;a t ton* fotonctntbem. 3t is: a cuftomc Mitn tbe gr ounbe rccca^ uctb feb w tbe fee a ujip,o^ aUeflcll meatc anb b^inebctbattobe itpcrtujctb op in bto= ken toberin a tbmg in f otoen, op toberin mp t> tbpngc in put : tbctbpngcsialfopcrtibeatm are b^oneu,tobicb arc fotoen ot put tbcrin. aiSntUnt o Uji it batbnot bappcncbfo:f ot toe tbat ban e reccaucb tbe latocpcrifli in fpnnc 5 onre berte tobpeb alfo reccaucb tbe latoc: >er.i.Ti.n nottoitbftiiOpng * tbe latoe pcrpu;ctb not, i.nmo.rt.0 iMtremnpitctbutbt.o' litboure. . MXt toben 3 confpbcreb tbefe tbingc^ in mpber tc after tbp & maner , 3 loUeb oboutc mcto(tbmpnecpce!,anbUpon tbcrigbtfpbc Mn(.cf.r.i.. ^3 ratoca toomau,tobicb monrncb fotc,ma begreatelamStacpon, anb toepte toitblou? oc Uopec:ber clotbeitf toere rent in pece0,anb ibc bab afibcjGt upon ber bcabe. . *Cben let 3 nip tbougbtcsi go,tbat 3 toasi in,anb turncbmeUnto ner,anb fapb. tobcr= fok tocpeft tbou ( tofy art tbou fo fo^p anb btfcomto?tcb^nb 0)cfapbe Unto me.£>pj, lettme betoaplc mp fclf anb taftc petmo^c fo?oto: fo^3amfo?c Uercb in mpmpnbc,$ Jb?ougbt Uerp lotoe . 3flnb 3 fapbe Unto ber: tobataplctb ft &p tobo batbbonccnp tbing toMcjl me.&bc fapbc:3 banebene Unfru? tefuil anbbaren,anp baue bab an bnfbanb t\)V ptit pear cjs. % lib tbefe. jr.tje. pearcjS 3 bo notbpnge eWbape anbnpgbtgt ail bourcjaf, but nmfte mp p^taper to ^lpipeft.3lf tcr tbp? tie pcarcg ©ob berbe mctbPbanbmapbcn, loUeb Upon mv mifcrp, conipbteb mp trou= *i V h ble,anbgaueme a fonne,anb 3 toajsglab of b pm commcBtogctbcr. i&bit bappencb tbat toben mv fon % netoente tntobp* cbambcrbefcll ]botone,ano OpeD:tt)cnouci:tb?etD toe all y lpgbte0,ano allmp nepgb- bontjBt rofeUpto comfo?tcme. *Cbcntobe 3mpreft Unto tbe fcconocbapc atnpgbt: anbtol)gtbcpbabaUrcftcb,tbnttbcpmtgi)t eomfottc mc,3reftc0 anb alfo rofc Up by npffbMrtb fleb,t am come bptber in to tbpd fwtM tboufepft: anb am purpofebnot to r omc in t^c citpe , but to remapne fjerc, anb nctber to catencrb^pnckc, butcontmuallp to mourncanbtofaft,UntpU3 ope. Cbcnlrt 3 mp mebitactoms j tbougbtefll fall,tbat3 toas in,$ fpanctober in cifplca^ fnrc : 'Cbon f oolpuj tooman , fepft tbou not ottre beupncjffano mottrnpng,!jtol)atbap= .penctb Unto Ujsrboto $>pon oute motber tsi all toofttll nnD fo?p,anO botoibc ijscleane btougbt botonc ano inmpierpf fepng toe be all noto in bcupncg, f mabe ourc monc ( f o p toe be all fo?oufiill. ) 3t0 fo,t f beupncio! tbat tbou tabeft,it in but f op one tonne. Dcmau = be tbe mtiM uje fball tell tbe, tbat tt in flic tobicb ong!)t(bp reafon) to mourncfo? tJ;c fall of fo manp tbat grotoc upon ber. jfop from tbe brgpnnyngcall meareboznc of bir, ano otber ujall come: 9 bcbolDe, tljcp toal be all molt aUintobcftruccton,anbma np of tbem ujalberoteb out. iaibou)nlbctbcn(bp reafon; make mote mournpnge,tben ujctbat hatb loft fo great amultitube.^not tbou,tobicb artfo?p,bnt fot one . 7i5ut pf tbou toolocft tape Unto me: mv inoumpngctfi notlpbe tbe mourmnge of tbe cartb, fop 3 baue loft tbe frutc of mp bobp,tobwb 3 bare xi> benpness 1 but p eartt) itfacco^binge to tbe maner of tbeeartb, anb tbepjcfcntmultitnbcgoctb ngainetnto bee H$ ititfeome to paired ben fapc 3 unto tbe: Ipbc ajj tbou baft borne tottb tranaplc $ fo» rotoe, cue fopcartb alfo fro tbe begpnnpng * geuetb ber frute Unto man , foj bptn f ma= • be ber. mto tbcrfo^e toitb bolbe tbpfojotoc anb bcupnejs up tbp fclf c* 5 lo be toba t (jap = * &« penetb Unto the , beareit ftronglp . Mm ft tbou inbgeft tbe marcUe anb cnoc of €>ob to bcrpgbteoufl HSU.' .M V'l i hi ihii 1 1 * * * 4 L. If " ■■'■* ■ . * ■ •>: Pi ;• • • s. ' : I ty\)i celimtpmc,i>(&attiiec6mtabebtberm.0o 5>^X^Uiwtwitttotl)ecrtre»fttit&ai:e tt>Ul 3 bpe. &0/3 commencb mo?c toitbber o not fo,but be counccleb , anb folOtoe me :f o? bo* manp f allc0 M ftpS/ 1 2&eof upoib comfotte becawfe of tbc fojotbe of 3eruf«4em.#oiitJ)oufepfttbatout «>on ctuarp i* lapeb toafte , our* aulter-tooucn, ourc temple bcttropcb,oure plapimgc of in* ttrumcntcsf ano fpngpnge lapcb botonctbe tba^cCgeupngcput tofplcfacoutmpitb $ iganpqjeb atoap e , tbc Ipgb t of ourc canbcU • ifccu tfqufcbeb, tbc arcuc of tbc couimaunt 10 taBcntrom b&all oure bolp ttomge0 arc ocfplcb , anb tbe name tbat i0 calico "boon ouee^ijjbiflioiioaeebiottwtbtlbieateptit to Qwmc ,oure welfare bjent, oure hmU m ate cancb atoapeinto captiuitc;our We gtittf a»c berpleb, anb oure to? uetf rauiibeb fc to met&tanbe tip attbbe manlp, anb 3i(hai geuetbecjcbojcacion. ^ fft""v^«^„ t » / , j »,MW»frM vp (turn iM V WUt= 4nbtb«fo^eibaReoi:tbpfleeatbettPtt^, m putatoapetbemultitubeof fojototf:* time toe $peft mapegeuetbe eeftfromtbp Jajioutcattbteawatie3nb!$**&** 1& 9®* m Mat of W& to8bcc.fee anftuetebme thttl ft fapb: |eatcp, anb 3 (ball enfoiitme tbe,anb tell tpt toberfoie tbou artaftapeb,fo?tbe bpeft ^a tb opmcb manp fecrcte tbm«0 iwtto tbe tba t tbow tancft fo?otoe cfitnmallp tot tbp peopl^anbmaftcKfftcatelamentacpontoV ^>poii :anb tberf oe tolbef i tbat ibSffi Gitbett b« lp«enell(e,|otb(be moUmebS ^ n ;tbeefoie3babtbetcmapnem«elbe JbberenobottfeiiBf bnilbeb.^f oO anetothat re 3 commaunbeb f * to proo into %c ftu, r , tober e no f ounDacion nec1.uplbiniieV7o; m tbe place tbbere m^itmmmvi cw,tberelbaUbcnonmn0bu P lbS tbetfo^j: f eare no t, ano let not tjpne fert be «£KM» ff ° {!* ^»pe in, anb fe tge SS: ire as; mocb aff tbme earea maptL v- i cutccaccfbofrmmbprponfindoetierncrtp;!; i* <* il&S^cn ffituc 3 a became : ano beho. . 19 H^ crtme ^P fr om tbe ft c an 3cgH l«»wtDbtcl)bab.ru. tDpngc^anbt^cbca* 5C0: 3Pnb 3 fatbc, anb bebolbe, be fpicb ty$ topn«0 otter all tbc eartb, anb all tbc topn- bc0 of tbe ap je him in tb?, anb f o tbep toete put toaetber agapuc. 3nb 3 bebclbe,ft out of biwtberja: tbere jjreto ot|cr iptlc cotra* rp fetbtrj5:tbebcabc0rctteb, tbc peab in tbe mpbbeft toap greater tben tbe otbcr,pct re- ftcb it tottb tbc refibtte. «?o?coucr 3 tattoe,tbat tbc ^cgle flcto x6 ^p0 U)pngc0,anb rapgncb tjpon cartb , anb ouer all t gem tbat btorll topo t|jc car tb: anb J Catbe tijat all tbmgc0 Mnntt beaucn tbere fubiecte tinto bpm,$ no man fpabc ajjainft bpm,nonotonc creature fcp6 cartb- jfatoe auo tbat tbc Jtegle ftobe tjp Upon bl>0 cla= tbc0^aaueafouDeibitbbWfetbtr0,anba toopec faptnge after tW maner : tbatcb not all tosetbcr,flcpe cucrp man in typ& atone , placcanb tuatcb fo^ a tpmcbtitfct tbc bca= bc0 be po tliene.rtcfolotbpngc ttobc ljp,anb rapgnco, anb bab greate tpme: anb it bappenectbat t»benitrapgncb,tbc t\\U of it came alf o Ipbc an tbc fp$,fo tba t it ap pearebnomoje. Hkb came tbere a \jopce vnto it, | fapb locate tbon tbat baft neptctn f cartb fo ion fic 5 tbp03 fape)jnto tbc,bcfo^etbou begpn^ ucfttoappcarcnomojc^berclballttoncaf tcr the a ttepnc Unto tl)v tpme . ^ben arofc tbctbpjb,anb tappcb atf tbe otfccr afo>e,« appcarcb nomo?c alf o .£>o tocnt it tottb all tbe rcfiouc one after anotber , f o tbat ewcrp one rapgneb , anb tbenappeareb nomoie. 'Cbcn3 loftcb,anbbebolbe,inp?oceffc of tp^ mc^fctbct0tbatfolotDcbtdcrcfet\)pt)»on tbe rpgbt fpbc, tbat tbcp mpgbtrulc alio-$ fomeoftb&rttlcb,buttoitbm atohple tbep apprarebnomo^e:foKome oftbetocre fet t>p,butrulcb not.3lftcr tbift" 3 loneb,anb be bolbe tbe.rii.fctber0 appcarcb nomo^c, anb tbe ttoo b»pngc0: $ tbere toa£ nomoje »pon p ^cgle^bobp , but ttoo bcabe0tbatrefteb, mttlm f etbet0 . %ty fa\be 3 alfo,tbat tbe fpyefetbtrsitdcre parteb inttoo,anb rcmat •■ neb bnber tbc bcab,tDat tba0 tips tbc rvgbt fpbc, f o? tbefoure continHCb in tjjcp? place. £>o 3lofeeb,« be&olb,tj)ep t|jattDere tnbec C m topngefc tbougbt to fet\)p W fclttc0, 9 to Ijawe tbe rnle.Cbentba0 tbere one fet Mp butlbo?tlpitappearebttomoje,f$tbefecobc Xba0 fooner atoapetbentbefp^ft . 2citb3 be belbe ? lo, $ tfoo tbougbt ftlfo bv tty fclucjJ torapgnejfttbbcntbepfotbougb^bebolbCi tbece itoaueb one of tbe ^talitfi tba t twe a t relt,namelp,it tbattoa0 in tbc mpbbcft, fo> tbat toatf tbe greater of f ttoo bcabC0 . Tinn tfc 3 fatoe, tbat tbe ttoo ieabe0 toecc filleb toitb bim, anb $ bcab to«»^ turncb toptb t^z tbat tocte bp bpm, anb hiptt catc toptbc ttoo ■bnber topngc&tbattoolbe baue rapgneb. 26ut tbt0 bcab put f tobole eartb m feare* ft bare rule in it,oucr all tbofc^btbcltMpon cartb t6 mocb laboure, anb be bab f gouet* nauce of tlje too^lbcoucc all tbc ftmU* tba t baue bene. rafter thi0 3 lokeb,ft bcbolce,ttc oeab tbat toa0 in p mpbbcft fobenlp appea = re noino?c,lphe 00 f topngc0:tbcn came tbc ttoo bcabc0,tobicb ruleb \>pon cartb, 1 ? once tbofc ^ btuclt tbcrin.^nb 3 bcbclbe,ft lo.ti;c bcab \jpon t\)cvvjxU fpbc, bcuourebit tbat toa0 wm ^icftipbe. 3Cnb Ibcrbe a Dopee, tbbtcb fapbe »nto medoue befoic p,anb con fpb?ctbctbpngtbattboufcpft.'Ct)e3fatoc anbbcbolbe,a0tttocrc a lpo£roaretb,rcn= npnge baftelp out of tbc toob , ft be rent out amWopce mito tbc 3f cglc,ft fapb : fecarc tbou,3 toilltalhctoitbtbcfttbc mm fbal f ape \mto j5 : 30 it not tbou * baft p metoip of tbefoure beaftc0,b)bom 3 mabc to rapg* nc tjpon eartb ft in mp toojlbcanb ^> tbc t n * be ot tbep? tpmc0 mpgbt come tboj o\to toe * 3nbtbcfourtbcatne>anboucrtoanncall£> tbe bcafte0 tbat tocre paft , anb ))an potoc t oucr t^t too^lbctbttl) great f carmines, a no ouer t^t tobole copaffe of tbe cartb toitb f b e moft toicueblabourcft fo longe time bbc'lt " ctjpon tbc eartb tottb bifceate,ft the cartb aft tbou iubgcb not toitb tnictb-W tbou aft troublcb tbe mche, tb ou baft burte tyt peaceable s qupetc, tbou haft loucb lpcr0,« beftropebpbtoellinge0ottbetbatb^ougbt fo^tb trute, anb baft caftboton'e tU \ballctf offocbasJbpbtbcnobarmc.'Cberfo^cieitbP to?ongeou0bcalpng anb blafpbcmpe come *p ^nto the i^peft , anb t^ pjpbc \n\tt tbe mpgbtp.'cbe ^peft alfo batb lofecbtopoti ^ pjoubc tpme0,anb bcbolbc, tbep arc cnbcb, anb tbcp?abbominaci60 arcftilfplleb.^no tberfojc appcarenomo?c tbou 3tcglc, ft tbp ^O?riblctopnge0,anbtbptbpcttebtctbcr0,ft tbp t)ngractou0 bcabc0,anbtbp ftnf ull da • t»c0,anb all tbp t)apnc bobp:tbattbe eartb mape be refreftjeb , anb come agapnc to bee fclfctoba Cbe i0 bclpuercb from top \)iolcn=> ccanb tbat (be mape bopc f 0^ tbe iubgemft anb me rep of bpm tbat mabe bcr. 4 CCbt'tn.^aptct. 3tnb(t y. i I i i" 'J i i ** life IN i - i. it I U I y !!fi r ■ t i: ,1 r HtyeJ^ftoole i- 5, I* f V ( K IMIS |#Oiti)AppencbWm toe xpo fpalte'tbcfc too^lictf Ditto tfSlc* gle, 3 fatbc, 9 bcboloc,t jjc bead tpt iifoK Imd t&c tymertymb, J appeared nom je; tictiprr dpd p f lourc Vbytifffjiappcarc anp mojtctljatcaijic to l)im,ai»D ujcrc fct Dp to rapgnc.iHito tbcit topitgdomc tbatf finall and full of Dpioutc. 3nd 3 fato,and bcbolbctjjcp appeared no= mote , and tbc Wolc bodp of tbc Ttotftmn tyfoanb the ear t\) ttoatf in grf ate mti avoaUcD 3 out of tfyetraureof mpmpttbc, c f torn greate fearc , $ fapdc Dnromp fpjcit: %o,tW Daft tbou gcucn me tit tbat tljou fc< arcl;cft out § tompctf of tbc l>pr ft.lo, pet am 31 tote rp in mp mpnDe, 9 Dt rp tDrakc in nip (frefc, aim Iptle ftcegtU ttf tl>c re m me, foi 9 greate fearc f 3 receauco tjjttf ivpaftt. ^hce ftue topll 3 note beCccbc fix It)pcft , that toe itopll cofottcmcDnto tbcfitdc: anb 3 fapdc, lojdc Lojbe.pf 3 baucfotmdcgraccbcfotc Jlip fpgOt,andpf 3 am mftiftcd ttnrl) t!)c bc-- f otcmanp order, andpfmppjapcr be come Dp be fo;e rfip face, comfojtc me tbc", andu> toe me tijp fcruaunt tbc intcrpjetacfon and plapnc diffcrccc of tbpsf bo^riWefpfffit, that f l)Ott mapeft pctfcctlp ceifotfe mv umlc : foi tbou haft iitdgcdmc Wjtfe to ibctb mcthe la ft of tpmc0. 3 nb be fapdc Ditto me : t\)v# i# tbc fitter* pictacpon of tbp^fpght. ^bc 3 cgic Worn tljou fa toe ft come Dp fro the feci* the upng BMtfo ? (,m r £M? W ««* in t[jc mfpon of typ bjotbet BanicUbttt ittoajs not expounded 25 Ditto bvm,f oj not* 3 bcclarc it unto p. l&t* bolbcp bapejs come,tbat tl;ere ftjall rpfe \yn a bpngbomc tjpon can}) , attb it (balbc fea» red a boue all toe !Hpnffbomcs( t bat tocre be= fo,icit.3np famcHpnffDomeftal.)ctt. Urn* gcjjrapancouc after anotbcr.jfo^tbcfcco* be fball bcjjpnne to rapgnc , anb 4all baue mm tpmc tl;cn tt)t otber ttoeluc : anb thptf bo tjje. ttocl uc topngcjei ftgnlRe , tob« cl) tboit fatwft. Wo* ^ \jopcc tbat fpafte, anb that tOou fatbeftgo outfrom tj)c l;cabes(,butitot from tbc bobp,itbetofecnetb,tbat after the tpmc of p lapngbomc tbere (bal arpft great tttpupnge-je;, anb it (ball ftanbe in oar ell of falilpns :iteucrti)clc0 ft Qjallnot pet fall,bnt (balbc Tet into i)# bcgpnnpngjnb f cpgbt tmbettbpngejsrbbpcb tljou fatbeft bilge Sn= to tl;e topngejS of bpm,be toftcn,tOat in tym tberc ffiallarpft epgbt fepngcs(,tobofe tpmc tt»o oftb^fbaUbcare. mtwm thtmvn- bclJtpmccommctb,tberelbalbefOHrebepte in the tpmc, M)fyi$ tpmebcgpnnetftto co» mu f it mapc be enbcb,but ttoo (balbc ftcpte ^tutotbeenbe. c Mm were a# tbou fatucft tfjze beabctf re^ ffSEW 1 l i^ e ( »terp?etacpa.3n W laft fljall tfje l^peft rapfe t>p tD?e Bpngbome^^ le call mm agapnc into M$ fljcp m\ ^m ^P, '""«on ofi be cartb, anb of tljofe tOat bttcutber m,\fi inocb labour aboueau tfiofe tbat tocre before ttMqnftfe^e Ibep caU >e« bcabc0 of tDc 3Keglc : fo^ ft u* tbc? » that bjpngcfonh bP^tbpcftcbncjBiap;attttf, ;batQial pcrlourmcanbfrmQiIufifaft Jnb were ajj? fatbclt;, mUm.m Jppcarcb nomo^e, ft fignpfietl), tlia t one of tta(baUbpc\)ponlj(jjbcb ? anbpet^pap' JS**N Ktoerbc • Jfo^ t^cftoerbe oftftc one gall bcuourc tbc otI)cr,but at Maft tfallDe fall tbojoto tbc fi'ucrbc bpm feffe. ■ swinWere n$f fatucft twt)hbertbpn= gfppoiitbcbcabtbat«ontbcrpffbtfpbe, itfignpftttbtbatit^tbcp^Wbmelfopcft batb ftepte mito tbcpjcnbc: tm i$ Mnall ipugbome, anb full of trouble .% Im Wo tboufatuefti-pfiitge vjp out of ^ ml anbroarpnge, and fpeaft mt mttotOe 3c= ptcfoitbctit, fftj tWrtopckcbiWSiito fe the citbcjbc Qiall rcp^oue tD5> anb rete them afunbcrbcfo ? ctbtm.^be(baUfct.tbrip^ upngc before tbc tubgcmcnt,ahtJ (rjallrebu:© fee tbcm:fo^ tbc rciubuc of thp people (ball be bcUucrtbitbtroublctOofctbatbmcfer'ueti oucrinpncciftbctf.anbbcibaUmaBetbciop.= full mttpll tl>e c ommpna of tljebapc mk gentcnt, toberof 3 bauefpofcen Ditto tbefro WUpmwgcAtw i# M D^eam'c f tbott »*weft,&tftp* tsttjje intcrp^ctacpon . %bou onelp baft bene mete to ftnotbe tbc fccrctc of tpeftpeft., ■ ■ - v . VprtwWte alltDcfe 1$nMt mil fertSf^ an ^ m * tic, attb teacb ftnotocft mapc comp^chenbe anb aepc tbcfc ftcrercjS . Z6ut tbaptc ftccc tbp felfc pet fc= W, Mare jnb Wen all tlje people pcrceaucb, tbat t^e fcuett bapc* tbere paft , anb 3 not come agapne wtto tbe eptic, tbep ga tbcreo the all togctberfromtbellcaftWto^moft,attDca= mcDntomc,anb fepbe.Watbaucnjcoffcn^ mmt $ Watcuinibauc toe bone agapnft in tm place .' jfo? of all people tbou onelp canjelltna batc&e placc^ ajSan mmm •epcft.i|jauettocnotclj]{ gtfferueb from tpc tepcu . vnw wmi Cl3 abucrritepiiougb J buttboumuftfoifaacio5 Jjont Wtb&pon / JFo^tbearenot better, tbcttt^ptbatbpcbtlwc:anbtbepttoeptc§ I5e of goobcontfo^te &W&fomtitm Dcup tpou Doufe of Jacob ! farf ipe»|SS poum 1 pottintemembmcc, an&t&emto&tpe&ar!) not f o^gott J pou in temptaqon.-W f oz me, 3 bauc not foifaB0pou,netOer am3 bepar=» teb from pou, but am come into ttotf place topiape,lbecattfeoftOempferpof3(raell:* 3 mpgbt fcae mctcp fo^ tbe lotoe eftate of -^oiire s>a"c tuarp. 3nb note go poure toape lomeeuerp ma" , anb after tfjefe bape>5 WU jcomeDntopou.S>otbepeopletoenttbe(e X»apc in to tbeeptpclpae atf 3 commaubcb ti)tm:but 3 remained ftpll in t &e fel be feuen oapcsf, a#ti)c3lngcllbabme, anb m eate onelp of t|je ftottee* of tbe felbe, anb bad mp mcate of tbe becbesf in tboit dapctf. CCDe^iii-Cbapter. [iabitljappcncb after tljefetteti daicfttbatl bzeameb a dicame bpnp S ^t.35nbbebolde,tbcrca 5 rofe a tbp«de from tfte fee, tbat ^JitmoucballtOeaoudeiEJtberof. „ lobed,^ bebolbe, the ma" toajf ftrong and mercafeb tbptb tbeclouoesi of beauen. and W? be turned b# countenance tocon* fiber, all tbctbinge^ trfbleb f bat toerc fene "bnber |pi : anb tube tlje \jopce tocnt out of bpsi moutb , all tbcp bzent tbat Ijerbc torn, Ipkc aief tt}t eartb wen it fcletb t^c fpje. 3Hf ter tbcfe 3 fatoe, 9 bebolbe, tbere toajS gatbereb togctbcramultitube of m? out of nomb?e from the f ourc tbpndeg of the m* uen s to fpgbte agapnft tbe man, tbat came outefromtbefcc.3nb3lobeb,anb bebolbe he gratted bpm fclfe a greate moutttapne, « flebj Dp t)pouit.25ut3 Wide bauefenc tbe botdcr mjlm, Wcroutfye DpU Wjeigra^ ucn,and3fcouldenot. 3 fatoe after tbefctbat all tljep Wn* to bpm anotber peaceable peoplewtb tbere camemocbepeople Dnto bl:fome toercgiad lometoerefoipjlromeoftbemtocrebouttde, vo that tbep toere carieb anb bzougbtf oitb. %hen WjI3 fpcfr tDozoto greate feare, and3 aWfeed,anb fapdc: tjjou Haft ftieXbed Mttom MM ttpferuaunt alltl)ptbflnderi« from tbe be- ginnpng,and baft countedmctoo^tbp, that t^ou migOteft receaue mp pzaper,iet»e me notto pet tbe tnterp2etacion of tW bieame. $0} tbutf 3 convive in m? DndcFftanDpiig: «Uo bnto t\)l tbat (bal be left t tbofc Dopes* ad mocb moie too tonto the tbat arcnot left Uhpnoe : foi tjjcp t|jat tbere not left, tbere in bcupnej*. iftotbDnderftande3tbe^ingej«tbatare laped tjp in tbe latter bape* tb jicb (bal bap of totto them, and to ttjofc tliat are not left bcbindCCberf o*e arc thef come into great parelle&anDmanpnceeffittc&lpfee ajs tbefc jzeamcjs declare.gct 10 it caficr,^ be WicH luffretb butte 5 comc in tbefe,tben to paffc a= ttape ajs a cloudc out of f too?ldc, 9 notb to fe tbc tbpugcsf tbat (ball bappen in tbe laft. %hen anftbtrcd heme y 9 fapbe . 'She «»= terpietacton of tbc fpgbt (ball 3 QjetDe the, and 3 totll ouen taito the, tbe t|nnge fthon Daftrcquired.ifoztbouijaftfpoaeoftbem tbatarc leftbebpndcand tbp0 it the inters p?e ration. tye tbat tauetb atoape tbe parell in tbat tpmc,batb aept btm fclf.'Ebcp tba t befallcnintobarme,arefocba0hauctoo^ «eg andfaptb *m M^oftmpgbtic. feno= toe t\yi% tbcrfoje 5 tba t tbep tobicb be left be- binbe arc mojtc blc(Teb 5 tbe tbep tbat be deed %W ijStbemcanpngeof tbc "bpfpo-tajbere ajs tbou fiitbefta man commingc Dp from f depe of tbe fectbc fame i% he tobom d&od tlje l[>pcft batb feeptc agrcate feafou, Xohxth bp bitfatoncfeifcOJaldelpucrbtocrcaturcand be (bal oidie tbe" tbat arc leftbebinde . 3nd Were ass $ fatbeft , t&at ottte of m moutb tbere came a blaft of topnde , fpie 9 ftotmc, and boto tbat be ipft Dp netber ftoerdcnoi tocapcn,but tbat tbe ruibpnge in of bun dc= ftropedtbc Wolemultitwbc that came to fpgbt agaift bun.it fignifictb,tbat f dapcjS come, Wa (0od toill dclpucr tbem toat arc ^ \jponcartb 5 anbina traunceof mpndcQjall ^ ")e comeDpontbcm,tl)atdtoell in tbecartb. *ndonc(baU Dndcrtaketo fpgbt agapnft anotber,one cptc againft anotbecouc place agapnft anotber* oncpeoplcagapnftano- *ma«.w«* tber 5 and one rcalmc agatnft anotber. mibe tb\% commctb to paOe , tbe" (ball tbc token* come,tbat3 (bctoed the bef oic:ano tbe" (bal n\f f one be declared, Wo tbou fatbeft clime Dpaga man. 3nb Wenall tbe people bca» retJpiKDopcceucrp man (ball in tbeir awe lanbe leaue tbebattapll tbat tbep banc one agapnft anotber,? an innumerable multp^ tude(balbegat|jercb rogetjier,a0 tbevtbat be WjUnge to come, $ to ouercome him bp fPSbttng.26ut be (ball ftSde Dpfi tbe toppc ottbe mount *>pon. ^cuertbeleOe^pon (ball come, anbibalbetyetocb , bepnge pie- pared and bupldcd f 01 all mrn,lpftr a tbou fatbeft tbe Dpllgraue foitb ttitbout anp W I KB ■ . - la* ?■ 4 ft • - : i . P i 1 U 3 '! i i * t ff ■ i x: f lW*.2E»utmpfbtmeq>alrebuftcttjiJ people*. iirccome,fo?tbeirtoicRebnc*,toiibtbctcm« m%m f o? tbep? euell pmagmacion* :anb, fbep?painc* tobertoitbt&ep ialibcpunpfc. octi > are Ipcaeneb Dnto the flamme ; ana lltoitb out anp laboure,(&aU be belttropc theV tmen>tbelatoe,tob»cb(*comparcbDnto. ttbcfpje. 3nb tobere a* tbou fatoctt, that be ga the* ireb another peaceable people Ditto Dtm.tbo *w< *.<*. j fe a J*?tentribe*tobicbtoeTCcartcbatoapc jgj*m, mrtonm out of their atone lanbc , * in t&e ibme of Or«pasi the itpng,tobom ftalmana Ifor tbettPttgc of 3u"p?ia toltc ptcf oner, anb rarpeb them ouet tbe toater,$ fo came tbep f ntoanotbet lanbr. • asSut tbep gatic tfjem fM counccll, tbat tbcpQmlbeleaue tjje muUttuoe of tbclnca* lbcn,anb to go font) mto a farther countrc, tobere turner manapnbe btoclt : that tftep mpgbt there acpe tbeir ftatute0,tb|)tcl)t6ep rouer nepte in tbep? atone l Sbc.ainb fo the? entrcb in at tbe naroto paffage* of f toatcr t> of eupb?atc* , ano Cobujctocb token* fo? i&ZEfrfW** *i nD DclDcftpU the ftoubctpll tbep toa* agrcate toape,namclp or a pear c ano a Ijalfe tournep, fo? the fame regpott i* calleb 4farctb . *W btoelt tbep tbere Ditto f lat= *? # m e: anb *# tbep come f o?tb agapne, m $pett (ball bolbe ttpl the fp?irigc* or the ttreame agapnetbat mv map go tbo?oto, tyerfw fatoctt tbou £ multitude tottDpea * i. m&mtfc be betttopctb tbe mttltptubc « j»at tf gatjjereD togetbet,be ibal bef cbe htjs ^jeople tbat remapne, and tbe" l^al l he (hcto tbemgeeatetoonbersf. Mjtotytwt baue3 fenethemacommmg . iflpfromtbebrpeoftbefee^nbbrfapbDn^ to mctKfte an tbon c€ft net^ee fcfce out noz tawtoe tbcfc tbpngeji tbat are in tbe bepe of the fee,euen fomapeft tbounot fe mv fonne, oi tbofe that be toftb bpm,but t tbe tpme of • m bape. %bv$ it tty tntet:p?etaci?on of tbe meametobpcbffatoeft,tbcrfOitethouone= to art bere Ipgbteneb s fo^ tbou baft fo?fab? i:Ot»ne atone fatocanb applpeb ito* biltgen= mMe.«f. a ,!£™^ntpn;,anbftugbtit.*^bplpfe^all: * mm*, p o» o?b?eb in top{bome,$ * ball callcbDn- lierttanbpngtbp mother anb thcrfoje baue 3ftietoeb.tbe;tbetrear«reoftbe^peC:m jeriJ;rbape03topU(betothemoite, $taU , lietottb,fatmo?eiarge,peebeupanbtoon= ^betftoefilfo^tbmto^befelbe^geupttg imvtot tbanKejSgreatlpDnto «£ob>becatE U of toiBftoebertf tobicb be ttvlt in tpme, anb i»ecaurebtgonemetbtbefame s anliirocheatf ttmtpme,anbt&ere3fottt&ebape0. CCfje.jt«tt.CUftpter.; . 155t^etDp^bape3fatDnberam 3 one tree , tfjen came there a Dopce **"" " it Mb*:- i .acbtoitKbpni c r- -» t ^,--1— — v » wu^pte, anb 1 lent hpm 3 anbjcb mp people out of Ggppte, anb bzpugbtbMnDponthemoutitteonitolifre . bclbc bun bp me a longe baton* m tmt pin m jmfimm mm* , anb ujetoeb jpm tbe fecrctes of the tpmejsanb tbe enbc» anb commaubcb hpm^ Taping : 'Ehefe tooi' noto J fapc but o tlje , tbat tbou lape Dp in tbmchcrtetbc^came^tbattl)Ottbaftfene, the: n^f flwK be reccaueb of all, -tbou (bale S*yrt8* b c e WW tbe , Dntpll tbe tpme« JSSft ^°^ t *gMM loft ^poutb, jnb tlje tpme* begtnc to toaye oloe Jo? the tpme tjj betttbrb into ttoclue partc^anb tin parte* of it arc gone all rcabp,anb half of d tenth partc:pcttcmapuetb there ^tobicb is af ttt % half of the tcitfb parte. p w w ybcrf o^e , prepare anb ojbje tbp houfc, 25 anb refonrmc tk people : comfo?te focb of them a* but trouble: anb tell noto of the be 3 aruccto:lcegofromtbemoitalltbougbtc* : cafl; atoapc the burthen* of man i put of the tocafte^ nature i lape Dp in fome place* the bafte the to f Ipe from thefetpme*: foz focb bapp^ujalltbepbopetmocbtoo^e.* jfoi *m thetoeaftcr tbat tbe too?lbe lb tbe tpmci*, ^»? rtemo^eqjallfpnneattbtoicaebneu-etncrea [^»«M«J^atbtoellDponeartb. Jfoitbe fiSW % D tom «*»M lefpngc i*harb mctoattcioubaftfene, maubeb m,e,anb ref ourme tJ^c people tobicb aw «*«. »ttbep that lair be home SKSBJ 1 *.^' 1 ^ WteoAbuac fftbcpthatbtoellthi ""■ - tbcwbe tbe bolp gooft into me, anb 3 (ba« 35nb|je **■>*: f V " T< aittjtbe anftotreb me, Otptnge .• ^oo thp »ape,gatbee the people together, anb fape mto mm, tbat toep fefte f not f ot f ourtpe bape*, but lobe thou oatber f mahp bow tteefct taftp toltbtbe fearea,fcab^a,^e fb^0 ( Iemia,ecantti9ianb3lfiel,^efefpue,tobpc& ^KftSfflW 1 f W^ t ftmebptber, anb ftm&lm acanble of Dhbetftabpn* gein tbpne bert^tobicbibaUnot beput out, epu tbetbpnge*beperfourmeb tobich tbou (halt beoptme to D#te;3lhb tbe* (bait tbou; beclarewmeebpnft'e* openlp Ditto the per* f«te, anb fome tbpnge* (halt tbou ujCto fe=- cretlp Dttto the topfei^Do mo^oto tm bou^ reftalttbou begpnne to ifyyte. & wntoente3fojtb(a*becommaunbeb me) anbgatbereb all tbe people together, anbfapbe:$earetbefe too^be* ©afrael, j©ure/atber*at/ begpnnpnge toee^c ftrau= ger* m Cojypte, from tobence tbcp there be=» mm. lpuereb,fr*ceaueb tbelatoeof ipfe * tobicb tbep »epteitot,tobicb pe alfo haue franf= greueb after them. 'Cbett toa* tpp* lanbc $ the lanbe of ^>pon pactcb amonge pou bp lottto potteffe.)i5utpour father* $ pepour fclue*alfb baue bone Dnrpgbteoufne*,anb Daue not ftepte the toape* tol;tcb the $peft commaunbeb vou.%nb fo? fo mocha* be t* a rpgbteou* iubge, be tofte from pou in tv= W p,%«ge f be bah geuen pou, 3dnb noto aj-e prhere t poure b?etb?en amonge pou. Uberfo?e pf fo be tbat pe topll fubbue pout; atoneDnberftanbpng, anb rcf ourme poure berte, pe Cball be hepte alpue, s after beath (ball pe optepne mtrcp . Jfo? after beatn (ball tbe iubgemf t come, tohen toe Cball ip» tie agapne .-anb tbennjalltnename* of the fgbteou*be manpfeft , anb tbe too?he* of t Dngoblp (ball be bcclareb . J,et no man erfoje come noto Dnto me,ner afaecnp qaeftpon at me tbefe four tpe bape*. S> ' ^o3tohetbefptiemcnca*bccomaubeb min anb toe toente in to the fclbe, « remap= neb tbere. ^be nejet bape a Dopce calleb me £$£ ^2%e:efl)?a**opentbpmoutb,tb?pn= 5 tieboibe,be reacbeb me a full cuppe,tohich toa0fulla*iftoeretoitbtoater,buttbecoS lour of ittoa*lpftefp?e. 3nb3 tolteitanb teaitclte ,jm tohen 3 bab b?oncltcn it,mv pert bab Dnbetftabpng, t topf borne gretoe 5 W h?eft : f o? mp fp?ete toa* liepte in re* .. m|brattnce,anbmpmbutlj toa*openebanb fttttnomoJ^e^peftgaueDnberftSbpn fieDttto tlje fpttemen, that thepto?otethe SB^S^BBW r ? aftc m Www SSW^W 3n.rlbape*;tbep togtettoofunbifebanbfourebolie*. toere fulfplfeS 9 t|3at^peft fpaTieffapittg: 'fcbe fp?f tbat tbbtt I5att to?ptten, fpeafte jHHgtj fhetooztbp tDntoo?tbp maperebe Cbeto ft onefp to Cocb a* Uetbpfe amtoe thp people. Jf onn them i* f fp?pnge of?nber= ttanDpttge,thefountapne of topfbome,anb the ftreameof ltnotolebge.^nb3 m W » " • CCbe.;tD.Cbapter. C*$e pnm! Qmntt (dot eurli people (5a i hauM»b t to t»«o tbem. '©bolbe, fpeaaetbou in tbeearc* ^» ofmp people the too/oe* of p?o^ * Pbecie, tobicb 3 toplf put (nto fttba tobeto?ptten ina letter, fo? it t* the truetb. if eare not tbepmaginacpon* aoa« miftthe,ietnotj]Dntap.tbfulne* of them trouble fl*y tbatTpaheagapnft the. ifo? mi the Dnfepthfujl tyaU D pe in tbepi Dn= fepthfulne* . 26cbolbefapetbtbe ioibe,l topll b?pnge plage* Dpon tbe toonoe, tlje ftoerbe,bonger, heath anb bearuccion.fot topcftebne*>tbtbiJDpper banb (nail the eartb,anb tbep? Cbamefull too?hc* arc f«i* ipiicb. ^berfo?e fapctb the "to?be:3 topll bolbe mp tonge nomo?c Dnto tbep? topcaetmeffe, tohpcb tbep bo fo Dngoblp : nether topll'l fBJfcPJ* ? E tpWF** that tbep ocnie tottb aUiotopcaeblp.iwiolbc* ^innocent *3po«.<.u, bloub of tbe troubleb crpetb Dnto mc, » the ***** mm of tberpp;btrou*complapttr contp* mmllpranb tberfo?cCfapetb ftwm topll fttrelpauenge^reaaucDntomcalltbctu^ nocent bloube from amonge them. *»e$olbe,mp people, t* leba* aflocfe **t*jm, offtepe to be (lapne,3 topll notfiiffre them f; .. , noto to btoell inWpte, bSeSpSK SSBf tbem out totth a mpgbtp e m t « ftretcljeo aitb topll beftropeall § lanbe of it. ®cpnte ftallmoutncanb tbefounbarpS* of it Sal* that Cob (ball b?pnge Dpon it. f tep ttjat tpll the grounbe,(ball mour= 15 2fi f ?i#l F* S« He beltropeb tDo- roto the blaftpnge anb haple, anb an boui= Jfe? SS&iS* ? ^ r L n 1 M * f * 1 I'- t if *.' f It- f •i 6. i '{I fl>all Imitc ho tfptpcUpou&ps nepghbout, but one flwlt piouohe moppet Unto but- tapll to fuoplc tbcp^aaoDctf bccaufc of the pongee of bjcb, anb bccaufc of the greate ■ -1 ■gwroc foall not ccaw v »» mu»,u>tii m«su the tnnocet bloubUponeartb. tUHam* gone out from ftHtattfef bath confmneb tbe : f ounbacpes of £ earth, 9 the fpnners lp* He the (Ira to f 10 hpublcb. Wio worth tbcm that fpnnc,& Ucpc not mp comannormf ti& fapctp tpc JUjbc. 3 wpllnotfpatethcm, t>j vourctoow « cpplbjen from Violence £M C SPSS' **«ffr*» ti)p iojo ftno* .* bctf je bclpuctcb he tbcm Unto beat!) anb mwfflMt# ojnoto ate the plagcscome &P 0, !I W%'f ? e W*rcmapnc in them. ifoi ©ob Qjall not belpuct pou, bucaufc pe tmucfpnnebagapn&bpm. e torljoljc, an bojrpblc Upfeon cofflmeth I .torn tbe ea&ttfrreWracpo* if S won* (pail come out,anb j5 people of * 9ra « Djo toitiji mjmp charctrc&anb jimiitptube 5f i5f m S&^, a * * «V«be *Pan ear tb,that all tbep which beare tpemtagpngcin thm Jtoatjj, maw fcarc anb beafrapeb, anb as the wplDe bojes ontc of toe toob,fotyall jpep go out,anb wpthgteate power (ball JteSOT *j& e WWW *P*0 them S?^ u ? 8 J e ^P&%*# Dane the Up* isct j banbc,not rcmgbjpngethcpi bpniano ftjaii tame abonte f weatpnge Meg* in b,$ ftcpcfplece attbepipotbee SffiSS? SS ^ fe f confume «5 5"l;cm,£j»thcp? uooft (hall be f care anb Wf ,anb fttpfe amonge t&n apngctf. v mMoM }mto tbe £>outMno toep ate Jeep l)o^pbic to iokcbponJaUof %m ftoim. fctev ,iall fmpte one tjpon ano" Jpcr,* tljcp Ojall fmpte at tpc greate ftartc ton eattlj anb tbp ttatte,anb tbe bloiSe ftialbc from tpe ftoctbc tnto tUebelp,anO m fmofte of man tmto W Cmfo Iptteri ^nb tijete (balbe great fcatfulnetf ;<* trcm> Wptw t)pon eattp, anb ttof ft tfieV a f torn tftc •aft l «qwii mmwuESm Jffi topnbc^aibc beftropeb:^ tpegreat pcgfull of jD ? a4anb tf* (carte, tpat tbep itmt btoell tfteri n,f that tbep mavenouSI J»^']Vlf .anoapengc &rrfo/tSnpSi tcr^t^ataUfciijeiBmapcljefnUanbaflrtS nnbMUc^moMinmpneig* (jpiieftau IS. ti>ooo,« tbe airaire off melo^aS bplon, anb make Ijcc afrapeb,tbepfbaU co« me to bet « befcjKe ijce : f (fam * all Slatfi ipall tpepponrc onttjpon pS. ? *** j:i)cnibaUtDc bnft^ftnoftego Uptonto (5 ftftEBS 1 *^ tpatbeabout^ei, SSSASfi 1 Ut HF cc *W» tOtm tttat ht» ne put Uer mfeaitanb toon ifta f conf 02 tett top felfe alfo Upon f pope $ fiSio? yffi Jf %w JtotctcoMnfel ijaftmaie gc* Upon ^uvwmiiiio^poiRSS^ £DP power fballbe bzpcb Uo as a floute HiH* a i tu ^ fycftajp= »a:gp?bepour fcluc^tbitb clo= thes of facft 9 hcarre,anb mour= ^ ne pourc chpib?cn , be fo^p , f » •pour befttuccpon in at panb . % ftberbc is rent Upon pou,anb tbho topll turne it baefcf % fp^e 10 fepnbleb amonge pou 3 ^tbho tbpll quench iu plages arc lent Unto pou, anb lohat i» he that topll b^puc them atoapef 1 «?apc enp man bjpuc atoape an hoitgrtc Ipontn tbctoobf itt)?mapecnpmanquencb the fpje mftubblcttohanit hath begonnc to imriw ^5?ape one turne agapne the ato toe, that i^ Ojot of a ftrog archer .'Che mpghtpc llojb tenbetb f plages 9 tofcat tjshc f xopu HWMM atoape' 'the fp?c in upnblcb anb gone fojth it\W to^ath^tbhat iitfhcthat jopll quench tt.'' ^c ftall call Ipghtcnmgcsf, anb toho (pall not fcarc' ipc (ball thonbrr, 9 tbho (ball not be afrapeb^&e loib (ball threaten, $ w ho (ball not Utfcrlp be beaten topoulbcratb(jjp?efence.' ; 'Ehe earth qua= keth, 9 the foimbactonsj thcrot : the fee arp^ fctb Up toitb toauctf from t\)c bene, anb tbe aoubes 1 of it arc Unqmete f the fp(bctf thcr= ol alfo before tlje 3lo?bc,anb before the glo= rpof hitf potber, Jfwftrongc t-SbtS rpght ftanbthatholbeth $ botbe,hi0arotoc/thi!e i)elbotcth,arc (barpe, anb fball notmplTc, Ujpcn toep begpmie tobe u)ot mto the mm ofthctoo^lbc. & ii5cholbe,theplagej* arc fent, 9 (ball not twine agiipne, tpll thep come Upon earth. WBftm 4 WWW 4«H not be put ontc tpll tt confume f founbaci50 of § earth. Hv* ReasanarowetbhichijSihot ofampgbtpe archer, rcturneth not bacbtoarbe : mm fo toe plage* p (ball be fent Upon earth, (hall nottnriicagapne.tlBots!me,rooiiBime,tbho will bcUwcr me in thofc bapejl/ 'Cbe begin* mnge of fo?otuejei $ greate motiminge 1 the pcglnmngc of barth anb greate beath, the bcgtnntngc of toartcieunb $ potberjX (hall tta no tn feare : the beginninge of cncltf , anb t|)cp (hall treinblccuerp one. 5iWhat(hHU iSegolbcbogcr ^ plage, trouble langupft lll^M e iH emc *! mil nottumefrS 25eholbe,Uttaple0(balbefogoobcheapcC SSW JS e ( " ff f 0D frtfc : anD cue » flW (ball *hS$%?\?}fWKtM#. $0} manpof them t MM Upon earth (ball pcttihof hogcr, Wjcroe beftrope : $ the becb (balbe caS otite atf bottgc, 9 there ujalbe no man to confoite Iv^t^^wrthflpalbewatteb^nb ^ cp left to tpllthecarthf tofowelt.'Cfie treed ftaUgeueftutcanbtbhoflballplucUetbcm HVBS^P^ ^ fte Swpc2 (hall bcrp=: MM Jcfolate of men, fo^ one man (ball befpic to fe another, 0^ to hearcI;t«Uovce. ^°iii[ » e tbbole cptic there (balbc ten left, an; ttbo m tte fclbe,tbhich Ojall hpbe tbcm WgW !2 the thpeue bufiUesJ, anb in § clpfexi of ft ommm tin mm tberc remapnc fine 0; fourc olptte* Upon f olpuc trc, of a*m a Utncparbe tfigathcrcb, there arc left feme ffra J J fi? 5 ? f ^ cm tha tbilignitlpfous;ht tl;o= toto theutnepnrbc. eucufo m thofc bapcjS there (halbetl)2c a tottb the ftocrbe . 3Cnbtl;e eaetbCbaibe left tuaftcanb p fclbetf tberof (hall ware olbc : toe f nil of thoinefcbecaufc no man (ha U tr a naple tijete thozoto . Uijc baughtcrs (hal I moutnc, hauing no bipbegromca : tbewe^ men mane lametacpon,hauing no but ban- Oeftthcie oaugbterjs (ball moutnc, hauing no J!5!^ Pi ®F ^nacmusk tijeiuat= regftal thcpbcbcftropeb,anbtDetrbufuiV m fall peetfb of bogcr. © pc fctuafttcs of JSi °&Sff #«W«gejS, anb mat en thcm.26eholbe,ptbozbcoftbclloibe,©rc^ ceauc tt:bcholbe.tl)c plages Oiatbhpe,f arc not ttach m tattegc. 3Lpbe au trauapUngc teontait, tfchtch after f. tr.monetb bzingeth fojth a fonne,whcn f ponee of the torn is come, an Ijourc t\uo o,i thic a foie that the papnes come Upon pee bobp,anbtohrn the chplbc commcth to tpc *nfa#p tarp not the typncWmg of ancpc.eucn fo (hall not thcplagcs be flack to conic Upon eatth\anb thewo^lbeOiallmoutncanbfoiotoesihall comcuponttoneucrpfpbc. v - ^)mp peoplcpcarcmp wo^r,mauc pou ^ ecbp totpcbattapllanb in all cucll be cucn aspplgtcms uponeartl).* ^c that fcllcth, ,,,„.„. , Ictt hpm be as he tpat flpcf 1) bis mn : aiib 5 he that bpeth as one that will lefe. ^fljhoro Ccc ii OUUr it vt »%* J? *(3ttiM'.s. i ; r i . :1. J' occupier!) marcbauimvc& atf be tbat tbpn* iw tb not:» be tbat buptoe tb,atf betbatujall nptVftdt tberin : be t fotoctb, atf one that tyall not rcapeibciHiopirctb tbe \ipncpar= bc,a$be£u)allnotgatVttbcgrapc0:tbcp that ntarp, a$ tbcpf q>all get no ebplbicn: aim rficp tbatmarp notiajj tbe topbdotoetf: aim tlxrfoic * tbcp tbat I abottrciabout in tiapne. flo? ftraungc rttyal rcapctbepjfru test ,$ fpoplc tbctr goodctf , oucrtb?otoc tbeit $mw& take t bar cbplbjcn captpucfoiin gptpuptc&bongctib&Utbepgctcbplbjcu. 4nbtbcp wt occupietbe pjinarchaunbiciS tiutb robbcrp,boiu longc beckc tbeptbcpi mmmn mkMfcn pomsosj, $ per - wmttj mow fbpn 3' pumptb tbe" fo* tbcp? fpnne&ftpctb the Lo?b.lpkcatf antt>bo?c cmifcth an hoitcft Vboman,fo (ball rpgbtc* ournc$batcinpqupte,tt>bcn(be Dccfcen bet ft Ifcanb (ball accufc bet to bet face, token i)c comctb tbat bef cii'ocrb,u>bicb (ball mane mqiufpcponfo? all fvnitc Upon earth. 3nb tbcrfoic be not pclpkc tberitnto, net to tbe xoojckcj* tbcrottfo? o? ewer itbclogciiifoui tc (balbe taken atoapc out of tbe cartb,aim rpgbtcoumcs (ball rapgne attiongepou. Let not tbe fpnner fapctbat be batbnot fpuncfrfo? eolest of f pic (ball butnc \jpo btt ljcaD,tbbicb fapctb before j5 io?d 000 aim m fflo.ip:31baucnotrpnncb. 22$cbolbe,tbc iLOtn knotoctb all £ toojekctf of men, then rmagtnacponfctbep? mm btcjs anb then bcrtcjaf.* tf o? l;c fpake but j too?dc:Ictttl)c cartb be tnabcaim it toatf made.lctt $ bea= wen be madcand it ton* made. 3n big tbo?= tic tterc tbe (rarrcsfmadc, $ bcknotoetb tbe «6b?e of tbem. tyc fenrcbetb tbegrounde of the depr, aim the treafure* tbcrof : be bath meafurcd tbe fec,anbtbbat it contepnetb. 3[)e batb (but f fee in £ mpddeft of p toatcrtf, $ tbttli i btt itoo?oe batb be bangcb the cattb tipou p toatcttf.tyefu^etbouttbebeaucn lp kc a toatotc,topon p toatcrg batb be f oun= bed it . 3n p defcrte $ type topldcmcg batb be mabc fp?pnge# of t»atcr,anb polesiljpoii tbe toppe of p inountapncjs, tbat jfloubctf inpsbtpourebotbncfromtbeftonprockcfS to water tlje cartb.lpc mnoc man^ put btjS bctte m tbe mpooclt of tbe bobp, anb sane ipprn b^etb, Ipfcatm intbctftabpng, pee aim tbe fpicte of ^Impsbtpe ^holbc, tbe bcatc of a great multptube i& Bpnbleb ouet pou,$ tbcp ilball take atoape cetrapne of ppu,^ febc f pble toitb 3boW^ t\)tv that confcnttjttto tbetn, (balbc bab in bitpfpon laucf beb to fco^,$ ttoben tjnbet fotc. got tjnto tbe placed tbere (balbe a place, atm m tbencjctcptie^aorcateinfurrcccpon \>pon tbofc tbatiFcare ftojbe. 'Cbep (ball be ipkc mab innn, tbep (ball fpare no manj tbcp fyau Cpopleatm toalte focb astfearc the lo^bjtbep^ goobejs u)all tbep take frfi tb5, mm (butte mm o.ut of tbep? boufesi. Ifteu (balft be ktiotbnc tbbo art mv chofe,$ tbep (balbe ttpco a$ tbe fioioc in t|je rp?e. feeare t be begat a fonne,tobom be calleb after M atone name, anb taugbt W^ ftom hvg pputb top, to feate 0ob, ^ to tcf tapne from all fptmc. i^otbttoben be tuitb *V# tbpfc, hp$ fonnc anb ttoi tb all litjS kpnrco toasl come in capti= uitt \mto tlje cptie of $imue,tobat tpmc as tbep all Dpb catc of tbe meateiS of tbe ilbea= tbcn,be kepte bisJfoule, anb ton* neucr bcf> leb in tbep? mcatctf. 3Cnbfo2 fo mocb ass m toatf mpnbcfull of tbe J,ojbein all b^bett, 0ob gaue bpm fauoutc in tbe fpfibt of &al inanafat f mpngctobicbgaue bpm poioet ; to go toftctc be toolbe, anbTo bab be Ipbcttc tobottobatfocuerbpmlpft. C • ^>iu ttocnteHobmjS tjttto all tbem £tbete inj»efon,anb confo?teb tbem, « gaue tbem ^bollomeetojtacparf. ^nbtobenbe came tolRageiKacptieoftbc^tb^baupngteit faience* of fpluct (of the fbpnge*: tobctetf V kpng bab bonouteb tym) $ fttoc among . agrcatccompanp of people of Wkpnteb* one 0abelu^ ( Wwm of bPS atone trp* M€ttbk& 3fo cbplb?cn of ^frael.'Cobia^tbet bailie thT. ?K? Wi m PffDM)e feu tbe bogtic,c "* tbcb tbe nakeb, anb burieb f Decb anb Up- turn* that biligenrlp. P agapne anb fleb out of 3eto,ip ( tuba t tvmc 2"^ n ^^^buetomanpoftbecbplD2 u of 3ftael.^obto0 buried tbeir boOic0.25ut tl$!% ff 2ft 1 * fl*» ^ comammeb I ff SSf e 2f D ^ toa P^anb toajs bpb nakeb, fo? tbere ttete manp tbat loueb bpm . asut aftcr.tlt). bapej^ kpnge toa0 flapnc of i)ia fS?""^' % * m «me Tobias agapne J?^ ^ 5 mmi W* ff° ol)c * ^erc rctto, reo unto ppm. €^be.u,Cbaptct, CSotias hpbbrtfj rochc of We frpiiD was tore iSob hn P ^ KF, tl "■ pcr l. n l c^^0^8 " t, fu*«uncf of soa ©S KpnffoicltcBinocScbpm. Wl folcmunc $ ttct tbere tbpnge* \3p0n a folrmpnc I taft m btfbonfe, anb rapDc mo ho$ fonnc : 000 t^p toape $ b?png bptber foiuc of Qurc trtbcf ocb a* tec god,? tbcp mapc makemcrptbttb **.3nD Xbbeii 1 be ■ ttau go= nc,bc came agapne, « tolbe DiiS fatber tbat one of jcbQ^en of 3fracl lape Oapnetnid tbe fttete. 3nb immcbiatlp be Icaptc from m table,lcft m fcaft,camc faftpngc to tbe been coarfe,tokc hpm atiD bare bun picuetp in to bwjboufe, tmmm m mmmi botoiic, be mpgbt fafelp burpc bpm . 3>im M)m he m bpb the coarfe,be OpD catc bps$ mcate untb mourninge 9 fearc,rcmeb*pnct tbe m*c&> tbat the &o?be Hipctb bp 4 m$. pbci -mm : poure bpe feaftetf Qwlbe tV xxeo to fo?oxoe aim bcupncjtf. 15 jeut tbben p putm tBasfbotone, he m m ujape $ butted hymMhen all btenepffh «5« bpnumptngat^notlugr, m$ it tba* comaunbcb to nape the becaufe of m$ matter, anb baft fcarce efcapeb tbe uaimger ot beatb,and burpeft tbou m dccd agapne.yicuertbele^'CobiaiEi fear Cge 0ob moarc tjjen f kpng, tokc m bobpeis of the flapne, aim hpn mm in i;# bottfe,f butpeb tbem at mponpgbt. 3t tjappenco upon a bape,tbat be bab bit <£ tpcb pbeeb, aim ttoajitterp, cam borne, aim lapeb bpm bourne bp tbe fcall $ flepte. Tim Ccc iti tobple # i * y I « L t-v j;. ■ * 1 i i ■ R4 ■ If! I ■* I T * i t ! erf P ■pj 1 tt'hplcbcfoais aflcpctbefcfcU bottom Upon l)M eve* tdarmebonge out oft be f\»aloetf m ft, f o that Uc tta* bfpnbc . q$t*E tcinpta* cvoti bpb (0oO fuffrc to happen Unto hptiu that thep tubicb came af te wnpght hauc an epmplc of W pactf eclpftc njs oThoMob, itfo? m ro mocb atf !)c cucr fcarcb #ob from hi* poutb Up,$ acptcbtf cfimatin&cmitcft gpW «j?t Offaptift <5oo,tbat p" plage oi blpnbnctf chautco Unto hprn^bnt remap* tug ftebfaft in the fcare of <©ob,anb thaucb eoballtlxbapctfofhwlpfc. ID tf o? lpfec a# blcffcb 30b t»a0 bat) m bcrfc fpon of RPitgcfc eucn fo Urns' be laugbcb to fco?ne of bus ciDcrjs ana UpnffolHejs, whicU fcipbc untobptit : x&betc i& tbpbopc,fo?tbc mm P baft bone atone* 9 burpeb tfbecb.-' »< ; "CobtaiSrcbufccb tbcm>hat Ipupngc foe coulDc gettbiththclabourc of bcr Ijanbctf, flic b?ought it . %nt> it happeneb p toe tone a i$pb,anb brought it borne. ^uDtubcnherbufbaMbcbcrbc ittrpe^he fapb.lofcc p it be not ftollnt,rcfto?c ft attap. nc to tbc oxtmcrjfrf o? it i& not lanf all f o? u* to catc o? to toucb cup tbpngc of thcffCbc" JW ftp* tbpfc angric, $ fapbc : Both ig tbp hope become Uapne opcnlp, anb tbp allmctf pcocssare mantfeft . iflittb tbcf c $ loch ipUe tbo.iDci5bpbibccaftl)tmmtl)ctctbc. CCIje.ui.e&aptcr. Crbc p/aprr of Zabiis. Sacaefce Hauler of Ma; sum is fiau.tD?c6 ofbccfatljcca fccuaQfc. Eljcpjarcc ""/5, n 3 c of f ar^ftt>alfD ci, r timocmcp tmltfc ftptuof Ucr. 2T»)ep^pw*of Srobiaeairtof 5>awate die bo kc 3W ^ fainc tpmc it (jappeneb, ttyit&tob us ^^"ffbtcr of maguel atmaiSia>S? ^ of tfjc Webc^toatf fclauojeU of one of her fa a j tbcp vocre jjone m Unrb Ijer^cre ttapne of t\)c bcueUcalleb36fmoDeu3. ^b«fo?e, yben ftje rcp^oueb ^mapben fo? bcrfente! gjeanrtbcrbe ocr,fap?ffe%obletl %neitci iJ, f0 . M '« net bmiflDtcr of f mo?e Upon cartft tDou fepilcr of tbj> huf tonm . Wvlt V Up me nlfiMep-fotd fmpncfcncnmenattwS jopec iijcntc netber S a 2 c S^ alc ^ tnnocltlp before tDe.^nb notoJD io?be,bealc tbttD m acco?b5igc to tbptbplUanb commaunbe tnv fpietctobe receaueb in peace, fo? mojeerpebtet terete fo?metobpc,tDcntolpue. bctbin f trteng, anb pf^c cnbure in pacpece bciball banea rca>atDc, anb beDplpecroto- neb : anbpf be be in trouble, tbat ofc 3no mapbael f^k ^"Wll oftlje Lo?o ttgell of tb Cttohofcp ?aperjj C^Uc.ttii.CIjapter/ Ca:oWa« ttenrtpmtlo i tt gcurtljagoiip WDo;t atpon anp moitftpon to Jipufonnf* ^)0 ' \ iJ> tblien'Cobfaj tiioufiDfijijjp at he mptrbtb ?a he caileb Unto tymW fonne Bettehpm fehp?c floUeVat thP hp?eb feruauntej* tbagiejei remapne not bp tbeouernpgbt. lofte tbat tbou neuer bo Unto another man, the tbpnge p thou t)ool= beftnot anotherman Qmlbe 00 unto ^.ea* te thp fntumi) the Dongrie anb poo?e,ano c couer the nafceb tbith thp clothe/ £>et thp * Uebanb tbpne Uponf bitriallof therpgh= £?yM!!S l, J? notti,0 lL ea te?b?pncbe fte= rof tbfththcfpnnerjai. 3f fteeuer councell at tycvbpie. U J&1 allure thaneftfull Unto %\\t\\ anftocrcb ^obfo&anbrapbe:tbcll, go on pourc Shift, $ 0obbc mpoureiour= ncp ,ano bus at ngcil bcnrc you c&pnttp. &o feprntbcp |)ttD pjeparcb all tbpngc& that tbcpt&oioc taftewtft -t&tm tntbmtour* ncp^obiatf babbfcfatbcr & bWmotperfa* wUjcli, anb tbcp ttocnt on tbcitfotapcbotft togctbet . jSoKbtbben t|jcpJCbcrc gone : btjs motber beganue to »>epe,$ id pbc:'fr tie ftaff of ourc age baft tbou taftcn otoapc nno fait iipmreonitosf. WUolbc <5obtbntmonep babneuetbene, fpt t&e tttycb tbou baft fent frm atbape. 3f toe bab bene content tbtti) ourc pouctte, tbpss bab bencgrcatc r^cttrjoititiro totf, that roc fa\toc ourc fonne bcre . Wpm fapbe 'fc o* bias* tonto ber :tocpe nocotttc fonne ujall co me to tog agapnc f afe anb fotmbcanb thpne cpc# mall Cc bmutf 03 3 trunstbat tbc goob 3ngcll of ©00 flwll bearc bpm eompanp,* ojtyctojeiiall tbc tbpnge0tbatbebotl»:fa tbat be (ball come to tog agapnc tontb iopc. a t tbcfe ttoo^bcsi brsf motbet lef t of fro toe= ppngr 3 anb belDe per tongc. C'Ebc.tot.ebapter. C Poung rpbfae f«t* IpuctcU froth cDc (pfftf , to e he dun«cil.S:hca(mBcllcrto?trth Tobias to taftc&as ra to bps topff, ** J M % obiatf tbete on bptf toapcaub "a bogge folotocb bpm, anbtffpzft npgbftbcpabobc bp tbcftmter of ^pgri*.^bcntbftbeottttoix>aCb $10 rcte,$ bebolDe,tbetc came foitb an hot* rtblc fpfbtoocuoure tym. fl)f tobonic 'Co* biatf voasf aftapcb, anb crpcbtbitb aloube Jjopce, fapenge: to^bebe coinetb tipon me. % wb p3ungcll fapbe tonto btm'$abc bpm bp p gpli,anb bzafo bint to tbc. 3nb be orb • fo,anD bteto bint upon tbc lanbe . %m tbc fpCU begahne to leape at l)i|5 fete. 'Cbcn fapbe m 3ungcll tonto bint:f ane out tbe boneless of tbp* fpu), anb a* foz m bcttctbe gall % t& IcueMtcpe tbctn bp tbe. j5 if ot tljcfe tbpngej* areneceuarp $ goob foz mebpepne. 'Cobiatf bpb fo,$ rofteb tbc tm anb thep tone bint tbitb tbem in tl;epi iou* mp : J refpouetbep falteb,ajai moeb ajs toajs fufifpcictie foi tbenupll tbcp came to 3Ra= ge# a cptie ot tbc 4»cbc#. / Cben tohm af • aeb ttit 2tung(U, t fapbe Unto bfm:3 pjape ' f b>otbee %a(ut,tcll mctefter to ate tbcfe tbvngeiei goob of JfpCb^tbow baftbpbben me fceptf ■ ,*tbe 3fungcll anftoercb bpm anb fapbe : 3Wbou lapell apece of tbeberttjpon f coa> lejS,tbefmoRe tbetof b^puetb atoape ail ma ncr of euellfpjetej0;,tbbe.tber it beftS man o^ftomtboman,fotbatftom tbence fojtb tbe fame (ball come nomo;K tjnto M . ^:he gall i& goobto anopntc 0? to fteplte f epcs< JbptbalU tDbere as tbcte l$ enp blempfo in tbem,fo tbat tbep ftalbe tbbole. r "■ *L \ JEttb^Cobmsi fapbt)ntobun:tbbetetbplt C tbou f toetcmapm.' 'Cbe3BungeUanft& 3 rcb « 1 apb : hhc \» it npc RpnTman of tbpnc, one ma suell bp namctubtcb baib a bangb= tcccailcbj&aca,anbbatbnetberConnenec baugbtet but bet . 311 w gobb belongetb Vnto tbc, 5 tbou itntft marf ber, % timm befp?e bee of bcefat J)ee^ be iball geue iw? to topfe . 'Cbcn anlithctcb ^obiajs $ fapbe; M 3 tmbctlt abe,qie batb bene matpeb bn* tofeuen buf banbefl ■$ tbcp all are beeb ? aun 3baucbccbefape,lbot#beueliaettoefb«m. 3 am afrapcb mmitM focbtbfgempi pen ton to me alfo:t))bicp Vf it came to pane (fepnge 3 am the owclp fonne of my fatbec 9 mp motbet) 3 u>iUbe b^pnge t jf in tjiepj agctbttb f o^otbe to tbep? gtauetf. m ( 'Cbcn fapbe tbc :»nngcll lltapbael tonto Id Mm:»tare me,$3tbpll tell p tbbattbep be, of tobom tbe beucll batb potbee . jftamelp, tf^tv f teceauc matpage of focb a fasten, f tbcp fbut 00b out fro tbem s from tbept Dert, $ gate tbem mm to tbep? atone luft, euenatftt uwre anbo^fe ?#ule,tbbicbbaue no tonberftanbingc:topon focb tiatb $ bcuell notber. JSuttbbcn^taReftbeir, «art come in to tbe cbaber,tbtitbolbe tbp feltcfroni bet tb?c bapeiK, anb gene tW btlpgece tonto no» tbpnge but tonto pmw tbttbbcr. 3ttft in f fpjift nvgbt, roftc f lener of tbe f>u),a«b tbc bcucllibalbe b^pucnatbape. tbefeconbenpabt u)altp bereceauebtnto tbe cornpanp oftbc bolp patriate . %u tinnbe npgl)t C&alt tbon optepnc f blcffpng of Cob f tbat tbbolc cbplbjen ujalbc botne of pou.aiftec tbetbwbe npgbt tane f map* ben in tbe fcarc of f boure oT&Mntil ,jm WUiKW msutu o»uBbtct co topfe ilpcn ibi^te ithep fto maguell 3 tbbtcb % rcceaucb tbe iopfullp. 3nbtoben magucUottebtope^obia^befep. T-s—lte >wto 3Cnna btf topfe : ^otbipfte g tbttf poungemantonto mpfpfter^fonneV Mnt> sobenbip babfpoaen tw&& fapbe: tbalp, out j -.^Jtlapbemagu.v«*u tbetmbnottoe pe ntp bzotber / CobwjSi"Cftep »>bence be pe goob hmm* 'Cbcp (apb : ©e tbe trpbe of iaepbtbalp, out of # cap to* uttc ofsapniue . 'Chen Dtpbc maguel tonto £apbe:pee,bje auottie bpm ttoell . atnbfobCK geU fapbe tonto maguelWo mi of tbhont lgouaffteft,if{ tbP!» poung matitf fatber. nicptc, tone b " ftbbpnt,anb „ ,_„ tjwnmp fonne^o? tbouarte tjjew goob toeeteoutf* man* 3nb3nna b^-ttopft s ^arit bis oaugbter toepte alfo. r guett bab bpll a ttoetbcr,5b to mane a feaft. ' 3ubifi9ben be pwipeb tbem to fptbotone to mmf ohm fa, Pb.-J »>pl uetber rate iter tytytftatett mmt > ejtccptc tbou fp?ft geafttemc mp petition,* momife rite togc= tie tDp Oaugbter $a;a.QW magucl berbe 0$ be toajiaftounpeb,^ be Bnexoe, tbbat Dab bappeneb tonto f beother fcuen m?,tfet feenfe in tonto benanb be oeganne to fcare, tbat it Oiulb cbaunce tonto l)ym alfo in Ipne maner. ... 3nbtbbplebcftobcfotuboute 3 anbgaue tl)epongemannoanf»jere,theauugelfaibe tonto bim; jf eare not to geue pint tbp baugh mm tonto tftiu! man tbat fearetb <5ob,bet Wgetb tbp oaugbter to Me,t jerf o^e mtgb t noneotl)erbaueber. C jCljcn fapbe maguell : 3 boute nfcM fop batb acccnteb nip pjapctjn anb tear ctf tnbtfftgbt: anb3 truft becaufebpouio co« me totttome f 0^ f fame intent^ that oaugb ter-of mpnempgbt bemarpco in ber atone ftpnrcb, acco?bpuge to tl;e latoe otoofcief. 3nbnottj bototetbou not , but 3tbpll geue . iertontotbe:g)obetoBetberpgbtbanDeof m oaugbter , anb gaue bee into tljc rpgbt banb of ^obw^anb fapbe: 'fbe^oo ot3- bjiabam, tbc^obof 3faac, anb tbe <5oO of 3acobbeto)itbpou,topnepoutogetber 3 anb fulfpll bpjJ bleftpng in pou.^nb tbep toHe a lcttcr,anb ntabc a^ptmg of ttie mariagr. 3ffl> tMrnabe tbcp mcrp, lb p^apfeb d5oo. 3Jno Kagncll calico 3nna bptf fopfe tonto bpm,a no bab ber prepare anotbercbantber, anb tjjttbee be bzpugbtj&arabijs Oaugbter, anb (betojeptcCben fapbe be tonto ber: Se of goob cbearcmpoattgbtcr,f lotoeof bca^ mn geue tbc tope, fo? t^t bcutne^ tba t tbou uaftiuftreb. * j CiClje.toiii.Cbapter» C!tbe Onteii bpnuetb, mvtixtih-Xobi&ettbottcti) bp« topfttop;aptr,anlJ(i)eppMPCtb,?ebapwb«to;c tbcp ipe tojictljcr. brought iS'tbougbt ,_„„^ ^ r _ w _ of tbe a nngeil , anb tone ou t of W bagge a pece i)f tbe leuer of tbefpito,anb lapeb it tops the bote mud. &*m aungcll iaapbaell tohe bolbeof tbebcuelUofent bpm atbape anobouitbe bpm in tty toplbemeo" of tbe hv* , ««gPPte. %ben fpanc 'EobiasJ tonto tbe < tottgipn>anO fapbe j &p &aw , let toismalte ouppjapet tonto ©00 to bape,< mozoto,ao -^tOjoWoitbtfet^ci -" itcpleourfetuctftbptj) 'tm m tpe butpe of ti *' * > are tbe cbpltyen of bolp mm, anb tbe mape iJSSLSkS* 8f to P toge^er,anb 2$ SSiffif WWB* De tDOlbe me* km mm. 3nb 'fcobtaa fapbe : © lo/oe 000 of our fatberjtf.piapfeb be tbou of Am- S.%S l ift "^^ tbat be tberin .'Cbou mabeft 3bam of tbe * moulbe of the earth, *ems, ftSKSL? ? f "5ft**» be«per.3nonotb tS$?M M on , 1 W tbeiouc of cbtlbwn, in to)botbpuamebebleaeofoKuer.3no^)ara fapb;baue mercp topon to0 ( tozbe)naue fMX** m ln ** **® comeibole ?l oa ^ utet l)ecocRcrotbpnsc ) ttbappe-. * SZSSS37 Ijim>t0 mafe( - a w « c - ^ be fapbe.it 1^ cbaunccb notb tonto hpm per =. JSfSSSf £l ft W"* ^ otDer fcue me, tbat toent tn tonto ber.iaotb toben tbcp bad mabe p gtaue, Iftaguelcame agapne to M topfe ; , anb fapbe tonto ber •• fenoe one of th? mapbensi^o lone pf be :be Oeeo,tbat 3 ma ve bttrpc bim afo^e tt be Ipgbt Oape.^o Oic U t a mapocn to fe 5 tobicbtoben flje came into ( cl;ambcr,founbe tbemtubolcano founbeue ppng toffctbcr.36no fo i^e came agatneantt latapfcbbeiJ^toibe^oOofJfracuio^ iK"^ Wrojneo tonto to^ajs Xbc tbongbt. M tbou baft bealt mercpfullp toptlftofc «i anoputattoapefro to^tbeeneutpetbat pcr= ® fecuteo tost, ano baft tbetteo mercp tonto p 0* bei-'ttoobcloueo.© JLotOccaufc tMtonta- m S! 5fcP l0 «l*erfcctlp4b to oftre ti;e fa* crilfte of tl)v p.tapre,«bof tbepj beltb: t bat all people mape bnoltor, tbat tbou Onlp avt 0obin all tbe eartl). 3jtb immeowtlp Uagucll commaunoeb gpjferuauutc^tofpll tbe graue, tbat tbep m mape, ttoptb cartb , afo^c it tba-B Ipght, anObaOb^topfcp2cparcafcaft,abtoma= ftereabpc all tbpttgcjB tbat foere ucccflarp fojmcatcto foebe a#t»cnt bp t^t tuapc. fee caufeb ttoo fatnpnealfo,? fouec ttietbctsS to beflapncanbmeateai to bep^cuareo foi all Dianepghbouretf nnbrreuocji.Sttb Eagucl £bargcbj:obia0,toremaptte tbttb bim irtoo ttoe|e*.3iJfo#aI tbc goob tbat ijc bao be ga^ ue 'Cobtaj* m balfe of it,ab maoe tW m tprtge,tbattbebalfctbbicbrcmapncO,ajulo fall^rtto^obiasiaftcrtbep^Oeatb. C^l)c.ijc.CDaiiter. c fe e IfiMpifttjfrtip^if ttrt8rtp«ofi*o; SSi. "«»««•« mm. t ,-ttb wwaurtbcSi (tec la ^e« ■ 11 t'J I •J #*■ . tyenfcobiag tMm \Mtmm fmu gell,tb&ombe tbougbtto |wue bene a ^ mall,anb fapDc triito jipm : flfyotbct ft?arta*,3 pjape toe berlttn bnto mpfoo?* bcst:^f3 (bulbcgeuc mp felfe to be tppfet* uaun t , 3 (ball not bcfctuc tto p?ou pocnec . ^ctiiCttbrtcffe 3 befccbc f fctpat tfym tapir ta ftc tbc bcaftcj* anb cpc f cnta tmtcsUnb so tintia dPabtlu* in raofcjef tbc cpte of«)cbc& anobclpuctbtm W {anb tojpttnge, anbre- ccauc tbe monep of bpm, anb mape bpm to come to mp matpagc< #o* p anottfefttbp ** fclfctbatmpfatbcebotb rap tfyt bape*: aub pf 3 tarp one bape to 1 ong,be toplbe f o* rp in bw mwtb.$otto feift tbon boto carncft* Up magttclbatb tequpjeb mt a fo tbat3 cam not fapc bpm nap. Cben totte i&apbacll fourcof IRagneb* fctuatintc&anb ttoo Camcl&anb toetc Mn- to magegtbecpteof tbc $?rtwgt: anbtoben Jje bab f oftbc at)e* lu# tbrptcanb pjapfeb 4?ob,anb fapbe ; tbe bleffpng of tbc <0ob of 3frael baue tbott,f o? tbowatt tbefonnc of atpgbtbectttoug anb S> tuft man,anb of one that fearetb <5ob , anb gcuctbgrcatalmeitf Abbleffcng bane t))v tt>pfc,attb pout elbcr&tbatpe mape fe pout cbplb?enanbpourecbplbet0cbtlb?en,bnto tbc tbpjbe anb fouttbgenetacion>anbpout tebc be blcffcb of tljc «5ob of 3fracll , tbbpcfi repgnctb toojrtbetoitbout mDe . 3nbtbjeit tbep all bab fapb3ImMbeptbent to J featt, but tottb tbc f eatc of tfje iojb belb tnep tbe feattoftbematiage. Cfcbcje.Cbapter. Ctfobteeefo;ttbctarpaanc*oftbrt* fohw.Kasucli ftnottb asjapni Xoblae mftW* topft. £>to tbbple pongc 'fcobtatfmabe longe tarpcng,bp reafonof tima- ttagcbptffatbct toatflull of care ^ lanbbeupnc&anbtbongbtJttohat (bulb be tbc caufe,tbat nvp fonne tatpeth fo lottff/iP| tbbp flrolb be be nepte fo long t\)z- rc.'petabuentutc d&abeluj8 t# beeb,anb no man topi geue fwm tyz monep/fthuiel beg£= ne be to be bcrp fo?otofiiU,beanb #nna %i$ ibpfe M tb bpm,anb beganne to toepe both togetbctjbecaufetbepnonnetbatfnotcome agapnc bnto tbem at tjie bape apuopnteb. mm%^m motbee,ibe tbepte ti)ptbbifcom= 25 fojttableteareiEf^bfapb^o Wme,mp fon« "" ne:€»btbbat apleb b0 tofenbe tbe atbapc tit to a fttauge coutte^ lig[)t of out epefttfym ttatfo^outie age, ttoiit eomfo;te of wire tpfe , tbpngesi Jtoe haucate onlp m tfte,tbe (bulb not bane rent tbe atiwipefromtij. ■ 5hcn^obwsJcomfo?tebber,attblapbej bolbe tbp tonge,anb be not bifcomfoieb* out f otme ifi tbbole abb foObe: tbemaft tbar ttc rent bpmtbptball,tefap^ettUpftottgb. |ieucttbclcire,tbemtgbtmnotbpfebee6m 5 to jtcb:bu t baplpe tbent out , tobeb abotite, anb tbent about all tbcftretttt, toberbplhe tbougbe be (bulbe come agapne : tbat (pf (t toceepomble;(btmpgbt(ebpmcommjmge • a tat te of. ■Jfi'SJNtf WSJ** ty* towiete <£ latoe: © tatp Here, anb J (ball fenbe a mef« faungctbnto tbpfatbee^obla^to tel-blm tbat tb.ouatt mgoob bealtb.'^obrasf ratbe Dnto btm.-3 am tute, tbat m^ fatbet «b mp inotbet counte euetp bape, anb tbat ttiepx bertejsarefo^ rff ^>o tbbeh maguel piapeb^obutsttbltfi ntawtboibetf , anb ttoolbe in no topfe beare bpm,be belpuereb fbw bnto bpm,anb tjjt h alfepartofaUbt0goobjm femauntejs anb anbmapbenjs, (nibepe , m CameWnb m pneanb mocb monep,^ ro rent tym atoape ftombpmttottb peace anb tope, anb rapbc: ^bebolpaungellof tbelo?bebefiDitbpou $ inpouretoutnep,anbfepitgepoufojtbrafe anb founbe,tbat pe mape fpnbe all tmnsetf m g-oob cafe toptbpout elberiK 3 $ tbat mpne epeui mape Cppoue ebplb?en afo?e3 bpe.£>o tbe elberjU emWaeeb tbcp? baugbtct 5 ftpu"eb mmUt bet gOi ejcljo^ttnge bet to bonouee pet fatber anb motbet in lattoe, to loue bet bufbanbe,toruletbeUberbonlbolbe,tobe= FJ^bwp ingoob o#>?e : , anb to ujetober C^bcrlCbapter. **•*• 6ara comtfft mien oapw after. *)tbepnotbtberego(ngbometbatbe ~ noravtip.^iimi f hr . w ^wfh<>«^»„> -*> |agapne,Dpon tbe. jet', bape tbep came •jpwp^*^!* l vm <« tbe balfe ptoarbejamfoe. 3Bnb tbe Slungel! ^ t ibtbetiarobtasljtboubnotbeftbotb tbottbaftlefttbpfatbet:tbetfo?ep«tplea» ibape totoatbe fapb:H5 fe tbe, tbe ttbo vopll go befo?e,anblet tfc I )ouu)olb^etbttbt|ipio^feanbtbeeateleome oftanb fap^lp attet bsf.^lnbtbben^oWaiEJ ^««f£««battl)epftttlbgobefo?e,ma 3 WSSff^ W^n : ^abe of tbe gall of ^ rte^mjbttbtbe,fo?itibalbeneeelfetp.&o^^ JDobtajEl tobe of tyegftll,** thep toent tbett tt>ape . ai5ut 3nna tbe motbetof 'CobtajS tDetf t|)cre f($m commpitg,lbe toucb a facte of^ nnbanonc Ibepctceaueb bet Tonne compng, ano ranne anb tolbc bet burbanbc,rapmgc: ai5ebolb,tbp fonne commetb.3nbtaapbacl fapbe tyttoqcobuwatjaifoone aistbou com^ meft into tbe bonfe,immebiatlp bJo^Qjippe tbel,o?be tbp 1 ozoc C5ob of Jftaell, 3 geue tbe p^apfc anb tl;anUcjS,fo?tbou baft cbafteiicb mcanb mabeme tbbole. TBnh lo , noto bo 31 re mp fonnc 'CobtaiOftec fette bapctf came $>ata bijS fonneses topfe alfo tbbole $ fotmbe tottb al tbe bouujolb anb cateUttoitb cameW anb mocbc monepe of bt0 tbptte^, anb tbptb tljc monep tbat be |)ab eeceatteb oftftibeluitf: anb he tolbc bp* f atbet anb W mother al ii benefpteiel,tobieb tp 5 attbXoetetpghtiopfulUttetpcDone. C^bcrb.Cbapter. \ Cponw tfobfas rccftcnto bp frnto b<8f father tit alt afui rweijatebc anaeii bpbbpjm ©f offrtDbntortranffeU |>aifc tbc Boobcsf^at be b;ouai)e.to«b bpm. J^cn ^obia^ calleb ty# fonne bnto bpm,anb fapb : WUbat mape toe geue tbpiebolpman,tbattbenttbptbthe.'' f obia* anftbetcb W fatbcr,anb fapb: jf a* tljer,tbbat retoatbeftall toe geue bpnti'C)? »>batthpugccanbeferuchp0bcttcrVtc#ir)e batb bate mp gpbe , anb bjottgbt me fafc a = gapne:betcceaucb tbcmonep rr6 CabelttjS, be eattfeb me toget mptbpfe,be b?oue f ectel Mttti torn ftom betje batbbene an oceafpon of filabncK c to bet fatber 9 mdtber : be belpue= rebmctbat 3to8# not beuouteb off fplhe, JJJSJ^^toftnir ipgbt StfJaik f ee 51 a P auccmaiiei) ^eatgoobofbtm. ffi^ 9 ? M f W*WW* Pf bapplpbe ofalltbatojebaueb^ougbt. S>ot(je fatber anb t|jc fomtccalieb bpm, 25 SSXJSS a , f P D l2 nn,) be sanne to p?ape bim, WW toUcc8tt »ilotafecmgoobu>oit^ Cben fapbe be fecretlp bnto tbem : ^«?pfe pctbctoobofbeauen,anbgeucitaulie0>M SSSPJP mc r rcp to V W. 3t t0 goob to bPpe^hingc0feccete,buttoO)etOiitop;ap, fetbe tbo?cbe0 of 0ob 9 ttijsanbOttoSble tbmg.^aper wgoobtbttb faftinge,«i met- ep J0 better , tben to boo^bebu treafuvc.8 of golbc.jfo?mcrcpbelpueretbfrdbeatl),clen^ ^^%P tt « tt ^to^noecucrlttfttna L^^Hi^^VbottmtcaulJ^nrpflhtToiifi m&acc tbeenempeg of tbep? atone foule. r liniSSSS?? 3 i? u W tbc truetb,anb totll cbtt tbtth teatc0,anb burpebft m beeb.anb leftett tbp bpttcr, ab bpbbefttbebccb in tbp boufcbpontl)ebapctpmc,tbattbouriipgb, tcft burpe tbem in tbe npgbt, 3 offrcb ftp paper before tbc Ho?be. Snbbceaufe tbon toaft accept anb bcloueb of ©ob,it Von& ne^ ccliarp,tbattcntacponibulbetrpctbc.3jtD notJ)batbtbcHo?befentmetobcalctbe,SD tobclpucr %tra tbpfomtetf topfefrom m cuellfp?ctc.jfo?3am3aapbaclan^ungrt one of tbc fcucit tbat ftanbe befoie (0ob. Jffilben tfjcp bcarbc tbPS» , tbep toerc fote _ afrapcb,anb ttcmblcb, anb fell botonc buo » tbepr faccgbitto tbegrotutbe. ^bcnTapoe tbc 3t*ngcllr i&eace be toptb pou, featc not. Wme 3 banc bene xx>vtl)von, it 153: tbe bjpll of ®ob:gcucp?apfcaub tbancUc^bu^ to bpm. „ £outbougbttbat3bpb*cateanbbtt'nc< *&■&«(. bctbttbpou,bttt3 bfcmcattbattj8tmitfp= ^m^ui. bMnb b?pnbc tbat cannot befeneof men. Boto tberf o?e tsi tt)z tpmt tbat 3 mnft ttttttc agame,bttro bim tbat rent me i but be vc tbancftf till bnto C5ob,anb tell out all tii& toonbcrott}2(too?ckciS. 7m tbbenbe babfpoben tljefe tootbc^ be xm men matt out of thep? fpgbt , fo tbat tbep fatoe bpm nomo?cCbcn fell thep botonc flat bpontbeit facejs bp tbe fpace or tb?e boutctf , anb p?apfcb (0ob : io\m\ tbep rofrbp,tbeptolbcalli)is{b)onbetou0too?c- 1 1 i -1 i : 1 I 'I I' if C&OH w tyt fiber gruct^ tbai.itts unco $ott €bm .; "X ivl ■. r i : tym otDc € obmss opcncD M montii iDra.tf oj taunt t\)c tyeatfym toijicij fend* m torn not Datb Dc rcatcrcbpott,to tDmtct i? pe tiitiia ftictd fo^m l)i# iMmstommw* nctf.anD caufc tDcmfojtoRMolbctDattDcrc ig! none otlicr GoD olmpgDtvc but lie. tor m tD cDaftcncD Utf foj owr mpfbcDcscaitO lot 23 !n# a twit mcrcp Hi he ftall Dc fane U$. ConrpDjc an , Ijotoc Dc Dat D Dealt tbtth Poimuid pjapfc Dim toitD fcarc ano DjcDc,$ niagmfpc tlje cucrlafttnigc lipngctn pourc too?.ckest,3 tbpll roapfc Dun turn tDc land of nip captmptcf o j i)c Da tl; fteftcD W ma* teftpc ^Unto afpnful peopicsntirnepou tDct. tote *p pe ipnner&anDOo rpghteoufne* bc= tojc Goo,and be j»c furc,tbat lje fopll Ojctkc lc,toctbiU rcioptc m GoD. £> ptapfc p JLozD alpcM* cDofcn, IjoIDe $ dapesfof glaoncuc, ano bet DanRfnl tout o {pin.® jerufalcinjf cptic of GoD,tDc tojDc DatDpunpfDeD tf f oi ti)( TOJOtcUctfof tljmeaume Handed jD map., re the lojoc m tDp good tDmgctf , and gcuc tDafer*totDcciicrtaftuiffGoD,tDatDemap bupld up Dub tabernacle agapnc m the >that Dc mapccall agapnc Um:atDc,all focljajS be tn capttitite,ad tDat thou mapeft Dane tope fojcuccmo^c.jaittDafap^UgDt^alttDott QWKM all tDe tnbe* of tDc tuojlb Omll Do= HQHte mme people ttjall come Unto $ frd facte,* tai (toll tony gpf tefcand tbojtbpp tDc .1 ozdtn tDc>and tbp landc Owl I tDcp ha= tic foj a £>anctuatp,f q; tDcp Owl call upon tbegrca tname tit tDc. all -tfta iblafpDetnc tUMim ummnam m mm mi tDcp be tDat buplbe the up. $#m tfrflmftyttt wiopcc intDP cDpttue" foi tDcp all (Dalbc blcflcD, anbgathcrcD to= ffctDectjntotDc JLo^c,26lcu"eO are tDcp all tDat ipuc tDcanb tDat be glad of tDp peace. ^apfctDontDcilo^cflDmpfottle^tDe Mm out God DatD DelpnereD W cptic it, tufalcm fromall Dcr troublcjS.3ttotllcotint ntp fclf Dappp,pf mp febe remapnc to fe the clcamcgofjtcrufalcm. ^ ^ SL S *$ M 3«ufalem ftalbebnplDeO IbttD ^apop^anD^DmaragDcanOaU tDe copalTc of Dcr toallcg CdttD pjccpou* (tonctf. 3l Dcr ftrcte^fDalbe paueD rottlj ttoDitemae ble Q oncatto tn all ftretexsujal ailclupa be ron« .^apfeb be mum*W® Hm** aitep Dect^at Dt^ ItpngDom mape be Upon mm cuermo^e. Men. %m(a%mn$ Cl)t Mtfot, mafic an cube of Dtjo! talKpttge. tj CCDc.jrutf.eDaptc*; iBDaftertDat'Cobia^Dab WW& n , -ic-iF*!? W tWttfl* cDplb^. ifeoto Mg pc tt»a ji.Cano.tt.pr ate olDe 3 I;c 0pe0:« tbafl Hum Dono^a blp in ifttnfne. $m tolth be JH8PS ^ ,lD Wmmtcft of agcDc loft the! ftflDt of Dt^epes(,ai)toDcn Dctbai8tD?c froze K? w °iS c ^ c ? nt •? *I* flfifapnciDe rc- ftDtie of to j ipfe leD Dc tn tope > anb tuereafeO m tntDe fcarc oNM* Oepatteb tn peace. »tm tDc Dourc of hwfoeatD Dc calico \jn= to Dpnt ht0 fmtne'Cobtatf, anofcticnponge 25 rp.itngalDc^fonitciEicDplD^en, anbfapoc JntotDcm:i2:DcDcftrttccionofiatm'ueti$at Dano,f o^ f toojbc of tDc Jto^Oc canot faple, anc i out Wttoen tDat ate fcatreo out of tDc lanoe of Jfrac^all come thptftet actaptie. ^nbtDe toDole lano of tt f hatDbcncS rbalbcfplleD: SD tDeDonreof GOO that tSS toent in tt^albe buplDco agawtc: i al foe? then alfo ftalfo^raftctDeitr3ibo»^ comefo JcrHfalcm,anD Dtocll tDcrcano al tDc Hpu= «e^ of tDe eartD CDalbc glaD of Der,anO torn* mm tDc lo^dc God oorraell. •h? jS^^SPy 1 ? W>i5, J»arc pour fa- C WS&SS*^ ^o^ntDe tructD,fckcaf= tec DWMMnD do tDe tDpngc tDat plcafcth Opm.ComaunDepour cDplDtg tDat tDcp do mUmicaimasM mpnbcfulof Goo,anD tbttijall tDcp^potbcr. foeare menotbtDct^ ro?e mp cDplD?en,anD abpDe not Derc:bttt tn mat oape roettec vc Dane butpefcpout wo- tDcc beipDcme , get pott ftom Dence. jf 02 3 rc,tDat.tDe topcRcDncOc of it Orall b^pngc tt toDeftrucctonattDenDe. * aiftcr tDcpeatD of Dpjsf motDct, ^obtatf n ocpartrD atonpc fro lammctbtth DP^tbpfc ;n; eDUD^anb tt.itD Dto cDiiDcrs mm, f"O cam ^WnctoDitffatDcra*DmotWm latocattD f ounbe tDem tobole anb in a gooD age,anDtOBctDccareoftDem3nDDcclofeD tDctr epetf ,ano toaiof Dcpze Unto al IRaguclj* Di»!cDiiDc^cDtlD2cn.^nDitoDfDetbatf.j:ctjc. Ptm of age, he DpeD tn tDe feate of /J Iwoe, anb D»S itpnrfolfee^ burpeD D of raai butbououoroj a«rat>ntt arpbarat . 3tbt meffenaft* o fjanb ucftoDimoro? areBctppfcti. lapDarat tDc Itpng of f m Dc$ fttbDueD manp people Unto W Dompnton,gs oupl* DcD a noble ftr ogc cite toDP^ JicDe Dc calico egbatDantf. = — - — _ JJ 'CDc tballcsf of tt mabe Dc of free ttonc,fourcfquarcD>rcue"tp cttbptesf Dpc aD tDpitpc cubftetf b^ODe. 3oe mabe totbrcsi there upo an DubzctD cubttcs; bpc.zSut Upa tDefottrc coincrji cucrp ftbc toas* ttocntp io- tcb20De.i9c mabe tDe potfetf tn f DepgtD,lp^ ftc ant tmm % m Rpngc ttu ftcD in Dpi8 mpffptp Doft 3 aD (n Dltf glo^toujs cDarrettcsf. 26 ifeotnthcttbelftDpearcof W rapgnc It ^PPcneD,tDatiSabucDobonofo2tDeSpnffc of tDc 4utrtaj3i(ti)DtcDrapgncD in tDc great cittcofj&miucjfougbtagapnOrpDarat, anD ottercante Dim in tDe great felDe tailed magau,bcrpDc eupDiatcjaianb UCtgrisi anD f fl &\ k lM * 0f ® viotl) ®* Upnsc oi 'ChcntbaWDc ftpngbomc tffyfatfka* D^ofoic^lteb^anDDp^DcrtctbatflpftUp: anb Dcrcnt Unto alltDem tDatDtbclt in Ce= licta,m Damarcu^n Htbantisf, 9 unto tDc W? tya t b^elt in Carmcl anb Cedar, ^felbeof€fDJclon,toalltDcm^tdcremS)a: mnna , and beponbe tDc ttoatctof Soibanc vm 3ccufalcm and tl;c tubalc lade of 3cC» fe Unto the moutapneu of etDtopta. Sinto captapne of W tomt$Mm\mUvm' S««iA U iS\ cD ai ? ttuentpe tDoufande tnuitptuDe of camcl0,fo tDa t the hooft ton« andtDattoitDoutnombie. feecattfed mat andftrW 2I?2 MBB8, wy* came totbarbe the trreat ;\Sf K^ f J!«a-f fo be toent up into al their- caW,andtoannecucrpfttonffenoDcS fJitDettoelf p eptleof iaSSSSSti ^e it? otdne * ffepif d all tTcKliMto the UnlbcrncfcanD Upon mmmth fpie of ;elandofCDelon.^tocntmier€upL: tt$ alfo^and came into a)cfopotanua, and a alltDcfedpd^nbucDodonofo ? tDcftp«gcof ffiftaw thcoioftc of^atitbi^iS?;! JDc »outb.^e carped attapc al the fSOatia wwmp fpopicd all miww*&to- mSS 2? w t Dj,xx lJC tocnt 6«w into tljc SS?A? fl i l tt)c COinr * n * aU * tree«,a id B8S8S? w mml *» W*BS C'CDc.trt.CDaptcr. 4 ■ r nUtMtponc conrrnt ttoide not agree Unto QMS vent tDc mciTattngerjJ agapnc emptp, atth ipttt m atoape tbttDout Donotir. <€m ilaabucDoDonoroi tDc mpnge tofec inDigna= ctonatalltDofe lrtndc0,andftbarcbp hv& troncandbp DitfUpnadomctDatljc toolde beaucnged of alltDofccountrctf. CCDc.it .CDaptcr. CiSSSiiKK to*#ft*i**na&h to rubbucait tbctoo;ib.sijcp?cparac(oiiaftDpurruteof©olofftnw. BtDc tDpitcnth pcare of itpngejSa* buch obonoroz,Upon tDctft. Dape of f rpjft inonctU, it M DcupfcDin tDc coutteofBabucDodonofonDefepngcofthc SHftwanf tDatDcWjolbc befcnbeDpmfclfe. £>o De callcb Unto Dun al tDc clbewuil Di£i enptapuejs , anbmen of tbarre , and (bctocD Pmmftm coimccll, anotoldctDe tDat CJSpnucs become ttirllpiiBIp (ubttctto gpccp;annpc ano rtut Itpe of bpm. ©oiofmnw; f^?pncetfofaUcp TenttheviiRttihaf 16 ipbia,anbCellcta,tbDi^^^^^ ncftano fapD: let tDp ^atHccaJTetoSato r -i. i' I* v1' .1* \y [:. =', i * ■ I'. ■'i WiXtW totter fo} m tofeme $ great ftjmg $ttbucbobohofo;i ttiitl) our Ipttc&anb to be inbtectc tmto tlje ,tl>cn £ t»c qmloe bpc,anb be flapncjanbrcccauc gtcatct l)uttc.4il out rvtfe^nttDuonefrtonMUmotmtapite^auD ijpllciMU fclbeo\grcat$ fsitatl catcll,(bcpc [Ciatc&boifc&anbcamcljMl oucgoobctf $ jwfi&Mxjtjbe ro fbp potter Amocrt&p mb= iccrion be it altogct be tMU our fcluciai alio anoourcbplbjenttpibc tbpncattnc, eome \»«to W a peaceable l02be,anbMc ourcfer* upccattb'pplcafure. 35 "Ci)c« came tyolofcrnciKbotthcft'om t&e mountapnetfttttbb oilmen 9 stent potter, at ib conqtiercb all ftrongcfcitfcb cpttc&anb all tbat bttclt in tbelanb.3!nb out of all cp= tk$ be tout ftronge men , aitb fochag ttcrc mctcfoj the ttavrcto Ijclpe tomMym ca= mcrocbafcarcalfo\)potttboiccouhtrcc$M> tlie mbttcUcrtf of all tpe citpc&tbc Jfymcctf anbrulcrjMnb t\)t people together , ttcntc f ttl) to mete t)pm eijSftc came,anb rcccaucb turn bonoiablp tbttj gat labctfanbto*cl,c& Xoiti) baunfc&tabjettcganb pppctf. -. i5euertl)rleu"e,t!)ougl) tbep Dpbt M,wt *• mpgbt tbep not fttageijpgrpgozoua fto- nracfrbutlttbcftropcbtbcir ctttc& $ bcttcb tnmmctbcpjttobbco". #02 Babucl)Obono= r/01 the upng ban commaunocb biin,tbat je tfculorotc out all f Cpobbcg of tl)c lanoc: to tlje intent tbat (je onlpmpgljtbccallebanb taacnfo2 0ob 3 oftbcnaciong ttljpMolo* fetnesttitij l;t# potter brought tonbetbpm. £>ottcnt bctboiott £>p2ia &obal,ab tf)0: ratt all 3ppamia,anb all tf?cfopotomia,s came to tbc Jbttmcana, in the lanbe of cptopolp,anbtOBet!)epicptie& nnbremapneb tbcretl)p2tpc bapetf, ttber in be caufeb all tl;c ttfjole multptube of bp# l?oft to be gatljcrcb togct&cr. C^c.ttii.Cljaptcr. C:KMCl«qup?ci'bi)e!pcofjsoDagapna&olofa; iica.rbep faftanD wapr. f^entl)ecl)pib?cn oOftaclf bttelt m Icttzp bcarbctbp* tbep ttcte fo . Sire afrapcb of bim.f:bcce camefocb trcmblpngc alfo anb fcatc Upon tbem,tbat mv fozotocb be Omlbc bo Ditto tbe cptpe of Kentfalcm,anb tbc temple of tlje Ilojbe, a# jt bab bone to otl)et cptleg $ tl;etr templctf. ^30 t\itv fent into allg>amariarounbeab= oute tonto jfcticbOjtouc in anb occuppeb al thctoppc* of tbcmountapnejS, 9 mabefaft {be tptoncjs tbitb toallcsf, ab p?epateb cozne fo? mm agapnft tl;c battapll. eitacbim alfo tbe ^efte tbjotc tinto all tljrm ttjat btbelt tott)arbe€f b^elonCtbbich Iputb ouet affapnft f &t<\t fclbe bp Dotha= Jmoanb tnto all t jjofe bp tbbommen mfprht baue pjiffage ^jnto tlienubat mv ujulb to* tte in tbc toapeg of tpe mountapw0 3 W;et= W\)tmtM »*• 4 * bp there mt^t be im$ Mm artt) paflaffe to 3)ciufaif!!i,anDtbattUepq)tUbe8oibcbrtp= ficiu Vbatci)tbl;cveanp ftrapttoajs bcttbtrt tbe tit ountaptictf .3!nb tlje chplbicn of ma- el bpb,a# Cliacbim ttte p?cft of* Jlozbe hab an commaunbeb tbcm.ainb all tlje people etp= cbcamcaip^no bumblcbtbcp? foulciBitoith faftpnaeioiattb mapct!S,tbep anb ti>p2itoi>= uc^.ybe ^eftcsl put on beateie clotDeisib lapcb tbepose babetfbefojc tDe temple of 6 itpibcanbcouetcbtDe attltet of tbe iLoioe toitb an bcartieclotb. 3Bnb tbith one accw= be tbep cepcbUnto f jto^bc 00b of ifeacll, t&at ti)ep? cljplbjcnajulb not be aeuen into a ^apeanbtbeirttopue* into afpople,tbat I betrcptiejs Omlbnot be lapcb tDatte^ that tbepj»anctuaep.lbulbnotbetjnbalotueb, anb 10 tljep to be a f&amc anb tebulte Unto ti)e heathen, 'CbcneUael)iitttbebpe1&?cfteofp3L02bc toentceountieabottteall3ftacU,nnbfpaftc l«itotlje 5 fapinp;e:)i6epe fute, t^at f uw € tetllbcate poiite petition* , pf pc eontpnuc ftebfaft m fattpngeis $ p^apecg in m fpsbt tftytfWtMicb oucttbjctbc tlje^male^ cbite*(tbatttun2ebmti>p^migl)tfpo\bep m tbcic MLiti : tbcp? (bplbc^m tbcpf cbar-^ tette*anbbo?rmat;nottbttt)tbeapensf,but tbttb Dolp wapcejat. euen fo (ball al the cttc^ m® of 3ftaeibe,pf pcc6tmuc in fb^too^ tHCtljat pe Dmie begonne.S)o Upon tljisi cr- ojtaciontljep continucb inp^apcebefojc i5 ,o?b.3nromocbe^tbcptobicboffccbb2cnt factifpccs ^ntotljc 3toz mat manetofcptiei3!ateti)epi'Ull|)atis(t|iettpo= H c ^^S tmflmof ^ ooa ^"ctbep^ J>bo ij tbepjCaptapne i ainbtbftpbotbep SE^Wmw tm all tbofc tbatbtbel in tpe eaft)anb come not f ojth to mete \#, it gjepmpflbtteccaucWtbpthpeaeei''C!jen ^c|to>ti;cCaptapne ofaltk Ammonite* anfttoctebjanb fapb: *>p j,pftt pleafe tbe to . Ijeate * . ■ .; |jeaec,3 Ml tell tyt mm Mow tljccon, ternpngc tm people tbat bttoelf in tbemo . *W »«5 $«c Wl tro Ipe 0:0 out of mpmoutl). r s 20 "^WP/ople^of tbc jjenecacponof the fpnbcp tbolbc notfolotbe kobbeji of tbcic fcUbctftDattbccein^elattbeof^ibeetf, SSS Sffi Jgltt * cuftomc^of tUeir £ re tatbetffC tbrnet) tjab manp aobbctfj s tboj> gppneb one &0D>tbat nnme beauen J eetb; WW alfo comma uttbeb tbcm,* tbepfljuli) go ton tbenccaub btbcll at Mran.Kttoe vm tUetc came a bcattl) into p toboie lanb, : tK?il ei,ot S^^?flPPtc,anbtbccetbep mtb.c Mbelt*fouec bobzetb pearcsf,m tlje ttohpclje ffi tlje p mnmnlpcb fo grcatip,tbat rhci#o& na,((i,c muxbtnot be nombjcb.3nb tbhen tbc htner of egppte oppzeffeb tbcm, anb rubbueb tp in buplbpngc of m cptieg tbttb maHpitg of tlapeanbbjtpcK,tJ)ep ccpeb \mto(5ob thepz . |o?be,tb|)icbe punpajeb tlje toDole lanbe of ^ topte toitbbiucefe plages. C ^^cntbeftpngcofegppteletfDg folotbeb after tDem,to tafte w, $ to b^tugc tbcm agapue into ^fi fetUpce * toWettyv Sbere flpcngc atbape,t|ie ® ob of bcaue" opc= ' fS^^^^^at^ftobc^faft^po bojD thefpbeieias; a tbaKa itb thefeiucnt th* • JjM place turn an imtumetablc people of tbe egppcpansf folotbeb \jpon tbcm, tbep Xbctc fo oucttobelmcb ttoitb? tbatertf : that tbcrercmapnconotonctoteltbemtbatca* me after, botbitbappciteb. ^otbben thv# people m* paffeb t5o?o\to t\)tm* fee, thep cam e into tbc topioetnctf of tbc mount dv= nai 5 tobccc neucr man mpgbt btbcll af 02c, t Jbijcre J fpnc of mabab neuerrefteb. %hm ttiete the bitter ton tm mabe ftbetc f 02 the, M*pV mpjBfb|0?pnftc 3 anb fonp pcatc^ Jab tbep mcatc from ijeancn.tlJabeeefoeuet tbep tbent(ttoitl;outbotbe anb atotbctbitlh ^>OHtbuttlcroKtbearD;tDep^obfo«rfbtfoi tbem,attb eaureb tbcm to^aue tDetjietoip. gee,no man tbatf able to Dutte tftpjl acouii *mtit tbcec fo, f tm oepartcb%nfapV fullp ton tbc ttoojtopppngeof tDeloibe tjjep? f ob.But a* oft WtmmtovS StWSri erp K^? ^ juer tobc fpoplcbio benapne, & to be put to confurpou.iaeuertDele5l,ajj ofte atf tto me fo^fo^bepartpnffefrom t^etbo/thip Wgeofnjcpj<&ob,tbefameC5ob0fbcau? BauetDem potber anb fttengtu to tbptb= JranbctDepzenempesJ. rv €attc*ntiDaniojtfctf ) atiDaUtbempffDtpc mpofrcmotttanbrolougeajstbcpfinnebttot MMiii in tbefpgbtof tbWCobfttbentbjeltbfttt "Jf£ ^wtpmeiS pafttb(je tbep Setit out a? fJ t5 ^?? c ^"^obbabgeumtbf that • jnanp of tbf toerecarpcb atoapc mcfoncrS 3W8F *8 *"* ^w W»« agapneS JS8S2£SS5? r t^ e co «tree$tbberetbeptbe s ShS?r?i^ olle:anD ^PC tbep coquc* 5?2??? Mfalem to ^ w *N» fcanctuarp iieffc in tDcftgbtof tljcir isoo^cn le fwrro VP agapntt tbe,f oz boutlc* tbep/c5oD |all ^ JW«enotm^lenftDtftcp^&,tftKinot beable to toptbftan&c tbcm, fo* tbep 00 d re lteo4attb tlougbt to flape K."ffi otietoaltotl;er:tbi)ah0betbWSjtcb^^ bttf bpoftrtoberc a* tbep arc an UwSSS of tbe fcatc* of ttiarrc c 'Cbat 3£chi02 tteS JWHV «e 8W« acc t«Bcn,bcalfo fbalbc itpente tottb tbc ftoeat b,tbat al pro" Cfc&e.tt.eiiaprcr. £tobcntbepbablcftoffpeaBpng, * feolofernc^toltefoje inbignaciou * ^tboubaftpiopbccpcbtmtous fapmge:tbat tbe pcopK oflfwci Qmibc b§ fenoe 1 of tbepif obi ^SSi tbcregno^obbutBabucbobonofw !SS «MM the ftfcebof mp nnpghtboS S Create iimonflc tl» toounbcbof 3frac£ano malt e MM * * . m rn M 1 1 P.I r; :i t ■ it v. I 'M i !.'. : . ' V*. I i ■ * • in -*. fyatt tiot cdtttc to tbjf fclfe agapitc buebe 1>etcrlp bcftropebtoFC|>*b«u< Hut pf t&oit tbfocftcfttbp pjopbecp f o be tcue,tobp boeft tbou tbetubamtgc tbp cof otiw&rijpatte f) 5S arm pebr % ijpnefteft' tbou £ tup 'too jut* are iitotable to bepfrfoitrmcbr 2Bu|:tjiat tbou mi apeff fenotor, J tijou C&alt f clc tbtfe tbpn* p$ toith tbem,i)cbolbc,f ro t^tjei jjoute f o?tb wpH 3 fenbe tbe unto ponber people , tfiat mm ttje piittfCtunesit jof inpfitoetbectto^icb • tbep bauc toojtbelp befctucb ) fallen; upon tbcni,thou mapeftbe punpujeb toit jjtljem. £>o ty oiofctiteseE cSmaunbeb b# Ccrua un : teg to tauc3!cbio?j$to carp typmUnto M5C' tljiilta^tobclpuetbwn info the banbefl of tlje cbtlbje of 3fcatl. ^b* n tooiofcmctf fcr= ti auntcjs robe binr>anb toft tUo^otto £ plap= n r fci Dc JSut toljen tijep D?cto npc »nto cfjc mountapnr&tbe flpnge caftcrtf came out a* japnft tbem: jacucrthelcfle tftcp gat t&e* a* bape Op tbcfpbe of toe mountapnc, a"bbo* untie 3lcbio?banbc anbfoteto a tree, anbfo left l}pm bou&e toitb tuit^pejaf > atiD tutneb agaync unto tbep? loibc. tfottoitbffaribtngc p cbplbjcn of 3fcacll tocnt Ddtouc fr625ctbulia,camc Untobpm, lotofcb t)im,b?ougbtbim into 25ctl)ttUa,fct torn in tftcmpDUcft of tbcpcople,anb aflte& tm tojjat tt)c matter toafotbat pmriantf r i)aDIcftl)pmbounDc' *■ £>f tag tbe fonne of 43?icba of tl;e trpbc of £>pmcon,anb CBarwiroftojfc&wauo cal= leo <0otbonici;tocrctbc piincipaltulctgat tijc famctpmc.jgotbetbScn lUtyto ftoDe in tlje mpOOcft &Jm&KMtouic& ano lief ozc tljcm altje ttl^Tmrn, tea t anftberebe ga= ncI?olofcrncjs,tutbe td?Tge tftar jeatfeli i;im,antJ Dotto feolofctneispcople toolbe ha= ircaapnebpmroifofapinge, aim ijotto©o= loftrne* bpmfclfe tbais tt)^otb,gs comtuaun* DeObpmfouiJefamecaMfcto be OelpuereO Vmto tbe 3feaelitciei:tbat tdben beottercame tl)c cl)ilD«n of 3frael,be mpgbt commaube ^c&io,* alfo to be pat to beath ttoitb biuerfc to?metc0,bccaitfe be fapbc: tje <0ob of hca= tic n i& tbeir ocfcnbcr.3Pnbtbben 3c (no* bab plapnclp tolbe out ailthcfe tbpnijeftau t^t people fell bourne ijpe tjeir facesl,p^apfmg tbe iofbe,anb poiiteb out tbeir p^apersi to= getber Unto m HowMtl) a general torn* plapntc anb toeppngcanb fapbe: lozbe (Sob of bcaue" $ of eartb,bebo!be tbeir pzibc anblofte Upon our lottolpnesl, ano confpbie fiofo it ftaubctb i»itb cDp rapncte&anb ma^ m it to be Hnotbne , tbat tbou f ozfa&ett not tbofe,tbbtcb bolbe tbemfaft bp w, 5b botb a>t|attboub?pngefl;tPlottoe,tb v atp?erttme Of tb?(cUicie(,anb manetbepjboaft in tbep* attme ftrcngtb. &>o Men tijc toeppnge ano mm of tbe people ( tobpebtbep bab mm jbe ttobole bapeloge ) M* enbeb,tbep com- fo^tebU!epioj,fapinge; %ty <0ob of our w* ti;ct0,tbbofe notjwt anb Urengtti tbou baft p^apfeD,ujairo retoarbe tbCjtbat tbou (bait ratbee fe.tbepj bcftcuccifi.mpen tfotom our d?oo tben Ojall tjcue m CertiautejJ i " lPbcrtic,dl5obbe alvo toitb fleamfijre %, H tbat pf it pleare W t fton^tbmltWl mapeftbt»cUtbitbt)i«. mm itti man m enbeb t|je coOeeUi ftetofte|)imintol)i}siboufe,$b mabeagreat fupper,caUeb tbe elbee* to ie,anb fo tlm re- fccTqjebtbcmfeluejBiaftertbefaftpnge.5llnb aftcrtbarbetoatfaU t|ie peopleealleb t'oge» tbcr 3 tot)tcj)mabetbcirp?aper^altbemgbt longein the congrcgacf on.anbbefougbt tor anbp?apebtoitl)oneac-- co^be a tbat f d5ob of 3fraeltoolbe ibeto bitf inerepUpobijafpeople,anbfotbeptoftetbeir tbeapcn^anb fat bettbijrt tbe mountapiieg m tbe narotb place,anb ftept the tbape bape anbnpgbr.^uttbbple^oloferneiEttbaiElgo pbtcbfratbe^outbfpbetbajsconuepebifm jo g cpne bp a ceoptc: tbisi cQmaunbeb be to be birect anotber ttape,» to cut tbeir cdDtte infunber.'Cberetbcretbclle^aironotfarre trom tl)e tballe^, tbbPf H tljtp Ufeb feeretlp, mqie l : o? plealurc tben to? neceflpte. 'Cbenttocnte f ^mmonpteis « tbe 4»oa= c but 'teue' taken in,ab Hepe tbe mountapue^ anbMlesi.'CbattboumapeitouercometbS tt)erfo^ttoitboutfftrpfepngofahpbatapl, fet men to itepe the toelletf tbat tbep toafoe notbater out of w ■ to u;aitc tbou peftrope tb|ttoitbout ftbearb, o? at f leaft tbep ftall betofebie, tbat t>bepmuir befapnetoaeiie otter tl)ecptpe:tohpcbtl^rtwfee notable tob^oime,fo?fomocbea!5itlpetbr ft- P i' - . mouutapne^.tbefe tbO^bejS ptcafeb Itoolos ftrnejBi tbell $ all w mm of tbarre, » be fet* an jmnbietb at euerp toellrounbe aboute. 2> ; 3fnb foben tbpa tuatc^ b«b cnbureb Mb tpebapefttbeCifternejsigf all that bab toa^ tcr,faplcb flfjem tba t btbelt in pent of mi* t|julpa,fo tbat M tbbole cpte tbep bab not Uamclie pnougb top one bape,fo? w people hab toater gcuen tbem baplpe in a mcafure* 'Cpen camt the men anb toemen,ponac per fbnnej* Ho ebplb^at all Unto n>fia jj, at fapbc alltbitb one Uopce : <£obbeiubge bcttoijrte wanb t he,f op tpou baft bea It euell tot t b UjS tboutuolbeftnot fpcane peaceablp tuitb the fevntfe of tbe 3l(rp?ian0,tberf o^e batb «fob folbcuii m tbep? banbej{ 3 anb tbere iis no m5 tobelpc U0 tbbere ajs toe are b^ougbt botu=» ne befoje tbep? epetf I tbirft 9 great beftruc* cpon . C|iecfo?e gather notu togctber all § peopletbatbeintbecpticthattbemapeafl pelbe pure ftlue* tbpllpnglp Unto f people of ^plofernejS:fo? better itisi tbattoebe ca= ptpueanb p?apfe tbe io?bettoitb our Ipuctf , then to be flapnc anb perpu)e,anb to be Iau^ gbeb to fcojnc anb Ipameb of euerp man, toljentbe fe our tupuctfanb cbplb?mbpe be= fo?e oure epest. sale tafte beauen anb eartbe tbpsibapetoreco?be 3 anbtbe d&ob of ourfa^ tbctji.CtubicbpunpfbctbUiS acco?bpitgto # beitcrupngafourfpnnexijanbgeucpoutbar npuge^atpcacueUptDecptpe noto ito? potocroflooloferncjSbooftjtbat owe etm maw be Q)p?te tbitb tbe f tbcrbe , tbbpcb el* ftallcnbueelongcfo^xoante of toatec anb fo?tlM(t. v timmti agreatetoeppng anb botolpuge mtbelibbole congregacpon,anb tbat of cue^ ^ J^'SPV^P ct ? eo an tbbolcbourclon-- ge bntoj^obtu oneuopce,fcipenge:tbebaue fpnncb tbitb ourc fatberjs,tbc banc bone a mpOe^tpe bauc bealt tbpcacblp.'Cbou tbat artgractou^baue nietcpupon ug , ptrnpOj " ourunrigbteoufnetftuitbtbpneatbnefcour ge a anb geue not tbofe ouer tbat imotolcbge wipv ^# *&$ ftnotoc # n »t, tie ^ b? e am ° ffe ^ * e8t ' wi: W* ^ iinb tbben tbcp tuere fo Ktoeerp tbitb tm crpengc anb toepingctbat tbep belbe tbcp? tungeft^fpas! fiobe Up tbEtb&atrpe mi anb fapbe: jptaaegoob better Unto ml cp of tbe io?be.perabuentute be (ball cuta* toavej)ps{mbignacpon > anbgeue glo?pUn. ffi«#«tbapejj(arepaft,tbe;(baUbo a^ pc $o.n\) *. * > Cf^UiitCiwpter. ;«stejw?«i^^ ,.* f « f jftti it fcappcnebfobc't&efe toozbesl ' came top caecfl of 3ubitb. a tbpb» jbotoe,tbbicb tuaja: tlje baugbtee of —t srfS?S«*i tbe fonne of 3bojr , i Ton- 9SXSRA 5S ne of 1Dfta »9 e fom * oe S2?i9 V on,1c ° c yammo?, tbefonne of 3e cbitob, tbe fonne of ^elcbia^ # fonne of e= ffi£ e A n f °^ai§?«w » tbe fonne of wWeljfte ^fonnc of S>pmcon, m fonne w&SsW^VMW of tbe baclpe baruett. jfo?tbhpie betbajs bpnbpngethe SSfiSSMi*^ at ^«buliabisJcp= tie $ there tba* be butpeb befpoe bte f atbertf Mm tba^ 3»bitb I n befolate SboSc twepcarejanb fir monetbos.^nb m p ftpec partem of ber boufe iDbemabeberfclfcap2c= in tbitb ber mapoemf. £>be tbareamiocfe of ^* bear c,anbf afteb all m bapeg of bee lpfe,c« s v JSRffi^Ww'^awjtictoemonrtanb 2^ l 2SE l i?5 ,c ? ^f People of 'Jfracll ftepte.^bc tbaji a Uitp fap?canbbctbtifull pcrfoncfeer bnfbSb alfo bao left bcegceate mw a tuoman of a Uerp goob repo?te P l tb euerpone,fo?(befeare5 if ioib greaV tuo?be of he?^ "° m * mt ^ c * n cueU i,*fe2l^L? ttW ^^^' potb jDfpatf 8! JfKffSS t5e ^ e £P le ^bat after tbe fpfte jaw jolbegcue Up tbe tvtt Unto tbe» ^^?^!J^ r # ,e ^ ^Damb/iano &85?&\5£ **"* •f cantet0 ^^ S.ffiHS 8 W 1 ^ tft W» toberin tiDfpaS • ♦fc?S2H»ffift lt8te ^' tbatpetcmpte cp ofeoj , but p?ouoaetb Win unto twatb Acuertbelefle,fo? fo mo'cb atf the Xoio ii pacpe},lettU)Btratberrepent 5 pourpnffeoutC aSKS? 1 *?* ^ m of giace. iofdSb tweatcnetb not.a0 a man , netber topllbe ue before bpm,anbfecuebpmttoptb a meke [P^,anbtoptb toeppnge epegfapeUnto mmotytm be beale m\t wEEBS to bv* atone topll ano merer : tbat IpSeai aSfe? 1 ^ *» . anb b?ougl)t lotoe !XfJ^SWJS> IWffracc : infomocbaiitoe folotoenottbefpnneiElofottcfatlicr^tbfttcb 3>b& fo?fohe V \W M S' "\ i •■■ i ■ V- r .•■ -i * s I iitV :!t L- .ijv *:■ f * r - P i" * 1 r I i' [ r f oifohe theft <2> ob,s tbojft pppeb ottjer gou . befcf oi tl)c t&hyeb fpnne tDcp petil&cb tbiflji the ftoctoc ,t)>ctc fpoplcb | bgtttffht to tya * me of al tbeir enemwtf.3toi f o/jt&fee anotbe none other <£>ob but onclpbt>f oitobofe con ( oztc tett W tarp tbitb incftencuc . ty tyaU ircoupK anb maw mqmTpcifi f oi out Moub from tbctoraciontf or our cncmpcjfcbc QjaI tnmetcooumc all tbe fyeptben,tbat rpfe top asapnfttifcfputtbemtobif&onourccucu itbe loibe outc t£ob. ^ % Ijcrfo^tc bcarc tycthjen, fcpntje nm $ *> honorable anb clbcrtfm tbe people of 0ob, iimto vo&om all tbe people bauctcfuccte, a& lapon tnbom tbe ipfe of t&c people ttanbeth, Ipft top tbeie bertctf toitbpourc crbojtacpo, that fncp map callto rememtyaunce, botb oure father* alfo in tpmegpatt there temp* i:c&,tbattbepmpsbtbep20ucb,pftbcpttoo? fyppprb t&m <^ob a tpjjbt. *€%cv ought to *BMt.ru a ecmcmb tcboto* ouref atbet 3biabam be* wwc tcmptcD,anb trpebtbojoto manp trp« lmla cponjs , toasi f ounbe a louee anb frettbe nf<£ot>. £>otDa03faac,fotbajai Jacob, fo m$ 4^ofc0,ano all tbcp tbat pleafeb CE> oo, bepnge trpcDtboiOtomanp trouble*, tocre foimbeftcDfaftiufapth3gapnc,tbcptbat receaueb not tbm tetacpon* tbptb tbefea* re of «5ob,but put t^ ffelucst fojtp *>it\) \m* pacpencttanb murmurpngc agapnft oo, pcrplM|i|U£i>Eftropee,auat»cee flapne of (qwflPKft) tTOO^nftulbnottoetou bcrrSWiTiKuitengeirfoi to! tbpng tbat « done Tuuto totf:but to confpb2r,tbat all tbefe pimpujmcntea ate f aerc leflc then onrc fpn= nest anbmpfbebc* .I6cleuige alfo tbattbp* co2rcccponcommctbtonto\w;(aja; to thefce* uauntc* of C5ob)foi amenbement >anb not fojomtbefttuccpon. <£. %bm fapbe flpfiatf $ tbe clDertftrnto 3n* Ditb:3U tbat tbou fpeaUeftjififttue , anb no macantep2ouetbpfeo}be0.Biapetboufo£ \»iEl noto tbeef oie tmto C5od, to? ttjou art an g}oiptt?oman,anbfeare(t <5ob. aihb 3ubttb lapo \jnto tbetnr&epn&pc luiotoe tbat mp tbo^bejS ate of <2?ob,tl)en p^oue mp counccll s beutcejpf ttbeof <^ob:$ beftebe 6'oD,tbat petopU b^pnoje mp counccll to soob etibc. 'CbujS bauc3&cupfe0tPeiballlMDctbitf npffbt bef o?e t])z po|te,ano 3 tbpll go f o itb tottbatyampmapoen. ^apepetbctfo?e nn to <5ob,tbat he ttpll uracpouvlp tementt b^e W peoole ofj feael toltiglnfym bapejS, &$ pe baue fapb.^jJ f o? tbe tbpner tbat 3fio in banbe toitp all,afhe pe no quenpo^ of it, ft>U 3 opentt\)nto poamy relfibopitnotbfp; ell* but v&w ^nto t^t lo^b poutc i25ob fo^ me.'CbenMa^tfjepnnceottije people of 3 una fapbe t)nto bee :d?o tbp toape in peace tbe lo^be be ttritb tbe, tbat tbe mape be aug creb of our enempe0.$nb f o tDep toete from peragapne. £Sq»»p;ai'« of Jiuaiti) foft^c tipeto;pe. '" ?^ *# n f J^ to « e fi°"f tl)cp? a ttape, JnbttbtiJinte mto Wr clo- vct,pt on anl)cairtpefmocb, ttra« toeba(be}ait)ponbbeit tbepbepnffttoeapeneOiperfecuteo tbp rc ™*»»t«Unb put t jepj ttuft ftbep? cba: rettc0,(jo^fmm,$ in tbcmultitube of tbrpt men of Jarre, mm tbou louebeft too tbeir boftjcaftpnijeatbpcU barcknciS befoietM: anb ttobcutbep came into tbe bcpc,tbct»a= tensoucrMelmcbttiem. J5 enm fo io^lettitffotbit^hefe^lwt trull in tbe potber 9 multitube of tbcpi mi otparrynaep; cbarrette^arotJocsi |fpea wfta«bfenotbenot,tl;at tbouonelp art out <5ob ,ttobicb beftropeft toarccxs fro £ beenm* npns,a»btbat tbou art tbe ton. UD lift »p tbpne arme notb,lpHc abetter f com £ be* sptmpn&anb i tbppotocc b^pngctbeir po= tocc tonauo;bt,cautetbepzmpo;btto fallm tbP, tojath. fytyp make tjep? boaft , * tbep tbUl»nbalotbe anb befple tbp ^anctuarp, anb to toapft t^e tabernacle of tip name ,* tocaft Dotbne m bo^ne of tbpne nutter t& tbep?ftoerbc,^fp;to paOe(€> to^bejtiat toe mu of tfte eneinpe mape be cut bourne toitb W atoneftberbe 3 tbat be mapebetaug toitb tbefnare of M m» in me,anb tbat a mapeft fmptebf twtb p ipppesi of mp loue. Oaeue meaftebfaft mpnbe, tbat 3 mape „ ^bP«ujaljb^pno;i?tbpnameatt euerla* - ftpngrememb?auncf,pftbe6anbeofatbo^ ff^WHSfi** wf • ifo? tbppotberc JD WW U ot tn P P ^ ^ '«en,nethee M^enppleafurcCfDe ftrenotljof flojfe JTbere ttas 1 neuer p^oube per tonne £ plea* Kbtl»c,but(ntl»epMperoft]iebumble anb mew patb tbp pleafure bene euermoae. jp tbou C5ob of tkbeauengjtboumafeec of tUe^ateri«,anb io?be of all creature*, beare me p ooie tboman, ealbtur t)p5 the , « piittpng mp truft m tbp mercp.%cmemlue tbP couenaunt,tf> toMnb mpniftertboX J0inmpmoutb > anbftablplbtfebeutceut pbert,tbattbPboufe mape cotpnuc Hvll n bolpncjB.', anb tbat a II tbe feeptben mape Kuotoctftut tbou art C5oo,3o tbat there ttf none otber but tjjou. v v r> C^;be.r.Cb«pter. «WHth hunt fl> J>tr feifc«o ea to fcoiofmtw. «ht toyWpi to* &*b left of crieng t)n» totbetojbe,i&eroret>p from tbe place, tobereuje bab Ipenf lat beto ^^ ^^fbei.ojbe^callebbermapoeu, tbltbottoiieintober ftoufe,lapeb the near' S'l^toJSP^WtMtte garmentejei of btr 5?pbbotobobe,iQjarajei) Dcr boop, anoin= teb \)n ftlfe ttitb MWM tbfofleiMf ftoe= refauoure,b?opDeb anDplatteDbcrbeai re, fettan bootie\jponbir bcabe,anbputon fo= cbe apparcllajf belongetb rnito fflabneffe, flppperjs\monbtrfete,armcllettc0,fpaoctf! S a S5I? c %^ tt ? ct i pi, s es{ » ^Obcclteb berfel> feu>itballbtrbeftarape. Wto Mlbegaue ber alfo a fpecpall Ufa tpc ab fapjneOeCfo* all tw bccHpno of bpi felfc ttjasnotbonefo^cnp UoluptuoufticOe anb pleafure of the fleft,fmt of a rpabt bpf= creeponanb\jertue,tberfo?ebpb the lorn increafe l;ir bctt)tpc)fo tbat (be tba$ ejecea» bpno; ampableano itoclfauoureb in all mejet cpc0. &>bepucbpj mapbe alfo a botell of Jbpnca pottt)it|)oplc,pottao;e , cakebieb 9 cbefcanDturntebirtbape. * iaoto tojjan ujc came to tbe pouc of tbe 3S fptic,ajefoubcC>fjia«anb tbe'cfcc^ of tbe cptletbapttgtbcre.52llbicbti?ba t\)tv fatie ber,tbep ttocrc aftonpeb,$ marucleb crrcat= lpatberbet»tpe,Bcuertbele(re,tbcpafKeli noqueftioatber,butletbcro;o,fapinp::'Ehe SSfSfiF! Ut &*& sm ^ Wgeaee, anb tottb b»JS potberjerf ourme all tbe Deupce of thphette:tDat jj^wfalfmape retopfe ouer fbe,anb tbat tbp name mape be in tbe nom= b/c of tbebolp anb rpsljteoutf. 3tab all tbep tbat tbere tbere,fapDettoitb one t)opce:fo be tt 3 fo be it.3ubitb mabe bir pjtapcr tmto the tobe,{inb tbentc oute at the pojte, tbe anb |)ir mapbe. «■■*.».» ^nba^fbetoatfsopniffbotbnetbemount tapncitbappcnebtbataboutetbefp^pnae of tbe bapc , tbe fppcjs of tbe 3fTirianimct Itoitb ber,anb tofte ber,fapino;:tbl)ence coin mefttbou.''C»^bitbero;oefttbou.''^beaii. nuereb:3 am a baufibter of tbe ^ebjue&iiD am f leb tro tbe?, fo? 3 anottoe,£tbep(balbe fieucn\jntopou to bcfpopleb:becaufetbei> . {pouffbtfco^nctopelbetbefelueistjnto pon tbat tbep mpsbt tpnDe merep tpoure ftcr&t %\m oje,iauc 3 beupfeb bp mp feif % m%% ttbmj 5To.rrbi, t topliqjcto btm,botb be mapecome bp tbem jlnbtbbantbcfemf babbearbehfr tboi-- C Sg52!^ 6 ^^^^tbepScrc aaonnpcbCfo? tbcp toonojeb at hit t&UH Ipfe bp fpnbm ff out tbtf bcupce,<> tbou« f.f ft 5 m JSSP mc 1° om l W : anb be tbou iure,tbat tDban tbou eommeft tonto bpm,be Jalltntreate tbe toelLano tbou (ballulcafe WJf ^W *** ^"M t ber into WftnejBfpaupKon,anb toiocbmiof ber. &SSS? fel%? owwcomcaD raben toitb btr betotp. W fapobm fei'uaiitetfrtb&o tooiDe bcrpife^ people of tbe 3etoe0, tbat haue fo fap?e tbemg.^bulb toie not bp rca f 6 fpabt mm* m foztbefe.'&otoben 3ubtth ml golofernc0fpttpno;cinacanapp 3 t'battbn^ ftytougbt of purple,fplse,Bolb %marap;be anop^ecpouis ftoucfi^c lofteo fait UponftL jfellDotone\jpon^eartb.3inbfcolofcnie« timmmtm ^er t3pagapne,at tbeir loi betf commaunbement. CCbe-riCbapter. CBolofernMrcqup^Kbofsiuttatfte tmtt of bet commpng , tobpeb gtu«b bf m a (utteu anf totr. ^ [locnfapb^olofcrnejai tinto ber: * >i6e of gooocbere, gtfeare not in tbpne bert,f 0? 3 neuer jmrte m$, ^ tuolb ferue BabucboDonofoz ^ itnae.2Ci6 foubp people , pftbrp bab not befppfeb me,3 fimUke not banc ipf t •bprnpfpeareagapuft^. ffiutttllmc notu, topattttbe caulc tbat? art OcpartcDfrom t^em,^ toberfo^c art tbou come mito w 3nb3ubitb fapbe tjuto jpm: $bpi,\m.- bcrftanbcftbo?bejsoftDphanbmapbcn:fo* l>f iJtoplt bo after m ttojocgof tbp hanb= mapbcn,tbelo?be (ball b?pno;e tbp matter to a p^ofpcrouie! effecte.^s: trulp a* Habu* cbobonofo?alo v ibc of tbe lanbelpuctb , anb a j( trulp aiSbtj5poti3crlpuctb ) t»bicb mn 6 to tbe punpaunent of all men tbat era ttrtkf. allmen(ballttotonelpberubDucD\jntobtni tbo^oto tbe,but a* tbe bceftcisa Ifo of p fcio. 5fo? all people fpeafee of tbp pmbent actp- nptcanb it patb eucr bcttc repoitcD, boto f) onelpartsoob ^mpgbtie in airbixukpnabo me,» tbp bifcrecpon « comnibeb fal Ubctf. -» %ty tbtfli^ manpfeft alfo, f 3 cbiojfpaKc, m 5 it tftbcl bnotonctobat? cSmaubeft to Do tmtobmt,:Jf oubitf ttplapne* of afurctpe, f out Cffob i# fo tb?otl)to Mfi (bp ^ reafou of our fpnnciaW bebatb Cbctoeb op h»8 ^20* pDetcjK Unto f people, botb f f oi tbeir fpn* nesf be toillbelpuer tbf ouer tjntoi enetnpe. 3nb f 02 fo mocD a& $ cDilbie of 3rraell Uno. a>bb i< xoctbat 11 ' j**> CipoHe '••i i •i •-■ i ■ i Ml .1 rl * f rti»'i !1i . r M W lit ;J i ''tiv : ! ' - l TO *) i$ jjpiplcaCcDtottbtbem,(ebatbfent me to w —he defame. moo t(attjKpnaucfo txt^learct t^cpj <5ot», t(cp are fojc afrapeb of t(r. ubcp fuffee grcate(ongec alfo , ana fo? wantc of watct,t(cp are oca nota in a ma* ner.#a*c oucr,t(ep aecappopntcb to flap e all tl)epjt catcll,t(at tbcp mapetypncUe tlje (louoc of t |>em: ana ace put pofeb to fpenbe alltbc (olp omantfte* of t(cfr <£tob(W(ic( C (c (at(f ojbpbben r(cm to toucb)foj cojmr, jtopneana oplc.&epngcnow, that t(ep Do t(cfe tOpngcst it tsae a piapnc cafe t(at t&cp m u ft nebeg be Gcftr opcb . Wl(icb Wb e~ 3 t&P tanbmapben pcrccaucb, 3 fleo from teem, a t(r lojb(at(fentmc tontot(e, cofocto tbc tbcfc topngejs . # o> 3 t(p (anbmapben Wojfopppc <£ob eucn (ere noto bcfpbc tbc, ana tbp panbrnapbeu foall go f o k it( , ana 3 ttotll matte mp mapec Wito <&' oD,aU (e ((all tell mc , W(cn be wpll rewarbe t(cm tbcp? fpnnc,t(cn foall 3 come anb foewe t(e ana pipage t(e tbozow t(e mpobeft of 3ccufale fo r bat tbou foalt (aue all t(e people of 3f* tacl,aj&pfocprWitboutafoepc(etbe:tbcre {(all not fomoc(a$ one bogs (acta agaift t&e,f oj t(efe tbpngetf are foctoebmc bp t(e i)ioupDmccof(5oD:atiafoifomoc(ag(5oa Sopu ^Bfcbcf c tuo^Dts* pleafea ^olofemctf jail few feruaunte&Wbicb marueleb at tbc Wpfc borne of (ct>anb fapbe one toanot(ec:tbcce te not f oc( a woman Upon eatt(,ln betatpe ana bifcrecpon of wojaeg. 3Hna ^olofcrucjs fapac Mo (cr:0oa ba t(bone well,tba t (e at(fcntt(c(pt(ct before t(p people,t(at . mapeft gene tbc tto our (Sac*. 3n( f oj fo mocb atf top p jo'mpfc tsfi gooa , pf tyy dFoO pcrf ourmc it tonto mc,(e foal be mp <<5ob al fo,anb tbou ((alt be excellent ana greate in t&e courte ofBabuc(obonofoi,anb tbp na* me ((albe fpoaen of in all t(e ianbe. CE(c.jcu.e(aptet. C&oto^t*«>nimaunbttbtt>at3]Ubftb&e&)eHfnJ tttattB.g.bEtstrpK£t)!prmcc to go out in tbe nigbt rcafoa to p;ape, and optapnetb it. ttagao it tent ims to bet.to mouther to tunic into fcolofcrnroto abac; bet.anb He cummetb.QoioErciifs is Djoiutmt. I^cn commaunbeb (e $ tt to g o I tb&c* re (p?{ trcafure lapc , anb c(argcb t(atf(e Cbulbe (aue (er btoellphge t(ere,anbappopnteb ft(at Cbulbe be geuen (eiffeom (pg table. 3wbit( anftbetcb hpm ana fapbe : M fo? t(e meatc t&at t(ou (aft commaunbeb to geue me, 3 mapenot cate of ilt ag notb ( left 3bpfpleafemp (0ob)but Ibmeatoffocbasf3baneb2ouo;bttoitbmc. %$t\\ fnpbc 3f)olofecncs*^nto (cc ; 3f tbefc t(pngc0 tb«if tboa batt b?ougbttt>itb tbe tavie,t»(acKaut»eaotjneot(c. / 3nb3tt« bft( fapb.-^jai trulp atf t(oulpuc(t mplo^a, t( > (anbmapbenCballnot fpenbe all tbpjs> I €»ob (aue b?oug(t topade t n mp (anb, t(e t(pngejS t(at 3 (aue beupfeb. $>o bpstferuauntcioi b;oug(t (ceiitf o t(e % tcut,tb'bece a& (e (ab appointeb.3nbaiQi Ine KSoasai gopnge in , w bcfpjtcb t(a t ((e: m (aueleuc to go f o?tb bp nfg(t $ bef o?e bape to (cr p japcr anb to malic intecceffio (nto t(c lo?bCC(en commaunbeb Ifoloferncsi (is(Cbambei:lapneja!,tl)atl(e Cbulbe go out anb in at(erpleafure , to pjape unto d5oa t(ofct(?ebapejJ. ^nb fo in w upg(t fcafon foe tofte foit( into *t)allepof )i6et(ulia,anbtoarfoeb bee felf c in t(c tbell mtwMm toente l(e \)p, anb befoug(t t(e %ow d5ob of 3frael t(at (e tbolbep^ofpeee (er tbape , foj tlje belpues • caunce of (p^people.^lnbfo foe tbeute in,^ cemapneb clcne in bee tcnt,tpll foe tone (ec . meate in t(e cuenpnge. U pon toe fourt( bape it (appeneb 2 t(at C if)olof cr nejS tnabc a f upper fcnto bpsJ fer ua= untcjs,anb fapbe t)nto (Elagao (i0cpainbcc lapnc:(2j o tbp toape,anbcouncell t(pitf ltoe= b?uefle,tbat foe map be tbpllpng to content to Uepc copanp tottb me. # oj it ltocre a foa= me wit o all tbe 3Jn>?ianjl, t(atattooman foulbc folaug( a ma to fcome tbat foe tto^ re come from bpm\jnmeblcbtbit(all. %\)tn Vbcnte QLlagao wito 3ubit(,? fapbe: lctiiottbegooaaaugbtcrbcafrapea,toco mc ito mp lo?be,tljat foe mapc be (onourea before (pm 3 t|)at foe mave eate ana a^incac tbpne,anb be mcrptbit((pm. Unto to(om 3ubitbanft»)creb:aiaboam3,tbat3fouiac fapc mp lo?aenape. , 'tb(atfoeucr i# gooa be= foje bv& epc&3 fo'ilbo it: anb loUe u>(at ifi (pslplcafurct^atfoaU 3tI)pnchetbeUbo : ^ nM£longea#3lpue. ^ $> o foe ft obe U p, a ab Utchtc ber felf tbt>t( ler apparell>anb \bcnte in,anb ftobe bctoje lim.^nb ^olofemcjs (crte tbatf w(olc mo= ueb,f o t(at (e bjent in befp^e totaarbe bcr. 3Bnb ^olofetneja: fapb wtto (er: tyiae notb anb fptt botbncanb be merp , f o? t(oui)aft founbefauourebefojeme. 'Cfjen fapbe 3u= bp^3 tbpll typncfee,foj mvmpntic in mcrper to bape , tljen cuer it toast in all mp Ipfe.^na foetoucanaapa eatcana a^anfee liefo^e ^m , t(et(pngetf t(at (er mapben (ab pjcparebfoj ber . 3nb feoloferncs* m# merp Ubitb (er , anb b?ahe mo^e tbpne,t(cn euer (c bpb afo^e in &p# Ipfe. CCl)e.ciif.CDaptcr. attn(6 fpeabttb bnto acbio? toijiep mnuf Jttp ai 5t c ft act do; nttoeioiofttnrs. ^Dtbto^itftastlatein^enpg^, n (pjuferuauntesi mabe (afte euerp man to (rtlobglge.. 3nb «Hagao fout t(e c(ambec boM anb tbent I*'" ((iBitbape , fo?t(cp ibCre all oucrlaben tbttl; \Dpnc . ^Dotba0ijubtt(aloncin t(e cbam» bcc.^fo?l!?oloFernc»il)elapelop5 t^t beb all Q#cken>$ of \jecp b^oncfeenejjfell a flepe %Un commaunbeb 3ubit((cr mapben, to ftitbe tbttiiout before tbebo?e,$ totbapte 3dnb 3«bit( ftobe before tbc bebb,maap«gc (cr pjapec t»it( teare0,anb moueb (er lpp« ;fa,rtbu pot fecrctlp,anb fapbe : £>trcngt(cnme,€> io^be (5oa of 3frael,anb (aue refpectc wt • totbe.tbo?caes{of mpbanbcjSin tW (ourc, tbat tbou ma t»c ft fct top t(p cptie of 3crufa« icnMpite a»! tpoubaft mompfeb: €> graute tbot(ep ipgbtca canbclja: , anb gatberca aboute(er cucrpcbone:butfoetbente top in to an (pe place,anb caufeb fplence to be pjo? clameb. QUbcn euerp man noto(elbc W tonge, c 3nbit( fapbe: pjapfc tlje JLozb our © ob, " f o? (e (atb notbefppfcb,no?f o^aaen t(cm, t(at put t(cp j truft l (pmJut me (iiei (anb= maibe be(at( perfourmeb fyi$ mercp,tbbic( (e pjompfcbtontotbc (oufcof 3ftael:pcc in mp (anb tl)pjs fame npg(t (at( (e f lapne p . eticmp of (p0 people. Stub tbit(t(at foe tone fo?t( m |)cab of . alofernciai out of tbe ttoallet,anbfoetbeb it t(em,fapinge : 7& ebolbc tbe (eabe of $olo* fcrncji tbe captapne of tbe SMfp^ian^ tbisf ijs tbc canappptaperin be law in w oionae^ nej3i:w(erc tbe &o£be oure ©od (at( iiapnc \)im bp t(e(anbe of a woman. |But a* trulp ajs t(e lo^b Uttet(,(ift 3n< gell (at( liepte megopnge t(ptber,canap=« 9W t(ere,? cOmpngc (ptjjcc agapnc from t(ece.^lnb t(e Ho?b (at( not fuffrcb mc I; gcuc t(an« ken tonto (pm cuccic(onc,f oo tbepp, bcbolbc tWi& f (cab of tymenmt, to(iel) in IjtjS p^cfumptuousi mpDc aefppfeb f O oa of tbe people of 3frael, abt(«atoica ti)c to beftrucci5,faping:Wbe ^ people of Ifeaei t« takcn,3 foal caufeJJ alfo to be ftpcUtc witl; tbcfwa'be.Wllben 31cbio? faWe l^oloferncei (cab,be fell bowne topo (fe face to j; grounb f o? toerp angupfo $ f care , fo f be fownco 16 all . But after f (cwasi come agapnc to (t fclf,befellbobjnc before ber,ab mapfeb (er faping:25lcu*eb art tbou of tbp doornail £ tabernaclciei of3acob.fo^ alt(c people tbat (care of t(pname, foall pjapfe tbe <3oa of jfraelbecaufeoftbe. CEbe.]tmi.C(aptcr. C»bf counallofjiuwtb.afbioxbepng an ©cai tbtnms.turnttb to ©ob.ibc airp;ito art afr jpea Oftbt3rtot0. 5lbit( fapb tonto all t^c people:Bic % t(?cn , (care me. $>tpca top tbpsi __ (eabe topon our wallctf , anb Wbcn § ^»uncarpfetb,tahecucrpman(ps(Wcate, anb fall out topolentlp : not a* t(oug( pc woiacgobefpaetbcm,butto renne topon tbcm,witb toiolcncc.(UU(en tbe fppetf in tbe tented fe t(iitf,tbep foall of ne ceffp te be com* pellebtoflebacRWatb,ab to rapfe top t(ep; captapnc to t(c battapll.jfeowbf tpeir ca^ ptapncjS come into Ipolofrtuesi pauplpon, t&w Hi anb * - :i *4 I ■' r 4 ! i : * # 1 ! * i :■, « i 14 * * r \ '■■:'! I i anb fpnbc ttoc bceb hoop toiappebl f bloub, fcarftilncp: ChaUfall\)ponthcm:aribfebe pc pcrccauc tbatthcpflpc,folofec thgfeitjout All carcf o,t *£ob until bclpuct thi tonto von tobcbeftropeb. 'Cftcn $cbio? fepugc the pother of <£ob tohicb he hab focfecb tonto the people of 3D ractfell of from hiss fycathcmCp betcfe , ano put W truft in <5ob,anb let bpm felfe be cir ciimcifcb:anbfofea$ihe nombzeb among* 25 people of 3fracl>beanb al bitfpoftcriteton* tot&psSbape. # ofe a* f o one a* it fea* bapcthep tticbt top $olofrrnc$beab Upon the fealletf, anb rnerp man tone bptf ferapen>fr fo t|jcp tben= te out feitb an bojrpblecrp.ttllhe tljc fppetf fatoc that,tbcp ramie tonto tyolofernejs tet. 3nb thep that toctefeithin the tcnte,came before bp* chamber,anb mabea greate ruf. fljtfi totoa&ehpmlop,becaufethep thought toith tbcnopfc to bauerapfeb btm.tf ozthc* re burft not one of the 3lup*ianjB: nnoc&cgo in ox open. *5utfehenthecaptapne0 anbteipncesi anD all the cbrfein tbe bpnge of the* 3u> nan* boot* came togethcr,thcp raphe tonto tfccebamberlapne$.<£opourefeapein,iib fealic bim top,fo* tbcmpfc ate ctepte out of thep* hole* , ano barre pjouone to* tonto battapll. . "Cbenfecnte fclagao into hp$ chamber, ft one before the ucb , anb clapprb xaiti) bv$ hanbc&foihe thought be hab benef leppnge feitOubith. rtr * m\t fehe" he hab herheneb perfet tip feith pa care&anb cowlbe perccaue no ftcrpngc, j. feentenper to the beb,anb Ipf t it Dp , anb t he* fafee be f htco bobp of ^olofemctf M ge there tbitb oute a beab,feeltreb in ht* bloub topon the earthc.'Cbencrpeb be feptb louDt \)opce,anb feitb toeplngc tent hp# clothe*, ano fecnte into 3ubitbjJtent>anbfounb her nat:3tnofo bclcapte out tjnto the people « f apbroue tooman of p 3etbe0,hatb brought all i&abucbobonofoig people to tbamc. Sox lo, i^oiofernejHpeth topon the gtounb ano bathnoheab. SEben f chefe of the 3ffp;ttil0 boo ft herb that,tbep rente thepjclotbea, anb tbeee fell an intollctablefeace anb ttemblpnae tjpon tbem,fo^thep?mpnbe0tbet:efo < ie afrapeb, ^no there x&a$ an exxcabpner areate crpe in *ije»hoUbooft. r C^tK.j^iClwpter. titl aftct tl>fm.3ifraf I bt cornet^ cpc^c.bp tht fuop; lHoe^iaffpj(anB.31u&«^Up;»prioof35oachall thefote mm of tge balctf . *u 25 0, SR tt ^cchpi^en of 3ftaeU favoc that thepf leb 3 th>p folotbeb \jpon them ano tocntc botbne toitij trompcttejai , blotopnoe J^JPJHW n S cwtc ct vc after them . is not tbe feluejs tofletljer,butfIcb tbepitbape ifteuer thclc^tbe chplb^cn of 3frael f ell t)B0 them tbith one companp anb oMcanbbik comfetcbafimanp^otlifp mpghtflett.^nb Oftajs fentmeffaugcrtf *nto all the cptietf anbcountee^of3fracll. 25 &o all the regponsl anb euerp cptpc Cent out tijcw be ft men after them in barneffe, * fmotc tbem mth the ftberbctpll thep came to ^ttemoft parte of thep? bo^beris . 3nb toe other that ttocrc in lSethulta came into !£ ct K cfi L Df tl)t J%Ja«^,anb toae all^ tbcptohtcb tocrefleo hab left behpnb them, anb fo thepf ounoe greate goob . %n\> thep that came agapne to 25cthulia from f bat* tapll , toue Sbith tbem foch thingejs a$t hab bene tbep#:tbere toajino nomb^e of the ca* S u ,' Wi ail c ? ft .^ 3««W»f o that from t bejotoeft troto the bpeft,thcp tberc al mabi? rpchcoftbefpoples!ofthem.38nb3oachim the tyyc p^lteat 3erufalem , came to 7&t* thnlpa \bitb all the elbcr & that thep mpght i^oto tbhen (became out tmto them,thcp bcgannealltopjapfehertotth one toopce, fapinge:thou Xbo^lhpppe of thecptpe of le= r uralem^thouiope or jfrael , thouhonoure of oure people,tbou haft bonemanlp , s tbp herte ikj conf o^tco , becaufe thou baft loueo clcnlvncsl anbebaftpte , ao haft Unotone no man but thtmeatonebufbSb: therfow hath thehanbeof the lojbeconfojtcbthc.s 6lcl> feb ipalt ^be to? euer^nb all people wpbe: fobett.fobeit. 3n thwtp bape)S coulbe the people of 3fc tael fcarfc gather Dp the fpoplctf of $Wv* riansf. }i6ut all that bcldgcb tmto teolofct ne^anb hab bcncbp^fpccpailpcttohetherit SbereofgolbjOffplue^p^cpouiSftone^clo. thp«5,an0auomamcntej{i;tbet»gattcitDn to 3ubith-anb al the people raoplco, both toemen, mapbtntf , anbpongepeople, mh pppeg anb herpctf. » r r » y C£he.jrtn.Chapter» ff«l>f tontt wtma m tot rt>f bpctom . llttntht ^hen f ettfonge3uhith tDpjS fonge \jnto tf io^be . ©egpnne tmto t|)c io^b^po Ithctatyctte*, fpnge Dnto the loibc Upon toe cpmtoa leaf. ©Tpnge tmto ijpm a neto fonge of thannefgeupnge, be iopfull 9 eallDpon hpjai name . 3t is* the totfe that beftropeth toarrejsf ,eucn the lojbe 10 M name.Mlmchhathpitcheb M tcnte^tthe mpbbtft of hpjj people , thatlje mpght help ucr ty from the banb of all oure enempe*. SUffttrcamc out of the mountapne* of the iaojtth in the multptube of hp* ftc^gth. fetjs neoplc ftoppeb the tbater b^ouejj^nb thepi ftome* couerebtbe Dallepe0 . %t purpofeb 25 to-jjaue b^ent^pmp lanbe,anb to ilape mp pongmcntbtththcCtberbe. l^etbolbehaue carpeb atoapemp chilbzf anb Wrgpnjjt into captpuitc,but£almpgh* tpe lome bpnb^eb hpm,anb bclpuereb hpm into tyChSooa of a tooman, tobtch brought |jpm to confufpon. $01 thep? mpghtie feast notbeftcopcboft|jepongcmen.3tfeaj5not the fonne of 'Citanthatflefe hpm, nether tjaue the greate gpauntc* fct them feluesi agapnftbl:but3uotth j&baughtet of 4^e= tatifeithberfap?ebetotpe hath bifcofttcb Epm,anb brought hpm tonaught . jr 01 (he ifto afeape hertopbbotoesf garment, anb nut on the apparel of glabncffc to the mop* fpnge of the chplb^e of3frael . £>bc anopn= ten 0« facc,anb bounbe Dp (jcr hcatre in an ppouejtobcgplcht.lper flpppcr* raupftjeb W epc&ber betotie captpuatcb W mpnbe, feith the ftoerbc fmoteihe of hp* neeft ,'Cfte ^erfian* toere aftonnicb at her ftebfattncjS anb the *#cbctf at her bolbnetf . ^hen hoto = leb the armpe* of the Wtntem , fejen mp fpmpleappcareb,b?pe of th,tpft . 'Che f one* of the baughtctf haue pearfeb the thomtoe anb flapnethcm ajaffugptpuechpib?cn:thcp C perplhcb mthebattapl,fo? theuerp fcarc of the io?be mp C5ob. let s& fpnge a fonge of thanftefaenpngUntothe Lojb,a ne to fonge of pjaple topll fee fpnge touts oure 00b. lojbe, lojb,thou arte a great 0ob,mpgh* ^e in pofeer,fehomno man map ouercomc. Jl thp creaturesf ftulbc feme the:fo? thou fnaftcftbuttbe feo?bc,anb thepfecremabe: thou fentcft thp fpjpte,anb thep feerc crca^ teb, anb no man canfeithftanbe thp \jopce. 'Che mountapnetf (ball moue from thetou= bacpoitf fetth the featcr^tbeftonpe rochtji fDf3fuMlj 5Fo,rtnm % ftallmeltbefo?etljclpRefeare.JS5utthep# fearetbe.-lbalbe greate toirhthe iall thpn^ qv&.Wq tonto f people thatrpfe top agaift tnp generacpon , f ox the Jlmpghtpe JUr be fetllauengehpm felfe of them , anb in the bapeofiuogemcntfepllhetopfetthem.jfo? Mall geuc fpje anb feoime0 into thep? tleQj , that thep map burne anb fele itfo? eucrmoje. p m ™J££*$& u te&mtMW after the toicto?p,all the people came to lerufale , to geuep?apfcanb tbancae^ tonto the lo^be. ^nofehen thep feere purpfpeb , t$cv offreb allthep?b?cntfacrpfpce0anbthep?p?omp feb offrpnge0.3nb 3ubtth offreb all toolo^ ternc0 toeapcn0,anb all f 3etoels , tbat the people hab geucn her, anb thecanapptbat ?i to i c f J 0, « b %cb. , anb bangeb them *p tonto the lo^be.'Che people toa* iopfull,a5 the tofei ifanb tbt* iope bp reaf on of the tot * »oafter there bapefj, euerp mantocnte home agapne , anb 3ubitb featf t greate rc» putacponat25ethul^a,anbrpghthono?a'- H?! aRc n. ,l L aU t^lao of jfrael. Clnto bec ? f ftuc alfo toas cbaftpte iopneb, fo ti&t aU ter her but banbe ^anaftcs ovto, the ucucc hncfec man all tbebape* of her Ipfc. Ouon the hpc folempuc bapegibetoente out feith greate tjo?lbpppe.$)he bfeelt in her huf b£ Dc0joufcanbunb;ebanbfpuc peare,^ left her hanbmapbcnfi:e,anb bpeb,anbfea0 bu 3 rpcb bcfpbc her hufbabcm 26«hulpa. 2lnb all thepeoplcmoumcbfoi herfcuenbape*. r° VWRS 1 *! lpueo thcrc %>** no "f tt>it troublcb 3frael,anbmanppcarc0«Ufo of* trrherbeath. 'CJc bape feherin thi0 Mictoxy fea$ got- ten,fea0folemplpholbcn,anbrcBnicbof^ 3cfec0mthcnomb?eoftheholpbapes,ano »t isj! petgrcatlp holbcn of the 3efec0 eucr C€l)eei)toft!jeboke 5Dbh iiii \ CIjereattoftljtboKe I v r * <#•> ■l* %i .:\ i * * I * t • f CClje rcafte of tlie Chapters of the boouc of either Xohtcb are nether fouubc in tm $ttyuc,ncrfn thceijaibc, C^he-Ji-Chaptcrjaffcr tl)e latpu. i^rboclicusp fonne of 3at'r, t|)e fonncof ^Dcntci, £ Tonne of €U IW of the ttpbc of 25cmamm, a jetbe : toijtci) bab ins biocilpng ———Jin the cptpc of £>ufis\a man of grcatc rcputacpon,anb excellent autfigc al tbnn that ftrreui the Kt>nge0courte.(£e« tier tl) clcs,bc toao one of the wef oncr&tbho" Babucbobonoloj£ hpngr ot JSabplonliab caricb atoapefrom 3erufaicmtmto 25abp* tan Jjtttj 3echonias the Upng of inba . ) Jn tlie feconbe pcare of the rapgnc of great 2&r* WWW i« tDc fpjft bapc oftbc monetl) $(< fan,bab this &)arbochc> foci) a became: foe thought beijeebe agrcate tcmpcuMiomble Jtiobcrclappcsl,ertbquaBCj2l$geeat\)U2ouve in m lab,anb that be fatoetttoo great bza* ~ons,reabptofpghtonc ngapnft another. Wl crpe toasgrcate . m m tohtcli roa* — rpnganb crpcal §cathcntbcre\)p>tofpgnt » agapnfttbcrpgbtcoiwf people. 3nb Kamc bapc tons! fullofbarcKncsabtjerptfnclea* rcfull of tcoubleanb angtipty, m a gceate fearful!** toad there in al l the lanbc . Wt rpghteoustocrc amafckfo.ubcp fcarcb the plage anb cud tbatt&as bcupfeo oucr tbern anb tocrc a t a popnte to them fclueg toW ob toolbc bo : 5b fo he befvib to anotoe all tbt matter, * btfinpnbe&atf theruponmttpllthcnpght. CCbe.jcw.Chapter. Cffijatoocljf w tttrrrtt tbttttaton Utaptto auras 3 BBBS?h C « mct P ,ie W>elt 49«rboeb«f JOitoptb tfagat&a anb -^Wi the to* ■Up* couctc the npnges Cbamberlapl t)ej{anopo?tec0ofthcpalacr.7i5uttbbenne mmtm nenvmUn bpipgeimp con! fpbereb thep? pmagpnacpons fbe percea- ucb that thep ttoentc aboute , to GnSSi eeuell banoejS tipontbe upnge^rtarcrfS anbfo becertifpebtl/npng VS^SS gam m apnge to e^ainen tbe ttoo gel* bebtbptbtojmente^ 3nb»DentDep5ab tbe fepngc grann tcb it,thcp ttocre put to beatft. %M tbe king caufeb to be put in f Cra^ m tome Dp § fame matter. &o ^ commaunbeb tljat a)arbochcu* ^ ftulbeecmapncmtbccouete,attb foi &vl * SKSSffif f ° w,c °^" wbat^u the 3ga gitctbhicb tbasi boibcn in grcatehonouK f* KC^ffi 111 ? c ? W*e* wiirte Dnbcrtone tohurte^arbocbcuganbbpiefpeople , be- eaufeofthetttjo Chambcclapnci tbatt)De= reputtobcatli. C'Ehe.jciii.CDapter. . . CCWjecoppf oftUtictetfrof!jttfiwrf0 aBapnu tft3|cto«B.fc&fp>flp«ofis)flcDoc$eiw. P . ^egrcatliigjtrcajccrretf tbhtch * tatgnetb frQnbia Dnto €tbio= pia>ouer an bubieb anb feu? anb ttbmtpciabc&fmbctDbfc freo=. . km JlPpjManontontoaUjiMce* nnbbebpte^of tbe conntrec^tobicb be fnb* jeete twto li^bominpon . #tJr3&aj»ina 9 bclo?bcpuerinanppcopie 5 anbf)abfnbbucb tbe tbbolc eartbe Dnto mp bompnpon , mi mm ttoasi not totth ccueltpe anb tt>?onge to craltempfclfe bp f reafon of mv potoer- but puepofeb ttoitlj cqupte altbape anbgen^ tplnc^togouernetDore tbat be Dnbcr m» JurifDiccpoj^anbtbbolpto fct them i a pea = eeablc Ipfcanb tberbp to b^pnge mp femur* borne tmto ttanqutuitctbat mi nffi felp go tbo^oto on euerp fpbe , anb to renuc P^sapn^tbbtcj) all men bcfpie. Boto ttbOafaebmpcoucelc^botb tbefe thpn- * gej mpght be b^ougbt to a goob cnDc.thcte ton* one bp D&crccllcnt in tDpfbomc,Vbot fe goob WfrwiM feptDRiW batNft bene ujetoeb anb p^oueb (W®m* mi ppncipall anb nejrttmto the apnge) 4fi| SRHSP^^W^ !^PW t all litbesf tftere xoasi f catceb ab^obe a rcbellpo? foluctbatmabcftatutcjs^ latbe^ agapnft allotberpcopMbbatieaUtoapcbclQjpfeD tbepwclameb commaunbementetf ofmvn-- to be f uffreb,tbat foci; rule ibulbe contpnue *PP« ano not to be put botone . mmm nojfc t»e per ceaue tbe f ame,ti» t th wf people a lone ace contrarp tmto euerp man,5finge ftraunge anb other mancr of latbc^V w* ftanbeourettatute^anb bopngetf, abgo a- C fe^omeOjulb neuer come togoob eftate, Jf5>^«t?ll tbcp^areappopnteb in tbw- tpng anb (betoeb Dnto pou bp 31 mft ( tbhicli i* ojbepneb anb fettouer alt oure VaK? SLSt&SL Wntwall ncrt tmto tbe toteb oute topth the (USSwfi! mpeioi ■ * t mpej!anbijpuetnttrefii:anbtf)attherelhalbe tUPj? ibiUbc bone tbe. riiii. bape of ^monrtb of olbecanb uoibalfoj baueetiec benereK i ( , ou l ,m ? pc ¥m*m toptb bpolcncc be th ? uft bourne into t\)W,tof inth tUul 'f? I H- W ? p ? r * nt0 t)»»,fapmg: © loS |o?be,thou\)aleauntaubalmpg^tieapnff WlWtoawrtf poujer,; anbpf thou that can tt ttytaitte tic* Ictr f : foi thou baft inabe tan anb cartb » anb tbbat toonbiS tbatcanreftft tbpmatcftiecO iozbj'Cbou JR gS« aUtbpngetf , tl;on tboteft liTbe,? ;ttoa0nctbcrofmalice,neep^fumpci6,nrr bottnempfclfenceojo^ujppponocc pzoub ^cfumpteou02Ema(foottDel)au?bcne content^ tbattoitb goob toill,pfitmpgbt $£ft5!K 3fta ?! cn >\soob,to banc bpu cue Wotcfteppe^butt^atjbpbi^bccaufc^ SSKSf e fe s,0 ^ e °f ^oo, anb becaufe J Cum con pnC W "° WP «»w «»■ e ^ttbtberfoire © ILo^bethou^obsi ftpnr, JjifSL^^^f^Pwirtef^tbeppmaffitt fg£*£SW bmw ^to-naugl;t,pee on» tbjotbc tbj? people, that hath cuer bene tbmecnbcritiiucc of olbc. fo befppfe not tlm SSSftKS ti; 2 u H 8 *"»«*% h?ougbt oute of egpptc foj tbpne atone felfc.toearc to tpp relfe.Uurnc onre complapntc anbfo. joy^'lioiopc^ibetnapeipue flD U|b,anb *i# tbamapfe tbe, to bebeftcopeb. nJKKFtt w3&aell inlpae matter ??S flL e ff ,rt ¥ a I *» C0UlDc to«o the . before tbep^cpegf. Cl8:he.jc«w.Chaptef; . Jftene ©ftber alfo bepnge in the battapll of beath,rcfotfcbt)U* to the to?be , lapebatbapebcr Jglo^pou0 apparcll , anb put on SSiSMSCI^r ffaemcntejf tbat feruebfo* SSSSR an i m owtnp«ge.3n the ttcabe of SSEWW' Ojcfcatcreb afq>ctf anb bonget)po^erJ)eab:anba0fo?herbobp,u)e |2i f W fattpnge, anb^ougbttt ft to baueiopc afo^ e, tbofe fpiieo the Uthl heaere^ajcplucteofbecfelFc.^hepzapeS €>mp 1 ojbe, thou onelp art oti re apntre he peme befolatcKDoman \ tobpeh haucno fcSKSS*^*? m 5 "rtfewnb Dear teas Wharbeatmpb5bc.^romvpouth\)iiha tie becbe oute tiffmm oti «atM that ^fobatjeoucefatbergof tbcttW S ^tbepu;ulbcbetDp pctpettwllinhec taucr Uaftmabcttgoob\)ntotbcm. UA ' iyuw rtJS w* Oibe,itoc^a«c fpnnebbefotrthe, 2S of oute enempctf, becaufe toe tS^SSS arc in bp ttec anb Scrip ca ptitute anb SI h« D «h n ?I! Bt tl)tmMt W t»aft iapebtopi 3£f !? cp ^ spn,u: t0 tafec atoape ^ thpnee tiwttOoiitoitbtbpmotttbbaftoiincbaiS 2f«.tesy n ? t|,uie auif?r ' »& » open l mouthcgloftl)cl9catben,ttbcpmapij^pl? ^p^ratmijertueof^eiffiMnb^ magnific tbe fleujlp ftpngrfol cucr iip Lo^b,gcucnot tbp fcepter \)nto them «r tbatbenothutffjcfttbeplaugbJtofS in oute mpferp a fallout turne tijejn beifi e ypo.tbcm felue0,attb puma; hint! tbat bat i) Jja»?Pjf •?hpncfte»poii»0 £> toroe 2 0»eto tbp felfe mtto & in |e%mc of ot m Mm anb of ouve trouble. S> r? gtfi Ttnc O gou bpttse of ©obbcfctbouTo"t i of all po, tocr,seuemeaneloqucut^pleaf«tiltfpach RimpmotitObcfo^ the Ipou . iuniebS hcrttnto Pbateof oureenempe, tobeftropl feutwanb all focb atf conftn t tonto SpmSSut hanb mapbe, tobtcb ba m no Defence tier l;e£ get but onclp the . I o^be , tbou an otoeit a I ttaRt J tooteft that 3 louc not the alow 31 fef! BWttP* Wtt of the toncirenm. cpfebanbofallfocatben. *u fitf tt fe " otbc " mp ncceuKtc , tha 1 3 bate 2jffi?^^^^ ,cn « a »^oiunpS Jhicb 3 bcarc tjpon mp beab,tbba t time 92 3 Mt Qjeto mpteif anbVfcSb % 3 abbo^cita0on^nclcaneclotb,anbtbat1 ta« a r rrii r ir H,,,w " ttl »" | i ; -annas r« a We,anb tbat 3 haue hab no pleafucc no? bee I ■IV; »*.. €ftl)er. < ■ ■ i ;i' i 1 : 1 i J "- 1 si'! V.; 7 <' t I i * 'm. * v\ */i ii P If *f Ii Ipfc in the »p ngcs* fcatte,tbat3b*uc not ' Scfce tbctopnc of tbe b?inckoffringf $*,anb (it 3 tbp pe mapben Dane no iope fence e bapc fb»t 3 toa* b?ougbtbptbct,tonta is* bapebut onelp to the 1) lo?b. i3E> tbou _'obof3b?ab&ilD0mightic<£>obaboueal, tocarc tbe toopec of tbem , f bauc n one otber gope , anb beliuer tos* out of tbe tmtioe of tbe tbi; cueb,anb Deltucr me out of mp frarc. CCbe.Jto.Cbaptce. Cdatiioctirue mou(tl;]dtRtr : (ogoln(o tht ftrtifff, »no mattrlntftctOfon fo; brcpcoplt, anMptperfof; mrtbbrxrqucD. 3tbocbcus* alfo ban Jfjcurr go in tonto tbe npngc > ano p?apc fo? bp? people anb f o? bp? countre. &cme * lb?e (fapetbbc)p bapes*of tbplotoc ettate,boto tboutoatt no?p(bcb tonbermp towbc : ff o?3man tobicb is* nc*t tonto tbe Bpnjx,ba tb gcuen fentence of beatb agapnft W.&all tbou tbcrfo?c topon tbe Loibe, anb f pcaise f o? tos* tonto tbe ftpng,anb bcltucc tosi from beatb. 3lnb topon $ tbPJbcbapcttbaP' peneo , that fetter UxvtH atoapc tbe mour* mngc garmente* , ano put on bee glo?pous* apuarcll, $ bccBtcher fclfegooblp ( after* (be ban calleb topon (Sob , topicb itf £ bcboU tier anb S>aupoure of all thingcs*)toRc ttoo mapbes* toitb her :topo tbe one ibc leaneb bee i elfe,as* one f toass tenbet .tbe other folotocD |ier,anb bate tbe trapnc of bct'ocfture. %l)e ffbpne of bet betotie mabe becface tofc colou tco.'Cbc fmulitubeof berfacctoas* cbcarful, anbampable,butherhcttctoasjfo?otofuU f o? greatc fearc.&he toe"te in tbo?oto all tte Vofe&anli ftobe before t\)t ftpng. 'fthe Upng fact touon t^t trone of ty& kpngbome , anD lm& elotbco i b^gooOlparape,allof goioc ano fet tuitb p^eciousf ttaw&% b^ r»a$ tjcr tcrrible.^e Iptt t)pbp/i face, tbat (bone in , cleatnetf ,anb lobeb grpmlp \spo bet . itben fell tbe £luenebottonc,toasp mateftp anb clears neu"c: if 0? eecellent auottooocefull art tbou (!flC>i;o^)anbtbPfaceij«fuUofampte.25ut ajs(betoas(tbu]E{fpea&pngbntobim,(befell botwic agapnefo?fapntne^:fo? mW& caufc m kfmtoil afrapeb, anb all W fet« uauntejjcomfo^tcbbet. CCbc.)tW.Cbaptee. CWi* f oppc of H>r i J t(uok((( (tofc tatyrt) lie fpjlt rrnt fo;t<». ge grcate Upnge 3ttba^eefes< , 3 tobwb tatgncbfro3nbta Unto tbiopia ouctanbunbjetbfr.wW. K==:sss ^_ lanoejs,fcnbetbt)ntotbe#ipnce« anb rulet jefof tbe fame lanbesi ,foch aid loue *im,bpicifrenblpfalutaeion. / Cberebemanp f } tbe fontype f rfotbpppcjj anb benefited -jbicbatc OiuetapDone Vnto tb^fo? tbep* «50^(bpp,becuer tbemo?ep?oubeanb bv^ mpnoeb, anb lonbertahe not onelp to buete uii tiding «u«}'mi^uu» Hwt 00 rye m gooo> 9 take not onelp all \jntbanUfuluciBi atoape ftomnien)but in pjpbe ano p^cfumprto (aj« tbcp tbat uc unmi'nDcfullanbtjntbanftfuU' fonbegoobbebejs ) tbcp go about to efcape tbe iuogement of C5oo , tijat feptb all tbpn» ge?s,ttobieb ( iuOgcmcnt;batetb* punpQjeth alltopcueoness . 3tbappenctboftalfo,tbat tbep tobicb be fet in otrpee bp f bpee potocc, anb Vinto tobomtbc bufpnesfanb eaufejaf of tbe fubtcctejei arc committeb to be banbleb, Boa te p^otiDe » ano bef pie tbem feluesl ttoptb fbebopnge of innocent bloube , ttobieb hivn* gctb tbem to tntollerable buete. mi|jichal= fo ttoitb falfe 9 Otfceatf ull toojtucja! anb tditb Ipcng tales* , bifceauc ano bctrape tbe inno* cent goooncfit of {tapneesf. iEtotto is* itp^ofptablc ano goob , tbat toe «* tafee bebe,ma»efearcbtbeeatter,anb confi» m Der,not onelp tobat batb bappeneo \jnto Utf ofolOe : buttbeujamefull\)nbonca,^nop= fometj)mgcsS,tbat tbebcbite^bauenoti? ta^ nen in banbe before ouee epesi,anb tbetbp to bctoatc in tpme to come , f tte-. telp of tbe #erfian$ bloube, anb favee feom oute goobnesJ ) tbas* tome in amonge t>ss asi analeaunt,anb bab optapneb t^t frenoibip tbat ttoc beare totoaeoc all peoplcfo that be ttoatf caljeb ouee father , anb Dab in type bo* Haute of eueep man, at tbe nert anb p?inci= pall ftnto tto fcpngc, be coulbe not f oj tea* + te torn felfc feom bptf p?pbe,batb Unberta= c feennot onelp to eobtoe tjjs of tit ftpngbome, butofourelpfe. m TOtb manpf olbe Wfceatc alfo batb be be> fireb to beftrope ^aipbocbeuji oure beiper $ pjeferuer, iSf^fijome pjcfetu;e , tbhpcb batb boue M goob in all tbmges!:anO mnocft defter the ipfee porta* ftcr of oure ftpngbome , toith all her people. ifo^bWmpnbeitoasfClbbenbebabtaftcntM outeoftbetoape,anbtobbcb\)£ tbitf mcaneiBf to tranflatc f ftingoome of tbe perfUra* *o»to w tX #acebonia . mm rie fpnbe, tbat m 3et»csaf ( tohicbttocte accufeb of the feiclteMJat tbepmigbtbebefttoieO) arc no cucU Ooertf , but tofc rcafonablc ano r iff bf latoesfcanb tbat t^zv be tbecbilozcn of . the moft type ipupnge C^oo , bp tob om tbe ftpngbome of w 9 oure p^ogenttouts* batb bencttell o^o^eo bithcrto. WUberfozc, as* to tbelcttcrj* ano cOmaunoemg tcs*, that tbcre putfo^bbp^mantbefonncoKlmabatDu, pe (ball bo toelUf pe bolDe t^cm of none tf-. feet :fo^ bf tbat fett tbem topnno inuentcb thebagetb at mtt* before thepoite, t»ith nil bis* mm* «5oD (xobicbbatball tbpn-- ges* m btfpotoct) batbrctimrDeOhpmaftcr bps* btferupnge. S) 3Hn0topotbps*pcihalipubUibanbfct'bp tpc coppoftbis* letter ittallplnces*,tbattbc %m mape frelp ano tef f bout binOcraun cc bolDe tbem fclucsf after tbep? atone ttm . tcs*,anb tbat tbcp mape be hclpco, ano tbat topontbe.rui.oapeoftbe.ni.monetbaoar, tbep mapebeaucngeb of tbem, tohtcbmtbc tpme of tbep? anguplb ano trouble, tooioc Hatie oppjeuco tbem. # 0? t^e <£ob tba t go= uernctb all tbingess, batb turneO to iopc tbe oapc ,tobere in tbe cbofen people umlbeba* ueucrpujcD. 4t)o?eouer,amonge tbe bperoiepnebapcs* fn baue,w (ball boioc tljtje* oapc alfo toitb allglaoncffe:tbatnotoanO in tpmcto come tbPS* Hape mape be a rctnctyauncc to gooD, to? all focb as* loue p pjofperite of t^e jacr* fians*:but a temcmb?aunce of beftr uccpO to tbofctljat be febicpous* tonto tos*. ^Ucitpes*^ lanocs* tbatoonottbts*,(baU bo?«blp peeplbauo beoeftropco toptbtbc fojcrbe ano fpjc,anb (ball not onelp be nomo?e inbabitcO of men, but be abpojreb alfo of tbe toploe bcaftes*anO foulctf. ^o,t^, Cbe tube of tbe rtatt oftbeboueofeftber, Cf be boofet of topfbome, Ctbcfp?ftCbapfce. 1 cagouo ftpe ft om buHbUsan 9 aummi , »r . [&ettpoureaffcccpotop6rpgI> at tcoufneffepe that beiuoges* of Ithccartb. l>aucagoob opinion Of the lop, anb fchc hym in f _._ fwglcnciTeofberte.jfo^betotl befounbe oftnem f temptcbimnot,*appca: reth tonto focb as* put tbeir truft in bim.^s* fo?frotoatOetboufjhtes*,tbepfeparatefrom <5oo,buttocttu(pfitbealotoeO)rcfourmcth tbetontopfc^nbtobp/'topfDomcajaUnot entrc into aftotoarbc foule,ncr btocll in tbe bobp tbat in I'ubbucb tonto fpnne. jf oif ho - Ip gooft abbo?retbf apneo nut tourer tottb bjatocth bpm felfc from the tbougbtcs* tbat are toitbout tonoerft^Opna : ano tol)eretop=» chebnes* batb tbe topper babeftc Mprtb from tbcnce.jf o?thc fp?etc of topfoome ijxloupn-. 5c,gctlcanbgracpous*,$topllbaucnoplra : fute m bpm tbat fpeahetb cticiltoptb bvtf Jpppcs* . Jf o? (Sob in a toptncOe of br* nh nes*,a true fcarcbet out of bps* berte, anb an bearer of bps* toge.tf o? the fpjeteof f lo2b fpllctbtbc rounbe compaffc of the too iinv.f tbe fame tbat topbolbctb all tbpugrs*,batb bnotolcbgeairooftbctoot'ce. 'Eberfo?c,bc tbatfpcafcetb tonrpgbtcous* 23 tl)inges*,can not be Dr>^ } mti)ct mape Ik cf= cape tbe tubgement of rcmofe.^nb tobpnn. qupficion (balbc mabcfo?tbe tbougbtejS of the tongoblp,anb flic rcpo?tc of bps* toojbes* . (ball comctonto©ob,fotbat W totchebnes* (balbc puntqjeb. 5?o?^ care of geloufp be a-- ectball tbpngess, anb tbe nopfe of tbe geub* ginges* (ball not be bpbb.1T bcrf o?e, bctoarc of nuirmurpngc, tobtcb iWrhpncjc too?tb, anb refrapueponrc tongefrom (claunber. jfo?tbcreis*notoo?befobarchanbfecrere,^ it (ball goo fo? naught: anb tbe moutb tbat fpeaftctb lpcs*,flapcto tl;e foulc. ' £> feUc not pour atone beatb in the trron* * re ofpourlpfcbeftrope not pour felucs*tbo- * r'oto tbe too?ckcs* of poure atone babes*, jto? : \* il I k * f *l ■ < I I I k r It a I ' I ■ * i *. I ■ I in; 5; i I i dje&oolt'c lict tonto tbcm bot>toitbtoo?be0 $ too?Uc0 s attD tobp'lc tbcp tbpnchc to bitttr a frctiDc of ipcr , tbep come to naugbt : to? tbc tougoblp tbat rtrc coiifcDeratc totth bet mid tauc bee partc>att toojtbp of ucatp. CCftc.tt.Clwptcr. C" rijf pm a5(ii« -pone anb 6f fp;tt of i[I)c toprtftt, aitotljrpjtounttHagapiilKtiffopfljI'uiU tf>? tbc tongoblp talfeeanb pmagin tfcu0amoiuietbtmfcl!ic0(Mitnot trfiDt : ) 'fbc tfinr of cure Ipfe t"0 Imt (bo? t anb tcDfoujtf: anl) too en a man i0 once aoiic , |jc fyitonomojc iopc m r {AcaCurc ,nctbcr fenotoc toecnp nut tbat tut* nctb agapnefrom De«t&:fo? toe arc borne of naugbcanb toenail be bcraftec agi tbougb toe Dab ncuer bene . :ff o? ourc b?cf b 10 00 a fmoac in oure nofctrcl0, attb tbe too?be0 atf a fparra to moue oure bertc.310 fo? ourc bo* Dp , it Qiatbc toerp afq>c0 tbat are qttcncbcb, ann ourc fouletyali toaniu) as tl)c toft ftp?*; Ourc Ipfc u)a I paffc atoape a0 tbetrace of a cloubc,anbcomctonauc#ta0tbcmp(rtbat 10 tying atoape toitb £ bcamc0 of the fbtm* ncanb put botonc toitb tbc bcate tbcrof . &>utc name alfo tyalbc f o?gottcnbp Iptle* I p tic , anb no man tyall Daue oure toorckeji inrcmcmtyauncc. ** 25 ffotoucctpmci0atoerp(baboto£pa(ret& atoape , $ after oure cube tberc i0 no retur* ntwto tt sjbe faft fcalcb,fo tjjat no man co= mctb agapnc . Come on tbcrfo?e,lct to0 en= iopc tbe plcafurca tbattber are,anb lett to0 foonctofe tbc creature lpnca0 in poutl;. let to0 fpll oure fclue0 toitb goob topnc $ opnt - ment, anb let tberc no tlourc of tbc tpmc go «p to0.1ctto0crotone our feme* toitb ro(c0 ato?c tbcp be toptljcteb . le t t&erc be no fap * temebotocbut oure luft gotfeoto it. Lett cncrponcofpoubcpartalerofourctjolup tc oufnetf. let twi icaue f ome to U of our pica lute in eucrp place,f oj tljat it oure potion, e W get toe not&pnge . lett t>0 oppieffc t^e poojte rpgbtcou0, let *0 not fparc toe tbpb - bote ncr olbc m5:let to0 notregarbc tbc |jea-- 1D0 bef raubc t^e rpg^tcou0 , anb Wv * W i0 not foj ourc p?of pt, pee fee 10 cleans co tcarp to oure bopngta \. Joe cijechctb tj0 to? o$cn- bpngc aaapnft glato, anbfclaatyetl)t)0a0 t ra"fgreuour0 of all nurtour. iije ma Itctl) |)i0 boaft to fyaue tU nnotolebge of d?ob,pee he callctD ^imfclf <0obbe0 fonnc. J)c i0 tpebe^ tojaperofourti)ougbte0:3tgreuetbt)0alfo to louc^po t)im,fo^ oi0 Utci0 not Ime other men0,|)i0tjDape0 arc otanotber faCbpon.bc countetb %# but tone pcrfonne0 5 |)e tbitp = tyatoctu torn torn Mm cure toape0 a0 ft5 t piti)pne0:pe commf bctD greatlp t^c la tter cube of tDe iurt , anb makctl) I)i0boatt that <25ob i0 bi0 fatDer . let \)0 fe tf)en pf lji0 \)doi be0bc true , lett \)0 pjouctopat ftall come t)pon|)pm : foftalltocimotbctpjatenbche Ujall tjauc. jr o? pf ije be f true i onhc of <& ob & Ijctopll rcceaue pim,anb bclpuer jjpmfrom tljc!)anbc0 of bp0cncmpt0. tctVj0cramc!i Jpm tt)itbbcfp" f efu!IrcbuBe anb^men- tpnge, tbat tue...apc hnotbc j)i0 bigiute,ab Piiouehp0 pacience. lett MX conbemnc hpm toitl!) tbc moft ujamefnl beat!) :f o? Ipac a0 he Ijatlj fpolien,fo ujall be be revbarbeb. 5i)ocb ti)pnge0 bo t|jc tmgoblp pmagin, anb go attrape , f o^ their atone topcUcbne0 Ijato blpnbeb t^em. 30fouije mpfterie0 of <5ob,t|)cp t)nbcrftant)c tlie not: tbcp nether Dope fo^thc rctoarbc of rpgjjteoufnefle, ncr rcgarbejtoo^ip tbat l)olpfoule0 Qjaliha nc. if oi ©ob crcateb ma to bc\)nbcltropeb, l pec after p *pmage of bP0atonc lpcltencu"c ^^H mabe be In . ^cucrtbeleactbo^oto enupe of ' tlje beucll came beatl; in to tbetoozlbc ; anb tbcp tbat bolbc of bp0 fpbebo a0 be botb. C'^bciii.Cbaptcr. It Tit confcriiacpon ano arturancc of t mmtou'e. X|)C tctoacac o f (tie f apttifull. i;^ttbcfoulc0of tbcrpgbtcou0are x, w tbe banbe of 0ob,anb tk papnc »> «r ^JffbeatbCballnottoHcbtb^jntbc ^■ ■ aw^l fpgbt of? \)ntopfc tbep appcarcb to ovt , anb tbep? cnbe i0 tahen to? \jerp be ttruccto . 'Cbc toape of tbe «gbtcou0 i0 mb^ ^ gcbtobet)tterbeftruccpon,T)uttbeparem reft . 35nb tbougb tbep fiiffre napnebefoze men, pet i0 tbep? b ope full of immo?talpte. 'Cbcp are punpl&eb but in fetoe tbinge0,nc-- ucrtbelcffe in manp tbtgc0lbal tkv he tocll rctoarbeo.jfo?d5obp?ouetbtbcm>anbfptt 3 bctb tbcm mete fo? btm felfe: pec a0 $ golbe t'ntbcfo?naccbotbbetrpetbcm,anorecea= uetb tb§ a0 a tyent offettngc , anb toben the tpme commntb,tbcp ujalbc lofecb \jpon. 'Ebcrpgbtcou0 u)all tyvnt a0 1 fparfec0 tbat renne tbo?ototbe rcb bnfajCCbcp «3al zs tubgctbenacponSjanb baue bomimon ouer tbe peo" .-..--. cuer.'C, ., ...... r .„. v . tP y „., sn ,„, tjnbcrft^bc tbe truetb,anb focjj a0 be faptlj full,toiUagree\)ntobiminIoue:fo < ibi0ctjo- fen u>au baae wfim anb peace. aiDut tbc ton gooip malbe punpibcb accojbpngc to thep? atone pmaginacion0 t fO2 tbcp baucbcfwfeb tberpgbteou0,anbfo?faHcntbelo?be. . Wo Co befpifctb topf borne $ nnrtour,te i0)mbapppc, anba0fo? tbebope of focbc,it t0 but tjapnc, tbep? Iabour0 \)nfrutefull , « tbep? too?Ue0\)np?of ttable . 'C&cp? topuetf arctmbiTcrctcanb t\)in cbplb?enmoR \>n> goblp.'Cbcp? creature t0 curfeb. ffileffeb i0 rather t^t barcn anb tmberpleb,tobicb bath not nnotone tbe ft>nf nil bebb : Qw q^aii baue Irate fcipenacponjMno nane Dotmmon ouer people, anb tbep? lo?bu)al! rapgnefo? ■mev tbat put t^m ttuft in bim>qjal ftutc in tberctoarb of tbe bolp foutc0 .mo blcffeb i0 tbegelbcb, toljicb toitb bi0 ftanbe* Datbto?ougbtnoionrigbteoufnc0,nerpma gineb toiclteb tbinge0 againft 0ob.«o? \m to bimOjaUbcgcu^fpcciall gift of fakb, s> anb the molt acceptable po?cion in tbe tern* pic of doob . jf o? glo?iou0 wwrute of goob labottre, anb tbe rote of topfoomc Q)aU ne= Mcrfabeatoapc . M foz tbc cbpltyen of ab* iiouter er0, tbcp Qjall come to an enbe, » t\\t febeof an tmrpgbtcoua bcbbujall beroteb out.3nbtbou£btbcplpuelonge,petQ)aU tbepbenotbingregarbeb, anb tbeir laftage fljalbetoitboutbonourc.£ftbcpbpebafteTp tbcp baue no boue,netbcr ujal tbep beipohf to m tbebapc of knotolebgcif o? bo?riblci0 tbebeatbanb mot of tbe »nrigbteou0, C^be-ifti-Cbapter. ^L^Sf/?!? 1 .?!' ? ofe i» e fopW«U.«n6 of tjjcp; uiiatt.sx tt)cnm\) off tpgqifotw.attoof t\)t coiior muatpoiijof t\)t bnfapttifuu. gotofap?e i0a cbatte gcheracpon toitb>)crtue.'"(rbcmcmo?taJ.l tbc^ Irof i0tntmo?tall , fo? it i» ftuotone toitbd5ob anb tottb men. WJbcn it 10 p?cfettt,me take c.rample tbere at: anb pf ttgoo a toapc , pet mv befp?c it . it i0 all toape crotoucb anb bolben in bonour ,anb topnne t\) the retoarb of tbc tjnbefpleb bat* tapll.26ut?multitubeof\3ngoblpcWltyen S5J5?ii?5?? M £^ *& WW* tbatarc plan tcb toitb tobo?bomc, ujal tancno bepc rote, tier lapc enp faftfounbacion. though tbcp be grcn ein p b?auncbc0,fo? a tpmc, ?ct uja I tbcp be ujahen toitb p topnbe: fo? tbep flan* bcnotfa(t 5 anbtbo20toptoebemencieoftbe topnbe t\)tv Ojalbcroteb out. St o? t \jni»ar* fecte b?aunchc0a)albc b? often, t\)m n uu a)albc\)np?ofttablc anb foto?c to eatc, pee metefo^notbpngc.^nbtobprall^cbpltyen tbat are bo?ne oftbe mhco, mull bearc re= co?bof^topcnebuc(rcagapnfttbcirfatbcr0 9 iuo tbcr&tobcn t\>iy be af Ueb. 25ut though tberpgbtepu0bcouectakentoitbbeatb 5 pct ujallbebemrcft. 25 .-. ^ ffc ^ i n ^°»o?«bIc tbinge: ncnertbele0 w tt ftanbctb not onelp in tbc length of tpme, mm tbe multituoc of pearc0fbuta mani topnjomc 10 the grapebearre, anbanunoc^ fpteo ipft i0 tbeoibc age. l»t plcafcb at WW a0 be IV* ! ^^.nicbamogefpnner0,betranflatcbbim.*gec fobcnlp toa0 be taltcnatoapc , to the intent tbat topcKcbncffe Omlbe not alter bP0 Mn* bcrftanbpng,^ tbat ppocr ific Ojnlbc not be= gple bt0 fonle. jf o? the craftpe bctoitehpnge of lpe0 maftc goob ttivnm barca, tbe ton- ftebfaftnefle alfo anb topenebne* of \)olup> Hop bcfp?e turnc aCpbe tbc tonbcrltanbmtc ofthcfpmple. tbougb be toatffoonebeeb, pctfulfpllebbc nwcbfpme; Jfo?bp0fonle c .. m pleafeb 0ob: tbctfo?ebaffcb be to taftc him atoapeftom omonffctbetopcucb. ^WyM people fe,anb tmberftanbe itnot, tbep tape 8SSS SP* '^^ m *W ^w » low tbattbeloupno;cfauourcanbmercpofC5ob ^ 35W tiw r PSbteon0 tbat igmco coocm-. netbtbcijngoblptobicbare Ipupnge: anb d S&SSS ^ H# ^erftanbe no t S??f 5S D ? J? S^S* ™* bim,ano tober = SWK5 1 ? &^! m an0 Def W , fc bim > tbcrf oze JHSW lf0 lau ? ft ** w ' fcoine:Wo tbat tbcp tbe feluc0 ujafi ove bere after (but top, tbout bonour jpee in ujame among the been fo?eucrmo?e . Jo?toitboutenp Movcemi be burtt tbore tbat be pufttop, £ remouc thl fromtbe Junbacpott0,fo tbattbcp ftjalbe lapeb toatte Dnto f bpeft.'cfo (ball moiir* ne 5 anbtbcp>mcmo?paliapallpcrpajc. ^>o tbep bepngc afrapeb (ball remenrtye tljcpt C^be.^.Cbapter. wnw.*^r bltffconwofttirrapnrtrffanii bodip. c "Mlf rpgbteou0ftabe in great * Jfjftf IP tbptb;tbtm, anb u. P niiir - "^ •*•• v»»p«trtr or piooapne ^ l $ : R omn 2* f ty ^"T MttreOe of mpnbe anb ujaflfape toitbin tbcm feint*, S mtoarbe fp?otoe , anb mour npnge fo"ffi angnpibofmpnbe. ' ,? 5befearetbep,tbl»omtoefomtpmebao inbcrtfton J $ieftebt)po.mcfoole0thouryht be toitb out honour . 25ut lo , boto tbep a re countebamogfcbiltyeofCDOb^tbmpo^ epon t0amongetbcfapnte0. €|w%ar8r ^aue errchfretbe toape of trutbe, tl;e fvaU ofWbteonfne&ebatbnotlhpncbijntovitf, ano tbe romteof tjnberftanbmgrofc not top topon toj. fifllc baue toerieo ourTcluc* in the toapt of topcnebncfleaiibbearuccpon. 'Cc^ mou0 toapc0baue toegonc: buta0 foi the •SfiSftSflSH"* "^hnotoncit. ^J^H 001 *' 8 !^ 0ttrc PW& oone tonto to0/ ' p?,t%tj)?*tbatjubenoinpeof rp= ■& feb atoape Ipfeea flbaboto, anb a* a mcflSun ff er rennmge befoie.a* a Qjtppe that pafletb yuet tbetoaue^of tbe toateXtobicb tohen it <0 gone by, tbe trace tbcrof cannot be foiibe netbeutbepatb^tin tbefloube^ £>?a0ii itip?bc. < \ -%' ■ i ,i •5; :••-; ■ii - I;' i:. I i 9 - is % t! bpibe tfja t a< ctl> tboioto fit tfjc ap&anb no man canfc cnptobcntobere (bets flotom, butonelp bcarctbrbcnopfc of bertopngefc btattnge ti>c IvsDt topnbe, nartinge * aptf, tbojoto the bebcmcncpe of pet gopnge , ano . apcto on (fcaapng bet topngc&toberea* af- ter toarbc no toncn of ber toape canbe fotm* be. JPilpbeatftohmanarotoeisJlbottata. mat cH,itpartetb p ap2e,tobocb toojbes u)all tbep that Da tic fpuneD f peabc in tbe pell : fcu tbepope of f bngoblp tS Ipbca b2ie tbpfteliaoure(02 buft)tbat i$ Wotom atoape toitbrbctoinbcapBe a tbin= ne fcomme tbat is fcatteb abjobe toith the ttojmcilpRcaStbefmonctobicbisbifpcrfeb bete anD tberc to the tolnbe, $ as the temem bjaunce of a ttraungcr f tarictbftua bape, anb tbe" bepartctb.»t tbe rpgbteous (ball IpucfojeuermowtbcirrctoarDalfoistoitb tbe Loifrano their remembjaunce ^ith tbe bpeft • 'Cbcrfojclbaltbep reccaue a gloao* WPngDome , anb abetotpfull ccotonc of tbe lope* hanDe : f 01 tf bptf rpg&t banbe (ball be court m , anb toitb bps atone bolp atme Jbalbe befmbc tbe\ m geloufp alCo ujal ta= fee atoape tbebarncne,? betballtoeapcn the creature to be auegcb of ^memiesl. fee (bait put on rpgbtcoumcS f 0? a bjeaft plate, anb tafee fure lubgcmmt m ftcabe of an helmet i&he mutncible (btlbc of cquite (pal be tabc, W ctucU tojatb (bal be (batpen fo? a Cucare anb tbetobole compare of tbe toojloeujall fpff bt Voith torn agapnft tbe bntopfe. £> %htn (ball tbe tbonbet boltcs go out of tbe ligbtenmffe&anb come out of tbe tapne botoe of tbe cloubes to tbe place a popnteD :' out of f beatbe ftonp inbignacion tbete u)al talltbpefc bapleii 3 anb tfetoatctoftbe tee Cbalbeto^otbagapnfttbemjanbtbefloubctf (ball renne t ougblp togetbet. Pee a mtofatp topnbelbaliaanoe bpagapnft tbem,anba fto?mc (balfcatet tbem aUzobe.'C bus! f ))n« tpgbteou* bealvnge of tbe (ball bwnac all toe lanbe to a toilberne&f topcHebne^ball oucttbjbtoetoeotociiingejs of tbe mtgntpe. C^be.i)i.Cbaptcr. r . Carbe callpnar r ftpnges.^pncw.ann auiiBf« 10 i}ic\) acr alfo eft o; ten to rcacclje topro o m t. Stbomc ttbettet tlim ft tmgtft, anb a man of bnD ct ttanbpng 1$ mo^e too;i;Otb.en one* in fttog. Ideate tbetto?e( €) pe mpnge*o$ tmbetftanbe: O letnepe toat be < ubgerf of tbeenbejg of tbe eattb • weue eate pe tbattule tbe multttubcsf^beUtemmocb people. #o;tbepotoet ^geumpouof tty i * Jotbe,anbtbcllrcngtbff6tbel!Jpett:tob(cb (ball tepc por.te toojen. si 9 fcatcb outpourc pmagjnaaoBt: looto tbat pe bctoo;e oftccicr^ of bW Rmgbomcbauc notejeecuteo ttii c mo> Bmicnt,baue not hepte $ latoe of rtobtconf* ^5 nc$,nojtoalaeboftct£topuof0ob&omi • blp 9 tbat tpgbt foonelball beappeatc un- to pou:fo^ anbatbe (nbgement uja l tbcp ba tit tbatbeate tule.^ctcpc ttgtauntcb bn= to tbe fpmple,but tljcp toat be (n auctozptc (balbe to?e puniujeb. jt 0? <& ob tobtcb moth ouet alWball etccpte no matt* pctfonne, nc tbftlball befltfbc t atoc of anp manjsgteat= ntfle. Jf oj be batb mabc tbe fmall 9 gteate, acatetbfwnUalpbe.Buttbcmpgiitpujal bane tbe fojcr punplbcmcnt. m mnto pou toetfo^e ( O pe SpngcsO bo 3 fpcanctbat pemape lernctoif Dome anb not go ampffe. if 01 tbcp t itepe M tpgbteouf= iicis (balbe tpgbteotiap iuogeo , 9 tpep tbat ate letncb in ttgbtcousJ tbingefe (ball fpnbe to mane anftocte . «abetfo?e 3 fetponte luft bpon mp toojbe&anb louc tbcm, fo qjall pe c come bp nuttout.lffllifbomei0anobletbin= ge , anbneuet fapbetb atoape : pec (be (0 ca* felp fene of tbe* tbat loue bet , anb f ounbe of • focbeasifcKebcf. g>bep?eue-tcDtbe"thatDC: - Cite bet, f fbetnape f ft ft (betoe ^cr felf e \jn * to tbtUlibo fo atoa&ctb bnto i;cc bptimcuf, fljall bauenogrcatc trauaple,foz be (ball f pnbebet fpttingetcabpeat bp* bo^cjs . ^0 ttjincRebuonbet,ti£(parfcctet)nbetaabpna: anb tobofo toatcbetbfo;bet, (balbefafe,ab f foonc £ Qifiea oet b aboutc, fcapnge foch 50 ate mete f 0? bee , (betoctl; bet felfe cbee* fullp \jnto tbem intbeit gopngesf , anb mc= tetb tbrtottb all btligcce. jf 0? tbcbnf apneo befttc of tef outmacpd ijel bee begpnnpng: to catc f oinuttout ij! louc , anb loue ig tbe Itc- ppnge of bet latoesf.£oto tbe bepprig of tlje latoe 1$ perfection ano an bncoitupte Ipfc, anb an bnicutuntt Ipfe ma actb a man famt . lice tottb €»ob . 3lnb fo f ocfite of topf Dome lebctbtotbeftpngbomc eueclattpngc. if % poute bclpte be tmn topall feato* anb ccp= ttmi pe Upngcg of tbe people ) fct poute luft *po topfoomctbatpe mapc tapgnc f 02 cuec moje. © loue tbe Ipgbt of toiCbome 3 all pe tbat be ruler* of tbepeoplc. 3£foz tovf = borne tobat nje tt » ano boto (be came \jp : -% ^L l ®ft"» W! not bpbc tUmht- tpejai of ©00 ftompou.but topll fene bet out ftom tbe begpnnpnge oftbenatiwtcanb bipngethe Rtjotokbgcof bet into lpgl;t^ topllnotkepebacbtbettuctbtiaetbcttopU J ftaue to bo toptbeonfumphge mnpeJot focb a man (ball not be par taaet of topf Do- me . tt»ut the multp tube of the topfe 10 m toelfate of tbe tooilbe, 9 a n>v(c bpng t* tit bpbolbprtgcoftbepeoplt.^teceattenout^ toute tbm tboiotoe mv tooibe^.anb it (bail ItT t \ C^fjcbii-Cljapfcr. JCtoptoomr wty to oepje farrcb utoit a 11 t^nm, ipfte a* allotbet,anb am come JJ ! J" fl ?i? ffcnctacpoit of bpm tbat toagfpiif maoe , anb in mp neb to be f lelbjjn t(je tpmc often monetfo toaObwugbttogetbet in bloube tboioto tDe febe of man,ano m commobpouj t aooe* fpteof flepe.Hlibe-3 toa* borne, h teccaneb Ipfte apie a0 otbec mcn& fell bp Sty eattb QWflP* Ma . ture ^ ****** toeppnge at tbe g?(t,as( all otbec bo. 3 toaj8 toiappeb (nlibablpnge clotbcfcanb btougbtbp W grcatecaegai.^oitbcteignoliigtbatbat m enp otbet begpnnpnge of bpitb.311 m c turn baue onecntcaunce ^nto Ipfe, anb one gomgeouttnlpRemanct. iaibetfo2e3bcfp2cD,anbbnbetftanbfng 313 toaj geumme:3callcb,anb tfle fpwte of topfbomecameintome.3fcttmo2ebpbee tDm bp bpngbometf anb topall fcatetf , anb 1 tounteo tpcbctf notbpnge in compatifon of l%f£!rVJ m f ^ nc '3 compareb turn J«co ft : m augoiDc 10 nut gtaucll Vnto »et,attD Vpluct (balfaccounteD out clape Ue^ foiebet ftgJjt. 3 loucb bctaboue toellfate s beutpe^ putpofeb to taac bet foi mv ipgbt mm IVM cannot be quencljeb: m gooo ftogmgmeromeMto bet,? f numerable. tpcbetf tboiotoebet banbetf. 3toaj8 glabin ti>eaU,fo2 tt>pjtf topfbometocntcbcfole me, goon tbmgejf .iBotoa03 mp fclfe Icatncb bnfapncblp,fo 00 3 mabe ot&er men patta tSftriF'tyP ^Pbebct tpebes fro no man, ^^tfJ^^tteattttebntome,toWfb ^bojto]?re,becomepattaUetjSof tbe louc| ftenbqjppe of dfob , anb ate acccptcb bnto «• ^totMM*** of topfoome. C <2dod OatbgtauntcD me to talnc topfelp, anb conucnientlp to banDle ty tbige* tfiat ttf ?oWouhpiftme.ffo > *tti8 (bctbat lebctb bnto topfbome, anb teaebctb to bfe topfoomearpgbt.3n W banb are botb toe f oure toojbejsrpee all ouvc xdpfoome , oute bttbetftatmngcanobnotolcbge of all oute tooM&etf . it 02 \>etyati) gcucn me the tent vetfee of tbefe tbmgcsf.fo tbat3 Unotoeboto toe toojlbc toajatmabcab tbe potoetsi of tbe mpbbcft oftbe tpmcjsibototbetpmesi altet S^^S^V^^o^^^Obototbep. are fiilfplleb,tbe courfe of tbe peace: the ok iMfotMtyftmtmcmtmmwtij* m of beattctf : ty furioufneffe of beaftetf: t^epotoctoftbetop.nbciEiittJepmaffpnacta^ of men : tbe biuctfptietf of ponge planted: I bettneiJof toteMoailfocb tbpnge^aijate feccete9notiobebfo?,Uaue3learneOjo2 Mffoob,(barpe,tob(cb foftWbnotto upnge aU t)ertucsf,citcumfpecte in all tbm = geg: ceceaupnge all fpzeteg of bnbetftan^ bpngebepuge cleaneanb (batpe . #02 topf* me bnto bet: fo? uje (0 tbe bipg btr ncS ol the cuctlaftpng ipghttbe bnbefplej mpjSSc ■^ m i^j|^ MnbtJepmaBeofbw goobnciTe.^nb f 02 fo morlj ai Oje io oneibe © 12K5? oaW Wnff^atibbepnjeOebfaft bet felfe(bccenuetball,anbamougethepeopic conucpetblbebct felfemtotbeVpftulci S)bemaHetij^oDcofteiiDe0anDp2opj;etr)S SSrfB!J!59 n0 u m i" » but torn in tobow SffiHSSWg** ^02 (be i0 moic brut v^ tbm tbe ftn rrr&anb ty oapc tjj not to be c IJK°J2 ;f0 / ^Pon tbe bapt commcti) 52&%^52 neffe ca nnot ottercom i wuoome,anbfooltlbjic0mapcnotbcxobcr CCbe.biiCCbapter. C*tttff«itrjoftopfoorae. l^fbomereacbetbftomotieenbc 3 to atiptbcr migbtclp,^ lontoglp ue loucb her, anb labourcb foz ^ , , . ber,euen fto mp poutb bn:l dio ntp biligecc to matp mp fclfc toitb bet, Toe b louc bao 3 bnto bet beutpe . mho ro hatfil companpof^oD^ommebet^etnobAite, bet. jt02jbc ijs tbe fcole maftreue of the nut* four of corob,anbtbe cbofer out of bis ; too Sc* fe,tobat iji ctcber tbcit toprbonie,tbat toot teojtbat tooibttb mo2etben topfbome*' Itaman louc tjertuc anb rpgbteoufne^,lce jitmlaboure f 02 toifoome,f ofn)c both great tjettuc* .3nb m* (be tmMhtitxmn WttbmcejtwbtebuOiciJanD ftrengbt,tobicb atefocb Ww* as men can ban -no bpnge mo2e mof itablc in tbeir ipfe. if a ml bcSre m mocbRnotolebge,(be can U\\ ftbingej? tbat arepaft,anbbTfceme tbpng^ftitotcme; (be Snotoetbtbe foteltpesof SS canetpounbebatcbefen«ces. » can tell ano r ^ ^ \ r \ - •I 1 1 I ( ■ '! •I' >i ; ■i* < : ,l ■1)'': M' f IV . ,»'! :.Vi I hi lIBi 8h I ! 1 ano age # . g*o 3 pur pofcb after tbitf matter: 3 toytt taftc l)ci\)ttto mp company, anb co* tnf louinglp tottb ben no Ooutc qjcflballgc* uc me goon counccll , anb fpcanc comf ofta* nip wtto me in mp carefttlnc* $ grcfe . # or fcerfaftc (hall 3 be tocll anbhoncftlp taken amonge the comcniBianb lorDetf of the coun* cell. ^bougb3bcpongc,pct(baU3haue tyarpc tmbcrttanbpng, to that 3 (balbe mat urloiijtf m tbe fittfe ofgrrn tc me\anb the fa= cctf of prmeetf foalltoonbcr at me. UUDen 3 hoioe mp tongctbep qmUbpDc my leafute, tohctt 3 fpcafcctbcp (ball lobe tmonmcanb pf 3 talltc mocb,tbcp (ball lapc tbeir bSbcs *pon t&epr moutb. #?orcoucr,bp tbc vm* m$ of l)ce.3u)all obtapncimmortalitcatto leaucbcbpnocmcaneucrlaftlngmemoriaU amoge them that come after me .jfbrfl fct . the people in ojtyt, anb the nacpontf (balbc fubouco %mo mMWm* tMaimtea foaU be af rapektoben thep bo but bcare of mc,a= mono; tbemultitube 3 ibalbccountcbgoob ano mpgbtpe m batapll. Cfllbcn 3 come bo^ me,3 (pattfpnbe rette tottb bcr:forbcr com* panp hathno mtmms bcr fclottlhip bat l> no tcOpoitfncflc,butmprtbanO tope C j&ofc ttten 3 confpDcrcb thefc thpngcsJ bp mp fclfcanb ponocreo tbcm in mp hertc b oto that to be iopneb \mto totf Dome iff tin * tnortalpte , anb greate pleafuee to ha tte her frcnoujppe : bpto thatfo the toorcucja; of her haul)c0arc.intpmterpcijejj : [jotb^at 5 tbho f o bepeth companp tbitb hec (balbc topfe: s th«itbetbbichtalBetbttottbber,a)alcometo ponoure:3toente abotite icKpngctogethec Unto me. ft* J t»a$ a labb of a rppcWtt, anb nab a gooo tmberftanbpnae. 5 ut W 3sreto to more fcnocrttanbpn* ge,3 came toan tmbcfpleo bobp.Beuccthe. m ttben 3 perceaucb that 3 eouloe not ne^ F l Br lf £ C W^» weepte <£ob gaue ttme (anbtbat tba« auopnte of topftotne alfo,to bnotbe tbhofegift it toatf ) 3 ftcppcb mito I ^i am ?r^ f 9 u 5} th ini,anbtoitb m^ m& lcDerte3fapbeafterthts!maner. C'fche.ij.Chaptcr. C3 PJapcr of Salomon f o obfapnr topftomt . |<5ob of mv fo'thctf, anb Hoibe of merepe0(thou thathaft ma^ bealltbpnp;eiB!tt)ith tbptooibc, anbmbepneb mantho^otb W tx»p(bome, that bcihuibe baue - uamynfon otter the creature tbWcb tbou Ijaft mabe : that he 4uibe o?b?c tUe mm acco^btnge to eqniteanb rpghteoufne^anb ewetite wbgentft tbitb a true bert ) gene me »j(fbome,tbbich ig eiter about thp feate,anb ptmenotoutfromamongetbpebpibien: to^ 3 thp ferUaunt anb fonne of tbp banbe >tnapben,am a feble perfoime,of a ijojre % i£l)ti&Mt r . ■ n me, anb to poncrc to the \jnbceftanbpnge of itibgemetanb p laM(. anb though a man be neuee fo patfeetc amonge th echpimen of mfc petpf tpptbpfbome benotttoithbttiulie flialbc nothig rcgarbcb.H5nt thou oaft cbo> fetK me to be a ftpug mtto tbp peopte,anb the 1 tubgcof thp tonne* anb baugotersf. ^faouhalt commatinbebme tobttpibea 2S Of! tea* tbitb the, ttohen thon mabeft the tbozlb <$ fenetbe tbhat ttoatf acceptable in tbp fpght ano rpght m thp comaunomttteai . &>{& Im out off tbp holp heaue* anb f cfi the teoifie of tbp maieftp^batCbemape be Boithme, s labottre tt»ith me:tbat a mape fmmfflm i» acceptable in thp nght.jfoj m fenotbetft anotmbeiftanbct^authtnge^anbftelbaU leoc me foberlp in mp too2fee0, anb picferue me m her pott>er.£>o (ball mptbozhc«beac= ceptable, anb then (ball 3 ffoueme t|jp peo^ fatljriBi featejf m tbhat mi dale, tflatmap fenotbe f eouneeli of CJob.'' O^ubbo can tbin he Jbhahhe toill of ©oo $ i Mf though MmmtytaUmm aremirerabic anbottre ^ f o?ca(rcj« are but \mcettapne . 3nb tobpv a » moztall ano corruptible bobp i,« hcup \mto ' thcfottle,anb f cartDp manrponHepetbbo- ttoncthat\)nOcrttanbingethatmufeth , bp5 manp tbpnge*. JHerp harblp cantbe btfter= tc the tjtngctf that are tjpon earth,-* greate labour bauc toe , o? tbe can fpnbe f thpnge^ ^SS^^? ttW !^-W WutScn bone in temnj ©h tojbe , tobo can baue »nottolcbgeofthpt)nbcrtobpnffanbmea' S?2i 5S9!? %««eue tbpCbome, anb ftn, B Jf^holpaooftfrom abouc^thefcapr* ofthemtbifch are t)pon earth, mape be 5S f ouemcb : thatmen mape learne the tbingetf CChc.jcChapter. Cfbome pjcreruebthe^ffman, 2 ff h om0ob tnabe a father of the J^^e,tbbfhe3toaiB!eteatebalone jMrnighthfout of bi0 offencetofee bmt out of the * moulbe of tMm * «w JprnpotbertorttleaUthtnge^ * #tientbe ^ •JnrpgWeouK Mte attoape ln|jttf ^Sl reptti^tbhfiibpctt^bnejjhab T 'hahbe, ©fbj^toome* » * 4 fiattbe fo f fttacwnj^tbca pttf t'Mp ti pzpoe (bcltttetbctnerpgl)tco9,p^fcrttebl)tmfaut^ leffewtto e (to= pc Dp him,$ mabe him rpche . &>l)e laueo hi frointhccttcmtc&iJOefcnDcO him from the bifceaiterjeiri&hemabe ()pm ftronge in bat- • taill $ gaue him the facto jp,that be mpght t c Bnot»e s ljotb thattbpfoomc tg Mm tiytn 9tf ■ ff SftSp ;* ;«tttti ? rpgh teoug & folb, n)eforfoftcl)tmnot,butOelpttercO hpm fro Mww.mzwnfttoitoM totti) ijpm into tjjeoongcottjanbfaplcb bint not in tlje ban mwH.{r OcjS:*tpliq)c l;au b?ougl;thpm the fceptcr Of therealme, ao potocragapnlt thofe that opprelTcOl)im.^0fortl)cm that hab acc«= fcD hpm,(fae Oeclarcb them to be Ipcrtf , ano 5) b?ougl)tDpmtopcrpctuall tbo;(bppp. j,b *fehebelpuercb the rpghtcou* people aO * fautleffe feoe,from f uacpojs that oppieflco thcm.^Dhccntrcbiuto tljefottle of the fer= uauntpf C5ob,anb ftobcbp himitttbonOcrjS ano tonenjS agapnft the horrible bing.&hc gaue tDc r pgl)teoti0 the rctoarbc of ttjepr la bourj,f leb tf)emfo?th a maruclottjsxoapc: on the bape tpmt (be tbajff a CbaOotbe \)ti to t Ucm,aO a Ip ght of ftarrejS in tl)c night fca - kttfi fott.*muvto anonorturco *htu.wu ttithrathctlimcrcp^hep hnotblcogeo hotjj tljetntgoOlp there iuOgco,aO punpojeb tho= rotto the torath of ®o*MWc baft thou cc= horteoasfafathecano proueO tl;c : but ^n= to the other p haft bene a bopfteroutf npng, i5K D i arD . t0 tlm &«&* 9 conocneb the. Whether tbep tbcreabfent 02 piefcnt, their pumthmettDatfa Iphc.ifor their grcfevoas pouble:namelp,tnoitrupnge,anothercme= bzaiiltccoftbpitgcispaft.ieuttobetbcppec ' ccaucOptbeprpunilbmentctfOpOtbegooo, mv tbought mm m lorbe, ano u>onbe= what f enoe . #m at plait tljep beloe mocb of bpm,of tohot f out eafting tt;cp thought fcoinc,aj{ of an abiecte . irleuerthclcde , the rpgbteottg OpO not fo fohen tbep tocre tmu : ftic:but tni Ipftc a0 f though tc* of i c > f ooli fh ^ thereto toaaalfotbertbicuconetf. Habere S, «• « atfccrtapncjnenHotb ctbojotb crrour; opo **£f ,C) toortbtpc oomcfcrpcttte.jJao\)apnc beaftesi tbou fenoeft a multt tube ofbommc bcaftetf })potbemforat)cngeancc:tbattbepjnpabt «notoe,that lohctoberetJitbaUa mattfvn^ ncth,bp tbc fame alto (ball he be punpftcb. *JforWotbpallmpgbtpbanOe^maOcf ****** 5)orl0cofnaugbt 3 ittbajsnot\)npomble, to *lu*fi fenbe amonge tbcm an heapcof 26ecrctf, 02 m *Mu juoobelponj3i,orcrucll bcaltcjj ofaftraugc KpnOe,focba0aretjnHnotbne,orfpottttfirc otcaftoutafmoUpngcbrctb,orajotebom ble fparbetf out of tbeir tpmMft mpght tbitbout tbefe bcafte^migbt tbep bauc S ne f lapne tbttb one tbinbe , bcpiJ/e perfectly S!B£ffifi2!K SPftM f ^creb a b^oa- bctborototbebretbofthppotoct:. *, ^iaeuettheles[,thou battorbreballthpnges hao great fttengtb 9 mtgBt.f tobo mape t4 ftanoe^ poller of t$w wtmt Htm &W ®ee Ipheajs i 1 * fcotta.tt, a i i J- = " ! f.. i ' n L I'! ffi v. M Ipur atfffmaUt&mgf tbcualaucc fbcpetb To ig tl>r Vbotlbc before £:pcc,ag a tyoppc of A mompngc bete , that tallctb bottom Vpon car tb/£bou haft mercp \>p6all,fo2 tfott „aftpofoec of altbingcg:* frtna&cft thcag tljoiifffj f Don fatbeft notthc fonncg of men, becaufe tbcptyulb amenbe. iro^ tbouloucft all tl)c tbinsrs? that arcanb hate ft none of rbcmt&bSji baft mabc .-nether opbeft thou ©tbcpne Of make enp tbpngr, ofcucll Ml. i?oibmtgbt env tbingc enburcpf it ttoc re not tbpttotu.'iDt botto coulbc enp tbpngc be ptefc rncDyCxcmc tttberecalleb of tberaSut tbou f pareft altfot all arc thpnc( £> Jlojb; t&ouloucroffoulcg. CCbt.tfi.Cbaptet. CEXljemcrfrfofi5olitote«Bftt'nn»w, tb»ttjo;rte*of 006 art bnrep;ouabit.ieo Btutrt) irpmtt to ttprot 1)». loibe , ^otbgraciousf anb ttuctett tbpfpjctcinaUtbingegr^bcrfojte cbaftcneft tbou tbem meafurabfp pgottoz6ge,anbt»aiwfttblcficcr= ntiige the tbingegtobcrintbep offcnbe.tbou fprabeft \mto m O L02b) 9 ejebo? tcft W tolraiictbfpttbfcUcbnc^anbtoputtnepi trttft ni £.* ^Bsffo^t tbofc olbcinbabptcrgof tppoolp laDctboumpffbtcft not aitoapetf ti)C,fojtbepc6mittebab>ominabletto02Keg agapnft tberatf toitebcraf t, foicerp ab jbo » latrp, tbtp f Ictb tfcftfiSMe chilb2enttottt> out mercp.-thep bpbeate tip meg botoclg , 9 bcuourcb the bloubc:pce,be caufe of focbab* Octtcfttbefatbcrsiofttjcberolatefottlcjsbp tbehanbeg of ourc fat&ct#f the lanb toWch tbouloucft abouc all othcr,migbt be abtoei lpmjcfo2thcch«b2mof<25ol[j - 35 Bcucrtbclc&tbourpatebefttbem alfoCa* tncn;$ fenbebtt pf oicr uhei# of tU vnc booft cue bomctteg to beftrope tbem out bp iptle S l l tlt ' $°* *&*t P **** Enable to fubbue WjWWujto the tPffbtconbattaplc, ■ 02 xS mm bcaftcg,oi ttoitb one tough fcoib *«r««wrt.b ^bcftcopetDetosctbet: * 25ut t&p tnpnbe tow«.w(.D. wag to fttpoe tbem outbp Iptle a*ti lptle,g e= uptwc tbetpme gr place to amende: bnottoiff lbeU,tbattt tbag an tmrpghteon* nacpfi s totcaeb of nature,*** £ t^elc tbouflbC mtgbt mm be altereb . 5Foj it tbas( a airfeb (ebe feo f beffpnnpno:,gt fearcb no man: Set baft tOou parbonebtBcirfpnnc0 . ffojttbbofepll SSRHPJBf 1 * W ^owbonetbat."^ tobotoill ft^bea.ffapnfttbpmbpient.'' €>* t JpMJ l comebefo^e tip face an auenaec lC m JW*^«M ! «»« <• ©^ tobo tbpU blame tbe,pf tjc people pm(&, tbbom tbon baft mabei'jroitbcscjwnoneotber <5oD buti», *t>Mt.b.a *tbaicarcftfo?ailtbpnjiejtf: tbat^mapeft ^SKk* tl - )8t ^P mOjjmcntije{not\>n= - P , ?S t -??P e ^* w netbetftpno;,nec tpmat or feifc 1 mtiax mm* mSSSSS *1 J"PPW gj« Him tbat batpot befet. «x« ucb to be puttifbe^s tabeft him fo* a ftrafh ff cc anb an aleaii t in t^t lanbe of thp noC Jf onbp pottoet ttf tbc beapnnpnge of ngC teoufnest.anb bewnfe tboit art Coibe ofait * h »tf>tbcrfo2earttbouffracio^ntoa ! Uibett men tbpnfte tbc not to be of a mil preitfftb,tbou beclarcft thp pottocrtfdbolb. not ,i5ut tbou lo^b of potbec innaeft quiets lp 3 mibo^b«ft^tbitbffreatb)oAppp>foi tbou imaprft bo an Wfim*< * mwm 25pfocbtbo?UeiE( notb baft tbon tantrbt fbp peoplctbota man alio Cbulbe be iuft : « » loupnffcranb baft mabe tbp cbplb?e to be of ' aaoobbope:fo?euentbben tboumbgeft.tt ffcucfttotdmctoamenbefromfpnncS. toitb focb biligfce beUucreb tbe enempeg of J&J^^W.tSjW^ibttetftivebpto bpe C ftta mioto tbou saueft tbem tpme anb place ofamenbemettbattbep migbt tutne fro (ben topcbcbncg jtoitb m Sreatc m* Cte? M iW tbpncatbne chiibjtcn jntottobofefatberg tbou baft toojnc* ma= bccoucnauntcgoffloobp?omifeg.''^otohc: teas tbou boeft butcbaftcn bfttbou punp= SSS "SnP^ W««fc««P«l,to fintct Jg attt, ^"^epunift)e,tbe(bulb temembic t tbpffoobneae:^ tbben toe owfcluefl are m* nplbeb,toputouretrufttntbpmercp. * TOerfo)c 3 tobcreagimnbauclpucbta: S2f82? * ^MTJrt f oaf ipjtbou baft pum, S£9S!SnS5 3»Sf^#Sme tbitweg^ tbep jbojibpppcb. * ^0^ 4cv mc aftrape **-, f 0^ sobbeg Jpunuje ag cbttbicn of no mW ful punpamentamonffetb^agamfiffctbe ebUyenofigno^auce.^fo^oc^a0t§olDe ««^"foutmebbptbofefcomckb rebu= JS^wWtbat tbcp fuffeeb, tbcpba^ SSS frKtWWlPJve -^nb tbben tbeppcrp 5BSR * f«L ne *"W mat tbep toK gobbcg,tbep fenotolebffeb tbenftbat there jag, but one true «#, tbhomeafoje tK toolbenot ftnobjctberfo^ecame tbe cnteS thep^bamnacpon tipontbem. CCbcjcunne a& fi>oone,oi the Ipffbtcg of beauen ttohicb rule tbc ea rtb, f 02 ffoobeg.Buttbougb thep habfocb Pleafure [tbetc beutp^tbat tbep tbougbt tbe to baue bene «obbeg:pet (bulbe tbep baue kno&ne, bottmochmoicfap/erheigtbatmabe tU. 'sJFiE* mafe ^ *™w*V batb02bcneball tbevetbingeg. UD2pftbcp macueleb at tbe potbet anb tooicbeg of tbem, tbep ibulbe ba ue perceaueb tberbp, tbat he Wet) mabc # tbevr tbpnseg,tgmpgbtpertbentbcp. Jf 02bp tbegreatnclfe anb beutp of the ercatute,tbemabectbetofmap4)lapnelpbe bnotbne. jEottbitbftanbpnge tbep are tbe ieOe to be blameb,that febc <2>ob, a"b toolbe fpnbe Wm , anb pctmpffe. ainb tbbp.^fo2fo mocb ag tbcp go about in bpg toojueg anb Cebe after tbem,tt i* a toben,p thep rcgarDe anb bolbemocb of big tboibeg tbat are fc= nebotbbcttthepatenottobolpto be eycu= fcb. $ 02 vf tbep2 mtberftanDpnge $ ttitoto= lebgejjcfoffreatctbattbcpcanbtfemc m to02lbc t anbtbect€atureg,tt)hpbo tbcp not tatberfpnbeouttbelo2betberof' i J®1W$*VW C m tbep,anb amonge the beebig thm ijope, tbat call tbem dSobdeg Wcbarebuttbctbo v icbegof meng um-. fiolbe,fplucr,anb tbc tbingc t\)atifi f ounbe out bp connpnge,thc fimilitubc of beaftcg, 02 anp \japnc (Tone tbat hatbbene mabc bp |mw«bffJ?f l ADe -*^ a ^$^««i:pmtercut s b«.M tetb bottom a tree out of tljetdobb,anb pa= 1 retb of tbc barcb of it cfintnglp :anb fo tbith tbe one parte mabctb a taffcll to be breb, 9 tumt) mca te mi) the tctvDw. 3Jg f 02 the € other pacte that jg lcft 3 tbhtcb igp2orptabIe ^notbpiig (foi itigacrohcb peceof toobb anbfuUofbnobbegjhccaructhitbiligaulp tbo2otb bpg ^anite , anb acco2bpnge to tbe fcnotolebge of hpg connpng)bc geuetb n fo-. me p2opo2cion,faibionctb it after tbc fimi= litubeof ama[,02mabctbitlpbc fome beaft fttabctbttoucctDttbrebb,anbpapntetbit, ^lobctobatfoulcrpotiginitljecaftetbui' mecoloure^ponit. v %tm mafeetb bea conuenicnt tabernacle 5To / / / * j. — r ZT "^* T ' p ^^^#yv*» vvnif^itrv^r r(rVt(II(lWLU J02 tt,fettetb it in tbcttoall,^ ma bctb it faft tbitb P2on,»2ouibpngef f 02 it , left it bap= pmtofaU/teitigtbellbttotwte^batitcan notbelpeitWfe:^nbtbhp.''itigbtttanpma ge,anb mutt of neceffite be bclpcb. jo 1 1, f 02 w cbplb2eii anb f 02 tjig ttopfc:bc fe-. betb belpeat it,be afbetb coficell at it :be ijs not atbameb to fpeabe mitoit tbatbatb no foule:fo2bealtb,bemabethbigpettct6V- tobtmf wfpebe: fo?lpfe ,hep2apetbmito Jim tDat tg UuM)t cal ictb Wn hi fo? help tbat ignot able to jjelpe brntM^ to fenbe b»m a goob (oumepebe p2apetb Wm f map ?£!? m ^ c Ctobctbent be to optapne anp $S2 s °*i° fc^tfcOi* P^apetb bnto bpm, tbatcan bo no maner otgoob, CChe.riiu.Cbapter. CSte otttttacpon an& abljomfnarton of pmagr*. nitiit0^«coroeof3i6c.iattpf. ¥ M * Vi Papne 3 anotfaerm5 purporing ^ tofaple,anb begpnmnge to ta^ bebigioumep tpojoto the ra^ gpngefce,caUetbfo? IS)elpe\)n a as ^-- ^toaftoc^tbatigfarre tbeabet tbentbetrec tbatbearetbbi. 5foz agfo2it, coueteoufneffeofmonepebatbfoubeitout, 9 W craftefmS mabe itttoitb W connpng, .3HK^PJ? w i c «cc,©fetbCF,ffoucrnc3) au topngegrto tQc begpnningc: * JToj thou *Gr°-nuu baft mabe aTbape in tbcfecanb a fure path in m mpbbeft of f toanegibeclarpnge tbcc= bp,that tbou baft potoer to helpc tall tt;in-. ^ gc^pcctbougbamantuentetotbefcctottb 20 S?!u*E? ^"fttbcicffc, tbat t\)t tbOKbeg K?JlS£ , 2 mm 2 tet ^* ^"^ wafmall pece of ttoobb,paftpng ouertbe Cce in aftrpp, anbarefaucb. r ■^^02 in tbe olbe tpme alCbtobl tbc pzoube * ««*.*«■ ffjauntcg perttbco,bc m tobo tbc bope ttoag SS^S??^^^*^ into tbe 5ppppe,tbhtcb tbag gouemcb thozotD thp banb,attbfoleftcfebc\ebinDchim\jnto ttjje tto02lb. jf 02 bapppe ig ^ tree,tohcrc tbozotb m^tco^mchmn^butmvkishmi tba tgmabetoitb Woeg,*pc botbitanb be *»*, M tbat mabc tt.^cbccaufc bemabe it: anb it, KS becaufe it tbag callcOC5oD abereag it is but 0dru:b - bl a fraple tbpng.*jfo2 the tmaoblp anb h«S . &fltff£&t*&* tm & *»« ma^ ^«^i^7 2FP a , , ^ m P ,wc POtt , a temptacion bnto the f onle* of men , anb a fnare f 02 tbefcte of tbc bntbpfc.^nb m£ I lebpnge out of pbolcg isim begpnnpuge 0? W^mwnbtbetoptHmigefip of tbc' il tbe beftruccpon of Iptc . #02 tbcp \bcrc not from f begpimpitge , nether thai itbcp con' $m N cuer.tbe tbel tbp pbclneg of m en Cballtbcpcomcib02tlptoanenbe.dlbcna a iSSSSS 9 ^ M fo »»e^ttoag taken •JHpWte^l^mabe bpm an pmage (in all tWeMM beebfonnc.? fo begat le to tb02itppp bt ag d5ob,tbhtcb tbag but a mn J? a Jt? a V Dmel, % Jlfcl ' Mau tcgto offrc\)nto bt.'Cb^bppzoccireoftpmc^tboiotban^tt flractou^mftomc,tbtgcrtottret»ag acptc: Cceu aga ( . Cljebofce a * r* */ t< i • , i ^ * i i i ■ i ^ v.* ar.D.r/r.a i -r ■ : »t f'-'i i\i> [& i!v 1 ■ I; ■# U If ' i ii tl I ill ■51 ajMatoc,anbtpjaunfriScompcllcb men fa] Violence to bonouc pmagc$ . 36ji foi ttiofc < toere f o f ant of tjjat men mpgtjt not too£ . Ihppp them ujtcfcntlp , tUcp^ ppcturc toatf tyought f rft farreClpbc the pmagc of a aing tohomthep toolbehonourc) to toe intent? toith grcatcbiligcncc thep might toojuiipp Dim tohicb ttngftiK of, atf though hcjjab bene p2efcnt.?figapnc,thc Angular connigc ofthccraftcfmangauc the fancpimt alto agrcatoccafi0ntotoo2u)ppunagc#. #02 " too2kmantoillpngto Do hpmapltafutc fct turn a tooifcclabourcb tottb nil hi* con' ._ nrngetomaaefpinagcof the beft ration. *> 3Hnb fo; thojoto the beutp ot the toojne) t j>e comen people toag bifccaucti,in Co mochf the? tone him noto f oj a 02 to Oo Come plcafurc Vnto apngcsoafctibeb Vn to it oncss ano G;ocKeg f name of 45oo, tohicb ougbttobcgcucuVntonoman. 4i)o jcouc* , tbig toasmot pnough fo2 the* that thep etrcb in the imotolcbgc of Cob: but tohcreaj* thep IpueD in thegrcate toar* * »,«. «.* -u u * of »sno?aunce,toofe manp $ greatc pla« SSS.5 ff« «»** ftp peace.tf 02ctl;ct* thep Flue tbepi atone cbilbzcn,-* offeeb them, 02 bpb fa crpfpec in pnpghtfcafon,02 cl# hcIDc \m* teafonablc toatcbcg : fo that thep Beptc rot* t bee Ipfc net matiagc clcane : but ether one flue another to bcatomaliciouflp,o^eljJ gee ttcbhpo'ttcpgbbouretoptha&uoutcpc.arnb ethugtocreaTltb'gctfmirtetogctherjbloub, manflaugbtcr,tbeft,bimmulacion,cojrup= cioit,mtfaptbfumeuVcbfepon,pcriurp,bir> quietpnge of goob mcn,Vnthanhfuluc&bc* ftlpnge of foulc&chaungpnge of bpjtjj, Vn* ftebfattnefle of marwge,mpfo2ber of abuou trpc anbVnclenneffe.lfnb tohp.'the honou* tinge of abhominablc imaged the caufe, thebcgpnnpngeanb mot ofall eucll. $oi thcptbatto02u)ppe 3bolg, ether tbevare mabtobentbevbemerp, o^p^opI;ccie fpcsJ, o? Ipue tongoblp , mflg Ipgptlp fojfroeace ttiem fcluejs. St opinio mocb ajS their truft if& top JjooltfCtohich haue nether foule net mt> betltimbpngc) though thep ftoeare falfelp, pettheptbpncneiti&alnotftuttetbcm. 'Cherf opt commctb a grcate plage Vpon t^ern > anb that tooat^elp : f op toep naue an euell opinion of <&ob,geupngcbebctonto 3boW ,Ctocarpnge Dniutt Ip to bifceaue,anb Uefppftngtpghtcoufncjtf. stop tbtvp ftocn= tinge t0no Dertue,buta plage of tpem tl;a t fpnncanbgocth cuertoitb the offence of the tmgoblp. CChe;3rt).Chaptet. craijf bop«ofti>f faptbftjit.pwpfpntre t^i* mntp jmrjouciDourcCobjattCtoctc^Sa a fufferinge anb trne,anb in tnerep 02.- bitcfttbouaUthpngctf. 'CDoughtocfpnne,vctatetoethpne,fbi tocUnotoetDpfttcngth . 3f toe fpnnc not; then ate toefntctbat thoutegatbett tjjs. Jf op tofenotoc ^ , i& parfectetpghteoufnetf: |?cc,to hnotoe thp tpghteoufnejiab potoet, if the tote of itti oitaltte. Wop the thpnge that menhaue f oubc out thojototbeir cuell wif ce,it hatl) not bifecaueb Dtf :asl tftopapn tmgeoftl)epicturc(an\)np?offitablclabou tc)nnb catuebimagctoitbbiuctfe coiourjS, tohofe fpgbt cntpfetl) tDe (gnojaiit: fo that - he bonoutetholouctl)tbe pictute of a otto image that hath no foule. #cuerthele(fc,thcp thatlouefoch eucll B thigciE{,atc too^tbp of bcath:thep that ttuft .lthem,thepthatmalietbcm ) tbeptl)atloue them, anb thep that honoure them. 'Che yottet alfo tauetl) ao tcmpetctl; foft cattb, }abourethit,anbgeueth it thefaupon of a Jieircl,t)Dhatfoeuct fernetb top outc \)fc:anb fo ot one pece of clape he maHeth fomeclea= nc Veffell fop fcruicc,fr fome conttatp . 25ut toherc toeuerp veifcl fcructh,tljat Imotoctft thcpotterhimfelfe.S)otoitbhijsvapncla. bourebemaHetD a c!5obof tje fame clape: tw botb cuen bctohirtje alptleafo^e toad mnbe of earth hpm felfe , anb toitbin a Iptlc tohpieafter(toh|hcbicth)tumcth to earth agapiuv. ^ iaotto(thftanbingc,hecarethnotthe moie * becaufc I;cibalUabour,nerbccaufebi0 ipfe i% ftoptmt ttrpuetb to ejccell golbfmit^eji, flje fpluerfmptbesianbcopfrfmptheja!, a ta^ actlj 1 1 fo^ an honour to mahe toapnc thytu Mft.Stop I)p0 her te i$ olheji , i)W hope i* but Vapneeartb,^ W life itf mo^c Vile theclapc fojfo mocij ajShe kuotoetDnot W atoncma ber,thatgauc \)im l;pjj foule to toojene ,4b bpttbco in htm the bjetb of Ipfe.^bep coun* te oure Ipfe but a paftpme,anb oure conucr= facton to be , but a marUet, anb tbat mm «bulbecuerbegettpnge,anb that bp eucll meane$.$oto Tjc tljat ofeatth maacthrtap le Vejlclsianb pmagesf , Hnotoeth him fclte to offenbe aboue all other, ailtheenempcslofthppeoplc^that Ijolbc t> the in fubieccio,are Vntoprc,Vnhapppe,anb erceabpng pwube Vnto thep? atone fouled 1 02 thep iubgcall the 3bol* of the heathen to begobbe^tohichnethcr ha ueepe fight to fe,ner ttofejs to lmell,ner eareieito oeare,noz fpngcrsi of Hoc* fop to gropes atffo* tbep j ifetcthcfatetoClotoetogoo.jfozmamabe them,^ be that hath butamwotoeb fpzete, faibioneb them.u5ut nomilca mane a<^o& Ipae Vnto bim:fo* fepnge be ifi but moatall |>pmfelfe,fri!8 butmoztail tbat De maaetli toith VnrpghteoujS banbeg^c hpm felfe (* better then tyt% tofao he ^ojibpppeth , f o * heipueo 1 V * If 1 1 iDftopDjomt fie ipncb though he toatf moitall,fo Ovo ne= uer thep. ^ec Ap tooiqipupe bcaftc$alfo, tohicb are mod mtferablcio* compare thi= gctf that cannot fele Vnto them anb tbcp aretooifetbeutbofe. ^ctiiaf there not one of thefe ucaltc&tbat toitl; htjj fpgbt can be= holbe enp goob thingnetber baue tbcp geug piapfener tbaneucj2f vnto C5oi). CChe.jcVi.C|)aptcr. UsiontbntotyttaitWU. | m \ptt anb foch other thfejctfha-- ^ncthepruffrcb too^tht* punitbmet 'anb thojoto the mnltttube of bea» ofthetohichVunpfbrnentciBr thou ftafit gta^ ^o.rrtb bcrntDcbtitbp tbc, © fauioure ofall. &o u\ tW thouibetoebftthpitc mcmw&fU itf {fe^chbelpucrcafroinalcucll.itffoj ymm the ^ tohf thep toere bpttil 16 greflhoppcrtf '■".: anbflpetf,tbcpbpeb,fo2 ti;e toere tooitbp to perinj bp focb:25ut netber the teeth of foa = gontfner of Vcnimoutf toomicjsoucr ca tw ■ Jtt'MS? % mccc P *aiBi cuer bp the a hcl peb ithe.'Cbctfoze toere thep punifteb to re= mcrnb^c thp too*bc&but haftHp toere tbet> healemigainc^fttbepibulbfallitofobepe c pe.ittoa0nct8erherbencr.plapfter^rcfto rcb Mto l)eaith,but tl)p tooibe( iopbc) mmii.t. f Dathaft tbt potoer ol Ipfe gsbeath * : tbon i' «t».H.b lebelt Vnto beatbetf boic, anb bzpngeft Vn agamc.3i6ut ma thozoto toichcbneiatflaietB Jl?l% f0,rt ^ awl) tohw WPJctcgocth [^thjitturncth not agapne, nether mape je call agapnc the foule tba t iis taftf atoape rh* , P nor 'R oir,i P c t0 f faa » JC tp? bnnot. stop Wf tbattoolbenotfmotoef , toere W$mtyf1twm% of thpne arme;ttoith araunge tbaterje}, hapleiefanb rapnetf toere thep perfeeufeb,anb tjoioto fpze toere thep confumeb, #02 it toaisf a toonberoutf thiiure thfltfp2empgbtbomo2etJ)entoatertobicb qucncl;ethairtDingejS:but the too2lbc i# the aueger off he rpghteousf. £>ome tvmt tonis thefpie fo tame , that p beato tobich toere fcnttopunplhtheVnp;oblp,b2cntnot:anb that becaufe thep (hulbc fc anb hnotoc, that thep toere vnfecutto totth the punplbmefit of (5ob .3!nb fome tymt bpmt the rp2e t tbc toateroncuerpfpbetbatitmightbeftrope^ f Vnrpgbteou0nacponof^cartb.* aigap^ ;% ro . mi nc,tbouhaftfcbthpneatonepcoplct& fun-- gclsffobe , a fent tbSb2eb reabp from heauf ( toithout tftcp^aboujobepngc Verp plca= fauntanbofgoobtaft.^nbtoOjetoethprp: cbunne rpfcanb that th ou pughtefttobe to02flbippeb before the bapc fpnnge. Stop m bope of ^Vntbahfull flmll melt atoapc as( tbc topntcr pfc, anb perpftje asftoater,thatiiC(iiotneccirarp. C'Che.rVu.Chapter. tL3ftt UnmsnttaoifBoB bponflje JSgpprpaiw. locate arc * tl)v iubgmentctf ( O J 102bcjanbtI)pcouncc^ca not be * mm * L crp2circb:tbcrfo2e mebo crre, that k — • - Jtoill not be tefourmeb vo i\)v topf^ mm. *if 02 toben f vnrpgiKcoma mam - - to bauctljp holp people i fubtccc^ticp toe * amr ' e re bounce toith the banbejj of barchncjff anb longenpg^aJUtVnbertherofcthmBpttge jo cfcape tbc cncrlaftpngc toprfome fnb tohvlethcpthoughttobchpbiJbarcUnca'e rftlm fpnn^tbep toere fcatcrcbab2obe I the Vcrp myootft of the bat ca coucrpnge bf f02gctfulnc$,putto hoirtblc feare anb ^cctii toonbcrouflp s\ \ 7 I IfljH ww If w • 't ■ t • •- > - ■ : .'■ ! ■ ■ * trije boac » i ttoonberottflp Ue*eb : foi tDe coiner tbljerc thcpmpgbtnotuepcmcntfrom fcarcc be* caufe tpc fotinbe came bourne anb ucjccb them)pec,manptemblcanb fttaungc Ui* uonsi mabc rfccm af rapcb; go potoe t of thetpic mpgfet acne them tyffPMicfhcr mpghttijccleare flammc* of fftarotflpghtcnfhojriblenpgbt.tfoitbc* C^cjUuxeijapter. ^ftopfoomt SI 1 /hViSfS J wc ° tc «P£^ *<>« CpiuteoN&e people tpgrcntclpght($ f enempetf Heme * tfccp2Uoycc, butthepfatocnotthe to fatbc, to be tbemojc aria." •jrcsfWWf enchatitemet that toe? UTcb,it camcto bcrifton , anb the 'rpgutcof them.) lint becaufc tbet> f =3b thcpjfr Vocrc Ucrcb afoic (becaufc thep fuffrebnot 4 I - V r 9 | 4 " ii .* * ,1 . 4 ( * 'I? 1 *r Hi i $! I « - i '-'J i i -, yctenotj)ui:tcno!i>;tiia«ckctttije,ani>4el £oughtthc( ©gob) mat there mpght be* i Mmm*teftfe|tft thep abttrnpngc * tftfl J pplec of fpje to lebe them in the Unftno tone r w| frapcartb thou sailed them tbe ^nnne f ot X^f S* c X^tDout ciip hurt. IReafoit it toaja that tbcp tyulbc xoant ipttfc* be put in the mefon of batclmc&l&hicb Itepte thp cbiibje" &SS2E S2ft fclrt > *° f **** **w &** l! m ' ? m * m w moustpl nape mc §a= hia^^a - tetfofth^ghtcoiwonebemgelapebout, anb picreracD to be leabec Unto the other ) i *tm tooughtclr out } tohole multitubcof * mm\ W tmbw , ano beftropebft tfjcfc in the KL% C ^1 CC ;^ *W npjfljt mm otirc rat&cc* ccttf fpcb afoie that thep unotopiur Unto i^hat otycjtftyep D^!> geucn ceebcuce, mpffbtbeofifooDcbeate.'cpuits thp people pjounetopniometoajsbjoushttoajame. d? oi tbfp that pjomfleb to t>ww atoape the fcacfulnrjf anb b^ebe from the tbeaue fou* \g&m fpchf ojfcarcthcmfctue* ,anb that toif h fco^ttc.^nb thousb "one of the uum* bettffeatcbtbcpcttbercthepafrapebattbe bcatteja! voijicb came Vpon them, s at ^ ftpf fpnacof the retuetcsl.anfomoch that toitl HbUngc thep fotoneb , 5b fapbe tbep fatbe n ot pap?c,\tobtch no man vet mapc cfcape. vl atbnc confciencc bcatctb tccoibe of m tbpc^ JcbncjS anb conbempneth hpm.3Bnbtbbpra tjeeeb anb toounbeb confciatcctaaetb euct ivwuMt tDjtt5cl$,btttabeclatinff that a ma feacth ■cyofeu i«r»«*« PI ill. M!-s I hits U II, themwetetheuncectentpeofthemater/o^ the ix»htcb he « punpibeb. 25ut thep that ca« fellbponthemfcomDnoecanbfcomabouc: fomtpmc toere thep afrapcb tho?oto thefea te of the ttoonberjj^nb fomctpme t^tv tbere fo toeaftc that t^ev f otbneb tbitb all : foe an pattpe^fobapnetcatfulncjs came \>MM, M tec toatbepf enp of them bab fallen , he &asi aepte anb Qmt in p^cfon , but tbtthout cbapnejj.But pf enp bttoelt fit a Upllacrc, pf he h^bbene an hcarbe o? bufb^bman be fuf. tteb mtollctablcneceu*itc:fonbep tbece all feownhetbitbonechapneofbarcancirc. t> rtoetcfongeoftbcbp^bcjsamonse the ftp* ctebgimchcdof theteecfto^the%ehancri» ^fif 1 b aftpecunpnaettoatet > ocjireatenop» fcof the fallpwgc botwte of ftonejs , ot toe plapcnge anb numptise of bcatte* tobom tpep fatoenotjO^ the mpijhtpe nopfeof toa^ rpnae beaftetf, o* the rotbnbe that anftbe* tethagaimeinthehpe mountapnesirlt ma* be themfotDncfoi ^crpfcaee . # oj all tbe cattp apneb toitb eleace lpgbt>anb no man Ibasihwibetcbintelabont. ©nelptyon themtbetefcU a henp npght , anpmujre of 5atcftncu"ethatttoa0tocomet)ponthe gee, teceaucb the i;calthof the m, v — „, MW „ ynofoblptbct:ebettcopeb.5fo^ipBeai8ithou W! %52 w w?«m wftto Daft thou momo teb \)0 ttohom thou callebcft afoje. 51 oi tbe rpgbtcou^chu^cnofthesooD men dm gctcttp»« o?bjteb the latbe of tps!)tcoufnejS toitotjmte.tbat^iuftihttlbe teceauc gooS anb eucll in Ipfte manec , fpngpngc pnatbare& ^ .f^^fibecconcljcre, another tfiece, •ffflS** S* l lWf * » a« ft lbetbeb the caufe JWW ^01 the mfpotf that ioe>cb tp metbebtIj.e1thcrcthmac,«afo^c:fotbatthcp *> tbere not i^oiaatAjerfo^e tbep pcrimeb. ^hetentacpaofbcatbtoucKbtberpff^ tepuiBf alfo,anb amongetbc multptube ini toilberneffe there tbasfiuOirrcccion ) but thv toiath enburcb not logc. jt 0^ tbe b lame leifc mantoentc tnallthcbaft,anb tofee tbebat- japUt)Ponhtm } ^pushtfoitbthetbeapeof w mtn(ftracpon :!cuen p?aper anb the ccn-- foursiofreconcainffe.-fctthimfelfcaffapnft thctx»^atb,anb To biought the mito to an cnbe:beclaranb thp ma leap toa$ tbiptten in the crotone of hijg hta» Jt.«nto there the beftropergnueplace, so toa0afrapebofthem:fo2tttoa0onclpate* taciontboithpoftbiath. r C5rtJt.jcije.Chapter. $&£ f*"** ° Ui >* CTOPfp«ne,ami Oft matt (w 2 ;e .. 0f f £. copl f ,2:l3C elcmt nt re to"' not onelp to # topilofxeoD.butairototljctopUofman. P ^bfoithe Jngoblp,thctbiath ea= me Upon them tbtthout mercp tm SJ^K- Jfoibe bnetb befoic h^tu^ rli* ftwioe happen Unto tbem: hotomatftohenthcpljab eonrentcb tolett SH^fe? 1 * Wftntmit Sbith greate xtU 3™ c i)tytytodKttpttt, anbfolotbeUpQ mmu « SR2k ??* ttohC1 . 1 e ^ •*"* ?** moornpm geanbmalipngclamentacionbp tbe gra= S^Wi^toipftD anot^erfooTpOi iffejf that tbatf et,tJoaseliranbW the reftbue nepe thep? melobp: tohtch mapc ea ?S^^ ea WWthj^ttffltetffii ge^tbatarecometopafl-e. Che b/pc lanb" 225 g^toto a tba terp , anb the S S£S5? e WMmme ^*fe We«,fetenoS ISSSfi^P 11 ?^-*^^ habpottoer SSfiJS ttr i C0Mr S ^ t0 D^atbncuertue) jtbctbaterfo2gatbijB!atbneBpttbc toqucu g^5«WtpflaitunejBi of the nopComr te tottb tbem,nethcrmelteb thep tbepfe, gctf baft tbou p2omoteb thp people «onour:thouhaftnotbcfpp 3 ve&rtftbutaUxbnpesin all placet haft thou ftanbebptha. CCUe enbeof t$ieboUe of topfbome. ©eeittt 'Cjje \ I <• ■:!!+ ■ II ' ' t'.i : *' t t r - i i v 1 i: • ■ i 11 I': i . ft: i i i : t i ' l ■ !* j "- w- if it J* ! fr tyffl h M if; I I! «. djebofeeof, C&bcbofee of ^cfastlje fonnc of #$«$/ C€|ie $?olo$e of Jefttsi tjje tonne of&pjacbunto&psbolie. 3wanbffrcatcmfDaucbtctarcbtopftJomet)nto^owtoftDcIat»e, out of tbe wopbctc* anb ontc of otber t^tfoiontoco tbcm . 3n tf)e to^fcb tbpndcetf 3rrarllougbttobccommcnbcD , bp tbc rcafonofbocitrpne anb ttopftiorae: fC&cef wMty tbat banc it attb rcabc (t,ujulb not onclp tbem fcluejSbcibp* ft tDcrc tbojotu, but fcruc otber alfo ttritb tcacbpngc anb ttuptpnge. 3f ccrtbat mpgtaunbcfatbcc 3 <& S> 81 &>-bab gcue biligtntlaboure to rcabe tbe la* toc,tbcl&jopbetes anbotbcr boltcs tbat tucrc left US of ouccfatberS>Sb babtocll ercrrf* feb bpm iclfe tbcrin:bc purpofcb alfo to to^vtc Tonic tbpng of topftiome $ jfoob mancrtf, to tbc intent tbat tbep tobicbttttc Mlpngc to Icarnc anb to be wto>mvm haue i mo» re t)nberttanbpu5c,anb be tbe mo v zc aptc to Icabea jjoob ijonnetfacpon. Wlbctf o je,3 erbojtc pon to receaue it Ibupnglp, to rcabe it Juitbbiligence,? to tafec it in goob toojtb>tbouo;b oute ttoo^Dcjs be not fo eloquent aft'tfye famous ojatourtf . if oi the tbpng f i# typttcn mtbe |dn« tongefounbetb not fo mil tbl;en it ijtf trmulatcD into aitotfee fpcacbe.&ot onelp tbis bone of mpnebut alfo tbc lato,tbc pjopbetes 5b othe t bolics founbe farrc otber uipfctbcn tbep bo,itfbe* t\)tj? arc fpoftcm tbeir atone language. #oto intbe.rjcrUiii.pearctfllbcn 3 came into egpptcln tbc tpme of i&tolomp £uer* ges ? continued tberc all mp Ipfc, 3 gat irbcrtpc to ccabe anbtytptc manp goob tbigetf. Wlpetf o^e,3 tbougbt it goob anb neccu"arp,to bcltotue mp btlkcncc anb tcauaple to internet* tbtf bone.^nb eonfpbcrpnge tljat3 bab tpme,3 labouceb anb ' bpo mv bctt topcrf ourmc thpfll boue,ano to b^pnge it mto Ipgljt: tpat tbefttaungcrjialvo tobic^atc bpfpofeb tolerne, mpgbt auplpc tbrm fclucgi unto goob mnnevjj anblpuc acco?bpnge to tbc fatoe of tbeiojbc. } * * C€ccleftatticti& C^befp^ttCbaptct. Opr&omr p;ocraft(tt> anb commctfj ofi8ob.Sp;apft offfjrfrarCGfjStm, WrtCfouttuffua Dcffce (o come *Ui. ixviii. b ana.irti.ft Job.vrbiii.C 3acob.j.» Htbp(bome*commctb of ©ob tbe lo^bc > anb ))At)) bene eucv itoitb bpm , anb is bef ok all tp* me. wobab nombwb tbe fan^ be of tbe fccp b^oppos of ^ rap= nc,f tbe bapesf of tpme / Wllbo ^atb meafuceb f bcpfftJ) of beaucn,^ bicbtb of tbe ear tb>$ toe bepneffc of tbe fee . y QEbo batb fougbt out ^ geounbe of d5 oboes* topf^ bomctobiebbatb bene before all thpngc^i' tuovemuc *lffif.pfbomebatb bene befoic all twtmc# t anbtbe tm&ctttanbpitge of pmbence from cuerlattpnge. .(©oorf too^be in tbe bepj3[tb itt\)t tbellof toplbome.anbtbeeuetlamng c5maunbementeje( are toe entrailce of bee.) ?anto tbbom batb tbe rote of topfbome bcnebeclawbi' 4)£tbbo barb nnottne* bee tbpt i canto tobo batb p Doctrine of topfbo= mebenebifcouerebf tbeveb.^btobo Datb Unber ttanbe f manp f olbe en trauce of tot? „ /Cbcreitf onereucntbc H>pcft, tbemafecc * of all tbpttge^.tbe ailmpgljtpc, tbeUpng, of potDcr( of tobom men ougbt to ftanoe flrcatlpinatoe)tbbiebfpttctbt)ponbij3!tro nebemgea d5oo of bommiS : %z batb crea= tebbcrtbo^otbtbebolpgooft:bc \^m fcuc l)er , nombjtcb bcr^bmcafureb ber:l9c bath pourebber out t)pon all bps ttiotUesf , anb ^pon all fleuj acco?bpnge to bpjs gpft : be gcuctb ber rpebelp tmto W tbat loue I;pm s ^Cbf feace of m lo?be i»i fcozQjpppc anb tciuinpbe,glabncu"e anb a topfull crotanc: /Cbe feare of tbe lo^bmnnetbamcrpbert, gcuctb glabneCTciope anb longc Ipfe. Wllbo fofcacctbtbelo?bc,it(ballgo tocll tbptb wm at m la ft , anb in £bapc of W bea tj r jcflballbeblclTeb. " ^beloueof dpobijibonorabte tbpfbome: .IoUe\)ntotohomitappearctb } jtbcploucpt, , fojtbcp fettofottooiSicrou^tblgc^ it botb- *mJ *5befcace of tbe Mitt yf I - begwmfg of mSA t^foome^btbajsmabetoftkbetliptbtuu int\)c motbertf toombcrpt Cbaligo tbptb tU cbofen toemen , anb (balbe nnotbncof tnc rpgbtepusianbfaptbfim. ^befeazeof tbe %om 1$ tb^PfiD^ob^ferupce, tww* UtMtl) 3lcftt0tbcfonneof^acli; '$o.mW ftruetb anb tuft ifictb tJ)c bctte , anb gcuetb mpjtbsfflabncfle. 5^bofofearetb?to^ (ball be bapwcanbtdlictt be batb nebe of cii- fo?te,be (ball be blclTeb.i; o fcarc Cob ijs tbe tDp(bometbatinaftctbPieb»anDb?fgetball goob tbitb ber.^bt rpUctl; tlje t*boTc bouf e gbitb berffpfttcg , aim tbc gawcifltMtb W tteafurc.^bc feare of tbe Ho^b in tty cr oto^ tie of fopfoomcanb geuetb plenteous* peace anbbcaltb.tyc batb Tene ber 9 nombjeb bee : (botbtficCcare tbegtftca of ob, anbbecaufc ti;p berte ijj full of fapncDnetf anb bifceate. * C^be.iiCbapter. CBWwtrtljettf ftcuuunteff oftsobtoveibtcoatatt, louf ,tjnotvttautipngc,anii pacicner,* fflwttfc bim tl>at frawtb jCSoD.to be!cuc,to l>Dpc,ant) to ipuc.bccjufe® oo mtbtcconfounbctl)nfcfo;raRcth (b.cm*(rua in^pm. & cuttTr topon tbe fotclf , fmct, anb impacpent of b 1 1 tc. P fonne,*pf tbou tbilt come into f fcruice of (&ob , (tanbe faft in rigb= |teoufncj< anb feare , anb arme t\ip fouleto tltacpon:fcttlctbpue bert anb be pacpcnt:bot)Jebottonc tbpne care;rc* ccaue tbc tjo^bcsJ.of Unberftanbpnge, anb flmmcacnot atoapctobetbou artcntpfeb. I^oine t^t faft fcpo C5ob, iopne t^ fclf c im= tobim,anbfuffretbattbpUfcmapcenceca= cc at f inft . Watfocucr bappenetbunto } *5>ap{.W.i P^u.tbJ.! 25 *J3fa.rrrf. GU.nbUb, receaue it:fuffre infjeupnelfcaub be pacicnt intbP trouble.*ifo? Ipnc asgolbcfi fplucr are trpeD in tjjefpjc, eucn fo are acceptable me in f f ornate of abuerfite. 2$elcue 1 <5ov % 9 beibail helpe theio^e tW mve a rpgbt> anb put m truft in bim . tyolb f a ft m fmic anogroujc tberm.<£> pe tynt feare tbe loib fane Hire bolbe of |)ij5 me«p:tD ( uncae not a ft)apc from tymjbatve fall not . £>pe tbat feare p Lozb, beleuc Jim, anb pour rettiarb lballnotbcemptie.€)petbattearepLo2b, fiutpour truft m biw,anb metcy (ball coinc Jmto pou fo^ pleafure. 1D pe f feare f to?b, fct pourelouc Upon bpm , anb pourc bcrtc^ (balbelpgbteneb. ConfpDietbeol^egctteracionsiofinerO Vt cbilbjcn)* marcKetDcmtccll: *xx>a$ t\)t-- re cucr enp one coni : oubcb > tbat put W tcuft mtbelo^bryilboeuerconttnucbmbisfea^ rcanbtoasifo^fafee.'' 02tDbombpi)l;e cucr bef pife,tbat callcb faitbf w I Ip Up 6 Dim t Si 1 <5ob W graepoujSf mercpmll , 6c fozgcuctb fmncjs in tbe tpme of trouble,anb i% a befeu ber f 0? all tljem tbat fenc bim in tty: tntcth* taiobeUntobim^batbaboublebcrt^p'c-. bcDlippcflianDeucuoccupieDbanbcsi^anbto tbe finncr tbat goctb ttoo mancr of toapeg. 52lo be Unto tb£ f arc loofc of bertc , tootcb put not tbeir truft in <3 ob , 5 tberf oic (ball tbep not be otftnotn of bpm . lUo be Unto tbc tbat imue loft pacicnce,fo?CaUm f rigljt toapes 5 anb arc tumcb bactt into froxtaroc toapes.Ullbat toill t\\cf Do ,U)bcn tbc L01D ftjallbcgpniic to Upfe t tbein." 'Cbcptbatfearetbeio?D,tbplluotnur- truft W too^be,anb tbep p* loue bim .«jpu bcpcbUJcommaimbcinet .^{jep tbat feare tbe Ho<5b,tDiU fr fteouttbe thmge^^hat arc SleafauntUnto tym,*$ tljcp timt loue bun: jail fulrpll \>v* latbe. %\yzy tbat fcarc tbc *,o?b, topll mepare t\ityi bertr&anb bum * blc tbeir foulcs in bis figbt. 'Sbep that fca •■ re ^ to^b,bcpc bVScommaunbcmctccanb ibulbepacieut tpll tbep fc bimfelfXapiug: * better it ijs f o.t us to fall into f babes of p lo^bctbniintotbc banbes of men: fot tjpss mcrcp is a$grcatc asbpm fclfc. CCbe.iii.Cbaptcr. CC £0 outt father anb mother ought ret fo qcw bouMe gonouc . Of the blcffpage anb cuttre of the father anb mother. zio mS ought ouer rutpoufip to fcarcbe out the ferrctca of © ob. J$c cbplb?cn oftbpfbomc area cott* Z igrcgacion of tbcrtgbtcous.anb tbeir lercercpfe is obebience anb louc.Iaea * re me pourc fa tber ( jD mp beare Mm) anb botbere aftectbatpe mapc be fafc' •*=5f02pio^betupll banc tbctatber bonou= *i?roi».rr.! rebof tbccbilb^cn: anb lone xobat a motber ^iV:" commaubetb bercbtlb?e to bo, betoill b'aue cp!,fW, *< it kcptc.Wlbo fo bonouretb bps fatber, bis iFnncjJujallbcfojgeHcubtm:*? be tbat bo * «pb,». w. mc \j nouretb +j;otj.rti«. ♦ Uom.rfif. *ff.re.rrf«i Aufan.b, A \ " ^ ! - .* u ■ Jtfoa tbe f orate " * < " ,1 • fot^motljcr,anDDothtbeferupce,S§ie tbeeetmtotbc lojb Dim fclfe; fconouwtbp father inbebcintao thou ma ~" mgelhallpcrceauehpetbi earetoMglablphcrftent) tbcrte tbat (tftoffe ana hai ^berlWbfn^ tcconci erb fpniKtf. (Boh h«#h r^r*;^^ tc(onnIcrbfpnjic0.(0oDbftarerpecre^nro mm tbat i9 tbancufull .- & AnSfS&l ; * 1 fcfejfotoM* $ in all pacic"ce,t$c noure anto the , but a fhame. tfoj the too*- Onpcofamaflifatber tfbttatonc tooiflnp, tfSff tbc fot!p <* toithou t honouMt $ tUc mftone to of thefonnc. fl?p tone, mate mom m fetter i bi* age, unagecuc Dim nor a$ longe a* be Itueth.^nb pf w \jnacr 01 C^hc>mi\e&apter. *n ertojrftfjon to ercijuc cucit aSSSifSit I * fioob aebcf tbou IbetocuHnto tbpfatber, T- 1= 1 i- Ki?S^ Wtfcanaia&ro thou thp felf toantcft, it (ball be retoarhea the fa f oT tbi> mother* offence tbou (bait be mompcnfca xai tb gooa , yce it (ball be founacb ffitbe in tpmeoufae#) ana in tbebape of troubled Ibaltbc tememb?ea: thpfpnncjtf alfo fta« melt atoape,lt«c a* the pfe in the fap# toac * JfcS* f°i[ a ^ h ^fatbec,fliaIlcomc curlea mm ®) V fom , pctfourmc th jaojeae* tottb loupngc mcuencuVo (halt be louea abouc other me .'Cbe grantee tbou artJmoje bumble tbp felfcin all thmge*) rnib tbou qja it fpnbc fauour in tbe Uti ©ob.jjo^ceatepotijeebclogethottelp^n* to <£oa,ana he i& bonourea of tbc lotaipe. *m.ctru.a m *^cBenotoutthetbpngeg$areaboue focb tbmge* a* ate to mpjjhtpc roj the: but lone tobat (Sob bath eommanbeb thc.tbvfo fee topon that all toape, anb be not cutpoW iS&in!* Wf**E* ^°?it i^ not nebe* f ullf o? the, to fe toptb tbpne epejj the thpn* mfmUmto . ^aftenot tbow to mocbe fearcb m fuperBuoua t&tngefcana be not cu won* i manp of bl*i»o;Hte*:fojmanp '" Beware ftetbeatjnto thealUeaap.tafii a^owfthpcapae^ofmen^hemeaimffeti tbeie Mini in -tttntte. jEoto he that loueth |wtelMba!loertQ)thetin. ■ (ana be tbat Ipneta aaunger > ftall perpibe tbertn^anbeettbatjjoetbtixjotoapei^all iwtp^orpmfanahethatijjfeottoapaofjett g tonne , * aefranae not nooie of 31 i tW almeiS,ana tnrnenot atbape *^4 torn cm fro frm that jmtb ne& . ' ^cfpifcnotanhonffepefoule aSh 8? J5?P Dt m «#«» the nebefuu. Sefti, nenotaTtoapetbpfacettomtberieap caft not tbpnecpe«;arpbefrom ^ pooSi anil gy »»eeuellofi rbe. Jf o^f he comnSmS SSS? 1 ? ?f5? ne ^ ^ m « » man of SS tmne eare tjnto p po o:e , but pave thp actt fhtS?^ 26 I mercpfuiitroto thefatherleffeaS 4fatherl ' the toteft,ana be qjall lone the mo^e m thi oth: ^pfo^eb?etbetfrVeinto ten,rcccauctb tbem that fefte hec * thatrefceiietMiwrrHf!*, ^*» haneb^eStc - pauetbebe^ iupc.pm ; b?png t|jc tpgbt tbapc \>nto Vmjm^ M &tm a gTaaman, (betbe bim bee fectetej*, ana beapetjponbim tbetteafueeis of fcnoto* lebge ,tmaeeftanapngeana tpgbteouftieitf. 3i5ntpfbegoto?ong,ibeCball»i{faheb(m, anageue ppmouee into tbc banuejs of hv$ enempe. ls> 49pfonne,maRemoc!) of tbp tpme,efclme tbe tbinge that ifi euelUna f o? tbp Ipfc ifca* me not to fape tbc trnetMoi there iib a (ba« ,„,» H t t m t] l u - WW&ftomc, nnbtbet tjSafljame ' Iw * w,c tbatb?mgctbtoqii^pppcanafauour.*^e* ctpteno pcrfonaftce tppneattone ttipll, tbat tbou be not eonf ounbea to tbpne atone ae= eape.fficnota Qjameb of tbp nepgbboute in D(0aatteefite,anb ftcpenot bacatbv coucell tobtnltmapebogooo^ctbce bpbc tbp \J«>f« aome in bee betbtp . % m in tbc togc i$ tovC= bomebnotJme, fo i0\)nbceftanapng hnotb^ lebgc nna Icrninge in ti;c taUtpng of f toifsr, ^ fteafaftnctfe in the tbo^chesi of rpgi)teouf= ne« . 3n no Xbpte fpcaUe agapnft tbe too^bc oftecutb 3 butbcaujamcbotti)elpci8oftbinc atbncigno?attcc.S)bamcnottocofcfletbp« ne ereouee 5 ana fa bmpttc not tW fclfe tm to euecp man becaurc of fpnne. aaiitbftioe not tbeface of tbc m(gbtp,« ftciue $ not agatnft f (trcamc.^Sntf o^ epgbteoufneiB taae my* ncji tbitb all tbp foulc, 9 f 0^ tbctpuctb itep* ut tbou \)n to acatb,ana C5oa tba 11 t>g (jtfo? tbe agapnft tbpne enempe* . 7&e not tjaftpc in tbp tong,nctbct ttacn anb neglige t in tln> mmtfl . y&z not ajS a Ipon in t wnc avohe ^oufeJDcfteoping tbp bouQ)olbc follies ana *mm 9 opp^mngtbf that are totber the. * tetnot tbpne banbe be tteetcbeb out to eeceaue,ana ftwt tojen thou (bulbctt gcue. CC^e.\).Cl)aptcr. CSntpc^w nwpr v»e not put «np confpBWff . ai)« fetiW «uu« tfisoD oumt to be rtajrt, ano to jcj ptntaunctnMrttomotbtrioVDr. . l^uft not tjnto tl)p riebctf, * $ rape not : tuft , 3 baue pnougb f 0? mp Ipfe . ( #0? it (ball not beipe in tbe 'tpmc of Vengcaunce anatempta^ tpon . ) ifolottoe nottbelud of tbpne atane beet in top (Hengtfcana fape no t : tmUhota j«ue3 baaftrengtfeojtabotbiUbjingemc tnbee becaufe ofmp to o^cftcis t f 0? aoutle? <5ob (ballauenaeit . 3na fapenot. 3 baue eommpttea no (pnnejJ , but ttbat euett patb Ijappcnea me t if 0? tbe almpgbtpe \$ a pa* ♦uom.ttt.s cie^eetDaraeu^nSecaurctbp fpnne ii«fo|ge« uf tbe 3 be not tDetf je twtbout f ?w 3 mtm tfiitMi *lo*e.rtf.« <«leC,ri,r. bcape onelmne t>p5 anotbce.*3nb fapenot «*ift tu^tbemctcpof the lotabefaft in tbe toape of tbc Lojb,bc ftebfatt in t^y tjnaer ftabtng, abpac bp m tboibcabfoloac tl;e tbOiDc of peace anarigbtcoufnejs. 25c gentle to ijcare tbe \bo?be otC5oa, tljat tboumapeft WMt* ftanae it , 9 mabe a true anftacrc tbit b toif= aome. * 25ef«jpft to beate, but flotoc ^ pa* * im t e. uc epentm gcupnge anfajere.Jf tbou baft »n= bcrftanbpng , tbape tbpnepgbbourc an an* ftucrc:3f no,lape tbme bab fcpo t\>y moutb: left tbou be ttappcb in an tjnbifcrctc tooibe, anb lo conf ounbeb.^onoue ana toojftjppuc is mamanjs tbpfetalUmg, buttbe tcnge of tbe Mnoifccete tjg biJS atone acftruccto. * ^c wmm* not a mcup accufer allonge 00 tbou ipucft, anb w no felaunocr toptb t&p tonge . jr 0* (bamc anb fo^oto goetb ouce tbc cjjef e , (? ah cuell name oiict bim that teaoubletongcb: but tjejitfapitcuy accufer of otber me,itwl^ bebatca,enupcbanbconfounbcD.S)c^thou iuftif ie tbe t mall anb geeatc alpUe. CC|jc.t)(.ci)aptce. CUt ie f pjoprefpe of n fpnner to be eucl! tongefi. srtje Dofmnc#gooi)ton«l! off lorffisco beemdtarrtt. topCoomt fttlb be ftaccb,tb foMrljspjcffrt tttcc if. e not tbp nepgbbourtf enempe fo.i 3 tyy fctnm fouetfoj tabo fo ijj cud (bal be tbe bep?e of rcbuae anaat'D bonoute , ana tabofocuee bcaectb cnupe* abouble tongc offenacth. *i5enot * R r i w wouae intbebeupec of tbpne atone \n\m* * pM ttabpng( left tbp ftrfgt b be bti et bp f oolpCb^ ncig,ana)left thp leaucfStoiifeilb tbpfrutc be bcttropeb,a.b fo tbou be left ag a bn'c tree (in tbc toilberncg. ) Jfoiatapeftcafcinlcae* fteopetbbim tbat batb it,mafectb l)im to be laugbeb to fco v me of bte encmpcji, ( a torn* jyctb ^vnx to t))t mtio of tbe Wtgoblp. 5*31 tiswmA f toetc taojaemultpplpetb trenaejs , anb pa-- cificth tbcm tbat be at toatfouncct a tbau* full tonge taul be plentcottjJin a goob man, $olbcftena(blppc taitbmanp, neucttbeleji baue but one counceler of atboufanbe. VI tbougetteftafcgbe,*p?ouc bimfpifc tS Rnbbenotbaftpetogcuchpm crcaecc, $w ?J?5£S$ fomc mantfiiafreacbutfojatpme,? topU SSffi notabpaeintaebapcof trouble, 9nbtbe.ee mm**** ijj fame A \ V J I ■ ii * * .' Wfonicfrmiicttwttiiiiietl)tocnemptf,flttD we»Dei* buta companponattfct ablcanb tit M &ape of ncDe v bccontinuctb not.uSuta "i? tffiiOc^pH betontotbecuctt m tftpnc «tWKfelfe,$ Dealef aptUfiillp v»f tH tbp Dots Sfiftftttf . mmmtumwmm nwte,bc t$mb tbMttb bPbetbnotbpm lelf from tbe.:a>cpartc from f^tttc cncmpcs, pee anb bctoarc of tbp f mtbcl . c «t.u?r%KS l J few*C»to«» Defence, ISSSKSff ?#* ?»*&** a trcafure. % faptbrnlifreitbe batbno pcarc J tocigbt of golDe anb fpluer i$ not to be compare* to & SSSSf ^ W f « W-3f aptltfiff WDe ftf a JieDtcpnc of Ipfc, ano thep £ feaee tl;c H02D, ttall fpnpcbi.mboforiirctb f imMi mofperc totr p frcnbcs.anb as be ijS|)im fclf, to JallbWccnbcbealfo . «fr We,tecta> gftefioafce-of ^iO(uftanotnffc,o;cfttbefoonct)nto»t'm 1 * • let tljy fotcfecaDc topStbcfteppctfofbfebO' i CCbe.tott.Cbapter. a'iib mot^er»cijc (Utftc*£c< *2JSRS*fil Re curll f ana ?<* no* fulttf/* out fcl; bfu 1 ftcno c ■" j •J • •I t.-- hi! f pnDctopfbome tpll tbon be olDe. <2E>o tobee as one f pi ottoctli , ant fotor tb , anb toaptc mmm fo? btr goob frtttes. if o* tbou ujalt fcauc but ittle labour to bfc toojacbuttboti Qialt eatc of |jtc frutes right foonc. jD boto crccaDinge ftjacpe is( topfoomc to tottlcrncb me^an tonftebfaft boop topll not rcmapne in ber . Quito focb , (be is as it toere a touch (tone, ano be caft etb ber from bint in all the bafte,fo^pfoomets(U)ttbbimbuttitnamc €>noeueU,fo(balltbernobarme * jmppen tonto tbe . a>eparte atoape * from tfte tbpnffc tbo 1 ts topcaeD , s ^v- nompfro;mmc ujallmeDle tottb p. %fonne,fobcnociieUtbpnMto«»rtfc wag the fcucn foioe. Habourc not tonto ml ♦K ffiW^j*^ *«to tbe apng foz ~ " ~ "" ittbpfeff f * A tw ©oocf 0? be hnotoctb m bcrtcTanb De= St'** ?JS*S?^ ,l0lIa . bOttC * ot,em *De»toOae SraPS ^J^^be pjcfcncc of ? S tpe,tbou ujulDcft fapUMnWpnfle Wtece. ^ffcuDcnotm tbentultituoc&toeSc * i put not top fclfcamonjjc ^ people Spitol *e«J ©oo.uctbillacccptett. 26c not fapnt oaeteo tbbentbou mancft-ia r Ji . t/i !.!• it- nil if j nen mtto t be apperpngc of d5oo. ) (5c i! c K c(m ? fonnc)rcceauc mp bocttt= * mtt a a ^nbrefure notmp councell.j&ut thp fotc mca : botoe botone thp tbouiocr totter her, beareberpactentlp , anb be notttocrp of her WmXem tjnto bet toitb m ttoboie fcert, j Bcpc ber ttapcji ttoitb all flip ppfeer . $>e* SSSES ftc 6 ttW!» 6wo «;e ; mto tobetttbouijaft brr,WaBe ber not. Wae jd tbelaft tbou ujalt f ittbe reft in ber,anb that ffiaU be turtiro to tbp great iope.^bcn (bal her fetters be a ftronge Defence fo? the , attD 5frpo.cn afflo?toujs rapmenfcffoj f betotpe of Ipfe 19 ur ber, anb ber baribe* arc tbe con* plpttffe togetber of la luacio ;Sce a aloifentf rapmenttsi tt,tbou u>«at put it m3m§ fa= mecrotjiteoftopcujalttbowttoere. *c«w<«.» tbpit botuc ootonr tbpnc eare,tbottttjalt re= SKSftft^W 1 ? ^« e .S»DtrltanDmffe, anbconf^nte^ntotbeirtuif&ometoitbthp' «e bejt: * f thon mapeft beate all aoblp ier= tpt not.^nbpf tpo« fepft a man of bpfcretr S-5W«,lWwi#arrUow2S^% *£ctnolabouriotmtoo2UebeteDiotiginSi * umta miffbtPbatbcreatcb.^aftenottbpboaft! uXSSSSBft* W l*«^ remembie I tbat the beittjeaunce of fee flew of the 55* JbOKfeetb trulp intrwte htm not S aDpfcretr tetnannteaj tfeeatt>ne F fottie; oefraube 'Jefitstljefotmeof^acl), ^fo,tjt^r t befrrtttbe btm not of bWlpbcrrt enctberlea* *i*.ft Hcbtma poojeman.* 3r#bauecatcU,lono . tt)eUtotbem:attbpftbepbcfo ( itbpp ( tof>t, Mm* ftepe tbem.*3If tbou baue ronnc0,b?utff tb I Dp innourture anb lentin u,anD boioc t bem tnattoe from tbeir pontftDp . 3f tbon baue OauabtecU.Uepe tbcp*$ fo^faac not bislferuauntcjai. jf care £HojDe tottbali tbp vm* fouie, $ bonoure bisf^Dieftejs . * <5mz tbcm tbeirpo?cton of tbefp?ufrute0anbtucrcafe oftbeeartb»lphea0ttislcommaiuibcDtbe: .. (anb reconcile tbp felfe of tbp necjjltgecet6 tbelptleftoch)geuc tbemtbe ujoulDer^anD tbeir appopnteo offttnueai anDfpjttlpnttefr IRcache tbpnc banbe tonto the pooje, f © oo t«u.tu. inapeblcffc tbeti plentconfttejji.* 26c ipbc- ** rail toitto all me" lpuinffe,*pet let not but bo goob euen to tbent tbat are Htcn. iem.r«.b * jLet not tbcm f toepc,be toptboutcoms («.»*.n f jtc , but mottntc t5 focb asf moumr .*%tt it not arctic £ to topfct tbe f tcft,f 0? tbat lb al ntane p to be bcloucb.tflibatfocucr tbou t a> ne(t in b anbe, r ememb^e tbe enbe, anb tbon (baltneuerboampu"e» CEbe.t>ui.Cbaptcr. CagapniT tl>p brttct it no tttpupnjr.jSf t^r D«tb of tbp? ne cnt mpc maptte p-not xt lopec, nt t Defpprc t^p nrpgbs boufffjHf r «^e to ojoeir ofelje t»p f e. flCrptte not toptb ampabtpe man, left tbottcbaunfe to tall into^pul l)5Detf.*^;alteno toat iaunce tuttb a.ricb mS, left be happen tob^inge W«tb.t.t ««i.h*u Dp an barbe quarell agaptttt $. * si op golbe anbftluerbatb tonbone ihanp" a mi, pec cue tbebcrtctf ofl&pnffcu batbltmabc tofall. flbtrpue ttot tbith a man tba t in f«l I of too^ oeftattb lapc noftpcheiE(toponbi0fp?e.!aepc no compattp ttottbtbe tonlerttcb, left be geuc f&M* tbp ntnreb an eueUrepo^tc,*2)efppfe ttot a ■4NMU mau fa tttmetb bint fclf attoapt from fptt. ncanbcaftbimnottntbeteetbtbttbalUbut remembje tbat tbe are fraple euerpebonc. , «wfc«jr«g * ^tbpittne rco^tte of no m\ inw olbe age, , f ty tbe ttoare olbe alfo . 7&c not glab of tbe teatb of tbpne enempebut remembje $ toe nuutbpe alltbefo^teof toitfCanbfapne tool* |*««if.w* tbccomeinto wgt.)*MWb not f Cermojai c, of focb elbersi a$ bant tonber ftanbpnge, but acquapnte tbp felfe tottb t\)c ibpfc fetttcccjs of tbcm.fo? of tbcm tbou (bait Icrnetoptoo * me anb the Doctrine of tonbcrftanbpngcanb botbtoTcrucgceatc infttoitboutcoplainte. ^ ©onot from tbe bocrrpifc of tbe elberg, 25 fo^ trjcp baue icrncD it of tbeir fatberfl . jt Oi of tbem tbon ujalt letne tonberftanbingefo t))in tbou mapeft mane anftocrc in tbe time ofnebe. Iipnblenot tbecoalejiof Cpnncrjj', (to>bantbourebukefttbem)lcfttbottbeb2et intbefpjie ftammctf of tbeir fmnes;. mefpft not tbe face of tbe bla fpbemec , tbat be lapc nottoaptcfo?tbpmouth.*ienbeuottonto*cw.Fy.T. bim tbat tempgbticr tfym tl;p felfe :3f tbon lcnbcftbim,couteitbutlofl:.2i6enotfucrtp aboue tbp potoer : pf tbou be , tben tbpnclte furelp to papc it . <2>o not to laxoc tottb tbe ittbge : foj be tovU inbgc acco^bpnge to bprf atone bonoure.* ^rauapllc not bp iitoape *mmm tbitb bpm tbat bi$ b,tap«cleffe,lcft be bo tbe cuell : fo^ be f olotoetb bis atone toplfulnctf, anbfotbalt tbou pcriCbtbototo i;is folp. * §)tcpucnot tottbbpm^ijxangrieattb C cruell,anD go not toitb btm into the toilbcr= *^.w ncj(:fo? bloubc ijf notbinge in W ipgbt,attb raa d tobcrctDercisnobclpcbcujalmurtbcr tty.„ •fr'fcaacno coiicelatfooles^ot trjep louc no SSK* tbmgebut tbctbingctf tbatpleafc tbem fcl-. ncjEl.^aac no councel before a ftrangeef 02 tbou caftnot tell tobat toill come of it. Opt net tbpnc bt rt ton to encrp man .left be be ton tbancafuU to tbe,anb put t^t to rcp x tofc. CKbeir.Cbapter. Cffb t iwpartptB of (Ijattciiw ere t o be rfeb. cut b.3it of. 6c f;piibt (0 to bt p/tftwo btfo;f a ne to. r bf glo:p »n& tpcljclTcof fpaiattaf. wpgbttoea m n fltiu.Orbe bi»t-bm toettt. iabouccis tbf rtjsfs ttyasttii atoc;cUc man, aub torf oonif m a p;pncc. j l @notgelouj$otier£topfcoftl,)pbo* X rome,pfl)eQ)etoe not lome tyjctocD «. popnteottoicRcbbocttinctopontbe. *d5cuenot tbe potoer of tbp life tonto a tuo^ * too*** ma,lcft (be come intbpftregtb.nnb fotbott aa,lD - b,< * be confouttbeb . ioRc not tonott a tooman * (S bcfpjottjs of manp tnen,leu tbou fall into berfnareSSlfenottbecompanpofatooma fijSaplapcranDabaunfcr,^bcarcbcrnot, left tbou periu) tbo^oto ber cntpfpnge. 25c= bolbc not nmapbC, tbat tbou benot bnrt in l)er bctotp.*Caft ttot tbp mpnbc topon bar^ * uwfci » lottes in enpmaner of tbpnge, left tbou be= (trope botb tW felfe anb tbtttc beritage.<2? ttot aboutc gafpng in cttcrp lane of tbe citpe nctber to5D?ctbouab^oDe in $ ftrctes tber* of. * 'Cnrne atoape tbp facefrom a bctotp^ * ajaf(h v.i full tooman,anb lont not topon tbe fappejS of other. *U?anp a man batbperiujeD tbo^oto t^z 25 betotpe oftoemen,fo?tbo?otoittbcDefp^e VSSffH tsRpttDlcD a* it tocre a fpje . ( Tin aDuoute- *$$£& rouj5j.toomon ftalbcteoaoen tonberfote ajs I , '\ '*- imtf typgbcftbarctb ftom&m Cbai re* loarbc tocngeauitce to the mtgoolp. 3« Mfomw fccoe qmli not be fmotbttc mib m abticrfitc an atrmvc (ball not be hpb. Jtoj we a mm \& tn vocaitb > ftoreuetb bitf SSWB pw*w tronblca man tyaufcnotobtjtffrcnoc. ^raftneuertbpne »|WW8!»j pjonmftctb>fobotb 25 btf toicRconcOttDtbongbbcmabcmocbe , crotttebmg aim lutclpng ; pet bepc ttocll tbp tbc,nctbrr let Mm fpt at tbp rigbt banfelcft j be turnc toaugm mjo tt>v place , taltc tbl ! rotomc am. fche tbp rente, nub f tftou at j jaftrcm^mbjcmpttiojDeiMbcpmtteOa i mp fapmgcg. ffiSi** *?? m benotttbofmnetf togctbcr,fo* tberc gitie of ; cbarmcr,tbat ttf ftpngcb of the fee g it|a» of all foci) atf comenpe tbc beaur*.' ; C e «!! c f ? l ? lt XXJ &' m V fep t>etb companp tbith | ^ a topcltcb man,anblappctb bun fcifeittbtS toojbctfmrtfrt^tbbattbatefttbou^burf tic fttptc tljc cleane \»p ttoifc 02 ttopfc, Sb at j la ft tail he langb f to fco^ne! ««&! bcitot (butt out : butgoo not* farce oTlcft Jc fojgctt i ijfcitbbjato not ftp felf fti b$ ft 2S!P rt p £ u £ ™Wcp;ouDc anD of tberprhtate to go fotottcbetb pptcb,flmlbcrplco ttoitball:anbbetbati0familiartd tbe p^oiibe,(balclotbe b«n fclf c tf — p^pbe. J^e tafectb a bur tben 1mon t)im, that accompanpetb a moje bonotable man tben Wm fell . ia:berfo^ 3 Repenofemt 5 Itacitettottbonctbat^cicbertbcntbpfclfe. 'Mtvta'vooicmanart^^^ *•/-«.. feottoapetbettetellanbtbepottoffctber.'' fti^rpeedS^^fiS^^Ki^SS!; *> fo^ftbeoncbefmpttenap;apnfttbeotber, mbatfelp^pp(bttKttbXS poo^c agree tOffctbcrrCbe tbilde »i5 tbe fpoiwx p^ape m tbc Ibplberaeffe , enen fo arc poop men t\)t meatc of tbc rpclje . imi* tbc p^owbe mape notatoapeVptb 1 S5R WtUmi f botb tbc rpebe abbofrc tbe poo = 225 Wly «Sffi fall, bPtf rtcnbc^fcthpm ^JP agapnc:bnt tbben m poo?c falletb, S nqwapntattnccfo^falicbpmifarpcbcnmu ri 1 (tu)allbeb20Ke.'Cberpc6bealethtnrp«b- tcouOp , $ tmcatenetb ttoitbal : but ^ 0002c ftgmji J^web $ tojongcouilp bealt toith= 5 l L» W&® ttowm* > 9 ficne tb fawe ttooi* bctf. 3f tbou be fo? m p?orpt,be »fe^ tbe: but pf tbou bawenotbpnge, be ftaltf o?fane atwie,belbalbeagoobfelotb'ito(tbtbc:pce, of tbe t)ngobiP 'Co^Sffi^SlSSSt |)eftalma|etbeabareman,anbnotbefo s h^ilmSL^Ltvl^ JPfojtbe.lfbetaencbeoftbe^elballbe* ttauoetpeamti (ttoftbap?eH^ mocfte) (ball fefttr tbe m a»Dape,an9 gene tjje all gooo mbatfclotbe^tbp^r'anbVbeboamX; to turn that batb no fpnne in b# eonfeience. £SS^¥ oWp ^^t Cfte ^ttWgeS ..* •. CCbe.jcittiCbaptcr. • ' ■ JE *Woi«Mr of tte eoii«e. jajan r« but a bapne BBSS* *tt)wbeotbii8moutb, anb fe not mitkeo mm f confer __ ee of finne .ipappie ijj be tbat batb mmm* in W mpnbe, aim « not fa Uc 11 fcoittW&ope-atbecametbttotacoiietou* mattanbattpgarbe,tobcrpcbe:anbtobat ftttlbe a ttpgarbe bo tf golbe/' foe tbat Boith al W careftilnc^ beapeth togctber \)iitpgh teouftp,gatbecetb fo? otber folcbc^,* ano^ tberman (bal mafte goobebecetdb^goo- ttjtvtye-tfyit tt toicneb Unto b^n felfc vboto Jbtrtbe be be goob tnto otber men.'' stootu canfocb one banc enp plcafure of m goo= titgMWt it notbpng tbo^fe, tben tobe one Wffauonwtb f)vm fclf,anb tbijai ift a cctoar= be of W twebebneji . 3f be bo enp goob,bc botbwnotttttotbpnge tbecof,anii agapnft bWtoplUanbat tbc faft bebeclarctbbW^n gtacioiifne^. % npgarbe batb a tbpcbcb epe, be raraetb atoape W face, » befppfctb >mww. bw attonc fonle.* 3leoHctou^maj6' epe batb 1 ncuer pnowgb in the pojepon of topebebnetf % % tbpcbeb epe fpatetb b?eb, anb tberc tt fcatccnesi^pBb^table.^pfonncbogoob to tbpfelfe. off tbou baft, anb gene ebeXo* bc^bueoffeepngesf. aaemeb?etbatbcath taeietbnot,^t)otutbat f cotienaimt oftbe geaue 1$ a)eft>eDtjntotbc:foz#coucnaunt www.*, or raW tpo^lb (ball bpe p beatp. * ©0 goob mt Mi, >,(.b, tn& ^MP< ilwrtJpwwib acco?= bpngtotbpabplite reach out tbpnc bano, anb getieAjnto ^ poo?e.2i5c no t bifapopntcb ottbegoob bape, anbletnot tbe pcucpon of tbe goob bape ouerpafte tbe. $b*lt tyon not icawe. tbp trauaplesi anb labour^ tjnto otl)crmcnqntb'ebcttpbpngeoftbebctpta= gc gene $ tabe $ fanctpfpe tbp fonle. Woi= pctbottrpgbtcoufnci«bcfo?etb>ticath,foi fiKWyr* i0 no «tcattbbnbe.*ail flea Cbal fabe atoape ipbe graffe, anb ipbe a flojiCbpng leafe in a grene tre * feome grotocfome arc caftbofone.-cnen fo 5 ^ gc= tteracpott of flea) anb bloube, : one commeth to an cnbe,anotber W bo?ne, v J u ^nfW?tbpngei8ittjaiifaple attbe m, anbj tbopftcr tberof ftjallcto mm jlcflebistjmanf ifbeyerepfetbbpi JWMttbttoitbbpfcrccponujallbiJthpnKc \jpon WfM bnotblcbge of d^ob . #bicb «tttbe0tiimetb^.Cbapter. f ucto; of curn. 9 9 fpnncr ••**<» not t»?c 25° fofecpctb tbe latueTCbaU * a gK» ttopfoome. mm£ 5E???? '!« a Wrgpn cb«m q, c rc , 'rlpfegstmbcr fgeueimnffl ui; ut wuouQmr wpioometo bMmche If he liebolbeppm faft bp ber, be (hall not come to confufpou. mtMl b/pnge bp m to bo SSSSSf B^W WWW* anb n tbc ber pm mmmm *nberftanbpiiff Vu mere her (JFolpflt men (ball not ft bcr)foi m mm from pzpoc 9 btfeeatc. Wen pS aboutcifilpej8,tbplittotremembzcber-bnt mcnoftrttetbfalbefoi.nbeinberanoS pjofpercencntjnto tbcbebolbiitg of 00S! fepfeWttOt fentelp itt ^J mourn of K gobWojbcttf notrcnt oftbe toio. Wmof a*98tei« tbepmpfc Oinil ftanbe bp tbc topfbomcof ©od,W iflial be plcnteon0iua faptbfullmontb,anD S ioj. bcftallgcnebcrtjntobpm. r * ^^•t^^^ J WaebeAmE to bo toMttM ty batb no nebc of itomfti ?;^fe^«^^wartottotwroSr, ?9 C £ ***£ tew fab topll lone none foci). * d5obma0e man fro tbebegpnnpncce 1 left ♦««* * * bint in * bano of ft i tf JUnRSm bUn mmMl bWcomaunocm_eiitC!tf5tp^ceptc^:pf«tbplt obferue f comaubemcte^ Itepc acceptable fatebfttlttetl fo? etier,tbcp mall pwrcructhc. out tbpnc babe \m to toijicD |J Wit . iffi man W ipfe ji beatb,go ob $ euelMobc tbbat t)tm lPbcth ? fbalbc gcucn bim. jTo? # top? Do "\c of ^00 tief grearc anb mpghtp in potoer* 9 bcboibctb all men contpmiallp. %fy epea of p iojDearc*pott t^m that fcare ftpm! ifff anb be s\ * i ' I I ! . 1 f # ; ,1 i », 4; tU 1 h ' ' i' 11 ;. pi ;l 1 1 : iff! *1 li anb Dc UnotoctD an tDc toojcfce of man. $e DatD co ma unbcb no man to Do ^ngoblpmc* t Dc r Da t b Dc jjcucn cup man f pace to fpnne. C^DerHCDapter. «r © f butjapppr anb topchtb ctjpibi tn . j*o man can fy>6rbl?mrflftftoini5o&: aiurto/tarronfotbcrr; ccaupiiBt of inOruccpon. eiptc not tDou in tDc multptube of \ngotslp cDpltycn, anb tatic no pleafurc intDcm,pf tDep fearcnot (ftob/fcruft totf to tDep? Wk M> regarbc not tDep j labour* : foj one tonne i> fearetb O oo, isf better, the" a tjjottfanbe ton* goblp.^nb better ittgfoj a man to bpetoi* tbou t chplbjen, tDcn to Icane behpnbe Dpm focb cbplbjenatf arc \mgoblp. jtojtbp one* imtbt)nbcrftabt>ngc,mape a tobolc cpttebc tjpbolbcu, but tljougD f tmgoblp be manp, vet Omlit be toaftcb tDowto tDem . «9anp foci) tDpngc* DatD mpne epe fene, fr greater tDpngc* toe tDefe Dane 3 DcrbetottD mpne * cki.jtu. cares.* 3n tDc congregacpon of f twgoblp ftaU a rpje burner amfigtmfaptDfullpeo* |)lc mil tDc tojatD be Upubleb. 3S5 * tDc olbc gpauntetf optapneb no grace * ocnc.t.i.4. fo* tDep* fpnnc&toDicD toerc beftropcb,trUi fting to tDcpj atone ftregth. jEctDcr fparcb *om.yf roft ? utc »«fpnne.*3nbfo?fomocDa0De " oueifatoenottDefprcDunbjtctD thoufanbe, tbatgatDcrcb tfcg feliicss toget bcr in £ Dar= bene* of ttcirDcrte.ttttocrcmarucUpf one *cttic.fr.a.; bcpngcDarbrnccBcb,(Dulbbefcc.*tfojmcc cp $ tojatD i* «5 Dpm:Dc itf botD mpgDtpc to fojgcue anb to poure outbifplcafure. Jlpue a$s bus mcrcp i$grcace,euenfo Hi Ditf punp= (Dcmct alfo, Dc utbgctD a man accojbmg to . $f0 toojuctf. -EDe \mgoblp (ball not cfcape in Dija! fpoplc,$ tDe loge paci?ce of Dim that JDctoctDmercpe,(DallnotbpbebcDmbe.3iU mcrcpe (ball mabc place tmto eucrp man acco?bing to ftbotf Dpnctf of D« tDo?cbc0,s after f tmbcrff abmge of W pplgremage . c ^>apenot tDou: SttopU Dpbe mp felft fr5 * p tblio foalbe ' able to abpbe tbcm/' jfo? tDe couenauntlifi tarte from fo« me, anb trpenge out of men W intbeenbe* !r>c tbaW Dumble of Derte* tDPftRetot)pon f ocDe tDpngeji : but an unttopie anb erro> ncoujs man caftetD D^ntpnbe Vnt^folpOi tDpngei*. •Wpfontte,DerfeentDottt)m0tn^,anbIei; X> «c^nbcrftabpnge,anb marcne mptbo^beji toi t D t Dpne Derte. 3 KbpU gene tDe a far e b o» ctrync^ plapnelp JDdl3tnftrttCtrtbe{maB be nip tbo^best tDe in tDfne Der t :fo? m rpgft* ft 3lefttBtDefotttteof^acD, ifo "tt teoufnctf of f fmete bo 3 fpeaa of tDe tooiv tiers? tbat 0ObpatDeDam5g0p0ftjo^ UcjSlrom tbebegpnnpnge. ainbiii f truetD bojQjetof hnotolcije of Dpm.) 6obDath fett Dp^tbo^caejctingoob o^errom tbe be= gpnnpnge,anb par tc of t Dc m Da t D De f u nbe^ reb from t(e other • l^c DatD garnpu>eb DpJS tDo^aeiBt from cnerlaftpnge , anb tjep? bc» gpimpnaetf ,acco>bing to their generaepdtf. Mom ofthg fypnbereb anotbecnctDer tbass anp of t Dem bpfobebient »n to hv& toojbc^, M tcr tDpjB^ 0ob lofeeb tjpon # ear tDe, ano fplleb it tbitD M goobep . SJlUtD all maner of Ipupnge bcafteg DatD De couereb tDegto- unbe,anb cDcp all ^ibeturneb^ntoear^ tDe agapne. CCDc.^«.CDapter; U 2Tb t neacpon of man, ant tbc gnotinn (bat go* batb none bnto bpm. © f a mmce anb ((pentauncr. , €>b * ft ope man of tDe eattD> anb m abe Dpm after W otbnc pmage, m turneo Dpmmtto eartDeagap= g 'ne,anbclotDeb Dim ttoitD DW atone ftrcngtD.^e gaue Dim tDe nombxe of bapejs anb certapne tpme, pee 9 gaue Dim potoec of f tDpngcjj tbat are \jponeartDe . fee ma* be all tteib to ftanbe in atoe of Dpm, fo tbat i)c Dab tDe bompnpon of ail bealte0 anb wit leg . * 2pe mabe out of Dpm an helper Ipne trttto Dimfelfe,$ gaue tDem bpfcrecponanb togcepcjKf earc0,anb a Derte to tonDerttan* be, anb fplleb tDemtoitDinfttiiccpon s bn= berftanopnge. ^ecreatebfo^ tDem alfo tDe bnotolebge of tDe fp?ete,fplleb tDeir Dectctf tottD tjnbcrlfanbpng, $ ibetocb tDem good j euell . Ipe fett W epe tjpon tDep? Dertetf, beelarlnge \>nto tDem D10 greate anbnoble too^caeis : that tDep (bulbe pjapfc M Dolp name together ,teiopfc of Duct toonberftt be tellpnge of DpjJ noble attest.* afiefpbe tDpiJ pegaue tDem inftruccpon, anb tbe iatoe of Ipftfo^anDeritage. i^e mabean euerlaftpngcoucnaunt toitD tDem, anb CDetoeb tDem Dp* tpgDtnoufne* 9 mbgementej*. Uhcp fatoe Dfe slo^p toitD thm w&, anb tDep? eared Dearbe tje ma- itttv of W *opcc.3Mtb De ftyDt tmto tDem: betoareofalltjttrpgDtuou^tDpngesi.feega ue euerp man alto a eommaHnbementeon* m I -v. C^WtgeD^nepgDhourc • , w *CDew toapeis are euer oet oze l;pm, (jf anf MM notlrobfromMfiiwe*.* i^ebathfetarulaif *bttt3ieacltjafi»lo?bci« SfpgDt of 0ob,anbDWepoE(arealtoape -ion tDep^ Moan*, anil tDep? \)n - • -„■* j iW are mamfeft mito i;tm,anti aatDeittopcacbneOetfareope" iiiDt0fpgDt. mm** *<&tymttc\f f aman fDetoetD « a» it tocrc.. a putfet|6Dnn,anb j5 grace tljnt tfgeuen to manmefcructDbprnaiitDeapleofattepe. mob* *^t rDe laft «>ai Dc atoanc,? re a>arb amp r tnaniopon m Dcab, $ ujall turne them to* getDcr mto p nether molt pat te«( of p eartb. *»tt)nto tDem f topi repent, be bati; ge« uen tDe toapc of rpgDteoufncsi. ?t$ fox focb atf be toeafce,hecowjtetDtDcm,f uffrctD tDe, anb fe^nbetD tbem tDe no^cpon of the \x rite. €> turne tDcn ^jnto tDe to?be,fo?faUcthp fpnneie(,matte tDp p?aper before tDelo?b,b the leue o»ence,tume agapnc tmto ^ lozb, fo? faac tDpne tmrpgDteoufnetf, bean \)ttcc enempe to abhomtnacpon, Icrne to Unotoe the rpgDtcoufncOe 9 iubgcmcntesf of <0ob, ftanbe tnf po?ciontDati0 fctfo^tD fo?tDe ario in tDe pjapcr of tDe m oft Dpe (0ob . (J5o in t\)t m cion of tDe Dolp toounnc' ^ct ttjall tt faple. $>z toDat x$ moit topefteb tljen tlje tDpng fyat fleu) 9 bloub DatD pma^ gpneb. y anb tDat fame ujalberep^oucb.^De itwbe feptD p potocr of tDe Dpe Deaucn,anb allarebuteartl^afOieiBi. C'EfX: > ]tt)iu.CDapter; Cffbcmrcuclow toojeftw at iBob,ebcmpfcn»ani> . to?etcljtbncfl of man . ajrapnft'flsobouitbttocnotfo ttmpiai»nf.P;apfmuirtueconCpHuajip, e tDat IpuetD f 0? etiermoje,* ma> be all tDpngeji togctDer,nto tDem, nether mape tDegrounbe oftDem be founbeout. But toljcn a man DatD bone m ?£;& l t ft P c SP«ncagapne:anb toben De mnmtt} to become to an enbe, Dc muQ: go agapnetoDi0laboMre.«UDat^mar^hcr bo/-* 3f tl;e nomb^ij of a mans Dapc* be aU *»r Jf „• , mottan DuHb?etDpcare,it ig moch. * 4 ilpfte a| p O v ioppe0 of rapne are tjnto the 23 fcc,anb a J a granell (tone i^ in c6parpf on of tbefanbe:* foaretDcfefctopearc0 to tDc,, ett m b topetj of ciwrlaftpng. ^Derfo^e i* 6 um pacpet tottb tbem,anb pouretD out W met tve Vpotl tDem. l?c fatoe and percea ueb tDc g°J5P tc i anD l , magpna«flia( of ttoi ijrrr, that tDep tocre euell : tDcrfoze Deapco be \)u Dp^mercpfull goobneg \jpon tDem,anb tyt:-- Xtotb vbem tDctoapeof rpgbteoufncs . 'Che mcrcp pa mauDatflureacbctD to W newrfc bour:but#mcrcpof0oDW\)ponaliaca). Hoc cDaacnctDjDc tcacDctD * nonrtouretb : veeeucn a* a aepDerbe tnrnetD agapnc N flocft,foootDDe all tDem tDat rcceauccba* ftcnpng,nurtoureanbboctcpne. * ^»ercp= *„r full t0De \mto the, tl;at ftanbe in atoe of \k * m ' mUl lubgcmcntcgJ. #pfonne, toDen tDou boeft gooo, make n ~ nogrubpngc at it.-anb toljatfocucr thou m> c ucft,fpeaBenobpfc6fo?taUlctooiDc0.&itii not pbetocooletbe Dcatc.' eucnfbwatoojb bettcrtDennapft.*3sniotafrenblptooibc rt , a goob Doneu%f trbut a gracpoutf man ge, &S r' a uctDtbcmbotB.* afoofcltallfaftaman*' , . tntDctectD,anbtDatrouffDIp,anbagpftof* s ' cc,cv, ' ,,, ' tDe npgarbc puttetD out tljccpco 1 . ect the rpgDteotifneffc before tDou come to uiDcre- ment-JLctnc bcfoie thoufpealtcanD goo to Pbpfpck oKnrr p be fpeft:* c.ramcn flmm tbp fclfcbcfoic tDc lubgement comcanofo * r, * BfftH * Om ttDoufpuDcgracemtDefpgbtof0ob. iouble tDp wife afo>e tbou be fpek , 5 m tp- me of tbp bpfcafe a»ctoe tDp conuerfacpon. * ILetnotto mapealltoape $ ftanbe not m trtlf rt «, , toarbeof(!5obcnburctOfoicucr. 26efo?ei) pjapeft, prepare thp fouie, $ be not a* one tbat tenipteb - ! % a* 3>cr Mpcriqmil not be rpeberano be ♦"»* mauctb itotmocb Of (matt *««irir« ^; — * WMbaUfaUbplpttcartptlc. ?.?,K55 *f pnc< etnen*maftcto4mcnrcnna s gafc&aim pat men of tmocrftanowtg to rc= fiTC W^ ^ at accompanfetb aOnoutc= SSHSftftW ***** man . 4$otftetf *3!oni,ff« M •ii .! til r> * 11 i Sli i 'IN il \ ■ * aiic . i * i ■ ; i ■r- ■-*■ ■i 'if ii M foulc ifcaibe • r^T out oltbeiK £ ,«! * ^c tj)nt^(jaftpctofienccrc0ccc 3 t*lyttW §)cp batetotobeccfourmekbpsi Me &al= 588^***^ **¥«# bablpng WS *&&* m ¥^ topcUeoncjf . Ine that £S Wagawift b^ atbnc foulc, mmn* 25 ^^Kf? 8 ^? cbnrtpl&tborti 8; \\Motym,nilitnotoiit>Sodt be fpnoctl; opoitnmtc, be (ball bate ^ rano RttWSME «w»ftt»«wabottS SSIh. 010 ' Ipfte a ? woman tDattS aj^.fetti^^ It 1/ toitDd^tonucbtttnotttott^lj^^u. Jf 0f tongcrseuct^n^sjjbouifxoampnoe^o re ttoii e tl)?eaten l)im, $ae«cplacct)!»totbc uitfcc of tueioju. ^Ueleaceof 0ob (/ail Jtov»oomc,ano Uc tDat tHttisfoftrtt matt, ftcpetbfiatoc. WojtljebocWoiftbpS ttcbneOc, it i^notbpCOomcanbtbepantjfcc of fvmtctjj i& no soon tjtturt ftanopng : it (a but ibpcbebncftaabljommacpon flblaS ttbcrnvng ommAmmk . 3Hrpmpleman of • nttaii wm ftSbpng p fcamWbb, i$ bet- tee tbenjone tDatbmochtbpniomc,«ttaf» fireOetD ^ lattoc of f ^peft. 3 craft? fottcll «SB S? n S c 5?fc> nut |)e (jS Dnrpg])tcou^ »> i feftlatoC; atotJcacbmancanbctjaucbwit fclfe bumtyp, anb can bottftc tottl) M beao* 5 pet ;tjat Dc but a brfccaueti tbpt^n. »e bp* Jetptf far c,* $ bpfgnplctU it 4 becaufe 5e *«« m- ftulbe not be ttnotoncftepjeumtetD t&c. * fnotbouglj be be to tocabctbat De eatt Do f no harmepet tbijett jjctnap rpnbc opoj tumtc, |jc (ball bo fomc enell . % man map be bnotone bp ^pjs face,$ one f batb Uttbct- ftaoptis,mapbeperceauebbp flofec of bp« countmannce.*:&man!$gatmct>lnu(rhter, * «im,mj &fiopnse 3 beclareto!wt&ei*. CClje.jcjr.CDaptcr. rnge" -™ 1 ™ jDmeman* rep^ouetl) |jii8nepffl>. 1 1 bour ofttpme/,bntitotmbttcl?a= ftfw.J ron:3jjapne,fome ma bolbetb bto ' tous^DetjStbpre^bpfcretcJt^ mocn better to jjcue toarnpng anb to repio ttctjpm to bearc etiell topil Joi be i> knoS * IebsctbWmfelf op«P,f|mlbc p/cfcruebfrS fturt«beftruccpon. ipltcasltbjtnagelbeb man t D020 to befp2c $ luft bctVletD amap= Dm,ettenfo i$ ittbitl; Dim t|)atDfeth Wolc= ce : anb Dnrpg^tcoitrncia! ftt p lattoc . €> boto joob a tymm % it,a man t(ja t i'si repiouco to ujcto opemp D ®«WWn1 « founbe gpctysl DatcfUU.^ ome man bolbeth bS 2SR 55*"* & c W not # fcnbttftaopng oftglanguajie^fomcmauUcpetljmcncc; , ^aptpitff acfiucment tpme. * % tbpfe man * **m WSS^SS^ tJcfcopo^nnptc "** ' but a maton ano Dnbpfcretc bobp flwU rc= bc&wi burte W mm foule:* be tnat ta= ■■) [ W^ 1^ Lr I d 1 W\ ■ 1 1 4j aum rr iCW 4 tflr 44 j%aIb? ^^ Aft *. > . i 1. ^^LhB I* ti >tt ate . ^bomc man bPclD moch fo2 a tpcte . ;W BK5 y 1 " 11 IW f02 ttfeuen foioe. •*"• ERSS?* be towtMwt the fauoure of f oo- toPfcqwu bo t^c no ijooo, f 02 bpjtf cpej* are mm fettcttfolbc. * •eq»iflg W tt^f a ^i l 1 2 ... gcgaue moch i ty opened tyftmwb ana gPrt^ttt, a^ it there one Sat cSS W^^ bapc De iftetlj, to rnojoto afaeth &»Pne, anb foch a mm i* to be hateb «pt|»nc»cfo2allmpgoobbebetf:peecuctt »)pfc bobpesf fattc beftropetU he itZtoMh J02 Dcrp (bame,anb(jettetban enempe of ^pmfoi naught. ammtSSSEmt of tDcDntopfc.^ tuefe «lSS£S5S •"•«• fflS «**«»«, * mid it that hatft M .Memen.*%th«|pHttbto7iIwMe|ll ' *""* tfcattoojtftcth ■-.jmant he that nottenmtnth W fa«ttis. *^ P KoKSj * C^ijcmcuaptcr. FW, Hfltote Jin -f fome cimctDtotbo?d#e frSlotbc cttatc. 3' 021 .Pftljou Otlt 1)2) rerpcttt the. Hi ssssskSsSS er mm (ball befplcDpjs atone fou* le,anb be batch of cue tp man : (but De that fccuetD Dptftongc $ tobprcrcte 3 tyallcome to |) on on pc) tTtbi iwr'iMci'tm of tl>e f'io.uH)f*utl.©f i foolpffit foni nc«nDjiauirttn!i\t^inU(l Muc Dpl'crccpon botoanoto U>ftomvocou«l)Uop>c8Cljt,of fojotopnglbpon fxtttrt. a fooif is not Hi bemccb fal&tatottbalU jniilutifaano ai;ongca6ti b;tabe frrnofbpb sno uraptpc. |$1 outDf ull botip to moulbcb of a tto jnc of clapcanb cuerp man tbpll f to m to Dto bifpiapfc. % aout|)fnl bobp tomabeoftDebongcoforen ana cuerp one tDat toucDetD Dim muft toa(b DpflDanbcg agapnc.^mpfnurtojcafonnctottjcbpujo* nourc of f fatDcr. 31 foolpfybaugbtcr t&al* be iptlc regarbeb. aitbpfcbaugbtcrtoan Jjccitage tmto Der Duf banbe:but (be tDat c5 mctD to bpfooncu^biprigetftDct fatDcr in iicupne lamentacpon to mabc fo? Ijpm, becaufe the Ipjj&t fapletb l)pm:cucn fo let men mourne ouet a f oole:f oj |je toantct!) ^nbctftabpno:. 43?afte but Iptlc tbeppns becaufe of? beeb : fo? De ifS come to eeft, but tyc Ipfe of fee f ole tjs tootle tDcn f bcetD . anbe, (alt , f a lumpe of ^on («« eaRet *»waj to bcaec t^en aft tjntopfe/ olpfbi $ tmjroblp a » ewiflttM mail . Wictu&p baubof UtooobijoabetOfle^ tljer in p t ofibaaon of £ ftonfe eilnot be loto* fcb : eucn f o to it toitb f Sett tUat to ftablpj Oiebtn # thought of counccll. 'Cljet^oui of t\)t tbpfeftailnctDei;feare,ncrbeor beb at anp tpme. . 3ipKcaiB!afap2e»lap(tabtbaU(ttatbpn m tee bou fci ? an t)pebuplbpnp;,map notabp- be f toprtbe $ fto*me : cum fo to a f oletf mt nfrapeb in W pmajjpna cpon,||e fearetn at cuerp %nse>anb cannot enbure.(3i toaue« rpitfflwtttn jpmaguiacpon of afoletopli not euee ftonb tn atbe, but pe tftat abpbeth «n f comaunbemetcjS of <5ob,tbpH aUtoape feare.)l9e t npppetfra maito m, b^pngctb foztb teatefanb De f pipcactD f Dert,b*pn= flctt) fottl) ^ mcanpna $ t fcougbt . Mlbo fo caftctlj aftonc attDe bp2bcj8,feapetDtbcm atoape : » De i> blafpDemetD Dto f tenb , bzea - &etDtDeftenb%pi>e:tDoua;D tDou bzettieft af\»cebe at tDp ttenbe 3 petbifpap2e not,fo? JDoumapeft come agapnetotDp fembe. 3f Ije fpeafce fotbcelp,f care not,f 02 pe mape be acrrceb tog etDer agapne : ejecepte tt be that fJ^lafpDeme Dim,bif bapne Dfoi 3 opcn ijto k- cretcjj anb tboube Dim f;eapto2ouap:fo? all focD tDpngejg fball nm^ atoape a feenbe. H5e faptDfull brtto tDp nepgDboue in m € poueeteitDatthoumapefteeiopfetbitDDim nlfo in Dto p20fpet ptc. 3Jbpbe Itebfaft \3nt0 Dpm in tDetpme of M teouble 3 tDat tl)ou mapeft be hepje tbitD Dpm in DpiK Dctitage. 3lpHe an toe Vapour anb fmoUe goeth out at tlje oucm before f fp?e 3 eum fo cuell too2= W, eebuftciS anb tD^eatcnpngeie! go befo?e bloubrbcbbpng.^Senot a(bameb tobefenbe tDp feenbe : a? f 02 me, 3 topll not Dpbe mp faccfrom Dpm,tDougD be ujulbe bo me Dae* me. Wofocuec Deaectb it,OjaU bctoate of Dpm . * dflijjoiDail fet a toatcD before mp * m m moutD,^ a Cure feale\jponmplpppe^ tDat 1 fall not tbitD tD«n,anb tDat nxv tonge be-- ;eope me not.'' | C^CDtv)tjtiu.CDaptee. C&pjapera&ftpntt mpbc, ifc^trp,anDjfIot tl)t ttye&pn&w 1 fpnn w. & anp fpnnte pwcttot of at>uoutrpe.tf>ftbefrarcof fi!oo, .to?bc,fatDcr anbgouemoute of mp % jlpfcjleauc me not mi bep2 pmag(na= Jepon anb couttccll . s&D «tt me not aff ^ufeW ?- WWW? »^ e m ? tbOugbttbttD tDcfcourgejatfo tDeboctrpne of tbpfbome in mpne Dette^ftat be fpaee not mpne ignojauncc, tDat 3»Uttot Mb left mpne ignojauncetfincccafe, tDat mpne offence* be not manp to namtae, anb fm fpmieiat ejcceabe not deft 3fa«fcefo2c mpne enempesf, $ fo mv abueefaep retopfe . iDJUMfatDec q6 00b of mp Ipf&leaucme notto ■ r I noCOwlbefpUeb rt SEfifiWHtW P la JJ!*aU tinier go from KSKKSk S efip6 6 (tf b20tDce|to fau= DtofpnncDe maactb aboble offence^ pf De mm in Jmpneie ftallnot be foaoe epgh^ C Wo i^??t)toDoure$allbefnUofplagel mm . *SDe ibojbe* oftDe ftbeateeb2pngetD M itpr mm ffi Cfobgtautet if benotfounbe mete naS ?0W^ 26««Dep tDat feare 0ob, ercjue ai . focD, $ Ipe not iueltepnge t fpnne. f«Piw.». *TOnottDpmoutDto t)nDoneftanbfpl* tDptalHpngcfozmit to^ozbe offpnnr. IJemembe tDp fatDee $ tDp mother, Mzn tDouattfetainonggreatmen:left0obfo2= m tDf m tbepi fpgDt, anbleft tDou botpu = getotDpcuftome,fuffeerebuUe,$xopftjnot to Dane bmebo?ne, anb fo curfe tJ;e bape of ** > SKlffl*!!? 0- * ^Deman^toaccuftomeb MtDtDetoo2bes{ of blafpDeiup,topllneuce berefOurmeballtDebape^ofDtolpfc. 'Co £K!ffl fe totomocD,buttDe tDpiD b?pn= jjet lb2atD * beftruccpon. 3ttn Dote ftomack cannot be quencDeb (eucn Ipfte a butnpngc mt) M\ it Dane ftualotocb ton fomtbpno: : i%p De Dane npnbleb a tp2e. «kJ! l ir! f fi (fi! "^f? m ^Do?cmonger,Dc ^pllnotleaueof,tpllDeDaueDptfpurpore. tt ? H l ^butfapctD-*'Cuq),tbDo feptS wxx&topV*®* aboutetbitDbarcftneS t WWP c H>" n row* bobp fepth mesttijom WJB aKP»« ^^nbeeftanbetD not f Dto SH m^Ufi^f 02 all focb feare of men WMeaiatbape tDefeare of 6 ob from Dpm : wuSSW '&%&* W* of men^anb eg: SS??!??^!^ tvc& ot tftc ^bc are gWJ.Wi W ^>umte,beDolbpnge all tDe WfyW.m mm anb tDegrounbe of tDe bene, pfcMfe not me Sk ano loft' placed m 02 euer tDep¥er7m7bMnTafterXt?iif S^ugbttopaffealfo be louetffiS gfi •? MB e Do2fe foa le:anb tobm be thpn- SPwttou;ameofcucrpman,bccau& Sft Jtotmtberttiibe ( feaee of tDe To/b/ tDat IcauctDDee Dufbanbe,«gettethefil!c mm m abuouttp,anb gotten her chviSS bpanotberman . ^Deulalbe Uouafit r?«? R:2?f *Wf '? ^wrful repo jtc (bal (he reauebcDpnbc DP2,anb Dp2bpu;onoure ftal not be put out. 3nb t$f WpS 2 1&? I 000 : nnD wfc to no ) v™ gefttoetertDmtotafteDebetonto tbeSau CCDe.wiui.CDapter. _|B mwDeft of Dto pcoplcan the cJSc WW Ippctt qjaii fee open 4 See mouto! anb trmpDc m tbe bcDolbpng of l;to Scr • 3n tDempbbcft of Der people QjalZ be crni teb,anb tbonozcb a tin the D0K.S11 bcb,anb amongefocD ajar be blctfcb aiS bep^apfeb, anb (Dal fapc-J ain conic out of tDe moutD of tDe ^jJiSH wrtDaj*aclOBbe.a)pbtbcllwiffi«aboiif!ii tDe Depth, anb inp&e to TOSSftg Itt ilSRWE alonc wpnc tounDc bompnton totoeuerp people eineuerpna* U^rtltiiff be ma«cah« tDpne mDetitaunce ifffiiit toJS I • t I % ft . IS 1 *# faint* I 1 ' > * ; i i I '4 J . * * * I L , i" i t ■'■;•« S J. if II! 11 w ' ' few. * 3 urns ; crcatebfroin tt>e begpmnVge* anb beroje pfeojlbMnbtyaUnotUaueof *pott.* Jtt pbolpcptfere* .:cb 3 w Iphe mancr:attb m3crufalcm foatf mp potocr,3 toac vote in anbonojablc pco^ *tf e, men in f pe?cp on of tfce iojbe 9 in fetf erptage,aubHCPtemcintbcfulnc0oft;j)e apticte0. 3 am fetDpanbpe ipacaCcbcr Dpon lplami0, anb a$ a Cpiicrjo: treDpon tbemouttormbn.3amcraltcblp&eapal me trc rtt Cabe0, 9 a0 a rofc plant c in 3c vi* cDo.^Pjaf a fapje HDIpttc tre in tbc fclbe,$ am ctaltcbip hcasj a plantcpnet te bp tftoater fvte* 3 baucgenen a fmel in tbc (trctc&atf the Cpnamon $ JBaltne, tbat batb fogooo afauourc:pecaffoctcobourcbaue3gcucn -. njafit focre&Jpjreof tbebceft. *> 3 banc mabc mp btoellpngctf to fmcll atf ftDjercofrofin,Calbanum,of Clouc&aftb 3nccnfe,anb a0 libanitf tbben iti0 not he* torn botime,anbmpncoboure igaieitbc pure SSalmc. 30f 'Ccrcbpntc baue 3 fttetcbeo out mp tyauncbc0, anb mp bjatmcbetf a re $ *mh «, . &8W* of bonoute $ ioupugc fauour. ►£ ***** *» hm baue mowwmwutm atfojetcfauoucanbtupftourctf are tffrute of bonoure anb rpebes . 3 am tbe mother of bfVDtpe, of loue, of fearcof Itnotolcbgc an& *7.oi?.ju«.a of boip bopc. * 3n met* all grace of ipfe anb trticti). 3« me itf all bope of Ipfe « Dcr= tue. iDcome Ditto mc a 11 pctf be befpioutf of me $ fpll pout reluct toitb mp frutc0;fo* mp f pjetc i0 ftoctec tben honp,anb fo ifi mp inberptaunce mojc tben pbonp combe : tbe remf bjauncc of meenburetb foz cucrmoje. ^bep tbat eatcme,ftall baue tnemoie b«5= . sec, anb tbep f bnmcftc me, (ball ttoift tbc mwWw to berkenetb \jnto me,(baii not come to eofufpon.^tbeptbatttooifec in me, Qjall not offcnbCfcDcp tbat maUe me to be «notben,Cball baue euerlaftpnge Ipfe. U mi tbefe tbpnaejl ate f boae of Ipfe, tlie couena unt of tbc wtt,anb the ftttottolebae Jifffif pf^^tuetb.* ^ofejEfcomaunbcbllatDc onojpiiu. mtjjepjtecepte* of rpcjbteoufne^foj anbe= tpta 1 (je Unto t^t boulc of 3acob,anb comit-- teb f p^ompreji tjnto 3ftael.*( £>ut of 3> I ajr ^ ttwter d»v (»on in J baeuett. €be fpjft patp not ftnotone bee perfectly, nomo^e Rffllk oue (ball fim fcfte out J grounb Of Iter.jr oifteif tb ougbt ttf fuller tbert tbe fee, anb-be womi cell ijs pipf ouitber tpen tpe greate bepe. • 3topfbomcbauecaftouiaoubei«. 3am atfagitattpaterb^olicoutoffrpuer.iam jjtf the rpucr 8>o jir,ant> atfa toater conbptc am 3 come out or tbe prben of pleafurc. 1 I fapbe:3 t3c»pll\toater f ffarbm of mp poin [e planteft anb fpll m reute of mp UpitlrJ M mp ttoaitcr b?ofte became erteabpnge miM$ m? rpuer app^ocbeb tonto «be fee. Jfo^ 3 make boctrine to be bnto oilmen aj* iPSbt a0tbefawemo£npncr,t3 tbaUmaue I I to be eiier f clcarer.3 ttopTl pearfe tboiotn all t\)c lotocr partesi of f eartbc 3 ttoplUo* be \>pon all iTocb ajs be aflepe, 9 Ipjjhten all rbem f put tlJew truft in the lofte. 3 (ball pet potbre out ooctrinclpue asl pjopbecpe, 9 leaue it tonito foeb ag fehe after ftpftomc, 9 tbeir pjcncraepbis tyaU3 neucr faple^nto tbe bolf euetlaftpna too^lD.* 2i6ebolb,botb tbat 3 bauenot labouccb fo> mp felfe onelp but f 0^ all tljem t^at reHe after t^z treutb . CCbcwtJ.CIjapter. Cpt tbit apntcf hjbprt) picife jgoii , mi of tfite toftp£l> l»e 1)8(«D . ©f nimc tl)pngwtba( bf not to be furptcf , artu of «b,c tmV) : cijcafcip of t\t maipcf a 1 4 toom»n. ^jctbinffctf tbere arctbat mpfpjete a |auouretQ,ttobicbbealfoalotbebbefo , ire C5obanb men.* %%e mipfeof b^e* *enm tljiien, * § loue of nepgbbour& * a man anb iSj"-** topf c tbat agree toel together. ****** %\$c tbpngcji there be t&bfcb mp foule Ijatctb, anb 3 Wtcrlp abboire tbc Ipfe of tbem. Upoo^mantbattslpiioube.ttpcb man tbat is! a ipar, * anb an olbc bobp tbat w»w botetb,anb(0ioncbafte. 3f thou baft gatbercb notbpnge in thp poutlsttobattbilt P f pnbe then in tbpne age. i3D botto pleafa unt a tbingc itf it,tbben gtap beabeb menarc bifcrete^tbben f elberjs can j ficiic $roob councell: (D boto comelp a tbng i 10 topf oome unto ageb nien:pee tjnberftan bpng 9 councell # a glo^pouss tbpng. ^be erotpneof olbemcnttto oaue moch erpeiiJ I US tbef care of d5ob W tUvP tbo^u>p'ppe. 'Cberc be npne tbpngesi, ttobpcb 3 foue 115 iiibgeb in mp ber tc to be bapppe , 9 w tetb topll 3 tell f ojtb t)nto men t)wtb mp Conor. 3a man $ toijpic be iwietfc batb (ope of b« . c hplbieiij anb fcptb p fall of bpjs enempctf. WWII Ml bw tbat bMlet b toitb an houf' 5>pfe of DuDerltabpng, * anb tbot iKitbnot *gg$ faflmtoitb btJJtongc, 55 tbat b«tD notbene SJgS favne to feme foeb au are Immetc f oi bpm. dalcll us bpm,t fpnbetjj a faptbfuUfrenbe: anbtoclli0bim,tt)bfebtalttetboft»pfbome „ to an care tbat bearetb Wm . both great # be, p f pnbe tb topfbome anb bnotoiebge.' get (jei be not aboue bpm, f rcaretj) # lojie. i 1 A- ■ I ^cWtbcro flfcbcfeorcoT cD?ob batb fet it felfe aboue all ttyn&tf! .Wt&fXkW tbe man.tmto tojjom if i6grauntebtobauctbefcareof(£fob.©nto ipfiiol bebelpchencb,tbat uepetb it bif t llbe feare of ©ob ijs tbc begpnnpnge of t)i$ loucanb the begpmipnge offaptbitffo cic tie faft Ditto it.%\)c heuinejs of tbe ber t ijs al filctJimpibment,? tbettopchebneiatofa too= man goetb aboue al.3U pum'Cbment $ pla = ge Wnotbpngin eomparifon of tbe plage of tbe ber t,euen fo all tbpcUebucjs ig notbpnge to toe tbpcbebncirc of a Vooman. $ TOatfoeuerbappenctbDnro a mU$ no tbpnge in cSpanfon of it,tbat bwTeuell toil-. Icrtf bo Dnto bpm .anb all \jengeaunce 10 no tbpnge to tbc bengeaunec of tbe eneinpe. HLbcreisnotamo^c topehebbeabe tben « M r rt „ fy ^«'»he of the rcrpentj 9 there ig no tojatb mw* aboue tbc ^atb of a tuwna. *3&piratber BtDcll bjitb a Ipon anb b^agoit, tbenr Uepe boufe tbptb a tbpckcb tdpfc. 'Ebe ttopcheb= ticffcofattjomS cbaungetb berface,(beflhal mm el J)er countenance atf it tticre a ffieare, 9 a0 a facn u>i I (fee (betbe it amongc p itegb 5 boursf, J9cr bufbabeijj b^ougbt to ujame a« monge b& negbbourji , anb \bbS|)e bearetb tt 5 tt mauetb bimto fpgbe.181 tbpcftebnciei tjs but Iptle to t^z \topckebneiEi of a tboman,tbe poicpon of tbe DngoblplballfallDponbcr. to iLphe aiet to clpmme Dp a fanbp tbapc irf t to tbefete of t\\z ageb , men fo (go tbpfc full )SSfS" b oftoo|Dc]8toaftpUqupetcman.*!lofttnot Su to navottlp Dp5 tbe betbtpc of a fromaMcO; tbou be mouoheb inbefirc totbarb ber.'Cbe to?a tb of a toomanietbitbono ure anb great confufion.Kf a tboman get i\yz maftrpe, tbe (jSfljecontrarptober biubanbe.^ tbpefeeb topfemanetb afo^p berte, an })znp, counte= \mt.uu s nauncc anb a beeb ttooube.* ( M3eaac baoca; f tbe ttooman came the begpnnpnge of fpnnc,$tbo;totoe ber »?e allarc bceb.(0eue tbp tbatcrno paffageno not alptlcnetbcr gene a topekeb tbotna ber frpllgf uje tbalcbc not after t^p fnxnuz, fte (ball confotmbc tbc in the fpgbt of tbpcnc= mpeu. Cut ber of tbenfr5tbp flcifctbatuje bo not altoapc abufe tbe. tra^je pjaprcofa soon tt>omaiwfl>«be feace of «»c • Wpiiff«nnOof(6pfo««6»fl)EH)f31cJDtt?r8DD;otu cRenuzoman. ©f tmotbpnffra tuac caurcro;ouit, •."-1 j^pppe (^ tbe man tbat batb Derteoujg ttopfcfo^ tbe nomluc of btepeares' ibalbe bubble . 3En boneft Ionian maHetb ber buf ibanbe a topfull man,$ die (ball fpllf perctf of hi* Ipfe mpeace. % Dertcouoi Xb oman i0 a noble gpft, W^ (baibegenen *» » V mi mm* 3w.r.v, teagoob poKfonDnto foeb a^ fearcC^ob; Mlbetber a ma be rich 0^1 poo?e,bemape bo* uc tm 5SpP.HertMiib a cbearefuli coute« naunce.'^berebet^etbingesltbatmpbert fearetb,anb mpface i* afrapeb of f fourth. ^cearon in a cp tpc,a fcmctomi people , anD ttopTomg toture^all tbefe arc ^cupct tben § peatb. I5ut tob^oue itfgclouo ouer M top- fcttb^ngetbpapneanb fo^otoe Dntotbe ber t:ano a tooman tba t telletb out all tbin • ff ?'*i? £°P ffe of ^ ^nsc.Jlfilben one batb art cuell ttopfc,tt ttfeueno* »>bcn an \jnlpUc papjeoforenmua^atbtogetber,*betbat3i«wc.rDU gettetb beegcttctb a fco.tppon.3l tyoncbcu tooman uia gceate plag c,f 0$ uje cannot co- uer ber atone Qjame. ^betobo^bomeofattjomilmapcbchno-. & M2H^!>5«of^mcjJanbcpelpbbe0. M , t mm baughtcrbcnotlbamcfaftfbolbc *« t w»«» berftraptlpe, left (beabufc i;er felfe tbototo ouetmocblpberte.Betoareofalitbcoiajo-- ncftpeofbercpeMnbmaruellnotpfUjcba agapnft m. Xvteaii one tbatgoetb bp the toapef it tbirff ie,fo Owl (be op! ber mouth anb typrtcfte of metp nertetoaterthat (be ■ mapeget. 25p cuccpbebgeCbali flje fptt bec botwte,anb open ber qttpuer agapnft etierp arotoe. 31 loupngc topic retopfetbber luir* banbeanb fzm\)fiv& bone* toptfj ber topf= borne. 3d tooma of fetoeiDotbcs Wagpftc of C5ob,anbtoaltbeUnurtttrcbmpnbepmapc notbpnge be comparcb. ^nboneftanbmanerlptbomaniglagpft C aboue otber gpftc&anb there 10 no xivyxbt to be comparcb,Dnto ampnbe tbat can rule it felfe. iphc a? tbc £>unnc ttben it artfetft, 1/ an ornament in tbe \)pc beaue of p to tbe, foi0 a \jcrtcou0ttopfe tbe betbtpc of all bee pouCe. Uphe a* t^z clearc Ipgbt 10 Dpon the bolp canbclfttcu,fo i0 tbebeume of tbe face Dponan boncft bobp.* Iphe as tbc golben * £an tubA pilC|0arcDpotbefocftettc0otfplucr;foarc tbefapteleggc0Dponatoomaiitbatbati)a conftantmpnbc.^crpcfttalaretbcfounbai cton0 f be lapeb Dpon a t&bolc ftonpc rocltc fo are tbe commaunbemcntc0 of Cob Dpoit tbe berte of an bolp toomau. 'Clierc be ttbo tbtngctf tbat grcuc mp hert t> anb m tbe tbirbc i0a oifpleafurc eomcupon me. dSlbe an crpcrtc man of toarrc fuffreth fcarfcne0 Sb poucrtc. Wlbcnmen of Dnbcc= ftanbpnge t topfoomcarcnot fett bp; mtt toben onebcpartctbfcomrpgbtroitfncff Mn* to fpnnc.TOo fo botb foc&me lozbc batli pjeparcbbmtbnto § tiwmtMtow be t»>o tuaner of tbpnges, u>bpcbmc tbpmfte to be herbcano pcrplou0. 4 marcbaunt can not Ipgbtelp bepe him from ttySgcnetbcr a ta« ucrner ppm feifefromfpnne. C^bcwDit.C|Kiptcr. m d mm f i \ . - ■ hs J : i I * I: * i Ml I < gi man tptt ftatrtb $ot>, S90 bruonCUfttinOTf of a fbotr. «tjr recretwora fttftOtattnoeto brtttfitfb*' **ctupda:t> pm»i luKfc rtii!> tofeirt tKournrtlj bp5 tomtufr* ©caul'e of ponctte babe manp one oftrnbcfrfib he tbat fcfectb to br rp= ci^fumetbbvdepedafpoe. Xpke !a$anaplcmtj)e*afrfttettctb raft focttop jet e ttoo ftottc0,ettefo Dotb fpnnc ttic* lie bcttoprte tbe bpet anb' tbe feller. gf fcolbebpm not ottpgentlp .intbercaw of tl ■ loibe 3 !)td faonfe (gall Co one beoucrtb joto. ipnead town one fpftctb tbe f>ltbpncdtc* mapnetb m pfpuc.£Do rcmapnetb tpere fo» 16 me unclcane tbpnge in tbctbongbt of man* ?§fti I* 'SEbeoue monetM potterdueuwfodotb * temptation oftroubUttpeTpgbteoud men, *«sjttt.b;H.b *'€&e tre of tbc ftlbcid nnotoebp fyjtffrutr, fo id tbe tljougbt of mand bert nnotone bp bid toojbcd.l&japfe no mancrcept tbou ba* ue bcrbc bmtfoiama in bnotolbp btdtooj* bejj. gftboufolotoeftrpgbteoufncd, tfiots (bait get ber,50put bee upon ttje ajaia fapje garment . 2Cnb tpou fyalt btoell toitb ber,SO frjc (ball Ocfcnbe tbe foicuer,anbin tbe bape of ftuotolebge tbou (bait finbe ftebfaftnetfe. 'Ebe bpjbed refojteunto thcpMmcfo botb tbe truethtnnieunto tbe* that be occuppeo toitbaU.-tlbe ipon toavtctf) tijjc pjapeao bo tbe fpnnerdlutfteUpon f toojclierdof topc» ftebned. 'fcbetarapnge of bpm tbatfcarctfj <5ob,fdnotbmgebuttopfoome:adlfyafO:. He ^ cbaugetb ad tfje fl?oonc.£f $ be amog tbe Unbiferete,l$epc t\yp toojbc to a dhieniet tpme,but amonge focbe ad be topfe, fpeaae c onbarbclp.^betal&pngeoffooiedidabbo« * mmacton^tbeirfpoiteid Uolupteoufnene *coi.jt«.6 50 mtfnurtoute. *^ocbftoermgema&er tbebcatre toftanbeUp: anbtofttpue topt focb,(f oppetb tbe eared. %$t ftrpfe of tbe pjoube ^ bloabftebbpn ge 5 anb tbepj bl afpijem ing in h " * erdc.yi x b * (Bilbo f o bifco ucretb fecreted,.. „ „ _ www *"» •*•«»* benccanb fpnbeth no frpnbe after hpd toil. &oue tbpfrinbe,ab bpnbe tbp felf e tit faptto fmtsss, f bow Owit notrnttym agapne. #oj Ipfee ajitfiematt (pirn beftropetftb^ encmpe,fo in f e alfo tbat bealetb falttp mi fcenbibpp of bijatnepsbbowre. *" of btjSbanbe^eannot taUebeeaffapne-.eHett fo thou, pftijou gene ouer tbp fbnbe,tbou fanftnotgetbjmagapne:Seetboucaftnot: come bv bpm,f o? be t0 to far re of. fee f * ton* tot^a*amQoefcapeboueoftbefttare,fw i)tf route tie! too Qbeb. m g fop toounbtd , ttep mapebebounbeupao;apne,f aneuel tooib mapebe reconcpleb:but tbboro betb^apetH tberecreteai ofafepnbe,tberetiBinomo2e ho* petobebabtjnto bpm. *m*.b ,*^^at»pnc&«btottbtbecpe^pmagi= — r-f netb f o meeueU ,■ atmncrmait C&atl take bpttr from it.WM tbott art pjefenibe (&al bpltc * coming anb p^apfe tW ttoo?be«( i but at tbe laftb^)aUumeW!B!taple 5 anbfclaabertbp rapcnge.^anp ttongetf hauej bateb, bue notbvngc f o eucll : ,f oj tbe Loj b pirn f elf e al* foabbo^retbfoebaotte. lBfc *5EbofocattetbaO;oneonbpMt:t|iattfat * Upon bptf atone beab : anb betbat fmptetb n m tbttb gpie,tw>uttbetbbmtfeIfe.TOo fo btgx 5«b » pptj^UfaUfbmnc^etbatlapetli aftonetnbtenegbboi!tjStbape,aalttomble • tberon^betbatlapetbafnav-cfo^anotber, , ^ai be tafi^init Dim felfe^CSUho fo geueth *e«w« atbtcftcbnpi?fomecoftcel,ftCbaUcome upa fifsSK bpm felf e, Sid be ujal not ftnotoefrfl xobence. « m& W p^oube Wateme, ami are fcomcfull, imttoengeawee lurbetb fw t^em as a ipon. Jbcptfauetopfeattbefalofftpgbtcoujs tbaUbetaaenfntbefnare.anguplbcofbeet: IbaU confume tbem before ebep bpe.^ngcc 9 epgoioufwcjS are ttoo abhotmnablc tbpn= se^tbeUngoblpbatbtbebotbuponiiim. C^bc^bttcebaptee. * _ rise anm not tobetpn to t n %cwntt,but to fojgw tbe cttmct.aubt bpcc» of ti)« tonsc , auo of (bc&aonstcs fbjtof, €* tbatfeftetbucttflcaunccajaU 4 fpnbevengeaficeof p lo^b, tobteb *»m.n« » H Bit -wlflirrtpltepe|»mbpi8ft , nnc0. » 0B ««« !& *=™ * iFoisen e tbp necjbboure tbe bur-- * «., . » tetbatbcbatbbonetbe^tSqjai tbpfmnc^ Iffii be fowetietbe alfo } tbbepp?apeft.3tman$ bcaretbbatreb agapnft anotber,botobarre ftebefp^cfoifffeueneire Of tronge cptfcjai of tbe rtebe batb it broken botone,anb ouer* tb?otbnetbeboufc0ofareatemcn. cChe Itmtgtb of f people batb it tyougbtbottme ^robbcnctbebccapeofmpjjbtpenacpontf.) «eit:»)oman^robbebtbloftbep^ labours W fo beruenetb unto rocjjibal neucr fin- bereft, ^ncucrbtbellfafelp. 'Cbeftrokcof rtberob makctb ebbersf, buttbeftrokcofd Uongcfmptctb tbe boned MRmber. %$m bemanptbatbaueperpQjebtditbtbefojerb te bat manp mo tbo^otbc tbe tbnge. » 5H!ell# bpm tbat isfUepte fromaiteucU tonge,anbcommetb notin tbe anger tbcrof ibbwbb^atoetbnottbepocltof foci;e,anb 10 tiot bounce in tbe banbed of it. flojtbepoca t Jcrof id of p^on,anb tljebanbc of it of ftelc. itbebcatbtberof(jBia\)erpcucllbcatb:ftrtl loerebettcrfo.tonctbenfocba tonge. 75ut tbe irp?e of itmapcnotoppMc tbem tbat teare <0ob,anb tbe ftamme tbcrof mape not liurne tb^.^ocbajBifoifaUe tl)t ilojbe, (ball ialltberin : anb it (ball btirnc tbem, anb no man (ball be ablctoquencbe it.Jtftjallfall upon tbemada JLpon.anbbenourctbemaj! alcoparbCCboubcbgcfttbpgoobejStbptb« tbomcsi : Mw bocft toou notratoer make bows! anb ba rogfot tbp moutb^bou tbc- peft tbp golbe ano rpluei: s toty bocft tbou not itoepe tbp b)00W*m bidgoob * StaPJSS 1 ^ Pfi^W are not kiS fo.i to lebc,no,t becaufe of euetUmt tbepfea= ffi°" S ac ^^)itbtbc fpmpie,ano totth boljc not mercp from bim. >eipe tbe poo e fo^ tbe commauriDcingtedfaftcanb let bpm cclTife. tcfe tbp monpfo> m btttfirc anb SgSRS? ^ ?% an l fa «Ve ttnotuntec a of the l^peft , anb fo (ball it bipng tbe mow l • sr, " 0, • 6 f 05»tetbengolbe;*jtapeup iffirXSyn m «« . tiebatjyeof^ejoo^a«ftau^ «J«bbpm,anb(balRcpeamandfauourea0^«-tu:b tbe apple of ancpe.-anbaftertbarbc mallit 3mM SSS ^ffiPSS !?«« bid retoarbc *upo bid beao.3t Owllfpgbt foi tbcagapnft tbp= ncencmpcd, better tbrnt'be qipTocof agp* auntcoifpcarc of tbe mpgotpe. aP 3lgoob boneft ma in fuectic foi hid ncali- € boure,butatopckco pcrfotmc letttrbbpm ^flPS^M*** 1 se«en bid foulefoi tMrje Ungoblp befpifetb the 500b Debt of bidrucctpcanbtbcuutbanclifull anb K vauntleatteth J;id fuctttcm Daungcr. ^>ome «»anwotwfttbfo?b«nepabbourc:lbtohe 5ebatboftbttdoneftp,be(8alfo*faliebfm. £>ucrtt(bpppc batb beftropcb manp a rtche man, anb rcmoueb tbe ad tbe toaur din the fee.^pffbtiepcoplebatbitoipucnatoapc, ano caufeb tbe to toanbjc in ttraungc conn' treed, m ungoblp man tranfgreupnac tbe commaunbcmrnt of tbe toibcaball fall in- to an cuell fucrtifbppe: anb tbougb be f oice Dim felf to getout,pct OwllUt faff tutc uicu 5cmettt.^e;pctJ>pncpgj)toowtaftcc t\w po^tv,anbbetoare , t)»t mn tbP felfe ten not in focb ^ctt. *%i)t cbcfe tbpnge tbat he *«*«WW pctlj in tbp lpfc,id toatcr,ab b^b,clorbmffc anblobgpngctocoucrtbetbamc. . ^cttcridittobaucapooiielpupngeina^ mandatonebowfe.tbenbelpcatefarcajiiocr ^ KlJg^ * W mocb tbat tbou wr.mu.1. baft.bolbetbccontenttoitball,? tbouQialt w»a»fc » notbe blamcb ad a Uagaboubc: f 0* a nwfe. »*»•>«'* table Ipfe in it,to go front boufe to'boufc ■ s tobcre a man jdfeembc, be barre not open btd moutb. tbougb one be lobgeb,ao bane "jeate anb b?pncne,pet (ball be be talienad Untoo?tbp, anbbeare manpbpttcr rouftb toojbed, namelp tbud : m tbp tonpc tbou ftrmmger,anp prepare a table foi tbp lelfe, ano febe me alfo of t|jat tj)ou feai Itoape tpou **. • CMook nnbcbcarfuintfoftbeberttttbeittWmaV ' His V . i; ■'. * I"' ] tbou utaunjjctfo that be rcgamctl) |)vtf bo* nourenomojc)mpb*otbcrcQmctbintoinp pifegfjte tcllctb wm tbcncccfflte of btt tjttbapetf.llouctbinc M w^Mpwi aw Dcup to a ma tbat fo^tc tbinc bcrt.atffo* fo batb tmbcrftanbpngcmamcip , the f o jbpb* - / " ; * * " - wmtsm boufc , sm tbat tbcIcnDeeca* ftetbbpmintbetctb. Cftbc«rrx.Cbaptcr* iotbcahojj beupnca h > U -61u !>:< U ' r tbe raj t«rtnn orcDpiDjtmi ©rtije comnronpj tpit Df DMitD. Ewtflj fsDrttcr turn a nj/otoftiiuiift. 3 (P&ssHi^ofo tottctD btt critic *bolbct& bun ftpl mtbcr cO|reccion,tbotbe mapc oaue i ope of bun af tcrtbar= beahbtbatbcOTOpcnotafterbtt **>«<. t>j.« «cpabbouvjBH)o?esJ. *|ie? teaebctb btt fone flwu banc tope in bim,$ nebc not to be aaw* ;mcbofbimam6gcbttaquapntatmce.U(ibo fo e nfourmetb $ tcacI)ctoDt0 fonne,areuct|j the enrmpc: anb before btt ftrnbctf be mape baue iopc oftttnu 'SCbougb p fatbee bpe,pct 10 beast tbougb bctocrc notbeeb:foj bcb»tj> Mt one bebpnbebim tbat tiSlpnebprn. 2n ibtt Ipfe be fatoe bpm anb bab wpe in bpm,« fatt not fojp in btt oca tfcncebee tbaia be a= ityamcb before tbe enempej*. it oi deleft be* twine bim an auengce agapnft t>i$ enemies*, anb a goob bocr tmto tbe frenbetf. jf oi$ Iv* fc of cuplDjen oeoiaii bpnoc thetboaaeg to* ctbcMftb btt bcrt i$ grcuen iit cuerp crpe. . Hn tmtamcb bojfe top l be barbe, $ a tbattt5 cDplbettoplbexbplfuH.^ft^oubiinjj^pt^p fonncbclpcntclp,beu;aUmaftepatrapcb:fc pf tbou plapc tbitb tymty u)all bwnge the to bcupnrg.llaugbnottbptb bpmjefttbou toepc tbitb bint alfo,anb left typ tctltjc be fet onebgeattbelatt. * d>euc l)pm no Ipbcrte in bttpoutb>$ cr* citfe not bptffolp. ffiotoe boitone jpjtl necfee tobple be ijsponge, Dpt bpm tjpon tijefpbcji tobilc be ijelpetbuta cbilb,left betbate ftub= bur ne,anb gene no moje fo^ce of tto : , anb fo malt trjou bauebeuinejs of ronle,€eacft thp ebplbe,a nb be btlt'get tbeemjeft it be to tbp jftm mMct tee ijl t|)e pooje bepng b^ole lb ftronge s t|)en a man to be tpebe,^ not to ba= ue Dtsr bcaltb : i^ea itb anb tbelfate m abone al golbe,f a tbljole bobp aboueall tceafure. *Cbcee in no epcljegaboue a founbe bobp,ao no iope abone tljeiope of the iect. Death $ better tfjen ato?etcbeblpfe,abeteenallreft better tbcncontptmaUfpcnne0. ^^egoob ttingejs that ate put in a riore month areli* fee a* tbbe mea te tf Iapeb ^pon tjje jjrane. M,, " A ~oobbot|) tljeofferpngetmto an _. ^eeSnetbeeeaftctalfjnerfmei. b ?uen fo in be must eDafeb of tfjeXo?be,ab bearetb tbe retwebejjof iniiinptie.fee fepth topthbi0epe^geonet$lpSe aijelbebma; tbatlpettjibitlia^p^giii^ Xvmfa.*&mi not oneetbp mpnbe into $mvw& anb \jejce hottt>pfellfmeUineatbne«inccl 3 *'Cbeiope US *tfccIMm»c *J5rt.9» C 13fo.rtrtr.li typ wc tt faere frfi/,+fo> tieupnejj tMSuv* *«.«m tie manp a man, 5b b^pngetb no p^oRt.5ele fibangeeibo^tenttXJbapei8oftbelpfe:caec= fnlnex(anbfo^ob)cb^ngage»cf02e«epme. C^Cl)e.]cwf.CDapter i (brniCbat faHc pspnt to g«tb« tpcljta.ttbe pjaprr ^oncbnudiaijb foioto*fob«nc(rr. netb atoape tlie Oepcab maHetb tbe ♦w^ .t.i. J^^^^nfwme.Wcnonclpctbab ^Wff^liettoafeethcucrtjpjiReatfgtet fpchne^eaUe^tliefiepe.'Clietpcbebath SSSS « wenitbemcarurc of US rpc> Jjjjctaftet^ptfrenanb tt eefrcibeb. &ut tb|)o fojaboueetbanb p^ofperctbhot , he i& l!E*?f IK! l TOW*#fiMWH not be ititti pooie X Iti^ateee of faUpngetjnto t(jcm "tjot J be foolpfb fall thf icbiatthibho rofolotbeth co v iniption 3 ttjaU ( |)attepnowfl|)H)eroJ. *$anp one are come *««.wJ ingeeatmiffo^tnnebptDereofonofgolb lanetounbe thepjt beftrticcfon bcfoic theti Jttisatteeoftaupng t\)p,artballfocba!Jl r « M ,»> lw .,,v M ffi)le(reb«tbeepcl) 3 iibl)icbitffottnb«Ditl)ont Wemp^nnbbatDnotgoneaftcrgolbcncr popeb!nmonep$tecanirciS.22l|jerett'tbcrc rocnaonc ; ''anbtoe (ball comtnenbe bpm,ab cal bpm blcfleb, fojgrcatc tDpngcg both be among m pcoplcm^o fo ijg trpeb,^ fouiv anb piapfeb.5JIJbo mpgbt offenbe, anb barb not pffenbcftf W$o cotilde bo eticl, anb batb JifiSHyw tbetbhoieeongeegarto ujalbe= man§ table, open not ftp month tbpbe tjpfi tt,anbmaBe not manp toojbe&memembie mt an eucll epe t#a 4?etoe: fteb JSlbat thinge ceeateb & tooztc Ma ttoic= * epe i 1 tbetfoje toepetb tt before enctp lfnce/ , lat>ennH:hfo* % n u \jponencrp rf"* 5v : -i- Ifefttstbefottneof^ac!), MtMi I* I ' ■ fVi* 1 1* WfPf ■ - C 2 < M!t fe i# f ?%#^*w^ bpm , in tDebpfte.*^onbeebptbpfelfeSDhattbP *«H nepgbbonee tbolbefapne bane,5b be befctc= }'««cueeppomte.eatethet|) bott> »el content ft* MM «», |T«.a ifipthb.b blt.fili.a. J>w.nift.b. F««,j;rt b itf a t»pfc i (tan tbitf) a iptle topne/ fo tbatin flepe f toalt not be fpchc tl)cr of, net felc enp pap ic.aiftbete tbbolfomc Hcpc (ball foeb a onel)atic,5b feleno tntoarb grefe.lberplctb WW¥*#m the mo?npng,? i# tbel at ea^ fe tn Dim Wc.wut an \)nfaciable eater (le* petb vnq«ieeip,anb batb acbeanb papne of tbe bobPi m mm fcleft that than ihaft eat? to mofbiarprejffoo tbp tbape, eaftit of itbp ftonmck,anb tatte tty reft : anb it Ojall eait tbe, fo that tbou (baltbjpngcno fpeftnefle tmtotbPbobp. f)p fonne,beare mcanb befppfc me not: oattpe laft tbon «)altfpnbe m j$am tolb iw the. * m all tbp total bebiligent 9 WW ifeS ? a ! 1 ft ew rt ° tofene* bappe tmto ^. *«abofottWieraUnbealpngontbi!tfmea 3 te,manp men tball ble(febim,f pjapfe hpm tbitb t jfpf Ipppcji: 3b tbe fame fc a lure to* feeii of W loueab faptbrulne$.25ut be tbat tt tmfoptbfull in meate 3 tl;e tbbolecitie ftat complapne of bpm ;anb tbat tt a fureerpe* rience or bttinf ibclite 5b ttopefeebne^ fee not tbon a ftopne bpbber , f 0? topnc baf U oe^ itropeb manp.a man. 'Ebe fp^c piouetb the ijarb p?on,mg fo both tdpnc p^oue hettep of tbe plletbtbcmpnbc ot m ixiolpQj xsity ujainc anb cupne,mmp=. ftjetij 1 the ftrengtb* anb manetbtoounbeiS. *i»ebukcnottbpncpfibboureattbeU)pue, ab befpprebim not in btt mptf&.Cene bpm no DerpptcftiUtoojbeftanbpKaflenot \jpo \)T>m wtb contrarp fapengejaf. €&fam& Cbaptcr* Cflf tbcfttfiTfcppnaiib p?aprcof tbep;eacbcr, ahb ot tOCbMVfr.^Etbcft.iw.foptbianticoiifiOcnccrniBoo, to Cim.lif.c litat.vf.ii jf tbou be mabe a ruler* * mpbe not tbp felfe tberin,but be tbou a* one of p peo»le.*^afce biligent caref 0? W anb lone toel tb|rtO;$ tbben tbou baft bone all tbp betbtpefpt m botbnc , tbat & map = eft be metp foptb tbMnb teceaue a crottmc of bonourc.%lfte topfelp anb boneftlp,fo» Ibpfbomcbecoinetbt^rpgbttbell.Spnber notmufiche.^rpeafeenot,tbberetbercttni5 Bwl^J^^^^Wwtwtfojtbttopftonicout "'^•Voftpme^tammpoftunitc^pfteajj^Ca^ butttle ft one ibpnetb tbat tt fet in gofte , f botb a longeprnpu) tbe tx«pue f eaft.ailb ajj ftoetnc^ of ^nftcfte b V m mp?tb of J$£ (©eueeare,anObeftiii,anbfortbPffoobbe= baueourtbouujaltbcloueb.; tbc,anb tbat ttmpfptable,» vet fenrfe xo\>i m fcttb fetoc *OirtC0\3n manp tbvnw be ,10 onctbatttigno^tmt,ffcueeare,anbbo!be tW toitgettltbauef rnon be amongc men pf bper aucto^ite , befp^e not to cojpare tiw felfe Unto tbemab tbben an elbcr (peakctn inaUenot^manptbo?be^ tberin. iEtfoic $ uoure. £>tanbe Up bp tpmesi anb be not tbe laft:but gettbc borne fone, 9 tbere tabe tip paftune,*botbhattboutbplt; fotbat thou bonoeuell,$betpenoman,butfo:alltbpn ; getfgeuctbaeaefcUnto bint tbat tatbnwbc tbe.anbrcplcnilbeb tbe tbttbbttgoodea kiS££?f ^beiLo|ie,ij|ureeeaue c bttboctrnie:anb tbep tbat gettbetnto bint ^ bv tpmc&ujallfpnbcgrace. ipetbat fcftctlj tbclatbe,u)aUbefpllcbtbttball:ai0foibim tbat ifi butfapneb,bct)Dtl bcoffciiDeo them %btp tbat fcarc tbe lotbc (^alifpnoe m wow menr, anb tbep^ rpffbteoufncfi mi be Uiublcb nn ipgbt. 3n\mg6blpman Ml «otbcrcfourmcb,butcabclpcbimfclftDttii tbe example of otber in btt purpofe. 21 man ofUnberftanbpngcbefppfetbnogoobcotui cell : but a toplbe anbp^oubebobpbcttbuo fcare. (Scene tbben bebatb Dealt rafblptfc anotber man,but btt atone bopngetf rhai be bttrebufte.)a>pfonnc,bQnotbuigtbttbout abmfementif ibal it not repent tbe after ^ bcbc.0o not tit tbe toapc toher tbou mapeft fal,ncrtbberetboumapcftftombleagamft tbeftone.(i?ctienot t^v fclf into a labouoitt flppperp tbape, anb betoare of tlivnc mm chpl5icn,(attbtancbebeoftbemtbatbeof tbpne atone bouOjoioe. ) 3n all tbp VbOJHCfli put tW truft m C5ob,fro t\)P tbbole hcrtfoi i^^lbcjciwiffeoftbecommaunbcmctu tejS. dibo fo beleuetb (5obs(tbo^c , talteth beDe to tbe commatmbemento: aubhe tbat puttetbbPSftruftintbe3lo^be a ibaUtoantc notbpnge. ^be.rrriii.Cbaptcr; irCbtntlpucraunfcpfbpmtbafftarrtbdDb.jhc 09,111 fBinttjcbsnW of &i*,M tit tutbtit in the* baaooffbepottrr.tof pugijtnot to&pft>i>ftourfcl;r u w.to become rubrtct to otber. «*»«*. JeteftainocuclbapprUtttobim ^ thatfearetb0ob:buttbhe*bettin * tfptacion,tbe 3Lo?beOjal bclpuer ■■■ ■ » ■■ » tow 9 nenc Wm fro cuetl.a ij>fe manbatetbnottbektbcbutattppoattett atfaajppinragpngetbater. atmSnoftm* Derftanbpnge geuctb creofce *n*o tbe latoe 'of C5ob / t A li. Hi h * a * •II ' * * i i "* '.;■ A :■■! S. -.t| * » ll 1 rt 1 >> «' ,'li ^' 1 .1' I: riie-Sooftcof of <&oD,ant) i tbe lattoc i0faptbfta tonto Dim. 23c Cure of £ matter , tpm talftc tDctrof : 2i5c fpjit MUmftrnce,tW may eft tbougcuc an* ffljcrCcbc bcrtof tDcfooli;{bi0lpiica cart* to&ek, aim bus tbougbte0 itsttne aboutltuc tbe ajcel trc. llpfcc atf a ttoumc bojfc * nepctb tonber cucep one tfjat fpttctlj 'opo btm , fo i0 tttf a fcojwieful frenbe. &iibp botb one Have crccllanotbecfrpng al tbe Dapc0 of p pcare come of m &mmc t %\tmttoxm of tlje iojbc batb fo partcbtbem a funbcr,anb fo hath l)c oibrneb tbe mm ao folcmpne fea> ftc0. £>omc of tbcm garb be eljofc it anb ha» Ion)ebbcfo2cotbcrbapc0. 3Inballmcnarc *0 tB Mfca jjmocof tl;c * grounbe,airooutof tbe car tb -, of 3 Dam. *° m 3ntbemulfitabcoffctencebatbtbcl,02D' futmrreb tljeuaomnbc tlycit toape0 of op.. ucrfcfampon0.&omcoftbcmbatbbebIcr< fecmaoc mocb of tDcmJaloteb tmknm clapiiieo tbcm to bimfclfc.2l5utfome of tb* Iia tl) be curfcD,bzougi)t tbclotocab put m m potters banbe,anb all tbe optnge tiice of at Diss pUafuretfoaremcn attorn the ba= &eofbMitbatmabctbc%fotI>itbcmapcsc* *t.com.e uetDrm a0lpBctbbimbcfo*3gapnftcucll i& goob,anb agapuft bcatb i0 Ipfc: fo 10 the tongobJpagamftfocba0fcarc3 haucnot labourcb onelp fo2 mpfelfc,but f 02 all foche as! lone nurtoure ano topfoomc. C $eate tm 9 pegrcate menof tDc people ano ber&en tmtb pour eare0 pe rulers* of tbe c5gregacion. A Kf tftonrettDp fertiauntto labotire, tbou W mall fefee liber tlc.^rbe poclt 50 tne Wn bottoebotjnc tbe barbe men, but tame tUou tbp euell feruaunte toieb bonocjai ano coerce cton.^enbe \wmw laboure, tbat be so not pble: JPo^ pbelneffe tyfgety moeb euef. ^>et bpm to \bo^e,fo? tDat bcWijetb^tttoWnK ano be commetb Dim foell. gfbe benot obe* biet,bumcDWfcte:biitbonottomoebt)ttto *«ttl«, I* 1 • - ..^ 5,..,, vv vHH.H^Kf) HWHHIUIIIHyUH,. in trea tc Dim a js a tyotbcejf o? in blonbe baft $ Gotten Dtm.gf tbou ftaue a feruanntcDoloe HP ipvclfc :ft Ucpcft b»n barber mabeft bmt to be pjoub mm to mine atoap from tDe, tbow eanftnot tell voba t tbape tbou malt feae bpm. C5Cbc.mmt.Cbapter. ^iS.!^^ 1 "^' *»«"<"«rion*» «nD tnCbaunttmtMcti. tot Ml} noUfQtoe mxaotme of an bnfaptljfuii man. mm people begilc tbcm feiucs 3 toitb Dapne* bifccatfull bope, ao folejai truft in DjcamcsJ.i&ibofore „_ T ^ffarbethb?eame^(0Uftebmitbat tt)illtaaeoolbeofamaOotDe,anofolottoeaf^ 11. tcr tbetopnbe:Cuen fo Isfit itoitb tbe appca riuffeiBiofbKamcsi.Bcfo^ctDefacetsftbelp clmcsi of a facc.aatbo eSbt clenfeb of tbe m clcanc i s3D|tbbattruetD can befpoben of a Ipar^otbrapinsctbptDcraft^ojccrpaim tycannpngc tsl but'oanptc : Ipbeasftobm a tboiua trauaplethiCbitD cDilOc,^ batbmanp f antaficjs m ber bcrt.^llDere asl focb Wm come not of C5oo,fc t not tbine Dcrt \jpo the: # 0^ b^camesf baue btfccaucb manpa man, • an ^P^j}Vl^t\)iitviitt\imtnii tberin. ^ 'Cbe tatoe malbc f ulf plleo Mtbout ipejs, ^ OFiSK 8 mum t0 a *# Sw mum Wpt ftnottolcoe batb be tbat i^not trpco.^ 3MDpCe man tbat (g toell inftructc,\)nOcr ftabetb mocb: anb fjcf batbff 000 crpcrtccc, cantalfteof topfoome. J^etbatbatnno ex- perience, Rnottoetb Iptle.anb be tbat errcth, caufctbmocbtopcheOncjs.lae^lsfnottrpeD, to>ba t tbpngesi ftnotoetb beOTbo fo folotu= ctbno rule,i0full of topcBebncsf, ^Dcn 3 toag pet m erroure, 3 learncb mocb alfo:pee 3 Mtf fo leeneb,tbat 3 coulo "ote^effeitallano came oft inparell of bcatbtbcrloje, tpll 3toas(belpucrebfr6it (tDo?ot»tbc grace of CctoOOiftoto ife, tbat tbeptbbicbfeatc<15ob baue m ettbtfp?ete: f oj tbc^? Dope ftattbctb in bmM$at clbelp ef of tbe to?o are on tbem betDJiatbcof no man , anb wnot aftapeb, ncrefpecte ^nto tbem,tbatioueWie e,a fucco^e fo^ ttomblpng , ao an belpeffy faUpnge.ipe fcttetb top tbe fou* le,anb Xvtfotmtty w epe$ : ^0 gcuetb Ipfe* anb bleimige.i9e tbat %cutt\) an offering of %nrigbtU0U0gooD,bi0 offering 10 rcf ufco^ the fco^nef till Dealpngcss off tmcpgbtuousf pleafe not <£o&C&be t o^Dc 10 t\wyi onelp f pacientlp abpbc bpm in tty toape of tbe truetb? otrigDteoufncjtf.'CbebPgbeft botb *„ t ^ notalotWtDegptoof tljetbpcheb.) 3too P IMM *(!?obbatbnobelptcmtbcofferpngejBi of I tongobtp , netber mape fpnnc be reconcpleb in tbe multitube of oblacion&itfa bo fo b^in= getp an offering out of tbe gooDcj* of f poo -. re,botbcue"asionetbatBplletbtbefonncbc= fo?ecbefatbetjE(epes(. to 'Cbeb^eboftbenebcfullijgtbelpfeoftbe w poo«:be fbefraubetb bpm tbcrof,is< a man of bloube.Cfilbo fo robbetb bijJftepgbboure of biff lpuing,botb asl great finnc as* tbougb S&Pffi befletoebimtobeatb>i{)c ^befrauoetbtbe "*"" mm of btobP?e,i0ablotmaicbOer.yube one buplbetb anb anotber b^caftctb botbne, JJftat pjofpt bane tbeptben but laboure/ jai^oucp^apctbabanotlKrcurfctbjttJbo. ^m.wbfctJopceMlHo^ebeare^3f)e^tba(betb Dim fclfebceaufc of a becb bobp^ tbcu tou= t\)tt)) tl)tbeet) agapnc, tbbat botbbPitftt»a= w>tf*J> ffiWJ&o 10 it tottD a matbat faftctb foi ««.«.» bi0 tinncswno botbtbem agapne:tobo ttpl beaee bi0 pjaper.' m tbbat both Di^ fatting jel fcDiM!.' * C^be.jcjrjctj.CDaptef: \wtb.%ty offeringe of tbe rpgh= t eou0 i0 acceptable tmto C5ob,anb Qiai ne= ner be forgotten, ©cue 00b W jjonour c td , aebearfnubart^ bepenotbacfte tbcfpzft- mm.h Ipngc0 of tbpbilbe0.*3nalltbpgpfte0me> 1 toe a mercifull coQtcnafice^ balottc tbp tp tb^0tonto©obv5glabue0.d5euetonto©ob accozbpng a0 be batb enrpebeb anb piofpe^ mm.b wbtbe : -^^loUetbbat tbpnebanbetfable, 1 ffeuexoacbearruilepe:fo2HoJberec5pen> retD,^geuctbffti^time0a0mocbagapne. t 71 Urtf.biic mi HfHp «r Ibpll be not rccenne.aGetoatte of tbioctcou0 offrpngc 0,fo* tbe loib i0 a rpgbreouS iub = ge: anbregaroetbnom5ne0 perflmc-fee ac= J*P Wnot m perfonne of tbe pooie,but be tbe Umbbotto,tt)bc-tt me pouretb out ber p*a= per befoic bmi.a>otb not C5obfe m teark fDibearetbbenottbccoplapntefoucrfocbe aj make ber to tbepe. if 02 from bpz cftcS* J°*tcarc0go)3p tonto fmn&ifflE* Sffl^teSfe Do ^ acceptc tbcm^ jaibb fo feruetb^ob after fHfl pleafurc,U)al beaccepteb : a«Obi0 pmpcr rcacbetb into 4«*«-«« bun fclfcgoetb tbozotb tbecloube0,tPll lhe ber ttape, tpll tbe Dpett ©obbau ref?c?t2 Jntober,gcuetrucfenten« } aimStir me the lubgement . 3tnb tbe limMiMtK tben rpgbteou0 3 tpu be gcue emrp man af teVh S too2cbc0 ) aim rctoarbc tnf a fter the r S? ptpllbebaucbcliuereDbSpeJR tenth tbm caufe,am> reiopfebtbeir m % tpe of angupmc anb troubic^t is Fipfte ? otetb apnc ti)at ^* « '*&* ttDe,t]t.rtji.ebapter. witb tbe p;apr* of a goob ttomart. !8?]?? D ^ aim 1 ? Wl *» tt WftBe not after* 32£ ?S1P ? bnotocbott) tbat tbcre 10 no ob but tbou,anb mttt^ mape mclb f bi* tbimbcroti*feo?cBc*. 3lpft%p rbpit&beaoe f «Jf t^wttanDpqi team tbattbepmap irrnctoBnotoctbpmigbtanDpotocr.lpiic a0 tbou art balottco in t>0 before tbcm,fo bipnge to paffe , tbat tbou mapetr bemag" mficb alfo in tbcm bcfo:eto0 : tba ttbep map mote tbe,i(!iea0 toe Imam wsoltmc g none otter d5oo but onelp tDouVloTb! menue tbe tokf0 , anb cbaungc tbe t»onbe» rou0tooichc0 l fcbetoc tbpneLnbe, a"b fbp rpgbt arme gloiiouflp. iapfc top tS ml gjiacion,aim poureout % tbiat mwl I toapctbeabucrfarf,anbfmptctbeenemve naimt,t|a^t tbp t5omwrott0toojcfee0mw - bep^pfc0.i,ett|»»2atboft|jefp2cconifi» metbJ l! V I t At - ■ ■ J i ' .* Ik .V -J ii t.. mc them tfwtlpttc fo carelcffcf ant let tbcm nerpO) that Ho rMpcoplc burte. $>mpte in Conner tbe heab of ^mcc&that be our cne mpc&Ubfape tbete mnom otbecbuttoc. C5athet all the trpbctf of 3acob togetbec 25 agatw^thep mapc unoto,botto tbat tbcte 10 none other df>oo but onlp thou, tbat thep ma pe a>tt> thp toonberou* toojehefc lib be tbou tbp people* hctetagclptte a#from the begpnnpnge. $3D lo?b banc mercp tjpon toe people tbat batb thp name, &D twonjftacl **roMM. c **R fl:bauM)>Rcncbtoafp;tftbome fon< s nc. €) bemerepf nil *bnto 3ceufalem tbe cite *i.js>4r.bi.BoetbV^actuarp,*tbeepteoftbpreft.j?pU $ion fefth tip tonfpcaHablc tortue&s tbp people teitbthpglo,*p. ©cucttoptneg Dnto thp creature , fepom tbou mabeft from tbe bcgmnpng,$ rapfcfcpthcpjopbccpctf that banc bene (toctDcb in tbp name, l&ctoatbe the tbat ttmptc f oj tljctbat thp^ophetetf mapc be fotibe fapthfttll. s2> Lojb bearc tbe P japer of tbp feeuaunteMccojbpnge to tbe blcupng of aaron oucr thp pcople(ab gpbc *mmM. & tbou \>0 inf ttmpc of rigoteoufnetf ) * tbat all tbcp tobpeb otbcll tjpon tbe eartb mapc fenotoctbat tbon art tbe iojbe tbe eternal 0ob,\X)bicb to from cuerlaftpngc. ff *5Cjjc belpbcuouretb all mcatc&pet i* one ^ mcatcbetter tben anotber.like as? j5 tongc *«.coMi.b tafretbtoupf6,*foDotban berte onmbec* ftanbmgcmarcRfalfctoojbctf.afrbtoarbe bert geuctbbeupnckbuta man of erpertfee liftctD bpm \)p agapne. Hhc ttooman rccca= uztit euerp man , pet i0 one baugbtec better tbe anotbcr.a fap?e toiferciopfetb ber hnr= banb,$ a man louctb notbing better, £f (he be loupngc $ toertuou* ttoitb all,tbcn i0not l;cr bufbanbe Ipfee other mcn.lfje tbat batb gotten a tier tuott0 tooinan, hatba gooblp poffeffion.lbe i0 wttobimanbelpcanbpp* Icrtoberupo be reftetb- S&bere no hebge i0, ttjer pgoobctf are fpopleb : & tb|)ere no but? topfe i^tbcrctbcfrenblejJmournetb. tpne as there ts no crebe*cegeue to aT:obber,thnt goctbfrom one cptte to another.- Jdo in not tbe man belcueb,tbat batb no neu% fb mutt turne utf&bere fi e mape al >y 0e toben a eopanponf fre"be tt tutneb to anenempe/'iDmofttbiCBc'o p^e rumpcpon:5|rom tbbence art tbou fpionge t)P,to coucr f eartb tbttb falfyebe 9 hiuttiu *ecdtM.b * < €berei0fomecopanponttJbicb inpjofpe^ mt reiopfctb tbitb biJS|renbe:but in p time of trouble, De tanetb parteagapnft bpm. 'fcbere ijaffome t o^anpon^ mournetb ttitl; T - 4- - *-|jf it otible commctbbctaliethboilbcnfttelbrlbe.ifo* gctiiot tbp frenbe m tbp mpnbcanb tmnae tjpobimmtbp rpcbe0.*)eftcnocotmceUat tbpHtnfmcu,anbbPbe thp couneeUftfifoeb **m m* ns bcaretheno Koo^tdpll.*(fiJuerpcoaeelec Wu m \ b;vngetl)fo?tbbuscouncell. iaeiimbeleitf, tbercltf fpmc^counceletb, buffo? W mm pwfct:Hl5etbare of tbe r ouncelec rnib be ab^ inreb af jc tt»bcrto tbou tbilt iofeb^ at an enuiou* ma,of tbancfeefacuinge:^at tbe *nmetcpful>of louingttfitDncjB(:Coratan^nboncftmau,oe boneftpoO^itflloutbfulUofttoo^mntf: O? atan bp?clpng tobicb bn tb no boufc, 02 piotptojxocaltb.(3Cnpblcbobptoolbenot glablPbcarefpcaRCofmocblabourO'Ealie no foci)f olcueji to coucell,but be biligent to ftnccouncell atatjerteouja! tnH tbatfearctb 0ob,focbone an tbou Itnotueft to be a neper of t^z comaunbeme"tc0 , tobicb batb a rnpii - oe after tbpncatonempnbc, anb i&ioiv foi tbctbbcntbouftombleft. anbbolbetbp couccll faft intbpneberte: foj tberetjJno m5mo?c faptfcful to feepe it: ^ mn tbou tbp felfe. #o? a mfe mpnbc & f fi: tpme mie bifporeb to tell outc , tbenfeucti toatebmen tbat rptabouetn an bpc place lo ftpngc about tb?. anb abotte all tyfi p?apc tbe i^peft,f be topll lebe tbp toape in faptb= ftilncsfanb truetb. H6efo?ealltbptbOitcke0 aiBC councel fpjift ? lb 0? euer tbou boeft enp tbpng,betoelaburfeb. / lii;berebefouretbpn= ma tbat peclarca cbaungeobcrtc,toberout tberc fp?ingetb eucll ano goob 3 beatb <$ Ipf e, anb amafterful tongctbat babletb mocbe* ^Dome ma itf aptc anb Jjpell (nftructe in ma= np tbingej,ab pet iberp \>np^ofptable t>nto bimfelf-^Domc miintlerc ts(, tbat can geuc Sbpfcanbpituiienti;ounceil,anbpeti}Sbcba= teb,anb continuctb a beggcr:foz tbat grace Wnotgeue dim of ob to beacccpteb^Hno^ ther in robbeb of all tbpfbome,pct Me tyy* ft bnto btm felfe,anb tbefrutc of i)ttberft4» bpngc in commendable in W mouth. m ^atopfcmanmanetbbi0peopieWe 9 «tbe ftutcisofbtttopfoomefaprenot.attopfemi (balbeplenteouap bleffeb of <£ob:*al tbcp tbatfe bim,(bal fpeafte goob of bt,%belpfc of man ftanbetb Miitbenombjeof the bapeji, nn t tbe bapcj* of JfcacH arc (nnraicrablCi; ■A 1. j' ^efUBtbefonneof^p^ati). -fo.rlir 0i* % topfe man tyali optcpne f aptbf nimn anb crebeneeamonge bPSf people, anb bPJ8 name Cbalbe pcrpctuall.&)p fonncp^ouc tbp foil le intlye lpfe:anopf prcenp eueii tbpng,ge- ue itnottmto ber. * ifo? all thtgejs are not p^ofttablef oj all mS,netber batbeuerp fou= (cpleafure in euerp tbpng. iSenot grebp in euerpcatpnp:,anb be not to baftpc tjponall me^tejj . * jtOit ercelTe of meate0 b^pngetb fpcniiesf, $ glototip cfimetb at tbe laft to an tjtthieamrablc beatc. ^bo^oto furfctt ha= tie manp one perpfteb : but be tbat bpetetb |)im felfe tcmperatlp,p^oiongctb bii* ipfc. C^be.^rtjiii.Cbaptcr. Uapl)PfpcpDn(nCt'cUtnc9 0ug!itbjet#pzapc,finb(o ftnjjf a l&bpjpcpon toMc^ Ijc.ilctft bp p;ap«« arbc bet»cppngroftb,eDccti.g)atin«.topaiotiie.attin«r8 0; cntttCiviiu ©nourc £ ^bpfpciotfcbonoure bint Ibccaufc ot neccflitc. <5oD batb crea= teb bpm (foj of tf)t l^peft commetb mebpcinc)anb be (ball rcceauc giftejs of tbe fepng.'CbctDpibomc of f $ty?wion b^pn^ getnbpm to great tbojtijpppc, 9 in ^fpgbt of tbegrcate menof tbpjJ roo^lbc, be fbalbc bonojablp taaen. %ty ioiuc batb crcateb mebpeine of tbe eartb, anb be tbatitf topic, JBSft , t»pU not abbo?re it. * man not tbe bptter mm* ^^ maDe iMtt toU jj ft m j£ mn jj t learneto ftnotb^tjertuetberof. %\>t totb Ijatbffeueu mcnt)jpfbome,artb \3nDcrftatt3 bpngcf bcmpgbt be bonourebin typn toou= DcrouiS tuojcKC* . Witty focb botb be bcale mcn,attbtaftetbatbape tbew papuetf : jlDf focb bptb tbe 3potecarp mane a conf cccion petcannomanperfourmeallbi^ttoo^cnes!. itof&ff Ho^Oe eometb p^ofperou^ tdealtb ouer all tbe earth. IB *$V f onne, befppfe not tbptf mthp fpcR= m.m.r> uejf,but * p?ape tmto tbe Ho^b,anb be (ball mm. mafte tbe itobolc. leaueoffromfpnnc,anb o?b?c tbP fymtotn a rpgbt,clenfe thine berte frfiaUtflDpcncbnesf . C5cuc afttoetcfauottreb oSrpngcano pfpue fiourc f op a toben of re mfb^atiftce : mane tbe oifetpnge f at,a# one tbat geuetb $ fp^tt frit teg, anb geue rotome totbe^bpfprtbn. it ojtbc lozb batbcrca= tebbim lett oimnot go from tbe, fo?. f b^it nebe of f)vn\ ■ %ty boure mape come, tbat £ ":... fpcfte mape be bclpco tbo?ototbcm, tbben t bcpttfape tmto p ti^be, tbat ^emavt re=» coucr,* gettbcaltb to Ipue longer. l5>e tbat fpnnetonef w W mancr^all fall into tbe Iwnbeu of tbcj&bpfpcion. . C ^pfonne,*bfpngfo?tbtbptearcj3ouer mwu. tb? beeb-anD begpnne to mourne,a# pf tbou babbcttfttffrebgreatebarme tbpfclfc : anb tbenc,ouerbiiSbobpafterac6uemltmaucr 9 bistpplc not b# burpall.ieft than be cuell fpoftcn of i anb tben cSfo^te tbp felfe becaufcof § tywv- nejBf . * #oj of tyuyncn eometb beatb,tbc be* * WfMfc upnesi of m bert b?eaftetb ftrengtb. ^eup» SSJ«{; nc0 anb pouerteffreuetb the berte tn tcnta cpon 9 offence . €nfee no neupncjK to her tc, bjpue it attoape, anb remeuje tbe laft tbpn^ gc#.;ffojgetttnot,foj tbereisinotumpngc agapne . JCbou (bait bo hpm no gooo, but hurtc tbpielfe.mcm^e W iubgcmet,tbp= ne alfo Ibalbc Ipfectopfe : tmro me pefter A „ ,„ rl( , bavcmito f to oape. * Jlet ^ rem! bwunee B4M * Wfc * of p beeb ceaffe in tyn reft, * cof o?te iW fel- fc agapne ouer hpm,fepnge t>in fp^cte tjSbe= partebfrom tym.%$z ttopfbome of f fcribc }n at couemet tpme of reft.anb be <» ccaffeth from crcrcifeanb labourcujalbe topfe . ipc tbat holbetb tbcplougb> ano batb plcafure "D in p^obopnge,? bjiupngc f oren,anD goctl; aboute toitb focbtoojucsi, bccanfpcaUe of orcn:^efettetbbiisbertctomafeefo?otDC0, $ in biligent to geue tbe npne fobber.#o in merpcarpetcralfo^ttjo^cUmaftcr^labou ;etbftpll npgbt? bapc:bc eaructfccjraucth. 9 cuttetb Otttc,f bttbcfp.ic 10 tn fonozpe co-- npnge tbingc0, tyn bert pmaginctb,l)ovo he mape conpnglp caft an pmage, W biligecc alfo $ toatcbmge pcrfourmetb tbetoozclic. 'Cbe p^onfmpti; hi Ipue maner bpbetb bp btS ftttbpe, $ botb bus Diligence to laboure tbe nmMw Mapourc of tbefp^c l?ennctb bt0 fleO)^ be muft fpgbt v& tyc beatc of tt;c f o.i nace. %$c nopfc of ^ jammer founbetb euer tn W eare«,f tyn epc0 loac ftpll \>pon tbe tbpnge tbat be mafeetb- fciftfy fctbpisl mpnbc tbcre tjpon, tbat be topllmanc out *)t!8! too^cftc,anb tberfo^e be ttatchctb, boto be mape fct it out, 9 bwmit to an rate . ^ SfroDotb tbe potter vptbpbi0tbo?che,be ** turnetb ptbbele aboute tottb W fete, be ttf biliget anb carefull in all bopngc0, anb bus laboure $too?cHcijStDitboutnomb?c. t)c faujionctb p clapc toitlj bp arme,anb toitb W fete be temperctb it . kvn berte pmagi= netb boto be mape maftc it plcafaunt, 9 hid biligcncct0 to clenfe tbcouen.ail tbefc bo^ pe in tbeir banbe0,anb euerp one thpncuctb to be conpnge in bistoojke. EJitbottt tbefc mapc not tbe cptic0 be mapntepncb,inbabi teb ncr occupicb:pet come, tbep notbpe i tbe congregacponrtbep \mbcr(f anbe not the co> tienaut of p latbc:tbep cannot beclareequp' tc anb UiUMmit : tUv cannot f pnbe out the bardie fehtfcefc but tWtitto tbcm (ball tbe creature of $too?lbc be mapntapnebttbep? n^aper conccrnctb onelp tbeftojeneanb la=« boureofconnpnge. CCbc.]rjcjc(je.CbaptcD» C.!?t topff matt, jttjt too^ltw of ffikm.tanfo tbe foot, Boobtbpn0t0 60 p) ofrtjtmf into tbr curll ruw 9009 \ ■ '{**+* ®$it (balincuer be pit out/lbe ten, j byname flw I eotimic from nnr %?• fpoftcn oteRom tDcpcopl^nOfheXho' }«q«effaepo ? Q,alio|«lpWlare{5wS?» nct^n^ E*lg cn « ? toouranoe befpoc : ano after bP0 vXLih^ "fine wmapneftDntoSSK SSfir 1 3 f P mBC °f m o men of bnbcrftaii- *SWS \ m m «* *¥ ^oone " ff iptrnen tjnto me (pe holp tocrterm«rhiiT. nmm met of t^lBK Sg* a* » toll,* a t t»e toojte of Kmtft **3«ic.u, £> g notbpngc toMbetfuU o?frpetmtofitmi • 2 JEW W° fc* ** »W U* 853 on^v tfoj be batbmabc ai tbpngetfto bo eooo tjttto man . i)i0 bleupnge foaUmmc ou« ajj tljeftrcaniianornVftureiSh jp?etc0 mat aee createo foMSffi in tbett wojoufne* tiauethepfaffitK SJtefJf 9!P » F WD, ano pact? Z m weateo fo^ tjenaeannce. aw l 'Cne teet|j onbpioenopfome beaftea t hr * pnttbefe tl»S^KffiS them beljpnoc me,* »l fttoOKactfofi 'If, tfKaL , %S£E& m * « eH «b euerp one Kc M V Setose fount of ^pMtb J ti«'4B kMU hjtti.lJH.Di ■iiifi, € ttmu, i/.tfm.ti.b •>.. 3D lp nnb fpmplj) clotbeb. 'Cbcrc iji notbpner c Wttiat^ete^catfulttejei^tiqufctitetf^nD aaeeof beatb* trao^onrf, anaer ano ftcpfe. f ttU ocb tbpnffejs bappent)ttto all fle^,both man anb bett.bnt venen folbe to i» brtcfoblp. ^ojieotter,beatb,blono(beODino;,a:cifeanD f ioceOe,opmeirpon, buffer, H^enccpbn ano pwnpfcemeV tbcfe tbmge^aee all createo -jjapnft f Jmgojlp,* fo^ tjjep^ fake* tame „ftOUbealfo.*3dU^i)Soffcat:tb,(baUtue^ nc to eaetb attained all toaterrf ebbe acrai* ne m to p fee. 4' 11 b^pbetf « inepgbteoufnerf Jalbc put atoape,but faptbfiilnesi $ ttuetb toal eonee f o? ei ; iee.'Cbf fubttaiice 9 gooOetf of tbc tmgoblp (balbe b^peo tjp ano fpneae afape arf a tba tee fl oubc^ t^tv (ball ma Ue a fount)* Ipae a ateate tbODee m tbe eapne. Xpne a* tbe rpcjbteoutf eeiopfetb Men he openctb M banoe,fo qjall tlje ttanfgeef -. fourja: be fapne,\bbcn tbm goOOcg Danpfli ano confume atoape. * ^ijc cbpio^cn of tbe tmgoolp (ball not obtapne manp b^wucbeg ano tbe Vnclcane rotejaiDpon Wpc write* (balbeeoteo out before tbe geatfe op tbe tea tee fpbe 9 Upon tbe epuet bancfeest. : if rcnblpnetf ano libcralite in tbe (ncteafe * bleifpnge of ^>ob,i*lpae aparabpfeanb garbenorplealTuee:focb meecp alfo 9 ftpno- ntslenbueetj) foj euee. * 'Co labour 9 to be content xo tbat a man WM a ftbete plca^ fauntlpfe: anb tbat isi tofpnoe a teeafuee aboue all trcafueejBt.'Co beget c&pltyen anb toeeuap?e^eptie,maBetb a peepetuallna= me : but an boneft tooman i$ mo^e tooitb tben tbepbotb. Wlpne ano mpnfteclfpe re- lopfe.tbe bert, but tbcloue of topfbome i* aboue tbem botb. IBpppngc 9 barppngemane a ftbete nop: fe,but afrcnblp tonge goetb beponoe them botb.^bpncepcDefi " ^0 _ yt _ , e _ .Jiretbfauoureanobcvb* tpe,but a grene febe tpme, ratber tl)m titv botb. ^frenbeanb companpon come toge= tber atopo^tumtcbut aboue tbem botb t$ atbpfetagrcetbtbitbbftbufbanbe. sDne bf other belpetb anotber in tbe tpmcof trou ble,butalmc0lballbeU'uermo2ethentbep botb.d5olbe anb fplucr fatten tbc fete,but a Soob councell 10 mo^e pleafaunt then thep . m . 'Cempo^all fubftaunce anb ftrengbt Ipft m f mpnbe:but tbefeare of tbe lo^be mm tben tijep botb.'Cbe feare of tbe Xo?b . .*<, w r . vv .. N v V »> w « F m m W a r kuiufc v ib •89? fSBW 1 RW W»- notfektobat p?or>t K wSS&zJSn f befeare of tbetojbei* a pleafaunt gar- tbat bpbetb bf5 folpqme* , <0 limit ben SML* fflffir^' * ttotbpnge fo betbtpfuu toi better it tbcre ito ovt tben to begg. mho JpM bw atone Ipmge boto to bpbol^ be bp* lpfe,foz be feOetb bpm felfe to other men* meat . 2i5ut a tbpfe ano toell nurtou^ reo mantbpll beBoarre tberof.2Beggpng i* [? h et itotbemoutboftbebnfbametT4but in bp* belp tbere burnetb a fp^e. CCbe.xW.Cbapter. ftarrt. acuta* 6pon tbtw tbdtfocrafeitbf ;a \»cof ffiioa. jSoooaaratanb fame. anejb.o«atponto Bcuc peatb,botb bptter tt tbe remem^ 31 bounce of p, to a man tbat fenetb reft anb comfojtcin bp^fubftaun cc^rpcbc0,\)nto^man tbatbatb twtbpng to tjere bim,ano tbat batb p?ofpe ' SKiP ? w flWWfcfW bnto bpm tbat pet t0 able to receaue mtmc €> Oeatb^boto ac- ceptable ano gooo it t bp iuDgemet \jnto tbc ncbefull 3 ano Vnto bun tbI>oTe ftrength fap s letb,anb tbat i* note in b« latt age, 9 tbat ill all tbpngc* 10 full of care anb fearfulnc*: Mnto bim alfo tbat iainbpfpap?e,anD hatii no bope ner paefcneef 25c not tbou afrapcb of beatb-'remf bjethem tbat baue bene bef re m • anb tbat come after the •• t^ 10 tbc luogemct of tbc tojbeoucraliacu;. * 3nb *©«n,»m.!» WV toolbeft tbou be agapntt thp0 plcafu ce of tbc ^pcftVdflibetber it be ten an bubictb, 0? atbouKbcpeare0:Oeatbafaetb'not hooj longe one batb Ipueb. ^S^cbPlb^cnof ^ngowp areabbomi^ & tiablecbplb^en,? fo arc tbep tbat aepe copa nptbitb Jbe bngoblp. * 'Cbe inbetttaunce *mm r, of bngoblp cbplOKn (ball come to nauglit, 5 tbep? potter ite (ball baue perpetuall dja ' me anb confufpon. %fy cbplD^cn coplapne of an bngooip fatbct,anb fobFfoj bto fane tbep are rcbuftcb 9 befppfeb . «Uo be Vnto rou(©pet)ngoblp)tbbpcb bauefojfancn t^z latoe of tbc J^peft (0ob : pf pe be bojne, pelball be bo^ne to cttrfpng,pf pc ope, v cur feujalbepourcpotcpon. r * m tbat 10 of tbeeartb,(baUtumeto **mm. mm agapue : fo go tl)c bngooip alfo out of tbe currc into beftrnccpon. 'Cbe fojofoe of men i0 m tbep? boop :but m name of tbe tmgoblp iball be put out,foj it i0 notbpnge Jboitb. * iabourc to get tbe a goob name, « . fo?tbat(ball contpnue riiretbptbc,tDena*^ rt *' :;H '* tboufabe grcate tceafucc* of golDe. % goob Ipfc batb a nombje of OapcfcbutagooDna* meenburctbeuer. ^9pcbpio?en,bcpetbpfbome(npcaeetc f 0? toptbome tbat ttfbpb anb a treafurc f ifi *&tu.n& > i -: ■ I I - M * i- * # a man tba t bpbctb ty>$ fopfbome.'£hcrfo;te be pe turneb at mp foojDctfjfoj it in not floooanaU thpngctf anb aluwpc to be afiba- mc i^!^^l>mttftj)Mmc^mcafiircit. ^aujamcboftthojbom^bcfoiefatbet a»b mothers au^uneb of Icbcfo2e m pjpnee anb men of auctojite: jJDf fvntir, licfojre tDe iubgc anb ruler: iDf dffcftcxr,bef o= ictoccojiffrcjiacpon^ people: iDflmrpgn* * «om« , i, ™ U J& C H C SW * wmpanvonanbfrcnbc : * UCDMilb - ®* thcft,bcfo2ctbpncpgbbour#. * 3$fo* tpc trtteth of <5ob $ hPtf coucnaunt, Uenot aibamcb thcrof. Jopon p b?eb:25eatyameb- to lofce *pon has Iptt&Mc aftjamcb to Mine afoate &t> face from flw frenbe : Be aWmtft to We* not joffnic:jaeaqjameDalfotolotetjponano= tm matin %fe, anb to matte manptrp- 5S KSSS ™il & W*«*> «* to ftabc bv J)ft bcofpoe . 25cafhamcb to Dpbjapbc tnp rreoe jtohen thou gcueft rnpthpiigcrfaff ijpmnot in the tcthctoitlwll. * CShc.rlti.Cjjaptct;. Cficctrtcfl mapt not brOprnrt. Sbrlitee of «oa a»f^pngM,pfr W cutbrftcrrtc«iif(l)ti ) «tt. | ©hcarfc not a thpng lujpfc, « jpftlofcitot tbe toflwtf tbou Ijaft berbc i fcrrcte. 26eujamc=> Ifaft ano tbcil mancrcb in bebe, '^st^W cuerpmanfauoutc the. mtwc tfymtn be not tbou aammckano acccpteno pctionnc to offenbe. Sameip,of thefc timm be not aibamcb: sDf the laluc of <5ob, of thecouenaunt, of iubgement : to bjpngc the Dngpblp from bpji Dngoblpnctf tmto rpgbtcoufnc*, $ to ma be hpm a goob man : to bealefaptbfullp topth thp nepgn* bourc anb companpomto bpftributc teeiie= titagc unto the W be j*to be bilpgent to ae= pe trucjmeafure anb wepghtrto be content, Stoljctljer tljougetteamocb o^iptlcto beale trulp toithte"po?all goobctf in bpinge anb iellpmje: to bjpnge Dp chpltacn t6 biTpgen* cc:tocojrectc an eueUferuaufcto tope that tbpnete from an euclltopfe :tofett a locbe tobcre manp ijanbcsf are:wl)attbou belpuc= reft $ gcueft out to be toe, to tell \u anb to ifoepe tt:to nojpte Dp al Ithp outgeupnge anb rcceaupnge : to enfourme the Dnlcrncb anbDntbpfc : &>f tbeagcb, that ate tubjieb of the ytmM g be bilpgent in tijefc tbvn BC0, trulv tbou tyalt be tetneb » txmfe anb accept of all men; r TO Rcrctlp:anbtDecarcfulne]B[tDatljefiathfo» fer, taaettjatoapc &i*tflepe:pee hfomt& left &e ftuibe mmmom^m iZffiMm m hath an b«f baiibe, leftftcQnilbc be ba* teb : left ilie Qiulbe be berpleb o? raupi^eb in CteMeof '■» iKr wrgpnite, o? gottett «6 cljplbe (ntjet fa^i tDcris boufc : iDi (ttohcnfte commctb to tfte man) left Hjebebaue ficr iclf notrpgnt,oi c5 tunic \)nfrut(:fuU. *3f tbp baugbter be t»a *ecii ton, hepe tjer (Itaptelp^left u)e caufe tbpne ftiempejs to laugl) tUe to fco?ne,f tDe tbDdlc cptie to geue f an euell repo;te,$ fo t|)6u be fapnc to ocare tl)p ftame of eweep man, « be . conf ounbeb before all tje people.*26eftolbe *mmA not cuetp bobpciK betbtpe, $ Jiaue notmocb ' b toelipng amonge Oemen. jfot ipae aji the ttttthe & motbeommetp outcof elotbphge, . * Xo both ibpcacbneji comcof ttoemen. fc 3j wlJcttettobettottbaneueUman } tben cf wwu ! toity a frenblv tjopfe t puttetb one to Ojame ' a nb «bul*.3fa>pll rem^b^e f too?cfee^ of $ * ojbcanb bcclarctbe tbpnff£3 baue fene. t ^ tuojbetf of tbc Jio0 ave o% ttoicaesf -» ^tmne oneelofteti all tbpngejei toitl W 0>nne,anbaU i;ije! «>o jefeetf are full of y clcarncj!t5crof.!9at|)uot#io?bb?ougl)t .tj)j)alTe,^lji]0!fapnctc0u;ul5teUoutallbttf toobrrbajStto^cftciEf, which tbeQIlmpgDtpe %Wt DatD ftablpujcball tgpngesi cnbure mtynzlow. ^cfcaetl) out fgrounbeof the bepeanb ftytt of me»i,aitD(jc fenotbetbaii tDmpmagtftacpon 9 wpfbomc. it ox f loz be fcnotoeth all frif ce,f he lohcthinto the to - Jen of the t>me . fteocclarcth the thpngen to that arc pa ft anb foi to come>anb btfclofetl) 1 tbptiMf ateffcrttc. * $0 t&ougOt mape txttad eleape hpm, nether niapc enp wo?be be hpb ***** from bpm. tee Ijatlj garnpu>b f be cjtccllet a>o?chciei of his! topf tome,* he tf m cuerla* ftpnge to eucrlaftpno[e. ©nto hpm mape no tbpngc be abbcb nether can hebemtnpujeb, fie hatbnonebe alfo of enp man* councell. W amiable are all m tbo.icbcia^nb atf a rparftc to loftc Upon . 'fchep Ipue all, s en* mwUp eucr^tbben foeuer ntbei^thepare aiiobebtcntUntohim.^hevareaUbnbblc* oneagapnftanothet^ehatnmabe nothing jhathmnteo^blempO). * ^edathftahlp*^. mum zoom of euerp one:* who mape be iatpfrpcb »5 W glojp,whcn Ije feptD it C^he-jKliii-Chaptee. C «be iummt ottift crtaeroo of tbc too/fira of tfob. m iJl^^^^^^^nWhehewtpeof *« ^»ithchcauen i»! WglojpouiScleamej*. Jhefunnetbhen it apueareth, belareth the P - 1 Sleftt^tljefomteof^viaclj ;A,i. r w . " w r,nwiwraf roe near c therof.'' pbofo aepetlj an ouen tohen tii,S tpmc^ mo?e both the We burnt WonX mountapnetf,whenitbiethetb outetnetpT it, t blpnbetlj tbeepw . fcreatfitbeluS y mr^. . * %ht Rootle alfo # oitcth ifjStalleb afterthe #oone,(t grotoeth soon- fe berpuflp in her cjjaungpnge. » ; «e armpeofhcauenalfo itf in # teepg tfi mtDefirmamet of heaucn it geuetha clea= m fflo^pousr (hpnc . 'Chpitf il the cleamejs of ^.ftarreiBf, the tatotpfull apparell of m* uenitheappareU tpatfUm Ipghtcueth tn the i^cpg th. 3n W holp mm the v co= tinucmthep?o?^e,*notone6f them fap^ ftdnr.ir.0. leth »» W thatch. * 3totte\)pottti;c rapne botue, anb p^apfe hpm that mate it : tj cr p betbtpf till tse -it in tyn mm, ipe eompa fcth the heaucn abonte xt> \m cleanup 9 gl zp, , the WM& of the ^ippefl: bane benbeb tfChO' rotto hPJS commauubement he maiteth the mam tofallanb the thonber of hpsfiubges mtt to fmpte haftlp.'Choioth hpjs c6maun= hementf treafurcja; arc opcncb>anb the clou beg ae an the foulejs . 311 hptf potber hath he ftrcngtheneb the cloabcjJ, anb b?oUcn the Jjaple ftonetf. JVte motintapncj^mcltat Kpghtof him, ptbpnbcblotjjcthacco^bpngc to hptftbpll. 'Che founbe of hptf thonbec bcatcth $ earth, $ fo both i ftomie of the nojth •• the tobpzie tbpnbe alto Ipghtcth botone an a fethercb foule,caftcthouteanb fpjebcth thefnotoe ab^obemnb an f grcOjopperiei that beftropc all,lofallethitbob)ne. 'the epe marucleth atthebctbtpe of the tohpteneffe therof, anb the hcrte in afrapcb at the rapne of it. tee poureth out thefroft tJpon earth, Ipfte fait, anb tdhen it in frofen, it in *n mm nn the pjpcfteofatbpftle. % (UUhcnthecolbeiBodthtbpnbeblotbeth, Darbe ChJPftatl commeth of the tbatcr. tee Ipghtcth bottone ijponaU thegatherpngcitf together of toatcr, 5 puttcth on thctbaterjS a* a bjeft plate, tec bcuourcthi mountap= ne0,anbbttrnethtpetbplberncltej2i:anbloBe tohattjsgrcncheputteth it out Ipae fpic. 'Che mebicpne of all thele in, tbhen a cloube cfimcth ljaftelp:anbtbhcna betoe commeth t)pon f hcate,tt Ihalbcrcfrclhebagaptie. 3n bvn toojbe he ftpllcth the tbpnbc s 3*t ipja! councell he fttteth f bepe, $ ( tlje torn icrutf plauteb it. ^hep that faple ouet the Je,teil of p pareljtf anb harmed tljcrot, anb ' mm ttoe heare it toith our carcief, toe mar * UelUhcrat, Jouheee be ftraunge tbonbc= rousi wojfeWjbiuerfc ntaner of npee bca- ftess anb tbhalt>ftejj. ^|jo?onj hpm are all tDpngetffett in goob ojtyc anb perfourmcb te anbinftijtf tbozbe all thpngetf cnbure. m 3 fpeaftc mocfcbutl can not fuft icicntlp attapne Ditto it,f 0? Ije him fclf c pnclp in the perfeccpon of alltbo^bcs(.mU(l)ulbc p^apfc 5fo p &om after al ourc potbet, fo? he itfgreat tn all \M UJO^cuejK.'Chc JLoWinto bctta* i^Wpotoer. ^apfe the Xoftt, anb w£ gnifpe him a^moch asipe mapepctboth he grrcerccabeallpiapfc.*C>magnmehim ^ ra . th ttotthallpourepotoecanblabourccarneft- " lp, pctare pe in no topfc able fuffictcntlp to P japfe btm . ifllho ha th fene him,^ he mpg ht tcllio0r * gjlibo canmagntfpe himfo great •• * ^ C1,fb - lp an he itf:' Jfouhcrc arc hpb pet greater J0 * ,,A ■"" mum then tbeie mm foi \Mfrc Muck nc butfctbc of hwxoo^ftejcl . jf oi tljc iLoib hath mate all tbpngcjs, anb gcucn u>pf Do- me to fochaj3fcareC5ob. CChe.rliiii.Chapter. * GW*$t»Pttofcttttnl)oivmta&mot pmpfe ujall netter br put bovx"= ne . %\)m bobpedarc bttrpebin peacc,bt>;t thep? name ipueth f 01 cttcr tno^c . m)c pco= pie can focalte of thep? topfbome, $ tljc con = ffregacto can taliic of tljcir p^apfe.* enocft *«at.r« fl( WjalBebrpght^acceptablp before the toi* «w** be: thecfoze imn Ije tranflateb f o> an eraiu« pleofamebeme"ttothegcneracionsl. *0ot *i&m w« mn a ftcbf a ft 9 rpghteottd man, ano in the wwum tpme of 9pf j) ije betcame a rcconcplpnge. ^r W '9 i . ?• » ■ i.' i t i ' j . ;l .': t' J- 1 Mat I *« #*_ Mi 'SDerfojc ftm* ijc left rt tcmnaunt Unto tbc ractD,b>ben jJftoubc came. 2Kncucrla(lvits coucuiiimttba*mabc w6 btm,tDat allflrtu" i*ecn.fr.f. OjuIDc * pcriQicnomo;icio tDe tuatcc.abja ;ii* crii..rb.i.a Dam m& a * greatc farter of manp people, .'. Htglo^tbrtsJtl)crciionclpHc\jtito|)rm. fee fccptc rtclatbc of tDc Jppefti anb came into ; *« m rr • a c £ l »f «aunttutt|)l)tm.^cfctt ? couenaunt * <5w,mw - m D«* ttenjt, anb fto$cn Dc * toa * pjoucb, lie ftatf oimbefaptlfttU.'$Dcrf oicfftoic C5ob . UnfobimwanotDe,fDatDctdolbcblcfleall people in Di* febe, tDat Dc wolbc multiplpe ano incrcafc Dim a* £ buft of tDc earth, $ to eralte bi* feoe a* tDc ttarrejfcpee » that bid febe (bulb Daue £ poffefly on,an tttymtaun* ec of tbc lanbc from fee to fee ano from tf rp* ucr Unto the bo?ber* of tbe toojlbe. *em*rw4 *^»rt3faacDpDbeftabipQjrtefameeo* ucnant,foj &toaj)am DtffatDectffalic. £ee tbat ff racpou0bleffpiiffc $ bealtft Of all me, anbcoiicHamitopDbcffablpqjiotrtlfaac, anbmabc it torcrtUpontDcDcab of lacob. * Sft?* $e Knctoe Dim * in tDat De pj ofpereb mm f o • " - M - Ml anbricDclp,anbgauc DnnanDerctagc y*rm.xMi, aim limbercD Di* pompon bp it relfe, * ano d.iQ.nr. pnrtcb it amogc p fltocluctrtbur*. *ft}crcp= full men tyottgbt be out of bim,n>Dicb fottlt . befauourcin ttjc fpgDt of allueujc. CEDe.rlU.CDapter- e:«i)f p;fli>rc of ajoffs.aaron.ami is^fiieJjm nMNfctememtoaunct ijefi in $pe pjapfe: m, anb pue bpm $ picftbobe iiji>pcoplc.l9cmabebpmgfo?pWinbetto. : #J arapcanb clorteb bpm tbitb tDc gar men t of bono tire . ipe put perfecte top t mm tommmW ^pm «5 Sregtl;. fee becbte Wm mt\)tw clothes anb a tiJnpclctbitb an oucrbobp cote alfo gfagwble. Bounbe about mabe be Dun belles of golbc,anb tbat *m*wm. mtmfi*mm$m betocntin,tbc founbe lemti)c^>anctuarp,aHbgeue f pcoplctbar ttl)t bokt of npngc. %\yt f)olp garment ttoatf tbiougbt anb uiobcrb xoitl) golbe, palolto fpiche ano purple . 3Lnb in the b^c ft lappe tljcre m& a g o oblp tbojeuctoperm toajs fafteneb ipght anb perfectneffe. * Upon rte fame alfo tfjere toajtf a wo?cfte C faftcneb, $ fcttoit|> coftlp pjccpoutf ftonetf, **f*m all bounbe totti) goibcrano t|jpis lie bioug ht m W miniftracpon.^De ftonejj Were fafte* neb fo^arcmcmb?atmcc,after tbcnombze of rte tttocluc trpbesi of 3fraell. fcipon hpss mptretljcrctoa}2laplatcofpuregolbc,agr« uctt pmagc of liolpnc&a famous anb noble too^cfec, garnpftcb, anb plcafaunt to lohe t>pon . mtfoit Dpmtbcre tDcrcfcncno focb fap^tc o^name tejj, anbt^efe (t beDoueb Dpm alttoapeto\)fe:^i:bcrc mtgbtnoneotber put t|icm on,but onelp |)ijs chplbjen » hmhph bcrsi clpplb?en perpecuaiip.Baplie petf our* 99L< W bt««toffcrpnfierf ttoo tpmejS. * fymtim bpjiliattbe^anbanopntcb * mm \ ^pmtottl)6olpople. ^ %m wajj noto conf irmeb 5pm toitl) an *© eucrlaftpngecouenaunt,anb to W febe, ajS tfjcbapcjg of J)eaucn,namclp.tt)atDp0 cftpl b?cn mm alttoape minpftrc before bpm, anb pcrfoueme $ office of tI)cp v icftl)obe 3 anb lbpfbc tjjc people goob in j)ptf name. ^5cfo « re all men Ipupnge cfjofc Dc Dpm, £ Dc tyul* be ottreincenfe before tDc %Wt, anb mafte obourjtffojta Ctbctcfauourcf rememb^aun^ ce,tDat be fljulbe rcconcplc tDc people of rte . to?btbftD Df m agapne.* ^c gauc Dim an *»«H ctojite alfo uiDp0 commaunbemente* aim Sum, J in rte couenaunt, tDat be Ojulbc teacb a«== cob tDc ttatutcg anb teftimonieiaf, anb to en* i-ourmc Jfracl in Wjaflattoe. *'CDerf o ic tDcre ftobe \jp ccrtapne agaprtlt e Dpm,« Dab cnupe at Dpm in tDetbplbcrnc^; + /jd. f «.u namely, tDcp tDat tocre of BatDan, 9 3M>i= r 22S ^ l) L ant, ^ c futpoutf congregacpon of Cbojc.'CDPSf tDe io?bcfatbc,anb it bpf* plcafeb Dpm, anb in D^^otbrnUtnbfona* cpon were ti;cp confumcb.3tgrcatcb3onber iyy\)i)t t)pon tbcm, anb c5fumcb t\)tm tbitb tlje f vie . * 25cfpDC!B tDptf , De mabe 3tovon * flB rt „ U | petmo?eDono?ablcanbglo^poujS. Jf)cgaue ** * ' Dpmanbcrptagcanbparteb tDc fpiftfrn- S2L tl J?S ,,l J-*S nt P w» fpeciallp Deapi mmki popntcb tDe Duo foKufteuaunce,(f o? f pic- * W '«H "WbeatoftDeojfrpngetf of tDe £o|be) SlSra ,ctwro >* * 5itf febe.*ew Dab mJ ^nopcrptagener pompon intDeiaTjc anb SK ' mtb tlje people, jf 0? tbc 1 o?b Dpm fclf c 1^ * ,w ^ Hgpwon anb enDcrptaunce. 2^ H°' n,e of ©lea?er,t»mch pleafeb tlje 5L 1 w 0OJ of ifrae^becaufeDe Dab tD?5le «te re of tDe low .fioi tbben rteSpWere toumeb bacfetr, De put Dpmfeffe WbrSt f oonMnb f WttD a goob topil, topacHe mm of tlje i,o^oe UarteaKS SefttfitDefoimeof^pMdj tjor.rli.f- aujtwi.o. )a.miiti.b fo?e tt)atf tDcrc a couenaunt of peace mabe SbitD Dim,t De Omlbe be f p?incipall among rte rpgDteou* 9 tDe people, tDat De * hi* po * mitt Ojulbcljaue tDe office of tbc p^eftDobc fo^euet (IplteasitDcce wag mabe a coue= nauntwitljBautb of^trpbeof 3uba,tDat from am ongeDi^Coimeiai onelp tDcrc Kbulbe bea kpna;-.) 7m tDat 3taron alfo$ D# febe Cbulbe be tDe Derptagcto gcuc tjjs tbpf borne in outcDertctoiubgeDptf people in rpgbtc- oufncje(:tDat DijSgoobeiS mnlbe not come in= tofo^gctfulnc^anbttDetrDonourempgDt enbure foj euer. CCDe.jcl\ji.CDapter. Carijc p;apr? of aiofue ,caicb,an6 damuM. j 36nlp 9 ttrogc i battapll * ttmtf lefujj # fonne of Baue, tnbicb tnfteabeof^cf^ tDep^opDct roajs gcuen to be captapne of & -Jpcopic,xolnrt accojbpnge mi- to W name tioajs a great fauioiirc mito tbe elcttcof^o^topunpib^cncmic^tljatrofe t)pagapnft3fracl,^1fraelmpgDtoptapnc tbepj inDeritauncc. €> ijotb grcatc,noblc,f excellent wa* DctbDcn be Ipft \jp Dtf Daub, anb bicto out Diss ftuerbc agapnft f cpticjs.'' OTjo ftobe fo manly bcfoic Dpm.' #ot tDe hom w .c.' 3Lo ( ib Dim felf c bjougDt in f enemies. *j&to be not tDc S>unnc ftpii at pf comma unbc= . mcnt,anb one bape majJatf logcag two. 'fee calleb tipon tDci^peft anb moft mpgDtpc JoDen p cnempesi meaffeb topon Dpm on enc= tpCpbe,anbtDe.to?be Derbe DpmwitDrte Dapleftonetf. ^Dcpfmotc tDc fycptDcncm Scople ntpgDtcly, f in fallpnge botonc tbcp cto all p abucrvarietf, f tDat tDe feeatoen Jnc we Dtjet hooft, anb all W Defence, tbat f foin Dpm felfe f ougDt agapnft rtcm,to j De tolomcb topon p mvoMpe men of them. , w * 3n tDe tpme of 3§ofe0 alfo,De $ Caleb mm* W* vmm of JepDnne, bpb agoob ujo^cbc, wbicb ftobeagapnft f enempesf, tottb be ibe tlje people rromtpmic, s (tpllcb tDe x^pches \wm.e "mrmurpng. * 3nb of.fprc Dunb^etD rtoiu 1 fanbe people of fote, tDep ttbo tuerc p?crcr> ticb, to b^pnge them into f Dcritagc,namc» , lp, a lanbe tbatflowctD to mplcfee 9 Donp. *3|or.r be t5 agreatcnopfc.lfje bifcomfptcb j> mvn. cc*ofCp2e,anball^ruler*oftbeU)iHlifti= nc*. * 26cfMc W laft enbe be mabe ptote= ftacpon in p fpgbt of tDe loib,i Df*aiiopn< tcb,tDatbetoftcnetbcc fuufitaucc ncrgoob ot enp man, nonot fo mort a* a Cboo, t no man mpgbt accufc Dim. 3Jfter tDi* be tolbc, tbat Di* cube toad at Danbt,< (Detoeb i Upn- gealfo Di* enbe 5 beatb,anb from rte earrt ipft De Up Dp* Uopce in tbc p^opbeepe, tDat tbeUngoblp people (Dulbepcrpfbc CCbc.rl^ii.CDaptcr. C Sl)cp?apre of ^aef)au,C>auio,aiH! §.alomoo, jf tcr tbarbc in tlje tpme of fepng W&* nib , tberc rofc up a piopbet calleb yaatban : jf ox ipftc a* ^ fat 1* taken attoape from f offerpng, fotoa* Bauib cho ■= fen out of fcnplbjcnof 3fracl. feeroitcbi* paftpmetbitb rtelpon*, a*ujith Bpbbe*, aiibtoirt bcarc*lplte a*v5 labe*. * ^Icio DenotagpauntewDen Dctba*per butpon- gc,anb tokc atuapc tDe rebufec trom bis uco pkmm tpme a* De tone f ftone m npo U-. be, anb fmote bownc p.ioube (5oliatb ujitb tDe flpnger $oi Dc calleb Upon tDe Dpcft io,ib,Wbicb gaue bim ftregtD m Dp* rpgDt Danbcfo tDat Dc ouertDiett) tDc mpghtpe gpauntc in tDc battpll, tDat Dc mpgbt fet Up tDc Dome of Dp* people agapnc* 5TDu* b^ougDt be bpm to Uio.ifbppeabouc all pan ce*, anb mabe bpm to baucagoobrcpcutc 111 tbc piapfc of tbe iojbctbat be ibulo tije= rcacrovbucofglo^p.^jfoibcbcftropcbthe cnempe* on euerp fpbe,rotcbouttbc mnu ftine*bi*abucrfaric*,anbbmhctbepib02= nc in fmiber,lpHca* it i* bjoKcnpcttbr* bape . 3n all Dp* wojcfcc* \)t p^apfeb tbc ippcft anb i?olpcft, anb afcrpbeb tbe notion re unto bpm . tort DP* toDolc Dert tpo be mam tbc lojbe anb loucb bpm tbat mabe Dpm. * $e fet fpngcr* alfo before tbcaul- tcr,anb mtbeir tune bentabe fvoetc fongc*. fee. oiocpneo to hepe tbc holp bape* «5u* fbppf ullp , anb tbat aye folempne fcafte* Jboioio tDe tbDolcpcarefbtilbcbeDoiioia- Dip Dolbcu,witD p?apfingc tDe name of tbe ®MM How ? C *i.tttgr;r Wtoftub ♦ M^r.bi ^.'.Mrg.t 3 *(-«f.rb 13 *uutu.n he *&&tt,ti * 11. &Htdi T T*rf * djeboucof Ml Iaidc, anb ttttb fpnp^ge bp tpmctf to the mo?upngmtbc <&anc*ftarp. C ^bcl^bctofccatuapebWQmneiMnb , :■ ■. *egattebpmtbe -I : ... „ « fouowttt of f Kpngbomc,anb tbetb?oncof i ;;!: *wwk* woitbppc m3lraet * Kftcr Ijim tbere rofe Up f wpfe fonne calltb <&alomon,$ fo?bpj* fane De b?ouc t&e cincmpetf atoape farrc of 'EM* Salomon rapgncb ic& peace in b# tp* mc( f o? $fpllcbMtbttopfbomc9Unberftan« bpngc,atfitwcrei&at&atcraoube.tyecottei rcb $ fplleb tbe ttDole tonne tt>tt|)ftntiutu= fte0$topftwuDcnrfcntencc0. s> iopjS name wente ab?obc in f Sle^becnn fc of bte peace be toaa bcloueb . ail lanbe* marueleb at bus for ge&pjouetbe&fimplpe tube*, ant) at btf peace, anb at tbe name of the !Lo?be 0oO 5 utyicb i$ calico t&e C&ob of ■i * in. ur.r.6. sirael. * $e gatbereb goloe a* tpnnc, & be .; *in.iif.Fna. bab atfmocblplucrajgleabe.* $efi>a#mo* net) tn inojbpnate loue totoarbe tnetnf , anb •,i fba# oucrcome tn atfcccpon.Iac ttapncD bvjS f b on oure « too?(bpppc,pcc bt0 poftcrite befp i; • leb be alto, m b?pngpngc £ to?atb off lo?* l! be Upon m cbplb?en, ano fo ?ot»c after bptf * flf.iitr.ffl.t l ope:*fo tbaitbtfftpngbomcroa* beupbeb, ani i Gptoaun became an trnfapfWirtL ano* *«.wf.b«.f. an Unconftant ftpngbome. * Jfceuectbclctf ©od fo?fofeenot W merep, netber tuaabe WttrtP beftropeb becaufe of M MctaL tbatbe^ulbclcaucbimnopotterite. e 30to?ffebefcamcUponbim,tuMcbbe loueb, be b?ougbt it not Utterlp to naugjit but sane pet atemnaunt Unto 3acob, ano a tote Unto E>auib out of bim.'Ebuj; refteb Salomon tbM) bptf fatber&anb nntof^js febe be left beppnbe bpm aUerpfoolpOmc* oftbe peoplcanbfocbe one as! tjabno Unbec *ii(.ttc.ri<.b ttanopngc : * cuen,l&oboam,tx>htcb tucneb ■j «„, a&awtje people tbo?oto b# councell, and rn.ixt.ptfi Jeroboam t&e fonne of i9abat,*tobicbcau» fto 3ftaell to fpnne,^ ftctbcb epteatm tt)e toape of Uno;ooipncjE(:l|nfo mocl) tijat t^ctc fpnneiSanompfoeOejJhaotljeioppeepoefo %e, that at toe laft tjcp twee Ojtpuen out of tbelanoe f p tfje famegee De fought out ano b^ouflbt \jp all topcaconcfttpU tbr \je* jeaunce came Upon tbem. ■ t ...1 1*. # 4 •ft! ail # ; *miAt.mu ^enftooet)p*€lial)tbep?opbet a* a f p?e, «1|)te too^be fyent tpae aceeujet, t^e b^oug j)t an jjotwee s, y— >JPon t^em,f mbw?eie|iemaOe tbem f etoe (n nomtye. % oj cbep mpgbt not atoapeti ei»e comaunbemetegof tpe io^oe. 'Cbejtottoc tbc ttoojrte of tlje lojb be (but t&e bcaucn, * $ tlwctpmc* brought be ttytytt ^tum bot&ne . ^buja became ©liab ponojable in L.,^ . btst»onoctouxJbeOes(.illlbomapemafeebW ^ A boaft to be lpbebnetbat toa^occO *mtm eapfeo be *p from beatb»anb in *be too^be '• ^ of tbe bpeft be b^ougbt bimoute of ti>c gea* ue agapnc . tyc eaft botbne kpiuj cjs ano be> ftropeb tbem, $ tbe bonojable fee tbeit fca* tc.^npon tbe mounte ^Dpnabe berbe tbe pu npibement,^ bpon tyoieb tbe iubgement of tbeUcngcaunce. ^ep?opbecpebweompen» fpnge Unto ftpngejj, * ojbepneb p^opbetejj *«, totff , after frm. *fe mi tabenbp inMoItne mSSSt of fpjeftta cbacet of bojfetf off Lo^oe. fte ttjauo^bpncb in tjjc repioupngcjS in tpme to paepfpe tbe tbjatb of f toto, * to turne ****** tbe bettc* of tbe ratbcritf unto tbe cbplOicn, anb to fctt Up tbe trpbciEi of jaeob agapne. iSlcffcb tucrc tljep tbat fatu tpe,^ tberegar- npu;cbmloue:fo$toclpueinlpfe:(butattet bcath tue (ball baue no fucb name.) ^ * mm tuajs couercb in f ftojme,but toe» W Ipfeusl tuajl fplleb to bitf fp^ete . Wttbtfe be SB"*** Ipueb be toa* afrapeb of tto pipnee, anb no ■"** man mpgbt ouercome bpm. "Cbere coulbe nptoo^bebifceaue bpm, * 9 after btebcatb *m*tk W boop p^opbecieb. * tyc bpo tuObcr^ t t>i* *. ipfe, ano in bcatb tucre W tootktst mum* tff« lou0. H 0} all tbiJ<,f people amf be not ,ne* ' tftcr bepatteb tDep fc6 ftjer^ fpimciBi s * Ml ma* tbep tbere carpeb atuape p^efoncrjaf oat off imx !Sbe,$ti)cte fcatrcb ab^obe in all countree*, fo tbat of tbem tbere remapneb, but a Uen> Iptle pcoplcanb a mpnee Unto t^t boufe of 2>autb. lf)ou)bett vomc of them dpb rpgbt, anb fome beapeb Up UngoblpneiJ. *^ejeRiaitfmabebii0!cptieftr0cte,e5uepebc tuatcr tntoit,bpggcb tbojoto f ffonp rocbe *twm. tottb pjon.fr mabe Up a tbell bpf ttoater fp= w** be. * 3n W epme came ^>ennac|ierpb Up, *««„,, 9 fent aaabrancjj, Ipf t Up w l)5be agapnft S8f* $>pon > nnb bcfpcD tbem tbftb greate pipbe. « ft -w* w fbeit trpmbleb tbep^ bettetf anbbSbc^, fo tbat tbep fojotaeb ipae a tuoman trauap» ipng tbftb cbplbe. &o tbep calleb Upon the iojbe,tbbwb# mercpfuli,?lpftUptbep* banbejs before bpm . 3mmebiatlp t|je loib berbe itp out of beaucn:(|je thought nomo * re Upa tbep? fpnnetf , ner gaue tbem ouer to tbep? mmvtfti) but belpuereb t^tm bp m banbeof efap .*>efmote tbebooff of tfc ^.^ affpjian^, ano big angell beltropebtbem. J. 5fo? fecjehiajs i)ab bone f tbpng tbat plea- feb tbe lo?be, 9 tcmapneb ftebf attlp m tbe toape Df ,a>auib Wbtyn. IWbtcb «fape , ttm* greate 9 ^ aptbfull tn \>i# Uifiontf . * Jn t wf-ww* W«tpmctbe^unnetwntebaenibarbe,anb f f ft : lemjtbeneb tbe npnge^ Ipfe. «Uttft a rp* 6 ' gbte fp^ete pjopbecpebbeMat OHilbeco* me to paffc at t&e laft : anb tofocbeajStoe. umojjm mfrftm iDesaueconCoiaepon, tbbertbttb m 3fefUB:tliefonheof^>watfi ♦IW.M0. mums m ten.m.a .a € nm.Ut ♦'(.tftft.i.a w.em.wu *8mr.b,e *jf.niw.b fcrt.CM.a wwr.«r.f tbberujttb tbep mpgbt conf o^t tbem fcluea fo^cucrmo^e.^e (betueb tbpngesf tbattuere fo? to come anb fecrete,oj euer tbep came to yaffle* C^lie.jcltje.Cbaptee. C©f 3lottaU,©tjrc^ab,S>au(0.3|frfnip,tfr«^W,j63 t oeabci, 31 cCu«„jacl){m popnteb to turne the people agapne,anb to taue avbape all abpominacpon^ of tbe Uu° goblp,fee btrccteo w tyttt unto tbeiLojoe, anb tn tbe tvme of tbe Ungoblp beiet Up tbe Sbo?u)pppe of <0oD agapne. #i l &pngeie[Cejr' eepte a>auib,^e«cbta^anb 3oftab;c6mit» tebtbtcKebucsi, to? cuen tt^t hinges of 3U04 alfo f jf he tl)t lame of tiffob. jf 0? tbe^jaue tbep? ljo?neUnto otber, tbep? bonoureano tuozibpppcaifo to a Itraunge people. «r 'C!jerto?etuai0!tbeelectecpticoff^>an« m ctuarpb?enttbptbfp?e,*fr the Ureter tber= of lapit bef olatc anb tuafte ; foz t^cj? mtrca« tcb 3ercmp euell,wbpcbtteuer tbclejj wajj a p?opbct o?ocpneb from b^motberjs tofibe, that be mpgbt rote out,b?ea fee of,*ahb be- urope.-ib that be mpgbt buplbe Up,$ plant agapne.*6?ecbiel fatbe t^e glo?p of { lo?b in a Upfton,tt>bM> tbajx u)etucb bpm Upon f ebarrettc of tbe Cberubtnja!.5f 0? be tbougbt Upon tbe enempejai in tt)t rapne , to bo goob Untofocba0babo?b?ebtbeiru>ape!a!arigbt 3tnb tbe boncjs of toe ttbelue p?opbcte0 tto= rplbeb fee out of tbep? place : fo? t^ gaue comfo?te anb confola cpon Unto 3acob,anb belpuereb tbem faptbfullp. *^oto(ball toe p?apfe ?o?obabel, tubicb \oa0 ajjs a rpnge in tbe rpgbt banber' *^>oU)ajS3efuj3ialfof fonne iDf 3oftbec: tbefc men in tbep? tpmest bu jlbeb tpe boufe anb fet Up tbe £>actuatp off t o?D agapne tbb«b w>ajs piepar ebf 02 an cuerlafting tu 0? ftpp.*:$nb jftebemiasw altoapetobe coin* meocb,*tobicbfet Up fo? Uj* tbe toallcjai t|wt Jbere b?onen botbne,mabe tpe po?tefitanb barrel agapne,anb buplbeb oure boufesf of tbe nett>.*n5ttt Upon eartbtjS tbere no man ereateblpbe enocb » f 0? be tuatf tafeg Upfrd tbe eartb.*Hnb3ofcpb,tobicbtbaja;io?be of l)p b?etb?en,anb t^e Upbolber Of bptf peo< plc:ljij8 bonejel tbere couereb anb hep t . $et|) anb jfeemtueretngreatbonouramongetbe 8eople:anbfbtba0abamabouealltbebea> t&toban lie tt»0 createb. C^Je.l.Cijapfer. (££>f&vmont\)ttoimtDfg>nitfii ' 1?mon * tbe fonne of sDniatf ttie bpe P?efte,tbjpebe in bP^lpfe fettup tjje #0 boufe agatme,anb in bmf bapejK mabe faft tcmple.«ebepgtb oftbe temple alfo toal f ounbeb of hpm,{be bouble buplbpnge , anb m tuellest of tuater flotoebout, anb tbere erceabpngefulla^tbefte. ^e tone care foi bp* people,anbbelpuiteBtbemfr0 beftruc- cton. tyt htm W cptie anb mabe it ftrong* tbat tt (bulb not be bcfcgeb.$*bttoelt in bo- noure anb t»o?(bpppe amonge b« people,* eniacgeb tbe erttraunce of fboufcrano the court^e gaue Ipgbtasc tbe mo?npnge ftat= re m tbe mpbbeft of tbe eloube^, ano a* the moottetbbSittj¥full. ^e (fcpnebatftbe funl ne in m temple of ®ob. $e i^aju b?pgbt a* the rapne botbetn tbefap?e cloubc0,anDfto ttjbctb ajS tbe a ouretf $b rofesi in ti)t fpnna of tpe pear e, ano aj8 IplpcjSbp tbe rpuer0 of m %*l >P*e ** ^be b?aunc()c^Upon the moat llbanutftntbetpmeof frommtt-. atf afp?eanb(ftcenfetbatij«Bpnblcb.lpfte as! an tubole o?nament of pure golDe,fett tbtth all maher ofp?eciou* uom»M a«< an Qlp* ue tree tpaf 10 frutefulUb a jj a Ctpics tr ce Wbttbgrotbetbupanbpe. JBJbejtheputorttbegarmentofboriourej i8 anbtbajSciotbebttJptballbetutpe:tobcn be tocntto tbe bolp aulter,togami(b tbe coue= rpng of tbe »onctuatT>:tuben fie tofee ^ poz-- cion* out of m fmn mmk Dpnf fiife ftobebptbebcrtl) oftbe aulter, anbbtjSbie^ tb?enrounoe about in o?b?c. 3ttf tbe biaun« cbesi of Ceb?e tree Upon f mount libanutf , fo ttobe ttjep rounbe about btm.3Cnb a* tbe b?auncbcflt oftbe 2>lpuetree,foffobeall the fonnetfof Karon intbepiglo?pe. Znufhe mpgbt fuffpcientlp perirotmne M ferupce Upon f aulter, ano garopQ) tbe offipngeof m bv& eob , be ttretcbeb out \n>js nanoe. anb totte of f bipncfeofferpncf, anb potoreb in of ttjc tbpne:fo be potoreb upon the boto* me of tfce aulter a goobfmcll Unto tbebpeff nnce. m :ben beganne t^e fonnejtf of Karon to fpng,anb toblotoetbitbtromtiette0,anb to mane a great nopfe, f 0? a rcnwfb?aunee ano p?apfeuntotl)e lo?be. / Cfjen tbere m peo* pie afrapeb,anb fell bottne to tfje eartb upfi tbeir faces( 5 to ttoo?(fcpp tbe to?b tbcirod, topic!) batp *urr bouc noble anb great tppii' ge0 : toliicp Ijatp incrcafeb otirc DapcjS from our motprr0toombc,anbocalttopfbt>0 ac* coibpngtopi0 mctcp» tlm t Ijc ttopll ffcuc \>j* tpe fomiliu* ofljcrt, anO pence foj dure tp * me in Jfiracll . tfilbicp fa ptpfullp Rcpctp pt0 mctcp f o? t)0 cuerinojc,anb altoapc Dctput* retljttfinbuefcafon. ^ 'i;bercbcttt>omanerofpcoplctbat3ab' w bojrc fro mp pcrtratf f o j tpr tpirbc,topom 3 patctt 10 no peoplc€pcp tpat fpt won tpe mountapnc of £>amaria, tpe$nplptrpnr0, anbfpc foolplp people tpatbtocllm&tcpi. nu'0. 3 3cru0tpc Tonne of gDpjacp<£lca$artt0 of 3cr ufalcm, paue toluucb \)p tbcfc info?* macpong and Dor »!:ncntc0 of topfbomc anb \jutjcrflatjpns in tpp0 boUcanb pourcb out tpcu3pfDomeofmppcttc.2SIcu*ebi0betbat crccrcpfctpppmfclfctpcrin:anbtbpofota» feetftfocp to pcet,ipalbc topfc f o? euer. gf be Oo tpcfe tl)msc0,l)C ft)al be ftr ogc in all . jf oj tpclpgpt of tie lojbelebetpppm. CCpc.li.Cpaptcr. C2rt>*PWfcof Jlffuff tbe fonnc of $ftacft. dfllpll tpanue tbe, £> lo?bc 5b npttjj, nub p? apfe tpe, di> <0ob mp faupourc- IDopll pclbe p?apfe tmto tppnamc: foj tpou art mp befenber anb bclper , ab paft m eferueb mp bobp from beftruccpo, from f ware of trapto?ou0 tonge0,anbfrotpclpp* peg tpat are occuppeb ttoitp lpe0. 'SCpou paw bene mp pclperjfro focb a0 ttobe top againft me, anb paft belpuercbme after tbe multp= tube of tbpmercp , $ fo? tf)p polpname0 fa* Ite.'Cpou baft belpuereb mefromtperoa* tpng of tpe tpat pjepareb tbem felue0 to ot- uourc mcoutof tpeMbc0 of focb a0fougpt af ter mp Ipf c:from tpe multptuoe of tbem f troubleb me , anb trout aboute to fett fp?e tjpon mc on cucrp fpbe, fo j> 3 am not tyent in tbe mpbbeft of tpe fp?e: if rom tpe bepe of pell,from an tonclcane tonge , from Ipenge wojbe&f rom tpe topefeeb upnge,anb fro an tmrpjjbteoutf tonge. 4^p foulr fi^all p^apre tpe a.o?b tjnto bcatb,f o j mp Ipfe bjctw npt lonto bell bownewarbe. ik %$v? copaffeb me rounbe aboute on ctt %-- rp fpbe,anb tbere toais no man to beipe me. 3loneb aboute me,pf tbere were enpmattf t»olb focour emc: but tbere Xoagnone/Cben tbougbt3 ^pon tW mercp, iDlo?be,onb tpon tw acte^ tpat tftott paft bone euer of olbe-.namelp,tbat tbou belpuerefffoepr ajj put tbep? tru ft tn t\)t, anb rpbbeft tbem out of tbe banbesl of tbe^catb^^bujJ ipft 3 t>p mp p?aper from tl)e eartb4bp?npco f o? bti ipnrraunccfr5beatb.3callebl0p6t!)e!„ort» mp fa tber tpat be toolbe not leaue me tJDirp» o«it belpe,Ui tbe bape of mp trouble anbin # tpme ot tbe moubc:3p?apfcbt^pnamc con tpmtallp,pclbpnff bouotu:e 9 tpanltetftmto it:anb fo mv p^apcr mut bcrbe-'Eboufauc^ belt mc from befttuccpon, aubbelpucrebctt me from tlje tmr psbteoujJ tpme. 'fljerf o?e, topU3 a Imotoleoorcanbpjapfcf ,anbma=» gnpf pc tlje name of tbe Hoibe . tClban 3 t&atf pet but ponge , 0$ encr3 ^ tuentaftrapr ,3 oefpjcb topfbome opcnlp in mp pjaper .3 came therfoic before tpe teple, Sb f ougpt ber wit tbe laft . %tyn fl ojplbeb (be \jnto mtM a grape tbat i$ fooue rppe. p foulc patp tb?eftleb tottb ber , 9 3 b«tie bene biligf t to be occuppeb tn ber .1 ipf t t)p mpnc lianbciS an ppe,tpen toajs tup foulc ligptencb tbo^ow toifdome,tbat3 unotolegcD mp fo» lpftmeiB(.3 o^ebmp foulc after pct,(be anb 3 ttocre one peart from tbe begpnnpnge anb 3founbebermclenneffe.^nbtberfo?eibaU 3notbefbjtfahcn. a)pperte longeb after ber, anb 3 gatt a » goobrreafure. 'Cbo^otober t^e io^be patb geugmeaneto togc,toberw)ttb 3 tdill p?ap= Rbpm.* iDcot«c\jnto me petonlerncb, anb .*euM* bt»ell intht poufe of ttopfbomr: wttbb?atoc not pour Celuetf from ber , but talue anb co •• men of tbefe tbingesJ,fo? pour foulctf are \jr rp tppOTe*3 openeb mp moutb>anb fpaUe, 5© come ab bpe topfbomc toitpout moncp, botoe botoue pour nccu tmber per poclt, anb otirc foulc (pall rcceauefbpfbome.j&pe i& irbe at panbeanbtji content to be founbe^ icij)olbjtbitppourepei6(,*pott)tpat3lJaue ««mmu pab but Iptle laboure , anb pet paue tounbe mocbreaft.i©receauetbpfbome,abpe(paU jaue plcnteoufneiS of Cpluer fo golbe in pof* ;cmon.letpourmpnbe reiopfeinpitf mer^ cp,$btnot afpameb of pp0roapfe.ifflJo?cBe ppsHibOjtcue bp tpmc0,anb Ije ftiaUgeur pou pour retoarbe in tmt tpme. CClie cube of tk boofeeof 3efuj* tpefonneof^acp,tpppcp i# calleb in iatpne, eccUfiafticu0. f. #arucp 500 ■ * CCbtbookeoftlje ^oppefclSarucp. CEpefp^ttCpapter. Cj&mnh \otqtca b o fee , tut pnsc tin cajifp tip( t ottiii bplon.Vobpcl) he teaDtic bttott %tfb9nw ano ait'tfce people fcwaettJlertnt Hie boftetoftlimonfp , btuo 3lcpuf(ii«m,CDti)«p;otbccti?ii(b?in:toebec!)iajS,tpe foune of. ^>ebcia0 , tpe fonne u of tyclcpf a0 , at 2Sabp= Ion tn tbe f pftb peard, ano m tpe feiientb ba> peof tpemonctfctopat timea0 tbe€albec0 tofec3erufalem,anbb?entitlirptbitpfpjev 3Hnb 25arucbbpb rcabe f ttio^be0 of f pptf booHc , tpat 3ecponiap tpe f oimc of 30actn fepnge of Jnba mpgpt pcare:anb in tpe p?c* fence of all tpe people,tpat toere come to pc- are tpe boone : pee anb before all t^t noble Itpngc0 foime0 , before the lo^be0 of ttie co= unccll anb clber0:anb before tpetbpole peo= yle,fr 6 tpe lotbeft Mnto tpe W^ • before all tbemtbatbtoeltatiSabplort,bptbetbatee of *>obp. riBbicb^pStpep perbe it 3 tocpte, fafteb,anb pjapcb before tpe Lope. 'Cpepmaocacollcccfoalfoofmonep,ac= co^bpnge to euerp man0 potoer, anb fent it to3erufal^nto3oa(pimtpefonncof^cb cbia,tpefonne of S»alo p?efte, toptp f otpec mcftc0:anb to all tpe people toppep tocrc t5 WW ut lerufalem , tbpat tpme a# tpep pao tottcntpe o^namentejj! of tpe temple of tpe ,ojb(tpattt)CtctaUcnalbape outof £ tcm* plc)tpat tpep mpgpt typngc tpe agapne irt to tpe lanbe of 3»oa,tbe tentb bape of f mo* nctp ^)tbatt:namelp,fplttcr t3eu"cl0 (toppep ^jcbecpia p v fonne of jofia p ftpngof 3uoa pab mabe ) after tpat if itabucpobonof qj lun- ge of Wfflm l)M taHcn 3ecpontap,ibptp all pi0 p,itucc0,loibc0,anb all tbe people, ab leb tpe m cap t mc trom3eru(alemmtto J5a* bplon. 3ub tptp fapb:25ebolD,tDcpaucfcntpoti monep,*to bpepou burnt offcrpnge0 $ m* cenfe tbitpaU:maue pou witeucncD b^cb,5b offre f 0^ fptme tjpon tpcaulter of tpe Imte tt>tin,u.b oure^ob. *^tnbpjapefo?tbcp^ofpcrpiic of iiiabucpobouofo^Bvnge of flSabplon, | fo? tpe welfare of 25altpafar pi0fonrte:t t\)m bapc0 mapebc tjpon car tpe, asi tpe bapi:0 of peauJ :tpat ti$ob alfo mape gene M$ fttfgtp anb Ipgptl our epc0,tpat toe mape ipue m> ber tpe Defence of j&abucpobonofoj ixvm ot 26abplon,anb tmber tbe p^otcccion oh&ab tpafar Ui0 fonne: tpat toe mapeionge bu tp0 fevupctyt ub fpubr fauoure in tpep? ftgfft » € ItottJtUiUt tot,mtJ> B?ape fo^t}0 alfo tinto t> lo^be our defobi fo^ toe paue fpnneb agapnft tbe lo?bc oure <5ob,anb^nto tpp0 bape i0 not pp0toratp turneb pet atoapefra to0.3nb fetpatpereb tpp0 boftec tbppep ttoe paue fent fcnto pou to be repeareeb in tpe temple of tpe Jto^b; tops tbebpe bapc0,anb at tpme conuement. fpfctl pefape^pe lo.Jb our (^ob S) t0rpgpteou0,butb)e aretuo^tppeof confu= mm&t. fton^lbame:lp(ica0iti0cometo paftc tpi0 °*« iJ t<* bape,1ohtoall 3uba , anb to euctv one tpat btocllctp at 3ctufalimt:to our &ingc0 J pun» ce0,pjeftt-0, p?oppctu0 anb to oure fatpcr0. We pauefpnncb before tpe to.ibe our 0ob, tbe paue not put our truft m ppm,ner gcueti torn crcbencc , toe paue not obepeb ppm,tDc paue not peraeneb tonto f bopce of p LoiOe pure en0 tpe oape tpat pe biougpt our toiefafper0 out of tbe lanbc of €giptmttotbt0p^eietttbape,toe paue bene euer a mpfbelcupng anb an bnfaptpfttl peo^ pic \>nto tpe lojb our (J^obiDeftropcng one felucg \)tterlp,anb (p^pneupng bacue, tpat tticamlbenotpcorcpitftoopee. Kt a« r^^ *i!Bpetfo^c tpcrc are come topo b0 great s>«'» vthl plagc0anbbpucrfecurfe0,lp&ea0 f toioe © bpupfcbbp4J)ofc0pp0fcruaunt: *&ppepe 1$?' b;ougptourfo^efatper0outof tpelanbe of " egputcto gcue t)0 a lanbe, tpat fl otbctp x& mplcH ab ponp,lpuc a0 it i0 to fc tpi0 bape* Beuer tpclcffe , toe paue not per ucneb bnto tpe\)opceoftpeto?beour©ob,acco2bpng to alltpe too jbe0 of p pjopbcte0, tbpomc pe fent tmto tj0 ab to our ruler0: but cucrp m$ Ifolotbeb pt0 atone mpnbe $ tbpcfteb pinagt* nacpon:to offrc tjnto ftraunge gobbed to bo eucll in tpe fpgpt of tptfiojDc oar c 6 ob, ir&!)e.u.Cpaptcr. CS^ejttucB fonfcfretbattbeprufirejuStp foft^m fpnnre.fcbttiuejonfcffponoftbcffbfFftro.Ebe fa iocs Orfpjf to bauc tbe to>/atb of ©oo tui-ne o US tbem Rfb'e fio?be toPU (bat toe obep Bnto pjiiicea altbougb tbepbtcucii. l^ep?ompfctbtbatbctopii ulUtnnt fbe propie from raprpuprpr, so Bc«t (bem a ntto* «jii9 an cucclaOpnse teaament. €)?tbe*b)bicpcauretbe:io^eour % (Uobpatp pcrfourmcbpifi6bcMPce, *smA$\ tupcrofpc certpfpebtiojahb oure peabc0 tpat tulebm3crulale: pee anb oure kmgc^.our ywizt until al 3frael anb 3uba.3anbfocpeplage0 patp tpe \oM bzougpt ^jpon \)0 ,a0ncUcr came to pane Dttbct tpe peaucn lpnca0 it (0 f ulf (Ueb w 3e PS? h f!KWEW * % lt l * *twtn in w tmmt latoeof©)ofc0itbataman(pmbeeate tU ««•««?•*' flelp of pp0 atone f onne* ano tpe fteuj of hp0 Ewn4M ' atone baugpter.^o^oucr, pe patpbclpuc- rcb tpem into tpe panbe0 of all tpe Upnge& tpat are rounbe aboute b0( to be confouOcS anb befolate)anbfcatrcbtpem ab^obeinat Ianbc0anbnaciou0. 'CMaretoebiongpt oenctj T» ';r lv Al Che iBooue >;i ! 1j I* % If it I* ( - (*. 35 toiiet!) anb not atone, bccaufc foe banc fpn« m,.,., J*cba^apnftfteloftcout0obi$bauenoc i **•««•'•* bene obebift unto Wpopc*.*1fc&eif we the 1 Hoiipeout^ripiiEirwfttcousf, anbtoeu>pft our faftetMi* mf w>ife mot to qui flume , aju it $ to re ftp** bare, mm nfr ftcrcplagcp ftatatccomeUpSUtfal reabp* tUeJloitticDalJliettpfeUtDefon^petitooloe fcenot pjapeUiito tic i-ojbc ouc0ob,ftac we mpgbt cuerp man tutttc fro big tango** Ip wnpcp.&o j loabe baft caunft foft pla* ge* to come Upon Uifrfoj |ra tpgbtebufiiini ailing Wo?uc0,wbtftbebaft commnunbelj Ujfcwbift we alfo Ijaue not boncnctbetltc* neo Unto bft Uopecf o j to Walnc in fte com wwutoM&ttfiot tije JUjfcftnt be baft ge* iicttUntoujS. * ^nbnow,^ioft0obof3ftaen,ftoii ftatftaft tyougbt top people outbf $ Urn* of egipte wift a mpgbtpc banbetopft to* new anb Wonbje0,wift ftp great poteen an.ir,c tSroo.btf. iiii.ir.r.rt out ftrctfteb at me.-fib battgottcn ftp fclf «' name, as it t0 come to pal^ t l>p0 nape. £> lo.iO out 0obiWebauefpnneb,Wc bauebo I nc ttoicheol v,i0c i)aiic beE)a uco out CclucjQi ion goblp mal ftp tpgbtcotirneffitf.'Cutne ftp !■; . wjaft from U0 (toe befeftc tic) f oj toe ate fe C but a FetD left among fte fyepften, Wbcte J ft * ,,}9artu c baft fcatrcb lojef. *tycate oitrt pjapettf ( t,o?bc)anb 0urpeetcpon0,b*pnge U» out of captpuptc,foj p awnc faUe&ett U0 fa- i" ttimrc m fte fpffht of fte, wbtft fjmiclcb u# awape:ftat aluanocjs mapc fcnoWcf tbou actfte&ojocour 0ob,anb ftat 3fraci ami I bptfgenctacpon calleft Upon ftp name. 4) lojb,Ioaebotoncfrom ftppolp boute Upon U0:enclpnc ftpneearc,anb ijcacc U#. i *»eu.m ) ..c * # j fte becb that begoneboWneto ftep* jT graucjeUb Wbofe foulc* are out of ftett ft. f*m*trm opc0 ? *afcribe\)ntotbeiLo?ii } »u;tbecp^apfc i»WflWmvWm^miW^^mi ?.*? tl J$ ^^^'^MW^^ft «* $ f«^fe^^abam,3(faae40 3acob : $ ftep i \t tbc m® of ft t jMNMM IM foalno ma" bwellmojc m tbe labe.asnt ftep wolbenot berUen Unto tbptjopec, to Do ftc npngc of j5abplofcrupcc:anOftcrfo?cba»ftoupcc a f ourmcb } pp$& that ftou $a^c» bpftp feruauntcititbcwopbetciKmameipjtbatftc noiietf of once tatberjammlbcbctranOAtco Out of thep? place. Jnjlo, noib arc ftep lapbeout in f beat © offtefu!mc,anbmftccolbcofftcnpffbt,$^ Jceb m pcAte nipfecp^pft btmgcc Vbptd. wfart»,p !Lo?be,tDcpoute out our praperjs before tbc,5bcequp?cmercp(nftpip(!cbt,©llo?b if out (EtofrnotfojenpgoDlpncul of out fozc* faftet^butbecaufe tbou baft fent oute tbp fi>?aft anb inbignacionUpontj)S:accoibinp; 00 ftou bpbeft tmeaten Ujat,bp ftp Itomm ii tejslftcpjopbctejjjfapenge: ! MamnWfc* *'t5ujj fapct b t^e lo?be : H5otbc Irottone pout Cbulbcwl anOnecteanuferuef ftpng of 25abplon,fou)aU vc cemapne ftpltin the Ianbe ? tfiat 3 ganc untopout faftet0.^f pc tt?pllnotpo tbp^netbeatcfte Uopce of fte 3tojbcpoutd5ob,tofeructr * " " bplon:ifbatbcfttopepou(.. , „-„„„^„. ba,tbiftin 3etufalem anbtoptboiit. 3twli alfo tanc f torn pou tbcbopcc of mpzft % tbc Uopcc of iopc,^ Uopcc of tbe b^pbegtomc ao u r. mm lomtffit, vet 2 Ml incrcacc them, anbnotmtnpu) tyt*% to 3t»pii malie an* «wm« oftetcimcnauutwitbtbem:focWneai8u;alCS cnbute fo? cnet:namelp,tbat 3 wil be tbcp? © oo,anb tbep ujalbc mv people: anb 3 tupl , nomo?c bMpttcmp people fte ftpltaen of 3f= rael,out of tbc lanbc ftat3 bauegeuen fte* ■ CEbc«i.Ctjaptet. CKbe people contpimttb fntJjcp;p?aperbcgonnefoj! tftep? Delpupcatmce. ©e p;t>pr«D toproome bn3lo?balmpgbtp,ftott 3 eobof 3frael:out foulc ftat i#m ttoublcanb ourc tote ftat ijs ioe« m . '*eb, ctpeft unto fte :beatct)$(dl> ^bc)anbbaucpiticUpottUs{,fo?tbouAtt a mctcpfuU Cob:be gracpousi Unto Us( , f ox we banc fpnneb before tbe. €$w ertbttteft foj euer 3 (bulbe we ften Uttetlp pctplbi' a)3lojbe 1 ■ 1 1 'r €>to^bcalmpgbtpc,ftouCobof3fraell: ■fS c 8 ¥a««ot»tbc pjapct *of fte becb 3ftaeU^ ;!ffi«e tctfanb of ftepj ctjplojtcn, tobpebbauc fpn» iftD.b.c mn before fte , ano not bethcnebUftto the Uopcc of fte lo^bcfteit ea)HlbwllUp5ftp jj6 namcanb p^aife tbe in out captiuite.* tbat toempgbttume frdftctopcftcbnciS ofourc f o^ef aftrrie(,tbat fpnneb before ftc< a6ebolo>t»c ate pet tW bape fii out cap- tpuptctobcrc ajS tbou baft fcatrcb U»,to be MGustf^ anabbompnacpon,cucfe,anbfpnnc : * lpfec ajaiit baft bappeucb Unto ourcfatbersaialfo, becaufc of all ftcpj tbicuebneffe anb bepat» tpngc from the. 3ftacl4)carc fte cftnaunbcmctttc* of Ipfc.ponbic fte tDdl ibift ftpnc carctf, tbat ftou mapeft k tnctjjpfoomc^utboto bap» pnictb it 3ftacl*ftat ftcu act in ftpne cue* mpcjat lanb/ftou attt&ajtf olbc in a fttaugc counttcao bcfpico toift ttithm. WWm ftou become Ipfte tbcm,t so bottnc to tbcic m& «• vtmwum becaufe tbouT)aft*fo^fahe t$t tocii of ttjpfoomc. jfoj pf ftou ^amtt mU ftcb in ^toapcof 0ob tculp, f (bulbeft bauc temapneb ftpll fafcin ftpne atone lanbc. * jJD lernc ften tbbcte bifct ccpon ijj, tbbcrc Ucttuc is: M)ctcUnbctftfopngi$:ftat ftou mapeft bnotbe alfo from tiftencc commeft *longc lpfe,A neceffarp lpupng,fte Ipgbt of tUc epejet » anD qupctnetf. JJUbocuetfounbc out nrt place f.ojtbbo camccuet into hvt treafutetf. c wabcreateftep^ncc^oftbc^catbcttbc^ comcanu focbasi rulcb tbc bcaftcjs Up5 the carft^bep tbat bab tbcit paftpmcttoift I fouled of tbc apjeftep tba t boojbeo Upfpl^ net anbgolb(tt>bcrin mentruft fomoeh)ab mabc no cube of ftcit g.nbcringc' waiwt is become of tlje that copneb tpluet , anb wctc f caccfulUanb cottlbe not b.ipng ftcit too2= ncsi tolpaftcfCbcpbctotcb out,$goncbotb= nc to bcll,anb ofter mc" ate come up in tMt fteabeiBi.l>onp;e nig bane fenclpght,f bwclt Upon cattb:but fte toapc of tcfoimacifl u* ne ftep not Kttoftne,nec Unocrftabc tbe m* tbesf ftctof mctbet bauc fteit cbilb^cn cccca neb it,pcc tigbt f atrc i.21 it from MM bath not bcneJjcrbe of in tbc lanbc of Canaan,nc= . ftct bath it bene fene at 'Cbcman. D %pe 3garaicss fought aftct xoprcbome, biittbatttobtcbiScattblp , lpHcagtbemat= ftaunrctf of tbe lanbc bo . 'Cbcp of ^beman arc couningc alfo,anb ftep labourcfoz toif= borne aiid unberftanbpugecbut the mapc of true topfebome t^ hnowenot :'ueftct bo Mmtl) 5fo,lb \mo>u ut.ui.a fptp tbinue Upon f vat W ft«0f.fl) 3fracl ^otogteat tetbebonfeof 0ob 1 9 boto large ^ is im ! Place m» confeiTio t * imt i»m $S&& baft none cnbc:pe$unmcafutablc. Wiibat »**ucm 10 become of ftofe famoufegpauntc0, that toeee f great of bpbpeftanb fo WQjftp mm ncftcc bauc tbepfounbe^toapc of tcfoima cpon,tbetf o^e tocre t^zj? befttopeb: ab f 0? f mocba0 tbep hab no tt>pf Dome, ftep perp= tbpfbome ftcre , anb b^ougbf bet botouc fro fte cloube^ifllbo baft gone oucc fte fee to mm ; bet , anb baft cbolcn bet abouc golbc, tcftall ftpngejs 3 bnotbeftbet,anbbc hath foubebctouti35bt0fo?canotblebgc. *%i) V & t&mm famctf betohicb p?epatcb tbe earth at Ac= begpttning $ fpiicb it wift all nonet off on, &j£8fi£3B&' renbeft out f ip BOt , *, oflI , ( . c 5522^5*51^ « l ^ft itagapnc,it «**« obcpeftbpmtbpftfcate. «e ttarrcs ftepe ®««^-« ftep? watcb » anb gcue tbepi lpgbt,pcc anb J^^J?A tt ^ c ^«^wife ftep ^bW 10 ourc 0ob 5 ? tbcre Qja 11 none other *?'• «*«« be comparcb Unto bpm, 3ti0bcthathaft * m ' liiu * 4 founbeoutallwpfbomcanbbatbgeumhct Unto Jacob ihw f eruaunt,anb to 3?racl bfe beloucb. *4ftcrwarD0pbbcQieft»himfclfc *3H»un.t Uponcarftcanbwfceltamongcmcn. l ' mn ' u C^bciik-Cbaptct. trUetetoataecftbcmebaeRfpeeijeiabje.flnbtbfpu- npftment of tbcm tqatWprW 3 comhnpn Jeof « people bepnt e in capfpurtpc. a ccmplapiif r of Tews ffelem ; anl.bnDeetbef«ffurc(betof,oftbtcburcb «!a l)P0tttlKbooKcoftf)e commaunbe ^8 — — — - - fi- i " cnt ^ of 0ob,anb tbe latoc tba t en- A^t JS? 1 ?!?^ ««tt.3Wl tbep ftat acpe it, Oiai comctoipt^butfocb aafmfaac iumi conic to beaft.^ttrne fte £> 3acob, Q ii ota fte ljolbe of it : fatlite bp fti0 mw ftolcSe W b?pgbtncfte anb 4«c^ttcn«K Ijonoutcto anotbecano ftp ttaiamSSS ftcaQgc people. j£)3ftaei; .WSffiaw * prd " , " t we fepng £ tfotftaft (hewcD SSfffiS SI!?!? «*«*"»« ^nto fcwrtSe of poo ftcare,ftoupcoplc of 00b ;fa ftmi aunoft jteMAM atcpcfoloeanioge^S ? *»¥• SS25P? F c Vjououn 0ob ^ lo?bc to Wiatb anbbtfpleafutc ,ftctfojc\»rrep C oelpufreS Sf Pout cncmic0:fo? pc bifplfafco £ ewe* laftpng 0oo ftat niabc pou, off cringe Unto 9KK * no f f ° * rt -^ e ^ awf gotten bin ftat b^ongljt pou up, anb poutc We baiic pc %%t jBook of V 'f Elf i 25 i :i >\ ■'tt !'! !i c ;= ittihttbiiix t» Jprcmp.b b f. I.i , *»cut.MH.f i rrr.a ,r ■ J*"! Hi V) • • ■i : is. .! [ * - i: 4 ■ f , fc s> I ]V *3cruralcm. tflirwu Ojc iVivdc ^ t^e Vcitatl) of <£obt!batf commyngc Upon you,fbciaybe: tycrbcn £> pc tbat btocll about* £>yon , f at d&ob fyttb tyougbt me into great bciiyncucranb tow 3 fc f capty uitc of nip people, of my Comic* anb oaugbtct&tobtcb tbe cticrlaftyng (£>ob toyll tyyngc Upon tbcm. CiUJytbioyc op> 3 nowty tbe\ but noto mud 3 Icanc tlje" toytb tocppngcnnbCojoto. \ let no manrcioy cc once irtc toybbotoc $ f otfabcmtobicbf o? tbe ft>m«jS of my cbrtbje* am bcfolate of encry ma.fl oj toby.'tbey oe« partes from p latoc of <0ob : tbey toolb not tmotoebigrygbteoufnesi, ncrtoalbe in tbe toayc ot 1)10 commaunbcmcntafranD ajl foj- tbepatbeg of tbe trutbanbgoblyneffctbep bab no In ft to go in tbcm. &> yc btoeltetiai aboute $poit >f ome,ano let Utf call to rcmetyauncc tm cajrtyutte , £ tf>c cucrlafty ng d&ob batb tytougot Upfi my fotmcgt f my baugbtersi. *#e batb bjougbt npcop]eUpotbettomfarre>auuncurteOtu1 people ant) of a fttaunge language : tobycb netnet rcgarbe t^e olbc, net pytic tbeyong. 'Ctjcfetjane carycb atoayo-r&e bcare be- loueb of my toybbotocsMcaiip ng me alone, botb bcfolate anb cbilblc*. JSutaiafctobat eanj bclpc y ou/'iftoto l;c tbatbatbtyougbt ttjefc plage* upon you,bclyucr you alCornS t(ic banbe* of our enemy ctf. 0o y one toay e( £> my chyltyen) go y out toayctfoi 3 am Defolatc $ waftcn. *3 Da= Heputofrbeclotbyngcofpcaee,&bputUp5 me tbcfacb elotb of $ayer;«nof 0* mv time 3 toyll call \)pon f mooft ipyett.^e otgooo eneate ©mycljyio^eniceye^nto tbe lo?0, ano^e (balbelyuec you from ^potoerof t&e M2yjtee0,yout enemycitf. jf 0? Detcly , 3 fcaue cnev a gooo Dope of your p?ofpctousl bealt|j:yee atjety glaonciS !0 come tjpon me from tlje |joly oncbecaufe of t\)e metcy tJjatyeftallijaue of oure euer=« laftyngefauyoucc. Wv tb mourning anO toepynge byb 3 Jet yougoftome,buttoit!)ioyeant)perpetuaU glabncfeftall t|)e lo?be biyng yon agayne tjntome. lyJse a0^neygobflurjsof$>yon fatoeyour captiuitefrom d5ob. ©uefo ifcal tbey alfo fe qjo^tly youre bealtij in CSob, tol)ic!)lbalcomeonyoutoitbgrcat|jonoute anb eucrlaftynge toojftyppe. €> my cDyU>&*Cuffrepac(ently fitojat^ tDatftallcometjponyou. jEoitftcenemye fjatl) petfecuteD toe , but (boztly t&ou ftalt febys^ oefttuccyon , anD (balttceaoe^pou " iy xs necite.4$y oerlyngejs $aue gone rouglj arbc toaye$,foj toey are leoatoaye asl a ,. ocae tbat 10 fcatreo ab?ooe tovth ttft ene= mye$.2&utbe of goob comfo^tec a)my ebfl* b?cn;anb cryc \)nto f io?D: if 0? fytftat leb pou atoayc , l)iiti) youyettnrem^aunce: ano ly Ue ap y e Ijaue bene my nbeb to rtoarue f com pour ©ob, *roCball ye noto enbeuouc *«fMt^ your icluctf.je«tyme0mojeitoturne agayne anb to felie ppm. % 0? be that JjatD bjougUt tbefe plagcjs vpfi y otMuall b^yngy ou euer« lattyngioycagaynctoitljyottrijealtb.'^a^ ke a goob nerte tjnto t|)c, jO 3erufalem:fo? be tobici) gaiie t|je tfcat name, cjcfootfcti) tl)c to to bo. ■^'Cbc tbycftebbocrtf tbatnotoputtbeto *a«.u.y| trouble,ibal pcrylb:nnb focDasi bane rctoy- | feb at t|)y fall,(balbe punylbeb.'Cije cy tycjs toljom toy ctyplDien fcrucanb tbat baue ca= ryeoatoayetoy fonnc^tbalbc correct, ^fo? ly be ajS tpep benotoglab of tby becayecano reioy fe at toy fall ) (0 Qjall tljep mourne in tym atone Deltruccion. ^bctoyc of tbeyj multytube (balbe taftcn atoaye 3 anb tbey; c&eare ftalbe turneb to fo^otoe. fl 0; a fyjte lbalfal\)pontDgfromtbeeucrlaayngfb(rpeoplMriounD»t^Ef(gurceb(ror,tI)e(tiutc^t r 3ertifale,loucaboutet|)etotoarbe ^ tbeeaft,anb bel)olbet|)eioyet|)at .commctb "bnto tbefcom <0ob. jf j lo,tl)y Tonnes ( toijo t^ou l;a(t foz= fahem anbtftattoere fcatcebabwbe ) come gatbereb togetber, from tbe eau anb toed, rctoyfpnge in toe too joe of tbe ftolp one, vn = to tm ponoure of ©ob. #ut of % moumynge clotfte0( €> 3eru falem)anb toy fo?oto , anbbecue t\)z toy tb tlje too?Cbyppe anb bonoure,tbat commctl) \jnto toe from C5ob ? toit|) eucrlaftynge glo^ ry . C5ob (ball put tlje garment of wgoteouf- neu"e\)pon tl)c,ano fett a ceo tone of eucrla- ftynge toojCby ppe tjpon t^im iieab: f 0; fc po tt>e toyll C5ob Declare by0 b^ygbtnefte, tbat oD , x^vti) pea ce of ry gjjteoufneffe, anb tlje tjonoure of CFoDDeg feare. 3lryfe,iD3erufal^ftanbct)ponljye ; lo= 25 be aboute tbe totoaroe tbe eaft,ano bebolbe tby cbylb?eu ijatbeceb from tfjc eaft^nto t jc toeft:to&y<;{jereioycc tn tlje bolytoq?be, jjauynge Cob tn rememb?aunce . ^Cjjep be« partebfrSt^eonfote , ano toere leb atoaye of tjjey? enemy es( ; butnotolball tlieio?be b^ynge tliem catyeb toitU bonoure, ag c|jpl= tyen of tpc Ry ngbom.5! 0? d5ob in purpoteD to bjyng botone all ftoute mountayne^yee anb all tv^ rockejs , to fyll tlje toalley& anb fo to mane t|jem euen toytb tbe grounbe: tjat 3fraell maye be biligf t to ly ue unto $ bonoure of 0ob. %ty toobbejs anb all plea* faunt ttectf ftjall ouer^aboito 3frael,at tUe rommaun= commnunbement of (0ob. St 0? Jjft&ec njall <5ob biynge Jfrael tintb toyful my^tlj, ano tn tbe lyg&t ofbyji mageftye: toitb t|je mer= cv anb cygb teoufne^tbat commctb of tjrnt felfe. CCDe.Ut'.Cljapter. C acoppt of the rppaic tWt 3lteempc (ml bnto tb< jflctocff , tobpeb j torte 1(D atoape p j efcnnf w bp tbe IipnBof Babplen-.toljetinbe ftrepfi'ctb tb^mof t^e (bpnge.tbattoaseammsunDttt bpm of tfioo, Ccaufe of tbcftmncgtbatpe&aue bone agaynft (0ob,y e (ball be * leb atoaye canty ue UntoflSabylo , cue" of jftabuc|)obonofo;t tbeiRynge of 26abylon.£DOtobanyebccomcinto2&abp* ioi^yeftaUremaynctbcrcmanyyeare^ab fo?al6geleafon:namelyfeuengencract6j3: anb after tbat toil 3 bjyng you atoaye pea-- ceably from tbence; jftoto (ball vt fc m TSz-- iiplon,gobbej2lofgolbe,offyluer,oftoobanD offtoncbo^neUponmcnjjCboulbei'JJjtocaft DUt a fearfulneue before tbe tyeatben. a6ut lolte tljat ye bonotau tlje otbec:benot ye a= fraycbjanblctnottljefeatcoftiiemouecco-. meyou, 25 'Cljerfoje, toljan ye fetlje multytube of people toojujyppynge tljent beljynDe 5b be^ NtoMi f o^cfaye ye in pouce becteg: © to|b,*it tj8 tbou,tbat ougbtcft only to be too^yppebi' «}ytte 3&ungcll alfo (ball be toitb you , ano 3 my felfe toyll carefo? your foulejj. 71$ to, tbe tymbjc of tUofcgobbej( 5 ^ carpetet batl poly 1 fljcb tbem:yec gy Ucb be tbey>ab lay eo oucr toitb filuer,yet are t|jey butuayne tbE- «eiS,flnbcanotrpeafte.lyBeajJatoecbtbat iouetU yceamouwl ijs trymly oecnte, etti fo are tbefemabe ^liangeb toitb golbe.Croto= nemjof golbeUerely paue t^cy^ gobbcstUpo" tbcic bcabeia!:fo tUe p^eftcjtf tbcm fclucjai taac golbe r anb fyluer from t&rat ; anb nut it to tUey?'atone Ufejs 1 yee tljcy geuc of tbe fame Unto |jatlottc& anb trymmctUey? totioictf tottDall:agayne,tijcy tabc it from tlje tobo« \nmM rc&anbbccnctljey? gobbed t|)ertoit^. *^ct cannot tljcfe goDbcjS belyuer tfyl fclucjsffrS ruftanbmotpesj.5?llljentIjey Ijaue coueceb tbcm \x>vt\> clottjynge of purple, tbey toy pe tbetr facesi f 0? t^t baft of tbetemple,to!jcrof tbcyjitfinocb among tbeMDnc batb a fccp= tre in by si Danbe , a# tljougb be toere iubge of tfee coutre :y et can Ije not flay e foclj as of - fcnbebim.^not&er batbaftoeacb 0; an are in W tjanbc,f 0? all tbat $ be netljet able to befenbe Dym felfe front battaylle, net from inurtjjerew*. I6y t^ijai ye maye Uttberftanbe,tbat t^ey 3ffo,lbt 1 * 1 C Ue no gobbejS:tijcrto?e fc tljat ye netfjertoo^ Cbyppe tbcm, net feare tbcm. it o^lyac a& a Ueuell tbat a man Ufe t\)M notbyng toojtb tobenittjSb?onen, euenfoitfit toytb tbcyj gobbetf.HEDen tijey be fetUp tn tlje temple, t ticy j eye^bef ull ot buft,t|jo^otoe tjje fete of tljofc t^at come in. ajrtb lyfteaKI $ bojcg are (but in counbe aboute Upon bynt tbat bath offenbeb t^t by ng. €); aa it toere a He fit) bo= hv bepte befy be tbe gcaue. euen fo tie pic* fie* bepctbe bo«ie« tottb barrel anb wkqL lefttbeir <5obbe0 be fpoy leb toitb robber*. 'Eljey fetUp canbel0 before t^em(vee Uere= ly anb tbat many ;to|jeroftljcy c5notfe one hut eug tut blocbc&fo ftanb t^ef in tbe tern-- ple.3t(*faybe,tbat t\ie ferpentc^anb tooz mcjs , toby clje come of tbeeartb, gnatoeout tbeir berte0 3 ea ty ngtbem anb tbey at baue 'no fete: toljerby tbey beclarc Unto men, tbat tliey be nottyyng too^tb.+Cofoubeb be tbey *#**&** then tbat too;t(byppc tlje.jf 0? yf tbey fal to toe grounbct&cy cannot ryfc Up agayne of tbem felueiai. geetbougb mu befpc tbein Up anbfet tl^tnrygijcyet aretbey not able to ftanbe alone:but muft baue pioppcgfct Un* ber tbe lybe beeb me. 3t» fo? tbe toy ng tbat «l of reOUntO tbem,tbctr p^eftcs fell ir.ano abufctt: yeetbep^cfte^toyucja taae tberof, but Unto tlje fy cbc anb pooje tbey geuc no= tbynge of it,tbe toeme toytb cbylbe anb tbe mcnffrttoujsl layc banbc0 of tbetc offryugctf : 25y t\)vW maye befure, t\)att\>cv are no gobbektbcrfojebenotycafrayDeoftbcm. 5f rom tobence commetb it tbe, m 1 1 jjcy be calico gobbess t %\>e tocmen fy ttbcfojc t^z gobbed of fyluer, golbe anb tooob , anb tfjc pteftejs (y tt in t\)tn templetf, bauyugc opC clotbegJ, tobofe bcabctf 5 b beerb;0are $au# anb baue notbyng Upo tbeir bcabctf.- wring anb cry eng Upon tbeir gobbc* , a js ml bo at tbe feaft,toben one tje( becb. Cbe p^cftctf alfo tabc atoaye tbe garme*=@ m of tbe y mage&ano becb tbeir toy ucjj ^0 cbylb^ toy tbal.SEbetbcr it begoob 0? cuel tbafc eny man bo Unto,t&e" tiiev arc not able to recompence it: tbey can nctber fett Up a ningner put bi ootoncjn ly be mancr tbey maye netber geue rycbciS,ncr rctoarbc ettcli *'Ebougb a man mabc a uotoe Unto tbcm *atat&* anb ftcpe tt not , tbey toyll not requy^c it. ^bey can fane no man trombeato, netber Oclyuer tbe toeabe from tbcmygbty.'Coey cannot reft o^e a bltnbe man to w f tgb t,n« belpe eny man at by» nebc. 'Ebey can ^cto no mercy to $ toybbo toe, net Oogooo to tbe tatperlcae t"' ;N- & f ' ■ f 1 * £ 1 : 1 * 1 , f atperlcfle . Wt n&tim $ of toobb , (tone, ff0loc,anb rpltier, arc bat cucnatf otljer fto= nc&tlwt be l)f\um of tl)c moimtapnc.^Ijcp thatttoorOtpppc them; ujall be confounbcb. *)OVbQmlbctbrp tpclt be taactt for gobbed Jcc bob) barrcmro call ten gobbe* <> 3nb t^ougl) f lie calbecg tbo^aipppco tijem ttor» Itcarpng tltat t|)f j> tberc butbommc $ coulb notfpeattc.£ct tljcp tl>cm fclucicf offee Unto flSciunb tuoibc fapnc pauc iwm to f peafec: a* fop fapctpep conlde fcle,tpatmapc not tnoue.ibut Vbl;cn tbcfc men come to Uttbct- ftanbtng,tbcp ajalforfafcc tpe\f ortpclt gob beg Ijattc 110 felpnge. % grcate forte of toe" men gprbctbptp coarbetf , fpt in tbe ftrete& anbburttc olpuc bcrictf.Botb pf oncof them be cottcpeb atbapcanb Ipc fbprb enp focp atf comcbp^caftctbbcrncgbbourgmtftctk bccaufci&cibagnot fo foortbclpe rrputeb, no: be r coarbebrofecu. flaJDatfocuee i$ bone fit? them, it i* but in Uapnc anb loft. *>oto mape it tpen be tpottgpt or fapbe, that tbep arc gobbejtf Carpenters* anb golbeunptpcsl mane tbem,nctbct be tbep enp otlTerthtnge but cue toljat tpctborcttcmentbpil malic of tprm . £ce tbc golbcfmptbcja: tpe" feluctf tbat inane tbem,are of no lottgc continuauncc. fcotuftjuibe tben the tbingetf tbat are mabc of tbcm,bc gobbed Oiapnetberfozc are the tbpngejs (we Deep ujamc i$ it ) f tpep learn bebpnoe them for tt>m profperptc. # 0? atf fooneo tfcere commetb cup umtrcor place Upontbem,tpentpepreftc0pmagtn,tohere tbep mape ppbc tbem felue# ttottl) tbe. 5>otu can men thpttfte tDentpat Mm gobbetf, ttpiebnetper mape befenbetpem felue^frd ftarrcner bclptte* tbemfcom mrtfommt ifor fcpngetbcp bebutof tooob, of ftone,of fpluer anb of golbe : all people anb fcpngeg H\)t Roofer of jSattuli P>. ^^P *V* i (ball anotbe beraftee tpattpep bebni Uap» nctbmgc#pceitu)albeope>beclareb,tbat tbep be no gobbc* : buteue* the UewltoorBetf of mes UanbcftanD tftat ©ou hath nothing tobotottbtbem . (3tijSmamfefttDen tpat tbep arc no gobbe0,bnt tbe «i>o?cfte$ of m W frmoc&anDno ttoo?fte of d5ob in tM. J'Chep can fctno npng tn trie lanbe, net gene rapne Women, %m cangcuenofentenceofn mmmmtm Oefenbetije lanbefra tb^oncr. 5Fo? ttovm not able to bofomocheajfi* m^ttom bettoijete^eauenanbeaeth. u Wi\ty** bappenetl) a fp?einto the Donre of thofe gobbeiB! of ttoobbe, anbfpluer, anb of gofbetf e p?eftesi tbpll efcapeanb fa' E£95Sfi8*»S8f fl»««»«Hwdie« tUe balnejEftberm. lEbep cannot tbttbflSDe enp fepngoji battel: *** **-* •-*" j * - r oxoxaunteb,^ „, e _ wTegobbeitfoftbobb,offtone,ofo;olbeanS luer mapenetDer befmue tiiem felnejjfro ^uesinertobber^peethi ' '• wigeethenthep.'thelr tbcu-appatcl^tljat^epbeclbt^btbithalL tbefctahctomgolbeanofpliler from the* maiuo bca!ipng 3 # fo tofl)c¥c ^potbee: u cu a profitable DeOell ina houfe,&hetin tje toat otbetl) it might Jjaue pfeafure:pee ot to bcabo^e mabouft,toBcpefocb thpngeS fafcajbetbci:in,tbetobefocba^apnegob. JDiie ^Dunne, tbe ^oone anb ai t&c ftaftejs, cl W^ r t S cuc *W %» •*• lpgDt,ate obrbieMND do mm goob 5fllhantfi rlpght* enpnge glpfttcti)>all ijj clcate. 'Chcfopnbc blotbcti) in euctp counttc.anbtbDl eob cS> tnaimoetb the cloubcjtf to go tonnbe aboute toftan tbe fp^e # rent botbne from abone &b ^ ma "n^W«wtnetl)\)p|jpUei«?tbobbe^ ??*? tf? tbofcgobbejtf; tjepare notTpfte net fape tDattDepbegobbcjs, fepng tbep c$ ST M ? fcnte F ctttlUD ^ e «^ebome toepSP^ecfpeanc enel ncr goob of Situ w# goob. $)ocan.pe be ccttifpeb bp no ma= 2f SP M " , W ^ bc sobbe^ftheefoze feaeet!3cm not. Jf 0? ipfte a-?a fcarctotoe m a garben of heebejj hepett notbpng,eucn fo K^f Pbp?befittetn>juott:peelpBea0 a "** A " ftoobb.fplii I mmmssmm;^^lm pe mape Jmbeeftanbe, tDat tbep be no gob Wmtfafamwm (ball oeconfHmei •jSgJBfi: ^ 5lc(re>J ls< *•*> wan, tt)atl)ati)nopmagcjSanDtboiaip= pe^iione 5 fo?l)eftalbefatre * fromtep?ofe, 1 watnc^tbljicljifiinot wt|je Canon of the .Mr. n- n trijefongeoftlje^cfiitett, . ^oJbiii, ■* 1 1 It.. CClje fonge of tlje tb?e cbplb^cn,tbbicb tbece put into toe Oote b^ennpnge ouen.'Cfjecommm ttanflacpon teabetl) tyn fonge in tlje.tti.Chap. of Daniel. jftb tljep tbalneb in § mpb* belt of ^fl5me, mapfpnge <0ob* inagnifpege § 3Lo^b. SEfatiatf ftobc\jp, $ pjapbe on tpitfmanee . €uenin tbe mpbbeft of ^fp^eopenebbe 1" ' i '"11 i r '■ giJSmotttb^fapbe: 25le(TeD be $ ( flD lloibe €»ob of outefatbei* ) epgbt toojtljp to be p?apfeb 9 bonoaceb itf f name ofthpnefweueemo^fo^aettpgljteoufiii allthc thtngcjBf^ tpou baft bone to w •• gee, faptbfuUateaU top toojcaeiMop tbapesi J&ffejtcecueeD^M«m^ne:peeiccoy* o?njltotpgi)t5bequpte IwftjJbjougpt all tpegtl)fgeiE{\)potj0 becaufe of ouee tfnnej*. St o^ tobP^tbe bane offenbeb,? bonetop^ fbnfti.fr < fteblp,bepattpnge fed t&e:* 3n all tbpngetf tiaue tbe tecfpaceb,&b not obepcb tl;p coma= nnbemente&nec kepte tb^ne tber bone a# # M«ni!i«f.i.b8ftbPbb5b8i^tbemigbtprofpere.*2111bt , e fo?e 5 alltbat tpou ijaft bjougbt \)po^,anb euetptbigc tbat tljon baft bone to btf,tb on |jaftbonetb2inteuciubgemcnt:31iEfinbelp= netpnge^ into p hanbel of ouce enempejif, amongctmgoblp anb tbpcfteb ab jjornpnati onftgt to an bncpgbtuoujS Upng, vte f mo ft frofrarbc t)pon cacti) . 3nbnoto tbe mape not open onremoutDe&tDe arc become auja me | teprofe tmto tbv fetuatrntcft 50 totl^ tbattoorfbppcp. getfort^pnc namejs fahe (ttoebefecbet5e)geue W not tip fo? cnec, tyeafeenot top couenaunt,anb calie not a itoapetbpmetcp from ty , foi tbp beloncb 3b?abatf fane, for top feenaut 3faacsifafte anbfo? tpp oolp3feael0iraI$e.'Eottoo6 tfjou iamth r W:fpoBen?promifeb*thattI)ontbolbeft jffiSS.fi innltiplpe t$m ftbe aj* f ftattejs of peanen, tact anbajJtheianbetoatlpetb^pontocfecujo i:e.#ortbe(ilDI,orbc;are become lefle t^en enp people, anb be ncptetunbee t&psi bapeC alltoctborlb,becanfcof onrefpnnejat: ^>of notblbehaiicnctljet pzpnee , buBe,propDet, rMientOffetpng^accptpccoblaclon.inccnre, nee 4>anct«arp before tbe. irlenettljeleifcin aconteptcljecte anb an !rtiblefpretelett)0be teceaneb, i>toc mape • optepnet&p mcrcp . Ipfte aiai in f butntoffe= tpng of t attune* anb buUocactf & ipftc asi in tpoufattbcjs-ol: rat iambi* fo lett oure otfe= fittt* ^fl^cmtl)pfpgDtt^bape,tDatttmape mm.% BwW ^foMeteitfnocSfttfiofttjnto tp, *wi.ir. r f put tpere rraft f tfte^nb notb tt»e folotbe * * the tbiflt all omt Jjette, tbe feare the , » fehe topface.^ut^notto ibame,butbealetfi ttfafter tbplotipngefembneffc^ accorbmg to p multptabe of tbpmetcpe0.5)elpuer 1oS »P tppmpraclctfc ® ior be; anb get tpp na^ me^bonoitre.tbatalltbKptbbicpbotbpfcc tiatmtes(encU,mapebeccifoabeb. let tycm be aftjameb tborotb tbp almpgbtpe poboce, j let thepr ftr /gtp be btobi: tbat tpep mape hnotbe,poto^tbononlp art tbe lorb C5ob, ahwouretoortbptboroibontallftborlbe. ; m* tpe ftpngejs reraaimte* thatpnt tb^ ; tn,cealTeb not to mane tjte onen bote tbpth toplbe fntMvt ftratbe,pitcb anb fagotte^ f tbat tpe f lame tcfrc onte of tbt ouen bpo a.)clic.cttbptcj«:peeitto!ic atbape?bift up tbofe Calbec&tpat it gat ^olbe bpo befpbe tpcoucn.25nttbe3lngelloftbejLoibecam botbnc into tbe ouen to $far(a# and bp0 fc= lotoesf,anD fmotettjeflammc of tbe rp?e out of p uen,anb mabe tbt mpbbeft of tpe ouen ass it bab bene a colbesopnoe blotbpnge :fo i> tbe fpre netper toucbeb tpem, geeucb tljcm, ncr % bpb tbem tomMlm tocfo tpweau out of one moutb) wapfeb.bonotueb,'anli blcf= feb C5ob in tpe fornace,fapenge, •*26lcflcb be tbou,© Jiorb <5ob of oure to + , fflflC m tberjai:for tpou act piapfe anb fconouretbo* ^ tpp , pee anb to be magmfpebfoz eucrmoie. *26leiTeb be p polpname of tbpglo:p,foiit *m.tm i0\bortbpto bcpritpfeb,anbmagnptpeb in all toorlbctf .H6lcfteb be tbou tn tpe ijolp te-- plc of tpp gtontfor aboucall tbpngcg tpou art to be waym , pe $ more the tborthp to be magmfpeb for mttMMtbbefin I tro: nc of tbp ftingbomefor aboucall J art Ojoz^ tpp to be \bcll fpolte of,? to be more then ma gmficb for cucr.2£leu"eb be tpou,tbat loheft tborotb tbe bepe,anbfptteft upon ^CDeru= bpnjS:for tbou arttoor tpp to be pzapfe b, ab aboue all to be magmfpeb fo? cucr,23lclTeb be tpou tn tpe firmament of piratic, fo 1 tbou art pr apfc anb bottom* tbor tbp f 01 etter . €>allpctborcaes!of^lorb:fpcanegoobof tpe lorb,prapfe l)pm,^ fet torn Up tor etter *£>pe angels! off lorbe,fpraltegoobof M , M tl;e !Lorb,prapfe Mm,f fet ppm Up for cuer . SS£i iDpepeauctt&rpeaRcgooboftUeiloibc: ht prapfe ppm,attb fet bpm up tor e«cr. ©all petoatertf tbat be aboue tbefitma= ment,fpcahc goobof tbe Jtorbcrprapfc bim anb fet Dpm Up for etter. © all pe potbcris of p torb,fpcaue goob of t|)e HorO,prapfebpm,* fet bmtUpfot etter. * a? pe smmtcs #oone,fpeafte goob of $ Xorbc:prapfrbpm 3 anofet bim up for etter. *•**« pe ftarrcjs of ljeauen,fpeahe goob of tljc lorbeiprapfcbpntjanb fet bim Up for euer. * sSD pe ibotocritf 9 bctb,fpeahe goob of tbe *»,., ,.,., 1-orbe.prapfc hpm,anb fet bim Upf or euer. Jr**" 3 HD all pe tUPttbctf of (J5ob,f peahc goob of p lorbe.prapfe ppm,anb fet Dim Upf or euer. l?pl) jED pe ^ t ^ettoftof.&ttfotmtf &fg>uton. gMbft Y* $D pc f v ?c 5 beatc tf pcabic goob of tbe loj« be :p*ay ic bP»^anOCct bpm top f oj cucr. ©pcttopntcrijfommcr.fpcaBe goon of p l,otO: pjapf cbpm, anb fet ppm topf oj cucr. ^pebctoc0sfcottc0,fpcaHe goob of tbe 1,0 tbcimap Cc jmm,anD fct&tm top fount*, i£petroft$colbc,fpcaBc aoooofplo^ toe:p?aprcbpm,anbfctt]ttmttopfo?eucr. ID pc pfc anb motor , ipeauc goob of toe =LOibc:p^tpfcbpnabfcttbimtopfoKuer. $ pc npgbtcft anb bapc0 ; fpcaltc aooO of tbc a,oib:pjtapfcbim>sTctbpmtoptojcucr. • Opcipgbt anboarcUnrtrcfpcaacgoobof tty toiO:pzapfc (»pm»f let fytm topfojt cucr. iDpelpgbtcnpngcganb cloubetf, fpealte gooo of tbc Lojoc : p japfr bim,anb ft 1 1 J)pm topfoieucr. jJDlcttfbccarrbfpcaBe gooo of tlje iojb: • pcclctitpiapfebpm>$fctbpmtopfoj cucr. . tiDpcmontapncst^bPllc&foeatte gooOof ti;c LojO: p wpfc l)tm,gt fct bpm top f oj cucr. fcpiali pc gecne tbpngest topon tbe cartb, fpcauc gooo of tbe &ojoc:pjapfcbpm,$ fct I)pm top fo? cucr. £>pcttocllc0 3 fpcauc goob of f iojb,pjap= fc hpimanb frt toim top f o j cucr. iDpcfce0anbfloubc0,fpcaae goob of tbc i-ozoc : pjtapfc bpm,anb Cct bun top f o* cucr. . iD pctoballcg anb all tbat mouei toe toa* . tctei,fpcaacgooooftbeI,Oibe:p$apfe bim, ano fct bpm top f oj cucr, O all pe foulest of tbc apjtcfpcauc goob of p" LoiO:piapfcl)pm,5fctt:hpml)pfoi cucr. £>allpebcaftc0$ catcll,fpcauegoob of £ £oioc,pjapfcbpm>$ fettbpm top to j cucr. iDpecbUbjcnof men,fpcafce gooo of tbe lo2De:tuapfebpm,$fett bpm top foj cucr. £>lctt3fcacUfueattcgooO of tbc lojOc: piapfc bpm,anb fct bpm top fo? cucr. <£>pcpjeftc0oftbc LojbcJpeaUcgoob of lu tbc i.o?be,p?apfc bpm>$ fcttbt toptojeuer. SKffi * ® tP fcruauntcst off iotb,fpeaue g ooo niS oftpc jtoj0c:p?apfehpm 3 an0fett,bpm top mm* fojeuee. €>pcfpictc0ano fouled of toe rpgptcoujf, • fpcauegoob of tbe lojb:p?apfcbpm, &Tett bpmtoufoKUcr. dD pc bolp ano bumble. men of bert,f peane pegoob of tbc Lo$t:p»aprcpeto>m,anDfct bpm top fo? cucr. €> 3inanta03faria0,anO *$t|acl , fpeaae pe gooo of tbc tojO:mapfepebi, $ ret bpm topfojeucr.*(&lbtcbl)atbOclpucreO to0 fro f bclUfecptc tost from p 5 hanOc of bcatb, rpob to0 from tbe mpbocft of tbc burning! lime, *iar flf rrt,« frfaw&tojtetttro f mpooeftof tbcfpjc, * 4) *t»M.«i« gC uctbancHc0tbctfo;n;tontop' Ltfj :foj be Wftpn0cbartc0,9bptf mcrcp cnourctb fo rucr. © ail Deuouteme,Vpeanc pegooo of l XotfKMtnf Coo of allgoooc0 1 Op^apfe ibpm,anO gcue Wm t\)a\\ckt&M t)ij$ mcrcp enouretbttojioe toptbputcno^ *3.ttt.tr.t HTbt tto?y of ^ufan* na,to>bpcb itf the. jrt(i,e&aptet of S>anpcl after t&elatpn. f^— — TTf 1 f/m>A^ l^er e ottoclt a man in «5aJ)pl5,cal * leo 3oacb«n,f' toUc a Ubpfe,ttobo= fenamcttoajj&ufanna, #oattgl> terof lpclcl)ia,atocrpfairc tbom$ ano foci) one adfearco 3oacbtm(bcr buf banOc)toarf a prate rpcb mi , ano bat) a fap# o^cbaroe iopnpng tonto W boufc.2lno to Wm tefo$« teo toe je\toeK( comelp,beeaufc be toast a mS of reputacpon amongc tbem/Cbe fame pea uttoccetbcremaOetttoo tuOgest,foebaxt tyz JLWi f pcattetb of : 311 the topeltconclTc of 58abplo,commetbfcom tbcelOcrjfttbat iti) ft om t\)t tuOgc&to>bpcD feme to rule tbe pea plc.'Cbcfe came oftto joacbfmst boufcanO all foci) ajs bao t\\^ tbpngc to oo in tbc UM came tbptber tonto tbem. 15 otto tbben tbc people came agavnc a t af *° tcr noone.smfanna ttocnt into ber bufban= Ocjsf ojcbarOe, to \oal&e. 'Cljc clOcr$ fringe tbptfjtbatujcVDcntmOaplpCj ano toalHcO: tbcp bur neb f o^luft to bcr,pcc tbep tocre al= moftoutof tbep? topttcjs , ano caft Ootbnc t\)m epefttbat t\)tv OmlO not fc ijcaug, nee remcmb?e,tbat C5ob tjt a rpgbtuousJ iubgc. jf o?tl)cp tocrc botb ttoounbeo ttoitbtbc loue of ber,netbcr Our ft one ujcxoc anotljer l;ijs grcfc } 3HnOfo^u>unc,tbepOuranot tell bee tbcpj totbpnatc luft,tbat tbcp tbolbc fapnc banc bat to Oo t& bcr . 2>ct tbcp lapcO ttoap^ tcfo^bcr camcftlp fromoapcto oape ,tl;at tbcpmpgbt(at t\)t lccft)bauc a fpgbt of bcr 3nb tbc one fapbe to tbe otbcr:tlp i lett totf goo bomc,fo^ it i|d bpner timc.&o tbcp itoe t tbep^ttoape from bcr. W;cn tbep returncb aaapuc, t^tv came rogcther,cnquerpngout pmattcr bettDijrte tbcmirlucie(:pee tbc onctolbc f otber of bp# Utoicucb luft . 'Chen appopnteo tbcp a tpme, fi)l;cn tbep mpgbt taUe £bufanna alone, 3tbiippcneo alfo p tbcp fppco outc a eon* C uenieut tpme » itobcnu)e tocnt fo^tbto to>al= ne (a0 bet mancrtbajt) $ no bobp tbptb bcr, i buttttoomapoen0,gstbougbt*tottoau3 bcr **«•«•• fclfeintbegarOMo^itttoajsanbotc feafon: ii ' mi '^ , ' %tfo there W not onepcrfon t^crccjccepte tbe ttoo cloer j3t,tba t bab bpb tbcm feluejKto beboloc bcr . $&o (be fapbe to bcr mapbe*tf.go fetme ople ano fope, ano ifcut tbe ojcbarOe bo?e , rbat 3 mape tbau) me . 3t jo tpep opb atf u)e bao tbcmjanofbuttbe o^cbarOcooie, SO tocnt outtbem fetoetfat a bacac Oo?e, to fct tbetbpnge fcbat fbe bab ComaunbeO: but ^Mifanna nneiitoenot , tbat tbcelber^ lape rbcrebpbtoittiin^b^^ntbe mapbenrf mi tteee gone fo?tb,tbc ttbo elbertf gat fbe" top: • anb rannc tope ber,faping:noti> tbco^cbarO bo^c0 arc fbut>tba t no man can fe to^.-ttoe ba . u'caluft tonto tbe,tbcrfo^c content tonto tojet. anblpcttoptbtosi. «. 3ftbouttopltnot,ttoeujaH b^pngeatcfti w momall agapnft tbcitbat there mast a pogc felotbettoitbtbcanDtbattbou baft fenta- ttoapetbpmapocnstfco tbcfo^ tbefame can* fc.&ufanna ipgbcb,? fapbe: 3lajt. 3 am in trouble oneucrpfpDc . 'Cbougb 3folottoe ., pour mpnbcit topll be mp Deatb , % pf 3 c5= lcntnottontopou,3canotclcapcpoureb5 oe«f.?UUell,it ist better fo^ mcto fal tto pour bSOe top thou t tbe beoe bopngctben to fpn= rtcin tbc. (pgbt of tbc I o,tbe:anb toitb tbat, ftjecrpeOoutttoitb a louoctoopec: tbe clOcrst alfo crpcb out agapnft bcr. %t)tn ranne tberc one to tbc oicbarbe bo» rcanofmote it ojJcn.BottotoJbcn tbc fcrua= un test of tbc bouve beroe rbc crpe in tbc oy- e cbarbctbep tun beb t at tbe bachc Do^cto fc JDhat tbe matter toast. &o ttoben t\)t ciocrst toloe tbcm,f fcruauntcjit ttocre greatlp aftja mcD,fo^tDbp. , 'tbcre&astncucrfocbarcpo ( tv te maOc of £bufanna . €>n t\)t mo^otb after came tbe people to 3oacbim bcr bufbanbe, ^ § tttoo clberiscamc alfo, full of mpfcbcuo* pmagpnacj'6 agapnft ^>ufanna,to b^pngc gee tonto beatb^lpaketbust before tbc pco^ plc:£>cnDe fo| S>ufanna f baugbtcr of fycl cbiajt,3oaclnm!Etttopfc.3inO uncOiatlp t\)q> Tent foj per. &>o fbccamctuptb bcr father $ mothcr,bcr cbplb^engt alt bcr npnrcb. i^oto ^>uiannattoast a tcnbctpccron, anb mcrue-- foustfiip^cof facc^bcrroie tbe ttopcheOttie" commaunbcototalicof tbeclotbcst fro bcr . face i f o? ujc toast coucrcb) tbat a t t^c lee ft, t\)tV mpgbt fo be fatiff icb i bcr bcutic. % be tycr f rcnbcfcpcc anb al tbcp tbat anctoe bcr, beganue to toepc. €befe tttoo elbcrst ftobc top in tbe mpbbt'ft l*iw«ii,c. of tbc people, *$ lapcO tbcp v t banbest topon tbebeabe of ^ufanna^bicbttocptcano lo> neb top totoarbc bcaucn , f o? bcr bcrtc bah a fure truft in tbe & oj03ib tbc clberst (<)pbe: ^st toe tocrc toallipngc in tbc ojcbarbe al o* tictbPiS toomancame in toitb bctttoo map* OenjS.-tobom flje fent atoapc from bcr, notbolbcbpm,fo^betoastftrongcrtbcniCDc: il;ust beopc^neb tbe ooze ao gat bpm atoapc. v ^ototobenttoe bao taken tbpsttooman, «>e af bco bcr,ttobat pongc felottoe tbitf tbajl : but (be toolbe not tell to$ . 'CljijEt ist t^t mat= tcr , anb toe be toptneffest of tbc fame. ^bc come fo^tebcleueb tbem,ajj! tbofe tbat toere tl)c cl oerst anb fubgest of tbe people,50 fo tbcp cobiJncO bee to Oeatlj. &ulana crpeo outtof'ba loubc toopecanb fapb: tt=» nest againft me:^ bcbolbe,3 mutt Ope, ttobe* re a» J ncuer bpb enp rocb thpngest, a* r&efe mcnbauemalpciounptnuetcbacfapnftme. 3£no tbe lo?0 bcrhe ber toopce. jfo? tobe ibe ttoajs leofo^tbtooeatb,tbelOitOerapfeOtop _ t^t rpjere of a poge cbtlO,tbbofe name toast w JEDanicl,ttobpcb crpeo tfaloube toopce:* 3 tmsniut am clcane from tout blouOe . %\>U\\l peo- SSSSr pic turncb tbcm totoarbc bt, 9 fapO .- mpat mcanc tbefetoozoest , tbat tbou baft rpotteV ^>anicl8obcintbempobeftoftbcm,5fapo 3rcpcfocbfoolc0,£>pecbilD;tenof3fracl, tbat pecan not bifccrnencrfenotoc tt;c tru= rtb.^cbauebcrcconoencb a baugbtcr of 3f racltonto Deatb, anb Hnotoenot tbe tructa toberfoje:C5oofptoniubgemetagapne 5 foj tbcp bane fpoue falfe top tneftc;agapnft ber. i&lberfoze tfie people tuxiicn agapne tn all. tbe baftc.^nb tpc cloerst( tbat ij3,tbe puna-- ).all bcaOest) fapo tonto bi = comefpt Dottoue )cvc amongc to0,atiO(bettocto0 tbi* matter, .epng ©oo hatb geuen f a0 greate bonottre a0 anclbcc. 3Hno'B>amci faiD tonto tnc*^ut *«.r«.««. tbcfc tttoo afpbc one from anotber,a'nb tocn (ball 3 bcarctb^ WW tl)tv ttocre pwt afun- bcr onc.fromanotbcr, be calico one of ti;nu anb fapb tonto tjpm:£> tbouolbccancftcrbc e tljou febe of Cana*an,butnotof 3uoa : ^ap^cnclfe batli bpfccaucbthcaoluft ijatl) fubucrtco tbpne bcctcEbuss oealtc pc afo^ewitlj the oaugb= tcr0of 3ftacl,anO tftcp(foi feare) ronfenteo tontopou:but tbc baugbtec of3uoat»olDc notabpOepourct»pcUconclTc.Boto)tcllme ■tbiltonoeewhat tree bpbeft j> taltc tlje, fpca= npngc togctber.-if)canfto)ercO:CLlnOcra pfa granatc trcc^Tbcn fapbe Daniel tonto bim: tocrp vucl ,novo t bou Ipcft alfo cue topon tbp- ne bcab.'Cbe meflaungcr of tlje 1 ojbc tim* bctb ttoapting t»ttb tbc f weriie, to cut tbc in two anb to flape pon botlj. Wlptij tljat,all t^t t»l;olc mnltitube gauc 3pbb» l agrcatc Cljeftowofi&cU ui .' W i * ^ ,:r u ■ If '*& !!■ -.^i ■.pi itMLfMM a grcate tyonte ,9 pmpfcb €> 00, *toj)ieljal* toapcbclpuercbthcm that puttDcpj truft 1 Dym . 3tU> tt)cv came ton on tDe ttoci elbcrtf (nmom Baniel Dab compete toptlS tbcpj atonemoutb :f»thcp Dab geuen fnlle tope* neffe)* bcaltc voptbtbenuuen Ipaetopfc ajS tl>cp tbolbe Dane Hone \wti their ncygDbou *t»w.nr.tt tcg:pectDepbpb*acco2bpngtotDc latoc of jajonrr.rrr.a &)ofcjMnbputtbe*tobcatD.'CDu$ fiXMQ* cent blotibc toas* fauco tDe fame Dave. 'Chen tyrlcljiaD? Di# toj>fc pjapfeb <2>ob, f02tbcp2bauKbtct&ufana,toitD3oacbim DerDuibanbc anball f apnrcbtftbctc tbast no bityoncftpt f ountie in i>cr. jrrom p tape f oiti) toatfBanicl Dab in grcate reputation in toe fpgDtof the people.(2&nd kpngc aurpagetf m# lapcb toitlj Dttf fa-- tDrr&anb Cpjusf of #crfpa mgncb in w ftcaoc CHljc cube of tDe ttojp of &u fauna. -CDc fto*p of $cu7 $ oftDeBtngou4toDtcD'#tDc.jctiit. Chapter of Baniel af tee tlje Latpm 3 ~;=sn*5seiKwi 3nf el optj catc at f apngesi tabie,$itoaja; Dab in unmet about all Dps* fre"bctf. ^^ere toajjat Babplo an pmage, callcb Bel:$ tDcretocrc fpe*e tjpo ftpm eucrp bapc. riii.ca* ftetf.^LQK-pe, abfprcgrcatc pottctfoftopne.^pmbpbgnpngetoojajpp tjprn fclfc,f tocnte baplpe to honour hi: but Baniel toojtbpppcbDps! atone 60b. 3nb 5 apngfapbetonto DPimtoDp boftnotfl to02= * zm.iiH.c. ifcp.ppc »ft/fce amtoetebg fapbe:*Bccau* ma>.&.4 ft 3 mapc not too2(bPP tDpnjejJf l» rnnbe t&Si-M d *& Danbefc*buttDclpupngc<]i>ob,tohicbma «.»t.!iii.a,' bcbcaueseavtbteDatDpotoeicfcpoalflcuje. Uhc ftpng fapbc Unto Dpm.thlncactt $ not t bat Bell is a Ipupnge <£ob.' C>2 fcpft tDou not DotomocD lie eatcthanbb2pncKctDeuc= rp bapcr Banpclfmplcb,anb fapbe:£> aig, mfecaucnot top fclfctfoj thpj* t# but mabe r . c of clapc toitbin,ab of metalt »>p tDout,* lie* ther eateth Dccucr anptljpnge. %tyn the apnge toatf tojotD, 9 ealleb f 02 fjisl p?cftejs,anD fapbettnto tljem: 3f pe tell 25 me not toljo ijaf tt)pjs ) tljat eateth, np tbcfe tp penfeg, pc ftiall nvc : butpf pe ca" certift'e me t^at^eleatetljt^^tlienBanicKiaUlipe* foil)el)atl)fpoHgblafp|)emp agapnft n&el. 3Cnp Ban iel fartrimto the ninwae t it ro be accoioinge ajj tpou haft fapbciw ^jeftetf of 26cl tDcte.lx^.befpbe tljepj tbpuesi 9 cijil- bicn.2Hnor0e apngettiente XMt{ Banieliit to tlje temple wwl&o Belja! p^eftejj fapH io^e wigo out,ano fee tDon tUe meate *Gttu.m- tDercc iD Upnge)anb pourc in tyt tbpne: th? qmtt t&c oo^c fa ft , ano fcale it toptb timne 6 ' awtc fpgnet : ano to mo lotto wten toou cS* nicft in , pf thou fpnoeft not tljat Bel batb eaten \)pall,toc ttopirutfrcbeatbipjcteBa' «* nicUbnthatl)lpcD\)pon^. ^bcfacjS thought tuemXelucjtf 11 irepnongMo? mm tjjcartatetljcpljaiiniaDcapienpinttaunce, and tljere tbente t hep in cue v , 9 OpO ea te \)p tt»!;at there Wstfii. fi>o tohen thep toete gonefoztf), tDenflw fet meate is bef 01c 25c! .&m Baniel (jaD co= maunbebhijj fctuauntcitf to biinge affhej*, 9 thefc he fpf ten tljojotb out all the temple, tfcat tbe fepngcmvg|)t teMftm toente tpep out,anb C patccb toe bo^e,f calpng it top th d ftpngeja! fpgnet fo Departcb. 3n tDcnpght came the mcftejsc toith tjjcp? topuejg^ cm»l« bwncatf tljepnjeretbote to bo^bpbeate 50 b.jpncac np al.3n tfje mompng bp tpmcjS at tlje b ? ca ae oftDc bape,t|)e apnge arofe , antt Banicl ujpth hpm3nb ttjeapnge fopfrBa niel,aec tl;c tealctf topole pet.-' tec autuKteb: |>ee( s3D ftpng)tljcp bct»holc.#oxo ajsfoone m he ijab openeb f bo? e , f be Ring I oft eb \m to the aultatcauo crpc'o toptl) a loube t)op« ce:d5?eatc art thou €) 26cl 3 * u>ltl) t jc tjs no bifeeate.'Cb^laugtjeD BanieMnD belbe the bpngetljat^c u)ulbenot go in,anb fapb:)i5e Dolbe ti>e pauemcnt,matcae tocll,ttotjofe fo= tefteppcsjaretl)efe.'"C!)eBpngfapb:3lfetije fotcfteppe* of mcn,toemen and cbplb?en, 'Chj;rfo?e tlje itpuge vsja? angrpe , anb to^ feetljep^cftetfjtbttbtljcp? njpiicja! anb cbpU ** b^eivanb tljep Ojeujcb hpin tlje pzcup bo^esf, ttohece tUep came in,f bpo eate *p foci) tljpn . gejs an voete Mpon f aultarc. Jf oe kpng lapb Unto Bamel,fapeft tljou tljat tW W but a C5ob of mctnll alfof 1 loajelpuetyeeatctuabb^pncaet^fo tljat tbou canft not (&pe,p Ije ijs no Ipupngc 0ob, tftctf oze t»0£u)ppe bpm . Baniel fapbt)nto tbe Kpngc : 3 ttopll wo^Gbppe tDe iozbe mp JE»ob,* he is! the true Ipulge €»oD:a$ fo,i tW x>mu. fteiisnottljc 0ob of ipfc . But geuemc lea* ue( €> ftwtg)anb 3 foall beftrope thptfB^a^ aon toitoout ftoeatbe 02 ftaffe . %w fepnge iapb.3 geue f leauCCljeBanieltoftepttcS fatteanb!jeaecpet»oll,$bpbfethethemto* getber,anb mabe lomnesi tperof :tty$ he put tntne Bmgons( mout() , anb fo tl)c Biagon bucft in fonber:anb Baniel fapb: lo therein l)e\toJjompct)30^pppcb.tbSentl)ep of Ba= ^ bplon berbef ,thep tone greate (nbigiiacion w apn lebje lapne the 1 &nbof tlje Dragon 55o t^eB^agon^nbputtlje p?eW tobcatf). fbo tljep came to tlje Upng,anD fapb: let i)& fyaue Baniel, 02 clp Ybe toill beftrope the anb tbpn*$oufe. iadtJoitobcn thcHpngfatbe,tljatt&eprufc fteb in Co f 62c \>pon ljpm, anb that neceffite iouitt but e6ftrapneb Dim,* Dc belpuereb Baniel mto ' tf)em:ttohtc^ caft \^vn\ into the IponjS benne, I»^ere Ue toast fpjee bapetf. 3n the Mne there Itoere feucn lponjS,anb tfcep tjab geuen them euerpbapctU)Obobpeje($ttboujcpe.tb|)pcD tDentotre not geuen tljem,to t|)e ttenttijat thepmpgfttbeuoure Baniel. 4r 'Chc^etoajJin 3cfc>& a ^lop^cte calleb 3r #bacttc,ttobich hab mabe potage,anbb2oUe" bittj in a bepe platteMnb tba^gopnge into tje fclbc,f02 to bjtpnge it to $reapcra.25ut tlje^ngellof the LozOefapbeljnto atbamc ?;ocarptl)emeatethatthoul)aaitoBabp> on,\jnto Baniel, Xotyid) t* i thelpontf bene 2lnb ^bacuc fapbe ; 102be, Jneurt fatoe Babplon: anbatf foztDe benne, 3*not)oeit *e 5 ct.ti«u not.*'€ftcnthe:aiNgell of the io?b totteM bp tfje toppcaiib b a re hpm bv tDe ijearrc of tlje % eab,anb(thO2'0to a mpghtic topnoofet himin Babplon M uon the bcnnc.^LnD 'M a *m.nmm cue crieb,fapcnge: it> B'anicl*? feruauntof M* <25ob,haue,taae f b t iea6s faft,tDat ©ob ijato fenttbe. ^nbBamiclfa\vbe: £> a5ob,bait a tbougljt Upon mtt tocll , v^ou neuer faplcft them tljat loUe the.JU?& ^ob of Baniel: * $ fcebzctbe wir. *» out" of flpon* mt.m f 02 thofe that 8»S : toete th t caufe of W beftrucepon , he bpb caft tDil>nto tDe benne,anb thep toerebcuow teb in a unoment before Dtjs face. 3ftet Itbp0,to2ote toe Upnge \jnto all peo* Mlc,fepntcbcslanbtungeis,thatbtoelt in all countteic&fapengc : pcace^e multpplieb t& rou.S#:p commaunbement i0,in all tlje bo^ minto ©icmptealme:tDat men fearer ftaoe mniMx inatoe *f BanieljS 0ob,* fojlje W ^Iputng mm.c <5ob,to/Dpclj enbutcth euer : ty$ apngbome anpbef ht)nco2rupte,nnbh»}S potocr us euct> laftifnge.3t tt pe tljat can belpuer anD faue:bebotDtoonbet^ anbmatue- lous tooicaesi in Deaucn anb in eartWoj De tyWU wucb Ba» niel from tlje potocr of tDe kpontf. 'CCDe.enbe of tDe^to^peof Bel» CfJ.lKK.b Mtt.ruua. oxaitXiUf nt p?aper of ^lanaf ttfi kpngc of 3»ba,tohen bctoasi Dol= ben captpue in Babplon. |l,02be2llmpgDtie,(i5ob of oure fatber03b2aha,3faacanb 33 cob,anb of tbcrpgbrcoujsfcabe oftDcm : toljpcD Daft mabe Dca^ lucnanb earth, topth all the 02^ nament tDetof,tohpch Dafte ozbeneb the fee bptDetoo2beoftDpc5maunbcment:tohpcD Daft flbuttc Up tDe bepe,anbDaft fealcb it foz tljpfcarfullanb laubablenamctohpcb all menfeare^b tremble befoie the face of thp *ertue,anbfo2tbeanger of thp tljzentcpng, thetobicDiJSimpoitabletofpnncrs. But p mercp of thp pjorneg isf greatc anb mtfear^ cheable:f02 thou arte the l-oibe Cob moft DpgDe,aboue all tDeeartD>longfuffrpngc ,? ejeceabpnge mcrcvfull,^ repentaunt f 02 1 he malpce of me*. 'CDou J.02b afret tDp goob* . ncg Daft piompfeb r epftaunce of f rcmplfio of fpnncjs : anb thou tljat arte tDe 00b cf ^ vpghttocsJ, Daft not putrepentatmec to tlje rpgbttDejS ^b2aDcim,3faac,anb 3acob,lm^ to ttjemtbat Daue fpnncb agapnft tbc:But ficcaufrj Dane fpnncb aboue tlje noinbic of tDcfaniicjS of tDe fecytnb tDat mpne iiqmti* eg ate multpplieb,3 am Dumblcb toitj) 11 ta - npbanbcjsof p2on,anb tDcr i$in menobtea thpnge.3 bauep2ouoacb t^e anger , anb Daue bone eucllbcfo2c tDe, in commpttpn* geabDominacponssanb multiplping often* cc0.3Cnb notoj botoetDe ftucos of mp ijert, tcqupjtpngegoobnejj of tDe s2> Lo2be3 Da* ucfpnneb, to2b 3 Daue fpnncb, anb anotoe mpne tnpquptic.3 befpzethe bp pmper, O Xojbc f 02gcue me :f ozgeue me anb beftrope menottoptD mpncinpqnptpcsl , netljrr bo tDou altoapetf rem^bzc mpne euclled to pu* «pu)tDcm,butfauemc(toDpcDam'bntoo2= tDp )af tct tDp great mercp : anb 3 topll pjapfctDe euerlaftpnglp,all the bapejS of mp lpfe:fo2 all tlje fcertueofDcucnpzapfetb tDe,anbmttotDcbc= longetD glozpe, toozlbe toith outeenbe. 3men. %\yt fpjlt boofee uv. w. Mt\n$intlfrbm. $o.lr « f K I 1£bcfp?ttboKtof tDc *a)achabcetf. C'fcberpjft Chapter. CftEtrc ftroc ctb of aieranbrrtbc Espne/e of i*j«too5 nu,3iUiori)uatalsetbCbchpnB[)Dm,(»dnpofei)ccbpls b;rn of jfracl make cotunaunt toptb tbe ©tntil t« . an: cjocbu«Cubouffbegppteai«>3ictufalem tmto bp*oos mpnton. JrrufalrmbcptiBt burnt matutb latere of bet utonr.anb foibrobctb to hepc ©odd « latocii.antio tbus fettrft tip «n3!oo!eoucr (be aulter of ©oo. jf tec tbat 2Wcrif ber tbe tonne of pbilpppMtigc of Jft)accbo niatbentcfojtbofthe 150c of i,Cefbtm,frflctocl>ari> ftpng tof rijf perfpSa anb &)cbc0:3t - ™™3!)appcucb,thatbe toftegrcatc toarrcsf tu baDcMne Vicrp manp ftrogc cp* tpc0,* iletto manp ftpngej* of £ artb i gopng tnoiotb to f cubes! of tf tbojlbcanb gettpng manp fpoplcj>tl)tacp2 p?in= ccsi/ovtbcpbcc-imctcibtttetpcjs^ntofitm: he f el fpeft . mb tohe be pccceaucb £ he muft nebe0Ope , be calico fo* hv0 noble cffate* (tbbpcbbabbcnetyougbtUp ttoptb torn of ■nSf* 4 1$HP#1* paete&bP*fepnjboinc amfige »H D .bu,b. tbctbbplcbcttoajspctalpuc.^o^lcjcaocc tappcb.ro.pcarc,aubtbenbpeb. after bptfbcatb fell the ftpngbomcUnto &P0 ptmccsunb tbcp optapneb tt eucrp one tn hpg rotomcanb mm them feluc0 to be crotimcb a0 ftpngcti : anbfo bpb thcpjchpl* tac after tbcm ntanp epace&anb moch top* cftebneue incteafeb tn p toozlo. £>ut of tbcre came tbe Ungracpou0 rote, noble 3ntloch» ■mtmcwia Jbefonneof tfnttoc&uatOe&pnaC *tbhpc& 1 ; babbcneaplebgeat Eomejanooctapgncb I ; in the C .rerun, peace of the emppje of tbe ! * C5?eftc0. i i 25 3« tbofe bape0 tbete tbece out of 3fcaell !''*«-. *« ftpc&ebmcn^hpcbmoucb mocb peopled ■fc SSSf ^WCouceH,fapte*lettttfM*maiw* : • ' coucnaunt frptb tbe tyeatbcnJ ace rounbe *att.«««.c abouteU0:*fo? fence tbe bepattebfee them, tbe hauc bab mocb fo?otb. £>o tl)p^ Oeupce pleafeb tbcm tbelUnbcettapncof p people tone Up6 the fo? to go Unto p ftpnge, tbbtcb gaue tof Ipcence to bo after tbe ojblna fice of .b p^eatr)cu.*'Cben &t tbep Up an ope fcole ( at 3ferufalcm) of the latoejx of tbe heathen 5 tucrcnomo?ecp?aimcpfeb : butfozroRe f bolp 'Cettamcntcfr o ttoben 3Enttocbu« beganne to be mpgh\ tiethpgRpngbomcbetbentcaboute to op» tapnc ^iSbe of egpnte alfo tbat be mpgbt *i.«ar,i>.9. bauctoebompnio of ttootealmc*. * Jitpon t b W entr eb ty ita e«jFpte xd a ttr ogc boo», 1 -i '■ .» / ■ ■ft i 3^1 *f.m«f.«». c toptb cbatretttjlcleplK»ro;e& bo?rmeanb a fireatenomb^orlbpppc^anb beganne to toatre agapnft ptolomp the npng of egp=. ptc.25m ptolomptoatfafrapcoof bpm,a& Hcb:anbmanp of |»pjs people tocre fcottbeb) tobcatb.1Ebuiei^nttocbuie(tbinemanpar$ gccptlcj(,gt tolteattoapegrcatcgoob ont of thelanbcof€gppte. _ *3no after tbat3ntfocbui*babrmptten f it m „. €gppt,betumebagavneintbeCrlt«.pea s mm ** rc,« toentc touwrbe Jfrael,$ cameup to 3e rufalc" xottb a mpgbtte people^ Ut co m oa^ tip into the <&fictnacp,an& tone atuape tbe golbcn altare^canuplftpche anb all the 02* nammtejS tbec of,tbeeable of tbe ifcetobieo. tbe pourpng UciTcUDc cbatgec^thegolbcn fpone&tbc uaplcf ccotone)S ) anb golbfap* parell of t\)t temple,? biaae ooome all . fee tofte alfo tbe ftlucc $ ojolbcthep^mouiffjie^ 2eW,«f tbefecrcte trcaf«re0 tbat befounbe. • 3ttb toben he bab taae" atbape all togcrbee, caufeb a grcate murtbnr of mni, anb fofwU fpllcbb^malpcionjjpjpocbe OeparteDito SpjS atjjnc lanbe. %W there arofe greatebetipnelTeanb 2) tniferp 1 all £ lanbe of 3rrael.*'£hep?inceiS *u m\t 9 t\)t elbcrjs of tbe peoplcmourneb,tnc pon* gc men anb tbe mapoen* toere befpleb , ano tbefap^c bentpe of tocmen toasl cbaungeb: tbe bjpoegeomc atib tbe b^pbe tobe tbcm to moumpngcrtbe lanbe anb thofc tbatbtbclt tl)fr(n,\Da0 moueO:f 0^ all the boufe of 3a= cobtbajSb^ougbttoconfnfton. *3Wtte ttoo pee ejj t^t km%t fent hp* cbcfe * iL mu ttcafurcr Unto f> titit» of 3faoa,tubici) came to 3erofaltfttt0 a great multitude of peo= |Jle,fpcafetnge peaceable ttoo?bei« Unto XH but ailtoag btfceatefojtob* thtv bab gcuf bpmcccoenccbcfelfobenlptjpon tbe cptie, 9 imotc tt f 0^40 beftcopeb mocb people of 3fracl. *38nb when be bab fpoplco tbe citic, *f ntfitt be ft t fp?c on tt,caftpnge botonc boufcis ano toallcia i on eueipfpbe.€he tbemcnanb tbeie cbplb^etofte tbep captiuc,^ leb awapethcic catcl.'tbcttbuplbcb tbep^cpticof SDauiO tottb a great Sib tbpeue w\Ut witi mpgb . tie totb,ie0 , anb mabe it a (rconge bolbe lot ti)cm.*5efpbe all ty* tbcp fet topcleb peot pic anb Ungoblp mf to uepe it , itoarcb it x6 rocapentf f Uptaplejf : jjathercb tbe goobctf pf3erufalem4blapebtbemup tbece: tbutf became ItatbmpfbcafteU. v Xtib tbpjJtxia^ bone to lapetoaptc fo? tbe yeople that ; toaitinto tbe «&anctuarp;ano m tbe cruellbuttruccpon of Jfraell . %ijurf tbcp tt)c& innocent bloube on cucrp fpbe of # ^anctuatp,anbbcfplcbit:3nromocbtljat the cptefpnja! toerefapne to bepartcanb the cptie became an habttacpon of ftraungcr*, bcimgbefolate of ber atonefebefo? b'eiW ncnatpuctftbeecfapneto!eauebcr.*fecra *«. nh ff . Mnqp wt dene mm An boip mm SS& tbcre IIUMf. torn ttirntb into moumpnge , ber ^abba= thetfftcre habinberifpou^anbber bonoute b?o«cbt to nmtgbt.Loue boto great bee glo rp xwisj afoie,foffeeate toa* ber conf ufpo , 9 * b^ iope turneb tn to fo?o\x>e. -,vu * r ^ n tiocbu* alfo tbe npnge fent out a eo mimon unto all bptf itpugbomctbatal tbe people Qmlb be one. %m$ty left euerp mS. jpjailatsje, anb all tbe ^catnen agrccbto^ commatnnbcmcntof&pnge2Hntiochu0:^ce manp of the 3fraelttc* cBfcntcb tbcrcUnto, . offerpngeUnto3bol^bcfplinge the^oab batl).^>o the ftpnge 3ntiocbuj{fetb»0mef= Caungcrs(toptbbP^commtirpouUnto3cru Calem,9 to all tbecptic* of 3uoa: tbat tbcp Cbulbc folotu the latotfS of the ^eatfjen, anb fo^bab ctber burnt offcrpngc, meatoffeclgc 0? peace offer inge to be mabe I tbe temple of <0ob,anb tbat tbcre qjulbeno $»abba tb ncc bpe fca ft bape be hcpte:but commaunbeb, f tbe $>anctuarp$ tbe bolp people of 3fracll (buloc be befpleb. 39c commaunbeb alfothatthcre (bulbe be fett Up otber altarcjS,tc"plc8! $ 3boljs t to of^ frc Upftbpnestflcfb I otycr Undent beaded tbat men (bulbe leauc thep? cbilb^cn Uncir* cinncifeb, to befplc tbep? f oulcsi toitb al ma* net of unclencffc anb abbominacpo0: p rticp mpgbt fo fo?get tlje latoe,f chattngc all tbe bolp ojbmauttcctf of d5ob:$ tbatttoljofocuce tDolbe notboacco?bpnge totbc cSmauniue* ment of Itpng ^ntiocb 9 s lbulbe fuffrc beatb- 3nlpUc maner commaunbeb bctbo?ott out all hpg rcalmcanb fett ru lertf oucr tl;c peo= ple,fo> to compcll tbcm to bo thefc tbtngcjS commatmbpngc tbccpticio! of 3uba tobo fa* crifpec Unto 3bol & Vint tocnte tbe people Unto t^c ty&tM bp bcapeftf o?foUc tbe lavoe of tbeiojD, ab compttebmocb cucll f tbe lanbc:pecab cba^ ccb outi»fccrctc 3fraclptciei,Vbbicbbab ^9 tbcm fcluciEf in cojncctf anb p?eup placed. 'CbcrU.bapc of tbcmonetb Caf leu , in tbe $ CjdU.pcarcfett Hpnge 3flntiocbu# an abbo minablejbol of bcfolacpon Upo" tbe altare of d5ob,anb tbcpbuplbcb altarcjstbojoxo outalltbecptpc«of3ubaoncuerpfpbe,be s f o?c tbe bo?ejai of tbe boufejj , anb in tbe ttrc* teje(:t»btce tbep b?cnt incenfeanb o^n facri* rtWfrrfM fpce.*^nbo0fo^ boltciBiof Jlatoe of <25ob, a0thathababoke of tbe 'Ceftamcttt of tbe % o?o f ounb bp ht, pcetbbofoeuer enbcuo?eb bpmfelfe to uepe tbe lavoe of tbe lo?bc,tbe ftpngeiet cSmaun* bcmettbaxJ,tbattbeplbulbeput.bpmto to* atb. 3tob tbo?otb bis! attcto?(te t\)ty etecu* teb tbefe tbingesf cucrp monctb, Upo p pco- ^ Vl« bflfracl tbat tocrcfounbe tn tbe cptictf. 'muJl • K '^bctP«canbttbcntpebapeoftbcmo= w°*w b netbtbhattpmeaistbcp bpbfaccpfpceUpo f altarectbbpcbftobc in |»eabe of ^altare of thciojboaccojbpngcto tijc eommaun* bement of ftpnge 2f ntiocbiw , t\^v put ccr = tapuetbemen to beatb , tbhtcb bab caufeb tbtp?cbPlb?etobectrcumctreb.Botonlp^, but tbep hangcb Mp tbe chplb?en bp the nee* ftcsl tbo?ow out all tbcp* boufetf > anb ilctoe tt)c ctrcumcifer^ of tbcm. £ctH>cretberemanpoftbcpeopleof3f* racll,tobpcb betermincb i tbcm fclue^, tbat tbcp tuolbc not eate Uncleane thpngeg : but cbofe ratber to fuffre beatb, then to be bcft= leb xoptb Uncleane mcatcsi . S) becanfe tbcptoolbc not b?cafte t^t blcffeb latbc of <5ob,tbcp tbcre cruellp flapne. 3nb tbptf great tprannp tnereafeb Ucrpfoje Upon tbe people of 3fracll. CCbe.ii.Cbaptcr. C3tbfmoutnpngof flQdUjatbtaa anb bps fonnta foi »bf bt flcuccion of tbcbolp cptic.£brr ccftiCt to do fart< fpcebnto T:OoIf8.XqfjfitofjS)ail)atbu»fo;tbclatt)e of £5o&.arbrp art tlapnc anti topil not fpgbf agapnc bn caufeoftbc$abbotbt)apt.cgatbatbp tubo bath not gotrenfome of bccfpople0.^llber gloip t* taftcnatbape.$>bctba0afretboma , gr itov» flje t0 become an banbmapbe. 25cbolbc otttc ^janctuarp , mice betotpe 9 bonourc 10 wa» ftcb awapc? befpleb bp p 0enttic0. mbat Delpctb itU0tbmtolpue.aub tytftam* 00 rctc W dothc0,be anb bp0 fonnc0 3 gr put „ facftdotb Upon tbcm, $ tnoutneb Ucrp foie. » 'Cbcu came tbe men tbptber Xotyt)) tbcre fent of ftpnge ^ntljiocbu0,to cSpell focb as{ toece f leb into tbe cptie of a) obpn , f 0? to bo facrpfpecanbto burnt incenfe unto 3bol0, anb to fojtfakc the latbe of <5ob. £>o , manp of t\)t people of jfraellcfifenteb anb enelp* neb Untothe,but «?athadj(a0 anb W Con * ne0 remapneb ttebfaft. 'Ebni fpafte f eom« i?bb«» utplfponcci* *■ A* -~: ] i ;t : I 4 ' i* > * I V * I . ' I I * : ; w. .Nf ***?*< mpftponer* of RpngcSntCocpn&anb fapbc »nto ttyatpatpia*: lEpouarta noble man, of Ope rcputacpon anb gteatt in tppg epttc, tiaupngc fapje cpplbjcn anb banb rpabc toptp a louDc toopce.'SDpougta allnacpoit0 obepe p fepng 2tntio;pu0,anb ral atoapc cucrp man from keppngc tpe latoe of tpcpj fatpcr0: tpougp tpep confente to big comaunOcmcn* te0,pct trill 3 ano mp fount* i mp b jetpje", nottallfrom tpe latoe of ourcfatpcr0.C5oD f ojbpo toe ipnloctpat tocre not goob foi to0 * *tpat toclpulbc fo^fakctpe latot ano mu nauncej ofe ano pwfomi^flcbmto tbe motttapneg, 9 Icftall tpatcuer tpep bab t tpc cptic.#)a* npotpcrgoblprnJalfobcparteb tto^toph bemeffe toptp tpep? cppio^, tpep? topuca « tpep^ catcUano remapneb tpere.-foj p tpza= ^ np tncreaceo fo;c Duontpcm. »» ^oto ujpen tpe fepngeu feruaunte0,anb tpepooft,toppcptoa0atJeru(alemtnpcp= tie of r>auib pcrbcfccrtapnc men pabbio« feen tpe Rpnge? commaunDement,anb toere Uonc tjjePit toape to tpe toplbetncffe into fe^ creteplacc0 1 tpat tp:te toerc manp bepar. -■ teb after tpem-.tpepfolotoeb bpon tpem, to fpgpt agapnff tpcm X tbe ^oabbatp bape , $ Capbe:topll vc pet rebcU^etpotibcnccanb bo tpe comaunbement of bpng 3ntiocpu0 taofuc(.« $ pe ftall Ipue.'Cpep anftoereb: * dflle topil not go fojtp, netper tj^pll toe bo tpe Rpngetf c6maabem?t,to befple tpe &abbatpbape. 'Epen beganne tpep to frgpt agapnft tpem, muertpeTeOr tpeVgauetpi none m\n m* trijtfp^ftPooRt W- ftocrcnctpcrcatttpcponc ftonenf M,m stapefaft tpep^ p?cupplace0,btitfapOe: toe top u ope all tn owe mnoccncp , pcaucn anu cartp tpall teftpfic toitp W» tpat pc mtMi toDcatp to^ongcouflp.^pu^tpep fougpt agapntttpem^uon tpc ^abbotp, abfletoc tiotpmcn^catcll,tpcp?topucsl?tpcircppl b^cn,totpcnomb^eofatpottfanbepeople. IQlpcn a?atpatpui0 anb W Mm petbe «* tpp0,tpcpmoutnebfonDetnrpffptfojteanb^ fapDeonetoanotpfr:3ffoPetpattoealtbo atf oure b^ctpjen paueboncgt fpgpt not fo* cure lpnc0 $ fo? otir latocjs agapnft f feea= tpcnitpen (pall tpep tpc fonarote *w out of pcartp.^bo tpep conclubcbamongetbf UU wm at ; tpe fame tpme,lapcngc:topat locate tic be tpat commetp to matte battapll toptb »0 \jpo« tpe^Dabbatpbape,\»etopll fpgljt agapnft ppm,$ not bpe al, aa onre bzettwtti ttoert murtpurcbfopapnauflp. QJpfitppj* came tpe &pnagoge of tpc 3ttoc0 tonto tpf i trongc men of Jfiacl , allfocpajai toertfw» ucnt ttpc latoe.lnball tpep tpat toerefltb fo.2perfccucpon,camctopcipctpem,anbto ftaubu bp tpcm:3n fo mocp tpat tpep gatpe» r cb an pooft of men , anb flctot tpt topefteb bocr0tntpcpiigdoufp,anbtpc\)ngoblpmg i tpep? w^at j). S>omc of tpc topefcto f leb *n to tpe t?catpen,anb efcapeb. ^pu0 ^atpatpia^ij pis frenbeg toente abonte,ano ocftcopcb tpc aultcr0,anb circfi cprco tpccpplb?e,tpaf pabnotpet rcceaneo circucifpon:a0 manpag tpep fouubc rottpm tpe coftcg of 3fracl.ano tolotocb mpgptclp }>pon tpc cptloirn of pipoe, 9 tW acte ptoa*notpcfottnbe ^ sttm laptpfull in tcntacpoii,anbtttoa0reebeneb HUB lontopifo?rpgptuoufne0/' *3ofeppttpme * m ® of ppjS tcoubicRcptc tpe commaunbemft? ffxcLMM watt mabc a lo?b of ©ffppt.* BpineFeioiir **CT fa tper wa? fo ferugt to[? ponoure of^oo, SSSff t pa t pe optapneb tpe couenannt of an cuer = laftpngejpieftpobe.* Jofuefo? fulfplUgc i ♦a""* 111 Jtoo^be of ©ob,^a0 mabetljccaptapnc of 310f, " , '' , ' Jfrael. * Caleb bare tecojoc before fcogre^ tm m , t gacpoiwnb receaucb anpcrctage%Wuib T t Z alfoinpwmcrcpfttU RpnonclTe , optapneb * m tpc trone of an eucrlaftpngc Rpngbome. eiiajS iSftlje^athaPee^ SKiff 6I(n0 bct,, ff c ff cIot, « » fcruent in tpe latoc, pm,M " toajj taken \)« into peatten. toanania,^fai= tia^anb a)ifael remapneb ttcbfalrinfaptp anb were bclpttrccb out of tpefp^e. 3nlpfte 4jp«nic.ti(.r mancr * Bamcl bepnge Dngpltpc, w»a0 fa» nebfrom tpcmoiitp oftpe jE,pon0. v •?? .. ^ nD tjjusfpemape con fpojet Ijo joto out ♦Bebjc.F«.i> an ajjejjj f cnce ^oilbc bcgSnc, * tpat Wo* „. , „ focucrputtpctr fruft in eoD^crcnotouer* JSwf comc -* # m * m P e # p toozDcfl of an ton -■ % £®e floWpman,* St 0? pi0glo?p is but Dongc anb r.u«r.r.«» too?mc0: to bapc ijtf pcfet \jp,ano to mojotb itSmm • ^ B °" e: f °? ^ e W tuiwb into enrtp, 1 ppjs WLFFbu. mcmoitiaUjScomctonaugpt. datctf o?e( © mp fonneg) take joob pectejsiantopou,anb qupte pourc felue0 Ipkemcn in tpe latoe:fo? pf pe bo tpe thpnge0tpat are c6maubcbpou intpe latoe of tpcjLo2bcpoutc<5ob,pc(pall optapnegreate ponoure tperm. 3inbbepolbe,3 knototpat pourc B^otpet ^pmon (0amanof topfoome tfe^pegeue earet)tttol)imaltoapc,peujalbeafatper^n topou . Jll0foOuba0^acpabeu0,pclwtp eucr bene mpgljiicanb ftrongc fee pi0poutp yp.let pirn be pourc captapneanb oib?c tpc iwttapll of tpe people: tpu0 (pall pcbipngc yntopouall tpofc tpat fauoure tpc latoe , 1 ictpat pcaucnge tpeto?ouge ofpoure peo= ple 3 anbrecompcncetpc l^catpcnagapne, % applpepourc feluc0 topole to tpc commaiin^ pement of tpe latoe . #0 pe gaue tpcm pp0 bleffpnge , anb toa0 lapeb bp pp0 f atpcr0: * bieb tn tpe.C.gf.rltjt pcareat ^obin, t»be= te pp0 Connc0 burpcb ppm in pp0fatpcr0 Cc-. »ulcre,anball3fraellmabcgrcatclam£n= facponfojppm. C'Epc.it't.Cpaptcr. C3«t>a8 <* maDc tulet cu« tlK 3r»ur8. fce kpHrttj 3ps po»oniU3»g>cton f pjinreof ftpjii.irljccour iti.ti of jfiut)ajtotoflt6fjSoQ.3iiit)a9iicfcMriif(^o fpgljt «WpnttJlpfo pe mabc ppm rcabp, and tpcre pftetoptpptmagrcatcmpgptpcpooftofa tortgoblp,to ftanbe bp pim,ann to be auegeu oftpccptl02cnof3fracL^nbtopcn tpep ca= menpe tonto Z5etpo2on : ,3uba0tocntefonp agapnatpcmtoptpafmallcompnnp..?iiib topen m peoplcfatoc focp a great gooft be= fo^e tpem 3 tpcp fapbc tonto 3uDa0:too-a) arc .tocablt(beingcfofcwe;tofpgptagapnftfo areata multttuDeanoro ftronge, fctngc toe befotocerp^nDpaucfaftcballtpisDapc.^ *2But3ttba0fapbc:3ti0armallmattcr **•*•#» fojmanp to be oucrcomc xb fewe : pec tpcre j0 no bttfcrcncc to tpe 0oo of pcaucn , to be* Ituec bp a greatc multttubc oz bp a fma U co^ Vanp^fo^btcto^poftpcbattcllftnnDetlK.vo,^ not in tpc mnltptuDcof tpefoooft,but the * n fteengtp commetp from pcanrn . 23ebolbe, tpepcomeagainato0\jjttpap?crumpi:uou3 anb p ■ i .. i #. i; ; Si a ! ii ■ * m * ; * * > I ; ** : *■ * , r * t . ;•• \ i ■ t- • v ■ j } i .t i 1 tljcmtobcrcabpataUtpmfS. # eueetbcicuc ia»Uen be fa toe , tlmt tbcre toasuot monepe pnougbin biS trcafiirpes, anb £ tbojoto rt;c bifcojbcanbpcrfccucpon, toljpcb bemabe in tbe lanbc( toputbotonc tbe urttctf MKftf bab bene of oiuc tpmes) t)V!* cuftomesstrpbutcs of tfie lanne toctentp* npfbefcljcfcarcb tbatbctoasnotablefo? to bcarc tlje coftcSanb cbacgcSanplongecno? to Ijfttic foci) gpf tcs j to gettc fo Uberallp as! be upo af ojc,mojc tben epe bpuges tbat toc= rebefojebpm. ttflibccf ojebe toas bcup in W mpnbe,anb * *. n«c.M.« fljOHgbt* to ff ttO JDcrf lDcS,f Ojl tO tatlC tri* butcsof tbc-lmtbc, $ fotogatber mocbmo= nepc. £> o lie left Lpftas (a n oblc man of tlje ttpnges bloubc j to ouerfe tbe Hpnges bufp* ncffcS, from tljc toater ©updates Unto tbe bojbers of <£gpptc:$ to nepc toell tyifi tonne 3 ntiocbu&tpll be came agapne. & &)o.icotirr>bc gatte In'm balf of biSbooff, anb ojiminuS,$icanoltin anb from t&t]daleftpnc0. jf .€otdb)|)cn3uba^$ bP^b?etb?enfatbef trouble tncrcafeb, gs tbat tbe booft tyeumpc tnto tljeirbo^ber^ cofibertng f ftpngejs too p beies tbbicbbPcommaunbeb tmto tbe people: namelp, tjja t tbep (buioe "bttcclp toafte anb Deftropctocmi'Cbepfapbeonet'oanothcr: i.et\JSi tebjeffc tljebecapcof oure people,let tojJ fpgbt tot oucefolfeeanb fo? oure &anc* tuatp . 'Ebcn tbe congregaepon ttoetefoone reatrp gattiereb tofpgpt,top?ape ^ to mane fuppltcacpon twito ©ob fo? metcp Q grace. * tnuift. un *%& f o? 3e rufalem.it lap e feopbe^ wa^f (5 ajas it bab bene a tbplbcvncOe . ^Dljerc tbcnfte no man in no? out at it, anb tbe £>anctuutp tbaxi troben botoucCbc alcafttcg kepte t^c caftclUtbercwajS tbcbabitacionof tbe Iijca* th^ . ^be mpjitb of 3acob tbatf tanS atbape, tbepppc anb tbe barpevoag gone fr8amon« gc tbem. •5Cbe3fracUtetf gatbereb tbcmtogetljer, • anb came to&Jafpba before 3etufaum:fo> in4i)afpbatt)aitf^placc^tt)bctctbcpp?apcb*Mse,wi,> af o?e tpmc in 3ftael.£>o tljep fattcb f bape $ put f a cbclo tbctf bpo thcm,caft afftc^ \)po tbcirbeabetf,rfeetbeirclotbeiEi,?lapbefo?tb tbe boUcg of tbe latoe(ttobcrout tl;e bcatben lougbt tbe IpUeneffc of tbcp^pmagctf ) anb b^ongbt p plcM tymmi tcjj , tbeTpjtft Un* Scis $ tbe tttbejf. 'Cbcp fett tbcrcalfo 6* aba * mm epncrig (tobpeb bab tulfplleb tbcp^bapejS) before (i5ob , anberpeb toptb a loube t)opce totoarbe beauc/apmgc : OTratojall toe bo toitb tdcfc.-'anb tobptberlball toe carp tbem atoapc.^oz tbp&anctuatp i$ troben boto= nc anb bcfpicb,tbp p?cfte0arecomctobeup= neffe anb bpCbonoure:anb bcbolbe, tbe ^ea« tbeuarc come togctber fo? to beftrope 1)0. ttfyui ftnotocft toljat tbpngeie; tbcp pmagim agapnft Dsf.^oto map toe ftanbe before m a ejcccptc tbou( €> <£ob)bc oure belpc' %\>zy bletoe out tbettopettcalfotopth a loube tjopce. 'CbOnba* o^oeneb * captap= * tmm nesl ouer tbepcoule : ouer tboiifanbejs , ouec bunD?ebe0,ouertpftpe,anb ouer ten.25utatf f oi focb atfbuplbcb ttje bouCcjf, marpeb top= ucjS, planteb tbembpneparbejf, anb tjjofc f tocre fearfull : be commaunbeb tlitm eucrp ma to go borne agapncacco^bpngc* to tjje latoe,$&o tbe hooft remoueb,anb pptc^cb M-. pon tbe foutljfpDe of KEmmautf. 2lnb 3«bas( fapbe:3drme poure fcluetf, be ftronge( C> mp cbplbjcnjmakc pou reabp a= gapnn to mo?oto in tlje mojnpngc, tbat pe mapefpgbttoptbitbefepeople,tobiebarea= greeb togct&ct to beftrope \J0 anb oure fanc^ tuarp. ^Setter i$ it f o? \tf to t>vt in battaill, tban to fe oure people anb our fanctuarp in focb ampferablc cafe : * iftcwctttocUCTc, atf tbp topll i0 in beauen,fo be it. C«:be.a«D;puc4Mmoufc.3m6as putifpetl) (l>r f empic aim ficupcafe (^ t]ie auitatt, ; $cn tobed5o?gpa0 fpuc tfioufanb „ men of fote, anb a tboufanbe of tbe * » |A bcftbo^fmcn^remouebbpnpgbt, S2fe w ' „ 'tocomenpe toberet^ejetoctf boft lape,gf fotouape tljemfobenlp.Boto f mm that ftepte tlje caftell, toere ti)t conuepetjs of tbem . 'Cbcnarofe 3wba$to fmptetbe cbefe 9 p^incipall off Ispnge* l^oft at (Smmanjef, f o? tlje aemp wag not pet come togetfler.^n tljemeane veaf 9 came d> ojfiiai* bp nwjbt in to^ubajs ^Sftljejiifiacljabees;, JluOi.bii.j flutt.p.* to 3ubaj3f tcntetf : $ toben be f ounbe no man fherc, befougbt tbem m tbemountapne^, § tijougbt tbcp bab bene fleb atoape , becaufe of bpm. 3Bn t toben it toast bape , 3uba s (be= tocb bpm fclfc in thcfclbe toptb tfoz tbou= .fanbe men onlp , tobpeb bab uetber bamefle net ftoearbcfl! to tbctr mpnbesf. Mm on tbe otbet fpbe,tbcp fatoc tbat tbe $eatben tocre mpsbtfe anbtoell barncOeb, anbtbeir bo^fmgaboute tbem, anb all thefe tocll ejcpectc in fcttc* of toarre. ^ ^cn fapbe anbajei to m mi tbat toere tottb pn: jf care notpe tbe multttiibc of tbem,bcnotafrapcb of tbcicbiolcntc runnpitge:rcmcmb s tc,boto \#ttuwJt oure f atber0 tocre bclpucreb* in tbe teebfee, t^cn ttbarao folotocb\jpon tbemtoptha gccateii?ofl:. Cucn folettl)0 alfo crpenoto totoarbc beaucnuitib tbe lojb ftjall bane metcp \>pon manb rcmcmb?c tbe couenaunt of oure f a* tbctj*,pcc$ beftrope tbtttyolt before oure fa cctb»fi!bapc:^nbalU^eatben£balllmoto, tbat it in <0 oo bpm felfe, tobpcl) Dclpucretb anbfauetb3fraell. . 7B i&bm tbebeatbenlpfttip tycitevtfr. anb UJbtn tbcp fatoc tbat tbcp were commpnge agapnft toem,tbep toent out of tbeir tentctf into tbe battapll : anb t^ tbat tocre toptb HP***' 3uba0,bletoe tjp tbe trompettc$.*£>o tljcp bucbleb togetljcr,anb tlje bcatben tocre bit* comfpteb anb fleb ouer tbe plapne fclbe:but tbe bpnmoft of tbem tocre Ifapne . #oj tbcp folouicb t)po tbem tjnto 3lu*areinotb,anb in to tbe felbcisof 3bumea totoarbc 2l?ot anb 3lamnia : fo tbat tbere tocre flapne of tbem tejona ttyt tljoufanoe men.^o Jubap tur= neb agapne toptb W ^oftcanofapbtbnto tbe people: 26enotgrctpof tl)efpoplctf,toc taue pet a battapll to f pgbt:f o? C5o? r o jnbaid tumeb agapne to fpoplctbc tenteict,tober e t^ep gatt mocb golbe anb f pli uer,p;eciou0 ftoneft purple 9 greatrp rtjeg. 'Ebn^ tbcp toent bomcanb fonge a $f almc of tbanucfgeuingcanb p japf eb C5ob in bca* miMu uen:*l:o?bc tjngcacpou^ bPtfmercp enbn* mums wtb f 0? Cttct:3fnb fo 3frael pab a greate *U ctow in tbat bape. Uoto all ti)t fecat|jen t^at efcapeb,cantc Mm fpqple^. anb tolbe Hpfiag eucrp tbtnge as( it banpe* neb . WUljerroje Ipfiajstoagfeeafrapcb, ? grcueo in bi0 mmbe,bccaufc3frael babnot gotten focb mpffo?tune a* be toolbe t\)cp ibulOcnetbcra^^Kpng commaunbeb. %\p ncrtepearefolotomg,gatbcreb IpfiajS tb^e fcoje tboufanbe cbofen men of fotcanbfpiie tfjoufanbcbo?fmen,to f pgbtagapnft tbem. ^»o tbep came into 3cto?p , anb pptc&eD K> tbeir tetexJ at J6etbo?o, tobece 3uba0 came agapnft t\)tm tottb ten tboufanbe me. 3nb tot)l be fatoe fo great 9 mp$t)tic an jjooft,bc tnabebisl p?aperano fapoc: z3lcu"cb be tbou (€>S)auvoureof3fraelU *tobpcl;bpDDcft *ut.m beftrope f btolcnt potocr of t\)( gpaunre, in tbcl)anbc of tbp fcruaunt2>aupD 5 *anbga= * '•«•?«' uc ft tbe booft oftbe^eatben into tbe banoe of 3onatbai«(tt)e fonue oftauDanb of bpsJ tocapen bearer. ^uttbpsbooftnotointo tbe b5oe of tbp people of 3fraell , anb let tljem be conf oun« beb in tbctr multitube anb boifmen . &)afee tbcmafrapeb,? bpfcomfo?te tbe bolbn'c* of tbetr ftregtb,tbat tbep mape be in oueD tbo ■■ roto tbeir Dcftrttccio.eaft tbem botonetbo- roto tbe ftoearbe of tbp louetg , to en #al all tbep tbat unototbp name, p^apfe tt)c xt>\n\) tbanUefgeupuge. $>o tbep ftrofec tbe batelUaub tbcre tocre gapne of tpfia^ booft,fpue tboufanbe men ybcnipfta0 fepngetbe bpfcomfetpngcof W mcn,anb tbe manlpncue of tbe Jetoctf, bototbep toere reabp,ctl;crtolpticoztobpe lpkcmcn:^ctoftebnto3ntpocbe,anbcbo 3 fe out men of toarre : tbat toban tncp tocre gatb0ebtogctbcr,tbcpmigbt come agapne into 3eto,tp. ^ben fapb 3uoas anb bis btc= tb?en:bebolb,ourenempc$arcbtfcomfptcb: 3letb0notogo^p,toclnttvanbtorcpaptc tbe fanctuarp. *actuarp lapcb toaftc, f aulter bcfpieb , t\)t bo?c0 bict \)u,jJ ftmbbej2lgrotoingcintbccourtc0,l v iHeaisjin a tocb 0? *pon mountapne Apcc * i> t l)c p 2 c -- (test Cellc* tocre b?onenbotone: / Cl;ep rente tbeir clotbe0,mabe great lamentacton,caft aflbctf^pon tbeir beabejs, fellbotone flat to tbe grounbemabe a greate nopfe toptb tlje ttompcttcsi,anberpcb totoarbc beaucn. Ubcn^ubasf apopnteb certapne men to fpgbt agapnft tbofe tobtcb toere in f ca ftcll tin tbep bab elenfeb tbe fanctuarp. ^>o be cbofe pjcftcS f tocre Vinbefpleb , focb as bab Mleafure in tbe latoc of d?ob : anb tbep elcn- icb tbe $)anctuar p,anb bare out tbe bef ilcb (tones tntoan tmeleanc place . Mmfotio mocb ai8 tlje aulter of burnt offerpnges toa see tmbalotoeb, be toUc abupfement, tobat be mpgbtbot5all:fobctbougbtittoasbcftto beftrope it (left itOjulbc fpm to bo tbe enp fbame). i T if * ** Cpc %ft*&ooue « fr IV « >; ■. r t i it t ^ 1 i * ■ ■H ■3ft V !lv ',& i' I •TV, i ' fri i ■. *| Pi (pamc)foi tpcpcaf pen bab bcfilcbit, g tftct^ f otc tbep tyattc it bownc. 3$ fo* tbc XtonejS, tbep lapeo tpcm Dp Dpon tbe mduntapnc bp tpepoufc in a conucmcnt placc.-tpll tlicrc ca mc a pjopbc t 3 to (pcwc, wpat ujuioc be bone Wptbtticm. # *&ottwtottewbolcftonctfacco#ugeto £&£&? flawc , 9buplbcb a new aultet focp one a* ao?aK3 waj*bcfo?c, 9 mabe Dp £ $>actuarp wptpwt 9 witbout; 9 Dal oweb f boufc 9 tbe courtcs . %tw mabe new omamfctes , 9b?ottgbttbe cSbllfticttfUc aultet of inccnirc>9 tbc table in to tbc teplc . Cbc incefclapcb ttev Dpon tpe aultccf Ipgbteb tpel&pcs uippcl) Were Dpo « canbilfticue,* tbep mpgbt btirtte in tljc ft"* ulc.^bcpfet tpe fbcwbjteD Dpon tbe tablc,9 riSgeb dp tbe Daplc, anb fct Dp (be teple, as * «. mar .?.« ft was aro?e«* Sftto Dpon teD.bapc of tljc ir.monrtfcwbPCbtfcollcbpmonctbofCa* f leu,in j.CjrlD«i. pcare: tbei? rofe Dp bp tp* ritesin tbcmompngefojtobofacrtttccC ac* coibigetotpclawc ) Dp5 tbt new burnt of* f cpuac auieer tbat t&cp bab mate after the tpmc anb fcafon tbat tbc tycatpen bab befp* UDtt/^pefamcbapc Was (tfctDp agapne, Witb f ongcS>pppcS,barpcS anb cpmbaleS. o tbep acute tpe bebicacio of tyt auUeic.Dtti.bapcs, offrpnge burnt facnfpceS 9 tbainfcoffringcS Witb glabneffe.^bcpbecfetc tbe temple alfo xb crowncS 9 H>i3Dcjs of golb, 9 baloWeb tbe soites 9 celled 9 pagebbojes D;pfi tpcVfptt* tbcre was? Dcrpareat glabnes .amogef pco* ijfebccntife tbe blafpbcmp of f fceatbe ttiatf nut atbape. ^>o Jubaiei 9 bW bfetb^en tu £to +aoi,n.r.e. 5,k o1c C 6g W gacpfi of 3frael,o?bcpneb,*? f tpme of tpe bebicacio of tbeaultetibulbe be bepte in W fcafon fro pearc to peate,bp tbe fpaceof.Dift.bapejS,frotbe.3C]cli). bape of tbe inonetb CaOeu: toptb mp?tb anb glabnefle. anb at f fame tyme buplbeb tbep 'op t^z mount $>pon tuprbbpe toallejs ano Ctong z toi»w$ toube aboute: left tbe d^etilejK ibulb come anb treabe itbotone,a0tbepbpbafo^e 'Cberfo?e3ubaj5 fettmenof toatte in it, to fetpe it : anb mabe it ftronge,f 0? to befenbe **<&*** . * &etbruta : tbat tbe people mpg be baue a tefuceagapnfttbeebompte*. C;^be.t).Cbaptec. DcOtopr aft«tl ( $ i» ftoipj nof b(« bj ct bun & t mow c 3lonatba0. 1&e o««««?»;oto«b f ritpt of ep^on, btcaufi t9d> benpett Wmpaiaae tgo ; o toit. 31 *5C bappeneb alfo f toban tbe $ea* then r ounbe abou t berb , botb tbat the aultet 9 tbe^nctuarp ttocrc fettUpitb^rolbecltate:itbifplea ftb tbem t)etf fee , tbberf 01 e tbep tbougbt to oetttope f gentraciott of Jacob tbat toatf amoge tbem-.jn fomocb tbat tbep beganne toaapeanbto petfecutettttapneoff peo» ple.*^:bcn3luba!eifougbt agapnUthecbpl^ *«»' m, b?mof etottinjjbwinea^attlagapnftttjofc SSSSfe? t»bic^tdcreat3ltabatbane(fo^tbepb^elt w roimbcaboutetbe3fraeUtc0)tobctcl)cflfto anofpopleb ageeatemultitube of tbem. l>e tbougbt alfo »pon tbe malice anb \mf ap t D = ftilncs of ^ cbilb^cn of 2Scan,bot» tbep tocr e af it at c anb (toppe t)n( o tbe peoplcanb boto tbep lapeb t»ap« f oj tbem in tbc ^ ^bape: tbbcrfo^e be (but tbem Dp in to tottcr& ano came Ditto tbem, beftr oped tbem Dtterlp* anb b^ent Dp tbcpj totb^cjs, tDptl) all tbat twte in tbem. M tcrtbatbe tbente be agapnft t%t cbpu tym of 3imtnon,tbbecof be f ounbe a mpgb* tpe pottocr9 a greate multptuoe of people, toitb'Cimotbp tbetcaptapnc.jS)o l)e aroHc ttianp battap w toitb tbi5m,DJbpcb ^rre Dp* a ftropeb before bim.^dno tbijen be bab flapne tbem , betoanne 0a?cr tbe cptpe , toptb tl)t totottejs belongpnge thettcanb fo turncb a» gapne into 3ctb?p.'Cbc beatben alfo in 0a laab gatbereb toget8et,agapnft tbe 3f* raclttcjS tbat ttjerc in tbeir qttartctiBijto flape tbe:buttbcp flcb totbecaftcll of S>atbcm5, ano fatt letters? Ditto 3ubas! 9 M b^etb^cu fapingcr'Cbe beatben aregatbercbagapnft $& Ds« on iruerp fpbeto beltropeDjs,9 Wfm tbep mane tbem to? to come, ano lape fege to tbe caftcll,toj)eruntotbearcflcb 3 anb f Ctmotb? t£ tbc captapne of tbeir bolt : come tbetf oje, anb belpuet Ds? out of tbeir banoejatfoi tbere itf a greate multitube of b# napneallrcabp. tec anb dure bzetb^en tbat tbere at fawn, are (lapnc 9bcftropeb(tbellnpea tboufanbe men ) ano t\)m topttctf, ttyn cbplbzen aitD t\>m soobejj baue tfje enempejs lebatbape eaptpue. . 21llbplc tbefe letters tbere vtt a teabpttge* ftebolbe, tjjete came otber meifaQgerjo; from Calilceiboitb rgte clotbej3?:tbbieb tolbe mm m fame^bpngex? , anb fapbe , tbat tbep of ptolomapjS , w%m$ anb of tobon vm SS fSSHW e 5 tt »W to befttope 3frael * 2JUbe jmt 9 t^t people beebe tbptf , tbep * «« mm cametogctbcrCagrcatec6gregacton)tobc= mc mpeg(3nb3uDa0fapD Ditto &imfib% bio tbet -cbofe tbe out certaine men,anb go beli^ uer tbpbjctbjen tn0alrtee:31jelfoimc 9 mp pother lonatbatf , tbe tbill go into <0alaa» Ditbnn.^oftelcft3ofejj|)ui8t5efonneof^ • f batp, anb % jar tatf to be Captapnctf of the pe ople,anb to ttepe t^t remnaunt of tbe boft inSettj^anOcommaunbebtbem^apinge: 'Cafee tbe ouerfpgbt of tbPtf people,anb ft i pcmalienomarreagapnfttbebeathcn,Dih tplltbe time tbat w come agapne. 3nb Dir to^fcpmon be gauetf)?ett)outanbemen, fot togoiiito0amee,bui:3Mba}3t>pmfelfel)ab epgbt i0ftl)c#tarf)abee& ^0 epghf tboufanbein c^aiaabitbim. C wn ujcnte ^pmon into (0altlce,9 ffro* kc bttteife bateUes? mil) b 'i?eatljen ; whom \yt. bifcoinfvteb , anb tolowcb Dpon tl)i Ditto mom of ptolomaisJ.Hinb tbcre were name ottljc locathen allmoft. tit. tboufanocmen. $>o ije toltctlje fpoplcjsof tljem ,ano carpcb nwapc ttjc Jftnctttcsf ,.t!>it were in ©altlee nnb3Crbattsi 3 iopthtl)mtt)pues?,tbcp^cbpU D^cnanb all tbat tbep jjao , 9 b?ougl)t tljem mto3ett»p wptbgrcatc glaOncfTe . 3uDa$ 4^acbabeus?alfo ano bigb?otbcr3oitatbii» Djentc otter 3o^ane,5b trattaplcb.ttt.bapejx iowtnep intbcwplbeatelre : uubcrc the m= btttljcoS met thennanb receaucb tljeintottin* clp , anb tolDc tbem may tbpngc tbat bab gappcttcD imnfjm bjetbJcit itt(5alaabi= tl)tm , anb bow tbat manp of tbem were bc= fegcb in 26arafa, )6ofoj,ailimiBi, Cafpljo?, *t>agctb anb Catnaimf all tijefe are ftcowxc walfcb anb ^pgbttc greate ctttesoano tb'at thep Wcrcttcpte tnotbet cptpctfof <3>alaao alfot9 to mo^otb tbep arc apointeb to bo 3ubafii anb W boft turneb in all tbe baftein tbetbtlbcrncfle toWarOe 25ofo^ano wane tbc cpticflcwe all tbc males with tbc rweatbe,totte all tbeir gooDc0, anb fett fp?c Dpon tbe cptie . 3£nb tn tbe npgbt tbep tottc tbeir tournevefrom tbencc , ano came to tbe caftclllnb bp tprnwi in tbc mojnpnge w[l tbcplottcbDp,bcf)olbc,tt)ercii)a0animtu= mcrablc people bearpngc labcrssanD otber inftrumentciS of warrc,to tattc f caftcll ano tooitcrcomctbcm. Wlbenjuoas? faWe tbat t\^t battapllbc^ ganncano tbat tbc nopfc trjerof wentc Dp 9 range in to t(je bcaticn , ano tbat tbcre toatf fo greate a crpe in f cptie: l^efapb Dnto bysi boft:f pgbt tbitf bapefo^ pour tyttbjcn. f nb fo came bebpnbe tbeir encmpcjS in tl)?e cents panpcisf, ano blcwc Dp tbe tcoinpettcjai, anb crpcb in tbeir pjaper to C5od. aStttatffoone ascctmotbesi boff pcrcca= ucb f 4^acbabeujiwas( tbcrctbepflcDfrom i)itn,anb tbe otber ttewe tbem bowne rpgbt fo?e:fottberewereftpIlcooftbemtbcfame bape,alino(t epgbt tboufanbe ntf.'ftbcn bc= parteb 3ubas?Dnto ^»afpba,lapebfcgeDn= to tt,anb wannc it,flcwc all tbe male* in it, fpoplcb it>anb fet f p«tc Dpo it. #rom tbettec W?te be anb toltc CaCbon,^agctb, 25ofo?, anDtbeotbctcitpcj2iinofte,Wbicb pitcbeb tbeir te"tc* before iaa= Mljott beponbe tbc watet.3ubajai alfo fent to ippc tbc bofte, 9 tbepb?ougbtbimwo.toea= gapnefapinge : %\\ tbe beatben tbat be r o« unbe aboute D&arc gatbercbDnto bfim,attD tbe booft i*i Deep great.gce tbep banc bp jcb tbe 3rabtanj3i to bclpe ti;em,9 pane pitcbeb tbeir tcntcjs beponbe tl)c water,anb are rea= b^> to come 9 f pgbt agapnlt tbe ♦ $>o 3uoaji Wcnteontometcthcm. ^£no 'CimotUp vapb Dnto t ^e caprapneg of bpc( boofl:.- Wbcn 3tiba$ 9 to# booft come npc tbcrpuet:pf bego ouccftrft, wctbaluot be able to toltfcttaOe bim.fo? ttobp/be Wil be to ftr ongc f op D0. H&ut pf be barrenot come ouct,fo tbat be pitcbbiJJ tcnte bepobe ^toa= tcr :tDe Will toe go ouer ,f 0^ we Ojalbe ftroge pnougb agapnlt btm.Bow a]Sfoonea]B(3u» ba0camctoj>rpuer,beappopntcbcertaprte fc?pbrj!?of tl)c people^ commaunbeb tbem, fapcngc:fe tbat pelcattc none beDtnOc Dpon tbto fpDc of ttjc rpucr,bttt leteuetpma come to tDcbattapll. $>o be Wcnte fp^ft ouet Dn« to tbem ano U10 people after pint. ftnpftll tbe beatben were opfcomfptcb bcfOM ; pim,anb let tljetr Weapcnjj faU rane into p tfplc ttjat woisat Catitaim, taibpeji citpe3uba»! wanncanb birnt tpe temple Wttb all tbat Were in it : &o Was Camatmi fubbueb,anbmpgptnotwptbftabe3uba8f. Hbcn 3ttba0gatbctcb all^fraclircstljai: were tn Calaabptptm , from tbe left Dnto $ moft^ptbtbcpjWjHicganbt&cpjcbplbjtcti ( a Deep greate pooftjf o* to come tnto § Ian: beofafcaell. *^>o tl;cp came Dnto Cpb^Wbtcb twwi € a mpgptie,gteafe ano ftroge citpe, ano lape *«-*nwwtf,i intpeitwape. 5fo v ul)cpcoulbenotgobp tt, net per of tbc rpgbt battoe ncr of tbc left , but muftgootOo.iotbtt..acuettl)ele(rctbeptl)at were i $ atpc , WolOe not let tbe go tpozow, but walleo Dp tbepo v ttes wttb ttonctf . Zm 3u0aj3 Cent Dnto tpem t6 peaceable woiOeS fapinge:lettD0paffctbotow poure lahb,* Wemapcgoomtooiucawne countrc : then (ball no bobp bo pott bacme,Wc will but on* Ip go tbojow on f otc . T&sA tjjep Wolbc not let tbem in. tlfllbcrfojc 3ttba0 commaunbeb a piocla = macpon to be mabe tljotow oute tpe i?ofle, that eucrp man ftmlOc ttcpe bus otbte:anb f tpep Xiyt tbeir beft Ipttc Dalcaunt men. 26no 3nbaj8 befegeo p cptie all tbat bare anb all tbat npgbt, anb fowannc tt : wijcrc tDcp llcWc as manp as weremales , ano oc* ftropeb tpe cptpc, ano fpoplcb iU anb wcnte tboiow all the citpe ouer tp! f were flapne. *5Cpmu)ft tpep ouet 3o;bancm to fplapne felbe before 26ctbf i.3lnb 3ubaspel peb tlio-. fc f ojwarDc f c5 beppnbeano gauc tbc pco -- pic goob cebopon,wbc* tctbep offreb w mp?tb* 9 tbackcfgcupngc: *rt.pa r ,Tr, becattfe tperc were none of tljem flapne, but came home agapne peaccaBlp. jaow wbattpmc as3ubas 93onatpas were in tpe lanbe of d5alaab,ano ^j mon tper b^otber in Galilee before ^tolomavs: 'Clicfpjft&ooke 8" , i * , 'i ■» » I I ! i %htn 3ofcpbntf p fonncof jacbatpanb $* farpatf tt)c captnpnesf, bcarmgc of tr^c actetf tbattocrcbonc anb of tbcbatteljS tbattocre ttrottc n,fart>e: left U0 get Utf a name alfo, anbgot>gbtagapnft tbc tyeatljen tbat are rounbe aboutc u#. 5f S>o tbep gauc tljcpjt nooft a commaubc* wnt,aubtocntctotoarbc3amnpa.'Ebcn came <£o?gpatf $ IjtjS men out of tie citicto f pffbt agapnft tbem : jatam alfo 9 3fa* rpa* toere cbafcbUnto j5 bojbcrtf of Jctojp, $ tberc toere flapnc tbat bapc of tbc people of jfracl.tf .tt).mrn: fo f tberc toatf a great *f.fl? ar ,b.i.imfer|>amongci5 people,*^ albccaufctbcp toere not obebicnt tort 3uo« * anb btf bje* tbcn,but tbougbt t!)c p fynlfcc qti pte rp fcl* ucjs mafnUp.^ettcrtjjclcis tbep came not of t!)e ff be of r&efc men, l!>p tobom 3fraclltoatf belpeb. 25ut tbe me" tbat toere tottb Junius* toere greatly commenbeb ft! tbcfpgbt of all 3fraell anb all Ipeatbe\ tobcrc fo wet tbcpj namctoatfbcrbcUp6,$tbcpcoplccameUn' to tl)cm,bpbbpugc tbem toclcomc. after tm vxntc jimajs f ojtb top tb bptf bict&wn, anbfougbtagapnft trafttyt of <£fau,in tbc lanbc^lpctbtotoarbetbcfoutb tobcrc be tame tl;c cttpeof tyetyon anb ttje totonc* tbat Ipe bcfpbc it: 9 atffoj £ toallctf anb totoica cotmbe abou tc it,bc bjent tbem up . ttftcn rcmoneb be to go into tbclabc of tbe pbtiutincjs ,anb tocnte tbo^otb S>ama-. rfa.^ttbc fame tpmc toere tberemanppjc: fteg uapne intbe battapll, tobpeb toplfullp anb toitbout abupfement toentcout fojto f pgbt to get tbc b on oure» 3Hnb toben 3uba# *9«rt.t»f.a ca to 31 jot in f 0bilifttne0 iaubc,*bc bjaue botonc tbep? aultarctf, bjent tbepmagc0 of tbeie 3boljj,fpopicb f cptic0,$ came againc intotbclanbeoOuba. dEbc.Ui.Cbapter. Canti'ccljus tvrtiftigcto tafertljc citptcf jfipnaero/a p;ope is&jpueuaioapeofetjfrjtcjpno. Rcfallctbm; tofpcKcnrasopcH. btetonm iintiotiw i«mat>e hpngc.srijcbrrcge cfffototrof&pon.Cupato; com mttlj into 3icaj;p topttj a great armpf . xrbt bcioncCff ofeicajar. £>to toben ftpnge^ntiocbutf tea* uaplcb tbojoto tbcbpccountreetf, lief erbef eiproaa fn$erfta toatf t a nobles plenteous! citpe i:n fpluec sgolb,$tbattberetoa0mitaUerpricbete= Pfc:toberea0toercclot&e0,cotearmourc0« WWt^ltKMm ailcraocr t jc fonne of MUtppc Upng of Macedonia (rjae rap-- gncb fpjift in ©^efte lonbe ) bab left bebpnbe 5pm- dflJbcrfo^e be toentc about to taue m titpe $ to fpoplc it,bu t be toa* notable ; fo? tbccitcCpntf tDerc toatneb of it,?foughtS toim.anbCobefiebgtbcpartebtoptbfireate beupnelTe,anbcame agapneinto Babplon. ^o^eouct tbetecame onetoljpcb fought & »* SSljPSTOJ^^I&wta^^tljat Diss Hoolf cjbS <».cmw to|)w|)tDeremti)elanbroQub8,tbj>eteb^ 3 iorf.r 3 .ri«. 'ib.rii.anfiq. uen atoape , anb botb tbat Xpfiatf tol tfottb fp^ft to ptljagtcatcpoujet,? toai&typuen a= toape of tbe letoetf : boto $ tbep bab toonne tbc Dittos, $ gotten grcategoobejS out of tbe booftetff ucrt$cd:bototbcp babbjolten botonc tbe aobominacpa, * toppcb be vet t>p ♦'•macitt, V p 6 tbe al tare at 3erufalem,anb fenceb tbe £>a"ctuarp m\) bpe toalleis, Ipfee asi it toaa af o|c:pec anb s&ctKwa Dp^ cite alfo. . s>oitcbaunccb,tbattobentbeRpngel)ab is bcebc tbefctooibc^betoasf afeapebanbgtc^ ucb tjcep fo^c. tEberfo^clje lapeb him boto^ Jtc ^jpon b 1$ beb,anb fell f iebe toj »erp f o?o ^ toe: ab all becaufe it bab not bappeneb nslje bab ntiiiUD. ^inb tberc contpnueb be longe, foibptfgecfetoasi eucr,moje« nw^e,fotbat ftc fatb be muft nebejs nyc . 'Cberf oie he fait fojbufftenbe&sfapbe'bnto tbe: tbeflcpcitf gone fro mpnc epesi,f 0? thi tjerp foiotoani) >jcracpon of bertc tbatjbaue.fl oitohcni cpub?e in nip mpnbe t^e gteate abuerfpte p 3 am come tmto, ? tbe fl oubctf of beupnefle tobich 3 amcomcm.ibbereaiaiafoietpme 3 toajESfomerj)^ fogreatlpfetbp ( bpeeafon of mp potocr)3gapne,confpderinge£ cuell ^3baue bone at-3crufalcm,fr5 ttJbcnce3 joue all f mm of golbc f fpluer f toere tn it,anb fent to fetcb a toape t^t inbatiptourtf of Jctoip toptbout anprcafon tobp: 3 uno- toe,p tbcfe troubles are come ^ponmefoi tf fame caufe . ^nb be bolbe, 3 mutt bpetopto grcate fo^oto in a ttraugc lanbCCii^ calleD $c fo^ one Philippe a frenbe of bi^, tobom he mabcfulcrofallb^rcalme a tgauebimtbe ceotonataroabe 9 biiSrpng^be ujulbe ta= ficbW foimc 3f ntiocbms mito bim,^ bzpngc bpm \jp,tpll |)e mpgbt rapgne t)i fclf .* Sdo tbcfepug^nttocbutfbpebtbercintbe.crUr. peare.Wllben JLpfiasf Unetbe tbattbe Rpnge ?J^j?. c i^ ojjbcneb ^intiocbua m fomfe. i J£Wi H D fyoupt \»p) to rapgne in W fatbersffteabe^caricbbpmCupatoi.Boto tbeptbattoere in tbe cafteU(at3erufalcnt; fccpte in tbcletoctf rounb about tbe &anc= tnatp^fougbt eucr ft pll to bo tbem barm c fonbeftrengtbenpngeoftbe ipcatben. Werfo?e3Mbajxtbougbttoben:ropetbe, anb calleb all tbe people togctber,tbat tbep migbtlape fcgeWo tljc.^o tbep came to^ $ctm mtbc.Cl.pcare^ befegeb t!jcm,lap= mpfwthtbepit o^binauceanb inftrtimetetf of toafcre.'Cben certapnc of tbem rliat toere beregeb,toentef o^tb (ijnto tobom (ome \m- so SxS}i oE3(c M io ? n ^^ cn »^M^aIfo) mib tof t tmto tbe Rpng,fapingc : Ipoto Ifige Wtpun e fym men of toarrc alfo out of otber rcalmcsi s out of tbe 3le# of tljc ftctobicb cameUnto opm.ainbtbe nob?e of tlpa Ipolt flwtf an bunb?etb tboufanbe f otc men, 9 tttcntpc tboufanbe bo^fme,(j. jerrii. eiepbatcs! tocl crer eifeb to battaill. * %$u fcame tbojoto 3bumeat)ntol5etbfura,$ bcicgcb it a longe fcafon, anb mabe bpuerfe inftrumgtesl of toarrc agapuftit.26ut^3e:: toc0 camcout ab b?cnttbg,ano fougbt Ipke men.5i:bettbcpartcb3uba)« fro tbe ca (fell at 3crufale,«- remoueb p bofttottiarbBetlna caran oueragapnft tbc upngctfarmpe. - fro tty bpnge arofc before t^t ba ve,anb fougbt tbe potter of bptf lf>ott into p toape to 25ctb?acaran , toberc p ipoftctf mabe toi; to f battaplUblotbpnge tbe tropcttc^. Tltib to pjouofee tbc eicp'joatcjs fo^ to f igi;t, tbev (bctoeb tbem tbc fappe of recb grapesi ? mol benejs.^nb mmo m ^lepbatcis amongc tbc l9ofte:f f bp euerp ©lepbantc tbere fto-- bca4t?. menxocU baweu"cb,$ belmcttcjsof (tele tibon tbep^beabctf :£cc \3nt0 cuerp one of tbe eiepbantcxJ alfo, toere o v ibeneb.UC. bowmen oftbebeft.vobicbtoaptcb of tbc e« lepbantcgopngctobcrcfoeuer be toe"te,anb bepartcb not from l;pm . euerp ©lepbant toaja! coucrebtoitb a ftrongc totter otttob, toberetjpoutoere.rrru.^aleauntcmetoitb tocapentf 1 f igbt,anb toitbin toaid a man of 3nbc to rule t\yt beeft. m 3(Ljlfo? tbercmnauntoffbebo?fincn,be fctt tbem tyti botb tbc fpbea in ttoo partetf toitbtrompettejs, to pjououe tbc J9olte, ab to ftctcDpfocbatf toere Hotoe in tbearmpe. 30nb Mo^m t\)t funne ibone^po tbeir flnlbcrf of golbc anb ftclctbcmountapncisgUrtereb agayne at tbem , anb toere ass bjigbt a^ tlje crcuettctf of fp^e. %\)t higcjs booft alfo toajs beupbeb, one parte Upon tbc bpc mountap= nektbc otber lotoc benctb-- f tbep tocnt on, tanpilgcgoob bebe , anb ueppnge tbepi 01= b^c.Snb all tbep tbat btoelt in tbe labe,toe=« teafrapebattbenopfeof tbeir booft, toben tbcmultitube tocntc fo^tb,* tobentbc toca= penslfmotetogctbcrjfo^tbcboofttoaiEibotb great $ mpgbtp.3ubas! alfo 9 bpst booft en= trcbintotbebatapll^fleto.tji.Cme'oftbc BPttgcjsarmpc.^ototohcneieafar^fonnc of ^aurabpb feone of peicpbantcflbccute igi * » bcUpo l)im# ieoparbc [)f felf to belpuer bptf people,anb to gctt bpm a perpetuall name. 5J&ibcrfojc beraunc toitba co?age Unto ti;c Clcpb(Uciu^mibbcaoftbcboo(t,fmptpn= getbe bourne of botb^fpbeig,^ Uetoc manp aboutebim. ^otoentebc totljc €lepl;atetf fete,? gat bim Unber bun,* flctoe bpm :tben fell tijc €lcpl;ant botone Upo bim,t tbere he bpeb.3uba is a Ifo * W men femg f po o>er of tbc upng f t\)e migbtpe Uiolfcc ot t)i$ booft, bepartcb fro tbcm.^nb f Uingcjsarmpe toe te Up agapnft tbc totoarbc JcrufalJ , * pit= cbeb tbeir tctcis in 3etojp befpbe mout ^>to. ^ 4I^o?couer,tbe kpngc toHe trure mt} tbem J m .« m ■ tbat toere in *25ctbfura. riS. 25ut tobentbep camcout of tjjecpterbc-. "• ?•**•'* caufe tbep bab no Utraletf toitbin,* tbc iabc * F * lape UntiUcb) tbcnpng tobc bctbfura, 1 fet mc to uepc it# tumcb W booft to tbe place of tbc ^auctuarp,?rlapebfiegctoitagre«,t tobplc.(LEbercbcmabcalmancro2Dinauc- fimrp toere fctomf lefre , foi f bunget came fo Upo t\)t, tbat tbep toere fcatcrcb abwabe euerpman to bptf atone place. £>o toben Lpfiasi bcarte tbat pi.ilpp (^tobo^ntiorbujstbenpngctouviebctov^ *• m^. petlpupngeJ-ao o^beneb to bipngcUp 2L\u Uiu - tioclnisib^fonnctbatbempgiitbeUvngr) tana come agapne out of pciiia j tyuca toitbtljc hinges booft,$ tbouglitto optame tbe Upnsbome.i9egatbun to tbc Uiug in all tbcbafte,?totbc captapncsibf ti;ci ( ooft,T <5 i'apbe:toc bccreafcbaply,? ourcupta'lcsaic butfmall: Agapne, tbc place tijattoc lapc fcgcUnto,t0Ucrpftrog,$ ittocrc onre parte to fc f oj tbcrealmc. let U0 agrc toptU 1 brfe mcn,anbtaftetiucetoitbtljcm,anbtoitt»all tbep v i people, ab grauntc tbem to Ipiie af rcr Wn latoc , as tbep bpb afo.ie . $ 01 tbep be gteucb$boalltbcfctbmge0agaptiftU0,bc: caufe toe baue befppfeb tbcp^ latoc. &0 tbe Rpnge anb tbc pjtpnccj* toere content, $ tent Unto tbem to make peaces tbep rcecaucb it iiSoto tobe* tbe Upng 9 tbc pnncc* bab mabe an otbcUnto tbe, tbep came out of f cafteii, anb tbe Upnge toenteUp to mount 3>pon. ^6nt toben be fatoe tbattbe place toa» toell fenceb,be bjauc tbc otbc tbat be bob mabc,$ commaunbeb to beftrope tbc toall rounbe a* UoutcCbenbepartebbc in all tbcljaficanb returncb Unto #ntiocbe,tobcrc befounbe ^bilippebaupngbominionoftbccitie.&o bef ougbt agapnft bpm , anb toke tbc cupc agapne into W jjBnbca. CE|)e Cljefp?ttlSoofce it,. &H\)t$intUbm *! f ' f, : r If 1 * * \ ■ v. 1 I 1 I I * i ■; j * I 1 1 ;■ r. it i f 1 .r i* ; * r i:: 1 •.;:. ■I,- H ?* 1 w I Cltbe.Vm.Cbapfet!. Ct>«mtclcuc.us from the cp* tie of ttonfc tbpth a ftnall cfipanp — - — 'of mcn,tmto a cCtie ofttjc Ice coaft, « tbcrcbcbarcrtile. ^nbitchatmccb,*tbhe fcc catnc to aintiocbe tbe citic of |)isi&?ogc= tii tours, btt boft touc flnttocta s Lpftas, tob?pngctbem tmtobim . Butt&be'tttbas tolbc bpm,hc fapb.let me not fe tbep? freest: £>o the booft put them tobcath. jiSotbtobcn Dcmetrms toasfct topontty troncof hp$ fcpngboim, there camctmto bpm tbpcacb* fcngoblp nuc of 3fracl:tbbofe captapnc toatf 3ilcimii8E , tbattbolbc baucbette matte ftpe P?eftc:^beCcmcnacctifeb£peopleof3ftacl ttnto tlic upngc,fapinge : lubas $ hps b?e= tb?ntbaucaapnctbptre"bes,anbb?pucn\«$ mitofourcatbnciabe.« frenbcSanbfauourers. 2S e ?& c MtMpngccbofc25acbibeSafrcnbe of owl, tbbtcbtbasa man of greatc potber in tbe rcalme (beponbe tbe greatc tb.atet) aim f apt hf ull tmto tbe bpngc: a no fen t him to fe the beftr uccpon tbat 3uDajaf bab Done . % no asfo? that tbpcHcb 3Uctmns , ije mabc hvm fcpe P?cft,anb comma unbeb bpm tobeaucn : gco of the cbtlb?en of 3ftaeU.S)o thep ftoDc Jjp , ano came tbpt b a greatc tjoolt into the lanbc of 3uba,fenbpngc meflaungc m to 3u bas s bP* b?e tb?cn , $ fpeanpng tmto thent tbptb peaceable tbo?beS:butbnbetbifccate, *f.53flft/.b *t.bctfo?c3ubas $ bpji people belcueb not tbep? fapjng , f 0? tbep fatbe that thtp tbere come tbitb a greate $ ooft. after this came the fctibcjStosct.het t»nto 2tlcvmuj5 $ aSachibeiei^tuftinjrethc belt \)n* to them .Into fpjft the aufioean* tequweb peace of the^apinac : 3Hcimuj8 the tuelfew come of the fehe of3iat:o 3 hoito can be Sffcea* neMsi i §>o thepgaue the loupnge ttootfjetf, 9 ftbo.ic \)nto tbem, $ fapoe: tbe tbpU bo t>ou no hatme mcthct ponef rfretf -4 thep belcneb them.B«t the beep fame bape tobetbep.lr. men of them $ Hetoc them accojdpng to the * mntr.* toojocgi that arc ^ptteti:* 'Chev haue caffi tbefleibofthpfapnctc^^aicbtbcBrbloubc € rouhe about 3eriifalem,$ there ttoatf no nul jtbolhc burp them.^o there came a greate fearc anb bjebcamogetbe people , fapenge: g?/ ^ nether treutb no^gateonfneflem webjofcentheappopntemene shi , . A J.mabe^nb25achibes{remo-. neb n# boon from Jer ufalem, anb pptc&eb J)(^tcnteat ffittjeeba; toliereJiefentfoTtli,* toue manp of them that bab foifaben hvm gc neibc maitp of the people alfo , ano m ^J Dfm to belpe hpm,* ftactyDe* Dim felf tbf tc tato the hvwMnn tbu5 3tl= ctmitf befenbet m bpep^ftbobe.^ all foch as(^eb3ftaellrefo?teb\)ntobpm : 3nfa inocbetbat thep optapnebthe fanbe otitis ba, ano DpbmocOcuell »nto tbeSfraeWten^ Moxd tjjhcn 3ubi^ fatbe allt|iemprcbefe tbat 3Blctmuisanb W cfipanpbabbone (we rnojc then the i^eatben W feluesi; bnto the Jftaclite^ : J9ctbcntcfo?tbroubeaboutall ife?°S£ c ?, of 3 ctt, ?P ' a "P PMnpQjeU tbofc tmfapthfuU rennagatejj, To that thep came nomo?e out into the conmre . fi>o tbhen %u cwnusi Catbe,tbat 3uhasJano bis peoplebab gotten the IjpperMbc, anb that be toaitf not ahleto abpbe them: be tocnteagapne to tbe ^nse k anbfapbeaUtbetbojftoftbemtbae \l™}temtti tbebpngfentiliicanoMnc of Wcbefempncctf (tobpcbbatceueU topu DlttoJfraeUanbicommaunOebbim^batbc OfulDebtterlpOeltropctDepeople. * ^oBicano^ came to jjernfalem tbitb a gteate goou\ano fen t \jnto 3ubaj{ anb m bictbjen tbpth frenblp tbo^bejs ( but *nbe* JiS c ! tc) Cap ^ e: WWI«4 tbarrebS tiibttee me $ pott: 3 tbpll come tbptb a fetoe men,to re hon> pe bo,tbptb h^almon tW \)t came Unto 3ubas, ano thep falutcb oneanotherpeaceablp:bnt^cncmpe^toere Wf"^btaae3ubajibWiolence.jae» ncrthcleitf it tbatf tolbc 3ubaS , that he came \jnto Dpmbnt tmber b»fceate : toherfoic be gatbpm atbapefrom bim,anb teolbc fe* bp* faccnomoie.wabfiaicano^pmeauebtbat M?22f cU l^ Pmme toent out to %i ttt tw came^icano? tip bnto mount &ron;anb tbep ? eftciB!itoita the elOeriof tbe people toeteeo^btofalutc bpm pcaceablp-, anbCtbwc m bptf tbjotb, fapenge : * jfjS fi^BSS > °tt^notbe^ucrebnotDin, tompb5beM0foonca0ener3comeaaaS- JSJ! [« «« S«03 Wl Artie bp tj" W X ffiiK SK e ^ out tn a «wate anger ^henthe P^Wcamem,anbitobe befoze tJ)caulteroftijetmpIe,tbeppngcSaV *ff 01 ft mo* as tbouc © toiS) baft cno Jftjg MfMM be*aiKfe ttengeb p.- v^ WffMM IC.MM.D .6. 4J» nuat». i*n«iil iff.ajartj, f,c. * if. eg^i Fttitt C.tl *«.pit.... MttJMjU Uengeb of tbte man 9 hi jl hooft, $ let them be unpne tuitl) t|)e ft&earb;renvfb?e tj)e blaf pjjempe^ of thcm,attb fuffrc them not ti co = tpnuecnp longer. Mben jftienno? tbasl gone from 3erttfa= lem, he pttcheb bis tente at Betbo^on, anb there an hooft met W^ out of $>p;ia. % no gubajScamc to 3lDacfatbith thie thoufaoe mtn, $ mabe hisai p?aper \jnto ©ob,fapeng : j3D JLo?b, * becaufe f mcffaungcriei of ftpng ^)cnacbertbbla!"phemeb ^,tljc angellttjent fo#b,anbflettoe.anhunb;tch foure ttoieanb fpuc tboufanbe of tbem . €ttcn fo oeftropc tboutbpiS hooft befo?e^ to bape, ^otber people mape Uhottoc hoto that Ije bath blaf > ylpmcti thp&anctuarp: 5 puttpft) l)pm ac- cojbpngc to bps malpcioufneffe. ainb fo tbe booftetf a r0 fte nyt fclbc, t))c thpjtene bape of tbe monetae * Wm t ano fiMiiofi hooft tbajtf bpfconf iteb, * anb he him felt toaieifpjft flapne in tfye battaplle. Hfllben 0immf$ men of tbarre fatoc tbat hetbasbpllebjtbepcaftatbape tbm tbea- pens anb ftcb,but tbe 3eibes folotbcb bpott tbem an toholc bapes iournepjfrom Wmftt tjnto <£a jara, blotbpnge Sbttb f tropcttcs, anb makpnge toHens after tbem.^o p 3c= toes camefo^tb of all f totbncstbcrcabou= te, anb blctoe out r&cp* hottest tjpott tljem, anb turneb agapnft tbem. 'Cjuji tberc thep all ftapnc,anbnot one of tbem lefte. ICljeit thep tofte tbcpj fubftauitcc fo? a p?ap,ano tmotc of Mkmw heabe anb InS rpgbtljanoe( * tbbicb be bclbe \jp fo p^oub= lp)anb b^ougbt it tbitb tl)cm,$ IjageD it fcp afo?e 3erufalc. Uiberfo^e, tlje people tocrc ctccabpnglp reiopfcD, anb paffeb ouev that bap in greate glabnefle.^nb 3ubaSo2bep- neb, that Hame bape (name Ip $ tbpztpntb bape of tl;e menetft&oar) Ojulbe be fecpte in mp^tb cuerp pcarCEIjus the labc of lu= ba xoasm rcfta iptletbbple. C'^he.triii.ebaptce. C3jiH»8* conrptjcrpngfljtpotott nna jjoblp pollpcw of fl)c«Dinop»feiMai tbcpittbpfbottte 5 fo- m behauour tlicp hab tbonne f ^pnes of f timet 9 golb £ate tljere^ optapneb all t la be»wit|3 othet placed farrc from themhob) 5foJrb tbcp bab btfconfpteb « flapne botbne f ftpn= ges j? came 'opon tt)cm, from t^z tJttermoft parte of p eartb,anb botb otber peoplegaue tb^.tribute ettecp pcare. ^otb thep hab Oap= ne s oucrcome Philip anb Series bpnges of Cetbim,* otber mo (in battapllej tbhicb bab bzougbt tbepi oibpnaure agapnft tiit: boto tl;ep btfcofptcb great2tntiocbus bpng of 2tfia(tbat tbolbe nebes fpgbt xb them) batipnge an bunb?eb $ ttoentp eiepbates, tbitb iwfemcn^barettes, anb a toerp great booft : botb tbep tohe bpm felfe alpuc,* oi= bepneb bpm ( tbitb focb as 0)ulb rapgne afc= tcr btm)topapc nyl a greatc trpbute.* pee, tl' anblofpnbetbcmgoob fuectpes tplebge : ® befpbes all thpS, botb tbcp bab taken from bpm 3nbia,^l)cbia, anb tpbia (W beft la= m) anb geucn t\)cm to bpnge eumenus.. 3gapne,hotb tbep perceaupng f the Gle- bes ttocre compuge to tjejee tbe:fent agapnft tbe a captapne of an booft, tobtcb Smc t\\l battapllcfletoe manp of tbem, lebatbape t\)mtoVM& anb cbPlbjcucaptpucfpoplcQ tbS,tobe potTclTion of tbcp? lanOi;,beltropcb tbep? ftronge bolDeS,anbfubDttcb them to betbepz bonbe mcn,t)ttto tbps bape . e)o= rcouer,botc« tbat as fo? otber Upngbomcs anb 3leS, tbbicb fomtpme tbitbftobe ttjem, tbcp beftropeb tbem,attb btougbt tbem M\h bcrtbcp?bommpon.16uti!jelpebeuertbepz atbjtc frenbes anb tbofc tbat tobete con'fcoc rat tbith tbe m, anbeonquereb bpngbomrs botb farrc anbnpc.-* tbat tobofoeuer licrbc of tbep? rcnobjnctbasafrapeb of tbem :foi tbbom tbcp tbolb belp to their npngoomes, tbofc rapgneb.* ibhomit IpUeb not tbem to rapgne,tbcp put him botbne.^nb botb tbcp toere come to greate pieemmcnccbaupnac no apngcamong thi'm,nctbrr enp man t\# tbcb in purple, to bemagmfpeb tbere tbo- rotb,but bab o.Jbepneb tbem felucsa per la- mct,tbberc in tbere Cat tbic htmbjcb * ttben tp $)enatoursoaplpc \3p0n tbeeounccll.to bpfpatci; eucr p Imfpttcffe of tbe people,* to bcpcgoobo?b?e.3IM) botb tbat euerppeare tm cijofc a &?apje : to batte p goucmaunce or all tbcp? lanb:to tbbom euerp man tbaS obebienf , ? tbere tbas netber eucll tbpll nee bifcencpon amonge tbem. ^ben3«bas cbofc eupolemus {> fonnc C of 3bon the fonne of 3ar ob, anb 3afon tbe fonne of €lca?ar,$ fenttbemiunto Home fo? to malic frenbftipppc ahb abobeofloue tbith tbem : that thep tnpgbt tahe fro tbem tbe bobagc of p (£»?cucs, fo? p levbejif fatbe, tbat the <0?ehcstoolbc rubbuc"?Upngbome of 3ftacl §>o tbep tbent tmto KomeCa\je- tp greatc iournep;# came into § pcrlamct, anb fapb:3ubas ^acbabeus tbitlj biS b?e= th?en anb f people of p 3ew)es bath fcntlasH \3nt0 pou,to mabc abobeof frebuipppe anb peace io pott, $ pe to note *S as pour fouerjs 3i( anbfren ftlaj.i.a % II 1 r -*. ■»;. .1*1 f< "» -t * i,.i =1 V anb frcuDttf ^ iiD f matter plcafcb the *Ro * jnojiall of tbe fame peace $ bonbe of frenb *m after Uft mancr .CSob tSSf Snap fk^iii *T nc* otto tbe people of the 3c£ci&t J bp fee ,ano bepr tbcTOearbanbcnctnp Jrotocfoj eucrmoje. 3f tbrrccomcfirft env mm upon m Kommw op m of be ft 5Sff f W^ out au W o wwftir on, the pr ople of roe 3cu>cs mall {clu tbcm ( as the » l W«ji) I that to allthcp; fcrftK SSSflP! ? a " K** ff» lc nojifaocbitto tjjcpi rmmpc* staples, toeapens>moncp nrr tbpppwbut f ulfpii tbis chSmcatffi tgutm %apne pf tbc people oi lew mi irsoc bp t&em to a goob milmamn genebnto ^3cvbe0 mn\vc#,\)vumMl mnpnctf cfltent to Oo, atio Qjall fulfpll their charge taitljoutenp bifecate P P nes ntape tlje bonbe Xbttb the lews ttom parties topu put to tft iSw ESS SBE** ^ Do * ^K&Sm of tofte ibbat focucr ttjep abbe \?nto them oz take from pmM (ball ftaubc fait 3 no al 2S2ff 8 1 y" *" * ^mcmiwVtS no- ne bnto t^e 3fcwe 0, tbc Dane bitten into IpmXapcnge ; n»erfo*e apeft p t\)v he w SSWSf'lW w Pl*P»t« of the aflame ttntij t |>e Up fee ano Op lanoe. C^ije.v.Cljaptcr. & ?' 12 canc fcar °" *fc tocmctrfu* \)tmmm * B«c,ino/ano tabooS *i v tt«c.wi.'f J~TOW oapnc in t|jc fclDe, hepWeOeo g c g ue ca , fuetDer tofeoc^aeDpOeg anoWmSS mi.B6.ri.. ppne into Jenwp, * tpofe that there n the W wntfo^flj bp tlje nape famty nto tbctiutbae re» mum tottbbpm. ©paett \jKSnft SS^JWR" 1 • m * #* Soloe banc J5P fefapenuc t Voe tbatt not be able KS? W noft fane ourc SSSSffk £S3m fapoe : ^oofo^b^o,* ttocoS U from item, uuberf o^e, pt onretpme ^be m JSmLSH? WO *» w inpflStp? tbc boo&Ojetbc npc m ttoo pnrtcft sblefbe ttjc tropcttesi airo, $ the earth Cboke at the g|» A?p «B SSf^S^W a »«* ifeongeftof I %$*£&& tone tortb bpm all W \ m l ?Si y SS2^ e * ^!J^lbpnp;e of tbepi oibw, l %S^ ^ m ^toYn»onni{Sr bJBSAJSJJ? «Sft » ,c « ^ tbc left & tbeppcrfec«tcO3ubai0! * them ^ tocrc fe tie0,3noaj alfo bimfclf ftatf-bplico £ the aSSSiM 8 SWWW m f ^tte offeoom. 2?i? I V f Cop i c of 3fwcll ntaoe grcate la Sffi2W2f& l, PS» "WMrncb log^fapeie: E&9P *w* jmm waSU Ke otber tbmctejsf per tcpnpngc to tf battapl el * 3Cnb after f beat b of 3ubatf Jbw&eh mew a hJr!Si ia i^- w ^ cte ^uroD!pneire. In *«iMi4 janoe, anb all tlje countre cane ouet them ' feiues ano m n <$ tmto ffiadiS i Sn i5S #ftl)e^atr)auc| • ^ . lo^es m ^ tano . tbcfe fouj be out gt mabe fearcbfo^3noa0freoejai,anob?oup;httbem t>ntoi6acbpbcjBi:ttobtcft aucngcD hi lelf \jpo tbem \i)itbsrcat befpptc.^nb tfiew camefo great trouble in 3fraeU,a# teas not fens p tpme tba t no p;opbete toas fene there. ; %m\ camcali Inoajfl ccuoes; together, anb fapbe tonto 3onatbau : $ oj fo mocb as ebP bwtbeejnoani Wbceb^bcre W none lp= He&imtoffofotfhaffapHftourcncmpefta* gapnft 25acbtbes^ focb as are aDucrfacicS >)ntopurepcoule. Sfllbcrfo^etbpsf bapc toe cbofetbefo?bl>to be ourc wfecteaptapne to ojbje ourc battaplle.HInb 3onatljas to^ fee p flouecnauncebpon bpm al tbc fame tp mcanbrulcb t fteabc of bps bzotber lubas WW 25acl)t0cs aatt imovblebge the'rof , he fougbtfo?toflcpbpm.26ut3onatbasanb pvmm W b?otber,pcrceautnge tbat, f leb into tbe toilbcrnes of *$&ccua m\) altbeir companp , anbpptcbeb tbep? tentcs bp the toatccpolcof^fpbar. • WUbicDttobcn 25aebibcS tonbcrftobe,be ea mcouer3o?banetbitballbiSboofttjpon^ ^>abbotb bap.Botbfjab 3onatbasfcnt fell tyotbet 3bon (a captapne of tbe people) to • pjapebpSfcenDeStbe #abutbptcs,£tbcp moioclcnoc tljemtbeir o^buiaunce,foi thep Dabmocl>^otbecbplbjeof3amb?pcame outof^l)ababa ) anbtohc3l)onanbal tljat w |jebaD,anb!»0tetbcp;tbapemttbal. %mn eametoo?bcbnto3onatbasJef &imonbpS b^otber,t:battbe cbplb^enof 3amb?p mabc a flreatc mariagcanb b?ougl;t tbc mtUM «t)ababa tottb grcate pompe.:foi (be teas baugbtee to one of ^ noblcft p^pnees of ea* naa\ WUbcrfo?etbepeememb2eb tbebloubc of 3hoiubcirtyotber,anbtoetci)p ano \)in tberelucst)nbertbcujabotoc of the mourn tapnc.% ^>o tbcplift^ptbep^epeS.anbloheb^ .bebolbMJjere toast mocb a bo,anb great rc^ pap?c:fo^tbcb^ocgromccamcfo?tb, $ bv$ trcnbcsanbbps b?ctb?mmet tbemt6tpm= panpcs 5 mttrume*tcs of mufickc, anb manp tt)capcns.'Cbett3onatbas nnbtbep f>Xot= re toitb b»n,rofe out of tfjefc lonrkpng pla* cesagainfttbcm.anbfletdc manp of tl;em. 3Sfo? tbcrcnmatmt,tbcpflcbinto p mown tapnes , anbr]jrptokeaUtbcpjftil)tfatm ; cc. lirijustbcmarpagetoas turnebtomo^- nmgcanb the nopfe otthm mcloop into la tnftacpon . %m fo toijen tijcp bab aiiengeb f bloub of tfjep? ^otl;er 3 tl;epturncb agap* tic tmto 3o?banc. 2l5aebtbcs hearpngc tbp&eatne %nto tlje e ^crp bobber oflo^banctottb a great potoer Dpo f Sabbath bapc . %m 3onatbas fapb to bPtf companpe , let to$ get tip, anb fpgbt • agapneour cnempeS:fo^itftabetbnot toitb Wo bapcasm tpmepaft: iScbolbc , ourc enetupej* are mm mwjfc ttoatcr of M* SfaJtiA bane tjpon tbe one fpbe of bfttbptb banfteS, fetmes anb ttoobbesof tlje otrjec fpbcfo that tbereisno place fo^bs to bepartelunto. •* , (Ulll)ecfo?ecrlcno'0)'bnto hcauen,that pc *twww mape bcbelpnerebfro ^potocr of pour cnc= u m»M< mpcs.^otijcp ftcolte pbattaplle.^nb 30* natbas ttretcbcb out DPS banDcS to fmpt 2SacopDC0,bnt ijcfleo bacttoarbCCfccnlo ftatWH tbcp ^ tocre tottb b"U teapte into 3oibane,anb Ciopmmeb oucrioibane bnto bpm,anbtbcrctuereflapncofBacbpbcsft' be tbat bape,a tboufanbe men. ^berf ope JSacbpbej* toptb bis booft tue* neb agapne to Sctnfalent, anb bnplbc \>v v cafteisanb (teongbolbcstbat ttoecc i 3etu- rpe,3ertcbo,emaus, 25etl;o^on, 25etftcU, '£bamnata,p&araanb'£opo,tf&pettoaU les,tditb pontes anb \Ditb lockes:? let men tobepe MMm tbcpmpgbt^fe mn ma* lpcct)p63fracl.I?)ctt)allcD»pX3ctf)fiiratb, 0ajarab anb tbc caftcll at 3erufaiem alfo anb p^ouibeb tlje toptb men anb Staples, ^etoltc alfo tbe cbefeft mens fonnes m tbe countre fo? plcbgcs,anb put tljcm in the to* ftcll at 3erufalem to be ftcptc. m tcr Jjarbc in tlje \nnmcb f if tp * tine pcarcinpfcc6bemonctb 5 3ilctmusc6mauh* bcb,tbatp waiies of tlje pnmoft ^anctua- rpujulb bebtftropeb,anb t^c buplbincrcs of f piopljetcsalfo. 3nbtDi)cn be beganne to beftropc tljcm,j5 tbpnges^.bc tbetc aboute, tberc bpnbcreb>foi bcroao fmptte v6 a pal* fcp,ano ins moHtbttjut,fo tbat ije coulbeno mo^e fpeaUcncr comaunbe enp of bio" boufc conccnipngcljisbnfpneffc.^bus bpcb atlct musmgrcatcmpferpatjjfamctpme.^nb tube 26acljibes fatoe tbat 3 Icim 9 toas beeb, ije turneb agapne to tbc kpng, anb fo j; labc toas tnteafttltoorpatr0.'£&cnalltbcl8rt* # "oblp men bclba conncell,fapeng: iScboio, Jonatbasanb bi^companp arcateafcanb bifccll tottljoutcarc. Ulijerfoie let \)Sbn'ge 25acbibcs bptbecanb beujall taUctljem al in one npgpt. ^ootbep tbcntcanbgauc Bacbibestljis councell,tobicb arofc to come voitlj a grcate booft,anb fent Icttrcs picuelp to bis abbcrc m , tobpeb were in iex»w , to take 3011a* tbas tbofe f Xbere xy Ijpm.but tbcp mpgljt not fo,i f otber babgottc knotblcbgc of ttie- p^bcnpcc.2Enb3onatbaStobcfpftpmcofd conntreC ttobpeb tberc (mnglrabrrs of the) anb flctbc tpe, %\) en Jonatbmtf anb S>imo WQMPl^ty bepartcb Dntotbccptc TiBctbbifitentobPcblpctbm tlje tbplbcrncs, 9 repapiito^becapc tberof^ mabc it (trotr . Uabcn 26acbibes feittDoe tbps,bcgatbcreb allbps booft 5 anb fent foojbe to them that tuerc oC Jetbw/fcbmeain* be anb lapeb fc= geto ^Setbbcifcnsfougbt agapnftitalog <& fcafon,« mabeiuftrmnetctfoffbaere. Mm 2m*w#ltftWbWW&iMS in i>cptic, 3»» anb TP :-* -E iit L i fit i '. Ill * i'1 ,l J ,'. J i i t* i h. V' * - I I •: & it:-' .1. la *i *3foftpt).c«. fuu.Uo.rifl, ano toentc fo^tu ft>m fcifc into tbe Kbfttrcs tame toitb a ececapwc ttOU^c , sClctoc €>ba= rcfcinb b* bjctijie anb tbc cbiltyevi of Pba fcrourot&cpjttentcifcrotpat&c bepnnc to be ftrongc,anb to fo ct cafe in potoee. 3jS fo? &pmon anb (jpg companpe, tbc? tocnteontoftbecpttc , anbbjcnttoptbe m* ftcmnf test of warte,$ foug&tagaputt tta» cbpbe&anb bifefifptcu bpm. 3no 2i5acbtbctf toag foje to c£cb,bccaufc in* conned ano tra uapl toa# i toapne. tta&crfojc&c toatf tojotb at tbc topebeb mrn( tbat gauc bpm councell to come into tbepj 150c) anb time manp of tyem.'£&en puepofeb be toitl; Dp# company to go atoape into bteatonc conntcc: tobcrof tope 3onat&ao' &ab fenotolebge , &e rent m* baffitouresf touto&pm,toj to mane peace to hpm,anb tbat beinulb belpuer bpmbtepjC' vonnewtagapue . %o tbc tobpef) 25acbpbc# cdTcntebglaMp,anbbpb accojbpngcto &ptf befpje:pce anb maoean ot$ic,t j>at be Qtiloe tieuet bo bpni harme al tyc bapefl of Ijto Ipf. ^oOercflioicbtonto&pmaltbcpjefonncrtf tw beiwb taben out of t&elSbe of 3uba,$ tben turncD and wntc W toapc into bp* a* tone iftocnctbcr pjoccbcb tie enp further to come \jnto tl)e bo^bctjsof jnba.^busiirra cl&abnomo?ctoarrc.3tob3muUbai!ibtocU at ^acDemajS.anb begannc tbcnp to ffOuee= tictbcpcopl^anb bcttropci) jtongoblpmen outofjfcaell. r fo baut ware tortti Jionntbas 3i< ranDec mouf tb mat re a&apaa bemtttpu't . bemctrpua ucupnr. ar^c fc*nt>Q»pppe of Woumnwa-airraiiocr. J* t&e hubjebanb tfye ftoje peare came ftlcjtanbcr f tonne of noble 3ntiocb«0anb tobe latolomapjel, toljofc cprcfpnjs receaucb Dim, ano t&crchcrapgneb. Wen ^mcMusihcrbe t&erof >Dc gatbeceb an occcabing gi eat boft, anb tocn cT o^tb againflljim to fppt.fcfiifter fotc Demerep' Cent U ttcesitntto jonatfrtj* Boitb lonpno; b)0^bej5,anb piapfeb btm tn:c= atlp.Jf o^ tjerapbe:tbetbiluiettmaUe peace ibitbjjim , before ije bpnbc torn ftlf e topth 3Uejcabec againft »jai:els{ be (pail tememWc #encll tbat webaue bone ao;apnftbpm,bitf b/o tbee f W people. 3nb (o be ffauc jlona. tbiijs leuctoptber anboott,tomane xoca= pen^ } anb to be confeberat toptl) bpm,f com miubeb t!)e plcbsetf tbat tbete i tpe' caftelU to be beliueceb t)nto i)pm. ;• 'Ctjen came3onatbaj8 to3erufUem,anb tcb tOelettersf in tbe aubienc&of alltbepeo= ple,anb of tjiem tljat twee I tbe catJcU.^nb tfterfo?etoeretI)epro?eafFaieb,bccattretl)ep _ Ijerbe , t^at f bpnae bab gnien Dpm Ipcence 25 to gatbee an Ijoott^bniei tbece m plebgejs belpneteb*wto3onatj)a}j,u>Dp^ wltojeb m tothm clbcr tf.3ona tbaaaUo bt»ett ae 3crufalcm ,nnb beganne to buplbe *p * to rcpapjie tbc cpticrcommaabpnatbetoowtt* mcn,towaU rt,anb tjje mount ^>f on rounb aboutctoitUfre fton(!,tobea(luottffe ftolbe, anb fo tbep WW Jw $ mmmwt toe= rci?caftewitobwl)Saclii6e]Elbab mabe \ju tbcptlcb:fotbntcuct^mmtleft^placc } anb toet into biiei atone countte. HDnfpat ^etb* fura ccmapneb cetta pne off 3W«»pc& pab fo^falten p latoe anb commannbemens tcja! of (!5ob,f o^ Be tDftita toa* tljcpt teftwe. xaotbtdben bpng ^Icyanberbctbe of tbe ^ompresftUat^emeteinjSbab mabe »neo lonatba^,anb toijen it toas( tolbe ftp m of i . atteljai anb noble actctf,tbDpc!) Ijcanb bp5 ^ctb?cnbabbone,anbbftteffreatetpanap Ic0tbuttbepl)abtnUe 3 beiapbe:tbbeeeajall toe fpnocfocbaman.''«)cll > tt.e topu mabe him onefrenbe s anb becafcbecattoptbbpm. tlpo tW Demote aletttc \)nto bpmytoith tljefe tbo?bciBt:bpnffe ^lejcSbet (afntetb bvt b^otl)ee3bnatlwiB!.«aacbaneDecbeoftije,* tpou act a \)cikaat man,anbmeteto be ouu f rcnoe : tbljetf o?e tbris bape toe ojbepne tbe tobe tbetoe pjeftc of tfjppeople , ano to be calico t&c bpngejs fc^be.( QlponttoDc fmt &pm a purple clotl^pnge, anb a crotwte of prolbe) tbat tijou mapeftcontpb^e tb^at (jS fo? once pjofpt, anb bepe f tenbftpppe toto* arbet)0. $>o in tUe feucntU monetl) of t&e tjabicb C anb tint fco^e peatc tjpo tic folempnii feaft bapeottbctabecnaclejE{,3onatjaiEanb mabemanp tbeap&t.ElfncDtbbS BcmetriuiS^ctbcljctoasj matuelonjjl fozp, ^ rapbe:3lais,ia)l)at ijanetbc bone,thatHlc ^anbee batb p^culteb tys ing ettpna § fcgb« ftipppeof tbe3ct»ejtf,foirijpst aome befence.- 1>t t Ml 3 ttJjpte ioupnglp *nto tbem airo, pee anb p^omprctl)cmbTpitC!£{abOretoac= beji.t ty*V mapebe of mp fpbe . Cjfi bet upon Ue tb? ote \jnto t|je tUefc tbo^beu. JUinge De= metritis* fcnbctD gecting lontof people of # 3etoe0.53abere ajipeljauebepte pour coue^ naunt totoarbe tjjj,^ c6tpnueb in our f renb* A>ip,not cnclpning to our enempejljWJe t»c« xt giab,tt»bcrt toe berbe tljcrof .Jffll|jerfo?e re mopnc ftplt,a be fapt^fullto tw $ toe (ball tocllrecepcnfepoufo? f tbrngciei,* pe baue bone on oure partpetoe (ball rcleafe pott of tnanp cDargejS^b gcuepon retbarbctf . 3tnb notb 3 bpfebarge pou « all f %mt& f rfi tr i» butejj,3 f o?getiepou f cuftomcitfof falt,anb f eleafe ponof f ^crotbne tayc0,of t&e tbp^be Varteofrcee^balfof^frnteoftree^tbbicb itt mpne atone nttotvt. %We 3 leatte fo* pott,fr0tpis{bapefo2t&:roft|jepajalnotbe taben of tbe lanDe otjuba ncr of the tbie cp tita toUpcbareabpebtber tjntootrt of ton * ft mawa ano anctuarv at 3eruralemJo^ t^e ne )f( tb> & fanb^pclejSof fplncr out of f bpngejt(cDec« - ber(tol)tc|>pettapuet^nto me)to t^e tooz* be of tpetempleipee anb lobe tobat remap* nc tlj( toDiel; t bep f Dab oure mattery in Mb intpmetfpaft,|)attetiiotpapeb)frameHiaU tbep geue ton to t^cmalfo. 3nbbcTpDe0 all tWfi, t& fpuetDouranb^Dpclejj toljtcl) t&cp tobepearlp of tbewnteiSof tfie <&>fictuarp, i^all belongc tonto t\)t wW tlja t bo fee itpce. . 3tem,t»5oroeuer tUep be Raffle tonto f temple at JetttGtlem o^ tottjjin tbe liberties tbcrof ,toijere asf tijep are fallen into f bpn^ jiejS'batmgetifo^itnpmaneeofburpne^tbep fljail be parboneb anb all ' of ' tljc. £>attctuatp , ocpenfect ujaibc geuen out of ttjc bpngcjBf.Cbecber ■: See anb to? tftc mabpnge of tbe toallejs rotmbe abottte 3e= tufalem,f o?f b^eabpng bowneof tye olbe anb f o> tije fettpnge W ort ft tonge bolbe^ new out of tbebphi . _,..., I *:< mar.btt.b . * ®ut XbUen ^onat&a$anbtJ)e people bearbetbtretoo^be^, tljepgaucno ctebeuce tontotbem , nctocrrcceauco t\)em'/. fo?tlicp rcmcmb.tcbtbcgrcatetopcttebneire tbat be bab Done tonto Ifrnell , anb bow fo?e je.bab loejeeb tbent . SJWfjcrfo^c, tljcp agrceb imto 3lejtanOer,fo? l)e toajs a pjpnee that bab ne-. alte ftenblp toptl) tbcm , anb fo tbcp ftobe bpftpm all wape.* 'CJjen gatljercb bpnge £2j» allejcanber a greatc ijooft, ano taougbt bpjs m * armpc atrapntt ©emetrpusf . ^>o tbe ttoo fepngetftttobcbataplle togetber,but iDe= wtettpuiaUoftfleb , anb3leranbcrfoioweb after anb fclltopon tl)em.^mpgbtpcfo?e fclbe toatf it , contpnupnge tpll tbe s>onne toentcbotone , anb S>emetrtuj3 toajg tone tjje fame bape. Jno 1 3≤canbct: fente ambau"t toured ton - # to ^tolomptlje bpnge of egpptetottb t\)t- re toojbeg , fapengc : if o? ro mod a0 1 am comeagapneto mp rcalme,anb am let in toe trone of mp pjogcnptoutctf , anb jtftue gotten toe bompnpon , oucrcomcb s>eme* ttiuj3,conquereb tnelanbe , anb ftrpbe a fel« betoptb!)pm,rotf)at toe baue bifconfptcb botbbpmanbbpj8booft,anorpt in tbe tiro- ne of bptf bpngbome . let to* now mabe f rebtyppne togctber 5 geue me tup baug jtee to topfe:Co fba 11 3 be tfy f onne inlatoe, a no botI)genet^eretoarbej5 5 anD!)er greatc Dp. flnitc.©tolompt!jebpngcgaueanftocrc,ra penge.i9apppbe tljc bape to&ctin tUott arte come agapne to tbe lanbe of thv moonm* tourcMnbfctin tbe trone of tbepz bpngbo me. 3^noto wpU3fulfpll ti^v to^itpngc: butmetemeatptolomatfttijattoemapefc one another,? tbat 3 mape marp mp baugh tertontotOeacco?bpngcto tljp bcfp?e. £>o ^atolomptoentc out of egppte rn^ tyfi baugpter Cleopatra 3 anb cam c tonto #tolo tna«intbe.Cl]cii.peare:tof)crebpngc3He4k tanber met him,anb i)e gattc 3lewnbcr M yaug^ter Cleopatra^ mariebtbe" at ]Dto= wmjLvne ass t|)c -^ --c-,-^- J&Stojotebpng aie^anbettonto3onatbaig , tbatbeQmloc m come anb mete tym.&o be tocntc bonoia= blp tonto #tolomaifc anb t|jcrc|)cmctc tbe ttoobpngeftanb gauct&cntgrcatc jwfoiu ten of golbeanbfpluer 3 anbfounbe fauourc I t&eMfygbt.3nb t[jerc cante togctDcr aga pnft3onat^ajScertapnetopcUcb men $ ton^ gracious* perTonncjei of jjrracl 3 mabpng com plapnteg of ftpnMmtjf bpnge rcgarbeb tyi not.30 fo? 3onatHajBE,tDe bmge comma un* beb to tabeof Ijislgarmentcs! , anbto clothe tym i purple:anbforljepbpb.^ben f bpmr appornteblipmtofpt bp ^vm , anb fnpbe tontob(i8p?ineeitf:C5o toit^ljpm into f mpo bett of t&e cptie,anb mabe a p^oclamacpon, tDat no mancomplapne agapttft Dim of enp matter* anb t|jat no man trouble bpm fox enp maner of caufe. mm £>ok ,t 4 ;i ; &oitj)appencb,tbuH\)bcnbp$l accurctjS rawc m xooiftmt wbttb was mm&mm of Itfm ,aub tl)ati*:ftiasiclotbcbmpucplc: tDc)>tiet»c»ccj>ct)onc . 3nHtUc Hpngcmnbe mod) of bpm,w;ot c bpm nmonge bt?js cbcfe frrtttjetf,manr Dpiit a bnbcanb partalicr of M?Ms brabomjmion. * WjuiBt 3oitat|miae toenta* Smi. fPVmtt i Jcrufalcm Witl) peace $ glabnctf. 3« tbc.Cljruprarcrnmc&rmctrt' thefoit tic of ©r mrtruijef frO Crcta fto |)V}S fatbeva; lanbfrwljcrof Wbe":#Ic;rani)cr betbe tell M tt>ajof rpjj Jjt fojp,anb retoumeb 'onto Mtto-. *umt.uu cbe.^nb^cmerriug cbofc * 3ppollonputf, ( Wljpch bab the gonevnaunte orcclofpjpa) tobcbPtfcaptapne. . 3>o be gntbereb agrcatc booftanb came tmto3amma,anb rente wojo onto 3ona-- fl tag ri)c bpc p:cfte,fapcng: ©artel* iforitb. ftab us tbp f elf alone." ^jsfo^ me, J am but U\\Ql)tQ to fcome anb ujamcb,becaufc tboti pjoucbft tor ftrcngtbagapnftttftn 1$ moiU Mpm.&m tbctfojcpf thou truftcft in tpt atwic ftrcngtb, come ootone to o# m= i? to tbeoUipncfclbc,anb fbcrelct »# pjoue ourtteegtl) togctbrr.tiiouqjaitfpnbc, mi 3 daue oalcaunt me or Warrc toptj) me aim malt ftnowc Wbo" 3 am , ano tbe other tbat ftanbcbpmc. .» fl?Mcb fopMhatpoitrfote i*uot able to Vtmmm cbaccb tto t\>w atone febe. 3tob Koto , liptai i toplt {I be ablcto abpbe foieccate anhooft of fwffmcn anofotemmm toe fcl« jcpbcrea^WnetDctrocacltoncjier place ioflcimto.' Mm lonatba* bcrb tlje too tbitf of 3u omanbmen.anbWen* anb&pmonbptfbjo.i iS, ■ fo v *e be cbofetente tbottfano men7anb¥en teontoOccufalem^ - - ' tbctmetbpmfojtohi c&eb thepj t/tcsl at 3tr ,».,«»»». r%¥m atU ie \)?m f ojttw 0.1 3oppa Sfa* an hoioc of !fu? anb tjjep tbat Were m tbecptic, lot Ocrpfca SHt SBfiWSP 3loiwtW fimS |m> an fct tijem a|a?ml tijeffimcKf SSSffit 3 men were Weep aUtcabp . &o hcbffcofpteb tDcmymo tbcp fico.3nD thcj» tbat toerc fca me into tftc temple of ©agon t^cpi 3boll } * t|)ep mmt m re fane tl;cpj b8jC JM 30 titf rouoc a boti te it,anb tofte tljcpz goobetf m+ toftt ^p tl)c temple of Dason,t3t)pt| Wj!llto aUtbemtbattoc^cflcbtntoit. r *» w «N% Ji).mcn. miwmW wmotttb tbe booft from tlxnce,anb b«iongbt tyem to ^Bfcalon: Itoljccc tbemen of tfjc cptie camefo^b,* met lonatbnsanbbpjf boortagapnc tolernfa Jem , toitb grea tc fubftanncc of goob 3M SfP ftp . ,,fi *l«W«W 6crlJC tUefe thpngctf Ue tbongbt to bo Jmmm mo^etoo^ihppe nnbfcnt ppmacolar ofgolbc', mwWe % to be awn vnto focD as! arc of tbe npngeS nertblottbe . fecgane Dpm alfotfc cptie of ?o)SSo^^ 1 ^^ CCJje.jrt.C5aptcr. fen f onne c m« Bb tbe ftpnge of 6gppt c gatoe= ccban Ijooftdpfee toefanbe tbat ipctb tjpo f fee fboje ; anb manp fm#* 9 ft f taboutc thojoto bt tNfpm ^1 ** ^tetoopcapncMingbomcof mzmttx to topneitmito m mm uaU mtMpo tbptfbe toUe bpi^ totirncp into ^.(= mg toag lem mto tbe cpticfcanb mf .came fojtb to mete torn :f 0? Upng^lcjcanber nao commaunbcbtl)emfotobo ) becattfebeft»ai« tytf fatbet in latoc.iS oto tblje idtolomp e 11= treb into enp cptic,l)e Uftcmcn of toarte to SE& HW tfjo^otboutall tbe |otn^anbcamcmim¥b^raVtpftoTb?ura^ SSStsffl^J^ 1 ^.^ *N^ *« nutr 1 pntf); tjpon tbe S2SSS8SS Jff 5 ft5 wsw* «; beb tUem,urto labontinge.% I • • ft»ateF tbat tbao 1 calico eicntbe- ./ i«p? tntnppafiapne to^etnfalcm . m we 1&totompe bab gotten tor bomfnion Offqecptie0onto^eleucia\jponffeccoaft, pmaginpnge wpcheb councc w agapnft 3= Itfttbet, ano fent ambafTttourjct mi to Berne = ma twin0,(aping.Come,letojS mabea bonbbe^ w ttiffttW, fou)aU3gene tliempbangDtec tbat 36le]Canbccbato, anb tbou malt rapgne inebpfatbcris apngbome . 3«pente tbat 3 gaw,e aWejcanbec mp baug&ter.fo? t\>c gocto dboute to flepme ,%\\o tfati \)t fclauriDjcb aiepanbet , becauferje tbolbe Dane tjab |jpj3 tealme. ^bujSbctohcDpjSbauglJter front, ftpm, gaue !)ec \)nto ©cmettiu^.aub fo^foUc Zle- ranbet, (0 that bi0 malpce wast openlp turn* t»n(^.3Snb ptolomp cam to2tntiocbe,ftJbccc |}e fct two croume* tjpfi bptf awne beab.tbe crowne of egppt ano of3ua.3n tDe meane feafon wa is Upnge aiejwnbee in CiKcm , f 0^ tbeptDacbmelt in tbofe placed, bab rebel' lebagapnfti)im.2Sntttrtjen 3JlerSbcr fjecoe of t&p&fte came to warreagapnft opm . £50 &pnge$tolom? b?ongl)t fetD DP* &oott& met bvm toitb a mpglitp power, anb cbaftb bimawape.^ocn fteb^lejcanberinto 3Bra= bp, thereto bebefenbcb,anb npnge @tolO" mpeii Donoure increaftb.^nb jabbicl f 3ra bianfmoteof aiejcanbettf beab, anb vent it t)nto^tolomp.25nttpe tfebe bapeafter, Dpeb ftpnge ^tolompbpm (clfe : ano wbom g. ^e Dab fett in tbe tttdge bolbctf, tucce flapne ^ of tDofe tbat were w ptUiii tbe cptfeg . 3f no Dcmetriutf rapgncbin ttyimntyet) anbfe- uenanbfpjctie peace. 3ft tbe fame tpmc gatbereb 3onatbatf $>i t&at were in 3cwip,to lape (ege \>nto tftc ta ftcllwbpcb was; at 3ernfalem , anb fo tbcp mabc manp initrumentrse of warrc agapnft iCEbcn wente tberc ccrtapne \mgoblp per= fonnegiCwDpcbljatebtbeirawne pcouiejmi to ftpnge Bemetrt uS, imb totbe ijpm tbat 30 natba0befegebtbeca(fell.^>owb^ bebcaib it, be wa# angtie.anb iinmebiatlp came Mn= tof&tolomaisJ, anb w^ote»nto3onattja^ t{)at be (bulbe not tape fege to t|)e cadeiu but come anb fpeane wptb biminall tbebaffe. . Bcnert^elesi, wbcnjonat^aitlherbe twM commatmbcbtobmgeit.tee cfjore alfo cer= . tapne of tbe elberganb p?erfe£i of 3ftael,anb put Qtm ftlfc in tbe pawU,anb tob c witb btm ffolbe.fplner, clotf)pnge,anb biuerfe mm* tejg;5 WEnteto^tolomaijfmtto tbe Upngc, . anbfonnbe|)pmgracpouei. 3nb tbougbcertapne tongoblpmcn offipjs u *, i"® m people mabecdplafntetf \jpott htm , pet ****.*. f itpngc intreateb Jpm, ^ipneasi (jptf pjebe* cefltonrtf ftab bone bcfqieranbp^omoteb bpm \intke rpgbt of allDfiBt f^enbesi , cofpjmeb ^ym in tbe bpc pjeftbobe witb all p wo? ftpp f be tab afoje.anb mabcbim&pgepefe frebe.30 i(«93ct. r ,c iwtbasi alfo bef^eb tbe bpng, tbat tsewolbe »•«.». inafte3cW?pfre»^t5t|wrp|etitao cpticjsof i^oto Samaria a nb foe lanbetf pe^rtapiipnge tber= 8*Rft! bpb 3onaf5a^ mompie fjpm to^e.C talented Were onto p ftpnge cbTen* *eo, 9 ganc 3pnatoa0 wjpt ingeof m fame, coutcpning tbefc wojbejfcfeihge Drmetrinri fenbetbgrctpng onto W ^otber3onatDai8 9f to tbe people of tbe 3ewes{.tt)e fenbepon Uere a copp of tbe lettre wbicb we ovo wipte Jiito oure clot t laftbenufcconccrnpngcpou tljatpeujnlbeKitoweit. mmt Demetciug f enbeto gtetpnge tonto -m 3Lnftoenu0oP0elber . ffo? m faptbmlnefle f otice fcenbf * tbe people of m 3ewe* feepe \jnto osf.anb fo? tfte lonpnghpnbne^ wtych tm btm 1 warbe W : we are betcrmpneo to bo the goob. wberfo^e we oibepne all tbe coafte* of 3cw?p witb me t?m, Ipoba 9 Jfiamatba(w&pc&are aboeb onto 3ew * * tfl!,tM * ifipwe wa0 tbere one 'Cripbonc tbat bab be* ne of ancjranbersi parte afo?e)wbpcb wben l)tfawe tbat all p booft murmurtb agapnft DemctriujS:bewcnteto6malcueltbeara= l)ian(tbatb?ougbttop3(ntiocbwjtf tbt fonne of3lei;a[bcr)anblapefo?eOponbpm,tobe=« Ipuer bpm tbi0 ptlge ^ntiocbusit ^ be mpgbt rapgne in bp^fatbtrji fteabe.^etolbc bpm alio, wbat great cuell3Demetriuj} \m bone, aim bowebtss men of warrc lotieDJmn not :« forcmapnebtberea longeleafom 3tnb 3onatba0fcnt Onto upnge "mttnU triui8,tob?pnetbemoiit WbPtb were in tbe caftclUtTjeni fair m,ano in tbi otber refu- gpegJ^f 0? tpep bpb 3&ael gwatf barmc . 4>o 3Dcmetriu0 fent wo^be vnto 3onatbajS \, fa? peng:3 wpllnot onlp botbefe tbpngeje(ro^ Mb tbp people, but at tpmc conuemlt 3 wd « bo boto tbe anb tbp people gceatwoxbtppe. 25nt nowe tpou omit bo me a plcafure , pf f wplt fenbt me men to belpe me • fo? all mpne . 311 Ml mmvt V •*TT« * IK"". lb. ' W<' ^',71W» ,S ^ " * i T ,p V''* r J * * i II '*V ^.M?«fM i !-■■ w flp! ■A . ** aempefSgofte fro me:3>b3onattoism bim tfcie thbulanb ttrougc men bnto ftrittocbe>$ tbep came bnto J fipiutM»( effete tbe itvng was bctp glafl at f bete camming, mt tbe'y tbat wcreoftfc twice ciicn an b»nbiebnnb twenty tbbulattbc men) gatbcreb thf togt* tbcr.ano wolb baitc aapnc ttsc brnae , wbtcb flcDtijtoliijSfoure^nbtlKcprcfiiisiRtytctDc (tectea of tbe eptic , ano beganne to fpgbt. . ttoitye aivigccaileb fo? tbe 3ewes Dcl^ pc, wypcb came b nto bpm all togetber.anb wente atoobetboJottJe the cpttc,an& i.uewe tt)f fame bapc an bubjeb tbottfanoe men s fct fwe bp6 tbe fcv«e, sat man? fpoptts tn that bape,anb bely ticreb tbc bpnge . £>o wlie" tile cptctyns fa we tpftt (tie 3ewes bab gotten TlJcrr wpil of tbeqfrw tbep tbem felueS df« > ■. fapopntcb of tbcfrpurpow,tbep mabe ibm fuppltcacion bntotljc ftpnge,fapeng: im,but troubled bpm bcrpfojtc . ^ftcr tt)p^ came •Erppljon agapne Wpf b pongc 3nttoebuS, wbpcb rapgneb ano was crowncb apngev 'Cbcn tbere gatbereb bnto bpm all tbe men of warre, wba JBcmercfus Ijab put awape: tbefc fougbt againft Bcmetruifc wWcj Mb ano turncb bis bacbe.&o ^nptjon totte tbe bixttm WDlbenottetf liminmimtoit be japebfege t>nto ft;binnpnge 1gSm fpop* Iptme ti)e place^tbat tteeeaboutf tbtcpftc fa • 3Mb ebeeptefpntf of <0a?afabmpttec W » retue?)mtoaonatj)a^w^t)mabepeajw tf tbJ,bi«tobcof tbep? mawmmmM t be m to 3eeufaieinianb wente tbozotoefttie cpunpe t>nto Hwimaftusi^oiaje tj?S fl(S t|W3becDctbat5)emeteiH0weteco s geeatc booft,puepofpngeto pnt1©emctr • • • i . ™ I . nb bebolbMbc Jloolf e^ of tbe ^catben mcttbtmmtbefflbe,ano Iapeb watcb fof tbem in tyetnoimt ayttert fo tbat toben 3o* natbax came againft t jjemvtbe otbf r( t»Beb were lapebto watcb)eofe out of mvi pla= cc^anb fougbf *abb ebcptbaf were of jona tpasi IVbe.fteb euct p ntamanb tbere m$ not one of tbem left , cyccpta)atl58tbiajs tbe fon* nc of aibfalomms, »3nbaiBi tbe fonneof e tobf W aumc mMbat were nwattietbpi&tbepruf neb agavneUnto bpm ano ijelpeb Dim tofo- lowe t)pon all tbeir enempc$ Mtito ityit ttn* mat cabetf £)otberet»err tlapne of tbe ^eatben tbe fame bape tfec tbenfanbe tnen, anb3onatbai8tnrneb agapne tojernfaiem* . . C^be.jCij.Cbaptee. .. *:3)pna t^ us itnittb tf tnb a fff t o Hit* t ofiw toi ano (o fijeopieof Aftartaeo remit Writ eouenafit of ftio; »i?i>.3fo nwfyp piutrtljt o dp At e^c wtarre of S>p Awttiuf .vttpSon tufcrtt aoiist^asbfotctatr. gg ^natbam fepng tbat J tpme was* ^ l:l( ■ -s: 3n»cbofe eertawiemen inbftntt^V>nto^omefoitofffl bU(b9toeenue*tbefrenW v.* : .v: in* SB t ,p r Sfl l»" fi lW K J V\'i- ■ r-j .IN !*■*! < - * f i .. . f m&Wm CentiettreftaUb tojbparta t anbtootoee plaeeiei mlpbcma- ner.»otbcp uoente bnto »ome,anb entreb p?efte«nbtbepi:ople WW3m* fent M Jmro,pou,fi» .toren'iuf.tbe olbe. fcSbtbpp anb bonbe of louerJttplfe tbe momapnesfga- ue tbem fte pafpo^eil,t|)atmertftm|be ebe tbtmbomeintotbc JjSbe of liiba peaceablp. %0mfiimttmMm&mSmt^' natbasLUJiotebntotWilbparwangr ^ to* ; wbe otlieeipeopte of tbc ^tte^lenbe ctpngeAjntotbe&partia^^ilWtfe^ bere.t»ereie|r«e^fente1onfle«tfooitt.iito eapgneo *««;! it-: ; I te#gwb0ttt0|igepon!tbatpeai:e onrc t&i (tbiertiasitbe tbiptrrtgemabe tber bpon, I'pe* •ctfpetbj 3Hnb &m$ enrrcateb tbe embam= tpttretbatMJa»fene,lioHd.wbip < anb tetea- mebtbejetterft wbere in tbere watf mencvon r , . xmabe of tbe bonbe of loiif anb frenfflbppue. |: ;> »J6utatffo? btf,t»c nebeno focbe ^pftiiSed: %■ jfoiwbp^njebattctbebolpboucflioffcciptme M oueebanbcgto oiircomfonc . acuertbe= \&i m bab ratber fcube bnto poii,foj tbc re* nnjngcoftbetootberbobeanDfrenbfbpppe: towmfbnw I beftranngebnropou:foi tt« mmxmmtvmfn rent wo^oe bnto W. U)berfo?e in m facrttpec* tbatt»e oftre anbotber eerimonpej? bpo t^t^e folempne bapeisanb otbe? t t»e altwape remembje pon ' w;i»o«itwwnge(ipbe agteafoni^anba^ .It beeommetbb0to tbpnc&e tipon our b?e» mm) peeanb ace rpgbtglab of piirt pjo^ jperoumoonoure. . 3nbtbougbwebaitebab gceattroubietf ■anb warns < fo tbat the tongeict aboitte t)» Dane fougbten againft^: pet toolbemenot i be gretiouiBi toito pou , neeto ottrer of our to* uectfanb irenbeji in tbefetoarreief . ffot tne .- feauebabbelpe from beatien , fo tbntwe arc :*beliucreb>anb oure enemies fub0u' h ******- ion m cbof e $wi em m tbe fonne anb eenne "topoMtofa!utepou,anbtooeipucrpououec ^etf re^eoncernpngeebe renouacpon of onre wtberbobe * 3nb notoe pe Qiall borpgbe iWcHjto gene Wanaiitoeretttre bnto. ' ^ L&%$}toM*m coppof ebe vo.iptpnge, «obicb3llrius! tbe uimgc of fi>narta fent bnto .?2i^ rw * fc ^8f^^»P«rllaitf ftn* 1 W^SWW *«• CHIMbt bpe p^eft . 3t 2SS , SLS? ,w ? t ^ tbat tbe fi>partianiK a nb 3ewetf are bjetb^en, anb come out of tbc a i eitpe tymto foil f sDure'eatell anb goobei are J£Mr|,f pouriaiourS.'^befe tbpnges bane ri$j|0jQiRaiuibeb robeujeweb bnto pou. TOenjonat()a!Bhfacbe,t|>ae5)cmetrtutf Ijpnceswere comefo^tb to fpgbt agapnft |im*witbagreaterbbofttbenaFo?e,beu)cii't fram3eruraiem v anbniettbenem tbe lanbe £IW^ fo ?be.gawe.tb«notfpacctoeofJne m JP2P5* tofttee. 3inbbe lent fppes bit* ■mm t{m wbiebcam e agapue a nb tofbe Wgitbaetbepbift^appopntebtoeoiuebpft jf m in tbc npgbt feaf bi* XM/hH ttWn- tbe Sfi W «bnebottfne,3onJtba« eomma* |rtipebbi«mentoaaeer)caHrlieitegbf, anb » J SfeS Dp **mmm mnlbmi fee as tuts is come to oure ituoroiebgc* pe (ball "^Pte bntobs of pourep^ofper iS,ti3ebauemiv«eoiir«> tupn ii *\I ttfteM abuecrar^cs tetmm itsmtm ' frare^;an»ttirtcafra.ppb J nitbc(rberfes,anb bpnblebf^cSintbeietentes,btft.fyt pmew Further alfo^ anb came bn= to ^>amafcus,ano wente tbojiowc ail f coiu tre.2Btit^)tm5bis^ofbetfoBeb^tOHrnep anbcameto3!feaion anb to foe nerteffrSge bolbeS:bc«ietpnge bnto 3oppa,anb wanrie tt.5Fo? be berbc mttDtp wolbe tt«tbe of »e* metrtiispartpe : wberfo^ebc fctnie" of warre tn tbe cpte,tobcpc it. lifter tbis came 3ona* tbaSbomeacrapne^nbcallcD t\)t elDcrtf of f people tpsetber ianb beupfro mmtm fo^e to buNtebptbe ttrongc boibcsin Jtwt? , % tbe wallesof 3crufaie",to fee bp an bpe waH betwixt ttit caftell anb tbe mc , f oj to fc pa* rate it from tbecptctbat itmpgbt be alone, anbtbatmenibulDenetbcrbpeuoKeUinit. ttpjf tbi'Stbcpcame f ogetber fo? tobupl* be bp tbe cptie , anb foi fo ntoe b as m wall Upon the b?obe of t^t weO;fpb ( called Ca= phcr ab; wasftllen oowne,tbep re pap^eb it. 31 nb &ephciab,$ mabe it Kr6ge fettrmgc pojtes^locaesbpo ^ ttjaowe wben * ^rripbonpurpofcb to rap= ? im „ rt + Site In Jfpa, to be trowneb , anb to flape tbc ao'SKS? fcpnae 3«tfocbus .- be was t iftapeb tbat 3 o = *»* natbas wolbe not ftiffrc bpm , but fpgbf a- gapnft bim.1b)berfo;c be wente aboat to fa* Ue3onotbas,anb tofepll hpm. r %o be beuarf eb , anb cam e biit'o i5ctb= fan . fton Wente' 3onatbas foetb agapnft bfmfotbebattapliwitbfourtpctbounmbe cbofen men, anb came bnto uectbfan alfo. •25ut wben ^rtpboti fa we tbat Zionattots came wptb f o grcate an $oftc to beftroyc bim, be was af rapcb : a lib tber foptht r ccea* neb bim bonojablp , eommf beb bim bnto a K nps frenbes r aitb gatte W^ ecwarbes , ano eomman noeb bis men of warre to be asobe» went bnto Umm mm mi % %bfappe brtto3onatbas:wb> baft tbon caufeb tbispcopre f o take f ocb tcattaple , fe= ptige tberc is no want bet wpxte Wftym* fo?c fenbe wmti€ appnc, ano cbofe ccrtap* ik iitent tf wapte fepon tbe.anbebmc tbou t« me'tff|bfoFomatS:fe>3'Wpngeiieitftwitb' tbc otber ftronge bofbes , men of warre anb . ^eieo(Reeesasjfo^ne,3mnttbepaete,t!)lsjl iS onclprbectoife of mp eompngcionatbas beleueb»bi«,anbbPbaSbefapbeypbtrpngt awapebptfbott,wbfcbwentebitotbeiatibe" ofjuba. Jk bepte mty.tysmmj$m* 3»t^ ofbt j- *. * »-f -t 'F T^r <— -■ ♦f.OEJac.W.e 26 of Ue ftrtt.iH9.foto ©a We, anb one.*». wentewitbb*»nfelfc. _ jftow*a0foonea03onafla0entrebinto #tolamai0 , tbe cpf e ftntf (jparrcb tbcejate0 flftbecpttc,ai«>tdkc|>tm > aiiDaeujcaUtS)cm witb tbc(wetbe,£camc m wftbbtat. fN ftntfcripbonan tyoftoffotc mcnano Uo?r= men into Galilee and into tDe create pla vut fciocto Deftropeali3ouarba0rtSpanp. isut luften tbep knew tjiat 3onat(jaia! wag ttftf , anb all tb?p ft apne tbat wa ptcb Dpon bpm: tbeptofwcoiinceiltogctbcr , anb tamefojtb reabp to tbc battapll. ;fn.*be muertioM: tbas . rriptjon ftrlirt b antiocbu* , ant> poffctTrth f be rabju. Brmrtrtiw faftrtbitucetoptb Aimon. »tmon topnnctb ©aja-Bc pofftffetb fljetotort of epon.fcc mabrtb b(« fonncsiobntfaptapiu. sDwe when &foton berbef «= p&ongatbcrcb a greattyoftc.to co* ntcintotbe lanbcofjttba , $tobc= Or ore it : atib Cxm tbat tht people was; in great fearfulnelle anb tart: fee came Dpto3miiaie,anD jjatbewb rj)epeopieto= ftetptr,anoganc tbcmcjcboztacpo-, fapinrre: Pe ftuowe wbat grrate battapl* 3 anb mp o?ctb?enanbmpfatber0boure bane fongbt to? m la weanb tDe &anctuarp , anb wbat maner of trouble* we baue fene: thoio w oc* cafeon wberof * all mp b?etb?en are aapne toi3ftaeWfal$c,anb3amkftalonc.31nb now lett not me (bare mpne awne Ipfe in m maner of trouble, fo* 3 am ho better ty en mp bjet&jen: but wpU anenge mv peo= pie am tbe&anctnarp, oure cbplbicn anb ourewpueU:foio»tbel9eatbenaregatbercb together, to beftrope b* of tjerp malpee. 3t tbefe Udo?bejBi m berteief of m people were apnbleb tqgetber , fo tbat t^zp crpeb x& aloube^opce,lSp(nge.'Cbottibaltbeourc {.OP optbftojtye tbou onrc batteil,* tubnt^ ftieuertboncommaunbefttj^tj&eaiailbott. ^obe gatbereb alltbi; men of t»arre,ma* wrt^ttJbicbbemabeftrongerbfibeaboute. ■tH« ftnrHeaoiwtbautbe fonneof3bfa= Iomt«0t»ttbafremboftet)ntoj[oppa,t»h(di tyaue tbem out tbat weeeinthecafteU .and femapnebtberebim Ceife . 'Ertpbon alio re- moucDfromiatoiomaijs«5agreate armpe, " K to come in to tlje lanbe of 3noa , anblona- tbasi t& bmi 111 toatbe . 36nb ^tmonpptcbeb b«Stctitej3at^DDugbefo?etbeplapnefeibe. T&nt ujIjcii 'Crtobbn knewetbat^moh Bon c »o m ftenoc or bw b?otber3onntba0> $ tbat be v» otoc waere agaynft bun ; be Cent incffaungerguiito bpm , fapinge • ^jpere ajs we baue hepte3onatbajJ top b^otber , (t (0 fojmonept&atbeW owpngetn tbeftpngert accompte,concmipngctbebufpneu*ctbatbe bab in banbc.tjjberf on lenbenott) an.C- ta- lented of frltier anb W two fonne0 f oj nier= tpe,tbatwbenbei0 tittm fo^tbbe (ballnot f o?faue W : anb toe qiall fenbenpm agapne^ .^euertbeleire^Dtmotiftnetoe.tbatbebtirem bleb in W wo?bcs( : pet commaunbeo be tfie monep anb cbi'lbjen to be belpnereb Unto bmt: leftbefbul.be be p greater enempe aga= pnft tbc people of 3fraeT:nim fapc, beeaufe be fttttbun not p moncpanb tbecpplDien.tber* fo?eW3onatbasibecb. jfco fijpmon rent b(m tbc cbpiojcn anb an c brtb^tbralentcd^butbebtaembleb^txiolbe notlet3onatba0go.^fterwarbecame^r^ Pbon mtotbelanbe,tobeftropett, anb went rounbe about bp tbe wape, tbat lebetbtMKo 3tbo?.3S5uttt»bcrefoettertbept»fte,twtb« tue"te £>pmon anb bWbottealfo.Sott)e tbei» tbatt»eremtbi!caftrll ( fentme{rarigers(t)n« to ^rtpbon, tbat be ftulbe maae balfe to come bp tbe wplberneOe > ani) to fenbe tbem Staples, ainD "CttphonmaDiereaoyall mi bo^fme,rocome tbat fame nptf bt. ifteucrtbe^ leuc ft maaatorp greatefiiotjje , fotlwtbe came not m c?aalabitbtm . %m xm be b?c* we npeasarcbama, beaewejowatftatf anb bwtonnt0tbere,anbtbenturnebfo?togon bometntob^awaelanbe. %tyn fent £>pmon!o? to fet bi0 b?otber^ beeb coarfe, anb bnmh itin$?obfnbp0 fa- tbetfeptte . $>* all3frael bewaplebbpm tf greatelamentaepou ,ano moumeb fo? bpm t)erplonge.3fnbS>pmonmabe tyon t])c fe- PMlcb?eofbt0fatberanbbWb?etb?e,abuvl= bpnge bpe to lobe bnto , of fre (tone bebfnbe atiib bei m% fet bp (eu0 ppller0, one agapnft awotbec( f oi W fa tljer m motperanb f onre bwtft^;anb fet great ppller* tofibe aboute, w(tbarme0 \)pontbem fo? a petpetuaUme= mo?p,a!io carueb ujpppc0 be(pbe tbe arme0: that tbcp mpgbt be fene of men faplpnge in WfS'V** ftP'tf cb?e wb(cb be mabe at 4i9ob(n,ftanbetbpettjntotbi0bape. w •*Bowea0 / Cripbon wetfojtb towalftt? «5 tbeponge bpnge 3ntiocbu0, be (le we bpm ti ttaptcronap^ rapgueb inW (teabe,crow- neb bpm felfe (tpnge of a fm , onbbpbmocb eucUmtbelanbe.5>pmonalfobuplte\)ptbe caftel0 R' : ©ftlje^iatliaueei .♦foliar. ca M$ m imm maftptigc tbc (fconr tbttb bpc totojc&great tBnllr&potf c* anb lochcs anb lapcb \)p A)traple0 tiube ftrong bolbe0. mo mmon cljorc ccrtatne mm>$ rent tbem to Itpnge Ji>emctrtu0: to infyit f)im, tbat be Wolbeotfcbarge tbelanbe from all booage, f 0? ^Ettybo baO fpopleo it, \icrp CoicMlbcvc \>pon tytmmm tbcfepngf anfojmb&im, ana mate Ditto bpm afte* tl)y# maner. ■ ja>cmet«u0 tlje hynat (enbeth grctinge Dnto jfepmontbe bpe p?e(t byv frcnoe, wttb tbc elbct0 anb people of p 3c toe$. Cbi gol^ ben ccotonc aubpjcctoutf lone tbatpc vent TtfUto Dj(,bauc tocrcceaueb:anb arc rcabp to inaltea ftebfaft peace toitb pan, pee anb to W?ptc Ditto ourc off tccrtf ,f 01 to releafe pou, concewpnge tbetbpnge0 Djljermtuc mabe poufre.aub tbeappopntcment tbat tdcma= Ite witbpott,ujalbcfitmcattDftable . %$t ftronge bolbetf wbtcb pe baue bnpibeb } (bail lie poure atone . M fo? enp oucrfpgbt 0* fat»te commpttcb Ditto tote Dape,wefotge* Ueifc,? t^t ccototie tare tbat pc oug bt W al* To .3ittb wi;eee ti& m$ enp ot&er tribute Z 3t «uralcm,ttCbalnow be no tribute: anblohe tt>|)0 arc mm amougpou to be in oure cour* te , let t^em be to?pten Dp , tbat tbere mm be peace bettopicteD0. <* %W tbcpocb of tbe beatljcn tbatf taken from3frae»,intbebunti?etbanbfeunttictb peare.'3lnbthe people of tljejctocjaibcgamte to wjpte in tpep? lettrctf ^ a ete0 on tbw ma» rmt> net. * 3n tbe fp?(f pearc of S>pm.on tl;c bpe p?cft,aitb mince of tbe 3ttoot0. 3n tbovc oapctf went ^pmon Ditto <2>a= ?a, anb befegeb it rounbe aboute , tbbete bf fetDpo?Dpnaunceofwarre. snawannea totojewbich be tofec.^ tbep tbat gatt ui totbe toW?e leaptcittto f cptpcwbpcbtoajS in a area tef care : 3« fo mocq tbat t\it pco= pie of tbe citpe rente tbeir clotbetf.anb clpm* mcbDp DpontbewaUesi witb tl)ep?D)puc0 anb cbplb?en befeebpng fr^mit to be at one Witbtbcmirapingc. '€>tewaubeD0 not after oure Wicucbnctf, but bCgracioug Ditto m$ , anb toe (ball do $ ferupce.^bcngDpmbfDjDerppptiCjWoloe -. fpgbt itomo?e agapnft tbem, butbut tbem 3F out of tbccpt(e,anbcattfcbtbebouiej3i(w{)e* tin tbe3ntagejEiWere)to be clcfcb,anb fo en* treb tbe cptpe toptlj ^falmcjJ of p?apfe, ije* «png tbancResl Dntotbe Xo?b,£>o wben l)e bab caftaUabbomtnacpou^outof tbe citte, Ije fet f ocb m I in it ass Ucptc tbc lato of 0ob, anb mabe tbe cptie ftrongc, anb bttplbcb a DWeUpngeplace fo? btmielf c. , • Jftowwben tbepintbe eafteUat3ernfa^ lemwereKeptcvo ftraptlpitbattlje^ eoulbe hot tome fo?tb into tbe countre,m'lbmpgbt tietbet bpe ncrfeUitbep were Derpbtmgepei anb manp of tbem f ampfljeb to beatb-jn fo mocb tbat tbepbefougpt &Mto be at one jfoirr, w(tbtbem>Wbicb be graunteo tbem. s>o lie Sittthcm out from fjenee,ano elenfeb t he ca ellfromfpltbpnelTe . anb Dpon tbe.rriif* bapc of tbc feconbemonctb mtbe. C.lrrt. peare tbcp entreb into it wptb tbanefec0p;c= upnge anb b?auncbcj( of palmc trees, mpfh barpejs, ecottoDcjef, rpntbal0 > ani>iufe0, fpn= -tngepfalmc0, anb fonges of p?apfc Ditto ^ ob, fo^ tbat tbe greatc enemp of ifracll D?a0 ouercome. 3f nb ^>pmon o?bcpttcb,tbat f fame bape tbitlb be aeptc eucrp peare in glabncffcanb mabe ftronge tbe bpu of f temple tbatWatf wmttbe caftell , Wberc be btbclt bpm f elf e Wttbb(0eompanp.^>pmbnairopcrccauma; tbat 3bon W fonne wa0 a mpgbtieman of arme0, ntabe btm captapne of all the hoftctf anbeaufcbbtmtobtc.cllat0a ? a. J Cfcbcriui.ebaprcr. C£>emetWU8f«oucrcomcofacfacc3.§)pm8brpnffcap; tavnutjevtis BTfafcqurrtnccin^frafll . roc rcuc: nsuntoffccnolbp|)ti)i{h(brKomaPii«anCfof«|jtlc prppUcfJipaHalBrriiurD. _ gtbe.C.tei.pcarcgatbcrco ftpngc -» pemetrin0bi0boft,anbbeparrcbDir 1 '' c us ^^iS'togcttbpmbclpefoito fpgbtagapttft^rtpbon.^oVbtxiixiKltru^ ccgi tlje Hpnge of j^erfia anb mem herbe, * Bemettt*wa0cntrcb wptb in bp0 boibrro- !)e[fiitoneofbi0p?incc0totaftelj(malpue: anb to b?pngc bpm Dnto bpm. ^obewrntc anbfleWcBfmetrmjJboftctolicbpmfclfe, b?ougbt bptn to 3trfacetf 5 wbpcl) keptc bpm in wacpe . $nb all m lanbc of 3uba Was in reir,volono;eaie!S>imonlpui i b,foiberotiff{)r tbewealtbof bt0 proplctucrfozc were n ct> cjumto baue bpmfo? tl|cp % * ruler, a no to 00 ftinwojftjpppcaliwapc. pmwmw tbeettte of 3oppa alfo fot anbauetowncanbtnabettanentraimcem totl;c 3le# of free* tyc enlargcb tbe bo:b:r£ of bi0people>anb coquereb tbem mote ianb: l)egatbereb Dp mattp of tbcp* people tbat were p?eftmer0:be bab tbc bommicit of e&* ?a,|5ctbf«ra anb tbe ea ftell,wi)pcl> be den- rebfromfpltbpncs^nbtbcrcwajsuomau tbat rcftftcb|)tm:S)oibat eucrp man tvllcb bp0grounbemueacc,tbclaitbeof3ubaaitbj5 tbe tticesi gauetbetr f rtttc anb entreated be elbersi fat all in inbgcmeitt , anb touc tbcp? beuicefo?tbewealtboftbclanbe:tbcpoitffe men put on Wojtbppaitbbanicfre Dpon tbe. m BJ?oupbeb Dptallc^ fo?tbe eptpes, ano mabcgooblpftrottjjebolbesj oftbnn:fo tbat tbefame of pp Wo?qjpp was fpoben of Dn= to p cube of m Wo?lbe. * if 0? bemabc pea= *m,mu u tijo^oW out tbe latuxanb 3frael was full '«• «« •'»•' ofmp?tbanbiope. 1 euerpman wtDnberbi0bpneanbfpga trec0,anbtberewa0nomai» tofrape tbem awapCCberc Wa0 none in $ lanbe to fpgbt agapnft tb^fo? tben tbe fwnw to ee o« t ** tome* ^\ \ ilfteM&ooJte *** I': J, 1' * f.wa.brti.c c TO + 3ugutt. e c omc. tyc belpcb t bofe rim t were in abucrfp-' te among big people, fee waSbiligcnt tofc $ lawc fee ptc: asf oj foci) as wcrcungohlp ilD wpckcb,be toUc them awapc. i)c fct up the &anctuarp.,anb cncrcafcb ti)e polp tocQtltf of tlje temple, Wl&c n the B omapnetf anb Sbparciantf bab gotten wojoe, tijat 3onatbaS was beeb t|>rp wcrcrigbt fojp.l&iit w&cntjjcp hearuc that $>pmo Wtyoihtt wasmabc bpc pjeft in Dps ftcaoe,* Dow pebaD wonnc tbc lanbc agapne With the ctticsm it: thep wjot c ton* to him in tables of bjaifc, to rcnuc theft io= Cbpp.anbbonbcoflouc^jDicbtDcphabma* ucafo^cibptl) * 3ubasanb* Jonathan ftpjes bjetbjen. Wilbtcb wjttingcs Were rcb heroic the congrcgacpon at 3erufalcm. 3ttb this is the copp of the letrrej*, that tbe&paretaSfcnt:^bc&cuafourS anb ci« tcftns of Sparta fenbegrctmg Unto gbtmo the great pjcftc, With tbcclbcrS,p?cftcS> 50 the otljcr people of tl>c-3cwes tDcir b?etM: taihcti pourcambaupfourS tljat tberc Cent Unto ourcpcopu\ccttpfteb u# of pottre Wo> Hipppe,bonourcanbpjorpcrouswcaltt):we were giabof tl)epKommg,aitibhauc wwt* mi the earaubc wi)icb tbcp fpaftc before tlje eouncelloftbepcoplc:namclp,tl)atiiiume= niiis thefonhc of alntiocDuS, Slttb3ntipa= m f foime of 3afon £3eweS ambafTitours; arc come Unto US 3 fojto rcnuc tfee ol.be frc"b= ibipe with US. Clip on tljijS t|)c people confcn= tc'o,ti>attbcmcnu>ilbbcDono2ablpintrca= tcb,anb that tbe copp of thep? caraubc ftmk be be w?ittc tit the fpeciall bokeS of f$e pco- ple,fo*a perpetitall memo#> Unto jS $>par? ciantf :pee attb tjja t roc (bulbcfcnbe a. copp of tyc fame Unto £>pmon f great p&Ut.%xtct tW ovv S>imo fenbe #iimemnja: unto %o-- mc,xb a golben (bplbcof atDottfanbepoiibc. wctgbctocofitme tbc frebfbiptti the": winch wijcn f laomapncs unbcrftobe 3 itDep fapbc: What tDackcs (ball we recopeec agapne Un* to g>pmo $ b«s cDi lb?e" < 4f ox De Datb (rablt* tbcb his bjctlj? c\$ otiercome f enemtcsof 3f racl. Ofllbcrf o jetbep graunteb him to bef re. Zno all this wjoteocwes t tables of b?af= fe,? napleb it Wo ^pillcrS tjpon £momttc ^>pon.i:he copp of the ttyptmge fs this. % he. pyiii. oayt of f monetl)* ©lul in t\re €lr eti.pcare in p thirb peare of &>imG f |ipe p?efte,in ^greatcogregactontljc p?eftes,ru lets of f people, # elbers of p coutre at 3lfa= ramc,ttoereti;efe too^besopcnlp beclatcb. it ox fo mocftas there t&as mochttoarrc in our lanb,therf o?e gDtmon the fonne of ^a> tatljias (come of the cbiibjen of 3areb; nno i)tS kizt\)w\ put tjem fclucs in parell , anb reftfteb tneenempeSof t^epz people: f tljcpj $>anctnarp9 lattoe mpgbtbe mapntepmoy anb ovx> tbep^peoplc great wo^ip: 3ona* tDajai in ipfte maner,aft«; t|wt \yz i)abgmier» tm l;pjs people $ bcnctl)ctcl;pe p?cftc.bpcb, anb Ipetb burpcb bcfpbe l)p0 elber j9S . ^ftertljat toolbt&cpjencmpctfjjaue trob-. ben their bolp twinges tonber tote ,bcftropeb ttyit lanbc^anb \>ttcrlp toatftcb tjjeir ^E>an 3 ctuarp.^ljcn ^pmon Mt&ftobe tljcm,anb fought f op hi* people 3 fuf t moc|) of ty$ atbnc moncp, weapeneb thcvalcauntmcn of hps peoplcgauctijemiDageS^abeftrongcthc cptt.es of 3uba, tbpti) 23etl)fura t|)at IpetD Upon tlje bo^bcrjel of jetb?p(tj)l)ere t|)e oiou itatutccoftl)cp?encmiejilapefomtpmf)anb fct 3cVbeS tljerc foj to Ueuc it. JacmabefaftSoppaaltoljic^lpet^po ^ tlje fee, % 0a?a that bojbjctb \»pon 3J?otnjS ( tblicre p enemies hibelt afoze)? there be fct 3cUJCStobcpeitranbtt)hatfocuertoaSmetc to? tljcfubbtipng oftftc abucrfartcs } f lapcb he tbctin.ia o\b itoljc the people fatoc tbe no - blc actes of ^>pmon, 9 tbbat tooilfcpppe, be purpofeb to bo foi tbf 3 l)tsgoblpbebattoure, 9 faitljfulnefle tuhtch he Hcpte\)nto tftf,anl> ijotobc fougjjt bpall toapes ptbealtD of his pco|Jlc,becaure l;e m alUl)fS,thcrfoje tbcp chole him to bct&epj pjicc 9 l)pe p?cfte.3InD m his tpmc t|)cp p? of perch tbell bp bim,fo ^ the^)catl)entocretaUfoutofthcp?lanbe:$ tDepalfo^tcUtDcrcin^cpricofDautbat 3crufalem m the caffeictbljcre t&cp Mt out anb befpleb all tbinges that there about t&e ^»anctuarp,? bpb grcate Marine tmto clen^ lpnej3()anb ^pmon put men of the3etbes in itfoj t\)t befencc of the lanbc anb eptte, anb fet Up the toallcs of 3erufalcm. Ttno npnga)cmetnus confirmeb bvm in W hpcp,icft Dobcmabe him Jjis frebe, s opb Dint great too^tpuc. JEo? he herbe that the momapns callcb the 3et»cs tbcp? frenbes, iouers 9 tyctbjfrijotb Ijono^ablp tljep rccea = neb £>pmoS ambaffitours : m tbe3etocs $p v teftcs confenteb that he (bulbe be thep? mice 9 hpe p?eft perpetuallp( tpll <&oo rap- fcb\)pt|)e true prophet ) 9 mt Ijc ftulbebc tbep?cajtatne,tocarefo?tl)cS)anctuarp;ff to fct officers tjpon tl;c thoickes tberof,oucr f lanb,otter the tt»capens,6tter the jjoufes of bcfence,to make p^ouifion f ox tlic Ijolp thin ges,f to be obepeb of ettcrp ma ,$ all p thzp^ tinges of thelanb to be ma be in hpsuatnerp he ftulbe be clotbeb in purple 9 golben tbat it fihulbe be iauf itllf ox none of the people no* rocftc* to bjeane enp of tljcfe tijpuges, to t6 ftanbe i)ts too?bcs,ncr to call cup congrcga= cion in m lanb tbttDout ljint: tljat be ujtilbe be clotbeb in purple,^ wcarea colar of golb: ainbpf therthcreenp thhicbbifobcieb oibja be tl)ts o^binannr e, f be mitt be punpQjcb. &>o all tfce people confenteb to alotbc j&t tnon,anb to bo aceoibpnge to tbefe tooibcS: ^>pmon alf btm felf tofie rt bpon biut,anb was contente to be f |)pe p?eft,tDe eaptapne anbp^nceofti)e3etbesanbp?eW,anbto gotiernc ^ftlie^lacljabeejBi jjtoncrtte t tiem all . flnb t Ijep commaabeb to mabc this tb^pttngetn tnblcsof b^affe.anb fatten it "bnto the cotnpa Oe of t^e feanctua^ rp in an open place- anb to lape Up a copp of tbefanwintlje trcafurp,tl;at^>pmon $ mi jiofteettcmpgbtljaucit. C'CDc.rtj.Cbapter. Cati»pcl]U0 ir flluH a coticna n f of frrnDQirp te«tj £>fi tnon,»aJclpl)B(8ptt!fciiuu(cl).2rl)cMomapnt3«iip(c If (Cef bnto hpiigea ane iiiuponsincbcbffcaccoCfljc JUiwto. ant(oci)U?rcfufpnfff tljcljcipetbatdrmon tlU!jpni,b;i.'aUftbl)PociiiciiaunC, .^ouer,bpng31ittiocDus $ fonne of p©emctrius Cent letters fro p 3les of . JtbcfteAmrog&pmonf hpep?cftanb mince of the3cttJcS,anb to all $ people con- tepmnge there ttoo?bcs : Zntioc^ns fiww fcnbcthgrctpngc bnto S>pm6tbe hpe p?e» anb to thepcople of tlje3etxjjs Sox fo mocjj as ecrtapne tbtcbeb me banc gotten § hpng« borne of oure p.iogenitours, 3 m purporeb to chalcnge p rcitlmc agapne, anb to tcftoie tttotbeolbeeftatc. ©Ubcrfo^c 3 haue gathercb a great &oft\ $mabetbippcsoftbaire:^3mapcgootbo= rowtbecouutre, 9 bcaucngcoof tohicln ijauebeftropcbourclanD.anDThaftcbmanp cpties imp rcalmc.3tnbthcrfo l icnoth3m(it be tbe fre alfo fro all the trtbutcS,tbbcrof an Wngcgmpp^ogemtours DauebtfcDargeb f anbfro otber cuftomeS(tt)herfr8 t|ept)auc relcafeb^j tobatfocttcr tbep be : Sec 3 gene f leauc to fmpte mottep of tbpne atone «&tn W lanbe.3is fox 3erufalem,3 ^pll that it . bcbolpanb fre:gt all tbctbeapesanb houfes ^ of befence tohicb thou hatt buplbcb^bepeft To in t&ine babes,iball be tbpne. (LillDcrcas enp thing i9i ox (ball u C othpngc bnto tl;c bpnge, 3 fo^geue it p , f r5 this tpmc f ojtb f ox euer= mo?e.3dnbtbl)gtbel)aucoptapncbourbing= bome,toc (ball bo ^,thp people anb tDe tf pie great too^njippc: to f pour honourc ftall be futotoen tho^oto out the tt>boleti>ojlbc. 3n the. Clrjciiii. peare wcttte It ntiochuS into W fathers lanbe,$ all t(je mf of toarrc came together bnto fcpm, f that fethc tocrc left «6'Cripbon.$>o g ttpnge ^ntiochuS f 0= loweb t> p bt > but bench bnto £>o?a, toljicb lietb bp tDcfce fpbc:foz be fatoc f there was tnifcljef e commingtmto btm j t|mt IjiS boft Dabfo?faW|)tm. ? E|)cncam3ntioc^usbtt= to "s>oxa tbtth an Inmbje t h anb tM tp tbou^* fanbemS of armesbpoitfote, scpgljttoou* fanbebo^fmf.^obecSpafeb the cttieroube about,Hb f Chippes came bp the $ec. ^tjus t^ep be ceb the cttte bp lanb $ bp tbatccin fo tnojchfthepfuffrcbnomatogoinnojoute. *{a«rt>ab. 3n t|)e meanc fcafon came * jftumeniu* ""* (« thep that hab bene uittbbim)f com f cttic of laome , hautngelcttres tb^ittenunto tlje Upngcs anb pjonmcteS, wljerin wcte c5tcp=- C neb theft wes ; i-uctns f^apje of $o> ^foJtti tnefenbetbgreting bnto^tolomp^bpng. 5becmbauttours of tbeSeroes our feenbej* bepng fent from &pmon the hpe pieft anb from tDcpeopleof the3ctoes,camebnto bs foi to renuc t(je olbe frenbtbippe, anb bonne ofloucb^ottghtalbplbeofgolbetocpcnga thoufanbe potmbe, tabic!) the there contente to receaue of tljcm.HlJberfojetbctbougDt it goob to tbjpte bnto the bpngesanb p?outn^ ctes,tobo tpem no barme,noz to take part* agapnft thcm,thep? cttpes net contm^nc= tbet to maintenc their enemies agapnft tlif* 3f there be enp tbpckebperfonnestbcifo^e, flch froin their countre bntopou,bclmcr the Unto £>pmon the hpep?cft,that he mape p« mflb th^maccofbingto thep? atone lathe. JCIje fame too^bes to?otc the IXomapncjC alfobnto^emetrtus^kpngc,to2Ettalus, Straba, 3trfaces$ to all regions : ag$>am» Untfto the of &parta ) '2)elo,^tbo.^it6, €aria,S>amos,pampi)ilia,jlpcia,aiicnr-- naiTumu^tothe Ehohes,to 5fafclts, Coo, S>tOa,3rabo, <5o (Snphu, toCpp^cS nnbtoCp.icn.^nbofeuerplcttrcthcp inn 15* acopptoS>tmon § hpe pzeftanbto the peo- ple of tf)c 3ethcs . §>o ^nttocbus the lu nge 3 b?ougbt W boft bnto 2>o?a p^feconhc tpmc totakcit:toherchcmabc bttterfe otbtnaun- ceoftbarre^kepte^nphoin^DatheanilD notcomefoztb.^:i)cfent^pmonto3[nrio= cbujjt two tboufanbe cfoofen men to l;clp him tbtthgolb,fplueranbotherplentcotisgccrci iacucrthcleO'c , he toolbenot receaue them, butb?akcaUpcoucnaunttohtchl)emnher6 ^>pm6afo?e, $tbitbb v ictDe btm felf ft 5 bun. #efent3thenobms alfoa fmtbe of to?* Unto ^tm0,f ox to reafon tot ti) I) tnufaptmr: 2etbitbolbcfrome3oppa»Cn?aCb)ttbthc cattell that is at3erufalmt ; thlnclj arr cp- tics of mp realmctbhofc borers pc j;aur oc ftropeb^ bone grcate cucU in the lanoe, ba- upngthebominacpon tnmanp other places of mp kpnp;bome . Mlbcrfojc bclpua- now y cpttcswbtcbpebauctakcn,wttb£uplmrcs of the places that pc haucrttleUpo without f bojbcrS of 3cWn): €>x els gene mp fpue tit meth talentes of fplucr, pec anb fopmon in golb, fplucr f fogreat plentp of o^namcntesrjjc marnc* leb,anbtoJbe^pmonaS)Skpngcommaun bcbbpm.^tjcnanfwcreb^pmon anb fapb Untobpm: *3fSf 0? US, we baue nether ta-^ **„» H other mens labes, iter withholDf ti'.e, but onelp onrc fathers bcrttage,wi)tcb oure cue --• mpes habUnrpgbtcouftpm polTclftcn a ecr- tapne tpmc . tijisljcritagc of ourefati* rS Ijaue the cbalcng cb m p^occflc of tpmc %nn Where .tf.e.b XV T m ®%tfy0MmU - ' * ■ IS "4 *t fe |tf. - ***** ■ ■ Iff H < if fit w'derea.si tbon cSplapnc ft conccrnpng 3op* pa anD <2>tt j a , tljrp Opt) great hatmc to our c people atiH in oure lanbe , vet? wpll wc gcuc an.€.taleittc$fojtl>cm. iacucr tljclcs: atuenobtust anfwercto Ijpm not one febib,but turttcb aga pne fezot&ful* Ip Ditto tljeltpng, 9 tolbe jnm all tlicfe wo$* bco\anbtbt great bigntte of gDpmott,fettlj all that he bab fene , anb t&c kpnjgt feast Dc* rp angrf c- jn tlje meanc tpmc ftco'ftupljoit Dp ttjtppe Ditto dDjtljofaiba.'Cbcittbc upng mabcCcnbehcust captapneof the fee coaft, $ gane him an Uoft of fotcmenanb hojfmcn, commatmbptigc bun to remoiic tlje boft to= warbc 3efe*p, anb to bttplbc Dp the cpttc of Ccb*ott>to make Dp t Uepo*tc&anb to fear* re agapnft the people of tMcfecst.^tffojp ftpng mi fclf c, he f oloweb Dpon ^riphotn £>o € cnticb cast came Ditto 3amnf a,anb be* ;anne to Derc tUe people , to treabc bownc jewtp, to tafte p people pjefoitcrst, to flapc * ^ma.f bi.b tucm, atiD * tobuplbc Dp Ccbjoiu feljete t)C fctt&ozfiitcti anbothermen of featrc, tljat tbcp mpght comcfoittt ana go thozowtbc ftretctf of 3cfe*p,lpUc ast tpcupng habcom= maunbcbhpm. CfcI)c.jcDi.et>apter. CCf noebeue fbf raptapne of antforbue ftotte fjput fo f lisbt of tbc fonnce of jfrpmon tacolomniB f fount of globus Kr;ict!) g>i?mon a-bfs.tt. fomusat abanhrt, 31 otiti Upimb. rfrflii H>a( ipe a?a,anb tolbe £>pm on i)(0 fattier, wljat Cm* dcUcujs tjabbone amongctljepi pco= pie . llponthpst calico £>pmon tfeo of w$ elDeftfoimc$,3ubasianb3l)on,anbfapbDn= to them.- 3 anbmptyetbjcnanb nip fathers* boufebauceuecfro" ottrpoutbDp Dnto tljtsf bape,foucrtjten agapnfttlje enempestof If* racl,anb o ne cbofe. jcc.^.figljtmgmcn of pcoimtte,witb mfc mctiaifo,tot)ici> wetttefo?t(j affapnftCen* tebcusi,ano ceftco at ^oWn. 3n tfie mo^npng tljep arofe , a JtD wettt in to tlje plapne fcme.ano oeljolDe, a mpgljtpc great f)otf came agapnft t^cm , botD of f otc nun aim tjoifmcn. i^oto feast ttjeeea tuatf t uzofte betropcte tljem, ano 3l)on temouen f fwft towaroe tljem . 3notb!)fn Ijefatbe tljat t^c people wag afrapeo to goo ouer t&e mn» tcr OjoRche tocnte ouer f p jfl: Dpm felfe:anD tlje men fetnge t^W,f olotoeo Ijpm. m 'Ctjcn 3f)onfct j)t0 Ijo^fmcn anofotc men w m oioje , tDc one bp tftc orftce ,fo^ t&ep? ene» miejS ijoifmentoeretjerpmanp. T&HVafytn tljepblctoe Dptljcmefte^ trompettcitf, Cen* Debenst flco t5 Dtjfoofte, trijerof manpttoere fiapne^anbtyeremmumtgattiicmtotim > % c *3i*mut& ftronge l)olbe . 3«ontf.alfo 3&orai p^otficr tooajs mounbeb at ti)e fame tpmc ,3U no iljott f olofeeb ftpll Dpon tfte cnempejS^pll |je cam toCebi6*tolj(cl)!)cbuploeo. ^Dje enempcti *<.w«;iti ftcti alio Dnto tbc toto^etf tljat tbere in m fclliejj of 3& jo tujs.anb tbofe OpD 3Don btttne Dp . fDiijJ tDcrc ttocrc flapne. it. &). men of tljcm , ano 3ljon turncb agapnc pcaccablp into3cto?p. •3Iud in toe felbcof 3c«cDotbajS ^tolomi t\)c fonne of 3 bobttf ma c captapne:tb|)d becaufe l)el;ab abounbaunce of ipluet am golbeff 0^ tic foab marlcb ^ baugbtce of ^&p c won p bpc pwft)toajrcb pjoube in jjpjs mpn» Oejanotjjougljt to conqucretl)elanDe,pma= gentng f alfteb agapnft ^>pm6 anb W f on= ncjt,to0cftropcti)em.iao\toaje(iS)pmon\toajS gopng aboute t&ojoto tlje cpttc-ef, tjjat were tn tbe countrc of 3cu>^p , anb caring f oz thg: i)c came botbnc 1 3ericl)0 toitb ^atbatuttf ano 3»baie< W fotmess,int!)e.ci^t)rt.peare intDc.jci.monctI)callcb*$)abat.'Cigfet'o» lomptijcfonneof^bobugircccauebtbeTbut tottp bifecate ) into a ftronge l)oufe of hpjs callcbS)ocb , tbbpcl) be habbuplbcb , where Demabctbemabancfeet. ^jottoljctt^pmon anb|)piS fonnetf were mcrp anbDabb?8cftcntocll , i&tolomp ftobc Dp toitb Ijpsf men ( tbDom De bab Wn there ) ano to&etoeir tocapen^cntreb into ^ banc= feet boufe , anb flctoe &pmon tbtt^j m ttbo fonnej2{,anbccrtaincof^feruaatci0!.S)och great Dnfaptl)iftilneu"c npt ^tolomp in 2U raelUanbrccompcnfebenellfo^goob.TOn to?ote tbw fdtoiomp f fame nnto fepng Tin tiochu0,rccuip;t.inge bim s that IjcOmlb Fenbe hpm an boft to bclpc l)im :anb f Omlb be be^ Ipncr hpm tbc 1 anbctoitl; the cptietfanb trt btiteioi of tbefame. 19c fent other men alfo Dn to <5aja,fo? to tanc3bon : anbw^oteDnto the captapnetf to come to bim,anb |)e Cbwlbe geiic mm fpliicr,goIbe anb rctbarbetf . 2lnb to3criifalemi)eCEntother,totaUctt,«tDe ^Drtnctuarp. 'Eljen rannetljcre one before, anb tolbe 31)5 m#a?a, tbat W father $ hijSb^etD?cn wcec ttapttcf fioto tbatptolomp hab fent to Uape tym alfo . W ften jbon (jerbe tbijj, be toajS fo?e abaibeb,anblapeb hanbeitf of tbent tijat tbere come to beftrope tym , anb Octoe them: fojijebnetbctlmt tljcptoentaboute toftpllhpm. m I oj otheiP thpngejel concernpng 36o« : of to toarreiB! , of bpie( noble actcs: ( aJjjmti Ue beljaueb hpm fclfe manfnllp)of the bupl-- btnge of^wallesiitohicl) he mabe,anb otjcr of m oebefli^Ucp are itytttcn in tlje ctonicletf of |jp0 p?eftbobe , from the tptnefoztfc tbat jjetoajBimabc hpe p^eft after Mfatpet, !■ ' ft > •& C; Cfte fetonb boke €%%tty$ Copter* frnebntoe^niWl)pcl?Dtocltmtfjripte»toftftmtbep 'i!rtp;tc(l)cmtOBcuttb«ncftwfo;t!;tD«tbofan«oi ri)u;.fl)f .«« f$tt fyittoi* tyhnt in f p?t. %ty MV W of jftc$fcnf4$. !^e b?etp of the 3ctbetf tb|ji cl) be at 3etufalem,anb in the lanbe of 3etb^p,tbpft) Ditto thofe b^eth?cn of thc3etbc0 that are thojotb out ©gppteiffoabfo^ttme^althattb peace. 00b be gracpowj Dntopoii,attb tjrpftcfte Dponliisicoueuautthatljeinabetoith^b^a . jam,3faac anb 3acdb W faptbful fcrwa^ \a», mfi tei«:*anbgeucpouaU focbanbcrte,tl)atpe mapeloueanb rcctic J)(m,pecanbpcrfoifrme ftps; fepll toitljan tohole Derte anb of a XbpU Ipnge mpnbe : 19c opett potire Ijerte^ inhpsi lafee anb in Ijpjj comma tmbemcittesi , fenoe pou peace: l)eare poure pMpcrj(,beatoue foitbpou,anbitcucrfo?faKc pou in tpmc of ttoubicEbitf in I)crc our p,iapcr fojpou. 52Ut)attpmea0t)cmctrfuj2(raigncb,.inj5 Clyir.pearc,tbc3ctde0to^otc Ditto pou in tDc trouble anbDtol^ce that came DntoDtf. 3n tljofe pearesi , after tljat 3aConbepartcb oute of the t)olp lanbe anb Itpugbomc , tljep bjcntDpthc po^tc^gt ttjcb innocent bloube. ^Dcnmabc toe our proper Ditto tlje lloibc, anb wcreDearbewc offreb: anblpgljteb t je wtmt canbel^fcttingfoitljcattc^aitb b?eb.*3nt> note come pc Ditto tl;c f cafte of tabernacle^ iMonrmbrr. 1»teUM0&teU t 25 In the. ClmDiii.pcarc, the people that Djajsat3erulalem anb in 3cttyp, the coun= cell anb3ubasi bpm fclfcfcnt tDpjs wholf 0= mc faltttacton Ditto ^riftobolutf bpng ^Sto lompjS matter, tbljichcamc of tiegencracid of tDe anopntebp^eftejS : anb to t?e 3ctocs{ 01 tf)e ;$tarijabee0 ^fo 1 < \ thatDjercm egppte .-jnfo mocDeajSd^ob liatl) belpuercb DjS from grcate pareltf, fee tfjancaebpm l)plpe.3ntpat fecrefpftebfo CfEfte eitbe of the fp^ft boofte oftJ»e^ac6abee^ mpgljtic a ftpuge. 3nd whp.''hc b^ottg^t mt out of Ferris; bp bcapcjB! , to tpgbt agapnft Dsi anb the Ijolp citie.jf op ajJ lie featf titter* fitf(ttamclp,tDeCaptapnewpt6thcgreatc |)oft)Dc perpCheb in tDe temple of JaaneajS, nepngebifecaueb tljoiofe tlje beuice of &a* neajsp^cftcjs.jfgiatf be feast purpofeb toija ne bfeelt there, 3ntiochust anb bpst frenbejs came tbptoer , toreceaue moch moncp foz a Jofe^p. ofe^Jftancast pjeftetf bab lapeb fojtbtbemonepjtjecntteb witb afmallcS* panp into tUe compalfe of t&c temple, ab fo tl)cp Hut the temple. C ^owwpesitntiochttiSentccbbp opening tje pjettp inteaunce of tDc tcplc, tjje pjcftejs ftoncbthecaptapneto beatb,hefeebthgiit v ecc^ tha t feere wpth hpm , fmotc of tbtn leabe^anb tb^efee them^ut .3n al thtngcS 0ob be piapfcb,fehpche ^a th belpuercb the fepctteb into our hanbetf. Wlbere as* fee now arc purpofeb to nepe tbepurtficacion of the temple Dpotbc.tjCD: bapeofthemonethCaaeu,feethoughtne= ceflarp to certifpc pou f (jetof : that pe alfo mpgbt *Bepe,tjje tabernacle^ fcaft bape,ab *m.wi.t thebapeof tbefp^evferjpche feast gcucn Dtf i&Eb 1 ?** fehcnBehemia0or7reD,afterth3t5ehabfe^ , ^ Dpthetempleanbtheaulter.5foifehattp= me m oure fatberst feere leb afeape Ditto fnli&mmto** (mm tm rougbt the fjpnourcof ©ob ) toltethefpie pzpuelpfro theaulter } anbbpbitinaDaUep,fehereaiS feast a Depe type ppt : anb therm thep ucu tt tt,vo thatthe place wast Dnhnowen to cuerp ftp ©ob tbat^ehcmia^flbulbe be rent from tbeupnge of pcrfia, * he fent tbe chpioerjs ff"g:"** cbplbun of thofe ptefte^c wDtcl) Ijab t)po W w * w f p?c) to fefeett. 3tnb ast thep tolbe D&tftep founbenofp?e,bucthicaefeatcr. %Mum-- 1> mmnm betijem to biatbc ttDp,f tobiinff tt hpm,anb the offringcsl withal. B ofe'fehe tlje wcriftccsi feere lapeb on anb o*b*cb,tbe p?eft iiachemta^ commaunbeb to fpipucHle toetn anb the feob fepth water. czupnt tbpjS feast bone,ab the tpmc come that the &>un= ne ujone,fel)ich af 02c wast hpb in the cioube.* there wasta grcatfpze bpnbleb.Jn fo mocft g)ateuerpmaumaiitelcb.i3owallthepic- {test p?apcb,wljple tlje faenfpee feast ama^ Bmge.3pnathas( p?apcbftrft,anb the other gaue anffecre. 3inb Behemtast pzapcr feast after tbrfli mancr: 0%mc0o% maBcr of all thpncntf tljou fearfull anb ftronge , thou rpgijtcoitf anbmercpfiiU,thoitthatartonc(;'agracp^ oust lipitgc , onelp Ipberall , onely tuft , 3 U mpgjtpe anb eucrlaftpnge,thou that bclp- ucreft3fracirromaltcottble 5 tboutl)atbnft cljoicitthefathcrtfaitbhalowebtl)em:rc'cca= ue tljcofferpngefoztljcfebole people of 3f* racl,pzcfer uc thpne afenc po.wton , anb ha* lofee tt,gatfict tbofe togctljee, tljat are fca-- treb abjobc from Dtf : bclpucr them that arc Dttber tlje heathens; bonbage,loheDp5 the feljpclj arc befppfeb anb abbozretr, tljat the tycawn mape knowe anb fe hofe that thou art our <2>ob:0unpfujc them that opptcftc, anbpjoublpputDtf to biajonourc.&et thp WMA& a $$* m ^ % 0[ V Placc*lpfte atf ~ mt , ^ofcsthatUfpouen. »w*«m atnbthcpjcftetf fonge ^falmestof tfjan= m fecfgcutHgcfblongasttDefacrtficccnDuvcD. iBpfe fehen tljefacrrfice wagtbwnt,^cljc^ nttajj commaunbeb the trrcatc ftonctf to be teP.W *Dp «Rbttc of tlje water. *$mtM» 'Cfic ^WJDicDw^itwa^bonctDcrefea^ ftpno. giSaf leb a * WUWWtt% 1 \ * * ic& a ftammc of tbe ntaMfebut itm$ count men tooiotoc f lpsbt> tbatityitcbfromtbe ouUcr.&o town tm* roattse m$ ftnotocn, it toa$ totor f ftpnge of J&ctriai in tUe pla . cctobcrc ipjcttcfctobiebom leb atoapc, tab l)p0fv?c, tbercapcarcb toatcr -mftcabe of rp?e>anb tbat j&t&cmia* $ jjtsf company. Hao vmvUt* tbe fuerpfpcctf toitball. %&m toe ftpnge confpberpnge$ponbcrpngetbc matter btlpgcntlp, inane bpm a temple tQ mm m tbm* t&attoao Done.3n0 toben fjc fbttnOe u fo titbebebegauc tbe pzcftetf manp gpftc* $ bmetfc rett>arUe^pce,bc to = ftc tbem \3DttU Disf atone bao and gaue tbent. 3nb jdebentia* calleO p fame place .0cpb« toat,lofnc& ijiajs moclj to fapc a* a clcnfpn* ge.but manp men call it jaepbi. Cfcbc.ii.Cbapter. C&oto3(|tTcmpl>p6fce tbe tabernacle, l<*jQf tyMi.bobaof Jiafoneon tapnrDinonr. fC f* f ounbe alfo (n tlje ttyitpngcjs !of 3_eremp tbe pjopbcM&at beco* ■maubco tpem tobicb xo\)c re carved *««i«i.e * r aOmpc,totafterpjc,*a0iti0lap= *&£ $5 'S i e afptc. * ^ cpmmaunDco tbem alfo,rbat B4tuc.bi. a . tbcp Quito not fojgct ttje latoc anD comauu bemfteg of tbe &oj be, anb tbat fi)ep&uine not cm in tl)cp^ mpnoe&tobcn tfjcp fc pma gctf of fplucc anb goioc toitb tbcpi omamc" te0.'Ei)cfe ano foci) otber tbpngctf cdmaim* oco be tijem, ano crbo2tcb tbem, tbat thep iRnttoc not Ictt tl)c latoc of tfobgo out of tbm fccttcsl. . 3t tsf ttyptten alfo, bow t(je pjopbet (at tbe commauubeme" t of C5oh) cbargeO tljem to tafee t()e tabernacle^ tijearcftc t6 tb'em : anb be tocnte fojtb Ditto tUe mountapne, ifo&crc crm be lapeb the fabcrnacle, tbe arcke, a tbe aulter of inten= fc,anb fo ftoppcb ttjc bole. 'C bete came cev= rapne men togetber alfo folotopng bpm,to wgdw tbe place,but tljep coutoe not fpnbe it.TOcb5)bcn3erempperceaueD 5 berepio ^5 uct 1 tbem, fapmg t M fo? f place, it (baibc Jmftnotone, fcn# U tbe tpme f 45ob gat bee bt* people togetber mm& teceaue tbcm Jnto mercp.'fcbcn Oial 0oO qjeto tbemihe* ft tbpnge&$ tbe maieftp of the ILoibc (ball ♦u.KM,«,.b jbettoco-bnto#ofefii:anol ^pneatftbben^a lomon orfypiMttat tfte place mpgbt Mm ctifpco,anottitt»a8!Cbctjjcii bpm. Jf 0; be bnmg a topf* - "~ - raWpffrrftbvoffcn jaiottpngcoftbetfpW^pfn tt tta« fmiD *arur.S*rt« togetber fr5 on* rfftJtel^^^^^^P^c^^bebatb f^^mgrcatparc^^nobatbclcn^ hJ^SEf ^^B^SitW ^acbaben^ anb id ^&i^2?^ c W«%«cponoftbtffteat 5!£ l 65 clMJ,w P CICtt of tl ^ c aultcr,pec,ano IS^SffS 1 t|)rtt: conccrne noble atatfo. SSsSfi ®»Pato?bt^fonne,of Sflbpnpn-- mmumh RFSSS ( a ,nc Optbue fuom beaue fcpon tljo. SS5flL3S.*nr but fetoc , pet befenbeb SSHS** lanoc ' D ^ oue a^»ape tbe ene= ' ffiSSf 5i:ccon u C,:eD affapne tljc tf pie , tbat m& fpoften of tbo^otoe out all tbe txmlde ShRSS^ifiE cptP^bopnge tbcp? bcft,tbat tbclattocoftbeio?betbb(?b mfm botb= ncmpgbtttjptball tranquilptebe reftozeb fiffi^P^^^^atttaiSfomercp. zSEPSfc ^touebpnge 3afonalfoof SS'3 ie l a,,e ^"oertaitfeompenbiouap to tying into one boRe,tbe tbingejs tbat tbe= re comp ? cbcDeD of bpm infpucjo^ccon. fpberpnge t\)t multvtmc of tbe boW, anb Sfe |?t^V^tbenl tbatKe SS w J ft0 w * actes; ( ao tbatbecaufc ££!3S2!3 t &* J ^ auc wiw* ^ to 2! e W e fto?icsi:tbatfocb jRiicrMi ttpmetbetimanm t|)at tbeptobpcKarebuv^ gent to rocbe tbP»W ; mpgbt tbe brttee tttt ,on ^i" 1 ^ 8 " tbattfcbofoenrc w abetbem,mmbtbaucprofpttbeiUp. ofttbauetaRennofmallaboure, but great oiugcnce 3 t»atcbpngeie(anb trauaplc. EpRe o^tpep a^tbep tbat moRc afcaft , tboloc fapne bo otbetmen pleafure:(£tic fo tbcalfo ( mm npmcntffaftcg)arct)crptoellcotct to taUe tbe labourcuJbcrca^ toe mape flwtlp com pjebcnbctljc tbpngciai tbat otljcr men baue trulvwipttcn. it 01 be p buplbctb an boufc ane\»e,mu(I p^oupbefo^manp tbfgesf,to f tbbole bupl=« 5pngc:but be tbat papntetb it afteettoarbe, fcftctb but onlp tuba t itf comlp , mete % con ■- tttnift to garnplb it teptljaU. 6uefo bo m alfomlpkemanct.3lnob)i»p/'toctbatbcgi= wtt]) to ttypte a top fo? p fpif,mnft toptb W onbetfranopnge gatber tbe matter to= getbcr,fctbP«t5jo^csi in oibic,anbbi»get«= rpfclieoutofcucrppartc:H5utbetbataftce Ibarbetbill ibo^tcntt /bfetbfetotbotfjetf,* toucbetbnottbcmattcrattbelargcft.ILct topsi be fufftcicntfo.t a $;ologe , noto topll toe begtneto (bctoe tbematter :fot it in but a folpm thVMc to make a longcp^ologc,* to be fljojte in tnc ftojp it felfc. C5Cbciii.Cbaptcr. fTOftlicljoaoucooiit biitotijc temple bp the (tpnsctf offben5eiitpie». ^pinonfttteretb »bat tinnuc cUolio»twi - «rfnttotakctI)Cinatoare.l3t wHtpci*euofi3oo,(cbcaiciiattI)ep;apctoE.oiUaa. ifyattpmcatftbcbolpcptc mst (nbabiteb i all peace's tbcaltb* anbtobf tbelatoctf toercpcttjc: mwmnBw W tbcU !lC P tc - (%ty f0 XOOfi It 02= 3M$m bcywMp iOnpaj^bpepzcft \i otber goblp me f tocrc cuempejs to topekeb^ mmeftmm tbcrto,*tbateuetl;e kige,tf I p.imccjs tl;e fcluesi opb t\)t place great tooz flJPPpe^ gatnpQjcb tbe temple tbttb gteate mttmn fo mocbtbat ^elcucutf ftpnge of 3 f ta of W atone rentesl , ba r c all tbe coftrtf belongpngc to tbe ferutcc of tbe offrpngctf. mmu* 'mm * Srfmonof i5 tribe of 25cn3amtn,a ruler ofj5 tcmplcjabourcb totbotcke fomc • ^cuertbclclTetbbenbempgbtnot oucr^ muM.b come JDnia«l,bcgatIipmto*appolonmj«^ foueoW«fa(t))bpcbtb^tba0 cbefe HoiD 1 Celofp.ua anb ^bcm'ceie()attbtolbc tom$ tbe treafnrpin3erufalcmtbasifull of inmt= merablemoncMboto tbat tbe comfi goo= besKtobpcb belongeb notVnto t\)e offctpn* ge^)t»ere erceabinge greatc alfo.pcc $ lio^ it tocee poffible , tbat all tbele mpgbt come tmocr tbe kpngesj pother. Boto tbben 4!ppolonius! ban (betoeb tbe y$ ftpnge of tlytmomvc a# it toass tolbc bvm: pftpng callcbfo^eUobo?utf bis 1 ftetoarbc, * tent f)ym tbitb a comatmbemcnt-,to tying bpm tbefamc monep.3mmcbiatlp K;cliobo rustokebpjiiournep , bnttinorta coloure, ajStbougbbctoolbe go tbojtoto Cclofp^ia nnb ^Ueniccjs to \)ifeb f wmMt iw pur pofiMtoast to fcilf pll tbe ftigetf pleafute #0 ttJbcri be came to 3erufalcm,ab Wag loupn* . glpteceauebof tjjebpep^aintotbecpte^c 5fo.letiit l^ac.i,c toioe tbbat toasf bctermpneb concernpngc tbe monepe,anb tbettoeb tbe caufc of bp0 co * nungjje afkcb alfo,pf it toerc fo 1 beDe/Cbe tbe W^ PJcft tolBe bim,tljat tberc toast f och moneplapcb \jpfoj tbctjpboloinge of tovb-. botoctfano fatberlefTe cbplbzen, ? boto tbat a certapnc of tt bclongeb \mto wmn* %o biajf anoblcmanranbtbatof al tbe moiicte (imon bat b'etoiapeb) tbcreifccre.tfii.buntyctbtaleteig of fplnct,* ti.btmtyetbofgolbe:pceanbtbatittoercWi poutblcfo? tbofe mtm meanpngc to be Dif* ceaucb,tbatbab lapeb top ttxn monep in d placeanbtemple(ttJbPCbi0babiii\DoiQ)pp tbozototbetbboletDo^lDejfoitbe.maputc^ naunce anb bonouce of tbefamc.Ullbct 'un- to Ii>elioDo^anfcocrcD,tbat toe ftpnge bao commaunbeb bpm manp top fe , to typnge bpm in tbe monep. ^joattbebapc appopnteb,?i?clioDo*us C entrco into ti}c temple to o*D v ic tljps matter 25ut tberc toafif no fmall fcare tboioto out p tobolc tytit.%\yt 3&?cftc0fe 11 Ootonc befo= retbeaultcriutbcpmfttmcte&anDcalteD tonto bcauen tipon bi, *tobpcbbabmaoc a *ewm,*- latocconcempnge ftuffegcuru to ftepctbat tbcp(bulOcbefafelppjefcruebfo < ifofba0co mttte W onto fteppnge . 'Efcn tobo fo bab lokcb m bpe mm in t\>e f ace,tt toolo banc greuco byst berte.*#o.i bpfli contcnannce ano tbecljaungpngeof i;t0 coloure, bcclarebtbe nnoatbefo^otoc of mmfoe . 'Ebcma toad allinbeupncffc,anbbitfbobpfofearc:tobcr: bptbeptbat loftcb op5bpm,mpgbt pr rcca= uc pgrefe of t)iti hertc . ^be otber people al ■- fo came out of tl)cpi boufctf bp beapes unto p com on pjaper becaufc f place loan iyHc ta cpmcmtoconfufpon.^bc toemecamc togir tftet tboitoto p ftretetf, toitb bearrpe clotbetf aboute tbep.t tyeto. 'Cbeop?5pnjXalfot!)attoereftepteC,rani; to a?niaj8,rotnc in tbctoalIesf,otber fomc lo ftcDoutoftpctopnbotbesfrpcetbepallijeibc toptbep^banbc0totoacbebeauni,$pjapeb. 3L mtferablt tbpngc to asf it, to loke Spc 1 tbe comen peoplc,|tbc pve p«ieft bepnge m focii troublc.2l5uttbcpbcfflugbtalmigbtp©o6 tbat tbe goobetf tt»bpcbtoerc comptteb on» totbent , mpgbtbelieptctobolctonbofc* Dab bclpucreb tbe onto tbew. fteppnge. flit tier tbclcja! tbe tbpnge tbat kliobome toatf Oetetmpneotobo,tbat pcrfourmebbc i tbe fame place, bebpmfclfe pt tfonallp bepnge about tbe treafurp toiitb 6p«men of toarre. jStit pfmctc of almpgbtp 00b ujctocb him *9\t9 opelp,fo tbat mm tobitb P^cfumen to obepe ^£11000^110,^11 tbojoto tbepotoec of w ob into a grea te f carf u lueffe anb b icbe . *Jo*ttoap«awbVntotbemanboire,i6*tf.«,« fFil a terrible man fpttmg.opon bpm,becktin wSSr 4 gooblp arape,anb tbe^ff fmote at loelio^ Oo?ujDt xxjyttf \>v& f jc fete . iUoto be tba t fat ftftft opon *< %\)t fccOttU bokc \y ; *»rf.< •■ S 3 lopon£bo.tfc,baObariic{rcofgoltoct)ponbt. iil?o.tcoucr,tberc apcared.it.fapjc $ bcu» tyfull yiigc me in goodly a rap, wbicb ftodc by bim,fcourgcd npm ot botb tUc fpde0,aiiD *« *. .. ©WW ton manp ftrypctf wttbout ccaltingc. *«.#«.j.c *jaittui;[)atfcUI?fUoDo.«iiE(roDcnlpt>ttto £ "* grounde.&o tbep tone ton lop(beiae com= yafcd aboutc wprbgrcatc barelincucx* ba= re ftpin out tjpon a bcrc. W be tbat came witb fomanp runncrg anb men of warrc in to tbe faybc trcafiup,watf bojuc oat,Wbcre as; no man mpgbt bclpc bpui:$ fo ttyt power of 0ob wagmanyfett aiidluiownc. Ijc layc ttpll Damme nlCo bp tbe power of d5ob defti turcofallbopr$lpfc,3lnbtbcpwapfcbtbc lo*d,that be bad tbeweb bus power bpo bti place ad tcple,wbpcb a Ip tie af oje Wag full of fearer troublc-.and tbattboj otto tbe rcue-. lacpon of tbe almpgbtie fcojdjlt wag f piled Wy r b tope aub gladncfTc. 'Eneccrtayncof focliodojug fredeg roapctt Omatf ,tbat in all bade ije Wolbc call tjpon C?oD,f o grauntc bt bptf lpfc,Wbpcb toag gc= irpngctip tbe gooft.&o tbe bpc picft ronft-- brrco tljcmaf tcr, ad left tbe Upng (bulb M> peetc tbat tbe 3cweg bad bone tycliodotug iomccucU:bcotfrcbau bcaltboffrepngc foi him . #010 wbc* tbe bye $jeft bad optcpned hygpeticion,tbcfamcpongc men in f fame clorinngcappearcb,$ftooebefpdelf)cliodos rug,fap egc : 'Cbancne ©niag tbe \)ve pzeft, * tenure foi*fojbtf faitebatbi Idfifttd&mf thp 1c Ipf ettberf ozc feing f o ob batb fcourgeo tjje geuc bpmpiayfc & tljakcg,and Qicwccucrp man bp* mpgbt $ pooler, '$ud wb£ tbep bad fpoftc tijefc wo>oeg,tbep appearcbnomoie. §)o tyliobotuti offtfO "Onto (5oD , made ;reat tjowc* tmto bim, Wbicb bab grafifcD am biglpfe,tbachcb &>niag, tone big booft $ wctc agayne to tbe fepnge. %\)tn tcftificd be tjnto ctterp man of tbe gecate wojcncg of <5ob, tbat be bab fene xb Ijtg epeg.3inb tube tbe &pngcafneb^cUodo;mgWbo Were inc= te to te vent pet onceagapne to 3erufalc,be faybc:yf tbou baft anp enemp 0; abuerfarp tmto tljp realmcfcnbc bim tdyt&cc , <$ tbou (bait baue bpmpunpujea,pf be efcape wpf b gU8 ly fe:foj in tbat placc( no boute) tbere W a fpeciall power s Wojtckig ofC5od. jf op be f»biuelletbinbcaucn,\)tfttctb?bcfcnbctb^ plaee:ab all tljat come tobo it bar me,be pu> nyOjctb ab plagetb tbcm . %typ# 10 no\to t\)z matter concernynge 0cliobo,w0,$ t^t ftc=« P¥t\$ of tbe trcafurp at.lernfalem, fCCbe.tiii.Cbapter. <\n o(f itt vtttitvgt Putt t o;vuptt t^ t\)t upoBt »ptij r» todrDf«.s:DetopEhcD intuit of Jiafon. ^t0$>pmonnoto*(oft35bS toefpatse afo?c) beingcabeto?aper of tbe mo? nep 9 of bpiJ atone naturall contre,rc po?teo^ojftof i©nias(:a}3(tbottflbi» Dab 21 ♦tf.nttf.fli.a mouebipeliobo^utf^ntotbPiEf^ajtftbougb he bab benea b^yugce lop of encU'ChuiBi toaS bcnotaajamebtocallbpman enempc of 6 realmctbatVbajlfofaptbfullanouerfecra befenber of tbe cite 9 otw people: pec Sb fo rerucntin tbe la\bc of <2>oO. 25utlbM p ma-. lice of £>tmo tcreafebfofarrc , tbat tl/ozou) bptf frenbesl tberc tuerc ecrtapne ttt^flnttcrh, tj'rtf corny tteb: Om'asi confiOercb tbe parcU tbat mpgbt come tbojoto tbitf fit pfc,fj botb tbat 3lppoloni>(namelp tljc cbefc lozbc in Cclofpjia ^bem'cexotuajs all fct \)pon tp= rannp,anb »>pmoniE(maltccfcreafeb thefa mc:fee gat l;(m to m Upngcnot atf an accn fer of tbe cptefin&bnt a^ one tbat bp hi fclf wtniDcb pcomontbealtb of tbe tobolcmub tttube.ifo^bcfaujeitvtoajsnotpomblctolp je in peace.nctber &>imon to leaue of from Oitffolpa)ucite,erceptfliyngebpblolietbec to. But after tbe beetb of ^>clctiru0,tbhen 3Bntiocbntubicbitfcallcbtbcnoblc)tokci» ftyngbome:3afontbeb^otbcrofC>ma0la=^ bourcbtobcbpcp«ft:#ojbccamc*nfotbe ftynge,anb ptomifeb him t\w bub^etb fir. Mcnm of fyluer^ of fotber rented. Im. takmctlJkmt H tW be p^omifeb Dim vet m&4 .%,yf be mygbt baue tljjc fcole of tbe cbylbzeu,? tbat be mpgbt call tbcm of leru falcm ^nttocbianjs.dfllbicbttobentbe Binge bab gcaunteb , 9 be bab gotif f ftiperio^fte*, t;e begane immebtatly to b?axo W ftynfmS to tbe cuftome of tbe heathen , put botonc i? tbyngeai tbat tbe 3etoc0 bab fet \jp of lour, by 3olm y fatber of (Supolcmi* ttobicbtontf frnt amLiaiTitoure taatd iaome 5 foz tomabe pboubcoffienbmyppesloue. ^cputbotoi - lie ail t\)t jmm t? tottmt of tbe lewes' ^ ^fettjptbeto(cRcbftatutctf.5)cburftmalte afygbtyngefcole\3nbcr tbe caftell, and fee fapjeyoge men to lernetbemanertf of Vbbo= rctfanobjotbcltf. C %WtL wag noto $ begynnynp; of tbe Bea = tbenyfb * ftraungccouuerracpo,b < iougbt in tmom tbe\)ngraciou0$bnbearbe toicKcb nelTe of 3afou , tobicb tbulbe not be calleb a $jcft,butanmigoblppci-fonne.3nfomocb tbat tbe p^eftejs toercnoto nomoje occupicb about tlje ferupec of tbe auItcr,bntbcfppfeO tty tcmple,regarbebnot tl;c offrpngetf : pee gaue tbeir butgence to leinc to fygbt , to xoraft le,toleapc,to baunce,^ tojput at pfto ne notfettpng bp f b«moitr of § fatber0,but \yl\cn tbcglojtp of tljc ^cactfkft of all* oj tbetbhir:btbepfl:coiicpcrlouap,?l>7cre;grc« bpto f olotoe tbcp^ ft atutcg, pec , tbev^t luft mm in all tbtngcg to be lyfte tyi, wbtcl) afo re Were Cbey* enemy eg u ocftcoperg . feoBj* bctt to bo topchebly agapnft f latoe oNPob fbiUlnoe efcape t)nbunyibcb:btttoftbi)Sii)e (ball f peaHc berc after. m uabat tyme n& tbe* sDlpmpiabejjrpoitetf * *w 5»ereplftpebat %vm( § apnge bpm felfe YJS'm bepngc ■ Oftl)e#acljabteii. e WOtf.M.b 5T 1 !%•.;,.) bcmgep?efenfe)!:btetmgracpo»3aCbnrette ttopcieb men,bearpngfrom tbem of lerufa !cm(ttoi)pcbnoto were calleb ftntioebfonso W.Cb?acbmariB!of fplucr imSi8b^otber, * to beare $ mo= nep tmto p fepng , $ to tyinge bpm anfWere of otberttccenarpmatterjS.aBut ijc (wb? be Wag p?ay fes of tbe npngfo^ maguifring of ins" po wer ) turneb f meft bob tjnto btm (elf, lapmge t)D.(tt.C.talentejJ of fplucr f 0? 3a» f on. oftratu0 tbe ruler of tbe ca ftell re* mip^ebit of bim. jf o^oftratutf Was( £m$ tbat gatbereb tbe cuft ome# : wjerf o?e tbep were botb called before f apng. %$n& Watf ^enelauslputout of tbe pjeftbode.s MU macbuiei Ijitf bjtotbec came in Ijte fteabe . £> a » ftratttiialfoitoajElmabelojb of gCppjiStf. 3t bajxpenci) in tbe meane feafon , tbat $ ^baefia^ 9 ^allacias! mabe tnfurreccion, becaufe tbep Were geucn fo; a p^efent tmto npnge 3tntiocbus( cOcubpnCEbencame tbe bpnge in all tbe b afte,to ftpll tb em agapnc, $ to pacpf it f matter,leauyng 28nb?ontcuS tbere to be w beby te an one mete tbetf o?i^ 5fto w ^enelautf fuppof ing tba t be bab got ten* rpgbt f onuenien t tyme, dole certapne Deuel? ofgoine out of tge temple,anb gaue tbemto 3wo;onic» ( 0^ a pjefent : s fome|» tblde at Cpjnjs anb (n m cpttetf tjerbp. . Wibicb wbeti &nta0 nnewe of afuettpe * berep^ouebbim-.but be beptc himina £>m rtuarp befldeDapbntsf^ba t Itetb bp 3ntio cbe.TOerfo?e^enelauiSgatbito '4nbf8* 5ro.lnitif ttfcitjsf , 9 mapcb lit fht tboibflapc J3Dnias<. ft)o wbejjecameto toniMM coiicelebbini craftelptocomeoutof Ube Sanctuary gc= uynge hpm W banbe Witb an otjje (how be ftbclttfpectebpmmbtnbencw ®nva& wptboutanp tegarbe oifrpgbtuoufneire. it op tbe Wbpcb caufenot onlptbe 3eWe0, but otberttaepona alfo tone inbignacpon,^ Were bifplcafebfoj tbe'bnrpgbtuou/Jbeatft offogoblpaman. 3Tnb Wbentbe fepnge Wasl come agapne <$ from CUtcia , tbe 3ew<# anb cectapne of I €• jenc* wente tmto ^pm , cOplapmnge f x tbe tmtpgbtuou* beatbof iDniasf. »ce3n* tiocbujs bim felfe Wag fojp in bpi« mynbe f 0% jDniawo tbat it pity ebbim,f be weptcrc. memb?pnge big foberneffe $ maner ip beba* woure.Wiberfo^ebeWagro apnWebin $n mynbetbatbe comaubcb Unb^onicusi to be tttppeb out of biis purple clotbfge^ To to be leb tbojow out tbe citc:pee } % tbe tmgraeio* man to be f lapne in t^t fame place Wjjcre be c6mitteb bitf Wicnebnesl tjp5 ©niasi.'Cbusi t\it lojidc rewarded bim btfpunpibme^as; be bad deferoed. jaoWWbenlpfpmaebu* pab bone manp wy cfeed dedejs m tpe temple tbojow t^t councell of ^cnelaujs > and the tjoyce came ab?ode:tbc multitude gatbered tbemtogetber agapnaipfpmacbujfrfoi be bad carped out now moebgolbe. m jfco W|)en t[)e people arole s and Were full of dpfpleafure, ipfymacbujai armeb. Hum tmtbiuftfsito defenbe bpm:a certayne tp?a> nnte bepng t\)tv* captapne, Wbicb Wag gr Wcnbotbinagcandwoodneu'e. S5ut When tbe people tmberttooe tbenucpofc of ty fp- macpu&fomegat ftoneg,rbme good ftroge clubbed foiuecaftaOxg: t)p§ LpfunacbujS %W tbere Were manp of t»e" wounded, fo- me bepng flapne,^ al f otber cbaceb awape, putajsfoitbe Wpcfeed eburefcobber bpm fclfMbcpkyllcdbibefpbetbe trcafurp. £>f ^ tbefe matter^ tberfo^e tbere Wajs hepte a courte agapnft ^enelaujj. iftow Wftcn t\)t Bpngccame toi:pmg,tbcp mabc a compla* pntetmto bim of ^)enelaug,cScerning tm bufpneffcandtbe ambaflptourjs were clue, I5ut ^enelaujs wf 1 9 p^omifed ^tolonip, to gcue bpm mocb monep , pf be wolbe per= fuadepnpng. $>o ^tolompWftto Hbe ftfg into a courte( wberc a# be Wag fett to coolc bpm ) « bwugbt bpm out of f mpnbe. 3n f mocb tbat belnfcbargcd 4^aielaug ft tbe accufaepon&tbat not Wptbftanbpnjic waiS came otall mpfcbcfe . and tbofe poo;te men, ptobpfeb.epbadtoldetbcircaure,pce,be» f o?e tbe £>citiSfctbep Qmlde baue bene iud» gebinnocent,tbemIje conbemnedtobeatb. . ^l>ugWer5tbcpfooncnunplbed,Wbpcb folowcbtmon tbe matter fo^f cptte^fo? tbe P|ople,»f oj tbe Jwlp t)effel.«aberfo?e tytp of 'Cpjusttoae Indiana cy 5, and burped m muu bono^abip .'. •< I) onouablp . 3taD to t&o?oto f c ouetoufneflc of- tbcm tbat toere in patoer. *a?cnclau]Bi re* mapncOftpUinnuctbo?ite,inctcafpnp;im» lpcc,to the butte of t|jc citcfpnji.. C$bc.U.Cbaptet. £ ©«!)C frmif* autJ t dKciis Cent (it aiewfattni. mt rnoc auo orciicc of H*Con. STbC purCutr of gntfochui "1 % tDe fame tpmc antfotjp ma bchpmrcabpto go agapnc in toegpptc. ? £bStocretl»crcfe= tie at jerufalC.jcl.bapcjSlonge, , bo?fme*,r unnpn ge to aim fro in ^ . . ,„4'cbbadrapme'tof golde,«fpca rest . ^bcic toere fcncalfotoboleboofte* of men tocapened , and tJo^rc/3 runnpnge in an o?0?c, boto tbep fame togetj** , boto tbep fori Def o.i to tbep? tUploea, poto tOe bameuro men b?cto out t^cp? ftoea-rbcitf , anti ifcott rtyeft Darter*.*. CUc fbpnc of tl;c golDat toeapeng wa* fe ncand of allmaner of atmure . (aiiberfo?e eiirrp man p?aped,tbat tbofc toke*a mpght turne to good, .ftoto toben tlicre toa* gone foitb a fane rumour,a0 tbougb 3ntiocbutf badbencbced:3afoutoftea.«9.mcn,anOca me f odcnlp upon tbe cptie.'Cbc citef pn* rfa Unto m toaue&at t&c laft toaa the cf tiers* _ ben,? ft)cnelau0flco into the caftell. » Wo? 3afon,befpacednot Disc atone rf* tcf p»js in tbenaugbter,nctbet coTpderedbe toljatgreate eucllit tocre,to beftrope #p?o« fperite of tiitf atone kpnfme" s Ibutdpd a* one tbe la*dc of the am* inonptctf. :jf iitaJ lp,fo* a ectoarde of fjijij topcaedneffe jjcts wacculedbcfo?e 3retb«tbc bpitgc of tbe Arabia*. 3n fomocfj tbat je toaafapne to fie from cptie to cpticbeptiige deppfed of euerp man act af o?faket of tbe latoe* , ? an abbormnable petfonnc . 3nd at t&e laft (a$ anopenenemp of hpsl atone natural coun» tee ano of t&e cptefpntf) &e toa$ o?p uen into Cgppte. 'Cbuxf be tljatafojte put manpoutofthepz atone natpue landjpctplbed fro jjome bpm felf.^ciQ)cntto3Laccbem5,tl)pnenfget6ere to baue gotte fUceoure bp reafon of kpnreo. 3nd be tbat afo?e bad catten manp one out Unburped, waa tb?otoenoutbpm !elfe,no man mournpnge f o? bpm 3 ncr puttpnge hint in Watam-So tbat be net&et ewioped p bu* eiall of a ttraunger,net&er toatfi&c partaker of to* father* lepulcre. C #oto tohe" thf* toatf Oone,tDeRpngfurpe* ctctbattbejetoetftoolde baue fallenfrom hpm :iuberfo?e be came in a greate bpfplea ^ *«.«afcf.d vuteout of <2gppte,*$ tohtf eptic bp iiiolg ce< IjecommaunoeO bpgfmen of toarrcal- itlie feconb bofee WVJ ;|n b * 3iafiH,M f o,*D«i t tDep qjwlb ftpt ? not fpatc,but dape Dotonefocb *fi toitUftode tfjem , o^clpmeo \>p Upon tbe bonfejBf. 'CDujS toa$ tliereagreate flaugbterof ponge men,olde men, toemen , cbilbien and yirgmctf. 3n.iii.dape^ toerc tpere flapne. Ijcrjc-^.f outtp tboufanbe put in pief on 5 5o no lefte folde.^ettba^ijenot comets thpg but 1 our ft go into tbe moo ft bolp tto\t(&]t* nclausi tbat traptoure to tbe law* $ to bid atone natural! eountre ,bepng hi$ gpbe )am> toitb bij« wicneb Dadcsi tofte the fcolp Ueflel, tb^icb otber ftpngesi $ eptieja {ab geu I tbp* tberfo? tbcgarnpftjinijc? bonourof § pla= cc: tbcm tone be in W UW Vntoonbelp,* &efplebt|iem. v $ao madd toa« antioe^t^at be eonfp* bercb not^oto tbat Cf>oD toaiB a iptle wzotb fn t|je fpnnctf of tbe m tbat btoelt in $ cptie, fo? tbe tobpebfoebcottfurpe came \>k that v l¥\* *?**# ' PlJitfebnot bappeiied tbe to bauebene lappeu i manpfpnnesf.tbisJ %ntiocW( ajs f oone a,8( be bab come) bad f o bcnipbcnepunpibed , andibttttotttfoibPJJ Wefuption,*iPReajS*»eUob^/us{ toaiei, tob5 *«.n«,c.fflj £>rtcuctig tbe krngel<:nte torobuetbe trea rurp.muertbcle&ti&oobatbnotcbofentte people fo^ tbeplacc0fafee,buttbeiJlacefo2 tbepeopUafaUe.anDtberfo^eiflitbcplacebe come partafeer of f peopled trouble, but af* tcrtoarde QjallitcniopethetoeaIt|) of the. 3nd Ipne as( it i* noto hmht in t|je ttyatb of a Impgotp <8oH , fo toben tbe grea te abbot& dape. 4nd t^en Ije com maunded Dtjsmg to tafee tbcm to tbeirtoea* pimsicf o? tbe 3ctoe jj aep te bolp dape;$ fo ije fleto all tbem tbat tocregone foitbtof opt" plape,runpng bete? tbere tbo?oto the c>tic toptb bP^men toeapened, and murtbure b a peat n&bjc.-^gut lubatf ^acbale? tobicb * ltetc , , toa0tbetentp,fledmtotbe topldemeffeTled * mtti l)PS(lpfe tbtre toptb bptf companp amonge topide beafte^ and Upon m moumapne*, jbtoellpnge Mt\nMtfaM& 5foi^u e ♦f.fllUl! btocllpngc tbete and eatfgegralfe, left t&ep ibuld bcpartalieriei of tbe rpltbpnclle. C r Cbf*Ui.CDaptcr. €T3Cl)e3|!ftic0 rtrecoitipclUo Co kauetlje UVor of jSob. fcbftcmplrte Dtfplrt.XftcrMbtreare monpCftrt tftat ebrp ffiaii not abbo;rc tbe aDuerfptr tublc toj'tij ^ Ho jo •ffltobpcb ^ latoe fo^bpbdetlj to lape Upon it.'Ebc j&abbotbesl tocre not ftepte, j? ofberfolcmpnef caften of tbelSbe toere not regarded. / Cobeplapne,tbere burftno man be a Unotone tbat be toag a 3etoe . 3n f dap of tbe bpnaefl bp^tbtbep toere copellcd par^ f otce to otfrc:and wlitn tbe feaft of sSacbug toajs Uepte,tbep toere conftrapnedtotoecrc garlandctf of pupcand fo to go aboute ti)t 5onourcofz5act)U]e(. ^ 4t}o?ouer tbo?oto*5councell of *0tolomi, t® tljeretotntoutacommaundemcntithc ne- rtc cptiexs of tbe l^catbcn , tbat tbep nntlde tntreate^3etoe!6{inlpftemaner:namclp,to compcll tbcm f o? to do facrpfpec after j» la» toes of ttjc (Senttleis!:? tobo fo toolbenot,to put tbe to 0eatb3 ppteoutf tbpnge toasi it to fe.'Cbcrc tocre.ii.njcmen accufed to banc circuincifcd tbep? fonne&tobom toben t^t\* bab leb rouube aboute f citit(t\^c babesi fc> gpng at tl)eirb?cftc0) tbep caftet|)5 botone ijcablingcg oner tbe toalle0.$»ome tbat toe re crcpte in denetf ? bad nepte tbe $>abbot^ toere accufed Unto ^bPlpppc,? b?cnt in tbe fp?c:becaufe tbatfo? m fcarc of 0od tbep nepte tbe commaunocmit f o ftpt'lp, ? toold not befenbe tbtm fclueg.B oto j befcclie all tb ofe tobpeb reade tbpg boke, t i;a t tbep ref u fcitnot fo? tbefe falleitfof aducrfite.? iudgc f tbingeg( tbat arc happened )fo? no deftrue cp6,but f o? acDaftening of oute pcoplc.3nd tobP''W?^obfuffret¬fpnner0longe tofolototbcp? atone mpnbe,butfbo?tlppu= m m h np(bctbtbe\*iti$atoften of bPJSgreatelo- * iipngnpndneis . #o?tbi$ grace Ijaue toe of «r tbatbe toold let focb&cfti be bzougbt bpm ajai toere lauful to eate, ? tben to make a counteuaunce, an tbougb be bab eaten of tbe f left) of tbe faenfpee Ip&c aa t\it Upng co maunded, fo?fo be mpgbt bedelpucrcd fro deatb ? fo f o? tbe olde frendu)ppe of tbe ma, tl)cp (betoed &pm t$v8 ftpndncd. tfnt bebeganne to confpdie ty<& difcrctc a bono?ablcage,bi8inoblcand tooiftippfuil ftocfe , ? tobo f fro Ijpsi poutb Up he bad bene of an ijoncft ? gooDcoucrfacpoti : pee ? bo\u conftantlp be pad nepte tbe oj&inauces and Iatoe0c6maudcdbpood,u)bcrfoicbcgaue tbem tbi.fl!anfbDcre,?fapb:^ctbab 3 rat&cc f p?ft be laped t mp graue. * jf o? it becometh *m*&* not mpne age(fapde be) in enp u)pfc to bif^ femble,tobcrbp manp pog perionnejai mig|)t tbpneactbat ©leajar bcmg.lrrr-pcrc oloc ff.jctocrc now gone to a ftraunge ipfe .- $ fo tbo?oto mpne ppocrif p(fo? a Iptle tpme of a trafpto?plpfe)tbcpmpgbtbedifceaucd:Up tbP^ meaner alfo ipulOjEdcfplempnc age, ? mane itabbominablc. # o? tbougb 3 toc^ rcnotodclpuered fro tbetomientes of men, pet u)uld 3 not efcapc tlje ba*0 of almpgbtp *mm.t <5od,netbcr alpue ner deed.toberfo:e, 3 toil © ope manfullp ? do ajS it bec5metb mpne age G&berbp 3 mape uaradueture leaue an era pie of ftedfaftncgto? focb as! be ponge , pf 3 toptb arcabp mpndc? manfullp dpe an bo= ncftdeatb,f o? r5moft too?tbp? bolp latocsf. UUljen bebab fapbe tbcfc too?beo , ,immc= biatlp !;e toajS b?atocu to f to?mcutc. ft oto tbeptljatlcb bpm ? tocre mpldc a Iptle afo* rcbcgdnctotaljedpfpleafurebecaufe of £ too?dejSf befapd : fo? tbep tbougbtbebao fpolte tbem of an l)yt mpnbe.,'i6ut toben be toaiS i bPJ5 martp?dome,be mourned ? fap& 'CbouC €) lo?d)tol;icb baft f bolp hnotole- ge,fenowcft obelp : tljat tobere us 3 mpgbt be delpucredfrom deatb, 3 fuffre tbcfc fo?c papnc jS of mp bodp:but in my mpudc 3 am toel content to fuffre tbe becaufc 3 fear e tU I.. I # HC\)t (mm hau 1 ** tWMWms WW tW man bytb , leanpnge tbe memo * tialof&ptfbeatjjfojanerampTc, not only tint oyowe men, buttmto all tf)e people, tobefteofaftanbmanlp. CCDc.tni.ebaptcr. •Iifle punptbmrnt of tbc.bM.bjetbjm «nb of (ber; mother. 'fcbappencb alfo.? t&cte there. Mi ♦iw *£>W, bpetbpe ( tbptD t&cp;nnot&et) taken, If coinuclleb lip e&e Kpnge * agaift 6 latbe>tocatcftopneisncu):namclpt}&?cout* scjianbletbiien w&pppeitf. Unb one of them ihbpc&thatf p cDcfc Japfciobat fekeft t Jou, anb wba ttequp jctt tbou of tyg i 0$ i op ttf, Ihc ate teabp ratber to fuftrc bcatb , then to offence tbe lathed of 0ob ano ttje fattens, ^beuwtbc binge augrpcanbbabjjeate en ulb? on.tf anb biaicn pottos . Sfllbpcl) tbjjcn tbep there mabe note, tmebiatip Je comait* Di:D tlje tonge of bpm tbatfpakefpift,to iipctit out, to put tbefmnne ouer bptf beabe, to pate of tlic ebgetfof bptftianbe* anb fete: pec anb t|)n t in the fpg&t of W mother * the ot&ccofljptftyetlNen. jaofoth&en&cibajai cUanemarreb,&ccommaunbebafp?e to be mabe,frfo(thliplc tt)crewaitf cnpWeatbin fcpm) to be f epeb in tbe canbjo:3n tbe thbich tb&e* be bab benelongepapneb tbe otjjer bje* tint tbitb tbep* mother erbojtebln'm tobpe manfullp,{apege : %be Xopb dfrobttroll re* wirbctljetreutb, anbconfojtehtf Jpheatf mu ?? ofc * &WR*t>* $bcclatetbinbpjuonge, fapengc.anb be tbpll l;aue compaffpon on |)P0 feruauntetf. fbo toben tlje fp^tttbajet beeb after tbptf 3S maneM&epbjougbttbefeconbe to bauehf fnbctpfpo,pullcbt|)r fkpnne tbpt|i the bear s re oucr Dp* beabe,$ af neb tjpm, pf be toolbc eatYftbpncgfleCbA* be there papneb (it the other memtyeitf alfo tbojotb out bvt bobp. asnt beanfthcreb boltrtp,anb fapbe: 3 tbpll not bo it/4no f o thag jie tozmeteb Ipkc a# i f p?ft ,anb tbben he toatf eueit a t the gcupngc toptljegooft&efapbetfCboumoft tmgrac ou* pceTone putteft ty noth to bcatD » out w fepng of tbe tbojlbef&al tapfe ttfop (thhico hpef o? W latbesOin t&creiurrcccioof eucr* laftpngclpfe. 3ftcrDpm,t)oaiE{ft^beIjabmberpfpon anbtoljcnbetbaiJlrcqttMeb, &eput outhpa tonge,anti t&attpg&tfooncAolbpnge f oith bptiWm manf ulip,anb f pake toptb a fteb» raft faptb^&cCebatte 3 of bean?, but notu f o«i tlje latjw of €ob 3 befppfe tDm: f 02 mp tmft i&t&at 3 ftaW reccaue tUem of bpm a* gapne. 3 n Co mocb t(wt tbe hpngeanb tbep W^pcl) there tbpthDpm,mar ucleb at p pon* flemans(bolbnew,tpat|)enot!)pngeregar» heotbepapnesf. ,«. t Bototbben he tbasl beeb airctbeptjejceb C tjefourtfittoptoto^mentei«inlpfte maner. £>o ^bb^pe tha^noth at ^ beatfcbefapeh 3t in better tfwt tbe bepno^piit to bcatb of men,bane oure [jopc anb trnft Won foi he ft«t l r«ipfc t)»i \>p agapne.*3Ij* f j t&c/ti>ou mu qjaltbancnorefnrrcccpoiitolpfe; ^notbDmtlicpijab fuoftew to ffcefpfth. tbep to«ncnteb fjpm.'CbJ loaeb he ^nto 6 ftpng,f fapb:tl)ou baft potter amonge men fo? toou art a mo?tall mi alfo tbp ulfc , to bo wbatjtbpltjbut %nttenot,ti)at0ob Datbfo^faRcnouregcneracpon.3bpbetbe, tarp ft pll jv u>bPle,anb t|)ou Omit fe f great Pbtbcrof£ob,botoDe tbpll punpCbtDeanh tbpfcbe.3lfterbpmtbepb?ong|ittl)efyrte, tohpc^bcpttgeattUepopnteofbeatb/apb, genotbtfccanebC sDftpng)fo? tDijStbefuf= frefo? omatonrfaBe^becaufetdeDaue offg beb our <£ob# tDerf o?e maruelot^tbpngesl ate (betbcb Uuon tj^.But tbpnHenot tfjou, toDveh tafteft in banbe to llrpue agapnft , (25 ob,tbat thou ftalt efcape tonpunptoeb. ^biJJercfllentmotber(i»o?tbptobetbell S> r epo?tcb of,anb bab in rememb^adee) fatoe ' j l)ccf£ucnfoiine^bveinonebape>anbfuffreb itpacietlp^eeaufe of tlje ijopet&at lie hau in<0ob:pee,UieerDo?teb tuny oneottbem cfpccpall,anb tbat bolblp 9 ftebfaftlp tbith parfpte tdp(borne,thahpnge t)p bet tbpupfli tbougbttoitba manlp ftomac^anb fapbe t)ntothem:3cannotteUbotopecamcimp y>i5be,fo?3mti)er gauepoub^tl) net fou^ Ie,nonMlpfe.3ttjJnot3#topnebtDemem b^cis of poure bobpe0toget|ier,bnt the ma* her of m toojlbe, tbbicb f alhponeb § bvitb of man,anbbeganneauti>pnge0. eucn he aU'oofM atone mcrcp ujall geuepou b^e^ art) anb Ipfc agapne,lpfee as( penotb regar* benot pour atone feluetff op W \avot& lahe. , Both tbougbt ^ntpocijujji t|jattt)e Ijao belppfebljpm, tycrfopt ty let iergothptb beerep?ouejS,(j beganneto erbo?te t\>evon* gelt tonne (tobicb pet that! left) notonlprt tbo;be0btttftbo;et)nto bvm thpt^an ooti). tbat ftetimlbmalte bpm arpeD anbihelthp mancpf Detholbefoifaite the lawetf of bp& fatberjS)pee,anbtbatheiiuIbegeucl)pm, toljattoeHct tuete neccuatp fo^ hpm . But ® thbentbepongemantholbenot be moueb, fop all there tbptigesf^e calleb ^pjs mother, 9 couneeleb fyer to fauc |jer fotmeu IpfcJno toben l)e l)ab txfyoptob tier thptbmanp tb02= *t$ , m Piompfeb bpm f Qje mint fpeafte tmto ber (one. jfe u)e tut neb ber lonto bm (laugbpnge t|ie cruell tp?auntetofeoopee : © mp f onne, |rauepptfchpcinme,t|wtboret$e.ije.mone' tm in mp thombe,t|jat gan? tUe fucfte, no* riajebthedb/ciiigUttUciophnto tM asr* 3 befee|)ep(:mp fonne)loket)ponheaneti 9 eartb anb all tbat t& tberin ,anb cfifpbie, tbatd^obmabetbem anb man* 1 arnerarp* on of naught :fo toalttbounotteare tbptf Iwngman, but fuffrebeartj ftebfattlp , ipke a« ti)p^et|).ienftauebone ; t|)at3 mapere- ceaue tlje agapne i t&t fame mercp thitjj tbp tyeth/cn. Wllbple flbe thai* pet fneakpnge thefe thoj. be^tpepongeman fapb:thbom lokepefoii' Mijwrfoje qo pe tarp/3 thpllnot obepe tht ,,. ftpiMJ^ e0maunbement,* but tjje lath that ».«.0obgauet)jsbp#ofcsf. SWfttttbou tfiat pmajfpncftaUm^rcbefe Aijapnft tbe 3eth* $ eMDouqjaltnotereapetDebanbe of Sob, f jthe fuffee tjjefe tUpnge^becaufc of oure IHttW. 4lnb tljoujjfj (Bob be angrpe thptl) W a lptleth|>ple(fo^oure e^aftenpnge anb refoj macwn;petOialbebcatoneagapne thptb Wmuaunm.mt tbou. c CT ftamefull $ molt abbompnable pertonneo ^pbe not tljpfclfetljoitowtjapne [jope, in bepnge fo malpepottf hp5 t|je feruauntctfof 00b : fop tbou baft notpet efcapeb tbe iubgementof the € ob thhpcb i$ almpgbtpe.anb feptb all topngejj. #pb?etb?en tbat bauefuffeeba Iptle papne, are nothtinber tDe couenaut of cuerlaftpnge lpfe:but tbo?oth t|je iubgemet of d5ob,toou q>alt be punityebrpgfyteoufap fo^t^pp^pbe. OijC^t 3Wf«inccipkc asfmp b?etb?en |jaue bo= Rrempfoule^mpl ;at&et#,callpngi , r , v „. %tz thpllfoonebe meccpf u Tl Dn 1 our people : tte)3 offre mv fouled mp bobp f op t jje lath ti6l of our f at^enc< , callpnge tipon d5 ob 3 tl>it *«««e.«.c.peeanbt»ptj>papneanb punpu^ement * to maUc tDegraunte 3 tfjatDe onlp i$ (Bob . 3« menolhf tnmpb?etb?enf th^atb of almp=« gbtp 0ob in a t an enbe,tht)pcb rpgbteouflp ijs fallai hpon all oure people. Hljen tbe hpnge bepnge thajai mo^e crueil hpon pint , . , otlicjkanp toae inbpgnacpo, tbat he tha s 10 ipgbtip tcgarbeb.S)0 tW pongenxan bpeb Dnbefpleb,$putl;p0truftftpllm tbe fiopb Haft of all at^er tpe f bm , tha^ tbe mother put to bcatb alfo. let tbtf noth be pnougb fpoScn,conceenpnge tlje otterpge^.anb c^= tremecruclneiTe. CCUe.t)iu.C|j3pter. j«Wpnft3Rut»a*.3mDaf tftotfttt) l>p* foulftpaw to com ftaitfnw jjWcano? <• oucrcomt. aDeattoe* nue tljain fcw after tbn? bant put tbep? enempw to fipnt , tirup: npniitberpopifs bnto t%t fatbtt(» anb bnto tbe Wi botow.jWicano? flpetb bnto 9nrtotbUff. ifeen3fttiai8^acDabe*,anbthep Stpat there tbptf;b«n,tbentepjp* uelpjto tbe tothneftcallebtbepz hpnffolhcsl $ frenbetf together, ^'toketmtotHemailfoebaiEfcotp^ nueb p e 1 1 tDe f aptjj anb lathe of tbe 3etbejtf mmtoottgDtfo*tDt)t.^.men. y ^ ^ $>otbep calleb tjpon m lo?bc 3 tUat He .fcflj.be Dane an epe Dnto jjpsi people , tot)pt;b thajj trobbenbothrte of euerp man:to be gra epo«jmtot6etempletiatwa$ berplebof t% V* - • 1 ■ t^e t)ngoblp.to &auc cSpaiTpon \jpon tbt be ftruccpon of tjje citie,thbpci) toajf Ojo^tlp Ip lie to belapcb thafte,to beare tftctjopec of $ bloube tbat crpeb tjnto bin\;to vemibpc tbe mofttwrpgbteouo' beatbe^of ponge torn* cent cfcplb&tDc blafptiempeg alfo bone 'on* to bn name,anbto punpib tbem. * iHoth thljen €9acbabeusf bab gatljereb *'•«•«•«••• tI)p^multptubetogeti)er 5 bethaiStompgb= tpcf optye watbm f op tOe th?atb of fan* betoajs turneb into merep) be fell tjpon tbe totbnetf anjb cptpcief t)ntharej8 , tyent tbem, toke tlje moft commobpousf placed, anb flewe manp of tjje enempc0.)i5ut fpeci •• allp be mabe focb cbafejJ Up npgbt , in fo mocljtbat W manlpnefte thassTpoken of euerp toi)ere.'. 5D0tohen ^DpItppcfathetDat tljeman ^ fnereafeb bp Iptleanb Iptle,^ tbat tbe mat- & tcr pjofpeeeb XhptD |)pmfo? tbe moft parte: Detbjtote t>nto ^atolompcthbicb toag a cap= tapne meeloCiria$#benicc0jto belpe him IntbekpngciEibufpncsi.^benfentbe &\tn* *<<#«.«« no* $atroclp(afpcciallfrcnbc of bp«)iu all tlje bafte,anb gaue him of tlje comen fo^tc of tDel^eatUenno leife t^en.yr.a).barne(Tcb mcn,to rote out tbethbole generacpon of p 3ethc^baupngcto belpe bpm one <5oi<&ia$ a man of tharre , thbpcb in ma ttersf edncer = npnge ba ttapWJjab great erpcricce.B v ca = noj ojbcnebalfo tl)c trpbuteCtobiclj tbe j&o mavn^fbulbcDaucljab) tobegcucn Vjnto t|)ekpngcoutoftbecaptpupte of tbe 3ctt)^ c0,namelp.it.^ taleutc0.3nb tmmcbiatlp be fentto tbcrtticjs of tbe fee coaft,rcqupziff tbem f 0? to bpc 3croe$J to be tbep? reruatm. tcslanbbonbcmen^ompfpnge tofell tbem Irrr-anb tenfo? one talrnte: bu t l;c confvDc- reb not tbe tb^atb of almpg(jtp 0oo, tbat thai to come hpon bvm. TOctt3uba0Kncroeoftbp&bctolbctbr c 3ethejJ that there thptb bpm of memo** co mpnge.iaoth there tberc fohve of tbem fear = full,nottruftpnge hnto tlje rpgbteoufncjs of 0ob,anb f leb tbtn xoape. 25ut the otDer tl)atremapncb,came tosc «)er,anbbefougDttl)e lo^bcto bclpuer ttje fr6tUatthpckcbiaicano>, thbiebbab folnc tbem weuer be came npc tbcm:ano tbotigb |je tholbe not bo itfoj tbepj fakes; , vet mp couenauMt^e mabctoptb tbcvp kmH mb becanfe tljep calleb \jpo tjpjl nolp f gio ■- tpoutf name.*3inb fo ^acbabe^ calleb hptf ^ IM mm togetber,namclp aboute.h<.^.erbo:= * f me - b '* 4 tpngtpenotto agree ^ntotljeircnemieiBi,^ *t>r«.rf.i nctper to be af rateb f 0^ p mu ititube of their iU ® K w abuerfarieitf commpnge agapnft them hn* tpgft tcounp:but to fpgfit manlp , confpbc* rpngcttjercpiofet^attijcpuab bone to the holpolacethlitljoutcaufe^oujtfjeplvabbc^ wprebanb opp^effeb tlje cptpepee ,anb be^ _ rfropcb tUela^of tbe fathers !?ft5 tbep VKSPg* nm an (fapbe <5TIit fcconit) bokc :*.<■•} If I IN > - • 4 ^ * -■'(•' !■: IN '1 * f j •,' i; U it ' t* . to i 5 ill r i - - t ii F \ ?i a; - * i f S' (fapb;bc)tMririntbcp? lMapcutfanbTjolb:: nr ucbut our c conf ioccc 14 in tl)c a hn pgb tp I^bcAbbicbintbcttypncnlpngeof ancpc marc botbbeftcop tljcmtljatcomc agapnft \>jot,an o all t&c voojibe. ^ ipcejfbtttebtbcm alfoto calto tcmcm* *Mw «™ tya«"ce £ belpctbat^obujctbeb wito tbc* tf h-trrwa prfatbcrjfc * a* tobe"tbetcpcep(bcban.C.(t i.«act,«.c |c,cjc1). S^.of &ennadicrib!$ people : 3no or tbc batapl tbat tbcpfjabinffiabplon aga-- fmfttbe ©allacpaws: hot* alltbe«t?accoo» npang tba t came to bclpc tipmfi obemfea* *c.anb b oto tbcp bef g but only Mt. &?.flctbe an.C.$..t*.fc).tyo?oti>gbelpctbattt>a0ge* u rn tbcm from bcauc\tbbce bp tbcp alfo bab ecccaneb manp Dcnerptctf. . 'fcbojotb tljefc toojbetf the me* toncgoob < tjerte* %m tbcm,teabpto bpefojtbclatDe anb ttjc countrc. $>o befet Dpon euerp com panpacaptapnc,oncofbpjsaibncb?etb?cn: £>imon>3ofopb $ 3onatbajS:gcupnge ecbc= .Cmcn.$ecaurcb ©fojaaairo tore abctbcbolpbOBcm»totfccm>$togeuetbem a totecn of tbc bclpc of d&ob. *um .uua *%\m i)£ tip m Cclfc bepnge captapne ffts the fo?c front of tbe battapll.buc&lcbtoptblli cano^nbC5obtda$tbcp?lKlpc,inrQmocb tba t tbcp f Icujc aboue fe.4$.mcii 9 compel leb tbc mo?c parte of 4ft icano?* b ooft to fie, ^ tbcptDcrcfotboubcbattbfeable.'CbHiStbct* € tone f be monepfrStbofe tbat came tobpe tbcm^nbfolotocb^v^ontbCon euerp fpbe. 25u t tbben tbc tpmc came upon tbcm , tbcp tcturncD,f OfitM tbe$>abbot|),anb tber» fo?c tbcpfolotocbnomoje Upon tbcm. $>o tbcp totec tbcp? tocapentf $ fpoplea anb bc» Ptc tbe&>abbatb,gcupnge tbancbcjs tmto tf 3U?D,ttb*cb Bab bclpucreb them tbat bape, ann(betocDtb%5Smcrcp. after tbe &ab= ffflS* botbnbepbttmbutcbtberpopletftotbe Cp S3; ' ckc , to § fatbcrieffeanb to topbbotbcjs, anb tltt rcTpoue bab tbcp tbcm fclueis itoptb the* p&Mtyn tbPJS toai«bone,a«b tbcp all bab mabc a generall p^apec : tbep befousbt tbe mcrcpfuuto^bctobeatonc Xbptb M fcc= uauntctf.*. Of tbofc alfo that tbcre tbptb ^imot^ anb)5acbflebbprce, anb tame aloiwto^ntpocb^tbptfjflteateliameanb bpOjonoue, wbf cD be «at tbojotb tbe be- ffruccpon of rjtwoft.'cintf b* tbat pzomp fc b tbe momapnejxto wapc tb^tbep? trtbu= te,t»bcn bctoac3crutalcm : begannenoito to fapcplapnclp,tbat (^obtbajstbe befe*b« ^ftbe 3ctbe0,t tljcrfo^c not poMle to !bo» unbetbcm,becaufetl)cpfolotbrbtlJc latbtiS wbpeb^obbabmabe. CCfje.^.C|japtct % f fametpmeeame* 3Jntpo= cbujjajrapnctipptb bpCbonoute outof^crfpjj.jfo?tbbenbeca* tti c to^etfepolps{,5b tmbetto* fectorobbctbetrpleanbtofub^ hut m ept(e,tbc people tannc together anb befcnocbtbcmfclue^tfomocbtBatbcanb M tbcrc fapne tofle t»pt|» Same. ^nbroafteetbatflpgbt,fe bappeneb that aintpocbutfeame agapne tbptb bplhonou* te. »t tohen be came to egbatbana , be gat bnotblege ibljat ItoajS tjappeneb tmto mm 0? anb ^pmotbeujf.iaotb aj* ht tuatf anauemge bim fclfe r W tb?atb,ljc tboug bt bet»agablctoauengetbc(nUirp tbat tea* bone to tbem,tjpon tpe 3ettocrf:anb tbeefoie commaunbeb to maftc reabp hv$ mm baftpnge on bptf tourncp tbptbout ceaffpn' rctbciubgement of <5ob Piiouobpngcbpm ireaufe be bab fpokenfo vm^f&mU w come to 3ceuf«lcm , anb make it a gra- uc of tbcJcttefli.liSuttbe Io?bc0obof3f^ raell, tbat fewb all tbpngej* , rmote bpm toptbantnupfpble plage , tbbpcb no mats coulbcbcale. ^ Jfotai«fooneajEfbebabfpoRenthefctbo«= us ,bEj5,t|icrecame^p6 bpm an bo?riblcpapite of mtfbottoclfcanbafojcgrefe M mm*. %m 1 tbat t»a* but nto be bab mar 5>?eb otbttmenjS botoel^tbttb bpuecfe anb fttauiure tozmente* , botbbeitbewolbem no torn ccaffe from W maUce.fiee.be tbarf pet tl]cp?ouDeif^mo?enmlpc(ousfagapnft bpngetomaKebaftemtbe mattee,ttbap* peneb that (e fel bo Jotte Wolerttlpf com the cbaretfo tbattebfofciibp^bbbpinbbrbM peatepapne* 3nft QttteOtiaM i- * A! IJHB 110a. bmsbt Bot»nc to teMr « ^foJjejebtf, j «rfw.w *t*mm i ^tbeftawc of beauen , bpmmppjtnomaft c '.JSSSSSb P9*9v tymto fc«n bptf B8KBBKSKW; SSJ2K m » an 5 m Wiw inceeafiro eucr- S, an v Dmo ^^ noto t)et)ebpmfclfmtffbt fiffift J*** 1 * W be fapbel ml BiWi* «»«» beftv nottobelpuc \mto tapneb no mercp . 3nb a* foif dm tba t be - memnptb be beftatb to bel iuer it f re. fnS^^^ff^ctbc^tbbomljcljab j abgcb tu* Utytyp to be burpcb , but ttolbe tame caft tbcm out fo? to be beumiecb of tic be banc bcftropebbotb olbe^ pongc : i5oi $c wpmpfeb , to maae t|)e Ipbe tlje cptcfuS fflffift*? *** a ^ W«D fpopUb tS? Jo^"*afo?c,nottobcmattct5p?onipfe SS9SBS co ?» e0f> •* WW belongmge Sf^ob ° wcac,jt,;cpoto ^ AeJSSM^^W"^ tbalbenoteealfe. -S) Cfo?iepgbtcou0 (ubgcmftof^obiaS* contcpmngetbcfetbopc*: ^bchpngcanb reaffe: 3 tbongbt it nccculirp to caeef 01 the comatoealtb.lietbcr befpapici ^mmpfelf 2|utconfpbmngetbat mpfatbeeleban NUfometpme mtUehpee/ace^ani ift" SSSSSfi? ^W **ft l)pht,tbat f pe JDpng were bcclareb;tbep in ffiocmS "°*«?«"^ou:%apne:tbbcn3poS 22ffi ,fta ? tbatautbempgbticmenanb SSBBSaSB 1 ^ 1 *** awlapKapte, SSSS ftw t f ?? *IW"W to 00 barm? 1 bauc o?beneb tbat mp fonne tuSSSSSmi cialicanb tbat mxv mwSi T iSvm^& C^be.jc.Cfjapter; c tt^ ( ?AT» • fee ^cbabctijfnotbanbbijijfompanp a SSL 1 ? ?™ fl«b tbc cptpc S c f#"?pAeftonc,anbaftetttoopcarc!5 Vi -^"-2-v^mi uoume uatbpon m srouhbe. anb befougbt m UmMtESSht fpnneb enpmo?e agapnft bpm, hebm fclft M cl ^S c i^Oapeoftbcmonet?ffi f Jfl«i.^ficp hepte.mii.bapeis in glao icfi? «b feaftoftbetabemuie^iopontbemoiinta^' SSS? ^J*" J^ ba w ff «*to botbeu , b2aun* cbe*anbPalmeftl«fo?cb!mtlwtbab^^^^^^ agreco RWftffif.l 1 P* w CljtfetonDeiioofee [rv \y ', * L «» ;. *•- IT IS: Hi- ;> i * • M ■ I J agr ceb alfo together , anb mabc a ftatute, £ euerp pcarc tDofe bape* ujulbc be folcmplp fteptc of all tbe people of tbe 3ettoe*. tyoto 3ntiocbu* tbeti ( tbat toasae called tor noble )0 pcO,tt i* fufficicntlp tolDe. Jftoto will toe fueabe of ©upatof ttic fonne of tbat topebeb 3n ti ocDu* , fcoto it pappeneb tor tb Ijimtf fo toltbf cuoe toofbc* to coinpf ebenbe tljir abuerfptc tbat cbaunfeb in tbe toaerc*. Mjro be bab taken in f fctngbomeWDc tnaoe one tpfia*( toDicD Dao bene captapnc of tDe |)o(l in idiieiitcest anD $>pf ia ) ruler ouer ttje matters of tbcrcalmc. ifof^&tolomptDat tea* calleb Macron , bepnge a ruler f of tbe 3etoc*( anb fpeciallp,to fpt itrtubgcmf t f o* focb tof oge a* toa*bone Unto tbem)Unbct* tone to bealc pcaccablp toptb tDem. if o? tlje toDpcD caufepe wa* accufeb of tDefeenb?* before eupatoi : anb toben be toa* fuCpecte to be a traptour ( becaufe be bab left Cppf e* tbatpDilometof l)ab c5mptteb Unto turn: C anb becaufe be beparteb f com noble 3ntlo \ : cbu*,tljat fte toa* come Unto ) De popfoneb mfcifcanbbpeb. &ow wbm ©of gia* toa* gotictnoure of ttje fame place*,De tone fttaunger* anb Un bertoae of tpme* to warre toitp tDe Jetoe*. #)ofeouet, tDe3bumea«* p Delbc tDeftrfige Dolbe*, receaueb tbofe t&at toerebf pttcn fro 3crufalcm,anb tone in D anbe to toarrc alfo :> * f.n»ci,.b.a ZftM tbep tbat were toptD &)aeDabru * be fougbt anbpjapeb Unto tbeiofbe, tbat ||c roolbe be their belper : anb fo tDep fell into § Bronge Doibc* of tbe3bumeau*, anb toan V. ■i' l! ne manp place* bp tttengtb ? Cocoas! came uV " " ~ getpee( tocn twetpe ucrtDeleue f ome,no lelfc tpenhpne tboufan* agapntt tDem tDep de toe, anb bplleb nolefle oTalltogetbetttDcntwStpetDoufanbc.Be a * « ! ; i j , i *(.m«t^.b.ft be , toere fteb into ttooo ftronge toto^e^, Da upnge all maner of o^binaunce to toitjjfta n-- betbem. 5D € Den $»ac&abcutf leauing ^pmon,3fo» f epDuft jacbeufi, anb tijofc tbat were wwtt) tbemCtobicb uicrc>ierp manp) toente to be* fege tbem , s to f pgbt tobece moit nebe toa& iaototjjep tljar toere toptD^pmon,bepngc leb toptD couetoufneCTe , toere intreateb to j m onep,tDo?oto certaine of tb ofe t^at lape in tDe tow^:toBe.ljrr.^.b^ci)matf:f let fo» me of tDem efcape . 7&ut to|jcn it toasi tolbe HX) a tyabeug toDa t Dab Dappeneb,De calleb ^ eaptapneiBi of tDe people togetber, accufingi tbofe perfomwjS.f tljcp Dabfolbe tDeb^etD^i f at monep,anb let tbeir enempej^ go. $>one fletsje tbofe traptour &anb immebwtlp toete inbanbe toptb tte.«.totoerj(.3no toDe" tbep Dab o?b?eb t Df (elue^manlp toitD tDeir toea< pen* anb DanbejMDep fletoc in tDe two ca» fteijs moo then ttoentpe tDoufenbe. *iaoto€imatDeujs*njDomf3etoe^Dab i & !! |«. .ojMtw. mmm afo^e, gatbercb a muttptube of ftraunge people , ojOBflDt «« i)oft^ « Vo of JMUfinctt of tb« 3(tantf ,to topime jjeto^p bp e HrengtDX&ut toDen De bfetoe npe , tl^acDa- " usfttbepfweretoPtDDPitt*?" piaperXp^pncbleb afttjejs up5 1 being gvjbcb witftDearrie clotb about tDeir beu* 9 tbepf were toptlj bpm * «U to tDtp? *«#«^i :ap er ,f p^pnc bleb af OiejS Up5 tDeir Deabefc iont»,t cli botone before tDe aulter, anb be f ougDttbe lo$b tDat De wolbe be mercpf till totb«n,butanencmpc Unto tDeir enempejJ, $ to tn ? ;e parte agapnit tDeir abuerfarpe*, * acco^bpngeasitt WpjompfebitttDel«ttoe. *w.b»«u j &>o after p p^aper, tDep i»5 te on f urtljer ftS tlje cpte :anb wp tDep came npe f enempe& wluejsag % iMunpng , be of tDebape,botD ttjeDC M fiuc Web toge tbep p?epareb tDem ff lueg agapntt tDcm. 3nbbptpmej)!in ( mo>npng attDeb^ea tDer.* ^De one par te Dab tbe io^bf to tDeir * »«••»».» ref uge,w>DicD #f W «« of p^ofperite drfgth *»«««■ anbuicto^p.'CDe otDer Dab a mSlp SomacR topicb te a captapne of toar re . %bc battaplinoto bepng greate^tDete * ««•« m ,« appearebUnto tDeenempeiellromDMaen.U. SSS^ men Upa bo^fbacb* toptD b^pbel* of golbe, lebpnge tbe 3etoe0 , $ ttoo of tDem Daupng ®)a cbabeu* bettoirte tDem,tDat ttepte pirn fa ft on euerp fr be toptb tDeir toeapen*, but (Dot battel anb ligDtenpnge* Upon tDe ene* mpej* : toDere tbo^ototDep toereconfounbeo toptD blpnbnelfe $ fo fo?e af rapeb, that tljep fell botone. 'CDere toere Oapne of tote men # ttocntpc tDoutanbe anb fpue DunbutD , anb fpreDunb^etDDo^ftnen. ^fo^tmotbmtf iim felfcDc neb Unto <5a?aca Uerp (tronge tolbe, toDrr in Cereal toast captapne . 25ut ^acDabeu* anb DijS companp lapeb fegeto it cDearfullp.iiii.bape*. ifiioto tDep tDat toere toptDin truttpnge to tbe ttrengtD oftDeplace, cwrfeb anb ban? neb erccabpnglp,anb mabe great trabpnge toptD topebeb too^bc* . ifteucrt Deleu*e,Upon 00M* W ttt,Wt,frt tDe fpf t bape in tDe mo;mpng.rr . pong men of $->acDabeu$ companp , bepng let on fp^e in tDeir mpnoe* (becaufe of tbe blaCpbemp) came mafullpunto tDe toall,anb toptD bol* be ftomacbe* t\)t)t anb tDep? otjjee compa^ npons clpmmeb Up Upon tDe totojej* , un= bertafepng to fet f nt upon t|ie po jtcjj! , m to burne ttiove blafpDemou* petfonneiBiquicbe %x»Q bape* toere tDep beirroping p caitelU toDpcDtoDen tDepfounbe 'Cimotbeu* (tDat tua* crept intoa co;net)tDepbplleb Dpm , $ llewCerea* Dtt b^ot^er in lpbe maner tot tb appollopDant xMHUDen tljisi ton* bone,tDep f onge ^falme*,toptD p^apfe* anb tDanhef i geupnge Unto tDe jLo?be,toDpcb \)nb bone to great tbpnge* foj 3frael,anbgpuetbem tDeUictojp. I CCJ>e.]ri.C5wpter, -CtoWw portft abpatceo oatcnmtf 3irtBw.*o«o«t is tent from wtfm bnto (b t % t "an, tftt Ictttt ot &p (taffile(bt3(te(v,Sbrlr(trtofkrnBrantfod)uebn: to Epttftt.4 Itttrtsf (br fdmr bnto t^tSlcwtt ..*!«: IVBvtgi JKonwjnrf to (« artow . J&Ot 4)t longc after tDtt,lpfio* f apn- gc* ftctoarbe 9 a ftpmman of Dptf I ( toljpcb Dabtbegouernauce of top* 'matter*) tohcfojebifplcafurefoi p tDpnge*tDatDabDappencb:abtobgDcDab gatDca'b. lr,er.4p. mm of fote toptD all tDe • fjotte olfp Do?fmen,becameagapntt tbe 3c* UJc*,tDpncbpnge to topnne p cptie,to mabe *M*.ff.t itanDauitaeponfo? tDe Ioeatbcn 5 *anb ^ tf= pletoolbebeDauetObeanboufeoflucre,lp= be a* tbe otDer gobbc* boufe* of tDe ipeatbe are , 9 to fell tjjc p^eftejs offpee euerp peare: Bot colpbering tpe potoer of (25ob,but toa* topibe in bi*mpnbc 3 * truftpngc in £ multt= tubeoffotemen,tntboufanDc*offcoifmen J onb in hi*.lr rjr.eiepbantf *. fi)0 be came into 3etojp 9 tDen to aSeti> fura(acaftellof befence) Ipingcinanaroto ylace.U.furlongc* from 3eru(alem,f tojlne tt. iaoto toDen «§acDabeu*anb ^n copanp bnetoe tDat tDe ite onge Dolbc* toere taben, * tDep fell to tDeir p?aper* toitb toeppnge $ tearc* before tbe Jlo?be.3nb all ^people in lpbe maner befougD t Inm,^ Dc toolbe f cno a goob angell to belpuer 3fracl. 4^acbabcu* fym felftoa* tDefpjfttbat mabe Dim rcabp to tDe battaplUrDo.uingg otDer tbat toere toptD Dpm,to icoperbe tDe wine*, 9 to belpe tbeir b?ctb?en.3nb toDen tbep toere gopnge f of tD of 3erufalem togetDer toptb rtbp f topllingmpnbe>*tDcreappearco before tb« Upon ho^f bacbea man in toDptc clotDpnge toptD oatneue of golbe s CDabpng Dt* fpe are. Vptttlw p^aplebtDe low all togetDer, tobicb Dab ujctocb tbem mercpf bocre com* f of ten in tbeir mpnbc*: in font ocD tDat t\)cv toere reabp,not onlp tofpgDt»itDmen,but wptD tDe mott cnuulbeafte*,pee 9 rctourne tDoiowtoalle*ofpfon. 'Cbn* tDep toente ontotllpnglp Ijattpngc an Dciper f roDeatten,anb § to?be -mercpf nil Unto tb£./Cbep fell mpgDfelp Upo tDetr ettc= mvt& lpbe lpo*,bf ougbt botone.ri.40. fote men.rUi.CDof fme,putallf otDer to fligDt manp of tDe" bepng toounbeo , anb fomc gat atoape nabeb. See Ipfta* Dt felftoa* fapne to fte ftatnef ullp,anb fo to efcape. jBcttertDe leu"e^mHtoa*nottoitDoutunberftanbittg 4 but cofpbercb bp Dpm felf f DpJ< potoce toatf m pntfl)eb, anb pdbf eb b to tDe 3etoe* being betenbeb b v #Delpe of 3 ImigDtp <5ob,toere «otabletobeouercome:toDcrfofeDerentthf toofbe,f pfompteb,^ De toolbe eolimte to all tDpnge* toDicbwere reafonable,anb to ma* fee f bpng tbeir frfbe. ^>o f toDicD Pf aher of Ipfia* a)acDabeu* agreed , febpnge in all tbpnge* f comen toealtD 9 toDatfoeuei: m a cDabeu* tof ote Unto ip to concerning tbe 3etoe* ) tDebpnggratitttebitifo^tDeietoe« re letter* tof pttl Unto tDe 3etoc* from %v» fia*,contepnpuge tpefe toof be* t ipfiajj fenbetD gretpnge to tDe people of ^ftbe^iacjauw Mtotoii WuwMiM C tDe 3etbe* . 3l)on anb % bfalon toDpcD fioere fs> Tent from pou, belpuereb me tof ptpbge*, * requpfeb mctofulfpll tbe tbpnge* comer* npngetbepf earanbe. ^Thccfof e lofte toliat mtgDtbegraateb>3certtfieb^bpngtDctof: 9 toDatfoetter toa* cfiuenient.3 agrccb thcr= to.3f pe noto toilljbe faprbftili m? ma tter* 3 Owll cnbeuer my fclfe Derafter alfo to bo pou goob.3* concerupnge otDer tliinge* bp euerp article tberof:3 bauecomptteb the to pouremeflaunger*,^to tbofe tobom3fent Unto pou, to corns 13& pou of f fame , fare ve !Uell.3ntDe.C.anD.rlUtii.pearc i tDe.«iiiiv bape of the monetjj Biofcof tntbiu*. Boto p bpngc* fc ttrc cfitepneb thefc tooi= bc*.fepng 3nttocbu* fenbetD &retfgc Unto jbf* bf otber Ipfta*. if of fo m ocD a* oure fa* Ite,* t* noto nten , oute topll 1*, tDat tbep * u ' mtA whicDareiaourerealmclpuetoptDoutenp infurrcccton^ euerp ma to be btltget in by* atone matter*.MeUnberftaibealfo^#3e= toe*toolbcnotconfenttoourefatber,fofto be bfpugDt Unto f cuftotne of the ©ftpletf, but am to bepe tDeir atone ftatute*.- f 02 $ tobpcD caufe tDep requpf e of U* alfo, to lett tDent remapnc ttpll by tDeir atone la tor*. U&DcrfOf c,oure mpnbe i* , f tW people ® fbalbc in rett:toe Datic concluoeb 9 bctcrmp* neb alfo, to ccftof etbem tDeir tl pic agapne: tDat tDep mape Ipue accof bpng to t\)c ufe e jBttomc of tDeir f otefatDer*. Cbon (bait bo U* a pleafure tbcrfof c, pf p fenbe Unto tDem anoaaretottDtD^tbattoDen tbep are ccrtt= fpcb of oure mpnbe, tbep mape be of goob cbere,anblobeto tDeir atone wealtb- tof ote Unto f Jcwe* : bpng 3ntiocDti» fen* betDgrctpng Unto tbccounccU anb votber pconTeoff |etoe*: 3fpefarctoeU,toeDaue ourbefpf e:a* fof U*, toe arc in goob health* Wttclau* camcanb tolbe u*, bow f ponce befpfewa* to come botone to poure people, wDPcDaretoptDU*. ^ * ' JPW 8 ? mk tDat ttopll come,toegcue jDffrc lpberte,Unto mmMv* of tDe mo= if netD of 3m U , f tDep map Ufe f mcatc* of § 3etoc*anbtDetr atone lawc*,libea*afofe: 9 none of tbibpenp maneroftoape*tt»Da= w eDarnte i fpftbPngc*bonetignofaacc.a>e nelau*top6webaucRtUntopow,u)alcom0 u5pouatlarge,farepetoel.3ntDe.C]clUiii. **&%' ^ fia Pe of tDemonctD of 3pf ih . ^De.momapne*alfofentalettre,c6tcp= mm iwte be* : jauitttu* ^ennitt* k ^ttu*^aniltu* embaffitour* of tbe Eo* n2awte*,fenbegretinge UntotDe people ot tDeletoe*.loaetoDattpfia*fiDcbpngcx* bpnTman path grannteb pou , we graunte pou tDe famealfo . 2Suta* concernpnge th^ tDpnge* toDpcDDerefcrrcbUnto tDebpngS fenbe Dp tber f ome witlj fpcbcanb pobf e tbe matterbrtigentipamongepourfelueAtDai! N - toe r €l)cftconbc$oohe ffltiw filtofytibm Mttit; BR Kft i < ij; we mape caftfbcrt toyotttcpjolVtcfoj toe mud brpartcnow toito 3Gntiocl>c.3Lub tljcr f oijc tODjtee ibqitly agayncf' we maye tmo\» your minbc: tfarc well. 3« £ bitbjctbjrltoii ycatct bc.jcu bayc of tbc monctb of tfpjill. CJEbc.rti.Cbaptcr. C^imotbrus troiibirtt) tbc:nctoce- . StjctoprKfb bene ofd)f.Tcpi , (r«flSrtF"rttl)cjilcUir«..l|ui)fl»l«flUfngfS ofrbcm.OcfctfMb tfft oafeate of 3|amnta,2:b»puc futc of fljc jn tints nsapiin- jriinoibi'c .irlmoMpe is (a fctit Attn Iff so l)til)iicf . Jiu&,i3 niirfuetlj «S»?|f(.»«-31iii **• pffrins fortiff ft fpji tyr ott 0|(JifW«V ttFtyepf •* t^rrrrurccrcpDii. IfKntbcfccottcnautcg tocrc mane ly fia tor n t tin to tl)r ft yng, f tlje Ictocfltyllcb tbeir gjottnbe. 25ut . cimotl)cuitf,3polTomufl:j5fomic or ueinei ,3eromc$2>cmopbon £pjoubc, iHtcanoj fcaptaync of Cypcr0, $tbcy tbat lay c in tbofcplarcg: toolbe not Ictt t|jc lytic in reft $ pcaccSDbcp of Joppa alfo bpb cticii foci) a Qjamcfull DcOc . 'Ctjcy piayebt be 3e* toe f btoclt amouge tbcm,togo toitb tbcie toyuctf 5 cbtlbje" into j> (bpppeg tobycb tl;cy bab pzeparcb, anb Opt toy to tlje , as tbottgh they bab ottgbt tljcm no cucll toyll . #d? To mocl)tbe\i0tberctoa0gonefojtl)agencral pioclamafyon tbojototbecytye becattfeof peace ,tbey cbTctcbtbcrto,? fufpectc noting: but toljcn tbey tocrc gone f oztjj into #bcpe, t^cv Motoneb no leffe tben.ii.C of tbem. mil 3ubas( ftneto of tW crucltc (bemeb tottto l)is people, Ije commaunbeb trjofc tljat were toitrj tjt to mane tljcrcaoy , Cjtbojtyng ti)em to call \)po <5ob tbc rygbtcottf ittbgc : tocttt f ojtl) agaynft tljofe mo rtburcr0 of ijitf tttb2etUKn,fetfy?emtl)ef)auniynygl)t,l)^nt top tbe ujyppe0,aub trjofc tba t cfcapcO from tbe f y 2c,l)f nctoe toitrj j5 f toeatbe.ltnb toljen tjc bab bone trjytf , be bepar teb a0 tbotigb be toolbe come agayne , anb rote out all tne of 3ioppa.2i5uttol)enlje|)abgottetooibe,tl)at Oamnitegtocremynbebtoboinlyftema^ ner totto § 2ctoc$ tobycb btortt amoge tbe", Ijc came Upon ttje 3Sammtc0 by ny gbt,$ fett fyjc on tlje baucntoytbtbc tbyppetf •• fo tljat tbclygbt of tbefy?ctoa0fe«eat3urufalcm topon a.u.C.anb.]cl.furlongcs{. Bototoben tbeytocrc gone from tbence iy.furlongcsi, in tbeir tourney totoarbc ^t-- motbeutf. tj.tboulanbe melt of fote anb. M. bunbKtlj bo?fmcn of t^z 3crabian!S } fougbt toitb Wm . ^>otoben f battell wwtfeamelt, 9 p?ofpcrcb toytb3«bajs tbo?owtbe belpe of (E»ob : tbc rcfybue of fijc Srabi^jS bepnge ouercome,befougl)t3ubajcltobeatonetoit[i tbcm,^ pjomy feo to geue |)ym certayne pa^ fturcfi,anb tobo bim goob in or|)cr trjingesf. 3ubatf tbincftynge tljat tbey diulbcinbebe be piofp table conccmyngc many tbyngcis, ttomifeb tbem peatc-.tobertopon trjey Cijoftc anbcsijanb f o tbey beparteb U ttjeir rente* Jubag tocnte alio tonto a cytie, tobyeb toa* Uery f afte uepte tottf) b^ybseftfenveb vounb aboute toitb toallctf, anb by uerfc ttyttbejsl of people btocllinge tl)Ctm,c alleb Cafptn. 'Cljcy tbattoerc toitbtnit, putfocb truft C in tbe ftrf gtD of tbc toallcjss, 9 m tfteir ft oare ofljitailc0:tbnf tbey toercfflacUer in tbeir boyngeja: , curfyngc anb rcuylmac 3ubaja! t6 blafpbemyesi , anb fpeaftyngc web too^betf a^itbecommctiinot.lSut^acbabeudeai^ lynge\)pon tlje great ^D^yncc of trje toolbe (toljfci; tottbout any battayilrameM? ou bynauncc of toarrc,bpb* caftboronep toal=« *-iiorut,ttt lejs of 3mcbo,in f tymc of 3fofue)fcuman= fully V>p6 ^w.illcsi 3 toltetbe cytc, (9 tbojoto tlje belpe of tfjc 3lo?b ) mabe an eyecabynge grcate flaug|)ter:3n fomocljf a lafte or ttoo fourlougcg b.tpbc tobycb layctberby,remeb to flotoe toy tb tbcblonbc of tlje flayne. '£benbcpartcbtbeyrromtbcncc.iou.C.$ 1.ftw longed, anb came to 'Caraca touto t\te ctociEJtljat are ealleb 'Cubinnei.}i6ut a0 f 0? ;imotbeutf , tbey cou Ibc not get bim tl)ere: fo? (not one matter byfpatcljeo) be toajs bc= partcb from tbence, anb Ijablcfte certayne menm a toery ftrong bolbe.25ut JDofittjeutf 9 SDofipatcr, tobycb tocrc Captayncjs toitb ^acbabeujSjfletoetbofe^imotbcucliaO lettc in tbe boufc of bcfcnce,cucn.)c.49.mcu. 3Cnb ^acl;abcu0 pjicparcb turn toitb tDe.tri ^).mcn ^ toerc aboute \)\>\n , fet t&e in o?b?e by companyeiei, anb toe"tef o?tl) agaynft %i- in otbcujj, toby cb bab toy tl) bym an.C.f w. G?.mcnoffote.ii.^).anb.io.C.Uoifmcn. Sfllben'CimotbcusibabHnotolcbgc of 3u 5) baa! corny nge, be Cent f toomen, cbylb?e anb tbe otber baggage toitoa caftcll ealleb Car nion . ( jf oi it coulbc not be toonc,^ tonsi bat be to come \)nto,tl)e toayeiS of p tame placed tocrc fo naroto ; $ tobOuba^ copany came ftrft in fygbt, f cnemyc* tocrc fmy tttn toit|) feare , trjo^oto tbe pjcfcncc of (S5 ob , toljyctj fey tb al I trjyngcj3i:3n fo mocD f tbey fleynge one bcrcanotber tberctocrc ratber bifedfy* tch of tbeir atone people, * anb tooubcb 16 § ftroucat of tljcic atone ftocatbetfjubatf alfo toajf \)cry earne ft in folotoynge tipatljcm, pumajitigc tbofc toigobly, 9 fletoc. jejejr. 4ll me of tbeVCimotbcujcj alfo bim fclf fell into f tjanbctf of Bofttbcu* anb i&ofipater,tob5 ticbefougbt toit|)many pjaycrsl, tolctbym go Wtl) w lyferbecaufe be bab many of tbc 3etoc8;fatbers($ b?ettj?a imefon, toDyctXyf tbey put Ijito beatb)mygbt be bifapotntcb. mc of trjeir abuerfy te, 3uba0 atib w copany gaue tbim titfefte*, befy^inge trjem to be frebly ftill tonto t|)cm: anb fo r pey came to 3erufalem t))e to>e wall of tbe weuetf beynge at tjanoe^nb after t^ fcaft of pentecoft tl;ey went fo^tb ajjaynft <5ozgla0 tbe gouemourc of 3bumea, toytb Hi. Wj .men ottoteMiii.C.bojfmen.TOicb torjen t^ev met togetber, it cbaunfeb a f ctoe of $ 3etoegf to be Oayne.^nb Dofi tljcusf one |fofy)i5acbeno^amigbtybo?fmStoucbolb of <0o?gia0,f toolbe oauc tafee bim quyeftc. Tfcnt an bowman of 'Cbjacia fell tjpon bim, anb fmote of Ijus arme,f f C5o?giajs efca peb t flebinto Jftjojefa. daitien tbey noto^toere of <0o?giaj5 fibe, ba b f ougbten longc $ toere toeary:3nbafli ealleb V>po tbe kojbctbatbe toolbe be tljcir belpcr, f captaync of trje fel* bt:anb toitb t|)at, be begannc tottb a manly tioyce to tafee \>n afonge of pjayfe,* a crye: 3n fo mocD $ tie mabe tbcenemyeiBi afrayeb, anb c^ozgiaia! me of toarre tokc tbetr ftigbt. ^>o 3uba# gatbercb W b ft e,$ came in to £ cy tie of £>bolla . %nb toben tl)c feuf tfc nayc came topontb^tbey clenfeb tijemf. luc^ (a* tlje cttftomc toais; $ kepte tl;e ^>abbott; in p fame place. Zno topon tbe bay c folotoynge, 3ubatf ^ijtsJ copany cam to taftc ty tbebo= biesi of tbe tbat toerc flayncanb to bur y tltf in tl;cfatbcrjJgraueiei..lEoto tonber tbe cotetf of certainc 3etoe0 toljycb toere ftapue , t|ji f ouube 3etoeW that tbey bab taftcn out of mm.t teple« from trjejboltf of t|)e * 3amniterji mm*, tobyco tby nge i0fo?bybben ttje jetoeiei by f latoCEbcn ma y man fatoe,y tW toa0 tbe caufe,tobcr f o?e tlycy toere flayne. 42? 3lnb fo euery man gauc tbancftesttjnto f lo^be f 0? &y* rygrjtuou* iubgcment,tol)ictJ fcab openeb t^t tbynge tbat toasbyb.'Cbep tellbotoncalfotoito tbey? p?ayer0,anbbc» fought o &e oa» . tljereb of euery one a certayne, info mocbf l)e bjougbt togetber ttoo tboufanbeb^acb* majs of fy luer,wt)ieb rje fent *nto 3emfalf, • t^ittberemycrtJtaiaceifieebeoffcebfoniJP mifbebe.3n tpetojnc!) place Iwbpb toellanb rygbt:fo^ be bab fome confiberacyon $ pon* b^yng of tbc lyfe tbat i0 after tbitf time Sop yfbebabnottbougbttrjattbcy,tobicbtoerc uayne,byb yet lyucit bab bene fupcrfltiottia! anb tay ne , to make eny tootoe oi facrtlfpce, fo? tbe*,trjat toere beeb . 26utfo?fomocb.atf |je fatoe, tbat tbey tobycb bye in tbefauoure 9 bcleueofd3>ob,arem goob reft anb ioyebe tjjotigbt it to be goob? bono?able f 0? a reco* ctlyngcto bo ttjc fame f 0? tbofe tobicb toerc flayne , tpat the offence myg jit be fojjeuem CCbe.jciJi.Cbapter. C£1)« tBminsrt offfupato;»nto Jirto;j>r. ^tWcHof /Htnclaue:CB)acl)abeu0gofn(r(ofcpi;l)tngaFrilt£u; pafo?,i!iouftl) lji« foubpare bn(o p jap tt. Be hpUtt^. fH«.tl)ouCaiiDtm*nlnt5jtt«WfBofant ifmen.rrii.€icpi;a te0,anb.iii.C.cbarettc0.a?enclau0 alfo toy neb bim felf toitb tbemebut toitb grcate bv- fceate)anbfpabefay?eto tbebpngenot foz env goob off coutrcbut becaufe be rbought toljaue bene mabe fome greate man of aix* cto?ite.)i5ut^ftynge of kyngesmourb Tin-- ttocbujS mynbe agaynft tl;y0\)«gobly per • fonne,? lyfia0 infourmyb t\)c Upng,* tljat * *.***** tW 4venclau0 toa0^ canfc of all myfcbcfe : un ' fotbattljehyngcommaunbebto take bim, anb(a0 tfjc mancr of tye" i0;to put \)vn\ fcn m beat!) in tbc fame bayc. jCDerc toa0 alfo in tbe fame place a f otocr of.i,.cubyt<:0 bye,beappeb toitbaf(be0: but abouetttoa0fomabc, tljat memygbtloUe botone on euery fybe . Ullberc into toe ay n« cfimattnbeb tbat tbamefull perfon to be cair amonge tl)eafibe0,a0 one t{at toa js caufe of all trngracioufnefle . 36nb rcafo tt toa0 tiia t tDc \3nt^tftqjulbe bpe foclja beatb.aub not to be burpefeto? be bab bone mocb myfcbcfe \jnto t^e aulter of «5ob ( to jjofe fpie $ afinetf toereboly ) tbcrfo^e wa0 it rigbt , f be bym f elf e alfo (bulbe bebeftroyeb toytb tmtst. ffiut tbe Uyngc toa0 tooob in bp^mpnbc, anb cametofoetocbimfelfcmoje crueii tot- to mwm, tbenDytffat^er »a0.Wlbycb tS toben 3nba0perceaueb,* be camattnbcb tbe * «.mito> people to call topon f lo^b nygbt anb bay c s »fr* tbat be toolbenoto belpe W alfo, lyfte a0 be bab bone altoape : $ 0? tbey tocrc afrayeb to be put from tbeir latoe , from tbeir natu* tall eountre anb from t^t boly temple : anb not tofmtre tbe people( tobicb a lytic tobyle afo?e beganne to recoueejtobe fubbucba- gayncof tbe Wafpbemou0naeyon0. jfeotoben tbey bab bone tbpiei togetber, C anb beiougbt tbe i.o?b to? m er cy 4 toy tb toe= pynge anb faftpnge t\w baye0 1 onge , flat t pW ebeffrounbe;3ub80 ccpojteb tbem,to mafee • I UTljefeconUejSdofte ri\ H™ k ? i 1 ; *lmac L. . ftf.tnac. f* i. ' i :; ; i 't * I mftte tbem fcluctf rcabp.lSut De mm tbe et« berg toffctbct: bcuifcb,to go f ojt&fpjft WtD t to people , af ojc tUc kpnge tyougbt Dps! Dpoft into 3cttyp J anbafojebc befegcuf cp» t^ftocpnmtpttctbcma«crtjnto<15oD. Wiberf o?e be afcrpbcb tlje pott>et of all tomgc*\mtoC5obtDemaketoftbctoozlbe WbojtmgeDitfpcopletofigDtmatullpcpce, JP£f*?5l!P } f °* *1* »**, to temple> toe citpctbeir aumenatpue counrrc, anb to ;tfctme tbc citefpna.anb fct ty* Doott before «?obpn. »c gauc t(jcm alfo tDat tbere wptfj {nm rotten of tlje Wctojp of «5ob,cbofmgc put tlje malpeftpongcmemtoentc bpnpgfjt M , wotDekpngci*pauplpo, acttocoftbebooft 255L9- mc 2? * ? to grcatcft eicpDanttf, tbptbtbofetbatfattVpontbem. 3> ^ujeftobentDepbabbiougbtagrcate f care anD rumour among* p tent** oftbep* enempetf , $ all tDpngea Ubcnt uiofperoudp toptbto,tbepbepattebmtbeb>akeoftDc oapc,(^obbcmo;etbcirDelperanbbefenbcr. m&to »»De tbckpngcperceaucb tDcmanlp* m® of tbc Jtmst ; be weureabottte to take tbe grange place* bp craf t,anb rem oueb W tu Dooft*twt:o betbfura,BJb(cb roajata toell&c pte boiifeof Defence of tjie3ewc* : but tbep toerc cbacebafbape,Durtc,anb btfeomfiteb. 3nb3uba*fcnttmtototbatttJeremit f ocb tbmge* a* toere neccuarp.3n f 3eto€* boott alfo tbere toa* one labobocui tojjpcft t oibe tbe enempc* tbew fecrete* ; but tpep fpugbtbpmout,*tbbettiepbabgotte"bpm, tbepjwtbi mmefon. 3ftet tbttfbpb f kpng come tbitb the tbat tbere in iBctbfura, toke truce toitb tbem,bepartcb,anb Broke a bat* tapll tbptb 3uDaief , ttobPcD ouer came Dpm. tDatfeDlUppe Ctbbombebableftto be ouerfcerof ww&* mm at ant(pcDe)bega"ne to rebel agapnft Dtm,De toa* aftonnpeb in b# mpnbe: fo f be pelbeb jjpm felf to tjjeJetDc&t mabe tbe an ctbe,to bo wbatf oeuer tbep tDougbt rpgbt. ■ jfrowtobenbetbajmconcplcbtbptbtbe', pe offreb, mabe m oc]> of tDc teple,gaue grea tegpfte*bnroit,emtyaceb#acbabe* 2 ma. fepnge ^m eaptapne anbgouernour from *&toTomap* Xmto tbe terrene*. jfteuertbeleOe tobenlje came to #tolo» flntb tbe bonbe of frenbftjppetfo* tbep tbere af capcb,tDat be foolbe bjeake f couenaunt. ^ftenwenteipfiaiEitjp mto tfcefeate,anb enfourmeb rbej people, Oietbebtb I tbe taufe tobP^anb pacujeo M . fropt came agnpne to 3ntiocbe.^bitf^nottot5emattercficer- npngc t[je fepngeji iournep,anb in* wturne, C^De.)rt«t.CDapter. to bftahm.^r N»Wf PfiUrtm • $m memm ma jmtut m- % fcutmcbJjotbtbatDcmetriutftbe fomie of $eletitu0 tba«< come fij ^itb agreatepotDer anb ftppoei , y _ v w *# bauen of mipolitf , to tafte cer- S ! ii£?2 m A 0Utf ^accsfanb countered topmuip befpieo \m mm mtvmoni £gf QRfi^t^rw meanetf^e coulbe JcbelpeMer ftaue anp mo^e mtrauce to the W^anb one^fpftpepcare^efentpnge two bpm a cro^ne offeoibe , a palme * an toes! tbat be calleb ^ffibet (wbofe ciptavne pptper : partlp becaule 3 tbatf fatthfull tn. P^ofvt of tbe cptefpn* . 3nb tbbp Zt «^aUtletroublcb.mberfoie3beftcbette ffiSSKS D tonmakf fome pmMtm Mf WffiBftV WW to tbe ftpnb- ieOe tbat tbou baft offrtb t?nto M . Jfoi atf » JiJ} e %t men can ipuc mpeace. KBSft wngeeuelltbpll atSubatf, tPJ&fSBP totmtiiu* onfme agapnft &38S 1 # ,mcMatl P fen ^fcanof(ruler +l Ml tOeffathermcrtorTpfhpr nf fh« h.«ihl% , Afcli .♦ ■. iSf toeiWacJabte^ /'■-<- , t 5pm,pbicpmabc tbem bp0 pcopfeano cuec |en^tbat fje tbolbe pieferue tljem ftpll. io Si^f a i , ^ nft ^P»n63uba0b2otlietfrllni Jl»nc0 of tljem tpat were wpt b Jubai , '* tUc bolbe .««.« bolbe ftomacftc^tljat tbepijab to fpgbtfo^ / iftete naturall countre , buret not m ouc the . / matter tbitl)bloubQicbbpnse. ajabertebc J Ccttt pofftboniuxJ , 'Cbcobociujf $ fyatfa* "-'f: 1 lwfo?e,copjeuc anb to take peace . $>o toben •V r • tlJewbab taken longc abutfement tOetcVpo " ; , 1 anbl:becaptapnelbctt)ebitt)ntotUemulti= / tuW,tbfptbcreagreebmoneuunbc:tobaue ■ wmjw tI;epapopnteba bapc to fpt \)p5 mm mattery qupetlp among tbem feluctf, (the (tolesl alfo toere b^ougbt anb fctfo?th. i5euertl)eleiTe,3ubajxcominaubeb certains men of armetf to tuapte (n couement placed, ... left raereiftnlbe fobenlp arpfc anp cucll tbo r oto f be enempejal. Znn fo tbep cfimoneb rca^ fonablp togctber. 3> ^gno^Wel)eabobeat3t"iralem, o?b^eb mm fclfc not tmreafonablp,but fent att?apetl)epcr"*-"''"^ tber^e louct jfauourebbtm.l9cp?apcb!)pmalu M ►«». ** ibpfe, anb to bjpnge fo^tb cbplbien . £>o be jnarpeb , Iptieb m reft , ano tbepleb a comen Ivteftott mSm$ pereeantge tbe loucthat tuasi bettopyte tbem, anb bow tbep were a=» ^rceb togctbcr,camc to a>emt triuft $ tolbe Jm tbat jSicnnoj Dab taken ftraungemat- tcrjs in bouueanb o,ibeneb 3«basi(an enemp i of tbercalme) to be t&c kpngetf fuccelfoure. •Cben tbe kpngetoa* fo^c bifpleafeb, 9 tho* roto f wpekeb accufacpontf,tbbtcb aictamtf mabe of Mwmok Ije tbasi fo p^ouokeb, tbat betto?otCbnto.etcatto? } faptng:tbatDett>a^ Dcrpangrpc fo^ tbe frenbibpppeanb agre- mcnt,tbj)pcij mm mmxb 4l)acbabeutf iacnertUclciBi be commaunbeb htm in all the baftctljat be (bulbetakc ^acnabcujs pzeto- ncMim fenbe bpm to Zntiocjit. B MtDpcljlettcrieitbljgiaicano^abfeneJie Jbaxiattettjpttejscttbc , ^fo^cgrcucb^bc ujulbe bteake tlje tbpngeg toberin mv bab agrcc0:ipcciallp,fcpnge^acbabeuj3it»a>S mSitnewer bpb Dtmljanne. a6ut becaufehc mpgbtnottbptbftanbc tbekpng,befought opoltuntte to fulfil b 1st cfimamtbem Jt.ifto t* tottjrifcwmtng toben ^acljabcjtjsfatbc that picano? b,eganne to be eijurlpftj^nto tymM f be intreatco bimmo^c rugblp tljcn be toait wotite,bepcrceaueb^focl; , bnkpnbnetfcame •not of goob , anb t|)erf o?e he gathereb a f m tityHSPh * 8W*** vm felf fro iBtcfih n o?.(Hlbicb tbb^ be knetbe tbat ^acbabcnrf ijab manfullp mcucntcb bim,be came into great anb moftbolp tgple.ano comaunbeb v weftesi mm, tbcrebopnge their Muall ot^ fringed) to beliuer Dim f m83nb tohg thep b 555? ttoP coulbe not tel tobere § m$ toa§ mm 16M be fougbfjjc ftretcbcb out Dip toe 9 * £ mabe an otlj^fapinge: 3f pe ttipll not belp* 83*598 «WP»e»3 mall remoue tDpj* fflSS?? lt i° P^nefelbe s 30jallb^ Uc botbne § aultet^ cofeerate tjjiji tfpie W 5foJrrr toJiacDttp.^ftertDefetJoo^bejBihebepatteb 'Cjjen tbe pjefte* Ipf t \>p tDeir banbcioi to= # ttarbeDeauen,^befougDtbpm*tbapeuec p bcfcnDer of tljcir pcople,faping/' %ha\i © i°?S e / t a L l)t ?^ c ^ ,jaft nc0e of notbpnge, Jbolbcftf»tbctMeoftDpDabitacpon£b«lbe be amonge t)tf. 'Cberf o^c notb €) mooft bo* SSW!iJ*P Wpowft euer\jnbefpleb» *b>Dpcb latelp tbap cftftb . iaoxo toa$ tbere t u l At i itUi ftccufeb tjnto iUicano^one tRajipan ^ibtti W4c!,,F4a man of 3erufalg,a louer of the Xbbole cpte, 9 a man of goob rcpo2te:t»bpcbfo^ kwtbe berte f be bare bntoj people , toa* calleb a S% r of flem. 'Ebfomaoft rpmep.ttobe tbe 3etbejei ttoere mvnm to kepe m frluetf tjnber>leb,bcfettoebgfbelpuerebtbe\bepnffe men of bam to take Dim.fp? be tbougbt,p£ §c gat bint,be (bulbe b^ige factor* in great hM *** h ** - " -■ — Pie beginr to ruftje ^.- ; ybo?ej«,ftofttfwe SS?! ?.fe , i°i to *»M*»r Da«e beren. beb Dim felf tbttb bP^rtbearbccbofpnge ra, iS^?^ 1 !!^!" 1 ^ ton to pelbe bpm felf to tbofe toickeb boetgif becaute of bumoble irocfte,be Dab ratber baue bene put to erfttc- P^Ue.^ottoptkaDingujbnttimeatf beimffebofbtsarokefo^bafte^miatitu be fell m WoKflp bettbi/te # KS:h : ratine fullpamongetbcbcapeoftbem^btcbgmie fooncplace to bigfafUfo f be fel »pS Dps be' g:g?««to }t*,m\* tbere tDao ret b^catft tottbuj |mJ» tea* kpnbleb m bp* mpnir, (for De tbajat torv fo^e tooubcD ) be rane tho^ rote tbcmpbbeft oftbe people a, D gat l/pm jo tbe toppc of a rocke.|>o tobcu bis biotme to botb (wyUK&9 tbuto tbe tipon « people SSSB*!!^ JU «* «* W* Wc tore- tbarbe Dun tbtt agapneanb fo be Dpeb CCDe.rij.Cbapter. ll' 5 ) ?^bcn*iaicano v tknctbe*3u= 3 !H?SS mt {f colmtrp of^ama= tt.mt.mi ^oftrpkeoWbewptb btmipona £,..*. r „4>oape .jaeuertbelcffc tbelewtf p bapc ,, ^ ». i'*i^^^ *:.»- **' .* • ','- '.;»1V:* r '• 1 \ * i - K*IA *# »l f »r«>.nu> tien * eomjiaimbcb «ge<$ucntt) bare to be r i.' 1 1 ■ v « L<* '« W7 1 ■« :> feepte^tiefapbc: 3nb3ammpgbtp*pott eael&eoeommaiibe t&anfonoarmetbcm route , anb to petfourme t^c fepngestf Tjut^i- new. jftottoitpftanbingebe mpgbt not Da* nebpsiputppfe & Sltcano^i)abDcupfeDtbt)t^a«eat|Wt>6ft to ouercome 3uDaa > $ to typngeawape the toictpw* 26«t #acbabeujs tyao euee a fatt wolbegeuetbemtbe .. __ totbemotttofmiattoconDpiWrteftpMt. tines tbem tnismembjaunccof tbe battapW tbattoepbabft*tcnroafojc 3 anbmabetf)cm tobeofagoobcojage. *>o ttben tbetr bartetfoete pluete to, be CbcScb tbemalfo tbebifceatfulneifc of tbe Seatben,anb boto tbep toolbe feepe no coue< nautnojotbe.'C^betjeapeneotbcmnot H>ptbftb*amoureofu)plbeanbrpeare,but tottbtbbolfoine wbestaub ejtbo^acymg. fte foctocb tl>e a became alf o, wtwtbojotoc SmabetbemaUjjlao,t»bpcb»»asitbP0 $* tbougbttbat beCawe ©nia$(bJbwb {wb be* it ne Be p*eft , a tier mow* anb loupnge man, * fabanb of honett couet facpon,i»eUTpplien, i*to* o»te. 5f Si'tW tbcee apeatcb tmto &im anotpet' man ,tbb»cb toatf acreb , bono*able anb glo « tiouis.^nb ©niajs &P&e : VMat (0 a Iouee of tbe tyetb*en,anb of the people of 3ftacU. %HMWWVWttWOtMim people anbfo?aU#bolprtepe:3eremv#p?opbete of ©ob»»e tbouglJt aKo t^at 3eeem^ belbe out bpsf tpgbt banbe,an b gaue tmto J wbais 8fSbeoWolbe,fapnse;'CaUetbi]8bolF ftoea rbe 3 a gpf tc ft om dfrob, tbbeetbiti) tbott ftaltfmpte bot&net&e enempe* of tDepeo* * llnb fotbepttoctetoell comfotfebtbojotto tbe t»02bc* ohubak anb tofee cojage totto them, to that tbeponge mett toere betetmp. iu^tntl)eirmpnbe0|ofpsb%feabpbeftpa ftp at tt:3nfomocb m&gnmW&t t^fbBemMe^bolbnejtejbetoebj Camr 3 bccattfetbel)olp citpeanb tbe temple mUnwte\\^^mtWW m W roetctorpspt* npppetbattW ##■# J >£ ■'•'•-■ ;^v . -j :-*..■• • .• < ttuctcm oftttbicb ew ail in "matter ttoaj* !w ■ i v- V; cijabenjicoMwi tituoe,tbe ozbpiiai 'h^ v. ' ?W? si vnveircuerp one pntpnae in bpjs plat uneeofi tie >icto?p ajter tbe_mult(tubcjof toeapeitei S ■n itmaunce ot opM wtoei ftbebeaftetf>anbbelbei tbe cruclnejai of tpe beafte^anb -tyttti imw mm* mum , Mm i? ■P anbpotbet of toe ijottcbut to tbi II. tbm-.butalbjapetot,emcmb?etbcbciPtot anljC hah heneftjetoebbntfitbemfrom bcaue, vtt nob) opm)acco;bpns;c to bp^ atone fpjetnbp* ^L^^M^^^J - €)tojbe^tftou|bpWcftMet^^ Sfngell in mtvme of € ^eapappnffoP 3u« «».i ba , anb in tbe potte of ^foennaJetOJllettoeft ffi anljObjetbf oueefco?e$ftJuc thoufanb:fenbe * of thp mpgbm atmctbat tbep ttobicb come againtt tbp boip people to blafpbemetbcm, mapebe afcapcb.3lnbfobemabe anenbe of W tDOjibesi. 'Cbf Uicano j s tbep tbat tocire toitb bpm,b?etbe npetbptb tbatbmes( anb longest •• bite p^apecanbea Wtbtbetvljan - \ tym (JertejJ tijep p;apeb »nto tbe lo;be } $ deb) no Ufle tfcen. wjrt>.4$) jnf : jf oi tbo^otft j parent Ijelpe of <0ob tljep toete glo^ouQp comfo^teb. Mm tx»ben tbep left of,? tbere turnpnge agapne roitb tope,tbep ^nbeeftobe tljatiftt* ipatio) tomi felf e wajs napnetoptb tbe otber. ^Ebett tpep gauif agteateCboute anb a crpe , ^prpnjetbe^lmigbtplo^btbttba loube © Siop ce, 3Tnb 3wbaj( c web toast euer reabp to fptnbe bpa bobp $ Ipte fo? bP« cptefpng) comannbeb to finite of $tcano#f beab,witb ipjs arme $ b^nbe , ff to be brought to 3etu ^ :alem. Wliben be camt t i.tee,be callcb all tbe people , 9 tbe P^eUcfS at j aul tee toptb tbofe tbattkieecintpeeafteUi aflbe^ebtiif Btca* no#f beab,anb jii^ tbpcaeb paiibe, tobpeb be J)ab p^fmnptuoutlpnolben tJJS affajmtt tlje tf pie of d5oD. tyi caufeo f tonge aTfo off ion goblp Hiicano? to be cnt ilptle pece& $ to be cafttotbeftulej* ,$ tbi; cruel mansi fcanoc to lie bangeb t>p before tbe temple. , j&o eueep man gatie tbanckejStinto t^t Xo&fapmge:blefleb be be, tbatbatb aepte tyflirtacejmbefpieb. 3]Kfb^tcano2tf]>eab,|ieDangebftt)p Ijpontijettpe eaftelw »?an euioent 9 plapne toften^f ppelpe of <£ob.3nbfotbepagtceb alltbgetbee,to ftepe tbatoape bolp,namelp #.ym.bapeoftbemoneth1(bat,tDbiebmp 4m*M latigaage ft cauebtbenejetebape •bet ^e ^arboebca0 bfipe.^bu^ toajs Bica to;(lapne,aiiibfeotn tbat Qm f oztb tpeje-- babtbe titpc in poffe»4ub %Ml tomnbe auenbe. •■ ■*■ >^ ^, r I !;v.* .,-— - ■• t ■< ■• k 1 * T* it O'^^ >jupjo>j 4 »)* A** 1. -y » lift r Jfry, S mm J**JJ->^xt JJtWTTJ'nj^:; i« ftamf t tit i iiftirfhc trmtnatcH flftCt: rhc.Cirftrtfitapttitttt tljefeooolicjEf. 2:otl?c«pi)criatw - , . ut/ ^ y .arot!jcco[!o(rtan0 r-.ufKDrt-ti-;^ .*« gpw »i 1: tioiico.ioft^JJ^tuo'?^ ".M^'fP^ommb.ii ^ l)om»«bu»i9* M I ^?NO*E* » v *" ll .• . *4 » b ¥ ^mt^ Warn i^*^:^^ 5 CCWofpeUof &.a)atbew. C'fcbeffcftabairter.i* SSS5 5S l P , SK e rt *"L ft Ma «* matpase of J>p§ g>.mthm Ifo * # Jtntttia [Gciutfj, D (®n iti'c.d kf.tctviii.8 piriui.n Kuib.uif.D fi.|8dt[(lb uH.Stt.cr.o ptgfrt.ti iro-tfg.rr; mm mtMOJi . . -= — — lf>P0P0P booue of tbe generacpon of 3efu0 CbWtr, ©»TP tonne of©auiD, tbe fonne of 3bjaba\ *3&bjabam begat 3faac * Jfaac begat 3a* cob. *3acob begat 3uba0 anb Hv^ tyetbjcn. * 3uba0 begat #|)are0 ant> ?aram of ^Da= mar.*l&bare tfbegat ©from.* ©from begat 26ram.* attain begat ^rntimbabi*3Cmina= dab begat #aaffon . * jftaaffon begat £>al* mon. *$almoti begat 26000 of ftabab. * B0018 begat £>beb of l&utb. * ©beo be* gat 3c(fr. * 3effe begat Da mo tbc upnge. *Datiib tbe ftpnge begat Salomon, of ber tbatuw0tbe\»prcof$Lijpe,*£>aiomonbe= gat l&oboam.*i&oboam begat mta. *JWa begat 3fa.*3fa begat 3oiapbat, *3ofapbat begat Jwm. *3ojam begat JDTtajupfiatf bcgat3oat|)am.*3oatl)am begat Ma0. * 3 w begat alatbiel begat ?ojobabrl. *?ojobabel begat mm. Kjgum. * Slbittb begat ©Uacbtm. , «, euactym begat 3?oj. 3S?o;t begat &aboc &abocbegat aicbtn . aktyn*tffat€ttufc. Cltub begat ©leafar. ,*, Clcafar begat ^attban.- 4#attban begat Jacob. 3acob begat 3ofepb tbebufbanbe of fc)arp, or pjbom roatf bojne3cfu0,;euenbe tjjatitf wltebCtopft. h ZtiD mil tjje gciwracpontf from 3fyafft % to 3Daufo,arefourfen< 'genewcpGtf. 3nb fro" JDautD tmto tbecaptpupte of 25abplon , are fouttenegeneracpo0. 31 nb from t\}t captiup= te of 25abplon tonto C|»ift,are fourtene ge= neracpon0. _ $fc bp#> opefusf ctopft Oft* on tbi0& We. * tDben DuS motber &)arp m$ ma= W> to jofepbC before tbep came to Dwell to gtatbcr.)(beu>atf founbe untbcbPlbe'bptbe bolp qbooft. ^ben 3ofepb ber buf bom be* caufebetoajsarpgbteoH^ man , anb tuoloe not put ber to fyame)be wag mpnbeb meue= Iptobeparte from bet. 25ut t»bpllbe tbu« tbougbt , bebolbe , t))t aungell of tbc io?oe appeareb tonto bPm in flepe,fap(ng:3ofcpb, tbou fonne of JDauiO: feare not to tafte toitto m tym |tbp txjpfe . Jfo? tbat tobicb i% con= ceaneb in ber, cometb of t^z bolp gboft . &>&e jball b^pnge fo^tb a fonne,anb tbou m it cai bPSiname*3efu0.:ffo?beu;aUfauebiJSpco= *««**» pie from tbepjftmnea. 3ctcs.i«uti 3ltbWtx)a0bone,^ttmfgbtbe fumileb, B toWbmtfwW of tbe to?b bt>^ prophet, fapmg:^2Bebolb,amapb(balbe tficbpioe.f *«bWM (ball b k nng fo^tb a fonne, 9 tbep (ball call bitf name€manuel>\X)bicbpfainaninterp2et,it ijaiafmocbtolapa0©oDt»itb\)S!. t< 3nD3ofepba$ fone a«be atooneont of flepe,bpba0tbe angel of tbe JLoiDe bab bvb« benDpm ; aubbc tone bps ropfe Mo bpm, $ mm bernot,tpll (be bab tyougbt fo2tb*2uwfw ^berc^fp^ft begotten fonne,anb callcb bijJ^S name 3ef u0- a Cl2:be.tj.€b«pfer. C.ZDt mm ano pl*«ef jCftpftw »p»b. ff be ttipft me ontc tijcp) pjefenicfl . £t)ita flpcto into tfopwc, the ponjc o;(bpppc $pn\> . Ulllienl9ecobctbeHpngbabbearbetbefe tbpnge0,be u>a0 troublcb.anb all tbe cptc of 3crufalem toitbbpm. 3Bnb wban tit bab ga* tbercballtbccbefep?efte0anbfcrpbe0oftbe people togeatber, bebemaunbeb oftbem. UJbcre Cfeift Ifculoebe bo?ne3nb tbep fapb tnto hvm : Zt 28etbleem i t>r, & fcarcDc DUtsetlf> f o? p cbf lbe.31 nD wbe" pcbauc foiibc Dim, bipng me wo?o ag apnc, tb&t3 mtipe comcaub wojijjpp bpm alio. >*t to* tbep bab bcaro £ (tpng.tbcp uc= parreb :anb lo,tlje (rarrc wbicbtbepfawe in tbe caftc,wc"t bcfo?c tbf.tpil it came, fjffobc finer t\)c place, wber in tbccbplbc wag. 1X»I)€ tbep fawc tbc (tarrc, tbep were cicce abvnge $rlab:aiiD went into tbe boufe.anb founb m -k im.1 i.,v h cbPlbc witba)arpbigmotbcr* sftl bowne Sffi" * ° ftatt anb wojqjippcb bpm, anb opened tDric trcafttrctf^ offcrcb V»nto bpm gpfteg, golbe, frauclunccnfe,&mpjrc.3nbattertbcpwtfre war neb of (5> ou in flepe ( tljat tbep (bulb not go agapnc to loerobe) tbep rctttr neD X to tbcic a wnc counter anotbeewapc. J« M)\)l tbep were bcpartcb,bcboIb,tbc an= gel of tbe toft appcreo to 'lofcphf n flcpe ft* plng.atpfc, ^tattc tbecbplb anobigmotber, ano ftpe into egipfcanbbe tboutljcre tpllj bjpngc tbe wojbc.flojitwpllcome to pane C tbat tyeroOc (ball felic tlje cbplbe.to befttope Jj'pm. £>o wban be awonebe toftetbecbtlbe ano bpg motljcr bp nigbt* anb bepartcb into €jii PC ano wagtbere Unto tbe bectb of lac* robctljat it mpgljtbc fulfpllcb , wbicb wag fponeu of p JLojDc bp tbepjopfcete, (avenge: •^orcf.tta *out of<£Q;ppt banc 3 callcbmp fonne. touaim *&§mtymm wbif be fa we f pe wag moc= Rfb of pwpfeme\ be wag ejeceabmg wjotb, 9 Cent f oztb me of warre , $ flue all? cbplbje* tbat were in 2Sctblccm,anbin all f coafleg, (as manpag toe re two pcere olbc o? Unbrt) ace oibpngc to tbe tpme, wbpclj be bab bilv= gcntipanowe out of tbe wpfc men. ^ben wag fulfpllcb tbat, wbicb wagfpo* nebp tbe pjopbet 3eremp:wbcri5agbcfapb: *»icr.rrrj.tin Bama wagtberea Uopcebcrbc* lamen= tac pon, weping, anb great m ourninge. ma= cliclwcpingfo?bercl)vH)?en,?woUienotlbe ^^cofo^tcO^-bccaufe toe v were not. fa 25ut wben Aerobe wag.beeb : be^olbe, >£*an an= *) gell of tbc llo^eappeareO in a flep e to Jo- fepfj.in <£g vpte, faveuge :ar vfe,ano tabc tbe cbpioc of W motoer ., ano go into tbc lanbe of 3frac«. * fo?tl)ev areOeem wbicD fought tbe cbploejs Ipfe . 36nb ijearore, anotone toe cbPlD e anb \)H mot^ee, ? caiine into trje land of 3fraell . 25ut wbenbe bcarbe tbat 3rcbe= laug vd rapgne in Jt w jv » inttje rowme of |)ig fatber !gierobe,be wag afrapbe to go tty= tytt . jS o t w ttlrttanbinge.after be wast war = neb of d>obinaflepe, rjeturncbafvbeinto ^ jpartieg of (0alile , ano went anb Dwelt in a cpte wbicb tgcalleb 0a?aretbalbecalleb a^arite. {it - . C5D^e.ti>.CUaptee. ^ V ^/StO.jftJ.t ifttljorcoai^wmeMnf * Ba= pti(tp?eac])pngin t\tt wplberncile of 3ew?v»^nb Fapeng:*^ lacpet of toe life tbat ig paft f o? tbe king* borne of fteauen ig at Daub .* jf o? t big ig ije, of wDom tlje ^opDe tc® fape f pake, wijiclj fapctb : * ^be t>o pee of a crver in tbe wplber * neg.p^epare pc tbewape or tbe &o;bc:$ ma= KebpgpatbegacepgOt.^:i)pg3oljnDabbv^ rapmentof camclgwee. * anb a gp^bcll of a ftpnne about Dpg lopneg. * l^ig meat wag locuftegano ^ wplbeuonp .^l)en went out to bVm 3erufalemanb all 3ew^pe > anb all tberegpon rounDeabout3o^ban, anb were baptpTcb of bvn\ in 3ojban,conf effpng tbeir tpimeg. ^ TBut wben be fa we manp of tit ^ba= tifeganb^)abucegcometobV0baptpme,be fapb wttotuem:* flD generation of Upper g, wtio batb taught poutofte from tHe t)cnge= aunce to eome/^ing f o#lj tberfo?e tbe f ru= teg tbat belong to repjentaunte. 3nbbenot of focljmvnbetljatvewolbc fapeuSin pout felueg .• wc baue 3b^abam to ourc fatber. 1t oj 3 fape Unto pou .- tbat d5ob ig able to ^pngtopaffe,tUatoftjefeftonegtUerajaU ipfe tjpcbilb^enunto^braljam.aEucn now iff tbeajce alfo put Unto tbe tote of tbe treeg: fo tDat* eucrptree wljicbb?ingctbnotfo ( ttb goob frute , ifi Dewen bowne > anb caft into tjjefpje. 3 baptpfe vou in watet*Uuto rep! taun= ce : but lie p u>all come after me ig mpgbtpcr fytn 3, wljofe Cboeg3 am not woitbp to be- are.H9e (ball baptife pou Witfj t^t fjolp gljoft anb wi tb fp?e : * wb ofe fan ig in bpg panb, $ be wpll purge i)vgnooje,$ gather w wNt into tbe barn e , but wpllburne t&e cjjnffc xb Unquencbeablcfp^e. J« ^fp commetb3efugfrom <^alileto 3o? ban Unto 3otm * to be baptpfeb of bpm . aSnt 3obn f o?babe bpm,fapinge:3 baue nc= be to be baptifeb of tbtranb commeft tbo u to me.^eP anlwcreb $ faib Unto bint: let it be Co now. # o? tb 9 it becometi) Uff to fulfpll all tpabteoufneOTe./Cben befutlreb tiym. 3no 3e?ug wben be wag baptifeb, came (traigbt wave outof tbe water. 3nblo*beuen wag open Unto bim:anbbe fa we f fp^ete of €oh befcenbpnge ipuea boue,anblvg|)tv«g Upd bvm . 3nbloo,tberecame a Uo'vceftom bea= uen faieuge . ■*% ty$ ig my beloueb fonne, in wrj63 am well plea feb.^ ClKpe.iiii.Cbapter. £< «rtfj»»i» ftO?tD «nbj»B tempteD : be wiittft tbtttv, a 1 1 o> m ,3] a m c^ ano 3 of) u : ano tKalctb iOe frche. iloen wag 3t( 9 tieb awape off faitc into wvlbemeg : to be tempteb of tbe lbenell.Hnb wben bebab fafteb f our= tp b a peg anb f out tp npgbf eg , be wag at tbe laft an bligreb.ainb Wben tbe eempter came to bpm,!)* fapbe:pf tbou be tbe fonne of d?ob commaunbe if 9m Mm 3oliiini * ftottiH Wirt* 7& * TtmH X"Mii|* c ft'ittti *rtl«r,pi a> 3]oDn « ifKflf.l XMfid tt.»t.H U^Hlt.tll.C hnO.r.D j*jj>at.».b coma Mime , tbat tbefe (toueg be mabe b^eab. 25u t be anfwereb anb fapbe : it ig w? vt ten, \#wMA ^Tnauiballnotlpueibpbieab onlpe, butbp WSftt. amymtt P^oceaoetSi outof tbemoutb !™7 Ofd50b. • 'CbentbebeupUtanetlnb^mUpintofbO" pfc ffettctbbPmonatJpnacreof tbet?- pie, anb fapetb Unto bim:pf tbou be tbe ton* .. neof<3>ob,cafttbPfelftbfltwuebeabltg.5foj #w.««t a tgw^tten*beu)allgeuebpgangelgcbat= ge oiier tbe, | witb tbeir m^ttitp (bai bol* betbeup,icftatauptpmetbou08(bt|jpfote 25 agapnftaftonc3nb3efugrapbeto j>pm :it t mw igw^pttenagapuejtcbou ft)alt not tempte :wiMw.ft t j, e i;Q ?oe tbv 000. 3Ggapuc, tbe beueltauetbbim' Up into an eyceabingbpe mountapne, anb ujcwetbbim alltbeftpngbomeg of tbe too^io, anb tbeglo^ rp of tbe, anb fapetb Unto ijjpm.alitbefe will 3 gene tbe.pf tbou wplt fallbowne,$ wo^ (bpppeme. %%m fapetb 3elug unto bpm 3iuopbe ^batan . a oj it ig written: *^!)ou malt woMpptlje lo^bclbp C5ob, anb bpm onelp (bait tbou fcrue. flrben tbe beupl icauctlj bim.anb bebolb, *tbc angclg earner nunitteD unto bim. H *TOe 3cfugbabbeari) ¥tbat3obn wag taHcn,be ocpartcb into ©aiple,anb left Ba-- ?atetb,anb weutanb DWf it m Capernaum: wbpclj ig a cptie Upon tbe fee coaft ; in f bo? - berg of ?abulo 9 cptaltm :tbat it m pgbt be C f "If illeb wljicb wag fpohen bpe Cap tbep?o= mew* pbet, faping: * ^be ISbe of ?abnlo 5 iSepra* - Hm,bp tbe wave of tbe fee bcponbcIJojban, aUle of tbe ^entilg: tbe people wbicljfatt fnbarcltenegeanbm tbe qjabowc of ocatb, (ii wc great ligbt: 9 to tb^ wbicb fat in tbe rc= 4.0M tu * %®1 * nD( ! tt,e of bcatb,ig tbe ligbt fp?6i$ Up. SB?" ***» f bat tpme,3efugbeganeto*p?ca* tin«t;.h roe, ano to rape : *repcnt^ f oz tbe npngbom e SS& onjcaucnigatbanoe. U * *5W3eri«i walhebbptljcfeeof d5alile be fa we twobict&en : ^pmon, wbicb wag calico ^ctet,$ 3Jnbtcw beg b?otbcr,caftpng anectiutotbefcefw?tbepwerefifibcrg)no be faptbUnto tbem : folowe me,anb 3 wpll <«.. J! mw^VOu^io mnm * fif iberg of men.$nD Sffli Jbcparcpgbtwapcicfte tbencttcg,anbfo= j)lowebbpm. . % no wba" be wag gone f o#b fro tljPcc.bc faweotbertwob?ctb?e,3amcgffonneof?e bcbe,» 3ob"big b?otber, mf a»ppw5 jcbebe %mA 1, x }} m f «tber»menbins tbciir netteg,^ be calico *mt*» tficm.^lliiD tbcp immcbiatlp* lefte tbe 0)PP : anb tbep? fatber, anb folowco bpm. ^ Hhatnb3efugwentaboutall.$iatbeto K\* Jfo / / t uergbifearcganb grpppnfjteg,anb thtmtm were poMcO witb beuplg.anb tb ofe wbicb were lunatpfre, « tbofe tbat bao tbe palfpe:f be bealcb tyi.*%nn efjer folo web ^vm great ***** multitutbcg of people, from <£-al(le, U anb fromtbetencpteg,anbfrom3crufaiem,anb from 3ewjp , an^b from t|)e regiongtbat ipe beponbe3o?oan; CCbe.^Cbaptcr. * On tljpB chapter ano in tbe ttbo nertc fblotbpno « » conttpneo tlje moa etftlltnt anb louvftgrfttrmB pi atnvn rnUicmount'.tti)Ptbrctm8i«tijc\>K>>hfpe tnttmnm tt)t ftnuctnanopngt (nto totbtucin «jp«fpftj) tuaptrt,(t)C(pailPbcp)eac"etl) of tjjr.vfcr. SSS? u } , l w, ^S ,, ¥2.» 0( nwnfl*4«bt«,a»atb ano anqttM aDnouHp,of toetpng, of fuffnpna Ojjonac flnoofloue,euenwOjfitDcainan«cnempefl. I9en be fawc t^z people , be 'went „ Up into a mountapne , anb xsty be * wag feet, bpgbircpplcg came to bf : . __ anb after tbat be bab openeb bPS moutb,betaugi)ttbr",fapinge:* TSletTebare *ime*u tbeppMcinfp^etejIo^tbepfgigtbeapngbO',,,,. . . ma nte of beaue.*25(effcb are thtv tbat m ourne. VSS*" fo^tbep Ojall receauc comfort, a&lcflcb nrc i» ntefte: to? t\)tp (ball receauc the enbetitaunce of toe eartb.25(c(Tcbaretbcpwbicb*bonffet*3«mie anb tbpzft after rpg|)teonfncg:fo? tbcp (hat* be fatiffpeb.2Blf u"cb arc f mercpf nlrfttt tbco toallobtcpnemcrcp. iSlcflcbaretbe pure in bertc : foi t^tv (ball fc ^ob . 26lc(Tcb arc tbe peace maaerg:fo?tbep(balbecaileb tbe eljil* b^cnof d5ob.25Ic(Tcbare tbep wljicb fuftrc «* perfcciicpon fo^rigbteoufneg ranc:foz tbctrg igtbcftingbomcofbeauen.^iieicflebarcpe, *t.»M..< wben mcrcuplcpou, anbperfccutepou, ano »«•<•««»•*«'• (ball falcfp fap all mancr of cupii fapingca= c gamftpou.fo.impfaue.^mciopfc^ bcgl.ib *ii«c».v.. 8 fo^grcatcigpourrcwarbeinbeuen. T«5foi fo pcrfecutcb tbep tbe p^opbef eg, wbicb were before pou. *^earetbeniltoftbecartb^35utpff Mm „ iK a fait baue loft tbe raltncg, wbat (balbc fcafo= iSS:* ticbtberw(tlj.''3tigtbencefo?tbgoobfoino^ fl4l '« t tovuge, but to be cafl: out, anbtobetroaben bowne of mcn.ge arc tbe ligljt of tbe woilb. 36 cptic tbat igfet on an bpll cannot be hn, ^netberbo men Ipgbta canbcU,anbp'utit * m«.m& Unbet -a burnjellbut on a canbclftpcb, anb it £ffH ,,M geuctb ligbt Unto all tbat are in f boufe. let pour ligbt fo (bpnc before nrni* ^bat t^tv * wm* mape fc pour goob wo^cueg, 9 glojpfp pour fatber.whicbiginbeauen. h . ^ TOmue notf 3 am come to be(rropc<£ tpclawe,o?tbe p?opbetcg : no,3 am not co= # me to beftropebut* to fulf pu. jf 0? tmelp 3 ,* {"•«» (ape Unto pou: * tpll beauen anb eartb paffe, *1eVw«,6 one wtt 0? one tptle of tfje lawe (bal not fca- **$•* pctpilallbefulfpiicb. (jftbofoeucr tberfo^e b^eaHctb * one of mw*m tbefelccftcommaHnbcmentcg,anbteacbetb ,s,e • ,:, ""• l, men fo, be Ojalbe calleb tbe Iceft in tbe ftpng^ borne of beauen. JSutwbofoeuerboetb aim tcacljetlj.tbefameibolbecallebgreateintbe 3a ii| Hpngbome * t trijetgfofpell -• -» * XNk rtl.fl ^iSrojrr.c Rpngbomcofteaucn. j« ►fc if oj 3 Gipe Uttto poiircrccpt pour rtgft* teoiifiicffc crccnbette rpgbtcottntcOeof tie Spcribctf anb i&&arifc& pe cannot entre into . tte apngbome of beauen. **ro trf c J5fiw»wDMrtttet it urn* fapb Unto tbe" xuhc.t'wtio of polbe twc.*^boumaltnoftpU:u>bofo» mu,%* tmt aillctn.ajaibe in baungcr of iiibgeme" t, 2511*3 fofUnto pon : tjjat w&ofociice «an= grpe wito PPSJbjotbcr (Unabupfcblp) JM* bcm baunger of ittbgemcnt. 3nb whofe» c*^ cue; fapc Unto |jps< tyotbej£3» i&acpa,mal» be m baunger of a counccll . 25ut wporoeuer fapct&tteu foolc, tyalbein baungcr of tell fpje. natomp tljon offrcft tbp gpfte at tte aulter , and tbcre remetnbjcft tbat t&p tyo* tpcr jjat{) ougbtagapnft tte.- Icauetber tbv= *3ob.rtii.b neotrnnge before ttenultcr*? go tjjpwape fpjft , aim uc rccontplcb to t[jp toother , anb tteiicomc,anboftretbp gpfte; * **^grcet»itbtbpneabncrlarpciupc= fclpc uftplrtf tbou art in tbe t»ape wlt&bim, leftatanp tpme tbeabnerfarp belitter toe to tbe wbgc.anb tbeiubgc belpuec tte to p mp* mftcr,aiib t|jcn tbow be caft int o pwfon. tic* rclp,3 fap Unto tte*!Jou (bait not come out tbciicc, tpll tbou banc papcb tbe Utmoft far- tbpiigc. AC ?f| a i«l)ffbetJatitttJaj0ifapbt)ntot|jettt j.„„,., ofoIDctpmj.^bonlbaUnoco!nittabuou= SSH& HJjSK 3 fa ? *nto J»n * tbat moofoener 3ob.rM>. a ioKctp on anotljcr man* xovh to luft after bcc,batbcommpttcbabnontcvctx)tthbccall ercabpiubptfbert. * xti *£i fc *2ft&Prpgbtepcbpnbcrtbc,&^plucRe ^ bpm out, anb call bpm from tbe . stox better it is; Unto tte , tbat one of tijp mctee* pcrpfc toe, tben f tbp wbole bobp mmo be caft into tell.3nbpftbpi?gbtbanbcbpnbcrtte>cutt top of,anb caft Bpm from tte- Jf ox better it £ *5f ° *?? » ^ at one of *!>? memtye* perpfc foe, tben tbat all tDp bobp ftnlbe be caft into Dell, h *wu wiw.a We, * left !)pmgeue (jet a letter of tbe bc= SSStS* ?5 cem K cn y^« * 3 fap unto pou:tbat wft> Sr fceuer botbputawapc bfctopfe (ercepteit tefojfo?npcacpo;caurctbtertob?caaema= trpmonp. 3Enb wljofocuer marpet& her tbat 10 benojreb commrtetb abnontrpe. ** Jffi a W?«lw»tDearOejiowit waitf fapo * %wxu* jo tbem iof oibe tpme : *tlJon ibalt not foj= tocaretljp felfe, bnt qialt petfontme Unto f -, . ifl°iSj ft tWnffejaitli«tt|io«nB«areft. ♦a™.™ *n3|it3fapuntopou:ft»eaeenotatail:ne» *iBc,i«,^ J5erbpbcajjen, ^fo^itW^obbetffeate.not jet|jerftnlttl)onftDearebptl)Pbeeb > becan= R font not matte one ftcace ttbptc ox blac= ae.26nt ponrcommnnicacponibolbe, pepe, nap , nap t $ a% tolwtroencr t# abbcb moje tfjen tjiele.it coinmetft of eupll. pe twtic (jenr be tmt it iti fapb :*an epe f ox t a *«m an eperano a torb fo? a totD.H5nt 3 fapc tm» I8SfB to pou , f pc ficr- reftft not ewell. 25nt * tttbo. **« W> foenerflenetbe ablowe bnt*e rpabt ct)eae,* £: * ttttne to \ivm tbe otber alfo. inn pf enp man wpu fuctbeattDelaw, anbtafteatoapetbp coate.let Wm Jane tljp cloone alfo.^nb t»ho foener tnpll cfipcll tl)e to a o a mple, go with to fetwapne^enetoblm tDataf Retfeano fr6!bpmtDattX)olbebo?owe,tnrnenottDott awaje. *^e|)ane|ieacbtbatit(8ifapbe, *"tt»ou*xtu..tft,i fl&ait loue tbpne nepgljbonr , anb jatetbpne m ^m enemp. 25nt 3 fapc Unto pon.loneponr enc= rope*. *25le(re toe tljat curfcpou.*a>o goob * mm , to tbem tbat bate pon . #?ape f o? tbe t»bicb * lm m Dnrt von anb perfecute pou, tbat pe mape be tbe chiib^ of ^ourfatlierwbicbWittljcmicn: foj be mabctb m fonne toarpfeonf euell. * onpgoob , 9fcnbctbrapncon^inft$ onp Uninft; a o^yfpclone w wbicblone pou: mmmjNi wbat retoacb nane pe.'Do not t\tt pnblpc«s< alfo euen tbe fameanb pf pe make mocbe of roue batmen onlp,t»!jat finguler twinge bo pe.^o notalfo tlJcpublicansUpftettJifc/-* pc mm* qjalltberfo?cbcpetfecte,cucnfl0potirfatbci: tobicbiS! in benncnWpcefccte. * €^Tl)c.t)J.(a:bapter.* C®'?jn»»>pwrct arm tnftrngt. »t fojbpfitttb tbi catcfiill ftupits of tootlp mm«t9. 36ac|)cabc, ppegenenotpourat % mofetn tDe ftgljt of mcn,totDein= tent tbat pc toolb be f enc of mm. m ew pe bane no rewacbe with m. r BBS** »W « to Dcaueti. tbecfo?e,t»batbougettefttppne almeg, let not trope tetf be blot»1 before tbe , ai« f ppo= ctitetfbo in tbe fpnagogejtfanb in tfce ftceteS: fo? to be wapleb of men. 2UereIp,3 fapcUn= to pon: toep baue tbeir rewarbe . Mm toben tboutxjpltaeuenimejs.lcttiottljpleftbaiibe imo»e ttUnt tbrrpgbte oanbe botb, tbat tbpne alme^mape be infecrete:anbt|)p fa= mt mm fcutU in fecretcftjall tewarbe t|ie 3jnb toben tbon p?apcft * tbou (bait not w-mw be 9p tty ppoccpte* are. fiox mv Ufe to ftfto ***** pwieitg intbe ipnagoge&anbin tlieco^nerjtJ of tbe mm, tbat tbep mape be fene of men. aaeeelp,3fape Unto pon:tljep Dane tlicp? re* warbe. 25ntK»Dentbonpiapeft^entreinto mm ,m m cbamber,* vdm tbou baft mt tbp bo?e mapeto* 1 ****"*** — .^..-.. - fat&ertti tlje openlp. «i. ^"fwbenpepwpe*^ bablenotmoc|j,a!B! ^^ tl)e|)eatobo:fo?tbeptbpncRcit«JiUcomc* tfWP tofaffe,tnattl)epftalbe|jerbfo?t|jeirmocft bablpngejat faac.2i5e not pe tljcrfo^e Ipfte Un= totbem.*jfo?pourefatDeri$not3[>ctbt»bat* i Ko 1 wi* tftpngei* te fetter t»|)^cli ist in fecrcte • 9 t%v 25 (cD feetb in fecrete, (bail revnarbe [{Mia tbingeg pc bane ne abc of oeltye pe afae of #.• after tbpitfmaiicr tljerfo^c pjiapc pe. *iDif re fatber wbicb art in beaucn,|)alo= . ttcb be tbp name. JLctt tbpftpnffbomecome. Wttdlw fnlfplleb.atf ttii?u in cartb, a« it Win beaucn. C5etie U# tfjiie! bapc oure baplpe &3* bjcab.ainb f ojgenc U0 our&x- betted ast ujc fo;geue onrc bcttecief , anno leabc uanot into temptacppn:but belpncr U0 from eupll. it ox «tftwi«.!F?f wt % RPWomennbtbepowecnno foMene otbec me tbep? trefynfless ,potir beuf= ip ratner (ball ro?gcuepoit.^( ro ute uttpaata.) 26nt pf pe t»pll not f o^ctie men tljep? tcef- paired nom oxe tba il pour fetter fojgeue pon poure trcfprtPTejef. fff ^^^o^oucc-vtttenpcfaftbenotmb biM» atf tbe ppocwtctf are. jf o? tbep biffttfnte tbeir € tm# K tmtit mapeappearc Unto men . bot» tbat tbep faft. dlcrelp, 3 fapc Unto pon.ttev ba«ctbep?rcujacbe.2i3uttbou,t»tetboufax ftcft > anopiitetbpncbceb,anbtt)aujtbpfacf, tbat ttappere not untomcn.boutbattboti fefteft:bnt unto tbp fatljc r, wbicb i0 1 fecrct; anb tW fetter tobicb feed; in fecrcte, tbal re= UJ.trDe tlje openlp. nape not Up fo? pour fclue* trrafure Upo cartb, tt>tercrterH(tanbmottebotbco;ru^ wkm R tc ». aul lS 1,l - )c , rt:t t)cuc0b?caltetb?ougb, anb SB w^.*®uttepeUpfo;pou,tte5ni50lte= ncn , ttmeretietbcr ruftno? motbe Dothcoz= rupte , anb vobcrc tljcue0bo not bicanc thb= KS SRS" - ,e • ?°? wD^e pouc tceafurc ft tterewillpoiiretertbcalfo. 1* ■* fbcligbtofttebobpwt|)ccpc.caiber= to,vfrJjvnccpcbenngle,alltl)pbobpilall be full of ligbt. 2lSiif anb pf tbpne epe be uiic= m?i» a L l t,;p W ^ alljc P of barcnnclTc. pilterfoje , pf tlje Ipgbt f is! in tlje be barc= ftnc J, bow grcate itf tbat barcltncjS/ Mc.^.t * *ifto man can feme two ma ftcrsf . jf 02 etljcrbeibalbatctbeoneantilouetbc other; $ 0? el* icane to tte one,anb bcfppfe tbe otber.- pc cannot feme C5obanba)ft:Mmon . ^bfr= .t foje 3 rape unto pon: *be not carefull toi it ,,J pourelpfc,U)batpeOjallcatco ( tb?incbc,no2 petfo? jpnre bobpe, tobatrapment pe mail fSS!SX 5? r ^ ' vf f mo ^ c •W A* mca t : BftPRTgR^Wrt Ualue tben rapmentt H5ebolo,ttefoulco'oftteaper.foKbepfbuje not, nctbcrbotteprcapcno? carp into tbe barncfii: anb poure tenenlp fetter febctb tbe. ik.H h ^« Pcnot mocDbrttcr tben itbep^ p ihJffiKA! m ( k •**« carefull tbougbt; can abbe one cubpteUntobp$fta= P ,r S? 1 M J **? ca je pe f ox rapmenti' €onfp= Jw : tte p JicjEfof ttefrtbc , bow tbep grow. gbcp laboiirenot.nctber do tbep fppnnc. JSftt Jfapeuncopou, tbatcucn d>Z° mm l i ! JHJn? r °J' a,tc »«* » of flMpen ipnc one of tbcfe . (later rote, pf v^ob fo cloth tbe wmm NmbeCaWtDouflbitftanbcto Mg>.Mnthm fa * * 9 # huhr iMiftrti, am -T 4 V Jape, ijito mo?ou> caft into iJ fo^naffc ) (ball be not mocb m o^e bo tte fame fcu pon, O pe ofiptiefeptte ;£terfoje,tanenotbougbt,fopfnff:to)!jat flwll we catc , o^ what ftau \»c bipncfte , 02 tubertuitb Oiall tec bcclotbebr after all tbcfe tbpngcfibotbe gcntpl^rcbc. jf 01 poure l;c= ttenlp fatber fenowctb , tbat pc Ijauc nebe of nil ttefe tbpngejai. 23ut ratter fefte pe fprft ? apngbome of ©ob , anb tte rpabfeonfttefle tbcrof, anb al ttefe tbmgciBfbalbe mtniftreb Unto pon. l* Care not tl)tn fo? tte mojotD.fo? tte mo» rotwebapc (ball care fo? it uife:itifftcicm in- to tte bapr, i0 tbe trauaplc tbcrof. ; carte- Ui J Chapter. C?K ftnupjocto footptft out) tarqjc (ntanwiit .ttotos urth pwwrpcctfiwtcti) unto p»pn ,n>imctb to be toacciOf CalGe piopbftefl auo ttiplltlb tijc fiwrcrfl o< ftpBnjo>oerol>ei)o«eor«)cfemc. ,w ™" #Ubgc not, tbat pc be notiubgeb ? x«*c.i»i r i>* (coitDctnpnc not , ano pc Qatl not be ton-*« Bcmpntt.} * Sox aiS pc tiibgc, fo mall *"• •■•*« pe be iubgeb . * atnb tDitb wbat *xuhe.D».f rt.*ii rt *i„ mcnfurc V mm ' * e ftwf mniiotoermenmcafurctovoii.*CJiiln'fceft*^ uhfb ' f tbou a mofe in tbp blotters epe, but confp= b2eftnotttebrametbnti0ttbvncau)nccvc tiDi b w fa peft tbou to top b? of ter^-^ft , fuffre me, 3 ixipll plucheotitc a ntoatc out of tbpne epcanb bcboine, a bcamc iff tu tbpne a jxjiic cvt . 'Srbo J ppocrpte, f pjft caft ontc tbe bcamc out of tbpne at»ne cpe.atib tl)cn u)al t tbou fee earlptoplnclttontttemotcouteof tbP.bJotijcrg epe. (Smc notpe tlwttoDpcb bptfljoirunto bogged , netber caft pc poure pcarlcio bcfoic fjDpnc, leftttePtreabctbc-UnDcrtbcirfctf m tbeotterturncngaiiiftpou,fra!torentpoii. , ^ pc mall fpnbc : Siiochc, anbit ihalbe oucneb llllte " b utitopoii.ifo?ttJbofociicrafhctl),rcccauetb:^ tbatltnoclietb,itmameopencb.3}5tterccnM b;cab J wpii offer him a (tone r €)? pf be af he fiflbc, will be pjofcr bun a ferpft /jf pc tben Ctt)^npcareeiicll)cangciicpoiirecbilb2cu SS22SESf&,£W mo *«noiea»ll pone fa= - 'Jteefojr,* tibatfoeuerpetjoolbe^meni^F^ " &^A?fB?;i 0,!f a ,,& tottentKte jt 0? fbiiB wtte latocanb tbe pjopbcteo"' m *? WP "W *& e ftra ^ te S a ^ • f 0? wpbc ***«" KteSS^ 1 ^^ rwpt tljat lea' betb to beftruccionranb innnp tberc bctotecb go in tber at. jf o^ftraitc Wtte gate,anb 1 a» ?Sf *% , " I P» t»WlcabctD Ui to ipfe, of fa if c P?opbctetf,i»tef hcome to pon in aie^ ol,,MO V csf cl otjipnge , but in warm p t^?r n "c rauc , c 3a iu| npng. F h. »'i 111 V *.; #2uiiM>t. & m. ?% : M W** W* WI of mp f*W, *» wlncb id tit braurn.* »c mi ««« ,mo tt» urn* jomcofhMUfii., : i<#)anpwpll fape tome in* * SrtCMtt,t tUwowtUp name." * 3nb tbojowtbp name Dane raft out hmvWZnh Done man? mira* raclw tbojowtbpnamcf 35no tbcu wpiij ftnowicbgc unto thtm . 3 newer tote we fou. *, J?? ffifop* Of arctDof mef&cfe ml Sfi9 'He fame, 3 will ipfc cnbpmunto aTx)vfcmatux)i,tc|)*buj>ltW|)owfe\jpona foeftrang a flio wcr of rape befcenbeb, £ tbr floubb etf eame,f t|»c wpnbc* blcwc.anb bet ^ontJ)atDoufe,9ttfcUnot,bccaufeittt)a0 *24rtb.j.ti Sfotinoebontberocfte.36ttbe«ervonePIJea= UOTi 1 288 w ojbc*,*Sbbotb tbem Tnot ins ( yourc upon lanoc.-anoa a>wcr*of rap= m befcenbeb , anb tht aottbr* came , ano tbe tt fc[i,a.nb sreate uja^tije fan of it. A" r l c ? mc t0 JwuVbat wbc 3efu0bab ^ as one Iwwngcpowcr, abnotatftbforibtf. ?«:of tbem , and tue »ljan>fcp.) . , C£bc.Uuj.cbaptcr. ^ CCbjpftdfiircthtijctcpct, fttalrtb the (mwauta- Htth tthc oeuelo out of tbe jwfftffeD (nto tbc Itopne. $en be wag come bourne fra tbe moimtapncmocbpeoplefolowcb j jipm. 3nb bebolbe, *tbcre came a &)apfter,pf tbou wplr, tbou canft mabeme elcanc.anb3efnj«pntfo?tbWbanbe,anb touc ;eb aim fapeiigc:3 w(ll,be tbou cleane, mtmmtumhtf icmofpc watf cienfeb! aicui *«,<*. ^"WwJfapetb untobpm ■ retbou tell no *ic«f.*«,i« man*butgo, 9fiemmwhtmm£ any of^tbeccpftectbat^ofejBfcommaftDeO IBBF* -. * *• W P 3*« wa»! entrea fnito ^^Capernaum.tbercametjntobima^rcen^ ^ tunon,anb befou2&tWm,fa?cnae:'4l)after, , niyferuauntipetbatboine fpefreof Mm* W t m wgrcwouflp papneb.^no 3ef? (S(t[j Clje^ofpeU iDar.j.u wban 3 come Unto bpm, 3 wp» beale bpm, 'Ebecetiirtonanftucrcb.gjfapb: jtop?, 3am nott»p?tbv > t battboufbulDcft come Unber W rofc:but*rpeafte tbe t»o?b onlp, anb mp feruaat ffialbt bcaleo. jf oi 3 «lfo mv fctf am » amaniubiect to tbe auctbo^pte of anotber, anb baue fonbpcrsi Unbcrme , anb 3 fave to tbT'tfman.gc^beffoetb .-anb toanotber co= me.anb be comerfe t to my fernannt bo tW. anb be boctb it.Wbtn 3efti* bcrb tbefc t»o?» MM marueleb : anb fapbetotbemtbatfo= lotweb b^m.2aerelp,3 faye Unto pou: 3 haue notfounbefo greatefa^tbin3rfaeU.3fare Unto pou t^manpibaU comeftom m eaff , ^ ffu Ml anbtxieft,anb(baUreft^fb^b?abamanb^Sff 3faac anb 3acobfti t|je ftpnsbome of heatift hut mthillwn of ttfe apno;bome (balbe caft out into Utter barcftneft: tbere (balbe tuepf a ftopSPW* of tetb3nb 3efu0 fapbc 65 jo tbe Centurion : go tW «>ape,anb asf tbou ^Ieue(t,fobeftUntotJ)e.3nbbp0 fernannt watfbcalebtntbefelfcfameboure: u *3Jjibw^3efus{tt)aocomeinto^eteriil ^ iH1 bonfe, befawete wpueiSmotberlpenffein SmS u beb.anb O'cbeof afeuer. 3Bnb be toucbeb bcr ftattbe, anb tbe reuer Icftber : anb tbearofc.a tmnpftrebUntotbcm. mm m euen b?ue on, tljcp b?oiijr|jt Un= tobimmanptbatwerepou*eacb tuttbbcuiW. ?nobecaftouttbefp?etes(tt)«bau>o?bc,jib hcalebaUtbatpcrefpcBe , tDatttmpff&tbc fulfpllcb, t»Wcbtt»ajSu>ol$enbpefapf p?o= c pbetc,tDbenbefaptbj*l9eto&eonbpm nre *@m tnftrmpte0,anb bare onre fpcfcne*. *••• t VBU 3enijSfattJemocb people about bf, ft c ommannbcb tm ftep (balbe 50 Unto m Jtber fpbe ; of tlje mater . Znn a certapne rcribe ( t»ban be t»atf come ) fapbe Unto Dm * Rafter, 3i»ii tolotue m t»b«bcr foeuer * >„ tt « tbou jioeft . 3nb3e0isifapetbtotto ftAti:tHe f oiwgbaue boleiei , anb tbe bp?bcsi of tht apcr toe nefte*: buttpe fonne of manbatb not where to refte btebeab . acnb anotber of m n6ber o| W MiM fapb Unto &im t *mR> % \*m ft5»/«%»«eftrft tofloanb burpmp fatber. SpcfHfiifa^eUntobtin^oIouJtine, anb let tbe tteo burpetbep? beeb. tbat tbe (bpwieujajEi couercb t»(tb waueft jwj^a^flepe, Jnb to Wftppletf came to bimt,anb awoftebrm, fapenoje : Rafter, wite U0,t»eperPlbe . ainb be faptb Unto the": Wv are pe fearful, © pe of iptle toltyW Will* 5 - |ffiU.t((l'6. Jfij.b .0 IXl T t f "W laptngcitxiftat mancr of man (gtiwtf , tbat botb wnbeuanb feeobev tot|)e wutreof tbeerffentcjEf,t|)etmetbim Smw two tujopoffeftebofbeupUe^wbicbcameoutof t!jcfiraue0,anb were out of meafure fearer, fo tbat no manmtgbt sob? tbat wape. 3nb be bolbe,tbcp crpcb out Wnge-.* sP3elUp fonneofd^ob*wbatbauewetobowitbp^ 3rt tbou come bptljcr to torment Uiai before tbe tpme^nb tber watf a goob wave of f r5 tbem * a bcerb of manptwpne , febvnge. ^0 , tbeDeuplef uefougbt him , Taping? , pf tbou caft Utf out , fuffre U« to go oure wape into tbe bcerb of fwpne .%nh be fapbeUnto tbem rgopourewapetf.'Sbcnw^ tbepout, anb beparteb into tbe beer b of fwpne. 3Bnb bebolbe , tljc wbole becrb of fwpne wajsica= rtebbeaDlpnge(ntotbc fee , anbpcrifCbeb tn tbe watersi.'Cbcn tljep tbat Iteptc tbe", f lebb, anb wet tbctr wapctf into tbe cptie , anb tol* bceucrptbmge, anb wbatbabfo^tuneb un= totbepoffefleb of tbebeupw. 3nb bebolbe, t&e wnole cvtic came out to mtte 3efutf.aub sww,tw.« wben tbep fawe b(m, * tljepbefougbtbim^ ty wolbebepartc out of tbt(e coafteji. 'Ebe.ije.Cbapter. Cl>c bcalctb tljc palf»>c,caH«b fttntbtto front tftc tii(lomc,aHru)ttct!)&»Opaoiffp«i)te,mahctb aWimtte mautofpcAttcanoDjipuctbouiEabcucll. © entrcb alfo (into a tbPPpe, anb palTcboucr.iiDcamcinto hi* a* wne cptie, anb bebolbe > * ttyv bzougbt to bJ'tn a man fiebe of fhrpnirprlpmffpmahfb.flttft wbc« Musifawe tht faptb of tbem, befapb Unto tbe ftcBe of tbe palfpe.fonncbe of goo cbeare , tbP f pnnetf be f ojigeuen tbc.3dnb be= bolbe:ccrtapneof tbe &crtlbc$fapbe wttbm tbem fclue^ : tbtf man blafpbemetb. 3n wben3eftus fawetOeir tbougbtesJ, be fapbe, Merfo^etbpacUe pe eupll m poure bcartes;.'' tobetber i$ eafper to fape.tbP fpnnetfbe fo^= gcucn tbe,o.ztofapc , arpfeanb walftcf 26itt tbat pe mape nnowctbattbe fonne of man batt) power to f oigene fpninetf in crtb. ^ben favetubeUntotbefpcUe at tbcpaUpc:* arii= rc.tafee Up fyv beb, 5b go unto tbpne bonfe. 3nb be ar ofc, Sb beparteb to btf bouf e. n&ut tbe people tbat fawe it,maruepleb, anbglo= rpfpeb c?ob, wbtebbab gcucn foci; power Unto men. > * Znh a* 3cmsspau*cb f ojtbfrom tfwnce , |ic(awcamS(nameba)atbew)fpttpngeat tbe weeate of cuftomc , anb be fapeto ^»to 6im:folowme.ainbbearore,9folowebbim. -Una it came to pade as Jefuitffat at meaee »;n lw$ bouffc: bebolbe.manp ^ublicanjl alfo iSnb IpnncrS tbat came, fat bowne witb 3e= mjSAnbbrtbifcipics*. 3tnb wben f pl.ir ife tffa we ft.tbep fapbe ibjitobttfb(fciplejS:WbP catetbpoure matter witb pwbUcansl anb vpmifitffiftf ,i5ut wben ;3(e(u)5bearbtbat ) befapbe1»|||{|)cm. / S'bep M ^>^attlieto, ^fo.b; ^^1 par.t'U kt,u> t,f .ir.iM>, kt.b.c W that be ftronge , mht not tttt pbitfepon, but tbep tbat are Octte.d^ooperatbcr anb learne wbatpmeanetb.*3will bauentercp, anb *WteM.u notlhcriRce. tfoi 3 am not come to call tbe m,t ' mi »* rpgbte wejs.butfpnnera! to repentaunce. }< i%* ^ben came tbeDtfctplegi of3obn \)nto bim,faping: * wb? bo we anb tbe ^barifcj* *«nt.ti.b. faft,fo^tbemoftparte:buttbpbtfctplejai raft %£&•, notr36nb3cfttja!(apbeuntotb5:cantbe bw- A ' begrome0c[Hlb?enmoucnea0 longeatf tht bipbcgromeW witb tbem/' 25uttbe bapetf wpll come, wben tbebjpbegeomeibaibeta* ben from tbem , anb tben (ball tbep faft. Bo man puttetb a pece of new clot bin an olDe garment.5fo?toentabetbbeawapetl)epcce from tbegarmgt,anb tbe rentisJinabe wo?= fi-Heebee bo men put new wpne into olbe : botfcW:cljaf tbebottcl!ib^eal«,anb t\)t wpne runuctb out , anb tbe bottelg perpCbe . i5ut tbcp putt new wpne into ncwbottelsf , anb botbarefauebtogetber. $* ' c ^ tt)bplebetDusifpaheuntotb?» * bebol= */n.ir.*.f. betber came a certapne ruler, $ wo?u;tppeb 4»*«* bim , fapingemtp baugbter i$ tui now bi fea = feb,butcome anb lapetbP banb Upon Dec, $ (be Cfrnll lpue.2Cnb 3efusl arofe , ab folo web bim,anb(fobpb)b!0bifctpicfli.*anb bebol= * mixxx. be, a woman wbtcb wass bifcafeb witb «»«&«$ pffue of bloubetwelueperetf, camebebpnbe bim,5btoucl;eb tbe b6me of bWbcfturc.lfoi ^c fapbe witbin bcr fclfe: pf 3 map toucjie but euen bpsl Uefturc onelp, 3 malbe fafe. 25 ut 3efucs toumeb him aboute, anb wbaw be fiiwebcr.be fapbc. baugbter, beof goob comfo?te,tbp faitb batbmabe tbe fafe. 3nb tbe woman wassmabe wbole, euen tbat fa= me tpme. J? *aUibwben3efu$came into tht rulers m0ukam boufe,aubfawetbemiufticel0,a"btbc people v*K**i+ mabpnganopfe,bcfapDeUntotbc:getpoii bence,fo^mapbcls(notbecb #biitttepetb. *tm.m 3nb t\)tj? laugbeb in m to fco^ne. fin t wban tbt people were put fojtb, be wet in , anbto= beber bp p banbe, 5*(airtfapBf;j>amrcu,atpff.)anb ^ ■§ bamfellarofe.^nb tbijS uopfe went ab?oa= be into all tbat lanbe. ainb wban 3ciutf beparteb tbence , two s> blpnbemenf olowebblm,crpingcgs fapmge : sD tbou fonne of E>auib, bauentercp on \tt: 36nb wben l;e wasi come into tbe boufc , the blpnbecametobmii.3nb3e(U]Q!fapetbmito tbem:25eleucpe,tl:iat3amableto bo t^islj' i&hty rape untobim: lojb, we bcieucCbcn toucbeb be tbeir epi#, fapinge: * accojbpnge iamm* to poure faptb ue it u nto pou.^nb tbeir cpe0 were openeb. 3tno 3efi«s cbargeb tbem fap» tnge.$>e tbat no ma (motor tit .fiu t tbep, wban tbep were beparteb, fpjeeb ab;oabe \)i$ nameinalltbatlanbe. 30tbepw?:tout,bebolbe * tbepbjougbt $Mg* eobtmab6mcmft|pou*eu"edofabeupU. 3nb A wbanf beupll waitfcaft out, p borne fpaue. 3a U 3nb 7 ft p Tfje #ofpeU iiur.iu.b. 2uitc.rt.b. ^ At} ir. vi . b ^SM K9£ SBHWk f W«s f # s* * jffiftr.vj.ft, *Xuhr.r.a. y|tcaaiitbimtocetno'Douca.* But beware a,*, Mm * witf tbep bcipncr m tip.tnfte vc ^ new r I to fene tit jtAt H. tone r «•«« «„~ «J 3K ft .3«ft«ftt»«boiit allcptfe* 9 tow* fi5K%&!!*' <*«•» !?efawetfie JK?£iJ5W stmo,rfDt ^ cbpaffton on f mm , bcratife tDcy wcrcbe ftfotte; anb feat - Pftf foe.J ftcii fnietb be Wtto m bf fctoietf , p *ftyutfttrttlpitf|jicmcoutf,Uutfl«|joawfiJ RJ BPtfKt* ? c t!)crfo?c tbe toil) of tDc &arttci? W UC * IH ft,lDc ,nt,0I,rk * ,nro CUTbe.r.Cbaptcr. XuUc.Ul.O. £S5££!Sfi out 5 pfl * F "' a" 01 " 1 * 9 M P>f«b ''« fcjtctotiKiitdaapiitt Pttfrcucfon .mo trouble. fr^ #flMr.VM>. *Clftco.\)Jir'.D ->: iTJ»ar.\)(. u 'JliiWClt.a. &3P ^I'.Eim.tt.t. *T!uue.rt.* auij.r.a. 4 ~ •fciflar.W.b, Mtt|$]te*f0 bifct'plctf we* recalled Ditto btm, be gauc the power affaptut wiclcanc fptc= rrjf.to call them our, anb ttfm* ic all matter of fpefceneffe, anD all matter of Dpfeafe. ^bettame* of tbe.nj.aipoftlctf arc tbcfc % wmMvmmx whtcb 10 call b £ef crtfb ftnojew bf u/orber: James! t!je fomte of ?fbebee,aD3obnl)Wb?otDer:0(jtIiu*2i5ar» Jbolomew: 'fcboma* atto &)athrw, wbicb babbenea ^IMHfenkJametf ? fonne of 2lpbc, anb icbbcutff wbofcfpiitantcwns' ^abbensf ) g»mon of Canaan , atto Jttbatf ifcartotb.tobiebairobeeratcobtm. * 3cfit3 (entrqttb thefc tweluctnnbtyc, mm w comtnaunbcb,faptng.(5o not for f be wape of tbe gent ?W, anb into tbe cpttc of rjjer to the loftqjcpr of tbe Ijottfc of 3fraell. 25 JSJ.? W'*l c & f ' WW '■ fcfo Bpngbome of » beanen itf at banb. tyrale t\)t fpc&cclenfe tbe cpcrtf.rapfcpbccb.caftoutbcuplQ:. * jfre= lVP£bauercceaueb:gcucfrclp:*teou"circnot gclDe no? fp/uer. no? &s* b?a(Te fpoorc pur* fe& no? pc t fcetp totBarbcsi pour 1 ozwv - m* tmtm cote^ttetber tyMMt vtt a robbe. i&}fj£*& m ** w< »tftp of Wmmt. tour to WDatfoeuercptteo? tou»nepe (ball SESWflW H° to wo?tbp fo it.ano tbcre abpbcrpil je ffjrbence. * 3nbrtt»beitpeeo= memto an boufcfalute t(jcfame.anopftbe g,°# S e gS^*W pourc peace come Dpoti ittoutpfrt be nott»o?t()?,leepoMre peace rctournetoponauapne. .^S,",? «Www "Jon not receauepou. no? wpll beare vottre wcacljpnge : toben ft be^ SS?!8? l^^ow^ S tbat epe«e>&abe of|Jbuf^ofpourefetc. Sierelpilhpe into V on ; it Oialbe eafter f 0? tfje la no of joboma whatpeMirpcaBe. mittitnotvtp to * £t( be, but ? fp^pte of vottre fa tljec UJljlclj fpea = 5JKJ ftc 5J°? wt t • ' **•"? ftwmr .3«b tlje m 22^ftff^ fl ffl?^efetber«a# SfX&ftf 8«mefoimpitame faite. | tout ««, tout * wljf tbep perfecute pott in tm w* * m , tie.fipepctnto attotber. JFo? \jerclp 3 fave tSSS L?i , 'JJ5^ c, ?! ,ot «^MC*tmatter:no^*x.* ! bifiip^pbcbeojJbtfltnaaert^abfthefee, SSIaSS If I? l ?^ ».3f tbep bane eaueb 2 ^of pboure.toeel^ebub.bowmocltc "10.2c fhal tljcp call tbcm of W bottCboioe fo^ 1 tbt Jp;clofl£,tbata)aIlnotbeopeneO:anbno= ££$ tbynffebpD.tbatujaiUtotbcBttoDDcn. ' .« W! 3 tcI P°» »» barKncfttbat f nca be pe m \vm 4 no what pe bcare in the rare, that p^eacbepeontbrboufetoppetf. , ^nbfearepenotfhe"ijjfcbbplItl)cbobv «jtaj butarcnotablc tobpiitljcfouic toutratljcr l fcarcbt.wbic&Wablcto Oeftrdpe botbfouic atm 1 bobp into bell. 2&rcnot twoiptle fparo= SS^tt?* « fartbpnff.'3nb one of tb^aii not ipsbt on m grotmbf witb out mm fa = ther. ^ee.ettenaitbcbeare^ofpourbeaDarc jotoeb. St earepe not tberfo?e:pcare of mo» re value tben manp fparoweft * 6uerponetberfo?e)&a)all bnowlcbac *«wh me before men^ttUI 3 bno>»lebsealfo bi gS* 41 * fo?empfatber t»b»cbt0of n, MMfe tbationetb " 1 ipne^baHflDtermo^etbenttte.tjBi not woi« ^nb be that taacrb not htm c rodrc thp of me. 1 BHSBt 1, ?u * f P ,ott,t , th we,(sl not Wo?% of mp * toe giSt nj?te^tbejbl^lpfe,fl,au lofeft^bfietbat lofptbbWlpfefo?mpfahc,Q)alifpnbcte. 8SS&* •. *? SK*"* *5**fl Pou.reeeanctb me 1 9 »• •""•'• betbatrcceauetbme.receauetbbmtthatfent BBf* " lp -V^«t«ceauctb a ptopbetm tben,> , "'" ,, ' ,f ' me of a pjopbct,(bal receaue a piopbetcfi re- warbc . 3Cttb be tbae receauetb a rpa bteousi titatMnfhenameofarpffbteoutfman,(ball #flj«r.ft* receaue a rlffbteotttfrnaniEi rewarbe : * %m tobofocueriballgcuelmtooneof there Iptle ompto bjtpncbe.a cuupc of eolbe water one- lp(t the name of a bf (ciplr)tierellp 3 fape tm= ^o^hetballnotlofeb^rewarbc. C'^be.jn.Cbaptcr. C3!ot>J6w^atthew ^To.b/ anb **"" w?sfoitocomc. ii)ctl;atbatbearetfto Cu re:lct bpm beare. h ^ **»«.w.e * tout wber wtto (ball 3 Ipbe e^i>^ ge= ncractonatteUbc \jnto cbplbzcu, wbtcbfpt tn tbe tnailtct placed , attb call tmto theii: f e* loweMnblitpe: wchauepppeb>Jttto pou, C anb pe bane not baunfeb: tte baucmotmtcb bntopou $peba«enotfo?oweb.5fo2 lolm J2 r S3** *• ! «n* « «* «« Hf,S fl ? wia b,tpncftpng J attb tbep fape, bcholbea glutton,* an tonmeafurablc bzpn' cfter of wptte : anb a frenbe tjntopublteantf ^^""crsf.^nbwinjometiBitnatrpebofber ^l?i^& e, A c ^^ c totjpb2apbtbecpttctf*2Mhe.t.« SttM^M?^^ S&e bonein! fiSJH miracles wbtcb WereOjcweb in pou, tbcucapernau,wbtcbartlpftl3p iptiro be" tien.qjaitbebzougbtbowuetohcil. «oiif» tbe miracles wb«cb Dauc bene bone inf, hab iSlnSh25Sl to?0 i c,m : ff c P^bremapneb jntillthtsfoape. ^i!uertbelcu"e,3 fape onto ln 923S of »«bg emcnt,tben fo? tbe. |< ^Sli^lVnieJeruiBiantoerebatibtep. be:3 tbanfte tbe father, tozb of beanen « ertb.becaufctboubaft^btbefctbtge^from ^nto babcg.uerelpfatber, cuefo was it tf)P goobpleafure.*aillt|)tngc0aregeuenouer*m4t,trt«f Vjntomcof mpfatber. * 3nbnoman kno* &&ik wetbtbe fonne but tbe fatbeiTmtber ffi, SSft, wctb eitp man tbcfatber.faue the roiineiano •**?"* be to wnomfoeuer tbe fonne will openlunt* Comcjjntomeaupetbatlabouretaubare iaben ) anb3wtllearcpott.* ^Tanempvock **«cim»h \)ponpou,aiiblerncofme,fo23ammeUe* Iowip m bcrtc : anb pc Oiall fpnbc reft Ditto pourc foulest, tfomppockctfcafp, * anb ***mfci mp biirbcnwuigbt. t C^Ije.jrij.Cbnpfer. CiThc eiTcpplrtptucueitic mtt of cojhc, bcalctb. tlic D j?cd tjaiicc ,bdp ttb tftc pofcdcD t(jat ui,m blriioc fl'ieBO!iTme,aiii)fDcQ)«Otti;o ie ftpflbwijsc.fpacc alio uionjcCi 2tbattfmc3efuiS wft ontlje 3 Swtbbotb bapeiS * tboio we tbe * «»«■«.•, coinc , anb bpiSbtfcpples! were an bongrcb , anb bepnne to ■ z * pruenctbe carejs ofcoine.anb ^*««r. to eatc . tout when m iDbartfcs BSK "** mime tmto bpm : toebolbe, tltp blfcp= ple0botbatwbicbWnotIawfnll^(to.ti,nn.)*: robotjpoittbc &abbotb bape.tout befap= *?$?*!! f fe' *W«WWt eeab wbat Da= tub bpb, wb8 be wasf an bongreb.a tbep tbat boufe of c5ob,anb bib tatet^t Qtewe bwa- bejwWcbwereitotlawfullfoibrtntoeate, nether foj tbcm wbicb were w«b bym , hut ! J u I ■te mar.ift'.a. Xuftc.ui.b, !, -¥rt?ar.(:i.it. 3 1 "!)" r.g. dllO.tl.f, but onelp fo?t$c fitfttt i tiD? banc ?c not rcabintbclawe, bototbat ( on tbe &abatb bapcsotbe pjeaftctfintbe temple tyeanc tljc j&abotfcSD arc WmnelcOV nftitjl tape tm« to pott : tbat in tbitf place W one greater then tbctcmt)lc.tt>bcrfo?c,pf pewpft urtjat w- SBS?' 1, wwww * 3 require mere? , snotfacciflcc : •» "• ""• «c ujoidc not Ijauc conbemneb innocent ctf. b tfojtljc tonne ofman alfo ,1a itojD euen oftbc&abatbbapc. 3nMjc&cparfc&tbcnrc*8iiottentfttfo tbciripnagogc:aubbcbolDc,tncrttM0amau \»bicbbaobitfbanbebneb\)p. anotbevnf* ^^■""'•MtcObvw.fartnjie^^ttlattjfuUtotieale^pd tyc gmbot b baprtf .' tbat tbep mpgbt accttfc . _ Ijittt. $nb be fapbc Unto tbcrmtxibicb of pott ^ 2> f H.rtn,i txjjiiitbct&atqjan&aue. *amepc,anbpfit fall into a ppttc on tbe <&abotb bape,t»pl |je not taftcit anb ivftit out.'tyoujcmocb inojc tjKii tpa man better tben a Qiepefttrticrfojr, 25 iti$ IcfttlltoDo agoobbebe on tlje ^aboto toftWtitn fapctbbeto f mi : ftretirb fotfp rbpbanbc.aGnbbc ftrctcbebit fo?,fb: 3ntitt toadrcftojeb Vinto t)en!tl),lvHc *i^ ttjur otijer. ►J* * CDen tlje J&barifc0 toft out,anbbcl= or a counfcll agapnft Dim , botxi tbep mpght beftrope bmi.But toben 3cfn0ftncu:ie it , t)e .. bcpartcbtbencc, anb mocbe people folowcD bim,anb be Dcaleb t &e all,anb cljnrgcb tbcm, tbat tbep (bulb not malic bim bnoujen : tbat it mpgbt be fulftUcb urtjicb wa0 fpohen bp *m,tu gement to tbe gcntpl0.tyc Owl not frrpue iter crpc , tictberJball enp man ljcarcbP0 tooyce in tbe ftrctc&a bjofeb ccbe (ball be not b?ea= ac,anbftno&pngfiajcujallbe not que"cbe, till befenbefottbtubgement touto tyctojie, $ in -- btf mime u>ill tbe gcntpl0truu\ £ *Xuuc.a.b. * 'ftbcnWtfJbjougbttobunablpnbfrbos me ma >p toajai loereb tmtb a bcuy ll,d be bea= Icbbtm.tnfomocb.tbattbcblpnb nub borne, botbfpaac ano fa\»e.2dnb all tbe people u>c= re amafcb,aub fapbc -ja not tW tbat fonne mW? ••' tf Bauib.^25ttt t»bcn tbe pbatlfe0ljcarbc hmmx. it.tbcpfapb.^bitffelotxjbjpuetbtbebcupltf nonotbec t»pfe out.but bptiie ljclpc of 2Scl= •tcbub tljccbcfc of tljebcnplitf. 23ut «3ban 3cfusi Rtiewc tbeir tfjougbtejS \)t fapbc tjntotbem:obcome\jntopou: CljeiiorptU $D?ew*l)ow eft" one enter into a fttogma- -k^,,, mjs ftoufcanb IJoplc W 3cwcljJ,e]cceptc Ijc ,M * fp^ftbpnbetDe irrondeman, anbthen ibop, le ^bonfc/' * Koc tbat ianot\»itbinc,i0 «« gapnftmc.anbbcf gatberctbnot roitbmc, fcatterct&atyobc. U)l)erfoje,3favc t)ttto vou.aUmaneL' of fVniicanbblarpJicmv Qjal= befo?gcuent)ntomen *but tbe blafpljemp k^ a riK» agapnatDen>?ete,qmUnotbefoMcucn \)n= *•««** to men. * 3nb wljofocuer fpeaftctua ixjozbc * f »«,«. agapnft tbe fonne of maiUt(fealbcfo?geuen bpm . T&iit tDbofoeuec ftjealietl) agapnfttbe l)olpgoft;it foaUuot bcfo?geucnf)un, ne- tber in tW toojlbc , rtetljerm t[jc wo^lbc to come.- * <£tbcrmaactbctrecgooD , anbljitf itttmm frutc goob , o? cltf malic tbe tree cupu , ano ftpjfrutc etipll. * jfojtlje tree i$ nnotucn *mt m bp|)ii0!fcitte . Ogeneracion of tjpper^.bow eanpc fpeaftegoobtbmgetf, U)|jenpevoure fclucitf ace euplli' * tfoj out of tlje aboun= *&*& Dance of tlje Ijcrt , m moutb fpeafcetft. % *«»«*«* goon man out of f uoootreafureof rtejert, typngctDfojtljgoobtbrnficg.^nboneupli man, out of eupll trcafnre,b^tngct|j fo^tlj eupH tUpngcst. I6ut 3! faptmto you, of cue- rp pbelltto.tbetbat men Hiall Ijauc fpouen , tbep (ball geueacounteisi intbebape of tub- *> gement. * ffojoutof iljpttjo^cjsttjouajalt *«,mu<. be iuftifrcb:tlb out of ife ttjojbcja! tljou u)ait Igg&k , becottbemneb. ^ mumij t ►Jt'TbcncertapncoftlJe^ceibejsi anbof ttcplwnfejjfafftrtibim raping. * {Safer , *x»ht.tw. wetopllfe atpgne of tDe. 25ut be anft»e= rebanbfapbetotljem. ^^beeupUanbab- *«*■*. nonterouxsgenccacton * febctb a figneanb mSm tber quill no fpgne be geuen to tbcm, but m ZZTii figncof tbc^opbet3ona^. * tfojn* 3o- J? u , nafliwajxtbwbapc^anDt^cnigbtetf in tbe J t»baleja!beHp,fo (ball tjje fonne of ma bet&e bapesfanb tb^enigbtcsJtn tbeberte of^crt^- 'Cae men of niniue Qjallrpfc in tlje iubgc = ment uoitlj iW nacion,f conbc"ne it , becaufc *tbepamenbebattbep;cact)pngof 3ono#. xzmm-t 2i6e bolbe , bcrc ig one greater tnin Jonaiei. *TOt queue of tbe foutb ujall cife in toe iub- * .nuhe t i & gement ttJitDtDijSgenecacton.anDnjallcoih SaSu bcmneit:fo?(be came from tbe Ittmoft par= ,, *» ar * ft * tes< of tbe wojiDc to bcare ^ i»pfbome of fea lomon.ainbbebolb.intDWpIacei^onegrea^ tec tljcn Salomon. * TOen tbe tmclene n)?ptc in gone out *a« M .r«. of a man, UetxialHctbtb?ougboutbmpla= ce^feftpngreft,anbfinbetl)none. ^Deitie faictb:3 wiUretoucncintompioufe, from wftence3came out. ^nbwDenftc Wcome, befpntictbit emptp ,anbft»epte, anb gar= mlujeb.ja:Oengoctbbe,anbtaBet|)\)ntob(m feuen otijerfp^etciS wo^fetljcn \}im felfc,ant> fo entrctl) be in , anb bwelletb tbere . 3tH> * m enbe of tbat man itf t»o?fe tbentbebe* *SfiP «* gpnntng. <$uen fo OwWt be alfo , tmro tbijS m ' m ^ fcowarbgenrracion. t^bple «.<«.». flaibplebe pet talncb to tfje people: *bcbo(* MlUU is/» In o? titr\fhi>r» rtit^hr'rtf lnnf-hi ah ftnho *v\ifK m ^>^attheto 5To.tii/ vmtm 3d bcbus motber anbbi^ bzct^cn ftobe witty* out.befp^ingetofpcaKeujitbbim.'Cbeitone fapbe \)ntobim bebolbe, * tbpmotber anb t\)v bjetb^en (tanbe witbout , befp^tnge to fpeaUe uoitb t^t: I5ut be annoereD,f fapbe tjnto lim tbat bab toioc t^im . U)bo itf mpmotber.'' o? t»bo are mp bjetbJen.'^nb be fttetcbcb fo?tb bPtf 3omwu.b. bab tott)arbe bW bifciple0,(f fapb.* bebolbe mp motber anb mp bwM> # o? DJbofoetier botb £ WW of mp fatber t»bicb Mm beauen, f fame i0 mp b?otber,fpfter, anb motber. ^ CEbe.tiij.Cbaptcr. CSfjc pwablcof (licfcDcof tiietaec9,of t|iemu< rt,itDc(coc,of tljcinicn.ondcttcarutcl^'OintOefcl: Dcoi'tut pctlcMitQoftbcttctt. Deiiamcbapc toet3cftij«ouf of tbe bottfe, * anb fatbptbe fee fpbe.anb mocbe people were gatljcrcb toge* tbcrt)ntobim,fogcetlpi&beix)cnf, anbfatinaqjippe.anballtbepcoplelftobe'on tbcnio.te.^lubbcfpalumanptbpngeiEl to tbe bp fttmUtubc^faptngc: 2i3cbolbe , t^z forcer wcutfoitbto fotoc . 2Cnb topanbe fo\»eb, fome fcbcjxfcll bp t\)z ixjapesi fpbe.anb tbe fowled camcaub beuourcb tbcm \jp. ^>omc f ell V)ponftonp placed, toberc t\)tp bab not mocbe crtb.anb anonc tbep fp?ougc \)p, bc= canfc tbep bab no bepneffe of crtb:anbu)ben tbcfomteroas$top,tbepcaugbtbcaf,?becau= fc tbep bab no rote, tbep UJi'bmcb awapc. 3&gapne,fomcfellamongctbo?t!ctf, anb tbe tlwncfl! fp^ongetipitbcboaUcb tbcm. 25ut fome fell into goob gcounb , sbjougbr.fojtb trute:fomc an bub^eo folbe, fome fpctte fol= bc,fometbp?tiefoIbc.U)bofoeucrbatbearetf to beare.lctbnn bcare. 25 3dnb tbe bifciplej?' canicf fapbe tonto tym \ tphp fpeakeft tijou to tblbp parable^ §e wxMia anfttjcreb'anb fapbc t)nto tbcm •. * it ijs gcug rai.wt.ir. ^n t0 p 0UC( (inottjc tbe fccrctcflf of tbe Upng= borne of bcaue,but to tbcm it in no t gcucn. ffijgr * 5fo?wbofocuccbatb,tobim iballbcgcttf : mm$, anbbciballbaueabounbaunce.iioutwoofo- "•• euerbatb not:fcom bim fljalbe tahen amape eugtbatall'otjjbicbbebatb. 'Cbcrfo^e fpca- fec3 to tbembp ftmtlttubc:foittbcp fcingcl'c notranb beariusctbep bcare not :ttotbcr bo tbep tytberttanb. atnb in tU isi fulfplleb tbe fflfeWA p^opbcclc of €faia^,t»bicbraptb:*\i)itb tbe SSk carcfiipe (ball bcare, anb mall not \)nbcrfttib anb feinge pc (ball fe.ano (ball not pecccaue. 5f oo*b of tbe bing- mtM ' ( • , '' bome,5f unberftanbetb it uot.tben cometb p eupll man.sta&etbawapc tljat vobiebvoas! forcen t'nbP0bert.-tbp0i0be, rcbicb was: fo- wuebptbe t»apefpbe.u3utbetbatrcccaucb t\\t febe uujicb toatf catt into ftonp place© , § fame tsrtjc tbat bearctb tbe tt>02be, anb auo= nctuitbiopcrcceauetbtt.petbatb be no rote in tym felfe.but bur etb foi a fcafon : fo? t»ba tribulacpon o? perfecucpon bappciietb bc= caure of tbe uio?be, bp anb bv be fa llctb . i^c airo tm receattcb febe into p tbo,mc0, i* be p bearetb tbe ujo?be:anb tbe care of ffflfwmU ■ DcanbtbeDtffaptfulneBiofrpcbcet.cbolte^u tberco^be , anbfo i.8 bemabe \mfcutcfull . 25utbe tbat rcceaucb febe into f goob grotto W be tbat bcaretb tbe rco^be, anb mibcraan- betbit.UJbicbalfo bcaretbfiUtc, ei bungctlj fo?tb,fomeanbunbiebfolbc,fomc (pyttc fol= bcfomctbp^pefolbc. 3uotberftmiUtubeptttbefoub\jnto tbe, t> faptngc: >Jt * m\iz Upngbomc of bcaticn is *mn uv.t. Ipbeneb mito a man.rcbicb foweb goob feeb inbWfclbe. 25ut\Bbpilmcn flept,bi0c«e= mit came,* fot»eb tared among tbe ujjjcate, « went W ujayc.ndut toljcn tbe bim vnaai fp^og *p, anb Ijab biougbtfo.ttb frutc, rberc appcarcbtbctarc.o' alfo. §>otlx fcruauntctf of tbcboutbolbcrcamc.anb fapbc \mtol)tm. ^p?,bpbbefl: not tljott rovocgooofeeb t tbp felbc: frot»becctbcn batbtttarcsr^c fapbc ■V)ntotbem,tbecnttiousmanbatl) bone tint*. 'Ebcfcruaiintcxi fapbc \)titobtm : vopittbou tbcntbatXDCQ;o,anb\Dcbctbcm\)pri3ntl]c fapbe,nnp,lcftu)btlcpe gatber \jptbc tares yepmeftc ^pairotbc wfcatc ttJitbtbem.Ift botbegrovDctogctl)cr»ntilltHcbarucft,anb in tpmc of bornc(r,3 vopll fapc to tbe repe rd gatber pc f pt ft tbe tarcs,aub bpnbe tbcm to= gctbcrtnqjeuetfto be b:cnt .• but gatber tl;c xobcatemtompbarne. ^ ifc 3Cnotbcr parable put be fo*tb "bttfo tbe , faptngc. * ^bc hpugbome of bcaueiolplte * onta parable fpa= he be notbpngc Unto tbf;tbat tt mpgbt be fill fplleb,l»b»cbuiafl!fpoBgbpfp?opbct ,tljat kW „ f aptb ^ 3 will ope mp moutjnn parable^ Q & a . Mt ' « wpU ! ~rx~ Cl)t <§ ofocll ? ft #fftoxM& £muim.ik.h. ?* C 4/t fRti t ttiiM ^mac.bi.a, Ac mac rt'ia I ■ * i •4s jYtar.tol.a. Xufte.mi.D. 3oi)n.u.r. uopll fa* one fo2fbtbpngc0 wbicb bnuebcnc lirpfc fccrctc fr 5 p bcgpnmng of p woilb. fc uijjen tbe pcouic wercfenta wapc.tncncu* me 3rQisi t neo p ttotife. * 4<3iid W btfet- plc0frtmeWitobim,(aping:bcclarcWttoo0 tbe (Nimble of tbe tares* of ti)c fclbe. fce an* f wcrcb « itb favb wito tbcnU9C{Howct& tbe goob fetiMtff flume of man.^roc fclDistt^c woiibc.^nbtbccbplbjcnoftbeBpngbome, tbcparcfbegoo&fccb.tbcfaretfare tpe cbpl= own of tbe wpcbrb: tbe encmictbat fowetb tbenutftbebcupll. 'Cjjc Darncft t# tbeenbe of rl)c xx>o;iDc:tlicrcapcro( be j5 3ngclff.$u£ n0tbctarc0 rne rfojeare gatbereb $ bienttn tljefp^cfoflTrtUif be in £ cube of tl)i0 woil* be. * Ubcfonncofman fball fcnbcfojtb |>i£( 3ngcl0,fr tbcp Qjall gather out of bi0Upng* borne all tbtngc0 ttjat offiebe, anb the" wbtcb bo iuiquitc:anb Qjall caff tbem into a furncsf of fpjc.^bcrcfonlbcwapltngcsgnnfibpng of tcti). * ^ben $al! tbe rigbtroittf q mc a g the & one in tbe Upngbo of tbeir fatber, tt>bo focucr liarb carctf to 0eare,lct bim Ijeave , \< ►{* 3Egapiu\fbckpngbomofbeauci0 lp= ke Wito trcafurc bib in tbe fclbe, tbe wbicb a man batb fount) anb bPbb:c1bfo2iopc tbcrof goetbf fclletb all pbe batb,* bpetbf fclbe. 3gapne , the kpngbome of bcaticn us Ipkc Unto a utarcbatit man,fckpng gooblppear= W.wbiclKWbcbcfounb oncp2cciott0 pear* 1c -went* folbe all tbat bcbab.s bought tt. 3tgapne,tbehpngoom ofbcauc M\>i\t Mn to a nett.f watf caft uitof frc $ geatbereb of all hpnbc^:o«fKfc«' wbicb tobc it wnti full mcojcv»cto]ao,$fatbo\»MC(f aeatljcrebp gooo into icflrtfUnt! cap fJ baa ausapf . &o mall tt beat tbe cube of pwojlbc. ijrbe an* gcllcs mallcomc 9 fence f bab fro amogc the goob,rcn be wbtcb 10 taught Wito the fepn* gebomc of bcaucn,t0 lykc Wito a ma tbat 10 an boufholber , wbicb bzpngetl)foulj out of bi0ftcaftirc,tbmgcsncweanbolbe. Ji r 3f no itcameto pau"e tbat wl;Ocfu0 bab fiUiCmcbtbcCcumilitnbeMbcbci/artebt&e" ce : Stub whan be came into bt0awnccotui= trr.be raugbt tbem in tijeir fpnagoge0, in fo mocb.p* twf \»crc aftoutcb anb fnpbe:V»b^ cecomineti)tht0U)pfoomcanbpoU)er0V)nto totymi * i0 not tbi0tbecarpenter0fonuef' 30 not bp0 motbee ealleb mmp t anbbP0 b2ctbKn,3amr0atib3ofe0anb^imonanb 3uba0:'^nbarcnotaUbi0fvltcr0t»ttb^0.'' lt)bcncc batb betben all tbcfc tbpnge0.'' 3f nb thep were otTcnbcDat bpm.3cfu0rapbe\)ii= to tbem : * 3|)?opbctet0not wtboutbO' itoueejaucinbtsattjnecountre ,ano in bvtf awne bout'e.^nb (je bib not not manp mir a - cle0tbcrCjbccaure of tbcp^nbclefe. C'Clw.jcmJ.cbapter. SHoDn (at iucii >mo ociot D.Cijiirtfccct b fpuc tl;oii= iDe men vuitl) v.louco mitt titoofyfvUce , nuD,nui)cn= l«D_fcpMP«W tonto Deo Oiftiplco upon t\)t fee. : ^ tbat tpme * lac robe tlje^re= ;trarcbabcarbof^famcoi3fcfu, 5 fapbetinto bi0 fertiauf C0: tbt0 |<03ol)n puBnptift. ^e i0rpfcn . — — Jfro tbebecb,* tberfo^caremira cictfwjongbtbp blifo^lorrobc *babtaue 3olm,frboubbt,?putbim(nmcfonbocaufc ofli)erobia0,l)i0b^otber^biItp0iDpfe.jfo2 1 obn fapb Ditto bum * plcafcb Aerobe. * U>berfoicbc pzo mvfeb \x)tt& an otlje , tbat be wolbc gene bee tobatrocuer ibe wolDeafftc.3nb Qie bcpitgc inftructe of bermotberbcfo?e,fapbe jgcuQ mcbcrf3ol)n2l6aptifte0becb in a plotter. %M tbe npnge Wa0 fojv.Beucrtbelea'e, f oj tbe otbe0 fake.? tbem wljiclj fafealfo at the table.be commaubcb it to be'geu^cr^ feitt tourme"tour0, 9 bebebbeb 3o|)n in t\)c pjefon aub b!0becb toa0bjoiip;bt in aplattcr ^gc= iiHopbamfell.anbQjeb^ougbtittobcrmo- tber. ^nbbt0birciple0came^tchc\)p bp0 bobp , anb burirbif : tDcnt.anb ttlbe 3efu0, U^jc3efu0bearbeof it.br * bepartcbt|)e"= ce in a mpppetontoabcfcrtplacc , out of tbe tMayc.aino u»bcn ppcople bob harbc tberof, tbcp folotocb bun onfoteattD left tbccptic0. 3nb3c(u0tt»entfonl))ffattJeinoibpeople, anb was monrb with merc» towarb tbem, anb be Dcalcb of tljcm tbofc tbat toere fpcUe. 31nb\»ben petien bjcroc on.bi0btfciple0 ca- me to bim,faptng:tbi0 r 10 a befette place,? p boure 10 now paft, let p people beparte , m t tl)epmapegoiiitr/tbetou)ne0, anb bpe M )jptaplle0.25ut3cfu0fapbe\)ntot^.'?rbep ljauc no ncbeto go atxmpc r5eue pc tjjem to cate.'ftbc?fapemitobim:tt>e&aue l)erc but b.louc0anbti»ofpfiije0. feefapbetb^pngc m bptber to mc3nb be comaunOeb m peo plctofptbo\»ncontbegrau"e,5 betolte m uiouc0 $ tbe. ti.fpfbc0,anb Ipft »p \>nw$ touiarb beaucnj^r-bleffeb. 3Bnb wban be bab b^oftg tU , lie gaue t\)e loaue0 to hp0 nu ftiple0.?b<0 bii'cpplc0aaue m to t^ people. 3fnb mnvv. all eate,ab were fuffprcb. 3fcnb tbcp gatbereb tip ( of t&e feagmentetf tbat remapneb.) tfj. baftiefe0ftill. Qnnbtbep tbat bpb eatc, wcrcabottte.u^.m0,beftbe we- mtn anb cbpib^cn. * 3tubftreygbtwape3cfu0mabe Ijijl W fcipic0togett)ointoaq}ippf,anbtogoobe= fojebim*ntof otbecfpbewbill be fent m people awape ,2tnb wben tbe people were lent a waK , fjc * we t \jp into a mountapue to w ve 5f Mi 3 ■ ;*; rt>ar.btJ * CKfllM 25 JOUll.Dllli C "E>$ 3o0n.bter, #*i*M topjapc alone. 3nb tbl)5nig|)t wa0 come> \)z toa0 tberc bint fclfe alone.3i3ut f U11 ippc wa0 now in f mpbbc0 of p fee , a wa0 tooft Wptb wattc0,foMt Wa0 a conrrarp wpnbe. 3nbintbefourtbwatcl)eof^npgbt,lcfu0 Wet Vaito tfyi Walltpngc on p fee. 2Mb Wbe ^> bifctplc0 fawe bpm walkpnge on tbe fee, tbep were troubleb,fapmge:iti0fontc fpu = tc,» tbepciTcb outfo? fcarc. 2ii3ut fttrpgbt ii3ape,3 ! efu0fpabe Mixta tbem , fapmgc : be of goob cbcarc,it i0 3\bc not a f rapeb. peter anfWaeb bpm,anb fapbe: Lo*bc, pf tt llictboit, bpbmccome mitop on ftm» tet,3nb be fapbe, come, ^linbttobcnpcfct wa0 come bonne out of tbc«>ippe,bcwal : Itcb on tbe watcr,to go to jtcfu0. Xout Wbe be fatoe a mpgbtp Wpnbcnc WasJa frapeb. 5Cnb Wbcn be bcgaimc to fpncltc , be ctpeb faptgc:lojbc faucmc.3(:ub tmmcbiatlp 3c : fujill;ietci)ebfojtbbi.d bdb,? caugijt fmxut fapovutobuiDtbouoflpfeilfaptl^wbct'- «aiar.i-i.g (oic bpbbcfl: tljou bout*' * vlnO wDanthcp were come into £u>ppc,tl)c wpnbc ceafeb. S) ^hen t\)C)> tbat were in $ ibpppe,camc anb Wo.til)pppebbpm,fapingc:of a trutbe tijou art ti»c tonne of Gob. 3nb wbcn thep were gone our? tbcp came into fije lanbc of Ge- ucfatetb. 3uo when flic men of the place bab knciwlcbgc of hiin.tlxp ttt out meffa = tmger^ into all tbat countrc rounbe about tljc eoaitf b2oitgbt\)nto lum all tbat Were fycKC, 1 * befougbt t}T?m , ^ tbcp mpgbt tou = cbetl3el)cmmeofbt0V)cltureonlp.^nba^ manp a.s touebco it were ruabe fafe. CCbcx\).Cbaptcc. ^ CCb?c moutl) bt fpictt) not tljc man. Oc iif!purr«I)tbcta)oinaof£aiuiicf»Dfalctl) tbe muKitunc, (t wifb. toff, loauca a=a felu Iptlefrfi ffieu fcDeilMiii.iXj.iiie^befyDcUicmeii if cbplb;en. X[>en * came to 3efu0 ^crtbetf an\i barife0(Wbpcbe Were come from :erufalcm)fnping: wbp bo tbpbif- ctple0 tranfgreiTc tbe trabtcton of the el > bcrB.^fot tbcp waibc t?ot tbcp? banbe0 wfie" tl)ep cate bjeab . iSitt f)c antwereb $ fiipiic Dnto tbem : WbP bo pe alfo traufgrctTc tlje commaunbcmciit of bcfplctb not tbe man : but tbat Wbicb cometb out of tbe moutb,befpletb tbe man. 'Cbcn came l)t0 bifctple0,anb Tapbc 'onto bim : lutoweft i* not.toat f phanfes were ofccnbeb at ttjiff fapingr z3ut be anfwercD anb lapb. i. f/c0,Wb ! -cb befple a ma. I3ut to tafcr nfea ?r «i Witoaf men bdbe0,bcf tlef ft not a ma . '<•« P. 4< 3Enb 3cfufi Went tbeee,? beparteb aits tbe cc»aftc0 of 'Epic anbS>pbo«.^ l)cho[ur, a Woman of Canaam winch mm out of t'm fame coaftrs ctpeb miro bim,(avitigeiba- ucmern>onmeo^o2be,i"founebn:»a£(!D: ^)pbaugbter i^ppteouflp Mem Wptb«i beupli . 2otit he anfWcrc&4)rr iiofliuig ca nll^iit0btfciple0came,anbtiffbi!g|}Mi)iu, ftipiufljerfcDe ber awapcf j Oie crietb after D0:25utncanfwcrcb, -t favbe:5am not let *lmt\)nto f loft ftiepe of jS bottl r of "Utacl . -.,. .. r( .. „ V|cn cam mc>* Woamppeb Dim, favmgc-- " loJbe^elpcme. Ipc aufwereb anb faiD:tt id not mete,to take fflmlbinttf lnrab,aRb to caft it to bogge0 . S>be anfwrreb 5 fapbe ■■ trutbe lo?be, f 02 tbe boggetf uitc of p crc mc0,wbicbfall from their maftevtf table. '5Tbcn3efu0 anfwrreb anb fapbe Wito her. *D Woman, greate its thp faith, bett Wito tbe.cuen a0 wilt. 3nb her baughtcr was mabe Whole eucu at that fame tpme. i< 3nb 3efu0 Went a wape from thenccanb cam npc wito t\)t fee of Gallic, i went op Z> into a mountapue.^ fat bonne there . 3nn mocljc people came wito bim, biingmg to tbem tbofc f Were lamc,blmb,beafc, map- meb.ab other manp : $ caft them bownc at 3efu0fctc *36nbl)cbealebti)C:mfomocb» *&*-mM p the people wonbercb, wban thep fawe j> * bommc fpealte, p mapmeb to be wbolct be lame to walftc, anb tbe blpnbe to fe . 3nb tDty glotif icb t|je Gob of ifraeh * tljett ^v T^ : M *.«)ar.t>!iu 8 . 'i S * Whm%tfa& eallcb W btfciplctf UhrO bums utpbt:3batic compaflpo on tbe pco^ plcbecattfc tijrp cotimic Witb mcnbtbr.iif. bapctf,iy Ijaitcttotbtitg to catc:& 3 urili not let tbe" beparte faftpngc, left tbep mpfcarp bp £ wapc.^no bttf bifctplctf tape Unto Dim lDnnirr qmiDc ujcw t ro m or ijc mean (11 tlje toplbr rnc&atf to fuffpfcfo grcntc a mttttfc * m**MA t nbrr&i&iefiri fapcth "tonto thfcbowc ma up loattcs hauc pe i 3nb tbep fapc*fcnc> a feme Iptlc fpu*btf.3nb be comaunbeb tbe people to fpt Obunc on tbe grotibc : anb to= lie f> frttrti loaticft? t bcfp(fl)c#:$ after f l;c iian gene tbaltr&bc btaUc tbein, anbgauc to bt* btfctplctf,$ Hie bifcpplctf gauc tp to tbr people. 3nD tbep OpU all catcanb Were fuffpfeb . Ttoto tbep tofceup ( of tbe bioltcn incatc tbat tbatf lefte) fcuc l)af ftcttcjs full. 3 no pertnep f OpO rare u>crc.iiiU*).mr 11. bcfpbe w?mc $ cbplbjc.^nb be fen t awapc tbe proylcnnb torn typppc, $ cainr tro the Parries of Styagbala. CC|je.*Ut.€J>apfer. rJrbfV>l)anTc8rt<|up;fatokcK.3;cru9toafiirt!)hi'ij Z)irrip!r:icf(bc|dbartrrsborccitir.£l:rrourt(rroucf ISrtrr. 21* fccpw of braucir 2Tbc fapibfuil mutt fccarrtlirrrotrfaftcccluilt. a [jsshi #* * Pbarifctf alfo tf tlje &abucctf, y-ti.u.b>ub ;ra m came anb re" ptcb »im$&rfptcD bim im$£ ^^f'lir^olbeujctbethcmafppcfrom bcuen. i?c anfwereb anb fapbc Unto tbent: Whan it becjpnnctl) tobmwc totbarb * cut, .-* r.ust.5 ii.r pe fapcit Wplbc faptc Wcrhcr, f o: tbe fftpc t!mcbr3nbm£motnpugc:3tWplbcfou= le wet bcr to bapc, foj p fftpc igglobmipng rcco. O pe ppocritctf, pe can bticcrnc $ out warbappcaraunceof tbe fftpc : but can pe * ff).n. m.c „ or titrccmc tbe fpffttcg of p tpmctff * %%t 1 mn.i-m b fvotearbc $ abuoutroutf nacponrrqupret ft '# jcjuciun UKtoit,buttbcfpp:neoftbc *p?opbct3o= iiatf.3nb be lefte tbcm,anbbcpartcb. 13 3tnb Uobcn b# btfciplctf tocrc come to tl)c otbet fpbe of tbe tbatct>tbcp bab fomottt totafte tycebtbirb t\)t ^ben3cfuja!iapbe *iHftwa.a. \jntotbcm.* 'Caftc Ijcbcanb bcibareof tbe *^ temn*-* of tt)C$l)iiriko venot pet pctceauc, netbet cement l% atrf l iic bec tboic.\).loaues(,tbb5 tj)etctbcrc.*t>.4J) j &mt.m. me^botomanpbaf&ettctftOBcpctjp^jae tbcv tbc^tt.Ioucs(tb^tbccetbeie.fi«. &. mc^botbmanpbafBCttc0toliepct)p. y botb "mppenetD it fpc bo not Dnbcrttonoctbat Jlpaftc itnot\jntopou caecrnpng b?ecb,^ pe ibulbc bettoarc of tbe Ime" of f % bar tfctf, 9 of tbe g>abuce0 1 %$m \mbcrlTobe tbep, Dototbat be babnottb5bci»are of § leueof €I)t 6ofpcll tymi but of tbe boctrmc of tl;e $bftvffc& «ttb of tbe ^abucttf. ►^toben 3cfujs cam into tbe coaftctf of tbe ctteVbmcbttf calleb Ccfarca WUpMM afbeb bitf bifciplctf faptngc*tobom bo mm fapcf 3 tH forntc of ma mt Cbcp fapbc Come fapc £ ftou avt 3oi)n ^$aptw , fomc i^cipau, fomc 3ctomui0 , otmon pctcc anf = tocrcb $ fapbc:* %tym art Cb?tft tbe Cone of tbe Ipupnge <5ob3nb JcSj anCtoereb, I fapbc tjnto Dpm •■ bappp art^tmo tbe tonne of 2wia$M tlcQjc $ bloub batb not ope neb tpat Unto f * but mp fatber xobicb 15 in bmc.Wnb 3 fapc alfo mtto tljc f tbou «rt peters Upon t-ijjijs * rocftc 3 tbil bplbc mp cogregaciou. 3Cnb f gates! * of belllbal notpjcuaplcagapnft tt.3Bnb 3tbil gene Unto p,tbc ftcpejtf of f ftpngbo of ijcuJ.-aino *tobatrocttct tbou bpubeft in ertb 3 (ball be bouubc in bcue: 9 tbbatfoeucr tbou loofeft in ertb,ujalbe lotofcb in bcucn. |< % br'n cbargcb be Dpj* btfciplc^,tbat t^ fbuloe tell no man ,f be toasOefutf €\>m *JEim f tpmefo^b beganc Jetm to fbe= toe Unto ljitf btfc(ple^,bp\u tl;at be muft go Unto 3erufalem, $ fimcr manp tbingcs of v elbersf s tyc pjeftciS, * ^cribejj , 9 mutt be Uplleb , am) be rapfeb agapne ptlmu bape.3ttb lubcnpcter bab taftc bint alpbc, be bega to rcbuitc bim,faping:mafl:cr , fa= net tbp fclfc, tW ml not bapps Unto t^t: but be turneb bim aboutc, anb fapbc Unto $ctcr : go after inc jbaim } tbou bpiio«ft iiic.foi tbou fauourcft not tbe tbtge^tpat be of C5ob,but tbofc tbat be of men. ^bfnfapbe3cfu0Untob^bifciplctf:3f cup man tbil folot»c me, let bi fojfafte l)im Celtc 9 take up W croflc>$ folotoe me* Jf oi DoboloxoilfaucbitflpfcfbaUloofcit ' v 3gapnc , tbbofo botb iofe W life fo? mv faUcujall fpnbe it. jf 0? tbbatbotb it p^of^ f ct a ma,pf be tbpnne all p" tbbole tuo^lbc:$ lofcbpii atbnc fouled €>?tbbat ibalamau gcuc to rcbemc bis! foule agapne tbitb all.'' S 0? f fone of man ujall come in ^glo^p of \)i$ f atber,to bn« Sscte^tbcn ujall be re* toarbe cucrp man acco^bingc to \)i$ uebc&. llerelp 3 tape Unto yon. *tbcr be ftobingc bcrciubicb (ball not tafl; of bcctb,epUtbep u tbe tonne of m jT come in b$ ftpngbome. Cl9c.]cUu.Cbapter. ^ CSTbc ttnnfftgucaeJon of Cb?(ftc.ftcbtflicth tbr lunati'ht ,(b paprtl) ttibute. $b * after, Ui. bape&V3ef«$ ta ftctb fyttiv. , Same* anb 3obn bpjs b?otbw , M b^ingetb tbem ! up into an bpe mountaine out of tlje toapc , anb tuatf rranff>gureb befoie tbem* anb bPS* face bpbftpne asf tbe Con* nc, anbbpsi etotbe^^ere ajJXbbpte ntf tbe c luke.i^ * 9.tttf4u *Jobn. b. £ubr.ir,c *fflaf.U, JLulic.ir.f, ftjac.biUt 3!obn.W.ft.' ♦KJ.ff.fc IlU*f.ffA 1<.* if #f^>.#lattljebj, Mif> .,T-V •• .1 \*fWit>* %nn bcbolbe , there apcrcb Unto tbS ^ofej* t eiiajf talftpng wptbbpm . ^l anfwereb pctcr.aub (wot Unto3cfusf, lo^bc, bcre it Soob beinge fojt U>s.3f tbou tuplt, let U0 ma ebcrc.iij. tabcrnaclejS : one fo? tbe, anb one fo? tfjev fell on |pw.rw« < tbew race?* were to^eafrapcb . %m 3eR«* came ^toucbeb tbem, « fapb.arpfc , $be not a frapb . ainbwben tbep bab ipft Up tbep? epc0 ttitv farae no man (am 3m$ one Ip - *3dnbvobantbcpcamcbowjnefropinott' tapne, 3efui8 cljargcb tbf faping:ujct» f Up» lion to no ma.Untpll tbe tonne of man be rt> fen agapne fro tbe becb. f< >h 3tnb l)i^ bif ci plctf aftteb bim,favig.\t)bp tycn fape $ £>crt bciS.^cUasJmuftcFpiftcomc^erusfaniUoe #(Baia.ww. rcb,anbfapbcUntotb^ IpeltajStrulpcCbaU fp^ft comcanbreftoze all tbpngejS . Shit 3 #a»at.tf.n fapeUntopou,?*If)cl(ai0iij5comealrcabp,$ tbep unewe bt not:but baue bone Unto l)vm t»|iatfoeucr tbep luftcb.3n ipUctwpfefbal al fop tonne of m5 fuffrc of tb?/£bcn tbe bi(ci= ple0 Unberftobc, f be fyaftc Unto tbe of 3obu C 25aptift.3nb wbJtbep t»erecometo f\ pco-- plc.tber came to bim a certapnc ma Imelpng bourne to bim,* fapcng.^after.baue mr rep on mp fonne.f 0? be i?s lunatike * fo,tc Ueccb, f 0} oft tpme* be falle tb into f f p^c, * oft into tbewatcr,*3nb3bjougbtbmitotbvbtfci plcsf,* tfrv coulbc not bealc bt .3c fa* «n&« reb * fapb:iD faptblctf * croftcb nacton.botB longc ujall 3 be with pou.' bot» logc flljall 3 fuffrc poui-bnug bvm bptljcr.3!nb jeftttf rc^ bukcbpbcupll.abcbcparteboutof bt . %\\q t$t cbplbc watf bealcb euen p fame tpme. U *^Tben camef bifciplctfto 3cfus( fecretfp 3B> * fapbe:U)bPcoulbnot toe caft bpm outfit fii!8fapbUntotbc:i6ecanfeof pome Unbcle= * SuUVW -He.#ojUcrclp3i«Pe Unto pon:*pfpc baue faptb ajiagravnc of mufterb fccb.pe (ball fapeUntotbt* mountapne : rcmouebenceito pouber p^ce, anb it (ball rcmouc ■ nctber ftj al enp tbinge be UnpomblcUnto pou. tyovobcit tbPiS ftpnbe goetb not out.but bp p^aper anb *«,„ M , faftinge.ttibilc tbep were occuppcb in ^alt= Src'le3eftt0 fapbc Untotbenc *ttut»pU come to mxMi.* palTe ^tbe tonne of man (balbc betrapeb in= to tbe banbesi of mcn,anb t^cv iballnpll \)im anb ttjctl)p?t» bape (ball be rpfe agapne. 3i ib tbep were ejcceabvng fo?pe. %%nn UJben tbep were come to f cptic of Capernaii.tbep f Ufc to receaue tribute mo-» nep,cam to peters fapb : Dotb pour malt cr papc trpbutc'fee fapctb: pee , 3Bnb wben be wag come into f boufc, Mttt p?eufteb bpm taping U>bat tninneftp Shimon <■ of wbobo tbettpngcj* of tbe ertb taftc trpbute oj toll, I.IJC.C. *fl)K.(r.tt Of tbep^ cbplbjen, 0^ offtraftgcwl/'peter fa= petbUntobpm.'of ftraungew. 3cfu0 fapetb Unto bim.-^ben are p cbplb^ frc-^ot w(tb= ftobing,lcft we (bulb offenbe tbf, go tbou to pfee,?caftanangle,5 taftc pfpft pfp^ft co= metb Up:$ wbS tbou baft openeb bi£ moatb, tbou(baltfpnbeapcceoft\»cntiepencf:tbat tafte.sgcueit Unto tbem fo? me $ tbe. h C^b^rUiij-Cbapter. ffXKicacbttbWfiwfffpicBtoBcijuuictnatrmlfeaoauoptic occafponsof curtl joiicfo fotgeue aiioHjcja offence «.«-.« leba cbplbe unto bpm,$iet b'm in p mpbbes • eu6ar,t oftbem,$fapb:2iierelp3 tape Unto pou* t%- ceptpe turner become *a0cbplb2e, pcCball %*** x - r \ not enter into f ftpngbom of beauen . X$W SSSSim f ocuer tbcrfoje bubletb bim felfe.as! tbts cbtl be,tbcfamei0tbegreateft in tbe ftpngbo of beauen3nbwbo(oreceauetbfucba eftplbtn ,.„„ , mpname,rcceauetbme. *2Sut wbofobotb JuKlv oftenbe one oftbefelptleonsiwbpcbbcleue in me:it were better fo? bpm , tbat a mplftone were bagcb abonte b V» nccftc,$ tbat be wc= reb?ownebiutbebepthoftbcfce.tx)o Unto tbcwoilbcbccaufcofoffencejJ.^ficceffttrpit^irojiii.rf.B tS tbat offence** come: 26ut wo Unto t\)t nti , bp wbom tbe offence commctb- 25 H)berfo?c*pf tbp banbeo.ubpfotcbittber *!*M>y tbe, cut bim of 9 caft it from tbe . 3t itf better mm * fo? tbeto enter into Ipfc bait onnapmeb,ra= tbertbcntboumuibeftCbJUtinsc two \)foc$ ottwofcte)bccaftttocuerlaftpngfp^e.^nb pf tbpnc epe offenbetbe , plucftc tt oute,anb cafte it fro tbe.3ti0 better foi tbe to entenn- to Ipfc x& one eperatber tbr n ( baupng two cpcs;tobecaftintobellfpic.'Eaftcbcbc'tbat pebcfppfcnotoncoftbefclpteloncs!.5foz3 fapc Unto pou, f in bcauetbeir angels boal* wape0 bcbolbe tbe face of mp fatper,wbP£b ttfinbeauc. ^jtoi pfonne of maitf come to * auhtt ,A fauetbatwbpcbwa0lolt.^owtbvnftcve* ' ' 3f a man baue an fyiibito ujepe , 9 one or tb5 be gone aftrap,botb be not leauc npntp $ np= nc t f moiltaW ,« goctb 9 fcftetb t wa gone aftrapc.^nbSf it bappe^ be f pub it , Ucrclp «f 3fapcUntopou:bcretopfetbmoiJcoff'(bepc u ' tben of pnpntta npne wbicb wet notaurap. Cue foittjSnotP wpll of pourc fatber tbea= neurone of tbcfclptclon^lbulbepcrpfibe. ►I«&)ojcouer*pf tW b^otbertrcafpacea= * atauiM gapnft tbe, got tell bpm bpsfantc betwene tef** btm?tbeaione.3fbebearetbc,ilbaftwottc /E(c,c,mb tbp b^ofbcr:H5utpf be bearep not, tben taftc *a f u.t.> » pet wptb tbe oueo 1 two,? * tit tbe moutb of «;«« ««« « two ojiij.wttncffr&cucrymatcrmapbcfta tKm ** blpffticb.3f bcbefircnof tbe,tcll it Unto tbe congregacpon.Jfbebearc not tbe congrcga^ ci on icfijim be Unto fad anbetben mil 9 ais a publtc5.a!crelp3 tape Unto pou :*wbatfoc» *txi«t.K\n.< ucrpe bpnbc on ertb , flialbc bouubctn bea= uen,3nb wba tfoeuer pe lofe on ertb > moibc 20b lowfcbi TT tr^^ofpell 1 T* J «_*« & lowfcbinbeane.agapnejfape tonto pou? pf two ofpouagecc in crtfic upon cup ma* ntr a etiptige,u>oatrocttcr tbcp befwe : to (ball baue it of mp fatber wbic&i* lii bcaue\ tfozwbcretwo oztbaearc gatbereb toge= tlirr t mp name, tbcrc am3 tpmpbbc* of f bl . In came fceter to bpm,$ Civ bc:lo*bc gowc oft (ball 3 ftygcue mp biotber , pf be fpnnc agapnft mtfTvll fenen tpme&'^cfiul fapctb vntb #m:3 fapc not tonto tbe tintill fciig tjmictf :l)ttt fcu«ti»tpmcst feuftpineft J« 25 >b WfflwWfc ftpngbe of bcaucnlpHC= neb tonto a ccrtaiite map wasl a Mug, wbic& woloetaUc acountetf of (jptf fcruautetf. 3nb wbf be bab begoe to tccbeVone wa* bz ougbt tonto Dun, wbpcb ougbt bim ten tbou&mo ta Icntc0\butfo*nftnocba0be:wa0 not able to papc.bitf to^D comaunbcbbtmtobcfolbc,* UVSf wpfc | cbplbien,$ an p be bab.anb pa r- ment to bemabc^bc feruauntfcll bouncy « befougbt bmi,raping :&pz , banc patience xb mc,airt>3 wpll pave tbc afl.'C&cn bab t^z iozbc ppttc ontbatferuaunt,* lowfcbbpm nnbfozojauebpmtbcbet. . &>o tbc fame fcruaunt, went out,? fouoc " Jntofbpsffclowcxjwbicbousbtbimanbu-- pjcb pence 4 be lapeb banbetf on bpm, « touc to up tbc ttoote, tmm • we P tbou owclr. 2nbbiSfclowcfellbownc,!jbcrougbtbPm faping:baucpacpencctiNic,$3wpTlpape£ all3nb be wolocnot, but went , f caft bpm tntOMcnnupUbcOmlbcpapc tbctet. &0, 1 mt w felottjcst fawe wbat was; DonctDcp were tocep fo*p r anb camc,$ toioetonto tijeic &o*b all tbat fcab bappeneb.'&benbtj* io:b calleb bm * fapb tonto bpm:4D tbou tongra * cpoua fcruaunt, 3 fozgaue tbc all tbatbet, wm tbou ncfywft me : dmlDcft not tbou alio banc bab companion ontbpfclow.cucn a03babpp«co!itbc.''3!nDbP£ : imte wag wzooth, sbclpucccb b«m to tbe faplerjer,tpll be (bulb papc all f wajSbue tonto bpm . £>o *lpue wpfc (ball mp bcauelp fatber bo alfo tonto pou pf pcfropourcbcrtctf, fozgeue not cue rp one W bjotb w)tbe» Muni I* C^bctfjCCbapfcr. C^JpOafUMftattftbcrefonfernpnacinitwecaiio tcatbftb not to be caccf ull,no>toloue toojDlp citijcB. 'iftb it came to gaffe * tbat wben tKfinl bab fpmfujeb tbcfe faptn» gc&bc fiat bpm from Baltic , $ jeameintotbe coaftetfof 3ew?p _,beponbe3o?b3, qtmocbe people pm,$be bcaicbtbem there. nt ^bartfc* alfo came \)nto pirn tf pf in- fie bim^ faping \)nto bim:30tbP*caurefi&aUa man leaue fatber 9 motJjer,f (bail cleue \>nto bP« wp» tmt.tii.b. mactto, ^nrat.cff, fe^tbep ruiapne Oialbe one fleffibe.tDbetfo= re now, tbep arc not twapne.bnt oncftefQjc. let not man tbcrfoje put a fmiCce , f wjjpcb 00b batb couplcb togctber .^bcp fapc \w to bpm.wbp Hv^ rctf tben cSmannbe to jje= ueateaimoniall of bpno^fcmSt, 9 to put bee a wape.'Ipc fapbe t)i»to fyt~ 1 #)ofe$ ( becaufe oftbebarbnetfofpourebectejs+fuffereb pou **,,„,. to put a\»apcpoureujpfeiei:ai5ut fro fbtain a«f.wj itpng it wa0 not fo.*3 fape tjnto pou:wbo= &ft. focucr puttetb awapc m wpfc ( except it be m®!' fo? foMftct0it}$ macictljanotbccbjeaHetb *•**»! weblocUc.3[inbwl)r>fomarictbUcewUpcbitf beuo^rcb.boetb commpt abuoutrp. WbifciplciBffavctontobim:vf ^materbe 25 fo betweue man 9 wpfe , tljen in it not ff 00b to matp.tyefavbtmto tbeimall men cannot , ^ capjebenb t^ faping * fauetbeptowbom **««fc it itf genf : fo? j^f tber are fome ebaftc wbpcb **• are ro boinc out of tbeirmotbertf wobe.^lnb tbec are fomccbafte,t»btcb be mabe cbafte of rng.aind tber becnafte, wb(cbb««e mabe t^ [cluejS cbaftc f 0? f kpngbomc of tyul# fake- ii>e tbat can cdp^ebeoe it, let bim cop^cb^b it. ^^b^wcretbcrcbJousbt^nto bpm ponge -kmnx. cbvib?e,tbatbca)uibputbp0b^bcs< ontb^> **.««» 9 p!ape.3tnb p birciplcifi rcbukeb tbem. 7&ut 3efutfrapbc\)utotbcm:fuffcc tU dypixiitn f ojbtb tbem not to come \jnto me: f 0? of foc v tmt »pngb5 of bcaue. ^ub wbebe bab put pp0b*»&etf ontbem,bcbcpartcb tbence. 3nb bcboloconccamc^f-tpD^ntobim: , * goob ma ft cr, wbat goob tljpnge lball3 bo jgRft tbat3mapebauceternalllpfe^efapb^n= * tobt.^rUJbpc raping, be wf t a wape fo^pe. jf 0? be bab grete poffegponief. . ?ben 3efu0 fapb MntoW biftiplesi: Caere IP3rapVjntopou:*itO)albebarbefo?tbe rp * m x,u W to enter into tbeningbo of bcauf . 3nb a= **«** gapne 3 fape tonto pou: it tjS eat per f 02 a ca= mell to go tb^ougb tbe epe of a neblc, foj Jbcrpcbeto enter into tbeftpngbom of <2?ob. \W tbe bif cfpietf bcarbe tbW.tbep were tp cebmblpamaieb, raping; wbo tjmn c5 be (a* «cb.''2i5nt3ew0bebelbetbem,anbfapb»nto , fc hrt ebem:wptbmcntbii8ijsvnpo(rvble*but«5* Mt, " ,,, "' f doob all cbpngcsiare poffpble. ►3h 'Cbeit anrwereb peters fapb tjnto bim: 25eDolbe Gt&M&tofa $Wi •SD^cboIbc* wc'bauefo^raljcaH, anbfoloweb 0*»to tbe, wbatibaliwebaue t|jftfo?^2f efusfapb fcwr..t Unto tb?:^erc»p3 fape t»ntopou:tftat wben * tbe fonnc of man Cball fpt in tbc feate of bp# maieftpe,pe f baue f ol web me I tbe re gene* #ftt«tf* racpon*a)aUfptalfobp6.iCij.feace0, |iuO' imttttit b fietbe.ytt.trpbetf of 3frael. t Ml euerp one * tbat fo?(anetb boufc, 0? bictb^en, 0? fptter^, 0? fatber, 0? motber, 0? wpfc, oz rtjp!b?cn, oj #jm».iia* ianbeiS.fo? mp namejsfalte, *fi)all receaue anbunb^bfolbe,gt fballinDcret euerlaftpn= m&%*> at ipfc. 14 * 2&utmanp tlwt are fp^ft,ujalbe %t*M* raftajiotbclaaftjaibcfp^ft. CCbe.)tr.Cbapter. CCinp(ltcad|etbt)paO>iiiiipcut)rtbAtple9to brlottlpr, 9 ecu c 1 1) tto blpttoc intti tyept f p«b t . C?^flJeKpngbom of beauen tglpke unto a man.pij(anbou» i'(bolber,wbPcbwent outearlp jin tbe mo^npng to bper laboti* _ IretjB in to W t»pncparb . 3nb wban i\yz agrement wasi mabe wptbtbe la= bourcrgfo? a peupabape, be fent tbem into bpjsMneparbc . Mb be went out about tbe tbirbc boure>$ fawc otber ft^opng pbeli in p marnet places fapbc \3nt0 tbfcgo pe alfo in = to tbc mncparbc : * wbatrocucr igrpgbt ,3 wpllgeucpou.3Hnb tbcp went tbep? wape. SCgapne, be went out about tbc fpjcr e 9 npn= tbeboure,$bpblpBcwpfe. TtnbaboutctDe eKuctb boure be wet out, oundc otber (tan bpnge pbell ,9 rapb bnto tbe.- XDbv ftanbe pc bcrc all t^z bape pbell^bcp fape to nto bpm becaufe no man batb bP«o UjS.ioe fapctb ton to tb&go pcalfo into tbc toinepar be -4 wtat* foeuer iss r pgbt,tbat fljall pc receaue. £>o,wbcneuen wag come, tbc to?b of tbc tomeparbcfaprtbtontobii£i(tewarb:callpla bourcrS,»jjcuc tbem tbctr bper, bcgpnnpng at p latte tontill p f pjft. 58 nb wba tbcp bpb co me,? cam about p"clcuetb boure, tbcp rccea= 25 uebeuerpmSa pcHp.26ut wbantHeifp^aca* me alfo, tbcp fuppofrb $ tbcp (bulb pue re» ceaucbino;ic,5tbeplpUewprc rcceaucb euc= e p ma" a pen p ,%nb wben tbcp bab rcceaucb it>t\)t\> murmur cb aga vnft f goob m5 of tbe boulc,rapigc:'Cbefelaft baue w^ougbtbut oucbOiire,«| baft mabe tbfequall tonto tosJ, w\)k}) baue bo>nc p burtben 9 beat of p bap. Tfiut beanfwereo tonto one of tbe $ fapbe: frenbeibo tbc no W£ongc:bpoeft tbou not agrc vb mc f oz a pennp < ^nue tbat tbine in «-gotbPwape:3wpllgeue tonto tbpsf laft, men ajj tonto tbe. 3js it not lawfull f 0? me to boagmclpftctbtfmpne awne goobc^ 30 *m rtt.o tbpne epe cupll,becaufc 3 am goob t *$S>o p fe, IattOjalbefp2ft^tbefpzftc(balbeiaft. ^foz ' mattpbccaUeb.butfewebccbofcn. \* C >Mnoiefit!tfgonigtopto3crufalcm,to* ne tbe.Tii.bTrciple0 nfpbe in tbe waw , 9 fapb «!«. anb t\it tbvftz &apebe(balltpfeagapne. 4Ma t * *^^l)ecametob lozb tbou fonnc of Dauib, baue mercp on to*. %m tbcpcoplercbubcbtbcm.bccatifc tbcp (bulbc bolbc tbeir peace . S5ut tljcp cctco the moje fapinge;bauc mercp on tog. O iozb tbou fonnc of s&auib.3Mtb 3cf ue ftobe ftiU.anb calleb tbem, 9 fapbc : wljat wpll pc tbat3 (ball bo tonto pou : Wtyv fapc tonto bim:lo2Dc,tbatourecpe0miipe be openeb: ^>o 3cfujs bao compaff 10 on tbem, anD tou* ebebtbeirepe* , $ immebtatlp tbeir tfttu* ccaucb Ipgbt.Hnb tbcp foloweb bim , Cftbe-WWaptcr. C»f tPDctf)imo3«HWcm,D>pueth fl»t «i«cim»iitc» outoitbtteplc,curti:H)fticfpQ;«ttc,*rfbiiueii)tbc»i)3 rvfcctbvtbtbtrjwilptiibcottljctoio fomics aftb of ,tlj* ftufoattomtft.toattltltotoba* to«cfcntttiitoti)cm. \@mm tDcp * biew ape ton* | ito3enifiilem,anb were come to fo7S'* 15ttbpbage,tontomountc ©ip uete-tbcnfcut 3ewi8 two wftp* I pleg.faving tonto tyh&Q into tU to wnc tbat ipetb oner agapnft pou , anb anone pc (ballfpnbc an a(fc bounb,anb a col-- tcwitbDcr:loorctbcm,?b2tngetbcm tonto 316b ii mc. #jtt«-t.fl .*? 1 1 "■ * ♦5 • 4 €l)c ©ofpcll #e me.?tnttFN«Jm5fnVcbuglJ|:1flntovou,fft? pc:tbc LojbeDflibnfaoc oftbctu : « ttrcpgbt wapebewplllcttbe"go. 3Utbi0 watfbone, f-ttmigbtbcfulfpllcb wblcfr wa* fpouc* bp jZ'xiui of £>ton:bcboldc,tbP.a P"ge cfimc ft Unto ft mcftcfptrtnge top$ an affc $ a colte , tbc foic oftbcairewTeDtoftepocttc . ^fcetiifcpplea wftfrbpba03cPc0maaocdtbc\*bjoufii«: tbealTc.fr tUc coltc,$ put onfteftcfc clotbc0, I ft tt bt tf)f r 6. 38 ad man? of tbc people fpj c o tbcir garment eg in p wave. flDftcr tint bounc bjauftc0fr6ptrcc0,&ftrawcbtbe'Cfwapc. 25 $tyo?roucr,fte people fwet before „f t|>rf f came aftcr.cric b fapingtfaofannatoftefon* t £S« S' f ,,c ofH>ai«o * iSlcfrcb 10 be f commctb i tfee ifu.ctvi.t.t.. name off l,o?D*^i&ofmttt8m fjpeft. & («a- # * $m> wbe" be watf come to Jmm\i , all im^.rj.0 pcittcwa0moueb,faping:wbot0tbW3&nb * m.n.nw.a. tlJcpcoplcrnpD.tljijaf tsS 3crus!^ tDc $?ophet *&*** of $a?aretb(acpte) of Gallic* 3nb3em0 pent into tbc tfplc of Gob.s call out all m V folbc 5 bougbttn ftc temple, $ ottcrttoew tbc tabled of fmmf&mmjla tbc (cate* of tbem tbat folbc bottc0,$ fapb Duto ftcm: *(j »e.«a, 3e # u>jptte> my boufc ttjaluccaileb £ bou= iseijMA fcofpiapcr.sSutpcbanemabeit * a bem * jctc V..K. nc of tbcuejf. 3 nb tbc blpnbes tbe bait came to bint in tbc temples be bcalcb tbem. HJbcntbccbefe l&jcfte0 9 &mbc0 fa We V coonberstbatbebvo,* tnccbvlbtfcrpmge in the templets faptnge^ofamm to tbc fon- neof iuuiO)ti)cpOtfDapned,anb fapb »nto biMrhcareft thou what theCc fape 1 25ut3c= * af , h,« „ w * faic ^ ^M tDem whp uotrhaucpencucc *»w,w« «rcDbc*.slI)utof tbemoutbof babejs $ fucne= Ipugeatbou bade ojbepneb piapfc ( 3nb be *ioij«.»(«.8 lcftc tbem.ano wmtout of toe cptic * Unto 25ctbanie,$bad bisiabpdinge tberc. Y *3n tbc mompuge ajs be returned into P cptic agapne ,be bugr to : $ whao fppcb a*fpgge trcettbe wapebecameto if ,& fofc be notbpii(je tbero,but ieauc0 onelp,^ fapbc •bntoit : Bcnctfrntecrcotxjeontbe bece fo?= warbc03nb anone y f pgg tree xoibbcrcb a* wape.3lnbwbenbP0btfcppli>0fa\x>ctt,tbcp marueleb,fapmg.l!)owfoonet0£ fpggctree topbbcrb awaye.'3efu0 anfwereb, anbfapb C*ntotb^ulerclp3 fapc Unto pou#pfpeba* ^iiMf. ttm.o tic faptb sboutnot,pefibal not onelp botbitf x*™*™' tbatl0bappcneourtto£fpsgetrec:butalfo pfpea)aUfapetjntotbWmountapne,temo« ms catt m fclfernto ebe fee.it Cbalbc bone. Sflfh *2lnbau tbw«e«i robrttfocttee peaftte t pja= *m4cn,c 2 !•. ?uKl e PW(PfP£beleue)pe Wlreccauctbcm. m«r.«(.o. _ * *3nb ttben be was* come in to f «plc, utt.ibii.ft toe cbcfe ^eftetf * tbe elbera of tbe people u\ *«, ,f f n Jl e ^"tobimcasfbe waiSteacbmgOfr fapfie* ,&a 25? wlweauctoittebocfttbotttbere Wm#t 9 t»bo jjaue t^t tbptfponjci: i 3cfutf anftoc« reb 9 fapbeiinto tbfcj a ifo tnpa afae of pou a certapiie MwwWb Pf pe tell ml »» lp* Sluts be wpft t»ili m pott bp t»l)a t aucto?bcanc\bc Wlfapetwto W, t»bP bpbpe ltottbcnbclcuebimiTiSiitpfwc (ball fape of mfn,tl;en fcarc t»e tbc people. *jf op allmen Dolbe3obna0ap?opbet.anDtDepanft»tteb tmtojelujSfr fapbe : wc cannot tclt.^lnb be fapb \juto tb^.netbet tell 3 pow.bp wbat an= cto^ite3botbcfc tbpngctf. Jh U)batfapepe to tW< >b 31 man bab ttoo (onnc& $ cam to tbc fp?ft,& f()pbt*:foni]ic,go $ t»o?itc tobape t mp\)incpacbe.^eantfu)ctcb * fapbe, 3 wpll not , bntaftertt)arb ) bercpf teb,$tx)citt.1tl)S cam be to t&efccobcgs fapb lpftc\»ife,3ub be anftjocreb,? fapb:3 will n>?,»t»f t not.tDbe tbet of tbf ttoapnc hv^ f twpll of t\^e tetbttt 3nD tbepfape \>nto bun :tbe fp^ft.3efn0 lap* etb tjnto tbe:»erelp3 fapc\)ntopon,tbepn» bKcfiiS $ baclofen go intto tbe (tpngbo of (Sob before pou. Jf o; *3 obn cam nnto pou bp tbe wape of rpffbteu)cfucs(,anb pc beleucb ppm not:but publicanjx ? bariottcjs bclcncb tvm. :^nbpe(\»banpe pn fenc it) were not mo« ucbartccwarbe \»ptb tcpcntauncc , tbat pc mpflbtbauc beleucb bpm. }n ^l9ecKeanotbccfpmtlitube*f bcewajji accctaincmananbouCt)oibcr,u)bpcbplatcb a )j weparbc.fr bebucb it rounbe about, $ ma bcatwpncpjcffcinit,5btltatou)cc,3blctit out t obufbanbmen , $ \xic t into a ft r a u n s coil tre.3Hnbwbeit^tpmcofpfeutc b.'ewc nca= re be fent big rcruauntcS to tbcbnf janbntcn V'tbcp mpabtrcccauctbcfrutcg of tt . 3inb ^ bufbabmen ca tnjbt W fecuauteg, $ bet one, Billed anotbcr,$ ftoncbanotbcr.^gaine, be fent otbec fcrtiaiin tc0,m oo tljcn tbe f 0k AH tbcpbpb \)nto tb5 lpUc\»pfc.2But laft of all, be fenttonto tbe W «iMJiie fonne,fapmfl:tbe wpll ftanbem awe of mpfonne.26ut w\)t |)ufaabmcn fame tbe fonne, tbepfapb am 6= oc tbem fclueff: *%\)i& in tbe bepjecome, let \jfi( itpll bim , 9 let W cniope W inberitaunce 3Jnb tbep caucjbt bvm,$ mnUt bpm out of § t)(neparbc,$ uewje bi$ Wneparb \m= to otber bufbildm?, tobicl) (ball bclpuce \)vm tbeftuteinbuefcafotitf . 3cfwS fapeti t)nto ttfi:tyt> pc neticr reabe in p fcripturctf* 'Ebe ftone wbpchtbebpibcri8!rcfufeb,tbe fametf becometbefteabe of t|jc co^ter:tbp0 Wf lop betfbofnge,$fti#incruelongin pottre epeg. / 5Tbecfojefape3lontopou,fltpnffb6of0oij ujaibetattenftopou.anbseuentoanacion, */T)ar.tt.t Xmt.mtu. *«wat,ft|A" ID ■^CBf tie ft,( tfCi.U.a. fr.ir tu t, Xulur.t), * CBtllCttl: t, Mlit.tiit, (.ie-ft,i(,f cljcfe^cfteiSanb ^rjacifctf bab beatbebpjs Vacablc«i,tbepperceaucb, tbat be fpcafce of am ww> tdcm.*3tnb tbep went about to lape banbetf on bim*but t^ feared tht people , becaure tbep tooue Wm a0 a ^opbet |<3Snb 3efutf anft»creb,$fpaHetjntot^aaapitebpptira= blejaanb fapbe. ^ . C'ttbe.wrt.ttlKttJter. ClCHf m«(OBeof «jf JKpngce mmt.-Etybutt to be ociicntotliejiSittw«oiic.it(Mpft tafutetotbe opMpoii » 85^Hf Ct . c "Z n4,l,c ttfuccccfron,? autoes l9e^«pnffbomeofbeaufiiE< lpne\)n= r ^^to * a man tbat wajsa Uyn&e , wbpcb J"m«ne a manage fo? Ijvss fonne 9 rent f o^tl) bi? fenianntctf , to call t(jem tljat were bpb to m webbvngc , 9 tDcp wolbe not co= me.agapne.befentfojtb otbee feruanntcja topinge^elltb^wbpcbarebpbb^bcbolbe, 3 baue pjeparcb mp bpnncr : mp ojcen 9 tnp fatlpngcsi are nplleb,^ all tblgciB are r eabp, come Dnro p mariage."25ut tbep made ipgbt ofit,$wettbctcwapesi:onetobi0fermepla ccanotbcrtobpjelmarcbaunOifc, ?thergna= tint tonebi0feruaunte0,fincceatebtbSaja= mcf ullp4b Oewe tbem, aSut wben tbe npng fceatbt : tbcrof,!)e wasi w?ot^, 9 fent f o?tD iJisi men of wattes beftropeb tbofe murt^crcrji, anbb^entt)!) tbep? cptie. tity fapb be to W fecuauntes< : f martto in bebe in p?epareb . 25ut tbep vohm were updoen, were not wo^tbp . fpi tbou regarbeft not tljc oiftwarb ap pearattce of me.^cll t>jStbcrfo?c=bowtbpn= mjamtUwMlf tmmh geue\)nto Cefae oj not < But jefitjS perceaupng tym wpcRcbwcftfapbe: Wptcptepc mcpeppo= IWatthcm 5fo 15 W.IV9 t c wbpcbujali b^pngefo^tb tfce.frute* tbcrof. pm * wbo focucr falletb on tun (rone, fbal- be tooacn in pecetf: but on*wb6foeuer it fa I b etb it n)all all to grpnb|)pm . 3nb wt)en tbe cbcfe wnw.itiw*, critetf.^|)ewemc|5tributcmonp.^nbtbep tonebt a penp.aub be fapbc tjntotl^: wbofe in tm pmagc ^fiipccfcripcio.'"®'bcp fapc un tobim,CefariEi. W fapb be \jnto tb?.*€»eue t jjerfoje t)nto Cefar,? tbigejaf wppcb are <£c» fari«.?\jnto(25ob,t|jofe t(jfgc0f'are<5obji F< JDbentbep bab bcarbe tbefe wo^bejg, tbep marucleb,^ left opm,t wentfbepj wapc, ^'Tbc fame bapecame to IM tbc ^attmen&lr'^ 4 ( wbicb fapc p tberc in no rcfurrecctoj? afucb &"A* btm fapingc:^)aftcr,©)ofc0fapbc:tbat*pf *»"*»• amanbpe baupngc nocbplbe,bp0 b^otber Omlbc marp b?n wpfc, 9 cepfe tip feeb wnto bt^otljcr.^ber were witb^feue bjcttoe*: 9 tbe fp^fte mancb a wpfe , 9 beceafeb tfout pffue a rief tc W wpfe^nto b^ feotber . if ftcwpfir,tbc fecobe 9 p tbP?b,\mto p fcuentb' pfte of all p ujoma dpeb alfo. -E bcrfoje , 111 f refutreceion, wbofe wpfcmall tbe be of tbe Uulf Si 0? tDcp all bab bcr.3efu0anfwercb f mpbe bnto tbc:pe 00 crre, not anowtngc tbe fcrtpturctf.nonbc pouicr of0od.#ojm tbe refurrcccpon, tbep netber marp, no? arc ma- tpeb butarea0tbe3Engel0mbeauen. USutatftoucbpng tbc refurrcccpon of tbe becb:bauepe not reb tbat wbicb t0 fpoke Mn^ „,. topouof^ob.wbpcbfapt^^amtbceob^?^ of 3tb?abam 9 tbc 0ob of 3faac , 9 m Gob »«.«* of3acob.' , (5ob i0nota Gob of becb,but of Ipuinge.3Cnb wljcn p people Drat* tl)t0,ti)cp were aftonnpeb at bi0 boctrpne. t ^ 26ut wb^ t^t pbartfc0 Ijao Ijearb, ^ be ^ bab put t^z ^abucc0 tofplcncc , tbep came 9 togctber,ffoncoftbewblcbU)a0(aboctour oflawoafttcbbimaqttcftiou.tfptiniicbim, ^raping:iiJ)aa'cr,wUtcDi0ftc greate coma- undemgin tbe lawc." 3efu0 fapb wnto bpm: . SCTinle0 were gatljcrcb toQ,c m * tljcr , 3efu0afftcbtM.faping : wbattbpnac pc of Cbjpft.'tobofe fonc^bcr'Sbcp fapetm tobtm:trjefonnc of Damb.tye fapbe Unto ftem* bow ftcn boetbBauib^F in fp?etc, ^ call bint lojbc fapingc: 'fcbc 1 ojb fapb wt= *m.ui.t tomp lojbc * fpt p on mprpgbt banbe tpll *®mt* 3maftetbpnccnempc0 tbp footc ftoolc .3f )pauibtl)cn,callbimlo.ft.bowi0»jetwbi0 fonne.^nb no mi wa0 able to anfwere bint anpetbtng.netbcr burfte enp mancfrom tbat Dapefo?tb)afbcbimanpmooqucftion0, B CEbe.mtj.Cbaptcr. * CCtjjj-acrvctbtoototbepljatffcc&'rtpbteanoppftj ct»tcMP>opDt(r«utuciitfttii«poiior3irH(4icm. ^)cn fpane 3cm* to ftc people , anb H tobt0btfciplc0,faping;*15be fbctU *®t**w> ] — Jbe0 anb tbc ^barife0 fpt in a)ofeiS feate.3lltbcrfo?e wbatfoeuer tbepbpdpoti obfcrue,tbatobfcrueSbbo:butbo not veaf tcrtbepiwo^c0:fo v t tbep fape, anb bo not *gee,tbep bpnbc togctber bcup burtbcn0 5b . M ^ S« enoutfto be bo?ne,t lape tbem on meune* m«t t m «j iboulDct0; ***** •A \ V w €l)e (Stofpell ;■ i *2«fc*t.8. ■I I 1 ■1 I tyoulbfti&but fljep tbc" CclueS wpll not bca ttcattbS Witb one of tbetrfpngcrS. 311 toep* wojcbcs bo tbcv fojfc tbf intent, ^t|jcp mape tar be fene of me.^rpevfet atyoabc tfreit^pbi latcricS, ft matte large p bo?bcrS of ttjettgae mentc$,ft louc tbe wipermotte featcs at tea* tteS.ft to fptt in tljccbcfe place in councclM jjretpngesin tbemtir(tctr,aiin to bccallrb of men.l&abbi. *i «*>.«.« * *5 ut be not re calico a&abbi. ff o? one is 25 route matter, rite CbWtt, anb all pc arc tyc= tb?cn.3nbcallnoman pourc fatber 'oponj crtb,fo? one is pour fatberwhicbis in beam ^etber be pe calleb matters, to? one is pou re matter , euen Ctopft . tyt tbatiSgrcatcft *xuh.r««,(,amonge poi^fljalbe pourc fcruaunt.nSut * ****** wbofoener cfaltctb W felfc c fbalbc brought lowc.3nbbctbatlmmblefbbimfclfe,foalbe exalteb. fctoofcntopou^mbeSftpfjari* feS,pe ppocritc* , foj pc (butt *p tbc Bpng« Dome of beauen before men* pc netber go in pour f elueS, nctjjer fuffr e pe t pern ttmt come, to enter in. too tmto pou &cribcS J ftpuarifcS, pe ppo mtcS:fo?pebcuourewpbDowesboufeS:ab tbat Wiber a pretence of log c pjaper : tber f o= re (ball pe be 0}i fojer pnnpfibeb. too be Unto pon gbcrpbcsanb #IjarifcS, peppocrpteS:fo?pccompa(rcfcc anb lanbe, $3* tomaacone=t^pjofcIprc:ft wbcnbciS beco- me one , pe malt* jjpm two folbc moarc tlje cijploeof&tu.tljenpc pourc (clues nte. too be "onto pon pe blpnocgpoes, ffojpe fapc.-wbofocucrborbfwcare bp tbe temple.- ittSnotl)i?ngc:but wbofocuec fwearctb bp tbc golbe oftbc tcmple,l)eiSgpltpe.woo= less b\intomo$wmw is greater: $ goto, ot tbe temple tbat fauctifpetb tbe golb.' 3nb wbofocucr fweatcrfc bp tbe aultre, it j'Sno= ■ tbingebut wbofocucr fwearctb bp tbe gpft tbat ts Wjon it, be iS giltpe. pe f oles ft blpnb fot wbether iS greater (.wifffthm f altare tbat fanctiftetb f gpft .'toboio tbcrfojc fwc= aret& bp tlje aultrcfwcarctbbp it,anb bp all tbiugcS tbat are t&ere on. 7t no wbofo fwca « (jr retb bp tbe f emplcfwcaretb bp it , a bp bpm */t}af.t»A tbatbraelletb tbcri. * 3Bnb be tbat J\»earetb bp &cauc\ ftneareeD bp t&e feate of *£ob, ano bp&pmtbatfpttetbtbcrom too tontc pou Scribes $ #IjarireS,pe ppo critcS:*ifo?petptbmpnt,anbanpfe,?com mpn,« fcaueleaft tbe wapgbticr matters olf tbe lawe:iubgcment,mercp> 9 faptl) . ^befe ougbt pe to banc bone,? not to leaue f otber tmbone.pe blpnbe $piK$, w&icb ftrapne out agnate twalo toe a Darnell. too tonto pou & ct pbes anb pbar tfcS, pe ppocriteS:foj pe matte cleanetbe titter (roe of tlje cupjje,gs of tbe platter.butuntljin tljep are fall or bjpber p anb ejecefle. 'fcbou blpnbe fHwflMMefftft t&at M ij$«6 m t&e cup splatter, tbat tbe 0uteQ>oe of eft* mape mmmu lie dcane alfo.' * too tmto pott &ctpbcSft ptinrtTc^pcppo ** u ^Mi crites.foitpcarclpBctonto paintcb fepulcretf tvbtet) in bebeappcare beaut* full outwarbe burarewptbrnniUofDccb mens boncSffof alifpitbpncs.eucTopcairo,OHtvxinrblpeap pere rpgl^tcous Dnto men: n8ut wptljin , pe arcfuUoffapuebnefleanbiiUquptc. *too \)nto po u Scribes anb #barifeS»pe tm.tt 9 ppocriteS:pe buplbc tlje tombes of tie ^?o» pbctes , anbgarnpfihe t^e fcpulcM of tde $> rvgbteons,* fape.pf we bab bene in $ bapctf of our fatbers, t»e tsjolbe not baue bene par- tencrsvoptbtbcmintbebloube of tijej&to- pUetcS.3Bnb ro*pe be wptneffes bntopoure m Vhttlolbenot.'26eMDe*pourc&oure tt left *•*•• \)ntopoubefolate.jfo?3 rape Unto pou : pc Cbnllnotfemcbencefonb, tpU tbat pc fapc *bleiTcb;S0c,tbatcommett) intDc namcof ivm , mi tbeiojbc. |^ ju-fif.1. sr^ CW.W««.Clwpeer. CChjpO 0)tn)«bl)pB^ftjjp!c8 tlje octttiicrpon of tfie rtmplctftcenocof tfttttojloc « «>c tosciifl of titc laitce Baprfl.ano ttanietfttUtm to tt»4ftf,fc> tdc ujdjIdc «»al! loociup pcrpiGpe. iJb 3cluS went out>$ beparteb from 3 tbetemple:»*|)psbtfcpplcs came to *«wf5* 6im,fo,ttoibet»e|)im tUe bplbpgess ** ffM ' «i iye temple.iefus fapbe Unto tl)cm:^e pc itorautbefctptteS.''5llerclp3fapct)ntopoB *tbertballnotbe|)erelcfteone ttone man #Mm>* anotber,t|iat iball not be bettropeb. . 3nbasbefae VipSmount m&tteM#n(? Jctplesicame tonto Dim recrctlp , laping : Uell fmWjmtteUMwtte® t»bat ujal= beptoftf of tDpc8mpng$ of tjje tnm of t&e tjMlbanb 3e W0 anltoereb, anb fopD tonto tbe:* taac tiebe.f no man beceane pob . itoi *&M8f fi* manpfballeoiiiieinmpname,fapmge: 3am *■*** Cb?pft:f Qjall beceauemanp .pe (ballbeare of roarres^ttbinges of tjoafeeSj benottwu bleb \ ^toj.alN (twftturngw) mnft come to ** paffe jmar.tiif.tj ^.m.rn.B. ♦&JIII.K.3 xmMm> paffe.bBt t\yz enbe is not ptt * Ration mail mi.f. epfcagapnft nacion.anb realmeagapnft re* alme.anbtber(balbcpeftilence,?bBger,anb ertbquakes in all placc0,$U tljefc are m be= gpnnpngesoffo^owes. * (we * *fpn tyall tbcp put pou to troublc,anb fiSSf S wU KP»Pou:^ pe foalbc bate b of all nacios Johj&.a. fojinp names fiiltc. 3nbtbcna)all manp be oftenbeb,^ (ballbctrape oncanotber,d (ball bate one another . %nx> manp mile p;opbc= ,ttfi«! tctf mall arpre^OJallOcceaue manp.* Sn " , "' ' becaufcimqutteniaiibauctbetopperbanb.c !lU nnb lou . e of mai| P * nU <1farttc - * 2B5ut be tbat e nbu * mm> u ret b to tUeenbctbe fame malbe lafc. * 3nb ^ tbis aofpcllof t^t ftpngbomc fbalbe mm* cbcb in all tbe wojlbe.foj a UJptncS »nto all nacpons,anb tben 0)all tbc enbe come. . ttoben pe tbcrfo^e mail fe tbeabbomina- cton nfbefolaciof tbat was fpofte"of bp*Da» mel p p.iopbctjttanbein tbe holpplacc:\x)bo= foreabctbitlctbimtonbecftanoe.'Cbenlctt tbem TObpcbbem3crojp,ftpc into tbe moun tapneS.3Pnb let bpm tjjbpcb ison tbc JMmfe toppe,not come bot»ne to fct enp tbingc out oftotJOBfc.^etbcrlcttjim wbpcl) ism tbe felbe.rcturnc bacltc to fctcbe biSclotbes. too (balbe in tbofe bapcS to W fare xt> cbpitie, 9 to t\)l p gene fucBc. 26ut pjapc pe tbat poure ^flpgbtbenot^intbcwntcr,netbetontbe ja>abotl)bape.jfo^tIjenft)albe great tnbula *a>4«f.t«.8.ci6S*fuclje as wasnot fens f bcgpnmng of tbc wo^lbc to tbtStpme,noi (balbe. 5e?ej;» ccpt tbolc bapes (bulbe be (bo?tencb , tijere v^ fbulbe^rnoftc(bebcfaneb:but Htfrifa ♦,.«• , M f fcnJJ wfte,toofc bapes fbalbe mojtencb. SibS.c. * nn pf enp man rape mito pou : lo here iS Cbjpft, 0? tbere : bcleue it not . $o$ tljcrc **,n,r rti, ^»«^vrcfalfcCb?pttcs,anb falte wm= S«' tcS*ano (ball aicw great miracles , ft won* meS.3n?omocb(tbaf pf it were poUpble) p \3eric clccte fliuib be bcceaueb:bebolb, 1 ba iictoloepoB before. toI)crfoie,pft()cp um <£ t)utopou:bcl)olDc,bcts'in tjje befcit.gonot pe fojtb:bebolb, 6c Mf fccretplaces, beleue it nor. ffo.i as tl)e IpgbtnpngecSmetb out of tpm&M apuearctb into tlje wett: fo ujail tlje compnge ortDe fotttte of man be. m.mrt.0 * St 0? wbercfoeucr a becb uarftas iS.etten i'S'Lc tJWfr* wpllpeglesalfobegatbcrebtoge* i-n.rri.e ' t()er.3mmebiatlp * after tl)c trtbalacponS wto.f. of tbofe bapeS,wall f fonne be Oct bencb; ft f moonemallnotgeueberlpgbt,anb?ftarrcs (ball fallfrom bcau^.a tfjc powers of fteaucii ttiall be moucb3nb tben (ball appcarcfto= bcb of the fonne of man m beauen . 3inD tben (ball all p ftpnrebes of tbeearth mourne ,anb mtm, w? mall fe^p fonne of ma" compng t p clou *|wt.t«.n. bes of beauen, wptb power ft grcatc clonic* ,s,tta,,**' as in tbc bapes: tbat went befoietbe 8oub> tbcp bpb catc anb banboftbc8tncc . If ij 1 tljCMlapc*.&ot&cfolpmjc fapbe tonto the . wpfdgeuc to* of pourc oplc:fo2 ourc lampc* are gone ouuSut the wpfc nnlwcrcb, fapin 25gc:npf fo.lcft tbcrbcnotpnougb foj to0ano pourtutgopc rather to them that fell, «bp fm pour (clticsf.3MD wbPll tbcp wt"t to bye, m typbgr omc canter tjjtp that were rcabp wet fit with torn to tDc manage , « tbc sate wa*ft)ut top. Sfterwarbc came alfo pother *jtt.«.t>jY.f. toirgin*,faptng:*lojbe,Lo2bc,opcnfoto0. 25iJtbeanfwcrcb itctalftc0,fopigc:&ir, tbou belpucrcbft ton tomffpuctalenrc0:bc&oiDc,3baucgapneb wttbtbefpue talented moo: ty8 102b fapbe tonto bim: well tbou goob anb faptbfull fcr- uaunt . ^boti baft bene faptbfull oucr fewe f binge* , 3 t»Pllmafjc tbe ruler oucr mam tbingcsicntce tbou into t^tioye of tW L02- be.tye alfo that babrcccaucb two talented, eamcanb fapbe^ic.tbou bclpucrcbft tonto mctwofalerc0:bcbolbc,3bauewonctwo other talcntc*witbfbem:bi0iO2b fapb ton tobtni:T»fll80oD?faptbfullferuaut.'grboii baft bene faptbfull ouer fewe tbtge0. 3 will tnaae tbc ruler oucr manp tbingc* : entcc p 1 intotbciopcoftbpH02be. p. -. 'fcben be wbpcb bab receaueb the oncta* u let, came,? fapb:g>it 3 ftnc we the p tbou art anbarbeman : reaping wberetbou baft not f owe> gathering wbere tbou baft not ftra= web,anbtberfo2ewa*3afrapbe,$wet,anb bPD tpp talet in tbe ertb : lo, tjjere tbou baft P thine i*. loi* lo?b anfwercb 9 fapb tonto bim r&ou cupn $ aoxot^Ml fernanne ,tbou 6nc= weft.^3 reapemtjercj fo web not,^ gather, wbere 3 baue not ftcawco : p ougbteir tfjcr= toietobauebelpuerebmpmonep to tbeer* cbaunger*,s tbenntmp commpngc ftmlbe Jbaue receaueb mpne awne witb bautage. ma; .uti %sh £^ tonto cucrp one mt\mtb ibaJbegeuen; anbbe(baUbaneabounbancc:2i6ut ne that DatU no^frObpmCbalbetaKenawape.cucn tljat wm jjcDatD.^nb cafttlje \jnpzofpta= ble rcruafttmto totter bcrclmc0*thcrc tbal- &*m bewepingcanbgnafibingcoftectb. ,"**"* **U)flcn tijc foniic of man c8mctb in W * vsm alo^cjalltbcbolpangeljjiwptbbim, tben i«illbcfpttoppntDcfcatcof!)p^gio?ic,anb , before bun (balbc gatljcrcb all mtcti*.*3iiD * mm be m I feparate tbem one from anotljcr , a* m atbepbcrbc beupbctbtbe fticpcfretbe goa= tctf. anb be-all fct t\yt Qjepc onbpitf rpgbt Jmnbe.buttbe gontcsioii tbc Ipfte. %U (ball tbc ftpnge fape to M pqiaiue onto* rpgbte baube:Comc pe blcftcb of mp father, inheret tbe lipngbome^p^epareb fo? pou feo the be- *Wm gpmungcof tDe wo^ibe. * mimmW- SfrStff grcb, 5 pe gau e me meate.3 was( thp^ft pe , * pegaucmcb ( iincBe.3wai8bccbourleire,$pe toae me imMM,9 pe clothcb mt: * 3>icke *imm $ petoifptebmc.*! wag in pjcron,anbpeca= tmm me tonto mdtW Ml tbc rigbteoutfanfwc 3D tebimfaping:i,o;b,wbf fawewetbean 05 greb,anb mn the.^o? tbirfti»e,» gaue f frtfn* mum fawc we p berbo^lcact toobc fin' m naftcb.anb clotijeb tbej'o? wbc fawc we? fpcke,oiimp?cfon,anb came tonto tbc mm the ftpng ihall antWere.ab fape tonto tljent: ^»erplp3 fape tonto pou.'inafimocb a* pc ba- nc bone it tonto one of f iceft of tbcfc my b2C=> tb?cu,pe baue bone it tome. J hen qjaii be fape aifo tonto tbem , tbat Qjalbe on tbe Ipfte banb: * beparte from me . Mir , IM4 pe curfeb * into eucrlaftpnge fp^c: wbpcb i0 Sff p^epareb fo? the beupu ab bwnng cW.ffoj3 »«' '. wa*anbungreb,aub pegaue me no meatc. tBSSS jwastbtrftpcaubpe gaucme nobipnbe. **"»* 3 wa* barbo?Icu"c , anb pe tohe me not in. 3 wa*naUeb,anb pe clothe* me not. 3 wa»t ®%i * in P^cfon.anb pe toitVtcb me not. ^henftallt|)epalfpanfwerc Dim faping, lo2be, wltf fawc we pan bugrcb, 0? a tbp«gft ; \lciie aiioputctb £»wft . ffbtp eat tOctfJaftcrUmbe , £\nvttt mm fli (be fl-irotn , 3uDdobctrapenipym,s»cttc imptirtl; Of ^Ualtus carc,fl;bipftj8«tcuf»o»>pfdlfett)PWCireB,»c(fW)r 3 npaoornri iSb itcametopaffc wbf 3cfw* ; ^abfpnifibcball tbefefapingeisi n . * fapbe tonto hi* bifcpple*; .* ^pcbtiowc^ after two bape* %mm (balbecafter, anb tbefonne of •* ww P?eftc*^thcfcrpbc0 9 the clberjaiof tfiepco» pie tonto the palace of the hpe pjcfte, ( wtoc!) wa* callcbCapplja*) anb belbca couufcll, thattbepmpghttaBc3efu*bpf l itteltc,anb ^vWn\ .mt thep fiipb:not onp bolp bape, left there be an topjotirenmonge the people. mm* ■ JDJjn * 3efu* wa* in 26etba up, m the 3«n,Hu l)oufeof^>imon^leper,tbercametontohim mm a woman* banpng a n a laba ft cr bojte of p?e» riou* opntment , anb po w*eb it on hi* ^tti), a*hefrtteatthcbourDe.i5utwbcnbt0i)ifv-i- glesifaweittbephabiitbignncpon^ipinge. , roherto fcrueth tm waft r %m opntment 1 mvsJ)t baue bene well foibc, anD genl to the poo?e.U)be3efu* tonberftobe that , be fapoe tonto them: wfjp trouble pe the woomoYtf 02 Cr.rtm.b ^'Kh^oneoftbetwclueC which waitfcal= $2$m !eb3wba03fearroth;wenttonto?cbefcp2c= fte0,anb fapb tonto tijem: what null pe ocue ine,anb3wpHbelpucrI)tmtontopou.' ; 3nb thepapopnteb tonto bprnthpitppece* of fpi= nee.2lnbfratbattpmefo2tb,hefougbtopo2= tunitetobetrape^im. fiS:;.f b , J^tieWbapcoffwctcb2eeb,tDcbifci a mmm pi fS (cameto3cfu*,fapinge tonto bim: where Wiltthou that we prepare foz the, to eatc cfje " £j+ ^patteouerr 3nbbe fapb: go ito thecptte, $Wiii to focbea m^.anb rape tonto htm, the matter ffapetb:mp tpme i* at bab,3 will ftepe mpne €aftcrbptbe,wptbmpbifciple0:3Bnb^bi- f«ple*bpba03efu0hab apopntcbtbe" , anb m-^ thepmabcreabptbepaffcouer. fSSSr *V»bcntbccucwa0coine,bc(htebottne wpth the t wclnc . 3nb a* t\)ty t>yn tate , be mum fapb:©crelp, 3fapetontopou, tbat*oneof pou (ball beteape me . atttb tbep were cjccea= bpnge fozowfull , anbbegannc cucrp one of tbem to fapctontobim:ilLo2b,i0it3i'feeanf= wcrcb anb Hi pbc:bc tljat bpppct^bp* haubt <£ with me in tbc btfibe, the fame (ball betrape i»w.jtu,u me. ^'Sbc fonne of mantrulpgoetb, a*iti* Wfittcn of bim : but wo tonto that man , bp Whom tlje fonne ofmani* befrapeb.jlthab bene goob f 02 f ma", if he bab not bene boine. 'Chen 3uoa0 which betrapebhf.anfwcreb, nnbfapb;mnfter,i0 it 3*ioe fapbe tonto bim: p haft fapo . tybaii thep wete eatpng, jaa tofteb2eab,ano wba bebabgcugtbanltc^bc Mmu b.2aReit,?f gau&ittop" bifciple0,(j fapb:*^:a SSStt Re,eate,tbi0i0mpbobp.?CiibhetOKc?cup^ ' tbSbeb, anb gaue it tbe,lapingc:b2fcRe pc all Ofthi0.5fo2tbi0i0mpbloub(wbicbi0oftbc new tcftamcnt)thati0(bebfo2 manp , fo$p rcmiffpon of fpnuc* . 2$uf 3 fape tonto pou.- 3 will not bfpnene hence f 02th of tbi* frutc of the topnetrce, tontpllthatbape, when 3' {ball b2incUe it newc with pou in my fa tljcrj* Kpngbomc. *^nb wh^thepbab fapbe grace, tlity\xct **»**» out tontomofit HDltucte. 'Chenfapethlcfiij: tontotlj?:allpeO)albeoffenbebbecaufeofine , MrtMB» 't i0 wmt't-- * 3 will fmptt SK tbctbepcbcrbc, ??(bepeoftheaocfte fynlbe fcatteccbabioabe . 25utaftct3am rpfcna= g m * ^ben came Mtttim tonto a farmc. * placeC which i0callcbC5cthfemane;3bfapt)c tontothebifciple0:fptpeberewbik3gcanb P2apc ponber.^nb he tone with bim laetcr anb tbc two fonnc0 of jcbebe , anb began to wejee fo2owfull anb bcupc.^he fapbe 3cfiw tontothe:*mpfoulehi0hcup,euentontothe*^ 3 c^ bccth. / Carppehere:anbwatcbc«Smc.^nb• ,,0, " , ' t "• !)cwetalptcllfarthcr,abfcUflntonhi0face, anbpiapcb , faptngc : ©mp father , pf it be M u t pomble,*lettbi0cuppcpalfcfrome : neucr-- jBRfiS' thele(Tc,not p a03will,buta0i)wilt.anDl)c came tonto p birciplc0, « founbe them adepe, anb fapetb tonto jbeter: what, coulbc ye not watch withmeonehoure.watchcabpiapc, that pe entce not into tcptacpon.^be fpie= **w«m tci0wiUiuge,bui:tbeftefbei0weabe, *m art , w , *ftcwentawapconceagapncabp2apcb, *""*****• rapigc, sD mp father, pf f bt0cuppe rnapc not paffcawapcfrommcejcccpteSbmicHcofit, tbPWillbcfulfpllcb.^nbhccame.anbfouDc the aaepcagapne. jf oz their cpc0 were hcup, Jnb oclcftctbefr wentagapnc , anb Wfto PJbP^btpmc,fapingcpfamcwo2bc0. ; (irjicii cometb hcto hi* Mfciplc* , anb fapetb tonto the^>lcpcounow,anbtaBcpourcreft.25c= Nbe,t|jehourei0athanDe^ffonneofma I0bctrapebintotheh<1bc*offpnner0. apfe, <& lctto*begoingc:be^lDe,bei0athanoe ) that.ffi^^ botbbctrapcme.*U)hilhepctfpane:lo:3u= * ***** ba*oneofthenomb2c ofthctwelue.came « with htm a great emultit mM fwcaror^ito ftaue*, fent from tbc cbefe p2cftc0 anb clocrtf of the peopie.isnt \)c } bctrapeb bun gaue the a toacii,(iipmge: wi;omfoeuer 3 bpffe , that fanici*hc,holbhimfaft.3inbfo2thwitbbc eaincto3cfu0,anbfapbf,haplca)after:anb ftp(rcbbmt.3nb3cfu*fapbctontbbim.fren= bcwherfo^cartthoucomc.^h^eamcthcp, am la peb banbe* on 3efu0anb toue him. A n 5 bc 6o CDe > one of them whpch were With3eni0,ftretcbcb outh^habcano owe bt* fwcarbc, anb ftrofoc a fcruaut of the hpe 35b t) picfte, :\ •T y Cl)C<£ofo **. 9 ar ' «. t*gg»^nrffc» tbattaactbefwcarbe, feW 2S3i WIW0t " otM WW to m? fatbcr , anb Vn jJ&*«B*wetnt*<««ii»&> mojc tbeu twclue ^cftrtptuwtfbcfulfpUcDi'fo^^fljigtniiftit *,« bc •?" ^t fame bourc fapbc icfun to tfte a t^jefc, tutt DtujnrDcs: nnt> 0aiic js, f o? to tnlte SiBS. 1 "' W V«iJ PC tone me not. * 2i>ut aH thin & r 1 , . **L> tW *¥ ftrtPtu wn of tlje wopbcteS zmtiHi* JoJlbHf bf ,anoflceo.31UD tbep tofct jjtlufts up mm to tmm f bpe mat , vSm # ©enbenanb pclbcrn wereaffcmbleb . *5ut jpcter foloweb Dim a farre of , unto tbe bPe WM palace : a- went in , anb fate witb toe feruanneefcto fe tbe cnoe. ""•*«* tSSuf !,f .„ £** •• PN**i» 4r elbcm, ano 3£«s : (fojtoputbpm tobeeflubut founbe 22$SHF niim ? falfc witneucn came, JSfcKS* 9** not,e • ** * *«** «me two Sfe "* V K' ^ tamable to oeftro r . r .*«. F *«np*w, ^ar.„«,f ttobupioe ttngapnein tiwc bape* *3S SSSL^SAf^PV f" Uiijpoo tbcfc bcare wptnen agamft toe < aSut jefaa bclbe hvt «mmu peace. * M Hie cbcfc picftc anMcrcb an* fapbepnto bint: 3 cbaege tbe bptbc Ipmnge gop»rtboutrtiw,tt)bctbfttboubeci«a &«£R °^%3efttt( ftwtb tmto bpm , *m***4 ? ou %fl fa ?° • .^cucrtljclcffe 3 faye bnto a*B,** Pon * hereafter Iballpc fetbefonne of man fringe on f right banbe of powcr,anb com mpnTiitthcclonDcstoftbcfltve. *m, m* *j m f bpc pjeft e ret frs clot&cn, faplnge: bebatbfpoRenblafpbempe.wbatnebcweof Of a rbc btf blafpbcmp; what tbtne ye <"£bep antwereb , anb fapbc : be m wojcbp to ope! Jfiffig fPP«m big face, <*buffe= teb bim witb ft ftcn. 3nb otber fmote bun on W face TOPtft tbe palme of tfieir banbeg, miSE?^. 1 ??* 9*. t««>epalace.3nba ES^Fi^^'^^S^^ualfowaft Wf?t(mnfmam.m mwtn before tWaU,(apmci.3 wootnotwbattbon lapeft. W be wagfione out into tbe po#, a no= tb« : wencbj : fame Unt. anb fapbi: bnto tbcm tbatwcretbere^bigfelowewagalfowttb jelutf of Bajarctb. 3lnb agapne be Oenpeb ^SS^F f *9H* '* 3 bo not anowe tbe ma. anb aftci a wbpiei came t)iitobl>*/tt«^ tbe.^bcn begamiebe to curfc anb to fweare, '" ' tbatbcltncujenot tbent$.2Hnbmnnebtotlv 1 * t it c J 0C & R J^-?»«?J^««wmfmb?ebtbe *m m \ mm ,of Jefti, wbicb fapbc ^nto bnn.befoje tbccocKCcrowe , tljoiiilwltbenpemettovle: aiibbcttJcntout,anbweptebpttcrIp. M C^be-WWi-dbaptet, gctbbpm rrUt.jrbjpacuttucpfrco amonsctbc* ««ro.5S>c Dpcio am 10 uutpto,«)atci;incu uepetbe ftenfmopmnae wai«co= 3H tne,aUtIjeebefepjcfteiB(ilb *»w^ tbertbcr ? oftbepeoplebcu fig^ beaeoufapicaflapnft3e= ftitf, to 1 putbim to bcetb,i!b b?oup;btb(mbounbe*anb SSRSf bclvuereb Wm\jntol0on= m hw: i»i. ^ ^ cmg Opiate tbe Debtee. WJe.anb toought agavne tbe tbtrtre platen Woub.ainbfbep fapb:Wbati0tbattobfli'' S»c tbou to tbar. anb be caOl oo wite the M* per platen (n tlje temple, anb beparteb * anb S.W ttrntanbbanflebbpmfeife. ^ * -SSftftffi PKftcntoHetbcfphierpia- ; ten anb fapb:it m n ot lavmli foj to put them into the trrnfure, becaufe it it m p*pce of blonb. Z nb tljep toUe counfell. anb boiiflbt tf tbemapottetn felbeto burp ftraunaern in. feibe of bloub , bntpii tb in ba ve . %btn txwn tH!fpUeb,tbatwbiebtxjanfpoRen:y^bp3e=*^ f£ m £tti£]BJopbet, fapinfle : * anb tfop tone **«»■»« tbirtpeu>incrnIatcn,tbepifPfeofbim?wan St l 2?^ WtoBJtof tbe cbvlb^en of m 3iwrt»anbflnuetbcmfo?tbepotternfelbe, SL . antbe io^beapopntebmc.*3mnftobebe« USSf ^etbtb^^nbtbebcutea^tb^^j^ JWi22*bOtttbe bpns of tbe 3ewenr3r fun favetbXintobim:^bou{apeaa!nbSjbenbe wanaccufeb of tbecbefep^cften* elbern, be fentbev lapeasapn(rtpe."*anbbtanfwereb bfmtoneuerawo?be.mfomoc|)tbattbebex bptemarnepiebgreatlpe. *^« M <« *atttwtfeall,tbebebitewantoonfeto oeipnct Mo tbe people a pjefoner , wbom tbeptDolbbefwe.^ebabtbcnanotable p#= ' foncr.calleb ffiarraban . 'ftberfoje, nKn ffSJSS* sat&cceb toflctbec, pilate fapb: pouj' j5arraban>M3erun, wbpcb iff calieb *»*" £SJS ft ^ 0? ^*nwwHo>enuit tbep bao oeipuerebb»m. ^Sf^^atrtiebj Wen be wan fet bo wue to gene iub(ie= ment. bm wpfe fent bnto bim mm : bane g notbfffe to bfl iwitb pmtt m. 1t o? 3 baue fnffereb manp tbingen thin bape in mp flepe Lmi,^ becaufe of bim. * ttutttecbefe p^eftcn anb iftcwrti* tbccibernpcrfuabeb tbe people, ^tbeplbulbc J «p affte 2i6arraban,ab beftrope 3cfun . 'ftbe be^ ■ biteanrixicrcb.anbfapocuntotbc: whether I o^0Ctwapne,waipe,tbat3ietloou"cbnto Mmn au Vou.^btPfapb: * J5arraban. ^Hatefapbe |t/iw,iu l » ttntotbeni: * wbat(bnli3bo then with 3c= ■ fun wbPcb in callebCb^ft.^brp all favo ■ "onto bun : let U be crucifpeb. Hty Debtee fap= ■ bc:WbatcupU bath be boner fl5ut tbepccpeb f| . tbfmo?e,fapmgc:Jetbimbccrucifpeb.tDbcn ii ate fawepbecouioe p?euaplc notbinge, tit tbat tno^e bufpnen wan mabe , be tofte I water , anb waftbeb ty$ banben before the I pepple,favinse: 3am innocft of tbebloub of I fbtf intt pirrfon , pe ujall fe . -^ben anfwereb ■*i«c».o.c all tbcpeopie.anb fapb*bin bloub be on tin, ■tiMctM anb on oure e bflbien . t%i)m\tt be25arra* ■j«Mriii.o Das! loofc bnto toem.anb fcourgeDlerug, I anb belputreb bim to be crucifpeb. I^w.rt.t. ■ # 'Cben tbe foubcourn of tbe Debite tofte I 3efuninttiecomenbau\anb gatberebDnto I bimaltbetompanp. Knbtbcpftrippcbbim, ( anb put on bim a purpil i robe, anb plattcba I ceouneof tbo?nenanb put upon Wtrnn , Hb I a rebe in bin rpgbt bnnbe: anb bo web f nncc I b|fp;e buti^mocnebbllaping: baple, ftpng K pf tbelicwen.aub wban tbep bab foptt bpo | bim, tbep tonetb* wbe, anb fmote bim on tbe I ycto. to* ^"S^crtbattbepbabmocKebbim.tbcp I toUctbe eoabcotbimagapne,anb putnpn awnerapmenton bimon) bim */mr.rt>.b tbepcopcUebtobcarebincroffe. *3nbtljep mm* came unto tbe place wbicb in calieb d5oicto= rbacf isi to fape,a place of bceb mfnfcullcn) anb gaue bpm toeneoerto bjincnempngleb witb gall3nb when be m tafteb tbe rof, be wolbcuotbtmcbe. I , ^Dcn tbep bao crucifpeb bim,tbcpparicb bin garments hvt> caft lotten:p it mpant I, be fulfpllcb wbicb wan fpoften bp m &io= mmm»W tif WW9«toA mpgacmStcnamoge mm*, mm : anb topon my Mtttuti tyb tbep caft mm lotten.3inbtbcpfatc anbwatcbcb bimtbe= ^£uh.tti«.cre,anb*fct\jpoucrbinbccbthecaufeofbpn mt» bectb,t»?pttcn:'Ebin^3efuntbeRpngeof i*«iat.irti.c tbc3eujen.*'Cbenweretberetwo tbeucn if {•'f"' trucifpeb witbb»m,onc on tbe rpgbt banbe, ^anbanotberontljclpfte.. *R>at. F to.c *^bcp tbat paffeb bp.rcuvlcbbim, wag= ** MHI,A 8Pm tWv beaben , anb fapinge : tbou tbat beltropbeit tbe temple of <&ob anb hvnuttt *»atnft*. bplbcit inttec bapen,fauetbp fe!fe*3f ebon be the fonne of <&on , come bownc from tbe crone, line wpfe alf o f bpt p^clfen, niocnfg 5fo.]cim « > ^im »)itbgfi)cribenanb elbern fapber^e fa- ucb otber.bim felfc can be notfauc.jf be be $ apngeof3frael:letbimnowcomebounefro tbecroffe, 9 xoz will beleue bim. * $e trutteb *&mm* in (5ob,ict bim bclpuer bim now,pf be wpll bjnebttttifttt beiapbc, 3 am p fonne of <0ob. pjctbeucnalfo, wbtcb werccrucifpeb witb bun,caft the fame in bin tetbe. onet all t\)t lande \»nto tlje nvntl) bourc.anb »««wwi.e abouttbenpntbbonce,3cfunci:peb,wptba loubebopce,nipinge:f bcr rapbe , let be : let \>n fe w&etber laciian will corner bclpuer bi. 3efun, wbanbehabcricb agapne vo a loube \jopce, pelbeb \>pf goolr. anbbebolOe,f*tjapleoftbetemplebpb? mar ^^ rent into two partcn, from tbe topjuc tom' Mm,smt bottotne,anb tbceartbbpbquaac.'anb m ponen rent anb grauen Hpn open: anb manp bottpcji of lateen wbicb flcpt.aroft:,* went outoftbegraucnafterbinrefiirrcccpon.anb came in to tbe bolp cptic, anb apprarcb wi to manp.* M)^tn tf>c €tntmion anb tbcv tbat *n»4»J were wifb Dim watebingc3efun,(awe m **«" t « crtbquahe, ano tborctbuiges which bappc- S!5iW wrCD £«atip,rartp;: 'Srulpe, tljtjS wan tbe fonne ofeob. *3nb manp wemen were there { bebol* *iteRtt« btngcbpmafarrcof) wbpcb foloweb3cfttn Jlate ' wu,,B fr6^alilc,mvniftrtngc\)nto bim . amoncrc t»bicbtXJana>irp migoalen , anb mmp§ mother of 3amcnanb 3ofcn, anb tbe mother of jebebcncbplb.«n.n)ben fcuen was come ^ *• tbcre came a ricbe man of Ht&mMa aa- &,«,„„ meb3ofepb, wbicbalfo wan3cruCbifciple. ffiKJj ge ; went to plate anb bcggebtljc bobp of 3,0?M, -" t -« 3ef un.'Cbcn plate commaunbeb tbe bobvc to bebelpucrcb.anb wbonjfofepb babta« bentbebobp,bew^appebitinacleanclrn= nen clptft, anb lapeb itiubpnnewctombe, t»bvcb be bab be wen out , euen in t^e roefcr, anb rollebagrcate (tone to tbe bote of the ftpulcrcj bepacteb.3nb tbcre wan * 4^arp ^« it &< a)agbalcnc anb m otber mm fpttpngc mKMtm oucr aga pnfte the fepulcre . •ftbe ncjrte bape tbat folowebgr^t be bape of pi eparinge, tbe ^ bpc jueff en anb fcbarifen came together M\\- ^* topiate.ntpcng^p^wercmcmbiicjtbat tbinbeccauer fapbc wljpie be wan pctalpur* * mt *W ° c a W*3 » VU arp fe aga yne.Co ^ffi^ «,, ,• maunbe tberfo^e that tbe fepulcre be mabe"" b fure bntpll tbe m* bape , left bpn bifciplcn tg%L . come, aftealebtmawapcanbfaytDntotbt ™'* mr ' people: be (n cpfcnfromtbe beeb, ^tbclaft ret out ftalbc wo^fe tjjentlic fp^ft . ftpiate WW T' » fepdeuntofbem^efaanerljewatcligoponr wape, tnato it atf fore a0 pe can . ibo thep ttcne, aim mate the fepulcrc litre with wat chcmen>8nbfcalebtbeftone. £ HC h,c ®ofpell •*» juftt.rjsHifl a MtotOpa •nofniott }&onam>3rcucmngofrbc*c ftone fra the bqje.anfafatupo it. $p0coantcnaunce wa0 lPBelpghtnpngc,anbftt0rapmcntwi)pfca0 f no we.$no foj fcare of Dim the neper* were ^„ Mk aftounped.anbbccamca0iieebmcn. SSSiSSr* * ^angellanlwcreb, sfapbUntotbe ttemcu > fearcpenot.#oOfmowe,f>pefeBe 3efo0 which wa0cnitffpeb:be 10 notbere:hc m ttrpfenaa he fapbe.Comcle p place where $ ^PlmouMiBSlapcO^soquiclii^tteUttfiBtm* pple0, p he t0rpfcn agapne fro the deco.^tiD bcbolb, he goetb before poutto€>altle .there mnm* WW wp-lo 3 hauc (oloe pon: fc jtw(.Mj,.,,b, >^ * 3nb thepbepartcb quicMp from the fepulcre, with fcarcanb gceatc 3ope , » bpb runnc,totypnghi0btfeiplc0wo;ibe.3nb80 tbcp we"tto tcUhigbifciple&'.bebollbe , 3cfu0 mc«l^ 1 fapi!igcaHftaple.ai!iithcpc«ine,f JclDJimljpthcfcte^ujo^ppetihim.'Che &y fap&3efu0Untotbe\-bcnotarrapbe. e<^C5o tellmpbieth^.^bcpsowto^alilef there tyalthepfcmc.ttbethepwerfgonc.licholb, £ fomeof the heper0 came into t&ccptfeff roe* wcDUntothc wwfa$> all j*thmge0 that nabhappeneb. atnbtbep gathered w toge* tber with the elbcr0, ^tofte tmntm, <* gaue lat§emoncpuntoffoubiec0,{aping:$)ape pe, v W mtoM came bp npg fat $ (role hpnt a wape wbplc peacpt.amb pf cbtacometo § ruler? carc0, we wtllperfuabe htm, anbfaue pouharmele0.gi>o theptoae f monep , s bpb a0 thep were taught . atnd thttf fapinge 10 nopreDamoge?3ewc0Untothi0dape.i« 2> *^benchej)Mciple0w£tawapelnto 0aiuc,ito a mout apne where M«jj hab an* popnteb them.3lnb whe" thep fame htm,tbep wojfbfppeb him.Butfomc bouteb.3ffl>3e* *j!««.tw^ J <£ ye tbeefiwe, 9 teach all naciontf , bapti- sing them in the name of the father , i ofthe t0 J? e> * WfWWPW* : 'fccachrtisethS t0 ***. *«« h t bfcr ?! u **«*! wlwtfoeuer 3 bane com ^^"•''"'"maiinbeDpou.anbjo * 3amttjptfpouall= wape,euen\)ntpH^enbcoftbet»o?lDe. h Claereenbetbthe^ofpcllof ^D^athero. ■ CClje^ofptllof ^>.«?ar»e. Cfc&efpjirchapter. & c&ntottmtit'&timtytbtym&bt *>ntvm of ibiplMM faOrnoc , Dps pua(tnmgc , «no tot wfc lPitifofBettt5^i»i«tt', i 31flmt0«3ol)Hj!)eas , Icto tljcmS ItoiH) tUc bttdcattctyut t , Oclpeto lift cw ntotott m Ja w c 3 an D cUnfctu tfjclcpec. ^ebeopnnpnfleofthewr h e 7%L m fawebeaue open^^tbe fp^eteberegbpnse ^ JpSftimlpaeaboue: 38nbtbeecamea tiopce ftom beauen. * ^hou art mp beare fonne m * «w whom3belpte. mmm 3lnbimmebiatlp*f fp?eteb|oue bftn in= jmmui towilberne0:anbijewa0therein#wplbee=Sffi' ne0.xl.bape0,anbwa0temptebof^>atan^ wa0withwiibe beafte0. * 3ltto the anaeW *««#* minpftreb^ntohvm.aifterthatSohn wa0 95f S?ffl ,or ' Up«fib5 of (00b , *fapino;e. ffl.S (hetpmet0come , $ t])e hpngbom of 0ob i0 at banb * repent,anb beleue the d^ofpell. iaM m *%m waltteiabpthefee of d&awe, hefa= Sf(bet0of men » 8nb tcraW , arap fl htwape,thepfoKohetheirnette0,ab aaw foloweb Wm.3inb when be babgonca Iptell further ttencr , befawe3ame0 the fonne of M terjebebe thee?cbebc in the mvP t»ptl) the bp^eb ferua^ unte0 L aub foioweb hpm. **** - * ^"^ thc P wnw tnt0 Capernaum : anb ^ffrepahtwapeontheg>abot&Dapc0. h een= ^k* ^o^o^fvnagoscdtauflht.^nb thep mm uiere aft omipeb at Ijp0 lenrupngc. * jf 01 be " tatwht them 00 one that ftab auctojite. if hot a0toe^cribe0. *^no there wa0in tbeir &inao;orrc a m$ ljejcebwitban\jnclenefpiritc, auDlje crpcb fapitwrc^la0,what baue we to bo witb tfy thou3efu0 of j&ajaretiJ 1 3Hrt tljou come to Heft rope WJ ftnowe the what thou art cue that holp one ofd5ob.38nb 3efu0 rebuheb Ijpm fapinge : holbc tljp peace , anb come out ofthe man . 2Cub whan the tmcleane fpirite bab toarneljim, $ crpeb witb a louoe fcopce, be came out of bim . 3nb tty? were allama- feb , in fo mod) tbat thep be maunbeb one of another amonge tbcm fclne0 fapinge: what tbpngi0thi0/n>hiitneweboctrine i0 twM Jfo? witbaucioittecomaunbeb t^etht fouie fpiritetf , anb t\>cy obepeb hpm . 3tnbimmc= biaflp hi0 fame fp^eb ab?oab though out a U tbc region bo?beringe on <5alile. 3nbfo?th witb, wlja tbep were come out UtfM(.b, oft|)e§>pnagoge * thepentreb into f botife |)ajf,uii.r. of ^>pmon anb $nb?ew , wpib3amc0 anb 3ohn,ne«e S>imon0 mother in lawc lapc fpche of a rener . 3nb anonc thep tell him of her. 3inb he came , % tolte her bp the hanbe : % liftehert>p:fpmebiatlppfcucrfojfoaebV^ ^mempniftrcDWitotbc.^ubatcucnwbcn pfoimewa0bou)ne,tbepb?ougbt^ntol)iiu all that were bpfeafeb, anb them that were B toercb witbbcupltf.^nballtbccpficwatfga thjeb together at f bo?e, ao je Ucalcbmanp ■»Ut.w « ebat were rpcuc of bpner0 befcare0,5b*caft room*. mitnmt ,j, oeitvis, $ fuftrcb not the bcttplgto fpeafecbr eanic thep uncwehim. 3lnb in tbemoinpnget)erpcarlp,3cfu0 (whan he wa0 rpfen \jp jbeparteb , anb wet outtntoafolttarp place , anb there pjapeb. 3anb S)pmon anb tl;cp tbat were wttbbpm, foioweb after hpm. M when thep Jabfo= tmbehim , tlicy fapemtto him :allmenfefte f 0? thc.ainb be fapb mttotljem: let to* go in = to the ncrt townee that 3 mapc p?each tbe=» rcaifo:fo? tbcrfo?eam 3 come.^nb bep?ca= chebintbeir ^pnagoge0, in all ^altle , anb caftthcbeupl0ont. £8S**« *%nb thcr came a leper to him, befecljpn^ " f gcbpm,anbftnclpngbowne,anb fapgg \jn= tohim , pf thou wilt, thou canneft maac me cleaned n& 3efii0habcompa(Tion on hpm, < putbfojtbbi0banbe, tottcbebbpm , f fapetu \)nto him: 3 wpH.be thonelcane.3lnb nffone a0 he nab fooften,immebiatlp the lep^ofpbc* ^ parteb fr8 bim,anb he f eut bim a wape f 02th *mwu* wtth.anb fapeth wtto hpm. * fi>e thou Cape notbpngetoanpmS:butgct the hence , flhe- we tpp felfe ro tpe ^eafte, anb offer fo? tl;p #arke 5fo,rb clenfmge , tbofetf>ingt0 wbpch ej;oft0com= maunbeb, foj a witneffe lonto them . Sat be (affoiteaahe wa* Departed; begaune tonu m«inpthinge0,anbtopublpaic tbe fapenge: iufomocbtbat3eru0coulDcnomoieopenlp entre into t^e cptic, but wag without in De= fertplace0.3:nbthepcametohpmfromeue^ rp quarter. „ CCfrtChapfcr. C*«l)ci!ctrt«)cnunoftf)tp Vrc,?tlioptn(wnui,iiti}ttca(itt>l)(e 1'ftpplcs. if t( r a fea wc Dapc0alfo,hc entreb * into Capernaum agapne , anb it was nopfeb p be watfin t\^t boufe. .— 3fnb anonc manp were gatbereb tosctber , in fo mod; that now there wa0 no rome to rcceaue t^tm , no not fo moche a0 about tbe bo^e.ainb bep4cacbcb the wotfre \)ntotbcm.*2enbtbepcamctntobim,bnn=.*m J frt 8 gtngouefpcltcof ppalfpe wbpcb waa home ***** offowjcmctt.^ubwhcnthepcouiDcaotco:: me npet)ntobimfo;p2eafe, tbep lmcouerrb tberofeoftbeboufetljatbcwaGtn.anbwhc thep nab bjofeen \?p the rofe, ti)cv dpb ( wpth coarbca; let bo wnc the beb whertn tbe fpche of tDi palfpe lape . Ujhen 3efuo fawc their favth , be ft voc Unto the fpene of the palfpe: *foimetbpft>nnc0befo?gcttcnthe. ■«»*« Wefr tber were certapne of tlje ^crthc0 >« fpttinflcthercftbinhtgiiitbcirbertciB.-wbp both he freahe tm>fiblafphcmpe0.<**whoca *?%*« fotgeucfpimc0, l)utc5obonelpr 3tnbtmmc= "'* btarlp when 3cfti0 pcrceattcb iiihp0 fpzete, tbat thep f thought wpth in tbem'felties, i;e fapeth ^utothem: whp tbpnftcpe fori) t\)Uu ccc0 tn pottre hcrtc0 1 Whether ie it clapcr to frtrc to the fpcUc ofthe palfpe: thp fpnnc0 be fozgeuen the : o^to fape , arpfe , tahc Up tljp beb, anb walnc i Wtxt that pc mapc hnowe, that the fonne of man bath power inearth to foigcue fpnne0,befpafte\)ntothe fpcftc of the palfpe:3 fapcUnto tbc: * arpfe, anb taiie *«**.&■ Up tbP becb , anb getthe henfe Unto thpne a- gg-{ b wnehonft.^lnbimmcbiatlpheatofe/tofte Up the beb , anb went fo;tb befojethem all: infomocbthatthcpwcrcallamalcb.^glo^ nfpeb(5ob,faptge: wennierfawcjtontji0 • faftpon. *%nb be went agapne Unto the fee, $ all the people tefojfeb Unto hpm,anb be tn ught tjemjnh as |ef«0 pa ffrb bp, he fa we leup the fonne of 3ilpbc,fptttng at tbereceuteof euftome.anb fiipbc Unto hi .-folowe me. ^nb he arofc , anb foioweb hpm . Snbitcamcto uaOe that whan 3efa0 fate at mcate in M !)oufe,mauppublican0anb fpnners fatealfo together atmeafc wptf) 3efit0anohi0 bifct* pica, tfouhcrc were mani>,Pfolowcbhpm. 3nb when the S>crpbc0aitb pharifea fawe bim cate with publicans anb fpnncr0,tbcp fapbe Unto hi0 bifctplc0: how hi ppenctb it, that he eatcth 9 typnelictb wpth publican* jfcaMr.*. €l)C #ofptH * ■ I anb fyimerfrUftett 3cfuSbcardc f , be fapdc J*J foe wfttjcpthat be wbolchatictio nc= De of t^e |^i)irpciott t buet^cp t^nt arc rvchc. *i.rfa».f.r. *3camenottocall thcrpgbtwpfcbiitfpn ltcrStorepentauncc. £UMtafce *roat„ir.b J-'UUMJ f. wholcntftheothct. * *^iibW)cJ5»bnrffeiDtbcpiitte!),lDaretebt *am wapc flattortt a counccll ( witb them flat be bim . TOv bo tbc bifctple s of joint mid of f 3uric,aitd fmnhcmtaiem^tSSS^Sr * dwelled about «ne. A WSi jSSS HP1 multitude of mfc winch (WbT flRptfffirfte *** %rifcs fait, but thp bifciplcs faft not.and JefaS fapdc Dnto f be: rati tbc eljilbjcn of tbe 3nd3eutScQtnaunded h« aifewrtee : Lwi ;, u VWWM - ,t f '«»«"*■ Mjto^vuBTonic wnnrrmtgcShcbPbJcameDittohimt faftmtbofebapes. & Bo man alfo fowctbapcccof new cloth vitro an oloc garment , els taheth be a wape «... v .... V i W u UIU nii h ni'KuuiuycflWflve prages . «iwo when the Dttciraup ri»i»f**f,r tbc new pecc thcrof from ttjcolbcfr fo IS tbe mM^Sffi^fl^Mm^SS" rent wotfe.2ndnoman poWtbncw wine ^^^^S^^?J 9 S?Jh ism i mop , in fomocb tbat tbcp pjeafed gagtf.anb when tbeDnclcane fp/ete*fa= rent wo?fe.3ndnoman powjetbnew wine into olbe hotels s dies p new wpnb botb bitrlt tbr bottcis , anb the wpne runuctb out , and thcbotfeisarcmarreb/asutncwwincmufe anb hps Difciplcs , begannc up tbc ware to olncac tbc rarest of cojnc . and the ftharifrS tome : tbou art the Tonne of go*'. *& hi JJ te f m 3?P »?° fl mottiitapncs cal- led Ditto bm whom be woldc, a no thep ca= •M*A»rtoJitn .*ittbhe ojbr ~ ' - fjepOiulbbcwitbbim Jhg fojtb to pjencb : 9 i.,..* ^ F m v U |. c MlaMiY.a $nb be fapdc Dnto tbcm 1 banc pc neucr red What s> -tttb bpb, wbeit be bab nebc , 9 was mi hongrrb,botbbe,abthcp that were ixutb *r.«f. jp».dmt r * ftow be went into tbr bo 11 fc of 0od v^ in tbe dapcal ofcr 3ib.atbar tbc ijpc toaft, anb m eatc tbe (be wb?eab , ( wbvcb^ not lawful! to cate , btttfo? tbe pzcftco onelp;« gaucalfo to tbcm wljpcb were wptbnvm/ StnObefavbc Wtto tljem : tbc^>a'jijotbxx)aial tnadrfo^mati, fitotmanfoz tbc^abbotn. 'Cbcrfo^e 1$ tty fonnc of man , loidcattb of tbe S>abbotb. -r* Cfbc.n'i.Cbapfer. * xrSWSI v> l m '" "•H 10 ,,,c 0,V£D h,llC,f ' SJi W2 rt l tr,c ^ wrtB ar «»' bc timo mcftts ucu.xoc bwtDw.lXtet.anD mot&ctof j(tO>pft. ;|i5"bbecntrcd agapnc into t^t to* I nagogt , anbtber watfa tnStderc m wbvcb bab a * wpthjeo banbe . iliihf.W.3, fonncjof thonoer . Zntt 3nb^c w , $ &h lm, anb izeart^oIomew.attb^atbewtfSbo' mat ,and jamejt tbc fonnc of 26ipbe , and baS3fcariotb:Wbpfbaifobrtrarebbtm .»u 22! wcamctnto tbe boure.anb f sum SSf!!if , *L nH ? bc,onficD ^ ,,t0 ivm , bfard ot tt.tbcp went onttoiavebanbcs(\)p6 Wm ^ e My5el?ebitb,aiid*di>t hechefc brttPlL mum Dnn,attb farbe bnto tbcm in parablcS. *** «f J??,Sf!!?% ata " ^«cout^atauand A rf a reaime be beupbcb agajmfte it fclfc, tbat ♦tfWrtfiif. * nrpfc.andftabcintbemibbetf affiefa«?h ?SvAT ^^^^^^"^^l^canttotcS* t)ntotbem,wbeber^S ^<^JS55?H : *°P» nM »«^« J tbctt fpopic fop boufe . caerelr 3 Cape Ditto cbiibwn:anbbl«fpheinpr0wbcrwitbfS W, fpbemp anwnft tbe bolpg oorf , bath m**"*"* ucr f jgene jk ft but to in baunger of etec.mil damnacpon: on the&abbotbbapeftonoboeupa rto fa ue ipfe, 0^ to apll r-finf tbepbelbc t\ttit pea- ce .and whan be bab Ioofteb round aboute an them , wptb anget , mournpngc on tu oainnacpon : if m tbcp fapbc:hc faatb an Dn= ifflw? * l £8S'lKte£ ? berecameairobttf mofber I * mmt 9 W bmWM ftobe wttb out, anb rent $h : to nf to call him out. 3lnbj> people fat aboute ^^^il! > * l) f^de tntobim:bcbolbe, tDymomv &**§ tdP&srbjetbjen fcltc f 0? tbe witb otit.3nd he anfwercd tbcm , fapingc: wbo (imp 1110= thee and mp bjetb?cn < %xto wljan he bad lo= keb rounbe about on W bifcppics;, wbt'cb fat mcompafle about him, befitpbe : heboid mp inotbec and mv bwtotn . ifo^ wbofoeuce doeth tbe wpll of#od , tbe fame fa: mp bio= the* anb mv fpfter anb m of bcr. ce:bc.iiii.cbnpter. 4* C®« Parable of UjetottcraCWtt ftiltctlj tbc fciit= WotmUcmvcDobtftobvm. ad he began agapne , to teaeb bp § ee fpde . a nd tbrce gatbereo toge= f ber Ditto btm tnoch people , fo gre= f. ., W^5eentwdMitoa(tep,fid fatinthe fee, andalltbc people was bp tbe fee Mil pit tbe Owe . 3nd be taught tbcm manptbmgetfbp parable^, anb fapbetmto nmmuwmm W doctrine t iDecaen to \ bebolbe, * tbcrewentotitafowertofowc.ainditfoi^ tuned atf be f owed , tbat fomc fell bp p wave fpde , and m fowled of tbc ap^e came , anb deuoitrcditDp:^omcfcllouftonpgrounbc wbcre tt bad not mocb ertb: anb intmediatlp fp^gc Dp, becaufe it hab not decptb of ertb: butasi fone m tbefonne was 1 Dp , it caught beat: $ becaufe it hab not rotpnge, it wpd= d^cdawape. r 3dud fome fell amongc tboineft ■» p thou mm* ty , and cbokeb it , and it gauc no ftiuc.4indfO;ncfclDpougoobgco;inbc,anD dpdpclbe fcutctbatfpiongDp, nndffrewe, andbtottgbt fo«b, fomc ttymv foldc , and romerprtpcfolOe, anb fome an bunDiebfoh de.anb be fapuc Dttto tbcm:bc t'bat ljatb ca» rest to bearc let bim bearc, f< aend wben be wntf alone , thep tbat were aboiitchpm wptb tbc twelueaf&eo bpm of tbc'parablc . Kind he fapdc Ditto tbem. * «Eo pou toitgeucn to Into we tbe mpfterp of tbe fepngdome of (5od. mit Ditto tbcm tbat arc 25 witb out, all thingctfbappenbp parables : p wbcntbcpfctbepmapcfe.anbitotbtfccrne, muu «° wben tbcp beare, *tbepmapcbcare,and SftWh m ^"^ctft^abc: left at auptpme tbcp Qjul- 3oii,i.r l "!f dcturnc, and tljefrfynncjsQmld be foigeuen SSSSS* 1 t ^ cm . • % m & foV** ^nto t^tm : ftnowc ve m ' not tw parablCf'aiid how then wpll pe itno« we all otber parables # *5be fo wer fo wetb tbc wojbe.ainb thtp (wberoffotne bercbearfed to be bpf wave Me) are thofe, wljerc tbcwo^dciis fowett: mi 1 Wbft tbep Ijeare, mm cometb tonne* dtatlp, and taftethawapc tlje woidc f warf rowenin tbep^bcrteiS.^itd IpUewpfe tbc other tbat rcccaue febe intotbeftonpe gro* unde , are thep : wDpch when tljep heare the #o,rb/ , »«Sat.trti b lu&cuiit.b wo2de,atoiiceeeceaucitn5gladueftpetDauc norotctntbefelucsi, nndfo endure but a fp me : ab anotte Wb5 troubled perrecucpoarp= Mh M WMdeflftftc, tbcp fall (mmcbtatip. 'Cbcccbe order aifopreceaue febe into tbol- nc0anotbofearefocbc as beare tfwoibcsp" cares of tbiS woilbe , anb p biffeptf uincs of Wbrjaubpluftetfofotbertbingeftentrcto anbcbphcpwo^DcldttismadeDnfrutfull: anb othcrtber be, p baue receaneb feoeittto a goob gtound: tbep arc foche f (jcare p wo^be , and receaue tt.fo tbat onrcotue dotbbzpnge fOitbtbpctp,fotnefp.ttp,fomeanbunb?eb. Wmeuwuc Dntotbem : * is tbe canble *mat.ti* ipgbteb, to be put Dnber a buOiell , 0? Under tt;T* c tb; tableais it not ipgbtcd to beputonara^ c ' vmm* Jfo^tbereiSnotbpngcfopzeup , p*fv>nt.r.t (baUnotbeopenedrnefber batijit bc'nefofc= ffi If l ?• cret,but?itihaUcomeabioabc.3Fcnpmait " ru ' taeearcs* toheare,iet bim beare. 3tnbljc iapjeDnto them: fade Dm what pe beare: * tDitbwbatmeafiirepeineete, with tbc fa=*matb.».aj meatailotbermcnmcafurcDntopou agap= '**•*•' ne.3andDntopou tbat bearc, (hallmuirbc gcuen. jf 0/ * Ditto bint tbat bath , (hall it be Mhtnu gcucnjb front huntbatbatbnot,u)albcta= »«** fcen«w«PC,cuenthatwbcighrj W th. SSS 3ndbcfapbe : foisthchpngbomeofGob, eueas * pf a manCbuitifowe febe tnp aton= *flw«tft*, deandOnilDeflcpe, anbrpfc Dp npght and dapc: and tbc fede (bulb fp^pngeand growc Dp,wbilebeisttotaware.jfo2j5eartbbiptt= gctb f o?tb f rutc of ber felf e.- fpift tbc blade, t\)ci\m care, after tbat tbc full conte in the care.25Mt wbantbc fcute is fought foitb. anonebctb?ouftetbintbefpltcii,bccaufetbe hcrttcftiScome. " Znn he fopbc: wbcre Ditto (hall we Iphett the apngbomc of Gob r 0? witb wljat coua^ rifonujall weeopareit.'' * 2t isiphca grap^ jg**&* ttcoftnuftarftfeed: wbpcbwbcnitiSfowcn JI "° nt the eartb, is leffc tbc it all fecbestbatbem tbe cartb: wban it is fo wen , it gro wet b Dp, and is greater tben all hcrbes :and brarctb grcatc b^auncbeS, To tbat tbe fowiesof tbe ap^e mapemaaetbeir ttcftcs Dnber the Qja= bow of it. *3Ind witbmanp focbe parables fpahe he *txi*t.u u tbc woibc Ditto them , after as tbcp mpgbt beare it . 26ut wptb out parable fpahe be no tbPiige Ditto W. Z&ut wbe tbcp were alone, * be cjrpoundcb all tbpnges to bis bifcppics. *»•**** 3nb tbc fame bape wben cue was come , be favbc Ditto tbem i let DS pafle ouer Ditto the otber fpbc,S!nb tbcpleftc tbe people , 9 toftc bim etten as be was intbclhip.3CnD fher we= re alfo wptb bpm otber Ojippes. £3nbthcraroreagreatiti x™- -ar t^ *• **•« tooyrn of wpnde, • jd ? p w«u,cs dalbcd in to ^ idip, f tbat it was *«t«.ww nowfull. attbbe wasin tbe fterneaflepeon *** a pelowe3nbtbepawake bim, 9 tape Ditto bpm: «?aftcr,(areft?not,fhat we ^met 3nb Ue s\ \ W k 3 JtfVtatMhb, Xuhr.vnuo ft 3nb be rofcbp.anbrcbiiRcb the wpnDc,anb fapbc bnto tbc fee : pracc , be ftpll . %W tbc wpnbeccaffcb.Sbtbcr folowcb a grcatc C ai= me . 3Enb be fapbc Ditto thern : wbp are pe Co fear full.' Ijo w bappenctb tt, that pe hauc no faptb/^nb tUcv fcarcb ei'ccabinglp , ab fap* oc one to another: who isthpsf jTojUotfo wpnbc anb fee obepe bpm. C^ftcUCDaptcc. 4« «ICU»ftOclputrctljtl)cpoXfffcD ffomtlK tnirt&iiic •yjctcittjctdom in fromttic blouse pfliit, auocar: mjjIDftApuviicsoauabtcr, flbttop cam * oner to tbc otber fpbe of the fee into tfoc countrc of p anberpeb witb a loube bopce anb att»«tt»M fapbc * what natte 3 to bo wptb tbc: 3cfuS tboufottitcof£mooftbpcftCpOD<'3rcqupjc them the name of <5ob that tboutojmetmc not. 5f oi bf fapb wo bpm : come out of tije man tbou foulc fpjetc . 3tnb be afucb bpm:' what tS t\)» name ( 3no be anfiDcreb ano fapbc Ditto bpmmtp name \i Hcqion,foi we arc manp.ainb be ptapb bpm inftantlp , that be wolbe not fenbe tl;cm awapc out of the conntre. *5 26ut tbr r was tberc npc Dnto tbc motm* * iT)at.bi,..o tapns * a grcatc fjccrD of fwpnc febpnge , s iiuhr.tm.o all pbeupiS befougbt bim, (apingc: fenbe DS in to tbc beerb of fwpnc, that we mapc enter into tbe.3tnb anonc 3cfuS gauc tbcm leaue. 3nb tbc biicleanciptctcS went out, anb en* treb in to p fwpnc. ainb p beerb was carpeb bcablpngtntotbcfce.TOpwcrcallmott.ij. ^anbwcrcb?owncbinpfcc.3!nbpfwpne bccrbeSflccb.anbtolbeitin tbecptie, anbiu tl)e fclbes.3knb tl)tp went outfox to fe, wbat bab bappenebtf came to 3efuS, 5b fa we bint V was bejeeb Witb the fenbe 9 bab f Legion, fpt,botbclotbeoanbinbtscp5btmpnbe,5b tftep wcreafrapeb . 3mb tbcp p (awe tt tolbe tbcm.bow it bab bappeneb to btm that was poffeffeb wptb tbe beupll :$ alfo of ? fwpne. *:guM mu * Bnbtbcp beganne top^apebpm , tbatbe *A7«t.wrt^ wolbe beparte out of tbeir coaft. p * 3Cnb wben be was come into tbc Cbfppe , bcWab tbcbetipU,p?apcbbym,tbatbempgbtbc^ jHm.l9owbeit,3[erHSwolbenotfu(webpm, but fapbe tjntobim: go to tbpne a wnebouft anbtotbvrrenbes,anb(bewet^bowgreat tbpngestbclo^cbatbbotiefo^,anbbott> Watbbao compafTponon tbe.ainbbebc- parteb , 9 beganne to publpaic (n tbc ten cp* tpes, bow grcate tbingeS3cftifl!b«b bonefoz <pnagoge, wbofe name was3ai= *'««« rus:anb wben beta we bim , befel bowneat biSfete,anbbefougbt bpm grcatlp,fapinge: mpbaugbtcrlpctbatpopnt of bectb, 1VW tbccome,anblapetIjpbanbconbcr,tbatQ)e mapc be fafcSblpuc 36nb be wet wttbbpm, « mocb people folowcb tiim , $ tbtfgebbpm. bab bene btfeafeb of aupfftte of bloube.jctj. Sm per cs,5b bab f uffreb mattp tbmges of manp Pbpf pctons , 9 bab fpent all f u;c bab , « i cite none amenbemcut at all , but ratber waa WlTcanb wo«tfre.U)be 0)c bab l;erbc of 3e- fitS.^ccamc in pp^affcbehinbebtm.ff toil- ebebbis garment, jf oiqre fapbe : pf 3 mape but toucb bis clotbes, 3 (ball be wbole . 3 nb ftrepgbt wapetbc fotmtapue of ber bloubc wasb^peb bp.^t (be felt tit bcr bobp,tljat ibe was bcalcb of that plage. 3Unb3cfuStmmcbiatlpfclpngc mbC felft, tbat\)crtttc p;occa beb fro btm.tourneb mi abouti: in tijemcafcilD fapbc, wbo touchcb mp clojbes; t %\ft \)p# bpfcppies fapbc bnto butt -.p lecft m people tUntt p , anb afftcft , J wbooi>btoucbmc.''2Cttbbc!onebroftDabout m to fc bcr t\)t\t bab bone tbps rJ)pnge.25ut tbc woman fearinganb trcbltngCHuo wpng wbat was bone wptb in ber) came 1 , anb fell bowncbcfo^eljtm.ftolbcbimalltbctrutb. Tlnb be fapb bnto bcr.-Daugbfer * thy faptb *'* mMi batbfaucb tbc: go in peace , anb be wbole of tl)v plage. *Wpllbcpetfpalic,tbcrcautcfrotber«= ^> r« ° f ^^^^ogcsboufe.certapne wbfeb fflffi? S l 5S'ff ? 0rarciiocti)Op«'apottle8tol)Hlrtl)eniti)alD>frf tt> , rci»fco.jfi)t3!oijti9%ctotic,jOfH)e.\).louc8ttnDai,fp& Oic6.3iid of ti;c tbdlbpnse oil tijcfcc. Bb bc^bepartcb ebence , 5 cam tntobpsawnccountrcanbbpjs bpfcpplcS folowcb tym . ^nb wben t))t ^abbotb bapewaS come, be beganc to teacbe in tbe 'pnagogc.31nb manp tljat bearbc bpm were aftonnpeb,anb fapb : from wbence batb ^ tbefc tbpuges.^nb wbat wpfbome tS tty& tbat isi geuen bnto bwanb fucbe tiertueS p AHf.rrti.8 are w?ought up bpS banbeS/' * 3sf«ot tW tbe carpenter 4«arpcS fonne , tbe b^otber of 3amesanb3ofeSanbof3uba^^)pmon^ are nothps u^fterSbcre wptb \)S 1 2Hnb tW were offenbeb at fom- 3cmS fapb tmto tbe": m *a^opbcttSnotbefppfeb,but fbpsawne K countre,anb amongc bPS a wne Upnnc.ab in #i.*». b»S owncbouCbolD. 2C nb be coulbe tberc (be> tx>enomp?acle,butlapbe l)pjaf banbcS \)p6 a fcwefpcfeefolcbe,anbbcalebtbcm>anbmc^ ttepleb, becaufc of tbcp^nbclcfc. f T© *3nb be went aboutc bp tbc t oimcS thm: amjca. i a pe on eucrp fpbe.teacbing.t 3Inb be calleti 8 * tbe twclue.anb beganne to fenbe tbcm f ojtb two 9 two, anb gaue tbe" power agapnft M , cleanefp^cteS.^nbcomattbebtbe, tbat tbcp v^ (bulb tafeenotbingin tbcir'io?ncpC'^ a fimca robbe onelpmo fcrpppe.no tyeab, nomonep ftbep?pourfe,buta,ulbbeQ)oobn!Jfanbals. 3nb tbattbep (bulb not put on two cooteS. 2Cnbbefapbcbntotbe:Wbct'foeucrvecntrc f to an bonfe,tbcrc abtbctpll pc beparte tW ce. * 3nb wbofoeuc r mail not reccauc poti noibearcpo^wbepcbcpartc tbence, (bahe ofpbuftetbattstjnberpourefete,fo?awit= neue but tbcm. * 3 fapc berelp Unto pouat ^albc ca ricr fo,t jobom ?